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Maude: IIGod Will Get You For This"

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Frrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 9, 1973 "'·0 32 © 1973 The Anchor $4.00PRICE per year Vol • 17,.'II1II. 10~ STATEMENT BY BISHOP JAMES S. RAUSCH


Secretary United States Catholic Conference I am dismayed by the decision of the CBS Television Network to re-broadcast the segments of the "Maude" series dealing with abortion. The CBS action is irresponsible and gratuitous. In light of earlier conversations with CBS, I feel that it represents a breach of good faith on the part of the network. I have several reasons for protesting this action by CBS. First, the episodes in question advocate abortion. Advocacy may not have been the intention of the producers, but it is certainly the result. Second, advocacy of abortion is unacceptable in a situation comedy format aired at prime viewing hours when children are a large part of the audience. Third, when these "Maude" segments were first broadcast last November, two officials of the United States CatJiolic Conference-Mr. Robert Be'usse, Secretary for Communication, and Father Patrick Sullivan, Director of the Division for Film and Broadcasting-met with Mr. Robert- D. Wood, President of CBS Television, to discuss the situation. During this meeting Mr. Wood seemed to acknowledge that CBS might have erred in this matter ,and professed a strong desire for continuing dialogue with the U.S. Catholic Conference on this and other issues. This gave me reason to believe that the error would not be repeated. The decision of CBS to re-broadcast these episodes not only repeats it but compounds it. There is room and need for serious discussion of controversial subjects on television. That is not the issue. The issue is advocacy of one side of a controversy, presented under the guise of situation comedy and aired at a time when children make up a substantial part of the 'viewing audience. On August 1., Mr. Beusse met with CBS officials to request reconsideration of the decision to re-broadcast these two programs. He was informed that CBS has no intention of reconsidering and that its only concession will be to attach a disclaimer to the programs. Such a disclaimer in no way answers the objection nor does it deal with the problem.·lt does, however, suggest an awareness on CBS' part of the wrongness of what it is doing-but no 'willingness to do otherwise. In this situation I feel I have no alternative but to make this protest and to encourage similar protests by others who feel as I do about the propriety of advocating abortion on an "entertainment" program broadcast at prime viewing hours,

Scores CBS Network For 'Maude' Reruns WASHINGTON: The General Secretary of the United States Catholic Conference h(j.s accused the CBS Television Network of "irresponsible" action in determine' ing to re-broadcast two segments of the "Maude" series which he said advocate abortion. Bishop James S. Rausch also said that "in light of earlier conversations with CBS, I feel that' it represents a breach of good faith on the part of the network." CBS has scheduled the two segments for re-broadcast on August 14 and 21. They stirred widespread protest when first telecast last November. Bishop Rausch said the two programs "advocate abortion."

Poll· Alerts Mercy Killing Foes Most Americans favor allowing a doctor to end the life of a patient with an incurable illness if the patient or his family request it, according to a new Gallup poll.

Father Da l.zell Transferred To Norton Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the ,Diocese of Fall River announced today the re-assignment of one pastor. Rev. James P. Dalzell, pastor of Our Lady of the Isle Parish, Nantucket to St. Mary Parish, Norton. Turn to Page Six

The booklet discusses Pope

Paul VI's instruction reforming the Anointing of the Sick and suggests ways of educating Catholics to a better understanding of the. sacrament. Citing the need for "a radical change in pastoral practice which must be accompanied by a massive effort of catechesis (religious education)," the liturgy committee emphasizes that the restored sacrament is for all those who are seriously ill, not just for those in danger of death. The committee also points out that "the rites. for the sick, which in the past have so often suffered from isolation, must be Tum to Page Three

Fifty-three per cent 'of those interviewed agreed tbat the doctor should be aHowed by law to perform a mercy killing under those circumstances. When this same question was asked 23 years ago in a Gallup poll, only 36 per cent said they approved such a practice. Both times-in 1950 and in 1973-the question was asked: "When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by law to end the patient's life by some painless means if the patient and the family request it?" The question in the latest survey was asked of 1,544 adults. Besides the 53 per cent in favor,

40 per cent were' against the proposition and 7 per cent had no opinion. One of the most significant parts of the survey, according to the Gallup pollsters, occurred in adults under 30 years old. Sixtyseven per cent of them favored the mercy killing proposition. In 1970, only 37 per cent in this age group favored it. Last April, a Louis' Harvey survey asked if a terminally ill patient should be able to "tell his doctor to put him -out of his misery." It was opposed by 53 per cent of those polled. The 37 per cent who favored euthanasia, as proposed in the Harris survey, stated that it is tbe patient's life and the choice should be lett to him.

New England ~egionalCCD Convention Aug. 24·26

Booklet Promotes Clarity Of 'Neglected Sacrament' WASHINGTON (NC) - "The Anointing of the Sick is the most misunderstood and neglected of sacraments" according to a new study text published by._ the U. S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy.

"Advocacy may not have been the intention of the prodlicers, but it is certainly the result," he said. He added that "advocacy of abortion is unacceptable in a situation comedy format at prime viewing hours where children are a large part of the audience." Bishop Rausch disclosed that last November, when the two "Maude" segments were first broadcast, two Catholic Conference officials-Robert B. Beusse, Secretary for Communication, and Father Patrick Sullivan, S.J., Director of the agency's Division for Film and Broadcasting-met privately with CBS President Robert D. D. Wood. Turn to Page Two


....................... Bishop to Visit Brewster . Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin 'will be celebrant of the 10 o'clock Mass and assist at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday, Aug 12 in Our Lady of the Cape Church, Brewster. The Ordinary of the Diocese will deliver the homily at both Masses and meet the parishioners and visitors after each Mass.

The role of tbe Christian family in the modern world will be explored in a wide-ranging series of lectures and seminars at the University of New Hampshire during the 27th annual New England Congress of Religious Education. More than 8,000 clergy and lay leaders from throughout the six New England states are expected to participate in the three day congress which begins August 24. The largest. annual gathering of its kind in this region, the congress is sponsored by the 11 Roman Catholic dioceses of New England and will be 'hosted this year by the Diocese of Manchester. Highlighting the congress will be four Focus Groups which will examine the meaning of the Holy Gospel and the Christian way of life in today's society. Leading these groups will be: Dr. Monica Helwig, professor of theology at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.; Dr. Stanley Idzerda, president of the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minn.;' Dr. William' Lawlor, Associate Professor of Education at McGill University, Montreal, Province of

Quebec, Canada; and Mr. Donald Thorman, editor and publisher of the National Catholic Reporter, Kansas City, Mo. , The congress will also feature three Special Sessions dealing with some of the key issues facing the modern Christian family. "The Enterprise of Marriage" will be the topic of Rev. Walter Imbiorski, author, lecturer and current director of the Cana

Conference of Chicago. Dr. Sheridan McCabe, director of the Notre Dame University Counseling Center, Notre Dame, Ind., will discuss "Modern Youth: A Psychological Perspective;" and Dr. Victor Rosenblum:, director of Northwestern University's Program in Law and Social Sciences will discuss such issues as welfare, sterilization and abortion in his address. "The Concept of Family: Problems of Some ReTurn to Page Two



tHE ANCHOR"':"Diocese of Fall Rive,r-Thurs., Aug .. 9, 19n


Continued from Page One "During this meeting," he said, "Mr. Wood seemed to acknowledge that CBS might have erred in this matter and professed a strong desire for continuing dialogue w'ith the U. S. Catholic Conference on this and other issues. "This gave me reason to believe that the error would not be repeated. The decision to rebroadcast these episodes not only repeats. it but compounds it." Bishop Rausch said. there is "room and need for serious discussion of controversial subjects on television." "That is not the issue," he added. "The issue is advocacy of one side of a controversy, presented under the guise of situation comedy and aired at a time when. children make up a substantial part of the viewing audience." He said Mr. Beusse J-.路ad met again with CBS officials on August 1 to 'request reconsideration of the decision to re-broadcast these two programs. "He was informed that CBS has no intention of reconsidering and that its only concession will be to attacb a disclaimer to the programs," the bishop said. "Such a disclaimer .in no way answers the objection nor does it deal with the problem: It does, however, suggest awareness on CBS' part of the wrongness of what it is doing-but no willingness to; do otherwise. "In this situation I feel I have no alternative but to make this protest and to encourage similar . protests by others who feel as I do about the propriety of advocating abortion on an 'entertainment' program broadcast at prime viewing hours."



OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENl: Rev. James P. Dalzell, pastor of Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket .to St. Mary Parish, Norton, ~s pastor. Effective date of assignment Wedne!!day, September 12, 1973:

+~~(l.~. Bishpp of Fall River

Wor~esterHospita I

Reverses Decision on Maternity Ward WORCESTER (NC)- The board of trustees of St. Vincent's Hospital here reversed a controversial decision. and decided to maintain its 37-bed maternity , ward, The original decision had been criticized by Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worce,;ter and others who saw .it as- a retreat in the battle against abortion, On June 14 the hospital's trusIces announced they had voted 10 close the section, c,ting "un- . derutilization" of the facilities, At a special meeting Ju~y 30 they reconsidered their decision and decided to keep the maternity section open. According to the Catholic Free Press, the Worcester diocesan weekly, the announcel1l1ent that the' unit would be closed "met with loud protes't from doctors, nurses, religious leaders and members of the community, in the form of published lel ters and petitions to iI;ldividual trustees and hospital officials." In June a Free Press editorial accused the trustees of "copping out" and said it "is an anachronism that a presumed Catholic baspital with a maternily section' should-at this time and in this place, when so many forces are

Necrology AUG. 17 Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, 1882, Pastor, Holy Trinity, West Harwich. ,AUG. 22 Rt. Rev. Manuel J,' Teixeira, 1962, Pastor, St. Anthony, Taunton. Rev. William R, Jordan, 1972, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. AU~.


Rev. Thomas Clinton, 1895, Pastor, St. Peter, Sandwich. THE ANCHOR' Second Class Postage Paid at Fall Rlv~路. Mass, Published every Thursday at 410 Hlehland Avenue. Fall River. /l.ass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of F.II River. Subscrlptl,on price by m.ll, postp.id M.1lG per rear.

being mounted against the defe'nseless, unborn infant-opt to close it..:' ' . Bishop Flanagan, chairman of the board of trustees, said the new decision to keep the maternity . section open was due to "the conviction of the board members that our responsibility. to pro-life; values at this time in history made it imperative to maintair a maternity section at this hospital." Legal Difficulties "

The original decision to close the unit was made because of economic :factors. According to Helen . Marie Smith, executive director of St. Vincent's, there was only "a 36 per cent occqpancy rate. in the unit last year." There were 552 births in the unit last year, she said, and state guidelines consider l,qOO births "desirable'l for a unit like St. Vincent's.



. 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION: "Oh Almighty and eternal God, you have taken up into heavenly glory the L~gal .difficulties. could arise. body and soul of the immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother because Massachusetts laws re- of Your Son.. May we always look upward toward heaven quire' a hospital to "justify" its and come to be wprthy of sharing her glory." This is the present use of facilities if the opening prayer for the Feast of the Assumption, August hospital plans expansion or modernization costing $100,000 or I:?, as depicted in a painting by Borgognone, Ambrogio di Stefano. NC P h o t o . ' . more, Miss Smith said.

Patrick Roche, associate hos- ' pital director, warned that if the current situation does not Continued from Page. One change, the hospital may have to cent Judicial Approaches." "face the possibility of a phase In addition t.o Focus Groups out again." ailp Special Sessions, the Con"We are' counting on the 'good gress will offer more than 80 will," said Miss Smith, "of those seminars covering a wide variety who expressed their opposi'tion of' topics related to the family to our decision to close the unit. and its primary role in religious, I am very happy with the deci- education. Among the speakers sion to maintain the maternity at . these seminars will be such section here.. We always bad one nationally recognized figures as: and we do want it." The Most Rev. Bernard Flanagan, Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester,(Mass.; the Most Rev.. Soviet Union Church' John Whealon, Archbishop of the NEW D垄LHI (NC)-Churches Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn.; in the Soviet Union are open but the Most Rev. Michael R. Dempattendance at services, especially' sey, Auxiliary Bishop of the aq,ong the young, is poor, said Ar.chdiocese of Chicago; Rev. James Carroll, Paulist priest, Arcb:>ishop Angelo Fernandes of poet. and playwright, and chapDelhi after 'a visit. to that coun- lain of Boston University; Rev. try. Daniel Berrigan, Jesuit priest,

Regional CeD Convention


author, and poet; and Dr. Francoise Berube, professor of Reli, gious Education at Fordham University, Bronx, N. Y. The Congress will open Friday, August 24 with a worship service led by Father Carroll. Another service has been planned for Sunday morning when His Eminence Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, Archbishop of Boston, will celebrate a special liturgy. Joining him as con-celebrants will be bishops of the II New England dioceses.


Persons interested in attending the Congress can obtain registration information by writing to: 1973' NE Congress; Division of Continuing Education, Huddleston' Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H. 03824 or calling 603-862-1006.

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tH~ ANCl-!OR-

Criticize London Civic Authorities On Housing

Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973


Conference Plans Meeting

LONDON (NC)""':The Catholic Housing Aid Society .has criticized the failure of London's civic authorities' to provide houses for the growing number of homeless families. The society sent,telegrams to all 70 councilors of one central London borough objecting to plans to ,develop a $2.5 billon offices - and - luxury ~'apartments complex alongside the Thames River while the local poor and homeless wait for shelter.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) will hold its annual meeting here Aug. 27-31 on the theme of power and powerlessness in modern society. The LCWR convention will be attended by over 500 directors of Roman Catholic Sisterhoods. Archbishop Helder Camara, of Olinda-Recife, Brazil, considered one of rhe Church's outstanding advocates of the poor, will give the major address at the meeting. "How to sessions" are also on the agenda as well as a variety of workshops that will attempt to show practical present day examples of how to put the message of the Gospel inm action. The Sisters will el€ct new of· ficers and approve plans for action during the 1973-74 period.


"Tht:) 10 largest London-based property companies now control assets in excess of the entire United Kingdom's gold and dollar reserves," commented society director, Douglas Pollard. The Catholic society's move followed closely upon the biggest and most successful national conference it has yet organized. This was attended by some 400 delegates from some 90 similar voluntary housing associations which are now becoming a major national force in providing homes through easy loans for low income families.

Opus Dei Ordains 51 to Priesthood

The conference at Nottingham University was attended also by Britain's Social Services Minister, Sir Keith Jose1)h, who told them: "Thoe tide is running your way. At last the government sees you can rl.'place the private landlord." Praising their infinitc drivc, enthusiasm and knowledge hc said the government is going to give them a strategic role in "housing action areas" proposed in a recent official "white paper." Analyzing the nature of Western society today, Benedictine Father Thomas Cullinan pleaded at the conference for a new attitude to private ownership. He stressed that the world's resources belonged to everyone and not to any individual to do with as he wished. "We are all tenants-not freeholders," he sa id.

Bookl'et Continued from Page One associated with the total healing, ministry of Christ as continued in His body, the Church." Care and concern for the sick is the responsibility of the whole Christian community, the committee says. "But all this will have little impact unless the pastoral implementation of the revised rites is accompanied by a catechetical effort comparable to the encouragement Pius X gave to frequent Communion at the beginning of thoe century." The booklet, entitled "Study Text 2: Anointing and the Pastoral Care of the Sick," gives the text of Pope Paul's instruction on the sacrament, the historical, theological and pastoral background for the reform of the sacrament, and suggestions for liturgy alld music in the rite of anointin~.

It is available through the Bishops' Committee on tne Liturgy at the U. S. Catholic Conference, 1312 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, D. C.



ENVIRONMENT OF WORSHIP: The "environment of worship" institute is now in session in Santa Fe, N.M. Institute Director is Father Blase Schauer, O.P., center, shown concelebrating a Mass earlier this year in which some of the sacred appointments which will be discussed were used. At right, above, are words of a hymn which had been projected against an altar wall, eliminating the need for books. The Mass was held in'Immaculate Heart Parish where institute worship is being held. NC Photo.

Bishop Charges Marxist Infi Itration SAN SALVADOR (NC) - A conservative bishop has reopened a controversy here over alleged Marxist infiltration in a Jesuit-run school. Bishop Jose Castro y Ramirez of Santiago de Maria stated in a paid ad in a rightist paper that "this bishop will rather die than allow Marxism to infiltrate 0llr Catholic schools, as it has penetrated one in San Salvador." The controversy, which started as a purely internal matter between groups of parents of San Jose School, got national attention when the press and government took sides on the issue. A special commission of the Ministry of Education made an investigation but did not reach any conclusion. The controversy continnued. According to observers, the issue was raised for political motives against the Jesuits by some of the most conservative of the parents of students enrolled in the school. The school, along with making efforts to admit poorer students has been instituting a social studies program which includes field trips to slums and rural areas and a course on Communist ideologies and tactics. in an attempt to awaken students to . social challenges. The controversy seemed to be

settled after 11 vote was taken by which 93 per ,ceilt of the. parents rejected accusations and upheld the policies of the administrators of the school. Uphold Policies The San Salvador archdiocese called the charges "unjust arid subjective" and said that it lamented the attitude of those who ','conditioned py ignorance and lack of Christian spirit try to prevent teaching which takes into. account the national real· ity ... "The education given in the school is in 'accordance with the principles of faith and with the doctrine of the Church," the archdiocese said. The controversy continued, however, because it was feared that some of the foreign Jesuits would have to leave the country

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under pressure from the conservative regime of Col. Artruro Armando Molina.

ROME (NC)-Fifty-one professional men belonging to the Opus Dei, a secular institute were ordained to the priesthood in Madrid Aug. 5. The new priests belong to 16 nations in Europe and North and South America. They have practiced their profession until reo cently for periods ranging from several years to several decades. Among them are journalists. lawyers, doctors, engineers and one linguist. Each of the professionals ordained has earned a doctorate in theology, philosophy or canon iaw in addition to their professional civil studies. The Opus Dei is a largely lay organization offering spiritual instruction to men and women seeking sanctity while continuing to hold secular jobs. Only about two per cent of its 60,000 members in 80 countries are priests. The organization has been ordaining professional men since 1943, but this group is the largest in the association's history, which dates from 1928.

