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!'New Posts for Franciscans r

'~,'",'~?Jl',·Jesuit, to Preach



At .Labor Mass ! Il!v.B~m~L~M~e~J~ot~~t!e~.writeund


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assoc.iate editor of America, weekly magazine published by the Jesuit Fathers, will preach at the third annual Labor Day Mass at 9' A.M., Monday, Sept. 5 in St. Mary's C~thedG raI. The religious observance of Labor Day in Fall River was instituted three years ag.o with a Mass requested by the United Labor Council of Greater Fall River, Edward F. Doolan, a communicant of StMary's and president of the A, Tea and. Reception to Council, is general chairman of REV. ANSELMK~LOS KEV. JOHN ZIELINSKI WRY REV. NORBERT ZONCA the Most ~everend Bishop this year's committee. will be held on, the grounds Mr. Doolan has been vitally of' Our. J;.,a,dy of, the Assump- active in 'the labor field for 2'1 years, at present being the mantion Church in Osterville from ager of the ,Greater Fall River 3 to 5 on Wednesday afternoon, Joint Board, Textile Workers Augl!st 24. The Tea'will be for Union of America. He is also an , the 1?ene.fi~ of Nazareth' on the international vice-president of Cape, the new school for ex- his union and, presently servea ceptional children recently es- the Commonwealth on the State tabli!!hed by the' Bishop in Scholarship Board and the State Hyannis. ¥edical Board. , The Chancery Office has Rev. John T. Higgins, pastor The, chairman of the affailr announced transfers affect- of the Osterville parish, has an- also served as a member of a ing three parishes adminis- nounced that interest in the new Labor Commission headed up by school is strong among both the AFL-CIO President George . t f th 0 d tere d b y prIes s 0 e r er year-round and sum'mer parl'sh-' Meany which toured Europe, th() . ' 1 In of Friars Minor 'C6nventua ioners, and they are all anxI'()'us S candinavian coun,tries, and the ' this Diocese. to show the enthusI'asm a'nd ',British'Isles at the request of the . Administratoi'S of Holy Rosary support of the Cape for this U. S. State' Department. The parish, Taunton; Our Lady of newest of diocesan' charities. C Perpetual 'Help, New~edford; ommission's object was to and' Holy Cross, Fall River will The four' Sisters of Mercy, who cement good relations between " " ,', be' transferredeffec'tive the week, are to staff the school which, the country and the working Fall River, Mass,. Thursday, August 11, 1960 ',of.Aug. 28. • ,'Turn to raft EI4'hteen " ' Turn to P,," Eidlteen , . . Father Zielinski ' , _II ..... @1960TheAnchor' PRICEIOc ~ev. 'J~h?Zielinski, for 16,' ,U1. 4, $4.00 Pe; years admllllstrator of Holy, Ros,. ." Second Clau Mail Prl~ilege. Author;.... 01 Fan'River, Mois. ' ary padsh" will go to~~. 'St~nis- : laus 'Church, Shamokm, Pa. He , ' , • " I will?e r~turnin~, ~ the Scene WASiJ;INGTON (NC)-The Holy See throu....&. the of hiS first aSSignment after p' t'f' I C " f .,". !S1l ordination. . on I lca .om.mlsslon or Latm AmerIca has launched a , " " From Maspeth, ,L.I., Father program to ,enlIst laymen as "papal volunteers" to serve the . Zi~linski was ordained iii. 1919. C~urch in Latin America. His Eminence Marcello Cardinal He has served ,parishes in Can- M,immi president of the ,ada, Missouri, ,Maryland and ' .' ", . 'ed d' M:M., b\.lrea\l director, specuMassachusettsa~'well as Penn- commISSIOn, ISS,U a lrect lated that a year of planning The Most Reverend Bishop has announced ,that the sylvania .. He was pastor at Holy ap,peal for, lay voll:mteers to will -be required in the U.S. to faithful of the Fall River Dioce,se contribute.d $26,783.53 . Rosary from 1926 to 1927 before help train Catholic leaders deyelop "briefing and language , returning in 1944 as administra:' in, Latin America. centers" where volunteers could to the Catholic Relief Services as a result of the diocesan tor., . Under the program Catholie be trained fur work in Lathl eollection taken up on Sunday, July ·10, fQr -the people of He will be replaced in Taun- . laymen - both single persons America. eses' , ton by Rev. Callistus Szpara. and married couples-would be ' The, Ca\-dinal stated that the Ch ile. MOflt of the d i o cIn addition to that, the various of the United States'took up Bishops of the country' 'have Father Kwilos re~ruited in Latin America to already existing Catholic or. collections to aid that sti'ick- been" forwarding the monies . Rev, Anselm Kwilos of Hdly serve as lay apostles in Latin ganizations, both parochial and Cross parish will exchange posts • American nations. non-parochial~ colleges and lay en country which was rocked taken up in the churches of with Rev. Vincent Wolski of The program calls for the vol- ,missionary groups: are "parti. their Dioceses 88"a result of ' by natural disasters i n May and Hqly, Trinity parish, Montreal. uriteers 'to' be organized into . cularly well qualified" to carry June. 'sp~ial 'app~als. ' Father Kwilos has been at Holy teams of fr9m 3 to 10 members. out the recru,itment ef lay volBy mid-June, the Catholic This amount of, money. con- Cross 19- years, six as ,curate and Each volunteer would serve for unteers. Relief Services-National Cath- tributed by the faithful, of the' 13' as administrator. " from two to five years, with the !I'he Commission envisions a oUe Welfare Conference, the' Diocese has been, sent ,by the His previous assignments hilVe option of ~erving ,longer. ItYstem whereby the recruiting welfare agency 6f the Bishops Most Reverend Bishop to, the' been in Chicopee ,and 'Detroit' The U.S;' representative for', organization would assume reof, the country, had rushed, relief Catholic Relief Services head- ,parishes and: he'has' also been a ,this projebt' of the Holy See 'sponsibility· for each individual supplies valued at $2,581,567 to' quarters in Washington f,or the member of the Franciscan" Mis- will bE! the 'new Latin America enlisted in' the program, would Chile. This was the ,largest do- ' assistance of, Chileans who 'are sion Band with headquarters ,ill - Bureau. of the National Cathoiic pay· for his training and travel nation given by Ii voluntary re- still trying to recOver from the EIUcott, City; 'Md; 01'dained in, Welfare ,Conference. " lHCpenses, and would keep ia lief agency~ e a t a s t r o , p h e . ' , Turn to Pare Eighteen" rather John J. &nsldineo . Turn to Pace Eighteen

Teo 'to Aid" Cape, Cod Nazareth


O,r d I ar Y

A'pproves "



"0. 32 , ,

Chan' . es


V a t Icon 0 ut I-Ines Program ,For A'postl'e",-Yolunt'e'ers

· Sen d5 Fun'dS . IGeese D To Ass.-st Chi-lea ns

Three Blood Sisters Observe SO Years' 'as ,Nuns

Religion runs in the famil~ a~ong Religious oithe Holy' Union of the Sacred Hearts. Of :(ive jubilarians celebrating the golden anniversary of their entrance in religion, aU,have sisters in the community. Unique are Sister Jeanne Alice, Sister Jeanne Josephine ~nd . and Mrs. Francis,t.' Mcg i 8 t e r Johanna MOllIca. 'Kenl\a of Pawtucket, they, enDaughters of the late Mr. ie~ed the Fall River 'novitiate of the Holy Union.in September, ,05 .5 1910, and are still together to celIll.: I ebrate thei~ three-way jubilee. I~ew Since their. first 'profession BOSTON (NC)-The Bos- they have taught in schools contOn archdiocese has estab- ducted by the Sisters, in Fall . d t 1 .. t' to River and ,Taunton; but at'preshshe a e eVISlOn cen .er. ent Sister Jeanne 'Alice is staeoordinate the transmISSIon tioned on Long Island, N. Y. and of progi'ams to schools, hospitals, Sister Jeanne Josephine and, Sischurches and other institutions. ter' Johanna Monica are 1n The center is sponsored by Swedesboro, N. J. His Emlnen'ce Richard Cardinal Also One of Three Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, Another golden jubilarian in and directed by Msgr. Walter ,the community is also. one of L. Flaherty. three sisters who are professed The studio's basic equipment Holy Union Religious. She is Includes three TV cameras, stu- Sister Mary Lydia of St. dio and desk microphones, Anthony's School, Taunton. She floodlights and an organ. It has has taught: in the Fall River Diocamera and control equipment, cese throughout her religious monitoring and audio equip- life. ment, film editing gear and tape She was joined in marking her Ilecorders. jUbilee by her two sisters, both Telecasts include Sunday Mass. also stationed in Taunton: Sister special presentations, and edu- Augustina, Immacl\late Concepcational programs distributed on tfon School, and Sister Mary • "closed-cirCliit" to ~cI,.ools. Simeon, St. Joseph's School, hospitals. churches and' other 'A fifth, golden fubilarian' la ioatUuUon.l, '1'UI'n to Page Et&'hkeJl

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ton ' S e tUP TV C, en ter

: DOU~r.r SISTERS: Doubly sist~rs are' (left .to right) Sister jea.nne Josephine, Sister Jeanlle' Alice and ,Sister Johanna Monica, membe~s 'of the Religious of the Holy Union Of-the:SacredHe./irts.,The thre~ ,blood sisters enter.ed r~lig.ion ~gether Sevtember, 1910. Still together~ they' are' markina their golden' jubilee.


p'relate PredictS 'Tough Testing' ~ For Catholics '~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. H, 1960

Diocese of Fal ~ River

PHILADELPHIA (NC)' - ' Bishop John J. Wright 'of Pittsburgh has urged CatlP olies' to have "profound su-



@lergyAppointments The following appointments have been' made by Very Rev., George M. Roskwitalski, O.F.M. Conv., Minister Pre.':' vincial of the Franciscan Fathers Minor Conventuals, and approved by· the MOst .Reverend Bishop:

The Reverend Vincent Wolski, O.F.M.Conv:, to Holy 'Cross Church, Fall River, as pastor succeeding the Revtlrend .Anselm Kwilos, O.F.M.Conv, ,

The Reverend Callistus Szpara, O.F.M.Conv., to Holy .. Rosary' Church, Taunton, as pastor, succee~ing the RevE~rend ',John Zielinski, O.F.M.Copv. , The Reverend Adolph Banach, O.F.M. Conv., to Our lLady of Perpetual Help Church, New Bedford, as pastor succeEding the Very Reverend Norbert Zonca, O.F.M.Conv.


appointments are effective W~nesd8)', August :N.

.The following appOintment has'been made by Very Rev. William Condon, ss.ce.,' Provincial of the Sacred H.eerta Fathers, and -approved by the Most Reverend Bishop: ' " The Reverend Alan Nagle, 5S.CC., to St. Joseph's ChUFeb, , Fairhaven, as assistant succeeding the. Reverend Anthony Pohle, SS.CC. . , The' apP<>intmeftt ie· effective Tuesd87. August 30.


~....... L&.~ .... ...B~~ 'of FeU: River

Dedication of Church Culminat'ion' Of New Bedford Missioner~s Work .'

" ,LI¥A (NC) ~ This'city's firSt'

pernatural optimism" in' the face 01. "the inevitable crimi ia store for the Church and . . huinan society." BishOp Wright made' '. . statement in the keynote address ~ the '18th biennial eoDoo vention of the National Cathol" Laymen's Retreat Conferenee. He is episcopal adviser of tbe conference. ' Bishop Wright described t1Ie retreat movement as "a school for the prepara~on of a spiritusl elite and for the· stimulation of Christian optimism." He predicted that the' folit.tude ,and optimism of ,Catholiee ,are in for some "tough testing" and speculated that the numb.. of Catholics could be sharply reduced under the impact of mode ern challenges' to the Church: ' '" "Such a reduction in our 81. . , tiStIcs by the loss of the ba~ hearted and the Infirm ,of faith. particularly when accompanie4 by growth in fervor and unde... standing among those who remain faithful, in no way' 00_ tradicts - Christian optim~" Bishop Wright Said. : ' ': of <l!lrl8t" ;i , He ' cOntinued: , ''The, Chu,:eia, must' expect' 'and' welcome, ,~, saine 'fate" Christ 'Himselt. Defections from her' ranlilil . la' tb4! ' fac~ 'of the 'hard' 'sayings' ct. , the Catholic ~reed' and 'the ~ l'ecj~Wi'ementB 'Of the' CathoU.' moral code Should nei'thtir


win~ows, the edifice cOmbine. . !"t" Catholic Church named in honor the<best' in -ultra-moderit archi, ,. ... of St. Rose of Lima will be' dedi':" tecture with· the best in ttBaicated by Richard Cardinal ,tionaFCatholic art. . , ' I , Cushing of Boston on Tuesday; Cardinal Cushing' will"be ' . Aug. 30, the saint's feast day. " Peru aa,,-~apal Legate ,to the 'Na~.The ceremony will be the cuI':'" tional ~ucParistic C,o,ngr e miIiation' of nine' years of ,-labor, which will be 'held" 'here 'this, daiizenor', surpriSe. . .... ' " , LOVELAND, (NC)-Africi!"j8, 10 years, and t~ prosJl~~. f F th J h J L I M.M., mon. th" " ' ora,er·on,.'awer, .,'-:','" "Someejuit 'Christ' because HIli' rocketing'into a 'new era and one m o r e . ' . of New Bedford, pastor 01. the" , dogmas are m6re than mere ia;; of its chief needs is'" "responsible Seeks Personnel'" parish.' , ',', , tellect can' gra'sp;, others clull . people who will help' 'the Afri"One Of' the .' p'rincipa:i rea,.' 'When' the slim," energetic, Him because they found His dts-:' cans help, themselves." sons I returned to' the U:'S:" pr.iest arrived in'Lima he, had ciplines more heroic ihan '~lizabeth Reid, Grail lay misshe said, "is torecrtiit'personnel nothing but a plot of land. There Rev. Edward G. Lyona 01' nature could support .'. . ' Ilionary and veteran Far East for' the 'middle layer" of .P...frican was no church, no school, not Washington, D.C., celebrated the . "Accordingly the ranks of the editor" thus summarized her, society." This is'the layer above'; even a' place in which to live. Solemn' Funeral MaSB last Fd..' , faithful may be diminished in • impressions after a four-month the' uneducated masses sJ'ie' With the dedication of· the day in St. Lawrence Church, generation When' some 'peop~ survey - of Nigeria, Togoland, plaiped-people ':m' serve' new church he will put the fin- New,Bedford, for his father, the Liberia, Guinea, ,SieI'l'8 Leone, as 'nurses, home visitors,teactt-, ishing touches on .a complete threaten' 'to 'quit the' Churclt late Edward J. Lyons, Diocesan' even when their' children :£luRk and Ghana. ers, midwives, and thos4l who parochial' plant made up 01. In an interview here inA/riea, will be specially responsible' fOl" grade and high schQOI build~rigs, Treasurer 01. the ~t. Vincent de ' examsiai' Catholic schoOl" ait Paul Society. Miss Reid said "things are,movthe apostolic formation .'111. the re~tory, convent, 'auditorium, when their prospects for politi,Mr. LyOns, a former ASBistam ing much, faster in Africa now , young' woman preparinl" ~ ~d: social seryice center., cal or soeial advancement eeetD,' than they did in Asia after. the fOr'her task in' life." ' , ' 'p-ntil "the:, auditorium, w.... Superintendent of Mails'in New impeded by the heroic dema~ . war." ' , ,Th~~' ~e llOl't of "CQ~lIl)uni~ built, Father Lawlet' celebrated BOOford, and retired Superin- 'of a, Christ" who, in point cJf She eited tbeemergenee of U development" program 'Which MaSs' hi 'the open. The -new tendent of, , the Padanaram tact, is not the least bit'gentW D~W 'nations 8S independent Miss Reid helped establish under Church, designed by a PeruviiUl Bran~ Post. Office, was active whea it comes, to the ,integri9' ~ican countrietl ill the put Grail auspices in Ghima early assistant of the late Frank Lloyd In St. Vin~t de' Paul work for o~, His teachings and the sovesmany years on • parish I ' aDd' eign :~aftds 01. conscieoee.".. thisye~, with Grall-tJrained Wright, has a' triangular base scale. Conducts Memorial'. young women from ' the U. S~ with slightly curved walls which c;liocesan Deacon of the :MaSB was Rev." Germany, and Austria. direct the eyes of the eongrega.,. John J. Murphy, and Subdeacon For Bishop Neumann' : ~n Hospital tion toward the altar. , The· parish school fund w. Rev. John F. Hogan. Most. Rev. MUNICH (NC) - The four:t'h . the Di~ ~ of Built of red wood arid' eon- James, J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxil-' 'benefit from proceeds of a 1-.. At K pan d u, In Bishop of Philadelphia, Venerab:le John Neumann, was ,hono; Keta, th~, Grail: group "carved' . crete, with magnificent, high iary Bishop of Fall Rive~ 'aDd 2aai' held this week at St. Fra'''' pastor 'of St. Lawrence Church; cis Xavier Church.' Acusbn"ored at a service here in, con- a hospital out of the jungle," was seated in the sanctuary With" Leo Coons as general junction with the International Miss Reid said, and within a week. of its opening, all 45, bedfl along with Monsignori' 'and ehairman, events' inclUde polka E'ti~haristic CongresS. ' dancing tomorrow night and • many priests. Members of the Association of were filled "and a thousancl oui.- ' '-In addition to hi8 son, :Mr. bean sUppel' and auction Sat... Parishioners of St. John the German-Sudeten Priests and of· patients had been treated.: ,A young German physician; 'Baptist Church, New Bedford, Lyons is survived, by his wife, day night. -the' Ackerman Society, an 'organwill hold their annual clam Mrs. Agnes Gilmore LyonB, aAd: Dr. ~argaret Marquart, and two ization of Sudeten Catholics, three daughters; Austrian nurses, Phily Fucllis and bake and outing this coming h~ld a joint memorial hour for Anita Linniger, comprise the ,Sunday at the Holy Ghost lJishop Neumann. R~-elect Superior Bishop Neumann, a'Redemp- Grail Staff of the hospita:l,,' 88- grounds at Horseneck. There ROME (NC)-Mother' Bene-' wilt be games, 8p01"tIl events, . torist, Wall' Ordinary of Phila-, sil;ted by, a Ghanian nurse ,;-anci a and door prizes. ' detta'Saulo:was re-elected','sup~ delphia from 1852 until his death : number <!f Ghanian aids. ~M!A~NION. 'Nt ~he societies of the parish rior general of the Sisters Of St' in~1860. His cause for beatifi'ca':' are" cooperating to make, ,the JohIi the Baptist 'at agenu81 , BREAKFASTS' " tron has, been introdueed . I . " •. . festiy,al a, success., The outing, ill chapter. at' the motlierhOuse~ , i, ~~me. He was born in ,the Su-;', . detenland, which lies in western' FRIDAY':'" St. Clare, Virgin•. held for the, benefit of the St., C.choSlovakia; , . '''''',' 'Double.. , White. Mass Propel'; John, School fund.· ','~." L !' Gloria; Common Preface. ' WEDDINGS Man.~tit' F., Car~oza U; Il"'!!"'----------~ SATURDAY"";;' Mass'- 01.' .'THE, ANCHOR' ,lists' the ' ~ , chairman of, the affair assisted, 'Blessed Vir~in for ,Saturday. ' by' 'large committee. niversary . dates of priests "who , HOURS ,FORTY . . . .: :\ 'Simple. White. ,MaSs Proper;,: Transportation to the 'growids served the Fall River Diocese (iloria; Secqnd Collect·. SS ' will be by buses; leaving the sinee its, formation in 19M DEVOTION . ,LOUIS .:aippolytus lmd Cassian, ,M:ar~ Church right after the: 11 o'cloCk witb tile ' , intention that· the Aug. 14-St.' Theresa, New tyrs; Prelaceof'Ble~'Virgin. ~ass on Sunday. ' faiihful , .Will' give /: Bedford. SVNDAY-::...X StindliyAfterPen• Our Lady of Victory, praYerful reme~brance. ' tecost. Double. Green. ,Mass S' , Centerville. ' " .' AUGyST 1$ .. nt , • Proper; Gloria; .Second Collect eprese . 0 y, 88 , Rev. ~p~ael Marciniak, , ,St. Joseph,; Woods Hole" 107 So. Main St., Acush.... St. Eusebius, Confessor; Creed; '_At London Meeting': Aug. 21-0 u r Lad y of Conv.. 1947. , , 3~(n 7 ' WY 2-8201:' '\ Preface of Trinity. , LONDON (NC) - The Holy' , LouJ;'des, Wellfleet , , , AUGUST 1-5 '. MONDAY-The AsSumptiOill' 01. ' See has sent two official trele- Rev.~harles,W. Cullen, 1928•. Our Lady of Grace, "the Blessed Virgin Mary: lDou- gates to· the' second -, United, North' Westport. ' , ble of ,I, Class. White.' Mass ' Nations Congress on the PreSacred Heart, New Bed-' . }>roper; Gloria; Creed; l>ref- 'vention of. Crime and, tbe ford.' " ace 'of the Blessed Vilrgm.' ,Tr~atJnent' of OHenders. ' . , Aug. 28--St. Joseph's Orphan:. age, Fall River. . Holy Day of Obligation. They ',are Father' AugUstine TUESDAY.....:.St. Joachim,,' 4=oD- Harrill, senior Catholic chaplaill1 'st.' An.tho~Y' of . the Desert, , FiillRiver. " fessor,. Fatlierof the BIE1!Sed in the, Bri~sh Prison Service, Virgin, Mary.,Doubl~ :of' U 'and Father HA.J.:A. Verheggen, )It.. John the BaptiSt,Cen~: tral Village. ' q.a~. W~i~:' '~ass ~,pel'i . seniof" ,prison cb'aplaia' ita tbe GlorIa; CommQn,Pref~ce.,' Netherlands. Sept. 4:-::SJ; ,Louifi,of France, . Swansea. ' ,' , WEDNE;SpAY -7 St. -Hyacinth,: "'. ' Our 'Lady of MOunt CarConfessor. ,DoUble.' Wltlite:" 'UgIO" of Decency, mei,' Seekonk; . Mass Proper; Gloria; CommOil The following films are to be Preface;. . added to the lists in their Jl&, TR"~ , ANCHOR ., THURSDAY;-Mass of previous specuve .ciassifications: " ,. Second-class :n"i1 -!izlvileges autboriaed Sunday. Simple. Green. ]lIass Unobjectionable fOr' adults: as li'"U R~ver. Mass, Published evell' Proper; No Gloria; SeclOnd College, : Confidential; Fast :and ThuradD.l' at no Highland Avenue, F"U River. Mass•• by the C"thollc Press of the Collect St. Agapitua, 114adyr,. Sexy; ,One' Foot ill Hell; WbF New Becffor4 Diocese of F"U Rivet, S"bserfptiOlll priee 640 Pleasant Street Tel WY 6-8271 Common Preface. :Must l' Die. by.mall, poatpald 84.00 IlOl' :veaa'.





