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diocese of fall river

teanc.o VOL. 23, NO. 31


20c, $6 Per


Pontiff Will Meet President; Location Not Yet Definite WASHINGTON (NC) - Both to get "an overwhelmingly Carter and the Vatican friendly welcome and an enpress office have confinned that thusiastic w~lconie" from "AmPope John Paul II will meet erican people of' all religious with Carter during the papal faiths." visit to the United States the The sight of the pope in the first week in October, immedi- White House would have once ately following a three-day visit sparked sharp criticism from those who opposed Catholic to Ireland. The pope will probably visit presidenti~l candidates because Carter at the White House, but they feared American policy details have not yet been work- would be dictated from the Vatied out. If the pope does go to can. - But a Gallup poll on the 10 the White House, it would be a men most admired by Amerifirst. cans at the end of the 1978 _ Carter last week told a group of out-of-town editors that he expects to meet with the pope "in the White House in a private ' fashion." (Commenting on a press report on the president's remarks, the Vatican press spokesman, CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NC).Father Romeo Panciroli, conSome 1,000 scientists 'and theofinned that the pope would meet Carter. Asked if the meet- logians, -including a Vatican' ing would take place in Wash- delegation, concluded a 12-day conference - on ington, he said, "It has not been international Faith, Science and the Future by settled yet.") pledging to continue working toRussell Shaw, secretary of .gether in the search for truth. public affairs for the U.S. CathThe conference opened with a olic Conference, said he expects welcoming address by Cardinal the pope to come to Washing- Humberto Medeiros of Boston, ton and expects him to visit the who said Christian faith and sciWhite House if he does. ence cannot ignore each other. _ If the pope does not come to "The technology that disreWashington, Shaw said, he will gards or ignores the question' of probably meet Carter at the Christian ethics, especially the United Nation;;. The pope will value it places on humanity, will address the United Nations on quickly reduce _the earth to a Oct. 2. desert, the person to an autoCarter said he expects the pope mation brotherly love to planned collectivization, and introduce death where God wished life," , Cardinal Medeiros said. . Cooperation of science and faith might result in "a new and LISBON, Portugal (NC) Maria de Lourdes Pintassilgo has comprehensive vision of reality," .declared a statement issued at been named by President Antonio Ramhalho Eanes 'as pre- the end of the meeting, held at mier of Portugal and asked to the Massachusetts Insitute of Technology and sponsored by fonn an interim government. the World Council of Churches. Miss Pintassilgo, a prominent That new vision is attainable Catholic, began selecting cabinet if each field "could find a way members from among other to free itself of the sterile conCatholics. _'She said she was flict and protective annor of its looking for "progressives" in an past relationship with the other," effort to initiate social refonns. the scientists and theologians The new premier is a mem- said. ' ber of The Grail, an internationTowards that goal, the wec al Catholic women's movement 'is peal-heading an effort to get concerned with religious, cul- the two groups working together tural and social development. so ethics can influence advanceShe has attended several Grail ments in technology and just international meetings at the world order can be attained. movement's headquarters in . In that vein, the conference Loveland, Ohio. also approved a statement callPresident Eanes is planning ing for an international mora-to call for parliamentary elec- torium on construction of ~u颅 tions in- the fall, since the long clear power plants. The morapolitical crisis stems from the torium is necessary, delegates' said, to encourage "wide particiTurn to Page Seven 'Presid~nt

found Pope John Paul ranked second, behind Carter and ahead of evangelist Billy Graham. The poll found the pope rated sixth among Protestants only. Carter said he believes the pope "desires to come to our country not on a political mission, but on one involving religion, morals and ethics." Carter said it was too early to know what subjects they would discuss. But, he said, "We do share a common desire for Turn to Page Seven

Science, Faith Seek Truth As Experts Meet at .MIT

PQrtugues'e Head Devout Catholic

LOVE ONE ANOTHER: At MIT conference, embrace of frieQ,dship is shared in top picture by Karekin II, Armenian Patriarch of Lebanon; Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston; ~nd Metropolitan Paulos Gregorios of the Orthodox Syrian Church of India; bottom, Pope-John Paul II embraces a Polish schoolboy. (NC Photos)

pation in a public debate, on the risks, costs and benefits of nuclear energy in all countries directly involved." A:pproval of the nuclear power statement followed a sharp ciash over the issue. Professor David Rose of MIT, a nuclear engineer, took the pro-nuclear position, arguing that hydrocarbons produced ,by coal, oil and gas :were far more polluting than nuclear exhaust. Professor Jean Rosse, a physicist at路 the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, flatly rejected the nuclear option, saying that slow pollution of the bioT~rn to Page Seven

Newspaper Lists Pers'ecution Toll SAN - SALVADOR, EI Salvador (NC) - A persecution of the Catholic Church which b.egan 30 months ago has left five' priests killed, caused expulsion or exile of 26 priests, including' three from the U.S., and arrest of nine priests, according to a Catholic newspaper. . It also listed death threats to 50 priests and Archbishop Oscar A. Romero of San Salvador. . In addition, 21 priests have been targets of a defamation campaign, often a prelude to death, three more were victims of attempted murder and in four cases priests were tortured while under arrest. Also one nun was detained, three expelled and two more _forced to leave under threats., These accounts hav~ been published by the San Salvador archdiocesan weekly, OrientaTurn to Page Seven


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv,er-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1979

Peter's Pence Collection this Weekend

Father to assist him in works of' charity, the traditional "Peter's Pence." We here in the Diocese of Fall River take up this collection each year on the first weekend of August. Thus ne~t weekend we shall have our first opportunity, through the Peter's Pence collection, to manifest in a tangible fashion our affection and devotion to Pope John Paul II I urge you to be generous to this, special collection. ' '. '. ' I urge you,as ~ell, to" re~e~b~~ ,the int~ntiort~'o("" .; ' ..-:': ,..'" Pope John. Paul U in a very special ~~y" 'in yo-Uf'';'" ~':' prayers today, and next weekend; Beg Almighty God to endow our beloved Holy Father with a full measure of His choice blessings, that he be strengthened to fulfill his awesome responsibilities. Joining with you in loyal devotion to Pope John Paul 11, and thanking you for your gracious cooperation in this matter, I have the pleasure to ,remain

Dearly beloved in Christ, Seldom in the venerable history of the Church has the election of a Pope so captivated the world, as has the result of the 'Conclave which presented to our own generation our inagnificent new Holy Father whom we acclaim with such reverence and devotion, our beloved Pope John Paul II. His dynamic gifts and charisms of nature and grace have won for Pope John Paul II the admjration and affection of the entire famiiy of 'mankbld. Please God, he will reign 'for 'many long and fruitful years as successor to St. Peter 'and Vicar of Christ upon earth. I am happy to repQrt to you' that little more than a month ago; I had the privilege of meeting Pope John Paul II ott the occasion of our diocesan pilgrimage to Rome. I was deeply impressed by the Holy Father's evident vitality and spiritual strength. I was privileged to receive from his own lips, a message of greetings and blessings to all of us here in the Diocese of . Fall River. on the occasion gf our 75th Jubilee celebration. • Our Church has long had the custom of seeking, from the, faithful offerings to present to ,the Holy

Faithfully yours in. Christ,

- Bishop of Fall River



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Dioceses Sent Job Guidelines WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Conference of Catholic 'Bishops and its civil action arm, the U.S. Catholic Conference, have adopted affirmative action guidelines designed to guarantee equal opportunity for minorities in employment practices. The NCCB has sent the guidelines to all U.S. dioceses as models in developing local plans. The guidelines affect all aspects of NCCB-USCC personnel policy and include specific steps to recruit minority job applicants. Many dioceses already have equal employment opportunity policies, but not many actively . '. recruit minorities, according to Msgr. Aloysius Welch, director of the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice. While the NCCB-USCC guidelines deal primarily with internal personnel policies, they also say the conferences will not deal with "suppliers of goods and services" who discriminate. . According . to a report filed with the Eq}1al Employment Opportunity Commission last April, 110 of the 299 NCCB-USCC employees are black, Hispanic or Asian. Twenty three of 160 professionals and 87 of 139 support workers belong to minority groups: The guidelines result from the bishops' bicentennial program which recommended adoption of, an affirmative action plan. The introduction says "In our effort to secure the human Fights rooted in our tradition, we will be prompted not merely by the demands of civil law, but by the moral imperative inherent in that tradition. "It will be the continued policy' of the NCCB-USCC that there be no discrimination because of race, color, sex, national origin, an individual's handicap or age," ~e guidelines said. The guidelines said the NCCBUSCC personnel director or his designee will examine all firings, transfers and demotions to see that they do not involve discrimination. Steps to improve recruiting of minority applicants will include stating that the conference is an equal opportunity employer in all job .advertisements; advising employment agencies of the equal opportunity policy; contacting organizations which train minority workers.' In a cover letter to bishops who head dioceses, Bishop Thomas Kelley, NCCB-USCC general secretary, said the 1964 .Civil Rights Act allows religious organizations to take religion into account in hiring and recruiting practices. A spokesman for the NCCBusec personnel office said the conferences do not yet have a plan for enforcing the guidelines on suppliers, although many church agencies work with Project .Equality, a church organizatio.n in Kansas City, Mo., which compiles a directory of companies which do not discriminate.

THE ANcHORThurs., August 2, 1979 ,



St. Louis Prelate Has Resigned Pope John Paul II has accepted the resignation of Cardinal John Carberry, .archbishop of St. Louis, who was 75 on July 31. :Born in 'Brooklyn, he was ordained for that diocese in 1929. He studied canon law at the Catholic University of America. In 1956 he was named auxiliary bishop of Lafayette, La., succeeding to that see the following year. In 1965 he was appointed bishop of Columbus, O. and three years later became archbishop of St. Louis. He was created a cardinal in 1969.

Appeal Launched For lono Abbey POlleE AND FIREMEN stand at salute as the casket of Eddie Goodman, 12, is lifted from firetruck for funeral Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church, Pocas$et.

Bourne Boy, Friend (jf Police,- Firemen, Answers His Last Alarm Twelve-year-old Eddie Good- former pastor at St. John's. The Bourne fire department man' has answered his last was there, tenderly placing the alarm. The plucky Bourne youngster. small casket atop a shining fire truck, an honor usually reserved la~ week lost a lifelong struggle with cystic fibrosis. But he l~ - for fire chiefs. Bourne firemen behind hundreds of' friends,. had rushed Eddie to the hospital in his final days. ~embers of police and fire deThe Canadian Mounted Police partments across the Western world, who knew of his burning were there. Only two weeks ago ambition to grow路 up and be a the Canadian Parliament had made Eddie an honorary Mouncop. They Came last Saturday to tie, the first time in 106 years say goodbye to him, the men anyone had received such a tribwho had enrolled him as an hon- ute. The Blue Knights were there, orary member in hundreds of a police motorcycle association their departments. The Boston police were there, which Eddie frequently led at forming an honor guard that paTades. stood at stiff salute outside St. Hundred!! of others crowded John the Evangelist Church in the church, remembering Ii little Pocasset at the beginning and boy whose family had brought end of Eddie's funeral Mass. It him from C8lifotnia so he could was celebrated by Father James be near Boston's Children's HosMcCarthy, a family friend and pital for treatment, a little boy

who once told his mother uGod sent me CF because he knew I could take the pain." But Eddie wasn't a plastersaint type of child. He spoke the policeman's language, said Bourne Patrolman . Charles Noyes, and police and firemen responded. Eddie was buried in a police uniform adorned with medals and badges from his huge collection. "He was a nice thing that happened to us all," said his special friend, Sgt. Albert Watson of the Yarmouth Police Department, the first man in blue to hear of Eddie's condition and of his love for police and firemen. Sgt. Watson had the youngster made the Yarmouth department mascot and as word of him spread his other honors came.

But Holy Ghost Father Vincent J. Donovan, who served in Tanzania and intends to return to Africa, rejects that approach. He sees these church institutions as flowing from the Gospel, not preceding it. So, Father Donovan would present to the people the "naked Gospel," offering them nothing but Christian belief and faith. ' For most of the years he spent in Tanzania working among the seminomadic Masai people, that was his approach. The Masai considered the African people most unlikely to accept Chrisianity and Western missionaries. Yet, at one time,Father Donovan was the priest for as many as 30 scattered Catholic Masai

communities, able to visit each of them only once a month. The story of his work among the Masai and his convictions about how the church should function in mission lands are -examined in Father' Donovan's book, "Christianity Rediscovered," published by the FidesClaretian Press at Notre Dame, Ind. Father Donovan said, in an interview with the Dayton Catholi,c Telegraph, that "nobody really questioned" the church's method of "bringing education on a vast scale to an upderdeveloped country." Education became the main door to Christianity. 'But the Masai, with their own culture and Ilfestyle, rejected the schools and in the process rejected Christianity." He recalled an experience of one mission where many had gone through Christian schools

In the sixth century St. Columba and his disciples landed on lona and from there spread Christianity to Scotland. It is also the location where many Scottish kings are buried, including MacBeth, the figure upon which Shakespeare based his play. The island was recently acquired by the Fraser Foundation after it had been put on sale by trustees of the previous owner, the late Duke of Argyll. The sale did not include the 12th century abbey and its lands and buildings. These were bequeathed in 1899 to the lona Cathedral trustees. The abbey and its buildings were in ruins at the time. They were restored by the trustees, but over the years Atlantic storms and ~ad weather have made repairs necessary.

