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t eanc 0 VOL 29, NO. 30


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The Morins

The Right Start. By Pat




As with most things, the right start is vitally important to a solid ,marriage. , Raymond and Edna Morin of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, think :that right start is so important that they're devoting full time to making :it available to as many couples as possible. ' To them the right start is spelled Engaged Encounter, a weekend program during which couples planning marriage examine them足 selves, their relationship and the vocation of marriage. The Morins, married for 38 years, parents ofthree, grandparents of seven and parish Eucharistic ministers, have devoted much of their time for the past seven years to EE, as the program is informally called. In that time they have conducted many weekends both inside and "outside the Fall River diocese. ' Now retired, they're devoting even more time to EE, since July 1 serving as its diocesan coordinators. In their new role they work with

Father Marc H. Bergeron under the auspices ofthe Diocesan Office of Family Ministry, directed by Father Ronald A. Tosti. As e,nthusiastic about wedded life as if they'd walked down the aisle last Saturday, the Morins see' t~eir job as one of "Olrdinary people happily married who want to make sure other couples are." EE, they said, is an outgrowth of Marriage Encounter, also a weekend program, designed to "make good marriages better." Its success made organizers realize that its principles could well be applied to couples before as well as after marriage. Often, say the Morins, young people decide during an EE weekend, as they discover hitherto unrevealed aspects of each other;to postpone or cancel wedding plans. Such a weeding-out process contribute to a significantly lower percentage of divorces among EE couples. The Morilils cited a New Jersey study that followed 3,000 EE couples for five yc:ars and found Continued on page eleven







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 2, 1985

,J,ews, Catholics agree on "Baby will serve the child's best inter­ ment "does represent a signifi­ By Liz S. Armstrong est," according to Father Bryce cant consensus on both medical WASHINGTON (NC) - The and Wyschogrod. "The expres­ ,ethics in general and the right National Conference of Catholic Bishops' ,(:ommittee for Pro-Life of citizens with disabilities in sion 'Child's best interest' does not include the possibility of Activities and an agency of the particular." negative judgments about the The commentary said respect American Jewish Congress have for the inherent dignity of Hfe value of handicapped children's agreed that handicapped new­ borns must be provided medical means that basic sustenance and lives." 'The commentary stated that care must be provided handi­ treatment if it would prove help­ ful but that extraordinary means capped infants, aside from the because parents often feel fin­ to prolong life need not be used. specific medical treatment which ancially pressured toward denial of life-saving treatment of a Officials of the two religious may be necessary. The commentary also noted handicapped child, "increased organizations, following a year of consultation, approved, six thai: sometimes parents must local, state and federal assistance between alternative for these children and their principles and an accompanying' choos~ commentary on ethical treat·' treatment$ or no treatment at all. families is an important ingredi­ ent in any complete solution to 'IParental choices in such cir­ ment of so-called "Baby Doe", the pr~blem of discrimination cumstances should be made in cases" named 'after an Indiana infant allowed to die without terms of what course of action against handicapped newborns." treatment. The "Commentary on Princi­ ples on Treatment of Handi­ capped Newborns" was signed by Father Edward Bryce, direc- . tor of the bishops' Office for

. Pro-Life Activities, and by Mi­

toral letter on Hispariic ministry, WASHINGTON ·'(NC) - His­ chael Wyschogrod, director of,

calling 'for development of a panic Catholics from 133 dio­ the American Jewish Congress'

ceses in the' United States will pastoral plan for Hispanics, be­ Institute for Christian-Jewish Re­

.lations and chairman of the 'come to Washington Aug. 15-18 gan the encuentro process. It in­ volved many diocesan workshops philosophy department at Bar­ to, adopt a pastoral plan for His­ and eight regional meetings to uchCollege, City University of panic ministry. An esti~ated 1,200 delegates select topics and workshops for New York. The Jewish agency and the from 40 states are expected to a 1984 planning session. At that NCCB committee agreed that participate in the Third National time five encuentro themes were government should not step into Hispanic Pastoral Encuentro to 'Chosen: youth, evangelization" education, social justice and a case unless ethical principles be ,held at the Catholic Univer­ are being violated ibut should help sity, of America.' Encuentro, leadership formation. Diocesan and regional ,encu­ parents facing financial burdens meaning encounter, provides an of caring fora handicapped baby. opportunity for Hispanics to entros followed, ending in June of this year. _ i discuss needs and goals in rela­ The six principles state that: - Every newborn has the tion to the church. At the Washington me'eting a right to basic care, government majority of delegates will be Leading diocesan representa­ should step in when parents are tion .will be Father Kevin J. Mexican-American, followed by unable or unwilling to provide Harrington, parochial vicar at St. native 'Mexicans, Anglos and such care. Joseph's Church, Taunton, and native Puerto Ricans. The ma­ - Medical intervention is not Taunton area director of the jority are bilingual and are lay required when it clearly would Diocesan Apostolate to Hispan­ ministers. be futile. ' ics. Spanish will be the encuentro - Handicaps alone do not language with English transla­ With him will be Gtiadalu­ justify withholding of medical panas Sisters FraDclsca' Aldama , tions of all written documents treatment ':when such treatment and . Soledad Mendoza; also available. offers reasonable hope, of benefit Angel Luis' Reyes and Rosa Cin­ The need for the encuentros and does not impose exce~sive tron. was first seen in 1948, when pain or other burdens on the Also present for part of the Southwest bishops :recognized patiEmt." encuentro will be Father Peter that Hispanics needed special ~ When there is disagree­ N. Graziano, executive director ministry.'.As a result, the South­ ment among doctors on alter­ of the Diocesan Department of west Office for the Spanish­ native treatments for a life­ Social Services, of which the Speaking opened in San Antonio,' threatening condition. "parents Hispanic Apostolate is part. ' Texas. It was moved to the U.S. have the right and obligation to Father Hiurlngton, a member Catholic Conference in Washing­ make conscientious and medi­ ton in 1970 and' was renamed of .the national planning com­ cally informed choices between the Secretariat' for Hispanic Af­ alternate methods of treatment" mittee that has made prepara­ fairs. . and should ask which course of' tions for the encuentro, will be The 1irst encuentro was held' a team leader for delegates from action seems likely to promote the northeast United States as iri' 1972, when 250 delegates the child's best interest. ' they help shape a working docu­ agreed on 98 points that they - Government should not in­ ment on elements contributing presented to the U.s. bishops. tervene in the decisions of par­ to Hispanic ministry. The second encuentro, in 1977, ents "unless there is a prepon­ As a planning Clonnnittee Diem- ' focused on many issues to be 'dis­ derance of evidence that one or more of the foregoing principles ber, he said, he will also be in cusSed at the third encuentro. Washington this Sunday to be a Approximately 1,000 delegates is being viol~ted/' concelebrant at the epliscopal evaluated ideas offered. by a re­ - Government should sup­ ported 500,000 people who' at­ port the treatment and care of ordination of Father Alvaro Cor­ tended local and regional meet­ handicapped children "so. that rada, SJ. Bishop-designate Cor­ parents can make decisions about rada, who has been coordinator ings.. of a New York City Hispanic Hispanics form 25 to 30·per­ treatment without undue finan­ center, will be an auxiliary cent of the U.S. Catholic popula­ cial pressure." In the commentary, Father bishop in Washington and 'the tion and are projected to number Bryce 'and Wyschogrod noted 17th Hispanic bishop< in the over 50 percent by the year 2000. There are' 17 Hispanic bishops that their agreement does not United States. reflect all ,concerns of Catholics According to Father Juan Ro­ and five regional pastoral insti­ and Jews in regard to treating mero, national coordinator of tutes' serving U.S. Hispanic handicapped babies, "nor any the encuentro, the event is ex­ Catholics, as well as an esti­ one statement reflect the full pected to be "an experience mated 250 U.S.-born Hispanic complexity of our respective tra­ which creates <and deepens a priests 'and 1,500 Hispanic ditions in this area." consciousness of church." priests born outside the United But they added that the state­ The U.S. bishops' 1983 pas- States.



~astoral ministry

to he' Encuentro topic .'

IEvery newborn has the right to' basic care/

Hostage crisis remains

for 'Silent Seven"

WASHINGTON (NC) - Three paigned for his release. His

relatives' of a priest held in , sister, Mae Mihelich; his :brother,

Lebanon' and famHies of other Joseph Jen'co; and his nephew,

kidnapped Americans urged the John Jenco, attended the July 30

Reagan administration July 30 press conference.

to agree that there is a full·

"How many hostages dOes it scale hostage' crisis instead of practicing what -the relatives take -to make a hostage crisis called a failed policy of "quiet . . . Obviously seven is not enough, said Jeremy Levin, diplomacy." former Cable News Network At a press conference in Wash­ bureau chief in Beirut who was ington July 30; members of held 'tor 11 months in Lebanon families of some of the· seven before he escaped. Americans held, captive In Leb­

Levin said the U.S. govern­

anon, including relatives .of Ser­ vite Father Lawrence Martin ment has not made people aware

Jenco, called for public attention of the reason the Americans

have been kidnapped. The kid-_

and, high-level government meet­ ings like the ones which followed nappers are seeking the release

of prisoners held in Kuwaiti

the TWA hijacking in June. jails, he said, and the Uni-ted . Peggy Say, sister of Terry An­ States should negotiate. derson, chief Middle East cor­

respondent for the Associated Rep. Robert' K. Dornan, R­

Press, said, "We want the ad­ Calif., said he did not believe

ministration to make this a hos­ the United States should ex·

tage crisis" like the TWA hos­ change prisoners because it

tage crisis. would be giving i~ to killers, but

John Weir, son of the Rev. Mrs. Say interjected that the

Benjamin Weir, a Presbyterian families' have been careful to

minister, said, "Quiet diplomacy avoid any name-calling. "I am

didn't work. It's time for public appealing to them as humani­

tarians," she said.

diplomacy." The seven Americans held in

Lebanon were kidnapped one at

a time, over the past two years. THE ANCHOR (USPS·545·020). Second Class

Postage Paid at' 'Fall River, Mass. Published ,Father Jenco was Catholic Relief weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. director in Beirut when he was ue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 'by the Cath­ kidnapped Jan. 8 by the Islamic olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River.

Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00

Jihad (Holy War). per year. Postmasters send address Chan\;S

Since then his family has cam- ~h~~~ Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall, River, A

THE ANCHOR.:...Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 2, 1985

British bishops see hope.

for solving differences

By NC News Service Traditional differences between Anglicans and Catholics concern­ ing .authority, ministry and the Eucharist ar~ no 'longer insur­ mountable, Britain's Catholic bishops have said. But they also said further work is n~ded on these issues. The bishops called the final report of the Anglican-Roman 'Cathdlic Internat~nal Com­ mission (ARCIC) "a truly out­ standing contribution" to the dialogue between rthetwo churches. "The (bishops') response is ,the most significant act in the his­ tory of the churches in this coun­ try," said Bishop Alan Clark of East A~ia, England. Bishop Olark, who chaired the first ARCIC conference, told National Catholic News Service that the "degree of positive response will be a tremendous help to both our churches throughout the 'world." Among those issues the bish­ ops thought needed further work were adoration of the Eucharist, ordination of women and the question of Anglican priestly orders, declared invalid by Pope Leo xm in 1896. The bishops said they were un­ easy with the joint committee's statement .that "others still find any kind of adora·tion of Christ in the reserved sacrament un­ acceptable." "The doctrinal implications of this position need to be eX{lm­ ned closely," the bishops said. They said the ordination of women remains a "grave obsta­ cle to the' reconciliation of our churches." "The ordination of women is a fact in the Anglican Commun­ ion," they noted. "A problem re­ mains that will have rto be taken up." The bishops said they thought the 'J'eport did not give enough height to papal primacy, since :the international commission would recognize the pope as uni­ versal primate" but not with the authority he currently holds. On infallibility, the bishops said they were convinced the in­ , ternational commission had come "very close rto agreement" and endorsed as compatible with church teaching the commission's view that' ",the 'assent of the faithful is the ultimate indica­ tion" of ~nfallibility. The final !l'eport of the Angli­

can-Roman Catholic Interna­ tional {;ommission is the result of 12 years of work, from 1970 rthrough 1981. It covers (lgree­ ment on th& Eucharist ministry and authority in the church. In 1982 Pope John Paul II and the primate of the Anglican Com­ munion, Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, England, established a. successor commis­ sion, ARCIC II. Its mandate is to resolve remaining doctrinal ques­ tions from the ARCIC I agree­ ments, to study all that hinders mutual recognition of Ithe minis­ tries of the two churches and to recommend practical steps to re­ store full communion.

Paul Soulier The Mass of Christian Burial was offered Monday at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, for' Paul A. Soulier, 69, who died July 24. A Fall River native, the son of Beatrice G. (Taber) Soulier of Tiverton and the late Samuel J. Soulier, he was an accountant at the diocesan chancery office from 1971 to 1982. Previously :he was an accountant at the former Firestone -Rubber Com­ pany in Fall River. For many years he served on the board of directors of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. William N. Lawton, Rumford, R.I., and 'a brother, James A'. Soulier, Tiverton, as well as by his mother, several nieces and a nephew.




