Pontiff Continues to Call Modern Youth to Christ
CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) "- young people who are touring or hatred, but be careful not to become its supreme judge, casting Pope Paul VI continued his cam- studying in Europe. For instance, his last special oK all that is old. Instead, put paign to call modern youth to Christ, a campaign he began in audience at the Vatican July 12 on Christ. In this latest talk, dedicated Australia late in 1970 and which was devoted to 2,000 American to the young," the "especially students. The following Wedneshe has waged unobtrusively each week for the past three months. day he received 1,000 American Pope said he knew that modern youth was joyously on vacation, The Pope dedicated his entire students in the courtyard of his encountering the world. villa· in Castelgandolfo after the Sunday talk here July 23 to the Youth is too smart, the Pope regular general audience. youth of the world, telling them: An Anchor of the sour, Sure and Firm-St. Paul In essence, the Pope has been said, to fall for the lie that doing "Perhaps your search for truth repeating what he said to the away with the present civilizais a prophecy of the coming of youth of Australia on Dec. 4, tion will solve the world's probvoice which says everything 1970: You are right to be impa- lems. Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 27, 1972 one and of an encounter which pro- tient with society for its war and Tum to Page Two PRICE 10~ vides everything. It is Christ. Vol. 16, No. 30 © 1972 The Anchor $4.00 per year "Perhaps you do not know you are turning toward Christ. Warns Religious Educators Holy Father Speaks But we tell you this: He is marching toward you." Beginning last May at the ~at ican, the Pope each Wednesday has held an audience exclusively i for the young immediately folIn a talk to graduate students lowing his general audience. WINOOSKI (NC) - Religious CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)- ':doctors of sc1uls and psychiaAt first, the audience was for educators were warned by in religious e:l.ucation at St. The Catholic practice of confess- trists of grace" to hear confes- first communicants. Later, the Bishop John A. Marshall that Michael's College here, the Vering serious sins to a priest to sions "with the interest and en- Pope received those graduating they must concentrate on mont Catholic Tribune reported obtain forgiveness is a Christ- thusiasm for the greatest events from the various lower schools. "teaching doctrine and not tech- that the Burlington bishop spoke of the General Catechetical Digiven law and remains in effect, of our life." More recently, he has greeted nique." rectory issued by the Vatican Pope Paul VI told thousands of pilgrims and tourists at his ·Iast year. weekly general aUdience' here. "If the Catechetical Directory The Pope was commenting on has done nothing else, it has Bishop Cronin with his travel- on Tuesday night after a twCJ ings with the Portuguese Episcorecent Vatican regulations on the helped distinguish between Sacrament of Penance which ing companions, Rev. Luiz G. week period of attending meet- pal Commission, Bishop Cronin 'sound teaching' and other purwere prompted in part by the Mendonca, V.G., pastor of St. ings in Terceira and San Miguel was the principal concelebrant at poses," the bishop said. "You "abusive" practice in some coun- John of God Church, Somerset in the Azores, visiting towns a Mass offered on Friday eve- have to know the techniquestries of forgiving the sins of a and Rev. John J. Oliveira, chap- and villages to meet people with ning, July 14 in Nossa Senhora and some of them are wondergroup of people without first lain at Coyle Cassidy High ties in the Fall River Diocese De Belem, Terra Cha, Terceira, ful-but you shouldn't take too hearing individual confessions. High School and assistant at and then a visit to Lisbon on the where Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, much time of the children with pastor of St. Elizabeth's Fall The regulations, issued by the St. Anthony's Church, Taunton, continent. them." Turn to Page Three At the conclusion of the meetVatican's Congregation for the landed in Logan Airport, Boston "The main emphasis of the Doctrine of the Faith, while indirectory," he said, "is that ours sisting on private confessions is a revealed religion. Our reli· wherever possible, also granted gion comes from God, not from permission for general absolution men." And, he quoted French in circumstances where individCardinal Jean Danielou as saying ual confessions are impossible. that religion teachers who talk "These norms," the Pope said, only about man's relation to "deal with the sacrament of othel; men "are forgettting that Penance which involves confes- . Christ is Our Saviour." sion, according to the rule which derives from Christ, from the tradition of the Church and from several councils. "This rule of private confession remains," the Pope said. Commenting on the extension Oct~ of permission to absolve sins by Dr. William A. Nolen, author general absolution in extraordiof the best-selling "'The Making nary cases, the Pope said: of A Surgeon" will be the main "Whoever appreciates the passpeaker at the 13th New England toral role will welcome this priviConference of Catholic Nurses, lege with joy and appreciation." on the weekend of Oct. 6-8, 1972. The Pope called on priests, The conference, which is being sponsored by the Springfield Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, will take place at the Highpoint Motor Inn, in Chicopee. Catholic nurses throughout the six-state New England region are PITTSBURGH (NC) The invited to attend. Pennsylvania judge said she had Other scheduled speakers are a suggestion that could make the Father Ned Cassem, S.J. M.D., of 1976 bicentennial celebration of Harvard University, whose sub· U. S. independence doubly meanject will be "The Right to Die," ingful "for American Catholics, Father Joseph Jones, C.P., and particularly for American CathDr. J. Arndt Wierchsel, who will olic women." speak at a Saturday morning "My suggestion," said Companel discussion on interpersonal monwealth Court Judge Generelations; and Bishop Timothy J. vieve Blatt, a member of the Harrington, of Worcester, and U. S. Catholic Conference social Father Paul Engel, O.F.M., Cap. development committee, "is that director of Downeyside Homes, we all begin now to pray earnestwho will be featured at a Saturly for the early canonization of day afternoon seminar on Blessed Elizabeth Seton." ANOTHER FIRST: Bishop Cronin becomes the first Ordinary in the 68 year old his"Throw Away Children." If Mother Seton, foundress of Bishop Christopher J. Weldon the Sisters of Charity, is declared tory of the Diocese of Fall River to visit the Azores, the homeland of many Catholics a saint by 1976, Judge Blatt said, now residing in the diocese. In the above photo, he enters the square before the Parish of Springfield, will be homilist at Turn to Page Six Church in the village of Sao Sebastiao. (Other pictures on pages 3, 13 and 15) Turn to Page Two I
Rule of Private Confessiion Still Church Law Matter
Vermont Prelate Stresses. Doctrine not Techniques
Kin of Diocesan Portuguese Greet Bishop
Catholic Nurses Of N'ew England Meet 6-8
Mother Seton's Canonization Urged for'76
Director Offers Mother's Mass
T~E ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
Vatican Chooses 'Slogan For .:World Day of Peace I
VATICA.1j'J CITY (NC) - To "dispel the discouragement of 'small and great" at the apparent inevitability of wars great and small, the Vatican has chosen the slogan I "Peace Is Possible" for its sixth World Day of Peace. In anno~ncing the theme of Peace DaY,1 which falls on New Year's Day; the Vatican explain' ed that "pJace Is Possible" is logical fo1l9w-uP of last year's theme: "1fI You Want Peace, Work for Justice." An explahatory Vatican statement a'sked': ' "What usb would it be to commend this Itask to all men of goodyvill, ~ll thinkers, all who have power; all workers, all who suffer, if stich work were fruitless, if peac1e were nothing but a dream?" ': . The Vatican warned that peace "is neither I inevitable nor automatic;" but1must be'i'made possible." I Warl Out of Date It declar~d: "In the present context, wa;r is becoming more 'and more out of date. Because of itshbrror ~nd extent, because of what is ~t stake, because of the madnes~ of the arms race, because of i'ts senselessness, war is ~aily losirg its alleged justificatIon. I "Today the very excesses of war rebound upon it and become a factor for' peace. Modern war oblige's us to peace." The Vatiean urged scientific study of pedceand the means to achieve i t . ! . ' "For' peaqe is not something
Ba'zaar to Help 9'86 Missioners ,Columbanl Fathers will, sponsor an Outil1g and Bazaar from noon to 9 P.M. on Sunday, July 30 on the: Seminary grounds, Ferry Road,' Bristol, R. I. (near Mt. Hope Bridge). Admission and Parking are 'free. There will be a chicken Bar-B·Q dinner, c1amcakes, clam chowder, hd,t dogs, sandwiches, ice cream, hot and cold drinks, pony and kiddie rides for, the children, c~lorful booths, displays, games and prizes. The Outi~g will benefit 986 Columban Fathers and their nearly 15 mi'llion people in their 265 parishe~ and 1,000 mission stations in :the Orient and in South America. There are hundreds of patients I in our hospitals and· homes, and thousands bf children in our schools and 6rphanages who will 'benefit spiritually ,by your at· tendance and' your contribution to this annual event. i
Necrology I
JULY 29 Rev. Math1ias McCabe, 1913, Pastor, Sacrea Heart, Fall River. , I JUI Y 3'1 , Rev. Danie! Hearpe, 1865, Pastor, St. Mar~, Taunton. .on".",m"mlllltlll,:"""m""II"'\"'lU1lttlllll'llltlllllllllllllllll"rtt........." " ' , , , , _
THE ANCHOR Second Class Pbstage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published Ievery Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue" Fall River, Mass. 02722 ,by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid . $4.00 per year. ' I
j I
Rev. Bento R. Fraga, director of Catholic Cemeteries in the Taunton Area and assistant pastor at Holy Ghost Church! Attlethat can be improvised. It calls boro was the principal celebrant for scholars and institutes. Makof a concelebrat~d Mass offered ing peace possible involves en· for his late mother: Mrs. Ethel suring that it has at its disposal Berthao Fraga at 11 o'clock on sufficient resources both of men ' Saturday morning in St. An-' and money," the Vatican statethony's Church, Taunton. ' ment said. Mrs. Fraga died last WednesIt also emphasized that making day. ' peace possible "involves having Two of the 30 concelebrants confidence in human nature and who assisted Father Fraga were in the qualities that each individRev. Msgr. James F. Montgom, ual has in 'reserve." ery of Washington, a classmate of Father Fraga and Rev. ArmanTopic of Sermons do A. An'nunziato, pastor of St. The secretary of the Vatican's Francis of Assisi Church, New Commission for Justice and ·Bedford. ""POPE PAUL GREETS TEXAS BOYS CHOIR: Pope Peace, Msgr. Joseph Gremillion of the United States, announced Paul VI shakes hands with a member of the, Texas Boys , , Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, the Peace Day theme at a press Choir from Fort Worth, Texas, during an audience! with V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the conference. He said the explana- the choir in his sum'mer villa at Castelgandolfo. NC Photo.' ' diocese, conducted the rite of final commendation at the con· tory document was being preclusion of the Mass. sented to governments and heads In addition to Father Fraga, of state by papal representatives the widow of the late Antonio throughout the world. the youth of Sydney, the Pope 'C. Fraga is survivec;i by seven Continued from Page One Msgr. Gremillion asserted that Youth continues its search for praised the "values~' that youth other sons and three daughters. one effect of the six World Days They are, Antone, Joseph, truth, the Pope went on, and possessed, a litany, he' repeated of Peace already promoted by for the American 'students on Louis and Edward, all of Taunhopes to find it in friendships the Vatican had been to interest July 12. ,ton, George R. of Lansdale, preachers in peace as a topic of, and in returning to nature. "The Church knows what Calif., Alfred of Raynham and Suggesting that this is not suf, sermons. values you possess," the Pope Paul of No. Dighton. needs of ficient to answer the In some parishes, he said, emsaid. "Your enthusiasm 'for the . The daughters' are Sr. Mary phasis ~n peace had replaced "an youth, he added: 'futur\f, your strengt~ in nu:mbers, Fraga, RSD, of Villa Fatima, "Let us pray, this day to celeexaggerated patriotism." , your thirst for what is just and, Mrs. Helen Annunziato of No. He pointed out that since brate the new encounter of true and your aversion for Dighton and Ethel Fraga i of Pope Paul launched his Peace Christ with the young." hatred and its worst expression Taunton. in his talk Last December, to Days, 80 out of the 91 diocesan which is war." Interment took place in St. bishops in France have issued The Pope, sounded at Sydney Joseph's Cemetery. . pastoral letters on peace. a rallying call of ~odern youth He said the aim of his comto Christ, saying that an enContinued' from Page One Risk mission was to encourage the counter with Christ "will light It's necessary to relax your "we can celebrate ... not only the flame of your ideals witl1 the activities of the local churches. muscles when you can. Relaxing the bicentennial 'anniversary of . fire of His infinite love." your brain can be fatal. -Moss . our country's birth, but the canChurch Marriages onization of our first native-born Sees Brotherhood United States citizen saint." Decline in Africa, Speaking here at the, recent Key to Peace NAIROBI (NC) - There has 4 VATICAN CITY 'NC) -- Not been a startling decline in church 'state convention of the National Women's Union, armaments but broth,erhood marriages in Africa during the Catholic (NCWU) Judge Blatt said Mother among nations is the key to past five years. A survey, soon to be published Seton "epitomized those quali- peace, Pope Paul vi told graduOctober 4 to 7, 1972 under the auspices of the Angli- ties of character and achieve- ates of the 40th session of the 'can Consultative Council, shows ment which we would like to North Atlantic Treaty OrganizaBus leaves Fall River, Mass. at 7 A.M. that in one Anglican parish in believe are not only saintly in tion Defense College. at Eastern Ave. and Pleasant Street. the spiritual sense but truly Kenya there was an annual aver· "Peace in our time," the Pope At 9 A.M. Coffee break. Dinner at 12:30 P.M. as we go along. age of only 10 marriages ill American in the best sense of ,told the 57 graduates from 12 At 3 P.M. Coffee break. our best American traditions!'; nations "is indeed something church in the last five years At 5 P.M. we arrive in Canada. Next day we tour Quebec. Next day we go while there were 4;000 baptisms. Mother Seton, who lived from weak, something not yet per:to St. Anne de Beaupre 9nd see the Falls as we go by. In a Catholic diocese in Ken· 1774 to 1821, was beatified-the fected, and. something circumsaturday we come home With Coffee ya, the same period witnessed a step before' canonization - . on scribed by the many limitations break and Dinner in Vermont. ratio of 159 church marriages to March 17, 1963 of our age. 55,000 baptisms. Only 14 church "We are convinced that you A wife' and mother, she be3 Meals and Rooms $85. marri,ages were celebrated, came the family breadwinner will succeed in this mission if $25. deposit. First come, First served. against 92,604 Baptisms in one when her husband died, founded you work to strengthen the Twin Occuplncy. Anglican diocese in Uganda. bonds .of sQllidarity' and union the first free Catholic school in For Informltlon 0111 9·1281-8·1201 This statistical' pattern is America, and staffed it with a'mong peoples, the bonds of Home It • P.M. founQ. throughout Africa, accord- members of the religious 9rder, friendship and the bonds of fra· Tour Operated by ALMEIDA TOURS, a ing to Father Aidan Hastings, she had,' established. ' ternal collaboration. Division of Southern Mass. Bus lines, , "These-not armaments-are the Roman Catholic scholar com· ' Inc. I.C.C. Docket No. MC·96345. Subs. 3 "As we attempt to enlarge the and 4. L. Barron, Agent. missioned to mnke the survey by role of, women' in our national the me;tns ad'apted to your goal. the All-Africa Anglican Arch- and in our religious life," Judge ,With these J:l1eans you a:re as,bishops Conference at its meet· Blatt said, ".. what better ex- sured of success." ingin 1970.ample could we have than Elizabeth Seton ... ?" Funeral Home The judge told members of Socialism ISolution l NCWU, a lay group which aids 571 Second Street FUNERAL HOME, INC. For Latin America Church missions and charity pro- ' R. Marcel Roy - G Lam,ine ROJ Fall River, Mass. MEXICO CITY (NC)-Bishop grams, that Mother Seton had ROler LlFrance 679-6072 Sergio Mendez Arceo of Cuerna· proved "a womanly woman can FUNERAL DIRE,CTORl». MICHAEL J. McMAHON vaca told foreign correspond- make a major Coontribution not 15 Irvington Ct. Registered Embalmer ' ents here that he seesso~ialism only to her own family but to New Bedf~rd Licensed Funeral Director as a solution for Latin American the world outside as well. ',' 995-5166 problems, "though it does not
PO'ntiff Continues to Call
Mother Seton
have to conform absolutely to Marxism-Leninism. ,; The bishop, whose views haye become a subject of controversy throughout Latin America, said that socialism must be adapted to the particular needs of each individual nation, always bearing in mind the overriding goal of achieving a more equitable' dis· tribution of consumer .goods.
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Home ,550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. Sullivan JeffreyE. Sullivan
Funeral Hon1e 123 Broadway
TAUNTON VA 4..5000
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 206 WINTER STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381
Says Criticism, Apathy Enemies Of Education
THE ANCHO~Thurs., July 27, 1972
BRISBANE (NC)-Perhaps the greatest enemy of Catholic education today is not lack of money, but internal criticism and apathy. This view was expressed by Brother Othmar, provincial of the Marist Brothers here in Australia. He said the most harmful critics are those who want schools closed down and the emphasis placed on adult education. Brother Othmar spoke at the opening of a new Marist Brothers' college in suburban Enoggera. Referring to those, even within the Catholic community, who show insufficient appreciation of the Catholic educational system, Brother Othmar said that criticism, even strong criticism, is a prerequisite for the reduction of complacency and for betterment. But it is possible to highlight shortcomings to a point where confidence, another condition for improvement, is deeply eroded, he said. Expand System· The Second Vatican Council emphasized the importance of Catholic schools and the 'Australian bishops have been equally clear in their determination to maintain and expand the Catholic school system, he noted. "Let us never forget !flat where the enemies of Christianity have sought to overthrow it, the attack inevitably begins at school level," he said. Speaking of internal criticism, he said: "The most harmful critics are those who, purporting to see all edu;::ational problems as financial, suggest the disbandment of the Catholic primary and secondary schools, and the emphasis (and money) placed on adult education. They display gross ignorance of the aims and the implementation of the ideals of Catholic education. Catholic Atmosphere "Religious education is seen as distinct from education as a whole, which is .the principle of religious instruction in the state system. "The basis of Catholic education is not just the teaching of Catholic doctrine, but the infusion of a Catholic atmosphereof Christ-centered attitudesthrough all stages of the educative process." Brother Othmar noted that the role of the Cat.holic school has changed over the years. "Before, most Catholic chil-· ·dren attended Catholic schools and, as a result, the Church was probably more closely identified with its schools," he said. "Furthermore, the concept of 'witness' has been stressed to a far greater extent than before in the whole of Christian liviqg emphasis of the Second Vatican Council, one of whose underlying themes was the position of the Church in a pluralist society. "As tbe proportion of Catholic children in Catholic schools decreases, the witness value of the Catholic school becomes more meaningful, on account of its comparative isolation."
