Priest", Astronomer Asserts
ManIs Exploration Into Universe Heightens Awareness of Creator (2
') ~,
The ANCHOR i~ :...I ~
An Anchor ol the Soul, Sure and Firm - ST. PAUL
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 24, 1969 PRICE 10¢ V 01 • 13, N 0 • 30 © 1969 The Anchor $4.00 per Year
Requests Education Board Expand Shared-Time Plan CHICAGO (NC)-Public school superintendent James F. Redmond urged the Chicago Board of Education to expand a controversial shared-time program it created four years ago. The program, involving Kennedy and St. Paul high schools, serves 535 students and is believed to be H. Robert Clark, superintendent. The report cited by Redmond the largest continuing oper- said the program was "adminisation of its kind in the tratively feasible and not detri-
United States. mental to the program of educaRedmond based his recommen- tion in the public schools." dation on an evaluation report It said the program appears to which was submitted to the . "have provided opportunities for school board. . the students who were involved The Chicago archdiocesan which they might not have had school board is also undertaking had they attended either the puban evaluation of the shared-time lic or the non-public school on a program but the results are not fulltime basis; any disadvantages yet available, according to Father Turn to Page Six '
Like everyone else in the fall River Diocese, Rev. Kenneth J. Delano held his breath last weekend as the astronauts landed on the moon and again as the first man set foot on its surface. But unlike most of us, he was, as a member of the Lunar International Observers Network, an active contributor to the success of the historic mission. This chain of moonwatchers throughout the world scanned the lunar surface throughout the Apollo mission for flares or glows indicating volcanic actiyity. These were reported to Houston mission con-
trol for possible confirmation by the astronauts. "An observer in West Germany saw a glow in the vicinity of the crater Aristarchus last Saturday afternoon," said Father Delano. "It was confirmed by the astronauts, the first time we've had on the spot confirmation of an earth observation." The Fall River priest was deeply disappointed that cloudy skies permitted him a total of only 25 minutes moonwatching during the Apollo flight. But his astronaut-connected assignment is by no means over. Like other members of the international lunar network, he's been re-
quested to scrutinize the moon with special care until Sunday, Aug. 3. He will report any sightings of "transient lunar phenomema" to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, which will check such reports with readings from the seismograph left by Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon surface. With scientists throughout the world, Father Delano agrees that the moon landing signalled the "beginning of a whole new era for the human race." Although Turn to Page Nineteen
Values, Nixon Plan But Supports Life WASHINGTON (NC)-An official of the United States Catholic Conference has called President Nixon's message to Congress on family planning and population growth "a positive and constructive approach to the problem." Father James T. McHugh, director of the Family Life Di- lrition Growth and the American to consider the implicavision, USCC, said the Presi- Future tions of demographic trends in dent had taken a useful initi- the U. S. and to make recom-
ative in placing population questions in a broader perspective than birth control alone. At the same time, Father McHugh said, "basic to our decisions on population questions must be a strong concern for the dignity of man and the value of human life." .In his message to Congress the President called for a substantial increase in government support of family planning programs in this country and abroad. He also proposed establishment of a CQmmission on Popu-
mendations. Father McHugh said creation of such a commission "can lead to a new analysis of population Growth and the American Future to consider the implications of demographic trends in the U. S. and to make recommendations. Father McHugh said creation of such a commission "can lead to a new analysis of population problems in a broadened and more positive perspective." He also said that the emphasis in the presidential message on research "correlates with the recent decision of the American bishops to estabiish a special Foundation on Human Life to encourage research in the rhythm method of fertility control." He noted the President's proposal for the Commission on Population .Growthand the American Future which would deal with a wide range of demographic issues~housing, education, environmental resources and so on-and said this represented a constructive change from previous emphasis on birth Turn to Page Six
Apollo Justifie§ Worcester Ma~
S~GNIFICANT BEGINNING: The third center in the Diocese for Exceptional Children is beginning on the grounds of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Shown at groundbreaking, Sister Mary Elizobeth While of Sisters of Mercy who will staff the school, Bishop Connolly, contractor Thomas K. Collins, architect Harold K. Washburn, contractor James H. Collins.
WORCESTER (NC)-The bishop of the city where it all began asked all men of good will to pray that the mission of Apollo 11 will bring "glory ·of the name of God Who gives man such power." Just one day short of 40 years from. the day that a fire marshal chased Dr. Robert H. Goddard from an open field behind Holy Cross College here, three American astronauts were launched toward their rendezvous with the moon. But what a difference 40 years makes. On that earlier day-July 17, 1929-terrified neighbors called Turn ttl Page Six
VBetnam Catholic Political Party Opi})cses Const~tution Change
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 24, 1969
Bishop {Urges Seumm~@~flarns,
Take' Uni"ersia~,V8~WP@int JACKSONVILLE (NC)-Bishop Paul F. Tanner of St. Augustine, speaking to ,a gr~up of future priests, disputed the contention of some theologians ,and "selfappointed critics of the Church" that the requirement of priestly celibacy soon will c1ared they are becoming "a part be lifted. And the bishop of a universal Church that emcame to the defense of the braces the entire globe and goes' study of Latiri in seminaries. back 2,000 years with no break On celibacy, the hishop said: "Anyone who has read Pope Paul's letter on this realizes that there isn't a chance in a miliion that celibacy will done away with in the next 100 years." He said the purpose of celibacy is "the complete, total, unreserved, absolute dedication of a man's life to the service of the Church."
Danger Bishop Tanner confessed he was afraid the Church, because of the decline of the use of Latin in modern theological works, was "in daJlger of becoming a hodgepodge of little separate linguistic groups around the world." He said, due to the trend away from Latin, "the interchange of ideas will be very noticeably slowed down." He pointed out that the lise of one tongue and the maintenance of 1,500 years of ,theological continuity was what made the Catholic Church catholic. He urged the seminarians to keep this in mind when they resume their studies in the Fall. Bishop Tanner, at a luncheon with 20 diocesan seminariaps, de-
in spiritual and intellectual c0tlt'inuity." f . Emphasizing the importance 0 the development of a personal spirituality in the life of the priest, Bishop Tanner warned: "If the priest isn't the possessor of a deep and profound spirituality, he can't transmit anything to his busy parishioners, who are doing a thousand things." The bishop said he was ,"distressed today by popluar magazines that would make you believe that nothing happened (in the Church) until 1962 and that until Vatican II started, the Church was practically helpless." He urged seminarians' not to neglect the traditional sources in the development of Christian thought, and recommended they read as many works of. the Church Fathers as possible, "certainly Aquinas's 'Summa: from cover to cover."
. SAIGON (NC)-A predominantly Catholic political party ha's announced lts opposition to any change in the Vietnamese constitution. Sen. Nguyen Gia Hien, chair· man of the Greater Union Force party, said President Nguyen van Thieu should give a clearer explanation of his recent six-point proposal for ending the war and should tell the people if a constitutional change will be necessary to implement the proposals .. The proposal has already been rejected by North Vietnam arid the National Liberation Front (NLF). Thieu suggested six principles to govern national elections in which opponents of the government could participate: The National Liberation Front (NLF), the political arm of the Viet Cong, could participate in the elections if it renounced violence; An electoral commission to insure equal opportunities i'n the elections could be set up and could include representatives of the NLF; An international body should supervise the elections; Outlaws Communism TO HOLY LAND: Bishop HarThe timing and conditions of old Perry, auxiliary of New the elections could be discussed ,Orleans, is shown as he left with those opposing the Saigon New, York leading an inter-- government; The government will abide by faith, inter-racial, pilgrimage to the results of the elections. the Moly land. NC Photo.
Day of PrQ1yer July 27 - St. George, Westport. Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. Aug. 3-St. Theresa, Sou t h Attleboro. Our Lady of Victory, Centerville. THE ANCHOR , Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thumday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass, 02722 by the Catholic Press 01 the Diocese 01 Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.
University Post
PONCE (NC) - Father Pius J. Barth, O.F.M., 61, former Franciscan provincial, has taken of· fice as the first provost of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico here. A native of Chicago, Father Barth served from 1954 drugs in our high schools and to 1961 as provincial of the Franjllnior high schools," Nixon said. ciscans' Chicago-St. Louis prov"Within the last d~cade," he, ince and earlier, from 1945 to declared. "the abuse of drugs has 1954, was a professor and chairgro~n from' essen,tially a local man of the department of educapolice problem into a serious tion at D~Paul University, Chinational threat to the personal cago. health and safety of millions of Americans. "It has been a common oversimplification to consider narcotics addition or drug abuse to FUNERAL HOME, INC. be a law enforcement problem R. Marcel Roy - Go LOrrlline Roy alone," he added. Roger laFrance "Effective control of illicit FUNERAL DIRECTORS drugs requires the cooperation of 15 Irvington Ct. many agencies of federal and New Bedford local' and state governments. It is 995-5166 beyond the province of anyone of them alone," Nixon said.
Urges New Crackdown On Drug Abuse
duction of illicit narcotics at its source, increased efforts to inter· cept illegal entry into the U. S., ' and expanded efforts torehabilVirtuous Action itate persons, hookeoon narcotThe end of all knowledge scribed the problem as "a serious ics. ' should be in virtuous action. "The number of narcotics adInational threat to the personal -Sidney health and safety of millions of dicts across the United States is Americans." . no~ estimated to be in the hunMass Ordo Outlining the dimensions of dreds of thousands," Nixon said the drug problem in a special in his message. FRIDAY-St. James, Apostle. II message, Nixon cited an increase He cited New York City, Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; of nearly 800 per cent in seven which alone,' he said, has some Creed; Preface of Apostles. years in juvenile arrests involv- 40,000 heroin addicts, with the number jumping between 7,000 SATURDAY-St. Anne, Mother ing the use of drugs. "A national awareness of the to 9,000 a year. of Blessed Virgin Mary. II gravit'y of the situation is need"The official statistics," NixClass. White. ed," Nixon' told Congress. His on said, "are only the tip of an SUNDAY - Ninth Sunday After message, outlining a program to iceberg 'whose dimensions we' Pentecost. II Class. Green. cope with the situation, includes, can only surmise." Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; new legislation covering mariCollege Students Preface of·Trinity. juana. Another estimate, the PresiNixon asked for an interim MONDAY - SS. Nazarius, and measure to correct what he dent sajd, '''is that several million America'n college students have Celsus, Martyrs; SS. Victor' called constitutional deficiencies and Innocent, Popes.. III Class. of the Marijuana Tax Act. It was at least' experimented with marijuana, hashish, LSD, amphetaRed. ' on the basis of this act that the mines, and barbiturates. TUESDAY-St.. Martha, Virgin. U. S. Supreme Court struck "It is doubtful_that an Amerdown parts of the marijuana law ican parent can send a son or III Class. White. last May. OR daughter to college today withSS. Felix, etc., Martyrs. Red. Nixon's program calls for in- out exposing the young man or ternational cooperation with forWEDNESDAY-Mass of preced- eign governments to stop pro- woman to drug abuse. Parents must also be concerned about the ing Sunday. IV Class. Gre,en. availability and use of such OR SS. Abdon and Sennen, Mar- Giv'e Strong Aid Necrology tyrs. Red. THURSDAY - St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor. III Class.
The South Vietnamese consti· tution does not provide for nationwide elections prior to September, 1971, and the fourth article of the constitution outlaws communism or advocating a communist government for South Vietnam. The Greater Union Force party is made up predominantly of Catholic refugees from North Vietnam. One of the few political parties in South Vietnam organized on the local level with definite popular backing among the refugees, ,it is strongest in the Honai district of Bien Hoa province of Saigon. Though the party is not exclusively Catholic, its main supporters and leaders are Catholic. At the Paris peace talks, the North Vietnam and NLF dele· gations denounced Thieu's proposal as a "perfidious maneuver" and the North Vietnamese "vigorously condemend and rejected" it. In Saigon, Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky proposed that South Vietnam walk out of the Paris peace talks if the other side continues to reje~t President Thieu's election pr6posals.
WASHINGTON (NC) President Nixon has called on Congress fora new crackdown on drug, abuse. He de-
To Missionaries
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - More than $835,000 was contributed by Catholics of the archdiocese of Philadelphia to the Pope's mission ilid societies in 1968, it was reported here. " Gregory Cardinal Agagianian, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (formerly Propagation of the Faith), noted in a letter to John Cardinal Krol that the people of of the Philadelphia archdiocese had contributed' $834,767.75 to the 1968 general furid of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and $1,104.46 to the Society of 'St. Peter the Apostle (for the education of native clergy). The donations reported do not include those sent by Philadelphians directly-!o missionaries.
AUG. 5 Rev. Martin J. Fox, 1917, Founder, St. Paul, Taunton. Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, 1934, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. AUG. 6 Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, 1961, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River.
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President Urges Expanded Family Planning Program WASHINGTON (NC)-An expanded program on birth control and family planning, to be available within five years to American women of child bearing age in low income categories, has been recommended to Congress in a special message by President Nixon. "Clearly, in no cir- report in one year. The Presiwho gave no estimates of cumstances will the activi- dent, increased spending involved, emties associated with our phasized that additional research
pursuit of this goal be allowed to infringe upon the religious convictions or personal wishes and freedom of any individual, nor will they be allowed to impair the absolute right of all individuals to have such matters of conscience respected by public authorities," the President asserted. . He proposed that Congress establish a "Commission on Population Growth and the American Future" to make recommendations in three areas - probable trends of U. S. population growth and internal migration between now and the year 2000; resources required to deal with anticipated growth and ways in which the population growth may affect activities of federal, state and local governments. In his 5,000-word document, the President said in the United States alone the population will increase nearly 100 million to a total of more than 300 million by the year 2000. He pointed to the potential impact of the global population if governments, private agencies and the United Nations fail to begin dealing now with the coming problems. Stresses Consequences President Nixon opined that in the United States now there are nearly five million women who "do not have adequate access to family planning assistance." . The President quoted statistics to "illustrate the dramatically increasing rate of population growth" on a worldwide basis. He noted that in 1830 there were one billion people on earth, in 1930 there were two billion, and now there are 3.5 billion. He said. "It is likely the earth will contain over seven billion human beings by the end of this century." Stressing the consequences of the expected population increase in this country, the President said if this country is to accommodate the anticipated 100 million persons by the year 2000 in new communities "we would have to build a new city of 250,000 persons each month from now until the end of the century." Research Essential The President suggested that the commission to handle population growth problems should include two members each of the House and the Senate plus an unspecified number of experts. He proposed that the commission have two years to prepare a final report, with an interim
Urged to Su pport Center for Renewal COCHIN (NC)-The bishops of Kerala have called on the Catpolic community to extend its full support to a clergy-lay center that strives for Church renewal. A statement by the Kerala Bishops' Conference appealed for "generous help and cooperation of all Christian institutions and individuals" to a Pastoral Orientation Center inaugurated last year at Alwaye by Maxmillian Cardinal Furstenberg, prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches.
on birth control methods of all types would not have to await the commission report: First, increased research is essential. It is clear, for example, that we need additional research on birth control methods of all types and the sociology of population growth: Immediate Action "Second, we need more trained people to work in population and family planning programs, both in this country and abroad: I am therefore asking the Secretaries of State, Labor, Health, Education and Welfare, and Interior, along with the Administrator of the Agency for International Development and the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity to participate in a comprehensive survey of our efforts to attract people to such programs and train them properly. "Third, the effects of population growth on our environment and on the world's food supply call for careful attention and immediate action. "Fourth, it is clear that the domestic family planning services supported by the Federal Government should be expanded and better integrated. Both the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the Office of Economic Opportunity are now involved in this important work, yet their combined efforts are not adequate to provide information and services for all who want them." Serious Challenge ' Underscoring the importance of action now in facing up to the problem, President Nixon told Congress: "One of the most serious challenges to human destiny in the last third of this century will be the growth of population. Whether man's response to that challenge will be a cause for pride or for despair in the year 2000 will depend very much on what we do today."
