t eanc 0 VOL. 32, NO. 31
Friday, August 5,1988
Card. Dearden dies; led U.8. church after Vatican II DETROIT(NC) - Retired Cardinal John F. Dearden of r>etroit, 80, one ofthe key U.S. churchmen at the Second Vatican Council and first leader of the U.S. bishops in the turbulent postconciliar years, died of cancer Aug. I. He was particularly noted in Detroit for his efforts to promote social justice and to improve race relations and ecumenical and interreligious understanding. His funeral was scheduled today at Blessed-Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit, his episcopal church for nearly 22 years. His successor, Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka of Detroit, was to be principal concelebrant, with Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago preaching the homily. Ten days before his death Cardinal Dearden was admitted to Providence Hospital in Southfield, a Detroit suburb. Doctors discovered cancer of the pancreas which had spread to other organs and was inoperable because of his age and physical condition. The archbishop of Detroit from 1958 until his retirement for health reasons in 1980, Cardinal Dearden emerged during the Second Vatican Council, 1962-65, as one of the central figures of that worldwide assembly of bishops. He enjoyed the nickname "the unobtrusive liberal" which he gained at the council by his efforts to promote the council's agenda of church reform and renewal without alienating the minority that opposed many conciliar decisions. As a doctrinal commission member, he helped draft and revise two of the central documents of Vatican II: the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. He was also a member ofthe Secretariat for NonBelievers, a Vatican agency started during the council which continued after it. When the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference were formed in 1966, Cardinal Dearden was elected first president. He repeatedly stressed communication and reconciliation as the path to follow during those years of tension over the meaning and implementation of conciliar decrees. In his final presidential address to the NCCB in 1971 Cardinal Dearden called reorganization of national structures to promote collaborative efforts among the bishops one of the most important achievements of the NCCB's first five years.
He also cited the development of closer relations between the U.S. bishops and other national hierarchies, establishment of the Campaign for Human Development, a nationwide Catholic antipoverty program, and formation of what is now called the National Advisory Council - a body of bishops, priests, religious and laity which advises the NCCB-USCC on current concerns. St. Louis Archbishop John L. May, present NCCB-USCC president, called Cardinal Dearden "in many ways the key figure in helping the chuf/;h in this country to implement the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and in guiding the bishops' conferences to the role they currently play in the life of the church." As the United States approached its 200th birthday Cardinal Dearden chaired the bishops' Committee for the Bicentennial, which organized the "Liberty and Justice for All" project, a two-year nationwide consultation on the church and social justice which culminated in a 1976 "Call to Action" conference hosted by the cardinal in Detroit. The conference, a first-ever national assembly of representatives from Catholic organizations and dioceses throughout the country, urged a wide-ranging program of reform and renewal in church and society, including a number of controversial proposals to change church positions on such issues as married priests, the ordination of women and artificial contraception. In a report to the bishops that fall, Cardinal Dearden said they could not accept all conference proposals, but that despite flaws the meeting represented "a tremendous investment of time, energy and intelligence on the part of a Turn to Page Six
Cape '88 Plans are complete for Cape '88, the annual Evening on Cape Cod with Bishop Cronin. Sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women as an opportunity for year-round and summer residents of the Cape to meet the bishop in a relaxed social setting, the event will take place at 7 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Sheraton Regal Inn, Hyannis. It will include hors d'oeuvres and dancing and proceeds will benefit diocesan charities. Tickets are available at rectories and from DCCW members.
510 Per Year
Catholics comprise one out of every
six people in the world. NC graphic
Legal dos and don'ts for election year listed WASHINGTON(NC) - Political endorsements are out but nonpartisan voter education by church organizations is acceptable during a political campaign, according to the chief legal adviser for the U.S. bishops. The official, Mark E. Chopko, general counsel for the U.S. Catholic Conference, told diocesan officials in a 12-page momorandum what tax-exempt church organizations can and cannot do in election-year activities. Penalties for violations can include special taxes or even a loss of tax-exempt status. Church organizations cannot engage in political campaigning, endorse candidates, provide financial or similar support or disseminate partisan materials, Chopko warned. In a special admonition to the Catholic press, he also noted that diocesan newspapers may not endorse candidates although they may on an equal basis accept political advertisements and can objectively report news of campaigns. Chopko's memo, released July 26, focused on the church's status under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, which prohibits tax-exempt organizations from participating or otherwise intervening in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate.
He said he wrote the memo because of the 1988 election year and because Congress in 1987 increased the penalities for violations of political campaign restrictions by tax-exempt groups. "During an election campaign, exempt organizations remain free to address issues of concern to them and to their membership, even when such issues are relevant to the campaign," he said. "However, such discourse must focus on issues and not personalities." The USCC holds a group tax exemption covering some 28,000 parishes and other church entities. Chopko said that means that one church organization running afoul of the rules could create problems for all the others as well. According to Chopko, prohibited activities include endorsements; financial and other support; formation of political action committees; and distribution of partisan campaign literature. But church organizations are not banned from all public activity in an election year, he added. Permissible activities include: - Voter ed ucation projects, including neutral candidate questionnaires. - Non-partisan voter registration drives. - Non-partisan public forums, debates and lectures.
-- Unbiased reporting of campaigp news by the Catholic press. - Ads in the Catholic press. - Political activity by individuals. - Political activity by college students engaged in an educational experience. "Exempt organizations may not make statements - oral or written - supporting or opposing any candidate for public office," Chopko said. "Thus, such organizations may not encourage votes for or against any candidate for public office via a sermon or parish bulletin, through an editorial position in a Catholic newspaper, or through distribution offilled-in sample ballots." "In addition," church organizations "should avoid statements that indirectly support or oppose a particular candidate -labeling a candidate as pro-abortion or antipeace," for example, he said. Furthermore, he said, "an exempt organization may not provide financial support to any candidate, political action committee or political party. In addition, it may not provide other forms of campaign support - free volunteers, facilities or mailing lists to any candidate, PAC (political action committee) or political party." Chopko said an exempt organiTum to Page Six
Pastoral ministry iso"i mental health job, he says CHICAGO (NC) - Treating sored by the University of South Christian ministry like a mental Carolina. health profession is an invitation According to Father Stake, to more lawsuits against priests, "There are no reported American the chaplain of the Catholic Law- court cases in which a member of yers Guild of Chicago said. the clergy has been successfully Father Rona·ld P. Stake, cha- sued for clergy-malpractice per se. plain of the Catholic Lawyers Guild Allegations of such malpractice of Chicago and a member of the have increased with some publicIllinois bar, said, "The largest threat ity, but none have established clergy and the attitude within the church malpractice as a recognized cause and with those giving legal advice of action within the common law." to the churches to treat the minisHe said members of the clergy try as an analogue of clinical care "have an excellent reputation of and therapy. . protecting confidential communi"What faith and religion offer cations, even to the point of conpeople cannot be reduced to the tempt charges for refusing to breach mental health analysis; it is some- of confidentiality. The seal of conthing unique and much more whol- fession remains inviolable regardistic," Father Stake said in a letter less of the condition of the civil to the ~hicago Catholic, archdi- law." ocesan newspaper. He said that in the area of menMotta photo Father Stake said the courts and tal health practices, professionals the law "will be most ·happy to have been held to have a duty to FATHER HARRINGTON WITH PAULETTE de OLIVEIRA oblige" treating Christian ministry protect third parties from harm to like mental health "if those who be caused by their patients or participate in the ministry con- clients. tinue to justify their work in secu"This duty entails a breach of By Joseph Motta high school hallway follows. "Did Attleboro and a first runner-up in lar terms and to beef it up with confidentiality to warn such third parties of dangers heard or discoyou hear the one about the [Puerto] the 1981 Miss Massachusetts com- secular credentials." Nigger. In his letter Father Stake obvered in the course of the relationRican'?" one youth asks. A locker petition, described her music as Polack. door slams and a young man storms "New Age" style incorporating"cho- jected to a National Catholic News ship with the patient or client. I do Spic. ral voices, waves and harp. It's a Service story about attorney Robert not believe any case has held this Most of us, hopefully, are turned off, deeply offended. The announcement's script is by peaceful music, music that puts W. McMenamin of Portland, Ore., duty applicable to members of the off by these negative words and Elizabeth Figlock, an English teach- you in the mood to be sensitive to that ran in the Chicago Catholic. clergy; particularly there is no case have excluded them from our vocabularies. But we hear them and er and drama club moderator at whatever's going on around you. The story said lawsuits against that would overrule the seal of clergy are mounting as laws that confession to embrace such a duty Taunton's Coyle and Cassidy High It's a very innocent music." others time and again. The anno.uncement has been tele- protect the confidential relation- on the part of the clergy," Father In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King School. This summer the C-C began his most famous speech alumna is studying British culture cast daily since June IS by U.A. ship of priest and penitent are Stake said. He added that "confessional pracColumbia Cablevision, Channel eroding. with these words: "I have a dream at the University of London. McMenamin, a member of the . tice and spiritual direction in parHigh school students Scott Le- 27, Taunton/North Attleboro. It that this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, ma, Willits Mendonca and Chris- is shown with the station's local risk management committee ofthe ticular should return to the spiritDiocesan Attorney Association, ual and religious sources and forget 'We hold these truths to be self- tine Lane, all confirmed at St. news program and other shows. Father Harrington thinks that said that with removal of insu- the attempt to mirror good psyevident; that all men are created Joseph's while Father Harrington was there, were photographers for persons who see it will remember it rance protection as well as changes choligical practice. equal.' " See page 5 for related column by But in 1988, little children are the PSA. Scott and Willits are when they hear a demeaning eth- in state laws, individuals who coun. sel are becoming defendants in Father Hemrick. nicjoke. still afraid of each other because altar servers at St. Joseph's. Father Harrington, at St. Mark's And maybe they'll think twice lawsuits that were once unthinkthe color of their skin is different. able. Where He Is Prejudice still exists. And folks since June 15, said that Miss Fig- before laughing. McMenamin spoke at a confer"Surely the Lord is in this place; "Anything that's done at the at St. Joseph's parish, Taunton, lock explained to the children in the "nigger" segment that she would expense of somebody's self-re- ence on clergy and the law spon- and I knew it not." - Gen. 28: 16 have done something to fight it. Father Kevin J. Harrington, now need a volunteer to use the word spect," the priest said, "is not parochial vicar at St. Mark's par- and that in this instance it would funny." ish, Attleboro Falls, and previously help fight prejudice. "I was heartened that some of at St. Joseph's, conceived the idea of preparing an antibigotry video the kids didn't know the word," WASHINGTON (NC) - A as a public service announcement the priest added. videotape on a day in the life of He explained that the announcefor area telecast. Dearly beloved in Christ, He produced a 30-second depic- ment, like recent popular soft drink American Catholics, filmed for It is my happy privilege to address you through this tion of how people demean one ads, has no face recognition. '~The presentation to Pope John Paul II letter. As you are aware, this Sunday is the occasion of during his 1987 U.S. trip, has won another. It has met, Father Har- person who says 'nigger' isn't seen," a Golden Eagle Award from the the annual Peter's Pence collection. Your generosity will he said. . rington said, with the approval of The announcement's first seg- Council on International Nonenable the Holy Father to provide emergency relief to representatives of both Catholic theatrical Events. and non-Catholic religious com- ment was filmed at a beauty shop, mission dioceses worldwide. It will also help to maintain The video, "March 25th: A Day with Miss Figlock and another munities. agencies of the Holy See which oversee the pastoral the "It stemmed from the fact that I teacher taking the roles of the in the Life of Catholic Laity in of the Church. affairs was commissioned by . America," saw much prejudice in all genera- offended and offending customers. the U.S. bishops' laity secretariat Over these past ten years, our present Holy Father has tions," the parochial vicar exThe children in the second were continued the work of the Church. He has been a staunch plained, noting that intolerance is St. Joseph's first communicants and produced and directed by taught. "It isn't cute when you see and actors in the final segment Martin Doblmeier of Journey defender of the Faith and has been tireless in his efforts to Communications, Mount Vernon, young people buy it hook, line and were Coyle and Cassidy students. bring the Good News of Christ to all by his words, his sinker." Father Harrington said the de- Va. pastoral visits to many countries and the example of his Doblmeier sent six camera crews S1. Joseph's homespun announce- tails were well planned. The fact life. . at home and at to film Catholics ment begins with an on-screen that the children in the second You and I, by virtue of this annual collection, enahle printed message: "Did you hear segment are playing with black work on March 25, 1987, the feast the one about...'?" Cut to a beauty and white game pieces is noacci- of the Annunciation. The video Pope John Paul II to respond··in our name as the people salon where the eyes of a customer dent. Nor is the fact that an actor premiered last Sept. 18 as part of of God • to a countless host of needy brothen and sisten under a hairdryer widen and a in scene three carries a book with the pope's meeting with U.S. laity in Christ. Through your personal generosity, his mission in San Francisco. beautician freezes when the woman the title "Following Christ." of Christ on earth is made tangible and concrete: as Vicar she's working on starts a joke: "I One youngster in the second people are fed and healed, solidarity in the pursuit of heard one about a Polack who... segment gained much through his "Oh!" says the guilty party, realiz- participation. "I learned not to justice is made clear, and reconciliation • the first step PHOENIX, Ariz. (NC) - Cathmake fun of people," the eight- olic Church officials in Phoenix ing her words aren't appreciated. toward real and lasting peace· is offered. Back to an unadorned screen year-old boy told The Anchor, have joined the American Civil Please be generous in your gift to the Holy Father and with the message "Or the one "because we're all the same and Liberties Union in criticizing a to support him by your prayers. With every continue God made all of us." about...'?" . judge's order that a woman remain good wish, I have the pleasure to remain Paulette de Oliveira, a member on birth control for the rest of her Children playing with black and white board game pieces are seen. of St. John the Evangelist parish, childbearing years for abandoning Faithfully yours in Christ, "I heard a funny story about a Attleboro and a music teacher at her two children in a sweltering nigger once," one little voice says. St. Raymond's School, Providence, apartment. They objected to the "I don't think that's very funny!" wrote the announcement's score sentence as a violation of the on a sophisticated synthesizer woman's constitutional rights. The his playmates respond in unison. Again to a screen message: shared by Todd Gancy, a musician woman, Debra Ann Forster, 18, Bishop of Fall River from St. Mark's parish. "Or...'?" was also sentenced to lifetime The composer, who was Miss probation. A scene in a locker-lined public
Did you hear the one about...
