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t eanc 0 VOL. 25, NO. 30

20c, $6 Per Year


Sorting out a tangle: who's a minister? WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Conference of Catholic Bishops Administrative Comittee has approved a proposal to use the term "ministry" in NCCB documents only for ord,ained ministry and designated lay ministry. The proposal by the NCCB Committee on Doctrine fu.rther specified that: - By "ordained ministry" the committee means the official work of people in the orders of bishop, priest and deacon, and - By "designated lay ministry" the committee means the official work of acolyte or reader (lector) carried out by people commissioned in those two canonical offices; any other functions that the Holy See may simi-

larly establish in the future; and functions established by a bishop in charge of a diocese that are important, that are performed in the name of the community and that serve a permanent need of the church. These ministries are exercised by people officially designated to perform them. The Administrative Committee also approved the proposal by the Committee on Doctrine that NCCB-USCC documents use the term "Christian service" to refer to "the response to the call to serve that flows from the sacraments of initiation." Baptism and confirmation are the sacraments of initiation. This response to the call to serve "requires no formal action on the part of ec-

- The use of the term in the c1esiastical authority," the commodern church at large, in Promittee said. At a March meeting in Wash- testant writings, newspaper and ington the 46-member NCCB Ad- magazine articles, articles by ministrative Committee also ap- Scripture scholars, theological proved the circulation among the writings and ecumenical writNCCB-USCC staff of a paper by ings. and ecumenical writings. the Committee on Doctrine, "The The Committee on Doctrine Concept of Ministry." said: "While consistency in A decision on whether or not to publish the 105-page paper NCCB-USCC use of 'ministry' has value, it is premature to atwas postponed. \ tempt a precise definition of the The paper discussed: - The meaning of "ministry" word. A rush to judgment would as used in the Scriptures and dur- only disrupt discussion of the serious theological problems ing the history of the church. which definition raises." - The use of the term in the The committee noted that the documents of the Second Vatican Council, in documents. issued term ministry refers to everyby Pope Paul VI and in docu- thing from celebrating the Euments issued by various bishops' charist and preaching to visiting the elderly and resettling refuconferences.

gees. The definition of the term will also tend to expand, the committee said, unless tendency is checked. Stressing the need for clarification of ministry, the committee said: "If ministers 'by definition act in the name of the church, then bishops, pastors and the people need to know who are ministers and who 'are not. In order to represent the church who are chosen as ministers must receive training in Catholic teaching and complete programs in spiritual formation. Finally, the local church must be in a position to insure stability by developing norms for recruitment and by requiring evidence of commitment before designating individuals as ministers."

Bread for a New World


Father Rego dies, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presided Tuesday at a funeral Mass for Father Edmond Rego, 37, associate pastor of Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, since his ordination in 1976. Father Rego died last Friday at Rhode Island Hospital after a short illness. His funeral was attended by scores of diocesan priest:3 and

religious and many members of Espirito Santo parish. The homilist was Father John J. Oliveira, associate pastor of Father Rego's native parish, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. Father Rego was a tireless worker in the cause of the Portuguese immigrant. Since 1977 he had contributed a PortuTurn to Page Six

Cardinal Gantin referred to each of us in bringing his own LOURDES, France (NC) With the theme "Jesus Christ: the absence of the pope when he contribution to the building up of a 'new world.''' Bread Broken for a New World," arrived at Lourdes July 16: "We all know the shocking acthe 42nd International Eucharis On July 17 more than 5,000 tic Congress concludes today at tion which keeps the pope physi- young people - members of the cally distant from us. But this Eucharistic Movement for the Lourdes. The excitement of the event serious wound injuring the torn Young - heard Cardinal Gantin was somewhat dimmed by the body of our father and letting voice the pope's plea for generabsence of Pope John Paul II, flow forth his blood puts us in osity in responding to vocations still recuperating in Rome from contact and in communion with . to the priesthood and religious the May 13 attempt on his life. his suffering, and with such a life. It was also interrupted on sev- fullness that his absence is transAnother congress speaker was eral occasions by rain which can- formed into a lively presence." Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga of celled at least one outdoor liturSymbolic of the continuity of Kampala, Uganda, who asked gy and cut down attendance at eucharistic congresses were two for greater reverence toward the other ceremonies. Masses celebrated under cover Eucharist. Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, pa- of a blue and white circus tent He said that priests from pal legate to the congress, spoke for English-speaking congress Uganda are scandalized when for the absent pope at several participants by Cardinal John they travel to other continents Krol of Philadelphia on July 17 major events during the congress week. Last Sunday he urged and by Australia-born Cardinal and see priests celebrating Mass weekly participation in Sunday James Knox on July 18. Both had sitting' around a table and not Mass at a Eucharistic liturgy hosted previous congresses, Car- wearing vestments. dinnal Knox in Melbourne and telecast throughout Europe. Such priests, the cardinal said, "think the Mass is just a simple It was celebrated on the plain Cardinal Krol in Philadelphia. Although Pope John Paul was meal and that there is no need facing the grotto where the absent in person, he was present to adore Christ in the EucharBlessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernardette 123 years ago. in spirit at the congress. He re- ist." On July 19 a new form of litBefore a congregation of about ferred to it July 19 during an 30,000 in the spiritual capital of Angell,ls talk to people in St. urgically based artistic expression received its world premier. a nation where only one out of Peter's Square at the Vatican. He spoke of the congress five baptized CathoIfcs assists Performed in the underground at Sunday Mass regularly, Car- theme, saying that "communion Basilica of Pius X, "The Burndinal Gantin said: "It was un- in 'the broken bread' engages ing Bush" by Didier Rimaud and thinkable for the first Christians Christian Villeneuve combined to neglect this assembly of bapinstrumental and electronic mustized persons on the very day ic; solo, choral and congregaThe Annual • tional singing; frequent dissonwhich recalled every week • Christ's resurrection, and thus iPETER'S PENCEi ance and occasional harmony; called the day of the Lord. donce; scriptural readings; slide "For a long time the church i COLLECTION projections and audience partidid not need to speak about obcipation. for the charities of ligation and law as the weekly During another event on July participation was taken so much The Holy Father : 19 over 40,000 candles burned for granted," Cardinal Gantin as pilgrims chanted "Ave, Ave, wiil be taken at all : concluded. "Every Sunday we : Ave Maria" and marched in an Masses this weekend : are God's guests. May his spirit evening procession in honor of inspire us to give thanks." Mary, mother of the Eucharist. ,~


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

WASHINGTON (NC) - Reports that the U.S. government may send nearly 3,000 "undesirable" Cuban refugees back to Cuba drew protests from members of the U.S. Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugee Services (MRS). Gerry Wynne, director of the MRS office of program development, and Gerald Doyle. staff assistant for the 'Cuban program, said labeling them undesirable would make resettlement in the United States more difficult. Instead of deporting the Cubans, Doyle recommended that their special needs be determined. "To send the Cubans batk to Cuba is something that shouldn't even be speculated on," said Doyle.

VATICAN CITY - A secretly ordained Romanian bishop who for more than 32 years worked as if he were a parish priest died July 16 at his parish in Tirgu-Jiu, Romania, Vatican Radio said. Although Bishop John Duma was never listed in the Vatican yearbook as a member of the hierarchy, he carried out confirmations and ordinations of priests and bishops after his own episcopal ordination in 1949, two years after a communist government came to power in Romania. About nine percent of the country's 21.6 million people profess Catholicism.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Reagan administration's guest worker program for Mexicans is open to moral objections, according to Aurora Camacho, coordinator of the Mexico-U.S. Border Program of the American Friends Committee (Quakers). "Our main objection is to the attitude which says: 'I want your labor, but don't care about your person,''' said Mrs. Camacho. The program would allow Mexicans to do temporary farm work in the United States. It's goal is to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States. BEIJING (NC) - Some Chinese who grew up under communism are now showing interest in religion, said a group of American clergymen visiting China. The group said the government has become more tolerant to gain support for its modernization policies. The result is new vitality among older believers and interest on the part of the young. Churches, shrines and seminaries are being reopened, said the New Yorkbased delegation.

HARRISBURG, Pa. (NC) - Bingo, one of the most popular money-raising activities in parishes and parochial schools, has been legalized in Pennsylvania. The action culminates many years of efforts to legalize the game in the state, according to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference. Catholic parishes and schools, especially in poor urban neighborhoods, have depended on bingo to keep operations in the black, said PCC officials.

DRS. HENRY GRAVEL (left) and Richard Hatfield, both certified emergency medicine specialists on the staff of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, are among the velY few Massachusetts physicians in their area of practice. (Torchia Photo)

WASHINGTON (NC) - The leader of the coalition for better television, which has threatened a boycott of advertisers in an effort to clean up television, has decided to urge coalition members to oppose congressional deregulation of broadcasting. The Rev. Donald Wildmon, chairman of the coalition, said he would urge the 350 groups belonging to the coalition to become involved in the debate over bills in Congress to deregulate radto and television broadcasting. The U.S. Catholic Conference opposed the bills when they were being considered in June. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (NC) - The Third Annual Marriage Enrichment Conference, with the theme "Global 'Perspectives on Marriage Enrichment" will be held in Albuquerque Aug. 29路30. Father Anthony Bellagama, executive secretary of the U.S.. Catholic Mission Council, will address the conference and 12 speaker couples will share their experience of Christian marriage. "We see our Marriage Enrichment weekend as adaptable not only to other parts of the country but even to other parts of the world," Father Bellagama said. WASHINGTON (NC) - A Senate subcommittee has approved a proposed human life bill but also recommended that its further consideration be delayed until hear,ings are held on a human life amendment. The action by the Senate separation of powers subcommittee came after Sen. Orin G. Hatch (R-Utah) suggested that the full Judiciary Committee not take action until a consitutional amendment on a))ortion is before it. Ha,tch's action appeared to delay until at least next yeat: chances for final passage of the human life bill.

MARTIN SHEEN (left) won an Emmy award for his performance in "The Long Road Home," a Paulist Production funded by the Catholic Communication CamR1i\ign. Right is Harold Gould, who played a motel owner who turned out to be God in the 1980 Christmas special.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (NC) - Father Edward Schillebeeckx, controversial theologian whose views have been 'investigated by the Vatican, has received the $40,000 1982 Erasmus Prize for Culture. The Erasmus Foundation said Father Schille路 beeckx won ,the prize for his faith and his writings on theological issue~. The Vatican's Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith interviewed 'Father Schillebeeckx in 1979 to investigate alleged ambiguities in his theology about Christ's divinity, the virgin birth, the resurrection and the related questions. On June 25 the Vatican cleared the theologian of questions regarding his orthodoxy.

sons I knew as a youth whose lives of quiet holiness remain my inspiration; the Sisters, Brothers and priests who taught me and encouraged me in pursuing my vocation; all those with whom I have worked in the min· istry in Fall River, Massachusetts and in Brownsville, Texas; my Bishop, John J. Fitzpatrick and my fellow priests and religious; and most especially of all, the wonderful people of the Rio Grande Valley whom I have loved and served and from whom I have received so much love and support during these past 14 years. As I leave the Diocese of Brownsville to serve a new Church, I know that I shall 1\0' find the same loving sup-

Past editor, CPA head ROCHESTER, N.Y. (NC) Msgr. John S. Randall, 75, who served as managing editor of the Courier-Journal of Rochester from 1942-71, died July 15 in St. Ann's Home, Rochester. Cause of death Was not identified. Msgr. Randall was long involved with the Catholic Press Association (CPA), which he served as president fJ'()m 195658. According to the CPA's executive director, JamesA'. Doyle, Msgr. Randall was "or.le of the architects and one of the builders of the Catholic PI'E~Ss Association as it is today." Born in Newark, N.Y., Msgr. Randall was educated at St. Andrew's and St. Bernard's diocesan seminaries and was ordained in 1931. He became a monsignor in 1947. He became active in the cpA' after he was appointed managing editor of the Courielr-Journal, newspaper of the Diocese of Rochester. He was also editor of the Catholic press annual jror many years and helped launch the Catholic Major Markets Newspaper Association in IH67. After he retired from the Courier-Journal in 1971 Msgr. Randall became assistant secretary for the Catholic Near East Welfare Association in New York City, commuting there from Rochester every week. According to~ DoylE! of the CPA, Msgr. Randall "liked to give the appearance of a cranky curmudgeon, but at heart he was kind and warm, alw~lYs seeking perfection in..the work he did and the work he asked of others, always demanding that the Catholic press strive to be as excellent as it is capable of being."