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THE: ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973.

Record Shows Teamsters' Damaged Their Cr~dibility The last release of this column took note of the fact that those clergymen who are actively s'upporting the United Farm Workers in the current farm labor crisis in California are being severely criticized, potably by Frank Fitzsimmons, president of Every sentence in that parathe International Brother-' graph is demonstrably false: hood of Teamsters. Mr. Fitz(1) Chavez bas never claimed simmons has repeatedly that the Bishops' Committee on made the charge that pro-UFW clergymen (whos~ name, by the . way, . is legion). are totally incompetent in 'the area of collec-

Plan New Series of Tests' to Establish Authenticity of Shroud of Turin. TURIN (NC) The "holy shroud" ()f Turin, venerated as the burial cloth in which Christ was wrapped after the Crucifixion,' is to be subjec;ted to a· new series of tests before .the end of the year in an attempt to establish its authenticity. Dr. Giovanni Iudica Cordiglia, president of the International Center of the Holy Shroud here, said Pope Paul VI, King Umberto, former king of It.aly, and Cardinal Michele Pellegrino of Turin, havfil all approved submitting the relid to a series of scientific tests. The shroud, a cloth about 13feet long and four-and-a-half feet· wide, is believed by many to be the, cloth in which Christ was " wrapped when His body was laid'in the tomb on the eVl!ning of Good Friday. It bears the imprJnts of the body of a man who was! crucified and crowned with thorns, who had ·his side pierced and :who had been brutally whipped.

Farm Labor has endorsed a boycott of lettuce or grapes. He has claimed, with complete accuracy, that a number of individual bishops, State Catholic Conferences, clerical and lay. organizations, etc., have enthusiastically supBy ported'the boycott. . Has Catholic Support MSGR. (2) Only one member of the Bishops' Committee has resigned, GEORGE G. and that for reasons which has nothing to do with the pr.os and HIGGINS cons of the' farm labor controversy. Incidentally, he has been replaced on the Committee by a tive bargaining and labor-man- bishop who; both before and agement relations and, accord- since his -appointment, has Major Objection ingly, has 'bluntly advised them strongly supported the UFW and The major objection to claims to mind their 'own business and severely criticized the. Teamthat the shroud is a genuine relic . stop taking sides in the Team- sters. (3) Chavez is not losing' the is that its history can only be st'er-Farm Workers controversy. As a: matter of fact, Fitzsimmons support of the Catholics. To the traced to the 14th century, alhas repeated this charge and has contrary, he is currently receiv- though earlier reports of a simoffered this gratuitous advice so ing more Catholic support than ilar relic have been found. frequently-and with such in- at any previou's time in the hisPhotographed first in 1898, the shroud was revealed as a negtemperate vehemence - in his . tory of his I11ovement. (4) Chavez is not turning to ativ~ of a person encased in th,~ recent public statements as to Protestant splinter groups and cloth. The photographer' at that suggest that he may be getting a litle paranoid on the Hubjett. Jewish leaders for help. To the time looked at the negative of Be that as it may, the Team-. contrary, he is turning to main the picture'· he had taken and Protestant found a positive image which mainstream sters, in a desperate and com- line, pletely counter-productive effort. groups and Jewish' organizations sho\yed clear and easily recog.. to neutralize t1-"e influence of and is receiving an increasing nizable features of a man. their clerical critics, are acting amount of support from both. This has· been one of the major The Team$ters kilOwall this arguments for the shroud's au.. very irresponsibly. They are desperately trying to create the false as well as I do. By pretending. thenticity. Because the exis impression that the religious otherwise-for the obvious pur- tence of photographic negatives community in this country is pose of misleading tbe media- and' positives 'was unknown to turning against the United Farm they have 'severely damaged artists of earlier centuries it is Workers and presumably com- their credibility. That's admitted- argued that the shroud could not ing over to the Teamsters' side ly a very h~rsh judgment, but be a painting as had been main... in the current farm labor crisis. the record speaks for itself and tain'ed by skeptics. That's not a mere impresBion on simply canno,t be ignored. Private Viewing ( © 1973 NC Features) my part. It's a matter of public record. Iudicia Cordiglia, a' professor Three Convicted 'Losing Support' of I(!gal medicine at the Univer.. sity of Milan, told NC News that Two weeks ago, for example, of IIlegail Entry during the course of a visit to WASHINGTON (NC)-A priest, California in connection with a Catholic high school teacher, Vatncan Observer the Teamster-Farm Workers con- and an ex-tonvict have been troversy, I came across a copy convicted of unlawful entry into . Appointed to UN of the Teamsters' Media Kit pre- the White House where they held VATICAN CITY (NC) - A pared by a Los Angeles public a pray-in to oppose U. S. bomb- Vatican diplomat long experirelations firm. One of the items ing in Cambodia. enced in negotiating with Comin this kit included the following The defenDants were Father munist regimes in East Europe statement with reference to the James F. LaCroce, 43; Brendan has been named the new permaparticipation of the cleJ'gy in Walsh, 3D, who teaches theology nent observer of the Holy See the farm labor' dispute.' at Mercy High School in Balti- to' the United Nations. "Contrary to Chavez' claims, more; and William T. Ireland, The Vatican announced July the Bishops' Committee has' not 32, who works in community de- 27 t~at Pope Paul VI has named endorsed a boycott of lett uce or v~lopment in 'Baltimore and who Msgr. Giovanni Cheli, an official grapes. Three of the five ad hoc told the jury he has served a of the Council for the Public Afbishops have resigned. Chavez prison term f,or embezzlement. fairs of the Church, to replace is losing the support of the CathWithin several weeks there the present 'observer Msgr. AIolics. He is now tijrning to Prot- have been .62 arrests at the berto Giovanetti, who will reestant splinter groups anll J~w­ White Housli! involving illegal turn ifor assignment to Rome. ish leaders for help." entry. The pattern of protest has Msgr. Cheli's specialty has generally followed the same pat- been" negotiating with CommuNew Hospital tern where, several ·persons nist regimes in E~stern Europe.. MILAN (NC) -The dedication would leave a tourist line to pray As the principal assistant to of a group of lay missionary doc- in an area off limits to tourists. Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, Father LaCroce in July was secretary .of the Council, Msgr. tors has spurred hard-headed Mi1an businessmen to put up $350,- suspended from his Harrisburg, Cheli has·frequently travelled on 000 for a new hospital in a re- Pa., diocese by Bishop Joseph T. missions to Czechoslovakia, PogiOil of the African Rep.ublic of Daley. He was suspended' for land, Hungary and elsewhere beChad which- has an infant mortal- giving Communion in Baltimore.. hind what used to be called the ity rate of 70 percent. The new to Philip Berrigan and the for- . Iron. Curtain. Msgr. Cheli norhospital is being built at Goundi, .mer Sister Elizabeth McAlister, mallY exercised his .negotiating a town near the desert wa!;tes of both of whom have been excom- skills in the early phases of talks the landlocked country and con- municated. Father LaCroce had with ,various communist governsidered among the most dElpress- been staying with the Berrigans ments, in Prague, Warsaw, Budaed regions of all Africa. at their Baltimore residence. pest and other capitals.

SHROUD OF TURIN TO BE TESTED: This is the "holy shroud" of Turin, venerated as the burial cloth in which Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion. A new series of scientific tests will be -made on the 13-foot by 4~-foot doth to verify its authenticity. NC Photo. . a whole new series of colOr and black and white pictures was taken of the shroud two years ago but has not yet been released publicly. A commission to examine the

Committee Objects To Trash Can Ads' SOUTH BEND (NC)-The St. Joseph County Right to Life Committee has objected to abortion advertisements being carried on .local trash containers. The trash containers, which are placed on sidewalks and at street intersections, are provided by a private company under city contract. A spokesman for Plast-Ad, the owner of the trash containers, said that all advertising on the containers must "be in good taste." JYIrs. Robert Hunt, president of the Right to Life Committee, told a meeting of the board of the board of the South Bend Department of Public Works that the abortion ads violate the "goOd taste" requirement.

FAI'RHAVEN L.UMBER CO. Complete Line auilding Materials 118 ALDEN RD, FAIRHAVEN 993-2611

shroud has been appointed by Cardinal Pellegrino and is expected to begin its w.ork in September. The first step, said the doctor, will be a private viewing of the relic by the assembled comm'ission and various scholars and scientists. The shroud has not been displayed publicly since the extraordinary jubilee year of 1933. The property of the former kings of Italy, the House of Savoy, it is preserved wrapped in silk in a silver casket in 'a chapel in Turin.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973


Unions Appear Near Agreement WASHINGTON (NC) - The heads of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the AFL-CIO were apparently nearing an agreement over the California grape dispute. "We all felt we were making progress," said AFL-CIO president George Meany after an Aug. 3 meeting with Teamsters president Frank Fitzsimmons. The heads of two of the most powerful unions in the United States have been workingtowards an agreement since April, when the Teamsters signed contracts with- a number of California grape growers who had previously been under contract with Cesar Chavez' United Farm Workers Union (UFWU), an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. The UFWU' went on strike


'Faith A Problem Today, Pope' Paul Says admit the importance of "invisible reality," and tend to rely only on "sense and experimental experience and scientific re'asoning." The Pope said that Christians too rely on the knowledge that comes from the senses and from sound reasoning. But, he added.

Protestant Magazine Questions Fr. Kueng's Sense of f'air Play WASHINGTON (NC) - The Protestant magazine Christianity Today, while agreeing with Father Hans Kueng's rejection of papal infallibility, has questioned his logic and sense of fair play in the controversy. "We, like Kueng, reject papal bi-monthly infallibility," the evangelical magazine stated in an editorial. But unlike him we do not belong to the Roman Church. "We do wonder about Kueng's logic-or even his sense of fair play toward his Roman brethren -in continuing to insist that he is right and playing his secular status and media image for all they are worth." The "secular status" to which the editorial referred was Kueng's government prote<;ted German academic tenure, the legal rights afforded him, his popularity among Protestants and the ularity among Protestants,and the respect he enjoys in the media. 'Clever Enough' "In other words, he is using his secular status against his Church," the editorial continued. "If the Church defends itself by withdrawing his "missio canonica" (his right to teach candidates for the priesthood) he will retain his government-guaranteed tenure at Tuebingen University." The editorial reckoned that "Kueng is popular enough and

Teamster officials countered that Chavez was "irresponsible" and both the growers and the workers were being' hurt under the UFWU. Before the most recent meeting between Meany and Fitzsimmons, neither leader would comment on the progress of their talks. Meany's statement that they were "making progress" was taken by a source close to the talks as an indication that the two unions may soon reach an agreement. It was expected that another meeting would take place soon.

Announcing . ..


MARQUETTE LANDING RELIVED: Portraying Jesuit explorer Father Jacques Marquette, Father Charles McEnery, S.J., black hat, and three companions paddle for the shore of the Mississippi River at Helena, Ark. Father McEnery was homilist at a Mass July 15 marking the 300th anniversary of t he arrival of Marquette after explorations which began at St. Ignace, Mich. NC Photo.

CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)Christian faith, "the prime source of salvation, today has become the major obstacle" to being saved, Pope Paul told a weekly general audience here. Centering his thoughts on the subject of faith, the Pope noted that men today find it difficult to

against the growers, charging that the Teamster-grower pacts were "sweetheart contracts" and the teamsters did not represent the rank-and路fiIe farm laborers.

clever enough to use his leverage to evade, perhaps indefinitely, the sanctions of his Church." "Earlier opponents of papal infallibility-such as the famous 19th century scholar Ignaz Doellinger-reluctantly left the Roman Church when they could not persuade it to abandon the doctrine," the editorial pointed out. "This is clearly more straightforward than Kueng's present game, and perhaps more honorable as, well." Secular Power The editorial described Kueng as one who "presents himself as a man constrained by academic integrity to hold a position rejected 'by his Church. But is it fair to the Church to refuse to let it define what it is, and to play off sec~lar power and influenceagainst it?" Last June, the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirmed the doctrine of oneness and infallibility of the Church. While the Vatican declaration did not use any names, the Vatican press office referred to "some ideas by Hans Kueng" in its notes accompanying the declaration. ' Father Kueng has accused the Doctrinal Congregation of passing judgment on him before trial. He pointed out. that proceedings against him are still pending in the Doctrinal ,Congregation. _

Christians object wbzn men accept this approach as the only approach to knowledge and refuse "to admit a knowledge based on the testimony of revelation, that is, the word of God ..." He said Christians must keep in mind that "the faith is a gift of God" and not all have received it. Tbls fact, he continued, 'required us to consider faith as a question of the highest importance which must be treated with greatest seriousness and with humility and which must also be accompanied by a great love路 for truth' and by prayer." Citing the example of the 16th century Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross, Pope Paul reminded his listeners that even devout believers can suffer crises in their faith, "which" God permits at given moments so as to prepare them for a stronger and hence more joyful expression of faith." The Pope also noted that part of the present-day problem can be traced to various schools of biblical interpretation which weaken the authority of the Gospels. ,Some forms of biblical scholarship at present, the Pope said, seek "by new and destructive interpretations and by spacious disputable criteria, to 'deny the Bible's genuine authority, which the Church recognizes and has championed in its traditional faith." The Pope concluded: "faith has long been the target through history of numberless attacks and continuous ambushes. But as defended, taught. and professed by the Catholic Church, fired by the Holy Spirit, it will remain and continue to be the light of the People of God, on their untiring pilgrimage in the history of the world."

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THE ANCHOR,~Diocese of Fall Riv.er~jThurs., A'ug. 9, 1973

Temporary Halt To State Funds

A Matter of Both The two great eommandments are Love of God and Love of Neighbor. It is a matter of observing both. There are those who put the emphasis on Love of God, and then forget their neighbor. They may go to Church, talk of how to say their prayers, a.nd yet they may be quite critical of the family next door, harsh in ,the treatment of a brother or sister or friend; cruel in their neglect of a neighbor, in need. 'I These may contribute quite self-righteously to ,a drive to help the children of the parched West African countries caught 'in the yvorst drought in the memory of man but they will not tolerate the crying of the baby upstairs. They call for the evangelization of far-off lands but do not give the example of Christian charity to those who shop with them in the local super-market. They say that they love God. But they do not see that love of God also means love of those whom God has made for Himself, those created by the Almighty and bearing His image in their lives, those who must always be' treated with reVllrence and respect bcause they are children of God and brothers and sisters to every other person. Love of God is not only a vertiCal direction.,.....the person looking up to His Creator. It also embraces the horizontal-the person reaching out in, charity to every other person precisely because God is the Father of all. There are other persons, of course, who place. the emphasis on Love ofl Neighbor and then proceed to forget God. They reason that if they throw themselves without reserve into active concern for their neighbors, then this' is enough. They may look upon prayer, upon, Church, upon meditation on things spiritual as a flight from' involvement, as a running away from ,the present. For them it must be activity with people all the time. These, too, miss the point of the two commandments. Their emphasis on people alone can soon lead to a wearin~ss of life and effOit without the sustaining power, and strength that only union with God can provide. 'Their motives can soon be just the motives of the humanitarians -good as far as they go but a long ciry from the motivation of the Christilm committed to serving God because He is /God and serving neighbor for the' sake of God. The two great ('ommandm~nts, then, must be seen as inextricably bound one to the other. Loye of God must be shown in Love of Neighbor. And Love of Neighbor must be based on Love' of God. It is a matter of both.

TV Danger A decade ago, the then chairman of the Federal Com~ications Commission. Newton N. Minow, was asked about television's greatest problem. He answered, "If I were asked to put my fInger on TV's toughest problem I'd put all four fingers, and my thumb,Clown on one ~pot颅 television . for children and young people. In America today chlldren under 12 spend 70,000,000 hours a day watching television." . Well, all this was ten years ago, and, the hours have increased and the problem is still a problem. In some areas the violence has been toned down. But there has been an increase in other dangers-the ridicule more subtle now, of ethical values; the flaunting, as entertainment, of the vulgar and the course; the endless .and tireless discussions, in the name of openness and freedom, of the most pervertedl types of behavior. /


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ,. 410 Hightand Avenue Fall River, Mass; 0272~ 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Doniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.CI. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll ~

Leary Press-Fall River

DES MOINES (NC)-A temporary injunction prohibiting the disbursement of state funds for auxiliary services to nonpublic schools has been issued here by a federal court. The injunction bars state funds for the new auxiliary services program but does not prohibit the local governments from disbursing local funds for the services to nonpublic schools. No direct transfer of money to nonpublic schools is involved, only the providing of services, which includes remedial education, library and 1earning, , resources services, nursing and health services, guidance counselling, psychological testing, and data processing services.

Fr. Dalzell


Continued from Page One The assignment is effective on 'Wednesday, Sept. 12. ' Father Dalzell was born on May 12, 1919 in Boston, the son of the 'late Patrick' and Mary Gillen Dalzell. Educated at Sacred Heart Col路 'lege, Girard, Pa. and St. Mary's Seminary, Techny, Ill., he was ordained on April 23, 1949 in the Chapel of St. Mary's Seminary, Techny by the late Archbishop William D. O'Brien. Father Dalzell has served as assistant at St. Kilian's, New , Bedford; St. Fra~cis Xav~er, Hyannis and St. Patrick's, Fall River. On Jan. 29, 1970, the new pastor in Norton was named pastor of Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket where he has remained St. William's Church until his present assignment.



JAuth路ority and Leadership : There may be 'some who would still argue the point but, for the majority of people, the pursuit of the common good by groups of poor mortal men yet requires authority. In 'terms of the' future, this still seems to be the case, not because so many of us gard to who they are or whom are' evil and corrupt, but be- they know. Ideally, he is to govcause all of us are limited ern and administer by the book and: finite. From our every and not to be influenced by day living we ,'know, even if we do not admit it, that authority is : basic to our various social groupings be' they unions, clubs, church or state. The critical problem that we now face as a nation and a people is, not so much the need for authority, but rather the use and abuse of authority. The present constitu.. tional confrontation arising from the so callE.'<i Watergate adventure and other well known 'hor路, r.ors basically is centered around this aspect of authority. The authority that is granted to our elected officials is not based on personal charism nor on some divine right but rather is derived from law. The fundamental job of the elected official is to see to it that the details of laws and regulations are observed by everyone without re-

money, power or undue personal ambition. A very real danger arises when governmental authority and bureaucracy will convert themselves from ends to means. The survival of the authority then becomes an end 'in itself. The goals for which it exists and the people whom it allegedly serves are no longer important. It becomes superprofessional. In this 'situation, the ,arrogance of authority uses people as mere puppets reducing them'to computer cards and transfers the responsibilit,ies of personal decisions to the bureaucratic structure itself. Under such circumstances no one is assumed to have any responsibility for what happens and decisions affecting the common good are made by impersonal forces beyond the control of any human agency.

