t eanc 0 VOL. 28, No. 29
$8 Per Year
~J CHD ~~fended
by blsh,ops
WASHINGTON (NC) .,- Fort' Worth Bishop Joseph IP. Delaney, a Fall River native, is one of two Texas bishops who have called on the Reagan adminstration to renounce a document highly critical of the Campaign for Hu man Development which the bishops say was written by the head of ACTION, a federal agency which coordinates volun teer programs. But a White House spokes I1'1an said it was "unlikely" the bishops' letters would receive any "significant" attention. Bishop Delaney and Bishop Charles V. Grahmann of Vic toria sent letters to President Reagan demanding action against the document, which attacks Campaign for Human Develop ment grant recipients. The cam paign is the U.S. bishops' domes tic anti-poverty program fund ed by an annual nationwide col lection. The document said the grant recipients were "leftist political activjsts." Accoroing to the two bishops and a· report in Our Sunday Visitor, national Catholic week ly, the document was circulated 'by Thomas, W. tPauken, ACTION director and longtime CHD critic. . Pauken, reached in Texas, re fused to comment on the 16-page POPE JOHN PAUL kI, left, makes sign of cross and prays with local ski instructors document and termed Our Sun before a downhill during an unannounced skiing holiday in the Northern Italian Alps, day Visitor's July 8 article on where the sport continues year-round. His style was described as "slow but sure" by a the controversy "one-sided." In a May 29 letter to Reagan, local youth who reported that the pope never fell during two hours of skiing on his first Bishop Delaney said he was "ap~ day at the resort. (NC/UPI Photo) palled by tWs attack on bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States" and called for the president to "immediately Father Kaszynski featured speaker repudiate it." "I assure you such an enter prise is guaranteed to have very negative impacts on the credi bility of .your administration," Bishop Delane~ said. Father Robert S. Kaszynski, Is My Beloved Son. Listen to Aug. 4. Bishop Delaney was born in Expected to draw over 10,000 pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Him." Sacred Heart parish, Fall River. Fall River, and diocesan liaison Boston Archbishop Bernard participants, it will have John His parents reside in Holy Name Fischer, a musician, teacher, au to the Charismatic Renewal, will Law wiH be pr-incipal concele parish, also in the city. He has . thor and lecturer, as a guest perbe a featured speaker at the brant of the convention's clos served in Texas since 1967, go Fourth New England General ing -liturgy at 1:30 p.m.. Aug. 5. former. Fischer has toured col ing to the diocese of Browns the past 14 lege campuses for Conference for the Renewal, Father Kaszynski has been ville at the request of the late to be held Aug. 3 through charismatic liaison since 1976 years, Ibringing the Christian Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, 5 at the Providence Civic Center. and has for many years conduct:' message to young adults through then the Brownsville Ordinary. word and song. He will speak at 9:30 a.m. Aug. ed retreats and renewal pro He was ordained bishop of Fort 5. grams in the United States, the . A healing service for youth Worth Sept. 13, 1981. «oly Land and Poland. be conducted by Barbara will A White House spokesman The conference, the largest re Schlemon, a director of the As . Youth Celebration said presidential aides open be gional gather-ing of U.S. charis sociation of Christian Therapists tween 15,000 and 20,000 pieces Also a feature of the confer matics, will draw huildreds of of mail sent to Reagan daily. attendees from ·the Fall River ence will be a youth celebration and a former member of the While the bishops' letters may Turn to Page Six diocese. Its theme will be "This beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday, ..
Charismatics to meet
receive some attention, the spokesman said, they would be "unlikely" to come to the presi dent's attention. Bishop Delaney said he re ceived the aUeged ACTION document from Bishop Gran mann. He s.aid the document, unsigned and stamped as "draft," was given by Pauken to a priest in the Diocese of Brownsville on the condition its contents would not be revealed until after it was published in final form. The document then was ob twned by Bishop John Fitzpat rick of Brownsville, Bishop De· lany said. executive director CHD Father Marvin A. Mottet said he never received a copy from Bish· op Fitzpatrick and only learned about the document in April, when a reporter lior the Browns ville Herald called him for com ment. The document implied Father Mottet was guilty of a conflict of interest because of his former member$hip in the Association of Community Organizations for. Reform Now. ACORN, a net work of local groups active in social reform, is the second largest recipient of CHD fund ing but "the sort of apparatus one mjght normally expect to be supported by a church-affiliated funding agency," the document said. Pauken specifically criticized Washington correspondent J.im Castelli, author of the Sunday Visitor article. "Castelli has his biases wired into the story," Pauken sWd. "The administration is doing a heck of a job and not getting any media representation. This is really a non-story." Pauken said articles in the Catholic press were ploys by his opponents ,to discredit him. "That's the way they try to get even with me," he said. "I 'Ceally do resent that inuendo which is in the Catholi~ press, of all places." Castelli denied he showed bias in the story and said Pauken neglected to return repeated phone calls. "If .it is one-sided, it's because he never returned . my phone calls," Castelli said. Pauken was the center of con troversy when he visited Texas in March after an ice storm ruined crops. Valley Interfaith, a local group initiated by the Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR Friday July 27, 1984
He gives
By Stephenie' Overman
Walesa's pastor indicted
WARSAW, Poland - Polish authorities on July 16 indicted the religious adviser of Lech Walesa, founder of the outlawed trade union Solidar'ty. Father Henryk Jankowski denied accusa.tions of abusing re IigiOl1S freedo~, dissenUn!1ting false information and inciting unrest. Polish authorities warned the priest Nov. 15 that he might face charges. The warning came after Father Jankowski was questioned, at the district at torney's ofice in the Baltic port' of Gdansk. Father Jankowski is the sec ond Catholic priest to be indic ted this month. He faces up to 10 years in jail if convicted. Earlier' in July a Warsaw priest, Father Jerzy Popielus zwo, was charged with abusing his religious' freedom for his miltant anti-Communist speeches - and possessing ex plosives. , Father Jankowski was ac companed by hundreds of sup porters when he went to the offices of' the public prosecutor from St. Brigida's church in Gadnsk, where he is pastor. The authorities particularly objected to a Solidarity shrine on 'permanent display in a cor ner of his church and considered him a ringleader in fomenting unrest, Father Jankowski said. Demonstrations have frequent ly followed sermons at St. Brigi da's, which Walesa regularly at tends. ' Father Jankowski 'has been close to Walesa through the rise and fall of sOiidarity and he
is godfather of the union leader's lieventh child. In other news from Poland, the government declared am-' nesty July 21 for 652 political prisoners, an action for which Poland's Roman Catholic bish ops, with papal support, had waged a strong campaign. The amnesty included four senior advisers to Solidarity, the outlawed trade union, whose trial for subversion was adjourned June 18 lin anticipation of the action. Pol!1Dd's Roman Catholic
leaders were pleased with the
announcement but cautioned that
,the pardon alone would not
bring national reconciliation.
Also included in the pardon were underground activists who come out of hiding and confess their activities, and 35,000 com mon cr.iminals. The action does not include persons held in con nection with acts of high treason, espionage and sabotage. The Polish government said, the amnes~y was granted on hl;l .manitaria'n grounds and because Polish society is' now' stable enough to permit it. Western news' agencies speculated that the action also was taken to lift economic sanctions - and in,the wake of the announcement, the United States said lit was con sidering just such a move. Polish government officials' said the pardoned prisoners would be' release<l within 30 days. They noted that releasing common criminals would reduce the country's prison population by 40 percent.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Anyone who helps ,a refugee is assured a place in heaven. That...is the creed Migration and Refugee Services executive director John McCarthy preache~ to I Amer icans able to lend a hand to a ;: refugee. If ,MoCarthy's creed is true, his own, reservations should be in order. In his almost 40 years NC Photo of resettlement work he has helped an estimated one million HAITIAN REFUGEE families such as this one in· refugees start new lives in the Miami are among those helped by John M,cCarthy and MRS. United States, hundreds of them in the FaH River diocese. clothes on their back" when they resettlement. He belives in opera· At the end of the year Mc· arrived, according to McCarthy. ting within the ,law, but he said Carthy, 69, becomes director "There was no time to plan. You MRS fights "like cats and dogs" emeritus of MRS, the U.S. Cath·, just hear they're going to arrive for aliens faced with deportation. olic Conference agency that finds _ ,you don't even have their "I learned very early in my shelter, jobs and sponsors for names. You do in a few hours career. I was representing a about half' the refugees coming what you nor:rnally do in weeks." Haitian and for some rel'son I ' into this country. "W ' h dl d ml'UI'on He said that by the following didn't scratch and claw enough," eve an e a day aU but one of the Cubans McCarthy remembered, and the people --: one at a time," Mc·' were on their way to family, person was deported. "The pic Carthy said of the work done by friends or MRS sponsors. ture (in the newspaper) of his 'his agency. "Our only political ideology.is t~ Gospel." One MRS staff member de· execution made me realize thatt . you can't give 'up. You must con McCanhystarted resettling ~cri:bed working with M~Cart~y: tinue to fight or lives will be displaced persons after World When ~ come out of his office lost.:~ War II Since then he has helped 1 I feel like, a, 45 record that's' McCarthy' hopes Congress will
resettl~ Southeast Asians, Ethi. ~ been played at .78." grant amnesty to a'liens in the
opians, Nigerians, Hungarians, McCarthy may be retiring as United States illegally.
Czechs, ;Poles, Russians, Af- MRS executive director, but he "These people are committing ghans, BulgaTians, Assyrians, Ti- has no plans to slow d,own' to a horrible crime," he said ironi bettans, Latin Americans, Cu· 33-and-a-third RPMs. "I'm hav bans and Haitians. ' ing a hell of a ball in this work," cally. "They're adl working~ They Though the years he has work- he said. "There aTe worlds to provide the food we eat, the clothes we wear, with their back ed with an old-fashioned blend capture out there." Miss Ethel Crowley and Miss president, 'and Msgr. Anthony of patriotism, optimism and reli- ' Those new worlds wiH' be a breaking work. Many times these I so-called 'criminals' are giv,ing Adrienne Lemieux, both past M. Gomes, council moderator. gious fervor.. He beli:ves each variation of the, old. McCarthy to us far more than theY'T€ tak presidents of the Diocesan Coun wave of refugees: bnngs new plans to continue as' fulltime Tickets are available at dio· ing away." cil of Catholic Women, are co strength to a country he views president of the International cesan parishes and from council The House and' the Senate chairmen of the hospitality com as one great team effort. Refu- Catholic Migration Commission members and will also be at the ge:s . "may be ?od'~ way of working with Jong-term develop~ have approved immigation bills mittee for An Evening on Cape door on Aug. 9. Proceeds will buddmg ,a bench, said McCar- ment projects in other countries to legalize the status of some Cod with Bishop Cronin. benefit diocesan works of The summer social event, to be charity, thy, continuing the sports meta· instead of day-by-day resettle. of, the 'illegals, bUt differences phor. ment operations in the United have yet to be worked out be~ held from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, tween the biLls. Aug. 9, in the Royal Suite of McCarthy's system is simple. States. '~You giv: a 1i~t1~,bit of.yourself Although McCaTthy can look , If all ,goes well, MRS will help the Sheraton Regal Inn, Hyannis, with the legalization process. offers diocesan residents and and get It done. Despite such back on 39 years of helping re McCarthy forecast the situation vacation visitors an informal op herculean tasks as resettlin~ as fugees, he doesn't do it often. in his usual colorful way. He portu~ity to greet Bishop Daniel many as 8,00.0 Southeast ASians "The pride is always in tomor Catholic Memorial Home, FaU a month durmg the 1970s rush row," he said. Pressed to name said, "We would be involved up A. Cronin. Music for the occasion will be River, hosted a fire and disaster of "boat people," he has seldom a progrctm that has brouglit him to out bazookas." by the Chatham Bars Inn Combo drill earlier this month for 1ts found a ~roblem that can't be particular, joy, he cited MRS's and punch and hors d~oeuvres employees and those of other handled., Some take yeaTs but work to bring Asian-American will be serve,d to guests. A cash area'nursing homes. you keep slugging at it," he said. children to the United States. bar will also be available. One. of his most recent tests In Southeast Asia they are Inspectors Michael Lesiow and came In June, when MRS took called "children -of the dirt" Daniel Lynch of the Fall River Serving with Miss Crowley responsibility for resettling 11 of Because their fathers are fo~: fire depart~ent showed a film and Miss Lemieux on ,the hospi 26 Cuban political prisoners reo eigri, they are outcasts in their tality committee will be Mrs. and led discussion on, hospital leased by the Castro government homeland, without rights or heri. James A. O'Brien Jr. and Mrs. .fires. The audience then partithrough Rev. Jesse Jackson. ' tage. Manuel Nogueira, representing cipated in a demonstration of
the Fall River district of the resident evacuation procedures. '
Now, because of a breakThe Cubans arrived at Dulles DCCW; Mrs. Aristides Andrade
Airport near Washington in the through in 1983, "we are' per 234 Memorial Home employ and Miss Margaret McCarthy, ees attended the session, as well early hours of June 29, said Mc- mitted to create new Lives for Taunton district; Mrs. Albert as workers at 10 other FaU River Carthy. He said five MRS staff these Amerasian Children and Jackson and Mrs. George Bauza, 'nursing homes. people worked through the pre- their mothers and brothers and , Attleboro district; Mrs. Andrew vious night providing food, Jo- sisters," according to McCarthy. Mikita and Mrs. Charles Russell, cating hotel rooms, preparing MRS has resettled about 1,500 Cape and Islands 'dictrict; Miss papers and tracking down the Amerasians, with thousands still Dorothy Curry and Mrs. Roy families of the Cubans. wating to come to the United Auxiliary Bishop John H. Ri·
Franklin, New Bedford, district. "We sat there with telephone States. card, ordained July 2 for the
books all Qround us trYing to McCarthy said he prefers to General arrangements for the Baltimore archdiocese, is the lOth
locate relatives," McCarthy said. avoid the politics involved in evening are under direction of black bishop ,in the United
"These people had just the ,immigration policies and refugee JOHN McCARTHY Mrs, David Sell mayer, DCCW States.