Video gets award
ACLU, church at one
Peter's Pence Collection
19 l~.:_
Marian Year conclusion announced The conclusion of the Marian Year on Aug. 15, the feast of the Assumption, will be marked at St. Mary's Cathedral by a novena beginning this weekend with a procession at the 4 p.m. vigil Mass. Novena prayers will follow all Masses this weekend and next weekend and will be recited following 12:05 p.m. Mass daily. The rosary will follow 8 a.m. daily Mass and those making the novena are also asked to recite the Angelus privately at 6 o'clock each evening. The Stations of the Cross will precede 12:05 p.m. Mass Friday, Aug. 12, and on Saturday, Aug. 13,9 a.m. Mass will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions and a noon Benediction service. The 5 p.m. Mass Sunday, Aug. 14, will be that of the Vigil of the Assumption. Diocesan observance of the Marian Year will conclude Monday, Aug. 15. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant at the 12:05 p.m. Mass of the Assumption at the cathedral and members of the Legion of Mary will gather at 7 p.m. to recite the rosary prior to the 7:30 p.m. feastday Mass.
In vitro funding prospect alarms WASHINGTON (NC) - A decision by the Department of Health and Human Services which may lead to federal funding of human in vitro fertilization experiments is a cause for "grave concern," said the general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference. In a recent statement, Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, conference general secretary, noted that the U.S. bishops have a long record of opposition to federal funding of the experiments, especially because the procedure often leads to discarding fertilized embryos. In vitro fertilization, which involves conception of life in the laboratory and subsequent implantation of the embryo in a woman's body, was rejected as morally illicit by the Vatican in a 1987 instruction. Dr. Robert E. Windom, assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services, told a congressiomll committee in July that the department would be establishing an ethics advisory board for human in vitro fertilization experiments.
The Anchor Friday, August 5, 1988
General absolution rule approved WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. bishops have approved a onemonth rule as a criterion for when general absolution can be used in the United States.
230 of the nation's 300 active bishops were at the meeting. Several bishops who opposed the criterion said it would be viewed
legalistically and have the practical effect of further restricting or suppressing legitimate uses of general absolution.
Always Now "Now is always the time to turn to God." - Anon.
The final vote on the issue, 20572, was released by the bishops' Office of Public Affairs in Washington Aug. 1. The decision was to be sent to Rome for Vatican approval before it would take effect.
If Rome approves, the decision means that when a bishop is faced with the question of whether to allow general absolution in a particular situation in his diocese, one criterion he should use is whether, in his pastoral judgment, the penitents would otherwise not have access to the sacraments for at least a month. General absolution - forgiveness of sins of a group of people without individual confession --.: is a legitimate form of the sacrament of penance, but only in cases of serious need when certain conditions set out by church law are met. One of the conditions is that the people would otherwise be deprived of sacramental grace "for a long time," but the general law does not spell out what "a long time" means. The bishops debated and voted on the one-month criterion June 25 during a plenary meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Collegeville, Minn. But the vote at that time, 168-62, did not reach the two-thirds majority of all conference members which was required for passage. Some
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
the moorina-.,
Developing a N~w Mind For the past 50 years this country has been involved in the life of Asian nations. Japan, Korea and Indochina surface many and varied memories, while our colonial aspirations in the Philippines were rather questionable in intent and administration. It is thus not surprising that generations of political, military and economic involvement have ingrained a negative and defensive attitude in the American mind with regard to the Far East. Millions who served in our military forces still look upon Asians as the yellow peril, gooks and Japs. Others have not gone beyond a Charlie Chan approach, while some will never adjust to the Asian presence in the United States. Many feel that America's preeminence in world affairs is slipping and that the next century will belong to Asia. This is no flight offancy. The hard facts indicate that our sun is setting while that of the Far East-is rising. ' Consider: In many ways our auto industry runs a poor second to Asian imports; the American textile industry is slipping; the 10 top banks of the free world are in the East; there are few televisions in American homes that have not been made in part or in whole in the Far East. Japan, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong are the economic indicators regulating many U.S. businesses. Feeble congressional attempts to "regulate" these influences have availed little. American labor unions and manufacturers have yet to face the situation. Yet, in a very shrinking world, this must be done. Some ofthe more sophisticated American firms have begun to rethink and reorientate their goals in the cold light of realism. Rather than burying their heads in the sand, thinking all this will pass, they have begun educating their employees. Cultural, historical and language courses have been instituted by many industries with Far Eastern connections. They have found out that we can only do business on their terms and that we must realize that the drive, loyalty and determination of Far East employees is akin to their feeling for their families. We, on the other hand, are immersed in the nine to five mentality, divorcing our jobs from our outside life and often even finding it difficult to take pride in our work. In some situations, indeed, our unions became big brothers, denying personal incentive and ideas. Another factor in our attitude towards the Far East is the success of Asian emigrants to the United States. In many American cities entire areas are settled by Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos and Chinese. They have brought with them the cultural factors that give them an energy and resolve far surpassing that of other immigrant groups. This is chiefly evidenced in the Asian determination to excel scholastically. In many colleges and universities, Asians are on top of the heap. Some "native borns" are very jealous of this, to the extent that there have been attempts to limit Asian enrollment in state institutions. What all this tells us is that we should encourage new thinking in the area of American-Asian relations. Memory and bigotry are slow to fade, as the Asian community in America knows only too well. Let us bury prejudice and develop, if necessary, a new mind in these matters. Let us delight in diversity as we look towards the future for which the foundations are now being laid. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall R}ver Mass. 02722 508-675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0., S.T.D. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~ Lea'Y Pre.s-Fen River
NC photo
"Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me." Ps. 23:4
Nature reflects our values By Father Kevin J. Harrington
In this area we are blessed by the proximity of some very beautiful beaches, but however vast our oceans they cannot swallow the medical waste that has recently caused some of them to be closed. It is heartbreaking to see this happen because of human neglect, especially when New England summers provide so few days offavorable weather. The pollution of our waters is symptomatic of the loss of innocence in many otherareas of human life. Mother Earth is very fragile and cannot quickly absorb continuing assaults. Just going to the beach with suntan lotion is educational. Thanks to the damage we have done to the ozone layer, we must calculate what sun protection factor number to use to guard against skin cancer. Sleeping on the beach has become a virtual impossibility, what with the noise. p'0llution of "boom-boxes" providing a horren40us cacophony ofsounds. And erosion due to uncontrolled development has endangered even the existence of our beaches. Politicians frequently point to the need for costly governmental intervention in environmental issues. Few have the courage to ask industry to become more responsible. Anyone seeking a case study of the paralysis of government' in
dealing with the environment would need to look no further than the 25-year track record of dealing with the PCBs in New Bedford Harbor. I would wager that the federal bureaucracy spent more money studying the problem than the industries that polluted the Acushnet River saved by improperly disposing of their waste. Politicians, however well-disposed they mayor may not be, cannot protect us from our own folly. Most environmental issues, from AIDS and acid rain to erosion of the ozone layer and toxic waste, are our own fault. Fortunately, Mother Earth is "forgiving" and most damage is reversible if only we modify our nasty habits. I for one witnessed a turnaround that I would not have expected in my lifetime. Noticing a few youngsters fishing in the Providence River on the East Side of the city, I laughed, thinking that it was still the smelly sewer路 I knew 20 years ago as a Providence College student and that their efforts would be fruitless. I stopped laughing when I saw them catch a fish. Talk about a tree growing in Brooklyn! This is not just another fish story but bears witness to the resilience of nature, given time to heal. But we cannot deliver ourselves wholly from our nasty habits until we give as much priority to our
leisure as to our work. Unfortunately, as long as our culture encourages us to consume more both personally and in public services, we will work longer hours and spend less time enjoying refreshing leisure pursuits. German, French and British workers are annually permitted an average 42, 35 and 27 vacation days respectively, while U.S. workers are allowed only 12, Japanese workers only II. An imbalance in nature is a sure sign of imbalance in a nation's values. As long as economic reward is a function of demand, people will peg their sense of self-worth to the amount of money they make. No wonder one of the first questions asked children is "What do you want to be when you grow路 up'?" From early on, youngsters are told to think about becoming productive and marketable. Indeed, first-class membership in the human race becomes something to be earned through achievement. If you achieve, you will be awarded status but if you fail you will be lucky to get enough to eat and shelter from the cold. Tragically, however, when teens rebel against such values, they often cop out and drop out, polluting their bodies with drugs or casual sex. Nevertheless, given time and new directions, things can be changed. Hope springs eternal!
Family issues '88 During the early primaries last spring, when we still had oodles of potential presidential candidates, an unlikely trio toured New Hampshire, Iowa and the South. Delivering the message that families need help were T. Berry Brazelton, dean of American pediatrics, Patricia Schroeder, Colorado congresswoman, and Ga. ry Goldberg of Family Ties. They went about in an effort to call voters' attention to the missing agenda in this election: affordable family health insurance, child care, maternity and early childhood work leave, long term care for the old and chronically ill, and affordable housing. Nothing but genuine concern for family issues impelled the three. In the rhetoric of defense spending, American supremacy, and hostage-taking, family problems lose out. But these issues are real. Today, many couples with two or more children are unable to afford the simplest of health insurance. The prospect of owning their own homes or even getting enough ahead for a deposit and first month's rent is dim. If both are working at minimum wage, they are struggling just to meet daily costs. These are the real issues today, ones which will escalate as the middle class thins and the min-
imum wage job becomes the norm. What we as a nation have not accepted is the forecast that young families today will not attain the economic lifestyle of their parents. The jobs and money simply aren't out there. Take a couple I met recently. In earlier times, they would be considered "on their way up." They are barely making it from month to month. He works days as a carpet cleaner and nights repairing small appliances. She works fulltime in a catering service which requires night and weekend work. They pay over $600 monthly in rent. His medical insurance is minimal, with a $500 deductible. They rarely see one another. He comes home in time to care for the children as she leaves. It's not a good lifestyle, either financially or maritally. They know it, but what can they do? The situation is not rare. In an election year, when we talk about $4 billion budgets for Star Wars, who is talking about family needs? If a new mother wants to stay home the first year of her baby's life but can't because of fear of losing her job, the margin of difference in keeping the family afloat, why is this not a campaign issue? The United States is the only developed nation without a family policy. Must we continue to choose between sustenance and family? I think not. The candidates for
Suing the clergy Lawsuits against the clergy are mounting and the confidential relationship between priest and penitent is being eroded, according to Robert McMenamin of Portland, Ore., a member of the Diocesan Attorney's Association. He warned that the time could come when priests and lay people who provide counseling would need to read a version of the Miranda rights to clients as a step toward avoiding lawsuits later. If McMenamin's prediction proves true, it will be one of the darkest days of church history. The church is founded on faith, not only between God and us but among members of the church too. The medical field and the law profession, which rely heavily on the patient's or client's faith in the professional, have experienced the trauma, lawsuits cause. Lawsuits take the very heart out of helping others. On the other side of the coin; it is a fact that anyone who provides medical, legal or spiritual services has an obligation to be learned and to possess professional skills. What might be one good thing these lawsuits are telling us about our age. They remind us we are in a technological age that is yielding many beautiful benefits. In some cases, however, it has caused more problems than it has solved. For instance, researchers tell us the 1988 drought may have been a result of pollutants from automobiles and technological advances that have not been harnessed properly. The reality we face is the need for checks and balances as advances are made. We are learning that real progress is achieved when an
advance is checked for its side effects, not only for the present generation but for future generations. Our descendants should not have to fear the side effects of our advances. Psychology and counseling have become highly technical. They require the best of checks and balances since they deal with the mental balance of a human being. When a priest gives spiritual direction in the sacrament of penance, he rightly operates within his area of competence if he has passed the grade in the seminary. But when the role switches to counseling and the problem reaches beyond spirituality, perhaps to deal with a chronic psychosis, unless the priest has received additional training in this area he is obliged to refer the case to a professional. Operating in such a manner respects the principle of checks and balances. It also maintains respect for the sacrament of penance.
