
Page 1

BISHOP GERRARD OFFICIATES AT DEDICATION: Left photo, JBiRhop Gerrard, accompanied by Rev. Martin L. Buote, assistant, left, C1ld Rev. John J. Casey, pastor, right, enter the new Immaculate Concep-

:tion Youth Cent~r for the Blessing. Center photo; Very Rev. Thomas F'. W·alsh, Dean' of the Att.Ieboro area, addresses the assemblage. Right photo: Father Buote places a crucifix on the wall following the Blessin~

Dedicate ·NewN·orth .Easton Center

The ANCHOR lr~ill Riv~r, Mass., Thursday, AU9'lst2, 1962 Vol. 6, No. 32

~ 1962 The Anchor,'

'RICi! tOe ....00 De. Year

Former Holy Cross Captain To Coach at Feehan High Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Superintendent of Diocesan !Schools, announced today the appointment of Josephnughes of Pawtucket as teacher-coach at Bisp,op Feehan High School, Attleboro. Mr. Hughes will serve as head basketball (~onch, and will teach history 'b a II t"eQ!1l th a't' appeared'In th e . and conduct phYSIcal ,educa- Holiday, Festival and National t\on classes. The new ap- Invitation touriuiments. ijlointee to the Feehan High A graduate of Central Falls l"hculty is a graduate of Holy ([;1'oss College, Worcester, where l'>cc caJ.ltained the 1957-58 basket-

High School, the Rhode Islander pla.yed baseball and basketball in high sC9001'and captained the Dine in his senior year'. Turn to Page Twelve

Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Dioceee, dedicated the new Immaculate Conception Parish Youth Center in North Easton, Tuesday ev&> ning; before a large gathering of parishioners and priests from the surrounding area.. Following the dedicatory ceremonies, Bishop Gerrard, in an address in the auditorium, called the new Center "a the Attleboro area, spoke for the shadow of the Church." The neighboring pastors. Auxiliary Bishop stated that Assisting Bishop Gerrard itl "this new parish addition the ceremonies' were: Father


Teacher Shifts, 'Appointments and assignm.ents of, Sisters ,of Mercy affecting faculties of schools and institutions' in the Diocese have been announced by Mother Mary Helena, R.S.M.. Provincial. Transfer of Sisters from Mount St. Mary Convent, Fall River, is as follows: Sister Mary Olga t<f Salve Regina College, Newport; Sister Mary Clare 'to Holy Name Convent, New Bedford;' Sister Mary Hilda to St.' Xavier Convent, Providence; Sister Mary Christina to St. Joseph' Conv'ent, New Bedford as superior, procurator and grade six teacher at Holy Family School. , Aiso Sister Mary Carolyn to St'. Patrick Convent, Fall River, as superior, procuralqr and grade seven te?cher at st. Patrick School; ,Sister Mary Silveria to Cathedr~l School, Fall River, as principal ,me' grade three teacher'; Sister Mary Romana to St. Mary Convent, North Attleboro, grade four; Sister Mary Michella to. St. Mary Convent, Bristol; Turn to Page Ten

Private Schools

verifies the Church's aim in de- Casey, pastor, and Rev: Martha L. Buote and Rev. John J. Staeveloping the whole' man." "This Center", he added, "con- kem, assistants at the Nortla tains the fa<;1lities for catecheti- Easton Parish. Among the clergy present was cal instruction for the development of the spiritual life and the Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan. gym for the development of the president of Stonehill College. Of modern architecture, the physical side of man." Youth Center has an auditorium Rev. John J. Casey, pastor of 60 by 90 feet, with laminated the 1m mac u 1 Ii t e Conception 'wooden beams. The stage measChurch, North Easton, thanked ures 20 by 60 feet. The auditoaij for their, work in making rium is equir:·ped for basketball this drealll possible, with a scoreboard and bleachers The Very Rev. Thomas F. seating' 500. ,Folding partitions Walsh,' pastor of St. John's permit division of the entire Turn to Page Ten A. Parish, Attleboro" and Dean of

Council Convocation Starts Widespread Talk on Unity VATICAN CITY (NC)-Whether intended or not, the convocation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council has already begun, the most widespread dialogue on unity between Christian bodies since Christian unity was first shattered; The chief purpose las, below, will cover the Council of the council, according to for the NCWC News Service and Pope John is to attend to Th~ Anchor. the Church's internal needs.. , No sooner was the intendeli He has clearly indi<!ated that the road to Christian unity might be opened as a result of the council, but that this could be 'expected only as a distant and indirect efiect. Msgr. James I. Tucek of Dal-

council aWlounced, however, t han non - Catholic leaders through.out the wQrld began to voice their hopes and Catholi~ Turn to Page Seventeen


WASHINGTON (NC) - The Census Bureau said here that the 1960 population census showed that 5,552,042 pupils were in private kindergartens and elementary and secondary schools that year. The bureau' said this is 13.6 per cent of the total number of U.s. school-age, childr~n. This means that for every 86 children in public schools, there were nearly' 14 in When the bureau asked about Catholic elementary and secondprivate schools. Rhode Is- school attendance in the census, ary schools in 1960. The NCWC figure for Catholic land was said to lead the it did so in every fourth housenation with percentage of hold. Ii inquired about type of 'elementary school enrollment is


grade and high school pupils in private schools, 26.6 per cent. Wisconsin was reported close behind with a flat 26 per cent. The Bureau's enrollment figures broke down this way: k~ndergarten, 304,147; elementary , 4,167,300; and secondary. . 1,080,595.

sc!hool attended, public or private, but did not break down private schools into Catholic or other types. The Department of Education of the National Catholic Welfare gonference here, 'basing its figures on reports from Catholic school superintendents, has reported 5,253,791 stl~:lents in

4,373,422 including kindergartens. For Catholic secondary schools, it is 880,369. The Census Bureau, in listing states and the percentage of· students in private grade and high schools, said that behind Rhode Island and Wisconsin, other states with more than 20 per ·Turn to Page Twelve c

118GB. TooEK


Schedume School .. . .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., .!'ug.·2,1962





MILWAUKEE (NC) - "The . Press: Its Personal and Social Dimensions" will be the theme of the 1962 Catholie School Press Convention Nov. 9 to 11 here.. , . Some 2,000 student journalists and th.eir faculty advisers are expected for the convention, which will be held in Milwaukee Auditorium. Convention speakers will include Marquette's president, Father. William F. Kelley, S.J'; Donald McDonald, who is to become dean of journalism at Marquette this'Fall; and novelist Richard Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame. The convention is sponsored every other year by th~ Marquette University College of Journalism and the Catholie School Press. Association there. .

Diocese of Fa.11 River

OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Rev. Leo M. Limoges, O.P., replaces Rev. Maurice. Lebrun, O.P. 'as assistant at St. Anne's Church, -Fall River. Appointment Effective August 5" 1962.

~~/~d: Bishop of Fall



Nfl)ri'@~ lP~ rTO$h



Anyone seeking a definition of cooperative effort should visi~ St. Mary's parish center, RoutG .123, Norton. In the past five weeks a beau~ tiful picnL: area ·has been prepared on the center grounds, complete with grassy lawns that are .the envy .of all beholders. The parking area has been ooubled and a huge hill leveled. All this is' in preparation flW' St. Mary's mammoth bazaar, ttl run fronl tomorrow through Sunday, Aug. 5. Features willl include a chowder supper fronl 4:30 till 8 tomorrow night, with Mrs. Clarence Rich in charge o:e arrangements. A large midway will open al'l 6' tomorrow night. Seventeen booths will .orfer everything from cakes and. pies to. ha.nd.crafts, jewelry, games, refreshments and toys. A beef barbecue will be served from 1 until closing time Satur-' day and Sunday. Steaks will be cooked to order in barbecue pita constructed' by men of the parish• SpeCial attracti",ls will' be Q handwriting analyst, pet show and 'fierd events, including a doW carriage, bbycle and tricycl~ parad'e. Grand prize, to be awarded ..Sunday, will be a week's trip t<lil Bermuda for two, plus expenS0 money. Alternately, the winnei' can choose a $500 cash award. CliInaJ\:ing festivities will, ~ a· band concert at 8 Sunday nigh~ Donald . Thibeault, gener£lll chairman, says "All roads leatll to Route 123 in Norton thW weekend." He adds that childreli:l will be especially pleased by a~ aSsOl'1Jilent of rides, including'O ferris wheel, whip and other at:.;. tractions;

FOR WORLD PEACE: Sheep graze peacefully while Father Josephat of the Franciscan Monastery at Sybertsville; Pa., posts a sign announchig the annual pilgrimage for world peace to be held at the monastery starting toThe traditional Peter's Pence colleCti~m will betaken .. morrow. NC Photo. up in all parishes of the Diocese on ne:?Ct Sunday, Aug~st 5. The offerings of the faithful are forwarded to the J,3Ishop who senas them to the Holy Father. These 'are used by the Pope to, meet the many deannouncing this collection was mands of charity that here- read in all churches of the Dioceives from all areas of the cese last Sunday and reads as UNIVERSITY (NC) - Reli- help in the battle by infomling world. The Bishop's letter follows: gious anemia' is a cause of com;. himself about the nat.ure and munism and· 'all 'Americans threat of' communism. should try to eradicate it, the "He can support effective assistant director of .the Federal goverrimental> countermeasures Beloved, in Christ, Bureau .of Investigation' said diI:ected .against espionage in all here. its aspects,'~ said Sullivan, and , N ext Sunday we will all make our traditional offerings" William C. Sullivan' said in a he can stress the need to erase in Peter's Pence for the Holy Father. Thedioce~e has always speech at the University of such caus~s of communism 'as shown herself loving and loyal to Christ's Vicar on earth. Mississippi· that· the average "educational inadequacies, reliIt has been a source for happiness to your Bishop to ..tell of citizen ~an play only a limited gious anemia and .philosophical . . . . f role in directly countering com- materialii?m." .' your devotion and receive in return a warm· expreSSI?n 0 munist espionage; but he can Sullivan stated ·that an Amergratitude and affection from the Holy Father. " .ican "can demonstrate in his . . ' " . . MOd own dally orbit that the most . This year; as you well know, great preparations are ,ass. r 0 successful way to oppose combeing made in Rome for' the cOlping General C~uncil that FRIDAY - MaSs of previous munism is through constituwill bring Bishops and theologians from all qu,arters of the Sllliday, IV Class. Green: Mass tional, calm,' creative and cOn;" . h th' f Proper;' No Gloria or Creed; stnictive action, both' personal g~obe to deliberate and help determme. ow e Image 0 Common' Preface. Two Votive and. social:' Christ's true Church be presented to a confused world~' . Masses iil honor of the Sacred The importance of the council cannot be exaggerated'. . ..~;. Heart' Jesus permitted. To. .. morrow is the ·FirstSaturday _Centra" Village Once Pop~ joh~ announced his decis~(m'three years ag~ :ofthe ~onth:.'· _ St. John the Baptist Ladies he 'struck: a responsive chord in the h.earts of all men of SATURDAY-:St. Pominic, Con:.. Guild, Central Village, hold good Despite his years, and already heavy burdens, he ·fessor. IIF Class; White. MaSs a bazaar from 2 to 9 Sat4rday, has no·t·. 'hesitated to set his hand and heart ,to this im_Proper; Gloria;' no' Creed; Aug. 11 in the chu.:'ch hall. A . Common Preface. '. p ortant taSk. , , ' SUNDAY"':" VIII Sunda.y· After ,meatloaf supper will be served from 5:30 to 7 imd.Ja penny sale Pentecost. ,IT Gloria.", Class~ .'. ~reed; Green. will follow. esday, Aug; 7 will. It .is. ours to d 0 all. 'we can to assure' h'1m 0 f our sym'Masii .Prop'er,' '.., ". ' r t . f th f th Co il be deadline for supper ticket .patheti<HlUPpo ,our prayers or, e successo e unc Pref~ce of TrinitYj .'. sales and .tickets are available and ·our· geI:lerousofferings help him bear the heavy MONDAY.- Transfiguration of froin guild members or at the expens~~(this~ss,~Il1bla~e~.of~5qOor,,~ore will·i?-~~l~~•. :Our .Lord .. .J~~~~st. II rectory..A television set. and I urge YQ~to carry a"litt~~"moz:e>9f~.the:re.sponslbilityY9~.'· :CIa,s~., .WhIte:·. ", roper; bedroom set will be awarded as ' ve ass'u''m"e:d'",'I'-n' 'th'e' p'ast, mindful of the tr,emendous GlorIa; Second Collect SS. a· feature ha Sixtus IT, Pope, and his Com- _ ~ Porlance of what you do, for the Vicar of Christ and ·HiSpanioiJ.s, Martyrs; Creed; C o m : " I ·~urch. mon Preface. Le9i~n o~Decency " .Michael Austin TUESDAY-St. Cajetan, ConfesThe following films are to be Faithfully yours 'in Chri&t, SOl'. III Class. White. Mass added to the' lists. in 'their re.,: Inc. Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Donatus, Bishop and Mar- spective classifications: ~NDAl SERYlCE tyr; no Creed; Common Pre!Unobjecti~~ble.. for general ace. patronage: Tarzan Goes to India; . wEDNESDAY - St. John Mary The. rhree Sto.oges in Orbit; The 549 COUNTY ST. VUinney, 'Confessor:' III Class. Trojan Horse. . . . White. lVIass Proper; (?1:~s as Objectionable in part for all: NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Bishop of Fan 'River:" on August 9 in Missal). Gloria; The Frightened City' (sugges- Second Collect SS. Cyriacus, tive). . Ar9~ntine' Primc.te ·La~gus. a,nd Sm.aragdu.s, MarFORTY HOURS ..Gets Golden lPalm . .... ace., tyrS;'no Creed; Common Pref:- Williams' funeral DeVOTION CH;IAVARI (NC) - ·SantIago·. THURSDAY":"-Vigil St. Law-·.· Home Aug. 5-St. George, Westport. C~dmal Copello, Chancellor ,of . renee, Martyr. III Class. Violet. . ".' EST. 1870· Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven the -Holy Roman. Church" ?as... Mass Proper; No Gloria; Sec- .' 1 Washington SquCllre St. Theresa, South At.been 'honored fo; hIS outstandmg . ond Collect St. Roman, Martyr; . ' . '. NEW B~DFORD Ueboro. .... w,ork all ArchbIshop of Buenos ., no Creed' Common Preface. Reg. "F~heral'Director .and: Aug. 12-St... Theresa, New Aires and Pr~~ate of Argentina.. . ' , Bedford. . The award of the Golden 'Palm . Enibalmer Our Lady of Victory, of the Province of Liguria' was :plIlIvAte 'PArU(ING AREA Centerv:lle. presented to the Cardinal, whose . TEL· WY 6·8098 St. Joseph, 'Woods Hole. parents "were born in the Italian Aug.1~urLady of Lourdes, . province. The award is made an_ .;' ,;.,' . Wellfleet. nually to a person of Ligurian , " . Our Lady of Grace, No. 'descent w1}o exemplifies the best . . . - .;' .: , traditions . of: that .'area . In the ' Westport. . Sacred Heart, New "Bed- . . W~l)tern t!emisphere.·· . . " '. ford. "" ';~ .' IND·USTRIAL· and' DOMESTIC. Aug. 26-,-St. Anthony ~ the. ". .:.... .Nee~ologY: ' . ,'. DOAN'·8E.AL·AM~5 Desert, Fall River. . INCORPOiv.T£O . .'AUG.5.'.·· St: JOM the' Baptist, Rev. MartiD J.' Fox, ~i9i7, Central Village. Founder, St. Paul, Taunton. Rev. "Thomas A. Kelly, 1934. 1'ID UfCBoa Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall - • HYANNIS e - d ma- P....... !'au1 •• hD .,...... River. •

Peter's Pence' Sunday

Urges' Fight Against" Religgous Anemna to Stop R.ed Menace








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AUG: 6 R~.

Joseph P. Lyons, 1961, Pastor St. J~pba i'aU River.

··ANDiRSo;;·;;·o; r

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/312 Hillman St.



New Bedford


Asserts Prelates Need Courage, Special Grace LAFAYETTE (NC) - A bishop needs special grace and courage in his role as teacher to battle the atheistic challenge to 'Christianity today, Archbishop Joseph F. RummeL of New Orleans said bere. A bishop's role is' particularly difficult in this day because of the many confusing ideologies tlIroughout the world, the Archthishop said' at the consecration of the Most Rev. Warren L. !Boudreaux as Auxiliary to Bishop Maurice Schexnayder of lLafayette. . Archbishop Rummel' said in his sermon that in the present era "authority is challenged and questioned every day, espeCially no spiritual affairs." "Men prefer to listen to seculiar society, to earthly organiza~!Jons, to any and every ,one exeept those commissioned to ft· lch with the authority of the Church of God," he added. Confusing Doctrines Referring then to the role of Cl bishop as teacher, the Archbishop said: "This teaching misDion requires special, grace, inSc'lliration and courage in an age when there are so many confusing doctrines throughout the world, when atheism is making dlesperate efforts to assert itself <iwer the rivaled truths of Christ." ' "We welcome Bishop Bou4ilreaux to the ranks, of the JHrierarchy," he stated. "He brings lJilew honor and distinction,and oomes not as a novice', b4t' as an experienced teacher in the mintstry. He has been an example of steadfastness and firmness in J!Ilreaching and in living the gosJ!tel of Christ."

Cites Importance

Of Politics DUBUQUE (NC) ......; People crIlould have more respect for J!Iloliticsand politicians" an edu-' eator said here in Iowa. Robert J, Horgan, chairman @{ the political science department at Clarke College, DubuI!lue, told 200 teachers attending 0' Summer session at the CathoHc school that politicians have n more immediate effect on ind;viduals than do members of many other profession!>. For this reason, he said, well qualified persons should be encouI'aged to enter politics. He al"so questioned the validity of the notion expressed in ~he phrase, "let's take this out' of politics," which generally means, "let's give this ,to the experts." 0 Horgan said experts; unlike elected officials, are not directly responsible· to the ,people,. and government rUfl ,by unelec.ted, experts may become a dictator.mip.


UNIVERSAL FATHER: Pope John smiles benevolently at child lifted up for his blessing. Pope's kindness extends to whole world and Peter's Pence Collection taken up this coming Sunday enables him to heed many calls for charity.


Thurs., Aug. 2, 1962

Moralist Decries .Risking Life For Fun ., BOSTON (NC) - A bishop, commenting on a scheduled' "car wrecking" show' here, noted that "a person should not risk his life merely , to provide entertainment for others." 'Auxiliary ,Bishop Thomas J. Riley of Boston said it is "hard ... to escape the conclusion that this kind of entertainment is morally wrong, and that those who promote it, participate in it or seek its entertainment value can have no justifying reason." i

Contests Bishop Riley mad" his com~;,i ments in a front-page article in ~'::;;.' i ,·the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper. The Pilot said the scheduling o! a "car wrecking" show here had caused readers to "question the morality of staging contests in which grave injuries or death are likely to occur. . Bishop Riley said a person may risk his life "for a number of more serious reasons, such as to save the life of another or to advance the cause of science. "Merely 'to entertain others, CINCINNATI (NC)-The Mass priest, Father Joseph Gelineau, is by its .very nature prayer. however," he added, "is not a With the Gelineau psalms, it is of the future may see the priest S.J. "Apart from the Gelineau sys- possible to have prayer, that is purpose of ,sufficient importance reading prayers and instructions to justify placing one's life ill to the people from a lectern and tem," Father Howell told an in- sung and inspired." serious danger." . going to the altar only at the terviewer, "I see no possibility "The Pope himself points out of singing the 'psalms in our own that Latin is a valuable sign of beginning of the~Credo. Qualification Father Clifford Howell" S.J., tongue":"" no possibility, that is, unity within our rite," said the The Bishop noted that in the English writer and authority on which is fully satisfactory from Ehglish J~suit. "Hence I, think show in question, "people are an artistic point of view;" the liturgy, suggested this proswe should preserve all the being invited to watch a contest Father Gelineau and others Latin which can be intelligently in which they expect human be. pect. He was here to take part in a workshop on music and the associated with him have trans-' used by the people. That mearis ings to endanger their lives,and liturgy sponsored by. the Gre- lated the psalms. into French, in' practice the unchanging parts in which, at least from' their goriim Institute of America at English, German, and many of the, Mass, .of which it is pospoint 'of view, loss of life is not Our Lady of Cincinnati College. other languages. According to sible for them to learn the a merely remote possibility." "It is to be hoped," he said Father Howell, there is no trans- . meaning. He also said the drivers in the lation except the Gelineau ver-' in an interview, "that at least "As for t,he' changing parts, contest were being solicited from the first part of the Mass will sion, t1'\at "respects the rhythmic the laity can never acquire a the ~eneral population and be reformed in such a' way that . p r inc i p 1 ~ s of the original mastery of Latin sufficient for would not ha:ve any speCial HeQrew." its catechetical power again will understanding. Therefore, in the training for such a hazardous SUDa Prayer ~ ,utilized.'" . changing parts, the pastoral activHy. "The only qualificati'on This would involve "elimina"~he psalms a~e· that· part ~f need of the vernacular is evi-'. is willingness to risk life and tion of the prayers at the foot the inspired word of 'God which dent." , limb,'" he. said. of the altar and use of the English language instead of Latin in the epistle and gospel," he said. Not Bookstand ·"'And it would be' very desirable," he added,. "that at leas'!;' the first part of the Mass be conducted from a lectern, and not at the altar. The altar, after all, is a place of sac'rifice, not a bookstand." Father, Howell, who is, the author of a, widely used book on the liturgy, "Of, Sacraments and Sacrifice," , is -confident. that the forthcoming ecumen'ical council will give' permission for the OPEN FRIDAY 9.~.M. to 8 P.M. Epistle and Gospel of. the Mass to be said.in the local language rather .than. L;ltin. /'. At, the workshop;. Father .. Howell .spoke of the recently developed'method of' singing the." , ., _psalms worked out, by, a, French, ' i

Liturgist 'Voices Possible Mass Changes


If you're planning, to buy a new ,or' used ear

Official Hits 'Linking BirthC'c)ntrol

Interest ~n 5avil)gs De-

To Dependent Children Aid Program

~its At, T~e



plan. to finance it with a Low Cost Fall River Trust Auto Loan.

We' will tailor your payments 'over a period best Trust is Exempt From CHI C AGO (NC) - Cook HiIl!ard saidi "I deplore the "fll,\it';!d 1;0 your income, and you can even include County public aid director Ray- use of the aid' to dependent Mon. State Incom.ToII:. , your aut/) insurance part the loa:n~simply mond Hilliard has criticized ~hildren program ·.'as' a vehicle birth control advocates,'who he fol' the adv;lnceinent of a prohaVe your favorite insurance 'agent tell ,us th+. said use the aid to dependent gram of planned parenthood or 'amount. ' children program to promote birth control.their cause. . The plJblic, aid director 86FaIt River Trust Lo¥" Cost Auto Loans are avai\" Hilliard voiced his criticism serted that the problem is. "not able at our Main Bank or at any of our convenient, during a documentary p"rogram having children, but having ilneighborhoodbra~ches. . ' on public aid problems broad- legitimate children.'" , .. cast by 'a radio station here.· "Birth' control sho~ld stand Other participants in the pro- on itsowft . merits", Hilliard Total Assets' Over $33,000,000.00 _."v· .. _ gra~ backed !he idea of hav:ing said., He challepgei efforts' to _ ._# --pubhc ag7ncles supply birth link birth control to public' recontrol assistance to persons OIl lief programs.' relief rolls. Some, 450,000 persons were reported on Illinois relief rolls in Sacred Heart Catholic Young May, according to the program. Adult Organization, meeting at ~. 4 3 NOR T H M A INS T R E E T each Wednesday night in Priest Builds Church 7:15 Sacred Heart parish hall, North RAMOS MEJIA (NC)-Bish- Attleboro, is open to all young Federal Deposit Insurance CorporaUolI adults of the Attleboro area. Orop Jose Borgatti, S.D.B., of Vie.. MEMBER f'ederal Reserve Sflstem dma has blessed a church here in ganizers include Robert Sirois and Miss Dolores Pinsonnault. Argentina which Father Teoranio Stablum, O.F.M., built Charter members represent parFlint Branch Somerset Branch So. End Branch Maplewood Bl'anch with his own hands and the help ishes in Attleboro, North Attle1219 Pleasant St. 891 County 5, 1649 So. Main St. 111 Stafford Road of a stone-cutter and a carpenbM~SOufuAtt~bmoandMan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f ield.::: Z ;;1 . ter.