Two to speak at Hartford Among speakers at a Lay Celebration of Evangelization to be held Aug. 21 through :~3 at the Hartford Civic Center will be Father Jose A. F. dos Santos, CM, associate pastor at St. John Baptist parish, New Bedford; and Father Timothy J. Goldrick, associate at St. Lawren.:e parish, also New Bedford. Father dos Santos will discuss "Charismatic Fire in Portuguese Life" and Father Goldrick's topic will be "Sharing and Car· ing in the Diocese." From a gathering originally planned for about 1,000 participants the celebration has grown to a program expected to attract from 15 to 18,000 persons from all parts of the east COitSt. It will offer over 100 workshops and seminars a~: well as concerts and praise and worship services. A pre-study day on Aug. 20 is planned for bishops, priests and deacons al:ld youth sessions will run concurrently with the main program. Further information o:n the program is available from. celebration headquarters, 41 John St., Waterbury, CT 06708.

THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 23, 1981

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THE ANCHOR (USPS·54'-D20j Second Class Postaee Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Hlehland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addresa ;haneel to The Anchor, P,O. Box 7, Fall River. MA 02722

port from the People of God in Fort Worth. I ask my friends in Brownsville not to forget me in their prayers. I ask my new friends in Fort Worth to pray that I will be for them a model of Christ's love and service in their midst, that together we can continue the task that Christ has given us all: to preach the Gospel to everyone and to build up his Body, the Church. Praised be Jesus Christ.

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Installation date is set for Bishop-elect Delaney San Antonio Archbishop Patrick F. Flores, metropolitan of the province of San Antonio, will be the presiding prelate at the ordination and installation of Bishop-elect Joseph P. Delaney of Fall River as bishop of Fort Worth, Texas. The ceremony will take place at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 13, in the Civic Center Arena in Fort Worth. Archbishop Flores will be assisted by Bishop John J. Cassata, Bishop-elect Delaney's predecessor in the Fort Worth see, and Bishop John J. Fitzpatrick of Brownsville, TeJ4., where the bishop-elect has been chancellor. Bishop Cassata presented his successor with the crozier of Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, the late bishop of Dallas, from which the diocese of Fort Worth was created in 1969. The gift was doubly symbolic in that Bishop Gorman was ordained to the priesthood in Fall River and was a close friend of the late Msgr. Felix Childs of this diocese. Among priests from the Fall River diocese planning to be present for the ordination and installation are Father John F. Moore, editor of The Anchor, who was ordained in 1960, the same year as the new bishop, and Father Barry W. Wall, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River. 'Bishop-elect Delaney said he hopes to visit Fall ,River later this year to offer Mass for dioce· san friends and relatives.

HOLyenLAN'i) with the Bible as your guidebool<, under spiritual direction of

Father James w.


Veteran International Traveler; Pastor, St. John the Evangelist Parish Pocasset

A statement he released following his appointment as bishop of Fort Worth follow!!!:, Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has named me the new bishop of Fort Worth. I accept this mission relying totally on the grace and the sustaining presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I was ordained a priest 20 years ago, I pledged my life to Christ and to his Church. In assuming this new office, I renew my dedication to serve all his people in humility and love. Christians are called to model their lives on Christ's, to love and serve one another and all people. With our heavenly Father's help, I shall strive faithfully to imitate Christ and be a brother to everyone, to forge a closer union among men and women of all faiths who seek peace and justice in our society. On this occasion I am deeply moved by the confidence the Holy Father has placed in me and I am deeply _grateful to him. May God grant him a speedy recovery from his illness. I am thankful to God for the many people who have influenced my life up to this moment by the example of their living Christian faith: my beloved parents and the members of my family from whom I first learned about God's love; so many per-


Ct. 5 th

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981


the living word

Father Edmond Rego In God's providence it seems that there are a few people whom He has chosen to do much in His vineyard in a very short while. This thought is indeed more than applicable to Father Ed Rego who died this past week. This diocese will indeed miss his presence and talent. His beloved parishioners will want for his care and concern. Gifted by learning and insight, he brought to his priesthood a love of his ethnic heritage. As a college professor he strove always to grace his classes with authenticity. Always aware of people's need of the Lord in their lives, he employed his energies to ensure that those co~­ ing to the new world from the old would remain faithful to their inheritance. His efforts to bring a Portuguese language Pre-Cana program to new immigrants met with great success. The personal concern he showed for families new to a land that can be harsh to those seeking dreams brought many to his door seeking counsel. And for all of us at The Anchor he played a very special role. He was a pioneer in Catholic journalism as the author of the first weekly diocesan column in this country in the Portuguese language. How swift the passage of time when one considers that he edited "A Verdade E A Vida" for four of the five years of his priesthood, his last column appearing only three weeks ago. His flying visits on Monday or Tuesday morning to meet the proverbial deadline were always moments of joy and delight. His absence from our print shop will indeed be a special sorrow. Our sincere sympathy goes especially to his parents. In their hour of grief may it be their consolation to know that their son, Father Eddie Rego, made a contribution to his church and his people that will not soon be forgotten. May he be at peace.

Bishop-elect Delaney This is indeed a rare week for this editor. On the one hand we weep at the death of one of our fellow diocesan priests, on the other we rejoice in the happiness of a priest friend originally from this diocese. Such are the Lord's ways. News of the appointment of Father Joseph Delaney to the see of Fort Worth, Texas, by His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, brings pride and satisfaction to all in the diocese who worked with the bishop-elect. It is always a joy to know that one of your own has been singularly honored by the Holy See with the fullness of the priesthood. And one of our own he truly was until he traveled to Brownsville to his new mission with the then Bishop Medeiros. Before that time he served the people of this diocese well, for seven priestly years. A man of many talents and gifts of soul and mind, Father Joe gave generously of those gifts to the parishioners of Sacred Heart Church, Taunton, and to his. students at the then Coyle High School. In addition to these responsibilities he also served the diocesan church as assistant superintendent of schools. During his diocesan years, from his days as a counselor at Cathedral Camp until his departure for Texas, he brought to I!is ministry a spirit of open honesty and unabashed integrity. As the bishop-elect prepares for his ordination to the episcopacy his friends in his native diocese say with one voice: "ad multos gloriosque annos!"

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 • 675-7151 PUBLISHER

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. EDmJR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ReV. Jo~n F. Moore ~

Leary Press-Fall RIver

'In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye ... the trumpet shall sound.' , r Cor. 15:52

Three little words The following editorial, titled "Missing in Rome: Three Uttle Words," appeared in J'he Way, newspaper of the UkraInian-Rite Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Here's a neat little riddle that might entertain your minds for a spell: What three little words are always found in the Roman Catholic Liturgy, never in the Orthodox Liturgy and sometimes in the Ukrainian Liturgy? If you guessed "from the Son," the controversial 9th-century addition to the Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed, you are right. These words, written in Latin as "filioque," have caused more theological battles through the centuries between the East and the West than a dreamer can imagine. The original Creed, which was formulated in the East at the very first two Ecumenical councils, asserted that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. Later, the Western Church added the phrase "and from the Son." By the time of Emperor Charlemagne (810 a.d.) the phrase became axiomatic in the Western Church and its liturgy. The Eastern Church railed that (1) it was illegal to add to an officially accepted Creed and Council and (2) it was at least heterrox if not downright heretical to assert that the Spirit comes from Two Principles - Father and Son. The Ukrainian Church found itself in the middle. More often than not the phrase was put into parentheses as an option for praying faithful. Enter Pope John Paul II. The

ailing Pontiff made a surprise, a truly cameo appearance on Pentecost Sunday, June 7, at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. He spoke briefly to the startled thousands at the Holy Spirit Liturgy. They and the 300 Catholic bishops., plus both Orthodox and Protestant observers, then heard the Pontiff lead the recitation of the famed Creed - WITHOUT THE FILIOQUE. The observant among the wore shippers knew at once the significance of the omission. The Holy Father was reaching out to the Orthodox, no less to the Protestants, with an olive branch in his hand. The high drama was heightened by the fact that ·a simultaneous Holy Liturgy was being celebrated at St. George Orthodox Cathedral in Istanbul by Greek Patriarch Damaskinos and Latin Cardinal de Furstenberg, also, of course, without "filioque." The significance of this papal omission of the "filioque" is immense. Consider, for a second that in the Roman Church it is the pope who is regarded as the final and unquestionable authority in matters of faith. In the Greek Church it is the Ecumenical Council. These two positions are basically uncompromisable. With his action of supreme courage and understanding Pope John Paul II has moved his church further toward ecumenical unity than the past 100 popes, the only exception being the pair of popes of Vatican II, Pope Paul VI and Pope John XXIII.

Some interesting questions im-

mediately come to mind. Will the Greeks reciprocate by an equally significant move? Will the Romans continue to make such gestures of ecumenism? Will the Ukrainian Catholic Church recite the Creed with or without "from the Son?" The history of these little words might be aptly called "War and Peace," especially among the Ukrainians. In the 1800s some clergymen omitted them from the Creed, only to be promptly denounced as "Moscophiles." Of course, those priests who recited the words in the liturgy were scorned as "Polyaky." The Provincial Synod of Lviv, convened in 1891, ended the discussion (but not the controversy) by mandating the inclusion of the words in the new Liturgicon. And so it was. But in the 1940s the Ukrainian Catholic Liturgy was revised and amended by the Congregation for the (then call· ed) Oriental Church. The new Liturgicon contained the words in parentheses, supposedly as an option for the faithful. And so it is today. Pope John Paul was not as recovered as many thought on June 7. It now appears that he was still suffering great discomfort and fever, as indicated by his readmission to the. hospital a few days later. As we all know, the words and actions of a man near death cannot be taken lightly. Ecumenical and theological history was .made at St. Peter's on Penecost. We all should be eager to see the unfolding of this history.