'Grail' Off'icia.1,'Says:, A,f.r,icon,s N.eed.. Assistance of Respons,ible, Peopl,e.' ':", -0>'







So'n,'S'ings For:Vincenticin

m.-. ',


. Acushnet Baza.. "'"

St. John's Pleins ParishOutil..'9






Mass Ordo




Necrology':,," ,



tbea •



'H" I





THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 11, 1960

Modern City Breaks Bonds Of Normal Family Living


4,000 to Attend Catholic Student Mission Meeting'

NEW YORK (NC)-American Catholics must help master the dilemmas created by the .modern ~ity, "revolutionary in its size and power and ability to disorganize social life," according to an urban redevolopment authority. "We must do in civic affairs what much that is never reported, is' we have done in the labor a result. of this social disrupmovement and in educati!ln: tion." Give witness of our deter"These are part of. the price

NOTRE DAME (NC) Four thousand young peopls are expected to attend the 19th biennial convention of

mination not to abandon Chriswe are paying for the machine tlan social ideals no matter how world of haste and efficiency," great the difficulties." he said. "To restore the natural These are the words of Denbonds among the men of the nis Clark, vice president of city and to find our brothers Philadelphia's Catholic Housing . in the streets,. we must ask: Council, who says today's big 'Where is Christ in this police cities haVe removed the supreport?' 'Where is Christ in this ports of traditional religion and tenement full of ragged chilforced residents to live Ii high- dren?' 'Where is Christ among speed life that often. ruptures these tired mEln who search for' family bonds. meaning in the. maze of buildRadio Program ings?" Mr. Clark expressed his opinSERRA CLUB FAMIJ.,Y DAY: Daniel F. Dwyer, Ions iri the first .of four August of Serra Club of 'New Bedford, serves Kathleen president broadcasts on the nationwide Harrison, 4, arid her brother John L., Jr., 10, of Fairhaven "Christian 'in Action" radio progranl, 'broadcast each Sunday by YUBARI (NC) - A recent at outing held.at Our Lady of the Lake. Approximately 200 the ABC radio network from polio epidemic among childreri persons participated. in the waterfront, sports and social 11:30 to 11:55 a.m., EDT. It is . in this Japanese mining town was activities. at the Diocesan Girls'· Camp site, produced by the National Counchecked through the transcil of Catholic Men in coopera- oceanic efforts of an American tion with the American Broad- missioner stationed here. casting Company. When the epidemic broke out The speaker, a member of the Father Bernard J. Hesler, M.M., Philadelphia Commission on of Schenectady, N.Y., swung MUNICH (NC) -Nearly 400 pre~ntation' of 36 papers 011 Human Relations and author of into action. Catholic physicians of the world . subjects ,ranging' from "the prcib• new book, "Gities In Crisis," A brother and sister of' the met here on the eve of the InteJ;'- lems Qf. birth. control" to "the ,said the "excitement of prog- . priest Idied in childhood from national Eucharistic. Congress to psychology and.ethics of moderll consider their profession in the .. sports."· " ' i'e~ and human power hypnothe '. disease, and he therefore · tazed the children of the city .. knew what the anxiety would light of Faith an~ scien<;e. Use of Enovid and they grew' into adults who Among ,the 12 delegates from, Dr... Cavariagh,the sole layman be for the parents in this northwere innocent of . religious the Americas, three psychiatrists in: the. theology department ,of ern Japan town. ., knowledge and' suspicious of from the U. S. presented papers. ,the Catholic:Uniyersity of Amer· what little religiou's appeal w'as : . Since Salk vaccine is not gen': · that demonstrated' the m'arked . ica, addressed the assembly on erally available' in Japan, Mary~' made to them." progress" of the science -within . ttle . "ethical. and philosophical "The revolutionary city Is im- knoll Father Hesler telephoned the .1ramework of 'the' Catholic reflections on the' .latest· progress ~is sister, Mrs. Marion Nass, in' , personal' and made for the in-' Churc.h; ,: . ..inpsychilltry·."·' ." ' ,dividual," he said. "Its econ- . Schenectady, and asked her They were D~·s.,John. R.. Ca.v~ Touching on a ~urrent morai..: .. omici!; housing and way of life what s~e could do to aid hi~. , She got in touch w~th officials anagh of Washington; D. C., C. . medical' question:"- the . use of · are not organized for .!he, pro: ~otion of strong family Uie' 01' . at' Catholic Relief Services-Na- · Joseph Kurth of' Wichita, Kan., : "enovid"~ whiCh, has' been emtional Catholic Welfare Con~ · and 'philip Rond of Colum~u~ . ployed: extensiveiy ,.i~ . PuertO eommunity cooperation." ference who gathered a supply Ohio. They participated in th~ ~ ~ico' for contraception~l)r.CavTurmoil and Trag-ed,. · ninth international -.congress 01. . 'anagh said: "Since the medical . "Because of this fact, the rev- of vaccine and shipped it by air · t:.~ Federatio~ of Catholic Ph,-, . professi9n cannot, even yet, offer to Japan. . · olutionary city has ruptur"ed the sidans. . " . a gliarantet; agaipsi: serious IOng~ To date, more than 3,000 chil· bonds of the human family. The. The assembly. o~ne'd on a range compJicationsof this 'med: turmoil and, tragedy reported dren have been inoc'ulated and starkly simple note' set by Dr. 'ication,' hqw: can' 'we justify the th~ 'spread of the disease has · daily in the lurid press, and been halted. ' Friedrich Dessauer of 'Frankfurt. . use of uninformed human subGet:ml1l1Y, whollRid:' "Man's jects in an experiment to'which "Thousands of thankful voices death sentence is. pronounced at' certain doc.tors ill this country were heard all over Yubari;" birth and all 'our endeavors at . on their, own testimony would said the local paper ·about the delay only serve to postpone the not ·allow their own wives and incident, "No matter how many executi(:I ." daughters t<J submit?" CHAMPAIGN (NC) - Frank demonstrations are held against n •M. Folsom, chairman of the From there the congress proAmerica, the people of this min:.. executive board of the Radio' ing town are eternally grateful." ced~d for five days with the Corporation of America, will re-' ceive the 11th annual Cardinal Newman Award, given annually to a pel'son who has made an Try Our "LAZY LOBSTER" outstanding contribution to the a'so 'here" profusely." work of Newman Clubs through"Spaghetti and Meatbalfs" : His Eminence Marcello Card:" out the country. . inal Mimmi of the' Holy See's Mr. Folsom will receive tl}e WEST ;YARMOUTH headquarters in Rome offered award Saturday, Sept. 3 in Berry- Ave. off Route 28 closing prayers for the dead. Cleveland at the closing banquet of the convention of the At the dedica tion ceremonies a pamphlet by Bishop NeuNational Newman Club Federahae\.l!,ler was distributed. It says tion. Archbishop Edward F. Hoban, Bishop of Cleveland, will that' 27,839. inmates of Dachau make the presentation. .lost their lives there. There Mr. Folsom's selection was were '2,720 clergymen confined announced here by Father Edin 'Dachau, and of them 2,579 ward J. Duncan, director of the were Catholic priests..' . Newman Foundation at the Polish priests were the most University of Illinois and actnumerous,' with 1,780. German. ing chairman of the advisory came next with 447, and,French committee of the John Henry with 156., FUEL OIL AND Cardinal Newman Honoral'y - Of these· priests 1,034 ,died jft Society, an organization fo~ 'BOILER' WATER the. camp or, were murdered Newman Club members and' -there in, cold blood. Americaa. TREATMENT: patrons . which sponsors the forces, li~rated 1,240. ~---~ ~--:------'--'-award. Irokston' Chem. Mr. Folsom, one of the coun. '37 Silver Road :. try's outstanding Catholic layIT'S MoL '''GMT 10 men, has received honors fro,m Brockton 19; MaSi. many Catholic organizat.ons and SHOP· AROUND FOR. institu tions.

Missioner Fights Polio Danger

Prove Progress of Psychiatry Within Framework of Church,

:Newman Society Honors Folsom '.


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the Catholic Students MissioQ Crusade beginning Aug. 25 at the University of Notre Dame. According to J. Paul Spaeth, CSMC activities director, tho convention will spotlight recent trends and developments iQ Africa and how they affect the promotion of Christian life there. The students,. educators and missionary experts also will study conditions in Latin America and the Philippines as well as the worldwide threat of com-' munism. Archbishop Karl J. Alter, of, Cincinnati, CSMC president, will, deliver the convention keynoto address. Father King, Founder Other major speakers will include William C. Sullivan, chief of the research section on domestic intelligence, Federal J;lureau . of Investigation, Washington. D. C., and Father John J. Considine, M.M., director of toe LatiQ An:terica 'bureau, National Cath-' ollc Welfare Conference. " Also Father Frederick A. Me-' Guire, C.M., executive director' of the Mission Secretariat and 'former missionary to China; Father Ronan Hoffman, O.F.M. Conv., p,rofessor of missiology at ,the Catholic University of · America, and Father AntoniQ · Ledesma, S.J., Woodstock Col,lege, who will represent the' · Philippines. AlSo present at ,the convention will be Fath~r Clifford J. King. S.V.D., who founded the Catholic Students Mission Crusade in 1918 at Techny, Ill. Father King. a. veteran missionary in the Far · East, expects to return soon IllJ the missions. in New Guinea.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Au,g. H, 1960

Young' Workerl Reque'st Lqwer Interest Rates

Says Wife'sR~ghts' Inc:lude Hus.band"s 'Companion~;hip

LONDON (NC) - T h el Young Christian Workere organization of England ancll Wales has urged that loane be made available at low inter-

By Father John L. Thomas, S•.J.

Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University'

"I can't get my husband to' understand that there's Sordre to marriage than just living together, gE~tting bis meals, and waiting around for 'him to treat me ,like ~me­ thing more than a cook and a baby-sitter. My husb:a~d never stays home in the evening, Psychologists would say ~at insisting it's not wrong as he does not know how to relate' long as he brings home the to them adequately, that is, he money. Maybe with six kids remains a kind of ,married

est rates to young couples buyinCl homes. The plea for low interest rate. was made in a manifesto adopted during the YCW's 21st anniv~ sary meeting here. The mani-. festo also supports government plans to raise the age for mandatory school attendance from 1t to 16. It calls on lociu civic authO!'ities to provide more facilities for the physical and in tellectuai development of young people. · and urges that a three-week annual vacation be given all workers under 18 and eventuallyte every wage-earner. ·The group called for .the m0bilization of press, radio an41 television organizations to helJ> youngsters appreciate the dutiGl!l ()f marriage and parenthood. :_ 8150 demanded a ban on aB mElrally dangerous entertaio.ment and publications. Loyalty to Queen The YCW· manifesto uri" young people to use their leisure time generously by helping ~ aged, the poor and the less fortunate. The conference closed with special Mass in London'. Westminster Cathedral. At 'the start of iheir week" eonference the nearly 800 young · ~ple packed the town hall a& . · Saint Paneras, North Londoa 'suburb. They welcomed enth_ siastically a note from the QueetIl · Elizabeth II'returning their message of loyalty. "To ali membaw of the Young Christian Worken our sincere· thanks," the Queen said. "We are grateful and ap-' preciative of their kind and loyall . message."