Attleboro CYAO

frfilFali HiH~1' =f]ffE]fi

~ '~'

Trust Co.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug'. ,2, 1~62

MM~M@~ Re$p'e~~ F@Mrrud@tr~on

Of' Love and· frierwdshtip By Father John L. Thomas, S. J. ,

Asst. Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University

. "What do you do if a boy gets fresh or forgets himself OJ! A date and you have to bring him under control1 How,' do you do it 1 Should you still date him 1 18 and have had quite a few dates, but this probl~m still bot,hers me.


Do all girls have th'is diffi- sequentIy engage in dating' with culty 1" I sup p 0 s e that 'this purpose uppermost in mind. sooner 'or later, because of Now let us turn to your questhe very nature of our cur- tions. How should you deal with rent dating patterns, most girls this problem? have to deal with the problem Well, Alice, the first, step you mention, 'should be prevention. Keep in' Alice. At first mind that all your, actions glance it would the way you dress or dance, seem that a your conversation, the friends good girl should you have, the places you go for entertainment-necessarily COD_ experience no special difficulvey an impression of your HOLDS MUSIC INSTITUTE: Dom Joseph Gajard, o.S.B., director of the worldties in this 'oharacter. matter: if the If you give the impression of famous choir at the Benedictine Abbey of Sol~smes, France, is conducting Gregorian boy acts up or being '''fast,'' don't be surprised chant classes for various U.S. reIigio'us orders. Pope St. Pius X early in this century starts to get if you are treated accordingly gave the Benedictines at Solesmes the responsibility for preparing "officia:l Vatican" fresh, she sim,on·a date. Photo. ply puts him in Further, don't ignore' your editions of the Church's Gregorian music. his place, and own sexuality or the obvious that's that. This solution is pro- psychological differences bebably all right as far as it goes, tween the sexes. Some giJ.:ls but it doesn't go very far, for stubbornly refuse to' recognize What they have more likely musici'an refused to become disWEBSTER GROVES (NC) it ignores lhecomplexity of ~he the se,xual element in 'their social and human factors In- I)lanifestations of affection and -A leading figure in efforts heard has been the school choir mayed at the thought that milvolved, and the variety of situa- are shocked when 'young m~n, t{)·· preserve and teach the in some parish church laborious- lions o~ American Catholics do .ly singing the funeral Mass, he not know or like the Gregorian tions under :which the problem who normally experience and identify this element much more official music of the Church acknowledged. Aciding to the' chant he and -Ilis abbey have may arise. clearly, interpret their affec- for the past half-century shook general confusion has been the worke~ so laboriously to save. Dating System ' his head sadly when asked abo'ut Before answering your ques- tionate responses as permission "official C h u r c h music" in church I organist, who in too ,"They don't understaJ;ld it bemany parishes is "not discreet" cause they hear it' s~ng badly," ;"ns we must place your pro.bto proceed further. t 'America. Act Decisi~ely in accompanying the' chant, he lem in context, remembenng he explained. "And when nearly "No wonder more Americans said. that' the dating System within However, the problem may everybody sings it .pa~ily, you 'Cl\n't Blame People' which it occurs provides th~ arise through no app~rent fa~lt don't like Gregorian chant," said can't blame people for not liking d of your own. In other, words, the. Father' Joseph Gajard, O.S.B., Here in' ,Missouri for a twomajor socially accepte means young man may either be trying choir director for some 40 years week institute on liturgical to hear it." through which young men and, to test you, to show off, to use at the Benedictine monks' famed music sponsored by the Sisters, 'Interior Thln~ women are expected to select you, or he Il.lay have a mistaken Solesmes abbey in 'France. of :"..oretto· at Webster College, tbe ir future marriage partners.. "Chant must first of all be an· opinion' of your character. ' the' 76-year-old scholar and "They've never heard it." interior thing," he said. "It must As the system now operates In In any case, you must act realiy com.e from the heart. It American socjety, young people quickly and decisively in showing . . is faith pu't to mhsic. If you just mu st have' dates if they are, to your disapproval, so that he re- , sing the (Gregoiian) cha,r:it ,to be enjoy any so~ial life, meet pos- miliilS under no illusi<)lls about singing, it's really not worth the sible mates, and ev.entually your convictions' in this regard. trouble." establish an enduring love reDon't make the mistake of ST. LOUIS (NC) .....:... A Catho- have som~ 30,000 residents. Most The Benedictines at Solesmee latwnship. " g o i n g along haif-h,eartedly or Hence dating has acquired a reluctantly' for fear of hurting lic junior high S:Cbool 'for c;atho- are not Catholics. have. devoted generations to socially com P u.I s i v e lllipect his feelings or losing his' affec- lies and n~m-Catliolics alike. will Archdiocesan spokesmen made finding, photographing and synbaving consequences that should tion. You can put' him in bis. be opened here this Fall' near a no reference to race in dis-' thesizing ancient plain chant not be ignored. Altho,ugh all place without making a scene, group of public housing p~ojects. cussing plans for the junior high melodies, uncovered' in m~­ young Americans are taught to , Msgr. J~mes T. Curtm, St. school. The area 'surroumJing seums, monasteries imd conventll provided he is not' the selfish,' cherish '''life', liberty and the exploiter Louis archdiocesan school super- the school is occupied entirely all over the world. type. This latter case happiness of pur~uit" as equal, Pope ~iu~ X ~arly in this cenintendent, said the school will by Negro families as are the rl"hts, our dating system plac,es will understand only rough tury gave them the responsi." . . treatment· and the' sooner you be 'administered apart from the two public housing projects. girls 'in a somewhat lDsec;l1re g~t rid of ,him the better. archdiocese's regular elementary _. '.' bility for prep'aring the "official position, for they are not supand high school System and will Ms?r. C~rbn saId. Joseph Vatican"editions of the Church's posed to take the initiative in Obvious Answer , be. an "a,rea school" open to all Cardm~~ R~~ter, ArchbIshop ~f Gregorian music; subsequent this regard. , Should you still date' a boy residents of St. Louis. St. LOUIS, has lon~ seen the popes have continued the diIn theory, at le'ast; their role who has tried to' get fresh with However- it is expected to need for the establIshment of rective. So the chant at Solesmes Is to attract, allure, and entice, you? The answer 'should. be draw' stud~nts primarily from such a .school for the people of is more than a diversion, it is a with the result that in their an- obvious from I have said. If he the near-north and north-cen- st. LoUIS. The p~rpose, is to co?o- way of life. ' xiety to please they may be- . respected your wishes a's soon tral sections of the city, to which plement the fme. work bemg cOme more permissive tha\l they as you made them clear to him, thousands of families .have mi-. done b?, the publie schools ~ personally prefer and more en- chances are he was either grated fI:,om Southern States in St. LOUIS, and to a~ord the restticin~ than they fully suspect. testing you Or trying to show recent years' de~ts of the partIcular area. a Where A Shallow' Exploiters off. ZOO 'Enrolbnent chance to chooSe this k~nd of This latter possibility points· However, if be's the, type one This migration bas caused education if they so desire." up an intere!lting difficulty in girl described as "all feet when serious problems for both public cross-sex communications. Some he's dancing, and all hands when and· private school educators, Youngest Bishop young men feel compelle<;l to he's not," you'd .be more than , since' the edu.cational lev~l of Means A demonstrate their sexual prowess foolish to date him again. INCHO~ (N C.> - Kotes's many of the m!:wcomers is often: on date, either because they When dating,. always keep two to three gtades behind that. youngest Ordinary, 35-year-old believe that girls expect it, or clearly in mind that 'neither of other pupils their own age. Bishop William, J. McNaughton, Jecause they wish to prove friendship nor love can endure Classes will begin in the new, M.M., Ii native Qf Lawrence, what they have been lead to re- without mutual respect. The school next month in grades Mass" has bee~ enthroned here '•• gard as proper masculine 80- young man who refuses to ac- seven, eight and nirie. Grade 10 as first hea~ of the newly erected phistieation. cept your standards shows that will be added riext year. It will Inchon diocese. ' . • , On the other hand, some girls he' regards you as an object to enrollSOIne 200 students. are aggressively "permissive" be used, not as, a, person to be Besides preparing students for t~~"""~~" (who's chasing whom?), either esteemed. senior high school work, the because their ignprance of masOIL~ new institution will also be d,e- .~ cUline . psychology limits their Council Participants signed to prov~de terminal eduunderstanding of how boys must cation for those, who do not aninevitably interpret tl).eir ac- ,To G~t Mementos ticipate completing the full four- ~ ~' tions or because they believe ROME (NC) - The cardinals year high school course. that 'such conduct is nec;essary and bishops who will attend the The new institution will be.' if they are to hold a boy's inSecond. Vatican Council next called Providence School. Its : terest or continue to attract October will be given 'special faculty wj.li include Ii priest-' "dates." FRONT STREET' , souvenirs' to comrriemonite the 'principa( two Sisters. of St. '365 Misinterpret Responses great event. Joseph of Carondelet and seven NEW BEDFORD Our loose dating system, of The Rome Chamber of Com- lay teachers. Tuition is expected, Ope'n Evenings course, also, provides an open merce plans to present to all the to be low, possibly less than , ,WYman 2.5534, . , field for the shallow exploiters Fathers'of the Council a souvenir half that charged in other Cathof sex. These may include'both bell ~esigned by Giuseppe Pir- olic schools. ' boys and girls, for sexual ex- rone :'md cast by th~ Marinelli 'The school is adjacent to new ploitation is no longer regarded foundry at Agnone. The cardi- public hoUsing projects,. which! FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU as an exclusively masculine nals and the' Pope will, receive prerogative. ' ONE-STOP .BANKING special bells .designed by the MEN 17 - 25 . Such exploiters regard mutual same sculptor. sexual stimulation as a legitiThe same organization hopes JO~N 1~~ NHEW mate form of "play," and contq present each cardinal and Sodefy QfBrothers of patriarch with a work of sacred Uft1ivefTsity HeGel art, each of which will be the OlUJr lady of Providence DALLAS (NC) - Donald A. only one of its kind. And the For information write to: Of TAUNTON Cowan, 'head since 1959 of the 'tourist bureau of the. Province fATHER MASTER University of Dallas' science of Rome has' ordered for the North Dighton North Easton Norton Taunton St. Joseph the Worker division, has been named new Fathers of the council a special Spring Street Main Street W. Main Street Main Street president of the institution run edition of colored reproductions' Novitiate Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by the ~allas-Fort Worth dio- of the frescoes of former councils Warwick Neck, R. t to be found within the Vatican~ cese.


~~®~O~J~§~~ $COlWS CrmM~(c'~ MM~O~ $Mng ~~d~y


St. Loui'S See Plans Junior ",High Open to Catttol'ics, Non·'Catholi'cs











Hea.ting, Oils ~ a'nd, Burners , ~


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Senators Urging Action to Offset Praver Ruling


Sister Patricia Visits Fall River, Expresses Gratitude fo~ Aid' to Baghdad Hospital


Thurs., Aug. 2, 1962

Algiers Prelate

En route'to the fabled city of Baghdad is Sister Mary Patricia of the Domini~ WASHINGTON (NC) Sisters of Charity of the Presentation. The former Patricia Sullivan, daughte~ of the Issues Appeal Several senators have urged late Mr. and Mrs: John F. Sullivan, is a native of 88. Peter and Paul parIsh, Fall Cong-ress to offset the Su- River. Graduatirig from Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, in 1949, she entered nurses' For Peace ALGIERS (NC) - Arch. preme Court's recent deci- training at St. Anne's Hossion banning officially pre- pital, then entered the combishop Leon Duval of Algiers scribed p ray e r s in public munity staffing the instituhas again issued an appeal schools. ' t i o n . She went to France in for peace as this newly in-

Sen.' John C. Stennis of Mississippi warned that "unless something is done to counter this unfortunate decision, we will have blown out a light by which we have found our way." He was the ,first of a group of senators who testified before

the Senate Judiciary Committee on '6 variety of proposals and amendments designed to nullify

1953 and was first assigned to

dependent north African nation faces the threat of open civil war. . The Archbishop issued many similar pleas during the coun-' try's more than seven-year-long struggle for independence from France and denounced the acts of violence committed by European extremists in the Secret Army Organization. Now the prelate has condemned the kidnapings and extortinn by Moslem m.tionalists which .lave followed the winning of freedom, as well as other violent incidents that continue to mar relations between Moslems and Europeans. Economic Decline Two weeks before the Archbishop's appeal, the Algerian Bishops held a meeting at which they resolved to bring these matters to the full attention of Algeria's Association of Safeguard, set up to solve conflicts between the nation's Moslem majority and its Christian community, which 'once number~d close to a milliol' but· is declining as Europeans continue to leave Algeria. The Bishops also discussed tae country's economic decline since independence and the consequent growth of unemployment. Archbishop Duval's peace plea came l'.S fighting broke out between two factions of the nationalist forces which waged the successful battle for freedom.

he- Baghdad post ;11 1955. She returned to Fall River in May of this year for the first time' since entering the .eligious life. She is assigned to work in a dispens! yo and hospital in Baghdad and says glowingly that practically all its equipment and

supplies are a direct result of Fall River aid. ' the Supreme Court ruling of The "Help Sister Patricia" June 25 outlawing a regents' project began ,several years ago prayer recited in New York with an Anchor article that deState public schools. tailed the need of the Baghdad _ 'Divisive Effect' ir 'itution where babies were Sen. Kenneth B. Keating of dying "like flies" due to laek New York told the judiciary of equipment that could -' save eommittee that "the court's their lives. ruling has had a very divisive Student 'nurses at St. Anne's effect on the American commu- adopted the far-off mission and nity, has stirred deep and viru-' t now "almost everybody in lent emotions and engendered a Fall River mu'st have' given" clamor of confused and dan- said Sister Patricia. gerous proposals." Great Need Hc added that he is "sympaThe institution, only Ca'tholic thetic to proposals for a con- or even Christian 'hospital in the stitutional amendment." whoie of Iraq, is staffed by Sen. J. Glenn BeaU of Mary- seven Sisters and is in great, land said that his proposed need of the material that is still amendment to allow voluntary faithfully shipped from Fall nonsectarian prayers in public River by the students. , schools "could well ward off Sister Patricia will return to future court incursions Into our her post at the end ot this religious freedoms." month. She is at present fn Lead to Atheism Tours, France, at the commuSen. A. Willis Robertson of nity's motherhouse, following . . warned th a t" un I e s the River and Vi rgima s · her stay. in ' 'the Fall , · -) d " . 11''': Connecticut area. (.an t I\?rayer eClslon IS nu; I, At a talk the missionary gave fled, It could help to undermme. . .' . Ii' t dT h' h whIle she was In Fall RIver, she th e . re gl6us ra I Ions w IC described her work in the coswe mhe.rited from our ancestors, mo olitan city of Baghdad capillnd whIch we should pass on to tIP f I ' t 't " a 0 raq. pos en y. "In 1939 a dispensary was Sen. Strom Thurmond of t t d h . t I South Carolina said the anti- s ~r e, ~ ere approxlma e y 26,000 patIents are treated year.,. pra~er rulin.g could le~d to a ly. In 1951 a 25-bed hospital for natIOnal pollcy of athels.m. ~e medical-surgical and maternity a~ked that Congress e~~I ess Its was built. In 1955 and again in dIs" ...... :oval of the declslO~ ~nd 195ttwo private homes were act. to prevent any smular bought and annexed to the hosruhngs. pital, with a delivery room and nursery joining the two. SISTER MARY PATRICIA "Shortly after that a -six-bed . .., \ CHARLES F. ~'ARGAS maternity ward for the pOG!' wa'il built and we called this Bethle. 4 ROCKDALE AY!NUI 'Women of the poor classes The mIssIonary expressed hem. take care of their children, "nd great appreciation for Fall River NIIItt ~ MAIl. "All doc tor s' orders are do housework, but no women of aHi to the Baghdad 'hospITal, NEW YORK (NC) - :A Reform rabbi called ,Orthodox written in English, as the sub.. ar,lass' do tbeir own shopping. saying, that it is, "well equipped J'ewisho'ppesition to Jewish rep- jects in medical schools are This· is strictly a' man's job. - all with things 'from Fall resentation at the Second Vati- \ taught in EngliSh and almost all "There ar'e many places. II River." eao Council "8 striking and the doctors go.to Enfaand or the woman cannot go," noted Siate!'. lItartling example of isolation- United States for their degrees. "For examPle, when a ,pers:Jn We admit all types of'· paiieniB dies-, the women never go to the lana." Rabbi William F. Rosenblum to our hospital." funeral - and' what' wouid oe of Temple Israel here directed The missionary noted the di- equivalent to our' wake is' sephis criticism at a resolution versity of reiigions in Baghdad: arated for men and women." adopted in Miami by the Ortho- "There are two groups of MosThe ,e~tremes ~fheat and cold dox R a b bin i c a I Council of lems: Sunnl and Shaih. The in Baghdad regulate much of America. It called on all Jewish ChristIans - are of all types, life, she said. Temperatures 8Ccular organizations to shun the coming into existence with the range from: 15 degrees in wInter Vatican Council on the ground ,very first Jteres~es of ,the Church: to 120 degrees in Summer. Southeastern Massachusetts' that it might impair Christian- the Nestoiltans, the Jacobites, the "The nights are cool in comJewish relations. Armenian Orthodox, to name a parision to the days. We sleep Largest Independent Chain "However earnest the (Rab- , few. Then there are the miscel- on the roof and when you are binical) council's .concern that laneous religions, such as those lying in bed you think you just such attendance might result in worshipping the sun and the have to hold out' yo'ur hand and We Give Gold Bond Stamps' BOme embarrassment," Rabbi' devil. pick out a cluster of stars from "Devil worshippers believe heaven. The Oriental sky IS the Rosenblum said, "it is imperative that the general American God is good, so you don't bother most beautiful I have ever ~een public, and for that matter peo- about him; 'but the devil is bad, after dark." ple the world over and especial- so you must worship him and offer him sacrifices." ly in the Vatican, do not regard , . ' this gratuitou$ advice as being There are so many Catholic Earn the highest rate on representative of the' general rites; said Sist~r Patriciil, that regular savings with Jewish .point of view, either of one bemused Roman Catholic SHEET METAL each account insured our rabbinate or our laity.. said he didn't know, if he was at . J. fESER, Prop. safe by an agency of the "The Orthodox group forms Mass or Benediction. RESIDENTIAL Women's Role , , U.S. Govt. • A Year only one-third of the entire INDUSTRIAL Weillthy uneducated wome.l, Jewish community and speaks ~l COMMERCIAL only for itself. It is a pity that said Sister,do nothing but make • • • • • o"e.bY·. themselves beautiful. 'rhey 253 Cedar St, New 8edford in an era when our various reli• • •• for fll-'-£'. 0". neither go out in public nor care • • • • . coupo" .,or""." gion$ are seeking ways to 'get WV 3-3222 • • • • • 50,,6 u' ,h" II 1l0tOU' 0" , II together any segment of Juda- for their own children. Wealthy ~fREE/K'T ,",oil for",' 0' " , ~ educated women tend to enter ism should insist on total separ~ professional life, but they j,m't ~ occou"t. , • ation," he continued. 'A FAMilY TREAT • ' care for their children either, leaving that task to servants. lBAR-B-Q CHICKENS: ~ SIGNED .' ,


YOUR OIL HEAII ttlll ~:;

Rabbi Disagrees

With Orthodox



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' Di"' _'Vayacon OS·

THE ANCHOR-;Diocese,of ~o"Riv~r-Thurs., Au:g, 2.1962

. Drama in Chile'



: ..'







It is unfortunat~ that more publiCity has not been gi~en




, iri the press to th~ project annou~ced in December by the

Church in'Chileand now in,the proce~s of being carried out. . Every d,iocese in that country has announce<i "th,e i.!I-, tention of turning~ over Church-owned lands to the people 'who 'work them. Cooperativefi have already been formed in, " •'several dioceses and'.workers 'have the satisfaction of know- • , ' ,jng'that'the land is now th,eirs with th~ fruits of their labors: . '11elongirig completely to themselves. ' . ,-., ' ; .:, This action of, transferringChurch.owned lands to the workers was not brought ,about by' any '~playirig to· the · gailery'" or'exte~n~i pre,ss.ure; Jt'Yas 'adopted' by tliEi Bii}u)ps " ,of Ghile asa practical ''Vor;I<i!i&' out ()f ,the, social principles. , "of'th'e Church, a'response'to Mater et,Magistra, Pope' J:ohn's:. social encyclical. ' , ' . ' , The prelates ar~ show~ng ina concrete 'way that the · 'Church's mission in the world 'is'-above all else-a spiritual, , one, And ~hatever goodrea'sons the Church has. had fn the; , past to own property, the present changing economic and 'social picture in ,Chile sees her standout in m?re brilliant focus stripping herself of lands and appearing before men adorned with spiritual riches only. Yes, it is unfortunate that this aCtion--:...significant and far-reaching in its effect~has been so little nQticed. " ,Here is a case where the injunction of the Lord could · well be put into effeCt-"let your light shine before men."

Council, By "':WM, F, Hogaa,C.S.C.

