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VOL. 41, NO.29 _ Friday,August 1, 1997


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


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THE ANCHOR --:.-'Diocese of Fall River- Fri., Aug. 1, 1997


Ilr()th~~~Step,h~n Lefebvre :',

, Brother of Christian Instruc- ::; serving in Farmington, Wilton ti~n Stephen',Lefebvre; 91, died :: and Sanford, all in Marne. At

July 24 ,at ,his, community's ~; age 88, he r.etired. .:' ,';:\J, , house in-Sanford;cME. He was~' 'Brother Lefebvre is sur.vived,. a founder of the' former Prevost 'by a nephew, a niece and a ; . HIgh School in Fall:Riv.er, .where ", cOl,lsin" all oHhe ~p~ovince of :' h~. taught from 1921' to 1938: ,L' ., Ontario, Canada.. His 'Mass of . Thereaft~r'h~ waitpfincip~rat· ~hristJan ~qriaL.w~s .o,ffered Notre Dame school in Alfred July 29 in A-Ifred ~{ld interment arid St. Fta66i's :i:Ie~Sales school' Jwas in his commumtycemetery, ' in; Waterford, boto'in Maine; also in Alfred. '.,', then was bursar:at 1\.~'t: Assurtip~ "': , tion High School, Platt~tmrgh, NY. Outstapd~ng tor hi.s ,ability td'interest young bo~.and meri in' entering his religious'commupronity, in 1960 he was nam~d I,,! . vincial vocation director for an area covering New England, the Middle Atlantic 'states and 'part of the Midwest.· , ~ Also among his talents was construction and' restoration. , Fron 1970' on' ·he renovated Shaker houses 'on the Notre Dame grounds in Alfred, was a driver for the community superior and engaged in pastoral ministry with the aged and ill, BROTHER LEFEBVRE

Ernest Robida , Ernest A. Robida of St. Anthony of Padua' parish; New' Bedford, brother of retired Father Raymond A. Robida, of

Cardinal Medeiros Residence, Fall River, died July 27. His funeral took place July 30 at St. Anthony of Pa;dua.

Justice William J. Brennan WASHINGTON (CNS) Retired Justice William J. Brennan, who died July 24 at age 91, was the sixth Catholic to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court in its 200-year history. Three more Catholics have joined the court since Brennan's appointment in 1956, bringing the total number of Catholics who have been Supreme Court justices to nine. , The three are Associate Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. K~nnedy and Clarence Thomas', who when he was appointed to the court in 1991 had been estranged from his Catholic taith. But Thomas announced in June 1996 that he had reclaimed his faith after being away from it for more them 28 years. Throughout the court's history, the Catholics who have served are: - Roger B, Taney, chiefjus. tice, 1836-64. , - Edward D, White, associate justice, 1894-1910, and chief justice, 1910-21. - Joseph McKenna, associate justice, 1898-1925. - Pierce Butler, associate justice, 1922-39

- Frank Murphy, associate justice, 1940-49. - William J. Brennan, associate justice, 1956-90. - Antonin Scalia, associate justice, 1986-present. - Anthony M. Kennedy, associate justice, 1988-present., - Cl,arence Thomas, associate justice, 1991-present.










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JUBILEE CELEBRATION!! A dozen Brothers' of Christian In~truction gather 'a.round Most Rev. Bishop Sean O'MalleyJJFM Cap. '61i July 26 prior to a Mass of Thanksgiving at Notre Dame de Lourdes Churchrrlarking th~ 70th anniversary' of the Brothers' serilice in Fall River. At extreme left is Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu~ Notre Dame pastor. The Brothers are Deacon Theodore Letendre, Patrick Menard, Marcel (IgnatiUS) Sylvestre, Raymond Eierube and Daniel Caron. To the right of the bishop are, in the front, Lionel Richard, Charles St. James and Louis St. Pierre; at the rear, Robert Michaud, Francis Blouin, Normand (Benjamin) Simoneau and Rev. Brother Henry Vanasse.' Not in the photo was Brother Roger Millette, who as a member of the1Notre Dame choir was inside the church as thE! choir prepared for Mass.

---------------------------------Three from diocese to attend Courage conferelt1Ce Courage, a spiritual support group for homosexual Catholic men and women striving to lead chaste lives, will send three members from its diocesan chapter to the 9th annual international conference of the organization, to be held August 14 to 17 at a Center

Denise M. Gannon honored byASCAP New Bedford pastoral musician Denise Morency Gannon, director of music and pastoral ministries at St. Francis Xavier parish, Acushnet, has received a special award for the second consecutive year from the American Society of Composers,' Authors and Publishers. The special awards go to ASCAP members whose works are'perfonned primarily in venues not su~eyed by the society. Ms. Morency Gannon's award was in ASCA~' s popular music category, which includes Gospel and contemporary Christian music, It was based on her original compositions and concert perfonnances, including a Stations of the Corss concert, "Walk With Me," orchestrated for string quartet, oboe, guitar and voice. The artist recently also released "Lift Up Your Hearts," a collection of songs to comfort the bereaved and those facing other ditliculties. She is chair of the local chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and is a member of many other Catholic music organizations; and is currently recording selections by the St. Francis Xavier parish choir, featuring herself and computerized instrumental performances. The release will be titled "Come Share Our Hope," also the title of one of Ms. Morency Gannon's compositions, which it will include.

for Christian Renewal in the Canadian province of Ontario. Among speakers will be Courage founder Father John Harvey, OSFS, and Father Benedict Groeschel, CFR, who has worked with Courage since 1978. The diocesan chapter meets at

7 p.m. each second Saturday at Holy Name rectory, 121 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford. The next meeting is scheduled for August 9. Further information is available from Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, tel. (508) 9n-3184.

CYO director feted at testimOJnial Rev. Jay T. Maddock, newly appointed pastor of Holy Family parish, East Taunton, was recently honored by Fall River members of the Catholic Youth Organization. He had directed the Fall River CYO since 1982 and in 1994 was named diocesan director of the organization. At the July 25 tribute, master ofceremonies Ken "Jersey Red" , Ford read letters from sports notables s~ch as former Red Sox



general manager Lou Gorman, New Jersey Nets coacl) John Calipari, television sports anchor Bob Lobel and Celtics coach Rich Pitino. Many members of St. William's parish, Fall River, where Father Maddock had been pastor since 1993, also attended the tribute, recalling that from 1981 throu.gh 1989 he had coached the parish CYO baseball team and that durin,g those years the team won four CYO playoff champoinships. Speakers for the occ,mion included Bishop Sean O'Malley, Fall River Mayor Edward Lambert, city Superintetldlent of Schools James M. Gibn.ey and Peter Marciano, brother of the late Rocky Marciano. Also speaking was a representative from each of St. William's parish groups.

1II111111 " 111111111111111 " I TIlE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020) Periodical fustage Paid at RIll River, Mass, Published weekly except for the fir.;t two wetks in July and the week after Christmas at 8!li Highland Avenue, Rill River, Mass. 02720 ~ tte Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River, Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year, Postmaster.; send address changt:s to TIle Ancmr, P.O Box 7, RIll River, MA 02722.

Holy Cross, Sts. Peter and Paul: Two Fall River parishes to merge



In order to best meet the needs of two neighboring parishes in Fall River, Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., has decided to merge the parishes of Saints Peter and Paul and Holy Cross in that city, following diocesan consultation with priests and representative laity of both pmishes. The two will become one on September 15, 1997, carrying the name of Saints Peter and Paul and utilizing Holy Cross Church as the parish church. In a letter read at Masses at both parishes last weekend, the bishop announced the. decision to parishioners and explained the circumstances which led to it. To begin with, the bishop noted, he was informed that the Conventual Franciscan Friars who staff Holy Cross parish would no longer be able to continue there in that capacity because of a decreasing number of priests in their community. That decision was made by the Superiors of that order. The second circumstance concerns the needs of Saints Peter and Paul School. Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul parish, has indicated to Bishop

O'Malley that the Saints Peter and Paul School, part of which is used as the parish church, is in need of expande(J facilities if it is to continu~ to offer Catholic education Qfthe highest quality. The school and church have shared the same building since a fire: destroyed the former church, situated on adjacent property, in the 1970s. In light of these two circumstances, Bishop O'Malley asked diocesan o~ficials to meet with the priests and a committee of laity from both parishes, and from ,these discussions, the bishop said, "emerged a consensus that both parishes could, form one parish community"· using the strengths and resources of each for all the faithful of the area. After some renovations, such as the addition of rest rooms, off-street parking, and air-conditioning, Holy Cross Church will continueI in use for liturgical worship and administration of the sacraments, and the school of Saints ,Peter and Paul will offer families of the merged parish an outstanding Catholic elementary education. The bishop stated that he be-

lieves the merger of the two parishes will "create a strong parish, where the ethnic traditions of all parishioners will be maintained and treasured and where the Catholic faith, held precious by generations of parishioners, will continue to be proclaimed and lived." In his letter he also expressed his gratitude to the Conventual Franciscan Friars for their "outstanding pastoral work" over the years at Holy Cross parish. In particular, he thanked those friars assigned there now: Rev. Walter Mruk, OFM, Conv., pastor, who will be reassigned by the community, and Rev. Charles Porada, OFM, Conv., parochial vicar, who has agreed to remain in the parish until January of 1998 to assist with the transition. Father Fernandes will undertake the pastoral role of bringing together the two parish families, which, the bishop noted, already have a history of cooperation. According to parish histories, Holy Cross parishioners worshiped at Saints Peter mld Paul Church while their church was being built, and Saints Peter and Paul parishioners donated the bell for that new church.

