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t eanc 0 VOL. 44, NO.30 • Friday, August 11, 2000




Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Pilgrims prepare for sojourn By MIKE GORDON

brought James, Peter and John up Mount Tabor for the revelation of his glory they SEEKONK - The young adults and "never expected what the Lord was gochaperones of the Fall River diocese trav- ing to tell them. Today we gather as people eling to Rome for World Youth Day 2000 ready to go on a pilgrimage. We are makgathered at Our Lady of Mount Carmel ing space in our busy lives for God and Church Sunday night for a sendoff Mass we do this for ourselves and for the and were encouraged by Bishop'Sean P. Church." Like James, Peter and John, O'Malley OFM Cap., to "pray for the "Christ is inviting us to go mountain climbing with spiri tual success him." of their pilgrimThose words age." 'Today we gather as people ready and the image of Bishop .o'Malley to go on a pilgrimage. We are mak- so many Cathoconcelebrated ing space in our busy lives for God lics from around Mass with Father and we do this for ourselves and for the globe climbGeorge E. Har- the Church. Christ is inviting us to . ing a mountain rison, secretary for go mountain climbing with him." with Christ brought to mind youth and pastor - Bishop Sean P. the message of of Our Lady of O'Malley, OFM Cap. Cardinal Bernard Mount Carmel Law of Boston Church and Father during the PilScott Ciosek of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, New grimage Day at Fenway Park earlier thts summer. , Bedford. "This night is about faith. It's about Expressing joy and thanks, "Today is a wonderful day to gather and celebrate," believing," Cardinal Law said of the BosBishop O'Malley said, adding that he was ton gathering. "There' are a billion of us very grateful to Bud Miller, director of throughout the world of all shapes and Youth and Young Adult Ministry, his staff, sizes, cultures and languages in one body and all those who have made this Pilgrim- of Christ." World Youth Day 2000 will age to World Youth Day' possible. In his be such a gathering, when close to two homily the bishop talked about the Gos- million Catholics from across the globe come together to share their faith and love pel reading of Jesus' transfiguration. Bishop O'Malley said when Jesus of Jesus. ANCHOR STAFF

. Following the homily, the Prayer of and fruitful pilgrimage." Following the Mass, pilgrims enjoyed the Faithful was read by Scott Waite of St. John Neumann Church, East Freetown, ' a tortellini dinner prepared and served by and among the prayers was that for a "safe Turn to page 13 - Sojourn

ELIZABETH DEAN of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Pocasset, participates in an "icebreaker" activity with Jocelyn Lally of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acushnet, after a sendoff Mass and dinner for World Youth Day 2000 pilgrims. (Anchot1Gordon photo)

Winding up those lazy, hazy days of summer ~

informal daytime visit. Happy youngsters at Diocesan-run "While we have many Catholic children here we Cathedral Camp enjoy pastoral visit by also have many who are not, and so for them it was a Bishop Sean P. O'Malley. time to meet Bishop O'Malley," she said. "We appre-

By JAMES N. DUNBAR EAST FREETOWN - "Hi bishop," came the cries from the well-tanned boys and girls busy with the summer fun and games that is the everyday agenda at Cathedral Camp. On that Thursday a week ago, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., made a pastoral visit to the woodlands camp with excellent water facilities that offers so many young people from across the region a time to enjoy so many exciting activities. Founded in 1915 by the Diocese of Fall River, Cathedral Camp is just a few miles from New ~ed­ ford, Taunton, Fall River and Cape Cod. The summer camp is in operation for eight weeks, this year starting in June and ending on August 18. Dominican Siste~ Joseph Marie Levesque, director of the camp, reported that there were 436 young boys and girls in the camp when the bishop made his I

BISHOP SEAN P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., watches a group of campers arrive at the doc~ during his visit to Cathedral Camp in East Freetown recently. (Photo by John E. Kearns Jr.)

ciate every time he comes to visit us." Some of the youngsters were there for a two-week period, some for a month and others were in camp Turn to page two - Summer

August 15 is Holy Day Tuesday, August 15 is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day on which Catholics are obliged to attend Mass.




Continuedfrom page one

for the entire summer program. "Happily the day Bishop O'Malley visited was a sunny one," . said Sister Levesque. ''The first two weeks of camp were beautiful, weatherwise, but the recent weeks . were not much fun," she said laughing. ''We were forced to play many inside games. But because inside space is limited it became trying with inclement weather lasting so long. It taxed the campers and. our 69 counselors too," she said. "But there were times when' the weather broke and .not enough rain to damper games outside ... except no water sports. Some of our counselors are very creative.') . The bishop's arrival "found

many of the campers drawn to him immediately," Sister Levesque said. "They really gravitated towards him, wanted him to play games with them arid many asked to have photos taken with him." . At the time, the campers were 'preparing for the annual Olympics Games. The campers break up into two teams with various designations in order to compete. It is one of many special events at the camp including a "Christmas in July." . _ Mostofthe days have an assigned six peIiods that include swimming instructions and swimming programs, trairiing in use of rowboats and canoes and water sports in the morning and afternoon. Bishqp O'Malleycame to see many of those




.. : ; ,


activities tin;t hand. _ mum wage for counselors having had a successful season this year, by Field games that include archery, increased, frankly we need a lot 'next year we are going to have to basketball,.spftball, soccer, kickball .more. We need. to pay them more replenish many things, and that inand rac.estaJ<e a big bite out of re- because they are certainly worth it." - cludes canoes that are more than 30 maining tirrle. And every camper She added that: ''While we have years old." looks forward to the time for arts and crafts, creating all kinds of useful and fun items to carry memories for a lifetime. ' ''And theb there is dance," Sister' Levesque s~d. "It is amazing how some of thepoys like some of these dances~ We 'have a very fine dance instructor." ': While the statistics are not all to,getheryet, Sister Levesque said that a "good pef~entage" of this year's campers had their tuitions partly paid' , by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. ''And·that is supplemented in a most important way by Catholic Charities ApPeal nmding," she added. "It . isa mfx oCdirect payment by the DOMINICAN SISTER Joseph Marie Levesque, director campers, !S( Vincent de Paul and of Cathedral Camp, and Bishop O'Malley are surrounded by Catholic Charities, and yet that is happy campers at Cathedral Camp. (Photo by John E. Kearns still not sufficient. It all doesn't pay Jr.) . nearly whatis costs. With the mini- .

Holy Cross priests, religious gather for Jubilee Year fete F8RE . TH8UGHT FUNERAL PLANNING


. ~al<! it easierfor tfWse you Cow

NOTRE DAME, Ind. - More Holy (:ross Brothers Joel Giallanza, effectS ofthe French Revolution. He than 400 priests, brothers and sisters Marianites of Holy Cross Sister modele4 his religious congregation of the Congregation of the Holy Mary 'Kay Kinberger, and Holy on the Holy Family. In the U.S. it -Cross a<;:imowledged their common Cross Father Hugh Cleary, chal- founded the University of Notre > heritage anq pledged to further their .lenged the members of the congre- Dame in 1842. Locally, the Eastern -Province of mission to the Church and the world gations to be a prophetic witness in at· a Holy Cross Jubilee 2000 held today's world. Holy Cross sponsors Stonehill Colrecently atS·t. Mary's college here. The Congregation of the Holy lege in Easton, Mass. With. the titeme of "Celebrating Cross was founded in France in More infomultion on the ConOur Charism," members of the all 1835 by Fat1)er Basil Moreau in or- gregation of Holy Cross can be four cong~gations of Holy Cross der to respond to the needs of the found on their website at - Marianites of Holy Cross, Sis- Church and society devastated by the www.holycrosscsc.org. ters of the Holy Cross, Sisters of Holy Cross and the Congregation of Holy Cross Priests and Brothers, including all four superior generals -observed their entrance into a , new millennium of service to the Church. The three keynote speakers,

Daily Readings Aug 14 Aug 15


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Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug 1.8

Aug 19

Aug 20

Ez 1:2-5,24-28c; Ps148:1-2,1114; Mt 17:22-27 . Rv11:19a;12:1., 6a,10ab; Ps 45:10bc,1112ab,16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Ez9:1-7;10:1822; Ps 113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20 , .Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59,61-62; Mt 18:21-19:1 . Ez 16:115,60,63 or Ez 16:59-63; (Ps) Is 12:2-6; Mt 19:312 Ez 18:1-10,13b, 30-32; Ps 51 :12~ 15,18-19; Mt 19:13-15 Prv9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn6:5158

I11I111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S.{)20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, Published' weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avemre, ~all Ri,:er, Mass. 02720 by'the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Sub5cription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor,-P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA CJ27'12.

CONFAB - Holy Cross Father John Phalen, president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, chats with members of the Holy Cross Sisters as they celebrated their common heritage at the recent Jubilee Year gathering of Holy Cross religious in Indiana.

In Y o¥r


, Please pray,for th.e followlng priests durih,g: th.e coming week \ \





\ f\ug.14./·'· __ 1947, Rev. Raphael Marciniak,OmConv.;Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River 1969, Rev. ConradJ..amb;o.S;B:, Missionary in Guatemala . . \ • Aug. 15 1926, Rev. Charles W. Cullen, Founder, Holy Family, East Taunton /'





1882, Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, Pastor,Holy Trinity, West HaIWich 1996, Rev. Msgr. Maurice Souza, Retired Pastor, St. Anthony, East Falmouth Aug. IS 1977, Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, Holy Family, East

Taunton Aug. 20 1982, Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth, Retired Pastor, St:Mary, New Bedford 1983, Rev. Thomas Cantwell, SSJ., Retired, SLJoseph's Seminary, Wash-


Saint Anne's Hospital awards scholarships FALL RIVER - Two local students have been named recipients of $1,000 scholarships awarded by the Saint Anne's Hospital medical staff in honor of longtime Fall River obstetrician/ gynecologist and medical staff

member Dr. Victor A. Palumbo. Matthew Boardman of Fall River received a scholarship and has taken post-graduate classes at Northeastern University's Bouve College where he earned a bachelor of science .degree. He works


THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000

Gordon Howard

as a physical therapist in Saint Anne's Hospital's Department of Rehabilitation Services and has worked as a research assistant at New England Baptist Hospital. Boardman will be attending the Philadelphia' College of Osteopathic Medicine this fall. Christina Barbosa of Somerset was also a scholarship recipient and a recent graduate ofAssumption College with a bachelor's degree in biology. She will attend Yale University where she will enter its School of Medicine's physician associate program, pursuing a master's degree in health science. The Victor A. Palumbo, MD, Scholarship program was established in 1992 by the medical staff of the hospital to recognize outstanding academic achievements and a demonstrated commitment to healthcare.




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"In the Footsteps of Christ" Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Craig Pregana . March 1-12, 2001 I rejoiced when I heard them say: Let us go up to the housl!j ofthe Lord. And now, our feet are standing Within your gates, 0 Jerusalem. Psalm 122

NEED AGOOD COPIER? . CHRISTINA BARBOSA and Matthew Boardman are 'con.gratulated by Doctor Malcolm W. MacDonald, vice president of medical staff affairs at Saint Anne's Hospital, on being named recipients of $1 ,000 scholarships. The award is given by the hospital's medical staff in honor of the late Dr. Victor A. Palumbo.

Saint Anne's Hospital to host Renaissance Ball FALL RIVER - Friends of Saint Anne's Hospital will host a Renaissance Ball, September 23 at the Great· Hall of the International Institute of Culinary Arts. The gala fund-raiser, the 42nd event hosted by the Friends, will feature decor by Perfect Surroundings of Newport, R.I., deluxe meals by the International Institute of Culinary Arts and entertainment by the. Paul Borrelli Orchestra of Providence, R.t Major sponsors of the ball are FIRSTFED, Bond Brothers

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Construction Company, Ernst & Young, the Feitelberg Company, and Dr. Richard Hellwig. The event will benefit Friends of Saint Anne's Diagnostic Imaging Suite to be housed in the hospital's FIRSTFED Center for Breast. Care slated to open in 2001. The event, open to the public, has sponsorship and tickets available on a first-come, firstserved basis.