~ StO~eh~' ~r~'~

.. ' .... Ecumenical Council

, One of the most important the ,general CQuncils, if ~ot ,the' most' imporiarit,. is ,.the:'l9th;- ..the COlnicil Of , Trent, ,held: :lir'Onl "i545 'to 1~64. Many factors tinder-lie the Protestant Revolt Wh i ch occasionEid thecouncn.Among them we may cite the general laxity' of the Ch~rch, the poor training of the clergy, the ignorance ' of th,e common man, the philosophy of nominalism which ~ounted to playing a game with words, an excess of humanism, and a dislike of religious control on the part of Vacation time involves everything' but religion. There Rome. can be no vacation from God. <Thn~U.9h , The 'Protestant reformation . . And, actually,' the person with a sincere love of God was an extremely 'complicated By REV.' ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University based on a firm knowledge of God and faith in Him would period in European history, imnot, could not, take a vacation from God,. any more than possible to explore in 0 an ar'tickt 'such as this; at most We can i~ ,he, would take a vacatio~ from breathing or eating or TODAY-St. Alphonsus Mary despite the fact that our Lord 'dicate but a few of its currents sleeping. . ,. . , , De Ligouri, Bishop,Doctor. This ,enables us to, pray "Abba of thought, 'As St. Paul says, "Iri Him we live and move and have is why we always need great (Fa,ther):"- For He ,remains the Scripture was considered the teachers in the Ohurch; teachers transdmdent, the 'totally, Other. sole source of ,~aith; ,the authot, our, being." ." The Catholic m'ust be ever mindful that his life involves (whe'ther bishops, pastors or lay_ 'Moi'I:I)AY~The 'Transfigura:" ity of, the' pop'eand, the bishops , three tasks. The first is to make the truth of God visible man charged ,with this responsi-' tion 'of Our Lord~ Today we cel- in matters 'of doctrine and 'the bility) who will 'make humanly, ebrate a vision of this "Other- o long, standing traditions of the ,in' his' own 'life-to make the prinCiples of religion and alive and perceptible' what the IU:;85;' "in'the' event of ,Jesus' .Catholic, ChU1:chwere' rejected , ~pirituality . come alive in hi~ own' being a~dbe evident liturgy already holds, And who transfiguration and' another rev~ by the revolters as of n~ impor. '1;0 others.. . , will realize that the liturgy it-elation Q(the sopship' to, which tance. 0 Religion was considered II The second task is to make these truths of religion self, properly celebrated, is the ,the Mystef,y of Christ .admits us, Our public' worshIp' is ~ue to, 'completely personal ,affair be.' appealing-to let others see the happiness that comes from gre~te~t te~chE;r. TOMORROW .....,. Mass as on Him in refusing to permit any ,tween the' individual and bis serving God. ,Goodness has an attraction that makes a deep Sunday., Both .the first' reading, "hwpl\nizing" of the Gospel, any God. There was no need for eximpress on the hearts of those who are not good; , ' and the Gospel speak morally. reduction of His mission to 'that ,ternals' such as statues, relics, , The third task is to mal;<:e the truths of God so attractive , But note they 'do not attempt to of a merely human leader or prayer to Our Blessed Mother ~ove .the wi~ls of Christians to '''good example." He is the Lord ',and the Saints, etc,' . that others will be moved to imitate, to emulate. ,Men Mass Unnecessary attracted not only to ideas but to ideas as embodied in acts of love (holiness) by prom- 'ofeterriit.y' as well as of time. ising any abstract system of law And·His disciples 'are' me'n ,and' The'Mass was not considered persons. " , . or set of commandments, The women' who, while, loving this., 'as a real sacrifice and therefore There can never be a vacation from this three-fold "freedom from sin" the Christian earth and the human tasks Of 'h'" I '" t G d 'earth, r~ognize l'n all, ·cr'ea·tl'on' was not necessary; all that mat.work that is part of the life of every Catholic.., k nows m IS savery 0 0" "" tered was that Christ died for the good tree beating good fruit a . movement toward fulfilment, our salvation and that we have 'are the results of the very ex- toward the final realization of a deep' faith and trust 'in Him, perience of the saving Mystery the "klngdcun," ' 't TUE'SDAY'-St. CaJ'etan, COIIl'_ with th~ emphas~s on trust, . t f h" h I h ave wrl Indulgences ' and purgatory , The word "elite" calls forth images of snobbishness, 0 f Ch rIS 0' W lC. and exclusiveness. It is apt to kindle resentmenJ; in the ten. " leSsor; The Gospel of this Mass wer~ considered, a hoax and the . , , And because we ' meet this' of a 'great·con.f~ssor oi'thefaithwhole sacramental system of the hearts of thbseoutside the area it embrace~.. ~ .saving 'Mystery concretely and is a r~dical. prod,amatiol1 of the Catholic' Church was considered, And':yet; all, men realize that there areniany individual' humanly in the public. worship fact ·that the Christian's point as purely a 'hum'au' 'thIng: AH differences-as many as ,there are 'individuals. And ,those . and the sacramental life of the of reference is beyond time' aoomeri were' considered as priests, who' attain a superior rating in any-field are certainiy' , Cllurch, ,·theY :a'r~' the ri:!'sults of, beyond,the"mafer:iaL Every time and ther'e 'was.' no . need of til entitled to be called members of an elite. group., ' 'these things, An inadequate we assist at holy Mass w~ affirm sacred hierarchy, , .' huma.n Elxperielice 0,£.' public' this, we: affirm our unwillingThese ideas of Martin Luther . , A letter written in the name of Pope John by Amleto worship ,can be expected to io- ~s to be' imprisoned in the were first stated in a rather hap, Cardinai Cicognani to international meeting of Cathoiic 'fluenee adversely the moral life 'small woi-ld of the sensible, hazard waybutwere"evlmtually ,intellectuals' and, college' students has urged Catholic uni- of Christial1~' wEDNESDAY-SL J'ohn Via&- ordered into atheologic~1 system versities to open their doors to' students from all social SATURDAY"';"" st" Dominie, ' ney., CoDfessor. Today's com- by Melancthon, a disciple. elasses and to form a Cath.olic elite in a world full of change. ConfeSsor. Because ~t, Dominic memoration of the Cure Of 'Ars Calvin's Theology " was a great' eXj>onent of the should 'turn the thoughts and This intellectual elite must be "capable of thinking Faith in ' Iyd.iff' devised a system , extreme ,lCU It 'pra'yers of C'J'lrl'stl'an wors,hl'p""'S ,,~ th,Calvin I 'h' h h ' of d and' of solving the problems posed: by professional life, days, the Gospel pronounces to our parIsh priests, ~very MasS eo ogy w lC overemp aSlze , d ' t " . ' ha's us praYl'n'g s'pec, l'ca'lly for the role of God, 'a cruel and SCIence an SOCle y. Jesus' blessing on the vigilant, severe God-falling into the And so the appeal is' not to snobbery but to superiority. on those con'stantlywatching for pope and bishops and for the gross error of saying that God And Catholic college students are reminded ·that their very Him. This is part of that preser- Ch~rch as a whOle. '. predetermines some men te individual differences, the advantageS of nature and grace vation of "sc;>und doctrine" which ernBUttl'mthees mlaregaen dtlh'°aCteseousronfomOOrma-1 heaven arid others to hell, , . the first reading enjoins, He rejected the presence of , possessed by them, the opportunity, for education that is Sunday Mass is OUT vigil par cOntacts with the clergy will be " theirs-these impose a responsibility to do 'someth'ing as excellence. We think of the with those vicars of the bishop Christ in the Eucharist; he set . ' , " we call pasto'rs and 'curat'es,'", up an extremely rigoristic theindividuals and as a group to be a, leaven in the mass, Easter Vigil, and of the fact that / is thefr J'ob, above ail, to' see' that ~... 'h aut h ' ocracy in which churc orlto make their influence felt in and on society. for some time every Sunday's ties ru,led every aspect of man" 'tages Impose " ' b lolga " t'IOns. Tose h ' w h 0, a tta"m to (little Easter), Mass was cele-' our celebration publk Wl'th much leg'alism. Ad van' " IIy 'ofSun, day .w,orMass, I)'feThe .Protestant Revolt with its , " brated by, the Christian com-, sh'Ip (especla a superior educational level must be aware of the use to . munity as a, vigil, Watchers .are when' we are all together)" in, .. , ~ctive, . 'not volves' a" rea"I exper'ien'c'e ·.of ...:-." n~~ theology · h th ey mus t pu t th' Wh IC elr tal en t s and t rammg. attentive, not bored; ' swept across Eu. ,Word o'f God' an'd' 'the sa'cr'l:f'l'C'l'al rope; many accepted it This is the sense in which the word "elite" is used and passive; happy "'in anticipation, lizi . " .without , meal, a r'eal' ex'perl'enc'e"'of ha't rea ng Its fu 1'1 meanmg, w hi~ ... ' t f 't t'"t . , not caught in, a smog of gloom ' th e, bl ueprm or I s ac IVI y. and miserY. '. mercy which' the Cure at. An others did so out of contempt. , pr,eac.hed 'So Successfully,.' 'Require' Council EIGHTH SUNDAY AFT E l l A counter-reformation began PENTECOST.. ,The worship of under the leadership of Several the Christian' communi~y is the ',Charge: Firms Broke new, religious orders: the Ba.worship of, God's "Sons (first, ,Sunda.· y Closing Law nabites, Theatines, Capuchin reading), It is the worshjpol. ,Franciscans, the ,Oratorians, ReAUBURN (NC)-Thirteenl'e- ,formed Carmelites and, above sons, not of slaves, but of. ,sODS who recognize that any human tail firms were named in w~r.-, all, the Jesuits, Thesegtoups eelc<lmparison falls short when we rants issued by the Auburn Mu- ucated ·the p~ople in the d~­ sp'eak and think 'of God"':"'even nicipal Co'urt charging' violations trines of faith and urged theta OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE ,DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER the figure of fatherhoOd. of Maine's new' Sunday' dosing to develop a life of prayer, The Gospel tells us that weal'e law. , But this was not enough; fl)e Publilhed weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River stewards of His gifts and talents, "In' a local option referendum 'Church herself would have to 410 Highland Avenue , ' 'that our being, our powers', o~r here in June .citizens tui-n~ adopt reform measures and . Fall River, Mas~. OSborne 5-7151 possessions ,- all we):'e freely d'own SUIKiay store operaiions clearly condemn the errors of ,PUBLISHER given us by Him, So ·the Secret by a tWo-to~one vote, '. the heretics, setting forth a clear prayer, over th,e gifts on the altar The issulng of warrants fol- .expose of the truth, Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD. . A general council was r.ereads: "Accept these gifts, which lowed a controversy in which GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER YQur bounty makes it possible th~ Auburn police Q.epartment quired to do this because much Rev. Daniel f.Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll for us ,to offer you, ,." It is this was criticized for 'not closing deliberation would have to preMANAGING EDITOR humility (offertory hymn) which down stores on Sundays followHugh J. Golden Turn to. Page Seven must inform Christian worship, 'ing the referendum vote; o


No Vacation Here

the. Week With the ,Chu.nch.

" / .



An Elite








,'. ~ ..... ~.""l'--'"''


~'Vcitican CoU~c;U

THE ANCHOR7 Thousands"'of"Outdoor Marian Shrines Result Thurs., Aug. 2', 1962 Of ··Wartime Pledge of F amousSu:r:geo~ Deni~s. Catholic

Continued from Page- Silt : , cede the precise formulation ~ 'doctrinal matters. . .: '. And yet. much time', elaps!'!d By Lily ,Manning : before ~. council was actuaijy : called, partly because of t~e Hagiographers; down, thropgh the ages, have Written lJlYJ;iad passage~, d.ting. and ~memory of the two previous reiterating instances of Mary's predilection for her ichildren, esp~~iaHr her de.votees.. ,Fro~ councils with their anti-papal ,schisms, and partly. b~c~us~ of Biographers.9f the mystics have revealed: delightful I stor)e~; of Our.La~y's. un1versal L U AND A . (NC) -:A I the threat of the Catholic·Hap.~ of her. pro?Cimity as she bend~ motherh09d.. ' They convey to the reader. a . warm sen~e Church spokesman here has -. . burg Emperor to the indepenq.denied a repol't published. in ence of' the Holy See: ,. ...' .. from the ·lieavertsto hover U.S. newspapers that four over our earthly. i'cr~dles." Attempts Fail ".1 ·Catholic missiO{l.aries were exClients of' the B1 e sse d , Pope Paul III took the decisive pelled from' Angola. . steps, beginning first of aU with Mother represent every naFather' Alves Pereira, secreQ the reform of the papal court. tion, race .and occupation - the tary of Archbishop Moises Alves He then convoked a councH to laboring man, the politician, the 'de Pinho, C.S.Sp., of Luanda, be held in Mantua in 1537, but to monarch, the professional man. told the N.C.W.C. News Service no av'ail. . In this latter category ~tands here that the story is completely He attempted to hold it in a true Marian champion - Dt. without foundation. Vicenza the following year; but Philip Cogley, ~ormer army (The report was also denied , again it was fruitless, for no one physician, now of Council BluIfs, by Church authorities in Leoshowed up. The King of France Ia. poldville, capital of the neighprevented- his bishops from goWartime Pledge boring Congo, from which the ing and the French bishops His unusual story began. in !l original story was datelined themselves did not want the foxhole on New Guinea dut;jn~ earlier in July. Missioners in the council held on Italian soii. The World War II. While being Congo in close touch with events bishops of Germany had so many bombarded by a swarm of in Angola also said they had no problems to attend to in their Japanese planes, Dr. C,>gley, knowledge of any ouster of own dioceses that they could during a period when the raid priests from that Portuguese not leave. was most devastating, turned to west African territory.) The French King and the his trench. mate, Rev.. Fred Relations Never Better Hapsburg ,Emperor were en~ Gehring, C.M., Marine' Corp! The . report stated that the gaged in conflict and this proved chaplain, and promised, "Padre, priests - whose names were not a serious obstacle to holding a if we get out of this alive, and given - were expelled because council; only at the end of the I get back to Council Bluffs, they had made several sharp war in 1544 could Pope Paul III I'm going to build a grotto of the protests to government officials summon the council to meet in Blessed Virgin." here in regard to their policy Trent, n~rtbern Italy. "If we do get out of it," Father toward Angolan natives. Council of Trent Gehring answered, ''you build It said the missioners were The council began in Decem- . the grotto and I'll ~ome and charged with giving aid and ber 1545 with only 30 bishops' in "bless it." shelter to persons suspected of attendance and lasted for 18 Both doctor and chaplain surterrorist activities, and added years, with the number of bish- vived to fulfill their promises. that the alleged expulsions were ops present rising to 199. Com- At his home in Cogleywood, a sign of uneasy Church-State plete records of all that tran- near Council Bluffs, Philip Cog_ relations in Angola. spired have come down to ·us ley fashioned a beautiful shrine, Father Alves Pereira said that from the records of the profi- patterned after the Lourdes ·Church-State relations in this cient secretary of the council grotto, and his 'priest friend duly territory were never better and and the diaries of some of the blessed it.. that priests wanting to do mismembers. Today it stands, a spiritual sionary work here are never reHistorians divide this council compass to the wayfarer and a fused entry permits. into three periods: 1) under Paul fitting testimony to the bountiIII (1545-1549), 2) under Julius ful favors of the Mother of God. DI (1551-1552 and 3) under Pius Dr. Cogley's ambitions to IV (1562-1563). In the middle of honor Our Lady did not termiTALLAHASSEE (NC)-Minthe first period the council was nate with the realization of this isters and elders representing transferred to Bologna for rea- one ambition, however. Working 46 Presbyterian churches in sons of health and comfort; this with the Marian Outdoor Shrine northern Florida adopted a resodispleased some members and promoters, Conception, Mo., he lution urging Congress to proEmperor Charles V, who chal- organized a group to auvance vide means whereby God can be lenged the right of the pope to . and encourage construction of given proper recognition in pubtransfer a council. shrines throughout America. MARIAN SHRINE: This simple shrine (similar to one lic schools. The reason for the 10-year Taking time from his busy At a meeting of the Florida gap between the second and practice and his duties as Amer- built by eight year old John Cogley) features a white porthird periods is that wars broke ican vice-president of the In- celain bisque 28 irichwe~therproof statue, sold at cost Presbytery of the Presbyterian church members passed a resoout in 1552 and this suspended ternational College of Surgeons, price of $22. tion which said: activities. When Pope Julius III Philip Cogley has devoted most "We believe that neither a died in 1555 and his successor, of his free hours to bis avoca- 000 free brochures all over the Further information on the state nor the Federal GovernMarcellus II, liyed less than a tion, often building shrines for .Marian shrine project, including month, Pope Paul IV became friends and neighbors With his ","orId and has received over 12,- illustrations and descriptive lit:- ment can or should establish a church state, but we are cer000 pictures of shrines built ruler of the ChUrch. own hands. erature, can be obtained from ,tain that a state should not be He . hadiittle interest in an 'using its pictures and plans. Son Be~pS Dr. Cogley at Cogleywood, stripped of the recognition ~ ecumenical council and, underEven his eight year old son · In this peribd of time only one Council Bluffs, la. God." . took to reform the Church by has aided in the project, often himself. T·hus It was oniy at his creating grottosof his own de- statue has shown the slightest sign of 'deterioration imd that death that the council' could be sign. ·was' in the rigid climate' of Initial plans for a three-day 'resumed by his successor, Pius '. Meanwhile the Marian Out- Alaska and also partly due to celebration of the patronal feast IV, who was convinced of' its door Shrine Guild, noripr9fit vandalism. . of St.' Michael's parish, Fall necessity. organization, has sent over' 30,Maint....anc. Supplies Two years ago, on the iOth ati- River, Sunday, Sept. 23, Satur25 Sessions day, Sept. 29 and Sunday, Sept. rtiversary -of the founding of SWEEPERS - SOAPS The procedure of this ~uncil .the 'guild, Dr. 'Cogley received 30 include a ham and bean supDISINFECTANTS was as follows: the bishops individually,. on ,the Sacr:ifice of ,per, bazaar, auction and sale of gathered together in groups with the Mass,.on'purgatory, the veI).- 'a papal' blessing, with' an enFIRE EXTINGUISHERS .Portuguese and American foods. couraging m~ssage from the the .papal legates and discussed eration of Saints and their r~lics 'Holy Father to let nothing deter Arthur Rebello heads the arthe questions proposed. Then and on indulgences. rangements committee. These decrees are master- him from .continuing this work. there would be a sess.lon of a~l 1816 PURCHASE ST. together in which the results of 'pieces; they formulate with clar_ the discussion would be' reported. ity and precision t,he Catholic NEW BEDFORD In some cases of special prob- .doctrine as distinguished from WY 3-3716 ' lems, the questions would be the errors of the ProtestantS. ONE STOP In addition, a series of r~form turned over to ecclesiastical CALLICOON (NC) - Father SHOPPIN~ CENTER scholars, who had no .right to measures were enacted in the Bede Fer r a l' a, O.F.M., was vote at this council, and they last sessions; they covered· such elected chairman 'of the Ameri• Television, • Furniture would produce rI solution. The points as the duties of cardinals can Franciscan Society for Vo• Appliances • Grocery bishops were free to attend' the and bishops, the improvement of cations at its meeting here in 104' Allen St., New Bedford' sessions of the theologians. in parishes and preaching, the New York. Father Ferrara,' a . WYman '%-9354 . order to derive a clearer view training of candiatesf()r the reli- native of Mount Vernon,. N.Y., of the problem and its solution. gious orders, etc. These reforms is director- of vocations for ·the When the decrees were finally were put ipto effec,t and have ,Immaculate Conception .province formulated, solemn sesSions were effects lasting \1I1to oW' own day. of the order. led and the decrees' accepted. Church Stronger ' NO JOB TOO BIG . ·He succeeds' Father .Paul . INVESTED IN . .There were 25 such' solemn After Pius IV solemnly con- · Scales, O.F;M., of Cincinnati, CATHOLIC CHURCH sessions. NONE TOO SMALL' firmed the decrees of Trent, be director of vocations' for the AND HOSPITAL BONDS began the reform of the Missal Province of .St. John the Bap'Decrees Masterpieces' The decrees of this council and Breviary, the edition of. a tist. In Units of $$00 or More cOncerned the' enumeration of catechism which would be based the Books of the Old and New on the decrees of the.. council, Testaments, for the Protestants 'and a bette~ and more precise PRINTERS Minneapolis. Minnesota denied some of them, and' a dec- edition of the Vulgate Bible. . lor detailed information 'DeatJ.t prevented. his finishing laratio~ that the Vulgate is the Inc. Maii.. OffiCe and Pia'" write to these tasks, but his .successor, authentic edition of the Bible' to CHAR~ES A. MURPHY. LOWEll, MASS. ' tie used in'the Church as opposed Pope St. Pius V, .successfully Fabricators of Registered Represenlatlft 10 the' erroneous translations brought them to completion. Telephone Lowell . 145 Pond. Skeet Through the council and the then circulating. GL 8-6333 and GL 7·7500 Winchester, Mass. 'That apostolic tradition ,is a . efforts of the popes the .Catholic and PA 9-2696 . genuine' source of faith in .the Church was' able ·to pull Auxniary Plants AN Church was clearly stated. The through this difficult period ·.and council then issued 'decrees on emerge stronger, but it was 00Name - - , - - - - - - 1 BOSTON original sin-":its nature; cOnse- possible to repair' ~e 'rupture Davol St., Fan River, . Address _..._ _ ...... _ OCEANPORT, N. J•. quences and remission py Bap- and bring 'the Protestants back. OS '5,,7471 PAwtUCKET, R. I. tism-, on justification, on all Next week: The 20th General City ----:.. .. Ule Sacramenta collectively and CounciL

Priests Ousted . Angola

Presbyterians Urge Prayers in School

Patronal Feast




Franciscans Choose Vocation Director






Struct.ural Steel "

Miscellaneous Iron 753




11..:> . ..r.~E.A,~~~OR.~D.i~ces~

. . Amebri'cdnWornen

~{:~I~~~~~~!;~,!!~,,:.Aug .. 2~ .19,~~ ._

·Aid· Korea' Poor,

'Da:lyFamily· Ad~$,. ,Twin·' ',B'oys~, .'.. Sean's 'Glad~ ·S.i·~~·~:rs·.·~.~d By Mar.y rinley, Daly.: ·Argument as to whether:.the: riew ··baby ·wo.ti~d be a boy or a girl has been' lively arid heatedat~JohnnyandLu's: house, as lively and heated asa political argument, and ·about as futile. "Bet it'll be a girl," teased Lu Anne, Deirdre ·and Maura, with little Kate ast evening, when the Head siding' in with an "Uh-huhY of.Lthe House and I stopped by :"We almost always 'do, have to fix dinner, the children got girl!,!," Lu . Anne insi~ted. out all the proper cooking uten"But we had me," maintained Sean. "1£ this is another girl, I'm gonna run iIlway." . be · "That'U ·awell," his sisters contend':' 00 hard-heartedly. "Then _we'U have an all-girl family, except for Daddy." Exactly 'Where e six:rear-old could ron away to is a mystery, but it is easy to understand. Sean's position, sole boy in a family of !five children. The parents, needless to say, li'emained neutral, with' their usual ."Whatever God sends" at:' ' titude, merely hoping that the baby wouldn't be late in the torlid heat of mid-Summer.

sils,set.the table, ~ed Kate. They were general, all-round helpers. Instructed that the casserole I wanted was jn a high cupboard, ,I found it necessary to climb 'on a chair t.o reach it. "Mommy doesn't have to climb up, Gramma," Maura com·mented. "She just reaches for it. But never mind," she comforted, "she'll shrink too, when she gets old." A and B Questions before the bouse now are 1) names for the twins; 2) godparents: "Twin A,' as one of the boys is designated in the hospital, will . probably be called Matthew, a long-time family name going back generations. "Twin B" is referred to by his sisters and brother as "the o~her fella." In keeping with the Irish character of the other DalysSean, Deirdre, Maura, Kathleen (Kate), and the less-Irish Lucille. Ann-it has been decided that "Twin B" will also have an Irish name. But what?· . Brendan is high on the list, for the sainted Irish priest and traveler of the sixth century who is related ~(. have been guided by heavenly powers ,on voyage to. unknown and marvelous islands. This might ·be singularly appropriate for a young man born in the space age. . Then, there is Michael, for the great St..' Michael. And other names ..• : ; 'Whatever the deci~ion, coin':' "pletely 'up ~ the parents, these two little boys will bear names which they themselves will have to live up to, possibly pass 0I.l to the~r children. .

WAsiUNGT0N (NC)' ~. A~d bromO Catholic women is 'helping to create a new life for sOme of Korea;s .1e~st privileged - ';umnarried women· and' or'. phans.·. " . . This was reported by Theresa 'Lee, a young Korean woman 'who has served with the Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Welfare Conference staff in Korea since 1958. 'As supervisor' of women's ,projects, her job has been to oversee some' of the activities (which have begun to bring hope to the hopeless. " One' is' a . vocational training · progra~ .fox: unmarried women, ~ carried on with financial sup: port from the U,S.· National ,eouncil of Catholic Women'll 'Madonna Plan. . Help Children Under the project, women are taught to use sewing machines. Through their work they can help support themselves and their families. More important, they are learning that '~life can be worth living," Miss Lee said. Another vital welfare project carried on with aid from the Council of Catholic Women is the Help - is. _ Child program• American sponsors, though not formally adopting a 'child, pay $10 monthy to a.id a child in an orphanage. At present, some 500 children.are being helped in this way. -

.FIRST BLESSING: Father Simon Serikwa, the first ordained priest of the Waarusha· tribe, blesses his fellow tribesmen, inhabitants of the Moshi' diocese in Tanganyika, East Africa. NC Photo.