DALLAS (NC)-The Lutheran Church in America has rejected a proposal to use the term "bishop" in referring to church leaders. At the church's sixth biennial convention here, the motion to change the title of the 33 synodical presidents to "bishop" and that of the LCA president to "presiding bishop" was defeated by a vote of 286-218. Speaking against the suggested title, Dr. Taito A. Kantonen. retired professor of the Hamm School of Theology in Springfield, Ohio, said: "It is a childish gesture that bestows nothing but a borrowed halo,"
Lutherans Reject New 'Bishop' Title
NOSSA SENHORA DEBELEM, TERRA CHA, TERCEIRA: On Friday evening July 14, Bishop Cronin was principal concelebrant and Father Mendonca and Father Oli~eira, concel.ebrants at a Mass offered in the home parish of Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, pastor of St. ElIzabeth's Church, Fall River. This church is a national shrine.
Kin of Diocesan Portuguese Greet Bishop
. Continued from Page One River was baptized. In his homily to a congregation filling the church, Bishop Cronin, with Father Mendonca giving a simultaneous translation, stated "I have come to you from distant America where so many of the sons and daughters of this village are making their homes." Stressing the universality of the Church, the Fall River Ordinary emphasized in his address that "regardless of where we live, or what language we speak - we profess the same faith, same doctrine, same love for Jesus Christ." He assured the congregation that "their relatives and friends who have migrated to the United States· and especially to the territory of the Fall River Diocese have brought their deep faith with them and are living exampies to their neighbors of the strong Christian convictions developed in their own Terceira." Bishop Cronin concluded with these words of counsel, "keep in close contact with your relatives abroad and through your prayers serve as mediators before the thone of God for the preservation of your di5tant friends and relatives." Following the Mass, Bishop Cronin met the parishioners and among them were Father Freitas' relatives. On Saturday evening, July 15 Bishop Cronin was principal concelebrant and homilist at a Mass offered in the Church of Sao Sebastiao, the home parish of Rev. John C. Martins, assistant pastor at Santo Christo Parish, Fall River. Following the Mass, the Bishop greeted the parishioners and he remarked later about the most gracious reception he has received at every stop. Before leaving Terceira, Bishop Cronin and his group received a special invitation to visit the American Air Base and the Ordinary of the Fall River Diocese was formally received by the commanding officer, General Thomas' Aldrich. Sorrow A reception and dinner in God se.ld you joy, for sorrow honor of the Bishop was arranged and the Fall River group will come fast enough. -Clarke, attended with Bishop Amanuel
Affanso Carvalho of Angra. The Catholic Chaplain at the Base, who assisted in the arrangements was Major Edward E. Wisniewski,a priest of the Diocese of Wilmington, Del. and formerly stationed at Otis Air Force B·ase, Falmouth. The schedule for parish visitations on the Island of San Miguel began in the village of Rabo de Peixe, the native village of Rev. Manuel M. Resendes, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton and the childhood home of Rev. Manuel N. Andrade, pastor of Our Lady of Health· Parish, Fall River. Although born in Taunton, Father Andrade spent his childhood years in Rabo de Peixe. A concelebrated Mass was offered and the Bishop greeted the people of Rosario, Lagoa, the home parish of many parishioners of Mount Carmel Parish,
New Bedford and followed that visitation up with Mass and a call at Furnas, the village called home by many parishioners of Santo Christo Parish, Fall River. Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis, pastor of Santo Christo, Fall River; Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis, pastor of St. Anthony's, Fall River and Rev. Luciano J. deM Pereira, assistant at St. Michael's, Fall River; Rev. Joseph Oliveira. pastor of St. Michael's Fall River; Rev. Henry S. Arruda, assistant at St. John of God Somerset; ReV'. Joao V. Resendes, pastor of Espirito Santo, Fall River and Rev. Evaristo Tavares, assistant at Immaculate Conception, New Bedford will be elated to know Bishop Cronin visited their former home villages. The places visited were: S. Vincente, Capelas, Santo Antonio. Faial do Terra, Bretanha and Candelaria.
Arrangements Now Have .Been Made for You to Travel Nearly Two Thousand Years
iRo"eY· LAND with the Bible as your guideboole. under the direction of
Fathe, And,e
PATENAUDE Director of Music, La Sarette Shrine
'Number Increases
,Priest Says Vocations of Converted Protestant Clergy Are Neglected LONDON (NC) - Married Protestant clergymen who convert to Catholicism should be allowed into the _priesthood, a London pastor said. Father Michael Hollings said that he has seen "intense suffering by those who feel themselves called to a· pastoral ministry in the priesthood but have already married." ." Father Hollings, speaking at the annual meeting of the Converts' Aid Society, said that former Protestant clergymen would make suitable priests because of their training in pastoral work. "I am now working in a parish where we could never have enough help," he said. "It is wonderful to have lay help but there is only a certain amount that lay people can do." Lord Richard Ashton Beaumont, chairman of the society, reported that the number of convert clergymen and convert Anglican nuns had increased during the past year. He said the society must be prepared "for the contingency that shall be called on to support
a greater number of married convert clergy than would have appeared possible a number of years ago," Cardinal John Heenan of Westminster told the meeting that the World Synod of Bishops in Rome last October made it ~ery clear that there was "no intention to discourage" the Pope from enabling "those who had been ministers or priests of other religions to be ordained priests although they were married," Recent popes have permitted a few former Protestant clergymen who are married to become priests-particularly in Germany. """""""""""~
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Dear Fathen Please send your colorful folder:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
Sch'edule for Summer Season
I, I
OUR !LADY OF THE CAPE ,I Masses: SundaY-7:00. 8:30, 10:00, .11:30 AM., : and 5:00 P.M. , , Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Dail Y+8:00 AM.
ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 AM. . Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily~8:00 AM.
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00; 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00. 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 AM.
i. EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION , M~sses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 AM. Saturd'ay Eve.~5:00 and 7:30 p.M. I
:ST. MARGARETS I Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon , : and 7:30 P.M. ' 'Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-+8:o'O AM. I
Masses: Sunday-8:30. 10:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM.
8:15. 9:30. 10:45. 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily.J.7:00 and 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saiturday 4-5 and 7-7:30 P.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. I
ST. -ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00. 11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.~:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 and 9:00 AM.
NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. and 5:15 P.M. SIASCONSET, MASS. COMMUNITY CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:15 AM. Starting July 2nd
MARION ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:00. 10:00. 11 :30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
SACRED HEART, Masses: Sunday-9:00. 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
10:30 AM.. SaturdiiY Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily.....L5:00 P. M. Confessions: Before every Mass'
.' '.'
9:00 9:~O, 10:00, 10:30 and 11:30 t.M. 'Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:00 P.M. D~lily~9:00 AM. I
HOLY REDEEMER ' I . I ' Masses: SundaY,-8:00. 9:00. 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturdh Evening-5:00 P.M. DailY~8:00 AM. ' Confessions: Saturdays-l0:00-11:00 ,AM. ~nd 7:00-8:00 P.M. . Schedule in effect from June 24-25 thru Labor I Day w~.ekend I
, OUR LADY OF GRACE Mass~s: SUndaY~8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-i-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday~:00-5:00P.M. Schedule in eff~ct from June 24-25 thru Labor Day w~ekend I
EAST FALMOUTH 1ST. ANTHONY I Masses: Sunday.,......7:30. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:30 P.M. Dail Y 8:00 AM.
Masses: SundaYr9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-17:00 AM. ,Schedule in effeft from Memorial Day thru Labor Day weekends. I
ST. PATRICK Masses: Sundayl-.7:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:15 and I 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 6:30 P.M. DailY-17:OO AM. , I I
SACRED HEART 9:15. 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. _ Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass 'at 8:00 AM.
NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30. 9:30. 10:30. 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.
OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:30. 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturd.ay Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12 Noon Confessions: Saturday~:30-5:00 P.M.
SANTUIT. ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday--'-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 Masses: Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday~:3O-5:00 P.M.
MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00. 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday~:30-5:00 P. M.
POCASSET ST., JOHN THE EVANGELIST , Masses:, Sunday-7:30. 8:30. 9:30. 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM.
PROVINCETOWN , ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00. 10:00, 11:00 AM., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (Except Saturdays)
HISTORIC HAPPENING: Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Cal'cow blesses the commemorative medal for Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River in the presence of some of the members of the pilgrimage to Poland and Russia. Left to right: Mrs. Julia Sowa, Mrs. Mary Chrupcala, Miss Eleanor Roberts, Philip Kret, and extreme right, Mrs. Alice Kret.
Historic Medallion I
Medal CommemorcJting, the 9th Centennial Of Catherdclliof St. Stanislaus medal is the only one of its kind in the western hemisphere. Similar medals have been distributed to the members of the Polish hierarchy. . Monsignor Francis Walancik. dean'of the ·cathedral·presented the. medal to Father Kaszynski.
St. Stanislaus Church in Fall River is now the proud possessor of a, medallion commemorating the 900th anniversary of the Wawel Cathedral of St. Stanislaus in Krakow. The uniqueness of the possession by: the Fall River Parish is the fact that the
Virginia PriestS React to New Law RICHMOND (NC) - The Virginia General Assem'bly has passed a law requiring, court clerks to' furnish birth control information to, couples along with their marriage license. In addition to contraception information, clerks must also provide couples with a list of nearby birth control clirties. Reacting to the new law. priests from Arlington and AI,exandria have adopted a statement, by a vote of 24-4, citing official Church teaching on contracep, tion a~d abortion. The statement will be distributed to all persons attend:ing pre-Cana conferences. I Couples not attending the conferenees wil'l receive a copy of the statement through area rectories.
Inscribed' on the medal is the . motif ofa medieval Polish hymn honoring Mary, the Mother of Christ. "Gaude Mater Polonia" and 'the symbols of St. Stanislaus' pastoral care for the people -the column. shield and mitre on one side and the earliest known image of the 11th century saint on the other.
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Fa I River Elec:tric Light Company
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
Report Underlines Mon·ey Troubles WASHINGTON (NC)-Unless new .funds come soon, many Catholic colleges and universities "cannot hold back the consequences of recent and current deficits, much less playa dynamic role on the American educational scene," according to a report issued here by the National Catholic Educational Association. . "The Independent Catholic College," published by NCEA's special projects department esti~ mated at three billion the property value of the 275 Catholic colleges and universities in the
AT CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA-BIENNIAL CONVENTION: Left to right: Mrs. Gladys O. Moss of River Edge, N.J. state regent of the Catholic Daughters of America; Miss Mary C. Kanane of Union, N.J. national regent of the CDA; and the Most Rev. Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., who was principal celebrant at opening Mass of the 34th biennial national CDA convention in Atlantic City. "lO"""'II"'I"II"""""I"",""""'1111111111"'111111111111111""11111""1111",111111111111'11'1",,"tI""IIIIIIIIIIIIIII""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'"""'I""I""'Ul"""""""'IIIII"""IIIIIl!!'''",,"'11""""""""""'1"""""""""""""11111HHI!I'H"""""'IIII""III""""'I"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,"'11"""""
Sch'edule for Summer Season SANDWICH CORPUS CHR,ISTI CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and after Evening Masses SAGAMORE ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve. 6:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and after Evening Masses SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7::30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00,7:30 PM Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Saturdays only-8:00 AM. SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Saturday Eve.-4:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. VINEYARO HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Devotions: Sunday Eve.-Benediction at 7:00 P.M. CHILMARK COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Monday-A Mass for Peace 7:00 P.M. Schedule runs June 24 - Sept. 3
WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Schedule Runs June 24 - Sept 3
country as of June 30, 1971. It noted that the excess of revenue over expenses in the schools' "Current Fund" averaged $36,000 last year compared to $69,000 in 1968-69-a decline of 45 per cent. The "Current Fund" is unrestricted money which a college uses for operational expenses. It excludes gifts, endowments, scholarships and other funds designated for a specific purpose. Total indebtedness of the institutions increased about 30 per cent since 1968-69, the report said. .
WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-"':5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 AM.
This eolumn's happiest readers are the men, . women and children who know they're needed. The days we're busiest helping others are the happiest days of our lives.••. Who needs you most? Surprisingly, God needs you - for instance, to help an abandoned orphan become a God-loving, responsible adult.. Lepers need you (there are still 15-million lepers in the world), blind children need you, and so do we. • .. Here in New'York we are your agents, telling you where the Holy Father says your help is needed, and channeling your help promptly and safely to the people in need.... Want to feel good right now? Do without something you want but do not need, and send the money instead for one of the needs below. You'll feel good, especially if your gift is big enough to mean a sacrifice to you. This is your chance to do something meaningful for the world-it's God's world-while you're still alive.
TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. . SaturdaY-7:00 P.M.•' .
NORTH TRURO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
D Only $8.50 gives our priests and Sisters in Shertallay, south India, enough Dapsone 'miracle' tablets for 43 lepers for a yeC!r!
WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 noon and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-1:00 P.M. . Daily-9:00 AM.
D For only $3.50 a week ($14 a month, $168 a year) you can make sure that an abandoned baby has food, clothing, a blanket and love. We'll send you a photo of the baby you 'adopt', tell you something about him (or her), and ask the Sister-in-charge to keep you informed.
D Your stringless gifts in any amount ($5,000, $1,000, $500, $100, $50, $25, $10, $5, $2) will help the neediest wherever they. are - in India and the Holy Land, for instance•
D Only you can make your will-and do it ·this week to be sure the poor will have your help even after you're gone: Our legal title: CA~HOLIC NEAR EAST WElFARE ASSOCIATION. Also, our priests will offer promptly the Masses you provide for.
DENNIS PORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. . WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Masses: 'Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH Masses: S.unday-7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansett) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon Saturday Eve-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
lD . Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND.$ Monsignor Nolan: FOR
Please return coupon with your offering
TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G: NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/ 986· 58~O
Catholic Nurses
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July'27, 1972
-', "
rthto ,l' L'SU.S.~ _'-", ~eel\
Looking for Religion -
Why has there been - as there has been - a rather dramatic riSe, in recent years, in interest in the occult, the pretern~tural, in astrology and horoscopes and witchcraft?
\lietnalY' -
This interest has risen not merely among those whom we like to think of as the unlettered, the poorly educated, but in college circles, among business and professional men, among those active in occupations calling for intelligence " and knowle~ge.
us" \,000
.-..s-8,OO J\bol't'.,0.-
Whyhks there been such a turning to things like narcotics and drugs that turn people on?
:rhose ~ho have studied the rise of these phenomena ,say that peeple are looking for something. I
Never liant. Never · . of 1Ivmg.
technology been more competent and bril-
I l1ave Americans enjoyed such a high standard "i
Never has science produced such wonders to guarantee ' the luxury ~nd health and well-being of men. I
, And yet-people are looking for something else. I
, They ak looking for' a new reality-not one that can be seen and heard and smelled and tasted. But another reality that will:lift them above the materialism and scientific progress th~t they already experience. I
Justa (ew months ago, at a' Mass celebrated in the National Sl1rine in Washington - two persons, were seen leaving: the church with consecrated Hosts, intending to use Theser in a secret Mass ritual. Religious goods stores report an upswing in the sale of incense and even vestments to individual,s using these in their own occult liturgies. It would seem that men are still hungeri'ng for the unknown-f9r union with something or someone above and beyond themselves, -yet able to be present to' themselves.
Is it th~t they are looking for religio'n, for "God?
Affecting Eternity I
There i~ a line in "The Education of Henry Adams" that says, "1'\ teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his in,fluence s t o p s . " , This is :a "sentence that .many a teacher would do well to ponder as he or she sees pupils passing on' to other grade~ and wonders what they have taken with them from tpis grade. The late: Cardinal O'Hara while pr~sident of -the University of Notre Dame once, told the ..facuIty members there that _th~y are rewarded by their bright students, earn their salarie~ with their average students and save their souls with their dull students. But the fact is that a teacher influences all students-one way or another. I
This is a sobering thought to, any teacher arid a'lso a source of: satisfaction and encouragement. No, matter what a repoI1 card may say about the pupil or the ,teacher, the teacher knows' that much more was accomplished than any report card can ever indicate .The teacher has affected eternity. •
by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River I 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 I I PUBLISHER _ Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.O. ! . • _GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Ocriiel F. Shallao, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll
Ltl", Prell-Fall River I
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Catholic Editorial, Reaction Varices On' Death Pena Ity Decision By NC News Service
never has and. it never will. In a passionate, fear-prop'elled climate, however, it is easily peddled and readily purchased. Unfortunately, what the Supreme Court may well have] done last week was license a marketplace of non-solutions." 'The Tablet, the Brooklyndliocesan paper, pointed: out that members of the court majority had Mid that the death penalty is applied erratically and that it is often "selectively applied" to the black and the poor. , 1-' "As it is our judgme~t that unfortunately these accusations against our system of punishments are correct, we appXaud the decision of the 'court," the Tablet saidih an editorial entitled "A Death Blow Axes Death Penalty."