For tickets and information call the Office of Development at Saint Anne's Hospital at 235-5057.

Madonna Manor plans 7th annual golf classic NORTH ATTLEBORO Former New England Patriot's guard and NFL Hall of Farner John Hannah will be on hand as Madonna Manor hosts its 7th Annual Golf Classic, September 21, at 1 p.m., at Norton Country Club in Norton. The day includes lunch, greens fees, a steak dinner at the Country Club after the tournament, as well as refreshments, gifts and door prizes. The class will also feature a hole in one contest for a new' car. Other prizes include a luxury box at Fenway Park, a trip for two to Disney World, and golf equipment. Prizes will be awarded for

Rent for

best drives and scores. All proceeds will provide part of the revenue needed to enhance the entry way and the three-season outdoor sitting area with garden views so enjoyed by residents at Madonna Manor, a not-for-profit slcilled nursing and rehabilitative care facility. Tournament space is limited, and registration will end on August 18. Tickets for the dinner only are available and greens and tee sponsors are welcome.

For more information call Barbara Belyea, Madonna Manor's director of volunteers and community development at 699-2740.

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TIIEAN~HOR-ploceseofFalJRiver-Fri.,August 11,2000


. the living word

A new age for Catholic schools



There are few who would deny that the face of Catholic education is in a transforming mode. It is indeed much different from the good old days .._Surviving the changes of the 1960s and 1970s, Catholic schools are making a dramatic comeback. In so many situations the priests, nuns and brothers are no longer present. Their. shoes have been filled by a host of dedicated and faithful laymen and laywomen. During the 1980s and early 1990s so many of our schools became abandoned buildings. Few had the vision or the courage to continue the mission to teach. Far too many schools became nothing more than a financial drain and were simply closed. Sad to say, many of these schools were in the cities, not the affluent suburbs. The really needy once again became the deprived. In many areas this trend is a continuing struggle between the real and- the ideal. However in recent years there has been a glimmer of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Even The New York Times noted this in a recent feature article in its special education supplement. It noted that 93 percent of teachers are laity and that in many areas of the country 20 percent of students are non-Catholic. This figure could substantially increase if various tax credits and v.ouchers are enacted by cities and states. In this regard it should be noted that the U. S. Supreme Court recently upheld the use of federal funds for computer hardware and software as well as library and media materials that are loaned to private schools. This indeed is an encouraging sign for the future. Again many states recognizing the right~ of parents and the freedom of choice are supporting various ballot proposals that would encourage voucher systems. For. example, California this .fall will vote on a voucher program that could, if enacted, create a waiting list for Catholic schools. No area of the nation has done more to support the voucher system than the city of Milwaukee. It is the largest voucher system in the nation and the state's Supreme Court has upheld it. When objections arose, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal thereby sustaining the program. This p~icular voucher support has helped the pOOl'est of the poor to receive a spectacular education. In one inner-city Catholic school, 80 percent of the students are non-Catholic. The social mores of our times have indeed infected all school systems. For so many teachers in public schools their efforts are impeded or ineffective. The independence of so many students from family life and values has now become a classroom dilemma. Many who direct public education are simply lost in this litigious age. Because of such difficulties and many more, those who are seriously concerned about the education of their children are searching for alternative choices. Some have gone the route of publicly funded charter schools. A third factor is the private and! or parochial school. In many places their time has come. The ability of a Catholic school to remain Catholic is' always a challenging adyenture. Yet most have strongly renewed themselves in the basics of faith and purpose. Many young families see this an effective alternative choice. However, it should be more than a matter of mere choice. There must .be a determinative mold that makes parochial education viable in its religious traditions. It is our faith mandate that has led millions of people over the years to build an educational system that works not merely for mind but soul as well. As we face a new experimental dimension in out Catholic schools, we must never forget this motivating force. Our schools should not be relegated to a mere alternative system. They must always remain the best they can be in word and work reflecting faith motivation.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE Of FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 887 Highland Avenue . P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes 10 P.O. Box 7 or c.all telephone number above

EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~


~ESS -

NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar








The many faces of witnessing By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK

amples of such sacrifice can be found everywhere. When I see路 young seminarians Take, for example, family life. wearing religious habits and cas- It i~ not an exaggeration to say socks on campus, I feel lam back that most parents literally "marin the 1950s. No one can deny tyr out" for their children. Just that their hqpe is that this will serve notice the transformation in as'a witness to the priesthood, es- couples after they have children. pecially when they take public The bounce in their step flattens transportation. out, hair turns white and faces In his recent book, "Meeting become creased. No doubt these Other Believers," (Our Sunday changes are a function of aging, Visitor, 1997), Cardinal Francis but they are also a clear witness Arinze, president of the Pontifi- to the anxieties ofraising a famcal Council for Interreligious Dia- i l y . . ' logue, contended that more - Of course, one of the ironies Catholics should witness in pub- oftoday's society is that we cover lic ways. Arinze cited the example up the aging process, considering of Muslims in an airport going it undesirable, whereas some sooff into a corner to pray. cieties laud it, seeing it as a mark The cardinal argued from this of hard wo'rk and sacrifice. that Catholics shouldn't feel out Christian witnessing has a of place saying grace or making 'power to inspire others. It can be reverential gestures in public since so strong that those experiencing people from other religions fre- it will spare nothing to imitate it. quently do so without giving it a'路 . I felt that strength once when second thought. visiting a bedridden woman in a Arinze's remarks and the new nursing home. who knew she surge in young people wearing would never leave that bed. Yet, religious garb in public leads me in talking with her you would to ask what it means to be a true have thought she was the luckiest Christian witness. person in the world. The word "witness" comes Not only was this woman an from the Latin word for "mar- uplifting presence, but her eyes tyr" and implies sacrificing on y- told you she had accepted her sufself for the sake of principle. Ex- fering and viewed it as a way of CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

responding to all that God had done for her. When I left her, I felt determined to imitate her beautiful spirit. I experienced another moving example of witnessing in a friend who was wrongly maligned. He chose to suffer the wrong quietly when he might have rightfully struck back with a vengeance.. Watching him say nothing, I saw his stature grow immensely. After a time, I also witnessed the prestige of his maligner shrivel; justice won out. Although true witnessing connotes sacrifice, it doesn't always have to be related to death and suffering. I had many professors who were an inspirational delight. You could tell that they had devoted themselves to mastering their subjects and loved the sacrifice this took. Thanks to the witness of such professors, I took up writing - and have tried to practice the discipline they taught me .through their example. . No doubt each of us has a- story of someone who changed our life through Christian witnessing. When we look behind this inspiration, more often than not we find that the person's life exemplifies an extraordinary degree of sacrifice, respect and love.

Boston Archdiocese forgives $28 million in parish debt BOSTON (CNS)- Cardinal Bemard F. Law ofBoston celebrated the jubilee year by forgiving $28.2 million of the debts owed by parishes to the archdiocese. Sixty percent of the aid went to "the 28 parishes that were the poorest of tne poor," said Auxiliary Bishop William F. Murphy, moderator of the archdiocesan curia. In a letter to priests, Bishop Murphy said the cardinal consulted with the Clergy Fund Advisory Board and the priests' council in developing the jubilee year debt forgiveness plan. "Both groups overwhelmingly recommended that whatever level of aid could be offered should be concentrated on the poorest parishes," he said. He said the archdiocesan finance department studied detailed financial information on every parish in the archdiocese. Of the 372 parishes, 104 were recommended for receiving at least some debt forgiveness. Bishop Murphy said those parishes were divided into five groups according to their relative financial condition. , After determining that the bulk of the aid would go to the 28 poorest parishes, he said, "the remaining 40 percent was recommended to go in proportionally declining amounts

to those better positioned." An editorial in The Pilot, the archdiocesan newspaper, linked the cardinal's actions to Pope John Paul II's "clarion insistence that wealthy nations should, in this millennial holy year, reduce the bu~den of debt that developing nations now carry." It noted that some of those nations are forced to spend more each year on extemal debt payments than they expend on health service or education for their own people. The archdiocese did not release names ofthe beneficiary parishes or the amounts of debt forgiven. The Boston Globe reported that a $700,000 debt was forgiven at Holy Family Parish in Dorchester, which ministers to poor immigrants and maintains a homeless shelter and school on a weekly collection ofonly $1,000. The Boston Herald quoted Father Paul Kilroy of St. Ann Parish in Boston saying he hadjust received a letter from the cardinal saying the archdiocese would pay the parish's insurance premiums. The Pilot said demographic changes in Boston have meant that some once-thriving parishes now have far fewer members and debts they cannot repay. ''This plan is in no wayan injustice to the parishes that are able to

pay for health and retirement benefits," the editorial said. "It removes, partially or totally, an impossible burden trom the backs of parishes

make regular payments on their debt, meet insurance premiums and


that are unable to face the future mission of the Church because they must focus so much of their efforts in addressing the past."




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Website to post journal of Americans at Rome's World Youth Day ~OOO WASHINGTON (CNS) - The 'people from the U.S. experienced." For the 1997 World Youth Day U.S. bishops' Web site will carry a daily record of what's happening at in Paris, Villamil noted, young cor~ World Youth Day, Aug. 15-20, in respondents were identified before the gathering. "We had asked them Rome. Richard McCord, executive di- to tum in all路of their repOIts by 9 rector of the bishops' Secretariat for p.m.," she recalled, "but we were Family, Laity, Women and Youth, getting them at midnight, I, 2 in the said the secretariat began such an moming." So this time, she said, she and electronic journal during World Youth Day in Paris in'1997 and con- other secretariat staffmembers, along tinued the practice I'Of a youth with officials from the bishops' education and Hispanic affairs offices, encuentro in Chile. "Every 'day from Rome we will will do it a little bit differently. "We decided that we're going to put up on our website a daily journal with photos, in English and in go out and interview people from Spanish," he told Catholic News the U.S., so it'll be different people every single day:' she said. "We have Service, "in which we will through interviews and stories a list of where they're going to be for the catechetical sites." gleaned from the participants In addition, she said, the secrebasically tell the story of what's going on and give it a kind of person- tariat is setting up an office in a room at the Casa Santa Maria, a North alized flavor." He said the idea came from Ana _American College-owned study resiVillamil, associate director of the dence near the Trevi Fountain for U.S. priests on sabbatical. secretariat. "If young people drop by the ofVillamil said she hopes the journal will help connect American fice, we'll interview them," she said youths who aren't able to go, as well with a laugh. But it's usually pretty easy to find as the families of participants, with Americans, she added. "When you the young pilgrims in Rome. "For the last time," she said, "I go out to the major sites, you'll see remember we got an e-mail mes- somebody with an American flag." Villamil and her colleagues plan sage from a mother who said, 'I just hung up the phone talking to my to e-mail journal contents at night, son and then I called up the website beginning Aug. 14, for posting in and I saw pictures Of exactly what the United States the following he had talked about.' And.it was so moming. The last entry will coincide with the final day of the gathmeaningful." The journal also will provide a ering, Aug. 20, for posting Aug. 21. The Internet address will be record for participants when they return home, she said. 'They can www.nccbuscc.org/laity/youth/ really get a sense of what other wydrome.htm.


1HEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,August 11,2000

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TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11, 2000

Justice and forgiveness You omit in your letter some morally critical Q. Your answer to "Is Forgiveness Really Possible?" was very enlightening.' It's not sur- information, but a few prudential questions will prising you receive so much mail because this be essential in any case. To begin with, you need to identify clearly what you wish to accomplish. is a very common problem. To take' this one step further, what about You say you do not want revenge or punishment, justice? My brother committed various crimes but restitution. Is this money or something else? against me and my parents, which ultimately How much? Then, is what you plan to do likely to be succaused my father's death. I forgive him for what he did to me, but that he caused our father's cessful? For example, is the money, or whatever else, there to be returned? . death is something I cannot accept. Is what you want to do likely to accomplish I feel I must get justice for my parents. Saying God will punish him is a cop-out. I want to more good than harm for you? Your mother? The rest of the family? Will turn to the district atit bring some closure or torney, but I keep askjust reopen old wounds? ing myself whether I Are other avenues posam really seeking resible to achieve your venge in disguise. , purpose? If we sit and "forThis may 'seem a give" everyone's By Father rather cold approach to crimes, we may as well an emotional situation. abolish the police, John J. Dietzen But these are basic, comcourts and jails. Should we not attempt mon sense questions to to stop the evil in this world? Revenge seeks to ask if you hope to arrive at prudent and otherwise harm. Justice seeks restitution. Can you help virtuous decisions that will accomplish something positive for everyone concerned. me figure this out? (New Jersey) After we have reflected and done the best we A. First of all, I'm going to assume that when

Questions and Answers

MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIAST Msgr. Michael Flanagan, who goes by the handle "Superpriest," helps raise funds for Food for the Poor projects in Jamaica. He will be on hand to bless bikers during the 60th annual Black Hills Rally in Sturgis, S.D., in mid-August. (eNS photo)

Florida priest to bless fellow bikers at South Dakota rally BvToMTRACV CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

WEST PAlM BEACH, Fla. Msgr. Michael Flanagan never idolized Peter Fonda's character in ''Easy Rider," nor had he ever thought seriously of owning a "hog." But five years ago when the south Florida priest's car broke down north of Fort Lauderdale on U.S. Highway 1, the Bron)(, N.Y., native wandered into a Harley-Davidson shop while waiting for roadside assistance. "I went in and signed up for $200 in motorcycle lessons. I always admired motorcycles, never with an .overwhelming passion, but this was the time and place," Msgr. Flanagan told The Florida Catholic diocesan , newspaper. "When I finished the course, I said, 'This is for me.'" This year Msgr.Flanagan, whose handle is "Superpriest," was heading to the 60th annual Black Hills Rally in Sturgis, S.D., to bless bikers. More than 300,000 bikers from around the world are expected to attend what is considered the largest annual motorcycle event in the United States. , His blessing was to follow t.wo Masses he ,planned to celebrate-路 one Aug. 6 at St. Joseph's Church in Spearfish and a second one Aug. 13 at St. Therese, the Little Flower Church in Rapid City: 'During,the liturgies he' planned, to preach abou~ Food for the Poor. He speaks full time on behalf of the ' privare rionprofit organization based Deerfield Beach, Fla., which aids , the poor primarily in the Caribbean and Central America. Any donations he raises through his preaching will assist Food for the Poor housing and other projects in the Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica, where Msgr. Flanagan is incardinated. To draw attention to Msgr.


Flanagan's visit to South Dakota, Food for the Poor contacted South Dakota newspapers and radio stations and placed articles in south Florida newspapers and ,national biker magazines, including the

American Motorcycle Association Magazine, and the grittier lronbike Magazine. Msgr. Flanagan is one of about 22 Catholic priests who, work full time for Food for the Poor. He hils been affiliated with it for seven years, leading parish missions and retreats. The organization pays for his transportation around the country. , On aJuly weekend, after preaching at the Church of the Cross in the Woods in Indian River, Mich., the pnest said, he garnered pledges for 14 new homes to be built by Food for the Poor in Jamaica, at a cost of $2,000 each. . The 62-year-old priest planned to fly to South Dakota; he had his 1988 Harley-Davidson ElectraGlide shipped there in advance. "I bought it used, it is a touring bike, the largest of the bikes and comfortable enough to go about 300 to 500 miles at a shot on this'before you get tired," he said. "It has a stereo and cruise control. A friend told me it is like riding a couch, down the highway." ,' , The 'excitement of a biker rally is meeting all kinds of other people, he said. Once a newcomer gets past the long hair and tattoos, lasting friendships form. "Some of those guys are the nicest people you ever want to meet: many are Pf9fessional people," Msgr. Flanagan said. "The motorcycle makes fora great topic of conversation: Where have you been, what have you seen, what rides have you been on, have you had any close calls? Thank' God I haven't. It is just good fraternity."

you say crime you mean crime. Crime is an activity, usually, quite serious, punishable by law. So not every injustice, even a grave one, is a crime. Did your brother directly cause your father's death? Or did he bring about a family situation that, as you see it, occasioned the death? These kinds of facts will be significant. Since you speak of approaching the district attorney, it seems' you consider what your brother did as carrying legal sanctions. If you're not positive, it would be good to find out for" sure before beginning a move to the courts. For all this, of course, you will need the advice of an attorney.

can, leaving the rest to God is no cop-out. All life on this earth is imperfect, which means that, even morally, everything is not balanced or, if you wish, fair. That full truth is, and can be, revealed only in eternity is still part of our faith and hope.

A free brochure in English or Spanish an路 swering questions Catholics ask about baptism practices and sponsors is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or e-mail: iidietzen@aol.com.

Spiritual ,insights from a fish'erman. I've heard many a fish story in my day, but few I remembered that well, because the nuns often caught my attention the way one did recently. I told us that the early Christians identified themwas at one of those nice, big family get-togethers selves secretly to one another by drawing a fish, and happened to get in on a discussion about a frequently using their toes, in the sand of the roads. relatively new way fishermen can now have their When he learned that new processes had been fish and eat them too. . developed for replicating fish, Grieco said he felt A soft-spoken young man named Joe Grieco this was the direction his work should take. "Many was showing photos of fishermen want to have' truly artistically a 'trophy' to show mounted fish, only these people so they can ,see weren't real fish bodies the fish they actually preserved 'by a taxidercaught. mist. They were fish re- . "But oily fish, such as productions, put to~ salt-water varieties like gether so perfectly that sailfish, mackerel, By Antoinette Bosco the eye'-catching comshark, marlin, etc., were pleted product looked impossible to do as a ------------tL-..:.......;;;..._...J... skin mount because the absolutely lifelike. I asked Grieco what oil woulci continue to I suppose was a poor question to ask a fisherman: ooze out of the skin no matter how well the skins ~hat's the allure of fishing for you? He gave me were degreased and preserved. So reproduction an unexpected answer. "Jes'us was a fisherman, and was a great way out." so were most of his disciples. There has to be Another positive side of fish reproductions, something very special about fish. At least that's, Grieco pointed out, is that a taxidermist can do a how I feel." mounting from a photo. Unless fish are caught I looked at the photos again, an<~ this time the for food, Grieco would want fishermen "to catch mounted fish, all Grieco's work, seemed even, and release,'! as he puts it. ' , more alive than before. I was reminded of a conAs we talked, I felt this young man' was a gentle versation I'd had recently with a priest who told teacher. He had studied to be a Franciscan brother me our work should be less about making money , for a while after high school, and his Catholic faith and more about finding how we can subtly serve has remained his great source of strength ever since. the Lord through our work. "The best part was learning that we were there . Grieco told me that his father. had been a taxi- in the monastery to help, to uplift one another," he dermist and had taught him the skill of preserving said, "which is what we must also do in the world." animals in a lifelike mode. After his father died, A devoted husband and father of two, he emGrieco had carried on the work part time as Joe's phasized how Christ became and has remained his Taxidermy, but found himself always choosing to trusted companion and refuge. "I feel Christ holds work with fish. me, and then I, in turn, must hold others." He feels there's something almost spiritual about Recently I have been reading a lot about the fish, he says. "The fish was so important in the spirituality of work. I felt talking with Joe Grieco early church. It was the sign of belonging to about what he does with fish, and why, was a textChrist." book on the subject.

The Bottom Line

Saintly tattoos As you know, the problem with name to "Bettylu"; always wear longhaving a large tattoo of St. Francis of sleeve shirts. Assisi ensconced on your left shoulTruthfully, it would be nice to der is that you might change your think some of the young folks taking mind later and decide that St. Therese part in the tattoo fad would have asked of Lisie~x is actually your favorite saint. Then where would you be? Naturally you would have to have a tattoo of the Little Flower memorialized on your right shoulder. This is only fair. Yet, as fickle as some of By Dan Morris us can be, what if you next developed an incredibly deep devotion to St. Anthony? Put him on your shoulder blade? these men's advice prior to securing A person could run the risk of be- their own .skin art, things like, "Do coming the record' book's entry for you think having barbed wire tat"most tattoos of saints on his or her tooed around my neck will present body," fashion accessorizing challenges in I am not aware of this being ad- the future?" Or, "To anticipate my dressed in either canon law or the "Cat- body changing a little in a decade or echism," so we Catholics fascinated three, do you think a frog, lizard or by the current tattoo craze are kind of iguana would warp least and look least on our own on this. like a map of South America on my It does make one think of those biceps?" young World War IT sailors who had Of course there is a presumption the names of their girlfriends tattooed here: that a tattoo was an informed on their forearms. More than a couple decision rather than something done of those men had those relationships after consuming enough "adult" fall through, and they were faced with beverage to significantly alter one's some sticky options: Tell the new girl- vision and ability to snap one's finfriend that "Beuylu" was his mother's gers. n;1me; date only girls named Actually, the problem with saint "Bettylu"; have ')ust kidding" tat- tattoos, according to my friend Wintooed alongside "Beuylu"; change his ston who knows these things, is find-

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan

THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000

ing any, at all. And if you have one done, people would probably think St. Francis was Darth Vader. It is definitely a challenge for folks interested in religious art tattoos. On the pOSitive side, I suspect it will,ilOt be long before you will be able to find Iick-and-stick temporary tattoos of saints and other religious art in Chris: tian bookstore.s. This just makes sense. As a matter of fact, if I were a development or vocations director for the Franciscans or the Carmelites (St. Therese, remember?), I would be hopping on this one. Can you imagine how popular temporary tattoos of things Catholic ' could become in Catholic schools and religious education programs across the country? Talk about fund-raising potential. The Jesuits should be careful, though, if they were thinking about St. Ignatius of Loyola tattoos given the fact that images of their founder do, I am sorry to say, look a lot like Vincent van Gogh. Clearly this is an area in need of much more theological reflection and spiritual discernment. Comments are welcome. Write Uncle Dan at 441 Church'St, San Francisco, CA 94114; or e-mail: cnsuncle@yahoo.com.

