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The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the


Sure and FIrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 1 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 31 @ 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year

Praises Msgr. Bonneau's 'Esteem of Priesthood' Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, pastor of St. Theresa's Church, So. Attleboro, homilist 3t the concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial offered on Monday morn-


in in Notre Dame Church, Fall River for the late retired pastor of the parish, Rev. Msgr. Alfred J.E. Bonneau, stressed the dignity, ministry and dedication of the priesthood that was held a~d practiced for 58 years in the priesthood by the 81 year old deceased monsignor. The principal concelebrant was Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River and he was assisted by Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau, pastor of Notre Dame, and Monsignor Chabot. Rev. Mr. William L. Boffa served as deacon. Monsignor Bonneau was depicted in the words of the. homiHst as the exemplar of the good shepherd during his more than a half century of service in the ministry of the Lord. Monsignor Chabot stated: "Monsignor Bonneau never made a claim to greatness but his words and actions always bespoke the esteem in which he held the priesthood." Turn to Page Three

Key to Future of Catholic Education Held by Parents ST. PAUL (NC) - Parentstheir interest, their suport and their active participation-Iarge~ Iy hold the key to the future of Catholic education, according to 'Francis N. Scholtz, new director of education of the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese. The first layman to ever. head the 12-county See education program, S~holtz said that "if we get more parents involved in adult (religious) 'education, they in turn will help us get their ch'i1dren into the Clltholic schools and CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) programs." In addition to adult education, parents are needed on parish boards of education and also directly in the c1assrooom, the education director said.

D of I Members Plan .Boston . Convention Among diocesan delegates to the biennial national convention of the Daughters of Isabella, to be held at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Boston, Monday through Friday, Aug. 12 through 16, are Mrs. Rita Frazier, Taunton, trustee; Mrs. Irene Russell, Falmouth, trustee; and Mrs. Cecile Cummings, Fall River, guard. All are members of the organization's Massachusetts State Circle. The Daughters of Isabella last Turn to Page Five

Peter's Pence Collection Scheduled for Weekend In a letter read last weekend throughout the Diocese announcing the annual Peter's Pence collection that will be taken up in all churches and chapels this weekend, Bishop Cronin asks the faithful of the Diocese of Fall River to provide a tangible expression of our solidarity and unity with our Holy Father, Pope Paul VI and to assist him in his many charitable endeavors throughout the world. The Bishop:s letter follows: Dearly beloved in Christ, One happy privilege which I enjoy as Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River is that of conveying at festive times during the liturgical year of the Church the prayerful good wishes of the devoted pledge of loyalty of the People of God of the Diocese to our Holy Father Pope Paul VI. These greetings are appropriate at the great feasts of Christmas and Easter, and most recently were transmitted on the eleventh anniversary of Pope Paul's Coronation as Vicar of Christ upon earth just one month ago. Whenever I do have occasion

to transmit such a message to our Holy Father, the precious opportunity is afforded to beg for the Apostolic Benediction for all Turn to Page Two

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Mrs. Marie Heyer

"I would hope that all parents years, including 17 spent in would spend at least a few hours classrooms. Before his new apa year in schools their children pointment, he was coordinator of are attending," he stressed. education for the Sioux Falls, Scholtz said he believes that S. D., diocese. all those areas are inseparable Believing that "a new spirit in in forming the total educational the Catholic schools" has mission of the Church-what he emerged, he said he feels that calls a "cradle-to-grave ap- . formal prayers should be taught proach" to Catholic education. in the classroom, but that opporScholtz, 52, has been involved tunities for spontaneous prayer in Catholic education for 23 Turn to Page Three

Boston City Hospital Case

Fall River, Judge Presiding At Manslaughter Trial BOSTON (NC)-A bill of particulars filed before Judge James P. McGuire in Suffolk Superior Court here specified for the first time some of the details in the indictment of a Boston City Hospital physician charged with manslaughter of a "viable baby boy" in an abortion procedure last October. Judge McGuire, a member of St. Jos拢ph's Parish, Fall River is a graduate of B. M. C. Durfee High School, Catholic University, Washington and Boston -University La,w Sohool. He was a trial lawyer from 1931 until his appointment as a Superior Court Judge in 1973:., _._._ Assistant District Attorney Newman A. Flanagan filed the document in response to a court rul,ing (July J.2) that the prosecution should furnish the defendant's attorney with additional information on the charges. Dr. Kenneth Edelin, chief resident in obstetrics and gynecology at the hospital, was indicted on the manslaughter charge in April and pleaded innocent in superior court. Four other defendants were indicted separately on charges of illegal dissection of aborted fetuses. According to the bill of particulars, Dr. Edelin killed the fetus by shutting off his blood supply while the infant was in its mother's womb, then wa'ited three to five minues before removing it. The prosecution holds that the

Stresses Properly Formed Conscience CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) The Church's teachings on ~ib~ erty, obedience and conscience are valid and contemporary, not anachronistic and outdated, Pope Paul VI told a crowded audience 'hall July 24 at his first weekly general audience at the papal summer res'idence here. Stating that he strove, during general audiences, to show points of approach between the Church's thinking and the characteristic mentality of the present time, the Pope said: . "One of the points of approach concerns the importance of personal conscience in the determination of one's own conduct, that is the predominance of one's own moral judgment over other unrelated criteria." It is claimed that since man is free, he Should

be able to choose freely what he wishes to do, the Pope said -but he immediately observed: The unrelated interference of other criteria not only diminishes the liberty of the subject but can harm rect'itude. Very true: Conscience interprets and imposes immediate norms on honest human actions. "It's perfectly all right if modern education seeks to stir up conscience, making it listen to its own pronouncements and attributing to these pronouncements great importance but specifying them as strictly personal and responsible actions. So far so good. "But here is Where our school of thought completes the idea of conscience, affirming that conscience must follow a norm which stems from objective rea-

son ... Conscience -does not create its .moral norm but must accept a norm and apply it." Pope Paul continued: "Conscience is not an inner eye which sees; it is not in itself the light which gives sight; it is not the thing which we must do. For conscience can only command insofar as it obeys. "This can be very important if it is well u::1derstood,' because it warns us that conscience has need of guidance which transcends it. It is the demand which arises from a reason, which in its turn has need of guidance from natural teaehing, if this is suffiCient, or else from the faith and the magisterium (teaching authority of the Church) which propound it, when reason is insufficient."


physician's prbcedures do not constitute "part of a legal abortion" and that they must be viewed as manslaughter. Turn to Page Three

Holy Union Sister Flies Tomorrow To Saigon Post Sis t e r E路leanor McNally, S.U.S.C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew McNally of Swansea, will leave tomorrow from Kennedy Airport, New York, for a year's assignment with Catholic Relief Services in Saigon, South Viet Nam. The Holy Union Sister will coordinate an orphans' program involving 125 orphanages throughout South Viet Nam. Her work will include upgrading of health and living conditions in the institutions and supervising an adoption program fpr children released by the South Vietnamese government for' placement in American home's. ' Sister Eleanor brings to her new work a background including a year at the Institute of Mission Studies of the University Turn to Page Four

Summer Mass Schedule Pages EIGHT and NINE


Y~urtg Los Angeles Priest Serves, As Flriend of Youthful Addict$

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug,' 1, 1974

Bishops and Religious Order~ Manifest Exampl'e of Charity

LOS ANGELES (NC) - "If a but no one reaches him deeply. kid is strung out on heroin or if These kids never have been he has taken an overdose; if he's loved uncond'itionally. They need KANSAS CITY (NC) - The But the fund lost money ingetting to the bottom of the the kind of love Jesus had for diocese of Reno, Nev." and the stead, and in February the SEC the good thief, for the woman rope, he'll call me." - LaSalette Fathers, a religious or- ordered refinancing to ,give, the Father David Cousineau, only caught in adultery," he said. del' based in the United States in bond issuse adequate financial two years a priest, was telling "Only that kind of love will Attleboro, Mass., lost millions of backing. how he makes contact with boys, change them. They have to have dollars in an investment plan According to NCR, a number 12 'to 16 years old; who need his wmeone with them all the way." that failed, according to a copy- of informed sources agr\!ed that help. His approach is unique for righted story in the National there was no fraud involved in Father Cousineau's work with each boy, he explained. "I may Catholic Reporter (NCR), a the case, and the SEC said it had young' addicts is an on-his-own- go with him to a hospital or docweekly published here. taken no publi~ adion' in the time avocation. He has a full- tor. I tell him to call every day At ont;! time, NCR said, the in- case, although its deadline for time job as associate pastor of to let me know everything is govestment fund was worth as refinancing was April 12. Our Lady of Peace Church in ing okay. much as $25 million, but losses .nearby Sepulveda. Bishop McFarland , "I may go wIth him to try to cut its value to about one-tenth . By necessity, his help often is get a job. Few employers want that amount. In his statement on the issuc, FRIEND: Father David Hmited to what can be given by to give a break to a boy who has Since the Securities and Ex- Bishop McFarland said: telephone. In real emergency sitCousineau of I:.os Angeles been busted. I have to say I'll change Commission (SEC) enter"In my capacity as apostolic uations he moves quickly to sit ed the picture Feb. 12, ordering administrator ,for. temporalities, I handles life and death. calls with a boy during the torture of take the responsibility." the fund to refinance the bonds have, for the last four months, from young drug addicts. "If "cold turkey" withdrawal or to More important, he continued, because of the shaky financial been assisting the diocese of a kid is strung out of heroin get a boy to a doctor. the boy has to see the priest as condition of the fund, 85 bishops, Reno with. its financial needs. or if he has taken an over"Sometimes I will send a kid '.'the person who brings God to dioceses, and other Catholic in"Reno ha's, since its inception, dose . . . he'll call me," said who is 'off it' to talk with a boy them, the God who is concerne~ stitutions have come to the aid who needs to have someone with and forgives." . been a missionary di~cese de- the priest. NC Photo.' of the investors, NCR said. ' The young priest said his most him." pendent upon outside aid: CoverReligious orders, through the The calls can be matters of profound e~perience was sitting state of Nevada, , ing the entire Conference of Major Superiors life and death. Father Cousineau on a curb while a boy poured ?ut seventh largest in the union, but 5 of Men (CMSM), reportedly his whole life, hearing his conhas had boys die in his arms. 47th in population, it has for Continued from Page One raised more than $7.5 m:llion for "Heroin :is death on the instal1- fession and giving absolut'ion years been the recipient of finanthe La Salette Fathers. Passionthe clergy, religiou,s and fait~ful ment plan, and the kids know where the boy was, "in the gutist Father Paul Boyle, immediate cial aid from s~ch Church agen- laity of the Diocese from His ter." it," he said. past president of the CMSM, told cies as the American Board of Holiness. The saintly Successor ~'When a. kid gets to the botCatholic Missions, the Catholic "It was a beautiful thing," he NCR he considered that action 'to Saint Peter unfailingly re- tom of his rope, many touch h'im said. "the finest example of. coopera- Church Extension Society, and sponds to such petitions with tion within the Church that I the Board of Catholic Missions. the assurance of his prayerful But, in addition to this help and know of." regards and with his Apos~olic Auxiliary Bishop Norman Mc- its own fund-raising' efforts, the Blessing. Most recently, I rediocese of Reno has, like many Funeral Home· Farland of San Franeisc:o, who ceived a communication from the FUNE,RAL HOME, INC. was named admin,istrator of the Church il1stitutions of the cOun- Holy See in response to a mes550 Locust Street R. Marcel Iloy - G. lorraine Roy Reno diocese's finances for the try, borrowed money to meet sage of affection and devotion Roger laFranee - James E. Barton Fall River, Mass. ever-increasing apostolic needs. ailing Bishop Green, issued a from all in the Diocese of Fall FUNEftAl DIRECTORS Most of its parjshes-and it public statement following pub· 672-2391' River which invoked upon us all 15 Irvington Ct. lication of the NCR story, in has only 39 of them in the state an abundant share in the fruits Rose E. SulJivan NEIW Bedford which he affirmed the basic --carry debts to financial institu- of the redemption and an even Jeffrey E. Sullivn ,I . '99,5-5166., thrust of the report but stated tions,.,and t~e central office has ,stronger fa'ith ill'- -Christ. '.' '- . . , borrowed to fund di6cesan, agenthat "the remaining debt is con. What a magnificent source ' cies a~d programs. siderably.' less than' $3 'million." of grace and what a pow'erful "Included in this borrowing blessing is such an expression He said the Reno diocese has D. D. Wilfred C. Fun«~,al Home converted its public debt' to an was the issuance of bonds by the of personal concern for all of Sulli'van Driscoll internal one consisting of "man- diocese, and. the program of us and for each of us from 571 Second Street' ageable long-term loans from amortization involved invest- the Holy Father.. Fall f~iver, Mass. Church instrumentalities within ments with a religious trust. Next weekend, in keeping with 6:79-6072 the U. S." ,When the expectation of the in20f, WINTER STREET MICHAEL J. McMAHON Accepted Theory vestment was not :realized, and an age-old custom, we- shall have FALL RIVER, MASS. Registered Embalmer . The plan which brought the with the still present obligation our annual "Peter's Pence" Col672-3381 licens~d Funeral Director diocese and the La Salette t!> meet its bond liability in the lection, to provide a tangible exFathers into trouble started in face of increasing costs inan,in- pression of our solidarity and 1969, when Father Rene Sauve, flationary period, relinancing unity with Pope Paul, and to assist him in I\is many charitable then treasurer ,of the Mission- was evidently called for. endeavors throughout the entire aries of Our Lady of La Salette, "The diocese has done exactly ,began to sell a bond issue that, paying off its public, debt world. I solicit your generosity through the Chicago brokerage by converting its liability to to this collection. When I transfirm, McMahon and Hoban, manageable long-term, low-inter- mit the fruits of your kindness to set up an investment fund, est loans from Church instru· ,to our Holy Father, yet another .called the St. Joseph's Trust mentalities within the U. S., opportunity will be at hand to request the gooCl. Blessing of , Fund. thereby making its debt internal Pope Paul, and still another ocThe theory, which is an ac- to the Church itself. The remaincepted practice among investors, ing debt is considerably less than casion for winning this priceless was that the investments of the $3 million. There is nothing ex- gift of grace. Grateful for your participation fund would earn more money traordinary about this procedure than the interest that would and, in fact, we have here a good in this act of 10Yllity and faith, have to be paid to the buyers of exemplification of Vatican C!>un. and extending every prayerful Let's help take care of our world. It the bonds. cil II's teaching that '.. ". in, ad- wish for God's blessings, I have. was created in good form. ministering the ecclesiasticel as- the pleasure to remain Environmental concern is sets, bishops should think, not Necrology Devotedly yours in Christ, only of the needs of their OW? di® Daniel A. Cronin PEOPLE HELPING \ PEOPLE AUG. 13 oceses, but of other ones as well Bishop of 'Fall River Rev. Edward J. Sheridan, 1896, '.. .' arid in a universal fellowship Pastor, St. Mary, Tauntol) of Charity, bishops should gli;ldly Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley, extend their fraternal aid to ALL FAITHS 1964, Past,or, St. Francis Xavier, other churches, especially' to Hyannis neighboring and more needy dioAUG. 14 ceses, in according with the venWARING-A'SHTON Rev. Raphael Marciniak, OFM erable example of antiquity.. '.' FUNERAL HOMES' Conv., 1947" Pastor, Holy Cross, "As a matter of fact I ,am Doane 'Heal 'Ames Fall River INCOfPOlltHD rather fascinated by llJI this sudServing All Faiths . AUG. 15 den interest in Reno'!, financial ·FUNERAL Rega,dless of Financial Circumst~nces Rev. Charles W. Cullen, 1926, needs, and I would hope. that Fo, Oller 102 Years SERVICE Founder, Holy Family, East this might not remain just idle CITY LOCATION Taunton SUBURBAN LOCATION curiosity, but be converted into 1~'8 Winter Street 189 Gardners Neck Road material help which this missionBetween Cherry & Locust·Sts. North of Rt. 6 Intersection HY ANNIS 775·0684 ary diocese could very well use. THE AIlCHIlIl FALL RIVER SWANS~A • South Yarmouth 398-2201, There is much that needs to be ' Second CI.SI Post'Ce P.id at F.II River, M.ss. Published every Thursday at 410 Harwich Port 432·0593 . done, particularly with regard' to Hli"l.nd Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02n2 ~, the C.tholic Press of ~. Diocese of F.II religious education if 'only 'we IIlver. SUbscription price by mail, p03tpai~ $5,00 p.r year. had the funds to do it."

