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t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 31



Women topic of UN parley

Lots of flak re holy days An emotional outpouring of reaction has been triggered by a proposal that the obligatJion to attend Mass be dropped on four of the six U.S. holy days. While some Catholics ~lre highly critical of reducing tile holy days, others agree that some should be withdrawn from the church calendar. The proposal, released in midMay by the bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, has been drawing reaction in surveys conducted by Catholic newspapers, in letters to the editor, and dn Catholic press editorials and columns. The Evangelist, newspaper of the Diocese of Albany, N..Y., reported that one-third of the respondents to a survey wanted the present holy days retained. Another third wanted even more holy days added. One-fourth said they believed some holy days should be eliminated. Leading suggestions for m~w holy days were Good Friday, Holy Thursday, and Thanksgiving Day. The holy days proposal also has been a major topic of cliscussdon ·in letters to the editor in the Catholic press. Anchor correspondent Mrs. Josephine Patenaude of Taunton voiced the concern of ~ny when she asked, "Is it true that all the holy feasts of obligation will be taken out except the Immaculate Conception? Why? :l'm shocked if it is true." Patrica Vasil of Cleveland disagreed with the argument t:::lat poor attendance was a reason for dropping the obHgatJions ~md remarked, "I wonder why c':lnvenience is more important than the celebration of Jesus through the Mass regardless if 1,000 attend or a handful." And Janet Kilcoyne of Middlesboro, Ky., argued that if the bishops used the criterion of participation, they then might argue that the Sacrament of ReconcHiation should be dropped, along with church teaching on artificial birth control. Syndicated columnist Dale Fr~mcis, in a column appealing in mid-June, strongly objected to the proposal, noting especially that it was made without consulting American CathoLies. But a month later Francis wrote that while a majority still opposed the idea, he received many letters agreeing with the proposal. He said they gave two )~ea­ sons: - It sometimes is impossible Turn to Page Six

20c, $6 Per Year

By Nancy Frazier NC News Service

The chief Vatican delegate to the United Nations World Conference on Women, Bishop J. Cordes, called for new efforts to combine employment and family duties for women and to improve their health care and educational opportunities Bishop Cordes, vice president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, spoke at the conference site in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference, which ended yesterday, was attended by the bishop and five other Vatican delegates including Msgr. James T. McHugh, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., who is a member of the laity council and former director of the U.S. bishops' Office for ProLife Affairs. The conference gathered about 1,500 delegates from 140 nations to consider ways of improving the status of women. Two major topics of the Copenhagen conference were the effects of apartheid on women in South Africa and the effects of Israeli occupation on Palestinian women inside and outside the occupied territories. In his speech, Bishop Cordes discussed the Vatican's views on women's issues involving equality, development and peace. "When the Catholic Church and its members stress the value and dignity of women, it is not simply because we have become MR. AND MRS. JOHN R. McGINN stand on stairway often used by Lizzie Borden. aware of the importance of their social role," he said.. "It is above all out of our fidelity to revelation, which lies at the root of our Christian faith," the German bishop added. Bishop Cordes said the Vatican sees work "not only as a By Pat McGowan The garden and outbuildings handling budget envelopes for means of earning one's living, but also as a means whereby of Lizzie's day are long gone, many diocesan parishes. The print shops of most di- but the 1850s house where the' The McGinns bought the Liz- persons may develop their own ocesan newspapers are pretty bodies of her parents were found zie Borden house in 1947, some creative capacities and skills, a routine places: linotypes or cold on that hot AUgust day is struc- 20 years after what is now the participation in the process of type equipment, type fonts, turally unchanged, even to' an print shop had been added, orig- building a more just society." makeup tables. But "activities performed by old warm water well in the inally as a Kewpie doll factory. McGinn, a lifelong resident of women who remain in the home The Anchor's home base is cellar. different. It's built around the Although air conditioners the neighborhood, remembers .must also be considered dignihouse at 230 Second Street, Fall now jut from its windows, it is the house before the addition fied work," he added. River, where, 88 years ago on easily recognizable in 1892 was made. He said it was once Regarding health care, the Monday, Lizzie Borden either photographs. a rooming house and that later Vatican delegate urged ~e condid or did not pick up that faBut a kitchen door now opens an old couple ran a small button ference to "speak out in favor mous ax and give her father and into the Leary Press, where The business on its first floor. of programs of matel'ial and stepmother a disputed number of Anchor is printed, providing He chuckled as he recalled child health - programs that whacks. easy access for the press owner, that the house's association with protect and sustain both mother suspicious activities did not and child before as well as after When a door slams for no ap- John R. McGinn. and denounce those McGinn, a feisty 78, and his cease with Lizzie Borden's de- birth parent reason or there's an unexplained creak or thump in wife Josephine, 75, remain active parture. "At one time it was practices, such as abortion, that the print shop, the standard in the business, with Mrs. Mc- used for a betting operation. violate physical, moral or social comment is "There's Lizzie, up Ginn responsible for a thriving Activities were carried on in the health." to her tricks." sideline mailing operation, Turn to Page Six Turn to Page Six

Lizzie Borden'memorie's abound at The Anchor



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

WASHINGTON (NC) - Cuban refugees are being resettled in almost every state, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Catholic Conference Migration and Refugee Services. CHICAGO (NC) - 路Efforts are underway by more than 100 anti-abortion groups across the country for路 separate but coordinated protests Aug. 9at abortion clinics, according to the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago.

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (NC) - To help establishment of the long-proposed San Antonio Missions N~tional Historical Park, the Old Spanish Missions advisory board has offered, with stipulations, to give both the mission buildings and their lands to the National Park Service. The four historic missions involved are still active parishes.

THE TRIALS OF MARRIED UFE begin early for this bride, delayed en route to her reception by a flat tire. AnyWay, she had a well-dressed crew of mechanics.

NEW YORK (NC) - A l,589-page petition was sent to Soviet 'President Leonid Brezhnev by Lithuanian Catholics asking the Soviet leader to return St. Mary's Queen of 'Peace Church to the Catholics in the Lithuanian city of Klaipeda.

BALTIMORE (NC) - JohnF.Plain, former associate director of the Catholic Public Bradcasting Commission, is the new staff executive for UNDA USA, the Catholic organization for broadcasters and allied communicators.

MADRID, Spain (NC) - The Catholic news weekly, Vida Nueva, said a visit to Spain by Pope John Paul EI in October 1981 "is practically firm." It cited an' official invitation by the Spanish rBishops' Conference.

IVREA, Italy (NC) - About 200 invited guests attended a Mass by suspended Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and saw him dedicate a new retreat house in the Italian Diocese of Ivrea.

OTTAWA (NC) - Marguerite Cloutier is the first woman to be named assistant general secretary of the French sector of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. She has been a staff member of the bishops' conference since 1963.

NO ONE TOLD US football practice would be like this, groan St. John Neumann High School athletes in Philadelphia as dance instructor Jo Anna Gargano puts them through a routine. Idea is to increase gridiron agility and flexibility.

SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - 'Father Joseph Witmer, associate director of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for 路Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, will be ,the U.S. Catholic bishops' official observer at the 1980 Convocation for Christian Leaders to be held at Stanford University, Palto Alto, Calif., Aug. 25-29.

ROME (NC) - The Ira,nian government began an official investigation of spying charges against nine 'Italian Salesian priests, Italian newspapers reported July 23. The priests, unidentified, were crdered to remain at the Andicheh School in Teheran until the investigation is completed, the reports said.

PETERBOROUGH, Ontario (NC) - The Ontario council of the Catholic Women's League urged at its annual convention that Ontario's Provincial Benefits Act should provide assistance to single fathers on the same basis as single mothers, who as separated, widowed, divorced, deserted or unmarried women can receive a monthly allowance permitt~ng them to remain at home and care for children.

WASHINGTON (NC) .- The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, has decried the recent coup in Bolivia, calling it a "tragic rejection of the democratic process."

TORONTO (NC) - The Catholic and Baptist churches are open to starting international dialogue but officials are proceding cautiously, according to information presented to the general meeting of the ,Baptist World Alliance in Toronto.

SCAFFOLDING SURROUNDS Rome's Temple of Saturn as architects mount attempt to save it and other ancient monuments from ravages of air pollution. At left, the Forum, at right, the Church of 55. Luke and Martina. (NC Photos)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (NC) - Rune P. Thuringer, an ex-Lutheran minister and NC News Service Scandinavian correspondent for many years, will be ordained a priest Sept. 6 in Stockholm.

THE ANCHORThurs., July 31, 1980

Aid to POp{~ is asked The traditional Peter's Pence collection in aid of papal charities will be taken up in all diocesan parishes this weekend. In announcing the collf~tion, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin wrote in a letter to the faithful: "Just a month ago, during the tiime of his pastoral visit to Brazil, the Holy Father powerfuIly dramatized his concern for thl~ poor when he spontaneously ga.ve his papal ring to a priest ministering among the favelados (slum-dweIlers) of Rio die Janeiro. "As the newspapers recounted the unexpected gesture on the part of the Pope brought a moment of silence, then applause from the poor gathered around him. Some among' them wept openly. "Such a gesture on the part of Pope John Paul II, while symbolic in nature, was nevertheless a very powerful one. In giving his papal ring to the poor, the pope urged all of us to cOJ:1st~nt­ ly 'think of the poor,' to 'think of those who do not have fmough who live in chronic misery, who suffer hunger.' and the pope further directed: 'Share with them.' "On next weekend, we shall have the traditional 'Peter's Pence' Collection-. The offereings of the faithful realized in this collection will be preseilited to the Holy Father to assist in his many works of charity. What better way of manifesti:ng our solidarity with Pope John Paul II in his active concern :for the poor than by our generous support of this ~mportant collection?" -

A million candles In one of her first actions as the newly-elected president of Catholic Golden Age (CGA), Margaret Mealey is :inviting Catholics to participate in the CGA second annual Million Candles Celebration. The celebration offers a way for Catholics to demonstrate concern of world peace by participating in the lighting of candIes in homes and parishen across the country. The prototype ceremony will be held at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Aug. 15 in conjunction with an annual Mass for CGA m.embers.

Good nite alrfeady After hosting a two-hour songfest for 250 Northern Irish youths at his summer rl~sidence in Castelgandolfo, Pope John Paul II was asked for a brief fareweIl message. "My message is very brief and very familiar," he responded. "Good nightl" ftllllflllllllllllll1"'WIIIIIUIIIIUlum'lIllllIlClI'WlIllIIlPllllIIlIlIIllIll PIlIlIIIIIII(III1I1f.....

THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-G20) Second Class Postale Paid et Fall RIver, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 H'lhland Avenue, Fall River, Mus. 02722 by the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ;hanl81 to The Anchor, P.O. EiOX 7, Fall River. MA 02722


New province, new bishops

LIKE A MAJESTIC WIDTE SHIP St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco looms on the city skyline. (NC Photo)

WASHINGTON(NC) - Pope John Paul II has established the new ecclesiastical province of Mobile, comprising dioceses in the states of Alabama and Mississippi. Mgr. Oscar H. Lipscomb, administrator of the Mobile diocese, has been appointed first archbishop of Mobile and metropolitan of the new province. The pope has also appointed Bishop Anthony M. Pilla as apostolic administrator of Cleveland pending appointment of a successor to Bishop James Hickey, named to the Washington archdiocese. The pontiff has accepted the resignation of Bishop John A. Donovan, 68, of Toledo, Ohio, and named Msgr. Benedict C. Franzetta -as auxiliary bishop of Youngstown, Ohio.

Vatican asks clergy redistribution VATICAN CITY (NC) -The Vatican wants a major redistribution of the world's clergy. ' In a document released last week by the Congregation for the Clergy it ordered all bishops' conferences to set up two commissions: "one for the better dLstribution of the clergy and another for the missions." To highlight the problem of pIliest-rich vs. priest-poor countries the document gave some current statistics. Among these were: - There are 16 priests per 100,000 Catholics in Latin America, while North America (the United States and Canada) has 120 per 100,000. - The 45 percent of the world's Catholics who live in North America and Europe are served by 77.2 percent of the world's priests. Another 45 percent of the world's Catholics live in Latin America and the Philippines, but only 12.62 percent of the world's priests \Serve those areas. - In terms of Catholic and non-catholic population, there are two priests per 100,000 people in Asia, while there are 29 per 100,000 in North America and 37 per 100,000 in Europe. The title of the new Vatican document is "Directive Norms for the Collaboration of the Particular' Churches Among Themselves and Especially for a Better Distribution of the Clergy in the World." It was signed by Cardinal Silvio Oddi, prefect of the clergy congregation, and Archbishop Maximino Romero De Lema, congregation secretary. The document said the uneven distribution of priests around the world has been aggravated by sharp drops ~n vocations in the late 1960s and the 1970s and by the large numbers of priests who left the active ministry in that same period. It viewed redistribution as only part of the solution, stressing that more priestly vocations and

a renewed missionary awareness throughout the church are the more b8JSic issues. (In 1962, when the number of Catholics was less than 600 million, there were about 422,000 priests, about one per 11,400 Catholics, and the priest shortage at the time was considered one of the significant problems to be

faced by the Second Vatican Council.) (In 1977, the last year for which complete church statistics have been published, the number of Catholics had risen to nearly 740 million, but the number of priests had dropped to 403,801, about one for every 1,800 Catholics.)