you think I shouldn't be lonely, b.:lchelor. but it's awful at times. Am I Needs EducatiGg Ii s ki n g too What can you do ttl ,gd your much? I just husband to understand the full want to be meaning of marriage?' You say loved so I won't 'you've talked and talked, asking Be so darn lonehim to spend more time at-holTH!, ly' anymore." but he only replies that you No, you're sound like you'd beelll reading not asking too too .many modern love stories. FOUNDATION GRANT: Frank B. McKeen, vicemuch, Jeanie. . In other words, he seems i~apCompanionship able of understanding what presigent of 'Universal CIT Credit Corporation, presents and m u t u a 1 you're talking about. $5,000 check to Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, CSC, StonehiU' 8 liP P 0 r t are It's always dif.ficult to _ar.gue College president, as one of 15 grants to small colleges to necessary for with a person you first have tohelp them oVeI'COme "financial growing pains." a happy mareducate. According to bis -defifliriage. In the tion . of marriage, and this' is hiblical account , ~ creation it ilt. probably the definition modstated, "And the.Lord God said: eled. in his childhood', he's .cJojng 'It is not good for man to b e a good job if he SUPllOrts you. alone; !et us make him a help' and the children. OMAHA (NC)--:A missiOflary the people there as intimate n mate like· unto himself." And This is supposed to satisfy bi~ priest who spent 10. years in the wntact as ~ can with the when Eve was' given to Adam, marital obligations' and ~r·n the Tanganyika territory of East, 'West." . we, read, "Wherefore ~'man righ~ to your services; W~ may. Stresses Educatiolll shaH 'leave father and mother, as well face it, Jeanie, be'll ftOt' Africa has expressed complete eonfidence in the Church's "The way to do this,'" he S8id, and shan cleave to his wife,and be easy to educate. growth in Africa's new nations. "':is not to spend so much money they shall be two in one jlesh." Interest in Childr'em Father' Sebastian Jongerius, on dams, but more on education. TlU! famous Catechism of 1lbe W.F.,· a native of Holland and Give the (Africans) scholarships C()"- . of Trent, when explainOn the other hand, he may 'ing "the reasons because of grow up with his childr'en, Why' director of the White Fat~r'8' . and bring them to this countl'y' promotion center in Chicago, for It college education." whieh man and woman ougl1t to not try to show him the, need -to The priest' stressed the need be joined in marriage," sta,tes .become acquainted with his ,'SODS stated on a, visit here' tlla·t ..therefor. ,lay missioners in Alriea, clearly, "The first is precisely and daughters so that he ean ill a very promising future f01' especially doctors and teachers the. companionship sougbt by guide and direct theul a8 ·be' the Church ift Africa." must?' "We 'have been able w train "to implaDt the Faith firmly." the natural instinet of diffel'ent He can't do .this if .J:le De'\7er, many African native' priests," be He a~ded that "it.is these ~ .X', and brought aoout in the pIe more than priests who ~n hope of mutual aid, so tha't euh 'Stays home, nor can ,h4~ oexopecl' said: "and there are fl()W 35 African native bishops." Among !ave Africa because of their may help the' other to bear ,more them to turn affectionately to him for advice: and le:adel'Ship them· is Laurian Cardinal Rugdose contact with the people." 'easilv the troublesol' life, and. when they grow older' unless' fie ambwa, BIshop of Rutabo, T~nThe White Fathers are fl()W to support the weak~' 0f' old entrusted by the Holy See with age. The second is the deme of establishes a warm, fatherly re- ganyika. lationship with them as dMld£etl. Father Jongerius, $iDee lUI- an area, of two million square Ilaving children." Remind h.im that in :re!'~' suming his present post last miles. in Africa. This, area halt Never Grow' Up BELMONT (NC) Fatbew year, has traveled oyer 20,000 a population, of' over 31.5 milWhen your husband ex.plains- to act like a father- he is'IDuilding Cuthbert E. Allen, O.S.B., pres>milesthroughout the Midwest lion. The White Fathers' a.p08tothat he's doing no wrong.as long barriers that will effe{!tivoely ident since 1956: 'of Belmont as- he brings home 'the' money, isolate him from his:fami'ly' in . and South in· connection with lat1l-includes· 47 dioceses' and 64:i Abbtl'y College here in NOrth . .parishes. , he's following neither. Christian the' future, for his' childl;eD will religious vocations· work. Carolina, has been named its -;-Father Jongerius ex,plained' The ord~ has. a· seminary. in "ice-chancellor and director 01 doctrine nor common sense. regai'd' him only as' a'sc;,m:ee «: that Africa is looking' to the East . New. York 'and a novitiate in development. He will be acting After all, the state could supply money. Pennsylvania. material necessities for you and Many older' fathers, ~·re em- 80 the· Church "m!Jst bring to president until a head' is named the children, and there'd be nGbittered by this ~attitude, -but for the liberal arts' college for Deed for marriage if it offered they might ask themsHves H' men, Abbot Walter A. Coggi~ Dotbing more. they ever bothered to take a O.S.B., announced~ Why do some men Elefilile their personal interest in theifr chi.l" arriage roles so narrowly? 'dren when they we£e y,ouFlg. . During, that final yeai' of, BERLIN' (NC) ...., Poland has Weu, Jeaaie, a certain percefi,llSince your husband ~~n' It4EW ENGLAND 1~-66 Poland will.celebrate the OegUll the fourth year of iis Ige' never growup.-They want sincere, though emotionany'im~ thousandth anniversary, of it! "Great Novena~' in' preparatioll the prestige and, privileges 01.' mature; you might ·pointout.to ~nversioD. 'marriage without .all its' obliga.him that ,according, toeatholie for the 1,000th anniversaI'Y 01. it. .At the beginning ·of eaeh doctrine a wife has a, Clcllir right oonversion to' Christianity. The Polish'Bishops ha:ve urged 'oovenayear its, purpose is ext· J~~en they reacb a suitab~. to reaSGnable companiomhip. ·EYerySundaJ - $2.95 Poles living outsidethoe c6Untry, plained from. every pulpit In they marrY,are willing to Particularly· during ',the coninduCting - ' A Live Lobster Poland. This year the clergy is IlUPport their family,' enjoy fining period of beariJlg, aRd, tEl tak1l. part in the Great. N-ovena 'seeking. t-o explain the nature by prayer and' study, In a letter THE baving a wife, childl'en, and rearing children hiSm;arriage to rectors of Polish mrssions 'and meaning at. Catholic marI'J ')me, , but COl'1ltinu - toliw:. 'as vows strictly oblige him ·IJI) -show riage, and to prepare the young emotional and psycOOlegieal her the affection, support, .and througpout the. world, Stefan Coggsttoll Bridge. Fairhaven generation for it. cooperation she needs tG fuJ'fill Car d:i n a I '. Wyszynski, Arch,b:lchelors. adequately her trying task. oishop of Warsaw and Primate In many respects, the'r contriThis-'is tile Christian 'meamng of Poland"said that such worldbuttons to the family they have' of marriage; mutual serviCe, ffi.\twide participation "~ill be a established and' the family iJt tual help, mutual sanctifioatiGll visible sign of unity in faith and which they were raised are very and loving companionsh.tj:., .deQ_ love." ~milar. Others are expected to icated to the service -0:[' new Pilgrimag~ to Shri_ keep the show on the road; they life. As the Bible says, "They RENAULT - PEUGEOT The Great Novena grew Got of feel no strong personal .involve- ,shal~ be two in one flesh;M' the pilgrimage of one million Parts - Sales - ~rvi~ . ment. Poles to the shrine of Our Lady Husbands characterized by of Czestochowa' on Aug. 26, 1956, this adolescent selfishness a1'e 'shortly after agovernlTH!nt com:l!requently not consciously mal'ipletely subservient to M()scow PUEBLO (NC)-The 'Puebl41 clous. Yet because they have was replaced' by a government never grown out of the '~gang'" d,iocese has announced plans 'for more independent although c0manother ste.p in a conHnuing stage of youth, they thoughtlessmunistic. ly . spend their, l~isure houF9 program to promote lay particiThe' 'first year, 1957-58, was playing soft ball,. shuffle board, 'pation in the Mass, calling for , ONE STOP the year of'loyalty to God, Jesus congregations in all parishes of Christ and the Church. The secJilool, cards, golf, and so on, 464 Seconcl ·St~ SHOPPING C::::NTEI the diocese to join in singing thi! though they never find time ·to ond was the year of 'grace: and short Latin responses at all High the' third the year of life. fix thing.. around t~ house, FALL RIVER, • Television • Furniture Masses. Target date for this stell Jj)fay with the children, or share Explain Purpose is next Christmas. • Appllaneea • Groeer~ Jleoreation with their wives;' Next year, the .fifth, will be OSborne 2-2143 A soinewhat similar type of Father John H. Halloran, ehail'tJae year of correction of national lH AileD S&.. New Bedford' busband avoids- personal involveman ot the Pueblo Diocesan defect, an'd finally the year of WYman 1-9354 ment in 'lis family by devoting Liturgical Commission, said ·the devotion to the heavenly Queen "8'1' his time and energy to his responses to be sung by the of Poland. work or hobbies. Although he's congregation are: "Et cum spiritu Se,vi~e$,:·· grown· out of the "gang." stage . tuo:' "Amen," "Gloria tibi, Domaf youth, he seemS' incapable of ine,'" the short, responses before enjoying CC!lmpanionship.·with his the- Preface, . "Sed libera nos a Reaf Estate Loans wife and children. ' malo'" . at .the end' of the Our ~vings Banll Life Insurance Father, and "Deogratias" ;It, the end of Mass. ' Clii'istmas and Vacation Clubs' SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - A , "We think this step will em:!etal of $315,96(} [n medical rephasize the importance and leadSavings Accounts search funds has been granted ership of the choir in the parish," 5 Convenient Locations . te Seton Hall University's col- Father Halloran said. "The ,choir 1'ege of medi'cine by advisory will help to teach the people, and crouncils of the, National lnstia good choir of specially tr~lined NEW BEDFORD, fiutes. of Health, Msgr. J~hn ~. poeple will always be need4~d to Dougher.t.y.. univeJ'sity president, play a dominant role in, the par!aid. ticipate~ ~ " .

M'issiona ry ,Expresses Confidence In' Growth of Church i~' Africa


New Post

Polish Catholics Begin Fourth Year Of Novena for Sacred MiUenlum






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'ftf£ A'NQ<tOR~ioeeseofFaftRi¥er-T'ttunI. Aug, 1', 1'960


.4."""" ~







AND PEOPLE: For more than a quarter century Brother Roger, S.C. has served the people of Tananarive, Madagascar. He is director of a flourishing boys' sc hool in' the island capital. Left, mother of one of the students. wit h another child. She belongs to the

,Welcome Report 'On Insemination LONDON (NC)-Catholic so·eiologists have welcomed all official British Govemment report that condemns the practice . of artificial insemination bJ' d~nor.

But some expressed regret that t be committee responsible, beaded by Lord Feversham, had. . oot favored making the practice • criminal offense. The Feversham committee eondemned the practice as undesirable and not in the interests of oociety. It said, however, that making a crime of A.I.D.-as the practice is generally referred to -would present the danger of deiving it. underground. Ask Legal B30

Some Catholics have held that ftle insignificance of the problem' at present--about 100 coneeptions a year, or less than ORe · birth in 7,003-is a strong argument for imposing an immediate legal ban to stop its threatened increase. A Catholic group and Bishop . George Dwyer of Leeds had proposed that the sale of semetl · and the setting up of "bankS" 9f. alPplies should at least be ·'banned. . The Feversham report holcb that A.J.D. is opposed to the essential nature of marriage. It could cause emotional difficulties between husband and wife and also to children produced &a this way the- report asserts.

Missionary. to Madagascar Is School Director Regional Groups With Thousand Boys Under His Guidance Meet in Maine Patricia Mc~wan When ·Brother Roger,bearded Sacred Heart Brother stationed in Madagl;l.scar, visited , the United States two years ago,after 24 years abroad, his greateSt astonishment was at the time his journey took. In 1934 it was a 67-day voyage to the distant island. In the . jet age his return trip took but 1 days, including 'all stops. Brother Roger, the former Wilfrid Riel, visited -his Fait . bership of. 117 Brothers, includ- Hved in Fall River before ancil River home and houses of ·log 70 Madagascans. The com- after their marriage. "Here at his order in this country and munity staffs 14 institutions, in- Madagascar, .where I am since Canada for 16 months be- cluding 12 schools, a novitiate 1934, I had no occasion to speak· ]By

fore returning to his mission aliaignment. His mother, Mrs. Osius Riel. 96, lives at 115 Orange Street in 1?all River, together with his eldest sister, Miss Dorila Riel. Other sisters live in Providence. .ThousaJld Bon Brother Roger is director of a school of more than 1,000 boya from 7 to 20 years old in Tananarive, capital of Madagascar. He was formerly director of the Sacred Heart Brothers' mission in Madagascar. , The mission was founded b,three Canadian Brothers in 1929 lind has now grown to a mem-

Pope Urges Munich..Pilg"ims Pray ·For Spread of. Christian Religion

MUNICH (NC)-Bis Holioeu Pope John XXln bas asked the "army of worshipers" at Munlch's International Euchari&tie Congress to pray tor the same Intentions that prompt him to convoke an ecumenical counciL The Pope said he is calling the council "that the materialROME (NC)-Cardinal Spell- istic trend of our day may 00 overeome by higher spiritual man has paid a visit to the Pontifical Relief Organization's new moUves, that the Christian religion may be spread over the Ileaside su.mmer camp for underprivileged children at Ostia whole globe, and that aU of. human society may be permeated near here. The Archbishop of New York. by Christian moral law." Pope John .alae» empha~ . . route tattle Munich Eucharistic Congress, was greeted br the nooessity'ot. upholding the hundreds of. children waving _credness of Christian marriage. The .Pope's plea wu contained Balian and papal flags. A mother -.d a child addressecl their fu Il bull appointingG~tavo poatitude to hUn for help giVeR Cardinal Tuta as hia legate .. _ American catholic. and the the congress. ""tted StateS' wrp!UI foocIlI AmGnc offieia1a who .... ~ram. oomed. CardinalTuia at tbe In respoDS8 the CaI'ltiDal . . . . Hag-decked airporiwere Awdt_ Chat "as an American I am lie . , Bisllop :IobannesNeuhaeu.tltani:fultbat through God'. let' Gl Munich, Mayor :IoeheIl bounty and the generosity of Vogel and the Bavarian ~ the American people it ia pea- BtliniBter-Presidel:lt, lIaJu 'Ehar4. aible to provide such abeneftCardinal Testa, IPCWUOC .. eial program to Italy's needy aDAI German, conveyed greetings .aDd Ilffllcted childnm." ble8singa from Pope .lGba. Be The Polidoro SUD1mereamp . lIaid.: which· the Cardinal visited ia divided into two sections: one 1M' underprivileged child~ the other for victims of. polio.

Ford Grant

.. ;

NEW YORK (NC)-'~ :Ie.. _it Fathers' St. Louis University has been granted $215,000 of the f2,355,000 given 14 universities t»y the Ford Foundation for new programs to speed and improve tbe training of c:oUege teacheN.

and a farm. Some 5,710 students are enrolled in' the Brothers' schools, including nearly 700 boarders. Catholics, Protestants, Mussulm~ and pagans are among the pupils, and there are about 150 conversions 11 year, reports Brother Roger. "To help us," he writes, ".we have 84 lay teachers who are very devoted though their .wages nre truly low. We would like to give them a better. remuneration but our purse does not allow to do what our heart would like." . He apologizes -for his English, ex.plaining that he was born in Canada. althOtlp hill parent.

and consequently to improve the English. I had learned in class. I even lost the little bit I possessed! "

Bow Different "I enjoyed very much my sojourn in America," he notes, of his visit of two years ·ago. "I was delighted to see so many nice and modern things that first amazed me. How different .Is. Y()Ul' living compared to ours .here in the mission. I noticed with pleasu.re tha·t American people are courteous and very generous. I wish to express my gratitude to the numerous bene'factors I met during my visit;"

STANDISH (NC)-More thas 100 couples from seven eastern states' are expected to attend what sponsors call the first regional conference of the Christian Family Movement here in Maine Aug. 26 to 28. Bishop Christopher J. Weldon of Springfield, Mass., episcopal moderator of the Family Lifo Bureau. of the National Catholic Welfare. Conference, Washington. D. C., will speak to the meeting at St. Joseph's College.



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Cardinal Visits Camp For Italian Children


poorest parish in the capital; says Brother Roger. Center, Brother Roger. Right, three little students. "They are in the first of their studies," writes Brother Roger. The Fail River native visited his home here two years ago after 24 years abroad.

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"1ft this hour of an endangered world. faithful people from aU . continents I;1ave gathered here Iovingl,. awl respectfully to join the celebration of the EuehvUK llIor' the life 01. the world."

Cardinal Jubilarian VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has sent his special blessing to Ernesto Cardinal Ruffml, Archbishop of Palenno, on the prelate's 50th year in the priesthood. Tbe Pope lauded. the 78year-old Cardinal for building two seminaries in the Palermo archdiocese.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Thurs. Aug. 'il, i960

Weekly'CalendarOf Feast Days

Keep 11 Thai 'WaJ'

" •.. to Praise .•. t~ ,Criticize" ,




TODAY -ss. Tib~~tius aoC! 'Susanna, Martyrs. St. Tiburtiu. was the son of a high official of the 'Rome' Imperial Court, an4! was beheaded' for the Faith ill 288. St. Susanna, said' to have been a niece Qf Pope St. Caiua, was martyred during the reiga of Emperor Diocletian in 295 fOf!" refusing to m'arry the el'lllPerOl". 8OD, 'a pagan.

At Notre Dame University's summer commencement, an honorary degree was awarded to Father William F. Cunningham, C.S.C., a,uthor and' professor, of education, who has taught at, the University fot: almost, forty-eight years. , _ At first sight, this' was not an' especially noteworthy ~curence-simply the gratitude of: great imivE:rsity' to ' one who has served it weJl· over' the years: But, the aceompanying citation contained an" extremely' significant' statement. " Father Cunningham, who has been an advisor to many Catholic colleges and universities, was cited for "hi8 ahiJity to praise the values he finds in seco.lar 'education and to eriticize creatively the flaws he finds iri Catholic education." ,, There is surely 'something particularlYpraist~worthy:. about such an enlightened and balanced' approach to the educational situation. ", There is not much point to Catholic critic~1 going around and calling down secular educational institutions. Within the limIts that these, schools, and colleges have imposed on themselves-however much the 'Catholic decries such limits-they represent a great amount of learning and' zeal and sincerity. The Catholic, critic,' to p,e holiest, eannot say o t h e r w i s e . ' " , ,And, at the sa~e time, he can rejoi~e in th~ Catholic school and college that draws heavily upon. ,the ChUl,"~h's centuries of exp~rience and wisdom in the educational field. ' And he does not need to hesitate when he sees the Catholic school failing to translate'the Church's wisdom into reality or failing in some aspect or other in its, educational role. But the criticism should be ·just that-critiCism intelligent and helpful, and not carping, not kicking against the goad for the sake of sensationalism:.


, I

TOMORROW-St. Clare, Vb'gin. She was born at Assisi ia 1193. At the age of 18, drawn b7 the preaching's of St. Francis of AssiSi, she ran away from hom~ and took ,the veil of sisterhood , from' St. Francis. She founded the 'Poor Clares, gover_ned tbe community for 40 years, and Wall consulted by popes, cardinals and bishops. She died in 1253 and was canonized two yea~ later.


SATURDAY - SS. Hippolytwl and' Companions, Martyrs. SL Hippolytus was put to death for the Faith by being torn to piece;' by wild horses in the third century.After his death, his nurse, Concordia, and 19 other Christians were beheaded, SUNDAY-Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Generally this date is the feast of St. Eusebius, Confessor. He was a Roman priest, Jiometimes honored as. a marty'r.' During the Arian troubles, about 257, at the order of Emperor' Constantius, he was imprisoned' by being shut up in a room in his' own house. He died after spending seven months in constant prayer i,n the room-prison:

The Peiping Review


The main argument given on ,both, sides against a nuclear war is that it would mean the destruction (If both the United States and Soviet Russia: This'line of reason:' ,lng gives comfort in the knowledge that 'only a mad man would deliberately provoke, sich a catastrophe. TherE~ is al- . , ways, 'of course,' the real ~ear that sllch a warc~)Uldstart by accident. ' ,", , ' It is all the more sinister, :then, to read this coinment' from Red C'hina's The' ~eiping Review: "The result 'of a nuclear war will certainly not be the annihihttionof mankind. On the debris 'of dead imperialism. the viCtorious people would create very swiftly a civilization thousands of times higlfer than the eapitalist system and a truly beautiful future' for themselves." ' , 'This, remember, ifl written ill a cOuntrY of. six: hun.... dredmillion persons, a country growing' at the :mte ,of, twelve million a year. , It is sohering to consider that china' coulcJ Jose a population equal to that of Russia ,and 'America and stiil have millions' of persons left. ' China, then, looms as the country of the futur,e. No wonder that the wags in Washington are, saying thatttie optimists in government are studying Russian but thee ]peSsimists are studying, Qhinese.' '


The' edi~or of the,'QlJesti~n and Answer column does not guarantee to answer anonymous queries n~r letters from unidentifiable SOl/.fce,~, /n ellery instance the desiie for anonymity will be respected. To that end, lIQmes are ,never appended to the questions, but unless the leuer ~ s~8ned Ihere is no assurance that any c~lI&ideration will be given it.

Did Jesus ever describe a real incident in His parables? Did ,He ever' repeat' a parable?

" You are familiar with the term "Ex 'Cathedra" ail it refers to the Pope making an .infallible pronouncement. Literally it means that the" Holy Father speaks from the 'seat 01' throne of St. Peter" appointed by Christ to rule over His Chul'ch. It indicates the authority or the Pope. , Similarly, the bishop of II diocese has a CATHEDRA 01' Seat or throne, symbolic of bis authority. While this authority 'does not' extend to infallibiiity as does the Pope's,' it' is nevertheless a symbol of his jurisdic~ tion over his flock. So the cathe, dral is the home church' of the bishop in his diocese, the church in which his throne or 'cathedra' i8 located and from which' it 'derives its name.


MONDAY-The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thi~ feast, a holy day of obligatio~ in the United' States, commemorates the taking up, soul imd bodY,'of the Blessed Virgin intO heaven after her death, 'TU~SDAY-St. Joachim, hus~ band of St. Anne and' father of ihe Blessed Virgin Mary. Virtu~ ally nothing is known of his life. He, bas been 'honored in the Eastern 'Churcb since its earliest days, and in the Western Churda sinCe the 16th century.