Bishop' Letter













Judge McGuir,

Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974

Continued from Page One The bill of particulars specifies that the "viable" fetus was killed between the 24th week and the 28th week of pregnancy and that the fetus "would have remained alive had it not been for the alleged conduct of the defendant."

Vigil of Prayer In N'ew Bedford A First Friday Mass and five hour prayer vigil will be held , Friday night, August 2, at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, South Sixth Street, New Bedford. The services will be the sixteenth in a series of vigils in area parishes, held for peace and honoring the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The program wiJ] begin with confessions preceding an 8 P.M. Mass of the Sacred Heart. Included in the evening will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour and Benediction. The Vigil will end with a midnight Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart. Refreshments will be served during the evening, and all are invited to attend all or part of the services.

In it written response to questions submitted to the court by attorney William P. Homans, who represents Dr. Edelin, the prosecution conceded that it is "unable to state with certainty whether or not the fetus required artificial aid after removal" from its mother's womb. Judge McGuire has not set a trial date but it is expected that he will hear a motion for dismissal by the defense in late August or early September. Controversial issues in the case will focus on the age of viability of a fetus, technical procedures of the defendant in the legal abortion and whether the fetus would have survived after removal from the mother's womb. In the July 12 ruling, Judge McGuire told the prosecution it must specify that if the alleged killing was committed during the abortion, the prosecution must state what acts or omissions con· stituted the crime. He further ordered the prosecution to state in detail the period of gestation of the fetus before death, whether it had any connection with its mother and whether the fetus required "artificial aid after removal ... to maintain a potentiality of Ilfe.""


for us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls, Mansfield. North Attleboro, North Dighton,,: North Easton, Norton. Raynham. and Taunton,

NOT QUITE CHARMED: Horace Yates, 11, doesn't look charmed as he holds a snake around his shoulders so that his brother, Leumas, 10, can pet it during a Summerscene Zoomobile visit to children at St. Augustine Parish in Louisville" Ky. NC Phot~.


Msgr. Bonneau's 'Esteem of Priesthood'

Continued from Page One "He was a man of prayer, a 'priest 'dediCated to service and .a so'n pledged to the authority of Homans said that the prosecuMother Church." tion's answers to his questions "His prayerful life was evisubmitted to the court were not "fully responsive" and appar- denced by his constant visits 'to ently contradictory on some the Blessed Sacrament and his points, such as whether the fetus invitations to his parishioners was "physically connected" with to the recitation of the Rosary its mother's womb immediately and the practice of family prayer." before death. "The sick and the weary found a friend in Monsignor Bonneau -for his visits to the ailing were frequent and his counseling to Continued from Page One the weary encouraging." and for participation in liturgies Monsignor Chabot further must also be provided. stated that the theme of Monsignor Bonneau's life could be Scholtz further stressed the summed up in the words "God need for a close relationship bespeaks to me through his tween parents and teachers. Church." "Teachers should visit the , Born on Oct. 16, 1892 in home of every student at least Plymouth, the son of the late once a year," he said. "It will Louis and Marie Lapointe Bonhelp foster a closer relationship , neau, Msgr. Bonneau was educated at St. Mary's Seminary, between parents and teachers," Baltimore and was ordained by He also said that ceo and Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan in adult education programs can be St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River enhanced by a "kind of merger" on June 24, 1916. The late retired' pastor of in which essentially the same subjects are taught to both Notre Dame, served as an ,assisadults and children, though tant at St. Jean the Baptist, Fall River; St. Anthony of Padua and geared to the specific age level. St. Anne's, New Bedford; and "This could help strengthen Sacred Heart, No. Attleboro. the family," he said. "Another His first pastorate was the benefit is that families could dis- Holy Rosary Church, New Bedcuss at home what they have ford where he served for four been studying." years. In 1939, he was transferred to the Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro and remained Attleboro Bowling there for eight years until he was An Attleboro area CYO duck reassigned on Jan. 6, 1947' to pin bowling tournament will take Notre Dame Parish, Fall ~iver. On Feb. 24, 1958, he was elplace Tuesday, Aug. 27 at Attleboro Bowladrome. Competition evated to the rank of 'domestic is open to all boys, Catholic or prelate by Pope Pius XII. He remained at Notre Dame not, from ages 11 to 18. Applications are available at the Bowl- until his retirement on July 31, adrome and at St. .Joseph's rec- 1969. For a period after his retiretory, 208 S. Main St., Attlebaro.

Key to Future


ment, Msgr. Bonneau lived at the rectory., The last few years, until his death on Thursday, July 25; were spent with his retired fellow priests at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. In addition to the many priests '

who concelebrated and attended the Mass, also seated in' the sanctuary was Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop 'of the Diocese. His chaplains were' Rev. Roland Bousquet ami Rev. Roger L. Gagne.

Our Lady Oc.\1S ~(






the Angels Feast

Our Lady of the Angels Church Fall River

EVERY NIGHT' •• 7 P.M. to 1r P.M. SUNDAY • • 1 P.M. to 11 P.M.

Thursday, August 8 Silver Stars Orchestra Portuguese & American Music

Everyone invited to take part in Procession SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1:30 P.M.


Friday, August 9 Be Be Alves Musical Tops Variety' Show

Feast Mass· Sunday, August 11, 12:00 Noon


Bazaar - Food - Games -


Saturday, August 10 American & ' Portuguese Music from New Bedford


Booths - Music - Prizes - Auctions



Sunday, August 11 'Feast Mass: 12:00 NoonProcession: 1:30 p.m. Os Lusitanos Orchestra 3 to 5 p.m.-6 to 11 p.m.


CHURCH HALL GROUNDS Tuttle and Benjamin Streets- - South End - - Fall River


Asserts Human ,Condition Wo'rse In South Vietna m

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974

The Pope's Message The traditiomil Peter's Pence collection which will be taken up this coming weekend gives Catholics an opportunity to pause and thi.nk again of the position of the Holy' . Father in the life of the' Church. By the Will of Christ, the Pope is the foundation stone of the visible Church and as such has a position that is unique and essential and fundamental in Catholic belief. His role is subject to neither bargaining nor compromise. It 'is a blessing at this time that less. criticism is being directed at the Holy lFather. Those who were so vociferous in their attacks on him as recent as a few years ago have fallen silent. Some have left the Church and these should be prayed for. There s1}ould be no rejoicing that, their silence has come about in this way: It does seem to be noteworthy that in so many cases such criticism andcynicism have preceded the leaving. . With the passage of time, however, and with the 5ettling .down ,of Catholics after the Council, the Holy Father is being seen and appreciated all the more as the Father of Christendom and the one sure clear voice of spirituality in the world. His writings and talks are peing re-examined - and deserve to be - for the wonderful balance and the basic spirituality of their contents. Never thrown off stride by fads of the moment or the temptation to say what people may' want to hear, the Pope has kept going back again and again to the basic themes of religion -man is from God, man is for God, man has the means to go back to God, man's life must include God or it is failure, man's love of God must include love of neighbor, man can and should blend the elements of sacrifice and charity into the skein of his life if it is to be a life in C~rist. The Christ life-this is the theme so often of the Pope's message. And fittingly so since it is the Gospel message, the Church's message.

Perpetuating a Myth

Holly ~YeaIr




A quotation advertising a play about the late 'poor Lenny Bruce has the man saying that people. are, staying away from the church every day and getting back to God. REV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church It is a line calculated to get a laugh. It also perpetuates a myth. The picture it tries to conjure up is that of the churchgoer being the hypocrite who gives his tithe to God on Every man who is placed in a position of authority Sunday and then acts in an un-Godly way' the rest of the week, while the non-church-goer lives day after day in either by politics,' appointment or a combination of both, sweet converse with God and in kindness to one and all must'deal and cope with the powerS of that office. In the cour~e of time, we see that men use or abuse the powers around him. . of their office depending on It is true that people are not as good as they sh~)Uld their own innate abilities, easier for congress to give vent be, even church-going people. It is a fact that many indito long suppressed voices. viduals take scandal from seeing those who go to church drives and ambitions. In the The persistent arrogance of speaking and acting in a way quite inconsistent with their case of abuse of power, fault the executive branch of governchurch..;going. The answer to this is not that people should arises from either omission or ment in its relations with concommission. With the former, stay away from church but that they should take church most men are able to excuse or gress over "the past year is now bearing fruit., The pretentions of and its ;message more to heart. (Chesterton once observed would like to excuse. However ppwer, the haughtiness of action, that if people were this bad going to church imagi,?-e what when the abuse of power is the and the total environment of indirect result of an intended act solence created by the White they would be if they did not go.) It is also a fact that people who condemn those who and fault becomes evident, the House in its dealings with the ability to excuse is limited. go to church very often are merely looking for an eX<fuse When the abuse of power is .other branches of government has finalIy come home to roost. to stay away'from church. They then proceed to give the cloaked in the trappings of arro- There is now' a determination to ,time saved to sleep, coffee-drinking, funny papers, etc. If gance, excuses cease. restore' the balance of pow'er that There are few people, even in is demanded by our constitution they gave the tim~ to volunteer hospital work or to prayerful meditatio~ they. might be able to make a point. What it liberal New England, who, one and the precepts of our founding .year ago, would even use the all too often comes down to is an' act- of selfishness that word impeachment with serious fathers. Seemingly the impeachprocess has now become has to be justified-God gives them 168 hours a week; intent. ln fa'ct any member of ment the -last resort to achieve this they will not give Him back even one. congress who even thought the desired goal.

The Arroga'nce of' ,Power



Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 !Highland Avenue Fall River Ma!is. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shallo,o, M.A. ' Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan GENERAL' MANAGER FINANCIAL ADIMINISTRATOR ASSISTANT MANAGERS Re!/. John P. Driscoll Rev. John R. Foister ~Leary

Press-Fall Rive.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Little has been done in the past year to lessen the severity of human suffering in South Vietnam and the "general level of misery," continues to grow worse, a, Senate subcommittee on refugees, WelIs Klein, executive director of the American C<>uncil of Nationalities'Service in New York, recommended that U.S. economic aid dolIars should be channeled into humanitarian programs rather than in projects geared to trigger an industrial boom in war-racked South Vietnam. Klein told the subcommittee that great progress has been made in refugee resettlement and adoption procedures. But he em• phasized that "nothing has happened in broad terms . . . to ameliorate the severity of human suffering in Vietnam" and that "in fact today the condition of people,- the general level of misery, is as bad if not worse than it was a year ago, and the situation continues to deteriorate." Infant Ab:llldonment South Vietnam, Klein said, is facing serious problems due to malnutrition, underemployment and unemployment, "serious economic depression compOUnded by an alarming and mounting inn;tion," and large urban populations. He said it is estimated that the number of "street children" has doubled since last year and that infant abandonment "is clearly rising," Numbers of school drop-outs are also up, Klein said, because parents cannot -afford the five dolIar Vietnam' school tuition. . ,Klein reported that refugee camps which last year held over 600,000 people were almost entirely empty this year Que to the success of return-to-village resettlement programs. The head of the refugee program, Klein added, has predicted that more than one million people could be returned to rural villages during the next two years. But Klein emphasized that other areas of social service have not kept pace with the refugee program. The exception, he said, was inter-country adoption of Vietnamese orphans which are handled by six American and international agencies in Vietnam.

Holy Union Sister Continued from Page One'of Ottawa and riine months at a Holy Union African mission in West Cameroon. Most recently'she has worked at the New York City board of education, serving .as a federal programs liaison between the board and archdiocesan sc·hools. A native of Sacred Heart parish, FalI River, she taught for a year - at St. Michael's School, FalI River, and has also been in Holy Union schools in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. She expects to return to the United States on leave next August.

word impeachment was thought No matter what the outcome to be a dangerous radical. What of our present crisis of governhas happened then in the space ment, this moment gives sober of one year to chance the entire and somber warning to any man atmosphere of impeachment? or woman who holds political Time is its own ·master. Cer~ office or appointed position in a tainly the deliberate course and democratic society. No man is direction of the president's de- above the law and no man,even fense' cul~inating in the Supreme if he be president of these United ' Court case of the United States States, can become a law unto versus Richard Nixon has himself. For many, this seems to stunned mind,S, changed hearts be. the crux of today's governand swayed votes. For the first men tal 'crisis. Above alI the must be folIowed in the distime in the entire drawn out bat- present Clction of the Congress charge of the public trust. Notice tle over presidential conduct, the serves fair notice to any future is now given that in no way will clear and decisive voice of judi- generation that desires to serve the delicate and frail fabric of cial was heard over the clamour , in public office that there are constitutional government be of political discord. The Supreme dictates of responsibilities and tainted and tattered by personal Court ruling suddenly made it mandates of procedures that ambition or individual desires.


Church-State Relations Ct.ange In Brazil BRASILIA (NC)-eardinal Agnelo Rossi, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Evan· gelization of the Peoples, said here that the Brazilia.n government and the Church both seek to improve the lot of t.he people, and that this common goal makes dialogue between Church and state easier. The changes needed to clarify Church-state problems in Brazil are taking place, Cardinal Rossi said during a press conference held after he had met with Brazilian President Ernesto Geisel, a Protestant. Church state relations here reached a ,critical point in the last months of the administration of former President Em/i1io Garrastazu Medici. The Brazilian Bishops' Conference has consistently criticized violations of human rights by the Brazilian military government. The bishops of the impoverished 'northeastern region, led hy Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, have scored the unequal distribution of wealth due to the milit.ary's economic policies. . Acts of Good Wlll But contacts between some of President Geisel's aides and Church officials occurred before and after his inauguration March 15, prompting optimistic assessments within the Church on prospects for improved relations. Although no major breakthrough has been reported and allegations of some arbitrary arrests and torture of political prisoners continue, the conflict has been toned down and the military government has performed some acts of good will toward the Church. The recent release and return to France of French Father Francois Jentel, who had been condemned to 10 years imprisonment for alleged subversion, was one such act.

