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Catholic Hospital Censu res Boston dJThe8 Appeals Decision ANCHOR Cit.y Hospital's On Certification Fetal Research Art Altfho, 01 .hC" Soul $11'(' mill



Vol. 1-7, No. 31, Aug. 2, 1973

BALTIMORE (NC) - A state health depsrtment action has been described as "improper and illegal" by the director of a Catholic hospital that has been involved in a dispute over abor~ tion. Alvin M. Powers, director of . Bon Secours Hospital here, made the charges in announcing the hospital will appeal a decision that denied it permission to build a new hospital in suburban Howard County. The hospital's board of trustees voted unanimously to appeal the. decision of Dr. Neil Solomon, state secretary of health, to a special board of review.

"A few words and brief review by Dr. Solomon cannot erase th:l damage, injustice and potential threat that has been incurred by Bon Secours Hospital and all Catholic hospitals by the actions of the Maryland Comprehensi~e Planning Agency and the subsequent coverup by Dr. Solomon," Powers said. Bon Secours was given tentative approval over Lutheran Hospital to build a general hospital in Howard County on condition that it provide referral services for patients seeking elective abortions and sterlizations. When Bon Secours administrators reTurn to Page Six

Peter's Pence, Shows Unity With Pontiff The traditional Peter's Pence collection which is sent to the Holy Father for his use in meeti.ng the mnny calls for assistance received from all over the world will be taken up this coming weekend in all churches and chapels of the Diocese. The Most Reverend Bishop writes in this regard: Dearly B~loved in Christ, The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has recently published a declaration which reaffirms a number of truths in the deposit of Faith which we all share and profess as our priceless heritage from the Divine Founder of our Church. The declaration identifies the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, as the "Successor of Peter," the "Pastor and Teacher" of us all. This most recent declaration is in perfect harmony with the constant teaching and practice of the Church, echoed all through the centuries. As Suecessor of Peter and Pastor and Teacher of the Universal Church, the Holy Father assumes ex,traordinary burdens and overwhelming responsibilities. It has been traditional to

manifest our devotion and loyalty to the Holy Father annually in the "Peter's Pence Collection." The offerings which we send each year to the Chief Shepherd of the Church enable him to respond to countless pressing needs of those afflicted by povepty, disease and other miseries. The occasion is also provided for a tangible expression of He our unity !with him. finds great consolation and comfort in receiving this manifestation of support and. solidarity. Amid his many crosses and anxieties, the great, world-wide outpouring of charitable 'assistance is a tremendous source of satisfaction and encouragement to

Price 10c

. $4.00 per year

Emphasizes Hospital Rights HARRISBURGH (NC) - The Pennsylvan'ia state legislature has been urged to pass a bill to protect the rights 'of medical institutions and individuals who refuse to participate in abortions or sterilizations. The bill would guarantee to hospitals, health care facilities, and physicians, nurses, staff members and employees of these institutions freedom of conscience in refusing to take part ,in these procedures. Howard H. Fetterhoff, executive director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, in testimony before the state House Health and Welfare urged immediate passage of the bill. , "It really does no more than make explicit in Pennsylvania law that First Amendment freedom sacred to all Americans," Fetterhoff said. Fetterhoff said he also hoped the bill would help allay the fears' of "all those, who might be threatened by a distorted interpretation of the United States Supreme Court's decision on abort'ion.''' He said the bill would insure that no individual. hospital or health care facility would be penaLized for expressing their ethicill, moral or professional convictions.

BOSTON (NC)-Massachusetts Citizens For Life (MCFL) called for state and federal investigations into medical experiments conducted here on aborted fetuses. Among the fetal experiments cited by MCFL were tests for the effects of nutrients on the heads of fetuses and for the passage of antibiotic drugs from the mother to the fetus. Both- experiments were conducted with: the help of funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The MCFL also cited a court affidavit filed in Connecticut indicating that aborted fetuses used for experimentation at YaleNew Haven Medical Center in New路 Haven, Conn., may have been dissected while still alive, without the benefit of anesthesia; and an experiment in which brain tissue extracted from aborted fetuses was kept alive for up to five months after the abortion. Referring particularly to the antibiotic experiments, which were conducted at Boston City Hospital (BCH), the MCFL called for an "immediate full and detailed investigation of all of the . circumstances related to this fetal experimentation." The BCH experiment, reported in the June 7 issue of the New

England Journal of Medicine, involved giving doses of two antibiotics, erythromycin and clindamycin, to pregnant women who were planning abortions. After the' abortions, tests were carried out on "fetal liver. spleen, kidney, lung, brain, muscle and bone." The organs and tissues were "homogenized," that is ground into an even mixture before the tests were conducted. The experiment was conducted on 14 aborted fetuses whose mothers had received the drugs, and six more untreated fetuses were tested as a control group. The conclusion of the study was that erythromycin,and clindamycin "may be reasonable alternatives to penicillin" in the treatment of some infections in the womb. The MCFL asked whether "any attempt" w.as made to keep the aborted fetuses alive at the hospital. It also questioned whether the organs and tissues were re'moved "while the child was still alive." "If not," the MCFL continued, "how long after the death of the child were the organs removed? Who pronounced the child dead? Was it the doctor doing the 'analyses? Were fetal death certificates filE:d on those children Turn to Page Six

Rector of Jesuit Community At Connolly High School

Very Rev. William G. Guindon, versity of Detroit. While in DeS.J., Provincial Superior of the troit, he served as a member of Society of Jesus in New England, the board of directors of the has announced the appointment Mandella Crisis Intervention hirn. of Rev. Maurice T. Lebel, S.J. Center, spiritual director to the Next weekend. the traditional to succeed Rev. Charles J. Dunn, Sisters of Mary Reparatrix, and "Peter's Pence Collection" will S.J. as rector of the Jesuit com- in various parochial ministries. be taken up at all Mas~es. I inmunity at Bishop Connolly High As rector of the Jesuit comvite and urge you all to particiSchool. Father Dunn will con- munity, Father Lebel brings a pate in Ithis collection with gentinue his association with stu- broad and varied. background to erosity. I beg your good prayers, Sc~uts dent life and work' by serving assisLRev. Thomas J. Gibbons, too, that God will favor our Holy as assistant dean of students at S.J. who continues as principal Father Pope Paul with a full and the Jesuit Fordham University of Bishop Connolly High School. abundant measure of His graces (By NC News Service) in New York City. and blessings. ' Now in its seventh year of opFor the first time in its- 63eration, the high school will conFather Lebel, a native of year history, the Boy Scouts of Devotedly yours in Christ, America will have a natiomil Brunswick, Me., entered the So- tinue to serVe the youth of Fall ffi DANIEL A. CRONIN, jamboree in two locations, with ciety of Jesus after obtaining a River under the joint administraBishop of Fall River. a large open air Mass celebrated bachelor of science degree from tion of the Brothers of Christian on Sunday, August 5, ,in both Fordham University and a year Instruction and the Society of . of Latin Study at the Schoql of Jesus. Saint Philip Neri for Delayed Terence Cooke of New York will be the main con- Vocations in Haverhill, Mass. After obtaining a Master's Decelebrant of the Mass at Jamboree-East in Moraine State gree in Philosophy from Boston Park, Pa. Over 15,000 Catholic College and a Licentiate in WASHINGTON (NC)-An of'- also to AID's promotion of con- scouts and leaders are expected Sacred Theology from Weston College, Father Lebel was orto attend. ficial of the U. S. Agency for In- traceptive devices." ternational Development (AID) Dr. R.T. Ravenholdt, director Meanwhile, Cardinal John dained to the priesthood in 1967 said he had no comment on of the Office of Population of Cody of Chicago will be the main at Saint Ignatius . Ghurch in charges (AID) is distributing, AID, from whom the Coalition- concelebrant of the Mass at Jam- Chestnut Hill, Mass., by the late "blasphemy" in birth-control lit- for Life "demanded a public boree-West in Farragut State Richard Cardinal Cushing. erature in Panama. apology," refused to comment on Park, Idaho. Bishop Michael F. His experience in secondary McAuliffe of Jefferson City, Mo., school educations includes teachThe charges were made by the their assertion. Coalition for Life, a research The coalition said AID funded episcopal adv,isor to the National ing chemistry at Cheverus High agency headquartered in Export, a request from its mission in, Catholic Committee on Scouting, School, Portland, Me., and serv. ing as chairman of the departPanama to buy 10,000 copies of will give the homily. Pa. It said: ,the pamphlet published in MexAnother first for the 1973 Na- ment of Theology at Cranwell "We object not only to the blasphemous cover, which fea- ico by a private concern. The tional Scout Jamboree, is that School, Lenox, Mass. tures a Mexican woman kneeling pamphlet, in comic-book form, the jamboree is opened to any In the two years prior to his before tne Blessed Mother and路 is called Los Supermachos (The' of the nation's 2.5 million scouts. coming to Fall River, Father Lepraying": 'Little Virgin, you who Super-Males)._ The purchase cost Previous jamborees had an age bel completed a degree program conceived without sin, teach me $1,10'0 under the Foreign Assis- or rank requirement for scouts. and internship in pastoral and to sin withoout conceiving;' but Turn to Page Six Turn to Page Two' marriage counseling at the UniFATHER LEBEL

Plan Open Mass

For Boy At Jamboree

AI D Birth Control Pamphlet PI~::~inal ' Adjudged as BIasp hemous


K of C Contributions to Charity Nearly 6.7 Million During 1972

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

Interest· in World, Justice Target of ·AII Catholl-ics FORT WAYNE (NC) - The plight of the deveioping worid should be of concern to all American Catholics, declared Bishop James S. Rauscl:-, general secretary of the United States Catholic Conference. . "The plight of the developing countries is in danger of becoming a forgotten factor of the inter- . national affairs," Bishop Rausch told the general chapter of the Crosier Fathers here: The theme of th:e bishop's address was "Justice in the World" - a problem he described as "perhaps the predominan't ethkal issue facing the Christian conscience." ' He said the Church "cannot simply be one more institution 'following a dominant trl\nd" of ignoring .the problems in the developirig countries. Bishop Rausch called upon the Church in the United States to "take as a priority item the task of ~obilizing and motivating its own constituency and other men of good will" to aid "the developing world." . Just Policy Such efforts, he said, should focus on the issue~ of foreign aid, trade policies and "a just global population policy." CaUtolics should be "visible, audible and intelligent participants" in the forthcoming United Nations' Population Year. "We shouid commit OUl' time, talent and energy with other men of good will to the conception and implementation' of a just global population policy," he said. . Population should be seen, he said, as one element of 1lI total development policy of increasing living standards and of pJ'Otecting personai rights and interests of individuals. " Challenge 'Is Large The challenge of intern(l,tional social justice facing American

Scout Mass Continued from Page One of 700,000 'scouts are expected to attend. Religious services will be provided for all major faiths at both jamboree locations, with 76 chaplains attending Jamboree-East (Aug. 1-7) and 68 chaplains attending Jamboree-West (Aug. 3-9). .

A total

Necrology AUG. 13 Rev. Edward J. Sheridan, .1896, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton. Rt. Rev.' Leonard J. Daley, 1964, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. AUG. 14 Rev. Raphael Marciniak, OFM Conv. 1947, Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River. ~ AUG. 15 Rev. Charles W. Cullen, .1926, Founder, Holy Family, East Taunton. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall"RJv~', Mass. Published every Thursday at '41Q Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid ,M.80 per ye,r.

Catholics is large, he said,' because of "our nation's posture and' position in the world." . The U. S. Church, he said, I • faces "an awesome challenge" 10 view of pre~ent inequities of international economics. . These inequities are often brought abo'ut by U. S. policies, he said. Th~ challenge comes to the Church when it recognizes, through Catholic teaching, everyone's right to "decent human development." One of the Church's tasks is in "informing, motivating and mobilizing I a community of people, directing it toward a specific human problem, and evoking from it a self-sacrificial response," he said.

Black ~athol ics Plan Convention NEW ORL'fANS (NC)-A combined conven'tion of black clergy, Religious and lay persons will be held Aug. 12-19 at Loyola University here,' under the sponsorship of the National Black Cath· olic Convention. . Marist Brother Joseph Hager, one of th~ee co-chairmen for the convention; said that the joint meeting indicates' that "although we come from various occupational backgr,ounds we are still abou~ the primary task of liberating black people." , The convention will deiil with three main concerns that affect black people, today: the Church in the black community, community development, and education. Dominica:l Sister Shawn Copeland, chairwoman of the convention committee, said the convention will be "an historic opportunity for :black Catholics to create a direction which is authentic, which arises from the grassroots and whk.h is totally representative of the black CaUtolic movement in 1973."

Protesters Provide Educatiot:l, Food

CHICAGO (NC),-The Knights, fraternal benefit societies with of Columbus contributed nearly an aggregate membership of 10 $6.7 million for charitable proj- million, tabulated that figure ects or benevolent expenditures from results of a questionnaire during' 1972, according to a Na- returned by 64 per cent of the tional Fraternal Congress (NFC) K cif'C councils polled. survey. Contributions included: The NFC an affiliation of' 96 $962,461 to youth activities, , . such as Boy or Girl Scout uri its, Catholic Youth Organization groups and Little League teams in various sports; $1,131,947 in grants for educaWASHINGTON (NC) - Offi- tional purposes and to schools, cials at the Catholic University libraries and scholastically ori. of America here are predicting ented institutions; $783,579 for food, clothing and a collection at the end of their fiscal year which will ~urpass other gifts to those facilit.ies; $878,455 to homes, 'hospitals last year's record-breaking $3.5 and institutions; . million for support of the univerto welfare organi~ $1,159,740 sity. zations and community and civic Collection figures already toprojects. taled $3.25 million with eight National membership in K of weeks ,rema~ning in the univerC is approximately 1.2 milion. sity's current fiscal year, which

Expect Record C. U..Collection


,Father Cho rest T9 Give Retreat

runs to the end of September. The collection, taken up in parishes across the country, has a' large percentage earmarked for student aid. Last year 700 students, . representing 66 dio-, ceses across the country, received Oatholic University schol- . arships. Programs deemed important to the Church. but which cannot support themselves with enough tuition income or outside grants, are also supported by the annual collection funds. The university's strong dependence on this collection stems from the fact that its endowment funds are minimal when compared to other universities, accoraing to university officials. According ·to the American AsI • sociation of Universities studies, True Devotion a unjversity the size of Catbolic Ordained in 1942, Father University should have an enCbar~st has traveled extensively' dowment of $100 million. It has 'throughout the Unit~d States, an operating budget of $25 miP lion. Cana~a and the Pqilippines, By tradition, the Catholic Unipreaching and lecturing on the subject of true devotion to Mary, versity continues to concentrate 'according to the writings of his on education in the lib~ral arts, ,founder, St. Louis de Montfort. social services, theology, nursSince 1947, when he was in- ing, philosophy and library scivited to lecture at the first Inter- ence. national Legion of Mary ConPatience gress, in Ottawa, Canada, he has . Have patience with all the devoted 'much time to the study world, but first of all with yourof the Marian spirituality of the self. Legion of Mary. He has written many: artiCles on the subject, including two pamphlets entitled: "Are You Acquainted With the Inc. Legion of Mary?" and "Our Lady and lier Legion." Funeral Service Father Charest lectured at the International Marian Congress in Edward 'F. Carney Lourd~s, 1958. He is a member 549 County Street of the Mariological Society of New Bedford 999-6222 ' America and of the International Serving the area since 1921 Marian Academy in Rome. Rev. Roger Charest, S.M.M., a native of Fall River and former pastor of St. Peter's Church, Dighton will conduct a retreat for members of the Legion of Mary, the weekend of Oct. 26 at Sacred Hearts Academy,' Fairhaven. The Montfort Missioner, who attended St. Anne's parochial school, Fall River, founded "Queen" magazine in 1950 and 'was its editor until 1961 when he was named provincial supe·· rior 'of his community for the United States and Borneo. In 1969 he was reappointed to the editorship ·of "Queen." He is also director or Montfort Publications and national moderator for the Confrat~rnity of Mary, Queen of All 'Hearts, and Priests of Mary.

WASHINGJ:'ON (NC)-Education and feeding the poor are two primary functions of the Community for Creative Non-Violence, bu~ the group has received most attention for sponsoring almost daily I protests at the White' Hous~ against. U. S. bombing in Indo-China. l The protests have led to the Serve Christ arrests of more than 40 people for "unlawful entry." Many of The Legion of Mary is a Caththose arrested 'have been priests olic lay organization whose or nuns. . . members dedicate themselves to There has heEm no violence ·in the serviCe of their fellow man the protests because, according through the corporal and spirto Paulist Father Edward Gui- itual works of mercy under the nan, a founder of the community guidance of the hierarchy. Totalin 1971, "we can't imitate a so- ly consecrated to Christ through ciety we're accusing of being Mary, its members endeavor not violent." ' only to seek Christ in their felIn an interview with NC News, low, man, but to serve Him with Father Guinan said that many· of that same loving care Mary gave the officials who have ordered the her Sort while she lived here on bombings in Indo-China and who earth. Furtber information on -the have directed the war from the beginning are graduates of well- October retreat is available from known colleges' and universities. . Mrs. Jean Fairhurst, telephone "Good people," he said; are the 672-3623; Miss Barbara McMann, ones' who are ordering the 822-6767; and Miss Marie Lebombing." : beau, 9l)6-5388.

Vigil of Prayer In N:ew Bedford A First Friday Mass and five hour prayer vigil will be held Friday night, Aug, 3 in St. Boniface Chur,ch, New Bedford. The services will be tbe tenth in a series of vigils at area parishes, held for the purpose of praying for peace and honoring the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The program will begin with confessions preceding an 8 P.M. Mass of the Sacred Heart. Included in the evening will be 'exposition of the Blessed Sacra:ment; Holy Hour and Benediction. The vigil will end with a, midnight Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart. Refreshments will be served during the evening, and all are invited to attend all or part of the services. Further information is availabl at St. Boniface rectory, New , Bedford.

V1ichaeI C. Austin


HY ANNIS 775.0684 South Yarmouth 398-2201 Harwich Port 432-0593




Sumner'James Waring, Inc./Thomas J. Ashton & Son, Inc. CITY LOCATIONS 178 Winter St.l466 North Main St .. Fall River . SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea.


