t eanc 0 VOL. 29, NO. 31
$8 Per Year
In South Africa
Bishops ask
ap,artheid end
LONDON (NC) - The Cath olic bishops of South Africa have culled on the nation's president to "call off the state of emer gency forthwith" and end the apa::theid system of legalized dis crimination, according to a Brit ish lay Catholic organization. The London-based Catholic Institute for International Rela tions July 31 released the text of a statement by the Southern Africa Catholic Bishops Confer ence, which said the govern ment's only option is "to dis mantle apartheid and its insti tutions." The institute is a British lay organization which describes its role as promoting "better under standing of justice and peace issues." The bishops' statement said the state of emergency declared July 20 for 36 black districts by South African President P. W.
Botha "comes as no surprise" because apartheid "breeds vio lence, oppression, economic ex ploitation and racial animosity." "In the history of South Afri ca, savage repression has always been carried out in proportion to the intensity of popular resis tance," it said. "The national government has only one option, that is, to dismantle apartheid and its institutions." The bishops listed five steps which Botha should take to "demonstrate his willingness to abolish apartheid: - An immediate end to the state of emergency. - The release of all political prisoners and detainees "uncondi· tionally." - An end to police occupa tHn of black townships and resi dential areas. - The start of "meaningful Turn to Page Six
Motta photo
RESIDENTS OF St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, are routinely frisked upon entering the Bristol County House of Correction, New Bedford. Sheriff David R. Nelson is at right
By Joseph Motta
male facility are serving time for drug and alcohol-related of Residents of St. Vincent's fenses. Home, FaH River, recently parti- . 212 prisoners are housed at cipated in PROJECT SLAM (Stu the medium-security House of dents Learning A Message) at Correction, which has a. rated the Bristol County House of capacity of 135. Such over Correction, New Bedford: crowding is typical of Massachu In the anti-drug program de setts jails. The antiquated New veloped by 'Bristol County Bedford building, built in 1828, Sheriff David R. Nelson, two in last saw expansion in 1884. mates incarcerated for drug Life decisions made at a young related crimes spoke to the group age determine whether or not a of about 15 young men, describ man will find himself incarcera ,jng in down-to-earth language ted, Nelson emphasized before how lives can be destroyed conducting group members on a through substance abuse. short tour of the dismal building, Launched in January, SLAM's including viewing of a typical aim is to let young adults see first -hand the other side of the drug culture, namely prison Ufe and loss of personal freedom. Sheriff Nelson also wants to bring a message to participants On page 16 of thIs Issue The that will encourage them to re Anchor begins -a monthly Fam Ily Page of splrltuaUy oriented flect maturely on their own pres ent or potential .drug involve pictures and puzzles, Today's ment. August page, for Instance, Is based on the "Bread Gospel" of Upon entering the facility, the young "tourists" were frisked John and talks about both bread for contraband. This procedure for the body and the bread of life. was standard, Sheriff Nelson ex The Family Page originates plained, and had drugs been found lin a visitor's possession he with Church World, newspaper would have been detained. He of the Portland, Maine, diocese noted that frequent attempts are and is shared with us by ar made to smuggle drugs and drug rangement with Henry Gosselin, pluaphenalia into the prison.' Church World editor. Created by The sheriff told the group that Susan Manclne, It is Illustrated by Christina Beebe. 80 percent of inmates at the all
Family Page
IN TENSE South Africa, troops monitor mourners re turning from a mass funeral. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo)
jail cell and the prison court· yard. The cell, a windowless six by eight foot cubicle, houses on~ man and contains a bed, toilet and sink. Prisoners are allowed to decorate their quarters and to supply their own radios and televisions. Nelson noted that the average inmate is 22 years of age and must spend abollt 19 hours a day locked in his cell. One St. Vincent home resident, when asked what he thought of the cell, said it was "not some thing I'd like to live in, that's for sure." After the tour, the group' was shown to the prison chapel, where Nelson exhibited home made weapons confiscated from prisoners and discussed drug smuggling techniques used by visitors to supply prisoners. He showed, for instance, a pair of sneakers brought in for an in mate which were found to have drugs hidden 'in the soles. Inmates "Peter" and "Sam" were then introduced to the young men. Peter told the group that he "started off with downers at 12 or 13" and soon went on to harder drugs, not caring what he had to do to get them. "Drugs, alcohol and doing Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River"":'Fri., Aug. 9, 1985
• ID
public office COD'cern Holy See By. Sister Mary Ann Walsh VATICAN CITY (NC) Priests holding public or parti san political office "are a source of growing concern to the _Holy See," the Vatican said in a recent confidential letter to. bishops' conferences and religious orders. Excerpts of the letter, dated March 25, and a Jesuit-prepared summary of it were obtained by National Catholic News Service. "That there are cases, unfor tunately not rare, of priests who, contrary to the Code of Canon Law, accept public offices which carry. with them participation in the exercise of civil' power, are a source of growing concern to the Holy See," the letter said. "These cases cause· scandal, become sources of division and deform the image of the priest," the letter added. The letter was signed by the heads of four Vatican congrega tions: Cardinal Bernardin Gantin of the Congregation for Bishops; Cardinal Silvio Oddi of the Con gregation for the Clergy; Car dinal· Jerome, Hamer, then an archbishop, of the Congregation for Religious and Secular Insti-
Aboufthose parochial vicars
tutes; and Cardinal D. Simon Lourdusamy" then an archbishop, of the Congregation for the Evan gelization of Peoples. Cardinal Lourdusamy told NC News that the ;Ietter "has been a long time in preparation" and that "no special problem" had prompted it. He said there are abuses of the church law against priests ,in politics "here. and there," but did not name any persons abusing the' law nor areas of the world where such abuses 'are frequent. . He also said that canon law provides for dispensations from the law "in specia,1 cases" and so long as the' "fu~damental principles" underlying ·the law "are not 'g.iven up." The Jesuit summary of the letter was sent July 26 to Jesuit provincials throughout the world by Jesuit Superior General Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Jesuit spokesman Father John Dul·ler said July 30. The sum mary said that the Vatican letter asks diocesan bishops "to re spond promptly and effectively to cases of failure to observe" Canon 285, which "'forbids clerics from filling any public office which entails the exercise of civil power." The summary said the Vatican letter stresses the bis~ops' or superior's first response to situa tions of priests in politics "should be one of dialogue and pastoral concern shown in ex hortation, counsel and fraternal admonition." "Only when such means prove unsuccessful" is it necessary to pursue penal sanctions, such as suspension from priestly func tions, the summary added. "When such measures must be taken," the summary said, "it is necessary to keep the Christian community informed of what is happening so that scandal be avoided as far' as possible." "The Holy See should a·lso be kept 'informed :both of the meas ures taken and the results ob tained," the summary said. The Jesuit summary said that two documents of the, Second Vatican Council were among the church' documents concerning priests in politics the Vatican
letter cited.
The first, the Dogmatic Con
stitution on the Church, states
that the priest must serve all people and exercise "priestly and pastoral· ministry both to be lievers and unbelievers alike, to Catholics and non-CatholicsY The second, from the Decree on Priestly Life and Ministry,
What's a parochial vicar? The question is being heard frequently as the term creeps into more and more diocesan news stories; but actuaHy the PV Jisn't a new membdr of the church family. Basically, the appellation is a matter of new packaging of a very familiar office and the PV ,is the same person' he always was: the pastor's right-hand man who in the U.S. Church has been variously known as curate, assistant pastor or associate pastor. For reasons of uniformity throughout the Church, the new Code of Canon Law has now neatly labeled him as parochial vicar. . 'Normally, says the Code, PVs are "priests' who render their services in pastoral ministry as coworkers with the pastor in common counsel and endeavor with him and also under his authority. "A parochial vicar can be as signed to assist in fulfilling the entire pastoral ministry on. be half of an' entire parish, a def inite part of the parish, or a certain group of the Christian faithful within the parish; he can 'also be aS,signed to assist in ful filling a certain type of ministry ,in different parishes concur rently." BALTIMORE (NC) - In a role , In cases where a' pastorate "be reversal, Nigerian priests are comes vacant or when the pas considering an apostolate to the tor. is hindered from exercising United States, in particular to his pastoraldlity," further ex America's black population. "I plains the Code, PV duties in " see challenges in the U.S.," said clude "governance ofa parish Msgr. Godwin P. Akpan, rector ... until a parochial administra of the National Missionary Sem tor is appointed." inary of St. Paul in Abuja, Ni All cl~ar? geria.
Role reversal
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN and Father Gabriel Healey, S8.CC., pastor of Holy Trinity Church, West Har wich, greet parishioners during a pastoral visit by the bish op. A highlight of the event was the tearing up of a mort gage on church properties.
states that priest~ "can never be the servants of any human ideo logy or party." Cardinal Hamer refused to comment on the letter. Cardinals Oddi and Gantin could not be reached for comment. The Vatican has voiced" con cern about priests in partisan politics and public office several times during the past year. On Jan. 29, two Nicaraguan govern ment officials, Father Ernesto Cardenal and Maryknoll Father Miguel D'Escoto, were ordered to resign their government posts or be suspended from exercising their priestly mii)istry. Neither resigned, and both were sus pended. Father Cardenal is minister of culture and Father D'Escoto is foreign minister in the Marxist influenced Sandinista govern ment. On May 23 Vatican Radio re ported that the pope, through Vatican Secretary of State Car. dinal Agostino Casaroli, told Pacem in Terris, an organization of priests with ties to the Czecho that slovakian government, church ·law prohibited their mem bership in the association. In 1932, the Vatican prohibited priests from belonging toasso ciations with strictly political aims. The ban was believed aim ed at Pacem in Terris.
Political priest is suspended GENOA, Italy (NC) An Italian priest elected last year to the European Parliament. on the Socialist ticket has been sus pended from his priestly minis try, the Archdiocese of Genoa announced Aug. 2. Father Gianni Baget Bozzo was found guilty by an archdio cesan court of "the crimes of disobeying his Ordinary, of be havior that is unseemly or alien to the clerical state, and of tak ing' an active. part in. political parties," an archdiocesan state ment said. It said the priest had violated church canons 273, 285 and 287 regarding obedience, priestly be havior and political activity. The sentence imposed the priest's suspension "a divinis" from all acts of priestly minis try and prohibited him from wearing priestly garb. When Father Baget Bozzo an nounced his candidacy for the. European Parliament 'last year, he said he was running on the Socialist ticket because "in socialism there are the ancient I'oots of Christianity." :During the church trial, which lasted several months, Father Baget Bozzo· refused to appear and refused to name a canon 'lawyer to defend him. The European Parliament is part of the permanent structure of the 12-nation 'European Com mon Market. Its actions are not hinding on its members.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 9, 1985
tradition • contInues Despite loss of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, the Catholic il:radi,tion continues' at Our Lady's Haven Nursing Home in Fairhaven. 'Indeed, Father Lucien Jus seaume, resident· chaplain, with the addition of Miss Margaret Goggin and Mrs. Patricia Broad 'land as Eucharistic ministets, has augmented ,the staff caring for the spiritual needs of those at the home.
Oct. 11 to 13 at Marie Joseph Spiritual Center in Biddeford.
Newton and the Ukrainian Cath olic diocese of Swnforcl, COM.
Leading delegates from the FaD River diocese wUI be Father Martin L. Buote, diocesan dlrec· tor of Catholic seoutlng. and Father Stephen B. Salvador, Boy Scout chaplain for New England Roman Rite dioceses, the Mel· k1te-Greek Catholic Eparchy of
The conference will include workshops and meetings and will be highlighted by a "Maine-style Scout campfire." Portland Bishop Edward C. O'Leary will open the parley with Mass and a wel coming homily.