'Come on Home'

HARTFORD, Conn. (NC) A conscience-raising message asking people for their personal and were baptized.. After 10路 reasons for going or not going to years of this, there still were no路 their church or synagogue is adult, practicing Catholics. He being broadcast on路 networks wrote to his bishop asking reaching 2,300 U.S. radio stawhether or not he could go to tions. the Masai empty-handed, "just Produced by the Office of Rato speak about Christ." dio and TV of the Archdiocese He did just that. "I went to of Hartford, the "Come on these people and told them I Ho~e" spots consist of an origdidn't want their children for inal song by Sister Roberta Mcour school, their sick people for Grath, RSM, and a spoken mesour hospital, or their land for a . sage. mission."

Missionary Advocates INaked Gospel DAYTON, Ohio (NC) - The conventional way for missionaries to reach pagan tribes in Africa has always been to establish Christi4n schools, hospitals and social services.

GLASGOW, Scotland (NC) A $1 million fund appeal has been launched to save lona abbey and other historic buildings on the Scottish island of lona, an important site in British religious history.


The priest recalled he gave them no gifts becau~e the Masai identified this as the image of the missionaries. His request was to talk to them about God. It was a "severe method" but one that "opened doors," he said. Father Donovan invited the Masai to tell him their ideas of God. Then he told them what he believed, eventually presenting the Gospel message.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~ Thurs., Aug. 2, 1979

the living word

themoorin~ One but Different The fact that people often refer to the American church rather than to the church in America is more than mere coincidence. The Catholic church in the United States is truly a distinctive and unique member of the universal church family, with its own flavor and follies quite apart from the mind and mood of the church in 'other lands. Often it is misunderstood and misquoted because others just do not realize that there is no other reflection' of the Catholic church in the world quite like that of the United States. . " As the world media prepare to cover the coming visit of Pope John Paul II to this different pasture of his shepherding, it would be well for them to make some attempt to learn of the American church with all its '- variables and varieties. . The Holy Father will be visiting what could be termed "people" church, not a elite or clerically dominated church such as often has been the case in other lands. For the better part of its life in this country the church has been truly people oriented. This perhaps is due to the fact that our church did 'not spring from American soil but was imported, as was everything else pertaining to the concept "American." It was and basically still is an immigrant church, with people from every ethnic background coming together only in our day with any semblance of unity and understanding. . National diversity has played a definitive role for better or worse, in molding the image conjured up when we refer to the Catholic church in'the United States. Th.is indeed . ' makes us different. Yet there are other important factors that must be taken into consideration if we 'are' to have any hope that others will see us as we are and 'not in some factitious flight of fancy. For instance, many Catholics in this land have been educated in a truly unique parochial school system from preschool to the postgraduate level, a school system that brought immigrants into the mainstream of American life owing nothing to public education. This indeed is something European Catholicism neve.r experienced. And the American church did all this on its own without support of the state. Whereas in other lands the church depends on state support, American Catholics for 'the most part not only survived but thrived on the policy of separation of church and state. But it has not been easy for' the church in America. From the very outset it has had to fight for each success with a government more than prejudicial and often openly hostile. Yet this has proved a blessing, since it forged thaL unique link with Rome that is so very much a hallmark of American Catholics. To be sure, the church in this country faces some grave difficulties and will indeed be路 challenged by the person ~d mind of the present Holy Father. The spirit that prevails in some areas of American church life flows in direct opposition to JQhn Paul II. However, when all is said and done, one can always depend on the average American Catholic to be a faithful witness to the see of Peter, with all that this implies. These are but a few of the characteristics that make the church in this land so uniquely American. Yes, we are one, but we are also very different.





'Jesus wept.' John 11 :35

Belfast: Bleak, Battered, Brutali.zed

BELFAST, Northern Ireland The capital of the British province of Northern Ireland is a sick city.' The first thing that struck me going to Northern Ireland was an apparent lack of security. As my cab turned into the Lower Falls Road, a working class Catholic area not far from the Belfast train station, a seven-ma~ British patrol was moving up the street, two men faoing forward, two men facing the sides of the street, and two men walking backwards facing the . sides of the street, and two men walking backwards facing the rear. All had rifles ready.. The tension tells on the troops. The evening of my arrival, a British soldier broke under the strain, ran out of his coinmand post and began shooting. He seriously wounded a young Catholic. In April, 12 soldiers and policemen were killed in one of '. the worst months in six years in terms of casualties to security forces. In the last 10 years, nearly 2,000 persons have been killed in Northern Ireland. Because of the continuing violence, Britain still has 13,000 troops in the province. Riding around Belfast, one sees them .constantly. Armored cars patrol OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River the streets, as do jeeps filled with rifle-toting soldiers. \ 410 Highland Avenue ,Police stations, particularly in Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 Catholic areas, have been trans- , PUBLISHER formed into fortresses. SevenMost Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. foot cinder-block walls sur. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR EDITOR round them, barbed wire rolls Rev. Msgr. John J, Regan Rev. John F. Moore, lie alongside the walls, and wire ~ Leary Press-Fall River \ (NC) -


mesh fencing forms a cocoon cial relationships. Prior to 1968, up the sides and over the top of there' were fringe areas where the building to ward off stones some Catholics lived on a Proand Molotov cocktails. testant street and vice versa., Pubs are like fortresses, with N.ow segregation is almost total. frameworks of two.by-fours A working-class Protestant built outside the ground floor, -cannot invite a Catholic friend extending about three feet from to dinner. A Catholic entering the walls and covered with wire the Shankhill Road area; parti.mesh. cularly after dark, risks death or Sprawling army bases within serous injury. Some cab 'drivers the city are surrounded by have had to give up hacking, twenty-footchigh corrugated because being unable to enter metal fences topped with wire certain areas of the city made mesh screens. work unprofitable. . In downtown Belfast, the main Malone Road, "rich man's business imd financial district row," and the exclusive Fort has been cordoned off. Eight- William area, on the other hand, foot-high metal fences extend are religiously mixed areas. If across the streets into the dis- one has the money to buy a trict. . house there, religion is no barThe main industrial area rier to entry. Upper Class Proalong Belfast Lough, the har- te~tants .and .Catho~ics can mainbor, has been cordoned off and _tam theIr friendshIps. pedestrians and cars must be Protestant and Catholic loweradmitted by the harbor police. class areas look alike: street afSecurity is so tight, and the ter street of tiny 19th-century work force so nearly completely houses, wall-to-wall, two rooms Protestant, that the IRA has been upstairs, two rooms downstairs unable to damage the ship-build- and no indoor bathrooms. ing, airplane and missile faciliSome families have raised ties. nine children in such houses. But economic shifts have The harmful effect of the viotaken their toll. Harland and lence on relationships among Wolff's shipyard, Belfast's larg- working-class Catholics and Proest employer,' which builds all . testants and the relatively unkinds of ships, still has the look troubled lives of the upper class of an industrial powerhouse. but give credence to one view of it ran several million dolla'rs in Northern Ireland's plight. In the red last yeaI' and its work this view, the Protestant ruling force, .which has always been class, working throu~h the more than 90 percent Protes- Orange Order, its fraternal ortant, is down from over 20,000 ganization, has pitted workingto about 7,000. class Catholics against workingThe violence of the last 11 class ,Protestants to maintain years has had an impact on so- dominance over both.


Letters to the Editor Letters are welcomed, but sho~ld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Dear Editor: We are writing you about a secular matter of vital importance to the nation's Christian community, an issue which Billy Graham has recently called ",insanity, madness." That issue is nuclear weapons proliferation, the greatest' threat to the survival of humanity and our planet that has ever existed. You are probably aware that on March 26, the Justice Department obtained an unprecdented injunction against "The Progressive" magazine forbidding it from publishing an article libout official secrecy and the produc-' tion of hyrogen 'bombs in America. That article centers on the REFUGEES FROM VIETNAM occupy every inch of available space on a boat they twin questions - what is the hope will take them to freedom. Two families of such boat people are due to arrive in Fall cause of the spread of nuclear River this week. (NC News) . weapons, and how can we. halt that proliferation?

Boat People Due

Legal observers have rightly called this case the most imporThe Diocesan Department of tant First' Amendment and "nuclear secrecy" trial of this cen- Social Services, which has retury. The case should have spec- settled 40 Vietnamese refugees ial meaning to Christians. The since the fall of Saigon, is actunderlying issue here is one of ing in a consultant capacity to personal conscience and respon- two Episcopal parishes in Fall sibility versus the power of the River which are sponsoring two state. Will we continue to allow families of Cambodian boat a closed fr~ternity of interest people, expected to arriv.e at within tbe government' dictate Boston's Logan kir}iort tomorrow to us what'we can learn and . or Friday. Rev. James Hornsby of St. what we can even think, or will we tear down that veil of dark- Luke's parish and Rev." Donald ness that hides our reality from us? As you know, nuclear disarma- the time to share the moral and ment is no longer a subject ad- ethical implications of this most dressed solely by oldline peace important case with others. Adrienne Ciuffo churches. In 1978, over 100 re-

Their statement, entitled "A Call to Faithfulness," admonishes, "There can be no qualifying or conditioning word. We, the signers of this declaration, commit ourselves to non-cooperation with our country's preparations for nuclear war. On all levels -research, development, testing, production, deployment and actual use of nuclear weapons - we commit ourselves to resist in the name of Jesus Christ." We believe that the censor$hip of "The Progressive" bears directly upon the right and the ability of concerned Americans to resist the spread of nuelear weapons. We hope you will take

The 'Progressive Foundation Madison, Wisc.

Arthur Fiedler Dear Editor: I was surprised and very pleased to see the picture of Arthur Fiedler and Bishop Cronin on the front page of your July 19 issue - it should be on the front page for a great man such 'as Arthur Fiedler, who reached out to all ages. I cannot help but compare him to Cardinal Cushing. They seemed alike in so many ways. To lose both of them has left Boston impoverished of its heroes. Was wondering where the Maestro had met Bishop Cronin Stonehill College? John Russell Boston


The picture was taken a few years ago when Stonehill con· ferred an honorary degree on Arthur Fiedler. Ed.

(USPS·54'-D20) . Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. pU~lIshed every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUb~crlPtlon price by mail. postoald $6.00 per' year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722

"Only supernatural charity can tie knots strong enough to resist all the inevitable trials of a long life spent together." Pope Pius XII

On Marriage

• In

Fall River

J aikes of the Church of the Ascension are coordinating efforts of im ecumenical committee which includes members of Holy Name, St. Joseph's and Immaculate Conception parishes in Fall River. The two families number 18 members, the youngest being ' two boys, ages 4 and 12. A rented house has been prepared for them, with volunteers dO'ing painting, papering and plastering.' Still needed" said the clergymen, are job leads, foods, clothing, furniture, kitchen utensils and appliances. They noted that Indochinese people are small in stature, with the average woman wearing size 6 clothing and the average man taking small sizes in shirts, sweaters and other items. A special need is for inte!preters who can speak Chinese or the Khmer language of Camb6-

dia, who would be willing to help introduce the new arrivals to American customs. Commenting on the sponsorship of boat people, Father Peter N. Graziano said that the diocesan social services office is the local arm of the Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S. Catholic Conference. He said that word from Washington headquarters of the USCC is that dioceses. should be on standby until new refugee quotas authorized by Pr,esident Carter are translated into action. Father Graziano als9 noted that Indochinese already in this country who are relatives of new refugees qualify for special con.sideration in sponsoring such people for U.S. entry. .


Use of Time "Time is full of eternity. As we use it, so shall we be." Cardinal Manning

Congress Rides Assured Transportation to the New A few bus seats remain and England Congress of Religious may be reserved by calling the Education, to be held at the Uni- . diocesan office, telephone 678versity of New Hampshire at 2828. Durham Aug. 17 through 19, For those traveling by car the should be no problem, despite news is also good, says Father concern over gasoline shortages. Michel G. Methot, diocesan diBusses arranged for by the Director of r.eligious education. He ocesan Office of Religious Edureports that- Sister Doreen Donecation will leave Falmouth at 9 gan, assistant director, made the a.m. Friday, A:ug. 17. round trip to a recent steering Registrants from the Tauntoncommittee meeting at the conAttleboro areas ~ill board at 10 gress site on half a tank of gasoa.m. at the K-Mart Shopping line. Plaza at the intersection of Routes 24 and 44. Father Methot also noted that New Bedford congress-goers a late fee of $5 applies to regiswill board their bus at 9:45 a.m. trations after tomorrow, and that at Cinema 140 parking lot on reservations should be made Hathaway Road. It will continue promptly at the event's Univerto Fall River to pick up passen- , sity of New Hampshire office. gers at 10:15 a.m.' at A1mac's He added that it is possible to Shopping Plaza at President register for one day only, and Avenue and Elsbree Street. that further ~nformation and all The buses will arrive at the registration forms are available congress by 12:30 p.m., in time at the diocesan office, 423 Highfor 1:30 opening ceremonies. land ,Ave., Fall River.