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the living word

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

themoorin~ Middle East Muddle It is difficult for most Americans to view the circumstances in Iran with calm objectivity. Ever since the international overthrow of the late Shah and the enthronement of a man who is a religious fanatic, even by Moslem standards, our \jew of Iran and Islam has taken on the momentum of an emotional yo-yo.

The vast majority of our citizens know little of the historical and political reality of Iran and indeed of the entire Middle East world. They understand to some degree what the newspapers print and believe confusedly what they see on television. As a result, they find it quite impossible to separate fact from fiction, the real from the fantastic. To complicate the turbulent situation even more, the general political climate of Iran has deeply influenced the temper of the times. Few politicians in the mainstream of presidential contention have failed to use the Iranian tumult and all that it implies for their own political potential. From patriotism to paternalism, the feelings of America have been manipulated for the all-powerful vote. When all is said and done, little consideration has honestly and openly been given to the suffering people involved in a situation that could well ignite total world conflict. As men are executed and hostages jailed, politics once more in our national history have prevailed over truth.. Until the time when political leaders are frank and open, when the media cease their inaccurate reporting and when the American public becomes less gullible and dependent, the world situation will remain unstable. TIiose few who try to make sense out of the confusion, who seek to bring at least a shred of integrity to honest reporting and who seek to realize a truly honorable American Middle East policy can only continue to point out that deception and duplicity can but serve to muddle further this issue which already has made us a bit mad. As all Americans plod along in this mess, it should be understood that in the current moral vacuum all have an obligation to honesty and objectivity. At the same time, it must be realized that this task will daily grow more difficult. Nevertheless, honesty and objectivity are incumbent on all who seek to bring some semblance of peace to that part of the world that for so many centuries has dominated man's destinies. Talk of retaliation, war and revenge will but continue to make us the puppets of a government gone mad with its . own self-importance and pride. We must have care and concern for our hostages, we must acknowledge and appreciate the cultural mores of a people foreign to our American mentality and we must always discern that as a nation we should be a force of moral rectitude. In the Middle East muddle, neither politics nor oil, presidents nor ayatollahs, tanks nor camels should deter us from facing reality, in all its tangles and complications, truthfully and consistently.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John F. Moore ~

Leary Press-Fall River


'Behold; I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands.' Jer. 21:4

The message of the pope By Father Kevin

J: Harrington

The travels of Pope John Paul II have given millions of Roman Catholics an opportunity to reflect upon the mission of the Church. His gift of zeal has proved refreshing. His clear understanding of the conflicts Jacing the church of the Third World in both Puebla and Braz!1 has provided church leaders with needed guidelines. In countless ways he has moved our consciences through his prophetic witness to the values of the gospel. Many of hils cI'itics claim that his refusal to endorse the tendency of some Third World church leaders to partake actively in partisan political causes has set the church back many years. As in the United States, the papal message disappointed many Catholics who are looking for a pope who always agrees with their personal reasonings. But the lack of clear direction on world and national issues has ended with the :present pontiff; and the fact that over 20 million of Brazil's 110 million Catholics 'Saw the pope is a clear sign that they, with the rest of the world,

desperately need a. spiritual teacher. While the media focused on the issue of political involvement, the fll!ithful must have been touched by a pope who gave his ring to a slum parish, who stood among the lepers and beside the hovels .of families condemned to near starvation. John Paul II walked a careful tightrope. He delicately and properly balanced his message on what the church must do to meet the social and spiritual needs of Brazil. He did not gloss over the problems of poverty and social injustices, nor did he mince words in describing the inequities he saw in a nation where 10 percent of the people oontrol half of the wealth. He stated: "Anyone who sees the reality of Latin America, the way it looks today, must agree that the realization of justice faces a clear dilemma. It will either evolve through bold and sweeping reforms, respecting principles of human dignity, .or it will come about - but without lasting or beneficial effect, of this I am convinced - through

violence. "Each of you must make the moment. All societies, if they don't want to be destroyed from within, must establish a just society. This doesn't mean class war - because class war is sterile and destructive - but a noble struggle for the benefit of all society." Those who argue that social justice can only be achieved through the Church's meddling with politics have forgotten an important lesson of history. When the pope draws a line between the affairs of the church and those of the state, he shows a profound understanding of the church's history. A noble struggle for society will never be achieved without spiritual food and ammunition. The response of the poor to the pope's visit shows how receptive they are to the spiritual truths he teaches. He provided the wealthy of Brazil with a powerful reminder of how far they need to go to meet the ~aterial needs of their poor. The whole world needs to listen to this message.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

Univ'er'sal mother Historical and spiritual panic riding home from the hosfigures aren't supposed to pital with a new baby about whom I knew nothing. She unchange but it astonishE~s me derstood my guilt a few weeks at how. our Blessed Mother later for wishing I could take

has changed from the beginning of my life to the middle. When I was a little girl, for example, Mary was an intervener, a shield between me and God, between me and the darle, and between me and those adults in my life who were temporarily unhappy with me. My whispered prayers were the desperate ones of the child, "if you get me out of this, Mary, I'll be, good the rest of my life." When 'I was a teenager, Mary was the one caring adult who really understood how I felt. She alone knew how misunderstood I was, how much I anguished over not being prE~ty or popular enough, or how much I worried about my future life. To that Mary, I prayed, " Help others understand me and make life pleasanter for me." When I was a young teacher, Mary became an assistant principal. "Help me through this situation, Mary," I breathed, as I confronted a belligerent delinquent or faced an angry parent, giving Mary all the qualifications of a supporting administr,iltor. When I was a young mother, so was Mary. She understood my



this child back. She understood my fear over sudden high temperatures, the first lie and bad school reports. dissolving as so many are around During those years, I prayed, us." "Mother of mothers, help me." When I pray to Mary as a Gone were those earlier Marys. writer, she becomes an editor All I needed was a sister mother and a reader "Help me meet this who had been there and who deadline, Mother of God." Or, had some control over things. "I'm not getting the message Now that I am a mother of over. Help me find the right teenagers, Mary is a co-conspira- words." As I rip sheet after sheet tor. Jesus was a teenager, I con- out of the typewriter, I count sole myself, and I know that at on her to hand me one more least once she worried about blank one and the encouragewhere he was and when she ment to keep at it. found him, he replied a little Finally, as I pray to Mary as tartly that it really wasn't her a Christian feminist, I am heartbusiness. Oh, how that helps at ened by the idea that when times. My prayers go more like God wanted to start his church, this, "Oh, Mary, help us to pass he went first to a lay woman. these years with love, under- "You made that first decision, standing and speed." Magnificent Woman. We haven't When I pray to Mary as a made too many since and things wife, it, too, is a different pray- don't look too bright for us, but er. Mary becomes a wife and I .stay by our sides when we are realize that she and Joseph must put down. Don't let us get cynihave spoken together about their cal and discouraged or drop out relationship and roles. Did they of the role you modeled for us ever want to just go away to- as churchgiver, sU'stainer, and gether and forget their awesome truster in God's ultimate plan." responsibility? "Mary, enrich our I wonder what Mary will be marriage," I pray. "Keep it from like in 20 years.

Churc:h vs. State Isn't it time someone took the reporters covering papal trips aside and explained to them that the pope's repeat-


that when the church gets too heavily involved in day-to-day politics it is going to be blamed for the mistakes politicians make whether the mistakes be of the left or the right. It is arguable that the economic programs of Brazil's generals are the only way for that country to make effective economic progress and eliminate the worst of its poverty.

ed warnings against the church getting involved in party politics are not "conservative?" For a couple of centuries the church in Latin America has been deeply involved in the po-. litical game - almost always on the side of the conservatives and It is also arguable that the reactionaries. When the'se rePinochet economics (courtesy of gimes became oppressive, the the University of Chicago) are church was identified in the necessary to save Chile from the minds of the people with opeconomic chaos created by the pression. Allende regime. Now some church thinkers On economic grounds the posiand Leaders want to become in- tions are defensible, if by no volved on the side of the, Marx- means certain. But neither are ists. All Marxist regirr..es be- the arguments supporting Marxcome oppressive once they have ist alternatives certain. The power (a law to which I defy Marxist solution is not divine you to find a single exception.) revelation no matter what the Church support for Marxism liberation theologians think. will continue the mista.kes of The pope's position that the the past - the church will still church should vigorously debe identified with oppressors. nounce injustice but leave to its It may make a difference to for- laity the practical development eign journalists, but it does not of political and economic stratemake any difference to the vic- gies is the result of a long and tims whether the oppression is painful development in Cathfrom the left or the right. olic social theory. It evolved out Similarly with American poli- of the repeated mistakes church tics. If Bob Drinan had been a leaders have made through the conservative Republican done in centuries of tying the church by a Catholic left-wing group, too closely to political regimes no one would have screamed and systems. about the pope backing a "conLiberation theologians (whose servative" policy. But thl~ "right Marxist goals would represent to life" movement did Drinan in, anything but liberty) may not and so the pope's pOlicy becomes understand this history of the "conservative." pope's teaching. They may be In fact, the policy is neither too busy in their manic enthusiliberal nor conservative but pru- asm for Castro-like regimes in dent. It is based on the wisdom Latin America to ponder the

Donkey g,ets ll,ervous Zbigniew Brzezinski, the president's national security adviser, gave the delegates to the Democratic Party



the party, can expect to be humored in New York in August. It is only those questions that have the odor of repudiation that are to be ruled out. So Kennedy's remedies for the economy will not pass because adoption would imply an unacceptable personal criticism of Carter. The president pointed out recently when he was in his "conciliatory" mode toward Kennedy that he has the delegate votes to "ride over" the dissidents, but will. not exercise brute force to build the party platform. Instead of mollifying Kennedy sentiment, however, his statement has had the effect of reinforcing their conviction he has no convictions about any issue but himself. Kennedy delegates say that by A:ugust, when the real platform fight will begin, the economy may be so much worse that some Carter delegates, particularly union members, might defect to Kennedy in a floor fight on something like the wage-andprice control question. Carter has been feeding their hopes lately by displaying considerable nervousness. Actually, he has been throughout his career an all-points bulletin kind of politician - a style that seemed excusable from an obscure, one-term Southern governor, but has occasioned some unease when practiced by the leader of the Western World. His partisans protest that his annoyance with Kennedy is natural, because Kennedy's persistence prevents him from gearing up for the main bout with Ronald Reagan in the fall. That, of course, is what the Kennedy people like about their man's stand. Most of them agree Carter has the nomination. They just want to have a go at making a Democrat out of him before they give it to him. Carter's problem with Ken. nedy is that he cannot decide whether to embrace him or erase him. Beating Kennedy has not been enough; Carter seems to want to humiliate him into the ground. That might give him considerable personal satisfaction, but it could also mean that Democrats who come away from the convention convinced they have nominated a Republican, might just stay home in November - or go off and vote for John Anderson. It's no wonder the president is edgy. But all he does by continuing to show it is to convince the Kennedyites that he has reason to be.