Hospitality co,mmittee Ilamed for 'Ca,pe gala
Memorial Home hosts fire drill
10th black bishop
Murder victims
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
SAN DIEGO (NC) - In the face of a tragedy like the July 18 murder of McDonald's em ployes and patrons, people must rely on faith, Bishop L~o T. Ma her of San Diego told nearly 2,000 mourners at Our Lady of. Mount Carmel Church in San Ysidro, Calif.
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About 40 priests joined Bishop 'Maher in concelebrlllting the Mass for the victims of the shootings at the San Ysidro Mc Donald's. It was the worst single day mass murder in U.S. his tory. -
Five coffins, one holding a mother and her baby, stood be fore the altar at the Mass of Christian Burial. The deceased were: Claudia Preez, 91; Jackie Wright Reyes, 18, and her son Carlos Reyes, 8 months; Margarita Padilla, 18; Victor Rivera, 25; and Maria Elena Colmenero, 18. All but Ms. Colmenero were Our Lady of' Mount Carmel parishioners. Father William Mooney, who anointed bodies at the murder scene, including Huberty's, call ed the situation a trial of faith. Asked to put it into perspec tive, he said: "I have a hard time . . . There really isn't any perspective. It's just impossible. It does try your faith a little bit, but then you've got to know it's God's worIa, and I guess he knows what he is doing with it."
Father Mahoney A funeral Mass was offered Monday at St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, for Father Raymond R. Mahoney, SS.CC., 69, who died July 25 in Lowell. A Lowell native, he entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in Fairhaven in 1941. After ,ordination in 1947. he served in Harwich, Chatham and Wareham parishes before being assigned to a: house of his com munity in Rochester. N.Y. Following subsequent service in California, he returned to the Fall River diocese .in 1964 as pastor of Our Lady of Assump tion Church, New Bedford. He was superior at Sacred Hearts Monastery, Fairhaven, from 1968 to 1970, then served in Dorches ter until 1972, when he was as signed to St. Patrick's parish, Lowell. Although recently retired, he remained active at St. Patrick's until his death. .f
Overlooking' Historical Westport Point (1st Ri",t Over Rt. 88 Bridge)
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All Lobsters and Clams Cooked to Order Natural Sweetness and Tenderness are best Preserved by our own Seltl Water St~m Process, Scallops, Fish, Steaks. LUNCHEON MENU
Mon.• Sat. 11 :30 - 3:30 P.M. Early Bird Specials Every Day 4 - 6 P.M. Except Sat. and Sun.
Unemployed security guard James Huberty shot and killed 20 people at the McDonald's be fore a police sharpshooter kiBed him. A 21st victim died later" bringing the total death toB, in cluding Huberty, to 22. Bishop Maher told those at the funeral; "The Resurrection didn't take away suffering. but it focused a new Ught on death. "When tragedy strikes a fam ily and sorrow comes into their lives, as we have witnessed ... they must rely on their great hope, trust and confidence in' the Almighty," the 'bishop said.
.~.:-~.> ',L\
piNNER MENU Mon. - Thun. 5 • 9 P.M. Fri.· Sat. 5 - 10 P.M. SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS 12 - 9 SUNDAY SPECIALS 12 - 3 CLOSED TUESDAY
For Reseryations ".
DAVE NADIEN at the Piano... WED. 7:30P.M. & SUN. 7P.M.
Pittsbllrgh. eye. surgery set for l\lothe.r Teresa PITTSBURGH (NC) - Mother with regard to Mother Teresa. 'Teresa of Calcutta, a 1979 Nobel He originally offered to perform the operation in India, but then Peace Prize winner for her treat ment of the poor in India, is ex decided it should be done in pected to come to Pittsburgh for Pittsburgh. eye surgery. Mother Teresa is expected to Marti Walsh, press spokes recover at the hospital convent person for St. Francis Medical . for two to three weeks following Center, said that no date had the surgery. The Franciscan Sis been set for surgery on the 73 ters who operate the hospital year-old founder of the Mission offered use of the convent "so aries of Charity. She is expected Mother Teresa can go about her to have' surgery for the removal daily routine, such as her pray of a cataract and the implant of ers, with as little interruption as a lens in her left eye. possible," Ms Walsh said. Performing the surgery will be She said that St. Francis Medi Dr. Chandrappa S. Reshmi, an cal Center will absorb the hos Indian-born surgeon on the hos pital costs and that Dr. Reshmi pital's staff. He was recom mended by Mother Teresa's eye will make no charge.· She added that some Pittsburgh residents doctor in Calcutta. also have offered assistance. Dr. Reshmi has traveled to In Ms. Walsh said the operation dia on numerous occasions to give seminars on eye -surgery, would take place in mid-August and while there was approached "at the absolute earliest."
Experiments unacceptable
LONDON (NO) - A -Brit ish government committee said that researchers be allowed to experiment with human em bryos up to 14 days aliter fertHi zation, a practice which 'Brit ain's bishops have called "un acceptable" unless the embryo's welfare is the first considera tion. The recommendation concerns laboratory fertilizations of hu man eggs, the so-called "in vitro" procedure. The committee also recom mended a Hcensing agency to oversee ,the freezing of embryos and proposed outlawing surro gate motherhood - the practice by which one woman carries an·
other's baby to term, in some cases for pay. "Techniques of observation or experimentation or selection or storage which are not intended to benefit that embryo itself are fundamental.Jy unacceptable and ought to be proh~bited," the bishops of England, Wa1es and Scotland said in a statement re 1eased just prior to publication of the committee's report. Cardinal Basil Hume said that no society could claim or give others absolute power over me and death. "There is a law of God the creator which is higher than any man-made legislation." he sa,id.
(Opposite Charlton Memorial Hospital)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River':"'FrL, July 27, 1984
A Cautionary' Note, As' 'we launch into the 1984 presidential election campaign, we are facing important issues bearing directly on Catholic teachings. Unfortunately, many people will allow themselves to be manipulated and duped by the claims and couriterclaims of partisan positions. Indeed, during the confusion and indeed conflict that seem a hallmark of national politics, it could be very easy for the Catholic community in this country to become divided over issues that are not truly political but rather faith-oriented. ' . In the struggle to affirm our faith, we must keep in mind that our sacred beiiefs are not political issues, no matter how much they may h,ave been brought into the marketplace by politiCians. . 'The abortion issue is a prime example of ho~ politicians can abuse and insult the Catholic faith. Many other concerns are currently raising their ugly .little heads from the swamps of bias and bigotry. During the past several months, for instance, there has been a noticeable growth in hostility toward 'the American bishops. There are indeed some cases where one might judge that they or their staffs'have brought some of these attitudes upon themselves. Still, tpe phenomenon is one to be watched. Whether or nqt the bishops have ventured too far into American, politics, it must be remembered they are, for Catholics, spiritual shepherds. Bishops are more than good old buddies. They have received the fullness of Holy Orders, they are set aside and very specially blessed with the'gifts of the Holy S p i r i t . ' , A given bishop might ramble beyond his sphere, but 'So run that you may obtain.' 1 that does not change his person or his proper authority. This dges not mean that he is beyond respectful criticism or advice. It does mean that we remind ourselves that he is a successor to the apostles. The church realizes that it is laymen and women, not priests or bishops, who ordinarily possess the special knowl edge and abilities to live their faith in the political world. By Father Kevin J. Harrington tention of buying a crucifix. The store was deluged with assorted By the same standard of reference, we of the faith must As a college student I attended realize that theological issues are ordinarily the province _a synagogue s~rvice for' a course, rainbows and banners pro claiming "God is love," but, alas, of the hierarchy. in Judaism and was shocked that a crucifix was nowhere ,to ,be It is tragic that too many poorly-taught Catholic poljti the rabbi prayed for the destruc found. , tion of all enemies. cians are attempting to usurp the theological teaching posi I am afraid that we have de There ,is no room, for such natured and defanged our God. tion of their bishops. Much of the dissent and division in prayer in our Christian tradition. In refusing to serve the God re today's American church stems from this persiste~t situa The harsh curse of Psalm 136 vealed to us in Sacred Scripture, tion. upon the Edomites an~ the we have created a less threaten We would be ignoring very clear signals if we denied Babylonian captors, "Happy shall ,ing diety, an extension of our that in some areas of United States church life there is a he be who takes your mtle ones often fragile egos. The terror of great de~l of what might even be called bishop-bashing. ,and dashes them against the a God who is our Judge is re rock," was rightly removed from placed by the familarity of a God There are people preaching very unsound doctrine, challeng _ who is our Buddy. A God. de ing the teaching' role of the church and trying to twist her the brev,iary. Judaism and Christianity do picted as a nice guy, even, for toward merely political ends. heaven's sake, a mother, wiU However, whatever the probl~ms, they will not be seem at odds in characterizing hardly evoke the reverence which God. The rabbi explained the so solved by merging religious matters and political issues. called "kibosh prayer" by say is his due. As Catholics, we must ever be aware that dividing and ing: "Our God 1s a God of de Who can say with a straight ,conquering is a political strategy with a very long and struction who ,leaves the ~oving face that God ds not mocked by very insidious history. to us. But your God is a God of Such verbal gymnastics! True, . As we are continually barraged by politicians of every love who ~eaves the destruction Jesus broke the chain of servile fear when he cal,led us to be persuasion, as el,aborate and persistent attempts are made to you;" friends and not servants, but But I suspect that at one time to win votes, as partisanship becomes a litmus test for or another we alI have prayed where is the reverential fear that loyalty, we must ever be aware of the forces that ruthlessly for the destruction of, our is the beginning of wisdom? . seek to separate us from our faith and our church. enemies. In the 50s, in Catholic . 'Our concern should not be
Cor. 9:24
PrayiDg for our
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . . Leary Preu-Fall River
grade school, we regularly pray ed for the conversion of Russia. Were we-coming pedlously close to asking God to put the kibosh upon atheistic communism? The more 'lovable we make our God the safer we feel in expressing our own hostilities. The realiza tion that God may not always be' on our side seems ,the 'last thing on our mind. ' . .This image of a lovaible God has gone to an extreme. I re cently visited a Catholic book store ,and gift shop with the in-
.with how pleasing we are in the eyes of others, but with how loyal a friendship we have with the Lord. On the day of judg ment, it will be risky to !be his enemy. The litmus paper'test is still our love of neighbor. Some times we self-righteously assume that our neighbor is our enemy and hence the enemy of God. Praying for our enemies and for the strength to forgi~e is the surest remedy for this tempta tion.
In this the Jewish prayers are perhaps ~ess hypOCritical than those of Christians who camou flage their nasty petitions. How foolish we must appear to God when we forget what we were taught as children, that God knows our innermost thoughts. How many times have we heard the saying from Deu teronomy, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord," yet still secretly delight in settling Ii score proud ly'boasting, "I never get angry, only even!" The problem with creating a God as approachable as: 'a friendly puppy is that we will get too close before we realize .that he really does bite. The old aphorism rings true: "God is not , mocked!" Too often villains as sume that any good fortune they may be enjoying is their just re ward, while victims doubt God's existence because of the injus tices that abQund. . We forget ,that there are a heaven and a hell and a God who respects the free choices of mankind. To perpetua~e a false image of this God is' to do a great disservice to believers. Human vengeance wHl n~ver satisfy ,the harm done by man's inhumanity to man. The belief that in the end God knows what 1s best should allow us to act and pray compassionately to ward our enemies and leave the matter of retr~bution to God.. Sanity comes from trusting that God punishes and rewards. Our part is to love as best we can.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
Family Night
A weekly at-home program for families
sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry
OPENING PRAYER Holy Spirit, fill our family this evening with your presence. Help us to treasure one another and help to keep us all in shape, especially physically. Amen.