Your first, question' is commonly (and probably correctly) answered in the negative, -although there are still some who ~ink that Our Lord may haye been descri~ing,real incidents in certairi parables such as that of the ','Good Samaritan", and WEDNESDAY-5t. Hyacin~ "the Rich Man and' Lazarus." Confessor. A member of an illu~ While we cannot state positively trious Polisb family, he beca~ that, none of 'the parables' are a Canon of Cracow but joined :.:eal incidents, general opinion the Dominicans; after meeting SL ~ms to point to that conclusi(m. Dominic following a joumey to Rome in the early 1200's. He , In answer to the second' quC6made three great apostoii" tion, it' may be replied that it journeys, which took him frOM ill antecedently probable that the Scandinavian peninsuia '... Our Lo'rd' did repeat some of Tibet. He di~d" an old man, ~ His parables and did not hesiCracow, and was canonized ita , - tate to change either' detailS or, 1594. ' "Before 'I. Q. ,tests w~re invented, believers in dem- application of the story. A COM:' • Woald 70U ,please explain ~,----...:----:-,------~l1'acy deprecated the intellectual gulf between peopl~l that MENTARY ON·THENEW TESwas manifest to the naked eye, and attributed itsolely'to ar- '. T~ME~T. prepared ?y,.the Cath-. ,whai "inelusi" meanil ill the' lauds Aid to 'Church .Church, <I-:f' . l b ' t' ' th ' " f " ',; ,,' ,,' 'th 'd 'ohc Blbhcal ASSOCIatIOn states In Latin America Ilo.I 1~la ar.rlers preven I.ng ~ poor rom acqulrmg e u~ : 'that this is 'probably the ca'se INCLUSI and the femInine VATICAN CITY (NC)-L'Oseabon avaIlable to the rIch. Discovery that the I. Q: 01: nor.. with the'two parables 'contained mal citizens ranges from 90 to 200 was perhaps the grE~atest in LUke,xix, 12-27 and Mathtew: equavalent INCLUSAE refer to servatore Romano in reporUn« disappointment ever suffered by sincere believers in deJD.;. , ,xxv 14.,,30, and also the, o~her those monks or'nuns who volun- on 'the, new plan for "papal volocracy." ' t w o in ~atthew xJi:ii, 1':14 and tarily, with 'permission of their unteers" in Latin America said superiors, enclose themselves' in that aid already begun for LaUa Th ese ' word 8 0 f tl\.ne d'ISt'lllgllIS . h e d Ad' ' (}. ,Luke XIV, •16-24. a single ,cell 01' room. America - particularly ~y the mlral H y'mnn • • , , ' Church in the United States aDd ,Rickover give a good Indication of the inCisiveness of that lVben M lAun~-day? Complain of ,Religion Canada-is "truly promising.... ,physicist's mind 'and opinions. He has been a steadfas;tfoe ' 'bl· , S h I ,The Vatican City daily said of the "softneSfl' of, American education, and of the theory" Lammas-dayis a term used In PU IC C 00 S 'that Latin America's social and that democracy means the same' kind of' educatio~i for l~the early ~ay:s ~. ~he, Church. , ",,)VASHINGTON (NC) - The: religioui; ,problems are too offeR' , ' " ', ' ' to refer to the feast of the board of education of 'a populous' dealt with negatively. In ,this, every, person. ' " , , " , ' ", . 'ChainS' st. Peter. 'This feast: II\lbl,lrban' county has. called fQr ,:onnection'it praised 'the aiel Admiral Rickover wisely' sees that people' are, differ-, ' ill celebrated o~ August 1. : a survey, of,religious observan«;cs' 'given by American CatholiCll'to erent in their abilities and capacities. ,This is a faet of life" . ~. • in public schools, because, of .. Chilean earthquake vic t i'm_ that no amount "social promoting'~ or educationaLstan:" I have two Qaestioll8-ftle eomplainis by three parents and 'through Catholic Relief Se~ ~, t!nitari;lD c~urch offi'c,iai. " ,- lees-National Catholic WelfBN dardizing will hide for long fromthe'persons,involved them.."delinitioD ,01 ,two ,words. ,. botb beginning with tbe ietter C; 'Taylor Whittier, superin- ,Conference. .; eelves. It is a fact of life brought out by, the I. Q. tef~t, it 'z. Wbat Is. suebetto? Wba& tendent of Montgomery County; ',"nie Vatican CitY paper' . eM.ecl the evidence of 'observation were not admitted: . ' II .lmarn' Jrfd.~ schools,' has been asked to fi,nd out bow many classes hold the work being done at the There is nothing undemocD:'atic ,about reeogn.izing these " In answer ',to your quesi~ religious obser'vances. The deci_,Catholic University' of. Ottawa differences and providing feW their :development. " " " D~ Ws easy to remember, 00-' 'lion whether 01' 'not to hold suctl to traiil'selected groups fOr the eause both of, these words apply, practices as Bible reading with- 8jiostolate iii Latin America.'. to'the a'ppa-l e out comment or recitation of,the co'mmented on work be I' n g ~ .... of a b.·sho'p. " ~ ZUCHETTO H the skull-cap Lord's' Prayer has been ie't'.:. ried' out in behalf, of X.w ,,' worn by the bishop and' other' ... America by Archbishop Patriell: la also called or principals. T Sk'mn~r",.; C J M.,'0, f St. J-"~ P relates., This cap ... ' teachers The parents and the'Unitarian ''', uuu~ a 'oorrettino' and a 'pileoluus, Newfoundland,' " . official charged that religion has The ,ZIMARRA is the bouse ,no,place in'public schools and p ' relate Re'affirm,."--~ eassock of the bishop. It is iii that their children ,a're cOerced OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE ,DIOCESE ,OF fALL RIIVER black' cassock, with purple Cape, into tak~ng part in' "religious ~o-~olitics p'olicy , , piping. . rituals." . " ST. PAUL (NC)-The Areb'ublished~eekly by The Cath~k of. the Di~••~ of f~iIIJliV. aash, buttons~ and • • '~ishop of St. Paul emphasized Wberedoes the name "catb- ' New Cen ter that no politics will be diseu8lied 410 Highland Avenue edral" come from? " W ' fro'm Ca·"oll·c pulpl'ts -1- :oa....:. , INI;>SOR (NC )-:--Assumption ... Fall River, MaG~. 'OSb,Orn8 5-7151 . . . University here in' Ontario' has 1960 election campaign. '. PUBLISHER ' N~ClearGrant begun building ,8 new $1,600,000 ' ~s will be no new pol~,· Most, Rev: James L. Connolly, D.O•• PhD. SANTA CLARA (NC) -The university center, scheduled.. fOl' " Archbishop,.William O. BradF at pniversity ,of Santa Clara b.a8 completion in September, 1861, St. Paul wrote in his, weekJlr "GENERAL "MANAGER, ASST.: GENERAL,MANAGI=R , received a $9;500 'grant from the to provide student' and- faculty eolumn" in ~e Catholic .Bu~ ',R~. John P. DrilC~ ,". Rev: Dani"'.'~~ Shalloo. M.A. Atomic, Energy Commission for facilities ,for dining,' extra eur"; ,Dewspaper of the St. Paul ..-.,;. • I, • MANAGING EDITOR the, purchase Of nuclear physia ricular activities and recvrea-' diocese and. the New: U1Illl ...,:, .,,;,,, , HUgh J. Golden , measurin& equipment. __ ' "'_. ~\ cese., '"

Q.. 'and Disappointment'