Language Course Lessens Barrier For Immigrants DOUGLASTON (NC)-A sixweek crash program in Italian and Spanish, attended by 48 priests, seminarians, one woman and two Lutheran ministers at Immaculate Conception Seminary here, in New York has had an enthusiastic response here' from its participants as a way of commun!cating with new immigrants. TOO unprecedented in-residence course, just concluded, was designed to aid clergy to meet pastoral needs of non-English-speaking Catholics primarily in the diocese of Brooklyn, which cov: ers the two New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. It is estimated by Brooklyn diocesan officials that for more than half of the Catholics here English is a second language. Since the ,immigration laws were changed in 1965, new migrants from Italy and Southern Europe -many of them young families - have arrived, in this area. Spanish-speaking Catholics from Puerto Rico, Cuba and other Latin American countries also have continued to flow into the city. Table Talk Students in the course lived at the seminary five d~ys a week. They made frequent evening field trips -to Spanish-speaking or Italian parishes to pai"ticipate in local Church activities. Table talk was ,in the language they were studying. Classes taught by six Italian teachers and eight Spanish were repetitional, and entirely in the language being taught. There was a language laboratory for Italian learners. Students also learned by means of cassettes. According to Father Martin T. Geraghty, program director, students were amazed to find, when they returned to home parishes on weekends, that they could converse with non-English speaking parishioners, arrange Mass'es and listen with a new ear to old troubles poured out in confessions. Father Geraghty noted that the migration office of the diocese has been encouraging most of its 220 parishes to have some kind of foreign language facility for foreign-born newcomers.

Catholic Teachers Shape Future

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2, 1973


Sisters Announce Country Fair Friends of the Presentation of Mary will hold a country fair from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12 on tM grounds of the community's novitiate, 3012 Elm St., Dighton. Features will include games, refreshments, "treasures 'and trash," homemade candies and pastries and children's attractions. The annual event was formerly held on the grounds of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. A chicken' barbecue, for which ,ticket sales will close Monday, Aug. 6 will be served from noon to 3 p.m. Tickets are available at the D()vitiate; Madonna Manor, Attleboro; and Marian Manor, Taunton. In Fall River they may be obtained from Grace Keramis, telephone 8-7457 and at -St. Anne's Hospital. For Migrants Proceeds will aid the community's Fall River drug clinic, migrant workers' clinic in Texas and medical mission in India. Rain date for the bazaar ·is Sunday, Aug. 19.

Vote School Aid COLUMBUS (NC)-TheOhio VICTORS BECOME LOSERS: Bishop Edward D. Head of Buffalo; who assumed his state legislature has passed post earlier this year, laughs at the sign some wag posted at the recen~ Clergy Open a bill that will appropriate $81,456,090 for the next two Golf Tournament held at the Wanakah Country Club. NC Photo. school years for 'additional aux'iliary services to non-public school students. Gov. John Gilligan is expected to sign the bill that will benefit approximately ROME(NC) - Pope Paul VI Vatican, Archbishoil Benell~ said. Creation of the international 300,000 nonpublic elementary synod of bishops. sincerely desires that every Vatiand secondary school students. Admitting that the Church is can department collaborate with also human and progress often Reform and reorganization of bishops of the world in governPoverty ing a united Church, said Arch- slow, the archbishop offered as the Roman Curia, the attempt at I had rather be poor for Thee bishop Giovanni Benelli, papal signs of a genuine reaching-out internationalizing its personnel, than rich without Thee. under-secretary of state, who to the local churches some of bringing in local bishops in lead-Thomas a Kempis ership roles. was criticized earlier this year Pope Paul's actions: as "an archc.entralizer." Archbishop Benelli described Pope Paul's desire for collaboration in a speech given in Augsburg, Germany during the commemoration of the I,OOOth anniversary of the death of St. Ulrich, Our Lady of the Angels Church ~ bishop of Augsburg. An English (,\1~ O~ text of the speech has now been ~<) published h~re. Referring to "sensational criti~o\,\ ,~ oS' cisms" in the press, charging that bishops are not ,truly represented at the Vatican nor informed of what the Vatican is planning and that collaboration is waning, the archbishop stated: Thursday, -August 9 Everyone invited to take part in Procession Silver Stars Orchestra 'Really Desired' Portuguese and American "Of one thing I am., certain,_ Music SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1 P.M. through daily and direct experi-

Pope Wants Collaboration With Bishops

ence: in the Curia (the Church's central administration) of Paul VATICAN CITY (NC)-Teach- VI, communion with all the ers share in 3haping the future of bishops and effective collaboracivilization, Cardinal Jean Villot, tion with all' the churches is Pope Paul's secretary of state, really desired." told the World Union of Catholic In March, English Jesuit Father Teachers gathered in Rome for Peter Hebblethwaite, fit a series their eighth world congress. of newspaper articles, criticized "The salvation of human dig- Archbishop Benelli as "an archnity demands, for the most part, . centralizer," using "repressive on the formation of the new gen- methods of control," and being erations," the cardinal said in a secretive and mysterious." letter. In the Pope's first encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam, the archbishop "This formation ought to be the' common work of the family, said, Pope Paul asked bishops for society and the school (each of their "adherence, counsel and which is) responsible for the' support ... and, (their) collabofuture of civilization," Cardinal ration, while we off~r you ours." Villot said. Progress Often Slow Pope Paul ha'S; since the, Sec- ' Forming the child toward an appreciation of freedom which ond Vatican Council, tried to de- . includes self-denial and service velop and strengthen this collabto others, the cardinal continued, oration in order to unify the Church in communion with the "is the ideal of the educator."

,----...;...--------------------:. Our Lady of the Angels Feast .


EVERY NIGHT •• 7 P.M. to 11 P. M. SUNDAY •• 1 P. M. to 11 P. M.


Friday, August 10 Be-Be's Musical Tops Musical Variety Show


Saturday, August 11 Our Lady of the Angels ,Band Concert



Bazaar - Food - Games - Refreshments Booths

.Music - Prizes ...... Auctions



Sunday, August 12 "Feast Mass-ll :45 A.M. Procession-l P.M. Os Lusitanos Portuguese Orchestra


CHURCH HALL GROUNDS, Tuttle and Benjamin Streets - - South.End - - Fall River


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~": Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

Teamsters Resent Clergy Support,ing Chavez, Union You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. For years on end, Ilberals of one stripe or another have been criticizing the clergy for their real or alleged failure to stand up and be counted in the field of social justice. Today the clergy are being criticized even more severely expertise hI' lack of expertise in -this time by cons()rvatives the field of collective bargaining is pretty much beside the point. including conservati ve labor

"In o'ther words, regardless of _what you' may think about my qualifications in this area-and regardle'ss ,of the pros and cons of the NLRA issue as such-the crucial point to bear in mind is that your overall position with regard to ~he farm labor contro'versy puts the Teamsters com· pletely at' odds with the overwhelming majority of those who' can legitimately claim to have at least a modicum of'competence in the field of collective bargaining.

leaders-for the opposite offense. By way of example, listen to what is being said about those members of tt,~ clergy-Prates-


'Ivory Tower Theorists' .tant· as well as' Catholics-who , have spoken out In favor of the . United Farm Workers Union. The way their conservative crit· icsare telling the story, you would think that these well· intentioned clerics are a bunch of ignorant boobs who don't know enough to come' in out of the rain. My good friend Frank Fitzsimmons, president of the Teamsters International, is leading the conservative pack in this regard. In almost every public statement he has made on the farm labor crisis in C~lifornia, Fitz· simmons has severely criticized the clergy for getting involved in the Teamster-Farm Workers struggle. He did it again on July 12 in a major and, widely publicized address to the Comstock Club (an organization of businessmen, be -it noted) in Sacramento, California. Lack 'Expertise' Fitzsimmons told his Sacramento audience tbat he' was "thoroughly" amazed at -the nearly total vacuum of knowl-, edge 'in the collective bargaining process by those (clergymen) who fanatically support the twentieth century mystic·-Cesar Chavez." The clergy, he said, lack the necessary "expertise" to 'deal with complex problems in the area of collective bargaining and labor-management relations. . I . Some weeks ago Mr. Fitzsim-' mons did me the honor of personalizing this criticism in a letter complaining about something I had written in this column with reference to the Teamster-Farm Workers controversy. Ho said, in summary, that I was ignorant of the complexities of the sub· ject under discussion. My rejo.inder-whoich can also stand , as a reply to his more generalized criticism of the clergy in his recent Sacramento spl~ech­ read, in part, as follows: At Odds With Majorilty "You state in your letter that you were 'thoroughly surprised' by my recent column since you had ,thought that I was 'more knowledgeable in collective bargaining matters.' I am sony you feel th·at way about 'it, but, when all is said and done, my personal

"You sta'te, in this connection, tl-,-at those who have critidzed your recent farm worker con· tracts 'have only an ivory tower conception pf what feirm workers need.' I think you will admit that that covers a lot of ground. It includes, for example, George Meany, Leo,nard Woodcock, and a number of other prominent labor leaders who have told me privately that they completely disagree wi'th the Teamsters in this issue. To put it even more pointedly. I have yet to meet a single labor leader anywhere in the United' States (olltside of your own' International) who agrees with you ih this regard. "I might add that your sweep· .ing criticisrrt of those who' disagree with I the' Teamsters,' also includes the overwhelming majority of labor reporters, labor economists, and clergymen (of all faiths) who have had any contact with the farm labor problem in recent yea'rs. In my judgement, , it would be a serious mistake on your part to pretend that all of these people are ivory tower the'orists who don't know what they are talking ahout." , I am not surprised; of 'course, that the Teamsters are so upset about the r'ole the clergy are playing in the current' farm Jabor dispute. That's par for the course. But surely they ought to' be good enough (as the biggest union in the United States) to say what they really think ahout the clergy in' this regard instead of pretending' that they are only concerned about the clergy's alleged incompetence in the area oj collective bargaining and labor-management relations. . That's not ~hat they mean at all. What they really mean is that they are angry at the clergy for supporting the United Farm Workers and opposing the Teamsters in the' current Ca:Iifornia crisis. If the reverse were true; you could bet :your bottom dollar that they would welcome the intervention of, the clergy and would not be arguing that the dergy are technically incompe- . tent to express an opinion in this area. In other words, it' all depends 'upon whose ox is being -' gored. ( © 1973 NC Features) ,

::'.~~~ • .#."#~'';'j~.'





THE BISHOP, COMES TO TEA: Bishop Michael G. Bowen of Arundel a,nd Brighton, south of London, England, chats with a group of parishioners as he makes a pastoral visit to one ,of his churches. What. nicer way to spend a sunny afternoon? NC Photo.

,Pro-Life Message Spreads, in Spanish MIAMI (NC)-In the two years s'ince it was first organized,' Miami's Spanish Right-to-Life C01J1mittee has grown from a small local group to an organization that is international in scope. Its main effort is to spread the

pro-life message not only to the translated the Willke's handbook Spanish-speaking in the United and the pamphlet "Life and States, but to the rest of th~ Death" into Spanish. Although Spanish-speaking world as well. the group lists only 110 official Working in cooperation with members they have many others the U. S. Coalition for Life, the assisting them, she said. Spanish committee is now filing Stress International for its own charter while trans· The same material will soon be I lating books, pamphlets and other Iiteratu're on abortion and 'forwarded to Protestant religious euthanasia . for dissemination leaders by the Rev Martin Anespecially :n South American gora of Miami, a native Cuban Presbyterian minister who serves countries. . According to Mrs, Magaly L1a- on the committee's board of PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A lot directors. of food was cionated during a guno,a native of Havana who In addition the group is seekrecent budget dispute which held was elected a member-at-large'of ing the cooperation and assistthe National Right-to-Life Comup Pennsylvania welfare payance of pre3ident-couples of the meQts for almost two weeks, bu.t mittee during its recent conven- Christian Family Movement in perhaps none of the food was tion in Detroit, the Miami group Mexico and Brazil, to make congiven the same kind of. under- has already assisted in the' for· tact with other CFM groups in standing as the 300 loaves of mation Qf right-to-life groups in Latin America. bread and seven cases of canned Spain, the Dominican Republic' Respect for ,life campaigns ingoods that were distributed at and Guatemala. augurated by the committee are Sees Efforts Expanded Assumption Church here. now being, conducted in Latin "Recently we sent 25 of the c0'11munities throughout the The food was donated by 800 inmates at Leesburg State Prison, 'Handbook on Abortion' by br. United States and with' those ,a 'medium security prison and and Mrs. J. C. Willke and, pam- underway, Mrs. Llaguno said, the minimum-security prison·farm in phlets to 25 bishops in South emphasis is being placed "on the America through Father Fred- internationai scene where we Southern N~w Jersey. erick McGuire, director of the feel there is a greater need for "Some of the men here are Latin, America Division of the our services at the present time." very poor - on welfare themUSCC (United States Catholic selves," said Stanley Waltz, as·· Conference)," she said, "'We sistant superintendent. "They felt sorry because people were re- hope that the bishops will'in turn BEFORE YOU. duced to getting in trouble be- pass this information on to the BUY -TRY laity and encourage them in this cause of the lack of food." apostolate since organized ef· Waltz said three prisoners - ' forts are being expanded in these Eugene Silas, Lester Tingle and countries to liberalize abortion' Raymond Turcotte-saw a TV laws there." news report on a welfare-related Under the direction of Mrs. OLDSMOBILE demonstration here. They ,talked Llaguno, .wh<l is president of the '.. 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven with ,fellow prisoners and soon a Miami committee, members have consensus was reached to forego bread at three meals and donate the fbod to welfare recipients. The vote in favor of the donation was unanimous at both the prison and the farm, Waltz said~ The Cardinal's Corpmission on' DISPENSING OPTICIAN Human Relations here set up the Assumption Church connection. Complete Optical Service 450 HIGH STREET Philosophy FALL RIVER PJ-.'i!osophy is the art of arts For Appointments and science of sciences. Call 678·0412 -St. John of Damascus

Prisoners Give Food to Poor



Anrone S. Fenor Jr.

Pro-Life Group Elects Officers CHICAGO (NC)-·Dr. Matthew I3ulfin of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. has been elected tl-te first president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists here. Dr. .Tohn G. MastE'rson of Chicago was elected secretary, and Dr. Vincent A. Conti of Fort Lauderdale was elected treasurer. A graduate of Stritch School of Medicine of Loyola University here, Dr. Bulfin later served on its faculty of obstetrics and gynecology. He is a member of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American College of Surgeons, and the Florida Medical Association. The pro-life association group, organized at a Florida meeting last May, is committed to a strong stand in defense of human life at all stages from the moment of conception It is intended as an avenue of expression for obstetricians and gynecologists who are' opposed to the pro-abortion posture of otl-,-er professional organizations. The programs of the association for the coming year will include a survey of the entire membership of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecplogists to determine not only their position on ab.ortion but the nature and degree of their involvement. Also planned is a national register for the study of maternal deaths and morbidity associated w,ith abortion procedures. This will acquaint tbe medical profession and public with the risks associated with abortion.

Start Reading Bible, Scholar Sugge'sts SAN DIEGO (NC)-The best way to' learn about the Bible is deceptively simple, according to a biblical scholar. "The first thing you should do is to start reading it," Father Luis Schokel said. "Some people begin by reading the introduction or books about the Bible but never start reading it...· The Spanish·born Jesuit, who is on the faculty at Rome's Pontifical Biblic!ll Institute, was interviewed on a visit here. "There are many different approaches to the Bible," he went· on, "but one of .the best is through prayer. In the book of the Psalms you b:lve the whole Bible transformed. into prayer, You have the history, you have the wisdom, you have the prophetic, and the different situations we face in life made into prayer. "Through tbe Psalms you can open the way into all of these. This is one excellent Way to start, which can be very personal, since prayer is personal." Father Schokel criticized many footnotes in current editions of the Bible for being "too technical, relating to questions which really are irrelevant to reading the Bible.;' Beauty in Psalms A professor of Scripture and theology, hls cons::iousness of the relation~hip between social justice and the Bible is pronounced. "Happy. 'are those who thirst for justice" is his ideal.of Christian concern. "The young people are turned off organized religion today be-

Says New Decree 'Widel.y SAN FRANCISCO .(NC) Jesuit Father Francis J. Buckley argued last year that .children under 10 are not obliged to go to confession before receiving first Communion. But his reaction to a new Vatican dec13ration banning later confession experiments was: "I like it." In response to a telephone inquiry by NC News. Father Buckley, wbo is a professor of dogmatic theology and catechetics at the University of San Francisco and president of the College Theology Society, stated: "The recent decree of the Congregations for the Discipline of the Sacraments and for the Clergy has been widely misinterpreted. "Thz law of the Church remains that no one is obliged to confess unless he has committed serious sin. The purpose of the decree is to put an end to the experiment of not allowing children to confess before first Communion, or of not introducing children (by failing to teach them about the existence and value of penance as well as how to confess) until after first Communion. 1901 Decree "If tbe child does not know how to confess, he is not truly free to reCf~ive the sacrament. The Church quite properly wants to protect his freedom. "The decree states that Quam Singulari 'i.:; henceforth to be observed by all.' Quam Singulari was directed against the abuse of forbidding sacramental absolution to young children." ~


... 4.



THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2, 1973

cause. they do not see it on the side of justice," Father Schokel said. "They say 'the God who doesn't believe in justice is a scandal.' PaLriotism is no substitute for justice. It is more. important to be a Christian than to be an American 01' a Spaniard." Priests from the pulpit can do much more to bring to Catholics tbz beauty of the Bible. He suggests that ouring some periods the priests should deal with the Psalms, then another period of the year with the Gospels. "Too often the pulpit homily' deals only with the Gospel, overlooking the Old Testament. There is much beauty for private prayer in the Psal:ns, the ejaculatory

type of prayer, which we are missing." God-Image of Man Father Schokel very much endorses the antllropomorphic view of God. "In the first chapter of the Bible you get the key-God says that man was made in the image of God. This verse must be applied to the whole Bible. "The w~K)le Bible is about God-but the image of man, because man IS the image of God. If you leave out that first sentence, the rest becomes nonseQse because you are then speaking not of God but of a creation of your mind in a human image. "But if you read that man js the image of God, then it is not an idol you are talking about. It is the oniy way' to God.. And then you come to Christ who says He is the way That is why I insist on the human life and the anthrop,1morphic aspects of God."


Score Atrocities In' Bolivia WASHINGTON (NC) - In a strongly worded statement the Justice and Peace division of the U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) has denounced "the systematic, long-standing and violent repression of human rights in the Republic of Bolivia." The USCC division's statement came in response to a call by the Bolivian Bishops' Justice and Peace Commission asking sister organizations around the world to focus world attention on the political imprisonments, torture, and death in that country. The usce unit, headed by Father J. Bryan Hehir, said that the list of nations which have violated the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights "is long and does not exclude our own country."

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Quam Singulari, a 1910 decree of the Vatican's Congregation on the Sacraments, states: "The age of discretion both for confession and for Holy Communion is that at which the child begins to reason, that is, at about the seventh year, more or less." The decree further says: "The custom of never admitting children to confession, or of never absolving them when they have arrived at the use of reason, is to be disapproved entirely." Father Buckley explained that in many places where there have been experiments with delaying sacramental Penance, religious educators have failed to teach children about Penance until the third or fourth grade, or parish priests have refused to hear younger children's confessions. Reaffirms Right But he pointed out that, on the other hand, Church law does not oblige anyone to go to confession unless he has committed serious sin, and the new decree does not change this law. . Hence, Church law says on the otber hand, that no one can be forced to go to confession as a prerequisite for Communion unless he. is in a state of serious sin. On the other hand, it saye that no one who has reached the use of reason, or discernment be-

Greatness Persons' and things look great at a distance, which are not so when seen close. -Cardinal Newman

tween right and wrong, can be refused access to the sacrament of Penance. The new decree 1S a reaffirmation of tbis right, Father Buckiey said. He added that he was principally cqncerned with the confusion that many people may have over the whole matter. The best pastoral approach, he indicated, might be one that creates the least confusion and dissension.