TH~ ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri...er-Thurs. July 23, 1981

College thoughts (Last August when our adjusted. It's helpful to rememthat we're all confused, and Teresa left for college I ber all desiring to meet new friends. wrote about her. NI[)W she's college is a melting home for the SUmnt.er and I potSecondly, of personalities and abilities. invited her to share her thoughts with the young grailluates in your kitchens: what Ito expect, what they'll need, how they might feel, and, how their families can support them.)1 Along with thousands of other students, I survived my first year of college. I had a wonderful year, growing mentally, spiritually, and socially. With three years to go, I am not an expert on collegiate life, but I hope some of my insights will help freshmen and their families ease into this exciting phase of life. College is a wonderful experience. It's unfortunate that such an exciting time is burdened with fears and uncertainties. Perhaps the most destnJctive rumors about college lif,e are that no one else is worried, that it's a hurdle that only the tough will clear, or that college is but a bridge to bigger and better things. The greatest misconception that I experienced was that I was the only person lost, confused, or nervous. Only towards the end of the year, when remembering first semester, did my friends and I realize how afraid we all had been, and how we had believed that everyonll else was

A presidential commission's recommendation that states enact new laws defining the poin,t of death has been both criticized and praised by the executive director of the U.S. bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities. The presidential (:ommission urged all 50 states to approve a law defining death as the "irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem." Father Edward M. Bryce, the bishops' pro-life director, said such laws could be thl~ "stepping stone" to legalized euthanasia and have not been shown to be necessary. But he also said thE: report accompanying the commission's proposed definition is "wellargued" and provides "useful educational features" in the debate over life and death. The President's Commission for the study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Rese.arch urged that the new definition be adopted uniformly so that the nation has "a clear and socially accepted basis for making determination of death." In adopting the definition, the COmmission rejected arguments that death should be defined simply as the irreversible loss of higher brain functions. Rather, the commission adopted a "whole brain" definition of death, in which activity of the "lower brain" - the brain stem which controls circulation, res-

I've encountered extremely goaloriented students and lazy ones; experienced pressurized situations, and enjoyable times; worked harder than in high school, but felt high when something suddenly fell into place. Ho.w one handles new situations and people is the key. Sometimes it's hard to remember who is in control. As long as we make our own decisions and are self-disciplined, college remains a pleasant learning experience. But making non-decisions by default, like going out for pizza when we really don't want to, allows us to feel overwhelmed and makes college a series of hurdles. During my first year I was able to take advantage of opportunities, meet persons from all spectrums of life, and enjoy myself while keeping my original goals in the forefront. Such a balancing act is difficult I My family helped by providing a sense of focus. If .families are a true home base, freshmen can better construct their new lives, building upwards, not off course. I remember one lonely November night calling home, asking for reinforcement. Of course I

piration and swallowing - also would have to cease before the patient could 路be declared dead. While many pro-life groups have opposed all "definition of death" laws, others have noted that such definitions would be better set by legislatures than by courts and might be acceptable when based on the "whole brain" concept. Father Bryce said the commission's recommendation did not answer satisfactorily three objections the bishops' pro-life committee always has raised to such laws: their need, the possibility of their leading to enthanasia, and their likelihood of resolving problems prompting their formulation. "This legislation can become a stepping stone to laws authorizing euthanasia for comatose patients who are dying but not yet dead," said Father Bryce. He said the statute "as presently worded is designed to insure that dead patients are not treated as dead," He continued, "This creates a subtle shift in society's attitude toward the dying patient, and creates a precedent for treating death as a matter of legal definition rather than as a matter of medical fact," The definition easily could be amended by legislators supporting euthanasia, Father Bryce contended. _ Father Bryce also questioned the need for such legislation, saying that no physician ever has been convicted for using brain-oriented criteria in de-




received it, passed the next morning's exam, and in hindsight, view it as an important threshold. As students, we must reach out to our families and friends. I have a dear friend who was my surrogate mother. But only because I admitted my needs was she able to help me. Parents, believe it or not, aren't clairvoyant. My dad, wilo isn't a prolific writer, sends me the best letters, usually ending with 'it's not the same without you.' Such relief! We want to know what's going on at home. Did Dan's team win? Does Pat like his schedule? And, most importantly, do you miss me? Without being maudlin, the family can relay the sense of loss, but also the feeling of vicarious excitement about their son's or daughter's new experiences. Finally, college is not just a bridge to the future. It is in itself a special time for growth, enrichment, learning, fun and an education. It's not the end of parenting or family dependence. Rather, it's a beginning of new needs and new responses.




termining death. He said the remedy for confusion over determining death should be "further education and knowledge, not the formulation of a statute," In considering its recommendation, the commission studied several major medical centers and found that possibly 10 to 20 percent of comatose patients currently on respirators were indeed brain-dead. "When there is no clear definition, the physician faces a difficult choice," said Alexander Capron, commission executive director. "There are the old vital signs of life: a heartbeat, a heaving chest, a warm skin. "But he knows," continued Capron, "that if he weren't giving respiration, there would be a corpse." In adopting the "whole brain" concept the commisssion said, in effect, that someone in a chronic vegetative state such as Karen Ann Quinlan is still legally alive since her brain stem still controls her breathing. Under a definition recognizing brain death as the loss of only higher brain function, Ms. Quinlan, who has been in a coma for several years, could be declared legally dead.

Jane Austen distracts You will have to excuse me. I've been away. Not out of Washington, in person, but in spirit. I can't tell you anything about the shake-up in the Polish Communist Party, the tax cut or the revisionist Marxist theory about Mao Tse-Tung, if that's how you still spell his name. B-1, Gramm-Latta II, the brouhaha in the District City Council over lowering the age for sex, the tantrums of John McEnroe, the snit of Alexander Haig these things swirled around me. I observed them out of the comer of my eye. I was unavoidably detained in Highbury. I was, in short, out to lunch with Jane Austen. It was as if the pusher had sidled up and offered some really great stuff just from Colombia. I knew a page or two would do me no harm. I picked up the book and opened it at random. I was in the middle of "Emma," Four hours later, the Sunday papers unread, I had gone back to the beginning and was spending a "quiet and conversible" evening at Hartfield. Emma's father is nattering about the mildness of marriage. "Ab, my dear," said he, "poor Miss Taylor. It is a grievous business." Mr. Woodhouse is referring to his daughter's erstwhile governess, who has married very well and is living nearby. Miss Taylor's removal from Hartfield is to him both tragedy and betrayal, even though he sees her every day. He admits "she does come and see us pretty often; but then she is always obliged to go away again," Emma was just as I remembered her, officious, fat-headed, highhanded and a matchmaker of actionable obtuseness: Also a raving snob. She can be cruel. as to poor Miss Bates, the babbling old maid who never shuts up. But Jane Austen wants me to like Emma, and so I do. How she accomplishes this I am never quite sure. She slyly puts in nice things about her. Emma is a mimic and she has a sense of humor, although not always about herself. She has a good heart. She is kind to her father and good with her sister's children. She was just coming to about her real feelings for Mr. Knightley when I turned out the light at 4 a.m. Don't ask me the secret of Miss Austen's awesome power to blot out the world for her readers. She is, of course, a marvelous writer, word for word, but that hardly explains it. Her characters - apart from being mainly marriageable with the eternal fascination of their kind - are not people you would especially want to spend time 'with, except




for Mr. Knightley, who like all Miss Austen's heroes, is a darling. From Mr. Woodhouse, with his open-ended alarms about people catching cold, tiring the horses or getting married, you would probably flee. But it's no use arguing. The heat was 100 degrees, the District City Council was being pelted with criticism abiut "encouraging sex," and I was free of it all. I was off to Box Hill for the disastrous picnic, where Frank Churchill and Emma flirted so outrageously and-Emma was mean to Miss Bates and Mr. Knightley berated her. By the time the City Council was backing off its sex plan, I was lost in the shock and horror of discovering that Miss Jane Fairfax and Mr. Frank Churchill have been secretly engaged for months. The enormity of this transgression is something the contemporary reader is hard put to appreciate. Since in Miss Austen's pages, passion finds its ultimate expression in the pressing of an arm, we can assume that nothing irretrievably shameful occurred during their guilty clanlestine romance. But the gravity of the thing is attested by all, and the only hope held out is that the love of Miss Fairfax will redeem the depravity of Frank Churchill. Miss Austen is such a hand with snobs, frauds, climbers and name-droppers that' I cannot help wishing that she could have been turned loose on the Washington social scene. David Stockman, who with his sharp features and graying thatch somehow suggests the young clergymen she so often accompanies on their search for a living or a wife, would be someone to intrigue her. The chief justice, Warren Burger, a man of many opinions and florid expression, might be a fit subject. But she is concerned only with the fine-grained politics of the drawing room. The "big bowwow stuff," as Sir Walter Scott deprecatingly described. his own writing in comparison:' to hers, was outside her interest. I finally finished "Emma" and I have to put the book back on the shelf. I am back to matchmaking in the corporate world - mergers instead of marriages. I am with tax cuts instead of cutting remarks. I am with mammoth federal follies instead of the gripping inanities of the morning calls at Highbury. I am almost resigned.

A Pastor's Job "I see myself as ... one whose job is to identify and call forth the gifts of the people," Father William Bausch


• 12,000 pray at serVIce

THE ANCHORThurs., July 23, 1981

Fr. Rego Continued from page one guese-Ianguage spiritual column to The Anchor and he was instrumental in organizing the Portuguese component of the diocesan pre-Cana program for engaged couples. Born in New Bedford, June 16, 1944, he was the son of Joseph and Mary (Mendes) Rego, now of South Dartmouth. A graduate of New Bedford High School and Southeastern Massachusetts University, he taught at Dartmouth High School and headed the language department of Bristol County Community College, Fall River, before entering studies for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He served his diaconate year at St. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford, and was ordained May 8, 1976, by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. He is survived by a sister, Maryanne Cabral of South Dartmouth, and a brother Joseph Rego Jr. of East Freetown, as weU as by his parents and maternal grandfather, Joseph Mendes of New Bedford.

Important Things "I've realized the important things in life are the ones which we can't see. One can never lose with the growth of virtues such as love, courage, faith." - Dr. Frank McGlone

IN CEREMONIES prior to his priestly ordination at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, Father Stephen J. Avila kneels before Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. (Torchia Photo)

,New au~iary for Boston Pope John Paul II has named Father Alfred C. Hughes, 48, rector of St. John's Seminary, Brighton, an auxiliary bishop of Boston, according to announcement made Tuesday by Archbishop Pio Laghi, apostolic delegate in the United States. Bishop-elect Hughes was born

Diocese of Fall River


in Boston Dec. 2, 1932. He attended St. John's Seminary, where he is now rector, then the Gregorian University in Rome. He was ordained in Rome Dec. 15, 1957. After serving a year at St. Stephen's parish, Framingham, he returned to the Gregorian to study ascetical theology, earning a doctorate in 1961. He returned to the Boston archdiocese and was an associate pastor at Our Lady Help of Christians parish, Newton, for a year before joining the faculty of St. John's Seminary. At the Seminary he taught philosophy and ascetical theology and in 1965 was appointed a fulltime spiritual director to students. He continued in that post until this year when he was named rector.

First Society

Rev. Kevin J. Harrington, Associate Pastor, St. Joseph's Parish, Attleboro, to Associate Pastor, St. Mary's Parish, North Attleboro, while remaining Director of the Attleboro Area Hispanic Apostolate, which will continue at St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro.

"We see in the family the first human society. Incomplete and fragile it may be, still it is in the family that the human need for love and for growth finds its first expression." Bishop Louis Gelineau

Effective Wednesday, July 29, 1981.

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Diocesans prepare welcome mat Six members of the Fall River diocese form a welcoming committee for a convocation of New England coordiators and directors of religious education to be held Aug. 21 through 23 at Stonehill College, North Easton. With the theme "Water and Word: An In-Depth Experience in Spirituality and Catechesis," delegates will hear presentations by Sister Jose Hobday and Dr. Maurice Monet, both nationally recognized catechetical experts. The diocesan welcome committee members are Sister Frances Sidebottom, SSJ; Sister M. Reginald Zajac, CSB; Sister Annette Desmarais, OP; Sister Luz Carenas, OP; Mrs. Patricia Pasternak and Mrs. Evelyn Boucher.