Darker disease NASHVILLE, Tenn. (NC) An Episcopal priest who has AIDS told Catholic health care leaders that AIDS victims are being destroyed not just by their disease but "by an older and darker disease called hatred." Society is failing the "litmus test for our humanity" that is AIDS, he added. Father William Barcus, who is in AIDS ministry for the Episcopal diocese of San Francisco, commented at a recent assembly of the Catholic Health Association in Nashville. The main reasons for the hatred, he said, are the human "passion to judge" and the equating of homosexuality with sin while ignoring the humanity of the individual.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug: S,1988
national leadership must be called to accountability for adequate health insurance, housing, child care and medical leave for families during this election campaign. How do we achieve this? We ask the hard questions of candidates: How are you going to help couples get decent housing? Can we get a loan process to aid them in obtaining an apartment deposit? Are you willing to support a one or twoyear "no firing" rule if a mother wants to stay home with her newborn? Can minimum wage families be covered by health insurance? We were once considered the most developed nation on earth but we are far below the norm for western nations when it comes to human issues. Our infant survival rate, health insurance, and care of the aged fall below those of other industrialized nations. And we don't seem to care. As long as we continue to dominate space and arm the world, family issues are pushed aside. I suggest we put them on top priority and call upon our potential leaders to address them. Now. This election year.
Our times afford us benefits our grandparents never enjoyed. But they are also very demanding. The threat of future lawsuits against priests is an opportunity to practice the kind of discerning foresight needed to ensure that the complementary fields of psychology and spirituality continue to benefit those who need both.
May • cousins marry I talked recently to two distant relatives who are getting serious about each other. They are second cousins and have been told they could not get married in the Catho'lic Church. I remember learning that brothers and sisters are first-degree, first cousins are second-degree and second cousins are third-degree relations. Would the marriage between these two people be permitted in the church? (Rhode Island) A. The answer to your question needs a little explanation since the manner of determining such relationships has been changed with the new (1983) Code of Canon Law. The situation you describe involves an impediment to marriage that in church law and many state laws is called consanguinity, which literally means common blood. There are two kinds of consanguinity. One is the direct line, the relationship between an individual and his or her parents or grandparents. The other type of consanguinity .is indirect or collateral. This is the relationship, for example, between brothers and sisters (second degree), first cousins (fourth degree) and so on. According to present general Catholic law, any collateral relationship, up to and including the fourth degree (what we usually call first cousins), is an impediment to marriage (Canon 1091) This way of designating degrees of relationship will sound strange to all who, like myself, remember the old rule that marriage is forbidden within the "third degree of kindred." This "new" method of counting, already used for a long time by other branches of the church and now accepted also in our Latin
DIETZEN Rite, really is much simpler. In the collateral or indirect line "there are as many degrees as there are persons in both lines together, not counting the common ancestor" (Canon 108). Thus, if you count the people involved and leave out the common grandfather, two first cousins are in a fourth-degree relationship. Since second cousins are beyond this fourth degree, no impediment exists for their marriage in the Catholic Church. They also are free to marry in all states in our country. It is worth noting, since it happens quite often, that marriage between first cousins also is possible with a dispensation by the church. Most states, however, have their own laws forbidding firstcousin marriages. The marriage between first cousins is far more common in some cultures of the world than it is in our own. The church's laws forbidding marriage within certain degrees of consanguinity naturally are based on social and health reasons which are rather obvious and well known from history. Apparently a few ancient cultures allowed some type of marriage relationship between brother and sister and even between parent and child. These relationships, however, have been forbidden by every major code of law with which we are familiar, even those which predate the Jewish law of the Old Testament. A free brochure outlining Catholic prayers, beliefs and precepts is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to him at the same address.
Aug. 6 1961, Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River Aug. 7 1986, Rev. John F. Hogan, Pastor, St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth 1987, Very Rev. Roger L. Gagne, Pastor, St. Mark, Attleboro Falls Aug. 8 1880, Rev. William Brie, Founder, St. Joseph, Fall River Aug. 11 1974, Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., Retired Pastor, St. Anthony, New Bedford 1IIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili1111II111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.·
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The Anchor Friday, August 5, 1988
Card. Dearden
Continued from Page One great number of our Catholic people" and a witness to their comC;ontinued from Page One mitment to the church. zation may not distribute campaign Wide collaboration in the work literature that supports or opposes and decision-making processes of a particular candidate or political the church was also a hallmark of party. He also recommended that Cardinal Dearden's governance of churches and other tax-exempt his own archdiocese. In 1969 he convened an archdientities avoid distribution of campaign literature on their premises. ocesan synod regarded as pioneerHe said distribution of campaign ing because of the extent of lay literature on public property, such participation. He instituted parish as on the street outside of a church, pastoral councils, appointed lay should not be attributed to the people to administrative posts forchurch "since it lacks authority to merly held by priests and estabcontrol access to public property." lished the Institute for Continuing Education to train laity for more Proper voter education is peractive church participation and missible, Chopko said. leadership. "Voter education activity consists of distribution during an elecWith several Protestant churches he joined Project Equality, using tion campaign, of newsletters, pamparish and archdiocesan purchasphlets or other materials that ining power to fight discrimination clude candidates' statements or and promote equal employment voting records, or the results of ••-%, "" practices in companies doing buscandidates' polls or questioniness with the church. He also naires," Chopko said. '<i#' started an Inter-Parish Sharing Nevertheless;--he"warned, "all • t;,. #;, Program to promote community voter education publications should f, ' between suburban and inner-eity explicitly state their educational 'w parishes. In 1971 he was named purpose and disclaim any intent to WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT: Lynn Hammersmith and 4-month-old daughter Amy attend a among Detroit's "Ten Big Wheels," endorse or oppose any candidate. and "the elite 10 whose power and For example, he stated, "candi- Mass marking the 20th anniversary of"Humanae Vitae," Pope Paul VI's encyclical opposing influence help run the city." date questionnaire results may be artificial birth control. The Mass was offered during the annual national convention of the "This reticent man has tredistributed to the general public as Couple to Couple League for Natural Family Planning. (NC photo) . mendous power and influence a voter guide during an election campaign" as long as the poll or which he doesn't use very much, but when he does, that which he questionnaire was unbiased, it "covered a wide range of issues selected sets out to do happens," said one "It is my way of worshiping," he of the panelists who selected him. WASHINGTON (NC) - TheoThe two theologians met with on the basis of importance to the said. "electorate as a whole," and the logians Rosemary Radford Reuther Scorsese about four years ago. John Francis Dearden was born "What I've tried to create is a Oct. 15,1907, in Valley Falls, R.I., Both recalled their discussions : results "are reported in an accu; and Father John L. McKenzie, rate and unbiased manner." consulted by director Martin Scor- - with the director in separate tele- Jesus who, in a sense, is just like the eldest of five children of John phone interviews after Bishop An- any other guy on the street," he and Agnes Dearden. The family "No editorial comment is per- sese when he was developing the thony G. Bosco, chairman of the added. mitted," he added. moved to Cleveland when he was script for his controversial film U.S. Bishops' Communication ComVoter registration drives that do about Christ, had different views Bishop Bosco, in a July 15 memo II, where he attended Catholic mittee, said the film was 'flawed as to fellow prelates which was re-· elementary and high schools and not favor one party or candidate of the film. and "unbiased public forums, dee" Mrs. Reuther said she found the theology and cinema." leased by the U.S. bishops' Office St. Mary's Seminary. Bishop Bosco of Greensburg, of Public Affairs July 29, said the bates or lectures in which candi- script for the film "The Last TempOrdained a priest in Rome on Pa., assessed the film after pre- film "is neither as bad as some Dec. 8, 1932, he remained in the dates explain their views to the tation of Christ," offensive. public" are also acceptable, Chopko viewing a rough cut of the film people think or as good as Scor- city to earn a doctorate in theology Father McKenzie said the idea which neither theologian had seen. sese thinks it is." said. At the latter, though, "it is was "not theologically bad," and from the Gregorian University. Mrs. Reuther was one of several advisable that a variety of issues be he OK'd it as "dramatically faithFrom 1934 to 1937 he was an The bishop said the sex in a discussed in order to avoid charges ful" to what Christ might have theologians who told Scorsese that dream sequence in which Christ assistant pastor, then was first a of bias," he said. his script based on Nikos Kazant- lives with Mary Magdalene and professor, then rector at St. Mary's done in such a situation. Diocesan employees may be in- 11111111\\11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 zakis' novel"The Last Temptation then with Mary and Martha "is Seminary. volved as individuals and not as of Christ" showed he "didn't under- probably rather subdued by modIn 1948 he was named coadjutor "Prudence dictates that if politi- stand the Jesus story or the novel," representatives of the church in ern-day film standards but would bishop of Pittsburgh, and in 1950 cal advertising is accepted, it must she said. the political process, he said. probably be considered objection- became bishop of that diocese. He "I thought that he wasn't going A Catholic newspaper "may not be accepted from all candidates on able by many, even if the Christ became archbishop of Detroit Dec. endorse any candidate, through an an equal basis.... Any political to do the film," added Mrs. Reuther 17, 1958 and in 1969 was named a figure were not involved." editorial or otherwise. It may report advertising should include a state- in a July interview from Garrett In addition, he said, the film has cardinal by Pope Paul VI. election and other political news in ment clearly identifying it as a paid Theological Union, in Evanston, "a great deal of blood and vioIn 1980 he submitted his resigan unbiased manner," Chopko said. poli-tical announcement and indi- Ill. She is professor of historical lence" and "would probably be nation as archbishop of Detroit to He said that since the accep- cating that it does not represent theology at the Methodist school. rated '0' (morally offensive) or at Pope John Paul II, citing "impaired "The emphasis on sexuality was the most'A-IV' (adults, with reser- health" since a 1977 heart attack tance of political advertising could the view of the paper." Chopko was assisted by USCC a misunderstanding of the b09k," vations)" by the U.S. Catholic and "a sense of frustration in not raise issues concerning political campaign activity, "it bears special Associate General Counsel Deir- she said. Scorsese "didn't under- Conference Department of Com- being able to shoulder my share of dre Halloran. stand the object ofthe book -that 'munication. attention." the burdens of pastoral service to Jesus is tempted to get out of heroBishop Bosco also said many our people." ism and suffering to live a quiet will find Scorsese's concepts "irreCardinal Dearden's death, along family life with children." concilable with their idea of Christ," with the death of 83-year-old The script "reduced that to the but added, "Is is it blasphemous? French Cardinal Jean Guyot the crude American concept that all That is a judgment call." same day, reduced membership in he [Jesus) wants is sex," she said. the College of Cardinals to 157 You would have to have "some plus one "in pectore" - chosen by understanding of (the author's) the pope but not named publicly. Greek Orthodox spirituality" to Sister Jane Hogan, OSF, direcSaturday, August 6 - 7:30 P.M. interpret the novel, she said. "I'm .tor of The Listening Place, Lynn, not sure that's possible in HollyTWILIGHT GARDEN CONCERT wood. There have been good will speak to New Bedford area CELEBRANT SINGERS movies made about the Gospels separated and divorced Catholics at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph's -but not in America." Sunday, August 7 - 2:00 P.M. Father McKenzie, who met twice Church, Fairhaven. All are welcome to Sister Hogan's GARDEN CONCERT & BENEDICTION with Scorsese, encouraged the directalk, entitled "Looking at Myself." tor. THE HUBERT CHORALE & FA. PAT The idea was "not theologically The session will be the nun's fifth bad," the retired professor and visit to the Fall River diocese over DAILY SCHEDULE . Biblical scholar said from his home the last year and a half. Mass The Diocesan Office of Family in Claremont, Calif. Scorsese wantMinistry is sponsoring the event; was "dramed to know if his script Every Day 12:10 Noon atically faithful," as to how Jesus New Bedford support group memMonday-Saturday 6:30 P.M. would respond to a situation, Fath- bers will be hosts. The New Bedford group norer McKenzie said, and he told him Confessions mally meets at 7 p.m. each second " it was. Scorsese in an interview pub- Wednesday and fourth Monday at Every Day 1:00-5:00 P.M. lished in the July 31 People maga- the Family Life Center, North zine, said the film was "li~e a Dartmouth. New members are welcome. CARDINAL DEARDEN prayer."