Appoint Conn. Priest Rome College Dean HARTFORD (NC) - Father Richard L. Foley of the Hartford archdiocese has been named academic d~an of the North American College in Rome. Father Foley, a graduate of the North American College, was ordained in Rome in 1955. Following parish assignments in the archdiocese, he took graduate studies at Harvard University which in June, 1968; awarded him a Ph. D. degree in the study of religion. In 1967 he studied church history at the Sorbonne, in France, under a 'Fulbright grant. Since September, 1967, he has been associate professor of church history at Manhattanville College, Purchase, N.Y., and visiting professor of religion at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Conn.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs., July 24, 1969
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Rally to Support Of Archbishop
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,July 24, 1969
Urges lLSo As;sume lin Helping St~rvang
le~ delfSh i p
ROSARIO (NC)-A Mass was con celebrated here in Argentina by Archbishop Guillermo Bolatti of Rosario, and 56 of his priests to demonstrate the priests' support for the archbishop in his four-month-Iong dispute with 28 other priests. The priests who concelebrated the Mass are among a group of 120 'archdiocesan priests who have rallied behind the archbishop in the controversy, which resulted in his accepting the resignations of more than two dozen priests who claimed he was obstructing Church renewal. The priests had submitted their resignations three times before the archbishop accepted them. Hundreds of priests and laymen throughout Argentina have expressed their support for the resigning priests. Holy Sacrament church was under heavy police guard during the concelebrated Mass. Shortly before the Mass began a parcel was discovered at a side altar causing apprehensil;>n over the possibility of a bomb plant However, the package contained only a brick wrapped in packing paper.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. States to expand its effort in Edward M. Kennedy of Massa- aiding the Biafrans. 'chusetts; calling the mass starThe resolution, introduced by vation of Biafrans "one of the Sen., James B. Pearson of Kangreatest nightmares of modern sas, was tabled in an executive times/' called on the United session of the Foreign Relations States to· assume some leadership Committee reportedly ,because of "in, pursuing every responsible objections raised by Sen. Jacob means to save the innocent." Javits of New York, who is ? coHe also declared' that a nego- sponsor of the resolution. tiated ceasefire between Nigerian He apparently objected to federal troops and Biafran seces- phrases which he interpreted as sionists, watched over by neu- being too critical of the Nixon tral observers, is needed immedi- Administration as not supporting, ately. .a significant increase in aid and The Senate Judiciarv Subcom- which mention the organization mittee on Refugees,' of which' of African Unity, which earlier Kennedy is chairman, . began had allegedly issued some antihearings to discuss the Nigerian- Israeli statements. Biafran war and its resultant Adjust Language starvation of more than a milA spokesman in Pearson's oflion persons and to seek ways fice told NC News Service he to end the suffering and death. was disappointed the resolution "As if it weren't enough that was tabled, but expressed optiwell over a million people have mism that it would come out of died of starvation over the last the committee next week. "We year," Kennedy said, "today we will adjust the language of the face a new emergency. We stand resolution to met the objections on the brink of a 'sharp escala- but not to diminish its purpose," tion in the toll of suffering and the spokesman said.' death." The resolution, he explained, was presented not only to seek Appeal to Conscience a greater effort in expanding the A subcommittee spokesman nation's role in Biafran aid, but told, NC News Service that also to offer a forum to discuss "nothing bold or dramatic" came the political problems' that the out of the July 15 hearings. situation entails. More hearings will be scheduled He said he is hopeful of exin the near future. The recent tensive debate once the resoluhearings, the spokesman added, tion gets to -the Senate floor. served "as an appeal to con- He pointed out that the State science." Department, in a statement isMeanwhile, the Senate For- sued last March 20, favored the eign Relations Committee tabled resolution. as originally introa resolution calling on the United duced.
UGANDA SHRINE: Exterior of the National Shrine of the. Uganda Martyrs at Namugongo, Uganda, seen in architect's model, as it will appear when eventuollt finished. The roof will not be in place, however, for the late July visit of Pope Paul VI. NC Photo.
Colombia Prelates Condemn Violence
CHINQUINQUIRA (NC)-The use of violence to correct social ills was condemned by Colombia's bishops as they closed their meeting here at the shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, patroness of Colombia, The Colombia Bishops' Conference issued a joint pastoral in which the need for social change Sisters Lease Academy to Philade'phia was stressed but the use of violence in achieving it was 'ruled For~$l Per Year ~el.igious out. , PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The emy faCilities; the officials say, HOUSTON (NC)-The commu- heritage from Saints Cyril and Dealing with, the Church's reReligious of the Sacred Heart, will ease overcrowded conditions sponsibilities in the area of sonist attack on man's religious Methodius are enshrouded in the whose decision last December to freedom is doomed to failure be- suffocating gloom' of atheistic until new public school construc- cial change and renewal, the pascause it does violence to the communism," the cardinal con- withdraw from two area acad- tion is completed in th~, area. toral said the Church cannot be tinued. ' dignity with which God has enemies brought expressions of re- The Board of Education will ind'ifferent to the world's needs. gret and objection from parent have use of the facilities for up It criticized both those who addowed man. "They are the targets of an That was the point sl:ressed by all out campaign designed not so and alumnae groups, will lease to three years. - vocate Imaintaining the status John Cardinal Krol of Philadel- much to kill religion' by murder their 122-year-old Eden Hall quo and radical extremists. Refuse to Sell phia here at the seventh annual and martyrdo,ms, but rather to academy to the Philadelphia "Change as a law of life is The Religious of the Sacred Board of Education for use as a observance of Saints Cyril and promote its death by starvation; commanded by God," the bishHeart reportedly have already public school. Methodius Heritage Day. The sufficiation and by depriving ops said. "This law involves a refused $2 million offered for' two saints are revered as apos- them of the necessities of exThe board voted to lease the dynamic conception of life and tIes who brqught the Faith to istence." 72-acre property for $1 a year. the property by a parents' group not a static view of the social Maintenance costs for the, build' which wished to purchase the order, which must be under conmany eastern European nations. 'War Unto Death' school and to continue its oper"Religious freedom is so es· "The tactics of the campaign ing and grounds - estimated at ation with a· predominantly lay stant review and reevaluation to between $35,000 and $40,000 a sential and so basic," Cardinal change but the goals are conpurify it and adapt it to the staff. ' year-will also be paid .by the stant. It is a war unto death Krol declared, "that its represlegitimate needs of men." withdrew from the The Sisters sian renders insecure every other against God and religion," Car- Board of Education. School officials estimate that boarding school-and from the freedom - every oth(:r human dinal Krol' asserted. "Once this Academy of the Sacred Heart, Name Bishop Sheen right." freedom is eliminated, all other 400 pupils will be making use of Overbrook-because there were the academy's 30 classrooms, "Many of the people who freedoms to which the human VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope not enough nuns available to share the religious and cultural person has inviolable rights will gymnasium, dining hall and staff the -local academies and to Paul VI has named Bishop Fulton other facilities in September. not survive." J. Sheen of Rochester a member Use of the Sacred Heart Acad- fulfill commitments to operate of the Vatican Secretariat for The failure of communism, other schools in' the Boston, Bishop Asks Effort the cardinal stated, is a certainty. Washington, Miami and Prince- Non-believers. The only unanswered question, ton areas. To Restore P'eace he noted, is "How long will it Dom!nicoll1 Republic The Sisters noted that they LONDONDERRY (NC)-Bishop continue to oppress and to inflict decided to close the two PhilaNeil Farren of Derry said he suffering upon innocent people?" lifts Friests Ban SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-The delphia academies because of the Complete hopes that every effort will be Among signs pointing to the Dominican Republic government proximity of other, Catholic made to restore peace to North- decline of communism, Cardinal ern Ireland and to maintain it Krol cited the continued use of has revoked its controversial schools and academies here. BANKING The Religious of the Sacred for the sake of Christian c;harity . force by the communists to sup- order barring the reentry into Heart later modified their deciand for the well-being of the press freedom and the disunity this country of ,two foreign sion to close both schools hy community. which was evident at ,the recent priests who had been charged agreeing to the operation of the with interference in its internal communist summit, meeting in Three days after the bishop 104-year-old Overbrook day affairs. for Bristol County Moscow. spoke fire broke out in the home school by a parentsETAO TO N, The priests, Cuban Father Referring to the Slavic peoples of former Home Affairs Minister school by a-parents' group, There still under communist domina-'. Sergio Figueredo, S.J., and Span- will be no Sisters on the OverWilliam Craig, who resigned unFather Gratinisno Varona ish der pressure, from the cabinet ,tion Cardinal Krol said: "We beg brook faculty, however. of former Prime Minister Terence God that the vein cif gold, the O.P., went to Puerto Rico in . , church busjness and . mid-June on O'Neill, because of Craig's op- tradition of faith and the spiritual values that form the heritage were denied permission to return position to reform. received through Saints Cyril by the Dominican immIgration Unofficial reports said the and Methodius may continue to authorities. blaze was caused by a gasoline endure and to influence the, lives TAUNTON, MASS.. . ONE STOP Father Figueredo is moderator bomb. of our suffering brothers. SHOPPING CENTER of the University Youth Center, THE BANK ON "We pray that they' may re- a professor at the autonomous The fire marked the seventh • Television • Grocery TAUNTON GREEN in a series of days of violence cover the freedom to which they state, University of Santo Do• Appliances • Fruniture which began as Protestants cele- are justly entitled. We pray that mingo and producer of a youthMember of Federal Deposit brating a 17th·century victory their suffering and long agony oriented television program. 104 Allen St., New Bedford Insurance Corporation over Catholic forces ran into op- may soon see the bright dawn of Father Varona is the parish 997-9354 position from Catholics. Resurrection." priest in EI Seibo.
Accomodates 400
'Cardinal Predicts Failure of Red Attack on Freedom
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Bristol County Trust Company
Study Reasons Parents Transfer Children to Public Schools BUFFALO (NC)-Reasons for transferring children from Catholic schools to public schools were determined in a study conducted by Father S. Theodore Berg, assistant superintendent of Catholic schools in the diocese of Buffalo. A few of them may upset the theories of some Catholic educators. The 152-page study was undertaken by Father Berg as a doctoral thesis at the State University of Buffalo. It focused on the factors which influenced parents' decisions in transferring their children from Catholic elementary schools to public schools. Father Berg noted in an interview that much previous research had concentrated on why parents enroll their children in Catho'l: schools in the first place, but that none had been done on why they later transferred them to public schools. School officials have had to rely on guesswork regarding the reasons, he said. These are the major findings of Father Berg's study: Increasing Costs Contrary to the theories of some Catholic educators, the unavailability of Catholic schools in certain areas is not a major factor in the decline of Catholic elementary school enrollment. Parents who transfer their children from Catholic to public schools feel the public schools offer better educational quality. Parents of transferred children have a lower opinion of the need for Catholic elementary schools than do the parents of presisting students, even though both sets of parents agree basically on the reasons for the existence of Catholic schools. Parents of children transferred to public elementary schools have a greater concern for increasing costs of Catholic school education than do the parents of persisting students. Better Quality Summarizing studies made within the last 15 years, Father Berg said the typical parents sending their children to Catholic schools have higher incomes, are better educated, have more
Catholic education and· are usually both Catholics themselves. These parents, he said, give themselves a higher rating as practicing Catholics, have a higher opinion of the need for Catholic schools and feel that the quality of Catholic education is better. Father Berg's study was based on questionnaires filled out by 797 parents - 329 parents of transferred pupils and 468 parents of persisting pupils in the eight-county diocese of Buffalo. Capable Teachers Through his study, the priest determined that parents of transferred and of persisting students see capable teachers as the basic indicator of a school's quality: However, the two sets of parents divide on their second most important criterion in judging the quality of a particular school system. Parents of persisting students seek moral and ethical training for their children, while parents of transferred students want their children to be taught to think for themselves. According to the study, both sets of parents feel that Catholic schools are doing their best job in giving moral and ethical training to pupils. Agree on Need Questioned as to the reasons for Catholic education, both sets of parents surprisingly gave an identical response. Both groups felt the schools were needed in the following order of importance: Formation of good and welleducated Christians. Handing down the teachings of the Catholic faith to a new generation. Teaching good behavior. Having children taught by a group of dedicated Christian teachers. Giving parents a choice be-· tween public and non-public schools. "One group (parents of transferred students) is saying 'I see the reason for the existence of Catholic schools but I don't have a very strong opinion that they should exist to do those things,'" the priest said.
Philadelphia Reports Decrease Of 6,551 in School Enrollment PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The first major decrease in the student population in the Catholic educational institution in the archdiocese of Philadelphia in recent years was reported this week by the superintendent of schools. . In his annual report to John Cardinal Krol, Msgr. Edward T. Hughes noted that at the end of the 1967-68 school year, there were 294,740 students in the 399 educational institutions in the archdiocese-a drop of 6,551 from the previous year. In the archdiocesan school system, there was a decline of 6,and a drop of 674 students in the 32 diocesan and parochial high schools. Total enrollment in the diocesan system was reported as 256,632 at the end of the 196763 school year. Smaller Classes "While the student population declined substantially," Msgr. Hughes stated, "the number of
Taxing Taxes The United States is the only countf'y where it takes more brains to figure your tax than t.:> earn the money to pay it. -Gurney
teachers at the elementary and secondary levels increased by 130. This enabled the school system to improve the pupil-teacher ratio and to decrease class size. At the same time, 72 additional elementary classrooms were put into use, three new parish schools and two new high schools were opened." The total number of teachers in the diocesan school system6,564-included 4,271 Religious and 2,293 lay teachers. In the city of Philadelphia, the 110,062 children in parochial schools and 34, Hi9 students in diocesan high schools represented 35 per cent of the entire school population of philadelphia. (The Philadelphia public schools reported a total enrollment of 285,00.) The total enrollment (294,740) of all Catholic schools in the five-county archdiocese - parochial, diocesan and private-included: elementary: 203,248 pupils in 319 schools; special education: 897 pupils in seven schools; secondary: 64,345. students in 55 schools; college: 25,763 students in 12 colleges and universities. In addition, six seminary college departments reported an enrollment of 487 students.
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THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
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Fc)rmer Newsman To Be Ordained CHICAGO (NC)-Eddie Doherty, a thrice-married former newspaper reporter, will be or" dained in the Melkite-Rite priesthood Aug. 15. The ceremony will take place in Nazareth and will be performed by Archbishop Joseph Raya of Haifa, Akka, Nazareth, and all Galilee. DOherty'S third wife, two sisters and four brothers will attend. Doherty, 79, is completing studies for the priesthood in Haifa. After ordination he will be given an assignment to. continue the work he began with his third wife, the former Catherine de Hueck, a Russian baronness in Czarist days, at Madonna House in Combermine, Ontario. Doherty's previous wives died. The Madonna House is dedicated to helping the poor and distressed. Books and magazine articles as well as numerous feature stories have come from Doherty's prolific pen. His books include "Gall and Honey" and "King of Sinners." The Melkite-Rite permits ordination of married men, but mar· riage after ordination is not permitted. The Church's Latin-Rite forbids ordination of married men. TO HOST POPE: Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa of Tanzania is senior African Cardinal and will host African Bishops' symposium in Uganda, July 27 to 31, at which Pope Paul VI will be pres~nt and speak. NC Photo.
Dual Purpose International Committee Asks Church To Dou ble as Theatre . SAN ANT 0 N I 0 (NC) Churches of the future should be used as movie theaters as well as for worship, according to a proposal presented by a fivemember committee at the first International Study Week on Catechetics and Mass Media here. The proposal called for construction of all new churches as dual purpose structures to be used seven days a week instead of only for a few hours on Sunday, according to Alan G. Oddie, information director of George A. Pflaum Publisher, Dayton, Ohio, who was a member of the committee. Others joining in the proposal were Sister Corinne Hart, I.H.M., St. Francis Productions, Los Angeles, committee chairman; Father Jose Calle, national director of catechetics, Manila; Teresita Nitorreda, East Asian Pastoral Institute, Manila, and Father John E. O'Brien, director of communications arts, Loyola university, Montreal. 'Welcome Ste;J' The proposal's adoption would ensure that tomorrow's church be fully equipped for multi-media liturgical services, according to Oddie. "The guitar Mass was a wel-
Cardinal Krol Day HOUSTON (NC)-John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia was named an Admiral of the Texas Navy by Gov. Preston Smith, and received the "key. to the city" from Mayor Louie Welch, as Houston observed "Cardinal Krol Day" in honor of the prelate's appearance at ceremonies marking the seventh annual observance of Saints Cyril and Methodius Heritage Day.
come step in that it introduced a certain spontaneity into the service," he said. "It loosened people up, made them more aware of and responsive to each other and to the word of God. "The multi-media liturgy will carry the process a step further. It will involve eyes as well as ears; it will help to release a creativity in the partiCipants and enable them to join more fully in a truly social celebration of the mystery of the Mass which will have some carryover into the environment beyond the church's walls." The same committee also proposed that an international group be set up to organize the use of current entertainment movies, TV programs-including commercials-and popular songs in the teaching of religion. Arrangements would be made to preview movies several weeks before their general release. If they were judged valuable, study guides would be prepared and distributed worldwide to parishes where the movies were due to be released.
Choose American Superior General ROME (NC)-For the first time in the history of the Society of the Divine Savior, an American has been elected its superior general. He is Father Earl Skwor, S.O.S., of Milwaukee. The 41-year-old Father Skwor was elected to a six-year term during the society's general chapter held in Rome June 3-July 12. He is the sixth superior general since the society was founded in Rome in 1881. The society members, commonly ealled the Salvatorians, devote themselves to spreading the faith through the sacred ministry, the education of youth, retreats, and missionary work among nonCatholics. The Milwaukee-born Father Skwor received his bachelor of arts degree in' philosophy from the Catholic University of Amer· ica in Washington, D.C., in 1949, and a master's degree from Rome's Gregorian University in 1954.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675-7497
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 24, 1969
J!l0pe .
. . Rea lily
"The dream of yesterday is the hope of today and. the reality of tomorrow." The young man who spoke these words at his graduation from Worcester's South High School at the turn of the century would not have been surprised at the events of the last week. ·Dr. Robert H. Goddard, according to his widow, was so dominated by the desire to see man reach· out into space that every decision _of his adult life was taken with this in mind. It was on July 17, 1929 that he frightened his neighbors 'and really started the first step into the cosmic age when he sent aloft the world's first liquid-fueled rocket from a field near Holy Cross College. Last Sunday that dream and hope entered into reality when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon - "One small step for man but one great leap forward for mankind," Man's journey to and on the moon has awakened the pride of Americans and the self-consciousness of the entire human race. This sense of pride is tempered by man's awarenes of the vastness of the universe that he is bent on traveling and the smallness of himself and his own planet. With the psalmist he can indeed say, "The heavens proclaim the glory of God." . And perhaps from this point far out in space he can look back at his earth and see that it is a small lonely planet and that its inhabitants are members of a single world family for whose well-being he must recommit himself 'to work.
