. Educa tlon
f·· .. on erence Religious To Highlight Crucial Issues '
The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Pa,ul
Fall River" Mass." Thursday, July 290 1971
Vol. 15, No. 30
© 1971 The Anchor
PRICE 104 $4.00 plllr yoar
Support for Pope
This Weekend
Dearly beloved in Christ, In addition, the missIOnary Each year the faithful are ask- apostolate entailed in preaching ed to assist our beloved Holy -the Gospel to all nations and Father in his apostolic and char- the needs of the central offices itable endeavors. ,Catholics of the Holy See make tremendthroughout the world increase ous demands on the limited retheir prayerful remembrance of sources of the Pope. He looks to his intentions, and share with his 'faithful s,pns and daughters, him their material goods by their to help him. The Diocese of Fall River has generous contribution to the always been in the vanguard 'in Peter's Pence Collec~ion. His Holiness Pope Paul VI has assisting the Holy Father, and I ,shown the concern of' a true confidently ask that once again apostle by his constant encour- this year you give as generously' agement of peace and justice in as possible' to the Peter's Pence the world and by his well-known Collection. Begging God's choicest blessinterest in alleviating the conings on you, I remain ditions of the poor and those afDevotedly yours in Christ, flicted by disease, illness, old age and natural disasters such as ffiDaniel A. Cronin floods and earthquakes. Bishop of Fall River
'C' ,
Crucial issues on the New En- ops' concerns on human develop- to get the Message of Christ gland Bishops' Campaign on Hu- ment, will be a talk on "Sex Ed- across to all people-the young, man Development will ,be high- ucation and Development of Per- the teenager, the adult, and the lighted at the 25th Annual New sonality." Rev. Walter Imbiorski, aged. "The message is the same as England Congress of Religious head of the Can'a Conference in Education, August 20-22, at Bos- Chicago, Illinois, will give this it was 2,000 years ago-the motto of our Congress, Joy and Hope lecture. ton College -but all of us must make use Sponsored by the Religious Ed-, of the ways and means to bring ucation-CCD Office of the Archthe message home 'to the heart diocese of Boston, together with and minds of men." similar, offices of the other New Registrations for the Congress England Dioceses, the- Congress are still being accepted at the will have nearly 10,000 clergy, CCD Office,l Lake Street, Brighreligious and laity attending the ton, Mass. 02135. more than 300 seminars, lectures, panels, discussions and multiAll areas of religious education media presentations Dr William Lynch of Brook- and its special directions for line, Massachusetts, disinguished programs with the aged, the exphysician and educator and op- ceptional child and programs for ponent of pro-abortion legisla- the inner city will be treated at tion, will speak at the Congress the Congress. CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) One aspect of religious educasessions on "Abortion and the tion to be, emphasized at the Carping criticism has been asRight to Life" For many years of his pro- Congress will be the teaching sailed by Pope Paul VI as divifessional life, he has lectured at aids of film and sound and multi- sive, dividing the very commu-colleges, medical and nursing media usage of teaching devices. nion that constitutes the Church. He also took aim at "indisschools, clergy and other groups Rev. Msgr. Russell R. Novello, on the 'sanctity of life and the General Chairman of the Con- criminate doctrinal pluralism," medical and moral implications gress, noted that the Church to- asking where such teaching that day must take advantage of types 'rides off in all directions can of abortion In another area on the Bish- of teaching materials, if we are hope to go. The Pope was speaking at his regular weekly audience at the summer home here. The Pope asked, "where is the element of brotherhood in a haDENVER (NC)-A bishop who are up for sale or rent each bitual and aggressively destrucbelieves in "practical Christian- month. Most of the tenants in the 116 tive criticism of the esteem and 'ity" has moved into an archdioCeS8l'i housing project sO he can integrated housing units so .ar loyal~y due to the ecclesial fam. be available to help other ten- completed pay only $35 of the ily?" He also asked whether "a true ants and learn about their prob- $95 in rent per month with the of communion runs federal government providing the spirit lems. through the body of the Church Auxiliary Bishop George Evans archdiocese with the additional today? of Denver, director of the hous- $60 needed' per unit to keep the "Do we not see an accentuated ing project and archdiocesan project open. No archdiocesan tendency to form groUps resistvicar for urban and rural affairs, money is involved in the project, ing friendly ecclesial commusaid housing in Denver, home for Bishop Evans said. nion? Other than meeting city zona quarter of Colorado's popula"And what is the aim of gratution, is extremely critical. Of all ing regulations when planning itously overvaluing charism, forhouses and apartments in the the project sites, no serious obTurn to Page Two Denver area, only one per cent stacles have affected the project.
See' Church
As Focus
Housing Project Bishop
Youth Need Family Life
,'·What Happens When. Parish Schools Close? (Editor's note: There has been much theorizing about what happens in a community when a • large number of Catholic schools • (., close. Here is what happened in ,'Worcester county - a central . Massachusetts "community" whose boundaries exactly coincide with those of the Worcester "diocese. The profile does not '": pretend to be typical - just a look at how one area handled an '~educational challenge.) In a characteristic New England '''fashion, Worcester County takes things in stride - including the closing of 18 Catholic schools since 1969. Crisis, turmoil, tragedy, change, affect the community's composure about as much as time has changed the New England landscape: very little. :' (A simple white steeple still . "pierces the sky here above the .. city square. ' .. '>',.Sometimes lost among the ..". - r't):1ling, snow-CQ\lel:ed hills in
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Winter, it stands as a punctuation mark amid the blaiing foliage of Fall. A 'brook still flows nearby, giving birth to Spring's sweet syrup in the tree across the Green and the scent of honeysuckle that permeates the Summer air. Worcester County's boundaries are identical with those of the Worcester diocese. The closing of so many diocesan schools could be termed an educational "crisis," but both crisis and education have been here' since Plymouth Rock." The whole American .educational system, private and' pub- " lic, was born in New England. And it has grown and flourished amid diversity and adversity. ' "Our budget, of course, has skyrocketed, but we'll get by," said Martin D. Leach, superintendent of schools in rural North, Brookfield. , That town's elemen,Turn to Page Seven
HELP BISHOP CRONIN GIVE NAZARETH CHILDREN A LIFT: The care given by Diocese of Fall River to the exceptional children is an all-year dedication as is evident py the visit of Bishop Cronin on Monday to the Nazareth, Camp. You multiply the Bishop's arms in' giving this lift by attending the "Shower of Stars" on Aug 18 at Sheraton Hyannis; Inn. on Cape Cod.
PITTSBURGH (NC)-Today's youths need a foundation of sound family life to cope with today's temptations and problems, according to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. If the younger generation is going astray, parents may be to blame for being too indulgent rather than disciplinary, said Hoover, writing in the July 25 issue of The Byzantine Catholic World published here. "To my mind," said the FBI director, "the home remains the basic influence in preparing young people for adulthood." Hoover said youths need moral, ethical and spiritual traditions and examples from their parents to face such problems as "drug addiction, wholesale violence, increasing contempt for law, rejection of our system of values." He Cited as reasons for youthcrime "lax parental supervision, an overabundance of material things coupled with too little spiritual sustenance, a fljppant .. attitude by th(l parents themselves toward the law, indulgence rather than discipline."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,197-1
Bishop and Sister al~H'ome fD~ M'other's 100th Birthday Catholics there ~'when I was in China. "There are 600,000 Catholics , with me now, and instead of 500 baptisms, I have 30,000' a year: Instead of 500 or, 600 confirma-' lions. .I have anywhere from_ . 16.000 t~ 20.000... ·. Bishop Regan isn't at all en.-,' thused with President Nixon's forthcoming trip to ~ed China. "you just don't make deals' with the Comm~nists," he said. And Sister Rita Marie says the people of Taiwan "don't like the idea of the President's trip; they see only trouble ahead as a result of it." "I'm here, of course. for my mother's birthday," Bishop Regan concluded, "and to get some financial help for the work 'back home.' "Your prayers will enable us to return to our', work' soon. PraY,too, for my people. and they, as well as I, will remember you in our prayers."
Gre~ting!drbm p~pe Paul, the Most Rev. Dan'iel A. Cronin, . bishQp of the 'F<jll River Diocese, and President Nixon adorned the comfortable living room of ·Mrs. Mary M. Regal) at 120 Chestnut Street, Fairhaven Tuesday on the 'happy. occasion of her 100th birthday. But what made the day complete was the 'presence of her illustrious children, ·the Most Rev. Joseph W. Regan, M.M., D.D., . bishop of the prelature of Tagum in the Philippines, and Sister Rita Marie, O.P., a Maryknoll sister stationed in Taiwan. A conceiebrated Mass was said by Bishop Regan in his mother's honor Tuesday at· II A.M. in St. Joseph PaI:ish Hall in Fairhaven. She attended the Mass with family and friends. "I wanted things very quiet ' with no fuss over me," she said., "But, I'm so happy, and I thank God I have· my children with me today. It's only the third time in ·the last '.40 years that I have seen the two, of them together. Continued from Page .One " "I have'. sQ'·.much to be thankful fQr." . . 'getting that they when genuine During th'~':day, by speci~l ar-. -must, be turned to the commurangement" :-vith ~hilippine nity's use? And why so frequentradio station, a taped message ly hold them up'in opposition to by Mrs..' Regan was heard exthe Church's authentic ins'titupressing' her thanks to the tional forms? A CENTURY OF LIVING: Bishop Regan, M.M. stops during the procession for , "Where does it want to go, Philippine people for '''all you have .done for my son." a few words with his mother as he is about to btfer a Mass of Thanksgiving. Seated with this indiscriminate doctrinal plur. Among those who assisted at Mrs..Reganis her daughter, a Maryknoll Sist~r, Sr. Rita Marie. alism?" I • 1 the Mass were the Rev. John Pope Paul said that the Church I ~ was the focal point of the Second deavoring to teach them 'their Brenna'n, pastor of St. Joseph; fuel in Hatrford, and' finally the Rev. Michael O'Connell of landed in Providence. ! obligation.' , , Vatican Council. "In the Council," he said. "the Church has Bolivia; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ra,ymond "A bus took us in t~ Logan "There were only about three rethought herself." Considine, director of th,~ Soci- International Airport in Boston." or four schools out there whtln The counCil. he added. had It was quite ani ending to a I arrived in the early 1950s. We ety for the Propagation of the A special novena in honor of Faith in the Fall River Diocese; emphasized that the Church is'· 10,OOO-mile jaunt Ithat I started now have a hospital. 20 CathOur· Lady of Perpetual Help is the Rev. John ConsidiI:,e, the last week in Manilli. The bishop olic high schools and' three col- a communion, and that the peoscheduled to be held on nine Rev. Felix .Lesneck, the Rev. looked tired' at the end of his leges where most of our teachers . pIe of God should work toward Wednesday evenings starting Matthew Sullivan and other long journey, but dbviou'sly was fulfilling that goal. are trained.:' Aug. 4 in. St. Joan of Arc Maryknoll priests who served quite happy to b1 ho~e. Then the bishop smiled and Church, Orleans. with Bishop' Regan in China and said. "We have NO teacher Expelled from China . The devotions will start at 7 the Philippines. o'c1bck and consist of Mass, . He plans to be h~re until Sep- problem in our schools; our big, Novena and Benediction. ' tember at which time ihe will gest shortage is trained nurses. 'It's Her Day' INSURANCE AGEN.CY, INC. "Catholicism has \ grown so AU parishioners and visitors return to the Philippine~. There were greetings, too. I ' since I've been there. The people are welcome. 96 WILLIAM STREET Bishop Regan sp,ent 2,2 years from John Cardinal Krol of, have been most receptive to, us. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Philadelphia, Julio Cardinal in China as a Maryknoll mission- We do have an advantage in until he was eipelled by the I , Law.n, Festival to Aid Rosales of Cebu. Archbishop ary 998.5153 997-9167 being an American for they like Carmine Rocco. apostolic nuncio Communists in 1~51. He has the U. S. ' PERSONAL SERVICE Dorothea,;' Sisters to the Philippines in Manila. been in the Philippines i for 19 , "However. Communists"are in...................... ' . I The 15th annual. Lawn Festi- Archbishop Manning of' Los years. filtrating the government and "Much has hapI:lened.1in that .valfor the benefit of the Sisters Angeles.. time." the bishop sbted.I "There the'schoois, and 'we d'ohave of ·St.-Dorothy will take place ,demonstrations and riots. ~ Also. -the Most Rev. Frl~derick from 2 to 8 on Saturday and were perhaps' 200'100 c'atholics ,A. Donaghy' of New Bedford. 'in the Philippines wheA I ar.Sunday, Aug. 14 and, '15 on Rte. ,600,000 Catholics ,stationed with Sister Rita Marie rived. Now .there are 600.000: FUNE,RAL HOME, INC. , 140; 90. County Street, Taunt6n. "There' is, so muchriIore to in Taiwan; the Senate and House, We have only 3p. M~ryknoll ,R. Marcel Roy - G 'Lorraine Roy ,'The grand prize will be it TV of 'Representatives in Washingdo in the' 'Philippines' if only beRoger L8FranCe,' 'priests and fiv~' P~ilippine set, but there will also 'be many ton. and others too, numerous to cause of the numbers involved. FUNERAL DIRECTORS , priests to' serve that, whO,le area: . We had to make converts in booths,games. a' penny s'liue,- mention. 1 ' 15 Irvington Ct., we also have 120 s,tudying And door prizes and refreshments. "Oh, there'll a few people for the priesthood in' 'our s'emi- China', w~ere we had' probably New Bedford , The, affair is being sponsored ' over after Mass... · Miss Gllrtrude naries. and five congregations of 500' baptisms, 11 year. After all, 995·5166 by the Villa Fatima Helpers, there ,were' no more than 15,000 ,Stiles, of th~, Chestnut Street nuns. 'I I residence said. "But she doesn't Social Wbrk' , 11,11111111111111111III III11111111111111111111111111111III1111III III IIIllllnll III111111111111111111111III III III III III11111111111II11111111111111 want a big ',celebration, and Necrology ,''So, you can Jee'.' 6ur big we're doing our best to I,eep it problem is manpo~fer. We need ..- . JULY ~l that way." , MANUFACTURERS money, of course. rbut We also Rev, Daniel Hearrie; 1865. Pas"I guess you can say it's, a ne,ed priests more t an anything tor•. St. Mary. Taunton NATIONAL 'BANK. happy 'day for all of us." Bishop else. " I Regan saild. "but most of all ~ .of BRISTOL .COUNTY I'We do, a lot of social work. AUG. 5 Rev. 'Martin J, Fox, 1917. for mother. After all: it's her We have 2,000.000 pag~s in a day." Just because a bank offers you Founder. St. Paul. Taunton. credit union. and have ine or The bishop arrived in Fair- 10 cooperatives. W 've ji.lst fina Savings Account, .Rev. ThomasA. Kelly. 1934, five semina s forI midPastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall haven late Monday aftErnoon. ,ished •, only the day before the Mass WIves., doesn't' mean it can offer you I River. and birthday celebration. "I ,had' ,"Perhaps one of our :biggest a checking accou'nt 11111I"""''''U''''1l11Il''II''U''tI''I''"""",/O"",,,,,,,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1111 intended, of course; to be here projects is working with' the THE ANCHOR a few hours earlier," he re- farmers. There are 130,000 memSecond Class Posta~e Paid at' Fall River. But We Do Mass" Published every Thursday at 410 marked. "And everything went bers of the World Fededtion of Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 l well until the plane was fogged Free Farmers in the dioc~se: and NORTH ATTLEBORO (2) by the Catholic Press of the DIocese of Fall MANSFIELD (2) ATTLEBORO FALLS River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid in over Boston. We had to re- for them we have c1as~es, en$4.00' per Yelr. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mwllllllUW ,.
See Church
i i
Orleans Parish Plans Novena
!• .
, I
. ' " I ~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall- River-Thurs. July 29, 1971
Three-Week Bargain EYr~PY~~h~f Hollaay FSfhe/' luiz Mendonca BISHOP VISITS NAZARETH CAMP: Top right: Bishop Cronin hears about the activities at Nazareth Camp from one of the exceptional children. Two of the activities witnessed by the Bishop were, top left, obstacle course for training in coordination, and above, the cooperation necessary in a game of volley ball.
Priest Re·turns Rectory Tax Bill Unpaid EASTON (NC)-The pastor of St. Joseph's Church in this Pennsylvania community has returned unpaid a tax bill for his parish rectory of $591.30-a sum which would eventually go to the local public school district. Moreover, . Father Peter .T. Vandergeest has turned the tables on the school district by sending. his personal a,ssessment of $136,316.24 for educational services provided last year for 232 elementary school students. In a letter to school board president .Tames M. Masterson (a member of 'Father Vandergeest's parish), the priest said he was returning the tax bill "in an expression of righteous indignation and anger with our .system which is rapidly inviting total repression of our (Catholic) people." Father Vandergeest's tax bill is based on the $14,600 assessed value of the parish rectory. Before. las,t ,y.ear•. the Northampton
County Commissioner's taxed parsonages only a nominal figure of $100. Heart of Matter The commissioner's decision to up the tax caused a financial situation which inhibits Catholics from fully realizing their constitutional freedom of religion and religious expression, the priest said. "Just how free are we to practice our religion as conscience directs," he asked, "if the cost to function properly becomes excessive and the burden of taxation becomes unbearable?" . Father Vandergeest said that he was not surprised by the recent U. S. Supreme Court decision striking down state aid to non-public schools. Moreover, he said that he had no quarrel with the decision when viewed within "the current mood of our nation." However, he said that he be.lieves the Supreme Court did not
actually address itself to the "heart of the matter," the right of all people to freely choose and practice their religion. Father Vandergeest asked the county commissioners to reconsider the imposition of the property tax. "If they cannot do this," he wrote, "perhaps they could consider the lack of consistency that is reflected in their failure to tax certain residence properties on college campuses." The priest also asked the school district to "interpret with more liberality" laws that aid nonpublic school children through transportation and sharings of facilities. "Failing this," he said, "perhaps you would forward to me prompt payment in full on the (tujtion) bill I present above." Masterson, the school board head, said the matter is b~yond the jurisdiction of his group.
