
Page 1

Appoint Connolly High Rector

Jesuits Assign


Dunn of Holy. Cross College



V@S 11, No. 30

®,] 967

The Anchcll"

$4.00 per Year PRICE lOe

Rev. Charles J. Dunn, S.J., has been designated as the first rector of Jesuit-conducted Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. He will assume his duties when the regional diocesan secondary institution shifts in September from the Catechetica1 Center at St. William's Church in Fall Worcester. He has also held the River to the new structure, positions of Dean of Men and Dean of Students at Jesuit op­ rapidly nearing completion, erated Mount Saint James insti­

on Elsbree Street, near State highway, Route 24. Announcement of l!'r. Dunn's appointment was made jointly today by Rev. John V. O'Connor, S.J., pl"Ovincial of the Society of Jesus and Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River. Father John G. Cornellier,S.J., will continue as pl'incipal of Connolly High, the fourth re­ gional high school established within the diocese in the last decade. .The Bay State native of Mil­ ton,' Father Dunn currently is Vice President of Student Af­ fairs at Holy Cross College im

tution. Father Dunn was Dean of Men at Bishop Cheverus High School in Portland, Maine, for three years before he became Dean of Men at Holy Cross in 1960. The new Connolly rector holds A.B. and M.A. degrees from Boston College. He received his licentiate in sacred theology from Weston College. He is a member of the Na­ tional Association of Student Personnel, past president of the Jesuit Association of Student Personnel, honor'ary colonel in Turn to Page Sixteen

WIlt. CHARLES J. DUNN. 1$.90

Papal Istanbul Visit AnotherU nity Step

Chl'istian Unity wa.,<; the rnrident purpose of, Pope Paul VI's visit to Turkey as ~e spoke with the Ecumeni­ ~~lllR Patriarch Athenagoras I, 25 12l3lstern Orthodox Church lead­ 0lI'S, the head oj( the Moslem community of Istanbul, the re­ lhlgious head of the Jewish com­ munity there and President Cevdet Sunay and political lieaders of the country. Before going to see the Pa­ 'ih'iarch, the Pope stopped at Is­ llQnbul's Catholic Cathedral and Chere asked the assembled Cath­ Dilic priests, monks and nUlls to n:furll him in his quest for unity. Thc Christian zeal of the Or­ €ibodox Patriarch for the re­


10 Join

union of the Church "fills our hearts with hope," the Pope con­ fessed. "We see more clearly that it falls on the heads of the churches and their hierarchies to put the churches on the path to full communion. This they must do by recognizing' and 'respecting each other as shepherd of that part of the £lock of Christ which has been 'entrusted to them, guarding the cohesion and the growth of the people of God and avoiding all which could dis­ perse them or create confusion in their ranks." It was conjectured that in his talk with TUI'kish political leaders, the Pope asked Turkey to intervene in every way pos­

sible to bring peace to the mid­ dle East. Turkey still maintains relations with both the Moslem countries and Israel. Turkish officials saw to it that the Pope saw most of the beautiful and historic city.' The Pope received the honors of a head ,of state, toured the city and sailed along the Bosphorus in' the presidential yacht. In a visit to the Hagia Sophia the Holy Father startled the at­ tendants by falling to his knees in pl'ayer, This historic struc­ tUI"e, 'the greatest in Christen­ dom for centuries, later became a mosque and is now a national historical museum. It was on the very spot where the excom­ munication of the Orthodox was


Must learn

CAMBRIDGE (NC)-A leading Catholic educator pre­ here that the Catholic school system of the near ifunture will be marked by a vast consolidation in which par­ mhes struggling to SUPl>ort separate schools will "see the wRsdom of joining forces." JFlather C. Albert Koob. 0.­ community leadership, and' facil­ lP'B.'aem., also suggested that itating restructuring of both its parish life and its educational fsfrne Church, which has many programs.



Tbe skyscraper plan would be lIdvantageous for the Church, ooid Father Koob, providing it )JIli¢.h an oppontmfity tQ {f,IrOW m



WASHINGTON (NC):'-Almost two-thirds of all U.S. apostolic personnel overseas is now in Latin America... Of the total of 9,500 U.S. priests, Brothers, Sisters and lay volunteers in foreign lands throughout the world, Il..36~ labor in Latin America. Al­ most .46 per cent of these priests, while eight provide be­ are at work in only three tween five and 10. These 14 sup­ 148 priests and another &l places' - Peru, Brazil and ply dioceses supply 130. Geographi­


.. "A by-product of this program would surely be, in most cases, the good one of holding the white population in neighbor­ hoods now almost entirely Ne­ gro," he stated. The priest did not suggest that the Church close its schools in the inner city. Father Koob said it would be unthinkable for Catholic educa­ tors either to "shy away from" or "try to duplicate" educational parks and other types of leam­ centers ellcouraged by recent federal legislation. As such learning centers be­ came more prominent, "paro­ chial schools will face the prob­ lems of shared time' in a very real sense," he said. "The great cry among most of our Catholic educators now is to give the finest kind of education in every branch of learning where we can possibly do this. 11 our 'pro­ grams cannot. supply top-notch, first-rate instruction in science Turn to Page Sixteep

TUl"kish-Greek afairs and mlll~ threats have been made-ofl1i­ cially and unofficially-to eVeJll deport him from Istanbul. Tra­ ditionally, like the Pope in Rome, the Patriarch of Constan­ tinople (the old name for Is­ tanbul) is ,the head (though only of honor) for his church. Only hours before the Pope'o arrival, the Patriarch was pro­ claimed "public enemy no. 1'" by a national newspaper and! the Pope's visit was attribut~ to the Patriarch's intrigue. Often the Patriarch has ell:­ pressed his desire to visit with the .Pope in Rome. The Turkish officials did make such a visi~ difficult. Therefore, by the PO!l<1 Turn to, Page Six

Personnel 'Heavy ~n Latin America


"venerable" but "largely use­ less" pieces of real estate illl dlowntown areas, convert these atructl,lres into skyscrapers fea­ ~Il!l'ing apartments, stores, roof­ Cop recreational facilities, and Geveral floors for education. A learning center for religious' 'illnstruction could be \JIsed in oommen with other faiths, reg­ \llllar classes could be held, and meetin$ facilities could be made available to civic and business Q:roups, said the priest, who slI;g­ gested that rentals from the apartments might help dlefl'ay 9perating costs. Father Koob, executive secre­ Ilsry of the National Catholic Ed­ Ullcational Association, addressed flllne Advanced Administl"ative Jrnstitute of Harvard. University _ "Elementary and Secondary <Catholic Education and Its Rela­ tionship to Metropolitthn Prob­

read 900 years ago that the Pope now knelt in fervent prayer. However, it was really to meet a man-an act of Chris­ tian friendship-that the Pope went to Turkey. Ecumenical Patriarch AthEmagoras I, the titular head of the Orthodox Church has long done all pos­ sible to reunite the Eastern and W~stern Churches. Yet the Patriarch has found countless difficulties among the Orthodox themselves and espe­ cially from Turkish political of­ ficials who have interpreted mimy of his zealous attempts as proselytism against the Moslem majority. In Turkish' eyes the Patri­ arch is hopelessly embroiled in

Ul(RAINE CARDINAL': Josyf Cardinal Slipyi, exiled archbishop Qf Lvov in the Ukraine, who headed signers of a letter sent to the world's bishops on destruction of the Catholic Church in the Ukraine. NC Photo.

Puerto Rico. Over 42 per cent serve in nine other locales, with the remainder-about an eighth. of the' personnel-spread among, 11 South American countries. "This distribution of our per­ sonnel demonstrates categorical­ ly that our contribution to the Church in Latin American na­ tions ignores their needs rela­ tive to the millions who must be served," says the third biennial report on U. S. Church personnel , in Latin America, published here by the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Latin America. The report is based on a sur­ v~y conducted at the request of the Holy See and presented to Pope Paul VI by Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Con­ ference of Catholic Bishops. The report says there lias been been a gain of 2,964 Church workerEl-both Religious and lay -in. Latin America over the past seyen years. Qf the 77· U. S. dioceses con­ tdbuting, six provide 10 or mOR'lt

cally the contributing dioceses include six from New Englandl, 15 from the Atlantic states, 43 fl'om the Middle West and sevell1l from the West. On no occasion in the history' of the Chuhch in the United! States have so many bishops on their own initiative undertaken to contribute such a substantiall number of their diocesan per­ sonnel to serve needy bishop£! overseas," the report states. It says there are nine religioW3 communities of men which sup­ ply over 50 priests each to Latin America: Maryknoll Fathers, 324; Jesuits, 253; Redemptorists, 238; Franciscans, 201; Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 134; Benedic­ '. tines (from 15 abbeys), 121; Capuchins, 88; Society of Mary, 85; the Franciscan Conventuals, 55. Ten religious communities oil women rank in the above-50­ volunteers category. They are Maryknoll Sisters, 270; Sisters of Mel'cy, 176; Franciscans ~ Turn to p~ SUdeea



TYTf ANCHOR-DiOcese ofFal!· River~Thurs., July 27, 1967

P@pe Pau~8s' Ring' and Cross

To Be Auctioned for ,U NUNITED NATIONS (NC)-United Nations Secretary General U Thant has entrusted the diamond cross and ring presented to him by Pope Paul during the Pontiff's 1965 visit to the U.N. to the Parke-Bernet Gallery in New York for sale at an auction on Estimates of the value of the Nov. '1 next. In making the cross :'.Ild ring range around presentation the Pope said $150,000. However, given the the gift was a demonstration circumstances of their presenta­


Closer to Yale

WOODSTOCK (NC) -' The Woodstock College of theological studies has moved. 'm step clOser to affiliation with . the divinity scbool of Yale Uni­ versity in New Haven, C<!nn. For about a year and a half. top 'Jesuit officials bave been studying the possibility of af­ filiation either with Yale or with U~on Theological Seminary in .­ New York. The idea is to create an ecumenical school of theology staffed by leading representa­ 'tives' of both the CatholiC. anell ~oteFrtant traditions. ,, , Renewed impetus for ,affilia­ ,tion' came at an unpubHcizeell meeting' held in Plattsburgh" ". l';l: 'X., by the three Jes,u.it, pro­ vincials who have charge of Woodstock Father Edward Sponga, . S.J., of the Maryland' prdvince, Father Robert· Mitch­ ell, S.J., of the New York province, and Father Cornelhw Carr, 5.J., of the Buffalo prov­ AIDED WOUNDED: Father James P. Barry, curate ince. at inner-city St. Bridget's parlsh~ \listens to one of the .resi­ '.He Assurance' dents of Scudder Homes, a housing project in the riot-torn The three provincials, aware c;entral ward of Newark. Fr. Barr~ was one of many New­ that the sentiment of the Wood­ ark priests .who risked ~heir . lites .~ aid the. woun~ed stock faculty was almost unan­ during the nots. In one fIve.:houI'j perIOd, he anomted fIve imously in favor of moving u> decided to recommend the victims where they fell from gunshot wound-so NC Photo. Yaie, move to Yale to Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Father General IOdl the Society of Jesus in Rome. Father Thomas E. Ambrogl. ~.J., chairman of the relocation committee at Woodstock, said: ·"We·.'have no assurance that the NEWARK (NC)-':'The 'Church urba parishes, at Scudder recommendation will be 'follow­ 'in Newark must "shift gears, hom s housing project since Sat.. ed by the Father General." change the speed and direction" '':l~da., . , 'If' the move is approved by B t' the group spent most of Rome, Father Ambrogi contin­ of its approach to the people' of the city. its ti e discussing the need for ued, the two institutions will That was the opinion of 15 chan e in the parish as of the ."work closely together, cooper­ Newark priests when they city and the opening of new ating as' best we can, but re­ emerged from a meeting at areas of ,the Church's, involve­ maining distinct entities." Queen of Angels rectory in the ment heart of Newark's looted, shot­ A ong the points in. which tbe up Central Ward. . gro,u , concurre!i were: The opinion had not changed Th t the personnel of inner­ AUG.··S by the end of the week, after city arishes should be priests Rev. Martin .J. Fox, 1917. the city;s priests had held more who iel. an",apostolate' t"o all t,he Founder St. Paul, Taunton. meetings - at least two with peopl living there, and to the Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, 1934'Archbishop Thomas A. Boland. speci 1 work involved. SS. Peter, and Paul, FalLRiver. All' were concerned with" "the, . .'" ,.' , ", .," . ,.' . AUG 6 S I bilize Neighborhoods' R ev., ,J os~pb P thI'ngs the Church should 'd' 0 to . L yons, ' 1961. corre'ct present conditions in the Thilt"'some' rell>catiOn·of·the ~'Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River. 'inner 'city," 'said Msgi< Thomas" Chur~'s effort - for example, .. AUG., 8 A. Carey,' pastor of' Queen Of . the . s' l~ of 'little':'nse~,C?hurch ' R~v." William' Bric ' ',1880

Angels. " " - ' " prope ty ,:and., 'Uie :r,einv~~tme?\" .'t~u~~,er,.··St, 'Joseph, Fall.'River:

. "We' don't really' think we' . of the\, fUnd' In 'newproJects I n : ' " . . .

have been significant' enough, high-population" areasCo-is"'indi-';", "". .,.... '.,,' '.'


tion by the Pope to the UN on a cd. his esteem for the United Nations and its activities. He historic' occasion, it .is difficult . suggested ,that the sale of the to estimate their value over and cross and ring with the proceeds beyond their intrinsic worth. to be used by the UN to alleviate !lOme human suffering. '. ~~@bes "Most Precious" , The pectoral cross is about eight inches long. It is set with O~· a large diamond surrounded by NEWARK (NC) -There was Bmaller ones and by small actiou,.on three fronts as the task emeralds. of sifting fact from fiction in The bishop's ring is set with assessing the' causes of Newark's III large diamond surrounded by mid-July devastating riots got smaner ones and with small underway. ~rosses set with rubies on either Archbishop Thomas A. Boland IIlide of the setting. of Newark undertook a thorough The Pope said privately at the tour of the riot area, starting at time of the presentation that the Queen of Angels Church, which eross _and ring were "the most was in the midst of the violence. precious things I own." The archbishop planned a con­ Estimate Value ference at the conclusion of. his It has been decided that the inspection with priests who proceeds of the sale will go in serve in the area. equal parts to the UN Children's Gov. Richard J. Hughes named­ Emergency Fund, the UN high a nine-member "blue ribbon" commissioner for refugees, the committee to investigate the UN agency for Palestine refu­ causes of the rioting. He charged gees and the UN Food and Agri­ the' committee to investigate 'cultural Organizations Freedom thoroughly complaints dealing from Hunger Campaig!1. , with police brutality or miscon­ All are UN programs to which duct.' ~e Holy See has regularly con­ Robert J. Rilley was named tributed. chairman, Auxiliary Bishop John J. Doughtel'ty of Newark, president of 'Seton Hall Univer­ ~fj'O@stl's lJ=lJ~mJrr tr\lllO& sity, South Orange; Methodist Bishop Prince Taylor, a Negro; ~V W~Il'iJ'iltQ]1J'il ~J!!p~ll'fr I and Robert B. Meyner and AI:' CHUR, (NC) - A precedent fred J. Driscoll, former govern;' was set at a meeting of priests ors of New Jersey, were named here in Switzerland when a on the committee. ',woman' 'was 'invited to give an The Federal Housing Author:' address. The ,speaker was' Dr. " ity approved a $3.8rnillion,proJ­ , Elisabeth Goessman of Munich, , eet for 'c;onstruction 'of J:1<?,using , 'Germany, who holds a degree in for 218 families· in the devas., ".', :.theology· and· teaches at the tated area. It' also apprQved a' c' 'Catholic University of Tokyo. $7 million plan for 15-story' Dr. Goessmann's " appearance construction' with '450 housing at the general chapter meeting units in the same area-a project of the priests ,of Grisons canton. which the gove'rnment agency was followed by another at the had rejected when first, pre.. seminary here, where her audi­ sented some months ago.' ,' ~nce included Bishop JohanneS group of people, and there is a VOJ:}derach of Chur, the presi­ large segment we don't reach at dent of the Swiss Bishops' Con­ all.TheY· are people in trouble. ference. . , "They' don't speak the :same Dr. Goessmann expounded' ·the 'FRIDAY-SS. Nazarius and Cel­ language as we do. We have to sus, Martyrs, Victor I, Pope

view that women should be the language. We have to and Martyr, and Innocent 1, learn given wider opportunities in the do something about their prob­ Pope and ·Confessor. III Class. lems; We can't ignore them'. We liturgicaf life of the Church. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; no

have to be significant in their Cree'd; Common Preface.

lives." SATURDAY-St. Martha, Virgin. A plan to .alleviate the most III class. White. Mass Proper; WASHI'Nq-TON (NC) Glory; . ' no Creed; Common immediate problem-'-the hunger -Georgetown' U~iversity an­ of people who can't find a gro­ Preface. nounced here" that 50 faculty "cery stol'e open for bUSiness or members have been elected to SUND'AY - XI Sunday After . Pentecost, II Class. Green. are afraid to leave' their bomes the university's first faculty sen­ . Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; -was ,f~rmulated at Sunday's ate, which is authorized to help meeting. . Preface of. Trinity. select officers of the Jesuit- op­ Distribuu Food MONDAY-St. Ignatius Loyola, erated university, and to partici­ Confessor. III Class. White. Five' Newark pastors divided' pate in determining policy on Mass Proper;.Glory; nQ Creed; " up a list ~f suburban parishes matters of :academie .freedom, Common Prefa·ce. from which they '.would solicit. standard for rank and promo­ tions, and means of settling TUESDAY - Mass. of previous financial donations or' foodstuffs 'Sunday. IV Class'. Green. Mass to be distributed in low-rent srievances. ' Proper; No Glory or Creed; housing projects of St. Bridget and Queen of. Angels parishes. Common Preface. OR Prie~ts and laymen from st. Holy Machabees, Martyrs. Red. Bridget's had been distributing FORTY Glory; no Creed; Common milk, bre~d ,and canned goods, Preface. ' ., receIved,unsolicited from'sub-' DEVOTION

. WEDNESDAY -'-St.. Alphonsus .July 30 - St. George, West­ Mary Ligouri, Bishop, Confes­ port. sor and Doctor of the Church. '. ,O"/P10QJRKE Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. III class. 'White, Mass Proper; Aug. ~St. Theresa, South ,No Glory .or· Creed; Common .EP,tJ)~~llq;D· H(bm~ Attleboro. Preface. Our Lady of Victory, THURSDAY ~. Mass of 'previous <~i 1 Stree~ Centerville. Sunday. IV Class. Green'. Masso Mass Proper;: no 'Glory or . '679-6072 TilE ANCHOR Creed; ,Common· Preface. Vo-, Second· Class PQstage Paid at fall River, tive Mass ,in honor of Jesus MICHAEL J. McMAHON Mass Published every Thursday at 410 Christ, the Ete~rial High Priest, Hlghlana Avenue, fall Rivel Mass.. 02722 l!.i«:ensed lFunerClI lDirec~cli' Illy the Catholic Press 0' the Diocese of Fall permitted. Tomorrow is the '~egistered IEmbalmerr Blvel. Suoscription price by mall, postpaid first Friday of the montb ~.OO per y~.


·NeWGflk Riot

Uf!ll<!l Crraurch to· ChbBilge Direction

Of AfP~[j'@@cD1 fr@ lN~wbrrkPe@~fie





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Setbnd '. .FciU'River;

substa I hal eontrib~'tion toward.' 'stabili 'ing'" neigbborh~ods b~< m,ovin,. int,o . the .,are~ . of, low- ': re~t, 1 w-rlse cooperative hous­ ing fOJ families. .. That a study recently under­ taken by the Newark p'riests Group of housing; .education, health, welfare, employment, in'- , come, nd Church involvement iii the'~ty ought to be a contin..: ,uing, p ofessionally, staffed proj­ 'eet, ·wh.'ch"would .feed .informa­ tion t9 the .parish,es and, keep, abreast' of deVelopments V(hich might i dicate the. need to shift ' C~i,lrch


'efforts. '.


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A·tf ,




New Bedford Army General Dutch Churches In Ag reement Leave!) Military Monday Brigadier General L. J3. Markey of New Bedford. win On Baptism :retire neJet Monday as Commanding General of the Finance Center of the U. S. Army at Fort BenJamin Harrison in Indiana; Commissioned a Seoond Lieutenant in the Infantry Reserve upon his graduation

from Boston University in

1~32, General Markey served

as an instructor in Mass'achu­

Betts and Connecticut public

schools until he entered the ac­

tive military service in Septem­

ber 1940. His first assignment

was Finance Officer for the Har­

bor Defenses in Portland, Maine.

Finance Center disbursements

at his Indiana post last year

totalled more than $3.5 billion.

General and Mrs. Markey

have been active in Catholic lay

activities within the military for

the past quarter century. Soon

after he took command at Fort

Benjamin Harrison in 1964, the

General and his wife were hon­

ored by appointment as Knight

and Lady of the Equestrian Or­

der of the Holy Sepulchre of

Jerusalem by authority of the

Vatican in Rome.

General Markey has been

president of the Holy Name So­

city at numerous stations

fihroughout thc world and he

also served as President of the

Serra Club in Germany when

he was assigned to that theater

during his term of duty. In ad­

dition, the retiring New Bedforc:ll

General has been vice president

(j)f the Military Council of Cath­ <Nice Men in Europe. Mrs. Markey, meanwhile, haS been active in Catholic women's activities during her husba'rid;s' s5 years of mllitary service. She aerved as vice president of 'sf ,k!"e's Sodaliiy in Ger~any and' . ,~, honorary president of th~

GEN. L. B. MAIltJI{lEl'l Military CouncU of' Catholic 'Women in Europe. General and, Mrs. Markey plan to return to their home in New Bedford' after he leaves the In­ ~'iana post command. ~e expects to resume his previous affilia­ ,tion With' pUbi,ic eQucati~n.

UTRECHT (NC) - Mutual recognition of Baptism by the Catholic and Dutch Reformed Churches was officially an­ nounced July 21 by Bernard Cardinal Alfrink of Utrecht and Dr. Gerard de Ru, ,president of the General ~ynod of the Re­ formed Church. The agreement on Baptism be­ tween Catholics and Protestants was the result of a mixed com­ mission founded in 1964 by the cardinal. The agreement is based on four rules: - I f a person converts from one church to another, the par­ ish or congregation of the con­ vert's original church will pro­ vide a written document that the person has already been bap­ tized. ' - I f there is any doubt about the validity of the earlier bap­ tism, its circumstances will be seriqusly studied, -The parish or congregation where the earlier Baptism took place will assist in this investi­ gation by offering all informa­ tion requested. ' - I f any doubt about the val­ idity of the earlier Baptism must' be maintained, the reasons for the non-recognition of that earlier Baptism must be made known in writing to the parish or congregation concerned. In the joint announcement both churches said that Baptism was the one sacramental sign through which all Christian be­ lievers are recognized as belong­ ing to the body of the Church.