'Dial-a-Saint' Has 175 Callers Daily ST. CLOUD (NC)--More than half a million calls have been made to "Dial-a-Saint," a daily recorded spiritual message that was installed in the bureau of information office of the St. Cloud diocese six years ago. Jammed lines and frequent complaints characterized the first few weeks following the initiation of the service. Averaging a daily count of 358 the first month (May, 1968), daily callers now number about 175. An average daily count over the six year period was 226. The Redemptorist. Fathers In Ligouri, Mo., were responsible for introducing the "Dial·aSaint" servke to the area. Local voices on the servIce over the years have included Father Daniel Taufen, editor of the St. Cloud Visitor, diocesan newspaper, and formerly the director of the bureau of information; Tom Borgert, a member of Holy Spirit Parish in St. Cloud, who was a pinch-hitter for Father Taufen's voice during the two years he studied in Rome; and the present voice of Rosemary Borgert.


tHE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 1, 1974

D of I Members Continued from Page One met in Boston in 1958. Their con· clave will be presided over by Mrs. Marie Heyer, Breese, III., supreme regent, and will open with a Mass at Holy Cross Cathedral at 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12. Humberto Cardinal Medeiros will pontificate and deliver the homily and 10 Bishops will be seated within the sanctuary. 'One in Spirit' Theme for the meeting will be "We are one in the Spirit," Il will be attended by more than 2,100 delegates representing 26 states, five Canadian provinces and the Philippine Islands, Chairmen and members of all committees will meet on Monday at 10 a.m. T!".':! business sessions of the convention will be held morning and afternoon each day starting on Tuesday at 9 a.m. Several resolutions will be presented to the memhership for vote. The officers will be elected on Wednesday and will be installed at a closing Mass celebrated on Friday at 4:30 p.m. at the Holy Cross Cathedral by the Most Rev. Albert R. Zuroweste, D.D., SUMMER ATTRACTION: Visitors view modern religious art including Bernard Buf- Bishop of Belleville, 11I., episcopal fet paintings (background) in the Vatican's newly opened museum. An average of 4,000 advisor to the organization. persons visited various Vatican museums and galleries each day during winter months, Other convention events will but the attendance has tripled for the summer. Until Sept. 30, hours have been extended include a formal banquet Mon· day night, a clambake in Plymto accommodate more tourists over a longer span. NC Photo. outh. Tuesday night and state dinners Wednesday night. A parade of states is scheduled for Thursday night, directed by Miss Claire Bertrand, Massachusetts State Regent. State regents and supreme ofBy PAT 'McGOWAN cepts of Christ, Mary and the England, which included stu- ficers will meet Sunday, Aug. 11 building up of the Christian com- dents from Providence College, for a day-long pre-convention When the "Followers of the munity." session, preceded on Saturday SMU, the University of Massa· Way" present a concert Friday, night by a reception for the suLyrics draw on the "General chusetts and Simmons College. Aug. 30 at Bishop Connolly High preme officers hosted by the Principles" of the CLC, approved He was a college consultant on Sohool, Fall River, it will be a Past Regents by Pope Paul VI in 1968. They the national board of CLC and Massachusetts homecoming for four members of ,include an arrangement of the was a U. S. organizer for a Club. Mrs. Gertrude Stanton, the youthful musical group. Lord's Prayer, songs about comworldwide CLC meeting held last North Attleboro, is general chair· They are Jim Ford of North man for the event. munity life, and hymns of praise year. Westport, a graduate of the forSixfold Program to Mary, God the Father and Also active in SMU organizamer Prevost High School in Fall Christ the King. The Daughters of Isabella was tions, he was editor of the Torch, River, and Tom Burke, John AI· The concert tour, lasting four weekly campus newspaper. "I- formed 78 years ago in New bernaz and Thorn Joaquin, all of weeks, will take the Followers started to write positive editoHaven. It now has 120,000 memFall River. of the Way to 11 U. S. cities, rials, building up instead of bers in 900 circles in the United They are touring the country from Maine to California. tearing down. People said it was States, Canada and the Philipunder the sponsorship of the NaFor All Ages my job to criticize, but I didn't pine Islands. tional Federation of Christian Ford said that Christian Life see it that way," Major activities include spiriLife Communities, based in St. Communities are active in 42 He also quietly cleaned up the tual, patriotic. social, charitable, Louis, offering a program of folk, nations and include adult, propaper's news columns, previously intellectual and physical under· blues, rock and classical music. fessional, college and high school sprinkled with typical undertakings. The Christian Life Communi- units. Member;s are expected to graduate scatology. ties (CLC), formerly known as be "open and disposed to whatAnd while a student he was the Sodalities of Our Lady, are ever God wishes in each concrete also a part-time worker at the active in the Fall River diocese situation of daily existence." Children's Home on Fall River's at Bishop Connolly and Bishop As an SMU student, Ford or- Robeson Street, where in his First Gerrard High Schools. ganized the "Company of Fish," work with youngsters he mingled first college CLC group in New application of Christian princiActive in CLC Last Ford, active in CLC since his ples with liberal helpings of gui- . freshman days at Prevost and as tar music. a student at Southeastern Massachusetts University (SMU), is WASHINGTON (NC) A now a member of the St. Louis primer. outlining the Church's University Campus Ministry basic principles concerning huPublicity chairmen of parish organizations asked to submit news items for this team and, say fellow concert man rights was published here are column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall tour members, "the soul behind by the Division of Justice and River, 027:!2. Name of city or town shOUld inclUded, as well as full dates of all the Followers of the Way Peace of the U.S. Catholic Con- be activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. troupe." ference (USCC). ST. CASIMIR, He is the composer of many of It is entitled "Human Rights: the songs to be heard at the Au- A Question of Conscience." The NEW BEDFORD gust concert and tour organizers need for the primer became apThe a.nnual parish lawn pa'rty note that they are also available parent last February when the will be held on Friday, Saturday on a record and in a "Followers Administrative Board of the and Sunday, August 9, 10 and 11 of the Way" songbook. USCC issued statements critical on the church grounds at Acush- I 1001 Kings Hwy. The organizers say the songs of government respect for hu- net Ave. and Wood St. Among the features will be I are an integral part of the Chris- man rights in Chile and Brazil. NEW BEDFORD The format of the primer is nightly games, booths: white 1 tian living of the singers. "The music f:ows from deep down in designed for conventional class- elephant table and thrift shop. their experiences of Hfe as young room study but can be adapted Polish and American foods will Open Evenings j! struggling Christians. This is an for use in the areas of adult edu- be served and music and other attempt to concretize their con- cation and continuing education. entertainment will be pro-v'ided. c.: ••••• • , • . • . . • • -

Four Members of National Concert Group Are from Fall River Diocese

See Us

See Us

Primer Published On Human Rights

But See Us

Palrish Parade






Blood Plan Funds

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. ,1, 1974



Ec,onomy Fall Watchword As Pric,es K,eep ,Soaring You'll he hood-winked and cloaked and daggered this fall when you pick out a few of the latest fashions for your fall and winter wardrobe. Hoods are going to be big and if you've never worn one, they are really fun. In some cases these hoods are. attached to sweeping cloaks that will over' slacks but just as great looking with boots. end at your boot tops. While From all indications the' econthis is warm reading for a omy isn't 'going to get any betclimate that is still summer, I must remind you that now-at this moment-already-fall' and winter clothing is appearing in the stores.


Magazines are filled with what we'll be wearing from late September on, and conversely, by -the middle of December resort clothes will have replacl:d the racks of woolens. One way to get ahead of the game without feeling that you're spending all your summer clothing allowance on winter clothes is to search the sale racks for transitorial clothes, those marvelous neutrals that transcend all seasons. For All Seasons I picked up one today that had been marked· in half, yet I'll be able "to wear- it starting now and really all through the winter for it's a beige shirtdress for all seasons. Shirtdresses 'are popular because they are «omfortable and good-looking, ladylike too, but separates also remain hi~;h on any popularity poll. Here is where you'll see hooded tops completing outfits with longer length bias cut skirts floating out over boots. The boots are crushed and knee-high and you'll see them return with a great deal of popularity because they add the correct dimension to the longer look that is certain to be part of the fall and winter picture. The capes are really beautiful: graceful, sweeping, marvelous

Votes to End Royal Appointment of Bishops YORK (NC) - By a substantial majority the general s.ynod of the country's established state religion, the Church of England, has voted in favor of ending the system whereby ,its bishops are appointed by the Crown on the advice of the prime minister. By 270 votes to 70, the synod affirmed' "the principle that the decisive voice in the appointment of diocesan bishops should be that of the Church." To give effect to this, it" is' suggested that "a small body, representative of the diocese and of the wider Church, should choose a suitable person for appointment to that diocese." This person's name would then be submitted to the sovereign, who is the nominal head of the Church, for actual nomination.

ter, a large segment of our. income is still going t.o be spent on food and what we will have left to spend on clothes will be minimal while their cost is rising too. .Caution Is Watchword It's going to be a frustrating wardrobe year for even the quite affluent, for every. pay ieyel is feeling the pinch of' inflation. Perhaps what many of 'us will decide -is that what we do buy we will buy well (one or two good pieces) and then fill in with items we've sewed, picked up on sales, or bought at. a piscount. Like the French we may ffnd ourselves having our clothes for years on end and changing, them with a new scarf or trim. It's not HONORS FOR ACTRESS: Helen Hayes, shown in her the worst thing that could' happen to us. : role as one of NBC TV's "Snoop Sisters," will b.e honored Incidentally, a good little ibook Nov. 9 in New York by the Catholic Actors' Guild of Amerthat· can help w,ith our clothing ica. Miss Hayes, the "F~rst Lady of the Theater," has been probiems is "The Undergwund Shopper," a guide to bargain a member of the guild for 55 years. NC Photo. shopping in the greater Boston area (this includes Fall River and New Bedford). Published, by SusAnn Publications, Inc. Dallas, Texas, the book is available in NEW YORK (NC) Helen 1900, Miss Hayes began her ca, some sto.re!, around Boston' and ' probably could be ordered by Hayes, often described as 'the reer' at the' age of five.' She is "First Lady of the Theater," will the· only actress' appearing"on your local book store. . be honored by the Catholic Ac- Broadway today with a theater tors Guild of America' here named- after her. ". Handicapped Children' ,Nov. 9. The Catholic ·actors' organiza- Newspapt~r Appoints AttenQ Summer' Cam,p' tion this year will be 60 years BROOKLYN (NC) - An: unWoman Editor MELBOURNE (NC)-Elizabeth usual five-week summer 'day-' old. Miss Hayes, a member for 55 years,' has the'longest memcamp - involving approxini~tely Renick has been named editor bership of any guild member 1,000 retarded, deaf and blind of the Melbourne archdiocesan today. newspaper, the Advocate. She children - has begun its 28th .In addition to her special ef- had previously been acting editor . year' at two high school~)n , the Brooklyn diocese. It is called ,forts in behalf of charities of for 10 weeks during the illness the theater, Miss Hayes has been of editor Ted Adams. -FUN (Fulfilling Unmet Needs). Educated at Sacre Coeur Con. "This is the only place I know active also in. other charitable activities: with a program like this," comvent here in Australia, Miss RenBorn in' Washington, D.C., in nick received her B.A. degree mented the founder of the dmp,

CathoHcActorsGui Id of Ani'er.ica ~o Honor M'iss 'He len ~-Iayes

Father Thomas 'F. Cribbin, director of the Brooklyn Catholic Youngstown Family Life Charities Office for the Ha'ndi- ' Director, Mother of Two capped, as the camp began, the YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - A summer of 1974 at Bishop Ford mother of two school-age chilHigh School, Brooklyn, and dren has been named the Christ the King High School in Youngstown diocese's family life Queens County. , ' , : Four days a week, on an iihri- department director - the first cate schedule, small groups of lay person to hold the post. She replaces Father Lawrence Fye, the handicapped have a chance who resigned to tak.e a pastorate. to enjoy life in sessions of arts Mrs. Andrew (Mary Ann) Yurand crafts, singing, dancing, ko, 33, a former caseworke;:- for gym classes, schoolyard games, rhythmic exercises and quiet a diocesan charities agency with experience in family group counplay. ' seling, was selected for the post Their mentors are volunteers from applicants who responded -80' per cent of them Catholic high' school students-in addi- to an open advertisement for thepost. tion to us, Franciscan .8rothers Mrs. Yurko will coordinate all and 'other professionals who are pre-marriage and post-marriage with them as much as possible instruction; organize and coneach day on a "Clne-to-one" ,duct the family camping probasis. , I gram; coordinate all Christian Family Movement activities and Re-Elect Superior • The Sisters of St. Francis' of moderate the diocesan p'astoral the eommun,ity council's famfly life commission. Philadelphia, staffing St. Mary's Home, New Mrs. Yurko attended YoungsBedford, has re-elect.ed Sis'ter town State University for a Corda Marie Bergbauer as, supe- bachelor's degree and special rior general. Community del- studies, and taught in' parochial egates are currently conducting and public schools before joining a Chapter of Affairs, to close to- a diocesan agency as a caseworkmorrow. er. ~


to Birthright

CINCINNATI (NC) Birth· right of Cincinnati has gained $8,000' from 'a blood insurance program in- operation herel for three months, according to a report issued recently by Rich Detzel, local director of the pregnancy counseling organization. Since the beginning of the Blood Assurance Plan in March, 4,675 persons in parishes, schools and businesses have been covered by the program, which insures a blood donor and the donor's dependents for any blood needs in a designated time period. The "premium" is the donation to Good Samaritan hospital of one pint of blood per family every two years. For each pint of bood donated to .the hospital .by Blood Assurance Plan members, the hospital. will donate $15 to Birthright for its work in providing ;llternatives to abortion. Detzel projects that the program will bring in an additional $10,000 by the end of September, when he expects to have 8,000 more persons enrolled in the program. The quarterly report also re-, vealed that: Over 550 calls a month arc now being placed to the Birtliright office, an increase of about 20 percent over the first quarter of the year. Referrals from clinics and other agencies in the area have no·' ticeably increased, mirroring a "growing awareness of Birthright's services" in the community. Two out of three women who come to the Birthright office for counseling decide against having an abortion.

................ FAIRHAVEN, LUMBER CO. Complete Line Building' Materials 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611

from Mellbourne UniveI1S'ity in 1962. She taught for a year with the Vktoria'n (State) Education Department before joining the ,SINCE 1898 editoria-I staff of national daily, the Austra1lian. She' went to England in 1969 , SINCE 1941 and worked with the Press Association news agency for three years as a parliamentary reportSINCE 1967 er' in the House of Commons and House of Lords. In 1971 Miss Rennick joinedthe YOl'kshire Post in Leeds as a .....11II11II... sub-editor and came back. to " . 679-5262 MeLbourne last year.