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IRELAND ITALY' ENGLAND FRANCE AUSTRIA Sept. 20th No hurry, no worry; just the most relaxing three weeks you can imagine, with a small group of congenial people like you! ROME alone WOUld. be worth the trip. LOURDES, where millions of pilgrims come. VENICE, sparkltng storybook town whose countless sights you reach by. gondola. LONDON and fabled scenes you've read so much about. Charming VIENNA, tr.easure· laden FLORENCE, leaning tower at PISA. The cheerful, chatty IfISh are waiting for you at Dublin, Killarney and CO,rk, " . , plus a lot of other wonderful places you ve always wanted to see! From/to Providence
P~p~!. ~~~~~~-!!~~l I
An audience wit IS Holiness Pope Paul VI, . 'd II IS schedule , as we as a comprehensive tour of Vatican City. These are only a few of 'the high spots! Write or telephone Fathe~ Me.n.donca for your detatled Itinerary.
Rev. Lu;, G. Mendonco' ~ St. John of God Rectory I 1036 Braylon Avenue' I. Somerset, Ma... 02726
, Itelephone'( 67B-55131
(Plea.e .end yaur colorful brochur. tor
I '
I Name I, Addre..
5;ly .,
I I Z;p r I ,c_ .... __ ....
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1971
Sch'edule for Summer Season FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, I .
BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Masses:. Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. ' Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
'EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Su'nday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.
ST. THOMAS CH-,,"PEL , Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, '10:00, '11:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 and 5:30\ P.r.1.
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Ma'sses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M.
CENTERVILLE OUR 'LADY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4-5 and 7-7:30 P.M.
WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-9:30, 10:30 A.M. Saturday' Eve.-5:00 P.M. Dilily-9:30 A.M. Confessions: Before every, Mass
CENTRAL VILLAGE . ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30 and 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. (except Saturday)
CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturdays-11:00-12 noon and 7:30 to 8:30 P.M.
ST. FRANCIS XA'fIER I Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. and 5:00 ip.M. : Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 4.M. I MELODY TENT I ' Masses: Sunday-9:15, 10:15, l1l15 AJM.
ST. MARGARETS Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
SACRED HEART 1 Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. I Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.~.
ST. ANTHONY , I Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM . and 5:00 P.M. 1 ' If necessary a 10:30 A.M. Mass be said in the Church Hall Downstairs , Mass First Friday-8:00 lAM ahd 5:00 PM Saturday Eve.-4:30 and! 7:00 :,P.M., , Daily-8:00 A.M. I . Confessions: Saturday-4:00-4:~0 IP .M. ; Confessions: First Frida Y-Beforl Mass
THE "LITTLEST ANGEL": At a party sponsored by the Kenmore Mercy Hospital Alumni for babies born at , the hospital, one-year-old Kristen Zdziarski nullified her NANTUCKET: role as "littlest angel" when she filled the air with sobs on , OUR LADY OF THE ISLE i ,meeting Sr. tylary Patricia, RSM, RN., of the hospital staff. Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00,110:00 1 11:00 AM, ' NC Photo.' , , Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. , Daily-7:30 A.M. I
SIASCONSET, MASS. I COMMUNITY CHAPEL , I Masses: Sunday-8:15 AM. Startling Jply 4th. 1
Wall of Separation Reform Rabbi Defends Jewish Congress Stand Against School Aid
NEW YORK (NC) - Reform Rabbi Edward Klein has defended the American, Jewish Congress against charges by two Orthodox rabbis that the congress is bent on subverting Jewish education through its oppoORLEANS I I sition to government support of ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH, non public schools. "While cognizant of the imPARISH HALL I ; portant role of parochial and day . Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:001. 11:0',0 AM. schools in American education," Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 17:00 P.M. Rabbi Klein said, "we insist that Confessions: ,Saturday-4:00-5:00 & 6:30-6:50 PM , I such schools must derive their . NORTH EASTHA~ I . support from the· sectarian ,bodies which conduct. them. . CHURCH ?F T~E VIS~T~TI~~ , Otherwise we breach the wall of Masses. Sunday-8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30 A.M. separation between church and Saturday Eve.=-5:00 and 1:00 P.'M. ' . , stat~ :which has enabled AmeriConfessions: S~turday-6:30-6:50 ~I.M'I can democracy to flourish free OSTERVILLE I of restraints and religion in America to develop free of conOUR LADY •OF THE ASSUMPTION I trols." Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 111:301 A.M. Rabbi Klein, pf the Stephen Saturday Eve.-5:00 and ~:30 PrM. Wise Free Synagogue in ManDaily-7:00 A.M. and 12 Noon I hattan, is a member of the social Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 I I action commission of the Central Conference of American Rabbis SANTUIT I I and the Union of American HeST. JUDE'S CHAPEL, . I brew Congregations. He is visitMasses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 I ing lecturer in homiletics at the Masses: Saturday-5:00 P.M. I Hebrew Union College-Jewish Confessions:-Saturda y-:: 15-5:00 p'r' SACRED HEART ! AND OUR lLADY STAR OF THE '~EA Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30, A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.Ml I Daily-7:00 A.M. \ 'i
OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30. 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday- Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. ConfessiQns: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. Schedule in effect from June to Middle September
EAST FALMOUTH -ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30,,9:00. 10:00. 11 :00, 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:30 P:M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
. EAST FREETOWN OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 11 :00 A.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M.
, EDGARTOWN' ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M.· Daily-7:00 A.M.
QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS I Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, \11:30: A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M'. Confessions: Saturday-4:15~5:00 P.M. I '
ST. JOHN THE EVANGlELIST , I ' Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10',30, q:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:QO P.M. ' Daily:---7:30 A.M. i I
ST. PETER THE APOSTLE i Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, \IO:00i 11:00 . A.M., 7:00 P.M. . Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. I I Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Except I I, Saturdays)
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
Ii, I I
Institute of Religion and a member of AICs metropolitan council.' His statement was in response to a report in The New York Times July 18 quoting Rabbi Bernard Berzon, president of the Rabbinical Council of America, as accusing the AJC of improperly using Jewish communal funds in a campaign to "destroy the entire Jewish' edu~ation'al system, which has been the main factor in Jewish survival." The Times story also quoted Rabbi Bernard Bergman, president of the National Council for Torah Education, as saying the AJC is pursuing a negative policy that is harmful to Jewish ed· ucation in America." Rabbi Klein maintained that "the public schools are a bulwark of American democracy" and said support of sectarian education out of public funds "would divert essential aid from our public schools, which are now in dire financial straits, and lead to the proliferation of private schools and further divisiveness in our society,"
BASS RIVER SAVINGS· BANK 307 Main'St., South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 *At Bass River, 2-3 .yr. term deposit certificates yield 6.18% per year when compounded. daily f10m day-ofdeposit. $1;000 minimum. deposit.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-1'hurs. July 29, 1971
Grants Immigrant Aid to Churches STOCKHOLM (NC)-For the first time in its history, Sweden has granted funds to Catholics and Orthodox for strictly religious activities. Concluding its Spring session, the Riksdag (parliament) voted a grant of $66,500, as of July I, for the religious needs of Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish and Moslem immigrants. . These non-Protestant denominations include in their memberships the vast majority of immigrants, and are referred to as "immigrant churches."
y~. , \,J, \
l,-...L~~l-. EXCEPTION MERITS: To honor their "exceptional merits for the promotion of peace and progress ... as well as the furtheranc~ of social just~ce," the International Foundation Humanum presented the Augustin Bea Priie to three religious groups: Christian Aid, the development agency of the British Council of Churches; Misereor, the German Catholic Agency for development cooperation, and World ORT Union, a Jewish international organization. Ceremonies were held at the Swiss Federal Palace, Bern, Switzerland. Shown here are, from left to right: Mr. Barry Holland, Christian Aid; Mr. Alan Booth, Christian Aid; Father Schmidt, Misereor; Mr. M. A. Braude, director general ORT. NC Photo. "
Sch·edule for Summer. Season SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 19:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:30 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. SAGAMORE ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve. 7:00 P.M. SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00,7:30 PM Saturday' Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Saturdays only-8:00 AM.
SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Saturday Eve.-4:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Devotions: Sunday Eve.-Benediction at 7:00 P.M. CHILMARK COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. Schedule begins June 27 WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM and 7:30" P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Monday-7:30 P.M.: A Mass for Peace Confessions: Saturday-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Schedule runs June 26-Sept. 6 WEST WAREHAM
MARION ST. RITA Masses: .Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:30 P.M.
" NORTH TRUR.O OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: SundaY-:-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00, ·12:00 noon and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday---4:30-5:30 & 7:45-8:30 P.M. DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. WOODS HOLE ST..JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
NORTH FALMOUTH (MeganseH) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon SatLirday-7:00 P.M. Sa~urday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-6:30 P.M. . . . . . . _ " Dally-8:00 AM. v...,·~·;r..tJ\;o..'J-·:;'t/J-;,.-~-":} ...~-c~::.~-~'-~
WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDlES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:0Q and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 AM. . TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M.
:~ '_,~..::r..:'~-=·=,=-cc:.":'-::".Ja:l':l"OQC~ ':'iJ:OOC::.J:"':':'
Additionally, the Parliament approved a grant of about $380,000 for the so-called Free Churches - Protestant churches not affiliated with the Lutheran State Church, such as the Pentecolists, Mission Covenanters, Baptists, Methodists, Salvation Army. . The preamble to the bill making the grants stresses, however, that this government support must be regarded as temporary, pending the outcome .of a current study on possible revisions of Church-state refations in this country.
Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he does. . . . Throughout the Near East each year, grateful bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained by people like you... ". Their own families are too poor to support them in training, but good €atholics in America 'adopted' these seminarians, encouraged them all the way to ordination.... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at personal sacrifice. . . . How can you b"egin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the payments for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a· month, or $180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacri-fices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will . always remember who made it possible.
Look at the nearest $10 bill. What is it ~ctually . worth? Only what it will buy. Today, it will hardly buy enough to feed a family for two days. In !he Holy Land, it will feed a poor refugee family for an entire month. The Holy Fa!her asks your help for the refugees, more than half of them children. Your money multiplies-as you give it away.
....•• Where there is none in south India, you can build a six-room permanent school for only HAPPINESS $3,200. Archbishop Mar Gregorios wil~ select IS the village, supervise construction and write to A thank you. The children will pray for you, and SCHOOL you may name the school for your favorite saint, in your loved ones' memory! --------------~(O~
Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ .Monsignor Nolan: FOR , Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC
_ _
.,._ _ _ _ STATE
MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York. N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon. 6·5840
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1971 'I
.Aud a Happy Vt,u,tio!t '
The term, "people of God," embraces both the taught and the teachers. Dom ,David Knowles, the, brilliant English historian and Benedictine now teaching in Cambridge University, has written- that when we speak of "people of. God" we must Ullderstand that such a group is far different from a: group of persons living by human intelligence alone. For the Christian, faith is needed. And this means that people of God, in accepting and living by Christian truth,' need faith, because Christian truth is revealed and supernatural, demanding supernatural powers for its reception and penetration and explanation. Mere intelligence is not enough. Atheists may be as ,intelligent as their Christian opposite numbers, but they do not accept belief in Incarnation. To accept this, faith is needed; to explain it further, super, natural gifts are necessary. It is for this reason that the only ultimate criterion for theologian and laymen alike is conformity to the teaching of the Church., , For" as Dom David says, "Christianity was revealed by, God through Christ, who in turn commissioned some (and some only) to preach, bind and loose. In the Catholic Church the source of all authority, whether high, or low, in the matter of doctrine is with them." The bishops, then, are those members of the "people of God" who are the teachers. Their episcopal ordination has given th~m this distinct and unique role in God's plan. They are ~ not merely first among 'equals or chairmen of. the board or executors of the consensus. With"~md unqer' the Pope they are the ones who ,hold and explain and teach and safeguard th~, faith. Others' with spiritual 'insight and theological expertise may give them, counsel. But th~y alone are teachers in God's Church and of Go,d's revealed truth. This is their role. It cannot be and will not be other.
Thanks! Forty-one' year old Arnold Palmer and fifty-nine year old Sam Snead deserve a vote of thanks from ,all those whd admit to being forty, years of age and over. These two-winner and fourth-place finisher in the Westchester Golf Classic-took on a field of young golfers and gave a display of how the game is played at its very best. And it might also be observed that the three astronauts now winging their way to the moon are no downeycheeked youngsters, either. David 'Scott is thirty-nine, James Irw~n is forty-one, and Alfred Worden is th~rty-nine. So 'while everyone applauds the idea that the future belongs to the young, let it be remarked that the present seems to be in the hands of the tried and true middle-ager" doing the jobs that have to be done until the young reach 'middle age themselves and then \ take over.'
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue , Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. ~Lelry Press:""Fall River .
ASST. GENERAL MANAGEr Rev. John P. Driscoll
Los., Ange,les TV "Station Supports 'Tuition Grants
People of God A beautiful expression in great use throughout' the ,Church is that of "people of God,," It sums up all that human beings are created to be -a people made by God, saved by -Jesus Christ, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and called to work· out their salvation in this life while conscious of the ever-abiding presence of God, of their citizenship in a world that is also unseen as well as in this one that is seen. Their destiny is God, and He is the way as well.
T.ke i+ easy, Son!
LOS ANGELES (NC) - Television station KNBC hl!s broad- • cast an editorial supporting direct tuition aid grant paid by the state to pare11ts of children not enrolled in a public school. "The grant wouldn't come anywhere near covering the full cost of education, but it would help," said the editorial, read by Jim Foy, KNBC editorial director. The editorial als9 advocated that the state of California provide the same supporting services to nonpublic school pupils as it does to public school students. "We feel either of these forms of public assistance to private education would meet the 'no entanglement' requirement of the U. S. Supreme Court, at a relatively low cost, and still keep private schools open and thriving where they're most needed." The Supreme Court on June 28 struck down, the laws of Pennsylvania and 'Rhode Island , which gave public funds to private schools for secular instruction. The Court held that such laws could lead to "excessive entanglement of Church and state. The ~ditorial said that the court's ruling cut off some kinds of aid to parochial schools but did not rule out all kinds of support. . Save $300 Million , There are several approaches, said the editorial, "that we feel the California legislature should examine and approve., in order to keep our parochial schools Rev. John'lF. ~ Moore,' Ia.A.,' M~A;, M:Edc alive here." 55. Peter & Paul, Fall River "It's our view that these schools are one of the taxpayers' best friends. "In Southern California, about The Presidents announcement that he would visit 175,000 children att~nd private China as the g~est :of Peking certainly took the diplomatic schools. At a tax saving of about and polltical ~orlc~ by surprise. In general most people $800' per year each, that's $140 seemingly agre1e that it is about time that these two world million being absorbed by parI I ents or by the collection baskets ,giants at leai:t began to speak to one anot~er. For, 'pages of ~he Catholic ~hurch of the Catholic, Protestant a~d churches th.at support the Westerner China has al- mu.st cer~al~ly be found m her Jewish ,I J Chma miSSIOns. The name of most private schools. ways held a sr nse lof mys- Ricci, a Jesuit missionary in' "Statewide we're talking about tery.' From the days of Marco China haunts the history of the well over $300,000,000 every Po~o to t?e age 10f tlt~, Cli?per Church to this day. Father Ricci, y,ear in property, income, and ShiPS, Chma ?ad r.emamed m a keenly aware of the mores of sales taxes no one ever had to true state of IsolatIOn. !It almost the Chinese attempted to blend pay." ' is a world in its Ijown right and , the East and West. elements outside of this world' either have been unable to unHowever due to, the ardent help Western man to meet an, derstand the ChInese i or have nationalism of an un-healthy honest accommodation with oneEuroperanism, the entire idea of third of the world's population. attempted to expl6it thlem. While man iii Ihis ~ud huts a. healthy c~ltural accommoda- As far as the ,Church is conof western Euro~e wa,s hitting tlOn w~s banished by Rome. T~e cerned, the story of China is his neighbor over the h,eCl-d with Tragedies tha.t the Cath~hc worth telling not just from the crude clubs the Chinese had Church faces m modern Chma sake of historic value but it has philosophers' and poets; their certain.ly had their· origin and a lot to say not only to the government was condl:'cted by r~ots m the so called Age of Christian missionary today but were Discovery. scholars and the1'r , cities also to a world' which has not 1 r~splendent with palaces, garThe Crusades left a legacy of yet learned to break down the dens and temples. The :greed of militancy and intolerance. The barriers of cultural, racial and Western man to exploit 'the East Sword and the Cross began national pride. Only when we drove the Chinesej into la defen- allies. All non Christian cultures make a sincere effort to live sive situation frof which they were viewed as the work of the together as common brothers on have seemingly nerer r~covered. devil. To uproot them and plant this common land, then will What can be sai? of the world the Christian culture, that is to peace be ours. of politics also can be I said of say, European culture in their Until that time arrives, if it the world of religiqn. One of the place was the work of God. ever does, then let us begin to see the world of the Far East most 'glorious and mos.t tragic Tolerance seemed betrayal. not solely in our Chop Suey or , Comm'on IOrothers on Ground Chow Mein mentality but rather It really is in our! own ~ge that pean mind is certainly not with- in a common unity that we need a 'renewal and re~wak~ning of out foundation historic fact. one another if we are to save It will take a great deal of un· one another. Supposedly Napothis aspect of the rrtissionary history of the ChurCh! is being pur- derstanding and patience to leon said "Let China Sleep," She sued with earnest I and: sincere undo so much error it is hoped is now awake. Let us not fall motivation. The natural hostil- that we have time. into that sleep "that has cut a ity that the East has built' up The action of President Nixon great people off from the main over the centuri~s to th~ Euro-. might be considered one step to stream universal life.