Authority Must IProvide' Leadership It is quite obvious that this is the situation that now 'confronts our national government not to mention our state and local governmellts. Too many people in elected and appointed govern,mental positions either feel that their authority is derived from the divine right of kings or have

become so irresponsible that they have been reduced to, mere cogs in a bureaucratic machine. The relationship between personal responsibility and lawful authority has been completely distorted. Thus, we ask if a constitutional society can survive in such an atmosphere

without recognizing that authority and leadership are in , fact one and the same. In all the uproar over Watergate, it should now be clear that leadership is indistinguishable from authority. Not all in elected position of autbority have yet discovered that . the service required is the service of leadership based on the free consent of a free people. Authority that fails to produce leadership loses credibility and in some cases' perhaps even legitimacy. Any sincere and honest appraisal of the American scene today would have to conclude that what we need is not less government but better" government. A government that in the exercise of its constitutional mandates and exercise of lawful leadership assures the freedoms and rights of the common good. A government that does not function outside the law common to all its citizens but rather upholds the law by responsive and sincere leadership. A gov, ernment that uses its authority and power ,with respect and trust rather than with dishonor 'and derision. The goal then of any proposed reform ought not to be the elimination of governmental authority but rather the development of an authority and power that will function with honest and open leadership that is dedicated to the protection of the common good and the promotion of the general welfare. Let us never forget the words of Lord Acton namely "Power corrupts and absolute power' corrupts absolutely,"

BROOKLYN (NC) - Catholic The cluster concept was anschool experts in the urban ·nounced Jan. 24 by Bishop Fran• Brooklyn diocese are predicting cis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn in radical changes in the shape of consultation with school offiCatholic education here in the cials, who, anticipating negative next few years. il'igh court rulings on tax credits, One immediate traceable rea- funds for such state-mandated son for the quiet revolution in services as record keeping and Ch·urch schooling, they say, can other aids, were looking around be found in the new concept of last fall for ways to economize "clustering" neighborhood parish and yet make quality education schools. available to Catholic parish Three sets of do-it-yourself 'school children. Already" school· guidelines were issued in June enrollment had dropped from and July for use by 52 grassroots 181,000 in 1966 to an estimated· Cluster Coordinating Councils. 140,000 because of rising costs Local parishioners are now tak- and slowly increasing tuition ing a hard look at some 190 pa:-- charges. , ish elementary schools with a . Subsidies Reduced view to closil1g some down and consolidating others. By mid-June, six clusters anAs a result, the scbools run nounced decisions to close eight here jointly by the Catholic com- schools, mostly in ghetto areas. munity of several parishes will This together with the shutbe characterized by an effort to downs of two other schools for preserve quality Catholic educa- other reasons meant reduction in tion in a flexible, innovative and diocesain subsidies from $2.6 democratic way, with· local million in 1972-'73 to $1.5 million voices having a great deal to say estimated for the next academic iii the process. year. This means a 20th-centu'ry , "We don't want simply a savchange from the pattern of every- ing of money," said Father Vinparish·should·have-a-school, set cent D. Green, assistant superinin 1884 by the U. S. bishops at tendent of Catholic elementary the Third Council of Baltimore. schools, "That is important, of Cluster Concept course, but it is morll important A second, less positive change to achieve innovative, individual in the shape of things to come was education for children in a relipredicted in a late July WABC gious atmosphere. "Press Conference" radio pro"Educational Guidelines for gram by superintendent of Clustering and Consolidating schools Joseph Bynon. He said School," a 16-page document, that the recent U. S. Supreme states that a "new age of CathCourt decisions against finan- olic education has begun." It cial aids to beleaguered Catholic draws heavily from the renewal schools will have the effect of ideals of the Second Vatican ending integrated neighborhoods Council, as well as tb::l U. S. bishin some sections of Brooklyn. op's pastoral of last November.

Omaha Archbishop Sets Guidelines For Catholic School Integration



Experts Says Radical Changes To Shape Catholic Education

Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Pope Promises To Defend Faith CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) Paul VI has pledged vigilance against those who pretend to redefine Christianity or who weaken the Catholic rel!gion. The Pope's "vigilant solicitude" to defend the faith was expressed at the conclusion of his regular weekly audience July 18, the first of the '>eason at his summer residence in this Alban hillside town. Concluding. a brief address on the joy of being a Christian, the Pope declared: "Therefore our vigilant solicitude will be not to yield to those stealthy, and arbitrary ideologies which pretend to give to Christianity a new interpretation and which prescind from the teaching of the Church's tradition and theology," In his address to thousands at Castelgandolfo, the Pope said any new interpretation of Christianity would 'be predicated on a "weakening of the religious reality of our faith." The Pope 'promised "judiciously to guard against such currents which, imbued with an abusive spirit .that is critical, preconceived and negative, attempt to reno der the Catholic religion nonsacred," '

FACELIFT IN ST. PAUL: A boy with a bike pays no attention to the massive display of scaffolding which covers the front of St. Paul Cathedral in St. Paul, Minn. The 58 year old structure is undergoing a facelift which began last fall. NC Photo.

Sees New Roles

Look for,us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls. Mansfield, North Attleboro, North Dighton. North' Easton, Norton, Raynham. and Taunton,

discrimination in the Omaha French· Cardinal, Approves Women's public school system, and that Demands for Full Citizenship remedies to this discrimination sbould be in effect when schools LOURDES (NC)-The demands 11 truthful and honest education open this fall. of women to be full citizens will in the various forms of freedom; When the Omaha school offi· help reestablish and ennoble the and collaborate with their chilcials received this information family, Cardinal Alexandre Ren- dren and with other social auin a letter from the Justice Deard of Lyons told the Interna- thorities: the school, the Church, partment in July they said it tional Council of Catholic Men avoiding all heavy authoritarianwas sudden and unexpected. ism," Cardinal Renard said. Parhere. Father William Kelligar, cornents should also, as the child Cardinal Renard said, "Wommunications director for the grows up, "change the physical archdiocese, said the letter en are demanding their freedom, obedience of the very young seemed to be the strongest of its both in society and in the Church child into an influential and conMEMBER F 0 Ie kind the Justice Department has -freedom to choose whether to fidential relationship." written to a local school dis- have children or not, freedom to take up a job, even freedom to trict. rl III1111111111IIII11I11111111IIII11I1Ul III III11I11I111111I111I111111III III III III11I111IIII III1111111111IIII III111111I111111IIII111I11I11I1" "If parents have made a deci- be ordained as priests." Women's new role, the cardision, that they would prefer to have their children educated in nal said, is cause for rejoicing. a public school system we ac"Tomorrow's world can only cept that," the priest said. "But benefit from this arrival of womwe do not think that once they en at their "majority" according bave made that decision they to their sex, their qualities of should 'be allowed' to change it heart and generosity," he added. For the Benefit of quickly because the Justice De- "They are complementary· to partment has decided that the men, equal with them in dignity, Catholic Daughters school system should be mixed but not in the false egalitarian THE SISTERS OF ST. DOROTHY way espouse'd by certain femracially." Meet in San Juan SAN JUAN (NC) - The naFather Kelligar pointed out inist movements." tional board of the Catholic that that the Catholic school The cardinal said that women WHITE ELEPHANT GAMES Daughters of America announced system could profit financially can influence society "through PENNY SALES CAKES at a meeting here that the 1974 by, filling up empty seatS" with their specific qualities, humanize national CDA convention will be white Catholic children who a world which has become too HANDMADE ARTICLES GROCERIES held in Los Angeles. were attending public schools intellectualized, too technical." REFRESHMENTS GRABS The CDA's junidr affiliates last year. The prevailing practice now, "We are not going to condon«;l he said, is for fewer restrictions elected Nolita Vasquez of Bayamon, P. R., national president. a racist response," he warned. for children, especially older She will enter Notre Dame Col- "And we do not accept the idea children, and "suggestions and AUGUST 11 'and 12 from 2:00-9:00 P.M. lege in Baltimore in the fall and that our institution should profit advice, but very Jew demands ... plans to study journalism. Cath- financially on a short-term basis "No doubt families have taken erine Grueter of Carrollton, Ill., because some parents might be Route 140 Taunton, Ma. 90 County St. was named "197~ National Out- motivated by basic racial antag- too long to become aware of the fact that they ought to provide ~'1II1II1I1I1II1I1II1II1II1II11II1I1I1II1I1I1II1II1II11II1II1II1II1I1I1I1I1II1II1II1ll1II1I1I1II1I1II1II1I1I1II1I1I1II1II1I1I1II1II1IIIlllllh.~ onisms or fears." standing Junior."

OMAHA (NC) - Arer.,bishop Daniel E. Sheehan of Omaha has vowed not to allow the Catholics school~ in his archdiocese to be~ come a refuge for white children whose parents want them out of racially integrating public schools. . "I urge our pastors and school administrators to follow the established archdiocesan and parish school policy that no color barriers will exist," the archbishop wrote in a pastoral letter. "Schools which do have vacancies should make sure black and other minority group children are as welcome as whites." Archbishop Sheehan's statement on school transfers came in view of the current public school integration issue in the Omaha public' school district. The U. S. Justice Department has found that there was racial
























Plan Popul'ation Advisory Group

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ~iver-lhurs., Aug. 9, 1973


Fall S:ho'e .Fashi:ons· To Be Fem·ioin,e, COlmfy~ Classic

LONDON (NC) - The bishops of England and Wales are setting up a working party to advise' them on problems of na- " tional and world population, a subject of increasing discussion and controversy in this country.

While I intend to spend at least September 3 sitting on the beach, I will concede that I'm not against taking a peek at what we'll he wearing this fall and winter even before I pack away my beach togs. About the only thing good about the inevitability lower heeled of summer ending is that this country-looking. casuals to wear with all the year the fall clothes are go- beautiful tweeds. You know, the ing to be j~st beautiful, espe- type of shoe that looks just great

They are doing' so in view of an official report on population presented to Parliament earlier this year and to b~ able to answer questions raised during World Population Year, 1974. The advisory group is being . organized by the bishops' Justice and Peace Commission jointly with their Social Welfare 'Commission.

cially the accessories. · with textured stockings. - One area that I'm sure all Spectator pumps and ghillies women will be glad to see a that were so popular this sumchange in is that of ·footwear. I mer will crop up again for cooler weather, with taupe. (a soft beige) taking over in the place of white.


A statement agreed on by the bishops at a meeting after Easter had said that· "the distribution and use of natural resources and the needs of developing countries have understandably given· rise to argument .on how to provide for future generations."

Suede will be seen both in sporty and dressy shoes, especially in autumn shades of green, rust, and brown. For day the heel will be slim (but not spike) and ther.e is nary a sign of the really chunky heels or platform soles that sent us soaring and our' ankles snapping..

still remember abolit foul' years ago going up to Boston with Elegant Footwear some of my f.riends on a shopping e~cursion and spying the. Evening footwear will be truly first version of the chunky shoes. elegant with fabrics such as We couldn't stop laughing· for satin and silk used along with they were so very ugly but the glittery snakeskin materials. Sanmirth backfired because before dals, slingbacks and doll-like we knew it this style was the pumps are the shapes that will "in" thing and ,we had them in .. be secn after dark. our closets. Now for the prices-wow! If Stylish Agony you buy from a high fashion store, expect to pay $42 and up Not only were these styles for day wear, $50 and up for horrible to look at and uncom- evening. A pair of shoes will befortable to walk in, they were come as big' an investment as a really bad for the feet. I s:Jffered good wool dr,ess. However, there I hrnugh one pair that had a heel will be copies, we do live in an so high, and so off balan.:e that area where outlets handle lessI had terrible pains in the calf expensive merchandise, so perof my leg every time I wore haps we won't have to pay quite lhem. With their tilting soles this high a price. Nevertheless, they knocked my already weak like everything elsi~, shoes will arcr.·es down and resulted in hecome a luxury item. months of agony, all for the sake of style.. It looks as if this fall's shoes Mrs. Dillon Gets New <Ire going to be feminine, comConference Position fortable, and very classic. With INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - Mrs. slacks you'll wear slim ankle boots that give a smoot h line Valerie Vanqe' Dillon has been and a tailored look. There wilf named to the newly' created be a wide variety of really ·post of director of research and communicatiqn of the Indiana Catholic Conference, a statePope Says Man Needs wide coordinating body of IndiPhilosophy of Vacation ana's five dioceses. A nationally known family life CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)· Modern man needs· a "philosophy educator, Mrs. Dillon was assisof vacation," Pop~ Paul VI, him- · tant director of the Family Life self on vacation, told visitors at ·Bureau, diocese of Trenton, N. J., his summer home at a Sunday before moving to Indianapolis last year. She is the author of noon ,talk. three books, the most recent of· Vacations are no longe; simply which is "Life in Our Hands," a pause or rest, he said, b\,lt published by the United States have become necessary because Catholic Conference. "of the intensity of work under which modern man labors. "Vacations," continlied the Pope, Clergy Congregation have taken on "the aspect of a . Has 11 New Members fligh-t" from the demands of VATICAN CITY (NC)-Eleven modern work. new members, including Bishop Man's efforts to flee the pres- David M. Maloney of Wichita, sures of work· indicates that Kansas, have been named by work is not satisfying in itself Pope Paul·VI to the Congregaand does not bring happiness. At tion for the Clergy. the same time, vacations offer The congregation, headed by men the opportunity of seeking U. S. Cardinal John Wright, for-· out new experiences, he said. mer bishop of Pittsburgh; is an "To travel, to see differing administrative office" of the and exotic habits and places has Church which deals with matbecome the meaning of a vaca- ters concerning diocesan priests tion now," he continued. That is throughout the world. Of the 11 fine, as far as it goes, he added, new members named to the consince "travel is an incomparable gregation. four are cardinals and seven are bishops. school of human experience."

.A TICKLISH SITUATION: A ticklish young woman -has:a hard time keeping a straight face while being searched by a police woman in Belfast,' Northern Ireland. The woman was one of hundreds who were thoroughly inspected before being allowed to enter a street leading to a main shopping area of the city. It was part of an effort to prevent bombings and other terrorist acts. NC Photo.

Deplo,r,es ·D,ecline Archbishop Bernardin Urges. Increased Devotion to Blessed Virgin MARIA STEIN (NC)-The decline in faith and the resultant breakdBwn of religion is connected with the deeline in devotion to the Blessed Mother, according to Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati. Preaching the homily ·at a Mass one day before the fifth annual .pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Fatima at the Marian shrine here in Ohio, Archbishop Bernardin urged the pilgrims to ask the Blessed Mother, "to help us live up to the standards set for us by her son . . . Her' own life is a model and an encouragement for us as she responded to God's plan for her, which was truly beyond comprehension ...," he added.

the entire mystery, and that necessarily includes His mother and her relationship to Him." Saying that Mary's intercession fosters rather than impedes a uJiion with Christ, Archbishop Bernardin added, "It is because we are so sensitive (to the presence of Christ) among us . . . that we are so close to His mother, Mary, who was always at his side at the great moments of our redemption." "We can no more separate her from our love for Christ than we can separate our natural mothers from our own love and' our own hopes, aspirations and_ experiences. Indeed, Christ does not want us to separate him from his· mother in our love for him."

The recent parliamentary report had· carried pessimistic warnings with statistics about the world's population explosion and some of its recommendations such as abortion or sterilization in Emited circumstances are unacceptable to Catholics. But Auxiliary Bishop Augustine Harris of Liverpool, president of the Social Welfare Commission said "on the whole this report is free of the propaganda and even hystCTia whIch sometimes colors the debate on population growth." The debate "is not· about growing more food or unearthing more fuel or finding more living space. It is a debate about the human race created by God. "It is a vital issue which Catholics cannot ignore..;

Plan Fair Friends of the Presentation of· Mary Novitiate will sponsor. a " fair and chicken barbecue from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12 at the novitiate, 3012 Elm St., Dighton. Games, children's attractions, and varied booths. will be' featured, with the barbecue to be served from noon to 3 p.m. Rain date will be Sunday, Aug. 19. The annual ·event was formerly held on the grounds of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.