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THIS statue at Hiroshima Peace Park commemorates the 1981 visit of Pope John Paul II and symbolizes the desire for world peace. (NC/KNA photo)

To speak at Hiroshima WASHINGTON (NC) - Arch­ bishop Roger M. Mahony, newly appointed archbishop of Los Angeles, will represent .the Na­ tional Conference of Ca,tholic Bishops at a memorial service in Hiroshima, Japan, marking the 40th 'anniversary of the atomic bombing of that city. Archbishop Mahony's partici­ pation in the Aug. 5 service was announced in Washington by the NCCB, which also released a statement for the anniversary of the bombing by Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, NCCB president. The NCCB said Bishop Ma­ Ione's statement extending "loving greetings" to the people of Japan would be delivered by Archbishop Mahony to the Cath­ olic Bishops' Conference of Japan, sponsor of the Hiroshima service, which will -take place on the eve of the anniversary of the Aug. 6, 1945, bombing. The NCCB said Archbishop Mahony while in Japan also would visit ,Nagasaki, bombed by a U.S. atomic warhead three days after Hiroshima.




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Smuggling rosaries, crucifixes

nets jail terms for 'Czechs

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Three and Pavol 'Badzo were charged Czechoslovakian men have been with "c'rimes 'against the interests sentenced to prison terms rang­ of the socialist society," accord­ ing up to five-·and-a-ha.Jf years ing to the newspaper, Vychodslo-' for attempting to secretly bring venske Noviny. rosaries and crucifixes into the The ,newspaper reported their country, Vatican Radio reported sentences 'as five-and-a-half July 24. years, four-and-a-half years, and two years' and two months, They were caught near the Po­ dish border in February with 200 . Czechoslovakia's Communist government is considered one of rosaries, 400 crucifixes and sev­ eral chalices, Vatican Radio said, the harshest repressors of reli­ quoting a Czechoslovakian Com­ gion among' Eastern-bloc coun­ munist Party newspaper. tries. Gejza Sandor, Juraj Milenky


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THE ANCHOR~Dioces'e of Fall River..:Fri., August 2, 1'985


the living word

The Divisiveness of Abortion As President Reagan once more attempts to focus on the abortion holocaust that is a plague on oUf house, one cannot hc::lp but reflect on the terrible division this issue has caused in , American life. Twdve years and 15 million abortions after the Supreme Court's controversial decision, abortion remains a crucial problem separating and splintering our,nation's spirit. This is especially true within the church families of the United States. Religious life in America is disintegrating, in part because abortion has split churches and synagogues. The Catholic church, the evangelical and fundamental Protestant churches and Orthodox Judaism have come forth as leaders of the pro-life movement. For the most part, t,heirs are the voices attempting to be heard in legislatures and courts. The so-called mainline Protestant churches, however, for all practical purposes have marched behind the pro-choice flag. Many, such as the American Baptist, the Episcopal, the United Methodist, the United Presbyterian, the Lutheran Church in America and the Uniied Church of Christ have gone on record as opposing any legislation that would prohibit abortion. Their positions are variations on the very familiar theme that abortion should be a matter of personal choice. All these churches express support for the concept of the sanctity of human life, yet feel abortion should be viewed aS1l necessary option. ,; 'Much of this mind, of course, stems from the premise that each individual is his or her own person and owes responsibility first and foremost to himself or herself. This ethic is' also part of our classic worship of the individual, of the 'person who is defensively proud that "I did it my way." This is nothing more than good solid Reformation theology. " '' ; , As one minister so aptly put it: "Our faith responsibility is to make our own choices, to find God on oUf own as well as our own values." With this in mind, it is easy to see why pro-choice Christians usually couch their arguments ~n terms ofr~ligious, freedom; personal responsibility,quality' ~f life, a,t:ld the dangers of pollution. It would ~e wrong, however, to think that these churches are for abortion per se. Rather, many members idealistically seek a society without the social and economic pressures that lead to abortion. Thus they too easily conclude that an unwanted pregnancy is a mere throwaway. " In this connection, it is interesting to note that most argu­ ments of pro-choice advocates flow from sociological, not theological opinions. There is a great deal of emotionally charged argumentati'on on personal rights, overpopulation, . retarded children and the like. Amid the profuse verbiage on this level,no mention is made of God, prayer or moral values. In fact, it is sad to see how many mainline Americans, even Catholics, who have worked overtime to achieve status, the'n substitute mere situation ethics based on middle-class economic values and social precepts for the fullness of, revelation.

NC/ UPI-Rhcuter photo


'All things that are of the earth shall return to the earth again, and all waters shall return to the sea.' Ecclus. 40:11

Reconciling world views

By Father Kevin J. Harrington

The Orrery Theorem states: "If ers, not malicious or cynical, but the ,model of any natural system individuals who, for whatever rea­ Religion and science are often' requires intelligence for its crea- sons, are not easily convinced by pitted against each other, a situa­ tion and its working, the real natu- the prevailing world view. tion leading to much needless per­ ral system requires at least as much It is true that the Church has secution and animosity. Recently, inteJligence." always upheld the primacy ofconfor instance, Pope John Paul II There have been eras when it science; but at the same time it is publicly apologized for the was easy to believe wholeheartedly unfortunate that many theolo­ Church's 1683 censure of Galileo.. in a particular world view. Our gians use this argument to encour­ present age seems an' exception age dissent seemingly for the sake Certain misconceptions persist because of a rather ugly history of because it can be characterized' ofdissent. A case in point might be neither as an era offaith nor an era the controversy surrounding the conflict between science and reli­ The effects of such unintegrated Christianity on American gion; but hopefully we have learned of reason. teachings of Hans Kung. On the other hand, medieval society are obvious. from our mistakes and will not be Europeans were largely persuaded The Church, however, has always For pro-lifers, the difficulty of reversing the Supreme Court condemned to repeat them. The by the Christian world view and defi~ed her teachings in'relation to decision' has increased enormously. As the abortion, debate histories ofthe age offaith and t~e during the Enlightenment people the world in which she lives. Some age of reason are replete }Vith inCi­ continues, more and more will become apathetic. The Catholic dents of needless harassment that wer~ largely persuade~by a scienti:- people are reluctant to accept fie-materialistic world view. change and suspicious of attempts community is already being infected with such indifference. fostered unhealthy suspiCion' be­ is the to 'make the age-old truths readily Distinctive of such eras This is more than tragic. We cannot condone,the extremes in tween the two areas of knowledge. feeling of obviousness which ataccessible tq everY,age and c~lture. this: emotional wave but we can openly state that we are 'lam fqnd ofan illustrativ~ story While many, forinstance,lament heartbroken for fellow'Christians whose view of life is so­ concerning an: eccentric earl in taches to the belief in question. southern Ireland during the early Perhaps this can explain why it the passing ofthe Latin Mass, !for , . narrow and small. ," " '' part ofthe 18th century. At that took a millennium and a half before , The Edit~r time,Charles Boyle, the fourth Copernicus could convince the one prefer the way the Church changed her customs to the way Earl of Orrery, had a debate with scientific community of his day Coke changed its formUla. an atheistic friend that became the that the universe did not revolve It is painfully difficult for some around the earth. Conventional basis of the renowned Orrery Theo­ people to accept that ~he Church is rem. Evidently the good earl spent wisdom was so strong that the not a democracy; but it would hours debating with the atheist, teachings of the astronomer Aris- have seemed strange indeed if one who insisted that nobody created ' tarchus during the third century month 'after th e Mass was change d before Christ went ignored. Per- from Latin to the vernacular the

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF ,FALL RIVER the earth, that it just happened. Published weekly by The Catholic Press/of the Diocese of Fall River -_. Being a man of means, the earl ' haps this attitude explains why the Church had taken a poll and

, ,410 Highland A v e n u e , built an exact replica of the solar teachings of Christ are still so 'decided to offer both the New

put into action. Mass and the Classic Mass.

Fqll River Mass. 02722 675-7151 system and had it on display in his rarely Human nature prefers to think • PUBLISHER ' , ' castle as a conversation piece. of itself as the ~enter of the uniThe challenge to our present Most Ruv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ' , When the atheist marveled at its verse in theQry and practice. Some pope is to reconcile the varying EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR intricacies and asked who made it, stubborn errors are clung to with world views in our society, while Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan _ th~ earl simply shrugged and said, unrelenting passion. But fortu- steerin'g the Church from the Rev. John F. Moore "Nobody made it. It just hap­ nately there are people in every age damaging' errors clung to by those . . . . Leary Press-Fall River pened!" : who can be characterized as doubt- possessed of a narrow outloo,k.

An evening out

It's' Saturday night and Angela has been looking for­ ward to it all week. She and her husband, Ron, are blow­

"We used to enjoy an evening out together." What went on and what went wrong? Let's examine the dynamic of this fairly common situation in marriages. The basic problem springs from mixed expectations.

ing the budget to go to their favor­ ite restaurant for. an evening of uninterrupted conversation and good food. She anticipated and expected a But the evening fizzles. On the reply of a courtship evening dur­ lengthy drive to the restaurant, ing which they would relax, enjoy Ron complains about the traffic, each other and share personal con­ the kids, and the budget. Angela, versations away from the phone, kids, and kitchen. Dinner out to sensing implied criticism for want­ ing this evening, tries to change the her meant an evening of deeper sharing with him, for which she subjects. Ron becomes taciturn. At the restaurant, they order was yearning. The dinner itself drinks, but he is hungry and insists was secondary, ~n opportunity for on ordering food right away. When closeness, primary. their dinner comes, he devotes his He anticipated and expected a attention to it and doesn't respond good steak dinner with conversa­ to her conversational attempts with tion and closeness secondary. He other than a nod or a "no." went home mildly irritated because After several attempts she gives he bought her a nice dinner and up and becomes quiet. And angry. she wasn't appreciative. She decides that if he wants to Instead. of enriching their rela­ talk, let him try for awhile and tionship, the night out strained it. she'll nod. Hunger assauged, he becomes This happens all the time in mar­ more expansive. And she more riage. The event doesn't have to be withdrawn. Her anticipation of a a dinner. It can be a play, a walk, leisurely evening of dinner and or a sports event. If one partner talk which they enjoyed while views it as an opportunity to be together and the other to enjoy the courting has turned into just an­ event, one is bound to be dis­ other meal. They become uncom­ appointed. municative over coffee. He senses her disappointment but doesn't know why and chalks it up to' her mystifying mood changes. They're home by 9 and settle into television after spending $40 on an evening out. It will be awhile before either suggests it again. Eventually they will say,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 2, '1985 By DOLORES CURRAN

except work and the kids. It's always so rushed at home." Ron would then know her needs and ifhe didn't want to respond to them, he could have resisted the idea. Many spouses do for this very reason. As it was, he probably thought she just wanted a good dinner she didn't have to cook; Instead of being rushed by hun­ ger, he could have eaten some­ thing to stave off the pangs before they left. It's a sensible solution.. Also, when she realized the inti­ macy she desired wasn't material­ izing she could have said, "Well, I can't seem to come up with a topic that interests you. What do you want to talk about?" This alerts him to her disappointment and leaves the ball in his court.

Couples who really care about each other's needs will pick up these cues and find a richer rela­ How could this dinner situation. tionship after time spent together rather than a strained ·one. It isn't have been avoided? By stating expec­ enough to grab onto the old cliche, tations before the evening began. Angela could have introduced the "You should know how I feel." We idea with, "I.miss those evenings can wait forever for that. Couples who want a good relationship must out where we could talk and relax together. It'~ been so long since risk confrontation. SaaIy, neither we've really talked about anything Angela or Ron could do that.


Now is the time

The most optimistic predic­ tion for the number of active U.S. diocesan priests in the year 2000 holds that there will be between 18,000 and 20,000 of them. The most pessimistic pre­ diction suggests no more than 13,000 diocesan priests. Those predictions were made by Dr. Richard Schoenherr of the University of Wisconsin during a meeting of pastoral planners in Baltimore. Among his other obser­ vations: By the turn of the. century we probably will have one priest to every 4,000 parishioners. The next three to four years may well see more resigned than active priests. Because of the reduced number of priests we are likely to see "cir­ cuit riders" in the church. These are priests who circulate among parishes. Some think the circuit riders will diminish the quality of priestly ministry because priests responsible for several parishes may not know the parishioners well and hence will not be able to form a good community spirit with them. Schoenherr predicted that there will be an increase in lay ministries to help fill the gap. But, he added, these ministries will mean more committees and meetings, and will experience the severe conflicts all new organizations encounter. As I listened to Schoenherr's talk I wondered how the church will look if his predictions come true. What will it mean if the number of active diocesan priests decreases by some 40 percent or more?