1,.'1••' ••••


OPE'N .DAILY, For The 'SEASON at'l:00 P.M.

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 1, 1974

Airs DHemma of Parents Of Grossly D,eformed

Mother Ter'esa Begis Cong ress

Recently, two articles which greatly interested me appeared in Catholic papers. One, by Dr. Mary Coleman, optimistically discussed the potential of retarded children, particularly mongoloids. The other was a report on the opinion of moral theologian Rev. Richard MeCormick be made in terms "of the child's this alone." that infants with no po- good, I don't think so. tential for human re.lationIn the weeks following my

ships may be allowed to die. I was interested because two of my eight children are handicapped. Seven-year-old Bobbie is


MARY CARSON a mongoloid and 13-year-old Ginny is brain-injured, the result of an accident. In a nutshell, my reaction is thank God for Dr. Coleman, and I disagree with one poont in Father McCormick's opinion. Dr. Coleman says parents of a retarded child may find that if they put aside guilt feelings which are useless anyway, their retarded child can bring them deep joy. She says that many parents of mongoloids have told her that the presence of the retarded child in the family has been a plus factor, helping normal brothers and sisters reach a healthy maturity. My experience with my daughter Bobbie supports Dr. Coleman's opinion, and the majority of parents of mongoloids I know would also agree with her. But Dr. Coleman must be unique in the medical profession. Doctors generally offer pessimism or pity ... and frequently suggest mongoloids be institutionalized. Congratulations, Dr. Coleman. You are realistic in dealing with handicapped children. May many other doctors learn from you! Father McCormick was not speaking of mongoloids when he said some infants may morally be allowed to die. He was referring to grossly deformed and depf1ived infants who will never be capable of growth in love of God and neighbor. My only disagreement with Father McCormick centers on his statement' that the decision to withhold medical treatment and allow such a child to die must

Office Asks Fasting For Starvation Victims PITfSBURGH (NC) The people in the diocese of Pittsburgh have been asked to give up meat on Fridays and to fast on that day as a method of helping the drought victims in the sub-Sahara region of Africa. The diocesan mission office also asked the people to send the money they save for aid to be sent to the victims. The pmgram reflects the spreading concern about the severe six-year drought in eight countries south of' the Sahara Desert and the death and destruction it has brought.

daughter Ginny's acoident, she lay in a coma. Her life was sustained only by an army of medical apparatus. There was a real possibility that she would spend the rest of her life as a vegetable. Would she have been better off if we had given up and allowed her to die? The answer is clear. It would not have made any difference to her. She was unconscious, un.aware of her condition, feeling no pain. If a decision to quit had been made, it would have had to be based on whether I could continue, not whether she could. Infants deformed and deprived to the extent of being incapable of any human relationship are unaware of their condition. It doesn't make any difference in their minds if they Hve or die. They are not aware of any advantage either way. Real Question The real question is the good of the parents and the rest of the family. If the parents of such a child face this decision honestlv and decide that trying to sav~ the infant would jeopardize their marriage, damage the lives of their other children, or bring havoc to their lives, I don't doubt they could morally allow the child to die. : But, should they decide to withhold treatment, they must face the real reason for doing so, not cop out by saying it is for the child's good. The problem, in reality, is ... who can predict what the effect of such a child's presence will be? Who can tell if that child will foster love or erode it? Will a decision to let the child die cement the marriage or wreck it? These are the questions that must be faced when making a decision to allow a deformed child to die. Unfortunately, at the time the deoision must be made-there are no sure answers.

Encouraged to Fight For Social Justice WATERLOO (NC)-Members of the Congregation of the Resurrecti on (Ontario Province) have been challenged "to be leaders in the fight for social justice." This call came during the Order's provincial meeting held at Resurrection College here in Canada. Resurrectionists were encouraged to foster social justice in their financial contacts with the world, as well as in their own houses. "To show this leadership," stated a resolution approved by the delegates, "the (members of the) province should invest funds only in those corporations which promote social justice. Each (Resurrectionist) house should regularly review its practices to see if they are in line with the demands of social justice."


For Food Aid路 WASHINGTON (NC)-In surpri'se testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India, urged Americans not to "miss the change of giving until it hurts" to solve the mammoth problems of global hunger. Almost simultaneous with Mother Teresa's testimony, representatives of various U.S. Catholic Conference divisions met in another part of Washington to begin planning a coordinated response to domestic and . international nutrition problems. Mother Teresa, who sat almost motionless on the edge of a large chair. told the committee that "the poor are the hope of mankind and also of the people of America who should see in them the faGe of the hungry Christ,"

MOTHER TERESA'S MESSAGE:: Mother Teresa of Calcutta has been spreading a message of love of neighbor in visits to a number of U.S. cities. NC Photo.

.Carriers of God's Love Mother Teresa Concerned Americans Might Miss Chance for Compassion NOTRE DAME (NC) - Mother Teresa, whose community of nuns has aided the sick and poor in India for more than 25 'years, told an audience at St. Mary's College here recently that she is "anxious not for the poor, but for the people of the United States, that they might miss the chance of sharing compassion with the poor," She said that the poor "look to the United States. And if you do not come to know the poor of the world now, you will miss the joy of giving," Describing the work of her nuns, the Missionary of Charity, Mother Teresa said: "We are not

English Nuns Consider Foundation in U.S. ELIZABETH (NC)- A contemplative Benedictine nun from England is visiting the United States exploring the possibility of opening a new foundation in this country. Sister Christian Regan, an American who went to England specifically to enter Stanbrook abbey in Worcester, was sent here by Abbess Elizabeth Sumner, head of the 350-year-old community. She has made her headquarters at the motherhouse of the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth here. She has been traveling thmughout the country examining possible locations and determining interest in the establishment of a cloistered contemplative community. Sister Christine said that a group of six to eight candidates would be sufficient to start a contemplative 'group. If the decision is made to form a community, she said, Stanbrook Abbey most likely would not provide more than two of its own 70 members as a nucleus.

social workers. We are the carriers of 路G<>d's. love. She said that though little is done by them in comparison to that of many governmental agencies, "the care and the love and the touch make all the difference in the Sisters' 路lives. Our strength is in the fourth vow we take in addition to the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. We vow to also give ourselves to the poorest of the poor, with trust and cheerfulness," She said that although her community's income is limited, .the nuns have never refused aid to anyone requesting it. "Recently the poor have suffered so greatly in India, and when I asked the people of Calcutta fOl: one handful of rice, for lone teaspoon of sugar, I was 'overwhelmed with the response. I had enough for all," I

The poor, said the foundress of a religious order which works with the most desperately impoverished 'and the dying, can give the American people "the joy of having touched and saved them-the joy that comes more from giving than from receiving," The Albanian nun, born in Yugoslavia. wore sandals and a white sari-like habit trimmed in blue. She said that for Americans to give only out of their abundance would not be enough; "I want them to give to our people until it hurts," She asked Americans to offer not only food and funds to help the poor, but also "hands to serve them and hearts to love them." She emphasized the need to do something immediately, because "thousands and thousands of Indians and Ethiopians alone are looking to the American people. They need you and the food you can give them," She told the committee that for 22 years her homes for poor mothers and children benefited from various forms of U.S,. commodities aid. But in the last two years, she said, "I have not had a drop of milk to feed them,"

Where The Entire Family Can Dine Economically FOR

RESERVATIONS PHONE (617) 675-7185 or (617) 673-0821


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1; 1974

New President Chall-enges S,errans To Help Cure Problems of Priests LONDON (NC)-Citing a 1971 U. S. bishops's surv~y that revealed that two of the most serious problems facing priests are difficulty in reaching people and loneliness, Edward B. Dmon, J.r., newly elected president of Serra International, called upon Ser· rans to have a deeper knowledge of their faith and to translate that faith into ,action as one means of encouraging priests in

in the Little Rock Serra Club since 1956 and has ~eld. man~ local, regional .and natIOnal pas 1tions with the <?organizations since that tii~e. He replaces the outgoing president, Albert E. Maggio of San Francisc?

Serraem M b' er Plans to Study' Fo'r Priesthood

their vocations. An attorney from Little Rock, Ark., Dillon was elected pres~ LONDON (NC) - A 70~year­ ident of the II ,OOO-member. or- old ex-president of Serra Interganization of Catholic men de- national, the worldwide .organivoted to ·the promotion of reli- zation of laymen devoted to gious vocations at the group's promoting priestly and' Relig!ous 40th international convention vocations, is taking. direct achere. tion to help solve the clergy "I believe that a large part of shortage. He has decided to the lack of satis~action of many studv for the priesthood. priests -and Religious may rise . William Slakey, a retired Oakout of frustrMion in having the / land, Calif., business ex cutive, 1 grace and word of God and the . will enter. Rome's Pontifical . example of their lives appear to Beda College this September to be rejected or ignored by the begin four years of study :Iead- . laity," Dillon said. ing to his ordination in the dio. Because of certa'in undisputed cese of Santa Rosa, Calif., and traditional characteristics of Slakey, who was presidellt of. the priesthood, Dillon contended Serra Interna'tional in 1953,: said ",the priest is the 'alter Christus' he had been thinking about 'be(other Christ). However this coming a priest for several years characteristic may have been and. had discussed the m,atter . over-emphasized as to the point with his wife, who encouraged that we may have overlooked the his interest in the ptiestly voca. . fact that the priest is also a man, tion. who desires and needs the sa,tisThree months ago, however, faction of recognizable accom- his wife died-and Siakey said plishment," he concluded. that his deep depression at her "Since the priest's and Reli- loss was eased only after ~ak­ gious' principal labor is spir.itual, ing his decision during a retreat a major part of their work is not to give the rest of his life to , capable of precise, objecllive Christ. measurement. Unf6rtunately, in Slakey and his wife-whom he those areas where results might refers to as a "truly wond~rful be measured by visible impr.ove- person"-had four children of ment in the actions of theil' peo-' their own and raised seven fqster pIe, 1 fear they may often detect children. "Why Not?" signs of failure," Dilon said. Prior to his election as pres"We had 14 grandchildren of ident of the organization, Dillon our own, but if you include all served as vice-president of Serra the offspring of our foster chilInternational. He has been active dren, we had 35 grandchildren," Siakey explained during an inter· view at the Serra Internati?nal Appointed Director Convention here. Of Media Relations Slakey said he made his i voMARYKNOLL (NC) - Father cational decision known to BishRonald R. Saucci, a veteran of op Mark Hurley of Santa Rosa, mission work in Hong Kong, has whom he had known for sev~ral been appointed director of media years. relations for the Maryknoll FaThe bishop expressed surpf>ise, thers. but then said: "By -golly, Why Ordained in 1965,' Father not? I think you'll make a grod Saucci spent the' next five years priest." serving with Maryknoll missions And so, come September, Bill in Hong Kong. . Slakey, who has spent half a He returned in 1969, and was lifetime enco'uraging vocations to assigned to the Maryknoll De- the priesthood, will enter ROrne's velopment Office in New York special seminary for delayed . City.. The development offices vocations. i are active in counseling mi~,sion "If the Lord is good to me,'; vocations and encouraging sup- Siakey said, "I'll become a priest port of the Ma~yknoll's overse'as in four years. If I don't make, it, work. at least I'll know I've tried."

Sick Pries~s Helve Papal Audience to" who accompanied them . CASTELGANDOLFO. (NC) Ailing and infirm American and Lourdes. Italian priests, en route on a pilSpeaking to them Pope Paul grimage to Lourdes, were wel- said: "We extend a special word comed by Pope Paul VI during . of greeting to a group from the his weekly general audience July United States led by Bishop Ma24. loney and including a number of The American group of .sick priests. ' priests, who had flown in from "We know that you are about the .United States, were 'brought to go to Lourdes and we trust to the audience of Bishop David . that your pilgrimage will bring M. Maloney of, Wichita, Kan., you abundant graces. We assure

Mass Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER


OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Masses: Sunday......7:00, 8:30, 10:00, II:30 AM., and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. . Daily-8:00 A.M. exce))t Woo. 7:30 P.M.

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ST.- ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. (5:00 P.M. beginning June 30) Saturday Eve.-4:00 - 7:00 P.M. DailY-S:15 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30·3:30 P.M.


CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.


ST. MARGARETS Masses: Sunday-;8:00, 9:00, 10:00, II:OO, 12 noon _ and 7:30 P.M. Saturday'Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


FALMOUTH . ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 AM.

FALMOUTH HEIGHTS ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Effective June 22-Subject to change

ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA I,1asses: Sunday.-8:30, ~:30, 10:30, 11 :30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M.

CENTERVILLE OUR 1.. ~DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-Ultr,eya-8:00 P.M. WES~

'HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM.. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 AM.

YARMOUTHPORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday' Eve.-5:00 P.M.




Color. Process

you of a particular remembrance in our prayers.", The Italian group was brought to the audience by Cardinal'Salvatore Pappalardo of Pal~rmo. Cardinal John J. Wright, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy, accompanied the pilgrim "white trains" as president of the pilgrimage and as spiritual 'adviser to the sick, both priests and laity, .aboard them.

Masses: Sunday-l0 A.M:. and 4:30 P.M. S~turday Eve.-4:30 P.M.


ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM. Friday-B~nediction & Rosary 7:00 P.M.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: SundEly-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, II:OO A.M. Saturday at 5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Sunday Masses Parish Hall: 9:30 and 10:30 AM.

MATTAPo'ISEn ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00 (Folk Mass), 11 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday-8:00 AM. - 4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 and 9:00 A.M. (Mon.-FI'i.),

CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, II:OO A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM..

SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Full schedule begins June 22-23

EAst FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

. EAST FREETOWN OUR LADY OF T~E ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00,- 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

SIASCONSET, MASS. UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and. August


SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.

ORLEAN.S ST. JOAN OF ARC Ma£es: Sunday-8:00, 9:00; 10:00, II:OO AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00, and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday . Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.

Schedule Annual Navy Sabbath Oct. 11 -13 WASHINGTON (NC)--"Peace Is a Shared Task" is the theme of the ninth annual U.S. Navy Sabbath, scheduled for the weekend of Oct. 11-13. This spiritual adjunct to Navy Day, originated and sponsored hy the Naval Reserve Association, has been called the annual "time to remember" Navy Marine Corps personnel and their families.

This year's theme, according to former Rear Adm. Paul E. Hartmann, deputy executive director of the association, provides an opportunity to give the country a better understanding of the Navy's role in keeping peace throughout the world. The program is endorsed. by many of the leading clergymen in the country, the former admiral said, including Cardinal

Terence Cooke of New York who is military vicar of the U.S. armed forces. The purpose of Navy Sabbath, according to the spokesman, is to remind the community, through the churches, of the need for support and acceptance of Navy-Marine Corps families and to provide a means to demonstrate support by participating in church services.

Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH /EASTHAM CHURCH OF TilE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.

OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Satur:day Eve.-·5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday~i:OO - 5:00 P.M.

SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday~i:15 - 5:00 P.M.

MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve'-'5:00 and 7:30 P.M. . Confessions: Saturday~1:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCj~SSET

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.--5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. C~mfessions: Saturday .- 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass

PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M.

SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.--5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.

SAGAMORE ST. THERESA . Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.--6:00 P.M.

SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.--5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Saturdays only-8:00 A.M.

SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM.

BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF' THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. .

VINEYAllD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: SlJnday-8:00, 10:30' AM. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday--2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

CHILMARK COMMUNQY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. (Beginning June 30)

WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00,10:00,11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ' Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. 'and 9:00 AM. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses Tuesday: Mass of Peace and Justice 7:00 P.M. Schedule for July and August

WES,T WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses . Schedule for July and August

WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 A.M.

TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Saturday-7:00 P.M. Sunday-9:00 A.M.



of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974


Interfaith HOP E Retreat In Jerusalem Seen .Significant JERUSALEM (NC) - American priests, Jewish rabbis, ·and Israeli scholars are making a new kind of retreat at the Ecumenical Cen~er of Tantur, half ~ay between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The retreat is based on HOPE (House of PI~ayer Experience)an intensive form of shared prayer for persons in active work. The Jersalem retreat, however, combines the three religionsJudaism, Islam and Christianity -with a pilgrimage of prayer . around the Holy Places. Holy Cross Father John Dunne, theologian of Notre Dame University, is leading the retreat on the theme "Passover." Participants from Europe, the United States and Israel start with a week devoted to the prayer life, liturgy and theology of Judaism. Lectures and meditation led by Jewish scholars will be linked with visits to Jewish shrines. Jewish spirituality, past and present are studied and practiced. The participants then "pass over" to a similar immersion into Christian spirituality. Melkite-rite Archbishop Joseph Raya of Acre, Israel, will present a study of the life of Jesus which symbolizes the transition from Judaism to Christianity. A third "pass over" is the prayerful study of the religion and spirituality of Islam. Bishop Kenneth Cragg of the Anglican Church, an international expert on Islam, will explain the "Call of the Minaret" and the contribution Islam can give to Christian meditation and spirituaHty. As a physical encounter with the scenes of religious differences the HOPE retreat is spending- some days in the wilderness

and 'desert which was formative in all three religions. The desert of Sinai is the birth place of Judaism as well as the milieu of much of Isl~m. In the desert of Judea, John the Baptist and Jesus himself used to pray and there the Desert Fathers lived. A spiritual enquiry for the providential meaning of divisions , in ~he Holy Land and a searching for a theology of unity is what makes this HOPE retreat both different and significant.

Education, Living Not Coordinated CLEVELAND (NC) - Much in today's education has little to do with living, and there is much to do with living for which there is no education, the New York archdiocesan superintendent of schools said here. Speaking to 75 graduate teaching students at St. John's College, the superintendent, Dominican Sister Eleanor Ford, said that any significant improvements to be made in education must be centered around the child. Where, in today's schools, she asked, "can a child learn about himself, his environment and his family interaction?" Teachers, she continued, must be made "aware of the individual learning style of the child. Teachers love to butt in, thinking that kids can't be left alone without getting into trouble, but kids can and they need an opportunity to find themselves." What children need most of all in the early years is simplicity, a concrete base to work from, she said. "When they're wrong, don't give them four visions of God; give them one."


NORTH ,TRURO • OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. 'Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.

WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. First Friday-Mass and Exposition 11 :00 A.M.

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DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

. WESTPORT ST. GEORGE 'Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M.

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WOODS· HOLE ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour ~efore Sunday Masses

NORTH FALMOUTH (MeganseH) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses Schedule June 22 to Labor Day

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Father Be rrosse Superior General

THE ANC'HCR-Dioces,e of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974

Book Stress~s Importance ,Of Working Class E:thnics Father Andrew Greeley, who can turn out b,ooks (for the most part, very good books) faster that the average person can read them, says in OI~e of his more recent works, "American Politics in the 1970's," (Franklin Watts, Inc" New York, $12.50), 1hat most thing about America is' bad; the Americans who belong to the' conservative says that practical-"intelligentsia" dor"'t know ly everything is good. My middle anything at all about Polish- position is that everything is Americans, Italian-Americans and other working class ethnics. "Indeed," he a'ssert~;, "it can be said that 'many of those

complicated but many things are possible. The rijdical sees eternal damnation .for America; the conservative says 'love it or leave it,' and Philip Berrigan says you can't love it· without leaving' it. I say, 'Damn it all, let's win the next !llection, and win it big.''' I Coalition Politics

BLACK ELECTED PRESIDENT: Divine Word Father Joseph Francis talks with his predecessor as president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men,Passionist Father Paul Boyle. Father Francis, only black member of the CMSM was elected to succeed Father Boyle during the Greeley repeatedly emphasizes that winning the next elec- group'; annual meeting in Chicago. F~th.er Francis, ~r?m tion, and win'ning it big, calls for Bay St. Louis, Miss., is southern provmclal of the DlYme coalition politics and that any, Word Fathers. NC Photo. viable coalition must of necessi-


ty include the ethn'ics. To his way of thinking, those so-called intellectuals who have disdainfully written off the ethnics as readionary bigots or philistines are, pontical fools, and, ,anyone who has read mor~ than three pages of Greeley's vol,uminous writings knows that he' doesn't suffer fools gladly. Greeley's scornful contempt for the anti-ethnic elitism of the so-called New Politics is shared by a number of other, writers, including a young 'attorney, Lanny J. Davis, who ruefully admits that he himself, until very recently, was something tif a political snol1 and therefore politically ineffective. In a new book entitled "The Emerging Democratic Majority: Lessons and Legacies ftom the New' Politics" (Stein and Day, , I New York, $8.95), Davis, recalling his days as a young po-, Htical activist at Yale University in 1968 and 1972, says that he and his kind "all felt imrllensely, special, immensely important, and heady with the his~ory' we knew, and were constantly being told by the press we were making." He frankly admits that for him and his Ivy League associates, the working class stu-' dents who attended a neighbor. Pragmatic Politician ing poor-boy's college, ~'simply I completely agree with Gree- ' didn't exist. They were,' to the ley, however, when he !Jays that generation college students, who the intelligentsia's lack of knowl- had marched for civil rights in edge about working class eth- Mississippi and Alabama; as innics is deplorable, although it visible as Ralph Elliso~'s Innever would have occurred to me visible Man." to blame this, even indirectly, Arrogant Movement on the Post and the Times. 'Few, if any, soCiologists in the In ,the end, however, Davis United States know as much as and many of his' friends in the Greeley does' about working student sector of the so-called class ethnics. His interest in the New Politics movement Came to ethnics, however, is far from realize that they "were part of an elitist, arrogant, e:lcclusive being purely acade,nic. He is a pragma,tic Chkago pol- movement that had adopted itician at heait::':"'and that's the those very attitudes and tactics best khld of politician to be. we had always argued were inChicago ': p(:iIiticians of the type compatible with the political ' that Gree'ley unashamedly ad- process." , Davis, now a little older and a mires, ar~~.,~onVinCed that the name of tlie.gilme is not to mor- little wiser politically speaking, alize about the human condition is currently echoing Greeley's or the s~~tf ,of :the nation but call for a new coalition' which to win elections" and win them will not only include but welbig, as the', first step in el\anging ,come working class ethnics. He things for' the better. is now practicing law with a "The radical says," h.e notes prestigious' firm in Washington. in the concluding paragraph of Presumably, then, he is teading bis brilliant s~ud~, !?f ,American the Washington Post and the poHtics irl-the 7~~,_,:'that eve'ry- New York Times every 'day. I . ,

Americans who read the WashingtonPost and the New York Times every day know more about Nigeria than they do about the northwest side of Chicago, the, It~lian section of Queens, or the descendants of Studs Lonigan. The Irish, the Italians, and t.he Poles have not ent.ered into the same world of the upper intelligentsia as have WASPS and Jews." . Even if my life depended upon it, I would never. admit to being -much less claim to be-a member 'of the upper or even the low, er intelligentsia. On the other hand, I.am forced to admit that I not only read the, Wllshington Post and the New York Times every day, but actually enjoy doing so l!-nd, more than that, can't imagine how I could possibly get along without them for more than two or three days in a row. I suspect that Greeley himself thinks rather highly of the Post and the Times and that, despite his admirably aggressive loyalty to Chicago, he' wbuld probably be willing to admit off therecord that the Windy City's daily papers are not exactly required reading for students of ethnic sociology. .'



Good Relatioll1ship Chavez Speaks of Church's Role In Farm Workers' Cause ALBANY (NC) - "The Church has always played a vital role in the development of the struggle for justice for the farm workers," Cesar Chavez, president of the United Farm Workers of America union said during an interview with The Evangeli~t, Albany newspaper. ,Chavez said the reason. for the Church's presence in the struggle is twofold: "Most of the people in the strike are CatholicMexicans, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans and so forth. And the fact that we are a non-violent movement." "We're not necessarily a religious movement, but there is a lot of religion involved in what we do; it is part of our origins, traditions and custom!!," said . Chavez.

Rumanians Press For Episcopate EAST CHICAGO (NC) - Continued efforts seeking Vatican approval for the establishment of the Rumanian Catholic -Church in the United States received strong support here during the 26th annual convention of the Association of Rumanian 'Catholics of America (ARCA). A formal resolution approved by the convention touched four points: strengthening of existing parishes, the establishment of an episcopate, attraction and encouragement of the youth, and the establishment of new parishes where the number of Rumanian Catholics would warrant it. ' Msgr. Octavian Berlea, apos,tolic visitor to Rumanian Catholics in the U.S., stressed the role of youth during his address to the ARCA banquet.' C'lIl1llllllllll'Ullllltt"""'II"IIIIIII"IlIIIl'U"lllUWlllllmUli1I11111111'IlII"lUl'","UUl,,"11I

assume that Father Greeley will not begrudge him this innocent luxury so long as he keeps up his interest, in the ethnics and doesn't consciously defect to the upper or even the lower intelligentsia.

"Very frequently we'll have a prayer service or a Mass to celebrate a victory or mourn a defeat: We don't exclude the Church'lil<e some unions, we in· vite them in, it's open. When a priest or minister or rabbi comes to a picket line they're welcomed by workers because the, feeling of closeness to the Church has developed; because the Church responds to us and we respond to them; it becomes a good reI~tionship," Chavez said. Religion. also play~ a role in Chavez' personal 'life. "Religion is part of my life, I don't separate it or reserve is for Sunday. It is just part of what I do," ,he stated simply. Despite the fact that his life has been threatened numerous times, Chavez remains a disciple of non-violence. "It began with Christ and His message," he said. . Commenting on the philosophy of non-violence and his actions as UFW leader, Chavez said, "You can sit up in your room and be non-violent the rest of y·our life and not accomplish anything. It's like a prayer, you've' got to pray and picket and be ahle t,o change so'mething."

MONTREAL (NC) Holy Cross Father Thomas Barrosse, 48, director of the Holy Cross Fathers' novitiate at Bennington, Vt., for the .past four years, was elected superior general of the Congregation of Holy Cross at the congregation's general chapter here. About 55 delegates, representing 11 provinces through9ut the world, chose him on the first ballot to head the congregation founded in France in 1837. He succeeds F'ather Germain Lalande, a Canadian, who has been superior general since 1962. The congregation, which has headquarters in Rome, engages in educational and pastoral work, conducts home missions and retreats, serves on the foreign missions and retreats, serves on the foreign missions and engages in social services and the apostolate of the press. It has 2,638 members throughout the world, 1,077 of them priests. Established in the United States in 1841, the congregation has 635 priests and 826 Brothers in that country. Its best known U. S. institution is the university of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind.

Catholic Chaplains Schedule Meetings W.ASHINGTON (NC) - The National Associ-ation of Catholic Chaplains will hold its ninth annual convention Sept. 16-19 in Hyannis, Mass., it was announced here at the association's headquarters. The theme is New Directions in Pastoral Care. Workshops will include such subjects as the pastoral care of the sick, the sacrament of Penance, counseling and the role of women in the ministry of ,the sick. Scheduled for Washington Oct. 20-Nov. 1, the association will sponsor a two-week seminar for personnel working ,in pastoral care of the sick. The areas covered will be hospital problems, theology of health care, counseling and general overview of what is expected in a hospital situation.

Montie Plum~ing & Heating Co. Over 35 Y~ars of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET 'Fall River 675-7497

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,JAMES H. COLLINS, C;E., !'res. Registered Civil and 'Structural Engineer Ml~mber National Society Professional Engineers

• 4







Church in Cuba Strong in Spite Of Pressure WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Church ,in Cuba wants to carry out its pastoral work while participating in the revolut ionary process started by the Marxist regime of Premier Fidel Castro, a process it considers irreversible. This is the opinion of Belgian Father Herman Boon, who visited Cuba as a tourist for two weeks in June. He was interviewed here on his way back to Belgium. While the Church can carry on its work in Cuba, its activities are limited and thE:re is a great degree of ideological pressure on practicing Catholics, the Belgian priest said.- There is also a subtle but effective harassment of the Church by the Castro government, he add.ed. Father Boon is the head of the communications division of the National Council of Missions of the Belgian Brothers' Conference. The Malines-Brussels archdiocesan priest conducts frequent visits to the missionaries working in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Deeply Religious The pre-revolutionary Church was numerous and powerful, but based on a sentimental and emotional religious approa::h. The number of practicing Catholics is now much smaller, but they are deeply religious, and the whole Catholic community is possessed "with a marvelous sense of brotherhood and fraternity," Father Boon said. "Purification" was a word that kept cropping up in his conversations with Cuban churchmen and laymen when defining the present-day Church, he said. The Cuban Church is now poor and is burdened by clever efforts at destroying it through attrition, I>ut this has made it trtJer to its nature, the priest said. The Church, now devoid of any temporal power, seeks to be the guardian of the virtues lacking in the Cuban socialist revolution: love, forgiveness and the Christian approach to life and man, Father Boon said.