Platform Committee a stately discussion about "the morality and compassion" that distinguishes Carter's foreign policy from that of Nixon and Kissinger. Brzezinski made particular reference to the signing of the Panama Canal treaties. Mary Anne Neville, a delegate from Delaware, got up and demanded to know how registration of 18-year-olds - which was at that moment being voted in the Senate - was "revelant" to claims of morality. "I was particularly referring to the aspiratios of small nations who were denied the right to seek their own identity," said the president's spokesman. "I have in mind our support of majority rule in Africa . . . As to registration, this represents a reoognition that democracy is prepared to defend itself." Neville shrugged her shoulders and sat down. That was pretty much the way it was at the platform commitBy . tee. The argument was never really joined. REV. President Carter hopes the ANDREW M•. drafting committee will provide the debate that Sen. Edward GREELEY Kennedy craves so much he has made it a condition of releasing his 1,300 delegates to the convention. Kennedy had intended to make careful and nuanced wisdom of the pope on this matter. They a personal appearance to shake may not even care that when the things up a bit, but Carter has teaching was finally enunciated been putting a heavy hand on the in the 1930s it was hailed by senator's bookings - recently every Catholic who claimed to threatening to cancel his tum be a liberal as the end of clerical- at the national mayors' conference in Seattle if Kennedy were ism. Yet someone ought to tell the to speak on the same day. The platform committee, press that clericalism of the left is no better than clerical- which, like all of the party machinery, is under the president's ism of the right. The Latin American church, control, invited Kennedy to testicurrently exporting its libera- fy just ahead of representatives tion theology to the rest of the of the White House staff - thus world despite its lack of domes- implying they were worthy optic success, is still a clericalist ponents for a beaten challenger. It is understood the president church. It is still repeating the mistakes of the past. The pope's will accommodate the liberals on warnings against mistakes are a number of matters, except, of course, the central Kennedy ininecessary and wise. tiatives, wage and price controls and gas rationing. ' In 1976, Carter was equally flexible - or expedient. He accepted uncongenial views on arms-control, nuclear power, August 15 Rev. Charles W. Cullen, 1926, nuclear proliferation, arms sales, Founder, Holy Family, East federalization of welfare, and even a national health insurance Taunton plan. Once in office, he forgot all August 17 about them. Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, This time, he will go along 1882, Pastor, Holy Trinity, West with anything that will beguile Harwich Foolproof method the liberals - anything, that is, "There are people who make August 18 that does not bear the Kennedy Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan, brand. The left-wingers, who, no mistakes because they never 1977, Pastor Emeritus, Holy incidentally prefer to call them- try to do anything worth doing." selves the "traditionalists" of - Goethe Family, East Taunton



THE ANCHORThurs., July 31, 1980

Memories Continued from page one attic and the fireplaces were rigged so that, if a police raid threatened, megal materials could be thrown down to the cellar and a waiting furnace." McGinn and his wife are casual about the Lizzie Borden connection and although willing to chat to the summer tourists who come by the dozens to gaze at the murder house, are adamant about refusing peeks at the interior. "It's our home," declares McGinn, "not a tourist attraction." When Elizabeth Montgomery starred in the television "Legend of Lizzie ·Borden," he was similarly unreceptive to the request of one bold fan to watch the show "in the house where it happened."

Lots of flak Continued from page one to get to Mass on a week day. Those who can't sometimes feel they are in serious sin. "The argument was that we should not burden people with scrupulosity derived by a rule," said Francis. - Going to Mass on holy days is so hurried that it lacks the sense of celebration that could be achieved if the holy day were moved to Sunday. According to Father Thomas Krosnicki, director of the bishops' liturgy secretariat, some 200 American bishops have subIIllitted their reaction to the ol'liginal proposal. He said committee members plan to have a final recommendation by Aug. 15. The administrative committee of the U.S. bishops then will decide whether to pass the matter on. to the full body for a vote, possibly in November. If approved, the dssue still would need Vatican approval. The original proposal called for. dropping the obligation to attend Mass. on the feasts of the solemnity of Mary, Ascension Thursday, the Assumption and All Saints' Day. The only holy days to be retained would be Christmas and the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

"No way!" was his response.

THE SOFA WHERE Andrew Borden was found slain once stood against this wall in the Lizzie Borden house at 230 Second St., Fall ~iver.

The Lizzie Borden association with the Fall River diocese does not end at the Leary Press. The residence of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and the adjoining diocesan chancery office are less than half a block from Maplecroft, the ornate Queen Anne mansion in the fashionable Highlands section of Fall River which Lizzie bought after being acquitted of the murder of her father and stepmother.

UN parley Continued from page one To provide full educational opportunities for women "it is necessary to overcome the prejudices, the ingrained habits and the economic conditions which • even today deprive or limit women," he said. Bishop Cordes said women's issues must be viewed "within the much broader context of the construction of a 'civilization of love,' toppling the myths and overcoming idolatrous forms of power, health and sex that are in currency in our contemporary societies, and working towards the liberation of all human energies." On July 22, Elizabeth. LovettDolan of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO) addressed a conference committee.

Soon after Lizzie moved to Maplecroft, neighborhood children began singing the ubiquitous "Lizzie Borden took an ax" jingle, while area newspapers yearly kept memories alive with anniversary stories on the murders. Eventually, says Victoria lincoln in her book on the case, "A Private Disgrace," the stories were stopped - "I believe at the suggestion of Monsignor Cassidy, a religious activist full of good works." The "activist" was the late Bishop James E. Cassidy of Fall River and legend has it that Lizzie, once a Congregational Sunday School teacher, was so grateful for his intervention that she made a sizable donation to Catholic Charities.

"We believe that a strengthened family unit, in which women and men are equal partners, offers a sound base and valuable support for women's participation in new role and in the broader society," she said.

Maplecroft itself was in the headlines earlier this summer as its present owners, attempting to sell it, thought briefly ·that it would be purchased by a Colorado couple who planned to tum it into a Lizzie Borden museum. The plan, however, fell through and the house is still available to anyone with a spare $79,900.

"Without that support and the necessary understanding which informs it, difficulties may and do arise which hamper or restrict women's advancement, or even lead to the break-up of the family," Mrs. Lovett-Dolan added. Members of WUCWO participated in the conference and in a parallel session for non-governmental organizations called the Forum.

Today cabinets block the second floor bedroom door through which horrified policemen had their first glimpse of the murdered Mrs. Borden, and a television set has replaced the first floor sofa where Andrew Borden was found. .But the front hall with its small steep staircase remains unchanged, as does the original interior arrangement of the 10-room house..

LEARY PRESS (center), where The Anchor is printed, wraps around the Lizzie Borden house. Bottom, in the print shop where some think Lizzie's ghost walks, Father John F. Moore, editor, checks issue with Carlton Gagnon, l:enter, printer, and Ronald Evans, Leary Press president.

Meanwhile, at the Anchor print shop, there are still those who tum rather quickly at an unexpected noise. But Monday will be a cheerful day. As well as the 88th anniversary of the murders, it's the 57th wedding anniversary of John and Josephine McGinn. -

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur" July 31, 1980

Sr. Ann Ma.rie coordinates Survival Slimmer progra~ Next Wednesday, Aug. 6, is the 35th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The bombing of Nagasaki followed on Aug. 9, 1945. In the years since, the world has moved closer to a complete nuclear holocaust, with vastly improved capabilities dn both wartime and peacetime use of the atom. Calling the outlook terrifying, a coalition of concerned organIjzations is sponsoring "Survival Summer." National supporters include the National Assembly of Women Religious, Clergy and Laity Concerned and the American Friends Service Committee. In the Fall River area, the contact person for Survival Summer is Sister Ann Marie Phillips, SUSC, who may be reached at St. James Convent, Ti.verton, R.I. telephone 624-4232. At an in'itial meeting oj; representatives of area organizations Sister Ann Marie discussed some of the implications of "life under the nuclear cloud," offering facts such as the following: - At least 10 accidents in the last four years have occurred at nuclear power plants or have involved the radioactivl~ fuels that power them, the latest affecting the Three Mile Island plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. - A government study predicts that a "worst Ca!ie" nuclear reactor accident would cost 45,000 lives. $17 billion in property damage, and would contaminate an area the size of Pennsylvania. - In research funded by the Atomic Energy Commission, scientist Dr. Thomas Manouse determined that "safe" workradiation levels were 10 times higher than they should be, and that even a minute dose of radiation can cause genetic damage, leukemia, and other forms of cancer. At Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Richland, Washington, where Mancuso conducted his study, 430,000 gallons of high level storage waste had leaked fro mtanks into the soil. When faced with Mllncuso's

.James SulliYan Very Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, was principal celebrant last week for the funeral Mass of his father, James H. Sullivan. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presided' and imparted the final blessing and Very Rl~V. John P. Driscoll was homilist. Sullivan, 83, was a retired member of the Fall River fire department and a Navy vetrean of World War I. In addition to Father Sullivan, he is survived by tWl) other sons, John J. Sullivan, a Fall River teacher, and James H. Sullivan Jr., a member of the composing room staff of the Fall River Herald News; three daughters, Mrs. Roger Lachapelle, East Freetown; Mrs. William Collins, Fall River; and Mrs. James Pimentel, RN, Fall River; and a sister, Margaret M. Sullivan of Fall River.

findings, the A.E.C. chose to suppress his research. A typical nuclear reactor produces 400-600 pounds of plutonium annually. Ten pounds of plutonium is needed to make an atomic bomb. One pound of plutonium distributed in microgram quantities could spread lung cancer to 9 billion people, twice the world's population. Plutonium can be inhaled and can be ingested by infants with their milk and can cause cancer in the lungs, bowels and liver. Plutonium can also concentrate in the testicles and ovaries where it can damage genes which are propagated from generation to generation. Not biodegradable, plutonium lasts ~ million years. Among Sister Ann Marie's practical suggestions for concerned persons is the arrangement of speaking engagements at clubs and other groups. She said many persons are available to speak and show films and slides on the nuclear situation. She also urged that those opposed to nuclear power communicate with legislators.

Hub prelate dead at 58 LOWELL, Mass. (NC) Auxiliary Bishop Joseph J. Ruocco of Boston died July 26 in D'Youville Manor in Lowell, after a long illness. He was 58. The first priest of Italian ancestry to be made a bishop in the Boston archdiocese, Bishop Ruocco had served as regional bishop of the Lowell area, where he made his residence at St. Patrick's Church. Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston praised "the simplicity of Bishop Ruocco's life, totally lived for his people." Born April 21, 1922 in Boston, Bishop Ruocco attended St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., and was ordained a priest in 1948. He was associate pastor and, later, pastor at several parishes in the archdiocese before being named a bishop in 1974. Cardinal Medeiros was the celebrant of a funeral Mass in Holy Cross Cathedral today with Boston's five auxiliary bishops as concelebrants.

Golden jubilarian Sister Rose Hornby, OLVM, formerly a faculty member at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, will mark her golden jubilee as a member of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters on Tuesday. The observance will be held at the community's motherhouse, Victory Noll, Huntington, Ind. Sister Rose has been involved in home missionary work in New Mexico, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana, in addition to lier assignment m Fall River. She is presently stationed in Iaeger-Welch, W. Va.


Prelate hacks jailed priest

FATHER MARCEL H. BOUCHARD has been named director of continuing education for the clergy, it has been announced by Father George W. Coleman, diocesan director of education. Father Bouchard who has been assistant director of religious education since 1977, will continue in that position with responsibility for youth ministry. He will also continue in residence at Holy Family parish, East Taunton. As director of continuing education he will coordinate two previously established programs: a fall study day, and a spring theology institute. Sister Jose Hobday, OSF will address the clergy on spirituality at the fall study day Monday, Oct. 20. The previous day she will have been a feature speaker at the religious education phase of the annual Catholic Education convention. In order to evaluate these programs, and plan others for the future, Father Bouchard will establish an advisory group for continuing education, composed of priests from various parts of the diocese. The new director will also circulate material con'cerning retreats and study programs for priests and will represent the diocese at meetings of the National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy.

NEWARK, N.J. (NC):- Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark has endorsed the stand in opposition to nuclear armament taken by Father John P. Egan, recently jailed for 29 days after a protest at the Pentagon in Washington. "Perhaps you might think that it is indecent for a priest to find himself in jail," Archbishop Gerety said in a column written for The Advocate, Newark archdiocesan newspaper. "If you do, then it might be useful to review the life stories of some of the saints. St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was jailed several times.in his early career. In the New Testament we learn that St. Peter and St. Paul spent time in prison. And, of course, Jesus Christ himself was arrested, bound and brought to trial Holy Thursday ' night." The Archbishop said he found it hard to believe the' assault charge brought against Father Egan. "If you know him, you are well aware that he is one of the most gentle men that God ever created," he said. Society is not always very easy on t,hose "who are protest-

Change slow, says delegate

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (NC) - Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States, said he was encouraged by a fresh "emphasis of concern for others" in the Cursillo movement, shown by an opening to charity and the social dimension of Christian life. Archbishop Jadot, who has been appointed pro-president of the Vatican Secretariat for NonChristian Religions, expressed his views in an interview after he concelebrated the closing Mass of the Fourth National Encounter of Cursillo Leaders in Niagara Falls. The Cursillo ,is an intensive three-day retreat-type program which, consists of 14 talks on Christ and his church. Begun in Spain in 1949, the movement was brought to the United States in 1957. Archbishop Jadot said he is more and more convinced that the Cursillo movement is among the three or four movements in the forefront of spiritual renewal in the church today. Reflecting on changes he has observed in the U.S. Catholic Church during his seven years in this country, the archbishop said there is more dialogue now between people who disagree. In elections held at an inter- There is also a greater openness national meeting of the COilgre- to evangelization and catechizagation. of Holy Cross, Rev. tion than there was seven years Thomas L. Barrosse has been ago, he said. Archbishop Jadot said things renamed superior general for a term of six years. are changing very slowly in the The month-long meeting, held relationship between clergy and at Stonehill College, North Eas- laity in the United States, but ton, concluded Monday. Area he would blame neither group participants were Rev. Robert more than the other for that. Stressing the importance of Kruse, Stonehill academic dean, and Rev. William Hogan of Bos- cooperation and sharing in ton, a member of the commun- clergy-lay relations, Archbishop ity's general administration staff Jadot said, "The danger today is the laity wanting to go its in Rome.