Notre Dame U. Has Ciyil Rights Center NOTRE DAME (NC)-A Center for Civil Rights has been established at the University of Notre Dame with a $500,000 grant from the Ford Foundation. Holy Cross Father Theodore .M. Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame, said: "Our nation is now in retreat from the civil rights advances of the last 20 years, and there is urgent need for research into America's recent civil rights history, for analysis of current civil rights issues, and for recomm'endations designed to meet the problems of today and of the immediate future." Father Hesburgh, who is also former chairman of the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, said that the objectives of the center will include public policy analysis in the fields of civil and human rights, analyzing civil rights problems and proposing solutions, and preparing a history of civil rights developments during the period 1957 to 1972.

Guaranteed Interest on Terms of 2~ years to 4 years. Minimum Deposit $1,000

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Interest Earned From Day of Deposit and Paid or Compounded Quarterly. ALL DEPOSITS INSURED IN FULL.


Catholic Hospital

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

People and Peace If there is anything that the continued violence in Northern Ireland and the rumors of violpnce coming out of Portuguese areas can underline is ~hat the mere presence of the Church in these areas is no guarantee that holiness and peace and goodness will prevail. Sometimes people' have the notion that the Church has merely to speak the word and &ll will be well. Churchmen, the Pope included, have only to command peace and justice, they believe) and all will be well. This can happen about as much as it does happen with the life of the individual Cat.holic. He knows what· he believes, how he should live, what me~ns of holiness the Chufchholds out to ·him. But he is not thereby automatically a holy person. Sometimes people give too much credit to the power of the Church. They are the ones who see her as the monolithic structure having only to command in order to receive absolute obedience. The Church in her divine aspect is Christ, living throughout all ages, bearittg salvation in His hands. The Church in: ~her human aspeet is people, people' of all kinds and manner, people with all the qualities and potential for both good and evil that humanity is .open to. The Church cannot compel holiness. Her power is a moral power. Her Pope and Bishops and priests can' proclaim the Word of God, urge conformity to the Image of Christ, make available the fruits of salvation, but people themselves must say Yes. As St. Augustine once remarked, "God, Who created you without your consent, will not redeem you without your cooperation." For holiness, for peace, people must cooperate.

Limit the 'l,me The Congress of: the United States is working on a bill that will limit the amount a candidate for office may spend on a campaign. It will also limit the amount of money an individual may give to a candidate. This is a worthy attempt to call a halt to the seemingly inexhaustible amount of money spent in the course' of a political campaign. The abuses are obvious-a candidate cannot help but be indebted to those who contri~ bute to his campaign with large amounts of money and to those special interests who have the money to give but with their own purposes in mind which they hope to make his purposes as well. Perhaps what is also required is a bill that will limit the time spent on an active political campaign..Everyone knows that some people run for office all the time am} the incumbent always has this going "for him-an office, paid employees, the opportunity to do things for people . the year round. But it might be well 'to consider the British system where the actual active campaign is limited to the several weeks immediately. before the election date. These are furious and fast weeks, but it would seem to be better to squeeze all the activity into a shorter period of time than to stretch it out over the better part of a year. And there is a limit to the amount of money that a party or a person can spend in six weeks. No one can really buyout the radio and television networks and the daily newspapers for a whole six-weeks period. That would be just too obvious even by liberal American standards. It would seem, then, that the .attempts to limit money spent on a campaign should be two-pronged-limit the am.,ount a person can give and a candidate may spend; but limit also the time, period for active campaigning.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. DOiniel A. Cronin, D.D.,\S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo,·M.A. Rev.. John P. Driscoll ~

Leary Press-Fall River



~.!---(·--',V - .

Continued from Page One fused to comply with the conditions on religious and' legal grounds ( Maryland law states that health facilities cannot be required, to perform abortion or sterilization procedures or to refer patients to other facilities that will), certification was reo voked and given to Lutheran Hospital.' 0 Bon Secours appealed the decision to Dr. Solomon who upheld Lutheran's certification. Dr. Solomon repeatedly said that all issues of abortion, family planning, and stcrlization should not and would not be used in determining which of the "two good hospitals" would he the best to build this facility. Saying that Bon Secours' proposal for a Howard County health park would provide "the best and most com-' prehensive nealth care system" for that area, Powers said "this leaves no doubt in my mind" that Bon Secours' refusal to refer abortion patients to other hospitals "was the only instrument used to revoke certification." In announcing his decision to uphold Lutheran's certification, Dr. Solomon told NC News that the referral issue did not enter into consideration, "not even a little bit."

Under' Both Species Little Health Risk Seen in Drinking From Common Chalice CHICAGO (NC) - There is little health risk involved in dririking from a common chalice when receiving CommiJnion, according to a physician writing in the July 16 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Assnciation. . In an article in the QuestionAnswer column of the AMA publication, Dr. Edward P. Dancewicz of th~ Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, said that there are very few bacteria of any ·sort on a person's lips-and the chance that any of those are pathogens (disease-bearing bacterhl)' is not very great. He cited earlier studies indicating that fewer than 100 bacteria are deposited on the cup by the average person's lips. Even if there are some pathogens among these, Dr. Dancewicz said, the next person will pick up few of them and swallow even fewer. Moreover, he sa,id, the . body can deal effectively with a small number of pathogens.

"It was a judgmental decision and a very hard one to make, but it really wasn't an overwhelming decision," Dr. .Solomon said. "This decision in no way will put in jeopardy the future of religious hospitals in the state."

He suggested that the risk can 'Explosive Situation' be further reduced by wiping the edge of the cup with a cloth after "Religious institutions and each use, by using separate' cups, their personnel should be guided or by intinction, the practice of by that conviction,"· he condipping the ·host into the wine tinued. "Religious conviction instead of passing the chaNce should never be in conflict with around. the state." Wiping the cup with a dry Referring to similar statements cloth will remove 90 per cent of . by Dr. Solomon, Powers said, the bacteria, Dr. Dancewicz said. "Dr. Solomon's statements con· He also said that the alcoholic cerning the nmission of religious content of the wine-usually 12 practices, abortion and sterilizato'14 per cent-has no' "chem- tion from hts review were made ical disinfectant effect" because to put a lid on a potentially exnormally only about five seconds plosive situation that had raised elapse before the next communi- concerns of alarming proportions cant drinks from the chalice. in Maryland and across the naThe practice of receiving. tion." Calling Dr. Solomon's review' Communion under both species has gained in popularity in the "totally unsatisfactory," Powers Catholic Church in recent years, said the review was conducted particularly at weekday Masses, in a "hasty manner," the meth>small group Masses,. and Masses odology and procedures used for special occasions such as were "undear, evasive and unweddings or ord-inations. A num- documen~ed:' and that the criber of Protestant denominations teria used were not substantiated have a long standing tradition or adequately exp~ained. . . Adding that the review lacked of receiving under ,both forms. "factual and objective founda· tion;" Powers said that "the facts that were .at his disposal don't support his criteria or justify' his respects the freedom 'of parents decision." to decide on the number of children, some Catholic organizati<)11s have denounced its massive use of contraceptives. Continued. from Page One Population agencies in :panama over 20 weeks from conception said AID was assisting "their as required by law?" efforts to ,improve the quality of The MCFL also asked whether life" of Panamanian citizens.. the mothers who reportedly gave In Mexico Octavio Colrnenares, their informed consent for the publisher of Supermachos, said experiments were told of "the the caption and the inside text exact, nature of the experimentawere intended to support. the tion including the homogenizagovernment's campaign for "re- tion of the tissues of their offsponsible parenthood," not to of- spring?:' fend Catholic readers. He added the first printing of Kindness ·270,000 was quickly exhausted Be kind to aU and severe to· and 65,000 more were printed to meet local demand and the AID thyself· purchase. St. Teresa of Jesus

"Blasphemous Pamphlet Continued from Page One tance Act funded with U. S. taxpayers money, the coalition added. Randy Engel, coalition director, said it will seek a congressional inquiry into the role of AID in financing population controls abroad, and possible albortion and sterilization practices. The ~coalition has been critical of domestic birth control programs of the Office of Population Affairs of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). The Mexican government is engaged in a controversial. "responsible parenthood" program to curb population growth'there. While officials said the program

Fetal Research



Arrest Pickets, For Contempt Of Court BAKERSFIELD (NC)-Sheriff's deputies arrested 450 United Farm Worker Union pickets here in California for violation of court orders restricting strike activity at vineyards and farms. The sh·eriff's office said that while there was no violence, there was "passive resistance" by some of th~ strike,:s. Tile day' before, July 17, Cesar Chavez, UFWU leader, had requested the U. S. Attorney General's office to ,investigate what he said were civil rights violations by Kern CQunty court ancl law enforcement officials. Chavez was especially incensed by injunctions which limit the use of bullhorns by pickets to one hour a day and the Hmit of one picket every 100 feet adjacent to a vineyard or farm. Chavez charged that Kern County's courts and law enforcement agencies were taking part in "a systematic infrigement of our constitutional rights." He said, "We have no intention of having our strike broken by unconstitutional means." In a statement issued after the arrests, Chavez said bis union did not encourage the violation of court orders, "but our own people decided to challenge them." Reduced Charges Chavez has been especially critical of Kern County District Attorney Albert M. Leddy for reducing felony charges against - 30 Team.ster guards who were arrested several weeks 'ago for attacking a UFWU picket line. Leddy admitted that the charges were reduced to misdc: meanor complaints in relating to 10 Teamsters, but he blamed UFWU members for refusing to cooperate when deputies investi·· gated the attack. He said the union had refused to assist in the identification of those injured in the incident. "We know people were injured out there, but who were they?" Leddy asked. "We can file misdemeanor cases. against the Teamsters but we cannot take a felony case into court the evidence." without all Chavez cannot really complain; he has gotten absolutely fair and impartial treatment like anybody else."

Number of African Catholics Grows ROME (NC)-The increase in the number of African priests is not keeping' pace with the growth of the Catholic population in Africa, statistics published by the International Fides Service here indicate. In 1949 there were about 11 million Catholics in Africa and 7,500 priests, of whom 1,080 were African. In 1971, there were' 35 million Catholics in Africa and 17,138 priests, of whom about 4,000 were African. Thus, while the number of Catholics had trebled, the number of priests had little more than doubled. The number I of African priests, however had more than trebled. , The statistics show that Zaire has the largest number of indigenous priests, 553, followed by Tanzania, 494, Uganda, 312, and Nigeria, 271.


Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

New Ecumenical Body in ,India POONA (NC)-The Catholic Bishops' Conference of' India (CBCI), the National Christian Council of India, and the Orthodox Church have set up a coordinating body for their three organizations which represent about 15 million Christians in India. The decision to set up the coordinating body was taken at a meeting of the official representatives of the three organizations at the Ecumenical Christian Center in Bangalore. The statement adopted by the meeting declared: "Our commitment to ecumenism is the result of the conv.iction that the fulness of the Gospel demands unity of all Christians in their participation in Christ's ministry to the whole world and that unity and renewal are inseparable. A united Church is needed not only for increasing the credibility of the Church but also for presenting a united witness. In addition to promoting joint collaboration in whatever fields possible there is also the need for taking a common stand on important issues especially rel~te<:\ to justice and peace."

. .l{~,~

ST. BRIDGET OF SWEDEN HONORED: Catholics and Lutherans in Sweden joined in honoring St. Bridget of Sweden on the 600th anniversary of her death. At top left is the 14th century abbey which the saint, right photo, founded. Bridgettine Sisters with their distinctive crowns walk in procession to their new convent, blessed by Bishop John Taylor of Stockholm, bottom -right. NC Photo.

Saint's Anniversary Aids Ecumenism STOCKHOLM (NC)-The cel- bishops walked in the procession. A combined choir of' Protesebration of the 600th anniversary of the death of the medieval tants and Bridgettine Sisters mystic, St. ,Bridget of Sweden, sang the Mass in the new church. has been a boost to ecumenical Bishop Taylor, the celebrant, berelations in this country. gan the Prayer of the Faithful, Bishop John Taylor of Stock- which was said by a Swedish holm dedicated on July 23 a new Benedictine monk and the Luconvent of the Bridgettine Sis- ~heran pastor of Vadstena. Cathters, founded by St. Bridget, at olics, Lutherans, Baptists and Vadstena, location of the mother other Protestants in the packed abbey of the order, built in the congregation exchanged the 14th century. The dedication liturgical Kiss of Peace. took place during the general The new convent, designed to chapter of the Lutheran Society . blend into its medieval environof St. Bridget, an organization in ment, cost about $525,000, much the segment' of the Swedish Lu- of which was raised by the Sistheran 'state church that closely ters and people of Uden, the resembles the Catholic Church. Netherlands,. where the motherBishop Taylor invited the Lu- house of this branch of the order therans to the service and accept- is located. ed an invitation to preach at one New Spirit The occasion marked a change of their services. The dedication service began in the attitude of the Society of with a procession starting in the St. Bridget, which has for years Lutheran abbey, which is the ori- been cool toward Catholics here, ginal medieval building, and go- partly because some of its leading through Vadstena's narrow ing members converted to Castreets lined with thousands of tholicism in the early 1960s. inhabitants, pilgrims and tourLutheran Bishop Ragnar Askists, many from abroad. mark of Linkoping, the diocese Combined Choir in which Vadstena is located, exBesides Bishop Taylor and pressed the new spirit of ecuBishop Johannes Bluyssen of menical understanding, prayer s'Hertogenbosch, the Nether- and cooperation in a sermon in lands, in whose diocese the the old abbey the day before the motherhouse of the Bridgettine dedication. In response to his Sisters is located, three Lutheran appeal that Catholics and Ltl,-

therans help each other, the Lutheran congregation donated enough money to cover the cost of the 'new altar of the new convent church. Vadstena's Baptists have donated the convent church's tabernacle. 'In his sermon to the Society of St. Bridget, Bishop Taylor urged that "this anniversary be a reminder of the spiritual world that St. Bridget was working for. It is still present and real, if we will only enter it, by prayer and meditation," He urged his listeners to "pray for a renewal in our. time of the gift of prophecy, to which this anniversary may inspire us."

The coordinating body is to ,strive to do whatever is necessary and possible for the reo newal, unity and mission of the cI-.·urches. Those at ·the meeting decided to give high priority to faith and order studies, education in ecumenism at the local level, dialogue with other religions, collaboration in different fields and work among women, laity and youth. .

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THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973


Hle!re Are Ways toStr,etch Fall Clot,hing _Budg,ets' ,


"-... With such a fascinating TV attractton (perhaps I should say frightening), it is difficult to think 9f anything but Watergate. However, since each day we do have to dress and most of us like to do it as, well as possible, our thoughts keep returning to the world and with the prcsof.clothing and fashion. This coordination ent emphasis on sweaters you'll world may give you quite a' find whole sections of den artshock this faU-not quite so' ment stores devoted to separates, much of a shock as a trip to the supermarket but a slight shiver nevertheless, for that escalating

so you'll be able to "do' your own thing." Sewing, Sales


price scale has hit the garment. market as well as the food one, Sinful Price Wool especially is rising higher and higher, and you can 'expect that the coat you wanted to buy last fall will cost from $10 to $25 more this fall. A good dress will have a price tag starting around $70 (that used to buy a good winter coat) and it could rise as high as $150. The latter does seem like a pretty sinful price to pay for, a garment, but I'm positive you'll come acros~ plenty of this type of price tag. Just how to be well dressed with the rising cost of every-' thing is going to be as complex a problem as who's telling the •truth in Washin~ton. And we're going ~o have to do a bit of planning and thinking to even live' with it, never mind find a solution for it. While I can toss out a few ideas that have helped me, I bave always found that among the readers of The Anchor there is always a wealth of information and really good ideas. Perhaps some of you would be willing to share with me and our other readers some of YOUlr ideas for stretching your clothing budget. Basic


Many of my own ideas I have mentioned before but since I still use them and they still work for me I will write them down again. Each season I try -to buy one really good outfit. This generally requires a good investment but in the long run I have found that it's worth it because of the ,years of joy you 'can get out of a very special outfit, if it's classical, well made and not gimmicky. When you have the one costume you feel very elegant in, then you can buy much ltlSS expensive outfits for everday wear, yet you're always ready for that special occasion. . Another way that I have found to get many and varied looks out of my wardrope (th€' most mileage for the smallest amount of money) is to choose one basic color for each season and try to buy with this color in mind, then all accessories, jackets, etc. will be able to mix and match. Separates, of course, are perfect for this type of wardrobe

Sewing qnd' sales (not necessarily in that order) are two more ways ,to stretch your clothing dollar. While most of the clothing on sale right now will be summer styles, if you look closely you may very well come across: some item that ,is seasonless. _ On the sewing end, time is the enemy, but if you have the time and enjoy. working with material there is' no better way to 'get mileage out of your clothing dollar. Of coursci,' ali of our resolu~ions and plans are fine as long as we don'lt corne across that dress we just can't live without and then you know what can happen to "the best laid plans."

. . LONELY VIGIL: He stands alone, silent, outside the White House, holding a placard. Dane Frick, 30, of Washington, D.C., is protesting the bombing of Cambodia "in the same Regional .Conferences ~pirit" as ~atholic pea~e movement members who have been getting arrested by praying . On Population Problems UNITED NATIONS (NC)-L~t­ In th~ WhIte HO)lse. Fnck has been at his post about two weeks, 10 hours a day, six days in Americal1 Catholics' are a a week. He rests on Saturdays. NC .Photo. primary target of a series of regional conferences on population problems, Ischeduled through 1973 under the auspices of the International' Education Development (lED). Financial ~upport is being provided by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), which by June had plissed the $100 million mark' in donations from 63 governments. The monthly bulletin of the UNFPA reported that influential Latin Americans were invited to particpate in a planning session last February in Santo Domingo, at which a strategy of action was worked out "that would help the Catholic Church" Church-related institutions, and others influenced by the Church become more aware of the dimensions of the population problem." "


Vol~nteer Assumes TV Director Task


JUNEAU (NC)-A lay volunteer from Pennsylvania has become the ~ew director of a weekly diocese-sponsored television program, "Modern Man and His Chutch," here in Alaska. Pat ,Frisina, 24, a disc jockey from the Erie, Pa., area accepted, the position because he feels, "It is not just up to priests to spread the Gospel, it is up to laymen too ... Laymen should be taking as active a role as the Church ,will let us, and this seems to be the right thing." Frisina,' who. comes to the po· sition with nine years experience in .radio and! five in' television, started in radio at the age of 15 in Meadville" Pa. He has also worked in Detroit. , "I have not really done this whole thing before, but I have lots of ideas. ·!t's a super chance for us," he said.