Panel on National Health Insural1lce . WASHINGTON (NC)-Representatives of three Catholic organizations have urged swift congressional passage of a national health insurance plan in which all can participate-especially the poor, minorities and the elderly. In testimony before the House Ways and Means committee Sister Virginia Schwager, director of the U. S. Catholic Conference's Division of Health Affairs, joined Msgr. Lawrence Corcoran, executive director of t.he National Conference of Catholic Charities, and Sister Mary Maurita Sengelaub, president of the Catholic Hospital Association, in outlining a model for a national health insurance plan, drawn from the best provisions of the four or five major health insurance bills pending in Congress, according to Sister Schwager. The Wesswjtnesses, however, declined to endorse anyone of those bills.

tHE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 1, 1974


Says Illegitimate Births Increas-e ST. )..OUlS-Despite the avaHability of contraceptives and less stringent abortion laws, "the number of unmarrieds seeking our services increases each year," said a local Catholic Charities official dealing with unmarried parents. Last year, about 5,000 babies were born to unwed mothers ranging in age from 13 to 45 in the St. Louis area, said the offiCial, Miss' Anne Sullivan, Catholic Charities supervisor of services for unmarried parents. Last year, we had 313 new applications," she said. "In the first - - six months of this year, we've already processed 195 new applica'tions. The unmarrieds who come to an agency see the pregnancy as a social problem; the ones who see it as a medical problem end up in a hospital." Most of those unmarrieds who come to Catholic Charities are referred by doctors or priests. Until last February, the agency's services were available only to Catholics. But in order to make its anti-abortion approa::h to pregnancy available to more unwed mothers, the agency relaxed the religious restriction. "The Catholic girl who chooses 'our agency does so because she is concerned with the Catholic MARTYRS' PAGEANT PLANNED: Isaac Jogues, one of the Jesuit Martyrs of North upbringing of her child," Miss America, preaches to Mohawks in this artist's sketch of an upcoming pageant at the Sullivan said. "Because of our National Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, near- Auriesville, N.Y. The pageant, which will pro-life stand we are concerned -be held on Saturdays from August 10 to 31, tells the story of Jogues, Rene Goupil and with the birth of a child, but John Lelande, who died for the Faith in that New York area in the 17th century. NC Photo. after that we may refer a girl to an agency of her own religion. We are concerned with the life, but do not feel we can alter religious values at that point." Although monks no longer DUBUQUE (NC) - Trappist sured hair and the spirit of siShe observed that abortion "is sleep on a board bed with straw always a temptation for some monks still obey the rule of St. lence, although silence is not mattress, each has a small cell unmarrieds" and pointed out Benedict "but 'in a more general now absolute. way, and each group of monks "The absolute silence of the with a simple steel bed and mat- that Catholic Charities tries "to -is able to determine how the rule past; substituting a sign lan- tress. work with pro-lifers who are is to be best applied for the guage for speech, is no longer The monastery does not have contacted by pregnant girls congreatest benefit to their voca- practiced, but a spirit of silence a television set, but when astro- sid,ering abortion. We present tions, said the head of a Trap- remains," Abbot Wechter ex- nauts landed on the moon five alternatives and try to persuade pist monastery celebrating its plained. "There is silence in cer- years ago, the abbot said, the them to put the baby up for 125th anniversary. tain areas of the monastery and monks borrowed a set from a adoption." Abbot David Wechter of the at certain hours of the day, and neighbor. ~ew Melleray Monastery here speech is to be used for the nec"The monks keep themselves made his comments to The Wit- essary communi<:ation." informed, to the extent of their ness, newspaper of the Dubuque individual desires, through the archdiocese, during the comnewspapers and magazines, both memoration of the first Trappist Send Open Letter religious and secular, which are monks arrival here from Mt. To Su preme Cou rt available in the library," Abbot Melleray Monastery in Ireland. WASHINGTON (NC)-A group Wechter noted. "We feel our "The daily life of the monk is of Washingtaon area, physicians way of life does not require all not as detailed as it was," the addressed a Mother's Day "open the details of the happenings in abbot continued. "For example, ' letter to the'Supreme Court" in the world." the present rule on diet does not the Washington Post to express Even with the changes, the absay specifically what the Traptheir "commitment as physicians bot said, the basic principles of pist monk will or will not eat, it to the sanctity and dignity of the monks' lives remain the same. merely states that the diet is to human Iife."be simple -and frugaL" "Nothing must interfere with The letter was signed by over the vocation of prayer and The monks at New Melleray abstain totally from meat. Other 380 doctors loosely organized as work," he added. "This is the changes -have been made but al- National Physicians for the Right reason for the way of life of the 373 New Boston Road ways with the purpose of im- to Life. The org~nization, headed Trappists monks and nuns which by Dr. Richard P. Delaney of is so fascinating and mysterious proving their prayer life. Fall River 678-5677 One change that .was brought Kensington, Md., published a to those who live in the world." about as the result of the Second similar Mother's Day appeal in Vatican Council is that the lit- the Post last year. urgy of the Hours, formerly Terming the Supreme Court's called the Divine Office, is now January 1973 abortion decision said in English. as "fatal" and "tragic," the let"The Cistercian habit is still ter emphasized that it is a bioworn in the house, but not dur- logical fact that life begins "at ing the heavy work. because of the moment of fertilization" and the danger around machinery," is "not a matter for debate or DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS Abbot Wechter pointed out. A philosophical speculation." BeSales - Service - Installation white rabbit with a black s::ap- cause of this fact, the doctors ular does not mix too well with contend that "it is not within the MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER the grime and dirt of f.arming." jurisdiction of any judge ... to Among the practices retained deny that the product of concep.J by the monks, he added, are ton- tion is both human and living." • •••••••••• t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• Trappist Life Changes In 125 Years



Phone 675-7484




National Apostolate for Mentally Retarded to 'Hold Conference

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thun., Aug. 1, '1974

Books Relate Contrasting Expeditions to Africa Two contrasting expeditions to Africa are described in "Look a Lion in the Eye" by Kathryn Hulme (Atlantic-Little, Brown, 34 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 02106. 223 pages. $6.95) and "The Dogs of War" by Frederick Forsyth (Viking, 625 Madison Ave., New York, with three Masai warN.Y. 10024. 408 pages. $7.95) meeting riors. A ritual dance was seen. Miss Hulme, best known for Africans waited on the ladies "The Nun's Story," is de- here and ·there. But there was scribing a safari taken by her and two'other women, "We were three women of Kauai (Hawaii)," she writes, "all old friends and



no chance to study the ordinary inhabitants in - their. native setting. As such, it is interesting despite its occasional lapses into • sentimentality. If Africa is even half as int~iguing as Miss Hulme and other writers make it out to be, the person who has never been there is missing something unique. And if three ladies in their 60s or 70s can not only endure but delight in a journey TO MAKE VOWS: Brothwhich had to be to some degree er Clifford King, S.C., son rigorous, the rest of u~ should of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. be encouraged to consider folKing, South Attleboro, will lowing in their course.

make first vows as a Brother

'Dogs of War' all old enough to be grandmothof the Sacred Heart at a ers-one sexagenarian and two Mr. Forsyth's "The" Dogs of Mass at 11 a.m. Sunday at septuagenarians, to be exact." War'~ is a novel which begins Theirs was a private trip: that and ends in Africa, but roams the community's novitiate is, they were not part of a larger far over the map between these chapel, Pascoag, RI." Rev. party. They traveled for a month extremes. Normand Courtemanche will in a Land Rover and covered The leading character is Carlo be principal celebrant and about 2,500 miles in Kanya and Shannon, known as Cat, a leathvows of Brother Clifford and northern Tanzania. ery mercenary. Shannon has three other candidates will One of the women was famil- fought for hire in Africa, and is by Brother Ronbe received' iar with Africa, but Miss Hulme on the losing end of one local was not. Her book IS intended to war when first we meet him. ald Dupuis, S:C., provincial convey Africa's impact on a He and other close associates 'superior. The new religious newcomer. She has tried to make in a dirty business are evacuated will join' the faculty of Bishit "a sequence of daily revela- from the scene of defeat, 'and op Guertin High School, tions just as they happened to' disperse to their own countries. me." Shannon goes to London, Nashua, N.H,. She frequently alludes to the awaiting another engagement. impressions of space, variety, He gets one. His employer, algrandeur that Africa made on though he does not· know the her. man's identity for some time, :Most of the time was spent in is Sir James Manson, a man who ST. LOUIS (NC) - About 20 the' great game preserves, and has made millions by •mostly attorneys from St. Louis City most of the book is given to the shady deals. sighting and observation of ani~ Manson has learned that in the and St. Lou'is County interested mals. The lion takes prid,e of tiny African country named Zan- in the pro-Hfe cause have formed place, and- the author becomes garo there is a platinum deposit a La,wyers for Life organization ecstatic, but often more than worth millions. The mad' dicta- to promote pro-life activities on a little silly. tor of Zangara is, not aware of their own and offer legal advice She is really good when she , this treasure, and Manson is de- to other pro-life groups. depicts the watering of cattle termined to, get hold of it. The grpup adopted a 'statement at wells in the desert. Thousands Doing so will mean taking declaring its purpose is "to seof cattle are involved, each herd over the country. A revolution cure, through law, the natural with its own well. The process must be simulated, with t!)e sup- right to life for all innocent huis complex but orderly and pro- posed revolutionaries actually man life from conception to nat: vides an astonishing spectacle, being Manson's servitors. Who ura,1 .death." which Miss Hulme communicates better qualified than the sea"In seeking to accomplish this with exceptional vividness. soned Shannon to plan, lead, and end," the statement continues, execute this nasty scheme?' "the organization may elect to African Darkness Secrecy and deception are es- engage in legal action, public acOther superior passages have sential to the success of the ven- tivities, education, research and to do with the enormOU!1 flocks tur:e. All kinds' of frauds have dissemination of information ... of flamingos at Lake Nakuru, the to be perpetrated. Most of the and may lend its assistance to all almost incredible sight of vul- book is .devoted to detaili~g the persons, organizations or causes tures bathing, a visit" to a tea intricacies of trickery and impos- which promote or further such plantation, the effect of the pecu- ture through which Shannon and ends." others thread their way: Folliar African darkness. A spokesman for Lawyers for The traveling trio had almost lowing them milY be dizzying no contact with the people of for the reader, and it may -also Life said there was no specific Africa. There was a chance become boring. Rome, Paris, Ma- incident prompting the organizadrid, Brussels, Marseille are a tion right now other than the few of the places en route; they realization that many legal matWomen's Year are hardly more than airport ters are coming up' now in connection with pro-Iifeact,ivities. signs. UNITED NATIONS (NC) The story picks up speed wit!) United Nations Secretary Gener"It was thought that if lawal Kurt Waldeim has named Mrs. the actual staging of the coup. yers could gather together they Helvt Sipils of ,Finland secretary Here there is tingling action, could share thoughts and expergeneral o~ th~ International after the long lulling doldrums of tise in the areas of law and have Women's Year, 1975, and its most of the book. Shannon ·a 'fund of information to draw conference to be held in Bogota, brings off the assignment. The upon," he sa'id. Colombia. 'Assistant secretary dictator is overthrown, the coungeneral for social development try seized. But there is a surprise He said that Lawyers for Life and humanitarian affairs, Mrs. ending, which comes too late "to would consider the possibility of Sipils is the highest-ranking redeem a largely suspenseless providing legal counsel to other ' and surpriseless fiction. woman in the UN secretariat. pro-life groups in this area.

Attorneys .Form Pro·Life Group




WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Apostolate for the Mentally Retarded (NAMR), an organization dedicated to the spiritual nurturing and development of mentally retarded persons and their families, wiII hold its fourth annual conference at Trinity College here 'Aug. 13-16. The conference, whose theme is "Communication," will feature 12 sessions conducted by various experts in the field of religious education, music, drama, and non-verbal com'munication. A panel of parents will also give their story of the Church's response to their handicapped children. Aimed at the parents and educators of the mentally retarded, the conference was designed to offer people from across the country an opportunity to share the experiences and frustrations they have in common. . Msgr. Elmer H. Behrmann and Kelly O'Brien are scheduled to receive the NAMR Service Award and the NAMR You~h

Award respectively. In 1950 Msgr. Behrmann, a priest of the St. Louis archdiocese organized the country's first diocesan program of special education, and was instrumental in 1954 in organizing the National Catholic Educational Association's Department of Special Education, of which he is currently executive director. Msgr. Behrmann has also served on President Kennedy's Panel on Mental Retardation and has been a member of numerous national, state and private committees dealing with problems of the handicapped. Kelly O'Brien of Birmingham, Ala., has been involved with programs for the retarded for five years, three of which were spent teaching in Birmingham's Special Religious Educat'ion program. During the past year he has spent weekends hosting and caring for handicapped men and boys at Nazareth House, a vacation facility for the handicapped in Birmingham.

CathlDlic Charities -Work Worth Over $200.Million Last Year WASHINGTON (NC)-In 1973 the total financial value of services by diocesan Catholic Charit·ies and related agencies "is 'conservatively estimated at over $213,000,000," according to the first national report on such activities. "l1his does not include any estimate of the value of contributed and volunteer service, which is considera'ble,;; said the report, which was publ'ished here by the National Conference of Catholic, Charities (NCCC). The extensive statistical report focused primarily on diocesan offices of Catholic Charities, but it also summarized activities of independent NCOC-member insti.tutions and three affiliated organizatiom:: the St., Vincent de Paul Society, the National Christ Child Society, and the Association of the Ladies of Charity. In the 126 of 140 diocesan Catholic Charities offices report'ing, the NCCC said, there were 19,049 paid staff membersabout one-third professionals and 'another third paraprofessionals -and 41,O:J2 volunteers. All 126 agencies reported counseling programs, with a total of over 2.6 million hours of counseling service in 1973. Other programs .in which over 100 "agencies were involved were adoptions. foster care and emergency services. The agencies reported over 9,000 adoption placements, 20,000 foster care placements, and emergency care

service reaching almost 320,000 people. The other largest. areas of di· rect service were programs for the elderly, with 88 '-agencies reaching over 270,000 people; family life' preparation, with 79 agencies serving almost 160,000 people and marriage preparation, with,80 agencies serving over 80,000 people.

Vocation Directors To Hold Convention DETROIT (NC) - The Religious'Vocation Directors of Men will hold their second national convention in September on the theme of ". . . To Us the Ministry of Reconciliation" at Mercy Center, Farmington, Mich., it was announced here. The five-day convention will feature workshops dealing with such topics as new directors, high schools, high school seminaries, advertising, and minorities. Father Reid C. Mayo of Burlington, Vt., president of the National Federation of Priests' Councils, will serve. as keynote speaker to the convention, Jesuit Father John V. O'Connor, religious life program direcor for the Center for Applied Research i.n the Apostolate (CARA) in Washington, D.C., will address the delegates on "Exploring Trends in Religious Life."