mooQlnG ,China
e '
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1971
I EPENDENT Sc 路 ONE tJ6 137 IIV 8. e. HOOL rORMI tl PU8I.IC I~ h'
Others argued that both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt had to cover up rather carefully their preparations for armed intervention. Yet can anyone say the world would have been better ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm or Adolf Hitler? Still others, carrying on the same argument, believe that si~ce the United States entered the conflict to save the South Vietnamese from Northern infiltration, simply to pick up and go would encourage more aggression elsewhere and leave the potential Hitlers of the worldgreat and small - a free hand. This argument,. too, is not without weight. 'National Interests' But what all the arguments leave but is a fact which has to become more and more embedded in the Christian conscience. It simply is that an anarchic community of separate nationstates, dealing with foreign governments in secret negotiations, defending its own interests if necessary by force and maintaining a whole apparatus of special diplomats, special generals and special intelligence agents to make sure that national interests (however legitimate) remain paramount, is becoming, in the atomic age, as obsolete as the dinosaur. Or rather that if the system continues, man himself will become obsolete. One of the tragedies of world Communism, which set out to be a great reforming force, a movement "recreating the face of the earth," is that it has ended up with the same shabby, secretive, government-managed "national interests" as any unreconstructed capitalist regime. Something Better After the first rapture when Leuin announced the liberation of all the non-Slav people in the Russian empire and adopted a new style of direct diplomacy, Stalin restored the status quo, reimposed Slav rule on the sub~ ject people and returned to a statecraft as devious as that of Peter the Great. China, for all its passion for the "toiling millions," is almost alone in giving West Pakistan's leader, President Yahya Khan, unlimited support in his massacres and oppressions of the wretched peasants in East Ben-
Freeze Weapons 1) It would end the nuclear arms race by freezing offensive and defensive weapons at their present levels, whoever has the apparent edge. Since even a successful "first strike" now carries with it enough genetic dam~ age for both attacker and attacked, there is no reason, only technological interest, behind further elaborations of overkill at increasingly astronomic costs. 2) It would seek a general inrternational convention limiting 1) arms expenditure to one per cent of national income. 3) It would announce that a specific part of the re'sources saved in its economy by such a move-some $60 to $70 billion'. a year-would be devoted to the Continued from Page One world's worst problems of .poverty, jobs in cities, education, tarly school system will grow by health clinics and population pol- . 50 per cent in September when icies, renewed agriculture. Pos- 215 pupils from St. Joseph's sibly an annual sum of $20 bil- school-one of those that closed lion might be made available as in June - enter local public soon as effective international schools. "We have rented St. Joseph's channels for planning and distrischool building, but we have albution had been set up. ready made plans to build a new UN Force elementary school building, 4) It could declare that need, hopefuly to open in September not ideology, would dictate the 1973. Now we'll just have to distribution of this investment build it bigger." and that governments holding Echoing the North Brookfield down their peoples by military superintendent's sentiments was force - however "orderly"- Fitchburg public school superinwould have to look elsewhere. In tendent Dr. James N. Finch. this context, it would remind Three Catholic elementary American capital overseas that schools closed there, displacing it is "risk" capital and need not 750 youngsters. expect governmental support in "We'll have to take care of time of local pressure. If as a them and we will take care of result, some American businesses them," Finch said. "We might returned to the United States, it have to build more schools, but certainly would not harm local we would have had to eventually employment. anyhow." While lamenting the added ex5) Since human nature is unlikely to lose all its fratricidal pense to the public system-a instincts overnight, America recent state study estimated it should announce at the same will cost $750 to. educate each time its determination to' back displaced student - Finch also with all its persuasiveness-and found a positive side to the sitmoney-the building of a really uation. "Actually, those closings independent United Nations force for intervention in local situa- helped us out because in each tions which appear to be getting area we had overcrowded situaout of hand and drawing in other tions in neighboring public countries. schools and when the Catholic Such a policy may sound Uto- schools became available we pian. But it is at least a coherent rented the facilities and were alternative to the unlimited tra- able to do things we otherwise gedies of Vietnam and the arms couldn't. "Few of the youngsters were race. Extended and repeated, they lead in the direction of displaced," Finch said, "they planetary death. Might not the just continued in the same American people be allowed, be- school with different teachers yond all the rigmarole of na- and we were able to ease the tional . pride and interest, to overcrowding in the public choose life instead? schools."
,When 'Parish Schools Close Consolidation for Excellence The superintendent also had a comment about the recent Supreme Court decisions outlawing three state aid programs for non public schools: "Isn't it funny," he said, "how only a few days before the decision everybody was predicting doom for the non public schools if public aid didn't come, but after it was announced, the same people said the private schools would continue even without public funds?" Among Catholic school officials, the 18 school closings are also not as serious a crisis as it would first appear. With only a few exceptions, said Father John D. Thomas, diocesan school superintendent, each of the closings has been part of a "consolidation for excelience" program which the diocese began almost a decade ago. "Our school people began to see that changes were needed in the school system--even if we hadn't had the Vatican Council and even if the economy hadn't gotten out of hand," the dioceson superintendent said. He described one of those changes on the high school level. In the early 60's, Father Thomas said, two small parish high schools were merged into a central school; two other high schools were expanded and new high schools built in strategic areas. Even though six high schools were among the 18 institutions which closed, the larger, more strategically located schools which remain ate now educating 1,232 more high school students than before, he said. Some of the school closings
.:......particularly on the high school level - caused emotional reactions among parents and others who wanted them retained. But when that happened, school 9 f ficials tried to point out that schools were not being closed just for financial reasons, but as part of a larger plan to broaden the benefits for students. "We wanted to provide the best opportunities, social and athletic as well as academic," Father Thomas said, "and we felt, especially on the high school level, this demanded larger, more comprehensive high schools." Increase in Tuition Education in Worcester County's Catholic schools may be better, but it has also been expensive. Tuitions in parish elementary schools have gone from zero in 1965 to $75 per family, regardless of the number of children enrolled. High school tuition was $50 in September of 1965 and will be $400 this September, with a maximum of $600 per family for more than one student enrolled. Educational planning will soon mean total planning in the Worcester diocese with the creation of a new, four-division educatinon department, coordinating all diocesan educational Turn to Page Eleven
Sisfiers Publish. New'Magazine
of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1971
Wom;e,n S,h,oppers Lik,e' Sales:
CHARDON (NC)-A. new bimonthly, two-color magazine, published here in Ohio by a recently formed organization of Sisters, has made its debut. , Called Consortium, the magazine is published by Consortium Perfectae Caritatis, founded last Marc~ in Washington, D.C., at a meeting of 140 representatives from 90 religious communities in this country and Canada. The first issue in an editorial outlined the purpose of the organization - "to bring together those who accept the conciliar documents of Vatican Council II regarding Religious life, subse~ quent papal statements, interpretations and directives of the Holy See emanating from the Sacred Congregation for Religious." "The Consortium exists to communicate and share their experiences in implementing the program of Perfectae Caritatis orally and graphically among ourselves," the editorial added. The magazine is governed by a nine-member administrative council with representatives from various parts of North ~merica.· Notre Dame Sister Mary Elise of the Notre Dame Educational Cent'er here is chairman of the council.
Large fashion malls are springing up, like ,mushrooms, all across suburban New England. Big department stores , and discount centers (most of these fall into the self-service area) are becoming the thing and unless the small specialty shops ,settles in one' of the Clothes shopping takes second large' malls they are finding to antique and houshold place times a bit difficult. This is shopping in the busy schedule amazing for' we are being of Mrs. Angelo Stavros of St. told this is the age of the boutique but the upkeep on boutique shops appears to be, so high that
they, like .the corner grocer, are finding themselves monopolized out of existence. This is all taking place, despite the fact that most women ,prefer the small shop; at least that's What all indications are when you get 'a " chance to talk to any group of women, in one place, as I did re. ,cently at the beach. '''I do like some of the larger shopping centers," admitted Mrs. Albert Durand of Holy Name :Parish,' Fall River, "particularly . an area such as Braintree where your shopping mall contains .many of the better stores. What I really don't like in the area of shop~ing is these overwhelming discount stores, where you can never find anything, every section is very disorganized and you end up buying shoddy material." A friend of Mrs. Durand's and a fellow parishioner at Holy ~ame, Mrs: Edward Morrow, leans toward the individual spe~ cialty shop with a New England atmosphere. "I like a store that has quality clothes that are made well 'and' yet are not extreme in style. The individual attention . that you get in one of these stores is al,so appealing to most women," said Rita Morrow. Household Shopping "Attention with a capital A", appeals to Mrs. Thomas Powers who h~s, just built a new home in St. Dominic's Parish, Swansea. "Small shops that make you feel that the salespeople really care what ypu buy and how you look in it are the places where I really enjoy shopping," said Virginia Powers.
Michael's Parish, Fall River. ~'I hate grocery shopping and I'm really not awfully fond of clothes shopping," said Millie Stavros, firmly. "What I really ~o enjoy is browsing in small' gift shops and antique stores and picking items up for my home." Mrs. William Gaudreau' ofSt. Joseph's Parish, Fall River agrEles with Millie that grocery shopping is something that we could do without, if we only didn't have to eat. "I too love to visit antique shops; otherwise I find shopping quite frustniting." Prefers Smaller Shops. Mrs. John Mercer, ,also of St. Joseph's, expressed her disappointment that this area wasn't attracting many of the better stores such as those found in the malls around Boston. "We're still attracting nothing but discount stores," said Betty Mercer, "and we have to travel quite 'a distance in order to find a large group of good specialty shops and quality department stores." A visitor to this area, Mrs. Ronald Lavoie of St. Monica's Parish, Lawrence enjoys the large depaltment stores that ,she says are in abundance in her home territory but she enjoys shopping for herself in the smaller specialty shops. "At home we have a marvelous men's and boys' store combined where both my husband and son can do all of their clothes shop~ ping. One stop shopping is ideal." Ironically, many women do not enjoy clothes shopping; they'find it frustrating and unrewarding (especially during the crisis in the dothing industry that we have just experienced) and when they do feel that they want to buy a garment they want to find garments of good design and workmanship in' stores where the owners and sales staff appear to care.
U. S. Relief Reaches Chile Quake Victims
treat~?~~s~1~dli;~~ ~:~~ ~~::r::ee~a~l~ :u~~~~ti~e~
~n name." ,Wher he Jis not gr~eting throngs of pilgrims, he IS busy wIth p~per~ork at hIS desk.' This Sur,nmer he prepares for the 'f0rI9 Synod of Bishops i,n September. NC
i Slg,natutes N,eeded •
. I
i,Flares Again
WASHINGTON (NC)' - The battle in Congre~s for a constitutional amen1ment I to restore th~ practice of: reciting prayers in the n~tion's public scho~ls ~as flaredl up ~gain. ThIs time Mrs. aen Ruhlin of :is leadCuyahoga Falls, 0hio, I ing the fight. She /s seeking the required 218 signatures pf members of the House to a discharge petition to pry a r~solution pro'viding for the a~:ndn1erit out of the House JudICIary CommitNumber of Missioners tee to the House fl60r for a vote. Dwindling in India Thus far 175 metnbers~ of the NEW DELHI (NC)-The num- House have Signedlthe ~etition. be of foreign missionaries servThe U.S, Supreme Court in a ' ng I'n Ind'a d I' d b I 1963 decision bann~d th~ recitaI I ec me y near y .. I' Ug an da resident auds 25 per cent'during 1968-70, ac- tlOn of prayer and Bible readMission Hospitals cording to official figures re- ings in the nation's! public . scpools. I NGORA (NC)-President Gen., leased here. Idi Amin Dada has pledged to . The missionaries -belonging 'The late U.S. seh. Everett M. help to bring about greater gov- to 10 countries, including the Dirksen' of IlIinois,1 then: worked ernment cooperation with all United. ,States-numbered 4,903 vigorously for an amendment to missionary h<;>spitals in the at the !>egiiming of. 1970 ,against restore the practice uhtil his country:' 6,420 on Jan. 1, 1968.' 'death 'in 1969. I The president told a crowd Of the 4,903 missionaries at, Rep. Emanuel C~ller of New estimated at 50,000 persons here the',start of 1970, 1,124 'were York, chairman' of the, House that the important work of the British, 1,034 Americans,. 406 Judi<;iary Committe~, ha~r appealed by letter to each member of missionaries in the fields' of Canadial1s and 321 Germans. health and education had too Observers said the decline in, the House not to ~ign the disI long been ignored by the gov- missionary population appeared, charge petition.,. I ernment. . to be due not so much to the Celler's office said that since , I, He said he plans to promote Indian government's policy of 1964 some 35.lawyers have been " the exten'sion'of medical services discouraging entry of.. new forunable to write ad amendment· in . various .districts where co- ..eign 'missiqnaries as, to retire- draft which would dot belio conordinations with 'the services meni, transfer and an increased flict with the First! Amendment provided by the mis.sionaries tempo of replacement of· foreign of the Constitutiort. His office 'said the~e are thre~ vOIJmes of have been lacking. . personnel by Indian priests. p.
Battle for School Prayer Measure
testimony cdmpiled during .18 days of hearings in 1964 covering all phases of the subject and nothing new had been developed since then to warrant action on the amendment proposal.
President Resigns VILLANOVA (NC) - Father Robert J. Welsh O.S.A. has resigned as president of Villanova University despite efforts by the university's board of trustees to convince him to remain in office.' Board president Father James G. Sherman said a presidential search committee has been set up to recommend a replacement ,for the 49-year-old' Augustinian who has served as Villanova's president since 1967.
SANTIAGO (NC)-Foodstuffs, blankets and medicines from the United States are pouring into relief centers among the 60,000 people left homeless by the July' 8 earthquake, . . " Valparaiso, a major port on the Pacific, and ten other areas in three provinces were hit hardest. Minister of Interior Jose Toha said first estimates place property damage at close to $250 million. Housing authorities reported some 12,000 houses destroyed, leaving close to 16,000 families without shelter. These families had priority in relief supplies provided by the government and relief organizations in the United States. So far 620 tons of food and 12,000 blankets have been distributed among them. This is the winter season in the southern hemisphere.
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Ca,rsolns Love Vacati101ning
THE ANCHORThurs., July 29,.'1971
At Fa,mily Shack on Island
Block Sisters' Pion Meeting
We have our own brand of vacation fun. It's a little cottage, built up on stilts to prevent it from being washed away by high tides. It stands in' the middle of a marshland, on the edge of a salt water creek and is accessible only by boat. There are no The refrigerator is a small trees, no cars, no roads, no phone. There's no electricity one, operating on bottled gas, so I brought enough canned either, so there are no tele- goods and powdered milk to last
visions, no radios, no lights, except for kerosene or gas lanterns. There's a well, but its
water can be used only for washing. If you heat it, it turns a muddy green. Drinking and cooking water must be brought from home. . For four generations it's been known as "the shack." Despite the connotation' of its name, it has been a haven for our family since my father was young. In fact, he built it with his father over 50 years ago from materials salvaged by beachcombilng. The house stands all alone on an island covered by meadows of salt hay. If we haven't had an unusually high tide, the meadows are pretty solid, good for long walks, bird nest hunting, kite flying and unobstructed views of sunsets. When the tide gets over the meadows, the kids can wade for hours in water that never goes above their knees. And after such a high tide, it becomes squishy goop that the kids love to walk in, and watch it ooze between their toes. Kids Love It We just managed to get a . full week free from business obligations to take our vacation. The kids love it so much, I'm beginning to think they have salt water in their veins. The effort to get the children all packed, and enough food . assembled to hold our gang for a week was comparable to getting an army ready for maneuvers. Since there are no stores, nothing can be forgotten. The easiest solution was to make each child responsible for packing his own clothing while I gathered the food. I should have checked on what they packed. One of them arrived with two bathing suits-no underwear, pajamas, dungarees or T-shirts. He had no intention of doing anything but swimming. so the bathing suits were all he needed.
For Church Union LONDON (NC) - The general synod of the Church of England has voted provisional approval for the 1968 Scheme of Unity for gradual reunion with the Methodist Church. The vote of 307 to 163-a 65 per cent majority-is still short of the 75 per cent required for final approval by the general synod next year, assuming that Britain's 43 Anglical). .d.ioce.s~sapprove. ~s well.
PITTSBURGH (NC)-Threc institutes dealing with issues vital to blacks have been scheduled as part of the National Black Sisters Conference meeting here at Carlow College Aug. 13 to 20. The annual session will be open not only to black Religious but to all people in the black. community. A highlight. will be a liturgical celebration by Auxiliary Bishop Iiarold Perry, S.V.D., of New Orleans, the only black bishop in the country. The institutes will deal with the general topics of black education and community schools; the black 'ministry, and community organization. Discussion will center on such topics as black school curriculum; proposals for black Catholic schools; the community school; black theology; liturgical expression via culture, dance and poetry; the role of Religious in community organizations; and organization as an instrument of power. . The conference also will hold business workshops and elect. board members. There will be black book displays and sales. Sister Martin de Porres Grey, a Mercy nun at Carlow College, is president of the conference.
us for a month. In two days, the food was running 路}(jw. Salt air does something to teen-age boys' appetites ... If anything more can be done to teen~age boys' appetites. Constant 'Planning My husband commuted every other day to the mainland, replenishing the supply of. milk, bread, eggs and diapers for the baby. I hadn't planned on her having an intestinal virus. The greatest difficulty was that it took several days to settle down. At first everything had to be done, all the time, all day long. They went full tilt, swimming, water skiing, clamming, rowing, fishing, from morning till night. Then' they were so over tired, they got giddy ... and trying to get five giddy girls to sleep at the same time in one bunk-room is an impossibility. The vacation required constant planning. Even though we brought all drinking and cooking water. Rather than try to bring enough clothing for the week. I decided I'd wash every day by hand. (It didn't restore my primitive instincts; it just made me appreciate my washer at home.) Miles of Laundry Each morning we filled the big qld wash tub from the well, let it warm in the sun,' and did the laundry. But when the tide was high, the spout of the well was covered; when the tide was low, the well stopped running. One of 'our neighbors from home drove down the causeway which runs through the meadowland. She knew which shack was ours ... it was the one with the miles of laundry hanging out on the line. It's a lot of work ... but I love it. Our kids have learned a love and respect for !~ture, a reverence for peace, quite and solitude. There is a stillness at night, interrupted only by the occasional calling of a bird: .. and the lapping of waves at the dock. Sunday afternoon came too soon. We were home, scrubbed, dressed and in church for the last Mass. "Thank you, God," I prayed, "for the shack."