Aborti,oln Law Closes Maternity H·ome' RICHMOND (NC) - St. Gerard's Maternity Home here, one of two facilities for unwed mothers operated by the Richm0'1d diocese, will close Sept. 1. Bishop Walter F.. Sullivan, apostolic administrator of the diocese, attributed the closing to diminished need because of the

Dutch Women's Group Protests Encyclical' THE 'HAGUE (Nc)-A Dutch women's liberation group commemorated the fifth anniversary of Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul's encyclical reiterating the Church's opposition to artifical contraception, by presenting the papal; nuncio in the Nethelands with a model ivory tower. The group said the tower symbolized isolation .and contained an image of Buddha, who, they said, took a more enlightened. view of the subject. They also presented a letter-asking the Pope to review the Church's doctrine on birth control. T~e nuncio's chauffeur, at the door of the nunciature, refused to accept the tower-and letter, which were then left on top of one of the garden ornaments. During the demonstration a nearby statue of Andrew Carnegie,the U.S. industrialist and philanthropist, was draped with such slogans as "Fewer Babies: More Future" and "Love is Not Necessarily Reproduction."

easy avajlability of abortion. "Over the past several years," Bishop Sullivan said, "fewer girls have been seeking the services of maternity homes.' The diocese presently 'operated two maternity homes in the Richmond area, both of which offer the' s'ame services. "With the present liberalized abortion laws" we find that both St. Gerard's and Seton House, the other home, are operating at less than total capacity and one facility could care for present needs." The bishop added that the closing did not mark a lessening of the diocese's comrbitment to helping unwed mothers. "The closing of St. Gerard's is a consolidation effort' so 'that the diocese can pool its resources and provide better service," he said. "We will continue to offer an alternative to the present liberalized abortion laws. ' The Catholic Virginian, weekly newspaper of the Richmond diocese, reported that at the time of the announcement the two homes together were caring for


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Mercy is the fulfillment of justice, not thz abolition. St. Thomas Aquinas

Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

With Any Luck, Mom Will Live'


Throu,g·h Teen' WOles

I have six teen-age children at the present time. Our first seven children are all a year apart. The_~ix oldest range from 18 through 13, and these are difficult years for them ... and worse for me. One of the most aggravating qualities of teen-agers is their sense of "superiority." No matter . "rights," and my "responsibilities." He covered my injustice, what I say, they answer, "I ynreasonableness, and lack of know." Before I am half understanding. Every other sen-

through with instructions, admonitions-or even the time of day-"I know."



Their knowledge of everything gives them complete "superiority," particularly to a feeble, humbling, s:mile parent ... me. It's somewr..3t similar to the superiority wardens feel toward the inmates of an insane asylum. And I've used that comparison purposely. Because sometimes 1 think that part of their plan is to drive me crazy, this will prove their superiority. They work at it diligently, methodically ... apparently saciistically. For example, one son arrives home two h:>Urs late for dinner. I question his whereabouts. Always Mom's Fault He says, "I told you 1 had to work late." If 1 remember he t.old me, then my memory is failing. I'm getting senile. If I don't remember, then I don't listen to him. I'm indifferent to him. Either way, it's proof that I'm cracking up. Of course. there is no possihility that he forgot to tell-me. IIe knows he told me! Another problem: I won't· let boy friends visit our girls when neither my husband nor I are home. Rebuttal: I have' a SUSpICIOUS mind. I don't trust them. Nothing's going to happen. On that point, we agree-if I have al)ything to say about it. But I don't think we have the same thing in mind. One boy complains that he can't "talk" to me.. This. too," proves my feeble-mindedness. I have the misguided notion that "talking" is an exchanging of ideas. His idea is that he dictates his demands, and I should respond, "Yes, son. You're absolutely right, son." If I raise a question, disagree or object to something, then I am at fault ... I'm not. "taiking" to' him. From cummiserating with other parents of teen-agel's, I find that they are all going through the same turmoil. My mother-in-law lived through it, and assures me that if I can just hang on to my sanity, teen-agel's eventually become people. May Be Hope I think there is a chance. I've seen sparks of understanding in some of my teen-agel's. There may be hope that it will catch fire. The other day one of mine was on a tirade regarding his

tence, was laced with, "I know." One of the other~ commented, "If you know so much, why don't you know when. to keep your mouth shut?" There's hope. But I do wish I had more spiritual support. Why does the New Testament say absolutely nothing about Christ as a teen-agerIs it possible Mary preferred not to talk abom it? . ·Oh well, things could be worse. In fact, come to think of it, they will be. Next year I'll have seven teenage children!



Newspaper Cites Gospel On loday's Problems. SAN DIEGO (NC) - "The Scribes and Pharisees have succeeded Moses as teachers. Do """I!III1!!lIli!b~ everything and observe everything they tell you. WITH MOUNTAIN FOLK: Phil Ronan, a former Glenmary Brother, talks with a "But do not follow their exam- . resident <?f the Wise, Va., area, where he works as an organizer training welfare recipients ple." The Southern Cross, the news- ~nd black lung disease victims. NC Photo. paper of the San Diego Diocese, devoted the entire front page of its July 19 edition to a Biblical quotation on hypocrisy beginning with these words. WISE (NC)-In rural south- mountain people emotionally de- "They know b::>w to play and The front page editorial conwest Virginh, wbich has a large pressed or perpetuaily sad, he have fun. Mountain people, I tained. no direct editorial com. population of Scotch-Irish ex- said. find, have less material things ments-only the headline: U.S.A., traction, a native of Dublin, Ireand perhaps because of that they "The mountain people are not Summer, 1973, Jesus Christ land, is working to organize the . the staid and stoice type that are freer." speaks - but Michael Newman, poor moun.tain folk. outsiders sse," Ronan added. editor and manager of the newsRonan serves on the National Phil Rona", a former member paper, said that the quotation Committee for the Campaign for ·the G1enmary Brothers: parof from the 23rd chapter of St. MatHuman Development-the U. S. Bishops' Conference thew's Gospel was run "to sum ticipates in the mountain way of bishops' agency making grants life, working with a hoe in the up everything in the summer of Elects Conservatives to grassroots people who are hillside gardens, butchering hogs, '73." QUITO (NC)-Archbishop Ber- working for .:hange. He said th3t bunting squirrel and taking his . He said it applies not only to nardino Ecchevarria Ruiz of his mini3try in Appalachia has Watergate "but to all other turn at molasses making. Guayaquil, generally regarded as taught him much about being a "I found that I really had a things," which have caused a "loss .a traditionalist, was elected pres- Christian. of credibility in certain areas." thing for the mountains," Ronan ident of the Ecuadorian Confersaid. "The people here are more The areas he mentioned were the ence of Bishops at a meeting Moderation fuel shortage, food prices, and my people. They are very much here. like the Irish rural person, and I the monetary crisis. Moderation is always good He takes the post left by Carfeel very close to home." dinal Pablo Munoz. Vega of in all exerCIses, except that of Ronan, who sees his mission Predicts'Only Limited Quito, who was president of the loving God. to be getting poor people toconference for four years. gether, has helped to organize Success for Phase IV St. Francis de Sales Bishop Vicente Cisneros of welfare rights organizations in WASHINGTON (NC) - Phase IV of the Nixon Administration's six Virginia counties and the Ambatos was elected viceeconomic policy will find only Southwest Virginia Black Lung president and Auxiliary Bishop BALLROOM Raul Vela of .Guayaquil was "limited sur-cess," according to Association. elected secretary. One of the tenets of Ronan's DANCING an official of the U.S. Catholic community organizing work is EVERY SAT. NIGHT Conference. The elections, which arso inAug. 4 - The Big Sound of John E. Cosgrove, director of that he stay in the background cluded new officers for the three Jimmy Brock & His Orch. the conference's Division for so that mountain poor, though permanent commissions of the Your Host-AI Tremblay Urban Affairs, said: "It now ..ap- receiving support from him, are conference, mark a victory for the traditionalist group within pears that workers and the poor really not dependent on him. LI NCOLN PARK "If people become dependent will not be protected from inflathe Ecuadorian Church, accordRte. 6, N. Dartmouth tion. which is particularly harm- on me to do their talking 'for ing to observers here. I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• tbem," he said, "I have failed in 'ful on their meager budget." Saying that the real problem is my ministry." that of "s?mewhat arbitrary Trains Leaders pricing policy in many indusRonan holds training worktries" instead of a "wage-price push" he added, "To really help sh'ops for welfare recipients and we need, among other things, a Black Lung victims seeking comfull disclosure of profits by large pensation. He also is busy trainindustries, particularly where ing local leadership and advising proposed price increases might them of the obstacles they can set a pattern for still more infla- expect from government bureaucrats. tion." He noted that the coal interWhile predicting only limited success for tbe latest economic ests own most of the property policy ("a re-run of Phase II"), as well as .the mineral rigbts and he feels that such measures are have a tight political control in needed. bec::luse inflation has most of the, southwest Virginia been accelerating at "break neck counties. But this does not make the rglte. "

Dublin N·ative Organizes


OPEN DAI LY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M..


THE ANCHORThurs;, Aug. 2, 1973

Editor S~ggests Pastors Train S'emino'rians

Scottish Franciscan Priest Says Church Must loin. Communicatiolls Revolution

NEW YORK (NC)-SatEfllites, cable TV and cassettes will revoNEW YORK (NC)-A Jesuit lutionize electronic journalism in editor has suggested that closing the near future, and "the Church seminaries and allowing qualified should be right in on all of pastors to train seminarians them," says 'a Scottish Franciswould solve some of the present can priest who heads a worlddiscipline, moral and instruc- wide Catholic communications, tional controversies in t!h'e na- organization. , Father Agnellus' Andrew, tion's seminaries. Father Kenneth Baker, editor O.F.M., president of the Internaof a national magazine, Homi- tional Catholic \ Association for letic and Pastoral Review, wrote Radio and Television (UNDA) in a recent editorial that maJ:Iy sees a vast potential for the priests are "positively discourag- Christian mi~sion in the broading qualified young men from en- , cast media, he said in an inter.view with NC News here. tering the seminary." "When I wrote a column last In a 'visual age, he observed, year urging vocations, I received churchmen-Catholic and Protesa letter' from a priest who was tant-must keep abreast not only amazed ,at my naivete," he said. of technical developments but be "He said that he had encouraged available to 'networks on a re- \ , a young lad to go to the local spected consultative basis. seminary. In a fairly short time A friendly, round-faced man the boy became a skeptical smart with a bright' smile, glasses, and aleck and ended up by losing his a tendency, to pace back and faith and leaving the seminary. forth when he wishes to J:l1ake a This particular priest said that point, Father Agnellus is widely he could not in conScienCE] send known in Britain both as adirecanother boy to that institution." tor at the Biitish Broadcasting Normal Way Corp. for two' decades, a com"The two principal reasons mentator who covered the elecgiven by priests who discourage tion of two Popes and the funeral vocations are the breakdown of of one, -and a professional who discipline and morals in the sem- teaches churchmen how to. proinary and the absence of solid ject to, TV au~iences. Catholic teaching (not to menWhile in the United States tion complaints about doctrinal si'nce the star~ of June, he lecerrors, heresy and situation tured at the summer Communiethics)," Father Baker said, cations Institute at Loyola UniIn an interv,iew with NC News, versity of New Orleans, and conFather Baker noted that hefore ferred in Ihdianapolis with the Council of Trent, the normal Father Kenny C, Sweeney, direcway of training men for' the , priesthood, with the possib~e exception of monastery training, was to have them, 'instructed by pastors. In 'the .editorial, he said, "I MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - "You heard that a new young bishop ,are Peter and upon this rock I in Holland fired all the profes- will build my Church," This sors ,in his seminary and took his statement by, Christ to His few seminarians into his lhome Apostle Peter is at the heart of where he will train,them himself. any discussion between Catholics Maybe that is the answer for the and other Christians over the' next few years since many sem- place, role and ministry of the inaries are not teaching syst.ema- Pope among Christians. tic philosophy and theology." In an attempt to reach some Possible Solutions agreement on these, issues, LuWhile saying' that neither this theran and Roman Catholic theo路 suggestion nor a suggestion to logians in the United States have establish a national Catholic met 'five times, in the past twoseminary is likely to be impleand-one-half y!!ars just on the mented now, Father Baker said' issue of papal primacy. ' that "both are possible soluOne of the first major results tions" to seminary problems. Father Baker told NC that the of these meetings-a collection problems in the seminaries arose, or' theologh:al studies entitled ,in part, beCause the bishops have "Peter in the New Testament"lost control of their seminaries. has been scheduled for joint pub"The professors and ,experts in lication Sept. '15 by Augsburg religious education run semina- Publishing House here and Paulries quite autocratically in 11 lot ist Publication in New York. The 200-page bo()k does not of cases, hut the bishops are becoming aware of the .problem,'~ begin, to deal with the question of papal infallibility or the unhe said. derstanding of the papacy by the Church after the age of the New National Boy路Scout Testament. It is, rather, a study of what. Chaplain Named the New Testament has to say WASHINGTON (NC)-Fa ther about the Apostle Peter, the first Kenneth F. O'Connell, Boy Scout bishop of Rome, who has been chaplain for the New York arch- viewed traditionally as the' model diocese, has been named national for the papacy. Catholic Boy Scout chaplain. Although the studies in the The appointment was made by, Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe, of book are not official documents Jefferson City, Mo., episcopal ad- of the Luth.:lran-Roman Catholic visor to the National Catholic dialogue, the :dialogue, group sponsored the studies and recomCommittee on Scouting. mendea that they be published in Bis~op McAuliffe also named Father John M. Rice of the Mil- book form. The group's coc::hairmen, Dr. waukee archdiocese associate national Scout chaplain replacing Paul C. Empie, former general Father O'Connell. secre~l!ry of the Lutheran World

Vatican ,Theft Susp'ects Held VATICAN CITY (NC) - Two former Vatican policemen have been taken into custody by Vati'-, can City officials in connection with the theft of several gold, coins from a private papal collection. The Vatican press office confirmed reports July 20 that the men, now employed in the Vatican post office, hav'e been held for investigation for, about 10 days. Three other Vatican employees, including a telephone repairman, have been held for at least two months on similar charges. In May tile Vatican press office confirmed news reports that three men were in custody in connection with the theft of valuable gold cqins from a collection kept in the papal private apartments on the top floor of the Vatican Pa'iace. The theft was apparently carried out in 19'12, while Pope Paul was at his summer, home in Castelgandolfo. The theft came to light when two of the coins were spotted in a window of a shop not far from Vatican City. The new arrests would indicate that the thefts may go well beyond the original four coins, according to Vati~an observers.


tor of the Catholic- Information Center there and president of UNDA-USA. Father Agnellus received the first UNDA-USA Gabriel award.

Catholics, Lutherans Plan Joint Publication on Study oJ Peter' Federation's U.S.A. National Committee, and Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Murphy of Baltimore, said earlier this year that they hoped "Peter in the 'New Testament" would 'be used as a resource text in adult education classes, ecumenical study groups and college courses. ' "Precisely because the study is fundamental and of wide utility, we in the national dialogue have decided to publish it separately," they, said. Papal Primacy The national dialogue group, which is jointly sponsored by the U. S. Bishcps' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the ,U.S.A. National Committee of ' the, Lutheran World Federation, is also planning to publish its official findings 'on papal primacy at, a later date under the title "Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue V: Ministry and the Universal Church; with Special Reference to Papal Primacy." Among the conclusions that the' Catholic and Lutheran schqlars reached in "Peter and the New Testament" were that Peter wag- undoubtedly among the first disciples chosen by Jesus and that he was prominent among Christ;s followers. ,"So prominent was he, in fact, that as far as we know the story of the ministry of Jesus was not told without mention of Simon," the theologians reported. Peter's given name was Simon. He was called Peter, which means "rock," to Jesus.

Rules Against Union

UNDA, by the way, is not an In Teachers Case acronyIP but is the Latin for CLEVELAND (NC) - A court "wave." In ,New York, father order has been denied to the Agnellus met with Robert Buesse, Cleveland Elementary Lay Teachdirector of the Co~munications ers Association (CELTA) of the Department of the United States American Federation of Teachers Catholic Conference, and Father in its battle to represent the elePatrick Sullivan, director of the menary school teachers in the USCC department's Film and Catholi(: schools of Cleveland. Broadcasting Division. The order, which was denied UNDA, he observed, has 107 national 'Catholic communica- in common pleas court here, tions 'branches, 70 of them in de- would have permitted CELTA to veloping countries. He has been represent the teachers in grievpresident since 1968 in addition ance procedures until an election to a fuiltime job a's director of during the coming school year.路 the 15-year-old Catholic Radio The election will decide whether and Television Center at Hatch the teachers 'wish CELTA to End on tpe outskirts of London. serve as their bargaining agent. The Board of Catholic Education and CELTA have both dsSays Church Active sued statements agreeing to the 1111 Soviet Uni,on election. AMSTERDAM (NC), - The "A reasonably prompt election" church in Russia is not merely a was supported by the board church of old women," said the while recognizing the right of leader of a delegation of the teachers to join professional or Dutch Council of Churches that labor organizations or to' refrain bas just returned from a 10-day ,from joining. trip to the Soviet Union. Anyone who continues telling that story neglects the facts and repeats propaganda," said the delegation leader, Archbishop SHEET METAL ~ Marinus Kok of the Dutch Old ~ J. TESER, Prop. , Catholic Church, as they arrived , : RESIDENTIAL ~ at Amsterdam Airport. "In the churches in Russia, one ~ INDUSTRIAL ~ sees many young people and ~ COMMERCIAL ~ middle-aged people, .There are , 253 Cedar St., New Bedford' many baptisms in the churches. , 993-3222 , The church in the Soviet Union .""""""""""". is in great difficulties but there are several active congregatinos ST. ANNE with a deep religious life," the archbishop said. CREDIT UNION

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Pope Paul Urges Catholics Lead Christian Life

Appoint Sister As Woman Chaplain At Yale's St. Thomas More House

CAST$LGANDOLFO (NC) Catholics can and must live an authentic Christian life despite the hazards of the contemporary world, Pope Paul VI told thousands at a general audience here.