Superior named

ing injustice," Archbishop Gerety said. "We should think carefully about this since we Christians have certain imperatives given to us by the Lord that frequently put .us in positions of opposition to what is popular and official. "Indecent for a priest to be in jail? But I find it indecent that we are stockpiling enough nuclear weapons to destroy civilization on this earth. This is what Father Egan is protesting about. If we are for life, as we say we are, then we should give thought to this witness. "Indecent for a priest to be in jail? I find it unseemingly and positively indecent that our excessive weaponry is stealing dollars from our poor and from hard-working middle-class families too. I find it indecent that great numbers of our people are being denied the necessities of life because of expenditures made on totally unproductive things." Father Egan, an assistant pas~ tor at St. Boniface's Parish in Jersey City, has been arrested more than 20 times for various peace activities. He has refused to file an income tax form for the last six years.

own way." Many times lay persons drop into work of then for a time and then go on to something else, he said. "But the work of the church goes on all year." While acknowledging that lay Catholics are often unable to give time consistently because of family and job commitments, ,A:rchbishop Jadot pointed out that this inability causes frustration and difficulty for priests and nuns who do attempt to share responsibility with the laity. All members of the church, he said, must work their way together through this new experience of co-responsibility. "All of us should make use of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and, with the guidance of our bishops, think with creativity," he said.

A Prayer "Grant me, 0 most sweet and loving Jesus, to rest in thee above every creature, above all health and beauty, above all glory and honor, above all power and dignity, above all knowledge and subltety, above all riches and arts, above all joy and exultation, above all fame and praise, above all sweetness and consolation, above all hope and promise, above all desert and desire, above all gifts and presents which thou art able to bestow or infuse, above all joy and gladness which the mind is capable of receiving and feeling; . finally above angels and archangels, and above all the host of heaven, above all things visible and invisible, and above all that falls short of thyself, 0 thou, my God." - Thomas a Kempis

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980






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Two vieu,poinfs:

Chine's,e welcome.' mat out Father W. T. Southerwood, an Australian priest, wrote the following article after spending three)Veeks in China. BEIJING (NC) 'Chinese Catholics would welcome Pope John Paul II if he visited their country, says the administrator of the cathedral in the Chinese captial. The administrator, Father Laurence She Yukan, a member o~ the government-controlled National Association of Patriotic Catholics, said, however, he did not think such a visit would be possible until diplomatic rela~ tions were normalized between the Holy See and China. Father She Yukan and two other Chinese priests discussed church affairs recently with another Australian priest, Father Patrick McAnany, and me at the 75-year-old Nan Tang Cathedral !n Beijing, which is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. It is the only Catholic church in the Chinese capital. Although' its bishop and clergy are not in union with Rome, they can validly, but not legally, according to the church, celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. Until recently, only foreigners attended Mass publicly in Beijing. The cathedral was forcibly closed during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. In recent months, however, Mass attendance has increased considerably. At Easter, 3,000 persons attended Mass in the cathedral and on a recent Sunday 2,000 attended the three morning Masses. One-third of the worshippers were young people, all brought up as Catholics despite 30 years of efforts by the Communist government

to stamp out religious practice. Worshippers recite the rosary during Mass, which is celebrated in Latin ~Iccording to the Tridentine Rite used in the Catholic Chur<:h the 16th century until 1969.. We spoke in Latin with an elderly priest who insisted that he belonged to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, the Mystical Body of Christ. Much of our conversation with the Chinese priest took place through an interpreter. Bishop Michael Fu Tieshan of Beijing, who was elected last year and who does not have papal approval, was not at home, the priests said. They said the bishop was elected by the priests, Religious, and representatives of the 7,000 Catholics of the Beijing- Diocese, which had more than 215,000 Catholics in 1950. The prie~;ts were offended that the pope had not recognized the election of their new bishop or lifted the excommunication imposed on the Chinese Catholic patriotic associations by Pope Pius XII in 1958. They did not question the need for eventual reconciliation with the pope and said they hoped Cardinal Franz Konig of Vienna, who visited China in March while he was president of the Vatican Secretariat for Non..Believers, would be' able to do something in that reg,ud. While thousands of bishops, priests, Religious and laity have suffered fOl~ their fidelity to the pope and refusal to join the Chinese Catholic patriotic associations, the priests who belong to the patriotic association have also suffered for the Catholic faith, especially during the tur-

bulent period of the Cultural Revolution, when Red Guards trampled oJ;l the sanctuary of their cathedral and their lives as well as their livelihoods were in jeopardy. Despite an atheistic government, they are providing Mass and the sacraments for a substantial number of Catholics who would otherwise be deprived of such spiritual necessities, and they do so under great difficulty. They are not permitted to preach during Mass. The church is locked up during the week. They have to be careful ab.out what they say and do. Only recently have they been able to write to people outside China. There are, however, signs of a less restrictive government policy toward the church. The government now permits the celebration of public Masses, at least on Sundays, in Canton, Shanghai and Beijing, although only by members of the National Association of Patriotic Catholics. No priests loyal to the Holy See are permitted to celebrate 'Mass publicly. But it seems that in some country districts, Catholics do attend Masses which the authorities ignore. The authorities recently released 72-year-old Bishop Dominic Tang, apostolic administrator of Canton, after 22 years in prison. Bishop Tang, who had refused to break with the Vatican, had been accused of counter-revolutionary activity and of preventing young Catholics from joining units to fight in the Korean war against the United States. The government has also recently released from jail five other priests, one of whom is 83.

'It would take a miracle' By Joe Pereira

priest was dressed in the oldfashioned vestments," he said. OAKLAND, Calif. (NC) - "It "The Tridentine Mass (the rite would take a miracle to convert in use from the 16th century unChina to Christianity," said a til 1969) was celebrated. As is retired priest of the San Fran- customary in the traditional litcisco Archdiocese who recently urgy, the Mass was said in Latin returned from a 19-day tour of. and the priest had his back to that communist nation. the congregation during the "Religion has no chance," whole service. It was Sunday, said the priest, Father George E. but there was no homily because Moss. "There can. be no prosely- homilies are a form of proselytizing. Only atheism, which is tizing, the government has the state religion, can be preach- ruled." ed." About 600, mostly older, ChinThe recent concession by the ese, attended the Mass. Father government of Premier Hua Moss noted that those who atGuofeng permitting Chinese tend Mass publicly are giving up Christians to participate in pub- chances of being promoted in' lic worship services is only' a their jobs and are risking loss "gesture," Father Moss said in of educational opportunities for an interview. The Chinese know their children. that the government can take Father Moss said that after away their limited freedom of Mass he asked one priest at the religion at any time, he added. The form of Catholicism that cathedral if he accepted the pope the government allows to func- as his superior and the priest tion is outdated by more than seemed to express agreement 15 years, Father :'v1oss said. "It's with _a slight nod, but another almost as if Vatican II never priest responded to the same question by throwing up his happened." He attended Mass one Sunday hands. The priests stationed at the at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Beijing. "The cathedral are members of the

government-controlled National Association of Patriotic Catholics, w:hose members were excommunicated by Pope Pius XII in 1958. Father Moss, who has visited more than 20 countries, said the quality of life in China is "adequate" in comparison to other lands. "No one starves in China. There are no beggars. If you do not have enough to eat, the government takes care of you. No one is really neglected. And everyone looks cleanly dressed." But, he continued, "There is no joy among the people. I didn't see anyone smiling. I didn't hear any laughter. I didn't see anyone working hard. The waiters who served us performed the1r chores matter-of-factly, almost as if what they were doing was a burden." Comparing China to Moscow, which he has visited three times, Father Moss said: "The Chinese are freer to move about than the Muscovites. In Moscow, if someone was seen talking to a tourist, a security agent would break up the conversation. Not in China, however,"

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

Storm delayed dedication of first Cape Cod parish By request, we reprinlt an article by Russell Collinge that appeared in The Anchor for Jan. 14, 1960, detailing the bllginnings of Cape Cod's first Catholic parish. Mention Sandwich and someone is sure to say: "Oh yes. That's where they made Sandwich glass. I've got a Pineapple tumbler that . . . " But hardly anyone will'say: "Sandwich? Oh yes. That's where the Catholic Church got started on Cape Cod. We sure owe that glass works a vote of thanks." And, as Catholics, we sure do. Because when Deming Jarves began to make glass, back in 1825, hl~ needed skilled workmen and he got them from a glass works in East Cambridge. All of them were Irish - and all of them were Catholic. And they loved their Faith and their Church with a fierce loyalty that came from years of restraints and persecution. Unhappy Catholics The first 20 families were joined by others from E.ast Cambridge and Boston, and, as a group, they were happy in their work-with steady jobs at fair wages. But, as Catholics, they were far from happy. All of them had taken an active part in parish activities and considered the Church, the Mass, and the Sacraments a part of their normal, everyday living. And now they had no Churc:il, no sacraments, no priest of their own. They would have been glad to travel any distance to join in the joyful offering of Mass - but there was nowhere to go. They could not, and would not, let the matter rest. A steady stream of requests and appeals went to Right Reverend. Benedict J. Fenwick, second Bishop of Boston, until, in 1829:. he sent Father William Tyler-who later became the first Bishop of Hartford - to investigate. Father Tyler stayed with Mr. John Doyle and, in the Doyle parlor, said what may have been the first Mass in Sandwich. In his report to the Bishop, Father Tyler spoke highly of the zeal and steadfast faith of the Sandwich Catholics and their anxiety for, and need of, a Church and priest. Bishop Acts So in 1830 Bishop Fenwick came from Boston to stay with John Doyle and note that there were 70 Catholics in S~lIldwich­ that he baptized two infants, one the child of Protestar.:t parents who "consented to have the Baptism by a Catholic"- and that he received a young Englishman into the Church. Bishop Fenwick approved the purchase of a lot, 60 by 40 feet, as a site for a church, and ordered the framework of the building, 30 by 40 feet,. from Boston. On July 30, 1830, Father Tyler returned to Sandwich to supervise the erection of the church which was solemnly dedicated and placed under the patronage of St. Peter on Sept. 19, 1830.

The dedication was an event of immense importance and a large number of people came from the surrounding town~, some of them walking the 18 miles from Wareham. A great crowd gathered outside the Church in Sandwich on the morning of Sept. 19, and waited expectantly. The ceremony was supposed to start about 10 a.m. -but there was no sign of the Bishop nor the select group from the choir of Holy Cross Cathedral. About 11:30 Father Tyler gave up all hope of having the dedication that day and prepared to say Mass. In addition to the natural feeling of disappointment there was an undercurrent of worry -for the Bishop was understood to have left Boston by stage on Saturday morning. Arrive at Noon Then, as Father Tyler descended the altar steps to begin Mass- the Bishop arrived, requested Father Tyler to unvest, begin the necessary preparations, and announce to the waiting crowd that the ceremony would begin in about 30 minutes. It turned out that the Bishop, a number of Boston laity and the


choir members had set out from Boston on Saturday naming not by stage, but on the packet "The Henry Clay," expecting to be in Sandwich early Saturday evening. But there were contrary winds and the packet did not arrive in Sandwich until early noon of Sunday. Everyone was exhausted having been cooped up in a small and stuffy vessel which spent the whole night beating aga'inst headwinds and a heavy swell. As may be imagined, all had been violently seasick. Benediction, Vespers The Bishop and, most particularly the choir, must have been of stern and heroic characterbecause The Jesuit, in the issue of Sept. 25, 1830, describes the dedication and refers to the solemnity and beauty of the singing. It is easy to understand that, during the procession, the Miserere was sung with feeling-but there was Benediction. And at 5 o'clock there were Vespers, the Magnificat, a variety of anthems and motets, and a fjnal benediction. And at 7 o'clock there were more anthems and hymns. And be it noted that the members of the choir were all ladies.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

A divorced boyfriend By Dr. James and Mary Kemy Dear· Mary: My daughter bas a divorced boyfriend. She is 18; he is 27. I pointed out that if