When is teen counseling the ~wer? Dear Dr. Kenny: Several months bilities of adult life. To mature propago you wrote a column on how to erly, children need the freedom路to exhandle defiant teens. I am a profes- press themselves. They make missional woman who works with children. You failed to recommend therapy. You should open your eyes and not be so simple-minded. (NewYork) A. I too am a profes:.ilmal person who works with chilWith Dr. James & dren, a psychologist and Mary Kenny one-time director of a childguidance clinic. Psychological therapy is neither appropriate nor a cure-all for takes, and with proper guidance they every mental or behavioral problem. can learn from their mistakes. That's Psychotherapy works beuer for anx- what parents are for. That is not, however, what theraious or depressed states, problems that are internalized. Our earlier column pists are for. Therapists should not take the place of parents. Rebellion in the dealt with defiant behavior in teens. Teen-age rebellion, while difficult teen years is not necessarily - and not to handle, is common enough to be usually - a mental-health problem. To suggest that disobedient and considered a normal stage of devel- ' opment. Growing up to be an inde- defiant teens need counseling is pendent adult requires self-confidence wrong for two reasons. First, it implies and energy in teens. Young people that the teen is suffering from a psyneed the spunk to say "I know better, chiatric disorder. In fact, simple defiand I can do it better my way." While ant behavior is a developmental isthis attitude may not be entirely accu- sue, bestdealt with by good parenting. Second, routine advice to seek rate, the self-confidence is both admirable and necessary for the teen to counseling undermines the parents. manage on his own in the near future. ManY adults today already question Teens do not always express their their ability to parent. Professional independence in approved or accept- groups, institutions and drug compaable ways. Parents are there to teach' nies are too ready-to invent syndromes their teens proper ways to express which, they then argue, require their themselves, appropriate actions to product or the~ skilled services. Parents are told that they need help. Paaccol11plish what they want. The teen years are a difficult time rental confidence is shaken. Family comes first. The most effifor most parents because they must encourage decision-making and in- cient child-rearing is obviously done, dependence at a time when wrong not in a therapist's office, but in the decisions can be dangerous, Drink- home. Parents are the ones most reing, drugs, unmarried sex and auto sponsible, most available and most accidents can all have devastating ef- able to set or change the situation. fects on a young life. That frightens , When would teens need a theramost parents. The temptation is to try pist? When they are immobilized by panic or depression, when their thinkto mandate compliance. Blind obedience is not a good ing is so disordered that they are dispreparation for the personal responsi- oriented, when they are having vi-

Family Talk

sions or are hearing voices. When might parents consult a therapist? When they have tried but . feel their discipline is not working, when' they are rightly concerned that their teen is a serious threat to himself or others. Defiance in teens is more likely to be a developmental than a mental-health problem. Recommendil)g therapy routinely, for such behavior does a disservice to parents and family. Reader questions to b:e answered in print are invited Address questions: The Kennys; StJ~h's CoDege; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, IN 47978.


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TIIEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000

Torture victim tells Pax Christi crowd of her journey to healing -



She explained to the assembly that for a year before her ordeal ASHLAND, Va. - Ursuline she had been receiving death Sister Dianna Ortiz told a Pax threats and was struggling with a Christi audience that the Gospel decision as to whether she should story of Jesus multiplying the stay in the Guatemalan commuloaves and fishes eventually held nity. But on the morning of her abthe key to her healing a.fter her duction she read the story of 1989 torture in Guatemala. The story made her realize Jeremiah and how in the face of that Jesus used what he had to danger he had chosen to stay with help people and "he didn't de- his people. "So I chose to stay spair," she said, but getting to with my 'community and teach that realization was a long jour- the children," she recalled. "But when I emerged from that ney. Sister Dianna, who heads a secret prison I never wanted to support group for torture victims see a Bible again," she explained, and serves as their advocate, was saying that God had become, for' in Ashland to receive Pax Christi her, an enemy. It was a long time before she USA's Pope Paul VI Teacher of would open her Bible, she . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , said, and when she did, it was to the story of the multiplication of loaves. "It really irritated me,"路 she remembered, "this socalled miracle. Many people said God had made a miracle in my life, but as far as I was concerned, God watched while I was raped and burned with cigarettes al1,f!. forced to. help torture another per- . son. . "I wondered why God couldn't undo the past and erase my memories. In this parable, I thought, Jesus could've snapped his fingers and had enough bread for everyone, but he didn't.'" Later she lived with people who also were victims of torture, many with painful, lingering disabilities, who couldn't walk or taik, and whose lives SISTER DIANNA Ortiz stands out- ever." seemed "broken for. side the U.S. Capitol last year during As she looked at them, a press conference urging congres- she said, she sawso much sional support for victims of torture. need for healing and (CNS file phot~ by Nancy Wiechec) "knew it 'couldn't be done. There would never Peace Award. be enough." The award, given during Pax But she came to learn, she said, Christi's national assembly last after experiencing the' compasmonth, recognized her as "a faith- . sionate support of friends, thatin ful witness of the Gospel of non- the Gospel story of the multipliviolence without cqunting the cation of loaves, "God was speakcost." . . ing to me of healing, of healing In presenting it, Bishop Walter through community." . F. Sullivan of Richmond, Pax She realized that "we have to Christi's president, told her: "You' take account of the unexpected." are a living example of what it - "Jesus took what he had, and means to bear the cross every day. he didn't despair," she continued~ You are a beacon of hope to vic- "We must take what we have in tims of violence who often give an attitude of thankfulness and in to despair." give what we have in an attitude Sister Dianna was a mission- . of faith, and ,it will be enough. It ary in rural Guatemala working will be more than enough. among the Mayan people when . "God is working a small, unshe was kidnapped and taken to a obtrusive miracle in my life, healsecret prison, where, for 30 hours, ing me through other people. We she was tortured and gang-raped all have the power to heal each in 1989. other and to heal our world." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

MATTHEW GANNON (holding picture) and hiswife, Miriam, near right, pose with t~eir children and representatives of the Boston Archdiocese and the Knights of Columbus. The Knights chose the Gannons of Braintree, as International Family of the Year during the organization's annual convention in Boston. (CNS photo c'ourtesy Knights of Columbus) .

Knights gather in Boston for 118th annual world meeting, By MICHAEL Cox CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

BOSTON - Following a golden crucifix into th~ Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston and dozens of other members of the Catho~ lie hierarchy celebrated a special liturgy for some 2,000 Knights of Columbus and their family members. The Knight's Aug. 1-3 gathering in Boston for their 118th annual international meeting drew a rare assemblage of75 cardinals, archbishops and bishops from the United States, Canada and places as far away as Rome and Guam. "My brother Knights, how appropriate it is in this jubilee year that your supreme convention should lift high the cross," Cardinal Law said in his homily to a packed cathedral during the opening Mass. In bringing greetings from the Vatican, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio to the United States, read a letter from the Pope John Paul IT. In it the pope praised Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant, who is expected to retire later thiS year after 23 years of leadership. In an interview about his retirement with The Pilot~ Boston's archdiocesan newspaper, Dechant drew attention to tne Knight's work in promoting vocations, evangelization, family and Pro-Life issues and Catholic education. He also .expressed hope for the sainthood cause of the Knights' founder, Father Michael 1. McGivney. . "We're very optimistic," he said. "Were (the beatification) to happen it would give the order a sort of rebirth and a new founding." During an initial two-year phase for the priest's cause, t:i)e Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn., gathered all known materials on the life and works of Father McGivney, a native of Waterbury, Conn., and oversaw a wide consultation concerning the priest's' public image and private persona. - Under Dechant's leadership, the Knights have posted 28 consecutive gains in membership for a total membership that now exceeds 1.6 million. There are some 11,700 'active councils in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines;'Central American and the Caribbean. Speakers at the meeting included U.S. Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social C;ommunications. Archbishop Foley thanked the Knights for making it possible for an estimated two billion viewers to see televised coverage of the opening of the Holy Door and Pope John Paul IT's celebration' of Christmas Midnight Mass, which marked the beginning of the jubilee year.

During this year's business meeting, the Knights also passed several resolutions, including one honor. ing Dechant for his devotion to the ideals of Father McGivney, his "effective and inspired leadership," his loyalty to the Church and the pope, his strong support of the priesthood and for being "an unflinching advocate of the right to life from conception until natural death." The resolution said the ''unprecedented accomplishments" of Dechant, a Knight for 50 years, "will forever be inscribed in the annals of our order and in our heart." They also voted to continue to respond to the pope's challenge in "Evangelium Vitae" to renew "a culture of life" within Christian communities and educate the wider public abOlJt the sacredness of life at all stages. They resolved to "firmly uphold" the Church's teaching on the death penalty as stated in the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" - cases where capital punish. ment is the only possible punishment "are rare, if not practically 路nonexistent." Other resolutions expressed support for: marriage as a union between one man and one woman; promotion of strong family life; public displays of the Ten Commandments; efforts to eliminate violence and obscenity from th~ media; and.Knights' programs to stren'gthen Catholic education.

World religious leaders to discuss peace, poverty NEW YORK (CNS) - More than 1,000 world religious leaders will meet AlJg. 28-31 to discuss specific peace, poverty and environmental issues. Participants in the Millennium World Peace Sum.mit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders will discuss using faith and religious tolerance to encourage people to reduce divisions and promote peace. The summit will begin at the United Nations and continue at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Cardinal Francis Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue; Israeli Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Israel Meir Lau; Abdullah Salaih al-Obaid, secretary-general of the Muslim World League; the Rev. Konrad Raiser, secretary-general of the World Council Churches; the Rev. Jesse Jackson and U.N. Secretary-Genenil Kofi Annan are scheduled participants. Faiths to be represented include Bahai, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, indigenous beliefs, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and' Zoroastrianism.


1HEANCHOR- DioceseofFall River- Fri.,August 11,2000


Directory lists lay groups, secular institutes

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for president George W. Bush and candidate for vice president Dick Cheney flank Philadelphia Mayor John Street and Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua, at a Republican Party prayer breakfast following the GOP convention in Philadelphia. (CNS photo by D'Mont Reese, Catholic Standard and Times) \

Republican nominee Bush vows leadership that 'values life' By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

PHILADELPHIA - Texas Gov. George W. Bush accepted the Republican nomination for president August 3 with a pledge to "lead our nation toward a culture that values life - the life of the elderly and the sick, the life of the young, and the life of the unborn." Bush made no mention of the issue on which he disagrees most strongly with the Catholic Church --:- the death penalty, which the Church opposes but Bush has strongly supported. Most of Bush's talk focused on the importance of family character and personal responsibility. It is right on line with the Republi<;:an Party's platform. Despite moves to weaken the Pro-Life pl~nk in the Republican platform, delegates to the Republican National Convention approved without debate a guiding document that strongly affirms Pro-Life principles. "As a country, we must keep our pledge to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence," the platform reads. ''That is why we say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed." Specifically, the GOP platform supports a human life amendment to the Constitution, opposes the use of public funds for abortions and calls for the appointment of judges "who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life." The platform was approved by voice vote as one of the first agenda items on the convention's first day. Wisconsin Gov. Tommy G. Thompson, a Catholic who chairs the convention's Committee on Resolutions, said the document was "one that every Republican can be proud of' and resulted from "the most open platform process perhaps in our party's history." "There is so much more that

unites us than divides us," added Thompson, who made no specific mention of abortion in his 10minute talk. Phyllis Schlafly, a Catholic who chairs the Republican National Coalition for Life, praised the platform's affirmation of the party's Pro-Life character and chastised those who are seeking to change the party:s stand on abortion. ''They have been trying for 10 years to weaken or remove the ProLife plank, they've had four years to organize for this convention, they have only one issue to organize around, and yet they admit their organizational skills may still be lacking," she said. "What is lacking is any significant support for the extremist abortion-on-demand philosophy advocated by these groups." The platform also takes a strong stand against partial-birth abortion and against "'attempts to compel individuals or institutions to violate their moral standards in providing health-related services." On other issues on which the Catholic Church has taken a stand,

the platform supports: - "An effective deterrent death penalty;' which the Church opposes; - greater school choice "by providing parents with information on their child's school, increasing the number of charter schools, and expanding education savings accounts for use from kindergarten through college"; .:-replacing family planning programs funded by the federal government with abstinence education fof teens. The platform also endorses aconstitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, tax cuts, enforcement of existing gun laws and "adherence to the constitutional right to bear arms." Bush said his administration would bring about "a responsibility era," in which "each of us has ... work that only we can do. "Each of us is responsible to love and guide our children, and help a neighbor in need;' Bush said. "Synagogues, churches and mosques are responsible not only to worship but to serve."