Peripheral Thoughts The remarkable accomplishments of the tel'!s of thousands of persons whose ,ingenuity and work made possible the Apollo XI mission that reached its culmination in man's landing and walking en the moon have given rise to masterpieces of literary praise and also to some peripheral thoughts' as well. Those_ in the middle years of life' rejoice that these heroes of the cosmic age of man are not downy-cheeked youths but mature men - that is, nearing 40 years of age. This in itself gives new life and'vigor to those in this age bracket who were beginning to realize that they h~d probably already lived more years than they were going to live. The events of the last week also gave to the whole world the unparalleled example of people working as a group- and with a sense of order and discipline. This is a valuable lesson i~deed if it can get through to those who feel that accomplishment is brought about only be revolution, and that destruction is the road to progress'. Violence dramatizes a need but is not its cure. The desire for revolution is a sympton of a sickness but is not its answer. A look into a problem, the bringing to bear of many minds upon it, reflection upon what can be done, then steady and persistent moving forward to accomplish stated purposes - these are the ways that the moon project was undertaken and this is still the drill for approaching other problems as well. Imagination and ingenuity ordered by intelligence and discipline have won a valuable victory in the' saga of Apollo XI.
. Continued from Page One the fire marshal after Goddard, pioneer rocket designer, sent aloft an 11 liz foot rocket that rose just 30 feet above its 60foot launch tower.
Space Hymn Our fathers' God, whose ever-mighty hand Leads forth in beautr all the st~rry band, Bright shining worlds in splendor through the skies, . Our gratefl;ll songs qefore your throne arise.
Later On the later day - July 16, 1969 millions of persons throughout the world watched in awe and applauded with unabashed pride as the mighty Saturn 5 booster rose, slowly at first, and then swiftly, atop a tail of smoke and flame, toward the dream that Dr. Goddard knew could be reality. It seemed more than coincidental that one of the men in Apollo II, Col. Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., should have been there. His father, a retired Air Force colonel, was also born in Worcester, and studied under Dr. Goddard at Clark University before the "exile" to New Mexico.
And as we float along in outer space, Past galaxies a~glow in dark's embrace, Toward other worlds where brothers may await, Do care for us now in our weightless. state. Refresh your people on .their toilsome way, ~ead us 'from night to everlasting day. Your love divine will guide us safely past All evil snares and on to heaven at last. REV~ GERARD FARRELL,
SUjlg at St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota Sunday, J1(,ly 20, 1969 :
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Reverse Plan Michigan Communoty to Send Teachers To Other Schools BAY CITY (NC)-A "reverse" shared-time program, approved by Bay City Board of Education, will see public school teachers conducting classes in private school classrooms. Elwyn J. Bodley, superintendent of the public school system here in Michigan, will work out the details. . In the usual shared-time classes, students from a nonpublic school are lransported to public schools for some classes. Proponents of "reverse"sharedtime see it simpler and safer to move one teacher to the students rather than move some 30 students to one teacher. Approval of "reverse" sharedtime came on a 4-3 Board of Education vote and repres~nted a, reversal of an earlier reversal. The 'concept was rejected by a 4-3 vote last August. . "Reverse" shared-time has been a major issue in this heavily Catholic city of 55,000 in east-central Michigan. Last August, when' a Catholic bid for reverse shared-time support for . their schools was rejected there was only one Catholic on the Bay City Board of Education," now there are three. Two Catholics who subsequently ran for the board were
Asks Consideration foD' All ~e~'igions
COLOMBO (NC)~The Cqtholie Church. cannot be indifferent to the values of non-Christian religions, Msgr. Pietro Rosanno, sub-secre.tary of the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Christians, declared here in Ceylon. The Christian everywhere, said OfFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RiVER the visiting priest, has to be solid Published weekly by The Catholic Press of The Diocese of Fall Rive'r and enlightened in his own faith, 410 Highland Avenue but has also the duty to know Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 accurately and sincerely the religious dispositions of his PUBLISHER . brothers. Most Rev. James l. Connolly, D.O., PhD: Speaking at' Aquinas university college at a meeting' sponRt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. Johll P. Driscoll sored by the Society of St. FranGENERAL MAt·JAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER cis Xavier, Msgr. Rosanno said MANAGING EDITOR the great foun((ers of religions Hugh J. Golden, Ll.B. are worthy of religious respect ~ Leary Press--Fall River by Catholics.
elected by heavy pluralities despite opposition of the local daily newspaper and a campaign by the local public school teachers' union to defeat their bid for office.
Worcester Man
M®<dl O~@ ~
~@[(® ~@[( ~@@[( ST. LOUIS (NC) - Medical clinics for the poor at hospitals and throughout the inner city were cited by a spokesman of the 51. Louis archdiocese this week in its fourth and final report on service to the community. The report, issued by Msgr. Francis M, Doyle of the Archdiocesan Human Rights Commission, was in answer to charges by ACTION and other black militant organizations that the Catholic Church fails "to serve the poor and the black community. The Sisters of 51. Mary and 51. Mary's Hospital conduct a mobile pre-natal clinic in the west end of the city, Msgr. Doyle reported. Out-patient clinics at several other Catholic hospitals, plus special neighborhood clinics, provided medical services'to thousands of children and poor families during the year he reported.
Prayers Bishop Bernard J. Flanagall of Worcester was one of those who applauded the Apollo 11 events. In a statement issued upon the successful launch, he said: "We pray, as we ask all good people in the diocese and county of Worcester to pray, that this mission of Apollo 11 will bring * * " 'glory to the name of God Who gives man such power'; and we pray, for the safety of the three brave men who search the heavens for the benefit of all mankind."
Supports Life Continued from Page One control as the sale response to population growth. Father McHugh said he did not agree with all points in the President's message-"the suggestion that our current social problems are largely attributable to population growth, for example, or the call for immediate new programs." . "But," he added, "in its recognition that simplistic concentration on family planning is not an adequate response to the manysided issue of population growth, the President's message marks progress and opens the door to useful discussion," If the Church is to have a meaningful. role in this discussion, Father McHugh said, "it cannot afford simply to respond negatively to Mr. Nixon's initiative. Rather, the Church must look for what is good in his proposals and ·must seek ways to maximize the good while minimizing the possibilities for social and individual disruption."
Continued from Page One which the students may have encountered appear not to have been of a serious nature." . The report recommended that The Rights Commission report "the Board of Education authoralso noted that the 51. Vincent ize the continuation of the Kende Paul Society spent $165,000 nedy-St. Paul shared. time proin aid last year for poor families gram, contingent upon the desire in the city. Catholic Charities, of the appropriate authorities." the Little Sisters of the Poor and It also recommended that the a number of other Catholic or- findings of the evaluation be ganizations and religious orders utilized in the planning of any also provided a variety of ser- additional shared-time programs vices to the poor, the report at the high school level. no.ted. Brother Conrad, F.S.C., acting principal at 51. Paul high, exThe report on medical and social services followed three -plained the functioning of the earlier reports to lhe community. shared-time program. Those reports denied church "Our core curriculum consists ownership" of slum property, of all character building subdetailed service to the poor by jects," he said. "Religion, English inner-city church schools and and social studies are taken at described archdiocesan efforts to 51. Paul and all other courses heal racial divisions. are taken at Kennedy."
-New Drug Proposals
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
Parish Parade
Face Present Crisis
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, fall River 02722.
Attorney General John N. Mitchell today sent to Congress the Control of Danerous Substances Act of 1969. The Attorney General said: "The passage of this bill will greatly aid th~ federal government in its deter. mined efforts to protect our may be renewed by the patient not more than five times in six citizens - particularly our months. Penalties range from youths-from the physical probation to a maximum of 20 and psychological tragedies of drug addiction and abuse." "Passage of this bill will especially benefit our poorer citizens who may be induced to use drugs as a temporary escape from the bleakness of ghetto life." The Attorney General said that the bill has several "new and imaginative" approaches: Revised penalties - up to 80 years in prison-for professional narcotics traffickers. A st,lggestion that Congress consider making a distinction between youths who experiment with small amounts of narcotics and those who are professional narcotics sellers. The elimination of the tax laws and other theories previous· Iy used to enforce narcotics laws and the substitution of the uniform theory of controlling narcotics and dangerous drugs using Congress' power to control commerce. The establishment of four schedules for dangerous drugs with increasing criminal registration provisions which will give the Attorney General the discretion to move drugs from one Schedule to another as dictated by results of scientific research and increased or decreased criminal activity involving the drugs on each Schedule. In general, the Attorney General's decision will be guided by a special scientific advisory committee and by the Department of Health, Education & Welfare. Specifics Specifically the bill provides for: (a) Schedule I (mainly heroin, marijuana, cocaine and LSD): Penalties ranging from probation for simple possession for a first offender to 80 years for the third conviction of a sale to a person under 18: possession is prohibited by physicians, hospitals and other specfalists except for cer· tified and registered research. (b) Schedule II (mainly the synthetic opiates such as methedone and other narcotic drugs) Penalties ranging from probation for simple possession to 80 years for the third sale to a person under 18; possession is permitted by physicians, hospitals, and other specialists but prescriptions cannot be automatically reo newed by the patient. (c) Schedule III (mainly the less potent narcotics, the barbiturates and the amphetamines); possession is limited to registered physicians, hospitals and other specialists: prescriptions
Minn. College Nam~s laymen to Two Jobs ST. PAUL (NC)-Two laymen have been appointed to administrative posts at the College of St. Thomas here, Msgr. Terrence J. Murphy, college president, said Charles R. Haugh of St. Paul, has been name:! college controller to succeed John St. Martin who joined the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese staff and Frank .1. Chiodi, Jr., of St. Paul, has heen named assistant director of counseling, a new post.
VISITATION GUILD, NORTH EASTHAM The Visitation Guild will hold a penny sale at 7 Wednesday night, July 30 in the church hall on Massasoit Road.
years for the second sale to a person under 18. (d) Schedule IV (combination drugs which have substantial amounts of Schedule II and III drugs-mainly such drugs containing codeine and opium). Sentences generally range from probation to a maximum of one year. Pen'atties The bill also provides for civil penalties of up to a $25,000 fine per offense for violation of regulations on importation, exportation and manufacture. The bill also provided for four broad law enforcement powers: (I) The power to obtain search warrants for dangerous drugs at night. (2) The power to obtain a warrant to enter suspected premises without knocking in cases where illegal drugs may be destroyed. (3) The power to require manufacturing firms to submit to administrative inspections without the necessity of showing that the firm may be operating in violation of the law. (4) A witness immunity provision. The Attorney General said that the new bill will be administratively' implemented by several new enforcement programs including special emphasis on the conviction of the "top ten" narcotics wholesalers in each major metropolitan area; the addition of 140 more agents in the I3ureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in fiscal 1970; and the addition of 250 more agents in fiscal 1971. The Bureau now has about 760 agents.
Teaches Hindunsm At San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Father Mariasusai Dhavamony, S.J., visitor at the University of San Francisco, is one of 23 foreign theologians on the Summer session faculty. The Oxford-educated theologian from India is teaching comparative Hinduism and Christianity. He is spending the Summer here because USF, a Jesuit university, has a marked demand for his speciality, but the Vatican Jesuits want to keep him. Father Dhavamony is satisfied with an occasional two weeks in Shembaganum, his home in South India, and admittedly ha!; strong intellectual ties to Rome. Father Dhavamony, who has taught for three years at the Gregorian University in Rome, said, "There is more source material on Hinduism in Rome than I could find in all of India. Not to mention Oxford where I did a doctorate. The British didn't leave their empire empty-handed," His students here, "Sisters, priests, laymen - reflect . the West's increasing curiosity about Oriental religions," he said. "The interest is keen and on a high level, They want to know what the Eastern rei igious experience has to offer. Perhaps it can fill a few gaps in their own."
NEW BEDlFOJRD Mt. Carmel P.T.A. Annual Outing will take place on Sun· day, July 27 tit Camp Massasoit (Shining Tides), in Mattapoisett, Rt. 6, opposite Knights of Columbus Shrine. Hours are from 9:30 to 7:30. Swimming pool and many activities will be available. Each family will be charged a small fee. Grills and portable shade makers are suggested. Past, present and future members are urged to attend; come .and meet the incoming officers for the next two years. I
ENCOURAGEMENT: Mest Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Bishop of Brownsville, Texas, and former Chancellor of Fall River and pastor of St. Michael's Church in Fall River, encourages Portuguese immigrant youngster studying at Fall River'.; English as a Second Language program. The Bishop recalls that he came over from the Azores as a 16-year old non-English speaking immigrant.
Forget It Missionary's Tape lRecorder Tangled Ill'll Red Tape S1'. COLUMBANS (NC)-The young Society of St. Columban missioner, for obvious reasons, requested he remain nameless and his place of assignll1ent be kept anonymous. But this is how his letter read: "I was glad to receive your letter last ·week. The tape recording you sent also arrived but I haven't been able to get it out of the post office yet. "I received a notice "from the post office two weeks ago, telling me there was a package, A few days later I went down to pick it up, but found that packages can only be picked up in' the mornings. "Next day I returned and found that packages can he picked up every morning exce~t Thursdays, .Saturdays and Sundays. It was a Thursday. "When I returned Friday they asked for identification which, of course, I didn't have with me. "The following Monday I returned with passport and signed for the package. Then they said, 'Come back for it in a few mo;e days.' I asked why and they declared, 'We never release a package until we can verify your identification.' Another Try "By this time I had lost a little of my composure and told them
to forget the whole thing and send the package back to the U. S. But the official solemnly said that was impossible for 90 days, until the proper time had expired. So I just left. "A week later, after I'd cooled off, I decided to give it another try. When I got there I discovered that the papers I'd signed the week before had expired, so I would have to sign new papers. Of coure, I would again need identification and, of course, I didn't have my passport with me. "So the tape is still in the post office and I doubt if I'll go near the place again. Actually I wouldn't mind so much except that the post office is a 45minute walk from my mission. Tomorrow I'm being tranferred even farther away. So I hope you won't mind if your tape is returned ,;, ,~ '~some day."
Letters also went to the heads of government of Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and Canada. No Biafran officials received the message because the United States does not recognize the secessionist government, according to Ronald 1.. Ziegler, White House press secretary, who made the announcement. Ziegler also said the President's letters did not go into specific points of negotiation or specific remedies, but stressed the need for resuming the ship. ments to ease suffering.