"..."BALLROOM' ",". DANCING EVERY SAT. NIGHT August II-The Big Sound of AI Rainone & his Orch. Your Host-AI Tremblay'

LINCOLN PARK Rte. 6, N. Dartmouth

Calling dishonesty in government, unrestricted abortion and a breakdown in family life examples of, "~vils that result when we do not listen to Christ," the archbishop noted, " a decline in faith and the resultant bre~k­ down of religion "(is occuring) at the very same time when devotion to the Blessed Mother seems to be on the wane." "The object of our faith is a living person, Jesus Christ," he. said. '!He was born into the world and grew up in a family just as we did. We cannot fully understand. and appreciate the mystery of Christ unless we see

OP:EN DAILY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 9, 1973

I was very disappointed at the abrupt decision by Vatican officials to end the experimentation permitting children to receive First Communion before going to Confession. This experimentation was taking place in 96 dioceses throughout the United States, including the one in needs. We have no argument , with them. which I live. My comments But we do argue with the conhere are based only on prac- cept that all children will bene-


Cursi 110. Fights , Moral Pollutants DALLAS (NC) - While many organizations fight'the pollutants that threaten the physical environment, a group which met here is fighting against moral pollutants and working for the Christianization of the environment. For three -.yeeks in July priests and' lay leaders of the Cursillo movement in the United States met in a senes of seminars at the University of Dallas to discuss ways of Christianizing the environment through personal example and leadership. A statement from regional leaders at the seminars emphasized the concept'of the Christian being a catalyst able to influence his environment. "Rather than creating new environments," the statemen said, "the Cursillo movement's strategy is to make Christian apostles of those who have both the capacity for Hving the Christian life and the capability for being an influence in the environments in which they .lre already situated." The· CUi'sillo movement is based on a three-day "Little Course in Christianity" designed to spark a continuing conversion process in each "Cursillista" that will lead him into deeper and richer Christian spiritual life and make him a "Christian cataylst." Attending the seminars ,were all of the nation's regional Cursillo leaders and more than 70 diocesan priest directors or assistant directors.

tical experience, not on any the- fit from the Eucharist only at ological training. The five oldest the point in their lives that they of my children made t.heir First . learn to commit sin. That's nonConfession before First Commu- . sense! Even a toddler grasps the idea of love; he responds to love. And his knowledge of love 6utstrips his knowledge of guilt for many years. By I do believe that a child has some sense of right and wrong. MARY But when he does wrong, I find it impossible to believe that he CARSON does it deliberately ... knowing and understanding tha t he is turning away from God. And one, very personal quesDROUGHT REGION: Raymond K. Panczyk of Dakar, nion; the n~xt two received Com- tion really bothers me. What munion before Confession; and about my eighth child? Bobbie is Senegal, area advisor in five African countries for Catholic the youngest, who is retarded, going on seven. Although she is' Relief Services, points to the region south of the Sahara has just begun her religious edu- retarded she responds to love, desert which has been suffering from one of the worst cation in a CCD class for excep- .' and I think she will have some droughts in this century. Panczyk was in New York to understanding of the Eucharist tional children. First of all, from U·"e children's soon. But if she has to wait until confer with CRS officials. "It's not like' an earthquake," point of view, I don't think it she is capable of turning from he. said. "A child doesn't become undernourished overmattered which came first. But it God and committing sin before night." NC Photo. was very important to the par- she receives, she will wait a very long time. ents! About two-thirds of the dioOur parish set up two tracks for the children preparing for ceses in the United States have First Communion, one with Con- . approved this experimentation. I fession first, one with Commu- don't know if these Bishops were Apartments' for Rome's Poor Were Built nion first. The parents made the consulted regarding how it affected religious education proWith Donation from Holy Father choice for their child. grams in their dioceses. ROME (NC)-They .will call it built at a reported cost of $900,Strengthens Love But two·thirds of the Catholic 000. the Pope's village. So the principal benefit de- parents were also involved; Did ' Plans are already under way An apartment complex for 99 the Vatican officials consider ONE STOP rived from this experiment was to add a social center to the vilpoor families from the shantySHOPPING CENTER directly involving the parents in finding out from t.hem how the towns cf Rome, built with a do- lage, using m0!1ey collected in the formal religious education. program really' worked? Or do nation from Pope Paul between the Pope's home diocese. • Television • Grocery of their children. In deciding tbey think that parents shouldn't Rome and the sea, was blessed • Appliances • Furniture During the blessing ceremony, which course our children should. have any say in the decisions re- July 31 by Cardinal Ugo Poletti, Cardinal Polettio read a telegram garding their own children's 104 Allen St., New Bedford jollow, my husband and I opted the Pope's vicar for the diocese of good wishes from Pope Paul spiritual development? 997-9354 for Communion first and our of Rome. and said. each of the 99 families If you had a child or children thinking followed this line: Pope Paul had said Mass on would receive a personal contriinvolved, please write to me in Sin is the deliberate turning care of The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Easter Sunday, 1970, in the bution from the Pope. neighborhood where the com· away from God. It is not possible Fall River 02722. On the occasion of his 1970 pleted village now stands. to reject God and His love until Easter visit, the Pope told the I'll forward your letter to Car- . The following summer, the people' of the area: one knows him. The Eucharist dinal John Wright in Rome so PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. strengthens the knowledge and that 'he can share' your thoughts Pope announced, that he would "I have come to meet you and Sales and Service donate the proceeds from the love of God. for Domestic ~ with the Vatican officials who sale of a Vatican building in make each one of you feel in and Industr,ial ~ So we reasoned that it was made this decision. your heart that you are loved." Oil Burners the center of Rome as a "symmore important for our childre'n Those words are now engraved 995-1631 to thousands who bolic gesture" to receive Communion first. on the walls of the parish church ACUSHNET AVENUE 2283, squ~lor in lean-to shacks live in Other parents made other de- Canadians, Americans -and in the hearts of 99 familNEW BEDFORD the capital. in and around cisions based on their children's Named to Secretariat ies. The Pope's, village, built on VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope land donated by the city, conPaul has appointed a Canadian sists of nine apartment buildings Attacks Restrictions on bishop a member of the Vatican Come Meet Your Old Friends Abortion, Sterilization Secretariat for Non-Believers' Lutheran Minister's The American Civil Uberties and named another Canadian and Make New Ones at Union (ACLU) is waging a "four- and two AmeriGans consultors Expulsion Protested pronged attack" against restric- to the secretariat. WINDHOEK (NC) - Five pastions on abortion and sterilizaCoadjutor Bishop Antoine Ha- tors of the German Evangelical tion, including a campaign to cault of St. Boniface has been Lutheran Church in Southwest force Catholic hospitals to pro- named a member of the secreta- Africa have protested the refusal vide abortic·n and sterilization riat. of South Africa, which rules this services. Among the 17 consultors to territory, to renew' the permit TOMORROW - . SATURDAY - SUNDAY Ms. Brenda Feigen Fasteau, the secretariat are Canadian Jes- of a Lutheran minister working coordinator ;)f ACLU's Women's uit Father Bernard Lonergan of with a white German congregaST. WILLIAM'S PARISH CENTER Rights Project in New York, told Regis College, Toronto; U. S. tion in Otjiwarongo. Stafford Road and Chicago St. NC News that the ACLU is: The expelled minister, the Rev. Jesuit Father Robert Brungs of Suing public hospitals that re- St. Louis University; and Dr. Wolfgang Krueger, was said to FRID~Y-Chowder-Fritters-5 P.M. -Auction-7 P.M. fuse to perform abortions; Suing Harold Harper, vice-president of be the first minister working private hospitals-both religious academic discipline of the with a white congregation to be SATURDAY-Meat Pie Supper-5 P.M, -Penny Sale-7 P.M. and nonreligious-that refuse to School of Medicine at the Uni- expelled. Other clergymen forced allow or perform abortions in versity of California at San to leave Southwest Africa have SUNDAY-Penny Sale-7 P.M. -$1,000 in Prizes-9:30 P.M. worked with black churches. their facilities; Challenging state Francisco. Booths Open 1 P.M.-Saturday & Sunday laws restricting abortions; ChalFather Lonergan is one of the Though no reason was given lenging Congress by a grassroots original. appointees to Pope for the government action, the Games of Chance Beer Garden campaign to influence legislators Paul's International Theological Rev. Krueger said he had been and by fighting existing laws Commission, a group of 30 schol- threatened with anonymous telePortuguese, Polish and Italian Food such as the "conscience clause" ars at the service of the Holy phone calls after he had arranged t ADMISSION and PARKING FREE amendment in the 1974 Public See and the world Synod of a pulpit exchange with a black clergyman. Bishops. Health Act. b·····~·····.· + · ·• • ··.···+············



SSe Peter and Paul



Nuns Withdraw From Hospital




'Abortion Major Political Issue In New Jersey NEWARK (NC)-Abortion has become a major politicaA issue in New Jersey with both candidates . for governor taking stands in opposition to abortion. In addition, the 90,000-member Newark' , Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women has asked U. S. Rep. Peter W. Rodino, a Democrat who represents a district in the area to help arrange public hearings on Rep. Lawrence 'Hogan's (R.-Md.) proposed constitutional amendment tD protect the unborn. Both the candidates in the November election for governor are Catholics. U, S. Rep, Charles, W. Sandman,. the Republican candidate, is a co~spons()r of the Hogan amendment and his opposition to 'abortion had Inng been known. His Democratic rival, Brendan T. Byrne, stated his position in a letter to Jesuit Father Victor R. Yanitelli, president of Sf:, Peter's College, Jersey City. FOOD ARRIVES AT VILLAGE: A village chief and local leaders supervise distriFather Yanitelli had written to ' bution of sorghum at a village in central Up )er Volta, one of the West African countries Byrne asking his views because of rumors which the priest said plagued by drought and ,famine. The food W;lS supplied to the United Nations Food and portrayed Byrne as an "advocate Agriculture Organization by the United States. Catholic Relief Services, Church World Services and other organizations also have provided emergency help for those suffering of indiscriminate abortion." Byrne replied that ho is per- in countries where the rainy season has come, but not the rains. NC Photo. sonally opposed to abortion and has tried to inculcate those views in his children and 'those who have come to ,him for counsel. If elected, he said, he would MILWAUKEE (NC) The nonpublic higher education in the students to take courses in relipress for legislation guaranteeing United States Supreme Court, in current issue of Freedom In Ed- gion and to aHend chapel services will not have the primary the right of medical penlonnel to ruling _against financial aid for ucation, CEF quarterly. effect of advancing or inhibiting ref.use to participate .In oper- children in nonpublic cshools, Asking if the court was, "read· ations that violate their con- was preoccupied with the ques- ing its own anti-Catbolic preju- religion," he said. , science. In addition, he said, he tion of whether the recipients of , dices into the First amendment," Accusing lawyers and groups would use the full resources of 'aid would be Catholic or non- he noted that on the same day opposed to public funds for pristate agencies to provide and, Catholic rather than with the the court struck down tax cred- vate education of using Antimake known alternat ives t.o constitutional issue of religious its and tuition grants for parents Catholic tactics, Father Blum abortion. and individual freedom, accord- with children in church-related said these groups invariably ig-' Byrne was critical of those ing to Fath~r Virgil C. Blum~ S.J. elementary or. secondary schools, nore the existence of Protestant who would force hospitals, doc-, Father Blum, chairman of the . it :ruled that' South Carolina and Jewish schools. tors and nurses to cooperate in could directly aid Baptist Col"Rabbi Morris Sherer, chair~bortioris against their will. Board of Citizens for Educational Freedom (CEF) and president of lege, Charleston, S.C., and 16 man of Citizens Relief for Educa"It raises this paradox: Those the Catholic League for Religious otber sectarian colleges, all Prottion by Income Tax (CREDIT), who, argued before the (U. S. estant, in the state. put, his finger on the fact that Supreme) Court decision that the and Civil Rights, drew a parallel "Almost cynically, it asserted Catholics are 'an unaccepted between the court decision afreligious views of some should not be applied by law to all, now' fecting nonpublic elementary' that such direct aid to the Bap- minority in American society," and secondary education and tist college, .which requires all Father Blum said. "To kill a bill contend that the social views of or law' in the legislature or the some shoul~ be forced by law on courts, anti-Catholic groups and all," Byrne said. editors need only make the bill Abortion is expected to' be an or law a 'Catholic' issue. This is issue in the campaign because an effective technique," he added. of the formation of pro- and NEW YORK (NC)-The Na- Killmer, director of the National College Students anti·abortion groups. A Right to Life Association is pressing for tional Council of Churches and Council of Churches' Emergeney Call,ing the Supreme Court the most stringent abortion legis- the Canadian Council of Churches Ministry Concerning tbe War. / 'majority" "Watergate Jurists," lation possible and engaging in have launched a campaign to inAnyone seeking such relief Father Blum said that the court's political activity on behalf of form young men who went to must apply within 60 days of preoccupation with the number Canada to avoid the draft in the pro-life candidates. United States and are living ille- the proclamation of the law or of Catholic schools caused it to there of an opportunity to lose both any chance to apply use "questionable reasoning" to Peasants GradLlJate' gally become legal residents of that again and all appeal rights if strike down the laws that would provide assistance to parents. caqght and deported. country. From Radio School Those wh9 live "underground" "Because of the tyranny of the LA VEGA (NC)-Eighot ,thouThe campaign seeks to inform in Canada have often changed Court, it is constitutional today sand peasants have graduated the estimated 15,000 to 20,000 after completing studies corre- draft~age Americans as well' as th~ir identities' and <:an only to take a tax deduction gn donasponding to the sixth to eighth other immigrants now living in work at jobs wberetheir em~ tions for religious worship but it grades through the S( hool of Canada illegally about, a new ployers do not have to register is not constitutional to take a Radio Santa Maria hem in the Canadian law to take effect in their identities, Mr. Killmer said. tax deduction on tuition pay. ments for state-required secular Dominic;an Republic. early August which will give in church-related Many of those living under-', education Radio Santa Maria belongs to such immigrants a 60-day chance ground were either rejected un- schools," he said the diocese of La Vega and is 'to apply for landed' immigrant der the stricter provisions of the run by the Jesuits. It is directed status. 'That status allows non- previous landed im~igrant cl'i,"Moreover, it..is constitutional by Father Antonio Cabezas with citizens to reside indefinitely teria, or were afraid they might to provide tuition grants to stu- ' the help of a few technicians and in the country. be rejected for lack of job skill, dents in church-related colleges; specialists in radio teaching.' education, languag~ _ skills or 486 of which were Protestant,and The law allows illegal immi- other requirements, he added. The station, founded several 262 of which ani Catholic, but it' .is unconstitutional to' provide , years ago, has a big audience in grants who have been in Can. all of the Cibao area, basically a ada since Dec. 1, 1972, an oppor-' He said his of.fice is raising tui,tion grants to parents of chil~ region of peasants and poor farm tunity to apply for landed immi- mopey from churches concerned dren in. chiurch-related grade workers in central Dominican grant status without fear of pros- about those who left the United and high schools, 80 per cent of Republic. ,ecution , said the Rev. Richard States during the Vietnam wa.r. which are Catholic."

Accuses Supreme Court of Prejudice

Program for Illegal Residents Started by Church Councils

JACKSON (NC)-The Sisters of Mercy of the Detroit province have decided to withdraw from management of Mercy Hospital here and offer the 201-bed facility to the local community for 'continued operation. Sister Mary Karl George, administrator of the Detroit province, said steadily decreasing numbers of Religious personnel in the order led .to the decision. The order operates 20 hospitals in the province. Sister George said the -decision to withdraw from Mercy Hospital came "after many years of study, consultation and deliberation." The Sisters of Mercy bave operated Mercy Hospital during its entire 57-year history. Sister Mary Juliana, R.S.M., hospital administrator, said she will continue as executive officer of the ho~pital during a two-year transitional period. On June 1, most obstetricians in' ,Jackson ,stopped delivering babies at Mercy, in favor of the local public facility, W.A. Foote Memorial Hospital. Mercy's refusal to permit sterilization operations was a major factor in the boycott.

Missioner Receives Bolivian Decoration RIBERALTA (NC) - Father Lawrence J. Burns, a Maryknoll priest, was given the decoration Condor of the Andes in recogni(ion for his missionary work here. The decoration was given' to Father Burns in a public ceremony by a high Bolivian govern· ment official representing President Hugo Banzer. Father Burns, who is adminis'trator of the Pando apostolic vicariate, said that he received the decoration in remembrance of Maryknoll Fathers Tom Danehy and Thomas Collins, who died as missionaries here. Father Burns. was born in 1919 in Wakefield, Mass., arid arrived in Bolivia in 1946. He occupied' several posts, first in La Paz, the capital, and later in the tropical area of Pando.








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Strike Leaders See Long Fight With Growers

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Predict Changes In Priesthood

By NC News Service It will take more than Team-

ster labor contracts with California grape growers to crush the United Farm Workers Union (UFWU), remarked a UFWU spokesman in the wake of the most recent UFWU strikes. The remark was made after ~he UFWU failed to renew contracts with 29 growers 'in the Delano, Calif., by midnight July 29. Dire predictions were that the Delano growers would follow the lead of Coachella· Valley growers to the south by signing contracts with the Teamsters Union. Immediately after the contract talks broke down with the Delano growers, UFWU leader, Cesar Chavez called a strike and hoycott. The UFWU had earlier struck growers to the south in the Coachella Valley and the Lamont-Arvin area. Membership Drops


BROTHER IS A SPINNER: Benedictine Brother Kim Malloy shows a visitor' a drop wheel, one of the earliest types of spinningwheels at a spinning bee in suburban Louisville, Ky. At right Sarah Bailey twirls a large walking wheel as she feeds wool onto the machine. Brother Kim, of St. Meinrad, Ind.; is a self-taught spinner who has become an authority on the subject. NC Photo. '

Fa~her John Bank, a spokesman for the UFWU strikers, told NC News that there are close to one thousand pickets in the Lamont-Arvin area and an equal number in Delano. "We are fighting for our existence," the priest said. "But it is going to take more ,than LOUISVILLE (NC) - A spin· Teamster contracts to drive us out of here. This fight may go ningbee? With genuine spinning on for years." wheels and real wool straight The 29 Delano growers em- from the sheep? Hardly what one ployed about 9,000 UFWU work- would expect to find on a Saters. If the UFWU were to lose urday afternoon in suburban the Delano contracts, its mem- Louisville. hership would dip from 15,000 to Yet to those who practice or 6,500. Before the series of strikes . are familiar with the ancient arts the UFWU had a membership of of spinning and weaving, it is over 40,000. not so much an episode from the "The fact that our contract past as an eagerly anticipated membership has fallen," said evertt. Spi~ning bees are held about Father Bank, "doesn't mean that support within and outside of four times a year at Miss Lou the union -has diminished, As a Tate's "Little Loomhouse" on Kenwood Hill Drive. And to Kenmatter of fact it is growing." tuckiana spinners and weavers Hard to Survive who attend these bees, BeneBut other observers were pre- dictine brother Kim Malloy is a dicting that if the Delano grow- familiar face.' Brother Malloy of St. Meinrad ers signed contracts with the "('eamsters, the UFWU would Archabbey 'in St. Meinrad, Ind., find it hard to survive for very is a self-taught spinner. He is also generally' recognized as long. Father Bank and Chavez both somewhat of an authority on the have indicated they would not be art in the area. Since he decided surprised, if the Delano growers to learn the art as a novice at were to sign with the Teamsters. St. Meinrad some 18 years ago, Both charged that while the he has become what one of the UFWU was negotiating with the instructors at the Little LoomDelano growers, the Teamsters house described as "a spinner's were waiting in the wings with spinner." "Those of us who were interencouragement from the growers. Father Bank said that the ested in spinning, he sort of polgrowers used the presence of the ished us off," explained the Teamsters as an arm-bending young instructor, Ms. Sally Moss. tactic in the negotiations to force "He's really a spinner's spinner." Brother Malloy said that he unreasonable <Iemands, such as' doing away with the UFWU's doesn't do much actual spinning practice of using hiring halls to any more, except in the line of assign workers. 'Phe Teamsters teaching. ~e, .has become a regdo not use hiring halls and in- ular instructor at the Loomhouse stead prefer independent labor spinning bees, and Miss Tate, founder of the "Little Loomcontractors. house" remarked, "He's so good as a teacher. I thihk it's good to Due Process ,have visiting teachers. It's a ST. PAUL (NC) - Coadjutor change of ideas." Spinning Bees Archishop Leo C. Byrne of St. The spinning bees, which are Paul-Minneapolis has approved due process procedures for the marked by the friendly air of a archdiocese here. About half of social get-together, double as inthe U.S. dioceses have adopted troductorylessons for neophyte such procedures in recent years spinners and practice sessions in an attempt to deal with dis- for old pros. During the bees, putes which are not covered by' which are held in a small clearthe Church's strictly judicial pro· ing between Miss Tate's two cedures. cabins on the wooded hillside,