Attorney G~neraI To,Appeal,Ruling On Censorship HARRISBURG (NC) ,Pennsylvania's at tor n e y ,general said the 8t~te'~ill ',~pPeaI a ruling strikfug ,down the new ,Motion Picture Control Act as unconstitutionaL , Atty. Gen. Anne ,X. 4lpern .sa~d "''It was always understood by aU the parties that ijlere would have to be a determination by the appellate courts of PennSylvania and 'also 'by the Supreme Court of the' United


~~~rs~~~~R;;, 1960 'Food Problems ..:Near Solution a "S E rt

in Taunton'HuS"Hisiory ..Qf wngSetvice.. to Catholics of Area'


".' , ... - . ' .. ,'~ . BtM:ario~ Unsworth, " . , . . :,' Atmost.90 years ago, with the Catholic ,.J)Opulation of '~aunton increasing .rapidly, seeond·'.parigh,called Sacred Heart, was established to prov~de .for the Weir sectiop of the., oys .xpe . city. Since '1832, T~tihton Catholi~ had been ,members of St. Mary's parish. When Sacred MUNICH (NC) - An ~JI­ Heart was first. founded in 1873. with Rev. Huin J. Smyth, the.n.a curate at St. M~rY'8, pert on food and populatloll named first pastor ':Mass ' . :.:. . ' ' h a s . asserted that the world was'cdebrated in the'Staples is about to sol.ve its problem Block on West Water street. .of food, production. · h 1 The point was made by h 0 ld .d · Soo . Il te Istrlct sc ~ Magr. Luigi Ligutti, the Holy

States." Judge Walter R.Sohn of Dauphin County Court ruled in a IOO-page opinion that the censorship measure, signed into law last Sep.tember by Gov. David Lawrence, inhibits freedom '()f . expression and .Is vague ai1d indefinite. . File Suits Suits attacking the law were .brought by William Goldman Theatres, Inc., of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Association of Amusement Industries and the '20thCenturyFox Film Corporation. The suits were filed., last November and arguments were heard by the full court on March 9. At that time, a "friend of the court" brief was filed by the Catholic diocese of Pennsylvania on behalf of the movie control law. The law had received almost .unanimous 'approval in the state Senate and an overwhelming vote in. the lower house of the legislature. It was enacted after :Ute State Supreme Court in 1956 beld a 1915 censorshipacl uncon.ulutionaI. The law created a three-member state board of motion picture eontrol appointed by the governor. . - Freedom of bpresaIoD Movie exhibitors. were .reeuired to register with the board and to submit the tiUes of film. they intended to show. No action' eould be taken by the board until the film had been exhibited ..publicly .at least once. This was In,tended to avoid the charge ()f prior censorship. . The board could forbid the shOWing of any film it found 'obscene. It could also forbid exhIbition 'of a film to children if 'it ·fouhd it unsuitable for them. , 'Judge Sohn fou'nd the act "urieonstitutional on its face because . it· deprives plaintiffs and motion picture exhibitors .throughout Pennsylvania of their guaranteed freedom of expression and communication. H " • , "

Scien(e Grant' FAIRFIELD (NC)-The National Science Foundation has awarded $7 ,590 to Fairfield UQiversity for undergraduate ehemistry research. The school is ClOIlducted by the Jesuits.

building on First- Str'ee~ ,w~ purchi1:sed by· the Provlden~ Diocese, of which. Taunton wu then part. For. 30 years following its renovation and, dedication this wooden edifice served as. a place of worship for the parishioners. Until 1884 the former home of Patrick Curtin served a's temporary residence for the priests. Meanwhile, on August 23, 1879, Father Smyth was transferred to St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford and Rev. James Beaven became' the second pastor of Sacred Heart. During his pastorate the present parochial residence was built. Two years later in 1886 Father Beaven died.' Rev. Jo~eph McDonough assumed his duties in January of 1887.' Large .Parish Since the inception of the 'parish, Catholics in EaSt Taunton and North Dighton were served by Sacred Heart priests,' as well as the people from Weir ·Village. . Father McDonough purchasec:i land in Dighton which included a schoolhouse .to be used as· a Chureh, and renOvated the missioft in East Taunton. He was su~ecl in 1892 by Rev. James 1.. Smith. Through the efforts of Father Smith, Holy Family· Church in East Taunton was established in 1900 as a separate parish, with Rev. Charles Eo Cullen the first pastor. In ,his own church, the former district . schoolhouse, ' stained glass windows and a' new organ and new doors placed; on the building. In 1899 Father f Smith

Officers, ".t9· .S,pur' Catholic, ChClrity

See's permanent observer at the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization and international affairs, director of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference in the U.S. "The problem of sufficient and abundant production 'about to be solved," he said. '"Now 'is the time for society to seek a solution for the problem of distribution." , Munich Congress Msgr. Ligutti addressed a meeting of the German Catholie Farmers' Movement, held in conjunction with the International Eucharistic Congress in Munich. . "It is my firm conviction" the Monsignor said, "that the farmers of the world can and must solve this problem of distribution for themselves and for the benefit of mankind. Through their own independent organizations, guided by principles of social justice, it will be possible to establish a just price and a fair distribution system." Msgr. Ligutti said he believes farmers, can achieve an efficient and just distribution of food .through. such independent organizations without "wasteful or undemocratic: bureaucracy.-

formulated plans for the erecFollowing World War II, plans tion of a new Sacred Heart were resumed for the erection Church; and by 1904 parish- of a parish school, and in proioners were attending services vision for this, the former Dary were installed, galleries built property at 311 Somerset Avenue .was- purchased in 1953 for use as in the new church basement. 'SIX years later figures for the .. convent. , superstructure were organized The, contract for the school, a but upon Father Smith's death dream for almost 50 years was in llHO, his work was carried on signed Sept. 22, 1953, .with dediby his suecessor:, Rev. Thomas caUon ceremonies held the folCHICAGO (lIlC)-The LithllMcGee. ' lowing June. anian Catholic federation, "AteWork on the superstructure Consisting of nine classroOms, itls," will hold its golden jubilee began in May, l!~ll. It was dedi~ auditorium, stage and two dresscongress here beginning Sept. 3 ented May 31, 1912. The next ing rooms, first aid room, prin- at the Pick-Congress Hotel. September, Father McGee, an cipal~s office, teachers' lounge, ,The federation, whose name authority on canon law, die:d. library, arid a large basement, means "the future," is a reliFor the following 12 years Rev. the ~hool opened in the fall of gious, educational and cultural 1954 with· a kindergarten, first· organization whose members are James H. Looby,. Who became a leading figure in the ch\lrch life and second grade. The enroll- Catholics of Lithuanian origin. of the di~rict, served as pastor. , ment has increased by a new It was founded in 1910' to During' this time the only grade each year. counteract antireligious senti. sanctuary boys' choir in .the .city .'. I~ 'its history, Sacred Heart ment thriving in the academic was forr):led under his direction. has become the 'parent church . ,life, according to a SpokellIll8IL. After clearing the parish debt, of, in addition to Holy Family Father Looby provide,d for the Churcb, St: Joseph's in Dighton, interior decoration and Elmbel:. .founded. in 1913; Our Lady of lishment of the church.. It is still Carmel, Seekonk, established in an ., outstanding example ~ 1922; and St. Peter's iri"South . Church decor in this section of Dighton, founded in 1925. the country. . 'J Father McKeon is now assist.. . . Father Moriart,: .,, 'ed by Rev. Edward J.' Mitchell,' .·Rev.Edward J., Moriarty Pe-' who.uso teaches Christian Doccame. pastor Dec. 21, 1924. Dur- trine8t Monsignor 'James' Coyie ROUTE' 28 ing his 10 . year pastorate the High School, ,and Re....· Francis Harwich 4-14 Briggs and Staples property Connors, director of the TaunHai'Wich U7 bounded by Second and Charles ton CYO lJince 1950. Streets and Somerset Ave. were purchased. He also had plans and specifications drawn up for 'a new bungalow-type eight Wh8lll ~. time _ room 'school, with the. Briggs residence to serve as a convent. 10 retire ••• Buy The depresSion followed, and in 1934, Rev. Francis McKeon, the present· pastor, became the eighth pastor of 'sacred H~ . In 1938, property.·on the. corner ,. of Somerset Avenue, and First Street was' pur'chased, .a'n ~x.isi­ ing house and barn were r~zed, !-'" and the area landscaped to a<kl to the church . sUrroundings. .' . '.

ROME (NC) - 'rhe IoternationalConference of Catholic Charities decided at its general asse1J1bly' here to name vicepresideots for all five continents to . coord~ate charitable work throughout tl)e world; .. . , Msgr.' John O'Grady of Wash:' Ington, secretary'of the National Conference of Catholic Charities of the U. S" was eleCted iCCC vice-president for North America. The Irish-born priest had for many years been the internation.a{" organization's only'. vicepresident. . Bishop Raul Silvia Henriquez of Valparaiso, Chile, was elected vice-president for South America, and Count J. de BourbonBusset for Europe. . . The ICCC left the naming of vice-presidents for Asia and Africa up to its executive cOmmittee, specifying'that ecclesiasticalauthorities of those continents should, be consulted. . 'BishoP· Ferdinando. Baldell1, 'head' 'of Catholic· charities im Italy, 'was re-elected 'as president of the international body. Dr. Henry Sarlc: i)f the N:etherlands was re-elEicted treasurer. and Germany's' Ms~r~ Carl· Bayer was re-elected .88, ~re,tary general. .

Lithuanians to Hold Jubilee Congress


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Catholic charities organizations Of Cana~af Geqnany, Belgium. the Netherlands, l,uxembourg, sPlilD, Brazil, ArgEln~ina and ~ong,~ong were elected ,to the _et:Utive committee.. '. "

.' lithuanian .Day .. ELEVATED: Most Rev.

lames Peter Davis, BishoP of San Juan, Puerto Rico, has been elevated to the rank of Archbishop .and his Se~' 'has been' raised to ~ aichdiocese. NO' Photo.

KENNEBUNKPORT: (NC) The 13th .annual Lithuanian Field Day will be held: Aug., 14 at . the Franciscan Fathers~ St. .Anthony Monastery here· 'in Maine. Visitors from many parts of'ttIe United States llIl-d Canada are e~pe<:ted at the annual .CeJ,.. ebration. which will. begin with Mass ..-p.d will iJ;lc.lude dinnet; ba!1d music and folk dancing.· ,


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ANcHoR':"'Dio~~se of Fall River-Thurs. Au~,. 11,'1960 . :::' .' . . .

.•. '

Nun-Biochemist: Ends Service To Lepers

Suggests Mean~ of RenOYilti.n·g Tired Summ~rCottageCh(!ap]y

By Alice Bough .Cahill· · Who wants to leave a city .home with comfortable · beds, con~en'ient- kitchen and' bath, to live in. a summer · cottage or bungalow, with beds so uncomfortable they give you kinks in your back, with a sofa or sofas that are 80 · rickety you often find. your- quarter rounds and after paint·self sitting on the flopr. If ing Or staining, you have two you are buying such ahome, wonderful sofa frame,s. Uphol'and shore homes are often ster 'the mattresses il:l a fabric . of your choice, mak.~ bolsters · sold "furnished," here are some ideas about ·junking·. all the ~~~~~~~~ea~:.ra:o;a;m;~:g:~ · pieces that are for lots of wear. Dep.~nl;ling Oft 10 distasteful the size of· your room, these to' h!lrmonioul can be placed at right angles, ·.restful .v a c a - . with a corner lamp table be· tioning. tween; or on 'opposite waifs. Often one's There can be a compl:ete meta· decorating dol-' morphosis with dining room lars run out af-' furniture' t~. About 50 .years ter. making the ago,' ·many. homes 'haci oak. or 'down payment mission 'dining i~m .sets, an' .0 n a house, -ugiy buffet and high straight": but we .. have •backed chairs. If you bave such ·ideas .for .fui'~ . • buffet (or want to buy one Dishing at least'. . . . at' the St. Vincent de lPaul SalALL IN SAME F AMIL Y: The four sisters" of the · three rooms on a minimum, y~~ vage Bureau), cut dowa the ··Very' Rev. Brian Lhota, O.F.M.,·St. Bonaventure University · don't' have to do' without, u,ntil · . . 'tl h t you 'legs, rip' out the insides' anel ,p'residen4-.. ' visit .their brother on the Franciscan' Ca.mp'us. , 10U . can bur ex~c .Y w,a., . - ..Bubstitute .simple ,p I Y woo el .'" want; you. .cali make :s~m~,.of shelves that 8li~e' easily in and, ',('hey have been members ()f the Sisters of the Third Order · the things 'you need (prov~de,d 'out on:wood runners (t.be8e are of St. Francis for at least 25 years. From left they are · you arewi~linl(to·,put .. ~ pro)!Itt~e handier than .drawets):. . ' S·IS t er Gera, 'ld' 0 ;S .F., S"IS ter E'rmaI'me, 0 .S.F•, S upenor . 0f . d' ff' rt I'nt~ the .e o" !. .. ' .' . ·.Stora;"e· . . , . ' . Place .th e Midland, pa.,cornmunity; Sister 'Maria O.S.F., Superior · time . an 'ee~~Ybe . you :"have .. ai-my ~h~:wa~:u l~:::/ J~:~;ot::::of the Elmsworth,· Pa., community and Sister Celine, OoS:F. BUrplus store in yo.ur to~~, .~.n~ 'backs. of '.the 'tall chairs, 'paint· or . NC:·Photo. . .if not there 'is probably ,o~i n::e refinish the ·legs and upholster' .faraway.. Yo~ can genera y... , . ;the back lind· sea,t, ' . .'. '"l8tisfiedthat,armY:.surp'I~S m~t' This' -upholsteriJig' requires : .15

an .

"F'" . S: t ers·: " A' . t M' .:. . ranclscqn cceplsslon ~~Ass i g:nment' in New,·Gu inea) uhgle'

CARVILLE (NC) A nun who for almost foul!' decades has served v i cf;i nUl of leprosy (Han·sen's disease) at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital he're has r&ceived a new assignment. ,She is Sister Hilary, chief biochemist at the hospital. Sister Hilary will leave the United States soon to set up laboratory, pharmacy and X-ray facilitiee 'at a hospital for crippled children in Wakayama, Japan. . Since 1922 Sister Hilary hMi been on the staff of the leprosarium here, along with some 20 other Daughters. of: Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Daughters of-Charity The Daughters of Charity have staffed the Carville leprO'sarium . since 1896, two year• after it was founded by Louisiana. Since 1921, when the .Federal government t~k over 'operati(:mof the institution, they have, been U.S. Civil Service .employee.t. In 38 years at Carville, Sistel' Hilary .has become a recognized authority in biochemistry. Dur'jng the past decade 21 of her 'research papers' on technical '. subjects have Deen published Ia scholarlY j~nals. .

Law'n Party'

A 18~n 'party on the ground. of tl,e ~tar of the Sea Ville, South · ter,ial i~.g~.od,t~~t ~~~fi~afr!ns. "patience, but.you'll be; r~warc;Ied c Dartmouth, will benefit the Si~ to ,!,e~ exaCt' will. 'find when, you $ee. th~,r~sult8. Cover ·.In such a sore you ,.! . the seatS· and b8ck with three-. '.. OLDENBpRG.(NC) -:-Sisters ·the n':lns will wor~ is staffed by .ters. of Met:cy building .fund. To . ' army surpl 4 s bunks, ' . ft' .. inch . webbingihterwea~ing' for oHhe Third Order of SLFrancis American Capuchm Fathers of be held Wednesday,. Aug. ~ :: .. True,. t,hey· .,ar.e "n()th·.a~'dls ~~t' ·.'firmfourtdation. 'UIMl bui-lapiafudiana"will' resume their . ~the St. Augl,lstin~.province,.with .the 8ffair is being planned by .. tru'e at first glance, t. ey o.n • ,. .: .. '.' . ' . 'f'Il"'" . .. 'f' . '.. . i' . . t; 'ti 'th' , headquarters in PittsbUrgh .~ister Marie Merici, Sister Mar; · .", . ' , ' 'g' but p'}(iaSe' . webb.lOg and.. ~.oSll. I. I~,g~. . orelgn miss on ac IVI es IS', . ~ . look-v.ery. pJ:~m~sl? ..... " T.... '. \ .Next '. cover "'thill with a laYer' \Fall when· four of them leave ·.There. are 13 priests; two Br~~~- .Olg~ an~ Francis K, Collins... \ J:ely' on your lffiag1J1atlOI1':.;;~:e 'of' cott~ batting and a layer' of, 'fM'.the jungle' highlands Of. ers,and three lay missi~nari~ bu.n.ks are. g.ene~allY ~he~Pd') y'denim 'You' are now ready to ·Papua.in New G\l~nea.·· Representati~es of the Capu:' Over 33 Years Experiene. 'not buytw~ ~ts .(f.o~.r e s. cover.. th~se c~air~with~'lorely . .chin F.athers who staff themis:" · .. What 'To' Do . . ' bright" ~abric.., . · " . The ·community was engaged sion. contacted 69 cOll)munities '. . add' another . ·m missionary work in China 'of women .I·n ,the Unl'ted. States .' 'This is ·what. to d o. 'K eep one ~ . If you want 'to CORP~ ·.et .for' a.bedroom,'~sing tttem -bit of glamoUr to' this '. dinihg.· until, thecommuliist takeover .in an· effort to secUre nuns' beBOTTLED AND BULK GAS • . either a!; bunk~ds, . or' c~t set, you. might cover the doors' ·there.· fore the Franciscan Sister. GAS APPLIANCES' · down as tw~ single' beds· .ThI " ,of the buffet with thellame up- '. The' four nuns who' will go to shouldered the assignm~t. 4 St,ow .R~ to serve you :may depend on tne s~ze' of yo~ '. ~holstery material to tie·the. set .New Guinea are: Sister Mary. " Hyan'" Falm9uth ' . .together. Do~ng aU·theSle.thjng. Noreen McLauglilin;a native' of Peter and: Paul .room. " Eo Main St: 696 E. Main ... . · Of course you won't w.apt to is •. challenge, we. admit, ~ ~ew Albany, ~nd.; Sister Mary The Fall schedule for' SS. ~ 5-4686 KI 8-1560' 'use them in their rough cpndi- 'certainly you will feel mol'i! !r~ Claver Ehren, Cuba, Mo.; Sister 'Peter'and Paul Women's ClUb, OrleaM . P;ovincetow. . tion, so .after. you hilVe decided warded than.' if you merely. Mary Martine Mayborg, St. Ber- Fall River,' will include a fashion '115 Commer_i'" St, . '.' Route , on a color scheme, give them. .purchase what .you' neE>d at. a nard, Ohio; and Sister Mary' show Oct. 5 and a parishola, to 858 585 'coat of paint ,lDd with new, mat- .store, paying.top dollaF. Annata Holohan, Streator, Ill. be co-sponsored by the Men's Harwich. - 14" 'tresses you will have. beds that .S The Ca th 0 I'IC miSSion .. b Sep, t 21 • ed. Hea. rt 0 f ' M'" w he'Pe CIU, will be fit for a king! (George acr. ory Washington will not .have slept Religious Eled Superior in these!) . , BEZIERS (NC) -An Irish·.Now, . the other two bunks. b'lrn cI"tizen of the' United States, We suggest you' use them. in your living room, You'll need Mother Mary' Rita Rowley, has some new lumber, which will 'beEm elected seventh superior probably cost around $10-15, general of the Religious Of. the but if you are' handy you ca~ 'Sacred Heart of Mary, The order make two a:ttractive·.<;ouches ,by conducts 145 schools' and c:oUeges sawing off the .legs, both at top in five countries, 'iliCludiing the and bottom 'of each bunk, .even 'United States. Nothing equals GAS for eooIrwith the two cross pieces: . Mother Rita was electc!d at • ing, water heatinSi air condition. If you have 'some scrap lumgeneral chapter meeting· in the ber about ·an inch .thick, .·nail· 'mother house of the order' which ing, heating, incineration,·;'" · 'this to the cross pieces .to. pa(J. was found~ here. in Fr~lnce.iIl frigeration ciftd clothe. drying. . . .the;m .out 'even :with .the co~;ner 1848 .and .established.fa tiM AItd GAS equipment .costs· less . .pOsts. T,'hen naq' p,lywo,~d.:. she.et.·tinited States in 1877.. St:le sue:.' to iMtail ciltd· lea' to o~; , i.to' ends' of. ·pu.nks, . ..~utslQe ,. I ceeds :Mother 'Mary'Gerard a l . .., . . . '. , . ,. 'year 'after year; See the· .... ·th,e way. to th~e~·fl~t,'inside. onJ:;,: .. Ph~~.n, wh?,. died in Marc~l,,l~~, autoMatiC GAS lianCes·at· ,;tot~e·spdrgs.;,.N6~"yo~ have' 'Il native. fjI.. C~un.ty.Lt;ltr~. .. ·;arm.·'rests·thilt can:'})e' trimmed.:· 'I.~~lan~, ·Mo~·~ita:~tel·~~ :. i';:with' hal(i:6unds'" . ;., ... '. ":..... ' order.',' i'D'1931 at St.' .It_ph'. . .,.:.. \ . ... 'Trim' ffont' :·s·.ide· :·~~u~ ;·.~itta.·· ; . ~Novi'ia~.; •.. . : r,u.iYt~w~;' .;i. t.: .':.: ...-:,' .~ "'. '.' . . .. . h . ' ,~ . .... ";' >... ..' .(, ,..... ;w ere' tJieSiBtei'scion(hietM~ . . ..:: .... ' ';:::




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I· :Ca~, 'in~~lvir\g' ;·moupt'~ll~g¢.:~.j~t« 't~",

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'::, -, :- "~.:' .~wASHrNG:taN, (He) The" I'~~ Of.. ~a~oun~· ~~~I,.'N~ .~-..' .:;: '.<.' ,;'. :')tJ:S~;.~~r~"?e.'~.~ut("~a~ .'~.Y.ork, 1~~:".te •. 1948;c;I~~· .~~fy ..;...;!/

'."' " .:



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, ' "is and:: - . " " f.asked: to. review. three,new:'cases ..: '. . 'Jlnvolyin-g::,~:~ ·,<ii8tr~b.utio~:.. or ':f~~m .~ 1~53i ~p~ at; # . :. . ;-: . tPQS8~ssi~n .. 9<..\IlI!~gl!d~~;':·~b~en.~eol,~~e ;fr~ 1.951..~ . . ~~~ ,~ ., : '~or.·~·~con~'~'ic~(~::· ..:;'. 'material'and brought· before' .provlnci81 the ea!Jtenl· pro..;', ·Mary.JI\o~nt College, .Tarr:'io~~, 1948



. 5e4nirt.'·oh ~pPeal'fro~ 'thesu;;' inee of .th~· P'4eI'.,fr0la:·ll. . . . .;preme:couits ·.ot; Missouri, Cali';' .' berelection.. . " '., _.'. .' . : ," '. ~forriia ;and, O.h~o:~ 'i : .", -",' ~". " - ~'. . - . _.. ',.. ;"'~ . ", ;" ~-TheiM:'isSOuricase'involveSthe . :Womcm LQwyerReativei ... : "constitutiG~a_lity: .. ~f a state. }~w World Federation p,o~': . '. under:. whlc~.pc)hce . ~ay ~l~ .: 'WASIDNGTOlt.. '(NC)' "'::-M'ri. \.materIal.,th.els\!/lP~c;t IS obscen~ , Peter.l; CaSl, an: attol'fte7 ':froiD ,. ~efor~.the,courts have rult!d, o.r:".. -Bl~mfielel,·:N.j.,.. ..r~ .e:1ecled . ... It. . . ' , " ..... .' .~ U.S.' member. of.·the nec:utlve .'. The qa~lfo~m!l:~ase centers. OR" committee of·the World 'Fe>deia:, the constttubopahty; of ~,sta~e tion of Catholic Young Wameil law under whlC.tt extradition l8 anel Glrlll, It . " lInCied Sou,g~tforsixnie~ charged with here. . . . . 8DDOI mal,lmg ,obscene l~t~ratur~ from Prior to her eieeUOIl 'Mn1 Galiforma to· Pennsylvarfia. C· ' . ti . ass was t'he" orgamza on~ II rep-. ;. resentative to the United NatiOll8' Taunton' Bazacfr Economic and Social. Council. Our Lady of Lourdes Church, She has been chairman of the Taunton, will sponsor its annual international relationS co:mmitbazaar Wednesday and Thursday, tee of the International FederaSept. 28 and 29 in the church .tion of Catholic Alumnae and hall. Proceeds will benefit the the organizatioD'•. U.N. obeenoer . : school fund. siIlce 1958.

.' , ..... '" '.


....--io-.....,;".;,.... ' .,;._--....- ...


8.~·of·10·· new .hOM. Itvyers aiad b"iden choOMGAS' fOr· :, ,. heating . . . oIher'heuee .-hold ier-ticeS. ..,.

Gas has

the best SafetY· ~~d of any ~ting fueJ.

Fall River 155 North Main St.

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Guest Columnists Take" Over As Vacation Ti:me Nears

THE ANCHORThu~s.. Aug. 11, 1960


Clubwomen Help Nobel Winner

By Mary Tinley Daly "Lady Day in Harvest.... that wonderful Feast of the ,Assumption coming next Monday, marks the beginning of the end of another summer. Hot weather is still with us, though nights are becoming cooler. Summer school finished; for good or jII by those with 300 words. Couldn't think 01. make-ups, summer projects aQ1'thing else to say." eompleted 0 r abandoned. Mystert Writer there's' a foretaste of AuAnother was complete, pol-

LONDON (NC) - Americal\ clubwomen have presentell Father Dominique Pire, Belgian Dominican who won' the 1958 Nobel Peace Prize, with $4,200 to help his work with displaced persons.

American Soroptimists gave the money to Father Pire, who addressed 1,500 delegates at II convention here of the SoropUmist International Association. which Is dedicated to the raisQ ing of standards among professional women. ;' Father Pire, who has founded five villages for displaced persons, told the convention that unity is the only way t~ world peace. . "Unity must be understood in the Sense of what one might . call the' coexistence of hearts," . he Said. "Men must agree with each other by actually IIdmitting their'differences. . "J!\aeh' iiliportant' group of human beings has its own phi10SOP.llY, its own way of lile. Generally speaking, however, we use the same words but with a different meaning-the words 'liberty' and 'democracy' for instance. One' of our endeavors should be to give the same sense o( meaning, to the, same words."

tumn here and t h e r e . f s h e d and re-polished to such a ,Teaching Sisters are getting fine honing that deadline .was their new asthree days past before the S i g n men t s , ' geniuS woke up to the fact that school buildings printing presses don't wait for the final coat perfection. of paint, newsThe third took up- a subject paper ads and hardly appropriate for ihe stories featurCatholic press: Why a certain , ing "Back-to- , political party should be in.. School" motifs, power in 1960. store windows Winners last were two displaying ''t,he who are well-schooled in journjewel tones of alism: Johnny, with an account Fall 1960," now of vacation wtth two other a ftd 'the n a '1'."., amart but rathyoung' married couples and a "-",,,,,,,-'-'""'.-,":.;'- - - - - - - - - ,-'-.~_:L.'.;:..~·_··..:........;;:...,1.1 ,er smothery looking velvet hat total of 15 small children; and GIFT OF PATIENTS: A statue of the Sacred Heart of · among the more chic of our the Head of the House with, of Jesus at St. Francis Hospital, Roslyn, N.Y., is the gift of · all things, encomium for regular eongregation--:au these are harSe author of this column. (There St. Francis Cardiac Guild. At the blessing are, left to right, bingers of forthcoming ptem,. will be no more of that,' believe Father Camillus Courtney O.F.M.; Mother ¥. Hildemar, ber. me!) At our house, this being my Nowadays, the, pile of copy F.M.M., and Miss Susan Hugue.NC Photo. vacation time, I have been paper, I. notice, is diminishing. · "olding my annu~ "ColumD TyPewriters click. Authors adAuction.", '. dieted· to the oompose..;by-Iong,"'Two weeks' ,columns to the hand· ' m'ethodbend over ~ote~ ftrst takers!'" 1 announce. ''The books. Stacks of. old columns MiAMI (NC)-The l>()minican . :Mi':'nesOU;, and' ~Qrth Dakota. Clhecks, plus the responsibility are 'scrutinized - for ideas of 'Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary, .Immaculate, Conception prov- Archdiocesan Charities 01.' word:'lengtb, deadline,pro what to wdte, OIl' what ~ 1lo of Adrian l Mich., with the apwhich Incl~des 10wer·Mich- Richer by Two Teeth al)d anti, le~ are DOW OIl the write?" 'DUBUQUE (NC)-An I~ prGval of the Holy See, have elt- ,!gan and. part .of Detroit. The tablished five -provinces in Provincial is Mother M. Edmund girl is two teeth poorer today, bIock·7 ,. . I wouldn't know~ oouldn't this country, it was annooneed. ,with headquarters Detroit. but DubuQ.ues archdiocesoll Ftest reaction • alwa1'll. care less. '. ~re. Holy <;:ross province, which Catholic Charities is ,lJC) -Could' lever use that· check( This ill mY vacation!' , Mother l\fary, Gerald" ~ 'lnch,ldes California, 'Colorado, richer as a result. lIH. do • COIUDUl. Maybe two:" ", . ,~nd so, ,for the next .two ..Mother General, wiij]. headqu~- ,N~vada and Arizona. The provinFather Thomas Rhombe!'tI, PrivatiI' Qaertea ' weeks, this space .iIl your Cath- , ters.in Adrian, said the follow- . cial ilil Mother Jean Marie with charities director,' recently re, 'After the, pUblic arinOWl~ olicpaper will be occupied. b,. . iog prov,inces have been erected: hea<l<iuar~rs 'at, Santa CrU&, ceived a Jette!' from the gilt ment, I'm usually waylaid pri- ..1\he writings of SOmebody at,our " St.. Catherine.,;of Siena prov- Calif., . , , which read: "tel,. for consultations: "What !house. Each, lean assure you, ince, which includes .Iower St. Rose of ~ima provl~, Dear Sirs, I am six years oM do you want m~ to write abeut. t.. a bona fidil member of this Michigan and part of Detroit, which includes Florida, Alabama, and I got this money fIX my two • Mom?" or "Couldn't you jU8thousehold, even though he or New York and Ohio. Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, teeth that fell out. Please buy give me an idea-what 7ou'lI· she may be one '01. the married St. Domiinie province, whim Louis!ana, Tex~, Virginia, West something foe one of yoW' 1il-1t1. write about if you were going ones, living ~ ,II separate· 'includes the upper Michigan Virginia and North and South Thank: you." to Wt'ite about something!" roof. Enclosed WlIS lJC) ceo-. peninsula, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Caroli{la and ~e Caribbean area. "'That's your problem," from. \1fho'! the stony-hearted author of thia· Your guess' is as good as mine. ltOlumn. "You MOW where the Hope you like these guests. typewriter is; copy paper in the , drawer; deadline Tuesday noon; See you in this space, editot'G . word length 650; send to NCWC ,wilting, three weeks from now. Feature Servlee. This is my vaThank you, luest columnists. o aUon!" VacatiOl'l ..• ' So, with mixed' emotiona, the would-be columnists pick up Census Survey Shows tile gauntlet. 20 Percent Gain Bless them, the· members of RICHMOND (NC),-:A 20 per this family do want to give me cent gain in Catholic population . a complete rest. It isn't aU was recorded in the first dioe,:, Interest in a cl;leck, but, of esan-wide census taken here. oourse, the prospect .does sweetThe s.urvey recorded a total,· en the altruistic gesture. Catholic population of 201,800, a Last year, as I ~ecal1, five gain of. 34,825 over' the figure VANILLA eolumns were written for that listed in the 1960 official CathCHOCOlATf two-weck . inteJ,"lude. One was olic directory.' too short. "I just ran out-a gas!" STRAWBERRY Some 11,000 census-takers from itS frustrated author. "I provided by the diocesan council VANiLlA·CHOCOlATE '0lMne ~ the end and had only of· Catholic men visited over V ANllLA~STRA WBERRY 600,000 dwellings in compiling Filippini Nuns Re-elect the survey. Of the total census VANIllA-COffEE figure, 1,172 are priests, Brothers Mother Ninetta lonata , MAPLE MORRISTOWN (NC)-Mother' or Sisters. , . ", . WALNUT . . \' ",: NilU}tta. Ionata. .,former ,mother . Ttl(; -- niOc":'ese Of Richmo~, ,BUTTER, CRUNQ4 , provin:li:iil1 oftbe American prov": : beaded by 'Bishop, John L. Rus-. FROZEKPUOOfNG . . ' . · ince' :of' t~e ReUgious 'l'ea~he,r~ I sell, is made up of: 89% counties~' . 'l'lIlppinI·, .. pqa . been'~-:re";elected 'with 81% in Virginia and eight CHocoU.lE -t~ blo~~,gener~ of the oommun- 'ln West Virginia..The estimate« UllAI R: ., .,. -:' FUDGE R""T I,C; _·~::. ':t, '. . ... ~t .population jai:S,900,OOO. ""." _ , , , ., Adn~neementoflier re-elee-. , VANILLA·OtOCot,ATE-sr."wCloR· '"dtll.'i'ilga '-general chapter Baby BeRRY, .;' ;, " "" ,,' , meetkig in ROme·was made hefu Baptismal 'Dress , .. New J erse;- '.. at the mother ., AMARILLO (N<;::)-A ~bY's , bouse Qf the c~unlty's Amer_ .GOI.O£N PEAat '.. · ~aptismai :garment '.,that is 66 ican 'pt;ovince. Order' now, ft-om, y~ Drivef-' 'INI FlAV~ Of THE MONftf. ~~thetl'finetta·is foundress:O( 'Yeal:S old was used by a fami;),y ·Salesman.Deliveries made on Regular the Religious Teachers Filippini ',' for the 28th time; fQr the~baptism. , in: St. Mary's Church here of Pelivery Days.. In ·tbtS·'United. States. She ·w~ t~-weeko.;old .TimothY. ..John eent . to ~his country in 1910 to . F~rell. ..... , .. ' establish a sChool and mission Timothy Joim"isthe: SOft Of in Trenton; N; 'J','Today 650 Filip,,inf )~!~~$.. A~., :w.o.rldng 'in 18 Mr. and-Mrs. W: B. Ferrell 01. 0. S. dioceses.. The community, · St. Mary's parish. The yard-long. ""rells" was first" w~ blY Tim.' floUDded,in, 1692.in,..It8ly;, is, deYotect to· e<iucatioBal· work. ' othy's grandmother, :Mrs: Celid to' .,.:, Bt:itten Kenar of, Gr6~m, Tex." Ilt. hel: baptiSm. in ''1694 Cre&Repldce"SwimSuits tOa, Iowa. ': LONG BEACH (NC) - This' Since that tUne . Mrs. Keller'l1' eeashore, city known as the' site 01. the "Miss Universe" contest aix children and 21 of her grandbroke tradition this ,year with children have been baptized in 5286· as "Miss International, Beauty'" the same: garment; .The' garment eonteltt 1ft which "pu. suits'" bas been used in California, MisII9W( and many places in Texu. Ileplaced swim suita. Promoter 08car Meinhardt Tauntorl Whist : -.ld. the no-swim-suit r III e 8tems from protests from reliM'l"8. Emily M-cManus heads a gious and civie groups. The large committee planning '. PENNY FORPEHNY YOUR BEST FOOD BUY -Miss Universe" contest baa whist party Tuesday, Aug. 16 at 1IlOYed. to Miami BeadI. Fla. Sacred. Bear-t Chw1ch. Taumoo.




Community 9f Dominican Sisters" .Establishes ,Five Provinces

u.s.. ' iDee



.AIIThe ,Old Time· Favorite Flavon .'n' the· Guimond Farms Economical Family-.Pak ~;J~ . . . . . . . lQo:' •.• ,

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.,,' '"





os ....


..A QuJih; J1tdk


THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 11, 196Q

'Red Threat .Aids Church Unity

Hail. Mary Helps Keep Rhythm.

NEW YORK (NC)-A visiting' bishop from India stated here that'·· ·the communist threat il'1 India stimulated spiri~uallife there" .arid resulted in a closei" union of Church and ·laity. Bishop' Anthony 'Padiyara . 011 ' Ootacarhund called at Catholic: '. Relief" Services--Nati9nal' Catb- . " olic:Welfare Con~erence here.,' He said the communist goverA-; . nient'in India's Kerala state was ousied last 'year after a period: of persecution:' Thi.s may h~ve., been' "providential'" for the Church and all India, he added. : "As it happened," the' Bishop . said "the Kerala incident sho~ed India that a communist : government destroys both free. dom ,and religion." Within Kerala, he said,the. experience' of a communist regime has helped to form a · new unity between people of all religious faiths. ' The Bishop's diocese of Ootacamund, established in 1955 borders' Kerala state. It is .mostly devoid of communist influence. "There is some communist influence from Kerala," the Bishop .said, "but it seems to be negligible." Oppose Birth Control

A~N. ARBOR (NC)-:-An .18"" year-:qld bqy pulled unconscious from a nearby lake "",as. revived by a girl of the same' age .~ho recited the "Hail Mary" to lteep the rhythm of her. ~uc:~ '. eessful artificial respiration eI.-_ forts. ." ..' .. \ The drama at Half Moon Lake. began w~en Mike NelsonW~lI,.· pulled from bene'~th ,an overturned. boat by' his father" ;Vi~,:,..,. gio Nelson. No pulse' could be detected. . Marilyn Zapalski, a Detroiter, steppedfroni a ring of onlookers· to apply artificial respiration for more than 30 minutes before the boy stirred... ' 1 . ' .; "I' remembered reading that . rhythm was an importantfac- ' tor in artificial respiration," she" related: "I began by using the number system, but gave 'this' us and substituted the 'Hflil· Mar~'!"· ../. . . Young Mike was later taken' to St. Joseph's hospital here;·' where doctors examined him 'and released him after al). hour's stay. .

Georgetown P·lo ns' Unique Program WASHINGTON (NC)-George-,.

tow~ Uni~ersity has received a




Three boys in the Jerold Ruzicka f~mily of St. Eugene's

Speaking of' the population problem in India Bishop Padi- . · yara lilaid "most Qf the common.: people of India agree with the Church in its opposition to birth control. Catholics and non-Cath'olics' alike' believe that babies Te blessings and the more the Detter. . "Those really interested ill . birth control,'" the Bishop stated, · ~"are not the poor, but the rich, who want the pleasures of life without its burdens." . The Indian prelate lauded CRS-NCWC . for .its shipments of relief supplies and food to the " people of India.

$43,294 government contract to: Parish; Los Angeles, po,se happily with their mother following. successful three-hour deve'QP a program for training blind .persons as Russian lan- 'open-heart. ~urgeries on each' boy at St. Vincent's Hospital; Los Angeles. From left. boys guage. translators a·nd. radio .. ar~ Edward, 12;· J erom.~, 18; and Jerold,' Jr. 8. (N.C Photos).· monitors. According to present plans, ~I . ·t qualiiied.graduates of theun-,·.I~egrO : o n v e r ssumes Op .. ique training program wjll be. ! ~i . . .ourt egree. The first class' in the new .... SACRAMENTO (NC) -- A Council 953 in. 1955, and served" ·The37-year-old sergeant sadly train'ing program at the' Jesuit' Negro convert, .Calvin .Hobbs, is for a term as Catholic ac~ivities recalls the dark days of 1954 Fathers' university will have 15. the first member of his faCie to chairman. In 1956 he took part when the Knights of Columbus Itudents. State rehabilitation be elected faithful navigatolr of in an exemp-lification ritual- that' Supreme Board failed to grant IIgencies are being asked to the Bishop Manogue General· made him a. member of the a charter to a proposed internominate additional persons for Ass e m b I y, Fourth Denree fourth degree. . racial co.uncil in Cleveland: This *he course. . Knights of Columbus. ,Sgt. Hobbs is aware that·even. action brought. forth strong The training program will be The soft-spoken sergeant has· in California, where many mem-. words of condemnation from the . developed under a contract been assigned.. since "1954 to. bel'S of his race. are welcomed then Auxiliary Bishop Floyd 1.. awarded Georgetowi) by the nearby Mather Air Force Base, as members by the knights, it is Begin of Cleveland. Office of Vocational Rehabilita- where he is assistant line chief unusual to find one'. elevated to Lt' f S t H bbs' . . . ", . . a er, some 0 g. 0 ~ion of tjle Department . of ~n m~untenance. He· becaml~ .a. ..the t()p. I>0st Of. the ·fourth depersonal friends were among Health, Education; and ·Welfare.'· member of Sacrament~~. ol. C. ,.~r:;e. . ..... ' . ' . . ,tbe Negro' candidates who were I I W~~n I ~as stationed. near ,refused membership in a· counQ.. 0 ~,p. .t~% DetrOIt, I 'knew of'a Negro fel- cilin. Omaha. because .of. their I . . low who~ ~a~a m,emberof the 'race." :'., ' .' '. .'. .



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He expressed his 'gratitude tID the American bishops' overseas 'relief organization for the sc~oo~.f~ding progra~ i.n the NIIgns Hills area of hIS dIOcese. ... . I .


I'" f h D'· 'M d Bis... eSI.gnat.e· ¢n F mi y H~sRoots in.P·uerto Ric;an History-···, ~~~~~,.~,~~;e/~~:~"'r::de:;

NQTRE DAME (NC)-A Holy Cross priest here whose family l'oot/! are buried ,deep jn Puerto Rican history· has 'been' appointtid the...firSt. bishop, ·of· .the new Ar~il;o diocese and th~ 'spiritual ~eader of more:,:-theo' a"·half~ millIon C~tholics on .the Caribbean island. "'" .. ,; : Bishop-designate Alfred 1'. Mendez, C.S.C., will administer See covering 1,200 square miles in a mountainous area of northwestern Puerto Rico.. He will direct the activities of some flO ,priests, nuns and Brother-s' aSsigned to the new diocese. TI;le 53-year old Prelate'.. De stranger in Puerto Rico;\His grandfather, Jose Meridez;· w~i; the ;last Spanish'governor of . Ponce, P. R:;arid'relinquish~d offi<1e in 18fJ8 with the U:S·.. . ,.




In ,toda y s. . , I· . . t' t I smares .1 action, brOUgh~.C;iti~ism·11 h' '. .~'