BROOKLYN (NC)-A petite and chatty !lUn, Sister Mary Ramona Pena, 44, will go to yale in September as a woman chaplain affiliated with the St. Thom. as More House. For five years The Pope opened his talk by she has been an administrator in asking: "Is it possible, times the Brooklyn Diocese Education being what they are, (to live) a Office. . Christian life which is authentic, Her new job descr,iption instrong, happy and capable of cludes serving as a "woman role synthesizing loyalty to the Gos- model for the Church" on campel and living in the modern pus and to :::ounsel Catholic stuworld?" dents, most of whom are men. She got the position by anAnswering his own question, Pope Paul said: "Yes, it is pos- swering an ad in The National sible . . . it must be possible. Catholic Reporter, Kansas City, In affirming this duty we dis- Mo. Several women - married, cover the dramatic program single and Religious-were interwhich every son of the Chur~, viewed. And she is looking forand the Church as a whole, is ward to her new position with a called on to carry' out at this twinge of fear that she may have lost the "one-to-one" aspect of historic moment. relating to youths during her tenCritical Point ure as director of student affairs in the high school division of the The Pope then asked further diocesan educational offices. questions: "Is it easy to be Chris~ "You know what happens to tians? Does a facile Christianity administrators," she said, her exist?" He warned that "this is dark eyes flashing energy and a critical pomt because the ques- warmth. "Charlie Brown detion does not permit a single and scribes it in 'Peanuts' with the unequivocal answer. It is neces- rema~k, 'I love humanity-it's sary to pay attention, to recog- people I can't stand.' nize the complexity of the question." His answer was that, from one aspect, "it is easy to be Christians, easy for those who truly wish to be ~Christians; to be Christians who are faithful and authentic. It is easy if we enter sincerely and generously into the total system of the Christian life, because Christianity could not be truly happy if it were not at the same time ~asy."

SR. MARY RAMONA PENA "I want to come back to people. We get so involved with causes, with numbers ... with the migrant workers, for instance, we forget that injustice exists if only one worker is wronged. We tend to think in numbers. You can be an administrator only so long before you wonder if you cim relate one-toone any more."

Confer'ence Head Says Religious Can Learn F'rom' Latin Americans

BOGOTA (NC) - Father Paul M. Boyle, president of the U. S. Conference of Major Superiors of Men, said here that "one of the most important things U. S. Religious have to understan(j is that we cannot be the leaders (.~ ch.ange in Latin America." Father Boyle, who stopped The Pope said Christians who briefly on his way back here respond with a complete faithfrom the Inter-American Bishops fulness to the Christian 'vocation do so by means of grace and Conference in Rio de Janeiro, visited the general secretariat of come to enjoy "the effort which the Latin American Confederathis faithfulness asks." On the tion of Religious' (CLAR) and other hand, he said, those who participated in a discussion with seek to make Christianity facile his Latin American colleagues. come to feel the weight and an- , "We North Americans have a noyance of the Christian life. great tendency to believe that we can and must" be messianic Difficult Aspect in our actions and work when Therefore, he explained, it we come to Latin America," he must be admitted realistically said. "What we have to underthat the "Christian life, for those stand is that we must come as who wish to live it authentically, servants to help local Religious is difficult." and the hierarchy." "We have to work with the He said that "those who would wish to deny, or even to sup-, hierarchy, not lead it. This has press wrongfully this difficult been one of our most fundamenaspect, would deform and even tal mistakes in working in Latin perhaps betray the authenticity America," Father Boyle added. Speaking on tlie contrIbutions of Christian life itself. the Latin American religious life "Today this attempt to make it could make to Nortb American easy, to eliminate sacrifice and religious Hfe, "he said: "We can effort and render it easy going, learn very much from you. For is in full swing both in terms of instance how to live with the the teaching and practice of the basics, as individuals and as a Christian life." ' group. How to keep sight of Thus, said the Pope, Catholics, what is fundameqtal, or what is on the one hand, must do every-, transcendental." thing they can to preserve the "In the United States we are sense of freedom and happiness used to live in a world of effithat is proper to the Christian ciency, and we believe that to be life and at the same time also all important. We believe that must preserve the sense of the influence is only measured by absolute and entire concept of efficiency, but we have to learn the Christian religion. from you that the impact is more lasting and important when we give witness to our beliefs," Knowledge Father Boyle said. A scrap of knowledge about Government Influence sublime things is worth more than any amount about trivial. The CMSM president also reities. ferred to the influence the U. S. -St. Thomas Aquinas government has in Latin Amer-

ican matters, which, he said, isa theme that always comes up in conversations among Religious of both areas. "The Latin American Religious can do much good by bringing up these problems. We don't have ,a real idea of the importance and the extension ,of the interference and influence of our government in the internal life of Latin America," Father Boyle said. ' He then referred to the prospects of U. S. Catholics, saying that many crises had to be surmounted, but that the hardest time is almost over. "For a long time we have been working on changes, adaptations on the external level. Now' we are more conscious of the need of an internal renovation which can lead wi to an authentic Christian life, individually and as a community," Father Boyle said.

Cardinal O'Boyle Is CARA Chairman WASHINGTON (NC)-Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle, retired archbishop of Washington, has been eleCted chairman of the Center for Applied Research in Apostolate (CARA) board of directors. In announcing Cardinal 0'Boyle's new position, Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler, CARA president, said: "While Cardinal O'Boyle served as archbishop of Washington, he used CARA's research ,services to develop an archdiocesan self-study, one of the most comprehensive of its kind. His Eminence is therefore deply sensitive to CARA's pastoral goals and research work. "Our board believes that his leadership will greatly assist the center's efforts to become continuously more responsive to the practical research needs of the 'Church."

One aspect of her job grew out of' the need expressed in the job description. It is the "desire among men students to be able to confide in a woman," she said. Independent Corporation "As a nun, I find that men accept your celibacy and feel they can relate to you as a person, for what you are, ratlier than as a sex symbol. Not many women can have that kind of relationship." Yale University admitted women four years ago. They are outnumbered six to one by men. The St. Thomas More center is not a part of the official chaplain's office of the institution, headed by the Rev. William Sloane Coffin, a Presbyterian, but is run by an independent corporation which hired Sister Pena, a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph. She will work at the center with Father Ricp.ard Russell and Father Peter Fagan, and live in the campus area with her father, Ramon Pena, 78. Her salary will be $5,700 a year plus a car. The nun asked to have the car rather than receive the same salary, of $7,800, as the two priests. aeligion on Campus The campus ministry at Yale or elsewhere, she commented, is "a powerless apostolate-which is a good thing. That's what Christianity is all about. It is the Church in na.ked witness, stripped of all other support. "On a secular. campus, religion has no official standing. Moral suasion is all it has. This is an important way for Christians to learn to witness again, iIi the simplicity of being.'~ Sister Pena's mind moves rapily from one idea to another, in discussing the popularity of meditation, Pentecostalism and Jesus among some Collegians and older Catholics as well. She worries about the literal interpretation of the Scriptures be~ coming widespread. With the increasing "official secularization" of society, and lack of opposition to immoral values by the older generation, many young people are seeking certainty. Some turn to such fundamentalist movements as the New Testament Missionary Alliance and the Jesus People for biblical answ:ers to society's ' evils. In Sister Pena's view, adults should be ready to assist them in the "ago.}y of their search" for a philosophy by which to live.

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2, 1973


Parents Deplore School Decision ALBANY (NC) - The New York State Federation of Catholic School Parents wanted to be fair-minded, so they decided to let a few wzeks go by to let the passions of the moment cool over the U. S. Supreme Court decisions on nonpublic schools. Three weeks passed and the federation was still in no mood to accept passively the high court's June 25, decision that banned several forms of aid to nonpublic schools and to tuitionpaying parents of nonpublic school children. "Monopolistic," "unjust" and a "denial of a religious right" were several of the phrases the fedeI'ation used in a recent statement that voiced strong opposition to the decisions. The Supreme Court had ruled that the laws in questions "have the impermissible effect of advancing religion." • The fede~ation, composed of parents from all eight Catholic dioceses in the state quoted the vigorous dissent of Chief Justice Warren Burger, who along with Justices Byron White and Wil· liam Rehnquist, voted to help parents and children by upholding the 'aid jaws. Justice Burger saw the New York state iaw as helping parents "exercise a recognized" to provide a religious oriented education for rheir children. "The Establishment Clause does not forbid government, state or federal, from enacting a program" which would aid nonpublic _ school students, the justice said in his dissent. /

Appointed Director Of Communications DETROIT (NC)-Cardinal John F. Dearden of Detroit has named John F. Lynch as director of communications for the Detroit archdiocese. He succeeds William J. Coughlin, who retired last year. Lynch, 42, is a graduate of Fordham University in New York. He has operated his own communications firm in New York and has served as director of communications for Sea-Land Service and manager of sales promotion and technical writin,g for Union Carbide Corp.. The activities of the archdiocesan communications office in· clude press releases, radio and television programming, and information services.



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149 GAR Hwy, Rte 6 Somerset

New South End Office at the Corner of Plymouth Ave. and Slade St., Fall River


Study Religious Life Problems

THE ANCHOR--Oioceseof Fall River~ Thurs., Aug, 2, 1973

Games People Play Include Wifely Queries -About Jobs

LIMA (NC)-The Latin American Confederation of Religious, which has been conducting studies on specific themes related to the Religious life in recent years, is engaged in, two new projects studying the problems of Religious life in the changing conditions ,in Latin America The first one relates to "the problem of Religious life among Religious men and women _workirig in the Catholic schools and in education in generaL" The study will sponsor a meet· ing here of Religious e'.lgaged in different fields of education. These specialists will pinpoint some of the main problems to be discussed in the extensive study.

.Ever since I was in college and asked by a sorority rush girl, "What does your father do?" I've sabotaged that question. It's a subtle way of asking, "Where do you stand on the economic ladder?" or "Just how important are you socially?" P e 0 pie who wouldn't consider asking the this. Other' answers to, "What does your husband do?" are blunt question, "How much "He's in aU,tomobiles" (aren't we do you make?" or "What all?); "He' nurses his ulcers" are you worth?" will smile after an introduction, make a pleasantry or two and ge~ to the important question, "What does your husband do?"

(prestigious); "He travels"; and "I wish I c'ould tell you but I've never been able to figure it out myself." And then there's always the stricken look accompanied with, "I'd 'rather not ta~k about it. "

The other project is a course on formation for the Religious life in Latin America. More than 56 Religious are scheduled to attend a meeting which is geared towards the study of the special efforts required to prepare Religious in modern ~c1esiology and the problems facing them in the Latin American context.

Won't Buy That 8y

If a man cuts to the quick with, "What does your husband do?" I cut b!,!ck with, "What does your wife do?" I'm not judging his value by his' wife's occupation and I~m not about to be judged by my husband's. I figure that the very least he could do is ask me Ifirst, "What do you do?" His iinitial questionilbotit her husband reveals to me that a woman's value lies through her husband's status and. I don't ·accept that.



.. ~



PARIS (NC) - Jesuit Father Karl Rahner has resigned from the Vatican's International Theological Commission and from the doctrinal commission of the West German Bishops' Conference, the Paris "daily Le Mqnde reported. I

By now, I suppose you're all wondering what my husband does. But I don't mind- telling you: He's i~' newspapers. 0

Ecumedia Supplies Religious N'ews

The problem is simpljfied whenever there are titles: major, coloryel, d<:>ctor, dean, monsignor, mayor, senator and judge. Some women are eager to divulge the rank or prestige of their hus~' bands and sons, a situation ready-made for jokes, i.e. the Jewish mother running down the beach shouting "Help! My son, the rabbi, is drowning'"

NEW YORK (NC)-A phenomenon of lliterally hundreds of "religion-in-~he-news" local radio programs in ,the U.S. has prompted a three-year-old ecumenical communications agency here, named Ecumedia News, to be reorganized by a former Washington producer of TV evening news shows. 0

The agency which h'as offices in the Interchurch Center, is But the reality isn't fiction. It's making available-for the cost of an amusing pastime' among postage to mail tnem - free, women to see how long it will upon request bi-monthly tapes take wife whose value is as- for use by producers, directors sessed through her husband's and - editors! of religious news status to reveal it to a stranger. programs. The 20 to 30 minute Some wives become very skilled . tapes contair;t 15 to 20 items of in the art of rank-dropping.. about a minute each of major I enjoy the reverse-subvert- news stories, features, commening the question and frustrating tary and interviews in the world the questioner. Unless the person of relig.ion. has a right to know or tlhe con"We're seeking to make a viversation naturally drifts into able presence for religious occupations, I figure it is rude to groups in the world of electronic indulge in, "Pleased to meet you. journalism," . said Warren Day, Awfully hot, isn't it? What does 35, director of' Ecumedia News your husband do, Mrs. Curran?" since March 12 and former proSo .1 have several stock ducer of two evening' news responses, the most usable be- shows for WMAL the American ing a smile and, "oh, just about Broadcasting Co. television stathe same things other husbands tion in Washington, D. C. do." That stops the fIrst level of More than 20 denominational prestige-placers but more deter- agencies, including. the United mined ones come back with, "Oh, States Catholic Conference no," small laugh, "I mean what "(USCC) and respresenting a specfield 'is he in?" 'trum of Evangelical, Jewish, Eastern Orth9dox, ad Protestant "F.ield?" I ask quizzically. traditions, are participants in At this, ·the interogator is be- Ecumedia News and provide reginning to suspect she is being ports for Day and Lauren Stell, put on and she asks outright, "I editor. The agency has an annual mean, where does he work?" budget of $40,000. "Oh!," my turn to small-laugh, "at tthe corner of Ruger and Love First." . You cannot love a thing withEven the most accomplished out wanting to fight for it. investigator has to give up at -Ch~sterton How Long?

Fr. Rahner Resigns From Commission


friends in government tell me it's even more blatant at Washington cocktail parties where wives introduce themselves and ask immediately,. "What's your husband's GS?" If the rating isn't high enough, the wife drifts away to another spouse in an obvious case of, "Is your husband important enough for me to spend my time cultivating a friendship with you?"




SCHOOL'S PET: Sleepy, an ailing guinea pig, held at left by Si$ter Mary Macrina Quinn of the Sisters of St. JOSeph, is the pet of more than 100 children enrolled in the summer school at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. NC ppoto.

Visits U. S. Post German Ex-POW Shows Appreciation To Americans WORMS (NC) - Hometown hero Bernhard Diehl couldn't seerp to praise the U. S. military enough when he visited the headquarters' here of the U. S. Army Support Command Jor Europe. Diehl, a 26-year-old resident of this central German city, near Heidelberg, was released earlier this I year after four years as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese.

The young German was captured while serving in South Vjetnam as a medical technician under a program of the German hospital branch of the Knights of Malta, a Catholic order devoted to hospital and charitable works. Diehl was held in the "Hanoi. Hilton" with American prisoners of war. It was to show his appreciation of American friendships and favors that Diehl made his visit ,here. "I wanted to express appreciation ... for the fact that Americans wouldn't allow themselves Ito forget the POWs and for the many courtesies extended to ... me," Diehl explained.

lin, who said he was honored by the visit. Diehl wrote in the guest book: "Freedom is one of the principal prerequisites for true happiness; friendship is a necessary supplement." . Diehl and a 30-year-old German nurse from Lebach, Monika Achwinn, were captured in April. 1969 by ,the Viet Congo Despite their non-combatant status and their neutral mission of mercy, they were held in a jungle camp by the Viet Cong for 11 months and then marched for a twomonth period to North Vietnam.

Le Monde's religlon writer, Henri Fesquet, maintained that the German Jesuit theologian had found that. the theological commission, setup to be at the disposal of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the :faith, was infrequently consulted' by the Doctrinal Congregation. Father Rahner's views had not been sought. Fesquet said, by the congregation prior to the recent publication of its declaration, Mysterium Ecclesiae, dealing with the unity of the Church and infallibility.






Three other volunteers in their group who were captured at the same time died due to malnutrition and starvation. After their release, Diehl and Nurse Schwinn were decorated by the prince grand master, of the Knights of Malta at the Rome headquarters of the order for their valor in attempting to aid ,the sick and victims of the war in Vietnam.


Welcoming Diehl to the headReputation is but a signboard quarters at Taukkunen Barracks to show where virtue lodges. was Lt. Gen. John D. McLaugh- , St. Francis de Sales

IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 N.ew Boston Road

Fall River 678.5677 0

Rule New Jersey Obscenity Law Unconstitutiona I NEWARK (NC) - A threejudge federal court has ruled th:l 1971 New Jersey obscenity statute unconstitutional under the U. S. Supreme Court's recent guidelines. . The guidelines, which replaced the old guidelines that materials must be "utterly without redeeming social vaue," state that laws must De limited to works which, "taken as a whole, appeal to the prurient interest in sex, which portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and which, taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value." , , The federal court, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that the 1971 New Jersey statute "would proscribe material that possessed serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value." The state attorney general is planning an immediate appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court. David Baime, chief of the appellate division in the attorney general's office, said that the federal court's ruling "preempts the right of state courts to interpret state statutes." He noted that state courts are currently considering the 1971 obscenity law in light of the new guidelines. Before the new guidelines were handed down by the U. S. Supreme Court, the county prosecutors were under a federal court injunction not to prosecute obscenity cases under the 1971 New Jersey statute. No Laws Left After the new guidelines were handed down by the Supreme Court in June of this year, the state went back to court seeking to have the injunction removed. However the federal court ruled that the law was still unconstitutional even under the new guidelines. The federal court also said that its ruling did not apply to municipal ordinances. But a state court has ruled that municipalities may not legislate in the area of obscenity because of the existence of state laws in the area which preempt local statutes. As a result, New Jersey is left with no currently constitutional laws covering obscenity.

Mass. Ministers Support Strike BAKERSfIELD (NC) - Nine Massachusetts Protestant leaders have issued a statement here joining 25 Catholic bishops in New England in their support of the boycott of table grapes and iceberg lettuce. The boycott is part of a strike by the United Farm Workers . Union {UFWU) against growers who recent'ly signed contracts with the Teamsters Union. "We join the 25 Roman Catholic bishops of New England in advocating a boycott of all table grapes and iceberg lettuce which do not bear the symbol of the United Fal"mworkers AFL-CIOthe black Aztec eagle," the statemllnt said. The delegation, which was coordinated by the Massachusetts Council of Churches, included representatives of the Episcopal Church, United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ, and the Unitarian-Universalist Assor.iation.

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2, 1973


Meets President Of Paraguay

THE OLD IAND THE NEW IN NEW YORK: The administrative offices of ~he'New York archdiocese will be moving from the. historic Villard Houses, left, to a skyscrap~r which also houses a parish church, 8t. John the Evangelist, right. The new structure wIll be called the New York Catholic Center. NC Photo. '

New Archdiocesan Offices in Gotham Skyscrap'er Edifice Also Houses Parish Church NEW YORK (NC) - As employees of the archdiocese of New York prepare to move' into a new 20-story skyscraper building on Manhattan's East Side, they will find that their desks will never be far away from a parish church whose artistic beauty is already becoming a conversation piece of the entire project. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, which originally occupied jJle site and now is housed within the skyscraper, features a unique entrance facade designed by Benoit Gilsoud, a New York artist, and sandblasted into American granite by an architectural team of young men and women art and design graduates. This design surrounding the church entrance, which is on the south side of the building, be~ gins on the left side with the Old Testament prophecy by the patriarch Jacob of the coming of a Messiah and a new City of God, according to Msgr. George A. Kelly, pastor. "It ends on the right with a depiction bySt. John the Evangelist of the New Jerusalem whh its twelve gates-each representing an apostle-to which all Christians aspire," Msgr. Kelly said. Much of the work on the 20 foot by 90 foot granite panel has b'een done by a young woman stone carver, Miss Janet Harozv. Onlookers ask if the facade will have color-it won't-and some occasionally stop to stare at the. reflections of other city buildings in the shining gray granite surface. The church area of the skyscraper was designed by Anthony Genovese and Herbert Maddalene, architects who hired Mr. Gilsoul to do the interior wood carvings, tapestries and other appointments. It was dedicated in April. "I didn't want the church part of the new building to look like

a department store, so we hired sE:parate arcp,itects," Msgr. Kelly said. "I think they turned a' rather ordinary space into a rather, lovely space." The skyscraper, which should be completed later this year, will consolidate several Catholic facilities. Its total cost was estimated two years ago at $13 million. Besides the church it will.