LESSON (Scripture-l Corinthians 3:16, 17)
Young Family Materials: an inexpensive tape measure, construction paper, crayons, photos of family mem bers, glue or scotch tape. Mount the tape measure on construction paper and print at the top "God's Special Temples." Measure and record the height of family members, and write their names next to their height. Along the side of the construction paper, place individual pictures. For taller family members, place their pictures and heights near the . top. Hang this chart on the in side of a Closet or pantry door and when school begins, measure everyone again to see if any "temples" have grown.
Middle Years Famnly 'Materials: Bible, paper, pens
. or crayons. Read aloud 1 Cor 3:16, 17. What is it saying to us as individuals, and as a family? Share and discuss what different family members can do to keep physically fit. What . about grooming habits, exercise habits and eating habits? Choose two areas for improvement and work out a schedule for the coming week for exercise.
Adult Family Materials: Bible, scale. Read aloud 1 Cor 3:16, 17. Share thoughts about it. How fit are the family members? Are there any members overweight? Take turns using the scale. (Weight doesn't have to be shared!) Do we have an obligation to God to keep our bodies fit? Share thoughts on good balanced diets and also practical ways to lose weight. No one should be made to feel pressured to lose weight,
••• •
Teenage drinking
nor should one family member criticize any overweight condi-. tion of another family member.
SNACK Fresh fruits in season.
ENTERTAINMENT Celebrate one family member: share a "This is Your Life" with photos .from babyhood, recall special important events and make a button to wear - his name and "we love you."
SHARING 1. Each share. a moment you
felt at peace inside. 2. Each share a time you felt
hassled or rushed. 3. Each share a' moment you
felt especially close to an other family member.
CLOSING PRAYER -Spontaneous Prayer -Suggested prayer: Thank you, wondrous Lord, for making us temples of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your plan for each of our .Jives. Help us to be open to you and to Hsten to your words within our hearts. Thank you for this Family Night. Amen.
doing these days," she said. "If the little darlings couldn't pos DOLORES sibly have a party without al cohol - well, then, I know CURRAN what I would do. I wouldn't give
alcohol usage is starting at age them a party. Nineteen Is the
II. Why do parents always in legal drinking age in this state.
herit the mine-strewn battle Serving alcohol to minors is is a counter movement today;....
ground between good news and against the law." one trying to make it a mis
bad news? Although parents can be fined demeanor for parents to. serve Last year, four sets of Dallas $500 for'serving Uquor to juven th~ir underage children any parents threw a graduation iles, many do it because they thing alcoholic at home. How party for their graduates. They feel chaperoning a drinking to handle -it as a parent? With rented a bus to get the teenage party for their teens ,is the only children ages 22, 19,and 16, I guests home. "The bus was really way to control - the situation. recognize that there will be beer a safety measure," one mother They claim that if they don't drinking partys for adolescents. said. "We're concerned parents have beer, kids won't come. But not onlly is it megal but and we want to protect our we have a moral responsibility to Attesting to this was another kids. ·For the party, we rented a other people's children, as well margarita machine, and, . of Dallas mother who said. "I had as our own, and to their par course, we had a keg of beer. a lively graduation party planned ents. We wanted to make sure that for my daughter last year. I But I wouldn't suppo~ a ~aw the kids who had too much to· didn't allow anything alcoholic. drink would not be driving home W.ithin an hour and a half the that denies parents the right to kids were aU scattered up and serve their adole~cents a glass in their own cars." down the street drinking in their of wine at holiday time. To me The result was numerous cars. that's the way we teach proper phone calls from angJ'Y,' parents. She added, "My friends told . attitudes toward drinking. It's "They were furious -that . we served alcOholic beverages to me I handled ·it aU wrong: If I not a game, to see how much their kids. Look, I don't like kids had just gotten one keg of beer, beer one can guzzle in an hour drinking, either. But the fact is the kids would have stayed at but a pleasure ,to share moder they are going to do it, anyway, my party. If you're watching, ately at the right time in ilhe right place. If our young learn and I'd rather have them do it they don't drink as much." Teenage drinking is a great that with us at home, maybe at ,home, where .J can control the amount and provide the bus. worry for parents. In some they won't need to prove their Let's face reality. High school states, beer is legal at 18 which . capacity with peers elsewhere. seniors drink beer. If we didn't puts the problem right into high at least have beer, nobody would school. One assistant principal have wanted to come to the told me her seniors go to the THE ANCHOR lUSPS·54S-(20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published party." local tavern for lunch and come weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· back haIf-sloshed for afternoon One of the mothers who ob ue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Cath· jected disagreed vigorously. "I'm classes. "Look," she said, "what ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall Rlver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 just sick and tired of all the can we do when this is ,legal?" per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA To complicate the issue ~here 02722. compromising that parents are
The good news is there's likely to be a national m~nl mum age law of 21 on drink ing. The bad news is that
feasts &
Q. Why does the church pay so little attention to the feast of the Annunciation? If the church recognizes that human life be gins with conception why is the feast of the Incarnation celebra ted at Cluistmas? rm surprised pro-abortionists have not capitalied on this. We have the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Christmas, Mary the Mother of God an dthe Assump tion as holy days. But the third Sunday of Lent takes precedence over the Annuneiaticm. Please explain. A. First, Jet's clarify the ques tion for those who may not be as familiar with Catholic feasts as you are. The feast of the Annunciation commemorates the event at which the angel Gabriel appear ed to Mary and told her of God's plan that Jesus should be born of her. Presumably it was at this time that Jesus was con ceived in the womb of Mary. The feast is celebrated on March 25, exacHy nine months before Christmas. You make a good and signifi cant point. In light of our cele bration of Christmas, I wonder how many Christians realize that it was on the day of Annuncia tion, not on the day of Christ's birth, that "the word became flesh and made his dweIling among us" (John 1:14). Admitting this, however, there are several good reasons I be lieve for our traditional celebra tion of Christmas as the "day of Christ's coming" rather than the Annunciation. First, the feast of the Nativity is much older in the church than the feast of the Annuncia tion, which began a few hund red years later and was set on . its date because of the celebra tion of the birth of Our Lord on Dec. 25.
dispensation from the bishop is necessary. That souIllds contradictory to me. (F1orid21) A. The basIc issue is: What marriages of Catholics or former Catholics are recognized as val id by the Catholic Church? If a ,Catholic joins another re ligious denomination, for· ex ample, he or she is simply not bound by the law that Catholics must marry before a priest. Ob· viously such an individual would not obtain a dispensation from a Catholic bishop for a marri age. Even without that dispen sation the Catholic Church would consider that union a true and valid marriage. . A 'Catholic who has not for mally rejected his faith is ob liged to the Catholic form of marriage; that is, to be married before a qualified priest or dea con. Without the bishop's dis pensation from that form, mar riage of a Catholic before a jus tice of the peace, for example, would not be considered a valid marriage according to the ~aws of the Catholic Church. Q. I am a Catholic, ·married to a fine hlllsband and wonderful father who· is baptized Protes tant but wlho no longer attends his church. Will it be permissible for him to be buriecll by a Catholic priest? We have gJrave sites in a Cath. .olie cemetery. (pennsylvania)
A. It certainly is possible. Priests often officiate, usually in the funeral homes, at memorial or funeral services for people . who are not Catholics, but who for one reason or another wish the priest to lead the service. A free brochure explaining the marriage regulations of the Catholic Church and the prom ises before an interfaith marri age is avaUable by sending a stamped, self-addressed en. v~ope to Father Wietzen. Holy Trinity Parish. 704 N. Main St.,
I believe we can compare this with our own celebrations. We stiU celebrate birthdays, partly because it is a much easier day to nail down than the day of lBloomington. m. 81701. our conception. A birthday is Questions for this column may the day when we begin to exist !be sent to !Father Dietzen at the as it were, "visibly" in the same address. world. IBy celebrating our chi·ldren's birthdays we are. simply cele- . brating their coming to be with us. We do not intend to cloud or deny the fact that they were our living children before they were born. Q. I find two of your recent colmnns difficult to understand. In the first you Included a state ment that a Catholic must be married before a priest or, dea con unless he has formally re jected his Catholic faith. ·'Where did you work .However, in a later column there is no mention of rejecting before you worked the falth In order to be married for us, Mom?" by a justice of the peace or ant other religious minister, Only a .
School pial} seen partial cause of French shal{eup
THE -ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-F~i., July 27, 1984
'Church lives in USSR NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic participants in an ecumenical seminar-tour of the Soviet Union in June returned with'mixed im pressions of religious me there. "A sign of hope to me was' that in individual contacts with, people' on the side they said the situation for religion was the best it had been in their life time," said Benedictine Sister 'Mary Catherine Shambour, one of five nuns making the trip. Three priests and 10 Catholic lay persons also made the tour, sponsored by the U.S.-Soviet church rel~tions committee of the National Council of Churches. Sister Shambour, of the Pax Christi International Commission on East-West Contads, who has, lived in the Soviet Union three times as a teacher" reported a , conversation in Russian with a Catholic priest who told her the religious ' situation 'was "excel lent." . J!owever, Mary Frances Flood, a Minnesota youth minister, said that on the ibasis of her contact with a priest in_another city she thought it would be misleading to take "excellent" as a general description of the situation. Tour participants visited Mos cow, Leningrad and 12 other widely scattered cities. But the, tour did not include largely Catholic Lithuania. Ginte Damusis, associate
director. of Brooklyn-based Lithu
anian Catholic Religious Aid, re-
Charismatics ,
Continued from page one advisory committee of the na tional service committee of the national Charismatic Renewal.
Also on the program will be "Living Waters," young adults who perform at prisons, coffee houses and CCD programs throughout the northeast. Father Joseph Lange, OSFS, will e'mcee the celebration, An author and former managing editor of Catholic Charismatic magazine, he has spoken at charismatic conferences in 40 states, Canada, and Australia. In Portuguese Conference proceedings will be transmitted in Portuguese 'over radio station WCCR, within 'the Civic Center only. Those wishing to use this service may . bring their own AM radios with an earplug or rent a set at the center. A special Portuguese ,workshop is scheduled for 2. p:m. Satur day, Aug. 4, directed.by Joseph Braga, coordinator of Portuguese prayer groiJps for Rhode Island. The featured speaker will be . Maria Rocha, well known heal i~g minister, who will conduct a service ,in Portuguese. The pro gram will also include music and praise. Conference housing and trans-· portation information is available from the New England General Conference, 17 Washburn, St., Providence, R.I. 02908, tel. (401) 272·4640. Portuguese speaking persollS may also contact Braga at 401-934-1216 or 401-272-4640.
ported speculation that the Soviet government did not want the group to contact Catholics strongly resistant to its control there. But she said she did not 'sense the watchful eye of secur ity police on this visit as she had during a 1979 trip to Lenin grad and Lithuania.. Ms. Damusis" also said govern ment restraints, including gain ing permission to attend a sem inary, were more severe on Cath.olics than on the Orthodox. . Father Ronald Voss, director of the Center for Peace and Life Studies in Muncie, Ind., said he and the other two priests" con celebrated Ma!!s in English at St. Louis Catholic ~hurch with the Russian priest there. Helen Casey of Pax Christi said she found some Soviet awareness' of the Catholic peace organization. Other visitors re ported finding knowledge of the U.S. bishops' 1983 peace pas toral, which has been translated into Russian. Teresa Wilson of the Merton Peace and Justice Center in Pittsburgh, said she found a well kept Catholic church in Tbilist, ceptial of Soviet Georgia, and that the altar was still in the pre-Vatican II position. Others also reported pre-Vatican II characteristics of worship in churches visited.
PARIS (NC) - French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy and his cabinet resigned July 17, partly because President Francois Mit terrand dropped a controversial plan to increase control over French private schools, most of which are Catholic. Among those resigning was Education Minister Alain Sava'ry who sponsored ,the plan and, ac-' cording to news reports, had staked his political reputation on it. His proposal would have dropped government aid to pri vate schools in which ,less than NC Photo half the teaching staff had CHRISTIANE Brussel joined the civil service after a mans, aka Father Sikorsky. set period of years. Schools in which half or more of the teach . ershad joined would have come under ,fUll government control.
,Opportunities, not problems
DOUGLASTON, N.Y. (NC) The 'church should look at peo ple who'"'do not fit into tradi tionai church s~ructures as pas toral opportunities rather than problems, says'a prominent Bel gian catechist. .Christiane Brusselmans, pro fessor of pastoral catechetics at Louvain University in Belgium, said the church should try harder to reach peopIe who don't con form to the model of a good Catholic. "We have to make room for them and let them know they are welcome," she said.