"It was heartbreaking to see all the suffering people," said an observer -at a recent service that drew 12,000 persons to the Providence Civic Center, nearly all hoping for spiritual or physical healing. Conducted by Redemptorist Father Edward J. McDonough, famed "healing priest" of the Mission Church in Roxbury, the service marked his sixth year of fulltime engagement in the healing ministry. It was described as the largest gathering of people ever to attend such a service and it drew attendance from all the New England states, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washing. ton, D.C., Virginia, Pennsylvania and Canada. Following prayer and singing, Father McDonough, in the highlight of the three-hour service, moved among wheelchair, stretcher and ambulatory patients, blessing them with holy water and touching many with the holy water container. Many of those touched fell back in their seats or to the Civic Center floor in a phenomenon described as "slaying in the Spirit" which rendered those affected unconscious for a few minutes. No one seemed hurt and Father McDonough was unperturbed by the repeated happening. After the blessings many people came to the Civic Center stage to describe relief they said they had experienced from such ailments as deafness, arthritis - and impaired vision. "We don't hear about 90 percent of the people healed," noted Father McDonough, saying that




July 25 Rev. Michael J. Cooke, 1913, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River July 26 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. E. Bonneau, Pastor Emeritus, Notre Dame, Fall River July 29 Rev. Mathias McCabe, 1913, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River

many are hesitant to make public announcement of a cure. He reminded his listeners that "the great healing service God has given us is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist." He stressed that people "shouldn't be surprised at healings - they are simply Jesus being faithful to his promises." At the end of the service nearly everyone in the center indicated by a show of hands that he or she had experienced either physical, emotional or spiritual healing. "Services like this," Father McDonough told them, "should lead us to greater participation in the Mass and to expectant faith that Jesus will come lovingly to us in his Holy Spirit, bringing his healing love to our bodies and souls." A priest for 33 years, Father McDonough holds a master's degree in counseling from Boston College. He began fulltime involvement in the charismatic renewal in 1974 and now conducts nightly services at St. Patrick's Church, Cambridge, and a weekly service at the Mission Church. Additionally, he directs a "prayer line" open 12 hours daily on which volunteers pray with callers, records radio programs covering eastern New England and travels extensively to conduct healing services.



get exarchate VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II established two separate Armenian-Rite jurisdictions in the Americas July 17. One is for the United States and Canada, the other for Latin America. The actions mean that for the first time Armenian rite Catholics in the Americas will have their own bishops instead of depending on Latin rite bishops. For Armenian rite Catholics in the United States and Canada the pope established an exarchate with New York as its see city and Msgr. Nerses Mikail Setian, 63, rector of the Armenian Pontifical College in Rome, as apostolic exarch. The Latin American exarch is Brazilian Salesian Father Waldir Bogossian, who will have head· quarters in Buenos Aires. Exarchates are quasi-diocesan Eastern "rite jurisdictions somewhat like Latin rite apostolic vicariates in mission areas. The Armenian Rite is one of the smallest of 17 Eastern rites in the Catholic Church, each equal in dignity and rights with the Latin rite which the majority of Catholic belong. There are probably more than 10,000 Armenian Catholics in each of the two-new exarchates. Until now -they have been under the jurisdiction of Latin Rite bishops therefore separate statistics are difficult to obtain. There are five U.S. Armenian rite parishes: in Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, Cambridge and Paterson, N.J.

THE ANCHOR-Diotese of fall Riy.er-Thurs. July 23, 1981

liquid, noted Cardinal Krol, quipping that he had "never heard anyone make a bid on the obelisk in front of St. Peter's." Museums and works of art, Cardinal Cooke said, are "the tremendous service to people which the church performs in being supportive of culture, as it has been down through the centuries - a service which sometimes is even more appreciated by people not of our faith,"

letters are welcomed, but shlluld be no Illore than 200 words. The edltllr reserves the rillht to cond.ns. or .dlt, If deem.d n.cessary. All I.tt.rs must b. al,ln.d and Includ. a hom. or busln.ss addr.ss.

Thanks Dear Editor: Many" thanks for your kind note and for sending mE! a copy of my article as it appeared in The Anchor (June 25). You are very thoughtful to do this. Please be assured of my prayers for you and for the work you do in spreading the Gospel of the Lord through the press. Most Rev. Romeo Blanchette Retired Bishop of Joliet, Ill.


Both cardinals expressed hope that Catholics will respond generously to the Vatican's financial deficit. "This collegiality in practice," said Cardinal Cooke. "The better Catholics understand the work of the Vatican in laboring to • hand on the faith and to minister to the world's needs, the more they will respond in shar· ing this tremendous burden which the holy father has."


Refugee aird


102 Shawom.t Av.nu. Som.....t, Mass.

Dear Editor: Thank you for your story (July 9) on the needs of newly arriving Indochinese refugees. On July 7 I witnessed the reunion of two families sE!parated for years. Each had been forced from its home, suffered in labor camps and then escaped. They are now in Fall River. Our greatest need is for people to volunteer as English teachers, drivers and housing locators. We also need :material items such as clothing ar.d furni· ture. Thank you. I !im glad that the Catholic and Episcopal churches can work together in thi:s effort. Rev. James Hornsby St. Luke Episcopal Church Fall River (Donations and offers I)f assistanee may be channeled through Catholic Social ServiC4!S, 783 Slade St., Fall River, tel. 674~


3Vz room Apartment 4Vz room Apartment


Birthrighit Dear Editor: Thank you very much for listing the information I had forwarded to you in The Anchor. Hopefully others reading The Anchor will take note of our needs and volunteer their services or materials needed for our girls. Mary Grochmal Birthright New Bedford

Jubilarial1l Sister Mary Irene Fitzpatrick, a native of Fall River, marked her 50th anniversary as a Parish Visitor of Mary Immaculate at recent ceremonies at the community's motherhouse in Monroe, N.Y. The jubilarian has served in many missions in New Y4)rk and New Jersey and is at present stationed in St. Frances die Chantal parish, Brooklyn, N.Y. Parish Visitors mini~:ter to alienated Catholi~ and the unchurched, combining contemplation with their active apostolate.

Are We There? "Maybe in our own family we have somebody who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried, and these are difficult days for everybody. Are we there? Are we there to receive them?" - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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"There is more than one way to beat inflation' " Vatican feels the pinch By Father Kenneth J. Doyle VATICAN CITY (NC) - Cardinals John Krol of Philadelphia and Terence Cooke of New York, the U.S. members of the Council of Cardinals convened by Pope John Paul II to examine Vatican finances and organization, are encouraged by efforts toward public disclosure of the Holy See's financial status. "The people of God," said Cardinal Krol, "have a right to know the facts." The prelate said that "myths and fables" about the Vatican finances are in part the result of the failure of people to know those facts. One myth, "the principal one," said Cardinal Krol, "is that the Holy See has unlimited resources. "The fact is that there is a progressive operational deficit in the Vatican's operations of its curial offices (central administration). That deficit was announced for 1979 as being in excess of $20 million, and \t has grown since then," he said. The Vaticalt Press announced on July 15 that the projected deficit for 1981 is $25.4 million. Cardinal Krol said the only thing that keeps the ship afloat is the Patrimony of the Holy See, reimbursement made to the Vatican for properties taken over by the Italian government. "The patrimony, which came as a result of the Lateran Treaty in 1929," Cardinal Krol said," is not an inexhaustible resource." Income from the patrimony is supplemented by voluntary contributions from the world's Catholics through the annual' Peter's Pence collection. But even with this collection Vatican deficits have been siz-

able in recent years, said Cardinal KroI. The American cardinals noted that another misconception is that the Vatican has astronomical operating expenses. "The administrative budget of the Vatican is less than that of many single hospitals qr Catholic colleges in America," said Cardinal Cooke. "And the endowment is less." The Vatican is unique in the church framework, said Cardinal KroI. "Dioceses have a 'cathedraticum'(diocesan administrative) collection, state Catholic conferences and the national Catholic conference assess dioceses, but the Vatican itself operates on contributions," he said. Ordinarily a company with a deficit tries to cut expenditures, said Cardinal KroI. "But in the case of the Vatican, 62 percent of the expenditures of which we are speaking are for salaries and pensions of those who work in the curial offices. The hope of reducing expenditures is largely an imaginary one," said the Philadelphia cardinal. "It's a matter of justice. Any reduction of salaries would do harm to individuals and to families," added Cardinal Cooke. "And in many instances offices are understaffed in proportion to the work being done," Another myth, said the cardinals, is the notion that the Vatican is enormously wealthy because of its buildings and art treasures. "Many times," said Cardinal Cooke, "such supposed assets are in reality liabilities, because the church has to maintain them." Nor are such assets always


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

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Amanda visits Mindy Sundermann.

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DES MOINES, Iowa (NC) Terminally ill children in Iowa have a special visitor who gives warm, cuddly bear hugs and tells them they are loved. She is Amanda, the Panda, alias Joann Zimmermann in a panda costume. Mhs. Zimmerman is a member of the Holy Trinity Parish in Des Moines, but as Amanda, she is the bear with a heart, giving love and caring attention to children. Amanda has been successful in cheering up children like seven-year-old Sara Tomkins. For two years she has been fighting a type of leukamla that leaves very few survivors. Sara wrote Amanda a few months ago, "It's hard to be someone like me." But she reminded Amanda in a P.S., "There's a rainbow behind every ,dark cloud." In Forest City, eight-year-old Mindy Sundermann has been waging an uphill battle against medullahlastoma, a brain tumor, for two years. Her mother Joann


puppet team up HERSHEY, Pa. (NC) - Father John Hoke and his pet monkey puppet, Julia Jungle, have made a hit with patients at Hershey Medical Center. From a hospital bed, the world seems hostile to a child or an adult, explained Father Hoke, chaplain at the medical center since January. "There is just so much tension in a hospital. Julia serves as a comic relief - sort of the ridiculous and the

about getting and giving bear hugs. Then she quit her job to devote herself full-time to Amanda's ministry. That was last November. Since then she has driven more than 2,000 miles around the state visiting sick children as word spread about the seven-foot panda with a caring heart.

Sundermann, says her daughter's reaction to Amanda is amazing. "It seems that there's so little Mindy gets excited about any more - except for Amanda. She keeps her emotions under control because she has so much to cope with," Mrs. Sundermann explained. "When kids learn to look forward to something more than a blood test or spinal tap it's just beautiful, and Amanda provides that for Mindy." The idea of Amanda evolved during the last two years as Mrs. Zimmerman observed the use of costumed characters for commercial purposes by corporations and amusement parks. She thought that the concept could be developed to serve children on a nonprofit basis. Mrs. Zimmerman proposed the idea to the bank where she worked, but it was more interested in an advertising angle. So she tried the idea on her own. She ordered a panda costume with a happy face and soft fur so that children would feel good

Mrs. Zimmerman does not not charge for Amanda's visits, but depends on contributions from churches, service and school organizations and individuals to continue her ministry. "I think we have to make a better place to live and that's why I do this," Mrs. Zimmerman said. "Whatever gifts we've been given are given by God to share with others." She quotes St. Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians as her scriptural inspiration: "He com· forts us in all our afflictions and thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble with the same consolation we have received from Him."

unexpected." Father Hoke said people find it easier to talk to a puppet than to a person. "Usually when I walk into patients' rooms they want me to know how bad they feel, how depressed they are. But when Julia comes along, they forget they're sick. They just enjoy." Julia is also a favorite of the nurses. "They really enjoy her. It's a relief for them. They're with the patients day in and day out. They get involved; they feel pain too." Father Hoke bought the puppet at Easter after attending a workshop at Johns Hopkins University in 'Baltimore. He took Julia to see Msgr. Carl Brady to test her effectiveness. Msgr. Brady, who had been seriously ill and had not responded to people for some time, perked up when he saw Julia: But Father

Hoke was unsure how a center of higher education and professionalism like Hershey Medical Center would react to Julia. '~I completely underestimated Julia's effectiveness at first," he said. Now I have her :'with me almost always. Why, she's been every place but surgery." Father Hoke said that before teaming up with Julia he received few requests to visit non-Catholics in the hospital, but now. frequently someone will ask him: "Father, we're not Catholic but will you bring your puppet in to see my mother?" Julia has helped Father Hoke to adjust to hospital work. "This is my first experience in hospital ministry," he remarked. "I was apprehensive, b\Jt now I've seen a tremendous need to have a Catholic chaplain present in a secular institution."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

Striking a bargain By Dr. James and Mary Kenny

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of one's goal doesn't always accompany a vocation. And this is where you come in. Are you willing to give financial assistance to help a young apostle realize his dream? Adopt one of our needy seminarians and have YOUR PRIEST who will pray for you daily, correspond with you regularly and whose priestly studies you can belp to pay for with as little as $10 a month. Or, instead of paying by installments, persons of means may prefer to pay $1,000 once and for all. The boy himself pays a little and we complete the cost of his board and tuition and other expenses with donations from our benefactors. . Only $10 a month and one of our boys may prepare to give a lifetime to God and to his fellow countrymen.

