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Pope To TV Talk to Congress Pope Paul VI will address the closing Mass of the Eucharistic Congress via television shortly after the rite begins at 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 8 in Philadelphia. Although details have to be worked out, a spokesman for the Philadelphia archdiocese said it is likely that the message will be telecast live by 96 television stations in the United States and will be beamed by satellite to Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina and probably Canada.


Congress opening ceremo.nies from noon to 1:30 . p.m. Sunday Aug. I, will be broadcast live by Channel 4, Boston.

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul


Vol. 20, No. 31 © 1976 The Anchor $5.0:~~~E~~ Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 29, 1976

At the Aug. 8 congress closing, live and taped coverage will be carried from 4:30 to 6 p.m. by Channel 5, Boston, and Channel 10, Providence.

The program will include at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 7 at taped highlights of congress ac- JF~ Stadium in Philadelphia. tivities, /Pope Paul's message Principal concelebrant for the liturgy will be Mosf Reverend and live coverage of the closing liturgy, the Statio Orbis InterRobert Sanchez and the homilist will be Cardinal Luis Aponte. national Mass.with the Papal Preceding the Eucharistic celLegate, Cardinal James Knox, ebration, an aH-day conference as principal concelebrant and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen pro- on "The Poor and the Hispanic viding commentary. as Prophets in Today's Church" More than a quarter million will be held Friday, Aug. 6 at pilgrims are expected to join in Holiday Inn University City in worship in JFK Stadium for the Philadelphia. Speakers- will inclimactic closing event with its clude Most Rev. Patricio F. lOOO-voice choir, 200-piece or- . Flores. chestra and 500 concelebratiiig cardinals, bishops and priests.

Music Selections

Spanish Pilgrims Led by Rev. Charles Soto, OFM, a busload of pilgrims from Regina Pacis Center for the Spanish-speaking, New Bedford, will attend the Spanish Mass of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, to be celebrated

Rev. Henry S. Arruda of Immaculate Conception parish, New Bedford, who is in charge of music for the Portuguese Eucharistic Celebration to be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 7 at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia, has released a proTum· to Page Three

R.eaffirm Oneness In Faith, Charity The traditional offerings to the Holy Father will be taken up throughout the Diocese of Fall River next weekend, July 31-August 1. Bishop Cronin has addressed the matter in the following letter:

Dearly Beloved in Christ, . Recently, Pope Paul VI celebrated the Thirteenth Anniversary of his Coronation. On that occasion, during a special Mass celebrated at Saint Pet~r's Basilica in" Rome, the Holy Father asked the Catholic faithful everywhere to pray ". . . that this humble successor of Saints Peter and Paul may be faithful to this most burdensome office which is ours for the good of the Church -and of the world ..." It is in his office as Ohief Teacher and visible sign and source of the unity of the bishops and of the multitude of the faithful that the Holy Father proclaims to the Church and the world the words of Saint Paul heard in today's epistle: . Tum to Page Five



Sister Vera's Day


M,other By Jo-Ann Price NEW YORK (NC) - At the conclusion of the NBC-TV taping of "A Conversation with Mother Teresa of Calcutta," director Jack Dillon emerged from the control room with a glazed look in his eyes. He joined the technicians who flocked around the nun. n seemed Dillon had been so caught up in what Mother Teresa was saying, according to' interviewer Phil J. Scharper, that he had to keep asking himself: "What are you doing? You're supposed to be directing, not listening."

Others in the tough-minded camera crew reacted similarly to the message of the slight, wrinkled, smiling nun in the white sari, as she described her work in relation to the 41st International Eucharistic Congress. Electricians, a cameraman and soundmen-who can sometimes be among God's frozen people when it comes to televising long speeches or endless intetviewssimply melted at her words about Christ, love, death and bread. "God bless you, Mother Teresa," one said. "Pray for us, and

we will remember you," said another. Much of what the 66-year-old founder of the Missionaries of Charity will say during the upcoming show will echo her appeals in behalf of "the poorest of the poor" made before many audiences last spring in the United States and Canada.

* * *

The. Mother Teresa telecast is scheduled for 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 1 on WBZ Channel 4, Boston.

* * *

What is different about the Tum to Page Five

"For most this amazing day . I thank you, God." That's the quotation Sister Vera Herbert, SUSC has chosen for the invitation to a Liturgy of Thanksgiving that will mark the 50th anniversary of her entrance to religious life. The line by poet £.E. Cummings also sums up her spirit through a half century of reliligious 'life, all but four years of it spent in the Fall River diocese. Students, present and past of the former Sister Mary Hortense recall her English classes as bright spots !in any school day, lit by her contagious enthusiasm for the authors she has taught and loved over the years. They, plus relatives, friends Tum to Page Three


In This Issue Dislikes Lay Clothes.

Eucharistic Congress: Now and Then

Beautiful Christopher Holiday

Legion of Mary Approaches Milestone

Role of Jesus Changes His Life

Page 5

Pages 6, 7

Page 10

Page 11

Page 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976






ITEMS FROM NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE----"educating' church officials, government bureauand corporation executives;



Cardinal Dies

Grave Difficulty YORK, ENGLAND - Pope Paul VI has told the Archbishop of Canterbury that the ordination of woman by the Anglican Church "cannot fail to introduce ... an element of grave difficulty" into Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue.

Red Persecution COLOGNE, GERMANY - Cardinal Joseph Hoeffner of Cologne has lashed out at Communist persecution of Christians in a pastoral letter, "Can't You Hear Their Cries?" The title of the letter comes fTom the slogan adopted by a group of 10,000 people who have, banded together to show their solidarity with Christians behind the Iron Curtain.

Pontifical Mission VATICAN CITY - As members of the pontifical Mission to the 41st Eucharistic Congress in addition to Cardinal James Knox, his legate, the Pope has named Msgr. Clemente Faccani, assistant to Archbishop Jean Jadot at the U.S. apostolic delegation; Msgr. Charles McManus of the New York archdiocese, who is liturgical coordinator for the congress; Msgrs. Vincent M. Walsh and Frederick J. Helduser of Philadelphia; John McShain representing the Knights of Malta; and John Luviano representing the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.

Fight Exploitation TORONTO - Five major faiths in Canada Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran and United Churc.hes - have joined in a common effort to fight exploitation of the people and land in the Canadian northlands. The bulk of their work revolves around native peoples living north of the 60th parallel; thus representatives spend much time traveling in northern Quebec, northern Manitoba, northwestern British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon - listening, advising and encouraging native people. The balance of their time is spent

MUNICH, GERMANY - Cardinal Julius Doepfner of Munich died suddenly of a heart attack here last Saturday. He was 62. He was made a cardinal in 1958 by Pope John XXIII, while he was bishop of Berlin, and three years later he was appointed to head his present See, whose full name is Munich and Freising. The archdiocese is one of th~ world's largest, with more than 2 million Catholics. His death leaves the college of cardinals with 136 members.

ford, for the Most Rev. Henry J. O'Brien, 80, first archbishop of the diocese, who died last Friday. Consecrated a bishop in 1940 and appointed archbishop in 1953, he was also Metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Hartford. He retired in 1968 for reasons of health. Archbishop O'Brien was born in New Haven and graduated from St. Thomas Seminary in 1917. After further studies at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. he entered the American College of the University of Louvain, Belgium, where he was ordained in 1923. He was a leader in Catholic participation in the civil rights movement.

'Extraordinarily Religious'

National BOSTON - In another so-called 'death with dignity' case, the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled that treatment may be withheld from a severely retarded, elderly patient dying ,of leukemia. The state high court agreed with a lower court that it is ~ot in the best interests of Joseph Saikewicz, a 67-year-old resident of the Belchertown State School with the mental capability of a three-year-old child,' to receive painful drug treatment that would probably prolong his life from two to six months. '

PRINCETON, N. J. - Findings released by the Gallup organization indicate that Americans are "extraordinarily religious," with 94 percent professing to believe in God and 60 percent in life after death. The figures are contained in a study, ':Religion in America, 1976," which also indicates there could be 10 million more Catholics in the U.S. than shown by official Church figures of 48.8 million. Some observers have criticized these figures, saying that many Catholics do not register in their parishes. Despite a downward trend in religious influence in the 1960's, the study concludes that little evidence路 exists for any large-scale turning away from religion in the past 15 years.

Nuns May Build

'Too Closely Tied'

Death With Dignity

NEWARK - Superior Court Judge Charles S. Barrett Jr. ruled here that the Caldwell Borough Council acted in an "arbitrary, capricious and un'reasonable" manner in rejecting a proposal for a senior citizens housing project advanced by the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell. He found in favor of the Dominican nuns, who filed suit to upset the. council vote after the council last February had rejected the unanimous recommendation of the borough Board of Adjustment.

Hartford Archbishop HARTFORD - Fueneral services will be held at noon today in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Hart-

OSSINING - A Mafyknoll missioner who served in the Philippines has assailed Catholic Relief Services, (CRS) assistance programs there . as "too closely tied" to U. S. government support of Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos' military regime. Father Thomas J. Martin, coordinator of the Maryknoll justice and peace office, said the close working relationship be'tween CRS, overseas aid agency of American Catholics, and the U. S. aid program in the Philippines.is a compromise of the "prophetic voice of the U. S. Church" and has a "controlling paternalistic bias." He spoke at a Convocation on Global Justice at the Maryknoll Seminary here.

Necrology AUG. 6 Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, 1961, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River AUG; 8 Rev. William Bric, 1880, Founder, St. Joseph, Fall River AUG. 12 Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., 1974, R-etired Pastor, St. Anthony, New Bedford THE ANCHOR Second .Clas~ Postage. Paid at. Fall River, . Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River_T-hurs. July 29,1976

Third World Youth Scholarships Set VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has established three scholarships to provide youths from the Third World with professional training in Italy. The three scholarships to be known as the Mater et Magistra, Pacem in Teris, and Populorum Progressio grants, after three major papal encyclical letters on social justice, .will enable selected young people engaged in technological and managerial fields in developing countries to study for periods of up to' three months at the International Center for Advanced Technical and

Professsional Training in Turin. The center is run by the Geneva-based United Nations International Labor Organization. The Pope has asked the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace and the secretariats of national bishops' conferences to select winners of the scholarships. The first ones will be from English-speaking countries on the African continent. The three young people will be enrolled in a course on the methodology of- training, which begins in January next year.

"FEED MVLAIVIBSOLYMPIC MASS: Athletes join hands during Mass at Olympic Village in Montreal. Many priests are using Latin as an international language at Masses said for Games participants.