Mitterand announced July 12 that he was withdrawing the so called "Savary Project" and would replace it with an, as yet unspecified alternative. The education minister re-
signed shortly ,before Mauroy offered his resignation. Mitterand appointed Laurent Fabis, France's minister. of In dustry as the new prime minister. The schools issue was among several major factors, including ir:flation and unemployment fueled discontent with economic policies, which had eroded pub lic confidence in the government, according to news reports. The private-school plan spark ed protest demonstrations June 24 in which approximately I million people participated. It also drew opposition from the French bishops. two million of France's 12 · mUlion school-age children at ,tend private schools. Abo'!t 94 percent of the private-school students attend Catholic schools. Pope John Paul iI spelled out the church's dislike of the plan in a June 30 meeting with Mau ~oy in which he also defended religious educatil?n as a funda mental right.
Pope contiIlues discussion of marriage, sexuality VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II said July 18 that the church's teaching on mar -riage and sexuality is valid for all people.
particul~rly concerns C~thOlics
because it is based on the sacra mental nature of marriage and the theology of human love.
The pope has asked that a "The rule of the encyclical · theologian be availabe to brief "Humanae Vitae" (Of Human journalists after each weekly Life) regards all people, because audience dedicated to Humanae
it is a rule of the natural law Vitae, said Msgr. Carlo Caffarra,
, and is based on agreement with president of the Pontifical Insti
. human reason," the pope told an tute for Studies on Marriage estimated 10,000 people in St. and the Family, and a member Peter's Square. of the Vatican's International Theological Commission. At the end ofa weekly audi
Continued from 'page one Diocese of Brownsville, had re quested government aid to boost "The greatest challenge in the the recovery, but Pauken said Amer-ican church today is the the group had tried to intimi future . of the local Christian date him. .
community," at a workshop in Pauken said Valley Interfaith Douglaston sponsored by the was denied money because its Brooklyn Diocesan Office of ence talk on Pope Paul VI's en prog'rams wexe a "make-work Catholic Education. Msgr. Caffarra has briefed re cyclical, which spells out the porters after the two audiences fix" and "we were dealing with Ms. Brusselmans herself was -church's teaching against arti the need for long-term develop thus far in the series on. the once a victim of misf.it roles. ficial birth control, the pope encyclical. ment." Because'of a 590-year-old Lou asked all theologians to reread The document said funding vain tradition preventing wom 'and seek a better understanding from the Campaign for Human en from teaching theology, she of the document. ' Development went to "organiza-. tions of the lefot-wing persuasion was -listed in the college catalog It was the second in a series as "Father. Sikorsky" for three SOUTH BEND, Ind. ~NC) who seek a fundamental, radical years. In 1~69, she was finally of about 12 general audiences Father Kenneth Metz of Milwau change in the American political that Pope John Paul said will be recognized as a full professor. economic system." devoted to the 1968 encyclical. kee has been elected chairman Meanwhile, the unsigned docu She criticized much sacramen He again stressed a- key point of of the National Service Com ment said, CHD-sponsored tal instruction for taking the the encyclica.J, that the conjugal mittee of the Catholic Charis matic Renewal of the United groups are "using our free enter responsibility of educating chil act mut be "open to the trans States. prise system and our charitable dren about the church from par mission of life." impulse as a people to destroy ents~ She also blamed parents Father Metz was a consultant Pope John Paul said that be our economic system." for· not taking their children to for the National Service Com cause the moral norm expressed .' "They are not seeking, merely chUT<;h. _ in ,Humanae Vitae is bound to mittee from 1981 to 1983 and to alleviate poverty in American was concurrently chairman of "It is not right to prepare chil true moral values, "it follows society. Instead,' they are work tlre National Diocesan Liaison dren for sacraments, knowing ing to transfCl'J'm our society that the following week they that the acts that conform to Steering Committee of the Cath the norm are morally correct, along socialist lines." olic Charismatic Renewal. A will not be back in church," she and acts contrary are intrinsic The docum~nt challenged said. to the charismatic renew liaison ally, illicit." Catholics to learn' 81bout "what al for the Milwaukee Archdio One way, to increase involve and whom the Campaign for Hu The church teaches this norm, cese he is active in healing min man Development is supporting ment is for.priests to be willing he added, even though it is not istry. to 'tet Jay members run parishes, literally expressed in Holy Scrip with their money," and "exam Ms. Brusselmans said, citing ex ine these questions with the ut ture. "It does so in the convic most care before next respond ,amples in Africa and France tion that interpretation of the ing to the campaign's annual where the low number of priests precepts of the natural law be appeal in their .Jocal churches." has led to much lay direction of -longs to. the competence of the
'parish activities. magisterium (church teaching
July 29 authority)." The norm also cor
Like a Shadow "As professionals, we SOme Rev. Mathias McCabe, Pastor,
to biblical teachings' responds "What hath pride profited us times act 'as if we do not be 1913, Sacred fleart, Fall River
or what advantage hath the lieve there are any gifts in the. taken as a whole, he ,Gaid. boasting of riches brought us? community. We think we are the July 31 While church teaching on All those things are passed away only Messiah who can do any birth control is valid for all men Rev. Daniel Hearne, Pastor. like a shadow." - Wisd. 5:8-9 thing," she declared. and women, the pope said, it 1865, St. Mary, Taunton
New. chairman
~.-' ~ .. \:;
THIS BUILDING adjoining St. Lawrence rectory housed Holy Family High School from 1914 until recent years.
In a \\'·ay, it's Iioly -Family's centennial the committee. Realizing it would make a great beginning Alumni of Holy Family High to Holy Family's centennial fes School, New Bedford, the only parochial high school in the tivities, they arranged to open diocese, are planning a gala the old cornerstone. So it happened th~t on July celebration of 100 years of sec 12, 1984, some 100 Holy Family ondarY education in St. Law alumni and friends gathered to rence parish. Come again? Why can't you open an 1882 cornerstone. It had been laid before a far just Sl!-y that Holy Family High Jarger crowd, numbering some is celebrating its hundredth? 5,000 New Bedford Catholics, It isn't. Holy Family is only but the 1984, contingent ' un 75 years old. For a quarter cen doubtedly matched their prede tury it was preceded by St. Jo cessors in enthusiasm. seph High School, also under the Those present at 2 p.m. on a wing of St. Lawrence parish. summer Thursday to watch a' And St. Joseph's High was construction worker chisel away preceded by one year by St. mortar and remove bric~ to re Joseph's grammar school, inci trieve the century-old capsule dentally New Bedford's first indud~ Very Rev. John P. Dris Catholic school. coll, St. Lawrence pastor; Thomas Kruger, centennial com And the opening of the gram mar school was preceded by one mittee chairman; and John E. year by the cornerstone laying Macedo, past Holy Family of its building, which also alumni president. 1884's time capsule turned out housed the high school, when lit to be a shoebox-sized tin con came along. Which brings us to the point tainer. It yiclded statues of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, 1882 of this story. In researching early records, coins, a Catholic almanac and a centennial observance committee remarkably well-preserved issue members found a handwritten of The Pilot, Boston's archdioce san newspaper, for Sept. 30, account of that cornerstone 1ay ing, which' took place Oct. 9, 1882. All, plus 1984 additions, will 1882. They 1earned that the stone contained Ii "time capsule" be placed in a new capsule at today's Holy Family school of 19th century mementos. But the old school building is building, hopefully for reexam now the JIome of New Bedford's ination in 2084. And were you wondering why Kinyon - Campbell Business School, while Holy Family High St. Lawrence's high school is is house4 in the former Carney called Holy Family? The tale Academy, which was a New gets even more tangled. Bedford public school. St. Lawrence wasn't always Clear?
51. Lawrence. Originally it was Not very; 'but that didn't stop part of St. Mary's parish, New By Pat McGowan
Bedford's first (but not today's St. Mary's). In the 1870s a Father Lawrence McMahon was pastor of St. Mary's. When the parish outgrew its original build ing, he built a new church, naming it, however, for his own patron,St. Lawrence. Father McMahon went off to Ibecome the 'fifth bishop of Hart ford and was succeeded at St. Lawrence by Father. Hugh Smyth, a 'true builder, who con structed three grammar schools and a high school. within the parjsh. St. Joseph's was at the north end, later incorporated St. Jo seph's High, and later yet had its name changed to Holy Name and became that parish's gram mar school. St. Mary's school was at the south end and eventually was renamed St. James School, be coming part of that parish. Right. next door to St. Law rence was the third grammar school, Holy Family. In 19M, St. Joseph's High and grammar school went their sep arate ways and the high school component joined the, Holy Family grammar school complex. Holy Family, honoring Jesus, Mary and Joseph, was deemed an appropriate name for the high school as well as the grammar school. 'For the benefit of 21st cen tury reporters, a brief explana tion of Holy Family's tangled antecedents might be included in the new time capsule. ' It will ,save them lot of re search.
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TI;fE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,· July 27, .1984
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'cAl'iIOUC UNIVERSITY President William J. Byron, S.J., center, receives first grant of a $1 million endowm~nt fund, established by the Catholic Golden Age Foundation, from Margare(Mealey, president of Catholic Golden Age. Thomas D. Hinton, vice-president of eGA, witnesses the event.
Catholic Gold.en ~.\ge to give. $1 millioll to elTA center SCRANTON, Pa; - As part of an effort to enhance the spiritual, economic, and educational liv'~s. -of ,the elderly, the Catholic Golden Age Foundation has es tablished a $1 million endow ment fund at the Center for the Study of :Pre-Retirement and Aging of the Catholic· University of America (eUA). A memorandum of understand ing between CUA and the Cath olic Golden Age Foundation was signed recently Iby Margaret Mealey' and Thoma~ D. Hinton,
president and vice-president of Catholic Golden Age; CUA Presi dent William J. Byron, ,S.J.; and other eUA officials. . "This endowment will insure the continuation and expansion of the Center's research, educa tion, and training programs and its service to the national Cath olic community," remarked Dr. Michael Creedon, director of ,the Center for the Study of Pre retirement and Aging. Father Byron echoed Dr. Cree
don's comments and expressed the hope that the Center's acti vities will "lead to improved social and· pastoral services for the elderly in America." . Catholic Golden Age, a na tional organization with an en rollment of over three-quarters . of a million Catholic ·men and women over 50 yeaTs of age, has supported the center for five years by sponsoring major con ferences and activities relating to education, housing, and re tirement.
'Stariigh~=, star bright, .
can't }le seen in Roman night
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CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy minimal part of astronomical and enough material for several (NC) - Rome's too bright night astrophysical research," said months of research." skies have prompted the Vatican Fathe,r Coyne. "Three or four The first Vatican Observatory Observatory, the world's oldest, nights of observation provide was established in the 16th cen, to establish a branch in Tucson, tury by Pope Gregory XIII. Its Ariz. . research assisted him in prepar Rome's growing urbanization ing the Gregorian Calendar, FATHER MIKE McNAM which the world follows to this . has brightened the skies so that observation of faint celestial ob ARA of the Boston Arch day. jects no 'longer can be made from diocese is heard on "Come The observation staff of nine Castelgandolfo, according to the ,and Worship" aL9:15 a.m. Jesuit astronomers, mathema observatory's director, 50-year .ticians and computer engineers old Jesuit Father George Coyne. each . Saturday on Radio will split its time between Castel WROL-950..AM. The move formalizes an ex gandolfo and Arizona. periment which for the last three years had sent several Jesuit astronomers to Arizona. Castelgandolfo, 15 miles south of Rome, has hosted the obser VATICAN CITY(NC) :- Two vatory since 1933. It is ilIso the American ecumenists have been summer residence of the popes. named to the Vatican Secretariat Most observation of planetary for Promoting Christian Unity. systems will be done, in Theson, They are Benedictine Father KiH- . while research and some less an ·P. McDonnell, professor of difficult observations win con theology at St.'John's University tinue at Castelgandolfo. The five in Collegeville, Minn., and Mary telescopes, two computers, slide knoll Sister Joan Delaney, the archive, electronic. laboratory secretariat's lliaison with World and meteorite museum now at Mission and Evangelism, a de Castelgandolfo will remain there. partment of the world Council "Observation represents only a of Churches.
ROUTE 6:'-between Fall River and New Bedford
SEASON at 1:00 P.M.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
Sponsored by' the Merchants on' These Pages
. ~r
Daily Deliveries to Otis. B~rnstable County Hospital, Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospi!al BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Schedule effective July and Aug ust) Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 8, 11 a.m., no II a.m. on' Saturdays; Con fessions, Sat. 4:15-5.
YARMOurHPORT, Satred Heart, off Rte. 8A: Sat. 4:00, 5:15 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.; con fessions before each Mass. MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4:15-4-45 p.m.
EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Conception, Route SA: (Sched ule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p~m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, II a.m. Confessions, Sat. 4:00 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, Sun. 4:25 p.m. - 8, 9:30, 11:00 a.m., daily 8 a.m.; Confessions 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, 141 Maln St.: Sat. 4:00 and 5:00 NANTUCKET, Our Lady of the Isle, Federal St.: Sat. 5,7 p.m. p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., con Sun. 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. fessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:30. and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 ONSET, St. Mary Star of the Sea, a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 Onset Ave.: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. p.m. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m.; confes sions, Sat. 5:00· -5:20 p.m. SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of August. Victory, 230 So. Main St. Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. NORm FALMOUTIl, St. Eliz 481' Quaker Rd.: daily, 7, 9 a.m., confessions, Sat. abeth Seton, Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45, 9, following S a.m. Mass and 4-4:45 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 p.m. a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady 4:45-5:15 p.m. of Hope, Rte. 6A; Sat. 4 & 5:15 p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m. daily 8 a.m. confessions, before each Mass. CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 57 Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, g a.m. SOUTII CHATHAM, Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule July 4, Sat; 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmouth Highway: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions; Sat. 3:30~4:15 p.m., weekdays, any time by request. EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m.; daily, Mon. Sat." 8:30 a.m.; confessions, 3:30 Saturdays. Rosary: 8:15 a.m. weekdays, 8:30 a.m. Sunday.s. FALMOUTIl, St. Patrick, 511 E. Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8 a.m.; confessions: Saturdays 3:45-4:45 and following 7 p.m. Mass. FALMOUTII HEIGHTS, St. Thomas Chapel, Falmouth Heights Rd.; Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 347 South St: Schedule effective May 30 - Oct. 6 - 7, Sat. 4:00, 5:15, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10 11 :30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:50 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass.
OAK BLUFFS, Sacred Heart, Circuit. Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon. Fri.) 7 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:15-5:45 p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Arc, Bridge Road. (schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8,9,10, 11 a.m.; daHy, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4 - 4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual. Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass Wed.
NORTH EASTHAM, Church· of the Visitation (schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. during July and Aug.; confes sions, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave. Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 7, 9. a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.
PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the Apostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m."confessions, Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by ap" pointment.
Tel. 759-421 rand 759-2669
SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Jarves St.: Sat. 4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9,. 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; daily 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Better Together
SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. SA: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., First Fri day 5:00 p.m., confessions Sat. 4:30·5:15 p.m.
Falmouth National~
soum YARMOUTIl, St. Plus X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.
BASS RIVER, Our Lady of the Highway Rte. 28: Schedule ef fective July 1 thru Sept, 5. Sat. 5:30 p.m. Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. daily (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m. July 2 thru Sept. 6. VINEYARD HA.VEN, St. Augus tine, Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 11 a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m., Novena to O.L. of Perpetual Help, Monday, at 8:30' a.m. WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m. WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 (schedule effective July and August): Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. WELLFLEET, Our Lady of Lourdes, 56-58 Maln St.: Sat. 4 and 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9,10, 11 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before all Masses.
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TRURO, Sacred Heart, Rte. SA: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m.; con· fessions before Masses.
NORm TRURO, Our Lady of Perpetual- Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; confessions before Masses.
Rte..28, East Falmouth
WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28 (schedule effective June 30 - July 1): Sat. 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; SANTUIT, St. Jude Churc:l1. 4441. daily 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. Falmouth Road, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 2:00-3:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. ·and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10:30 a.m. .First Friday -. Mass at 11 a.m. Followed by Exposition of Bless MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints, ed Sacrament olosing with Bene· Great Neck Rd. (towards New diction at 2 p.m. Seabury): Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; DENNISPORT, Our Lady of the Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; Daily Annunciation, Upper County 9:00 a.m. Rd. (schedule effective June 25 26:) Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, POCASSET, St. John the Evan 10, 11:30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; gelist, .15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, Confessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. 5:15 Sun. 7:30; 8:30, 9:30, 10:45 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., ex WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: cept Thursday and Saturday; Schedule June 23- 24, Sat. 5:30 Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 a.m.; Sat. p.m.; ,Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8:00 a.m.; Confessions 'Sat. 3 8 a.m.; Confessions ~ hour be 3:45 p.m. fore Sunday Masses~
Hosts - lPaul & Ellen Goulet
Monday Thru Friday 11:30: 2:30 Monday Thru Sundoy
4:30 - 9:30 P.M.
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THE ANCHOR-,oiocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
A 9-year-old thief
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By Dr. James and Mary Kenny wishful thinking and moralizing and secure . '.' " Keep temptation minimal. His Dear Dr. Kenny: Our happy about "sacred trusts." You have , sisters should keep their money a wonderf1ul opportunity to teach little family of five has· been hidden or with them. You should a valuable lesson. Do it! totally shattered. We found' out keep your purse put away. Keep First come down quickly and . last week that our 9-year-old son has been stealing from his two hard on .theculprit. A firm, stern track of the amount of money older sisters and from my purse. lecture that stealing will not be . you have, perhaps even sealing I discovered a $10 bill in his coat tolerated is in order. This lecture .it in an envelope for a few pocket, and a light dawned should take no more than five months. Making your son's behavior about where our money had been minutes so as to eliminate the going. He finally ·eonfessed after time and attention given to mis known in the fainily is necessary to discourage recurrences. How. behavior. many tears. ·ever, at this point your son may For punishment let him work Now what do we do His sisters . out his debt. Surely you can find be doubting his own worth, and are mad at him, although in hon esty not half so mad as I am. some hard labor around ,the he may need some positive re I feel a sacred trust has been house or yard which he can per sponses from you. Find some constructive and broken. You do not steal from form, two hours a day, before worthwhile activities for him. Re or play he can watch television or harm your own. ward him for cleaning his room,
with his friends. You may have Dad is hurt too, but he's more
philosophical (his money wasn't to supervise his work closely, teach him to mow the lawn, let but do not continue to lecture him begin to take le!lsons of . taken.) How can I restore har some kind. Find a positive focus hlm about the stealing. mony within the family? - Ohio Stealing within the family by .. Set a fair hourly wage and use so tha~ he may begin ags,in to the money to make 'lip what he view himself as a good person. young children. is not that un Happy parenting! common. Do not expect your 9 has taken from his sisters. I Reader questions on family
year-old to behave like a morally would pay ·them back myself· living and child care to be an right now to ease some of the responsible adult. swered in print are invited. Ad Our job as parents is to shape . resentment they feel toward thea dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. and mold the behav.ior of our brother:' .
A brief 'family meeting of all Joseph's College, Rensselaer,
children. Problems arise, and we respond in the best way we know five members is in order. Making lInd. 47978.
Som~ of the best of Dr. James
to help oun children learn more it public within the family wilJ go a long way toward prevent- and Mary Kenny is available in
acceptable behavior. The problem' here is simple: '""tng a ·recurrence. Again be brief, popular book fonn. Send $6 to Your son took money that was no mo~e than five minutes. You Dept. L-12, St. Anthony Messen not his, ,and you must stop this might begin by saying, "We all ger Press, 1615 Republic St., without interrupting the family know Bobby has taken some Cincinnati, Ohio 45210, and ask net of warmth and support that money, He is paying it back and for "Happy Parenting." Contains won't do it again. Meanwhile, more than 100 selections. Pay must !be here for all members. Do not get lost in a woods ~f let's all keep our money counted ment must accompany order.
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Textbooks For Classes Aids For Religious Educat;on·C/asses
Catholic Education Center .Bookstore 423 Highland Avenue - fall River
Labeling By Antoinette Bosco . Life is· getting tougher, as kindergartners in a Minneapolis school district can testify. Eleven percent of the tots, 340 in aU, failed their first school experience. School officials are requiring the children to' attend summer school before they can go 'on to first grade, it has been reported. . I think. this news item says something about our approach to children and education. Considering that life is so full of failures, it is incredible to me that educators would place the; burden of defeat on little child ren. Shouldn't they have at least one year of school in which they aren't being judged in. terms of how they measure up to some· body else's performance or to some preset standards? What bothers me 'is the very idea of labeling such young chil dren "failures." Didn't they pat their modeling clay fancily enough or use matching color .. schemes in their drawings? My concem about ~abe1ing such young children goes back a long time to when my oldest: son, now 34, was in kindergarten. About midway through the year, his school held parent-teacher conferences. I :went, proudly anticipating all the fine things I was going to hear about my firstborn.. That didn't happen. I got the bad 'news that Paul was "socially retarded." When I asked precisely what that meant, the teacher told me: Paul did .a11 his .projects too quickly and·
as failures
therefore wasn't' making g~od peer relationships. Worst of all,· the teacher continued, every time they had a dance and Paul was told to join in, he said, "No, thank you." He still doesn't dance; it's not his preference. But that mark of being "soci ally retarded" was carried on his school records a long time. And it was an unfair-burden for a child to carry in his early years of school. Fortunately they didn't flunk kindergarteners in that school or Paul would have had to replay the classroom which had bored him the first time around. Labeling children raises an other problem for me. Too often adults really don't see children as full human persons, with great individual differences and serisi . tivity about the way they are judged. Children realize at a very e81"ly age whether they are considered good, naughty, pretty, strong, thin, fat, smart - a suc~ cess or failure.· These judgments are all too often internalized to bec·:·mc the self-image they carry into adulthood. As for educators, I sometimes thi~ they have to be reminded that .school systems do more than cram' in information.· Edu cation isn't simply a matter of testing how information is being recycled through children. It in~ volves seeing the potential in each child and stimulating this largely untapped treasure so that each child may become what he or she. is capable of becoming. .When I read about the Minne apolis kindergartners, I thought
at first that it must bea joke. Then I quickly realized that if this made· the wires of the na tional news syndicates, it must De true and it must.be news. And that's the only thought that gave me consolation. Let's hope Ii school system that flunks 5-year-olds remains· news - that it gets attention only because it is unique, bizarre or simply bad news. It could be tragic if such a development be came commonplace, with other school districts following the example. .
. Knights praised VATICAN CI1Y (NC) 'Pope John Paul II has encouraged the Knights of Malta, an ancient Catholic order, to continue its charitable tradition. In an audi. ence with the order's highest council, the pope noted that the knights run leprosariums, medi cal dispensaries, blood banks and homes for the aged in five continents.
Shared values VATICAN CI1Y (NC) - Al essandro Matta, newly elected head of Italy's Communist Party, told Vatican Radio in a recent . historic interview that the party and the Catholic Church share some values, particularly regard ing freedom, peace and morality. It was the first time in its 53 year history that Vatican Radio had interviewed an Italian Com munist Party chief.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
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Andretti films commercial.
Andretti -'elps missioners get wheels WASHINGTON (NC) - Rac ing champion Mario Andretti knows that owning a g~ set of wheels is important for both race car drivers and missionaries. So he filmed a public service announcement for the Missionary Vehicle Association of America, a nonprofit group that provides transportation for American mis sionaries around the world. In the announcement, filmed during preparations for an auto race in Long Beach, Calif., An dretti said the Washington,based association looks at transporta tion in a different way. "In the MIVA, America sense, you're looking at helping people in the undeveloped countries, and most times having transpor-
tation means the difference be tween life and death," he said. Transportation is the biggest expense for missionaries, said Father Philip De Rea, ,the associa tion's national director and a member of 'the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Father De Rea, a long-time friend of Andretti . ser ' SaId he expects the pubhc vice announcements to be a big help for his group.
"I think it's going to g,ive IUS national recognition and national credibiUty," he said. In 1983 MIVA America award; ed $166,979 in grants that paid for 26 missionary vehicles in countries including Nicaragua, Brazil and the Philippines.
MIVA grants buy, vehicles ranging from jeeps to oxcarts. Father De Rea said the misSion aries need transportation to bring health care, education and the Gospel to their, people. He said that with fewer mis sionaries today, the need for transportation is more vital- be cause workers have larger terri tories to cover. Andretti, a Catholic, is on MIVA America's board of direc tors. He has also helped the group by writing a !letter of en· dorsement and !lending his name to its direct maiJing efforts. He hosted a dinner in Washington in March honoring association benefactors.