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TIDS POUSH EDITION of L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has been published for several months but remains unread in Poland, since an import permit has not been granted by the Communist government (NC Photo)




they fall ..... love she can't marry him; it would be better to dis.continue the friendship. My daughter goes to Mass with us, listens to the sennon and knows the rules. She wants us to receive him. I fear that if we invite him to our home, she might think everything will tum out all right - that she could marry him if she wants to. How far does charity go? ( Vancouver, B.C.) A. You seem to realize you cannot order your daughter to behave a certain way. As an adult, her decisions, however unwise they appear to you, are her responsibility. But your daughter does not seem to be ignoring or defying you. The lines of communication seem open. How might you communicate your position while still ind~cat­ ing that she, not you, is responsible for the decisions about her life? The worst way to approach your daughter would be with firm, absolute directives: "I know best. You are wrong. Listen to me." No matter who is right, such advice it doomed to fail. - Since the relationship between

you and your daughter seems to be direct and open, you probably can best reach her by simple, open messages about your personal views and emotions. You need not pretend positive feelings you do not have. Essentially you might want to say: "You are an adult and I recognize that you must make your own decisions about life. Right now I feel very concerned about your relationship with this man because I see ~I lot of future problems. I'll lovl~ you whatever you decide, but I hope you will think long and hard before going further with this relationship." This expresses honestly: 1) recognition of her as an adult, 2) love and concern for her whatever she does, and 3) your grave reservations. Should you entertain this boyfriend? I do not think entertain~ng him would give your daughter the idea that her relationship is "all right." She knows your values. Deep down, these values are hE~rs too because she has learned them from you. She might struggle to rationalize her relationship, but if she is at all honest she recognizes your disapproval. I do not know whether you should entertain the boyfriend. One guidelinE! you might use is: What would :you do ~f the situa-

tion involved a good friend or a neighbor rather than your daughter? At the least, you probably want to do for your daughter's friend what you would decide with your daughter. If you decide to entertain him, you might say something like: "I feel very uncomfortable inviting this young man. I feel you are getting deeper into a relationship which cannot work out well. But I shall make him welcome because he is your friend, we are your family, and you want Us to get to know each other." If you simply cannot be comfortable inviting him, tell her that! "I love you and 1 wish 1 could go along with you. At this point, I feel so strongly against this relationship that I simply cannot welcome your boyfriend to our house. I'm sorry." You cannot tell your daughter what to do. The most you can do is to emphasize the seriousness of the relationship she is getting into and urge her to take time and give it a lot of thought. You can best communicate this thll0Ugh open, direct messages which express, not condemnation of her, but love and concern. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to the Kennys c/o The ADeltor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02720.



Dry spell brings problems By Joseph Roderick




Dry weather causes problems not only for the farmer but also for the home gardener. During a drought such as we have been experiencing there is little hope of keeping the whole garden watered each day unless one has infinite patience and a great deal of time.

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A good soaking means watering around the plant to a depth 926 CHURCH STREET - NEW BEDFORD : of about four to five inches. This is done by taking the nozzle off NEW· REBUILT· USED : the hose and letting the water '1110 slowly around the base of NEW· USED IN STOCK : the plant for however long it takes. INSURANCE INSTALLATIONS : Sprinkling plants and the soil does very little good since the water does not perietrate the Full Sel'Yice Shop':" Sales and Repairs : soil and will caUse the plant to send roots up to the surface for water, where they will suffer from the heat of the day once that water has evaporated. ~ -, lB· At the least, the gardener should select those plants which are most precious to him and TELEPARTS SERVICE CONV:~J~:~Lr4Jof~T:~ be sure that they are given sufficient water. Most flowering shrubs, for instance, make their P.T.L. growth after the flowering seaMASS. TOLL FREE TELEPHONE 1-800 642-7548 : son and this is when they need ~ water. Once a plant has dried


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I for one prefer to water those plants which need it most and to let some of the others go. For me, this means that the roses get one good soaking a week, along with rhododendrons, azaleas, blueberry bushes, dwarf shrubs and other flowering perennial shrubs.

out, there is little that can be done to restore it so a little prevention can save disaster. The kind of hot, humid weather we have been experiencing slows down even the most avid gardener. Many things get an overgrown shaggy look now and the garden is certainly not at its peak, but one shouldn't aIlow sagging interl-'St to result in permanent damage to anything of value. We. have all been gUilty of neglect of house plants and permanent plantings and 1 suppose

we will be guilty again, but now is the time to make that extra effort to forestall damage. One thing that can help in anticipation of this kind of weather, which is, after all, inevitable, .is the use of mulches. 1 mulch heavily with compost and this certainly helps the soil to retain moisture and to absorb it when it is available. It also helps to cool the ground so that roots are not baked in open sun. One thing to keep in mind is to mulch at least an inch thick for maximum effectiveness.

Project studies changes in Mass WASHINGTON (NC) A three-year study which may result in some minor changes in the way the Mass is celebrated in the United States has ended its first phase. It was marked by approval of a 175-page document covering every element of the celebration of Mass. It was approved at a meeting of thl~ Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions and the secretariat of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy and will be distributed nationally with the cooperation of diocesan liturgy directors. Examples of possible structural changes that have been suggested include moving the sign of peace to the beginning of Mass, to after the readings, or to the time of the homily; adding a third reading to the current two, and moving the Gloria to

the beginning of the Mass, making it an entrance song. Such changes would not take place for at least two more years. Once the study is completed in 1982, its results will be presented to the U.S. bishops and the Vatican.

Nobel candidate OSLO, Norway (NC) - Pope John Paul II has been nominated for the 1980 Nobel Prize, according to a recent report on Norwegian television. Among other nominees are President Jimmy Carter, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez, Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov and Adolfo Perez Esquivel, head, of a non-violent Christian movement in Argentina.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

ue,stion corner' By Father John DIetzen Q. A priest we know bas said some things recently I would Uke to undentand better. He said the church existed before the Bible, at least the New Testament. I realize thiSI is true. But today be added that we can do without the Bible, but we cannot do without the eh~ This is more than D!)' understanding or our faith em absorb. Could you teU me in more detall what be meant? (II1bllOis) A. As you say, the church certainly existed beforl~ the New Testament was completed. Many Christians were bom, lived and died before the last bClok of the Bible was even written, somewhere at least 60 or 70 years after Jesus died. Even then the Bible was not solidified in its present combination of books until centuries after that. The statement that the church could do without the Bible is, in my view, at least ambiguous. In a way, of course, he is right. Theoretically the church could do without the sacruments of baptism, penance, holy orders and possibly even the Eucharist. Who are we to say that the church could not have been formed in a variety of other ways than Jesus actually arranged? The church which really exists, however, is unthinkable without all of these elements, and it is just as unthinkable without the Bible. Surely, the living community of faith with its leaders (particularly the pope and other bishops) will be the living carrier of the message and life of Christ to the world until the end of time. There is one sense then in which this living family of Christ will always be the final intl~rpreter of the biblical word of God. It is equally true, however, that Scripture enshrines the' teachings of the Lord and of the apostles with a spedal clarity and universality, so that it will be for all time the norm by which the church measures all its actions and its fai.th. Whatever we propose as "might have been," the real church would soon be, lost without Scripture. This is why the church has always venerated the Bible just as she venerates the body of Christ. "From the table of both the word of God and of the body of Christ she unceasingly receives and offers to the faithful the bread of Jlife, especially in the sacred liturgy" (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation of Vatican II). The councll document goes on to say that "all the preaching of the church must be nourished and ruled by sacred Scripture." With this kind of 'view of Scripture, it is impossible to understand how the church could get along without it. As that same constitution of the Vatican Council says, "It is clear that sacred tradition, sa(:red Scripture and the teachin,g authority of the church, in accord with

Editor's 'Nuts' arouses debate

God's most wise design, are so linked and joined together that one cannot stand without the others. All together and each in its own way under the action of the one Holy Spirit contribute effectively to the salvation of souls." (No. 10) Questions for this column sbould be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Wants UN troops in Lebanon ROME (NC) - Lebanon's top Catholic Church official suggested that United Nations troops may be the only solution to Lebanon's strife. "I believe that if the situation continues to deteriorate despite the efforts of the new Lebanese government, the intervention of U.N. forces may be the only way out." said Maronite-Rite Patriarch Antoine Khoraiche of Antioch. "I am tormented by the spilled blood and will continue to devote all my efforts to achieve understanding and peace among the various communities," the patriarch added.

MSGR. MAURICE SOUZA, pastor of St. Anthony's parish, East Falmouth, has been named Cape and Islands district moderator of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

5 to be honored in Worcester WORCESTER, Mass. (NC) Five outstanding world religious personalities, including Cardinal Jan Willebrands of Utrecht, the Netherlands, president of the Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, will be honored at an ecllJllenical institutute in Worcester. Greek Orthodox :Archbishop lakavos of North and South America; Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, national interreligious affairs director of the American Jewish Committee; Cynthia C. Wedell, former president of the National and World Council of Churches, and the Rev..Wallace W. Robbins, first president of the Worcester Ecumenical Council, also will be honored. They will receive honorary degrees at an Anniversary Ecumenical Institute at Assumption College, Worcester. The conferring of the degrees Aug. 17 will inaugurate a sixday institute on "Ecumenism: The Next Decade." Christian and Jewish leaders in interreligious affairs will review the outlook for the future in these fields.

FATHER BARRY W. WALL, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, is the new moderator of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club.路

Undiminished "The doctrine of the common priesthood of the faithful was amply developed by the council. It gives rise to a vast and consoling, flowering of initiatives and works ... However nothing in this, I must say, diminishes the importance and necessity of the sacredotal ministry in any fashion." - Pope John Paul II


SISTER DIANE DRUFENBROCK of the School of St. Francis is running for vice president on the ticket of the Socialist Party USA. (NC Photo)

The Catholic editor who said "nuts" to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is disappointed that more Catholic editors have not joined him in opposing an IRS ruling curtailing endorsements of political candidates by non-profit tax exempt groups. And his controversial editorial is itself producing debate. Oblate Father Brian Wallace, editor of Today's Catholic, San Antonio archdiocesan newspaper, says that not only an organization's tax exempt status that is at stake but that freedoms of religion and speech are threatened as well. After learn'ing of IRS rules, which threaten loss of tax exempt status for organizations regarded as promoting a single cause or candidate, Father Wallace printed an editorial entitled "To the IRS - 'Nuts!'" In it, he analyzed major presidential candidates' abortion stands, calling Republican Ronald Reagan "the 'only presidential candidate who is clearly opposed to abortion," independent candidate John Anderson "the most abrasive pro-abortionist," and President Jimmy Carter "personally opposed' but politically expedient. The editorial appeared May 2, just before the Texas primary election. In bucking the IRS, Father Wallace also contradicted advice from church officials. In advice to Catholic organ,izations updated in January 1980, attorneys for the U.S. Catholic Conference recommended against such activity. The updated memo urges that no church tax exempt groups "engage in voter education communications which directly suggest that a particular candidate should be supported or opposed

. . . Evaluations in writing of candidates should be avoided:' inclUding those "encouraging readers ... to vote for or against a particular candidate." Insisting that the church should fight to retain its freedom of speech, Father Wallace, 34, emphasized that "if we do not fight to keep freedom alive. then we .deserve to lose it." Father Wallace said h..e has received support from readers and the community in general but he regrets that the majority of Catholic editors and the Catholic Press Association seem "to be bowing to the IRS." His action, however, has prompted comments from other religious publications. America, a Jesuit-published magazine, suggested in an editorial June 12 that "strong stands on public issues are altogether appropriate." But that view was qualified. "Endorsements or near-endorsements, however, of particular candidates are an altogether different matter. Religious, charitable and educational organizations serve the public best by keeping the issues clear and leaving the personalities to the informed choice of the voters," the magazine stated. Another magazine, The Christian Century, which itself lost its tax exempt status for a year after endorsing Lyndon Johnson for president in 1964, had "no sympathy" for Father Wallace. Itsuggested in its July 1623 issue that if he wants complete freedom he should give up his newspaper's tax exempt status. Moreover, it added, for a church group "to endorse specific persons is to fall into the trap which has tempted nations at war: the claim that God is on our side."