Si'ster Vera's Amazing Day Continued from Page One and colleague in the Holy Union community will gather to congratulate her at 4 Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15 in the chapel of s.:;oyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, where the liturgy will be celebrated. A reception will follow, certain to Ibe an occasion for happy renewal of friendships and memories.

Music Selections" Continued from Page One gram of selections to 'be heard. The processional will be "Que Alegria" thy Monsano, from the Portuguese Hymnal; and the Kyrie is taken from "Festive Mass" by Richard Purvis, with Portuguese adaptation by Father Arruda. The Gloria is also from the Purvis Mass. The Responsorial Psalm will be "0 Senhor E Meu Pastor" by Gelineau, from the Portuguese Hymnal; and the Alleluia Verse will be taken from Easter Alleluias. "Jesus, Doce Alegria," a translation by Father Arruda of Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," will be the offertory hymn, the Sanctus will be from the Purvis Mass and the Anamnesis will be "Jesus E Senhor" (Jesus Is Lord). Joe Wise's "Great Amen" will be heard and the Lord's Prayer and Doxology will be Gregorian. The Agnus Dei will again come from the Purvis Mass. Communion Songs Communion songs will include "0 'Pao do Vida" by Weber; "Suplica," translated by Father Arruda from "Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray" by Brahms; "Pai Nosso" by Luis; and Prova de Amor, a Brazilian melody. After communion, "Louvemos e Cantemos a Deus," translated by Father Arruda from "Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing" by Young, will be heard; and the recessional will be the official congress hymn, also translated into Portuguese by Father Arruda.

From Baltimore ·Educated in Baltimore public schools, the daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. Oliver Herbert earned a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University from· Eastern High School of Baltimore. She holds a bachelor's degree from Catholic University of America and a master of arts in teaching from Boston College. Her fellowships include awards to' Oxford Univetsity from the' International Institute , of Education; to Syracuse Uni-· versity from the Newspaper Fund; and to Harvard from the Commission on English of the . College Entrance Examination Board. With the exception of two years dn the Boston Archdiocese and two years as Holy Union Communications Director in Rome, Sister Vera has always served in the Fall River diocese, teaching at St. Mary's Taunton; the former Sacred Hearts Elementary School, Sacred Hearts· Academy and College of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River; Stonehill College, Easton; and Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, where she is now assigned. Asked her greatest joys as she looks back on her life of service, Sister Vera listed, "the great faith of my parents, the grace of a vocation, witnessing to Christ in the milieu of the Christian school, my two years in the eternal City. "The joy of teaching and the happiness of learning in an immensely creative day and age; the challenge of growing older gracefully and effectively while

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976

Letters to the Editor

If Only You Catholics The position of the Bishop of Rome is a unique one in the Church. He is not only the head of the Church - he is its foundation. And this means that the Church rests on him as the Peter of this age. No wonder, then, that when Pope Paul visited the World Council of Churches at Geneva, he set the context of his address to that body with his opening words: I am Peter. He could say no other. By -that statement the Holy Father is true to the Will of Christ Who .established His Church to rise on the foundation of Peter and the successor of Peter. It is sometimes said that this is a stumbling block to the ecumenical movement. Rather, it is a statement of the reality of the matter. The Catholic Church desires the unification of Christendom. But that can never be accomplished unless there is fidelity to the Will of Christ. And this does mean that the Pope is the foundation stone of the' Church by the Will of Christ. This can never be brushed aside. The coin of charity has as its other side truth. Truth demands that there be no watering down of the position of the Pope, while charity demands that no ecumenical discussion take place without this being clearly understood. There have been vicious attacks on the Pope in recent years. He has borne these. with the patience and serenity that reflect his position as the vicar of Christ, the servant Christ, the suffering Christ, the redeeming Christ. The coming weekend, which focuses attention on the Holy Father, is a splentlid occasion to reaffirm, as Bishop Cronin's letter puts it; our unity with him in faith and in charity. The faith of Catholics is the faith of Pope Paul. And he certainly projects to the whole world the image of a man of charity, a charity that every Church .member would do well to emulate - a charity clear and unmistakable that reaches up to God and out to ,neighbor. Mahatma Gandhi once said to a Catholic missioner in India: If only you Catholics were more like your Christ. It could be said also; If only you Catholics were more like your Pop~. o

Wants Information

'Official Congress Prayer Father in heaven, you have made us for yourself; our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Fulfill this longing through Jesus, the Bread of Life. so that we may witness to him who alone satisfies the hungers of the human family. By the power of your Spirit, lead us to the heavenly table where we may feast on the vision of your glory for ever and ever. Amen.

"The Pope '8 Hobby" It has been three years since Pope Paul opened the gallery of modern art at the Vatican Museum. This has been called, in the language of some, " the Pope's hobby." His interest in modern art is underscored by his address the other day to a group of Americans and Italians meeting in Rome for a seminar on the spiritual inspiration in American art. Voicing sincere respect and warm feelings for the world's artists, the Pope said that they are on the road that leads to God since the artist explores his deepest aspirations; whatever enhances the spirit or raises men's eyes does point him on the road to his Creator. The Pope's presence at the seminar was seen as an unusual gesture. It certainly shows the many sides of the Holy Father. It indicates his wide-ranging interests and his concern for all manners of people and especially for those whose activities and works touch the spiritual dimension of man. And the artists, in turn, were deeply touched that one who carries so many heavy burdens does understand their aspirations and takes the time to give them encouragement and to pQint out the road where their creativity leads.

@rhe ANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall. River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel. A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.l. ~leary

Press路路 Fall River



Dear Editor: I would be grateful for information from your readers for a photo-documentary book I am preparing on this subject: How, since Vatican II, American sisters have been fulfilling themselves in new roles as religious and women. This could be aside from traditional vocations like teaching or the sister could be carrying out such a tratraditional role but in an innovative way. Your readers are welcome to send me names, addresses and telephone numbers of sisters together with a brief description of the unique nature of these vocations. Harold Knoll Box 977 Winona, MN 55987

mitted themselves to this course of action. International Blackmail This example of Third World reaction, together with their re'cent antics at the United Nations, whereby they refused to condemn terrorism, is but a crude and rude case of international blackmail. Americans for the most part realize the honest disposition of peoples who seek independence and self-determination. After all, that is how we got started. However, how can we continue to give full support to Third World countries that refuse to respect the rights and freedoms of the international family? How can we encourage irrational dictators who foster and support international terrorism? How can we continue to play the international game of suicidal roulette?

It should be obvious to those emerging nations that one cannot just barge into the family of nations with fanatic nationalisJTl REV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church and spurious politics. It would be well for the Third World nations to learn the lessons of history and take them to heart for their own sakes. To act responThe fiasco of self-pity certainly has little meaning for , sibly, to govern justly and dethe many devoted athletes from the Third World nations velop patiently has been the who have been denied Olympic competition by their gov- true and tried formula of naernments. In fact, the entire walkout by the so-called tional success. Otherwise, the course of self-determination is offended nations is once reduced to an uncontrollable and again a rather valid indica- just a mere spontaneous venture an unaccountable nationalism in self-righteousness, he is mistion of the immaturity of so and juvenile. Chris de Brog- that smacks of the irrational. In many, who want so much, led lio, a London-based entrepren- the dangerous atmosphere of toso very fast. The pseudo-excuse eur, serves as the chief tactician day's world, mankind needs of the Olympic walkout by the for the political group that trig- fewer fanatics and more statesAfrican nations, the non-Olym- gered the African boycott of the men; less terror and more peace: pic New Zealand rugby team, Olympics. Quite cheerfully, he less boycotting and more unity. was negative from the outset plans gloom and doom for interand contradictory in completion. national sports unless the deGladness of Truth In the first place, to charge mands of his committee, what"The whole history of' the New Zealand with the burden of ever they may be, are accepted. Christian life is a series of rescontempt, indicates a complete lack of knowledge and underHe works hard to achieve his urrections ... Every time a man standing of that South Pacific goals by intense lobbying, which finds his heart is troubled, that nation and its own independent begins months before' tourna- he is not rejoicing in God, a attitude to the family of man. ments take place. De Broglio resurrection must follow; a resBut to deny athletes a chance worked very hard to embarrass urrection must follow; a resurto shine in their own eyes and the Montreal Olympics. All he rection out of the night of those of the world, denies their truly accomplished was the de- troubled thought into the gladsulking leaders a place in the nial to African representatives of ness of truth."-George Mactheir true place in the family of Donald (1824-1905), "Selections sun as well. Of course, if anyone thinks ,world athletes. It is tragic that from George MacDonald," ed. that the African walkout was so many African nations com- Dewey.

Third World Antics

The Permanent Diaconate

Scholars Trace Diaconate Origin to Book of Acts , By Rev. John F. Moore PART I right for us to neglect the word Many speak of the "restora- of God so as to give out food." tion" of the permanent diacon- Instead, they told the Christians ate and it is indeed a fact that to select seven men "of good reVatican II "restored" this office putation, filled with the Spirit in the Latin or Western Church. and with wisdom," to take over However, anyone who has this task for material service. thought seriously about the subThis was done and the Apostject recognizes that the restored les "prayed and laid their hands diaconate in the 20th century on" the seven who had been cannot be merely an antiquarian chosen. Among them was Steoddity, an interesting idea that phen,"a man full of faith and of has been rescued from the pages the Holy Spirit," who later was of history and refurbished for to become the first. Christian the benefit of theologians and martyr. scholars. Some writers question whethYet at the same time, we can- : er these seven were deacons in not fully understand the basic the full sense of the term. What concept of "deacon" unless we is certain, however, is that the make some attempt to search diaconate became a separate ofout its roots and beginnings. fice in the Church in the very After all, history is the ongoing early years of its development, story of man's life journey and af least ,by about 57 A.D., the in a unique way this is true of date assigned to St. Paul's letter Church history, the continuing to the Philippians, in which' he account of man's spiritual jour- makes specific reference to deaney to the Father. cons as a recognized order in the The term "deacon" comes from Church. a Greek word - diakonos St. Paul's most detailed treatwhich means "servant" or ment of the diaconate occurs in "helper," It occurs a number of his first epistle to Timothy times in the New Testament and (3:8:10, 12-13) where he writes sometimes is applied to Christ of the qualifications required for himself. this office: "In the same way, Many scholars trace the origin deacons must be respectable of the diaconate to an incident men whose word can be trusted, recorded in the Acts of the moderate in the amount of wine Apostles (6:1-7). As was often they drink and with no squalid the case, a dispute arose within greed for money. They must be the Church of Jerusalem be- conscientious -believers in the tween Greek-speaking Christians mystery of faith. They are to be (Hellenists and the Aramaic examined first, and only admitspeaking Christians (Hebrews). ted to serve as deacons if there The Hellenists complained that is nothing against them." some needy people in their . "Deacons must not have been group were not receiving their married more than once and share of the material goods must be men who manage their which the Christians of Jerusa- children and families well. Those lem allotted to those who re- of them who carry out their duquired assistance. ties well as deacons will earn a Select Seven Men high standing for themselves and When the dispute came to the be rewarded with great assurattention of the Apostles, the ance in their work for the faith leaders of the community, they of Jesus Christ," (To be continued) replied that it would not be "'UIIIIIUIl""11111lll11l1llll'lllUllllllltllUlUlIIllIlIIlII,llIl11111lllllll11l.lUlIllllUlllllUltlllllltlllllUllIllIlllltllIIIUlIlIl.lIIl11l11I11I11IoUlIIIlWlllII'''UllnmIlIllIlUlIltttIlUlltlllllIlllI,''lI,n"",u",