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that the canonical registers of Saints Peter and Paul Parish alld Holy Cross Parish be kept at Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River that the goods and obligations of both Holy Cross Parish and Saints Peter and Paul Parish become the goods and obligations of the merged Saints Petcr and Paul Parish This Dccrce shall bccome effcctivc at 12:01 a.m. on September 15, 1997

i-I'f~~ Bishop of Fall River


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OFFICIAL After discussions and meetings with the priests and lay representatives of Holy Cross Parish and Saints Peter and Paul parish, a recommendation was made that the parishes be merged. Having received the above recommendation and having heard, in accord with Canon 515.2, the advice of the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Fall River on May 9, 1997, I hereby decree that Holy Cross Parish and Saints Peter and Paul Parish, boUt in Fall River, be merged that the merged Parish be known as Saints Peter and Paul Parish that Holy Cross Church become the place of worship for the merged Parish that parishioners of Holy Cross Parish who are Polish or of folish ancestry may become parishioners of another Polish Parish in the Diocese of Fall River

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THE ANCHOR - Diocesc of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Summer-Fest 481 Quaker Rd.• "orth Falmouth Tel. (508) 563-m4

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997 - ~





the living word

Defending A Precious Gift

The past few months have been prosperous for Amerfca. More people have more money and are enjoying the protits of a raging bull market. But with good times at hand, we can .fall into a commercial euphoria that can distract us from some of the difticult and hard issues of life. Perhaps the chief obstacle to a better life for the world's peoples today is the horrendous religious per- . secution that blights our planet. Recently our State Department completed its tirst comprehensive review of Christians around the world. It indicated that some 78 countries practice religious discrimination as public policy. Among them are some of our allies and commercial partners. We look upon Germany, Egypt and Morocco as our friends, yet in all these countries Christians of various persuasions have been jailed for their beliefs. Other anti-Christian and anti-Catholic manifestations appear in Algeria, Indonesia and the Sudan, where anti-Christianity has resulted in hundreds of murders, torching of churches and public executions. Certainly the religious strife in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been well documented. The litany is endless. Burma does not allow the printing of the Bible. In Iran Muslims who convert to another religion are subject to the death penalty. In Russia, the Orthodox church has used its power to discriminate against other Christian denominations. China is yet another country that enforces widespread restrictions. All religious practices must be approved by the government. Arrest and detention of Catholics has long been an ofticial policy and other Christians are also suffering public persecution. As we rejoice in the present market economy, it would be well for us to pause and retlect on the conditions that many of our coreligionists face throughout the world. Unfortunately, our government has reduced religious persecution to the status of a mere minor irritant. The present State Department review of the situation is simply a response to the political clout ofAmerican Christians. But the truth is that our track record on human rights is spotty at best, a mere political tool to be used if our commercial bargaining appears to be in jeopardy. In China, for example, vre -have simply taken a very token position. Human rights and religious tolerance have taken a distant second place to consumerism. A renowned Jesuit scholar wrote that Pope Paul VI looked upon the Vatican Council II Declaration on Religious Liberty as one of the council's major achievements. Hotly debated, its concluding guidelines on the right of the person to social and civil freedom in matters religious stand as a monument to Church concern for this area of our lives. Church teaching on this subject is unequivocal. Religious bodies, the council declared, have the right not to be hindered by either legal measures or administrative action on the part of government. They also should not be denied the right to witness publicly to their faith. In this light, the council determined that a wrong is done when government imposes upon its people by force or fear the profession of any religion. The right to religious freedom is to be exercised within the framework of the principle of personal and social responsibility. It is well for all of us to remember that in the exercise of all rights individuals and groups are bound by the moral laws of mutual respect and regard for the common good. Religious liberty is a precious gift. May we enjoy its blessing in our own lives and may we safeguard it in the lives of all our brothers and sisters in the world family.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese 01 Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send 'address changes 10 P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above



Rev. John F. Moore

Rosemary Dussault •





"Live in harmony and peace and may the God of love and peace be with you." 2 Cor. 13:11

On the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquin~ls By FATHER KEVIN J. HARRINGTON Since 1968 my favorite saint has been St. Thomas Aquinas. An eccentric Dominican priest at Providence College gave me my first taste of the Angelic Doctor. In his logic course he would ask questions such as: "Please indicate that you are easy to like by responding to the following question: Is it true or is it not fallacious that you are' not hard to dislike?" In case you're interested, the correct response is: "It is neither true nor is it not fallacious that I am not hard to dislike; rather, it IS fallacious to assert that I am hard to dislike." Needless to say, it was hard to like either that professor or St. Thomas! My other experiences with the Dominican Fathers proved to be much more beneficial and inculcated in me a great love and admiration of St. Thomas. He was such a prolific writer it is difficult to imagine how he had time to fultlll the demands of being a Dominican priest, an author, a professor and also a person willing to ope!! himself to the free range of discussions initiated by the young undergraduates of the University of Paris. It was these 13th-century discussions that have received little attention through the ages that inspired me to take a new look at Aquinas through some of his lesser read works, as y'et

untranslated from the Latin. These dialogues are called the "Quodlibetal Questions." Concerning theological or philosophical matters, they retlect issues that stirred his age and are still relevant to ours: questions such as the structure of the universe, the extent which one should obey an erring conscience, and the permissibility of simultaneously holding several benefices (ecclesiastical offices to which revenue' from an endowment is attached). The question that most fascinated me and which prompted me to'do research at the libraries of Providence College and the Weston School of Theology was that posed by a young undergraduate either out of sheer high spirits or a sense of youthful frivolity: "Which is stronger: wine, women, the king or truth?" This quodlibetal question was never considered worthy of translation but was given serious attention by St. Thomas. It was raised during the reign of King Louis IX who was actively recruiting students by means of promising them temporal and etemal rewards as well as adventure if they joined the . Crusades. While that situation . changed, I imagine that the quality of the wine and the beauty of women on the well-renowned Left Bank of Paris have gone unchanged. The question, however, is as

worthy of attention on today's college campuses as it VIas in the time of Aquinas. At the time it was posed, St. Thomas was old enough to have been the father of the young Parisian undergraduates. His response shows the catholicity or universality of his vision. First he gently rebukes the poser of the question by telling him t11at his question retlect... the naivete of his youth because t11e topic had already been dealt Wit11 in a passage from the book of Esdras found in the appendix of the then popular Latin Vulgate. (250 years later Carlsbladt was to declare the Book of Esdras filled with ridiculous puerilities, worthy of the censor's ban, and therefore to be contemptuously discarded.) The beauty of reading St. rnlO_ mas is to understand the man's love for the created order. Hc spoke much more highly of wine and women than did the author of the Book of Esdras for he saw goodness in all of God's creation. The most inspiring part of this particular response wa:; his declaration that however well or poorly we arrive at possessing t11C truth, the very fact that we have the capacity to reason gives us the right to pursue and to talk about that truth. This wondrous capacity makes us as great as any king. What food for thought for the young and the young of heart!

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997


THIS IS a model of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center to be built in Washington. The $50 million center will house an interactive museum anp a U.S. Catholic think-tank. It is scheduled . to be completed in 2000. (CNS photo)

Papal center will be Catholic think-tank




~ Walsh






INFALLIBLE 202 Rock Sf. noted the nation's rich ethnic, reli- traveling exhibits of Vatican art and Fall River CHARITABLE WASHINGTON (eNS) - The gious and cultural di~ersity. documents; and galleries on papal "I can't think of a better place history, faith, arts and literature, 679-1300 Pope John Paul II Cultural Center The Natlollli Calholc Phannacistl Guild ollhe United Stales will be the premiere U.S. Catholic than our own nation's capital," he culture, and the physical world. think-tank as well as a world-class said, "to build a center which is so Cardinal Maida said planners living museum, according to the particularly designed io bring about hope visitors will come away "with U.S. cardinal who is tlle founder a dialogue of cultures, to encour- positive Insights into themselves and driving force behind the age ecumenical and interfaith ac- . and the world around them." tivity, and to study and cultivate and He said the project enjoys the . project. At a July 22 press conference in celebrate our Catholic faith." complete support of the pope, and He said the centet will provide recalled that Pope John Paul last Washington, Detroit Cardinal Admn J. Maida said 111e new facil- opportunities for "people to learn year blessed a stone from the tomb ity in the nation's capital "will be a their faith better," for developing "a of St. Peter at the Vatican that will place for exploring Call1Olic faith, culture in which our GOd-given be displayed in the glass-enclosed culture and the impact of papal human dignity is resMcted," and for cornerstone. It was the pope who suggested teachings on current events and is- mutual exchanges with the nearby the Washington location for the censues facing all peoples every day." university and shrine. A Month Of Healthy Learning At Saint Anne's Hospital. The cultural center - about the ter, said Msgr. Walter Hurley, Though "clearly a Catholic center," everyone will be welcome "no size of a presidentiaJ library and project manager for the foundation COMMON GROUND" who also is pastor of Our Lady of matter what their intellectual, spiri- surrounded by formal gardens • Mondays, August 4 &11 tual or religious status," said the will feature a rotunda, several gal- Sorrows in Farmington, Mich. • 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. He said the center will operate cardinal, who also is president of leries, theaters, a cbapel, class• Nannery Conference Room the Pope John Paul II Cultural rooms, library, gift shops and din- with a broadly based board of diA prostate cancer education group which includes presentations such as ing area. rectors and a fairly large staff yet Foundation. "Living With Cancer." For more information, contact Mark Theodore, LSW, at In the forum component, 12 in- to be named. Annual operating The $50-million facility, consist(508) 674-5600, ext. 2270. ing of an intercultural forum and ternational scholars will study "pa- costs are expected to reach about interactive museum, will be built on pal teachings, how they have helped $2.5 million, he said, to be covered MOBILE MAMMOGRAPHY UNIT 14 acres in northeast Washington, shape the world's cult~es and their by a $10 million endowment and As part of Saint Anne's community outreach, the Mobile Mammography Unit will adjacent to The Catholic University impact on current events," said Car- museum admissions. be at the following locations in Fall River: To date, fund-raising efforts led of America and the Basilica of the dinal Maida. Their work will be • Tuesday, August 5, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., SSTAR, 400 Stanley Street National Shrine of the Immaculate published in print form and on the by Cardinal Maida have raised $30 • Wednesday, August 6, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru-Med I, 528 Newton Street Internet, he said. million from about 30,000 people, Conception. • Thursday, August 14, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru-Med II, 933 Pleasant Street The interactive museum will in- Msgr. Hurley said. At the press conference, Wash• Thursday, August 21, 9:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m., Health First, 102 County Street clude a film on Pope )ohn Paul II; The architect for the project is ington Cardinal Jmnes. A. Hickey For additional information or to schedule a screening, please contact Leo A. Daly & Associates ofWash. Maria Cabrales, RN, at Saint Anne's Hospital at (508) 675-5686. ington, with interactive museum exhibits being designed by Edwin CARETAKERS SUPPORT GROUP Schlossberg Inc. of New York. FOR NON-OFFENDING PARENTS OF SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN" Schlossberg said interactive ex• Wednesdays, August 6,13, 20 & 27 hibits will give visitors the experiTherapy groups for sexually abused children and adolescents are also offered. ence of "taking a miniretreat for an Pre-registration is required by contacting Patricia Surprenant, L1CSW, at hour or two in the day." Pope John Paul II (508) 674-5600, ext. 2270. Visitors will be able to explore themes of special interest to l1lem BASIC LIFE SUPPORT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL RESCUER Dear brol1lers and sisters, throughout the museum, he said. • Friday, August 22 Continuing our catechesis on l1le Blessed Virgin Mary, we now And, if they choose, they will have • 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. a chance at the end to discuss their consider her as she is described in l1le words of l1le Second Vatican • Clemence Hall, Room 306 Council: "a pre-eminent and aitogel1ler singular member of the church" experience and, using computers in There is a $25 fee for this program. Pre-registration is required. ("Lwnen Gentium," 53). Togel1ler wil1l the disciples, Mary was present the cafe, look up volunteer opporContact the Education Department at (508) 674-5600, ext. 2480. in the upper room at Pentecost and she shared fully in l1le life and tunities in their own communities. Msgr. John Wippel, Catholic prayer of l1le church from l1le beginning (cf. Acts 1:14; 2:42). Her NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING holiness, placed at l1le service of her brol1lers and sisters; is a power- University provost, told Catholic News Service the university "anticiSaint Anne's Hospital is offering a four ful incentive for Christians to live in a way worl1ly of l1leiT calling. As session course on the Sympto-Thermal pates cooperation and collaboration l1le Mol1ler of alll1le Lord's diSCiples (cf. Jn 19:26), Mary offers her with the center's research scholars." Method of Natural Family Planning. Materials SamtAnne's intercession and aid to all who journey towards l1le fullness of l1le will cost $50, and the first session is free. Such collaboration might take ~Hospital Lord's kingdom. As the Bride and Temple of l1le Holy Spirit, she the form of doctoral students assistClasses are offered on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings. Contact the Education Caring/"r tmr rommunity encourages us to imitate her openness to l1le workings Of l1le Spirit ing center scholars, he said, while Department at (508) 674-5600, ext. 2480, and to live in constant, loving communion wil1ll1le Blessed Trinity. 795 Middle Street the scholars might lecture on camto register for the course. . Fall River, MA 02721 I am pleased to greet l1le visitors from St. John's University in pus or offer courses or seminars as (508) 674-5741 •All support groups are free and open to the public. New York, including the recent graduates of l1le University's Rome adjunct professors at the university. Center. Upon alll1le English-speaking pilgrims, especially l1lose from The groundbreaking ceremony for Saint Anne's Hospital does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, diSQbility, Scotland, Japan, l1le Philippines and l1le United States, I cordially the center is set for Sept 11, and it is , ......,.....,... national origin, age or sexual preference in admission to, access to, or treatment in its programs. .. invoke l1le joy and peace of Jesus Christ our Savior...· J', " , , ., ,.. , ,





Communicate: Health.!