Pa. College Appeals Race Ban Injunction

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A federal court judge' signed an order lifting the color line at historic Girard College here in Pennsylvania and then decided to defer execution of his order until the case is decided by the Volu~~eer Hunl T'CII~,~Jn~er City Childiren; higher court. 11,' S. 'District, Court Judge S~ng-fests in S~~~ets ,AddFun~' Joseph S., Lord's order made ,.. PITTSBURGH (NC) - Sisters, The music is meant to add m permanent an injunction which , ,from two religious orders in the "~Ie fun and "life" 'to'the pov­ prohibits the college from deny­ ,Pittsburgh diocese are holding,· erly arell paJjsh and' to permit ing admission' to Negroes solely , oong-fests in the streets around, the Sisters 'to meet the people of because of race. St. Joseph School here. "the predominantly Negro neigh­ 'The college, a private school, . The singing tops off the reme- borhood. , , ' , ' dates back to Colonial days '" dial classes the nuns are holding 0ne group at St. Joseph's is when Stephen Girard, a banker, :flor neighborhood children, each'" composed of eight Sisters of founded it for "poor, male, white da,y, ,at the school. The nuns 'Mercy who are staying at the orphahs." The' suit attacking ,teach remedial reading, arithme- parish 'Convent while conducting the race bar of the institution , tic, art, music and recreation to' their program. The other nuris has been ,in the courts for sev­ ohildren in grades two through,,' Jare Sisters of St. Francis who' eral years. five. ' ' , commute from -their lII1t. Assisi Judge Lord stayed executiollL headquarters in nearby Belle­ of the injunction to permit the trustees to appeal his . ~. Y. Cent~rs A.dyise VU1bout 10 Sisters come each college decision to the U:, S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. O'n Birth ContiroO day. In all, 3,4 are involved. , Both groups are volunteers. iSS: ·SS%%%%%SS%%%%$SS ,PATCHOGuE (NC) - Birth They are continuing the work ~ntrol advice will be one of the., earried on the rest of the year Buildil19 Contractor . ~rvices dispens~d in Suffolk at the War on 'Poverty' Center , c.QUl.\ty's, first publicly financed" at St. Joseph's. "family planning. program soon, Both groups of nuns are also Masonry to, pe launched through 12 cenvisiting the students' homes as tel'S here in New York. ,part of their work, and, have Alan Gartner, executive direc- made a special project ot look­ , tor. of the Economic Opportunity ing in on the sick and 'elderly. Council of Suffolk, a priva~ Father Edward, G. -Joyce, pas­ ,~ti-poverty agency which V'TiH, ,101' of St. Joseph, and the other sponsor the program, said t~e priests of the parish 'are assisting 7 JEANIETTIE STREET agency has received a $48,6713" with the project. The five-week grant from the U. S. Office of ,program will, continue through FAIRHAVEN 'NY 4-7321 " Economic Opportunity for t~ July. ', , first four months of the program. " ' He said a year's grant from OE:Q , f.s expected in October. ' ,__ ==III1H1ll1l11l1l1l11l11l1l1immIlIlUlHIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllllilllllllllll1II1111111111111111111111111P~=_;=~ , Gartner said birth control ad­ vice will be one of the services. Lobster BOQt~ are He added: "We certainly will not insist that anyone accept it as II ~ coming, broll1g;l1Ig ~ pre-requisite for other help." He also said that personnel at the q:enters will not wait for visitors to bring up the subject. The program, also financed by %he state Medicaid program, willl be directed by Dr. Kate Miller, who has specialized in gynecol­ "7-"58 .gy and family planning at vari­ New York City hospitals. ~l1l11l11l11l1l11l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l11l1l11ll11l1l11l1l1l11l1ll11l1l11ll11l11l1l11ll11l11l1l1l1l1l1l1ll11illlllllllllllllll1I1111/1!1!1I1!1Ill.~

Summe", "Pr091'(l1II




I:;~~~~~;:~ T~ i

THE ANCHORThurs., July 21, 1967


Dutch Meeting Pleases Bishops

NEW SECRETARY: Paris­ born Archbishop Paul Phil­ ippe has been named Secre­ tary of the Congregaition of the Doctrine of Faith by Pope Paul. The Dominican priest, ordained in 1932, has been serving as Secretary of the Congregation of Reli­ gious. NC Photo.

Join in ·Religious TV Camlj)aign NEW YORK (NC)--'A series of religious television messages, called "telespots," is ' being jointly sponsored by Catholic and Protestant groups here. The telespots are produced by the Hour of St. Francis Productions, L~ Angeles, and are filmed in color. The project received' its ini­ tiai impetus from joint sponsor­ ship of telespots in the Seatt.~, Wash., archdiocese, and ,in Al­ buquerque, N: M. in the santa :Fe archdiocese. '

NOORDWIJKERHOUT, (NCP -General satisfaction amount­ ing almost to enthusiasm waa expressed over the European bishops' synod held here during the week of July 10. In the view of Bernard Car­ dinal Alfrink of Utrecht, the 70 bishops from 19 European coun­ tries who took part were happy with the meeting, particularly, ,he said, because of "the human encounters" it afforded. In retrospect, the following impressions were among' those gained by observers who fol­ lowed the various sessions of the meeting: -There is a great fraternity and sincerity and a common dis­ covery of positive values arising from the changes taking place everywhere. -Bishops are earnestly seek­ ing to end the isolation in which they have sometimes found themselves, not because of un­ certainty about the updated view of the Church as the com­ munity of faith in the modem world but more because of pre­ occupation with administration and management. -There is a new desire for closer contacts between the sec­ retariats of the national bishops' conferences' in all European countries, east and west. -Similarly, there is a growing recognition of the Church'lJ vitality in an age in which the great problem is that of conserv­ ing unity and at the same time allowing for the widest possible plurali~y.

-There is also a new appre­ ciation of the bishops' problems in implementing the decrees of the Second Vatican CouncU. particularly as regards pastoral councils. "The chief difficulty in this area is the fact that bishops have no precedents in setting organizations designed to assist them in: 'dioc~san management.




Like To SUY,'YES!







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 27, 1967

~o~e of C~Mtr~h o[J4)

V0~fr Q't)@ [ITfi)'

Cru~is Ope~ t(@ [D)O~~M~~O@~ By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Social Action Dept., USCC) The July 10 issue of Newsweek magazine was given over entirely' to a discussion of the impact of the Viet­ nam war on a variety of institutions in American life, in­ cluding the church and the synagogue. The section dealing with organized religion ad- . dressed itself to the follow- tary Rusk, and 'by h'is assertion jng quel'!tions: "That can re- that the churches should lend • support to those citizens who, ligion say about the war In like himself, are coming to feel

Schedule for Summer Season MAVTAP09sm.

ASSONIET ST. IBlERN ARJI)T Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. First frid.-.ys-Evcnmg Mass 5:30 PM. Confcsrions before every Mass


ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-6:00, 7:00,8:00.9:00.10:00, 11m. A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Daily-7:00, 8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 PlUl. - First Friday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00 A.M. ROVTE 6 DAIIUEN COUNCIL, K OF C BALL Masses: Sunday-9:30 and, 10:30 A.M.

OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Masses: Sunday- -7:30,8:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 'A.M., and 5:00 P.M Daily-8'OO A.M. Confessions: Sat. 4-5 and 7-8 P.M.

OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Suooay-7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00,11:00, AJIl. 5:00 P.M.

Daily-7:30 A.M.

ST. VINCENT'S HOME Masses: Sunday-6:45 A.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.


Vietnam? Should the churches that "nothing short of the threat . IMMACUlLATE CONCEPTION condemn U. S. policies? Can they of defeat in 1968 will persuade Masses: Sunday~7:00. 8:00.9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. eifel' al ternathe. present Administra.tion to Confessions: 7-8 P.M. on Saturday 1ives? And who, change its policy." after all, will If this means anything at all, BUZZARDS BAY listen to them? ·it means that the churches and S'l[. MARGAC.ET'~ These and a synagogues, in Dr. Brown's Masses: Sun·day-6:30. 8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11, 0, number of rejudgment, should corporately get 12 noon and 7:30 P.M. Jated questions involved in the next Presiden­ Daily-7 :00 A,M. are also raised tial campaign, at least to the Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 P.M. and 7: -8:30 very pointedly extent of supporting those dis­ P.M. in a new bookgwntled citizens who want to 'ONSET let entitled "Vi. ';throw the rascals out." etnam: Crisis ST MARY-STAR OF THE SEA of. Conscience" No Easy Answer Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30. 10:30. 11: 0 written by thl'ee I don't think that the chur'ches Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 P.M. and 7:00-8:30 well-known Catholic, Protestand synagogues are going to do P.M. tant and Jewish scholal'S -- Mi- anything of the kind-and I am CIl:NTERVILLE chael Novak, Rabbi Abraham J. confident that, if they were fool­ OUR LAJI)¥ OF VICTORY Heschel, and Dr. Robert McAfee ish enough to do so, they would Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12:00 eon Brown (co-published by Assobe severely criticized, and prop­ Daily.,-7:00 A.M. ciation Press, Behrman House, erly so, by the overwhelming Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:3{I-8:30 P.M. and Herder and' Herde)', New majoJ"ity of American citizens, York). including those· who are comWIEST BARNSTABLE OURLAJI)Y OF HOPE· For present purposes, I am pletely at odds with the Admin­ particularly interested in Dr. istration over. the issue of Viet­ Masses: Sunday-9:30, 10:30 Brown's provocative essay in nam. CENTRAL VILLAGE this joint "appeal of moral urI have raised this particular ST. JOHN THE BAPTIl'T gency" rellying Catholics. Protexample, not to embarrass Dr. Masses: Sunday~7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. estants and Jews to join'in.bold Brown ·(for whom I have the Dail) --lUlU A.M. . steps to end the confilict in ·highest personal· regard), but Confessions: Saturday 4:30-5:00 and 7:30-8:00 .M. Vietnam. merely to suggest' that there is S'" .d1HN THE 13.'lPTIST HALIL Crisis of Conscience no easy answer to the question: Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. In general, I share Dr. What is the role of the corporate'· CHATHAM Brown's deep-felt conviction church and synagogue in face --( HOlLY llEDEEJ\oIER that that the Vietnam war repreof the Vietnam crisis? Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 sents a serious "crisis of conTo say that they must do more . 12:00 A.M. science" not only for individual than they are currently doing to Daily -7:3C A.M. Christians and Jews, but also for resolve this crisis is one thing. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:,00 and 7:30-9:00 the church and the synagogue as But to spell this out in detail is corporate or institutional relisomething else again. SOUTH CHATnAM gious bodies. Major Conference 'H'P LAJI>V OF Git..,.CE Moreover I agree, in substance, Dr. Brown deserves sincere Masses: Sunday-7:30. 8:30,9:30. 10:30,11:30 with many of his specific reccredit for having tried his hand Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5.:00 and 7:30-9:00

ommendations as to what Chrisat this very difficult assignment, tians and Jews ought to be doing but, in my judgment, he has EAST fALMOUTH in the face of this crisis. raised almost as mahyquestions ST. ANTIlIOKY On the other hand, however, as he has answered concerning Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, I am hot sure that he has fully the role of the corporate '-church 12 noo·F. 5:0r P.M.

thought through all of the ·imand synagogue in promoting Daily 7:00. 8:00 A.M.,

plications of his overall apworld justice and peace. Confessions Every Saturday: 4-5 and 7-8 P.M~ proach to the very complicated This is not at all surprising, Devotions: Novena to St. Anthony-Tuesday at problem of what the churches of course, for there are few 7:00 P.M. (English) and synagogues themselves problems inore difficult to set­ ought to be doing, as corporate tle. Perhaps what we need is a . EAST IFRlEfTOWN bodies, to resolve the Vietnam full-dress discussion of this VATHEDRAL Cl\.l\iP crisis. problem, with all of its manifold Dr. Brown is careful 'to point implications, at a major ecumen­ OUR LADY (,F THlE ASSUIUJ'TION CHAPE out that religious leaders do not ical confe)'ence. ·Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00 A.M.

have-and should not pretend to In my opinion, Dr. Brown . DaJly-7:30 A.M. have-a political expertise dewould make the perfect chair­ Confessions: Before every Mass nied to politicians. man for such a conference. All Devotions: Benediction-Sunday 5:00 P.M.

He also warns his readers that in favor will pl'ease say "aye"; FALMOUTH "our task is not to assign blame the "ayes" have it, and it is so· for the past, but to accept reordered. ST. PATRICK sponsibility for the future; not Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, to cast the stone of condemna­ _ 12 nocn and 5:30 P.M. 1P11'e~C!ll/'e A/I'ilp·u".P'\Ices tion, but to offer the helping Daily: 7:00 A.M. hand of reconciliation; not to Confessions: SatuFday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-9:00 P. Si.l/'Il'r:/ke Siel/'Q'Uemel1'ilt pl'oceed self righteously and Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena-Mond y WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. vindictively, but to walk humbly at 7:30 P.M. George G. Higgins, director of and repentantly." the U. S. Catholic Conference's Personal Criticism FALMOUTH HEIGHTS Social Action Department and So far, so good. Off hand, S'l THOMAS CHAPEL chairman 'of a special presiden­ howeve)', I find it rather diffi­ Masses: Sund<Jy-6:15, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.~. tial panel named to arbitrate the cult to reconcile this very sensi­ contract dispute b~tween the. na­ ble advice with Dr. Brown's un­ tion's railroads and 19.000 con­ qualified espousal-in the name ductors and brakemen, has an­ of religion':-of certain very spe­ cific solutions to the Vietnam· nounced "final and binding set­ Masses: Sunday- 6:00 7:00. 8:00. ~:OO, 10:00, 11: • tlement of the issues." crisis and his flat assertion 12:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. He did not reveal the settle­ that "the churches and syna­ Daily-7:00 .and 8:00 A.M. ment's terms, however. Msgr. gogues must mobilize support Confessions: Saturday -4:00-5:30 and 7:30-~:00 P.M. Higgins said that both sides for (these) next steps so that Day Before Holyday-Same as Saturday "have executed a memorandum our policymakers will be forced First Frida~-7:0~, 8~. A.M..and 5:~0 P.M. of understanding which provides (sic) to move in new directions." Holyday-7.00, 8.00. 9-.00, 10.00, 12.16 neon a

the basis for a detailed agl'ee­ In view of his above-quoted 5:30, 7:30 P.M.

ment to be executed· at a later wal'ning against vindictive and MELODY TENT date." self-t'ighteous condemnation of Masses Sunday-9:15, 10:15, 11:15 A.M. individuals, I am even more Msgr. Higgins writes "The YARMOUTHPORT confused by Dr. Brown's very Yardstick" column for NC Fea­ severe and highly personal el'it­ ture Service.' It is published in SAe'?,ETI HE" RT ieism r:f Pre~:rl".,t .Johnson. Vice The ".nchor ann "ther C~tl,olic Masses: Sunda)'-8:00, 9:00 A.M;

President Humphrev. "nn Secrepapers throughout the country.


Cflnfessions: 3:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 P.M. SIASCONSET, MASS. COl\IMUNrry CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:15 A.M.

OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-6:30. 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Daily-7:oo A.M. Cflnfessions: Saturday 10:00 A.M. and 4:00-a. and 7:00-8:00 P.M. Devotions: Benedictio~Sundayat 7:30 p~

EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-6:45. 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00

ORLEANS . ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH Summer ~Iasses at Orleans Theater - Route 6& Masses: Sunday-7:oo, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.J1L Daily-7:30 A.M: Ct>nfessions: 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:00 P.M. Satur­ days at St. Joan of Arc Church

NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OIF THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AJ'JI.

OSTERVILLE OUR lLADYOF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: SUJiday-7:{)0, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 Alla. and 5~00 P.M. Daily-7:00: 8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 Pllfl.

SANTUIT ST. J1lJDIE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 7:30-8:15 P.M.

POPPONESSET COl\lll\i1lJNnTl' CENTER Masses: Sunday-6:45, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM.

Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 P.M.



PIltOVDNCnOWN ST. PETER TWE A~OSTlLlE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00

AM., 8:00 P.M.

Daily-7:00 A.M.

Confessions: Saturday 4:30-6:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.M.


CHRnSTI CIHlURCH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. First Friday Mass--7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturd.ay 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.M. First Friday Confession on Thursday 7:3&. 8:30 P.M.



Masses: Sun(J.<l)'-6:30, 8'30 9'30. 10:30, U:3G . A.M. Also Masses at 9:30, :10:30, 11 :30 in Lower Hall of Church. Confessions: Baturday 4:~h)-5:00 d!.d 7:30-8:30 P.M. First Friday Mass--7:30 AM. Confession Thursday 7:30-8:30 P.M.



Conf.~ion' ::.'U::~:;':;::~::3.-9'OOp~~




ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, U:30 AJ'ttr. Daily 7:30 A.M. Confessions: :=-aturday 4:00-5:00 ahd 7:3Q-8:30J?.M. First Friday-Mass at 7:30· A.M. Confession for First Friday on Tbursdzy­ 7:30.,8:30 P.M..


ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00. 9:00, 10:00. ],1:00, II noon, 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Saturday ONLY Con!essions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:Ml P.IIl.

SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. riDS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:15, n:Ml A.III. Night Mass for Ju17 and AQ&UIlI 7:341 P.M.. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturdays and Eves of First FridaoJ'lll 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 P,M.

Turn to Page Five

Taunton Native Georgia Crime Unit M~Mber


Governor Lester Maddox: Georgia has appointed. a I"lilWtive of Taunton and a fol!'­ mner parishioner of Saint











PITTSBURG (NC)-Bigh­ op Nicholas T. Elko hag stated: "I'm still bighop of the Pittsburgh Byzantine

lli1ary's Parish in Taunton, to his «::ommission on Crime and' Jus­ Mce for the state of Georgia. I3le ill Rev. R. Donald Kiernan ca Atlanta. The 31-member commission is composed of government lead­ 12Il'8, Law School Deans, and rep­ zresentatives of various state wide civic organizations. The announcement of the commission came two days after ®!e Governor had called some @CO persons from all over the mate to Atlanta where he asked Mlem to form committees and net in an advisory capacity to OOne smaller study group. ]Father Kiernan is Pastor of &ll~. Anthony's Church in Atlan­ flo, Chaplain of the Georgia As­ Gl>clation of Chiefs of Police and Associate Chaplain for the Inter­ Illational Association of Chiefs of


(Co\t® S)[9)®d©JU ~®©J$@Ctil [f@G' [Q)OV@[i'(i::@ ~(i::\fO@(Ji) DETROIT (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Henry E. Donnelly of the lD>etroit Archdiocese has granted ~rmission to Detroit Mayor 3ell'ome P. Cavanagh to obtain a lriWll divorce to protect the m.avor's rights to seek custody of his children. Noting that Mrs. Cavanagh llad filed suit for separate main­ tenance, it has been explained that under Michigan law Mayor (Cavanagh would automatically waive all custody rights ui\less llae took the divorce action. The Detroit chancery office made the announcement because gtubllcity surrounding the Cath­ anne couple had given some per­ oorw the idea that the Church Diac! either changed its teaching ~ divorce or could bend the law fin the case of an important Berson.


Thurs., July 27, 1967

CHURCH DISPENSARY: Almost 10,000 persons from 16 villages in the Demilita­ rized Zone have been located in refugee centers in Cam Lo, seven miles below the DMZ. Father James Phan van Co, left, moved with his parishioners; his t e m po r a r y church serves 'also as schoolhouse and dispensary. Lt. John Goncher, right, U.S. Navy doc­ tor from Chicago, holds sick call on the p oreh of the temporary church NC Photo.

Prelate Warns of Strike's Racial Nature Hospi~QI

Maintenance Workers Mostly Negroes

CLEVELAND (NC)-A Cath­ olic priest endorsed the right of maintenance workers to strike a local hospital here, but warned that the "racial nature" of the stl'ike may be exploited by some segments of the community. Msgr. William M. Cosgrove

Continued !from Page Four IFlASS ~OVlER

expressed his convictions in It letter to the Plain Dealer news­ paper, as maintenance workers and other non-professional help, mostly Negroes, entered the fourth month of their strike at St. Luke's Hospital. The board of trustees of the Methodist-run



Masses: Sunday-7:30, '8:30, 9:30, 10:30. 11 :30 A.M. Confessions: Saturdays and Eves of Fil'st Fridays 7:30-8:30 -P.M. V!NIEYARlCl IHAVIEN

ST. AlDGlDSTnNIE IWlllsses: Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.

©;)nfessions: Saturday 9:30-10:30 A.M. and 4:30­ 5:30 P.M. and 7:30-8:30 P.M. ~votions: Sunday Evening Rosary and Benedic­ tion at 7:00 P.M. CH!lMARK



Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. (Confessions: Before Mass at 6:30 P.M. WARIEIHAM ST. PATRnCK

lWasses: Sunday- 7:00, 8:0(1. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 noon and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. lConfessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M. ~votions: Monday evenings a Mass for Peace and Servicemen at 7:30 P.M. WIES'IJ' W Pl~IEIHIAM 811'.AN1I'1HIONll

rJIasses: Sunday- 8:30. 9:30, 10:30 A.M. Confessions: Before Masses AAA~OOINI

811'. lltll1l'A

Th'lasses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ©onfessions: Before Masses WlElLlLlFll.lElE1T

Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 AM. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday evening 7:30-8:30 P.lV1. Ii\lOct'lJ'lHI 1l'RUIltO OlDIlt ILAIDiY OlF PlERPE1I'UAlL IHIIEILll"

Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

Confessions: Saturday evening 7:30-8:30 P.M. WIEST HARWICH HOJLY TRiNITY


Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 noon and 5:00 P.M. Daily-9'00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-5:30, 7:30-9:00 P.M.


Masses: Sunday-6:30, 7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-9:00 P.M. WtES'IJ'I?OLU S1I'. GIEORGlE

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-6:30 and 7:00 A.M.' ' Confessions: Saturday 3:30 and 7:00 P.M.


Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.M.





lY.l:asses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. Masses in Church Hall at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. and First Friday Masses at 8:00 A.M., 5:30 P.M. ~nfessions: Saturday ~:30-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 P.M.