Reaffirm Oneness Continued from Page One There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and works through all, and is in all. As one body, the Body of Christ, let us reaffirm in our day the leadership bf Peter by prayerfully supporting Pope Paul VI with the obedience of faith. Another aspect of the Holy Father's office is suggested to us today in the Gospel. As Vicar of Christ and Successor of Saint Peter, the Pope must be ready, as were the Lord Jesus and Peter in the Scripture just read, to reach out to the hungry and weak in the Church and the world and to bring them needed nourishment. One in faith with the· Holy Father, we must also be one with him in Christ-like works of charity. Precisely in order that the faithful of the Diocese of Fall River may share in the charitable works of Pope Paul VI, I have the privilege of announcing that next weekend we shall have the annual "Peter Pence" Collection. I pI;ay that your generous response to this Collection will reflect your union in charity with the Chief Shepherd of the Church. I, beg your continued prayers for Pope Paul VI. His office is a weighty burden. May the Lord strengthen him so that he may continue to be that visible source and foundation of unity in faith and charity which the Vicar of Christ has been down through the centuries. Devotedly yours in Christ, ffiDANIEL A. CRONIN, Bishop of Fall River

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976

Mother Teresa Continued from Page One program is that Mother Teresa, who will address the hunger for Freedom and Justice symposium at the eucharistic congress along with Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, on Aug. 3, will specifically link her work to the "hungers" to b~ discussed at the meeting. To satisfy mankind's hunger for God, for instance, "Jesus made Himself the. bread of life," she said. And at the end of each life, Christians may well be judged by the criterion "I was hungry and you fed me," she added. . With the sensitive prodding of Scharper, editor -of Orbis Books, Mother Teresa discusses many hard-nosed questions. Is she "just another type of social worker?" Is her work "really worth it" or is it just a drop in an ocean of human need? What is meant by giving "until it hurts" and sharing with poor nations? Has the work of her Sisters and the large network of their co-workers made the poor more "visible" to the affluent? What is meant by a "hunger for justice", the "hunger for. understanding", the "hunger for the Spirit?" The show, produced by Doris Ann, flows smoothly from one memorable quotation to another by Mother Teresa: 'Heart of the Church' -"We give the dying tender love and care - everything possible that the rich get for their money, we give them for the love of God." ' -"If people in the. United States do not answer the needs of people . . . they will miss the touch of Christ in their lives. What is given to them is given to share, not to keep." -"If we do not give until it hurts, there is' no meaning to giving." Mother Teresa sees her fastgrowing religious order. as a catalyst, putting the needy in touch with affluent food producers, and the dying in touch with love. In seeking out 46,000 lepers, lonely and misunderstood, she pictures her co-workers as receiving more than they give, freed from a suffocating materialism. To feminists who support the cause of ordination of women to the priesthood as an aspect of the "hunger for justice," Mother Teresa's answer on the· TV show is this: women are the ....heart.... of the Church. Their primary role is one of serving others with love and compassion, in the style of Mary.

[ Letters to the editor Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 w,rds. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business .address.

Dislikes " Lay Clothes Dear Editor: Enclosed is a clipping from the Catholic paper "Our Sunday Visitor". 'I go along with the Sunday Visitor, which makes a practice of not carrying photographs of priests and Religious who wear lay clothes. My question is, "Who gave permission for this change? I don't feel the Relil'!ious have need to wear lay clothes, at least not in this area, but I do feel the need for a show of Religious commitment to increase the Faith!" Thank you for your time and God and Our Lady Bless You! Respectfully Yours, Alice Beaulieu New Bedford P.S. I would also like to mention my disappointment at the picture on page 14 of the Anchor, July 15. I try to stress purity and modesty in all apparel and was very disturbed at this.

Cherishes Rosary Dear Editor: As a member of the Blue Army


Twofold Reason "The night of Easter is spent in keeping the vigil (perviglia) before the coming of our King and Lord, that the time of His resurrection may not find us sleeping, but awake. The reason for this night is twofold: either because He then received back His life when He suffered, or because He is later to come for judgment at the same hour at which He arose." - St. Isidor, "Etymologies," 6, 17, 17th century.



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of Fatima, Knights of the Immaculate and the Association of the Miraculous Medal, I wrote the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, about the times today and about some of the books I read pertaining to the life of Our Lady and her appearances on earth. His Holiness answered: "Always pray the rosary when you want something from the Blessed Virgin. The Blessed Virgin is the most powerful intercessor in all creation. Pray the rosary, tl}e rosary mysteries are the prayers Our Lady asks for." The rosary is not to be abused. Keep reading about the Blessed Virgin and never stop. Joseph S. Skypeck New Bedford




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976

In Coming

Week ROBIN HOOD DELL WEST, with Philadelphia's skyline in the background, will be the site of several By Cliff Foster PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Among other things next week's 41st international Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia promises to be a celebration of the entire Church in miniature. More than a million people from 100 countries are expected to attend the liturgies and other programs making up the largest single religious event ,in the nation's history. Planning for the Phiadelphia event began in 1973 at the last congress, held in Melbourne, Australia. The U. S. bishops agreed to help underwrite part of the cost during their fall meeting in 1973, despite some objections, and the theme of this year's event, "The Eucharist ahd the Hungers of the Human Family," was chosen by Pope Paul in 1975. With more than 170 news organizations from all over the world signed up to cover the congress, it will undoubtedly become a major media event. Each day's events are clustered about a specific theme: the hunger for God, for bread, for freedom and justice, for the Spirit, for truth, for understanding, for peace, and the hunger for Jesus, the bread of life. The congress will open Aug. 1 at noon at Philadelphia's SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, and will close with a Mass before an expected 250,000. people at John F. Kennedy Stadium. Other sites for congress events are the Spectrum and Veterans Stadium, both near JFK, the Philadelphia Civic Center and the Robin Hood Dell, east and west, two outdoor theaters. Spiritual Renewal During the week there will be more than 50 liturgies; major conferences on hunger, family life, freedom and justice, clergy and Religious, ecumenism, youth ministry, and women and the Eucharist; 700 religious exhibits, an exhibition of liturgical arts' I and 14.different pageants, plays and concerts. The congress itself was pre, ceded by a year-long nationwide program of spiritual renewal, in-

events at the 41st International Eucharistic Congress.

cluding a series of liturgical, featuring labor oJeader Cesar "I think that as we look at the the congress symbol. They raJ;1ge catechetical, apostolic and social Chavez, and Church leaders theology of the Eucharist, and in price from 15 cents for a selfaction projects. Among them from around the world, and clos- it's always referred to as the adhesive sticker of the congress was Operation Rice Bowl, a ing with a seminar on women sacrament of unity, that unity prayer to $220 for what is demajor fundraising drive that has and the Eucharist with Mother is achieved through diversity, scribed in an lSI advertisement as a solid 18-karat gold pendant raised about $4.5 million for the Teresa of Calcutta and others, not uniformity!' medal. needy around the world. the conferences are designed to Although an official congress 路heighten participation in the soMost of the it~ms are jewelry publication says, "This will not cial dimensions of the Eucharist. . priced in the $5 to $10 range: be a congress marked by pomp cuff links, charm bracelets, tie Engineering the enormous unand pageantry," some of the lit- dertaking has been a 44-member pins, necklaces, key chains, and urgies promise to be spectacular. board of governors made up of the like. In addition, there are official congress bumper stickThe Statio Orbis - the papal business, civic, and church leaders, record albums, posters, wall Mass closing the congress-will ers headed by Cardinal John plaques, candles and vestments. begin at 4 p.m. Aug. 8 with a Krol of Philadelphia. "The items were chosen ac"parade of nations" frQm the Slick Promotion? cording to appropriateness, qual~ Spectrum to nearby J~K' StadiMore than 1,000 volunteers ity and price," said Bob Palesum. An hour later, it wil be anstaff the 10 standing committini, executive assistant for the nounced in the languages of congress. the participating nations: "The tees and subcommittees which Church of Jesus Christ is as- have planned every detail of the He said the congress agreed event. The committees' names sembled for worship." to let 12 manufacturers, the maAbout a year-and-a-half ago, define their function: program, Then a 1,000-member choir physical preparation, liturgy, the eight-member franchise com- jority based on the East Coasi, and a 200-piece orchestra espe- communications, finance, hos- mittee of the 41st International to use its symbol and the copycially asembled for the congress pitality, transportation, services, Eucharistic Congress oJaunched righted words, "41st Internawill signal the start of the Mass. participation of other Christian a campaign to sell mementos of tional Eucharistic Congress," in Cardinal James Knox, the Pope's churches, and spiritual renewal August's spiritual gathering in return for a percentage of the wholesale price of the commemlegate to the Congress, and 500 and preparation. Philadelphia to the public. oratives. priests will concelebrate it on a Committee members reasoned All those efforts cost money, huge 35-foot altar for those in that the congress could raise . Each manufacturer also conand critics zero-in on what they the stadium, the thousands who money for itself and discourage tracted with lSI, giving it the will ring the outside and the believe is the extravagant cost cheap commercialism if it com- exclusive right to sell items at millions in the United States of the congress. Others have peted with the hawkers and the congress and in the Philadeland South America who will see scored what they term the peddlers planning to market all phia area. "slick" promotion of it, and still Father Graham and Palestini it on television. others have questioned the sorts of goods to the estimated said in separate interviews that Although the Congress stresses scheduling of a Mass honoring million people expected to atthe congress is not doing a land greater devotion to and under- the military on the same day as tend. standing of the eucharist, it will the 31st anniversary of the Father Joseph Graham, direc- office business on the commembe more than worship. Eugene bombing of Hiroshima, Aug. 6. tor of Institutional Services Inc. oratives, although both expect Ormandy and the Philadelphia (lSI), the purchasing agency for brisk sales during congress Congress officials are secretive the Philadelphia archdiocese, re- week, Aug. 1-8. Orchestra, actress Helen Hayes, However, shoppers not ordersinger Ella Fitzgerald, jazz mu- ahout the financial aspect. One ca'1led "We didn't want a carofifcia I told NC News that the ing commemoratives at "special sician Dave Brubeck and memnival, tee-shirt type of thing ... bers of the Dance Theatre of -congress will cost "well under Our objective was to protect the pre-congress prices" advertised Harlem are among artists to per- a million dollars," and when dignity of the.congress by com- recently in the Catholic Stanform in a 14-event program of- asked to be more specific, re- ing up with devotional objects dard and Times, Philadelphia archdiocesan newspaper and infering more than 100 afternoon plied that it will cost between rather than souvenirs." and evening performances, in- $500,000 and $1 million. But some like Joseph Thomas, an lSI catalogue, can expect to For those with a strong sense managing editor of The Advo- pay considerahly more for the cluding six world premieres. In addition, an exhibition of of ethnicity, the congress repre- cate, Newark archdiocesan news- same items in Philadelphia. liturgical arts featuring paint- sents a greening of the Church paper, believe that commemora- Pll'lestini explained that the cost of renting space at the congress ings, sculpture, drawings and in accepting its own diversity. tives cheapen the congress. as well as the percentage that "I look at ethnic participation Lots of Jewelry crafts done by more than 200 artists will be shown at the as a grappling with an issue "I have difficulty picturing must be paid to the sellers will Philadelphia Civic Center, July that is foreign or alien-to many Christ hawking tie clasps, cuff be passed on to the consumer. , 29 to Aug. 8. A wide variety of Catholics-that issue being eth- links, commemorative plates and religious organizations will also nicity and diversity of cultural all sorts of other gew-gaws in use the civic center for exhibi- expression,". said Father Lucien order to put the Apostles on the tions. Hendren, priest-coordinator of road," he said in a recent col4181 Another key component of the the National Hispanic Commit- umn. "Yet that is just what is International congress will be seven confer- tee, which has promoted the being done in one e'ffort to raise Eucharistic ences on the "hungers" of the congress to Spanish-speaking money to finance this triumphalCongress human family. Opening with a Catholics for more than 10 istic display." symposium on world hunger, months. The 55 items on sale all bear