Weekly General Audience Message



THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997

Surprise! A real Mary book I have always felt that we distanced ourselves from Mary and made her larger than life with all the titles we gave her: Mother of the Church, Mediatrix ofAll Grace, Virgin of Virgins and so on. At times it is difficult to relate to someone who seems so far above us. Don't get me wrong. I believe in the authenticity of the titles given Mary by the church, and I revere our Blessed Mother. But I think sometimes we find it hard to see where she fits into our daily lives. I remember giving a talk to a Catholic group of mothers of large families. When some mothers started bemoaning the weight of their daily burdens, one rose and proclaimed if we just prayed to Mary, she'd give us all the help we needed. A mother of eight scoffed, "How would she understand us? Her, with her one!" I've learned to see Mary differently since I lost sons. I now relate to her as someone who does understand my life. She was a mother, too, who had to endure the death of a son. Because I've come to relate to a human Mary, I was delighted when Resurrection Press sent me a new book called "Surprising Mary." I read it in one sitting. In this book, well-known Catholic author Mitch Finley gives us a different picture of Mary from the one that keeps her in the clouds. He shows us a very human Mary, one who smiles, does housework, likes to go to weddings, has strong feelings, knows the excruciating pain of watching her son die and yet endures, faithful to God. Finley's lifelong devotion to Mary comes through clearly. He helps us rediscover her as a flesh-and-blood woman who earned her place as "mother of Jesus and our mother, too." The author suggests, "Put yourself in Mary's place" when she came to see Jesus and Jesus asked, "Who is my mother?" Finley says, "She had to feel

rejected." Finley writes: "What's at stake here is our image of Mary. Sometimes a kind of 'magic Mary' takes over. We forget the human Mary who walked the dusty roads of Palestine, who made countlo~ss trips back and forth from her home to the village for well

water, who prepared endless meals, washed her family's clothes, did all the things a woman did in the culture of her time. Sometimes we forget that at some point Joseph died and Mary became a single mother who had to raise her son by herself. :~o more 'magic Mary.''' He ends this segment, and all the others, with a prayer: "Holy Mary, pray for me that I may learn to love even when I feel rejected by others. Amen." I couldn't read that segment without emotion. As a single mother myself, I could relate to Mary in a new way, feeling for her. If I could feel for :her, how much more could she feel for me, I wondered. Finley writes about Mary in Scripture, ill liturgy, in her apparitions and in the prayers said in her honor and paints new images in each category, giving us a surprising new Mary to come to know. This book is "an opportunity to bring Mary down from the altar and to allow her to enter _. and inspire - human lives," says author Paul Wilkes. I agree.

Alternatives to anti-depressants Dear Dr. Kenny: I disagree with your advice in a recent column on depression. The lady who wrote to you was suffering from the most common and most misdiagnosed disease in this country: major depression. You comment that a physical problem "may" underlie her depression. Depression is the physical problem. Major depression is a chemical im路 balance in the brain, much as diabetes is a chemi路 cal imbalance in the blood. This woman is in the midst of a depressive episode that could be fatal. Medication for depres. sion is no more radical than insulin for diabetes. -Minnesota All emotions are accompanied by a chemical imbalance. Fear, sexual desire and excitement are also reflected in blood chemistry. Our moods and our hormones have a reciprocal etfect on one another. Hormones are chemicals produced by our glands and secreted directly into our bloodstream. They can be activated by activity and diet as well as by our situation, as when we are frightened by an oncoming car. Psychoactive medications are artificial chemicals produced by drug companies with the purpose of altering our mood by changing our physiology. Our body often reacts negatively to medication because the chemicals are not "homemade." : Medication affects organs and systems throughout the body, sometimes in unexpected and undesirable ways. This is what we mean by side effects. Your comparison of depression and diabetes is interesting. Diabetes, like depression, is a multifactorial disease. In fact, most diabetics do not require and do not take insulin. Diabetic control involves diet, weight control, exercise, oral medication and insulin. Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone that exerts powerful etfects throughout the body. Its use is reserved for childhood diabetics and adult diabetics who more conservative therapies fail to help. Psychoactive medications are an outside chemical intervention. They are wonderful when needed, but should represent a last resort. Far better to tind more natural and less inva.~ive ways to reduce anxiety or lift depression. The body and mind function as one. We can influence the "chemical imbalance" in our blood in many ways other than by taking a pill. Using pills to change our mood every time we have a problem can become a dangerous habit. Aerobic exercise can alter our hormone levels and

physiology. Self-hypnosis can change a mood and in so doing alter the chemical imbalance. Positive thinking creates endorphins which generate euphoria and healing. Because these are natural ways to modify a "chemical imbalance," they do not occasion the negative side effects caused by drugs.

You mention that major depression can be fatal. I assume that you are worried about suicide. So am I. I would recommend some simple behavioral precautions which are more likely to be preventive than taking a pill. In fact, mostanti-depressants are highly lethal and can be used to commit suicide. If a person mentions suicide even vagUiely, here are three practical measures to take. 1. Prohibit any alcohol or marijuana since these are "downers" and lessen inhibition. 2. Clear their room and the medicine cabinet of all pills (including aspirin and acetaminophen) and sharps (knives, scissors, letter openers and guns). 3. See that they are not alone tor at least 72 hours. Anthropologists of the future will prohably describe us as the "pill culture." Medications of all kinds are overused and much abused. They can save a life. But they can also be a "quick tix" when there are better and safer ways, and when the cost and dangers of the medication outweigh the seriousness of the problem.

Daily Readings Aug. 4 Aug. 5

Nm 11:4b-15; Ps81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21 Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51 :3-7,12-13; Mt 14:22-36 Aug. 6 On 7:9-10,13-14; Ps 97:1-2,5-6,9 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk9:2-10 Aug. 7 Nm20:1-13; Ps95:1-2,6-9; Mt 16:13-23 Aug. 8 Ot4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16,21; Mt 16:24-28 Aug.9 Ot 6:4-13; Ps 18:2-4,47,51; Mt 17:14-20 Aug. 10 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-9; Eph 4:30-5:2; In 6:41-51

Genetic engineering

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -

Q. I enjoy your iilrticles on (IUestions of faith. Now I have one on genetic engineering. The Catechism ofthe Catholic Church clearly suggest.. that some gene-altering procedures are . moral, others are not. H would appear the church accepts some prebirth surgeries, for IDown syndrome, for example. Others (tor lell-handedness? eye color?) seem disapproved. Some day it may lIle possible to isolate the "gay" gene and alter it. When are such measures approved? Or when do they, as the catechism says, violate the "personal dignity of the human being and his integrity and identity"? (No. 2275) (New York)

presently possess, I believe, especially in the fields Of psychology and genetic biology, before we can properly apply these norms to altering the sexual orientation of the embryo.

A. The same fundamental moral principles apply for prenatal surgery as for surgery on any other human person. Many questions may be considered. Do the benetits expected outweigh the risks? What burdens (pain, cost and so on) will the surgery (or lack of surgery) entail for the patient and others? What degree of hope exists that the surgery will be successful? If it ns successful, is the hoped-for result proportionate to the "defect" being corrected? The unique delicacy, technological complexity llild experimenLal nature of embryonic gene replacementllild repair will naturally greatly affect answers. But they are still valid questions. For example, super high-risk procedures would be more acceptable ill attempting to correct the chromosomal defects in Down syndrome children th,m they would be to alter eye color or even the "inconvenience" of being left-handed. The catechism makes this fairly clear earlier in the same section you mention. Any procedures on the human embryo are lawful if they "respect the life and integrity of the embryo and do not involve disproportionate risks for it, but are directed toward its healing, the improvement of its condition of health or its individual survival" (quoting the 1987 Vatican document 'The Gift of Life"). We will need much more information than we

Q. After my recent hospital visit to a friend with Alzheimer's, the lady who distributes Communion there told me my friend needs special permission from the church to receive the Eucharist. I have an aunt with the same disease at the same hospital. Do these patient.. need special permission to go to Communion? (New Jersey) . A. I don't know where the Communion minister



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received her information, but it is wrong. Alzheimer's patients, in the mid- or later stages of the disease, nonnally fluctuate wildly in their level of awareness. Even people close to them often don't know how conscious they are of their surroundings at any given moment. I have no idea why anyone should feel these patients should not receive Communion. It is always the church's policy to give the benefit of the doubt in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. There's no valid reason to change that policy for Alzheimer's patients.

A free brochure on ecumenlsm, including questions on intercommunion and other ways ofsharing worship with people of other faiths, is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address. .

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.... Member'FDIC/DIF ,LENDER

Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorge July 25, 1997 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina "Dear children, today I invite you to respond to my call to prayer. I desire, dear children, that during this time you tind a corner for personal prayer. I desire to lead you toward prayer with the heart. Only in this way will you comprehend that your life is empty without prayer. You will discover the meaning of your life when you discover God in prayer. That is why, little children, open the door of your heart and you will comprehend that prayer is joy without which you cannot live. Thank you for having responded to my call."

OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PRAYER GROUP Maria.n Messengers P.O. Box 647, Framingham, MA 01701, Tel. 1-508-879-9318

For the time being... "For the time being" was a phrase my grandfather taught me. Actually it was a lot more than a phrase. In retrospect, it was a philosophy of life. "Maybe we can tix that tishing-pole tip when we get back from this IiUlecamping trip," he'd say, "but for the time being let's see if a little electrical tape will do the job." He's been dead for about 25 years. I still replace the electrical tape every third or fourth season, depending on what else has to be done, for the time being. "I hear there's a lake in Montana so clear and deep that you can see the lunkers down about 100 feet," he'd tell me. "You have to use two reels worth of line to get to 'em. But for the time being let's go to Pilchuck Creek and see if we c,m't snag a couple cutthroat on spinners." I employ the "for the time being" approach myself. For example, some day I fully intend to pull the air compressor from my dive boat and totally reouUit it. I'mgoing to replace all the belts, sand blast and paint the tanks, replace the check valves, update the pull rope, etc. For the time being, though, I'll just replace little items like springs and pulleys on an as-needed basis - that is, when they make "ka-toing" sounds and zing across the boat., Things did not have to be perlect for Gmndpa to make things happen. Good things. Big dreams did not become hot-air balloons tllat would carry him away from what could be done. Done well. That's what I like abouta lotofthe Catholic folks I've known over the years, lots of them in my own parish. Kitty did not have to wait for the pertect pastor to appear before she would volunteer for thankless chores. Mitch did not have to wait for Ministry Discemment Conunittee reports before he pitched in to help a single mother of three fix her bathroom, even if only for the time being. The guys in the St. Vincent de Paul unit at tlle parish did not make their cornmitrnentto helping a homeless migrllilt family find work ,md housing contingent on state-agency promises.

Fri., Aug. I, 1997

Rosalynn plays the piano for several Masses a month for the time being - which is about 20 years now. Over the years we've seen pastors come and go, parish leaders come ,md go, various spiritual movements come and go.

PADRE PIO DAY Saturday, August 2 - 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Guest Speakers - Free - All are welcome

Yet the constant seems to be those folks who consistently see simple human need and simply respond - for the time being. And it could be argued that about the only real time most of us will ever have is for the time being.

Your comment.. are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way,ArIington, Wash. 98223.


GARDEN CONCERT: ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE CONTEMPORARY CHOIR Saturday, August 2 - 6:30 p.m. CATHOLIC TENT REVIVAL 7:00 p.m. Rain or Shine Sunday, August 3: Father Robert Kaszynski Mond.ay, August 4: Dr. Thomas Delisle Tuesday, August 5: Carol Adams Wednesday, August 6: Father Richard Delisle Music by "Prayz"

August 5

, 1917, Rev. Martin 1. Fox, Founder, St. Paul, Taunton 1934, Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River

August 6 1961, Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, Pastor, Sl. Joseph, Fall River

August 7 , 1986, Rev. John F. I-logan, Pastor, St. Julie Billiart, NorLll DarunouLll . 1987, Very Rev. RogerL. Gagne, Pastor, St. Mark, Alllehoro Falls

August 8 1880, Rev. William Brie, Founder, St. Joseph, Fall River ;

LaSALETTE DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR August: In Honor of the Queenship of Mary

GRIEF EDUCATION SERIES Thursday, August 7 - 6:30 p.m. Counseling Center Staff Pre-registration necessary - (508) 226-8220


THE ANCHOR --:. Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997

Are kneelers coming back? By


In traveling this summer in the Midwest and Middle Atlantic areas, I have stopped at as many churches as I could to look at the design. (A lot of churches are locked.) Judging from the newer churches I've seen, American Catholics still are digesting the liturgical-reform movement. Among changes that seem to be fully embraced is a new prominence of the sacrament of baptism, especially by immersion. Baptismal pools are found in most new churches. However, we don't know where to put them. Some have them on the altar, others by the church entrance. Where you put it makes a statement. Because we want to be able to celebrate baptisms during liturgies, especially the Easter Vigil, many churches have baptismal pools near the altar, on the sanctuary platform. Often they are worked into the pulpit to make a connection between baptism and the "word" as a font of life. On the other hand, because baptism is the saC-Tament of "entry" into the church, the people of God, some people think the pool should be near the church entrance. This was most common in ancient churches. One new church in Louisville I visited this spring resolved this dispute with Solomonic wisdom by having two baptismal fountains, one by the door and the other on the altar. While there is agreement about the new prominence of the sacrament of baptism in the architecture, there is disagreement about whether the congregation should kneel or stand during the Eucharistic Prayer. I think this reflects a larger disagreement about the role of priesthood and Eucharist in the church. Many'of the modem churches I went to, especially in the Midwest and South, have no kneelers. The people remain standing through the whole Mass, including the Eucha-

ristic Prayer. In some older churches the kneelers have been removed. The theory, as I understand it, is that since we are all "priests" by virtue of our baptism, we should emphasize our shared priesthood and all stand. Some think this better reflects our Christian dignity. Whatever the theory, most Catholics don't seem to like it. I've noticed that even in churches where the kneelers have been removed, many people still kneel. In one huge new church outside Chicago, I noticed that with everyone standing at Sunday Mass, it was impossible to see the priest well. Also the fidgeting of people shifting around as they stood was distrdcting. This is not a liturgical change the people were asking for. It has been a trend imposed by experts in liturgy and church design. The'average Catholic wants kneelers. Not just for the Mass, but for a few minutes of prayer before and after Mass, and for a few moments of adoration after Communion. Kneeling to most people is a posture ofadoration and reverence. We are imitating the prophets, like Isaiah, who fell down in adoration when they found themselves in the presence of the divine, as we do in the Eucharist. Our communal kneeling follows the words from Isaiah's vision of God, the "Holy, Holy, Holy." Only the priest, who necessarily stood at the altar, remained standing because it was his role on behalf of the people. Even he genuflected in moments of adoration. (Often where the kneelers have been removed, I've noticed that the priest does not genutlect anymore, even though it is prescribed in the Sacramentary.) I don't think this trend of standing is catching on. In fact, in two brand new churches I've seen lately, . one not yet completed, the kneelers are back. The people have spoken.

NEW BEDFORD District Officers of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are pictured with their new District Moderator, Rev. Brian J. Harrington, at a reception immecliately following their installation held on June 10, 1997, at St.Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth. From left to right, they are: Marguerite A. Roman, vice-president (Holy Name, New Bedford); Janet Demanche, recording secretary (St. Mary, New Bedford); Shirley Magnett, treasurer (St. John Neumann, East Freetown); Ellen L. Calnan, president (St. Lawrence, NB)

Ca.rdinal praises abstinence plan By STEPHEN STEELE NEW YORK (CNS) - Cardinal John 1. O'Connor of New York applauded Gov. George E. Pataki's recent proposal for a $7 million program to teach New York state teens the benefits of sexual abstinence. "We are pleased the governor recognizes the benefit" of providing children with the tools they need to resist the pressures of today's society and to engage in healthy behaviors," he said in a statement. "Surely parents want and need this kind of support and leadership from elected otlicials," said the cardinal, president of the New York State Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the state's bishops.

The Catholic Conscience By FATHER JOHN CATOIR Jesus made paradoxical statements like, "The last shall be t1rst." This is a truism, but it contains opposing ideas. The word "paradox" is taken from the~Greek "pare," meaning "beyond," and "dox," referring to a doctrine or creed. Thus a paradox, true as it is, goes beyond the limits of our understanding. For instance, God is just. Nevertheless, God is intinitely merciful. The word "nevertheless" is one of the most important words in the Catholic lexicon. It captures the ambiguity inherent in some truths. When Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical "Humanae Vitae," he taught that contraceptive intercourse is always immoral. Nevertheless, in reaction, the bishops of the world issued statements expressing two seemingly opposite ideas: one, a Catholic must respect the teaching authority of the church; and two, a Catholic must follow a well-formed conscience. The following quotes are from statements made in 1968. The French bishops wrote: "If these persons have tried sincerely but with-:out success to conform to the given

directives, they may be assured that by following the course which seems right to them they do so in good conscience." The English bishops offered this view: "The Holy Father realizes what difficulties face married people.... The encyclical makes no sweeping condemnations. There is no threat of damnation." The American bishops put it this way: 'There exist in the church a lawful freedom, of inquiry and of thought, and also general norms of licit dissent.... In the tinal analysis, conscience is inviolable and no person is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his or her conscience, as the moral tradition of the church attests." This kind of ambiguity comes into play in other questions. For instance, can someone in a second, non-canonical marriage ever receive Holy Communion? Pope John Paul II, in his apostolic exhortation "Familiaris Consortio," said no. "It is forbidden to begin a new marriage when a previous marriage is still intact." This is true, of course, but it presumes that the first marriage was a valid union. What if it wasn't? I answered such a doubt in my book,

"Where Do You Stand With the Church? The Dilemma of Divorced Catholics" (Alba House, Staten Island, N.Y.). Ordinarily, the diocesan tribunal will resolve such doubts, but some people are too emotionally distraught to go through the strain of a church trial. I knew a woman in a second marriage who asked the monsignor in charge of her local marriage tribunal if her case had a chance for an annulment. He said yes, it waS a solid case. Nevertheless she was so afraid of her abusive first husband that she decided not to apply. So on her own, she exercised her conscience and went back to Holy Communion without the benefit ofan annulment. This was an "internal forum" solution. The Second Vatican Council states: "Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of the person ... where one is alone with God, and there in one's innermost self perceives God's voice" (The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World, 16). This woman believed that God would understand.

The impetus for Pataki's proposal is a provision in the 1996 federdl welfare reform law aimed at decreasing out-of-wedlock births, especially among teens. The legislation mandated an annual $50 million federal allocation for abstinence education, to be disbursed in formula grants to states on Oct. 1 oftiscal years 1998-2002. Aspokeswoman for the U.S. DepartmentofHealth and Human Services July 29 told Catholic News Service all 50 states - plus the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islandssubmitted applications for the abstinence education funds. The program is administered by the department's Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Under the law, the size of a state's grant is determined by the ratio of its low-income children to the total of the nation's low- income children. And for every $4 of federal money, there has to be a nonfederal match of $3 (or 75 percent) from states, localities, foundations, companies or other private sources. In New York, a nonfederdl match of more than 100 percent would supplement the annual federal grant of $3.4 million. The match includes new state funding of $2.6 million . plus in-kind services worth $1 million. Under the governor's plan, about $4 million would be dispensed in grdIlts to community-based organizations to fund abstinence education programs. Another $3 million would be used for a statewide media campaign. John M. Kerry, executive director of the New York State Catholic .Conference, also praised the initiative. "The traditional response of pouring more money into contraceptive-based sex education progrdffis for young people has failed," Kerry said in the July 16 statement. "Abstinence education programs in other parts 91' the country have

proven the effectiveness of l:his approach in preventing early sexual activity and resulting pregnancy and welfare dependency," he said. According to Father John S. Bonnici, director of the archdiocesan Family Life/Respect Life Oftke, the archdioce:;e will seek some of the money. "We hope to take whatever funds are available from the state路 initiative to help further enhance our current program," he told Catholic New York, the archdiocesan newspaper. "The bottom line is that this will make our abstinence education program more available." Family LifelRespect Life instructors hold workshops on living chaste lives in parishes and 1ichools throughout the year. The ofti.ce also hosts annual pro-life leadership days for high school students at which chastity is a topic. Additional funding will allow the oftke to expand these effort", Father Bonnici said. Pending legislative approval of the state budget, funding wilI begin in October, according to a statement from the governor's office. In published reports, many state health ofticials had expressed reservations about applying for the funds because of the law's :[larrow focus and requirement that teaching sexual abstinence must be the "exclusive purpose" of parlkipating programs. However, several state ofticials have indicated they wilI ignore some of the law's teaching mandates regarding sexual activity outside marriage rather than undercut ongoing teen pregnancy-prevention programs that include birth control information. Instead, they will use the money for mentoring programs or media campaigns, such as Mich igan 's "Sex Can Wait" effort or one in Maryland where roadsidl~ billboards say, "Virgin: Teach your kid it's not a dirty word."