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00, 12 noon Confessions: Saturdays 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.M. Devotions: Benediction Sunday evening at 7:30 P.M.

hospital has refused to recog­ nize the workers' right to organize. "I am especially interested in the present dispute because I am the pastor of St. Henry's parish," wrote Msgr. Cosgrove. "Our community is an interra­ cial community and we are very concerned for their welfare. It happens that most of the people seeking representation at St. Luke's Hospital are Negro. "I know that there are those on both sides who would like to view this dispute as a racial dispute. This is the last thing that the city of Cleveland needs at this time, but I am afraid that, unless more constructive steps are taken on the part of the hospital authorities, there are those who will exploit the racial nature of this situation. This would do great harm to the Negro community and to union­ ism. ''The greater the delay in rec­ ognizing the rights that exist on both sides in this dispute '* '* <­ the more likely we are to have the extreme elements using (it) as a springboard for their own interests. In such an event we all lose," Msgr. Cosgrove said. A group of Methodist minis­ ters has also urged the trustees to meet with the union but the trustees, who are laymen, have refused.

diocese, and I have been and will remain consultant of the Vatican's Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church." Speaking f!'Om Rome in a tele­ phone interview with the Pitts­ burgh Catholic, newspaper of the Latin-rite Pittsburgh dio­ cese, Bishop Elko said an article which appeared in the July 15 issue of the Vatican City news­ paper, L'Osservatore Romano, stated: "Bishop Elko, bishop of the Pittsburgh Byzantine dio­ cese, is a consultant of the Sacred Congl-egation for the Oriental Church." According to Bishop Elko, this announcement "reiterates to the public that I'm remaining a con­ sultant to the Pope and that I'm still bishop of the diocese." He suggested that the wire services may have mistaken the sentence to mean that he was newly appointed when in fact it was simply a confirmation of a post he has held for almost four years. In several reports published after the July 15 announcement it 'was assumed that Bishop Elkc had been suspended from his position as bishop of the diocese, and that, as consultant, he would have to remain in Rome. Expect Explanatioll1 When asked why no official explanation has been given foil' his eight-month absence from the diocese, Bishop Elko said: "The Holy Fa.ther has been very kind to me. He is interested illl everybody, priests and laity alike." He indicated that officials are gradually working toward the truth by talking, with all in­ volved in the matter, and that once the truth is learned an ex­ planation will be given. Bishop Elko was called to Rome in December, 1966. It has been reported that Vatican of­ ficials are investigating charges against him made by a group of diocesan priests. There has been no confirma­ tion from the Vatican, the apos­ tolic delegation in the United States or the Pittsburgh Byzan­ tine officials that this is the relll­ son Bishop Elko is in Rome. r-O_I._O_O_II_O_O_O_0&i80Gii":


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 27, '1967


Papal Visit

Continued from Page One taking the first action it wouM now seem possible that the Ps.o march woud be allowed to come to Rome and he did in fac0 Frustration is a terrible and powerful drive. It not announce this visit for August. only tears a person apart within himself but impels him The formal visit to the Pa­ to acts of blind and senseless and savage dest.ruction. Rage triarch began with a visit ~ at the impotence to which circumstances not of his own St. George Orthodox Cathedral where the Pope and Patriarch making have reduced him finds a frightening outlet in shared the same dias (the Pa­ violence and death. ' triarch's throne had been movecll This is th,e tragic story of the Negro in America. His into the background). After pub­ frustration is even now writing a bloody page in today's lic prayer, the' two religioWil leaders met privately. newspapers and the history books of tomorrow. It would be the third meeting Doubly tragic is the fact that rioting and arson and for them. Surprisingly, the Pa­ looting come at a time when so many persons were think­ triarch had gone to the airpori ing that the struggle to make the American Negro a first­ to be one of the first to receive -the Pope on his arrival to Tur­ class citizen in fact as well as before the law was on the key. They met here and later the upward swing, was carrying the day. 'Patriarch paid a thanksgiving Is it that the Negro community sensed this feeling visit to the Pope .at the residence of optimism and reacted lest the civil rights struggle of ,the Apostolic Delegate. , Hopeful Unity , be considered as over and won and, attention diverted to "We do not feel 'strangei'll some other field? here" the Pope told his manY. Is the present rebellion simply the outburst of, men, , hearers. He mentioned the com­ and women at the end ,of their tether and weary of, b&­ mon praise East and West had ing subjected to the day-by-d:ay' indi~nities of prejudice for Pope John XXIII who had spent many years ,Delegate­ and hate? " in the city and St. John Chry~oIs' there something pathological about the rioting­ . stom, the great doctor of, , frustration sO strong that:it turns outward to looting-and and West. "',.': " , burning. and inward· to' murder in ,reverse, 'tQ 'suicid,e, .' The eai'ly ecumenical councihi " , to the destruction by Negroes of even the neighborh()()().s were also held within Istanbul " and the visit to Ephesus stressed in which they themselves live an~ in which they have the common spring at which felt so long imprisoned? both the Catholic' Church and Is the view of Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan the correct the Orthodox find a place Cd! , one? This eminent expert on urban problems has long refreshment. MII'Si. J)(QJmes Shields, of NCCW felt that the problem was not one of race so much as one The Pope called upon each Named Official person to "revise your habitual of status. He sees the rioting as work of a "large, des­ ways of thought lmd action, tc perately unh~py and disorganized lower-class commu­ ROME (NC) - Mrs. James To as ure c1emocratic repre­ conform more to the Gospel and nity" that just happens to be predominantly non-white. Shields of Mount Carmel, Pa., sentatio~ Work said, three as­ to the demands of a true Chris­ And, in his view, "violence is a routine way of life with, president of the National Coun- semblies of chiefs of delegations tian fraternity." He expressed cil of Catholic Women has been will be eld. The head of the destroyed and broken f.amilies." He quotes Karl Marx to confidence that this would has­ one of the four co-pres- U.S. del~ation is Nunzio Giam­ ten the coming of the hour of the effect that a "ragged proletariate" is essentially an­ chosen idents of. the coming Third In- balvo of Chicago, president, of God.

archistic rather than revolutionary. ternational Congress of the Lay the NC and assistant chietl: is Marg~et Mealey, executive Moynihan believes that when the husband is absent Apostolate. The' president of the congress director f the NCCW. from nearly two million of the nation's five million Negro families, when so many Negro children are thus reared will be Vittorino Veronese, 'Work s 'd that the congress is in fatherless homes, when poverty and racial injustice long active in Italian law apos- "to be a en-day period of tem­ and, president ()f the perature !taking. What does the WOR~ESTER (NC)-Parisb­ make up the environment in which they live, thEm ad­ tolate Bank of Rome. The other co- laity feelt What is the thinking ioners have been given a voice justm!'lnt in and to the orderly mainstream of the cO,un­ presidents represent Europe, of lay Ca~holics on various prob­ in deciding the fate of five pal'­ try's society is difficult and almost impossible. Latin America, Asia and Africa. lems? W~at is the role of the ishes in the Webster-Dudley. After the October congress in laity in the Church?" There is, of course, DO excuse for anarchy, no rea­ area of the Worcester diocese. son ,for murder and arson and looting and violence. The ~ome, the n~wly created Coun- ,Work s id the upcoming con­ After a fire destroyed the rec­ cII of the Lalty:=-to ~e a pa.rt of gress wi be "characterized by tory of St. Louis church in Dud­ ultimate protection of every man is law. So while the the ~oman CurIa-WIll begm to complete openess and will not ley, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan actions that are presently going on s'hould be condemned, functIOn. be engin ered toward a single asked the pastors of the five the causes for them must-now more than ever-be ex­ The total program of the com- objective. It hopes to open the churches in the two-town area amined and corrective measures taken. A desperate stratum ing congress has been planned way for e great dialogue be­ to name a· committee of five of society-no matter what its color-must be upgraded and the general guidelines of the tween the laity and the Church!' parishioners from each parish W> and enriched sO that frustration will not continue to be international me e tin g s have Among U.S. contributions to stUdy the future situation. been formed at planning meetIt was noted that St. Louis,., fanned to the explosion point. ings, stated Martin Work of the the lay co gress' will be the ap­ which', has a 90-year-old church, NCCM. 'He noted that it has pearance Col. James McDivitt, needs a new church edifice as been decided that the congress who is an astronaut and a Cath­ well as a new rectory. It' aOO is to be conducted along strictly olic. He w 11 take part in a con­ was 'noted that St. Anthony's has The remarkable, image given by the latest historic democratic lines with notes to a still older church building. meeting between Pope Paul and P.atriarch Athenagoras be taken on all proposals and ference 0 the subject of the The other parishes have served man of to orrow. variouJl ethnic groups-French­ is the spiritual one. Of course,this is as it should be from resolutions. Canadian, Polish and Slovak. two men of religion, but it is good to see just the same. "Before we decide to build ~ Their hopes are founded, not on diplomacy and skill-al­ new rectory for 'old St. Louis," though these there are and ,will be-but on the conviction Bishop Flanagan told the parish each has that since Christ prayed for unity then the groups, "the time is appropriate TII'CIlJDlnlees in New Blindfolds to take a long hard look at the Holy Spirit.is at work in the he~rts of men of religion entire situation." of good, will. Prepare for Teachung\ Sightless He suggested some parishes This is the answer. Reunion will be the work of God. SOUTH ORANGE' (NC)-':'For Blind in ;)est Philadelphia, be-' might be JJ,lerged, parish bound­ It will be rooted in truth. It will come from man's coopera­ four hours daily, five, ,men and , lieves "thisl' course should be II aries re-drawn and other ,tion with the grace of God. Both Pope Paul and the Patri- , women live as blind ,people to requirement for all instructors aspects consider,~d. arch have pledged their cooperation to this grace, confi­ help gain greater understanding o~ the blindl I know that alread~ ,of problems of the blind. I ~ave gain~ a greater empathy , S "U' , derit that in God's 'gOod tim~ lt will 'bear f:ruit. The five are inst;~ctors of the a.nd feel~ng. for my charges. Un- • enatoi' ' lOt' ,blind taking a special course at til OJ~e 18 II. total dar~ness for Inquiry Committee _ ' @ " " " " ' S e t o n H a l l u n i v e r s i t y h e r e i n a p e n O d of 1~Ime there IS not the : "s c~nsclO';ls~ess Sen. WASHINGTON (NC) ­of Mas­ U. a, " ' , , ' , ' " 'New Jersey. For, four,hours ¥roJ~c,ti on oo~e Edward W. Brooke every day, they W,ear ,b,l,i,ndfoldS ~to a~ot~e ,bemgwlth a slmllar, sachusetts said he plans to pro­ for such everyday, activities as sltuation~ , , s e formation of a select com­ ,' , ,po walking on sidewalks, climbing . ' mittee with "broadest latitude'" stairs, boarding buses, eating F h L meals and crossing streets. Olllll'~ ayman to inquire into causes of racial rioting and possible cures. f'~F'CIAl NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll PiVER Sister Joseph Marita, teacher NEW OR EANS (NC)-ThirThe only Negro member of the /Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River at 'St. Luc~'s, School for the ty-three Ye~ old John L. Eck,. Senate said he will propose a n ~n "'!L holdt has een appointed vice seven-member committee. He 410 Highland Avenue g[)'() U"l<eW [g)'cell'tlJ1l president of usiness and finance said he has written to Sen. Mike Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 ST. LOUIS (NC)-Dr. Edgar at Loyola bniversity here in Mansfield of Montana, Senate PUBLISHER L. Roy, Jr. has been named vice Louisiana. ~ is the fourth lay- majority leader, outlining biB president for program, develop- man in a hi h university admin- plan.

Most Rev.' James L. Connolly, 0,0., PhD. ment at the College of Our Lady . " Brooke said he believes the

GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER ,of Mercy in Burlingame, Calif. istratlve pos . Eck~oldt present- nation is looking to the Senate fi'V. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll He has been administrative as- ly is associa ed with the Ocean "for leadership in furnishing MANAGING EDITOR sistant to the president at St. Drilling an Exploration Com-' affirmative action" .to solve the Hueh ~. Golden Louis University here since 1964. pany. growing problem.




Co-President PlI'eSiDdl~nt




Pallrushioners-Plan Fate of Parishes

Latest Meeting,

Work in D rk


' ' " ,,j) T'h' A'NCHOR' 'e"', ' ,'

Jerse~ We~r






THE ANCHOR-Diclcese of !Fan

Bishop Replies to Critics In Newspo'per Dispute· 'I'



Thre0 QuestuQutS , In the letter, addressed to I'the faithful of the diocese, 'of, Wil­ mington," Bishop Hyle said that his personal intent in ,the con­ troversy over the' Dialog , had !Deen questioned. '(he questiona being raised, according, to, thra bishop, are: , "First, is there really: a finan­ cial problem at the root of the IDlalog issue? Secondly" what are my thoughts concerning the !laymen involved? Third, what do I expect in a diocesan paper?" The dispute invQlves the res­ Ignations of a majority of the newspaper's board of directors snd its editor, John O'Connor. The first three resignations were prompted by a' request of the bishop, after the board' had voted on May 26 to" extend ,O'Connor's contract' one year past its expiration ,date on Nov. 00. 1967.

tives: "First, to admit that we could not afford a newspaper in the diocese and stop the publication of the Dialog, or to attempt to provide a paper, that would ap­ peal to advertisers and to all our people, liberals, conservatives, and middle-of-the-roaders. I am, and have been, attempting to do the latter." Bishop Hyle implIed that' O'Connor had not,\ been willing to make the changel1 in the paper's editorial policies that would have brought it wider support in the dioce8e. He $aid that O'Connor's con­ tract ,had ,b~n exte,nded six months fr0in its original expi,ra­ tion date ,o~ NdY., 30, i966, "'be-' cause I' held the'hope that the paper would change in such a fashion as to become more ac­ ceptable to our readers- 'and ad­ vertisers, thus opEming itself to more widespread financial sup­ port." Finds Change Necessary Bishop Hyle continued: "Only Mr. O'Connor could have ef­ fected those changes, since, he was in complete charge of the editorial policy." The bishop stated that when the financial, support failed to materialize, "when in fact, it became increasingly evident that our people were not contribut­ ing to their parishes for the Dia­ log while at the same time' they were generously supporting other projects of diocesan and parish nature, I felt a change was necessary, on the basis that the editor was riot able to pro­ duce a product which was finan­ cially viable." Bishop Hyle also said that he had not questioned the com­ petence, ,of the varioUlS board members in their respective fields. He stated: "I said I had lost confidence in them to ac­ complish the changes I felt nec­ essary if the Dialog were to be­ come financially supportable by readers and advertisers."


July 27, 1967

Nc> Y. Educators Await Showdown On Repea~ of IIU@~lme Am~m1l~mentt

WILMINGTOJf' (NC)-Bishop Michael W. Hyle of Wil­ mington has responded to critics of his role in the dispute over the Delmarva Dialog, dioeesan' newspaper, in a full page letter in the July 21 issue of the Dialog. The letter was published as a;]l adver­ tisement, with the comment, port and the consequent neces­ G<The charges for this space sity of subsidies by' the diocese, Hyle stated that the situ..; have been paid for with the Bishop ation left him with two alterna­

versonal funds of the Most Rev­ <arend Michael W. Hyle, D.D., Bishop of Wilmington." Bishop Hyle published th<2! statement as a respon:se:to a let­ rer in the previous week's issue ,'by two former members: of the :Dialog board. "'" :', " He said that "I 'was' offered no , 'apportunity to reply 'to' that 'let­ ter last week. "Although the News Journal' pa~rs observed " the customary joun\:alistfe' cour­ , .\1esy of calling me £btl mY"Mm­ ments on receiving a copy of the !etter, no one from the ·Dialog staff informed me that' they had the letter for,publication or has lIOught my comments on'its 'con­ tents, even as I .write to you. "By our press sclledli:le; I " ,know that our Dialog' staff had 1.. I/laceived the letter ~;,en ' bt'!iore '''X did." ,,,,



EXPERT: James R. Jen­ nings, former· director of Anlysis and Operations for U. S. Steel, joins staff of U. S. Bishops' SecretariaJte for WorId "J usti'ce .and Peace to develop educational pro­ grams. NC Photo.

Heads Medical Missmon Board NEW YORK (NC) - Father Joseph J. Walter S.J., formerly r in charge of 5t: Ignatius Church. Brooklyn, has been appointed director of the Catholic Medical Mission Board. He succeeds Father Edward F. X. Kennedy, S.J., who has been named assistant rector of St. Francis Xavier church here. Father Walter was a member of the Jesuit Mission Bureau from 1955 to 1964. Prior to this, he was secl'etary to the provin­ cial of the Jesuit New York Province from 1947 to 1952, and assistant superior at Brooklyn Preparatory .School, from 1952 to 1955. The Catholic· Medical Mission Bo.ard, which has been in exist­ ence for some 40 years, wac founded to help medical mis­ sionaries priests, Sisters, Brothers and laity serving the world's poor - with medicines, drugs, equipment and volunteer medical personnel. The board is under the direction of tM Jesuit Fathers.

ALBANY (NC) - The next few weeks will become increasingly important to church and school officials most concerned with the fate of the 74-year-old Blaine Amendment to the New York Constitution, which has stood as a solid wall barring any and all aid to children in church-related schools. The first of several steps to remove it from New York's Constitution has already been taken in the State Constitutional Convention. A subcommittee of the Com:' mittee on the Bill of Rights and Suffrage has voted 6~1 to strike it from the Constitution. The full comm~ttee has ta~en up the controverJial issue, which has become one of the hottest to stir the state in' decades. The probability is that the full committee will .follow the subcommittee recommendation and remove the Blaine. But it will not be that simple. The first topic for the full committee in. considering the ,Blai..~ is wllettIer or not to in-, clude wording similar to the Jri~t AmeridmEmt ot' the Feder3I Constitution. , This will stir debate because those who ,~rge repeal of Blaine feel that reliance on the First Federal will provide the needed guarantee of separation of church and state. They feel that the First Federal is as strong as the Constitution, need be on the issue. But those who want Blaine to stay as it, has been since adopted in the 1894 convention will fight the First Federal. It should be several weeks before the full committee comes to grips with the Blaine Amendment-as is-Article XI, Section 3. Until that time, the issue will , grow hotter. Those who urge repeal of

Blaine found a strong, indirect

ally in the heads of six private

universities who urged that the

. State Constitution's provisions for aid to private and religious schools be left intact in any new

or modified Constitution. The plea was made in a 2,500­ word letter to Assemblyman Anthony J. ,Travia, president of the Constitutional Convention, from Allan J. Carter, chancellor of New York University. Carter said the letter also represented the views of Gray­ son Kirk, president of Columbia University; James Perkins, pres­ ident of Cornell University; Father Leo P. McLaughlin, S.,J.. president of Fordham' Univer­ sity, W. Allen Wallis, president of the University of Rochester; and William P. Tolley, chancel­ lor of Syracuse University. Although not citing the Blain0 issue, the letter did hold: "We cannot avoid viewing with grave' alarm any suggested modifications in Article 16, See­ tion 1, of the present Constitu­ tion, and we urge retention of such provision." The section makes g'overnment funds' available to private and religious schools for library costs and, other administrative ,costs.·, . Carter said the six universi~ heads believe that the Constltu­ tion "should state as a goal the guarantee that no young man or woman of abililty should be de­ nied access to an institution of higher education because of £1­ nancial limitations." The educators, Carter said, also called for convention dele­ gates to endorse the State Board! of Regents as "the most appropriate vehicle" to direct the state's educational policy. The Board of Regents haD voted by m 2-1 margin for the removal of Blaine and suggested reliance on the First FederWl Amendment.





WYl11I'illlllilil 3~S~

Agree on 1Exee1lll!!a@~ CHAIlUIES IF. VARGAS , Originally, O'CO'1nor:'s,. con­ 254 ROCKDALE AVIEN\\ll[E SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-"'A tract had been scheduled to Developing World: A Develop­ 0xpire on May 31, 1967. The NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ing Church" will be the theme

oontract included a six months of the 11th annual National

'Illotification clause, which meant Catholic Social Action Confer­

that a decision as to whether the ence convention at the Univer­

oontract would be extended for another year had to be made silt ll"aBJer «or AlII sitY' of San Francisco here Aug.

Z4 to 27.

months prior to the expiration Bishop Hyle stated that he did tIC date of the contract. ' not "fire" O'Connor after the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO On Nov. 30, 1966; Bishop Hyle board had voted 8-6 to support At Catholic College and O'Connor agreed on Ii six­ him. He said that he asked for MILWAUKEE (NC)-The re­ month extension of his co'ntract, new members of the finance which moved the expil'ation date committee, but that he had been tired president of a Baptist co­ to Nov. 30, 19l!7, and made May willing to abide by the majority educational university in Kansas will teach two education courses 311, 1967, the deadline for notifi­ vote and keep O'Connor as edi­ at Marquette University here Heatu~g eation of whether the contract tor. . would be extended to Nov. 30, He said tha~ O'Connor had next Fall; George F. Donovan, notified him "that he himself university educatiori department , :n.988. O'Connor, recently elected" had deCided not~ contih'ue his chairman, announce~. 365 NOITH FRONT S1T~1E1El Andrew B: Martin, who win vice-president of the Catholic contract, citing nlter tha:t 'he had ~EW, IBEDfOl1lll Press Association,'atid live'other' .lost confidence iii" the' 'local" retire from, the ,presidency of directol's resigned their positions' 'church authorities"in 'matters of Ottawa University", Ottawa, .Kan., , ' will be -a ,visiting professor at ~ollowing this action. Ostensibly, 'the press.''' H.EATn~~G thewdisput~ r~volv~s afoun~ .the,' Bishop HYl~S~idtha~,he had Marquette d\lring ,the ,first se­ ~e spaper s fmanclal condition. learned a lesson' as a result of mester of the 1967-1968 academ­ Un~t It has bee~ sl:'~geste.d that' the Dialog ,dispute "a le'sson ic year. He will teach an undergrad­ ~hlS. wa~ not ~Ishop Hyle's o~ly which has cost hea~iiy in hurt , :mO~IVC 10 asking fo~ th: reslg-' feelings. We' must seek men uate course on integration of education theory and a grad­ n:tlol~S. Some. have Imphed t~at whose skills are in 'the"special­ . ,t e, blS~OP obJected ,to. th~ Dla­ ized fields for which we ask uate ,course on the history of education in the United States. log s liberal stand on some their help." issues. In closing, Bishop Hyle com­ 'll'wo AntemEl'Uvc?s mented on the kind of paper ~DDD~DagDDDDD~DDD~ a ][n his letter, Bishop Hyle needed in the diocese. He said rn maintains that financial prob­ that a diocesan paper should ~ ~[F&AC~& ~~(Q)$o ~ llems are at the center of his neither be '''another National III P ceoncern about the Dialog. He Catholic Reporter" nor "a chan­ ~ !El!eClV<alfrolrn~ ~ aaid that the paper's inability to cer,y bulletin." He stated: "We @fJ lBffill!§']T@lL {:Oll.rnTTif

P become a viable financial enter­ want and need a paper which all lID ILl CilJ)Il1~l7'iOld@ll'$ l! prise was an indication of the of our people-the intellectual ; 1TIHHE $l\~IEA'$ AAOSi'IT ACCOMMOIlllATaNG Il.1AIM~

m refusal of the people of the dio- and the man on the street alike, 11 ~ CIl'105$ S1T., IFAIlEl/HA ,,~~ Ii! Gase to support it. conservative and! liberal, can Il!l ATILIEISORO FALLS Ii! W''lfl11l'iliCI01l :22-4IlIZ>~ II After citing figuCel1 to iIllus­ find stimulating, rewarding and !11 NORTH ATTLEBORO ~ MANSFIELIlll l1!t'ate the lack of financilll! su/r educationaL" ~~a • • • m~~~ • • ~ • • • ~


Social Action





and Burners

"",.Jek ',hwt111







Major Superiors P~on Conference

THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Fail River-Thurs., July 27, 1.967

(Jarke CoUege Gir~s, Nuns

PORTLAND (NC)--Superiol1l of the major religious communi­ ties of women in the United States will attend the eighth an­ nual conference and retreat on, spirituality at the University of Portland here in Oregon Aug. B tv n. Sister Maureen O'Keefe and Father John J. Evoy, S.J., will present a discussion _ on "The Possibility of Total Human Ful­ fillment Within the Present-Day Structures of Religious insti­ tutes." General theme of the confer­ ence will be "The Religious Sis­ ter: Prophet to the Modem World."