NC Correspondent Gets Irish Award DUBLIN (NC) - Dick Grogan, an NC News Service correspondent, has been awarded the national press feature prize in the Gallaher Press Awa~ds. The award of $480 was made for Grogan's series of articles on drug abuse, entitled "Escape to Nowhere," which appeared in This Week, Dublin Weekly news magazine. The Gallaher annual awards are given by Gallaher (Ireland) Ltd. national firm of tobacco distributors based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
LATEST SILVER JUBILARIAN: Sr. Laura Boutin, S.J.A., center, joins her two blood sisters, Sr. Alice, S.J.A., left, and Sr. Marie Bernard, S.J.A., right as a silver jabilarian in the congregation of St. Joan of Arc.
Silv,er Alumna of Jesus Mary Academy 25 Years In Congregation of St. Joan of Arc Sr. Laura Boutin, S.J.A., daughter of the late Adelard and Matilda Burns Boutin, will celebrate her silver jubilee of profession as a member of the Congregation of St. Joan of Arc with a Mass of Thanksgiving to be offered at 9 on Sunday morning, Aug. 1 in Notre Dame Church, Fall River. Rev. Robert F. Kirby, a cousin of the jubilarian and assistant pastor at Holy Family Parish,
Suspend Registration Of New Students FORT WORTH (NC)-Catholic schools in Tarrant County have suspended registration of new students in an effort to cooperate with Fort Worth public schools in integration efforts, Father Robert Wilson, diocesan superintendent of schools, announced here. The action followed approval by the Fort Worth public school system of an integration plan involving busing of students in 27 of the city's elementary schools. The plan will go to U. S. District Judge Leo Brewster as the public school board's recommendation for accelerating .racial mixing. The Catholic school system of the Fort Worth diocese includes 18 schools with 5,472 students; in Tarrant County, there are 12 schools with 3,871 students.
Accept ~pplications ' For. Financial Grants' NEW YORK (NC)-The Catholic Communications Foundation is accepting applications for fi路nancial grants for persons and organizations serving the broadcasting apostolate of the Church. A blue ribbon panel of communications executives reviews all applications for CCF grants. The recommendations are forwarded to the board of directors for final approval. The CCF set a deadline for applications. Grants from the foundation over the past two years have totaled $174,000.
East Taunton will be the celebrant. Sr. Laura attended Notre Dame School and Jesus Mary Academy, both in Fall River. She enterea the congregatien on Aug. I, 1944 and was professed in 1946. . The congregation is cdmmitted to the domestic service in rectories and during her lifetime, Sr. Laura has served in many rectories throughout New England is presently stationed in the Rectory of Notre Dame of the Sacred Heart in Central Falls. Sr. Laura has two sisters in the congregation, both already having celebrated their silver jubilee. Sr. Alice 'Boutin, S.J.A., is stationed at the Motherhouse in Quebec, while Sr. Marie Bernard, S.J.A., is stationed in St. Edmund's Rectory, Stoneham, Province of Quebec. The sisters will all be present and a reception will follow the Mass for members of the family . at the Retail Clerk's Hall on McGowan St., Fall River and a public reception will be held in the same place in the afternoon. Mrs. avila Samson, a blood sister, resides at 518 Eastern Ave., Fall River is in charge of the affair.
Deny Visa to Church Conference Head . . NEW YORK (NC)-The head of the All Africa Conference of Churches has been denied a visa to visit member churches in South Africa, it was learned here. Canon Burgess Carr, a liberian, had been invited to attend a gathering of AACC member churches' in Durban, South Africa, in August. Canon' Carr, who is black, recently assumed the leadership of the pan-African church body, which has headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. In disclosing the visa refusal, Canon Carr accused the South African government of trying to "prevent the churches in South Africa from discussing the situ~ ation in their own country with other concerned churches in Africa and around the world." He said such efforts "would suggest that the South African government is now determined to persecute the Christian churches by isolating them....
per annum min. $500. No Notice required after 90 days on withdrawals made with路 in 10 days of each interest period.
(interest exempt from Mass. Income tax)
FIRST FE路DERAL SAVINGS North Main Sft. Fall River
149 GAR Hwy, Rte 6 Somerset
Thu'r~., 'July' 29, 1971'
Negro App'oint~d As Vicar General .Of'Josephit,es WASJIINGTON (NC) -:- The first. black priest chosen vicar ,general oCthe Josephite Fathers said 'his selection "reflects the 'seriousness of the Josephite Fathers' commitment" to the goal of black leadership." Father Eugene A. Marino, 37, , a native oJ Biloxi, Miss" was appointed to the office by Father Matthew J. O'Rourke, who was ,elected superior general of the society at a general conference meeting here. The selection was confirmed by the conference delegates. , 'In recent months the Joseph, ites have been criticized by some blacks for fajlure to fulfill their mission' of ministering to blacks in'this country. After graduation from i;'\gh school in 1952, Father Marino jojned the Josephite community and was ordained to the priesthood in 1962. He has been servingas spiritual director of St. Joseph's seminary here and as spiritual director of the permanent diaconate training program for, the Washington archdiocese. Commenting on his election to a four-year term, Father Ma'rino said: "I have accepted the ,responsibility of this office in the , hope of making whatever talents and energies I have more significant for the society and for those whom it serves. With the help o,f God, the support of my fellow Josephites and the coop' eration, of the leaders of the black ,community, I feel I can grow in this office, and make a worthwhile contribution." Father O'Rourke" a native of New York City, has been serving as acting superior general since .Iast October when F~ther George F. O'Dea resigned because of ill health. Began in England After graduation from Manhattan College, New York, in 1940: he began studies for the priesthood. He joined the Josephite in 1944 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1947. Since 1960, he has held high administrative offices in the society. The Josephite society had its beginning in England in 1866 as the Mill Hill Fathers, founded by Cardinal, Herbert Vaughan of Westminster to minister to the 'blacks in' the United States. In 1893 by joint agreement between Cardinal Vaughan and Cardinal James Gibbons of Baltimore, the Mill Hill Fathers in this country were permitted 'to establish the new Josephite society with headquarters in Baltimore. The so'ciety now has '216 priests who work in Negro communities, principally in the South.
Spanish Prisioners Keep Catholic Faith MADRID (NC)-Qf the nearly 13,000 inmates in Spanish prisons, from 70 to 95 per cent attend Mass on Sunday, according to a report from the ministry of information here. Although most inmates are Catholic, there are several hundred Moslems, 32 L'utherims, 20 Jehovah Witnesses, 15 Anglican's and three Jews, the report said.
I '
Stonehill Pre!ident ,~0"ivinced the Future of Collegesls on ,Undergraduate Level
Back Pr.oposed, Disaster Unit
UNITED NATIONS (NC) BY , United States and British officials have expressed support for MARION UNSWORTH CURRAN United Nations Secretary Gen"\Ve don't have a first rate eral U Thant's proposal that a Catholic College'in the country. There are many universities, but permanent office be set uP' by no first rate college. And I think the U.N. to coordinate and ex· perhaps it is the college which pedite worldwide response to will become the viable force in ,disasters. United States education. StoneAt the current Geneva meeting 'hill may be it," was thechalof the Economic and Social lenge put to the faculty,of StoneCouncil both U.S. Ambassador to hill College by Rev. Ernest' J. the UN George Bush and British Bartell, C.S.C., ,newly appointed ,Minister of State for Foreign and college president. ,Commonwealth Affairs Joseph At a luncheon held last week Godber -voiced their governto introduce Father, Bartell to ,ments' endorsement, of Thant's the faculty, the dynamic young outline for the establishment at president said, "What ,we'll hav.e Geneva of such an office. is a sort of practical academic It would be concerned with version of the weight watchers possible preventive measures, as program. We'll have to find out well as with accelerated delivery where we can cut and where we of relief supplies and personnel, can expect. It's not going to be ,and reduction of duplicated or easy." unnecessary shipments. , "We'll have the same pro~ lems, as other collegese..do," he Godber, however, advocated continued.• "Tuitions and costs semi-autonomy for the unit while are not going to go down. We'll Bush urged its integration withhave to be pretty demanding on in the UN Secretariat. ourselves if we mean to carve H. Leslie Kirkley of Britain, a place for ourselves. And we'll president of the International have to build upon our strengths Conference of Voluntary Agenin order to justify our claim to INFORMAL MEETING AT STONEHILL: Rev. Ernest cies, in the session of that organ· a first rate Catholic college." , Speaking informallY and bri~f J. Barteli, CSC Iright, president of Stonehill College in an 'ization in New York earlier, welIy to the approximately 70 fac- informal meetit;lg with Dr. Vincent P. Wright, executive comed the secretary general's ulty members present, Father v\ce-president following the buffet luncheon served to suggestion as a move in the Bartell added that he is im- bring the mem~ers of the faculty and staff together before right direction, but declared that "more radical steps are needed." pressed with all Stonehill is ,and the opening of ~chool. has been in a short time and also With the exception of the , It..' praised the beauty of the camUnited Nations Children's' Fund, "Studimts come now to college pus setting and the enthusiasm tiums, ~~ch as the,one itt a~tron the World Health Organization of the academic comrmmity, "a omy planned Withl Wheaton and with a much broader range of in- and the Food and Agriculture the terests than we did," he contin- Organization, 'he 'pointed out, the kind of enthusiasm which bodes Bridgewater State,I bY tising ' nearness of' so mG\ny other col- ued. "They may lack the deepwell for the future." UN system as a 'whoie 'is not leges to advantag¢, by Idevelop- ening which experience provides, General Projections geared to provideem'ergency re-' but they are concerned with, the Later at a press' conference, , irig work-study' programs and lief, relating rather to predisaster Father Bartell expanded on some programs not in the ttaditional world. This is why I would like planning, or to rehabilitation and of his ideas about Stonehill and majors, and by encouraging stu- to develop a service involvement, reconstrUction., its future, reminding the report- dents of differen~ backgrounds with the community, such as a work-study program. It would ers that since he is not officially to attend Stonehill." in office until September 1 his 'Publish or Perish' Hurts Students definitely be an educational ex- Compare So. Africa " projections must be general "I also hope w~ ca~ expand perience for the student and he opportunities for the faculty to would receive academic credit To Nazi Germany rathel' than particular. CAPE TOWN (NC)-Forty-five "Stonehill is old enough now i~crease their exc~llenc~ in the for it." "It's true that if 'students want South African clergymen and for its existence not to be a classroom," FatherI toldI reportmatter of survival," he said, ers. "There's no reason 11 couldn't to share in adult society, they leading laymen of many denom-_ "and young enough to have no help them prepare Iprop~sals for must bear the load of responsi- inations have written an "open albatrosses around' its neck. grants and find leads where bility too," said the young ad- letter to South Africa" saying the Some older' institutions tend to funds are availabler-all ~ith the ministrator. "Students today are country is closer to Nazi Gerbecome fossilized and find them- purpose of aiding in .their role in perhaps more aware than we many than most people realize. were. They have serious choices, ' selves with established expendi- undergraduate edJcatiort. The 45 said they wrote the letand decisions to make that we ter to call people back from the tures they can't get rid of and problem "This role is anbthe~ I didn't have, such as the war don't need." of the university, where i the fac- and drugs. The right decisions abyss of disaster and because as "In addition," he continued, ulty is involved {vith -research Christians they fell compelled to "Stonehill is located in the fast- and in the classr90m and it is are not automatic. That's why speak out. "Making comparison est growing area in Masachu-' very difficult to maintain a bal- we're here." between Nazi Germany and Days of Dogmaticism Gone setts, in spite of the existence of ance between them!. The I'publish South Africa is painful for us," some depressed areas, The pop- or perish' still exihs, b~lieve it "We can't make the decisions they said, "but such comparisons ulation is moving ou't of Boston or not," he added, I"and ithe stu- for 'them but can only provide are infinitely more painful fo~ and will move south. Here's dents ate the ,ones 16 suffer the environment in which they those who suffer because they I ' Stonehill with about 600 acres from it: No, our faculty has to can make mature judgements," are true." of land-as big 'as' Notre Dame be professional enohgh to engage he explained. "The days of dogListing numerous similarities, except for the' pa"king lots for in research WithJlut h~ndering matism are long gone. The Cath- the letter noted that in both athletics. " their educational role' in the olic 'college cannot brainwash, countries nationalism is confined Focus on Academics classroom." : but it can provide an opportu- to those "racially akin to each press nity to approach the vital ques- other." Both systems, the letter Father Bartell foresees no , "The colleges to, shoJld I programs," tions of life. At best our product said, have in common "a national leap in enrollment at Stonehill, for aid for academiC I , nor does he feel it would be Fa,ther Bartell sai~r "but 'they'll will develop a faith which is messianism" and constantly inadvantageous. "I believe the have to learn h0"l to generate ' the hope of the Church in the voke "Christianity" to justify future is with the small under- public interest in them.; Asking future." state policy. graduate colleges," he explained. for money' to imprbve a ,class in Father Bartell' is presently "Economically, universities are the humanities doe~n't have the concluding his work with the more. difficult to maintain. It's impact of asking Ifor aln atom , White House Panel on Secondthe colleges that are the bread' smasher." Ii ary and Elementary Education, 931[066 Turning to the ~ubject 'of to~ where he has served as director and butter; they don't have to have the specialized programs day's college students, i Father of the President's Commission ,and resources, the universities, Bartell, who has ta~ght Econom- on School Finance which has need, and can focus on academ- ,ics at Princeton I and I Notre been studying the economics of ics." Dame, and worked three Sum- nonpublic school education, pro. I' "Rather than trying to get mers with student service groups jecting future enrollments, costs, bigger, I want to ,broaden the ,in South America, I said,i "I get sources of. revenues, and costs range of educational option's for agitated with people wh~ decry to the public if. the Catholic 365 NORTH FRONT STREET the students without overburden- the decadence of !the younger schools must close. Upon the NEW BEDFORD ing the administrative process," generation. It's a $enera,lization completion of this grant on Aug. 992-5534 the new president continued.' which just isn't fair and builds 31, the new president will as"This can, be done" ,by consor- up a bias.which is hnfortunate.'" sume hi~ p~si_ti<?~ .a~ ,Stonehi~l: .... _ ..
Heating Oils and, Burners
Urge Pope Name Black Archbishop ForWashington
Taunton Hotline Supporti~g 'Troubled Teenagers Facing Modern Hardships
By Dorothy Eastman Got a problem? Want some information? Want someone to listen? Those three questions are printed on the business card of one of the most unusual organizations in Taunton, , It's called the Taunton Hotiine and 'the service it performs is just what the card impljes. If you call 824-6646 on Monday through Thursday from three to midnight or weekends any· time, you will reach one of the sixty teenagers' from the Hotline. In teams of four, the youngsters man the two Hotline telephones on the second floor of the CYO Center in Taunton. They are always ready with a sympathetic ear for their callers, who number between sixty and one hundred a week. The Hotline is an offshoot of an organization of young people founded in Taunton around the first of the year. The Hotline Special Consideration and a newspaper for young people are two of 'the group's proj"This is especially revealing when one considers that 25 per e9 ts. Rev. Roger Nelson of St. cent of the American Catholic Church is Spanish-speaking," Thomas Episcopal Church in Brother Davis said, adding that Taunton is the group's advisor. "perhaps it indicates a kind of He explained that the Taunton hotline operates differently from exclusiveness that has functioned most similiar services. Most hotin the selection of bishops." lines use volunteers who are at He said that NOllC believes least college age, but the Taunspecial consideration should 'be to'n teenager decided that age given to the appointment of a was no criteria for the kind of black archbishop in the nation's sympathetic concern needed to capital because more than 71 per man the telephones. , cent of, its population is black . "They're avery_open, group and tliere"are many biaek Catho-, with a large number of kids eclies in the area. cepting each other on their own Cardinal O'Boyle's resignation, level. They have a very good submitted in accordance with the spirit." Mr. Nelson' said. vatican directive "requesting bisIt was difficult to resolve the hops to offer their resignation question of how to screen the when they reach the age of 75," volunteers. By age? By some has not been accepted to date kind of test? It was finally deand a successor is yet unnamed. cided that everyone screens The cardinal, recognized by the themselves. If a kid thinks he's Church for his endeavors to help blacks, was 75 July 18. He was sent carbon copies of the N08C's letters requesting Continued from Page Seven that a black priest take his programs for youths and adults. place, but was not available to As far as Catholic schools are comment on them. concerned, Father Thomas said, ·Increa~,·ing Frustration' the "consolidation for excelIn the organization's letter to lence" program will be expanded, Cardinal Dearden, Brother' Davis but with a watchful eye toward cited the diminishing strength of economic realities such as the the Church in the black commun· tuition increases. The Catholic superintendent ity through low vocations and among other things, abandori- said his office has been "fortument of the ministry by priests. nate in that public school officials have been most cooperative "Unfortunately," he wrote, "the where we have had to close common denominator in the maschools. We have tried to keep jority of these situations is an them informed throughout the increasing frustration felt by discussion period. black Catholics at being a voiceCommunications Excellent less and powerless element in a Dr. James W. McKenna, expredominately white Church. ecutive deputy superintendent of. Given the temper of our times, it the public schoo'ls in Worcester is unlikely that, without radical, -where eight diocesan schools rapid changes, the Catholic' have closed since last year-deChurch will remain a vital in- scribed his office as a "professtitution." sional friend of the diocesan The NOBC said the situation scho"ol administration." need not continue a downward "They have kept us completetrend and reaffirmed its com- ly informed as we have kept mitment "to formulating a basis them informed of our comings for bringing about a more posi- and goings," McKenna said, "betive relationship of the Church cause we too, are in a transitionto the black community." al phase and are rebuilding our It is stressed, however, that a system. We are getting away black archbishop "would permit from the 'neighborhood' school the Church to bring a sensitivity concept, and into the 'commuto the needs of the community's nity school' concept, so that now total black population that would when we open a new, larger otherwise not be possible." school, we close three.",
tHE ANCHOR- " Thurs.: July 29, 1971
Brazil Police Arrest Priests
WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Office for Black Catholics has called for the appointment of a black archbishop in the Washington archdiocese "to bring black Catholics into a new and stronger relationship within the Catholic community." In separate letters to Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, presi-' dent of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and to Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in the United States, the N08C noted that the resignation which Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle has submitted to Pope Paul VI presents an opportunity to appoint the nation's first black Ordinary. "It is very tragic for the Catholic Church that in the entire American hierarchy there are no black or Spanish·speaking Ordinaries," said Marist Brother Joseph M. Davis, NOBC executive director.