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997

Archbishop urges couples to promote Marriage Encounter By MARIA


SAN ANTONIO (CNS) Archbishop Patrick E Flores of San Antonio urged the tllOusand-plus couples and tJleir families auending the 26tJI Worldwide Marriage Encounter lntemational Convention to seck out otJler couples to attend Marriage Encounter weekend gatJlerings. "We need to bring in people of all nationalities and all colors," Archbishop Flores said. "Our love for each otJler is tJle tbennometer Inat measures how much you love God." The archbishop, speaking at tJle opening ceremony of the July 1820 convention in San Antonio, noted how t~unily life, youth opportunities and evangeliz.ation had been tJlree major needs identit1ed at archdiocesan synod gatherings. "All of these revolve around fmnilies," Archbishop Flores said. "You are doing a good job, but we need to do more. We can never become self-complacent." Father Chuck Gallagher, founder of Worldwide Marriage Encounter, called CatJlOlic married couples "tJle best bUdget- cutters in tJle world." He said their commitment to one another and to tJleir fmnilies saves the country billions of dollars spent on the problems of children from broken marriages. "Every parent is a foster parent," FatJler Gallagher said. "God en-

abies you to bring forth his children. You children are a memorial of the tlesh of the Transfiguration." The priest also spoke of the importance of sexuality. "Sexuality is the essence of marital love. The key to your role in the church is based on your sexual devotion to one another," he said. "It is the Lord's plan for you as a couple." Father Gallagher, in acknowledging the contributions made to the church by married. couples, expressed support for a matrimony council in each parish. "Your love empowers you to bring faith to others around you," he said. "The church deserves your presence in a leadership role." The convention in San Antonio was the first one in 11 years to include families and even had a Children's Day. The convention was also open to the entire church, not just to couples who had previously.attended Marriage Encounter weekends. Commenting on having children take part., Irene Perry Said, "This is the future of our church and they need to know that they belong tirst in their family and in their church." She made a Marriage Encounter weekend wi th her husband, Dan, in 1975. Also tJle couple served on tJle core planning committee that advised the national board.

"It is a unique experience to have children participating in their own convention at me smne time as their parents," Mrs. Perry added. As for her Marriage Encounter experience, she said she and her husband "Ieamed how to listen to each other." . The convention also had a Priest Day to celebrate tJle sacrarnent of Holy Orders and the close sacramental relationship it shares with matrimony. "They are complementary sacrdlTlent'i. Priest Day allows us to celebrate priests and their contributions to our faith-tilled successful marriages," said Steve Gengenbacher, director of the San Antonio archdiocesan fmnily life otlice. Without "an ecclesiastical relationship with a priest, it feels like a third leg from our table is taken out," according to Dennis and Alynn Battaglia, of the National Secretariat Team of Worldwide Marriage Encounter. They gave an address to priests and couples at Priest Day. Among the couples attending the convention were Joe and Maria Richard of Bartlesville, Okla., who attended Ineir tirst Marriage Encounter weekend in Spokane, Wash., in 1972. "Marriage Encounter helps us to understand our part in our sacrament of marriage and to recognize

God's role in our marriage," Joe Richard said. "We've been blessed by it - in our farnily life and our ministries at St. John Church," added Maria Richard. Marriage Encounter provides married CatJlOlic couples the opportunity to address spiritual and emotional needs to aftirm their commitment to one another.


According to Irene Perry, Marriage Encounter lets couples "know there are ways to get past the disillusionment" that is one of tlle stages of love. 'The Ulcmes of Marriage Encounter involve working on prayer, communications ,md our sexuality through the ewmgelization of ourselves, our families and otllers," she said.

SCh04[)1 choice key to reform.efforts By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN

WASHINGTON (CNS) - Publicly linanced scholarships or vouchers that wou Id allow poor chiIdren to attend private or parochial schools are a key ingredient in improving public education, a Marquettc University professor told a Senate subcommittee July 29. . Howard Fuller, an education professor and director of Marquette's Institute for the Transformation of Learning, addrcssed the children and families subcommittee of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee from his perspective as former superintendent of Milwaukee public schools. "We must, if we believe in the fundamcntal American premise of equal opportunity, otTer poor children the ch,Ulce to have Ule best possible learning opportunities - a chance most of us take for granted for our own children,"'he said. Fuller said any etTort to revitalize thc failing U.S. public school system will not succeed unless it is tied to some kind of linancial incentive for public schools to change imd improve. Saying he also sUppOl1s school reform options such as charter schools and "lrue site-based management," Fuller added that "ifchoice is not one of the options, then the kind of pressure you need is not there." In order for real changes to occur, school administmtors have to believe that Ule parents seeking changes will pull their children from the public school system "and take the money with them," he said. Witnesses before the subcommittee also included several parents whose children have benefited from school choice programs or privately funded initiatives at the local level. Barbara S. Lewis, an Indiana mother of three, said she could see her son Alphonso's "chance to make

someUling of himself going down Ule drain" until the family received help in 1991 from the Educational Choice Charitable Trust. The privately funded program paid 50 percent of Alphonso's tuition to Holy Cross Central Catholic School in Indianapolis for the next six years, and he has now been accepted into "highly competitive" Cathedral High School there, Lewis said. Although the charitable trust is currenlly helping about 1,000 children, another 800 are on the waiting list, she said. Her own experience led Lewis to found a group called Families Organized for Real Choice in Education, which is working for publicly funded scholarships for low-inyome children in Indiana. "We see no reason that the parent who chooses the food her children will eat, the clothes her children will wear and doctors her children will see should have nothing to say aboullhe school Ule child will attend," she said. "It is time ordinary parents were able to say 'I can take my business elsewhere' - as millions of parents do every day, at least those that can afford to," she added. Zakiya Courtney, director of Parenl~ for School Choice in Milwaukee, said her group supported an expansion of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program 10 include religious schools. "Parents want quality education opportunities for Uleir c!li1dren in safe and nurturing environments," she said. "And they don't care if it is a public school, private school or parochial schooL" . Not all the voices at the hearing wcre in favor of school. choice. Alieze Stallworth, the mother of three District of Columbia public school students, spoke against school choice on behalf of the National Par-

ent Teacher Association. "What is Ule message elected omcials and community leaders send to young people when they dismiss troubled public schools as so lacking in value that the only alternative is to help students escape to nonpublic institutions?" she asked. "For the thousands of student'i who remain in Ulese schools, the unspoken message is we do not value them or their education."

IT IS often said that the couple that prays together stays together. (CNS/Cleo photo)










1, 1997

Oregon task force to study pain management By


As methods improve, even that PORTLAND, Ore. (CNS) pain will probably be tamed, Stull A new law in Oregon could re- added. , State Sen. Joan Dukes, a duce the push for physician-assisted suicide because it sets up a Democrat, shepherded the pain commission to look into pain management bill through the Legislature. Like Stull, Dukes is a management for patients. The measure signed by Gov. member of St. Mary Star of the John Kitzhaber July 23 provides Sea Parish in Astoria on the Orfor a IS-member task force to egon coast. She sat on a select Senate comstudy and improve the management of pain affecting terminally mittee to study Oregon's controill patients and people who suf- versial assisted suicide law and fer chronic discomfort. was one of only two Democrats "Instead of being known as a in the Senate who voted in favor suicide state, we should be known of sending the controversial law as a place that takes great care of back to the ballot in November. "It's a first step," Dukes said its patients," said Dr. Paul Stull, a urologist and longtime hospice of the pain management task physician who wrote the legisla- force. "There are literally thou'sands of Oregonians who live tion. The new law calls.t'<;>r tlle task their lives in intense pain that we force to be composed of doctors, have not manageq to figure out nurses, hospice otJicials, attor- how to control. It's not because neys, social workers, medical ex- we don't know how to do it; it's aminers, patients and otJicials of because we have decided that it health maintenance organiza- is not important enough to do.'" . By devising reffesher medidil tions. The commission will likely courses, the task force could help address medication policies, edu- Oregon doctors leave behind the cation, for health workers, psy- fear of leaving patients incoherchological needs, soCial work and ent or addicted to drugs. Better even spiritual ministry and devise medications have reduced both a statewide plan to be offered possipilities., later to the Oregon Legislature. Stull remarked that tlle end-of"We need to empower people life debate "is not a religious isto see that they have a right 'to sue, it's a medical one." have their pain controlled," Stull , "Everxone, i~, c0!llplaini~g "told -the ,.Catholic" Sentinel, 'about everybody else~' but we all 'Portland's archdiocesan newspa- need to be part of the solution," he said, referring to ranting per. "Now we control 40-50 per- speeches by people on both sides cent of pain but we can control of tlle issue. "I tllink people will 90 percent and offer better alter- roll up tlleir sleeves and do a good natives than physician-assisted job on this." suicide," he added. "In the vote on Measure 16, people were saying they are afraid they will die in pain, lose money and will die alone." Oregon's assisted-suicide law, passed as Measure 16 in 1994 by "Risk Management in the a narrow margin of voters, will Long-Term Care Setting" was reappear on Nov. 4 as Measure the topic of speaker Andrew D. 51. Because of court challenges MD, FACP, at a reWeinberg, spearheaded by the National cent informational program and Right to Life Committee, no one dinner for physicians sponsored has used the law to commit suiby Catholic Memorial Home, :cide. .. Illusions endure about death Fall River, at White's of Westand drive the desire for assisted port in cooperation with pharsuicide, according to Stull. One maceutical companies and the myth is that the end is unbearably Greater Fall River Physician painful, he said, but only 3 per- Continuing Medical Education cent to 5 percent of dying patients program. experience pain that cannot be Dr. Weinberg discussed procontrolled. That usually comes in tessional responsibilities with the last moments. regard to long-term care, including effective communication for decreasing legal risk and specHIC issues that may arise in clinical practice. Lord, "Education remains the key to bringing new techniques to As we hurry through the healthcare professionals who our lives, let us remem- provide care in nursing homes," he emphasized. He is associate ber that you love us chief of staff for geriatrics and and that you need us to extended care at Brockton/West Roxbury VA Medical Center, love you. Brockton, and an assistant proof medicine at Harvard fessor Amen. Medical School, Boston.