Pastor Is Nam'ed For

The· Progressive

ligious leaders issued a strong public statement against nuclear proliferation which leaves no doubt as to where Christian commitment to disarmament must lie.

rHE ANCHORThurs., August 2, 1979

St.. Hedwig

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has approved the proposal of Very Rev. Marion M. Tolczyk, OFM, Conv., Minister Provincial of the St. Anthony of Padua Province of Friars Minor, Conventual, and has appointed Reverend Chester Kicia, OFM, Conv., as pastor of St. Hedwig's parish, New Bedford, effective August 7, 1979. ' Father Kicia will succeed Father Edwin Agonis, OFM, Conv., who will be reassigned. The new pastor was ordained to the priesthood in 1936 and has served in various assignments in Connecticut and New Jersey. Most recently he has been pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus parish, Danbury, Conn.

The Test "No man is a tru.e Christian who does not think constantly of how he can lift his brother, how he can assist his friend, how he can enlighten mankind, how he can make virtue the rule of co.nduct in the circle in which lie lives." l _ Woodrow Wilson



Borden Street Housing Associates hereby gives notice that on or about July 30th, 1979 an Environmental Notification Form (ENF) will be submitted to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs under the provisions of MEPA, M.G.L., Ch. 30, ss. 62 to 62H, inclusive for the Borden Street Housing Development at Borden Street, Fall River, Massachusetts. Copies of this ENF will be available from The Bancroft Corporation, One Boston Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. This ENF will be available for public inspection during business hours' at the MEPA Unit, Executive Office of Environmental A:ffairs, 100 -Cambridge Street, 20th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02202, and also at Fall River City Hall located at Fall River, Mass. Public Notice of the filing of this ENF will be published by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs in the Environmental Monitor. A twenty day period for submission of public comments will follow the publication of notice in the Monitor. Please write or call the MEPA Unit at 727-5830 for information on public comment periods and how to subscribe to the Monitor. BORDEN STREET HOUSING ASSOCIATES By Edward A. Fish


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ~iver- Thurs., Aug. 2, 1979

Here's Greele.y's Handy Guide to Vatican. Reporters


can than most of us will ever ridiculous, though it has finally learn. stopped citing the. John Paul The press associations are in- election-night reference to the competent (except when George Virgin Mary as evidence,of his Cornell of the A:P happens to be amateurism. Rome.) One association in its iniIn a class by himself is the tial description of the election of real-lIfe counterpart of Xavier Papa Luciani included several Rynne, Francis Murphy. He cerparagraphs from the biography tainly knows his way around the of Cardinal Pappalardo. Of an- Vatican. On the other hand, after other, it was jokingly said, you the first conclave, he was pedcould tell what was going to dling' a story that the election happen by predicting the exact required only three votes. He opposite of what that associa- ofered it to one news magazine, iion had to say. which turned it down, and then The National Catholic News sold it to another for, one hears, Service won't tell you much, not a very hefty fee. because it doesn't have good re-The three~ballot story caught porters but because it must be on around the world and picked discreet about what it prints up a momentum of its own, even see the book put together by to be used by the Cardinal Siri NC's Richard Daw about the con- forces in preparation for the secclaves, a dull and highly sani- ond conclave. The magazine that tized account. I don't see how turned it down and. then correctyou could make the drama ot' ly reported the four-ballot conthe two conclaves boring, but clave, spent some very uneasy Mr. Daw was able to do it. days (I confess I was shattered The New York Times, which by the story because all of my ought to know better, looked calculations and information

You must be especially carepointed toward the four ballots, but I didn't think Xavier Rynbe ful of the armchair Vaticanologist, of whom the most notorcould be wrong). There were, however, four bal- ious is St. Louis history prolots, and in a recent passing ref- fessor John Jay Hughes, who has erence in an article in The Na- appointed himself as specialist tionill Catholic Reporter, Rynne on the conclave -even though, as conceded that there were and far as I know, he never left St. that he had made a mistake. lit Louis and is not even familiar takes courage to admit that you with the literature of a papal were so spectacularly wrong. election (he tipped his hand in You would never find Peter Heb- one review that he did not even blethwaite ever doing the same know Giancarlo Zizola's "Quale thing - as, for example, admit- Papa.") ting that a week before the first conclave he was predicting the So should you believe me when election of Paolo Bertoli all over I don the Vaticanologist cap? the pages of a London news- Suit yourself, but I will give you' paper. a hint. If I ever stop admitting Father Murphy thus fed the my mistakes (like discounting world high-priced and mislead- . the computer prediction of Wojing information and then cas- tyla at the second conclave) or ually wrote off his mistake with if I ever start pasting simple a single sentence (and not a . "liberal" or "conservative" lao. word of apology to the editors bels on Pope John Paul II or if who had taken his bait.) A man I ever pretend. that my "inside with self-respect would with- information" is normally anydraw from the field after such a thing more than tentative, then 40n't believe a word I say. monumental blunder.

A dear friend sat in my kitchen路 over coffee. It was the first time we had an opportunity to talk in months.

conversation. "What in God's name are they teaching them? All they talk about is love, love, love. Don't they ever teach the Commandments any more? I tried to explain what I've observed about how religion is being taught today. "Yes, I'd have to agree with you that religion classes are very . different than when' you and I were in school.

Her mother had been terminally ill and she had spent. day and night caring for her. Mercifully her mother passed away last week and' she was starting to pick up her own. life, caring for the children. Going over_ the religion books our children are using prompted our

"But what's new about teaching love of God, and neighbor? Isn't this really what Christ tried to teach when He came? She didn't seem to go for it. "Maybe that was all right for people listening directly to Christ. But how _can our kids

"Yes, but the point I'm trying to make is that you broke your neck to take care of your mother, because you loved' her. "We both know a neighbor who occasionally visits her mother out of fear. Remember the conversation we had with her. She said, "The old bag is crabbing again. i better go see het:. But she complains so much the whole time I'm there, it makes me sick. But, if I don't go, she'll be on the phone whinning to my husband! Then he'll be mad at me too. I might as well go and get it over with."




With the enormous media appeal of Pope John Paul II, Vaticanologists are' crawling out of the woodwork with all kinds of interpretations, explanations, ana solemn warn.' ings. Be skeptical, my friends. There are some Vaticanolo.gists to be trusted, though one of the best, Time's bureau chief in Rome during the conclaves, Jordan Bonfante, has been recalled to New York. Roman journalist Desmond O'Grady knows what is going on. Ken Briggs of the New York Times, when they let him go to Rome, is sensitive and perceptive. Mickey Wilson, the old Voice of America hand, has forgotten more about the yati-



learn what love really is if they don't know what they shouldn't do?" "Now, I don't want you to answer me, but think about it a hit," I said. "You .visited your mother every day when she was 'sick. You nursed her, bathed and fed her. Why did you do it?

"You did it out of pure love! You certainly didn't do it out of fear. She was too ill to get out of bed. She couldn't have called you to complain. "So why did you go? Out of love, love! I watched you. You were exhausted . . . hut still you "All right," she was softening. went and cared for her. You _ "If'we love someone, it is much never even complained." "But," she argues, "that was better than -if we (ear them. But, different. She was my mother." what's that got to do with reli-

gion in the' classroom?" "It's so similar. When we were in school, we were taught to fear God. Everything was taught by a guideline, 'how to just scrape by; how to get into heaven by the skin of your teeth." . "Today they are trying to give the children" something .more. They are teaching the children how to truly love God, even in the obnoxious kid that lives down the block - and they are really accomplishing something. "If our children are taught to love God and their neighbor, as you loved your mother, we won't have to worry about them. offending God,any more than you would have offended your mother!"

Religious Leaders Respond 路to "Confidence Crisis' By





President Carter's domestic summit at Camp David and his subsequent efforts to revive his administration and focus on the energy issue' were unprecedented politically; Car-


Melissa is getting her college w~rdrobe together and

of the mood of American society. Carter spoke of a "crisis of confidence" in American institutions and a lack of common purpose, and if Carter's diagnosis was partly designed to help politically, the religious leaders did not question its accuracy. They made a statement at a press conference the morning after the talk in which they pledged themselves to:' - Conserve energy in religious institutions. - Adopt -simpler lifestyles. - Develop plans to help those

hurt by rising fuel prices. -'Press Congress .for action on energy issues. "We pray and we trust," they said "that God will inspire' our people to follow a more modest way of life, free from dependency on luxuries mistaken for necessities. We profess loyalty to a standard higher than mere materialism. History has called on us to demonstrate that we mean what we profess. It is up to us to lead, to demonstrate the reality of oQr moral commitment."

it seemed like old times to signer's jeans, narrow legs, and . factory outlets where clothes browse through the fashion heautifully textured corduroy can be bought at greatly reduced

and energy in shopping these bargain spots, you'll come out ahead budgetwise. But it takes planning, knowing what's in style, listing what you've already got in order to avoid duplications or mis-matches - and also a good pair of walking shoes!

ter's meeting with religious leaders and the religious community's response to Carter's "call to action" certainly rank among the summer's more remarkable events. Carter met with 10 Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religious leaders, mostly people like Cardinal Terence. Cooke of New York, with whom he has' developed a路 good relationship. Carter, his top aides and speech writers met with the religious leaders for three hours and the conversation .stretched

far beyond the technical aspects of the energy issue. After the meeting, Cardinal Cooke said the country's domestic problems "are of a social and moral character demanding a solution that is also social and moral in nature." Rabbi Marc Tapenbaum, director of intereligious affairs for the American Jewish Committee and one of those at Camp David, said Carter thought his session. with religious leaders was the best of the week because it provided an overview

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THE ANCHORThurs., August 2, 1979

Persecution Toll Continued from ,Page One cion; which gives names, dates, places and in most cases indentifies those responsible for the acts of persecution. . Previously, the Catholic publication reported on hundreds of lay leaders who have arrested, tortured, killed and missing after arrest. Military' go~ernment agencies linked by the paper to the church persecution include the. National Guard, the National Police, military intelligence, migration authorities, the armed forces and paramilitary squadrons. A statement signed by the Priests' Council of San Salvador said that January 1977 marked the end of a tradition of respect for the church in El Salvador and the beginning of "a systematic persecution." The council adds that this is perhaps due to the "deep awareness since Vatican II of the church's prophetic role of helping the poor, of awakening the people to their rights and dignity, which is seen by the rich as a threat to their interests." The priests cited the support given to land reform projects by the Jesuits for the killing of Father Rutilio Grande, a Jesuit, and death threats against' 50 other Jesuits in the country. Also threatened with death was Archbishop Romero for his defense of the poor. His homilies over the Catholic radio station are being jammed. He has been nominated by legislators in Europe and. the United States, and by human rights organizations, for the 1979 Nobel 'Peace' Prize.

Portuguese Head


Papal Trip



~ ~ ,~


..... '



AN EAST LOS ANGELES mural asserts what census figures verify-that Los Angeles County has had a preponderance of Spanish over English births every year since 1974. The statistic also ~ndicates the growing importance of Hispanic Catholics iIi the American church.

MIT Congress Continued from Page One sphere by' nuclear processes would prove more harmful in the long run. There were clashes in other fields of science. Microbiologist Jonathan King of MIT called for greater regulation of private corporations engaged in genetic engineering. But .he lamented that proposed regulations were defeated in Congress by scientists and' coroperations "interested primarily in exploiting the technology rather than protecting the community."

Continued from Page One present weakness of the main parties in Parliament. The Socialists won in 1976 with 35 percent of the vote but after other leftist groups refused to join them, they formed an uneasy coalition with the conservatives. The partnership collapsed last year and observers attributed the break to inability to pull th~ country out of its economic and social ills. WASHINGTON, D. C. - You Miss Pintassilgo, 49, was Por- can go home again, even when tugal's ambassador to the U.N. the place is Uganda, and Father Educational, Scientific and Cul- Roger Labonte is going to do just tural Organization (UNESCO). that - for the second time. The country has undergone a And so are thousandS of other series of political and economic persons, according to the Miscrises since the AprH 1974 revo- sionary of Africa, who was born lution of young army officers in New Market, N.H., but is which ended a rightwing dicta- . "Looking forward very much to torship and led to democratic going back to my missionary socialism. home country." Last March the bishops issued Why? a pastoral letter saying that if "With the ouster of Idi Amin, democracy is to survive, .it must there is' new hope in the counstrive for solidarity and respect try," h~ said. "The real Uganda for human dignity. ,They also is on the verge of emerging to called on the Catholic laity to take its rightful place in the famassume greater responsibility in ily of nations. Exiled Ugandans the . transformation¡ of society are coming-back to the country and for the "fairer distribution with open minds. Because of of yvealth." their contacts with the outside world, they have a broader visSpiritual Life ion and a brand new outlook." And it's evident in the people "The spiritual life . . . means the ever more perfect and will- who never left Uganda, Father , ing assOCiation of the invisi'ble La1Jonte said. He cited the folhuman 'spirit with the invisible lowing excerpt from a letter he divine Spirit."-Evelyn Underhill. received from a friend in U~anda

There also were sharp complaints from representatives of the Third World. A delegate from Kenya complained that rather than receiving technological know-how from developed nations, the Third World receives soft drink factories. Another group from the Third World complained that the theology at the conference' was overly abstract and not applicable to "have-not" regions. Another complaint was over the lack of women in science and theology.