Protest Nuclear Test Plans PARIS (NC) - France's proposed new series of nuclear tests in the Pacific has erupted into a confrontation between Church and state here. A bishop'3 protest against the planned tests was met with a demand from the chief of staff of the French navy that the clergy stop meddling in matters of state. In the statem~nt entitled "No to Nl,lclear Arms," Bishop GuyMarie Riobe of Orleans declared 'that no political or economic interest-of any people justified the testing or use of nuclear weapons. Calling on all Frenchmen to demonstrate their disapproval of any policy leading to escalation, Bishop Riobe said that France would be truly' great if it said to the world: "I have the power to test nuclear weapons and I have the atomic bomb - I renounce them both for the good of peace." After Bishop Riobe's statement appeared, Admiral Marc de Joybert, 路French naval chief of staff, ,in an open letter published in the PariS daily Le Figaro, called the bishops to jimit themselves to , "teaching the faith and spreading charity." .

house the New York archdiocesan. administrative offices, Catholic Charities, and Cathec!!al Girls' High School. The old high school has been leased to New York City College, and the 15-story Catholic Charities building in downtown Manhattan is. being sold. The archdiocesan administrative offices are now situated behind St. Patrick's Cathedral in the historic Villard Houses, which were built for Henry Villard, journalist and railroad magnate. Completed, in 1885, the six' town houses are reminiscent of the Palazzo della CanceUaris in Rome. The archdiocese is negotiating to lease the Villard Houses rather than sell them-a move hailed by the New York Landmarks Preservation Commission. Fourteen hundred students from Cathedral Girls' High School moved into, their new classrooms in the first five floors of the skyscraper in January. Employees of Catholic Charities and of the archdiocese are expected to move in by stages l,lntil the end of October. Between 2,000 and 3,000 students and employees of Catholic agencies will thus be making use of the historic St. John the Evangelist church, whicJ1 was first founded Apr. 12, 1840, on ~he present site of St. Patrick's Cathedral. The new building is its fifth home.

CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) Pope Paul VI met privately for 50 minutes here with Paraguay's president, Gen. Alfredo Stroessner, whose govemment was denounced a year ago by the Peruvian bishops for "systematic persecution of the Church." The president's visit to the papal summer home was a private one, not surrounded with the ceremonies of a state visit. The Vatican did not disclose any details of the conversation. After receiving Stroessner, the Pope received other members of the presidential party and addressed them briefly. The 61-year-old- Stroessner was originally elected in 1954 to complete the term of his predecessor and since 1958 has been reelected for three successive five-year terms. Since 1968, Catholic priests and bishops siding with student protesters demanding social, economic and political reforms have challenged Stroessner's dictatorial regime. In May, 1972, the 10 bishops of the predominantly Catholic nation of 2.6 million denounced "the路 systematic persecution of the Church" and protested "the insidious propaganda against priests and others doing the work of the Gospel among the poor." The regime has expelled several priests active in the student and worker movements and among rural communities. It has curtailed Church action in communcations, labor and human development.

Interfaith Leaders Support UFWU CLEVELAND (NC)-Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders have formed the Cleveland Interfaith Farmworkers Task Force to support the United Farm Workers Union, in its hattie with the Teamsters Union. Auxiliary Bishop William M. Cosgrove of Cleveland, listed three requests being made by the religious organization: "That members of our religious bodies and all people of good will refrain from buying iceberg lettuce and California grapes until free elections are provided for farmworkers to choose which union they'wish to represent them." "That the local media end the virtual blackout on the violence in California." "That the management of area food stores 'uSe their influence with the growers of lettuce and grapes to agree to abide by free labor union elections for the farm workers and to enforce their request 'by not buying lettuce and grapes."



Sales - Service - Installation

To have too much to do is for most men safer than to have tpo little. Cardinal Manning



Phone 67587484 '




The/ Parish Parade

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug ..2, 1973

MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD 6.. . The annual PTA Family Picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 5 at Camp Massasoit on Reservation Rd., Mattapoisett - across the street from the Knights of SS. PETER AND PAUL, Columbus Hall on Route 6. FALL RIVER Cars will leave at 9:30 on Among the many highlights of. Sunday morning from Carson's the annual 5S. Peter and Paul lot on Cove Rd. The admittance Parish picnic, Aug. 10, 11. and fee will be $2.50 per car. Members of the PTA may in12 at St. William's Center, Stafford Road, will be two suppers vite their friends to attend. Swimming and other sports wbich will enable housewives to will be available' and grills may have a night out. Mrs. Dorothy Hathaway has also be used for cookouts. charge. of a chowder-clamcake supper on opening night, and ST. JOSEPH, Miss Mary Tyrrell and John ATILEBORO The Knights of the Altar are Pacheco will be co-chairmen pf a meat pie supper to be' served planning a whist party slfhec;.1uled Saturday night, both from 5 to for 8 o'clock, Saturday night, . Aug. 18. 7 P.M. A penny sale will be conducted The committees comprise Norman Hathaway, 'who is honorary during the whist party. picnic chairman; Mr. and Mrs. John Wilding, Mr. and Mrs. Ask Vatican Support Charles Szulewski, Mr. and Mrs. Eo African Missioners Fred Dolan. Also Mr. and Mrs. Edward UTRETCHT (NC)-The CathTyrrell, Mary Benn\ltt, Betty olic bishops of the Netherlands Harrison; Mary Farren, Thomas have urged the Vatican to supCahill, Genevieve, Whitty, Kath- port the efforts of missionaries leen Durand and Louise Tyrrell. in Portugal's East African terriFrank Ryan is chairman of 'the tory of Mozambique to help outdoor food kitchen, assisted by the oppressed people of the terMary Robertshaw, George Fro- ritory. ment and Thomas Stapleton. In a letter to Cardinal MauAn auction will be held open- rice Roy of Quebec, president of ing night and penny sales will be the Pontifical Commission on i::onducted Saturday and Sunday Justice and Peace, on behalf of nights. the Dutch bishops, Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht, presOUR LADY OF ANGELS, ident of the Dutch Bi~hops' ConIFALL RIVER'. ference, spoke of the feelings of - Coming' events include cele- horror and indignation caused bration of the parish's patronal . by reports of massacres of vilfeast- Aug. 9 through 12 and a lager!? in Mozambique by Portuparish council meeting at 7 p.m. guese troops. ."Everyone in the Netherlands Sunday, Aug. 19 in the church hall. wonders whether these cruelties The Council of Catholic Women could not have been prevented," is making advance preparations the letter said. for a November fashion shoW; "The Dutch bishops realize also to be held in the' hall. that this is a difficult and delicate affair, to which, no doubt, HOLY NAME, the Holy See devotes as much I~ALL RIVER attention as possible, but they A few places are still available believe that the indigenous popfor a bus tour to Lenox Sunday, ulation, the priests and the bishAug. 12, where the Bo~ton Sym- ops of Mozambique' will feel betphony Orchestra will present. a ter protected and more 'encourcomplete performance of Han- aged if they know that they are del's Messiah. The bus will leave clearly supported by the highest Holy Name schoolyard at 10 a.m. authority of the Church." and purchase of tickets includes a smorgasbord dinner following Was Film Critic the concert. . NEW YORK (NC)~Philip T. SACRED HEART, Hartung, film critic for Common· NEW BEDFORD . weal magazine and consultor to Cubs and Webelos of Pack 5 the Division. for Films and will be guests at a picnic from Broadcasting of the U. S. Cath10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5 olic Conference, died July 24 at at New England Electric camp- St. Vincent Hospital here after grounds. . a long illness.

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be InclUded, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

There's Now a Highway Where Blueberries Grew By Joseph and .Marilyn Roderick Flower boxes are always attractive· compleplents to a house and if properly tended can add a great deal of pleasure from both outside and inside. ~he hou~e. 'Ho~­ ever, because of the.ir suspended POSition they reqUire speial care to keep them When. our weary berry-picking flourishing and healtlhy, es- crew returned to the beach the pecially at this time of year younger gerleration would cool when the weather becomes off by imme,diately jumping into bathing suits and heading for the drier and hotter. First of all, window boxes tall breakers that break on the REV. MARK O. FIGARO need a great deal of water be- white sand. lYIeanwhile our cause they do not have any mothers, aunts and grandmqthers method for conserving -water, would head ifor the kitchen and and, as with most plant recep- for dinner that evening the' beautacles they have a tendency to tiful sight, of blueberry pies lose water (nothing is more in- would greet.' our eyes. . LAFAYETTE (NC) - bivine jurious to potted or container . Now, as I look back, I find it Word Father Mark O. Figaro, a held flowers tban standitlg water difficult to understand how such which -is not allowed to drain). . delicious pies could .have been hlack priest was nam(fj first episVigilance is necessary to ensure turned out on the antique stoves copal vicar for black Catholics , that they are not allowed. to dry tfiat were in these summer cot- , in the diocese of Lafayette, La. There is one other diocesan out and this may mean watering tages, but they welre (or at least vicar for black Catholics in the at least three time a .week or they tasted that way). .. cven daily. Today a highway runs through. United States - Divine Word our blueberry picking spot, Father Clarence Howard, pastor Water Soluble' of St. Patrick's Church in OakConstant watering, hDwever, bodies not homes, cover that land, CaliC who was appointed beach now' that progress has leads to leaching of the soil and to 1').is new post in June. arrived; but ~he memory of those therefore c'are must be given to Father Figaro, a native of Lapie!! still lingers. hluberry restoring nutrients to the plants fayette, is presently pastor of If there is a spot where the that are in the containem. I use Notre Dame parish, St. Martina water soluble fertilizer on my wild blueberries stilI grow, then ville, La. He will begin his duties famil'ies, today can still maybe geraniums and petunias 150 that in the newly created diocesan ofthey receive nutrients while they enjoy a day~.s· outing that ends fice 'Sept. 1. that can never be with a dessert are being watered. This is a simmatched by the cultivated berple process which I perform at In announcing the appointleast once every 10 days and ries! ment of Father Figaro, Bishop . My 'grandmother used to make sometimes more often, depending Gerard L. Frey said it is in keepa dessert very similar to this one, 'upon the look of the plants. ing wit'h a directive of. the Seconly' she' called it "blueberry ond, Vatican Council 'which says Once these two requirements slump." .I have a strong feeling that bishops "should set forth are satisfied, ,it remains only to' that the slump and grunts 'are ways by which are to be' solved cut off wilted blooms and nonone and the same. the very grave· questions. '.. productive stems and til keep Berry Grunts . concerning brotherly ,relat)ions an eye out for the beetles' and 1 cup blueberries among all peoples." other insects that can raise Y2 cup sugar havoc with any plant. Pinching 'Real Community' 1 Y2 cups sifted flour off dead blossoms and' prlining 3 teaspoon's baking' powder The first duty. of the new out superfluous growth· keeps the . % teaspoon salt vicar, Bishop Frey said, "will be flowers plooming. and neat in 1 Tablespoon b'utter or mar. I. to give witness to the concern appearance. Flower boxes, how"garme of the Church and the bishop for. ever: need not be cut back as Y2 cup milk the almost 80,000 black Cathseverely as a garden. 1) Cook the berries in cup olics, in the diocese who are of The basic requirements for boiling water' .until soft. different ethnic background, rec.. flower boxes hold true for any . 2) Add sugar and cook 5 minognizing that their cultural an.d other potted plant outdoors. As utes longer. with most gardening chores, con- , 3) Place in buttered mold or social patterns are not only dif, sistent application of a few basic can with tight fitting cover (foil ferent, but valuable, and that certain steps must be taken as rules is all that is necessary for can he used)., far as humanly possible to presuccess. 4) Sift flour with baking pow- serve these traditions and heJp In the Kitchen der and salt. Cut in butter with bring about a peaceful harmony One of the highlights of my 2 knives until mixture resembles for the whole of the People· of childhood summers was a visit . coarse meal., Gradually stir in God." . to a certain spot· in Westport milk until dough is formed. whoere ,for one whole morning we Bishop Frey pointed out also, 5) Place dough over berries, did' nothing but pick wild blue- fit on cover and set -in kettle of "This office, with the rank of berries. It was a family affair so boiling water. The .water should episcopal vicar, should not be there was much cam'araderie, come within 1 inch of the top. construed as merely giving repreand calls of "Come over here, . Steam for 1 ho~r,' keeping water ' senta,tion to a particular group, this is a great spot...· boiling at all times. Serve hot but rather as a means through By the time we had our pails with hard sauce or foamy sauce whicn the bishop will try to achieve a real community in the full the sun was high in the sky, diocese." our 'legs were scratched hy the Tenness~e PraisC's bushes we were climbing through The announcement noted that and under, and all in all we were '. Catholic:Paper the vicar for black Catholfcs will a pretty weary, crew. NASHVILLE (NC}-The State belong to all diocesan boards, at Beautiful Pies of Tennessee has officially rec- least in a consultative capacity, At the berry picking time of ognized the J;'ennessee Register,' in which concerns and culture of summer we would be stl\Ying the Nashvile diocesan news- the black Catholics are involved. at a summer cottage at Horse- paper, for outstanding represennsck Beach. (Someone mentioned tation of the State in nationwide the other evening that if you newspap~r cbmpetition. want to really date yours:elf as The recognition' came in the far as age is concerned, then form of a resolution sent to the mention that you remember paper ·in the name of the State Over 35 Years when Horseneck was not a state by Governor ,Winfield Dunn. It ,of Satisfied Service beach, when people actually had noted· that t~,e pap~r had reReg. Master Plumber 7023 cottages right on that . 'bright o ceived first place awards for JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. curve of sand and when the photo news stories in Catholic 806 NO. MAIN STREET hangout for the college crowd Press Association contests in FaURiver 675-7497' was a place called the Sp,indrift~) 1973 and 1972. .............. ; . : ;

Black Catholics' Vicar Na-:ned



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GENERAL CONTRACTORS' and ENGINEERS JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer . Member National Society Professional Engineers FRANCIS L. ~OLLlNS, JR., Treas. THOMAS' K. COLLINS, Secy.



..........................u •••••

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

Acceptance of Status Quo Is Educating to In'justice



Charity .Organization Official Tells Problems of Giving Aid,

LONDON (NC)-"Third World plaining the problems of giving countries sei: great store on self- aid, told NC News: reliance and any hint of depen"In the case of poor countries dence on others is hurtful to it is inarguable that if their ecotheir pride," said an official of nomic development' were further Christian Aid, the British inter- advanced than i~ is, they would church charity organization, in be much less vulnerable to the describing the problems of aiding vagaries of climate: they would poor countries without offending have the means to offset their them. worst effect, ,and the reserves to The official spoke to NC News meet temporary shortages. ent. And the children look on after Christian Aid had begun "Development itself could not, every day, on television, in the an appeal for aid to Indian of course, have squeezed a single newspapers, in grown-up talk drought victims. drop of rain out of the merciless and see it happen. "When we turned the publicity MalTarashtra skies. But it could JAMES L. ALT Yet, if all a child learns in its spotlight on the great drought earlier have provided more forpractical upbringing, in its day of Maharashtra and other west- ests to conserve moisture and to day experience of life, is the ern states of India, there was no retain the tup soil and more. hyacceptapce of a system in which Wish to embarass the Indian .gov- drologists to locate underground money tries to pervert justice ernment," he said. water resources." . and corrupt power, how can the WASHINGTON (NC) - James In launching the appeal, David He continued, "For all her enyoung mind 'be formed in such a L. Alt, feature editor of NC way as even to recognize injus- News ·Service has beeri named Smithers, deputy aid administra- ergy and sacrifice, India was not tor of Christian Aid, who has equipped to protect her subjects tice when it is under its nose? editor/manager of the Green Bay this long protracted So many of the men involved Spirit, weekly diocesan news- recently returned from' the from that drought. A'1d that is what drought-stricken areas, said in America's present political paper of Green Bay, Wis. His aptragedy are clearly loyal and in- pointment will be effective Au- $250,000 could be spent there in wounded her political pride. the space of a week. "Rather than ask for emerdeed honest according to their gust 13. Emphasizing that the Indian gency aid, she spent precious standards. It is the standard that Alt started working part time slipped-the acceptance of the for NC News while he was the' government is doing a magnifi- foreign exchange on importing fundamental injustice that riches educational director of St. Louis cent job of relief, Smithers said grain already inflated by harvest give almost automatic access to parish in Alexandria, Va. He re- that food for work programs em- .shortfalls in Russia and China. "And our government, anxious political .influence and govern- searched information for what ployed millions but could 'not mental favor. The whole bias of was then a new religious educa- help everyone, particularly those not to offend India's sensitivity, was reluctant to make unsolicsociety eduucates not to j~stice, tion column, Know Your Faith, too young or infirm to work. He described how children and ited gifts of money or grain. but to the unquestioning accep- and when the column started in "So all the diplomatic niceties tance. of the opposite. 1969, he joined NC News full others are too weak to resist disease. Many cattle are dying. Seed were scrupulously observed while . time and became the column's Other Ways suff~red appalling hardhas disappeared. millions coordinator. However, Western,' "postThe Christian Aid official, ex- ship." Refusing to take full credit Christian" societies are not with. for the creation of the weekly out some redress. In a number of series, Alt said, that "Father Carl European democracies, the fun- .Pfeifer, S.J., (a well known catedamental injustice of riches con- chist who is with the religious trolling politics is being coun- education department of the SANTIAGO (NC)-':"An exhor- Christian Democratic Party, the tered by healthier electoral laws. .United States Catholic ConferBy a' variety of arrangements, ence) gave a lot of advice and tation of the Permanent Commit- biggest party in the country ofthe main expenses of the polit- contributed a great deal in the tee of the Chilean Bishops seems ficially accepted the exhortation, to have opened the way for re- followed later by other opposiical parties in West Germany, planning." newed efforts between political tion and government parties. Sweden and Finland are paid for Alt describes Know Your Faitn parties to avoid civil war here. A call for a dialogue made by by the community as a whole. as a column, "used in religious "We speak in a dramatic hour Marxist President Salvador AlParties receive subsidies broadly education class such as CCD in relation to the number of (Confraternity of Christian Doc- for Chile," said the statement .lende to the Christian Democrats votes cast for them. They do not trine), adult discussion groups signed by Cardinal Raul Silva of has started 'conversations, still in depend upon large private con- and used by the general public." Santiago, committee president, progress, toward some sort of tributions for their day-to-day· Approximately 86 newspapers in- and Bishop Carlos Oviedo, Secre- unde~standing. tary General of the Episcopal The situation in Chile has been existence. cluding The Anchor, subscribe to Conference. steadily worsening after the at- ~ In addition, all private gifts the. series. "We speak because we want tack on the presidential palace in have to be recorded. But the Alt received a degree in philAmerican experience shows that osophy from Marquette Univer- to give witness to our faith in Santiago June 29. The attack was carried out by recording is hardly enough since sity, Milwaukee, and studied two Christ and in our country. We so many guises, subterfuges and years at the Catholic University speak as bishops of the Catholic a small army unit in an attempt E:hurch to make an extreme call to overthrow Allende, but the fronts can be invented for ex- of America here. ceeding the maximum sum indiA key factor in accepting the to avoid armed fighting among rebellion was quickly put down by loyal army units. Marxist Chileans." viduals are allowed to give. The new job was its location. workers then took over scores The Bishops' call for a truce point about supporting the par"My wife, Audrey, and I are ties with public funds is to take both from Wisconsin and we had "which is. not a solution, but of factories in the industrial belt away the' need for iarge trans- decided that if a good opportu- gives time to find a solution," around Santiago, "to defend the fers of money which can begin as nity in that area·ever arose, we'd was immediately answered fa- popular government against the honest conviction and end in take it," he said. The Alts have vorably by the Communist Party. fascists." They still held them bribery and distortion. Two days later, the opposition in late July. a three-month-old daughter. .Perhaps· we 110 not think of such reforms as "education for just,ice." But they belong presProtect your home while away ! ently in those ·practical expe. riences of justice which-like living and working among the poor-put a stamp ofrecognition on young people's minds. If they grow up surrounded by a cynical acceptance of wealth as the route to understand power, they will grow up incapable of knowing what ,is and what is not just. An alarming number of public Sentry -- Timer opinion polls suggest that many Americans "take it for granted that parties are like that." Here • Turns lights on and off automatically is the real corruption. Just as Dives did not see Lazarus, a citi• Discourages burglary and vandalism zen can cease to see justice. Ignorance of the misery at the bottom of the scale, cynicism about the affluence at the top have the same effort. They give children an education to injustice.