WASHINGTON (CNS) The U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth has released.its 2000-2001 Directory of Lay Movements, Associations, Organizations and Secular Institutes. The 54-page directory has listings of more than 130 nationallay groups and secular institutes. Each listing includes a brief description of the group and a contact name, phone and fax numbers and street, e-mail and website addresses. Copies of the directory are $5 each, including postage,

and may be ordered from the Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, DC 20017. Telephone (202) 541-3040 or fax (202) 5413176.



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THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000

'Freaks and,Geeks,' a usee favorite, returns to TV HOLLYWOOD (CNS) - The low-rated but critically acclaimed teen drama "Freaks and Geeks" may have been evicted from its first home on NBC, but it's getting a warm welcome at its new home, the Fox Family Channel. "Freaks and Geeks," one of only two shows named "good bets" last fall by the u.s. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting, will be seen regularly Tuesdays starting Aug. 29 with back-to-back episodes 8-10 p.m. EDT. As a bonus to viewers, three episodes that NBC never aired will be seen on Fox Family. But because of the cost of maintaining such a large cast, no new episodes will be made. But Fox Family executives said they will eventually run each of the .. 18 episodes that were made in sequence,'something NBC never did. The quick turnover of "Freaks and Geeks" from commercial broadcast TV to cable indicates that cable channels will snap up any series with a quality pedigree. "Freaks and Geeks" was set in a high school in the Detroit suburbs circa 1980 where students, regardless of the "freak" or "geek" label, wage their way through the complexities of adolescence.: "Occasionally funny in capturing the awkwardness and innocence of youngsters, the pilot was about interacting with the opposite sex, not finding teen bed partners. How refreshing," :wrote Gerri' Pare, director of the USCC, Office for Film and Broadcasting, in her review. "Initially focused on depicting 'kids being mean to one another, the program ev~ntually highlighted the , value of kindness," Pare said. "It might develop nicely as a sweet-natured series," she added, although it never got the chance. ' It debuted on Saturday, the night when fewer people watch TV than any other night. It was yanked by Thanksgiving after its ratings slipped, and relaunched on Mondays. But it was often pre-empted by and finally'pulled after 12 episodes in favor of- a remake of the game show ''Twenty-One,'' which also got canceled. Joe Flaherty, one of the "scrv" ensemblemembers in the 1980s who played the father of two of the char, acters in "Freaks and Geeks," said the Museum of Television and Ra-

dio held a marathon to show each of the six episodes that were not in NBC's regular run. "We were all there, the whole cast, that was sort of our bye-bye, our final goodbye;' Flaherty told Catholic News Service. Now, with Fox Family's acquisition of the series, that may have been premature. Two Catholic cast members of "Freaks and Geeks" commented at a press conference in Hollywood what the series meant for them. Linda Cardellini, who went to Sacred Heart Preparatory High School in Atherton, Calif., played the central teen, Lindsay, a brainy girl who didn't want to be labeled a geek.through high school. ''A lot of people who listen to the critics, and a lot of people who have a chance to see a lot of television and all the things that are out there;' realiy respect our show. And-I'm so proud to be part of it," she said. "Suddenly, now,.people are taking notice and it's been really won- , derful for my career, and especially because the character was so rich. And that aoesn't happen all the time, either," Gardellini said. ' Busy Philipps, who interrupted her studies, at Loyola"Marymount University in Los Angeles to take the role of, Kim Kelly, the resident "tough chick")n the cast, agreed with her co-star. "They gave Kim and Lindsay! and.even-the cheerleader, Cindy ,Sanders, so much depth, which is so' rare ,in this industry," she said. Philipps added, "It made it so much more enjoyable for us because " everything had a backbone, which is why it was really disappointing for me when (one episode) wasn't, aired.... And so now they wiII, 'cause everyone's going to watch it on Fox Family." The episode dealt with her Kim Kelly character having to steal her own car from her house because her home life was so dysfunctional. The night before the press conference washeld, NBC responded to the1critical clamor over the series by airing three heretofore-unseen episodes of"Freaks and Geeks" in a row. Each, episode attracted more viewers than the episode prior, and NBC had more viewers than its ri-' vals at the 10 p.m. hour and for the night ove~l.

THE CAST of the TV series "Freaks and Geeks." (CNS photo from NBC) ".

CLINT EASTWOOD and Tommy Lee Jones star in a scene from the film "Space Cowboys." For a brief review of this film, see CNS movie capsules. (CNS photo frC?m Warner Bros.)

eNS movie capsules NEW YORK (CNS) - Following are recent capsule reyiews issued by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. "Coyote Ugly"(Touchstone) Forgettable romantic'drama in which a young New Jersey woman (Piper Perabo) mov~s to New York City with songwriting aspirations, but is distracted by the attention she receives from her "day" job as a sexy barmaid in the city's hottest watering hole. Pitifully trite dialogue and a formulaic narrative mark director-David McNally's tiresome film; which lacks dramatic credibility and noteworthy characters. Sexual promiscuity, brief crass,language and mild bar-brawling violence. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-IIIadults. The Motion Picture Associa- , tion of America rating is PG-13parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for

children under 13. "Hollow Man" (Colwnbia) Uneven sci-fi thriIIer about a rogue scientist (Kevin Bacon) at a secret military lab who tests his for-' mula for' invisibility on himself and is unable to reverse the procedure. Despite amazing visual effects and an intriguing premise, director Paul Verhoeven:s film lurches forward trading suspense for explosions and other obvious gimmicks while only shallowlyexploring the psychologi-, cal ramifications of a man without societal constraints. Much gory violence, a few implied sexual encoun-' ters, some nudity and irrcessant rough language and profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-N ~ adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Associatibn of America rating is R restricted. ''Space Cowboys" (Warner Bros.)

Enjoyable action-adventure flick about four retired Air Force pilots (Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, James, Garner and Donald Sutherland) sent into space 40 years 'past their prime because only their technical knowledge can stop a malfunctioning Russian satellite from smashing into Earth. While the narrative's plausibility is questionable, direct()r Eastwood's casually paced film maintains interest with colorful characters, impressive visualeffects and slight intrigue as well as an unexpected conclusion. Brief menace with intermittent crass language and some profanity. The U.S. ,Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Finding good viewing choices is tough'for parents, says TV exec By MARK PATTISON CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE HOLLYWOOD - Michael Sullivan, a television producer who sits on the board that gives the Humanitas Prizes each year for excellence in communicating human values in TV scripts, said parents are being made to work harder to find good viewing choices for the whole family. Some cul~ral factors are at play as well as indifference on the part of some Hollywood moguls and viewers themselves, said Sullivan, who helped launch !'Star Trek: Voyager~' and "Moesha" when he ran UPN in its first years. . ''There seems to be a cultural element where we .don't seem to be concerned as, much with protecting children's innocence," Sullivan said.' "It's (seen, as) inconvenient to protect children's innocence, and I think a lot of people would rather not be bothered with it-consumers as well as producers." He added, "I think anybody knows the frustration of finding an appropriate movie, finding an appropriate TV show, hoping the kids

aren't flipping the dial when you're ited unless you want to watch those not there. You can be watching a reruns on Nick at Night;' he said. sporting event, and an ad comes on ''The other stuff you might want for an R-ratedmovie with a bunch tO,watch with your kids at night but of violence, and as a parent, you'll it's not the same thing as what 'The be uncomfortable." Dick Van Dyke Show,' .'The Mary The idea of bringing the whole Tyler Moore Show," 'The Cosby family around the set is also made Show,' and shows into the '80s were more difficult these days by virtue' like." What works for Sullivan in his' 'of"differentTVs in different rooms, people watching different things," household, with children ages 13, Sullivan told Catholic News Service. seven and five? "When I was a kid we had one "Mostly, I've found it;s game set and we, watched together. I re;-, shows I can watch with the kids. member coming home from school, ','(Who Wants to Be a) Millionaire,' ,as a kid and watching the old black- . 'Family Feud' - it's more of a parand-white movies with my mom. I ticipatory thing, just speaking narworder: Is m,om there !lOW, andare rowly for me as a parent,"and I'll the old movies there? Well, on a watch 'Sesame Street' for them. cable movie chflI1nel; if you want to Obviously, 'Sesame Street' is writhunt them out," he said. ten with adults in mind." ' "I think a viewer has to be more When he was a network execuactive !O find a family viewing ex- tive, Sullivan said, there was presperience or you go to a video store sure to make shows ',Vith a harder and rent out cassettes that are more edge. friel?dly to the family, but the sponIt's often a process of trial and taneity isn't there.'" error, he added, until a network finds ''As good as the programming is a successful formula, such as UPN's on Nick (the Nickelodeon cable chan- current audience of young males, nel) - and it's just 'a fabulously run WB's success with teen dramas, and operation -but for an adult, it's lim- ,CBS' appeal to older audiences.

Runner leaves marathons behind for cloistered life By JOSEPH YOUNG

let alone myself." "If you would have asked me five years ago, 'Beth, SAUK RAPIDS, Minn. - It's tough to run' mara- what about a vocation as a nun?' I would have laughed thons within an enclosure that has a perimeter of in your face. I would have told God, 'You know that only about a quarter-mile. in my heart I always wanted to be married and have That's why Sister Elizabeth Pistulka's marathon children.'" days are over - marathon running, that is. "But instead," she said, "God hit'me over the head Marathon praying, now that's and I fell head over heels in love something else. For Sister Elizawith him." beth is beginning a long life of , In retrospect, Sister Elizabeth prayer as a member of the cloissays that she has probably been tered community of Franciscan more spiritual than she had realPoor Clare Nuns in'Sauk Rapized. For example, she had alids. ways wanted to be a missionary, "I'll be marathoning now for but asthma made it difficult for God," said Sister Elizabeth, a 36her to travel and stay in humid year-old Minnesota native who southern climes. took her final vows this summer. A trip she made in 1994 to Prior to entering the convent Guatemala with a medical misthree years ago as a postulant, sion group started changing her Sister Elizabeth ran eight maralife. She began going to confesthons, sion again. "People used to think I was And during another trip, she crazy," she said, "but when a read a diary of St. Faustina marathon was coming up I would Kowalska and couldn't put it train by getting up at three in the down. morning and running 18 miles After a priest friend encourbefore going to work. As I ran I aged her to think about a religious SISTER ELIZABETH PISTULKA would think through the day vocation, she was enthusiastic ahead, talk to the Lord, and pray about the Poor Clares because of the rosary using a rosary ring." their diligence in following Church teaching and beWhile Sister Elizabeth may have been well pre- cause they still wore habits. She entered the cloister in June 1997, about eight pared for running in marathons, she was not quite so well prepared for cloistered religious life. months after making a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Just as marathoners sometimes "hit the wall" at "My joining a cloister was a bit of a struggle for about the 20-mile mark, she hit a spiritual "wall" my siblings. They said things like, 'Why can't you sometime around age 20, before she graduated in be out doing something?''' Sister Elizabeth said. 1987 from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul. And although she no longer runs, Sister Elizabeth "For a time I was not even a Sunday churchgoer," now walks the cloister grounds, or pedals a stationshe told the St. Cloud Visitor, newspaper of the St. ary bicycle while doing spiritual reading. Cloud Diocese. "I hadn't gone to confession for 14 "I met such a peace here that I never met on the years. But God's got a sense of humor. He was work- outside," she' said. "Not that I was unhappy on the ing on me with his divine providence." outside, but if this is where you're supposed to be, She said "nobody ever thought I'd become a nun, you feel that contentment." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