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ADULT LEADERS participate in daily Mass at the recent Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort A. P. Hill, Va. (NC photo)
In addition to daily Mass, Father Jusseaume regularly schedules special devotions such as novenas and recitation of the rosary. Night prayers are a'lso a FORT A. P. HILL, Va. (NC) part of the daily routine and the The National Catholic Com chaplain is always available for mittee on Scouting will for the counsel. next two years emphasize scout AU in aU, Our Lady's Haven ing as a means of youth minis continues to show deep concern try. Josef F. Kessler, a Boy Scout for the spiritual wellbeing of residents. It is and will always official and adviser to the Cath remain dedicated to Catholic olic committee, announced the effort for 1986 and 1987 as principles wbile providing sup erb nursing and tender concern 32,000 Scouts from the 50 states -and 33 foreign countries took for the elderly and infirm. part in the Boy Scouts' lith As one resident summed it up: National Jamboree at Fort A. P. "To have this home with a chapel Hill Jast month. and Mass each day, to have a Kessler said the two-year pro chaplain a'lways available, to gram, themed "A Way to Chris have such caring employees, is tian Leadership - Catch the to say we have a real Catholic Scouting Spirit," has been en home. I'm so glad to be here." dorsed by 'Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, president of the National Con The Test "The test of our progress is ference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Malone in a 'letter as not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have sured chief Scout executive Ben much; it is whether we provide H. Love of "continued imple enough for those who have too mentation and strengthening of little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt the plan of cooperation between
Scouting as ministry
the National Catholic Committee and the Boy Scouts of America." "Scouting feels a youngman doesn't have a weH-rounded background unless he bas a reli gion, so we're working with the church to furnish programs that will fit a religious nature," said Marvin Smith, national chairman of the program, With over 600,000 Catholic youth in packs, troops and other Scout-chartered organizations under Catholic auspices, more parishes will be informed how effective scouting can be when incorporated into a parish's out reach for Christian 'leadership, Kessler said. The Catholic com mittee has been an advisory group to the Boy Scouts since 1935. New England Parley On the New England level, it has been announced tltat the dio cese of Portland, Maine, will host the 1985 Conference of Catholic Scouting Committees
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THE,ANCHOR--=-Dioee'se of Fall River--Fri.,
August 9, 1985,
the living word
·the moorin~
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Why are so many, people still unable to look at Vietnam through the eyes of current reality rather than those of past emotionalism? Really, 'all one need do to experience pathos transcending the conflicting viewpoints that brought our country so much al1guish and that still strangle our natio.nal conscience is to stand before the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. . There are some who feel that Vietnam is over, that it is time to put if aside and let so-called bygC?nes be bygones, to let America rebuild and renew Vietnam as we did Germany after World War II. This attitude would have it that all"is changed and Vietnam is once more a simple, peace-loving nation cast off by American crassness. Such an attitude is not only foolish, it is almost juvenile. First, one cannot compare the German and Vietnam expe riences. Germany was liberated from a totalitil,rian sta.te and since that time has been democratically governed..vietnam, on the other hand, is today one of the most repressive and repug nant governments on Earth. Its vicious· Russian-supported invasion of neighboring states and its continuous brutalizing occupation iue a scandal to the world community. i Those who would moralize about what the American atti tude to such a' government sh9Uld be ~ould do well to remember that Vietnam continues to use the remains of Amer ican servicemen as bargaining chips in a game of international poker. . . Vietnam, with the third largest army iIi the world, is nothing more than a puppet in the seesaw Soviet battle' with China. If we helped rebuild Vietnam, as some would have us do, what would we be doing but supporting Moscow's.puppet? Only recently the Vietnam cause was editorially supported by the U.S. Catholic, an independent liberal magazine which called on Americans to help this "small Asian country that their bombs and shells have reduced to poverty." No concern was voiced for the more than five million Viet namese Catholics whose churches, schools ,and seminaries have been closed. No reference was made to the uncounted faithful who have died and are still dying for their beliefs in the prisons'and jails of Vietnam. No mention was made of the feelings of the millions of Vietnamese refugees throughout the world who have no hope of returning to their homeland. It is not fair, just or honest to propagate the cause of a government that has become more totalitarian, more deter mined and' more detestable since the end of its open war with this country. If supporters of Vietnam were consistent they would also be championing nations such as South Africa. United States Catholics must stand with their persecuted brothers and sisters in today's Vietnam. Refugee resettlement efforts should be of prime concern to local churches. Legisla tion that would effectively and efficiently help Vietnamese to establish themselves in our national family must receive church support on all levels of our social programs. The goverI:lment and church together 'must combat the grim dis grace of racial prejudice so often manifested toward Vietna mese refugees in our cities and towns. . These are but a few reflections on the current Vietnamese si.tuation. We must do everything we canto alleviate the real plight of the Vietnamese. We must also loudly disclaim their Marxist government which has shown itself to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. . .' . The Editor
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Indifference is the enemy
ROME (NC) - Religious indif ference, rather .than formal athe ism, has emerged as a main chal lenge to modern Christianity, say _church experts. Most delegates to a Vatican plenary session of the Secretariat for Non-Believers said the "good life" of material and technological progress has been accompanied by growing religious disinterest in their countries. Unbel.ief is not so much tied to ideas, they explained, as to the uncritical acceptance of consu merism, loss of family values and an emphasis on personal pleasure, all reinforced by advertising and mass media. ' .The reports, by about 20 experts, . were' published by the secretariat under the title, "Atheism and Dialogue: .. Surv'eys in several European countries, for example,showed that while less than to percent of the population identified them selves as non-believers, only a minority said they practiced their religion. In traditionally Catholic Spain and Portugal, 'only about one third of those surveyed said they practiced their faith.' . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . In Portugal, "explicit atheism" Published weekly by The Catholic Press of th~ 'Diocese of Fall River is limited to a few intellectuals and 410 Highland Avenue students of communist philosophy, 675-7151 Fall River Mass. 02722 a repoitsaid. But "practical athe PUBLISHER' ism" is much more widespread. Most Rl!v. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. "People live as if God didn't EDITOR FINANr.IAL ADMINISTRATOR exist," said its author, Bishop Jose Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan da Cruz Policarpo, auxiliary of . . . . .leary Press-Fal.' River Lisbon.
He' blamed "forces of Free masonry and various Marxisms" .for nullifying the influence of reli- gion in Portuguese art, liturature, cinema, schools, social organiza tions and mass media. In France, another report said, many people live a life of "day-to day indifference," without asking essential questions about life and death. It noted that many people are satisfied with "daily banali ties," citing renewed interest in ancient paganism, astrology and sorcery. Reports from the United States, Ireland 'and Italy said theoretical atheism had little or no impact on society. Among causes of practical atheism, the reports said, was self-interest. The Irish study said the church should recognize "the atheism inher ent in consumer values and the ethos of money." . Marxist ideology affects few in . Ireland, the report said, except for republican paramilitaries.· Those associated .with paramilitary vio lence used to .continue practicing their religion, but no longer do so, it was observed. In Italy, practice'of religion has suffered a "steep, 'decline," partly because of empha~is on ~'material ism, selfishness and comfort," said the report from that nation.. . . In the United States, the tradi tional attitude· of separation be tween church and state has given unbelief a certain legitimacy, said a report by Bishop Howard Hub bard of Albany, N.Y.. TodaY/,the report added,..con
cern for a higher life is eclipsed by "the concern of many for achiev ing the 'good life' of prosperity and self-improvement. " Reports from Poland and Angola said that even in those Marxist countries indifference is religion's main challenge. "The faith seems to have sometimes disappeared in important areas of life," said a report by Bishop Alfons Nossol of Opole, Poland, citing "relatively high numbers of abortions, divor ces and alcoholics." In Africa, too, there is a ten dency to llnbelief, said a report by Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze, who heads the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Christians. It is partly caused by the influence of Euro pean and American indifference, he said, and partly by anger over racial discrimination. . An influential minority in Africa, he said, has concluded that "reli gion is a tranquilizer, not much in use in Europe but very much in use in Africa to keep the people down. ~n Zaire, sects have replaced eucharistic participation with "wordly meetings, embellished with lectures and fantastic explications Qf the Bible," said a report by Bishop M'Sanda Tsinda Hata of Kenge, Zaire. In Latin America, religious indif ference is tied to an "implicit athe~ ism" that replaces God with "the idols of pleasure, power and have ing" reported Bishop Antonio Quarracino of Avellanada, Argen tina, president of the Latin Ameri can bishops' council.
It can't he doIle
Let's fantasize that one Sun day your pastor says that he's concerned about the unem ployment in your area and feels the parish should take an active role in meeting the needs of these people. To this end, he sug gests turning a room in the parish hall into a Center for the Unem ployed, staffed by volunteers and underwritten by the parish. He explains that because so many unemployed do not have access to 11 phone where they can call about jobs or get messages from poten tial employers, the room will focus on offering several phones, coffee, doughnuts, and a worker who will ' take incoming calls and put mes sages in sealed envelopes for job seekers and others. Further, because so many ~ingle parents can't go to interviews with children, he wants to set up a list of parishioners willing to sit children while parents are job-hunting, and another list of parishioners willing" to drive people to job interviews. Perhaps, he explains, the parish could even become a quasi-employ ment agency, taking calls from employers and posting jobs on a message board. He would like to initiate the project at once. All of this has taken only ten minutes. Yet, as you sit there, what's your reaction? Which of the following will it most approximate? 1. It won't work. 2. It's not a
proper activity for a church. 3. It might work but I don't want to be involved. 4. It will draw a class of people we don't want. 5. It might work so let's try it. 6. It's a fine idea. Let's give it a try. How we react tells us a lot about ourselves and ourcategoryofthink~ ing. According to psychotherapist Richard Fowler of the Judson Family Institute in St.. Paul, only 40% of us can think abstractly. That is, we can envision something that hasn't already been tried and· proven. We're the ones who are apt to respond, "Let's try it." The other 60% of us think con cretely. That is, we can't envision anything new as workable until it's already ,been tried and found suc cessful. Then it is concrete and we're willing to go with it. Therefore, according to Fowler, all progress begins with abstract thinkers who are also riskers. Concrete thinkers value security' over risk. ,"It, ca'n't be' done" is a reaction of concrete thinkers, and one we tend to reach for when a risker comes up with a new idea. We live in a wondrous couritry revealed to Europe by Columbus. But in 1490, a commission formed by Queen Isabella and K.ing Fer-. dinand to report on the feasibility of Columbus' plans to sail west to find a shorter route the Indies reported the voyage was impossi ble because: "I. A voyage to Asia would require three years. 2. The
THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fall River..Fri:, August '9, 1985 By
Western Ocean is infinate and per haps unnavigable. 3. If he reached the Antipodes, he would not get back. 4. There are no Antipodes because the greater part of the earth is covered with water and because St. Augustine says so... 5. Of the five zones only three are habitable. 6. So many centuries after the Creation, it is unlikely that anyone could find hitherto unknown lands of any value." Imagine Columbus' task in responding to these learned men. But he risked, he discovered, and humankind took a leap forward. Someone once penned Seven Slogans of Failure. They are: 1. We're not ready for that. 2. We've never done it that way before. 3. We're doing all right without it. 4. We've tried itt~at way and it· didn't work. 5. It will cost too much. 6. That's not our responsi bility. 7. It just won't work. From the abstract thinkers reading this, the pastor would prob ably get support and the right to fail. Concrete thinkers will be relieved to know that an ecumeni cill group in Portland, Oregon, is already operating the Center I describ~d and it's working well. \
The parish council
If your pastor asks you to run for the parish council what should you expect? A question naire I saw recently included a list of questions which, when stud ied and put in declarative state ments, reveal something of what to expect. Let me give a few examples: If elected to the council you ought to find yourself with a mix ture of different types of people. There probably will be persons of various ages and marital status, from differing ethnic, racial and socio-economic backgrounds. Par ish councils are supposed to reflect the mix of the parish population. The ideai atmosphere of the council should be serious, reflec tive, prayerful and, at times, play ful. By serious is meant a feeling that the pastor, parish staff mem bers and parishioners respect and give priority to your work. A deeper sense of ownership in the parish and of personal responsibility usually is part of the seriousness. There also should be a sense that your talents are appreciated and needed. Council work might consist in planning a parish program, eval uating one already in progress, set ting goals for the coming year or decade, or brainstorming about the future. Your reflective powers undoubt edly will be taxed,. as will your powers of observation and the ability to reason from them to constructive conclusions. All work and. no prayer or play cause dullness and can lead to a sense that what you are involved in is nothing more than an extension of your work in the office. As a council member, expect to spend a
considerable amount of time in prayer and meditation on how your contribution fits into God's plan. There should be get-togethers intended only for relaxation. You will have sessions in which you feel you are at the foot of the Tower of Babel. There will be times when the most perfectly laid plans will self-destruct because of some seemingly insignificaPt detail that was forgotten. ' You will find that not everyone will agree with you. Be prepared to be asked about every possible ministry in the church: How can the parish best get involved in parish renewal? Should ther(!\). be lectures on the bishops' pastoral letters on peace and the economy? How do you increase the parish collection? What do you do to attract youth to parish life? Who is looking after senior citizens and shut-ins? Do your parish members feel welcome? If you are thinking about run ning for election to a parish coun cil, but are hesitant about becom ing too involved, I suggest you conduct a little experiment. Prac tice taking council with your fam ily or a group of friends. Get together and pose a prob lem that needs solving or an idea that needs further analysis. Be serious and reflective. Pray together and try to come up with a plan or vision. Concentrate espe cially on how well you accept another person's ideas and feel ings, and how well you can work together. If you find you have a high level of tolerance and enjoy the exper ience of collaboration you proDa .bly should run for your parish council. Mor~over, if yo.u feel a
parish community should be like the early Christian communities which spread the love of Christ within and outside themselves, you may have a call that goes beyond your pastor's or the par ish's call.