Continued from Page One the concelebrated Mass on Sunday morning, which will conclude the convention. Other bishops expected to be present at the conference include Archbishop John F. Whealon, of Hartford; Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester; Bishop Vincent J. Hines, of Norwich; and Bishop John A. Marshall, of Burlington. The featured speaker, ,Dr. Nolen, is a native of Holyoke. He now resides in Litchfield, Minn., with his wife and their six children. Since he gained national prominence through the publication of "The Making of A Surgeon,'" Dr. Nolen has had numerous articles published in both medical and general circulation magazines. He now writes a monthly column for McCall's. His second book, "Spare Parts for the Human Body" was published this year. A graduate of Holy Cross College and Tufts Medical School, Dr. Nolen spent five years in. special training at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. He is a Fellow of the· American College of Surgeons, chief of surgery at Meeker County Hospital in Minnesota, and attending· surgeon at the Hennepin General Hospital, Minneapolis: A copy of the doctor's pestseller will be presente~ to each nurse-delegate in attendance at the conference. Registrations for the three-day conference are now being accepted, according to Father Thomas M. Courtney, spiritual director of the sponsoring council. Nurses wishing to attend should contact Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming of Fall River at 6727085 or write to Agnes Griffin, 99 White Street, Westfield, Mass. 10185, or Mrs. Claire Collins, 64 Ferris Street, West Springfield, Mass. 01089. '
Catholic editors varied widely, - from enthusiastic· support, through thoughtful skepticism, to outright opposition-in their reactions to the Supreme Court decision on the death penalty. In a complicated ruling, the court held that the death penalty as now administered is uncon'stitutional, but it left open the possibility of new laws applying the death penalty for specific reasons and in a fair manner. While applauding the court for saving the lives of 600 men now on death row, the Criterion, the newspaper of the Indianapolis Missioners Group archdiocese, was sharply critical of the inconclusiveness of the Plans Meeting ruling. WASHINGTON (NC) - Inter~ "Rather than burying the issue Community Association of Misof capital punishment for all sioners (Inter-Com) will hold its time-as many had hoped-the annual· meeting in conjunction , Blow to Enforce.pent ,U. S. Supreme Court decision of with the National Congress on ' The Tablet also noted that the the Word of God here Sept. 5-7. last week- can be expected to ' arouse a slumbering controversy decision left the possibiiity of Father Jude Mead, C.P., gen,. to frenzied pitch in many states," new laws imposing the dE~ath eral chairman of Inter-Com, said penalty. Noting that 37 nations, a Criteri.on editorial saici. the move was made because of including the Vatican, have the importance -of the National , The editorial, entitled "Resurabolished the death penalty, the Congress. He added that Interrection of a Deadly Issue," said editori8.I 'said, "It is hoped that . ~hat' "state legislatures· can be . the Supreme Court decision' will Com's board members will be expected to rush to revise, those be, mirrored -in laws pa-ssed by cutting their terms of office laws" which were ruled unconshort by holding the meeting in legislative bodies so i that. the stitutional. The result would be September instead of December U. S. become,S the 38th country _new laws which automatically as previously planned., to abolish the ::leath penalty.'" impose the -death penalty with The National Congress on the An opposing view came'from no reference to circumstances Word of God is a liturgical meet-" surrounding the crime or the The Monitor, the weekly of the 'ing designed, its organizers say, N. J., diocese. character of the -defendant, the Trenton, to minister' to the widespread . ' . ~ I editorial said. An editorial entitled "Murders crisis in faith by focusing attenUnlimited" described a sharp tion on the importance of 'Fool's Gold' rise in crime, particu1l1rly Jrlur- preaching to the Christian life. Juries, in turn, will be reluc-' 'ders, in Trenton and other cities. Inter-Com, an organization of tant to convict persons for Police "caimot control the crime 400 preachers from 22 religious crimes carrying 'an automatic situation," the Monitor'said, and orders, works to enhance the death penalty and the result will "law enforcement was deallt a image of preaching through be "just the opposite of what the further blow" by the I Supreme training of seasoned preachers, legislatures would intend," th~ Court. cooperation among mission Criterion said. "One thing is certain at least: bands, shared experience with "We are buying fool's gold if unless the law lowers the boom new formats of parish renewals, we buy the proposition that the without delay, many Cities and and resea'rch for future area misdeath penalty will profect the th,eir people will be wholly at sions. It is believed to be the common good by preventing the mercy of a constantly grow- first organization to provide for murder, rape and similar out- ing breed of ruthless ctimina:ls," the official certification of qges," the editorial said. "It the editorial said. preachers. -
THE ANCHORThurs., July 27, 1972
Asserts Catholic Schools Produc'e Better Citizens LOS ANGELES (NC)-Catholic schools shoul.d be maintained, an educator said here, because they produce better citizens and better Catholics. Several scholarly studies have shown that "Catholics who attend Catholic schools and colleges are different from Catho- , lics who attend other schools and ' colleges," Msgr. Edgar P. McCarren told participants in an "Inquiry in Value Education" at Mount St. Mary's College. Those educ~ted in Catholic schools "are significantly more tolerant toward Jews, Negroes arid Protestants," the former director of the Research Institute for Catholic Education in New " York. "They achieve better academically. They are more upwardly mobile, that is, they, manage to achieve higher status socially and economically," he said. "They are better prepared for H~P~I~ESS TOA SEN~OR CITIZEN IS A VISIT: Sr. Dorothy, left a~d Mrs. Marltheir future lives. They are better from a religious viewpoint. a~na SIlvIa a homemaker,. nght,. chat with Joseph Korsum of Highland Heights, Fall And they are better fer the RIver. Mr. Korsu~, a JeWIsh, reSIdent of the Robeson St. residence enjoys a visit beAmerican community." cause of the lonelIness. that has arisen in his life since his wife of 66 years died in 1971. Leaven in Parishes Msgr. McCarren, now director of education for the Phoenix diocese, said that Catholic schools can be maintained even with the loss' of large numbers of teaching Sisters. "Sisters add a dimension to a Catholic school nothing can replace," the educator said. "But in the beginning, 100 years ago, we had very few Sisters. I would like to see Sisters in all' our schools but they are not essential." He said that while the number of Catholic schools may drop, enough must be maintained so that "a significant segment of the Catholic population be formed in the faith" and act as "leaven in their parishes and communities." Government Aid The schools. can be kept open, Msgr. McCarren said, through larger contributions and government aid. Speaking of government aid, Msgr. McCarren said, "it doesn't m,ake sense that, with all other Western democracies providing this kind of freedom in education, we don't. "I think that in about 10 years the American people will feel as guilty about the injustices wrought on the parochial schools as about injustices wrought against the blacks." The priest compared current opposition to government aid with earlier anti-Negro attitudes. While most Americans do not feel prejudiced against Catholics, he said, they are still unconsciously affected by 19th century anti-Catholicism.
WCC Policy GENEVA (NC) - The World Council of-Churches central committee meeting set for Utrecht, the Netherlands, Aug. 13 will face the crucial task of establishing WCC policy for the next three years-until the Ecumenical Assembly of 1975 in Indonesia.
Sees 'Suffering 1 Didn't Know Before,' Says Sister Working with Homemakers cooking in order to remain in his or her own home. "We'll be car"She's terrific! "We're so hap- ing for some people for the rest py to have her here." That's Mrs. of their lives," commented Mrs. Eunice Heafey's assessment of Healey. the contribution to the HomeIn this connection, Sister Dormaker"Home Health Service of Fall River being made this sum- othy said she'd been introduced mer by Sister Dorothy Cotterell "to a segment of suffering I of. the Religious of the Holy didn't know brfore. It disturbs me terribly, to see how many disUnion of the Sacred Hearts. Mrs. Healey is director of the abled persons are literally abanHomemaker Service and Sister doned by their families.'; She Dorothy is guidance director at said that whereas there are many Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall "g09d neighbors" who care for River. They met when the reli- those near them, there are also gious was seeking summer work many who don't want to get inin order to contribute to the edu- volved with the "lonely old percation and retirement fund of son next door." She had high praise for the 'the Holy Union community. homemakers themselves, for the She spoke frankly of the need. "Few vocations are coming into most part middle-aged women the community and many Sisters ,who have brought up their own are reaching retirement age. In families and are interested in order to survive, we must sup- meaningful employment. "As one plement our traditional sources woman' s,aid to me, 'It's not only of income. So this summer we a way to earn money on a .partwere encouraged to look for so-, time basis, but it gives one the cial concern programs that feeling of doing for others.''' Sister Dorothy is a graduate would be remunerative." of Manhattan College and holds Both sides are happy with Sisa master's degree from Villanova. ter Dorothy's choice. Her work She has done graduate work in with the Homemakers is superguidance and counseling at Cathvisory and includes initial conolic University, Boston College tact with clients, home visiting and Rhode Island College,and and evaluation of cases as they also earned a certificate in pasprogress. She is also assisting in toral counseling at Iona College. development of general guideShe taught at Holy Union elelines for growth of the agency, mentary and high schools and and giving special attention to served as her community's diHomemaker work at Highland rectress of novices before assumHeights, a high-rise residence ing her present post at Sacred facility for the partially disabled Hearts Academy. which is uniqu:l in the nation. "It's amazing," she said, "how Segment of Suf,fering my past background has fitted Homemakers are women who into this work." assist families or individuals at She wears lay clothing, with times of emergency or with long- only a stylized cross indicating term medical needs. A short-term her religious status. ','I use my case might be one where a own judgment in saying whether mother was hospitalized and or not I'm a Sister.'" In heavily children needed care, while a, Catholic Fall River, she somelengthy need might be that of times finds it an asset, she said, an old person requiring just a but on other occasions she relittle help with housework and mains "Miss Cotterell." BY PAT McGOWAN
Admitting that before her own experience with the agenoy, "I didn't even know Homemakers existed," Sister Dorothy has become an ardent booster for the organization. "I'm so impressed with the dedication and warmth of so many of our workers- I'd like to see more women take on this work for a few hours a day." Need Is There So would Mrs. Healey. Although she is usually successful in filling requests for help within a day or two, she stressed that that there's a constant need for dedicated homemakers. There are fringe benefits to the work, too. She noted that after an initial training period, women participate in ongoing instruction and that this has inspired many to complete long-unfinished high school educations. "This past year alone 12 homemakers received high school equivalency certificates and one woman is continuing study for a degree in nursing." "I want to spread word of this beautiful way of giving to others," agreed Sister Dorothy, who is hopeful of continuing her own contact with the agency even after school resumes in September. Interested women can contact her or Mrs. Healey at 101 Rock Street, Fall River, telephone 672-9841.
Condemn Soviet Anti-Semitism LONDON (NC)-Cardinal John Heenan of Westminster and the Anglican Primate, Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, presided at a meeting of the Council of Christians and Jews which condemned Soviet antisemitism. The cardinal and the primate are joint president of the council. "We find any discrimination on the grounds of religion and race to be abhorrent and we continue to witness against it," Dr. Ramsey said. But, he said, he welcomed wholeheartedly the news that many Jews are being allowed every month to emigrate from the Soviet Union, "to the Holy Land." The council tries to foster understanding and good will between Christians and Jews and to fight discrimination. Its honorary treasurers told' the London meeting that a recent fall in financial support was probably due to the fact that today anti-Semitism "is not so readily visible" in Britain.
Sees Church Image In Peru Confuse~ BUENOS AIRES (NC) - The Church must do more if it is to project an accurate image of itself in Peru, according to a study made by the journalism school of the Pontifical Catholic . University of Peru. The study, entitled "The Image of the Church in the Peruvian Press," was made available in anticipation of a four-day con: ference here on "The Church and Public Opinion." The meeting, co-sponsored by the journalism school and the Latin American Catholic Press Union, drew more than 100 delegates from 14 nations. Among the problems to be overcome, according to the study, are the failure of the Peruvian bishops to take clear-cut stands on Church issues, the international wire services' dominant position in the flow of news to Peruvian papers, and the fact that within Peru itself there is no coordinated Church press effort.
$5,000 Or More On EquIty In Your Home You May Use The Money However You Wish.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs'. July 27, 1972
y e'st,e~yela'r' s Styles Return As T,omorr,ow s Fa:s,hions I
There is hothing as dead as yesterday's news or yesterday's fashions. With all this humid weather I've been longing for the days of screened porches, (complete with swing), cool pitchers of lemonade and all the trappings that went wit~ an old fashcould go on and on ioned summer: and therefore andTheif list my readers come across I found myseU thinking back any they would like to add to fondly to "Whatever Hap- it, I'd be glad to have them pened To" I Parasols '! Zoot suits I Midi skirts (9nly last year we
MARI.LYN RODERICK I OO搂i~:it~:::i$:~im~f:~~:;1:&:~;ti@n~
were wondering whether to short-en or lengthen, this year , we know that the gals won and I . knees 'are here Ito stay. Therefore if you hav~~'t already sHortened your winte~ outfits you better start now .when time is in abundance, so that you'll be in I style when fall rolls around. Fur-trimmed ~weaters-Some of these were really quite expensive but they Igave little fashion for their price. Teased hair (U's a wonder anyoI.J.e survived: this trend with a full head of h~ir). Nehru suits. i Ethnic outfits ~these are great at church festivals but they 'did get a hit corny ~hen they began to appe'ar aspar:t of the fashion scene.) i Hot-paints-A ~fashion that appeared upon the scene as part of the rebellion against midi skirts and stayed arouhd for a season when it was ~icked up with great enthusiasm by the young. How a~ut .. ; Men's hats' ! Pointed Shoe, and spiked heels (How many times did you end . up leaving your Ishoe behind as you got your heel caught in gratings, rubber mats, manhole covers and sundry other heel I catchers that were part and parcel of just walking. The most embarrassing pl~ces, of course were the iron mats in churches where one always got her shoe caught when she' was. exiting or entering wiih crowd. , I Broomstick skirts - (Many of these came pack~ged with thejr own broomsticlc.) . Tapered slackstClashing Colors-There was a time when broWn and black, blue and green, ahd red and pink were taboo.
Precious ~Iood Sisters Choose President I
DAYTON (NC)-Sister Charmaine .Grilliot, 39, was elected head of the Sisters of the Precious Blood at th~ congregation's 15th general chap.ter here. Under the neW regulations, , she ,will serve a ~four-year term and will have th~ title of president. Formerly, the head of the 600-member congregation, was known as superi?r general and served for six .vears. ,
reminisce along with me. As the Fall clothing does appear on the scene,' stirrings of memories also appear for many of the fashions for fall and winter of '72 look as if the designers took a stroll down mem' ory lane. Twin sweater sets, double strands of pearls, dolman sleeves. and many of the other favorites of the forties are returning in full force. So just re- . member that in fashion when you say "Whatever happened to it"yery possibly could become 'next season's top fashion.
stresses Spiritual Resources of Women ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in the United States, told the Catholic Daughters of America convention here that, a~ all times in its history, "the Church has been able to draw on the unlimited spiritual resources of women for its work and mission." . The Church now looks to women for assistancce "in the tremendous task of bringing the saving light and grace of Christ to a sotiety steeped in materialism, in hedonism, and characterized by a disregard for so many fundamental values," he continued. The archbishop 'told the delegates, celebrating the 70th anniversary of their organization that "with your particular background and tradition, with your sensibility, you will, no doubt, be in the foreground of this grE~at enterprise." In another address, Archbishop Duraisamy Lourdusamy of Bangalore, India, joint secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, emphasized the power for good one woman can have on the world.
Religious' Press Stories Basis for Radio Series TORONTO (NC) - The National Catholic Communications Center is exploring with other Christian denominations the possibility of preparing a weekly radio series based on feature articles' from The Catholic Register of Toronto, the Canadian Churchman (Anglican) and the United Church Observer. Bonnie Brennan, executive director of NCCC, said that the proposed series' will help bring religious news to a wider audience. A group 'of free-lance broadcasters have prepared a pilot program currently being evaluated by the NCCC and members of Inter-Church Broadcasting (ICB). ICB is a co-ordinating media unit of Anglican, Catholic and Un'ited churches. .
RECORD NUMBER OF JUBILARIANS: Sr. Anna Rose Harrington, provincial of the eastern (St. Raphael) province of the Sisters of Providence, with residence at the Provincial House on Madison St., Fall River, pins a golden rose on Sr. Laurence Gonner as other golden jubilarians of the province look on. Mother Mary Pius Regnier, superior general (4th from left, front) congratulated the' Sisters on being part of the 38 jubilarians who recently marked their 50th year as religious';""" the' largest group to do so in the Providence order's history. Left to right: front row, Sr. Esther. Marie Sullivan, Sr. Mary Melley, Sr. Mary Carina Connors, Mother Mary Pius, Sir. Anna Rose, Sr. Laurence, Sr. Catherine Eileen Smellie. Second row: Sr. Carmelita Brady, Sr. Francis Elise Deasy, Sr. Teresa Aloyse Mount, Sr. Desiree Trainer, and Sr. !Genevieve Clare. Not present fqr the picture, Sr. Regina Garrity.
ST. CATHERINES (NC) "With God's. help, I did it." That response was typical of Milan Slamka. This time, however, he was responding to congratulations on graduating with honors from Brock University here. But Milan Slamka isn't a typical university graduate. For one thing, he is, at 42 years of age, married and the father of two children. He is also a refugee from communism who has suffered hardship, frustration and fear for his and that of his family because of his steadfast refusal to renounce his Catholic faith. It is a little more than three years since the Czechoslovakborn family made a dramatic escape from their homeland and arrived in Canada with' little more than' their faith. But Slamka had two goals-to make sure his children received the Catholic education impossible in Czechoslovakia and to continue his own ambition of teaching. . . He has achieved his first goal. . His 12-year-old son Stephen and his ll-year-old daughter Clara
Hawaii to Have First ,Contemplative Nuns HONOLULU (NC) - A group of, Chinese Carmelite nuns have agreed to come to Hawaii to 'from the first convent of contemplative nuns in this state. A group of 10 nuns now living in Hong Kong will establish their convent on Oahu. the island on which Honolulu is located. Bishop John J. Scanlan of Honolulu said a group of lay persons have started a Carmelite Guild to help the, nuns begin their convent.
both attended St. Nicholas School. Stephen is an altar server at St. Catherine's Cathedral where the family worships regularly. He was the proud bearer of the Canadain -flag when J::1is Boy Stout troop took part in the annual Scout-Girl Guide parade.. And wife Elena is employed at Denis Morris (Catholic) High School. Despite many setbacks-which Slamka characteristically attributes to the will of God-he is still intent on teaching, though he has had little' luck so far in securing a teaching contract. However, he is confident that his ambition wm be realized, just as he was able, despite great odds, to complete his university education interrupted more than 20 years ago. . He received first-class: honors in French and Italian, received two in-course scholarships as the best student in the modern lan-'
Diligence You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. .
.... ... ...,..,..... ,
guage course at Brock and twice won a prize offered by the Swiss ambassador in Canada for proficiency in French - all while working to maintain his family. "It's a miracle," he said quietly when he finally received his degree.
Look for us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls, Mansfield, North Attleboro, North Dighton, North Easton, Norton, Raynham, and Taunton.
OPEN DAIILY For The' SEASON 路Clt 1:00, P.M.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
.Try--·· to Be a .Saint- The;y',re Allowed tlO G,et Tire;d
Conversation' with the Blessed Mother Dear Mary, I'm tired .... It's a hot, miserable, drippy afternoon. If it rains one more day We'll have mushrooms growing under the furniture. Everything feels moldy; It matches my mood. My kids are horrible. I suggested one of them take a nap; She. broke down and cried. One His friend asker! him to go water skiing ... He went. No matter of the boys showed mea bad what I ask them to do, Mary, scrape on his arm. Instead They have a reason why they of sympathy, I offered:~'You think rough-housing with your friends is fun. Enjoy... Enjoy ..." I asked onc of my daughters
should do something else. Couldn't life be just a, little easier? Mary, I'm so tired, please give me a hand ... (And Mary r!nsweted) . Have you forgotten? Even St. Peter got tired. You think you can solve all the problems. Have all the answers for your children, never make mistakes ... Why don't you stop expecting so much of yourself? Why don't' you' stop trying to be God ... And just content yourself To try to be a saint, ... They're allowed to get tired.
to wach the baby. She watched tclevisioin instead. She never noticed the baby going out the back door. I found the little one Stepping off the curb into traffic. Why, Mnry? Why does life have to be so difficult, So wearing? Why are my kids so impossible? Mary ... I'm worn down; Even my Faith is wearing thin today. Mass was a trial last Sunday. It was beastly hot in church. Father kept talking, and talking, and talking. I don't remember what he said. All I can remember is wishing he'd finish And let us go home. But I should be grateful, I guess. God solved the problem for me. One of my little ones got sick. And I had to take them all home. And I'm worried, Mary, about my children. They go to Mass ... With the fervor of mildewed dishrags. They do their chores ... With the enthusiasm of a chain gang. They have as much charity ... As a pack of sta~ving wolves. I've tried argning ... Tried explaining ... tried logic. But they are just unreasonable. I asked my son to mow the lawn. He couldn't do it, it's too wet So I asked him to weed the garden. He couldn't do it, he's too tired.