Trappist Shows how to use' centering prayer By ROBERT DYLAK

"You can try a little longer time or a little shorter time, but for most people 20 minutes is about right," SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. he said with a gentle and encouragMore than 200 people filled the coming voice. munity room of Our Lady of SorCentering prayer is not a medirows Church in South Orange, and tation technique like those taught by for 20 minutes it was so quiet you the gurus of the 1960s and 1970s, could hear a pin drop. the priest said. "It is a prayer. We 'The silence was initiated by Fadon't get caught up in the techther Basil Pennington, a Trappist monk who has writ- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nique." ten and lectured on "centering "Get comfortable in your chair, feet He advised people to seek prayer" and meditation to on the floor," Father Pennington out a comfortab~e ch~r rather Catholics around the world. urged. "Don't try to control your than attempt.to SIt cros~-legge? . on the floor In a yogalike POSIFather Pennington spent ", about a half-hour outlining the thought~ or your memones. Just try tion. "W'hat if you fall asleep?" a way to approach thisancient being with the Lord." woman asked. 'Then you are kind of silent prayer and enfor me," a Benedictine monk said. resting in the Lord," he said with a couraging those present to try it. "It isn't difficult," he said. "Park 'There are a lot ofdistractions some- grin. "Of course, if you fall asleep every time you try to pray; the Lord your body and let it have a good times." may be telling you something. He Another participant agreed that rest. , . "Get comfortable in your chair, it often was difficult to maintain an . may be telling you that you need feet on the floor," he urged. "Don't openness, but said repeating the word more sleep." The monk emphasized that "in try to control your thoughts or your "Jesus" helped leave the interruptions memories. Just try being with the and daily concerns behind. "It was a this prayer we give to God our very selves." good experience," he concluded. Lord." He pointed out that it involves a Father Pennington was not surHe asked his listeners to be open to the presence of God within, and prised at the good results. He's done stillness and an open heart and mind. then to think ofa word reflecting love. this many times, and he' urged ev- "For these 20 minutes we let every''Wheneveryou become aware ofany- eryone to capitalize on their success thing go andjust let God be present," thing else, simply, gently, return to , and promise to meditate twice a day he said. "Ifs remarkable that we were created to be able to do that." for about 20 minutes. the Lord using your prayer word." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Father Pennington asked everyone to sit back and close their eyes, at which point his presentation was punctuated by a profound silence. After he concluded his own 20 minutes of prayer with the Our Father, he asked everyone to share their experience -' aloud. "This is.a kind of difficult prayer

lHEANCHOR- DioceseofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000


Pope to host 15 young people during World Youth Day CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) - Among the more than one million peopleexpected in Rome for World Youth Day 2000, a handful will leave their sleeping bags at home and "camp out" with Pope John Paul II instead. At the Aug. 6 weekly "Angelus" prayer, the pope announced that several young people will stay with him at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo during the Aug. 15-20 event. "Many youths are already en route to Rome via all forms of transportation; families, parishes, religious houses and schools have mobilized to welcome them, and I, too, will have the joy to host some of them here in Castel Gandolfo," he said. Although World Youth Day organizers have yet to present names, Passionist Father Ciro Beneddttini, a Vatican spokesman, said that a total of 15 young people, three Italians and three each from the Ameri-

cas, Africa, Asia and Oceania, will stay in Castel Gandolfo. ''The pope wanted to set an example," he said, "and many bishops and cardinals followed his example and will also host young people in their homes." Local youths in early March began canvassing Rome apartment buildings to ask citizens to sign up as host families for the August celebration. The Italian World Youth Day committee and the Pontifical Council for the Laity were to choose the IS recipients of the pope's personal hospitality.

Norris H. Tripp



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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFailRiver-Fri.,August 11,2000

Korean Caritas head urges 'immediate help' for North o

R,ussian Orthodox expected to' canonize ,country's last czar

since 1995. By FRANK BROWN . Polycarp Choe Jae-seon, national CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE secretari of Caritas Coreana, told MOSCOW ~ The Russian OrUCA News that intemational support to North Korea has been gradually de- thodox Church is expected to canonize Russia's last czar, Nicholas II, creasing since 1995. This is because of "funding fa- and his family during an Aug. 13tigue" and Europeans' growing sup- 20 Council of Bishops' meeting. port .to Kosovo and Africa, where While the canonization of the people are suffering from civil wars, Romanoy family is a religious mathe said. tel', observers said it also has politiCaritas Intemationalis aims to raise cal overtones and provides clues US$3.6 million for North Korea this about the mood of the 80-millionyear, but as of late July, only 23 per- member Russian Orthodox Church. cent of this target has been achieved, Eight years of deliberation over he said. the czar's spiritual stature and deNorth Korean authorities say they need continuous international assis- bate over his political rule undertance for food and other items, said scored splits within the church over how it has reacted to nationalism, Bishop Chang's message. anti-Semitism and Russia's com"Caritas aid is a sign of Christian munist past. solidarity and it should be continued. "The conservatives have won. It Withholding aid would not only be morally wrong, it would also not Solve will be interestipg to see what their next step is," said Vladimir any problems:' the bishop said: "Working in the North is not easy, Verkhovsky, a Moscow scholar, rebut we trust" the compassion, com- ferring to years of lobbying by mitment and competence of Caritas church traditionalists who were opHong Kong, which has coordinated posed by tho~e who claim the czar's an aid program for North Korea since reign made him unworthy. 1995, the bishop said. . Nicholas, who reigned from Caritas Coreana has been trYing 1895 to 191,7, devoted great energy its best to support the work of Caritas to upholding the Russi3!1 autocracy, Hong Kong, he added, noting that the · resisting attempts to institute a parChurch in South Korea has raised liamentary assembly, He patronized US$200,000, but more is needed. 'a right-wing organization that published anti-Semitic literature. Historians say Nicholas' govern, '~Ag' ~m-' ment did nothing to stop anti-Jewwilt Ae done on' ~. fM ish pogroms and that its anti-Semitic. laws established ~nvironment that in gr-eaueR" 1", encouraged the violence. In Yekaterinburg, the city wh~re the Romariovs were executed in July 1918, the Catholic pastor said memOh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before -the bers of his small flock have' little immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal goodness may open direct interest in the Orthodox canto me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the·sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the By ART BABYCH enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want CATliOLIC NEWS SERVICE the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE, ness and of love. With It I shall be al~ays happy. I shall have Quebec - A wheelchair-bound a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and American is one of more than conducts them to God, 1.5 million pilgrims who each Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity · year visits North America's oldthat They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and est shrine, located near Quebec City. . thus return in me the first order of creation, just as th~ creature J .R. Lacourcier of Waterwas created. bury, Conn., who nas been Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, making visits to Quebec's mitake my handand introduce me ~to the Light of the Divine raculous Shrine of St. Anne de Will. You will be 'my guide, my most tender Mother, and will Beaupre for two decades, says teach me to live in and 1:0 maintain myself. in the order and the he travels here for a "vacation." bounds of the Divine Will. He;lvenly Mother, I c:onsecrate my Now 69, Lacourcier has been whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the · coming to the shrine 'on the doctrine of ,the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to north bank of the St. Lawrence Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle'so that the Seaway each summer for the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to en.:. ·past 20 years.. tice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. "The attraction is the church Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your .itself," not a possible cure, said flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed .me to Lacourcier, who 'calls his anform in' me the Life of the Divine Will. nual visits to the shrine his vaSaint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my cation. He said he goes to Mass heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You in the basilica twice a day. , will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, But judging from the stack that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. of crutches, canes and walking My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in evsticks on either side of the main erything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument doorway to the tall, twin-spired that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. basilica, many pilgrims have been healed through the inter( In Honor of Luisa Piccarr~ta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will) cession of St. Anne, the mother

SEOUL, South Korea (CNS) Bishop Gabriel Chang Bong-hun of Cheongju, president of the Korean relief agency Caritas Coreana, appealed to the worldwide Caritas network for continuous aid to North Korea. He noted that while the leadership summit for North and South Korean in June was "a historical moment and . . a sign of hope for the future of all Korean people;! no clear and concrete . action to aid suffering North,Koreans has been taken since. His statement was reported by UCA News, an Asian chur<,h news agency ba<;ed in Thailand. ''The hungry, the sick and the weak do not need bealitiful words and gestures, but immediate help," the bishop said in a mid-July appeal sent through Caritas Internationalis, the Vaticanbased umbrella group for national Catholic aid agencies. The United Nations' humanitarian coordinator in Pyongyang, North Ko- . rea, said in early August that drought and worsening economic conditions contributed to scarcity of food this year. David Morton told Reuters, the British news agency, that while food supplies have improved in the past year, "there is still a serious food shortage." A U.S. congressional.repor~ said a famine in l'{orth Korea had killed an estimated two million people



Consecration to the Divine Will

Some of the material they distribute is anti-Semitic, and they have adopted Nicholas as their patron, claiming the anti-Jewish pogroms under his reign prove his beliefs, Father Sergei Hackel, a Russian Orthodox priest in England who is one of the few clergymen openly opposing the canonization, said such extremist views are all too common. Vladimir Verkhovsky, a Moscow scholar of Russian nationalism and the Russian church, said the Orthodox are not ready to imitate Pope John Paul II in asking Jewish forgiveness for its members' antiSemitic actions and attitudes in the past. Away from the debate about history and politics,. popular support for the canonization of the czar, czarina and their five 'children is growing, aided in part by an icon of Nicholas credited with miraculous powers. In many churches throughout the country, inexpensive icons of .the Romanov family ~ Nicholas and Alexandra and their children Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei ..,..- are already on sale and the obje<;t of veneration. Generally speaking, the canoniFATHER 'JERZY Paczuski . zation 'process within the Russian leads the Catholic parish in Orthod<;>~ Ch!Jrch is less compliYekaterinburg, Russi,P, where cated than' within the Roman NicQglasl1 and his family were Catholic Church. The Orthodox execute(fin 1918; The Rus- canonization commission settled on the status of "passion bearers," sian. Orthodox Church is ex- which recognizes the Christian hupected to canonize the mility with which the Romanovs Romanovs in August. (CNS met death. Thus, the czar's reign photo by Frank Brown) need not be considered. onization process, but have a large stake in the general spiritual recovery that might result from Russians coming to terms with their history. Fattier Jerzy Paczuski, 42, said, "The people allowed this to happen, allowed state-enforced atheism to happen. These people do not see their guilt," he said, adding that they betrayed Christian principles and they need to repent. At the Yekaterinburg execution site, marked by a black marble cross and a wooden chapel, a group of monarchists, Cossacks and neo-fascists show up daily to distribute pamphlets and look for supporters among the religious pilgrims and tourists.

American among throngs of pilgrims to Quebec's miraculous shrine "We prefer to accept the tesof Mary arid the patron saint of timonies of people without disChristian mothers. The first such recorded cure tinguishing between what can dates back to March 13, 1658, be proven scientifically and according to the Redemptorists, what people report," the priest guardians of the shrine since said .. Still, thousands of pilgrims 1878. The cure occurred after the blessing of the new chapel from around the world arri ve when local resident Louis at the shrine each summer to Guimond, suffering from "rheu- make the novena leading up to matism of the loins" placed the feast day of St. Anne, celthree stones in the foundations ebrated July 26. "It's like a large family, and of the new building and found himself "suddenly and com- it's like good St. Anne, the grandmother, welcoming all pletely cured of his ailment." The wooden church built on her children. and grandchilthe site soon became known as. dren," said Father Desrocher. .the ~'church of miracles," said "They celebrate the same faith, Redemptorist Father Gerard the same love for Jesus and the Desrocher, a member of the same devotion to St. Anne." Bishop Francois Lapierre of pastoral team at the shrine. "We often receive letters St. Hyacinthe preached the nofrom people who say theihave vena in French, an'd Archbishop been cured or have received fa- Terrence Prendergast of Halifax vors through the intercession of preached in English. Father Desrocher estimated good St. Anne," he said in an that between 20,000 and 30,000 interview. Unlike the shrine in people turned out for events surLourdes, France, however, rounding the feast day, includthere is no office at St. Anne ing about 4,000 people who de Beaupre that verifies . crammed the basilica for the whether claims of healings are Mass led by Canada's papal nuncio, Archbishop Paolo Romeo. authentic, he said.