The Problem Of Money


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976


50 Years Ago By Stanley B. Pieza CHICAGO (NC)-More than a million visitors from all over the world showed up. Among them were 12 cardinals, more than 300 archbishops, bishope and abbots, more than 8,000 priests and 8,000 nuns. The occa!!ion for the gathering was the 28th international Eucharistic Congress, held here on the shores of Lake Michigan from June 20-24, 1926. To this day, it is considered the greatest religious demonstration ever held in North America, although it may well be topped by next week's c<lngress in Philadelphia. At the closing ceremony, more than 600,000 men, women and children marched in a three mile procession around the lake at St. Mary's of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein, Ill., a subJrb about 40 miles northwest of here. That ceremony, according to James O'Donnell Bennett, Chicago Tribune writer, was "the most colossal prayer meeting song service in the annals of Christendom ... world's records for throng and character have lJeen broken." . The man who brought the 28th Congress to Chicago was Cardinal George Mundelein, who had received the red hat from Pope Pius XI only two years before. Considered an organizational genius, Cardinal Mundelein directed preparations for more than a year before the congress convened. Twenty-five committees of clergy and laity were organized to carry out the plans. There were committees on health, safety, housing and food, transportation, program, finance, processions and pageants among others. The press gave front page treatment to the event, with four to five pages of pictures daily throughout the congress. To get the news from the seminary, 50 pieces of teletype equipment were set up. One company spent $60,000 to bring wires onto the seminary grounds for just one day. Photographers and reporters followed the cardinals every-

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE lined Chicago's Michigan Avenue in June, 1926, to greet Papal Legate and other car-

dinals arriving for the 28th International Eucharistic Congress.

where. One day, Cardinal Pat-路 Paul's Outside the Walls in rick O'Donnell of Armagh, Ire- Rome. land, told a newspaper man who Women's Day had disturbed his sleep in quest of a statement: "I recommend At the center of the altar a good night's sleep for all newspapermen, and that - in passing- may give me a chance for one." 62,000 Children SANTIAGO (NC) - Cardinal Covering the congress could Raul Silva of Santiago has debe especially demanding for a fended one of the Chilean Catholic. journalist. One photog: - Church's top lawyers, Hernan rapher knelt and bowed his Montealegre, against governhead in adoration as competitors ment charges that he is a "subsnapped pictures of Cardinal versive" and a "Communist." Montealegre, who served on Giovanni Bonzano,. the papal raising the monstrance during the now-suppressed interfaith Benediction. The pious photog- Committee for Peace that aided rapher was fired, then re-hired thousands of politcal prisoners two weeks later while his city and refugees and their families, editor vowed never to assign and who is a lawyer for the another Catholic to cover a archdiocesan Vicariate of SolCatholic event. idarity, was arrested May 12. The congress opened in Holy For several' days after his arrest Name Cathedral here with a his whereabouts were unknown. Solemn High Mass attended by After repeated requests by 12 cardinals, including seven Cardinal Silva, the Chi'lean from Europe. government disclosed that the On the following day, 350,000 lawyer was being held at the children attended Mass at Sol- prison in Tres Alamos. Until diers' Field, while a choir of July, however, it refused to say 62,000 children from Chicago's whether he was arrested. parochial schools sang. One of the mai"n charges The Soldiers' Field ceremo- against Montealegre was' that nies were held at an altar top- a letter that he prepared for one ped with a canopy modeled of the cardinal's auxiliaries, after that of the Basilica of St. Bishop Enrique Alvear, "attacked the government of Chile." In a column printed in a Chilean newspaper, the government said that the letter was filled. "with numerous invented accusations concerning supposed disWASHINGTON (NC) - The appearances of persons and supNational Office for Black Cathposed violations of human' olics (NOBC) is looking for rights." "messages of love,. congratulations and blessings" to be inFree Choice cluded in a special tribute issue of Impact, the NOBC news"The course of human history paper, honoring Bishop Joseph consists of a series of encounFrancis, new auxiliary of New- ters between individual human ark, N. J. beings and God in which each Editor Robert W. Cottrol said man or woman or child, in turn, that the special issue will focus is challenged by God to make on the bishop's ordination with his refusal and to take the conphotos and stories and will also sequences. When Man accepts, include articles on America's his reward for willing what is other black auxiliary bishops: the will of God is that he finds Harold Perry of New Orleans,Jo- himself taken by God into partseph Howze of Natchez-Jackson nership in the doing of God's Miss., and Eugene Marino of creative work."-Arnold J. Toynbee, "Colliers," March 30, 1956. Washington.

stood a golden monstrance containing the Holy Eucharist. The monstrance was designed in Rome in baroque style and was brought to the U. S. by Monsignor Torquato Dini, rector of the College for the Propagation of the Faith.

Prelate Defends Chilean Lawy路er

Seek. Messages For New Bishop

Pope Says Art Bears Religious Message VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI told participants- in a seminar on American religious art here that art maintains, even in the modern world, its capacity for carrying a religious message to 路the world. "We are convinced that even today a work of art is a potential vehicle for .the religious message," the Pope told a group conducting a two-day seminar on the influence of religious inspiration on American art. Among those present at the special papal audience was Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, president of the Committee for Religion and Art in America, who thanked the Pope for the' opportunity of conducting the seminar in the Vatican. Cardinal Cooke's committee was established to find outstanding American art and then find donors to give its selections to the Vatican.



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Women's day at Soldiers' Field brought a turnout of 200,000. A choir of 6,000 nuns from all over the country and 3,800 singers from Chicago churches sang. That evening, 200,000 men attended a special service in which 100,000 Holy Name Society members carried candles in procession. More than 175,000 attended students' ceremonies the next day, while a 3,000 voice choir sang. Closing ceremonies at the seminary drew the largest crowds of all. As the great procession made its way on the three mile trek around the lake, a thunder storm developed. Hail fell on canvas and. umbrellas. The pilgrims continued to sing. When the first of the marchers returned to the altar, the sun burst _through the clouds. Cardinal Bonzano held the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament aloft, and the crowd knelt in adoration.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976


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tAass Schedule for Summer Season

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OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:00· 6:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.,

ST. PATRICK Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 19:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 AM.


Rte. 28. Otis Circle Pocasset, Mass.


IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective -!une 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Saturday £ve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.




Te!ephone 295·1691

[~~~~:;'~~;~'d -

ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve''"7'5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday~:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.






ST. MARY-STAR OF T~E SEA r.1asses: Sunday-8:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M.Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 ·P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass

Doane'Beal'Ames INCOI'O...,UD


PHONE 548-6339

Robert l. Studley, Treas. Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon L. Homer Howard C. Ooane.lr. Robert l. studley HYANNIS 775.0884 South Yarmouth 398·2201 Harwich Port 432.0593

Costa's Auto Body 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Auto Body Repairs & Painting 218 CARRIAGE SHOP ROAD EAST FALMOUTH, MASS.




OUR L o\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 AM. WEST BARNSTABLE

Family Crested Items Irish Imports Waterford Belleek Aynsley Porcelain Connemara Marble Musical Cottages Jewelry , Records

OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10:PO AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. CHATHAM

';r~" RIBBONS 540-1135


536 MAIN ST..

Leprechaun Gift Shop



BOOKSTORE & RESTAURANT MAYO BEACH - KENDRICK AVENUE WELlflEET, MASS. T)I. 349·3154 Din{ Overlooking Cape Cod Bay COCKTAILS Be Sure to Visit Our Famous Book· store in the Back of the Restaurant Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner


975 ROUTE 28 SO. YARMOUTH, MA. 617·398·9175

HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. SOU:rH CHATHAM

OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30. 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. . Daily-9:00 AM.



JOE S Lobster Mart I


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I ;



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ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00. 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M.


Ampex - Sony - Panasonic


ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, \1:15 AM. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.







ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


~ i


ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.


ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Satur<lay-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM.


ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve..,.....5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. (Saturdays 9:00 A.M.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily


UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and AugUit


SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.


ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Ma!03es: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 ·AM. Saturday ·Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.

s Page Gladly Sponsor

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976


of Churches and· Masses Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH EASTHAM

CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday--8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE

OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.' Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. DaillY-7:OO A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. SANTUIT

ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday.0...5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS

. Masses: Sunday--8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:1S- 5:00 P.M. POCASSET

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00·4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour PROVINCETOWN ~T. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00· 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.


CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday--8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE Mass~s:

ST. THERESA Sunday--8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH

ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 5:00- P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only) BASS RIVER

OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily~:OO A.M. (Mon.-Fri.)



ST. PATRICK Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M. WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY

Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. (::onfessions: Y2 hour before Mass


~001l4mes8ett 'nn

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00, 6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. TRURO

SACRED HEART Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 A.M; Saturday"':""7:00 P.M.


Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 12 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:0Q & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.

ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. . Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

Tel. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett

IN FALMOUTH Jones Rd. at Gifford St.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976

Qui1et Pe,ri,od i,n G,ard,en Giv!es Ch,ance t,o Plan'

G1o,od N,eig,hbor's Scrambled Id,e!as Ca,n M,a;ke y,ou Thiink

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

With' the hot dry days of Summer there is a slowdown in the pace of growth in the garden. The grass grows more slowly and must be cut much less often. Weeds are hampered, so an occasional hoeing is all that is needed to keep them under control., The most de- would never get in a guidebook. music was as bright and manding task right now is Their varied as the troupers; who watering, which must be ranged in age from an SO-year-

Mom Stoutheart is one of my favorite neighbors. Looking after her seven children distracts her at times and she sometimes gets a little scrambled. But sometimes her scrambled ideas can make you think. I looked out my kitchen window yesterday and saw her 'Eucharistic Congress' ten-year-old, Michael, dressThe ad for the silver plates ing their dog in a cassock reminded me of something. I and surplice. Curious, I asked her if she had seen the walked over and asked him what he was up to. "Playing Eucharistic Congress," he said. "Mom says we


MARY CARSON can't go, so I'm having my own." Now you have to know Michael to appreciate this. Michael once made his own Boeing 707. He flew it off the garage and broke both arms. The week after his arms were out of the casts Michael tried to Evel Knievel his bicycle over ten garbage cans ... and broke both jlrms again. Mom Stoutheart came to the door and invited me in. "Actu~ ally," she said there are several reasons we're not going to the Eucharistic Congress. One of them is Michael. "The last time out with Michael was to the Donohue's barbecue. Michael threw a, 'cherrybomb' into the fire and it rained disintegrated hot dogs over everybody. "And another reason is we just couldn't afford it." "Sure you can," I said. "There are special travel prices so just about anybody can get there." "Oh, it's not the travel prices," Mom Stoutheart said. "It's the cost of the dinner plate you have to have." "What dinner plate?" I asked. Mom Stoutheart picked up 'the New York Times. "It's right here in the paper. The official dinner plate. It's made of sterling silver and it costs $300.00 -also $3.00 for shipping." I grabbed the Times and looked at the full-page ad. "You've got it mixed up. This plate is just for rich people who want a special souvenir of the Eucharistic Congress. You won't need one to go." :'That's good, but I still don't see how 1 can take Michael," she said.



story about Cardinal Krol Of Philadelphia, who is chairman of the Eucharistic Congress, having some gold medallions minted as souvenirs.. ' BEAUTIFUL CHRISTO"The ones with the picture of PHER: Meet beautiful Chrisstarving people on them? Yes, topher Holiday, 6 months "I can't I saw that," she, said. understand why anybody would old, who was found last mint gold coins like that." . January in back of truck in Again I tried to explain to Memphis, Tenn., when less her, "They aren't' coins, they're than two hours old. His souvenirs. Cardinal Krol is giving one of them to Pope Paul name came from Holiday Inn as a souvenir of the Eucharistic towel and sheet in which he Congress having been held in was wrapped. Now in a fosPhiladelphia." ter home, he is described as With that Michael burst "a happy little fellow and as through the door, took a carton from a closet and zoomed out healthy as can be." to a lemonade stand he had built on the sidewalk. "Michael," Mom shouted, "What are you doing with all the medals and rosaries the misA five-hour First Friday vigil sions have been mailing to me?" I looked out at the stand and of reparation to the Sacred instead of a sign saying "Lemon- Hearts of Jesus and Mary will ade," Michael's sign said, "Eu- be held from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Aug. 6 at St. George Church, charistic Congress." Mom Stoutheart just looked Westport. The public is invited 'to attend frazzled and returned to our all or any part of the services, conversation. "Okay, so Cardinal Krol wants which will begin with a votive to give away the gold coins as Mass of the Sacred Heart and souvenirs. But why give one to conclude with a midnight Mass Pope Paul? I read in the paper of the Immaculate Heart. Also that the Vatican has thousands included will be recitation of of coins collected over the cen- the rosary and a holy hour. turies. The Pope really doesn't There will be a 10 p.m. coffee break. need another one." She continued, "If Cardinal Divine Love Krol wants to give them away "Reading the' New Testament why doesn't he give them to is the discovery of a new path of Cardinal Manning in Los An- human understanding by the geles? He's the one who needs flares that burned on the heights them. He just refused to bar- of Golgotha. . . . Out of the gain with the teachers' union in New Testament came a definihis Catholic schools. Maybe if tion of divine love that has lit he got some gold coins from _the tapers of faith and hope in Cardinal Krol he could give his the hearts of the world." - A. teachers a raise." M. Sullivan, "The Three-DimeI knew Mom Stoutheart had sional Man," 1956. things scrambled again, but as I said, sometimes her scrambled ideas can make you think. I was O'ROURKE trying to think of a way to exFuneral Home plain this situation between Car571 Second Street dinal Manning and his teaohers' union when Michael's shouting Fall River, Mass. interrupted. 679-6072 He was standing on a packing MICHAEL J. McMAHON case hawking, "Get yoursopveRegistered Embalmer' nir of the Eucharistic Congress Licensed Funeral Director right here! Rosaries only $1.00 ... guaranteed to work, $5.00. Hurry! Hurry! Limited edition!


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done almost daily. All in all, it is a quiet period in the garden, when things are sown and we are waiting for results. For that reason I find it a good time to evaluate the garden and to plan for the coming season. Notes are made as to what should 'be moved-in the Fall and where, as well as what should be removed. It is easy to forget plants after they have produced and are quiet in the garden. I for instance have been meaning for three years to remove a poorly situated peony, but I forget it each year until I see it again in bloom in the Spring. Good Checking Time For the beginner this is a good time to check out dead spots in the garden and to plan accordingly for next year. My garden holds together well until early August, and then it begins to wither. With this in mind I have been investing a great deal of my garden money into lilies which bloom in August and have the added advantage of not taking up too much space or appearing too lush. Of course, there are plants for each season and the careful gardener will note the times of year when he must provide for something special. The problem I find is that as the season progresses the garden takes on a busy look and therefore whatever is provided for late season bloom should not add to the already lush look of late Summer. The difficulty for the older garden is normally that there is too much growth and, plans have to be made for thinning and removing unsatisfactory items. This is admittedly difficult. New gardeners tend to think in terms of quantity since they need to fill space, but older gardeners must think in terms of quality and purpose of bloom. Too often we r~fuse to discard a plant because it was expensive or we think it might produce' better next year; unfortunately, next year always seems to come and the plant never improves. We had a very lovely experience last weekend. A French folk group was visiting in our area and we were able to house one of the young performers for three days. She was a lovely young lady named Dominique Roux, 16 years of age and as charming as her native country. While my own children were very excited at the prospect of a visitor coming from another country, they were even more delighted when the visitor and her companions turned out to be a joy in themselves. Dominique's companions were a very talented group of folksingers, dancers and entertainers from across the French countryside and they offered us a glimpse of another land that one

old lady who sang with more vigor than I could ever muster, to our lovely house guest. Jason, who had conversational French in the fifth grade, and who is also very unselfconscious in his manner was at ease immediately witb this darkhaired, blue-eyed charmer. However we all managed, in one way or another, to converse with a little bit of our French and Dominique's English. "It gave me an opportunity to use my French," said Jason. "It was fun trying to undestand her and seeing the unusual instruments that the folk-singers were using." Any exposu're of this type can only make us realize more fully that it's a small world after all and that people are warm and friendly even though their nationality and language may differ from ours. In The Kitchen The bright' yellow squash has just begun to be pickable in our garden and on the roadside stands. This is a delightful, way to serve it. Riverton Squash Casserole 4 cups sliced yellow squash 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped green pepper Y2 stick butter, or margarine Y2 cup coarsely crushed , crackers 2 eggs lightly beaten Y2 cup grated Cheddar cheese salt and pepper to taste 1) In a colander combine the squash, that has been sliced, and the onions and chopped green pepper. Set over a,saucepan containing 1 inch of boiling water and steam the vegetables covered for 10 minutes, or until tender. 2) Transfer with a slotted spoon to a bowl and stir in the softened margarine, crackers, eggs and seasoning. Transfer to a buttered I-quart baking dish and sprinkle with the cheese. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 45 minutes.

Expects Challenge To Charismatics STEUBENVILLE, (NC) - The world will challenge Catholic charismatics to show that they have known grace, salvation and life, a Franciscan priest told more than 2,000 Catholic charismatic youth meeting here. "We stand before the world, and in some form we foolishly say, perhaps, that we have the answer, that we have known grace, that we have known salvation, that we have known life," Franciscan Father Richard Rohr, general chairman of th~ conference, told participants. "And the world will put back the answer for us, 'Show me.' ..