Oppose Use of National Anthem Section for Forbidden Prayer'

A com'panion appeal asks the removal from the board of trustee William A. Bruno, who was 'the author of the resolution to Mixed Emotions adopt a section of the National It wasn't. . : Church in Panama .Anthem. Rather, they weren't. As is the 'Sense of Guilt' habit with twins, they arrived Holds Socia' Week The appeal against the prayer ~o weeks ahead of the' apPANAMA CITY (NC) - The says that .neither the petitioner pointed fay, a pair of healthy .nor her children, who attend the Church in Panama centered its blond little boys, weighing in at ~ven pounds,-two ounces for "the local public schools "de~ire or attention on family :.life here require 'a return to God' in the during its first Social Week. big one," six and one-half Auxiliary Bishop Mark Mc,public schools. Petitioner's fampounds for the smaller. ily is affiliated with a . local · Grath of Panama, who initiated The news was greeted with mixed emotions at the home' of . house 'of worship where ·all of the week, said it marked "the the junior Dalys, Johnny a~d the spirituai needs of'petitioner's · beginning 9f a social; religious, nonpolitical movement to enLu were delighted, of course, family are attended to." . lighten the people on Christiaa thankful that the babies are . " , '. It ,~eclare~ th~t petitioner d~s principles." healthy, and here; secretly glad, not. s~ar~ IJ.1 the se~se 9f guIlt ,we believe, that the balance of r ~h~ch ,unpels the Board. of Edu·the sexes in their brood is' a. bit, ENJOY catIon •.. to seek salvation pubmore equalized. , licy" · Th,e little girls, especially ~ .. . BEnER, Mrs. Rubinstein criticized the Anne, were thunderstruck.. public. "refusal' of the Board of "Not ~ven one girl, - when . HEALTH - Cathofic Daughters Aid :Education to cofuply with the .... there 'are two babies?!' . • • law. of the United States as set , "They'll prob'bly be SO little, Journalism Scholarship ·fortp by the' Supreme Court of maybe they won't get into' our .things the way Sean does,'; ,ROCHE!:!TER (NC) ..~ The' :the:United States." . ·~eirdre sa i d philosophically. president of the Catholic Jour- . The position of the board is "Maybe little tiny boys aren't F· C h i · C DI .nalisin Scholax:ship' Fund, Inc., ,that the Supreme Court' decision ,flO bad." , Ive at~!c, O! .ege~, has expressed his thanks to the which banned prayer "composed · As for Sean,this was the tri- In T h P . Catholic Daughters of America by governmental' officiais" had .1Iffiph of triumphs.. Not only eac er, rogram for voting $10,000 in aid for . no effect (in 'other prayers. . .' .': , ,. . . would he not have to run away, NEW YORK (NC) - F i v e the fund. he would have two brothers to Catholic institutions' are inand The' donation will assist the play with. cluded among 37 Midwestern' .fund's objectiv,e of training. Electrical "Now they can take out the colleges which wiU. cooperate ,SAVE MONEY . ·trasll,'" Sean willingly relin- with 'the University of Chicago qualified students for' careers in the Catholic press, said Msgr. Contractors quished' 'his position as A-1 'in a program to recruit and Drink .trashman,.accepting a promotion ·train students as college teach- .John S. Randall. Ran!lall, who is also Msgr. to a higher echelon: "Now I' can ·ers. , help Daddy cut grass." . . The Ford Foundation here managing ~ditor .of the Courier No use disillusioning him that 'made'a' 'gi-arit of $975,O(Xf to the or 0 u r:n Ii 1, . newspaper .of· the . , .MI~I(, '~IP the promotion will not be' effec- 'University Of Chicago for the .RochesteJ;' diocese, said that. the. fund of~e'rs foux:, .ty,pes o{ s~hol~ . 'tiveinimediately: • '.:, " -cooPerative~pi'ogram; TheCath;: . ~. '. . ' 'So", in· 'a . ~ happy- iiloOd.; the omi' fustitutionS irlvolved' 'are ,arship grants" rl,lngingfrOJi) $6O(l~ _ .. ' ...... , . .. ... : . .. 944' C~~ty, St.;~' " ,7oun·gfam.ily .~ot\ -v all~y; Road is ., Barat.' Colleg ..' Of,' the' .Sacred to $Moo a"yem.:-~ , Swansea os .4-.4601 , .. , . . gettin~ !i'long'first rate ,while Lu"iIea):'t~ Lake For~;' -in~; Rosary New'lhtIfOrd 'T~~nt~" BL -2.4629 is in the' h.ospital w~th·itheiwinS. ~€olleg¢,.Rivei'Forest m.·' Col-. Ch..ur,ch. 0, pe, n.S, Ko.re, a. ·.Various a'unts, Lu's.· sisters, are lege'of St: catherine' st' Paul ·pinc~"',hittln.g;,!is.',~s he~'mQ~h.~r:. ',;~ri.n:;'- C?llege, Of.' St.. Thoma~ " .Leper_ 'C()lony~ ,~ursery ~ow and ,then; we poP' In to gIVe :also' ofS~.Patil arid St:'Xavier I, • han~. ".' , :' " . . ,"~ C9Ii~~e;e~~agc;.:, . , , . SOROKDO ,(Ne) '-'Kor~'8' .W.~ ;'amazmg, . though; how " :' .:." ':',"" " , ," . Minister ·for. Health and,S<)cial '~" 'Affairs; Hisup Chung, was' Pfe;'. l1lelf-relianf" those ~'children' ~9me: ,u!1de~ :'their;': mo'ther~s""Yourig·Chinese.. Mothersent when' Archbishop. Harold excellent "ttaining::."!'ohnny is 'F ,"," .. ", '. " •. , . ·W. Henry,' ·S.S.C., of Kwanidu; 'eaptaln"of' awol'1derf,H'crew in-" avofls Ear yBaphsm ·formally opened .the nursery. re:·: .. ':. ',",- " ,..pr<.>.-t«;m. absence of ·the, Co-;, HONG : KPN.G '(NC).,...;-"When cently taken over .here by the eapta~ -' ' , ; ' '-~Ii I have 'niyCbabY',baptized?,,€atholic' Churchill'this, lePer ~ . '. the YQung' Chinese mother asked ,cOl~nY·. . " . . . ~..' , ." : '. 3'" 0"; "S· ;: .' ...•.. : " .. :,'. :Father. Jopn' J::Sulliyan, -M.M::,· . Ar«;hb.i~h.op_ Henry t~pk c~a~ge ":,'". '. ··RIDES~,G~ES ~'FU'N FOR'ALL" .'.5 ' .Isters Reql~ter . ,. after the.eight o'clock:Mass at ii, ,of the... p~~s~ry' at the" ,request F6f' Annual" Conference; ' .•Maryknoll,:iefugee ~nter here•.. o~ t!ie Korean goy.e~nme~~, . '~I~E'WORk~', T.O~·p~y .' . , . ' . . . ' . .. . ., :. .,"Right ,'away," ,replied the : lJi the p~st,- babi~l!ri*edin~ -. ,; ',' P0.~Ti.A.N:E><"N¢)..:4Atotal. 9f·. Yo ung ':Jacksoo-' 'Heights; 'N':'Y~:"" fec~ioi:l: .,through ·.ataYi~~ wit~. '" . . .. , .. '.' ."' '-. l . I~ '.Si~te~· have.re~illte~~' for- missioner;' and"ll;len se-eing .that . ·thelrJeJ)er parents . until t~ey .... :. . .. ." ...' ., ..... the .Thlrd· Ann~a.l SI~ters ..Co~"., 'tpe bcibY'''wa~'quite,~al1·asked,·· ,wer~ 4hr~ . year~:. old,,?pemn..g~. ference onSpmtuahty, ~'.l?e • '''How old _is' this baby?" The-,,.,,-o! the, !lew.' ~urs~ry, .~I11Dinates , :'.,:~eld at . .9r~go~',~ ,lJn~versity ,?f young mother rePlied,- matter_.,thi!l,r~I!~.~: '. ,...PQt.;~I~n4 st~tmg W:~dn~sday, of-factly. "About five hours. She Aug, 8 . . was born at four iliiil morning." : The Sister~ will represent 52 . ". at,· different religious cOp)Pluniti~ , / . Patroness of Diocese' end provinces: CAN SAVE YOU UP TO ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)Fat her Roland Simonitsch, 25% . ,<::.S.C.; head of the r~ligion de:" St. Agnes, vii-gin and martyr, has partment at the-univers'ity, will been designated as ·patroness of ON YOUR, FUEL BILLS direCt the conference around the the Diocese of Rockville Center Brokston Chem. CO. theme "Th.. · Development of here in Ne'w York by Pope John, NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 115 WILLIAM ST. Brockton 19. Masi. Chr-istian Maturity 'In a'n'd Bishop Walter P. KeJ~enburg has Through' the Religious Life!' • ' announced.


HICKSVILLE (NC) -:-- A new . appeal against prayer in the public schools has been initiated in this New York community. The Hicksville Board of Edu:' cation was the first in the nation to act after the' Supreme Court ruled out the nondenominational prayer composeq by the State Boa~d ~f Regents. . Wlthm the w~ek the Hick~Ville board unanlPlously substItuted a section of the fourth stanza of the, National Anthem, which ends with the words "In God b our trust." An appeal to set aside that -action of the board has now been forwarded to'State Commissioner of Education' James E. Allen, Jr., by attorney· AlfJ;'ed Rubin"; . . ' · f his"J> · . ' th st~I~, .M' l~ e name 0, Wb.e InaDl. .


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'1~Savt"Wit~: Saf~ty"




,When Som,eone:'C'Iose: Dies, Tot Ca'., Acce'pt'frank Explanation ,

-THE', AN~HOR~' ThU!S"


A",g., 2', '~62._


'Arranges' HOmes

For'12 Orphans

By Audrey Palm Riker It is one, thing to meet openly children's questions about death, but ~t is far more difficult to explain and help them face and accept the death of a beloved relative or a close friend. To complicate, matters, parents so often are engrossed in their own grief harder on a child. Any promise and regret that they find it of return is cruel and deceitful. painfully h~d to offer their Try to avoid "enshrinement" of children the quality of at-

HONG KONG (NC)-Twelve Chinese 'orphan children are scheduled to leave here soon for the U.S. where they will find , homes with adoptive parents. The adoptions of the children. 10 girls and two boys ranging in age from one to seven years. were arranged by the local of~ fice of Catholic Relief Services.. National Catholic Welfare Conference, worldwide relief agency of U.S. Catholics. One of the children, n girl named Margaret, has been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krumeich Akron, Ohio, who have four children of their own. Another girl, aged one and onehalf, will find her home with the John J. Corcorans of Havertown. Pa., who have five children. Mr. and Mrs. James Wohlwend of Suffield, Ohio, have adopted 11 tWo - year _ old' girl named Frances; The other Chinese orphans have been adopted by families iIh New York, California, New Hampshire and Indiana.

deceased relatives. They were human; but often we tend to forget their faults and glorify their virtues out of proportion. Children are more literal and honest; they remember cross words and punishments. explanation'~hatI Don't close your child out. _ someone the y f\, Eager to protect their children know has died. iYh from the violence or depth of Even young ~ adult grIef, well-meaning parehildrenr ents often send them away or llfe profoundly I ' refuse them any part in the 11 if e c ted by ritual surrounding death. If at death. Mourning all possible, let them stay at llnd an obvious .' , home and share in the experiQense of loss have been, observed ence to the extent that you judge in babies under a year of age. wise for each child. Toddlers may persistently de-, Natural Course mand Mommie or Daddy's return In children and in adults, grief < , or express their longing by Dearching or quiet withdrawal. runs a natural course. First there Asks Government Aid are disturbed and even tumulOlder children respond v~ry tuous feelings; children may feel much as grown-ups do; their death as a personal rejection; For India Schools feelings are mixed and 'often "How could Grandpa leave me. MYSORE (NC) - Catholic turbUlent, but they lack the when he knows how much I DEVOUT GIRLS: Scouts attending the National schools deserve government aid words and ready phrases to ex- loved him?" Or they may feel Senior Girl Scout 'Roundup in Button Bay,:Vt., receive Holy because they contribute to na~ press their loss. guilty for, having wished a par- Communion during Mass in an outdoor amphitheater. An tiona! unity, Valerian Cardinal Encourage Crying ent dead and apparently having altar boy holds an umbrella over the priest to protect Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay said here. ' , There are no easy ways to the wish granted. hin:J. from the heavy downpour that occurred n~r the end . His words were particularly help a child accept death. Just aa Second, there is recovery. This ..tImely because the Indian Edue each child is different, reaction is the time to answer queStions, of Mass. NC Photo. cation Minister, Dr.- Kalu Lal flo the frustration and grief, of to 'reassure a child that the dead Shrimali, recently told the 1ft<> bereavement will be different. do not suffer and that the grave dian Parliament that the CO\lllc> Listen to your child; encour- is temporary. Third, there is lov_ try'S education policy is to eD<o age him to cry and mourn if ing recollection ~ when parents courage private schools "even that's the way he feels. It is and children together can talk CLEVELAND (NC) - , One Celebrezze, who served 8fl if 100 per cent support must be healthy and curative to vent naturally and fondly about a given them." these emotions. If, on the other dead member of, the family young lady was a bit disap- Mayor of Cleveland longer than He said this in rejecting a pointed-tempor~ily,,at least- any other man in the city's hisband, 'he shows no grief for a circle.. mem~er's demand that' the govover'the appointment of Anthony tory, and Mrs. Celebrezze have l:lose relativ'l, don't shame him J. Celebrezze, Mayor of Cleve- two other children - Anthony, ernment take over more schools. or insist that he, act appropriland, as, U. S. Secretary of Jr., who attends the U. S. Naval ately sorrowful. It may be 'feeks Fear Cuts Attendance Fairhaven Alumnae Health, Education and Welfare. Academy at Annapolis, and' or months before a child is able At Evening Devotions She is his own daughter, Jean, Susan, who graduated in June Members of Sacred Hean. to handle and express' his' loss. HOLYOKE (NC)-Fear of be- 17. from St. Rose's parochial school Academy Alumnae Association Bc honest. No m~tter how hiU'd ,Miss Celebrezze was graduated .qere. ing on the streets after dark was of Fairhaven will hold a dinner ebe truth is! a lie eventually .is listed In a surVey conducted in June b:'om St. Joseph's Acadmeeting at a Wednesday night, If it's at an possible, Cele- Aug. 8 at Skipper restaurant. from here as the No. 1 reason emy here. Like most young for the marked decrease in, at- ladies in her situation, she brezze said, he will, return to also Fairhaven. Couple Has First chil,d; tendance at evening church de- thrilled over the anticipation of Cleveland, for the Christmas going away to college and made seas?nto c0I?-tinu~ a decade-long , votions. 18 Others at Home Father P. Henry Sullivan, di- plans accorCingly. She was en- tradition. HIS wife, Ann.e, is a FORT ORO (NC) -- The first I:olled to enter Immaculata Jun- <:7 ~ember of the board of directors baby, an a.-pound, a-ounce bQy, , rector of the Holy Family was'born to Mr. and Mrs: Fran- League, which conducted the ior College, taught by the, 8is- of Mad?nna Hall, a home for number of cities, ters of Providence in the nation's aged women operated by the cis Beadsley at Fort Ord Hospi- survey in, ,Catholic Charities here. tal here in California but there said th~ o~ce popular custom of capital, in September. Then President Kennedy. BePlays Santa Claus are 18 other children waiting :at attending evening devotionsieganES SIIVICI For the last 10 years the the Beardsley home in nearby ularly now' is carried on' mostly lected her dad for the Cabinet and Jean Celebrezze's • DISTRIBUTOD Carmel ,for a, first look at the by older people. He saId .the post check showed the average at- going-away-to-college d re a m M~yor haa, donned the appronew arrival. burst like a pin-stUCk balloon. pnate costume and played Santa The Beardsley~ were 'married tendance at such devotions nOw The Celebrezzes, of course, will Claus for the residents of the Gasoline is about %5 to 30 persons. last September. He is a Navy move to Washington and Miss home. He doesn't relish the idea The Hoiy 'Family League is a chief :warrant officer, who was Fuel and Range ,doubtless. will live of a stand-in filling his role. a widower with 10 children at national organization which en- Celebrezze at home while attendmg Immae. the time of the marriage. ~rs. courages devotions to the Holy ulata. Family in the home through Beardsley was the widow of a booklets, prayer Navy flier with eight children. pamphlets, OIL BURNERS, The baby will be baptized cards and other materials. Bishop Truck Body Builde,. G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS John Joseph, Beardsley .an- Christopher J. Weldon of Spring,Aluminum or Steel nounced. There are now 12 girls field is presid'ent. 944 County St. youa o.m.~, FOOOI MA'I MOT" For prompt delivery and ., boys in the Beardsley NEW BEDFORD, MASS. SUPPLY SUFFICIENT VITAMINS family, the oldest 17 years 014- ; Italian Children Enjoy & Dav & Night S.rvl~ 'NY 2-661B TO KEEP YOUR [lItaG\- ~NO I R£\I<TANCI UP 1') Tltfi M~l(. Rural Bottled Gas, s.rv..,' Papal Camp Vacation Social Service SChool ROME (NC) - More than 'one' 61 COHANNET ST. million Italian children are To Fight Delinquency TAUNTON 'PHA~;MACY WASHINGTON (NC) -:- The having Summer vacallons at the, Attleboro - No. Attleboro seashore or ,in the mountains.'in "President's ComJ;nittee on JuveCAaitIC~ A COMPUTl U...· camps operated by the PontifiTaunton · nile Delinquency has 'granted , 0' ""AMINS TO' FlU.' '. the St. Louis University School cal Relief Organization' (POA). "fOUR. 'AMI LY'S, 111&'0: Some 12,000 ~amp director&, · of Social Service '$84,975. doctors, priests and nuns, staff , , : The Jesuit Fathers' university the POA Sumnier camps whicl1 !.wl1l sponsor ,a training program offer healthful vacations' to · for juvenile court, probation children -'of workiIig' class faDiI.. : and parole personnel and ~tbers, : such as social workers and youth 'laMing a Corlbbeoll ~II.? , In addition ,to the general' ; counsellors. ' A tHp to E_," ... MexIco Summer camps, POA also' o~t­ ;. It will abo begin educational ... Hawall? Yoo COil COtllpOftl ates specialized camps' with til..... all under _ roof at :' courses for parents of children our oHlce! Wo're ogonts for " \lnd~r juven,i~e co~!'l ,supe,rvi,- trained personnel, to 'care f~r ateomshlps. airlInes. .hotels. "sion, in the hope of finding ~ut " campers: Suffering' 'from' 'heart IIghtsoeing compallles. , whether' the chilqren's behavIOr' problems, polio and glandul,ar tbroueJtout ~ •._Id. : can be improved by assistfng, diseases.' : their parents. :, . tention that will ease the experience for them. Yet with some adult support, children a re surprisingly capable of I,' facing a frank ~ I"


'Appointment Dimishes Antic,ipated Thri II' of 'Going Away to College'

'W.H.RILEY & SON, Inc.




'1:mJDlm1' TOUHEY'S" ,





travel service


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Pocasset Officers New officers of St. John's : Ladies ,Guild, Pocasset, include Mrs. Sprague Spooner, president; Mrs. Newell Percy, vice-president; Mrs. Irene Christian, treasurer; Miss Martha Hurley and Mrs. Gordon Wixon, secretaries. The unit plans a fOod sale SaturilIay I Aug. 2li. '

\' Sturtevant & Hook Est. 1897

'uilders Supplie. '343 Purchase Str..t New Bedford

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BEDFORD WY 4-2-'73







-Holy Name Open' First Branch In E"glarnd

Thurs., - Aug. 2', 1962

Cites "Ireland's Desire to Help' . ·'latin America . .

,LONDON, (NC) The worldwide ,Holy Name So, ciety, . founded nearly 700 years. ago' in Europe, opened

· CUERNAVACA (NC) . some 60. ~olunte~rs training for .ap~s. tolic work in: Latin America

An Irish.editor told

: its 'first branch in England at ,Our Lady' of La .Salette parish,' ,Ra.i~)l1iin, ; Ess~x, 'a" few !!liles, east 'of, London.', -. ':~i . ~a.s: : started by Fathei: John' Nolan, missionary of La SaleHe~ from the Unite(l States; " Attempts to establish'branches in England have been unsuccess~' ful up till now, b~cause ,o~ feelings that this country already has too many parish societi.es: But Father Nolan, many of' whose parishioners work in. the giant American-controlled Ford automobile plant at nearby Dagenham, thought otherwise. The 30 members of the Rainham branch - all men - inten'd' as their first practical task to rebuild the dilapidllted parish hall as an up-tO-date youth club. Father Nolan will himself show them how. He is an expert bricklayer. '

atliona' here tJ.S.-est'ablished in Mexico

'fOlinda:: that 'his eountry is interested' in'helping the Church ~n this area." .'. 'Father J.G. McGarry" ed1iOr (If the Furrow; a monthly journal of philosophyancl theology 'published at' Ireland's national seminary; St. Patrick's College, Mayhooth, told students of the Center of International Forma:tion here that a "a very great interest in Latin America has developed since Pope John ap.;. pealed to the Irish people in this regard' through a letter dated J'anuary, 1961." . The i n t ere u 1 t u r a I center, founded in 1960 under the auspices of Fordham University, New York, trains volunteers for Latin America in language and cultural ,adaptation: Father McGarry said that about 10 Irish priests have joilied the Missionary' Society of St. James, in the U.S., established by' Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of' Boston, which sends diocesan priests to help the Church in Latin Amer. ica. ' He noted that a Volunteer, Priests for Latin America Fundhas been established at Ireland's !i1ational seminary to aid experienced ' diocesan' priests desiring to, work overseas.

FAMILY RETREAT: Mary Reed Newland, center,author and ,autliority of family Detroit Men Win life of Monson, autographs one Of her books for ¥rs. Robert, Sniith, of Fall River'. Mr. and Mrs. Smith shown above withchildrEm; Carolyn, Ropert, Elizabeth; Paula, and ,Wil- Charity Awards liam, 669 Rock St., took part in the family vacation retreat program at the Car~elite DETROIT (NC) ---:' Three Retreat House in Hamilton, Mass. this paSt week. Twenty.three families, including 98 Detroit businessmen' have been named the 1962 recipients of ' , children participated in the retreats. .