Start Second GI Tour By Mary TiHllley Daly Like many nuns this time of year, Sister Malj' X:rtrier Goens, B.V.M.~ is about to embark on a new tour of duty­ only hers is in the Army! That's right, a nun in the Army, with a brand new promotion from captain to honorary colonel and a pair of colonel's to go anywhere in the world eagles to prove it. The invi­ free where there is hope of service." tational assignment, taking That hope was amply fulfilled a 15 member troupe of girls as the all-iirl revue with its

from Clarke College, Dubuque, brightly dressed cast of trust­ Iowa, on a USO-sponsored trip worthy, intelligent girls sparked to entertain GIs the world of lonely, bored GIs In "the big ice­ in their khaki and olive drab. box" as she calls The Army Chronicle called the SCHOLARS: Members of HoI Name Society and lBis~op ~eviews Needs 'It-Iceland, girls "the cutest little Army in " Women's Guild of Immaculate Conception Parish, Fall­ Greenland, Lab­ the world" and the GIs agreed. rador and New­ River, present scholarsh!ps ·to parish~on~s. Left to right, 'Of Reno Diocese Asked about L the whereabouts foundland "of that 1964 troupe, Sister told RENO (NC) - Bishop Joseph Holy Name representatIve Lomer L pomte; Elena Web­ -came as an us that half of them had gone Green, newly installed as third ster of Bishop Stang High whose scho arship was renewed; eutgrowth of a on to graduate school, the other o~ Reno, met with his Thomas Marcouxwfio will enter B shop Connolly High bishop previous suc­ half into marriage. consultors here to review a 17­ this Fall; outgoing Women's Guild P esident Mrs. George eessful ,tour of point agenda covering critical Selection of girls for this Sum­ Europe where Charbonneau; .and Richard Wiles w ose scholarship was needs of the diocese. He said be mer's coveted assignment fol­ CIa r k e girls wished the meeting fully' re:­ renewed and who will continue at Bi hop Stang. lowed along the lines set up in presented performances before ported, and the only aspect not 1964, with the additional stipu­ 8 combined audience of 35,000 publicized was a brief discussion lation that no one may be larger enthusiastic GIs. of personnel changes. than a size 10 ("those are the Sister Mary Xavier, chairman Major proposals called for re­ really' cute clothes"). cd the drama' department at vamping diocesan finances and First requirement is personal Clarke, and Sister Mary Jeremy including laity on practically , I Macklin of the same department, integrity; the second, academic, every level·of diocesan activities. a grade-point overage of at least were the first nuns' ever to Under study is a recommenda­ 2.3; the ability to meet people vavel abroad for the USO. ro have 'larger parishes "adopt'" easily; 'and fin'ally, ~len.t, Their 1964 Clarke College This eoming fashion season ible ';inyJ that they. fit the wear­ smaller ones, with parishioners To avoid a BObbsey-twin ef­ Coffee House, Theatre attracted will be a time of 'decision and er's leg ~IJDOst like a stocking. from the former becoming in­ fect, distinctly different person­ Dational 'and international ac­ indecision. No longer will we These will be a boon to the girl volved with the work of 'priests e1aim. Time magazine, covering alities were picked-physically, be complaining that all they are who .w~rtts the protection and i7l outlying areas. mentally, 'emotionally and the show in Munch, called the showing in the stores are mini­ look of b60ts without the weight It was proposed that surplus toroupe "virtuous, vigorous and every, girl has a definite job to skirts when we're not the type. and disc mfort that generally parish funds be called into a ...enturesome" and quoted one do,' one 'that suits her and keeps No, this season' accompan their wearing, central fund so low interest G1's surprised comment, "only her busy .the entire t()Ur-time. , the skirt length I Hemlin s 'haven't taken such loans could be made to develoP­ en second thought did you no­ Lime Green, Olive Dra~ ·you decide upon a dip sin e the post-World War ing parishes. tice that this is a clean show." will be free Two day when my generati!>n Sister showed us pictures of Story of the tour, its adven­ choice and not was in hi 'h school. I vividly re­ the 1967 troupe in their' ne~ tures, fun and pathos is t.Qld by member weeping gracefully in Former Communist clothes: Chic blue suits with a that forced upon Sister Mary Xavier in a recent­ you by the de­ and out of buses, my almost Seminary Teacher lime-green check; pastel-colored ly published book, uGI Nun," signers and ankle-hitt ng hemline cleaning miniskirt dresses trimmed in ROCHESTER (NC)-DQugllWl eo-authored, with Robert C. buyers, for this evervthin in its path. Looking Healey (P. J. Kenedy & Sons, la'ce and worn with long white Fall will be the back on t record book pictures Hyde, former editor of the com­ textured stockings; _the girls' $4.50). It is cleverly illustrated ti~e when a,?y of those igh school days, we munist Daily Worker in En­ by Sister Mary Paulita Kerrigan individually :.. selected evening skIrt length WIll often lau hed at the drooping gland, will become professor of ensemble (and the long white of the Clarke Art Deparment. be in style and skirts an bulky ankle socks, 'Christian leadership at St. Ber­ kid gloves), plus the heels-and­ whether you go but from e looks of the coming nard's Seminary here next FalL Over the Top hose they always wear. Hyde joined the Communist up or down wi~l depend on yc;>u trend thos skirts may return to It all adds up to an image of Coffee House Theatre, 1964, alone. The mldcalf hem Will fashion. I I wonder if there are party in Great Britain in 1928, was smooth and zingy fresh young American woman­ compete with the midthigh hem any of thbse old relics still in and worked for it for almost eombination of songs, blackouts hood, a composite picture for the an~ it's going to be quite inter­ storage a~ my mother's. Who two decades. GIs of the young women at home. (quick jokes and satirical com­ estmg to watch the ups and knows Wh[t fashion find I may ment on current affairs or mili­ Inflexible rules: no single downs. unearth? tary life) and audience partici­ dating, it is on an all-or-none The new long skirts, or midi­ pation. Hit of the show was in­ basis; no dating of officers; girls skirts are they are called,' are C«J>mplefe . • evitably the finale when the may ,:0 out in the daytime only quite fetching but will take a Alumnae Convention .girls appeared in formal evening in g;'oups of four, at night only bit of getting used to after the WASHI GTON (NC) -John gowns, elbow-length white kid when accompanied by a man in past few seasons when we're Cardinal ody of Chicago will gloves, earrings, the works, then the group (there will be two , been urged to shorten and short­ address t e International Fed­ "went over the top," marching male students from Loras Col­ en. Most are quite full and eration 0 Catholic Alumnae, offstage into the midst of the lege who take their drama graceful, while others are made during its 3rd anniversary con­ audience-14 girls dancing with courses at Clarke); a curfew like kilts with walking shorts vention h e Aug. 9-13. foil' BlI'istol County 500 bo'ys. every night based on perform­ underneath. ' "Thanks, Ma'am, for the white ance and travel schedules. Many of the midlength coats Bloves," one big GI.said to Sister, Good luck to Sister Mary are worn with mini-skirts and with tears in his eyes. "Remind­ Xavier, her Coffee House Thea­ ,textured colored stockings: These ed me of my senior prom-and I BIr6StO~ tre, and to the GIs in the Army's new longer coats certainly solve Deeded to remember." . northeast command! the problem of how to keep your Another said, "You're the first knees warm when wearing short people that treated us as if we skirts and I'm sure fashion­ were human." University ~o Work conscious New England college 'Ti~lUJ~'Il'ON,MASS. The nuns, called "the girls in girls will grab this fashion scoop black," often found themselves On Careers Project especially to wear to outdoor listening to outpourings of bored SEA~LE (NC)-Seattle Uni- . 1I'~1E ImANlK- ON IIfJ1JOIUlS and lonely young men, estab­ versity reported it has become Winter sporting e,~ents. 'lI'AUJlNlTON GREEN lishing the "I-Thou" dialogue, the first university in the nation High Boots largely, Siscter thinks because of to conduct research and evalua­ lI/llembe!' 011 Federal Deposll Longer hemlines' go as well wearing the religious habit, tion for the New Careers Proj­ with boots as did the thigh-high IInslllll'llIJll1Ce Corporation "ticket to the confidence of all ect, a federally, funded anti­ .ones and Golo has come out with lJorts of people." Sister has high poverty. program to educate and an over the knee vinyl boot that J'egard for GIs,' calling them train .disadvantaged persons for looks smashing wlth either look. -, "gentle men" when they are semi-Pfofessional employment., These boots have' a high shine t.J'eated as gentlemen. The, Jesuit university's in~ and are made of such soft flex­ volve-fDent includes job analysis, 'Cutest Army' job description, program devel-~IIII11"lIIll11l11l11l11illl""i1I11"iillllilllllllllllllllll'!l> In an in'terview before her opment '~Jlci evaluation besides '~' . DRYCLEA'N8NG' ' '~ .. , Aug. 3 departure with her "chil­ , seeking, cr~ating ,arid developing , and ' . § elren," the majestically, tall, job opportunities: in the. service" § , FUR STORAGE ~. motherly nun spoke of her, new fields of education, health, wel-'~ tluty as "an implication of Vat­ fare, protective ,services' and ,§. ~. recreation: ' . == . ' .,. ~ ican II, an extension of the apos­ tolate, within the Rule of my Some 250 persons will be en-' § II §, rolled' during i4, months 'as == .~ == Order and my professional capa­ WYm ' " BerilvilUe Avenue" l>ilities." heads __ 34-44 With approval of her supe­ ·trainees.'The of low-incomemajority families are who de.,.' ..,= ' . . Cohann":'" , . ",

~ew Bedford! Taunton 822-61J61J

.:;.. -.. '., ,' .. , riors, she is carrying out the sire to'increase their employable Rule: "The. ,Sisters should be skills. ' ,_ .. " ~lIiIlIllIllIlIllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'l1i








County 1I"'rlUlst Company



QU l~TY and






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~,lI'eet ._- - =~'



8~©lCk S~cOt·· Not



fHE AN(:HORThurs., July 27, 1967


~@W tFY~~D~D©J®~ )By


mIillidl MarilYll1l

Catho~ ic

Attends Quaker Meeting


The wet humid weather we have been experiencing l3ince early Spring is just beginning to i'aise havoc with plants which suffer from fungus diseases. Most of these diseases are caused by f"Angus spores which lie dormant in the soil until conditions are just right for them to emerge gardening brochure because 111\ ~nd infect pl-ants. Weather no uncertain language he hit the oonditions lately have boon nail right on the head. Nothing £deal for fungus growth. Th e most famous of such plant diseases is probably black spot. This attacks roses, causing blackspots on the leaves, which wither and fall. In my experiGmce, black spot normally begins with the leaves closest to the wil. These turn yellow and coon die, and if the fungus is

calms one more than working in the soil or walking among fra­ grant flowering plants. The sim­

pIe act of arranging a few flow­ ers to add beauty to your table or home gi ves .more satisfaction than many more expensive hob­ bies could ever think of l~iving. Every year at this time, after visiting the annual Day Lily Show in Dighton, my fingers allowed to go untreated the fairly itch to use these lovely disease spreads rapidly to the graceful flowers in arrange­ rrest of the leaves. ments, after seeing what others Black Spot lErallYn<ll~~ilQ~ have done with them. The conBlack spot need no longer be tainers used in these' displays 11 problem. There are several are always unusual and unique. oteps toward its eradicatil:m. The Beautiful china teapots, that mrst is to. visit your local nurs- probably came over on a· clipper 0f"Y or garden store and purchase ship from the Orient generations IS container of a spray.contain- 'ago,heavy black iron kettles and .\l.ng phaltan, captan or maneb. cooking utensils, handed down These maybe found under vari- ..' from generation to glmeration. aus tl"sde names and may ,be and beautiful cut glass pitchers tisted all black spot controls.' ,were but a few of the handsome All three are highly effective containers used. lungic~des.. I use phaltan (also .. I Mortars and pestles were also ealled f.olp,et) in a regular spray. adorned with the sunshine colors G::hedule.along with an inseeti-., .of these lovely floWers and eacn' clde aQd I ha.ve never 1itad black display seemed lovelier' than the c;pot . ~roble~. Just mix, the 'last. I thihk my 'top J1avorite, fun~lsl~e WIth water. anei. spray, .. however, was a grouping of soft as Indicated (in thIS land of I,yellow lilies and deep purple weather once a week is not too clematis by Mrs. Eliot Hathaway. ~iten),. being sure to spray the Antique Hunting anderSlde of the leaves as well After viewing a show with as the.topside. It is usual~y, t~e such imagination,' I want to go anderSlde of the leaf winch IS antique hunting for the unusual Jlnfected, so be. sur~ to do I! in containers. I have alwllYll Mtorough spr~YIng Job If you wanted a huge black eauldron expect dramatic results. to fill to the brim with geraA second step in keeping black niums or come other brilliant IJP.Ot in check is to remove all plant. These I have been able Withered leaves which remain . to find, but always priced way' on the plant and those· wtlich beyond what I felt I could pay. lliave fallen to the ground. Most 'The item to look for .whUe doing books tell you to burn them, but your antique browsing- is the 1I wou.ld suggest that you place unusual yet inexpensive. It need o&hem In.a paper bag for disposal not even be som~thing that ill fm the city dump where there able to hold water, because a ll!l'e no. roses growing. glass dish can always be placed Begin in S PIl'Uli!lr inside, for a liner. Burning will not necessarily Any rustic-looking basket <!llestroy fungus spores, so don't could be used in this manner take any chances with them. If and look especially delightful llhe infected leaves aJre not re- filled with autumn flowers such moved and destroyed the fungus as mums. If you're not the type !JPOres will merely remain dor- who loves to discover treasures mant until conditions are right in the hack room of a little­ for them again when they will known antique store', then just 1return to reinfect your roses. look around your kitchen lIlAd This may seem like [l noxiollltl see what you can use. job but it is one which hso to he Inspired by the charming way <!lone. the day lilies can be displayed in J[f your plants have already ordinary houseware, I used one !heen affected by black spot or of my' copper molds for a small mildew, remember that your display using the lilies and %roubles could have been Queen Anne's Lace(this is a very nvoided had you taken the pre- graceful lacy wild flower that @ution to spray regularly begin- grows by the roadsides) along ming in the Spring. Fungus in- with a bright red flower that. :flections cannot compete with Joe calls "firecrackers" and that. modern chemicals but In their smells to high heaven. If you l;lbsence they can do untold dam- can ignore the odor of the "fire­ nge to even the healthiest I\)lants. crackers," such a copper con-~ In the lKitchelIll tainer makes a perfect setting While browsing through a new for lilies or any other flowers flower catalog, I came across the that you feel would give your Hollowing paragr.aph that I felt kitchen an extra touch of color was worth passing on to 'fel1o~ and hominess. lBower lovers. To fill those lovely containers ".AI; we have been told S1) that I know you're going to un­ 9ften by SQ many generations of earth during your Summer trav­ writers, man's only state of in no- els, you could make also some of ®ance was in the garden, which those lovely paper flowers thlilt be lost when he lost his inno- are so bright and eyecatching. ~nce. Chances of his regaining These could fill in during the Paradise seem small, but !bose Winter gap when your garden \Who garden today, arranging' looks like a barren desert. Thia and growing plants tier t'rneir past Spring I saw some that 1Il beauty, at Keast for fleeting roO:!. third .grade Cl8'!ll, had made for ments find Paradise again. For Mother's Day gifts and they dvilized man this is the lure of were just eleaant. One of the ~ garden, whether 1le thinks of home magazines ttlis month of­ M <'>1' not...· · . 'fero an. easy-w-follow sei 'of 'inJI was amazed at tbe ~te- structions for making thein, 80 _ _ of the editor ~ lllWJ litue here'. aIIothea' Ul3¥ &9 while


DESTINATION-FUN: Wearing expressions varying from eager to wistful, youngsters from Twin Cities inner areas board busses to homes in small towns and rural areas for a lO-day vacation. Left to right, 'Elizabeth Bradley, Bri­ an Burke, Linda Halbauer arid David Thelan· are on their way to Hastings, Minn. Sponsoring this· year's intercul­ tural Vacation Visits program is the Minnesota Council of Churches, with the cooperation of the' Catholic Interracial Council.

Poverty Nuns Work In Camden Diocese Progl'am

To Aid Underprivileged

ATLANTIC CITY (NC) ­ ,Thirty nuns frop! nine religious cQmmunitiesare engaged in a Camden diocesan anti-poverty program. The program-known as RENEW (Religious Engaged in New Endeavors in the World) _ ...... involves three New Jersey communities: Camden, Vineland' and Atlantic City.

Many of' the nuns engaged in this work do, not belong to the Camden, N. J., diocese, but were sent by their superiors to parti­ cipate in this effort to aid the underpri vileged. Msgr. William F. Poyatt, Cam­ den diocesan vicar for Religious, told the nuns gathered here for a mid-project evaluation, "through your concern for the poor, you all'e showing God's love for man.

away the long Summer days­ as if chasing the children isn't "There is an tremendous enough. . These bar cookies will delight amount of work to be done," he your family, even if you haven't continued, "giving these people decorated your living room with basic ideas and helping them tc a floral arrangement. The recipe help themselves. You are going was given to me by Mrs. Clement to need courage and spirit. Tavares of Our Lady of Angels . "Often you will meet with parish, Fall River. Mrs. Tavares frustrations, but God win be said that she always makes sure there to assist you," he said. she I has. a batch of these tasty "You are aiding these people to morsels in the house when com­ become aware of their dignity pany arrives, especially around and value as human beings, and holidays. helping them to make use of their natural talents. CONGO BAllS

WASHINGTON (NC) -Bar­ bara Brunton, Church Commun­ ties Program Director of the National Council' of Catholic Women, is the first Catholic woman to attend a World Con­ ference of Friends (Quakers.) She is attending the fourtllll world conference at Guilfonll College, Greensboro, N. C., thio week. The invitation was extended by the Friends through the Vati­ can Secretariat for Promotisll: Christian Unity. Father John B. Sheerin, C.S.P., editor of Thea Catholic World, is also present. Miss Brunton has been activ0 in ecumenical and inte.rfaith ac­ tivities and has I>articipated il11l the Roman Catholic-Presbyterian and Reformed Dialogue Group. the North Georgia Conferenoo of Woman's Society of Christia1lll Service, and the working grolllJ!) of the National Council og Churches and the Bishops' Com­ mittee for Ecumenical and 1m­ terreligious' Affairs.

Diocese to Open SchooU for Retarded Children ROCKFORD (NC) - A school . for retarded children operated by the Rockford diocese and staffed by School Sisters 'of St. ' .. Francis will open this Fall na . remodeled facilities of St. Fran-' .. cis Hospital in nearby Freepori, ,


Bishop Loras T. Lane of Rock­ ford said the initial enrollment will be approximately 40 chil­ dren, from six to 12 years, WM will be under the direction cd three specially trained Sisters. Trainable retarded children o:l this age group, was stated pre­ .sent few behavior problems, and can be adequately cared forr at this type of school.

Names Laymen, Nuns To Commissions DENVER (NC) - ArchbishOJ!) James V. Casey of Denver haa included five laymen and tw6 Sisters in his list of 25 appoint­ ees to three archdiocesan advis­ ory commissions. Appointments to the building. ecumenical and liturgical com­ missions were made from nom­ inations submitted by priests of the archdiocese. Archbi,shop Casey had specifi­ cally asked that laymen witll special experience, knowledge and interest in the affairs of Ule commissions be included in th~ nominations. -

3 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powdei" i teaspoon salt 1 cup margarine (2 'sticks) 1 pound (1 box) of light broWlll. sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 3 eggs 1 cup of walnuts, chopped 1 6 oz. package of chocolate biw 3 Tablespoons evaporated milk 1) Melt the margarine and set aside to cool. 2) Sift together the flour, bak-' ing powder and salt. 3) . In a large bowl place the pound of sugar 4) In a small bowl mix to­ gether the eggs, evaporated milk and vanilla. 5) Add the melted shortening to the brown sugar and mix well. 6) Add the dry 'ingredients and the milk mixture alternately to the sugar shortening mixture until all are well blended. Mix in the chocolate bits and nuts. This makes a very thick batter. 7) Spread in a greased 15% x 10% pan and bake iIi a 300· (Weft for 45 minutes.



·'7 Perry. ,Avenue

Taunton. Mass. 8.22-228~

"Our Heating .



'. Oils Malee Warm FriendsN


Plarro 'Expansion Of Faci~ities fin A~G$k@ See

Thurs., July 27, 1967

Ref@U'm <D>f CMU'D@ CCCtrnfrOO'Uo.!l@$ Woti'~

ANCHORAGE (NC) - JJ.. long-range multi-million dol­ lar building and service Em­ pansion has been blueprinted

Nome Clfdcuuges v ATICAN CITY (NC) The Roman Curia - the Church's central administra­ tive body-is in a process of'

for the far-flung ·archdiocese.