Will we eventually see a married FATHER clergy? We already have some mar­ ried priests who joined the Roman EUGENE Catholic Church from the Episco­ palian Church. . Will lay people be solely respon­ HEMRICK sible for administering many parishes? As the age of priests rises, will we see more conservatism, which two hU,man beings attempting to is often a result of growing older? work together you will have foul­ No doubt the future holds many ups. Somehow original sin seeps surprises which will make some in; rights are stepped on, the com­ people happy but will make some mon good gets hurt. others long for the past. When predictions indicate a Perhaps instead of worrying serious shake-.up of the order we about the future we should con­ now enjoy, several temptations centrate on the present, trying to arise. put it into the best possible order. There can be a deification of the . The present moment is the time to past. People harken back to what show whether we have the right they consider a golden age when stuff for taking on the future. there was an abundance of priests, Jf we get the present in order, sisters, brothers and Catholic insti­ perhaps we will find ourselves in a tutions. As with every golden age, position to shape the future the there is a desire to cling to it and to way it should be shaped. abhor anything that would upset it. On the other hand, there is the temptation to long for a pe!fectly planned future. In this, the old is banished and there is a new, more equitable church responding to August 5 , everyone's needs and rights. Rev. Martin J. Fox, Founder, To succumb to either tempta­ 1917, St. Paul, Taunton tion is to be blind to several reali­ Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, Pastor, ties. The past, analyzed more 1934, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River closely, has many skeletons in the closet; their bones need to be August 6 shaken. And experience teaches Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, Pastor, that when we have an abundance 1961, St. Joseph, Fall River of anything we are more likely to take things for granted, to become August 8 lazy and inert. Rev. William Bric, Founder, The perfectly planned future is 1880, St. Joseph, Fall River also a myth. As long as there are


What to

do with

old palm?



DIETZEN Q. What should I do with old palm? With a new piece every year, the old ones pile up. How should I this? I know there are a lot of respectfully dispose ofthem? (Penn­ changes and maybe I'm too old sylvania) (75) to adapt. (Pennsylvania) A. Your problem is that of many A. I know from experience, and people who accumulate spiritually even more from my mail, that helpful items. Unless one owns a priests ·can do strange things. I warehouse, there is a limit to how have a strong feeling, however, many holy pictures, blessed can­ that in this case there is a gross dIes, rosaries, statues, crucifixes misunderstanding somewhere and palms one can keep. along the line. The essential point is that a sac­ Even if the priest reacted per­ ramental (which all these things haps more harshly than he should are) is blessed as whatever it have, there's nothing in your letter happens to be, a candle for instance. that could remotely'bring up the When it loses its identity as a can­ subject of excommunication. The dIe it is no longer blessed. subject is irrelevant to the kind of The proper and quite reverent sins you speak of. way to dispose of such things is to My guess is that either your destroy them so that they are no granddaughter misunderstood longer identifiable as a candle, what the priest said, or there is holy picture and so on., perhaps more to ahe situation than The same is true for palms. They she has told her family, or than lose their blessing when they lose they have wanted to tell you. their identity. The proper way to If you are still confused, talk it dispose of them is by burning or over 'with a priest, the same priest breaking them up. The remains or another, and explain your con­ may then be thrown away. cerns. Without violating the con­ Q. I read that, under the new fidentiality of the sacrament of canon law, lay people are now . penance, he might be able to help permitted on occasion to witness you, or at least ease the hurt marriages of Catholics. Is this true? caused to your granddaughter and Under what circumstances? (Flor­ her family. ida) Q. Can you give methe church's A. The article was correct as far as it went. The new Code of Canon rule on an impotent man who Law provides for lay people to wishes to be married? I am a wid­ witness marriages, but places major ower 64 years old. I think this' should be answered in our paper conditions on the practice. It is allowed only where priests because there are a lot of men like me who as far as we know are not or deacons are lacking. Further­ more, the policy must be approved sterile but are impotent and would by the national conference of like to know but 'Won't ask. (Ohio) A. First, we should note that bishops, and the local bishop must sterility is different from impo­ obtain permission from the Vati­ can before allowing it in his diocese. tence. An individual is "sterile" in Chances are that this practice, the ordinary and legal sense of the word when he 01' she is incapable therefore, will not become COql­ mon in countries like ours, at least of having a child because of a defect iIi the natural, internal pro­ in the foreseeable future. Q. My husband is 90. He receives cesses of generation. A man who Communion every Sunday but says produces no sperm, for example, a priest told him he does not have or a woman who has no ovaries, is to go to confession. I try to insist said to be sterile. Impotence, on the other hand, is he go at least during the holidays but he won't. What do you advise? the inability to have sexual inter­ course because of some physical or (Ohio) I think you should be extremely emotional problem. Impotence can be a diriment grateful that your husband has his life and health at age 90. Don't impediment to marriage - that is, push him about the sacrament of it would make a marriage invalid - if it is permanent and absolute, penance. Theoretically no one is "excused" meaning that the individual can­ from this sacrament because of not have normal sexual intercourse age. But no one is strictly obliged with anyone at any time, and there to it either, even once a year, is no way of remedying the problem. Chances of such absolute impo­ unless there is a seriou~ sin to con­ tence are very slim. Normally this fess before one receives Commun­ ion. The mental and: emotional impediment might arise only in a energy your husband feels would man or woman who is profoundly be necessary to go to confession and irrevocably physically or per­ are probably just too much for haps emotionally handicapped. Without knowing more of your him. Just relax and enjoy your life case, it is impossible to be more explicit about your possibilities together. You're very lucky. for marriage. Q. I have a teenage grandaugh­ Plc:ase talk to a priest in your ter who is unmarried and preg­ area, or to a priest in the tribunal nant. She regrets her action and or ch.ancery office of your diocese, went to confession a couple of and present your situation as clearly weeks ago. She went home very as possible. He will do everything upset. After she confessed the he can to help you. priest refused her absolution, told her sbe could not receive the sac­ raments and said she was ex­ GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS communicated. Did he have the authority to do


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Sister reports

on Kenya parley

THE ANCHOR­ Friday, August 2, 1985


New director for CHD WASHINGTON (NC) - Father Alfred P. LoPinto, a Brooklyn priest, has been named execu­ tive director of the Campaign for Human Development, the domes­ tic anti-poverty program spon­ sored by the U.S. Catholic bish­ ops. In September he will succeed Father Marvin A. Mottet, who. is ,leaving the post he has held since 1978 to .take a pastoral >assignment i~ his home diocese of Davenport, Iowa. . . The new director, whose ap:

pointment was announced July

24, was chosen bya search com­

mittee headed by Bishop William

B. Friend of o Alexandria-Shreve­

port, La., chairman of the bish­

op's' committee overseeing the

campaign. .

Father LoPinto, 40, who holds a master's degree in social work from Columbia University, has been special assistant for com­ munity orga~izing in the Brook­ 'ly.n Diocese's social action of­ fice of Catholic Charities since

WA'SHINGTON (NC) - Wom­ en at an international forum in Kenya were united in their quest for liberation and diverse in the gifts they offer society, said the - nun who was the National Con­ ference of Catholic Bishops' dele­ gate to the meeting. Sister Mariella Frye, staff co­ ordinator of the U.S. bishops' ad hoc committee on women, will report to the bishops' com­ mittee on "Forum '85" held July 10-19 in Nairobi, Kenya. The bishops' committee will meet Aug. 23-25 in Chicago.



The forum, concurrent with the U.N. World Conference on Women, also held in Nairobi, was made up mostly of delegates from U.N. non-governmental or­ ganizations. Other organizations, . such as the NCOB, were permit­ ted to send representatives, and Sister Frye >also attended some of the U.N. sessions.


AT A JANuARY news conference in Detroit Sister Darlene Nicgorski, left, discusses problems of Salvadorans Valeria and Raul Gonzalez, to whom she helped give ~anctuary after·they.fled their country. (NC photo)

Religion barred as sanctuary defense


PHOENIX, Ariz. (NC) - A Previously' he had combined

social work and community or­ Federal judge has ruled that de­ ganizing with pastoral assign­ fendants in a sanctuary move­ ment case may not use religious ments.

The priest, who received the motivation 'as a basis for their defense and that they may not City Council of New York's Com­ munity Service Award in 1981, submit testimony or evidence citing their religious beliefs. has founded a youth develop­ [n written rulings released' by ment program to promote teen 'leadership in parish activities, . the' court July' 25, U.S. District organized a community-wide Judge Earl H. Carroll granted a voter registration drive, created prosecution motion to preclude an . alternative criminal justice offering statements, arguments program for Queens County, or evidence before the jUry. re­ N.Y., 'and was cochairman of the garding the defendants' religious New York City Labor-Religion beliefs and the enforcement of Coalition. immigration laws as an uncon­ CHD, which provides financial stitutional restraint on the de­ support through grants and 10ans 'fendants religious freedom. 'to self"help projects organized 'The rulings mean that the 12 and controlled by groups of ,low­ defendants, indicted in, January income people, is the largest on charges of· smuggling and' funding agency of its type in the harboring undocumented persons, nation. It is supported by an must stand· trial for violating annual collection in November. immigration 1aws. Among the 12 are Father Anthony Clark, 'of the' Diocese of Davenport, Iowa, who is in residence at Sacred Heart' Par­ ish in Nogales, Ariz'., Father Ramon Dagoberto Quinones of Letters' are welcomed, but should be no Mexico, and Sister Darlene Nic­ Mre than 200 words. 111e editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters gorski, a School Sister of St. must be signed and Include a home or Francis. business address and telephone number for th,~ purpose of verification' If deemed The .rulings came after two necessary. separate pretrial sessions at which defense attorneys attemp­ , ted, lamong other things, to have Dear Editor: the case dismissed on the Would you please make note of the. death of our Executive Secretary of ~he Council of the United Sta.tes 'of the St: Vincent . de Paul Society, Mr. Dudley. . 'SATTLE (NC);-Father Kevin Baker, 69, former residence 6216 W. Cassidy, pastor of St. CeciHa Helm Drive, St. Louis, Missouri Parish in',Wisconsin Dells, Wis., was installed as nationf!'l chap­ 63109. I am quite .sure that many of 'lain for the Be~ev()lent.and Pro­ our Vincentians in the FaH River tective Order of Elks at its na­ Diocese will be saddened and if tional convention in Se~ttle. He will serve until July 1987. . they wish to send an expression Cassidy is the first Irish-born of sympathy, they may write to Mrs. Dud,ley Baker, 6216 Helm priest to be chaplain for the 1.7 miHion member' fraternal organ­ Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63109. ization. He immigrated .to Am­ Cparles Rozak erica in 1954 and was' ordained President, Council of the Diocese of Fall River. in 1960.


Secretary dies

Elks' chaplain .

Both the forum and the con­ ference marked the end of the 1975-85 U.N. Decade for Women. Sister Frye said in a July 26 interview in Washington that "the underlying theme" of the forum is that "women want fib­ eration from oppression. They want to be recognized for the .gifts they offer to society."

grounds that the defendants tional rights and that religious leaders and peopie of religious acted on the basis of their re­ ligion and that their constitu­ - convictions have the same obli­ gations as 'alI citizens to obey tional ;rights to freedom of lI"eli­

"The feminist movement is not gion supersede U.S.' immigration U.S. laws. limited to the United States. laws.