, '
Schools Close
RECIFE (NC)-Police entered Recife archdiocesan oWces here and arrested Father Carmi! Vieira at about the same time an· other Recife priest, Father Ger· aldo de Oliveira Lima, was arrested at the Natal airport 150 miles north of, here. Both were charged with participating in "subversive activities." Father Vieira was later released for lack of e~idence, but Father de Oliveira was held "as a dangerous person," according to an announcement made by military authorities. Both priests work under Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, leader in a nationwide movement for social justice. The newspaper Jornal do Brasil said in Rio de Janeiro that federal agents did not have a warrant to enter the Recife chancery office.
Who calls and with what kind of problems? The great majority of Ci;llls are from teenagers and the problems range the whole gamut of human emotions. There are boy-girl dating problems, pregnancy problems, drug problems, family problems. Young people thinking of running away from home often call for advice. The advice they usually get is "Cool it." They are urged to stick it out for awhile and perhaps get some professional help. Direct advice giving is not encouraged. Instead the youngsters manning the phones are told to be sympathetic listeners and to refer the callers to professionals on the group's referal list. The volunteers are aware of the fact that they are not themselves experts, just concerned listeners. They never ask for names of callers and all calls' are kept strictly confidential. A log is kept on all calls but entries are very general, merely listed as "runaway", "drug problem" for instance.
lBenedictine Elected University Head
The volunteers work in three hour shifts except for weekends when they work 12 hours shifts. "If you're very exhausted or used to sleeping on floors you can sleep here, "one of the volun· teers said in describing the 12 hour weekend duty.
COLLEGEVILLE (NC)-Bene· dictine Father MichaelBlecker, 40 historian and theologian, will take office Aug. 1 as president of St. John's University here in Minnesota. The university executive board announced Father Blecker was elected unanimously to succeed Father Colman J. Barry, who resigned in May after seven years in the office.
Word about the hotline has spread in the two months its been operating. Volunteers spoke at all the schools in the Taunton area explaining the service. There is usually an ad appearing in the local newspaper.
A native of Chicago, Father Blecker earned his bachelor degree at Harvard, his master's and doctorate at the University of Wisconsin, majoring in medieval history. He is working currently on a book, "Monastic His· tory; Medieval Corporation."
The telephone bills have been running around $70 a month, with a lot of long distance calls about referals. The project was originally funded by a grant of $1,000 from the Episcopal Church Home Society. The social service agency used to be an adoption agency but with need diminishing in that area it has become a youth initiative program with a full time director to assist and advise programs in the diocese run by youth for youth of any denomi· nation. It provides seed money for youth projects.
He served as a member of St. .lohn's history department and as chairman of the theology department. He is associate editor of the American Benedictine Review and is a member of the U.S. bishops' committee on Orthodox-Roman Catholic dialogue.
Another grant was given the group by the United Board for Ministry of Bridgewater. The youngsters have raised over a hundred dollars on their own through car washes and flower sales. The Fall River Catholic diocese donates the two rooms in the CYO Center that house the hotline. The nU!Jlber again is 8246646.
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The newspaper's' correspondent in Recife added that Father de Oliveira had confessed during a summary trial there and said the priest fainted twice "under nervous tension."
HOTLINE IN ACTION: Rev. Roger Nelson supervises the procedure in talking to a troubled caller as two other teenage workers observe. capable he is allowed to do it. The volunteers range in age from early teens to midtwenties. They all receive continuous training from psychologist Robert Curtis of the Taunton Mental Health Center, who sits in on their' Wednesday 'evening meetings. The Wednesday evenings include. seminars given by physicians, pharmcologists, lawyers and other experts. Everyone who mans the telephones has been through training with Mr. Curtis. The younger and newer volunteers are paired with the older, more experienced. "Our own personal growth has been tremendous since working on this project" one youngster said. The average phone call lasts about 30 minutes but if the problem is serious the conversations could go on for 'several hours.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Ju!y 29, 1971
Favors, Church.Sponsor,ed, Scientific Survey of Laity
'Nun Holds 'Job as Investment Broker . I' Sellsi Bpnds, Mutual Funds in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE I (NC)' - Sister Jo Ellen Moser ~as two jobs" I groaned aloud when I read a recent news report one in religious life and another The one quoting Father Andrew, Greeley on the need for a survey in the business *orld. I complements the other and of the laity. The need isn't why I groaned, howevet. I've I r that's how she ,and her employer been asking for a comprehensive survey of the laity for I like it. two years, ever since I began On Mondays, Tuespays and doing research for my book, priests and honest with each Wednesdays, Sistrr Jo Ellen sells bonds and mutual funds at the "TodaY-'s Catholic Woman." other." Several years ago, a great, Milwaukee officel of Bl C. ZeigThere are surveys on why newspaper editor took a long priests', enter, the ministry, why look at his paper's editoriil1 ler and Company, an investment I they leave, why ,they don~t leave, views and realize he was getting firm. Thursdays, Fr~days i and Satwi).at bishops' are thinking, what his attitude from listening to nuns' wear, and where churches other newsmen at the press urdays she assumes the duties of should 'be built;, But, I couldn't club or friends at. the country, treasurer general; of the Racine Dominican Sisters, a~ position find 'a~y, church-sponsored scien- club. , , she's held since 1961. Thereafter, he took to' dressing Her experience ~n' hardling inin workmen's clothing and vestments, insurance and legal spending one weekend a month at ' work for the religious commuthe docks, listening to workers By and hearing other attitudes. His ,nity has proven aluable to the editorials became f~r' more pnic- company which has lemployed DOLORES tical and reasonable to the ma- her since last October. jority of his reader,S. He was " She said the ~pportunity for CURRAN listening to them so they listened Sisters to becorile involved in outside work prdmpted her "to to him. We need to discover 'just how see if she could db sornething on many people are leaving the her own." At fir~t she: discussed Church, either physically or spir- the idea with twb Radine banktific survey on the laity.' There itually. And why. We keep hear- ers who felt she J.as qJalified to were several well-written wor'ks ing about the exodus, of young work in their inv~stmertt departfrom author-prepared surveys people but we don't know if it's ments. (ilke mine) ,and the conclusions In the Spring cif 1970 she distrue. 'Suburban parking lots are drawn were plausible and interstill crowded on Sunday moni- cussed her plan[ wit~ an acesting. But not scientific. quaintance, Thomas I' Kenny, ing. In the past few years, our president of thel Ziegler comchurch has sponsored three Specific Suggestions , pany. He related1her interest to 'major studies of priests. One the board of direFtors land they In the interviews which I ~id co"st $500,000 alone. But there's agreed Sister Jo Ellen would be for my book, 1 found that tobeen no request for a survey of in a specialized area. day's grandmothers attribute dif- employable . I' the laity. With help from the Icompany That is, not up until now. ferent reasons for their grown she began studyir~g for her new Therefore, I applaud Father children's disaffiliation with the role. She ,passed I~ required exChurch than the adult children Greeley's request but I despair ~mination at first try,\ and re,,' over his reasons for the survey. themselves. If mother and daughceived state and nktiomll licenses ter can't agree on the reason for Brace yourself, fellow layman. Father Greeley says we need a leavirig, how can we attribute as a registered represe~tative in the bond business. ! survey to discover "what part reasons to other people's actions? I , But the real need for a laity might the American laity have Never Sees Paycheck played and what blame might it survey isn't to determine how The nU~-broker luses iwo busishare in the continuing depar- many are leaving or staying. We ture of ,priests from (he active need to discover ways of making ness cards. To f~iends' and acthe local parishes more viable quaintanc~s she's ~now~ as "Sis,ministry." (NC News report). for Catholics. What's wrong with ter Joseph Ellen, O.P.;": to other Discover Attitudes So, we need a survey of the sermons? .Let's give the listener clients -sl}e's "Jo I Elle~ Moser, laity, not to discover what we're a chance to express his satisfac- registerec;i, represe?tativf'" Sister Jo Ellen sells bonds and thinking or why our children are tion or criticisms. Let's get some mutual funds to individual and ,specific ,suggestions for filling leaving or what we need in reliinstitution'al clientb. igious education but to find out parishioners' needs, according to The nun-broker I admitted she our blame in the game of depart- their assessment, not according receives a' good salary~ and alto Father's. ing priests. That's not a survey Let's have, that survey, then, ready has added fJur bdnuses to for the laity but of the laity for , her income. But ~he nJver sees the priesthood, once again. That Father Greeley, but 110t for any her check. It's mJde out to the preconceived ,purpose. Let's take will be survey number four for, the findings and read them as Sisters of St. Dorriinic and sent priests, I'm afraid. objectively as po,ssible. We may to the motherhousb. Now, what courageous body I ,Ziegler's select fund, rhich is is going to promote a wide-scale even find that priests share in survey of the laity Here is why "the continuing departure of available only t? tax-exempt laity from the passive ministry." corporations, prov~des an opporwe need one. tunity for Sister Jo Ellen to conWe need to discover lay atti- Who knows? tact monasteries, ~emin~ries and tudes toward the Mass, sermons, , I motherhouses for ~he purpose of religious education, building, paestablishing retiren1ent resources. • rochial schools, social action, lit- Drive' for Catholic "The apostolic element in this urgy and the like. We hear all Rad ioApostol.ate sorts of phrases tossed about: SYDNEY (NC)-A $1 million work," she explain~d. "i~ helping "The laity doesn't want ..." or foundation to provide adequate _religious orqers gkt started on "The laity thinks .. " Such state- funds for the Catholic radio and retirement funds br in ibuilding ments have little validity and television apostolate in the Syd~ up a portfolio." , really mean, "The laity that I ney archdiocese here iri AustraRetirement Plan~ come into contact with want lia was proposed at a dinner (more schools) (less singing), h~ld for the Catholic Radio and As the only woman employed etc." TV Committee of the archdio- in the local office,! and Ibecause Listening Contact . of her ba~kgroun~ experience, cese. ' Actually, those who make' deA select audience of business- other brokers frequently: call on cisions regarding our practice of men and radio and TV execu- her to help establish! contact' our faith have very little listen- tives and pesonalities, was invito' with religious s~periors. At ing contact with the laity. Priests ed to the dinner to hear an out- times, she travel~ ,to i.various listen to priests, bishops listen to line of the plans for the foun- parts of the country to - assist priests' and to each other and dation. I them. nobody really listens to· the laity Businessmen were invited to, . Sister Jo Ellen described reexcept on a very superficial scale. assist in establishing the foun-' tIrement plans as b~coming more "Pastors don't hear honest com- dation. A committee of them important for religious orders •. I I ments from many parishioners," will be selected to give their ~mce many of their. hav.e grow-' regretted one priest. "Parishion- knowledge and abilities to, raise mg-numbers of aged members. ers tend to be pleasant with money for the project. - "In the past it Wasn't too im1
I, ;,
INVESTMENT BROKER: "Jo Ellen Moser, registered representative," sells bonds imd mutual funds at the Mil- ,waukee office of B. C. Ziegler and Company, an investment firm, three days a week. The rest of the week she is Sister Jo Ellen Moser, a.p., and a'ssumes the duties of treasurer general of the Racine Dominican Sisters. Here, Sister Jo Ellen discusses business with Grant Wilcox, resident manager of the local office of Zeigler company. NC Photo, courtesy Catholic Herald Citizen. portant to think about retireare familiar with bonds and borment, but now we have to," she rowing procedures but not with short-term financing In the past, explained. "The day will come those with surplus funds would when religious orders will need extra income to help _ support make deposits in local banks but older members." now plans are available to pro-, She said some religious com- ' vide a better rate or return, she munities have invested as much added. as $100,000 for retirement plans, while others are starting other investment programs. She said most religious orders
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Nihilism I am very fond of revolutionists, but not very fond of nihilists. For nihilists, as their name implies,' have nothing to revolt about. G. K. Chesterton
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Ample Parking ED. COUGHLIN, Prop.
The Parish Parade P.ublicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish orare asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River
02722. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, will be a special guest at the Feast on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 8. Rev. Ronald Sylvia, assistant at St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford and former assistant at Our Lady of the Angels will preach the sermon during the Mass of the Feast at 11 :45 on Sunday morning. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON A chicken barbeque supper will be served between 5 and 7 on Saturday evening in the area beside the parish hall. Following the 7 o'clock Mass, Rev. John J. Steakem will unveil a bronze plaque dedicated to the memory of Rev. John J. Casey, late pastor ·of the Immaculate Conception Parish. Father Steakem, assistant at . St. Julie's Parish, North Dartmouth, served under Father Casey as an assistant. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO The parish Summer festival will open Friday evening .with the serving of chowder and c1amcakes in the church hali. A penny sale will be conducted after the supper· with a great variety of prizes available both for the young and the old.. On Saturday evening. at 5:30, a ham and ·bean supper' will be served and it will be followed by a "Surprise Card Party" in the church hall. Sunday's activities will feature outdoor booths specializing in a variety of games and refreshments and will continue from 1 in the afternoon to 10 at night. Prizes will be awarded hourly and the grand prizes will be drawn at the conclusion of the evening's activities. Tickets for the suppers, the color TV, convertible reclining chair and a bicycle will be available on the grounds of the Sacred Heart School, Richards Ave., North Attleboro. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The parish family picnic will start at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning, Aug. 1 on the grounds of the St. Vincent de Paul Camp in Westport. All are reminded to bring their own food, box lunches or grilles. There will be games and prizes for all ages.
Priests Oppose Indochina War .' ST. LOUIS (NC)-More than a quarter of the diocesan and Religious priests serving in the St. Louis archdiocese have signed a "moral declaration" opposing proloIfgation of the war in Indochina. The 800-word declaration was prepared by six diocesan priests and was circulated among priests and religious order houses here by the Archdiocesan Priests Council. Signatories included 174 diocesan clergy, out of a possible . 562, and 114 Religious priests out of a total of 551.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1971
New Dioceses KALAMAZOO (NC)-The additions of the sixth and seventh dioceses in Michigan were completed here July 21 with the establishment of the Kalamazoo diocese and the ordination of Bishop Paul· V. Donovan, 46, as its head. The day before, the sixth diocese was formally erected in Gaylord and Bishop Edmund Casimir Szoka, 43, was ordained as its first spiritual leader. When the new Sees were first announced, the priests' senate of the Grand Rapids diocese complained that their bishop had not been consulted properly over the resulting divisions of dioceses. Complaints came from other sectors as well.
Give Michigan' Seven Sees
. The priests' senate sent a letter to Pope Paul VI, complaining that the way the new dioceses were formed "seems to go contrary to· the spirit of the (Second Vatican) Council." A pastor from Mt. Pleasant accused the bishops of a colossal failure in collegiality for not consulting with parishioners affected by the move. The Michigan bishops explained the divisions were prompted oy pastoral concern of having each bishop closer to the people. They reported· they had made. the decision after conducting a three-year study. Presents Document The newly designated Cathedral of Our Lady of .Mount Car-
mel in Gaylord, with a seating mazoo diocese was created and capacity of 500, was too small Bishop Donovan was ordained in for the ceremonies~so the parish the newly designated St. Augusgym was pressed into service to tine cathedral. Archbishop Raiaccommodate the 1,500 people, mondi again presented the papal including state and local offi- document creating the new diocials, who attended. Archbishop cese. Bishop Donovan, a native of Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in the U. S., presented the Bernard, Iowa, was ordained to papal directive erecting the new the priesthood in May, 1950 and was serving as pastor of St. diocese. Bishop Szoka, a native of Agnes church ·in Flint, Mich., Grand Rapids, who was ordained when he was named June 15 as to the priesthood in June, 1954, first bishop of Kalamazoo. The Kalamazoo diocese was was serving as chancellor of the Marquette diocese and pastor of erected from nine counties anSt. Christopher church in Mar- nexed from the Grand Rapids quette on June 15 when he was and Lansing dioceses with a tonamed by Pope Paul VI to be . tal population of 785',600, includfirst bishop of Gaylord. ing 83,000 Catholics served by The following day the Kala- 77 priests.