Alien rights championed NEW YORK (NC) - A conference by religious leaders on ministry to aliens illegally in the United States approved resolutions "in principal" calling for total amnesty and protection of rights for such persons. ' The Brooklyn People's A'ction Coalition, an ecumenical group, urged changes in federal policy to allow immigrants to enter the country without quota limitations. Because of an anticipated undercount of 5 million persons in the 1980 census, the group said, it also advocated that the government use more accurate demographic data to allocate adequate funds in revenue-sharing programs. Many questions at the meeting dealt with problems the census presents and advice that should be given to illegal aliens. "We plan to give them all the information about the census and tell them the risks and advantages," said Msgr. Anthony J. Bevilacqua, director of the Brooklyn diocesan Migration and Refugee Office, in explaining a policy recently adopted by the metropolitan New York dioceses. "We cannot be guarantors of the confidentiality of the census," he said. "However, I personally

am convinced that no information will be revealed." It is illegal for any census employee to disclose any census information, he noted. Confidentiality is also further protected by the exclusion of census material from the Freedom of Information Act; the computer tabulation only of data which does not identify anyone; and the omission of any reference to legal status on the census short form. A longer census form for one out of every six persons does ask if the person is a U.S. citizen. An immigration attorney, Augustin T. Fragomen, pointed out that undocumented aliens are guaranteed rights to enroll their children in public schools, are protected under federal labor laws and also have the right to regularize their legal status. He criticized "grossly misleading advertising" by some lawyers promising "green cards" giving permanent residency to iI-' legal aliens for high fees. He also mentioned immigration officials who question "foreign looking" aliens without having "clear, convincing, unequivocal evidence" in their possession that such persons are in the coul\try illegally.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980


Divorce and recovery

By Sister Kathleen Kircher, SSJ

know your faith And then there were 72 By Father John J. Castelot


The early Christians had a keen 'Sense of their mission. They felt they were sent to bring the good news to their world. An interesting illustration of this is found in the Gospel of Luke where we hear how Jesus sent out the 72 disciples (Lk. 10, 1-12). Luke had already spoken of the mission of the 12 apostles (Lk. 9, 1-6). Clearly, his account used another gospel passage as a source or point of reference - namely Mark 6, 7-13.- But Luke had another source, one that scholars today -simply call Q, from the German word for source (Quelle). In Q, Luke found a discussion of mission that involved a much more ex-

tensive group than the 12 apostles. Quite signitiicantly, we find that the instructions given to the 12 apostles in Luke's 9, 1-6 are practically the same as those given to the 72 disciples in Luke 10, 1-12. This indicates that the early Christians were conscious of sharing in the mission of the apostles. They were to prepare the hearts of people in their own day to receive Chrl-st's peace. They were to proclaim peace, cure the sick and announce the nearness of God's reign. If the mission of Luke's communities was that of the 72 and of the 12 apostles and of Jesu'S, it is ours too. We are God's instruments -all of us. As for curing the sick - there

are sicknesses and there are sicknesses. Poverty, ignorance, loneliness, neglect, misunderstanding are all sicknesses we can alIeviate through love and concern. Many people in many ways carry out the mission of Jesus. Consider the Woman of Samaria, married five times and once again living with a man when Jesus met her. He did not stop her from being his apostle to the Samaritans and when he saw her fellow-villagers approaching, having heard her, testimony, he said to his disciples: "I sent you to reap what you had not worked for. Others have done the labor, and you have come into their gain" (In. 4,38).

Support for the divorced By Father James J. Young, CSP

A crucial anchor dn the life of Dottie Harris since her divorce 10 years ago has been a support group for Catholics. The new friends she met there have helped her over many difficult times. Dottie divorced when she was 34 and had four children 9 years old and younger. She feels good now about these years because she has grown in ways she never thought possible. Her children, now teen-agers, are doing very well. She feels blessed. Dottie has shaped a stable and

a speaker explained why. - In the United States 80 percent of divorced people eventually remarry. - Three out of four women eventuaHy remarry, while five out of six men do so. -- The older a d:vorced woman and the more children she has, the less likely she ds to remarry. - Ninety-three percent of children of divorced parents live with their mothers. - An American population surplus of baby-boom girls, born Turn to page thirteen

Advice from experience

II By Dan Morris

Divorce was diftiicult, but Lorraine had her son to worry about. For yea11S she coped, but now he was grown. Lorraine was freed. But freed for what? "Self-pity can hit you right after a divorce," she said. "But when you have a house and family, you can push it back. "Then the kids leave home and the silent hours come. Even years after a divorce, self-pity can hit you. I felt deep anger because I should have been looking forward to retirement years with a hUiSband. But here I was, alone and hardly retired," LorraJine continued. Gradually Lorraine worked through much of her bitterness and thought about fulfilUng her .- --t

rewarding life as a single parent. It has not always been easy. She had to learn to raise children by herself, to cope with the usual single-parent overload and re-enter the WIOrkforce under very trying circumstances. Two years ago her marriage was annuled by -the Catholic Church. She hopes to marry again but _realizes it is unlikely until after her children are raised. Very few men want to take on a ready-made family of five. At first Dottie wondered why more men did not come to support group meetings. One night

dreams. She had always wanted to finish her education and become a teacher. She was only in hev 40s and there was nothing holding her down. She quit her job, moved back to her hometown and entered its university. She was afraid, but it was still a heady feeling. But not for long. Soon Lorraine realized she had bitten off more than she could chew. Her resources did not stretch as far as she expected. An illness tapped her energy and resources further. The years that followed were rugged. Loneliness, marginal health. painful poverty and rejection battered her - and still do. "I never should have taken

Consider a 45-year-old couple. A divorce may come after years of shared history and togetherness; after the gradual climb to financial security or a first apartment excharJged for the fam:ily home; after raising children for years. For many people this is the time in life when other losses are shared as well: older relatives become ill or die, jobs shift and health falters. For the person undergoing separation and divorce, other problems and crises occur. Civil divorce implies disruption of family, home belonsings 'and financial security. Coupled with these are the immense emotional pain and loss of self-esteem that accompany almost every divorce. After divorce, recovery is lengthy and often gruesome, a process that may span approxiBy Janaan Mantem~h mately five years and include mourning, healing and adjustJesus decided to go to Jerusament to a single lifestyle. lem to preach the sad news of It is crucial fur people who God's love, even though his endivorce in their middle years to emies were there. understand their reactions. A On the way were many small divorce usua1lly begins with a towns and villages which Jesus "pre-separation." During that wanted to visit. But time was time, whether brief or extended, short. He decided to send his conflict and tension mount in disciples ahead of him. the marital r,elationship and ofOne day, while in Samaria, ten overflow into family life. . Most often one spouse begins Jesus called together 72 of his to separate emotionally from the ,disciples. It was a beautiful day. other. Feelings of intimacy de- The farmers were getting ready cline and one spouse acquires a to harvest their grain. Jesus used the harvest theme sense that the marriage is limping, or worse. The realization to help his disciples understand may be excruciatingly painful, what he was asking them to do. especially if one spouse dendes Instead of bringing in grain, they were to harvest people. the gradual breakdown.' "The harvest is rich," Jesus The second phase, called "separation decision," is generally said, "but the workers are few." brief, characterized by the de- He told the disciples they were cision of one partner to depart to be like the workers who prefrom the home. Subsequently, Tum to Page Thirteen

IIFor childrenII


on that load all at once," she said. "I should have kept selling real estate and taken a few courses as I went along." People who live alone, she sighed, "make too many decisions in a vacuum. It's hard to get an objective view without someone close to share with you." For over 12 years Lorraline has worked with divorced people on a volunteer basis and has been a member of a number of organizations for the divorced. Her advice comes from experience as well as observation. "Fresh beginnings are possible and important, but people must be realistic. Start developing contacts and interests while Tum to Page Thirteen


one or both spouses .initiate legal steps toward divorce. The separation and the courtroom experience can result in strong and persuasive anger and depression. The third phase, a period of about one year, is aptly called the "damage control" stage. The newly divorced person, confronted with the immediate reality of living alone, is cha:J:enged to learn new strategies for managing a household, sharing the responsibilities of parenthood, budgeting with less money, overcoming loneliness and making new social contacts. Many people spend this time "running" to singles' activities, Turn to Page Thirteen

Divorce can change lifestyles.

A Verclade E A Vida Dirigidat pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

A Perseguic;ao Quando pe:nsamos nas perseguic;oes movidas aos que anunciam 0 Evangelho, pensamos normalmente nos tempos antigos. Da-nos a impressao que nos nossos dias ja isso nao acontece ou, se acontece, sera so em paises de ideologia ateia. .Contudo, se dermos pela conta que e atentar contra 0 Evangelho tudo 0 que se faz ou permite contra 0 homem, talvez encontremos, mesmo nas nossas pacificas sociedades, essas perseguic;oes ao Evangelho. Se 0 Evangelho e urna espada, se a presenc;a do discipulo de Cristo e como a do sal, teremos ocasiao para compreender que a pregac;ao d9 Evangelho e impedida na. sua integridade sempre que os poderCtsos da terra, por motivos de segura.nc;a propria ou quaisquer outros, pro~bem tudo 0 que possa por em causa as situac;oes criadas. Oeste modo se procura impedir 0 julgamento delS si tuac;oes presentes luz das verdades evangelfcas. Os modos de 0 impedir sao diversos dos que cmtigamente se usavam, mas certamen1:e ainda mais eficazes. Nouros tE~mpos, a perseguic;ao aos discipulos dE~ Cristo dava ocasiao a urn testemunh<> publico de coragem e de firmeza de ccmvicc;oes, de tal modo que se podia afirmar que sangue de martires era semente de cristaos. Hoje, essa perseguic;ao nao se faz frente a frente, mas de modo a desacreditar antE~s de destruir, para que nenhum testemunho valida possa aparecere E esta perseguic;ao i verdade pode tomar 0 caminho da censura nos meios de comunicc;ao social (jornais, radio, televisao) ern ordem a nada aparecer, quer ern notieias quer ern comentarios, que aponte mE~nos conformidade das situac;oes presE~ntes com 0 pensamento cristao. Pode tomar 0 caminho da proibic;ao de grupos ou reunioes em que as pessoas se debrllcem numa analise sobre os acontecimE:mtos. Pode ainda tomar 0 caminho do descredito pessoal atraves da calunia, que fac;a perder 0 born nome a quem exterioriza 0 seu modo de pensar de forma incomoda. Pode fina.lmente, tomar 0 caminho da perseguic;;io directa, quer por entraves e dif:iculdades, quer por prisoes e outra:; penas aquele que sentiu necessidade de denunciar, em nome do Evangelho, dl3terminadas posic;oes. Tudo isb:> e modo por que hoje se traduz aquel.;l perseguic;ao de que fala o Antigo e 0 Novo Testamento. Todos os entraves que sao postos no caminho da liberdade da expressao dos homens, vern impedir mais ou menos claramente 0 anuncio que 0 discipulo de Cristo fo:i chamado a fazer. Mal vai I:> discipulo de Cristo quando juIga poder viver i sombra de estatutos de excepc;ao, pois esquece nessa altura que esta caindo no pecado do silenc:io que 0 impede de denunciar a viole:ncia que sabe estar a ser cometida sobre a liberdade de outrem. ~



THE ANCHORThurs., July 31, 1980

Divorce' and recovery Continued from page twelve to drugs or alcohol, or to being wit!h others in order to avoid the solitary life. For some, this is a time of isolation - a flight inward to mask the initial pain of divorce. The fourth phase is called the "mourning-healing" phase. It is a period that may last a year and a half or two years. At this time, people are better adjusted to their' single life; many sense they are emotionally, spiritually and pragmatically all right. They have structured new and satisfying ways of relating to children, family, the former spouse and to the larger social community. The fifth and final phase, the reintegration as a single person. As one makes more and more decisions, t!he anxiety of wondering how to survive gives way to

Advice Continued from page twelve the children are still home," Lorraine says. "For divorced parents to neglect themselves and not prepare for the empty nest can be devastating. Sheer loneliness drives many to the bottle," Lorraine explains. "Drink dulls the pain of eating TV dinners every night, going to Mass alone and sitting in the bouse hour after hour alone in silence." She stressed the role of Christian community in healing the divorced. "A truly constructive act would be to help divorced parents develop outside interests and learn to live without the children. "If you plan ahead, you can avoid pie-in-the-sky dreams and truly enrich your life," Lorraine adds. Another consideration: "If you don't re-order your Idfe, you may well become a nasty in-law rather than a person who is a joy to visitl"

For children Continued from page twelve pared the fields for the harvest. They were to prepare the people for Jesus. . The disciples were 'inspired. They dreamed of all the people to whom they would bring God's message of love. -But Jesus jolted them back to reality with words of warning. He said they might meet danger. Then he gave them further instructions. There was no time to waste. They were to travel light. "Do not carry a walking staff or traveling bag," Jesus told them. "Do not stop along the way to chat with people." "When you enter anyone's house," Jesus continued, "wish the people God's peace. Stay in the one house. Eat and drink whatever the people have to share with you. Into whatever town you go, cure the sick and tell everyone, 'The reign of God is at hand.' "Whoever listens to you," JesUiS concluded, "listens to me. Whoever rejects you, rejects me, and the Father in heaven who sent me." The 72 then set out two by two to do the work of Jesus.

the assurance that life offers new beginnings for growth, hope and joy.

13 nenn

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Faith can immeasurably strengthen the divorcing Catholic. The .suffering, death and ressurrection of Jesus confirm the belief t!hat loss leads to a new beginning, although the passage is indeed agonizing. But the Paschal event can point to a resurrected self marked by the scars of the past but able to greet a new today.

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Continued from page twelve between 1947 and 1962, has meant that many divorced men marry women who have never married before.


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Many women in Dottie's support group were in the same situation. Knowing they might never remarry forced them to see the importance of a stable single life. They also talked often about the danger of hasty marriage on the rebound.