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976


IITrusting the People : Opportunity in Detroit

Diocesan Legion of Mary To Mark 25th Year

"Trust the people," Jimmy Carter says. How long has it been since a politician built a successful national campaign on this theme? Of course there has been much praise of the decency, productivity, and fighting spirit of the American people, and plenty of promises to re- considerations. The Catholic people will challenge each other spond to their needs, wheth- and their leaders to translate er they know of these needs their commitment to social jusor not. But Carter has done it; he has gone directly to the voters, affirmed their goodness, promised them a government as


MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS decent as they are, and he stands within shouting distance of the White House. Carter, a man with an obvious bent for efficiency and order, has promised to open almost all decision-making processes to public scrutiny, to build his program on the popular will, to "give the government of America back to the people of America." A fine bicentennial theme whether it constitutes a serious response to the public issues of our time remains to be seen. One can't help but remember the partisan of Andrew· Jackson who loved his appeals to "the people" but, when the Tennessee general actually invited ordinary people to the inaugural party, his admirer complained to his wife of the "masses of good-for-nothings who tracked mud on the White House carpets." Loving the folks is one thing; sharing power, responsibility, and hors d'oeuvres with them is something 'else. Carter may not be the only one in a bicentennial bind. Two years ago the American Catholic bishops began holding open hearings around the country, inviting ordinary people to express their concerns about the fate of the Church and the nation. The bishops promised to develop a five-year plan of action which would directly respond to the problems raised. To help formulate this plan, some 1,200 official delegates will meet in Detroit in October in the first national assembly of the American Catholic community ever held. Among the delegates will be 75 to 100 bishops and cardinals, eaC'h with one vote.' Given the traditional image of the Church, this "call to action" conference may be even more surprising, and more interesting, than Carter's commitment that the people shall judge. Problems at Detroit The event is not without public significance. The bishops have already confronted Carter on ~he abortion issue; the consultation suggests that the Catholic people have a full agenda of other public issues they think embody serious moral

tice into pastoral policies which embody that commitment and help create a "community of conscience" able to participate effectively in the public dialogue. Yet the biShops will have their problems at Detroit, not unlike those Carter will face if he gets to Washington. The Catholic people who participated in the bicentennial consultation seem to feel that liberty and justice begin at home. They want greater equality in the Church, greater accountability of priests and bishops to the people they serve, more room for personal growth, freedom and responsibility. The bishops' people, like Carter's, are a bit skeptical of rhetorical democracy, somewhat suspicious of authority, rather convinced that only when you have a hand on budgets and personnel will you really get open and responsive lea~ership. So the bishops, like Carter, took some risks in listening to the people. As the ,time for action approaches, the bishops are beginning to learn the lesson of the American Revolution, that self-government rests less on the responsiveness of leaders than on the tough-minded independence of the people themselves because, as the British and the later federalists would learn, no one else could govern them. Sharing respons~bility and power with real persons and groups, and not with "the people" of speeches and slogans, brings less efficiency, much disorder, more than a little conflict and contention. Underneath all our skepticism of both bishops and politicians is a lingering desire to give democracy another try, to begin again. Perhaps the national ele~­ tion will give us another opportunity. Whether that happens or not, we Catholics can give a sign of promise to our fellowAmericans at Detroit in October and in the months that follow.

Lauds Missioners Expelled by Reds VATI€AN CITY ~NC)-Pope Paul VI has praised the "great love" of foreign missionaries expelled recently from 'Southeast Asian countries. Addressing 8,000 people at a general audience here, the Pope said, "The total love shown by these missionaries was taught to them by Jesus Christ Himself." That love, he asserted, gave them the strength to leave lands where for years "they had prayed, taught and worked." In recent months. all foreign missionaries have been expelled from Laos and Cambodia, and many have been expelled from Vietnam.


against evil forces in the world. The legion aims to sanctify its members by a solid interior life of prayer, which forms the mainspring of active co-operation in spiritual work assigned by

In March, 1977 the Legion of Mary will mark the 25th anniversary of its organization in the Fall River diocese. In preparation. The Anchor will carry a series of columns explaining the purpose and work of the Legion. The following introductory article was adapted by Henry T. Mercer Jr. from "The Legion of Mary" by Rev. Philip C. Hoelle, S.M.

WAS CAPTIVE: Rear Admiral Jeremiah A. Denton Jr., a prisoner of war of the North Vietnamese for 7~ years, will speak on the implications of patriotism Wednesday. afternoon, Aug. 18 at a public session of the 94th annual meeting of the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, to be held in Boston at the Statler-Hilton Hotel Aug. 17-19. The rear adniiral was senior officer aboard the plane carrying the first repatriated POWs to the Philippines in February, 1973.

,Abp. Lefebvre Is Suspended VATICAN CITY ~C)-The Vatican has suspended from his priestly functions retired French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the traditionalist who refuses to recognize the changes made in the Church by the Second Vatican Council. ' In a note made public July 24, the Vatican termed its action "a painful affair" and said that Archbishop Lefebvre "was forbidden to carry out any function deriving from his Holy Orders. "He cannot celebrate Mass nor administer the sacraments nor preach," the note said. The suspension is apparently the first such drastic action by the Church against a bishop in almost two centuries. The last such suspension, according to knowledgeable sources, involved the famous French statesman TaneyrandBishop Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord. At the beginning of the French Revolution Talleyrand defied the Church when he led French bishops and clergy in taking the oath of Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which supported the laicization of the Church and confiscated its holdings. For this, he was suspended from his priestly and episcopal functions, as is Archbishop Lefebvre -at present.

Love "We pardon in the degree that we love."-La Rochefoucauld

The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland, on Sept. 7, 1921, when a priest, a layman and 15 women met ,around a table on which was a statue of Our Lady of Grace, flanked by two lighted· candles . and two vases of flowers. The 17 knelt, invoked the Holy Spirit and prayed the rosary. Today thousands of legion prasidia around the world begin their meetings in the same way. The layman present at that first meeting was Frank Duff, a civil servant and a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The group had met at his suggestion to form a little associa. tion to perform the spiritua'! works of mercy. They began by visiting the sick in a large Dublin hospital. From that beginning the legion spread throughout Dublin, then through the rest of Ireland and the other British Isles. In 1932, when a Eucharistic Congress was held in Dublin, the legion became known to delegates from all parts of the world. They saw a successful lay apostolate with a' simple, attractive organizational structure, 'limited to the spiritual works of mercy. The organization spread through the United States, Can.ada, India, Australia, Africa, Europe and the Spanish-speaking world until today it is active in nearly a thousand dioceses and its prayers are recited in over 60 languages. Its handbook, called the most popular book ever written by an Irishman, is the work of Frank Duff, who is justifiably known as the founder of "the largest body of lay apostles the Church has ever blessed." Ordinary Catholics The Legion of Mary, listed officially as a pious union in the Church, may be defined as an association of Catholics, formed in an army for service in the spiritual warfare which the Church is perpetuaHy waging

SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington is diocesan spiritual director for the Legion of Mary, in charge of some dozen praesidia in Fairhaven, North Attleboro, Taunton, New Bedford and Fall River. The units include two junior groups. the Church. A legionary must forget himself, his own comforts and desires and concentrate on what he can do for others through the power of the Holy Spirit and the ministering help of Mary. Praesidium membership is open to all Catholic men and women who lead edifying lives and are animated by the legion spirit, or at least desire to foster that spirit in themselves and are willing to fulfill the required duties. Let's listen to the founder of the legion, Frank Duff, describe its members: "Not special souls or unusual types but ordinary Catholics living the everyday life in the world. Its membership comprises the learned and the unlearned, laborers and leisured, the unemployed, widely differing classes, colors, races, including not a few whom the world would consider as primitive or depressed. In a word, it represents typical Catholicism."





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29, 1976



II St. Paul Does Create Differences been a part of a hard dialogue group here in D. C. It was beSt. Paul's writing about Jew- gun by a Reform rabbi, a Methish law is one of the most sensi- Qdist minister and a Catholic tive areas within the Jewish- director of religious education. Christian dialogue today. It has The sharing extended out into always been so. It bristles with the community from which its the possibility of deeper respect congregational members came. for our faith traditions or of a The Methodist minister, a Chrisdeeper misunderstanding and tian of great courage, invited insulation from each other. Yet in an experience of "shalom" the question comes from a com- (well-being, peace). "Shalom" mon historical matrix. St. Paul took: Jewish and Christian difspoke out forcefully and with ferences seriously intQ account. consistency from his experience It stressed oneness where oneof conversion: He rightly claimed ness was, not simply imagined to the radical newness which Jesus be. It did not reduce givens of brought. In heightening fhe new- either tradition. It did justice to ness of the Christian tradition, the integrity of both traditions he often played' down the old- by stressing that reams of lanness of the Mosaic law tradition guage would not make oneness. or, at least, its interpretation. Love came bearing understandAt times he comes off in a ing. No more. Group members roundly condemning tone. were aware of Paul's style of The possibility of Jewish law' laguage with its definite either/ and Christian Gospel' co-suppor- or stress. They were aware of tive of each other is difficult to the Christian Gospel and its grasp. It may be almost impos- emphasis on grace which comes sible. Often lesser attempts at of beatitude more than law. understanding go the route of There was no resolution of these polite coffee parties which dis- hard religious issues which dicuss the literary themes of mod- vide us. Yet there was also the em Jewish writing. Synagogues experience of God's face turning and churches near to each other to give peace. (Book of, Numshare common organ recitals. I bers). A brotherhood. evolved am not speaking cynically, only from the group. , factually. Topics such as the One day during the meeting holocaust and Zionism make a hard dialogue which comes of the rabbi, who has two 8,rand the radical differences which young sons, turned his intense, sensitive face to the group and really are. I have been happy to have Turn to Page Thirteen

Paul and Jewish Law


Models of the Parish



A new pastor or parish administration would do well. to spend several months listening to comments and suggestions from the poople. The input, plus personal observations and other d,ata, will give the leaders a good basis to make some decisions about future trends and practical projects.' However, these people also need to ask themselves a few . questions: Where are we as a congregation? What kind of a parish shQuld we become? How do we reach that ideal? The Vatican II Fathers believed that the parish is a little diocese, just as the diocese is a miniature of the Universal Church.