Benedictine Brother' of St. Meinrad's Teaches Spinning and Weavi.ng Class Brother Malloy can be seen am'bling about, stopping to give a novice pointers about the process, offering historical bits of infor,mation on various types of spinning wheels .and chatting with the regular spinners about their latest projects. The spinning process is basically a simple one, Brother Malloy explained. First, the sheared wool Is "carded" or "combed" with a pair of wire brushes to clean and straighten the fibers. Then the spinner feeds the woolonto the wheel, which twists the fibers into yarn. Brother Malloy said he devotes the bulk of his teaching time to community classes held at St.' Meinrad. He conducts classes in spinning, weaving, pottery, ceramics, batik and other related crafts for people living in the area around the monastery. Community Activity

A native of Muncie, Ind., the 35-year-old Brother explained that he decided to learn to spin his own yarn because he was doing creative weaving, "and I needed yarn to weave with. It's kind of a natural step if you're doing creative weaving." The mom\stery museum contained a number of spinning wheels, he continued, so it was just a matter of finding a book of instructions and giving it a try. Besides the lessons available, during the spinning bees, the "Little Loomhouse" also offers lessons in spinning, dyeing and weaving. Kentucky Heritages' The main work of the Loomhouse, which is now in its 35th year, according to Miss Tate, is the preservation and teaching of the art of weaving. Schoolchildren often visit the Loomhouse and Miss Tate said she tries to stress' "the concept of education The classes, ·held in the after-, -how mankind got started-and noon and evening, were started to stimulate their imagination" about nine years ago in conjunc- during the visits. tion with a community activity A major activity at the Loomdevelopment program the sem- house currently is a project inary students were promoting. called "Kentucky Heritages," Brother Malloy explained that which involves the search for many of the people involved are and study of old Kentucky coverin a low e<,:onomic bracket, and lets. Drafts (patterns) of these the classes give them an oppor- coverlets will be drawn and intunity to learn a craft and sell cluded in a collection so that intheir products to provide a little terested weavers may reproduce outside income. the original coverlets. ,


O~ Co.,

OTTAWA (NC)-In the future, many more priests will be employed full time in secular pro· fessions such as law, teaching and medicine while performing pastoral duties on weekends, a priest who works for the Cana· dian, governmeflt predicted. The priest, Dominican Father Philippe LeBlanc, 38, recently ac' cepted a position as chairman of the Canadian government's Secretary of State's Task Group on Citizens' Rights and Freedoms. "Priests will be more and more identified by their employment," Father LeBlanc said. "The advantages are a close identification with the community and its problems, which will give the priest a new credibility in proclaiming the Gospel. "Often priests - particularly younger men - are dissatisfied with only performing a parish ministry. Those who do work in the professions are finding their pastoral work on Saturdays and Sundays more fulfilling." Father LeBlanc's new job involves the preservation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the improvement of the quality of social life and the problem of popular participation in Canadian government. He said that while a professionalcareer has worked well for him, not every priest would be suited to such a vocation. "It • depends to a great extent on a man's personal development and training," he said. "But in Canada, the U. S. and Mexico, men are entering the priesthood from various professions and continuing in this capacity once they are ordained."

Sister to Receive Navy Commission SHAMOKIN (NC)~Sister Eliz· abeth M. Edmunds, a student at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, will become the first nun to be commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy. The Navy will pay Sister Edmund's expenses during her remaining two years in medical school, and she will then enter the ·Navy with the rank of lieutenant and complete her twoyear residency in the field of family practice When Sister Edmunds is discharged, she said she "would like to work in clinics for the poor" or in a rural area hospital. Sister Edmunds, who is working, with a physician here in Pennsylvania this summer, noted that this is the first time she has been home since she entered the Sisters of Mercy of the Union in "1958.



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Priests l Association :Sees Plot "To 'Corrupt Young Catholics

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1'973

Says "fo·uth Shouldn't Sh'irk Duty to Teach Adults Not long ago I found myself with a group of fervent Christian youth. While, their ideals and enthusiasiJ.1 were .appealing, I was made uncomfo.rtable by their- constantly reiterated stumbling block to effective· Christian actiQn in this country, Le.. ignorant ' adults. They wanted to hold I suppose he still is by rigid par. h ents. But there's no question an ecumemcal yout service that attitudes of adults toward on the ecology idea, God Viet Nam, as a specific instance, , and Country. "WI"..y don't you,?" I asked. "Oh, they woulrln't understand ... wouldn't give us a license.

were influenced by' their own children.

D~relict in Duty


Who ever said parent learning stops in the maternity room? And who says that parents can By learn only from their parents? Many parents would like to DOLORES understand their children's think- , WASHINGTON (NC)-Th~ Division of Creative Service," of ing but often youth refuses to CURRAN the Communications Depar:ment get above the emotional level of • fighting with them. This is where I,\~~·'.' of the U.S. Catholic Conference rtcently moved its offices from youth is dereJic,t in its own duty. Many young' people will "dis- New York to the usec building here. . cuss" with their parents o'nly as They think right away it's going long as the parents nod, smile, .In explaining the~ove, Frank to be another Woodstock, you . and say, "You're right." If their'parents say, ';Blit ... ," the son. Frost, division director, said "Wl' , know." were 'in New York because that's They talked about the Jesus or daughter often clams up or where our. division historically movement, about Godspell, blows up and stops trying to tegan and because the radio, about the POW's and CO's, explain. television and film media are about housing, hitchiking, race, That's the kind of thing young concentrated there. But since our music ... the gamut' of inte'rests people themselves won't put up clients are here, we felt it is among people their age. They did with. They -argue adult premises more desirable to be in close a lot more complaining than solv- endlessly and get totally turned contact with those we serve in· ing. . . off as soon as any adult insists stead of being close to those who 'J What c~nsistently emerged t~ere's only one way of thinking. serve ~\Is·." was the idea that adults just There seems to be a dual standdidn't understand. The kids, ard in the young people's minds. Creative Services is a promo· ~;on' ~rm for the' USCC ·ani its weren't particularly blaming So, I remind youth that torr'lated agencies, Frost des;:r;t!·d adults fQr -their ignorance, merely day's adults may indeed have a: it as, an "iI)-h011SP. adver~i5'ng explaining their behavior, much responsibility ;to keep learning agency" that promotes major naus we say, "Oh, well, he's just a but .that tOday's youth have a tional projects of USCC. It was child: What can you expect?" like responsibility to keep teach: When I asked, "What are you ing. And that means to keep founded in February', 1972. doing about -educating your par- teaching, in spite of opposing cnts?" they were dumbstruck. views, emotional reactions and General answers, once they re- silent treatments ... the tactics, Urges Legislation covered their breath, fell into the their parents have had to endure for Alcoholics category of "They wouldn't lis- all these years,! WASHINGTON (NC) - Citing ten to us" and "It's the parents' alcoholism as "the nation's numjob to educate kids, not the othoer , ber one health problem," Sister Province Re-Elects way around." Virginia Schwager, director of . the Health Affairs DiviSion of Minister IProvinCial Don't Agree the U.S. Catholic Conference .. LOUDONVILLE (NC)-Father (USCC) urged' "prompt considerI don't happen to agree. Young pecple have a lot more Finian F. Kerwin, O.F:M., was .ation" in Congress of the Comresponsibility towards the adults reelected .minister provincial of prehensive Alcohol Abuse and in their lives -than just griping Holy Name Province, the largest Alcoholism Prev.ention, Treatabout them. Deep down, they province in this country and sec- ment and. Rehabilitation Act know they're educating the ond largest in the world of the Amendments of 1973. adults they iive with ... for bet- 765-year:old- Franciscan Order. Although the cost of the probFather Kerwin, reelected ·for a t.er or for worse. \ Just as children learn from par- final three-year term during a lem of alcoholism has been esti· ents, parents learn from children. two - week provincial chapter mated in dollars-some $15 bilMany of our old attitudes toward meeting Jt Sie11a College here- in lion annually in lost wo~k time, people, environment, religions New York, is a recognized leader property damage, and medical and the like have changed after in the renewal, of American'Re- expenses-the' real cost. in hudirect day-t,)-day contact with ligious orders. He is on the board man' suffering caused by this of directors of the Conference disease is indeed immeasurable," our children. I admire the honesty of the of Major Sup~riors of Men (CM·. Sister Schwager said.parent who is able to say, "I SM) and a member of the liaison In a letter to Rep. Harley O. . committee of that body with the used to feel differently about National Conference of Catholic Staggers (D.-W.Va.) chairman of this but my children have the House committee that is conbishops. changed me." At one time such He is also chairman of the sid~ring the bi~l, Sister ~,chwager a parent was considered soft and board of trustees of St. Bona- p.ral~ed the bill as a ,~ro~res. venture Univers't St B _ "Slve part of Congress, enhghtI y,. . onaven ened" h" t t Papers Published ture, N.Y., and a member of the . approac ? rea t'109 a INEW YORK (NC)-The papers board of trust~es of the Wash. cthohohsm . as an Illness rather . " an a cnme presented during .the 10th annual lOgton (D.C.) Theological CoahConference of the Catholic Inter· tion and Siena College here. He . She said the. bill is a con· American Cooperation Program is a past president of the English- tinuation of the national commit(CICOP) in Dallas, Tex., Feb. 14, speaking Conference of the Or- ment begun by Congress "in have been published by the Inter- der of Friars Minor. 1967 with its passage of -Public national Documentation of the . The Holy Name Province, with Law 90-452 directed the estabContemporary Church (!DOC), headquarters at St. Francis Fri- lishment of a system for treat· North American edition. The ary in t'/ew York' City, el,lcom- ing the illness of the alcoholic papers were prepared by' Chris· passes the entire East Coast of rather than condemning him to tian leaders engaged in political, the country. They operate mis- the 'revolving door' of arrest, insocial and Church activitks in sions -in Puerto Rico, 'Jamaica, carcer~tion, release' and rear· Latin America. Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Japan. rest."

O'ffices Shifted To Wa'shington


should be thproughly investi·· gated. . The letter circulated by the CPA said "The business about N.O. for 'Choices in Sex' has al· ways puzzled me, because I can be absolutely certain that I did not read the book until some time last month, whereas the The association, which claims to have 1,973 members in 'Britain N.O. and Imprimatur were dated and Ireland, 'alleged that the 24th August, 1972." Usurps Office Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur of Msgr. Ba.rton then said that he the archdiocese of Westminster were forged for the book recently received a book from "Choices in Sex," and that the the priest who wrote it and who book does not have' the guaran· said he was sending the copy in tee of the Catholic Church that gratitude for Msgr. Barton's apit is free from error. (Nihil Ob- proval of it. Msgr. Barton said stat is the certification by a dioc· he found on the reverse of the cesan censor that he had found title page his name and that of nothing contrary to faith or good Auxiliary Bishop Victor Guazmorals in a work. Imprimatur is zelli of Westminster written in a bishop's permission to publish.) by a hand that he knows well. In their statement, the CPA The CPA has attacked the contents of "Choices in Sex" on said: "There is, then, someone several. occasions recently. The in a key position in the offices association claims that the book or connected with the offices of sanctions sexual, intercourse be- Cardinal Heenan's curia (archditween engaged couples, artificial ocesan administration), who does contraception, abortion and mas- not hesitate to usurp the office of the censor deputatus (apturbation. pointed censor) and of the bishThe CPA has now published op. copies of ~ letter signed by Msgr. "It is the key that unlocks the John M.T. Baron, censor of the whole problem of longstanding, Westminster' archdiocese, claim- namely how so many disgraceful ing that the Nihil Obstat and books and booklets, destructive Imprimatur of the archdiocese of faith and morals or both, got were forged. _ into circulation and supposedly Msgr. Barton said he had writ- containing nothing contrary to ten to Cardinal John Heenan of Catholic faith or morals." Westminster about the affair, Father John W. Flanagan, secwhich he called "quite extraordi- retary of the CPA, said that he nary." He said he had not given had another letter from Msgr. a Nihil Obstat to the book. Barton in which he said he knew He said he thought the matter' who did the forgeries. LONDON (NC)-The Catholic Priests' Association (CPA) has claimed that "some evil has Qeen at work" to put booklets into the hands of young Catholics "to rob them of their priceless Catholic faith or corrupt the integrity of their moral lives."

Baptist Church of Chil-e Opposes Government. Education Proposals SANTIAGO (NC)-The Baptist Church of Chile stated its opposition to the Marxist government's unified school system proposals after the Chilean Catholic Bishops' Conference had also rejected most of the proposals. The unified schools system proposals were made by the Chilean government last March. They contl\ined provisions which in effect would put all private and public schools under government control for the purpose of "educating the masses in socialism." Strong opposition from the Chilean Catholic bishops and widespread demonstrations by students and parents prompted the temporary shelving of the program, but not its abandonment. In July the education commis- , sion of the Chilean Bishops' Conference released a long "working paper" studying the proposals, and in effect rejected' them as basically threatening "pluralism and educational liberty," al-' though it found some "positive aspects" in the proposals. The declaration of, the Baptist Church opposing unified schools system was made after the an· nual meeting of all the pastors of the church in JUly., . "In accordance with its political philosophy, the new educational policies of the government ... subtly seeks to destroy the principles sustaining a free and democratic society," the Baptist statement said. "The ~nified schools system

proposals threaten the right of parents to freely choose the type of education they consider most adequate,'~ it said, adding that ."unific~tion" may today affect the schools, but tomorrow it will also reach the press, radio, television and -even the church. . The Baptist Church in Chile is one of the country's most in. fluential Protestant groups, although the Protestants are a religious minority in this overwhelmingly Catholic nation of 10 million.








Hospital Group Opposes Senate Union Bill

Michael Novak Donates Personal Papers To His Alma Mater in North Easton

WASHINGT0N (NC)-A SenMichael Novak a leading Cathate bill to include nonprofit hos-' -olic intellectual in the post Vatpitals under the National Labor ican Council Church, has doRelations Act (NLRA) has drawn considerable opposition from nated his personal papers to hospitals and the American Hos- Stonehill College in Easton, Mass. pital Association (AHA). A 1956 graduate of Stonehill, The Catholic Hospital Asso- Mr. Novak, who has also- gained ciation (CHA) does not oppose notoriety for his political and the NLRA inclusion as such, but journalistic activities, is currenthas expressed opposition to legis- ']y serving as a consultant in the lation "which does not adequate- bumanities for the Rockefeller ly insure uninterrupted life serv- Foundation in New York.' ing services" in hospitals. The collection includes, diAt issue is a Senate amendment aries, correspondence, original which would delete a 1947 manuscripts and unpublished amendment, the new bill would notes. ' place nonprofit hospitals back The Michael Novak Papers under the act and under the will be located in the college's jurisdiction of the National La- Cushing-Martin Library and are bor Relations Board (NLRB). viewed as a major addition to Sister Mary Maurita, execu· StonehiIl's existing collections tive vice·president of the CHA, which include the papers of said that the CHA could not join Joseph W. Martin, the late the AHA indirectly opposing the Speaker of the U. S. House of new bill because the CHA rec- Representatives. Some of Mr. ngnizes that workers have a Novak's materials have already right to form or join a union. been brought to the college and But, she said, the CHA op- are now being cataloged by the poses the bill unless it is amend- archives', staff. ed to provide adequate assure Mr. Novak has taught Chrisances that there will be "a contian Ethics in the Department of tinuity of patient care for patients who are ill and require life-saving measures:' 125 Classifications

The cbasic fears expressed by both hospital associations are that the NLRA now provides in· adequate protections against strikes, work stoppages and picketing, and that under present NLRA rilles there would be too many potential bargaining units in hospitals. In testimony July 31 before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor the AHA recommended that' if non profit hospitals are included in the NLRA a series of further amendments should be added to "establish more effective impasse resolution procedures; prohibit strikes, picketing, work stoppages, or lockouts in situations other than bargaining impasses; 'put reasonable limits on the number of bargaining units; and develop expedited means of obtaining emergency injunctive relief from unfair labor practices." The AHA cited "over 125 separate occupational classifications in the health care field, a factor which could conceivably lead to a large number of separate bargaining units in a single hospital.

Newspaper Begins Open Meetings SIOUX CITY (NC)-The newspaper of the Sioux City diocese has begun two activities designed to provide regular reader feedback and interest, according to its editor, Father Albert O. Grendler. Citing the rieed for being responsive to Christ as well as to the readers, The Globe announced open coffees every Friday morning and semi-open staff meetings on Fridays. All readers of The Globe will be welcomed to the coffees. However, a special invitation to a specific group will be extended each week. The semi-open staff meetings will be open to the bishop, and guests invited by the staff.