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WASHINGTON (NC)-Presi· dent Nixon has urged resumption of food and other shipments to Biafra. He made the appeal in letters sent to officials and relief agencies involved in the Nigerian civil war, including Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, coordinator of Joint Church Aid-U.S.A.; and Marcell A. Navill, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 24, 1969
H,ome G~own fU"uit Hleip~
Cut We,ekly Sf,ore Bills By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick I have no idea what 'other people pay for fruit, but _ our weekly bill is staggering. It seems t~at Marilyn and I are always picking up bananas, apples, pears, etc., and as soon as they get into the fruit bowl the'y disappear. I'm. afraid that I am· partially to blame for this rapid dis- (and we were so small) that even the tips of our ears appeared to appearance, because I like get in on the good eating. nothing better than a crisp apple or a slice of jucy melon. As a result, Summer is rather like a financial respite for us since we do have some of our own fruit, although a very limited amount, and it helps to satisfy the children's fruit hunger without constant trips to the marKet. For the past three mornings I have had a large helping of freshly picked raspbert'ies for breakfast, and a perfect breakfast it is. With a dash of sugar and a few drops of cream these raspberries are fit for a king. And yet of all the things we grow, these have to be the easiest. Except for cutting back the canes in the Fall, I can honestly say that nary a minute is spent in their culture. ' For Lazy Gardeners For those of you who have a sunny spot in the garden and enough room to let the unde~ ground shoots spread out, there is n9t a better specimen (or the lazy gardener to deal with. We have enough berry plants now to provide about two quarts'of berries each day; we spend more time picking the berries than' we do in caring for them. Blueberries are another. matter. The bushes this year are over-laden with them, but our garden is filled with birds, including a pair of cardinals who are having a feast on the blueberries.We have tried everything but netting the bushes and I think that if we are to save any berries next year we will have to resort to that. As it is now, the birds eat the berries when they are' just turning red, far too early for human consumption. For those of you who love fresh fruit of any kind, I would strongly suggest a go at red raspberries. We have one or two Latham berries and an unknown variety my father bought years ago. The latter spreads very quickly and 'produces a good juicy berry. In the Kitchen As we drive by the seafood markets along the Westport River on our daily trips to the beach, I can't resist stopping at least once a week and getting enough clams and a small piece of whitefish for a home clamboil. Joe adores clams and those we buy are fresh 'from the sea and kept perfectly clean by being kept in a continually running salt water bath until chosen to grace some hungry tourist's table. My children will eat a few and so will I, but never do I start a clamboil that my thoughts don't turn to my late father. He loved to cook a c1amboil for family and friends and he never felt that a Summer season was complete until he had served at least two or three boils. I remember so well enjoying them in my Aunt Grace's yard in Swansea under the evercool grape vine. As children, my cousins and I were riever big on the clams but we surely did love those huge pieces of icy watermelon that we enjoyed at the end of a meal. They were so big
Top on Bottom? When I married Joe a clamboil controversy began in our family. My father insisted that the clams go on the bottom of the boil and Joe was equally insistent that ,~ they go 'on the top. Every Summer the discussion ~ would resume al)d while my. father, who was a gentle soul """"j who hated arguments, would allow Joe to put the clams on top you could be positive that he really didn't feel that this was the way it should be done. Last week I finally bought a huge clam steamer (an item that I have been yearning for over the years) and in the sheet of in'! structions are the directions for .~.. making a New England clamboil. This manufacturer -also felt MISSION SUPPLY: Former lay Mission Helper, Frances laterza, of San Gabriel, Calif., has that the clams should be on the a .depot in her bac~yard for donated medicines to be sent to the missions. Here Father Evarist top of the boil because they of Kuwulong helps crate medicines for his parish in Wa, Ghana, with the help, of Queenie Wynn, course take the shortest q>oking left, and Rosamarie Carillo. NC Photo, time. But I'm sure that my father is sitting up in heaven saying to himself that this manufacturer too really didn't know how to make an old time boil. Whether you' put your clams Archbishop 'Deplores Public Indifference on the top or the bottom, SumBOSTON (NC)-Lay teachers mer clamboils are one of the in Boston archdiocesan high T~ Housing Need nicest things about being a New schools and Richard Cardinal MIAMI (NC)-Widespread inHe noted that the Community Cushing have agreed on a teachEnglander. The next time you Board serve a clamboil, why not try difference among the people of Relations and the ers' contract :calling for salaries this clamcake recipte fOr a de- Dade County to the urgent need churches ,of the community then comparable to those paid in local lightful addition. for public housing "can destroy assisted in the establishment of public schools. This recipe comes from the ·us as a community," Archbishop several non-profit groups to meet John F. Gilhooly, president of Dighton Historical Society Cook- Coleman F. Carroll said here. the need. "There was not much the Boston Archdiocesan School book and I'm quite sure this In a statement presented to impact discernible," he'stated. Teachers Association, said "for cookbook is still available at the the county's Community Rela"Piece by piece we the people Dighton Gift Shop. tions Board, the archbishop said of Dade County have stripped a first contract it's excellent." The one-year contract covers th~ opponent of low-cost public the opponent of housing for the Clam Fritters housing is '~really we the people poor of all its armor," he said. all lay teachers in central and of Dade County. 1 pint fresh clams "Now, so exposed, -we see the . other high schools under the ..It is we," Archbishop Carroll If:! cup clam liquor opponent is really we the people supervision of the archdiocese. Besides setting wage scale, said, "who bring pressure to bear of Dade County. If:! teaspoon salt the contract ratifies existing proto stop * 0:< * building public 2 cups flour ..It is who oppose justifihousing in our neighborhoods," able zoning variances * 0:< * it is grams of health and life insur2' teaspoons baking powder ance. the archbishop said. 2 eggs we who permit the governmental Under the contract, teachers Archbishop Carroll said he. agencies to play their games in 1 cup milk 1) Sift the dry ingredients to- was issuing the statement to order to avoid the admission that with bachelor's degrees will regether, the baking powder, flour focus the attention of the cOrrr- Congress has not appropriated ceive from $6,000 to $9,200 a year, while those with· master's and salt munity on "one of our most se- enough money. degrees will be paid from $6,300 2) Add the well beaten eggs, . riously deplorable conditions: the "And' it is we, who, through to $10,300. The agreement does clam liquor and milk 'slowly to lack of decent housing, particuour indifference, encourage the larly for the poor.;' not apply to teachers in schools make a batter. Stir well. 3) Grind the clams with the In his statement, the arch- Congress to appropriate funds run by parishes or religious .combishop said that as much a,s 20 that are far less than the munities. coarse blade of the food chopper. 4) Add to the batter and drop per cent of the county's popula- amounts they have previously . into deep, hot fat. Cook about 8 tion is living in involuntary pov- authorized for this pressing problem of housing the poor. Labor of Man to 10 minutes. erty. At first, the reason given (for "Our indifference is causing There is no real wealth but the the lack of low-cost housing) further' dehumani~ation of the labor of man. Were the mounAsks National Meeting was' that there were no non- poor," Archbisho~ Carroll said. tains of. gold and the valleys of profit groups interested or or- "Our indifference causes us to silver, the world would not be On Church Renewal ganized to sponsor this type of stand shamefaced before our one grain of corn richer; not one SAN JUAN (NC)-A member housing," Archbishop Carroll children and the ideals of the comfort would be added to the of the Puerto Rican hierarchy said. American dream." human race. -Shelley called for a national meeting to
Real Oppo,nent
Boston T'e'achers G'et Contract
advance the cause of Church renewal here, particularly in the field of social justice. In an address to the Overseas Press Club, Bishop Antulio Parrilla, S.J., holds no post in the national bishops' conference, said pastoral renewal is not the task of the' bishops alone. He recalled. that two years ago he denou-nced slowness in the application of Vatiean council norms on the island and called for a national synod of bishops, priests, laity' and non-Catholic representatives. Now, he added, the situation is almost the same "although some steps of progress have been taken ....
.Last~ Analysis
All business sagacity reduces itself in the last analysis to a judicious use of sabotage. .-Veblen
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Fake fun Furs
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
Fash~on Selene for fa~~
Nuns Take Jobs To Pay Debt
By Marilyn Ro«llell'llck
Fun, furry and fake seems to be the description of the coat scene for this coming Fall. It was a dreary Monday and the beach seemed lout of the question, so with Meryl in tow and the other two safely harbored at their Nana's, I we'nt on a tour of the downtown shopping dis- son but pretty soon it began to more time at the cleaners trict, and couldn't help but spend than on my back and this was notice the abundance of fur even BC (before children). Final-
fashions. Skirts, weskits, pants and of course coats are already decorating the store windows with their smashing fashion •• pow." Worn with them are shiny black boots and other leather accessories. From the look of the assortment in the stores now, in July, it's the time to pick one up if you want the best selection. . The prices certainly are right, with many full length coats selling in the $100 to $120 price range and the shorter versions around $50. Youth, per usual, has adopted these fun furs as its own but' many a younghearted and stylish matron will find one of these the perfect extra coat. I think if it were your only Winter coat you would get very tired of it but if you feel your budget could stretch to include a little frivolous expenditure, this could be it. Those who lead a more casual slacks and sports skirts life will find the short jackets as stylish as the long fakes. Many of the shorter versions are trimmed· with a contrasting long-haired fur and are belted for a sporty look. Real Fur Now if your budget could stand a little more stretching and you want real fur 'instead of fake, try one of the very lowpriced (for fur, that is) fun furs such as muskrat, dyed South African lamb and Mongolian lamb. Prices on this type of fun fur run anywhere from $195 to $535, but then you are getting the real thing. About 13 years ago I purchased what I think was one of the first fake fur coats to come on the market. In those days it was called Borgana but sadly, because I've always preferred style over practicality, I bought a white one. It was just lovely the first sea-
Bavarian Association Disagrees With Priests MUNICH (NC) - The official clergy association in the state of Bavaria has made it clear that it does not support the demands of the dissident priests who held a meeting in Chur, Switerland, at the same time as the symposium of European bishops. In a statement released here the Bavarian association, which includes 85 per cent of the clergy of the Munich and Speyer dioceses, rejected the charge of the Chur priests' meeting that the decision of the European bishops not to allow the priests to participate in the symposium made the Church and the bishops lose much of their credibility. The statement said that although the association is interested in the questions discused by the bishops, it respects their desire and intention to first discuss these issues in closed meetings. .
ly even the cleaner threw up his hands in disgust because the soil was getting harder and harder to remove. Sadly I pushed my (by now) tattle-tale grey coat to the back of the closet (I didn't have the heart to throw it away), and gave it up as a loss. Fur Accessories Probably in the past 13 years cleaning know how on these fake furs has come a long way, but with this past in mind I would purchase a black or brown one if I were to buy any at all. Don't fret if real fur is too riery for your blood. With the big focus on accessories, muffs, hats and flmiting fur scarfs will make just as big an impression as a full length mink (well, almost). And this type of fur you can buy with the butter and egg money!
Urges Improved
Adult Education
SOMEONE CARES: Maryknoll Sister Marie Crowley bends over tiny sufferer in Saigon where she has been working with a Catholic Relief Services team of religious and lay people.
MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - Some 40 nuns of the order of St. Bene· dict are working at a variety of secretarial jobs in the Twin Cities area this Summer. All their salaries are paid directly to their order, which has an imme· diate and urgent need for the money. . The project was begun when the Sisters found themselves without suffi<:ient income to meet a large payment on their new St. Paul Priory. The situation stemmed from a drop in the number of young women joining the order, combined with increased retirements. ' Sister Rolaine, assistant to the mother superior, said the nuns were faced with finding the needed funds or else refinancing at a three per cent hike in interest rates, to eight-and-one-half per cent. One Sister contacted a Minneapolis employment firm which specializes in temporary positions. A company official offered a free brush-up course in office practices before placing the Sisters in jobs. The Sisters wear conservative street clothes and black veils on the job. Sister Rolaine said the veils are removed if employers object strongly to them. If the Sisters' efforts are not successful in raising sufficient funds, Sister Rolaine said, they may have to seek a lowinterest loan, or contributions from benefactors. But "we wanted to do this through our own efforts, if possible," she said.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the adult commisBishops to Participate in Religious sion, National Catholic Educational Association, said adult edEducation Congress ucation programs under Catholic HARTFORD (NC)-Wide par- by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph P. auspices would be more effective if a central clearing house were ticipation of bishops as leaders Donnelly of' Hartford, formerly Vn.ce-President established to channel informa- of discussions and seminars will dfrector of the Diocesan Labor Priest be one of the highlights of the Institute. tion between them. Of Fiji Church Council During the weekend meeting, Dr. Frances G. Loring said in 23rd annual New England ConSUVA (NC)-A Catholic priest a statement: "There is no magic gress .of' Religious Education, to expected to draw more than was elected vice-president of the 5,000 Religious and lay people, be held at the campus of the Uniformula for success in this field. historically protestant Fiji CounBut what is sorely needed is a versity of Connecticut here, the pastorals of the American cil of Churches (FCC). He is bishops will be examined by a central clearing house that would Aug. 23-24. Father Martin Dobey, 43, an The religious education con- bishops' panel. make possible the sharing of proIrish-born Columban missionary. More than 40 seminars will fessional know-how, comparison gress will be hosted this year by Father Dobey, who has served of techniques and sponsoring of Archbishop John F. Whealon and _examine such topiCs as adoles- in Fiji since 1951, has been a the archdiocese of Hartford's cent psychology, guidelines for research." member of the FCC since 1967. Dr. Loring, who has had more Confraternity of Christian Doc- sexuality, respect for life, basic He noted that closer ties between trine. aids of religious education, adthan "15 years' experience in Inner-city problems will be the diction, discovery in song, stim- Catholics and Protestants have adult education, praised impetus resulted in common prayer sergiven Catholic adult education subject of a presentation by ulating awareness in youngsters vices and cooperation in social (pre-school through high school), Coadjutor Bishop Peter L. Gerety following Vatican Council II, and first penance, first Eucharist, action projects. also "the immense service ren- of Portland, Maine. Bishop Bernard Flanagan of palchal mystery, and film study. dered to church-related programs Lo~k Out in continuing educatipn by secu- Worcester plans to consider the The trouble with the ladder of lar associations of adult educa- theology of confirmation while Polish Women's Alliance success is that it collapses. tors." "~ut they cannot com- Bishop Gerald E. Carter of Lon- To Mark Anniversary -Glasow. pletely meet the acknowledged don, Ont., will explore the conDOYLESTOWN (NC) - John cept of Christian humanism. needs," she added. Labor and leisure will be the Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia "That's one reason why topics of a seminar to be headed will celebrate Mass at the U.S. NCEA, as an association of proThe ANCHOR national Shrine of Our Lady of fessional educators, is attemptCzestochowa here in Pennsylinging to identify its own role in Harmonize Science, vania Aug. 24, celebrating the • TYPE SET the area of continuing education f 70th anniversary of the founding • PRINTED BY OFFSET under Catholic sponsorship, to Religion in A rica of the Polish Women's Alliance identify the relationships be-' ROMA (NC)-To show the of North America. • MAILED tween various organizations ac- harmony 'between religion and Before the Mass, Cardinal Krol tive in the field, and to chart a science, a project called the will bless a specially designed - BY THE practical course·, of action for it- Lesotho Observatory Foundation and cast altar cross which Mrs. self." and Institute of Natural Revela- Adele Lagodzinska, president of tion is taking shape here in the alliance, will present to the southern Africa. . shrine on behalf of the women's FALL RIVER Number Leaving Church The project began with a grant group. ·of land in 1962., The man behind Increases Sharply it is a 59-year-old priest-scientist BERLIN (NC)-There has been Father Rudolf Bacher. a sharp increase in the number As a professor, Father Bacher of West Berliners leaving the Church. Statistics released by the found that many of his African \ diocesan chancery reveal that 30 students thought Christianity • Savings Bank Life Insurance per cent more left the Church was incompatible with the discoveries of science. He hopes • Real Estate Loallis in 1968 in 1967. that this project will better • Christmas and Vacation Clubs In 1967, a total of 905 adults inform 2,000 students of Roma and 37 children left the Church; Valley. • Savings Accounts in 1968, the number rose to 1,He explains: "A new synthesis • 5 Convenient Locations 333 adults and 38 child~n. of science and faith is developing. Another increase is expected The Lesotho Observatory Founthis year, because more than 800 dation will investigate this conNEW BEDFORD persons have already left the fluence by scientific methods Church in the first six months of arid present it to the younger 1969. generation. "
Check These Banking Services
Issues Guidelin'e~ for Ecumenism
. THE ANCHOIl.:.... Thurs., July 24, 1969
Assert Biafran Situation Pc»ses U. S. Probl'em WASHINGTON (NC)-The starvaJion of more than a million persons in Biafra as a result of the Nigerian' civil war is becoming more of a moral problem for the United States, according to both Church and State officials who testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Refugees. This is also what many officials have said, and still are saying, about the war in Vietnam. But the quag~ire that engulfed the U. S. in Vietnam has fnade officials cautious about any role this nation may play in the Biafran situation. In Vietnam it is matter of taking part in the fighting and becoming involved in Vietnamese politics. Church and State officials asking the U. S. to help the starving thousands in Biafra, however, tend to shy away from any military and political solutions. Help for Biafrans, they declare, must be on the sole grounds of humanitariaism. Sen Charles E. Goodell' of New York, testifying before the subcommittee, said: Humanitarian Goals "The Administration should make it clear that it' is concerned with humanitarian objectives, not with achieving any particular political solution of the Nigerian conflict. Whether Nigeria and Biafra are ultimately united in one nation or divided into two cannot be a matter for us to debate; it is a decision to be made by the people involved." Church officials seeking' help for the hungry Biafrans do not even mention Vietnam. Their appeal sticks strictly to the need to feed the hungry. But some of them, like Jan van Hoogstraten, director of the Africa Department of. Church World Service, Division of Overseas Ministries, National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of Amerka, do not hesitate to suggest action that would have some degree of political ·implications. "We hope that steps towards an arms embargo, followed by negotiations for a ceasefire a'nd eventual peace' talks, al'e the active concern of our government, . which in consultation with other governments, can still play a major role in facilitating such negotiations leading to a just peace," Hoogstraten told the subcommittee. Even Goodell was critical of Britain,' Russia, and France for supplying arms to the Nigerian conflict. But he praised the U. S. for not becoming militarily involved.
Low Perseverance For Seminarians RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-Qnly three out of every 500 youths who enter seminaries in Rio de Janeiro state persevere. 'to become priests, a study has shown. This low rate is seen as the principal reason for the lack of priests in the area. There is talk here of importing more priests from Europe. European priests now comprise 40 'per cent of the priests in the state, where there is only one priest for every 8,000 Catholics. The proportion is worse in large cities,like Campos with one priest for every 14,00 Catholics and Nova Iguacu with one priest for every 26,OQO Catholics.
ECUMENISM IN AFRICA: Uganda, the country selected f~r' Pope Paul's historic visit to Africa, has one of the African continent's most outstanding ventures in ecumenism, the Uganda Joint Christian Council. The prelates exchanging the kiss of peace have preached in each other's cathedrals. They are, right, Archbishop Emmanuel K. Nsubuga, Archbishop of Rubaga (Kampala), and the Anglican Bishop of Namirembe, Dr. Dunstan Nsubuga. Chairman of the council is Iowa-born Bishop Vincent McCauley, C.S.c., of Fort Portal, Uganda. NC Photo.
ST. PAUL (NC)-The St. PaulMinneapolis archdiocese released its first Guidelines for Ecumenism" to "foster a spirit of charity and friendly cooperation between Catholics and their Christian brothers." The nearly 10,000 word document is the work of the five-yearold Archdiocesan Ecumenical Commission, which was established by Archbishop Leo Binz and was originally chaired by Auxiliary Bishop James P. Shannon. the guidelines report has been in preparation for about four years, the chancery said. The document is divided into three major sections: guidelines for prayer and worship in common, guidelines for education in ecumenism, and guidelines for Christian dialog. . Coadjutor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne said he will be "in close communication," to handle the various questions which "will arise in the implementation of the guidelines" and in the solving of any problems. The guidelines calI for increased cooperation and "a spirit of reciprocity" between groups in worship, education, and dialog.