Controversy continues on "Temptation"
Sister Hogan talk
Diocese.of Fall River -
Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
Mother Teresa has cataract removed NEW YORK (NC) - Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 78, underwent successful removal of a cataract at St. Vincent's Hospital in New York on July 25, according to members of her order, the Missionaries of Charity.
Thank you, Bill Dear Editor: Here's my check for renewal. The Anchor's editorials are the best and most timely of any Catholic publication I read. And I subscribe to quite a few. Also, your news presentation is improving. Bill Warburton Warwick, RI
Talk To Us About $100,000.
Retiring woman gives 54.6 million to church groups ATLANTA (N C) - A Catholic woman from Atlanta who for many years lived a modest lifestyle in a two-room apartment over a garage bequeathed $4.6 million to Catholic parishes, institutions and charities. Funds from the estate of Catherine FitzGerald, who died in 1987, were disbursed recently to Catholic agencies in Atlanta, New York and Ogdensburg, N.Y. Miss FitzGerald's will stipulated that $781,202 be given to the archdiocese of Atlanta to benefit parishes outside metropolitan Atlanta, particularly mission parishes. Individual gifts of$390,60 I were given to her parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hapeville; the Village of St. Joseph, a residential treatment facility for children; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home; and Marist School, all in Atlanta. The New York-based Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Catholic Medical Mission Board also received $390,60 I, as did St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Joseph's Home in Ogdensburg. Miss FitzGerald also left an undisclosed amount to two other charitable foundations, including one administered by Delta Airlines, where she worked for 42 years. Her career there began in 1926 when the company was a Louisianabased crop-dusting service. Miss FitzGerald was secretary to the airline's founder and the first woman elected a director of aU .S. airline. The company credited her with naming the airline from her impression of the Mississippi Delta from the open cockpit of a duster. James Callison, general counsel to Delta Airlines, said that in addition to purchasing and being given stock in the company, Miss FitzGerald might have been paid with stock during the Depression. Her investment grew from thousands to millions of dollars, he said.
Gloomy Sudan WASHINGTON (NC) - Speaking recently to supporters and congressional staff members in Washington, Sudanese Bishop Macram Max Gassis painted a gloomy portrait of his country as a place of civil war with no foreseeable end, vast numbers of increasingly desperate internal refugees, and with a fundamentalist prime minister trying to impose Islamic law on an unwilling population. Bishop Gassis, whose El Obeid diocese covers western Sudan, also accused the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi of continuing the war between the mostly black Christian and animist south and the mostly Arab Moslem north in order to stay in power.
Mother Teresa, winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor, was released from the hospital July 26. She underwent surgery after a visit to Cuba, where she has established two missions.
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THE FIRST Sister of Mercy of the Province of Providence to reach the century mark, Sister Mary Eugene Sullivan celebrated her lOOth birthday July 23. Community members feted her on the day itself and friend's and family members joined her for a party July 24. A New Bedford native, she taught in New Bedford and Fall River parochial schools throughout her active career. She retired to Mt. St. Rita Health Centre, Cum.. berland, RI, at age 86. "A much beloved teacher, religious sister and super.. ior, Sister still possesses a great capacity for the joys of life and communicates that joy to, all," summed up a fellow religious.
R.Amold Cox SBLI Licensed Rep.
In good spirits, but bored CINCINNATI(NC) - Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, recovering from a stroke, was in good spirits but showed signs of boredom, reported a physician who saw him Aug. I. Archbishop Pilarczyk, vice president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, underwent four hours of surgery July 25 to correct a brain aneurysm that caused a stroke two days earlier. The prelate feels he is ready to go home, said Dr. Harry Van Loveren. But, the doctor added, it was too early to say when the patient might be released from Good Samaritan Hospital. Archbishop Pilarczyk is "sharp as a tack, with an incredible memory," Van Loveren added. During the news conference, Van Loveren, associate professor of neurosurgery at University Hospital Medical Center, and Dr. Thomas Brott, associate professor of neurology at the center, announced that the archbishop had been receiving and experimental drug to treat a serious side effect of his stroke. The archbishop, 53, was the first person in the area to receive the medication, Nicardipine. The drug, under study at 40 sites across the nation, has been administered to 240 patients so far, doctors said.
IRVING, Texas (NC) - The Vatican and the United States are "skittish about becoming contaminated" by each other, so they are "groping ... for the appropriate relationship," according to the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See Frank Shakespeare, who was in Texas to speak at the University of Dallas in Irving.
Susan Amaral SBLI Ucensed Rep.
Arthur Paul, Jr. Assistant Vice President Life Ins. Dept. Manager
It was recommended three days
after surgery when Archbishop Pilarczyk began showing signs of a narrowing of the artery. The condition, which often ocurs in patients after a stroke, can lead to another stroke if untreated.
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
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Reading with the heart
By Msgr. Vincent M. Walsh About 50 people were attending a followup session to our Life in the Spirit seminars. We felt, we should gather them again to see the long-term results of these teachings. After an initial explanation, we broke the people into groups of 10. My group comprised the spectrum ofPhiladelpha Catholics: a college professor, some housewives, a few young people, and some married men. Listening to their stories was a heartening experience and assured me that the time and effort put into this Renewal were not being wasted. . One story I have never forgotten. The man was a truck driver with certainly no college background, and from what I could gather, no great desire even to read a book. He began by telling how many changes had taken place in his life since joining the prayer group. The most extraordinary gift, though, had to do with reading. God had touched him so deeply that he went out, bought a Bible, and read the entire New Testament. When he finished that, he went out and bought another book, which he had with him. "Father," he said, "I want you to autograph this book because this is the greatest book I have ever read. It explains all about the Trinity and makes it real clear. It tells about how the Father knows the Son and how they love one another and how that love is the Holy Spirit. I have never read anything so clearly written. I asked to see the book. It was Father Scheeben's "The Mysteries of Christianity." The man's story highlights an important point. Certainly a scrip-
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Immaculate Heart of Mary 1. Denying Mary's Immaculate Conception 2. Denying Mary's Virginity 3. Denying Mary's Divine Motherhood (refusing at the same time to recognize her as Mother of men)
4. Teaching children a hatred and contempt of Mary and an indifference toward her. 5. Dishonoring Mary's holy images You can make reparation for these insults to Our Lady by practicing the devotion of the five first Saturdays of the month•.
tual renewal has taken place in the He had this tremendous desire, Church. New, updated translations not just to read Scripture but to are now available. Explanations enjoy reading it. He bought one of the meanings of texts are now translation and found that it was clearer. very "dry." So he tried another All ofthese are good and impor- and then another. Nothing worked. tant. Yet, one more gift is needed He wanted this gift so badly that - the inner touch of the Holy he went to a friend and asked him Spirit who wants to release within to lay hands on him for the power the Catholic a hunger and thirst to enjoy God's word. During the for God's word. This gift is availa- prayer he experienced some of his ble to all. In charismatic Renewal, intellectual gropings leaving him this desire to read scripture is a and in their place developed a regular effect of the laying on of small, simple desire to read God's hands and of praying in tongues. word. He then realized that he was People in the Renewal love to read Scripture arid have received a gift approaching Scripture too much of reading God's word with their with his head, wanting to gather knowledge, rather than with his hearts as well as their heads. A final story will complete this heart and will, wanting his life to article. A year ago we were con- be conformed to God's will. After ducting a men's charismatic retreat. the prayer, he picked up the varA time was set apart for the men to ious translations he had bought. talk about the ways in which God Su4denly none ofthem were "dry." had touched their lives. One man They all' began to "make sense" told a story about wanting to read and he has enjoyed this gift ever since. Scripture. ! Msgr. Walsh is the vicar for charismatic prayer groups of the Philadelphia archdiocese.
Marian Year telecast set Mother Angelica's Eternal Word Television Network will broadcast the closing of the Marian Year live from Washington's National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at noon Aug. 15. The telecast will be repeated at 7 that evening. The Marian Year, announced by Pope John Paul II in 1987, promoted renewed devotion to Mary. U.S. observance began June 7,1987, with a Massatthe National Shrine celebrated by Cardinal James Hickey,'Archbishop of Washington.
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The Anchor Friday, August 5, 1988
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CAPE COD MASS SCHEDULES BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Schedule effective July and August) Sat. 4:00 & 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:00, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily 8, II a.m. (Mon. - Fri.) no II a.m. on Saturdays; Confession, Sat. 3: 15 - 4:00 p.m. EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Conception, Route 6A: (Schedule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and II a.m. Confessions, Sat. 4:00 - 4:25 p.m. BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, 141 Main St.: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 10, II a.m., daily 8:00 a.m. Sat. 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:30. ONSET, St. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset Ave.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily Mon., Tues., & Fri., 9 a.m. Confessions, Sat. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
FALMOUTH, St. Patrick, 511 E. Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10, II: 15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8 a.m.; confessions: Saturdays 3:45 - 4:45 and following 7 p.m. Mass. FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, St. Thomas Chapel, Falmouth Heights Rd.; Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8,9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 347 South St.: Sat. 4:00, 5: 15, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10, II :30 a.m., 5 p.m.;daily7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:50 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass.
MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St.: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4: 15 - 4:45 p.m.
BASS RIVER, Our Lady of the Highway Rte. 28: May 21 - Sept. 10 - Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. -June 23 - Sept. II - 9:30, II a.m.; daily (Mon. - Fri.) 8 a.m. (June 27 -Sept.
WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady of Hope, Rte. 6A; Sat. 4 & 5: 15 p.m; Sun., 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m. daily 8 a.m. confessions, before each Mass.
NANTUCKET, Our Lady of the Isle, Federal St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,8:30, 10 and 11:30a.m.and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4 - 4:45 p.m.
CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 57 Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, II a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. II :30 a.m. - 12 noon; First Friday -Mass 8 & 9 a.m., Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 9:00 a.m. Mass. Closing at 10:30 a.m. with Benediction.
SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August.
SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: schedule July 4, Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m., daily, 9 a.m. Confessions Sat. after 7 p.m. Mass. COTUIT/MASHPEE, Christ the King, Cotuit, St. Jude Chapel, 4441 Falmouth Road, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 9, II a.m.; daily, Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. Confessions 3-3:30 Sat. St. Jude's Novena-Thurs. 8 a.m. MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints; Great Neck Rd. (towards New Seabury): Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m.; Daily 9:00 a.m. Mon.Fri. Confessions 3-3:30 p.m. Sat. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmouth Highway: Sat. 4:00,6:00 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9,10:15, II :30 a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00-3:45 p.m., weekdays, any time by request. EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, II a.m.; daily, Mon.-Sat., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, 3:30, Saturdays. Rosary: 8: 15 a.m. weekdays, 8:30 a.m. Sundays. •>
SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. 6A: Sat. 5:00 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10:00, II :30 a.m., First Friday 5:00 p.m., confessions Sat. 4:00 4:45 p.m. SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7,9,10:30,12:00 noon; 5 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:45 & 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.
MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, Sun. 8, 9:30,11:00 a.m. daily 8 a.m.; Confessions 3:30 - 4:00.