Disclosing the plan, Arch­ bishop Joseph T. Ryan of An­ chorage stated:

lIJame-changing in an attempt to cclarify the functions of its vari­ ems congregations and offices. . "With a growing stable POP1ll­ The first change was', an­ lation and the establishment odl 1IJ0unced Dec. 7, 1965, when Pope Anchorage as an archdiocese Paul VI issued a document re-' and the metropolitan See for thg forming the Holy Office - the -State of Alaska, the time has jlirst among all of them. The doc­ come when we must build a ument was interpreted at the greater permanent Church to time as pattern for future re­ meet t.he needs of a growing form of the entire curia. Instead population. The time has come of the Sacred Congregation of' for the Church to assume more the Holy Office, the section responsibility for the spiritual! beaded by Alfredo Cardinal care of the people of the 49th Ottaviani has since that docu­ state." ment been called the Con grega- ' Archbishop Ryan said the tion for the Doctrine of the archdiocese will embark imme­ Faith or, moi'e simply, the Doc­ diately on a campaign to raise trinal Congregation. a minimum of $1 million in do­ Announcement 'nations and pledges over the ·On June 29, in an' audience' next several months to provide with the new. French cardinals, an operating base for the ex­ including Gabriel Cardinal. Gar­ pansion. rone, pro-prefect of the Congre­ gation of Seminaries and Uni-. TOP JUNIOR'S FAMILY : Surrounded by proud family is 1 -year-old Maureen Tay­ "Traditions must be solidly' . versities, Pope Paul informally. lot of Holy Name parish, New Bedford, named one of two top Jun'or Daughters of Isabella rooted in faith to provide III announced that this congrega:.. in U. S. and Philippines for 1967. ;From left, seated, Mrs. Leslie aylor; Maureen holding foundation for the future of aD .. tion would "henceforth be people in Alaska," the arcn'known as ·..·the Congregation for ' Brian, 2; Leslie, Taylor; ,standing, Kathleen, 8; Leslie Anne, 12,;, Bruce, 13; Martin, 4;' bishop said. .

Catholic Education.'" No formal Kevin, }(). , ": ' ;' ' ;'

~In a sense, the Church of tbtl 'announcement, has, yet· put thiil­ 1960s throughout Alaska- is .v~ry into pr;:tcrice,. howev,er. much like' the pioneers, who Rumors cit~~,ulatE!d i~ Y;itican' 'built 'Aiaska into the great 'state ercles on July 20 of two, mor,e 'it;if; today. "n ill 'riow'tirrle kl imminent changes, but no offi­ move forward to do for the chil­ eial confirmation was forthcom­ dren of today what our fore , , . ing. It is' said that ~e Consis"­ bearers did for all who enjoy , torial Congregation, among :B.r Patricia -Franci's today in Alaska,"

whose functions are the selec­ ., Maureen Taylor, w,ho h~ just turned It?, is -one in a million almost. This month, in .on of new bishops and the~defiCloistered' Convent

, , '.ition of new diocesan bound­ ~remonies ~ the ·Daughters. ()f- Isabella Home, U'Robeson Street;New Bedford, MaQreen

The archbishop said the eost aries, wil~.be called'the Congre:­ was awarded the coveted Eagle of the Cross Award as one of the two outstanding "jun­ of the building program would ption of Bishops. The Congre­ Isabella in the United States and' 'Philippines. This approximate' $2.5 ·million. He Ilation . of the Council; which iors'" of the DiHlghters said the campaign' theme is: , year,' for tile first 'time in. ' " '" . Ilversees the discipline of the 'solid line of seven ki~~ ready' to "Alaskans: FOCUS" '(Fr-ontier Gllergy, according to the same 'the' 'organizati,on!g history. -or a man with Jl1oney." . " . , ..' " ,Like'all busy people, Maureen- take 'h~m on." ,,' . .. 'Opportunities for, Chri,stian 'l1nconflt-med 'rumors, be . ¥rsjTa,YIOr is the, hu'b of fam­ United. in Service). He named hnown as the Congregation of, t,,;o young women were h'on- uses time t~ advanta.ge., Her. 01'00>: Maureen shares the studies, her. hous{!hold, chores . ily lif -a mother who .stays at 'Father 'Francis A ..Murphy as inc' Clergy. 1967 spotlight with Linda Marie' a'nd her "fun"-I like to trans- home a~d who' admits proudly; campa!gn moderator and Ed­ Paskiet of South Bend, 'Ind. late French into English, I want" "my h{Sband comes ii,'rst, and my ward McElligott as campaigEl Eldest ,in a family of seven,"to go 'to BI'idgew'ater and. be- seven children and' rhy' home. chail·man. Cancels Proposed Maureen -is the daughter of Mr. come a French teacher"-'-'-'wQuld, This imy' job-I think it's im': and Mrs: Leslie T. Taylor of· 'fully 'occupy most teeti-agers. portan ." , .. ' . , The archbishop detailed:that .,:', Tithing Program the planned new construction Holy Name parish, New Bedford., . Volunteer Collector' Her children ,reflect their par­ , ST. LOUIS (NC)~An archdi-:­ philosophy .about the includes a Christian family' cen.cesan-wide 'tithing program,. Trailing her in the family roll ' 'However, Maureen' finds time, ents' tel' and retreat house; a c]ois­ .contemplated early)n June as are Btu'c:e 13, Leslie 12, Kevin to serve as president of the 'New things that are important. Bruce, . ' ~ tered convent; a convent' for ' .. :m adjunct to the'St. Louis arch­ Hl; Kathleen 8, Martin 4; and",Bedford ,Circle" Junior Daugh-, Mrs." aylor says, '''i:las'',been a Sisters in social services work , . diocesan Annual. Expansion

is member of the. ,. at : and teaching; and a number of ," Fund, has been .shel~ed, a't' least ' " C' orrec- a 'considerable amount of time , "Leslie is completely deaf. No churches, rectories and parisll for' the moment, because of the, staff at· Massachusetts . .. . . aeath of Joseph Cardinal Ritter tional ,'Institution in Bridge- to helping the nuns at Holy medici ~ e, no surgery can help.' halls.

water. Her mother, the former Name church keep vestments But L slie's the happiest child, The Chl'l.sttanfa~IlY center oJ. St. Louis. Father Paul F. Kaletta" AEF An~e .Medeiros of New' Bedford, arid alta'r vessels' in good con- we've got _ which proves God ~ and. retreat house WIll sel've II comperJsates.· . v?nety 0.' pUl'poses, the a)'cndirector, anno~nce~ that "be.,. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dition. The Summer of. 1965, her ~'KevrLn is always. getting into ,bIshop saId. C1:ause of the preserit circum,;, Frank MedeiJ:os, who live on the' stances in 'the archdiocese, the first floor of' the big house' on 'mother says, "Maureen spent her trouble He's the old-fashioned, IIE;, announced' intention of an arch­ . TrinitY-Sheet, that is filled with whole ,vacation as a volunteer at 10vableJ mischievous rascal with III diocesan . tithing 'program has children, confusion, and love. ·Mr.· the Center for Retarded Chil- a 'twinll:le in his eye that gives • is' se;xton at Holy dren on Smith Street." you th+ ul.'ge' to kill hhn, and' • III been cancelled, at least, for the Medeiros 'Name Church. "Mostly it was babysitting,~ and kiss him at the same time. • ' III immediate' future." Five feet·five, with dark hair, the . vivacious , teen';ager says. ""Katleen is in 'the· third, Father Kaletta said any de.;. a. trim ~igure .'and a happ):' dis-: "The children stay all day from grade. She's a good student,. , , '. III

eision on the program must III

await the' ilew spiritual head of position" Maureen is a Junior at " 10 to 3. We helped 'feed them at· probabl' more· like Maureen ' . New,. Bedford', High School, noon, helped them to exercise than a y of the others - and • III

tine archdiocese. where.she'is active in the Drama and played with th'em." Martin and Brian? They're ·still. SO, Dartmouth, III

and French Clubs. During the last three years, the 'ba ies,' but they're 'gl'owin'g • d ' III

In ~ny big family, young peo- she has devoted 225 houl's to her fast." • ltDn Hyannis, III

Clergymen to Lead pIe I{!arn rapidly to assume re", "altar work" at Holy Name. appy H o u s e h o l d : :

Ecumenica~ Retreat sponsibility. Maureen is no ex- In between times, she has served As aureen and her mother • 'So; Dartmouth 997-9384 III

FAULKNER (NC) - Three ception,. as a volunteer collector for Can- talk, th~ sound of chatter a n d . lHlycnnis 2921 III

Protestant and. two Catholic . Cares fj)r, Tots ' cer and Arthritis Foundation laughte drift up from the big • , III

a:lergymen will share leadership As the oldest of the Taylor drives. She was awarded a backyar that is "forever filled f.lI.t.IIII11I11 • • • • • • • • III~

of the sixth annual retreat for brood, ,she loves to help take Marian Medal in 1964 and this with Ch~'ldren - ours and their

fellow Christian clergymen at cal'e of the younger children, year was named the outstanding friends. I love it," Mrs. Taylor the Jesuit Fathers' Loyola-on­ "And she's awfully good with Junior Daughter of Isabella in says. EnD'oy Dining Potomac Retreat House here in them," Mrs. Taylor says. New Bedfol·d. Then edtime approaches and Maryland. , Her mother also describes "We're pretty proud of her, 'Maureet' runs down the stairs ON! THE The retreat is sponsored by· Maureen as "the best dishwasher I'll tell you," Mrs. Taylor adto pull he rope on the big bell' the Gustave Weigel Society-an I have>; mits, glancing across the room at that tell ·the Taylor small fry, JOII.II.Y WHALER ecumenical group of clergy and A good student, the top' Junior her daughter, "It'~ tim to come home, NOW." , laity,· with headquaders in Isabella also is an expert cook. Maureen's family life is close. Mrs. aylor, surveying her AND ­ Washington. "She can whip up a meal for "With nine' of us," Mrs. Taylor brood inbound for the night, SPO,UTER INN Episcopal, Lutheran, Meth­ nine people without any ·trouble explains, "there has to be coop- shakes hler head and smiles. 4ldlst and Roman Catholic litur­ at all," Mrs. Taylor says, "and era,tion, a great deal of love, ., "It's 10t always easy," she ' RESTAURANTS gICal services will be conducted. that isn't easy." quite a few scraps and lots, of says. "~e've had trouble. But More than 30 Anglican, Protes­ "I wouldn't know how to cook loyalty. someho "whenever God closes Always Free "Parking for t.wo ",p'eople," Mau.reimad"T'h ey 'II f'Ig ht among t'h em- 'one d oort h e opens ano th er." , . , tant and Roman Catholic clergy­ men, are, expected to participate mits. "My :father says I'd better ,selves, perhaps, but let' an outIt's a pappy household. Mau-, in the )'etreat, mal'r,)" widower with chUdr'en' sider t.ry to step in 'a,nd there's a reen epitomizes it .'


'iili-;or 'Da:ugllier 'of 1sa,bella of Ye~r', Comes jromL'arge;"Loving Fa~ilj of




Br;:;;~ther ~

~~~:~ I~~~l~~:~~oa:r~ w~t:v~~; ~~~;ct ~m:t f~~3~h;:~e~:s~s

JB '' :



New Bedford: Hotel

THE ANCHOR-Dioce!le of Fall River-Thurs., .Jlu~)I 27, 1967

" . ~~.~



.' '


_;.._ .•.•~


, "J

" PLEASE HELP.: That's the message delivered by auction posters displayed by Donald' Murray and Linda 'Sullivan. To benefit St. Mary's ''', "Mome, New 'Bedford, the held-over event ie slated for 7 this Saturday " ' J)ight ~ the Woo(l~,ouse Auction GaJ)ery, Rou·t,e Si,x. Center, prime movers

George Gr;ay and Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, home director, checklist fIfl. donations. received. Right,realist.ic parrot in cage is admired by Josepll Roderick, Sister ·Mary" Chembina, O.S.F., ho'me .superrioIr, and ElaiM Kontul. .

Sense of Mission Ang~ls Will Weep at St. Mary's Home Brings Youth Until Building Is Repointed To Oldsters CAMBRIDGE (NC) United States and Canadian guidance counselors heard Bishop Ftllton J.' Sheen of Rochester, . N. Y., gave' his pre­ IlCription for bridging the gap between youths of today and ~eir eldel·s. . "Give the kids Ii chance to IlCrve humanity-a sense· of mis­ nion," Bishop Sheen told the an­ nual institute of guidance coun­ oolors at the Harvard· Univer­ , ,. oity's graduate school ofeduca­ tion. "There',s such a craving among young people for a place to serve 2nd to be of use. That explains the success of the Peace Corps," ~e bishop said. ''The void' between the pres­ Q>.nt and earlier' generations marks the first time in history ~at we have skipped 'a couple flf rungs in the ladder of evolu­ ~on," be said. Serviee He attributed this gulf to the failure of adults to provide "what' everyone needs for hap­ piness-an opportunity to be of cervice and feel usefuL" "Let these young people get their feet wet in' the service of humanity, give them a taste of working among the poor, the de­ linquents and the tI'oubled mot.hers waiting for justice in our courts and they'll be all right," the prelate declared. The bisop added: "There will be nothing to bridge-the gap between generations will vanish -if only we give the young a chance to identify with their ff"Jlow-man and help meet his tremendous needs."

$1 Million' Gift NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The Percival' Stern Foundation has announced a pledge of $1 milIion to the "Campaign for Excel­ If"nce" being conducted by Loy­ W2 UniveJ'sity ben~.


Receives Federal Education Grants

NEW ORLEANS (NC) IA>yola Universit.y here has re­ ceived a $6] ,200 grant from tbel U. S. Office of Education to iDllA­ By Patrici·a Franeis tiate changes in its elementavy "We've got to have a new roof," the priest said, "and it's' going to cost $19,000." education curriculum, the uni­ "Then let's see if ,we can help you with it,'; the owner of the radio station replied~ versity's vice president for ,aca­ . ·And th:\'t's how ]t aU began, the "roof raising auction" for St. M~rY'8 Home, New demic affairs has announce!;J. F. Christman, saW Bedford, which attracted 80' many contributions that although origin~Uy scheduled for theDr.newJohn curriculum, which willll last Saturdi\y only, it has' begin with the 1967-1968 aca­ The 45 youngsters at the home demic. year,' will combine tlnf! overflowed 1;.0 this Saturday, "This didn't st",rt out as a beg­ July 29, and will begin at ging campaign," Father Shovel­ . are '!all excited" about the auc­ usually separate studies of sub­ tion, Father Sll-YS. "They know ject matter taught and method:J 7 in the evening at the Wood­ ton says. "We thought ,some' they have to thank the people, for teaching it. people might like to help and house Auction Gallery, Route who are doing it for them:" ' ' Six, eontinulng until everything enjoy something like the auction Dr. Christman said Loyola wDBll at the same time." has been ·sold. MOl)"e TblllJll Roof? bring to its faculty educatoro ,It began, with a conversation. who are also specialists in 'areaD The priest is the Rev. Albert Meanwhile, the ]0 nuns at St. such as art, mathematics «lG' F. ShoveIton;, director, of St. ]t has mushroomed into a "spec­ tacular" expected to draw Mary's undoubtedly are praying psychology. As members ot these Mary's. The' "radio man" is hard for the auction's success. depart.ments, rather than of the George Gray, 'owne'r and oper- ' throngs of people who help re­ roof st. Mary's with cash instead They could even be praying for educaHon department, he said, ator of Rad io Station WBSM in of labor. " more than a roof. they ,wiJI, teach their speciaItierJ New Bedford. "We'll start at 7 p.m. again this "in an 'elementary educatiOl:l Sister Cherubina, O.S.F., supe­ Both are at the beck and call Saturday," Mr. Gray explains, context, bringing pedagogy ink> rior at th~ home, leads the way of a large committee, comprising the focus of the course." °4' members of the home's Infant of "and continue untjJ, every item into the chapel to show off the is gone, or until midnight. We newly-painted eeiling. Prague Guild, headed 'by Mrs. William Chapman; Mrs. Alfred hope we'll be able to raise at "But isn't it II shame," she least $5,000." ' Beauregard and Mrs. -:!,ohn says; pointing to where ends of To keep the bidding spirited, Newby. ' .. overhead arches come together Mayor Edward F. Harrington of high up on the side walIs. At The publicity chairman is Mrs. New Bedford and George Gray GJ·ay. ' each meeting point is the small head of an angel. "She's very efficient," her both will serve as "guest aue­ <COMPANY. husband-who. has watched his tioneel's'" during the evening. Water'marks run down from What are SOme of. the things prime radio time being appro­ each head, 'leaving dark'smudges that will be on the' auction CcmpDete line priated for auction publicity for on the walIs. . block? the past month-admits in re­ "Even the angels are crying," BUJG~d1ufJ'lJg Materials Mr. Gray begins itemizing sh~ says, explaining that the signed fashion. some o,f the "specials." Also helping, with spot an­ building needs to be repointed, 8 SPRDNlG $11'., fAIRHAVEN Autographs of famous persons, too. nouncements on the "roof rais­ including original letters from ing" event, are Radio Station' 'The roof of the big building, 993-26~ 1 Senators Edward Kennedy and WNBH and WTEV, Channel 6, which shelters those of God's both of New Bedford. Edward Brooke. little people in Greater New An antique Waltham railroad Bedford who have no place else Flood of Items Since the fi rst requests for man's w~tch. to go, and the copper gutters donations of usable items for the A complete Polaroid Land which need to be replaced, will auction were 'broadcast, a flood camera kit. eat up the $19,000 roofing esti­ 3 SaVDfJ'lJ!9]S Plans of items has been pouring into Statues, including l!l Rogers mate. WBSM and St. Mary's. Dona­ group. Home Financing Pointing the building will cost tions will be accepted at both Antiques, "including some another $3,500-and the angels spots until Saturday. good pine pieces." in the chapel will cry until the HS O far. we've received about Electrical appliances, televi­ work is done. 300 different items from indi­ sion sets, radios, sporting gear, Saturday night, if business is viduals and more than 100 from china and glassware, new and bdsk enough, the home could be businesses," Mr. Gray reports. used furniture. . . . well on the way to a new lid and "We've also received a num­ The list seems inexhaustible: 261 Main S1.. Wareham, Mass. a new "dress" both. ber of cash donations, which "Yesterday I got a whole bed­ Telephone 295-2400 People there wHl write the were most wtHcome-4lS will Joe room suite," ..Father Shovelton tla"b·fj',I\11"· ....IC. AVllIlIll. ticket. t£:t1Ilers." &\ddl>. '



Offervng You


THE ANC,HORThurs., 'July '27;

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CLEVELAND (Ne) Bishop Clarence G. Issen­ mann of Cleveland, blessed the new service and infor­ mation center, sponsored by hill Committee for Urban Affairs, in flhe GI~nville area, a predomi-' mantly Negro section. ., Most of its residents are mid­ lillIe income families but, there :!:ias been recent' concern about @vercrowding because of urban renewal in the Hough area of the city; Negro section. Hough was the' scene of large scale' rioting last Summer. The 'new center,' a couple of 0ld stores, was renovated by skilled Negro and white mem­ bers of the electricians, plumb­ <ers and painters unions, all working on their own time. Father Charles Woll is the di­ rector and Ursuline Sister Mary Herman, its administrator. More than 55 men and women have volunteered to staff'the center. ' The center's ~ims, Father Woll CJ8id, are to make available to' Glenville residents information about community health ser­ vices; educational opportunities; welfare programs; the Christian way of life; to build leadership ll1ld strengthen' family lilfe; to <!Ocourage the ':practice of reli­ (lion; to provide counseling and lJUidance services, and to pro­ "ide opportunities for work witb llTarious races and cUlture~. In addition, some, of the men who have donated labor have ~xpressed an interest in working with the center: Therefore plans are being made to' provide young'~ men with information about' '~ade union apprenticeship pro- ' arams. ' "The center represents the di­ GJCese's priests, Religious and llaity in dedicatiOn ti) the social mission of the .Church to brinp Christ's love to: every neighbor­ hood and eYery community," Father Woll said. "The center is the Catholic Rayman accepting his role and ' responsibility for the sanctifica­ fgon of the world. It is the Negro' resident of Glenville determined 00 work for the welfare of his meighborhood, and it is the white suburbanite rec'ognizing his debt to his fellowmen in the greater a:ommunity," he added.


ATLANTA (NC) - Father R. Donald' Kleman, consulting. ed­ atOr of the Georgia Bulletin, At.: lanta archdiocesan newspaper, has been named by ~v. Lester G. Maddox to serve on a com­ mission to fight crime in Geor­ , Wather Kiernan, pastor of st. Anthony's parish is. chaplain, of the Georgia Association of Polioo Chiefs. The commission eom­ J:}rises 31 members.

~~~~CH fU~~S·T~~~~

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.. on

.INVESTMENT SAVINGS ,aRTIFICATES WORK WITH BLIND: Seton Hall University students, Mrs. J Miriam Baker and Douglas Hoehle practice ·technique of cane walking ,bility oourse preparing them to work with the blind. NC Photo.



Frontin, Mrs. part 9(' the mo­


P~an· for Syracuse Complex' Would Replac®' Neoghborhood Schools

Educational Park

20 per cent Negro raCial compo­ SYRACUSE (NC)":"'-A plan for the nation's first 'educational sition of Syracuse. The study, financed by the park complex' for school chil­ U. S. Office of Education, Edu­ dren fr,oll). kindergarten througtt cational Facilities Laboratories, sixth grade, wbich wO,uld replace neighQorhood schools, has been Inc., and local funets, found that construction of the educational released bere. / ' Based on a $100,000 one-year . park would cost about $3 million study, 'the plan calls for 4,270' less than rebuilding neighbor­ school children to ride buses for hood schools for the same num­ ber of pupils. Land on the out- , 20 minutes to one hour daily to and from a 47-acre' educational skirts of the city is cheaper. As is the ca'se in many big plant on the edge of the city. cities, schools in Syracuse are The complex would consist of old and educationally obsolete, II large core facility with such it was said. The eight schools to features as a 30,000-book library, be' replaced' by the first educa­ a swimmirig 'pool, scien~e 'and ti~>nal park that would, be lo­ modern language laboratories, cated in the Meadowbrook area an educational television system near Syra'cuse University aver­ arId space for a computer.. ' . age 58 years of use. ' PHILADELPHIA (NC) -The' Children would receive most Philadelphia chapter of the of their daily instruction in eight American Jewish Congress has separate 500-pupil elementary l?<6lfP(I/S Se<errelhalflV

asked the city's' board of educa­ schools' on the ca'mpus, similar ~~W' Arrd'il!b>Dsihl@[9)

tion to institute a "dual enroll­ 'to their neighborhood schools. VATICAN 'CITY '(NC)-Msgr. ment" program for the city's Children from the 'same neigh­ parochial school children. borhood would" travel on the Loris Capovilla, secretary of the late, Pope John XXIII has been The committee was the first same bus to and from the sepa­ named Archbishop of Chieti, J'ewishgroup in Philadelphia to rate schools. support such a proposal. Others east of Rome near the Adriatic Save $3 Million have strongly opposed it. Sea. However, due to new resi­ The new ordinary was born Robert K. Greenfield, presi­ dential boundaries and' the addi­ dent of the chapter,' said the Oct. 15, 1915 at Pontelongo near tion of Negro students to already Padua. After studies at Venice'II' <liual enrollment, program-under which parochial school pupils existing elementary schools, the patriarchal seminary, he was or­ education coinplex would still dained on May 23, 1940. He was would attend ,some classes in a chaplain with, the Italian Air both public and; religious schools reflect the 80 per 'cent white and Force from 1942 to 1953. He be­ -would permit' the students "10 ~njoy in public school~ the bene­ came editor of the Venice arch­ diocesan 'weekly "La Voce 1M fits of secular courses and auxil­ San ,Marco" and local' corre­ iary services while continuing LATROBE (NC) -John Car­ spondent of the national Catbo­ to take those courses which have dinal Krol ot Philadelppia offi­ religious content or significance ciated as a new horne for the lic daii y "L'Avvenire d'Italia." , In 1953, Cardinal Giuseppe, lIInder church directioll in the Benedictine monks of St. Vin­ parochial schoois." cent archabbey was formally Roncalli took him as his private The commitl1ee's proposal is dedicated here in Pennsylvania. secretary and eight years later mmilar to the program - Which. Solemn Vespers in English were Msgr. Capovilla 'entered the the city calls; "shared-time"~, held at the archabbey basilica Vatican in the ,same post "'hell now in limitEld operation in with 'Archabbot Rembert G. Cardinal Ron~alli became Pope, Philadelphia. Greenfield did not 'Weakland, a.S.B.; as' celebrant. John XXIII. He 'held 'the' post ' say wh<lt distinguished his pro;­ The procession to, the place ,GIl ,until ,Pope John'll deatla ,86 .JIAIMI :&t08al from the ~esent grogram..' . dedication fo&wed. ' , 3, 1963.