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., August 11,2000


Catholic Charities sues over contraceptive law By CATHOL:IC NEWS SERVICE

AT OUR Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk, young adults and chaperones attended Mass c~lebrated by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM, Cap., and sang hymns of praise. Leading the songs from left are: Carolina Macedo, Rui Moniz, Kevin Rodrig'ues, Elizabeth Pacheco and Michael Moniz. All attend St. John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. (Anchor/Gordon photos)


Continuedfrom page one

about 25 volunteers. Some worked the night before, others set up tables and some passed out food. "People wanted to help out and send them off to World Youth Day," said Miller. "It's great to see the generosity of everybody." Ed and Pat Bosworth from Our Lady of Mount Carmel were among the volunteers and Pat said it was something they felt was very important. "It's nice to do something for the children because they do so much for us." Lisa Gulino, diocesan director of Adult Education, was also in attendance and said she "came to sup-


BISHOP O'MALLEY speaks to young adults readying themselves for their trip to World Youth Day 2000.

port everyone and is praying that they can all open the doors of their' hearts to Christ"


f on this important pilgrimage. Mill~r said many of the travelers have done some kind of fund-raising over the past' three years to prepare for the trip and some began such drives after World Youth Day in Paris ended in 1997. Chaperone Al Berry of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk, said eight children are attending from the parish and through fund-raising efforts like car washes, golf tournaments, bake sales and pasta dinners, more than a $1,000 was raised for each traveler. "We started doing fundraising right after we got back from World Youth Day in Paris, France," explained Berry. When asked what he thought of the young people, Berry was very enthusiastic

in his response. "The young people in this room tonight are very spiritually oriented . They've been searching and found it and they want further enlightenment. The kids have such faith and relationships with Jesus. They are the youth of the future." Pauline Macedo of St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford, also said they have been planning for several years. "We have 18 from our parish going and have done a lot of fundraising and gotten a lot of support from parents," she emphasized. After desert, Miller addressed the group and relayed a message from Pope John Paul II regarding World Youth Day. It was read by volunteers and chaperones and following the reading all participated in "icebreaker" activities which Involved learning about someone they didn't know. They asked questions such as: "If you could spend one hour with one person who . would it be." Answers ranged from relatives to movie stars; .but many expressed a desire to spend time with a saint, or Mary and Jesus. Such opportunities will be plentiful when their spiritual journey in Rome officially begins Monday. Hopefully, everyone in the diocese will pray for the 84 pilgrims traveling through Rome, that they have a safe and fruitful climb through the mountains with Jesus.

meet those requirements in sevSACRAMENTO, Calif. eral ways. Its primary purpose, Catholic Charities of Sacra- notes the lawsuit, is not to inmento has filed suit to block a culcate Church doctrine, but to sLate law that includes most re- provide social services for the ligious institutions in a require- poor, immigrants, the elderly ment that employers pay for and disabled. Most of its clients contraceptives in prescription and most of its employees are insurance plans. not Catholic. The suit filed in Sacramento The California Catholic ConSuperior Court last week argues ference, which represents the that. the law, which took effect state's bishops in legislative matJan. 1, violates the California ters, issued a statement saying Constitution as well as the First the contraceptive insurance law and 14th Amel)dments to, the "constitutes an extraordinarily U.S. Constitution. It asks the serious threat to the religious court to declare the law uncon- freedom rights of the Roman stitutional and to impose a per- Catholic Church in California." manent injunction barring its The Catholic conference's enforcement. , . background statement said the The law requires all employ- law's exemption clause was deers in the state that provide signed to exclude specific workers with insurance for pre- Catholic ministries, particularly scriptions to include contracep- its health care, social service and tives among covered pharma- educational programs. ceuticals. It is written so that in"This new definition of 'resurance companies are held re- ligious employer' is an unprecsponsible for including contra- eden ted attempt by the state to ceptives in employer policies. define 'religion' and impose its The law's "conscience clause" own definition as to those acallows organizations that fit a tivities the state regards as 'renarrow definition of "religious ligious' and those it regards as employer'; to be exempted from 'secular,'" it said. the requirement. But Catholic The California Catholic ConCharities and many other of the ference notes that should the law state's Church-affiliated institu- be allowed to stand, the antici~ tions do not qualify for the ex- pated approval by the Food and Drug Administration of the emption, the lawsuit notes. The exemption applies to em- abortifacient RU-486 would ployers that meet four criteria. force Catholic institutions to They include: . choose' between covering an - the inculcation of reli- abortion-inducing drug or cangious values is the purpose of celing all prescription coverage the entity; for employees. - the entity primarily emBut Congress also has stepped ploys persons who share its re- into the fray, with the House passligious tenets; ing an amendment to the - the entity primarily serves District's federally approved budpeople, who share its religious get that would negate the law if tenets; . it had been signed. Another pro- the entity is classified as a vision 'of the House amendment nonprofit organization under the would prevent the city from Internal Revenue Code. passing another such bill withCatholic Charities fails to out a broad conscience clause.

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Diocese ofFall River- Fri., August 11, 2000



Golf tournament winners named


FALL RIVER - The Fall of81 and second place was capRiver Area CYO recently held tured by Erik Almeida with an its annual golf tournament at the 82. A score of 80 gaveAndrew Fall River Country Club and Gendreau first place in the Junwinners are eligible to compete ior Division and Matt Bourassa's at the Diocesan Golf Tourna- 86 took second. A score of ~ 1 ment held this month at the put Jacob Sebastiao atop the Ca. Segregansett Country Club, detDivision followed closely by Taunton. . Matt Gauvin with an 85. Winners in the Senior DiviEach player received a trosion were Mike DoCouto who. phy'for their efforts and the asshot a 79 to take first place and sociate director of the CYO gave Michael Letendre whose 85 was special thanks to tournament di, good enough for second. The tectoni Everett Smith and Roger. Intermediate Division was won Dugal for all their hard work in by David Phenix with a score organizing the event.


Nationals are All-Star champs FALL RIVER - The ninth annual CYO All-Star Baseball Game was held recently at Kennedy Park and saw the Nationals, made up of players from St. Bernard's and Holy Name parishes, defeat the Americans, made up of players fromSt. William's and St. Louis de France parishes 17-13 in a high-scoring contest. Mike Paiva from S1. Louis de France clobbered a pair of home runs, both two-run shots in the first and sixth innings for the Americans in the loosing effort. Other offensive stars were'

Americans' Rick Ferreira who blasted two home runs, Americans' Adam Travassas and Nationals' Tim Cleveland who belted solo homers, and J;3rian Mauricio who had two doubles for the Nationals. Scott Archambault from S1. Bernard's picked up the wi.n in relief and helped out with a two-run double in the seventh inning. The American team was coached ·by Jeff Mitchell and Sergio Aguiar while Cur,tis Medeiros and TedSanft skippered the Nationals.

I(nights of C'()lumbus honor top essayists ~

Attleboro-Norton area' students exhibit writing skills in essay contest. .


ATTLEBORO - The St. John's Knights of Columbus Council 404 recently held its 50th annual awards banquet and an- . nounced winners of its 2000 essay-contest. It was open to all seventh- and eighth-graders in the Attleboro and Norton Schools and winners received U.S. 'Savings Bonds for their efforts. Seventh-graders were asked to write on what the most critical TARA OZELLA gets last minute advice from her parents issue they thought faced()ur new Anthony and Kathle.en before performing with the Concert president when he takes office Choir in th~ Bjshop Fe~han High Scho.ol Festival of the Arts. next year. Winners were: First Place, Roselle Arpino, Brennan The evening at the Attleboro school showcased art and muMiddle School, $300; Second sic with performances by the jazz ban9, dance company, Place, Stacey Gomes, Norton colorguard, theater group, percussion group, Gospel choir Middle School, $200;. Third and concert band. Below, Sarah Mirza.and Katie Holden pre- Place, Benjamin McNamee, pare for their dance number. Coehlo Middle School, $100; . and hono~able mention, Vijal Patel, Wamsutta Middle School; Jenalyn Ingersoll and Daniel Nagle of Norton Middle School, $50. Eighth-graders addressed the subject of professional athletes as heroes and role models and the importance of personal and moral integrity. Winners were: First. Place, Shauna Medeiros, Norton Middle School, $300; Second Place, Catherine Maginnis, Norton Middle School, $200; Third Place, Amanda Proulx, Brennan Middle School, $100; and honorable mention, Jessica Jerrier, Norton Middle School, $50. . . Award winners attended the dinner with parents and school representatives.


1/' '-"-.,


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... FIRST-GRADERS at Holy Family-Holy Name School were all "quacked up? this year when four little ducklings were hatched from eggs in Nancy Davis' science class: Th's honorary first-graders are spending summer with their mother on a local farm. .,

.... DOWNTOWN LUNCH Fourth-graders Sarah Walecka and Stephanie Rock enjoy an al fresco lunch during a mid-day break at the Holy Family-Holy N~me School Summer Fun Camp in New Bedford.



THEANCHOR- DiOcese ofFall River- Fri., August 11,2000

How parents face the dangers in teen life By CHRISTOPHER CARSTENS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

kill and maim more teens than all diseases combined. Outfitted with nearly a million years of human history for physical combat with hungry animals and

What a bunch of noise! Just beyond my window, birds were screeching and squawking frantically. Outside, on the lawn at the base of the tree stood a black-andwhite house cat, staring up into the Coming branches. Two mockingbirds quite clearly protecting chicks inof side their nest - dove dangerously close to the cat, pecking at its tail. The cat, obviously rattled by this aerial bombardment, batted at them, then finally turned and reluctantly walked away. The cat walked marauding bandits, parents feel a slowly, almost snarling, "I'll be tremendous need to do something. back." But what? "Yes," the birds could be heard They only have three tools. squawking, "and we'll still be here." -They can educate you about It was so obvious, so very right. the risks and hope you make good Here were parents recognizing dan- choices. ger, feeling fear and taking direct -They can set up rules for your action to protect their young, acting safety, such as where you're allowed on a law of nature that goes back to go and with whom, when you into the deepest s~adows of.pre-his- need to be'back and who's allowed tory. to drive you back and forth. . For the parents ofteen-agers, the '. . -Finally, if education and rules reactions are the same. Parents rec- don't work, they can keep you where ognize dangers, they feel fear and they can watch you themselves to often sense a desperate urge to ac- be sure that you don't end up gettion. ting hurt. But what then? There's no cat to Other than giving up completely, attack. parents don't have any otherchoices. A news report recently said that There is no living, breathing enemy in some cities as many young adults to battle. And for you as the teendie of heroin overdoses as of cancer ager, it can all feel like they're ator heart disease. . tacking you. In my work I have met many You probably won't ever look parents terrified by the first proof forward to their lectures. Mostly, you that their teens are using drugs. If won't welcome their rules, and you these parents could go out into the certainly won't be excited by increasstreets and do battle defending their ing supervision. But perhaps you can children, many certainly would. But bear this simple thought in mind: fight whom? There really are dangers, and HIV rates in America are rising your parents know them better than again. Young people, convinced that you do. Your parents love you and modem medicines have made AIDS are driven to keep you safe - it's a nuisance. rather than a death sen- their job. tence, are engaging in dangerous Finally" whatever their limitasexual behavior. If your parents tions, your parents are doing the best could drive back that danger, they they can. Your comments are welcome. would. But how do parents drive off . viruses? Please address: Dr. Christopher Guns are now the first or second Carstens, do Catholic News Serleading cause of death in many vice, 3211 Fourth SL N.E., Washgroups of young men. Car accidents ington, D.C. 20017.