August 11 Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., Retired Pastor, 1974, St. Anthony, New Bedford , August 13 Rev. Edward J. Sheridan, Pas tor, 1896, St. Mary, Taunton Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley, Pas tor, 1964, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis August 14 Rev. Raphael Marciniak, OFM Conv.., Pastor, 1947, Holy Cross, Fall River August 15 Rev. Charles W. Cullen, Founder, 1926, Holy Family, East Taunton' THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Pub· Iished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 pet year, Postmasters send addtess changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Burial at sea Q. I am interested in ocean bur ial. noes the Catholic Church have any objections to this idea? (Florida) A. From the very beginning Christians have taken burials very seriously. The attitude and customs of any people toward their dead says much about their beliefs concerning the meaning of life, respect for our bodies and life after death. The Christian church was and is no different. Funeral customs al .ways reflect Christians' faith in Christ, their conviction about the dignity of our human persoo includ ing the body; and of course belief in life after death. To this day, it even sets aside reserved space to receive the bodies of those who have died. For these reasons the church strongly discourages any practices that might, in a frivolous way, begin to reflect dishonor on the dead or seem to minimize, if not ridicule, beliefs'which are extremely , precious to us. It is within this context that your question must be approached. If a good and valid reason suggests it, there is no rule against burial at sea. Obviously it is done thousands of times in emergency situations, particularly in time of war. This type of burial therefore would not be automatically wrong for you. I would suggest only that you consider your reasons carefully, and that you discuss the matter with your parish priest who would be responsible for carrying out your wishes within the framework of our Catholic liturgy for the dead. Q. A few weeks ago (Anchor, June 21) you,answered a question from a mother whose children wondered whether they would have their dog in heaven. In part of your answer you said you would not be surprised to see dogs and trees and flowers In heaven. I thought heaven was just being with God. Will we need more than God to make us happy? I think your answer is misleading. (Okla homa) A. I think you're leaving out an important truth of our faith, that we will share in the resurrection of the body. We know very little about what our bodies will be like in their exalted condition after the resur rection. We do know, however, that they will be our bodies - like Christ's, with eyes, ears, mouth, touch and other senses that are p'art of our human nature. If the resurrection means any thing, these senses and organs will not be atrophied and useless. Our eyes will see, our ears will hear, our tongue.will taste. As Jesus appar ently tried to prove to the disciples after he rose from the dead, to deny these things ~ould'be to deny the resurrection. Yet, apart from the human nature of Jesus, God is pure spirit. What then would there be in heaven to hear, feel, taste and touch? True, the essence of heaven is our pres ence with God. Is it possible, how ever, that God might even reve~l
DIETZEN himself to us in ways similar to, ic' immeasurably beyond, the ways he reveals himself. to us here on earth? After all, even in heaven our mind s and wills will still be created minds and wills; we will never know and love him as he knows and loves himself, with one eter nally perfect act of comprehension and union. How then will God reveal him self to us? One thing we do know. Having taken our human nature, he has a tremendous respect for it. It is our best Christian guess that he will use it, all of it, even in heaven. If this sounds strange, perhaps one reason migha be that we do not respect and reverence our human nature as much as God does. More than one saint (and theologian) has suggested that one of the great suprises of heaven may be in how many respects it J:,esembles our life on earth, trees, !flowers, smiles and maybe even dogs. '
Q. I went to confession and con fessed stealing a large amount of money. The priest told me I could not be forgiven unless I made rep aration and gave it back. Is this the CatboUc Church ruling? (Pennsyl vania) A. This isn't a Catholic.Church ruling; it's part of the Ten Com mandments. Our sorrow and repen tance after stealing something from someone doesn't change the fact that it still belongs to the wronged person. • Confession of your sin does not make the money yours. In fact, then: cannot be real repentance unless you intend to give the money, or whatever is stolen, back to its rightful ownc;r. If it can be done, the money must be returned to the one from whom it was stolen. If that is not possible, it may be given to the pOOl' or to some charitable pur pose. But it does not belong to you. Q. I just broke my engagement to a line man who was generous In every way except one. He hates children. I want children when I get mar ried and told him so, but he has a peculiar 'outlook on having a family. Can you give me a few reasons why a man shouRd say awful things about children? Otherwise he has a nice personality. But I had to give up the thought of marrying him. (New Jersey) A. I can think of a number of reasons that a man might not want children, either because of some unfortunate experiences in his back ground or simply because of his gem:ral attitude toward life. Whatever the reason, you are fort'unate in having the wisdom and courage needed to end the engllgement. A lot of men and women would 110t have sufficient conviction of their own principles to make such a decision, or in many cases they entertain the vague hope that "something will work out." It rarely does.
THE Ar'lCHORi:.... ~. '., ~ . Friday, August 9,1985
In hope and sorrow' "",
Hiroshima, .Nagasaki remembe~ed'
Continued from Page One
what I wanted and what I
thought was best for me helped
me waste 15 years of my ~ife:'
he said. Speaking about prison life, he told the guests that "if. some body wants the· shirt off your back, you give ~t up. Once you come through those gates you're working for another inmate." TeHing his list~ners that they still hadn't the slightest idea of what prison !life is actually like, even after their tour, Sam took the stand and said that "a per son who uses diugs has no friends," ~s a burden to his fam ily, and has absolutely no con trol over his future. "Slay away from drugs," he warned. "You don't have to be in prison to be in prison." '~You don't have to wait ,until you're ,hooked to seek help," Peter added. Later, Sheriff Nelson said that he was pleased with the results of the program. He thinks that young people can relate' to ,the _ candor of the inmates' unre hearsed addresses. , "On the way in, I heard a boy say 'This' isn't, too bad.. I wou,ldn't miild coining here,''' Nelson said. "On the way out, he said 'No way, I wouldn't want to be here.''' ,
River. It included the Mercy a somber reminder of past con emblem, ."peace of the forest" flict. Particularly moving was a and "joy for our chBdren" smalI paper-wrapped bouquet at . ,Last Sunday, in wondrous among things the sisters could the foot of a panel of names. On
weather for usualIy humid not bear to thin~ of ,losing. :it was scrawled "I love you
summertime Washington, tholi Other Fall River ribbons, Daddy."
sands of demonstrators marked doubtless carried by walkers at The Ribbon, said Justine Mer the eve of the 40th anniversary the Lincoln Memorial, were from ritt, a Colorado grandmother and of the atomic bombings of Hiro sisters at Dominican Academy retired schoolteacher, whose idea shima and Nagasaki. They did it and youngsters at St. Vincent's, it was, is "'!ike tying a string by wrapping 15 miles of "peace Home. 'around your finger to remember ribbon" around capital huHdings. something and the message is So I 'looked for a panel ap Each 18 by 36 inch ribbQn propriate to 'Fall R:iver from 'It's a ,lovely world don't blow it up.' " bore a sewed, painted or em among the Rhode Island COntri broidered depiction of what its butions, choosing in honor. of Papal Cotnments maker could not "bear to think The Anchor jaunty sai,lboat Sharing in worldwide, obser of as lost forever in a nuclear captioned "Sailors Love Peace", vance of the 40th anniversary of war." done by someone caHed Anton. the atomic' bombings, Pope John In a joyous, hopeful mood Whoever he may be, his con- Paul II' celebrated a Mass for reminiscent of the August 1963 tribution attracted much atten- peace on Aug. 6. March on Washington immortal- tion and was photographed sevIn 1981 he visited Hiroshima ized by Dr. Martin Luther King's eral times. and Nagasaki to urge an end to "I have a dream" speech, partiMany Ribbon panels were true nuclear weapons. cipants in Sunday's.,' event tied. works of art, re fl ected in t he "To remember Hiroshima is to together, over 25,000 ribbons as fact t hat some WI'11 be on per- abhor nuclear war," he said the day's climactic event. En- manent exhibit at the Peace then. circled were the Pentagon, the Museum 10 . Chicago, at Was hWQrld leaders should "promWhite House . ElIipse and the· , S .h . I . . mgton s mit soman nstltutlon ise our fellow human beings that CapiloL ., and at 0 t h er 'Sltes across t he we 'will work untiringly for disI went to the demonstration nation'. Some will be displayed armament and the banishing of with a husload of ribboneers from at the United Nations next year alI nuclear weapons," he said. Cranston, R.I. They included and others will undoubtedly be The pope, visited victims still Marge McGowan of Our Lady of frumed by their owners as a ... suffering,from the effects of the Mt. Carmel parish; Seekonk, a prized memento of the day. atomic bombings. member of The Ribbon's Rhode Among eyecatchers displayed "It is with deep emotion that Island coordinating committee. . f f h k' d I greet today all those who stiU 10 ront 0 . t e speaers sta'!. Cranston is closer to Fall River at the Capitol were a cheerful carry in their bodies the signs of than Cambridge, staging point "Give peas a chance," adorned the destruction that was visited for Massachusetts ribboneers; with a huge open pea pod; and a on them on the day of the un but the, drawback was that depiction of a nuclear-threatened forgettable fire" the pope said ' Rhode Islanders were assigned Earth with the caption "It's such in 1981. to the U.S, Capitol, Bay Staters :.J a waste of a planet,'~ to the Lincoln Memorial, some A standout among ribbon distance away. holders ~as a contingent of DR. JOHN H. HANKS, And someone beat me to the white-garbed Sikhs carrying a who in the 1940s developed one Fall RIver contribution that banner, "Sikhs for Peace," a solution facilitating cul had made its way to the Rhode A v:isit to the Vietnam Veter ture of leprosy-causing bac Island pile, from the Sisters of ans Memorial following the Rib
Mercy at 96 Palmer Street, Fall bon event juxtaposed hope 'with teria, has received the 33rd
By Pat McGowan with NC News reports
REV. EUGE~E CARSON BLAKE, .78, former general secretary, of the World Council of Churches and president .of the National. Council of Churches, died' July 31. A Presbyterian min ister, he was a civil rights leader, spoke out against anti-Catholicism that sur faced during the presidential campaign of John F. Ken nedy, and publicly disdained the "Co~munist hunting" tactics of the late Sen Jo seph McCarthy. He was af fectionately known as the "Presbyterian pope" for his work towards unifying Pro , testant denominations.
Organizing urged
WASHINGTON (NC) - If the church is to influence communi cations law in the United States, Catholics must organize grass roots efforts, workshop partici pants were told recently. The workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Catholic' Conference Depilrtment of Communication, was" a step towards· organizing :local parti 'anIlUal Damien - Dutton cipation in the church's legisla Award from the Damien tive agenda for communications policy. Dutton Society for Leprosy Mark GaHagher,assistant di Aid. The Catholic society is Continued from page one U.S. Conference of. Major Superi rector for the USCC government named for· Sacred Hearts negotiations with democratically ors. of Men and Leadership Con: liaison . office, told the meeting elected leaders of the oppressed ference of Women Religious Father Damien de Veuster ' that' "if issues are, not strongly . people, including the leadership wrote a joint letter July 30 to and Brother Joseph Dutton, supported by til majority of (a, Herbert Beukes, South Afrkan who ministered to lepers on in exile." . legislator's) constituents or by ambassador to the. United States, the Pacific island of Molo - An end to "alI forced re powerful interest 'groups, then protesting recent government kai. Dr. Hanks is director of movals," lrigislators rarely focus on them." JoiJ;ling with the South African actions in South Africa. They re Whi,leformal USCC activities ,to leprosy research in the path bishops was :th~ head of the leased the letter Aug, 5. affect legislation are important, obiology department of grassroots organizing to moti FATHER PAUL SCHAAF, U.S. Catholic bishops who on. Noting that together they rep vate members of Congress to C.PP.S., of Clearwater, Fla., Aug. 5 endorsed their demand to resent some 850 major superiors John Hopkins University, Baltimore. . make ,the church's legislative of U.S. religious communities, will conduct a worksJIop .on . endIn apartheid. , agenda til priori,ty is lacking' he ' a related development, ~ead . the two wrote, "We must state Deliv~rance at t,he People'S ers of U.S. men and women re said. in the' strongest terms ourre Chapel, . LaSalette Shrine, ligious warned the South Afri jection of the system of apar can government of "the blood theid in your country, the re Attleboro, from IO'a.m. to 5 shed which' lies ahead" if it con cent declaration of a state of NEW YORK (NC) - Blacks ,p.m. Aug:' 17, explaining the tinues to deny blacks basic civil emergency there, with conse rights. . ~ust love and share more among relationship bet~¢en', heal quent massh,'e arrests, and the -Bishop James Malone of refusal to' meet with· black themselves if they want to over ing and deliverance minis come, their community prob Youngstown, Ohio, president of leadership,"~ tries. Father Schaaf is char the National Conference of Cath lems, says Auxiliary Bishop Em erson Moore of New York. "The ismatic' renewal 'coordinator ' olic Bishops, issued his call for an end to apartheid in a telegram 'f:s~t~7~eo~;n~:~:~~:n~a~0~:: for theSt. Petersburg, F:ia., .to 'his cOl.mterpart in South
that we· as a, black community diocese. Further information Africa, .Archbishop Denis Hurley RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (NC)
, ~ Archbishop Dom Helder Cam
have to' control our own lives," -on his workshop is available of Durban. Bishop Malone called the 'South ara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil,
Bishop Moore said. A native of . Harlem and the first black auxi- . by. call~ng,222-5.410. African bishops statement 'called a "brqther of the poor"
"courageous" and declared, "The by' Pope John Paul II, has for
Hary ?iShbP' in. the New' Yor.k The riest will aid 'Father Archdiocese, Bishop Moore. IS p . leadership of the churches in mallystepped down as head of
pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Albert Fredette, MS, in a South Africa, in the struggle for the archdiocese. Archbishop
Church in Harlem, yicar for ¢e healings service to which all a new social order is a great Camara, 76, passed the crosier to '
area's six parishes and archdi : witness to :the Gospel at this' his' successor, Archbishop' Jose
ocesan director for black com are welcome at, 2 p.m. Aug. time," , Cardoso Sobrinho,in a' four-
NC Photo munity, development. 18, also at the chapel., The executive directors of the hour ceremony last month.