The dinner table
By Father Eugene Hemrick Whatever happened to those' days when we sat around the dinner table for hours af-ter eat ing and just gabbed? As a youngster, I remember many an evening when my dad and I would discuss the first automobile he owned; how his Stanley Steamer ran off on its own one day when the brake let loose and how many wrists' were broken cranking the origin al Model T Fords. And then there were the times my mother gave me the history of my Italian relatives. How they came over here from the old country and got thefr start and how she remembered going to the famous Jane Addams school. Although I was never prohibit ed from talking at the table. I must admit I did more listening than speaking. Recently when I read H.I. Mar rou's book, "A History of Edu cation in Antiquity," I came to see the value of those long dinner taJble gab sessions I had experi enced. Marrou, in describing how a young man in ancient Ro man days was educated, writes: "When he gets older he takes his place among grown-ups, and sits there quiet and reserved,
listening to the old ones talk- ' ing about the rain and flne weather, and the day's w~rk about man and beast; and thus he grows into a whole body of wisdom." Marrou goes on to point out that the heart of Roman educa tion was respect for old tradi tions. To open the eyes 0 fthe YOlUng, to get them to respect old ,traditions as an ideal and as a standard for their actions was an educator's main task. For me, the dinner table has always meant more than an eat ing place. J.t is a place'where re laxation and conversation should come easily and be cherished. It is an opportunity to discuss not only the present and future, but to recall past traditions and to receive an informal education. I have many memories of rec tory dinners in which I learned· more about pastoral theology than ~n my four years of formal education at the seminary. There too our laughter made the troubles of the day melt away as if ,they were nothing. I have other memories· too, when I sat with two or three grown men at the dinner table and watched 'them glued to the television set throoghout an en-
tire meal. Likewise, I have visit ed homes in which dinner was a means of sustenance and noth ing more. There is no doubt that our eat ing habits have changed drastic· ally. We now have microwave ovens, TV dinners, Little League and a hundred other activities to infringe .on the sacred hours o( eating. Often both father and mother work, which makes it difficult to prepare a dinner con ducive to conversation. But there is one beautiful dinner tradition we still follow. If you are a man and want to romance a woman, or a woman who wanq to romance a man, one 'of the best settings is the dinner taible. It presents the opportunity for two persons to look into each other's eyes, to speak freely and intimately. I wonder if it might, be well for us to think about the last time we had a 'leisurely dinner, ,one where we came to know our family ,traditions or chi,ldren, our spouse or friends better, where we let time go its merry way and took advantage of ute at one of its better moments. Who knows, such a dinner might be just the tonic needed to malre -life more beautiful!
Member F.D.I.C.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 27, 1984
Your important credit rating
for the purpose of furnishing of $50,000 or more, an insurance send the agency a ,letter telling agency will provide a copy of consumer credit reports. These policy with a face amount of it who 'you are, and that you'd your letter, or a summary of it, agencies may receive monetary $50,000 or more, or a job with like to see their file on you. You when'it provides credit informa ARTHUR fees, dues for furnishing reports, an annual salary' of $20,000 or can find out which agency'has a tion. If you are denied credit or in more, can the reporting agency file on you by asking any per or they may operate on a cooper MURPHY divulge any of the above infor 'son or business denying you surance, or the cost of your ative non-profit basis. credit where it obtained informa credit or insurance is increased If . a consumer reporting mation. tion on your credit history. because of information in an or Banks, loan companies and de agency has a file on you, it may Or, you can check the Yellow dinary consumer credit report, contain anything that pertains partment stores may ask for a to your Character as a credit consumer credit report on you. Pages, under "Credit Reporting you must be notified of the name and address of the agency which A~encies," and send letters to risk. This could include .not only Employers may use them in hir ing, and insurance companies all of them. Some may have a compiled the report. If you are information on your credit his And ATTY. tory, but possibly information on may use them in issuing policies. file on you, and some may not. ever denied credit or Insurance, After ,you've' written to the and not told why, be sure to ask a criminal record, bankroptcies, But not just anyone 'can walk RICHARD court judgm'ents, tax .}jens on in off, the street and get a copy agency, you can either go to the the reasons in writing. Suppose that you are denied property, and the like; There of your consumer credit report. agency's office in person, or tele MURPHY phone, to find out what's In' credit or an Insurance policy be may even be information on Massachusetts law allows a re your reputation, your style of porting agency to furnish a re-' your file. In either case, make ' cause an arrest that happened 8 sure you have' proper identifica years ago is included in the re Hving', or your medical history. port only when: tion port? Or because the report has han4Y. And, the file may cover many 1) A court orders if to do so; wrong information which you years of your adult life. Not all 2) You request the agency, in Or, if you prefer, the agency have disputed, and the reporting We don't have to tell you of this information, however, writing to g,ive a report to will send It 'to you by certified agency never reinvestigated? will Ibe :included with every re how important your credit a business or a person; mail, if you have made a written Under Massachusetts law, you 3) A person or businessre rating is. Inflation .is push port. request, return receipt requested, can sue the reporting agency or An ordinary consumer credit 'quests a report, and the deliver to addresses only. The the business using the infroma-' ing more and more of us into agency believes the report letter and the identification are tlon. a spot where we neecf credit to report can be oral or in writing. be used: ? obviously for your protection. help out with bills, replace the It may contain anything in yo~r If you're right, and they're file that will ,tell the interested . a. for- employment pur 'Bomber, and make those long You may want someone with not, you'll be able to recover poses; or needed, repairs on the house. party whet~er you'U Ibe a good you when you go to 'look over whatever money you've lost, be , b. in connection with a the contents of your file - a cause of their eNor, and your How does a company decide it credit risk, except the fol:1owing: 1) Bankruptcies more than 10 transaction. or the ex will give you that Ioim, or in friend, or even a ,lawyer. The attorney's fees. And, in some tension of credit; or <Vears old; sure your life or house? Often agency should have someone on cases, you may be awarded c. ' in connection with hand who can explain the in 2) Court suits and judgments it's a consumer credit report that "punitive damages," a sort of 'underwriting an' insur more . than seven years gives that company the informa fine' or cast penalty charged to formation in your file. . ance policy. . old; , tion it needs to make those de It's possible that your file may the agency and the business for cisions. 'Yes. You 'not only have the contain wrong or incomplete in 3) 'Paid tax liens and collection the error. You can also file a ,accounts more than seven right to see' a particular report, formation. If it does, you should complaint .with the Federal Trade Like any booming industry, yeilrsold; but also to see all the informa the credit industry has created notify the agency in writing. The Commission. tion in an agency's file on you. agency should reinvestigate the 4) Records of arrest, indict a number of offshoot businesses. Credit is too lmportant to lose ment or conviction of a And you have the right to know information. If, after the agency withQut a valid reason. It's One of them is the "consumer crime 'more than seven which persons or businesses re agency.,,· Thesp reporting has done so, you still dispute the worth the time, effort and ag ceived a report on you in the accuracy of the' information, gravation to exercise the rights years old; agencies make a regular business of assembling or evaluating con 5) Adverse information more prior six months, or, if it was an write another letter to the agency the law allows you. employer, the prior two years~ sumer credit information or than seven,years old. The Murphys practice law In explaining the dispute. Your !et other information on consumers Only if you are seeking a loan If you want to see your file, ter ~ould go into your file. The Braintree. By
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FOI "OIlAPT 14 Hou, S"..Q Charles Velolo. Pres,
Carthusians celebrate 900 years
ARLINGTON, Vt. (NC) - Secluded on more than 6,000 acre!! of wilderness on the highest mountain In southern Vermont, 14 monks are "praying more fer vently and living life more faith fully" to celebrate their order's 900th ~nniversary. The monks - seven priests and seven brothers - live ,at the Charterhouse of the Transfigura tion, the only Carthusian mon astery in North America. .The Carthusian order was founded by St. Bruno in 1084 in Chartreuse, France. .. The monks' lives are devoted to prayer and union with God. The' priests spend five hourS a day in the monastery chapel; the remaining tim~ is spent in their ,Individual hermitages - four room dwellings which include a workshop and adjoin a small garden.
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"The main purpose_ of the fathers is to stay recollected in the presence of God and pray for the intentions of the world," said Father Maranus Marck, pro curator and director of novices for the brothers. ' The brothers also spend most of their time in solitude, but for six hours daily engage in manual labor such as c8l'pentry, paint iog and gardening. Each brother has his own room. The monks believe that the more they pray, the more grace people receive, said Father Rap hael Diamond, prior. "We believe that grace flows from our life which affects peo pie even though they don't know the source," he said. The monks, who wear white, hooded. habits, eat alorie, except on Sundays and feast days, they take their meatless, simple meals in community. They meet three times daily: for morning Mass, evening vespers and night pray ers ~t midnight. Because they are striQtly cloistered, the monks follow roles, including staying within geographical boundaries around the monastery and not receiving women into its main, section. , They do not engage in unnecess ary conversation with lay peo
pie', and they rarely leave the monastery grounds. Father Diamond said the monks have given up luxuries be cause "they understand that God is more important than things." Father Marck added that every week they receive inquiries from men interested in the Carthus ian life. Not· all who request admit tance are received, ana some who join find they are not com patible with the lifestyle. In the past 13 years, Father Marek said, about 25 men have entered; six remain. Men have entered the Arling ton house from countries that include New Zea'1and, France, 'the Philippines, Norway and Ger many. Currently about 500 priests, brothers and nuns live in 24 Carthusian houses in Eu rope and Brazil. The Arlington charterhouse, situated on land 'donate$! by a former corporate vice-president, has room for 23 monks and the prior said he hopes to fill U someday. "We have no active aposto late," Father Diamond said, add ing that the monks' life "is for people who really are looking for God with their entire being and to meet God in their in terior:'
Table grapes reboycotted
By NC News Service Cesar Chavez, president of the United Farm Workers 'of America, is seeking church sup port for his union's renewed boycott of table grapes. During the union's original grape boycott, from 1966 to 1975, "one of our main groups of support was the church," Chavez said in a telephone in terview from San Francisco. The new boycott was to press for enforcement of California labor law. Chavez said he planned to write oletters to U.S. bishops in forming them of the reasons for the boycott. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops endorsed the origina-l boycott in 1973, and re Hgious and labor groups sup ported the farmworkers' efforts. The second boycott was an nounced J.uly 11, Chavez said. It was triggered by California Gov. George Deukmejlan's veto of a $1 million appropriation to cre ate a compliance enforcement unit under the state Agr.fcultu ral Labor Relations Board. Without enforcement, Chavez said, the 'law which guarantees the union's right to organize would be shut down. .
Friday July 27, 1984
"The conditions are worse than in 1975," he added. In that year California passed the Agri cultural Labor Relations Act guaranteeing union eleCtions and access to workers in the field.
letters are welcomed. but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address and telephone number for thl3 purpose of .. verification If deemed necessary.
Chavez said workers are not able to collect $72 million owed them in back pay, grievances are not being settled and 36,000 workers who voted for the union cannot get contracts. He said polls showed about 15 percent of the population honored the first boycott and that this time 3 percent would be enough to pressure growers into compliance.
The Eucharist
MSW, ACSW, LICSW, has been named director of the New Bedford office of € a th . olic Social Services, effective VATICAN CITY (NC) - A Aug. 6. Vatican official has criticized the "racist ideology" of toe South She has been a clinical so African government and has. cial worker at the CSS Fall praised local church efforts to River office for the past four proclaim the Gospel "without artificially and unjustly imposed years and was previously a separations." Bishop Jan Schotte, casework supervisor for the vice president of the Vatican Massachusetts Society for Justice and Peace Commission, the Prevention of Cruelty criticized the .white-minority to Children. South African government in a A member of Our Lady of lengthy article in the Vatican the ,Assumption parish, New newspaper, L'Osservatore Ro Bedford, where she is a mano. eucharistic minister, Ms. Lopes is a national com mittee member of the Cam paign for Human Develop the rectory the weekend of July ment. 14-15.
Raps South Africa
A powerful love
CHICAGO (NC) - Not many mugging victims invite their as sailants to lunch. But Father George H. Cle ments, pastor of Holy Angels Church, Chicago, who was robbed of about $25 by Anthony Morgan July 11, asked the Illi nois Chi-ldren and Family Ser vices Department for custody of the 17-year-old. The state. felt Morgan was "too difficult a case at this stage," according ,to .Father Cle ments, and instead placed him in a group home after Chicago Criminal Court Judge Carl Mc Cormick sentenced the young man to 30-months probation. But the priest was given per mission to counsel Morgan, and he invited the youth to lunch at
"He was amazed - dumb founded - at the whole scene at the rectory and the way people trea'ted him," said Father Ciements. Not so pleased at first were the pastor's own adopted sons, Friday, 15, and Joseph, 16. "The boys were upset with me for inviting him after what he had done," said Father Cle ments, "but they meHowed. . I expect to be seeing him again.'" Father Clements said he re quested custody even after he learned that Morgan has been considered "incorrigible" since FATHER lERNEST E, age 8 and was involved with' BLAIS, pastor of Notre some form of narcotics. Dame parish, Fall River, "I believe love is more power ful than hate," said the priest. holds congratulatory mes
sage at recent parish testi monial on occasion of his 40th anniversary of ordina tion.
Haitians affirmed MIAMI (NC) - The church remains committed to securing justice and, fair treatment for Haitians and other immigrant and minority groups, Archbishop Edward A. MoCarthy of Miami said in a pastoral letter to Hai tians.
Anthony Morgan and Father C~ements
"The church will continue to denounce the sins of racism and ethnocentrism and to call all to a true conversion of heart and mind," Archbishop McCarthy said. He urged Haitians to de velop grassroots groups for re flection on how to apply biblical teachings to social, economic and political situations.