A~ IRAQI ~oy puts up a poster outside the U.N. office in Baghdad recently demanding a stop In bombing and end to U.N. sanctions. Sanctions were imposed on Iraq after its 1990 invasion of KuWait. (CNS photo from Reuters)

St. Vincentde Paul Society popular among British youths Bv PAULINUS J3ARNES

"There is an S.Y.P. group in each year of the school," said Lever. "Kids go on to different activities as they move up through the school. One year group visits a local primary school and helps children there with their reading. AQother group visits Nazareth House, a local old people's home. Others get involved in environmental or social justice issues. "During my time as a teacher, I think that what contributed most to the development of young people was getting them involved with

"They decided to go back to their roots;' Lever said. "The S.Y.P. was MANCHESTER, England started by a group of young people, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the society in England and - founded by young people in Wales wanted to go back to that. 19th-century France to help the They wanted to make it more atpoor - is undergoing a remarktractive for young people." able renaissance among youths in Lever said his metfiod of get21st-century Britain, said the ting youngsters involved was group's national youth coordinator. "simple but effective." The first In the last 18 months, more than stage is to identify an adult - pos1,200 young people, mainly besibly a teacher in a high school or a tween 14 and 18 yeru's old, have youth leader in a parish - who is become involved in the work路ofthe prepared to encourage and motisociety in England and Wales, as vate a young St. Vincent de Paul 58 new groups have been esSociety group. tablished. A valued resource in the While young people may formation of new groups is be less and less visible in "During my time as a teacher, I "Finding Hidden Talents" churches, "they are keen to think that what contributed most to a professionally made film put Christianity into practice about the work of the socithe development of young people ety, by helping people in the he said. "It shows young people community. It is developing was getting them involved with them personally, socially and people in the community. You could discovering things in themspiritually;' said Paul Lever, see young people grow in confi- selves that they never believed were there, by getting appointed two years ago as dence and self-esteem." involved in different activithe National Youth DevelOp- Paul Lever ties. It's a film in which the ment Officer for the society National Youth Development youngsters do all the talking;' in England and Wales. Officer for 51. Vincent de Paul he said. Whether it is visiting resiSociety, El"!gland and Wales The adult leader and the dents of homes for the eldyoung people are encouraged erly, serving lunches to to discuss possible projects in homeless'people, or helping younger children learn to read, the people in the community," he said. which they could get involved. Lever said that the most chalyounger members are participating "You could see young people grow lenging aspect of his work so far in the society with great enthusi- in confidence and self-esteem." asm, said Lever in an early August St. Frederic Ozanam, founder of has been changing the image that the St. Vincent de Paul Society and people have of the St. Vincent de interview. Lever was formerly the head of a husband and father, was canon- Paul Society. "People see the society as repreReligious Education at St. Anselm's ized by Pope John Paul II during College, Birkcnhead, near the 1997 World Youth Day celebra- sented by older men who stand at Liverpool in the north of England. tions in Paris. The Frenchman was the back of church with a collect"I had been a member of the 20 years old in 1833 when he and ing box," he said. "We have been making an efS.Y.P. since 1988, and had run an . his friends formed the first St. fort to cut down on the bureaucracy S.Y.P. group at the school for about Vincent de Paul conference. \ Lever's appointment as the St. that has been associated with meeteight years;' he said. The St. Vincent de Paul Society Vincent de Paul Society's youth ings of the society. This is someA COSTA Rican boy lights a candle in the Basilica of the group at St.Anselm's College is one officer came as the society in En- thing that the young people that in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica recently, markAngels of the oldest school groups in Brit- gland and Wales was wrestling with have got involved in really appreing the feast of the Virgin of the Angels, patroness of Costa ain, and has been in continuous ideas about to how to celebrate the ciate - they enjoy getting involved . Rica. (CNS photo from Reuters) in helping others;' added Lever. operation for more than 60 years. .jubilee year, he said. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE







Diocese ofFall River- Fri., AuguSt 11,2000

fteering pOintf Publicity' Chairmen a,re asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON MONDAYS. Events published must be of interest and' open to our general readership. We do not nor路 mally carry notices of fundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at (508) 675-7151. ATTLEBORO - Father Pat will perform at the La Salette Shrine Garden Concert on August 19 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Those attending are encouraged to attend the Shrine's 4:30 p.m. Mass before the show. The Holy Apostles Choir of Cranston, R.I., will perform on (August 26. For more information or a full schedule of summer concerts and programs call 222-5410. FALL RIVER - Hospice Outreach Office is accepting applications for its upcoming

Patient Care Volunteer Program. Volunteers offer companionship, respite and support to terminally ill patients and their families. They serve the Greater Fall River area and surrounding communities. For more information call John Marcelino at 888-423-800t: FALL RIVER - Father Roger Landry will give a presentation on the recently published Third Secret of Fatima Sunday at 5 p.m. at Espirito Santo Church. The presentation will be in Portuguese. HYANNIS - The Cape Cod Chapter of Massachusetts Citizens for Life will hold its 10th annual Tom McGrath Yard Sale on August 16 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Route 28. It will be .held indoors and for more information call John Giorgio at 394-7038. MASHPEE The Children's Choir of Christ' the King, Parish will present its annual Pops Concert under the tent at Mashpee Commons on, ~ugust 27 beginning at 2 p.m.

It will include sacred and popular music and will feature a soloist from the church's adult choir. In case of rain it will be held in the pansh hall.

Catholic Charities in Chicago squeezed by good economy ~

Good times shove poverty onto the back burner.

NEW BEDFORD - The S1. Joseph-St. Therese Parish . Jubilee Rosary Drive has reached more than 82,000 roBy MICHELLE MAm1N saries pledged. To offer more CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE rosaries call Therese Beaulieu CHICAGO Let Al'an at 995-2354 or Albert Hall at Greenspan worry about the 995-0045. "' . economy overheating. Father Michael Boland, adminNEW BEDFORD - A Eu~ istrator ofCatholic Charities of the charistic Day of Prayer for voArchdiocese of Chicago, is too cations to priestly and religious busy worrying ~bout how his life will be held on August 17 agency will keep providing serfollow.ing the 7:30 a.m. Mass vices to poor people in a world at Our Lady of Perpetual Help where nobody wants to believe Church. It will include prayers anybody is poor anymore. to Divine Mercy and eucharisCatholic Charities' budget for tic adoration and:Mass at noon. its new fiscal year shows about a $3 .million deficit, with $141.5 OSTERVILLE - A yard sale' will be held at Our Lady million in expected revenue to pay for $144.6 million in expenses, acof the Assumption Church, 76 cording to agency officials. And Wianno Avenue, from 9 a.m. the budget has already eliniinated to 3 p.m. on Saturday. For 61 jobs, Father Boland said. more information call Loyse One of those jobs belonged to Perry at 428-6420. Sally Heyneman, who for 11 years was director of a program for pregc WEST HARWICH - The Perpetual Adoration: C:hapel at nant teens andteen parents. On July Holy Trinity Church, Route 28, 1 she and most of her staff became invites people to sign up and unemployed, and another agency , spend an', hour or two in prayer. took over the program. "It'~ real hard for everyone," This regional chapel of the mid~, Heyneman toldThe'Catholic New Cape area depends on the support of people. All ages wel- World, Chicago's archdiocesan come. For more information newspaper. "It's like a spiritual twoby-four' fOf me. I've been chalcall Jane Jannell at 430-0014. lenged, by ,this. It's like God testing my faith." "My, major concern is to limit the impact on the very poor," Fa" ther Boland' said.

Survey shows religious orders accelerate retirement 路planning By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

When Gov. George Ryan submitted his budget to the Legislature last year, he included a one percent costof-living increase for human service contracts. Those contracts make up nearly a third of Catholic Charities' $144.6 million budget - paying for everything from foster care for children to senior citizen services and family counseling. "They give us $44 million to provide programs that cost us $48 million," said Catholic. Charities comptroller Pedro Martinez. "We start out behind and we fall further and further behind "every year," Martinez said. The difference traditionally has been made up with grants from foundations and other not-for-profit groups like United Way, and by private donations. But giving has not kept up with the need. "I think it's very hard for people to understand the depth and the need that Catholic Charities deals with. There's a lot of people who think that because they're working and things are going well for them, it's that way for everybody." But many people can't make ends meet. About 164,000 people came to Catholic Charities for emergency assistance during' the first six months of this year, Father Boland said, more than came during the Depression. "Many of them are the working poor, some of them working three jobs, but their jobs don't pay them a living wage, or they don't have health benefits, and they need a bag of food or a bag of clothes to get by," he said.


among small institutes with 50 or fewer memWASHINGTON - Religious sisters, brothers bers. and priests have accelerated their retirement plan-Many religious institutes are using the proceeds ning in recent years, according to a survey con- from divested property to create or 'supplement ducted by the National Religious Retirement Of- continuing care funds for community members: fice in Washington. Currently, 91 percent of responding institutes have To help reverse the U.S. crisis in unfunded re- such funds. tirement liability, individual religious institutes The statement said it is critical for religious to have been: ' e n r o l l in government programs for which they - selling or finding more productive uses for are eligible because, in 199'9~ some 5,800 men their property; . and women religious received skilled care cost- engaging in fund-raising efforts; ing $204 million and' nearly the same number - relying on outside were in assisted living fainvestment advisers; . cilities at a cost of $141 - collaborating with million. U.S. religious could not particiMoreover, the 1999 data other religious communities on retirement projects; pate in the Social Security sys- showed that almost 42,000 - operating their own ,tern untilthe 1970s. Consequently, of the 87,000 men and Medicaid-licensed care fa- the average annual payment to a women religious in the cilities or using other such t' d I" ". . United States are age 70 or facilities; re Ire re Iglous IS Just over: older. u.s. religious could not - enrolling members $3,309, while the average U.S. participate in the Social Sein such government en- benefit is $9,65,0. curity system u'ntil the titlementprogramsasMedicaid, Medicare and' 1970s. Consequently, the average annual payment to a retired religious is Supplementary Security Income, or SSI. Compared with data collected Dec. 31, 1995, just over $3,300, while the average U.S. benefit is the latest survey data from Dec. 31, 1999, indi- $9,650. cates "there has been a considerable expansion . "The problem of financing the retirement of in .the area of retirement planning and funding," U.S. religious has not gone away," Christian saId a statement from the U.S. Catholic Confer- Brother John Patzwall, associate director of the ence. " . . retirement said, "but it is becoming more manSp~cI.ficall,y, f~o~ 199.5 to 1?99, the number ageable th~nks to the work of the religious themof relIgIOUS .InstItutes WIth thelf own develop- selves, the generosity of those who contribute diment efforts Increased from 37 percent of respon- rectly or through the Retirement Fund for Relident~ to.61 percent, wh.ile the number consulting gious, as a result bf our grant and consultation outsIde Investment adVIsers rose from 62 percent programs, and through a multitude of colIaborato 89 percent, and from 44 percent to 76 percent .tive efforts."


DEMOCRAT 43% ' 57





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