For further information or initial payment FR. JOHN PORTER or Salesian Mission OHice Don Bosco College 148 Main St•• Box 30 Box 2303 New Rochelle • N.Y. 10802 Quito· Ecuador, S.A. U.S.A. GIVE A PRIEST TO GOD IN MEMORY OF YOUR DEAR ONES

Dear Dr. Kenny: I have three children, an ll-year-old boy and 13-year-old tWin girls. They all drop their belongings wherever they feel like. No one pieks anything up except me. To make matters worse, they're always breezing in and out, too busy to straighten things up. Their favorite occupation is having friends over or staYing overnight at a friend's house. I told them no friends overnight until they start picking up, but it didn't help a bit. What am I to do? - N.J. A. You describe in a few elo· quent words the bane of every homemaker's life. Careless discards of other family members are a threat to mother's sanity. You indicate a possible cure in your letter. Your plan is good. With an adjustment or two, you might get it to work. A major problem in discipline is that both parents and child are often vague and inconsistent about what they want. Your letter, however, indicates that you don't have that problem. You want a clean, orderly house. Your children want overnight visits or overnight guests.

Somehow, you should be able to tie those wants together in a way that works out for both of you. The following plan, or some reasonable facsimile, might help. Assign one of your children to pick up the living room, one to pickup the dining room, and one to pick up the kitchen. This is not ordered by command. Rather it is a nice bonus, a helpful task they can do for mother. Since it is not a required chore, don't nag or remind them. Instead, put a chart up on the refrigerator with a daily space for record keeping. Inspect the three rooms every night at a fixed time. If the room is picked up, put a smile face in the square. If it is not, mark the square with an X. Don't complain or criticize. Just keep track. Now the reward. For every five smile faces earned, a child may stay overnight at a friend's house. For every 10 smile faces, a child may have a friend overnight at your house. Make this the only way they can have overnight privileges. Such a system is calle'd "chart-

ing." It has several advantages. Most important, it substitutes for the frequent and prolonged lectures and nagging which you are probably doing now to try to get the children to pick up. Such nagging usually works in reverse because it provides too much time and attention for bad behavior. Charting provides a payoff for parties. If the plan works, you get an orderly house and your children get overnight privileges. One common way for such plans to fail is that the children earn the right number of points but the parents renege. Remember, if the children merit an overnight privilege, you must keep your promise. You might reasonably make certain exceptions in advance, such as no overnights on school nights or when both parents are gone. Otherwise, parents must stick to the -bargain and accom· modate the child. On the other hand, if the child has not earned enough smile faces for an overnight, then the parent must hold firm. There can be no advancing of smile faces, no credit.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981


• Nicaraguan priests retaIn their government posts MANAGUA, Nicaragua (NC) - Four priests in the Nicaraguan government and the Nicaraguan bishops have reached an agreement allowing the priests to temporarily retain their posts as long as they "abstain in public and private from the exercise of their priestly ministry." The agreement, announced July 15 by the Nicaraguan Bishops Conference, added that the priests "will not invoke or use their condition as priests to help or justify state or party functions and actions." The bishops stressed the nonpartisan role of the priesthood. The announcement came after three days of meetings between the seven-member bishops' conferenre and the four priests involved, Maryknoll Father Miguel D'£scoto, Jesuit Father Fernando Cardenal, and diocesan Fathers Edgar Parrales and Ern-

UTURGICAL CEREMONIES, such as the rite of priestly ordination, are governed by the Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship. (NC Photo)

How the Vatican work,s (Tbis Is the second In a series of articles by the NC News Service Rome bureau on how the Roman Curia, the churcb's central administration, Is run.)

VATICAN CITY (NC) .- All final power in governing the Catholic Church is vested hy the pope. But like any head of a large organization or government, he needs a body of advisers and support structures to help him. The equivalent of a presiden-tial cabinet is formed by the pope's secretary of state a:nd the nine cardinal-prefects (heads) of the Vatican's major administrative departments, which are called congregations. This cabinet forms the main part of the Roman Curia, the church's <:entral administration. The secretary of state, the pope's right-hand man, is responsible for coordinating the work of the congregations whenever decisions or policies overlap into several departments. He is the centerpiece in this Curia structure. The congregations, tak,en together, provide the adniinstrative link between the pope and the rest of the church in every major area of church life. They oversee church teElching, the naming of bishops and running of dioceses, religiou.s life, priestly life and ministry, catechetics, Catholic school!! and seminary training, the church in mission lands, Eastern-Rite churches, norms for liturgy and the administration of the sacraments, and even the proc:ess of declarin~ new saints for veneration by Catholics. The development of major projects and long-term policies of the con~gations, along with a general review of their work, is conducted in annual plemlry as-

semblies of the congregation members. The members of a congregation are mainly other cardinals, some from the Curia and some from dioceses, diocesan bishops and, in some cases, a few priests and male religious superiors. Daily business is conducted by the congregation staff and at periodic meetings of the members of the congregation in Rome. Here is an overview of the nine Curia congregations and their main areas of responsibility: - The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is the chief watchdog agency in matters of church teaching on faith and morals. It is also in charge of the International Theological Commission and Pontifical Biblical Commission, papally appointed commissions of leading scholars who advise the pope and the doctrinal congregation on theological an<l biblical questions. - The Congregation for Bishops is in charge of establishing or changing boundaries of church jurisdictions, reviewing nominations for bishops, reviewing the state of dioceses and the activities of bishops' conferences, and establishing norms for the governance of dioceses and bishops' conferences. It exercises these roles in all countries not governed by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (mission lands) or the Congregation for the Eastern Churches (chiefly in the Middle ,East and Eastern Europe). - The Congregation for the Eastern Churches has exclusive jurisdiction over Catholic Church affairs in more than a dozen Mideastern and Eastern European countries in which the church's Eastern Rites are indige-

nous or predominant. Elsewhere, it has the same authority over dioceses, 'bishops, priests, Religious and laity of the Eastern Rites as is exercised for the Latin (Western) Rite by the congregations for bishops, the clergy, Religious and secular institutes, and Catholic education. - The Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship is responsible for the rules governing the church's liturgical action. It is divided into two sections. The first governs the discipline of the seven sacraments and the celebration of the Eucharist, except in those areas governed by the doctrinal congregation or by church courts (chiefly cases concerning the sacrament of matrimony and the marriage bond). The congregation, however, handles marriage cases in which it is claimed that the marriage was not consummated. The congregation's second section, on divine worship, is in charge of the pastoral and ritual aspects of liturgical and extra-liturgical worship. This includes preparation and revision of liturgical texts, approval of translations, interpretation of norms and rubrics for the liturgy, and fostering liturgical development through relations with bishops' committees and other organizations for liturgy and sacred music.

Opposed to MX SALT LAKE CITY (NC) Calling his stance the "logical application" of the teachings of the church and of Pope John Paul II, Bishop William K. Weigand of Salt Lake City has announced his opposition to the MX missile system. His opposition, he said, was not just to the deployment of the MX in Utah and Nevada but to the missile system itself.

esto Cardenal. The arrangement is expected to ease tensions between the Sandinista-Ied government and the hierarchy and was accompanied by the establishment of a joint church-state commission to deal with issues of mutual concern. Both moves, according to observers, are welcomed in a country that faces difficulties in recuperating from the two-year civil war that toppled the Somoza dynasty in July 1979. The four, like many other priests, Religious and lay people, joined in the efforts to end the Somoza dictatorship. Father D'Escoto became foreign minister and Father Parrales minister of welfare. Father Ernesto Cardenal heads the ministry of culture and his brother, Father Fernando Cardenal, is coordinator of the Sandinista Youth Movement.

Holy Land guides impasse settled JERUSALEM (NC) - Catholic and Israeli officials have reached an agreement on tour guides that averted a threatened closure by the church of the great basilicas In Bethlehem and Nazareth. The dispute involved an Israeli directive requiring "pilgrim and other groups" to travel in Israel only with a licensed government tour guide after July 1. A communique issued after a meeting between church and government officials -said that pilgrim groups may be guided, by tour leaders and priests in places where "religious and spiritual guidance is the primary object of the visit." Church officials expressed confidence that a serious clash be· tween the state of Israel and the Catholic Church had been averted due to the "brotherly spirit" that prevailed at the meeting.

After the directive on tour guides, issued in May, Israeli officials said it was necessary to prevent Catholic priests from expressing "anti-Semitic" and "anti-Israeli" propaganda to those taking tours. Church officials said the directive was unacceptable interference with the church's historical rights, especi~ly because many Jewish or Arab guides did not share the "religious feelings" of pilgrims to holy places. The officials threatened to close various pilgrimage sites and the French National Agency of Diocesan Pilgrimage Directors took steps to halt pilgrimages from 12 countries to Israel.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

Why was Matthew's Gospel needed? By Father John Castelot


It is generally agreed that the author of the Gospel of Matthew - who, for, convenience sake, we still call Matthew - used the Gospel of Mark as a resource. But if Mark's Gospel was accepted in Matthew's community, why would another Gospel have been needed? The answer does not lie in the author's desire to add material .that Mark did not use. Matthew's Gospel is longer than Mark's and quite different. Even when Matthew uses Mark, he frequently edits him, providing fresh applications of the traditional material. So why was the Gospel of Matthew written? To come up with an answer, it needs to be realized that the Gospels do more than supply information

about Jesus. They interpret that information for specific Christian communities with their own preoccupations and problems. Matthew's community needed a Gospel that spoke directly to its concerns. The careful structure of the Gospel of Matthew has led to descriptions of it as a "catechetical instruction." Such catechesis was necessary for new converts but also for established Christians, even leaders. All of Chapter 18, for example, is directed to leaders. Other concerns had to be dealt with, too. For example, there were those who questioned and challenged the Christians. The desire to defend Christian position seems to be one reason why the Gospel of Matthew was written. Matthew's efforts to respond

to these needs of his community give his Gospel a distinctive air. But there were other more fundamental factors which influenced his recasting of the traditional material.路 These, too, we must consider if we are really to understand this fascinating Gospel. To interested readers I recommend the following books, all in paperback: 1. John Meier's commentary on Matthew in the New Testament Message series, Michael Glazier, Inc., Washington, Del., 1980. 2. John Meier's, "The Vision of Matthew," PauIist Press, New York, 1979. 3. On a more modest scale, but still excellent, is Donald Senior's, "Matthew, A Gospel for the Church," Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, 1973.