Publication Acquires Catechetical Guild HUNTINGTON (NC) - Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., has assumed control of the Catechetical Guild Educational Society, a St. Paul, Minn., corporation which produces audio-visual material for Catholic schools and .:fter-school religious programs. Guild products include sound film strips, books, records, posters, and plaques. John Fink, executive vice president, of Ou; Sunday Visitor (OSV), said these products will be used to expand OSV's religious ~ducation department. The Guild "will be operated as a separate unit" in the religious education department which now produces the OSV religious textbook series, Fink said. "The Catechetical Guild audio-visual products will complement the textbooks and serve as the nucleus for further expansion in the field of religious education," he continued.
KAMPALA (NC)-Representatives from 40 countries are expected to meet here in August for the Symposium of Episcopal Catholi~ Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). The theme for SECAM's third plenary session is "The Commitment of the Laity in the Growth of the Church and the Integral Development of Africa." Besides the African cardinals, bishops and lay leaders who are to attend the session, there will also be observers from the Vatican's Council of the Laity and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. The SECAM press office announced that one of the highlights of the :Jession will be a pilgrimage to the Uganda Martyrs shrine at Namugongo. There will also be a concelebrated Mass to commemorate the third anniversary of Pope Paul VI's visit to Uganda. •
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for Prayer
ALBANY (NC) - The chapter of the Carondelet Sisters here had some similiarities to this summer's na~ional political conventions but there was one huge difference - amid Yotes and debates , the 41 delegates frequently took time out to pray. One ground rule for chapter sessions established the prerogative of any Sister to interrupt at any time for prayer or reflection. And the Sisters did' ask, many times during the 12 days of sessions. "Sisters, I wonder if we could Sisters of Mercy pause for a meditation on those Plan General Chapter words." Or: "Sisters, I think beCINCINNATI (NC)-Some 70' fore we look at this issue again, delegates from nine provinces of we should pause and pray over the Sisters of Mercy of the Un- it." Or: "Sisters, I would like to ion will take part in the order's ask that we adjourn for a subgeneral chapter here Aug. 6 stantial period of prayer before we go into, the chapel to elect through Aug. 12. The nine provinces of the, the new superior and assistant." 6,000-member federation are The delegates agreed, and the Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, chapter adjourned for a full afDallas, Detroit, New York, ternoon of meditation, visits to Omaha, Providence and St. Louis. the Blessed Sacrament, and reThe general chapter will be flection. When they returned the the ninth in the federation's his- Sisters elected Sister Mary Kevin tory. At the eighth 'chapter last Ford superior general. August, it was voted that chap"It puts the whole chapter in ters are to be called annually perspective, it brings you back instead of every six years. to the center," says Sister Kath-
Africans to Discuss Role of Laymen
PARISHIONERS ON JUBILEE COMMITTEE: The centennial celebration of the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River will include a dinner dance on Oct. 15 with the following assisting in arrangements: seated, Mrs. Robert Nedderman and Abel Marceline. Standing FrancisJ. Waring, Leo P. Smith and Rev. Alexander Zichello.
154 No. Main Street, Fall River, Mass. FALL RIVER, 676-1971 Boston 1·800.242·3862
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leen Mary McCarthy, 39 years the direction God wants us to old and 'a regional superior in move." northern California. ."Several The pauses for prayer during times during the chapter, we the regular sessions also served paused and asked for light. We an important purpose. They asked for an awareness of God's helped to bridge some of the natpresence. We knew we were not ural differences in approach peoworking by ourselves-that's the ple will bring to an issue, espeimportant thing, I think." cially when they come from a member organization Sister Rosaline Salome, re- 4,100 gional superior for Georgia, Ala- which happens to have members bama, Texas and Oklahoma, be- in 33 U. S. dioceses, Japan and lieves that the prayer prepara- . Peru. tion for this chapter "very defiThe Sisters came together to nitely did make a big difference. discuss their 1969 constitu'tion It gave us an assurance-and which updated the order. They that is terribily important-that generally that the agreed we were operating out of a faith changes had worked well. context, that we were going in "Sometimes," Sister Rosaline said, "I felt there was no way of Traveler coming to agreement on the isTravel· makes a wise man bet- sues without a pause for prayer ter but a fool worse. . .. the deciding Yote had to be -Fuller God's."
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THE :ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs.
J~IY 27, 1972
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,.)!:.iiiC ....&
OVERNIGHT CATHEDRAL CAMPERS: Kevin Soares of Middleboro, Aiex fline of New Bedford and Scott Sylvia of Dartmouth examine their compl¢ted project in arts and crafts. Center: The Indians putting up their wigwams found it much easier than Ralph Germani of Attleboro, I
Indian~polis ,Sets 70 Mandatory - I Retire."entAge INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - All priests of the; Indianapolis archdiocese must retire from admin. istrative positions at 70, under a policy annouri~ed by Archbishop George J. Biskup. The new policy, based on recommendations: made by the Priests' Senat~, provides for voluntary retirement at 65. Retired priests will reteive a pension of $300 per month. 'The archdioCese presently has eight pastors '*ho are 70 or older. According to the approved guidelines they must resign by July, 1973. Retirements will become effective eachl year during July, unless illness prompts retirement at other times.! In a letter t~ archdiocesan clergy, Archbishop Biskup explained that retirement is understood to mean "resign~tion from admin'istrative posit~ons, not necessarlily from priestly service." Opportuniti~s for "limited retirement" will be available by special arrangJment between the retiree and the administrative head of a parish or institution that would beAefit from his ser• I vice. I The archdio~ese presently has 22 retired priests who will begin to receive the; monthly pension payment in September i
Dutch Bishop Has Pope's Su:pport VATICAN CITY (NC)-Dutch Bishop John M. Gijsen emerged 'from a privat¢ talk with Pope Paul VI saying "that he has the Pontiff's strong support in his conflict with! lay and clergy groups in the Roermond diocese. The bishop said that his problems, which iriclude the refusal of his administrative staff to . work with him, are' now nearly solved. ,I .. The appointment in January of ~ishop Gijsen, considered a conservative in th~ generally liberal Dutch hierarchy, was criticized by lay and clergy groups. Friction continued iuntil May, when the diocesan staff and members of the diocesan pastoral council announced they were withdrawing support for Ithe bishop. I
Kevin Luongo of Swansea and Owen McGowan of Fall River. Right: Mark Farrell of So. Dartmouth and Tom Reynolds'of Mattapoisett in the bow while Brendan Malloy of Fall River is beside Pete McCue of Falmouth, head counsellor, during the the daily boating period.
Edu.cation Would Puzzle
JAMAICA (NC) - A visitor from Mars, briefed about American tradition before landing here in his flying saucer, would be surprised at the U. S. educational attitudes he encountered, a uni-
versity professor said here. . What the Martian would discover, said Msgr. George A. Kelly, professor of Contemporary Catholic Problems at St. John's University here, is a pub-
Sherry Advises Diocesan Press Guard Against Double Standard
FRESNO (NC)-In the last issue of the Central California Register, editor Gerard Sherry discussed the role ;of the diocesan press in the fight for social reform. Sherry has said that the Register, which published its last issue July 20, went out of business .because of a decline in circulation and ad revenue following his "editorial stand for justice for the farm workers." In three editorials on the role of the press, Sherry explained that the decline in the circulation of Catholic papers can be linked to a popular attitude that the press discusses "too many social issues which are purely political and have no religious connotation." Not only did this attitude apply to the Register's editorials on the farm-labor dispute, he said, but it also involves such issues as "urban renewal, po~erty in ghettos, low income housing, welfare and civil rights." "It has become the standard practice to blame the Catholic' press for the discontent; for 'stirring' people up,'" Sherry said. "It seems many of our coreligionists are happy only when we emphasize duties rather than rights, whether in Church or in the civic arena. We are told that the Catholic press should stick to religion and forget 'political matters, as if somehow religion can be divorced from life and its problems," he continued. Social Concern But, argued Sherry, Vatican II and papal encyclicals have urged Catholics to emphasize social concern. "The Church has consistently spoken out against all forms of oppression and injustice, emphasizing over and over again the individual dignity of the human person and standing with men in the defense of their
God-given rights," lie s~id. While both the Catholic and general 'press are becoming "a little weary of the negativism of some of its· critics," the editor said the critics must be' heard. "Some of the criticism is valid." Sherry admitted, "and we have the obligation to eliminate ex. cesses - no matter what form , they take." But, he said, just as these critics may not be read out of the church, they must not . be allowed to dictate newspaper policies. "We must, therefore, be prepared to defend the Church's intervention in many areas of our life and encourage a greater acceptance of the principle that religion embraces the whole of life," Sherry explained. Cites Encyclicals He pointed out that Pope Paul VI said to the College of Cardinals on the feast of St. John the ,Baptist, the Church must continue its concern for social justice. The Pope, Sherry said, "complained that people criticize the Church for its interventions on the question of social justice." But, the Pontiff said, the critics forget, "the prophetic office of the Church, which is not only to anounce truth and justice butannounce truth and justice but demn offenses and crimes against justice and truth." . Just as Humanae Vitae is authentic doctrine, so are other encyclicals, such as Mater et Magistra, Pacem in Terris, and Populorum Progressio said Sherry. .The Pope regards the discussion of decent housing for the poor, protection of welf~re recipients, and the rights of farm workers as proper concerns for the true Christian and the Christian press, said Sherry. "In a word-the Pope is saying that we must practice what we pr!,!ach," the. editor explained.
lic monopoly in American education.
Senate Endorses Team Ministry
CHICAGO (NC)-The archdi"He would hardly believe what ocesan Priests' Senate here has his eyes told him," Msgr. Kelly endorsed "team ministries" and said, "especially after he heard urged that Chicago Catholics be that all early American education given more information about was private; that tlle federal, that approach to pastoral se~ice. Constitution did not even conThe senate resolution, passed template education as a function by a 75-6 vote, refers primarily of national government, and that to a situation where two or more even early state government had priests would share responsibility no idea of ever monopolizing the for a parish. education of the young." Under·the traditional set-up. a To gain "their proper plaee in pastor heads a parish and delethe nation and before the Con- gates some resportsibilitie!i to stitution," the ptiest continued, one. or more priest-assistant~. nonpublic schools must ultimateFather Robert Gallie, the priest ly cope with two fundl!-mental as- who proposed the resolution, exsumptions underlying everything plained tpat in endorsing team their opponents say about them. ministries the senate was not opOne' of these assumption!l, he posing the traditional pastor, said, is that the publil;' school is assistant form. He noted, however, that under the "established American school" and the nonpublic school the traditional form, priests often "may be tolerated but is not have to wait to be appointed' a entitled to public encourage- . pastor before assuming significant responsibilities in a parish.· ment." Father Gallie said about 400 The second is that once a reli- men who "wanted to be on gious corporation sponsors edu- teams" attended an archdiocesan cation, "the entire process of meeting on team ministry in secular education becomes taint- ~ebruary 1971. ed with sectarian theology, and The senate resolution, a recregardless of the demonstrated quality of the secular product, ommendation to Cardinal John such a school is unworthy of Cody of Chicago, suggested that the archdiocesan communications public support." office explain the team ministry If these two propositions re- concept to Chicago Catholics. main unchallenged, Msgr. Kelly said, "then American education can expect problems more :serious than those being ~tudied at this time." . ONE STOP
The priest made these observations in "Government Aid to Nonpublic Schools: Yes or No?"" -a collection of essays on the subject printed recently by the St. John's University press.
SHOPPING CENTER • Television • Grocery • Appliances ., Furniture 104 AII.en St., New Bedford
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'Our Heating
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
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DAY ATTENDANTS AT CATHEDRAL GIRLS DAY CAMP: Judith White of Taunton, Cathy Magnant of New Bedford and Donna Perry of Fall' River would upset William Tell if he lived in the age of the "fern lib" movement. Center: The ever popularity of horseback riding continues in 1972 as is evidenced by Rita Jasinski of New Bedford, Pam Rolston
University Joins Lettuce Boycott DAYTON (NC) - The University of Dayton has announced support of the iceberg lettuce boycott called by Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers. The endorsement was in the form of a pledge that the university's food services will purchase only head lettuce clearly identified with the United Farm Workers black Aztec eagle label. Father Thomas StanleY,campus ministry director, said the union organized a boycott of non-union lettuce "because negotiations with the lettuce growers have broken .down." "Because farm workers are too poor and too easily replaced to battle employers in a traditional strike situation, the union can make very limited use of strikes in agriculture," he wrote. "Thus they enlist the support of sympathizers around the country to boycott products of the companies involved in the disputes."
Pope Begins Work At Castelgandolfo CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)Pope Paul VI began a two-month working holiday July 15 at his Summer residence here, 18 miles southeast of Rome. The papCoI secretary of state, French cardinal Jean Villot, also will reside on the grounds of the papal .residence, "probably for the whole month of August," according to a Vatican spokesman. The Vatican announces each year that all audiences, except the Wednesday general audiences, are canceled during the Pope's vacation. Invariably, however, Pope Paul has held many audiences for groups and individuals at Castelgandolfo. Certain key Vatican aides make the daily trip to Castelgandolfo to keep the Pope informed of events. His work schedule is somewhat curtailed during the vacation, but Pope Paul keeps busy at his desk preparing speeches and studying the mound of paperwork that comes his way daily.
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of Dartmouth in the saddle, and Cheryl Hoar of Fall River awaiting her turn. Right: Donna Courtmanche, head counsellor, is assisted at the very important attendance board during the swimming session by Nancy .Lachapelle of Freetown. Enrollment is hitting a record high this year.
Urges World Disarmament Conference
Tells Sodalists Drop 'Pious' Label
NEW DELHI (NC)-Archbishop Angelo Fernandes of Delhi has written' to United Nations urging a world conference on disarmament. The archbishop, president of the World Conference of Religion for Peace, told U.N. secretary general Kurt Waldheim that, "on balance, the advantage of a carefully prepared world disarmament conf!lrence far out-
weighs any dis::ernible disadvan- general to invite member states COCHIN (NC)-A Marian Sotage." to communicate their views re- dality official said here in Jndia The World Conference of Reli- lating to a world disarmament that the Sodality should drop its gion for Peace, organized in conference. -identification as a "pious organ· Tokyo in 1970, is composed of The letter notes that the res- . ization of youngsters" in order leaders from nine major world olution made no provision for to save itself from "extinction." religions, with headquarters in communications from non-govThe official, Jesuit Father New York. ernmental organizations. But his Nicholas Riman of Cleveland, Archbishop Ferna~des letter . organization is taking the initia- told a meeting of sodality leadis in response to a resolution of tive in urging the confer~nce, the ers that he was surprised to disthe 26th general ass'embly of the Indian prelate said. cover that the organization is UN instructing its secretary "The necessity of convening still carrying that identification a world disarmament· conference and that its new name, Christian appears obvious," the archbishop Life Community, is almost un· stated. "None has been held known among Asian Sodalists. since World War II in a period Father Riman, who is assistant when the arms race has risen to director of the World Sodality CLIFTON (NC)-John F. Mc- profits could have been' made up more than $200 billion annually." Federation, said that the sodality The conference, if carefully .is not meant merely for children Evoy, Inc. has come a long way had the McEvoy enterprise been in the past seven years-all the equipped to tailor synthetic prepared, could turn the spot- and old women, but for Chrisready-to-wear habits. "We light of world public opinion on tians of all ages. The new name way from habits to holsters. Established in 1890, the com- weren't set-up for ready-to-wear this crucial ma;,tter for human indicates this, he said. The priest noted that the sopany began as an import house business until four years ago." survival, he said. It could revive where communities of nuns By that time, "the situation had interest in general and complete dality in India is in decline, as bought the special cloth used to gone by in Religious garb work. disarmament, discuss the trans- it is throughout the wirld, but make their habits. We deci~ed not to go into it· be- fer of military expenditure to expressed the hope that the new Then, suddenly, after Vatican cause we felt that, for the out- peaceful purposes, and involve attitudes signified by its new Council II nuns began to simplify lay, there wasn't going to be universities in the study' of prob- name may revive it. lems connected with the arms their habits, both in style and enough return," Al said. race, he stated. fabric. This left the McEvoy 'Not Worthwhile' The archbishop confessed that brothers, who had inherited their CHAS. F. grandfather's business, with a A:I was probably right. Most a world conference has certain perils, that it could raise too lot of fine imported European Sisters now are "buying garments from "regular department great expectations, and that it serge and nowhere to sell it. Albert, Charles and James Mc- stores" and "those who want could fail if member states with'Evoy followed their grandfather more traditiona'i dress just buy drew. However, the advantages and father, Albert Sr., into the fabric and have it made up," he are worth the risk, he said. OIL CO., INC. He asked that some juridical business between 1953 and 1955. commented. Those Sisters who 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE "If anybody had told us then prefer the traditional garb are relation be set up between the NEW BEDFORD, MASS. that there would be no business such a "small segment it's just UN and non-government organin 20 years, we would have said not worthwhile putting effort in izations and define the role they may play in such a world con,it was unthinkable," said Al soliciting." ference. McEvoy. The John F. McEvoy, Inc. busiUnthinkable as it seemed, it ness has made up much of its Tokyo Bishop Plans HEATING OILS 'happened. Business fell off al- losses, however. No longer an most two-thirds within five years importer, the McEvoy brothers Western Tour COMPLETE of Vatican II. "Till that time, are now manufacturing uniforms TOKYO (NC)-Auxiliary BishHEATING SYSTEMS communities' of nuns. were re- and shoulder patches for police, op Stephan Fumio Hamao of INSTALLED stricted to wearing certain types firemen, and postal workers. Not Tokyo has left here for a twoof fabric. Most. of them bought completely out of the Church month good will trip to Latin 24 HOUR OIL BURNER piece goods from us, cut it in the garment business, the McEvoys America, North America and Eumotherhouse, and then distrib- continue to carry a few stock rope. SERVICE uted it to the nuns who made items for 'nuns and priests and Diocesan officials said the purBUDGET PLANS their own habits," Al explained. recently went into the school pose of the trip, sponsored by After Vatican II, most orders uniform 'line. the Episcopal Migration CommisThe Vargas Oil Co. protects decided to style their new simpli"We started to diversify," Al sion, is to "promote friendly your family's heating comfort fied habits out of domestic wash- observed. SUll, "only in the last relationships" between the Japall year round. and-wear synthetics, eliminating two years have we stemmed the anese Church and the Church of the need for any import middle- tide" and got volume sales back Latin America, where many TRY US FIRST men-like the McEvoy brothers. . to where they were before 1965, Japanese and their descendants 3~6592 live. Still, some of the declining he commented.