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·Recommends Mid·Centu~y 'Lilies 'for, Growth, Color . .By Joseph, and Marilyn Roderick
.From time to time in the past we have toyed with using lilies for strong growth and c?l<;lr in ~id-Summer and have purchased, a few to, expenment WIth for th~t purp'ose. Lilies are expensive and so much has been saId about how difficult it is to raise them ·that we were ~as a bit nervous and ended up hesitant to make too large bumping into many a stone waH but still I found the sport excitan .investment. We have had ing. A few years later a visit to
~cc~ss in 1l1~ion/Cou~ry of Korea
THE ANCHO.R-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1971
moderate success. The most prolific we have, come across and the best for Qur purposes are the Mid-Century hybrids. These are relatively low growing, two to three feet, and very colorful. They need no staking and are not likely to be knocked down or hurt by heavy rain. They reproduce very Quickly in a year or two and lifting and transplanting 'ensures: a rapid proliferation of bulbs. We have several varieties, all of which are doing well. . Lilies should be planted in the Fail in a spot in the, garden where they ~ill get fairly good drainage and a moderate amount of sun. Catalogs and lily growers warn that they should be planted as soon as possible after they arrive so that they do not dry out. I . have ,found that the Mid· Century Hybrids which I have should also be planted fairly ,close to the border where they can be seen at close hand and appreciated. After a couple of years in the garden they do become a bit crowded so it 'is not a bad idea to dig them up and replant the . tiny bulbils in another location to grow and reproduce another hill on their own. And they do reproduce Quickly, so Quickly in fact that I would suggest buying a ,small number of bulbs rather than many of· the same variety~ A numb~r of different varieties will produce many bulbs in a short period of time. In the Kitchen Some women long for diamonds and furs, others pine for trips to far away spots"':"'right at this moment I would settle for a bicycle with two good tires. . Perhaps the reason for my infatuation with bike riding comes from the fact that I was an old married woman before I really knew how to handle the twowheeled marvel. As an only child my parents were naturally cautious and a few spills while trying to learn to maneuver convinced my mother that I was going to wrap myself around a pole ,If she ever consented to buy me 'a bike. It wasn't until Joe and I were ,visiting Nantucket that I attempted at my late age to learn to ride a bike. Needless to say I
Means Loss of Job to Archbishop
I Truly 'a pilgrim i~ the pilgrim Church, Colu~ban I Archbishop Harold W. Henry: has retired from the now \ flou~fshing Archdiocese of Kwangju, Korea, to 1 I 1.I<;.a dml~ls .. t.rabecome the ap?sto tor of a still-developmg mIssIon area. I _
The native\ of" Northfield, Minn., will,hea1d the!ne.w prefec'ture of Chejudo, an Island 90 miles off Korda's southern tip. J ' ••• There he will dIrect the actIvItIes Martha's Vineyard gave me an- of 10 Columbap. m~ssioner.s and Since then, despite two other opportunity to try free three Korean diocesan pnests. wars, tens of tho,usancts have I . 'K k' . , wheeling and again I truly en-, His successor 10 " wan jU IS been baptized in danger of death; Bishop Peter H;an Kong-Ryel of joyed it. and there have been over 80,000 However, it wasn't until Jason Jeon Ju. \ ' adults converts. Ten Columban became interested in learning to The first Al11erica~ Columban Fathers went tQ Kwangju in ride, that I once again got the Father named to the Hierarchy, 1933; now there are 55 working opportunity to climb back on a Archbishop Hedry is well known there alongside about, the same ' cyde. Because my five-year-older throughout theI United States. number of Korean priests and needs someone with him as he Though he has 4pent ~ost of the missionaries from other commu, 'maneuvers the wide roads of the past 38 years iin Korea, he has nities. They are staffing 54 parcemetery near our home both 'made many trips back home to ishes and caring for a Catholic Joe and I have found ourselves raise funds'for his mission work, population of about 75,000 in a ,peddling along. This, coupled and also was s~ationed here for total of 4.5 million. with the recent trend in bike rid- , short periods time,. What Archbishop Henry calls ing for the whole family, has "the most important project of Born, 62 years ago, 'on July convinced me that instead of setmy life" is' the major seminary missionary tling down to a comfortable mid- II , 1909, the dyJamic I . Archbishop Harold Henry he built in Kwangju to train dle age I'm going to peddle my was the son of strict iProtestant priests for nine of the 15 dioparents. But after the death of , , way through it. ceses in the southern half of best further his football career' his mother, hiS\ father married Family Sport a Catholic, and an older step- at St, Stephen's parochial school South Korea. It now has over Everyone from two to Golden 270 students. in Minneapolis. Age is rediscovering the pleasure sister conVinced\ him! he C~Uld Anothf1r major project was After studying at various Coof riding a bike instead of jumpthe establishment of a leper lumban seminaries, he was oring in the car and letting the colony, where 400, families can dained in Omaha in 1932. Origmotor do the work. '- , I' now earn their own living with inally assigned to China, he Doctors tell us its marvelous Universi~y the land and livestock the Co· found his orders changed enexerCise; ecologists recommend it lumban Fathers provided. MUENSTER ~NC) Jesuit route and joined the pioneer to help cut down on the polluting Father Karl Rahner, director of band of 10 Columban 'Fathers One of the most spectacular , I I autos ancl people who try it realdeveloprllent projectshasJ been ize that they gain a great deal the seminar for \ dog~atics and who went to Korea in 1933. history of dogma in the Catholic on Cheju island where the Isiof pleasure as they pe,ddle down Imprisoned" by the Japanese dore Development Association, , a road and are able to experience , theology department of the University of Muenster, will official- after the Pearl Harbor attack in through a credit union and cothe gentle breeze and the smell ly termin~te his t~achirtg activity 1941, the was finally repatriated ops, has enabled hundreds of of wildflowers. at the end of the! Sum~er term. and became a U.S. army chap- families to own their own farms Peddling is in and I'm all for , lain: He took part in the inva- and raise their. incomes from an it. I1;'s a family sport, (rec:ently The 67-year-oldl theologian has sion' of Normandy and won a Joe and I met a couple wQo were already had to give, up', lecturing Bronze Star for g'allantry in ac- average of $33 to $2,000 a year. . riding a bicycle built for two this term on the! advice of his tion while serving with a com- Among other projects, the as· sociation operates a model farm while thejr two' young sons ped- doctor for health! reas?ns. _ bat engineers' group in General and a spinning industry that aled nearby) . re~axing for the His official retirement and George C. Patton's Third Army. have given new hope to thounerves and' great for ecology. status as emeritus profkssor will In 1957, he was named Vicar sands. ,\ ,I ' While Summer isn't the' time will begin Oct. 1. , to do a lot of baking all the Father Rahner,l a prb,fessor at swimming and other Summer acInstall the university herJ since 1967, is tivities make our family hungry an and we still have to do some. a member of the Vaticah's TheoIbgical Commissiop. : Most of it though should be of the "easy" variety. The following Born in Freibu~g in 11904, he loaf cake is the easiest I have , joined the Jesuits ip 192?, 'earned ever come across and the tangy a doctorate in theology at the taste makes it a perfect foil for University of InnshruckJ Austria END whipped cream or ice cream (in in 1936 and wa~ ordained in fact one very nice sauce to serve 1937. He has tau~ht at' various DAMPN~SS with fruit and plain cake is to German universities sinbe 1939. I' , take one pint of vanilla ice cream He was an exp~rt rt th~ Second and beat it with one cup of Vatican CouncIl. \ '" , I heavy cream that has been whipI .-~~._.~ ped) served with the season's Prelate Wounded fresh fruit. ~. I I Golden Loaf Cake . In Holdup 4tte~pt 1 package white cake ,mix MIAMI (NC) - Bishop Robert % cup orange juice L. Hodapp of Beliz~, Brid,sh Hon~. 1 three-ounce package lemon- duras, was shot in Ithe bflck and flavor gelatin, critically wounded Ion ~ Miami 4 I:~gs, separated street during an attempted hold, i 1 teaspoon lemqn extract up~ I . ,. I 1) Combine the cake mix, the The 60-year-old l{. S.-born Jesjuice and the gelatin in a large uit bishop told police thatl he was -bowl and mix well. • Take the moisture out of your home. Avoid d.m'g8 walking on a si~ewal~ near 2) Add the egg yolks, one at to the walls, the furniture. the furnishings., Live In Miami International Airport a time, beating well after each comfort with an electric dehumidifier. when a car pulled tip bes~de him addition. See Your Favorite Appliance Dealer. and a man inside cdlled out that 3) Add the lemon extract. it was a hold-up. I 4) Beat the egg whites, until or stiff but not dry and fold in. Believing the man to be Ijoking, 5) Spoon into 2 greased and the bishop said hl1 turned his floured loaf pans. Bake in a 325 back and was walking: away oven for 40 minutes. when he was shot. \He was dis6) Serve plain or with berries covered by' anotl1er passing and cream. motorist. I
BERN (NC)-In solemn ceremonies at the Swiss Federal Palace here, the Interna'tional Foundation Humanum presented the Augustin Bea Prize, named after the late Jesuit cardinal, to three religIOUS groups, one Jewish, to honor their "exceptional merits for the promotion of peace and progress in the human community as. well as the furtherance of social justice."
J.esuit to Ileave Post i-
-l~fjJ ""'" ....
Cardinal' Bea Award
Apostolic ~nd ordained a Bishop by the late Richard Cardinal Cushing in Boston. Five years' later, when Kwangju became an archdiocese, he became its first Archbishop. On his way back to Korea from Vatican Council II late'in 1963, Archbishop Henry stopped in the U.S::for a short visit. While here he suffered two severe heart attacks and was unable to return to his post until late in 1964. New Project
.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1971
Book Antidote To路 Upper Class Bigotry Dr- Coles"
Spanish To Aid Contemplatives MADRID (NC)-Spanish bishops have appealed to Catholics for support of contemplative Ofders which have路 suffered economic decline as the country advanced materially. The Spanish Bishops Conference urged Catholics to renew themselves spiritually and fight the temptation to abandon prayer or their support of contemplative orders. They set aside July 25, feast of Spain's patron St. James, as a day of recollection and contributions in behalf of 10,700 men and women leading contemplative lives in some 931 convents and monasteries throughout the country. Heart
(H)enry (H)iggins' famous question, "Why can't a woman be like a man?" was thought (even by some women) to be rather funny when it was first put to music in "My Fair Lady." Since the advent of Women's Lib, however, a mere man would have to be rather foolhardy to ask books which have been written the same question in mixed about Middle America during this short period of time, the company. He would be held best, in my opinion, are those
up to wrathful scorn (even by his male peers) as an insensitive male chauvinist, and, by today's standards of course, that's' almost as bad as being called a fascist pig. In other words, male bigotry,
HIGGINS once so respectable, is now verboten in polite society. There is another, more elite form of bigotry, however, which is still very respectable and very "chic" in upper and uppermiddle-class society in this country. Michael Lerner" a young journalist turned political scientist, described it not so long ago as follows: "An extraordinary amount of bigotry on the part of elite, liberal' students, goes unexamined . .'. Directed at the lower middle 'class, it feeds on the unexamined biases of class perspective, the personality, predilectionsof, '!:llite radicals . and academic disciples that support their views . . . "In general (Mr. Lerner continued) the bigotry of a lowermiddle-class policeman toward a ghetto black, or of a lowermiddle-class policeman toward a rioter, is not viewed in the same perspective as the bigotry of an ,upper-middle-class peace matron toward a lower-middleclass mayor, or an upper-class university student toward an Italian, a Pole or National Guardsman from Cicero, Illinois -that is, if the latter two cases are called bigotry at all ... Yet the two bigotries are very similar." \ Mr. Lerner says that the hidden liberal-radical bigotry toward the lower-middle-class is "stinking and covered" and argues that its consequences are tragic. "Not until the upper-middle class learns to deal with its own bigotry," he concludes, "will it be in a position to help destroy lower-middle-class bigotry as well." ("Respectable Bigotry," The American Scholar, Autumn
which bear the name of Rob~rt Coles. Dr. Coles is a practicing psychiatrist with a profoundly sensitive social conscience and a wide-ranging grasp of the social sciences. He has spent the better part of the last five years interviewing-and thereby getting to know and respect and even to love - a generous sampling of middle and lower middle-class Americans. His most recent book, "The Mijidle Americans," (the text of which is supplemented by a series of excellent photographs by Jon Erikson) is the perfect antidote to the upper-class bigotry so severely criticied by Mr. Lerner in the article referred to above. Various Human Beings Dr. Coles does not pretend to have written a scientific sociological study in the technical sense of the word. He and his collaborator, Mr. Erikson, look upon themselves "as observers, that alone." Their task has been to se'e and hear, in so far as they could, "how certain families live, families headed by men who are policemen, firemen, factory workers, bank tellers, or lowerlevel bank officers, school'teachers, telephone repairmen, construction workers, clerics and typists and small farmers and small storekeepers and on and on." What they have seen and heard has compelled them to realize that any attempt to stereotype Middle Americans into a single monolithic mold would be tragically wide of the mark. Again and again, Dr. Coles reports, they have come to realize "how various-wonderfully so, confusingly so - the human beings we here call 'Middle Amercans' can turn out to be." Sympathetic Portrayal
The aim of their book, then, is to make the "human actuality" of Middle America come across to the reader. In this writer's judgment, they have succeeded in doing so to a remarkable degree. They have portrayed Middle America with sympathy and love-the kind of love that can understand, even though it disapproves of, the bigotry and the other human faults and failures of ordinary men and women. 1969) Dr. Coles and Mr. Erikson, in Know, Respect, Love other words, 'are totally free of During the two years which snobbery and self-righteousness. have elapsed since Mr. Lerner Their purpose ", is not to critiwrote the searing indictmen't of cize these people (Middle Amerupper-class bigotry, the popular icans), argue with them, praise media and a number of inde- them as America's answer to pendent scholars representing a, anything and everything, or use variety of disciplines have, at them as a means of advancing long last, discovered MidcJle certain values or purposes we America and are trying, with happen to have." They' simply accept Middle mixed results to find out what the millions of ordinary people Americans as fellow human be路 . who comprise this vast segment ings with the same mixture of of American society are actually virtue and vice which characterlike, what they are thinking at izes every other segment of the present time, and what it is American society, including upper and upper-middle class stuthat really makes them tick. Of the many articles and dents and intelle~tuals.
Ecclesia, national Catholic magazine, said the -move was intended "to foster among Christians prayer and sacrifice, to prompt them to greater appreciation of the generous. souls in contemplative orders, an.d to
open the laymen's eyes to the needs of the cloisters." "Contrary to popular belief, contemplatives live in the heart of the world," the magazine added. Bishop Demtrio Mansilla of Ciudad Rodrigo, who spearheaded the appeal, said "it is hard for modern society, so much tempted by material gains, pleasure and comforts, to understand fully the value of spiritual life." He said Christ's life was a constant invitation to prayer and sacrifice and to repentance, and added that his redemption of men "must continue through direct contact with the sacrifice of the Cross." The bishop said that '''men today pray little or nothing, but these contemplative souls bring a measure of compensatiqn and restore the balance between God's right to be aclmowledged and man's duty in his way to salvation."
NAMED: Rev. Raymond A. Lucker, top, director of the USCC education department in'" Washington and Rev. Msgr. John R. Roach, bottom photo, a member of the staff of St. John Vianney Seminary, St. Paul, have been named by Pope Paul VI as auxiliary bishops of St. Paul-Minneapolis. NC Photo. lllllllllumllllll'mIlIIlIIlI11111I,lI1lln"Iumimtlllllllllllllllllll1J11l1mllllOmlmllllllllllllill
It is this quality of humaneness - the quality of tolerancee and sympathetic understandingwhich makes their book required'reading for the liberal critics of Middle America. One has the impression, incidentally, that Dr. Coles ,and Mr. Erikson wrote their marvelous human book primarily for the instruction of the so-called liberals.
As a special summer gift I enclose my sacrifice of , $ for all the mission-poor. I Name!
To Instruct Liberals
It is their hope that the lib-
erals will not, "in their rush to understand yet another 'problem,' indulge themselves in endless hysterical and foreboding conclusions about the very same people whom, from the other direction, conservatives are very likely to see excitedly and, not 'always with reason as their new-found allies and saviors." This is another way of saying that middle America, with all its faults and imperfections, deserves better than to be flattered and wooed, on the one hand, by the George Wallaces of this world, and, on the other hand, to be made fun of pharasaically by self-righteous students and intellectuals, who are experts at detecting the moat of bigotry in the eye of the hardhat, for example; but have yet to recognize the beam of bigotry in their own.