The meeting attracted a concurrent pacifist conference to Cambridge. Dubbed Plowshare, its speakers included Notre Dame Sister Marie Augusta Neal, professor of sociology at Emmanuel College, Boston, who spoke on what she called a "theology of relinquishment." She said that when "the oppressed reach out to take what is rightfully theirs," the Gospel mandates that the oppressors "release their control over the resources that the poor need for survivaL"

Ugandan Missioner 'Eager To Go Home shortly after Field Marshall Amin Mbafara diocese for four years. was on the run: In 1968 he came to Washington "End of a long weekend, and to train future Missionaries of the beginning of reconstruction. Africa. He was back in Uganda It starts with the cleaning of in 1973 as vocations director for Kampala. Some shop owners re- the Kabale diocese. turn and try to repair their premRecalling conditions at that ises. None appear to be condemn- time under Amin, Father Laing the damage done. No price bonte said: "The wOfst thing, can be too high for freedom. under A'min was to see the A start from scratch. The gov- people disappearing. There was ernment has given looters five no law and order in the country. days to return stolen things. We You could trust neither the pofind at our mission gate first an lice nor the army. One chap was office chair, then a telephone going to town to pay the dowry and, lastly a lorry. At police sta- for his wife, fqur or five cows. tions there are typewriters, of- . The police picked him up, even fice furniture, refrigerators, though he was not from the clothing, shoes. Students ha~e area, and he was never seen formed a recovery committee. again. The people were fed up They go around collecting things with Amin but couldn't say anydumped everywhere." thing." Father Labonte took his theplogical studies in Carthage, TunThe Dagger isia, and was ordained in St. "~ike an opiate, sin drugs a Mary's parish in New Market in 1962. He went to Uganda for the conscience to drowsiness and first time in 1964 and taught in stupor. Pray~r stabs it wide the Kitabi minor seminary in the awake." - John A. Q'Brien

Continued from Page One peace, for the broadening of the beneficial effects of religion throughout the world, and also on such major matters as human rights." "I have exchanged several letters with him (pope John Paul) since' he has been in his , present office and he and I have a good and friendly relationship," ' Carter said. Carter's wife Rosalynn and daughter Amy, Vice President Walter Mondale, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, White House National ~ecurity Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and Carter's Vatican envoy, Robert Wagner, have all met Pope John Paul II. 'The pope spoke with Carter briefly on a telephone from his plane on his way to a Latin American church conference in Puebla, Mexico, last February. With regard to the papal trip to ,Ireland, Sept. 29-0ct. 1, the Vatican has told Britain that Pope John Paul does not plan to visit Northern Ireland. Speculation that he - might visit the strife-torn region, had caused controversey, including statements by Rev. Ian Paisley, extremist Protestant leader, that demonstrations against fhe pope would be organized. A visit to Northern Ireland would have created major security problems for the British because of guerrilla warfare and fighting between segments of the Catholic and Protestant populations.

~SCC Will

Hold Family Parley , WASHINGTON ~C) - The U.S. Catholic Conference will host a three-day National Conference on ~amily Education and Family Ministry Oct. 26-28 in' Kansas City, Mo. The USCC expects more than 4,000 people to attend the conference, held to initiate 1980 as Family Year in the U.S. bishops' Plan of Pastoral Action for Family Ministry. In announcing the conference in a letter to U.S. bishops, auxiliary Bishop J. Francis Stafford 'of Baltimore, chairman of the USCC Commission on Marriage and Family Life, urged them to encourage their diocesan personnel to participate in the conference and to promote it. Major' conference speakers will include: - Rosemary Haughton, author and cQlumnist, on "Families in the 80s." , - Dolores Curran, religious educator and columnist, on' "The Changing Roles of Families." - Father Virgil Elizondo, director of the Mexican American Cultural Center in San Antonio, Texas, on "Families in the Church's Mission." - Clayton Barbeau, author and family counselor, on "Family Relationships." ....... Father Matthew F,ox, director of the Creation-Centered Spirituality Center at Mundelein College in Chicago, on "'Family Spirituality."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug, 1" 1979


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The Man Who Photographs' the Pope By Nancy Frazier

Hanging' behind his desk at tures are being seen but adds the L'Osservatore Romano offices that "for me personally to have VATICAN 'CITY (NC) - For are Mari's favorite pictures of a picture on the cover of' Time a man whose photographs have pontiffs, These include Pius XII is the same as being in the . appeared in .nea,rly all of the with a large group of children, . smallest newspaper," w~rld's newspapers and magaJohn' XXIII among prisoners Although some Vatican emzines, "from the biggest to the during his first trip outside the ployees have griped privately smallest," Arturo Mari seems ill Vatican as pope, Paul VI'standat ease on the other side of the ing on a balcony at Castelgan- about Pope John Paul II's schedule b~ing much busier than his, camera. dolfo shortly before he died, John pred~cessors, Mari says he is "Enough," he tells a photogra- Paul II embracing Polish Car- " happy about the faster pace. pher after she clicked only a dinal Stefan Wyszynski. "As a basis you have 'to love few shots. But his sense of proThe only photos of Pope John your work," he says. ·"If tQmorfessionalism, developed since he Paul I are rather official-looking began taking pictures at the age head shots, but Mari recalls row I found I no longer had a of seven, makes him realize the spending'two hours walking and certain tension about my work, photographer's plight and, he talking with him in the Vatican I would leave it because' then it would no longer be worth the agrees' to remain on' the other gardens. sacrifices." side of the camera a little longer. The most difficult photographs - Mari, director of photographic services for L'Osservatore Ro- he has ever taken for the VatiBC?aril~ mano, the Vatican daily, has can did 110t involve any of the 1963, he was popes. Around helped to record the reigns of five popes - from Pius XII to strapped into the cupola of St. State Representative Thomas John Paul 'II - and lirs job has Peter's Basilica .to get pictures of the mosaics on the ceiling. C. Norton and Anthony J. Abragiven him an intimate look Jnto "The greatest.· fear \Vas the . ham, executive vice .president of the papacy that most people' never get the opportunity to see. emptiness below;" he says. "But Feitelberg Insurance Agency, "They were five very differ- it was easier for me because I have beeri appointed members of the board of directors of St. ent persons, in different mo- have no fear of heights. Mari generally works a 14- Anne's Hospital, Fall River. ments of history," Mari says of Both are natives of Fall River the popes who· have been his hour day, taking at least 2,000 main subjects for the past 24 photographs a month. When and active in a wide variety of . years. popes have gone abroad, he has civic organizations. ",Pius XII had gone through the worked an entire day without Norton was elected to t.ne war, John XXIII began the (Sec- sleeping. But as a photographer House of Representatives' .·in ond Vatican) Council and Paul he prefers the greater variety of. 1972 and has served four. terms VI ofteri went abroa<V' he adds.. picture situations he faces dur- in office. His district·. covers "They were aU different person- ing papal trips abroad. areas of Fall River 'and Someralities.... ,As director of photographic set: The pope that Mari finds services for L'Osservatore RoHe is currently chairman of most difficult to characterize is mano, Mari also supervises the joint legislative committee John Paul I, whom he knew for other Vatican employees who on energy and of a special coin, only the 34 days of his papacy. develop his. photographs, take mission studying tl'ansportation Of the present pope, he says: orders for reprints and mail and storage of liquefied natural "I don't have to say m'uch ·be- them out. gas. . cause everyone can see how he The 40-year-old photographer Abraham is a specialist in is." is matter-of-fact about the wide property and casualty insurance Mari calls Pope John, Paul II play his pictures have received, •and is an officer of the Somerset "a strong man who knows what noting without undue pride that Insurance Underwriters' Associahe wants to do and knows how "there is probably not a news- tion. to be a leader." In addition, he paper or magazine in the world He is secretary of the Boston says, the Polish Pope is "cautious that has riot printed a picture of College Club of Fall River and in his decisions,but if he de- mine. chairman of its Father Donovan cides 'yes' it's 'yes,''' He enjoys the fact that his pic-. Scholarship Fund.

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ARTURO MARl, backed by some of his favorite papal photographs', (NC Photos)

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1979


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Young M.arion·Musician Composes Mass y~>u're a liturgical musician, Kathy's interest in the liturgy At St. Michael's, Kathy' direcremember the name of Kathryn. was nourished at St. Michael's ted fellow students in many Cain. The young member of St. College, where her' hymns for musical programs, experience Rita's parish, Marion, a June a .Mass of Thanksgiving were a she expects to stand her in good graduate of St. Michael's Colo. first for the college department stead this fall when she will be . lege, Winooski, Vt., already has of music education. a traveling music teacher for to her credit five hymns for a the- school system of Bar Mills,. Arranged for a four-part choir Maine. contemporary Mass and contributions to a record album,' with piano, organ,. guitar, flute, She will be following in the "My ,Lord Is of the Gentle Wind." bass and trumpet accompani- tradition of her mother and a AIthoughher chief interest is ment, th~ compositions were brother, both school music in liturgical music, Kathy is an heard, appropriately, at a special teachers. Her father is principal all-around mUscian who this 'campus Mass for students de- of two Needham schools and ansummer is directing and playing. parting for Thanksgiving vaca- other brother is an artist workthe piano for a little theatre' Hon and again at'a spring par- ing out of 'a New Bedford loft. group at the Marion Art Center: ents' weekend. One sister is an editor, specialSome are included in "My izing in women's studies, and She has studied classical piano . for 18 of her 22 years and is I.:ord Is of the Gentle Wind," another will begin courses in also at home with contemporary .she noted. Five songs frorp the September leading to the position jazz and plays guitar, percussion record are due to be reissued in of legal secretary. instruments, winds, brasses and an "anthology album" to be pub.Summer, however, affords the the organ, the latter quite often lished by the Pastoral Arts A'sso- busy Cains' a chance to enjoy at St. Rita's. She also worked ciation, an affiliate of the Na- the attractions of Cape Cod" not with a folk ~roup at the parish, ~ional Liturgical Publishing Com- , least of which is sailing on their pany. 22-foot sloop; she said.



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Interesting Reorganization Of Archdiocese TORONTO (NC) - The appointment of three new auxiliary bishops for the Toronto Archdiocese comes in conjunction with a major reorganization of the See, the first of its kind in Canada, launched by Cardinal G. Emmett Carter. The new bishops, all with long pastoral and administrative experience in Toronto, are Msgr. Michael Pearse Lacey, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral; Father Leonard James Wall, vicar g~n­ eral and chancellor of financial affairs; and Father Robert' Bell Clune, president of [the Catholic Church Extension Society. They join Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius M. Ambrozic. Cardinal Carter, h~ad of the largest English-speaking diocese i~ Canada, said the archdiocese has grown so large "our problem is we can't serve all the people many of our churches are jammed to the doors."

The cardinal said he will diride the sprawling diocese into three regions with an auxiliary bishop in charge of each. Bishop Ambrozic will head the central region and continue his archdiocesanwide responsibilitY to ethnic communities."Bishopdesignate Lacey will take charge of the west region and also be responsible for personnel in the whole archdiocese.. Bishop-designate Clune will be bishop in the east region as well as vicar for . Religious and director of permanent deacons. Bishop-elect Wall will continue as temporal chancellor of the archdiocese in addition to being named administrative assistant to the archbishop. Cardinal Carter stressed that the move is not a division in a technical sense but "a pastoral allocation of responsibility and an attempt to make sure there is episcopal leadership as close to the scene of action as possi. ble."

The division is a first for a Canadian diocese, although it has been done in a few metropolitan areas in the United States and Europe. The Toronto type of reorganization,' first done in Paris, followed a close study of two U.S. archdioceses, Boston and Detroit. "I am asking each auxiliary. bishop (in the regions) to assume all the responsibilities of a residential .bishop inasmuch as this can be done while maintaining the unity of the archdiocese." Cardinal Carter said. "In a word, he will be the chief pastor of these parishes and institutions which are within the co.nfines of his territory . . . In this new fashion ev~ry­ one will have access to a bishop who will be, in effect, his pastor."