A parish revitalized By Lenore Kelly Six years ago the future looked bleak for St. Bernardine Parish in Baltimore, Md. Today, because parishioners are actively involved in evangelization, St. Bernardine's is alive and growing. In 1975 when Father Edward Miller became co-pastor, church attendance had dwindled to about 200 persons weekly. In a changing neighborhood the parish school had closed and rumors were spreading that the same fate awaited the church building. Today an average of 750 parishioners attend weekend liturgies in the largely black parish and


the golden church dome has become a symbol of pride. Father Miller and former pastor Father Maurice Blackwell were enthusiastic and energetic. This made it easier to convince people "we weren't here to preside over a sinking ship," says Father Miller. Tbe priests began by emphasizing that everyone had to get involved for the parish to grow. They constantly reminded people they were in the best position to know who in their family and on their block had been in the church once and might come hack if invited. Non-Cath-

Reaching the alienated By Father Philip J. Mumion

According to a Gallup Poll, as many as 49 percent of adults born into Catholic families do not participate in Sunday Mass, nearly 20 percent of adults born Catholic consider themselves totally alienated from the church. These statistics have been recognized by many parishes as a challenge. Well-planned efforts have been recognized by many parishes as a challenge. Wellplanned efforts have been undertaken to invite non-practicing Catholics back to parish communities. There are even cases where it has been discovered that

some people were just waiting for such an invitation. Of course, it isn't easy to capture attention in today's society. The media and the mails are flooded with attempts to get people to buy, join, support, oppose. So the impact of a parish will depend on how it embodies the Gospel and how much it is a community in which people care for each other and further the 1 ingdom of God. Many parishes want to share the meaning of faith, to evangelize. The word "evangelization" simply means spreading the good news of Jesus.


olics also were invited to the parish. Involving people in Sunday liturgies became an immediate priority. A gospel choir was formed which plays a prominent role at the main Sunday Mass which 85 percent of parishioners attend. Ushers learned to welcome people warmly. The parish evangelization committee initiated monthly visitors' Sundays. Invitations are sent to people who have contacted the parish during the month. Visitors sign the guest book at the church door and are introduced Tum to Page Thirteen


"WE CARE/WE SHARE" was a massive door-todoor outreach and evangelization program in the Fall River diocese.


How to evangelize By Katherine Bird

George Clements, communications manager for IBM in Atlanta, Ga., was a force behind "Operation Homecoming," an evangelization effort of St. Thomas Aqulna$ Parish in Alpharetta, Ga. In the following interview, Clements talks about what the parish did to invite former Catholics back to the

There are several ways to do this: 1. Parishes evangelize when they encourage people to reflect on the Gospel and examine the church. meaning of their faith. Q. Mr. Clements, why do pe02. Parishes evangelize when their love can be seen in their ple find it difficult to take part ' celebration of the liturgy, in in evangelization efforts? their preaching, in their appreA. I think most Catholics feel ciation of people's struggles in religion is a private matter. We life and in their hospitality. Then . don't feel comfortable talking alienated Catholics, recognizing about our belief in Christ. The the Spirit, may want to look in typical person finds it hard to on the church again. say, "The Mass charges my bat3. Parishes evangelize when teries." And lay Catholics have they reach out to people. Door- no tradition of going out to to-door visits, letters of wei- others on a personal basis to disTum to Page Thirteen cuss religion. Q. What does the word "evangelization mean to you? A. As I see it, evangelization means that every Christian is obligated to share the good news of Christ's resurrection and our salvation with other people. We can't keep it to ourselves. And this means every Christian, lay people and Religious, of all ages and backgrounds. For me, the bottom line in evangelization is first, to look inward, to ourselves, to make sure our own faith is strong -to figure out why we are Catholics. Then, to reach out in a friendly

know your faith


way, first to our own folk, the alienated Catholics. I got involved with Operation Homecoming after making a Cursillo (weekend retreat) because the pastor, a good friend, asked me to help in the summer of 1977. Q. Could you explain how you

recruit people to evangelize others? A. First, in our parish, we pound away at people on what it means to be a Christian in Turn to Page Thirteen

IFor children I The sun warmed the white marble buildings of the Areopagus, the court district, in the city of Athens. People filled the square in front of the supreme court building. Paul stood on a platform so all could see and hear him. He was eager to tell the curious Athenian people about the one true God and about Jesus. But he was also a bit nervous. He needed to explain his message in a new way because the Athenian philosophers were not familiar with the Jewish Bible. "People of Athens," Paul began, "I am impresse4 with how devout and religious you are. Everywhere I walk in your beautiful city I see shrines to your Tum to Page Thirteen

How to evangelize Continued from page twelve homilies and in the bulletin, through parish leaders and committee members. We remind people constantly of the obligation to share the faith. Second, when we have five or 10 people ready to help, Wl~ show them how to evangeli2:e. In Homecoming II, we turned to those who worked during homecoming I to explain what they did. I always tell people the best kind of evangelization is through simple conversation, one to one. Begin with someone you know - talking to one neighbor _or relative about your faith. I also remind people you don't have to be experts on church history. You have to be able to :iay, "I like being a Catholic." Or, "My life is better" because of my parish and my religion. Let me add, it is probably easier to do this here in the South. Being Christian is ,11 more open thing down here. Southern Baptists talk frankly abottt their religion. Many Protestant businessmen have Bible study groups over the noon hour. Some of this fervor rubs off on Catho:tics.. Q. Could you give examples 01 approaches you have U:!led? A. Well, I've been working with a friend who drifted away from the church many yeelrs ago. I might say to him: "Hey, Harry, I'll bet you've never seen a Mass in English. Aren't you curious? Won't you come with me to Mass next Sunday?" Or, again, if someone is having trouble with his kids, and has no spiritual anchoring in his life, I will try to introduce him to someone at the parish who is good with strangers.

Parish Continued from Page Twelve to the congregation. After Mass, they are invited to remain to learn more about the paJrish. Twice each year, a five-night parish revival is held with Protestant ministers invited to join St. Bernardine parishioners in singing, praying and testifying about the role of Jesus in their lives. The parish works hard to build pride among its members and to be visible in the community. Tshirts, buttons, mugs, billboard ads, newsletters and a door-todoor census have been used to make St. Bernardine known. Even so, many community groups have not yet been reached. So this year parishioner Donna Powe was hired as fulltime evangelizat~~n coordinator. She will develop home Bible study groups for those unable or unwilling to come to the church. She also hopes to expand inquiry programs. Baptized a Catholic as a teen-agel', she feels it is difficult for non-Catholics to understand the vocabulary, symbols and cultural traditions of the Catholic Church just by attending classes. Father Miller sums up: "It is important for the church to present itself as church, for the strongest thing we have to offer to people is the Lord."

Or a person can say somelike, "I'd like to talk to you for a while about my church." This works best if you invite the person to some special parish event, like a social hour or a seminar. Q. Do you find it easy to approach people? A. It's never easy. I never feel totally comfortable. I always think, "Am I going to say the right thing?" I worry people will walk away from me. I usually pray and have a knot in my stomach the whole time. 'But the success stories keep me going. For instance, the man who was away from the church for 25 years and now comes to church at least sometimes. And then I have to believe that I am planting seeds. That my encouragement may bring someone back later on if not now.


Continued from page twelve come, articles and advertisements and special events such as lectures or discussions devoted to questions and problems people have concerning the church are among the ways to do this. 4. Parishes evangelize when they promote the values of the Gospel, such as freedom, justice and caring for people in need. These approaches - - deepening our own faith, building a community of faith that attracts people, reaching out to people who are not part of the church, and bringing the Gospel to bear on society - are dimensions of evangelization. They are ways to fulfill Jesus' mandate to make disciples of all people. We may suggest that the primary means of Catholic evangelization is through the vitality of the parish and its people. For the parish is a people who are trying to 'be Christ in the world today. It is a community in which people come together to grow in faith and to support one another. There can be many efforts to reach alienated Catholics. In fact, many efforts are needed. But nothing takes the place of the Christian community and its visible faith - the community that will be met when and if an alienated Catholic comes to the parish.

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1. Qate of God (QaDed. 10.10) 6. 8. 9. 11. 12.

Cit,. 1D Asta M1nor (Acts 16.6) part. (2 K1Di. 19.28) S1n (Job 35.12) B.bold (Dan1.1 3.25)


Printer'. _uure 13. Ch1.t ElI7Pt.1an QocI

headod .-) 21.33)


53. 55. 57.

Kine of BaabaD (N....n Chief EQpt1an Oodd••• Cit)' ...... B.t.bel (JoabDa 7.2) CbaDcel N.... (Pronrb. 7.12) Part. of ftl'b be (Emdu. 3.14) SOD of Pabat.b-lloab (Eore 10.30) Chief ott)' of AaOD (DouterDDlIV' 3.11) EDduri... (Dout.&r_ 33.15) C&p1t.al of Moab (N-...o 21.15) A riftl' ... runn1ne vater SOIl of Elaush (1 CbroD1cla. 2.40) H.lp (1 Tbe..alClll1aDl 5.14) Tho IDoft of • Cllldla IDt.o (Mat.t.bov 2.23) CDII3unct.1OD (Gaud. 24,49) Except. (Mat.t.bw 11.27) Tr.vel (Qano.1. 8.16) S1IIbol tor 1ron N.g.t.1n (RavelaUone 17.12) Plural pronoun (Eor.4116) A r1...r and • gulf 1n As1. Lat.1n vorcI tor mout.b Part. of ...rb b. (Act.. 25.14) Second gospel To CIU.' t.o DO.... back (Jor.,doh 30.17) C....,n lebor.ro

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. ll. 15. 16.

P'OOodoUOD (1 K11ll10 7.31) CU,. 1n B.lljlll1n (1 Cbron1cl0. 6.60) Chi.t EQI>Uan Goddooo Enrlaet.1IlI (bush 60 .15) Hove lito (aanoo18 105,) Treftl (oano.ta 8.16) ~ C1t)' Dear Bot.bel (Jo.bua 7.21 NogoU... (R....lat.1one 17.12) Bohold (Daniol 3.25) Young .beop (1 Samu.l 7.9) F.t.her of Mollah.,. (2 K1ngo 15 .14) Carry1Di (Josbua 3.3)

14. 16. 17. 19. 21. 22.

24. 26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 35. 39. 40.


42. 43.

44. 45. 47.

48. SO.


18. Inrtgor.te 19. 20. 21. 23.


25. 31. 32. 33.


35. 36. 37. 38. 46. 47. 49. 50. 52. 54. 56.

~r allOT (Dan1.1 2.32) F1tt.b IIOIlt.b of Hohr_ ,..... Hoar (Pr"".rb. 7.12) Mot.har (olang) N.... (ProY.rb. 7.12) A prM1ou• •t._ (Exodu. 28,19) HlSt.117, IV1tt.l7 (Paalu 90.10) Noar (Pr.....rb. 7.12) Cit;y llOar B.t.bol (Josbn. 7.2) Swat. _lUng odor (Exoduo 25.6) It:t.•• king ot Iarlll (1 K1nge 1.11) Abraboa'. b_ t. (00....18 15.7) Poet. Script. (Abbr 1.t.10n) St.Qp1d people A r1ftl' IIId • gulf 1n Ae1a Cr7 (Oonooll 23.21) Raila or r.t.a1...re (Exodu. 26.26) All rigbt. Eld.ot. .on of Judsh (llonoall )8.3) Chi.t EQpt1an God (Huk beadod ....) TOIIlII'd (Jolm 1.19)








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For children

Continued from page twelve many gods. I even discovered an altar with the inscription: "To a God Unknown." The people of Athens liked what Paul said about them and their city. Paul sensed this and continued: "I want to tell you about this God who is unknown to you. You worship him but do not yet know him. The God who made the world and all that is in it does not live in shrines made by human hands. This great God does not need our service or NEW HAVEN, Conn. (NC) prayers. Members of the Knights of Col"He gives life and breath and umbus throughout North Ameri- everything else. He made each. of ca contributed more than 9.2 us. We are all called to seek million hours to community ser- God, at times to grope for him, vice during 1980, according to a and perhaps eventually to find survey. him. Yet God is not really very They also gave more than $29 far from anyone of us." million for charitable and benPaul paused for a moment. evolent causes, the survey said. What he was saying was based The 9,228,937 hours in com-' on the teachings of the Jewish munity service here devoted to Bible they did not know. So he youth, hospitals, orphanages and quoted a source they would church activities. An additional recognize. "Here is what one of your 896,393 hours were dedicated to sick and disabled members and Greek poets wrote about God: their families. The Knights also 'In him we live and move and made 805,861 visits to the sick have our being, for we too are his offspring.''' and bereaved.