Long-term care risk management is lecture topic

Prayer Box



Health Facilities announces new mana~~ers Jocelyn Cunha, FSS, has been promoted to food service director at Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. Cunha was previously the assistant director of nutrition at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Both Our Lady's Haven and Catholic Memorial Home are skilled nursing ana rehabilitative care facilities in the Diocesan Health Facilities system. Cunha

has worked in the Diocesan Health Facilities system for 22 years. A Fall River resident, Cunha holds a certincation in food service management and nutrition' from the University of Rhode Island. She is ~ qlember of the Dietary Managers Association. Margaret A. Morais is the new ~usiness offi~ manager atMarian

Manor nursir-g home.in Taunton. A resident ofFall River, Morais holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Southeastern Massachusetts University. Pn~viously, 'she worked in the'business office at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Both Marian Manor and Catholic Memorial Home are part of the Diocesan Health Facilities system. I,

Canine companions available to seniors Now entering its eighth year, Jeff's Companion Animal Shelter in Westport specializes in providing dogs to elderly individuals and couples, in many cases giving such persons a fresh purpose in life and a reason for healthful outdoor exercise. Dogs, often rescued from shelters where they are held for only limited periods, are checked by a veterinarian, brought up to date on inoculations, tested for heartworm, spayed or neutered and carefully groomed before being placed in a home. Older dogs are chosen for placement because they are trained, housebroken and less active than puppies, thus easier to handle. As well as placing dogs with individuals, the shelter brings them to area nursing homes and rehabilitation centers for visits with residents, who look forward to seeing and petting them. Those interested in arranging visits, adopting a dog or assisting in the shelter's programs may write to Jeff's Companion Animal Shelter at 1128 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790 or call 636-2929 for further information.

JEFFTHE DOG, for whom Jeff's Companion Animal Shelter was named.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997

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... .

Romania Groups that proselytize, including Baptists and Greek (atholils, haVEI faled harassment and violence in traditionally Orthodox areas.

Algeria Islam is the state religion. Exlremist grollils have tallleted Christians ..... 13 Catholic dergy. Illen or nuns have been murdered in the last three yeOr5.

Religious persecution gaining importance on qational agenda By PATRICIA ZAPOR

WASHINGTON (CNS)-A State Department report on persecution of Christi~ms is being welcomed at least. as much for the administration policy it spells out as for its overview of the problem. The 86-page report released July 22 summarizes information from 78 countries on religious persecution, particularly thatdirected at Christians. It was prepared at the request of Congress and includes a nation-by-nation synopsis of how the U.S. government has responded to specilic persecution cases and to other governments' policies on religious freedom. Those responses, and the report's introductory explanation of current U.S. policies to battle religious persecution were what particularly interested the U.S. bishops' stat'fin the Office or International Justice and Peace. "The most important piece is the summary of U.S. policies and new initiatives," said Gerard Powers, a policy ad.viser to the Justice and Peace office of the U.S. Catholic Conference. For many in Washington who don't follow the subject the way the USCC does, the report might be the t1rst look at how pervasive religious persecution is. H notes, ror example, the requirement in dozens of countries that religious groups register with the government. In some

. countries, nopregistet:ed churches are subje9t to criminal prosecution; in otJ;1ers they are harassed or forbidden to build worship centers 9r ofticially hold services. The most dramatic reports included China, which jails leaders of religious groups it does not recognize, such as Catholics who remain loyal t9 the Vatican, and where Buddhists in TIbet are routinely imprisonbd. Despite the nresence of United Nations peacekeeping troops in Bosnia,1 persecution based on religious identity remains a problem lli1 former refugees return to their homes, the report noted. Cat);lOlics, Muslims and Orthodox in Bosnia are each targeted in regions where they are in the miqority. Several count~ies that are strong U.S. allies iIi political and economic terms Were also included in the repoI[t. For instance, SaUdi Arabia requires all citizens t6 be Muslims and prohibits publ~c and private practice or other lfaiths. NonMuslim worshipers risk arrest, lashing and depo~ation if they attract official atteption, the report noted. : Even Israel, while legally providing freedom of religion, is considering a tiill to outlaw proselytizing. And in Germany, despite broad prot~ctions for religion, Scientologists and evangelical Protestants report harassment by local governments and I

the puplic. . The national summaries, drawn from the State Department's annual human rights reports, at best provide a glimpse of the situation in most countries. For instance, many sections referred to incidents involving Jehovah's Witnesses, although Baptist, Mormon or Catholic missionaries in the same countries tell of pervasive persecution that wasn't necessarily included. Jesuit Father Drew Christiansen, director of the Office of International Justice and Peace, also noted that the report did 110t address complex situations like the subtle ways Christians and other non-Jews in Israel are sometimes pressured by such things as development restrictions against forming enclaves of their own people. Nor did it adequately desCTibe how religious persecution in China has escalated in the last few years or how delicately balanced the currently peaceful situation in Bosnia is, he said. "Partly that's the nature ofthe report," Father Christiansen said. But he added that he wonders how much the holes he sees in the document are due to summary-style reporting, how much to inadequate information and how much to political interests. Nevertheless, Father Christiansen and Powers both lauded the report's emphasis on what the U.S. government is do-

ing to promote religious freedom and tolerance. In a session with members of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus the day the report was released, John Shattuck, assistant secretary of state for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, outlined 10 ways in which the Clinton administration has altered U.S. policy to try to hold countries more accountable for religious persecution. They include: new attention to religious persecution in reporting human rights abuses; stronger efforts from embassies to keep up with and condemn persecution; and an emphasis on the subject in meetings between foreign leaders and President Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and other administration representatives. Father Christiansen said the report can be a good starting point for Congress and the administration to make religious freedom a more visible national priority. "There needs to be a really thorough debate about how this kind .of information plays into politics," he said. "The question is what is the relationship of Congress and the administration

when there are choices between human rights and religious liberty and trade or security issues - what is the balance of nationa:) concerns and interests?" Human Rights Caucus member Rep. Christopher Smith, RN.J., who has made several trips to investigate religious persecution in China, said at the session with Shattuck that he hoped the points the assistant secretary outlined and Albright's recent succession as head of the State Department would result in tougher attention to religious persecution in foreign policy. Smith noted that the administration continues to grant China trade status as Most Favored Nation when the country has one of the worst records of religious persecution in the world. "I was deeply disappointed when the administration 'delinked' MFN with human rights," Smith said. "We spent the major arrow in our quiver on that." Father Christiansen phrased it ditTerently: "When do people count over protits, over weapons systems and over strategic alliances?"

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri./Aug. 1,1997


The early bird sees the pope By JENNIFER E. REED'

they need to apply early," said FaWASHINGTON (CNS) -- U.S. ther Christiansen. Quigley added that at the time of dioceses planning pilgrimages to Cuba for Pope John Paul II's Janu- the pope's visit, it will be peak tourary visit need to make plans weIl in ist season in Cuba. "So hotel spaces, transportation advance, said U.S. church oftlcials. "They need to go through several will be all very limited," he said. steps in terms of getting both the "Unless plans are made well in adtravel license from the United States vance, securing hotel lodging will be and the entry visa from the Cuban very difficult." Dioceses should contact the State government," said Thomas Quigley, policy adviser on Latin American, Department's OlIice of Cuban AfCaribbean and East Asian affairs for fairs to obtain formsto apply for the the U.S. bishops' Office ofInterna- travel license to Cuba, Quigley said. He added he did not expect large tional Justice and Peace. He and Jesuit Father Drew numbers of U.S. pllgrims to see the Christiansen, director of the office, pope in Cuba, butadded that the jussaid July 25 that no linn application tice and peace office had so far not deadline had been set, but cautioned received detinite information from . it was doubtful that those who wait any dioceses. "We have no sense of the numuntil November or December to apbers," he said. ply would be able to go. People from the Cuban interest Pope John P'dul is scheduled to make his tirst visit to Cuba Jan. 21- . section of the U.S. State Department . have given verbal assurances that the 25. The main consideration for dioc- Cuban government will make every esan planners at this point "is that elIort to accommodate U.S. pilgrims for the Pflpal visit, Quigley said. Buthe added that Cuban governSEIZED CARS from $175. ment officials "will also exercise Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, their own sovereign decision about . . BMW's, Corvettes. Also who they let in." The Cuban and U.S. governments Jeeps,4WD's. Your Area. "would like to have some sense of Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 the numbers" of pilgrims - information the justice and peace office Ext. A-5075 will provide to both governments for current listings. once it has come in, Quigley said.




Consecration to the Divine Will Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here' before the immensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters ofYour Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and e(,:lipse all that dOes not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and oflove. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was (,Teated. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine \-Vill and I will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may tlQurish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. (In Honor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child ofthe Divine Will)

VATICAN VISITORS anxiously wait in the Pope Paul VI audience hall to catch a gl'impse, and possibly touch the hand, of Pope John Paull!. (CNS/Ma~i photo)

Close encounters of a papal kind By CINDY WOODEN VATICAN CITY (CNS) The telephone rings, the fax machine churns and the doorbell bpzzes- all heralding requests . to see Pope John Paul II. . !lW;I.!il<t!l}~busy,,QtIige\i~n't at the Vatican, it is the quick and easy way for U,S. visitors to <;r9wn their ROqlanholiday with. an unusually cJose encounter wi!h the pope. The Bishops' Office for u.s. Visitors to the Vatican, housed in a resid~n(;e for U.S. priests near the Trevi Fountain, is the place to get the best seat at a papal audience and learn about other, less publicized encounters with the pope. Msgr. Roger C. Roensch, director of the office, assists an average of 1,000 U.S. visitors each week. While general audience tickets are the staple of his business, he also helps people attend public papal Masses, the pope's firstSaturday recitation of the rosary and the Sunday Angelus gathering. Msgr. Roensch's tickets are among the best in town. Occasionally he will be the conduitfor a "prima fila;' or frontrow ticket, with a guaranteed papal handshake. Every week he has some tickets for the "reparto speciale," the special guest section. And all the rest of the tickets he distributes are for the front section of general seating. People who are seriously ill or use wheelchairs are assigned special places near the front. Often Pope John Paul will come to that section at the end of the audience, . tracing the sign of the cross on the foreheads of the sick. _: . Msgr. Roensch never sees the color-coded tickets for the back sections where a pontifical passing in the popemobile ,or,binocu-

lars are a pilgrim's only hope for a real view of the pope. . Non-Catholics get the same treatment as anyone else and account for almost. 20 percent of the office's visitors, he said. Inmid-July Msgr. Roensch re.ee.ive.d a, fa~,.of, thanks from a Methodist travel agent h~ had serve.d, Obviously, the man wrote, :'you wanted me up front so I could hear and. see everything just in cast1 I decided to convert." For Pope John Paul's first audience after his summer vacation, Msgr. Roensch requested and received 1,184 tickets froro the Prefecture of the Papal Household. . While none of the tickets for the July 23 audience was for a coveted front-row seat, about a dozen were for the small sections on either side of the pope's chair. Msgr. Roensch also can arrange a little something special for newlyweds: a white ticket good for the row in front of the first sec. tion of general seating. If the new bride wears her wedding gown - and a half dozen do at every general audience - the couple usually is led up to the pope at the end of the audience for a special blessing. The papal photographer al\yays catches the moment: not a bad addition to the wedding album. But most of Msgr. Roensch's newlywed guests are on their honeymoon and haven't packed the gown. Besides, he said, "Don't people think it's bad luck to wear the gown twice?" A good seat and a possible personal blessing are not the only , things that come with the white ticket. Whether or not they wear their wedding clothes, couples who take. the ticket to the prefecture's office after the audience receive small gifts from the路 pope: a white rosary for the bride and a papal key chain for 路the groom..