Jewish Groll!J1P Ask 'Sh@red-Tame


Bus transPPrtation would cost $180,000 annhallY for the 4,270 children in j e first educational! park, but sta e aid in New York reimburses t e city for 90 per cent of the st. Increased staff at the par would boost .the annual sala} bill by $50,000 compared neighborhood schools. , psycltoni~eal Effect Some $2 FIlion could he realized fro~ putting back C!IlI. the ,tax rolls Ithe buildings and land of the ight neigpborhood schools that ould be replaced by the park. The study, lI'. Sine and wrence J. Mar­ quit, does not probe the psycbo­

logical effects of young children attending scho I in a large com­ plex, mainly because there b vi'rtually no p evious experience to draw OQ. A major p oblem not dealt with in detail in the study is how to mainta· parent partici­ pation and in rest in, a school far away from he neighborhood. New forms of parent participa­ tiolll, possibly ased on commu­ nity organizati ns, will ha~ to be developed, report statea.

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()f]f)()Ii lt1){ l~)()( K n } [ I f l ( ) f l[][)(){ }[ }( } f ) f ) f J(f J[ ~r

See Denies Charge of Profiteering Un Rental of Church Property

r:-'-'- -

I '


. '"

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 27, 1967



I MIAMI (NC)-Charges eon- of children and adults on a non" eeming the rental fee paid by denominational basis. I hate to the Economic Opportunity Pro- see aU the good work and free NCllfl'ool1l-wodle S1I'llIdent lFedlelT(Q)t!'oorn S«:lkledJlllI~e~ gram, Inc., Dade County anti- eare we are doing condemned, as poverty agency, for use of 11 it were, by a resolution such as Anf/1lIlllGl~ Session in Eflflilrro(D)ns tNIex1l' Morroft'lm Catholic school as a day-care this."

WASHINGTON (NC)-A top will be "Christ and the Family center were clarified here by the In an editorial, the Voice,

political scientist and a widely Man." director of the Miami diocesan Miami diocesan weekly, said: known biblical scholar will be Office of Community Service. "EOPI use of the school build­ lVIore than 800 delegates are featured speakers at the Na­ A local newspaper had re- ing has been made possible only expected. They will include stu­ tional Newman Student Federa­ ported that the diocese was "ac- "at great sacrifice. st. Francis dents, faculty and clergy from tion's annual congress Aug. 28 to cused of profiteering in the war Xavier School, which formerly Newman centers on secular Sept. 2 at Northern Illinois Uni­ on poverty." served all eight grades, has lim­ campuses throughout the "coun­ versity, DeKalb, :m. Edwin V. Tucker, former Dade ited itself to four grades. The try. County urban renewal director, Bchool gave up the precious Hans Morgenthau, German­ issued a statement after the space only because the EOPI Other speakers will include born political scientist, currently Miami Herald reported that "the could find no other facilities in Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J.. the Albert Michelson distin­ board of directors of the Eco- the area and because the work guished service professor of po­ poet-theologian; Howard B. nomic Opportunity Program Inc. of EOPI was considered valu­ litical science and modern his­ White, political science profes­ . . . made the thinly veiled ac- able." tory at the University of Chi­ sor at New York City Univer-" cusation in the form of a reso"Profiteering on the part of cago and" Father John McKen­ sity; Father Eugene Kennedy, lution expressing the board's the diocese is an absurd sugges­ zie, S.J., professor at the Uni­ lVI.M., psychologist; Dr. Robert CONGRlEGATWN: Arch­ 'great distress' at the $10,000 D tion," the Voice editorial said. versity of Notre Dame and Loy­ Michaelson, head of the religiolll bishop Antonio Mauro, for­ year rent being charged I/or "The diocese cOfltributes nearly ola University here, will be the department, University of Cali­ mer chief of protocol in the featured speakers. diocesan facilities." $3 million annually to the needy fornia in Santa Barbara; Rev. According to the Miami Her- in south Florida. A clHirge of Vatican Secretariat of State, Morgenthau will discuss the Ronald Russell, former director, aId, the resolution was proposed profiteering in the face of such has been named by Pope Paul world community and Father Wesley Foundation at Northern by Mi"ami attorney Tobias generosity on the part of the McKenzie, former president of Illinois University and Father to be Secretary of the Con­ the Simon, who is local legal coun- Church and the Catholics of Catholic Biblicall Associa­ Blase Schauer, O.P., Newman sel of the American Civil Liber- south Florida is most unfortu- gregation of Religious. NC tion, will speak on the Church chaplain at New Mexico Staw Photo. community. The congress theme University. ties Union. nate." The paper quoted Simon as saying that the EOPI "should take it to the public" jf the diocese did not agree. Board members, the Miami Herald re­ ported "were upset when they compared the $1.95 per square foot being paid for the church­ owned classroom . . . with the nominal charges or free use pro­ vided by other nonprofit or­ ganizations," Simon reportedly termed the charge a "very serious affront" to the EOPI by the diocese and proposed a "quiet but firm" ef­ fort to cut it. Tucker, through whose office the one-year lease was nego­ tiated, said that last Summer when the EOPI was "having dif­ ficulty in finding space in the central Miami Negro district," the a~ency approached the di­ ocesan Office of Community Service for the use of St. Francis Xavier school. "Our price for the first year's rental was based on the fact that alterations and modifications to the building and property had to be made to make it useable for day-care purposes," Tucker de­ cl:ued. He pointed out that the EOPI budget at that time was in ~xcess of the fee charged. Remodel Room "In addition," Tucker" said, "we had to remodel one of the rooms in the church to make an administrative office for the school since the EOPI appro­ priated the regular office." Tucker also noted that during the Summer months additional space was made available to the antipoverty agency at no extra charge although the cost of maintenance already included in the fee was increased. "In other places they say they get it at a lower rate or for nothing," he added, but "they had to do their own remodeling and repainting." It was foreseen that the cost for remodeling the building mess in the worndl. by IlIlll}ft onnDy Il'eadl..

B!l4Jlmes, dispensaries, orphanages, ~nVE YOU IDENTIfiED would not be an annual expense, Tucker stated, noting that only Dillg this papan pDem l J>unft te21D'inng @1lDt

scJmooJs, especially for the worldl.'fJ IT lJiT" THESE CHILDRE~ two weeks earlier he had talked "And the others starving who conthese childrelll anndl sellll~iillg a goft?

poorest people. It feoos those Gill with the local EOPI executive director, Richard Weatherly, sianftlly beg foil" enough to live from bread lines, educates men, gives as Dear Monsigll1loll": WKnen yOlll go to

about the lease and had ex­ Rome to see due Holly FatKner,

cell" missionaries? many as possible a decent life. pressed willingness to discuss please take along tinis gift «D~ $_ HAVE YOU IDENTIfiED 1m,OOO WILL STARVE TODAY. the matter, particularly when Ildvised that EOPI had "2 for his poor•. MORE TOMORROW

budget pinch" for next year. NAME:

This fund ~f the Holy Father's helps AND MORE LATER.

Tucker said he expects to con­ fer with Weatherly in late July. A.DDRESS:""

WJiU yOlll not put a dent in this sick.. buiB~: and .maintainhospitals, leper 'Good Work. Condemnecll' " Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Sheppard, recently appointed director of the diocesa:n Catholic Welfare Bureau, commented: "The state­ ments made by the board cast il RT. REV. EDWARD T. O'MEARA. NATIONAL DIRECTOR shadow on the good work of the Church" in south Florida. Wher.1 THE SOCIETY FOR"THE "PROPAGATION OF THE FAin-ll. ~66 enll AVE •• N.Y•• N.Y. "1000j you add it all up. ~'ou find the .,;:- ·_~''' __ .l···· diocese' is supporting bundl'ed:!"' IN FALL RIVER' YOUR DJRIJ:CTOfJ: 'D RT. REV. fJAYMOND CONSIDINIl. ~e8 N. MAtti! 1D1I'.




of Pope Paul's new encyclical Populorum Progressio?

~'Ie must make haste: Too many are su"erlng~'







Jesuit Stresses On~y D,ivine Love


Thurs., July 27," 1967




Cfi'<ms!h "f'U'@gli'@m

H~lp' Wor~d

,NEW YORK (NC) - A Jesuit priest said here that the 16 documents of Vatican Council II, like St. Paul's

F@fr !J)a@~@[fil(OJt~ MIAMI (NC)-A Chicago­ ,born bishop who heads the Arecibo diocese· in Puerto Rico predicts a "crash" pro­

letters, "teach one lesson-that only di vine love can restructure the world." These documents, he said, "bring Paul up to date." Father Morton A. Hill, S.J., of gram to establish the permanent St. Ignatius Loyola church here, diaconate throughout the island in a sermon delivered during a will be proposed· 'shortly by Mass at St. Patrick's cathedral the Fuerto Rican .hierarchy. in observance of Captive Nations Bishop Alfred Mendez, C.S.C., Week, asserted' that both St. for more than two years repeat­ ,Paul, and the late Pope John <2dly has advocated the: married XXIII, who convoked the Sec­ deacon. apostolate .~ an; llllSwer ond' ,Vatican Council, "w.ould ~ the priest shortage,.in Latin agree that love must never over­ America. ," " look or bypass justice.",' The University of NO,~re ~ame He cited the basic principle of ;slumn us assertedtha~,in,eacll of a just peace enun.ciated by Pope . the 500 dioceses in~at\n -A.fn,er­ Piu's' XII in his 1939 Christmas . "Ica a group of outs~aQ<li",~ yath­ <J»lic laymen couid be rec,ruited SCHOOL lFINALE: The Sum~er ~h~,ol of the Chris~illn postolatewiIids up with message: "A fundamental postulate of almost immediately ~. begiD a dance like this one held in .the ballroom of the Lowry I-lotel, Min~eapolis. For a week any ,just and honorable peace is waining as deacons: .'" the young 'people attending participate ina variety' of progra s including -many given an assurance for all nations, During a stopOver, lier:e . en­ ll'Oute to Arecibo; Bishop Mendez by outs.tanding Sodality leaders ,and Jesuit .priests familia.r wit ~oungpeopl~'s proble~s great or ·small, powerful or: said, during an interv:iew ttiat in aDd interests:' TheSSCA organized by theNational Sodahty Se ICe C~nter III St. LoUiS, w.eak, of their right to life and independence, The will of, one his diocese alone '''sOme 30' or 40 .;.9perating .~, ~~~:\v~k progi~~ this rea r ill: nine cjties &rou .d the 'country. 'NC Photo. nation to' live must never, meaD , former seminarianS; "Ci(jw -mar­ ried most of whom got"~s' far: ·the sentence of'death passed 'on . ':"" another."

"'as philosophy and some ~f whom , 'reached theology" in" , their

'. 'Father Hill urged those in at:" .. " I3tudies'" could qualify il,nd would tendance to, "study, read and' be anxIous to serve as''deacons. mediate upon the writings of

The bishops said diaconate Paul,- John XXIII and Pius XII,

lelP~rr sec~~ion cmndidates also could be found. as containing the precious secret

'muong Cursillo lea'den' and of human freedom-that of serv­

SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A' he 'had worked with 1,500 adult training. Two of these members, Serra clu,b" m~~pers, ing in love. modern day Father Damien lepers and 437 children, aged are irIs now a,ttending the uni­ Knights of Columbus .and from Work Without lIUvanry passed through San Francisco one through nine, born of leper vers ty who want to beco~e <!!lther sou'rces. .. recently, having been expelled parents in the colony. , doc! rs an~ retufll; to work m "Bu't .Pfayer and study are Few Mont1lDs 'l1'miaifiimg'" from Burma where he had beeD From 1946 through 1956, the the, olony, . he sald. just the beginning, H he contin­ If approved by Puerto Riclfa director of the ,Kengturig leper Italian priest treated over 19,000' Native Clergy ued. "Loving action must follow. G:Onference of bishops, Bishop colony . cases of lesprosy. With today's ~ur of my girls have gone First, there must be the action Mendez envisions a training pro­ Father Caesar . Colombo, medical progress, he said, 90 into the convent and made their: of prayer for one another, and gram of only a few months for P.I.M.E., quickly pointed out per Cent of leprosy cases can be . first profession this past May. for the peoples of the captive married deacons to receive in­ that his expulsion from Burma arrested and rendered symptom- The have gone back to th~ nations who' have given their otructions to give Communion. was not the result of religious free. Initial cases, when caught colo y to work there as nuns. liyes, and for the millions, of baptize, witness marriages, b'ring persecution ' . at the beginning, or first stage In Burma today there are people nC?w living in the 'Church Viaticum to the dying and to "Burma does not want to be leprosy, can be cured. abou 400,000 Christians out of a of Silence.' bury the dead. Involved with either commu"We had 153 children of lepers total population of 24 million.' "But," he added, "you must Since the motu proprio Sacrum nism or democracy. They want who had been cured of leprosy. Of hese, about 250,000 are. work together without rivalry, Diaconatus Ordinem' published Cath lies. The remain?er are without faction, filled with the by Pope Paul VI on June 27 does mostly to be neutral and to be are now attending schools for left alone and in peace. For this Pr:?t stant, mostly' Baptist. love that comes only· from not specify a definite 'period of IK A " e have a very good nucleus prayer * ** In loving unity there training for married "deacons, reason Burma avoids everything (C' M~@ Iro 0Ii'fl@ "of na ~ve~lergy/','~ather .Colom- is strength. Never has there been the bishop explained, a priest 'which might entangle the countrouble," he said. ", ~ ~ Id, who wlll be able to greater need of strength and oould be assigned to prepare the try 'the' southeast Asian republic mlDl ter to 'the people now that unity than now. candidates during two-hour .2000 miles of common bor": the f reign clergy are gone." "You can change your: OWIlil classes conducted twice weekly has der ~ith Red China. Since forVATICAN ciTy (NC) -The Budd ism is the major: religion names, in spirit, to Paul and hi the evening and 'on weekends . B rma.. ' Ab a'! t 80 per. cen t 0 f eign'ers could be coming in from Vatican's daily newspaper, L'Os- In John," he said, "and achieve that GO that the men might .continue China or from one of ·the .west- liervatore Romano, has empha- the p pulatlon 18 Buddhist. The strength ,and .,unity." uninterrupted in their: regular ern nations to influence the peo- .sized that despite the predomi- peopl have a great respect for jobs. pIe of Burma, the government rtanti.y religioUs" character of the B ddhist monks, he said, a~d "It will not be' necessary to has met the problem by refusing Pope Paul VI's trip to Turkey, con3seuently for the Catholic build any new facilities for such entrance to all foreigners and by his talks with Turkish political pri whom they regard ~ 1 a SYSTEMATOC a program," Bishop Mendez em­ /(0 year SAVONSS ousting the foreigners that had leaders "have a signifi~ance and mon . They call the Catholic phasized. "We can use schools, beeIl living and working there. a worth independent of the oc- pries~ by. the same. name used MONTHLY DEPOSITS aeminaries and retreat houses for f"or th:"' B u ddhi s t 1m It is a universal, rule, Father casion." mOll, classes." CoJ.ombo said, not aimed at L'Osservatore situated these Pon. .v:ar If '20 or 30 men could be talks with President Cevdet SnCatholics, Protestants, commu­ lirained each year in every Latin NOTICE ACCOUNTS ni..4-~ or: anybody specifically. .- nay and Premier Suleiman De- r-~II....-American diocese, some 10;000 mirel in the framework of the ...... 01 a REGUUII deacons would be serving at the Has Medical Degree Pope's endeavor to meet "man of \ • 10 year SAVIN&l5 <md of a year, he estimated. Father Colombo first studied good will in the spirit which he .medicine during internment himself so soiemnly proclaimed with the Italian army in. World before the 20th assembly of the fP~an Ill1tell'-P~II'DSh War n. He went on for hlS med- United Nations on Oct. 4, 1965." . , icaf degree after ordination' and Stating that the Republic of lReligion Sco,ooB got his £i.rst practIce. in the jun- Turkey is among those nations 27 'C~Ito.IJR £lL lA'lnlE . 'lIS'ank By MaD'l . SEATTLE (NC) - An, inter­ gles of southeast Asia. that respect natural rights, . 1100'1" "" '11'. parochial high school of religion w~ I!'\lY The. Postaga . At the Kengtung leper colony, L'Osservatore \ said "the contri-, will be inaugurated in Septem­ bution it cim give to joint effort ,992",62] 6 .. ~ ~oum YARM~UTII. a HlAN. ber by the archdiocese of Seattle Il&" IC "" ' at . this time and along that .,,' , when some 700 public high 'sssli$$m[p>!P'D ''IN.'' @1f \l",o troubled shOre Of'- the Mediter.,.., , ' o YMIMOUTCI SHOPPING Ptml school students from Christ'· the A' rBl·O·'· ranean world 'is· of not little im-,. j.;IE. W,; . ~lEIOl[FO~1l) King, Benedict,' St: John and ~~iPlI'owe ~e'$Cu(!,[]frDC(j\) portance." ' .~ ~ DEr4NIS POnT G' OSTER~iw St. Luke parishes will attend ,75JACKSON (NC)-The Fourth It continued: "The Istanbul . minute Confraternity of Chris­ Degree, Knights of Columbus, conversatio'ns will', therefore =tllllllllllllllllliil'lIIiilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll1II1111111111111111111111111111111111~ -. § tian :-1octrine (CCD) sessions at Bishop ·Gerow General Assem-. have a significance and a value § Blanchet High School here each bly, passed a resolution calling that must not be· :n'eglected in Wednesday evening.. , for formation of a statewide the unique, great, pilgrimage of _ , Father John P. Doherty, arch­ leadership commission to better peace that Pope Paul VI has

diocesan CCD director, stressed race relations., . been pursuing: in the world from nNe. '

that the inter-parochial high The resolution passed as a the beginning of his pontificate."

school will not diminish the so- . result of a recent statement is­ cial and apostolic activities of sued by bishops of three denom­ the teeqagers on the local parish inations here for 'creation of a level. . statewide commission for im­ [Q)(Q)~£ lm(Q)~$W~~'iJ' The new religion school is an proved racial relations in Missi­ INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ~lEfF~BCGlE[lAT~ON

ssippi. attempt to implement sugges­ The statement was signed by tions advanced by the National e;, WILLIAM STR~E1 ArP~llJANClES

Catholic Educational Assoda-. Bishop Joseph E. Brunini, apos­ NIEW ISIEDFORD, MASS. tion, the National Center of the. tolic administrator of the Natch­ ez-Jackson diocese; Episcopal Confraternity of Christian Doc­ 998-5153 ' 997-9167 Bishop John M. 'Allin of Missi­ trine, and the Education Depart­ PIERSONAIl. SIERVICE ssippi, and Methodist Bish~ ment of the U. S. Catholic Con­ § S1E(,~ND §

Edward .1. Pendergrass. ference. i1l1l1illlllllllllllllllllUlIlIIlUlIUIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllU1l1!miiiillllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIllIii1untl!!&i



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100 Specialists to Discuss .Catholic Schools' Future

Thurs., July 27, 1967

Diocese Surveys

WASHINGTON (NC)-The National Catholic Educro­ tion Association's symposium here Nov. 5 to 10 will deal with the futUll'e of Catholic education. The symposium will bring together J1.00 top specialists to discuss problems, op­ portunities and goals ClIf Catholic education. Topics for distribution of the position treated will include the lro­ papers to participants before the conference. The symposium it­ ciological context for Catho­ self will be a working meeting

lic education, new organizational structures in education, finances, and the role of laymen in Cath­ olic education. A sociological position paper will be prepared loy Dr. Robert J. Havighurst, professor of edu­ cation at the University of Chi­ cago. Preparing the position paper on new structures will be Dr; John I. Goodlad, dean of the graduate school of education, University of California at Los Angeles, and director of the re­ search and development divi­ sion, Institute for Development of .Educational Activities '(iDEA). . The paper on finances will ~ written by Father Ernest Bar­ ~ll, C.S.C., economics professor .at the University of Notre Dame. A paper on the role of laymen will be written by Dr. John J. Meng, executive vice president of Fordham University. The NCEA conference will be entitled "Blueprint for the Fu­ ture: The Washington Sympo': Ilium on Catholic Education." The 100 invited participants will include Catholics and non-Cath­ olics, priests, Religious and lay­ men educators and others. Expect SunggestnoDS

The symposium format calls

Endorse Bilingual Ed ucation in U.S.

Major ~f}'(Q)~~ems

In Edlu«;@l1'O@[1I DAVENPORT (NC)-E;!{I!rJ penditures for religious edu~ cation of non - parochial school students in 34 parisha


which participants will dis­ cuss subject areas with the aim of making recommendations or suggestions. The sponsoring group, the NCEA, is the nation's largest Catholic school organization. U. S. Catholic schools at all levels number about 14,000 and enroll about six million students.. Father C. Albert Koob, NCEA executive secretary, noted that the idea for the symposium orig­ inated some two years ago with the late Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, then, NCEA executive secretary. Msgr. Hochwalt's pro­ posal was for a follow up to major studies of Catholic educa­ tion then in progress.