Establish Higher Education Center
ST. LOUIS (NC) - St. Louis University has established a Cen,ter for Christian Higher Education to provide research and services relating to the problems of church-related colIeges and universities. The center will serve churchthe new situation; others con- related higher education through ceded their own neglect in grasp- administrative and academic ing opportunities. consultant services; disseminaAccording to Brother Corbett, tion -of inforr:nation; training prothe_ results were favorable if one grams in educational administra· considers "what students learned tion; and survey and research about themselves," rather than . work. about the content of courses. He The center will begin operation expects that students will grad- in September according to Father ually adjust more to their new Paul C. Reinert, S.J., university environment of self-responsibil- president. , ity. Father Reinert said the center 'The major goal of the new was being established in re-, program is "to develop the self- sponse to a "national need for a directed learner," Other goals major church-related university were listed as follows: to give direction and leadership" To increase the power of the in coping with the vast and comindividual to live iri his world. plex problems and issues facing To help the student be a' free Christian higher education toand morally responsible human- day," being: To help the student enjoy freedom through order and selfdiscipline. -To help the young student develop skills which make him See Us relatively independent of help About from an adult. The basic movement at Chaminade ,"is to get away from the teacher-centered classroom to the student-centered classroom," according to Brother Corbett. The project rules out a class dominated by the teacher giving lectures, student note-taking and Falmouth Wareham frequent tests on student recalI 548-3000 295·3800 of his notes.
Self·Direction -School Experimental Goal Class Attendance 'Optional-No Failures DAYTON (NC) - The 1,200 students at Dayton's Chaminade High School will be "put on their own" when classes resume in September and the institution become$ a model experimental school for the Cincinnati archdiocese. Compulsion will be de-emphasized in favor of the freedom of the student to develop his own capabilities and sense of responsibility. Class attendance will not be mandatory, fewer and shorter examinations will help the student evaluate his own progress and no one in any course will be rated a "failure." The revolutionary' program of education at the school for boys was outlined this week by Brother Tom Corbett, S.M.,' a curriculum coordinator for archdiocesan schools, who will spend much of his time next year with the steering of the Chaminade project. Brother Wayne Klenotik, S.M., will be directing the project with the faculty. Student Freedom . Chaminade has been engaged in implementing new concepts of
Postpone Catholic Press Sy'mposium DAYTON (NC) ~ A Catholic Press -symposium for 20 editors and 20 bishops, originally scheduled for July, has been postponed' until Dec. 3 to 5. It will be held at Bergamo Center here. The postponment was requested by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, chairman of the Communications Department, United States Catholic Conference, in 'expectations that the Holy See will issue a statement of some kind on communications media between now and December. Th,e meeting, endorsed by the I Communications Department will be co-sponsored ,by Bergamo Center and the Catholic Press Association.
student freedom in its educational programs for some time, but the experimentation has largely been within departments, with the science department leading the way. Chaminade's faculty, composed of Society of Mary (Marianists) members and laymen, voted in favor of implementing the guidelines for the new program throughout the school this September. "We want to get away from authoritarianism and the 'towthe-mark-or-else' approach to education," said Brother Corbett. In the science department last year, teachers didn't "make students do things," Brother Corbett said. Class attendance was not required. ' Lists Goals The experience was described as "mixed." Only' a small group of students thought they took advantage of the challenges of
Church Dignitaries Att,end launching
Plan To Build? Low"Cost Financing
CAPE KENNEDY (NC)-Highranking ecclesiastical dignitaries of all faiths were present at the launching, of Apollo 11. They were invited to view the take-off of the moon-bound space craft by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency and the U.S, Air Force. They included Terence Cardi, nal Cooke of New York; Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami; Bishop Arnold M.' !-ewis, Episcopal prelate of the armed forces; Bishop William D. Borders of Orlando; and Aryeh Lev, director, Commission on Jewish cHaplaincy. The church dignitaries were the guests of the Patrick Air Force Base for the moon launch . and also for an extensive tour of the Kennedy Space Center-. f.'1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
Score Governor On Food Problem ~n Baltimore
Prelate Back~ Chavez Stand
BALTIMORE (NC) - The Maryland Food Committee, Inc., is seeking $1.5 million from private sources to buy bag lunches for 15,00 undernourished Baltimore school children in the 1969-70 school year. The Food Committee will not make an official reply to Gov. Marvin Mandel's denial of charges that his promise to provide free lunches for Maryland school children was a "political maneuver." After several futile attempts to contact the governor to find out his intentions to eliminate the lunch problem, the Food Committee, composed of Baltimore religious and lay leaders, held a press conference at the Catholic Center criticizing Gov.' Mandel for his failure to "respond to the needs of Maryland's hungry children." In the governor's denial of the Food Committee's charge, he said his administration had a "strong and sincere" interest in feeding hungry children but "an equally strong and sincere" determination to operate within the law and the state budget. Gov. Mandel noted that a $2 mill.ion state budget proposed for the 1969-70 fiscal year intended to provide lunches for needy children had been elil";'inated before he became governor. Gov. Mandel said he hoped to have a workable lunch program in effect by September, 1969, but did not indicate that the necessary funds are available. 15,000 Needy At the press conference, Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore, a fllember of the .Food Committee, said: "If the program is to be in effect by September, private individuals and organizations will have to meet the need. But, because private organizations cannot handle the entire financial load for any length of time, the program should be implemented with full expectation that the state will assume its part." Mrs. J. Royal Tippett, chairman of the Food Committee, said a plan has been formulated to provide bag lunches but the necessary funds are not available. According to Mrs. Tippett, lunch for one child will cost $100 yearly and the committee hopes to feed 15,000 needy children per year.
Incorporate Slovak Refugees' Fund STRATFORD (NC}..L-Attorney Edward J. Behuncik, president of the Slovak League of America, announced that the American Fund for Slovak Refugees, Inc., was incorporated on July I under the laws of the State of Conflecticut to "assist our Slovak brethren and kinfolk who have escaped from the communist yoke in their native Slovakia."
Behuncik said "because of the in-ternational recognition of the separate Republic of Slovakia as part of the federated Czechoslovakia, it is timely that we assist our Slovak directly brethren ra~her than indirectly through non-Slovak agencies. The American Fund for Slovak Refugees will work closely with Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and nondenominational refugees in the United States and various other centers in Europe. A Slovak representative was appointed in Vienna, Austria, to make arrangements and work with such agencies.
COURTESY VDSIT: President Richard M. Nixon with Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, as they talked in the President's office at the White House. After spending, half an hour with the President, Archbishop Raimondi told newsmen his call was "a courtesy visit." NC Photo.
Issues Social Responsibility Directive Prelate Asks -Revision of W,elfa re Laws BATON ROUGE (NC}-Legislation for the revision of existing state welfare laws was urged in a document on social responsibility by Bishop Robert E. Tracy of Baton Rouge. The directive also asked for legislation to improve conditions at the state industrial school for black youths near Baton Rouge. The document was the third and final one on Church renewal produced by the Lay Congress of the diocese. Other documents of renewal, developed by the Lay Congress and already promulgated, deal with administrative structures and educati9n. New consultative, and administrative advisory bodies in those two fields are already functioning. Better Housing The Board of Social Responsibility, of which Father Elmer Powell, S.V.D., is executive secretary, has been functioning for more than a year. The bishop's promulgation, however, gives the body permanent status and sets forth the composition of the per:
Jesuits Name Two Vice-Provincials SAN FRANCISCO (NC}-Two former University of San Francisco administrators have been named to newly created positions as vice provincials of the' California Province of the Society of Jesus. Father Richard P. Vaughan, S.J., 50, has been appointed vice provincial for education in charge of Jesuits working in three universities and five high schools in California and Arizona. Until July 1 Father Vaughan was a psychology professor and dean of liberal arts and science at the ·university. Father Robert L. Maloney, S.J., 40, is the new vice-provincial for formation, supervising all Jesuits studying for the priesthood or working for advanced degrees. He is former associate dean for freshmen at the university.
manent Social Responsibility Board. Under Father Powell, a pastor in the Eden Park ghetto area, the social responsibility board has established several acting committees to deal with local social problems and has decided that one of the most pressing social needs in the diocese is that of better housing. According to Bishop Tracy's letter of promulgation, there are more than 15,000 substandard homes in Baton Rouge alone. Under consideration by the Office of Social Responsibility'
Announce Members Of Pope's Party VATICAN CITY (NC) - Three cardinals and other Vatican officials will ac:;company Pope Paul VI on his historic flight to Uganda, Africa, o.n July 31. The Vatican has announced that the Pope will be accbmpanied by a small official party including Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, dean of the college of cardinals; Jean Cardinal Villot, Papal Secretary of State, and Gregory Cardinal Agagianian, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People. Others making up the Pope's party will be Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, Undersecretary of State; Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, secretary of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church; Bishop Giacomo Martin, prefect of the Apostolic Palace, and Joseph Amichia, a member of the Vatican' Council of the Laity. Also aboard the East African Airways plane will be a number of newsmen and photographers.
Proper Balance Our problem in money-making or governmental affairs is how to remain properly venturesome and experimental without making fools of ourselves. -Baruch
is a plan whereby the diocese will enter into a cooperative agreement with the federal government in an effort to help alleviate the ,housing problem. Spirit of Council "I am confident," Bishop Tracy said, "that Catholics are aware of the importance of addressing ourselves, in the spirit of Vatican II, to the social problems of our day, those internal to the Church as well as those with which our fellow men in general are struggling. A Catholic today must be a person who, because of his access to the full deposit of faith and the channels of divine grace which are to be found in' the Catholic Church, should be the very first ,to sense with sympathy the agony and the needs of modern man, his problems of the spirit, and the crushing isues of poverty, war, discrimination' and insecurity." The bishop thanked those persons who have spent more than two years in study and planning before arriving at a final consensus on the directive on social responsibility. He also expressed his gratitude to those members of other faiths' who contributed their services and advice during the interim period of the board. "I hope," the bishop said, "that we shall continue to have the benefit of their services as we meet the social responsibilities of our community in a Christlike spirit."
BERKELEY (NC) Bishop Hugh A. Donohoe of Stockton told a workshop here that he considers farm labor leader Cesar Chavez' new legislative demands covering agricultural employes "very reasonable," and promised his personal' support toward their passage. Chavez, director of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (AFL-CIO), told a Congressional labor committee that his union seeks exemption "for a time" from the Taft-Hartley and Landrum-Griffin restrictions on recognition and organizational picketing and the secondary boycott. Bishop Donohoe made his statement of support at the conclusion of a farm labor legislation workshop, held at the University of California Newman Center. The program was sponsored by a number of national and local church and labor groups, including the San Francisco archdiocesan and the Oakland diocesan Commissions on Social Justice. Bishop Donohoe emphasized that the right to organize is one of the keystones of the Church's social teachings and that this right must he reconized by all and positively encouraged. There has been widespread criticism that Chavez, in his demands, was asking for special treatment for his union, rights not now enjoyed by the U. S. labor movement.
P'roject Equality Gets Research Director CHICAGO (NC) - James B. Morris, 25, an engineer and management consultant, was named director of research for Project Equality, nationwide program designed to use religious economic power for equal employment opportunities. He will be responsible for compiling the PE Buyers' Guide of equal opportunity employers and for determining progress of the program nationally.
KINYON lehool of Bu,.ln••• Aeelilltlll' .-' ClerIc.' . Stertt.rl••
Co",puter Prler.",,,,lnc. Sc~ol.rillipi
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Wrlto f.r C.'al., Ter. tn·5448 New Bedford,
Have a Home Clamboil
I U~Na:~~~~:A~EN
I T.I. "7-'358
ffilllllll 111111III11111111111111111111111111111[111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~
THE ANCHO~-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs., July
Cites Need forifif@wmea Public Opinion in Church By Msgr. George G. Higgins'
Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. John O'Connor, former editor of the San Francisco. archdiocesesan newsapper, The Monitor, .and subsequently editor of the Wilmington diocesan paper, The Delmarva Dialog, has just published a rip snortin','em In other ~ords, whIle ~r. report on the "rapical split . '. h h" O'Connor's fIercely aggressIve In the AmerIcan C urc bedside manner will never win over the issue of freedom him an AMA award as the most and authority. Entitled "The compassionate and most patient
l@lrng.. Dedicated Negro le@der Cite! D(»~ger of TW(Q) S@cietie$ i~ N@tion MILWAUKEE (NC)-She had the dignity, the poise and the warmth that comes of accomplishment. Activity had clothed her with a youthfulness that made her chronological age of 61 seem a lie. Mrs. Marie G. Leatherman looks more like 45.
patience and understanding, thinking of all people as human beings, I think we could very easily do it (avoid complete separatism)," The church's role can be very influential, she said. "I think somehow the church - in my church, too, (Presbyterian)-we had become too wrapped up in the social c1u,b type activity. I've seen churches move out of changing neighborhoods. I think this is the greatest challenge a church can face-to stay in the chang'ing neighborhood and serve the community there." Black Priests Asked whether more black priests would aid the black community's. problems, Mrs. Leatherman commented from her experience working with Catholic priests in the Detroit archdiocese: "The priests I came in contact with were so human. I never thought of them as black or white. If a priest is warm, he'll be accepted. We've seen this is true. "It might be however, that some people carried away with the idea of black and white separation may need a black priest. There are various needs." But Mrs. Leatherman added that black priests might accomplish more in a white community. "White people need to be oriented. They have the stereotype ideas about Negroes. We Negroes have stereotype ideas about whites, too-let's face it."