The good seats are the result of advance work, although the concept in Italy isn't what it is in the United States. Msgr. Roensch and his assistants, Mercy Sister Moira Debono and Christjna Scherma, forward the requeslS .to the Vatican as e(lfly as possible -.the week before the general audience or publi.c papal Mass. But Scherma said U.S. visitors send their requests up to 3. year in advance, especially for the pope's Christmas Mass at midnight and for the Easter Vigil. and Easter morning Mass. Advance w9rk by the pilgrims themselves pays off, Msgr. Roensch said. If, along with their request, they include a letter from their pastor - or, better yet, their bishop - the monsignor forwards that to the Vatican and chances improve for getting close to the pope. For Msgr. Roensch, Sister Debono and Scherma, the best part of the job is meeting and greeting visitors when they come to pick up their tickets. In addition to lots of. practical information - what time to arrive, where to sit, what to wearthey also try to help visitors turn their tour into a pilgrimage. Msgr. Roensch leads his guests to the chapel at Casa Santa Maria, . the U.S. priests' residence, and he has prayer suggestions for the basilicas on most tourists' itineraries. "Many people come to Rome and never say a prayer; they are too busy seeing things," Msgr. Roensch said. Papal Mass and audience tickets can be requested from the Bishops' Office for U.S. Visitors to the Vatican, North American College, Casu Santa Maria, Via dell 'U millta 30, 00187 Rome, Italy. The fax number is 011-396-679-1448.

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because notices of strictly parish affairs normally appear in a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit items to events of general interest. Also, we clo not normally carry nCltices of fundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainablle from The Anchor business office, tel. (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points items, FR indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford. All telephone numbers without area codes are (508). OL CAPE, BREWSTER Falber Raymond Vaillancourt, MS, will celebrate a healing service and Mass at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 6. All welcome. HOLY NAME, NB A parish band concert is planned for 6:15 p.m. Aug. 3 in lbe church parking area. Those attending are asked to bring a bollle of salad dressing, moulbwash or olber bottled item for lbe "bollle table" at tlle annual parish bazaar. OL VICTORY/OL HOPE CENTERVILLE! W. BARNSTABLE Pastor Msgr. Henry T Munroe has announced complete payment oflbe parish debt, paving lbe way for future maintemul(:e of both lbe parish church and its chapel and providing for further development.

HEARTS & HANDS MATTAPOISETt Hearts & Hands, a nonprotlt organization offering free physical, emotional and spiritual support to medically challenged children, will benefit from two Aug. 25 events. A family day sponsored by Moose LOdge #914 will take place from 10 a.m. until dusk at119 Rockdale Ave., New Bedford (behind Macedo's Pharmacy). It will include games, a dunk tank, Cookie Monster, a horseshoe tournament, band music and more. Further information: tel. 758-1300 br 993-3066. I

CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE/COTtJIT/ MARSTONS MII1LS The parish prayer group recently received a grateful letter: "I can't express, my thanks enough to your wonderful people who nave been praying for my husband. None of lbe doctors at lbe hospital were hopeful about saving his leg except one. He said, 'We'll wait a lillie longer' and all of a sudden everylbing turned around within two days. I know it was through your prayers." Prayers are requested by calling lbe parish office at 4777710 and leaving one's name and intention. Prayers are offered for one month. The parish St. Vincent de Paul Center is open Tuesday lbrough Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It offers c10lbing for men, women and children, housewares, linens, decorative items and pictures. It is located in Cotuit on Rle. 28,2.8 miles east of Mashpee rotary. MASS CITIZENS FOR LIFE, HYANNIS The Hyannis qffice at 298 Main Street, second noor, is open Tuesday lbrough Thursday 11

HOLY TRINITY W. HARWICH Pastoral Care visitors of lbe parish will hold tlleir 6lb annual training session from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 19 in Damien Hall at lbe church. Furlber information: Pat Davison, tel. 432-3371. ST. JOSEPH, NB Deborah Camacho, grade 3 teacher, and Carleen Carrier, grade 4 teacher at St. Joseph's School, were among 70 teachers attending a leadership program in Discrete MaUlematics held last month at Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. Discrete malbematics involves non-maUlematically continuous projects such as coloring maps and exploring patterns in numbers and geometry. CURSILLO COMMUNITY SOMERSET/SWANSEA Cursillistas of Somerset and Swansea will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 17 at SI:. Patrick's parish center, 306 South St., Somerset. 'fhe date has been changed t:rom Aug. 21.

CAROL ADAMS, a writer, speaker, wi fe, mother and Olympic swimmer, will speak at 7 p.m. Aug. 5 at the LaSalette Shrine tent revivat:in Attleboro, which will be hel~ nightly Aug. 3-6. She will alSo autograph copies of her book, "My Beautiful Broken Shell: Discovering Beauty in Our Brokenness." All welcome. Furtller information, tel. 222-5410. I

a.m. to 1 p.m. and at other times by appointment. It provides educational material on abortion, adoption and legislative issues, supplies pamphlets and videos, and arranges for speakers on prolife issues. It also offers referrals to lbose seeking assistance wilb an unplanned pregnancy. Tel. 771-2255. ST. THERESA'S CHAPEL, SAGAMORE All area women are invited to a morning of recollection lOa. m. to noon Friday, Aug. 8, at the chapel. Confessions will be heard by a priest of Opus Dei. ST. MARY, NO. ATTLEBORO A healing service planned for August has been cancelled. The next healing service will be conducted by Fatber William T. Babbitt at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept.7. Prayer meetings will be held at 7 p.m. each third Thursday, beginning Sept. 18. OL FATIMA, NB A parish picnic will take place Sunday, Aug. 3 at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO St. Louis de France Contemporary Choir will be featured at 6:30 p.m. Sat. Aug. 2, in the shrine's Garden Concert series. In case of rain the program will take place indoors. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, W.HARWICH St. Francis of Peace Fraternity of lbe Secular Franciscan Order will meet for Mass and a business meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 10, at Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich. Mass will be offered by Falber Cornelius Kelly, OFM. Inquirers welcome. Information: Leona Eppinger, tel. 432-4424.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1, 1997






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Voter registration in Portuguese Alan Silvia, executive director of the POItuguese Youth Cultural Organization (pYCO), 339 Spring St., Fall River, announces that simple voter registration mail-in forms are available in Portuguese at PYCO headquarters. "The mail-in form is extremely simple to complete, requesting name, address, birth information, etc.," staled Silvia, "and the Fall River election commission wiII notify applicants within two to three weeks oftheir placement on tile voting list and information about tIleir voting site." PYCO stafi'members are also available to assist individuals interested in voter registration witll any question or problems. Individuals interested in completing the form can either visit PYCO between the hours of 9 a.m. ancl5 p.m. or call 679-0962. Arrangements will be made to have tile registration card mailed to your home.

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Catholic Youth

MEGAN LYNN Costello, 15, of Ogden, Utah, is one of 10 young people to be baptized by Pope JohnPaul II at the upcoming World Youth Day in Paris. (eNS/ Lee photo)

Pope to baptize'U.S. teen in Paris By BARBARA STINSON LEE

OGDEN, Utah (CNS) - Megan Lynn Costello was all set to be baptized and confmned on Pentecost Sunday this spring when she had a sudden change of plans. She was selected to be baptized by Pope John Paul II in Paris Aug. 23 along with other youths from around the world. "This has all happened so quickly," she said. "I think the only thing tha~:s real to me 'right now is my dress. Weeks after learning she had been accepted, Costello told the Intennountain Catholic, the Salt Lake City diocesan newspaper, that she was still trying to take it in. The 15-year-old student at North Ogden Junior High School had already made plans with other members of the St. James ?arish youth ministry group to VIsit Paris for World Youth Day. But she had no idea until May 13 - five days before Pentecost -. that her request would be gmnted to be received into the church by the pope himself during the event. The Aug. 23 ceremonies will mark the first time that the pope has conducted a baptism as part ofWorld Youth Day observances. Nine other young people will also be baptized and contirmed along with Costello. Costello's explomtion ofCatholicism began two years ago, when she was 13. Born in Danville, 111., of a Presbyterian mother and a nonpracticing Catholic father, she said she had visited many churches in an effort to tind the right faidl expression for her. "Finally ... my stepfather's parents took me to St. James ?arish, and I found I like it best," she said. "I felt as though 1 tit in better among Catholics, and the parish was very welcoming to me and to my family." Before Pentecost she had been in a parish program for almost two years preparing to receive the sac-laments of initiation - baptism, contirmation and tirst Communionthis spring. Now she will receive all three sacraments in Paris. ,"1 picked Lucia as my contitmation name - it's the female version

of Luke," she told the Intennountain Catholic. "I want to be a doctor when I grow up and St. Luke is the patron saint of physicians." She said she is interested in emergency medicine because it is fastpaced and exciting. Stephanie Kawamura, the parish youth minister, submitted Costello's name in February after learning at a youth ministry conference that the pope would be baptizing some young people in Paris. "This will be the first year he has done this," Kawamura said. "We waited on pins and needles and we all prayed that the word out of the Vatican would be positive." Kawainum is accompanying the youth group, which leaves for Europe Aug. 11 with stops in' Assisi, Nice and Lourdes along the way, and she will serve as sponsor at Costello's initiation into the church.' Costello, who graduated from junior high school this spring, will return to Ogden just in time to start school again as a sophomore at Weber High School. ' She put her excitement about meeting the pope in a broader perspective. "What is most important to me through all of this," she said, "is the ,great closeness Inow have with God. 1t's wonderful to actually have a religious identity, and I would have that whether I was baptized by the pope or not." She added, "This has been a real experience in patience and pmyer.. .. 1know it is a huge gift for me, something that will be with me for the rest of my life." Her father, Tun Costello, who still resides in Danville, described his daughter's baptism by the pope as an "overwhelming" experience. "I think it's great," he told The Catholic Post, newspaper of the Dio- , cese of Peoria. "1 can't believe it's happening to her. I think it's something every true child ofGod would want to happen," said the elder Costello, who was raised Catholic but now attends the Second Church of Christ. "I wish I could be with her," he said, adding that he hopes to watch the baptism and continnation on television.

EGWURUEGWUI (African for "games") The Our Lady of Assumption Youth of New Bedford joined youth from the Boston Archdiocesan Office of Black Catholics and the Rhode Island Office of Black Ministries for a day of community bUilding through relay races and sports activities. This event took place at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, on July 19. Approximately 80 young people and 25 adults were present. A cookout and Mass ended the day. The presider was Rev. Anthony Oyeyipo from Nigeria who is currently ministering at St. Jotln-St. Hugh parish in Boston. Chaperones from Our Lady of the Assumption were Sister Marianna Sylvester, Dorothy Lopes and Bernadette Sylvia.