Sisters of Mercy At Conference Sister Mary Urban, R.S.M., Diocesan Secondary School Su­ pervisor, Sister Mary __ Mercy, RS.M., Principal of Bishop Fee­ han High School in Attleboro, and Sister Mary Ludivine, R.S.M., Vice Principal of Mt. St. Mary Academy in Fall River at­ tended the biennial conference of the New England Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development at the New Hamp­ shire Highway Hotel and July 20, 21, and 22. The.theme of the meeting, Innovations in Educa­ tion, was discussed by such dis­ tinguished educators as Mr. John Holt, author of How Children Fail, Dr. Loren ·Downey, Profes­ sor of Education, Boston Univer­ sity, H. Stuart Pickard, Director, Planning, Development and Evaluation, New Hampshire State Department of Education, and Dr. Maurice Hillson, Profes­ sor of Education, Rutgers Uni­ versity.

NEW YORK (NC)-A bill to foster bilingual education for Spanish-speaking children in U. S. schools was endorsed by witnesses at a Senate subcom­ mittee hearing in East Harlem. The bill would set up a three­ year, $30 million pilot project "designed to meet the special educational needs of students whose mother tongue is Span­ ish." The money would be allo­ cated to school systems to fi­ nance bilingual education pro­ grams, with the teaching of Celibacy TlDJlk Heall'd Spanish as the native language Back 140 Y'eorr$ Ago and English as a second lan­ guage. It would also pay for HARTFORD (NC) - Anyone programs to attract promising who believes the current dis-· teachers of Mexican and Puerto cussion of priestly celibacy is Rican descent. something new will have a hard Sen. Ralph Yarborough of time convincing folks at the Texas presided over the hearing, Catholic Transcript archdiocesan assisted by Sens. Jacob Javits newspaper. and Robert Kennedy of New A researcher going through York. It produced sharp criti­ the . Transcript microfilm files cism of the public school system found a brief editorial page here for alleged neglect to edu­ comment on the subject in a cate Puerto Rican and Negro Connecticut Catholic newspaper ehildren properly. nearly 140 years ago. Councilman Robert A. Low, Editor A. M, 'falley of the whose East Harlem district in­ . Catholic Press noted in the issue cludes more than 100,000 Puerto of July 11, 1829:· "It is rumored Ricans, described the schools' that the new Pope intends to l'ecord as an "appalling failure." . abolish celib3\cy among the clergy." Talley commented that "those who-know anything of the Law School Dean discipline of·tl1e Catholic Church Remains in Post will see the .falsehood." NOTRE DAME (NC)-Dean The comment appeared in the .Joseph O'Meara, who disclosed first issue of the Press, which last February his plans to step was Connecticut's first Catholic aside as head of the University newspaper and one of the first in the country. . of Notre Dame law school after this year's commencement, will eontinue in that post for another Orph~II1l(QJ9Je 1ro Close year. Father John E. Walsh, C.S,C., DENVER (NC) - St. Clara's university vice-president for ac­ Orphanage here, which has pro­ ademic afairs, announced that vided a home for some 10,000 the university has asked O'­ children since its origin in 1890, Meara to remain as dean until will close on Jan. 1, 1968. Rea­ July 1, 1968, when a successor sons cited for discontinuing in­ will be named. O'Meara, 68, has clude lack of Sisters trained in headed the law school Bince child care and need for modern­ ~ ization of the physical plant.


PROTEST PITTSlI:llURGH RENTS: Father Donald W. McIlvane, right, spokesman for a .citizens-clergy -group, aimounces ·a city-wide rent &trike has been called to pro­ test slum housing. Joining in the announcement are, from left, Rev. James J. Robison of Bidwell Presbyterian Church, and William Haden,. head of the United Movement for Progress. Fr. McIlvane is administrator of a Catholic parish in the Ghetto and is -active in civil rights activities. NC Photo.

Caveman at Heart MarrDG:Ill1Jist BII'@l!'lhlell' Excplores M;SSOII.U'Ou S

UInl«!lergll'OWlll1ldJ Caverns as Hobby

es of the Davenport diocese av~ eraged $380 last year, according to a survey conducted by the Catholic Messenger, diocesan newspaper. The survey was conducted by the Messenger in cooperation with the diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine office. It showed that teacher train­ ing, adult education and claSl'l instruction are the major prob­ lems in parish religious educa­ tion programs. Of 71 parishes whose pastors replied to the survey, 53 had lay religion instructors. But 2'7 of these had 147 lay instructol'll with no training for their work. Oilly 26 of the 71 parishes had any ki,nd, of adult edu,cation pro-­ gram. Many of the responding pag., tors stressed the need for having the best materials and texts for the religion instruction clas:>es.. Programs Father Kevin Coughlin, direec­ tor of the new diocesan CCD R~ ligious Education Office which will open in September, said he has formulated several progranw which he hopes will solve prob­ lems turned up in the survey. The first eight-week training session for lay religious educa­ tion instructors will begin iJlil September. It will include both methods and content for reli­ gious education classes. Father Coughlin said his of­ fice also intends to experiment with adult education prograJ1l8 to determine which are feasible and what proportion of the peo-­ pIe can be reached.

MILWAUKEE (NC) - Deep ing an after-school caving ad­ venture. down underneath his hard ac­ quired scholastic and scientific When searchings by their par­ veneer, Brother Marvin Sanne­ ents, residents and police brought man, S.M" is a caveman. no results by the following day, These days the Marianist Broth­ a plea for help was made to the er can be found at Cardinal Hondo Underground Rescue Stritch College here studiously team which Brother Marvin pursuing the fast-growing sci­ helped organize in 1962. ence of remedial reading. He The team includes life-sav­ teaches the subject to students ing specialists who are members at St. Mary's High School in of Hondo Grotto, Inc" an organ­ st. Louis. ization of caving enthusiasts But whenever he gets the from the 81. Louis area. It and Where A chance, Brother Sanneman, with a similar group in Washington, a relish, plunges deep into pur­ D. C., are the only organizations GOOD NAME suit of the science of speleology, of this type in the U. S, which has become a hobby with Brother Sanneman recalled him. Means A For the uninitiated, speleology ­ the rescue team was more suc­ cessful in April, 1965, when the is the science of exploring caves. GREA1f DEAL The 35-year-old Marianist calls group helped save three persons from a cave in Arkansas. it "caving" and he's been inter­ ested in it for some 21 years. He said the organization plans He's a native of St. Louis and to map all caves in the St. Louis has found Missouri's many un­ area. With 2,000 caves already derground caverns just what the mapped and another 500 to go, doctor ordered for pursuing his Missouri has the most known extracurricular activity. caves of any state, he added. His most frustrating adventure occurred recently while partici­ . pating in' an extensive search for three boys believed lost in Murphy's cave near Hannibal, ONE STOP

Mo. _ 1001 Kings Hwy. SHOPPING CENTER

Although concerted rescue ef­ forts failed to uncover their • Television .. GrocalTY whereabGuts, Brother feels the • Appliances .. Furni~ure bodies will be found eventually. He plans to resume his search 104 Allen St., New Bedford Open Evenings when' Summer schooi. ends in 997-9354 August. Life-Sa.ving SpeciaDnsts Describing the. Hannibal situ­ ation, Brother Marvin recalled that the young trio was feared RESIDENTIAL lost on May 10 when they failed to return to their homes followSCHOOLS. CHURCHES









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THE M'-HOR-Diocese

of Fall

• Hospitals Work In

River-Thurs., July 27, ,1967

C!J'ilU'et<aJ9)<O> 5<eMoll'il«l511"ians S)tell'WfJ @$ Oll'tdJell'Bie5 11«l> A«;©JMDG'@ (UJUil<dlte{i'S!l'<OJG'Il<d!OUil@

The .Parii§h Pa:rratdJ.e (lj'jl'. JTOSIElPlHl,



HICAGO (NC)-.:..-The semi­ na rector observed: "Semina­ ria s by working in a hospital acq ire .a better understanding of eople and what anxiety and dea h really. mean." sgr. John Gorman,' the rec or, explained the newly lau ched program of st. Mary of he Lake Theological Semi­ nar in nearby Mundelein. e said 12 seminarians are 'ng as orderlies during the S er at Mercy Medical' Cen­ ter. A similar program is under­ wa at St. Anne Hospital. i\1sgr. Gorman said 'the new , "pro,ram is in keeping with Vat­ '!, ic Council II's Decree on Pri sUy Formation which re­ qui es that seminary training

New Women's Guild officers. The 8:15 Mass Sunday morn­ Cng, July 30, will have singing are Mrs. John B. Caron, presi­ accompanied by guitar n:tusic. . dent; Mrs. Honore Vaillancourt, All are invited to attend and vice-presIdent; Mrs. James E. Steadman, treasurer; Mrs. Rob­ jplarticipate. ert Lavoie and Mrs. Joseph mOLlY NA.:MIIE, . Bono, secretaries. Mrs. Vaillan­ WALL RlIVIER court will also serve as general whist chairman. CCD Parent Educators will Regular meetings will resume \begin the custom of presenting Illewly baptized infants with a in September. and the first social lDaptismal candle and a small function will be an afternoon white dalmatic. They will follow whist Thursday, Oct. 19 under the direction of Mrs. Thomas P. 1lIlP this contact with twice yearly lllome visits, at which they will Sullivan. .@ffer the parents literature on <Christian training of the child. All parishioners are welcome at llwiptisms, regularly scheduled !lor 2:30 Sunday afternoons. l:ll'll'. lIlIlYAClIN'1l'lHl, !NIEW IRIEDlFORIIJ)

The annual parish bazaar is 'mow in progress and ~ill be held . !lrom 7 to 11 nightly through ~aturday, July 29. Twenty booths of interest to adults and ehildren are featured, in addi­ tion to' a refreshment stand. ST. lFRANClIS XA V41E1lt. lHlYANNlIS ~

Ponies loaned by the Joseph Ii". Kennedy family of Hyannis Pori will be available for chil­ lIllren's rides at the second an­ llIlUal parish Summer fair, to be l3eld Saturday, July 20 on the dIurch grounds. Mrs. Joseph Kennedy will be lIIIlong hostesses and will offici­ Qte at a booth featuring books Qoout the late President Keri­ medy. She will autograph all Ilturchases and win also have available the Hope Candles manufactured by workshops for Cllle retarded. Proceeds from her lltooth will aid further work among retarded children. Her coo-hostess will be Mrs. Marion lLewis. Fair hours will be from 10 to ~ and features will include <children's games, a variety of booths, and a luncheon, to be oerved from 11 :30 to 2 in the <iliurch hall. General chairman is Mrs. Mary Morrissey, Women's Guild president, and publicity director Us Mrs. Barbara O'Donnell. Hand-painted posters advertis­ ing the event have been donated by Charles Harden. The fair will be held rain or chine.

Must J<Olmn fForces Continued from Page One and language, then the feeling has grown 0 '" .. that we had bet­ ter allow our children to get ~at training. somewhere else." Father Koob said Catholic educators are not planning to. dump all their unsolved prob­ lems on the public school sys­ tem, but are aware of a degree of sympathy among public' ochool superintendents.' "Somehow mutual understand­ ing will be reached on the prob­ lem of fitting Catholic education into its meaningful place in the metropolitan society," he stated.

lUJ Uil D<q] M<e Sifr<ro frM~ ISTANBUL (NC)-The first statue to be erected in. !stan';' bul since the 16th Century was of a pope, Benedict XV. Despite the prohibition of graven images by the' Islamic Koran, Sultan Mohammed V of the then strict­ ly Mohammedan Empire of Tur­ key led the public subscription for the statue as a monument to the gratitude of the peoples of Turkey for the pope's initiative in helping victim's of the First ~orld War in Turkish lands. ,"";!If


The eighth annual luncheon and fashion show sponsored by the Women's Guild will be held Thursday, Aug. 10 at East Bay Lodge, Osterville. Following lunch, Fall fashions will be presented under chairmanship of Mrs. Richard Pessa, aided by Mrs. John Eckert, and a large committee. Comment will be by Mrs. John McGuire and accom­ panist will' be Mrs. John Craw­ ford. .

[Le«lJv<es lPU'C<esil'.!hl«l>«l><dl;

.1loDITilS [EIPDs<copCll~iall'lls

MILWAUKEE (NC) - Father John Piefer, 45, disclosed here that he has resigned from the Catholic pr'iesthood and has joined the Episcopal Church. A priest of the Milwaukee archdiocese for the last 20 years, Father Piefer had been serving at St. Francis Seminary, the archdiocese's major seminary, where 'for more than five years he headed the philosophy de­ partment and was dean of the senior college. Father Piefer disclosed to newsmen that he had submitted his resignation July 3' to Arch­ bishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee, and also to the sem­ inary rector. The priest said he had been considering the action for sev­ eral years because of theological reasons. He said he was dissat­ isfied with the Catholic Church's teachings concerning papal in­ fallibility, birth control and priestly celibacy.

Continued from Page One Allegheny, N. Y., 134; School Sisters of Notre Dame, 123; Do­ minicans of Amityville, N. Y., 96; Immaculate Heart of Mary, 94; St. Joseph of Brentwood, N. Y., 79; Franciscans of Milwaukee, 72; Dominicans of Adrian, Mich., 57; Franciscans of the Poor, 56. lLay lIIelp

Lay volunteers from the U. S. hail from 10 different organiza­ tions, according to the report. It says the principal contribu­ tion is made by the organization under the Bishops' Committee for Latin America (PAVLA)­ 251 persons in 16 countries. Two other organizations have 20 or more persons in the field, the· Association' for International Development, Paterson, N. J., 35; and the College Lay Apostolate of the New England Jesuits, 20. Some 55 additional lay workers serve . under the auspices of seven other groups.

Continued from Page One the AFROTC and a member of the National Education Associ­ ation of the United States. Father Dunn is the son of Mrs. Helen G. Dunn and the late Charles K. Dunn, 445 Beale Street, Milton.

DEAD: Thomas Cardinal Tien, exiled Archbishop of Peking, and only Chinese Cardinal, died Monday on Taiwan. He visited the Di­ ocese of Fall River several times as ,guest of Bishop Connolly.

have a pastoral dimension not only in theory but also in prac­ tice. . "Doing practical work as in n hospital," Msgr. Gorman added. "also helps the seminarian find his vocation to minister as priests, and this also gives him lil face-to-face appreciation of the dedicated life of a nurse ~r a doctor."

~le{l'fr@1i' ~1Ju@lf!l«:~ LOUISVILLE (NC)-Cathe1l"~. ine Spalding College here l.a conducting a three-year Sum­ mer program, known as A Bet­ ter Chance, to help prepare mi-: nori.ty group students for car~ro in nursing and related fields. .~ ~




lP~@[)'i) ©fu>~®[fW@[)'i)~®

@~ ~m'H1Jij9W~[f~@lTW WORCESTER (NC)-An ecu­ menical commemoration of the 450th anniversary of the Refor­ mation is being planned' here. A commmitfee of Worcester area Protestants and Catholics are meeting to work out plans for the observance that will commemorate the religious revo­ lution which began in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his9S theses to the door of Witten­ burg's castle church. It is not yet determined what form the observance would take, but it was known that at least one major ecumenical.event was being scheduled in Worcester Memorial Auditorium on the an­ niversary date, Oct. 29, which coincidentally falls this year on the feast of·Christ the King. Lutheran leaders had been making plans for the anniver­ sary for several years but Cath­ olic participation .was assured only last April. It was then that the National Conference of Cath­ olic Bishops approved coopera­ tion under the leadership of the Bishops' Committee for Ecu­ menical and Interreligious M­ fairs. Chief supporters of the Worcester commemoration are Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester, a member of the U. S. bishops' ecumenical com­ mittee, and Dr. Robert Slaugh­ ter, executive secretary' of the Greater Worcester Area Council of Churches.













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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July:;"

Church Survives in Russia

Despite Soviet PersecMfrnon

Staflin Eases Plressure With Russia in mortal peril! under the Nazi assault in 1941, the Orthodox Church pro­ Dounced the Russian cause sa­ ered and rallied its members to 'Work and sacrifice for victory. Stalin, for his part, eased the pressure against religion, not only because he needed all Ule

internal support be could get, but also because be wanted to d~sarm. criticism in the Western eountries from which be sought massive material assistance. From the war years until 1959, tbe Chureh enjoyed the best period of its existence under Sovie1; rule. Official policy was );lever modified, and the im:ulca­ tion of atheism was vigorously promoted. The Church was »ub-



AJd ~O C@\\"hC~De: ~ 0t'L@CIS A~freU'lru@ftEv~ t(C) EdltUJ<e~ti'B~ml@~ (6~aos

By Itt. Rev. Msgll'. JOHnIlll S. Kell1lDlledy When Eve Curie, then famous for her books and ar­ ticles, was allowed to travel through Russia in 1942, some monthts after the Nazi attack, she reported that religioDl was dea~ in the U.S.S.R. "Twenty-five years after the Revolu­ iion of 1917:' she declared, "tJile Soviets perhaps are no jected to severe handi~aps. But longer in need of anti-reli­ it was allowed to breathe and gious propaganda, sinee their even to grow. youth is now beyond the influ­ ence of the Church. If the battle tl gainst the Church has been 'Won, the victors caEc indulge in the luxury of an armistiee." Tbat Miss Curie was was quite wrong in her estimate is one 011 the poi n t s Niltita Struve estab­ lishes in his book, Christians in Contemporary Rusma (Scrib­ ners. $7.50; 597 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017). But he does much more be­ sides, as he surveys the condi­ 1ioll of religion, and espeeially the Russian Orthodox Church, in the U.S.S.H. from 1917 down to the present. Naturally there is 0 prelim­ inary chapter which, with rather bewildering brevity, attempts to sketch the history of Chrisitian­ By in Russia from the birth of the Russian state, which coin­

cided with the introduction of Christianity. This telescoping of

the centuries provides hardly more than a quick succession of topic heads. Anyone wanting an lldequate treatment will have to 1001. elsewhere. Promising Situation The pace becomes more lei­ IlUrely, the pictull'e more intel­ ligible, when Mr. Struve comes to consider the condition of the Orthodox Church prior to the Revolution of 50 years ago. It was a promisiina situation, he a:ontends, with thorough-going lI'eform well under way. The Church had been tied to the monarchy, but accepted the provisional government of Ker­ ensky with equanimity. When the Bolsheviks took over in the Fall of the same year, 1917, it Iloon became apparent that the Church had reason to be con­ cerned. The new Communist lI'egime was blatantly hostile to religion, and a program of re­ pression began almost at once. The story of the Soviet per­ flecution of religion has been told many times. Mr. Struve he­ hearses its several stages: peri­ ods of intensive eJlfort to extir­ pate religion, 'spelled by inter­ ]udes of relaxation of the rigor of the drive. For example, in 1929 a policy of finally liquidating the Church was adopted and pursued; in 1934 there was a thaw in the icy hostility; in 1937, 'With the inau­ guration of Stalin's purges, harsh persecution resumed.


schools and will for the next few HARRISBURG (NC) -- Penn­ years; and many people aro sylvania will have to provide urging improvement in J!)ubli~ 'some form of state aid to Cath­ education," he said. olic schools in nonreligious courses or face educational "In the face of all of this, some chaos, the general counsel of the public school districts are faceclJ Pennsylvania Catbolic Confer­ with bankruptcy; others aft) ence said here. faced with a most severe futuftl. Attorney William B. Ball They simply cannot entertain Il made the statement in the course great added population cominrJ Too Good to Last of an interview on a bill nQw in from the parochial schools ell Mr. Struve estimates tlnat at the state," he continued. committee in the statc Legisla­ this time there were 100 million ture, which calls for the setting baptized people in Russia; that Secular Subjects up of a' state agency to purchase 50 per cent of the children in Ball said the pl'oposed me3!J­ from private schools such secu­ Moscow were baptized; that the ure "furnishes the answer to thtl lar educational services as in­ number of churches C1pen ap­ struction in science, geography problem" of the church-state proximately 20,000; that some 40 sep2raiiOll dilemma by provid-> and mathematics. millions attended church; that ing for the purchase of eduea­ pilgrimages were common and The cost of purchasing secu­ ti071 services without in any wa~ popular. lar educational services, accord­ All this was too good to last, ing to provisions of the bill, setting up state support of J'eM.:­ gioil. and in 1959 the frontal attack would be paid for from the state

on religion was r.esumed. What ""The bin is not unique,'" btl

tax on cigarettes. Ball said that Mr. Struve says of tine )'ears be­ the "non public schools would be ,said, Hin the sense that the eoa­

tween then aAd now is most sig­ IN NEW POST: Pope Paul eligible for up to $25 million of cept of the purchase of serv~

nificant, foil' we in the "Vest have aid under this proposa]," has been known in the :field ~ has appointed Archbishop­ scarcely heard of this latest There are about 600,000 Cath­ ,hospit21 C2re and child care, loW! elect Giovanni BeneUi, above, olic school pupils in the state, a this would he its first applica­ forceful campaign against reli­ gion. Either the news (/)f it bas to succeed Angelo Cardinal total which constitutes fmm 90 tion in the U. S.to the :field of! been very successfully kept' Dell'Acqua a s substitute to 95 per cent of the state's non­ elementary and secondary eGtll­ from us, Oll' we have grown in­ cation." Secretary of State for Ordi­ public school population.

different to Soviet persecution. In discussing features of the He said the bill "carefully sei!l

nary Affairs. The new Arch­ bill, Ball termed it "simply un­ off the secular from tbe spii'­ Three Phases bishop has been 'serving as thinkable that the whole public Hual," and "is most precise no Mr. Struve maintains that one permanent Vatican observer would risk a situation in which defining 'secular subjects' to of tllte worst of the Soviet per­ at UNESCO headquarters in a substantial portion of the pa­ such courses as are presenteGlJ secutions has been in progress rochial school population would in the curricula of the pubJie Paris. NC Photo. during the last eight )'ears. lIt attempt to move int() the public schools of the commonwealtlln has had three phases. schools. and shall not include any sub­ "The first onslaught was the A ' ject matter expressing religlo~ most brutal: the authorities en- ~nnOUr1tCeS P~GnS ][nereasing Demands teaching or the morals or fo~ deavored to close in record time "I think the state is going to of worship of any sect." the greatest possible number of have to provide aid," he said, "or churches (1959-61). Then" by tightening up the anti-religious NEW YORK (NC)-Miseri- else I think it's going to face

educational chaos."