The defendants have maintain­ Women from aU over the world, ed that they .did not have the from every nation represented, ,Carroll ruled, however, that "specific intent" to violate U.S. are willing to fight for equality· "the immigration ,laws of the law. Carroll ruled, though, that 'and their rights," Sister Frye United' States promote a com­ pelling state interest" and that "whether' a defendant has the said. ":the interference, if any, with necessary intent to commit a U.S. aid to T.hird World fam­ religious practices resulting crime" is 'a q4estion for a· jury ily planning programs was a to resolve. from '8pplication of the immigra­ major topic, Sister Frye said, tion laws is minimal and inci­ The Rev. John Fife, a Presby­ W(ith debates between family dental." terian minister from Tucson, planning organizations and right­ He also said enforcement of Ariz.; another of the 12 sanc­ to-life groups. Last year the immigration 'laws does not tuary defendants, said the United States announced it violate the defendants' constitu- judge's ruling showed he "does would no longer support private not recognize that the founders family pl'8nning groups involved of this country understood the in "abortion-related activities." importance of the religious com­ An anti-American attitude was . munity's responsibility to call at the forum, according evident the state to greater awareness of to Sister Frye.. Delegates cri'ti­ justice." NEW YORK (NC) - Seven of cized the U.S. miltary build-up, Mr. Fife expressed gratitude America's 10 black Catholic bish­ the exploitation of Third World ops wiU speak Sept. 9 at a first that the judge plans to allow the countries by multinational com­ anniversary conference on the jury to hear, on a motion-by­ panies, and U.S. budget cuts af­ impact of the black bishops' motion :basis, the intentions of fecting ,the poor in other coun· the defendants in allegedly assist­ 1984 pastoral fetter on evangel­ tries. iiation in the black community. ing refugees lacking Immigra­ "There was some tension, tion and Naturalization Service The symposium also will dis­ documents to enter the United mainly political,'! among the cuss ideas for the future direc­ 13,000 delegates at the forum, States. tion of ,the pastoral, "What We she said, tensions that paral­ The trial is scheduled for Oct. Have Seen and Heard." leled those at the U.N. confer­ 15. ' "Th~ symposium's aim· is .to' ence. A·t both meetings political 'make the pastoral letter known animosity divided women over to the .wider Catholic and secular issues such as the rights of Pales­ 'community and to promote black tiniansand apartheid. Surpris­ . eVl,lngelization within the . ingly, she said, an unscheduled church,"said AuxHiary Bishop . workshop was held by American ·..Emerson-J:·Moore of New York, WASHINGTON (NC), The final and Soviet women to discuss a participant. "Baby Doe" regulations design­ peace. ,~, Father Edward K. Braxton;' ed ,to' protect handicapped in­ Sister Frye. a Mission Helper Catholic Student Center director fants from denial of medical of the Sacred Heart, said she at­ . at' the University of Chicago, treatment have been signed by . tended a meeting of abou,t 100

will give the keynote speech,.,on Health 'and Human Services Sec­ "What We Have Seen 'and Heard retary Margaret M. HeckJer. The religious women from around

- Reflections One Year Later." regulations allow withholding of the world in addition to forum

workshops on older women,

Other bishops speaking wiH be treatment and food from a handi­ Auxiliary 'Bishops Moses B. An­ capped newborn only when the economic' justice and global

derson of Detroit, Wilton D. baby 'is irreversibly 'comatose; politics. ; . Gregory of Chicago, James P. when death is inevitable and Sister Frye has been chief Lyke of Cleveland, Eugene. A. treatment would prolong dying; staff person for the NCCB Ad Marino of Washington, Harold and when treatment would be so Hoc Committee on Women in R. Perry of New OJlleans and severe and so likely to be futile Society and the Church since '. that ·it would 'be inhumane. 1979. John H. Ricard of Baltimore.

Black pastoral to be reviewed

Regulations slegned

Holy Namers seek founder's canonization

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,



2, 1985



CHERRY HILL, N.J. (NC) 9 DAYS. $1150 Members of the Holy Name Society have been urged to docu­ ment favors resulting from pray­ TOUR INCLUDES ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION,

ers to their founder, Blessed John of Vercelli, in order to 1st CLASS HOTEL ACCOMMC)DATlONS, 15 MEALS,

build the case for his canoniza­ PAPAL AUDIENCE ... PLUS MUCH MORE


"Every favor granted, regard­ FOR ADDITIONAL JtHO~IMATION CONTACT

less of how small it may appear, should be reported," Dominican Rev. John W. Green, St. Margaret's Rectory Father Adrian Wade, the U.S. 141 Main St., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 postulator for the cause of Blessed John, told delegates at a recent New Jersey state Holy Name Society convention in June. He said that between 40,000 THIS MAP shows the African nations Pope John Paul and 50,000 pledges of prayers in II will visit on his third trip to Africa Aug. 8 to 19. His Blessed John's behalf had been journey,will include a stop in Nairobi, Kenya, for the closing received. of an international Eucharistic C<?ngress. (NC map) T. Paul Di Vito, cause chair­ man for the society's Pennsyl­ vania association, suggested that all Holy Name societies organ­ ize prayer vigils to promote the cause of Blessed John's canon· VATICAN CITY(NC) - If an duction company, she said. For ization, as he has done for the American television production another, the series will be spon­ past several years. team gets its way, sometime next sored through commercials, as is Edward D. Cuffe, lay chairman western television. ' spring millions of mainland Chin­ of the canonization efforts, de­ scribed Blessed John as "one of ese will see and hear a personal Host and originator of tne greeting from Pope John Paul II the world's greates't peace­ show is Yue-Sai Kan, a woman NOON -9 P.M. via their national television net­ makers." 'born in mainland China and work. Blessed John of Vercelli was raised in Hong Kong who now born John Garbella in Mossa The three-minute papal talk, works in New York as 'an in­ Santa Maria near Vercelli, Italy, filmed at a general audience Jury dependent journalist. Although in 1199. He was ordained to the 24, praised China for its tradi­ not a Catholic, she was educated DANCING UNDER priesthood in 1229 and later was tions and its progress. The pope in a Maryknoll convent. elected the sixth master gen­ also encouraged Chinese Chris­ THE "BIG TENT" After meeting briefly with the eral of the Order of Preachers, tians to help their country by p.ope after the general audience "SWINGING BRASS" GAMES. CRAFTS

the Dominicans. He was beati­ practicing the Gospel virtues. July 24, Ms. Kan said the pope -4 P.M. NOON fied by Pope Pius X in 1903. offered his encouragement for CHILDREN'S AREA

In 1274, Pope Gregory ap­ The pope's remarks are sched­ "The INSTRUMENTALS" the show. ' 'Pointed Blessed John to head the uled to be translated and incor­ 5 -9 P.M. "He blessed everyone involved Holy Name Society, a Jay organ­ porated into a program about ization for men, which promotes Rome and the Vatican, said in the project," she said. reverence for the name of Jesus, Alice Herb, the show's New the personal sanctification of its York producer. The 15-minute :++++++++++++++++T++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++T+++++++t++++M members, and respect for civil segment is to be one of 52 week­ Iy programs in a series entitled authority. -Blessed John was charged "One World," scheduled to he­ with preaching devotion to the gin airing on Chinese national Holy Name of Jesus preached television next February. Honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the next nine years The series is an unusual at­ until his death in 1283, l1e is tempt to bring the modern world Practice the devotion of the five First SClturdays reputed to have traveled on foot into the homes of the people of throughout Europe, staff in hand, .' Communist China, Ms. Herb of This devotion was requested by Our Lady of Fatima on July 13, 1917, when said. to carry out his commission. she said: "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.

SEPT. 30 ••.. OCT 8

Papal greeting on Chinese 'TV?







··· .

Aid doubles NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services has doubled its two-year emergency aid package for Ethiopia, from $15 million to $30 million. The Catholic over­ seas aid agency expects to get food into previously unreached "conflict 'areas," said CRS execu­ tive director ,Lawrence Pezzullo. But "no one is taking a leader­ ship position" on :the long-range food problem, he added, and without that "in five years' time or less we will see those ugly pictures -again" of people dying from starvation. The director praised the results of a recent Geneva meeting at which U.S. and Ethiopian offi­ cials worked out 'an agreement to allow aid into conflict areas. Before the meeting the Ethiopian government had been unwilling to grant 'l'ebel groups any recog­ nition in arranging for entry of relief supplies into their areas, he said.

The TV team also' filmed a tour of the Vatican and visits by Mother Teresa of Calcutta to two Rome centers run by her Mission­ aries of Charity - one for the homeless and one for crippled children.

"I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace." Then again, on December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia, one of the children of Fatima, and told her the following:' . . "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Sc]turday of five con­ secutive months, shall

The series is varied - rang­ ing from the growing of cham­ pag'ne grapes in France to a look at the Vatican gardens - and represents a financial break­ through in Chinese television, Ms. Herb said. '

1. Go to confession and receive Holy Con1munion,


2. Recite the Rosary, 3. And keep me company for a quarter o~ an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary

For one thing, China's na­ tional TV has agreed for the first time to deal with a private pro-


4. With the intention of making reparation to me." To practice this devotion, you must fulfill the requests of <?ur Lady, doing so in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart. of Mary. Confession may be made during eight days before or after the Communion.

CU chairman . WASHINGTON (NC) - Car­ dinal Josepll Bernardin of Chic­ ago, an alumnus, has been elected chairman of the board of trustees of The Catholic Univer­ sity of America for 1985-86, suc­ ceeding Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans.




(Courtesy of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig parish, New Bedford, Mass.)



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 2, 1985

Cornwell Memorial

Chapel, In~.



283 Station Avenue



HAL LE T T Funeral Home IlI1c. South Yarmouth, Mass.


• to prIest


Tel. 398-2285

By JerryFllteau

NC N0WS Senice

U.S. dioceses are continuing to adapt to their priest shortage in a variety of ways, according to reports that have appeared re­ cently in diocesan newspapers around the country. ' - When Bishop Timothy J. Harrington of Worcester, Mass., announced retirement offour pri­ ests, he appointed four diocesan officials to become pastors. The four - the diocesan vicar general, Heated Pool Reasonable Rates Air Conditioned judicial vicar, financial director 5 MINUTE WALK TO BEACH & , and Catholic Charities director ­ BOAT TO MARTHA'S VINEYARD (Discount Ticket Available). all retained their diocesan posts as 146 FALMOUTH HEIGHTS RD., FALMOUTH, MA 02540 ·617 - 548-3623 well. .. - In the Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa, more than one out of four parishes is now without a resident pastor. The number of active diocesan priests has been declining at a rate of 3.8 a year. Bishop Maurice Dingman announced for­ mation of a new diocesan office for lay ministry, citing "the increas­ ing need for opportunities for the CLOSED SUNDAYS laity to be trained for ministry." Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, - In Salina, Kan., the diocesan Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital . pastoral council has spent recent 12 McARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE months studying possibilities for a major realignment of parishes Tel. 759-4211 and 759-2669 because offewer priests. The dioce­ san planning office reported on tentative plans by which, within two years, 13 parishes would be OPEN 7 DAYS reduced to "station" status. By panic class - are preparing for bishops and men and women Reli­ 1990 the still-unofficial proposal ordination within the next three "gious, cited development of lay .A WEEK· foresaw an additional three par- years. ministries and training of laity for LUNCH - Monday thru Friday ishes reduced to stations and 1 6 . ministry among top priorities in 12:00 • 2:30 more parishes sharing pastors. . ~:~cago'bleadlf'ng U.S. dioceses. the U.S. church. . DINNER - Monday thru Sunday - In Chicago, the archdiocesan . In e num er 0 permanent deaIn the Chicago archdiocesan . 5:00 • 9:30 personnel office held meetings with cons, has some 500 now, or about meetings on strategies for the lay leaders of selected parishes to th~ee deacons for· every five future, one major emphasis that EARLY BIRDS - 5-6· Daily .learn what strategies and priorities pnests. In Galveston-Houston, .emerged was a desire to develop they would focus on as the archdi­ deacons. are ~n the ve~ge of out- lay ministries and greater lay respon­ Rte. 28, East Falmouth ':"ALSOocese drops from 850 priests cur- numbenn~ dlocesan.pnests: there sibility for parish life. Hosts - Paul & Enen Goulet Catering to Weddings rendy to a projected 700 by 1990. are 188 diocesan pnests and 171 In Covington, Ky., Bishop WiI­ permanent deacons. . ed Tel. 548-4266 and Banquets Many dioceses increasingly have ham A. H.ughes announc that.he Samuel Taub, director or'the " ~as forml~g.a new Offi~e. ~f. MIn. ~ made planning for future shore· tages a priority. Typical is· the U.S bishops' national office on the IStry, combInIn~ ~sponslblhtles for Diocese of Syracuse, N. Y., where permanent diaconate in Washing- l~y pastoral mInI~try, perma~ent the priests'senate fonned a "Recon­ ton, said 41 permanent deacons dlaconate ~nd pnestly vocations figuration Committee" to recom­ now administer U.S. parishes or . under the ~Ingle office. . mend approaches the diocese might missions which have no resident At a natlona~ level t~e Cath~hc take to the problem. By 1987 it priest. . Ch~rch Exte~slon Society, which . ~ expects to have I 8-20 percent fewer . " assists U.S. ~I~ces.es that are not 00 L~y mInI~try c~ntInues to play yet self-sustaInIng In fun.d~ or per­ active priests than it had in 1979. Syracuse expects within two" ~n lDcreasll~gly. Important ~nd . ~onnel, 8:nnou!1ce~ that It IS ~pen­ more years to have only 87 priests Integral role In diocesan plannIng. Ing a national Institute to traIn lay under age 45, compared with 203 Recently a task fo~ce on church men.a~d w~men for pa~toraJ. and priests under age 45 that it had in . per.sonnel, es~ab~lshed by the - ~dmInlstratlve leadership of par­ Round Trip from Cape Cod - Personally Escorted national orgamzatlon of the U.S. Ishes. ~ 1973. Figures similar to this have LUGANO, MILAN, VERONA, VENICE, PADUA, BOLOGNA, ~ been published in dioceses across FLORENCE, PISA, LAKE TRASIMENO, PERUGIA, ASSISI, the country. They find their corps of priests not only dwindling but NAPLES, SORRENTO; CAPRI, POMPEII, AMALFI DRIVE, aging, as fewer new priests come in MONTE CASSINO .. ,·AND ROME. each year than are needed even" to TOUR INClUDES: ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION, 1st maintain replacement levels for CLASS HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS, 14 MEALS, PAPAL ~ those who die or retire. BLESSING, FULLY ESCORTED BY ENGLISH SPEAKING Not all reports were negative. GUIDE, DELUXE AIR-CONDITIONED MOTOR COACH ... The Texas Catholic Herald of the PLUS MUCH MORE .. Galveston-Houston Dioceses re­ ported that despitesubstantialiy DEPOSIT: $200 per person FINAL PAYMENT: AUG. 5 larger numbers of Catholics per priest today than 15 years ago, the For A{lditicnal Information Contact number of seminarians at college­ and theology levels has jumped from 25 in 1982 to 56 this year. Permanent deacons, unheard of CH.ATHAM INTERNATIONAL two decades ago, are playing an ever larger role in U.S. Catholic 945-1200 parishes. In Sacramento, Calif., 18 new deacons will bring the total THE TRAVEL SERVICE OF.. CAPE COD GIRLS STUDY at· a missionary school in the· Central number in the diocese to 50. African Republic, one of seven nations the pope wfn visit on Another 28 - including .eight 394-5699 enrolled in the diocese's first His­ . his A~g. 8.1019 African trip. (NC/CIRIC photo)