There can be no education for justice without the practical, vivid, physical experience of injustice. The temptation for all affluent Christians-whethel\ they are the majority • as in most Western societies or a minority as in wealthy elites of, say, Latin America, is never to see and so never system of injustice. It does not give too little to the destito think of the inconceivable only tute. It gives too much-both of misery of others. Dives and goods and power-to the afflu-

Lazarus remains forever the parable of the rich who forget that justice and stewardship are the primal responsibility of the af-

Nam'e James Alt Editor.Manager.


fluent and fortunate. Dives simply did not see Lazarus starving at his gate. What is worse, the Bible tells us, the whole of the rest of the family were the same. When death and judgment had opened his eyes to the enormity of his injustice, he pleaded to 'be allowed to go back and warn his brothers. But he was told they would not come to believe in justice even if the messagE; came from "one risen from the dead." This foreshadowing of Our Lord's resurrection is warning and judgment for all the generations of indifferent rich. They go on ignoring the warning of "one risen from the dead." Gives Too Much But wealthy societies can fail to learn justice by another practical route. It is not simply that they can overlook the poor. 'rhey can become hardened by the be-' havior of the rich. N~ one looking at the turmoil and tragedy 'of American politics in recent weeks can have failed to notice ·one point. Very large sums of money passed from rich people to those in power in order to secure unspecified but hopefully sizeable benefits in the future. Men under investigation for unethical behavior could offer half a million for the political favor of being investigated no further. The trick did not work, since the American framework of justice has held firm against attempts to subvert it. But the point is that certain very rich people and groups could obtain access to government in a way simply, closed to the poor. This is the practical demonstration of the other side of a

Catholic Journalist LONDON (NC) - Count Michael de la Bedoyere, perhaps the most important and influential Catholic journalist in Britain since the start of World War II, has died at the age of 73. For 28 years he was editor of the Catholic Herald until 1962. During that time he transformed the small introspective Irish na~ tional Catholic newspaper reflecting the more acceptableand at time:> the controversialliberalism t:len growing inside the Church.


Cardinal's Call for Political Truce Lessens Chance of Civil War

'!:':-'~ - - -



t 6'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River;Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973



The Episcopalian Religion

'Episcopalian .Unity wth Plurality I still remember Christmas Day many years ago. I was sick in bed, and spent most of the day watching television. Late in the morning there was what I would have taken to be a Roman Catholic Mass, except that it was in English.- The. hymns were familiar,r the' altar with its candles and flowers looked familiar, the priest 'wore vestments like those at neighborhood parish.




There were readings from t1x~ Bible, a sermon, the Creed professing belief in the "one, holy catholic and apostolic Church," the bread and wine, the words of consecration, communion, blessi~g..Lall so familiar to me. Yet I wasn't sure how the Mass could he in English (this was years ago!). Only at the end did the announcer mention that the liturgy ,vas celebrat~d in the Episcopalian cathedral in New

ence suggests to me. the important "distinction between unity and uniformity. Value Unity Episcopalians "clearly value unity. They preserve the hierar· chical structure of the Church, and are increasingly open to the role of the Pope as a principle of unity. Lpiscopalian theologians recognize only one Cath· olic Church. However, they view that one Church as made up of four branches: Roman Cat~olic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox; and Old Cathohc. In their own .branch, the Anglican "or Episcopal; ,they recognize the "high," "low," and "bread" communities. Unity is not identified with uni· formity. . This aspect of Episcopal tradi- .

Kidron Valley As.a. Cemetery II At the foot of Mount Scopus, to the northwest of Jerusalem, begins Jhe Valley of Kidron. or Cedron. The valley, or "wadi" as it is known in Arabic, separates the city from the Mount of Olives.


KING HENRY VlII: "What evolved after the schism begun by Henry VIII has been known ~s the Church of England or the Anglican Church."


While Luther and Calvin chal'Defend~r of the Faith' lenged the authority of ttl>(! CathChristianity had .been introolic Church on theological duced to the Briti~h Isles as grounds those who engineered . early as the 2nd century. Pope the ,break with Rome in England Gregory the :Great sent St. AI.!' were primarily motivated by gustine to t~ island in 597 political reasons. The king want- and be became the fifst ed to sever the ties betwE!en the archbishop of Canterbury. DurEnglish Church and the Pope. ing the 1,000' years from Augustine to Henry VIII the spiritual authority of the bishop of Rome had lJeen acknowledged by king3 and bishop'S ,alike. By When news of the Lutheran revolt reached England Henry WILLIAM J. VIII was moved to pen a theological attack on the new theology WHALEN which earned him the, papal title "Defender o( the Faith." English sovereigns still receive this title at their coronation. I What evoived after the schism .: But when Henry found himself begun by Henry VIII har, been frusta ted in attempts to win an known as the Church of England annulment fibm the pope of his . or the Anglican Church. [n the 18-year marriage to Catherine of United Statr.s it has been called Ar~gon he decided to' claim the Protes:'ant Episcopal or headship of the Church in his' sometimes simply the Episcopal realm. In 1534 he demanded that Church. Some . 18 national the English bishops and clergy churches in union with the Archreject papal Ruthority. Only one bishop of' Canterbury form the bishop, John· ,Fisher, resisted his 40-million member Anglican demand; along with Sir Thomas Communion. . More he paid for this disobediIn Anglicanism the form of ence with his life. The Pope exchurch government - bishops, communicated the king. priests, and deacons~wa'S carOxfo~~ Movement ried over from Roman CatholiIn matters of doctrine 'and Cism. Much (If the liturgy. creeds, piety and customs of Catholicism. .' piety Henry VIII remained ,a trawere also preserved. Many Epis- ditional Catholic who opposed copalians' view' their church as . Protestant hnovations such as 'both Catholic and Protestant. Turn to rage Eighteen

Since that surprising discovery of how much Roman Catholics and Episcopalians shared in com.. mon, I have become more aware of the existing closeness between the two churches. Unlike most Protestant churches, the Episcopal Church retains much of Ro.. 'man' Catholic ritual and struc.. ture, and finds little quarrel with most of the doctrinal teachings of Roman Catholic tradition. Pluralism Since that Christmas I have made another discovery about Episcopalianism. Within the one Epistopal Church' there are surprising differences in doctrine and rituai. III fact Episcopalians exhibit a broader spectrum of pluralism than most major Prot· estalh Churches.' There is the "high church" or "Anglo-Cath· olic,'1 which is so strikingly similar tq the Roman Catholic in teac;hing and worship. Such was the Christmas Mass I watched on television. But there is also the' "low church," or evangelical group. Their worship appears little different from that of a Methodist congregation. Instead of Mass or Holy Communion the more typical service is Morning Prayer. Still a third branch within the Episcopal Cllur,ch is the "bread" or "modernist." A typical sermon in a congregation of this branch might fit equally well in a Unitarian servic~. This surprising pluralism within the one Protestant Episcopal Church (or Anglicqn Church in England) stl'Jkes me as worth re" flecting on. How can one Church tolerate such wide differences of teaching and ritual? How can unity be preserved with such plurality? The Episcopalian experi-

tion deserves serious thought. We Roman Catholics have tended consciously or unconsciously to identfying unity and uniformity. Uniformity was reflected in the catechisms from Baltimore to Bangkok, in the celebration of the Mass in Boston or Borneo, in the average sermon in m"ost parishes the world over. . Today this is no longer true, and one may fear that the loss of uniformity in ritual and religion texts necessarily means the loss of Catholic unity. The example of the Episcopal Church's enduring unity with recognized plurality, should caution against 'an overly nasty identification of unity with uniformity. To be one does not require being the same.


The term' \vadf refers to a sea· sonal stream bed or arroyo and the Hebrew word "quidron" means turbid, reflecting the usually sluggish stream that rises seasonally in the valley.

ArcheologIsts estimate that 50 to 100 feet of debris have accumulated in the valley since ancient times, but in spite of this it still occupies a ravine that lies froin 90 to 180 feet below the level of Jerusalem. Many stories could be told about the Kidron, and in time we will discuss several,. but this week we are particularly interested in the valley as a cemetery. Regardles5 of whether one views the valley fr:om Jerusalem 'or the Mount of Olives he is always struck by the great num.ber of graves and tombs that occupy .both its slopes. Legend Only The custlyn probably began in the Old T~stament period or early in the Christian era when the valley was associated with Turn to Page Seventeen

A Rich Mother's Day On Mother's Day this year at Holy Family we probably had the richest, most diversified Sunday liturgy program for the parish since my arrival in Fulton two years ago.


(grammar school son of the god· parents) pr;)claimed nervously, but well the first two scriptural passages. The celebrant's brief homily concluded with a poem to Douglas composed by his great grandmother and read by his oldest, red-haired, third-grade sister, "By Cathy. "I know he's fresh from )"leaven ... I hold his little hand in wonder, kiss his rosy little FR. JOSEPH M.; cheek. God really knew we'd CHAMPLIN love him when he sent him here this week." J Just prior to the Baptism, IlllmTh'W;@ll~=. Cathy, her two sisters and little It b"egan at our 8:30 Mass with brother (age "6) recited a series the baptism .of Douglas Joseph of general intercession petitions Stewart. they had written. Celebrating this sacrament Family Participation within a eucharistic liturgy is The whole family-and it is not new for us (although a first an exceptionally beautiful onefor the regulars at that particular brought forward the gifts at presel1Vice). However, intimate in- sentation time. "yolvement of the entire Stewart·.. For the sign of peace, parents family and the godparents in' and godparents received this planning' and ~xecuting the bap· greeting from the priest, them tismal Eucharist did represent a carried it down aisles to memdifferent, further step forward. bers of the congregation. Young Robert Pawlewicz Turn to Page Eighteen •• 4'





THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 2, 1973

Fusero's 'The Borgias' Is Reassuring' Reading

Record Number Of Ordinations

Do you have a sap and worried feeling that the Churc~ is now in poor shape and facing a very gloomy future? If so, perhaps you should read The Borgias by Clemente Fusero, translated by Peter Green (Praeger, 111 Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. '$12.50: Illustrated). The chief us. When Louis XII of France to get. rid of his wife figure is Rodrigo Borgia who wanted so as to marry a widow who as Pope Alexander VI, head- would put in -his grasp the vast o

ed the Church from 1492 to 1503. His family was of Spanish origin, and his uncle Alonso Borgia $as Pope Callistus III.

duchy of Brittany, Alexander VI arranged' this in 1498. It was only a few decades later that Henry VIII asked a similar accommodation, only to be refused.




When Alonso was elected to the papacy in 1455. h<l began to shower titles and treasure on his family. Rodrigo, then 25 and not a priest, was marie a cardinal (he was ordained only 12 years later). At 26, Rodrigo was vicechancellor of the whole Church. His ecclesiastical rank did not prevent him from having a mistress (there were others later) and fathering seven children, the most famous of whom were Cesare, a military genius, and Lucrezia, she of the fabulous beau-/ ty and the three husbands. Vile Reputation Alexander VI and ·his children have enjoyed a particularly vile reputation all down the centuries. Mr. Fusero thinks that many of the allegations against them are fictions, concocted by spiteful enemies. Thus, he calls Alexander VI a great pope, in the sense of an excellent administrator. And he insists that Lucrezia was not the poisoner she is generally reputed. But he has to admit that they were far from being ideal Christians.. And as he relates their story, while stressing extenuating circumstances, one can only be appalled. Callistus III had been born in 1378, the year that saw the beginning of' the Great Western Schism, during which there flourished not only one anti-pope, but two, a period of wrenching agony for the Church. It persisted until 1423, only eight years short of the. birth of the future Alexander VI. Grave Abuses Even after the schism ended, the Church was in disarray. There were grave abuses which clamored for reform. But the popes were temporal sovereigns, much absorbed in defending and, if possible, extending their territories, in warfare, in politics, in diplomacy. Most of the leading churchmen were similarly engaged, if in lesser degrees. And it was an age of arrant nepotis,!" with the popes feverishly concerned about raising their relatives in the world, ennobling and enriching them, and heading them toward major or minor thrones. Playing the game of European politics, the popes sometimes did things which seem abhorrent to 0




VIENNA (NC)-A record number of ordinations to the priestbood has been reported in the Yugoslavian republic of Slovenia, it was reported here. In the three dioceses of the rerepublic, 42 diocesan and 17 Religious order priests have been or soon will be ordained to serve the' area's 1.5 million Catholics. Almost half of the candidates for ordination are from the families of industrial workers; the other half come from rural areas. Tbe reports said that the Yugoslavian government, alarmed by this development, is planning to intensify its campaign of atheistic propaganda in the public schools. In neighboring Czechoslovakia, Communist party leader Jan Fojtik called for greater zeal and vigilance in counteracting ,'~reli­ gious hostility to socialism." In Braunau, Czechoslovakia, Father Frantisek Plodek was given a suspended sentence of six .months in jail and banned from all priestly activities for three years because he was convicted of having "undermined the socialist order" in a sermon at a wedding.

Notorious Peak The Borgias were at their notorious peak a little before the Reformation, Alexander VI was dead only 15 years -when Luther nailed up his theses at Wittenberg. There is a direct connection between the scanaalOus condi· tions which the Borgias typified. and the earthquake of revolt KIDRON VALLEY: "Regardless of whether one views which occurred in the 16th cen- the valley (of the Kidron) from Jerusalem or the Mount of tury. Olives he is always struck by the great number of graves Cesare was never a priest, aland, tombs that occupy both its slopes." The Kidron Valley though he was a bishop at 16 lind . a cardinal at 18, honors is lined with thousands of tombs of pious Jews, Christians which he renounced at 23 so as arid Moslems who believe it to be the Valley of Jehosaphat, to devote himself to military the site of God's judgement of the nations." NC Photo. conquest, reducing one after another strongh<>ld and proud city in Italy. Upon the horrible death of Alexander VI, Cesare's power Continued from Page Sixteen . the legend. The first is another rapidly declined, and he was the Valley of Jehosaphat or Jos- passage in' Joel (4:16) which Washington PI.ans dead at 32. Lucrezia's curious career, not aphat (Joel 4:2), which the some took to indicate the valley Pastoral Council unmarked by violence, was prophet described as the site of was located near Mount Zion, hills of Jerusalem. one of the WASHINGTON (NC)-Plans to God's judgment of all the nabrought to a dose by death at The other is connected with form an Archdiocesan Pastoral the age of 39. With her, the Bor- tions "when I restore the forgias faded from the main stage. tunes of JUGah and Jerusalem." the Ascension of Jesus (Acts Council here were announced reJoel, who wrote after the re- . 1:12) that an· Angel told the cently by Archbishop William Friend of Loyola turn of the Jews from the Apostles: "Jesus who has. been W. Baum of Washington. But anoth<lr Borgia, Francis, The Council-laity, priests and Babylonian exile, probably did taken up from you into heaven, fourth Duke of Gandia (1510not have the Kidron or any other . this same Jesus will come back Religious elected to assist the 1572) and great-grandson of Alparticular piace in mind when he. in the same way as you have archbishop in over-all adminisexander VI, made friends with t.ration of the archdiocese-will wrote his prophecy, for the, seen him go there." Ignatius Loyola, founder of the This passage was understood . meet with Archhisl:.;>p Baum meaning of Jehosaphat in Hebrew Jesuits, and joined the Jesuits at is "The place where Yahweh by some zilrly Christians to about every six weeks. It will esthe age of 40. mean that the Second Coming tablish the need and priorities of (God) judges." He did this after the death of Father J. L.McKenzie reflects .would take place at 4.he same the Church and review, evaluate his, wife and after he bad made the opinions of most contempo- location as the Ascension. This and coordinate all Church proprovision for their 11 children. rary Scripture scholars when he idea easily became accepted as grams. In 1565 he was chosen to be says in his "Dictionary of the a confirmation of the previous Areas of Church concern will General of the Jesuits, a posiinclude social justice, youth, Bible" the legend associating the legend. tion he held until his death in The buriai practice originated Christian education, vocations, valley of Jehosaphat with the 1572. in late Old Testament times and liturgy, ecumenical affairs and Kidron "has no foundation." As a Jesuit, and particularly persisted well into the Christian communications. Source of Legend as the head of the society, he The council, scheduled to have Be that as it may, two factors era with the .result that the was a leading figure in the seem to have combined to create Kidron Valley is today a huge its first meeting with the archCounter Reformation, which necropoiis which Jews, Moslems bishop early' in December, will sought to cleanse and strengthen and Christians alike chose as be composed of lay people the Church in one of the direct a decline of the classic demo- their resting place while awaiting elected fro in the District of Cointervals of its long history. cratic dialogue in our society and the Last Judgment. lumbia and five Maryland counAfter his death, he was canon- that it is having an unhealthy ties that comprise the archdioized, a saint sprung from cor- impact on our national life." Food· Distributed cese. rupt soil. It can happen. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Close The President, to have power, . This book reminds us, as we says Mr. Reedy, must command <to 400,000 pounds of food was need to be reminded, that the the confidence of the people. distributed to the needy through WEAR Church has survived far worse Without this, he cannot act, the Cardinal's Commission on Shoes That Fit times and trials than any we cannot lead. He must have the Human Relations when the welhave known or are likely to ability to get people to do what fare payments were delayed here "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" know. If it is not edifying ·read- he wants them to do. in July. A report issued by the ing, it is nonetheless, in its pecucommission indicated that the Mass Government liar way, reassuring reading. If the people feel that they are value of the food and donated The Presidency out of touch with the President, services was estimated at $200,43 FOURTH STREET In The Presidency in' Flux (Co- his power rapidly declines. But 000. Over a half million meals Fall River 678-5811 lumbia University Press, 562 W. should he nOloe able to commu- were provided, the report stated. 113th St., New York, N.Y. 10025. niCate with them more' easily r. $q.95), George E. Reedy is deal- than ever in {his age of amazinging with another important in- ly advcanced communications?.. stitution. Mr. Reedy was once a One might thin}{ so. But ours newspaperman, a Congressional is also an age of- mass governassistant, press secretary to ment, and Presidents come to President' Lyndon Johnson, and think' of people as statistics and at is now dean of Marquette's Col- as manipulable. They put undue lege of Journalism. He is author confidence in the public relations of another book on the office of arts, the artificial trickery of chief executive, The Twilight of . which, according to Mr. Reedy, .the Presidency. is soon seen through. They do . The present work, comprising not constitute, nor can they sub115 WILLIAM· ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. a set of lectures, develops tho<l' stitute for, genuine personal basic theme that "there has been communication.