¡Races, scholarships, award, degree at BellS Summer activities at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, will include the sixth annual Christopher Mark Leahey Memorial Road Race Sunday, Aug. 3., A onemile Junior Fun Race for boys and girls age 12 and under will begin at 8 a.m. and the three-mile road race will begin at9 a.m., starting and tinishing at the high school. All runners and walkers are eligible to win prizes in drawings but must be present to win. Refreshments, showersand changing fucilities will be avdilable for runners and walkers and awards will be presented to the first overall male and female and the first three males and femaies in each category. All fmishers in the Fun Race will receive ribbons and certificates. Course records for the threemile race, set last year, are held by Mike Donnelly, 14:42 and Gladys Ganiel, 16:48. Proceeds from entry fees suport the Christopher M. Leahey Scholarship to Bishop ConnollyHigh. Leahey, a graduate of Connolly and of Providence College, was killed in a 1992 automobile accident. An outstanding athlete at both institutions, he was named Athlete of the Year in his senior year at Connolly. The Leahey Memorial Road Race was founded by his mother and his fonner Connolly coach, Jim Barnaby. This year's Leahey Scholarship went to Matthew Marino, who will be a Connolly senior'this fall and who is a member of the school's cross-country team and its winter and spring track teams. Entry fonns for the 1997 Leahey Road Race are available at Bishop Connolly HIgh School, 373 Elsbree St., Fall River, or may be requested

by calling (508) 676-1476. Scholarship awards $1,000 Jesuit Scholarship Awards for the coming academic, year have been awarded to Marisa Toomey and Benjamin Terry, high scorers on the Connolly entrance examination. Marisa is a graduate of Holy Name School, Fall River, and Ben of St. Luke's School, Barrington, RI. ,Award, Degree Also at Bishop Connolly, English Department Chair Dr. Hannah Sullivan is among 1996-1997 Educators of the Year named by 21st

Century Publications. She was nominated on the basis of an essay on her by student Dan Murphy and she and he were honored at a re,cent awards dinner at Northeastern University, Bqston. As one on 7 high school teachers nominated, she received a certiticate. Social studies and law teacher Ted Pettine has earned a law degree from Southern New England School of Law, where he was a member of the Justinian Society and conducted a supervised ,:ourse of study for Diocesan Catholic Social Services.

Fall River area CYO golf champs crowned The Annual Fall River Area CYO GolfTournament was held on July 28, at the Fall River Country Club. Players in four different divisions competed in the hope oftinishing first or second to qualify for the Diocesan Tournament to be held on August 23 at Segregansett Country Club in Taunton. In the Senior Division, James Cook ofSomerset shot an 83 to capture first place and Kevin Blaser of Somerset finished a close second with a score of 84. Fall River's Chris Bouchard, a recent graduate of Durfee High School and a member of its golf team, registered the best score of the day as he finished with a 7 over par 77. That was good enough for first place in the Inter- ' mediate Division. Matt Plosker bf Somerset and Shawn Syde of Swansea both carded 84's for the day, but second place was awarded to Plosker be~

cause his par-5 on the second hole beat Syde's bogey. In the Junior Division, Westport's Justin Silvia shot. an 85 to capture the top spot and David Phenix of Fall River was close behind with an 88. The youngest division, the Cadets, saw 13 year old Samson Goldstein of Fall River and Justin Pierce of Westport both finish with a 91. When their cards were matched, Goldstein was awarded tirst place. Both golfers, however, will move on to the Diocesan Tournament. Fr. Jay Maddock, Directofofthe CYO, thanked Everett Smith who directed the Tournament and Roger Dugal, who assisted him. Thanks also went to Tom Tetreault, Golf Pro at the Country Club and 3.11 the members of the Club for once: again welcoming the young people of the Fall River area for this annual tournament.

THEANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. I, 1997

Sure ways to look desperate

·Our Rock and Role


phone number, your pager numTanya really thinks that Miles ber and your dad's cell phone.. is cute, but Miles doesn't seem This will prove that you're sinto know she's alive. Tanya is a cere, ... ", little too old-fashioned to come After leaving all those num- : ~ right out and ask him to go to bers; it's a good idea not to call back 'for at least half an hour.. the movies with her.',· want to share tn their hurts as " Still, she is willihg to make it Why took pushy? aV'CHARLIE MARTIN 'well as their joys. True friend-' completefooloflierselftocon-' -Hang around with his ship'means maki~g'su'ch ~'. vince Miles tliat she1s the one. fr~ends, You might want to get . . ~:; " I Wanna There· 'commitment. '. for him.. '. ,. . them in' on your plans, Drop' Won't you.l~t me catch you ,fall? However, even the best of . You know the situation:; subtle' little hints like, "Don't Won't you let me len.d a h~lnd~ you've seeriit, , " '>:, . .... . •... you think Miles • . friend.s cannot share everyThose lonely eyes have se.en it all. plenty of times. -v.~" . and I would be ~ thing, ~'nor '~h'ould they. God But love's too blind to understand~ . Instead o(waiting. ..~ , . !~1 in' a great couple?" . ~'. gave 'each of us individual for: nature, to fun --0f course, 'Cause.you.d9.n't know what you have " 'strengths, pl!Js.. the ability to it.!' course, she's· of . if none of this ':, learn from Ufe!schallenges. Till your everything is gone. . Age works, there's; going td~fQrce'the You l1eed someone 'to show you ,.,. , O f t e n , . w'e disl3over' an inner i&sue,·Unfor~u-. always basic' " ' \. . . '. '~ ", ~" . ~. resilj~l\ce whell we make mis'- . How'to live again'. ' , .. ;. ".: ..... " i, .' takes, or face :failure. ,During. ~. nate.!y,.·,aI9ngffie FORYOUTtf. flBOUTYOUTH begging and way)he'H turn pleading. The; ,such times, friends' support I wanna be there'When~yollrefeeling high. I wanna be there whe,n',you wan'na die . '; " .'. '. herself into ,the "girl from the best approach is often guilt. You . can:be helpful, but they do no! I'm gonna light your fire gonna feel your flame ~ :.- ,',... dark side," and she's likely' tt> migh't try the ever-helpful, "If I wanna be there when you go.insane ;: . " live pur lives fpr us. Thatis, scare poor Miles into the next you don't go out with ITIe, my I wanna be there when' you're teelin' down , :, each person's responsibil'ity. ' county, . .. entire life is ruined and I might And I wanna' be there when your head is spinnin' round What bothers me about this Here are some tricks for prov- as well stay in my room forever." Gonna be your Ipver gonna be your friend song is its false promises. N,q ing that you're desperate. If you OK, let's get real for a moI wanna be there until the'en~. '- ' '.,. one can "be there" as th~ song want to be sure some· guy thinks' ment. We all know that none of describes. you're a loser, here's how to do that stuff will work for TanyaYou wouldn't know that I was there Being a caring friend means it. or anybody. So, what can she do. 'Cause I have been there all the time , being careful about what you And if I had my way I'd hold you in my arms -Memorize his class schedIf she isn't ready to ask a guy say to another. Making promAnd leave this madness all behind. ' ule. Then, whenever he comes out, she can hang around, keep ises that you cannot fulfill hurts out of class, be waiting there by smiling, be a good sport and 'Cause you got so much to give more than it helps. ' the lockers. You may be breath- hope some sparks get going on but you throw it all away So what is a better approach ing hard, since you had to run their own, It could happen. And all you got to show all the way across campus, but If she is feeling more advenin supporting a friend? Here For who you are is pain. try to look casual. turous, she could set up a date: are a few suggestions: "Hi, Miles!" ... (gasp, pant, "Hey, Miles, want to meet me I. Ask what he or she needs And I've got so much to give if you would only ,let me in cough) .... "So, how was geom- for coffee at the mall on Saturfrom you. It is a mistake to asI'm gonna take the time to show you I'm a friend erry?" day? We could do some shopYou'll believe in love again. sume that you know what will For best effect, try to arrange ping or just hang out." be helpful. Instead, inquire. I wanna be there in the pouring rain these "chance meetings" three Admittedly, this is chancy. It Then listen attentively. I wanna be therE! when you call my name or four times a day. Don't do it risks rejection. But it also gives 2. Once you hear the reI'm gonna light your fire gonna feel your flame any more often than that or he her a direct answer to the quesquest, evaluate realistically I wanna be there when you go insane may call a security guard. tion, "Could we be an item?" how you can respond. For exI wanna be there when I'm outta town -Call him at home to ask Personally, I think that's a terample, if your friend wants you And when the whole damn world is crashing d9wn about the geometry homework. rific way to go. I'm gonna be your lover to call every night, and you OK, so you're not technically in And if it doesn't work, at least I wanna be there till the end. know that is impossible, say so. his geometry class - in fact, Tanya didn't make a fool out of State how often you can be in you're not taking geometry at herself with all that other stuff. (Repeat Verse 2) contact. all. But why should this be a Your comments are wel(Repeat Verse 6) 3, If you have a special skill problem? come. Please address: Dr, that would be helpful to your I wanna be therE~ when your baby cries If he isn't there, or if he "pre- Christopher Carstens, c/o friend, be willing to share it. I wanna be there when they tell you lies tends" he can't take the call, try Catholic News Service, 3211 I'm gonna light your flame For example, if you are, talagain. Just to be polite, you Fourth St. N.E., Washington, Gonna feel your flame ented in math and your friend might want to wait 10 minutes. D.C. 20017. I wanna be there when you go insat:'e , is struggling in that subject, If he isn't there, ask his mom to I wanna be there when your nights are long offer your help as a tutor. have him call you back. Say it's And when you're feeling like you don't belong. "New England an emergency. Leave your 4. Remember that it is imhospitality portant, to take a break from Gonna be your lover gonna be your friend with a Europeatl Flair" problems, So invite your friend Gonna be there till the end., to do something fun, Such Bed & Breakfast I'm gonna beth,ere in the morning' breaks often bring new perHEATING, INC. I'm gonna be there in' the night spective and energy for seek. Sales and Service I'm gonna be there to make you strong for Domestic and Industrial ing creative solutions to probWhen you're tired I'm gonna be there 495 West Falmouth Highway Oil Burners lem situations. , (Route 28A) POBox 895 When you don't. West Falmouth, Ma 02754 5. Tell your friend that you .995-1631 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Open year round will pray for him or her, and Gonna be your lover gonna be your friend! (508) 540,7232 NEW BEDFORD Gonna be there till the end. then do so. Being a channel of God's healing presence is an Written by Eliot Sloan, Jeff Pence, EMOSIA and Eddie important way to be a friend. Hedges Sung by Blessed Union of Souls Copyright (c) No one can "be there" in 1997 by EMI Records to every way, Recognize what HOW MUCH can you "be to "be there whe1n I'm outta you can give, and keep your town." Maybe he's learned promises. there" for your friends? FOR CANCER VICTIMS AND The person in Blessed how to be in two places at Your comments are alUnion of Souls' new hit "I once! THEIR LOVED ONES The song tells when" true ways welcome. Please adWanna Be There" pledges his Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. supportive presence through friends can make a difference. dress: Charlie Martin, 7125 ST. LOUIS CHURCH just about any situation pos- Reaching out to friends in their W 200S, Rockport, Ind. sible. He even says he wants difficult times shows that we 47635. 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River •



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Sie:,there'.for' Your Friends Be













THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug.1, 1997

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