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i~NiTAiY1 15 Days -$1124. OCTOBER 5 .19




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 2, 1985


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Oldest parish young at heart

By Joseph Motta

sion, was raised in 1854 and dedi­ with parishioners in the near cated in 1865, but was declared future. . Father George W. Coleman, pas­ structurally unsafe and condemned The pastor is happy to note that tor of the oldest active parish in ' at about the turn of the century. many summer visitors return to the diocese of Fall River, Corpus The present and third church, ded­ ~orpus Christi year after year,. Christi in Sandwich, enjoys meet­ icated as Corpus Christi in 1901, joining the families who have had ing new parishioners. His congre­ includes the cornerstone of its roots in the parish for generations. gation welcomes many new year­ predecessor. "We have a very pleasant mixture round families each season, and .of retirees and young families in in the The first infant baptized 'scores of summer visitors. Father Coleman, greeting them after Mass, present church~ Ann Powers, died the parish," he observed. last April at age 84 after spending often asks where they're from. He stressed that "the theme that Connecticut, New York, and much of her life as an area resident runs Jhrough the history of Cor­ and Corpus Christi parishioner. other expected answers make up The church itself, a rustic, .pus Christi parish is one of service the bulk of replies, but once a "homey" building, seats 340. A to its people," extending from the woman surprised him with "Saudi challenge, especially in the summer present day back to when pastors Arabia," traveled by horse and carriage to The parish presently has about months, is to provide sufficient say Mass for the faithful through­ 1,200 families and is growing at Masses each weekend so that the out the farflung reaches of the the rate of about 100 families limited seating will not create a original parish. problem. yearly. Corpus ChrisWs mission, St. "I find it exciting to be pastor of Sandwich itself, with a popula­ Theresa's in Sagamore, also offers the parish at this point in its his­ tion of about 12,000, is expected to be the home of 20,000 by the year weekend Masses, helping meet the tory," Father Coleman said. "We need for space. are looking towards an ever-increas­ 2000. Among organizations at the Cape ing parish population," he added, Father Coleman, formerly the pastor of St. Patrick's parish, Fall parish is a very active St. Vincent "and I'm eager to meet that chal­ lenge.'" River, arrived at Corpus Christi in de Paul Society, which has collab­ orated on an ecumenical basis with March. He was the first priest in the diocese to be installed as parish Protestant churches in setting up a ~eeded leader with the Rite of Installation food pantry forarea poor. There is also a growing Women's Guild of New Pastors, used to acknowl­ WASHINGTON (NC) - Both edge a pastor publicly and present and it newly organized youth group, which has attracted a good number a change in law and in attitude are him to his congregation. of parish teens, Father Coleman needed to end abortion, Cardinal He said appreciatively that his said. He added that he plans to John J. O'Connor of New York new parishioners have offered him hold a "needs assessment" meeting told the annual National Right to full support and have made his Life Convention. The ~ardinal transition easy. urged' a shift from "programs we Asked about similarities between . can live without in church and in Corpus Christi and his previous society to a program without assignment, Father Coleman said which babies cannot live at all." "at both locations I have found Outside the convention, about people who are loyal and attached 50 national Organization for to their parish and want to be Women picketers chanted, active within it." "abortion is a woman's right, when A major difference is that of ter­ will O'Connor see the light?" ritory. He noted that city parishes usually extend only for a number of blocks, while Corpus Christi serves all of Sandwich, in addition MIAMI (NC) - Exaggerated to Sagamore and Sagamore Beach, concepts of church-state separa­ sections of Bourne. The parish is tion and business competition con­ bisected by the Cape Cod Canal. tribute to crime in America, accord­ Dedicated in 1830 as St. Peter's ing to the Greater Miami Religious Church, the first building used by Leaders' Coalition, commented in the parishioners of what is now a statement released as part of a Corpus Christi still stands as part religious Heritage Sabbath in of a local hardware store. A sign Miami that separation of church on the building's front identifies it and state is "being interpreted in as the location of the first Catholic our times as separation of religion Church on Cape-Cod. from society. Within the human A second St. Peter's Church, person, no such separation or frag­ built presumably tO,allow for expan­ mentation is possible." FATHER COLEMAN


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. 10 THEANcHoR-DioceseofFaIlRiver---'Fri.Au~2"985··"WIflllly By Dr. James and Mary Kenny


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. Q. My 17-year-old daughter tried to end her life. She came into my ., bedroom last week and showed me an empty bottle of sleeping pills she purchased herself without pres­ cription at our local drugstore. She told me she had taken all of them about a half hour earlier. I rushed her to the hospital. For a while we did not .know if she would live or die. The following day she told me she didn't want to live because her boyfriend had begun to flirt with other girls. She felt she was a fail­ ure in school and wanted to get away from having to decide what to do when she graduates. She and her boyfriend have made up, but her dad and I still feel uneasy. Is there something we should be doing to prevent a rec­ urrence? - Indiana. You are correct to be concerned. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the teen and young­ adult age groups, right behind automobile accidents. You acted quickly and wisely in taking your daughter to the hospi· taJ. If there is any question whether a lethal dose has been taken, the stomach should be emptied as soon as possible and certainly within one hour after the overdose.

Obviously, at that time, one needs to determine quickly what has been taken and how much. Your family physician or poison­ control center can then tell you how dangerous the medical situa­ tion is and whether immediate medical treatment is necessary. The next step may be obvious, but too often forgotten. I would clean out your daughter's room and dresser drawers of any tran­ quilizers, diet pills, other pills or sharp instruments. You can be quite open about this, and she may object, but it is a sensible pre­ caution.. After a suicide attempt, it is wise to see that the person has company for the next week or so. The com­ panionship. is not necessarily to generate· communication or deep talks, but a rather obvious pre­ ventive. I would try to limit your daugh­ ter's alcohol consumption during this period. Alcohol is a depres­ sant. On top of an already existing blue mood, alcohol can intensify feelings of hopelessness. You say you feel uneasy around her now. I understand that, but you must not pussyfoot. She is not a hothouse plant. If you treat her like one, she will feel demeaned. Be direct and adult with her. Suicide cannot be a taboo topic. If

you are concerned she might make another attempt, address this con­ cern directly with her. 'Don't be afraid to continue your usual dis­ cipline in other areas. Your daughter might try to use the threat of suicide to get her way. "I need to stay out extra late tonight. I have to talk with my friends because I feel depressed and I want to die, and you don't even care." In such cases, try to treat thecurfew issue objectively, while ignoring her thinly veiled threat. Finally, your daughter needs to see a psychologist or so~ial worker at this time to address such issues as her self-image, her career plans, her relationship with her boyfriend and her thoughts about death. While family is important and your family may be close, your daughter may need the perspective of a trained outsider. Throughout all this, continue to be supportive and accepting of your daughter as she goes through a very difficult time. Reader questions on family liv­ ing and child care to be answered in print are' invited. Address the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

A moral issue?

By Antoinette Bosco "Cigarettes are the most adver­ tised commodity in the United States,"'stated the March issue of the Harvard Medical School Health Letter. The article also pointed out some grim facts, including: - In spite of some claims by spokespersons for the tobacco industry, the "main point is rock soli~: as a group, cigarette smok­ ers die earlier than nonsmokers." - 300,000 deaths a year are caused by cigarettes. - Almost all cigarette smokers begin the habit between the ages of 12 and 18. Why so many people still ignore the plain, sad fact that smoking shortens their life is hard to say. But health professionals point to two major reasons: the sheer avail­ .abilty of cigarettes and the lure of advertising which glamorizes smok­ ing to sell cigarettes. I was unaware of how pervasive the problem of cigarette advertis­ ing is until I read a special report in the New England Journal of Med­ icine by Kenneth Warner of the University of Michigan school of public health. The report states that the issue at stake is not that of public and private health. It is one of money~ Advertising supports the media and cigarette advertising is exten­ sive. The American Cancer Society states that six American tobacco companies spend $1.5 billion annual­ ly to advertise cigarettes. This amount is considerably more than' the American Cancer Society spends on cancer research.. Warner writes that the "media's

dependence on revenue from cigar­

ette advertising has repeatedly led

to suppression of discussion· of

smoking and health matters in


He goes on to say that journal­ ists have identified the influence of .reve!1~~ from tobacco advertise-

ments as "the most shameful money induced censorship of the Ameri­ can new media. " Warner suggests that the incom­ patibility between freedom of the press and massive cigarette adver­ tising should be "a preeminept , 'concern in the profession of jour­ nalism." I agree with Warner. Recently, an advisory council to the govern­ ment's National Insti'tute on Drug Abuse urged the'Reagan adminis­ tration to propose legislation to "totally eliminate. the advertising and promotion of cigarettes in the . United States." A response came immediately from the Tobacco Institute through a spokesman named William Kloep­ fer. He called the proposal "ex­ tremely ill advised" and maintained that the role of advertising is not to attract non-smokers but to keep brand loyalty among smokers. The huge budgets assigned by cigarette companies' tei promote their product put his comment into question. If the tobacco companies had consciences, they would be research­ ing harder to find alternate pro~ ducts to make from tobacco. Recently William Cahan, a sur­ geon at the Memorial Sloan-Ketter­ ing Cancer Center, pointed out the damage from smoking to the fetus

Farm tax aid DES MOINES, Iowa (NC) ­ Saying the current tax code bene­ fits people who hold "more than their just share of the world's goods}" the National Catholic Rural Life Conference has re­ commended tax law changes to assist the operators of moderate­ size family farms. Among changes the NCRLC advocates are re­ strictions on agricultural tax shelters and writeoffs that allow wealthy nonfarmers to reap the gains of farming.

in pregnancy and to children who inhale smoke from being in the same room as cigarette smokers. ·Canan said: "In view ofthe fact that over SO million Americans smoke, this form of abuse may well be the most pervasive and child damaging of aiI.-" I think that we're dealing with a moral issue here. And I don't. know why we've been so timid to speak out on it. We ought to find the courage to do more than raise our eyebrows about the seductive imagery in cigarette advertising. We ought to work for the legal restriction of cigarette advertising.

Mexican bishops urge rich to share (NC) - Six southern Mexican bishops have urged the rich to share more than their "leftovers" with the poor. In a pastoral letter titled "Evan­ gelization and Worldly Goods," the bishops said that "all things have their origins in God and have been made for the s~rvice of man, and the rich are only administra­ tors of those goods. " The letter referred to the often harsh judgment of the rich in the Bible. It said that while the final judgment follows death, there is also judgment in life of the eco-' nomically powerful. "On many occasions, Christ advised that unshared wealth im­ plies a denial of the kingdom of God, of the poor and of salva­ tion," it said. "N 0 one can serve two masters," the bishops' letter said. It said that Christ asked the rich for total shar­ ing with the poor, not just occa­ sional charity. The 18-page document is believed to be the first in the- Mexican church to be directed specifically at the upper and upper-middle classes. .