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:THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 197'9

Papal Knight BOSTON (NC) - Pope John Paul II has named a leading Protestant theologian and ecumenist, and an old friend - the 'Rev. George Huntson Williams .,...- a

knight of St. Gregory the Great. Church sources said the naming of a Protestant as a papal knight is unusual but not unique"






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",*"; MARY FURLONG, a never-married single parent, has adopted two biracial children, dren, Judy, left, and Rachael, right. (NC Ph

-' Sing-Ie Parent Tells Her Story MCSHERRYTOWN, Pa. (NC) , :.- She was single, a teacller and nervously awaiting the ar-· rival of her first child. Mary Furlong, in 1971, was the first in her area to be in that situation. She lost friends. But the love she has gotten from her adopted daughter Rachael, who is black and now 15 years old, compensated for that. So much so, in fact, that about two years ago Miss Furlong, a teacher of social science at Delone Catholic High School in McSherrytown, Pa., adopted a second daughter, a biracial child named Judy, who is now 12. Raising a family alone is rough at times, admits Miss Furlong, who prefers to be known as a parent rather than as a mother, but it's' also something .she would not change. Miss Furlong traces her interest in adoption to her own fam-

i1y and her profession. She was raised with a strong sense of service to the community. "It may sound corney," she said, "but when I die, I want to leave people on whom I've had an influence. I feel a responsibility as a human to make this world a better place for my having been there." Her other motivation comes from teaching. "You see a 16t of kids (in school) and you want to have some influence on their lives. But you only toucp part of them - you only touch. them academically. Once in a while you become good friends with someone, but that will only last for three or four years. I wanted more than that." Althoug~ Miss Furlong said her teaching has put her ahead of some" parents on being able to communicate with teens, "I'm learning on the job," she noted.

"But .y enjoy it. U's not easy but being a teacher in high school has made it easier." There are disadvantages with being a single parent. "It's tough being the only driver in the family and having to be the one to drive to the 4-H or doctor ... " There are also bright spots. "I really have the time to devQte to them with whatever situation comes up. I have time to spend with. them and try to explore alternatives to behavior. That is the greatest strength." Miss Furlong has also received some nice benefits from her children. "They've helped me to grow as' a person. r hope I am more loving and open as a result." , Rachael and Judy have a simpIe approach to their relation-, ship with Miss Furlong. "We just think of her as Mom," Rachael said smiling.



Can 'I Forgive My Spouse1s Infidelity?






* ** * *


ED ACTON 235 Sea St. Apt. C Hya~nis, Mass. 02601


Tel. 771-4866

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: ,My husband has been seeing another. woman. I confronted him with the evidence and he confessed. I don't understand why he would do this. I have been a good wife and l' know he loves me. I don't know what to do now. I really: don't want a separation, but I'm not sure I can forget this. A. Your pain at this moment ,must be very strong. Most spouses experience an overwhelming sense of self-doubt mixed with anger when they discover their mate has been intimate with another. Let your pain have time to subside before you make any life-changing decisions. You ask "Why?" as if you feared 'there was something wrong with you. There are many reasons for affairs, but they do not necessarily reflect any lack of love or any deficiency in the spouse. In fact, the majority of unfaithful -spouses claim that they are reasonably happy in their marriage. '

You say that you do not want a separation. Then do not force one. You might experience pressure from some well-meaning women 'friends to obtain a divorce. Do what you find necessary. But remember that separation and divorce bring a special pain of their own.

him again? Once betrayed, you may find it hard to believe his word.

These are very down-to-earth and common questions. They are asked in the aftermath of almosty every affair. What you do will depend on how you answer them. If you can be reassured about There is more to fidelity than, your mate's love' and if you can sex. A spouse can be sexually build trust on some level, then true and still not be faithful in a happy marriage is still possitime, attention and love. On the ble. other hand, a spouse can be sexYou will probably need to forually unfaithful and still be loyal give your husband. Remember, and committed in other ways. What should you do? A lot Christ forgave several betrayals will depend on the meaning that' which not only involved a resex has in your marriage. To jection but cost him his life. some an affair means there must Finally, focus on the positive be something essentially wrong factors in, your marriage. You with the marriage. This is not will not be able to go back necessarily true. where you were before. So list To others an immediate con- what is good between the two cern' is; Do you love her (him) of you, and use that as the basis better than me? The element of for a new. start together. competition can be keen, esReader questions on family pecially where you had previously felt secure in your relation- living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys; c/o ship. Then there is the question of , The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall honesty. How can I ever trust River, Mass. 02722'.

• THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 2, 1979














By Father John Dietzen Q. About five years ago we brought our daughter and her I8-month-old child from Florida to live with us. A neighbor of our daughter had called telling us she had taken our daughter to get stitches in her chin. We dldn't realize the situation, but our daughter's husband had been abusing her for over a year. She had tried to stay with him since she felt she should live with her husband. Now it seems there is no hope for that. We understand that the diocesan marriage court decides if there are grounds for a marriage annulment. Could you . suggest what action we might take? (01.) A. You do not give many de-

tails, but I have found that whenever there is serious physical abuse, particularly early in marriage, there are often also other psychQlogical problems that make an annulment at least worth investigating. Your first move should .be to contact your parish priest, explain the situation, and ask his advice. He will guide amd help you through: the procedures which, as you indicate, are under the responsibility of the marriage court of your diocese. If it is impossible to contact a parish priest near you, you may write, directly to the diocesan marriage court and explain the circumstances. I am sure they will help arrange at· least an initial interview with someone. Q. I am deeply hurt by some

people in our church who don't think I' give enough money in the collection. I almost died three years ago and cannot work as hard as I used to. I do try to give what I can to poor people. I know some people laugh at me when I give 25 cents a week in the collection, and 25 cents in the poor box. I am old, and spend a lot for medicine, but I feel I spend more money on poor people in a month than those who laugh at me spend in a year. What can I do? (La.)




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the parish by giving absolutely nothing. Others, of course, are in nearly the same category, giving only a token of what they could and should give. Obviously you are in neither of these categories. Incidentally, please don't let yourself into the same tr:ap you dislike in others. There's no way you can possibly know how much these other people give to the poor in one way or another. Do what you can, and leave them and their responsibilities for God to judge. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen, c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Rev.·Mr. Darcy To Be Ordained Rev. Mr. John Joseph Darcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Darcy of Fall River, will be ordained to the priesthood for the Providence diocese tomorrow night. The sacrament of Holy Orders will b~ administered by Bishop Louis Eo Gelineau of Providence at 7 p.m. at Our ,Lady of Good Counsel Church, West WarwicJt. A Fall River native, Rev. Mr. Darcy is a graduate of Southeastern Massachusetts University. He attended St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and since June 1978 has been a deacon assistant at the West Warwick parish. He is a past vice president of the New England Liturgical Committee and has been active in 'renovations recently completed at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, where he will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving at 3 p.m. Sunday.


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FATHER JOHN G. CARROLL, pastor of St. Margaret's Church, Buzzards Bay, and St. Mary Star of the Sea . Church, Onset, was honored recently at· St. Margaret's parish center in observance of his ,40th anniversary of ordination. A Fall River native, he attenQed Providence College before entering St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was ordained June 3, 1939 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, and his assignments have included associate pastorates at St. Mary's and Sacred Heart parishes, Taunton, St. Pat-' rick's, Wareham, and. Sa.. cred Heart, Fall River. He has been pastor of St. John' the' Baptist, Westport, and, since 1966, at St. Margaret's arid St. Mary's. Forty priests concelebrated' his anniversary Mass which was followed by a reception in the parish cen-' ter.

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Guild Will Honor Queen of Ame~acas

EMMITSBURG, Md. (NC) The Queen of the Americas Guild, a reorganization of the 21year-old National Apostolate of Our Lady of Guadalupe, was established at a recent meeting at A. If 25 cents is all you hon- Mt. St. Mary's College and Semestly feel you can place in the inary here. Bishop Jerome J. Hastrich of collection basket each Sunday, please don't be embarrassed. I Gallup, N.M., will be president am sure many other parishion- of the guild and Cardinal Humers, especially older ones, are in berto Medeiros of Boston will the same position you are. I be honorary chairman. really' doubt that anyone is One of the group's purposes is 'laughing at YQU for what you to make U.S. Catholics aware of are doing, .but if anyone ever . the apparition of the Blessed says'anything to you, ask them Virgin in 1531 at Guadalupe, to read Mark 12:41-44. Mexico, to Juan Diego, an impoverished 57-year-old 'Aztec If it is any consolation to you, I know that almost all other Indian. pastors agree with me that the The statement of purpose ones who disturb us most (be- noted that the event preceded cause they are grossly unfair to establishment of_present national the rest of their parish) are those boundaries and suggested conwho ignore their duty to share sidering Our Lady of Guadalupe the financial responsibilities of to be Queen of the AmeriCas.


FATHER EDWARD A. McDERMOTT, OP, a New Bedford native celebrating his golden jubilee in the priesthood, has been awarded an honorary doctorate of sacred theology from the Dominican House of Studies and Pontifical College in Washington, D.C. The degree is in recognition of Father McDermott's contri~ butions to both Providence College and the Dominican Order.


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Ne';' Bedford


... 12

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.~ Aug. 2, 1979


Rhodesian Martyrs By Father Joseph Champlin In 1978 a German-born nurse and nun, Sister Ferdinanda volunt~ered for a post in a Rhodesian 'mission hospital, even though well aware it might mean for her a violent martyrdom. Only two months later, the 50-year-old missionary Sister of the Precious Blood suffered that fate, the victim of a violent, terrifying raid. She and a physician were attending patients when some apparently drugged or drunken men broke into the hospitai ward. They forced the doctor out at gun point, shot him, then ordered Sister Ferdinanda' to ,raise her hands above her head. As she walked down the stairs and away from the structure, someone shot her several times through the head, shoulder and "IF THE OTHER refuses to accept my words of reconciliation, so ,be it. I know before heart. God that the bitterness is gone frorrrmy heart and I can pray that SOJlle day the other party In the words of a friend, a sister within the same communmay experience the same peace." \ ity, the funeral in Salisbury was .truly an Easter experience or celebration. The silver cross and red cord Sister Ferdinanda had worn about her neck and over By Susan Annette Muto received, all things work to- pleasure I may feel toward the her breast were saked in her own blood. During the visitation gether in God for the good. other for what he had done to hours, this sister had held the How many times has this imme. The difficulty lies in the With the Lord to help me, I blood-saturated cross in her question been asked by a beaten pulse r feel to preserve "my" child, by a 'betrayed wife, by a may try to express my forgive- reputation, "my" property, ".'my" ha,nd. "I will never forget that ness in some way. Such expressmoment," she said. cheated friend? In such cases we ideas. The need for ego-preserfeel dehumaniz~d, unloved and ion can be painful or embarrass- vation is powerful; that is why justifiably: angry. Our first re- ing, but at least it is worth the tit can prevent me from truly foreffort. If the other refuses to acaction is to seek revenge cept my words of reconciliation, giving the other, that is, not only either openly, if we are strong so be it. I know before God that saying, "I forgive you," but. letenough to fight back, Of in sithe bitterness is gone from my ting go of the displeasure I feel. lent resentment if we are too By Janaan Manternach heart and I can pray that som~ One obstacle to guard against weak. On the mere human level day the other party may experi. is my tendency to make the Judas was a young impatient it see'ms impossible to forgive ence the same peace. other the "object" of my for- man and a devout Jew. He such scarring injuries. Involved in forgiveness, be- giveness. I do not really regard longed for the day his people ,Despite the New Testament sides attempted expression and him -as a person, but simply as a would be free of Roman military injunction to forgive others from inner reconciliation, is a gradual bad object whom I, in my great, rule. He believed God would our heart, we often live by the letting go of the lingering disTurn to Page Thirteen,' soon send a great leader, the primitive mentality of "an eye Messiah, to lead a revolution for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." against the Romans. Then the This attitude seldom expresses Jewish people would again be itself in physical outbursts that free. in the end might be more honWhen Judas J;Ilet Jesus, he felt est; but often hidden resentment begins t6 poison our life. We' Father Alfred McBride mation of the Irish Free State he had found God's leader,the fail to recognize that the person in 1921. The writings of G.K. Messiah. Jesus spoke often of The Irish Cistercian, Father Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc freedom. He acted with, amazwho hurts us is himself in need Eugene Boylan, was' born in also' helped shape his ideas. ing freedom and courage. Judas of healing. 1904 in County Wicklow, IreChrist's prayer on the cross After his years in Vienna, he was soon convinced Jesus would teaches us that forgiveness has land. After high school he tried returned to Ireland as assistant lead the revolution against the to be an act of our whole per- the seminary for two years with lecturer in physics at University Roman army. So he followed son. It cannot be merely a men- the intention of becoming a di- College, Dublin. He began to feel 'Jesus from town to town, watchtal or emotional gesture. When ocesan priest, but decided the the need for a foundation in phil- ing him, listening to him. the young adult slowly dis- life of a physicist was more to osophy and spirituality. He 'One day Jesus began calling wrote, "I discovered, that persons ,men's names, inviting them to covers the deformative influence his liking. Specializing in atmospherical were more. important than join him in God's work. To his of a parent or teacher on his electricity and supported by things, and that the per!>onal surprise and joy Judas heard life, when he finds that for his entire life he has been on a guilt gr:ants from the National Univer- love of our Lord matters far Jesus call his name. He was the trip, he is bound to feel bitter. , sity of Ireland and the Rocke- more than any service however last of the 12 men Jesus called Discovering the cause of his feller Foundation, Boylan spent great." \to ..be his closest collaborators. (In 1931 he joined the Cister- Jesus asked him to care,'for the anxiety is only one st~p in the three years in Vienna doing re-' healing process. Its completion search on radium, cosmic rays cians at Roscrea Abbey. Twelve group's money, as their treasyears later, in 1943, he wrote urer. only occurs when he is able to , and atomic disintegration. forgive him in his mind and One of his hobbies was read- his first 'spiritual book, "DiffiJudas was exCited. But his exwith his whole heart. An even ing novels. Another interest was culties in Mental Prayer." It ~e足 citement soon turned to doubt. bigger step is to see in fl:\ith that economics as related to politics., came on'e of the most widely He wondered why Jesus never, this person was placed in his Thi~ 'latter interest was, partly read spiritual books of the de-' \ spoke of the Romans or of revolife by providence for a reason induced by the political upheaval cade. His direct style revealed lution. Jesus had no dagger or and that, despite the injury ,he in Ireland that resulted in forTurn to Page Thirteen sword. :He spoke more of peace


How Can I Forgive?