School Assignm'ents

:Sisters of

Johnetta, Cathedral School, Fall Continued from. 'Page()~e Sister Mary' JQhn to, St. Cather- River, grade, two. From St. Joseph Convent, Fall ine ConveJ:\t, Belize. Also Sister Mary Georgine to River: $ister Mary Padraic .to St. Theresa (' Jnvent, Pawtucket;, St. Louis, School, Fall River, , Sister 'laryDavida to Our Lady grade two and choir; Sister Mary of Mercy Convent, New Bedford, Caroleen to St. Mary Convent, grade twC'; Sister Mary Mercita North Attleboro, grade s~x; Sisto St. Catherine Convent; B~lize; ter Mary Laurit"a to St~ Joseph Sister Mary Howard -to St, Philip COllNent, New 'Bedford, Holy' Convent, Greenville; Sis~r Mar~­ FafbilyHigh School. WASHINGTON (NC) -Cath. 'From 'St. Joseph COQ.vent, etta to St. Kilian Convent, New olic . Relief . Services - National New Bedford; Sister, . Mary Catholit! Welfare Conference Bedford, 'grade seven. ,Eugene' to St. ,Kilian Convent, lclpped all other U.S. voluntary . From New Bedfor~, New Bedford, grade six; Sister' overseas, relief agencies' in reFrom Holy Name CODvent,' Mary Virginia to Bishop Feehan. lief expenditures during 1961. · Figures releaSed by the Ad- New Bedford: Sister ,Milloy, Jer- High S c h 0 0 1; Sister ,Mary, Yisory Committee on Vohmt3ry ~iah to', Our Lady. ,of Mercy Cnarles Francis to prinCipal of Foreign Aid of the Agency"for Convent, ,New Bedford, grade Holy Family High School;' Siseight; Sister, MarY Samuel to ' ter Mary Nolasco to 'Laval Un:" International Development show Our Lady, of Mercy' Conv~nt, iversity, ~ebee,,' Canada, as" that CRS-NCWC relief' exPendiEast Greenwich;. Sis~er Mary student; Sister' Mary,Joeline to tures in 1961 totaled $128,110,Viola to Cathedral School Fall ,St. Mary Convent, North At-:' ,644;.. ' " ' . ' , . tleboro;, grade five. ' , This was more than twice as River, gra'ie one~ '. , From Holy , (;hoSt. ,Conven~: . ·st. itiuan much as the total, Spent' by the ilext leading voluntary relief Pro,:iderice; S.ister Mary: Tho~~s From St. Kilian Convent, New agency in, the same period and Aq~lDas to. BISh?p .~e?han HIgh Bedford: Sister Mary' Eucharia' represented, about ,40 percent of Sch~l'as ijbrarIan, SIster Mary :to Holy ,Name Convent, Ne,w the $315,271,508 in relief ex- Immaculeen to St. Joseph Co.n:- Bedford, grade <)D'e;' Sister Mary "]lenditures during 1961 by 57 vent, Nev' Bedford, Holy, Faml1y ,Grace to St. John Baptist Con-" yoluntaryagencies registered School, grade four.:, , vent, New Bedford, 'as superior, . with the AID advisory cOmmitFrom Mount St. RIta, Convent,. procurator and grade four teach.. " tee. ". ' . C~m~erland: Sister Mary' Fr~~ er; Sister Mary ~eresina to our Besides ,the U.S. Catholic . erIck to BIshop 'Feehan HIgh Lady of Mercy Convent; East' overseas relief agency,' t~ top Scho~l. Greenwich. five voluntary' agencies in the Fro~ N~zareth-on~the:-Cape, From St. Ma~y Convent; Bay AID committee's listing were: Hyanms: SIster MarIe Berna- View, Riverside: Sister Mary C A'R E, $58,649,419; Church dette to St. Mauri(:e School, Eva to St. Joseph Convent,Fall World ~ervice, Inc.,. $34,936,291; Villa Mercy, Bethesda, Washing- River, grade six; Sister, Mary , d e S a l e s 'to St. Joseph Baptist' American Jewish Joint Distri- ton, D.C. From Our Lady of Mercy Convent,' ~ew Bedford, grade - bution Committee, $31,209,206; and Lutheran World Relief, Convent, AttleboJ:o: Sister Mary five; Sistei' Mary Immaculate Andrea to S:llve Regina College. to St. Patrick Convent Fail .13,701,739. From Our Lady of' Mer~y River, grade one; Sister' Mary , Convent, New Bedford: Sister Adrianne to St. Patrick Con';" :Mary Leonce to, St.' Mary Con:.., vent, Fall.River, grade seven. , KC Clamboil ,Also Sister Mal;"y JUIene to :Bishop Stang Assembly of Fan vent,Nor~h Attleboro',.' grade Yliver, Fourth Degree, Knights of two; Sister Mary Georgina to St. Joseph Convent, Fall River, Columbus, will hold its annual ~t. Brendan Convent,' Riv.er- grade seven, choir; Sister Mary John Bosco, and· Sister Mary elamboil at 1 Sunday after'noon, SIde. .st. Vineent Home Josephina to Mount St. Mary Aug. 12 at Campos' PaVilion, Somerset. Faithful Navigator From St. Aloysius Home, Convent, Fall River; as infir~Il Costa is in charge of arGreenville: 'Sister Mary Arsenh.ls marians; Sister Rita Mary 'to SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall rangements' and announces 'that St. Vincent Home, Fall River. River, grade one; Sister Char.les a program of' games and sports to From St. Brendan' Convent, has been planned. ' Riverside, Sister Mary Dianne Marie to Holy' Name. Convent, New Bedford, grade two. to St.. Joseph Convent, New, Also Sister Mary Therese Bedford, Holy Family' High Agnes to St. John Baptist, CO,nSchool. From St. Charles. Convent, vent, New Bedford, grade seven; Continued from Page One Woonsocket: Sister Mary Cascia Sister James Marie ,tp Holy iloor into, two separate areas. to St. Patrick Convent, Fall 'Name Convent,New Bedford, Locker facilities are available River, grade three. grade. one. for boys and for girls. Frpri1 St. Francis Xavier· 'SSSiS%%%iiiSi%%SSSSiS ''rhe stru~ture also contains' ,Convent, Providence: Sister three classr'ooms,each with a, Mary Lois to Bishop FeehaI:\ seating capacity of 40. There are High School. ,two entrances 'to the lobby and ,From 'St. John B~ptist Con':'an additional entrance to the vent, New Bedford: Sister Mary BUSINESS AND' auditorium. ,The lobby' is sur- Placide t.() St. Lpuil! School, DUPLICATING MACHINES rounded by, a balcony with en- Fall 'River, grade" six; Sister Second and Morgan SIs. tra~ces. into the classrooms. . Mary Evangeli$tato St. Louis The Center also has a kitchen School, Fall River, grade four;, FALL RIVER with complete facilities for the Sister Mary Annette to St. WY 2-0682 OS, ~-6712 serving of meals. Adequate park- Vincent 'Home, Fall' River, E. J. McGINN. Prop. 'lng space is also provided, ,Broup tutoring; Sister, Mary

Catholic Relief Top Ag·ency

From St. Mi:try Convent, North Attleboro: Sister Mary Magqalen to St. Patrick' Convent, Fall River, grade six; Sister Mary Rosalita to St. Louis School, Fall River, grade five; Sister! Mary Ricarda 'to SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, grade two. . From 'St. Matthew Corivent Crans'ton: Sister Mary Noel to Bishop Feehan High School; Sister Mary Frederice to St. Patrick Convent, Fall River, grade two. From :St. Michael Convent, PJ:ovidence: : Sister Mary Eme- ' lihe to <::athed'1:alSchool, Fall River, grade eight._ '

"Knight of Charity" awards to be presented' at an interfaith, dinner at Cobo Hall here on Dec.1. To be honored are Alvin' M. , Bentley, 'former U. S. eighth dis. trict congressman from Owosso, Mich.; Anthony De Lorenzo~ vice - president of General Motors Corporation; and John E. Lurie, founder and president of Wrigley Supermarkets. Bentley is a Pr,otestant, De Lorenzo a Catholic and Lurie a Jew. ' The annual awards are made by the Pontifical Institute for Mission' Extension . of the Missionaries' of SS. Peter and Paul. The three' are being cited for deeds 'and examples attributed to ideals of "unison .in ,family life ,with 'person - to _ person eharity."

8t. Patrick From: st,' Patrick 'Convent" Cil.'cutation 15Million Fail, 'River: Sister Mary Char- ' S'riiTTGART (NC)":"'Th~'total: lotte to Mount St. MarY Convent;: Fall 'River, 'superior and p~.. circillation oJ the Catholic peri':' curator; Sistel;" Mary Winifl;"ed odical presS in Germany exceeds disclo5ed . . it.was ' . . . here. to St; John' Baptist Corivent,· 15millioii, New Bedford, gr:ade three-; Sister Mary Benita to' Mt.. st . Mary: ' Academy, ,Fall ,River,; Sister': ,COME IN' Mary Sheila to Bishop Feehan' High . S~l; 'Sister ' Mary' , Adrian to St. Tiinothy Convent, Warwjck;·· Sil!terMary John' Joseph to Cathedral Convent,' Providence. From St. Philip Convent,' Greenville: Sister Mary Gracelle to St. Kilian Convent, New Bedford, grade one. , From St. vincent Home,."Fall ' Rive~:.Sister Mary, Josella to , Nazare.th-on-the-Cape; Hyannis. :r;:'rom Salve Regina College: BUKK ~1..fcrM Sister Mary Do'nalda to ,Mount ·St.Mar;r Academy, Fall River. ST



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German Migrants Change Religious Face of Nation

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2', 1962


New Legis~ation Aids Educational TV Development

MUNICH (NC) - Farm people flocking into Germany's large industrial centers and the continued flow


of Iron Curtain refugees into , Federal legislation will spur Germany have changed. the the growth of educational religious complexion of districts television stations in the once overwhelmingly Protest, ant. , ' . future, experts attending an ,ETV conference 'at Fordham This was brought out in reUll:iversity here' agreed. ports submitted here at the 47th, . Two new laws were generally annual convention of the, St. 'cited as' the factors for this beBoniface Society, founded for lief. They are a Yaw setting up th support of Catholics living a $32 million program: for conin predominantly Pro t est ant struction of new ETV stationll parts of Germany. and a measure making mandaAccording to these' reports, tory the manufacture of a11about 190,000 farm families left channel receivers. the land for the factories from Two Federal Communicationo 1949 to 1959 inclusive. As a reCommission officials - commissult, the city of Hamburg now sioner Robert E. Lee and Broadhas 135,000 Catholics while '5 cast Bureau chiel' Kenneth Cox years ago it had only 50,000. - stressed the "C'rire of the Other large and middle-sized FCC to cooperate :n every way centers of population such as possible with edu,_~tional broadBremen, Frankfurt, Kassel, Hancasters. over and Stuttgart had the same Broad Range experience. In addition, there are numerCommenting on the program ous Catholics among the million for construction of new ETV or SO Italian, Austrian and Spanstations, John F. White, presiish workers who have streamed dent of the National Educational into Germany seeking employCHECK FOR CHARITY: Bishop John A. Choi of l'usan, Korea, relays a $5,000 Television and Radio Center exment. These workers are asily pressed the hope that the 'new absorbed by the nation's indus- check to Sister Mary Augusta to help support the 160-bed Maryknoll, Hospital in Pusan. stations would be operated by The money was raised in the U.S. to take care of the long lines of suffering Koreans agencies representing, a wide trial growth. They often concentrate within who besiege the hospital daily for medical aid. NC Photo. spectrum of community groups regions predominantly Protest:.. rather than by a single instituant, and Church authorities have tion or school district. had to redouble their efforts in: White said experience with order to supply their religious coordinate a program of Catho- deaf, hard of hearing and gifted ' the nation's first 60 ETV stations DETROIT ' (NC) . The needs. ' indicates that those representing . lic academic education for ex- children." Today every fourth Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit has ceptional children," said Arch"Because of this staggering a broad range of community orin Germany resides in a pre- established a special depart- bishop Deard·en in announcing figure," he continued, "it is ganizations and institutions have dominantly Protestant district. ment within its school sys- the appointment. realized that the Catholic, pro- consistently shown greater creaTwenty-five years ago, only one tem to serVe an estimated 40,000 Smggering Figure gram cannot nope in the near tivity and energy. out of 'eight Catholics lived in gifted and handicapped childre~. The ,Archbishop stated that future to give adequate coversuch a district. Archbishop John F. Dearden the number 40,000 includes "re- age. This department is hopeful, crippled, emotionally however, of responding to this of Detroit 'named Father John ta'rded, A. George as head of 'the new disturbed and socially malad- problem as energetically as redepartment. He will serve as a justed, blind, partially sighted, sources and staff will allow." JEFFERSON CITY (NC) _ full time assistant to Msgr. VinAmericans tend to overlook the cen't Horkan, superintendent of Jesuit Provincial headquarters archdiocesan schools. atheistic motivation of Russian in Boston has announced the ap_ comm.unism, a- layman-theolo,~It will be Father George's pointment of Rev. John V. gian asserted here. O'Connor, 8.J., as' the new resPonsibility to. integrate and. Harvey Johnston, only lay.. With the permissioft of the man on st. Louis University's Father Provincial of the New GENOA (NC) - An Italian England Province, effective Capuchin missionary has turned elders of the tribes and the theology faculty, called attenTuesday, July 31, feast of St. talent scout and entertainment Italian government, Father Um- tion to .Russian leaders' almOBt impresario to, raiSe funds for berto has brought a team of four pathological fear of prayers at Igriathis LOyola, founder of the Jesuit Order. . ,. ,danCers and two drummerS to a Captive Nations Week obse... ' bis, mission station in Africa. , Father Umberto 'Arenzano, Italy.· Father O'Connor, a native of ' vanc,e here in Missouri. TOULOUSE (HC) - The new "The first performan~ was Somerville, after c9mpl~ting MaSter' General of the Domini- O.F.M.Cap., ,has been a mission"T~ey hate God," he said; ,doctorate ,studies in theology at can Order is Father Aniceto Fer- ary among the 'Pana tribe in the given in Genoa and was an im- "They hate the very notion, of Gregorian' Univer'sity in nandez AlonsO, OP., '67, fotmer Central African Republic for the mediate'su'ccess. Father Umberto God." , \ Rome, became a member' of the, superior of ,the DOminicans' past 10 years. He found his work quickly had bookings for. the ' ' theological faculty of Weston Spanish province. hamperoo because of the lack whole Summer. College, and later was' named of catechists and a church. While At the ~endof the Summer the He succeeds Michael Cardinal a catechist costs only $100 ~ year, Dean of the faculty of theology. priest and h'is troupe will reBrowne, O.P., as s,uperior gen-' In 1954 he became Assistant the number needed to reach all tUrn to the missio'n ,with, he Provincial, and in 1956 he was eral of close 'to 9,900 Dominican parts of his mission territory hopes, about $10,0Q0 to build his appointed Rector of Weston Col- friars throughout the world arid made it financially impoSsible church and educate his cateis the 82nd successor to St. lege. for the misSlon'ssmall firiances. cllists. , Dominic. ' One day, 'while watching the As Provincial, Father O'Con'fhe election took place recent- young men of the trIbe doing a nor will succeed the Very Rev. J:ames E. Coleran, S.J., who will ly at a general chapter of the dance, ,Father Umberto realized be assigned to St. Andrew Bo- order at the modern priory of what a hit they would make in YOU'LL' !M>la Residence, Boston, as spiri- St. ThQmas Aquhi'as here in nightclubs on the Italian Riviera II Toulouse, where St. Dominic tual airector of the Jesuit Schowhere he was.born. "CKLlD1~ founded the order jn 1206. Otie lastics' of that community. 'hundred and eighieen, electors took part in the voting. ..... ......,y-Can Our Lady of Lourdes' school Father Fernandez' was born in, the province' of 'Leon in fund committee, Taunton, will northwestern Spain in 1895 and hold its first annual clamboil fa. My..... '-1231 GOULBURN (NC)· - Goul- joined the Dominicans in 1913. Sunday, Aug. 5 at tbe church 373 New Boston Road burn's six Catholic schools re- He ,was ordained '8 priest in grounds, or in the church basei88 NORTH 'MAIN STREET opened JUst one'week after be- 1921. He holds an advanced phy- ment' in case· of rain. "All you Fall River OS 8-5677 NORTH Al'TLEBORO ginning what was to have been sical science degree from the can eat" is promised by the coma six-week shutdown in protest University of Madrid and served, mittee. against lack of financial support for 16 years its a profes'sor at YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVE! from the New South Wales state the Angelicum University in government. Rome. the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. Love God The schools, with a total of more, and give to souls kllowledge and love of He was elected Spanish ProGod by serving ·Him in a Mission which uses the 2,200 students, were reopened vincial a dozen years ago, after Press, Radio. Motion Pictures and TV. to bring following a meeting at which serving four years as Vicar His Word .. souls everywhere. Zealous young parents voted 1,000 to 100 to General of the order. In the girls. 14.23 yean interesteet ift this unique abandon the school strike. ICE CREAM meantime he has· also been Apostolate may write to: The motion to reopen was in- serving as president of the REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR troduced by Attorney J. MUllin, Spanish Confederation of Men LEO R. BERUBE, ..... 'DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAUL former Mayor of Goulburn, who Religious., His term as Master 951 Slade SL '!'el. OS 1-'1886 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS. said that the school closure had General is 12 years. achieved its goal of alerting the nation to the Catholic schools' need for government' aid. Mullin held that' reopening SUMMER STORE HOURS "SPECIAL MILK would mitigate the inconven, A,M. to 6 P.M. Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday ience that parents, children, From Our Own teachers and both Catholic and , A.M. to 6:30 P.M. .Thursday., Friday • Saturday Telted Herd" pUblic schools were undergoins.

See Establishes Special Training for Exceptiona I o

Atheism Motive Of Communism'

Father O'Connor Jesuit Provincial

Capuchin Becomes Impresario To Raise Funds for Mission

:Dominicans, Elect Moaster 'General



What You Have

'Taunton Clantboil

Closing Schools Achieves 'Goal'

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Set Parishola ' Mem'bers of SS. Peter and Paul Women's Guild, Fall River, announce their annual parishola for 8 Wednesday night, Sept. ~6 in the church hall. Donations may be given to Mrs. Raymond A. Dooley, chairmaa.


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'- Tu~~[bma~,~ ,',Pres~nts'Movi'ng ·,B,iogffaJphy' '~f ,F,itzg,eraI4 :',:

, By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D. D. A missionary from Nigeria told us of this experience. He bas out-missions ,which be covers on a bicycle, and in many of them he hears ,Confessions eight 'h~urs a dar. After'the six "o'clock Holy ,Mass· in one of these poor ''buSh'' churches, he was told ,there was a woman in the field ",ho wanted to go to Confession. ' . twenty~seven

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kenunedy When F. Scott Fitzgerald died ino1940, he, ~as but 44. Hiseareer as a writer had been one of skyrocketing sucee~g, followed by abysmal. failure, at least S9 far aspopularity and sales were concerned. The year, before h~ died, the royalties from his book~ ern belle' beautiful, mercurial amounted to $33. He was talented, 'but totally lacking ~ barely subsisting on hack discipline. . work in Hollywood. It was 'Paradi{ie' Se~on

She was a leper. Her hands had been ea~n awaF bF tile . disease to just below Ule elbow; her feet to just above tbe , ankles. _ After 'giving her tbe Sacrament of Penance 'and the . Eucharist, the priest inquired from whence she came. leA village about a mUe and a .half away," she answered. "But how did you coine'!" he' asked. '''I crawled on my elbows and knees."