THE ANCHOFt-Diocese ot Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974



People's Role •In Church

Rev. Paul Palmer, S,J. As a boy I joined the Boy Scouts of America. FathE:r Stedman of "My Daily Missal" fame was our parish curate and he had organized a Catholic troop in an area where all boy scouts were Protestants. A motley troop we turned out to be, most from the wrong side of the tracks. We didn't take scoutism t.oo seriously-few progressed much beyond "tenderfoot." But we were proud of the label "Catholic." We went to camp in t.he Adirondacks-with money we raised from a raffle. Father Stedman came along as our chaplain and scout leader. Needless to say we "Catlies," as we were called, won the honor flag the first night after our division was inspected. In bearing witness to "cleanliness whIch fS next to godliness," we learned to bear wit.ness to the faith. Our motive had more to do with ecclesiology than ecology. Kennedy: Murray With this military background I entered the Jesuits, the Company of Jesus. As a Catholic I had learned what John F. Kennedy would tell the nation in another context: "Do not ask what the Church can do for you, but what you can do for your Church." As a young Jesuit, I was constantly asked: "What can you do for the 'greater glory of God' and of His Church?" When I came to teach on the

college and seminary level I remembered the advice of John Courtney Murray, S.J., my professor and colleague at Woodstock, Maryland. "Don't. defend the Church to your students. Catholics need no apology nor 'an apologetic. Explore with them the inner consistency and beauty of the faith and they will share your eagerness to promote. it." Not all my students shared my enthusiasm for the truths that I had to hand on. By presuming that they did, and that they had a positive role to play in building up the body of Christ which is the Church, many a would-be heckler and negative critic became a "coworker" in preaching the Gospel. Catholic college students at the time often complai"ned that they were not allowed to exercise their newly developed talents when they returned to their parishes. In some instances chaplains and campus ministers had not prepared them for reentry; they had not eased the passage from campus to parish involvement. And without involvement . on the part of our young adults the Church will grow old and lack the vitality to renew itself. Education Not Indoctrination If our young people are being turned off by the Church; if many are leaving its fellowship; if the Christian community cannot recruit future ministers of the word and the sacraments, Turn to Page Fourteen

II A Close look at Confirmation In looking at where we have failed the Catholic teenager, I have always been impressed with the lack of development in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Between the childhood years and marriage, we have no religious event to which the young person can look forward. From the age of eight or 10, when Confirmation is usually received, to the age of 22 or 23, there is a huge barren desert as far as religion is concerned. In most parishes, Confirmation is still a mere formality, and is given at a very early age, more for the convenience of the bishop or pastor, than for the good of the recipient, and it has little real meaning for the child in its present form. There are those who recommend that Confirmation' be delayed to the late high school years, that it be revised to become a truly significant religious event, somewhat like a Jewish Bar-mitzvah, and that its reception become a true act of Christian commitment on the part of the one receiving it. I would like to suggest more. I would like to see the Sacrament divided. Part of it to take place in the parish after a period of intense religious formation, similar to a Cursillo. At that time, the teenager would make his own definiteand personal commitment

to his religion and to Christ, similar to religious profession, in the presence of the whole parish community. Then, in a yearly ceremony in the diocesan Cathedral, at a huge ceremony, perhaps at the beginning of Lent, the bishop of the diocese solemnly ratifies this commitment and completes the Sacrament of Confirmation which has now become a Sacrament of Maturity, a Sacrament of Christian Adulthood. There are those who will say that this is an innovation, and it certainly is, but I do not see how we can continue to perpetuate a Confirmation practice whieh scarcely accomplishes its purpose. Most children cannot even remember their Confirmation and, if they can, they cannot remember what it was for. Certainly, a revision of the Sacrament would give us a powerful tool in reaching the young of today and might help to shap'e the conscience of the teenager in these critical times. "Ritual Being" Several summers ,ago, I spent a month with Josef Pieper, the Catholic philosopher from Meunster, Germany and he had just finished writing a book on "Sacrality." His conviction is that there is a deeply-rooted religious sense in man and that liturgy is Turn to Page Fourteen

"The Catholic Church doesn't really care about anybody unless they happen to be under 13." The place was New York. The girl's name was Sandra, and she wasn't happy. In fact she was ,infuriated to the point of tears. At 19, Sandra had just been handed her first set of walking

Youth Involvement .,

By BRO. MICHAEL WARREN papers. The diocese had told her that her contract was not being renewed. "We just don't have the money," she was told. And that was the hardest part to accept, because Sandra wasn't just an ordinary worker. Sandra was a youth minister. .~ She had agreed to spend a year of in-service training and youth ANSWER IS INVOLVEMENT: Involve the young in ministry with our parish relia ministry to others. These others can be their fellow y~U?g gious education team of three Brothers. She 'would spend at people, the elderly, anybody in need. A young man VISItS least one year of ministry two elderly persons for a friendly chat. NC Photo. among high school and collegeage young people; the diocese' in 1964 31 per cent of high cisions made by their congrewould give her a subsistence ,school-age young people in the gations. All the leadership and level salary; and our team would Cleveland' Diocese attended no influence, all the decision-makprovide the training and direc- religion program, but in 1973, ing power, was concentrated in tion for her work for a year. 63 per cent of them received no the hands of those over 30. It had been a good year. Sandra religious education. In the face Basic Suggestions had learned a range of skills in of such figures, which may be Young people, then, are very working with young people. She more typical than we would like much like everyone else. They had organized retreats, had to admit, bishops ask "Why"; planned and' helped run leader- parents ask "Why"; even the tend to drop out of institutions in which they can exercise little ship training programs, had teacners anguish over "Why." leadership or . responsibility. worked out a systematic prayer The ones who best know why Some, like their Lutheran counministry among young people, are the young people themselves, and had learned how to design and it might be that the start terparts, are not convinced that new weekly religious education of the solution to our problems the Church really wants them. programs tailored to the needs lies in asking them why. That In the light of the Lutheran surof particular parishes. She had is exactly what Merton Strom- vey and the figures from the Diocese of Cleveland, what can become a "pro." men and hi!;' band of researchers Sandra had loved the work did with a sample of Lutheran parishes and dioceses do to adand thought she could survive youth from all over the coun- dress the youth problem? I have on her salary for one more year try in 1970. Although their work three basic suggestions, which at least, When she got word was done among Lutherans, I will outline briefly. 1) Initiate a Ministry to Youth. that the diocese couldn't afford what they found out might be Ministry to youth means more even her $100 a week salarY, she instructive for Catholics. than "offering" religion classes was crushed. "What are these Strommen and his associates Turn to Page Fourteen kids going to do?" "Who do 'discovered that the strongest they have here who will care for predictor of youth's attitudes tothem?" These were the quesward their church was how well tions she asked as she choked they fit in with the various back the tears. They were good groupings in the congregation. PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. questions, then, three years ago, Over half the Lutheran young Sales and Service . . . , . . when Sandra asked them, and people surveyed felt that older for Domestic they are still important today. people were suspicious of them. and Industrial . s:::: They 'could be summarized in Oil Burners They also felt that older people the following questions that all in the congregation distrusted 995-1631 religious groups must face: What them. In addition, they realized 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE NEW BEDFORD are we doing to help young peo- they had no influence on the deple enter into a life of faith? Is the task a possible one these days? What do parishes and dio- :.:·"IIII11I11I1I11II11"·"......"""".. "~"''''' ..''''''''''..,,.. '''''''''''''''''''''·''''''I''''''''''""""'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ ceses do in the face of the kind of data recently published by the Diocese of Cleveland in its February, 1974, Religious Education Newsletter? Dispensing Opti~iQn



Antone S. Feno, Jr.

Attendance Drop These figures show that in 1964, 33 per ceilt of high schoolage young people were attending Catholic high schools in Cleveland, whereas in' 1973, only 21 per cent were. They show that


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 1, 1974

Involvement· Continued from Page Thirteen for teenagers. It means more than simply "offering" anything. Youth ministry is a dynamic concept that involves reaching ou~ to you'ng people wherever they can be found. ~t never means waiting around until the young show up. It means finding them, being with them, identifying their needs, and then being of assistance. In my opinion the best persons to engage in this sort of ministery are young adults. Some, like Sandra from Brooklyn, have an intuitive sense of how to relate to teens and how to meet their multi-faceted needs. '

Educators Support Gov·ernment Aid For Private Colleges, UnivElrsit~es


BOSTON (NC) - Representa- to cooperate on such controvert'ives of public and private insti· sial issues as state aid and tax tutions of higher learning here exemption for private; colleges endorsed a proposed state can- and universities and safeguardstitutional amendment allowing ing low tuition for public institu· government aid for private col- tions. . leges and universities in MassaJohn Adam,. Jr., chairman of chusetts. the state board of education and The endorsement was included director of the Public/Private in a summary of conclusions of Forum, said a consensus, of the an informal seminar sponsored at participants was embodied in a Williamstown, Mass by the Pub-" preamble to their conclusions. It lie/Private Forum, a panel cre- stated in part: "Higher education, both pub. ated ~y' the Mass~chusEltts Board of Hlghe.r EducatIOn to pro~ote licly and privately sponsored, is cooperatIOn among educat10nal 'important to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its stu. units in the state. A constitutional amendment dents and ... both contribute has received p~eliminary approv- sUbst~ntially to the common al by the legIslature. here and 'good. In the past, the major remust un~erg~ a pU~I~(: r.eferen- sponsibility for serving Massadum bef~re fma~ ~atlfJ(:at~on. chusettsfell to privately spon~~tholIc partJc~pantH m the sored education. Today ~oth secWIllIamstown semm~r, :;~pported ,tors share that responsibility. by t~e Ford FoundatIOn, mcluded Their well-being merits l).igh priJesu!t Father J. Donald Monan, ority in state affairs. Together p~esldent of Boston College; Jes- they assure a wide dive,rsity of ~It Father John E. Brooks, pres· educational opportunity, approIdent of Holy Cross Col~ege, priate to individual students and Worcester, Mass., and SIster to the social needs of the state.. Marie Barry, president of Em- Only their cooperative endeavor manuel C~llege he~~. in the years ahead will provide The semmar partiCIpants agreed the state ~ith the educational services it requires and' do so with the efficiency and eFonomy expected of responsible: institu~ Continued from Page Thirteen tions answering the public need." perhaps it is because we who are older tried to do too much for those who are ·younger. We indoctrinated our young People instead of educating them. We programmed their activities inWASHINGTON (NC) - The stead of facilitating th,em. We Catholic University of America told them wh~t to wear and how to behave; how to play and (CU) here has allocated, nearly $3 million of university funds how to pray. Fortunately I have lived long toward stu\ient scholarships to ease the financial crunch; of stl,lenough to sense a change. The dents and their parents. ' hierarchy speaks of collegiality Increasing scholarship funds to among their members and of shared responsibility, with their 12 per cent of Its 1974-75 operpriests and people. Priests are ating budget funds, CU's jalloca- , more willing to coordinate the tion is more than, double the avvaried talents of the total com- ' ~erage five per cent of :college munity, including those of young funds set aside for scho,larship people, and to facilitate their grants, according ,to the' latest expression. Married couples, are statistics (1969-70) from the Na-' helping young adults to prepare tional Center for Education Stafor marriage, to plan their wed- tistics, a branch of the Departding and, hopefully, their life ment of Health, Education and Welfare. ' together. " CU's total scholarship fund inTeachers cludes graduate and und~rgrad­ Teachers on every level, from uate student alid, work scholarpre-school -to seminary, are be- ships, special _scholarships for ginning to learn that the. su,c- various fields of study and onecess of any program; recreation- half to full tuition discounts for al, academic or even liturgical, families of fa'cuRy and' staff. will be measured by the input of members. ,, A large percentage of' CU's the young people themselves. Priests are now celtlbrating financial aid funds wiH go special liturgies for which young toward diocesan scholarships for people select the readings and new students. Because the universJi.ty still rethe music. Recently I dmcele· brated at a communal penance ceives a portion of its annual inservice in which fourth graders come from the special bishops collaborated in composing pray· colleotion for the Cathlic Univerers and in selecting symbols that sitystarted in 19m1 by Cardinal would speak to them. They even James Gibbons of Baltimore, CU went so far as to draw up a set offers new students di6cesan of commandments that they scholarships. They are a~arded would be more likely to break. to qua\lified Catholic students In all these activities O:.Ir chil- who have graduated from acdren and our young adults are credited high schools. These asking us to let them become scholarships account for a, large, inVOlved, to share the responsi· percentage of CU's financial 'aid , ' " bility for building up the body funds. ' Tuition a,t CU is S;90 per credit of Christ which is the Church. We must accept them .as full ($2,450 per year) for unde~grad­ members of Christ's body, with u8ltes and $95 per cred'it ($2,600 special gifts or charisms which per year) ,for graduates, .comare given the young to keep the pared with $1900 per year for "bride of Christ" from gl'Owing undergraduates and graduates . five years ago. old.

Role in ChLirch

University Gives Scholarship Aid

RELIGIOUS EVENT: There are those who recommend that Confirmation be delayed to the late high school years, that it be revised to become a' truly significant religious event, somewhat like a Jewish Bar-mitzvah. NC, Photo.

A Close Look at Co'nHrmation Continued from Page Thirteen at the very heart of man's modern religious problem. He mentioned that man is a "ritual being" and that only too often we speak of "empty ritual," not realizing that these two words do not have to go together. Today's youth, with their rock festivals, their hippie cults and their passion for the occult, show that they are a$ ritual-orientated as any generation in history. We have given them, however: no meaningful ritual for their teenage years,and so they are. forced to create tJ:1eir own, or fal1 'back upon exotic and mystical rituals that give them some kind of initiation into Mystery. 'The Churchi'n Nazi Germany learned very painful1y what happens to a young generation when liturgy is no longer a rich and rewarding experience. Nazism had its own ritual, its own liturgy, its own high priest, and its own initiation into manhood. It is significant that one of the first places where a vernacular liturgy became common after World War II was Germany, and the Germany' hierarchy 'have never failed to pioneer new liturgical forms,opening up the riches of the Catholic heritage for their people. Spark Is Needed Father Blase Schauer, the ere· ator of the Las Cruces Experiment in Liturgy at New Mexico State University several years ago, demonstrated by his fantastic .success among college students that our liturgy and our heritage can spark the creative energies of YO\lth and bring about a profound spiritual renewal among young people. It cal1s for no radical liturgical forms or any tampering with the substance of our liturgical practice. But it does call for a sound appreciation of the arts of liturgy and the ability to innovate creatively within the Ii-

Conference Speaker NEW YORK (NC) -" Cardinal Stephen Kim Su Hvvan of Seoul, Korea, is scheduled to speak at the Jesuit Missions, Conference in St. Paul, Minn., on Aug. 14, it was announced here. The prelate, who has criticized the South. Korean government of President Pak Chunk Hee for being repressive, Will speak on "The Church and Civil Society,"

turgical traditions have inherited. ,



Our present practice of Confirmation has created a huge gap, a rrlassive no'~man's land in the religious life of our youth, and they are filling that gap, at times, with the mystique of drug addiction with its frightening results. I would like to suggest that we have in our hands one of the most powerful tools for combating -this kind of tragic social disease and, moreover, this tool is one that is specifically religious. We cannot do much for the presen.t generation of teen'agers for whom Confirmation has been a rather passive event in their lives; we can .. prepare the coming generation for a religious event of startling significance.

Hail R4;,storation', Of Speech Funds NEW YORK (Nq - A 'Catholic school official hailed New York City's decision to restore $2.7 million to. its budget, for 16 speech teachers in a non public school' aid program as "a victory for nonpublic school officials and home-school groups who had protested the possible loss of funds." The official, Father Joseph P. Bynon, superintendent of schools in the Brooklyn diocese, sa,id the speech teachers for private and parochial schools are required by New York state law and that the requirement has been upheld in the courts. "The city administration" once they recognized the legality of the case, were quick to respond in restoring the monies, and this is to the credit of the ~ity Council members, as well as the Board of Estimate members," Father Bynon said.