Busy Knights





THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 23, 1981

People in the crowd smiled and looked at one another approvingly. Paul now argued from the text of their poet. "If we are God's offspring, we should not look at a statue of gold or stone as divine. God may have overlooked people's ignorance of him in the past. But now he calls people everywhere to change their lives. In fact, God has set the day on which he is going to judge the world and all our actions." People on the edges of the crowd began to drift away. They were not eager to hear about judgment. Paul decided to hint at Jesus, without mentioning his name. "God will judge us all through a certain man whom he has appointed. God has approved this man by raising him from the dead." Some listeners sneered at the idea of resurrection from the dead. Some politely told Paul they would like to hear more about his teaching some other time. Of that large crowd, only a few became believers. One was Dionysius, a member of the court of the Areopagus.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 23, 1981

OCUI A-l Approved for Children and Adults Fish Hawk Fox and Hound

The Great Muppet Caper


on youth, • love? Who's In

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Amy Bustin' Loose The Devil and Max Devlin The Earthling Hardly Working

Improper Channels Kagemusha Midnij!ht Madness Oblomov Popeye


Private Eyes Tess Windwalker

A-3 Approved for Adults Only American Pop Alligator Atlantic City Back Roads Beyond the Reef Blues Brothers Brubaker Cafe Express Cannonball Run Cattle Annie & Little Britches Caveman Charlie Chan & Curse of Dragon Queen Clash of the Titans Cutter and Bone Death Hunt

The Dogs of War Dragonslayer The Elephant Man Escape from New York Eyewitness The Four Seasons Galaxina Going Ape The Iiaunting of Julia The Incredible Shrinking Woman Inside Moves It's My Turn The Jazz Singer Kill & Kill Again King of the Mountain The Last Metro

Lion of the Desert The Legend of the Lone Ranger Modern Romance Nighthawks Nine to Five Ordinary People Outland Raging Bull Raiders of the Lost Ark Resurrection Sea Wolves Secondhand Hearts Seems Like Old Times Superman II Thief Tribute

B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone All Night Long A1tereiJ States Any Which Way You Can Excalibur The Final Conflict For Your Eyes Only

Happy Birthday to Me . The Hand High Risk Knightriders Polyester The Postman Always

Rings Twice Private Benjamin Scanners S.O.B. Stir Crazy Stripes

By Tom Lennon Q. If you are really in love,

who is to say if sex is right or wrong? Your decision should be based on how you feel about it. (Oregon) A. This reader has sent in a question and seems als6 to present an answer. I preseume he or she is seeking a comment on both. I also presume that the reader means by "sex" the act of sexual intercourse. But what does the reader mean by "really in love?" If two persons hit it off on their first date, are they then "really in love?" Or is the reader referring to a summer romance that may be as shallow as the water at the edge of the seashore? Or does the reader have in mind two teen-agers who are going steady? Is that being "really in love?" I have no way of being sure what the questioner means by the phrase. But here's what I, a mature Christian, mean by the

phrase: "Really in love" refers to an exclusive, permanent, loving relationship between two persons of the opposite sex. It's often called marriage. 'Christians believe that the exquisite gift of sexual intercourse comes to us from the God who created us. But who's to say when this act is right or wrong? Christians believe that in the Old and the New Testaments God has "said" a few things about the use of this gift. In God's plan, sexual intercourse, the most intimate physical expression of enduring love, is for married people and is linked with the creation of human life. God's exquisite gift is not a shabby thing meant for cheap motels, irresponsible encounters, selfish goals and temporary relationships. Sexual intercourse is for people of maturity, for persons with courageous hearts who are willing to enter into an exclusive,

permanent and loving relationship. And those who are Christians want to proclaim that love publicly in the presence of the Christian community - at a wedding Mass. As to the" reader's own apparent answer, basing a decision solesly on "how you feel about it" is a highly risky business. Feelings come and go; they can change, sometimes from hour to hour. Although we should take feelings into account when making a decision, we also must use our brains and think about such things as consequences, and the causes of happiness, and God's plan for the way we are to live. In making decisions connected with sexuality one needs, perhaps most of all, to keep in mind that being human means being able to control one's actions and to make choices. (Questions on social issues may be sent to Tom Leunon at 1312 Mass. Ave., N.W., Wash· ington, D.C. 20005).

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not .morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a pro. tection against wrong interpreta~ons and false conclusions.) Fort Apache, the Bronx

La Cage aux Folies

La Cage aux Folies II

C • Condemned A Change of Seasons Cheaper to Keep Her Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams City of Women

Eyes of a Stranger The Fan Friday the 13th Part II Funhouse He Knows You're Alone

The Howlin, Mel Brooks History of the World: Part I Squeeze Play

(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference. Further information about recent films is available from The Anchor office, telephone 675-7151.)



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AN ALTAR BOY'S back is an impromptu desk as Archbishop Jozef Glemp, new primate of Poland, signs an autograph. (NC Photo)

Barbara Ward booklet asks aid to poor LONDON (NC) - The rich, whether nations or people, havt the "inescapable task" of using their wealth for the good of the poor, according to a pamphlet by the late Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson), published posthumously. The pamphlet, "Peace and Justice in the World," was commissioned by the Commission for International Justice and Peace of the Catholic' Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development. The pamphlet is intended to explain in simple language the issues involved in redressing economic imbalances between industrialized and underdeveloped countries. A letter has been sent to every priest in England and Wales asking them to preach on world justice and to recommend the pamphlet to their congregations. The pamphlet says that by his own example and by parable after parable "our Lord makes plain this absolute priority of sh3ring and selfless giving for those who are fortunate enough to enjoy the means of aid and love." About 800 million people live in absolute want and their numbers will certainly increase vastly, it says. "We cannot allow the rich, already 40 times richer than the

poorest, to make the gap wider astation of Europe in World War still," it adds. "We must now II. "In the Marshall plan; they use all of our influence as responsible citizens to see that, gave away two percent or more in the final two decades of this . of their total production of goods century, this trend is reversed." and services for over five years "The rich must assist the pro- to friends and ex-enemies alike cess by a wider readiness to - and at that time they were share their wealth. The hungry only half as wealthy as they are must be fed, the homeless shel- today," Barbara Ward wrote. "This was the beginning of the tered, the sick healed," it says. The general mood is not fa- long prosperity of the 50s and vorable to a wider view of in- 60s, and not least to -benefit were ternational justice and sharing, the Americans themselves." the pamphlet says. But sharing The nch, she said, should also can serve the self-interest show the same imagination and of the rich countries, it states, generosity today. "This would be citing the economic intervention the bedrock of a really new inof the Americans after the dev- ternational economic order."

THE RESURRECTED CHRIST is depicted as a black man in this striking mural in Our Lady of Charity Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. (NC Photo)

By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Gordon Wins Mount Carmel Race Ed Gordon won the second annuaI4.7-mile Mount Carmel road race in Seekonk last Saturday. His time was 24:06 and he finished 50 yards ahead of :runnerup Ed Dwyer who ran the course in 24:17. Chris Muller, the first woman to finish, had a time of 27:27. Following Gordon and Dwyer in the top 10 overall WE~re Bill

Wardyga, 24:23; Tim Walker, 24:39; John Gorman, 25:01; Glenn Anderson, 25:07; John Ellis, 25: 38; Richard Elderkin, 26:05; Greg Harrison, 26:07; Armand Gendreau, 26: 1O. In the master category (ages 30-39) Bruce Gamage was first in 26:35, and George Silva, 28: 59, was first in the 50-and-up bracket.

CYO Dioceseln Golf Tourney Monday The 22nd CYO Diocesan Golf Tournament will be held at one p.m. next Monday at the Pocasset Golf Course, Pocasset, Mass. Bill Doyle is the tournament director. The competition will be in four divisions: seniors, born on or after Jan. I, 1955; intermediates, born on or after Jan. 1, 1962; juniors, born on or after Jan. I, 1965; cadets, born on (Ir after Jan. I, 1967. tEach area of the diocese Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro and the Cape will be allowed two entries in each division. Area tournaments determine the qualifiers.

Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, CYO Diocesan Director, said that trophies will be awarded to the champion and the runnerup in each division and that the two finalists in each division will represent the diocese in the New England CYO Tournament next month. Again this year the Marty Hig. gins Trophy will be awarded to the outstanding golfer of the diocesan tourney. The trophy honors the memory of the late pro at the Fall River Country Club. Boys and young men interested should contact their local CYO directors.


THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 23, 1981

tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents: A3-approved for adults only: B-objectionable in part for everyone: A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which. however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.

New Films "Windwalker" (Pacific International): A dying Cheyene patriarch yearns to see again the twin son kidnapped by hostile Crows when he was an infant. Aside from the casting of Trevor Howard, a fine actor who, however, can hardly be accepted as an Indian, "Windwalker" is an authentic and absorbing film on Indian life. Because of the violence and conflict essential to the story, it is not suited to very young children but for older ones the dignity with which it portrays Indian life recommends it highly. A2, PG

Films on TV Friday, July 24, 9 p.rn. (NBC) - ''The Day James Dean Died" (1978) - College students react to James Dean's tragic death. . Interesting, but fails to build much sympathy for its characters or explain what drew them CYO Baseball to Dean. One scene involves The race for the Fall River Central at 8:15. Sunday night's youthful sexual exploration. A3, CYO Baseball League champion- twin bill, also starting at six PG ship has gotten closer. Defend· lists Central vs. Kennedy, North Thursday, July 30, 8 p.m. ing champion Flint Catholic was End vs. Somerset. (NBC) - "St. Ives" (1976) - A still the leader entering this The league schedule runs formula detective mystery feaweek with a 9-3 record b'ut ever- through Aug 9. During the returing Charles Bronson as a powerful Immaculate Concep- mainder of that week make·up journalist who is a go·between in tion, 8-4, was only one game off games will be scheduled followed a scheme to recover some stolen the pace, followed by Swansea by post-season playoffs. In the papers. Incidental sex and vio6-2, St. William 6-6, St. Mich- quarter·finals the teams finishlence. A3, PG ael's Club 5-8, Columbus 4-6, ing first and second will have Religious Broadcasting Our Lady of Health 4-8 and St. byes, the team finishing third Patrick 3-7. July 26, WLNE ChanSunday, will meet the sixth-place team, In games played last week it the fourth will meet the fifth in nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Telewas Swansea 4 St. Michael's best of three series. The survivor vision Mass. "Confiuence," 8 a.m. each Club 3, Columbus 9 Our Lady of the fourth-fifth series will of Health 4, St. Michae!i's Club meet the first-place team, and Sunday, repeated at 6:30 a.m. 4 St. Patrick 2, Columbus, 7 Flint the survivor of the third-sixth each Tuesday on ChaJmeI 6, is Catholic 3, Immaculate Concep- series will meet the second team a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as tion 2 St. William I, St. Wil- in the semi-finals. permanent participants Father liam 6 St. Michael's Club 4, Our Henry Cebula and Paul Lady of Health 11 Swansea 8, (Spanky) Demanche have been Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di. Immaculate Conception 6 Colum- named assistant football coaches rector of social services; Rev. Dr. bus 5, Our Lady of Health 10 St. at Bishop Stang High School. Paul Gillespie, of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches; Patrick 7. Cebula, a native of Fall River, is and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This Tonight's games, at six not a newcomer to the Spartan week's subject: "Healing Life's o'clock, are St. Michael's Club coaching staff. In 1966 he was Hurts." vs.Columbus at Lafayette Park, assistant under head coach CharSunday, July 26, 2:36-1:00 Immaculate Conception vs. St. lie Connell. After one year at Patrick at Kennedy Park. The Keith Junior High School in New p.rn. (ABC) "Directions" reports lone game Sunday, at 7 p.m. has Bedford and four at New Bed~ on Amnesty International in Swansea vs. Columbus Ilt Lafa- ford Yoke, all as assistant coach, London. Peter Jennings interhe again was assistant at Stang views Amnesty's general secreyette Park. tary, and chronicles a case hisIn the Bristol County CYO before going to Fairhaven High tory of a Soviet Jew's attempt to where he has been assistant Baseball League Maplewood, 11win freedom from prison in Sipast three years. coach for the 3, was still in the lead I~ntering beria. Check local air time. this week with South End, 10-7, Demanche is a graduate of retaining the runnerup spot fol- the University of Connecticut Sunday,' July 26, 2 p.m. (NBC) lowed by Somerset 8-6, Kennedy where a shoulder injury inter- "NBC Religious Special." Actor 7·8, North End 7·7 and Central rupted his football career. He Joseph Campanella narrates a 0-12. served as undergraduate assist- special on the Benedictines, inTonight's games at Thomas ant on the U Conn grid squad cluding a historical essay on the Chew Memorial Park in Fall working with receivers and run· founding of Monte Cassino, the River have North End vs" Maple- ning backs, which is what he spread of Benedictine monastiwood at six p.m.. Somerset vs. will be doing at Stang. cism to England and the United