In the Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People, the laity are encouraged continuously "tQ cultivate the 'feeling for the diocese,' of which the parish is a kind of cell." (Number 10). The Liturgy Constitution also notes: "But as it is impossihle for the bishop a'lways and everywhere to preside over the whole flock in his church, he must of necessity establish groupings of the fait'hful; and, among these, parishes, set up locally under a pastor who takes the place of the bishop, are most important, for in some way they represent the visible Ohurch constituted throughout the world." (Number 42). Our understanding of the Church, then, will color our concept of the diocese which, Tum to Page Thirteen ~~


IN THE DAYS OF PAUL, Steve Landregan writes, those who would add to Christ's demands were called "Judaizers," a name derived from the idea that men must not only answer Christ's call but that they must also observe Jewish Law. (NC Sketch) BY STEVE LANDREGAN

God's free gift Qf salvation through Jesus Christ is so simple that for 2,000 years Christians of various sects have been insisting that perfect Christianity must call for more than Christ asks of all men. In the days of Paul, those who would add to Christ's demands were called Judaizers, a name derived from the fact that they taught that men must not only answer Christ's call to "reform' your lives and believe in the Gospel'~ (Mark I, 15), but that they also must observe Jewish Law, the Law of Moses. In two of his letters, Galatians and Romans, Paul explains his teaching on observance of the Law by Christians. In Galatians the Apostle confronts efforts by Judaizers who were attempting to discredit Paul as an Apostle and accusing him of watering down the Gospel of Jesus Christ to win converts (Gal. I, 10). Paul's repetition of the same teachings in Romans appears to reflect his concern that the Roman community not suffer similar division between its Jewish and Gentile members. The problem has its roots in the Old T.estament. To Israel the Law was the greatest reli-


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gious reality, the revealed will of God. So imbued was he with this belief that he found it difficult to think that even with the free gift of Christ's grace, the law could be completely dispensed with. Paul confronts the situati<m head-on in his letter to the Galatians where he writes "a man is not justified by legal observance but by faith in Jesus Christ" (Gal. 2, 15-16), and in Romans with the statement that "we hold that a man is justified by faith apart from observance of the law" (Rom. 3, 28). In his teaching, Paul is careful to explain the place of the law in the plan of salvation. It is holy and good (RQm. 7, 12), a great gift to Israel (Rom. 9, 4), but possesses no power of itself to save man (Rom. 7, 14). It merely points out what sin is (Rom. 3, 20). Sons of God He uses an example easily understood by citizens of the Greco-Roman world, the pedagogue, a slave, whose sole responsihility was to watch over a boy and lead him to and from school while he was still a minor (Gal. 3, 23ft). The Law, in Paul's teaching, was such a guardian; "In other words the Law was our monitor until Christ caine to bring about our justification through faith. But now that faith is here we are no longer in the monitor's charge. Each one of you is a son of God because of your fait!h in Christ Jesus. All of you who have been baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Him" (Gal. 3, 24-27). But Paul points out that faith does not free the Christian from morality. The moral ideal of the commandments remain, they are exceeded by the commandment

of love which is the fulfillment of the Law. "Owe no debt to anyone' except the debt that binds us to love one another. He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. The commandments, 'Yoll shall not commit adultery; you shall not murder; you shall not steal; you shall not covet; and any other commandment there may be are all summed up in this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Love never wrongs the neighbor, hence love is the fulfillment of the law" (Rom. 13, 8-10). Thus, in Paul's teaching on the law the unselfish, undemanding love of God and neighbor set forth but never completely achieved in the Old Testament (Dt. 6, 4-5: Lv. 19, 18) is made possible for Christians, because man, reconciled by the death of Christ, is filled with the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5, 5ft). "In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor the lack of it counts for anything; only faith, which expresses itself through love" (Gal. 5, 5). Man's freedom from the law, Paul insists "is not a freedum that gives free rein to the flesh. Out of love, place yourselves at one another's service" (Rom 6, 12). The Christian who lives by the Spirit will not yield to immorality (Gal. 5, 16) but will enjoy the fruits of the spirit, "love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness and chastity" (Gal. 5, 22). For the Christian the Law is not something e:l{ternal, carved on stone tablets, but is written by the Spirit on his heart (2 Cor. 3, 3) in fulfillment of the promise of God made through Ezekiel (Ez. 36, 26-27).

THE ANCHORThurs.. July 29, 1970

Models of Parish Continued from Page Twelve in tum affects our approach to the parish. Father Avery Dulles' classic book, "Models of the Church," can be most helpful in this regard. His analysis of five different models gives individuals in leadership roles a framework within which to analyze those "Where?" "What?" and "How?" inquiries. Something of each model should be found in every parish; but the emphasis on this or that model will vary depending on the circumstances. For example, an Inner city parish may concentrate on the herald and servant modelspreaching to the unchurched and allevilating neighborhood poverty. A mobile suburban con4gregation, on the' other hand, could stress the community and sacrament mCldels-quickly welcoming newcomers and developing effective parent programs preparing youngsters for their first sacramental experiences. Visible Sign We can thus, according to Father Dulles' view the parish as: -Institution. Leaders according to this concept would seek to foster in parishioners a sense of tradition, order, loyalty to the Holy Father and closeness to the bishop. SendIng designated persons ~ the chrism Mass so they can pick of the holy sacratal oils is one technique which will underscore the unity between parish and bishop. It also illustrates the congregation's oneness through him with the universal Church. -Community. An administration in view of this model works to build a family or community spirit within the parish, to show each member how we form part of an intimately linked spiritual body. "I am the vine, you are the branches." Occasional introductions at Sunday liturgies, coffee hours after Masses and name tags during study sessions are a few steps which have proven helpful in this process. -Sacrament. This model be-. lieves that the Risen Christ is present in our midst through signs and symbols. The Church thus becomes the visible sign of Jesus' invisihle presence. Attractive vestments, gestures made carefully, baptismal candles and contemporary reconciliation rooms are obvious consequences of this concept which sees Church as a sacrament. -Herald. A biblical, Scripture, Gospel, preaching, teaching Church-those are notions we embrace according to that model. Parish leaders who try to fulfill this ideal will encourage well prepared homilies, comprehensive religious education programs for young and old, and Bible oriented prayer groups. -Servant. This model considers the Church _as a group of people reaching out, trying to make the world a better place in which we live, working to overcome today's injustice and misery. A Thanksgiving Day Mass with food for the poor and a committee for the missions are two possibilities which flow from the servant Church model.


Cross-Section Of Catholics At Meeting WASHINGTON (NC) - Delegates to the Oct. 21-23 "Call to Action" conference in Detroit, sponsored by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' (NCCB) Committee for the Bicentennial, represent a cross-sec· tion of 'V.S. Catholic Church membership, conference planners here said. 'Fhe ,more than 800 official delegates already registered for the conference include five cardinals, 81 bishops, public officials, high school students, blacks and native Americans. About half the delegates are laity and represent the desired "mix" of minorities and underprivileged, planners said.

'CHRIST GLORIFIED,' a sculpture by Jewish artist Luise Kaish, hangs in a Maryland seminary chapel. Mary Maher says it depicts "a- strong, potent risen Lord who seems to come in a Herculean way from the very material in which it is embedded."

St. Paul Does Create Differences Continued from Page Twelve said, "If a pogrom were here. and someone knocked on my synagogue door,. who would save my sons?" His head dropped and then suddenly focused directly onto his' minister friend. "Lyle would. Lyle would." One felt that the young rabbi had himself long shared some of his friend's harder hours of proclaiming the Gospel. Spiritual Colossus There is in a seminary here in the D. C. area a statue of a strong, potent risen Lord who ·seems to come in a Herculean way from the very material in which it Is embedded. The arms are strong, imaged in Old Testament Mosaic strength and bold courage. Often it has seemed to me that the image is a more spiritual Colossus than an historical Christ. Yet, whatever, it is lovely, big, bold and uncompromising. It is strong and seems incapable of the malice of reducing differences to platitudes by virtue of misplaced piety. It is the work of a Jewish artist. 'Paul did stress that for Christians, the Old Covenant made with Moses had been replaced by Jesus Christ who claimed to inaugurate the New Covenant. There is no way short of distortion to change His claim for purposes of ecumenism. No Jew can accept his claim; no Christian can reject it. So Paul leaves us with Jesus' claim and we face an understandable dilemma. iBut Paul himself warns Christians against showing contempt for Jewish people when he reminds them that they (Christians) are wild branches grafted into the olive tree itself to share its life. "... Remember that you "ACT NOW - Turn spare time into $$$! Be a SANTA's .Demonstrator, earn comi$$lons up to 30% • OR • have a Toy & Gift Party in your home and earn FREE Gifts. Our 29th year! Call or write SANTA's Parties, Avon, Conn. 06001. Phone 1 12031 673·3455. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES."

do not support the root: it is the root that supports you" (11, 18). And he invites his listeners to a ~ove of the Jews, since they are "still loved by God for the sake of their ancestors" (11, 28). The U. S. bishops, in their Nov. 20, 1976 statement, said: "In effect, we find in the Epistle to the Romans (Ch. 9-11) long-neglected passages which help us to construct a new and positive attitude toward' the Jewish people. There is here a task Incumbent on theologians, as yet hardly begun, to explore

the continuing relationship of the Jewish people with God and their spiritual bonds with the New Covenant and the fulfillment of God's plan for both Church and Synagogue." Like Jacob, we may be called to be wounded and healed ·to receive more understanding. We may be caIled upon to be "anawim," the little ones of the Lord of the Hebrew Scripture who were given understandIng because they dared to depend for it beyond themselves.

Plan to Observe Franciscan F'ete ASSISI (NC) - Three thousand Franciscan monks and nuns will gather here in September to inaugurate the celebration of the 750th year since the death of St. Francis of Assisi in 1226. Father Costantino Maria Vincenti, of the Assisi office coordinating the year-long celebration, said the 3,000 Religious will celebrate Mass Sept. 29 in the famed Basilica of St. Francis in this Umbrian hillside town. Other celebrations will follow over the next year, during which the Catholic world will remember the bourgeois boy from Assisi who renounced his worldly position to become Italy's patron saint and the inspirttion for

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the worldwide Franciscan Order. The program for the anniversary year will be announced early in Sc;ptember, Father Vincenti said. He added that the inal1gural cerer 'ony on Sept. 29 will be prec . ..led by a meeting here of Franciscan superiors, both male and female, Sept. 21-28. The meeting will include superiors from abroad, and also some nonCatholic heads of Religious orders, he said.