Changes in Religious Garb Affect New Jersey Import Company
\iRGAS 993·6592
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-T~urs. July 27, 1972 I
Parents Should Become First ~eligious ~ducators .
Once upon a time there was a hungry child. His parents had fobd but they didn't give it to him. "Father didn't tell us to," ~hey explained. The parish had food but it didn't give it to him either. "The food is here," they explained, "but if the parents don't care and no-constant badgerenough to get it, we cannot ferings ing for the parish to come up help the child." So nobody with or return to another form fed him and the child died. of religious education.
So it is Wit~ 'spiritual food and today's children. Last week I discussed the: need for honesty ·between parents and par'ish in , I -.&'%wm?~&l
I By
order to hew :today's child expe· ri.e!lce Christ, Inot just learn religIOn. Last "'jeek we slew the scapegoat. T~is week, let's do away with tHe first myth that I has su~essfully prevented us from working' together. . When I talk with groups of priests and tiuns, I often hear, "Our parents! non't care." They go on to say that they hold meetings and' off~r help out they can't get parerts to attend. "I set up at 12·week sex education course for my parents," says a pasto~. "I gflve up my time to teachi them and do you know how ¢imy showed up? I. Ten." parentsl Don't Care A sister echoes, "Yes we brought in a name,speaker, paid a good deal pf money for him and only 20 parents came." Conclusion?; Their parents don't care. I I can't ~ccept that conclusion. Parents do care today. If they didn't, there ~ould be no dissen· sion over me:thod, no dissatisfaction with present parish of-
Parents care but what 'they arc saying is that they do not always care for the programs being offered them. They care but about a different, kind of religious growth than we are, furnishing. Often wernean that parents do not show interest in what we want them to, when we want them to, ,and ,that they show too much interest at other times when we wish they' would be quiet. Planning Programs We have simply got to involve the parents in the planning of their own programs.. This' means listening to them. We have got to stop coaxing them and start educating them to the full implication of that chilling •statement in .the Greeley-Rossi Report, "If our data from the past are any indication of the present situation, Catholic education is virtually wasted on three-fourths of
OUTDOOR TRIBUTE TO OUR LADY: Lady Carmelites and the Blue Army with the cooperation of the Legion of Mary and Third <?rder Franciscans sponsored a rally in honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and a procession of' the Pennsylvania ~ilgrim Virgin Statue, blessed by the Bishop of Fatima, and concluded the Marian activities with the' recitation of th~ ·Rosary before the Barry Statue in Independen.ce Square, Philadelphia. . Rev. Bernard Krimm delivered the address. NC Photo. , ,
Delays Cou.ld ,hang'e Albort.·on Decision
in Catholic schools because i those of the absence of a sufficiently religious family milieu."know the WASHINGTON (NC)- A S ' . . u-· assIgns opmlOns on Iy when h e 'IS and that the full court should We must let parents crucial nature of 'the situation, ' preme Court decision favorable in the majority. When he is in rule on the cases. The Post pointed out .that teaching them that the most suc- ,. to abortion advocates was de- the minority, the senior majority cessful parish' program is inef- layed by complicated last min- justice assigns the opinion. Jus- since Powell and Rehnquist fective if the home is nota : ute maneuvering within the tice William O. Douglas, the sen- joined the court, it has twice re-· viable Christian community itself. court, according to the Washing- .jor justice in the five-man major- fused. requests that it immedi· In order to change parents' ton P o s t . ' ity on the abortion cases, pro- ately implement lower court deoutlook, we have to change what ThE! delay could mean a dra- tested Burger's action, the Post cisions overturning state abor: . tion laws. Earlier; the sevenwe taught them as children. Par- 'matic change in the court's posi- said. ents need remedial religious edu- . tion on abortion,' since the dec iBurger refused to change his man court appeared to be movcation and it has to come from sion w.ill now be reached by all decision, the Post said, and ing toward the position of aborthe pulpit because parents believe nine justices. The original deci- Blackmun wrote the opinion. tion advocates, the Post said, what they were taught as chil- sion was reached by the seven Blackmun, who c.ourt obse:rvers citing a decision on contracep· dren, i.e. that religion consists of_justices who heard arguments on described as a slow 'and pains- tives that spoke of a woman's 'a body of truths passed on fr()m two state abortion laws last Fall. taking writer, did not finish his right to privacy in bearing chilChurch to child. It takes the Later, Justices Lewis Powell and opinion until late in the Spring dren. parents right out of the process. William Rehnquist joined the and then quickly withdrew it The Texas and Georgia abor· Today"s parents' major crime is court. saying that the case: should be tion cases involve similar point.s ,that they believe what they According .to a Post story, postponed to give the minority and were argued together before were taught; that is why they Justice Harry Blackmun wrote a more time to prepare its opinions, the court last Fall. ,.I insist upon increased classroom decision holding the Georgia ana according to the Post. In both cases a federal court Political :Divisions instruction rather than enriched Texas abortion laws unconstituProcedural Question declared the state law unconstitional for several reasons, inTh e P ost quote d 'court 0 bserv- tutional home rell·gl·on. '. I d on the grounds that it Threaten: Chileans "'.nts Confused cluding the arooument that abor, V I O ,ate a woman's right to priers as speculating tryat Burger Par" SANTIAGO I (NC)-Churchmen tion is a private matter. vacy. Each case also includes a had convinced Blackmun that his in Chile are seeking to avoid the They have not been un-taught The court decided, however, . . procedural question: whether t' . pitfalls of the: political divisions an d re- t aug ht th e nee d for a not to issue the opinion this term, opmlOn. was too wide ranging th e fe deraI cour s can Issue 10that are increasingly evident on broader definition of' religion, and on June 26 ordered that the junctions to prevent enforcement the Chilean scene. Christians of the laws. one which encompasses life out- cases be reargued before the full Asks The deepen~ng' polarization of side the classroom.' They are not· court when it reconvenes in the I I ,... ., Chilean politi9s was heightened aware of ·the different levels in Fall. 0 age eace recently, when the out-of·power a child's· moral understanding .. SOUTHPORT (NC) The Ch'ristian Democratic' party but they do know that, passing' ThIS .wIll enabl 7 .Powe~1 and Priests' Council· pf the BridgePLUMBING & HEATING, INC. walked out on talks aimed at on that body of truths alone is . Re~n~ulst to partIcIpate 10 t~e port diocese has appealed for I Sales and Service ' . conciliation w?th the incumbent is . not insuring Catholicism in dec.JslOn. Court ?bservers saId renewed efforts' in "the pursuit for Domestic _ ....... ~ that the full nme-man court of peace." . Popular Unity regime of Marxist their children. and Industrial ~.,g President Salvador Allende. The They are confused and crying seems l~s~ likely to overturn a Issuing a statement at a time Oil Burners walk-out was caused by the fail- for help. They are 'not attending state crImmal law than had .the "when national conventions will 995-1631 ure to reach an accord on legis- meetings' because too often the seven-man court, but they ~Ol?t- propose their platforms and as 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE lative measure,s proposed by the. ones they have attended in the e? out that the court majorIty world leaders attempt again to NEW BEDFORD Christian Democrats to cjlrb gov- past didn't help them much. has shifted from case to case negotiate an end to the war 'in ernment takeovers of private in· They went expecting help with recently. Vientam," the council "calls all dustries. I Ch~istians to a conduct which their children and got informa· Protested Action To date, the Allende govern- tion on yesterday's child. Or According to "informed sourc- fosters human life, to a conduct ment has assumed permanent or they got help that was unrealis- es" cited by the Post, the maneu· which recognizes the dignity, 'temporary control of more than tic. vering began after a majority of worth, and merit of an individ· 200 industries - and its an· Parents are in limbo today, justices voted in favor of ruling ual's existence." nounced goal is the total social- torn between a loyalty to their the state laws unconstitutional, Reiterating the 1971 st~ternent ization of the ,nation's economy. past and a loyalty to their chil- the Post said. Chief Justice War- of the National Conferencl~ of , In a move to thwart this effort, dren. It does not help them at ren Burger, who was in the mi- Catholic Bishops, th,e council the opposition·controlled Con· all to hear that they do not care. nority along with Justice Byron urged a speedy end to the Viet· 5 gress recently passed legislation 'Let us take them where they White, assigned Justice Harry nam war and asked that Chris· aimed at preventing the Chilean are and help them to become Blackmun to write the majority tians learn to "wage peace as president from taking over 90 what they should be, "first and .opinion, the Post said; vigorously and with as much more industrie~. . for~most religious educators;" Traditionally, the chief justice sacrifice as we have wMed war." :"'1 .. _ -.. , ~.'. \.,' '.'" :.. ;., .. C ·
S.E. Massachuselt' Finest Food Stores!
. I
,. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
'Neither Party Has Answer To All Major Problems
I have made it clear more than once in this column that endorsing individual candidates by party ~nd by na~e doesn't strike me as being the most appropnate way, m this country at least, for clergymen of any faith to exercise their distinctive role (whatIn a column entitled, "Cooling ever that may be) in the field the Campaign," which appeared of political.or social reform. on the Op-Ed page of the Times This is not a matter of hard- on July 10, Mr. Schwartz made and-fast principle on my part; it's simply a matter of practical judgment which may. or may not be well fou~ded. In summary,
MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS let's just say that while I respect . the right of other clergymen to endorse and campaign for political candidates of their own choice, this doesn't happen to be my particular cup of tea. This is all by way of saying that the following comments on the recent Democratic convention in Miami Beach are meant to be completely non-partisan. Frank Acknowledgement. Whqt impressed me as much as anything else about the convention was the note of low-key realism-I almost said humility -which characterized Chairman Lawrence O'Brien's opening speech to the' delegates. Mr.· O'Brien-a genuine political pro if there ever was one-will never take any prize as a public speaker. At best, his platform style can only be characterized as mediocre. At the Miami Beach convention, however, what he lacked in this respect was amply made up by his brutally frank acknowledgement that Democrats don't have the answers to all of our major social and economic problems and his repeated warning that, in simple honesty, they (and their Republic counterparts) should stop pretending that they do-in short, that they should stop hoodwinking the American people. I have no way of knowing or even· guessing what partisan purposes, if any, Chairman O'Brien may have thought he was ,serving by making this unprecedently frank confession at the very outset of the Democratic convention. For all I know, his motives may have been as pure as the driven snow. Prudent Restraint Be that as it may, I, for one, liked what he had to say. Partisan politics aside, it was refreshing to hear such plain talk, for a change, at a highly-charged political convention. We could do with more of the same in both parties. What Mr. O'Brien said at the opening of the Miami Beach convention about the complexity of today's problems and the foolishness of pretending that either party has all the answers to these problems, was said even more pointedly that very morning by Harry Schwartz of the New York Times editorial board.
an eloquent appeal to all concerned-Democrats and Republi.cans alike-for a certain measure of prudent restraint during the coming Presidential campaign. For one thing, he saist, the differences between the two parties and their respective standardbearers are "much less than the passionate rhetoric and the fustian hyperbole of election oratory might suggest." Fallible Human Bflings Secondly, Mr. Schwartz pointed out, both parties can take their due measure of credit for the nation's accomplishments in recent generations. and their due measure of blame for its problems. "But perhaps the best reason," he said, "for prudent restraint in the election campaign is the fact that the nation has many problems to which nobody knows the answers, neither Democrats nor Republicans, neither Nixon nor McGovern nor anybody else." Mr. Schwartz is enough of a realist to know that the American political tradition unfortunately works against the kind of restraint or "humility" (his word) that the times require. Nevertheless he dares to entertain the hope that a recognition of the fact that we are all fallible human beings and that our problems are enormously complex "will moderate the passions of the next four months." Otherwise he is afraid that "divisive oratory" will needlessly add "still more salt to the nation's real and slow-healing wounds." Liberal Tolerance I realize, of course, that any discussion about the complexity of social, economic and political problems and the consequent need for at least a modicum of intellectual humility in the face of this complexity runs the risk of appearing to be a subtle plea to preserve or maintain the status quo. Obviously I hope I haven't left the impression that that's what I am trying to do in this context. I am simply suggesting (following the lead of Chairman O'Brien and Mr. Schwartz) that even the most radical kind of reform is-or at least should becompatible with a reasonable measure of what used to be known as liberal tolerance-a virtue which today is all too often denigrated in our traditional society. Louis Halle, a former U. S. Government official now teaching at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, defines or describes liberal tolerance as follows in a recent book entitled "The Ideological Imagination: The Rise of Mass Bigotry in Our Time": Basis for Tolerance "Tolerance of dissent depends . . . on 'certain conceptual precon-
SAO SEBASTIAO TERCEIRA: Villagers of the birthplace of Rev. John C. Martins, assistant at Santo Christo Church, Fall River rush to greet Bishop Cronin as he comes out to the plaza in front of the church.
Conflict Over Queen's Catholic Colle,ge MONTREAL (NC) - Catholic leaders here have expressed suspicion that Qu~bec's Anglo-Protestant universities have 'ganged up' on Catholic Loyola College in the interest of their own preservation. This was the reaction following publication of a report by the Quebec province's Council of Universities which recommended that Loyola - Quebec's· only Catholic, English-language institution of higher learning - be phased out by 1975. The council report to the Department of Education said there will be a surplus of space in the
ditions in the minds of men. The basic precondition is an appreciation of our own ignorance. We have to recognize that, on virtually any point at all, the most knowledgeable of us may be wrong. Here, however, we confront a psychological impulse common to us all. We are unwilling to face the fact of the unknown because it fills us with fear or imposes on us the strain of a perplexing uncertainty ... "It is a recognition ·of the fact that no man or group of men has possession of ultimate truth, that at best only partial, contingent, and tentative truths, mixe~ with error, are available to any of us; that is the basis for the tolerance of diversity on which our liberal societies were founded. Those societies had .their origin in the age of skepticism, when Western civilization developed the critical faculty that was necessary for the recognition of human ignorance."
Professor Hall's brand of postChristian liberalism may leave so·mething to be desired from the philosophical point of view, but .if we supplement it with a prayerful reading of St. Paul's dassic treatise on charity in First Corinthians, it still makes pretty good sense, especially on the eve of a Presidential campaign-or so it seems to me.
province's English-language universities in about three years time. Quebec, which is predominantly French speaking, has three English language universities-McGill, Sir George Williams and Bishops - alI with an AngloProtestant tradition. Loyola College has made numerous bids for a university charter, all of them unsuccessful. Its degrees are granted through the University of Montreal. Auxiliary Bishop Leonard J. Crowley of Montreal expressed the fear of 'squeeze play' tactics in a letter to Education Minister Francois Cloutier: "After reading the (Council of Universities) report," the bishop wrote, "I was left with the distinct impression that the traditional Anglo-Protestant universities had somehow leagued together to promote their own causes and to forget the socialcultural values of an important segment of the Quebec community. 'Confused Thinking' "When a Council of Universities equates the full development of a person with bricks and mortar as the sole criterion, I am not surprised at the confused thinking of, and resulting unrest in, our society. I am certannly not. left with the impression of an unbiased and objective report." Loyola's dean of arts, Father Russell Breen, said McGiU played a key role in the Council of Universities' recommendation on the "non·future of LOYOla." In a letter to Robert E. Bell, principal of McGill University, Father Breen said: "Conscious of the important role traditionally played by McGill as a leader of the Anglophone academic community, I can readily understand how the
brief presented by your university should· become the basis for the council's recommendation on the non-future of Loyola. Merger Talks "I am sure," Father Breen observed, "that it is only a coincidence that the principles which McGill's representatives o~ the council carefully developed for the rationalization of Englishspeaking higher education in our province have as their practical conclusion the preservation of the integrity of the three universities which historically have been of the p.rotestant tradition, and the annihilation of the only English-speaking institution of higher learning of the Catholic tradition in ollr province." Shice 1969, Loyola and Sir George Williams University have been engaged in merger talks at the insistence of the Quebec government. Although much ground has been covered, the talks have not yet been concluded. Loyola does not intend to be buried at this stage by the Council of Universities' recommendation.
Montie Plumbing & Heating· Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.