'legislation (1961-62), they tried cordia Hospital has unveiled a "No one is talking in terms of

to reduce to a state of suspended multi-million-dollar crash pro­ animation, or progressively t4l gram to correct immediately the threats, or 'dumping of chil­

dren,' as the unseemly phrase

stifle, what still subsisted; fin- ills of Fordham Hospital, a muni­ goes," he continued, "but, as a

ally, in the third stage (1963cipally-owned facility. 54), an assault was made on the The proposal, submitted t4l matter of fact, public school dis­ tricts throughout all of Pennsyl­

inmost bastions of faith: an at­ New York City Hospitals Com­

vania today are having a hard

tempt was made to destroy missioner Joseph V. Terenzio, ~M~GfElI' ~j'\IlU'~~OPES

Christian families, to isolate emphasizes that "Fordham faces time finding money in the face

of constantly increasing de­

children completely from the loss of accreditation unless sub­

pernicious influence of religion stantial immediate progress is mands made upon public educa­ tion. ~JIl'Efre <lllil' ~&-i~1lt3 (il,7~o n322 and to root out religious belief made towaTd correcting the crit­ "Public schools are faced with from the inmost consciences of I ical deficiencies in the physical 2~4 Se~<lllI7ld! $~cree{l - [r<alii ~nvCl7 teacher shortages; the popula­ the individual." plant."

tion continues to grow in public

The ravages of this campaign, Fordham Hospital, which have been grievous Mr. Struve opened in 1907, became affili­ says that at leas.t half the ated with Misericordia in 1964. churches open a decade ago are Prior to that time, plans had now closed, many destroyed, in­ been made to close the hospital. cluding some famous ancient When final announcement of the ones which were spared evem. closing was made in 1961, objec­ in the fury of the Revolution. tions from the community forced OthelI' ReDgio~s Bodies reconsideration of tIl1e decision. And yet, the Church lives, The City of New York then however precariously. Indeed, acknowledged the need for Mr. Struve says, "Recent news Fordham Hospital alnd asked seems to establish that a wave of Misericordia to assume respon­ conversions is taking p]ace sibility for providing profession­ 653 Washington Stree~, FQ)ir~aven among the students, especially mJ. services and for raising the in the provinces, the Churcb level of patient care through an 994-505$ seems to be exerting 11 certaim. affiliation agreement. attraction in circles hitherto closed to her." The interval since the Revo­ lution is now double what it 'Was when Miss Curie wrote her obit­ uary of religion im Russia, and that .obituary is still decidely premature. Religion in Russia is not III monopoly of the OrthodoJJ: Clnurch. Mr. Struve· gives an ell:­ tensive account of other reli­ gious bodies, from the Roman Catholic, through the Baptist -­ (numerous), through all sorts all sects, down to odd little :roupe.

To Save Hospita I





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River'-Thurs., July 27; 1967

Tradrntiona~Apost@~@tes StiU Nec®~~@1ry Lati~ [lands


From "Social Revolution lin the New lLatin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. We turn to the consideration of the contribution of North American Catholics to Latin Amerioa in recent years, writes Juan-Cardinal Landazuri Ricketts,Archbishop \l)f Lima, Peru. Actually, this is perhaps -the most difficult point to discuss,' because I do not khow where to begin. more loved than the North Hefp from United States and American missioner. Time anc!, Canada' has been so gene­ again,I am approached by people


rous, so widespread, so effective, who want a new parish, by gov­ tilat one hesitates to mention ernment officials. who want teachers or nurses for schools Iany single ;,:~:.~.,-"'",,"--"--"-i' and hospitals, by bishops who portion of it, want more priests, Brothers, COORDINATOR: Edward knowing that it Sisters and, lay apostles, and ~ is impossible to R. D'Allesio, 35, South Or­

tell Y9u frankly that most often mentio'n all. ange, N.J., school executive,

they ask me specifically to try There are now has been named Coordinator

and find North Americans. What more than 4,100 more can I say? of Governmental Programs

North American We now turn to the fourth and for the department of edu­

missioners in final point, a few guidelines for Latin America, cation, U.S. Catholic Confer­

the kind of help that the Church these include ence, Washington, D.C. NC

in Latin America still requires., bishops, priests, Photo.

I will treat this briefly under Brothers, Sis­ three topics: attitude, personnel, ters and lay apostles. The Marykncrll Fathers and material resources. ce@~~ ~®[j'j)U- ~U'[[O~® , Better Contacts alone have almost 300 priests In In regards to attitude, it is Latin America. ~oU'r ~hBUVD , Chicago is well, represented unquestionable that increased PITTSBURGH (NC)-A city­

contacts between us will clarify lin Peru with the Chicago Car­ melites, and the Augl,lstinians, the thinking of both North and wide',rent strike over slum hous­

ing has been called here by the

South Americans. The condi­ as well as several diocesan cler­ Citizens - Clergy Coordinating

gy working in Panama and tions obtaining in Latin Amer­ ica are the product of forces at Committee which accuses the

Bolivia. I cannot list here the 49, North work for four centuries and we city and realtors, in one Negro

cannot hope to reverse them lay leader's words, of "keeping

America'dioceses, the 102 reli­ gious communities and provinces substantially in four years, or us in nigger hell."

Tenants in bad housing are. of men,' or thc 161 communities even one generation. But the !U1d 'provinces of women, whi~ll more we interchange ideas, being asked to strike and pay have sent ~eligious personnel w plans and opinions, the more we their rent into, an escrow, ac­ Latiri 'America, or the sixty-fo~r just get to know each' other-the count. Those in good housing are asked to' strike in sympathy. (64) ,dioceses which have sent more we will be able to help each' other. Latin' Americans The CCCC is composed of some

Papal' ~~lunteers~ are no more sensitive than any 100 lay people and 'religious

However, I must not forego other human beings. We are leaders of all faiths. It has ties

illie opportunity to thank' from brothers and sisters, to the rest with most of the poverty arid

the bottom of my heart' a man of. the world, no more, no less," civil rlghtsgroups.

whose name is a 'household word Concerning the! need 'for per­ 'The United Movement' for' in many parts of Latin Affierica. sonnel, we require all kinds and Progress, Ii ghetto organization because of his magnificent lead-" as many as possible. I do' not headed by William Haden; has' ership, his open-hearted gener­ ,deny :that other things :being , joined the CCCC' and claims osity,' 'hisapostolic vision, hiS equal,tlle more highly trained over 100 tenants have already , tireiess zeal' and Christian love personnel will achieve' more,' but bElgun ,striki'ng. In ,retalilition, the 'Church io' Lathi our needs are so vast that there ,one landlord threatened to board. " 'Aineric~ when' I' express 'iny is a place for virtually, everyone up his ,property with the tenants profouhd" gratitude 'to Richard who is well-int,entioned ,and who inside,,-leaders said. CardinalCushipg, Archbishop Of ,possesses normal ability. Iii gen­ ·No· one 'could say J:.low how 'BOston.' , ' eral I would urge you to choose many will respond to the 'strike 8,OOO,OO~ Destltinte missions on the basis of relative, call. Henry Woods, one of, the' That magnificent creation of need, as shoWn by statistics; on strike leaders; estimated some" tile United States hierarchy, the basis of the influence you 500 might take part in, his Hill , Catholic Relief services, is the feel that the mission will exert District ghetto. With rents 'al" difference between life and in a Biven' region; and on the ready ,paid: for the first half of death f~r tens ,of thousands of basis of the capacity of your the month, the big test isn't' ex- ' Latin Americans. Not only in own diocese or congregation to pected until end-of the-month' times of disaster from flood and fulfill the conditions which the payments come due. , earthquake, but in the daily mission would demand. Father Donald McIlvane, struggle ,for existence, Catholic Neither are there any hard Catholic priest-administrator of Relief ,Services provides the and fast ,l1Jles for the type, of St. Richard's ghetto parish and a needed help to' eight million de.., 'llll:ork to' accept in Latin Amer­ CCCspokesman, said churches· titute Latins. ica. We,'need'missioners' both in and other facilities will be used the- larg~ cities and in the couri- ' for emergency housing if anyone, Parenthetically, I mightre­ lIIlark apropos of Ca~holic Relief try areas.' We need missioners to is evicted. The CCC and UMP Services; , that many bishops in help mold the conscience of the will use demonstration to retal­ Latin America, as well as many wealthy, and we need mission"" iate, he indicated. missioners, feel that a change ers to h,elp enrich the lives of the ahould be made in Public. Law poor. The tendency today is'to Forrm I,nterfaith Number 480, Title 3, to, permit enter more and more into ,the " IiIOme small, charge to b:e' levied socio-economic 'field of mission CRell'gy' Committee ',':',:.', en food distributed by· welfare endeavor. 'I regard the' socio­ NEW YORK (NC)~A Catho­

economic apostolate' as one groups. , The cost of adminiljlter­ lic nun, an Episcopal 'clergY-man

the most imporuint apostolates, and a rabbi have announced 'for­

ing the food program is prohibi­ 'tive for many ,organizations and especially in our times, and, par- ' mation here of a Committee' of

the result is that often rio food . ticularly in Latin America. But, . Clergymen Concerned About the ' is made availabie for people who the traditional apostolates of the Welfare Crisis. I need it most. Secondly, the cur- ' Church in the fields of teaching, Sister Trinity of the Sisters Of

re'1t sYf!tem ,oJ.: giving food free c::are 9f ~he sick, and th~ deepen­ Charity of 'the Blessed Virgin

to people who could pay a little ing of the sacramental life in the Mary; the Rev. James B. Hagen

, for it is the best way to destroy parish, must not be abandoned of St. Peter's Episcopal Church

or weakened at any cost. whatever ambition and self­ here, and Rabbi Allen Block Of

esteem those underprivileged New York, committee co-chair­

people might., still possess. In men; announced that the com­

Named this respect, the ,recent Christ­ mittee has circulated a petition

mas address of the Holy Father ' CHICAGO (NC) - Frank J. which has received the endorse­ comes to mind in which he un­ Shea, a 52-year-old registered , ment of a number of clergymen. derlined the need for "bread nurse, is acting dean of the The petition says that hun­

with dignity." School of Nursing at St. Xavier dreds of clergymen are "deeply

Returning to the theme of College here. He is the only man concerned over the plight of the

North American aid to Latin to head a major nursing school 650,000 human beings now be­

America, I can say with com­ in the Midwest. The college is ing deprived of the essential ser­

plete sinc.erity that in Peru, for conducted by the Sisters of vices of the New York City De­ mstance. ~ere is no missioner ,Mercy of the Union. . partment of Welfare."


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tff'E ANC'I'fOW-E1Iocesl? of Fa~ ~iver,-,l'hurs., July 27; 1967

Parents:;Are First Teachers Home is Primary' School


Women 'N'restle WOIr~dl°S) ,fP>II'~bft®ms At HistQric Ecum<enica~ Meetflrfflg

RIEDBOEHRINGEN <NC)-The home is the first and

BWSt important school in the life of a Christian, Augustin

WEST LAFAYETTE (NC)­ quested by the administration.'" Some 2,500 American church­ The resolution deplored that women at a four-day eonvention only $2.5 billion was requested at Purdue University here in the smallest submitted sinee the Indiana determinedly took giant 'Marshall Plan. steps toward a new image and Change Banners style of action in the turbulent Four interrelated problems­ world of today. youth 8Jld age; sex; urban cordance with the Second VaN,,: The historic Ecumenical As­ growth , and world peace-were ean Council which emphasized sembly of Church Women for symbolized by 40-foot long ban­ 100 strongly that the real edu­ the first time within ~ perma­ ners which hung behind the eators are parents'. He comment­ nent structure brought together' . (ipeakers' platform and were ed that parents are the first Protestant, Angilican;. Orthodox changed appropriately for dis­ missionaries, .the· home' the first and Roman Catholic women in- . cussions from session to session. church.' . tent on moving with the main­ Mrs. James M. Dolbey, n stream of changes characteristic: Methodist laywoman leader and' with. the mid-20th century life former actirig mayor of Cincin­ ~witH1ierans and·society. . nati , in her inaugural address . Sponsored by Church Women as new president of Church O~<eut United, a movement related to' Women United said individual "wholeness" must be the "an­ the National Coum;il of NEW YORK (NC)-All'Luth­ swer to our mechanical, imper­ Churches, the assembly: eJl'an congregations are being sonal world." Adopted an antipoverty reso­ urged to explore the ecumenical She said church-women fo"" lution which called on Congress possibilities of tbe "open house" suggested for next Oct. 29 as EXPERT: Dr. Robert J. to support the Equal Opportu­ the next decade must work w build a "society which restores part of this year's observance of Havighurst of U. of Chicago nity Bill. The resolution ex­ individual initiative and service the 450th anniversary of the the. conviction that only is preparing paper on socio­ pressed a single agency, the' Office of to each other." Protestant Reformlltion. Mrs. Dolbey succeeded Mrs. logy of Catholic education Economic Opportunity cOuld c0­ Mr. Malvin H. Lundeen, gen­ and its future for Novem­ ordinate services for the POOi' Stuart Sindair of Greenfield, eral committee chairman of the 450th Reformation anniversary, ber's National Catholic Ed­ and continue essential innova­ Mass., as CWU president. ll8id in a statement that in many ucational Association. N C tions and programs. eommunities the beliefs and Called for continuation of the AnnollJlI1lce P~an

Photo. practices of the Lutheran Church Job Corps program which was are little known by other Chris­ D~""9M\ ~~ In"~eftrll!5l characterized as "mandatory" if For SellU'Ilurro«!l(j'ggns

tians. iJ ~\ibI<HJlJ U U ~ III 'OlIJ~'Iiii1 this "generation of disadvan­ ANTIGONISH (NC) _ Th@t lOr. Lundeen, secretary of the /Fl- o~ ID· 1Lm. ~ ..Jl taged girls is to r:eceive adequate Scarboro Foreign lVlission Soci­ Lutheran Church in America ~mW~1lJ ·1l",~gllUn$. rUI11lWl assistance." '. . ety' will send seminarians'pre­ mid president' of the Lutheran LAN:;lING (NC)--:-Ne;';" ,efforts Urged. Congress to approve in .paring to be missionary priests Council iI\ the p.S.A., noted that are planned to boost :operating .:fIor:eign .aid legisla~on "at least . to' St. Francis Xavier University Reformation anniversary funds for the Civil Rights Com­ the fU~l amount (o~ ,the non~ here .in Nova Scotia fot their manual for' congregations en­ mission when the Michigan military portion of the bill) re- university courses. ccourages every l~utheran con-' state legislature' meets in special The program provides that gregation to bold an "open session this Fall. Effotts to in­ D. ~_ .J IJ. 6 students must live together illll house" on S\mda3', Oct. 29. crease the funds failed recently l":\$m,S' 1l'{lllQ;Cf trlllf p~n ~

Scarboro' Residence, but gives "I am not sure," he said, "that by two votes during thelegisla­ ~@lro~&fl' flQJil'&tJ'IltE«.il~

them . freedom in selecting every congregation appreciates final budget debate. . 'courses and in participation in the opportunity this project of­ tuni's Gov. George Romney said he WASHINGTON (NC)' - The campus activities. tiers the Lutheran congregation would consider putting the Civil Natiomil Ca·ncer. 'institute has A 'spokesman said the society to inform members of other Rights Commission. budget on recommended further study of. realizes that will be it more Christian .churches what Luth­ the agenda at the Fall session. birth' control pills to see if they. '. difficult to choose a religioUD. eranism teaches and practices." Only the governor maY: desig­ can cause' cancer. :. , .... vacation in such a setting, be­ : nate mat~e.JTs to come ,be~ore the. . Th~ipstit~t~ ~~i~.·;th~. <;arcin- ' .' cause-· the seminarians' will be legislature at l\. spec;ial s~ssipn. l?genic .(~l\ncer-proQuCing poten":' exposed. to the broad spectrum Educati@~€DV Center Francis J. Coomes, exe~utive tial of .oral co~tra.~~i>tives is ill..:' of C3ll'eel'S open to young men. F@r Th~fJe ····W>tiD·&m$h~s . . dill'eetor of the Michigai) ..Catb- , . d~in~d,.llDd th~re .. ils Sl;lme con"" However; the society feels· that olic Conferen·ce,. said' "since the ~erf.l ab04t safetyt', .... ' . '. if a' stuoent does decide to be­ -.' lBALTIl\10aE"";(NC) John establishment of' the co'nference '. .',l'pe .Cancer .Il)sti.tUte, ~, divi,,:·j come a·· Scarboro Father, his de­ XXIII Educatiol121 Center, a !icl1oo1 incorporating MOiltessori' in 1~, o~~ of itspri~<Iry',:~om- ,sion of ~~, NationaJ, Jnstitut~s of" eision will be more' mature be­ techpiques, will o~n this Fall mitments has been support of .. Health, made its· cAffiJU,ents in 'n' .' cause' of his clearer understand­ , to serve;th:ree lIII~i"yland parishes the Civil Rights Commission" s~ctiQn. .Qf: a rePer,! submitted to· ··',ling·Off the aUernatives o'!>en to Presicl~nt .Johnson .by the Nm. him. '.', with diminished grade school bOth'. in defending"1~ constitu­ tionalpowe~s.in the' courtS and ,' . enrollments;·.·.. . Tbe. Baltimore. Archdiocesan achieving an adequate b~d'get in . , .. education department announced the legislature. "At this point in lVIichigan'B the new school will replace St. history," he continued,' "the' pub­ Bernadine's and St. Edward's Rt. , The .. ' North. Westport schools. The third participating lic interest and civil harmony is not achieved by stunting the parish is St. Lawrence in Jessup growth of an agency which is whose students formerly attend­ Where The primarily responsible for ex­ ed St. Bernadine's. Entire Family

panding equal opportunity for About 270 students will attend all citizen& in Michigan." COIll Dine

the new school, which wiH be Economically

staffed by six Sisters of the Ser­ vants of- the. Immaculate Heart· Church in Mega,lopoli!l of Mary. The school will be con­ N.J. Conclave . . ' , fOR .,. ~lIed .by the parishes and . SOU'rH ORANGE (NC}~The RESEFNATIONS 'guided by the archdiocesan de-' fourth annual convention ·of the partment of education: . PHONE Children will be taught both Northeast Seminarians Study 61£-1185 Conference will be beld, at Seton in large and small groupings and promotions will take place when Hall 'University here Aug. 25 to 27 with seminarians from Prot­ . the c~ild iI!, ready and, not nec­ essarily in June. 'Children in estant as well as Catholic insti­ ~ grades, six through eight will re-' tutions invited to attend', Immaculate Conception Semi­ ceive departmentalized instruc­ tion but their advancement in nary in Darlington will be' host. certain subjects will still depend The tbeme will be "The Church WITHOUT' PROBILEMS in Megalopolis." , .,' .. " 'lfRAFFIC ..& , ,pARKING ' . cn individual progresS. • Spea]{ers ;will include Auxil­ m ~he iary Bishop Jqhn J .. Dougherty of Newark, president of Seton Cc~ts Force

Hall; 'Harvey Cox .of· Harvard Hospit«ill CIlu@inlges

. $OMERSIE'Q', ~S5. University divinity school; Fa­ BROOKFIELD (NC) - Rising ther Anthony T. Padovano of Immaculate Conception Semi­ costs have :forced Elmbrook The most ~rrDendly, «ilemocratic £lANK oHerran~ Memorial :Hospital to cut back nary; F'athe'j- William. .F. Lynch, S.,}., of St. Peter's College, Jell'­ on its original construction COWiJtpOe1l:e OIl1J~~Stop lE3(OJIlD~lll/lj@j) sey City and Cyril Tyson, deputy plans. administrator for community Revised plans. will eliminate Club Accoui1ts A.uno o..O(tllll1lS relations 'of New York City's the chapel, auditorium and con­ CheckiD1~ till.c«:cllDnts BlIJIsDll1less ~OQlll1lg Human Resources Administra­ vent. There will be 175 beds in­ Savings ~eC@ll!)ll1ltls RecmD fEllllElllle Q,@@Ui1S stead of the originally planned tion. At S@melTSet §~l?lPiU1~ ~lre~':"'B!'i(Sj~llUlal'tl ~fi. ~:ri«il~Q Eight workshops on vario\1lS 250:rwo of six.. operating rooms and two delivery rooms will also aspects of the urban apostolate Member federal Deposit Onsurpnce Corporation have been scheduled. be iiiliminatedl.

Cardinal Bea, president cd tJle Vatican Secretariat for Pro­ moting Ohristian Unity, told a group ·of Catholics in his Dative town. Cardinal Rea Another reaSon given by the W'Ml visiting Riedboehringen cardinal in his desire to lie fur the transfer of his par­ at rest beside bis father and ents' remains to a special mother was that 'it was in ac­ £rave in the parish churchyard. The cardinal discussed the im­ portance of the home as the primary school for ehildren, particularly as regards religious education, and on the parentD fill the first and foremost teach­ ers. He declared that, quite aside from religious training, be bim­ t;elf learned to react. and write from bis father, a carpenter, be­ fore he began formal schooling. Cardinal Bea said that people m his native parish and the municipal authorities of Ried­ boehringen had requested that he too be buried there, instead! 6lf in Rome. He said he consent­ ed on condition that be be interred beside his parents. The cardinal recalled that he had requested permission from Pope Paul VI to be buried in his birthplace and that the Pon­ tiff had consented on one con­ dition: that the burial not take place for some time to come. Cardinal Bea said he preferred that his grave be located in Riedboehringen because he felt that more persons would pray flor him at the grave site 'there than in the Roman cemetery where many cardinals all'e buried and whicb is closed most of the time.

(C@rrd~f\)~~ LaMal]~

~[j'O~$t Pm~Ol?S NORWOOD (NC) - Richard Cardinal Cushing of Bostmil called upon delegates to the Nm­ 'tional Asso~iation of Priest Pilots meeting here to sustam the best traditions of. Americs'l!l pioneer aviators for the techno­ logical age. Cardinal Cushing, Speaking ai the closing dinner of the two­ day meeting, stressed the apes­ tolic value ot ,tM.· 8SSQeiation, in relation to the Church's mission fields where many missionaries are licensed pilots. Urging the ~ssociation ~ en­ rich its educational and research programs, the cardinal said the group could best serve the mis­ sions by providing documented guidelines for the use of air­ planes in mission territories. He noted that many missionaries have the daring and courage of America's earliest aviators.. . He added, however, that they should have all the technologi­ cal knowledge available before ..taking off" 'on a costly invest­ ment for the missions. The NAPP was founded in 1954 and has p ·current member­ . ship of some 200 licensed priest­ pilots.

IIChurchless' p'arish Has Mass in Homes LOUISVILLE (NC)-Mass ba parishioners' homes has been under way on a twice-a-week . basis for nearly three months illl o "churchless" parish here. ·'It has done great things for the parish,." acccording to Father William Diersen, pastor «If Incarnation parish. He sought and got permission for the home Masses largely so that he could be among his parishioners and to help them to know one an­ «Ither. Before then, Masses were ll:elebrated in a' school building. "This rectory isn't the place 00 sit," Father Diersen· remarked. "The day of the people coming t\o you ill over." .

Urge Hold










Fam,ly .R.es'tQUra~t








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