THI: ANCHORThurs., Aug. 9, 1973


Finds Backing In Michigan

themes, including, "The Open LANSING (NC)-Cesar ChaChurch," "Belief and Unbelief," vez, head of the United Farm and "Ascent of the Mountain, Workers Union, AFL·CIO, comJlight of the Dove." In addition pleted a four-day tour of major he is a regUlar columnist for Michigan cities still convinced Commonweal' magazine and that the UFWU will win the served for five years as an asso- right to represent farm workers ciate editor for the publication. in California. Teaching Career Chavez and his aides moved Mr. Novak began his teaching from Ann Arb,or, Saginaw, Flint, career at Harvard 'University. Grand Rapids and Lans:ng seekWhile completing studies for a ing support for the union's strike master's degree in History and and boycott of grapes and letPhilosophy of Religion, he was tuce not carryIng the UFWU appointed a Teaching Fellow in label. He joined pickets at A&P general education at' the Cambridge, Mass. university. stores where the non-UFWU letIn the Spring of 1965, the tuce and grapes are being sold, Stonehill alumnus was named an talked at rallies, spoke to union assistant professor of humanities leaders, took part in prayer serat Stamford University where vices and held news conferences. 'he was voted by the 1967 senior He said he was pleased with class as one of the three most . support received in Michigan outstanding professors at Stan- and was surprised at the wideford. The following year he ~pread knowledge of the UFWU joined the faculty of the State fight found in the state. MICHAEL NOVAK University of New York at Old Chavez regarde.d Michigan as Westbury as an associate pro- a key state for backing of the Higher Studies in Religion at fessor of Philosophy and Reli· strike and boycott, explaining Harvard University. .gious Studies. He was elevated that it was a large industrial Publications to Provost of the Disciplines state with strong union leaderHe has publIshed numerous College at Old Westbury a year ship which was built with the works dealing with religious later. same kind of troubles facing his After last year's presidential union's bargaining fight. "Here we have friends," he election, he began. his work at told one group, "the growers the Rockefeller Foundation. with their political power can't come this far but our influence But they are minimal and they Oppose Importation does and we can win our strug· are meant to be a supplement gle with your help." Of Pornography to the regular diet. If there is no SYDNEY (NC) - Catholic food, and the wells have dried Study Church Role up, they're a supplement ... to spokesman have criticized a lJro· posal to allow the importation of In Inner City what?" pornographic and brutally VioBUFFALO (NC) - A thorough The Sahelian zone, where the situation is most critical has be- lent films, banned under Austra·· study of the role of the Church in the inner city has been initi,tween five and eight m'iIlion of lia's present censorship laws. Under the proposal, importers ated here by Bishop Edward D. the 25 million persons-mostly Moslem or animist-who live in would be free to bring in films Head of Buffalo. now banned and they or others "The Church has had a long Chad Mauritania Upper Volta Senegal Mali add Niger Man; would be free to show them pri- tradition Qf focusing its human are no~ads or cattle farmers vately, but would be open to and spiritual resources on the whose life without water be- prosecution under the laws ot problems of the time," Bishop Australian states if the films Head said. "It is the general comes a disaster. were shown publicly. purpose of this study to review Panczyk and Don Kurtz of Dr. William Murray, spokes·. our whole position in the inner CWS who is stationed in Niger, man for the Catholic archdiocese city, to examine the services behave seen enough of the disaster of Sydney, called the proposal ing rendered by the Chufch to to be able to announce that both . "a tongue-in-cheek way of al· the poor and minorities, and on of their agencies are making a lowing pornography:' the basis of this review to dejoint effort to bring what relief "We would finish up with the termine how those services can they can. TheY are also trying to same situation that they have in be improved:' educate Americans through ap- London, where a similar schem<C' Committees have been formed peals and stories in U. S. news- operates," Murray said. "There, to investigate the condition and papers. fllm 'clubs' have sprung up use of existing Church-owned Both agencies worked together where you only have to presen." buildings, cooperation between in past disasters: the 1967 India yourself half an hour befor"! a parochial and public schools, and famine, the Nigerian civil war, film, pay a nominal membershir' coordination of diocesan planthe Peru earthquake and the Nic- fce and see the pornographic ning with government planning agencies. film". araguan earthquake last year.

Relief Age"cies Work Together In African Drought Zone'

NEW YORK (NC) - "It's not like an earthquake. A child doesn't become undernourished' overnight. A drought is insidious, and people wiIlbecome sicker when the rains come." The rains have already come to the southern edge of the Sah.ara Desert, and· they will s~ay . until October, says Raymond K. Pan~zyk: of.Dakra,. Senegal, area adVIsor m fIve AfrIcan countries for Catholic Relief Services (CRS), ove~seas aid ~gencY?f u..S. Cathoh~s. But mOIsture WIll brmg no relIef from disease and hunger to thousands of people in the six-nation Sahelian belt which stretches across Africa. The situation is worse than Panczyk has ever seen iii 11 years in Africa. It is said to be comparable to a big drought in the early part of this century. When Panczyk arrived at Kennedy 'airport herein mid-July, to confer with CRS officials and to testify with leaders of a Protestant relief agency, Church World Service (CWS), July 25 before a Senate subcommittee on hunger and famine refugees - in West Africa, he could hardly believe his eyes. "It looks as though someone has 'sprayed green paint on the vegetation here," he murmured as he watched the scenery of Queens county in New York whirl by the car window. Not long before his arrival, he had watched nomads and gaunt cattle gather outside the scorched towns and brown landing strips in Niger and observed the food distribution in Agades, 600 miles northwest of the capital city of Niamey. Make Joint Effort Each drought victim at Agades was allowed a ration of rice. equal to the size of half a small can of evaporated milk. Or the person might receive milk or cereal, provided there' was no' break in the supply line. , "The supplies are coming in.

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The Pari~h Parade

THE ,ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 9; 1973 ,


Publicity chairmen of parish organizations ere asked to submit nerts items for this column to The Anchor, P. 0, Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all' activities. Please send news of future rather., , than past events.

Melissa Sympathizes with Mother's 'Role in Aug'ust'


The annual, Parish Bazaar will be held from 6' to lion Friday and Saturday nights and from 1 to 11 on Sunday, Aug. 10, 11 and By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick SS. PETER AND PAUL, 12 on the church grounds 'at FALL RIVER Wood St. and Acushnet Ave. This year of all years the produce. we ,can get from A variety of booths will serve Portuguese, Italian and Polish the home garden is! partiCularly satisfying, since prices all age groups and programs food_ will be available, in addition seem to be sky-rocketing on every imaginable item we buy of popular music will be offered. to two suppers and an outdoor Polish and American foods wiII for our tables. This has not been a good year for the farmkitchen, at the annual SS. Peter er ,or the home gardener. 'and Paul Parish picnic, at St. be' featured and special awards troubles behind a.nd the houseProlonged rains and their' cleaning to the maids. William's Center, Stafford 'Road.. will be made on ,Sunday night. counterpart, lack of sun, A chowder-fritter supper will OUR LADY OF ANGELS, This then leads to' coming be served tomorrow night and a FALL RIVER h'!-ve kept fruit and veget- home and catching upon your meat pie supper on Saturday, able production to a minimum. housekeeping and finding out The parish council wiII meet both from 5 to 7 P.M. This article is written a week that you reaIly should not have at 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19 in the NAMED: Catherine Gruebefore it appears and at this junc- gone because the bills are pourA gigantic auction will foIlow church ball. ture I have only manage(} to pick ing in and the money is not. ter, 17, of Carrollton,Ill., has, Friday's meal and mammoth Masses for Tuesday and Weda handful of tomatoes from my Also, to top off your worries, been named 1973 National penny sales will be held both nesday, Aug. 14 and 15, are at garden and those only after the summer is coming to a close, Outstanding Junior Catholic Saturday and Sunday nights, 4 and 7 p.m. on Aug. 14 and at two 'days of hot sunny weather. school days are getting closer starting a 7 o'clock. 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and We did manage to grow a goodly and the children need school Daughter of America at the There will be food and drink 4, 5 and 7 p.m. on Aug. 15. Conamount of green beans which clothes, shoes and accessories group's convention in San as well as entertainment for all fessions are heard one half hour have now been t~rned over and that take an enormous bite out 'Juan, Puerto Ri<~o. The ages all three days, plus many before each Mass. we expect a good ,harvest of of 'your budget. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. midway attractions Saturday The annual processio~ honorpole beans which should' begin Then 'another problem pops ,Charles E. Grueter, she will and Sunday when activities get ing Our Lady of Fatima is schedto appear shortly. bur corn is up, the kids are sick of the underway at 1 P.M. uled for 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8. not too far away and peppers ,beach, the playground, one, an· be a pre-medical student at Sodalists will attend Mass at 8 Drawings for $1,000 in prizes are close to being harvested. But ,other, etc., etc., etc., and then Quincy College. NC Photo. will take place Sunday night at a.m. Sunday, Sept. 9. everything is much later than mother is elected to the job of 9:30 P.M. Proceeds from the' usual. • ' ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, taxi driver. ' ' picnic will be used ,primarily to Our fruit trees are not doing FALL RIVER Here is a typical scene that keep SS. Peter and Paul School weIl at all. In fact, unless I am 'takes place in August. open. The 50th annual parish picnic mistaken, this, is the worst year Mother: Marsha, the movie will be held at Holy Ghost for fruit that I have ever expestarts at one, ,that's what the SACRED HEART, Grounds, Sodom Road, Westport, , .FALL RIVER rienced. Our strawberries were Sunday, Aug. 12. The arrangeTRENTON (NC) Bishop as good as they have ever been paper says.' Marsha: Do you think you George W. Ahr of Trenton has The Women's Guild will spon· ments committee is headed by aI:\d the blueberries produced weIl but the raspberries,. apples, could possibly give me a ride ,apdealed to his priests and the sor an auction in the school y'ard Nancy Cabral, aided by Natalie people for prayers "for a coura- at Linden and Pine Streets on Correira. Portuguese food will be pears, peaches and plums' were, over. Mother: OK, but I'Il have to geous defense of alI human life." Saturday, Aug. 18 from 1 o'clock featured at the refreshment hordly worth bothering with. We The appeal was made in a let- until dusk. It wilI be conducted booth, games will be played and made up our minds to harvest take you a half hour early be·' ' an old-fashioned auction will be to' take Jimmy to ter from Bishop Ahr to the more rain or shine. cause I have what we could without botherin'g Refreshments' will be served. held. The Acoreana band wiII his guitar le!>sons at one. than 400 priests of the diocese with spraying. (A dirty l,ittle boy now walks urging their cooperation inimAnyone desiring to donate play. Disastrous for Farmers in), ,plementing the Respect of Life articles may co~tact Mrs. Arthur ST. MICHAEL, Timothy: Do you thoink that Program-1973, scheduled for th,is One cannot help but feel regret you Donovan Jr., Mrs. Willard Piper SWANSEA could take me and five other .faIl. ' for the poor farmer who depends or Mrs.. Thomas Murphy, cothe ballgame? "Once again the,United Stat~s kids to watch Rev. Joseph Martineau is upon his output to make a living. chairmen. Mother: Why can't their' Catholic Conference (USCC) is . chairman of a fair to be held After all, whatever we grow we mothers take them?' from 6 to 11 tomorrow through calling upon all the faithful to use to supplement our food supTimmy: Oh, they are all busy. participate in the Respect Life Sunday nights on the school Deny Suppression, ply, not for profit but to enjoyMother: WeIl, I'm busy too. Prognim," Bishop Ahi- said in grounds on Pinehurst Avenue. fresh vegetables and fruit direct Timothy: But mom, I promised his letter. "In recent months we Of Human Rights 'He is aided by Rev. Edward from our garden. But a ~'ear like LA PAZ (NC)-High Bolivian Sharpe, Henry, Dion, 'Edmund the guys'. " have been given more than am. this dm be a disaster to the ' pIe reasons to proclaim our de- officials here denied charges by Banville and Leon Wojtowicz as Mother: Oh, weIl, ~I1 r~ght: truck gardener or farmer who the Justice and,Peace division of co-chairmen of a large arrange. After reading MelI.ssa s ,lIttle, of all human life." depends upon his produce for dialogue, I must admit that she ' fense B' h Ah th I A . the United States Catholic "Con- ments committee. Games and II h .,. h' h ' f f' IS -op r, e on y mencan his' income, so we cannot gripe ference that human rights are booths to entertain all family rea y as mSlg t mto t e II e 0 on Pope Paul VI's Committee for too much when we go to the a mother' I , members will be featured, as weIl . .' . . the Family and a .member of the suppressed here. market and are forced to pay ~IS IS one ?f th: most mter- U. S. Bishops' Pro-Life CommitForeign Minister Mario Gutier- 'as varied refreshments. Tickets outlandish prices for suchjtems estm~ salads Imagmable and a tee, cited five of the "ample rea- rez said that "we would welcome will be available for $500 to be as native tomatoes. favonte ?f tbe Lebanese people. sons," as follows: At this juncture I am getting The recipe comes from Mrs. a visit by represE;lntatives of the raffled at the close of the fair on extremely ·impatient for the James Monsour. Catholic Church of the United Sunday night, and the same . Court D~ision ' Last Jan. 22, millions of Amerripening process to get into fuIl States to Bolivia, so they can see tickets will be good for $20 icans felt shock and unbelief for the.mselves what is reaIly drawings to be held hourly all Tabooli swing. AIl of the hoeing and three nights. Winners need not when the Supreme Court handed happening in o~r count~y." work that have gone into the y:! cup cracked wheat be' present to claim prizes. Redown its abortion decision, tergarden have produced relatively. The USCC Justice and Peace turns for tickets already sold 1 bunch parsley minating this nation's long tradilittle ,to date and although I en· division had said in its statement should 'be made to the rectory 1 bunch radishes, or rareripes tion of legaIly. protecting unborn joy a reasonable amount' of garhuman life. ... that there is a systematic, long- by today. dening I could choose. methods 1 bunch mint leaves standing and violent repression Fair' proceeds will, oenefit a of exercising other than planting 1. y:! poun<;ls tomatoes of human rights in the Republic fund for general repairs to Although our involvement in and weeding. Right now I need 3 lemons the Vietnam War is ending, there of Bolivia. church property. something to replenisb the enstiU is no peace in Indochina. 1 cup or more of salad oil "Little, attention has been paid ergy that has been used thus far, Also, we still await a truly by world opinion to the docu- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, salt' and I can'think of nothing betChristian response from our gov- mented atrocities thatbave 'oc- FALL RIVER, te,r than a few ripe tomatoes and pepper ernment to the question of am- curred in Bolivia over the past The annual parish picnic will stuffed green peppers. aIlspice ' / nesty. two years; reports of such atroc- be held from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. lettuce or cabbage leaves In the Kitchen There is a fast growing cru- ities despite recent conciliatory on Sunday, August 12 at Cathe1) Wash and drain the cracked We very often wonder wha't sade in scientific journals and statements by' the Bolivian gov- dral Camp, Freetown. place 'in a wheat thoroughly, impressions of life our children 'the mass media for a "sane" ernment, have ,in" fact increased large bowl. during the past year," the USCC' policy of euthanasia. " ' will carry with tbem into adult2) Wash parsley, mint leaves hood. Melissa was' setting her Almost daily, new facts are be- division added. thoughts down on paper the and rareripes, chop very fine on ing brought to light concerning cutting board, add to wheat. other day and whim I saw what human experimentation, espe,she had, written .. felt that her 3) Wash tomatoes and slice in daIly on minority groups and the astute observations were weIl smaIl pieces. Add to mixture: retarded. worth sharing., 4) Squeeze lemons and add the The United Nations has des· juice to the salad oil, along with ignated 1974 as U. N.Population Summer' Endings salt, pepper and aIlsp,ice to taste. Year. For many population ex245 MAIN STREET by Melissa Roderidc 5) Mix oil mixture with the perts tbis only speIli; contracep· FALMOUTH- 548-1918 wheat mixture, tossing to blend. tion, sterilization and abortion During the summer vacation ARMAND ORTlNS, PrOri'. you may have gone on a relaxing 6) Serve with lettuce or' cab- on demand, rather than an attack bage leaves. on poverty and injustice. trip where you leave all your I ~$Jv'~~~~~~