The Right Start.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 2, 1985


Continued from page one that only .002 percent were divorced, contrasting to a national average of 50 percent divorced in the same time frame. "EE is like an insurance policy on a good marriage," declare the Morins, who say that in their own seven years of expe­ A. B. DICK 525 DUPLICATOR

rience, they have met no divorced EE couples. GESTETNER 1543 ELECTRONIC

They note that weekends are scheduled for the remainder of n985from Aug. 9 to 11, Sept. 13 to IS and Nov. 8 to 10 and that STENCI L CUTTER

eight will take place in 1986. GESTETNER 420 DUPLICATOR

All will be at the comfortable diocesan Family Life Center at - FOR INFORMATION CONTACT 500 Slocum R!Jad, North Dartmouth, next to Bishop Stang ST. JOHN'S· P.O. BOX C114 • WESTPORT, MA 02790 High School and will be conducted by teams .drawn from a .~. CQ.l(ERNING 'fOUR RIDICUl..OU5 roster of three senior couples, three junior couples and six CHAAGE THA.T I'M ALWAy<; SERMONIZING A60Ur EVERYTHING···· priests. In addition to the Morins, the senior couples are Chris and' . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Jim Silva and Karen and Mike Gendreau; while the junior North American couples are Mike and Marie Guy, Gil and Rita Canuel and Color Process Year 600ks dean named Cheryl and Dave Morey. Serving with Father Bergeron are Fathers William Baker, Booklets Brochures ERIE, Pa. (NC) - Father Richard Gendreau, Albert Ryan, Joseph A. Sidera, CSC, and Thomas Kelley, rector ofSt. Mark's Rene Caissey, MS. . . College Seminary in Erie, has been named academic dean of the North The booking couple for the weekends, responsible for regis­ trations and providing information are Ed and Becky St. American College, the formation house for U.S. diocesan seminar­ Pierre; and the host couple are Norm and Lucy Paul. ians studying in Rome. OFF SET - PRrNTERS -' LETTiERPRESS Backing them up are Ray and Linda Picket, in charge of In the newly-created post he will supplies for EE weekends; Celeste and Steve Marciszyn, who coordinate programs for the North organize prayer support for each engaged couple; Tom and American students, who take most Judy Rapoza, who line up mealtime helpers; and John and of their courses at the Gregorian or other pontifical universities in Elaine Margarida, EE bookkeepers. Rome. Celeste Marciszyn is one of the Morins' daughters and was Father Kelley, 42, a North Amer­ responsible for involving her parents in EE after she and her ican College graduate, is president of the Eastern Regional Associa­ husband became the first Fall River couple to make the week­ end. "They were on a team and first thing we knew, we were tion of College Seminaries and has served on papal visitation teams too," said her father. currently studying U.S. seminaries. He explains that EE is a Catholic program but is open to those of other faiths. For immigrants "All couples who come are brought to see that a person WASHINGTON (NC) - Offi­ cannot be open to love another until he or she is aware of his cials of the National Conference of own worth," emphasize the Morins. Catholic Bishops have joined Pro­ "Then the couples are introduced to the 'we' factor in their testant and Jewish leaders in urg­ relationship and healthy sex is discussed, not' just the biologi­ ing immigration reforms, especially cal facts but the feelings involved, which bring it to a sacramen­ amnesty for illegal immigran~s. In a recent interfaith statement· tal level. announced by the NCCB, Msgr. "A beautiful candle ceremony is one ofthe highlights ofthe week­ Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB general end. At this time couples learn to pray together, maybe for the secretary, and Bishop Anthony J. first time, and ask a higher power to bless their union. Bevilacqua of Pittsburgh, chair­ "Betrothal is another highlight of the weekend, involving a man of the NCCB Committee on special message of commitment to each other. Many couples Migration and Tourism, said that "an essential component of immi­ write their marriage' vows at this time," said the Morins. PROVIDING FINANCIAL GUIDANCE gration reform is the regulariza­ The coordinating couple have conducted weekends in Ver­ & tion of the status of those without COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP mont, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut and New York as valid immigration documents who well as in Massachusetts and already have bookings into 1986. have been productive residents of IN SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS this country." The statement also "We're invited to lots of weddings," they chuckle. SINCE 1825. was signed by leaders of the In addition to the weekend program, the Morins also con­ National Council of Churches, the duct a six-session individual "Evenings for the Engaged" pro­ Union of American Hebrew Con­ . BRISTOL COUNTY gram in their own home for individual couples who cannot get gregations, and Church WorId Member F.D.I.C. away for a weekend. These programs end with a home Mass, Service. champagne toasts and presentation of a wedding cross to the tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT d1J~T tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT dIlhT tf1IhV tf1IhT tf1IhT dlhT tf1IhT tf1IhT tf1IhT ~ couple. "We try to make it very special," said Mrs. Morin. Further information on the marriage preparation programs ofthe diocese which also include a one-day session is available at all rectories or from the Office of Family Ministry, tele­ phone 999-6420.


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~ REV. pmR N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director . ~ ~...'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..~D'...'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..~.'WI...'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI~'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..~ "




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 2, 1985

Medical malpractice: bringing a suit


& ATTY. .\


This article is the second of two setting out some of the legal implications of medical ."mishaps". Last week, we dis­ cussed the major legal theories employed in medical malpractice actions. This week, we turn atten­ tion to, the mechanics of bringing a medical malpractice action. The only real means of discover­ ing a medical "mishap" is exami­ nation by another physician. This









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seems a poor al~ernative to many, High costs are due largely to the who bemoan the "conspiracy of intrinsic complexity of malprac­ silence" alleged to exist among . tice cases and the necessary invol­ doctors. But the "conspiracy" may . vement of numerous medical ex­ not be so widespread as imagiried. perts. The experts might charge Certainly the study by a group of considerable sums to review medi­ doctQrs on surgical "mishaps," cal records and to testify at trial. which we mentioned last week, is evidence that it doesn't exist at all Attorneys run a substantial risk in some medical quarters.. of having to absorb these high Don't procrastinate if you think costs themselves, since medical mal­ you're suffering due to an error by practice suits are most often taken your doctor, in diagnosis, medical on a "contingency fee" basis. That procedure, medication, or what­ is, the attorney recovers a fixed ever. The statute of limitations for percentage of your recovery if you medical malpractice actions is three are successful, but nothing if you years. You do not always have to are not. Most clients simply bring suit three years' from the couldn't finance such a suit in time of the actual injury if you do advance, thus making the contin­ not discover it until later. How­ gency fee arrangement the only ever, you must bring a malpractice feasible means of bringing this suit within three years of the time suit. you should have reasonablydiscovered your injury. Minors under six years Given the costs and the risks, of age have until their ninth birth­ attorneys are careful in accepting day to commence an action, no cases. Most lawyers consider both matter when it occurred. your chances of recovery and the Obtaining competent counsel for likely amount of your recovery. a medical malpractice suit can be Even· if your chances of recovery difficult. Malpractice cases are dif­ are great, some lawyers will be ficult to prepare and very expen­ 'reluctant to accept your'case if sive. Thorough prepaJ;'ation of even your recovery is likely to be rela­ simple, straightforward malprac­ tively small. tice suit runs into thousands of Medical malpractice trials have dollars, plus attorney's fees. ,been aptly char~cterized as battles


between experts. The experts are . Before the Tribunal, your at­ necessary in preparing your case torney will present an "offer of and in presenting it at trial. In fact, proor' or' statement of what you because of the sophistication and intend to prove at trial. The Trib­ complexity of medical practice unal will then determine whether cases, courts gen~rally will not your case raises a "iegitimate ques­ permit the jury to consider your tion of liability." If the Tribunal claim without presentation of decides that your case does not expert testimony on the applicable raise such a question, you'l have standard of care, your doctor's to post a bond of two thousand departure from that standard,and dollars to continue with your case. the injury that his departure caused The bond may be reduced if you you. Only in the rare situation, are poor or increased if your case when, with common knowledge; is utterly without merit. If you do the jury could conclude that your proceed to trial and lose, the bond doctor erred and that the error will be paid to the defendant to help offset the cost of his defense. caused your injury, can you dis­ Your body and your health are pense with expert witnesses. at least as much your responsibil­ Shortly after filing suit, your, ity as your doctor's. You should attorney (and usually the defend­ have confidence in your doctor, ant's attorney) must appear before but if you have questions, ask the Medical Malpractice Tribunal, them; you have a right to the .a board made up of a lawyer, a answers. If you have doubts, judge, and a doctor. The Tribunal express them and seek a second was instituted in 1975, by the Mas­ opinion; this is not an affront to sachusetts legislature in response your doctor. In fact, many medical to proliferating malpractice suits insurance plans cover the cost of and soaring malpractice insurance second opinions. premiums. The Tribunal's purpose Remember that few, if any, suc­ jis to screen and discourage frivo-' cessful malpractice plaintiffs would lous claims. Hopefully this will balk at an opportunity to give up lower the number of malpracitce the money and restore their former suits, thereby lowering doctor's selves. costs and your own medical bills. The MurPhYS practice law in Brainf:Io!e.

Africa needs green revolution, say officials

WASHINGTON (NC) - For want of an ox, a battle against hunger could be. lost in northeast Africa, where a "calamitous" lack of farm animals hinders agricultural recovery, a Catholic Relief Services official told a congressional com­ mittee last month. William E. Schaufele, a former ambassador and asssistant secre­ tary of state now serving as CRS senior director for Africa, said immediate supplies offooq to offset hunger caused by drought in Ethi­ opia and neighboring areas are only a partial solution to the Afri­ can crisis. More long-term needs that must be addressed include providing such basic but essential items as enough draft animals to work the farms, water, farm tools and seed, Schau­ fele said in prepared testimony for the House Select Committee. on Hunger. He said the CRS "without cur­ tailing, and even while expanding its relief efforts,is. increasingly turning its attention to rehabilita­ tion and, in the long run, devel­ opment projects, mostly related to agricultural development and pro­ duction." .

"Unfortunately, the speedy replace­ ment of such animals with those able to flourish in the conditions of the area is impossible," he said. "Already, in the affected areas of Ethiopia, the price for the. few animals available has increased 10-fold or more. To the extent that this situation impedes food pro­ duction, a continuing international food program will be needed, prob­ ably for a period ofyears,"he said. Difficulties arise in other areas

as well, the CRS oficial said. CRS

allocated $30 million for programs

in agriculture, health aQd medi­

cine, water and sanitation and

logistics, but "that sum is small

compared to the need," he told the

House committee.

"When one realizes that it costs $156 just to get one ton of grain . from an Ethiopian port to those who are starving, and the 1985 Shortfall in Ethiopia alone is esti­ mated at almost 2 million metric tons, we gain a better idea of the magnitude of the problem," he said.

He praised the response of Amer­ icans to' the African crisis thus far. "The explosion ofsympathy, even horror, over the human suffering in Africa has indeed resulted in an outpouring of material and finan­ cial assistance," Schaufele said. "But the, immediate relief which that aid helps finance is, in terms of human and material resources, only a minor part of what will eventually be needed if we are to make even a dent in the basic causes of such disasters." Schaufele was U.S. ambassador to Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) and Poland and was an assistant secretary ofstate for Mrican affairs.

In separate testimony, M. Peter McPherson, administrator of the U.S government's Agency for Inter­ national Development, also called for long-range activities to restore drought-stricken areas to self-suffi­ ciency. He cited in particular health care, agricultural progress and edu­ cation. "We need a green revolution in Africa," an agricultural break­ through, he said. "We need to train more people" as well, he added. "Africa is not devoid of competent people but of trained competent people."

Papal prediction fulfHled

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope The pope was then Cardinal John Paul II made his own pro­ Karol Wojtyla of Cracow, and in phecy come true when he ordained 1976 he visited the United States to the priesthood a 38-year-old for the International Eucharistic American who taught him English Congress in Philadelphia. On that in Cracow, Poland" eight years trip, he visted Stevens Point, Wis., ago. where he met and first predicted he "Now your prophecy is fulfilled, " . would ordain Fletcher. said Father Patrick Fletcher, a "I said, 'Thank you, Your Emi­ CRS initiated a special working native of the Archdiocese of Mil­ nence, but I have other plans,' " group to explore development strat- . waukee, to the pope in Polish as he Father Fletcher recalled. egies, with two objectives in mind, knelt before him in St. Peter's One year later, Fletcher met the It is important to "look beyond he added. Basilica. cardinal again, this time in Paris. the immediate situation" and help The pope, in reply, embraced ".Again he said it," recalled First, the agency is holding meet­ people become productive and ings with other private American, his former teacher, looked into'his Father Fletcher, "and I answered independent again, he said. "Simply African, and European voluntary eyes and made the sign of the cross 'thanks, but no thanks.' :' to expect them to return to their But the cardinal insisted, and groups to enhance mutual efforts, on his forehead: home areas and resume their eco­ Three times before he was elected Fletcher said that perhaps he would he said. "What we seek is coopera­ nomic and other activities as before tion, coordination, even cofinanc­ pontiff, Pope John Paul had pre­ become a permanent deacon. is neither practical nor humane." "N 0, you'l see. 111 ordain you to ing, on pr,ojects and programs dicted he would ordain Fletcher, the priesthood,' " he said the car­ Therefore, "adequate supplies . ,which lend themselves to such an who had been his tutor while stud­ ying at the University of Cracow. dinal insisted. of food will still be necessary at approach. " "The Holy Father taught me a least until the harvests are iIi," Father Fletcher said he did not Through the second, related step, lot more than I ever taught him," Schaufele added. However, he con­ involving consultations with other Father Fletcher told National Cath­ .think seriously of the priesthood tinued, "one calamitous effect of private groups, universities· and until he lived under Poland's 1980­ the drought be harder to specialists, CRS hopes "to develop' olic News Service after his ordina­ 8·1 martial law. tion. address in the short run-the dec­ a longer-range development stra­ "I experienced a sense of help­ Father Fletcher, one of 70 pri­ imation of the work animal popu­ tegy than has been the case in the ests ordained by the pope at the lessness," he said. "I had to look at . lation," which fell victim to lack of past," Schaufele said. CRS has what I was doing. I began to ask food and.water and their owners' earmarked $20 million for this ceremony, taught English at the myself existential questions: 'Who seminary in Cracow and did trans­ hunger. process, he said; . am IT; 'What am I doing here?' " lation~ from Polish into English.