Kidron .Valley As a C'emetery




John's Shoe Store



THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall Rive~- Thurs., Aug. 2, 1973

Mother1s Day


Indicate Many Americans Want Voluntary School Prayer WASHINGTON (NC) - Congressmen and a priest, ttlstifying before the Senate Constitutional Amendments SubcommiUe'3 con· cluded that a growing majority 'of Americans want voiuntary prayer put back in public schools. Such phrases as "vast majority of Americans" and· "overwhelming will of the American people" were to be found in most of the statements made by more than a half-dozen' persons testifying before the committee. Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.), who has gained fame rectmtly as , vice-chaimtan of the select ,Senate committee investigating the Watergate affair, told the amendment subcommittee that a voluntary prayer amendment is one of his own "primary legislative priorities." ."1 am convinced," safd Sen. Baker, "that this propoflal has the support of the overWhelming majority of the people of t)1is country." He said that despite legislative setbacks over the past f~.w years in introducing a voluntary prayer amendment, grass roots support for it continues to grow. 'Grassroots Issue' "The struggle for the reaffirmation of voluntary prayer is a . gr!lssroots issue in the truest and best sense of the word," Sen. Baker said. "It is extremely UQusual for such an issue 10 sustain .,the sentiment of so many people for such a longpel'iod of time." Sen. Baker is a co-sponsor of a voluntary prayer amendment

proposed by Sen. Richard S. Schweiker (R-Pa.) who led off testimony at the subcommittee hearing. Sen. Schweiker's bjll has the co-sponsorship of 20 senators: In part, Sen. Schweiker's l;lill specifies thl,lt no state government shall flbridge the right of pearsons lawfully assembled in any public ,building to partiCipate in voluntary prayer. Those who gave testimony pointed out that a large number of prayer amendment bills have been introducoo in both the PEOPLE .IN THE NEWS: Cesar Chavez, left, president Senate and the House this term. of the United Farm Workers Union and Frank Fitzsimmons, .They also noted th-at several states have voted in favor of vol- right, president of the Intemational: Brotherhood of Teamuntary plans of action. sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers Union, are 'Overwhelming Will' prominent figures in the dispute about new contracts for A clergyman who· testified, lettuce and grape growers in California. NC Photo. Father Robert G. Howes, national coordinator of Citizens for Public Prayer, gave his explanation as to why he ,and tbe legisContinued from Page Sixteen ' their church, Geclrge III, during lators were asking for an amend- the marriage of priests. Yet he the American revolution; they ment. suppressed hundreds of monas.. fled to Canada and England after "We have. come 'here," said teries and persecuted any En.. -the war; Yet many patriots were' Father Howes, "in behalf of glishman who persisted in loyal· also Anglicans: George WashingAmerican citizens everywhere, to ty to the Pepe. Under the boy· ton, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick urge that this subcommittee rec- king Edward VI and Queen Henry, and others. Stripped of ognize the overwhelming will of Elizabeth the Church of England its tax support and most 'of its the American people ...." would be ca,ried further into the clergy the Protestant Episcopal Church, now autonomous, count"It is almost unbelievabie that Protestant camp. still today, 11 years beyond the Anglicans based their liturgy ed only 30,000 members by 1830. Episcopalians made only feeble ~irst prayer-ban decision, not 0ll the book of Common Prayer only is freedom of religion de- and subscribed to the doctrinal efforts to evangelize the frontier. Today the Episcopal Church nied in the public classroom but . state!'Dents in the thirty-nine numbers about 3,285,000 memCongress has failed to permit the Articles adopted in 1571. nation to decide this matter The Oxford movement of the bers in this cOJ.mtry and has trathrough the constitutiomil pro- mid-19th century not only 'led ditionally found its greatest cess of amendment ratification," many Anglicans such as John strength among the wealthy and. Father Howes said. Henry Newman to Rome but those on the Eastern seabord. In an Episcopalian parish the brought baclt a signific,ant number of Anglicans to more Cath- chief form of worship is known olic thought and practices. The as the Holy Communion, the Eulatter formed the High Church charist or the Mass. All Episco. and Anglo-Catholic schools with- palians recognize the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supof Israeli, Hebrew-speaking in Anglicanism. . per and many attach a sacramEmAnglicanism in Colonies Christians." . -Carried to America as early as tal importance to the other five Its members, he said, shouid be "rooted in Israel, and recon- 1607 Anglicanism became the Catholic sacraments. struct the original Christianity, established church in fiv~ of the Reunion. Appeal to Restock which was founded in this coun- original cohnies. Lacking any Hundreds of - thousands of try. The Catholic Church has bishops or diocesan organization Episcopalians favor the Anglo- Seminary Library now reaiized that it has deviated for its first 177 years on this Catholic tradition which shares ST. MARY (NC) - The reover the ages from the full soil the Anglican Church was many 'positions with Roman sponse to help restock the teachings of Jesus, and Christian severely handicapped. Any com- Catholicism. These Episcopalians burned-out library at St. Mary's churches now want to return to' munjcant who desired confirma- cultivate Cat'1olic devotions, sup- College here in Kentucky has tion or ordination had to return port Episcopalian religious or- been so great that a new goal to their Jewish roots. ,. He emphasized that "we work to England. ders for men and women includ- increase donations has been set. Most Anglican ministers were ing Benedictines and Francisquite openly, and conduct our' An appeal by' the National prayers in Hebrew and 'Arabic." Tories who supported the head of cans, and view with suspicion at- Catholic Register resulted in doThe community includes a numtempts to r.1erge their church nations of more than 30,000 ber of, Christian soldiers, sons Apartme.nts Built with Protestant denominations. books and $40,000 to catalogue .of mixed marriages. They meet ~ For Poor by p'ope Official Anglican-Roman Cath- the books at the new seminary . no difficulties in the Israeli 'olic commi.ssions have been library. ROME (NC)-Ninety-nine fam- meeting to examine doctrines army, he said, are allowed to The new goal is set at 100,000 take the loyalty oath 'on the New ilies from Rome's shantytown and chart a path to reu~ion. In college level books on theology, Testament and can usually ob- are moving into new apartments' 1972 such, a consultation an. philosophy, history, clas:;ics, bi-' tain leave to attend church ser- built by Pope Paulin conjunction nounced "suJ.>stantial agreement ography and "alrlfost any kind of with -the city of Rome as a "sym- on the doctrine of the Euchavices on Sundays. good books" for the seminary bolic gesture" to thousands woo rist." The Decree on Ecumenism 'No Diffi<;ulties' operated ·by the Resurrectionist live in squalor in and near the singled out Anglicanism when it Fathers. "In the 'northern area we have Italian capital. started. "Among those (churches) St. Mary's, a 150-year-old colencountered no difficulties with Built on city land in the coun: the authorities or the 'rabbinate,", tryside of Acilia between Rome in which Catholic traditions and' lege that became a seminary in institutions in part continue to 1929, has trained more than he said. and the sea, the complex of exist, the Anglican Communion 1,000 priests, 1'0 of whom beFather Rufeisen said he op- apartm,ent .buildings reportedly occupies. a special place.'~ 'came bishops. ' posed any pressure on or persua- cost the Vatican $900,000. sion of Christian spouses ·in On the occasion 'of the open~ mixed marriages to convert to ing of the new Vatican Audience Judaism and added that "conver- Hall in 1971, Pope Paul ansion should not be made easy." nounced that he would do someAltbough, he said, it is not desir- thing 'for the Romans without a INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC able that Christian spouses con- roof, most of whom are unemvert to Judaism "just because ployed in a' city extremely short they have come to Israel," he, of housing. stressed that he had not disThe Pope said he would consuaded ,anyone from converting· tribute money received from the if they had made up their minds. sale of 'a Vatican-owned bUilding' . He estimated that there are in the center of Rome toward 25,000 mixed couples, Christians the project. This amounted to 312 Hillman Street 997~9162 New Bedford married to Jews, in Isr;;lel. a I'epbrted $660,000.

The Episcopalian' Religion

Carmelite Denies' Encouraging • People In Israel to . Emigrate HAIFA (NC)-A Jewish-born :Carmeilite priest denied' reports . that he has encouraged people in Israel to emigrate. The priest, Father Daniol Ru. feisen, spoke at a press conference here after reports' had attributed the recent emigration of a number of families from Carmiel in Northern Israel to the activities of Christian mission"aries and had. cited Father Rufeisen. The priest, who servefl <the Catholic spouses and children of mixed marriages among l.mmigrants in northern Israel, said that, although he did not encourage these Catholics to convert to Judaism nor did he think they should, he urged <them to remain in the country and assured them they could live here as Christians. "In 14 years of work I have not come up against a single clear case of discrimination against a Christian member of a mixed marriage 'or against their Christian children," he said. 'Rooted in Israel' Father Rufeisen, who' unsuccessfully petitioned the' Israeli High Court several year:s ago to be registered as of Jewish nationality and Christian faith, said the long-range goal of his work. among fhe Christian immigrants was to "establish a community

Riches .t."

Riches are not forbidden, but the pride of' them is. , -st. John Chrysostorn

Continued from Page Sixteen Finally; after Communion, Christine, a, second-grade student, stood by the celebrant's side and read another of her great' • grandmother's poems. '. "This is my little brother, Dear God I thank you 'so. We wanted him so very much, and I wanted you to know .. ." Jim and Mary Jo Crossman, a young couple expecting -their first child in a matter of weeks, prepared the 9:45 Mass. They wrote the comments preceding each reading, composed the general intercessions and developed a thanksgiving after Communion reflection entitled, "What is a Mother?" Jim handled the biblical excerpts and prayer of the faithful. Both present~d the gifts. Mary Jo, very pregnant, very hopeful, and very proud, recited her postcommunion composition. "A mother is a diaper changer, teller of bedtime stories, keeper of Band-Aids,' dispenser of cookies and milk .... a mother is all these things and much more. But especially, a good mother is a blessing from God to be cherished." . Our last Mass at 11:15 found Dominick and Mary Procopio the center of attention. Fifty years earlier they became man and wife; today before a church full of parishioners, they renewed their nuptial vows. Dominick said "Yes" four times in response to the priest's question; his wife with -tears in her eyes and an orchid on her shoulder nodded agreement. "We will continue to live together and love each other' for the rest of our lives." Someone started to clap; soon the whole congregation joined in applause. An older woman stopped me outside after this Mass. "Father, that was such a beautiful service. I came to church awfully depressed this morning. But now I'm so ... so ... hoappy." I

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K of C Meeting To Emphasize Right to Life SEATTLE (NC)-The supreme council of the Knights of Columbus is expected to consider at its' annual meeting here a score of resolutions that call for protecting the life of the unborn. Eight resolutions alone press for concerted action to obtain a constitutional amendment "to proted the unborn from destruction," according to the K of C planners of the meeting (Aug. 21-23). The resolutions voice the "angered shock of rank-and-file citizens to the U. S. Supreme" Court decision denying constitutional protection of life to the unborn," according to a K of C statement. The language of one resolution describes the date of the court's verdict (Jan. 22) as "the day of infamy that our nation took a giant step backward.". Another labels the court action "an exercise of raw Judicial power." Several resolutions call for a massive program of education to instruct the general public on the sacredness of human life from the moment of conception to th~ moment of death. 200 Resolutions The resolutions on human life are a part of some 200 resolutions which will be taken up by the 383 official K of C delegates from the UnIted States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Philippines at the supreme council's 91st annual meeting here. Other resolutions deal with the financial predicament of Catholic schools, the shortage of priestly and Religious vocations in the Church, prayer in public schools; and the plight of the mentally retarded. On schools, one resolution calls for support of a constitutional amendment to insure the parents' conscientious rights to send their children to religiously oriented schools without penalty of double taxation. Public School Prayer Resolutions on vocations express concern at the steep drop in the number of those entering the Religious or priestly life. One resolution asks that special prayers for vocations be offered at every official Knigbts of Columbus meeting. Resolutions from two state jurisdictions encourage passage of a consitutional amendment to permit voluntary prayer in public schools. Such an amendment failed by a narrow margin to receive two-thirds majority in Congress in 1971. Five resolutions deal with the plight" of the mentally retarded and request establishment of some spec~al project by the Knights of Columbus to aid this neglected segment of society.. Several proposals note that" six million children and adults in North America suffer from this handicap. The resolutions call, for giving.the retarded the opportunity for proper training and employment whenever possible.

Religion It is the root of all religion I

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that a man knows that he is nothing in order to thank Goa that he is something. -Ch'esterton

Mary 'Fenlon Is Administrative Assistant To Georgetown Basketball Coach WASHINGTON (NC)-"I am a bit hesitant to give interviews because when you're a part of something, you don't want to be singled out," ~aid Mary Fenlon, academic coordinatbr of Georgetown University's basketball team and administrative assistant to the coach, John Thompson, But here she was, talking about herself 'and the job she has held since April, 1972. Although she is the first woman to have a position on a major university's basketball staff, she emphasized two points. "I wasn't hired because I'm a woman," she said. "Coach Thompson (formerly. with the Boston Celtics) wanted someone who was interested in education, had been through the college scene and liked being around young peop路le." 1't1iss ,Fenlon supervises the academic life of the players. She is a faculty advisor to basketball players, usually freshmen, "but," she said, "I keep an eye on everybody." She keeps files on their progres, finds tutors for them, attends most practices, travels with the team, and helps recruit players by explaining the academic program at Georgetown. . "I really don't do anything unusual, she added. "My job is to coordinate the team's academic schedule with their travel schedule with the;r game schedule. I say things like, 'you'll be on the road next week and exams are coming soon, so make sure you get your studying in.' I'm sure H'"ere is many a harried assistant coach who does the same thing and coaches too." Then she emphasized that she does not have anything to do with basketball tactics, strategies or coaching. ~'I'm not sportsminded at all," she said, "I know when our team is winning, when it's losing and that there are five guys on the court.

THE ANCHORThurs" Aug. 2, 1973


Name Canadian Synod Delegates OTTAWA (NC)-The names of the four bishops elected by members of the Canadian Catholic Conference (CCC) to attend路 the next session of the Synod of Bishops to be held in Rome in the fall of 1974 were announced here. The delegates are: Bishop Gerald E. Carter of London, Ont.; Archbishop Jean Marie Fortier of Sherbrooke, Que.; Archbishop Henri Legare of Grouard-McLennan, Alta.; and Bishop Wil路 liam E. Power of Antigonish, N.S. Two alternate delegates were also elected: Bishop Remi J. De Roo af Victoria, B.C. and Archbishop Paul Gregoire of Montreal. Pope Paul VI recently confirmed the elections according to synod norms. The first meeting of the episcopal committee to prepare for the synod is to be held in Ottawa on Aug. 13, Father Everett MacNeil, general secretary of the CCC, also announced. The four delegates and two alternates, who have been asked to direct -Canadian preparations for the synod. are to s~t up guidelines to insure profitable exchanges of views on the synod theme "Evangelization of the Modern World," The committee's conclusions will be forwarded to conference members ,so that study at the diocesan level can begin in September.



MARY FENLON "I love to travel with the team; I'm so much a part of them when they're here. I'd really feel bad about it if I couldn't go. And along with my other responsibilities, I also have secretarial duties to the coach." Also many of the guys' bring their books with them. But the most I can offer basketball-wise is moral support,

I'm of absolutely no other value in that area." She and Coach Thompson have worked together for seven years. She taught English and Latin at St. Anthony's High School here ' when he coached there. They worked together with Federal City College's 4-H division and they came together to Georgetown's basketball team.




Historians Try to Settle Differences BUENOS AIRES (NC)-Church on social and political aspects, historians in Latin. America are -rather than theology. The Colombian group, howtrying to solve their differences that developed over a project to ever, agreed last January to help produce a history of the Church in. the research and writing of the nine-volume History of the in the area. One of the key differences Church in Latin America. Argentinian lay historian Prof. concerns the explanation of the Enrique Dussel heads the projterm "liberation," used by many theologians and sociologists to- ect, in which Protestant denomday in discussing development in " Latin America. Answering criticisms by conservative groups in Argentina and Colombia, the Committee on VATICAN- CITY (NC) - The Latin American Religious HisVatican has printed a guide book tory (CEHILA) said that good for Holy Year pilgrims which, in will is needed on both sides "for addition to detailing the monuthe good of a scientific work for mEmts and historical sites of contemporary readers." Rome, describes the spiritual "Liberation meanS precisely heritage of the Eternal City. the total salvation of man in Entitled "The Vatican and Christ, that is, .in the spiritual Christian Rome," and printed in but also the cultural, economic six modern European languages, and political fields," a spokesman the pocket-size book ,describes for CEHILA said at its headquar- the" structure and organizations ters here. of the Church from ancient times Argentina's Institute for' to the present. Church History and the ColomThe book speaks of the Vatbian Academy of Church History ican, St. Peter's and the other objected early in the project to major basilicas, the catacombs and the many Vatican museums. wha~ they termed the emphasis

Holy Year ,Guide Boo k Publ.路shed


inations are also cooperating. A review meeting will be held in 1974 at the Mexican city of Chiapas. Publication has been set for 1976. Dussel said his team "will deeply regret if the Argentinian Institute remains outside this effort." The project was originated by the Latin American Bishops' Council (CELAM), with the aim of updating. pastoral methods geared to historic and present realities.




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