Relaxing in her suite at the Sheraton-Schroeder' hotel, she glanced around the room and said: "Let's face it. There was a time when we couldn't have held our conclave in a place like this. People Versus Rome" (Random a.nd most understanding practiWe've come a long way." House, New York, $5.95). it's the tlO~er of the year 1969, ~nd She was assessing the progress angriest book of whIle. I personally have the ImSCHOLAR: Attleboro A~ea of the civil rights movement, riot the year on this pressIOn t.ha.t he has yet to m.asor any other tel' the dIffIcult art of countmg Catholic Nurses Chapter has . assuming that all has been acsubject. For 20,0to 10 before he puts a s~nten~e awarded its 1969 scholarship complished, but reminding some odd p a g 'e s down on paper, I admIre hIS to Miss Sharon Gagne, daugh- "impatient militant leaders" that O'Connor hamfrankness, his unyielding devo- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril P. "it used to be much worse." mel's away at tion to. the truth. as .he sees it; Gagne of 44 Dennis St. AgradTwo Societies the authorities and hIS determmatlOn, come uate of Attleboro Hi~h she will what may, to call the shots as mercilessly and She said she hopes the nation enter the Rhode Isla~d Hospital is not heading for the two without a mohe sees them: School, of Nursing. ments let - up Critiqu.e Ove~done . societies, black and white, that In short, I lIked hIS book, WIth never stopping the Kerner commission spotonce to catch certain reservations, and I hope """"""""'''''''''''''''''''':''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""'''''''''''''''' '" lighted. "With some degree of that it will be taken 'seriously ing that the cooperation between his breath between paragraphs or to wIpe the even, .01' especi~lly, by those the Church and the press initiperspiration from his furrowed whom It was obvIOusly-perhaps at(!d with, such promise during Protest Attacks brow. too ?bviously -'- meant to dis-) the Second Vatican Council has OrganizCIltion Mr O'Connor would have comfIt. lapsed and reverted to an apparCAPE TOWN (NC)-The Namade' a great boxer. Indeed, Mr.. O'Connor's . impassioned' ent pre-Conciliar attitude of mistional Union of South African from the looks of the man (he is and hIghly personalIzed plea. for trust toward the press. great~r a rugged, handsome, and enor- greater hones.t~ .and A good example of this "pre- "-Students (NUSAS) at a meeting mously energetic human being, opennes~ of SpIrIt m t?e Cathohc' Conciliar attitude. of mistrust here passed a resolution conchock full of adrenalin) I would press strIkes me as bemg perhaps towards the press" is to be found demning government attacks on guess that he must hav~ had the his most. important contribution in a new boqklet containing the' the University Christian Movegloves on many a time when he to ~he dlal~gue on the overall text of several lectures on the men (UCM). The UCM is an ecumenical was growing up in San Francisco. subject of hIS book, namely, au- Council by the Archbishop of, Whatever of that, he has them thority and freedom or. authority Barcelona, a copy of whi<;h I se- and multi-racial student organiIts secretary-general, on, figuratively speaking, from versus freedom. . cured during a recent visit to zation. the beginning to the end of his . Though I h~~pen to thmk th~t Spain. The Archbishop excoriates 'Father, Colin Collins, a Catholic new book, and, while he gener- hl~ savage. crItIque of the Cath- the press for the way it covered priest, recently reported that he PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. is under surveillance .by the seally fights clean he shows no ohc press IS somewhat overdone Vatican, II. Sales ana Service mercy - none ~hatsoever - to and, in the the s~ecific case of "Iriformation about the Coun- cret police. ~ ~ tor' :Jomestlc, the opposition, namely, the the NC News S.ervlce, ra~her out .cil," he says, "has accomplished At its annu~lcongress'here ~"aJill Industrial powers-that-be in the institu-' of date and decldely unfaIr to the enormous good,but misinforma- NUSAS mentioned specific' atOil Burners tional Church in this country as present g.eneral secretary of the tion (about the Council) has tacks made by government offi995-1631 well as in Rome. U. S. ,Catholic Conference, I caused, and continues to cause, cials who called UCM "subver2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE ~ould be the first t? adm!t that Righteous Indignation terrible harm to the ChurCh." sive" and '''scarcely Christian,~" NEW BEDFORD In characterizing "The People h!s own sad e.xp~rIence. m the In great part, the Archbishop NUSAS delegates felt those atVersus Rome" as the angriest fIeld of Cathohc Journahsm en- continues, the world press tacks stemmed from UCM's outbook of the year, I don't mean titles him to i.ndulge in a certain stooped to sensationalism in spoken defense of the principles to be overly critical of Mr. amount of rIghteous and very covering the Council "as though of non-racialism. ' O'Connor's style. After all there wrathful indignation and also en- it were covering the wedding of is a legitimate place for titles him to be t~ken very seri- Jacqueline Kennedy and Ona!;;See Us first righteous indignation in the life ously when he bItterly laments sis." of the Church. the' tendency on the part of so Sins. of Few I would suggest, however, man~ ecclesiastical auth~rities to See Us Last I must respectfully disagree that, like garlic' or 'salt or any restrIct the free flow of mformaINSURANCE AGENCY, INC. with the Archbishop. To be sure, other precious condiment, it re- tion in the Church. 96 WILLIAM STREET some journalists stooped to senOld Problem quires, on the part of th~ chef But See Us . Mr. O'Connor probably knows sationalism in covering the who is using it, a steady hand , NEW BEDFORD, MASS. . and a delicate sense of balance more than he cares to know Council, but to indict the greater about this problem-and it's a part of the world press because and proportion. 998-5153 997-9167 Sticking to our gastronomic very serious problem indeed- of the sins of a few irresponsible PERSONAL SERVICE metaphor, let's say that French but he didn't discover it._Catho- journalists strikes me as being chefs have the reputation of be- lic and secular journalists, not unfair and very unfortunate. No wonder competent journaling better at this sort of thing only in the United States but in than the English, for example---; Europe and in other parts of the ists of Mr. O'Connor's caliber are and, moving back to the field of world as well, have been writing so discouraged and, in their dispolemical journalism, let's say about it, sometimes very bitterly, couragement, occasionally tend that the English, God help us, for ma'U' years, and they are still to become rather shrill in their have the reputation of being doing so four years after a criticism, of ecclesiastical authormore deft and more sophisticated Council which they had hoped ities and' in their defense of the ' , than Irishmen or Irish Americans would help to remedy the situ- freedom:"of the press. .' when it comes to measuring out ation. 7007 Kings The shrillness of their' critithe condiment of righteous inWithin recent weeks, for ex- cism I~a~ies me rather cold, put dignation in just· the right pro- ample, a French journalist, Rob- I can understand their discour' e r t Serrou, devoted an entire agement. Moreover I concur portion. This, being 'interpreted, means ch~pter' to the problem of the wholeheartedly with their opinthat, in my opinon, Mr. O'Con- Catholic press in a new book en- ion that the Church willirreparOpen Evenings nor is a little too indignant at ,titled Tempte Sur' L'Eglise, ~ ably damage its own credibility times and-I must ask him to ~ rapid-fire survey of develop- unless and until it recognizes, in forgive me for saying so--a little ments within the Chl,lrch since fact as well as in theory; the, too righteous, almost pharasa- the' end of the Council. need for the fullest possible Mr. Serrou finds a frightening' measure of freedom for the Cathically so, as well. As He Sees It lack of credibility in many Cath- olic press and the need for greatThis having been said, how- olic publications, even - or I er sensitivity and greater honever, I hasten to add that I should say especially-in L'Os- esty on the part of ecclesiastical agree with Monsignor John servatore Romano; the semi-offi- authorities in dealing with the Tracy Ellis when he notes that cial Vatican daily.. secular press as well. bishops and pastors would be Criticiz,e Vatican Press making a serious mistake if they Even more recently a convenThe--Master were to turn Mr. O'Connor' off tion of' Catholic journalists of merely because they are offend- German-speaking countries meetWe must not ask where scied by his polemical style, which ing in Austria, sharply criticized ence and technology are taking is admittedly just about as subtle Vatican press and information us, but rather how we can man653 Washington Street, Fairhaven as a sledge hammer and as policies and procedures, com- age s,cience and technology so 994-5058 soothing as a body-blow to the plaining in a statement made that they can help uS get where solar plexus. public at the end of their meet~ . we want to go.-Dubos. . ; ~~ . . . . .~~. . . .~~. . . .~~. .R~~..R~~R:R~~t;
,famous for
24.Hour Wrecker Service
Denver r?rie$.t Sends Draft Card 1'0 Pre~ode~fr==is Re",class;H~d DENVER (NC) - Father Craig Hart, 30, assistant pastor at Annunciation parish, has been issued a new draft card classifying him I-A. In January, he sent his original card with clerical exemption status to President Nixon "as an expression of religious and personal faith." After receiving his new c1assificatiqn in June, indicating he is eligible for military service, he returned his new draft card to the Selective Service Board in Colorado Springs, telling the board that "the classification is in error" and "you may wish to correct it." Father Hart, closely indentified with civil rights and anti-poverty causes - particularly those of Hispano-Americans who constitute the majority of Annunciation parishioners - participated in two demonstrations here a few weeks before he was reclassified June 10. He and others staged a mock funeral May 14 in the Colorado Capitol rotunda, just outside the governor's office, for several items of anti-poverty legislation that had been killed in the state legislature. Part of Liturgy The following day he was among 14 persons who invaded the state Senate chamber to stage a non-violent, verbal protest. The demonstrators were arrested and carried out of the chamber by police. Father Hart said he and three laymen mailed their draft cards to the President as part of a private liturgy here the night of President Nixon's inauguration. He said the three laymen had been reclassified in March as a result of the action; one had completed all but three months of "alternate service" allowed as a substitute for military duty. Father Hart said he had received no explanation from the draft board in Colorado· Springs his home to'wn. A spokesman fo; the board told a reporter the reclassification was "an obligation" on the board, imposed by Selec-
Consider Taxing Church Property LANSING (NC)-A resolution calling for a study to consider the possibility of taxing church property has been introduced in the Michigan Senate. The resolution, sponsored by the State Sen. Gilbert E. Bursley, asks Gov. William G. Milliken of Michigan to have his commission on educational reform "study all sources of possible revenue, including tax exempt institutions, to finance education." Bursley said the Senate adopted a resolution asking the educational reform commission to consider state aid for non public schools. The resolution stated that one presently untapped reservoir of tax revenue li"es within tax exempt institutions, many of which would directly benefit if' state aid were voted for non public schools." The Bursley resolution was referred to the committee on senate business.
Man's Thought It is impossible for men en-
gaged in low and groveling pursuits to have noble and generous sentiments. A man's thought must always follow his employ-Demothenes ment.
tive Service regulations for -any individual who does not keep his draft card in his possession. Asked for It "He severed his relationship with Selective Service," the spokesman said. "The board was obligated to act as it did * " <, I am quite sure he was aware of the consequences. He wanted to be reclassified." The spokesman said the board would take no further action in Father Hart's case unless it is directed to do so by the state Selective Service headquarters. She said his file would be turned over to the state board for "further review," and to the Department of Justice for study and possible prosecution. Father Hart has not been declared "delinquent," a move tantamount to early induction. He said he had not discussed his new status with Archbishop James V. Casey of Denver. In his letter to the draft board, Father Hart pointed out he is still a "full time minister of religion," the status upon which was based his original Selective Service classification of 4-.0.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
..'.: ~'.
SAN DIEGO (NC)-An ecumenical send-off for Archbishop Francis J. Furey of San Antonio, Tex., was held at the University of San Diego .here. Rabbi Joel S. Goor of San Diego's Temple Beth Israel gave the invocation, and Dr. Louis H. Evans of La Jolla Presbyterian Church gave the benediction during the cermonies in which civic and religious leaders of the area participated. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the public joined the U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Band in a rendition of "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You." Archbishop Furey, who has been bishop of San Diego since 196fi, will be installed in San Antonio, Aug. 6, succeeding retiring Archbishop Robert E. Lucey.
University Faces Possible Closing
Suggests Ways To Aid Biafrans
RECIFE (NC) - The Catholic University of Pernambuco, with 4,200 students, is facing the possibility of having to close next year because of a government decision that 50 per cent of all university budgets must be used to make room for more students. University authorities claim that conforming to the government order will face the university with financial problems. The dean of the university has expressed opposition to raising tuition because,he said, such a move would make the univer· sity a club for rich boys and would prevent poor youngsters from rising' to a higher cultural level. Pernambuco state is located in Brazil's poverty-stricken- northeast.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A Catholic Relief Services official asked the United States "to move promptly and publicly in two ways" in the effort to help starHOLY COMMUNION: French-born Bishop Joseph Martin of ving Biafrans. Testifying before the Senate Bururi, Burundi, in Central Africa, gives Communion to the Judiciary Subcommittee on Refu- faithful during Mass in his Cathedral. NC Photo. gees, Edward M. Kinney, assistant to the executive director of Cat~olic Relief Services, urged the: government: "To declare that it will act as Former Milwaukee Bridge Tender Bequeaths a third party guarantor to insure to Biafra that daylight Funds to Aid Needy Marquette Students flights to Uli per se will not re"According to Mr. Bork's MILWAUKEE (NC)-A former sult in the loss of the airstrip to mflitary action. The technical City of Milwaukee bridge tender, wishes, the money will be inmeans to insure implementation who died in 1967, left Marquette vested as ali endowment and the of a daylight flight agreement University here $69,347 from his resulting income used to estabCriminal if Voluntary lish a scholarship fund for needy without prejudice to either side estate. Ignorance. when voluntary, is students. The fund will be named should not be difficult to evolve. Announcement of the bequest If we Americans can put men on of the late Joseph F. Bork was The Bork Family Scholarship criminal, and a man may be the moon, we can produce and made by Father John P. Raynor, Fund in memory of Mr. Bork's properly charged with that evil which he neglected or refused back up a form of guarantee in S.J., Marquette's president, who parents." to learn how to prevent. which other governments could said: The bequest has been credited --Johnson join and which would be acceptto the University's $30 million able to both Lagos and Owerri." fund drive, "Advance: A program Picket for a Greater Marquette." The "While agreeing with the Fed- Protestors ELECTRICAL fiye-year drive, which began in eral Nigerian government's legal Denver Cathedral Contractors January, has passed the $8 milright to inspect cargoes moving DENVER (NC) - About 100 lion mark. over its territory and/or air picketed Immaculate space, our government should persons Attorney George G. Lorinczi Conception cathedral here after make clear that it is aware said much of Bork's estate had the 8, 9, and 10 A.M. Masses, that this presents a Biafran obcome from wise investments, jection which will not be easily protesting Archbishop James V. particularly in oil stocks. "He Casey's refusal to accept a proovercome and that, as a pracwas a bachelor and lived frugaltical measure, since the thou- posed plan to help disadvantaged ly," the Wisconsin lawyer obMexican-American students. sands upon thousanris of tons of Last month, a student group served. relief supplies accumulated by "Mr. Bork was a devout Cathboth the Red Cross and Joint demanded the archdiocese con944 County St. Church Aid are located in Co- tribute $100,000 to set up a olic," Lorinczi said. "He was tonou, Santa Isabel, and Sao scholarship fund for needy stu- very interested in education and New Bedford Tome, it would be m9st practica- dents, and Archbishop Casey met held Marquette in high esteem." ble for the Federal Nigerian gov- with the group to discuss the ernment to agree to inspection matter. Those requesting the proat these points. Each inspection gram are the United Mexican team might well include a repre- American students (UMAS), a 1'-" . sentative of the Nigerian govern- student organization at the UniI <~' versity of Colorado Denver MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS ment." The important thing, Kinney . Center. ~ ... lt'\:!r,..1 ~,.,' ,.",.",.1. ' As a result of the 90-minute declared, "is to stop the verbiage ~~1' ' 1 meeting with UMAS representaand to get things moving." FOR A-WEEK OF tives, the archbishop requested aids to prepare a "practical proRENEWAL Pope to Consecrate gram" of scholarships for disadINTER,cOMMUNITY (Sisters) vantaged students. He, in effect, Bishops for Africa rejected their requests in favor RETREAT MASTER: FATHER JAMES SHEEHAN, C.S.C. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope of investigating alternative proPaul VI will consecrate 12 posals. SATURDAY,' AUGUST 16, 8:00 P.M. bishops for African dioceses A statement issued by the THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 9:00 A.M. during his historic journey to chancery office criticized the Kampala, Uganda, scheduled for request for its "narrowness . . . WELCOME! July 31-Aug. 2.' . limited as it was to one educafEE $40.00 The new bishops will serve tional institution" and also in dioceses in Uganda, Zambia, scored "the method of self-adOUR LADY, QUEEN OF MISSIONS-CLOSED RETREAT HOUSE Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, Upper ministration" of the proposed 197 PLEASANT STREET, MAlUBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 01752 Tel. 485·0740 Volta and the Cameroons. funding.
Sets-Up Schola·rship
I:Y~,',.'. ".,
Self.Education Peace Day Theme
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 24,: 1969
Atla.nt'ic ,Society Unwilloong To Sacrifice P~easures By Barbara Ward
Among the student dissenters today there are two groups-small but influential-who doubt whether anything can be done to reform contempdrary society. To the Marxists, the "overthrow" of the capitalist system is a precondition of a better society since the pursuit of a Community controls the levers of economic power will - true profit and the defense of equality, justice and freedom be profits transforqls the social achieved. order into a greedy alliance beThe trouble with this venertween capitalists who make the able idea is that it has been tried . money and the out 'in the Soviet Union. The thesoldiers who de·ory has to encompass the fact fend them as of 40 years or so of Stalin's rule they do so. In i: -about which many students t h e"militaryknow nothing since they are industrial comare taught very little history. NEW HEAD: James P. Cumplex," leaders All economic power· to the mins of Dublin, Ireland, is new from both Community can mean all eco~ President of the Central, Coungroups coopernomic power to the Commissars cil of the legion of Mary, one ate to keep a and bureaucrats. Cpmbined. with of ,the Church's largest lay rising share of·" total political power,' it corrupts groups. NC Photo. the national inthe men who wield' .it, turning come flowing in some of them into .ferocious dictheir direction. tators like Stalin, others into The Marxist solutIOn to this frightened bureacrats who inperverted society is to take pow- vade Czechoslovakia sooner than er and property away from the risk the em'ergence of new ideas. tyc!>ons, give the means of proIncidentally, if Yugoslavia GLEN RIDDLE (NC) - The duction to the community and were to evolve toward decenSisters of the Third Order of hasten onwards to the classless tralized ownership and control society which. must, by defini- by the workers themselves and Saint Francis' are holding a spe" tion, emerge.. achieve intellectual freedom, its cial Chapter of Affairs at their system would excite the whole Pennsylvania motherhouse. Mem. To the left of the Marxists and world's attention. But Moscow bers of this group staff St. often despising them for their Mary's Home in New Bedford. does not. reliance upon the large, inhuman Cardinal Krol told delegates to On the contrary, its record is apparatus of the State, stand the the Chapter that community Anarchists. They do not have one reason for the anarchist changes must evolve in ~he wake formulated alternatives. They tinge to. student thought. Be- . of a continued renewal producchiefly notice the corruption of tween General Motors and the tive of individual and communal present arrangements and argue Soviet All-Union Central Minisholiness. that if all this nonsense of sub, try' for Automobile' Production The Chapter has been called urbs, Ivy league,' grades, pecking (or wh,atever it is called), the in accordance with the recomyoung see little to choose. orders and general materialism Both are vast impersonal bu- men'dations of the Second Vatiwere abandoned, a new society would grow as a result of the re- reaucracies which swallow their can Council. The areas of Relimoval of constraints. Arid if the workers into the faceless con- giou,s Life, Apostolate, Governold order is obdurate, it must be . formity of collective life. Russia ment and Formation are being smashed since new ideas, like and America alike must be discussed in the light of the repower, "grow from the barrel of "broken up" and small, self-gov- mands of today's society. The erning, communal groups, possi- renewal efforts will include a a gun." bly a la Castro~ take their place. study of "return to the sources Short Circuit of the whole of Ch'ristian life Not Convincing and to the primitive inspiration But this. formulation of the These are not, one should hasten. to add, the majority new society is no more convinc- of the institutes, and the adaptaviews of students. But the ideas ing than monolithic Soviet bu- tion of the institutes to, 'the are sufficiently widespread and reaucracy. It is not that the con- changed conditions of our time." enjoy enough intellectual pres- cept of the small group held totige to rather inhibit other stu- gether by goodwill and freedom dents in explaining Jheir own un- alone is not enormously appeal- Announce Ca~paign easiness in more moderate and ing. The whole monastic ideal is based on something like it. .Against Regi~e communicable terms. DUSSELDORF (NC) The "Love God and do what you 'They' .obscurely feel that will" was the cry not of a liber- West German Catholic Youth neither Marxism nor Anarchism tarian but of that rather rigorous Organization (BDKJ) has anis the answer to the world's moralist, St. Augustine. nounced a campaign against malaise but they have so far The problem lies in the attach- what it called the persecution found no very coherent idea of ment 'of at least 70 per cent of and oppression in Brazil. what they feel they could sup- Atlantic society to the goods, For two weeks, members of port. The indignation is there, pleasures and possibillities of the the youth group will lead demlike electric power. But there is existing social order. Tell them a short circuit in the intellectual that to remake society, they onstrations,distribute leaflets, and gather signatures protesting capacity fo~ thinking up alterna- must give up all property-the the military regime of Brazilian tive solutions. house, the mortgage, the garden, Presidetnt Artur da Costa e Marxism has the appeal of be- the small car-,-and work not for Silva.. ing a fully worked out system. a rising income but for basic Brazil has been run by presiOriginal sin is to own property needs alone, then they will de- dential decree since mid-Decemand, through it, to employ or cide to remake nothing, stick to ber, when the president assumed "exploit" others. Only when the what they have and shoot any- dictatorial powers on the one who suggests an alternative. grounds that subversives were The small people of Germany trying to overthrow the governOnly One Layman after 'the vast disaster of 1929 ment. Since then, hundreds of were ready for Hitler' because persons, . including priests and In Pope's Party he promised to protect them ROME (NC) - The emerging against Communists. The voters Catholic lay leaders, have been Catholic laity of Africa will have of Los Angeles recently voted arrested and a number of foreign a special place at the side of for Mayor Yorty because' he missionaries expelled. Pope Paul VI when he flies to claimed that a black mayor Kampala, Uganda, July 31. would be 'soft on student and The only layman and the only black power· groups. Frighten African who is to be part of the and revolt too many people and official papal party is Joseph you get. not reform but counterAmichia. An African politician violence. Frighten them enough COMPANY and a long-time active leader in and you get fascism. the lay apostolate, Amichia is a Complete line The tragedy of student protest deputy o'f the Ivory Coast parlia- ~ould be that Atlantic society, Building Materials ment and president of the Cath- ~n deep need of renewal, will dig 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN olic Family Movement of the In to defend its own unaccept.993-2611 Ivory Coast. able status quo:"'
Sisters Initiate Renewal Plans
WASHINGTON (NC) - "SelfEducation for Peace Through Reconcilliation" will be the theme of the next World Day of Peace, to be held in January. The specific date has not yet been determined. Announcement of the theme was made' by Vittorino Veronese of the 'Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace. Veronese is president of the commission's Study Committee on the Issues of Peace and of the International Community.. He said the theme "highlights the need to appeal to individuals, peoples and nations to agree to forgive reciprocal wrongs and ultimately reach out beyond both
individual and collective selfaffirmation which. tends to separate the members of the international community. "This undertaking of forming public opinion for peace entails avoiding a moralistic attitude beginning by a personal formation for peace. This self-education must bear witness to the sincerity of our conversion to the principles and methods of the architects of peace."