generally accepted that the fame . O~t of the ~~y, he got a ' of the chronicler 'of the Jazz Age Job lD an advertISIng agency in It a d perished . New Yoz:k, wrote, often, got.' with the ago it.drunk, sold a sWry, "and went oolf 'a n d that home to st. Paul to give himself be ~nd his ficentirely to ihe production of a •The priest told, her that the following tion wouid be novel. . day he would bring the Lord God' to her in heard 'of no This was ~e famous This Side Comm'Union. But the next morning she was more. A radical of Paradise, accepted by ,Scrib. at Mass. "Did I not' tell you I would bring reversal has oc~ ners in 1919, published in 1920the Communion to you, without,You crawling curred in the and creating a sensation. FitzYOUNGEST: The young- a ,mile and a half?" he scolded. She aninterval. Today, gerald was de;med the s~okesall, the noveis man of rebellious youth lD the est bishop attending the swered: "I didn't want to, be trouble to ' and collections era of speakeasies, flappers, ecC>- First Vatican Council (1869- anyone." of short stories nomic boom and spiritual de- 70), Bishop Jarnes Gibbons" by Fitzgerald pression. . " Vicar Apostolic of I North ']['his leproUs woman had so much Faith that she wanted are .in print. 'He has been He and Z~1da were married ,in Carolina, was only 35 years to spare the Eucharistic Lord and His Priest a bicycle ride of Ii the subject of two best selling New. Y?rk, 10 the rec~ry of S.t. mile and a: half. And the exemption from the burden was purbiographies, and now..a new life, PatrIck s Cathedral. ThIS .was hIS old when the Council began. chased at the cQSt of creeping over rough grounds and weeds. Scott Fitzgerald, by Andrew last forma~, contact. ~Ith the At his death in 1921, in Balwith her lipS almost in communion with dust before they comtimore; Cardinal Gibbons; muned with the Savior. -Never once did she think of her own Turnbull (Scribners. $5.95) is Church. HIS CatholiCIsm was being widely read. One is safe in now hardly more than a recul'- was the last living Father leprosy a burden. Disability claimed no favors from either saying that this will surely not ring I'n:mory, although when his of the First Vatican Council. man or God. As the. Father spared not His own Son, and ,the be ute last study of Fitzgerald. one ChIld was born, in 1921, She Son spared not His own Mother, so she, 'following tJ,Jeir example. .NCPhoto.·' ' . Has it any special distinction? ,was baptized a Catholic.. spared not 'herself. ' In 1932 when Mr. Turnbull, . Dissipation Ruins was 11 ;ears old, Fitzgerald He began' to make money in rented a house on the Turnbull huge amounts, selling stories to ~'Cal.1 you SPare a dime!'" These words almost seem irreverent family property outside Balti- 'magazines, selling to the' movies.' " Continued from Page One' in the f!1ce of this ·good woman without hands or feet. And yet, more. He wanted to be close t~ He worked fast, turning out one , cent in' private institutions are: sUch is the. plea we make for such lepers and such missionaries. Ulat city because his wife; Zelda, story, for example, in 21 hours. Illinois, 22.5 per cent; Pennsyl- We 'who live in prosperity can never "spare" as much as those who was'til a mental insUtutio~ there. And with the proceeds he and vania, 22.3 per cent; New York, liye in "adversity." The latter have already given up so n\uchto FitZgerald began as the Turn- Zelda plunged inti>' a seemingly 21.8 per cent; Massachusetts, 21.6 the Will of, God and His Church that crawling on stumps .to bull's tenant, ended his sta~ of unending round of wild parties, per, cent; New Jersey, 21.4 per ' C;:onimunion means nothirig to them. But, maybe, hi gratitude for a year and _ half as a friend. spectacular pranks, protracted cent,and ,New Hampshire, 21.1 the example of this lady, you could "Spare" to the Holy Father And particularly was he a friend binges. ' per cent. ' and' ~s SOciety for the Propagation of the Faith even a dollar, of young Andrew" taking a genThe dissipation ruined both at. Pel;centages for other 'states or a thousand. If you do, "do it hi the name of Our Lord" that aine interest in him, showing them. Zelda became mOody, pet- and the District of Columbia are: you 'maY bave everlasting reward. . him uncondesct:nding kindness, tish, then collaps~ in mental Delaware, -18.7; Minriesota,' 18.3;' U-ying to help him toward his illness which would reclaim and Maryland, 17.5; Vermont, 17.3; ,- . GOD LOVE YOU TO J.L.K. fOl\' $20 ''I wish to depOsit this adult life. , ravage periodically for the rest Missouri, 16'.9; Connecticut, 16.-l; iii the 'Bank of Heaven'" •.• to ,M.D. for "A .sacrifice with Mr. Turnbull bad a, relation- of her life. ' , Micnigari, 16; Ohio, 16; Hawaii, 'love for the Holy, Father's Missions!" • • .' to R.E.O. for $I "I lJhip with him which none of the . The story of his last: years is 15.7; Louisiana, 15.2; District of 'beg through "this sacriiice to refrain from idle gossip and reother biographers has enjoyed, painful, no matter how often one " Columbia, 15.1; Nebraska, 14.8; 'peatlng the faults of otbers." .... to Mr.' M. for '$4 and wallet and saw him closely at a stage retraces it. He was almost a car- Iowa, 13.6; Maine, 13,,2; Montana, ~As I, was unable to find the owner, I want to help the poor of and from a vantage point un- icature of his former self, seein- 12; Indiana, 11.8; Ken'tuckY,-11.6. the world with it!· known to the others,: ing to insist on publicly mocking 'Also, North'Dakota, 11.4; New Brought up Cathonlc' his pretensions and performance Mexico, loA; 'Colorado, 9.8; CaliFitzgerald was, born in St. in youth. fornia, 9.6; ,Kansas, 9.4; ,South ' WORLDMISSION, a quarterly magazine of ,missionary activiPaul. in 1896. His' parents were . Endured Humiliation . :.Dakota, 9.3; Arizona; 9.1; WashCatholic, and he was brought up He had to endure the' patron- ington, 8.7: Oregon, 8.5: Florida, ties edited by Most Re,:. Fu,lton J. Sh~il, is the ideal gift for tl Catholic. His mother'~ family, ,'izing ~f his inferiors ~nd count", 7.5; Virginia" 7.2:, Texas, 7.1; priests, nuns, seminarians or, laymen. Send $5 for a one-year subbad a comfortable fortune; al-' less )lumiUations, although many Idaho, 5.3: Nevada, 5.2'; AlaSka, scrip~ion to WORLDMISSION. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York!, t~ough they could not be rated of the latter were at least partly 5.1; Wyoming, 5: Oklahoma, 4; New York. really rich. _' of his own contriving. Tennessee, 4; Alabama, 3.8; West Princeton beckoned him, and His death was'Sudden, and he Virginia, 3.7: ArkansaS, 32; Cut out this coiumn"pin your sacrWce to It and mall it'to the te Princeton be went in 1913. was buried without the rites'of Georgia, 3.1; M~issipp~, 2.9; Life there delighted ,him,. but the Church 'which ,he 'had de- South Carolina, 2.7; Utah, 2.6, Most 'Rev J'u!,ton ~. Sheen. National DirectO:!' of the Society for tile Propagation' of the Faith, 368 Fifth Avenue, ,l:few York ,I, N, Y., not the academic side at. it. He serted, sometimes scoffed 'at, but and North Carolina, 2. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINB felt that, at last, he was really never wholl~· expelled from his 368 North MaiD Street, Fall lUver, Masa. Uving, noti~ everything, was heart. Zelda outlived hun by 'generally but variously exuber-, three' years, then perished in a an~Iiow over the footbaJ,l team, hospital fire. ", . eoritinued from Page One DOW over The Hound of Heaven, Mr. Turnoull has presented Seiected as All-State player in and for the first time began to the hectic wasteful, me1imcholY drink. but not truly' tragic Story of high school, the former Crusader He'bad a brief brush with the Fitzgerald in a moving way. But' won the George Kaftan Award Army, entering upon training in where religion is concerned, 'and at the Cross and was given honthe year when World War I especially the Catholic religion, orable mention' on the Ali-Cath0l1ded,and never getting over..; he is by nO means the-most olic All-American' quintet in 1958." " ~as.· '~hree ,things . stan~ ',out knowledgeabl~ of coin!neritators. Following graduation, he atfrom ,hIS Sllort ~taY.lD uniform. The mapping of that' principal The obscure offIcer In charge of thread 'through the' ups and tended the BostOn Celticstrainhis platoon in a ,Kansas camp downs of Fitzgerald's life still ing cilmp, before serving a tour of dUty with Uncle Sam's armed . was named Dwight, D. Eise~- , remains to be done. .' I bower. On weekends Fitzgerald " , forces 'where he continued, his' labored over Ii novel, writing Priests' Observe , basketball-career. Following)lis 120,000 ·wordS:' in three months. " " ' discharge, the new, Feeh-a~ High, mentor returned, to CenAnd, while at~amp Sheridan' in ··Protestant Session' Alabama, li~'~et Zelda'Sayre.."', VATICAN CITY (NC) - The tral Falls HigQ as a teacherZ~lda w8,{l,,i:captivating So~th';' , Secretariat for Promoting Chris- ·coach. Unity, lias ~~d' two' , ' pri~sts to serve as 'offici.l Cath$eek Dignity, of Individual olic observers at the meeting of " Automation Problem the Central Committ'ee' of the O·f'Mass at Va,tican DENVER (l'fC) _ A spokesw ASHIN~TON',( N C)' ...,.. A ' World Council of Churches in major challenge of automation' P~is'begimiip.g next 'Tuesday. , man for the American BroadThey' are ,Father ,John casting COmpany said here :that Is to' iDstill in the worker "a York,. 'the' network would bid for liVe "INCORPORATED 1937 sense of .individual worth 'and Sheerin; e.S.P., of' dignity,". a' conference on' au- editor of, ~ ,CatJ;1olic World,;: TV 'coverage ,of Christmas Eire m~)Dthly magazine,' and' Father ' Midnight Mass from the Vatitomation was'told here. While automation may permit I Jerome Hamer, O.P., theologian, can' some 'workerS' to, escape' the attached.to the, Dominicans' Le. ''i'~in Moore, ~xeeU:tive vice"grinding routines" of the 'fac- Saulchoit house of'~stiidies atpresid~1'1t' and head of protory, said -the ~ev; FrancIS .~. Soisy, just north o£,paris. Father :gram:ing·.·for ABC-TV,madethe /Quinn, ,8.J., a' ·tl~eology student' Hamer is a ,copsultant to the '-announcement following the ,re-, cent success of interglobal TV , JAMES at Woodstock" College, "there Christian unity secretariat. . .H. COLLINS, . ,','C;E.,·.,....; will still remain the problem of ' ,Th,e 100 - member. Central. via'the Telstar satellite. Registered Civn llnd Structural Engineer He 'saiCl the,' network,' wouid finding ir. work something worth Committee of the World CounJllLem,ber Nation81 SoCiety Professional Engineers . cil, policy-making body of the alSo bid for coverage of the May doing for its own sake." . The J esuit~ delivered the sum- Protestant and Orthodox group, . day celebration from Moscow FRA~'CIS .L COLLINS; JR•• ,Treen. mary at the Conference on Social. will meet for 10 days. La'st Fall, and Queen Elizabeth's birthday' . THOMAS K. COLUNS, 5ec'y. Ethics and Automation sponSored when the World Cou,ncil held its ,: celebration from England. The by' Georgetown University and general assem~ly in New Delhi~ 'bids would' be made to the • ACADEMy,'BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS.. attended by more than 600 busi- the Holy See designated five of. Etlrovision network, which links Uf European counkiea. ' , a.easmen, educators and othen. f!cial,Cathollc observers.


Private Schools


Feehan Coach




Live Coverage!


,',F. .l. COLLINS' &SONS·,









A,i,.- Fund, Childreri,',:,Gelr Eager-Welcome' "~ AN,C.~~:::Dioce.se ~.Fan Riv~r~~,u~:;:~'U9<'2:.-196~

..- .To Hearts , Homes' of 'Diocesa'n Catholics " " ,

'. . .... , , .

Parish~uneraJ Parlor, Nursery

MONTREAL (NC}-The new church: The parlc»-, will 'De parish plant at St. Maurice av.ailable· without .cost tG aH church in Duvernay wi: include parishioners. . lA nursery where mothers,in The plans for the new $400,000 need of a rest or holiday, can cenier.were made by a commit~ reave children for. $2. 8l day. ,te~' of lay~eI;l' in cooperatioZl The parish also .wIlI feature _ WIth ~~ther. Jean Car~n. tile 11\ funeral parlor adJacent to the pastor.

- . By Patricia McGowan .' ' . . . " .What price. love? That's what you get in full measure, heaped up and runmng ov~r, when you welcome ~'Fresh Airs" into' your home. That's what scores of families allover the Diocese have 'discovered this Summer as they've participated in the New York Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund program, which plucks needy children from the 't t f th t I' . e me ropo 1' .. h o t s ree s 0 tan area to transplant them for two weeks or longer to the green New England countryside. JK:'.• '<--_ In New York, readers of the Herald Tribune contribute to pa.· for the children's train and Ious fares to New England. In Nl N En"land, families ready homes for arrival of the little , ones. 0: "We "<lve the better end of it," · said Frank Hadley, Fall River project chairman for the Kiwanh Club. . Two ,who agree are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dupont, 61 Swindell Street,Fall River. This Is tile Gecond Summer they've welcomed 11 year old Sherry alll into their home. 'Last Summer · she came for four weeks, but this year it's for as long as sbe can possibly stay. Not only that, · but the Duponts, who have sbc ,children of their own, invited Sherry to spend last Christmas with them - an unforgettahle , experience for her and for them. 'Father, Forgive' Sherry is Negro. Now and then comments 'have been made 88 she's accompanied the Dupo~ts to beaches and parks. "Last year she heard some of them," ~atd Mrs. Dupont, "and was upset. But I took her aside and told her, 'Remember what Chrtst said from the Cross - Father,forgive them, they know not what they do. Those people don't · know any better, Sherry. Forgive them - don't be bitter'." The sixth grader took the words to heart, said Mrs. Dupont, and this Summer confided that she'd remembered them all year. She is a student at St. James Catholic school in Brook· lyn, and felt right at ,home !lecompanying the Duponts to Immaculate Conception Church in ITS SWINGTIME: Sherry. Hill, left, and Rochelle Fall River, where Mr. Dupont Looper, Fresh Air Fund' guests of Fall River families, swing bas been 'a collector 26 years. "We just love her," -summed two and a half year old Lisa Greaves, grandchild of ,Mr. up Mrs. Dupont. "The hardest and Mrs. Alfred Dupont, SherrY's hosts. ' part is when she's leaving." Beach trips,picnics aQd ,plain fun in the sun occupy the ~ime . your ,guest will not be physiraJ, less. The experience of living with 'a whole family can hav~ 2 of the New York youngsters but of the mind and heart. "Most Fresh Air children profound influence on his future while they're' in Massachusetts. Children staying with different spend *heir lives in a crowd; .at goals. His environment' mllY be families eagerly compare ex- bome, in school and on the periences and number of beach street. Your' guest will blossom so limited and provide so little excursions when they see each with the individual attention you . incentive that he has never exercised' a' potentially good mind other, while all accumulate ex- can give him. "Many Fresh Airs are father- which can begin to stir under tra clothes, toys and trinkets from Summer brothers, sisters the stimulus of, m new experiand parents. Form Josephology . ence in your' home. Few Tears Such needs are as basic a!l ,At nl~ht there' may be a few Society at Oratory; . . food ,or: clothing (and' much homesick tearS from younger MONTREAL (NC}-A Joseph. Fresh. Airs, who range in age ology' Society has' been' started :more difficult to, meet}." from five upwards, but the real, here lit' St. 'Joseph's -Orat·ory, , ~. ,DioCesan' Catholics are en· story of the , fun. the' children Mount Royal's world famous ~ gag~d' i~ the,: bappy task ei are havir~ i~ ~ol~ ~ ,the' spon- shrine to study and' promote . meeting them. · taneous hugs and kisses Sumnv~r' devotion to Christ's foster' father. .c·:··' . . ..moms ,and d~ds 'receive at any,. Located at the oratory's Center' . ~ odd moment. of Research and Documentation .. : ·.,'1'liey'are' , . ""HIM AT AaPl, .' . , . , , .' receiyln"g more than' on St. Joseph, .the sOciety will ,-,~.-. ":~. i ' '.' fun, bowever, from warmhearted mvestigate the' "york of St. ,, 'families .like the Duponts and Joseph as bead 'of t~e Holy '/ ..' : scores, of othe'rs in the Di'oce'le. . Family and patron of the uni..... : As the. Fresh Air Func:lmilmial, versal ChUrch and' will study · e,,;presses' it:' "In most instanc:'es' . his iole in the' Incarnation and .': . ~ JANI PARKER lAROI iNCH n:68 01 your' greatest contribution te Redemption:~ It will work with,' Cl the research center ,in organizing : t~VI2Qc :": • :.:.. . . . ':' REG:!9c";:", '. IA' , .,tudy . l;1ays. and congresses. It· Famous 'for our Prime ,Vietnamese Stamp$ will pUblish'a quarterly review., :. St. Joseph's. ora~ory· .-eceives , Aged Charcoa[Broiled. . . " REG 59c 1 1.8 1 02 II. . '" H~n.or'.Virgin MarY mote than .two million visitOrs SAIGON (NC}-The Vietnam"116 al~ Roast all oV,er the world each'.' ,Steaks ~.8~~1.:i9 :'.:BAO . ,",'t ese post 'office has iSSUed a series from 1 BANQUn of" four ..sta~ps. honoring thf!, year. It was f~und~ by the 'late Beef ~ Sea Food . . . .' .... , IftWUt· « .. •..;ROIEN', "~'i<o '.. • Blessed 'Virgin, Mary under .the Brother .Andre,,· an unSChooled" Turk.y 11 0" B••f 11 0.. (;hlcll~')'1 'oi; Hem HI oil e; Selilbury 11 CIa ·title of DUe Me La;.Vang, the Brother of th~, Congrega~ion qf " _!-~--_~oly Cross whose· c~use for, 00.Dancing .' E~ery S'aturday liANQUlit" ,14 01 Blessed Mother of La- Vang. :FROZEN'·· Slzi!' ' . Mite tO'the Music -of , ba~Vang, about 20 miles south. atification haa,' been introduced . ,BANANA, eOCOANUl. CHOCOlA1E, ~LIMO" OR STRAWBERRY , ~.lJ.ome; Henry Cottrell and hiSof the border of the communist.·· ruled north; is the site of .the Orchestra '. national shrine' of Our Lady iB , ,:, Prlett . - Ie '~II III ......titd. \llrtI lilt., AUVUI! 4 ~ Vietnam. It is in the Archdiocese • tf'lCIl.. It ALL A'P SuPt' Markott In til. eommu.11l 'vlel.IIf.. . , Plana."" W.dellal, "ow." . . . MMce piWlott lid ' ' - prolllblUd ., •• .lImp! ""'" .P1ald Stamp Offer• 01 Hue. . Experienced on Dresses ..... 01'. • • tins..,..caO our BanqUet In 1798, during a persecution, DAY ~HIFT .or NIGHT SHIFT Department for' detail.. AI Pa...... some Christians took refuge in La-Vang, ·then a wide, remote ..".. our Expert "nention-Call Steady Work wooded valley. According to High Piece Rates tradition, the Blessed Virgin apMAYFAIR 4-9888-4·9979 peared to them while they were . CHERYL DRESS CORP. 91 Crandall Rd. Tiverton, R.I. saying the Rosary under a t;ree 192 Anawan St., faR River in the forest, :.





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Tea Bagl


O~:~AV::' : ':;64 P~~ ,4C!'

Advance Ca...se OfU_S. Bishop,

:,Praises dC'(;razia's Book '~,On Importance' 'ofLei~ure

VATICAN CITY (NC) - ',A preparatory's e s s ion of the Sacred Congregation of Rites has voted ,on two miracles tributed to the intercession ·"of " ' By Msgr~' George G.-'HigginS ' , .. , the Venerable John Nepomucerie Director, NCWC Social A,ctlon Department Neumann, fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. :~ Phllip Scharper of Sheed ,aRd Ward, a w~ll~inform~ While no announcement of the and very pereeptive Catholic layman, complain,ed'in a rece~t results of the voting has bee.n • ." article in The Commonweal that there isa lack Qf' worth,made public, it is traditional , while Catholic writing on the philosophy and/or the theol,. that miracles are approved at this stage of a beatification "ogy of work. 'Mt:. ~!larye~:,s,bookon this,subjeclbythe.G\!rcause.:'rpe,miracles must ,again 'point is 'well taken' al~h<?J.igh man Catholic philosopher, Josef ~ be :vpt~ 'on ·.by the cardinals ,of , the record will show; I think, Pieper.. An,' English. "translation, ' , the: congregation in the presence that the number of s~l)'olarly of Dr. ~iepei"s 'boo~;" "L~isure: : of: Pope John before the last step books by Catholic authors on the ~he B~sls of CUl~ure,~a~ pub',toward beatification is comh'l h or the theology' 'of hshed m 1952 (With an mtroduc,pleted.. _ p I ~so~ y res',' tion by the British poet and es." The two miracles were the ,wotr sayist T. S. El,iot)Y by' Pantheon iln l y onIS th~e I'n, cure 'of' E~a Benassi of Sassuolo, crease, I was Books, Inc., New ork. "Ita1Y,' in 1923 of acute peritoni'able to locate, Two New Books ,ti~, and th~ healing of a fracbooks on this . , k . od . tr . ~ured :skul1!lnd multiple inte~subject merely Pieper s boo IS a go m 0nal injuries of James Kent of by browsing duclion-but ha.rdly m~re .than 'the ,Philadelphia suburbs in through his own that-to a subJect WhICh, for : 1949. disorganized lisome strange reason! seems to Bishop ~eumann, born in brary, and he A b e o~ mucthh lesths mtebr.est tO . Bohemia in 1811, se!0'ed from "probably could merlcans an e su Ject 0 f 1852 until his death in 1860 as have located a wor~" ".. , ,Bishop of PhiladelphIa. Before 'Dumber of other I dare ,saY,1n thl~ connectIon, becoming a, member of the Retitles in several " t h . a t for eve~y AmerIcan b~ok on , demptorist 'congregatic;m, the different languages if' he bad leisure there are a dQzen on the Bishop worked ,among German bad an opportunity to check the, subject of ~ork. It ~:QuI~ appe.ar, , Catholics in Niagara Falls, N.Y. eard index of a good u~iver~ty, h?wever, that the tide IS begmEPHESUS SHRINE DIRECTOR: Father Francis J., ~e is buried iIi the crypt of St. library. nmg. to. turn. Peter's church in Philadelphia. In any evsnt, four books, are Wlthm r~ent. weeks . two Allen, 'S.M.M., left; exchanges 'a farewell handshake with better than none. Their titles, books on the sUb~ect of. lelsu~ Father Maurice A. Landry, S.M.M., provincial de~egate ~f for those who might be inter- have been pU~hshed In thIS the Montfort Fathers~ prior' to boarding an airliner, for Community to Mark eSted in' doing a little serious co~ntry;' "Of Tun~, Work ~d 75th Anniversary reading on the philosophy ,or' LeISure" by Sebastian de Grazla Rome on his way to Ephesus, Turkey, where he will direct p~sKi (NC) Bishop ,theology of work, are as follows: (The Twentieth c:entug FU~) the E~hesusShrine, the oldest Marian shrine of the Cath< Stanislaus V. Bona of Green Bay 'I b ~ Labo'r" b'" and "Work and LeIsure" by Neils olic Church. NC Photo. "Phi Osop ' J A nderson '(The 'Free P ress UL _It will o~~r a Ponifica~ .Mass !n ' ft C K y .t. .0.SA' (Du''Assumption church here next : Thursday in commemoration 'of titles ,the ,75th, anniversary of the p~;, 1960!. '. into Chris~ ,include the,'subject of. wo~k, . founding of t,he Franciscan ,'" 'they' are' concerned prlmarlly"Work. An InquIry, : community here in Wisconsin. ttan T~ought ~nd Prachc~. A, with the problem of leisure. , , ' 'symposium edited by John~, NEW: YORK (NC) ~ Father House of the Holy Virgin, it , Sonui' 500' Franciscan priests, ' Todd (Helicon Press, Baltimore. ,Statistical Analysis 'Francis J. Allen, S.M.M., has, is now'regarded by many as the Brothers and seminarians of the Md., 1960). , ... ~r. de Grazia's' book ,isat-, 'left here to take up his new authentic site of ,Our Lady's :"Assuniption province will 06"Work". by Stefan Catain~l tracting a grea~ qeal :of atteri~ion : duties as- the first U.S, priest 3S-' Dormition. and is visited annu~l­ -serve the anniversary. " Augustine Zeyts, a Franciscan ,Wyszynski (Scepter Pr~ss;' Ph,~- . even in, the neWs: columns of the ,signed, to ~he, director ·of the ly by ~ome 50,000 pilgrims from ~ Brother' from Poland, 'receiv~d ago, nI., 1960). ' . . :'.. daily preSSf and deservedly so; : Marian shrine in Ephesus, Tur- all parts of the world. , permission to erect the first "Labor Christia nus : Imtlabo for it is' probably th~ best and key. ' : monastery in Pulaski on April in Theologiam Spirit\lalem Sys:; . certainly ,the most 'provocative The Montfort Father, a native 'Holy Father Erects '19, 1887: The Assumption comltematkam de La1?or,e" (Chris- book on the subject, of 'leisure ,of Huntington, N.Y., is the for-, .... Ie.u Ind =0 D'=ocese ,,'missariat 'was elevated to the tian Labor: Introduction to' a" ' ever published in th~United mer director of the Shrine of I.... 'IV • • status of a' province on April 15, Syste'matic Theology of' Labor) States.' , ", -, - , ' : Lourdes in Litchfield, Conn. ' VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope -,1939; , 'by Charles V. Truhlan :(Herder; , , Mr:'de Grazia' is ,both a' philEphesus, the site of one of John has erected a new Indian ~':Freibourg, Germany, 1961).. . . osopher and';i political sden~ist the' Cntirch's early ecumenical ' diocese with its headquarters in -and a good statistician,to the great iron' and Prof ound Pr 0 blem " ' " ,' boot. , councils, is ,t9day three h l!quaref Jamshedpur, ' .. -"".. , ..According to, de Graz~a the . miles of ruins on the's ore 0 steel center in northeastern The pubhcaho~ durmg the philosopher, the~e is a fuilda- the Aegean Sea. In, anciEin~ India..He named Father Law'past few years of . thes~, ,f~u~ '"mental difference between lei- . times" it was a great city, and renee Trevor Picaghy, S.J.; first . . books does not, of course, negate. 'sure and free ,time. We Ameii- capi'tal of Asia Minor. Bishop 'of Ja'mshedpur. ' : ,the validity of the point made by cans be says', don't have very A tradition dating to the The new diocese-long a Mr. Scharper in The Common- much . leisure ' 'but we like to 'fourth' century holds ,that it was' ,'major' mission "area' for Jesuits weal. The authors of these,b:ooks think 'that ~e have Oociies of _ the Iasthome of Our Lady, who of tbe Maryland province' iri the NIW BEDFORD would probably be the fir~t to free t i m e ; , .. went there after 'the ,Ascension , U. S.~is 'part of the inetropol','" admit that they have barely 'But' de' GrazIa th'e 'statistician ' wIth, St. : John the' Evangelist, itali pr6vince' of Railchl. ' ' 'scratched the' surfac~ '~f,,~, v,ery says that ,we lire kidding our- ~ torilbis also believed 'to ' " . ' .INDUSTRIAL OILS profound problem and V10uld ,selves in this respect. His statis- be located in Ephesus. probably agree with Mr. Scharp- ties on this point are very reIn 1~1 a ch!lpel said to sta~d HEAliNG OILS R. A. WILCOX, CO~ er that much more remair1l! to ~ vealing. In summary, he :says, on the foundation of the,BleSsed done, by Catholie scholars ln thIS, the difference between 1850 and Virgin's House was discovered.' TlMKlN OFFICE FURNITURE important field of study. 1960 comes down loa few hours. Known as Panaya Kapulu, the .. Stock for hlllDedI.te DelIver, OIL BURNIRS Mr: Scharper, in turn, would "The great and touted, gains in • DESKS • CHAIRS , probably agree that there is also free time since the 1850s .. .are," FILING CABINETS Los Angeles Honors 'a need for more worthwhi,le he insists, "largely a myth." Sal.s , Catholic books on a related sub_ . • FIRE FILES • SAFES ,Famed Fr. Peyton ,ject of equal,' if not greater, imImlH!rtant SU.bJect FOLDING 'ABLES 501 COUNTY ST. LOS ANGELES (NC) - A : portance-namely th~, philosoThe very originality of Mr. AND CHAIRS priest, who has' spoken to 16 ph" and/or the' theology' of de Grazia's statistical ;lnalysis of NEW BEDFORD ·lei~ure. the, amount of free time enjoy~ million peOple throughout the We have at least one 'g~ by Americans probably accounts world in his Family, Rosary '22 BEDFORD ST. WY 3·1751 in large measure for the wide- Crusades was honored here prior FALL RJVER5·7838 to his departure on a new cruspread attention being given his sade to' Brazil. Vatican City Daily book in the daily press. Father' Patrick Peyton, who This is unfortunate from one Lauds Telstar , point of view, for de Grazia's is also the founder and producer VATICAN CITY (NC) - The statistical findings are of less ,of "Family Theatre," whic;h feaVatiean City daily has, laude~ imPortance than his philosoph-' tures top Hollywood stars, re~ the launehing of the Telstar ical conclusions on the nature of ceived official commendations ~ satellite. le;sui'e and its importance in the from Mayor Sam Yorty and the Council. L'Osservatore Romano said development of the .. 'complete Los Angeles City . .. ,ihat "the Telstar experiment, ,man. DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY, OIL BURNERS 'transmitting images from. cOn-:any event, the newspapers ,tinentto continent, is 'a new and popular 'magazines will :have Sales ,~ I nsfallcifion : contribution to human ingenuity performed a useful service if, by Paint ,and Wallpaper : ••. With stirred admiratiori we playing' up his 'statistics, they MAIN',OFFICE - 10' DURFEE ST., FALL RIVER Dupont Paint 'salute the new conquest of sci- can get a number of people in~ New Bedford ; ence and technology which hon- terested in reading his, book. . ,ors human intelligence and re", . : ,cor. MiddleSt. Though not as profound as wards its relentless application." Pieper's study, it is nevertheless " Q,aJ-'" PARKING " The daily recalled that the a very' gOod ' lirid', 'engagingly Rear of, Store new triumph is one step in the written book on a very imporI 422 Acusb. Ave. ' 'iorig hiStory of the development tant subject. ' of Western civilization. It coneluded: "We have expressed the ardent ,t , wish-and we express.it againAND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF' ATTLEBORO.,' t<hat the new language (of ,teeh: feGtUring Jiical progress) will ~ommuni­ liThe Gaslight Room" Prescriptions called foe' ':'cate to ~he human family a sense 4% on all Savings, Accounts and delivered ' Ideal for Commuilion Breakof values which promises a ,hope fasts, OrganiZation Banquets HEADQUARTERS FOR for real progress toward the limits fixed by Providence for DIETETIC SUPPLIES 386 Acushnet Ave. 1% Extra on Systematic Bonus Savings human courage in peace and jus600 Conage St. WY '4-7439 New Bedford tiee, illuminated by and made New Bedford ' Call wYman 2-1703 aware of the charity ofChris~"