806 NO. MAIN STREET 675·7497
Fall River
EnFeebling These three things deplete man's strength; fear, travel and -Hebrew Proverb sin.
r·-;··· 14 T~ EANCHOR-O;o<.;. of Fa II R;v.,-Th~". July 27, 1972 I
The, :f~arish Parade
.Chipmunk's Cuteness' Foils I • • Lon,ging to Exterminate' I
By Joe and Marilyn Roderick
Two! years ago when we finished( our f~r~place '!'e had a con,siderable number of fi~ldstones. re.m.ammg ~hICh we stacked in a 'neat pile. The pIle has dImInIshed shghtly in size but it still remains. It is now the home of what started'oil.t as a pair of chipmy six year old Philadeiphia munks, The pair has now be- lawyer who was arguing the come a uBiquitous family and merits of staying out past thc God onli knows' what the time allotted.
new generation will produce. Would any other mother exChipmudks are a delight in, plain to me what's so wonderful the garden1because they are cute "about staying out when thc in themsel~es and also because streetlights 'are on. While summer brings many they are Icon~tantly scurrying about. Unfortunately, they are'. joys with it, there are also the also a nuisance. Both my. dad long winded discourses on "How and myself have been pondering come so' and so doesn't have to what to db about our little in- come in theminute it gets dark?" truders fori the better part of the or "How come I have to come Summer. We both dislike the' in and take a bath, I went swimthought of poisoning them be- ming this afternoon." At this cause we tioth see them as wei- point it's awfully hard to argue come little! guests in the garden, with the logic that insists water but at the same time we are is water or in the case of the given visiple evidence of. the curfew hour that..parents really don't care what tIme. some o~e damage th~y can do daily. Chickens vs. Chipmunks else is allowed to stay out untIl. The bigl problem with chipIronically remember back munks is that they tunnel. They to my own carefree summers tunnel through .walls leaving when the. highlight of the day them weaker as a re'sult, they was the evening game of "Kick tunnel un~ergroundtdisturbing the Can," or the few moments the root systems of plants, and spent bn the. front steps after they set up a nework of under- dark with the latest summer ground tunnels that leads, God romance. How~ver, no matter how vivid your memory, when only know'S where. . Of courSe, our garden at the you are a parent you have a tenmoment ik perfect for them. dency to look at things differThere are ;raspberries and blue- ently. berries in bloom as well as. some Instead of harboring advenof the vegbtables. The oak tree ture, darkness now harbors da':!; will soon I be 'dropping all the gers; instead of the thrill that acorns they can and store hide and seek once brought to and finally there are so many .us as youngsters it now brings natural hotnes for them in and the possibility of excited youngaround the l garden that they can sters running' out into ~he busy exist undisturbed in our area un- streets. Yes there is something less we do ~omething about them. dulling about growing up and Actually Iboth my father and I very often we ca~ see why Pet~r are avoiding facing up to the Pan didn't want to attempt It, problem. There is something re- but nevertheless it happens to pulsive ab6ut hurting the little the best of us' and now we have animals, bdt at the same time it to be' on the answering end of is rather ~ifficult to live with the "why can't I" 'so .Somehow them, especially. when we can summers aren't as much fun as not really i assess the damage they once were. . In the Kitchen they are dqing because so much If cream <:heese is your weakof it is hi,dden from our eye.s. Knowing t~e two of· u.s we WIll .ness you'll love these creamy probably not do a thIng about rich bars. The recipe comes our little visitors in the ho~e from Mrs. Erancis Marcille of that some mysteriou~ force WIll St. Louis de France parish in solve the problem for' us. . Somerset. "MichaelIand Kathy ar~, wa~tCream Cheese Cookies 1f.J cup butter ing out thpre Y9 u know. ,saId
Asks Cooperation ; With Government
1f.J cup light brown sugar 1 cup flour 1 cup chopped walnuts, chopBERLIN (NC)-A plea for se- ped very fine'. '. 'Iective but! critical church coop1 8-oz. package cream cheese 'A cup granulated su~~r eration with the communist government .has been made in East 1 Ta,blespoon l~mon JUIce G any' . 1 teaspoon vamlla e!tmcom~s! from the Federation 2 Tablespoons milk 1 egg of Protestant Churches in the 1) Mix together the cream German Democratic Republic, the only Ea'stern European coun- cheese (that h~s. been s~ftened), try where' Protestants are the sugar, iemon JUIce, ~amlla and major de'nomination,. and repre- milk an? egg. Set aSIde. sents a shift in outlook from 2) WIth pastry blender cream that of Orthodox' churchmen in together the butter and sugar. the Soviet \Jnion and the Cath3) Add the flour and nuts. 4) Reserve one ~up of. the olic hierarchy in Poland anq H filling and d patbthe ' remaInder (8 by ungary. :I In' an address given at the fed· into grease ro~me P?n • eration's general synod in Dres- 8) and bake 10 mInutes In 'a 350 den, Dr. Heino Falcke, principal oven. Cool. .. of Gnadau i Theological College, 5) Pour fIllIng. over ~ottom d that "we are sent by crust and then sprmkle WIth reargue to li~e in and cooperate' . served nut mIx t ur; ba ke 25 min Jesus with our socialist society." utes more at 350 . I I
Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish o~ are asked to, submit for this column to The O. Box. 7, hll River
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The next meeting for the Feast will be held at 7 on Sunday evening, July 30, Members of the CYO will con-, duct a car wash fro~ 8 to noon on Sunday, July 30.
ST. MARY, SO. DARTMOUTH Plans have been finalized for the parish's "Old Fashion Coun- ST. ANNE, try Fair" scheduled for Saturday, FALL RIVER Aug. 12 on the c.l~urch gr?unds. St. Anne's Little League Picnic Starting at 10 o'clock In the morning with it parade from will be held Sunday, Ju\y 30 at ' Bliss Corner up Dartmouth Camp Jennings. Pack 50 Cub Scouts will hold Street to the church, the schedule of events is as follows:' 11 their picnic Aug. 6 at Camp Noto 1, opening of booths and quochoke. Reservations should starting of games; 1 to 3, Bake be made with the Den Mothers . Off Contest, St. Mary's Singers, before Aug. 1. Troop 50 Boy Scouts returned Live. Animal EXhfbition, Farmers' Market display; 3 to ~~, Barber Friday, July 21 from a Camping, I. A. O'SHAUGHNESSY Shop Quartet; 4 to 6~ Band C?n- trip in Effingham Camp in New . cert by the MusiCIans: UllIon Hampshire.' Bingo every Wednesday night Local No. 214; 6 t6 7, Kathy Coelho's Folk Singers; 7 to 9, giant a 7 o'clock in the school audi,auction with Charles Oliver as torium. 'auctioneer; 8:30 to 10, Junior ST. JOSEPH, ,and Senior .Square, Dancing with A'ITLEBORO , ,Danny Fana as caller. At 10 The parish will sponsor a con. ST. PAUL (NC)-:-Though con- o'clock, the raffle drawing for cert by the world-renowned struction is almost concluded, S!. the 1971 Coupe de Ville will "Boys Club Choir" on Nov. 2. Paul oil magnate I. A. O'Shaugh- take place. Since this is a tremendous Some of the 'ou'tstanding fea- undertaking, all parishioners are nessy has seen very little of the $4 million Ecumenical Institute tures of the parade will be a urged to join forces in the planfor Advanced Theological Study Circus' Wagon, Howdy Doody, ning and advance publicity so which . he has single-handedly Mr. Peanut,' Mari, and Antique necessary in order that the pro. financed. Autos. ject will be successful. His single visit to the instiFollowing the. parad~ awards An organizational meeting will tute has left him considerably will be made to the wmners of be held at 7:30 on Wedne~sday impressed however. Recently re~ the doll car~iage parade and ~e night, Aug. 2 in the parish 'hall. turning from a 10~day tour of decorated bIcycle. contest. _ThIS The first Summer Festival of Rome and ~ the Holy Land, event is open to: all boys and the Parish will be held on the O'Shaughnessy told the Catholic girls between the ages of 6 to church grounds this coming BUlletin, St. Paul diocesan news- ,12. The co~te~tants arl~ as~ed weekend _ Friday evening, all paper, of the history and his to be 11t. BlIss Corner by 9.45 day Saturday and Sunday 'from , 1 o'clock on. _ . own impressions of the soon to the mornIng o~ the parade.. be completed theological study At the Fall' t!'t~re :wIll be There will be games, prizes, " ,games for the .chIldren, . h' h pony ly rides and amusements for all cen t er. .. rides, a toy town to W:lC on ages. A variety of Summer foods Located an a hIll mIdway be- children will be admitted plus will be available. Proceeds will be used for the tween .J~rusalem and Bethlehem, many interesting. booths. A rum· the Institute for Advanced Theo- mage sale, Penny candy shop, renovation of the church. logical Study was a result of Christmas items, a Flea market, the famous 1964 Holy Land and a Handiwork Shop are some meeting between Po~e Paul .VI of, the outstanding features. Committee Official and the latc Ecumemcal Ort~oFood will be served all day, dox Patriarch Athenagoras I of with a variety to please all ap- Appointed Pastor WASHINGTON (NC) - ReCons~antinople, O'Shaughnessy pet\!:es. There will be Hot Do~s, explaIned. Sloppy Joes, Pizz~, Lobster In demptorist Father William T. Plans for the stu 1y center, a the Rough, Corn, Cattani Candy Coyle, executive director of the life-long dream of Pope P.aul, and Watermellon. Drinks to suit U. S. bishops' Priestly Formation were announced later that year the taste of both young and old Committee secretariat, has been fohowing' a me\?ting of the Pope, will also be ,availab}e: As an ~dd named pastor of St. Alphonsus O'Shaughnessy, and, Father The- ed benefit, baby sittIng. ~ervl~es Parish in Chicago. Father Coyle, director of the dore Hesburg, president of Notre will be provided to famll:tes WIth secretariat for the past five years, Dame University. very young children. will become pastor of the north. The Coupe de Ville Cadillac . west Chicago parish on Aug. 1. To Promote Unity will be on display at the DartMsgr.' Robert Bacher, rector O'Sh'aughnessy, a well known mouth Mall July 20, 21, 27 and of Borromeo High School Sem-, Catholic phi1l1nthropist, has do- 28. Also on Aug.. 3 and' 4. All nated millions of dollars for li- are urged to try to' make returns inary in Cleveland from 1954 to braries,. cultural centers and edu- 'on the 'chance books as early as 1971, will replaee Father Coyle as secretariat director. . cation buildings. possible! The stUdy center, planned by Workers 'are needed for the the Pope to commemorate' his Games and Food ~ooths. Either meeting with Athenagoras, was Richard Cummings· or Mrs. Richdesigned to promote Christian ard Parsons', would' appreciate a unity and better relations with ~all. Mrs. David ,Souza is in Complete Line non-Christian religions. charge of collecting items for the flea market and Mrs. Vincent Building Mciterials The instit.ute was first planned as a project of the International Hemingway for t~e auction.. If 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN Federation of Catholic Universi- You haven't checked your attIcs 993-2611 ties, then headed by Father Hes- and cellars for contributions, to'd.o so! now is the 'time burgh, O'Shaughnessy said., It With everyone h~ving the "old has since been transferred to the ELECTRICAL fashion" spirit of' helping, the direct~on of Notre Dame.. . Contradon o one; of the very fair should be Enthusiastic about the Pope's special events of the "summer of choice of a site in the Holy Land, O'Shaughnessy cited its signifi- '72"! I cance as a holy center for Juda- ST. STANISLAUS, I ism and Islam as well as Chris- FALL RIVER tianity. The parish will start conduct"Rome is too Catholic," he ing bingo games' on ,1\1esd~y said. "London is too' Anglican." evening, Aug. 1 at 7 0 clock In And the site is "right on the road the air-conditioned school hall. 944 County St. where Mary and Joseph walked The kitchen will }je open prior New Bedford' to Bethlehem." to the start of the evening's play.
American Donor Visits.Holy Land The ology Center .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
IRight to Development' Is Global Responsibility
When the Atlantic world had gone through 30 to 40 years of rapid technological industrial development-in the late 1830s-conditions were so terrible, towns so' overcrowded and lethal, factories so dangerous, wages so low that the "hungry" 1840s were times of continuous un- ed from all power of helping to shape the world economic sysrest, ending in the revolu- tem on which their livelihood tionary explosions of 1848. largely depends, What could they Today in the world at large, 30 or 40 years of even more rapid technological change has produced even worse conditions.,
do if, as in August, 1971, the largest and wealthiest stateAmerica - suddenly increased tariffs by 10 per cent, cut aid by 10 per cent and then devalued the dollar in which many poorer countries hold their reserves? By Equally, what influence do they or can they have in such BARBARA international institutions as the International Monetary Fund WARD (IMF) or the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) in which rich nations have the dom. inant position, yet which may be the forum next year for discussT~o oillion people are under- ing a new framework for world nourished. A quarter of the work trade? force in some cities is without New Instrument employment. Lives are half as long as in the developed world. Nor is this simply a matter of Yet, it is the judgment of the governmental powerlessness. In Synodal document Justice in the the last 15 years, the developed World that this situation, far . world has produced a new ecofrom being inevitable or incurnomic instrument:- the vast able or simply historical, is a multi-national corporations.' The ' flagrant abuse of a fundamental largest of them have annual human right, the "right to deincom,es greater than all but a velopment." dozen nation-states and although In developed societies, over they do not all operate in develthe last 25 years, most people, oping lands, they dominate world in spite of pockets of gross povmarket channels, new technology erty, have at least the food and and, above all, research. health and literacy that are at They are in a position to modthe root of any basic concept of ify the economic and technologhuman dignity and development. This change has come about in ical environment of the whole part because wealthier and more planet by perpetual innovation. fortunate citizens have accepted The poorer two-thirds of manthe need for taxation to finance kind, lacking skills and trained manpower, has to blunder along more equal opportunity. In part, it has sprung from the behind. This situation cannot be put democratic vote which enables the mass of the people to have right by a simple continuance of some say in the processes of gov- the present balance of economic ernment. In part, it has followed forces. There is, in the Bishops' on strong action for self-help phrase, no "deterministic and through trade unions, and automatic notion of progress." through the spread of social Things will not improv.e if the rich go on piling up wealth and ideals of greater equality. control and relying on enough Poorer Nations Protest "trickle down" of wealth to help It is this whole element of the billions below. social sharing and justice, of parGlobal Polltical Right ticipation and self-determination and of underlying equality that ,A "trickle-down" approach is almost completely lacking to- cannot break the "systematic 'day at the planetary level. On barriers and vicious "circles which the contrary; in the Bishops' ,oppose" the world's coll~ctive words: "If the developing nations advance. Uncorrected, unreformand regions do not attain liber- ed markets simply reinforce, the ation through development, there strength of the already powerful isa real danger'that the condi- and the already rich. It happened tions of life created especially in the 183o.'s and the 1840's. It by colonial domiriation may is happening again today. evolve into a new form of coloSo we come back to politicsnialism in which the developing the politics of vision, justice and nations will be the victims of generosity on the part. of. the the interplay of international rich, the politics of self determination, self help and, when economic forces." At the recent and fairly disas- necessary,' of confrontation on trous third meeting of the United the part of the poor. The "right Nations Conference on Trade to development" will not be and Development held at San- achieved simply as a by-product' tiago de Chile, the repeated pro- of. economic change. It has to be test of the poorer nations was accepted as a global political precisely that they were exclud- right and responsibility. It has to be seen not only in terms of satisfying basic human needsSenate Candidate food, shelter, schooling, work. MUSCATINE (NC) - Sister We have to add an extra dimenEleanor Anstey of the Sisters of sion-the dignity of participation Humanity, first nun ever to run and a ~hare in decision-making. for a state office in Iowa, has We make an obeisance to the filed for the Democratic nomina- idea in the United Nations. We do not make it work. tion for the State Senate.
ALL AGES WELCOME BISHOP TO TERCEIRA: From the young to the old, animation was the theme as the Ordinary of Fall River met the parishioners on an island across 'the Atlantic.
Pope Congratulates 'New Patriarch VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has assured the new Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople "that in the bishop of Rome you wiU always find a loving brother." The Pope also discpatched a special delegation to Patriarch Dimitrios' installation as successor to Patriarch Atheagoras, who, died July 7. At the head of it was Archbishop Salvatore Asta, apostolic pronuncio to Turkey. With him at the ceremony was Father Pierre Duprey, W.F., undersecretary of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. The Pope's telegram to Patriarch Dimitrios read: "At the moment when you are taking on a heavy burden in the service of Christ's church we are determining to express to Your Holiness that in the bishop of Rome you will always find a loving brother who desires to continue to progress toward the day so greatly, desired by your great predecessor when our fully refound unity will be sealed." The new patriarch was described by a Catholic official as '''in precisely the' same spiritual lineage as Athenagoras." The official said: "As a past,or, this man always brought out the full meaning of that word: a shepherd. "He will certainly continue the good relations with Rome achieved by his predecessor." The Holy Synod of the Eastern
Msgr. D~ncy Named Seminary 'Rector DARLINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Harold P. Darcy has been named to succeed Msgr. William F. Hogan as rector.of Immaculate Conception Seminary here in New Jersey. Msgr. Hogan resigned as head of the major seminary of the Newark archdiocese for health reasons. Msgr. Darcy served as secretary of the apostolic delegation in Washington from 1961 to 1971. He has been administrator in a Bayonne parish for the last year.
Orthodox Churrh elected 58-yearold Metropolitan Dimitrios as new Ecumenical patriarch of the 250-million member Church. He succeeds Patriarch Athenagoras who died recently. Patriarch Dimitrios, who was made archbishop only' five
Discuss p'roblems Of Aging, Dying NOTRE DAME (NC) - Dying and the problems of the aged will be discussed at an Institute on Religion and Aging sponsored by the Indiana Council of Churches and the Indiana Catholic Conference. The institute, to be held at the University of Notre Dame Oct. 23-25, will'l>e attended by professionals in pastoral care, sociology and the care of the elderly. Thomas Morgan, associate director of Catholic Charities of the Indianapolis archdiocese, described goals of the conference as increasing understanding of the needs of the dying from a "psycho-social" and theological perspective; expanding aware路 ness among professionals, including priests and ministers, of the questions and problems of aged who are dying; and developing creative forms of ministry to the aged and dying.
months ago, won 12 of 15 votes of the members of the Holy Synod after the Turkish government vetoed lhe candidacy of outspoken Metropolitan Meliton, reported to be the synod's favorite choice as successor. Advocate of Unity :Patriarch Dimitrios is sa'id to have been the personal choice of the vetoed candidate. Informants say that Metropolitan Meliton, who is a strong advocvate of Orthodox unity, will advise the new patriarch in most matters. Patriarch Dimitrios is essentially a pastoral cleric with little experience in. matters of state, they said. The new patriarch, 269th successor to St. Andrew, will be known as Dimitrios I. He is the former archbishop of Imbros and Tenedos, Turkish islands at the entrance to the Dardanelles. A theoiogian and former teacher of classical Greek, Patriarch Dimitrios is described as a self-effacing man of great spirituaHty. Born Dimitrios Papadopoulos ill Istanbul, he began theological studies at the age of 17 at the island monastery and seminary of Halki. In 1937 he was ordained a deacon. Three years later he was ordained a priest. He speaks French, Greek and Turkish.
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T~E ANCHOR~Dioceseof
Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972 '.