Hard Work The highest genius is willingness and ability to do hard work. Any other conception of genius makes it a doubtful,_ if not a dangerous possession.' -:-MacArthur
Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he' does. . . . Throughout the Near East each year, grateful bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained· by people like you.... Their own families are too poor to support them in training, but goo~ Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminarians, encouraged them all the way to ordina· tion .... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at personal sacrifice.... How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of. a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the payments for his training to suit your convenience ($8.50 a month, or $100 'a year, or the total $600 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will always remember who made it possible.
"••.. HOW TO MAKE $10 S·T·R·E-T·C·H
Look at the nearest $10 bill. What is it actually worth? Only what it will buy. In Miami or Brooklyn or Philadelphia, it will hardly buy enough to feed a family for two days. In the Holy Land, it will feed a poor refugee family for an entire month. The Holy Father asks your help for the refugees, more than half of them children. Your money multiplies-as you give it away.
Thinking of the month ahead, why not send us your Mass requests right now? Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no other income.... Remind us to send you information about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death.
For only $200 'in Ernakulam you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps _on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Archbishop Parecattil will write to thank you . also.
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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840
Ponder Changing Law on HolydOlYs Of Obligation
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
Stays IExplu~ion Of Missioners
WASHINGTON (NC) The National Conference of Catholic Bishops is seeking to determine what changes, if any, should be made in current C h u r c h legislation requiring Catholics in the United States to attend Mass on five holydays of obligation. In the process, it is sampling the attitudes of bishops, priests, Religious and laity on the issue. Since the obligation to participate in Mass on these holydays touches the laity in a particular way, a special effort is being made .to determine their feelings in the matter. It is being suggested that while the samplings are being made some catechesis on the subject of holydays be given, possibly through one or two homilies by parish priests. This catechesis, it is felt, could serve as a preparation for the samplings and as a general instruction for the people regarding 'holydays of obligation. A survey of the NCCB in 1969 indicated that a majority of U. S. bishops favored some change in the observance of obligatory holydays, but provided no clear pattern. For this reason an ad hoc committee of the NCCB was appointed last November, under the chairmanship of Bishop Aloysius J. Wyeislo of Green Bay, Wis., to explore the question. Two Choices There are two fundamental choices: either retain the holydays of obligation as they are, or modify existing legislation. If one opts for a change in the law, a decision must be made with regard to each holyday. This choice will mean either to make no change regarding that particular hoi day, or to eliminate the obligation requiring participation in Mass on that particular day, or to transfer the celebration of the feast to a near and appropriate Sunday. Christmas will remain as a holyday of Obligation, in any event. The question of change involves five other holydays of obligation - Jan. I, which now becomes the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God; Ascension Thursday; the Feast of the Assumption, Aug. 15; All Saints Day, Nov. I, and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. The NCCB committee is leaving it to the individual Ordinary to determnie how he will make samplings in his See, through the' Iiturg1cal commission or some similar group, through parishes, or through some lay organization. A questionnaire is provided by the committee, but the Ordinary may use his own. The results of the samplings are to be tabulated by local personnel and only a general report submitted to the committee.
BISHOPS AND RABBI: Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin of Los Angeles' Wilshire Boulevard Temple prays in St. Basil's Church during its dedication by James Francis Cardinal Mcintyre. Rabbi Magnin had a place of honor in the sanctuary be'side, from left, Coadjutor Archbish~p Timothy Manning. Bishop Joseph P. Dougherty and Bishop John Ward, concelebrants of the dedication Mass. The new St. Basil's is a neighbor to the synagogue. Both edifices, said Cardinal Mcintyre, "offer testimony of the presence of God with His people throughout the centuries." NC Photo.
1,500 Acclaim Retiring Archbishop Lycey [Lov®~u S)®[fV®~ SAN ANTONIO (NC)-"J didn't realize what a good person J have been until I retired," Archbishop Robert E. Lucey quipped before some 1,500 persons who honored him at a testimonial dinner at San Antonio's Convention Center. The gathering marked the retirement o.f Archbishop Lucey who served as spiritual head of the San Antonio archdiocese for the last 28 years. In addition to Catholic bishops, priests, Religious and laity, there was an outpouring of Protestant, Jewish and Orthodox clergymen and laity. Tributes came from several speakers, including former Texas Gov. John Connally and Auxiliary Bishop Steven A. Leven of San Antonio in a number of special messages. Among the messages was one from Archbishop-designate Francis J. Furey (bishop of San Diego), who on Aug. 6 will succeed Archbishop Lucey as head of the archdiocese, and from former President Lyndon Johnson, a longtime friend.
Weekly Newspaper Receives Award
Woman Consultant F~IJ' MtenQs Program
ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)The Long Island Catholic, Rockville Centre diocesan newspaper, received an honorable mention in the newspaper promotion category in the National Better Newspaper. Contest, sponsored by the National Newspaper Association. The diocesan paper was among 179 weekly and daily newspapers to receive an award in the NNA contest, in which more than 2,800 entries were submitted in 41 categories.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Mrs. Mary Helen Hellmuth, a Springfield, Ohio, mother of seven, is the first woman appointed a member of the national lay consultants' program of the National Council of Catholic Men. Mrs. Hellmuth, a widow, is president of the Cincinnati Archdiocesan Council of the Laity. Her husband, Andrew L. Hellmuth, died a month ago and she was invited to succeed him as a consultant in the NCCM program.
"It is greatly to be regretted that bishops are not permitted to retire three or four times after they pass 75 years of age in order to receive a flood of fine letters telling them how good they are," Archbishop Lucey said. Texas 'Section of Heaven' "But on the other hand," he continued, "if a bishop could retire every five years in the sunset of his life, he might be so thoroughly revived and restored that he would stop retiring, and of course, .that would be bad for those who might have d~signs on the office. Consequently, one resignation, no matter how enjoyable, is all that we get." Archbishop Lucey said he "looked forward with anticipation to Aug. 6 when I shall transfer responsibility for the administration of this diocese to Most Rev. Francis Furey, my distinguished successor."
.3 5 y e(lHr~ The archbishop said it has been "my privilege to live and serve in Texas for 35 years," and added, «I, therefore choose to spend the sunset of my life in that section which is known as the great state of Texas." Special Messages Earlier during the evening, Msgr. J. L. Manning, ch~ncellor, who served as master of ceremonies, read the special messages to Archbishop Lucey from Archbishop-elect Furey and Mr. Johnson.
NEW DELHI (NC)-The Indian government has granted a sixweek extension to the residential permit of 15 foreign missionaries awaiting expulsion from Assam state. Following a joint representation by Valerian Cardinal Gracias of Bombay, Archbishop Angelo Fernandes of Delhi and Bishop Hubert D'Rosario of Dibrugarh, the Indian home ministry permitted the priests and Sisters to stay in the state till the end of July. They were ordered originally to quit by the middle of June -·in pursuance of a decision by the Assam state government to clear the state's "sensitive border areas" of all foreign missionaries. The home ministry also took up for consideration an application for Indian citizenship presented by nine of the' missionaries. Cardinal Gracias and the other prelates had pleaded with V.C. Shukla, minister of state for home affairs, for a favorable respo'nse to the applications. It is understood that the extension of stay was permitted with a view to facilitate processing and approval of the applications.
"': ...
Pass Bill to Aid Dental School LANSING (NC)-A bill to pay the University of Detroit $2,400 for each Michigan resident who graduates from its dental school cleared its final legislative hurdle. The Michigan Senate, by a 291 vote, concurred in minor amendments made by the House of Representatives and sent the bill to Gov. William G. Milliken for his signature. The House had approved the bill by a 62-43 vote a week earlier foll6wing two days of debate. It had passed the Senate by a 28-5 vote. The bill provides that "each accredited non-public school of dentistry in the State" shall receive a $2,40Q grant for each graduate doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine. Since the University of Detroit has the only non-public dental school in Michigan, it would be the sole beneficiary of the bill.
"Our Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, has. done me a - great honor in appointing me to succeed you as Archbishop of San Antonio," wrote the Archbishop-designat~. "While I am to succeed you in this exalted office, I have no illusions that I will really take your place. Nobody could do that. You will always be enshrined deep in the hearts of all Texas." And the former President said Hopes for Unity of Archbishop Lucey: "No servant of God has worked With Coptic Sect VATICAN CITY (NC)-Because with greater devotion for the of their "close kinship," we hope peace and progress of God's peo365 NOR1I'H FRONT STREET the day may come when the· ple. He is a man of love and wisNEW BEDFORD Catholic and dissident Coptic dom. All of us who have known churches in Ethiopia will be "in him will proudly carry the badge 992-5534 full communion" with each other, of that friendship throughout our lives." Pope Paul VI declared. The Pope made the comment in accepting the credentials of Kidane Miriam Haile, Ethiopia's new ambassador to the Holy See. "Ethiopia is at home in the Mi~k!" Vatican," the Pope said. "It has lived side by side with the life Your Gulf H;/8 Route Man is of the Church." He said the Holy See is "parAlways at Your Service! ticularly disposed" to have good FOR HOME DELiVERY CALL 998-5691 relations with Ethiopia "because of the close kinship of Catholics of the Ethiopian rite with the Ethiopian Coptic church, which we hope may one day be in full SO. DARTMOU1I'H, MASS. communion with us."
DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners
"You Can Whip. C)ur Cream, but You Can't Beat Our
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Universit.y Ends Year in Violence
THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
90 Foundations Give Churc~es $2 Million
PAMPLONA (NC)-The Catholic University of Navarre ended its academic year amid student violence stemming from' "suggestions" by university authori-' ties to some students that they not register for the new school term. This was interpreted by students as tantamount to expul· sion, and they reacted with sitins, other demonstrations, verbal attacks of university officials and Molotov cocktails-resulting in arrests of many of the cremonstrators. The university is operated by Opus Dei, a secular institute . composed of priests and laymen, which has been running into opposition from the Falange, Spain's only legal political party. Observers believe that Falange leaders fear the growth of Opus Dei both in numbers and prestige in this country. Many Opus Dei members hold key positions in the government of Gen. Francisco Franco. Opus Dei authorities had expressed the hope that by keeping out students considered undesirable, the university could avoid student problems in the next school year.