Community goals
~B..other of pOo.r'
Catechists taken
in EI Salvador
SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador (NC) - Two catechists and other parshioners were swept up in a series of arrests in an El Salva dor parish late in July. The parish, St. Francis in Meji cano, has also seen one of its priests assassinated during the violence of recent years. Among those arrested July 24 were Consuela Contreras de Guevara, 54, and her IS-year old son, Petronillo de Jesus Gue vara Contreras. Both are cate chists at the parish, 10cated :in a poor area outside San Salvador. Mrs. Guevara's 63-year-old husband and at least three other parishioners have heen reported arrested since July 22. A church source said a family member present during the ar rests reported that a group of heavily armed men stormed into the family's home without identi fying themselves. They tied up the family mem bers, including a pregnant wom an, and forced them to lie face down on the floor for nearly three hours while the house was searched. Confiscated were reli gious items which the men in sisted were political. They in cluded Bibles, religious song books, catechetical training items and Christian music cas settes. At St. Francis Parish, assass inated Father Octavio Or-tiz Luna is buried behind the altar. He was a close friend of assassina ted Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, and was the first priest whom the Archbishop or dained. In January 1979, Father Ortiz and four ,teenagers were killed by government troops who stormed a church retreat house.
Primate to U.S. in September WARSAW, Poland (NC) Cardinal Jozef Glemp of Gniezno and Warsaw, Poland, will visit the United States Sept. 17-24, at the invitation of Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, president of the National Confer ence ot Catholic Bishops. His itinerary will take in stops :in Washington, D.C., Pennsyl vania and Michigan. In Washing ton he will meet with Bishop Malone and pray with U.S. bish ops at the National Shrine of !the Immaculate Conception; while in Pennsylvania he will visit the Doylestown shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa and in Michigan the IOO-year-old Polish American school and seminary at Orchard Lake.
WOULD YOU LIKE to toss a bouquet in the direction of a be hind-the-sc:enes worker in your parish or organization: maybe someone who keeps the altar linens spotless, is always on hand for parish suppers or-does a super Job in CCD or youth groups? Write to the Mail Packet! Let such pillars of the parish know they're noticed and ap preciated!
Projects funded NEW YORK (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference Communi cation Committee has approved 36 media projects for funding by the Catholic Communication Campaign in 1985. The grants, totaling $1,779,479, are made possible through the annual Cath olic Communication Campaign collection in U.S. parishes, Fund ed projects include a public tele· vision documentary on an Ameri can nun who works. with the elderly, imprisoned and poor; a television series profiling His panic ~eaders; a computerized data base and ~istribution ser vice for Catholic audiovisual re sources; and a conference on Catholic family values and the media.
u.s. Dominicans welcome
Vietnamese colleagues
ST. CATHARINE, Ky. (NC) In the late 1950s Sister Maria Rose, a Dominican nun from South Vietnam, stayed with the St. Catharine of Siena Dominican sisters in' central Kentucky while studying in the United States. That event nearly 30 years ago began a relationship which has made the Kentllcky com· munity a haven for Dominican Sisters fleeing Communist rule in Vietnam. Sister Trinita McIsaac, pro moter of mission at St. Catha rine, said 11 Vietnamese nuns have made the St. Catharine - community their first home in the United States. "Coming here is always their request," Sister McIsaac said. "But once they are here, we help them until they can plan their own futures." Of the 11, four now work with fellow St. Catha rine Dominicans in Louisville, 50 miles northwest of the motherhouse. The others have begun ministries in Massachu setts, Texas, California and Illi nois. Sister Hue Le, a Vietnamese Dominican since 1961; was one of four in her community who fled Vietnam for America in 1975 when the South Vietmi mese capital of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, fell. They escaped by boat and within a few months made it through the hastily set-up refu gee resettlement processes to reach St. Catharine. Sister Hue began preparations to join the American commun oily permanently, and three years ,later became a member, while also retaining membership in her Vietnamese congregation. Her' new family "loves me and I love them," she said.
Most of the refugee nuns have not formally joined an American order, however, but remain Viet namese Dominicans. Language and culture barriers made it difficult both for the first arrivals and for the' nuns who welcomed them. "We learned to listen and talk with our hearts," Sister McIsaac said. "Coming here is very hard on the sisters," she ad~ed, "but being there is also hard. We are trying to bridge the gap with faith. "We are learning the ways of their faith and they are learning the ways of ours. And we can easily see how much we have in common. When you share a ba sic faith, the language barrier is . a small problem to overcome." There are still about.500 Dom inican nuns in Vietnam. But their religious life is sharply restrict ed and they never know when a convent may' be shut down, forcing them to move or flee. Sister Nang Nguyen fled Viet nam at her superior's direction in 1981, leaving behind not only her fellow nuns but a large family. • She said that open practice of the faith by religious communi ties has become impossible in her homeland. "Here," said Sister McIsaac, "they can pray in peace." "I enjoy the freedom," said Sister Nang.
ROME (NC)- Pol'ish bishops' conference secretary Archbishop
Bronislaw Dabrowski,' has said that recent newsprint cutbacks in Poland have hurt the coun· try's Catholic press and repre sent "a hostile act of repression" 'against the church. In a letter to government authorities, the aTl:hbishop said the decision to cut newsprint allocations to 'all publications by 20 percent caused particular problems for Catholic publications because they were often .sold out im mediately, due to growing de mand and government-imposed circulation limits. In contrast, he said, government publications were circulated in great numbers but remained largely unsold.
Cause for Gratitude "If you can't be thankful for what you receive, be thankful for what you' escape." - Sun shine Magazine
m MOJI,e
·0··' iii
Newsprint cut DOMINICAN SISTER Hue Le feeds a baby at a Louis ville, Ky., day care center where she works wJ1ile taking college courses. (NC photo)
THE ANCHOR August 9, 1985
......... ,* • • • • •
FRIDAY AUG. 9 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
" I
SATURDAY AUG.-10 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. SUNDAY AUG. 11 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., August 9, 1985
Co~nwell Memorial
Chapel, Inc..
• 0P£Jt lion • SlI; •• 5:3D
428 lI,in 51 : flylMIS
Gaudelle and Motta photos
Two views of Holy Redeemer Church, Chatham
John & Mary Lees. Props.
Holy Redeemer
32 MiD Street (Route 79) Assonet. MA 02702
Where·visitors are family
By Joseph Motta
parishioners VISIt area nursing "adopted" the economicaily de prived Holy Redeemer Church in homes and elderly housing facili Holy Redeemer parish in Cha ties to share the spirit of the holi Boston, collecting food and clo tham is a place where summer vis days with residents. thing for parishioners there. itors are considered "summer par Religious education and Bible Days of recollection and' other ishioners" and part of the family, study programs have met with parish retreat programs are held according to Father William much enthusiasm within the par periodically. McClenahan, SS.CC., pastor. ish, while a Peace and Justice "One of the unique things in this Father McClenahan, leader of Committee has members studying parish is that we have many people the Cape Cod' parish since last. and commenting on pastorals. September, also served there for , Popula~-~nnual activities at the for daily Mass," Father.McClena han said. "It's rare that we have two years in,the early 70s. "It was less than 50 people daily in the my first parish and I'm very glad to parish include a family commun be back," he said, adding that "my ion breakfast, an ecumenical day. winter." parochial experience here is both a of prayer and Caroling for Shut The church itself, a little more ins, a Christmas program in which challenge and a pleasure." than a stone's throw from Atlantic Also stationed atthe church are beaches, is s'imply decorated and fellow' Sacred Hearts Fathers quite elegant, seating 600 between Frederick Meyers and Leo C. King. cool green walls. Father McClena A large percentage of the active han observed that the lack of dis congregation .of just under 700 tractions contributes to its devo year-round families is made up of tional atmosphere. retirees, who have moved to Cha The Holy Redeemer church tham for its quiet beauty, and building has recently added more Yankee Cape Codders who have classroom space, utilized by the .lived in the area for generations. religious education program and With the addition of the summer occasional guest lecturers. parishioners, Holy Redeemer's pop . ulation quadruples. . "One of the challenges here is to unify all those who have come from different parts of the coun try," Father McClenahan said. Among parish organizations are a Knights.Of Columbus council, a . St. Vincent de Paul conference and two women's groups: The Asso ciation of the Sacred Hearts, and the Ladies' Guild. The latter has
Father McClenahan hopes to establish more opportunities for adult education within the parish, as well as to expand the high school CCD program.
Torchia photo
Poland honors
·f .._. __ ~
.. _.
.BRISTOLCQl.JNTX.... ~!!m!?e.r.F.D,I.C•.
A parish mission, Our Lady of Grace in South Chatham, offers Masses throughout the year and is also a center for some parish fund raisers.
priest in Texas
PANNA MARIA, Texas (NC) tude for Father Goebel's years of - Father .Bernard. Goebel, 80, pastoral service in prewar Poland. who spent five-and-a-half years in The bishop said that Father a German concentration. camp, Goebel was arrested in October has been given the title honorary 1939 and was freed by U.S. forces canon of the Cathedral Chapter of . in 1945. After a period of recovery the Diocese of Chelmno, Pelplin, and adjustment, he renewed his Poland. pastoral work in Germany, then Father Goebel is pastor of, came to Texas. Immaculate Conception Parish, Father Goebel said he survived Panna Maria. . years at the'infamous Dachau camp In ·his letter to Father Goebel, by living "day to day". 928 priests . Bishop Marian Przykucki of lost their lives at.the camp,. while Chelmno said that the title, akin to 1,213 were liberated at war's end. that of monsignor in the United . atholics as well 'as Asked why.. C -:-... Stl~.tes, is .-~~. e?tP!,i;!!sjQ~L9f..grMi-_~ ~J..~l¥.S_ ..}Y.et!~.• imp...ris.<!.1!C<.4J~Y.. _the.
Germans, Father Goebel said, "First, because they opposed Hitler. The other reason, once explained to me by a young guard, was because imprisoning one priest represented capturing thousands offollowers. After all, a priest is a shepherd. In this way the people were ~epri~ed of leadership." ••••••• + •••••••••••••• J
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Fri., August 9, 1985
Sponsored by the Merchants on, These Pages ,
It pays to advertise in The Ancho.r, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeast'ern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
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BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Sche dule effective July and August) Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m.; no II a.m. on Satur days; Confessions, Sat. 4: 15-5. EAST BREWSTER, nmmaculate Conception, Route 6A: (Schedule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and II a.m. Confessions, Sat. 4:00-4:25 p.m. BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, 141 Main St.: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 10, II a.m., daily 8:00 a.m. Sat. 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00-3:30. ONSET, St. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset Ave.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily Mon., Tues., & Fri. 9 a.m.
YARMOUTHPORT, Sacred Heart, off Rte. 6A: Sat. 4:00, 5: 15 p.m.; Sun. 9a.m. and 10a.m.; con fessions before each Mass. MARION, St. Rita, 1113 Front St.: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri., 8:30, a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4:15-4:45 p.m. MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, Sun. 8, 9:30,1I:00a.m.,dailY8a.m.;Con fessions 3:30-4:20 p.m. • NANTUCKET, Our Lady of the Isle, Federal St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,8:30, 10 and 1I:30a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August.
PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the Apostle,l1 Prince St: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,9, II a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by appointment. . SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Janes St.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7,8,9,10, II a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00-3:45 ,p.m.
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SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,9,10:15, Il:30a.m.; 5 p.m. daily, 7, 9, a.m. '
MIIrl_ A......._ & Zoolotllall ..... .... 21. W',Y_th. MA (77S-IIU) O'18n 9:30 a.m. 1o 9 p.m.
BASS RIVER, Our Lady of the Highway Rte. 28: Sat. - May 26 Sept. 7 - 5:30 p.m.; Sun. - July I -Sept. 2 - 8, 9:30, II a.m.; daily ..
CENTERVILLE, Olllr Lady of • Victory, 230 So. Main St. Sat. 5, ..... 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7,8: 15,9:30, 10:45, . 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. daily, 7, 9 NORTH FALMOUTH, St. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m. ' a.m., Confessions, Sat. following Elizabeth Seton, 481 Quaker Rd.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.~.; Sun. 7:45, 9, VINEY ARD HAVEN, St. 9 a.m. Mass and 4-4:45 p.m. 10:15, Il:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 Augustine, Church and Franklin WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, Sts.: (Schedule effective June 28 of Hope, Rte. 6A; Sat. 4 & 5:15 4:45-5:15 p.m. . ,hru Labor Day): Sat. 4:00 and p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m. '7:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, II a.m.; daily 8 daily 8 a.m. confessions, before OAK BLUFFS, Sacred Heart, a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m. each Mass. Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, Novena toO.LofPerpetual Help, CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 57 9: 15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.-Fri.) Monday, after 8 a.m. Mass. Durfee Falmouth Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, 7 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5: 15-5:45 WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 AttIeboro~ National~ Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, II a.m.; p.m. High St.: Sat. 4, 6, p.m.; Sun. 7, daily, 8 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Arc, 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 11:30 a.m.-12 noon; First Friday Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporal-ien-. Bridge Road. (Schedule effective 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat: 3-3:45 Mass 8 & 9 a.m., Adoration of the through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m. Blessed Sacrament after Mass. Closing with Benediction at noon. p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, II a.m.; 5:00 WEST WAREHAM, St. p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Anthony, off Rte. 28 (Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady Sat. 4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Per of Grace, Rte. 137, off lUe. 28: petual Help novena, at 8 a.m. effective July and August): Sat. 4 OPEN 7 DAYS p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions Schedule July 4, Sat. 7 p;m.; Sun. Mass Wed. before each Mass. A WEEK 8:30,9:30,10:30, I 1:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. Confessions Sat. after 7 NORTH EASTHAM, Church of WELLFLEET, Our Lady of LUNCII - Monday thru Friday 12:00 • 2:30 p.m. Mass. the Visitation (Schedule effective Lourdes, 56·58 Main St.: Sat. 4 through Labor Day): Sat. 5,.7 8,9, 10, II a.m.; and 5 p.m.; Sun. DINN[R - Monday thru Sunday EAST FALMOUTH, St. 5:00 - 9:30 Anthony, i67 East Falmouth p.m.; Sun. 8:00, 9:3Q, II :00 a.m. daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before Highway: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. all Masses. IEAR:LY BIRDS - S-6' Daily July and Aug.; confessions, 7:30,9,10:15,11:30 a.m.; daily, 8 during Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. T~URO, Sacred Heart, Rte. 6A: a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4: 15 Rte. 28, Ea~t Falmouth - A LS0 Sat. 7 p.m.; confessions before p.m., weekdays, any time by OSTERVILLE, OUII' Lady of the Masses Hosts Paul & Ellen Goulet Cc~tering to Weddings
request. Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave.: Sat. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of Tel. 548-4266 and Banquets
EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun· ?I' 8:30, Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat.. 5 S 9 10 II Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon; d a1 y, 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 4, p.m.; un., , a.m.; con Sun. 7, 9, II a.m.: daily, Mon. fessions before Masses. Sat., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, 3:30, p.m. WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Saturdays. Rosary: 8: 15 a.m. COTUIT /MASHPEE, Christ Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00-5:30 p.m. Sun. weekdays, 8:30 a.m. Sundays. DENMARK1S Pharmacy REGIS~~~~gR~~fJ~::CISTS the King, - 7:30,9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9:00 FALMOUTH, St. Patrick, 51ll E. SANTUIT, St. Jude Church, 4441 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; confessions, Invalid Equipment For. Rent or Sale _ Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, Falmouth Road, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 Sat. 2:00-3:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; p.m.; Sun. 9, II a.m.; daily, Mon.- p.m. First Friday- Mass at II a.m. Surgical Garments - Bird· IPPB Machines - Jobst daily, 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8 a.m.; Fri. 8:00 a.m. ~ • Hollister - Crutches - Elastic Stockings followed by Exposition of confessions: Saturdays 3:45-4:45 Surgical & Orthopedic Appliances Blessed Sacrament closing with MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints, Benediction at 2 p.m.; confessions and following 7 p.m. Mass. "HII. • Trusses - Oxygen _. Oxygen Masks, Tents & Regulators· APproved "or Medicare Great Neck Rd. (towards New eve of 1st Friday 2:00-3:30 p.m. FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, St. Seabury): Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; ~--...... 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE Thomas Chapel, Falmouth' Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; Daily DENNISPORT, Our Lady of t-"'S~P'~ 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Annunciation, Upper County Rd.: 8l0o; l Heights Rd.; Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 9:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 673 Main St., Dennisport - 39S·2219 8,9, 10, 1I:1~.!l.m.; daily 8 a.m. t;:::J POCASSET, Sa. John the II :30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; . n O~~:I BfD 550 McArthur Blvd., Rte. 211, Pocasset - 563·2203 HYANNIS, St. Francis' Xavier, Evangelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. Confessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. ~lf~ 347 South St: Schedule effective 4,5:30; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:45 30 Main St., .Orleans - 255.CJ132 May 30 - Oct. 6-7, Sat. 4:00, 5: 15, a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: except Tbursday and Saturday; Schedule June 29-30, Sat. 5:30 509 Kempton St., New liedford - 993.CJ492 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 7 a.m., 12:10 Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 a.m.; Sat. p.m.; Sun. 7,9:30, II a.m.; daily 8 ~COU"OOf' (PARAMOUNT PHARMACY) . p.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00-3:50 8:00 a.m.; Confessions Sat. 3-3:45 a.m.; Confessions ~ hour before Sunday Masses. . _'. ""lr,,:' p.m.ahd following.7.:30.p.m.Mass. .P.·.J.1J.
. @) ·
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 9, 1985
On-the-job stress By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
"GONE FISHING" means a peaceful interlude for most people, but Solidarity founder Lech Walesa, attempting to vacation in Poland, was accompanied by two reporters, four security agents and 15 picture-snapping admirers. (NC-UPI photo) .
Dear Mary: We've been marrieCi nearly 10 years and have al5-year old son. For several years my husband has been disenchanted with his high-pressure job. However, he won't (or can't) do anything to change the situation; neither will he consider something to reduce stress. He has almost no interests. I've told him I'm willing to change our standard ofl'niving - inclu~ing seil ing the house. He won't consider "lowering" himself. I already work full time so my getting a job wouldn't be an issue. He is so unhappy with himself. Lately·it's most evident in his weight. He gains and loses repeatedly. He is short-tempered and impatient. I've been supportive and have had "pep talks" with him to no ' avail. He's getting increasingly dill' flcult to live with. A few months ago I urged him tq get counseling, offering to go too. I explained I didn't think I could continue to live with him unless he got help. He hasn't. - Rhode Island. You seem to have tried many things and made good.suggestions which did not work. What now? How can you change someone who is unhappy but does not want to change? Since you cannot get him to make major changes, try for small ones.
His diet is a significant part of his problem and can be a major factor in how he feels. Does he come home tired and tense, reach for the alcohol, eat a large dinne.r heavy on fats, red meat and sweets, then drift off in front of the televi sion? It is not an unusual pattern for persons in high-stress jobs. You say he can:t change his eat ing pattern. However, unless your household is unusual, you do most of the shopping and cooking. By setting small, specific goals you can systematically change eating . patterns. Start by using more poultry and fish, less red meat. Substitute fresh fruit for sugar-filled desserts. Write down your plan and stick to it. Gradually eliminate whatever is ruining his weight and health. The second change is exercise. It is a rare man over 40 today who does not fear heart disease. Your husband might want to change but 'feel too discouraged and depressed. to try. Try to get him to join you for a walk befpre dinner every evening. Neither of you will feel like doing it alone. Encourage each other. If your husband is under care for high blood pressure, ask your doctor for a walking program. You will probably ~tart with a mile 'or two. Eventually you can proba bly work up to four or five miles. Won't walking take time? Cer tainly. Dinner might be delayed.
Your son might be inconvenienced occasionally, but since IS-year olds generally have odd schedules, it should be no great problem. After your walk, reach for min eraI water with a twist of lime or a tart lemonade, then enjoy a low fat, low-sugar dinner together. After starting the evening this way, your husband may not want to tune out in front of the television. As you get in shape, propose other diversions. Drive to a scenic park or woods occasionally to take your walk. Try a 1O-mile walk on the weekend. Take back packs and stop for a light snack. Chal lenge him to get up with you on a summer morning for a hike and a picnic breakfast. None of these efforts will suc ceed unless you do them with him. They are much less drastic than changing jobs or homes. And they are go~d..!~r.J~~'__ In a few years your son will leave home. You and your hus band will be a couple again. If you are good friends and possess good health, you can enjoy some of the best years of your marriage. The efforts you make should not only protect your husband's health now, but prepare for the years ahead. Reader questions on'family liv ing and child care to be answered in print are invited. AddreSk the Kennys, Box 871, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978:
Prisoners of war
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. By Antoinette Bosco says to me, sometimes you have war, most of which have been dis :. . v problems but nothing near what credited. He explained that these Recently the United States this could be," Putnam told me. . .sightings usually involve a person, declared a week to remember " primarily through refugee chan prisoners of war and servicemen Some peo~le wear a cr?ss, some missing in action. The observance have ot~er thmgs to rem~nd. them nels, reporting that "at such and was intended to help raise aware- of what s good about ~helr hves. I such a time and location, I saw ness of the 2,477 servicemen still ~ave the bracelet. I t~m~ 111 wear what I believe to be an American" unaccounted for in SoutheastAsia. It ~or the rest of my hfe, Putnam being held against his will in a pri son camp in Southeast Asia. But . I interviewed several people at said. the time of the observance, includI spent hours ~alkmg to the Schneider Said the Defense Depart ing Bill Gruber, a 24-year-old brother of Army Air Force Offi~er ment has not accounted for some 19 percent of the reports. journalist. A teen-agc;r when the ~or.gan Je.ffers~n Donahue, mlss That's part of the reason why Vietnam War ended, he told me 109 m. action smce he was shot the governptent, with private how he came to wear a bracelet down 10 Laos Dec. 13, 1968. Jef groups like the National League of of a missing Amerifrey Don~hue., 38, re~e~be.rs ho~ with the name Familes of American POWs and can soldier on it. he was dear buddies With hiS MIAs in Southeast Asia and the "In a rush of patriotism and the older brother. . beginnings of a' sense of social . Do~ahue e.xplamed that he a~d Forget-Me-Nots, has embarked on a public awareness campaign, responsibility, I pledged to wear it hiS retired A~r Force father, Vm until he, ,Major William Grace, cent Donah~e, have,g.oneto L~os Schneider said. Any Americans still missing in came home," Gruber said. But, nume~ous tlm~s trymg to fl~d after a while, he put the bracelet A~erlcan servI.cemen. They st111 action are a tragedy beyond under ~eh~ve that their brother and son . standing. away in a drawer. . Then, two years ago, Gruber IS ahve. I felt chilled when Donahue visited the Vietnam Veterans Mem . I also ,talked With a spokesman explained why his life revolves orial in Washington, D.C. Among' for .the .Departm~nt of Defense, around bringing his brother home: Maj. Keith Schneider. He t~l~ me "I can't celebrate his absence nor the 58,000 names of the killed and missing, he found the one so famil- ~he d..e partment ~as had 771 slght mourn his death." lOgs reported smce the end of the . iar to him with a cross next to the name, still missing. "I cried then. No heavy sobs, just a single, embarrassing tear," Gruber said. He cried because he WARSAW, Poland (NC) _ public opinion as part of their had stoped wearing the bracelet Poland's leading Catholic news grounds for banning the article. , and because Grace was just lost among so many names. He cried paper has lost a court battle with The banned article, written last for Grace's family and because government censors who sup March, said that a new law mak pressed an article criticizing tough . "theJ'e was nothing I could do." ing it a criminal offense to partici Another person I interviewed changes in the law restricting demon pate in demonstrations effectively 1974 he strations, Rzeczpospolita, a govern was Art Putnam, 44. violated "the constitiutional guar ment daily newspaper reported . . bought a bracelet with Major Wil antees of citizens." liam Fuller's name on it and the The Catholic weekly, Tygodnik date, Aug. 26, 1967. He has worn it Powszechny, had accused Krakow ever since. Wearing it has had a censors of violating Poland's press law banning the article. The cen , profound effect on his life, Put Naked Truth sors said the article could threaten nam said. "Judging others may be a danger state security and harm public "I wear it now not so much opinion. ,ous thing; not so much because because it's tied to the hope of a The Administrative Court in you may make mistakes about man coming home. I don't think Warsaw agreed· with th,em on the them but because you may be he will. It's more a connection of matter of security, -but said they revealing the truth about yourself." spirit. It's like a talisman...that were wrOl;ig to·inClude the issue of - Francoise la Rochefoucauld .">
··Newspaper loses court battle
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. , THE ANCHORFriday, August 9, 1985
Are bishops held captive
by their staffs?
By Msgr. George G. Higgins "Catholicism in Crisis," a lay edited neo-conservative magazine published at but not by Notre Dame University, monitors the U.S. Catholic Conference almost as closely as the FBI monitors the Communist Party. Almost every issue features an article - usually critical - about the conference. In addition, Philip Lawler, a'regularcolumnist, reports on the conference every month under the heading "USCC Watch." His findings are more often negative than positive. "What would happen if the USCC suddenly ceases to exist?" he asks in his July column, a ques tion he is at pains to say "is not simply an outburst of wishful think ing." Perhaps he doth protest too much. Lawler is realistic enough to know the conference is here to stay if only because the Second Vatican Council "presumably" (sic) had some reason for encouraging the development of such councils and because "the new Code of Canon Law makes explicit provision for them." Clearly, he says, "the uni versal church sees a need for these groupings." It is difficult to say if Lawler agrees. He admits it would be going too far to say the conference serves no useful purpose what soever. It does, provide some neces-, sary in-house services to the bish ops, he concedes, and can even be "a great convenience" to journal ists like himself. But, he concludes, "ifany bishop is interested in reforming the USCC, he should keep one comfort ing thought in mind: If a few staff aides - or a few offices disappear from USCC headquar ters, most ordinary Catholics will never notice the difference. " Lawler and his associates must not consider themselves "ordinary Catholics" for, goodness knows,
they seem to be mesmerized by the USCC. Be that as it may, since the conference is here to stay, the most they can hope for is that the bishops will eventually decide to trim the organization's sails. . Lawler's concern about the USCC staff is shared by other critics of the conference, some of whom write for or at least subscribe to Catholicism in Crisis. They are convinced that the poor innocent bishops are at the mercy of"liberal" staff members who allegedly on their own initiative draft all sorts of left-leaning policy statements which the bishops, for lack of time, routinely and uncritically rubber-stamp. ' As one who worked there for 36 years, I think I can say with some authority that Lawler and his asso ciates know far less about the conference than they claim, grossly exaggerate the stafrs influence an~ demean the bishops by portraying them as passive and subservient captives of their staff. The USCC staff, as in every large-scale organization, contri butes to the drafting of policy statements. To suggest, however, that the staff initiates major policy statements and dictates what goes into them is absurd, particularly in cases like the 1983 pastoral letter on war and peace and the first draft of the forthcoming pastoral on the economy. I cite these two documents because they seem to be of major concern to Lawler and company and the ones they have most frequently and severely criticized. To suggest that these documents were initiated by and drafted by the USCC staff is contrary to fact - as the bishops who spent three years debating every syllable of the peace pastoral can attest. Critics of conference documents would be well advised to make their case objectively on the merits of a given document instead of trying to drive a wedge between the bishops and their staff. That's more an insult to the bishops than to the staff.
By Hilda Young Say wha,t they will about the tension between adolescents and their parents, there is a six-month hiatus in that maturing process during which a parent becomes . someone with whom the teen wants to spend as much time as possible. It's the six months between the time a child turns old enough to obtain a learner's permit and the time he or she takes. the driver's test. During this time the teen who would question you if you stated that the sun set in the west, becomes the teen who volunteers to drive you two blocks to visit a, neighbor. As a matter offact, an unspoken rule now governs this person's. life: If the car moves, he or she had better be given good reason if he or she is not the one behind the wheel. This is the 'person who, six months earlier, had to be' removed from bed. with a crane for Sunday Mass. Now. the same person is hustling his younger brothers and sisters into the car for Mass so he can' drive the family to church.
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Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL HOLIER THAN THOU, unless your shoe's in the same state as his, is Boston Cardinal Bernard F, Law, getting into the summer swing with kids at Sunset PoinrVacation House in Hull. (NC/Wide World photo)
Hispanic bishop for D.C.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic church got its first Puerto Rican-born bishop Aug. 4 when Jesuit Father Alvaro Cor rada del Rio was ordained an aux iliary bishop at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. . The church, one ofthe largest in the world, was ja~med with 5,000 people who drowned out the choir with a roar of applause and cheers as the bishop-to-be came in the door at the end ofa long entrance procession. Many in the congrega tion waved Puerto Rican flags or held up pictures of the new bishop. Bishop Corrada, 43, is the first, Hispanic to be an auxiliary of the Washington Archdiocese. A mem ber of the New York province .of , Jesuits, he is also the only bishop' from that order serving in the 48 contiguous states. . Archbishop James Hickey of Washington, chief ordaining This person whom you were bishop, presided at the three-and sure had suffered a hearing impair a-half hour afternoon ceremony in ment sometime between his 13th and 15th birthdays now can hear a . the shrine. Afterward, the people poured onto the adjoining campus car key jingle for blocks. of the Catholic University of Amer The non-communicative child suddenly is pestering you with_ ica for a fiesta that went on until sundown. more reasons to be driving some Among more than 30 bishops where for something than you who joined in the ordination were thought p'ossible. She will volunteer to drive you to PTA meetings and' Cardinals John O'Connor of New' York, Luis Aponte. Martinez of do her homework with a flashlight San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Patrick in the car so she can drive you back O'Boyle, 89, first archbishop of home afterward. She will offer to tum the car around in the,driveway , Washington and now the oldest U.S. cardinal. so it will be headed out when you Among concelebrants of the leave next. ' ordination Mass was Father Kevin This person who used to think J. Harrington, Taunton area direc nothing of drawing pictures on car tor of the Diocesan Apostolate to windows with greasy fingers or Hispanics and a member of tbe having a banana fight with a natloilal planning committee that brother in the back seat, now has made preparations for the becomes incensed if someone leaves Third National Hispanic Pastoral a fingerprint on the dashboard. Encuentro, to be held Aug. 15 to And heaven help the person who 18 at Catholic University. 'would smear the rearview mirror. Coadjutor Bishop Sean O'Mal Granted, a parent can be fooled' ley of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, into a false sense of security during former coordinator of Hispanic these six months. ministry in Washington, was hom , Still, there are the times your student driver asks:'you to duck ilist at the Mass. He called holiness and service the key qualities of a down in the seat whenapproaching bishop. his friends that keep YO\l5~alistic.
Student drivers
Christ showed what it means to be a bishop when he washed and dried the feet of the apostles at the Last Supper, Bishop O'Malley said. "Our job as bishops is to fight over the towel," he added. ' Cardinal O'Connor drew laughs when he jokingly complained, in English and Spanish, about losing, Bishop Corrada to Washington after ,"I taught him how to be a bishop." Ordained a priest in 1974, Bishop Corrada has spent the past six years working in the New York Archdiocese first as a parochial vicar and since 1982 as pastoral coordinator of the Pastoral Center for Hispanics in the Northeast.
J. TESER, Prop.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese Of 'Fall River-Frh';' August 9,.1985
Beware of defective toys
& ATTY'.
It's the day before your child's' birthday 'and you've ~perit weeks tryip.g to figure out what, to" get. _W"hatever
'happened to just buying, the kid sweater you ask yourself as you ponder the aisles and, aisles of wares'at the local toy store. Finally you pick out some, toys ~hi.ch you're sure' will" bring, h9urs of happiness to your child. What you may not have considered, how ever, is that beneath the bows, rib bons and "Happy, Birthday" wrapping paper, you may b"e bring ing danger and injury into your' child's playroom.
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La Salette Shrine Park Street - Rouie 1Hi Allieboro. Massachusells
Growing up ~ometimes seems so dangerous that it's a wonder any of us makes it to adulthood. With so many unavoidable hazards, no parent wants to subject his or her child to unwarranted danger, such as that caused by defectivl;: toys. And yet, thousands of children , will be harmed by just such pro dUl,:ts in.the year ahead. What can you do if your child falls victim to a defective toy? two types of toy 'defects may cause injury to your child: design defects and manufacturing defects. -Let's 'say you buy a rattle for your child. A few days later you notice the rattle lying b.roken 'on the floor of your child's room. As you pick up the pieces, you realize that some of the objects that were inside the, rattle are quite,sharp. This couldb.e a design, defect. ¥anufacturer,s a~e, expected, to design their toys so that they won't be dangerous when u~ed in the manner intended. The manufac turer must design agains'i the risk that your child's merely shaking '. the rattle could cause it to break, freeing sharpinsid'e pieces. Easily exposable pointed scraps of metal have no place in a child's toy. Designs must also guard' against the danger of reasonably foresee able misuse of the product. The product may be defectively de signed even if your child thr.ows the rattle, breaking it open, and exposing the'sharp internal pieces.
If your child is hurt by a toy you The ma'nufacturer cannot limit believe was defective, be sure to this implied warranty in most save all the pieces of that toy. instances. You may recover for the Should you end up suing for the injuries caused by the defective toy injury suffered by your child, you as well as any economic loss will be required to prove that the incurred. toy was defective when it left the manufacturer's plant. A second theory of, rl,covery , When you take a manufacturer under Bay'State law is strict liabil to court because of a defective toy, ity. Unlike warranty theory, which you must show that the company grew out of contract law, strict lia is responsible for the injuries suf bility recovery is rooted in that fered. The theories of liability for part of the law concerned with such damages are warranty and accidents: tort law. Under strict strict liability theory. These theor liability, anyone who sells an unrea ies differ more in their historical sonably'defective toy must,pay for development than in. what their the harm caused. by that product. effects are. 'Under either theory you mus,t prove that: 'your child .-, Before the, enactment of strict liability recovery in 1971, you WI,lS inju~ed by the toy, this injury was caused by a d~fect in the toy, would have 'had to show that the and the toy_was defective wh~n it toy manufactun:rwas negligent in that he should have acted "better" l~ft the manufa,cturers plant. in m~king the tRY. Today, you Under Massachusetts' law, when a manufacturer sells you goods, he need oQly prove th,a~ the product was defective when 'it left the manu impliedly warrants that .these gOQds facturer's -, hands. " are not defective. You do not have to ,acttially purchase the goods To meet the,"unreasonably dan yourself to be protected by this gerous" stan,dard of strict liability" warranty. It applies to ,you, your you must, show that, the product family, guests of yours, or anyon'e , worked in a way that you wouldn't. ~lse the manufacturer, seller, or ordinarily expect. The, breakable supplier ;might reasonably ,have rattie"with pointed'internal pieces expected would u,se the product. ,wo,!ld be'such an unexpectedly , Thus, if you buy a toy which dangerous product. ' injures the neighbor's son, tpe man' If you bought yo'ur child a bow ufacturer cannot avoid responsi and arrow or a dart game you bility -for the injury just because your neighb,or did not actually couldn't say that the dangers' of these toys were unexpected. These purchase the toy that hurt her son.
Iteering pOint,
ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Clothing drive: ongoing through out August. Contributions may be left inside the side door ofthe church . anytime during the week. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph's School: openings in second grade. Legion of Mary membership drive: after all. M~sses this weekend.
toys can be easily recognized for their potential to cause harm. Manufacturers of these toys are not without responsibility, how ever. They must take steps to ensure that such toys only reach your child when he or she is sufficiently mature or properly supervised. Federal regulations require that adequate warnings be placed on such toys and that these products have specific design.features. While t~~ manufacturer is not responsi ble if, your child, is injured by an apparent danger of these toys, failure to give adequate ,warning or the sale of such toys to a child who is too yo~ng JO recognize their inherent dangers may make the ,manufacturer liable for any resulting injury. 1~
Compensation for your child's injuries will pr.obably be of little comfort to you. Though govern ment agencies and toy manufac turers are both concerned about toy safety, some dangerous pro d\lcts will invari~bly make it to the retailer's shelves. However, your child's playroo,m need not turn into the Tower of London. Simply be careful about the toys you put there, and be watchfurfor any that, appear'to have become dangerous. In child toy safety, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. The Murphys practice law in Braintree.
HOLY ROSARY~ TAUNTON A Polish picnic featuring Polka dancing from noon to 4 p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m.~will be held on the church grounds from noon to 9 p.m. Sun day, rain or shine. A Polish kitchen will provide a large variety of ethnic foods.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK CCO teachers needed. Informa CATHEDRAL, FR. tion: Eleanor Hayes,399-7534. Band concert: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, FR school yard. Bring lawn chairs. Ralph OiPisa, assistant director Youth group trip to Rocky Point 5 p.m. Mass Aug. 18 will be fol Park: Aug. 18. of St. Anne's Hospital corporation, lowed by school hall reception for' Missionary Father Patrick Maliti was recently advanced to member Father Jon-Paul Gallant as he leaves ship status in the American College for studies in Rome. o~ the diocese of Machakos, Kenya, WIll speak at all Masses this weekend. of Hospital Administrators. "Affetti Musicali" will perform SS. PETER & PAUL, FR ST. THOMAS MORE, bar~q ue compositions by Bach, Scar Openings exist in several grades in SOMERSET' latti, Marais. and Quantz at 7:30 the parochial school. Information: Family Festival: church grounds p.m. Aug. 13, Free admission.
ST. JOSEPH, NB 676-8463. rectory, through 5 p.m. Sunday. Featured Holy hour: 5 p.m. Aug. 16. ST. ANNE,FR
A cookout for the confirmation wi~l be free entertainment, including Address changes: please notify . class CHRIST THE KING, of 1984-85 will be held in the Fnday performances by Zip and Sister Julie. COTUIT/MASHPEE rectory backya.rd 4:30 p.m., August Zap, a faJ.l1ily musical group; Zor CCO'teachers and helpers needed. 14. eena, a Middle Eastern dancer; and Information: Peg Rich, 428-3830. , STONEHILL COLLEGE, Joycee and the SKs, a country and BREAD OF LIFE ,NORTH EASTON ST. MARY, NB. western group. A certificate program in religious PRAYER GROUP, FR School committee meeting: 7:30 Saturday will spotlight three dance Prayer meeting: 7:30 tonight, groups, and entertainment on Sun p.m. Aug, 28, religious education education will begin this September, Blessed Sacrament Church, with wit consisting of six three-credit under center. day will be by the King Ludwig ness in song by Oebbie Qu~ntal. Parish council meeting: 7:30 p.m. graduate courses dealing with Chris German band. Aug. 20, religious education center. tian tradition, ethics, the worship Teachers' day of-recollection: Aug. and sacraments of the Church, Scripture, and catechetics. Informa 26. . Answers to Page Puzzles' tion: 238-1081, ext. 470.. III and / or housebound parishion ( see page 16 ) Continuing Education Open ers who would like to receive com munion at home may contact r~c-, House: 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m., 5 to 8 Bread Maze p.m. Aug. 14. Information:, 238 tory, 995-3593: 108.1, ext. 470. ST. JAMES, NB Pumpernickel, eucharist, unleavened, pizza crust, dough, CCO teachers needed. Information:' NOTRE DAME, FR sweet, tortilla,:inatzah, wheat; white, fried, biscuits, rectory, 992-9408. Altar boy outing: Rocky Point italiim, corn, ..ye, yeast, pita, toast, muffins, stale, French, Park, Aug. 13. Parent drivers needed. brown, soda Information: Father Marc Tremblay, 'Teachers needed 679-.1991. ' Gospel Puzzle The fo1l9wing parish~s are in' ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET need of. religious educator~ for Across: 2. Always 6. Hungry 8. Forever 10. 'Drink 11.
CCO teachers needed. Informa the .fast-approaching CCOsea Heaven
tion: Janet Rausch, 673-1241. son. Phone numbers may be foun.d ' Down: 1. Father 3. Bread 4. World 5. Living 7. Manna 8.
St: Patrick's Fellowship meeting: under parish headings in Steering Food 9. Flesh
7 p.m. Aug. II, parish center. All Points. . welcome. , Christ the King, Cotuit/ Mashpee Break Bread St. James, New Bedford ST. RITA, MARION . St. Mary, Seekonk .Altar boy outing: Fenway Park, Passing ,. piece of bread to someone is a token of St. Patrick, Somerset, 'Aug. 12. Information: rectory, friendship. 748-1497. are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722,. Name of city' or town should be included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news ,of fundralslnll activities such as binllos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. ,We are happy to carry notices of spiritual I'rogram~, club meetlnj!s, 'youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslnll pro Jects may be advertised at our rellular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steerlnll Pciintsitems FR indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.
• THE, ANCHOR-Diocese 'of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 9, 1985
Vermont bishop directs U.8. seminary study
By Corl Fugere of U.S. seminaries. BURLINGTON, Vt. (NC) After the .visit, there ~s an Bishop John A. MarshaH of oral report to the local bishop Burlington has a special spot in (or provincial superior of reli his diocesan center that he calls gious-order seminaries) and sem the "seminary room." It is a inary rector and faculty, then a small office where he keeps vol written report drafted by the umes of material for the study team chairman, reviewed by of U.S. seminaries that he is co other team members, and check ordinating for the Vatican. . ed by a bishop who was not part It has been nearly four years of the team. since Pope John Paul II named The final report is read by Bishop Marshall to head a major Bishop Marshall and. his chief study of the splroitual, academic, aide in the study, Father Donald pastoral, administrative and com Wuerl, a former seminary rector. It is then forwarded, with rec munity aspects of every Cath ommendations, to the Vatican olic seminary in the country. Study teams directed by the office in charge of seminaries, bishop so far have made five the Congregation for Catholic day visitations to about 40 theo Education, which is headed by logical seminaries out of a total American Cardinal William W. of 58. The final report on each Baum. seminary, ,including a seif-study, "We've been very pleased a catalogue, and program de with the cooperation we've re scriptions, averages about 600 ceived from all sides," Bishop pages. , Marshall said. About 200 other institutions The basic })urpose of the study, he said, is to ensure that ,U.S. - collegiate seminaries, forma tion houses and theological seminaries are following Roman unions - wiU also be part of documents and the U.S. bishops' Program of Priestly Formation. the total study. The study, initiated by the Bishop Marshall said that al though he Is ultimately responsi Holy See in september 1984, ble to 'the Holy see for the study, , started slowly because of the extensive consultations involved be works closely with the Na tional Conference of CathoUc in developing the overall plan Bishops and the Conference of and specific study instruments Major Superiors of Men, especi for each type of seminary insti ally with their priestly forma tution. Actual seminary visits tion committees. did not begin' until 1983, but the The visitation, the centerpiece whole study wiH probably be of the study of each seminary, completed by the end of 1987, was modeled dn large part on Father Wuerl said. an earlier program developed by Bishop Marshall said that de the NCCB and CMSM com· spite the time required for the mittees for voluntary evaluations study, 'he is still abh~ to admin-
In an interview wiith the St. Cloud Visitor, newspaper of the St. Cloud Diocese, Daniel Rush Finn, dean of the University's theology school, and Father Mark WiHenbring, rector of the seminary, repoNed a summary of what the visitation team said in two key areas of its report: commendations of current strengths in the seminary and recommendations for improve ment. The visiting team commended the seminary' and theology pro gram in six areas, the school officials said: - high-quality faculty (pas toral experiences and educational backgrounds); - strong theological library; - the integration in class rooms of seminarians and others studying for non-ordained church ministries; - the seminary's Jerusalem program, which mandates all seminarians to study one semes ter in the Holy Land; ~ the .affiliatIon with St. John's Benedictine Abbey and the monastic environment con
ister confil1l1l:ii.on, throughout his statewide diocese and attend other functions, such as meet ings and parish anniversary, cele brations. But he has had to put on hold a parish visitation program he had established under which he visited about 20 of the state's 100 parishes each year, spending a weekend at each one. "I miss that," he said.
How does study actually work? By 'Ne News Service
What does the Vatican-man dated stUdy of U.S. seminaries mean in practice? Although Dishop Marshall and Father Wuerl do not wish to talk about sPecifics, both express overaH posiotive reactionll to studies this far completed. But officials of the St. Cloud diocesan seminary and its theo logy school at St. John's Univer sity, Collegeville, Minn., readily revealed the main: results of a recent visitation there.
ducive .to mOO'itation, prayer, re flection and study; _. the strong and harmonious relationship between the St. Cloud diocese and St. John's Abbey and University. The visidng team suggested four areas for improvement, the offic:ials said: -- a change in the deacon in ternship, placing seminarians in parishes and social ministry work during Ithe summers, thus giving tltem eight full. semesters on campus; -- increased course require ments for students and a more diversified offering of courses in Scripture, moral theology and canon law; - a greater focus on ecu menism, utilizing facUities and perllonnel at the Center for Ecu menical and Cultural Research on the Collegeville campus; -- a study of fundamentalism to prepare seminarians for the questions they will encounter about it in' their' priestly minis tries.
Friday, Aug. 16.6 To 10 Saturday, Aug. 17· 10 am to 10 pm Sunday, Aug. 18· 12 to 10 pm
The Old Fashioned Family Fair
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Mini Casino, Games, Rides
3foW' $1.00 Hot Dogs
Food Booths, Mini Casir)o
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Including Mass Productions,
an 18-Piece Show Band
Call 615-1151
DISCOUNT TICKETS For Rides Available
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Sacred Hearts Seminary End of Great Neck Road
THE ANCHOIR'"7"Diocese ofFal! River-Fri;, Aug. 9, .1985 . .....' . .....
What"s on ,your mind?
sincere that' you speak the truth in ways ithat are· hurtful. Don't in the name of truthfulness say yourself or act like what you something like, "I hate your new think the guy likes? (Pennsyl-' jacket." In other. words, temper vania) truth with tact and kindness. A. Don't playa role. Don't All this applies to the guy you
wear a mask. Don't be the phony mention as well as the other
you. Such strategies aren't much friends you have. Take a sincere
fun and' at .times they can, be and caring interest in this young
stressful. man. If it makes him feel good
Be yourself. DQn't, however, to talk about his game of soc·
carry thata~vice too ~ar. ce~, then talk about that sport.
It could ibappen that you If photography is his hobby, would "be yourself" to an un try to. develop an interest' in compromising degree, rigidly in- . cameras, film, lighting, composi sisting on your ideas, your plans, tion and so fort·h. . your way of' doing things and If his dad .has ,lost his job or
your view of reality. . is ill" be ready with some .heart·
Take another track. Be your felt sympathy.
self by Iloving other people sin Do these things, not to fake. cerely. Make this so much a part of your dife that "being him into H1dng you but to show yourself"actualIy 'means in part 'you like him and truly want to share a part of ibis life at this' loving and caring for..others. Be sincere. But don't be so time. Q. How do you let a guy to like you? Should you act like
T-shirt .drive continues with'MTV, t'he music tel~vjsi~n network, ,to broadcast ~n appeal for the T-shirts for ,three to four weeks beginning May 13. Additionally,:. many· dioceses contributed substantial numbers of shirts. The Milwaukee Arch· diocese, for instance~' donated Beth Griffin, spokeswoman 'for CRS, said 15,000 T-shirts 'were 19,000; Buffalo,' N.Y., 15,000; t .h . l'f J 10 and Albany, N.Y., 14,000.. . sen Wit an air I tune spon· A Connecticut priest, Father sored by' USA' for Africa, 'the Edmund Nadolny, collected group of' musicians who pro· duced the 'Ethiopian relief rec. 75,000 T-sh.irts by contacting ord "We Are The World." The manufacturers and by making othe~ appeals. , ,, rest of the T-shirts were shipped Covenant House in New York for arrival in -Ethiopia Ailg. 15. City contiibuted 12,000 shirts The T-shirt drive, began when and The CathoHc Sun, the dioce· CRS's Ethiopia office requested san newspaper of Phoenix, Ariz., 560,000 T-shirts for children age collected more than 2,500. ' , 2 to 16, and eRS asked USA for Ms. Griffin said.·that CRS is Africa for aid in the giant pro- still' accepting .,1'-shirts a) its ject. ' ': . warehouse at 24. Melrich Rd., :The musicians' group arranged' Cranbury, N:J. 0~512. :By NC News service Approximately .420,000 Tshirts for: Ethiopia have been collected. by. Catholic Relief Services since it initiated its drive in May, a eRS. official has reported.
Declaration :' of .freedom
By cecUlaBeianger away; often it is the freedom to speak. . Many time ove.- the' years peo ple have, tol4 me that they are Pushing pe.ople· in·:a corl'!eris afraid to 'stand up for what they not of God. Those who think believe ill. That is,. they are okay they a,lone have 'the truth do not when talking face to face with know Him. We tell' our timid someone. but wr.iting a letter to friends who wish, but. do not the editor causes aU k·lnds of dare to speak, to come up from tremors in their systems. I ask· the ashes, .from the parched ed .them why. They said they earth, and speak of their visions could not cope with other writers and dreams; tell us how they feel ' who do not agree with them and and what they think. "You are who have a better command not cold clay but have the breath !Ianguage than they do. Also, of life, and ,this breath is God's they are "afraid to be wll'ong in presence." public." Let us not dry up our .fellow When.ever I read any letters . human beings. Let them flourish page I think of these people who and speak without cutting them seem to be so suppressed, so un down or trying to prove superi· free, timid ~nd afraid. Who is in· ority over <thent. Learn from ,timidating them? To frigllten these new voices. They too have others is to take something the breath of God in them'.
. Sho~l1d you ev!!r "act like what you think the guy. Jikes?" On the one hand, you ob viously shouldn't say, "I think football is dumb," if the young man isa quarterDack. On the other hand, if you hate the sport, you might be bored to d~athif you' 'go .to every game. And you might discover that .you're really not as interested in this young man as you thought you were. But there's another path you might take before you give up on him. Try developing an in· terest in football or. whatever else int'erests him.' You might find you like the sport when you know more' about :it, and . your friendship with this young man would perhaps flourish. And that's one of the values . of new friendships. They can open you up to new ways of looking at things, to new inter ests, hobbies and experiences. -But don't play a role. Don't try to manipulate an acquaint ance ora friend. Let caring for other!? be your own way of ex· pressing yourself and winning friends. Send questions to, Tom Len non, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20005.
forev~r. Everybody wants to rule the world." Few of us aspire to do as the song suggests and lIule the world. Yet, having some control over our own lives is important. This type of power and control reo suits from discipline .and self direction. Rarely is it· attained only :by seeking fun and pleasure: By Charlie Martin To rule the direCtion in our lives" we need a clear idea about where we want to go.' This EVERYBOD.Y WANTS T.O RULE THE WORLD . means setting goals and working Welcome to your life
hard to reach them. There's no tuming ~ack
Part of reaching 'goals is hav· Even while we sleep .
ing the discipline to keep try We will find' you .
'ing. Perhaps someone has set Acting on t~ best behavior
a vocational goal, for example, ..TurD your back on Mother Nature • to- become a doctor. Such a goal Everybody.wants .to 'rule the worRel requires a long-range effort to It's my own design' get good· grades, both through It;s my own remorse high schOOl and college. It will Help me to decide entail sacrifices. Perhaps the per Help me make the most son with this goal won':t be able Of freedom and of pleasure to socialize as much as others Nothing ever lasts forever or participate in every ..sport he Everybody wants to rule the world or she likes. ,There's a room where the light won't fAmf you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down Working toward goals does When. they do I'li be right behind you. not mean that our Hves should So glad we've almost made It be joyless. Indeed, we need to So sad they had to.fade··ft find a balance 'between' work Everybody wants to rule the world ing for goals and, time spent in I can't stand this indecision activi·ties -that renew us. Married with a lack of vision :t:'inding such a balance takes Everbocty .wants to rule the world time and experience. 'As we Say that you'll' never, .never, never. never 'need It . learn to work hard when appro One headline why believe It ' priate and to take enjoyable, re Everybody wants to rule the' world. newing breaks from our efforts, .All for freedom. and for pleasure
we establish the type of drive Nothing ever lasts forever
that enables us ·to reach our Everybody wants to rule tIlte worl~
goals. Recorded' by Tears for Fears, Written by Orzabal, StanleY, Hughes. I encourage each of you to (c) 1985 by Virgin Music Ltd.; 10 Music Ltd., AmUsements Ltd. spend time setting goals for your future. You possess the ~bllshed in the United States and Canada by Nymph Music Ine. power and gifts to plan and make decisions about your me. "EVERYBODY . WANTS to and difficult to, understand. You can be a ruler of your di· Rule the World" marks Tears However, a few ideas do surface. rection in 'life. for Fears first step into the Top Apparently, their "rule" is chief 40 charts. Their sound grew Iyabout having whatever you Your comments are welcome. popular enough Ito rise into the want in life whenever you want Address Charlle Martin, 1218 S. Top 10. it. The lyriCs state: "Of freedom Rotlterwoocl Ave.. Evansville, The .song's message is unclear and of pleasure, nothing lasts Ind., 4-7714.
... ~\I 10 ~
-Cii .
GOLF NEWS The 27th New England CYO 2lS director, the top players in Golf Tournament will !be hosted the senior, ,intermediate and jun this year by the diocese of Fall ior divisions are those listed River on Aug. 19 at the Fall above, who became eligible for River Country Club, with a the New England tourney. starting time of 8 a.m. Cadet winners, age 14 and Players will compete in three under, too young for the tourney, divisions: seniors, bom on or were Ken Foraste, Falmouth, after Jan. I, 1959; Intermediates, 'and Brandon Bouchard, Fal1 on or after Jan. I, 1966; and River. juniors, bom on or after Jan. I, :(I * * .. 1969. The Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Each New England' diocese Home of Fall River took a giant will be allowed two entries in step towards· the project of air each division and participants coqdltionlng the fac:lUty with are expected from, all New' Eng completion of the fourth annual land states. golf tourney recently held for its Playing for the ho~ diocese benefit at Montaup Country will be seniors Chris Tufts, Hy Club, Portsmouth, R.I. annis, and Jim Dion, Taunton; Tournament organizer MalUl¥ Intermediates Kevin Haberl, Den nis, also winner of the Marty . Linhares sald the event raised Higgins Memorial Award on the some $31,000 for the home, diocesan level, and Carl Oliveira, more than double the $15,000 New Bedford; and jlllniors lason realized in each of the past three Cook, Taunton, and John Mun': years. His goal ,for this year is roe, East Falmouth. Tournament chairmen include $40,000 and he said tlmt dona BUI Doyle and Larry Masterson tions are still welco~· and may from the Fall River diocese; and be sent to his attention at the country club. John Sullivan from Hartford. Trophies wUl be awarded the 252 golfers participated In the champion and runnerup in each July 28 tourney with Larry laca division. vone winning men's low gross with an even-par '1; Steve Miko In the Fall River Diocesan eyO lazyk, men's net, 64; Joan, 'far golf tournament, played July 23 vey, women's low gross, 88; and at 'Pocasset Golf Club with Doyle Linda Ferreira, women's net, 67.
. . . .
u.s. bishops at congress 'By NC News Service Four of the United States' 10 black Catholic bishops will join an estimated 1,000 U.S. Cath olics traveling to Nairobi, Kenya, for the 43rd International Eu charistic Congress Aug. 11-18. U.S. black bishops going to the congress are Auxiliary Bish ops Moses Anderson of Detroit, WHton Gregory of Chicago, James P. Lyke of Cleveland and Eugene A. Marino of Washing ton. Other U.S. bishops reported attending are Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Ohicago, Arch bishop Edmund G. Szoka of De troit and Bishop Frank J. Rodi mer of 'Paterson, N.J. Eucharistic congresses are worldwide assemblies held every four years to promote spiritual renewal through Jiturgical ser vices, talks, meetings and cere monies. Pope John Paul II will close the Nairobi congress during his Aug. 8-19 tour of six African nations. Bishop Lyke said that "Afri can-American" bishops will par ticipate fully in the Congress and in the liturgical services. He said that many U.S. lay black Catholics will also be in attend ance. 'Bishop A'nderson pointed out that it ,is important for the Catholic Church to celebrate re ligious festivities and gather ings in Africa and said he sees the pope's frequent trips to the continent .as a sign of the ,im
tv, movie Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
NOTE Please cheek dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor.
New Films "The Coca-Cola Kld'~ (Cine com) An American whiz-kid trouble-shooter for Coca-Cola arrives in Australia determined to boost sales and has a con frontation with the manufac turer of a prized local soft drink who is every bit as fanatical as he. The movie begins promisingly but becomes unglued midway and spins off in several different directions. Despite good acting and clever touches, it's ·a real mess. Because of nudity and a ,. needlessly. graphic bedroom scene, it. is rated O.
portancethe church places on it. Thomas J. Mulroy, who heads one of the 10 to 12 U.S. travel agencies providing travel and hotel accommodations for those attending the congress, said he expects 20,000 foreigners to at tend the congress and close to 1 million people to be at the closing ceremonies. The first eucharistic congress was held in 1881 in LiHe, France, and drew approximately 800 par ticipants. The ,last congress was held in 1981 in Lourdes, France, and drew approximately 60,000. 'Philadelphia hosted the 41st congress in 1976.
Million Candles Next ThurSday's feast of the Assumption of Mary wHl be marked by the annual Million Candles Observance of Catholic Golden Age members through out the nation. On the day, members will light candles at home and in their parishes and wiH recite a prayer for world peace in union with a Mass to be held at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con ception in Washington, DC, with Washfngton Archbishop James A. Hickey as principal celebrant and homilist. Some 2,000 CGA members and friends are expect ed to attend the Mass.. CGA is a 10-year-old associa tion that supports programs en hancing the lives of senior Cath olics and studying their special needs.
"The Heavenly Kid" (Orlon) This feeble effort has to do with a gawky teenager being tutored in the social graces by another teen killed in the early '60s and sent back to Earth to earn his wings by helping a· young nerd, who turns out to be his former· girlfriends son. Predictably, the boy turns out to be too quick a study and has to be taken down a peg before the happy ending. Mediocre entertainment, not very funny and manipulatively sentimental. A'3, PG·13 "National Lampoon's European Vacation" (Warners) The family that cavorted in the original (Chevy Chase and 'Beverly D' Angelo playing the parents) does it again, this time in Europe. Witless, vulgar, unfunny and in consistently bad taste. Because of nudity and sexually oriented humor, it is rated 0, PG-13. "Wethel'by" (MGM-UA Class Ics) Vanessa Redgrave plays a schoolteacher in a small town.
Friday, August 9, 1985
China receives Vatican greeting unfavorably
She is the indirect victim of an act of violence that seems whol1y unprovoked. But was it? This superbly acted but somewhat thin and contrived film, written and directed by playwright David Hare making his film de but, explores the question in a careful, literate and sometimes compelling fashion. Good enter tainment for mature viewers. Some violence and some fairly restrained bedroom scenes rule out younger viewers. A3, R
PE~ING (NC) The Chinese government has 2lccused the Vati can of interfering in China's in ternal affairs.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Zlllaoxing said July 31 that
the Vatican "still maintains so cal1ed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and continues to inter fere in China's internal affairs." The spokesman was respond ing to recent remarks by Pope John 'Paul II, who said, "The Catholic Church ~ooks upon China as one great family, the birthplace of lofty traditions and vital energies, rooted in the anti quity of her history and culture."
Film on TV Tuesday, Aug. 20, 8-10 p.m. EDT (CBS) - "The In-Laws" (1979) - Alan Arkin and Peter Falk star in a very funny com edy about a New Jersey dentist who gets mixed up with an un usual CIA agent when his daugh ter hecomes engaged to the agent's son. A2, PG
The pope was relaying a greet ing to the Chinese people through a U.S. television crew filming a TV series to be shown in China in 1986.
Religious TV Sunday, Aug. 11 (CBS) "For Our Times" The program focuses on the 1964 black voter registration drive in Mississippi as seen through the sketches of artist, Tracy Sugar~an.
In the message, he also said that the "church -is sympathetic to the commitment to modern ization and progress in which the Chinese people are engaged." Last year, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Agostino Casa roli said that despite papal ini tiatives, the Vatican had been unable to establish direct contact with the Chinese government.
Sunday, Aug. 18 (CBS) "For Our Times" - CBS reports on gathering held by civil rights workers in honor of the late Randolph Blackwell~ Southern Christian Leadership Conference executive.
China's government-approved National Association ot Patriotic Catholics rejects Vatican ties.
Religious Radio 11 (NBC) Sunday, Aug. ';Guidellne" Singer Jeannie C. Riley begins a two·part inter view about 'her career and her autobiography, "From Harper Val1ey to the Mountain Top."
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August Fa.ily Page' 1\ -'0..,0 bread Or 0., ....\ \ la\ oel" 16:4 fol' A.g.s , •
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The Bread of August
You may feel yourself getting hungry during the Sunday liturgies for August. Woven throughout the readings are rich images of manna, bread, and God feed ing his people; It's surprising and meaningful that these readings appear in August because from the earliest Christian times this month has been a time to celebrate the wheat harvest and give special thanks for the grains that will become bread. August was once known as Lammastide ("Loaf Mass") and breads made from first new wheat were brought to church for blessing and giving to the poor. Few of us have had the experiece of growing wheat: we are probably much more aware of the full harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries that August brings. Summer is a time when we are blessed with good foods. The Sunday readings in August invite us to taste and see that the Lord is good and create a hunger for the special bread that gives life forever.
August Gospel Puzzle
August Prayer
All the words in our puzzle come from the "Bread Gospel "of John 6:24-60, for August. Down 1. I have life because of the _ 3. I am the of life. 4. The bread of God gives life to the _ _. 5. lam the _ _ bread. 7. Your ancestors ate _ 8. My flesh is real _ 9. The bread I give is my _
~ain down Bread from heaven! Feed our hungry hearts and souls, For we come to your wonderful table To be fed, 0 Lord,
So we may grow in your likeness, Sharing and breaking our bread with others. Give us this Bread always, forever and ever, Amen!
Across . 2. Give us this bread . 6. No one who comes to me sholl ever be _ _. 8. Anyone who eats this bread sholl live _ _. 10. My blood is real _ 11. Bread from .
Reflect on the Ml!1I.age Growing in the. ',.:.: ,: Wheat ::::~ 'j
(Answers on· Page 12)
~---Bread Maze----....
There are so many good breads! How many can you find? P
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Cr. .'ed 1»1' Sa_a ltf.acla8· IU_tr."ed 1»1' Cl»rlstia• . .". Church World' Diocese oj Portland
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