Dottie was impressed by a psychologist who spoke on the topic, "You Don't Have To Be Married To Be Somebody." The psychologist spoke about societal pressure to marry and the common assumption that the unmarried are misfits.

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Such pressures, he insisted, may force many to choose marriage partners poorly the first time and may lead divorced people into disastrous second marriages. He pointed out that more and more single people today are demonstrating that it is all right to be alone.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980



A-l Approved for Children and Adults All Things Bright Danny and Beautiful The Further Adventures The Apple Dumpling of the Wilderness Family Gang Rides Again The Glacier Fox Arabian Adventure Herbie Goes Bananas Battlestar Galactica In Search of the Historic The Black Stallion Jesus Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown Jesus Bugs Bunny The last Flight of Road Runner Noah's Ark

Mountain Family Robinson The Muppet Movie My Brilliant Career North Avenue Irregulars Star Trek The Motion Picture Touched by love Unidentified Flying Oddball

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents The American Game Avalanche Express Beyond the Poseidon Adventure The Black Hole Breaking Away Buck Rogers The Champ The China Syndrome C.H.O.M.P.S. Coal Miner's Daughter The Empire-Strikes Back

The Europeans The Final Count Down The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh A Force of One The Great Santini Hero at large Hide in Plain Sight Just You and Me, Kid The In·laws little Miss Marker A little Romance

Midnight Madness The Prisoner of Zenda Scavenger Hunt Sunburn Superman Take Down The 39 Steps Tree of Wooden Clogs Uncle Joe Shannon Watcher in the Woods When Time Ran Out The Wiz

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha Airplane Alien The Amityville Horror Angi Vera Being There The Big Red One Boardwalk The Black Marble Blues Brothers Brass Target Bronco Billy Brubaker Butch and Sundance: The Early Days California Suite Can't Stop the Music The Changeling Chapter Two. Christ Stopped at Eboli City on Fire Crimebusters Cuba Defiance Die laughing Dreamer The Electric Horseman Escape from Alcatraz Escape to Athena Fast Break Fast Charlie Fatso Fedora ffolkes The Fifth Musketeer The Fog Foolin' Around

Force 10 from Navarone Old Boyfriends Faxes Olivers Story The Frisco Kid On the Yard Gilda live The Outsider The Godsend Patrick Going in Style A Perfect Couple Good Guys Wear Black Picnic at Hanging Rock The Great Hoax The Promise The Great Train Robbery Prophecy Harper Valley PTA Real life Head over Heels Remember My Name The Hearse Rich Kids Honeysuckle Rose Roadie Hot Stuff Rocky II How to Beat the Roller Boogie High Cost of living Rough Cut The Human Factor The Runner Stumbles The Kids Are Alright Running The last Wave The Seduction of Joe Tynan The late Great Planet Earth Sextette lost and Found Simon The Main Event . Skatetown, U.S.A. A Man, A Woman and Something Short a Bank of Paradise Meatballs Starting Over Meteor Time After Time Middle Age Crazy Tom Horn Moonraker The Villain More American Graffiti Voices Murder by Decree Walk Proud Newsfront Wanda Nevada Nightwing When A Stranger Calls Norma Rae Where the Buffalo Roam Nosferatu, the Vampire Wholly Moses Nothing Personal Wise Blood The Nude Bomb Yanks Oh, Heavenly Dog

B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americathon The Gong Show MOVIe Max Havelaar An Almost Perfect Affair Guyana: Cult of Natural Enemies And Justice for All the Damned Nest of Vipers Avalanche Halloween 1941 Baltimore Bullet Hanover Street Night of the Juggler The Bell Jar Happy Birthday, Gemini Penitentiary The Blue lagoon Heart Beat Players Carney Humanoids from the Deep Quintet The Children Hurricane Saint Jack Circle of Iron Ice Castles Saturn 3 The Class of Miss Invasion of the The Serial MacMichael Body Snatchers Sitting Ducks The Concorde The Island The Shining Airport '79 The Jerk A Small Circle of Friends Death Ship Just Tell Me What Soldier of Orange The Deer Hunter You Want Sunnyside Dracula The last Married Couple 10 Every Which Way But loose in America The Tin Drum Fame legacy Tracks The Fifth Floor leo and lorrie Urban Cowboy Final Chapter - Walking Tall love at First Bite Up the Academy Firepower . Mad Max . The Wanderers French Postcards The Magician of lublin Windows Goldengirl .

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Apocalypse Now Hair Kramer vs. Kramer The long Riders

Manhattan Nijinsky The Onion Field Promises in the Dark

The Rose Twinkle, TWInkle Killer Kane

All That Jau American Gigolo Bloodline The Brood Cruising . Dawn of the Dead A Different Story Don't Go in the House Down and Dirty Dressed to Kill

Friday the 13th Phantasm Hardcore Secrets The Hollywood Knights The Silent Partner In Praise of Older Women The Stud The Warriors life of Brian little Darlings When You Comin' luna Back Red Ryder? The Wicker Man Moment by Moment Night Games Winter Kills The Passage

C - Condemned

The pope



• • ImprlDlatur

to youth

of God

During his recent trip to France, Pope John Paul II spoke

By Cecilia Belanger

at length to French youth on topics of interest to teenagers everywhere. In the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from his talks. At the beginning of my talk, I said that Christ is the word in a dialogue that is continual. He is dialogue, a dialogue with every man, even if some do not take part in this dialogue, for not every man knows how to enter into it. And some explicitly refuse this dialogue. They withdraw . . . and yet . . . perhaps this dialogue is going on even with them too. I am convinced that this is so. Often enough, this dialogue "manifests its.elf," in a surprising and unexpected way. You also ask me: In the countries I visit, and also in Rome, why do I speak with ~he various heads of state? Simply because Christ speaks to all men and to every man. Moreover, I believe that he has as much to say to the men who carry heavy responsibilities in ~ociety, as to the young man in the Gospel and to each one of you. You ask me what I speak about when I meet the heads of state, My answer is that, in fact, very often I speak to them about youth. For the young are our "tomorrow." I used to enjoy very much singing with young people both for the music and for the words. I recall this memory because you have also asked me questions about my country. To answer this question I would need to talk for a long, lcng time. You also ask what France has to learn from Poland, and Poland from France. Generally, we say that Poland has learned more from France than France from Poland. Historically, Poland is several centuries younger than France. I think, however, that France too could learn different things. Poland has not had an easy history, especially during the last few centuries. The Poles had to "pay" in no small way for being Polish and for being Christian. Forgive me if this answer is "autobiographical," but you asked the qu~tion. Allow me to develop this autobiographical answer with the help of some other question~ you asked. For example, you ask if the church which is "Western" can truly be "African" or "As-' ian." Evidently, this is a vast question and goes much further than the one I have just mentioned on the subject of the church in France or in Poland. Indeed both these churches are "OccidentaL" belonging to the. same European and Latin culture, but my answer will be the same. The church by its nature is one and universal. It becomes the church of each nation, continent or race in the measure that these societies accept the Gospel and make it their own.


Vatican Stamps VATDCAN CITY (NC)-Marking the 15th centenary of the birth of St. ,Benedict, patron of Europe, the Vatican post office will issue five commemorative stamps bearing scenes from the saint's life. Also to be issued this year are stamps honoring the sculptor Bernini, the seven hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Albertus Magnus and a series marking the fast of All Saints.

"The Law's the true embodiment IOf everything that's excellent.! It has no kind of fault or flaw,/ And I, my Lords, embody the Law." So sings the Lord Chancellor in Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe." The ve"Y words are a satire and the law has certainly come in for its share of brickbats. But the law has a product, its name presumably "justice." I attended several seminars on law and justice a few years ago and in my notes I find these words, "Justice is even more inaccessible than law. It lives in the middle of a vast ticket of undefinables and immeasurabies." These were the words of Kenneth E. Boulding. Justice seems to lie thicker in some places than in others. In its negative sense, injustice is an invisible blight which poisons the social atmosphere more in some places than in others. But despite their elusiveness and non-measurability, justice and injustice are something desperately real, and our perceptions of them, vague as they are, profoundly affect- human attitudes and behavior. We should remember that when we are just to some and unjust to others. 'Perhaps the most difficult question, one which has been batted about in one form or another for thousands of years, is the relation of justice to freedom. Freedom itself is a concept as multidimensional as justice. We could write a freedom function like the justice function, listing the variables which affect people's perceptions as to how free they are. In our seminar, when asked to give an example, a youth re-· plied: "A red light limits our freedom to cross an intersection, but only in the interest of freedom from accidents and from an overall traffic jar." In other words, a stop light is a way of apportioning property in the intersection. We have property in it when it is green, we do not when it is red, and a little doubtful when it 'is yellow. All property is a similar mixture of stops, goes and cautions. The concept of freedom has at least two major dimensions. One is size of the area in which we are free, which is bounded by a "possibility boundary," dividing what we can do from what we cannot. It's a strange thing about boundaries. When they are imposed by the non-human world, . we are much more likely to accept them than if imposed by other humans. Boulding tells us that one of the tasks of justice is to make the boundaries imposed by other humans appear "natural" and therefore legitimate. This is a tangled skein. It is going to take a long time to unravel it. When the task is achieved, both justice and freedom may be enhanced.


By Bill Morrissett~

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Cape Gcllfers Post Lowest Scores Jim Hallet and Dave Attridge, ford area, 77; Rick Walsh, Atrepresenting the Cape .cod area, ttleboro, 81; Wayne Wood and posted the lowest scores in the Jerry Silvia, ,Fall River, 83; Rick 21st CYO Diocesan Golf Tour- Mulcahy, Taunton, and Greg nament at the PocaBset Golf Theriault, Attleboro, 85; Jim Course last Monday. Hallet fired Dion, Taunton, 91. a 71, Attridge a 73 to finish first 'Intermediate Division - Dan and second, respective1y, in the Salmon of Somerset and the Fall senior division. River area, 79; Scott Smith, Cape Ed Hogan, of Onset, who quali- Cod, 81; Greg Pasetento, Attlefied from the ,New Bedford area, boro, 85; David Bourque, Tauntopped the intermediate division ton, 86; Jun-Rullo, Attleboro, 90; with a 74 followed by Tim Har- Bill Mulcahy, Taunton, 93. ney of the Cape area, who came Junior Division Carsten up with a 75. Hartvia, Attleboro, 80; Gary Mike Stone, of New Bedford, Boucher, New Bedford, 88; Jeff was the winner in the junior Smith and Jim Dutra, Taunton, division with a 75. Steve Don- 91; Gilbert Gabriel, Fall River, nelly, of South Yarmouth and 92. representing the Cape area, tied Cadet Division-Kevin Haberl, with Attleboro's Pat Cunningham Cape Cod, 89; Mike Haberl, Cape for second place, with '78s. Don- Cod, 91; Michael Dix, Attleboro, nelly won the playoff. 93; Timmy Dermody, Taunton, In the Cadet Division, Tim To- 98; Roy Nery, of New Bedford bey of Wareham and playing but qualifying out of the Fall out of the New Bedford area led River area, 98; Andy Valley, the division with a 77. Jim Cole- New Bedford, 99; Craig Compman of Fall River but also play- ton, New Bedford, 100; Joseph ing out of the New Bedford area, Reilly, also of Fall River but fired an 83 to take second place. qualifying from the New BedOther scores were: ford area, 102; Joanne Barrett, Senior Division-J3ob Hickman Attleboro, 107; Tim Cooke, Taunand Mark Gonsalves, New Bed- -ton, 1l0.

CYO BCllseball Revises Schedule The Bristol County CYO Baseball League has issued a revised schedule for the remainder of its regular season and may start its post-season playoffs on Aug. 11. Tonight's twin bill at Chew Field, Fall River, has Somerset vs. South and North vs. Kennedy. The remainder of the schedule is: Aug. 3 - Central vs. Kennedy, North vs. Somerllet, Chew Field. Aug. 4 - Kennedy vs. South, North vs. Central, Chew Field. Aug. 5 - Somerset vs. 'Maplewood, Kennedy vs. Central, Chew Field. Aug. G - Central vs. South, North vs. Central, Chew Field; Maplewood vs. Somerset, Hanson Memor:ial Field, Somerset High School. Aug 7 Central vs. Maplewood, Maplewood vs. Somerset, Chew Field. Aug. 10, Maplewood vs. Central, Somerset vs. North, Chew Field. Aug. ll, Central vs. South, Chew Field. Coyle-Cassidy and Bi:shop Feehan High volleyball te,ams will meet Durfee in the approaching season. The Coyle-Cassidy team will open at home to Durfee on Sept. 16 and visit the Topperettes on Oct. 31 in non-league encounters. Feehan is ,slated to meet the Durfeeites in Southeastern Mass. Conference play at Attleboro on Sept. ~i3 and in Fall River on Oct. 10. lreehan is the' only' diocesan high school to meet DIJrfee in crosB-country. They meet in Fall River on Sept. 29 and in Attleboro on Oct. 20, in conference action. Always drawing a la.rge num-

ber of entries, the Somerset High School Invitational meet will be held at Hanson Memorial Field on Saturday, Sept.' 20. Another invitational meet, the Seekonk Invitational, is set for Oct. 13. The conference meet is scheduled for Oct. 25, the state meet at Franklin Park, Boston for Nov. 8, and the all-state meet, also at Franklin Park, for Nov. 15. In indoor swimming several schools in the diocesan area are expected to participate in the Relay Carnival on Sept. 13. And from Swansea comes word that any boy or girl trying out for any sport at Case High School must undergo a physical this summer at the Somerset-Swansea Walk-In Clinic. This program includes those trying out for winter and summer sports. There will be no physical given during the school year.