NORTH FALMOUTH, St. Elizabeth Seton, 481 Quaker Rd.; Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45,9,10:15,11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45,4:45-5:15 p.m. OAK BLUFFS, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Massasoit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, II :00 a.m.; daily (Mon. - Thurs.) 7 a.m. confessions, Sat. 5: 15 - 5:45 p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Are, Canal Road. (Schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, II a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4 - 4:45 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass Wed. NORTH EASTHAM, Church of the Visitation (Schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:00, 8:30, II :00 a.m.; daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon. - Wed. -Fri. During July and Aug.; confessions, Sat. 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave.; Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon; daily, 8:00 a.m., confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. POCASSET, St. John the Evangelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, 5: 15 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:45 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., except Thursday and Saturday; Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 a.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m.; Confessions Sat. 3-3;45 p.m.
PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the Apostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 5:00, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,9, II a.m., 5:00 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. and by appointment. SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Jarves St.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7,8:15,9:30, 10:45 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.
YARMOUTHPORT, Sacred Heart, off Rte. 6A: Sat. 4:00, 5: 15 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.; confessionsbefore each Mass.
CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of Victory, 230 So. Main St. Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8: 15, 9:30,10:45, 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m., Confessions, Sat. following 9 a.m. Mass and 4 - 4:45 p.m.
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5) VINEYARD HAVEN, St. Augustine, Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, II a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 -3:45 p.m. Novena to O.L. of Perpetual Help, Monday, after 8 a.m. Mass. WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High . St.: Sat. 4, 6, p.m.; Sun. 7,8:30,10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 - 3:45 p.m. WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions, before each Mass. WELLFLEET, Our Lady of Lourdes, 56 - 58 Main St.: Sat. 4 and 5p.m.; Sun. 8,9, 10, II a.m.; daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before all Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena Tuesday before Mass. Novena to St. Jude Friday before Mass. Rosary before daily Mass - 8:45 a.m. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before Masses. TRURO, Sacred Heart: Sat. 5:15 p.m. WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00-5:30 p.m. Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 2:00-3:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. First Friday - Mass at II a.m. followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament closing with Benediction at 2 p.m.; confessions eve of 1st Friday 2:00-3:30 p.m.
o ENNISPORT, Our Lady of Annunciation, Upper County Dr.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. 3 - 4 p.m. WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9:30, II a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; Confession 'h hour .before Sunday Masses.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
A ~reat teacher recalled Today's graduates should not worry about their first job. Human resource people tell us they will have an average of three different careers during their working lives. Such job mobility is a far cry from work practices of earlier generations, for whom career stability was the norm. When I graduated from the eighth grade in 1931, I had only one career in mind, newspapering. Except for World War II, when a lot of us changed careers, I managed to stay in journalism all my working life. For women, career change was even more restricted. Nursing and teaching were often the only choices outside those of wife and mother. And before Vatican II, the workplaces for the vast numbers of sisters in the church were almost always schools, hospitals or homes for the poor and needy. But teaching did not restrict the life of Sister Colma O'Brien, CSJ, who died the other day at age 97. For this great woman, my last grade school teacher, teaching was an opening on the world. Sister Colma taught me in eighth grade and was my last contact with Catholic schooling. She was a firm disciplinarian who insisted on correct English and she instilled her love of reading in us all. When I see the pomp and affluence of today's graduations, with nursery school tots wearing caps and gowns and high school seniors spending an arm and a leg on rented suits and fancy dresses, I enjoy recalling my grade school graduation. We dined in the school cafeteria. Our only symbols of graduation were maroon and white ribbons, heavily autographed, which adorned our best coats or dresses. We sang "God Be With Vou Till We Meet Again," and for many it was our last meeting. Whether she knew it or not, Sister Colma was preordained to become a Sister of St. Joseph. Mar-
By Donald L. Singewald District Manager Social Security Administration
Retirement plans garet Mary O'Brien was born on the shores of beautiful Bantry Bay, County Cork, Ireland, on March 19, 1891, the feast of St. Joseph. She and her sister Catherine left Erin's isle and came to America, where both joined the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in St. Paul in 1912. Sister Colma, 21, began teaching in the rural hamlet of Kilkenny, MN, another bit of Ireland. Most of her close to 30 years in retirement were spent at Bethany Convent in St. Paul, the order's home for retirees. There she cared for others, including her own sister, who preceded her in death.. Sister Colma continued her love of reading, going through every book, it is said, in the library at Bethany. When her eyesight failed, she was often found with an upsidedown book in her lap. When told about it, she often replied she knew what was in it anyway. She died the day after her 75th anniversary in religious life. As one of her pupils 57 years ago, Ijoined her kith and kin and a few other students of long ago at her burial Mass in the chapel at Bethany. I responded, ".Lord, hear our prayer," when a cousin prayed: "Mayall the children that Sister Colma taught continue to live a full Christian life"; and when Mary Jane O'Brien Casey prayed "May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit grant Sister Colma the fullness of everlasting life and welcome her as one of the wise virgins who was found with her lamp ready and waiting in faithfulness." The mortal remains Qf Margaret Mary O'Brien were then wheeled from the chapel, followed by relatives and fellow sisters. After "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" was sung, the pianist and fiddler turned to "Come Back To Erin." Sister Colma was on her way to the heavenly Erin.
Keep-cool tips In view of this summer's unusually hot weather, the Massachusetts Department of Elder Affairs has issued a list of keep-cool tips for senior citizens and the population in general: • Find a cool spot, such as a cool room in your home, an air conditioned shopping mall, senior center, library or movie. • Draw cool air into your home with a fan. Air movement may reduce heat stress by helping to remove excess body heat. • Take a cool bath or shower. • Drink plenty offluids whether or not you feel thirsty. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. They interfere with your body's attempts to cool itself. • Wear light clothing. Wear a hat or use an umbrella to protect your head when outdoors. • Slow down. Physical activity produces heat. Hot weather can place a dangerous strain on your body, espe-
information· items
cially your heart. Elders might also be at greater risk of heat exhaustion when certain medications, such as aspirin and antihistamines, interrupt the body's automatic reflex to cool itself. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience a sudden rise in body temperature, muscle contraction or rapid breathing. Most victims of heat stress are elders. With a buddy system, lives may be saved. Check on elder friends, neighbors and family members. Do not ignore the early warning signs of heat stress, such as general discomfort, lack of energy or loss of appetite. Seek appropriate assistance before the heat becomes unbearable.
People thinking about retiring at the end of the year should start planning now. Those plans should include Social Security. There are several factors to consider. First, a person under 65 considering retirement should remember that his or her Social Security benefit will be permanently reduced if received before 65. The amount of the reduction depends on the number of months a person receives benefits before 65. The reduction amounts to 20 percent at 62, 13 1/3 percent at 63, or 6 2/3 percent at 64. Other factors can influence a person's decision to retire. Availability of a company pension could be a factor. So could the person's ability to continue working. At any rate, a person should contact Social Security 2 or 3 months before reaching 65 to arrange Medicare health insurance protection even if there are no plans for retirement. A person should have certain
information ready when applying. The person needs his or her Social Security card or a record of the number. Next, a person needs proof of his or her date of birth. An official record of birth recorded before age 5 is best, but other documents can be used if this is not available. A Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) or self-employment tax return for the past year should be available. This is needed so that all of a person's earnings can be considered in figuring benefits. A husband or wife who is also applying should have the same documents. Birth certificates of any eligible children are also needed. Do not delay applying if all this evidence is not available. Call the Social Security office. The people there can tell you what other evidence can be used. A free leaflet, Retiring? Remember Social Security, is available at your local Social Security office.
Direct deposit For many years, Social Security assumed that a beneficiary would receive benefits by check through
the mail. From now on, if you are applying for benefits, Social Security will assume that you want to have your benefits paid directly into your bank account. This is due to technologies which make electronic transfer of funds more efficient than the paperwork involved in the old method. Now the Treasury Department no longer requires that beneficiaries file a direct deposit authorization form at their financial institution. Instead, during the initial claims interview, the Social Security representative can start the direct deposit process. Actually, direct deposit has been available since 1975 and is used by nearly half of all Social Security beneficiaries. It eliminates waiting at the mailbox for one's check, the risk of loss or theft and the inconvenience of it. The Treasury Department spends only 4 cents to issue a direct deposit benefit, and about 29 cents to issue a check. People already receiving benefits by check can arrange for direct deposit simply by calling the nearest Social Security office with their checking account or savings account number.
She'd buy the penny book By Joseph Motta "If you have the choice of buying a penny candy or a penny book," says Alice Harrington of Fall River, "you buy the penny book." Miss Harrington, 70, a lifelong member of her home city's Sacred Heart parish, believes in education. "With educated eyes," she says, "you are seeing with background." Miss Harrington retired in 1980 as the Fall River public school system's director of curriculum. She notes, though, that her neighbors probably never noticed that, since she's always "dashing down the street" to one mlleting or another. She attended Fall River's former Sacred Hearts Academy for 10 years and graduated from the city's B.M.C. Durfee High School. She earned her bachelor's degree in history from Brown University and a Boston University master's degree in history and guidance. Miss Harrington has also taken many post-degree courses. Her Brown class's 50th reunion was held recently and she was a member of its executive committee. She also remains active with Durfee alumni. Miss Harrington is a member of her parish seniors' group and involves herself with Sacred Heart fund raising events. Until recently she was a parish council member. She is a former president of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club and 'former chairman of its dramatic department. She currently serves on the group's board of trustees. The active senior has been and is involved with numerous secular organizations inclUding the Community Health Board and the Little Theatre of Fall River, where she helps with production costuming, prompting and programs. In 1978, she was honored with an Outstanding Citizen Award by
Fall River's Chamber of Commerce. She's also been feted by the United Way for 20 years of volunteerism. "Lifetime Learning, Journeys to New Horizons," a Fall River-based community program for adults of all ages seeking mental and spiritual stimulation through new knowledge, skills and friends, takes up much of Miss Harrington's carefully budgeted time these days. She began involvement with the program about seven years ago, not long after her sister Mary, who retired before her and became a Lifetime Learning participant, told her of its merits. Lifetime Learning's nonsectarian weekly sessions attract 90 to 100 persons, mostly senior citizens, and feature talks by experts in such fields as travel, health, church architecture, the media, arts and crafts, antiques and collectibles, world events, music and books. Line dancing sessions have also been held. Miss Harrington coordinates the
program's "Town Meeting" segment, where, for example, elected or appointed politicians might discuss their hopes and plans or a speaker might tackle the topic of graceful aging. Educational and fun trips are a part of Lifetime Learning, too. Boston museums, the Newport mansions and the area's more colorful shopping centers number among destinations. The program, headquartered at Fall River's First Baptist Church, operates on a semester basis. This year's autumn session begins October 5; information is available at 672-5381. .Miss Harrington notes that she's always on the phone trying to line up speakers. "We have many wonderful people in Greater Fall River willing to volunteer for good causes," she says, laughingly adding that when she calls, people respond with "What do you want now, Alice?" "My enthusiasm for living never diminishes," she says. "I call the rain liquid sunshine."