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Name American Priest' Director Of' Ma'r.-an Shr.-ne at' Ephesus




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fc:'11 River-Thurs., Aug."2, J962 ','









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:THE ~NCHOD-I)iocese of Foil River....:Thurs., Aug. 2. 1962

Deplores 'Over'emphasizing In,t.erscholastic 'Athletics By Most'Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno

.America has long prided herself on being the best fed', the best clothed, the best hous~d, the best cared-for J;lation under the sun. Yet for all that our President, quite apart from his' "Medicare" program, is gravely worried over the '. collective health of the peo,Now the fact is that·the obsesple. He is concerned be- sion with competitive athletics cause of the alarming num- in the grade schools, high bers of those who are suf- schools, ,colleges, and universi,

fering from physical disabilities ties,of,America, has always been of one kind or another, serious' and remains the greatest single obstacle in the way of· the deenough to ham:' velopment of a' sound physicai peL' them, in the education program for 'our performance of youth. their civic du-' lnvariably and inevitably, it ties and in their is upon the small minority,' life 'tasks., In rarely more than 'a tenth of the various ~ )nstudent body in 'any school, the texts and citing small min'ority of those who various statisalready have the physical qualitics he comes fications for competitive play, up with the that the vast bulk ,of attention is startling figure lavished. of one - fourth '. of the nation. ' Nine-Tenths Neglected Of the young men enlisted ,or The rest, the nine.:tenths, can drafted into the armed s~rvices, take care of themselves, and for example, close on to, that nobody is going to care much percentage must be deferred or whether they are taught or not. turned down as unfit. A similar The result is that the, physical picture emerges from the., actu- education c 0 u r s e 9 in most arial tables, 'the facts and figures schoois are excessively' dreary gathered by the insurance coIl).- and properly despised. ,panies. \ No sensible s,tudent wants to Below, Par waste time' with them, and is Now it is true that there may only forced to it py dire threats be some question as to the en- and baleful"warnings. ' tire accuracy 'of the citations It is partly' a" question of made, particularly' as these may ~ money, a~mittedly. But even be selected with a view to here the tax-supported public 'securing appropriate legislation, schools are not free from' the but even, Mr. Kennedy's most prob1em. For. the available funds vigorous critics, admit that the are' practically cornered'for the total health pictu're is far from competitive teams,' for the pur- ' pretty. Whether soft living is to chase of their regalia-:-according blame, or unbalanced diet, or to the rituals planned by the en';' lack of physical exercise, or terprising sports goods houseSpoverty in the face of rising for their entertainment, for the medical costs, the fact is that far praise and honors ,meted out 'to too many Americans are ,below the heroes, and for the 'salaries paid to the coaches." par physically. , These salaries,' typically, outOne of the President's most urgent recommendations' is for class by far thOse' paid to the greater emphasis on physical stupid people who teach ,'SUCh education in the schools !)f foolish subjeCts as .science and America. With this we are ,in religion. Spread around, 'these hearty accord, the more SO since same funds would be' more than we have been plumping for thill ,ample to insure i1J, aU' ,oUr for a long time, and it is always schools a sound, sensible, effecpleasing to find the President tive program of physica,l education. As it is, there's nothing'left .gt'ees with us. over'save the crumbs which, fall Sacred Cow from' the tables of the . .•... herOeS. Only, there is_ a point which , Loudest Sereams' ought to be made crystal clear. . We are an in favor of a proMuch of this is a reflection ol ,gram of sound physical educa- . the immaturity 'of the American ,tion iii the schools, public and, mind. If an effort be made to private, but we are violently curtail interscholastic competiand fanatically' opposed to the tion, or !limply cut it down 'to Donsense which, in our view, has size, whence come the loudest practically destroyed ~he effec- screams of anguished protest? , From the youths themselves? ~" tiveness of the whole scholastic physical educatioii program. No, but rather from their doting _We mean the obsession with parents, their uncles and 'aunts, competitive interscholastic ath- from all those who are' 'at-. tempting 'to 're-live, vicariously, letics, , It is an obsession. America their golden childhood. has been sold on the idea that Or they come ,from sports competitive' interscholastic ath- writers fearful of running out of letics is the magic formula for copy, ~r from enterpreneurs in physical fitness for our youth. sports goods 'who grieve to think To question .this dogma is to sin of their sales vanishing. Whose against orthodoxy. It is to throw heart would not crack! mud at the Sacred Cow. It is to And so, havirlg slain the draeast doubt upon the value of the gon, off, ,to greener fields of most deeply entrenched interest heresy. After all, anyone addled in thc entire scholastic system. enough to write' a weekly Worse still, it is, to assault the column should be allowed an' Our very citadel of patriotism, for occasional idiosyncrasy. obviously anyone who is against madness is not violent; it is competitive interscholastic ath- only north of nor'west. letics must 'be a Communist or a Nazi, a criminal type of ,the Establishes Uruguay extreme left or the e?'treme right. He could not possibly be Vocution Sec;retariat normal. MONTEVIDEO (NC)-A National Secretariat for R,eligioUs Show Foreign ,Films Vocations. for Uruguay has been ·O n C...tholic Series estabHsh~ here: under: the ,di-' WI rection of Bishop Alfredo' Viola NEW YORK (NCr - A new of SaltO. ' television series featuring CathThe secretariat was set up fololic TV films from six foreign 'lowing a' course of leCtures' on countries will ,be featured on, vocations by Father. Salvador the "Catholic Hour" program on ,Bortoni, S.J.,of Mexico. The the Sundays of August. course was, attended by all this " The series, entitled "Catholic South American country's BishTV International," will be shown ops and about 200 Jlriests and 1:30 P.M., over the NBC-TV Sisters from Uruguay, Argentina network. The "Catholic 'Hour" and Chile. Antonio Cardinal is produced, by the National Barbieri, O.F.M. Cap., presided Council of Catholic Men. at the course's opening session;



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Ruling on Prayer Inv~lves IPurely Political Qu~stiont

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1962


SEATTLE (NC)-A priest-lawyer agreed h~re with the specific result of the U.·S. Supreme Court's school prayer ruling, but criticized the decision itself for its "failure to shed much light upon the real problems involved." Father Francis Conklin, S.J. Catholics "should be a bit more visiting professor of politi- ' hesitant about decrying the cal science at Seattle Univer- 'godless public schools.''' sity said the action of the He said the first- efforts to court in ruling against a prayer composed by the New York· Board of Regents - for public . school recitation was "legally sound." Father Conklin said the decision "answered a very narrow, a 1m 0 s t technical question whether public officials can constitutionally compose 'and impose official prayers for use in the public schools." Me said he agrees with ~e eourt's finding that this is not permissible. Criticizes 'Qul!.lity~ At the same time, however, he was critical of the "quality" of the majority opinion, written by Associate Justice Hugo L. Black. He said Justice Black "has a predeliction for writing constitutional law in broad sweeping t~rms, with little if any regard for the consequences." "The cornerstone Qf his judicial philosophy," the priest said, "rests upon a quasi-mystical attachment to the freedoms specified in the First Amendment as absolute freedoms. "And in defending this somewhat rigid and abstract .concept of absolute freedoms, Mr. Justice Black is as intolerant and dogmatic as, the most ultra-orthodox theologian." Cites Prelate's Effort In his analysis of the Supreme Court prayer' decision,' he stressed iliat the problem involved is "a ~urely political question" and lOOt one of theology. He said bis view is shared by "'only a' tiny minority among <Catholics," but he' arg'Ued,tbat



"secularize" or "de-Protestantize" the public schools were made by Archbishop john Hughes of New York in the 1840s. "Yet· now that the Supreme Court, over a hundred years later, has heeded Wlhat seems to me to ,be basically llhe same arguments Archbishop Hughes' used, although raised by .a quite different religious minority: It seems to me to be somewhat ironic, that our own chickens have come home to roost," he remarked. Of the prayer case itself, he said the court "would have been better advised not to have bothered with" it. 'l'utical Maneuver "No one was injured by the recitation of the prayer-except, perhaps, the sensibilities of a tiny minority. There was certainly no public demand for abolition of the prayers. And, the major problem of religious sectarianism in the public schools is not in New York State, but ,in the Southern states," he said. He said it is possible to interpret the court's ruling as a "tactical" maneuver. ' "Knowing full well that, there is now and for the foreseeable future there is going to be a considerable denominational in_ flue~ce in the publie schools, the court takes the official position' tha,t it is illegal, in the hope that it will be kept within reasonable limi,ts," he said.. "Read in this light, the opinion. is not an attempt to drive God out of the public schools, put to dimin~sh sectarian strife."




STOCKlH!OLM: Fr. John E. Taylor, a.M.L, a native of, East St. Louis, Ill., has been named Bishop of'Stockholm and head of the Catholic Church in. all Sweden 'by Pope John. NC Ph,oto.

(C ~~{[~[(~ g@ fi'i A~[b;~y D=tJ@~ [N®w H@@d ROSCREA (NC) Father Eugene Boylan, O.C.S.O., widely known for his books on the spiritual life, has been elected abbot of Mount St. Joseph, Cistercian abbey here in Ireland. His bt:other, Father Stephen M. Boylan, O. Cart., is superior of the Carthusian monastery near- Arlington, Vt., the. only one in the United States. He has two sisters wpo are nuns. Abbot-elect Boylan, 58, is ,a . graduate of University College, Dublin, where he won a traveling scholarship in physics and a Rockefeller Fellowship, which enabled him to, study at9mic physics at the University of Vienna from 1926' to 1928. He 'joined the Cistercians in 1931. In 1953 he went to Australia to arrange 'for the foundation of a Cistercian abbey at Melbourne, and the following year he became prior of Caldey abbey in Wales, where he served for foul' years. 'Ew •





0171 Ul1'!l~~y

Continued from Page One of the Inter-Church Relations began to respond. Difficulties Committee of the General Aswere aired on both sides, but sembly of the Church of Scotdefinite possibilities were also !and (Presbyterian): "There is a new openness and a readiness identified. ' In a way that had not been to converse between Roman done fur centuries, eminent non- Catholics md ourselves. There Catholic and Catholic personal- must still be an element of cauities began to speak with an un.,. tion, but we hope for friendlier precedented combination of "relations. The committee belieVES that the day has come frankness and charity. The announcement of the when informal meetings between council was greeted with various members of the Church of comments, some skeptical and Scotland and Roman Catholics, cautious, some unfriendly, but should be' welcomed." ':'he Primate of the Church of most of them favorable and enthusiastic. Then the hopes began Denmark (Lutheran), Bishop H.,ns Fuglsang - Damgaard of to be expressed. The' Pope took the lead with Copenhagen, a member of the his first encyclical" Ad Petri Central Committee of the preProtestant and Cathedram, published June 29, dominantly 1959, a few months after he an- Orthodox World Council of nounced his intention to call the Churches, said: "The Pope's initiative opens new prospects and council, , He said that the council would may prove an important step towards the unity of the (Chris_ be a "wondrous manifestation of unity" which he hoped would in_ tian) church." From the World' Council 'of spire those "who are separated from the Apostolic See." And, Churches itself came a practical with, characteristic' charity, he rejoinder to the Pope's initiative. Five Catholic observers were added: "Note, we beg of you, that invited to attend its general aswhen we lovingly invite you to sembly at New Delhi in Novemthe unity of the Church we are ber and December, 1961. Equally inviting you not to the home of a sign of the times was the fact a stranper, but to your own, to that the Vatican accepted the the Father's house which belongs invitation and sent the observers as its official representatives. to all." . 'Welcome Possibility' ,? Greek Orthodox Bishop James Marquette U. S(:hooti Virvos said in London: "There Foundation Gift are many theologians who desire MILWAUKEE (NC) The a really well rounded rapprochement and they welcome the pos- Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation has sibility of serious talks b~tween given $150,000 to thf' Marquette Orthodox and Catholics." University Medical School, N The presiding Bishop of the was announced, here by Father Protestant Episcopal Church of Wiillam F:Kelley, S.J., president the United States, Bishop Arthur of, the University. Father Kelley said that the un_ C. Lichtenberger, added: "I hope the convocation might result in re,stricted grant is the first large serious conversations between contribution from a private naseparated churches to explore tional foundation in the Jesuit those things which we have in university's 10-year, $30 million common and those things that fund-raising effort. It will be used to support faculty salaries, separate us." This obsl;!rvation was made by particularly in the basic medical ,the Rev. W. S. Rindal, convenor sciences, he stated.


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Senate Committee- to Investigate Agents"Nondiplomatic Activities

THE ANCHOR-Dioce'se of Fall River-Thurs.; Au·g. 2,.1 962

WO;:ih·;iijie··Re~ By Rev. JoII" R.' Foister

WASHINGTON (NC) - Some light was thrown on a little . known facet of Washington life, by a report issued in recent days by a QSenatecommittee. Called a preliminary study of the Nondip10matic· Activities of' Representatives of For e i g n Governments, the, brief docume~t ,deals with attempts' by foreign governments, or their agents, to influence the conduct of American foreign policy by techniques outside normal diplomattc channels.' The information, it develops, has to do largely with the activities .. here of lawyers, press agents and public relations men, "The purpose of examining foreign governments' lobbying is not to' show that these adivities are necessarily wrong," says , Sen. J,W. Fulbright· of Arkansas, chairman of the Senate Commit~ te'e . on Foreign Relations, who ordered the study.


St. Anthony;s Church - New Bedford

We have seen that in'the early church, preparing for

~aptism was not a iight and' automatiG thing. Such a pre-

Pflration was spread over a !ong str.etch of weeks or ~ven months. Thete were many mstructIOns, prayer, meetmgs and .rites. These preparatory meetings often terminated consisted of a' special prayer with special rites. In' tnrn, with an accompanying symbolic action. These acts were: breaththese rites became the final ing .on "a person, signing· a per-

agree that legitimate representation by U.S. citizens on behalf of certain foreign governments is necessary due to the com,. plexities ()f current international problems." 'Sen. Fulbright r~veals tJiat the "tempo of such activity has increased in almost direct proportion to our go v e r Ii men t ' s ' growing political, military and, economic commitments abroad." He says that 'he asked the com- , mittee staff to conduct a study designed to answer "a few of the, ','b:,\sic que s t ion s surrounding foreign government lobbying."

preparation for the reception' of son with the Sign of the Cross, this all important sacrament. In a~ointing a person,holding the Just before this staff paper our present adoutstretched hand over a per'was made public, the Senate ministration of son, etc. The!?e all crop up in the agreed to a resolution. authorBaptiSm a!l administration of Bapt~sm.even izing its Foreign Relations comthese preparatoday. mittee to conduct'"a full and 'tory rites have In the very beginning of the complete study of all nondiplobeen telescoped. ceremony, after the. person has matic activities of, representainfo one cereintroduced himself to the priest, 'tives of foreign governments, mony. the priest bends over' the pers'on and the extent to which such 'These exorand blows into the pe'r;ion's face' representatives attempt to incisms must be Complex Problems saying: "Depart from him; thou fluence the policies of the seen in their unclean sp;.rit, and give place to '''In many instances, State De- United States and affect the true light. ·Bapthe. Holy Spirit, the Paraclete." . partment officials themselves national interest." tism was not In this act the pr~est is not atonly the purifi, tempting to blow off the devil '>' cation 'and salvation of s?me pious soul. It was recogmze.d like some bothersome speck of dust, He is showing that 'being and better appreciated that thIS w'as also the enrollment of a , a Christi:m is something entirely different: Christians do not even new member. Members. of the 'O'UK SISTERS IN EK'''L<AA, INDIA, SMILE uKATEIi'ULLY Church were 'called "sain!,s" n~t exist like others; their every ac~ WHEN, YOU ASK ABOUT THEiR WORK. "See for y~urself:" . they say. "We are blessed With chil-as a" joke but because that' IS tion is theological-it depends on dren nobody wants." ••• Tht> children 'just what, we are, su!?p.0sed to and is for God. This new life he breathes to' the 'person who in are orphans, some of them only a be here and now. ThIS was to few weeks old. Tbe Sisters, like be a' new saint. This pers(~n! I~P turn breathes it in and makes it, . mothers; give them plain, old-fashuntil 'now a quiet, just, pa'flott.:: pa rt of' itself. The m~aning is all important. ioned love... "Have / you ever pagan was now' going to be a watched a youngster grow?" one Sissaint. There .was not to, be ~h:' Becom~ng a Christian is' not· an ter asks. "Of such :.s the Kingdom 01 sudden change of a horrible s.m- automatic signing of some conHeaven." . • • Black-eyed aDcl ooooaner into, a saint but of a, normal tract· it i's a complete change of skinned, boys and girls Wg 11& yoUI' neighbor' who was now to be life'. This does not: mean that it COUNCIL FATHER: St. 'clothing and ask to' be picked up. is meaning~ul ,oniy for some' more than a blood brothel'. ',/ There are 41 of these orphans alto-. adult 'up to now steeped in a sin- , Basil the Great, A~chbishop Baptismal Change , ',Tht Ho/yFathtr's Mission AiJ gdher. To care "for them, our Sisten .luI passion. No, a Christian's life of Caesaria who died in 379, 'The transformatiO,n that was for fht Orimtal Ch~ beg • . . "Forty-one youngsters have is basically different and the is 'fhe founder of. eastern. 1;Q occur did not demand so~e 82,feet-and sandals 01' .shoes cost mOlley. Food. elothing~ JDed~ notorious sinner, therefore. It conversion must . ~ .from the, rrtomisticism and is placed elne, toys, books,.:....these cost money too. We want nothing' fOl' was believed that all were sin- right living of a norn:tal natural by th'e Greek church among oUrselves;" the ,Sisters Say. "We, want onb' .. eno,~h . to. ~~ ners not beca'use of a' past life man to the perfect living of ,an 'these children, feel wanted."'. • ' The !'orphanage is pnmdlve certain' station in life' but adopted and empowered child of ' the· . most eminent of· its : ~ few tiny rooms. wiihroof and walls of thatch perehecl_ ' ecomenical do c, tor s. N,C simply because of Adam. We, ~s God.. bamboo poles. For cooking ,utensils, the Sisters ha~e earib_ baptized Christians, were thorNot Simple Prayer Photo. ' crocks wooden ladles, a few pails .•• Despite all UIeF do, howoughly different-':"not because of But exorcisms are' not 'oilly ever, ~Ul': Sisters eould do more. EREZ~A. right now hu at some haughty pride, reserved, prayers for the to-be-Christe~ed. ~ell·gl·oUS least 100 children who are orphaned or un~anted. To care, for knowledge, or, special privilege, They are authoritative' comthese the 'Sisters need more room . '•• "A pennanent building. but because of Christ. mands to Satan. We ~ommand ' , fully equipped, will cost $4,800," the Sister Superior says. "Do , The exorcisms therefore took, him not :because we, are proud / you' .think Catholics in the U.S.A. will help, us?" • • • $5 will on a' new" importance. .Not only ,'. creatur'e~' bot because 'we" are 'DEARBORN (NC) _ A relidreSs one youngster for a year, $2 will feed a youngster for a did they 'purify and strengthen secure in Christ's" promises and ~, mo~th. . $10 will buy a package:-:medicine, toYS, pencils, colorthe particular ·person; but. they empowered as' irtembers of His gious' society dedicat,ed to the ing-books .•• Perh!'ps you'd like to construct the building aU taught the sanctity of Christians, Church. This we can especially apostolate of the radio, press, by yourself ($4,800), in memory of your parent,s or a loved one. 'the greatness and importance of 'see in, the second exorcism which television and films will move If so, write to us •.. Or you might want to give th~ boys' dorthe Church. o. ' . occurs immediately after, the' , into its new 'quartershere in the' mitory ($500), the girls' donnitory ($500), the nursery ($350). Exorcisms candidate is 'given salt as a sym- wake of a circuit court ruling. kitchen ($300), or chapel ($300). in gratitude, the Sisters 'will The early Christians and the bol of perserverailce, cleanliness, The Society of, St. Paul, preereet" a 'plaque to memorialize your gift ••. The Sisters would . modern Church today have a1- wisdom. ' sently located in an old building "like also to open a dispensary' in which to give medical care free'ways adopted a realistic attitude The pi-iestprays and order~: in Detroit, bid last' year for the of-charge to low-caste Hindus too poor to pay for it. Would you towards Satan. He does -eally. "I bid' thee begone, unclean purchase of the·,ThaYer School, , like to give this dispensary ($750) as ·your mission-sacrific4?!'" . dom an" d b y th e WIS exist an.. ,'" spirit, in the natn e of the Father, now vacant.. , ,Whatever, your gift, please send, it to us now. Our SisteJ:'S in, "permission o~ God,.~e 'nas great and of the Son and of the Holy, The Society's, co u r t .suit. EREZKAneed help immediately. They'll r~~ember yo~od power arid '~oininion over fallen Spirit; that thoU. depart: ,and against. the City of 'De~rborn' the' children will remember you-in -" .: . . ." their .prayers . . forever! .. , and unredeemed man. keep' ,far from this' servant of charged that although ,the ,city's But both have, also always apGod (person is named), for .~e zoning board did not object ,to ," "NEEDEJ;l: ONE MORE SISTEK' ' preciated ,~he more the strengtncornmands thee,'accursed demon,' the intended use 'of 'the former. "THE SISTERS WHO CARE FOR OUR ORPHANS in ~ and extent of.,·Christ's,vietol·y who trod the waves underfoot school building, it denied to. the - EREZKA', 'INDIA; are known 'Sisters . of 'the Imitatioa of (,vel' Satan., This is the fur.daand extended a helping hand'to society. a' building permit and "Christ: They are valiant women. They need more Sist~rs t? mental reason ..w!:ly .,both hav,e Peter abOut to sink.' Therefore, permission {or .occupancy: " , 'help them in :their work '. -.. ,Here In' the New York office we 'J'nsisted on the rites of, exorcism ' d . f"Jen d'" 'acknow ' "'1e dg'e, . ,., have, the names of 12 'young women who want to join th~ Comaccurse Iteason lor, Denial "';liereby Satan is ,driven out and thy doom ahd give honot '00 the' . ·DIunity. FOr their two-year training, however, each 01. t,hem Christ's, ylctory"is, ~aqe, GUr. living ,and true God,'giye IlQDor' "Judge George E. Bowles, in needs $300 ••. For as little as $2.88 a week ($12.50 a month, ltwn., " ' to Jesus Christ, His Son,. and: to :, his ruling· against the 'b~ard, $150 a year) you can give the missions one more Sister. The Today the various rites' ~re the': Holy Spirit, and k,eep far' noted that .the "apparent reason~ Sister you "adopt" will write to you. You may write -. hel'. not independent (although. tt,e from thisservaht' of God, 00- for 'denial of the "p'ermits was TOll 'will participate in'herwork, her sacrificeS. her prayers. latest decree of the Sacred Con- cause Jesus Christ; Our Lord and stated in' a letter from the zoning . . . How to "adopt" a ~ister? Simply fill in this, fOna and l'egregation of. Rites' 'on Bapti~m God' has been pleased to call hi.mboard of appeals. tum' i~ with your :donation, to us.: .:,'., permits "the~, again to b~ apd, to His holy,gl'9ce and blessing, , Tpe, letter :saidin part: !'W,e 'Dear Monsignor: regain the~r original .impot't,an~ e~en to, the font of Baptism.'(the,·. feel that this property can ~ tile. $300." it .take6, to ti-aiG Enclosed is $ .. i •• ; . toward' .. . a and effec;t" in' the Bapti~m '01.,' 'pri~(m~~es'a sign of the. Gro~~ :put 'to better use because ~veral . adults)b~' are parts of th~ one, over the person). And th,is. sign· realtors have ,offered to b\ly t~is . Sister. ceremony ,of., tbeadmini3tl~atlon. of. the holy· Cr.oSli;' which we property, remove the school and I'll- send: of Baptism. . .. " trace upoii~is foreh~ad;:ii.othou; build at least 2() homes i(i. th.is ' . $ ..••. . :0 weelily . . . , 0 month" D."annu.Hr. Yet, the· resultS are tbe same: accursed' fiend never d3re to area to produce taxable revenue, Satan's p<>wer is loosened, he is', violate: through Christ' Our" for the "school and the City. of Nanae •••• ~.~ •••••••.••••••••• ,~ •••,•••• ~ .•••••••• ~.;.. ....... put to flight; the way' is pre- 'Lord. A m e h . " D e a r b o r n . " , , pared fOl" Christ. This ,truly Therefore, the 'secorid kind of .With the' zoning ,board over,Street ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••• bar;pens even today although '!ii;. rite, the signing with the sign ruled, the' Society of .St. Paul, might, find such, things as dis- of the Cross. . .will begin immediately to re-, tasteful, and .strange to, our Next week: 'Baptism--'-EKot'- model ,the, schooi· to house .its. manner of life. '~ cism (III)'.... "; ;··professed Brothers' and' p.l'iests. . THANK yOU; CATHOLIC-TO-BE! ' ,But the Church. insis~s. and· Deal', MCulI;igr.or "/Is a seaman; I have traveled ia IIIOSt '.. shows the imp()rtance 'of the 'the countries you meiatioo. I would like to donate this ($5. .. rites by stressing that in a!l your cause. I am in the process of becoming a Catholle. I wish rituals, the exorcisms - !ike the GERALD E~ ,the American public could see how those poor people live in form - must be in, Latin. . countries like I~dia, Lebanoll and Egypt,' Maybe the,. would epen their hearts to them." (£.H.). Forms The exorcisms were riteS. They