Fiv~ Talents Amid the Sacred A rich cult or worship produces a rich culture. Money alone simplY creates vulgarity. Our industrial nations are rich in money but poor in culture. The thea'ter is tired - sometimes too j weary to put on clothes, let alone costumes. Films displ~y astonishing technique but ~on't have much to say about I the richness of the human spiri,t. Our films generally settle for pageantry or skin or . 1 VIO ence. iI tl@lMH@wmIMii@Kf.r I
. I
: I
The best sellers speak of man's remorseJess: loneliness and the .. savage god; of suicide. Artists and poets outdo each other to reveal the ~crambled emptiness of our souis. The message is: How can there be culture when the spiritual' life of the people is starved? I A normal1ground for schooling in spiritual I values is worship. The act of cult inspires the cul-. ture. The cult experience sho'uld be a training area for acquiring the spiriai talents needed to create the high: quality of life called culture. Thel secular world needs for its' humaneness and nobility the spiritual talents gained in .the world of the sacred. Instead ofl culture, we have the ~bsurdity qf anti-culture. The secular world needs for its hu. maneness artd nobility the spir. . . itual talents I gained in the world of the sacred. . Instead oflculture, we have the absurity' o( anti-culture. The quality of life should enrapture us; instead we are dazed by the quantity of; goods.. We eat a stone, smile~ and call it bread. Why be startled that· our chil-
~etting I
We might' ask ourselves how our lives cani compare to the bea· can light. How can we be a source of hope in an otherwise· dark, starless world? Somewhere, sometime, someone is 'going to
dren ape us and get stoned? Creator Source of Creativity We Catholics ought to know better. For centuries a glowing culture emerged from the Eucharistic gatherings. Every imaginable creative form surged from the spiritual fire ignited at worship. The majesty of the Byzantine, the soaring prayer of the Gothic, the cosmic nobility of the Romanesque, the ecstacy of the Baroque, the soul of expanding chant and heart bursting polyphony, the windows, the paintings, the vestments, the sculpture, the drama - all these erupted from ~he foaming spiritual energies stirring in the heart of worship. Where today is our Michelangelo, our Palestrina, our Da Vinci? The talents that give rise to such creativity lie deep in the worship event. Is not God the creator stilI the source of creativity? New Burst of Culture Our anti-culture offers us a vision of hell. We must initiate a new burst of culture by a vision of heaven that strives to make man reach beyond himself instead of groveling below his nature. Worship teaches five talents or habits that will enable a new culture. These are a love for life, a wiid amazement at life's richness, an unquenchable' faith in God, a militant moral consc\ence, a high priority on performance. . The anti-culture promotes the opposite habits, namely, a preoccupation with death, boredom with life's· marvelous variety, doubt i:md despair as ideals, the repudiation of moral depth and the substitution ~ of image for substance. It accuses religion of soaring over life like' an angel, only to solve the problem by burrowing under it like. a male. Cultural Event The beauty of Catholic worship is that it brings together the divine and the human' so that the. Turn to Page Eighteen
Our Light Shine
The night ,is dark and starless. The airport I is 'out of the ray of the city lights, all that .can be seen is a beacon-light' shining from a tower. This is the only guide for the safe landing of incoming airpl~nes.
look to us for that kind of guidance. Maybe we will not have all the answers. All we really need to give is whatever we can. No one expects us to be walking encyclopedias filled with remedies for all ills. All that is expected is that we take some time to became familiar' with the probems life poses for others. Christopher Slogan "It's better to light one candle than to' curse the darkness" can well be applied here. The one candle we light may be a mone~ tary offering to help the hope· lessly needy. The one light may be giving a meal to someone who otherwise would not have one. . The one light could be to visit the sick or elderly who no one else takes time to visit. Turn to Page Seventeen
By DR. LAWRENCE LOSONCY Many people have made the mistake of measuring parish . wealth in terms of money or land value. Considering that there are 18,000 parishes, and estimating the national average parish annual budget to be $200,000, only about three and a ha'1f billion are involved. Most of these dolla,rs go into operating expenses. The little which is left could hardly be considered significant in a. country whose gross national product is nearing the trillion mark. No, the real wealth of a parish lies elsewhere: in its people. If a parish numbers 500 families, its wealth includes 500 prime communities, each with a life, a dynamic, a purpose, 'and 'a richness. Inside each' of these communities young people are being guided by older people; love is bubbling up every day like clear cold water coming up from the springs in a lake.. Inside each of these communities relationships are being formed and deepened . every day, relationships between husband and wife, parent and child; brother and sister. These relationships are stronger and longer lasting than even the 'links of forged steel chains, for these links will last for eternity and cannot be broken even by death itself. Parish is Link As one family links with another, an energy is created that develops into a force for good or evil almost instantly. Family links with family, group meets group, neighborhoods.are formed, friends and enemies emerge, sexual by-play and attraction abounds, life throbs a little faster with each passing day. People in thei'r myriad relationship, their primal communities, and their numerous, ever-shifting secondary communal relationship of friendship, business, interest, recreation, economic concerns, and convenience form the true wealth of a parish. A parish is nothing if it is not the larger community of its.peopie. The parish, because it is a slice of life at any present time, is an important and powerful force for the future. Because its roots lie in the past and its legitimate identity comes from ,the diocese and church at large, the parish is a link with the past, a source of heritage, tradition, identity, and vision. The parish is the face of the future and the edge of the past because it is people who are alive, people living in communities of one sort or another. Learning Resources . The learning resources within a parish, then, are nearly beyond estimate. With several thousand adults, think of the skills and experience which are pre~ent in every congregation! Doctors, counselors, teachers, nurses, home economists, lawyers, builders, tradesmen, craftsmen, artists, parents; the list is endless. The parish contains, in its peo-
CHRISTOPHER fVlOTTO: "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." NC Photo. pIe, thousands of years of experience in teaching, raising children, oaripg for the sick, growing in marriage, 'wttnessing illt faith. A parish's resources for education and for joint effort of any kind are limited only by the ex-
tent to which its resources are kept frozen or locked ,up, through -lack of leadership, lack of communication, lack of co·ordina· tion or lack of an environment or atmosphere, which encour. Page Seventeen Turn
A (ontinuing Tradition
Those who have seen either the stage or film version oJ "Fid<Her on the Roof" will remember its stirring choral-d~nce number, "Tradition." In many ways, that song summarizes the total. story of this Jewish community in the heart of Russia-a people bound to the past, yet coping with de-· mands of the present.
places in historical and theological perspective the 1570 Missal of Pius V and the 1970 Missal of Paul VI. ·It demonstrates how "the Church faithfully fulfills its responsibility as the teacher of truth to guard the 'old'. that is" the deposit of tradition. At the same time, it fulfills another responsibility~ that of examining and prudently introducing the 'new'" (cf. Matt. 13:52). Unchanging Faith By A to Unchanging Faith. The Church's rule of FR. JOSEPH M. prayer (our reformed liturgy) must conform and correspond to CI:fAMPLIN the Church's u!1changing rule of faith. After the initial publication of the new liturgical rites, espe~rnmlW~"l:··· cially the Mass, some critics at· As Roman Catholics we must tacked these revisions and .follow' a somewhat similar path. claimed they departed from this . We, too, have deep roots i.n his· unchanging rule of faith. Pope tory, a rich tradition and need Paul, in the first portion of his to guard jealously those truths introduction, refutes that charge. which have been handed down He reviews key ~octrines into us by our fathers. Yet, like volved (the sacrificial nature of the confused, but loving parent the Mass, the Real Presence of in "Fiddler," we live in contem· Jesus under the eucharistic speporary times and should adapt cies, the distinctive nature of the to changing circumstanc,~s as priestly ministry) and shows long as we can pteserv·e our how the renewed liturgy priceless heritage intact. strengthens, rather than weakens Our Holy Father, almost at the these beliefs. The pope does. however, stress last minute, aQded an introduction to the General Instruction what we commonly call the of the revised Roman Missal. -priesthood of the laity, the canThis brief preface·like section Turn to Page Eighteen
THE ANCHORThurs., July 27, 1972
Biographies of Authors Sho~ Many Contrasts
Charge Unfair Labor Practices
In the course of her lifetime (1775-1817) Jane Austen's earnings from all her books amounted to only 671 pounds, 16 shillings. Her novels rank among the unique classics in the English language. John P. Marquand (1893-1960) became a millionaire from As a wealthy man, Marquand the sales of his far less imcould enjoy privileges, and enter pressive and durable fiction. precincts, form':!rly barred to him. This is one of the contrasts He was a snob and inordinately
which strike the reader of The self-centered. He was also stingy Late John Marquand by Stephen in dealing with others, although Birmingham (Lippincott, E. providing luxuriously for himWashington Sqr., Philadelphia,. ~t . His two marriages were disastrous. He may. have chosen lInwisely, but he treated his wives By abominably. With his five children he had very little. to do. RT. REV. That he was a philanderer and 'had various affairs, the book MSGR. suggests. One long-continued and bizarre affair is sympathetJOHN S. ically presented. But the justifiKENNEDY cation attempted by the surviving person reads like dialogue for a TV soap opera. Jane Austen Jane Austen's life was far Pa. 19105. $10) and Only A simpler than Marquand's, yet in Novel: The Double Life of Jane Austen by Jane Aiken Hodge a way much more complicated. (Coward, McCann and Geoghe- Marquand was published as soon gan, 220 Madison Ave., N. Y. as he began writing, and quickly became able to devote himself 10016. $6.95). exclusively to his craft. Miss Anyone curious about the details of Marquand's life will find AusteTr,' on the other hand, was much to feed on in Mr. Birming- refused publication, was always ham's book but little to relish. It burdened with household tasks is much better to remain an ad- . and looking after relatives, and mirer of Marquand's best work had little leisure. Yet she profor example The Late George . duced masterpieces. She was, by the way, one of Apley, than to become acquaintMarquand's favorite authors, and ed with the novelist's unadmirable, even despicable, personal we are told that he carried around with him a dog-eared qualities. . ·'Marquartd was of'an old New copy of _ Pride. .and Prejudice. England family. His earliest Thi~ does him credit, especially years were graced with plenty. in view of the fact that he made But after his reckless father be- silly derogatory remarks about came insolvent, the boy was others of his literary betters., Skimpy Material sent to live with parsimonious Mrs. Hodge had her work cut and crotchety old aunts in Newburyport, Mass. He progressed out for her when she attempted to Harvard. where he was out- a biography of Jane Austen. The side the select upper circle. He . material available is quite was also beyond the pale to the skimpy. One reason for this is Boston Brahmins. Neither exclu- that Miss Austen was little read sion pleased him. and little regarded until she had Simple Formula been dead more than 50 years. Graduated, he worked for She was a copious letter writer, awhile on a newspaper, went to but many of her letters had been the Mexican border in the Mas- destroyed by the time, long after sachusetts Militia in 1916 and to her death, that a first biography France in the army in World was attempted. Inevitably, the present book War 1. After 1918, he became a copy-writer for a New York ad- is marked by a great deal of conjecture and supposition. The auvertising agency. Reading the short stories in the thor .has· to deal in probabilities Saturday Evening Post, he dis- and likelihoods, in "could have covered that many of them ex- been's" and "must have been's." emplified a simple formula. He But she remains within the limits concocted a piece to its specifi- of the plausible an.d the reason· cations, and the Post snapped it able. She has no axe to grind, up. The Marquand career was' and the occasional theory which she proposes is convincing. launched. Omnivorous Reader He moved on to serials, at first costume roman'ces, later the Jane Austen was a parson's celebrated Mr. Moto suspense daughter, one of a large family and' mystery tales. These were in frugal circumstances. The subsequently published in hard Austen household seems to have covers. By 1922 Marquand was been a happy one, and it surely an established success. Movie was a cultivated one. Every evesales swelled his income. ning there was reading aloud, Wealthy Man by the light of the single affordBy now, he was dictating his able candle, and what was read fiction to a secretary, and was was generally of excellent qualspared the :abor of pen or type- ity. The girl had a slight formal writer. I think it was Edmund education, yet she can be said Wilson who said that a Mar- to have been well educated. quand novel had no form, but She began to write when she was simply a pile of manuscript. was not yet 12. By this time she One can see how just was his had become an omnivorous observation. Very likely the fact reader, especially of novels, and that the books were dictated had she early tried something in that much' to do with their flatness. genre herself. Her first com-
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Results of an election among lay teachers in Philadelphia diocesan elementary schools still have not determined whether the group wants to be represented by the Association of Catholic Teachers. The teachers voted 646 no and 410 yes, with 363 more votes being contested.
PARISH FAMILIES ARE LINKS: I These community relationships are stronger and longer lasting than even the links of forged steel chains, for these links will last for eternity and cannot be broken even by death itself. NC Photo. .
Letting Our Light Shine Continued from Page Sixteen. Our types of lights can be multiplied over a:ld over. No one needs to do everything. Each one can do something. It is these signs of hope we give to others, that make life worth living both for us and for the hopeless. Christ in speaking of· light says: "Let your light shine before men in order that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
(Mt: 5:16) If we do, others will see it as their beacon-light to life. The light we give may be the only light shining in others' darkened lives. It seems that to put on Christ means to put on his spirit of living light. Just as the light of Christ is brought in procession into the Church on Holy Saturday, may our light radhte Christ to the. world as we walk in the daily procession of life. Then "darkness will no longer have dominion over tht) world."
pleted work, ['ntitled First Impressions, was offered to a publisher when she was 21; it was turned down. When, many years later, it -was published in revised form, it was called Pride and Prejudice. The rebuff did not deter her. She went right on with her writing, novel after novel. A second attempt at publication, when she was 27, also was unsuccessful, as was a third when she was 33. She was 35 when, at last, Sense and Sensibility was accepted.
The Real Wealth
Limited Public At the time, Jane Austen had only six more years to live. In that period several of her books books reaChed the public, a quite limited public, !lnd none Of these books bore her name. She chose to be published anonymously. Her works got very few reviews, and as has been said, brought hE;r very little money. Her worth was ,to be recognized only decades later. Mrs. Hodge does not discuss the matter of the mo'ney which the Austen books have, for the past 100 years, made for other people. It would be interesting to have some idea of the amount and of the beneficiaries. Marquand could set the conditions of work for himself. Jane Austen, however, was always at the. mercy of others. She had hardly any privacy. She always shared a room with a sister, and there were always visitors in the house, including noisy children. She produced some of the most polished, acute social comedy in a.ll English fiction, with an underlying stratum of serious reflection. for example on good and evil. Her life suggested little of the brilliance of her writing.
Continued from Page Sixteen ages people to work together, to hang together instead of hanging separately. Storehouse of Knowledge So strong is the learning impact of a family, neighborhood, and parish community that the young are forever' stamped with the values and beliefs into which they are born Dnd among which they 'grow up. So strong is the educational impact which people exert upon one another in their communities that adults, no matter what their age, will change their attitudes, alter their convictions, and modify their value if others around them exert day-in and day-out influence to do so. It is in the parish that accumulated wisdom, storehouses of knowledge, and the fruit of experience can be called forth and shared. The reason for this is because in a parish, people are important.
The Assode-tion of Catholic Teachers made 17 election complaints, including three directed against State Labor Relations Board representatives who observed the voting. The majority of the charges protest unfair archdiocesan labor practices that union leaders say "intimidated" teachers. The union, which already represents lay high school teachers, complained that pastors and principals "took advantage of teachers, especially 18, 19 and 20-year-olds who are dedicated to the schools" by threatening them with their jobs if they supported the union. Assistant Superintendent of Schools Thomas Forkin coun,tered by saying that "the charges are unfounded" and represent "a last desperate attempt to salvage something from the ill-advised election under Act 195." Act 195, the Public Employee Relations Act, was a point of major dispute in the election. Archdiocesan officials contend that the act is an intrusion of the state into the business of the ChurCh. The union disputes the claim. .'
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THE-ANCHOR-Diocese, of Fall River-Thurs. July 27, 1972
Favors Rational Approach i • To ,Problem of Ecology There are two ways to alert people to serious problems. Th;e fir,st is to try to terrify them; the second is. to discuss ~he problem with them rationally and try to explain all'its implications. The latter technique takes time, patience,: and persistence; incredibly felkitous pi-o'se that the form~r can be done very marks all of Lady Jackson's quickly. lIn times of great books, Only One Earth may just urgency, I concerned men be the most important book to and
women frequently find inclined to the first only because urgency seems to ~emand speed. ,
themselve~ strategy, i~
By I
REV. I ANDREW M.::::::} I ::::,:,' GREELEy I
appear in 1972. ,Variety of Solutions
A paragraph' (on pages 139 and 140)' will give the flavor Larry Kearney~ 10, of Craigville Rd., Hyannis shares a popof both the rationality and the sicle with his pet racoon, Black Mask. The racoon, who concern of ~he book. "People was found in a closet of the Kearney's home, also eats find themselves caught up in chocolate covered ice cream pops. NC Photo. ' single-thrust solutions no growth or all growth, zero population or no family constraints, ' no market or no planning, no hope or no problem. But if we ,Priests in England Urged to Do J~ore model ourselves in this debateas in most other human activiTo 'Prom,ate Ecumenism ties-on our ecological systems, LONDON (NC)-Catholic au- drawn nearer to our Anglican we find, truly, that we do not achieve balance by anyone line thorities in England and Wales brethren." The recent "substantia.! agreeor solution but by a careful in- ,told priests that some of them terweaving of a great variety of ,are not doing enough to forward ment" on the Eucharist reached by a joint body of, Catholic and partial solutions which added the cause of ecumenism, Anglican theologians "has been together do not produce definiAn official booklet sent to tive answers-nature is too dy- clergy here said that the role of an historical milestone on the namic for anything so secure- the priest is crucial for real road to unity," it said. Many priests and laity, it said, but give us the possibility of pro- progress toward Christian unity, ceeding without disaster, collect- but that the present insignificant are active in ecurhenical groups ing, reconsidering, backtracking, Catholic movement stems from getting to know each other as Christian people or involved in advancing, observing, and in- lack of clerical leadership. joint social action. venting as we go." Many priests in this country, In ecumenical work the priest The ecological enthusiasts will the booklet said, have understood has 'to inspire genuine enthusiunquestionably be offended by the importance of the work for asm in his people or the call for such a paragraph. But the vast ecumenism and some real prog- ecumenical effort will fall on majority of us, befuddled by the ress has been made by priests deaf ears, the booklet said. Some complexities of science, can only and laity over the past 10 years, Catholic laity take their own welcome both the sense and the "We can honestly say that initiative, but the ~ajority wait concern of Professor Ward's Catholics are really discovering for a lead from their priests and emphasis. Christ in other Christians," it bishops, it explained. said, but ther added: "We must Hopeful Book also say with the same honesty No one will be able to write that in many parts of the counContinued from ~age Sixteen off Only One Earth as an opti- try Catholic involvement in the mistic book, but it is hopeful; ecumenical movement is not sig- human may absorb from the dia hope which surely manifests nificant. ' vine the talents ne!lded to make Professor Ward's Christian'ity "When this is the case there is life a rich experience-a cultural even though she never mentions without any doubt a widespre'ad event. The very' sacramental explicitly either God or Christ. feeHng that the cause is lack of quality of worship trains the community to intermingle the The concluding words of the vol- leadership by the clergy. human, the cosmic and the ume beautifully state that hope, "The question now before us divine as a matter' of course. "That man can experience, .. It is: is this true?" transformation is not in doubt. can hardly be a surprise that The booklet was issued by the the most dazzling I culture bubFrom family to clan, from clan to nation, from nation to federation National Ecumenical Commission bles up from people who love - such enlargements of alle- and has' the full support of the life, believes passionately in the giance have occurred, without Catholic bishops. divine presence" struggle for wiping out the earlier loves. Tomoral greatness an,d speU it all It says that the English and day in human society, 'we can Welsh bishops, three years be· out in daily performance. perhaps hope to survive in all fore the Second Vatican CounWe did it before. We can do our prized diversity provided we cil's call for Christian unity, were it again. We need not let an antican achieve an ultimate loyalty taking positive steps along this culture dry out our spirit. The to our single, beautiful, and vul- road . Spirit of God aw~its us at wornerable Earth. But progress since then, it said ship to communicate the origin "Alone in space, alone in its "has been steady but unspectac- of all creativitv and culture. Our problems is n~t that we are too supporting systems, powered ular." far away from the source. Rather by inconceivable energies, mediDetailing this progress the we are so close we don't see it. ated into us through the most booklet says: Why not take a look? delicate adjustments, wayward, "We have set up the necessary unlikely, unpredictable, but nour· structures at diocesan and naishing, enlivening, and enriching tional level. Each diocese now in the largest degree-is this not has its ecumenical commission a precious home for all of us and each diocese is represented earthlings? Is it not worth our on the national commission. At love? Does it not deserve all the • Savings Bank Life Insurance the international level we have inventiveness and courage and • Real Estate Loans generosity of which we are cap• Christmas and Vacation Clubs able to preserve it from degra'New Editor dation and destruction and, by • Savings Accounts, NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Hardoing so, to secure our own sur- old J. Ledet, acting editor of the • 5 Convenient Locations vival?" Clarion Herald since February, No intelligent American, with has been named edHtor of the NEW BEDFORD any sense of his responsibility archdiocesan paper here. He refor such a vision, can possibly places Millard F. Everett who fo~ not read Only One Earth. died June 22.