:,'.; This another who is grand knight of: ,fro.m John J. KreJCI, grand the Spapish-AmericanWar. His "3 K of C council However offkJ:\lght of the group, who ex- I , . 85-yelill,'.~.0Id mother.,> ,Mr1i. Aode-.' . , ' . tended an apology to "members L ....,;::;:.......11II""" , Hna .Gonzales. de .. Mendez, ·and:,pand. ;,I: . dont ... r~~~ll a?ot.~~r· of the' Negro-race" for.'·what he "~--~---:--two gj,sters reside in Puerto Ri.c.o., ~e~~r" of ,my; ~afc~ ,.sethrVlfllg,.1hn it~rmed" 'ari' "affront.'! If.' alSo '. ,..'., , . ~"\~" .: Si'!l;e .l956.tQ~Bishop-desi~:;'",:e~:/~~ahi~.~~~,or e . ou~t ':".~~~seo.:.: Arc~bis~oP~,Geiald ·T.·~ . nate has b~n. director. of.prov-:: . g .. .;..: Bergan'of Omaha to Issue a, pub- . . ince :qe~el.opm.~~t.",'fo.r the . H1oly ,":. . First·.Metn~~· -" ,,' \ ,_.' tic statement 'on the' nlatter. 'f:~' /":":-:'~~.:-- . , .Cros.!!. filt~ers;heJ:~.. ae~s ~tteri, ,;", Sgt.: ~~b~S,' Is.<t~e'."~lrst m.. em-,' '.:',,': ~he prelate ."deClared '. :tb . .e · · . . . '. engaged In dlreetmg a nahon- . ,bel,' of. lils famIly· to· e~tet t~e: knights' an "Important and . 'fide three million-dollar camC:at~ol~c:.. Church. Born m' Ml~- praiseworthy organization" and paign for the new ·Moreau Sem- SISSIPPI, ·he spent most of hiS said he "deeply regretted" that inary'to be erected on the Un i- early ·H.fe .in Omaha, Neb., a "few members of th~ council'lJQu'{l versity of. Notre' Dame campus. ~here ~IS par.ents~ brother and are so backward and un-Christ- '! JI He was associated with Notre 8lste~ shU reSide. like as to bar the admission Ofl/A ~ Dame from 1948 to 1956, serving His wife,. t~e f?,rmer qloria . Negroes." . ~1A a~ a faculty mem~er, pl~ceme,nt. J-:a?, .Claxton, IS a .cr~d~e Cath-· Sgt.. Hobbs is .philOSO.phical ~ Ihrector and assistant to the ohc ,and .t}}e. cOlJple s ,four about" such . happenings,· having. , . i>resident fOl'. b~~\f)~~ .a,ffa.ir~. ~o.u~~~e.r~"a:~~,. a!l ~ing. rel;l,req .. ' ~~ne ,tnrOUgh. '. the desegregation .. ". ,. . K I·T CHEN' I~ 19~2 he was 'coordmator of II,1}h!'). F~lth; . . : . , ' . ; . "~,no tq~ .~rmed· :forces. brougtlt ~Am.rlc~'.·"U)et envied kitchen t~e IJrst National Congress of .;. Mr, w,lfe _and ~-:~e~e mar.l'Ie~. ,abou~,by the signing of an order ,. ' . '. . ~-:ligious, w1)iph.atU:~cted'2;400 alm9~t~~ .r.~;lr~,bef~fe IbeCQrpe. ,in 19.•8 by· President Harry. ppests, nuns and Brothers to the a, convert" .Sgt. Hobbs. stated. . Truman. . ...• • university campu.s. and. has i Cony:in<:~d !>f tJ1e im~ortance. ~. grown into an annual meeting. of a Cath()lic education, Jle .once .' . ,. , DC ! The Chicago-born priest serv.~d crose, . to send his. wife ,and C.O~· hom 1947 to 1948' as director ,m ~augh~~r ~~ck. to. Omaha fora " MiddleborO Road, Route 1;8 ~oly Cr()ss Fathers' tnissional'y time ~hen. the only' Catholic Home made activities among Mexicans and school In. LU~bock, Tex., closed ~jT, FREETOWN .' CANDIES Negroes in Texas and Louisiana. because of. financial difficultietl. CHOCOLATE~ During this period 20 new No ProbleDlfi PieaM send' literature churches were built in the Arch. "Ronnette, my firllt child at'150 VarietieS diocese of San Antonio and the tended classes at that tim~ at Have'salesman call' at Galveston diocese. . St. ~lizabeth's School there," he .' ~OUTE .6neor obligation• . Named to Annapolis said. ~'In fact· she was the first ..Fairhaven Aut~ Theatre .Name : _ The ne~ly named prelate nt Negro child to' be enrolled. . . . However,' several others from FAIRHAVEN, MASS. one tIme conSidered. a caret:,r Reese AFB' l't . t· . ~ddresll _. ~ _ US 1 ff" a er en ered. There as a .... nava O' lcer. He stud- were no robl . f' t . ied for tWQ years at minor sem- ev'en thOUPgh" ems.o. I? eTgratlO?, . City ~ _ . . . h . . we were ln exas. mar.les, t en went to ~arcelona, , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Spam, for a year as a lay stuA FA' &A1'LY'y . dent. IY1f AEAI IIYOUR. BANK'! .He l'eturned to· th~ countr:r BAR-B-Q CH~CKENS, and accepted an appomtment at the U.S. Naval Academy, AnWY 7-9336 ~OMERSET, MASS. - Next to StOp & Shop napolis, Md. but in 1925 decided to resume his studies for th<~ ..0 • • invites your participation in the . . priesthood. He was ordained to growth of a new Banking Institution FARMS, . the priesthood in 1935 in th.~ • COMMERCIAL Gnd SAVINGS SERVICE' 145 Washington St.tFalrhaven· Sacred Heart church on thc~ • MORTGAGES -AUTO and APPLIANCE LOANS Just off ROl;lte 6 Notre Dame campus by the lat.;· Archbishop John F. Noll; Bishol' . . . Acc.ount8.1~~ured·,Up To'$10,000 Watch for S~gDS of, Fort Way.ne,. anc;l offered hill .:::'. ' . j ' .Me,!,p~Fedoi~L·~Mt!ASurance Go. . . While out l<.r a Drive . first $plemn Mass .in .the,.catAe-,.:. 'St"'pat . this 'Delightful' Spot . <"";_'.':- . : ~,h> :o"~r~ 'J. 1e9oft, .~reside"f drat ~ Sea. 'Juan, P.It.· , " cupa~ion of the Isla!ld .fo1l9wing·

omes ...


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EW' GOO'D HUE uml.:-.r CO'. Inc.









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Castro Attempts To Erase God

THE ANCHORThu~s., Aug. 11, 1960



Communist Party' Numbers Drop

MIAMI (NC) - The exllecl Cuban Christian Democratie I'Movement has warned that, the , ' r' Castro, regime "has no other" final ,objective but that of eras,. I ing God" fro,m Cuban life: ~ Christian Democratic .leaders ' declare<l in a, bitte,r indictment, 1 of the ,Fidel Castro govemment .I that both individual Catholic. and the Church as a whole' have been persecuted to' further the r ,! aims of communism in Cuba. They stated: "The Cuban revolution has been betrayed; its nationalism has been' turned into Sovietism; its social justice into vengeance and rape; its ~emocracy into totalitarianism." Major Battleground They warned that Cuba" is currently a major battleground, in the struggle between com-, munism,and democracy. "It, is 'not only the future of, Cuba which hangs in the balance this year of 1960," they said. "It is the future of Latin America, and later the future of all humanity." The statement was addressed to all religious believers and especially to U,S. Catholics. It was signed by top officials of the Cuban Christian Democratic Movement, inclUding' Jose Ignacio Rasco, the group's presi-




'I )r;.,

movement's' leaders de-" clared that the threat to Cuba' is not primarily. economic 'or " " . material" but centers on ;"her' " national 'heritage, her historical" _ tradition, the spirit" which 'lias gl,lided the Cubans fmm the moment they became conscious' of themselves, the ideological' foundation of the country." Ruthless 'Bo'mbardment They continued: "C'uba is the stage where the drama of our" ,contemporary world is being



government of Fidel Castro, whose first step was to




'NationalShrine ,Receives Reproduction In Mosaic.of ,Titian Masterpiece

ROME (NC)-Membership in the Italian Communist party has dropped '10' per cent in the past four years, according to a sur- " vey made by an official of the ' .. Rome vh;iuiate. " , '. WritiJig in' the vicariate's monthly bulletin, Msgr. Carlo: Maccari said his' survey was ~ .based on 'an examination of the: . communists' own documents pre- . pared' for 'the party congress' held in Rome last January. Msgr. Maccari said the 10 per . cent loss represents about 250,000 '. .members and mllst "be considered indicative of, a very deli- . cate situation." He said the losses are espe- -, , cially .significant "if one takes' into account the serious decrease in the youth moverrient, which lost almost 130,000 of its members, that is to say, about 35 pel!' cent." Membership in the Italian Communist party in 1956 was 2,035,353. In, 1960 the party claimed only 1,79,269 members, accordiryg to the survey. The, survey reported that "young men abandoned the party en masse. Their number' fell. from 358,126 to 229,702, The number of women members fell from 545,414 to 464,89:'." Msgr. Maccari reported that the groups that remained faithful to' the party consisted mainly of craltsmen, shopkeepers, farmers, professional men and intellectuals"-not the working class. " He also said that even though its membership dropped,' the party has' kept up an intense program of penetration and po_ ~iticaI campaign!ng. As a I'esult, In the elections of 1958, the party kept its positions ilOd. together with the socialists, came close to obtaining a majority, hQ' added.

Family Convention

DETROIT (NC) - Delegates from Michigan,. Indiana and no other final objective but that WASHINGTON '(NC) - The to- the shrine from two popes. corporates some 35,000 separate Ohio will attend a regional conof erasing God from the repub- National Shrine of the Immacu- The late Pope Pius XII first pieces of stones. The number of ' vention of the Christian Family. lic," they said. "Christianity is, late Conception has received a promised the 'mosaic 'to the pieces in the Titian mosaic has Movement here Aug. 19 to 21 fundamentally, his mortal ene- mosaic reproduction of a world' shrine and directed the Vatican not been estimated. The Murillo ~t the .l!niversity of Detroit. my. ,Marxist morl,lls· are 'not' J ~amoiJS painting, Titian's "The' "m9saicworks, to ma~e ~t. mosaic weighs' 7,000' pounds. " compatible w~th C h r i s t ian Assumpti0J?- of the Virgin."' ." :. . Pope,. Pius died b.efore the Different Techniques morals." . " 'rhe' mosaic is in effect a gift' mosaic, was c;ompleted,. but ;His ,Although both mosaics were i : . '."Holin~ss ~ppe John XXIII, sent produced by the Vatican mosaic Na~e the finished masterpiece to the, works, two different techniques "~ shrine. , ,were employed in their creation. q~lain 1>I'Iginal i~ Venlee . The differerice lies. in. the use " ' ." , The . . ". hi..... ' f9l' the newer mosaIc of enamel ", '",COMPANY WAS HING TO N (NC )-A vet- the most effectIve means 0(, '" ongmal pamtJng 'of w en'.h t h t b' " , . d 't . . f h F : " t h ..· · · "d t ' " .. a as no een gloun or eran J esUl miSSIOner 0 t e a r . s~owlng, that ~~eri~ans 8lI)ndi~ .'. ~ mOSaIC IS ~. reJ:lro uc Ion lfI':. polished. According. to mosaiC ': ~~mpletel.ine :tast has been appoinled Catholie vI~uals ,are rea~ly .concern~,,!~ the F~anclsca? Chu~ch of ,-: AUik'ers, this meth<ld' preserves chaplain ~f' the SS! Hope I, a WIth ,*~~; prot>lemlh of other ,~nta ~aru~ Gl.OrIosa 'del, Frati . the origimil colors'better."·' Building 'Materials ): " ,.'-', '~... ' 15,000-ton'h~spitalship that will, peoples. " '" ". :, ., ',J' d.: ,in Vemce. Titlan .. lived ; from The new'TiWm'mtl~aic will be' leave SaJl"Francisco ion Sept. ~ ,,,,28 Years S-,.icle" ',,' 14 to.,1576 and .. 11 .con,sldered '. led' th" , f th" Ii" ". .• SPRING ST., FAIRHAV" for southeast 'Asia. '. . . ~e g1;'¢atest 'master-of the Ven- ,.p ac In e nave () e s .rme II WYman 3-2611 Appointment of Father Joha Father Magner, ordamed ·Jtietian school of painting. " , upper churctl· 1936, has spent· 23 years as a .' . " ." ..' F . M agner, S ,., J presently sta- missioner in the Far East. He ,T~ AS8U.mp~lOn ,at. the B~essed tioned at the University of San first served in Nanking, China, 'Vl,~gl?, ~!'Jtch/~ depicted. In the , Francisco; was announced at and was interned in a Japanese . pamtmg and m !h~ mosaiC, was A Delocious Project Hope headquarters here concentration .camp .from 1943 solemnly proclau~ed. a dpg~a by Dr. William B. Walsh, the to 1945 dul'ing World War II. He o~50the Church by PUlfI XII 1ft Treat director. ' returned to Shanghai ill 1948, 1.. . Father Magner commented:, "I ," ComP ioIl Piecle am most· anxious to return to left China a year later and, spent' ,.,' -" ., southeast Asia, especially as part: eight 'y~ars as'mlssioner in the:" :" The' mosaic is a' companion' 273 CENTRAL AVi. o! an tind'edakiilg 'which wJ}i Pl'lilippines. He. also -taught a( piece to another mosaic attbe,.· Chulalongkorn, University in" shrine,' whICh 'is' also a"gift from bring medical training to' areas ' ,'; NEW BEDFORD' sorely in' need of' such help. I ,Bangkok,' Thailand, for twd tw,o pOpes. This.is a reproduction , . ,years. "'of "THe Immaculate' Concepbelieve PrOject Hope IS one of ' . >l' b " ','. h' ' , ' " , wy. 2~6216 -·~·---:'_.. _--:~-:----:-] , "Hope" stands for Health Op- tlO,n ,y the, Spams paJJ~ter Uo,' I \ portt,mity for People Every~artolome ..E S t e b a ~.MurJIlo, , . .! ,where. It is a'privatelysponsored (16~7~'l682), .t~e or;gmal J,of I ~ , ,I, program to share this country's which. hangs t.n, the I rado mumedical knowledge and' skill seum m M~drld,. ! with newly developing countries, Th~ Immacuh: Conceptjon l~! and is an outgrow~h of President m~~a-Jc ~as comm.. .Jne~ f«?r the Eisenhower's people _ to _ people . lIhrme . by Pope ~enedlct. XV, progl'am suggested in 1956. who dIed be~o~e it was comALL WORK A Protestant chaplain for S8 pleted. The ftmshed work was Hope I will be named shor~ ~nt to t~e gr~at ch,urch by Pope CUSTOM MADE Dr. Walsh said. 'PIUS XI m 1930. DAY -'WY 2-2891 Training Celrier Same Stse NIGHT""'; WY ( 6812 The hospital ship witi be 'I'het~o mosaics are the ll8~e 2.a North 'Front St. equipped as a medical training, ~ze-shg?tly .more than SIX Ask for Them' Today .Ne~ Bedford center and staffed by U, S. doc~nches thl,ck, SIX feet and th~ee tors nurses and medical tech- lflches wtde, and al:most nme nici~ns. The 5S Hope maff will feet .high, Each is mounted on include 15 physicians, two den- n solId bloc~ of ,marble. , The Murtllo reproducttoR iin. tists, 25 nurses and 30 auxiliary personnel. Volunteer teams at up t& 35 physicians will be flown to the ship on rotating tours of four months each. The ship, end which was the USS Consolation in World War n, wiN have 280 hospital beds. Upon leaving San FrandStlOt , • GENERAL TIRES . ,. DELCO BAnERIES 1lheSS Hope I will head for In• PERfECT CIRClE RINGS , donesia and Vietnam '. to Min« 3~,~;.s,..":~! , . . , MIl IIYII' ~NIW IfDFOri ;"':HYAN~IS - NEWPOIT ~oderll ,medical knowledge aM • :t . _MobIIi,.el -........


Veteran 'Jesu'it Missioner' '" Aboard Hospital Ship'



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r----.. .--------_ BL'UE RIBBON ..LAUNDRY



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. Made Rite Chips


Real Estate


Rene Poyant





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THE A~CHOR~Di~cese of F~IUHver--Thur8.A~~,.• 11, 196~

Self-Deniaf' and Reparcitio..

Asserts .Ch·urch Appro,ves Ainerican Secular Unions

God Love You By M08tRev. Fult,on J. Sheen, D.D.

By Msgr. George. G. Higgiiis

~nti.y a promiDent Catholic clied leaving a large fOl"tufl8 to his children, not one cent to charity. E~pressing no hope of redemptioD he merely ~i,d he was curious about the "greeD pastures" into which he would enter.

Director, NCWC Social Action- DepartmeDt The July 21 issue of Human Events, aweeldy political newsletter pubUshed' ill Wash ington, features an article entitled "Catholicism and. Labor Unions." The gist of this article-which is not without political overtonel' in this



This is typieal of modern man! Be admits to DO lUiI~: be elQ»eCts that.h~veD is aD automatic /P'CF PasWre the of earthly Ufe closes. Therefore he .ba.!l DO . need of turning the wealth he eDjoyed i n " this life to the purposes of God and His Poor in' expiatioD for his sins.


Presidential election year is that "the Catholic social

idar'" unions as "a matter of temporary expediency, I must reposition cannot be· squared spectfully disagree with him. - with secular unionism" or, '15 Years Ag,~ . in radically diffe~nt phraseol- , Obviously the Chu:rch wants There· is some intrinsk: relationship about giving. up the things of the world ogy, that "AmericaD Secularized all trade unions-and all other before we obtain the - special blessings of· unionIsm is not political and economic organ-.· the t y p c of - ·jzations':"':"to be guided by sound God. It was not until the corn the Israelites . brought from Egypt into the desert fail~, unionism apprinciples of social morality, proved of by but she does not· say that Christhat God gave 'them manna from heaven. the highest Rotian unions (orChristianpolit, But more importaDt still, sin cost the man authority." ical parties, etc.) 'a:re' either HIGH PRICE.: The' price' Life of God iD the flesh:U Ole 'assumptioD The first thing desirable or necessalry under ~ be said. in any and all conditions. of giving nine years of her of our guilt brought :Him to the Cross, He 'reply to those . While the objectiv,e ?f the life to the lepers of the Fiji Who. was innoceDt. then ,shall we who are lId h b f Siste guilty be exempted-from making up for our sinsT We may. Dot say two statements Church is the same for all social, san s as. een, or r. "Christ died for'my"siDs; ·therefore,][ .need do DothlDg," for It is is ·t hat'· the economic ani! political organMary PaulIta. of Steu'Qen;.,. ~, oDly ,through our partaking and. shadng in th~. C,ross that we words"secular" izations in all parts of the world, ville, Ohio,' to become one of ". share· in the forgiveDess He . porchased ·for us. Shall He give Hia and "secularshe does riot say that there is ked" don' t only pne way to achieve this them herself. NC Photo. ,Life for WI and we give D'othing iD return? Blean the same . objective. She leaves it up to the None of uS are without .guilt. The trivial penances we receivo thing at all. A "secular" \lm~n. proper ecclesiastical authorities X , iii the American understandmg. in each 'country Ul decide in Confession, e;g., "three Our Father's and three Hail Mary's"are . "Dot an adequate balance for the guilt which we have admitted.. of the term is one which ~as no whether' or not "secular'~ unions · 4:Olli1ection with· any par~lcu.lar are better adapted to local conForgiveness 'for' sin.is one thing; reparation for the sin is another. ehurch or religious Organl~atloo. ditions than· Christian· uniollB PITTSBURGH' (Nc) ..:... 'l1le If I steal' your watch and say "Will you forgive me," there is DO and one ·in which there 18 no would be. two-a-day routine .of show busi- 'doubt that you would, but. would you not also say: ."Give me back my watch"'! Give thought then' to a.daily act of self-denial for your direct or indirect religi~8 test In our country,. this decision ness has l,>eel) ·added to the for membership or election to was made with finality and with schedule of major 'speakers at . sins; Then ·use· the· money equivalent to the sacrifice. flO help, bring -the. complete approval.· o{ the t~e upcomi~ North ~ Americaa Faith· and redemption to·'the pagan world. Give this .money to the 'Holy Father to· distribute to 'thoSe without the Fai~ ·through ·bu &e,pect8 Beliefs .'.' Holy See approximatel~' '15 years,. ,Liturgical W:eek here. "" , '. Such a union; while it is~i- ~go wht!ll the late Cardinal Gib':' . S~amp~~ith advance regia.. Societyfor' tbePropagatiOll' ~'. the ,.Faith". .• • •• :. . : '.1: .' • ~eially neutral OR' the~l~lcal bons, representing the American trllitions which are sweiIing the !i,' . 'GOD LOVE' YOU:to M.D.c'"This dollar Ja. the· last cent I be..... .'!motlers (in the same legItimate hierarchy;; weDt . to ~)me and' . expected . atteDdtmC8 to· ~ore ·best." . .eense -in whi~. ev;ery· branch. {){ ~ccessfully def~nded. the right • than 4,500 'Persons,' officials had . It will not pay the car insurance, so ,uSe it as .you :,ovenUlle~t iJi:~eU~ited Sta~ of .:Americal1' Cat~olics. to. joiD . to arrange for. ;each, 01. tb,e ,tIo.B.B",\'M,grandfatber gave me this $2,. for' my birthday. I waDi ';. ,neutral)' "is neither .anti- the "neutral" ltnig~ts llf. Lilbor. ,reek's nwior. addresses to be 'you to bave,itfor the 'Missions," ... to J.F:.G. for .'10 "I :w:asgoing :.l;'ical nor. anti-religiOus. Chureh'sPOsttioa . given' twice-in. di£lerent" hOtel.. _ buy, a book· with,thismone,-, but maybe tale. MissioJlllCould use : On tlieconti-ary,"~ fully re- . From '" that day to. this. there :'J'ohn' Ii; MakioD, exei:tlti~' -8Otl\e books in my name." '.' : to G:W~.foi':.$iq "In.$~ Of. spendin-g on. candy, m.ovies, etc." I ,would like to fiend it to ~ Mi~ · ;~ts the. religi~ beliefs ~ has never 'been "Sny doubt that &ecret.ary of the Liturgical Con- ,tilis .and. pray that God. will restore the gift 01. Faith ;to • loved one." :tta members and respects theU' I'ight to be guided by and to try ,the Church positively. .approveS ference, national spoDsoring or•• , flO S.S. ''This .,25 was given'to me for -taking careot m, liW. ..... implement 'the sOcial teachiDC of. "secular" ("not secularized~) ,ianization for the week beginbrother. I· am silt yean old. This is for hungry children." ; their respective churcl1es. . unions in the sense that she' l'e- nift" Monday, Aug. 22" said. . . Magr. Pietro Pavao, secre~,./I8rds them as being preferable, speeChes will be given in botll , ..'IIte ·teD letters 01 GOD LOVE YOU spell oat a deca4eol tile 01. the Italian Catholic Soc~al 'under preSeDt· and fe,rseeable the Penn-Sheraton and HiltOR &Mar,. &II the,. _circle the medal Of1giDated b,. BlshopSheeoie. Week and professor of soeial American conditiOD5, to eoafetl- Hotels beeause DO' one room ill boaOr the MadODDa 01 the World. With 70ur request aa4 . . ethics at the Pontifical LateraD sional or· Christian unie,na. downtown Pittsburgh is. large corresponding offering, 700 ma,. order a GOD LOVE YOU llie4al · University in Rome, says: "A. To maintain the opposiite-tbat enough for' all expeetecl 'regUt.. .... ... 01 tIM following st,.les: .' trade unioD is neutral from ttle the Church. does not p-ositiveq- . tran~. • Z small sterUnc sUver ::religious point of .view '.. if,.88 approve of "secular" Uillions itt He said the ehief reaSlOll for • S SmaH 10k 1'014 filled ':8Uch i"t professes DO reljgious the United' States· but merely the·.large . registration ili the • 5 lar~ 'sterllng silver . :beli~f and adheres to no single toleratesthernas a matter of. surge of interest amon~ U.s. '10 larpl~ /f0141 flllea . religious group iD preference to temporaryexpediency'--, is; ill Catholics'} ill' liturgical revival. ': all others. '. . . my opinion;' to fly in the,' faee 01. especially in active participatioa. Cut out this' column, 'pin your, sactifice to it and mail It to the' :1 "When it is non-sectarian,thls all the' evidence. by the congregation at Mass. Most Rev; Fultim J'.'Sheen, National Director of the Society.for ':CIoes' not mean that it cann~ ·1 have yet to hear Of a singbt· the PropagatioD of the: Faith,' 366 Fifth .Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. assume a positive attitude re- Catholic bishop, .priest . or la7Plan School for . Boys or your Diocesan. Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDIN&, garding religious values. _Hi&- man who thinks that Christiall from :Broken .Homes 366 North Main Street;FaU River, ·Mass. ·torically speaking, the most ac- . or' "confessioDal" .UniOnll would '. SUNAPEE (NCl-The HilltQP .ti~e neutral trade unions have . be desirable in the United been and are moved by a pro- States either now or at any time · Farm .School Foundation modDAUG.