M~lla photo
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.. Aug. 5. 1988
When love isn't enough By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Mary: I am concerned about my older brother. He is soon to be 34, the oldest of four. The other three of us are married with families, and live close to our parents. My brother lives with my parents. He smokes marijuana. He is always drinking beer. Often he is drunk at 1 p.m. And he drinks and drives. My father tells my brother that he's drinking too much and it is upsetting to my mother. My brother cools the drinking down for about two weeks. I want to throw my arms around him and beg him to stop killing himself. I've sent cards telling him he's got to take care of himself. I read about Toughlove. If you use Toughlove on a loved one, will they ever understand you did it for them? And how do we get the courage to do it? - Md. You want your brother to change. Lectures do not work. Your father lectures him. His behavior changes for two weeks. You write notes. No change occurs. The concept of Toughlove might be what your brother needs. Toughlove basically holds that family members who enable others to live a dangerous and destructive lifestyle are not loving. but actually hurtful. Setting limits so that the family member is required to
change destructive behavior is actually loving. Your parents have not indicated that they are willing or able to change their behavior toward your brother. Enlisting your parents' help means you must try to change your parents in order to change your brother. Addictions counselors note that alcohol abusers generally have family members who inadvertently "permit" the abuser to persist in his or her destructive lifestyle by covering for or taking responsibility for the abuser. Such persons are called enablers. In your brother's case your parents'are probably enablers by providing room and board for an irresponsible adult child. However, they must be motivated to change their behavior. Lecturing them will not work any more than lecturing your brother works. That means the only behavior you can change directly is your own. You can stop being an enabler for your brother. Since you are married with family of your own. you have limited impact on your brother's lifestyle and probably limited influence on changing him. Nevertheless. here are some Toughlove-type changes you can make in your relationship with your brother. I. When you know for certain that your brother has been drinking and is driving. call the police. The police may refuse to pick him
up until he has an accident. On the other hand, society's feeling against drunk driving is currently high. and police response is appropriate. If you find it difficult to report your brother. picture him killing your child as he hits him or her while driving and drunk. Then call the police. 2. When you visit your parents' home and your brother is there drunk. refuse to stay. Take your children and go home immediately. Invite your parents to your home, but do not invite your brother unless he is sober. In a family as close as yours, isolation from loved ones might be a deterrent to drinking. 3. Attend AI-Anon meetings to learn more about how families relate to alcoholic members. You can learn more about how to cope with your brother's drinking and get support from others who face similar problems. Your letter shows that you are warm and kind. However. the love and warmth in your family have not helped your brother. Try to get other family members to join you in a Toughlove approach. In any case. try the approach yourself. Your brother's life and future are at stake. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Feel free to clap enthusiastically By Antoinette Bosco I recently read an article that got my goat. It was titled "At the Theater. Clapping Is Getting Out of Hand." Author Michael Konik began by admitting that "nothing thrills a performing artist more than hearing applause, preferably of the thunderous variety." But although Konik approves of the "genial convention" of clapping at a final curtain call, he believes most clapping and cheering "have become sheer self-indulgence and self-congratulation." "Opera houses," he writes, "are notorious breeding grounds for inappropriate applause. Luciano Pavarotti often elicits three or more minutes of sustained adulation when he sings 'La Donna e Mobile' in 'Rigoletto" " Konik and I must have been born on different planets. One reason I love to go to the opera is the warmth and enthusiasm of the audiences. Few things are more joyful than an audience's "unbridled response" to a beloved star or an exciting performance. Konik's complaint is against what he calls "mindless noisemaking that pretends to honor the performer but is actually a che~p ploy to alert others to the clapper's refined taste." But how else are audiences who have been recipients of a creative gift supposed to express enthusiastic appreciation? The Bible talks about making a "joyful noise" and that is just what spontaneous clapping is: the audience's way of communicating to the performer that it has been touched - right then and there. From the performers' point of view, it is wonderful to know that their gifts have been received and acknowledged. For consider what does attract massive live audiences. Not stuffy
plays with self-controlled audienFurthermore, a performer's gifts ces, that's for sure. Young audien- and talents have been bestowed ces today flock to rock concerts. for sharing. When audiences burst where they scream, dance, jump, . into applause. the performer knows yell and cry - participating to his gift has been received and their hearts' content. reciprocated. We all love to applaud our heKonik's prescription for thearoes. For most kids, that means tergoers eager to break into rock stars. For others, it may be "thoughtless" applause: rub their Pavarotti. Whomever. wherever - aud- hands together or wait and write a iences want to participate in an letter. emotional experience sparked by a Not I! I cheer the clappers. Bravissimo to the joyful noise! live performer.
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"Go ahead and trash it," he said. "but not this." He retrieved a boot tongue green and brittle with age. "This is the remnant oJ my first real hiking boots," he said in a faraway voice. "Do you know how many miles myoid buddy Larry Plugmeyer and I hiked in these?" "Not many, if he was wearing them too," I said sarcastically. I looked into the box. "Memories of your youth? A rusty horseshoe. a dented hubcap, a moldy baseball cap, a cigar box, empty shotgun shells, a ball bearing, a putrid feather....•·· "A putrid feather! That, my dear wife, is the first pheasant I ever hunted." "Why didn't you take a picture of it?" I asked. "Because I shot it in tall grass and when I went to fetch it all that was left was this feather." "How do you know you hit it?" "I knew I had completely obliterated it," he said. "Besides, if I hadn't, it wouldn't be my first pheasant, would it?" I nodded as if that made sense and handed him my work gloves. How can you be ruthless with nostalgia?
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Nostalgia wins out By Hilda Young Inspired by a radio talk show. I decided recently to declutter our lives. We keep entirely too much junk. I started dejunking in the most logical place. the garage. My husband appeared as I was attempting to drag a big box of junk toward the garbage can. "You shouldn't be doing that." he said. "You're right," I puffed. "Here. you drag it out." "I mean, you shouldn't be trying to give that box the heave behind my back. It·s full of special things." "You must be mistaken." I said. "I checked. This puppy is full of rusty, smelly junk." "Ha." he said. pulling out a piece of wood roughly resembling il fist. "And what do you call this?" "Trash," I told him. "This," he said, "is the best buffalo ever carved in Mrs. Bogg's Cub Scout Den No. 43." "Poor Mrs. Boggs," I muttered. "And this?" he challenged, holding up an old canningjar containing some dead bugs. I ignored the obvious and shrugged my shoulders.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. S, 1988
Pre-, postnatal ills discussed by pope
Positive side to Lefebvre movement, says cardinal
v ATICAN CITY (NC) - Excommunicated Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's schismatic movement has "positive elements" which respond to liturgical, ecumenical and theological deficiencies in the postSecond Vatican Council church, says Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who unsuccessfully offered terms of reconciliation to the archbishop earlier in the year. The schism should become "an occasion for an examination of conscience" so that the deficiencies are corrected, said the cardinal, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Ratzinger said those deficiencies include: - Liturgical reforms which dilute the sacred element of the Mass, turning it into "interesting entertainment." - Theological views which regard Vatican II teachings as a "superdogma" erasing previous church tradition. - A watering down ofCatholic belief in an effort to avoid the appearance ofclaiming sole proprietorship of full divine revelation and the right to judge humanity. "The problem planted by Lefebvre, however, does not end with the rupture of June 30" when he was excommunicated for ordaining four bishops against papal orders, said Cardinal Ratzinger. The archbishop's schism "would not be thinkable if there were not positive elements at stake which generally do not find vital room in the church of today," he added. Archbishop Lefebvre is attracting "in a very special way, youths from many different countries," he said. Cardinal Ratzinger gave his assessment during a July talk to Chilean bishops. "Many people seek refuge in the old liturgy" because many current practices remove the sacred charSecurity "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer." - 2 Sam. 22:2
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acter of the Mass, the cardinal said. "The liturgy is reduced, as much as it can be, to language and gestures of ordinary life such as greeting and common signs of friendship," he said. "The liturgy is not a festival, nor a pleasant gathering," he added. "It is unimportant, even in the remotest way, that the pastor succeeds in generating evocative"ideas or imaginative trappings," the cardinal said. "The greatness of the liturgy is not based on a person offering an interesting entertainment," he said. People "feel cheated when mystery is converted into amusement, when the principal liturgical actor is not the living God but a priest or a liturgical animator," he added. Archbishop Lefebvre also is reacting to a "narrow view which isolates Vatican II," he said. According to this view, "the Second Vatican Council is not treated as part ofthe totality of the living tradition of the church, but as the ending of tradition and as an entirely new beginning, starting from zero," said Cardinal Ratzinger. "All this leads many people to ask if the church of today is still the same as the church of yesterday, and if it is not, who changed it for another without advising them," he said. Archbishop Lefebvre is fighting "against ideological liberalism and against making truth relative," said Cardinal Ratzinger. "It is true that in the spiritual movement of the post-conciliar era, there has sometimes been forgotten, and even suppressed, the question of truth," he said. " 'Truth' soon appeared as a too lofty pretension, a 'triumphalism' which no longer could be permitted," he added. "This process is verified clearly in the crisis to which the missionary ideal and missionary activity have fallen," the cardinal said. "The conclusion was deduced, and is still deduced, that in the future we should seek only that Christians be good Christians, Moslems good Moslems, Hindus good Hindus, etc.," he said. "The idea that all religions are - speaking with due respect only symbols of what in the final analysis is incomprehensible, rapidly gains ground also in theology and profoundly enters into liturgical activity," the cardinal said. "The only way to make Vatican II credible is to clearly present it as it is: a part of the entire and single tradition of the church and of the faith," he said. It should not be presented as a "superdogma which erases the importance of everything else," he added, explaining that the council "did not define any' dogma" and was pastoral in nature. "In the past months, we invested a good amount of work on the Lefebvre question, with the sincere commitment to create for his movement an adequate, vital space within the church," he said. The Vatican offered "truly broad concessions" but did not give in on the fundamentals, said the cardinal. "In the fundamental part of the accords, Lefebvre would have recognized that he would have had to accept Vatican II and the affirma-
CASTEL GANDOLFO children greet Pope John Paul II as he walks around the small town. (NCJ UPI-Reuter photo)
Legend, history surround pope's summer villa VATICAN CITY (NC) - When Pope John Paul II is in Castel Gandolfo for the summer, he lives at a papal villa with centuries of history and legend. Legend says Castel Gandolfo was founded as Alba Longa by Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, the Trojan hero who led his people into exile after their defeat in the Trojan War by the Greeks in the 12th century B.C. Legend and Roman literature have Aeneas wandering around the Mediterranean Sea before settling near what is now Rome. Currently, Castel Gandolfo is a hilltop town of 7,000 people, 1,400 feet above sea level, and famous as a summer Sunday gathering spot for tourists and pilgrims attending the pope's noon Angelus talk. In between its founding and its current use, it was the headquarters of a major alliance against Rome, was destroyed by Rome, and later became a Roman emperor's summer villa. Located 15 miles south of Rome, above a volcanic crater lake, Cas-
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Doctors must resist pressures to abort defective fetuses and withhold basic life support to newborn babies with handicaps, Pope John Paul II told 1,300 doctors attending a recent international congress in Rome on prenatal and postnatal health care. "Existence of a deformity cannot constitute the motive for a death sentence, not even if it is by the parents themselves, filled with emotion and wounded in their hopes, who request euthanasia through suspension of medication and nutrition," the pope said. Doctors must oppose "the ominous temptation to interrupt innocent life, especially when it is not perfect and not completely healthy," he added. The pope complained of pressures in contemporary society which make "the so-called 'right of a healthy child' " the determining criteria for deciding if a baby should be born or allowed to live. These pressures are based on "a logic of death" as the solution for "fetuses with handicaps and those whose newborn existence, although possible, would because of prematurity involve some difficulties and risks," the pope said. . Medical ethics "oppose acquiescence to designs of death such as abortion or euthanasia of the newborn," he added. "Maintain your hopes and your medical art intact and unsullied from certain social and ideological pressures, from the temptations of human weakness and from the abuses of technological innovations," he said. For the church, "abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes," he added. The pope also reiterated the church's "moral prohibition regarding experiments on fetuses and on embryos" and its conditional approval of theraeutic operations of fetuses and embryos.
tel Gandolfo provides a quick escape from urban Rome's doublebarreled summer swelter of 90degree temperature and 90 percent humidity. Popes have used it as a summer retreat since the Gandolfo castle became part of papal property at the turn of the 17th century. The town gets its name from the castle, which belonged to the Gandolfo family in the 12th century. But Castel Gandolfo's documented history goes back to the Iron Age. Although there is no clearly identifiable trace of the town founded by Ascanius, an Iron Age burial ground, dating from the seventh to the ninth century B.C., is located just west of the city. VATICAN ,CITY (NC) - A Alba Longa is prominent in Roman legends. Centuries before Vatican commission has ruled establishment of the Roman Em- against using lay ministers of the pire, it was the center of the Latin Eucharist to distribute communLeague, which contended with ion when enough priests or deaRome for domination of central cons are available, reflecting what Italy when the latter was still a one liturgical expert called the small-town kingdom looking to "consistent position of the Holy See." expand: If"ordinary ministers" are availAlba Longa was eventually de1111111111111111I11I1111I11I11I11I11I1111I11I111111I111111I111I1111I11 able in the church, whether or not feated by King Tullus Hostilius, tions ofthe post conciliar magisteparticipating at the altar, they rium," he said. "In this difficult listed as successor to the legendary would take precedence over exRomulus, founder of Rome. dialogue Rome united generosity , Rome destroyed Alba Longa traordinary ministers, said the in everything negotiable and firmand never rebuilt it but in the first Pontifical Commission for the Auness in the essentials," he said. century, the Roman Emperor thentic Interpretation of the Code On May 5 Archbishop Lefebvre Domitian, who ruled from the of Canon Law. signed an agreement-in-principle 81 to the year 96, restored IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII year worked out with Cardinal Ratzinger, but changed his mind shortly some of its splendor, building a over the ruins of the Gandolfo casafter because of disagreements over summer villa where Alba Longa tle, it has retained some of its towers and walls. Subsequently, the the number of bishops he could had stood. Ruins of Domitian's villa still neighboring Villa Barberini, with ordain and the degree of Vatican exist inside the walls of the papal its gardens atop the site of Domicontrol over his movement. tian's summer retreat, was incorThe agreement would have al- property. During m~dieval times, it was porated into the papal domain. lowed the archbishop's movement Since 1936, the papal property to celebrate the Tridentine Mass in customary for noble families to Latin, the approved Mass prior to build castles for defensive purposes has also housed the headquarters post-conciliar liturgical reforms, on the highest hill in a region. ofthe Vatican Observatory, one of and to retain its spiritual traditions. Towns slowly grew up around Europe's most important astrothese castles, often becoming nomical research centers. known by the castle's name. Such The entire property, almost 100 is the case with Castel Gandolfo, acres in size, is surrounded by a which has retained its name through wall. Special Vatican permission is several changes of castle owner- needed to enter, except for the ship. It came into the Holy See's pope's summer Angelus talks. j ': .". hands in 1596 and the present Several popes, including Pius ~ . 'papal villa was ordered built in XII and Paul VI, died at Castel '= ... 1624 by Pope Urban VIII. Erected Gandolfo.