Representatives from the religious community went to Ger- , many with some hesitation to inform Ferdinanda's 80-year-old mother about her daughter's death. The faith-filled woman simply, replied: ",I prefer that my child died for Christ rather than be unfaithful to him. Soon I will be reunited with her." Unfortunately, this, martyrdom has been frequently repeated in Rhodesia. My partner and I concluded our South Africa and Rhodesia lecture tour Aug. 10, the date of my own baptism and the feast of St. Lawrence, the deacon martyr. During the course of a closing liturgy, one of the sisters remarked: "We celebrate to-, day the feast of a martyr. Within the next year some of us too may become martyrs." \ Her prophetic, words have 'already been .realized. Why these attacks on priests, brothers and nuns? There are no clear answers, with responsiblity for the murders attributed by some to guerrillas and by others to the dreaded Rhodesian secret police. In view of such stress, visitors would expect to detect "bitterness, resentment, depression and ' anxiety among Rhodesian Cath~ Turn to Page Thirteen


For Children \

than of war, more of forgiving !lnemies than of overthrowing them. Judas soon concluded that Jesus was not tfie revolutionary leader he had thought. In fact, Jesus was so much for peace that he was blocking any violent revolutionary move. Judas decided on a bold step. He knew' the Jewish religious leaders had their own reasons to be angry at Jesus. So he went to them in secret. They plotted together against Jesus. Judas promise4 to help them capture Turn. to Page Thirteen

Father Eugene Boylan



By Father: John J. Castelot


In all the lists of the apostles in the New Testament, Peter is named first and Judas last. Not that they were at completely opposite ends of the spectrum; both suffered from a lack of faith leading to disillusionment and rejection. Peter repented and subsequently enjoyed resurrection faith, while Judas' remorse apparently led' to despair. Apparently; he really don't know. And this points up a sharp Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children

Fr. Boylan Continued from Page Twelve a scholar who understood the processes of mental prayer and could communicate a guidance that rang true. He 8welt on questions of distrac~ions, elation and depression the value of the imagination and the patience needed when images gave way to inner repose. He, a contemplative, assured thousands of activists that they could and should meditate. Father Boylan did not come by the simplicity and beauty of his writing style easily. He writes, "As a Cistercian, writing is a part-time job. And a Cistercian has no spare time. The Divine Office takes six hours a day. Add to that the daily work period and the time needed for one's personal prayer. Cistercian silence and the use of signs take away one's facility for the use of words. Reading Latin and French does not help the flow of English. I find my pen becoming m6re and more clumsy. The more I have to say, the fewer words I have with which to say it. Besides, I can only write at night time, and the Cistercian day ends at seven i'n winter and eight in summer." 'Nevertheless he continued to write, with some material resulting from conferences he gave as a retreat master. Despite his disclaimer of being unable to find words, he· is remembered as a language stylist. In "This Tremendous Lover," Father Boylan touched a responsive nerve among those who .yearned to hear about a God who loved them. This book liberated readers from unwarranted fears of a threatening God. He told .people about Christ's forgiving love and called them to return this love. In his final years he had two goals: to persuade Catholics of the need for a spiritual life and to help restore metaphysics (in the Aristotelian sense) and its influence to the intellectual life of Europe and America. He who thought "persons were more important than things," also saw the need for an abstract metaphysics to help the processes of thinking reach the truth. This priest-scientist made a large wave at mid-20th century. He deserves a fresh hearing today.

Martyrs Continued from Page Twelve olics, particularly missionaries. I· discovered instead great joy, a radiant happiness equalled only in the kingdom of Lesotho where poverty, not persecution, dominates the scene. Their spirit of forgiveness and .trust resembled the attitude of early ~issionaries described in the Ads of the Apostles. ."As Stephen was being stoned . he could be heard praying, . 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! . He fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them!' And with that he died." Acts 7, 59-60. "The apostles for their part left Ute Sanhedrin full of joy that they had been judged worthy of ill-treatment for the sake of the name." Acts 5,41.

New Series To Start Tying in with the family themes that have been selected for special emphasis by the American bishops, a new Know Your Faith series to start this fall in The Anchor will address such issues as family unity, spreading the Good News of the gospels, developing spirituality and interacting witb others. The current theme for the series is the public ministry of Jesus. Written by foremost writers and educators, Know Your Faith is carried by diocesan ,newspapers throughout the country. It reaches some three million readers each week. The new series will include the following ~tegories: - Awareness articles on current situations and questions. Among' topics to be treated will be men's. and women's roles in a changing

world, sex before marriage, and parenthood. - Caring and Ministering ways to develop a deeper caring for one another and a better understanding of the ministries each is called to fulfill. _ - Biblical Insight articles based on Scripture passages applying to the theme e,f ~e week. - Family Portraits, articles about individuals, fandlies and groups, often unknown outside their communities, who are successfully meeting the challenges of life. - For Children: articles retelling in simple language the material of the Biblical Insight articles. Know Your Faith is endorsed by the United States Catholic Conference and the National Conference of Catholic Biships.

Judas Continued from .Page Twelve contrast between them: Peter comes through to us as thoroughly open, transparent; Judas is opaque, dark, mysterious. Judging from the confused portrait of the betrayer in the New Testament, he was just as much a mystery to the early church. The tradition preserved few factual memories about him. ,But it had some few data at its disposal, and those data called for explanation. Here was a man deliberately chosen by Jesus, an intimate who for some strange reason and in some mysterious way turned on him. How could he have done such a thing? The only explanation the Gospels offer is not exactly compelling. In the scene of the anointing at Bethany, the fourth Gospel specifies Judas as the one who objected to the waste of precious ointment. And the editors, some 70 years after the fact, explain parenthetically: "He did not say this out of concern for the poor, but because he was a thief. He held the purse, and used to help himself to what was deposited there" (John 12, 6).

The same motif of greed comes through in Matthew's story of his having picked up 30 pieces of silver for his treachery. But this, too, was a paltry sum, and the evangelist seems to have hit upon it because of its association' with Zecharian 11,12-13. Luke (22:3). and John (13,2,27) shift the blame to Satan, but this is a theological, explanation of sorts, not a pistorical or psychological one. In all four Gospels Judas leads the crowd that arrests Jesus, and the synoptic tradition has him identifying. the victim by a kiss of greeting. That kiss must have pierced Jesus heart more deeply 'than the solder's spear. It must have heen one of the most excruciating tortures of' his passion. To be crucified by his en-

emies was bad enough, but to be betrayed by a dear friend, by one "who had dipped his hand. in the dish with" him - that was real agony. Yet not one Gospel has him reacting angrily; he is simply burt beyond words.' The evangelists, especially John, picture him as knowing all along this was going to happen; but this, too, smacks more of theology than history. He had not selected a traitor; he had chosen an apostle, one whom he loved as much as the others, one for whom he had high hopes. If he had, as seems likely, disappointed Judas, the apostle, in his tum, had more than disappointed him. Inevitably, legends grew up around this sinister, pitable character. The early Christians reasoned that someone so evil must have died a shameful death. Two of the resulting traditions are recorded for posterity, one in Matthew (27,3-10), according to which he hanged himself, and another in Acts 1, 18, according to which he died a gruesome death in a field which he had purchased. However he died, he is presented as a grim warning to all: There is sometb.ing of Judas in . all of us, especially when we insist that the Lord adapt himself to our plans or else. It .would seem this was Judas' undoing: He had dreamed of Jesus' being a messiah of a different kind, and when he saw his dreams vanish, disappointment turned to violent resentment. And we are warned' also against that insufferable smugness that would 'pt;esume - or worse, vindictively hope - that the poor fellow died in unrepentant despair.

Meditation "If our faith is to be made

vivid, it must be ,by meditation," - John Chapman

Continued from Page Twelve Jesus. They gave Judas 30 pieces of silver in return. Judas now waited for the right moment. He did not have to wait long. After the Passover meal, Jesus went to a secluded olive grove to pray. It was called Gethsemane or the Garden of Olives. He took with him only three of his friends. It was dark. So Judas led a band of armed men to Gethsemane, as they approached the garden, they vvondered how they would recognize Jesus in the dark. Judas said, "The one I go up to and kiss, th~t is Jesus. Hold him tight." The mob broke into the quiet olive grove. Judas went right up to Jesus. "Peace, rabbi," he said as he kissed Jesus. Jesus looked at Judas sadly. "Friend, do what you are here for," he said quietly. Just then men .surrounded Jesus and tied him up. The next morning Judas was shocked to hear that the Jewish leaders had condemned Jesus to death. This was not what he had expected. Judas thought they would just keep Jesus quiet until the Romans could be overthrown. He had no idea they wanted to kill Jesus. So he huried back to the chief priests. '\1 did wrong in betraying an innocent man," he confessed.' They laughed at him. "That's Y0l.\r problem." they said. So Judas threw the 30 silver pieces on the floor of the temple and ran out. . • He was desperate. He felt trapped. He loved Jesus. He did not want Jesus killed. Yet he had betrayed Jesus. He felt he had been tricked. He felt guilty. As he ran through the city streets, he panicked. Some people say he took a rope and hanged him-· self.

THE ANCHOR.... Thurs., August 2, 1979





August 12 Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., 1974, Retired Pastor, St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford August 13 Rev. Edward J. Sheridan, 1896, 'Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton Rt. Rev. Leonard J. 'Daley. 1964, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis '

August 14 Rev. Raphael Marciniak, OFM, Conv., 1947, Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River August 15 Rev. Charles W. Cullen, 1926, Founder, Holy Family, East Taunton

Beware of Rigor "He that would well and rightwisely judge his own defaults should not so rigorously judge the defaults of his neighbors." - Thomas a Kempis

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Continued from Page Twelve

generosity, can forgive. Funeral H,ome Inc. I can also fail in true forgive308 Locust Street ness vvhen I forgive the other Fall River, Mass. for the sake of preserving and promoting my ideal self-image of John J. Coughlin the always-forgiving one. Such Michael' J. Coughlin condescension is not forgiveness, ',675-7055 it can really frus'trate the other person, making him feel guilty and uncomfortably beholden to me. OUR LADY~S Forgiveness can also be used RELIGIOUS STORE as a means to manipulate the other by making him feel guilty. 936 So. Main St., Fall Rive!' (Comer Olbom St.), The proverbial example would STATUES be the chronically ill mother, RELIGIOUS GIFTS whose son or daughter nurses her. On the one night he or she CARDS - BIBLE TABS decides to go out, the mother And Religious Articles moans, "Have furi, but if I should Tel. 673-4262 have one of my attacks, don't worry. I forgive you." _CUP& SAVE u • • In the end, genuine forgiveness emerges from the convic~ • M.A. CARREIRO • tion that I and the other are al• Sewlnl Mechlne. ready "fore-given." Jesus is al• . Repel, servlcel' 'ways forgiving us. We have a • All make•• ,.asonabl~rat.., relatively small part to play • tree e.tlmates, h:nmediate • erylee. Illl month ouarano after all. The other has already • t. . on all ~rtI and labor. been forgiven by Jesus in his Over 15 yrl. experience. . Mon. thru SlIt 8 to 8. Call • act of ransoming us from sin. 638-1514 YOU'll BE GLAD If I can remember that, then it • YOU DID. • may not require such a great ef- ' Located near Little • • fort on, my part to forgive. My ' Compten and We.tpol't • • .......11........ To..... & . . . forgiveriess is only a follow-up . • • • CUP & SAve'_ of what Jesus has. already done.