THE ANCHOR­ Friday, August 2, 1985

Revolution: an afterview


Texas priest recalls

World War II experiences

SULPHUR SPRINGS, Texas A recent television dra­ matization of Raoul Wallen­ berg's daring ·rescue missiol) of ItlO,OOO Hungarian Jews gave many American viewers a first look at a little-known WorId War II hero. But for Cistercian Father Emi­ lian Novak, pastor of St. James parish in Sulphur Springs, "Wal­ lenberg: A Hero's Story" re­ kindled memories of his own role in the Swedish diplomat's ef­ forts to save and protect the Jews from the genocide perpetra­ ted by. the Nazis. Father Novak, a 20-year-old Hungarian in 1944, was a mem­ ber of Wallenberg's under­ ground support group, which is­ sued documents to Jews and as­ sisted in their relocation in Buda­ pest, the capital of Hungary. Even ,before Wallenberg's operation began, and prior to the rule of Hungary by tile Arrow Cross, the pro-Berlin fac­ tion, Father Novak said that the Catholic Church was involved in providing baptismal certifi­ cates to Jews, waiving faith re­ quirements in order to save lives. During the first days of the Jewish evacuation, when 400,000 were taken to Germany and Po­ land, Father Novak, who mi­ grated to the United States after the 1956 Hungarian revolution, said that most Hungarians be­ lieved the Jews were being taken to labor camps. When Hungarian Admiral Mik­ los Horthy was losing control and the "real Nazis" - the Arrow Cross - took over Buda­ pest on March 19, 1944, the young Novak was no ,longer safe as a Jewish sympathizer. "It was impossible to remain neutra'l," Father Novak said. "Either you became a Nazi and persecuted the Jews ... or you became 'a defender." In the summer of 1944, Wal­ lenberg ent~red the scene. He was granted diplomatic status (NC) -

as second secretary of the Swed­ ish Embassy and immediately be­ gan his task, supported by both Sweden and the United States. He opened up 40 "safehouses," Father Novak said, which were protected by the Swedish flag. These homes sheltered Jews and sympathizers. There. were 'about 60 other safehouses of Swiss, Turkish and Red Cross affilia­ tion, all part of Wallenberg's operation. The papal nuncio, he said, was unable to continue the church's open campaign, so he supported and aided Wallenberg's cause.. ' Father Novak worked in a Swiss safehouse, producing documents for Jews. Father Novak never was in­ troduced to Wallenberg, ibut he suspected the diplomat circula­ ted among the safehouses incog~ nito. He recaHed that once a bomb fell on 'a safehouse, but didn't e~plode, and a man call­ ing himself r'Berg" came to dis­ mantle the bomb. After !ater see­ ing Wallenberg in photos, the priest became fairly certain that "Berg" was Wallenberg. Father NovaK was ordained a Cistercian priest during the post­ war years. ~ut his involvement in the 1956 uprising necessitated his exit. After- working one year in .Austria, he, his parentS and his sister came to the United States, where he entered the Cis­ tercian Abbey in Irving, Texas, and his family settled nearby. Recalling his days with the underground, Fahter Novak said, " . . . I wasn't afraid. I knew there was no other choiCe, and it the killing of the Jews) was so outrageous . . . (that) one just does not think of his own per­ son."

The Good Side "Nothing contributes more to cheerfulness than the habit of looking at the good side of things. The good side is God's side." - Archbishop Ullathorne

By Msgr. George C. Higgins The Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua recently celebrated its sixth anniversary. The' Washing­ ton /Post reports that a siz,able number of U.S. citizens took part in the festivities and that members of one U.S. delegation ended an anniversary celebra­ tion at a Catholic church in Managua by chanting a Sandin­ ista guerrilla slogan. That really isn't news. As The Post noted, tens of thousands of .Americans have journeyed to Nicaragua to visit the revolution since the Sandinista Nliltional Liberation Front took power in 1979, and 1110st have made the trip as 'a gesture of solidarity with the Sandinistas and a mark of opposition to U.S. policy to­ ward Nicaragua: As one of'those "tens of thou­ sands" who have visited Nica­ ragua since 1979, I too strongly oppose U.S. policy there. Yet I agree with Edward Cody, The Post's Managua correspondent, who says few American visitors appear to make critical apprais­ als of what they see. As a result, he reports, anti-Sandinista Nica­ raguans claim that most Ameri­ cans come to Nicaragua under the auspices of pro-Sandinista organizations, arrive with a pre­ disposition to -like what they see, willingly believe wha't they are told by their hosts and then re­ turn to the United States to get out the "·truth." That complaint comes from Nicaraguan c~itics of the regime is .no excuse for ignoring it. , J Paul Hollender, a sociology professor, calls the Americans flocking to Nicaragua "the new­ est political p~lgrims." In the August issue of Commentary, he argu~s that their credulousness is "staggering" and to some ex­ tent is able to prove his point. For example, one priest is quoted as having said upon his return that "the reign of God has arrived in Nicaragua." A well-known Protestant told The . New York Times that ,the San­ dinista regime could not possi­ bly be Marxist-Leninist since it included Roman Catholic priests. Even Michael Harrington, a leading U.S. proponent of "demo­ cratic socialism" who has fought Marxist-Leninism for many years, seems to have become a true believer. After his own pil­ grimage, he unqualifiedly praised the revolution and, surprisingly for a man of his experience and political sophistication, failed to report· that some of the top San­ dinista leaders have boasted that they are Marxist-Leninists and always will be. An article in Commentary criticizing supporters of Nica­ ragua must be read wit.h caution, of course. The editors have their own axe to grind; they strongly support U.S. policy in Nicaragua 'and probably hope the adminis­ tration will succeed in over­ throwing directly or in­ directly - the Sandinista regime, by military for~e if necessary. Much as I disagree with them in this regard, I think it would be a serious mistake for the San­ dinistas' U.S. supporters to 'ig­ nore Hollander's article or write

it off ·as reactionary propaganda. Despite some exaggeration, it is on target in its criticism of those who refuse to admit that, for all the good things it may have ac­ complished, there 'is a dark side to the Sandinista regime. Because they are so strongly opposed to U.S. policy in Nica­ ragua, many - but certainly not all - of these political pilgrims tend to ignore or even excuse human rights violations in Nica­ ragua that they have condemned in right-wing dictatorships. They have long accused the Reagan administration of a double standard in dealing with "friendly" right-wing dictator­ ships and "unfriendly" 'left-Wing regimes. That's fair enough. But their own double standard, the reverse of the administration's is also open to criticism, and they would be well advised to take that criticism seriously. ,


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Crowded Mass' WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (NC) - About 500 people fiUed a Winston-Salem church for the first authorized Tridentine-rite Mass in NorthCaroHna since 1970, said Father Anthony Ko­ vacic, the celebrant. In response to a petition signed by about 600 people, Bishop John F. Donoghue of Charlotte gave permission for Father Kovacic, pastor of St. Leo Parish, to celebrate the Sun­ day afternoon Mass. He said afterward that for many who at­ tended it was "a very special ex­ perience." Last October Pope John Paul II gave bishops per­ mission to approve use, under certain conditions, of the Triden­ tine rite.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri:,· Aug. 2, 1985

Tom, a college student, gave' up six weeks of his vacation last summer to go to Appalachia and By help poor people in that area. Carl spent Iast .summer dig­ TOM ging graves and caring for the • grounds of a cemetery. ("Things LENNON are pretty dead there," he says ... of.',' ...•...'."'.".,. i.'."l:.".·',··.'· grinning.) <-< -, He doesn't smoke pot or get • into non-marital sex, but he does Q. I don't like your column. said, "Naw, Mr. Lennon, you're fast regularly, partly to tty 1\:0 understand what the hungry peo­ The. stuff you write makes it paying me enough as it is," look like alll young people are Sue, in her late teens, works ple in the world must endure. Several summers ago T~ri doing drugs, or having a wild at. a fast-food place where I time with sex, or getting drunk, have ·some chow once or twice used some of her own money to or doing something else bad. '3 week. I've seen her be patient fly to Panama and help the poor Don't you .know there are a lot and 'cheerful' with some very there with her nursing skills. of teen-agers who are doing crabby customers. She always . Arnie is not in his teens, but he's still young and is a guard good ~ngs and not getting Into has time for a bit of conversa­ trouble? (Maine) tion - and usually puts extra at a correctional institution. Oc­ casionally ,in his free time he ice cream in. my sundae. A. 'Most of the' letters that goes into a cell and plays come my way are from young checkers with one or another of people with problems of one sort the prisoners and taIks to them or another.. One of ·the main about their problems. reasons for this column is· to "If you tr~at 'eqilike an~mals," deal· with' such problems, which says Arnie; "they'll act like I often enough concern drugs, animals. I'd rather play checkers . drinking or sex..: ,with 'em." . , Still, your detter' gave me If readers know of 'other young pause. After reading it, I began. people who are "doing good to think of the young people things" (there are lots of them ·whom I know and who are do­ out there), please write to me ing, not drugs, but rather what about' them :,and Jater on perhaps . you refer to as "good things." we can have another roundup of ... young people who' are . among Tod has ~een taking care of "the good guys and gals." my yard for three years now. He' ,~ 71i< Send questions to Tom Len­ · is dependable, hard-working, has non, 1312' Mass. Ave. N.W., yet to utter a gripe and :last year Washington, D.C. 20005• when I 'offer.ed to raise. his pay,






1\teo" ~ .


g ,

By Charlie Martin



. PAUL GLADWIN, 1'6, of Liverpool, NY, ·ha·s 'oarrelsof fun on a summer afternoon. (NC photo) ,'".


are ~ot your own


There's beauty Up abOve And things we' never take notice of


Supporting that point of view is a 17-year-old from FaIls Church; .Va., who writes: "'I do not think one can .place a sp.ecific or certain age on the right time for a serious aove lI'eIatioJ;lship. To have a serious relationship in 'high school, one' must be' ma­ ture and there should be mutual consent from the two people. A relationship doesn't work if one wants to go steady and the other. wants to date others/' A reader from Vinton, Iowa, writes about the value of build­ 'ing experience: "I think that a young person should enter a serious, relationship in order to gain experience for future reo 1ationships.

Y~ wake ~p and suddenly you're In love .' are not our own: Do whatever it : is, as dong as it;' doe~n't hurt GiJrI, you~re ~erythIng a man could want and more !', . ,anyone." That, is. the cry. What One ~d words are not enough .. , , do' .they .inean "as long as it . "If a' high school person is TCJI say'wliat I feel iDside .' .d9E!Sn't h'!rt anyone?" If it's capable of feeling deep -love, ,HO'lding hands as we walk along the shore

wrong, doesn't it hurt God? Isn't Never feIi like this before

how can we high school students .: keep ourselves from a serious ·Now you're all Pm living for.

this why Christ qied on the cross, ~ach day I pray,' .

. .relationship if the Tight person . for ,the: accumulation of aH these comes ,along? SharIng in such a This.love affair would last forever.

sins that were not supposed to love is a great feeling. What's' be hurting anyone? Every. single' sin purchased t~e nails that hung ·Recorded'by Billy'Ocean, Written by Keith 'Diamond and Billy ocean. wrong with feeling good?:' (c) 1984 by Willesden Music Inc., Keith Diamond Music, our Savior as the price He had This last point about. the Aqua Music Limited. to pay. Didn't. we hUT-t, Him? powerlul feeling of being in Jove ,.Doesn't He 'count? . . echoes Ocean's song. FaUing in RECENTLY in a review of Phil the context of Billy OCt;!an's top­ Often these cnes are wrung' Students, non-students, youth Collin~'. ,"One More Night," I rated hit "Suddenly," Jove is a' powerful, emotional from the hearts of youth who of 'all ages and conditions, keep suggested that the high school experience. Several readers disag~e~ with are unhappy at home 01: on the your bodies anel' your. minds years may not be the right time In an upcoming column I will clean and free from evil. ,When for going steady. I stated that my suggestion. They judged such present the experiences of some outside. They . need . to be re­ to be an overgeneral­ a statement minded that there is someone to you ,pollute yourselves, mind and more serious, committed IQve reo teens rthat have caused them to whom they belong and 'who cares body, you burt the One who lationships should be part of life ization. A teen from Nashville, offer a different point of view about them, difficult though that proved His :love ·foi you heyond 'after high school. I also asked Tenn." writes: "It is my belief about whether teens should that each individual matures at may be. They shou1d be encour- , any words the mind can con­ readers for comments about this his or her own pace and no one enter serious, committed Iove aged into a 'Bible study and dis­ ceive, because you are His, and question. can determine who is not ready relationships. cussion group, a place where you cannot get any closer to A number of readers answered for 'a serious relationship and Your comrD.ents are always they can unload and feel safe. dove thari that. He calls you by welcome. Address Charlie Mar­ A place where they can 'tr,ust as name, He redeems you, He opens the request, expressing differing commitment. "I .think that some teen-agers tin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., His arms to you and welcomes points of view. This week I wiH ' people trusted Jesus. Very few sermons talk about you 'home. Surrender your will examine the question again in. are just '8S capable ofa serious Evansville, Ind 47714. our belonging to God - that we to His and live!

By CeclllaBelqer .:, How ~ften I hav~ hearq!he lament,,, iI fe~~ I do~.t ~long t9 'anyone, Or I "don t have anyone of my o w n . . . ' I think I know what theymean; they're wishing fora ~ relationship that has meaning and sub­ stance. .But.· the Ilanguage isn't lI'ight. We must do away with those combinations of words. There is only one to whom we really belqng. .


I used.to think that'Iove was just a fairy tale

Until that .first.hello ,

.Until that .flrst smile..

But it I had to dQ it all again

I wouldn't change a thing

'ca. love is everlasting.

. 811lddemy'nfe has new meanillig to me

. love. relationship as someone in . >the 'late 20s. High· school is a time for growth. Serious rela­ tionships area part of that '. growth." . .,

Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings nonn­ ally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in The Anchor the first Friday of each month and will renect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. Each Sunday, 10:30 Ill.m. WLNE, Channel 6, Diocesan Television Mass. Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Cannel Church, New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each Sunday on radio station WJFD-FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on television Channel 20. Mass Monday to Friday every week, .11 :30 a.m. to noon, WXNE, Channel 25. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each'

Sunday on Channel 6, Is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Epis­ copal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. "Breakthrough," 6:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 10, a program on the power of God to t()uch lives, produced by the Pastoral Theological Insti­ tute ot" Hamden, Conn.


"The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucd, 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27. "MarySon," a family pup­ pet show with 'moral and spiritual perspective 6 p.m. each Thursday, Fall River and New Bedfon;1 cable channel 13.

"Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Lar­ kin, 6 p.m. Monday, cable channel 35.


On Radio

Charismatic programs with Father John Randall are aired from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Mon­ day through Friday on station WRIB, 1220 AM;' Mass is broadcast at 1 p.m. each Sun­ day. Programs of Catholic in­ terest are broadcast at the following times on station WROL Boston, 950 AM: Mon­ day through Friday 9,9:15, 11:45 a.m.; 12:15, 12:30, 1 p.m.


A-l Approved for Children and Adults The Black Cauldron The Care Bears Movie

1918 (Rec.!

The Secret of the Sword

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Brewster's Millions Cocoon The Explorers Fletch Girls Just Want To Have Fun The Goonies The Home and the World

The Killing Fields lady Hawke The last Dragon lily in love lost in America The Man with One Red Shoe Movers & Shakers

A Passage to India Purple Rose of Cairil Rappin' Return to Oz Rustlers' Rhapsody Sam's Son Silverado Test of love

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Back to the Future Beverly Hills Cop Code of Silence D.A.R.Y.l. Fast Forward PI. Flash of Green

King David Pumping Iron II The legend of Billie Jean Red Sonja Mad Max Beyond The Slugger's Wife Thunderdome Sure Thing The Mean Season Sylvester A Private Function

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a pro­ tection ag~inst' wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Camila The Emerald Forest little Treasure

Mask Prizzi's Honor

The Shooting Party Witness

0- Morally Offensive The Breakfast Club Day of the Dead Desperately Seeking Susan The Dungeon Master Fraternity Vacation Gotcha

Grace Quigley Just One of the Guys lifeforce Missing in Action 2 Moving Violations Pale Rider

Perfect Rambo: 1st Blood, Part II St. Elmo's Fire Secret Admirer Stick A .view to a Kill

(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which It is listed. These listings mre presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further infformation on recena mms is avail­ able from 'The Anchor office, 675-7151.

tv, mOVIe news

THE ANCHOR­ Friday, August 2, 1985

O'ROURKE IFunerai Home 5:71' Second Street Fall River, Mass,

Symbols following film reviews indicate minstrel named Fflenddur Fflam, both general and Catholic Film Office and the clairvoyant pig Hen ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· Wen. eral viewing; PG-13-parental guidance On this adventure Taran must strongly suggested for children- under learn about love, loyalty, cour­ 13; PC-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for c~ildren or · age and the importance of friend­ ship over power, the iatter a younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for ,lesson taught him by Gurgi. children and adults; A2-approved for The . animation is spectacular, adults and adolescents; A3--approved for adults only; M-separate classification reminiscent of Oisney films of (given to films not morally offensive the past. which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. The Horned King (vocalized

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied, to The Anchor.






by John Hurt) and his evil hench­ men are as wonderfully creepy · as the Fairfolk. are fey. Gurgi (the voice of John Byner) is an adorable bundle of fluff who promises to be a new Disney superstar.

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The kids are going to love seeing this film over and over again as are adults. A'I,' PG

SaVings? We have a Religious TV New Films high-interest plan for Sunday, Aug. 4 (CBS) "For "The Legend of Billie Jean" Our' Times" Atlanta Mayor every savings need! (Tri·Star) is an' absolutely ludi­ Andrew Young talks about civil crous tale of four teens who un­ wittingly beome outlawed folk rights on the 20th anniversary of · the 1965 Selma-Montgomery heroes. march. "The BiIlie Jean Gang," as they call themselves, are chased Religious Radio through small Texas towns and Sunday, Aug. 4 (NBC) "Guide­ aided by their peers. They make line" - Stephen England dis­ Now 11 convenient offices friends and bask in their sudden cusses his book, "Grace of including Seekonk & Taunton. notoriety, but are never spotted Monaco." .

by the police who supposedly

have an all points bulletin out on ~ ~ them.

After viewing Jean Seberg's "Joan of Arc" Billie Jean decides to adopt St. Joan as her model. She cuts her hair but there the similari.ty ends. The plot twists are so inane : 87 STOWE ST., FALL RIVER, MA :

that you want to think that per­ haps the whole thing is a joke.

but rio, the writers are deadly

serious. The value system represented : M. S. A G U I A R & SON : is so confused that r do not rec­ ~ ~ ommend this film for young teens. A3, PG-13

• E

M.S.A., Inc.

5 Landsc·ape

• :•

"The Man W11th One Red. Shoe" (20th Century-Fox) is an innocuous remake of the French farce, "The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe." An innocent bystander, mis­ taken for an international agent by the CIA, is followed through his daily routine avoiding dis­ aster and misleading the agents without being aware he is under suspicion. . Pleasantly amusing but par­ ents should be advised that there is some sexual innuendo. A3, PG "The Black Cauldron" (WaIt Disney Productions) is a delight­ ful fantasy epic based on Lloyd Alexander's "Chronicles of Pry­ dain." "The Black Cauldron" is the heroic saga 'of Taran, a boy who must prevent the· evil Horned' King from gaining possession of . the Black Cauldron, a mysterious . force capable of producing an ' army of supernatural warriors. I Taran is aided by a wondrous group of new Disney animated personalities: his mentor Dalben, Princess Eilonny, a furry crea­ ture called Gurgi, a traveling










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NEW L 0 C A T·I 0 N

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American Red Cross blood drive: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. August 7, educa­ tion classroom. All invited to parti­ 102 Shawomet Avenue cipate. . Somerset, Mass. Sf. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Parish picnic: noon Sunday, Cath­ Tel. 674-4881 edral Camp, E. Freetown. 3Y2 room Apartment

Rehearsal for Sacred Hearts Com­ 4Y2 room Apartment'

munity Choir: 7:30 p.m. Aug. 5. Includes heat, hot water, stove reo

ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN frigerator and maintenance service.

Family Mass: 9:30 a.m. Sunday, followed by coffee and doughnuts, church hall. First Friday: 7 p.m. Mass to­ night. Adult discussion group: 7- p.m. Aug. 6. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Sales And Service Rosary: 3:15 p.m. Thursdays. Fall R;Ye.r~s Largest All welcome. Altar boys: schedules available, Display 01 TV s

sacristy. . RCA· ZENITH· SYLVANIA Lectors and altar boys needed. Information 672-1523. 1196 BEDFORD STREET SACRED HEART, FR 673-9721 CCD:Return registration forms by Aug. 25. Families who have not received forms may pick them up in the rear of the church. ~:i..?"~~z~~~~e:~ee.i(""X O.lL. ANGELS, FR STAFFON' FLORIST . CCD teachers' meeting: 7 p.m. I~ and, GREENHOUSES . Aug. 20, hall. Teachers needed. ~; 187 ALDEN ROAD I Holy Name Society Mass: 8.. . FAI'RHAVEN, MA 02719 ~ a.m. Aug. 18. Meeting follows, : ·Tel. 993-8062 - 997·2666 ~ hall. Parish council: meeting 7 p.m. Aug.J9. , For All Occasions. ' I Dried & Silk Arrangements· ~ Feast procession: 2:30 p.m. Aug. And An' Extra large \ II. Selection of Green Planls. I , BLUE ARMY, FR ~ Short Term Plant Rentals 1 3.0ays ~ Five-hour vigil: 7 p.~.' Aug. 2, St. Francis of Assisi Church, New Bedford. All welcome. Informa­ tion: Ann Levasseur, 822-6866. ST. KILIAN, NB Widowed Support group: infor­ mation on August meeting: 998-3269. ORDER OF THE ALHAMBRA Region One Council meeting: 8:30 tonight, Our Lady of Mercy

Centerfor Developmental Disabil­

ities, 25 W. Chester Street, Wor­

cesJer. Presiding will be regional

director Roger Ouellette, Leon

Caravan 122, Fall River.

ST. PATRICK, FR Father William W. Norton will be installed as pastor at a 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow, replacing the 4: 30 p.m. Mass. A reception will follow the ceremony in the Slade Street school hall. Parishioners and friends invited. O.lL. MY. CARMEL, SEEKONK Family outing: Aug. 25, See­ konk High School. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Summer concert of Polish-Amer- . ican song: 7:30 p.m. Aug. 15, par­ ish auditorium. DOMINICAN LAITY, FR. St. Rose of Lima chapter: meet­ ing for Mass followed by breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Aug. 8, thefeast of St. Dominic, at Dominican Academy, 37 Park St.


Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Presents A Summer Time Reception


with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin'·'




Eastern Television




HYANNIS (Rte. 132) '7 P.M.










. This Messase Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese.of Fall River DURO fiNISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO.






12 NOON· 5 p.m.



3·11 P.M.













ST. MARY, SEEKONK First Friday Mass: 9 a.m. Aug.


First Saturday Mass: 9 a.m. Aug. 3, followed by rosary.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Daily rosary: 7:20 and 11:50 a.m. First Friday Mass: 5:30 p.m. . Aug. 2. Seven parishioners have been commissioned as Eucharistic minis­ ters. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Novena to St. Anthony: after'8 a.m. Mass Tuesdays. . Novena to Our Lady of Perpet­ ual Help: after 8 a.m. Mass Wednes­ days. Bishop Maurus Muldoon, O.F.M., of Olancho, Honduras, will speak at all Masses this weekend. . SECULAR FRANCISCANS, POCASSET St. Francis of Cape Fraternity monthly meeting/ annual picnic: Aug. II, home of Mr. and Mrs. George Towers, 396 Barlows Land­ ing Road, Pocasset. A 2 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by .Father Edwin Dirig, O.F.M., who will speak on "Devoted to the Prayers." Picnic will follow. All invited. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS First Friday Masses: August 23 8 a.m. Orleans, 9 a.m. Eastham. A Mass in recognition of the first anniversary of the dedication of the new St. Joan of Arc Church will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. Aug.' 12 by Msgr. John J. Oli­ veira, V.E., diocesan chancellor, ' who will also be the homilist. Refreshments will be served after· Mass. ST.ANNE,FR . The Parish Committee has don­ ated $5,000 to the parish general fund. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET First Saturday services: 8 a.m. Mass followed by rosary tomorrow. Healing service: 7:30 p.m. Aug. 12. -. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE First Friday services: 10 a.m. today. ST. JAMES, NB , Altar boys must return summer outing permission slips to rectory by tomorrow. Bishop Maurus Muldoon, O.F.M., of Olancho, Honduras, will speak at all Masses next weekend. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET . Homecooked ethnic food from eight nations will be the featured attraction of the fourth annual St. Thomas More Family Festival. The product of more than six months of planning and work by a 200 member committee, the festi­ val will be held on church grounds Aug. 9-11. Aug. 13: trip to Rocky Point Park for parish high school stu­ dents. 'Information: Father David A. Costa, 673-7831. NACC, BOSTON The National Association of Catholic Chaplains, who~e mem­ bers minister to the sick and aged, will hold its 20th aimual conven­ tion ·Sept. I to 5 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT Healing Mass and Service 2 p.m. Sunday; Father John Sulli­ van and Maria T. Rocha will offi­ ciate respectively.

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