I I' I I I I
_____ J I
The Society fOil" the Propagation of the Faith Send your gift to: Rev. Msgr. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001
Rev. Msgli. Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street FaIn River, Massachusetts 02720 NAME
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ,River-Thurs ... July 29, 1971 '
,.A." 'y
Preparing For Baptism
Jesus Christ: Superstar? I
My 1-1 -year-olp neiee recently gave me her album' of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR with the enthusiastic sug~estio~ that I immediately listenl to all 87 minalready heard I utes of it. I haa I I ' about a third 'of tpis unusually I' popular rock oPfra i~ a church on Palm Sunda:y. ASi' selections were played, slides of art masterpieces of Chri~t were shown the congregationl. It ~as a mov. ing experience' Jnding with the song of ,!viary Mag~alene,. "I Don't Know How to Dove Him." I mu,Ch ' The~e has be~n discussion of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Some condemn Iit as blasphemous. Others I wholeheartedly praise it. Whatever bne's personal opinion of the' music or theology,. there lis' nd question about its wide popularity among people of all ages arid, beliefs. It seems to me that one reason for its popularity i~ that it. touches squarely on tile mystery of Jesus Christ: "Don',t you get me wrong-Qnly want to know ~Jesus Christ-}Vho~re you?" These words of the song "Superstar" express thel haunting question of who Christ is land what
difference he makes to men and women of our and every age. Ocholeth peaks " The three readings for this coming Sunday point out some lines of Christian belief about who Jesus Christ really. is. The third reading, from St. Luke, records a parable of Jesus-about a man so engrossed in building
I I .I !
his fortune and security that he neglects what is more important. The belief parable has a curiously contemporary ring, to it. It speaks to your heart and mine, for we are all in one way or another busy attempting "to grow rich for ourselves instead af growing rich in the sight of God." The parable shows us Jesus as teacher, one who like the wise
Parents As Teachers CHILD AT BAPTISM WITH CANDlLE: Priest and parents are enthusiastic about the personalized candle used in the new baptismal liturgy, and there is a need for parents to attend classes before taking' part in this Sacrament. Priests and parents seem most enthusiastic about the personalized candle given to e~ch child during our new baptismal liturgy. That is the impression I have received from variOlp sectors of the country and one company's sales of these items (tripled over the past year) lends support to my. observations. The response of parents and godparents to special preparation classes for this sacrament of baptism, however, has not been so enthusiastic. S0me object:
-. I
"We . already have baptized three children in the 'last ten years, so why, now, .must we attend lectures before bringing our latest baby to church.for the , ceremony?" , .' . Directives in the revJsed ritual don't precisely answer that criticism, but they do specifically call for education'al programs . prior to this pouring of the saving waters. "Christian instruction and the preparation for baptism are a vital, concern' of God's people, the Church, which hands on and •.nourisbes._,.the. faith. it. has . re-
ceived from the . Apostles. Through the ministry of tile Church, adults are called by the Holy Spirit to the gospel, and infants are baptized and brought up in this faith. Therefore, it is most important that catechists and oth~r lay people shoulq work with priests and deacons in making preparations for baptism." I' Parental Catechesis Preliminary guidelines for in,fant baptism describe the 'parental catechesis in rather detailed 'fashion: "Before the celebration of the sacrament, it is of great importance that parents, moved by their own faith or with the help of friends or other members of the community, should pre-pare to ta'ke part in the rite with ,understan'ding. They should be provided with suitable means such as books, instructions, and catechisms written for families. The parish priest should make it his duty to visit them, or see that they are visited, as a family or as a group of families, and prepare them for the coming celebration by pastoral counsel lind common prayer.". I have before me three baptismal preparation booklets published by diocesan liturgical commissions in Boston ("The 'Baptism of Children"),' Pueblo ("I Have. Come To Set You Free"), and Lansing ("Baptism: New Life-A Christian is Born"). Each of them contains substanTurn to
paren~k ~eefu
TOday's to lack J110st of the outsil:le support parI ents used to enjdy. I , When .gran~parrnts, ~unts and uncles hved In the same home or nearby, they l!inkedl the children with the past, and could retried to inforce what the parents I ., teach. Today, because Iwe move around so much, these contacts i
JAMES J. PHILLIPS ~.~}:tmr~f~i@rif::i;i:if~i:m~:r;;::
frequent, Iand
. Irelatives'
are influence is often slight~ When neighbors! stayed in one area for a numberjof y~ars, parents could know which adults and children woul pro~ide good associations for their I children and which would rtot. With people moving . so frdquently, it is . I I very dififcult these days for parents to know wh~t kin1d of influence their neighbors ~re likely to have on their ctiildrerL I Productive,' ! Protective AtJhosptiere -. 'When we had la mdre rigid I Church, parents could I depend on the priests to I support and amplify what was taught at home, filling in ~nything that might have been trtissed: Today, there are not as IlmanYi. priests around, and those who' do remain do not alwa)(ls ag~ee with us about what is, and I is not important. I i When Catholic schools were flourishing parentsl coul~ relax
in the confiCIence that their children were spending a great deal of time in a productive - and protective - atmosphere. As the number of Catholic schools decrease, this source of support is available to fewer and fewer parents. And even where the schools do exist, there is often a serious clash between what the parents and the teachers think should be taught. 'Sister Says •• .' Most of these sources of support were mixed blessings..Relatives could get' under foot and Turn to Page Nineteen
.man of the first reading, Ocho'Ieth, speaks to 'men about the meaning of their lives. As teacher he. shares with those willing. to listen' the accumulated wisdom of the Chosen People and his own experience of life, and of God. Few people deny Jesus a place as one of the world's most attractive, insightful and influential teachers. Thi!? is the name he, called himself and by which his friends knew him: "Rabbi, Teacher." , The fact that Jesus was a great 'teacher about twenty centuries ago in the Ne,ar East does not .wholly explain his captivation for, people. There is some- . / thing present about him, something today that challenges people to stop and think, as Mary Magdelene sings in JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR: "He scares me so ... I .want him so . .. I don't see why he moves me. He's just a man." There is a I , mystery about him. He 'seem's to be "just a man." yet people . sense that he is more than a man. Christ Is More Than Great St. Paul, in the second reading, speaks of the mysterious, compelling presence of Chris~. He suggests that Christ is more than a man, more than a great teacher. "Christ is, seated .at God's right hand." Jesus, as fully human as you or I-in fact more human than any of us-is also God. He became one of us, lived and died as a man, 'overcame selfishness and its fruit--deathand now is with his Father where he was before the creation of the world. Because he is with the Father, he is also with uS./We have been "raised up'in company with Christ," and our "life is hidden now with Christ in God." For us, then, Christ is a great and gracious man, a wise teachTurn to Page Seventeen'
Jesus, As Man
Are you running with me, Jesus? Jesus is for real, man! Jesus wore a beard. What caused flippancies like this to enter our language about Jesus? Why is it considered by some to be good form to reduce Jesus to a vulgarism? What has prompted people who normally valued dignity and good taste to suddenly .espouse' now generation jargon to talk about Jesus? I believe it is an over-reaction to a major image of Jesus as Son of God. But like any' exaggerated reaction, it tends to become as absurd as the evil it: rejects. The image of Jesus raises some difficulty as you will see. But it is not so alarming as to summon us t9 the level of irreverence to solve the problems. Emphasize Godhead of Christ What are some drawbacks to the image of Jesus as Son of God? First, it tends to overwhelm
his human side. You know he is human, of course. But what really counts is his Godhead. Our acts of piety reinforced this. Bow your head at his name. Whisper "My Lord and my God" at the elevation. From our
mother's knee, the answer to the question, Who is Jesus? is invariably: He is God, my child. Secondly, it raises some difficulty with studying his life as an example of our own. If the young Jesus astonishes the doctors at Turn to Page Nineteen
Enthusiastically Commends Lester Atwell's Live 'Novel In the Summer we have greater leisure. for reading, and many of us look for a live, lengthy novel to savor. There is one at hand, Lester Atwell's Life With Its Sorrow, Life With Its Tear (Simon and Schuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020. $7.95). It can be enthusiasti- severe in his censure of what he cally recommended. It cen- considers the giddiness and imof the whole clan. ters in Paul Forrest, who, in providence But against Henry's strictures the early 1930s, is 14 years old. He has been living in Detroit with his father and his step-
Paul can cite the family's liberality to poor Mrs. Guilfoyle who gets away from her vicious son and daughter-in-law on visits with the Carmodys. When she is ·injured in an accident Uncle By Reggie volunteers to represent her without fee. RT. REV. Also, he undertakes legal guardianship of Paul when the MSGR. boy's stepmother ,sends him JOHN S. $9,000, half of the savings which she and Paul's father had, by KENNEDY painful self-denial, slowly built. The money means that Paul can go to college. Paced Benutifully mother. When his father dies, it is thought best that Paul He delightedly looks forward spend a summer with his moth- to that. He has made friends at er's family, in a New York sub- school, sons of substantial famurban town which seems much .ilies. He is romantically drawn to a girl from one of those famlike New Rochelle. The story opens with Paul's ilies. She will be attending a arrival in the East. He is warmly college near his. Wonderful received by his mother's broth- years are just ahead, and beer and sisters, whose style of yond them a secure and pleaslife is entirely different from ant life. his father's. His father had been But the Carmody carnival gloomy, silent, and· parsimon- suddenly smashes to a halt. ious. But the Carmodys are op- Aunty's death sems to give the timistic, effusive, and extrava- signal for that. . Debacle and gant. disgrace occur. The worst pre-. There is lavish hospitality, dictions of Henry Smithwick early and late, at their house, are realized, and Paul's life takes which though a bit shabby, is an entirely different direction big and comfortable. The same from what he had anticipated. Mr. Atwell arranges and paces openhandedness prevails, at their summer place on Long Island. his narrative beautifully. He is They are kind and generous to ·a wonder at creating atmosphere Paul, inviting him to stay on and inserting just the right dewith them indefinitely. He does tail at just the right time. He so, and is enrolled, at their ex- can suggest about any mood pense, at a Jesuit academy. Shy that is required, and can transand self-doubting, he begins to port the reader back to the 1930s blossom in the warm Carmody and 1940s, so that those who lived through those decades say atmosphere. again and again, "Yes, this is Constant Festival Especially helpful in this pro- exactly as it was." He presents and quickens a cess in Uncle Reggie, 36, fat and near-sighted, a lawyer with an grand array of characters. The office in New York City. He en- principals, of course, get most courages Paul, gives him advice, attention and are most intricatepersuades him to read, helps him ly wrought. Funny, Memorable with homework. The Carmodys are both deAunt Dottie, a widow with two young sons, is equally solici- lightful and exasperating. They tous for Paul. It is these two have their glaring faults, but who keep constant festival under they also have a paradoxical integrity. They are silly and the Carmody roof. But the one who keeps the wrongheaded, but there is an Carmody household running is element of decency in all the old Aunty, caustic and hard- dross. Mr. Atwell is even-handed working. She looks with a sour eye on the spendthrift ways of in dealing with different types of the others and fruitlesslv ur~es people. Both the sentimental and them to be more practical. the unsentimental get their due, Even more critical of them· is no more, no less. The title sugHenry Smithwick, husband' of, gests the prevalence of sentiGrace Carmody who is now de- mentality, but by the time one ceased. Henry is a hotshot sales- has finished this true, sad, funman, crude by Carmody stand- ny, memorable novel, the title ards; but shrewd and prosperous. can be taken in more than one sense. Giddiness, Improvidence Splendid' Driver Henry had been a friend of The . reviewer noticed only Paul's father. These men had it in common that, without a col- one slip in the author's control lege education themselves, they of his abundant materials. On married into a family which be- page 161, Paul is dreading a gelieved that going to college was ometry test. But by the time the essential if one was to be a gen- postponed test is given, it has tleman. Henry speaks well of turned into an algebra test (page Paul's father. 170). Or is. this just another bit He does not speak well of of confusion in Carmody topsy. Paul's Grandfather, Carmody, turvydom? .Much inferior is a .novel in who wa~ a Congressman and a local political power, and he is a comparable vein. William .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1971
Jesus Christ: Supe.rstar Continued from Page Sixteen er. He is also more. There is a compelling attraction about him because as God-man, "the Lord is the goal of human history, the focal point of the longings of history and civilization, the center of the human race, the joy of every heart, and the answer to all its yearnings" (Church in World, 45). He is with us always and everywhere. He is, as the Vatican Council II teaches, "now at work in the hearts of men through the energy of His Spirit" (Church in World, 36). We can approach him with confidence, knowing he understands, because he lived our human life to the FIRST: Rev. Eugene A. full, and confident that he can Marino has been elected as help because he is God's Son. the first black priest to the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR office of vicar general of the does not go that far-at least as Josephite Fathers. NC Photo. I understand it. But the rock opera comes head on to the 'mystery of Christ. Somehow knowing him is inmportant. Somehow there is the expectation that knowing him may help make sense. out of life. The SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-An question, the puzzle, the fascinaorganization of Catholic women tion, about him suggest that has asked the Vatican for a there is more to him than is strong statement on the plight of explained by his wisdom or Soviet Jews. charm. JESUS CHRIST SUPER"What is the Vatican doing STAR challenges us to face the fo~ our Jewish brothers and sis- . question Jesus asked his disciters in Soviet Russia?" asked pies:· "Who do you say that I Clara Maria Henning, president of Catholic Women for Soviet Jews, a local organization protesting canditions of Jews in the Soviet Union. VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Miss Henning, an outspoken proponent of women's rights in Vatican press 'officer has rejectthe Church and the country's ed the charge by Israeli Foreign only lay woman canon lawyer, Minister Abba Eban that the said in a recent letter to Pope Vatican has criticized Israeli plans to ring Jerusalem. with Paul VI: housing but ignored similar ac"The voice of your office is tion when the Arabs controlled needed in this effort. The Jews the area. of the world are living the tra"There was no lack at that ditional roots of Christianity, time of resounding protests from but our Church continues to the religious communities," Fetreat Judaism as though it were derico Alessandrini said of the supplanted by Christianity." erection of a luxury hotel atop A strong statement from the the Mount of Olives in the early Pope and diplomatic negotiations 1960's when that part of Jerubetween the Vatican and the salem was under Arab adminisSoviet Union "are desperately tration. necessary," the letter said. Writing in the July 18 issue A small contingent of the or- of the Vatican weekly, L'Osserganization's 150 local members vatore della Domenica, Alessan- wearing black veils and drini said that in the construcdresses, and dragging chains and tion of the road leading to the shackles-demonstrated July' 14 hotel, "havoc was created among . at the residence of the Soviet the tombs and tombstones of consul here. A large cross with the Jewish cemetery at the foot the Jewish Star of David was of the hill." Alessandrini told NC News projected on a nearby wall. that the Holy See had protested the impending construction through its apostolic delegation Inge'~ My Son Is A Splendid in Jerusalem. He said other proDriver (Atlantic-Little, Brown, tests were lodged through the 34 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Custody of the Holy Land, one 02106. $5.95). This is set in 'of the principal local Church auKansas and focuses on Joey thorities. Hansen. He is not the splendid He also emphasized to NC driver of the title. That accolade News that, although he is the is bestowed, by their mother, Vatican press officer, he exon an older brother, Julian. Even pressed "a purely personal opinthough Julian dies very young, ion" in the Vatican magazine. Joey spends all his life in his He further described the magabrother's shadow. zine as "im unofficial publication Mr. Inge.is dealing with deep, that happens to be published in dark matters, but with small Vatican City." success. His novel is awkwardIn the magazine,. Alessandrini ly episodic, not smoothly de- turned the Israeli charge back veloped. One never feels that he against IsraeL He said that after knows thes~ people, and exper- the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, when iences no croncern for them. They the Israeli government issued a and their meaning are always white book documenting the elusive. There are sensational profanation of Jewish cemeteset pieces which have little if ries, the government kept quiet any link with the fractured main about the profanation of Christian cemeteries. line of the story.
Ask Statement On Soviet Jews
Press Officer Rejects Charge
l- '-)./~'~ '. "
,..',i.,c',i' .
am?" (Mt 16: 16). With Peter, Christians believe he is "the Son of the Living God" (Mt 16:18), the key that unlocks life's mys- . tery (Church in World, 10). The appropriate response to him is found in the responsorial psalm after the first reading:' "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
Baptism Continued from Page Sixteen tial information-teacher guidelines, printed materials, audio~ visual possibilities-for the development of an entire series on the subject. While these may run to as many as six meetings, I think Boston takes a more realistic approach simply by recommending that "one or two sessions at least should be provided for parents (and godparents) in preparation for the celebration of baptism." Naturally,· all of them presuppose every parish will adapt length and content to the circumstances of its local situation. Stress Parental Responsibilities A baptismal preparation course basically should include registra- . tion (technical data required for the church register), a theological explanation of the sacrament itself, comments about parents' and godparents' responsibilities, one or two visual presentations, and a description, perhaps even a planning of the actual ceremony. Those who have conducted such classes offer these suggestions: First of all, involve several of the laity in this teaching process. The Roman documents we quoted earlier in this article encourage such participati9n which. carries with it obvious pragmatic advantages. Secondly, urge parents to attend before the baby's birth. Repeated experience indicates that once the infant enters this World, both dad and mom become preoccupied and find little time for a Saturday afternoon or weekday evening class on baptism.
Discussion Questions 1. What could parents or godparents learn that they don't know already from special preparation classes for baptism? 2. What do you think it is most important to include in these classes?