Role Is Critical'
Thus, we were repeatedly warned dJring the 1960s that unless som~thing was- done about the racial problem American so~ ciety would be literally torn apart. we are being warned presently that it is almost too late to prevent ecological disaster. The rnetoric of terror is defended on the grounds that only when humans are terrified, do they respond rationally. In fact, the rhetoric of terror is simply abe more manifestation of the temptation of intellectual and cultural elites to impose their will dn those who are less intelligent br less educated than they are (a ta~tic manifest in many of tHe McGovern enthusiasts in the presidential campaign though not manifested by the senator himself). LJnatic Fringe I
, The evid~nce is pretty persuasive that such rhetoric of terror is counterproductive. The econuts may h~ve succeeded in mobilizing sOJ1le of their own kind but works like the Meadows' report of PatH Erlich's The Population Bomb, while they may frighten divinity school professors, some elite college students, and the subscribers to the New York Revi~w of Books, have contributed I substantially to identifying in :the minds of most Americans I environmental concern with t~e political and social lunatic fri~ge. As Dostoevski remarked somewhere in The Possessed, the eco-nuts are the kind of peqple "':.ho caricaturize everything with which they have become involved. , Under such circumstances, the appearance 'of Only One Earth: The Care a*d Maintenance of a Small Plan~t by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubois is a most welcome event. Professors Ward and Dubois: are not Pollyannas. They are well aware of the - emergency of environmental concerns but neither do they engage in the rhetbric of terror. They , patiently an? clearly explain the nature of the problems, point out the hopeful :signs as well as the disturbing symptoms, direct the reader'satt~ntion towards the multiple strategies that. are available for taking care of our small planet. Written with the I I
Continuea from Page Sixteen cept that "all believers share in one royal priesthood." He notes that this truth 'and the consequences which flow from it "have come to be overlooked in the course of time." It and they must now be brought back into proper perspective so that the eucharistic celebration once more can become the action of the whole Church with each individual taking "his own full part and only his part." . Unbroken Tradition A Witness to Unbroken Tradition. The Second Vatican Coun~ cil, in directing the restoration of our Mass, used the same phrase, "to the ancient usage of tile holy Fathers," which St. Pius V employed when he promulgated the Tridentine Missal of 1570. Our present Holy Father points out in this preface how his missal of 1970 complements the older edition and how, although separated by four centuries, "both embrace one and the same tradition." Extensive scholarship since the sixteenth century has made it clearer what actually was this ancient usage of the holy Fathers. In addition, peoples' attitudes, which made certain qesirable, modifications impossible in 1570, have in many instances ch!j.nged today. For example introduction of the vernacular during the peI riod of Pius V could have been taken as a denial of the Latin Mass's validity. In our times some might prefer that language, but I think they probably would not judge its, replacement with English as a matter of doctrinal concern. Modern Adaptation Adaptation to Modern Condi· tions. While Our Holy Father takes great care to defend the traditional character of the 1970 Roman Missal, he does not hesi· tate to assert that "it marks a major step forward in liturgical tradition." 'The Vatican II Fathers, he says, "spoke'to a far different age in the world's history." Because of that, their di· rectives for the revised liturgy opened the door for significant reforms which could make Roman Catholic worship more suitable for the, faithful of our time. Pope Paul cites, as illustrations, general permission for use of the vernaciJlar, the new norms for Communion under both kinds, the language of ritual prayers, and, interestedly, the ideal that the laity communicate "under elements consecrated at that same sacrifice." I wonder how well this final recommendation has been impleme,nted in the United States. Matters are better than they were a decade ago, to he sure, but I would venture a guess tnat more hosts still are distributed from the tabernacle than from the altar.
Five Talents
Check rhe,se Banking Services
.Spanish Speaking Council Plan Gets Support
rHE ANCHORThurs., July 27, 1972
Hold Colloquium In Hong Kong
WASHINGTON (NC)-The director of the U. S. Catholic ConHONG KONG (NC)-A twoference (USCC) division for the week experiment in crossSpanish-speaking has "wholecultural communications is beheartedly" endorsed a governing "lived" here by 26 Englishment official's proposal for a naspeaking Jesuit:> from 12 Asian tional council of Spanish-speak- . and Western countries to help ing organizations. them meet the needs of their Establishing such a council "is own and other religious bodies the only way that the Hispano in a new and rapidly changing community. is going to have any world. kind of impact ... socially, politically and religiously;" said The project is known as ColPaul Sedillo, the USCC division loquium II and, according to its head. director, Father Gordon George, Phillip V. Sanchez, director of S.J., a wiry and intense Romanthe U. S. Office of Economic Opbased Canadian, "nothing quite portunity (OEO), proposed the like this has ever been attempted council at a national convention before." of the League of United Latin American Citizens in Beaumont, It aims, he noted, to attain the Tex. "much deeper level of spiritual, TAKING COURSES IN PORTUGUESE: Lessons in Portuguese language and culture psychological and cultural under"The time has come for all of us to speak as one voice so that are being given to priests and seminarians at Cathedral Camp and St. Vincent de Paul .standing that many feel the fuour aspirations may be heard. Camp. At Cathedral Camp, Edmund Rego of So. Dartmouth, a seminarian at St. Mary's ture will demand." listened to and understood," Baltimore and course teacher, holds a demonstration class for Rev. Robert C. Donovan Sanchez said. Be proposed a The goals of Colloquium II national level, non-partisan coun- of St. John's, Attleboro and Rev. Ambrose Forgit, SS.CC. of Our Lady of the Assumption, cover three major areas: commucil consisting of the executive New Bedford, Right: Rev. Robert .F. Kirby of Holy Family, East Taunton and Rev. Rene nity, communications and culhoards of major Spanish-speak- R. Levesque. of Our Lady of Grace, Westport reviewing Mr. Rego's lecture notes. ture. It aims to sharpen awareing organizations. .ness -of the blocks to communiSedillo noted that a new lobcation and to feed back this bying organization for the Spanheightened awareness into a conish-speaking-called Rassa~was sideration of the problems of formed recently in Washington. CAMPBELLFORD (NC)-While feet, looked at the ground smil- their own lives and in the world. communication, adaptation and Unified Team the threat of riots hung heavy ing. It also marked the end of change "within the world-wide A national council of Spanish- . over several prisons in the In a small compound of Wark- month's of planning by about 40 Jesuit organization," .speaking organizations would United States, inmates at the worth Federal Penitentiary, more inmates who wanted to invite It also aims to equip partici"crystallize priorities in the Canadian federal penitentiary than 350 people-inmates, cler- 150 people, ranging in ages from Spanish-speaking community," here expressed themselves' in a gymen, officers, young women 20 to 50, into their prison to pants to return to their own and parents - were standing in explore the theme of Christian cultural setting with techniques he said, and Rassa could then different way. the shape of a peace symbol with Freedom and Peace in their lives. for putting their experience at "translate and articulate these Something was happening. needs to Congress so that there A sister, a Youth Corps volun- their heads bowed, praying Billed as the "First Annual the service of others in their own could be some effective change." teer and a black convict were praying for peace. Youth Corps Day," the inmates immediate situation. The council idea was also en- linked arm in arm. Ecumenical Day of the medium security instituHong Kong was selected as dorsed here by Dr. Henry RaA man in a wheel chair cried It was the climax of a day tion near Belleville organized the the site for the project, explained mirez, chairman of· President softly. which had seen more than 200 ecumenical day to center around Father George, for reasons of Nixon's Cabinet Committee on A pigeon circled the compound prisoners of a total inmate pop- group discussions, skits, music language, clim'lte, housing, culOpportunities for Spanish-Speak- an landed on a parapet. . ulation ·of 320 serving sentences and an outdoor' barbecue. tural challenge and resources. ing People. • 'Really Concerned' A guard. stood in the corner of from two years to life, talking, "The Spanish-speaking must the yard, his arms folded across praying and reading poetry with The event -culminated a change band together as a unified team his chest, .staring impassively. members of the outside commu- in attitude which had been hapif we are to make our mark and A young inmate shuffled his nity on the need. for peace in pening within some inmates establish ourselves as a power to since Youth Corps first began holding small Christian workbe reckoned with," Ramirez said. Excavatin'g shops at Warkworth last January. Appeal Conviction Contractors John Fraser, 28, principal inFor Trespassing DETROIT (NC) - ' A circuit his mind, and he asked for his. mate organizer for the day and 9 ~ROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN NEWARK (NC)-A Jersey City court judge here has ordered a old job back. currently serving three years for 992-4862 priest will join 17 other defend- group of dem0nstrators to reWhen about 15 demonstrators emblezzlement, said he was ants in appealing a trespassing move themselns and their camp- appe'ared at his private residence, sceptical of Youth Corps during conviction growing out of an ing equipment from Cardinal Cardinal Dearden met with them the first workshop. anti-war demonstration at the John Dearden's private property. and arranged a meeting with the "I didn't know what they Earle Naval Ammunition Depot The protestors, seeking the re- school board to reconsider Du- wanted," he said. early in June. "But since that time many of instatement of Joseph Dulin as lin's resignation. Father John P. Egan will base prinCipal of St. Martin De Porres us have begun to see that the Permits Picketing his appeal on the trespass law, High School, had been campe.d volunteers were really concerned The board' said it would conwhich forbids trespass for "pur- on the cardinal's lawn since June with building one-to-one rela~ sider Dulin's name along with tionships with us. poses prohibited by law and law- 17. other candidates for the job. But . ful regulation." He contends that "It surprised me when one of Dulin had been principal of 273 CENTRAL AVE. the purpose was not illegal since the predominantly black high on July 13 it voted 12-1 to ap- them said, 'I love you.' No one it was a protest against a war school here for five years when point Alvin Zackery, a high had ever said it to me that way school administrator in Battle 992-6216 which is illegal. before. A guy can't help but feel he resigned the post in April, He and the 16 others made noting that he was "tired of the Creek, Mich., to the post. more respect for himself when Circuit Court Judge Victor J. there is a group of people who NEW BEDFORD that point in the hearing before hassle." . Baum ruled July 17 that the Magistrate Lane but Lane rewant to understand him," In March 1971, a group of par- demonstrators - by now dwinfused to consider the argument, ents of Martin De Porres stu- dling to about eight personssaying "I do not wish to engage .......... ....... ......................... _...... in any debate on philosophy ot dents occupied a conference should leave the Cardinal's proproom adjoining Cardinal Dear- erty by that evening. theology." Agnes Ogg, housekeeper at Father Egan was one of about den's office for about a week 50 protestors arrested during the demanding a larger chunk of the Cardinal Dearden's residence, INC. demonstration after attempting _$230,000 the archdiocese had set and Joseph Horan, a gardener in 10 aside for education costs to halt traffic on the depot railthere, testified that the unsanitary conditions of the "camproad tracks. Most of the group inner city parishes. The school got the additional ing" area were disturbing them pleaded either guilty or no contest at a hearing before U. S. funds, but financial problems and some neighbors in the resiMagistrate Harry Lane here. and an unwillingness on the part dential area. They were fined $250 each. of some parents to support the Judge Baum said the demonThose, like Father Egan, who school financially have persisted. strators would be allowed to pleaded not guilty were fined Soon after the 15-member St. picket during daylight hours $250 and given 30-day jail terms Martin's school board had ac- on the public :;-idewalk in front which were to be suspe!1ded if cepted Dulin's resignation, he an- of the cardinal's residence. 363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. they remained on "good behav- nounced parents and students Dulin said the group would ior" for 90 days. had pressured him into changing comply with the court request. .;:J'l~~~",
Prisoners Find Way to Inner Peace
Judge Orders Demonstrators Off Cardinal Dearden/s Lawn
~ ~
.. I
20 ,
THE!ANCHOR-Diocese 'of Fall River-Thurs. July 27,1972 I I
Bishopl Mugavero's Anti-War Statem'ent Draws Criticism BROOKLYN (NC)-Letters reactin~ to Bishop Francis J. Mugavero's stat~ment against continued involv:ement in the Vietnam War haye been running a strong 3-1 against the bishop. The ,:aishop's pastoral letter appeared on: the front page of The Tablet, the diocesan newspaper, and was read at all diocI esan masses July 2. The letter, praised by the National Associa- tion of the, Uaity, criticized the escalation of Ibombing in North Vietnam as "an extension of an action which :long ago exceeded the limits of rrorality." . It endorsed Ian amnesty policy for draft evaders who have left the country and said that Catholic youth may claim conscien, tious objector status by virtue of religious I training. Bishop I Mugavero wrote that the "my country, right: or wrong" theory is not morall~- acceptable when :'thousands of Ihuman beings are suffering and, dying on both sides." I In response to the Bishop's statement, n~arly 100 letters poured into the Tablet's editorial office. A newspaper spokesman called -it the largest readership response to a :specific article in the paper's history. Answering I readers' requests for equal representation, The Tablet printed a sampling of th~ reactions on its front page July 13 as part of a continued "dialogue with the -Bishop." ,i Critici~e Timing I While many of the letters wholeheartedly! supported Bishop Mugavero, some' parishioners were critical of the timing of the anti-war statetnent. Many fel t that'the statement's proximity to the Democratie convention was an obvious attack' on the Nixon 'administration and unfair act of campaigning for the Democratic party. I According to a Tablet spokesman, one argument frequently voiced was the plea for an undy-
ing battle against Communism. Also mentioned was the certainty of 'a bloodbath following the withdrawal of American forces from Southeast Asia: Almost all letter:s condemning the Bishop's statement argued th11t the President has certain classified information that make his decisions more qualified. Therefore the U. S. public should back his policies up to preserve national unity. Many criticized his denouncement of the "my country, right or wrong" philosophy. ~ While a few readers cancelled their subscriptions or walked out of mass in protest, criticisms were levied at the reading of the letter at Mass since it exploited a "captive audience." In some isolated cases, priests a're reo ported to have refused a reading or discussion of the Bishop's letter in the July 2 Mass. Question Authority The 'general feeling among those readers responding unfavorably was that Bis~op Mugavero had gone outside the jurisdiction of the Church. Questions were raised as to whether the Bishop had the authority" to make decisions as to the morality of the war. Letters, which a Tablet spokesman termed "mostly sincere," are still arriving-now in response to other reader's comments. Those readers who approve of the Bishop's stand have praised the statement as a "Christlike pastoral," "relevant leadership," and "deeply Christian expression." Many. of the diocese's priests have written to express their pride in the Bishop. Though the Tablet's letters have been coming in at a rate of 3-1 against the Bishop, the newspaper's spokesman added that, ill matters such as this, parishioners in disagreement are usually more motivated to write a letter-to-the-editor.
, I
Theol~gian, Criticiz'es Progressive, Conser~Citive I
Extremes in Church-
LITTLE ROCK (NC) - Father Louis Bouyer, ~ member of the Vatican's Theological Commission, criticized :both progressive and traditionalis't extremes in the I Church. In a talk hereI to a group of • , con.servatlve Catholics, however, the french Oratorian concentrated his atta¢ks on progressives who think i"they are infallible, not the Pope." While Father Bouyer said that some national hierarchies seem to lack leadersHip, he said that last Fall's world Synod of Bishops in Rome may have marked "the start of a counter-reformation." The syn6d, which reaffirmed the trad,itional teaching_ on priestly celibacy, see'med to have realized that extreme progressives have reached a dead end, Father Bouier said. I "We have only two or three years to -do whilt the (Second Vatican) CounCil, wanted done," Father Bouyer said. The council had intended to bring the Church once more in contact with its origins, with the "living tradition" of CatholiCism, he said.
Father Bouyer said that French-speaking bishops of Africa had criticized the bishops of France for a failure of leadership. "It is clear," he said, "the Catholics of mission lands and probably those of Eastern Europe under Communist oppression are dissatisfied with what is going on in the Church of the old, 'still free nations of the West." Several progressive theologians were criticized by Father Bouyer, who said that Father Hans Kung was more of a journalist than a theologian. . He also critkized "integrists" as extreme conservatives, saying _they hang on to "late Medieval" aspects of the Church which are actually corruptions of the Church. Attending the three-day symposium here were representatives of Catholics United for the Faith, the Wanderer, national Catholic weekly, and several journalists and scholars. Retired Bishop Albert L. Fletcher of Little Rock als.:> att~nded several sessions.
"Latin Ame'rica Nuns
SANTIAGO (NC) - Today's nun in Latin America is undergoing a crisis of identity, often "not understanding her role in society, not knowing who she is ... and in danger of failing to fulfill her Church mission because of, her feelings of insecurity." This is a conclusion of "The Nun in Latin America Today," a survey of the attitudes and as-
Fac:e Identity Crisis
The CLAR study underlined pirations of the 131,000 Sisters in an area torn by social, eco- . the sociological importance of nomic, poIiticalal1d cultural the fact that approximately a quarter of the nuns in Latin discontent. America are non-native to the The study was sponsored by area. Though calling this "a necthe Latin American' Confeder- essarily laree-sized (foreign) conation of Religious (CI;.AR). It has tingent, given the actual circumbeen two and a half years in the .. stances of the Latin American making, and is based on exten- Church," the study deplored the sive research into the attitude of fact that most of the work pernuns at work on a wide variety formed by nuns in Latin Amerof jobs. ica is foreign-directed.
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