Trenton Prelate Urg'es Defense ·Of Human Life



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Lesson. of Love Universal--

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Jesuit General


To Visit Cuba

ROME (NC) The superior gen- Father Arrupe will arrive in Cuba Canada before the stop in Cuba. eral of the Jesuits, 'Spanish about Aug. 25 to visit the 27 Speaking to several hundred Father Pedro Arrupe, will visit Jesuits working there. graduates of Jesuit schools in Spain, Father Arrupe pointed out In any attempt to educate Christians to a living sense' Cuba at the end of August on an eight-nation visitation of Jesuit After a week's visit in Spain, that while vocations to the Jesof planetary justice, of obligation and responsibility for Houses, primarily in Latin Amer- Father Arrupe left for Brazil on uits are waning in many parts of billions of people they cannot know and whom they only ica. Aug. 2. During his month-long the world, there is "an abunsee fleetingly on television screens, the difficulty is that Jesuit general headquarters in trip he will also visit Uruguay, dance" of vocations in India, Rome confirmed Au. 2 that AI' entina Para ua , Chile and Indonesia and Eastern Europe. no real sense of community underlies our concept of the the land and on each other slight. no doubt, original sin, that cravplanet. So far, men have not ing of the human ego to asser,t ' pdshed the loyalty of belong- itself at the expense of other· ing and sharing much beyond human beings, .had its usual unthe nation-a~though the nation happy results in the early farmcan, as in China, include a quar- ing communities. But there simter of the human race. So how ply was not the scale of power and resources to turn leaders Maria and her baby sister are orphans now, and the mission into monsters or transform the apparatus of an organized comorphanage is filled to capacity. But the missionaries will find munity into a despotic state. By All this changed with the rise room - they always do - they always ~i111 of the great river civilizations BARBARA after 2000 BC. On the Nile, on Missionaries .strive to glue the Euphrates, the Indus and WARD the Yellow River, the large scale more; they want to give manipulation of water, through dams and flood control designed more; but they to increase energy and productivity, introduced a new kind of need your help I are we to make the next step organized state - with separate outward in community, and skills and bureaucracies, with hence in justice, to include the slaves at the bottom and concenwhole of humanity? trations of power further up, Science with its unfolding of with unlimited authority centerthe planet's totally interdepen- ing on kings at the top of the dent "biosphere" of atmosphere social pyramid-kings who, in and oceanic systems is one clue many cases, could not resist to wider community. Here 'is an thinking of themselves as gods. inescapable, physical continuum The amount of new wealth proin which, as human numbers rise and human technology becomes duced by the great river installamore intensive, the actions of tions represented a quantum everyone may infringe on every- jump in output. So a·lso and Inone else. Our new environmental evitably were the envy and lust for possessions it induced. Beinsights can thus nourish the sense of planetary responsibility. tween communities this led to But there is also another form the kind of ruthless wars of which the Assyrians, "coming of unity and kinship which is down like a wolf on the fold," much older than our knowledge were the symbol. Incidentally, of science. It is not sufficiently taught in Christian educational our word "rivalry" comes from systems. Yet it is perhaps the I the Latin word "rivus" or river bank. most striking of all witnesses to Within the community; it enthe funudamental unity of the couraged incredible displays of human race. lilxury, arrogance and despotic Universal Witness cruelty among rulers. It meant, It is a moral, a spiritual unity. all too often, dispossession and Our religious divisions and wars servitude for the poor. The times have obscured it. But it repre- were violent. Empires rose and sents perhaps the greatest psy- fell. China underwent five hunchic and intellectuaI revoluNon dred years of civil war. through which the human species . Lesson of Love has passed-fully as radical as the scientific revolution and of Of these "times of troubles" even profounder significance. could be said what the Negro This universal witness to man's spiritual said of the Jews under moral unity has been overlaid. the rule of the Pharoahs: "They Christian re-education should re- pressed so hard, ,they could not vive it now. stand." Yet all the oppressions, The fundal'P.ental fact is that the injustices. the violence and the whole human speciesap- the misery were justified in the Enclosed is my mission peared to come to a turning point name of a glorified God-King, gift of $ for all God's : in its understanding of the moral in other words, the personificapoor and the dedicated missionaries servo me - and hence of the obliga- tion of the newly omnipotent ing them. : tions of justice-in a vast world- state. Name, _ wide revision of spiritual values It was at this point that during and human destiny that occurred roughly one millenium the great at a fairly precise date in time- world ethical systems arose-in the thousand or so years before India, in China,' in Persia, among ,the hirth of Christ. Only one the great Jewish prophets, among ______State-_ _- 4 _ Z ip great world religion evolved after the Greek philosophers, in the this tremendous epoch, the Mos- coming of Christ. And· at their Remember the Society for the Propagation of the lem religion; but insofar as it ·is heart was a common insightFaith in your Will. a religion and not a culture, that man cannot live by arroANCH-8-9-73 much of its spiritual insights gance, luxury, wealth' and injuswere in fact derived from Chris- tice. They destroy him and his tianity and Judaism. Both Christ community. He must live by love, and Moses are "prophets" in the justice and truth. There is no Moslem tradition. other way to enlightenment, deliverance, salvation. The ego Rival Civilizations In Neolithic times, four and must not be indulged but disciSend your gift to: five thousand years before plined. Neighbors must not be Christ,agriculture had been in- cheated and exploited but loved. Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine In short, the lesson of man's vented but communiHes were National Director Diocesan Director small, the supplies of wealth lim- true nature had been taught the Dept. C., 366 Fifth A venue 368 North Main Street ited, the way of life largely equal hard way. It is still universal New York, ,New York 1000i Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 and the pressure of people On and it is still to be learned.

And Still to Be Learned

Mother's gone to heaven... I'll take care of you now.

,---•.." .

The Society for the Propagation of the Faith OR




THE ANCHOR-Diocese,of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973

KNOW YOUR FAITH Site of Ch1rist's Transfiguration

Christian Unity and the United Church of 路Christ

Christ was formed in a fashion fered although both found their unique in American Protestant- roots in Calvinist theology. No ism. Two Churches with differ- creed of any kind could bind inent traditions merged into one dividual Congregationalist memnew Church. The Congregation- bers, while the Evangelical and alist Church, brought to this Reformed followed Luther's Catcountry from England by the echism and the Augsburg ConPilgrims, united with the Evan- fession. gelical and Reformed Church, Sign of Hope tracing its past to German immiDifferences were so deeply grants. By The differences between the felt in spite of the hond of faith two Churches went deeper than in Christ which they shared, national origins. Congregational- that the merger took 15 years of FR. CA.Rl J. ists recognized no authority be- careful work. For five years 'a PFEIFER, S.J; yond the local congregation. The minority of Congregationalists "Evangelical and Reformed had blocked the union by taking court a modified presbyterian form of action, They lost their case and Church organization to which in- the merger to'ok place, although some 1,000 Congregationalists Dr. Bauman is a Methodist dividual congregations were subTurn to Page Eighteen ject. In doctrine, too. they difminister; the rest of us come front, various Christian traditions. Each year the ecumenical mix has varied including Roman' Catholic, Southern Baptists, Disciple of Christ, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, and Church Members of the Unit~d Church Both partners in the 1957 merof Christ can .claim as their ger were themselves the result of the Savior. It has been a rewarding expe- , spiritual' ancestor both the Pil- of earlier church unions. The rilince. The first year my reac- grim Fathers who landed _on blending of German and English tion was one of genuine surprise Plymouth Rock in 1620 and traditions, of presbyterian and at how much we shared in com-, groups of German Calvinists who congregational forms of church mono Gradually differences be- came to these shores in the 18th gove,rnment give the 2 million came more obvious, but never and' 19th centuries. The present memb'er United Church of Christ overshadowed the experienced a distinctive character, unity. Somehow the existing difTo understand the UCC we PANORAMA: "One can eiilsily vi~~ more than 4,000 ferences of theological interpremust examine the religious beyears of history from atop this graceful mountain (Ta~or) tation, traditional language, and B ' liefs and practices of the Chrisy , which has be'en described ,as rising up 'to heaven 'like an Church structures paled in the tians who formed the churches altar that the Creator- built for Himself'." Mount Tabor, a face of a shared commitment to WILLIAM J. " involved in the merger. and a mutual respect. sacred place for centuries, includes the Basilica of the. Chrjst In 17th century England variYet the divisions remain and Transfiguration and beneath it the ruins of early Christian cannot simply be ignored. In a. WHALEN , ous dissidents felt that the estabchurches and pagan shrines. NC Photo. lished Church of England had very real sense we are not united not gone far enough to embrace in our worship. Together on the KMimmn@lw:;::wmWti The highest mountain _of Gali.' fortified Tabor's heights against TV set each Friday afternoon, church was formed in 1957 the theology of the Reformation we are separated into different through a union of tbe Congre- and to purify itself of "popish" lee is Mount Tabor, whose 1,929 the Crusaders. Churches on Sunday morning. gational Christian Churches and elements. Most of tbese preferfoot elevation is much less than Tabor its appearance would indica.te. For the Christian, the associa- The question comes: How can the Evangelical and Reformed red to remain within the Angliunity become more real, while Church. It is mentioned alongside snow tions are eclipsed by the tradi" Turn to Page Eighteen capped Mount Hermon by the tion dating from the 3rd century remaining faithful to our personal Psalmist who writes: "Tabor and tbatMount Tabor was the site convictions and differing tradiHermon hail your name with , of Christ's Itransfiguration (Lk. 9, tions? joy" (Ps. 89:12). I do not profess to know Mt.l7). . Matthew writes: " . '.. Jesus any simple answers to that questook with him Peter and James tion. Dialogue between official "Do you promise 路me and my nificant, post for the diocese. and his brother John and led representatives of the路 Roman successors obedience and re. Later in their priestly lives, I Catholic Church arid' of various them up a high mountain where spect?" wonder how these men will react they could be alone. There in Protestant churches IS going forwhen living olit that commitward slowly but seriously. On' their presence he was transfig-, ment to ob~ience and respect STEVE ured; his face shone like the sun the level of persons sharing comcuts deeply and causes pain. and' his clothes became white mon tasks, those of us on the TV 'By lANDREGAN Will there be a trusting, genershow each week, bonds of unity as the light. Suddenly Moses and ous acceptance of a decision or Elijah appeared to them; they arise that respect yet bridge difa transfer? Will there be a readiFR. JOSEPH M.; ferences. Christians the world were talking with him. Then ness to serve wherever and howTabor was considered holy by Peter spoke to Jesus. 'Lord,' he over increasingly pray with CHAMPLIN ever? Or will there be a relucJesus Christ: "that theirunity the northern Israelite tribes for said, 'it is wonderful for us to tance, a questioning. even a rewhom it was the front'ier (Jos. be here; if you wish, I will make may be complete", (In 17:23). fusal? ' 19:22). It was the site where tlie three tents here, one for you, Few Roman Catholic ecumenists Those of us in the priestly minprophetess . Deborah mustered one for Moses and one for Elijah.' today expect Christian unity to Seven deacons, about to be or- istry ,know -that despite recent occur simply by everyone conbel' troops, before her great vic- ... (Mt. 17:1-4).. dained' priests, knelt one after tensions and polarizations, a verting to the Church of Rome. tory over Sisera (Jos. 4:6). AcAnother Ancient tradition the other in the Cathedral sanc- strong fraternal bond still e~ists cording to Hosea\.it was also the maintains that the appearance Complexities of Growth tuary before our bishop with among the clergy. We share location of altars to pagan gods of Jesus to his Apostles in GaliIt is in the light of that movehands .joined in his and. heard something special in common (Hos. 5:1). lee after, the Resurrection (Mt. ment toward unity, with centuthis question posed to them. and that does produce a unique The mountain thrusts upward 28:16-20) also took place atop ries of misunderstandings to be Each responded to ,it with a soft,-' sense of closesness with one Tabor, but the Transfiguration, from the Plain of Esdraelon (ananother. bridged and deeply felt doctrinal "I do." other one of those Greek corrup- tradition has ovel'shadowerd it. and devotional traditions to be As they spoke their promises, Obedience Three Basilicas tions, this time of the Hebrew respected, that the existence of I whispered to a young priestThe ordination ceremony draAs is often the case in the the United Church of Christ friend- beside me that those were matizes this unity. in Christ's name Jezreel), providing a natural military site not only for Holy Land, the top of the moun- seems significant. Not that路 it indeed powerful' wordg...,.-few in priesthood particularly through Deborah and her general, Barak, tain is divided between the Cath- presents -the model for ecumen- number, but powerful in mean- the impo!>ition of hands. but also for Antiochus the Great olics and the Greek Orthodox. A ical unity, but it does suggest ing and extensive in ramification. After the bishop had placed in 218 BC and the Roman gen- wall' actu~lly separates the two some of the ideals and complex- He agreed. both palms in silence upon the eral (later emperor) Vespasian areas, each with its own church: ities of growing unity among My friend should know. He heads of those seven deacons, during tre Jewish _War. Again, the Catholic Basilica of the Trans- Christians. had just accepted new responsi- all the priests pr:esent did likein the ,I_3th century, the Saracens Turn to Page Eighteen In 1957 the United Church of bilities in a difficult, though sig-; , .,'. Tum to.~age, S~venteen For six years now I have appeared on an ecumenical television program. Each week Dr. Edward Bauman and a group of panelists spend an hour before TV :cameras exploring some part of' the Bible within the context of contemporary life.

The United Church of Christ Religion


Reflections at 'an Ordination

(HE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Murdoch's 'Black Prince' Stylistically ElegQnt Novel



Assert Marxism Opposes Faith

Love, in its varieties and its counterfeits, is the invariable subject of Iris Murdoch's novels. She does not departfrom it in her lastest, The Black. Prince (Viking, 625 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. $7.95). But here, differently from. in her earlier works, the narrative is pre- Pearson's flat, saying that her life is over and that Pearson ceded and followed by what must stay with her and take care purports to be documenta- of her.

tion in prepartion for, and com- , Weeping and groaning, she mentary on, it. keeps changing her mind. at one The main part of the novel is minute declaring that she will said to be 'a posthumous work by return to Roger, at the next demanding that Pearson go to her house and get some possessions she prizes. He goes, and disBy covers that Roger, happily quit of Priscilla, has already taken RT. REV. up with someone else. At the point of distraction as MSGR. these people pin hiin down and whirl about him in a kaleidoJOHN 5: scope of changing relationships, KENNEDY Pearson finds himself in love with 20-year-old Julian, daugh· ter of Arnold Baffin and his wife Rachel (not the least' bit mura man named Bradley Pearson. dered). There is an introduction by Pear· This discovery drives the franson, explaining his purpose. DRAMA OF UNITY: "The ordination ceremony dramtic dance to a denouement inThere is also a foreword by' a volving an actual murder in tbe atizes this unity in Chr:ist's priesthood particularly through friend of his to whom he en- frenzied circle. Pearson is not the trusted the manuscript. There murderer; but he is convicted as the imposition of hands." Father Joseph Champlin imposes are five· postscripts by people such and his life ends in prison his hands on the head of a newly ordained priest in the who figure in Pearson's account after he has found there the se- Syracuse diocese. NC Photo. of the climactic events of his life, clusion and tranquility to write one by the editor friend. the book which he though,t to These devices are fairly pon- do on a different theme and in derous, as are some extended different circumstances. passages of philosophizing by . Continued from Page Sixteen he can sense, especially in such Comie- Confusion Pearson. But Miss Murdoch's wise. We then formed a semi- heavy, low moments, the supporskill in entertaining while com"A tissue of absurdities" is an circle around tbe chief shepherd tive arms or hands of his menting on the vagaries of hu· expression which occurs at one and kept our right arms raised brothers in the ministry. man nature is as nimble and daz- point in this comic confusion, until he completed the consecraMsgr. Angelo Strazgoni has zling as ever. and some may say that this per- . tory formula. . for years been the fatherThose obedience and respect confessor of countless priests in fectly defines what Miss MurIntricate Theory obligations as well as _the other she is only somedoch spins. But our diocese. In addition, laity by Bradley Pearson is 58. He has what enjarging and speeding up duties of the priesthood will at the thousand over several decjust retired 'after a career as an times "burden" a man. But the ades regularly crowded his Cainspector of taxes. Living alone the goings·on of mortals prone priest does not stand ~ alone and thedral confessional. On tbis orto illusion and delusion where in a cluttered London flat, he has love, its phrases, and its imposdination day Msgr. Strazgoni produced two or three books tures are concerned. celebrated his 90th birthday and which have caused hardly a ripMany acute observations are tbereafter. No, Kiel is alive and our bishop made note of that ple of interest. But he has an inscattered through this stylisti- unchanged, Elsa insists. fact at the beginning of the sertricate theory of art, and he now proposes to devote himself to cally elegant novel. Come to think of it, didn't vice. Item: "The average man while they die themselves in England, what he is sure will be a master.' The congregation needed no he covets .real wealth, normally piece. before Kiel did? Weren't they in prodding. It broke out into sponThis will be begun, at least, in covets only apparent good." a. railway carriage on which a taneous applause for the saintly, Item: "We are intermittent buzzbomb scored a direct hit, dea small, isolated seaside cottage beloved priest and then, at the which he has rented. He is pre- creatures, always falling to little molishing it? ,What, then, are celebrant's request, sang "Happy paring to depart for it, when the ends and rising to little new they doing in New York all this Birthday" to him. beginnings." telephone rings. The caller is time afterward?· Later in the ceremony when The Hothouse Arnold Baffin, an inferior writer the bishop inquired formally, of Exit From Purgatory who has been a protege of PearWhile Miss Murdoch's book is the people about the candidates' son's but has far surpassed complex, Muriel Spark's latest, One's guess is that the hot- worthiness for priesthood, a note Pearson in recognition and re- The Hothouse by the East River house by the East River, and in the participation booklet wards. Baffin says, "Bradley, (Viking. $5.95), is being put contemporary New York City as stated: "The people give their could you come around here down as a baffling put on. a whole, are to be taken as sym- consent to this choice of the . please. I' think that I have just . It concerns a strange middle- bolic of hell. In them there wan- bishop by APPLAUSE." . killed my wife." aged married couple, Paul and der and suffer people who get Everyone clapped, and willingThis starts the kind of mad Elsa Hazlett, who live in a con· what they once set their hearts round which is the Murdoch spe- stantly overheated apartment on on (riches, for example, and lux. .Iy too, but, I thought, not with cialty. Joining in it are Francis New York's East Side. Their two ury), only to find these to be the enthusiasm which surrounded Msgr. Strazgoni's birthday Marloe, a brother of the woman grown ~hoildren, Pierre and Kat- instruments of torment. who divorced Pearson years ago. erina, have their own apartments. In any' case, Elsa and Paul go acclamation. Marloe is a seedy, sniveling There is it mystery about El- off into oblivion at the end, in Spontaneous Recognition sponger, who qualified as a phy- sa's great wealth, and one too the company of others just as This did not mean they disapsician but was disquaHfied for about her shadow, which always dead. Instead of hell, are we proved of th,e young men or malpractice. meant to think of purgatory? falls toward the light. Mysterious He brings word that his sister also is her habit of sitting look- But the exit from purgatory is were less interested in them, than in him. But the applause for Christian, Pearson's' ex-wife, is ing out the window and wearing luminous, not murky. back in London, after the death a cryptic smile. Elsa bas odd Whatever Miss Spark is up to, Msgr. Strazgoni was spontaneof the rich American who was friends, a maid given to hysteria, she is witty about it, and there otis; the clapping of these deacons her second husband. Bhe is eager and an analyst whQ v9lunteers are several episodes which are was not. A "rubric" called for to get together with Pearson, as butler when the maid walks as uproarious as they are outra· one, human hearts demanded the but he angrily refuses. Christian, out. geous. One of these is a perfe \. other. however, keeps telephoning him, Returning from a shoe store, mance of Peter Pan, with none That seems to be a good prininfuriatingly. Elsa reports that Helmut Kiel is of the actors under the age of ciple governing applause in the Point of Distraction working there. Impossible, says 60. Another is an analyst's ear- liturgy. It can help the celebraThen Pearson's sister Priscilla Paul, since Kiel died many years nest. speech about a wonderful tion when the' clapping ~rises arrives, r.,aggard and distraught. ago. They knew him almost four new biophysical theory-schizo- spontaneously from a given sitShe has left her bounder of a decades earlier, in England, pbrenia of the pancreas, eupho- uation. It proves less effective, husband, Roger Saxe, and throws where they met and married ria of the liver, egomania of the sometimes even harmful when herself despondently into bed in during the war, Kiel died shortly toenails. forced or contrived.