2) Involve the Young in Any Process of Planning to Meet Their Needs. The young need direction, true. However, the more they become involved in addressing their own problems and in designing their own programs, the more successful a program might 'be expected to be. Once pers.ons move beyond the age of five, it is oetter to plan with them than simply to plan for them. A parish Youth Ministry Committee wil1 be· dynamic, if there are sufficient. young people represented on it. 3) Involve the Young in a Ministry to Others. These others can be their fellow young people, the elderly, anybody in need. If they work days, there are many things they can do nights. I know of one group that spends two evenings a week phoning and talking to shut-ins. Yes, the young do have their own devel· opmtmt to be concerned about. Yet, they seem to get. on with that task best when they get involved with the development of Others.

So it seems as if Sandra had reason to be frustrated. Maybe she knew that in her area the Church had _only just' begun to reach-out to young people and meet them where they were. She might have recognized the important work she was doing to foster the religious development of the young people she met. But I think her tears came from a deep understanding that the Church has to commit' herself in a more visible way to ministry among the young if they are not to drift away permanently.

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New Bedfo,d •••••••••••••


1 ~ ,

.. Notes Reaction to Article On Anti-Catholic Bigotry

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug..-1, 197.4


Having avoided trouble for a couple of months and finding it a dull experience, I recently wrote an article on the rise of anti-Catholic feeling in the U.S. for the editors of the Village Voice-the official New York liberal journal. The reactions that descended on the heads of my co- and administrations of the large universities. Somehow or other, author (Jim Miller) and me it seems that if you don't menwere fascinating. First of all, . tion those things Catholics will one whole wing of New York liberals announced that I was anti-Semitic. There is a certain tiny minority of New York Jews



stop being offended by such discrimination. Or, as I was told, if you stir up Catholic self-consciousness you will run the risk of nativist backlash. Which sounded rather like what a lot of people were saying to Martin' Luther King at the time of the first bus boycott.


Stood Idly By


who think that any Catholic who dares to disagree with them on anything has to be anti-Semitic. It is immature behavior, and I presume embarrassing to the rest of the Jewish community, but we Catholics are not without our immature types either. Anti-Semitism? As far as I can figure out, what offended them was my suggestion that a political slate made up of four Jews and a black was not what we call a "balanced ticket" out in the Middle West. There tt)e liberals won (with such old conservative ne~ anderthals as Bayh, Hart, Mondale, Nelson, Proxmire, Hughes, Hartke, Stevenson, Humphrey, etc.), while in New York the liberals lost (the most "liberal" state in the union is represented in the U.S. Senate by two Republicans, one of them James Buckley). This is anti-Semitism? There was a reactloQ from some of the old line Catholic liberals. To raise the question of Catholic resentment against being made both the scapegoat and the fall guy for social problems is "divisive." It's not ecumenical, I gather, to assert that substantial segments of the Catholic population are fed up with "quotas" and "affirmative action" because they discriminate against Catholics. Risk of Backlash One shouldn't mention that Catholics are absent in the national media, the staffs and boards of trustees of the major foundations, the board rooms of the major corporations and banks, and the senior facuIties

N C D Conference To Hold Convention NEW YORK (NC) - The National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC), a national association of professional Catholic fund raisers, will hold its seventh national convention here from Sept. 16 to 19. The convention, op,en to nonsectarian as well as religious fund raisers, will feature more than 30 separate sessions with over 70 panelis.ts and speakers are expected to attend.

But the most interesting reaction of all came from many Protestants and Jews, some of them highly placed members of the academic elite. In substance what they said was, thank heavens you finally brought this subject out in ·the open. We have found anti-Catholicism offensive and disgusting for years, and it's high time that someone did something about it. To which I reply, "Fine, fellas, and where have you been?" You have stood idly by while anti-Catholic bigotry excluded A FIRST FOR LOUISIANA: People of various ages picket Louisiana's first abortion us from the power centers in clinic in New Orleans. Pro-life activists who sponsored the demonstrations said they hope the upper realms of American life, while Catholics were dis- to be able to close the Delta Women's Clinic permanently. It is closed temporarily by a criminated against in elite uni- court order pending interpretation of Louisiana's anti-abortion laws. NC Photo. versities (especially in the social sciences), and· while Catholic ethnics are blamed for most of the problems facing the country. Now, when a Catholic blows the WASHINGTON (NC) - Con- such mail rarely makes any im- was then to meet with a few whistle on this sort of thing, persons to work on a "one-issue you write him a confidential let- gressmen have been receiving pact on congressmen. political campaign"-the pro-life !)ince July 4 an influx of mail Names of Officers ter. in support of an anti-abortion Durant's group-the Commit- issue. The groups were then to In the meantime you have amendment to the Constitution tee of 10 Million, based in Glen- • choose a "secular name," such campaigned vigorously against from about 1,200 pro-life groups dale, Calif"-launched the letter as "Mid-City Voters for Life," real anti-Semitism and racism. now organizing. in support of draft a letter and make 540 Now you expect me to feel good pro-life congressional candidates. campaign through a brochure, copies and send them out July 4. which Durant said he mailed to all \)Ver because you applaud The brochure stressed that the Gilbert Durand, head of the discreetly when a spade is final- group organizing the letter cam- about 18,000 Catholic pastors letterhead should conta.in the last May. The campaign, called ly called a spade, or, more pre- paign, conceded that many of the names of officers because "all cisely, when a Protestant and pro-life groups may consist sole- Operation Avalanche, was billed the candidates will take you a Jew are called nativist bigots ly of the four or f.ive officers in the brochure as a "serious, seriously when they see you are realistic and uniquely effective for the first time. . listed on the letterhead. But he response" to a call for passage fully org~niz~d and operating." said that the groups would be of a pro-life amendment made by increasing membership. the National Conference of Cath. Produce Population , ELECTRICAL Among congressmen receiving olic Bishops last November. Contractors Conference Films mail inspired by Durant's cam- . According to a spokesman for HONG KONG (NC) - The paign are Sen. Birch Bayh (D- Durand's group, about 1,200 pasManila-based Jesuits Engaged in Ind.) and James Eastland (D- tors or persons acting with their Social Communications (JESCO- Miss.) who have each received pastor's authorization responded MEA) has produced a film here about 1,000 letters from groups. to the brochure and were sent on population for the United NaRep. Lawrence Hogan (D-Md.), 540 envelopes pre-addressed to tions-sponsored World Popula- sponsor of a proposed anti-abor- the 100 U.S. senators, 435 repretion Conference to be held at tion amendment to the Constitu- sentatives and to the President, Bucharest, Rumania, August 19- tion, has relleived several hun- Vice President and the Demo944 County .St. 30. , dred letters, an aide said. Along cratic and Republican national New Bedford The film .is one of eight on with the letters, the aide added, committees. According to the 992-0560 Asian population that JESCOMEA Hogan's office has also received plan the pastor or group leader is making for the Bucharest con- "increased calls" from other ference. House members inquiring about The film series is c.alled "All the progress of a discharge petiGod's Children (Born to Hun- tion which would force the entire ger)," and encompasses Bangkok, House to take action on Hogan's Thailand; Colombo, Sri Lanka; proposed amendment, now Jakarta, Indonesia; Saigon, Viet- stalled in the House Judiciary 27 Park S.reet, Att:eboro, Mass. nam; Seoul, Korea; Taipei, Tai- Committee. 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Ma~s. wan, and Tokyo, as well as Hong Sen. John Tunney's office said Kong. that the California Democrat had FIRST FEDERAl.... SAVINGS ANl:J LOAN ASSOCIATION One of the most densely pop- received only about 60 letters, ulated regions in the world lies but the office of Sen. John PasREGULAR SAVINGS 5%% in Hong Kong. Although the tore (D-R.I.) estimated that 90 Day Notice Account 5%. % over-all population is about 1,500 about 3,000 letters were received 1 yr. Certificates minimum $1,000 6%% people per square mile, there is since July 4. 2Y2 yr. Certificates minimum $5,000 6%% a much greater population denMost offices noted that much 4 yr. Certificates minimum $5,000 71,4% sity in its urban areas - Hong of the correspondence was writWe compute interest continuously-day of deposit Kong Island, Kowloon, New ten from a form letter, and many to day of withdrawal Kowloon and Tsuen Wan. staff members said privately that

Pro-Life Mail, Campaign Hits Congress

.. '.4 •


Bishop Stresses Home Visitation

. tHE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 1, 1974

,Urges Bishops To Reconsider Farm Boycotts LARAMIE. (NC) - The nation's bishops have been asked to reconsider their support of boycotts of grapes and lettuce by the presid~nt of the Wyoming f'arm Bureau here. During their general meeting in November, 1973, the bishops endorsed a resolution ealling for . support of a boycott called by the Cesar Chavez-led {Jnited Farm Workers of America (UFWA) until such time as thefarm workers are allowed to have i'free, secret baiiot elections which will determine whether or not they want union representation and which union they want '"to represent ·them." The UFWA and the Teamsters Union have been locked in a jurisd4ctional dispute for' the right to organize the· nation's farm workers. CHAPLAIN FOR WORKERS: American Maryknoller Father John Traugett shows two Wr.iting as "a Roman Catholic, _ young men on Taiw~n how to operate a machine. The 36-year-old priest is chaplain of a rancher, and .president of the' Young Christian Workers. (YCW) in the country which has changed from a basically agriWyoming Farm Bureau," Dave cultural society to a predominantly industrial one in 20 years. YCW h'as been active in Flitner of Greybull, Wyo., said trying to improve the lives of young workers in T.aiwan. NC Photo.. in a letter to the bishops that they have been misled into thinking support o( the 'boycotts .would bring pressuws that would help secure secn~t ballot elecNons for farm workers. VATICAN CITY (NC) - In- porary world without first .con"The international year aims, Actually, flitner said, "pres- creased pastoral resporisibility sidering how to open the road too, at eliminating unjust dissures of the ,boycotts are de- .for. women in the Church has to a more responsible and, hence, crimination regarding women in signed to compel grower., to sign been fore'cast by Rosemary Gol- even more effective participation world actions taken for justice, over their workers to lIFW be- die, Australian undersecretary of by women in the Church's mis- development, .peace." fore any secret ballot elections the Vatican's Council' for the sion." Asked what she considers the are afforded." Laity and also a member of the Asked about what new prosmost important contribution that The bishops support of the Vatican's special Study Commisboycotts, Flitner added, put sion on the Role of Women in pects could derive for the Church woman can offer the' Church, the proclamation of an Interna- Miss Goldie answered: them in "a massive juri~;diction­ Society and in the Churdh. . tional Year of Womanhood to be al dispute" with the Teamsters, "It is not so mu~h one thing In an interview with' Piero held at the same time as the r who, Flitner claimed, have now Monni, a Vatkan Radio reporter, .Holy Year, Miss Goldie replied: or another, but· rather making organized most of the farm Miss Goldie said: authentic cooperation possible quality of life. The Church is workers 'in California, the site "To me it seems impossible Womanhood will be ,a very use- between men and women in all of the major disputes. today' to - deal with the subject ful opportunity for the Church ,areas. Every human activity of 'High Partisanship,' thought, action, co-existence, to of evangelization. in the c?ntemduring which to reflect on the be fully human, has need of this FHtner also charged that the p31'ticipation of women even in cooperation. It is· a matter of the bishops h,ad heard only that side Hungarian Catholics ecclesia.J life." of the controversy presented by qualitity of life. The Church is their Ad Hoc Committee on Being Mad~ Godless She explained. that such reflec- also a society, a community of Farm Labor, "whose majority STUTTGART (NC) -', "The tion on woman's participation is men and women, ·but in the past has long deTlJonstrated high par- Catholic people of Hungary are "not only a duty imd a right for the woman's contribution was tisanship for the Chavez move- being trained for godlessness," weman herself but also a need . too often lacking, .I will not say ment." Cardinal Joszef Mindszenty, spir- which the Church feels on as- in the Ji.fe of the Church, but on Attached to the letter was a itual leader of the Catholic sessing what woman can bring a level of ecclesial reflection and report by Father Richard Hum- Church in Hungary for 29 years, to the Church's' mission ... responsibility. phrys, calling for the bishops to said here. . end supP,ort of the bo'ycotts. He ~'I see nothing that 'would is the pastor of Our Lady of seem to be profitable fJr the Soledad Church in COilchella, people of Hungary as a result Calif., an area that has witnessed of my removal ~rorn the See of violent clashes between the Esztergom," ithe 82-year-old carUFWA and the Teamsters. dinal said in a reference tot Pope ,Father Humphry's report, ,Flit- Paul's decision last F'ebru~ry to ner said, ,is an "·appeal for bal- relieve him of his title as archan~e and .understanding -in the' -bishop of Esztergom and' thus farm labor issue ..." sever his connection with the Auxiliary Bishop Jos€'ph F. primatial See of Hungary.: Donnelly of Hartford, Conn., "As a matter of fact, condichairman of the bishops' farm tions of' the Church in: my labor committee, when a!lked if homeland are as critical as ever," the bishops' position prevented the cardinal said in an interview them from being objective in on his arr·ival here from a ,twothe matter said, "I don't think month visit ,to the United States. so.. I think it's a very honest "Nearly 2,000 priests, about oneand fair position." . third of our clergy, are kept from functioning as such. Even Archbishop Na~ea in .:Esztergom no religious inVATICAN CITY (NC) -- Pope struction of the young is alPaul VI has named Auxiliary lowed. Bishop Thomas F. Little of Mel"There is no possibility leven bourne, Australia, as archbishop of a gentlemen's agreement .with of Melbourne. The new archbish- . Hungary's present rulers who op was born at Melbourne' Noy. practice godlessness and inhu11, 1925, and was ordained in {Ilanity. We ought to follow the' Rome in 1950. He served in ·vari- example of the bishops of Poous parishes of his archdiocese land and be much more realistic and for fO'Ur years also worked by insisting that agreements in the apostolic del~gation located freely entered into be observed strictly." . in Sydney.

Sees Church Role', for Women Il1lcreasing



TAICHUNG (NC) - Visits to the homes of Catholics and nonChristians is the most important adivity in the apostolate,· according to, Bishop William Kupfer of this central Taiwan Diocese of Taichung. "It is 1mpossible to conceive of missionary work without visitation of Catholics and nonChristians alike," the 65 year~old Maryknoll bishop from Brooklyn, N. Y.,said in article in Holiness, a monthly review published here. Bishop Kupfer's article was prompted by what he considers an increasing lack of stress among missioners on visits to families in -their homes. In recent years here in Taiwan, we missioners seem to be placing less and less emphasis on home vrisitation. And, strangely enough, this comes at a time when many of our missionershave a great deal of leisure time because 'of growing materialism and the consequent lack of interest in anything pertaining to reo Iigion on the part of our people." . Bishop Kupfer admitted that a number of missioners do continue to visit homes, and referred to tlfe practice of some priests and Sisters of visiting the homes of Catholics at Chinese New Year or'during Holy Week when a special house blessing is given. Some missioners, he added, who are involved in school work visit the homes of their students.

Radio Speaker W,EST SPRINGFIELD (NC)-' David J. O'Brien, associate professor of history at Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass., will be the featured speaker on the Crossroads weekly radio program during the month of August, it was announced here by ,the Passionist' Radio-TV Center.


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