WASHINGTON (NC) More than 90 foundations have awarded grants of more than $10,000 to individual
churches and temples this year, according to a semi-annual 'list of grants published in the July- . August issue of Foundation News magazine. The magazine reported all grants to religious organizations that totaled more than $10,000. The grants to individual churches and temples alone amounted to more than $2 million. Eight grants were made for buildings and equipment, totaling $232,500. Recipients range from the Baltimore archdiocesan building fund, to a Catholic church in California, for the purchase of European works of art. Religious associations, varying from the National Council of Catholic Men ($50,000) to the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade ($30,000), received a total of almost $4 million from 108 different sources. Australian Private Hospitals, Social Agencies TWIN CENTENNIALS: Clifford Evans, left, and Donovan Mitchell of St. Vincent's Hall in . Schools Seek Aid Under grants for religious weI· fare, 29 organizations gave about Brooklyn, present New York Mets manager, Gil Hodges, with a special anniversary cake as CANBERRA (NC)-The Aus$850,000 to groups such as dioc- FathH Robert M., Harris, ,director of the home for boys operated by the Brooklyn diocese, looks tralian Parents' Council repreesan Catholic Charities organi- on. The 'cake is a memento of the twin centennials of both major league, baseball- and St. senting parents of .500,000 zations and the Urban Training Vincent's Hall, which serves 'underpriviledged young~ters of the community regardless of race, children in non-public schools, Center, for training ministers for creed or color. NC Photo. urged the Australian federal inner-city work. government to give financial aid In addition, the survey notes to such schools in order to raise that 279 foundations gave more. their educational standards. than $10 million for various fedAt a meeting here the council erated Jewish groups. issued a policy statement that In addition to the figures under 'E~plains9Id, N·~w said: . . the heading of religious welfare . "We call' upon the federal Father Farrell· said he believes (NC)-"I felt at happening to the Catholic . HOLY HILL there is a supplement showing grants given to hospitals and times 'like a driver of a bread Church I used to know? Is it his course might differ_ from government to make immediate other adult 'religion courses in grants' to both state and nonsocial agencies which have some truck going through a hungry really the same any more?" He explains first the "old ap- three respects: it is non-tech- state systems in order to allevireligious affiliation. These are town," said Father Patrick J. ate the present grave situation." not included in the above listings. Farrell; O.C.D., speaking of the proach," which has emphasis on nical language, simple, yet on The statement went on to ask hunger among adults for relicontent and on a systematic an adult level; it is practical and Theological seminaries and the federal and state governimmediately applicable to today's gious education. study of doctrine, including special programs in theological ments to pay a per capita grant education received more than $3 Last year at the request of things to believe (creed), things circumstances, rather than aca- of $50 a year for each primary million . from 39 foundations. parishioners, Father Farrell gave to do or avoid (the command- demic, theoretical or abstract; . and secondary school student in Programs ranged from library a "Course in Christian Values" ments), and things to help (sac- and (with the help of a text) it non-government schools throughexpansion to faculty salary in- to.a group of 78 adults and 31 raments, practices of devotjon). is systematic or· covering the out the country. . whole Catholic religion, not just Cites Differences creases. teenagers of St. Hubert parish, one aspect of it like the docuHe then tackles the "new apUse ~md Necessity While the' information in the Hubertus'- Wis. He said he found magazine is presented briefly and the adults eager to find out' more proach," which has. emphasis ments of the Vatican Gouncil. He that does not know those The course was conducted things which are of u~e and nein summary fashion, it does pro" about their faith, especially since upon the person and upon relevide some indication of the their children were- coming home vance of doctrine, including every other Tuesday. for 10 cessity for him to know is but number, variety and amounts of with ideas the parents didn't un- "how God is revealing Himself, weeks in each of two semesters. an ignorant man, whatever he is telling us His love and is. ask- Its general format was the talk may know besides.-Tillotson. grants recently offered to many derstand. ing us to respond; how Christ is by 'Father Farrell~ a question different types of religious organBecause of the interest he ,en· active in our life, and how we period, and then discussion by izations. countered among adults, the 33-. must be aware of and accept His the audience divided into smallyear-Old Wisconsin Carmelite help by our reception of'the groups and also by "anyone with to set up similar courses Sacraments and by related ac- something further to add." Asks Hanoi Re~ease' inhopes other parishes upon request tions." , The text used (not compul. \ and eventually open up the proPrisoners' Names sory) was "Christ. Among Us," NEW YORK (NC)--The Na-, gram as a service stemming out by Father Anthony J. Wilhelm, tional Council of Churches has from the Carmelite monastery Foundation to' Offer C.S.P. and shrine at Holy Hill, where appealed to the Hanoi governFather Farrel described him$85,000 in' Grants 273 CENTRAL AVE. ment for humanitarian action he lives. self as "more doctrinely cauNEW YORK (NC)-The Catho- tious" than some radicals but concerning U. S. military personEmphasis on Person lic Communications Foundation "open to new developments." He nel who are being held in North 992-~216 His "Course in Christian announces it will make more was asked to conduct the course Vietnam. In a statement issued here the Values," he said, tries to explain than $85,000 in grants this year because the St. Hubert parishionNEW BEDFORD 25-member executive committee away some of the confusion for production of radio and tele- ers knew him from helping out vision programming. of the national church group said adults may have because of rethe pastor there. Charles Reilly, executive secthat "humanitarian .action by the cent changes. In his first lecture, Hanoi gover,nment, going beyond for example, he asks and dis- retary, said applications for 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 the release of a small number of cusses the question, "What. is grants will be accepted in July and August. Announcement of them (prisoners), would in our awards will be made in Novemjudgment serve .the inter.ests of peace and secure positive re- Diocesan High School ber. . sponse in the .,united States and The Catholic Communications , NATION.4.L BANK Increases Tuition elsewhere." Foundation is supported by the of BRISTOL COUNTY The NCC statement said: "In YOUNGSTOWN (NC)-Msgr. Catholic Insurance Fraternal particular, the availability of a William A. Hughes, Youngstown Societies of the United States, It list of those held wo'uld relieve diocesan superintendent of was established, Reilly said, "in 90-DAY NOTICE the anxiety of families and rela- schools, has announced an in- response to an invitation from TIME tives, and visitation by a repre- crease of $25 in high school the American bishops to assume OPEN sentative of church or other pri- tuition, effective in September. a major role in encouraging the ACCOUNT vate agency would· assure the Msgr. Hughes said the increase, radio and television apostolate 'nterest Compounded men of our concern, and their which will up high school tuition of the Catholic Church." Quarterly families and relatives, and peo- to· $200, was decided upon after Individuals and organizations ple generally, of their well-being. a series of meetings with clergy' engaged in broadcasting activity Offices in: Such humanitarian action should and laymen in the diocese. He for the Catholic Church are elinot he hampered by political fac- cited the rising cost of education gible to submit applications for NORTH ATTLEBORO MANSFIELD AHLEBORO FALLS tors." as the reason for the increase. CCF grants. IIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIJIIIJIIIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIIIJIIIIJIIJIIIIJIIJIIJIIIIJIIJIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIJIIJIIJIIJIIIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJ1111
Adults Eager' for Religious Education Carmelite
• • •
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
German Prelates Urge Support
July 24, 1969
Decide Vocation
For Papacy
'Be a Monk for a Month' [ExlPe~~ment At Scottisi1l Priory
MUNICH (NC)-Two German cardinals voiced strong support for the primacy of the pope in sermons marking the sixth anniversary of the coronation of Pope Paul VI. Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Munich and Lorenz Cardinal Jaeger of Paderborn also called for renewed loyalty to the teaching office of the Church. Cardinal Doepfner urged his listeners to "oppose those trends which seek to weaken the function and mission of the papacy, and which consider religious obedience to the supreme pastor outdated." Necessary Precisely in these times, in which humanity is growing closer together, a unifying center in the Church is necessary rather than outmoded, he said. The cardinal did add, however, that the forms of leadership are changeable in many aspects, and that they must be subordinated to an effective ministry in the Church. "No doubt, not all of the heirlooms of a more feudal form of ruling and strong centralized government have been eliminated," he declared. "We are still searching for the proper way to exercise collegial co-responsibiity." Careful But churches in individual countries or dioceses, he added, must be careful not to begin anything which might endanger the entire Church. . Cardinal Jaeger recalled that Pope Paul had proclaimed this the "year of faith." There were few echoes heard of the Pope's call for a year of faith and of his Credo of the People of God, however, Cardinal Jaeger said. They both are now "gone with the wind." he complained. Not Catholic He warned that those who deny and attack the fundamental declarations of the Church can no longer be considered Catholic. Because they take' their stand outside the faith and community of the Church, they can no longer h a v e communion with the Church, he added.
~iver- Thurs.,
FINAL VOWS: At a concelebrated Mass in her home parish Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River, Sister Mary Kathleen Moore took final vows as a Sister of Mercy in .the presence of the parish congregation. Shown, left to right, Sister Stephen JO,seph Moors, R.S.M., Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes of Holy Name, New Bedford, where Sister te,aches, Sister Mary Kathleen Moore, R.S.M., and the parents of the two nuns, Mr. an.d Mrs. Stephen T. Moore.
Brother Heads Diocesan Schools BATON ROUGE (NC)-Brother Felician Fourrier, S.C., has been named superintendent of schools for the diocese of Baton Rouge. Brother Felician served as eduH~nd
in Hand
Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.-Disraeli.
cation director of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart for the past nine years. Earlier he' was for two years assistant superintendent of schools for the archdiocese of New Orleans. A native of Baton Rouge, he has taught in Montreal, Can.; Nyeri, Kenya; and Gulu, Uganda, in addition to the United States.
ELGIN (NC)-A "be a monk for a month" experiment at a Scottish Benedictine priory has attracted over 200 inquiries from all over the world and the first recruits have been accepted. Under the plan, selected persons can live the full life of the community for periods of about a month. Prior Alfred Spencer, O.S.B., said: "We feel there are many who are uncertain about their vocation and who do not wish to interrupt their studies or give up a job. They would welcome this short period of full community life to help them decide whether God is calling them to the monastic life." Formerly men were admitted as postulants only for six months. If a newcomer wished to continue after that, "he entered the novitiate for a year. If, after that, he still wished to continue, he made temporary vows for three years.
New Nuncio VATICAN CITY (NC)-Archbishop Angelo Pedroni, a consultant to the Holy See's Secretariat of State, has been named apostolic nuncio in Costa Rica by Pope Paul VI. The 55-year-old prelate was born in Maccagno, in northern Italy. After studying at local seminaries, he came to Rome and attended the Gregorian University.
A person who feels the experimental month has shown that he should continue can either leave to arrange his affairs before returning for the six-month postulancy, or continue without leaving. The month counts as part of the postulancy period. Four men have been received as postulants in the novitiate after trying the life at the 13thcentury priory for a month. The newcomers join a community of 17 Benedictine priests and lay Brothers.
Ohio Archdiocese Funds Programs CINCINNATI (NC) - Ten social action programs in the Cincinnati archdiocese will receive a total of $40,000 through the archdiocesan central and planning commission. The largest amount, $25,000, is a pledge to the Black Capital Guarantee fund which is seeking $300,000 to help establish black businesses. Other grants included: $2,000 to the National Black Sisters' Conference, to be held at the University of Dayton in August; $1,000 to the Dayton Area Housing Opportunities Coalition; $2,000 Malachi, an experimental adult education program in Dayton; and $1,750 to the Greater Cincinnati Summer Youth Program.
Hines Heads College Board of Regents DUBUQUE (NC)-An unprecedented event in the 130-year history of Loras College here occurred in the election of Donald T. Hines, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, attorney, as chairman of the college board of regentsa position historically held by the archbishop of Dubuque. The incumbent, Archbishop James J. Byrne, will be an ex officio voting member of the board and chancellor of Loras College. He will make all appointments of priests from the archdiocese to the college; perform the traditional duties of presiding at inaugural, commencement and other academic exercises, and grant honorary degrees and special awards of the college. Six new members have also been elected to the college board of regents, including four laymen and two priests. The newly elected regents are: William R. Conners of Washington, D.C., Jack B. Crahan of Dubuque; Cyril P. Frommelt of Dubuque; Dr. Bernard T. Gillis of Pittsburgh; Father Clarence J. Haker of Dubuque; and Father Hobert J. Spahn of Manchester, Iowa.
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THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1969
Perrault Sykes Books Tell Activ~ties of Anti-Nazis By IlU. ~ev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Two men dedicated to thwarting Adolf Hitler dominate two new books, The Red Orchestra by Gilles Perrault (Simon and Shuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020, $7.95) and Tormented Loyalty by Christopher Sykes (Harper and Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 10016,8.95.) The habitual Soviet distrust of its agents. Another is the fact central figure in the first is own that Trepper had escaped withLeopold Trepper, a Polish out asking and obtaining his
Jew; in the second, it is Adam von Trott, a German aristocrat, who on the maternal side, was a descendant of John Hay, first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Trepper, born in 1904, headed a Soviet spy ring known as the Red Orchestra. He was a hardcore Communist who, from his youth, was engaged in conspiracy and espionage. When, in 1941, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, Trepper was ready to assist the latter through a network he had cunningly built up in Western Europe. It had centers in Paris, Brussels, and Berlin itself. The Berlin organization reached into the Nazi high command, into various government offices, and into distinguished social circles. By means of radio, it supplied Moscow with vast amounts of valuable information. For example, it notified the Soviets of Nazi battle plans, troop dispositions, weaponry, morale. The turning point of the war on the eastern front is commonly recognized as having been the succesful defense of Stalingrad, and the authur contends that it was copious and accurate data furnished by the Red Orchestra which made this possible. In Constant Danger In Paris and in Brussels, the spy ring was largely financed by commercial organizations set up by Trepper. These were given a seemingly respectable front of loyal nations, but were completely controlled by him. They secured supplies for the Nazis, made huge profits, and thereby provided capital for anti-Nazi activities. In effect, the Nazis were subsidizing their own most effective opponents. The spy network was, of course.. in constant danger. Hitler's counter-espionge doggedly sought to catch the agents and destroy the ring. The Nazis scored successes in this respect in Brussels in 1941, and in Berlin and Paris in 1942. Trepper himself was caught in Paris in November of the latter year. He was in the hands of the Nazis for about ten months. Although many of his agents were viciously tortured and some summarily executed, he was very gently used. Never was a harsh hand laid on him. He managed to escape in September, 1943, and went into hiding. Sentenced to Prison When in 1944, the Nazis were driven from Paris, Trepper made contact with the Soviet mission which quickly came to the liberated city. He flew to Moscow in 1945. There, instead of being hailed as a hero and handsomely rewarded for his invaluable contribution to the Soviet victory, he was put under arrest and given a fifteen-year prison sentence, of which he served ten years. Why his imprisonment? One reason cited by the author is the
Communist bosses permission to do so. A third is the fact that Trepper was indignant over Stalin's refusal to believe the' Red Orchestra's repeated warnings of an impending Nazi attack on Russia in 1941; a man with knowledge of Stalin's colossal blunder in this regard could not be left at liberty. A fourth is the fact of Trepper's being a Jew; anti-Semitism in which Stalin indulged after the war fell hard upon this brilliant sevitor of the Soviet system. Reliable Account Trepper is still living, as Leiba Domb, in Warsaw, an inconspicuous private citizen. The author met him there in 1965, and found him to be unpretentious and uncommunicative, still a Communist but now concerned only with the publication of Jewish classical literature. Mr. Perrault's book is very long (510 pages) and very intricate. How reliable is it? This is a question which the reader is constantly putting to himself. The bibliography is modest, and there are unspecific references to interviews and documents ("I am not free to say what they were or where they came from. I must ask the reader to bear with me"). The visible underpinnings of the narrative are, therefore, not especially reassuring to the skeptic. At best, he will feel, what we have here is an approximation of the truth. Some such things as related in the book undoubtedly happened, but is this an exact and thoroughly reliable account of them? German Patriot It would seem that Leopold Trepper dealt Hitler many shrewd blows. The same cannot be said of Adam von Trott. Von Trott was five years younger than Trepper, and of a completely different background. He was the fourth of eight children born of a notable Prussian family in which a libertarian tradition had been carefully cultivated. In maturity, he was tall, goodlooking, charming. He prepared for a career in the law, and was a student of Hegel, about whose philosophy of the state he wrote a book. Von Trott was strongly antiNazi. He was opposed to all the aberrations, excesses, and enormities of the Hitler regime. But he was also a staunch German patriot, even a nationalist. In the years between 1933 and the outbreak of World War II, he travelled a great deal, often to England, once to the United States (for a stay of several months), and to the Far East. In the first years of the war, he continued his travels, including another visit to this country. By now he was working with German elements resisting Hitler and bent on his elimination. But always he was suspect abroad. p.,inful Picture He was even thought of as a Nazi agent, and was, by some, styled the chief of a Nazi spy ring operating in the United States.
Priest Criticizes Univers_~ty
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MOONWATCHER: Rev. Kenneth J. Delano of Fall River, a member of the lunar International Observers Network, scanned heavens throughout the Apollo mission to make report to Houston mission control on possible volcanic activity on lunar surface.
Exploration Into Universe Continued from Page One his scientific background gave him confidence in the lunar landing craft and the command module, he admits" to being "quite nervous" at the moments of landing and takeoff. "I stayed up until the television went off," he said. Father Delano's own interest in astronomy began at age 7, when he saw a meteor race across the sky. "I got a hand telescope," he said, "and kept getting larger ones." He has put together most of his own telescopes, including his present 121;2 inch' reflector model, which is set up behind the Priests' Hostel on Highland Avenue, Fall River. His special interest is in the moon and planets, and he has , made a particular study of- lunar domes, swellings on the moon's surface caused by volcanic action. "I have discovered a dozen domes," he said, adding that such features of the lunar landscape aren't named. "We just give them catalog numbers." He is eagerly anticipating man's journey to Mars, which he thinks will take place in thtl 1980's. "There's probably at least vegetative life there. It will be far more interesting than the moon." Almost Sinful Asked how the man's concept of God might alter in the space age, Father Delano said he thought it would be "almost sinful for us not to find out more about the universe God has made. If He was interested enough to create it, we should be interested enough to investigate it." In stressing the importance of. the space program, the Fall River priest quoted French philosopher-scientist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "Research is adora."""ll"'''''''"IItIIl''''''''''''''III111ll''tllllll'"'''''ll"",I'''ll1I"",,"',"'II11mllll""m"lI
He was in on the plots to kill Hitler, including the one in 1944 which almost succeeded. When that failed, there was a great roundup of all anti-Nazi people, and he was included. He was arrested, his children (one aged two, the other aged nine months) were seized, his wife imprisoned, and he was executed. Mr. Sykes has written at almost unconscionable length (456 pages) of Von Trott, and there are times when the reader's interest wanders and he desperately wishes that the book were more concise and less turgid. But, if one stays resolutely with this work, one gets a painful picture of the dilemma of a patriot in Nazi Germany.
tion." And in an article in the current issue of St. Anthony Messenger, Father Delano notes: "Those who have' become wearied from seeking God by 'involvement,' in 'confrontation' and agitation, would do well to seek him in quiet contemplation -a disposition of mind which the consideration of the starfilled heavens easily induces. For in the fray of daily life and social involvement God is frequently lost sight of, and, as often as not, people who sincerely believe that they are vigorously working in the name of God find themselves being just as strongly opposed by others, likewise persuaded that they are serving God's best interest. To both sides God would say, if only they could hear: 'Be still and know that I am God.' (Ps. 46:10)," The St. Anthony Messenger article, entitled "Apollo 11 Does Not Cheat the Poor," is only part of Father Delano's output. 'He is a frequent contributor of article~ and reports to such journals as The Strolling Astronomer, the Journal of the British Astronomical Association and Planetarium Magazine. As chairman of the New England region of the Astronomical League, he 'will be at a meeting of amateur astronomers from all parts of the nation, to be held next month in Denver. . Asked about the oft-quoted remark by a Russian cosmonaut to the effect that he hadn't seen God while orbiting in space, Father Delano said this betrayed a very naive concept of God. "I think John Glenn gave the perfect answer to that comment when he said, 'The God I worship is not so small that I would expect to meet him in space,''' And in his St. Anthony Messenger article he said, "The astronauts were in a position to appreciate as no other men before them, the words of the prophet Baruch: 'How great, Israel, is the house of God, how wide his domain, immeasurably .wide, infinitely lofty!' "
'TRICHUR (NC)-An educator hlis criticized a new University Bill of Kerala state's comunistdominated government as a "replica" of an earlier act that has been challenged by the bishops as unconstitutional. Father Thomas Moothedan, principal of St. Thomas' College here in India, said the new bill, establishing the state's second university at' Calicut, will bring "purgatory if not hell" upon private agencies that have sunk up to $1 million in college education in Kerala state. Father Moothedan cited clauses that empower the government to take over private colleges under certain circumstances, impose a government-appointed officer on their managing boards, and make seniority a prime factor in the appointment of principals. The priest added tha tno selfrespecting private agency can continue to work under these provisions. The earlier university act, passed this year in spite of strong opposition by all churches in Kerala state, has been challenged as unconstitutional in a series of Catholic-sponsored lawsuits pending before the state high court.
Heads Office WASHINGTON (NC) - Roger A. Heller, former director of the department of business management of the Central Atlantic Educational Laboratory, has been named director of the Office of Administrative Services of the. U.S. Catholic Conference here.
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