... 14

THE ANCHORThurs., August 2, 1979

focus on youth • • •

By Charlie Martin


By Cecilia Belanger A high school student told me A GLIMPSE OF HOME something I had guessed all When I was very young, so many songs were sung along - that young people want So much wasted time on an uphill climb more than money qut of their But you were always there, a 'eeling in the air jobs. There was' nothing to fear, you were so near They 'want to enjoy them and Now you are here once again they also wish to be treated As 1 stand in your presence fairly. Those who quit often give . 1 can feel the quiet patience of your gaze reasons of "unfair treatment," Like an old superstition "failure to get promoted" and You are haunting all my dreams and waking days _ "boredom." All my life 1 you were waiting, revelation anticipating The unfair treatment often All is weD, the search is over comes on summer jobs - from Let the truth be known older youth in supervisory posiLet it 'be shown - give mea glimpse of home tions. Strangely enough, such There's no resisting you among the chosen few youth" often do not know how And it's so hard to be sure, it's so hard to endure to relate to other young people. And when 1 hea.r your voice, 1 know 1 have the choice Also on young people's minds To pursue an ideal, something so real is mobility. Sixty percent of Now I've got nothing to lose, as 'I see your reflection teens recently polled said tpai All the answers 1 desire become so clear they don't want and don't exTHEY CAN handle logarithms, but can they replace Like a page that is turning - 1 can look into the future pect to live the rest of their You're in my rock and roll, you're in my very soul sparkplugs? (U.S. Catholic Photo) . lives where they are now. ThOugh it's heavy to bear, it's a feeling so rare They don't wish to get into And it's a mystery, the way it's meant to be "The trouble with many people I consider myself religious but the ruts of their parents. 'They Can we ever kn~, we're moving so slow have observed what it' does to, is that they worship movie stars I see too much of the superficial There ain't enough ,time in the world and people on TV, rock stars around me, especially in church. people. As 1 reach up the ladder Many also feel they aren't and singers; and stuff like that. I don't think religion is doing There is something even higher to perceive . properly prepared for life, that It's so silly to see girls fainting much good for some because Uke a fire that is burning their background is too acad- all over singers. My grandmother their values are still the same old In my heart 1 know truly 1 surely must believe emic. One said that although he still raves about Clark Gable. I values. God does not come first. Written by Kerry Livgren, Sung by Kansas, could handle logarithms, he ·think stull' like that is fooHsh. Truth does not come first. Conscience does not come first. couldn't replace a sparkplug or It's like' worshipping idols." (c) 1979 D~n Krlshner Music ,I have a letter from it youth Everybody plays it safe." install a wall socket. Few said If adults think that youth are This song' is about searching and finding and. it relates to our they could fix a flat tire. "But from out-of-state who writes: "I search for God, which is as individualistic as our personalities. For we know how to compute the am not interested in wasting my not struggling with-questions time with clergy or laity whose and answers they are sadly mis- some people, the search seems easy, for others it is. clothed in a air pressure in the tire!" own religion is only skin-deep. taken. veil of uncertainty. For all of us, the depth of God's mystery can Adults think that a 16-yearnever be completely experienced ot understood. old isn't interested in the world's current economic dilemma. The song speaks of "seeing reflections of the answers I' desire." They're wrong. "We'd like to To know and feel God's presence, we must pause, slow down and . By Tom Lennon know more about the politicai Nineteen-y~ar-old Jenny was years of college. One can only listen. systems of other nations," from an outcast at the small college .guess what image Jenny has of Expanding our view, reflections of God are everywhere. As the two 16-year olds. she attended. The other young herself today and what her life song says, "I can feel. the quiet patience of your gaze" as "you are "I don't understand why we women wanted nothing, to do has been like since leaving colpart of all my dreams and working days." avoid studying religion as we with her. Jenny was not pretty,. lege. would another subject. It might ]n addition to this experience of God's presence, we also .feel In our imperfect world live and to make matters worse she give us insight into understanda certain restlessness within us. All of us are looking for that was fat: In a conversation most many Jennys, people who have ing one another and solving "'glimpse, of home." The answers are never perfectly known, but ?ur of her replies were only a word few or no friends and whose many of our problems." glimpses show our destiny to be a circle back to the God who first or two, for she was neither' days are lonely, beyond our im"I'm 17 and I'm interested in bright nor clever..There seem~d agination. Some belong to mingave us life. home repair, cooking, how to to be litt!e that was appealing. ority groups and deep withiIl; . All of this teaches us not to take any day of life for granted. fill out a tax return, how to pre- about Jen.ny, and even she didn't their hearts is the pain of feeling Marvels and wonders reside within us and surround the -world th.at pare for a job interview, even mu'ch like herself. rejected by millions of people. forms our lives. We must not miss the glimpses of home that renew how to plan a nutritious, lowI heard about Jenny from a And some are crimina~s, guilty us and strengthen us. cost meal. Why do people think 24-year-old secretary in our of- perhaps of shameful cnmes and we're all silly and empty-headfice who had been in her class unable to return fully to the ed?" at college. Cathy told me: "One . society .of the free. \ "I don't think we can always of the nuns tried to do something, Like' Jesus, every Christian is What do you think she might In a long ago time most tragic use poverty as an excuse for about jenny. You see, we had a of all outcasts was probably the called to do what she or he can have done? doing wrong or not making a group of girls who were study- leper, victim of a frightful skin to help outcasts. Often this is a Helping outcasts can indeed success out of our lives. ,I think ing the Gospels under .the super- disease. In the society in which complicated task. What woufd be complicated. A person may that's just a cop-out." vision of this nun, and she told Jesus lived these people were you have done to help Jenny have to be clever and inventive "I used to look up to pro- us 'that Jenny was an outcast, made to dwell apart from the overcome her unpleasant flaws, to be of assistance. In some fessional athletes but no more. lik.e the leper in the Gospel. She community in sad isolation. be at ease with people and make cases only indirect help can be Sure, I enjoy good healthy ath- said we should try to be friends One day a leper came to Jesus friends? given, but Jesus is grateful for letes but that's all been ruined with Jenny, and make her wel- with a request. He knelt down Do you think Cathy was cor- any kind of help we can give to by pro atheletes out to make a come." as he spoke: "If you will to do rect in thinking she would lose an outcast. fast ~buck. The ideal of sports Then with frightening candor so: you can cure me." And Jesus her popularity if she tried to has become an empty word and 'Cathy said to me, "But I wasn't moved with pity, stretched out help Jenny? If she was correct, a dollar s~n. about to go near Jenny. If I be-' his hand, touched him and said, is such popularity worth the - "I blame ,the American public came friends with her, I'd lose "I do will it. Be cured." Immedi- price? Dean's list students at Stonewho always look for heroes in all my other friends, and. you ately the man's leprosy disapIf seven or eight girls had hill College, North Easton, for the wrong areas. What started can't do that, can you? If you peared, and once more he was agreed to befriend Jenny, would last semester include Susan Carout as children's games has have to become unpopular your-. able to move freely among the loss of popularity have been a reiro, William L. Slean IU, Barsnowballed into an economic self, what's the sense of helping , people (Mark 1:40-45). bara A. PolselIi, Mary Talbot, problem? . Jesus made it possible for him .monster. Too bad the snowball someone who hasn't any friends?" Karen Watts and Jane Cichon And what about Jenny? Might from Fall River; and Jodie wouldn't melt, and sports got Other young women felt like . to end his loneliness, be part back to what they were first in- Cathy. and so Jenny remalned' of the community and have she have to make some effort Keene, Michele' Rousseau and tended to be." an outcast through all tour friends again. herself to end her loneliness? James Silvia from Somerset.



What Would You Do?


. Dea.n's List



~it:;lntersch 0Iastic




Jim Hallet Tops In CYO Golf Jim Hallett, of the Cape area, . ior division, Paul Corcoran, Fall was named most valuable player River, and Jim Saxon, of the in the CYO Diocesan Golf Tour- Taunton area, fired 77s, and nament at the Pocasset Golf Brian Cook, of the Attleboro Ciub last Monday. He received area, 79. The.re was a threethe Martin Higgins -Trophy in way tie for second place and recognition of his achievement. Brian Dermody, Taunton, won The late Marty Higgins was golf the playoff for the runnerup spot pro at the Fall River Country in the cadet division. CI\lb for many years. Mike Stone, New Bedford, Jim fired a 70, the lowest card posted a 74 to win the intermeof the tourney, to win the Inter- diate division title (for those mediate Division crown. In .last· born on or after Jan. 1, 1963). year's tournament, Jim with Ii 74 Steve Donnelly, of the Cape, was tied with Rene Choquette, of the runnerup with 75 followed New 'Bedford, for first place and by Pat Cunningham, Attleboro, four extra holes were required 80; . Ollie Hallett, the Cape, 81; before Choquette broke the Ed Keyes, Fall River, 85; Jim deadlock. Jardin, New Bedford, 86; John John Connor, of the New Bed- Rullo, Attleboro, 89; Mike Carford area, was the runnerup this berry, Fall River, 90. Other cards year with 73 and Jim's brother turned' in were Dave Lamond, Bob, was third with 74. Dan Attleboro, 89, and Dave J. FreiSalmon, of the Fall River area, tas, New Bedford, 90 in the inposted a 76, Greg Theriault, of termediate division; Dave Freithe Attleboro area, arid Jeff La- tas, New Bedford, 81, Tom Ohlvoie, Fall River, 78, in that divi- son, Attleboro, 81, and Joe sion, for those born on or after Walker, the Cape, 83. Jim Dutrll had an 87, Jim Smith. 88, in the Jan. 1, 1960. . junior division; both are from The Cape 'golfers captured the Taunton area. three of the four division chamRogers, Higham, Jim Hallett, pionships at stake. Randy 'Rog· Cqnnor, Stone, Donnelly, Maurc.k ers topped the senior division, and Dermody will represent the for those born on or after Jan. I, 1953, and Paul Maurck took top Fall ~iver Diocese in the New honors in the cadet division, for England CYO tournament at the those born on or after Jan. '1, Country Club of New Bedford on Aug. 30. 1965. Bill Doyle, of New Bedford, Barry Higham, New Bedford', was director of the diocesan 76, was the runnerup in the sen- tourney.

Catholic Memorial at New Bedford Scholastic football schedules show that Catholic Memorial will meet New Bedford High in an exhibition football game at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 21 at Sargent Field, New Bedford. ' . Boston Latin will host Taunton High in an - afternoon nonleague game on Sept. 15, and Malden Catholic will be host to Fall River's Durfee High; in still another league contest, on Oct..6. New Bedford ·is the first·. Southeastern Mass. Conference school to see ac~ion. The Crimson will entertain Scituate at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 14 at Sargent Field. Keeping tabs on former scholastic standouts from the dioc~­ san area, it is noted that Sue Marcellus, former all-around athlete' at Somerset High, is in training at Colorado Springs in preparation for the field hockey Olympic tryouts to be held in Vancouver on Aug. 16. She is the starting center on the United States team. Sue and' her 14 teammates hope that the American squad will survive the cut at Vancpuver and head for the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. It wilJ be recalled that Sue, daughter of Mr. lmd Mrs. Jerome Marcellus, of Almy Street, Somerset, is the first woman ever to

get a full four-year athletic scholarship to Ohio State Uni· versity, where she proceeded to rewrite field hockey record books and went on to selection to the United States team, which has toured parts of Europe, South America.

Catholic Pupils Get State Funds CINCINNATI - U.S. District Judge Timothy S. Hogan has ruled that the Cincinnati Board of Education acted unconstitutionally in cutting off state funds . earmarked for St. Mary Parish School, Cincinnati.

.tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R.-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. . Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectioriable in part ·for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanationl: C-condemned.