GRACIA BROS. Excavating Contractors 9 CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN 992-4862 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + •••• ••
Dublin~ -~Requests
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. July 29,1971
Religious Help Parishes
Asserts Peace Movement Alienated Public Support :,It must be easy," wrote a young priest from my own diocese, "to sit on a comfortable chair and wait for someone to bring you computer sheets while other men go to jail for their beliefs." Such a hate-filled statement made him happy and·' I wouldn't I assume that is the reason for want to deny him that-not bearing witness; one wants to 'even by saying that I do win over others to one's viewoccasionally go down to the point.But even tne most elemendata processing room and pick up my own sheets.
tary kind of psychology tells us that you win over others not by denouncing them, not by engag- ' ing in behavior which affronts them, ,not by, claiming' a moral superiority over them, and cerBy tainly not by refusing even to ,;4 consider the possibility that \! • REV. , there might be. something in .. their viewpoint. ' ANDREW M CONFLICT CAUSES CHARITY: Le Van Hoa returns Jesus didn't win- over many home to So: \Viet~am after life-saving open heart surgery people. But he tri"ed, and he GREELEY tried in their own language and at St. Vincent's Hospital" Los Angeles, accompanied by on their own terms. I don't think Dr. Arthur ~ahn,i former Army doctor stationed in Bien [:~:M;mm:II:::K;Ii'II;::;':'::III, the radicals ever really tried. Hoa, who di covered Le's heart defect while in Vietnam Critical Mistakes But it seems to me that his and arranged for ithe boy to be sent to St. Vincent's for Some of my critics reply that letter is typical of the "jail synsurgery. NC Phot'o. the radical strategy is not dedrome" which is becoming so 1 signed to persuade because popular in some circles in the American society is so immoral American Church. The, wisdom, and corrupt that persuasion is effectiveness, morality and rationality of 'a position is proven' impossible. The radical witness, Archb'ish~p Backs, Priests Crilricized is not a witness of persuasion by "the willingness of those who hold it to go to jail. You cannot but of judgment. This is surely \ :By Parishioners " discuss, question, or even ex- a harsh judgment on society, LOS ALAMO~ (N~) - Arch"Is reducing. contributions to press doubts about a stand once one for which it is to be hoped it has been ratified by a jail sen- that the radicals have solid evi- bishop James Peter. Davis of the local pansh to a token tence.. The radicals are willing dence; but the only evidence , Santa Fe has in leffect! supported amount the only way to effecthat seems to be available is two priests criticized for their tively dissent?" they asked. .to go to jail; I have not done so; According to committee liberal leanings \ by \about 50 hence they are right and I am their own word. They have decreed that American society is members of Immaculate Heart o~ spokesman Don Lauer about 125 wrong. insane and that is that. Well, maybe. I would have Mary parish her~. I parishioners responded to the ad The greatest failure of the thought, however, that a willingLay~en callin& the~selves the ~nd were overwhelmingly critiness to go to jail does prove the peace movement has been its in- Comm.lttee c H?plng t9 Restore cal of the pastors. A list of 'sincerity of one convicted for ability to accurately read the IntegrIty, 0aOlt y\ and I Theology grievances was sent to Father his beliefs, but not necessarily American publiG. The war has (Christ) spoke to the ~rchbishop Robert Sanchez head of the the rightness of his belief. Ber- 'never been popular. Lyndon abo.ut their carppaign against archdiocesan p~rsonnel board, nadette went to jail, but so, did Johnson was thrown out of of- pansh co-~astor~, Father Spen- the archbishop and Archbishop Albert Speer. Eamon de Valera fice because of it and Richard ~er Stopa and F~~her A!a.n CushLuigi Raimondi, apostolic delewent to jail, and so did Rudolf Nixon will certainly be if he mg. The archblst oP '11 sited the gate in the United States doesn't end it. The peace move- parish, listened to 90mplaints . Hes~. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote The list criticized Father his life testament in prison but ment has made two critical mis- against as well as praise of the takes: (1) It has assumed that all priests' work and took ,no action Stopa for makiQg his political so did Adolf Hitler. those who are doves (Le., sup- against them. I ideas part of a sermon, particuWitness-Bearing porters of· immediate pullout) are The committee had tun an ad larly his views against the VietCatholic radicals are in jail bel cause they were convicted at· a influenced by the style, rhetoric, in 'their local daily" the Los Ala- nam war and i~ favor of conand tactics of the protesters: (2) mos Monitor, asking if readers conscientious objection to it. "political trial," but Sirhan Sir,han is firmly convinced that he Those who are not doves ap- were "tired of li~tening to personal political pJilosOPhy from Parishioners said they were 'is in jail ,because of his political prove of the war. the pulpit? DismJyed at actions offended by the recitation '. and 'Hate America' " beliefs. The sincerity of all these recorded singing e)f Bob Dylan convicts I am prepared to conMany research projects have of a loaded parisH courlcil?" cede, but I will reserve judg- shown the majority of the doves with ment on which of them have pre- reject the formal peace move- """'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':''\''''''''''''''''''\"""""'";''''''''''''''''' at A: thoughts of less a~ticula,te Amer~ the archbishop, members of. the s~nted policies I think make. ment's style and strategy. The work of my colleague Sidney icans, it would have discovered committee claimed, ,',that condisense. - !"have argued that in a society Verba has made 'it clear -to st.ron g anti-war ~entinient and tions at the parish were" driving like ours a political stance which anyone who bothered to read it the war might beloveI'I by now. some members to the Episcopal 'Insane' Publici , and Methodist churches or to ,is not aimed at winning alliies -that many of those who were This is the ~UbliJ which Mass in other cities. and building a coalition of sup- technically hawks were also fun'port is a stance', deliberately damentally opposed to the war. Father - Daniel Berrigan deFather Stopa, who recently Verba and his associates found nounces in The ~ew York Re- was elected to the Santa Fe seeking defeat. Some of the sup- , porters of the" radicals concede in 1966 that a majority of the view of Books as ~"insarie." 'Priests' Senate as chairman of my point, even admitting that I American public were willing to And if a society is cobpletely the permanent diaconate commay be right when I" say that hold free elections in Vietnam insane, maybe th re is I nothing mittee, told The New Day, news-, "liturgical gestures" are, counter- even if the Communists would left for prophets to dO'1 but sit paper of the Santa Fe arch'productive for the causes, they win and to allow a coalition gov- in ritualistic judgrhent upon it. diocese, he perhaps is moving support. But, ,argue the admirers ernment including the Commu- But what if that \ jUdghlent is more quickly than many of the of "the radicals, what is" going on nists. Eight-eight per cent were premature? What if in fact it parishioners want, but denied ,he is not politics but prophetic in favor of negoti,ating,with the defeats the very cause for which is teaching anything contrary to witness-bearing of the sort in Communists. the radicals stan'd? What if Vatican' Council II and current which Jesus himself engaged. Five years ago, in other more patience and hmpathy and theological thinking. He conAttempt to Persuade . " words, the American p'ublic was less righteous Idenurciation tended that although many of . I must confess that I am al- substantially ahead of, its gov- might mean a relatively easy his parishioners are very, well ways. suspkious of those who ernment in its attitudes toward victory? What if ~oing i to jail educated in their fields, they do are so ready to identify their peace..There was a· vast" poten- to prove one's m0 al excellence not have a clear idea of what own style with that of Jesus. tial for" support of the peace in fact snatches de~eat ftom the Vatican II was all about. In fact, I do not find in the , movement' which the movement jaws of victory? Whai tf lit turns , I I words of Jesus, the harsh, not only did not \Yin but actually out that you could have easily Mnssion EHorts sweeping 'denunciations that are alienated-mostly because the persuaded people if ~ou had only"so characteristic of the radicals. potential support did not share modified your tactIcs? What if NEW HAVEN (NC)-The Yale On the contrary, I see in the the style and the rhetoric of your love of the d~rama~ic ges- University divinity school library ministry of Jesus what I take to "hate America" which is so im- ture actually prOIOI'l\ged an evil here has undertaken a massive be required for all effective portant to the offici(l.l peace you claimed to be against? task or' collecting and catlfloging witness bearing: the attempt to movement. If it had bothered to Who theQ would Ibe immoral? records pertaining to Christian Or insane? - ~.!. .,'" p~~i\.Jad~.. ~,."" .. ~ ~ ,'.< ., " ~ <. " ~ missionary efforts in China. c<JJ;,efY.IJx "stY-d..x. t!;lE:, ~ttj~s ~anP
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DUBLIN (NC)-Dubli,!l diocesan priests doing parish work in this city will soon be joined by priests from four religious orders who are being recruited to fill a gap caused by qeclining voca-" tions and an expanding city population. . An appeal for help for the diocesan clergy in their pastoral work was made by Archbishop John C. McQuaid of Dublin to the religious orders in a sermon at a priests' retreat. At present there are 600 parish priests in the Dublin archdiocese and 800 priests in various orders. More than 20 Holy Ghost Fathers are already working in the densely populated Dublin parishes, and' the archbishop's request is expected to draw volunteers from other orders. Many Religious priests already work in the schools. The demand for diocesan clergy for parish work in the expanding Dublin suburbs has rapidly outstripped the supply from new vocationCAt least one other Irish diocese 'h~s already tackled this problem in the same way as Dublin. Bish'op Michael Browne of Galway recently nounced that some Religious priests in his diocese would do parish work. Religious superiors have,' in general, welcomed the request from the archbishop' to provide reinforcements, because they have always been eager for their priests to do pastoral work as part' of their 'minlstry~ The pastoral work of the Religious priests will be under the direc- . tion of the local parish priests.'
Pastoral Council WASHINGTON (NC) - Few Catholic Women think it is feasible or desirable to form a National Pastoral Council at this time, according to a survey by the National Council of Catholic Women. Slightly over 10 per cent of NCCW members, polled in 42 dioceses across the cQuntry, said the time is ripe for such a council, but more than 40 per cent disagreed.
HEATING SYSJEMS INSTALLED . 24 HOUR OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLANS The Vargas' Oil Co. protects your family's heating comfort all year round.
Parent. Teachers Continued from Page Sixteen tended to subject a child to too 'much supervision. Living with the same neighbors sometimes forced children to conform to images they would have preferred to change. And dependence on the priests and sisters «;>ften placed too ,much emphasis on obedience and too little on creativity and individual intiative. Yet, for all of the problems, parents at least had the assur'ance that they were not alon~ in their efforts to raise happy, healthy children. Today, we parents are alone. Our mobility, the existence of so many different ways of looking at things, and the fantastic speed-up of communication make it difficult for us to be certain that· our ideas and ideals will get an adequate hearing with our children, and ea~y 'for these ideas to be contradicted. Parents _who' feelstron'gly that each· 'human being is priceless might find "their children exposed too regularly to those who value little more than their own welfare. Our admonitions that too much effort is spent running after possessions is likely to I;>e contradicted daily by the sight of our neighbors frantically reaching out for more and more things. We who feel that God exists, that he matters and that he deserves our love are often hard put to find other adults who will help us share this feeling with our children. It is, impossible to change these conditions, and I, for one, would not want to change them. Their potential for good seems to at least equal their potential for harm. However, the problems remain. We are losing our traditional outside supports and our children cannot help but be exposed to ideas and ideals that conflict with our own. Emphasize Obedience What can we do? How can parents today be teachers of their children, helping to form them in the Christian ,faith? We must do some shifting from the traditional ways of 'raising children. Many of us need to make some changes in the way we deal with our neighbors. At the same time, we ought to work to engineer some important changes in the way the local parish is run. In dealmg with our 'child.ren, maybe we need to put less em· phasis on obedience than most· of us experienced. Perhaps we ought to help our children 'quickly develop the ability to make independent judgements. To train them to depend on the judgements of others, even our own, is to make them too weak to be able to cope with the many options they will be forced to 'weigh.
Latin Mass LONDON (NC) - Pressure is mounting in Britain to preserve at least for special occasions the traditional or Tridentine rite of the Latin Mass, which appears threatened with extinction in the next year. A large section of the Catholic community, progressive as well as conservative, favors retention of the Tridentine Mass - the Mass in Latin whose form was set up by the Council of Trent (1545-63).
Catholic Ho'spitals Facing Extinction England's National Health Services Cause LONDON (NC)- While Britain's state hospitals-run by the National Health Services - become ever more proficient in dealYng with serious diseases and workiJ.1g with sophisticated equipment, 'people with minor problems are finding themselves confronted with delays and ineffidency due to shortages of staff, b,eds and doctors, according to a survey by the Catholic Herald, national, weekly. No one doubts the ability of the NHS to tend the seriously ill or to develop and perform the most complex procedures; it is in routine work like geriatrics, minor, operations and preventive medicine that gaps are found. Accordingly those who Can afford it-or who can afford insurance for it - are being privately treated at 'hospitals catering exclusively to paying patients, the Catholic Herald survey said. In a different category and far less secure are those independent hospitals founded by charitable trusts and usually run by reli'gious orders. Unable to call on government funds like NHS hospitals, they are only partially supported, by private patients simply because it is fundamental to their policy that inability to pay must never prevent the admission and treatment of the sick. The basic problem of these hospitals is that expenditure exceeds income: the books just don't balance. , This, situation confronts the hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth in north London. One Of the most highly regarded Catholic hospitals in England, it was founded by the Sisters of Mercy who accompanied Florence Nightingale to' the Crimea in the 1850's. On their return they opened the hospit~l, acceptingas they still do-patients of any religion. In 1898 the hospital moved to its present site-an old house now transformed by many additions made possible by donations of work and money. Many Problems F'inancial crises have been a recurring event in the hospital's history, but the new conditions of the past decade have brought the problem to a head. The problem is not merely rapidly increasing costs: there are others equally serious. Patients are becoming increasingly reluctant to' contrib'ute to their care when they could receive the' ,same treatment for nothing from the National Health Services; The widespread use of mod~rn' drugs, means more pa'tients are treated at home or at school . and consequently the men's and children's wards are underutilized. ' Whatever the financial liabilities of the 174-bed hospital-and they are serious - the fact remains that it is sitting on a valuable freehold near the center of London that by current standards is grossly underemployed. Over the year's the management of the hospital has encountered and overcome ever-increasing difficulties - but it has never been able to anticipate them. Entrepreneurial talent seems to have been totally lacking, although there has never been a shortage of able businessmen in the Catholic community ,h~re.~ •
. ' ~ f.
THE ANCHOR,"" Thurs., July 29, 1971
Jesus As Man
Continued from Page Sixteen the Temple, it is because he has a secret., well of' divinity wisdom upon 'which to draw. How cOI.!Id our high 'school freshman equally astonish a theologian t9day? Jesus tells marvelous stoi'ies. W~ can scarce:y tei! a joke well. Jesus fasts heroically. We barely follow "our diets. Jesus goes to a martyr's death while many of us' wouldn't even march in a legalized demonstration for' what we believe. How could he do such great things? So' often the answer is: becaure he was God. If that is so, how can mere mortals imitate him, even'" with grace? What ,correctives willi help? Veil the fact of Godhead. Rerru:imber Moses after he talked ~ith God. "And when Aaron, and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, the skin on his face shone so much, they couid not venture near him. So Moses put a veil over his face." (Ex. 34:30) It is the same with Jesus. To veil the Godhead of Jesus is -not NURSES IN TRAINING IN CATHOLIC HOSPITAL to deny it. It is to help us venA ,IN ENGLAND. ture near him. 2. Study his human behavior. or, for that matter in the Jewish ed by Cardinal John Heenan of As a human being, Jesus grows community, which has always, Westminster. Negotiations on the in religious experience with its had close links with the hospital basis of their report - which is accompanying questions. When expected soon:-will be held with he questions the doctors he and donated money generously. the government. The ideal solu- astonishes them by his interest Perhaps some radical property tion would of course be for the in religion. What religion teacher development might have progovernment to accord to Cath- today is not impressed when the vided a solution, or a deal with olic hospitals many of the beneone of Britain's private health in- fits now received by state-run young show a keen interest in religion? surance companies could have NHS hospitals. All religious people practice been arranged without comprodiscipline and seek purity of As with the Catholic schools mising the hospital's charitable heart. Thus Jesus fasts and here, this would involve the obligations. state in providing the bulk of the wrestles with temptation. He is Sacrifice of Independence capital and running costs. In re- not an actor following a script turn a measure of the hospitals' for our benefit, 1?ut a serious But now the question of Cathindependence would have to be human being working out the reo olic hospitals in general is under suits of God's demand for man. sacrificed. review in a committee establishHowever, the government has His magnificent parables are not yet agreed to anything. Its not a result of bulletins from . present thinking is that funds the Godhead, but rather the outshould be devoted to large or come of the vigorous use of his new hospitals and not to rescue human imagination in the light . operations for ones that are of his experience of God. NEW YORK, (NC) Five economically unsound. But withHis martyr's cross is the moAmerican bishops discuss the out government intervention, or ment of truth for him. upcoming World Synod of Bish- unless some other new sources of Never has there been another ops in a color television program money come forward, many like him. This does not make released by the National Catho- Catholic hospitals wJIl have to him inhuman, nor a divine pawn. lic Office for Radio and Teleclose. Rather he shows us a radical vision. achievement 'that results from a New Role Possible 'The office also is distributing radical experience of God that is a televised analysiS" by NCORT The alternative is to ftnd for available to all of us. He shows director Charles Reilly on the Catholic hospitals a new role us the dream come true of what recently released Vatican docu- that is both charitable and eco- everyone of us can be. Why not, ment on social communications. nomitally viable. St. John and therefore, take him up on it? "Synod '71, an American Per- St. Elizabeth, for all its problems, ' is a luckier case than most. spective" was produced by WXYZ Detroit and features a Whatever the disagreements, there is ample praise for the has· roundtable discussion with Cardinal Joh~ Krol of. Philadelphia: pital's ,able new chairman, Lord . Cardinal Terence Cooke of New Gainsborough. York, Cardinal John Cody of Acutely aware of all the probChicago, Archbishop Timothy lems, he remains optimistic about Manning of Los Angeles, and dealing with them. With the na· Archbishop Joseph McGucken of tional shortage of hospitals and San Francisco. the high reputation of St. John and St. Elizabeth in medical cir· The American bishops give their views on how the synod cles, he may just be right. will approach the two topics on its agenda-the priesthood and world justice. Reilly appeared .on a WNAC Boston production analyzing the social communications document. ' He was interviewed by a panel of newsmen from the New England area. 273 CENTRAL AVE. Since both stations have donated the broadcast rights to 992-6216 the two productions, NCORT is at liberty to distribute the proNEW BEDFORD grams to any television station requesting them.
TV Discussions Made Available
famous for QUALITY and SERVICE I
THE At~CHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. J.uly.29, 1971
";I" SltoetJelZ .
DI StaJu .
for the Benefit of the '.
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Bishop Cronin delivers homily during Mass offered
Monday for the Ch-ildven -at the Nazareth Camp I
18, 路1971
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The above message- is presented ClIs.a public service to tHe' E)c.ceptiona-I Children of the Diocese- of Fall River .. ",: Ttirough, the. Cou,rtesy' !ofThe AN'C'HOR _. _ __ ' _ . . ! 1