Reflections at an Ordinaton



CARACAS (NC) - The Venezuelan Conference of Bishops is· sued a declaration, "The Church and Politics," saying that although it cannot take a partisan political position, a Christian can adhere neither to Marxism nor to a liberal capitalistic ideology. The bishop's statement came at the start of the political campaign to elect a new president. The elections are scheduled for Dec. 9. The ruling Christian Democratic party (COPEI} stands a good chance to win. The other big party is Democratic Action. The Communist party and an organization called the Movement Toward Socialism are also presenting candidates .for the presidency. The bishops stated that "we are conscious that there are . many political options possible within the framework of the faith and we have avoided any statement which could be ,interpreted as an intervention in this matter . .. but this does not mean indif· ference in political matters." "Although many advances f..:lve been made in the last few years toward order and peace and towards justice and development, and many deep problems still beset the country, we must work toward a progress directed for the, benefit of all, especially the poor and marginal Venezuelan," they added. Saying that although the Church transcends all systems and· ideologies. it is also its responsibility· "to offer enlightenment and collaboration in working toward a society which provides dignity for men, the sons of God." "We call on Christians to explore new models of society other than the capitalist and the Marxist Socialist ones" the bishops said. '

Delivered at Mass OITOBEUREN (NC)~Amnes­ ty International presented a petition urging the release of Paraguayan political prisoners to Paraguayan president, Genn. Alfredo Stroessner, while he at· tended Mass at the Benedictine abbey here in West Germany.

See Us First See Us Last But See Us




.. ...



THE: ANCHOR-Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Continued from Page Sixteen figuration and the Greek Church of St. Elias (Elijah). The first chapels and churches marking' the Transfiguration were built in Byzantine times (3rd or 4th centuries). An early literary work, the "Pilgrim of Piacenza," tells of a pilgrimage up the mountain about 570 AD and describes "three basilicas" standing on the spot where Peter erected three tents. During the Crusades the Christian churches and monasteries were destroyed and the shrine was unattended and apparently unhabited until the Franciscans returned in the 17th century. Panorama

Theologian Says Jesuits in Crisis Of Spirituality·· SAN FRANCISCO '(NC)-"Thoc greatest crisis in the Society of Jesus today is a crisis of spir. ituality," Jesuit Father Avery Dulles told members of the spirit.ual family of ,St. Ignatius of Loyola at a two-week symposium here July 15-30. The symposium on "Ignatian Spirituality and Reform," held on the campus of the Jesuit-run University of San Francisco, drew from arou~d the world 330 Jesuit priests and Brothers and 290 Sisters who share the Jesuit spirit and formation. Continuity, Change , "The demand," said Father Dulles, "is for radical continuity. and radical change: Continuity, because we. are heirs to a rich spiritual tradition that we can not afford to dissipate; change, because the devotional forms in which many of us were trained are not appropriate to the vastly new world now coming. into being." "The papers prepared for this ~ymposium seem to point to a renewal that builds on the best .in the Jesuit tradition/' said the theologian from Woodstock College, New York. "I hope in the discuss.ions and prayer sessions," he c()ntinue~, "each of us may obtain a clear and unified vision of what we as a Society are about so that we may· be instruments of a general renewal." At- the symposium 24 position papers were presented. to the men and women in separate sessions, followed by pemel and general discussions.. Three joint sessions were also featured. Each participant, many from foreign countries, read the papers before coming to the symposium. 'Common Core' "No one speaks offidally for · the symposium," a University of San Francisco official said in introducing six symposium par- ticipants. They included four Jesuit· priests, Fathenl Robert Burns of San Franciseo, Luke Park of Korea, John Morris of P.ortland, Ore., Joseph Whelan of Baltimore; and two Sisters, Catherine-Morris of Los Angeles, · and Mar.garet Manion of Melbourne, Australia. Sister Manion, 'on the faculty of the University of Melbourne, · said she vieWed the symposium "first on' tbe level of· a wide group of people coming together, discussing where they are . . . people with different opinions but a common core." . , Father Park, 33, who had been imprisoned in Korea during the Korean War, said there was a need "to invite more who have been on the front line," and said .most of the symposium speakers to date bld been "theorists.".

New Direct'or PHOENIX (NC)-G.A. (Jack) Bradley has 'been named executive director of the Arizona Catholic Conference (ACe). by the bishops of Arizona's three dioceses. Bradley, recently· retire district manager for the Mountain Bell Telephone Company here, will represent the dioceses of Phoenix, Tucson and Gallup !1.n.d. cOQr:qinate, thejr: activities.


MARONITE ORDINATION IN SYRACUSE: Newly ordained Maronite priest Father Louis Abdoo carries on his head a covered chalice contaftning the Eucharist during a procession at his ordination in St. Louis Gonzaga Church, Utica, N.Y; The event was the first Maronite ordination in the Syracuse'diocese. With Father Abdoo are Father Joseph Thomas and Father John Andary. Maronite Bishop Francis Zayek of Detroit officiated at the ceremony in Father Abdoo's home parish. NC Photo.

The United Church of Christ Religion Continued from Page Sixteen ligious force in the new nation. can Church and were known as Influential clergy and churches Puritans. Some more radical left the mother church to form ~ritics came to believe that An- .the Unitarian movement in 1825; glicanism would never adopt almost aU of the Congregational their views; they decided to sep- churches in Boston accepted Uniarate themselves from this tarianism. A cooperative. Hrchurch and to organize their own rangement with the Presbytereligious communities. rians allowed the latter to spread New England throughout the West at the exOne such group of Separatists pense of Congregationalism. bad fled persecution in England Congregationalists .sought to conand settled in Holland. Unwill- vert the American Indians and ing to become absorbed by the ev~n managed to re-create a New Dutch they set sail on the May- .England theocracy in Hawaii but flower for the New World. the energetic Methodists, BapWhile the Pilgrims built their tists, and Disciples of Christ won homes at Plymouth 'groups of far more adherents in the midPuritans Who numbered 20,000 west and south. by 1640 -established the nearby In 1931 the Congregationalists Massachusetts Bay Colony. Even- joinad forces with a small detually the Puritans abandoned ali nomination called ·the Christianties with Anglicanism and Church, sometimes called the adopted the Congregational ·pol- Baptist Unitarians. The new enity of the small~r Pilgrim settle- tity took. the name Congregament. They rejected the author- tional Christian Churches. ity of any bishops or religious German 'immigrants leaning body beyond the local congrel?a- toward a .Calvinist rather than a tion. In matters of theology both Lu.theran theology founded the Pilgrims and PuJritans followed Reformed Church in the United the stern teachings of John Cal- States. Other German Calvinists vin. organized the Evangelical Synod Dominating the religious scene - in 1840. These two bodies united in New England the Congrega- in 1934 to form the Evangelieal tionalists found!,!d some of the and Reformed Church. most prestigious colleges in Merger America:: Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, and others. In their theWhen the USS and the E and ocracy only church members R Church began to ,investigate could vote. in civil elections l:!ut merger possibilities a comproall citizens had to pay taxes to mise in church government was support the Congregational required. In contrast to the ConChurch. Persecuted in England, gregational system the Evangelthey in turn persl!cuted Quakers, ical and Reformed Church folBaptists, and other dissenters lowed a form of presbyterian when they gained control of the government. In the words of colonies of New England. Douglas Horton "The New EnUnitarianism gland boiled dinner and the Congregationalism lost its op- Pennsylvania sauerkraut had to portunity t.o remain the chie~ re- come to terms with each other."

Negotiations continued for many years and law suits delayed the final merger. Even after the merger a number of Congregational churches refused to surrender their former independence;they have set up new Congregational associations outside the UCC. The strict Calvinism of the Puritans has given way to one of the most liberal statements in American Protestantism. No one need subscribe to any set of doctrines to gain or hold membership in, the UCC. - Likewise a wide latitude is given local congregations in matters of worship. Puritan abhorrence of vestments, candles, stained glass and the like has not prevented a program of liturgical enrichment in the 1970's. Because of the different ethnic backgrounds of the partners in the 1957 union and successful compromise of two forms of church government the creation of the United Church of Christ has been a unique achievement in American Protestantism.

One cannot speak of Mount Tabor without mentioning the panorama of Galilee that can be enjoyed from its heights. The northern horizon is formed by the mountains of upper Galilee with the white cap of Mount Hermon (considered by others as the site of the transfiguration) clearly visible. To the south lies Samaria with Mount Ebal (Dt. 1l:29ff, 27:11ff) and Mount Gerizim, the Holy Mountain of the Samaritans, prominent, along with Mount Gilboa, where King Saul was killed. To the northwest, hills hide the city of Nazareth from view. Beyond' stretches the long ridge of Mount Carmel. To the east lies Tiberius, the Jordan, the depression of the Sea of Galilee, and beyond; the Golan Heights. One can easily view more than 4,000 years o'f history from atop this graceful mountain which has been described as rising up to heaven "like an altar that the Creator 'built for himself."

Christian Unity Continued from Page Sixteen refused to join the new United Church of Christ. The fact that two Christian Churches with .many points of difference in structure, ritual and teaching could find a way to organic unity appears to me to be a sign of hope, as well as' a reminder of ·the difficulties to be· encountered, on the way to Christian Unity. The· United Church of Christ is a living symbol of the fact that differences can be resolved into a deeper unity.

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. , 806 NO. MAIN STREET

Fall River

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e. 675·7497 ... ...




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Bishop Gelineau Issues Pastoral On Abortion PROVIDENCE (NC) - Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence has issued a pastoral letter af· firming the Church's opposition to abortion and stating that allCatholics are' prohibited from participating in abortions or in acts leading to abortions. [n the pastoral, entitled "His Most Sacred Trust," Bishop Gelineau said that no abortions would be permitted in Catholic hospitals, and he called on public officials to insure that those who out of moral considerations refuse to participate in abortions are not penalized for their views. The pastoral is the latest and most complete in a series of pub· Iic statements Bishop Gelineau has made on abortion. Following the U. S. Supreme Court abortion decision, the Rhode Island legislature passed a law that set the beginning of life at conception and outlawed all abortions except when the health of the mother was at stake. The law was chaIlenged hy thoe American Civil Liberties Union and was found unconstitutional by the U. S. District Court in Providence. It is on appeal. In the interim the state health department 'issued abortion guidelines that in effect followed the Supreme Court decision and limited abortions to hospitals. Several hospitals have published abortion policies in compliance with the guidelines. Bishop Gelineau said that St. Joseph's hospital in Providence and its Our Lady of Fatima unit in the adjoining town of North Providence would not permit abortions. Social Conditions Tl;'e pastoral letter declared that human life must be protected from the very moment of existence. "A pregnant woman may not seek an abortion," he said, and the father must not positively c0unsel or silently tr>lerate "the taking of his child"s life by an abortive procedure."

Thurs., Aug. 9, 1973

Refuse to Block Obscenity Suits

. JAZZ MASS IN NEW ORLEANS: Trumpeter Wallace Davenport came home to St. Francis de Sales Church in his old, neighborhood in New Orleans to play for a Jazz Mass. Davenport, who has performed with well known artists such as Lionel Hampton and Count Basie, played for a capacity congregation in the old wooden church. NC Photo.


AdininistratorViews Future

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Recent abortion decisions by the Supreme Court will not harm Catholic hospitals unless present laws are changed. That is the opinion offered during an interview by Msgr. James T. McDonough in the Catholic Standard and 'Times" Philadelphia archdiocesan newspaper. He is moderator of the Philadelphia Conference of Catholic Health Care and incoming president of the Catholic Hospital Associa-

tion, a union of over 700 hospitals nationwide. People might be deceived by the fact that the number of Catholic hospitals has decreased, Msgr. McDonough said. However, he added, the' number of available beds has increased. "In the class into which virtually all Catholic hospitals fall, one-fourth of the beds are Catholic," he noted, "But one-third of the occupancy is in these beds." Money is a problem for Cath-

40 Priests and Nuns Arrested With Picketing Farm Laborers

FRESNO (NC)-Forty Catholic priests and nuns were among 300 persons arrested in United Farm Workers Union (UFWU) ,Bishop Gelineau declared that picketing in southeastern Fresno doctors and nurses may not County. participate in abortions, although Among those arrested was he counseled nurses to exercise Father Eugene Boyle, director of Christian charity and care "for the Peace and Justice Commis· the well being of a woman sion of the National Federation whose pregnancy has been im- of Priests Councils. Father Boyle, morally terminated" on leave of absence from the The bishop said that everyone archdiocese of San Francisco, is must be concerned about the so- also doing research at the Gradcial conditions that can lead uate Theological Union Seminary women to seek abortions, and he in Berkeley, Calif. Most of the clericals arrested called on the community to move in a concerted way to cure the were part of a delegation of problems rather than tolerate priests, Brothers and nuns attending a two-week long Jesuit the destruction of life. symposium in San Francisco. They had been invited by Father Publish Papal Boyle to join him on the UFWU picket lines. Also arrested were Audience Talks several Protestant clergymen. WASHINGTON (NC) A book The arrests came on the feast containing the weekly general day of Saint Ignatius Loyola, audience discourses and other founder of the Jesuits. selected talks given by Pope Paul Father Boyle said· he and those VI in 1972 has been issued by clergy and Religious accompanythe Publications Office of the ing him were "committeed to the U. S. Catholic Conference. UFWU" and that Fresno court "The Teachings of Pope Paul injunctions to limit picketing are VI-1972," a 357-page indexed "unconstitutional and unjust." "Today I walked the picket book is' available from USCC Publications, 1312 Massachusetts line in peaceful assembly." he Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. said. "But yet I was arrested for ensaging in lawful assembly 20005. . . .






while petitionihg my government under rights granted by the Constitution." He said the members of the clergy, who are from all over the nation, decided to put outside . pressure on· local authorities "because it is too easy for the local establishment to treat their poor members shabbily." Helps Union Cause Brother Charles Fitzsimmons, who' was also arrested, said he had been working with migrant workers in the Chicago area and decided he could "really do something for 'them by helping the Farm Workers Union." Father William Spine, sitting alone while waiting to be booked, said he was not sorry he was arrested "but I just feel sorry for those who had us arrested." Father John Weyand of New York said his arrest helps the UFWU cause. He said the Cesar Chavez-led union needs the help of those willing to share in the plight of the farm worker. As an estimated 300 pickets paraded in violation of that injunction, growers were visiblf:) nearby. Some of the several dozen growers, many carrying sticks and rubber hoses" escorted farm workers who were working in the fields.

olic hospitals, according to Msgr. McDonough, but is not a particularly "Catholic p.roblem." All hospitals will be under the fiscal gun until some national health plan is inaugurated, he s~id. A far more pressing threat to Catholic hospitals, he added, are those of medical practices such as abortion and euthanasia. Also, he said, there is the threat that the conscience clause, which currently allows medical personnel and facilities to refuse to perform certain practices, may be revoked. "Catholic hospitals just can not tolerate that kind of situation," Msgr. McDonough said. "We must maintain our witness to the sanctity of life." He added that the National Catholic Hospital Association will provide information on ways to combat legislation that threatens Catholic principles. In refuting the argument that Catholic hospitals are depriving individuals of their rights by refusing to perform abortion, Msgr. McDonough said: "I don't know of any place in the U. S. where a patient can't get any service he wants in a matter of a few hours (driving time) from a Catholic hospital."

TAMPA (NC)-In separate de· cisions two federal district court judges have denied requests for temporary injunctions to prevent enforcement of Florida's new anti-obscenity statute in four counties. Judge W. Terrell Hodges of Tampa here denied the request made by adult movie houses in Lakeland, Orlando and Cocoa Beach which claimed in their suit that state courts have been consistently unfair in rulings on obscenity cases, and sought $15,000 in damages as well as an end to seizure of alleged obscene materials. The jurist pointed out that there was no reason to assume that the owners of theaters showing X-rated films could not get fair treatment by taking their complaints to state courts and said that federal injunctions which "interrupt or interfere with the enforcement of state criminal statutes are, to say the . least, not favored." . In nearby St. Petersburg, U. S. District Judge Ben Krentzman denied a similar request by the Little Beaver Theaters, Inc. Three similar suits, all of which were filed by adult book stores and theaters against state attorneys, the State Attorney General, and law enforcement officers in the counties of Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade, are still pending in Miami Federal District Courts.

Diocesan Paper Aims To Reach All People' RAPID CITY (Nt) - "The paper will strive to be as newsworthy as possible without getting bogged down on trivial matters." That is the way Father Wil· liam O'Connell, editor of the nation's newest diocesan newspaper, the West River Catholic, characterized the paper which has begun .publication on a monthly basis here in South Dakota. "The purpose of the paper is to make people cognizant of the Church in the diocese and of their role in the Church. I suppose we look on it as a means of adult education for people unable to gather in large community centers for talks and lectures. Father O'Connell said the name West River. Oatholic was chosen, instead of Rapid City Catholic, "so that people across the diocese will feel that the paper belongs to them and not merely to Rapid City or the Black Hills."




FALL RIVER 673·7780


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug.



Counlry Fair and.Chicken .Barheque -Sponsored by Friends of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of th'e Presentation \

.For The Benefit of f

The Drug (Uni( of St. Anne s Hospital 'Fall River Migrant· Workers in Texas'

. 1c:

Medical Missions in India Chicken Barbeqlue served from


Noon' Cakes, Candies, Home-


Made Dolls and Aprons,

3:00 P.M.

Kni.t Goods, Grab Bags, Bottle Table, Green


Thumb, Trash and Treasure

Maior Award An Automobile


HOMELAND TO BENEFIT: Sister Ascension, provin!Cial, introduces novices' from Kerala, India to Bishop Cronin. One of the aims of Sunday's Country Fair is for the the benefit of the Dominican Sisters" apostolate in Kerala.

Sunday, Aug. 12 From 9:00 A.-M.-8:30 P.M• .On the grounds of Domini(an Novitiate - Elm Street, Dighton - OPEN




This Message Sponsored 'by the Following Individuals and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River . . Cape Cod and The Islands BASS fi,VER SAVI~S BANK




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