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Communion ruling
Congress '88
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of unchurched Americans is so massive that little will change' unless Christians work together, says Father Alvin A. Illig, director of the Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association. The priest said the figures are staggering and that of 90 million· unchurched Americans 16 million are baptized but inactive Catholics. Seeking effective ways to cooperate in reaching the unchurched and addressing social concerns, Father Illig and leaders of more than a dozen denominations will sponsor "Congress '88," a national festival of evangelism, Aug. 4-7 in Chicago. Up to 15,000 people from more than 100 church bodies are expected to attend, said Father Illig, treasurer of the eve'!.t.:-_
No incompatibility TORONTO (NC) - "Churches can and should play an important role in the development of the new society that we're going to establish in Cuba," says Jose F. Carneado, director of religious affairs of the Central Committee of the
Cuban Communist Party. "There is no incompatibility between the Christian faith and the highest purposes," he said at a recent Toronto conference on Cuba, sponsored by Canadian, Cuban and U.S. church organizations.
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CAPUCHIN FATHER William Kraus of Denver's Samaritan House holds items donated for the homeless. (NC photo)
Dukakis speech spotlights Denver shelter director WASHINGTON (NC) - When Democratic presidential nominee Michael S. Dukakis in his acceptance. speech praised citizens who have enriched and ennobled America with their unselfish work, he drew the national spotlight to a Denver priest and his shelter for the homeless. In his July 21 speech at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Dukakis praised citizens who "make a difference," including Capuchin Father William Kraus, director of Samaritan House, a 250-bed shelter for the homeless run by the. Denver archdiocese. "When a Catholic priest named Bill Kraus helps homeless families in Denver not just by giving them shelter, but by helping them to find the jobs they need to get back on their feet, we are enriched and ennobled," Dukakis said. When Dukakis spoke, "I felt a joyful inclusion. I was excited in a kid's way," Father Kraus, 39, said in a telephone interview. He said that he hoped that the attention drawn to the homeless would continue throughout the presidential campaign and beyond.
Dukakis met Father Kraus April 2, Holy Saturday, when he toured Samaritan House and discussed the need for more housing, the priest said. There was no further contact between them until the afternoon of July 21, when a staff member called and suggested the priest watch the speech. Father Kraus has directed Samaritan House since 1984. In addition to providing the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, the Samaritan House staff helps withjob placement and family programs. About 300 volun-
teers, including doctors, nurses, lawyers and counselors, also provide services. The number of homeless single men and women in the Denver area has stabilized, Father Kraus believes, but "the number of homeless families is still growing." The reason for homelessness is simple, said Father Kraus-the lack of affordable housing. The Department of Housing and Urban Development owns enough empty houses in Denver "to take care of the homeless," said the priest. He said he understand HUD's concern about selling houses to people with limited incomes who run the risk of foreclosure, but said selling them would be "less costly than letting them sit empty." . In their campaigns, both Democrats and Republicans need· to pay more attention to homelessness, he declared, calling for more leadership and better housing policies.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
What's on your mind? Q. I'm going to a new school this coming year. I am worried that I will have trouble fitting in. I wish you could give me some advice. (Michigan)
By Linda L. Rome Just how well do you know your parents anyway? Answer these questions and then check your score. I. Name your mom and dad's special song. . 2. Name three foods your dad and mom won't touch with a 10foot pole. 3. Does your dad yearn to: a. play tournament-level chess? b. pilot a fighter jet? c. win a speedboat contest? d. write a novel? 4. Where did your parents honeymoon? 5. What was the last movie your parents saw together? 6. Is it more likely your father and mother know how to: a. square dance? b. waltz? c. twist? d. tango? e. fox trot? f. Charleston? 7. What were the names of the school or schools your parents graduated from? 8. When your mother was 7, what did she want to be when she grew up? 9. Your parents' idea of a great evening together probably is: a. dinner and a movie. b. friends over to play cards or a game. c. going to a church meeting. d. attending a hockey game. , 10. The last book my mother or . father read was II. In the last presidential election my mom/ dad voted for .... 12. The thing my parents hate the most is: a. when I don't tell the whole truth. b. a messy room. c. when I forget to do my chores. 13. the first job my mom/ dad . ever had was as a 14. The zaniest thing my mom/dad did in high school or college .. was 15. When my mom and dad were teen-agers, the coolest thing to do was . 16. The rottenest trick my mom or dad ever played on one of their . brothers or sisters was 17. The kind of car your mom/dad really wants to drive is a : .. 18. My mom's/dad's favorite TV show when they were younger was: a. "Ben Casey." b. "Gilligan's Island." c. "Hootenany." d. "The Lone Ranger." e. "Batman." 19. I'm sure my mother/father has never: a. canoed. b. water-skied. c. failed a math test. d. jumped off the high dive.
20. When my dad was a kid he liked to: a. play with model trains. b. play baseball. c. go camping. d.play chess. e. conduct science experiments. To score yourself, you'll have to check with your parents to see how close you came to being: Family Historian: 17-10 right answers. Budding Archaeologist: 13-16 right answers. Trend Setter: 9-11 right answen. Product of the Times: 0-8 right answen.
" conscious
youngster enjoys Long Pond at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. (Breen photo)
Building Blockers attend conference Eight participants in the activities of Building Block Ministries of Taunton attended a recent charismatic youth conference at Ohio's University of Steubenville. Making the Massachusetts to Midwest trip were John Andrade and Michael Leite, St. Anthony, Taunton; Marion Bergeron, Holy Cross, South Easton; Ron Botelho, St. Joseph, North Dighton. Also Brenda Burak and Lynne Curtis, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Carolyn King, St. Bernard, Assonet; and Eric Shepard, St. Paul, Taunton.
A. Yes, you could have trouble fitting in. All sorts of bad things could happen to you in this new situation. But let's not list the horrible possibilities. It sounds as though you might have already imagined every last one of them. Could you instead turn your imagination in another direction. Try to visualize all the go'od things that could happen to you at this new school. A few examples: One or more students at the school will be sensitive to the feelings of awkwardness that newcomers occasionally experience. He, she or they will go out of the way to put you at ease and introduce you to other students. In a fairly short time you will make new friends and the normal awkwardness will disappear. Some of these new friends will help you get involved in the school activities that interest you the most. You will make still more friends -and have a good time doing it. Several of your teachers will
Hang in there - and keep working at making new friends. Send comments and questions to Tom Lennon, 1311 Mass. Ave. N.W., Wabsington, D.C.l000S.
Tournament results
prove to be exceptionally good ones. You will find, for instance, that American history becomes more interesting than you ever dreamed possible. What other good things can you imagine happening to you in the fir~t wee~s at this new school? Try bemg a little extravagant in your daydreams. Also, check out your attitude toward other people. Whether you're entering a new school or a roomful of strangers at a party, it's helpful to assume that all the people are friendly - unless and until events prove them to be otherwise. Put on a sincerely friendly face. Think about what you might do to help put other persons at ease. Bring along in your head some ideas for conversation. Be aware too that most people have to work at making friends. Most ofthe time friendships evolve slowly rather than kick in magically and instantaneously. This is partly because it usually takes some time to get to know a person well. It also usually takes time and some effort to get to know a new school well. So don't be discouraged if the first day'is not the absolutely greatest day of your life.
By Charlie Martin
PIANO IN THE DARK When I find myself watching the time I never think about all the funny things you've said I feel like it's dead The feelings in me now. I turn around in the still of the room Knowing this is when I'm going to make my move Can't wait any longer And 1m feeling stronger. But oh just as I walk to the door I can feel your emotion there It's pulling me back Back to love you Oh no, caugbt up in the middle I cry just a little When I think of letting go Oh no, gave up on tbe riddle I cry just a little When be plays piano in the dark He holds me close like the beat of a heart He plays the melody Want to tear me all apart Tbe silence is broken and no words are spoken. Recorded by Brenda Russell featuring Joe Esposito. Written by Brenda Russell, Jeff Hull, Scott Cutler. (c) 1988 by WB Music Corp., Rutland Road Music, Dwarf Village Music and ColgemsEMI Music Inc. SOME SONGS seem to have a magic quality that helps them reach through the radio and grab our attention. This was myexperience when I first heard Brenda Russell's "Piano in the Dark." Her dynamic vocal talent makes this recording a sure chart hit.
The song concerns a person's struggle to break up a relationship. She says she is "feeling stronger" and is ready to "make my move." It is the moment to walk out of a bad situation. And I find a message for readers of this column in the song.
I S-year-old Bra~don Bouchard of Fan River, shooting a 77 in the recent annual Fall River Diocesan CYO GolfTournament, was named winner of the Marty Higgins Memorial Trophy as the outstandi~g player in this year's competition, held at Cape Cod's Pocasset Country Club. Brandon played in and won the under-16 junior division. Fall River's Greg Bernat shot an 83 for second place in that grouping and Ken Foraste of the Cape was third with 86. 'Bob Prophett of Pocasset birdied the first extra hole to defeat Darrin Bouley of Fairhaven and capture under-19 intermediate division honors. Both shot 77s in regulation play. Bob Coleman of Fall River took third with an 80. The under-14 cadet division was won by Tate Asselin of Norton with a 91. Adam Dradshaw of North Dartmouth placed second with 92 and Pat DeBortoli of New Bedford finished third with 94. Chip Wheeler ofTaunton defeated Dan Daley of Fall River and Attleboro's Joe Clark in a suddendeath playoff to win the under-26 senior division. All three had 87s after 18 holes.
Don't sell out your happiness on a dating relationship that no longer is right for you. Let go of the other person and set both of you free to find the genuine love that you seek. The voice in the song finds herself caught in an emotional limbo. The other person's emotional hold erodes her will power and she fails to do what she knows is best for her. The song is a reminder of how difficult it can be to break up a dating relationship. Breaking strong emotional ties to another person, even when pain is involved, brings on other feelings. People can be tempted to hang on to relationships rather than face new feelings of insecurity and loss. But we need to listen to our head as well as our heart. Most likely there are strong reasons why one wants to leave such a relationship. In the song, the girl's failure to act just keeps the hurt alive. This individual could be helped by talking about the situation with someone she trusts. Such a person could help her see through the confusion and find her deeper feelings. Life sometimes brings a choice between striking out into the unknown and letting fear run our lives. Fear can seem insurmountable when we face it alone. When we share our fears, they lose their intense grip over us. We begin to find the courage to act. Your comments are welcome always. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714.
FILM RATIN GS A-I Approved for Children and Adults
The Anchor Friday, August 5, 1988
tv, movie news
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Babette's Feast Big Crocodile Dundee II Dragon Chow
The Great Outdoors License to Drive Short Circuit 2 Stand and Deliver
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Willow A World Apart
A-3 Approved for Adults Only Arthur 2: On the Rocks Bagdad Cafe Big Business Boyfriends & Girlfriends Coming to America
Caddyshack II Commissar· Funny Farm A Handful of Dust The Kitchen Toto Midnight Run
The Milagro Beanfield War Moonstruck Pascali's Island Shame
A-4 Separate Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which while not moralIy offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretation and false conclusions) Wings of Desire
O-Morally Offensive Above the Law Absolution The Beat Beethoven's Nephew Bull Durham Bulletproof Call Me The Dead Pool
The Decline of Western Civilization Part II The Metal Years A Fish Called Wanda My Best Friend Is a Vampire Phantasm II Poltergeist III The Presidio
Rambo III Red Heat Shy People Slaughterhouse Rock A Taxing Woman Two Moon Junction The Unbearable Lightness of Being White Mischief
(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which it is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further information on recentfilms is available from The Anchor office, 675-7151.
Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in the Anchor periodically and will reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. show with William Larkin, 6 p.m. On TV Each Sunday, 11 :00 a.m Monday, cable channel 35. WLNE, Channel 6. Diocesan On Radio Television Mass. "Be Not Afraid," IS minutes of Portuguese Masses from Our music and Gospel message hosted Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, by Father James M. Fitzpatrick, New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each parochial vicar at St. John the Sunday on radio station WJFD- Evangelist parish, Attleboro, is FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on tele- heard at 8 a.m. Sundays on stavision Channel 20. tion WARA, 1320 AM. The CathPortuguese Masses from Our olic clergy of the Attleboro area Lady of Lourdes and St. An- sponsor the program. thony of Lisbon parishes, Taun"The Beat," Christian rock ton: 7 p.m. each Sunday and 6 music and information produced p.m. each Monday on cable chan- by Building Block Ministries of ne127. Taunton, is broadcast at 4:30 "Confluence," 10:30 a.m. each a.m. Sundays on station WVBF Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel Boston, 105.7 FM, and may be program moderated by Truman heard in the Attleboro, Fall River, Taylor and having as permanent New Bedford and Taunton deanparticipants Father Peter N. Gra- eries. ziano, diocesan director ofsocial Charismatic programs with services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Father John Randall are aired Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday and Rabbi Baruch Korff. through Friday on station WRIB, "The Beat," produced by Build- 1220 AM; Mass is broadcast at I ing Block Ministries of Taunton p.m. each Sunday. and aired on many cable systems "Topic Religion," presented by in the Fall River diocese features two priests, a rabbi and a Protvideos from and information on estant minister, is broadcast at contemporary Christian rock art- 6:06 a.m. and 9:06 p.m. each ists. Check local listings for times Sunday on station WEEI Bosand dates. ton, 590 AM. Mass 9:30 a.m. Monday to Programs of Catholic interest Friday, WFXT, Channel 25. are broadcast at the following "Breakthrough" 8 a.m. each times on station WROL Boston, Sunday, Channel 10, a program 950 AM: Monday through Frion the power of God to touch day 9, 9:15, 11:45 a.m.; 12:15, lives, produced by the Pastoral 12:30, I p.m. Theological Institute of Hamden, A Polish-language rosary hour, Conn. conducted by Father Justin, is "Maryson," a family puppet broadcast at I:30 p.m. Sundays show with moral and spiritual. on station WALE, 1400 AM. perspective 6 p.m. each ThursA Polish-language Mass is day, Fall River and New Bedford heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Cable Channel 13. every Sunday on station WICE, "Spirit and the Bride," a talk 550 a.m.
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morally offensive which. however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. Catholic ratings for television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films.
-'--..-_-----.: NOTE
Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· Ings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Caddyshack II" (Warner Bros.) - Dimwitted sequel to the 1980 blockbuster. This tiJ11e Jackie Mason causes havoc as a garish construction tycoon who crashes and trashes the snooty Bushwood Country Club. Some profanity and vulgar humor. A3, PG "A Fish Called Wanda"(M-G-M) - This black comedy starring John Cleese tracks the increasingly bizarre antics of a gang of jewel thieves (Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin) who will stop at nothing to keep their hands on the loot. Sexual promiscuity for laughs, much profanity and vulgar humor. 0, R
"Pascali's Island" (Avenue Pictures) - Looks at the seething political unrest on an Aegean island in 1908 through the eyes of a man (Ben Kingsley) who's been spying for the Ottoman sultan for 20 years. Fleeting nudity and a bloody climax. A3, PG 13 "Shame"(Skouras) - A woman (Deborra-Lee Furness) motorcycles into a rural Australian town, stopping long enough to fix her damaged cycle and become embroiled in fighting the town's menfolk, who molest and rape women .for sport. Provides a new type of female heroine derivative of past macho male stars. Rough language with sexual connotations, a continuing sense of menace and a grisly climax. A3, R Film on TV Sunday, Aug. 14, 9-11 p.m. EDT (NBC) "The Keep" (1983) - Nazi unit guarding an ancient fortress in Romania runs into some odd events in this arty, pretentious and thoroughly muddled drama of the supernatural starring Scott Glenn and Ian McKellan. Vicious rape scene and some graphic sex. 0, R Religous TV Sunday, Aug. 7 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - In a rebroadcast, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Carl Sagan and other prominent world leaders discuss the prospects of human survival during the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival held last April at Oxford University. Religious Radio Sunday, Aug. 7(NBC) - "Guideline" - Historian James Shenton of Columbia University discusses the problems facing today's immigrants.
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f THIS SATURDAY IS THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary Practice the devotion of the five First Saturdays This devotion was' requested by Our lady of Fatima on July 13, 1917, when she said: "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.
"1 sholl come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace," Then again, on December 10, 1925, Our lady appeared to Sister lucio, one of the children of Fatima, and told her the following: "Announce in my nome that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for solvation, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, sholl
1. Go to confession and receive Holy Communion, 2. Recite the Rosary, 3. And keep. me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary 4. With the intention of making reparation to me." To practice this devotion, you must fulfill the requests of Our Lady, doing so in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confession may be made during eight· days before or after the Communion. (Courtesy of. the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, St, Hedwig parish, New Bedford, Mass.)
ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET First Saturday Mass 8 a.m. tomorrow precedes rosary. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Volunteers needed to distribute Fatima Apostolate material after Masses Sunday; information: Bob O'Brien, 428-8097. HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER New bereavement support group New Ladies' Guild officers: Marmeeting 7 to 8:30 p.m. alternate garet Sonnenberg, president; Betty Thursdays (next meeting Aug. II), Flagg, vice-president; Mildred MulClemence Hall at St. Anne's Hospi- len, secretary; Ann Woods, treasurer. tal, Fall River; all experiencing grief welcome; registration and informa- ST. ANNE'S HOS.rITAL, FR Nurses' aide Betsy Ann Clarke of tion, 673-1589 during office hours. Fall River has been awarded a $1 ,000 ST. ANNE, FR nursing scholarship sponsored by First Friday (today) Masses 7: 15 the hospital's Portuguese Communand 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. St. ity Health Care Committee. Anne novena 3 p.m. Sunday. ST. STANISLAUS, FR LaSALETTE CENTER FOR Youth Ministry outing to Rocky CHRISTIAN LIVING, Point noon to 8 p.m. Aug. 19; inforATTLEBORO mation: Patti or Kris Pereira, at recSilent retreat Aug. 22 to 30 directed by center staff; silent guided retreat, tory, 672-0423. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON also offered by staff, Aug. 22 to 28; Vincentians will accept canned informationj registration: 222-8530. goods and donations to help needy WIDOWED SUPPORT, NB parishioners and community resiNew Bedford Widowed Support dents. J Group meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, St. Kilian rectory basement, New IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Bedford; all widowed welcome to TAUNTON Fall River's Sisters of the Sacred this nondenominational meeting; Hearts are remembering parishiontopic: caring and sharing; informaers' intentions in prayer this week. tion: 998-3269. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA LaSALETTE SHRINE, Mary, Queen of Peace prayer ATTLEBORO Healing service with Mass cele- group summer meetings 7 p.m. brated by Father Andre Patenaude, Wednesdays, parish center. First FriMS, 2 p.m. Aug. 14; all welcome; day Masses 7 and 9 a.m. today; holy hour 7 p.m. bring lawn chairs. S5. PETER AND PAUL, FR CATHEDRAL, FR Persons interested in working on Girls' basketball 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays, schoolyard. First Satur- a social activities committee may day Mass 9 a.m. tomorrow for,de- contact Father Gerald P. Barnwell, ceased parishioners and friends. 676-8463. Father John Vargas ofthe Novena to Our Lady of the Assump- Philippines' Virac diocese will speak tion Aug. 7 through 15; schedule at weekend Masses. available at church doors. BL. SACRAMENT, FR Couples interested in assisting in ST. JOSEPH, NB preparation of young people for Vincentian meeting 10 a.m. Aug. marriage through the Diocesan Office 14 and Aug. 28. First Friday holy hour begins with 5 p.m. Mass today. ' of Family Ministry may contact the pastor. CATHOLIC MEMORIAL O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK HOME,FR First Friday holy hour with rosary Ice cream social 2 p.m. Aug. II, recitation 7 tonight, chapel. Prayer auditorium features entertainment Group family picnic I:30 p.m. Sunby John Scotti. Swansea Communday, home of Ed and Pat Olean, 39 ity Band concert 6:45 p.m. Aug. 24, outside B-Wing area. Birthday par- Warren Ave. ty j coffee hour 2 p.m. Aug. 26, auditorium includes entertainment by ST. THOMAS MORE, Chuck Dee. New residents Rev. John SOMERSET African missionary Father FranLima, Katherine Bagley, Anna Gottwald, Thomas Porter and George cis Toma will speak at weekend Masses. Ross are welcomed.
NOTRE DAME, FR Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bernard are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Meeting for parents of children in parish school 7 p.m. Aug. 31, school.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 5, 1988
Iteering pOintl SECULAR FRANCISCANS, POCASSET St. Francis of Cape Fraternity picnic and meeting 2 p.m. Aug. 14, Towers residence, 396 Barlows landing Rd., Pocasset; includes outdoor Mass with celebrant Father Reyner Dray, OFM; all members and families welcome; information and rides: Ernest Foley, 540-5392, Upper Cape; Dorothy Williams, 394-4094, Middle and Lower Cape. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN First Friday Mass 7 tonight. Family Mass 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Collection for Father Shanley's Mission in Texas throughout August; lightweight clothing, bedding and children's sneakers needed; donations may be left inside parking lot side door until 4 p.m. daily. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Salesian Missionaries will speak at Aug. 13 and 14 Masses. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Social evening for college students follows 5: 15 p.m. Mass Aug. 14, parish center; reservations: Bobbi Paradise, 775-8917. ~ 234 Second Street . . . . Fall River, MA 02721
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CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Youth ministry retreat, Cardinal Spellman High School, Brockton, today through Sunday. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Fellowship meeting 7 p.m. Aug. 14, parish center.
Recognition award JON POL(:E, a contemporary Christian recording artist, will perform in concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 13 at Mt. Carmel Auditori,um, Rivet St., New Bedford. The free admission event, sponsored by New Bedford's New Creation Prayer Community, is open to all. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Altar boy j family cookout 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 29, St. Jude's family picnic grounds. Parish council gathering Sept. I.
Thomas J. Lynch Jr., executive vice-presidentj chief operating officer at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, was honored at the recent annual meeting of the Health Care Management Association of Massachusetts (HCMA) with the association's Recognition Award for significant contributions to health care administration and the community. Lynch began his career at St. Anne's in 1982 as associate director. He was promoted to his present position in 1985. He is also a member of the American College of Health Care Executives and vice-chairman of the New England Health Care Assembly Instructional Conference Council.
the anchor logbook Do you remember? AUGUST 1958 John Silveira and Dick Monjeau of New Bedford were winners at their city's CYO track and field elimination trials. Silveira was quarter-mile and half-mile winner in the competition's senior division, Monjeau was senior high and broad jump victor.
1963 The Holy Name Society at Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich, seeking to replace the fire-destroyed church building, raised the shell of a new house in eight hours. The lot and materials for the house, sold to benefit the church replacement fund, were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moye.
1968 Area residents attending a Daughters of Isabella international convention in St. Paul included Mary Foley, New Bedford; Phyllis McCarthy, Fall River; Helena Tavares, Falmouth; and Cecilia P. Mello, Fall River.
1973 Bishop James S. Rausch, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, accused CBS television of "irresponsible" action in determining to rebroadcast two segments of the popular "Maude" comedy series advocating abortion. The episodes stirred widespread protest when telecast the previous November.
THURSDAY,AUGUST 11- 7:00 P.M. ~.
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SHERATON - REGAL IN HYANNIS - MID-CAPE HGWY. EXIT 6 - RT. 132 Bishop Cronin will receive people of the diocese & summer residents
Tickets are available at every rectory in the diocese and from members of the Council of Catholic Women
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY
1978 Steering Points made its debut in The Anchor, combining the longstanding Parish Parade column with news of diocesan and area organizations. It's still going strong!
1983 Fall River's Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, chaplain to Notre Dame University football players, was named to life membership in the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame.