
Page 1


New By Patricna Ili'Irancis

Within ti:le lllelCt year and lltalf, some SO years after file first communicants Of <lIM. • • M t.". Anthony MissIon 10 a II

l;apoiset started attending Sun(iJay Mass in 11 rented hall in the !»wn, St. Anthony parishioners lAope to begin building a new lItlalUlrch. 'li'he' new $400,000 structure, (J9inprising.. SII.S-seat ch1Jrch • tIDd an attached eatechetical ~ter with eight classrooms, 'iYUl be built on church-owned .~operty between the present <ll!urch and the parish rectory. The church wiDJI be a brick!!nished colonial house of wor~iP., the Rev. Jl)amien Ve~, fiS.CC., assistant pastor says. The eatechetical center'. will be lJivo-story structure with the etassrooms and a librllry on the filrilt floor and 3 combination. ehurch hall and gymnasium ~ second floor. The two will lle connected. ' Pastor of the ·par,isb. in which

Brick Colonial Structure Planned for Mattapoisett

title memorial donation phase of ioners, Mrs. Thomas Clark and nated a separate parish by the church building program wi~ the building fund campaign how Mrs. John Monynihan. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, his donation of land at Barstow ia being conducted is the Rev. "God is good," says Father D.D., bishop of the Fall River and Hammond Streets for a new Diocese. church. That building WlMl Columba Moran, sS.ce., cur­ Yeary. Today, there are approximately opened - before it was reaUT rently vacationing in Ireland. General chairman of the fund Teams of parishioners are con­ drive is Edward Days. Co-chair- 500 families in the year-round finished - in 1906. congregation and an additional ducting the memorial solicitation men are Charles McGowan, rep­ In 1957, the parish opened itlJ dll"ive, which will be followed by resenting the year-round parish­ 800 families join the parish flock new Youth Center, a $15,000 to a general building fund cam­ ioners, and Marcel Roy handling during the summer season. Dur­ $20,000 structure converted from paign. Watching the team work donations from summer mem­ ing the summer, Sunday Masses an old barn with volunteer laool1' with fingers crossed are Father' bel'S of the parish .. also are' celebrated in Knights and "about $6,500." However, .despite the tremen­ Yeary and the recently assigned. "Hopefully," says Father of Columbus Hall on Route 6. dous increase in the number ~ new assistant, the Rev. James Yeary, "we'll start building in Beginning with a ·mere hand­ Hipp. about a year and a half. We ful of parishioners, the parish parishioners ' - overflow crowd. How do you' get a dturch have to have half of the $400,000 .,has been steadily growing. At still jam the 200-seat "old"" started? .

. before gi·oundbreaking." first services were conducted in church on Sunday mornings.'. . Father Yeary says ;;0'1 begin:

During the first week, '$50,000 tbe old Purrington .Hall in t~e 'God Is Good' with fervent prayer: "Dear God, was raised and Father Veary!s town, hired for the Sundays The situation has been gettin(J . tell me how to· begin..

hope is· being realized. . from the middle .of June to worse for the last quarter of II ''Then you walk down' the St. Anthony's parish is one of . September. A curate from St. centliry. street and meet George Smith the relatively "new" ones in the Lawrence's celebrated the Mass. . Now parishioners are workint: and realize he does this kind OIl area. Established as a mission of When St. Joseph's Church in to change the situation for time . thing.!' St; Joseph's Chui'ch, Fairhaven, . Fairhaven was· established, St. better.' . De .in 1916, it still is staffed by the . Anthony!:;· becl!ffie a mission- of The initial'phase is under way. .Smith Is . signer Sacred Heart Fathers. that church. The first "real" St. The general campaign will he George Smith, a communicant ·Before services were held on a Anthony Church was the old getting into full swing soon. of St. Anthony's, ~esigned .the regular basis in·the town at the Advent Church building in Mat­ T~e goal is large,' $400,000 ­ new church and center. turn of the century, Catholics in tapoisett. Quickly, that became , but narishioners of St. Anthony'll Interior design will be han­ Mattapoisett had to travel to tOO small. are willing to work. died by: t'wo other experts ilm New Bedford for. Mass. Dennis Mahoney 91 Mattapoi­ And, as, Father Veary sa.sna= their field who also are. parishIn 1954, the m'ission was desig­ sett stinted the first parish "God is good."



'Fish' Is Ecumenical Project



.Attleboro Unit Designe~ to Help Others By Larry Michaud

A patient in a nursing home in Attleboro,. wanting badly to visit a troubled relativl/! . out of town, sought transportation but ·had no one to turn to. 'l'Jie head of the home dialed

222-2124. "Fish,"-was the answer at the' other end of the connection. The need was

related and immediately met. Such is a typical case experienced by a group of 14 people

who have decided to "do> .

what we could" in the way "I was very much encouraged itual help, as well as providinG:

of helping others. It all. be- by a woman who is familiar physical aid.

Being offered on an emer­ gan when Leonard Perrault with the group on Beac9n HiU

and Bob Clark were conversing in Boston," Mr. Perrault told. . gency basis are services such 00

a few months ago about the "She comes from Ji:ngland and babysitting, provision of foo<11,

problems of many who have informed me there has been the housework done for the sick, anell

nobody to turn to. It was at that same activity, bearing the same transportation.

Programs of visiting the im~

point that these two men began name thel:e, for some years," he l1 prisoned, reading to the blind,

to "form a group to offer ser- said. rides for shut-ins, and compan­

vices," and the name of "The $4.00 per YeCll1 He was also surprised to hear ionship for the elderly are als~ 11, No~ @ 1967 lhe Anchor Fish" was agreed upon, because' PRICE 10: of national publiCity given one being undertaken. of its significance as a symbol "We even have had offem of Christianity, in the early of the Fish groups some m.onths ago by Time magazine. from non-members to provide Church. "Although doing good for Of the 14 members of Fish, housing when needed;". Mr. Pell'­ your neighbor is not new, we five are Catholic. Mr. Perrault rault said. Some of the experiences Cill­ thought we wet'e starting some­ and Mr. Clark, who began the thing'original," Mr. Perrault said. .movement, are Protestant', and countere<i thus far include hav­ It was later discovered tliere the whole group works together ·lng assisted a woman lackinf: VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI's project of the means 'to bury her son and giv­ !reform of the Roman curia, the Church's central admin­ are groups in Springfield and in a common cause of heiping ing her solace in the days foll­ .Boston, oddly enough under those .in need or ·trouble. The fJJtrative offices, has been completed after almost f.our years -the same name, engaged in the spirit· of brotherhood. prevails. lowing; raising funds to send Il fi quiet planning. Publication is tentatively scheduled for same tyPe of good work. and members lead some to spir- Negro boy from .Providence. R. I., for a one 'week stay at • Aug. 18. Among the most Summer camp' in Marion, Mass.; Better ·communications be­ fur-reaching reforms' is the visiting a hospitalized boy anell ()ll"eation of a centI-al fina-n­ tween the. curia and the Pope bringing him small gifts; anell will help to achieve that decen;' elial office to supervise and tralization which the Pope him­ bringing the needs of, a larg.e Turn to Page Six <ooordinate the val'ious financial self listed among the purposes of Iltodies which until now have curial reform 'when . he an­ been administering the funds of nounced in September, 1963, that the Holy See. he was undertaking it. n has been axiomatic that the Better communications be­ . lP'ope himself does not know ex;' actly how much money the Holy tween the Pope and the curial offices w~ll mean that the Pope See has or exactly how it is be­ nng spent. However, Pope Paul will be a,ble to get faster action Ihlas taken pains to emphasize from these offices. Thus he will NEW YORK (NC)-Fou1' that the Holy See's resources are not have to rely so heavily upon Oatholic priests credited with liar from stupendous. He has his state secretariat. calming recent disorders in Since the time of Pope Pius X, 0ven spoken of the Church's the Harlem and Bronx sec­ Popes have been depending Clblessed penury." tions of New York received Op­ Whether the new financial more and more upon the state eration Friends Awards from secretariat to get things done (}ffice will call upon civilian ac­ Police Commissioner Howard R. 00untants for a comprehensive quickly, even in fields that Leary. canonically lie in the competen­ !revicw of the Holy See's finan­ The awards sponsored bY' cy of the curial congregations.. ~nal situation and techniques­ radio station WBNX are given IlS Pope Pius X[ did to his de­ Another element of the reform monthly to a police officer anell ~lared satisfaction-has not been is the guarantee of the rights of civilian who have helped pro­ lJlI1nounced. the individual before the mas­ mote better relations betweellll The principal elements of the sive and impersonal bureaucracy the police and the community. <curia reform al'e expected to of the curia. Standards for this The honored priests are Msglr'. be a clearer definition of the have already been set by the iCeD DIRECTORS: Bishop Connolly has appointed Robert J. Fox, coordinator oil competency of each curial office reform of the former Holy Of­ Rev. John J. Smith, assistant at St. James Church, New Spanish Community Action in Qr congregation, 3\101 the unclog­ fice-now the Doctrinal C0I1gre­ Bedford,as CCD director of the New Bedford area, and the New York Archdiocese; ging of communications among gation-on Dec. 7, 1965. Rev. George W. Coleman, assistant at St. Louis Church, Fathers Raymond J. Byrne oil' St. iihese offices and TJetween them Another aim of the curial re­ Fall River, as co-director of the Fall'River Area. . O!J!ld the Po.'· Tum to' Page Three Turn to Page ~

Fall Riverr Mass., Thurrsday, Aug. 10, 1967



Pontiff"s Plan for Reform

Of Roman Curia


N.Y. Police Honor Priests for' Aid. During Trouble


-Pa"ish Family' Supper'!


Next Tuesday

Diocese of Fa! I Rover

.The St. Joan of Arc Guild of Orleans and the Visitation Guild of North Eastham aDo nounce a Family Communiolll


Supper for· Tuesday evenin& August 15, zt the Church of the Visitation, Massasoit Road!., North Eastham. Mass will be celebrated at 'fJ p.m. and will be followed by m chicken pie supper in the Churclll Hall.' . Guest speaker will be Rt, Rev. William 'D. "Thomson, pastor oil St. Francis Xavier Church, Hy­ an,Pls, arid Dean of the Cajie Cod! Deimery. Monsignor Thomsol!!l wih speak on Ecumenism. .

APIPOINTMIEN'¥'S Rev. John J. Smith, assistant at St. James Church, New l8edford, to serve as Director of the. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for the New Bedford Area. Rev. George W. Coleman, 'assistant at St. Louis Church, Vall River, to serve as Co-director of the Co,nfratrnity of Chrlsticm'DoctI;iqe ror the Fall River Area.






Fall River


.' I

, ANGLICAN ~mRARY: Canon J hn Findlow, the rep­ resentative of th~ Arch bishop of. Ca~hterb~ry to ~he· Holy See, checks the lIbrary at the AnghEan Center·m Rome. .NC Photo. .


<e~{JiJli"~I}u<e~$[Pl@Ii'\)$o.li' .A[Pl~!i'frlfi11)~li'\)fr [r!i'@D<e<etl'

NEW YORK (NC) - Ground! has been broken for a 147­ unit middle-income cooperative (ft 1\ A rID ..Jl re' o· , (\, aparttnlmt'house sponsored by ~ ~@@wJW If'@'!f lJ:dIO@~@[j'j)@u ® fD)" A Q 13 churches - among them Sl LYONS, (Nc)--,-France may be . been preparing for several years ~@0iJi)® ~ 'elfi)f[e~ haI.f-doz~n Catholic parishe,s-m the first Europ.ean country to for the' permanent diaconate: . ~ the' 'Yorkville "section o'f' Manhave men ordained to the per­ In his view, the future deacon' , 'lKIe(Oldln.fl.iIali'h~!I'~ofF 'CGn~l1l, indlow Serveshattah's upper East Side'.. " manent diaconate, thanks to the must not be a "sub-pries!," a· "\I ' The' aparurient' project~t'o be work of the Community of the ' '''super-layman'' or a "sacristan .. ' foirhBform, known 'as' Tri-Faith 'House-w .. Diaconate here, where priests first-class." , bEfingbuilt on ground once :occu­ . "The deacon," he 1la ys" "must . ROM:E:-The first public signs one at t at timewho'had a 'pre- pi'eti. by 'a 'public school on .·First and laymen have been studying .conditions for the restoration of .play 2n original role in the' of a . thaw between Anglicans feel'. of what would happen." Avenue between East 85th anell the permanent diaconate for Church, at the. point of its meet.- ,and Roman Catholics appeared TOdayl his widow, Mrs. Mil­ East'86th Streets.' It will cosi more than 10 years. ing with the world. He must not in 1960 when Archbishop 'Geof­ dred DUggins of St. Louis; con-' $4.2 million. . ., 'Some 50 men, most of. them limit his 3,;:tivity ~ temporal" fJ:ey fisher of· 9anterbury, Pri­ tinues.ijer husbanc:i!s optimistic One' of the sponsoring organA­ married, are now ready to re­ tasks of administration and man':' 'mate of England, paid a courtesy outlook land his wor~. She is a' . zatitiii's' directors is Msgr.· Harry e.eive the order of the diaconate., agement, which. were those of '. "call on Pope Johrl 'XXIII. '.librariad at the' Aliglican Center, J. Byrne, pastor of St. Thomas But everything depends on the deacons in the primitive church, ' Today a 'stream of communica:' . helping to arrange and catalogue More' Church' in the area and! decision of the French bishops nor must he simply succeed to tion flows between the. two; and the gro'fing collection of books executive secretary of the New who have put this matter. on the the heritage of the catechists old rancors are being replaced around hich the center is or­ York Archdiocesan Committee Ilgenda for their November and lay apostles who collabo­ by' constructive dialogue. Not ganized. on Housing and Urban Renewal. .. plenar~ meeting iJ). Lourdes. rated with the clergy." far from the center of the stream Canon Findlowhopes the li­ Such a project, he said, is neces­ One, of the principal members is a modest establishment in brary wi become a useful serv­ sary to retain middle-income . ef the community at Lyons, Rene Rome called the Anglican Cen­ ,ice to eminarians and other residents in the Yorkville' area. Schaller, is married and the ter, headquarters of Canon John students in the Roman univer­ The need is apparent from the father of two. children. He haa...... 'Findlow. ' ,sity, to members of the Holy building's' 3;OOO-faIDily waiting "I~avy Since 1965 he 'hasbeenofficial . See's Se retariat for Promoting list, added. ' " : fight Segregafi'ion A farewell social hour will be representative to the Holy See Christia~ 'Uni~y 'and the <;.on.gre-.. ,SALISBURY (NC)-A Moral' held for Rev. Richard P. Demers of the 'archbishop of CanterburY gations ~d offices of the RQman Action Group (MAG) of lay per:' . in 'St.. Michael'spatish ' hall,' 'Ii1' the latter's capacity ~s presi': cU~ia~t~e ¢.hui:ch~sceniia~ ad-' BOns has been formed to spear:'; "OCean' Grove, on Sunday,' Aug:' dent' Of the Lambeth Cobfe'renee' ,ministrative office~and to in­ ",- liead'a Church drive here mU'from 2to4·P.M.' , '. 'of the"bishops of the Ariglic~': 9.ti.i1:£!rs!m~~i~ito'rs·..w~~ .• pasS, . , FUNERAIL, HOM&· Rhodesia against a proposal in Fr. Demers, curate at St:" Communion. ' . ' -,', .. through. Rome from all parts of '. parliament ·that would prevent· -Michael's for ,five years,"was re-' , ~~os.itive ,Prese~~~'" the 'wor ." )16~".L6cu$r· STRE~:' ,people "of· one'ra'ce 'from 'buying cently commissioned in the U. S. .. . . . . . ' ··It ~ .. ready' 'J11 • ireque~t stop FALL RIVER, MASS~ ,t­ ' Chaplains . Corps Up'on . .. Though· the.center IS pTlmarJly' . f " ...... sts'" . d' " . '. . "". t,: +A ,land· in' neighborhoods' occupied Navy . . . . d l' .'. or pne an semInanans.,. 672-'3381 ,. 'J by those of another race. .. 'completion of his· 'training ift' . ,;buI1t"aro~n a .Ibrary for Angb~". ;R9m~'s'~ or~ . ~~ri;£an,Cpllege, Newport on Aug. 24, Father will '...,can ~tUdles ..and se~ves as a hub· SQme of wh.om haye helped ~. ,', c.. Jam~. report to Camp Pendleton Calif ", for. ,mform al mee~ngs ,and the . ar,ran,geJ::1e' ,J.br~iY: . '" Driscoll. Sullivan, Jr. for. three Weeks. From th~re, h; ,diffusion. of information .on the of Meeting will "embark for Viet· Nam for.' CJ;lUrch of. England. and ,Its. the­ ,Mrs. Catherine G. Lee, State ,se~vice with the Marine '.Corps. ?logy, Cano,n Findlow thinks of OIROURKEc

:liegent of the D.aughters, of; Isa­ All are invited to attend. '.,'.. It~ purpose In ev~n more general. bella, has invited all the State FuheralHome

. ~erms. ,. "S O' 01 SYSTEMAnc 4>fficers to ·attend· a meeting and 70 ,e~SAYI"GS , . . "It jsa question of Just .being luncheon scheduled to be held .. 57·1 Second Street . Mass Ordo. " here in. Rome at this. very sig­ MONTHLY DEPOSI~ en' Saturday, Aug. "'19 at· her '.. " . ' . . . . . . nifieant time/! ..he told NC News Fall River~ 'Mass. . home. at 117 Berksh~re Ave., II fIIVESTMENT FRIDAY Mass of :p'revlOus." Service, "in a quiet, way-with., Indian Orchard. 679-6072 ., • 10 year SAVINGS Sunday. IV Class., Green. Mass out the old atmosphere of strain Luncheon will be' served at 1 NOTICE ACCOUNTS Proper; No Glory nor Creed;. , .. be~wee,n Rome 2nd Canterbury.'. MICHI'EL J. McMAHON lind an informal meeting will Common Preface.. I like to call it a 'positive pres-' licenst)d FUneral' Director REGULA. I .' . .' . follow. OR -. ence.''' SAYINGS ~egi~tered ,E'!'Ibal~er





n ',AmlloJU BC@rw'

Ai;' IHIwb"

a,D'Meetings .

Po r'.·sh to, Honor Ch I·


ap aln


,D~ D.S'uUivan & SOnS ,.;.






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..Boss ... 'River': '

ommon ... mits he. was once a pessimist. R~Y' • . . . .... ". loll AUG. Z3. . - . ,SATURDAY-St. Clare, VirgIn. ...... II ,th t R ec t or H'lli ,.,.. . ' III CI . Wh't M p' • ne reca s. a I s D ug-. .. .,', Rev. Thomas Clmton I e..· ass.Common roper, :gms...., ..~ St .' P au l' s Am' D ­ · ' ". 1895" . ,. ". GIo·· ass. ~ . no Creed· eTlcan E' PiS-'.' ..... 'K> P astor, St. Peter, S andwlch.

ry, , copal Church in Rome shortly t .., .. B~nk;! By Mail::; .' . 4

Preface. b f hi d th· 1953 d' 5 ' Locust Street , ,W~)~~~ .~ Fos\lage, . ". AUG. Z . SUNDAY _ XIII Sunday After' e ore .s e? 1ft • ' IS- . ,', . ' .' River, ,Mass. . Rev•. Peter J. B. Bedard, '1884, Pentecost. II Class. Green. cussed WIth hIm the cl~mate. 01,· ~ "

,'.~' :'AiI~ri~:·. F0l;lnder, Notre Dame, Fall Mass Proper' G16ry" Creed· ;Rome~CanterbuTY: relabonshIps..·' ...' D 67.=.~2s3u91'lll'·V~~.. , SOUtH , , " " HYANNIS : . lRiver. Preface of Trinity.' ' ' ' H e . told me ,things will go· ..... ...­ :~; YARMOUTID SHOPPING ;lAZA MONDAY-Vigil ,of the Assum~ much more quickly than we : :--r - . • . • ~1 tion of the Bies~ed' Virgi'n:· 'think in'riur lifetime. -I took it Jef"'iey ~~ Sullivan, : .',~ DENNIS POll' ,..• O~TqIv.!LLE ' . . . . -", Mary.. II Class. Violet. 'Mass as~ather bland American optimProper; No Glory; no Creed; is~,!;, th~ Anglican priest said.


Common Pref,!ce. <',~": smIlmg,' but he seemed the only


TUESDAY - Assumption of the . Blessed Virgin Mary ~ I mass. Aug. 13-0 u r Lad Y" 0 f. White. Mass .Proper; Olory; Lourdes, Wellfleet. Creed; Preface of Blessed Vir":'. Sacred Heart; New Bed­ B~OOKl.AWN gin. Holy Day of Obligation. ' ford. WEDNESDAY - St. Joachim, B:UNERAl HOMIE, INC. Aug.2Q-St. Joseph, Woods . Father of the Blessed Virgin Hole.· ,Cl. Marce' Roy - Go lorraine R., Mary Confessor.' II Class. Roger LllFranco White. Mass Proper; Glory; no' ~ FUNER.~!. DIRECTORS

Creed; Common Preface. THE ANCHOR . U5 d,vingtcl1I Ct.

Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, THURSDAY-St. 'Hyacinth, Con­ 16 r53 Washington Street, Faorrhav6n

~n. Publisheo every Thursday ot 410 . 995·5166

fessor. II Class. White. Mass Hlllhlano ,,"venue, ,Fall Rive. Mass., 02722 , 994-5058:

by the ::athollC Press o' the Diocese of Fall Proper; Glory; .no Creed; New Bedford

Rive" Suoscriptioa price II» Il!llll, pcl$tjlakl Common Preface. $4..00 per. \lllQI.. •••••••O••••••• ~ t ••••••••••••



E' S·U'lLI'VA'



'Sa,Yings Bein.k


~ ."~











~.4·Hour Wrecker



Hold Annual Fete In Fall River

Thurs., Aug. 10, 1967


Mark Departure Of De!egate

The annual feast of Our Lady Angels parish, Fall River, ill now in progress and will con­ llinue through Sunday. Officers !lOr the event are Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, general chairman ex Qfficio; Lawrence C. Benevides, president; Alfred M. Mello, vice­ JJlresident; Pauline J. Rodrigues, oecretary'; Antone Michaels, trea­ cmrer. ~

MEXICO CITY (NC)-Me>tfi­ cans from all walks of life have sponsored a series of services and ceremonies to mark the de­ parture ef Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, formerly apostolic delegate to Mexico and now named to the same post in the United States. Leaders of the nation's lay apostolate activities gathered with the archbishop in the Ba­ silica of Our Lady of Guada­ loupe to thank Archbishop Rai­ mondi for his work among Mex­ ican Indians. Newspaper articles discussing the archbishop's transfer have repeatedly referred to his work among the country's poverty­ stricken Indians. Describing Archbishop Raimondi as "a true apostle," they have praised him for his humanitarian spirit and extensive knowledge of the country.

Home - prepared Portuguese I!lDd American foods will be liWailable daily and other festi­ val features will include games, music and dancing. Eddie Zack's @l'chestra will be heard tonight and tomorrow night, and an ad­ €I1tional attraction tomorrow night will be an angelola, di­ lllected by Miss Mary Carreiro. Kiddies' lPngnm A kiddies' program will take pJacefrom 5 to 7:30 Saturday dWening, presenting "Rex Trail-' er and His TV Gang.", An auc­ tion and orchestra music will 101low until 11. An 11 :45 solemn Mass will be '<lelebrated Sunday morning with \ Bev, Maurice Souza, St. An­ ebony's parish, Taunton, as Pl'eacher. A religious procession :will follow with four bands Il'laying for marching. The route will include Tuttle, Dwelly, Kil­ burn, Globe, South Main, and King Philip Streets.

Continue Ephesus Shrine Restoration

CINCINNATI (NC)-The work of restoring some of Christen­ dom's most sacred shrines win be resumed following the recen~ pilgrimage of Pope Paul VI to Ephesus, Turkey. Auctions and music will follow ebe religious observance and The late George B, Quatman vaudeville acts will also be fea­ of 'Lima, Ohio, had intended to tured 'tomorrow, Saturday and restore the ancient basilica of VERSATllLlE SEABEE: Seabee Builder Third CI:ass G. E. Shapley administers an St, John the Evangelist over the Sunday. injection of penicillin to a Vietnamese child during 'a visit to the Buddhist hamlet of Trung tomb of the Apostle, and to re­ Among prizes to be awarded build the Church of Mary where, are a trip to Expo, $100 savings Ghia by U.S.N. Mobile Construction Battalion 74's MEDCAP Team. NC Photo. in 431 A.b" the Council of ,bonds and a foliage trip to New Ephesus proclaimed Mary the Hampshire. mother of 'God. His pr:ogram to focus world attention on the shrines of Ephesus - including Vo~unteers what many believe to be the Continued from Page One home of Mary-was well under abetb Park neighborhood itself way when he died in Septembeli", ing Room Dialog Club, an intell'­ AKRON '(NC)~In the Eliz­ iDorm cited by the Pope in his faith group. was staged to raise funds. speech of Sept. 21, i963, was its abeth Park area of this Ohio 1964.

city, the federal government Quternationalization. He has' al­ Teams - one Negro a'nd one

Raise Funds His widow, Lucille, said that ready undertaken this with the may have inadvertently accom­ Mrs. Albert Bender, a member white person ,- stopped at every the American Society of Ephe­ plished more by a, temporary l!IPpointment of several' :French­ of the group from the Akron home in the area and collected sus, which her husband founded men, a Belgian and 11 Spaniard halt in anti-poverty funds than Deanery' € o uncil of Catholic $319 from the meager earnings and financed to carry on the ClO key positions in the curia. Pre­ , it would. have by continuing the Women, asked and received cash of its families. project, now will resume its ac­ 'riously most top curia officials aid without interruption. donations from the Akron Coun­ Smith, the anti-poverty center tive work in Turkey'. A provi­ were drawn from the Italian ' The temporary halt resulted cil along with offers of women 'di,rector, observed: sion had been made in Quat­ elergy. ill community involvement that to volunteer for special projects. ''The good will created by man's will for continuation ~ The face of the curia has also' etretched out from' Elizabeth' Teachers staffing the Head racial teams working together the work. begun to change with the crea­ Park to all sections of Akron. Start. project agreed to work was far more important than tion of various Qffices that Elizabeth Park is an old and without pay' if some way could the money collected." achieve the aims of the Second poor section of the community be found to provide two meals The Head Start program was Vatican Council. with an almost entirely Negro 1lI day for the pre-school age pretty much rolling along on its , However, these offices, such as population.

children attending. own when the federal govern­ INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. the Secretariat for Non-Believ­

Protestant church groups sent ment began refunding the proj­ When funds for its anti-' ers and the Commission for in­ donations of prepared foods; ect in April-five months after poverty program were halted 96 WILLIAM STREEr fJernational Justice and Peace, women volunteers of all denomi­ the orginal halt in funds. ~ere not formally included some eight months ago, M~rcus nations successfully appealed for NEW BEDFORD, MASS. But by that time members of l!lInong the Pope's curial reforms Smith, director of the Elizabeth' the Akron DCCW had gotten Park Economic Opportunity donations from wholesale gro­ 998·5153 997 -9~ 61 at the time of their creation. Center, wanted to keep some of cery companies, bakeries and their feet wet in helping the PERSONAL SERVICE milk companies. poor-and they weren't ready to the projects, particularly the -._._.M ,_.. Head Start program, going with­ A crash canvass of the Eliz- quit. out the federal aid.

Roman Curia

Ha~t in Funds Interfaith

Spurs' Com.,-.unity Action Continue Program


Be called a mass meeting in the Akron North Hills area and many attending promised to write to their representatives in Washington to seek restortion .t funds for the center. Some at the meeting, however, were not willing to wait for Congress to act. Among this poup were members of the Liv-

Relocate Training Center in Attleboro

ART CONVIEN1'ION: George Nakashima of New Hope, Pa., an architectural designer, will discuss sim­ in contemporary plicity ~hurch construction at the Aug. 14 Catholic Art Asso­ eiation national convention in LovelandD Ohio. NC Photo.

Very Rev. Roland R~ Bedard, M.S., Provincial Superior of the La Salette Missionaries' Prov­ ince of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, has announced the' relo­ cation of the La Salette. Broth­ ers' Training Center from East Brewster to Attleboro. The residence in East Brew­ ster will be temporarily closed and is not for sale, Plans for the community's future and even­ tual' re-opening of the East Brewster House are now in the makioa.









50. of 88 leave GlenmorY Nuns To Re ,rganmze . @$ Lay GrcM~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Aug. 10, 1967

Violence-NJo; 'More Federa~ Assistance to ' Negro-Yes

CINCINNAJ I (NC) -Fifty of 88 Glenma Sisters working mainly in th Appalachian areas, are prepari g to leave their community t start a lay group. The ~ivisio is expected to be completed in August, "The reas for this, move," said Marie irillo, former first councilor of he Glenmary Sis­ ters who is n wa member of the new group, 'is that this group feels their als of dedicated service can 0 longer be real­ ized in the fr mework of a Cath­ olic religious order. "In order t continue the way of life and SE11 vice that we bave come to see as relE:vant, we thought we l d to separate our­ selves from t e Glenmary order. "Since this tep is being taken, we are confr, nted with the task of reorganizi g as a lay gI"C?up. The new gro p will be called the Federation ~ Communities in Service. It w, II function in four regions pres tly served by the Glenmary Sis ers," she added. These reg~.ns are Virginia­ West Virgi 'a; the Chicago­ Milwaukee-D troit areas; Ten­ nessee, and lincinnati. . 'Mucli tbe Same'

By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Social Action Dept., USCC) Warner and Swasey, a Cieveland firm specializing in precision machinery, has been sponsoring a series of sim­ plistic free-enterprise advertisements in a number, of national weeklies for as long as this writer can remember. By unhappy coincidence, it are in seroius danger of going up it came out last week with in flames at imy moment. another such advertisement Hard Way calculated to drive the im­ 'The Journal version of 20th

poverished Negroes of this coun­ try right out of their mind if it happens to eome . to their attention. The advertisement is entitled "The most successful Freedom March was the one in covered wago·ns." Its theme is that the poor people of 1967 (a dispro­ portionate per­ centage of whom are, Negroes) ought to follow the inspiring ex­ ample of the rugged American pioneers of the 19th century who crossed the plains in covered wagons and rilUde their modest fortune on the Western frontier by dint of sheer hard work and indomitable courage and pel'se­ verance. Outmoded Rhetoric The text of the advel-tisment reads in part as follows: "That, too, (the Freedom March of the 19th century, across the Western plains) was made by Arnedcans -looking for wOI·k. No demands, no subsidies, no claim anyone owed them anything. "They 'traveled mostly on foot and through deadly danger, to where there was work to do (they didn't ask it be brought to them nor cI'eated for them) * *'* ' their self-respect was real enough to drive them tht'Ough thousands of miles of unspeak­ able hardship, 'and there create their own jobs', and their own futures. And that courage ilnd self-respect and hard work were what made Amedca's splendid West." ' It's 'hard to believe that seri­ ous-minded corporation execu­ tives would be naive enough to 'sponsor this kind of outmoded rhetoric-even by coi.ncidence­ at a time when evel'Y major city in the United States is girding itself for a repetition of, what happened recently in Newark and Detroit and, to a lesser ex­ tent in Spanish Harlem, Roch­ ester, N. Y., South Bend, Ind., Milwau~ee, Wis., and a dozen other cities, large and small.

century Horatio Algerism is ad­ mittedly sonlewhat more ,sophis­ ticated than Warner and Swa­ sey's "covered wagon" rhetoric, but,hardly less irrelevant, for aJI of' that, in its over-all implica­ tions. ~ The Journal, in a round-up editorial on the meaning of tRe recent riots, solemnly calls upon the leaders of the civil rights ANDREW P. MALONEY movement to condemn all forms of violence and lawlessness and to stress the theme that Ameri­ can Negroes can never hope to work their way up the ladder by relying on "Federal subsidiza­ tion" but will have to do it the WASHINGTON (NC) - This' hard way - "the way other year's John Henry Cardinal Americans did, by wanting and New man Honoral:Y Society wOI'king for a better life for Award will be presented to An­ themselves and their children." drew P. Maloney,'National New­ The first part of this two­ man Foundation president. pronged appeal is well taken. The presentation will be made Obviously any civil rights leader at the banquet closin'g the Na­ who either directly or indirectly encoul'ages or incites Negro tional Newman Apostolate Con­ gress at Northern Illinois Uni­ slum dwellers to resort to vio­ versity, DeKalb, Ill., Saturday, lence of any kind is doing a Sept, 2, vicious disservice, not ()nly to Maloney was selected for' the the community at large, but, medal in recognition of his years more specifically, to the ,very of service to 'the came of t.he people whose interests ~ pre­ Church in the secular cail1pus te'nds to be representing. But to expect civil rights lead­ 'community, the National New­ ers-whether they be so-called man Apostolate headquarters here annoiJnced. . "moderates" or so-called "ex­ tremists" - to counsel Negro Ma'loney has served as presi-, slum dwellers to go it complete­ dent of the board of trustees of ly alone, without substantial the National Newman Founda­ government assistance or, if you tion since its inception in 1960. will, substantial "Federal sub­ sidization" is completely unreal­ ·istic. Obstacles Are DiffereDt NOTRE DAME (NC)-Bishop The Journal seems to be say­ Walter W, Curtis of Bridgeport, ing, that since the Irish, the episcopal moderator of the Fam­ Poles, the Italians, the Slovaks ily Life Bureau of the United and the other impoverished im­ States' Catholic Conference, will migrant groups of an earlier be among the princhipal speak­ generation "got there" on their 'ers at the 15th national conven­ own without any significant help ,tion of the, Christian Family from t!le government, it follows Mevemen. Some 5,000 people the 20th century Negro slum are expecte9 to attend the ,ses­ dwellers ought to be patient siens Aug. 22 to 27 at Notre enough to follow their example. Dame University. This is a specious line of rea­ soning, for it completely ignores the fact that, by reason of their prosperity on people not readyI color and previous condition of to maintain it." servitude, even highly educated But "munificent governments" Negros in 1967-to say nothing can and must come to the, assist­ of the great mass of poorly edu­ A la Daniel BooDe cated Negroes-are confronted ance of such people with much ,more "munificent" programs To leave the impression that with obstacles which are differ­ than the present Congress seems the great mass of segregated and ent' in kind, and not merely in underprivileged Negroes could degree, from those which were prepared to adopt. ' pull themselves up by their own faced by even the poorest of the 'Such programs' of economic bootstraps-if only they had the white immigrants referred te and social reform may and prob­ lumption and the will to do so' above. ably will requil'e an increase ill Suffice it to illustrate this the taxes of affluent white -and could strike out for myth­ ical frontiers, like the' American point by citing the fact-referred Americans. pioneers of the last century, and to ad nauseam by analysts of the So be it. Higher'taxes, at this make their modest 'fortune ift underlying causes of the recent critical turning poiJi.t in Amer­ riots--that even the most Boto.­ some other part of the country, ican history, are a very small would be downright funny if it rious white gangster can live wherever he wants to ia any price te pay in reparation' fer were' not so tragic ill its impH­ what we have coJIectively done city in the United States. where­ eations. to "keep the Negro in his place" as a Ralph Bunche, for ~xamphi, Imagine teliing a Negro from or a Thurgood Marshall would for more than 100 years. the west side of Chicago, for ex­ ample, to pull up stakes and not be welcome in most ef the move, a la Daniel Boone, 16 the more exclusive suburbs or so­ Worry of western (or any other) frontier called "better" neighborhoods ill the majority of American cities. when he 'can't even move acl'OSS the city 'line into Cicero-three ' Muoilieent GO\'erumeDt Slipping or Irritatinfji four miles away - without Violence--no. Government as­ Don't be embarrassed by loose fllise .etting his head bashed in. sistance to help the NegJ;o help reeth slipping, dropping 61' wobbling The tragedy of this kind of himself to "get there"-yes, and when yoUeRt. talk or laugh. Just -sprlllkle a little FASTEErH on Y<lur

I'hetoric is tlult even respected th~ sooner the better. plates. This pleasant powder gives a

papers like the Wall Street The Wall Street Journal 'is relharkn ble sense' of: a<kled comfor't

and security by holding plates more

.TournaI are tempted to fa,ll for correct, of course, when it says firmly, No gummy. gooey. pasty taste,

it - while a dozen American that even "the most munificent Dentures that fit are essential to

"'enlth, See your dentist regularly,

:Homes are bUl'nin~ or, at least, of ~overllments cannot belitow Get l"ASTEE'J'H at all ~ counters.


Newman 'Award For 'Maloney'

Family Movement


A typical ~eam operation in­ cludes a him hold of four membe.... Mi~ Cl Hlo .x~'.ln... Th.

POan ReI gious Play

, At WCO Meeting ,

STOCKHOiM (NC)-A play including pantomime, dance and liturgical pra er, with the Old Testament pr phet Amos as the central' chara tel', will be per­ formed durink the Fourth As­ sembly of thef"World COlHlcil of 'Churches ( CC) in Uppsala next Suinmer Its author is the Swedish writer Olov artman, a pastor of. the Luther n state church and rector of the igtuna Foundati()n near'-Uppsala He has written so-called K rkospel (church plays) since the beginning of the 19508. S of them have been perform d in Britain and other EUI:ope n countries. Pastor Hart an says that the main theme f the play to be presented at. Uppsala is the Church's m sage concerning world peace. It will. Be per­ 'formed in En lish.

Benedictihe Colleges Plan JOi~t Classes


team is generally found In mining territory, working m and out of the hoJIows and coall camps, doing church work, ecu­ menical work, or offering pre­ fesssional services, such as that of a public health nurse . . school-teacher. Work in cities, such as Chicago and Detroit, is with the coal! miners who have migrated ill search of a new livelihoood, me said.

Other work of the federati~

includes visiting in a region for

a few weeks to offer some spe­

cialized service such as directinll art or drama programs, week­ end seminars, or specialized n­ search. "Werk will continue in mue~ the same way as before," said Monica Kelly, co-ordinator ..r the Virginia-West Virginia Jre­ gional community. The Federation of Conununi­ ties in Service will have a uni­ form suit similar to the present Glenmary habit, which will be worn on appropriate occasions. At other times they will wear street clothes. The group wiD continue to Jive a celibate eom­ munal life. ' 15 Remain NA flexible life as lay womfti will enable us t'1 work with II greater number af religious and secular organizations w hie h share our concern for providing social ,services," said MiSlll Cirillo. "Of prime importance to thi!l group is to share our lives witlll others. Since we' are working mainly with people who are not Catholic, we feel that the stefl we are taking will remove all. unnecessary' barrier to our ser­ vice." Under the guidance of the }a~ Father Howard Bishop, a Balti­ more priest woo wasaetive itlll the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, the Glenmary nUM began in 1941 with two mem­ 'bers. Prior 19 the establishment el the Glenmary Sisters, a group .. Glenmary priests and Brothel'll had been founded to work iIn the rural areas of America. By 1952, the Sisters had become ~ officially recognized eommunity with headquarters here. Some 15 Sisters will continue in the Glenmary community 'M it, now functions. Another 2S 'have net yet decided their fut.....



COLLEGEV LLE (NC) - St. .klhn's Uni vel' -ty here in Min­ nesota and t e College f)f St. Benedicl in S~. Joseph have an­ nounced a ne~ cooperative edu­ cational prog am under which 00 per cent of II courses ,offered at the SChOOlfWill be .ElPen te : students of b th schools begin­ ning with the all semester. '. St. John's, dperated by Bene­ dictine prieststl has ] ,300 male : students whil S1. Benedict's; operated by enedictine nuns,' • lias some 600 women students. ~


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Aug. 10, 1967





~a Il1l S

VIENNA (NC}-A Pres­ lWyterian minister told a Catholic audience here in 'West Virginia "there is D, American revolution today Appalachila" whose goal is to lilllake "Appalachians ~ome ac­ il!ve socially and poitttcally:" Giving the keynote address at (Me annual meeting of lawyern oponsored by the Wheeling dio­ <ilese, the Rev. James Somerville, Presbyterian minister and di­ IlIector of community develop­ ment for the West Virginia Mountain Project in Whit.esville, YR. Va., called for action by any 0ne interested in' helping Appa­ nachians achieve their rightful ·lPlace in the mainstream of

.$>.Jnedcan society today.

After citing his various roles llm wOl'king in Appalachia in the lPast few years, Rev. Mr. Somer­ ville outlincd the work of the West Virginia Mountain Project. JH[e said that despite distribution 0f "worlds of clothing, the dis­ ilJribution of food, the relocation 0f miners, cultural trips, Bible GChools, and work projects, the 1l»est venture is the determina­ ~on of these people of their own dlestiny"-a venture in "grass Iroots energy, Sodal Life Changeo Critical of the present struc­ {)mre of the federal welfare pro­ \:;ram, the minister said the wel­ . flare program will be changed by 1lh.e recipient. Welfare programs llIelp people exist; the church Iilelps them grow, he said. The ~urch is innovating changes in nbe social life of the Appala­ e1Aians, he added. lEarlier in the two-day pro­ ~m at St. Joseph's Preparatory l&eminary here Glenmary Sister Monica Kelly, who has worked C:n the Wheeling diocese for the Il:3st nine years, said progress means "bringing people together, enabling them to communicate 'lII'itb one another." All Phases Sister Monica said it is "bard I» motivate for change, and "rograms have to be built upon llbe values, strengths and needs ~ the people themselves." . The answer to the problems <l:ncountered by the Appala­ <ehians has to encompass an llthases--unemployment, religion, <iducation and migration. .. " "Since 1940," Sister Monica . .ntinued, "two million Appala­ ehians have migrated to the North. Given the opportuni.ty to lYork, they will do so." Sister Monica said the word missionary "means to me to help geOpie become human." "The poor people accept us as tbriends," she added. "It ill the middle class that gives the Sis­ ~rs trouble." Sister Monica is one of the 50 <Glenmary Sisters working main­ !W in the Appalachia area who preparing to leave the com­ I:I1ilunitsr to establish II lay ~roup. ~w


lP;ck Lay Advis@Cl' T @ A[f4.':hd~@ce$@ JERSEY CITY (NC) - Ap­ J)Klintment of a qualified lay per­ Cl>1ll as advisor to the Newark archdiocese Olll government lliousing programs was recom­ mended here by the Jersey City <C:ommittee of Priests, an organ­ rEation (/llf( priests servin(g bl·@r.e Gilty-. Severs! BfOtllps oil priesW m . ~




~yin~ the possibmty cl ~ ~ring housIng full' low-mCOlllllie

iZomm!lies. ArchbishoJl) Tbommo A.

Imoland @f Newartl: t1llllthoril7.e4ll L!ll>nnatlon of tI speciol oommiUee ~ study the problem in tbm @ity and Is servnne 00 ~ Qi the gro\W


C Y $ihrNrrm

MEXICO CITY (N:C)-Arch~ bishop Miguel Mi randa y Gomez of Mexico City has banned the long established custom of cele­ brating two or more Masses simultaneously in the same church. The new rule is part of a set of instructions given by the archbishop following thE' May rulings of the Vatican's Congre­ gation of Rites on the liturgy. The instructions stress the need for intensive teaching on the Eucharist as the center of Christian worship and living, both in personal and community life. "All distraction from this centralizing ideal must be avoid­ ed, such as the practice of cele­ brating two Masses at the same time under the same roof," the instructions said. The archbishop also cautioned against the use of radio and tel­ evision equipment in church.



AT CARDINAL'S lHIOlWJE: Rosalind Russell meebs Mother Simplicia, super.ior of St. Mary's Home, Ambler, Pa., at the. home of John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia. Miss Russell's role in the film, "Where Angels Go . . . Trouble Follows," is modeled on the work of Mother Simplicia, and much of the filming is being done at the institution, NC Photo, .

1?hil,~u:fle~iphia Cardinal Hosts Movie Cast HoUywood Group Using Ambler Convent for Set PHILADELPHIA (NC) - ][t isn't necessarily so that "Where Angels Go-Trouble Follows." Philadelphia's John Cardinllli Krol will attest to that. In short, the Cardinal had <ll ball entertainirig 10 members 00 the Columbia Pictures Corp, which is shooting "Where An­ gels Go-Trouble Follows" here. The film group included Ros8l­ lind . Russell and her husband Frederick Bt:issOll1, theatriClll1 producer; William Frye and James Wharton, producers; StelUa Stevens, Mary Wickell,


Binnie Barnes, Susan Saint James and Barbara Hunter and Sam Leavitt, cinematographer. 'People Like YoulI'Selves" They came for Mass and breakfast with the Cardinal. Be­ fore the Mass, Cardinal Kro!

Majormty Favors Liturgy Reforms

MUNICH (NC) -The over­ whelming majority ()f the faitb­ ful throughout the world has ac­ cepted the liturgical reforms de­ creed by the Second Vatican CGlmcil, a German moral theolo­ Promote Autonomif giaa said here in l1R article re­ MEXICO CITY (NC) - Latm porting on international "tradi­ American universities we Y' e tionalist" activities. called upon by delegates flo a Father Hans Bernhard Meyer, seminar here to lead in the tasls:: S.J., in an article ill the Jesuit of promoting "cultural auton­ monthly, Stimmen del' Zeit, said omy" thlI'oughout t!lle continetitit traditionalists represent a very as !1 mealllB of eombatting (i!(»­ small minority in the Church. nomic and social underdevelop­ He decl~d that only those ment. 1IlIlfamiliar witlll liturgical! his­ The seminar was sponsored! by tory and unconcerned about the the Latin American secretariat needs of the Church as a whole of the students' bi'anch (MliCS) oppose revisions m mattell'li of of Pax Romana, Dnternationlllll ilorm. CatUlolic organization of stucl\eIDltm "The word of GOO is addressed and intellectuals. The student delegates, Jlromm. t1» all mankind &nd. must be 1tS Latin Americl1llll. countriea, understood by all," Father Meyer wrote. "A message has no pledged their support for devel­ opment efforts, but voiced fr.mk lllleaning if it is not understood. J:i:veryone should know what he criticism of government, rell!­ gious and university leadero iml ib praying. The Church doer.l llIlot have ~ teach a secret doc­ the area of development. kine, but must preach the Ce&­ A seminar statement said ~ pel ~ the whole world." !llJre victims of cultural, economic

Father Meyer added that it ilJ

and social imperialism. We must overcome this il:. ordeI!' ~ "in keepIng with God's will that

the Church, too, submit to

achieve freedom in other 1'0­ change" and that "if this in­

spects," the statement added. volves breaks and crises they

should be recognized as oppor­ [Fo@l}ufr ~@d@~ ~o@~ tunities for the Church to be­ MADISON (NC) - Auxillillll1Y come more spotless.'" Bishop Jerome J. Hastrich, W'g­ ing Wisconsin priests to work ~ reduce racial cl\iscriminatiCJ)llI, £l&id "there are I) lot of restleso youang people fun Madison ~I'm$ OlNllE $Tr©1P . Blll'Ia IIllssalisfied wi~ the JImlS­ .• SIHOI?I?HNG .rc1C1NI1i'IE1RI . ~ of not being able ~ lliWIE

m rome of the bomes in MlIldJj­ '@ ieievi51i@liU ~ GrCte·U17·

J[ ~ould. twnk that ~ ~

~ Appliantell ® lFiUrni~uro flllte 1110,OOC people im Madlioo:m, nM ·Allen St., lNIew liedford

somiCl wOllllld want to ri&e ~ OJlllJtll IJUnppori ~ colored who MlC

997-9354 (Jgydnlla C:1'> il!Dpr0vc tllhemooAwGS."

Urges Universities

(OR.RE~~~ ~~M~

said: "lin deference to those not of the Catholic faith, we will eliminate one of the trademarks of the Catholic Sunday service­ the collection." The film is a comedy about nuns. Two nuns from St. Mary's Home in suburban Ambler, where the movie is being shot, were present for the Mass. "Sisters al'e young women who eaver themselves with anonym­ ity in the service of God ­ women who look for glory only beyond the grave," the Cardinal ~ld his guests. "Who are they? They are my sister, somebody's daughter, somebody's else's friend-people like yourselves. But through the .work ithey do, saints are produced. We are the bene­ ficiariell of those angels wh~ )"ou portray." the Cardinal added.

Coulllld~ (t@ DD$eM$~ RegDg~<OlMS IEdOll~(QJlro~n PITTSBURGH (NC) - ReU~ gious education and the diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine program will be the chief topics of discussion at the second meeting of the Pittsburgh Pastoral Council. Bishop John J. Wright of PittsbUl'gh. has announced that the meeting will be held Dec. 1 through 3. Organized by Bishop Wright for "consultation and advice," the Pastoral Council is composed of Religious, priests and lay per­ sons with two-thirds of the mem­ bers elected and one-third ap­ pointed by the bishop.




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VIWml? ~OV~~




Fan Rhier....:Th,urs.



10, 1961

Nervousness -and Holiness It is commonplace now 'to read articles scoring the eompJ.acency of Catholics and urging them to get involved. 80 f'ar 80 good. But what is disturbing is W detect in all too many such' articles, soine even written by priests,. a DOte of panic, a suggestion of hysteria, a nervousness,. a . ery to immediate and frenzied ac~ivity as if activity were the whole solutioil to every problem. d One such· statement, for example, 'a remark made by a prie8't to several hundred yooung adults, said, that the only way oneoo.n love God is through his neighbor, that one must be calted a fool, a fanatic,' a rabble-rouser, a rebel, a radical to be a true Ohristian.·. . Making all due allowances for a language that appeals to the young, these statements still. contain too much ,C)f the "explosive activity kick" to be acceptable as a way C)f life for the Christian. The first duty of the Christian i6 1;0 love God.· If he ·loves God then in God he will love all those whom God lias created and will seek to serve these f9r the· love of God. If this must be done in activity, then let it' 80 be done, but the activity must alwaye be an outgrowth· and an overflow of contemplation, of prayer. Activity can easily tmbstitute for prayer and then it is on tepuous ground. It is far easier. to visit a slum andery for reform than it is to first spend a holy hour in Church and then visit the same slum. It is far more pleasant to capture head­ ·lines and television coverage by marching in the streets than it is to work prayerfully and quietly in a hospital or classroom or school making all people aware of their re­ sponsibilities for one another. .' Activity there must be. Marching in the streets is sometimes the only way to· call needed attention to, and support for, a worthy cauoSe. But the motivating force must not be nerVous energy, activity for the sake of ae­ · tivity, but activity that flows from inner spiritual strength. All great movements in the Church have been the ; results not of activity that all too often indicates an in­ security and a desire to "jmtt do somethig," but activity that is the result of careful consideration, of prayer, of God-directed wisdom. ' It would be a shame and a disservice if the renewal called for by Vatican II were to become in the mouths. of men a cry ·to just do something, a nervous, energy kick, an explosion in religion. :Rather it is a cry for deeper spirituality, for holiness, for then the depths of spirituality will give rise to love of neighbor flowing from the love of

. .


A City Is People The urban f'ace of America i'8 rapidly changing. The eities of the East especially are undergoing the sufferings attendant upon old age, slum. conditio~, death and'rebuild­ ing and the phrase urban renewal is one that we have been living with and will live with for a long time to come. It is an exciting period although also a frustrating one as city scenes change almost daily and traffic patterns vary from · morning to afternoon with bulldozers and concrete mixers going about their respective jobs of destruction and J'le­ building. ' In all this concern for buildings and houses and roads, there must be even more concern for people. Bec'ause every ehange in a physical make-up of a city means change for people. This is no time for the feelings and sensitivities of · people to be disregarded. Explanations of what is being done, a picture of the future that is being built, the easiest possible transitions for those who are old or poor -:- all these are the human elements in urban renewal that must be given top priority. . A city, after all, is not buildings: A city is people.

PITTSBURGH (NC) Catholic, Protestant a Jl d Jewish leadeN in the Pitts­ burgh'-area' apparently have committed themselves to a pro­ gram designed to encourage em­ ployment on II nondiscrimina­ tory basis. No officlal annoWlcement .. any partic.ular program has beea . made. But Bishop John J. Wright ar Pittsburgh has annoWlced that "the leaders of the Protestant and Jewish clergy who have been working on an ecumenical project to· help meet the pro~ lern . Of unemployment and oil equal employment opportunitY among' minority groups, partic~ larly Negroes in the Pittsburgh ·area, have been invited to be. OIl the piatform of tbe Civic Arena at the annual Labor Day Mass." Spokesmen· for more than 16 religious groups in the commu­ nity have been taking part in meetings, the announcement stated, and their report will be given on Labor Day. Bishop Wright will celebrate the Mass, and the diocesan Laboi' ~@[p)® ~@M~ ~@}f~ ce@l1OIJl)~D~ Day Award will be presented W A. Philip Randolph, international ~@11OIJl)@®[]' ~D®fr}f lJ@w@[]'@] @[]'}f president of the Brotherhood of VATICAN CITY (NC) -Al- among Christian people Sleeping Car Porters. though the ecumenical council throughout istory, tqe Pope Bishop Wright revealed that did not propose new doctrines said he hope its labors would a meeting of Pittsburgh-area re­ concerning Our Lady, Pope Paul "enrich not 0 ly those who are ligious leaders had been held at VI said, it provided new indicastrictly speak ng theologians but his home. The meeting, he said, tions for a "sounder.and health- also the Ch isthm faithful in had been called by an ad hoc ier Christian piety toward the general, who turn their 'gaze co.mmittee composed of Dr. Rob­ Mother of God." toward the neavenly Queen of ert L. Kincheloe, executive' di­ It also opened new paths to· a Fatima as to·la beacon of light rector of the Pittsburgh Coun­ "profounder theological study," and a pledge of better times to cil of Churches, Vigdor W, Ka­ he told theologians gathered for come, in whi h true peace and valer, of the Jewish Community the fifth International Mario- fraternal conJ1ord among peoples Relations Council, and Bishop logical Congress in Lisbon. will be realiz d." Wright. His remarks were contained

Project 'EquaUt)' in a Latin message to the con. No specific program of com­ gress read by Manuel Cardinal IS bating racial discrimination in 'Goncalves Cerejeira of Lisbon. It continUed~from Page qne ' employment was announced. But was dated from Rome July 16 family to the attention and as­ it is known ,that "Project Equal­ and intended as well for the 12th sistance of t eir clergyman. ity," a program sponsored by the International Marian Congress The group has also introduced National Catholic Conference for scheduled for Fatima, Portugal, a blood donQr program under Interracial Justice, was exam­ Aug. 9-13. which donati,?ns may be made ined and discussed in depth. · The document notes that "al- at any hOSPirtal designated .by Under this multi-phase pro­ though it refrained from estab- the donor. , lishing any new basis of Marian A list of g idelines has been gram, the purchasing power doctrine, the (Second Vatican) prepared for workers to help of religious institutions is used Council nevertheless made such them become familiar with the to encourage nondiscriminatory hiring policies on .the part of excellent and clear statements type of prob em they may ex­ construction com­ concerning the Most Blessed pect· to meet. The members are suppliers, Virgin Mary that we can say it serving' on a otating basis, and panies, unions, etc. '.I,'he diocese's participation in has opened. new avenues of ap- it is expected the requests com­ ecumenically organized proach both for a profounder ing in will be· more for everyday "an theological study and for the needs, . than atters of life or form of Project Equality" was recommended to Bishop Wright promotion .of a sounder and death: by unanimous vote of the dele­ healthier Christian piety toward A phone se vice has been en­ the Mother 9f God." .gaged to hanle calls, which are gates to the first session of the Pastoral Council. . Realize True Peaee then forward d to· the member on duty. . , . Such participation had been The Pope praised the theme of Financial ai for The Fish has previously recommended to the the Mariological Congress· which been received through the kind­ bishop by the .diocesan huinan · was to examine the origins. of . ness of some ln the form of do- relations commission. Marian devotion in the first cen- nations. . turies of the Church. HI am conf dent we will be Add · "With the study of all the provided withl the means neces­ eSUJut to reS!

In{)nuroents of Christian anti- sary to do out work," Mr.. Per­ Theatre COl1lferen""e

'quity," the document said,- "that.. rault said. admiraple harmony of praises How do m mbers find ,time NEW YORK (NC) - Some ·given in every age to the Virgin to be "Fisher" at any hour of 1;500 delegates from school and Mother of God will !Del more the day? Mr. Perrault's answer 'community theatres throughout clearly understood-a harmony is that be. w rks nights. What the country are expected to' at.­ · hushed, in its beginnings bat about sleep, e was' asked. "I tend the 18th National Catholk gro~ing in clarity and sublimity think this isl sometim·es more Theatre Conference here, Aug. as tIme went on so that now we important," h said quietly. 18 through 23. ' hear 'as it were a voice. of. a "The one t'ing we wish to The keynote address wili be great crowd, and as a vo~ce of increase is 0 r membership, to delivered by Father David Bow­ m~ny waters, an~ as a vOIce ~ bring our nu ber to about 30. man, S.J., of the Faith and Ordet> mIghty thunders (Rev. 19, 6). This way, ea h person will be Commission' of the National Noting· that the Fatima con';' called upon serve only once Council of Churches. ' gress would discuss Mary's role per month." Presented the conference"lB A flyer pu licizing The Fish highest honor - the Dinee& throughout A~tleboro, listing its Award in memory of the conte!'­ Newman ApostoUatl'e services and how to obtain them ence's co-founder, Father George WASHINGTON (NC) - The was recently ~istributed. It in- Dineen-will be Roger L. Ste­ N.ational Newman Apostolate vites people ·01' any faith to eall vens of the National Council _ headquarters here will sponsor if i'n need and stresses that there Arts, and Humanities. OtbeIW · a regional conference on, the is no charge f r services. In part. honored will be Mr. and Mrs. JL university and world change, it states:·"Wje are untrained,. Martin Brown of London, Eng.. . Sept. 1 to 8, at the University of ordinary peop.le, who will. Vy' for religious drama, !lIld, FJ:eli · Notre Dame.· Focus ·of the con­ to be a goodl'neighbor to you.. Zinnemann, pr9ducer-director." ference will··be ·~'The UniversiQ-, What we do;'-+e do in the' name ~ ".A M!ln f~r All Seasons."" Development and Peace." ~ Jesus Cblist." , , ' .... ' . - reliiious filmillMo' '. _,' .

Att Ie boro OF- h'

t .




Press of the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151




Most Rev. James .L Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER It. Rev. Daniel F. Sholloo, M.A. Rev: John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR: , - Hugh J. GoldeR '

,," ":Interfaith. Effort. .for Employme,,~ .On Fair Basis '




BaltimOre ,: Commission



'Thun;.. Aug. Ul, ] 961

Prog'raM: l·to QuellR.Qce Riots BAvrlMORE (~C)':-The Bal-"We'tmderstand." it said, "that timore Archdiocesan Urban this long series of these repeated (Commission' a' statement here violences '<can certainly lead men <ieplored the rioting in. .American into the temptation and the com­ cities, but deplored "equally all mission of revolution. These vi­ much the subtle' but more vi- olences engender despair, hope­ c.:ious forms of violence in the lessness, frustration and reduce ahettos and the slums." man to the brute state where he' The statement listed's seven- acts ilrith the ferocity of an Gtep "practical pt'ograrn of im- animal. mediate action." The <commission urged the fol­ The commission's statement lowing seven-step program: . was aimed particularly at the "1) We' must be willing to recent violence in Cambridge, listen to the oppressed people · Md. It·was signed. bll Charles G. in the citr and learn, first hand. · 'll'ildon, chairman and Father from t;bem. their real needs., , I 'l!Iem'y J. Offer, S,SJ" director, "2) We'demand that all cease of the commissi@n. , . making CI! political "issue Otll~ of I".. At the' same .timel' the archdi- a national t~llgedy. '0Cesan Holy Name Society dis'''3) pl~ad fora massive

." elosed plans to .. send clothing, program 6f education through ... furniture, i;ood land I other' aid· to all the news media, radio' and, · some 40 families who . lost their' television, the sChool' and .the· ,',homes in the, Cambridge fire pulpit to form a right conscience. ·!lJombings. Action by. the two 'archdioc'. "4) Jlfe appeal to government ~ enforce, present laws, to en­ esan groups <came after Law­ !renee Cardinal ShetJ,an of Bal- act ,new legislation where need­ ed, particulal;ly in the area 'of liimore, in a m~.lIsage to all pas- housing and employment, with tors, directed that special pray- pa rt'ICU1 ar urgency we ask th e ers be said at all Sunday Massea Congress to restore the fundls fur the intention of racial peace. prevIOus . 1y <CtIlt "..rom the an t'l­ In addition to the action by poverty budget. 15he Catholic groups, the Inter- <denominational Ministerial Allltads0 AUlotmellts !lance, a body of some 115 Prot"5) In particular, we call upOIZil estant and Catholic inner city federal, state and city depart­ oongregations, also issued a ments of public welfare to raisra atatement appealing for a re- their welfare allotments- to meet dress of grievances "through needs; to allow welfare recipinon-violent methods." ents to keep some earned money Repea~ VooBences and to consider changing the The urban commission's state- rules about the presence of III ment condemned particularly man in a welfare home which csthe violence of those who prac- DOW encourage desertion. tlce discrimination and segrega"S) We call upon the Catholie tion and refuse to accept a per- colleges of our area to commence oon for what he is without intensive study of a family 31thought of race or skin color." Iowanee' plan. "It scored "the violence of real "7) Above all, we call upon castate dealers who make profits 'all., especially Catholics, 'to· in­ from the prejudice of people; tensely examine their ideas, at­ the violence of money lenders titudes and assumptions, and to . who prey upon the poor; the vi- vigorously cleanse them of all olence that crel'lps into a- judicial taint of the evil error of racism. system and permits a double We can only hope to put an end standard of justice; the violence to the riots and the fear of riots , of the slumlords who charge un- in our cities, when we put an 'just rents for inadequate hous- end to the violence that racism mg; the violence of labor unions does ,to the human person." who restrict the fruits of their Bains on the basis',of race.

Crown Stolen "­ From Statue'



lEU1Igellullerr IIJ)esJPlanr

Also, the violence of unjust blring practices Which permit groups to be the last hired and first fired and often a double otandard of wages; the violence @f educators whose inadequate program for the inner city chil­ <!iren fosters ignorance rather 1Ulan enlightenment; the violence etf legislators who refuse to give Jleadership in passing laws that guarantee full freedom to all people; the violence done to truth, to humanity, and ~ Christ by the continued retention of racist ideas, attitudes and actions Tty some Americans." '

u. S. mn


Benedictines Brazii. !PlI'ison I

~<dhl0$@0'~ ~<dJM«:@frO@1iil ~@©l0'<dl Oliil


LAFAYETTE (NC) -An ad­ visory board to provide first­ hand information from diocesan schools to the Department of Education has been organized by the superintendent of schools


Diocese here in

Nine board members include Religious and lay teachers and principals and represent every area of the diocese. "I believe in the competence and good·' judgment of the principals of our schools," Msgr. Richam . Mouton said. "They have many years of first-hand

JERUSALEM (NC)---Je~a­ lem police reported that "a bO;if or very small man" slipped into the Church of the Holy Sepul­ chre, one of Christianity's mo~ sacred shrines, to steal a jewel­ studded halo and platinllllt ear­ rings from a statue of the Blessed Mother. Neither police nor church of­ ficials could estimate the value of the stolen jewelry: among the thousands of. precious and his­ toric gifts made to the' ancien~ church.

According to Israeli poUce• .the thief entered the church· through II narrow ,slot in among the scaffolding that has filled parts of the shrine' for years. 'The thieves forced apart the molding on the glaBs case holding the statue, and removed the j~wel1J while a Moslem guard slept below, Although police believe the job was done by local criminalB familiar with the neighborhood. the church and the schedule 02 IN VINH SAN, VIETNAM: Meeting in front of St. religious services, they absolved Vincent de Paul church are, left to right: Father (Major) the Moslem guard and workmen Stephan Wagman, O.S.B., from St. John's Abbey, College­ involved in restoration from any ville, Minn., who, is Artillery chaplain of the U.S. First complicity. Presence in tbe shrine I)f (l Infantry Division; Father James Le duc 1'rung local pastor; Moslem guard highligb~ the and Oapt. Lincoln H. Adams, Jr., of Penacook, N.H., civic eomplell: arrangements worked action officer of the 520th Trans.portation Battalion at near­ out by Christian leadel'll to care !for the shrine. In an administra­ by Phu Loi airfield. Ne Photo. tion that has frequently been marked by bitterness and even open combat, Roman CathoUc, Greek: Orthodox, Armenian and Coptic authorities carry on the material' and spiritual upkee9 of !PlI'mest's on Race the basilica. Appointment of the Moslem 20·~t guard, the only m.an acceptable CINCINNATI (NC) - As , the Father Vallquetie :later to]d to all the shrine authorities, ig last fires died out in riot-torn about it:

8Ill indication of the necessary Detroit, President ,Lyndon B. "One woman stood up during compromises that have' made re­ Johnson proclaimed the follow- the sermon and said this was a cent discussion of the new statuo ing Sunday a day of prayer for political matter and she didn't of Jerusalem under Israeli rule racial harmony and urban peace. come to the church to hear such so complicated. Not long afterward,. Arch- talk. I sai.d that if the Church bishop Karl J. Alter of Cincin- does not speak out now, we may nati directed his priests to preach as well fold up. About five per­ @[%uD~s) on racial justice at all Masses in sons stood up and tried to in­ the archdiocese that day. volve me in an argument. One So 29-year-old Father Hilaire called me a troublemaker. Then C9'[}O@U'@ S)QD~~D)J Valiquette, '8n assistant at SL they all walked out. Martin's parish in suburban "From what I've seen. it ~~§ AAA~1!\'l ~1l'~[E[F[1' Cheviot, did. makes me ashamed that my skilIll 1Fb\ILAAOIlJl1JIH-54~- ~ ~TI ® Twenty white parishionero is white." walked out. Cincinnati has been struck by AIRMAINJIOl OlitlJ"DINJS, 1P1l'@~. racial violence twice this Sum­ mer.

Parishioners Walk Out Sell'mon JustBce Sunday Mass

Canod;ara$ IPBOlJ!llJllDlJIlg Abortion COtL!lnd~

OTTAWA (NC) -A national! conference on abortion will be

held here Nov. 7-8 under' the! auspices of the Association for

the Modernization of· Canadiaa Abortion Laws. ' The meeting-to which reU­ gious and governm~~ repre­

sentatives have been invited, as wen as those who seek more experience In education and relaxed abortion la~~ _ will

come into daily contact with the focus' on· two topics; 'accordin"

problems and difficulties in edu.. to president Mrs. Lore ~errolll: .. cating Johri arid Mary. ,the need for abortion law reform "The ~uperintende~t, on the" .and means to cut the., rate of other ha~d," he continued, "is ,~!l~gal abortions. . ." . somewhat c.ut ~ff from the mainT.he Canadian depa~tment of ~trea~ and might get caught UJ!) health and welfare earljer this

m an IVOry _tower. Hence I have, year. appointed a commisi()n to

asked several of our school per- study proposals to relax the as­

sonnel to serve as advisors on tion's abortion laws. matters which concern education in the diocese."

SAO PAULO (NC)-Two U. S. · Benedictine priests ·are being held in a Sao Paulo .prison fol'. ]lowing their aq'est fo.r permit­ ·ting students to use a. Benedic­ tine-owned retreat house for their annual meetipg. Nine, other priests arrested' with the two Americans have been released. The Benedictines have been " accused by Sao Paulo' police of Violating the national security !aws, since the students taking U part in the meeting were not CARACAS (NC)-The centu­ COo affiliated with a government- ries-ol<ll Caracas cathedral shows approved student body. atructUl'al' darriage after the According to 'the imprisoned earthquake that rocked' this · priests, Father LeO Rotittauff Venezuelan city leaving 11 toll St. Vincen'l's .Abbey, La- of 300 dead and 100,000 'home­ . h'obe Pa., prior of the' Sao Paulo less. Church' groups have joined 365 NORTH FRONT .STRIEET ;'lllouse, and Fafh'e'r 'Terence E.efforts by the Red Cross and.' NEW BEDFORD .1. ' Hill of California,' they let' the . workerS' brigades to bring relief" ;';" ", , .' Iituden ts use tpe' house' only OIl . to the' victims. The list· o( . in- ., ",' '992-5534 , , 3he conditiorl thai" it be' used for":' jured' timl:HmtG to", m~re ,',t.,haa'·: fil)iritual pur!)()*,'l' .... ' 2,000. ~1lOtK)C)CGl)()ii.):'·Q:··;O'Q'' (j';It'.l",~.'~''~'''K':'M'!;M";M:~

Cathed':-al Damaged





Heating' and Burne'rs.,













,i = ==



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iiillllllllllllllllllllllillillililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllIIIlI!lIIl1l1l1l11ll11l11l11l1l11i11l1l1l1lllRlllllllllllliIIltlill!!!ii III ..











993-7!8G ..1111


Asks Dismissal

Of Stamp Suit

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Aug. 10, 1967

Crabfeast Part, of Summer "For Columnist's Family

WASHINGTON (NC) - Dis­ missal of a suit seeking to halt production of the 1967 Christmas postage stamp depicting Haml Memling's painting "Madonna and Child with Angels" has been asked in U. S. District Couri here by the \7.5. Department 8l£ , .Justice.,'

By Mary Tinley Daly

A funny eouplet by the 19th century writer John Bay is' a favorite quOte of the Head of the House: "There are ihreespecies of creatur.es who when they seem co~ing are ~ing.. When they seem going, they come: diplomats, women and crabs." Well, the'quoter the bottom,' now ' we've gradu­ , may not be able to under-\ ated to a real steamer. lltand the ways of ejther dipIn 15 or 20 minutes crab shells' lomats or women, but when have turned red; Comes cooling 'it comes to those stalk:'cyed ,erustaceans of the salty seas, be ill ,right there with expertise born of 'early exposure and f 0 s t ere d by many summers

of pra~tice. A

Summer' with­ out a crabfeast

at our houli e is like a Winter without a snow; not nat u r a 1. W hen the Church ban on eating meat on. Fridays was lifted some months ago, our cra1?-addicted family wondered aloud if anybody would be heretical enough to ban the Friday crabfeasts which have become part of our Sum­ mer living. Not so; 'twould be penance in reverse. For the usual marketer, cook and cleaner-upper, these fre­ quent Friday crabfeasts provide Ilhort bilt welcome respites from eulinary duties, proof of the paraphrase, "Where, ignorance, is hliss 'tis folly to be wise."

. The suit was instituted ,~ Protestarits anirOther AiDen-' cans United' for Separation' of Church and State (POAU); eo~ tending prOduction the stamp involves spending public fundi! in an unconstitutionai manner.


off proceSs for crabs, kitchen and those on K.P. duty. Real reward 'comes as evening descends and by some Indian tom~tom method (we've never • figured out how) various fam­ ilies descend also, bringing with' them that indispensable accom­ paniment-cold beer.

Spread' Newspapers

My sole function is the lazy woman's task of spreading news­ papers, lots of papers, over the table in the backyard or on the 'side porch, providing hammers for claw cracking, trotting out potato chips, various kinds of' crackers, perhaps sliced toma­ toes, carrot strips, sweet Spanish onion and a dish of vinegar-salt­ 'pepper for dipping. From then on, it's every man for himself, every woman for herself, the little kids coming around for carefully picked-out morsels of' backfin white meat. Every now and then we have an uninitiated-to-crabs guest who has to learn the fine art of getting that succulent meat, dis­ carding the "devilfinger~," twist­ ing off claws and legs. ,"Watch Mom," Ginny said at the last crabfeast. "She does pretty well when it comes 10 eating the things--pretty well for a Westerner." Better watch it, that igno­ rance-is-bliss. alibi may not last much longer!

The Post Office Department already has produced more thlUl 650 million of the stamps, ball plans for some 60 million more, and has scheduled start of salec for Nov. 6. The Justice Department's dis­ missal petition said if an injunc­ tion'is granted, the stamp would not be ready for the Christmas season even if the governmeni eventually won the case.



C~nB~Ctll IFnB~Il)S· TRUSTS' PE~S~[JlfljS· [Jl~GANllATIONS


£1\ of ]zmnary 1st ATTLEBOIW AREA PROJECT: , e ' of the many facets of the Ecumenical Project known "Fish" is child­ care as exemplified here by Nancy Tho as, a senior at Bishop Feehan High, caring· for Jill Cam ridge, front, and Lorrie Salois, rear. Story on page one.




"Coming from the West, I Iion't know a single thing about IIelecting good crabs or cooldng them,", is my reiterated pitch when a feast is in the offing. Seems as though if you repeat your, stand often enough, it's taken for gospel. At least, no­ body has ever challenged me on the fact that I've been in on Priests, loymen Study

As my husband watched me enough of these crab cook-ups rush around the kitchen beating 10 that anybody with any ele­ Experimental Parish

egg whites, boiling water for ment of sense would have picked PUEBLO (NC)-.Some 'Pueblo tea and pouring honey from the up the rudimentary skills re­ bottle irito a mixing bowl, he diocesan priests and laymen met Quired. . her~ to explore the possibility, remarked that he had thought However, when you've got II of a new kind of Catholic parish we had made ~od thing going for you, keep -one without fixed boundaries. ' plans to go out her roliing, that's my moito. As . The Colorado laymen propose ' to dinner that

evening. ,What

'Aesop' says, "Any excuse will to form a local group without he didn't real­ eerve a tyrant." rea] estate or boundaries, and So, of a sweltering Friday aft­ ,to ),ave a priest nominated by' ize was that I

ernoon, while I ·take a nap in t.he group and approved by the was preparing

,air-conditioned comfort, crab­ bishop, to act as spiritual admin­ . food to feed my skin, not my knowledgeable Head Of the istrator. House and his progeny drive to Their plans include Christian tummy. I had j.u s t finished' the hot wharf and hand-pic~ the, education for themselves and rea din g the evening1s treats: heavy, male their children in the group's ac­ erabs with plenty of liveliness tivities. Experimental parishes ,b 0 0 k Natural Beauty Secrets in their squirming blue legs and of this type exist in other dio­ . by Deborah Rutledge and could ceses. claws. not wait to try' out all my new­ Back to that hot kitchen where found knowledge . Suddenly my the experts begin the steaming: boiling water, vinegar, cayenne Name NewOrl~ans Nun kitchen cabinets housed a whole untapped store Of beauty aids pepper, crabs. In years gone, we in the form of natural foods. used a big tub with bricks in Supervisor of Schools About five minutes later when NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Sister Joe walked' into our bedroom Rose Mary Williams, O. Carro., has been appointed supervisor in and found me reclining, feet Council of Churches

the New Orleans archdiocesan raised, e~1es covered with soggy Gets Ford Gra nt

teabags, face hidden beneath a office of Education" it was an­ NEW YORK, (NC)-The Na­ nounced by Msgr. Henry C. pore-tightening egg white and ,honey mask,' he did a double Bezou, superintendent. tional Council of Churches has Sister Rose Mary is a native take. Needless to say, our dinner received a $108,000 grant from the Ford Foundation for use in 'of New Orleans and Ii graduate table conversation that evening aiding predominantly Negro of Mt. Carmel Academy here. didn't lag for want of interesting church-related colleges to create She took her undergraduate and topics as he conveyed to our friends the fact that his wife had more efficient educational enter­ graduate degrees at Loyola Uni­ prises through a variety of co­ versity. During ,her 26 years as finally "flipped her 'lid" in the quest for eternal youth. operative projects. a teacher, she has been princi­ My new interest in recipes for The grant, awarded to NCC's pal of St. Louis King of France newly created United Board for School, Metairie, and'St. Joseph beauty rather than' hunger. was the Worker School, Marrero. aroused after' browsing through College Development, is part of Miss Rutledge's book, brimful of $1.1 million provided for a num­ A past member of the Govern­ 1ger of similar projects to meet or's Curriculum Advisory Coun­ beauty tips. Mast of the recipes specific needs of predominantly cil, Sister Rose Mary also served that she gives originated in an' era when' women h'ad to shop' Negro colleges in the South. as the liaison between the office of education and the Touro in the apothecary and grocery The NCC grant" spread over a two-and-a-half year period, will Community Mental Health Cen­ stores for their beauty prepara­ benefit some 60 ~olJeges related ter, coordina,ting in-service pro­ tions. to religious bodies affiliated grams for principals and teach­ The delightful anecdotes that'. with· Nee;"" ... : ers of the area she injects between the recipes



ell! ~N1\fESTMENT

are charmi g if improbable, such as the one about the. bar­ oness at the court of ,King Louis Philippe whp lived entirely, on oranges for \40 years (certainly a long terrq record for crash • $1000 Multiples, held for diets). Further, Miss Rutledge Six Months or Longer reports (Wi} tongue in cheek, • Dividends paid twice yearl.... I imagine) that the baroness /I' lived to the ripe old age of 84 • No Notice Required for sporting the flashing eyes and ' Withdrawal ' fresh skin of a young girl. ' . Dividends not subject to, ,AI ond Meal

Mass. Income Tax . Many of h~r recipes are more

practical tHan the baroness'

orange qiet'IFor. example, she

urges the us of raw oatmeal as

a cleansin, pore-shrinking mask. One of her formulas mixes ~~Wl the oatmeal with buttermilk, another with cucumber juice but she does state that it is qUi~ beneficial jut mixed with plain water. . , Another ,M al that she recom­ mends for la facial mask is almond meal, obtainable at :Il drug store. rrhis sounds quite practic<ll if y u take into account the mouth- uc~ering trait of almonds. Jus think of the won­ You may save any amount, ders it coul do for enlarged, any time when you have '0 pores and sa gin'g skin, probaoly Regular Savings Account. Olda pull them all together. Fashioned Pass Book fle.xibility. If you thin home beauty aids are just fo the peons, Miss SAVE BY MAIL Rutledge re eals that such so­ We provide Postage-Paid enveQ.. phisticates s Betty Furness, Marlene Di trich, and. Joan opes for convenience. Specify Crawford p mper their com- type of account. plexions wit home care. Miss Furness uses shortening to re­ move her makeup, Marlene keeps per outhful looks by massaging h r skin with pure lanolin and' Miss Crawford' is also reporte to keep trim and slim by dow ing a jigger of ap­ pIe cider vi egar before each 149 B.A. R. II1glnIl;j] meal. After e<lding this Holly- tRorth MaIn Street ' •. F9MEA~ET. • wood tip" !h1ose .?ranges, so~d ,~AL""'V'R,

a lot more'appealingl' ' . ' , . '• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •





De~~[}uQ'naOm$' '~~rd to Ra~se [ES1lDi[ w~rrw




Illi,r J~e]l»ll1 alllJ.lIll lWaJranylllJ. JRoIIllericlJr Way back' when I' first started teaching anCl could afford the luxury ()f taking a. Summer off (this was before Marilyn and the children), I took upon myself ifue task of helping my father with the garden. We had rather a large garden which wasdifficllllt' M maintain and at tl·mes·:"\' ~ance thrown in for good meas­ n. ure. Those of us with small took· on rather a wild aspect children find it hard to reconcile if rom neglect. Perennials· romances and picnics, because in 'Would seed themselves and come

our case the jug of wine prob­ ably is a jug of pre-sweetened ilhapha~r(i fashion: '. ,. you know what and the loaf of Among these PElf¢,~n~a~s, t~~.re,· 'bread turns out to be hamburg­ 'Was one that I considered JJgly ers. No matter, a picnic for even' ToeydiJd endurance,' and thi'swatl the P.T.A. generation, can still flhe 'delphinium. ' These ''Would be fun and a good way to enjoy appe'a'r year after' 'year looking: the world of sun and sky. more 'and mote" disteputable' Budgetwise, there is no better with' each new' seasoh.. ·.So one' ,way to enjoy a' family outing day, much to my father's con- and get away as cheaply as pos­ aternation, I took a grub hoe sible. Buying even' the cheapest snd pulled out every one in items on a menu can put a deep oight. dent in your finances if you have Now, I have nothing against 1Il few youngsters in tow. The delphiniums. in fact, I have other week I mentioned that we ~rled unsuccessfully to grow had enjoyed a Newport Folk them ever since in order to show Festival session but what I failed my father what truly beautiful to mention was that because I delphiniums look like. This year, hadn't had the forethought to 1I am determined to succeed! bring food, we had to pay almost lDelphiniums are difficult to four dollars for just hamburgers, grow, especially the beautiful hot dogs, and cold drinks at hybrid delphiniums which' have which Duncan Hines would have recently been introduced. For turned up his nose. Needless to @ne thing, they are not truly say, if there is a next time for IPerennial and or;le is fortunate the festival I intend to pack & 00 get a good second year bloom . more tasty lunch with less ex­ Ux-om them. penditure. Fertilize Generously One trick I have learned when I know we're going tlG> This Summer I am going to try make a trek into the wilderness, ~he Pacific hybrids and the or more likely to some nearby mnaller Connecticut Yankee hy- park-zoo. is, to put small cans of lorlds from seed. Started plants fruit juice or soda in my freezer may be purchased from deale I'll the night before. When packed !lor Spring planting, but they are the next morning still frozen, expensive and you 'can almost th expect a 50 per cent 'loss illil ey keep our food cold and by the time we are ready to eat transplants. they are defrosted hut still cold. There are several steps in Of course, if you do this, don't working with delphiniums from forget to pack a can opener. lieed, the simplest of which ilS to get the seeds to germinate. I Paek Plenty started mine in the coldframe Food alwaY-a tastes better with very little difficulty. .Tust when eaten near the water 01' follow the directions on the after a hike through the woods, package and the seeds will ger- so always pack plenty, especially minate with lIlO difficulty. if you 'have a eouple of growing Transplanting is another mat- males in your family. Boys seem ter. The soil is most important to ,have endless appetites, at here. Delphiniums need a very least' that's what they tell me. rich, well-drained soil with & My .Tason has shown no signs of good amount of lime. Such a it yet but I imagine he will /lOil must be prepared in advance when he gets old enough to burD of transplanting., For this I iUQ up his energy at sports and other following a friend's advice, bop- male pursuits. Ang to achie'Yle his success. In Chicken, oven-baked in a bat­ preparing the bed, the soil ter of evaporated milk and corn­ 8hould be tilled to a depth of at flake crumbs is a favorite· basket lleast a foot. Then half the soil lunch in our family. I find it should be replaced with well- it much tastier than soggy sand­ rotted cow manure, a handful wiches and I feel it's much easier of commercial fertilizer (5-10-5) to make. Brownies always make Bhould be added, and it should 11 tasty finale to all outdoor re­ be thoroughly soaked. past and they trayel very well This may seem like an awful too. ~ot of fertilizer but here the rule So next time you plan a fam­ 'Would seem to be the more the ill' outing, plan a picnic basket merrier. This heavy feeding and stretch your food. dollar in­ ahould continue the following stead of spending it on overdone Spring and for as long as the hamburgers and greasy french I\llant continues to thrive. fries. The only outdoor activity If your transplants are successthat doesn't call for a homemade !luI (you can figure on 50 per lunch is a ball game, for no­ !Cent as successful) you will have where in the world does a hot II plant which everyone will addog taste as good as at Fen'fl'ay mire. Some of the taller varie- Park. (Of course it would taste ties need stal<ing and these even better if you were eating it plants are very susceptible to there while watching the 'ff1 wind damage, so they should be World Series--maybe.) well staked or placed where This is an excellent way to they are not subjected to heavy make even the plainest hot doS , Winds. The flower clusters on taste elegant. ehe newer hybrids are so large DUNKING DOGS that they are also in danger of 2 cups finely chopped onions being broken by heavy rains, % cup salad oil n.ut this cannot be avoided . 1 14-ounce bottle catsup III the Kitchen !k cup water -A .Tug 01. Wine, a Loaf of % cup brown sugar Bread - llIlld Thou" may have 1 Tablespoon vinegar Ilteen the pbilosophy of Omar a ·Tablespoons Worcestershin Khayyam centuries ago but it sauce llOuods flUlte (lppe(llin/f eveR lf4 teaspoon Iilry mustard today. Of COW'Se in the language 11. teaspOOll Ilalt .t today we reallze that what 1 teaspoon liquid smoke the Il'eat poet was advocatiftr: (optiQnal) _ . a .i~ wittL a llWe... ~ 1~ IloMa lM$ GiG.. 1IlIP year after year 'in a pretty


Thurs.; Aug. 10, 1967

Maryknon Nuns Attend Sem~naU" ' MARYKNOLL (NC) - Soma 50 nuns came home for vacationD from Maryknoll missions in ninG different countries--and - wen.~ back to school. They attended a two.;.day sem= mar on the development CIiC peoples sponsored by the U. S. Catholic Conference ,office fa:? United Nations affairs and CO!fl-o ducted by Catherine Schaefei? and Alba Zizzamia of the offi~ They heard discussions @l1" , , representatives of UN ,agenci.eo, intemational Catholic organiZlJl.a tions and Church Women UnitOO! on ways to shape attitudes 00 " well as aptitudes for world .de- ' velopment. Wniiam Knight, public infOli'­ mation officer for the Internm­ tional Labor Organization, de­ scribed current ILO projects om worker training programs anell technical assistance for ne~ technology. ..1);, \ ' . He said ILO will concentra~ ~\I ~\j \.~I. ..--.-J its major energies in 1969 00 developing a world program foli." COMPUTERIZED LANGUAGE: A computer has been human resource development. of the primary concerns 01 programmed for teaching Chinese at Seton Hall Univer­ One this program is to provide great­ sity's department of Asian Studies, South Orange, N. J. er opportunities for jobs an~ Nathan Huang, a teacher of Chinese from Hawaii, learns employment. that a correct answer gets response, '.'Hen hao," which Mrs. Peter Collins, UN repre­ means, "Very Good." He and Dolores Nittoli are being sentative of the Internationall instructed in the use of the computer console by Dr. Richard Uni9n of Family Organizations" discussed the importance of the Gabriel, director of Seton H~ll's computer center. NC Photo. .family as the basic unit of soci­ ety 41 any developing nation.


Computer Talks Back

Stresses Importance Of Fatima Message

Help Teachers of Chinese at Seton Han Summer Institute SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-M­ ter a special demonstration here. participants in Seton Hall Uni­ versity's Summer institute for high school teachers of Chinese, are not so sure man is master of the machine. However, they have the assur­ ance of Prof. Fred Fangu Wang of the, department of ASian studies that, although computers can be used to help Chinese, the computer can only do "what it , is told" by the programmer. Still, participants are not so sure after th~ way the computer handled itself in a special dem­ onstration after a friendly enough typed message which said: "Glad to make your ac­ quaintance. Thereafter, the dem­ onstraUon went like this: "It is a pity that I lost my voice today," the computer mes­ saged, and that I have no ink with which to converse with you in Chinese characters." So it "explained" that it would use the Pinyin system-a kind of code which substitutes English alphabet characters and Arabic numerals for Chinese characters. "Do you know the system?" the computer' asked. Receiving from a. student the typed reply, "Yes, I know it," 'the machine answered, "Good. Now we can begin. "What is yil, er4 sanl? Select the right answer and type the corresponding number." Faced with four possible 1) Cook. onions in the hot oalad oil until almost tender. 2) Add remaining ingredients, except franks, simmer uncov­ ered 15 minutes. 3) Score franks in corkscrew fashion and roast Olll grill or cook in any way that you usu­ ally do them. Drop franks into sauce to keep hot. 4) Tuck them into toasted buns and spoon on sauce. 5) This makes a great deal of iIllUce, but if you have any left .ver .it keeps verT well ilia the lI'efrigerator.

choices, the student typed "1,'" indicating that the answer Wa!il "one, two, three." The computer came back "hen hao," meaning "very good," and then asked: "What does Zhong{ gen biag03 mean?" This time the student decidecil to see what would happen if be chose the wrong answer, so he typed "1" for' the answer "cloak and pen." "No, you are lW'rong," the ma­ chine answered in type. "Try it . again. Let me remind yotl that biaoS means 'watch'." The student typed another wrong answer, "4." which stOod for "Chinese and watch." "You are awfully careless," the computer l~hattered back. "My question is 'Zhongl gell biaoS,' not Zhonggua biao.' Do you know it now?" The student typed "3,.. for "paper and pen," to whicb the machine countered: "Darn it you have forgotten all your Chinese. 'Zhongl gen biao3' means clock and watch in English. That .ill number 2." Instead, the student typed "4," which brought this rejoinder: "Oh. I understand. You are purposely making fun of me. You don't want to learn Chinese. Therefore we have nothing b talk about. Goodbye." With which the machine turned itself off.



FATIMA (NC) - ''The meG­ sage of Fatima is of a universal and ecumenical applicatiOIS' which transcends the time and place of the apparitions," Gon­ calves Cardinal Cerejeira toU 50,000 Portuguese municipal leaders here. Commenting on communica­ tions sent to religious leaders by Sister Lucia, sole survivor of tile Fatima visionaries, the cardinai said that the Blessed Mother had predicted both the outbreak ai the Second World Waf' and Por­ 'tugal's neutrality during tH conflict. Cardinal Cerejeira at­ tributed Portugal's safety to nation's consecration to the !In­ ,maculate Heart of Mary. He stressed that this consecra­ tion was not a ritual supers!;i­ tion, but rather an outward f&­ dication of an internal spirituall. disposition. .


Baptists Bar Unity LONDON (NC) - Officials of Britain's Baptist Union haW} barred Baptist participation m the movement for Christiau unity, commenting: "So far nC) plan of church union or schemCl for basically altered church ~181­ tions has been put forward fo Britain to which Baptists could unitedly or near unitedly giv0 assent." The decision indicated!.· that the rejection was tempora17 and subject to review if condf:.. tions of church unity changed!.


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ParochiaE School Turns PubUc

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 10, 1967

Scores ExcluSBOIri Of Catholic Mass tin 'O'penChurch'

NEW ORLEANS, (NC) - The Annunziata parochial schooi in Houma, La., will be conducted 'by the T~rrebon~e civil parisb (county) school ~ard in the 1967-68 school year because of inability of the. church parish to operate the school. Announcement of acceptance of the facilities by the public school system was made by Charles ·A. LeBlanc, the county , school superintendent, and Msgr. Henry C. Bezou, superintendent of New Orleans archdiocesan schpols. " , Offer of the facilities to publie school officials Was made by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of ' New Orieans, when it became evident that the church could not operate the school. He of­ fered the building for public school use rather than have it re!Jlain idle. " , Classe~ in t.he school will range from the first through fifth grades, said Father Hubert C. Broussard, Annunziata pastor, provided enough pupils are en­ rolled for each class: Advance Spring registration indicated an enrollment of about 160 pupils arid it is thought that this num­ ber will increase under the, new arrangement. No tuition will be charged children of the first through fifth grades inclusive. The school, board will contract with teach­ ers to be hired and will meet the cost of janitodal services and utilities.

STOCKHOLM (NC)-The exclusion, of the Oatholic 'Mass from the eoncessions granted on the use of Luth­ eran churches by other Christian denominations has been criti­ eized by a pt:ominen't Lutheran lIiIlinister and ecumenical leader. Pastor Hans Cavallin,' secre­ ~ry general of the League for. Christian Unity, and editor of the league's bulletin, Kristen Enhet {Christia,n Unity), said in the midsummer issue that the rec­ ommendations .of Sweden's Lu­ theran bishops made at their. ~onference last May, and in an earlier decree of 1952, to allow non-Lutheran denominati'ons' to use their churches under certain CHAPLAIN AT NEW LONDON SUB BASE: Lt. JohnW. Pe nam, center, Navy eircumst~nces was' a step in the ,chaplairi stationed at the Submarine Base, New London, greets two Fal River men, Robert right direction. M. Remillard of Immaculate Conception, righ t, and Paul Talbot of St. Jean the Baptiste, But he criticized it as too nar­ :row in such matters as the cel­ left. ebration of Catholic marriage If :without a nuptial Mass. 'Profane , Thing' "Rom<ln Mass is 'not permitted In our sacred buildings," Pastor Cavallin' said, but "they may be opened -to such genuinely, pro­ fane things as, political elections Holder of a Commendation for Achievement from the Se~retary f the Navy is Rev. of pastol's,school commence~ ments with prize distributions, John W; Peg-flam of the' Navy Chaplain Corps. He teceived th~~ citati n, for his work a;s and the ,conferring' of doctoral staff chaplain for an Amphibious Ready: Group in Viet Nct~ between Ja~uary and AprIl. degrees with gun salutes." , of last year.. "Lt. Pegnam eontinually ~nd with great devotIOn. 00 dty tended to the Stating that the prohibition' moral and r~ligious needs of ' " . ~' ' egainst the Roman and Orthodox «celebration of th,e Eucharist the N,avy ,a~d Marine 'bor,ps vessels respons.ible for. sending, ,ot,:!?V,e.rseas service.. Fa,ther,.pe g ..; ,New York 'Eases " , ' 1., rea d s th at .Viet Nam nam IS'b n w. statIoned' Mould be nullified, Pastor Ca­ personne ' e c·ta I - Marines ashore , " , b N at L the • I' ' . ' . . ' ' 'd' th and also forevacuahng casualU., So su m nne ase, ew on­ 'Vallin said "we are undeservedly ' d o n , Conn.; where he is attached Adoptio'n Procedure well-stocked with beautiful tIon. HIS ,~t.lOns u~ er e e ties. NEW YORK (NC) -The De­ most d,emandmg of combat 9p rIn the course of his duties to Submar ne Flotilla, Two as churches in this country." partment of Social Services of ations were ~xc.eption,al an.d Father pegn,am went ashore stiiff. chapi4in. His chief activity "With these facts as· back­ this .city has ellsed s~me reli~ is. with offjeers and men: of the ground, it is amply evident that demonstrat~d hl~ loyalty to hiS, with Marines on severalocca­ gious restrictions in adoption G.od, command, .. and to all. s~r- . sionsto celebrate ¥.ass for C,ath.-" po.laris' SUIarine pro,gram 'and the recommendations of the procedures and in placing chil­ vlcemen m· ,tIme of ,conflict. olic servicemen and in Viet since May e has served as mod­ bishops' as to the limited opening dren in foster homes. They were;in keepJng with the 'Namese villages and settlements. erator of t e local CYO. of churches should be, trans­ highest traditions of the United He worked with servicemen of H ' 't th t h d t" The department abandoned llormed into a warm welcome to . ..' " , e no es a e con uc s ser­ all faiths notes his commend a­ , . th' Ch 1 f thO S others to share oui abundance; States Naval ServICe.

' vices In e ape 0 e ea the practice of assigning found­ etherwise,'the eloquent words on Cardinal's Nephew

ti~n, "aiding .them with .his adand abo3l"~ nU,clear subma~ines. lings in rotation to Catholic,,' Protestant and Jewish homes, ceCumeniSI,n to .be spoken by the VIce and gUld!'lnce dur~ng the ,At Easter, Or instance, he cele­ The recipient' of the high Navy long h9,!rs before the troops brated Mas, on, a submadne be:­ 'which means that prospective Swedish bishops in Uppsala in praise -j's the son of Mrs. Marian were committed tc the bat~le­ neath the rish Sea. He is, now parents Of such children will be :1968 will be accepted only as Spellman' Pegnam and the late field; selected 'on qualifications with­ painful hypocrisy." comforting the Sick, serving hi' second three 'year Arthur S: Pegnam of Whitman.' wounded and dying as they ar­ out regard to' religion .. "hitch"~it the, Navy. Proposes Change He was ordained in 1~0 -in St. vied from the battle areas; and ' 'But, fn cases Where a found­ The 1952 authol:iziation for , Patrick's Cathedral, New York, conducting good will projects ling is left at a house of worship, Protestants and Cti'i'istians of by his uncle, Francis Cardinal and civic· action projects to aid , the child will he assigned to'that ether communities to use Lu­ Spellmail. He, ",as assigned to' 'Viet Namese villages in areas of particular religion: The depart­ theran churches said that Mass" st. Francis Xavier Church in American ,opel·ations." ment estimated' between 20 to 25 well as "other rites conflict­ Hyannis' following ordination' 'Having conipleted three years foundlings come under the city'! ing with the 'teaching ,of the and was' also eyo moderator for . - .. care annually. ' Swedish' Church," couid not be the Cape Cod area. From Hyan­ ,In ,the case of parents who' celebrated, in their chul·ches. nis he' entered the Navy Chap'­ 'Undian' State Expel~ want'tO giv~ up' children for: Pastor Cav'alliJi Said, in his lain, Corps -jn May' 1964, and was adoption aild' profess no religion, editorial, that "we .propose that first stationed at the U; S, Naval 'Canadian Pr:iest ~ city no 'longer dem'and ' 'Obe .'prohibition' against such Hos'pital in Corpus Christi, Tex. ·SHILLONG (NC)~ The gov': things, ate' 'in conflict with the a religious' pj'eference 'for the' ernment of India's Assam state· child.' .', ' ,Following his 'seryice in ~or­ has 'orde'red Holy' Cross Father 1eaching of the Swedish' Church' .hould be changed' into a pro-· pus Christi, Father"Pegnam was " Jean' Marcotte, vicar delegate of ' llibition against 'such things that attached, to ,Amphibio,us Squad,., the Haflong apostolic prefeCture, are a mockery and denial of the ' ron One, a, fl~et :of ,nine naval to leave the state's Mizo Hills' 1eaching of 'the Church.''' district immediately. It was announced in Finland 'Govel'iunent authorities said last month that the Filll1ish 01'- , Establish Western.

that the Can'adian 'priest's activi- . thodox Church Imide its ,ties among the' Mizo tribesmen Provj'nce 'of, Orde.r

churches there available to Ro­ clamoring for separation from man Catholics for' the celebra­ SANTA ROSA (NC)-A west­ India was "prejudicial to the in­ tion of Mass, the administration ern delegation of the Equestrian terests of the state." Father of the sacram'ents, and other Order, of the Holy Sepulchre of Marcotte had been living at services in places where there Jerusalem has been ,established., Aijal, capital of the disturbed PRINTED AND MAILED is no Catholic church or chapel. Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, region, for 20 years. The permission' in, Finland was Write or Phone 672-1322 At the same time, the Indian dean of the College of Cardinals restricted to Latin-rite Catholics. and Grand Master of the Order, government was reported to 234 Second Street - Fall Riveii' For Your Car designated Bishop_Leo T. Maher have asked three American Earthquake Hits Baptist missionaries and their ,F of Santa Rosa to be grand prior of the new delegation, which families to leave the country for Tower of Shrine comprises the' ecclesiastical afleged political activities among BOGOTA (NC) -One of the mountain tribesmen in Assam. towers at the national Marian ,provinces of Los Angeles, San: Francisco, Seattle, .Portland and 8hrine of Ciquinquira collnpsed Anchorage. ' during the earthquake that hit OU Bogota and other Colombian 'Th~ order was founded during eities in late July. the Crusades for the protection PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Your Gulf Hill Man The Ciquinquira' shrine, built of the' shrines of the Holy Land. Sales ana Service between 1800 and 1823, has been Pope Pius XII gave it a reOl'gan­ Always at Your Service! for ;)omesfit elosed to worship due ,to cl'acked ization in 1940, and enlarged the :::: and Industrial FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-5691 'Walls. One woman was killed by responsibilities of the members Oil Burners the falling debris of the tower. to include general humanitarian 995-1631 Our Lady of Chiquinquira is work." The order' is presently 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE the patron saint of Colombia. active' in 20 countries through-: The shl'ine is visited' by large out the world, and includes 'both NEW BEDFORD so. DARTMOUTH, MASS. crowds every weekend dergy and laity. I

Ca~d!nal's Nephew, F~rmer Cap

Curate, Holds Naval,Achievement Comin ndatiofl







"Yo~ Can Whip OU~ Cream, but 'yl Can 'B t ,eat 0 ur M·.tk '." Route




Prelate Urges Morre Housmng for Poor

Fre Greene Serves As Ai'4) Force Chaplain At Base on Meditf!3rranean Island of Crete

WASHJNGTON (NC) Adequate houaing for all im the basic nlquiremeillt for eomplete social health nn the

Among priests of the Fall River IDiocese serving as chaplains in the armed forces is Rev. James F. Greene of the Department of the Air Foree. He sums up his work and that of his brother pril~sts as that of "bringing Christ 1;0 His Chu:reh under arms. U's not an easy task," he notes, "and sometimes the situation seems almos't fruitless, but then God's grace seems to work and progress begins to a»pear." Father Greene is ~t present stationed at a se­

'United States, lil top official odI file National Conference of Catb­ olic Charities told !.'l Senate sub­ wmmittee here. "Certainly llIlO other lJubject Ilhould command greater atten­ ilion of the Congress," Msgr. Lawrence i Corcoran, NCCC Becretary stated, "than the effort 110 assure that every American !nas a decent. home in !l decent meighborhood. "Indeed the conflagrations which bavc beset sp many American' cities during th,e past few weeks underscore with 1.ragic insistency the urgency of 1his problem." Msgr. Corcoran's statement was submitted to the sub-committee on housing and urban affairs of 1he Senate Committee on Bank­ ing and CUl-rency. Overlook 32.'1 MilDioD In expressing general sup­ port for the Housing and Urban IDevelopment Act of 1967 which the subcommittee is considering, he noted with regret that in cur­ rent legislative proposals "very little attention is directed to housing'for poor families." Special bills aimed at ajding Jl'amilies' toward home owner­ ship, ,he pointed out,· "cannot make this very desirable objec­ tive a reality for the poor." Such bills, he said, overlook the 32.7 million people in the lOOuntry who fall below the. pov­ d'lrty line of $3,130 per year in­ IOOme for a family of four or $1,540 per year income for II single individual. Program Inadequate

is important, therefore," Msgr. Corcoran said, "that we are clear about whom we are talking when we speak of home­ ownership for low-income per­ sons. We are not really talking ltlbout the poor family, who is the tl'Ue Jow-income family, but li'ather we are addressing our­ relves to the moderate income J7amily. , "There is indeed," he con­ tinued, "a need' for housing help J70r these families, and we com­ mend them to the consideration of this subcommittee. I repeat, however, that this is not truly a consideration. of those in pov­ Cl:'rty." . ' The public housing prog1'8m, he said, has done much to help 1hose in poverty. but "it has been' inadequate, and I see little in the present proposals which will lIlorrect its inadequa<{y." l!t

Serious Deficleney

He noted that although the need for low-rent public hous­ ing has been estimated at 125,­ 000 units per year, only 45,000 units per year were const.ructed in ] 965 and 1966 under both the low-rent public housing program and low-interest-rate FHA pro­ grams combined. _ "This gap," he said, "repre­ !lents one of the rr.ost serious social deficiencies in our country today, and we urge Congress to move quickly to close this gap." Msgr. Corcoran restated NCCC support for the Model Cities 'Program and the Rent Supple­ ment .Program and expressed hope that t.he Senate would re­ store funds for ,the latter elim­ mated by the House. He also gave support to pro­ visions in the hOllsing act which would lead to an increased num­ ber of nursing home beds through FHA supplementary ioans for financing of improve­ m(>nts and additions to nursing honnes.

eurity base on the island of Crete in the Eastern Mediter­ ranean Sea'. Most information on his assignment is classified, he ·says, but "our situation is like all other bases, and' maybe you can get an idea if I speak about my last assignment. Only Priest "Up until December of '66 I was stationed in a SAC base, Glasgow Air Force Base, Mon­ tana. There I was the only priest for 2278 souls, military and their dependents. We had over 500 children enrolled in our CCD religion school. "Three Masses were offered each Sunday, as well as the usual daily Mass. The usual parish so­ cities existed and we had the full . CCD program which I helped to get off the ground, I also set up a parish council which, even though it had many difficulties, did help to get the parish on the move. Attendance began to increase, as did weekly communions. "We also held a weekly infor­ mation seminar at which 30 to " 40 people were in regular attend­ ance. We had two choirs and last but not least we had the weekly Mi raculous Medal no­ vena. ".f>.lthough n9ne of these activ­ ities existed when I CHme to Crete in February, most have been set up."

iHIE ANCHORa1l'hurs., Aug. lOi, 1 PJ~7


HUD Apipli"CVes leasing Unut$ WASHINGTON (NC) - Th~ Iqepartment oI Housing anell Urban Development has ap­ proved the leasing by local pub­ lic housing authorities of some 20,000 rental units for low­ income families under a program authorized in 1965. "More and more local housing authorities are using leasing to tap the privately owned housing market and thereby increasing their supply of low-income hous­ ing," HUD Secretary, Robert C. Weaver said in repol"t.ing prog­ ress under the program. Prior to the 1965 authorizatioil!. for leasing of private housing, local housing authorities relied almost entirely on the construc­ tion of new publicly-owned housing to meet low-income needs. . Under the new program, the authorities lease privately owned apartments at market rates and sub-lease them to low-income families at rents consistent with their ability to pay. Weaver also announced a new HUD test progl'am of free hous­ ing counseling service to hel~ families and individuals having difficulty in renting or buying housing they Clln :tfford. The program is being tested in FHA offices in Baltimore, Milwaukee Philadelphia, St. lLouis, and Washington and jf it proves suc­ cessful will be elltended natioJ!lco wide.

Bishops' MOlSJOlzine MONTEVlDEO lNC) - Th@ Uruguayan Bishops Conference launched Vida Pastoral a maga­ zine for pl'iests aimed at spur­ ring ecumenical council reformfJ in the country's parishes. The magazine takes the place of the traditional Ecclesiastical Bulle­ tin and deals wit.h Vatican doc­ uments, bishops' .directives an«ll renewal discussions on cate­

chism, vocations, ]iturgy, sociol­

ogy and pastoral work

From TaunwD Father Greene, son of Mrs. Anne Greene of Swansea and the late Frank Greene, was ordained . Cnpt. Greene Receiving Commendation Medal in 1961. From that time until he entered the Air Force Chaplain stayed for 13 months, and where . Plain; and St. John's Seminary, Corps, he was assigned to St. , he was awarded the Air Force Brighton; before ordiJiation at Joseph's' parish, Taunton. Commendation I\1:edal for his St. Mar)"s Cathedral, Fall River,

hospital' work.' He went from by Bishop Connolly. . ;His first assignment as a chap­ lain was to Keesler Air Force Keesler to Glasgow. ~ase, Biloxi, Miss., where he The chaplain attended St. Jo­ Suicide Prpvp .....:""... Where A seph's School, Fall River; Case BUENOS AIRES (NC) - The High in Swansea; and St. Philip Interfaith Leader Jesuit-run Diu, ;:""'J 'Neri School, Haverhill. He con­ tinued his studies at Cardinal Saviour here has. opened a Cen­ To Join PC Staff ter for the Prevention of Suicide . Meons At PHILADELPHIA (NC) -:- A O'Connell Seminary, Jamaica to publicize a new approach io Dominican priest who h:as been a mental disorders leading to self.­ ·leader in Phila~elphia'sinter­ Court Demon'ds destruction .and, with the help faith relations. has been trans­ of lcesl doctors and social ferred t~ Provid~nce, effective Trial of Priests workers, to aid potentiailluicides . in September.. . . " BARCELONA (NC) - Barce­ in rehabilitation. . Father M;ark Heath, O.P., 'llI')l0 . lona's COUt·t of Public Order has' has been diI'ector of La Salle demanded the trial of three Cat­ College's gra~u<lte religious edu­ alonian pl'iests anested for al­ ~ation progl·am,. has bl~en ap-. leged .participation in illegal J)ointed director of the religioull underground activities last May.­ studies depHrtment at Provi-'

The accused priests, now free

dence College. Fat.her Heath has been at· La on bail, are Fathers Eduardo

Frones Gili, Andres Maria Vila

Salle since 1952. . TintOl'e and Jose Maria Ganido

He has been a leader in dia­ 7007 IHlwy. Cunill, all of Barcelona.

logues of Catholics with Protes­ tants and Jews, both CICl'gy and At the same time, it was an­

NEW BEDfORD lility. He will be succeeded at nounced that civil rights have

La Salle, a ChristiHn BI'others been restored to many of the

institution, by Brother Edward priests involved in protest move­

Open Evell'Dvll'Dgs Davis, F.S.C. ments that brought unrest to the

Basque region of Spain. More than 100 priests were included in Alumni to Honor the suspension of civil gUaI'an­ ~IIIIJIIIIJIIIJIIIJIJIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIJIJIJIJIIIIJIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIII11I11J1ll1lmllllJlIIlllIIlJlIIlIIl~ tees imposed last April by the Bi~hop McDon(lJld Spanish government.


Catholic University of America

~11II""""IIII11"IIII11"III"""""""III""IIII11""III!:. Alumni Association will hold a DRY CLEANING ~ dinner Sunday honoring Bishop = and! ~ Wi11iam J. McDonald, who is Thurs. & Fri. 9 a,m. t~ 5:30 leaving his post as rector of the Sot. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. university.

Bishop McDonald announced

§ C~osed all day Sunday ~ last month ihat he would leave

17 the university when his term as

1=_ rector . expires in November. 34-44 Cohannet Street Two weeks l<:lter Pope P.aul VI feD. "7-9351 S _ Taunton 822-6161 § ~ IlJlNPON WHARF. FAIRHA'VE~ named him ::Juxiliary bishop of San b'l'ancisco. :&lIIll1lllllll11ll11l1lllll11llllllllllllllllllll1llll1l1l1!!!!IIM1I11U!!!!IIIU!!!III1!IIIII.!J.WIlllIIIIIU!IID!II!!lII!lIIl1l1l1l11l1~ ~11II""I1I11I1"II"I"III"I""I1I1I11I1I1I11I1I1I1I1I1I11I11~




famous for




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MacLean s


I =


<n ~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 10, 1967



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:'''' DETROIT' (NC)' - 'AreUil­ ~ bishop JQh~ F. Dearden fil Detroit has called on Catho­ lics to help rebuild the city

CASTEL GANDOLFO (NC)-Pope Paul said here he was particularly pleased to visit Asia Minor, in which the first .four Church councils had been held -and which estab· lished the fundamental dogmas of the Christian faith.· SpeaJ,ring. at a general audi­ lance' at. Cas,tel Gandolfo, the 'way, of expressing Q new 'the- . ology 'conforming with the con­ . JPope thanked Turkish offi­ . temporary mentality." '. ~ials once-more for his wel­ Th~ Popeco~cluded by stat':"

and its society "in a' spirit d Christlike love and concern." The 'appeal was' made as fu:a archbishop preached at Ble~ . Sacrament cathedral less than a week after' violence tore'throug!i;l the city, leaving 41 persons delMil and more than $200' milliolIll a:ome 'during" the two-day Visit, worth" of "property damaged. ing: ".And. it is to .theEast, by and 'paid tribute to' OrthodOlt' . As he spoke~ the arch'diocese'o lPatriatch' 'Ath\'!migoras of Con-' ·means of our journey, ,wt!,.)1~ve ;1,344 priests echoed his wo['!lS ie· , wished to giveassU,l:ance. that. stantir\.ople~-'Whoin' he had' vis, "parish' Masses, following a' 'se['­ the faith in the councils cel-' Ued.·"·'·' ...... , 'Inon .'oiJtline 'prepared by tOO,· ebrated. in that blessed, land and However, he chose to dwell on 'archbishop'and sent to all priesw, reco~ized by the Latin Church (the significance of the first four late iiI the week. <councils of the Church, Nicea as ecumenical councils' is still 'The" outline, which like' thea our faith. (325), Constantinople (381), prelate's sermon stressed the "It constitutes a ve['y. broad Ephesus (431) an,d Chalcedon ChriStian responsibility to' h!a and very solid ba~ fo[' iaunch­ (451). fellow men; was the first of 0 "These were the' ones which ing common studies for the re­ series which will outline the composition of the perlect Chris­ placed in evidence and estab­ Christian response to the rioting tian communion between the lished authoritatively the fun­ and its causes and cures. Orthodox Church and' the Cath­ -~.. damental dogmas of our faith, in "We don't know how manv the Holy Trinity, on Jesus Christ olic Church in that single and there will be," said archdiocesllllll firm doctrine which, the eccle­ and on Mary. ~ information director William J. siastical magisterium guided by "These councils, therefore, Coughlin. "They will go on until! the Holy Spirit proclaims au­ gave Christianity its basic doe:­ the lessons of the riot are ab­ thentic." trine, forcing human thought, as sorbed by everyone." had already been done, by the The 'archbishop called on t~ Apostles to explore ·the sense of cathedral congregation to re­ 'the theological reality a~d the, . member "the common bond that revealed truth of the Gospel and Christ Himself has forged arounllll ~ offer to religious languagetlMl us. ilirst unequivocabl~'and, ,00­ There is no-time to spend izl SALISBURY (NC) ~ The' <thangeable expre~si?lls.". recriminations," he said. "Now newly formed Society for everyone· is called to be one witlil Loyal 60 JInhei"itance the Promotion of Christian Christ, to share in the concerna BISHOP'S DAY AT CAMP: ong the many visitom of his 'fE!llows." Pope Paul stressed the fact'· Education in Rhodesia has ihat Eastern' Christianity has appealed to the nation's churches The" sermon outlinenotedl: to OathedialCamp greeted by Bis p C9nnollywas a. young maintained its i:nheritance at. to resist government action "This' ia our family that b.a1l patient in a wheel chair from Lakeville Hospital. Also shown faith and doctrine throughout threatening the effectiveness of been struck and unless each 02 are a sister of Notre Dame of thel Girls' Day Camp staff 1J1S Christian education in the coun­ the centuries. : feels a deep concern for whld; kyo . and the Camp Direcbor, Rev. Walbbr A. Sullivan. . has happened, whatever hap­ He called it "an example of pened next door or miles away. In an apen. lett-er to the cle['gy royalty to its' doctrinal inheri­ then our reacticm isn't Christ'. tance," and contrasted it with and members of. the Chris'tian reaction." other pa['ts . af Christendom churches, the society said that where there have been attempts . it had been formed "because of CHICAGO (NC) - The U. S. fact ilit the. children, tbrougla "many times well-intentioned. Uie concern felt by its memben Court of Appeals in Chicaga has' use 0 required classroom p['ay­ Taut not always working out that ~ about imminent· and press­ ruled that kindergarten pupils in er, likely to become more SYDNEY (NC) - A pastol"llll

ing dangers threatening the ef­ • De Kalb, Ill., public school gra for the things they reo­ fectiveness of Christian educa-. must stop reciting a' foo[':"line ceive 01" tbat they' may become Cl)uneil, initially of 30 membem,

has been set up in the Sydney

tion in Rhodesia. . verse. bette .citizens does Dot ,justif)r , archdiocese and will include lQ'

"These cover a wide' sphere, 'It's '/1 prayer, said the court, the of compulsory prayer people' elected by the 'variOWl nq

ranging from. the . right o( en~ry and its· use in' a public school isa public: school system." apostolate groups. ill European schools to the ulti': VATICAN CITY (NC)­ mate considerable loss .of ChriS­ violates t~e First Amendment to . S .. Constitution. Five cardinals .have been tian educatiOn in the mission the-U. The 2-1 ruling reversed aU. S. ON CAPE' COD lIamed flo present summaries fields." ' District Court opinian last year 'The letter continued: "It is that the verse was secular and and reports @n the five major themes. to be discussed imperative that Rhodesia con­ did not violate the Constitution. during the first world synod of tinue to progress as a Christian . The verse:. bishops, which Gpens in Rome 011. oount['y and the(ef~re any pos­ "We thank yoU fo[' the £lowe,.. sible weakening of Christiu Sept. 29. .. sweet,. The ca['diniU relatores, as teaching and influence in Rho- . "We thank 'you for the food desian schools must be resisted «hey are called, ave: we eat. strenuously." ". " Michael Can:Hnal Browne, "We .thank you for t!le birds IO.P., of the Doct['inal Congrega­ Strict Segregatiel!l that sing; . tion, introducing the report OR. . "We thank you for eve['ything." ~ Janllary;. the government AMPLE PARKING the question ,of danger to the "In his majority opiniQll, Judge . of Prime Minister Ian Smith­ faith; Luther M. 'Swygert said: "The which follows a policy of stdct Pericle Cardinal Felici, head racial segregation-informed the of the Pontifical Commission ~or churches that they. would no the Revision of the Code of longer receive subsidies for any Canon' Law, introducing discus­ new' primary school they open sion on the Canon law revision; fo[' Negro Africans. All new Gabriel Cardinal 'Garrone, primary schools .were to be en-, pro-prefect of the Congregation trusted to local government au­ ef Seminaries and 'universities, thorities. . . Introducing discussion of the po­ This meant that the Christian aition of episcopal conferences churches in Rhodesia could no' toward seminaries and their co­ longer expand their educational operation with the Roman con­ work for the Negro African gregation; population. Hundreds of mission schools will never reach tbe Confirms Report status of full primary schools, Paolo Cardinal Marella, head unless parents and missions bear the entire eosts fo[' expansion, ef the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Christians, introducing the incltiding payment of teachers' wages. Gliscussion of mixed'marriages; Eighty-six per Cent of all Giacomo' Cardinal Lercaro of. Negro African school childrea lBologna, Italy, head of the com­ mission fo[' 'implementing the 'atte&d mission:.. schools: The liturgical refomls, of Vatican Catholic· Church ilione bas 2S per' cent 'of the total school en­ Council II, introducing discus­ rollment in its. primary ~hools. fiion on that subject. -Rhodesia's white government No official announcement' 9f the nominations has' been made tmilaterally declared the cou~ by . the Vatican,but Bishop ky's independence. from Gre.' 'Britain ill 1965 afte[' a disagree­ Ladislaus .Rubia of the perma­ nent secretariat of the synod, hall ment with Britain about the role C»l the Negro majority ill. a futuN ~nfh:med. tl:!at the DominatiODol. iJB(iepeBdeat -I\a~ . have beea made.

U~ge$ Chur<ehes

Resist Threat

. Bans Recitation

+f ~Prayer'·

Pastoral Council

Synod of.Bishops To Hear Reports



HolsumB ad istbat good!

See Scum Through Stained G~GSS Windows Negro Tens CUergy



MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - "You dOIll't get the straight 0:1'. ~ be­ cause you're locked up in your big beautiful cathedrals. 'Your' stained glass windows keep you from seeing the scum of our so­ ciety." The speaker was the Rev. Stanley R. King, a Negro Baptist minister and director of tile Twin Cities Opportunities In­ dustrialization Office (TCOIO). He met with Protestant clergy­ men in an effort to find the church's role in reconstructing the city's. northside, plagued by violence July 19 and 20. Mr. King supported teenager Harry Moss' claim that white people caused the riots on Plym­ outh Avenue. "You back the col­ ored man into a corner and com­ plain when he comes out fight­ Dng." "You tell him rioting is wrong when he doesn't have his free­ dom," said Moss, a worker at The Way Community center who caJJs himself "Spike." He told t.he ministers that Ne­ groes have asked for their inde­ pendence and have not received it. J!>U"edicts War "People are still people whether you believe it or not. This is what you have to face up to," Moss said. "We want a part of this community. If we have to fight for it, we want to be part of it." Mr. King told his feJJow cler­ gymen that he wasn't afraid of anyone but t.hat he was "scared of what's going to happen to our city" .... If you didn't have the cold Winters of do-nothing, you wouldl"\'t have the long hot Summers of violence. "When Negroes cease taking their hatred out on property, there wiJJ be war between blacks and whites in this coun­ try," Mr. King said. One of the causes of the late July riots here according t4) some Negro spokesmen was the failure of the community to support TCOIO. Funded largely by federal monies, TCOIO opened a St. Paul center in July. R.ight to Live The cent.er here, which aida the unemployed and the unem­ ployable is acquiring basic edu-

cation, crafts and vocational skills, has been in operation since last September. Twin Cities business firms have do­ Dated more than $100,000 in equipment to the two centers. 'JI.'wenty-seven of the clergy­ men at the meeting signed n· declaration recognizing the im­ portance m property rights but Doting that "human life and the right to live is' more valuable." They also declared support for ".I!'he Way and its staff. The Rev. Ewa'd Bash a you~ director for. the American Lu­ theran Church; suggested that all Protestant church construc­ tion projects be halted next year lilDd that the money inst.ead be used for social' improvement.



Thrree Commil!$uGII1lSi GARY (NC)-Bishop Andrew G. Grutka has established the commission on Church worship for the Gary diocese, merging three former commissions into one. 'The Indiana bishop recalled that the Const~tution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vatican Coun­ cil II caJJed for establishment of diocesan commissions on liturgy, sacred music and art: Three such commissions were formed and functioned: for someWne in the diocese. The bishop said the constitu­ tion also stated it would be ad­ visable frequently' to fuse' the three commissions into one: A study group named by the bish­ op advised t.he merger which the bishop established.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 10, 1967

See Ee Germany BERLIN (NC)-West German Protestant leaders who want to attend the 450th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation in the East German town of W I'tten b urg, nex tOt c 0 b eI;', WI'11 have to knuckle under to stiff political demands leveled by East Germany's communist gov.ernment. \. According to articles printed in the government newspaper Neue Zeit and the Communist party's Neues Deutschland, West German churchmen planning to attend anniversary. celebrations' must first announce their oPPOsiti.on to the policies of the West German government. They must also publicly support West Germany's diplomatie

Pell1lnsylvania TOWII!J

Aidls Riot Victims PITTSBURGH (NC) - Resi­ dents of the nearby Butler areD have started a clot.hing drive for victims of the Det.roit riots. One t.ru¢kload of clot.hes al­ ready has been shipped and more donat.ions are coming in to St. Paul church, central collec­ tion depot in Butler. The idea for "Operat.ion Sa­ maritAn" came from Paul J. Mc­ Cabe, Butler adv:ertising man and member of St. Andrew par­ ish there, after viewing picturCfl of a Detroit Negro family in their burnt-out home. His proposal, publicized by news media, was accepted quickly by church groups, busi­ ness, and individuals. Handbills promoting the drive urge But­ ler residents "to show the vic­ tims of the Detroit riots that we do care!"

Healthy Attihndle ST. LOUIS (NC) People oren't going to confession as often as they used to, but there has been an increase in thtl number of Communions and Il generally healthy spiritual atti­ tude, III check-up in several par­ ishes in the St. Louis archdioceS2 disclosed. The pastors said they were llIot oyerly concerned' by the decrease in the number 01 confessions. Their parishes, anell othl:'rs, reported an upsurge iE the number of Communions



P~aring PcUtmc:s recognition of East Germany, II step West Germany's Bonn gov­ ernment has so far refused tf:> take. N Z·t t t t ·th ..... no tcon nv d eued el, W G en WIP at­ eman s on es erman r estant leaders, als~ rapped the churchmen for theIr support of Israeli's "ag~ression" against thE Arab countnes. It seems that East GennMl policy regarding the Wittenberil celebrations will allow 'all Prot­ estant leaders, except those of West Germany, to attend. Thhl is in line with repeated East German attempts to divide the st.iJl-united German Protestant Chul'cr, into separate eastern aoo western units.




Finds' /lNorth to .Yeste~day~ .Comi~;.., Saddening -.Nove~' J1Jy, JIU. ·]Rev.



'1 1,

: ,<.

John S. Kennedy.


'The dreams of'returning to idealIzed past has always east a pow~ifu~, fa.tefuI.speIl. -It is one which affects indi~: viduals. They. will not accept the present or face the future '. but insist on looking to 'wha.t is, J)Mt. and .gone, favorably

falsify~ng it '~? t~f~sing to

impo~iple for ~yone except' an ­ ll"ecog-!llze' that It IS lrrecov­ .el;perf iil brush popping. Lam­ erable. Even 'those who' do PailssS' located III ranch plagued not make aha-bit' of this, by'. ~d cows,­ and agreed not - • may yield.to it.occasionally. It onl~- to. rid the. place of. these:: ." is invaril;lbly ..to· ,their .cost. .pests. ~ut ,to payexor.b~tantly-'. ' G r 0 ups 0 f ;f~r' th,e~;.' ,He rounded 'up a· people may:. ~ .. blzal'~e".,:b~rd. of cantankerous '. '. Illimilarly .. ,¥-: .. . bea~tsnumbet:lOg almost 2,000., . JieCted There" 'Since be could -not carry ,of!. are' n~tions, ·fo't,.. the,dfi;,v~ sl~gle-handed, he per':'.' example, which,: . suadedl~e to go along.. The 'are pal'aiyzed " boy }V~:.not in the 'least IOter-.. by the pull (}f." este,d ',iilh,s,fathez:'s harebrain~d the past,' and proJect; .b~t. gettmg to Tnuls especially of its '~nd ~ould ~ a me~s of secur­ vanished . glo­ ii\g a Job WIth the nulroad. ries.- There are 'PreU,. Shadow' political assoOthers were enlisted. One wau elations which • veteran, broken-down cowboy capitalize on nostalgia, rallying named Jervis Applewhite. Ap­ to their banners people who long plewhite 'kept his name a secret, for the revival of wbat they take preferring to be called Pretty ~ have been the golden age. Shadow. That sobriquet bad And it is not unknown that been given to him many yeal'll BOrne Catholics never cease re­ earlier by a girl in Trails End. gretting the Middle Ages, which In those days, she was beauti­ they picture as the time of per­ fu.l, he handsome. They had met' feet realization of Cbristian or­ briefly-. He had had to get out aler in the world. of town quickly. She had promThese ponderous, and prob­ !sed '~ wait for him. One thing. COADJUTOR: Auxiliary ably all too obvious, observa­ then another had delayed his Bishop Joseph T. Daley of lions are occaSioned by the read­ return. Now tbat was possible, Harrisburg haa been ap­ ing of a rather bawdy, boister­ and he would find her as lovel,. Gusly comic, and ultimately sad­ and lovirig as, she had been. pointed l,y Pope Paul VI to dening novel by Robert Flynn, Another hand was called Gat­ be coadjutor bishop with the North to Yesterday (Knopf. tis, ayoungstei who had groWlll . right of ~uccession to Bishop $5.95; 501 M:idison Ave.. New tired of being a plowboy and ,George L. Leech gf Harrig.. York, N. Y. 10(22). ' aspired to be a cowboy. Besides, burg. NC Photo. WantaJlD.g :N(ttbdng his parents had aranged a marIts central, although not ~ost riage with n woman, not dewily eolorful, chat:acter, is one Mar:viri yowig, whom they highly rec­ $we~g~1}n Darsey, known ~ Lampassas, "a ommended ("She's n, Methodist, little, man, wrinkl~, dried up, but she ain't stuck up about it"). [L®@~M® and soured,". Looking old and Gattis wasn't haVing any of that. frail. A Texan, he had retur~ed 'lI.'lne Preacher , STOCKHOLM (NC) - Swe­ from the Civi! War "with no~hAnother youth was June an ..den's two-year-old Le1!-gue for ing, to nothmg, and wantmg orphan stable boy who was'dis­ Christian Unity, bO!ist~ng 60 nothing." " . ,members drawn from the. Lu­ ' h' d Oft d . t th gusted WIth cleanmg, up after S orne h o w e n e In 0 e ' H" f . d -h' If h - ' h' h horses. , e ancle unse a theran, Catholic and .'O·-r1;hodox :Job of .brus poppm~, w I.e gunman, although inept at churches as well ,as frQm the means, It seems, chasmg WIld handling guns. He was named nation's 0 the r Protestant eattle', out. of the b~ush and for the month iri which he was churches met at Vads~ena 1m readymg them for a dnve north. born ("Lucky for you it wasn't discuss ecumenism iri the coun­ He had always, wa~ted .to go May," Pretty Shadow remarked)~ try. north on a cattle dnve hImself, It was local lore that Trails End Lutheran Pastor Hans Caval­ but circum~tance had repeatedly was a mecca for gunmen, and lIn, explaining the society's pur­ prevented It. naturally what was where June pose, commented: "Our central. For example, he had got mar­ belonged 31m is a visible Christian unity ried, His wife was the plain Finall;, there was the in this' generation, a united dau~hter of a storekee~er, ~nd Preacher, an older man. Hia worldwide church that maintains in bme Lampassas ~ad mhented only inheritance was .; Bible. ronfessional traditions but rec­ the store. Ht; and his Marfa had Belatedly, he took to reading it ognizes the bishop of Rome as h o Lam~assas and felt a can to preach God'il a son, JamIe, ita head." hoped would aspIre to bemg a word. This be had been doirill Continuing, Pastor Cavallin, eowboy.. But ~hen th~ bo.y for.some time, but his. ultimate who ia secretary general of the IJhowed lDt~rest In anythmg,. It SWDDlooa, he believed, was te league, said: was the radroad, now pusbmg establish a church in Trails End, , "Since we started to support through Texas. h hia . . . the rt 'the idea of a papal 'visit to the To Tn.als lElIId ence: ]010101 pa Y -­ World Councii of Churches' Marfa died. This freed Lam­ cook. 'W1I8Ii'\ Worila . . meeting at Uppsala next year, woe passasfrom· storekeeping, and Did i say "finally?" That have received many signa 01.

be determined to do at last what ' . , . SYmpathy from both Catholics

he had always wanted to do: • bit premature. Another persGD "and Protestants, especially in the

lead a cattle drive up the fabled was added en route. This was .,.UOItedStates. ' ." tran- to the town known as Trails 'IP~ Covina, tUrned "out, of ',her·. ". ·~be current reports ,of the End. This would be adventure, . home biher irate Wents when·' corlfrontation betw~n' ',";Pope' and would bring,'higb fortune. she .made them grandparents Paul VI and Orthodox Ecumen­ 'I'he only trouble was - and without her -ever having beeR· 'i~ Patriarch Athenagora.' I ... this Lampassas refused to admit married. She was pretty and. '~taribul form a wonderfUl back­ - that his drive would be get­ profane, as tough aa any of the' ground for our own plans for • ting under way 15 years after men, and bent on beginning a' meeting here." . the trail had ceased· to be used, new life in Trails End. Anglican delegates te the and ten years after longhorn This odd assortment goes teague's meeting, whicb eattle had become passe. But through series of battles. There held in St. Bridget's convent in what are facts to a romantic! are the personal conflicts which Vadstena, outlined ·various plans ­ First, s~me cattle had to be spring up under strain. 'There. regarding union of the Anglican lleCured. This would have proved the constant struggle' with the Church with other churches in unruly cattle, the herd steadily ··tbeBritish Isles. '. lD·evolut.'on dwiridling. There ~ contention IA, ,with Ute elements, especially , -F.~,lht NEW DELID (NC)-A Con- drought and .dust. «ress party delegate to India's When. Lampassas finally puts NEW ORLEANS (NC)-A 00­ parliament warned fellow dele- the unmentionable question,' "It ~enger chartered plane., will "gates here" that government.- 'wasn't wol'th it; 'was it?" the Ieave here 'today for S~vannah I. plans to introduce compulsory Preacher replies, "Well, maybe where Bishop' Gerard' L. Frey sterilization aimed at easing 'Ule'-' we' !lin't where we aimed to 'be, will 'be installed as;'·he'll'O. o~ the , .J' nation's population": crisis will" bu~· we -ain!t where we ~as," -Savannah diocese in' tbe ,'(;lathe­ ause a revolution. " . Reither." drlill of St. John the Baptist.


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I." .1, ..:

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~': ",. "~:

Orthodox Priest'


Thurs., Aug. 10, 1967

Joins Byzantine Rite in Penna.


Seeks to End! Riot Ccuses

PIDLADELPHIA (NC)­ An Orthodox priest has been received into the Oatholie Church as a Byzantine-rite

ENGLEWOOD (NC) -A lack G)f recreational facilities and police harassment of groups which congregated on corners were cited here as reasons be­ hind four l)ights of sporadic dis­ turbances by Negro teenagers and young adults. Mayor Austin N. Volk hall promised to rectify the condi­ tions which led to some shooting incidents and rock and bottle throwing in the Fourth Ward of this suburban community of 30,000. The mayor ordered that 11 city-owned plot be turned into l!l small park with benches, tables and games. He gave 'Permission for card playing, but no gam­ bling in MacKay PaL'k, border­ ing the area, and promised more parking space. He also said he would support a proposal for a community rec­ reation center, said a full-time recreation director would be named and promised to provide more parking spaces in the vicinity of Mackay Park. Job O]j)jJ)l!)rilllniticas The mayor himself confronted the young people when he toured the park area. With him he had a list of job openings available through the New Jer­ sey Employment Service which he distributed to young people who complained of an inability to find work. He also sent lettero to business and industrial lead­ ers in Englewood asking them to provide work opportuni­ ties. In answer to other complainUl from Negro spokesman,. the mayor ordered the demolition of two deserted houses in II blighted area and said condem­ nation proceedings would be ini­ tiated agianst 10 other homes. A clean-up program in the wake of the disturbances wlU\ initiated by the residents them­ selves even before the city sent in special crews and equipment.

priest In ceremonies at the resi­ dence of John Cardinal Krol here. Father Michael B. Sisak .of IlUbuI'ban Ambler, made a pro­ fession of faith while kneeling at the altar of the Cardinal's pri­ vate chapel. A subsequent ritual absolution by Cardinal Krol from any ecclesiatical eensures Father Sisak may have eon­ tracted signified his admission into the Catholic Church. Father Sisak wlll serve in par­ ishes of the Passaic eparchy (diocese), although he will be under the jurisdiction of Cardi­ nal Krol, who holds the title of apostolic visitator-a term de­ noting special jurisdiction con­ ferred by the Pope in matters most frequently reserved to the Holy See. Four other priests who have become Catholics after ordina­ tion in the Orthodox Church are also under Cardinal Krol's jurisdiction, although they are working in Byzantine-rite par­ ishes. «mes Bishop Sllueen Ordination in the Orthodox Church is accepted as valid by Catholics, since it is recognized that the Orthodox have main­ tained the principle of apostolic succession-the valid transmis­ sion of sacramental power in an unbroken line from Christ's BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE: Father Urban H. Schmidt, Moscow, Idaho, who is eo­ Apostles. ehaplain general of the J'amboree, offered Mass in front of the International Reception "The idea of unity," said 58­ tent for early arrivals at the World Boy Scout' .Jamboree at Farragut State Park, Bay­ year-old Father Sisak, after his reception into the Catholie view, Idaho. Serving Mass were Leo Romo, Saginaw, Mich., .and Michael Kelly, Traverse Church, "is more than just a City, Mich. NC Photo. dream; it has to come to pass. I decided I would like to share in the blessings of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council in my lifetime." Father Sisak had been con­ templating joining the Catholie Church for many years. He left LONDON (NC) - Invitations to see non-Roman Catholics One of the main Catholic his Orthodox parish in 1952 and to ministers of other churches "speak from the floor." speakers was Father Bernard has been teaching Latin and his­ to address Catholic congrega­ Another resolution which goes Leeming, S.J., Newman profes­ tory at Upper Dublin (Pa.) High tions was said to be a matter of to the bishops for consideration sor of ecumenical theology at School for the past 12 years. urgency in a resolution passed expressed the desire that local Heythrop. FDIl'Sltt laym«!J[lll In his petition for admission at the four-day national ecu­ authorities should interpret the 'lLemll'llI From Others' JERSEY CITY (NC)-FranclfJ into the Catholic Church as a menical conference, attended by Vatican's newly published ecu­ The first requirement of ecu­ J. Mertz is the first layman iIll priest, the Pittsburgh native delegates of the 19 dioceses of menical directives in a liberal mertism, he said, is "the reform the 94-year history of St. Peter'D noted that he had been greatly England and Wales at Heythrop sense. al'ld renewal of the Roman Cath­ impressed by the philosophical College. Five non-Catholic speakers olic Church, as the (Vatican College here to be appointed Q works of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen So far, Catholic priests have addressed the conference: Council II) decree on l~cumen­ vice-president. Mertz, a 1958 of Rochester. been frequently invited to Bishop Kenneth Sansbury and ism repeatedly says; and through" alumnus, was appointed vice president for development, m He also expressed a debt l!l'f preach in Protestant churches, the Rev. John Weller, represent­ gratitude to" Pope John XXIIlI but no Protestant clergyman has ing the British Council of brotherly contact with others, new post, by Father Victor R. that reform and renewal can be Yanitelli, S.J., college president. for his "inspiration" in conven­ been invited to preach in an Churches; Prof. George Caird, ing the Second Vatican Council English Catholic Church. This Congregationalist; Dr. James helped forward." This does not mean, he said, and for his work in promoting non-reciprocity is beginning to Packer, Anglican; and Dr. Har­ that Catholics surrender their Christian unity. '!muse concern in Anglican and old Roberts, Methodist. beliefs, or that involvement is 'Laborers Are Few' Protestant circles, the confer­ They outlined both the prog­ a means of persuading others. ence was told. "I was impressed, too," Father ress and the obstacles in rela­ "What it does mean is that we The original wording of the tions between their respective all learn from others and to­ Sisak commented, "with how tbe Council' Fathers followed the resolution, agreed upon loy all bodies and the Roman Catholie COMPANY delegates, included the words Church, .and answered questions. gether we can undel'stand the lead of the Holy Fatner. I be­ purpose of God in Christ and eame confirmed in the idea that "'pulpits and preaching." But what that requires in the present· these were changed by the Complete Lnl1le there must be something super­ conditions of the world. . . Literacy LessonSl chairman, Bishop Thomas Hol­ Datural about this. Bui8ding Materials "The aim' of the ecumenical land of Salford. TACNA (NC)-A 10-kilowatt ''Then,'' Father Sisak eon­ movement is initially to remove Against Exchange broadcasting station, John XXIII, tlnued, "Pope Paul VI reinforced ' At a subsequent press confer­ will serve a chain of radio the scandal "of Christian dis­ 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHIAVEN my favorable impression with ence, Bishop Holland said he was schools for...... rural families in unity by mutual friendship, re­ :bis missionary trips - particu­ spect and co-operation in works 993-2611 larly his inspiring meeting with against an exchange of pulpits southern Peru beginning in Sep­ where liturgical services are tember, Bishop Alfonso Zaplana of justice and charity." . (Orthodox Patriarch) Athena­ concerned, though he is prepared of Tacna announced. Funds were

Moras in the Holy Land." provided by Adveniat, German

"All these things," asserted Catholic organization for aid to

Father Sisak, ''impressed on "me Parish Otrg)C11l11lozat'ion Latin America. The Peruvian

the fact-'They mean business! ministry of education and local

They are really working for Receives ChaJlrter teachers will prepare anl,i broad­ unity!' " COLUMBUS (NC) - A non­ cast the literacy programs.

."Because, as Our Lord said, profit organization chart.er has

The harvest is great, but tile laborers are few,' I decided iIe been awarded by Ohio Secretary

of State Ted Brown to Inner

seek admittance into the Catb­ City Catholic Parishes, Inc., to

elic Church as a priest." MIAl~UFACTURERS provide housing for low and

moderate income groups and for

Over 35 Years

~milies displaced by urban l!'e­


of Satisfied Service

MEXICO CITY (NC)-Awdl­ newal.

tary Bishop Francisco Orozco fIl The truste~ include three

Reg. Master Plumber 7023


Mexico City has been named 1ItJ priests, three laymen a~d a nun.


The organization now is awaiting

Mexico's episcopal eonferenee • ATTLEBORO FALLS IG6 NO. MAIN STREET . .Mad the Mexican Centes' . . a federal loan to build a IS-story Fall. River' 675-7497 NORTH ATTLEBORO .. . . ' . ' .. .. MANSFIELD . . .8I1t apartment 9Wldin,•. " iIueiaJi" COinmWlicaUoDe.

~e_ciprocal Clergy Invitations Non-Reciprocity Causes Concern



Named Moderator

Montie Plumbing & Heating Cc.



'6 ~.

THE ANCHO'" -Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 10,'1967




l?aJri§h" Pat"ade 1iil01LY RlEDlElEThilEllt. ~lBIA'll'lHlAM

The Holy Name Society will lJilold its annual public auction lm the churchyard on Highland :£.venue beginning at 10 this lilllorning, rain or shine. Dick l80urne will be auctioneer and Jltems on the block will include antiques and a building lot, The auction will be held in a tent, Qnd seats and refreshments will be available. crli'. J OS lElPlHl, IFAILIL RlIVlER

A guitar Mass is announced flQr 8:15 Sunday morning, Aug. 13 following the favorable re­ cponse to a similar Mass held two weeks ago. The school library now has .1I10ldings of 1000' books, aug­ mented by a government grant QIld contributions from the Men's Club. 12'll'. JOlHlN BAJPTIlST <CEN'll'RAIL VlIlLlLAGIE

The Ladies' Guild will meet at o tonight in the parish hall..

Hostesses will be Mrs. Constance

Sequeira, Mrs. Tillie Shelter and Mrs. Marie Souza. 'Reservations for a lobster oopper to be served at. 5:30 and 45:30 Saturday night, Aug. 12 must be made by today. This event will also be held in the -!hall.

Delay Appro.val of' Catechism FREIBURG (NC)-The Her­ der publishing company here has. announced that no impri­ matur (permission to print) can be expected -in the near future for the German edition of the new Dutch catechism. Reportedly, the German hier­ archy did not have any objec­ tions to the catechism, which has the imprimatur of Bernard Cardinal Alfrink of Utrecht,' the Netherlands, and which' was written at the request of .the Dutch bishops. But Archbishop Hermann Schaeufele of Freiburg has re:­

ceived. a letter from the Doctri­ nal Congregation in Rome stat: ing that a committee of cardinals has been formed to study the new ~atechism. Archbishop Schaeufele will not give an im­ primatur before the result of the Roman investigation has been issued. .


The Holy Rosary Sodality will sponsor a Polish food sale from 9 to 5 tomorrow in the audito­ rium. Mrs. Sophie Pinkowski is chairman. SACRED IHlIEART, .'.I\LL RlIVlER

The annual parish picnic will take place from noon to dusk Sunday, Aug. 27 at Camp Welch, Assonet. Admission will be free and refreshments will be available. OUR lLADY OF i\.SSUMMllON, OS 'lI'E R VlILlLlE

A religi'ous vacation scRool di­ rected by the Missionary Ser­ vants of the Most Blessed Trin­ ity and the Teacher-Helper divi­ 'sions of the CCD concluded a two-week session with a Mass and field day. A total of 55 chil­ dren were enrolled in classes in­ cluding religious instructions, arts and crafts and games.


MADRID (NC) - A leader of the Spanish Young Christian Workers' organization, Julian Ariza Rico, has been acquitted by a local court on charges of insulting trade union leaders be­ longing to the Falange, Spain's orily legal political party.· In 1965, Ariza wrote an article in Juventur Obrera, a Spanish Missionary-linguist Catholic youth workers' newsGets Federal Grant paper now suppressed by the' government. A· lower court ESOPUS (NC) - A Rederrip­ found the wording of the article, ~rist missionary has received a Jlederal grant enabling him to which concerned labor disputes, "insulting" and gave Ariza a !return to his former mission !ltation in Brazil to record on month and a day in jail and a fine of about $80. ttape for scientific study an ob­ In February of this year, AriZl1 . lICure Indian lan~uage spoken published another article m ilIIl the area. Father Thomas Egan, C.SS.R., in Juventud Obrera in which he criticized the removal of' union 110, ~ native of Boston, compiled leaders and some changes iul /lhe first grammar of the Ter­ II'Cnos language while stationed trade union legislation. The Fa­ mt a mission parish in Miranda, lange again accused him of fin the Brazilian state of Mato. slander. The new court ruling state<' «ikoIiSo. in 1944. that the article ill a legitimate eriticism with no intent to de­ grade the Falange's leaders. The court has ordered the return of eonfiscated copies of the Febru­ ary issue 10 the youth movemelllt.


NAMED COADJUTOR : Bishop Leo C. Byrne, former apostolic administrator of the diooese of Wichita, has been named by Pope Paul VI', to be coadjutor archbishop with the right of successiOili. to Archbishop Leo Blnz of St. Paul - Minneapolis. NC Photo. -

GENEVA (NC) - The execu­ tive committee of the World Council of Churches has named five observer-consultants to the Third World Congress of the Lay Apostolate, tlJ open ilm ~ome Oct. 11. They are Dr. Klaus von Bis­ marCk, director of West GermaJlll Radio and Chairman of 'the wce Committee' of the Department on the Laity; Judge Annie Jiagge of Ghana; Dr. Hans­ Ruedi Weber, associate director of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland; Ralph C. Young and C.I. Itty, executive secretary and assoc.iate secre­ tary, respectively, of the WCC'o Department on the' Laity..

EA.RTlHlQUAKE VICTIM: Ronald R. Zediak, Catholic Relief Services' program assistant in Caracas, Vene­ zuela, was killed in the earth­ quake that recently hit Cara­ eus. A native of McKeesport, Pa., he was a 1963 graduate of Duquesne University, and had attended American Uni­ versity, '\¥ashington, D. C. . NC Photo.. .. :;>"

Observer - consultants h a ve been named by other organiza­ tions as follows: World Council of Christian Education - Rev. Katharina van Drimmelen; World Student Christian Feder-· ation-Valdo Galland' and Fares Bitar of Lebanon; World YWCA -Eliza,beth Palmer, Inga-Brita Castren; and Mary Rossi of Italy; World Alliance of YMCAs­ Fredrik Franklin, W ern e r Jentsch of Germany, and Fell'­ lIlandezCarrera· of Chile.


1l...J'.l~ ~ f[



, U UU fAiHIIIll'!iJ



Continued from Page OM Paul's church, Vincent A. Resta of Holy Rosary church and Patrick J. Carroll of St. Luke'lll church in the Bronx. .


'The priests have been actl'N in "Summer In The City," a PBlri of the war on J)<lverty program, and involved. in a year-rounti neighborhood community acliGla program sponsored. by tabe N~ York Institute Foil' Humaa JIJle.o velopment.



~eatt CIl4A~ILE$



3-659! WA~GA$


alb your help. The betb... now orytftl CIllft • worIcI of peace toRlOI'I'W. "-'pIq·thtm DOW 'WlII __ you feel soocL .

][)uriot;g recent disordeR'll r..: Spanillh Harlem, the priest. sponsored. . nightly, processi_ which brought out hundrecia iIii! people ia peaceful demonstnlo­ DOnAl and which J)<lllce said -dW1 • great deal b ealm the -at'&­ Dorbood."


IMOIIJIllUlli'11 AID Ta 'Il'He DRBl!lm'1A1I. IIHURGtIl

O'if you havQ ever seen a baby dl0c=Of liCarvatioWo ilor Instance-you know how It feels to b~ her@. In tho name of humanity, tell everyona we neeell .helpl" • • • Lay apostle Carol Hunnybun wac (lortlng food, clothing and medical supplies IIIl VIC;) Holy Land. Her special love III for children. II • • "It Is one thing for a fighting soldier to ge~ t<\IIed," aha said. "But look at these babies, an~ ; :~Isten to ittlem ory. Why Ihould they sufferf . taables don't fight wlIlrsl" ••• There ara othef' Innocent victims, too-old people. wlvea wh<8 : .. loat their soldier husbands, semlnarlanl anfi M novices whose studlel are Int9rrupted. Their tru.a lufferlng Isn't dramatic, their story II not told!. ~ but If- real Buffering all the sams•••• What oall ~ rou dol A pr~eat'_ housekeeper 1ft upstate New . \'ork sent us the $30 she Intended to spend at .lxpe '67. It man In Indiana sent $!5,OOO. MoMY can't buy UHipplnllSl but It can buy foo4, blankets, books and p10M0 ••• ,.... Holy Peth.,

H,onltt.r Pol.Gee

Names Observers To Laity Congress



DAYTON (NC)-The right ex!

migrant workers to bargain col­

lectively for higher pay and bet­ ter living conditions is defended in a statement issued by the 17­ member Catholic poverty Com­ mission of Dayton, headed by Auxiliary Bishop Edward A. McCarthy of Cincinnati.



.Spanish C@frh©lscc leadlerr

(In Rome, authorities of the Doctrinal Congregation have refused to discuss the investiga­ tion being made by the colllllli&­ sion of cardinals.) However the secretariat of Cardinal Alfrink in Utrecht stated that the cardinal does not know of any difficulties COD­ cerning the German translation of the catechism, which will also be translated into French, En­ glish, Italian and Portuguese.

. ..... I!a ah..per than bU.... 0'. lilt MW'Iordu th...-. .... 180,000 new NftIIteI (routtIf 1M population or Takoma, Walti.) wM Iaok ... .,.. MHMItI... reed on. famHr tar. mOfttIIt It 0HtlI onlt 'lO.-wfW not·fMcII • tim.. . . "

. . . . _ _ I I the ..... loW





f teu..... younqu. . . . WMlkwlll .. offtIII ., . ~.., prtuta who noeM no otMr . . • : . . Mate . olttllnal _ ~ e1otIIIIJ6

4 .





;~~_JQIIII' lQoftM ... ~ lilY hoap!.~" 1M Jord.nlln ,.".,.1 liked



. . . 'imaan.·Llke molt of Ilia troo~ the ptna 18 • ~'em. You au· train • Sister . '_'. fW only $lJOO aI. topther ('130 • ~" 'l~UO . • t:ftOfttb). 8hewM wrb tID ~ P!'fI ftr ~CJ • • mtmW(j)f~~ ~ .


~~ I?lOCl(iOlAL~ p", YitNIVm


Ii\'lleW I&leDIFO/tlQ), M&$$.

@JOO~~~~ ~-,






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-'-11'-- i

If'hf ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thu. _.













Frozen Dead Cool Ones, The Countdown Double Man, The Double Trouble Endless Summer, The Enter laughing Fantastic Voyage Fastest Guitar Alive Finder's Keepers F1lllow .Me,lloys

llIardy, The The Gnome-Mobile 40 Guns to Apache Pass Frankenstein Conquers tile World Frontier Hellcat Gentle Giant, The Goal! Happiest Millionaire I Deal in Danger ls Paris Burning?

Jack Frost lRusJ Monkeys Go Home Namu, The Killer Whale Plainsman, The Reluctant Astronaut, The Return of the Gunfighter Russian Adventure Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are C6Il1ing. The Sound of Music, The Sullivatl's Empire

Vammy and the M1l11onab'f1 Tarzan and the Valley of Wl Terrornauts, .The That Tennessee Beat They Canie from Beyond Space Thoroughly Modern Millie Thunderbirds Are Go Tiko and the Shark A Tim~ for Burnilll What Am I Bid

fahrenheit 451 First to Fight The Flim-Flam Man Fort Utah Gunfight in Abilene In like FI int Hostile Guns Jokers, The (Br.>

Il.tl Vie de Cflateau Ifr.l lont Duel Man Who Finally Died, Tile Mummy's Shroud Naked Among the Wolves (Ger.) -o.S.S. 117, Mission for ~ Itiller lfrJ

PerIls of Pauline Poppy Is Also a Flower, The Projected Man, The Red Tomahawk Sea Pirate Shadow of Evil Shameless Old lady, The IfrJ Texican, Tile .

Vobruk To Sir. With lote Up the Down Stairease War W2gon, The Warning Shot Way West, The The Wild, Wild Planet Yo-Y() 6uJ

Aecident (Br.> Assignment To Mill Barefoot in the Pal~ Busy Body, The The Caper of tM G6l4Ien Bulls Caprice Casino Royale Chuka ACountess From WOIill JloII£ Crazy Quilt,. The Deadly Affair. The Devil's Own, The

Divorce American Style F.klorado EI Greco F~r a Few Dollars More Fortune Cookie, The Fr.aflkenstein Created Woman Funny Thing Happened On tile Way to th~ Forum, A Funeral in Berlin Grand Prix Hail! Mafia Happening, The Hawaii

Honey Pot, The Hotel Hot Rod to Hell Hunt, The (Spanish) In The Heat of The ~illht Island of Terror King of Hearts long Ride Home Made in Italy A Man and A Woman IfvJ McGuire, Go Home The Naked Runner Night of the Generals

Not With My Wife You Don't Pawnbrol(er, The Penelope Professionals; The Quiller Memorandum, The Rage Return of the Seven Riot on Sunset Strip Rough Night in Jericlle Sand Pebbles, The Sandra lItaLl Spirit Is Willing, The Shoot loud, louder •••

i'>on't Understand m. Spy With a Cold Nose S1udy in Terror, A (llrJ Sweet love, Bitter Taming of the Shrew Thief of Paris Vriple Cross Tfunk to Cairo Two For The Road Venetian Affair, Tile The War Game Where lire Bullets fir ~

Alfie mr.> Darling Easy life, The "tal.) The Family Way (8r.> Flame and the Fife Georgy Girl (Br.>

Girl with Green Eyes ~r.> Knack, The (Br.> lord love a Duck Marat/Sade Mom rn ' ,~ Truth, The Persona ISwell.)

llIawks llACI Sparrows Red Desert Servant, The Strangers in the City Taboos of t~e World lIta'J Ihis SpOI £In!: Life Wr J

1100 YOllllg to love Ulysses Victim (Br.) Visit, The Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

You're 11 Big lJey Now . Vocng and the WillilI& _

Africa Adrlio lItal.! Amencull 'tI, "am, An Arrivederci, Baby! (formeriy Yo~ Just 1Ii11 Me) Banning Beautiful Swindles, The -BIggest Bundle of Them All, . The Blue Max, The c'orrupt Ones, Tbll

Coven~nt w;th l)~ath, A De..... Male Devil's Angels Doctor. You've Got 10 Be Kidding Duel At Diablo Fistful of Dollars Gunn Guide For The Married Mall, A Hirell lIiller, The

King's Pirate, The Murderer s Row New Angels, The (Ital~ Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad Once Before I Die Pistol for Ringo IItaU Prehistoric Women Queens

ftide to Hangman's Tree. The SleepUl& Car Murder, lhe SfJace Flight lC fOr'> Swinger, The This Property is Condemned Time of Indifference Utal.> Torn Curtain Three Bites of the Apple The Viking Queen Viva Maria

Way . • . Way Oet! Welcome to .urd Tirnell What A Way to Go What Did You 00 ill tile - . Daddy? What's New Pussycat Who Killed Teddy Bear? Who's Been Sleepinc iii ..,

Nude Odyssey. The OtaLl

Tales of. "oriS WrJ Telllp,o.""i; ;'r.-ltaJJ H):30 P.M. SJmmer Terrace. The (SpanJ To love (SwedJ Too Young, Too 11IlI1MIt'a1 Wastea lives and lite . . of Twins Weekencl (DanJ . What's Up Ttger LiI,? White Voices lItalJ Wemen of tnll World MIU Yeun:. t'ond, fhe N

Africa-Texas Style A Man For All Seasons Arizona Bushwacller Ballad of .It>sie Bible, The Big Mouth Brighty of the Grand Canyon Bullwhip Griffin Cat, The Christmas That Ahoost Wasn't, The



Brides of Fu Manchll, The . Brown Eye·Evil Eye Chubasco Come Spy With Me Deadly Bees, The Defector, The (Gr.> Doctor Zhivago Eight On The lam






~= ~=-~'""~".~'~~;;;';'~;""'""'.MOftAllY UNOBJECTIONABLE foR ADULTS. WITH RESERVATIONS


Zo'rb2, lhe Greek




IN PAkl f01l ALL






i_§=====_","'_·"_IN,",,'_IN""""''''''''''-, §

£I.JA~S ~

§ ~


.= -





:~~::.~. ~~.~;,... Bell'Anttinio lItaLl Blow-Up (Br.> Circle of love Contempt (Fr.> Cul·Oe-Sac· Dear John (Swed.) Doll. The (Swed'> Empty Canvas Eric Soya's 17 (Danish) IS Over 'Fu Nilh Infideltty IItal i .




on Wheels Love (Ital.) Imagf' of love la Fuga (ltal.) la Guerre Est Finie 'Fr'> la Mandrao;ola (!tal.) la,. The (Fr.) le 80nheur ·Fr.) let's Talk AlYl'" ~'.'I)men (Ital.) love and M'rm;ge lItal.! love Game (Ff.l love J:otld""-" T ne love In 4 1),,""lIo'Ons lltal.) I lO~ e


love on a Pillow (Fr.!

loves of a B,unae (Czech)

loving Couples (Swedish)

Magdalena (Ger.>

Maid in Paris IFr.>

Married Woman, The Ifr J

Masculine-Feminine (Fr.>

Miller's Beautiful Wife (ltal.)

Molesters. The

Mondo Pazzo (ltal.) .

My life to live IFr.>

My Sister. My LIJ'!e (Swell'>

Nig/lt Games ISwr:dJ

000 Ob __ ",un


Of Wayward love (ltal.) Playgirl After Dark (8r.) Please. Not Now! (Fr.> Port of DeSire Pet Bouille (lovers of Paris) Beach Red Repulsion Run F(Jr Your Wife Sweet ana Sour IFr.> SII' ,dish Wedding Night ISwed.'



~"agent, to

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of'Fall River....:.;.Thurs; Aug; 10, 1967 . .

Direct Mid..East Relief

. ' ,

'Clergy Aid to la't;~ Lands Se®n Vmtal' Apostolate

NEW YORK (NC)-Harry J. Nugent of Brooklyn has been named coordinator of the Cath­ olic Relief Services emergency refugee relief program in o!eru­ salem and the west bank of the Jordan ,River. Nugent, who had been serving with the U. S. Catholic overseas aid agency in, Nairobi, Kenya, will assist in supervising the distribution of over $1 million of relief supplies shipped during July to aid to the thousands of area war refugees. Since hostilities ceased in the Middle East, CR~ has dispatched 3,765 tons of food, clothing, $25,000 worth of medicines, eat­ ing and cooking utensils for 8,3.50 families, 7,000 blankets and , 1,000 cases of canned beef. Knows Area Wen

Nugent previously served in the area from December 196~. to October 1965, when he was CRS program director in Jordan. At the time of his transfer, he was awarded a medal of honor from King' Hussein of Jordan,' for "work, dedication and devotion" to- the p'overty-afflicted in Jor­

From "SociallRevolutioJm in the New lLatin America" Edited by John Jr. Considine, M.M. Frankly, it seems to me, says Oardinal Ricketts of Lima, Peru, that no adequate institution exis'ts as yet in the Church today specifially responsible for the ,advocacy of the ,Church's universal pastoral program. The average par­ ish does not possess a clearBOut pl'an' of ll'fe <l"nd -l--~'~chl'ng They must take pains to acquire, ~ a sincere esteem for and fun which points the way for comprehension of the achieve­ participatIon in the world ments already realized by the ....


Illpostolate, which specifies the Church in Latin America., implementation of this world They must make it a basic apostolate as a principle to seek the cooperation fun dam e n of 'the Latin American, clergy ~a1 Christian and to seek directives of them. duty. Let us ' They must take- into account, the oonfess it, most fact the the' Church in both,

0f us bishops 'our 'worlds possesses in common find ourselves a rich religious 'and spiritual quite ready to heritage, ,and that the differ­ permit our ences which one notes between many zealous our religious practices are al­ pastors to' lead most exclusively external and their flock in have their origin not in religious ctOme form of 'differences but in' the diversity , participation in of our cultural milieUJ[. FROM EUROPE TO CATHEDRAL CAMP: As in past dan. Employed with CRS, since the world apostolate' as a' work Sound advice for any individof supererogation-as a program ual or group that wants to help . years, 'many boys from European countries are among 1954, Nugent has also been sta- , campers at Cathedral Camp, East' Freetown. Included in tioned in Italy, Sweden and that is praiseworthy but not at the Latin American Church. ltil obligatory. A second basic attitude is that this Summer's group are, from .left, standing, Bernard Malta. A graduate of Brooklyn Academy, he served, with the Very few of us are insistent any assistance rendered the ,Waitzenegger, Jean Michel Gabriel'andiPeter Waitzenegger, <!nough with !lur people that it' Church south of our own borders checking on day's schedule with counsellor ,Robert Carter V. S. N~vy from 1937 to 1948. lls their essential duty as Chrisis merely paying a tremendous itions to ,occupy themselves ac- debt that is ours. The Church in of Holy Name parish, New Bedford. Wcmen on CounCB~ tlvely wi~h both the human and North America was immensely MUNICH (NC)' Thirteen the spiritual needs of the peoples assisted in becoming what it is women are among the 28 lay of Africa and Asia. Very few. today by the 'charity and apos­ members of the Munich diocesan of us in years gone by have toUc spirit of the Church in advisory council. The substan­ brought up our people to be Europe. ' Two Chaplains With Michigan. National tial representation of women on actively devoted to the welfare Now, thanks to God's good­ the council- is in line with the of the Christian millions living ness, the Church here is, of suf­ . Guard DUlI'ing Street FiglhtDn9 desire of Bishop Johannes Von­ as Protestants, either near at ficient maturity to exercise this derach that at least one third of band or at a distance. Very few, same charity to' the Churches . DETROIT {NC) -,- "If you're tasting war: for the first time. of the council membership is again, until very recent days, south of our national borders. not better Christians after you They slept-when t'hey' could':­ ll1ave taught it as an essential ,The Contribution that 'is ours to leave here, tllere's something with the Guardsmen on the flool!' composed of Ie laymen and 32 lIiuty for Catholics to concern make will be an effort to assist wrong," Hie priest told his young , of the a'rmoory. ' , priests. themselves with the unserved not merely' in the devel~pment listeners. "But 'a lot of' them were too Catholic millions in great areas of the organizational Church, There was something more to nervous !lnd excited to do much of Latin America. living without but in the creation of a genuine it than that, however. The priest sleeping," said Msgr. Schoenherr Enjoy Dining priests ,'and often' under sub- spiritual family, alive, dynamic, -Msgr. Walter J. Schoenherr !>f H A lot of our troops went human social and economic cir- loving, self-sacrificial: IN THE Blessed Sacrament Cathedral hours with only a few hours of ~umstances. CommunU,. 'lD Cbrist rest." .

parish-was now Major Sch,oen­ Let us hope that as a feature The goal will not be merely herr, 'and 'his young audience

JO~l Y WHALER' Father Brerman discounted. III the world-wIde aggiornamen~ te b1Pld , church buildings, but was composed of men ,of the , subsequent criticism that the --AND­ to that, is with ever-increasing to build the Church, a commu­ First Brigade of the Michigan effectiveness talking form nit)' of people in Christ, .the National q.uard's 46th Division. ' Guardsmen were trigger-happy SPOUTER INN and sometimes ruthless in 'their tlirou~ the Ecumenical Council, lack of which thousands' of "Here" was Detroit's West actions. RESTAURANTS we bishops, our splendid clergy hoUses of worship, schQo)s, and Side, 'which the' Guardsman "These kids conducted .them,;, and devoted Brotherhoods and hospitals will not fill. Sought to pacify iii ,three, days of selves very well," he said.' "NoDe Always free Parking Sisterhoods, our millions of mar':' Our goals will include the" for­ street fighting a~id the, flame­ ,velous faithful will become much mation of saintly people and not . bla<;kened remains of stores and of them wanted to kill. When they were shot at they just fired ", more keenly alive to our duties merely individual saints, a peo­ houses. back in self-defense." ' toward our fellow men wherever pIe committed to Christ and Msgr. Schoenherr was one of there is need 'in the world. Christian service and not mere­ two Detroit priests-the other , MutuaU Respect 11' well-informed people, con­ With regard to Latin America, sciences' that speak socially and was Father William Brennan of St. Luke's parish-serving with the task of assisting the Church not merely individually. there .to revitalize itself is 1IO The k'm d 0 f' f orma I wors h'IP the First Brigade. The riots struck as they were enormous that those who want we wish to teach must be con':" to help themselves have certain cerned not only ,with statistics' half-way' through their annual basic attitudes. about MaSs attendance, First· two-week tour ,of active, duty at Camp Grayling in Michigan. At the outset is the avoidance COmmunions, frequency_ of com­ of any semblance' of paternalism" munion, and' confession" but with The second week was indeed smugness> and insensitivHy t4i the Mass and the Sacraments insofar , active, as the priestS toured the riot areas helping tho,se they feelings of our Latin, American as they are vitally' live encoun­ 'brothers and sisters in Christ. ters with the Hying, glorious and could and lending a willing ear to, young Guardsmen who: were <In a book written by several risen Christ.

Chilean priestS entitled Land af Hope and' Anguish, there is il Lofty ideals, admittedly needed PAID QUA'RTERI.Y PAID-UP

ReBigious Publishing C:ilapter called "Santiago is a here at home as well as in Latin Long Way from, Chicago," ill America," but how else can BERLIN (NC) - Despite a SHA'RE. CERTIFICATES·

which you, will find. the passage: Christians be formed who will 1966 rise from 31 to 32 in the , 'Our religious workers' from' 'PE!:'letrate'Lafi~Afuerican society, total number of religious peri­ Deposits Welcomed .. Multiples 011, North' America who labor in ho:w else to project the faith and odicals. published in communist­ . $200.00 IIIP to $30,OOO-on Single and Joint Accounts ~atin' .AIDerlca must. carry' on not merelY pr~tect it'? ruled East Germany, the total . Up to $60,000-1. Corporations their tasks' in closest possible And now I would like to be­ circulation of religious and theo­ fraternal harmony with the reli- ,come more specific by speaking logical magazines in the country DiVDlOlENDS PAID 4 TWMIES A YEAR gious forces of Latin America. of a form 'of assistance between dropped 600,000 below the 1965 FebnD<alIl'Y, May, August all1ld November ourselves and Latin America total. This brought periodical which will bind us together for circulation below 12 million. All Deposits Insured in Full Names New lDean all the future to come i~ bonds NEW YORK (NC)-James H. that are truly Christ-centered and Christ-like.

/ MacN,eill, chairman of the ac­ 'counting ,department at the It is a form of aid that has al­

Fordham University school of ready invoived' spontaenously

business administration, has been nearly half a hundred United appointed dean of the school, States bishops, and which u 9I~Ce Father Leo McLaughlin,' S.J., has a potential only beginning Hyanni$ university president, announces. to be realized. MacNeill, 43, will direct the un­ It is' the sending of members 279 Barnstable Road dergraduate sr.hool at locations of our own diocesan clergy to Main Office: 4 Winthrop Street, Taunton Sf 5-0019 on ,Fordham's Bronx campus give a brotherly assist to their . Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk and in downtown ManJ?attan. fellow priests.


• In Detroit


New Bedford Hotel'







Real Estate

[ielJll<e t Poyam'llt






. ,Observes :Concept Chan,ge In Newman Apostolate

, ,r'


Thurs., Aug. 10, 19167




~~\;' ,'''1 r ..~ 1..,(. '\

BURL][NGTON (NC)-No one talks about Newman ,Clubs anymore, according to Father Philip Branon, chaplain

m the Oatholie Center at the University of Vermont and

president of the National Newman Chaplains' Apostolate. Young Catholics on the seeD­

m campus 00 talk, however, plines belongs to the depart­

in terms of Oatholic eentem lUld involvement that is most by the universities. fJl' the Newman apostolate, "The classroom," Father Bran­

NationcU 1l"eaclrnerr

,. <




Corps ~s rFacing Big Budlget Cu11' WASHINGTON (NC) .-;> As a Presidential commissioll and a half-dozen other bodiee launched probes into thCD

eauses and cures of the nation'll on adds, "is not the place for the big-city riots, the U. S. SeJ1c> 'Catholic' or 'Protestant' or ate narrowly defeated a proposaIl 'Jewish' approach; it is the place , to expand the ghetto-oriented! for the open approach to reli­ National Teacher Corps. gion." The 45-43 vote defeated a mOoo This leaves the Newman Apos­ tion to give the Corps the fuD tolate, he says, at the place $33 million asked by President) where it belongs-the altar. Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1968 lLove and, Mercy budget message, "It is there," Father Branon Instead, the Senate gave the ceontinues "that the Church can corps slightly more than haill and must present itself to, and that-$J,7 miJIion--when it ap.­ for, the university community­ proved the 1988 appropriationv a servant, pilgrim churCh. The for the dep:lrtment of Healtm., CathorJ1ic community on any Education and Welfare. campus should be gathered The Corps, which trains and! around the altar 'with a mean­ J!>lIlre of lDampus recruits teacheJ,"S for povcrty~ "Pope John," Father Branon ingful liturgy which expresses area schools, has been under? oays, "in ca]]ing Vatican Council the need of the community in its heavy fire since its beginningv I i n, suggested that we open the worship of Almighty God. two years ago. Its original aUl~ ~t .-I "We shan expect om: priests windows to let in fresh' air. W~ thorization expired June 30, and!" and our PeQple to develop ~ mow know that people are look­ for a while that looked like too meaningfulhess of worship ing through, those' open windows. SOUPS ON: Sister Mary AleY,dis g~~ ~ 'hetp~ng 4and, ,. en:o~~ t~~ ~:~:~ and the SeD<> which, 'like the work in the The Church must become accus­ classroom, will prepare them for, with the soup from the Pittsbu'rg" Steelers~, defensive, end, ate finally 'agreed to continue tomed to public examination and GCrutiny. Catholic bishops and the future, by expressing and ,]Brady Keys, who expects to be hungry by luneh time. The its programs with 11th-hoWl' prela!~s, priests and, people, find fulfilling their needs now." Steelers training camp is at St. Vincent College here in' votes,' but' not before removin€5 The Newman Apostolate, Fr. themselves 2nd their statements ' effective control from the U. So. Branon believes can help to in­ ,Latll'obe, P a." NC Ph0 to' • ," ' Office of' 'Education and placin(J Ql'liscussed in the public press. "Bishops are no longer per­ fuse love into students who are it in the hands of the states an~ sonages or princes in the public going out illlto a world in which, local 'SchOol officials. : " ,Gomain. They are persons in in many instances, systems of ,.t American society, responsible to management -'- church; state or business - have become prized , ,lead their people ,in the' Chris­ of the looting 'Wmtlhlout P~rpo:~e/," AskG,oodJ ' Recept5cI1l

tian way of life and to make thlllt more for their own sake than BERLtN (NC) - Priests have for the service they are supposed We i'elevant to today's needs. Milwaukee Paston' asked Polish Catholics in aIll to render. "It is a challenging position churches' throughout the countrSl' Current attacks on the "estabMILWAUKEE (NC) _ They posed by an organized gang~ to extend a respectful and dig­ snd to face the scrutiny and just happened. meet the challenge, the Church, lishment" by demonstrators all must be doing something right at nified welcome to President ,The priest ,said there was Charles de Gaulle of France., An its bishops, is dependent 0iI1 <llver the nation show that many St. Gall's parish plant bl the Jj)e()ple actively oppose such sys' .. beart of Milwaukee's inl\er dty nothing he ,could do to quiet ,on our priests, chaplains and our who will pay a state visit te> tems,Father says, and he hopes -an area sealed off. by ,police down llhe horde of rioters-just Poland in September. President! Catholic communities" on cam­ pus, who have continuously been that those who have learned of . an'd National Guardsmen during wait 'and watch. He commented: de Gaulle' was referred to i~ ~e recent rioting. "Mobs do not act ratiionally~ The these aI:!peals as a "good Catho­ in position before the public: love and mercy through the only thing to do is' to stay out, lic" and "great' inan'o1 our age"'. Newman Apostolate can use that ,Father William J. Whelan, as­ eye." Thus, Father Branon stresses love in any new system, they sistant pastor said he ne~ of,the way." : Gl'llIbbed' Everything the Chur«:h on, the campus must might build. '" " ,feared for the 'safety, of the; parbe present "not as an alien forci!! ·Police 'came into' his parish , ,ish church, rectory,,' convent, but lilS, an Jntegral part of: the area "about 11:45 Pl\f.;i>ut tb':( ,,~hool and playground. His con­ ,':, Ci>mpDefe total campus community.- : , violence did not ease .. ,off" until ,' ' ;" fidence was well founded.' , ' around ~'P.M.,· thefollowi~ BeloDgs at Altar afternoon. ; ," " ,; .. , ' q ... , '" Tbifl means; 'Father Branon , ,"" , ' iE>US moments during the tw~ "The rioters smashed wmBows nys, that the Ne\Vman Apostol­ ?ONCORD (NC)-Ne~Ham~ "day violence.' He said 'the onl,.. just"Dblock or so awaY'''froDl' ate ifl committed not to an ~­ Blure ~v~ Joh~, W. King Will. "threat of destruction was 'Short­ ~ded building Program "but' ask ~e state .S~prem~ Court for, 'lived-a group ofrioters diuDped the church, ,grabbed everyihin'( -,' "', they' could get.. be, said., Much of tile selection and training of per­ lil senes o.f OPll~lO~ on ~e le~alseveral pieces of office :furJ;litu~ forBri~tol County the looting was, without PIU'Pose:" sonnel 'committed to that low ity of the s~te s e w law u:hlch,.. 'looted. from" a neIghbOrhood He pointed out 1hat one,,,Btoft ments of relIgion administered would' give parochial ~d pnvate store on the playground' and set, " broken, into and stripped ( spe­ Deeded for the Church on the schools a share of the proceed~ them' afire. The de-biis cialized, in equipment for ballet eampus." from the state lottery. ""cleared away the next ·tl!ay by dancers. While the Newman Apostolate King and his executive eoun~ "Father Whelan and II grciup of Father' Whelan' and ,twfl D0­ is concerned about mtellectual ell approved a request by Educahigh school boys. ' minican nuns of the 'parish' tion Commissioner Paul Farnum matters, he maintains, the pri­ school aided personnel at nearby _.. ' , Majority YOUDI;' PEOPle mary responsibility for theology that the court' give opinions on Memorial Hospital., He said thE· and religion as academic disci- three questions relating to the' ,., Father Whelan said the vlo­ TAUNTO,N1, MASS. hospital ,workers ,had diffi'culty new l a w : ' le'nce broke out in 'Parish getting ,to, their jobs. Does it conflict with the orig-, ' 'neighborhood about 11 'A.M. He And when it, was allover;,' ,,' TH'E iANK ON Philadelphians' Help mal 1963' Sweepstakes' Act, said the majority of the "early Father Whelan ,said, St. 'Gall's ,TAUNTON GREEN which , gave . sweeps proceeds", 'rioters were young ;people. chuJ'ch, rectory" 'convent 'S'Chool' , Inner City Parishes only to publicschools? ", .. ' When' the rock throw~r~ winand playground were' unscathoo ' PHILADELPHIA '(NC)-Par­ Member, ,or Feclleral DeposlS Should private and parochial' 'dow smashfng and,,~~~, fire .,.,.except for the spot, on the' play­ ishes in the Philadelphia Arch­ lnso'raDce €&r!'OraUolil ground where the looted offiee' diocese contributed more th8lll kindergartens'Share in the pr~ , gi'ew more intense, men, women eeeds? and youngsters were involvec,l. f~rn.~ture had ~en setablaze. ",' $77,000 in a two-month peI:iod

How, should a,"privately en- "h~!l~id... , ' :' \

in II 'voluntary ''diocesa'D. progrmD . to aid inner city and, rural par- dowed"school be defined? ••••• ••• , •••'••:. . . . . ••• " . $ $. .. ' , ,.Father Whelan said'the out-' • • • • • •'•••••• ishes. """ " The new law provides tha~.. burst' was 'Jiot,'unexpec~: Peo.:. A total of J.21 out of 313 par­ any .priyate, or church-related, ,pIe who live in the' inner dty Ishes donated '~ou~ts "lr8ni~1J school in which New Hampshire ,,had ,been, waiting for it, he'said, ,. from' $25 to $10,000 ,to assist par­ residents' are' enrolled is entitled " but. added the violence did not ishes in changing neighborhoodD to a per-pupil grant. It 'wou1l:~ ,stem from any timetable eom­ which are no l\>nger able to meet extend aid to about 30,000 more ,'. major financial obligations. students than the state's present , Eleven parishes received $75,·' 117,000 public school pupilS En.ECTRiCAR. originally covered. 475 for projects ranging from Contr(l]doll'S roof repairs and teachers' desks to a black-topped play area to I!eJrVe CIS a llIeighborh"od day he adds. The Newman Apostolate, lh. Branon maintains, "considero itself to be the Roman Catholic Church in the secular, academ!e world." Thus, the old idel\ of the club with its emphasis on fraternal llctivities has given way com­ pletely to an aW;1reness that Catholic centers ere the, Church em campus. Father Branon traces thlll cllange in the concept of the Newman Apostolate to Vatican Council n.


Parish Plant ,,'Unscathed





Asks ,,Court Rule On SchooEAid ' "' .. :at),adll\itt~~',he







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camp. Projects totalling . another $110,000 are 'slated the Fall. The Commission for Inter­ parochial Cooperation, estab­ llshed by John Cardinal Krol In February, is composed of nine pastors ehosen by am election which canvassed all the' pastOJ'll kl the archdiocese. '



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