The purpose of the conference, the culmination of 18 months of consultation and preparation, is to develop a five-year social action plan for the U.S. Catholic Church with the goal of achieving "Liberty and Justice for All," the theme of the NCCB bicentennial project. One of the delegates is 56year-old Mary Harper of the Scott, Ark., Economic Oppc-i:unity Agency staff, a Little I )ck diocesan delegate, and a 30-year veteran of the cotton fields, where she started working at age 10. From 41 States She later moonlighted as a domestic servant and school bus driver to support her nine children. She lost another nine children at birth. Resuming her education in middle age, she received her high school certificate in 1971, at the age of 51, and has since earned 59 college credits. Ninety-four of the nation's 176 Catholic dioceses and 70 church organizations, of 100 invited, so far have named official delegates to the October session. In several instances, the bishop chose not to include himself as an official delegate. The early listing shows delegates corning from 41 states and from locations ranging from Alaska to 'the Virgin Islands.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 29,1976

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Life In Music I NEED -TO BE IN LOVE By The Dameans

PORTRAYS JESUS: Byron Utley (sta'1ding in left photo) portrays title role in "Jesus Christ, Lawd Today," all-black musical presentation of life of Christ. As a result of being in show, Utley says, "I find myself reading the Bible more. I'm getting a clearer view of what Christ's life was really like." (NC Photos)

Playing Part ofJesus Changes Life Of Young Black Actor By PAULA LA BECK WASHINGTON (NC) - When former National Catholic News Service employe Byron Utley tried out for an all-black musical, he was hoping for a part in the chorus. But he wound up with the lead, as Jesus. Utley, 25, an editorial clerk at NC News for 18 months, plays the title role in "Jesus Christ, Lawd Today," a musical re-crea-


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tion of the life of Christ. He said that playing the part has changed his life. "Playing Jesus has been an overwhelming experience," Utley said. "Being in the show has made me more spiritual. It has also changed the way I relate to other people." Explaining that- he has a "terrible temper," Utley said he finds it easier to control now. "I see the same effect on the other people in the show." The cast seems almost like a family, Utley said, describing the first time they rehearsed thp. Last Supper. "We seemed to be reliving the true experiences. We aU broke down and cried. It wasn't acting any more, and we couldn't help but feel God's presence." Another result of being in the

No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is 'a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATILEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAlRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Pla~, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD,. Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.

show for Utley has been increased awareness of the Bible. ",I find myself reading the Bible more," he said. "I'm now learning things I was never told about in school and getting a clearer view of what Christ's life was really like." Utley describes the show as "just like the New Testament but with a 20th-century flair." "Like other shows about Jesus, we are trying to speak in language that people today can understand," the actor said. "It differs from other shows in that it explores what happens today not only to black people but all oppressed people of the world." Further describing the show as a spiritual and political musical, Utley said it tries to emphasize the importance of unity among mankind. Black Roles Needed "The world is our-home and we - all ethnic groups - must take care of it," he said. "We must be true to ourselves and true to each other -1ike Christ." The olay begins with the death of Christ followed by a flashback to the Annunciation. The life of Christ up to the time of His death and resurrection is then seen through the eyes of the mother Mary, the narrator. The show's music is "Gospel" rather than rock, Utley said. Utley was born and raised in Washington, D.C., where he still lives. He spent two years at a parochial school here, attended . Ballou High School and Washington Technical Institute where he majored in advertising and de- sign. During the time he worked at NC News, he took dancing lessons at night. He has also had five years of theater training. Utley said there is a great Turn to Page Fifteen

The hardest thing I've ever done Is keep believing there's someone In this crazy world for me. The way that people come and go Through temporary lives My chance could come And I might never know. I used to say, "No promises, Let's keep it simple." But freedom only helps you say goodbye. It took a while for me to learn That nothing comes for free . The price I've paid is high enough for me. I know I need to be in love I know I'v~ wasted too much time I know I ask perfection Of a quite imperfect world And fool enough to think That's what I'll find So here I am with pockets full of good intentions But none of them will comfort me tonight. And wide awake at 4 A.M. Without a friend in sight, . I'm hanging on a hope . But I'm aU right. Sung by The Carpenters Written by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis Š klmo Music 1976, ASCAP Like most of the Carpenters' songs, their latest single touches an experience common ~o all: the need to be in love. The need is universal and perhaps our strongest motivating force. But despite that, it does not always happen easily and the Carpenters help us reflect on the reasons. Our first difficulty is the climate of our age, which sees change as the only constant. With so much designed to be disposable, we get the impression that everything must be temporary, including love. We even build that temporariness into our relationships with, "No promises, let's keep it simpie." Since few things are certain to 1ast, we hate to tie ourselves down to anything in case we should need to let go quickly. This lack of ties we call "freedom." Soon, however, we discover that, "freedom only helps you say goodbye." , If there is nothing to hold you there is no reason to believe that love will last. The singer comes to grips with the problem, even though "it took a whi'le to learn." She discovers "that nothing comes for free." For love to be satisfying and lasting it requires that the lover he willing to pay a price, commitment. Commitments go against the grain in our culture because of the emphasis on temporariness and freedom. Real freedom, however, involves making a choice and this means committing oneself to something. Once the choice is made a person is freed to invest totally in that selection. Hopefully the investment well pays off. But without it there can be no reward. With choice and commitment come real freedom. Without such a choice, a person is merely a slave to indecision and a constant victim of "temporary 'lives." Without such a commitment a person may recognize the "need to be in love" but will never really satisfy it.

LINCOLN PARK ROUTE 6 - between Fall River and New Bedford

OP'EN DAILY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~II River-Thurs. July 29, 1976

Support Continental Walk Members of the Provincial Council of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, with headquarters in Fairhaven, have passed a resolution supporting the Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice, a coast-to-coast walk designed to call attention to efforts to improve the quality of American life and to express opposition to oppression of minorities and manufacture of armaments. Members of the congregation, which staffs 10 parishes and two institutions in the Fall River diocese were urged to participate in the walk as it passes through the Wareham-New Bedford-Fall River area August 13, 14 and 15. They were further urged to use this opporunity to acquaint those they serve with Church. teaching on war and social justice, and to ask parishioners to join the walk. Cross-Country Journey Although the walk is primarily being accomplished by "links," with members of each participating community walking to the next community, a _ core of some 50 people are making the the entire cross-country journey. Walkers left San Francisco last January and expect to reach Washington, D. C. in October~ Teach-ins, leafleting and demonstrations have been organized along the route by participating communities. Further information on the

Golfers Comp'ete In Cya Tourney Sixty-five young men participated in the Attleboro Area CYO Golf tournament held at Norton Country Club. Top scorers for the senior division were Alan Boyer, 71; James Taylor, 75; Tom Ohlson, 79. Intermediate leaders were Peter Ohlson, 76; Jeff Cooper, 76; Bill Vine, 77. Junior rankers were Gary Dulude; 80; Sean Silvia, 82; Jim Bell, 82; Bill Norberg, 82; and cadet scorers were Gregg Barrett, 43; Bili Cassells, 43; and Brad Steele, Barry Wood, Carsten Hartvig and Gerry McAndrews, all 47. . Recorder for the event was Arthur Cote and the program was supervised by Rev. Normand J. Boulet, area CYO director.

Part of Jesus Continued from Page Fourteen need for more roles for blacks in .the American theater. "Playwrights are only just now beginning to realize that blacks have a place in the arts," he said. After the show closes here, it could go on to Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and possibly Broadway, Utley said. He will continue to study dance and theater. According to Utley, the finale of the show, "Lift Every Voice," also known as the Black National Anthem, says a lot about mankind's situation, his own situation and his home and his hope for a better world. His voice trembled as he recited it: "Lift every voice and sing 'Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmony of liberty Facing the rising sun of our neW day begun Let us march on to victory."

project is available from Rev. Robert Nee, SS.CC.,. Sacred Hearts Community, Wareham, telephone 617-295-7705, and from Jo McGowan, 80 Underwood St., Fall River, telephone 617-678-7994.

The ' Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Major award winners at the 15th annual parish summer festival were Frank Boyko Jr., Somerset, Patricia Cardoza, Fall River, and L.J. Harrison, Somerset. A Mass of thanksgiving for the success of the event will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. L ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY AND ST. MARY, ONSET In communion with other parishes thoughout the United States, a week-long schedule of special liturgies has been planned to coincide with activities at the Eucharistic Congress. A Poor Man's Supper will be served at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2, preceded by a 6 p.m Mass; and at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3 there will be a Mass for the Needs of the Sick, at which time the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be given. The ceremony will take place simultaneously with an identical service at the congress. Patients of any age, anyone over 60 and anyone facing an operation are invited to receive the sacrament, and relatives and friends are urged to be present. A social hour with refreshments will follow the Mass. All-day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place Wednesday, Aug. 4, Clergy and Religious Day at the congress. It will end at 7 p.m. with Benediction. A special speaker has also been planned for this occasion. All services during the week wiU be conducted at St. Margaret's Church.

New Life "He bent over the corpse of the dead world, and whispered a word of faith ... uttered words then unknown: - love, sacrifice, a heavenly origin. And the dead arose. A new life circulated through the clay, which philosophy had tried in vain to reanimate." Joseph Mazzini, "Essays." 1887.

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membership in the Shia minority within the Moslem faith. Most Moslems belong to the Sunni branch of that religion, and the Sunnis, according to Father Labaky, are "fanatical." To further complicate the picture, Bishop Aboujaoude emphasized that "the Lebanese in general - and I can speak for my community - wholeheartedly support the Palestinian cause. Those people are entitled to have • a state of their own," he told NC News. "But the trOUble came when they wanted to solve the Palestinian problem at the expense of Lebanon," he added. Both Bishop Aboujaoude and Father Labky oppose the solution which becomes more and more mentioned as the war, now in its 16th month, drags on: partition. "De facto, there is partitioll now," the bishop said. "But we don't want it. The Maronites Bishop Roland Aboujaoude' have always opposed partition."

Maronite-Rite Bishop Says Strife Not Religious By Thomas J. Barbarle WASHINGTON (NC) - The civil war that has transformed Lebanon from a thriving commercial hation into a chaotic land reeking of gunpowder and death is not a religious war, according to a Lebanese bishop now touring the United States seeking relief funds. "It is not religious in its nature nor in.it9'.origins," said Bishhop Roland Aboujaoude, patriarchal vicar for Maronite Catholics in Lebanon. "But of course there are religious overtones," to the struggle, he added. Bishop Aboujaoude and Father Mansour Labsky, a pastor from Damours, a Christian village, are visiting Maronite-rite parishes throughout the United States, Canada as well as some in Africa, in an attempt to raise funds to deal with a refugee crisis. Both men insisted that the war is between those who wish to see Lebanon continue to· exist as a pluralistic democracy and those seeking the eradication or expulsion from Lebanon of all non-Moslems. Complex Struggle The complex nature of the struggle, they indicated, can be appreciated by considering that

when Syria intervened, it did so on the side of the so-called "Christian rightists," despite a long history of support for the "Palestinian leftists." According to the bishop, that move was prompted by Syrian President Hafez al-Assad's conviction that the Palestinian Moslem opponents of Lebanon's Christians were becoming too powerful - alopg with Assad's

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An Addition The mini-biography of Father John De Valles which appeared in last week's issue of The Anchor noted that the heropriest founded the first Portuguese school in the U. S. but failed to give its name. It was Espirito Santo School, Fall River, which opened its doors in 1910 and has a current enrollment of nearly 400 children.


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