Heads Missioners NEW DELHI, India (NC) Sister Godelieve Prove, a Belgian, was re-elected superior general of the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries during the society's general chapter in New Delhi. Sister Denise Elliott, a' U.S. citizen who has worked in Africa for the past eight years, was elected assistant superior general Society members work in 24 countries.

tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which. do not al~ays coincide. General ratings: G-sUitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate .classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned. New Films "The Great Scandal" (Warners) is about what makes family members keep lOVing each other even under the most difficult circumstances. It deals with a gung.J1o Marine pilot (Robert Duvall), his lovely ~ife (Blythe Danner) and their son ~Michael O'Keefe). Duvall, with no war to fight, is fiercely aggressive with his wife and sensitive 18year-old son. The story of their interactions has heart, humanity and insight; unfortunately it has bombed everywhere, despite uniformly favorable reviews. It won't fly without help. See it. Send your teens to see it. Better yet, take them. PG, A2 "Dressed to Kill" (Filmways): A young prostitute witnesses the murder of a middle-aged woman and, with the help of the wom·an's young son, searches for the killer, a transvestite with a blond wig. The slipshod story line of this loathsome little movie plays second fiddle to some fantasy sequences that supposedly

originate in the mind of its female characters but which seem more likely to have sprung from the impoverished imaginations of immature males. Much nudity and violence, often combined. R,C On TV Wednesday, Aug. 6, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "The Com is Green": Katherine Hepburn stars in this rebroadcast of the television adaptation of Emlyn Williams novel about a determined teacher who helps a gifted Welsh boy to get into Oxford. "Confluence," 8 a.m. every Sunday, Channel 6. This panel program, moderated by Truman Taylor, has as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Rev. Dr. Paul G. Gillespie, executive minister of the Rhode Island State Council of /Korff. Films on TV Sunday, Aug. 3, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "Showdown" (1972): Dean Martin and Rock Hudson play two friends who fall out and become enemies when they fall in love with the same woman in this run-of-the-mill Western. A2 'Friday, Aug.. 8, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "Last of the Red Hot Lovers" (1972): Alan Arkin plays a timid man who, attempts to have affairs with three women with problems of their ~wn in' this screen adaptation of a Neil Simon comedy. Only intermittent· ly funny. Adult in theme and treatment. A3

Christians take beating on prime time television ruPELO, Miss. - Christian values take a real beating on prime time television while individuals depicted as Christians don't fare much better, according to a recently completed study made by the National Federation for Decency. The national organization found that non-Christian values were depicted in a favorable light nearly three times as often as traditional Christian values and individuals depicted at Christians were presented in a positive manner just slightly more often than dn a negative image. General Foods was named as the top sponsor of non-Christian values while Prudential Insurance was cited as the top Christian value program sponsor. In addition, NBC was the only network whose overall programs were rated more Christian value oriented than non-Christian. Four pIlograms - Little House On The Prairie, The Waltons, Jesus of Nazareth, and The Day Christ Died - contll!ined 96 of the individuals identifiable as Christians or 13 percent' of all individuals depicted as Christians during the entire monitoring period. The top programs with Christian value content were Little

Thurs., July 31, 1980



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THANKSGIVING Novena To St. Jude o Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr,

areat in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful Intsrcessor of all who invoke lour special patronage in time of nee , to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me In my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publl· cation promised. A. reader. lAdvt.) D.M.V. & R.M.C.

THANKSGIVING Novena To St. Jude o Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr,

areat In virtue and rich in miracles,

near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful House On The Prairie (NBC), Intercessor of all who invoke lour The WaltDns (CBS), Here's special patronage in time of nee , to you I have recourse from the depth Boomer (NBC), Palmerstown of my heart and humbly beg to whom USA (OBS), Wonderful World of God has given such great power to Disney (NBC), Different Strokes come to my assistance. Help me in (NBC), Trapper John M.D; (CBS), my present and Ofgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name Chip'S (NBC), Eight Is Enough known, and cause you to be Invoked. (ABC), and Galactica (ABC). ,Say three Our Fathers, three Hail The top programs with nonMarys and Glorlas. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all Christian value !content were who Invoke your aid, Amen. This NoUnited States (NBC), Archie vena has never been known to fail. I Bunker's Place (CBS), Three's have had my request granted. Publi· Company (ABC), The Ropers _ cation promised. A reader. lAdvtJ (ABC), Flo ~CBS), WKRP (CBS), H.C.C. Knots Landing (CBS), Sanford (NBC), and Love Boat (ABC). The top Christian value program sponsors were Prudentdal THANKSGIVING Insurance, Citicorp, Texaco, .Novena To St. Jud. Kraftco, J. C. Penney, Sunkist Growers, Hallmark Cards, Shell, o Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr, areat in virtue and rich. in miracles Volkiswagen, and Oscar Mayer. near kinsman of Jesus CRrist, faithful The top sponsors of non-ChrisInt.cessor of all who invoke lour tian values were General Foods, specla! patronage in time of nee , to you I have recourse from the depth Proctor & Gamble, Ford Motor of my heart and humbly beg to whom Company, Pepsi Co., American God has given such great power to Home Products, General Motors, come to my assistance. Help me In Lever Brothers, Johnson & Johnmy present and Ofgent petition. In return, I pr~~~~ to make your name son, Bristol-Myers, Sterling known, and ClIUse you to be Invoked. Drug. Say three Our Fathers, fhree Hail A free copy of the complete Marys and Glorlas. Publication must report, including addresses of be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Nosponsors, is available by send· vena has never been known to fall. J ing 'a self-addressed stamped enhave had my request granted. Publl· velope to the National Federacltion promised. A reider. lAdvt.) tion for Decency, Box 1398, Tu. G.D. pelo, Miss. 38801. '


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 31, 1980

,teering pOint,· PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be inclUded, as well IS full dates of all !ctlvltles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro~rams, club meetings, youth projects end similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing projects may be advertised at our . regular rates obtainable from The Anchor business Office, telephone 675·7151.


Volunteers are needed in the parish OCD program and may contact the rectory for further information. FIVE HOUR VIGIL,

FALL .RIVER DIOCESE A 5-hour vigil held monthly in various dioceSan churches will take place from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport.. The service will include opening and concluding Masses, a holy hour and recitation of the rosary. There will be a 10 p.m. coffee break.

IMMACULATE CONCEPfION,... FALL RIVER . Junior and senior CYO members and their families are invited to a picnic from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 9 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Walter and Dora Sokoll will be parish liaisons to the diocesan Office of Family Ministry, assisting in coordination of diocesan and parish-level programs within St. Stanislaus. DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER, FALL RIVER All chapter members are invited to a Mass and buffet supper at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8, at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St. The occasion will mark the feast of St. Dominic. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER


Advance plans are being made for a celebration of the parish jubilee Sunday, Sept 14. The program will include a Mass with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal celebrant. Also present will be Bishop Brendan Comiskey, SS.CC., auxiliary of Dublin. A dinner will follow the Mass. SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN

This Sunday, following 10 8.m. Mass, Eucharistic ministers will begin a program of bringing Holy Commmunion to sick and shut-in parishioners. Those wishing this service may contact the rectory. PUERTO RICAN CULTURE, FALL RIVER A mini-course on Puerto Rican culture will be offered beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 25, at 47 Prospect Place, Fall River. The instructor will be Sister Carmen Joseph, SUSC, a native of Puerto Rico.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. tomorrow in Our Lady of Lourdes chapel, HOLY TRINITY, under auspicies of the Commit- WEST HARWICH Father Edward McDonough, tee of Adorers of the Blessed' CSSR will conduct a healing and Sacrament. restoration service at 7:30 p.m. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, Tuesday. He has worked full FALL RIVER time in the charismatic renewal The parish will celebrate its since 1974 and conducts a heal-. patronal feast the weekend of ing service each Sunday at Aug. 15 to 17, highlighted by a Mission Church, Roxbury. He is procession at 2 p.m. Sunday. also heard on radio programs in -Boston, Springfield, ProviST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, dence and New York. NEW BEDFORD All are welcome to Tuesday's The 1981 parish calendar is now available and Masses for service. 1981 may be arranged before

or after any weekend liturgy. OUR LADY OF VICTORY, Centerville An ultreya meeting. will be held tomorrow night with Bill and Paula Connolly as host couple, the theme of Community Healing and Father Robert Carter as principal celebrant of the ultreya Mass. ' New ultreya steering committee members are Paula Connolly, Keith Sacht and Barbara Simone.


SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER There are openings in the kindergarten and grades 2, 3 and 4 in the parish school. Information is available at the rectory. The CYO will hold its annual summer Rocky Point trip on Monday, Aug. 18.

·PHONE PAL PROGRAM FALL RIVER Volunteers are sought by Phone Pals, a volunteer program sponsored by the Family Service Assn. of Greater Fall River. The undertaking involves calling an elderly person at a specified time daily to check on his or her welfare. If a call is unanswered, a check is made on the person. Family Service officials say that several crises have been averted in this manner. Those in need of Phone Pal service or who would like to assist the program may' call

ST. JOHN, POCASSET' The rosary will be recited foilowing 8 a.m. Mass Saturday, the first Saturday in August. Parishioners are asked to recall that the rectory has no full time housekeeper and to avail themselves of its telephone answering service. Volunteers are needed for the CCD program and may call 563-2749 to offer their services. BREAD OF LIFE COMMUNITY, FALL RIVER Father Raphael Flammia, SS. ce., pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, will speak at 7:30 tomorrow night at Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. ST. RITA, MARION The second annual parish golf tournament will be held Sunday, Aug. 17 at Rochester Country Club and will be open to all 18 years of age and above. It will be combined with a cookout at the rectory. A parish picnic is slated for Sunday, Aug. 24. Free Anchors are available at the 'church door for visitors. LEGION OF MARY. FALL lUVER DIOCESE Diocesan Legionaries are invited to attend the annual Legion picnic from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph's Hall, 800 Tucker Rd., North Dartmouth. The event will conclude with Benediction. Those attending are asked to bring their lunch.

Music integral to Eucharist COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (NC) - Music is an important part of liturgy and ~an encourage participation at Mass, according to speakers at a National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NAPM) regional convention, held at Benedictine St. John's Abbey and University. Although some early church leaders thought music might detract from devotion to God, St. Benedict included a place for songs, hymns and canticles in public worship, said St. John's Abbot Jerome Theisen. Abbot Theisen explained that medieval monks kept up the musical traditions. "Monks l\ave traditionally assisted parish communities in preparing liturgical music," he added.. He said that liturgical music is integral to the Eucharist. "Music has a uni(ying effect on the community of Christian bealllU1111111R11111111111111111111111111l11l1111 :lllllllllllllllllllllllllluunlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW


A youth mi:rnstry social night is planned for Wednesday and a ministry meeting will take place Sunday, Aug. 17. C,CD teachers will meet Monday, Aug. 18 and the parish council will convene on Aug. 26. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Eucharistic ministers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the church.

FALL RIVER An ultreya meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the lower church.

According to Father Virgil C. Funk, NAPM president, who spoke in Providence recently at a New England regional meeting attended by many pastoral musicians from the Fall River diocese, "Communion is not a devotional moment but one of unity. It is not a moment of union between Christ and each person but, rather, one of union with the entire community. The music must reflect this." He suggested ritual, music selection and other elements must work together to create an ideal liturgical environment. With the right environment, even the most recalcitrant parishioners will participate at Mass, he said. "Through music and ritual, a sense of belonging can be created," he said. He also explained that musicians must select music fitting to the size and tastes of the community. "To sing 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' in the Old German style while altar boys are tripping on their cassocks that's like putting the dome of St. Peter's on a Dairy Queen building."



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lievers," he said. "Faith comes from what is heard, and music assists the search for and encounter with God; the Word in song also enhances the presence of God and touches another dimension of the human spirit, and music expresses the joy and celebration of Christian life."





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