Dear Editor: I would like to highly com mend Father Kevin Harrington's article on the murgy and Arch bishop James Hickey's article on Eucharistic devotion (Anchor, July 13). I know that homilies are based on the Sunday's readings but wondered if more instruction on The Miracle that transpires at the time of Consecration would help some of a generation and their children who do not reflect enough on this; and I've heard some speak as though the hom· ily is the high point of the Mass. It appears that those who have an especial Eucharistic de votion also have a very special love of the Lord. Our Holy Father, I've read, always had great ptivate devo ,tion to the Eucharistic Presenoe and when in ne'ed of the Lord's help would spend the night be fore .the tabernacle. Archbishop Fulton Sheen spent an hour a day with the Lord in this close way. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her sisters spend as much time before the Lord as they do working. In our own diocese we are honored to have cloistered Car melite nuns who pray this way for the church and for all of us. The Catholic Church is so privileged to have the Eucharist. Mayall appreciate this and thank the Father for the Great est Gift he could give us. Constance Zygiel New Bedford
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PreSs head named WARREN'S AUTO' SALES NOTRE .DAME, Ind. (NC). Holy Cross Father David E. Schlaver has been appointed editor and publisher of the Ave Maria Press in Notre Dame suc ceeding the late Holy Cross Father John L. Reedy. Father Schlaver will continue writing Father Reedy's syndica ted column, "Looking for the Lord," which appears in about 30 diocesan newspapers. Father Schlaver, 41, most re cently was director of campus ministry at the University of Notre Dame.
Authorized Sear Bod, .. Frame operator
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Cuban church KEY WEST, Fla. (NC) - A group of Cuban priests in exile has urged priests and lay people in Latin America, the United States and Western Europe to investigate the fate of the Cath olic. Church in Cuba. At a Key West meeting, the International Association of Cuban Priests in Exile cited restrictions on reli gious activity lin Cuba and de cried the conspiracy of silence which . . . regretfully includes some elements of the news media, even of our own Cath olic news media."
S118 COllEm IT1lEET
(It. IS 'lilli- Airport lilt)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,· July 27, 1984. i
he forgets the times that author ity tries to gtiide and care. Rules for youth are ~ideally meant to create' an environment where people can grow safely into adulthood. Imagine a classroom 'with no sense of order or a home where no one cared enough to set limits. Would such.' environ ments help young people learn By .Charlie Martin or grow? Mellencamp ao]so forgets about AUT H () RI TY SON G They like to get you in a compromising position
the most ;important level of au Yeah they like to.get you there and sml1e in your face
thority: that which people im pose on themselves. Each per They think they're So cute when they got you in that condition
son has the 'power to make his But I think it's a total disgrace or her own decisions. And I say
I suggest that initiating a dia I light au~ity, .authority, always wins
logue with authority is healthier Well I' fight authority, authority always wins
than the constant fight MeHen Well I been doing it since 1 was a young kid and I've camp suggests. People can as Come out glinning .
sert their feelings, ideas and WeI1 I fight authority, authority always wins.
needs. to authority figures, and I call up my preacher I say,
then olist~n to their responses. ' "Give. me strength for roUDd five"
The next· step is to think about whether changes ,in Jifestyle He said, ''You don't need_no strength,
might be necessary and, if so, You need to' grow up son" .
how to initiate them. I said, "Growing up leads to. growing old and then to dying"
ADd dying to me don't sound like all that much fun."
People in. authority positions • .
I say oh no no DO can live up to their responsibil I fight authority, authority always Wins
ity but still work constructively "50 TELL ME ... WHAT'VE \.yOU 6EEN UP TO?" I fight authority, autorlty always wins .'
. with those under their care. In I been doing it since ,I was a young kid and I've come out grinning such an environment, healthy . Well ~ fight authority, authority always wins. relationships and personal Written and sung by John Cougar Mellencamp, (e) 1983 growth are fostered. , by Rtva Music Inc. for the WOrld Since the issue of relating, to • authority-affects all of us, I in regions, was now. made equal By CeeiDa Belanger , counter authority in many parts vite readers to share their ideas I HAVE received several re everywhere. All spaces, GalHeo I receiv.~d a tough question in said; are created equafand en quests to review "Authority of their lives - in parents, on this topic. What is the best teachers, the church. attitude toward those in author the mail: "Had Jefferson lived dowed by their Creator with cer Song." As the: Ileader of the Mid tod!1y, wouIdn',t he have- been tain universal and inherent prop Mellencamp suggests that re- .ity?How canyoting' people work western rockers, Mellencamp's lating to authority is' stressful. most_ effectively with author.ity? . led to different conclusions than erties. If one is looking for songs .often critically evalute"as He implies that f.ighting is the Please address Core8p9ndence his words in the Declaration of 'equality, there it is. pects .of today's society. The ob only way to keep one's identity, to Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Independence?" , vious issue he~e is olle'satti Of course, we sometimes get suggesting that· authority is Rotherwoocl' Ave., Evansville, tude toward authority~' Certainly, he would have been into -so many abstractions that ar.e tikely to.en-- i. there only to' put you down. But Ind. 47714. Young people ,.a different· man' in a qifferent human nature itself gets lost. '. . culture, but speculating does ,But Ch,rist will .untangle any good. What',if he had lived in skein and tell you who you are. the 14th century? He might still chance of "~etting too close" No matter what courses .J have the concern you expressed in have been 1a most eloquent taken, no matter how impressive spokesman, but I'm not sure the teachers' and discover-ies, I your letter. , about the resr found that sooner or later there . Your que~tion and concern By Young people grappling with were those fragi'le underpinnings may well prompt discussion in the Aristoteli.an cosmos have a that could not compare with the parish youth groups. At your TOMage you should indeed have difficult time keeping it all in solidity Christ offers. Was it because I was brought perspective in -light of the scien friends of the opposite sex..The LENNON tific revolution. A:t the same up in a deeply religious house Hmits to such relationships time they are 'l'eading about· hold? Yes, it had a lot to do should be talked about openly in GalHeo, w~ose observations with it, but I honestly beHeve youth groups and with adults. I . . proved that ~e heavenly spheres I would have felt the same way, Q. How do you make friends 8end questions to Tom Len were no "higher" than the ter . once introduced to the holy one with the 'opposite. sex without control of one's actions and self non, 1312 Mass Ave. N.W., discipline. restrial one, ~nce all obeyed the on the cross. Just carrying him getting too close, but just being same laws ~f physics. Space, with you in your daily routine This does not mean you can't Washington, D.C. 20005. friends. (Indiana) . which had ~een. polarized by turns your world around. An have good times with a friend . A. The instincts behind your of the opposite sex. Far from it. Aristotle into' higher and Bower then there is no turning back.· ' . > ... question are sound. Your con· But if you d!>n't want to get too cern shows a growing maturity. close to the person, here are VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Two of the marks of maturity some suggestions to consider: Bible has become the best-sen an ability to make wise de ing book.:fn .Japan, Vatican Ra Have many friends of the op cisions and to control one's ac dio has repo'rted. posite sex. The more you are ac· tions. . Acording to figures of the These qualities are a ma:;n part quainted with, the more you will Japanese Bible Society,l.l mil to know 'about life with come of !. the difference between' hu lion copies were sold in Japan the .opposite sex. This will be mans -and animals. They are ruled in 1983, 10' percent more than , " by blind instincts.' Hum~ns, ,on excellent preparation. for mar .the other' hand, can think, plan, riage, if that turns out to. be the previous year. The Bible has outsold all other books in Japan "make decisions ,and carry out your vocation. for the ·last few years, the so ,Plan activities with your decisions. ciety said. In 1970, the first year' friends. Go bowling. Attend a Humans'can even act against . it was on sale, the Bible sold , strong emotions that urge them -basketball game. StroIl through 70,000 copies. an art museum.. Seek out the to act unwisely. Through self Christians make up Bess than discipline, they can achieve a new and 'unusual: Avoid routine evenings of just 1 percent of Japan's 118 miHion : Ilarge measure of· freedom and sitting and' watching television. population, where the vast ma goodness. Avoid pot and booze, not merely joritypractice 'Buddhism or And they are most truly hu man when they control their . because they're illega:1, but also Shintoism. because they weaken your will. actions and do not make de There ar~ 403,000 Catholics cisions on blind impulse. When you're out with a friend, - about' three-tenths of 1 per CHARLES WILLS (left) of Fall River and Robert Oli . To "make friends with the op try as much as possible to be cent of the population. veira ~f New Bedford are among recipients of college posite sex y.r.ithout getting too with other young people. An old , The Catholic Church in Japan scholarship grants awarded by the Catholic Association of close, but just being friends" re adage, says, "There's safety in grew by 2,600 hi 1983, accord . quires planning, decision making, numbers." There's also less ing' to the latest statistics. Foresters.
No turning, back
What's ,
on your~ • mind?
Tops in Japan·
By Bill Morrissette
eyo Golf
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office , ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuita~le for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for' Winners children and adults; A2-approved for Anne-Marie Burke, Bishop adults and adolescents; A3-approved for Stang High School's outstanding adults on:y; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally o{(ensive track star, is among high scool which, however, require some analysis athletes who have qualified for and explanation!; O-morally offensive.
Dave Munroe of the Taunton area fired a 75 to w.in the senior division championship for play ers born on or after Jan. I, 1958, in the 25th CYO Diocesan Golf the National Amateur Athletic Tournament at the Pocasset Golf Union/USA Junior Olympics to Course Jast Tuesday. be held Aug. 16-19 in Jackson Other division leaders were ville, florida. Mike Carberry, Fall River, 80; Miss Burke placed first in' the Norm Howes, Cape area, 81; triple jump, 34 feet 11 ~ inches, David Silva, New Bedford, 83; third in the Jong jump, 14' 4" and Chris Clements, New Bedford: fourth in the 400-meter hurdles in the Region One Track and 88. Tim Tobey of the Cape -led the Field Meet in Beacon, N.Y., last intermediate division (born on weekend. or after Jan. I, 1965) with a 77 Other area qualifiers were Jerry Pimental and Richie Phil followed by Tim Cooke, Taun ton, 78; Carl Oliveira, New Bed lips of Dartmouth and Holly ford, 80; C;aig Clark, Fall River, Lopes of Middleboro. Pimental 81; and Chris DeBortoH, New was third in the 200-meter dash with a time' of 23.2 seconds and Bedford, 84. W.ith a score of 76 15·year-old fourth in the 100-meter dash. Phillips earned his berth in Jason Cook of Taunton was the winner of the junior division the nationals with first place in (born on or after Jan. I, 1968). the pole vault, 12 feet. He teamed He also was awarded the Marty with Pimental and two other Higgins Trophy as the Tourna runners for third place in the ment's outstanding player. The 4xl00-meter relay in 46.3 sec trophy honors the -late Higgins, . onds. long-time pro at the Fall River Miss Lopes took first place in Country Club. the 'long jump, 15 feet nine inch: Other leading scorers in the es and second in the triple jUlnp, junior division were Kevin Har 32 feet 9 ~ inches. bel, Cape, 80; Todd Boughault, The third annual Rose' Haw New Bedford, 83; and Craig thorne Lathrop Cancer Home Fund golf tournament will be Crompton, New Bedford, 85. The cadet division crown held Sunday at the Montaup (born on or after Jan. I, 1970) Country Club in Portsmouth, went to 11-year-old Tim Curley R.I. Non-golfers may contdbute of the Cape who fired a 79. by purchasing tickets for· three Other top scorers in that division prizes, including. a trip for two to Atlantic City or Montreal or were Steve Roberts, New Bed ford, 92; Jim Wilson, Fall River, a Montaup. Country Club mem bership. 94; and 'Chad Nunes, New Bed Aug. 10 is ·the deadline for ford, 96. The tournament was under the entries in the second annual direction of Bill Doyle of New golf tournament for the benefit Bedford. The two finalists in of St. Anne's Hospital to be held Aug. 21 at the Fall River Coun each division qualify to repre sent the Fall River Diocese in try Club. For information can 674-5741, ext. 411, the hospital's the New England CYO tourna publicity department. ment next month.
eya Baseball After last Monday night's play only ,two points separated first place from fifth place in the Bdstol County CYO Baseball League. Nor.th End was setting the pace with 18 points, Ken. nedy and Anawans shared second place with .17. Somerset and South End were tied for fourth plaee with 16. Maplewood was in sixth place with 'six points. . Next week's schedule: Sunday Somerset vs. Anawans, Maplewood vs. North End. Mon· day - South End vs. Anawans, Somerset vs. Maplewood. Tuesday Maplewood vs. Somerset 8 p.m., Wednesday - South End vs. Somerset, Anawans vs. \ Maplewood. Thursday - South End vs. Kennedy, North End vs. Somerse~. All programs except Tuesday's begin at six p.m. at Thomas Chew Memorial Park, Fall River. Fall River Area CYO Baseball Leaglie ~ames are as follows: Sunday - Notre Dame vs. St.
tv, movie news
Michael's Club, Our Lady of Grace vs. St. Elizabeth, Lafa
yette Park;Ste. Anne vs. St.