Speak Simply "Parents and others in intimate contact with infants and small children should speak naturally and simply about God and their faith, as they do about other matters they want the children to understand and appreciate." U.S. National Catechetical Directory

States, and a look at contemporary U.S. Benedictines. On Radio Sunday, July 26, (NBC) Guideline." Father Joseph Fenton, presents the second of two interviews with Father Alvin Illig, of the American bishops' Office of Evangelization. Check local air time.


Disney film is scored NEW YORK (NC) - The latest movie by Walt Disney Productions, "Dragonslayer," displays an anti·Christian bias that could not be more surprising "if Tinkerbell had been caught soli· citing in Times Square," an America magazine editorial said. In the July II edition of the Jesuit publication an editorial titled "Walt Disney Anti-Chris· tian?" stated that "in the fantasy world of "Dragonslayet" Christianity becomes superstitious nonsense, and sorcery is the salvation of the world. "Priests are raving fanatics who lead gullible peasants to their deaths, while sorcerers are wise men willing to sacrifice their lives to save their people. The cross is powerless but the magician's crystal saves the day." Jesuit Father Thomas J. Reese, associate editor of America, expanded on the editorial, saying that "the fact that the film is very entertaining makes its antiChristian message even more dangerol;ls." According to Father Reese, the story has all the makings of an exciting adventure. Set in the Middle Ages, it has young heroes, a wise sorcerer, a beautiful princess, a Machiavellian king and a fire-breathing dragon. But "the clear message of the movie is that the fanatical Christian priest with his cross is impotent and in fact dangerous to his people, while the sorcerer with his magic crystal will destroy the dragon even if it means sacrificing his life for his people. "The fact that early Christian missionaries in Europe were the major force in stopping human sacrifice to gods or dragons is conveniently forgotten. The writers could easily have left Christianity out of the story. Why they went out of their way to hold it up for ridicule is a mystery," Father Reese said. "You know what you are getting when you go to a movie advertised under the name of Monty Python or Mel Brooks. But it is disappointing to find the Disney name associated with such bigotry," he added. The Motion Picture Association rated "Dragonslayer" PG, parental guidance suggested, and the U.S. CathQlic Conference classified it A-III. A USCC Department of Communication review called it "an interesting film that seems to have miscarried despite some admirable intentions."





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Iteering pOintl ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA


Parish council guidelines were distributed last Sunday and parishioners are asked to study them and consider serving the parish in one of the many activities listed. Families are encouraged to contrrbute flowers from their home gardens for the church and center, especially when Mass is being offered for a family member. Arrangements may be made by calling the rectory. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A few openings remain in the parish school and those interested may contact the rectory. Unilorms may be priced up at the school between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday, A'ug. 6. Students not previously measured may also purchase uniforms at that time. ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA

A family picnic will be held Sunday, Aug. 30 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. LA SALETrE SHRINE, ATILEBORO

Father Andre Patenaude, MS, will lead a healing service at 2 p.m. Sunday at the outdoor grotto altar. The program will begin with a series of praise songs by Father Patenaude, followed by a healing Mass at which he will be principal celebrant and homilist. Anointing of the sick and laying on of hands will follow. SACRED HEART HOME, NEW BEDFORD

Care of chronic patients will be considered in a one-day workshop to be held Wednesday at the home. Further information is available by calling 966-6751, ext. 59.



A six-week adult education course will begin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5 in the parish hall. The topic will be "Prayer: Listening for the Lord."


-Bringing of the Eucharist to the sick by special ministers will be initiated following 10:15 a.m. Mass Sunday. when Sister Rita, CCD coordinator, will bring com· munion to two shut-in parishioners. The parish' has made a contribution to the Carmelite Sisters of Sol-e-Mar Convent, South Dartmouth, and will continue to offer support to the community. Memorial plantings around the church will include a Mary Garden. Further details and architect's drawings will be available shortly. CFM SEMINAR, SOUTH BEND, IND.

The biannual national family life seminar of the Christian Family Movement will be held Aug. 6 to 9 at St. Mary's College, South Bend. Keynote speakers will include Father Richard Rohr, OFM, a charismatic leader, who will discuss "Ministry to Self;" and Maureen Miller, author and educator, whose topic will be family commuication techniques. Some 1000 persons are expected to attend. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER

The feast of St. Anne will be celebrated Sunday, with devotions scheduled for 2, 3 and 4 p.m. in the shrine and a special Mass and candlelight procession in the shrine at 7:30 p.m. The relic of St. Anne will 'be available for veneration during the day.. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET

The patronal feast of the par· ish will be observed with a Mass at 11 a.m. Sunday, with Father JOQn J. Oliveira as homilist. A procession will follow at 1:30 p.m. and a band concert will be held on the church grounds during the afternoon and evening. The Circle of Love prayer line group will meet Thursday, July 30, following 7 p.m. Mass.


A holy hour open to all will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Father Eugene LaPlante, AA, chaplain to the foreign community of Moscow, will be guest speaker and the hour will also include Mass. Refreshments will follow. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed Friday, Aug. 7, following 8:30 a.m. Mass until closing Benediction at 8:45 p.m. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER

A parish picnic is planned at Colt State Park for Sunday, Aug. 9 under prayer group sponsorship. Mass will be offered during the day. The spiritual life committee will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the chapel. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER

100 persons are still sought to work on the parish Czestochowa tapestry. Those interested may contact Sister Barbara Jean. She may also be contacted regarding a few vacancies which exist in the parish school. ST. RITA, MARION

Those interested in participating in the St. Luke's Hospital music group may contact Denise Morency, 992·7055. Altar boys will have an outing Monday at Lincoln Park. Sisters of the Sacred Hearts are praying for the parish throughout this week. ST. PETER & PAUL,

FALL RIVER Altar boys will take a trip to Lincoln Park Monday, Aug. 10, and to Rocky Point Tuesday, Aug. 11. Pictures of the old church, school and parish grounds are sought in connection with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the parish next year. Those with material may contact Lucille Pavao, 679-5904.

Going Home to Love "Many older people who are reaching the end of their lives are not afraid to die. They feel they are going home to someone who loves them." - Father Declan Madden, OFM

Teilhard warning siands VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican Press Office said July 11 that official church reservations about the teachings of the noted French paleontologist, Jesuit Father Pierre Teilhard de Char· din, remain in effect. The press office said it was responsing to queries resulting from the publication June 9 of a letter by Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, papal secretary of state, which praised Father Teilhard's "vast vision" and "the richness of his thought." The cardinal's letter, written in the name of the pope, had been sent to Archbishop Paul Poufard, rector of the CathQlic Institute in Paris and pro-president of the Vatican's Secretariat for Non-Believers, on the occasion of an international symposium at the institute marking the centenary of Father Teilhard's birth. "Far from constituting a revision of the position taken before by the Holy See, Cardinal Casaroli's letter in several passages expresses reservations that some newspapers let pass in silence - which refer precisely to the judgment given by the 'monitum' of June 1962, even if this document is not explictly mentioned," the press office said. The 1962 "monitum" (Latin for "warning") from the Vatican's Holy Office, as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was then called, warned that the Jesuit scientist's writings contained ambiguities and errors and should not be accepted uncritically. The warning did not condemn Father Teilhard's writings. Father Teilhard is best known for his efforts to link evolutionary science, philosophy and theology in an integrated vision of man and the universe with Christ at the center as the dynamic force and also the goal of human evolution. He traces evolution in terms of the increasing complexity and consciousness up to the appearance of man (what he calls the noosphere - the sphere of mind or reflective consciousness).




GUY LOMBARDO ORCHESTRA --Thurs., July 30, 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. JACK D'JOHNS TRIO - Friday, July 31, 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. THE ARRUDA ACCORDION & MUSIC SCHOOL· Sat., Aug. 1, 8:00 P.M•• 12:00 LYN & CO. MAGIC ACT _. Sat, 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. ARNALDO FELICIANO & GROUP - Sun., Aug. 2, 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. CITY BAND of NEW BEDFORD - Thursday. Friday· Saturday· Sunday



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Father Teilhard sees the evolution of man in terms of increasing socialization. Christianity is seen as playing essentially the same kind of role in transforming and directing human evolution as the formation of consciousness played in the direction of cosmic evolution before man. Christ is the omega (end) point transforming and consolidating human energies. The Jesuit, who died in 1954, achieved world renown as an anthropologist and had been part of the team that discovered the fossil remains of Peking man in China in the 1920s and 1930s. Scholars have praised the cos· mic sweep and spiritual depth of his vision but raised questions about his methodology and the scientific rigor of many of hi3 conclusions. In his letter marking the centenary of Father Teilhard's birth Cardinal Casaroli commented: "A powerful poetic intuition of the deep value of nature, a stimulating perception of the dynamism of creation, a vast vision of the development of the world were combined in him with an undeniable religious fervor." He wrote that "the amazing echo of his research, joined with the radiance of his personality and the richness of his thought, have left a durable mark on our age. . "But at the same time the complexity of the problems broached and the variety of approaches used have not failed to raise difficulties, which, justly warrant a critical and serene study, both on the scientific and on the philosophical and theological levels, of this extraordinary work," added the cardinal.

Archives exhibit opens at Vatican VATICAN CITY ~C) - Pope John Paul II has opened an exhibition of the Vatican secret archives, commemorating the centenary of the opening of the archives to research scholars. The exhibit, which will be open to the public for a year, displays 230 documents from among the more than a million preserved in the archives. It includes six golden seals from the Vatican's collection of 80, believed the largest and most valuable collection of its kind in the world. Some of the documents on display are more than 1,000 years old, among them the important letter by Pope John VIII, written in 880, approving the use of Slavic languages for liturgical rites. The decision was a key event for the conversion of Eastern Europe to Christianity and for the subsequent religious and cultural development of the Slavic peoples. The oldest document in the exhibit is a manuscrript titled "Liber diurnus romanorum pontifici\lm" (journal of the Roman pontiffs), which dates from about the year 800. The exhibit is in the massive underground archive space just completed last year under the Vatican'sPigna Courtyard.

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