india: 41 Youngsters Nobody Wants


Soc.-ety Wins Court Case








Parish Picnic Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fall River" will 'hold their annual picnic Sunday, Aug. 12 at Holy Ghost grounds, Westport. Manuel Domil).gos is \general chairman.






.. '

~12earfBstOlissions~ "FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President .... Jos'" T. Rja, 'Nat'l Sec', Serid an comm•• lcatloaa to: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION'

480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.

New York 17;fl. Y.

THE ANCHOR-. Thurs., Aug. 2', 1962

College All-Stars vs Pros' Tomorrow 'Night in Chicago

Score~ ~I?@~o$ed Public Sc~ools'

By Jack Kineavy

Effecting a brief but prophetic interlude on the-nation's baseball scene will be football's midsummer classic which tomorrow night in Soldier Field, Chicago, ~ill pit the Cololege All-Stars, coached by Otto Graham, against the mighty Green Bay Packers, . Two series with the Yankees, 1961 champions of the National Football League. This interspersed by the White Sox will be the 29th game of the invasion and sequeled by a disseries which is 'under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune Charities Inc. To date the pros have enjoyed a wide margin, winning 18 against 8 losses in the competition which originated in 1934. The r e h a v e been two ties. This will be G r e e n Bay's fourth All-Star game appear-

ance. The Packers lost, 6-0, in 1937, then posted a 45-28 victory. in 1940 aod another by 19-'1 in 1945. Of measurable encouragement ~o the Collegians, most of whom

astrous visit to Washington, have left the Sox deeply embedded in the second division and confronted with the ugly problems of internal dissension. The unexplained hegira of Green and Conley, with the latte~ absenting himself from the entire Washington series, has blurred the public image of the Sox and no doubt will occasion repercussions in the immediate future. . Club jumpers haven't been foreign to baseball.. The history of the game is replete with anecdotes involving such characters but the Sox seem to have experienced morE' than their share in the past few years. The Jensen story remains a well-guard_ ed mystery and now Conley who has pitched very effectively this year evidently is beset by personal difficulties. On the brighter side, Stafford Post of Fall River, repeat ch8ll\,.. pions of Zone 9 American Legion, successfUlly negotiated their first hurdle in the State playoffS by defeating Brockton . str· ts H op efu 11y, as m aIght se. this article comes to view, Coach Ray Billington's club 'will have qualified for the semifinals. At any rate, the entire squad and. their coaches merit a well done for their splendid performance this season.

are fledgling pros, is the fact that Coach Graham was the last mentor to author an upset against the defending N.F.L! iitlists back in 1958 whim the Stars surprised the Detroit Lions, 35-19. He hill> the nation's best at his disposal once again, though it must be conceded that three weeks is hardly sufficient time to mold a unit that could seriously challenge pro ball's be;~r not only were the Packers acclaimed champions in 1961 but Coach Vince Lombardi's juggel'1ll3ut was -egarded as one of the areatest clubs in the history of ~e league. Their manhandling (1)1 the Giants, Eastern Division ATLANTA (NC) - Eleven champions, by a lopsided 37-0 score in the N.F.L. title game Negro children will attend preserved greatly to enhance this .viously all-white Catholic grade ll'eputation. . and high schools in the Atlanta .archdioce'se beginning in SepAir Game . The All-Stars are expected to tember. Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan go to the air frequently tomordesegregation of !row night. Graham, an able announced Catholic schools in the archpractitioner of the overhead game, for so many years with the diocese in a pastoral letter. ·He Cleveland Browns, will rely said then that school integration heavily on North Carolina State's . is the "logical step" in 1962 and Roman Gabriel who will be "protects the freedom of choice spelled at quarterback by John which is the. right of .Negro Hadl of .Kansas and Bobby Bly parents and children as Catholies and Americans." of Baylor; -. Freedom of Choiee On the receiving end at the Announcing the registration Stars aerial thrusts are a couple of real ball l!awks'in Gary Col- of Negro students in p,reviously lins of Maryland and Miami's all-white schools, the ArchbishBill Miller. Representing the op commented. that "the success Nav'al Academy will be Greg of the new policy does not deMather, he of the educated toe, pend upon the number' of trans. and a better than average re-. fers." The important thing, he reitceiver in his own right. Bob FergusQ,n of. Ohio State and erated, is the "freedom of Ernie Davis of Syracuse should choice" of Negro Catholi'c parents. He added: . keep. the defenlle honest.:. . "There is no longer any forced Up, ~ont. tPe ~~s may can upon a dozen and a half interior segregation in out schools. Nor will there be' any forced integra_ linetpen weighing fJ:om 236' to ·Uon."·· ., 275 pounds, Small, wonder the "That the number of trimsfers accent on passing! Just to turn the corner on such a beef trust is rel~tively small Hl appareptly woull! ,lnv<),lve .wid~ning . the due to 'the preference of 'Negro field. The game will be televised Catholic parents and cliildren nationally and will highllgkt a for the ex c' ell e n t Catholic week of activity which has made schools that serve' them althe Windy City the sportS mecca ready," he said•. of the U. S. A. Pats' Opener Pro~estants Accept Football 'fans In this will have an opportunity to view the Council Invitation PffiLADELPHIA, (N C ) Boston Patriots in action a week from Saturday when they will Methodist Bishop Fred Pierce meet the Oakland Raiders in a Corson of the Philadelphia area, pre-season exhibition game at president of the World MethoB row n University· Stadium. dist Council, hils accepted an inCoach Mike Holovak's club is vitation to attend the Second tabbed as a leading contender Vatican Council. for Eastern Division honors in' . Bishop Corson said he would the A.F L. after a surprisingly have to limit his attendance to a brief period' during the first strong showing in 1961. The Pats have been working session. However, he said, Harout at Andover Academy for the old Roberts, principal of the past couple of weeks and reports Richmond Theological Semifrom camp are indeed favorable. nary, University of London, and Some 5,000 spectators ·were on past president of the WorId hand Saturday for an intra- ~ethodist Council, would serve squad scrimmage. Thts would as dean of the Methodist delegaseem to augur well in the pro- tion attending the sessions at the jected attendance department. Vatican. Bishop Corson said a number Making a strong bid for the No. 2 quarterback job is Lawrence's of churchmen and theological Jack Moynihan, former Central scholars would be assigned to .Uend the meetings. Catholic poeat.

Integrate' Atlanta Catholic Schools



'Morals Course SAN JUAN (NC) - A proposed government pro-. gram to teach moral values in Puerto Rico's pub lie

fLAN CONGRESS: Three participants in the Sodality-sponsored Congress of the Lay Apostolate (SCtA) . to be held in New York starting Saturday, Sept. 1~ plan'details for the meeting. From the left are Thomas I. Monahan who will conduct a seminar on "Christianity and Social Progress"; J?seph M. McGr.eevy, workshop leader for ''Parents, Educational Freedom and Federal Aid"; and Dr. Ray- . mond F. Zambito, keynote speaker at the introductory syinposium, "The. Whole Church, Hierarchical and Lay, Speaks on the SOClal Order." NC Photo.

Says Catholec Students in Public Schoo~s Livei~' R~!igious Fog NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A "religious fog" envelops most' Catholic children· in public junior and senior. high schools, 'Archbishop John P. Cody said .here. Archbishop Cody, Apostolic Administrator of New Orleans, said that after Confirmatio~ most Catholic students in public schools receive no further religious instruction. He said half of the 68,000 Catho.lic s~\J4'ents of junior and senior high school age in the New Orleans archdiocese attend public schools. "And the distressing fact is .that of these 34,,000, perhaps only one-fQurth have availed themselves of the op'portunity to attendforlllal religious instruction classes," he stated. Archbishop Cody said he had directed. establishment of a high sch~l of religion under Confrate~ity of Christian Doctrine auspices in each of the archdiocese's 133 parishes: He said it would require "no less than 3,000 members of the laity:, . esveci~lly pien," to staff these schools. . .The. parish high schools of religion will t>e .set..up on a six-.

Gets Newman Alumni AssoCiation' A.ward

year 'basis for students in grades seven through 12. Classes will begin Sept. 017 and Will be held once each week for an hour on Monday evenings. ,Archbishop Cody reminded Catholic parents of their "serious obligation, binding in conscience," to cooperate with the Church in providing religious instruction for their children.' In preparation' for the renewed effort,' nine training courses will be conducted during August for CCD teachers and home visitors.

German !P«»fP'M~at;OD1l One-Third Cathofcrc

Builds 175 Churches . In 45-Year Period BRISBANE (NC)-Archbishop James Duhig has built 175 churches in the 45 years he has been A,rchbishop of Brisbane-better than one church for everY 1,000 Catholics in the archdiocese today. Statistics released here for the first' time show that since becoming Ord~nary in 1917 Archbishop Duhig has also built 85 convent schools, 75 convents, 60 rectories,' 9' boys' high schools, 3 'semiparies, 2 university' col-' leges and 12 other institutions of various kinds: The See now has 170,000 Catholics in a total pop'.dation of 620,000.· . . 'The Australian prelate is 90, ..nd has been a bishop since 1905 -longer than any other living' bishop; .

WA,SffiNGTON (NC) - Frlmcis A.' Roy, ~ea'ri, of liberal arts at the University of Arizona in Tucson, . has been selected for the 1962 Faculty Awai-d of the • • v_ • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Natiomil Newman Alumni AssoBEFORE . YOU ' ciatioll. because of his more than " BUY - TRY \: 25 yeats 'of contributions to the . Newrn,an movement. . 'Roy has been advisor to the Newman Club at .the University' of Ar.izona for some 25 years. He also is "an adivisor for MerOLDSMOBILE j' itl,ls, an organization which is 'a Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault ) . majoJ; supporteJ," ()f, the Newman 67 'Middle Street. FatrhaveYl Center development at the Tuc- . .... • .' .f. _+ • •' . . . .+_ ~'? .• "! -,,; son' institution and also is a membe.r, of the N:ewman Foun-' dation Co.rporatiQn board.


schools was denounced here by the head of the Catholic oriented Christian Actioll party. Jose L. Feliu Pesquera, CAP head, . berated the secularistic view of morality maintained by the .ad?1inistration of Gov. Luis Munoz Marin. He criticized the government's godless schOOl System and characterized as "totalitarian" the g!>vernment attempt to force an official morality upon public school students. Feliu posed the following questions: "What morals will be taught? Who will determine them? What would the government policy be about the moralo ity of divorce, birth control free love, adultery and pornogl raphy?" Asks Subsidy Pmn He advocated that the governc ment adopt a subsidy plan which would allow parents to send their' children to the schools of their choice, without government interference in the religious, 'racial or social fields. Gov. Munoz Marin, recently returned from a trip to the' United State and Europe, where he was received in audience by Pope John, told a press conference he favored teaching moral values in public schools, but expressed doubt that an acceptable teaching system could be de-' vised. He said if such a teaching, method could be found, he would support it. .


CO~0.aNE (NC)-Germany'o 27 mIllIon Catholics comprise more than a third of its total population, according to the new official Catholic directory pub-. lished here. The ':hurch Handbook thfl third pUblis.hed since the' war contains statistics for the period 1957 to 1961. Catholics in West Germany ;:omprise 44.6· per cent of the popUlation, the directory stated while those in Red-ruled East Germany account for 8.9 'pel!' cent .of ·the population.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:-:-Thurs.., Aug. 2" 19~~.' r -:" ... , .. ~












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Many .'Priests,'.Religious

ST. MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL; TAUNTON ' Other graduates of St. Mary's At the first graduatior, ex"ercises held' at St Mary's Parochial School, Taunton, in 1911 Father James Coyle, are Rev. R. Donald Kiernan 'of the Savann,ah, Ga. diocese; Rev. beloved pastor of the parish and staunch ad~ocate of Cath9- James Martin of the Holy Cross lic,education, announced plans for the opening of St. Mary's Fathers; Rev. George Benaglia, 'High School, and in Septe~­ C.S.C., president' of King's, Colher of that year three classes of schools; Rev. John E. Boyd, iege, Scranton; Rev. Gilbert ,on', the seCondary level were director of St., Vincent's Home, Sherry, O.P.; Rev.' Edward; ~. the Catholic 'Welfare Bureaudn ,O'Keefe,S,J. and Rev. Wm.- J.'started. The new 'project Fall River, and diocesan director Moore; S,J,; Rev. Henry Nadeau,


tailed the use of two small rooms -near the entrance of the grammar school and a large room' in the' Sisters' ~onvent. , Accommodations, were increased with an addition to the grammar school, a~d a barn at 'the rear of ;he school was 're'modeled to provide an additional classroom and a science laboratory. - ' ," Graduation exercises -we r e held in 1913 for students of the commercial department and two ,years later diplomas, w ere awarded to those who had cOmpleted 'the general or classical eourse. Msgr. Dolan Director St. Mary's High was renamed St. Mary's' Catholic Girls' High School in 1933 when Monsignor :Coyle High School opened its doors to boys in the area. , The purpose of edl,lcation at' school is to train young women to become true Chris.,. 'tians; with the inspiration 'of divine· grace and under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin 'Mary. Parishioners have proved by their deep interest and un,selfish cooperation how strong has been their desire -to further Catholic education., The fatherly solicitude and charity 'ofRt. Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, pastor of St. Mary's and director of the school, have in:spired students for the past 26 years. Priests Alumni ' The vineyaid.s of the Lord have _ often been replenished with workers who are alumni of St: Mary's. InCluded are the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty and Rt. ~ev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, chaplains in the U.'S.,armed forces;, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, former diocesan supesrintendent'


E](chCllnge Statlll~s BONN (N C) - Chancellor Konrad Adenauer has received a stone statue of St. John as a gift from' French President Charles DeGaulie, it was revealed here. During his visit to France, Adenauer had presented Gen. DeGaulle with a two-foot wooden figure of St. Magdalene ~ting fromt1?-e 15th centur¥o

Such was the beginning of the 'have made the world a better place to live in is' a long ,and Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred ,illustrious one. Hearts. 'Sustained by an unHoly' Union The curricu,1um an9. extra cur- shaken faith,' invincible confiricil1aractivities at St. Mary's dence' and a zeal which waa have given the' students an edu- proof ,against the 'most trying ,cation and :maturity that have conditions, the small group of ably 'prepared' them 'for life~ . three or four with, whom the Credit for their 'development 'founder \>E:gan his work tiav~ of radio activities. ,S.S.E.;. Rev. Francis Eagan, goes to the' Holy 'Union of the today pri>duced an order which in~udes 2,000, members in over Also Rev. John J. Casey, pas- C.S.S.P. Sacred Hearts. ' tor of Immaculate Conception Deceased alumni of the TaunOn Oct. ,19, 1886 the wooden 100 coilVEmts and schools, teachin North Easton; Rev. Francis ton school include Rev. William 'structure -,on the" present site' of ing some' 100,000 children 'alA B. 'Conriors, curate at Sacred F. Donahue and 'Rev. John J. the Academy 'of' the sacred over th.e world. Heart, ,Taunton; Rev. Edwin Donahue,' Rev. EdnlUnd J. N~n,:" Hearts in Fall River became the , Splendid Education Loew,pastor at St., Joseph's, an, Rev. John F. O'Keefe, Rev. first,convent hO,rne, in, America , St. Mary's also has a lay facWoods Hole; Rev.,James F. Mc- Francis J. Doherty; for these religious, who enjoy' a ulty composed of Mrs. Dorothea Carthy, curate a1 St. William's, ',Brother Albertus Smith of the justly-famed reputation in 'the 'McGovern and'Mr. Arth\lr MurJ"all River. ' , 'C~ngregation of the Holy Cross, e'ducational field. In a matter 'of 'phy;"each a parelj~ of five chilAlso Rev. James A. McCarthy;' long a teacher, at Coyl~ High, and -years' ,the nuns ' have' spre~d dren. Three 'Qf Mr. Murphy's cnate 'at St. John's, :.i\tUeboro;' ':soon. t'o 'teach, at Stonehill Col- ,through the Fall River 'diocese daughters are Religious' of "tl!,e Rev. William' ,J. ,McMahon, 'di- lege, is also a well ,knoWn St. , and now teach'at 14' schools. Holy Union of .the Sacred Hearts. rector of Cathedral' Camp and Mary's' alumnus, who 'spent ,his , 'This congregation' of teaching The first Tauntonian to enter : curate at St. Kilian's, New Bed- firSt, ~ee years at St. Mary:'s ,Religious was founded iP. 1826 the ranks of the Holy Union Of ,ford; Rev. Cornelius Kelliher, and 'hiS last year at the' new by 'Monsieur l'Abbe Jean ,Bap,- . the Sacred Hearts was Sister pastor at .St. ,Mary's in:'Se~~on~; Coyle' High. ' tiste ,Debrabant at riouai, in the nose Lucy, no~ deceased. The Rev. William D. Thomson, pas- .. Additionally, !,lmost 50 young diocese o~ cainorai, France:,This effect 'of the Holy Union nuns' tor at 51. Mary's" Norton. ' ladies have gone oq. fro~ the wor~hy priest of great piety and teaching has changed the Uv:ea In 'Religious Orders " famed school to become Iluns.' profound humility was chosen of thousands of youpg AmeriAlso Rev. Bernard Unsworth, Tlle,list of lay people who claim' ,by, Divine' Providence 'to save , cans 'who have come to them 'fOlt' pastor at St., Mary's, New Bed~ St. ,Mar.y's as their school and souls at a, time when Franc'e was guidance. Renowned -throughout , ford;' Rev. Howard" Waldron, - ' ,beginning to recover'- fro~ the the world as one of the finem pastor' of O.l:J.r Lady. of Victory, horrors of the gr~at Revolution. , of, the teaching Orders, the nUM Centerville; anci R,ev:·Walter J." 0 OU 5 ·In or,derto fight ,against ;the cOntinue to g~ve to, the childr~ Buckley,: pastor of St. Kilian'S;' ,sco·trge, of religious ignorance, of 'Taunton 'an education that h New Bedford., 'he resolved ,to found a society worthy' of 'tpe sacrifice theil? CINCINNATI <"N~) -:.. Pope devoted to,the ~achiIig ,o(youth. parents are makiri~ , John has, I?ra~se~ the C;itholic, 'Students Mission Crusade for itS 'program :'01 '~tUdY of ','mode,rn technical 'advances,' international, affah's, and world cul-, tureS." , ", ' Pope John indicated that this program will help CSMC members "assess more, accurately, in a changing world, the problems of the Cathoiic missions." , The Pope sent 'Archbishop Garl J. AlteI;' of c:incinnati, national president of the CSMC, a message of' "paternal greeting" in ,advance of the crusade's 20th _national convention, to be held beginning today at the University of Notre Dame. ' The work of the CSMC has been "a rich source of comfort and consolation" to his predeces_ sors and to himself, the Pope wrote. He added: "The program ,of prayer, study, and sacrifice which the members have proposed for themselves has in no small measure attained its Objective, that of placing before the minds of Catholic youth in the United States the difficulties of the' missionary Church, not only in other countries but in their own coWltry as well... ' :&ISGR. DOLAN' SISTER.. STANIS~AUS .JOSEPH,.,Principal

pope,' , J 'h n L d ',.·SS.·'o'-n"_'P,-ro'g'ro'm:

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