Williamj St. Patrick vs. St. Mi
chael's Parish, Maplewood Park;
both doubleheaders starting at
5:30 p.m. Monday Notre
Dame vs. Ste. Anne, Kennedy
Park, 6 p.m. Tuesday - St. Wil
Uam .vs. Swansea, Kennedy, 6;
Our Lady of Grace vs. St. Mi chael's Club, St. EHzabeth vs, Immaculate Conception, L~fa yette Park; starting at 6. Wednesday - St. Elizabeth vs. Our Lady of Health, Ken nedy Park, 6; Notre Dame vs. St. William, St. Michael's Par ish vs. Immaculate Conception, ,Lafayette Park, starting at 6. Thursday - Our Lady of Health vs. St. Patrick, Kennedy Park; St. Michael's Parish vs. Swan sea, Lafayette Park, both at 6. The pennant race in this league has virtually narrowed down to ~t. Michael's Club and Swansea.
. NOTE Please check dates and ~imes of· television and radio programs against local Ut>t 'ngs, which may differ from 'he New York network sched .Iles supplied to The Anchor.
"Purple Rain" (Warners) Rock star Prince's film debut features grappie 'sex, nudity and an out rageous treatment of women that goes heyond anything demanded by the plot. 0, R Film on 1V Saturday, Aug. 4, 9-11:12 p.m. EDT (CBS) - "A Uttle Ro mance" (1980). - Two teen-age misfits, one American (Diane Lane) and one French (Theolon 10us Bernard), whose troubles stem from their being geniuses, find !romance in France with the aid of 'an ancient con-man (Lau rence Oliv,ier). Lightweight but fairly pleasant entertainment. A2,PG Religious 1V Sunday, July 29 (CBS) "For OUr Times" Acti~ties of Maryknoll missionaries in Peru. Religious Radio Sunday, July 29 (NBC) "Guide line" .Anthropologist Carl Quinn talks about eXorcisms and the case of Anneliese Michael.
Humanitas prizes LOS ANGELES' (NC) - The writers of NBC's "Choices of the Heart" and episodes of "Hill Street Blues" and "Family Ties" won the 1984 Humanitas prizes for "most fully" communicating human values that enrich the public. "Choices of the Heart," which in February also won a Christo pher Award, focused on the life of Amer.ican lay missionary Jean Donovan kiUed in El Salvador in 1980.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home
The Humanitas prizes are awarded annually to television writers by the Human Family Educational and Cultural Insti tute in Los Angeles, headed by PauUst ~ather EHwod E. Kieser.
571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072
John Pelletier, who wrote "Choices o.f the Heart," won $25,000 for the best teleplay of at least 90 minutes. Judges call ed the program a "stark and per ceptive depiction of the tragedy which is EI Salvador."
"Dcris in Wonderland," an episode of "HiB Street Blues," won the $15,000 prize in the one hour category. The teleplay was written by Peter Silverman, with story by Sleven Bocho, Jeffrey L~wis and David Milch.
Judges lauded the program for its "humorous exploration of the intrinsic connection which ex ists between ,love and fidelity - the marital covenant, and' for its witty. reminder that the grass on the other side of the fence isn't. always greener."
UN supported LOS ANGELES (NC) Popes from ,Pius XII to John Paul II have been unequivocally com mitted to supporting the .United Nations, because being active in world affairs is part of Christ's plan, said Archbishop Giovani Cheli, the Vatican's permanent observer at the United Nations. The church has the right to be active in international political life in general and the United Nations ,in particular, the arch bishop said at a talk hosted by. the Los Angeles archdiocesan peace and justice commission.
. •
Tel. 678·5651 Member F.T.D.A.
It was cited for its "dramatic New FOms portrayal of the power of love "Last Starfighter" (Universal) and forgiveness in the face of A high school senior, a whiz at catastrophe" and for its presen electronic games, finds himself tation of the "dehumanizing ef. defending the frontier of the fects ofviolence" on victims and universe against ruthless invaders perpetrators. in this touching, romantic, hu morous and very entertaining The $10,000 prize for a half film. Some of the violence might . hour program was awarded to be much for younger children, Gary David Goldberg and Ruth and there is a touch of semally Bennett for "Not an Affair to oriented humor. A2, PG Remember," an episode of "Family Ties." "The Muppets Take Manhat
tan" (Trl-Star) Kermit and Miss Piggy emulate Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. Witty, buoy ant and very entel1taining. Al (Rec.), G
July 27, 1984
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....Fri., July 27, 1984
PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN . Ire Isked to. lubmlt news Items for this' column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 0272~ Name of city or town should be Included II well as full dates of all letlvltlel; plelle lend news of future rather than palt events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng ectlvltles suc~ as blngol, w11lstl, dances; suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng pro Jects may be advertised at bur regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.
Holy hour: 7 p.m. July 31, Sacred Hearts Church, Fair haven, conducted by Father Roy Yurco, SS.CC., pastor of St. Boniface Church, New Bedford. Refreshments to follow. Exposition of the Blessed Sac rament: at Sacred Hearts every Friday following 8 a.m. Mass to 8:45 p.m. All welcome. . ST. ANTHONY OF TillE DESERT, FR
Adoration of the Blessed Sa'c rament: noon to 6 .p.m. Aug. 5, St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Ave. . DEAF APOSTOLATE
Monthly Mass and social: noon Aug. 11, St. Vincent de Paul.Caml!, Westport. Clamboil 2 p.m., swimming 1 to 4 p.m. Summer activities for chil dren: Aug. 7, Children's Mu seum, Pawtucket; Aug. 14, Pet ting Museum, Pawtucket; Aug. 21, hors~back riding. Informa tion: TTY Qr regular number, 679-8373. ST. MARY, NB
Altar boys, lectors and eucha ristic ministers are reminded to arrange for substitutes if they cannot fulfill an assignment. Parishioners are urged to sup-' port a ·blood drive 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 6 at Parkwood Hos pital. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER
Marriage Encounter weekend,: Sept. 14 to 16, LaSalette Center, Attleboro. Information: Bob and Laurette Rousselle, 110 King St., Blackstone, MA 01504, tel. 883 9681. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA ~.
Sister Margaret Rogers of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus will speak at weekend Masses on behalf of missions of her comm unity. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE
The second collection at week end Masses will benefit Birth right. ST. LOUIS de' FRANCE, SWANSEA
Boys entering 6th through 8th ·grades are. invited to practice basketball from 6:30 to 8:30 ·p.m. Wednesdays in August. CYO team tryouts will be held at the end of August. NOTRE DAME, FR
Appreciation dinner: 6 p.m. July 29, McGovern's restaurant, Fall River.. Parish picnic: Aug. 19, St. Vincent de Paul Camp, West port. ST. RITA, MARION
Altar ,boys' outing: Rocky Point, July 30. Those wishing to go should call the rectory. HOLY· NAME, FR
School tuition payments are .due Aug. 1. A uniform com pany representative will be ·at the school from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 1. . SS. PETER & PAUL, FR
Parocqial school graduation pictures areavaila.ble and may 'be picked up in the church of fice after weekend Masses.
Father Geol'ge Kurisunkal of the diocese of Cochin' in the state of Kerala, India, will speak at weekend Masses on ,behalf of missionary projects, especially those in aid of leprosy victims.
33 parishioners needed to commit theinselves to attendance at.a definite weekend Mass' as ushers, collectors and welcom ers of visitors. Also needed: lectors, songleaders, choir mem bers, altar ,boys and maintenance aides. Very desirable: babysit tel's, people to share skills with Scout troops; new. members for the Senior Group. Parish picnic: noon to 6.-p.m., Aug. 12. Ma!!s at 5 p.m. ST. STANISLAUS, F R '
Results ()f standardized tests recently taken by parochial school students show all grades scoring well above national averages. A Polish-language. service held at 7:30 a.m. each Wednes day during the summer consists of morning prayer, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and recitatioan of part of the scrip tur~l rosary. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET
A Children's Afternoon, to be held in connection with the par ish's. patronal feast will begin a.t 2 o'clock tomorrow with a two hour appearance of the Roger . Williams -Zoomobile. A deco rated doll carriage and bicycle parade will follow at 4 o'clock, with prizes to be awarded. Ad ditionally, clowns will be on hand and children can have ciown faces painted. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH
A series of discussions, "What Happened to the Church I Used tei Know?", is in progress at 7:30 p.m. Sunday nights at the church hall. . ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH
St. Julie's regrets losing the musical talents of Phillip Spin dola, who has. served in the music ministry since the ,parish was founded and who has now accepted a position as music coordinator of a New Hampshire parish.
Leased access WASHINGTON (NC) - Rich and Hirsch, USCC secretary of communication, calls proposed cable television 'legislation cover ing leased access' channels "wholly inadequate" and urges the House Energy and Commerce Committee to strengthen them. Leased access channels are facilities set aside for independ ent programmers, including church groups, who contract' with the cable operator for their regular paid use.
Galileo cleared· VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican is publishing for the fi~t time al1 its documentation of the trial' of 17-century astronomer GaHleo GaJilei, who in 1633 was censured by the churx:h for claim ing that Earth revolves around the sun. The book' reveals that the original trial transcripts are not among Vatican records. Last March, a special. Vatican com mission released its findings that Galileo had been wrongly con demned.
IF YOU'VE enjoyed a meal at the Diocesan Family Life Center in North Dartmouth, you've benefited from the culinary expertise of Mr. and Mrs! Norman Portlance, managers of the ce~ter's busy kitchen. (Rosa Photo).
Cardinal I{rol calls for war against' pornography
NEW YORK (NC) -Cardinal John ~rol of Philadejphia has called on Catholics to join an ecumenical campaign launched by a Presbyterian minister to combat pornography. . Religious leaders must give the issue increased attention, he said, because .the~ "merchants of pornography" who formerly ig noredmoral principles are' now .directly "attacking religious au thority, religious teaching and religious teachers." Pornographic publications show sacrilegious depictions of Christ, Mary, priests, Religious and, in at least .one recent case, Pope John Paul II, he said in his keynote address at a conference held this month in New. York, called by the anti-pornography agency, Morality in Media. About HIO people representing more than 50 dioceses plus or ga~izations such as the Knights of Columbus attended. They' were asked to· help launch. an effort to be carried on in coor· dination ,with, the National Con~ sultation on ,Pornography and Obscenity, Inc. - This movement grew out of an initiative by ·the Rev. Jerry Kirk, pastor of College H.ilI Pres byterian . Church in Cincinnati. -He chairs a group seeking to gather 1,000 Christian leaders in Cincinnati Sept. 6·7 to unite the . Christian community in combat ing pornography. Morality in Media is an inter faith agency_ But Jesuit Father Morton Hill, its founder and
At the conference, Morality in Media proposed a five-year pro gram with appointment of a ful1-time "director of pornogra phy confrontation" in each' dio cese for a one-year period. In addition to Cardinal Krol, other speakers included Francis can Father Bruce. Ritter of Co venant House; Stephen Galebach of the White House Working Group on Pornography and re CHICAGO (NC) - A religious tired FBI obscenity investigator music publisher involved in an William Kelly. . eight-year ·Iegal battle with the Noting that he had been chair Archdiocese of Chicago has ap man of the Legion of Decency, pealed a federal judge's decision Cardinal Krol said its demise to deny the publisher an addi has left· Catholics without tion~l $1.2 million in damages for a way to organize efforts the archd.iocese's copyright vio against pornography. He said he lations. F.E.L. Pulblications Ltd. was "considering very seriously" seeks to overturn Judge Thomas' asking the National Conference R. McMulllen's denial of a of Catholic Bishops to take some motion to replace an ealllier action. $190,400 jury award with higher Kelly, a self-described "old "statutory damages" of approxi fashioned cop," told the dele mately $1.4 miUion. gates, "You have a right and a moral responsibility to protect the quality of life of your Chris _ROME (NC) - World tensions tian tradition. And you're not doing it." augment~d by the arms race have, "Fight for decency," he said. undermined efforts to help peo "They're wrong, We're right." pIe' suffering from hunger in de -Pornography attracts organ veloping nations, according to ized crime, according to Kelly, Fides, news agency of the Vati because it brings high profits can Congregation for the Evan with little risk. He blamed the gelization of Peoples. " A mil Hon dollars is being spent every U.S. Department of Justice for minute for arms" so that, while not prosecuting pornography. people are lacking bread, each "Some U.S. attorneys put vio inhabitant of the earth is being lation of pornography laws some assured a package of almost where down the line with viola three tons of explosives," said a tions of illegally using the recent Fides article. Smokey Bear insignia," he said. president, said Mr. Kirk was asking for separate action by the different churches preparatory to the joint effort, and had called on Morality in Media to take the lead for the Catholic Church be cause there was "no other vehi cle."
Facing the music
Arms, no bread