New Films What happens when a spaceship, and American scientist amI his look-alike robot experience time-lapse and land in the Sixth century court of King Arthur, Disney's most recent release "Unidentified Flying Oddball" (DisDey-B.U.), answers _that query in this remake of Mark Twain's classic, "A Connee,ticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court." Tom Trimble (Dennis Dugan) saves King Arthur (Kenneth More) and all of Camelot from an overthrow by Merlin (Ron Moody) and Sir Mordred (Jim Dale). In just 93 minutes Dugan and his robot explain 16 centuries of history, save the fair lady's imprisoned father, introduce Mordred to a laser gun, play havoc with Merlin's morale and throw in enough moats and jousting knights to delight children and adults, medieval'ists and sci-,fi fans. G, Al "The Wanderers" (Warners): This adaptation of the critically accaimed novel about some italian teen-agers growing up in the Bronx in 1963 has a lot of vitality, but it is too pretentious an4 arty to stir any real emotional response. Its violence and foul language, moreover, are objectionable. R, B Films on TV Sunday, Aug. 5, 9 p.rn. (ABC) "Freebie and the Bean" (1974) - Two freewheeling San Francisco cops careen around the city to protect a mobster they plan eventually to arrest when the time is ripe, Bean (Alan Arkin) and Freebie (James Caan) are gun-crazy psychopaths who enjoy indulging their penchant for foul language, ethnic slurs, kinky sex, and beating up hapless individuals whenever they

Tuesday, Aug. 7, 9 p.m. (NBC) ''Monte Walsh", (1970) Once the Wild West was tamed, men like Monte Walsh (Lee Marvin) found it hard to adapt to the demands of society. Jeal1ne Moreau and Jack Palance join Marvin in strong performances, but the film misses its mark because of a faulty script and a lack of well-defined characterizations. ,A3 Tuesday, Aug. 7, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "Capone" (1975) - The rise of Al Capone (Ben Gazzara) from Brooklyn Street mug to Chicago's gang king uses violence and seXual display, as - integral to the plot, not just components in the story. The consequence is a sleazy, slapdash distasteful movie. B Wednesday, .Aug. 8, 9 p.m. "The Killer Elite" (CBS) (1975) - James Caan and Robert Duvall do a fine job as professional assassins in this suspense drama. Gig Young and Arthur Hill give good support. . The film lapses at times into melodrama, but Caan does well in spite of script and role limitations. A3 Friday, Aug. 10, 9 p.rn. (ABC) -"Mother, Jugs & Speed" (1976) - Bill Cosby is "Mother," Ra.quel Welch is "Jugs," and Harvey Keitel is "Speed." The movie deals with a private ambulance service about to go bankrupt. This fear inspires a frenetic rivalry with a competing company. Innocuous as the plot sounds, the film manages to become tasteless and vulgar. B Saturday, ,Aug. II, 9 p.m. (CBS) '''Mixed Company" (1974) - Joseph Bologna and Barbara Harris are a couple who decide to augment their family, which already includes three chil9ren, with three more, each from a different race. A mildly entertaining film, which, except for some strong lang!Jage, looks as though it had been made for TV.A3 On Radio Sunday, Aug. 5 NBC "Guideline" continues a series of programs dealing with handicapped persons. The quest is Franciscan Brother Joseph Moloney, associate director of the Catholic Charities Office for Handicapped Persons of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Check local'

He said that the decision of parents of pupils at Holy Cross Parish School to enroll them at St. Mary's when Holy Cross closed, instead of at the closer St. Francis de Sales Parish School, was based on "religious convictions" and not on the racial composition of the schools. As a result of Judge Hogan's decision, pupils at St. Mary's again will receive speech and hearing therapy, psychological testing, transportation and other "auxiliary services" for which state funds are approl'riated.


Thurs., August 2, 1979


Pope Is Praised, _ By Billy Graham, '----~~-'-., NASHVILLE, Tenn. (NC) The Rev. Billy -Graham said the reaction of the people of Poland to Pope John Paul II's visit was . a manisfestation of a worldwide spiritual revival. Dr. Graham. made the comment while in Nashville for the start of the Nashville-eentral South Crusade at Vanderbilt's Dudley Stadium.' Catholic Bishop James D. Niedergeses of Nashville welcomed the well-known evangelist and asked for God's blessings on the crusade. Dr. Graham spoke highly of _ the pope. "No other hum~n .being in the world could do what he did in Poland and Mexico," he said. He told Th~ Tennessee Register, the diocesan newspaper, tnat he would like to talk to the pope if he visits the United States in September, but Dr. Graham said he would have to wait for an invitation. "You don't just call up and say . I'd like to meet the pope," he said. Dr. Graham said the primary reason he brought the crusade to Nashville, where there is one church for every 683 people, was "because Christians must be dedicated to Christ. As Pope John Paul I said on the last day of his life, "One priority of the church must be to evangelize those already baptized.' I think that's true in \ the Protestant church as well.

Church Suffers In Mozambique. KINSHASA, Zaire (NC) - Relations between the Christian churches and the Mozambique government have been det~riora­ ting this year, according ~o a story in Documentation and Information for and About Africa (DIA), a newsletter about Christianity in Africa. ) During 1979 so far, 15 Catholic churches, the country's only Anglican Cathedral and three Presbyterian churches have been closed down, said DIA. The only Catholic seminary was forced to close because all 20 students were drafted into the armed forces. . Since gaining independence from Portugal in 1975, Mozambique has been ruled by the Mozambique Liberation Front,' a Marxist-Leninist group. State restrictions on religion have been especially hard on the Catholic Church, which the government considers to have been too closely alligned' to Portuguese. colonialism.

_ No P'arley

SHEILA WHITE is a lovely maid of Camelot who falls in love with spaceman Denis Dugan in "Unidentified Flying Oddball." (NC Photo)

WASHINGTON (NC) - An , invitation to a' parley extended to pro-life groups, by Eleanor Sheal, president of the -National Organization for Women, has been turned down by two of the pro-life groups. One charged the offer is part of a "divide and conquer" strategy directed .at pro-lifers.



East Freetown. ' Participants ST. MARY, should bring sports equipments, SEEKONK CCD -teachers are asked, to grilles and food. Soft, drinks will pick up new teachers' ,manuals be available. Games for all ages, in the sacristy in order to 10k with p,rizes, will be played and ,the day will conclude with It :; over material for fall classes. p.m. Mass. FIVE HOUR VIGIL, MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER, FALL RIVERDIQCESE The monthly five-hour repara- FALL RIVER DIOCESE Marriage Encounter information vigil- honoring Jesus and tion nights, open to all, will be Mary will be held from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at St. Fran- held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. cis Xavier Church. Acushnet. At- 7 at St. Francis Xavier Church" tendimceis invited at all or any , Acushnet, and at th!! same time part of the service, which will Sunday, Aug. 19 at St. Lawrence .RUGGLES pARK SPORTSMEN, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN begin and en4 with Mass. There Churc~, New Bedford. FALL RIVER . are asked to submit news Items for this will- be a coffee break at 10 NATJONAL CONVENTION, column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall Former players, fans, friends , o'clock. River, 02722. Name of city or town should ORDER OF ALHAMBRA and' residents of the Ruggles be included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather Tl)e Order of Alhambra, a fraPark area in Fall River, includHEART, SACRED than past events. Note: ,We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as ternal group for Catholic men ing residents of Sacred Heart, FALL RIVER bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. specializing in aiding work in We are happy to carry notices of spiritual St. Anthony of Padua, HQly RoOfficers or representatives, of pro,rams, club meetinRs, youth projects and sary and St. Roch parishes are parish organizations are invited the field of retardation, will hold similar nonprofit actiVities. . Fundralslng projects' may be advertised et invited to' a gala reunion from 1 to a calendar planning meeting its. 38th biennial convention in our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. to 6 p.m. SunClay, Sept. 16 at for the ~oming year at 7:45 p.m: San Diego, Calif. Aug. n through 16. Dave's Beach, Fall River. • Tuesday, Aug. 14 in the parish CATHEDRAL CAMPS, ,center. JUBILEE BANQUET, Further information is availEAST FREETOWN FALL RIVER: AREA ,a Senior citizens will attend able from Kenneth Fitzgerald, Father Leonard Mullaney, diAn organizational meeting for Perry Como 'performance Sun679-3307. . rector of the. diocesan' day parish representatives planning 12 at Warwick Thea. day, Aug. camps for boys and girls located ST. STANISLAUS, tre and may call Donald Black, the Fall River area diocesan juon Long Pond, East Freetown, FALL RJV£R bilee banquet will be held at 7:30 676-8332 for reservations. ' reports they are having their A Poland-Rome pilgrimage will . p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8 in St. busiest season in history~ with leave Sunday night with a 'brief SS. PETER AND P'AUL, Louis de France parish hall, capacity enrollments of 300 in blessing of pilgrims ceremony at FALL RIVER ' Swansea. The banquet is to be each camp during the present The first parish' scrapbook held Sunday, .Nov. 25 at Venu's 7:15 p.m. in the church preceding session. A few openings remain their departure. dating back to 1968, is nearly de Milo restaurant, Swansea. for the session beginning Moncompleted. Anyone with clip¥iss Claire O'Toole and Mrs. day, Aug. 13, for which regisBlood pressures will be taken pings or photographs before' or Manuel, Nogueira ar~ program trations close -Monday, Aug. 6. 'after all Masses this weekend. since that' date which he or she cochairmen and Mrs'- Raymond To be featured in .the final A triduum honoring Our Lady would like to have included may Bernier and Mrs. Norman Mes-' session are concentrated pro- of Czestochowa will be cele- contact Fred Dolan, telephone sier are ticket cochairmen. grams 'in the 'camps' arts and brated A·ug. 22 through 24 with 672-6405, or any of the .pariSh JUBILEE 'BALL, crafts department, directed by dedcation of a Benefactor Gar- priests. CAPE COD AREA Mrs. Diane Sylvia. den as part of the observance. ST. ANNE, ,/\ reception and dance honorFALL RIVER ing Bishop Daniel A. Cronin , ,"',., " _ A family picnic will be held" will be held Friday, Aug. 24 at from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, the Sheraton-Regal Inn in HyAug. 19 at Cathedral Camp, annis.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....:.Thurs., Aug. 2,'1979

steering' 'points








..••..•..., ,, ~

Are You Moving?' ! , ,~

Little Maria Touched Hearts of Thousands

Observance Set Of Marian Feast WASHINGTON(NC) , - A Marian .devotion committee headed by Cardinal John J. Car· berry of St. Louis has announced ' plans for a national observance of the 125th anniversary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The observance would' be launched on Dec. 8, the feast of' the Immaculate Con~eption, at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in 'Washington with a "call for an era of discernment" to discover what planners tall "the need to integrate the Blessed Mother into every level of pastoral ministry." Pope Pius IX in 1854 defined, as dogIDa the belief thaL"the Virgin Mary was conceived without sin and said the dogma . must "firmly and constantly be believed by all the faithful." According to Msgr. Eugene G. Bilski, assistant director for education ~t th~ shrine, the "era of discernment"- would be follow-. ed first by recommendations for implementing a greater awareness of the importance of Mary and then by actual programs.

New Archbishop In Costa Rica . SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (NC) - _A "man versed in the problems of the modern world" who isa verteran leader in the Latin Amer-ican Bishops Council (CELAM) has been appointed archbishop of San Jose, where the Catholic population is nearly a million. Archbishop-designate Roman Arrieta, 54, until now headed the rural diocese of Tilaran in north, ern Costa Rica. One of the first things he did after being named was tp sign ·a statement of sup~ port by the Costa Rican Bishops Conferenc~. which, he chairs, pledging aid to the new government in neighboring _Niaragua. The people and government of Costa Rica gave substantial support' to the Sandinista rebels and other groups opposing the Somoza dynasty during the past -two years.

AGANA, Guam (NC) - Ma- the native inhabitants are mosttia Camarin lived only a short ly Catholic. Public opinion va: time, but in death she became . ried from offers to help pay for the funeral of the child to conknown throughout Guam. ~. Harold Baza, II, and his six- demnations of the unknown : year-old brother Richard were mother, who .never .came for~ 'playing around the side entrance' ward. to the Sweet Name of Mary An official autopsy performed Cathedral in Agana when their by the attorney general's office : Please Print Your New, Address Below ~ . attention was caught by a box showed no evidence of foul play. tucked into some blolshes by the in the baby's death. , ~ NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.' •••• •••••••••• ••••••••• ,~ , entrance. , "The church's position is one Curiosity aroused, they open~ STREET ADDRESS...................................................................... ~ ed it. The box contained the of complete sensitivity and love tiny body of a new-born baby toward mother and child. I have : Apt. #, CITY, STATE ~- girl, a' holy card and' a note nothing but praise for the mother Soviet Pentecostals for asking the church to bury -' which read: the child," said Bishop Felix- Ask Aid from Pope' , NEW PARISH , "To the church: 'I have no' , LONDON (NC) _ Soviet Pen- ' money to give my child •a de- berto Flores of Agana. ~ DATE OF MOViNG.................................................................. ~ . cent burial. Please do it for me. . A mortician, who had lost his costals and, Baptists have appealBless her and may the Lord for- only- son in a 'gun accident, do- .. ed to Pope John Paul II and the nated the casket and' his ser- College of Cardinals to help = And' please attach your OLD ANCHOR AD- : give me. A poor villager." This became headline news on vices. A florist donated the them emigrate from the Soviet = DRESS LABEL below so we· can update your =, -the 112-square-mlle island, where flowers. Union,' Their' appeal is signed 'by 52 : record immediate.Iy. ~ churchmen representing about . 20,000 b~evers wanting to miJ. B. 'COLE 6' GLEASON •• Estobl ished 1862 grate. Falmouth Home For Funerals The signers said Soviet auth,orities had used disagreements ,~ Paste Old Address Label Here ~ between Christians to render the churches powerless. .It accused Russian church leaders of be.. traying Christ by helping to : CLIP TI:IIS ENnRE FORM AND MAIL TO: ~ f . spread government views about religious freedom in the Soviet 475,~IN-STREET Union. FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSrnS 02540 The churchmen. said they reo (NEXT TO ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH) : P.O. BOX.7 - FALL RIVER, MASS. 02722 ~ signed their Soviet citizenship 540-4172 in August 1978 because of reo JOHN H. GRANSTOM EDWARD F. SAUNDERS : . THANK YOU! : DAVID M. CHAPMAN strictions on religious life and applied to leave the country.

,~ The Post Office'.has increased from 13 to 25 ~ cents its charge to THE ANCHOR for notification : C?f a subscriber's change of qddress. Please = help 'us reduce this expense' by notifying us ,~ immediately when. you plan' to move.

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