~TERS . 9f ST. p'AU&. eled ol1the·f~lllio.isBoys To'wil ia ,found and often effectivereli- in the forseeable future. . 1Iw1.. ~" .... 04-211 10 III Nebraska, will begin itS first ·;'Iious spirit." .. ,Chriat's walt "yo", DI _ ApaIIe ... year-round program' in July.. :.'. A "secularized" union, 00 the Ordain Natiye f.riest '•. ' ~ditio,lI': . ,,~_ Radio. Movie. cuid ' .... 1961, for teen-age .boys frOra wisiOll. With th_ lIlochnl _ ..... ether hand, is one .which ia broken homes. .. .. ...iOllary Sis.... b,.g Chrl.t·. OodriDe practice,' if Dot by a formal, esplte Violenc4' '10 oil, .... ,d.... of _ . __ • _ _• '. fkclaration of policy, takes the ROME (NC)-A native ConThe Hilltop FoundatiOll • . . infoi",otiOll 10. · position that religion is of l\Ogolese was ordained a priest non-sectarian, but will see to it lEV. MOTHSR SUPUtOI' .importance and either openly . during the early days ·01 vio- that all boys in its program re10. H. 'AUt'S AYI. BOSTON 10. MAn. er covertly tries to prevent the lence in the' Congo, according receive' religious training. Mem. , e.h.urches .from exercising an in- .'. to information rec~ived here. bers of the board of trustees include Msgr; James McGrecil, fh.ienc~· on unil)D members ill Father' Denis LUgang1l1, frON the field of social ethics. . the ,.yiliaife of. ltimbau ift the director Of New Hampshire Cath:' .. 'unions· ot the lattertypeob~- . ~est~rll' part :ofthe:new repub- olic ·Charities;. Father John' I.. eUsly{;a~n~t be approved ,either lic,: ~\4S :~r~~ .in·~'-Kim~u 'Sullivan of'S t. ~Pati'ick' s' cliurcb, bv -the:.CatholleChUrch or by wh,i\e::,!htitjnQIIS" C,o n g 0 1 Ii'se · Newport, N:'H.;"and·Father: Eel· -;.~ other ~ligioli8 body, which. trOOpS·'. w~re battli~."lld.gi,aft ·win;·O~Brien" Catholicchaplaia at Yale ·Univ.ersit:v·, New- HaveR, :.is" loyal t~ its< ii~ basic' pl'in- ,:. paratroQPer.ti:,.~ ·~.s9UI~· ::.I,)l~~::' r:~fugees WeN ;tleelhg, th~ .cou':' eonD.·;'··... ·'~· -:.'. '(.:".:.>. ..',' •... '. ::., ·.. c·;'·. ,:~. ~.~:; ',,:': . .~Li;bst.'·.-·~_'-· ~"~.,, ,;. The" fOundatiOn' 'wu··Ol'UQil;. .: I" . , ' . Voiees~:~Dt.:<:,., ,.~ ttY.. , "" ",..:' .' :.:. • • .. ' ':.J " : ";:, • :: . J;'ut·whaf : about,:, .~~~_ui~!~.·:· ~~~~~. is·~ tbeK~~!e' pl'e_ Jzed iD '1956. 'and ineOrpo'ta~ .:i ',,:", "',;,""; ".: ": ....:. 0,.,. ~;~I~ ~~ ~ ";V":.·~ t· ~ •.:. '" ",1'"' ' .. New Illlrllp.. ;~lOns? The author of the 'abov:e lecture' which ,.is staff<:l.d by .as·a;chtiHty.·'under c : mentioned article in Human missioners of. the Society ol. :tite 'shire laWs Hl"195'7. 'Intas'exPer.~,.: .·'FOODS···~'" .Events says.they. can be '~gu'ard,," Divl~-W6rd:~ mother house imented 'in techniques o£:..aitlinc : edly worked with" but cannot of the ~ciet,., which announcea · boysiroM broken: homes in ·t~ UIiI~ WH~~ 'PAlRHAVEN; MASS'; .. . . ',.' . '. · be "positively approVed" by, the Father LU'gaDgu'S ordhlation ~uinmers·. 01.' ~95'7, 19158' and 1950. .\ . -:. 'f!:burch.. has allJO received word that 'aR :' Ii by this he means that the Divine Word missioners have Lay Missioners l •ehurch cannot give blanket ap- . remained. at their, postS .and ·:ace .'To Teach ,·n B·ol,·Y· I.a ~·ATTENTIOH ~ _proval to everytb,.ing that "secu- unharmed. There are 50 ll>ivine Iar" unions'- do, " be is merely Word priests· and 15 Brothers in LA PAZ (NC)-Three grad'. itating the obviouS. The Church, the CongO, all assigned. 1[0 tIM uates . from 'Regis' 'College iii. of course, cannot and will not Kenge prefecWl'e. Weston, Mass" haVe arrived here · ,ive·" blanket· approval ..·to .any ,. "" , . to replace other Americlln vol·so,cial.' economic ()r ,poUtica~; in,.. .. Underground 'Basiilka ~unteers~' teachers a~. the Enl~,{( Bu,' ~:.:Yf..' ~,:"pplr .st~tutlOn, whether secular Ol' A V·,I ' . 'f A . ~lish 'Catholie 'Coliegehere iR . COMPtE1iE '. . .' .*Christian." . .. . t I age 0 ,rs:' . .' Bolivia. . · .But if he meam-to,say thlitthe :-;.;.ARS: (NC)-:-Work has . begun They 'are ~ A~ RENT At. WO~'C UN'fORMs Ohurch caD onJt tolerate "see- .on' a vast subterranean bllsiHca Lamperti arid Eileen Smith. '. . :.. . "-. ' . . to accommodate pilgrims to this Their predecessors, Mary CourtSHOP' _ ,;, Marquette'Lectu'res French· ..towD .whel'eSt. John.hey' and Mary Lou Bettencourt, • AitO Recio,... ' Ind"t4rial GkweI . MILWAUKEE (NC) Six Mary VianDey was a l)at:~sh. have "returnedc.!'lome after 'cOmecholjlrs will visit· ~arquette priest for half a. century:. . . pleting a year's service he-e. · University as lecturers in a new The ~ave of the basill<l.l; wUI This year'S' group baa beea Fall and Spring 'series, "Chris- be 180 feet long, 80' feet wide .oomplemented bV two under:" tian Thought and the Modera and 21 feet high. The bStsilica graduates' from St. Theresa'll World," starting sept.. 29. Dr. will be cut Iilto·· the side of a .College in Winona, Minn., Naney Succ.SIOr 10 Karl Stern, psychiatrist and au- .hill, and stained glass wlndoWB ' Scopetta and Jane Malin. The : . ·.. 1ngIa1ld Ovtmdt &~Co. thor, will give the first lecture, . will be' installed at one end. The English Catholic College is Cott: JG Boward Ave.. Jkw BeMOI'd . . 88. "Catholicism and, Psychiainterior will resemble the u:nde.o- ducted b";'· SistellS Ot. .... ~ ..... _~.. ' . 7 PhoM WI" ,"-0'19'7 01' WY '-01911 - .". . ground' b silica:.ata :LoUI'de&.H.Shephel'd.. . .w....'

,E P ,e, c t 4.,· 500"

At CO'nference

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Dutch Go~ernment _Helps Catholic School Education

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 11, 1960


Swansea Student To Pronounce Final Vows

THE HAGUE (NC)-About 37 per cent of the elementary schools in the Netherlands today are Catholic schools, which like public and other denominational schools get full government support. In the country's 2,777 Catholic elementary schools are About 35 per cent of the young 646,281 pupils taught by 17,- people receiving secondary edu'969 instructors. Primary or cation attend Catholic schools. elementary schools are for Since January of 1956 Catholic

John F. Dias, C.S.C., son of Mrs. Marianna Dias, 53 Ocean Grove Avenue, Swansea, will pronounce perpetual

vows of poverty, chastity, and children between the ages of 6 kindergartens have enjoyed obedience, in the' Congregation and 14. ,about the same help as primary of Holy Cross next Tuesday, at ":qual treatment by the gov- schools, even though the comHoly Cross Fathers Seminary ill ernment of public and denomin- pulsory attendance law does not , North Easton. ' ational schools stems from a pro- extend to this level. ' Mr. Dias, now in his second vision' in the 1920 Act on PriAbout 38 per, cent of the year of Theology, comes from mary Education. This act, whose ,kindergartens here, are under 81. Michael's parish in Swansea. adoption was vigorously sup- Catholic auspices. In the last He attended Brown and Davis ported by the Catholic State 40 years they have undergone Grammar Schools, B, M. C, Dur_ r 'y (now the Catholic Peo- a tremendous development, fee Sigh School in Fall River pIe's party) was made possible jumping from 666 in number to ,before entering the School 01. by a revision of the 1917 con_ 1,542 with an enrollment of St. Philip Neri in Boston. Upon stitution. 172,360 pupils. ' completion of his philosophical Equal Treatment One University studies at Stonehill College, Appeals for equal treatment' There is one Catholic univerJohn entered his courses hl of all schools by the government sity, in the Netherlands" the Theology in Washington, D. O. 'had begun in 1900 when the University of Nijmegen, which The Very Reverend George S. Dutch adopted their compulsory has 2,504 students. There is Ii DePrizio, C,S.C., Provincial Suschool attendance law. Freedom Catholic School of economics at perior for the Eastern Province of education itself was incorpor- Tilburg which 'has universityof. the Holy Cross Fathers, will ated in the Constitution of 1848. .level courses. It,has 775 students. preside ~t the solemn ceremony Catholic and Protestant grouP'! Both institutions receive considin which five seminarians and argued that if the State formallY ,erable, government grants. one Brother will pronounce 11I1al SISTER JOSEPH (left), ,SISTER THERESE (right) 'recognized the obligation of par~ for the relationship hei'e vows. Father, DePrizio will be ,ente to educate children, it between Church and State in assisted by Rev. Roger P. Quilty, li should see to it that parents can education, Msgr. Fran', Op, de C.S,.C., Rector of the Seminary• .. do this without violating their Coul" director of the Roman ideals of the best education. Catholie Central Office for InWhat About You? " Parents should be able to send structlon and Education, has their children to schools where' said that "the problem of deA self-styled "old Arab" who h~ served the missions ) the education conformed to their,' nominational 'education has Iraq' for 22 years had'. joyful reunion thie in Baghdad, own conception of life, they said. ,found an almost ideal solution." Fully SuppoJ1,ed In a publication entitled "The Summer with her sister at St.' Anne's Hospital, Fall River, As a 'result' of the' succe8sOf Educational System in the Nethand other members of her family in H:artford. She is Sister this appeal, Catholic elementary , erlands," he states: ·Joseph de 'la Ste. Face, training, She' was interested iii schools, are among those fully "Holland' has been the scene whose sistet; 'Sister M·. news t~at a similar, project iii supported by .the State. This ,of a long and fervent fight, but support coveN.! bui,lding and dogged tenacity and solid action' Therese des Anges,' is ' as:. underWay in" this Diocese, and 'maintenance costs an'd teachers' of all advocates of denominasigned'to the business office was much impreSsed with, the changes, 'and additions to St. salaries. tiona I education"":"'among which of the hospital:, Anne's Hospital since her 18Bt In return, the State has the our Protestant brothers must be The former Marie Theresa ,visit to the United States in 1951. right to check on the quality Of specially mentioned-have led to Pelletier grew up in St. Anne's Iraqi VoeatioDS instruction. All Dutch teach~rs, the victory of our principles." ,parish, attending St.' Anne's The Dominican 'Sisters have reg'ardless of the school they School and Dominican Academy been in Iraq 80 years, said Siswill serve in, have to pass sim- 1100 Italian Workers before her family moved to ter Joseph. Of the 50 Sisten .•. a Franciscan Sisterl Ilar State-administered examinHartford. She, Sister Therese, there half represent Iraq! vocaTo Attend Congress ations. Girl••ixteeJ\·ond·over aro noeelocl 'who is, also her godmother, and tions. VATICAN CITY (NC) ---, A In the Netherlands today;' to .erve God a. Nursea, laboratory another sister joined the Domin.;. She left Monday for the comcaravan of 40 buses, carrying, there are 44 Catholic schools for alld X.ray Technician., Accountant., icans of Charity of the Presentafuture teachers in which 7,984 1,100 industrial ,workers, left tion. The third sister, al80 as- munity',s motherhouse in France. Dietitiana, Seamst,euoa, Cooks, ancI students are studying, according here for Munich to attend' the ,signed to Iraq, died there ~ Fro!l1 there she hopes to make Ii in oth« hoapital dopartmon... stopover in Rome en' route to closing ceremonies of the Euchato information obtained from Mother Mary Elizaboth at 5t,Mary; 1941. Baghdad. She expects to be back ristic congress. the Roman Catholic Central of ~ Angola Convent, Rock Island" Notes Changes at her post by the second week At the head of the CaraVDft Office for Instruction and EduIlIinoi., will sond yOIl more info,· , In Baghdad Sister Joseph 1n September when school starts. cation at The' Hague and from was an autoc;hapel in which the motion on thi, happy lifo, She has been in this' country other sources, including the Blessed Sacrament was exposed works in a combined school' and Special consideration itJ since May and has taken Sumorphanage. The Sisters care for for the entire three-day journeY. given to "late" vocations. Central Bureau of Statistics. Seeondary Sehools The pilgrimage was sponsored. 50 girls in the orphanage and Jner courses at Boston College. The nation's 161 Catholic by the Italian National Society have 850 students in their school. 4lIhT dlIhT dlIh~dlIhT dlIhT dlIh• diIlI d!IhTdllhT dlIhT dlIhT dlIhT L1IDT I t1IDI~ schools for secondary education for Religious and Moral Assist- , Sister Joseph teaches English ~T are also, for the most part, fully ance of Workers. Woriters from and is herself studying Arabian. ' 'loole yOU can a She reports that. the communsupported by the governmenl all major Italian industries and ~ ~ utilities companies were accom- ity is opening a juniorate ill Biblical Meetinq ,panied by about 30 chaplainscA. Baghdad 80 that Iraqi girls wishDENVER (NC)-The Catholic, the society!s local units. The ing to enter t.he Sisterhood will Biblical, Association's 23rd an-. priests, took turns in adoration not have to travel to France fOl' nual general meeting will be before the Blessed Sacrament ~ ~ held at St. Thomas Seminal'7 while the pilgrunage ....u Oil ,New Seminary Proof, , route to Munich. here from Aug. 30 to Sept. L Of Church's Growth ..: ~

Self-Styled ,IIO'Id" Arab Has Reunion WithSis'ter




, Two young mell. from Fall •teaching brotherhoOd. ..' River will, receive, the reli~ioull Both ,.~nc' Jrten', .. tte.n~ babit of tbe Brothers of Christian MonsignOr Prevt»t' HlpSehobl Instruction on the feast 01. the .'" c, ~." Assumption, Aug. 15. The' cere- before transferrUlC to La, N:~::­ mony will be held in St. Icn8th.. aais Preparatory SC(h~I, J~, Church Sanford' Me. . Alfred, Me., from, Which ,~j RobertLanou~tte, lOGO( :ill,:. were arad\l~ted ,ia juDe,.' ~>~ and Mn. Raymond Lanouette,.After the, canon~"l, rear Ott ~, 911 Pine Street,u' a ,formf!ll' povitiate whicb"they," ~i1l begin member of St. Roch ,parish., ' ,. Aug; 15.. , both' Lannuette ,and Paul Levesque" son of Mr.. . Leyesque will' 'eontihiie "tti~ir' Alice Levesque, 758 Plymouth .tudies at the ,Brothers'.- newl~­ Avenue, was a member of, St. established 'Wa1Bll<CoUe;.: '-." Anne parish before joiniftl the' Canton"Ohio.·,. .. , ,

,ST. BONIFACIUS (NC) .:... Archbishop William 0: Brady 01. St. Paul has hailed the new Jes,uit seminary here in Minnesota _s proof' of the' growth and de~ ~elopment of ,the, Church 1ft our . ' lDOrth, central states." • Archbishop BradT apoke ,M ~eremonies duringwhicll: he" dedicated Jesuit 'College, aeminary of" the" ,Teeuit ~a~~rs;" WisconSinprovirice. " " , ; : '. The Jesuita~ WilCOlliUl"proy':' 'mce includes North ,arid ':S6iiih,



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,the' ,province:' eOilCiuci"Sogiulg ..::, UniveNi:t¥ ,,~ ','~ • SoUUl, ...-:






:i>akot8,~e~la~a;~Iow~;M~ne~' : ~ :' - '. , , , " IOta and'Wiscoritlin. Members oI.~, ,Make :tltos~ neeJeJ



do with



Two Fall' Riverih~s to, Receive Brothers' Habits, on Monday











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Catholic Birthrate Rise -B.odes Well for .Futu.re ". BRISTOL (NC) - The Catholic birthrate in Great ~ritain constitutes 30 per cent of the total birthrate, Bi8h~p Andrew Beck, A.A., of 'Salford told a public meeting Bristol University. Bishop Beck said that the Catholics' ~f Britain "are moving. toa: next t wo years, ' h " d it ':,~ "t' h f' e SlU, W.ua POSI Ion were on Igures amount to $48 million, quadrualone we are people of i~- _ 'pling the present figure. ," portance and' should not More Thall Double


need to go cap in .hand, so to The BishOp saidtbe pre~nt ,speak, begging for the remnants ·.number of Catholics at British trom those who are better sit- universities - about 7,500':·.uated than ourselves." should be 'more than doubled ·in The Catholic. population of . the next 10 years if . 'Catho1icr Great Britain .is about 4,400,000 .. students are given, their fuR 'in a total of 'close tq50,OOO,000; ,share of the facilities of univerless ·than 10 per cent of the 'pop:. 'sity' education. . ulation. . ... .. 'Bishop Beck spoke ,at a meet. 'Smooth Growth ing sponsored by the Newman Bishop Beck, spokesman on ·Association. He said that in the educational matters for ,the . Catholic conception of education" 'Catholic Hierarchy of England 'time and place should be deand Wales, said that the Cath- voted to the study of' theology. olie community is growing to- an ideal that continental EUI::ope ,gether so smoothly that people still maintains. The Church ia AWARD-WINNER: The . "are not aware of its strength. Britain has in the past concen1960 Archbishop Noll Award .B.ut he said ·muchstatistical .trated its efforts on seeing that :work is being done .to convince the children were not· deprived . of the National Federation -the civil authorities of'the·true of their .Faith and h'as gotten of Catholic College Students, ,position. ,into a rut in its endeavors 10 The 'immense amount of Cath- .save their faith, the Bishop said. . granted for "outstanding' achievement ·in the lay apos- ·ollc school.;.building carried .out 'O'nly in the past few years have in the past 'dozen years is gath- 'Catholics begun to realize' the tolate," -will be presented to ering momentum ,all the 'time, ·full possibilities of· Catholic Professor Thomas P. Neill, .according to the prelate. In ·the, .university education, he stated.

of St. Louis University, NO Photo.






C~trac:tors .._'. . .;, , \~



. ~ ~ounty



New Bedford


,". TIMKEN· (;

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Sa1e.S .~ S,";C~

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TWO NAMES familiar Iio the Priests who have the , . .8PODIrib~ty.of ralsiDC ·1IlGDeJ to care for PALESTINE REFV... 'GEES . are 'D8AYEB and JISR EL BASRA. These are two'Refugee Campll ill LebaaoD where the PONTIFICALMISSIOIf coU:du.ets schoolLla these schools· Religion Is·taught by, priest. and sisters, while the &eeu1al' subjects are taught by CATHOLIC ", PALES~ (Refugees) whose salary is paid b,Y. -the PON- ,. . • : .'l'IFICAL MISSION. WiD 'you:belp us to keep ~'tWo schoo. . " ~~!. ~ d~ of ~y s~ wUl be app~iated. .

'. ..<:;:. ,,,c11eartastOlisSioriS~' CAMNNAl SPELLMAN. ., ..... PlANaS .:•..






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WILMII ,ASSOCIA'RON.~~ 480 ......... ~at46th. ., .... York17,N.Y.

"'"!",:"",,!,"-~~~~"",,,,!,"~ ....~.: \ .j.\\' ~, .. ', . ;-: ..'. , .. -,



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of fan River-Thurs. Aug. 11, 1960

The leonlrdo da Vind·. Sails Od. 4

Rese"ations "(lose" ,Aug. "15

.Ma,ke Your Reservations. Now For The ·First Official Diocesan 'Pil's'rimage to Rome, Lourdes, Paris, ,F·lorence, ·L·ucerne, Dublin, Killarney, London - - - - - - - - - - - --. MAIL T·HISCOUPON· 'I August lIS is your last opportunity to make reservationi for the .








. .

first official pilgrimage' of the Diocese of Fall River..· .

Fan River Diocesan Travel League

The pngrimage wm be 1RHIer ttae spiritual leadership ~- Ria . include Visits to Excellency, Bishop Conno))y and the itinerary the religious and eultural centers of Weetem Europe. iRclud~ng a Papal Audience and the famous Shrine at Lourdes.


P. O. Box 1629


Fall River, Massachusetts .-

The Pilgrimage price of. $1260 covers tourist· aeoommodatiomJ OIl the Leonardo da Vinci, the luxury liner Rotterdam (on tIM re~rn trip) plu8 first-class. accommodations and travel. in Eu'rope, ueept· . costs of a personal. nattlN.

Please send . me complete details on. the First Official Pilgrim~ge 0.1 the Diocese of Foil IRiver.

:Altemate itfnerarie8 AN Mailable to ~ who -woutd -pref~ to limit their stay ill Ewoope aDd who desire to ,eiui'B' br . .

NAME .:.-....:.

ql the· ~ ~


; ,



.1'· -CI'rY " OR·.'



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. .M>P!tESS ;-----. . '"_.._~_..,.._._



Write toda1 for')'OUI' Free·ClOPT

: . .

_ _

, . _._. . _



·TIt'. ··Pilgr....,.M..."". Spottso'Nd .,TIte· Following .Ind;v;f1u~'s '. tUHI. ~·COllCel' ..i .". Greater' 'R.iver: •

• • •





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Drug Co. HUtchinson Oil Co.

InternatioRaI .LaIII' Galt,sa'" . . . . . . . . .011· :'. . . . . ~VI'e' ShcMrooms .. MacKen'zie & Winslow, Inc.'. . . Ga~ L McNall,. Ca ·,. ' . Georie Me' MontIe, PI~ber Plymouth Pri~ting Co., Inc. SobIoff BtOthI.1 .' 8ft.'I1", lac. ... StaHonIF~ Co., Inc. Strand Theatre .. , . . . .. lautil. W. . . . . . 01 Ame.... · Aft,Q() " . ' .'. Yellow Cab Co. ,





·i I I '1 ~

: :- .J'






16,000 Take PG;rt


In Mass Study

. 'Corm';er Nove" About D4aa,th

, OSAGE (NC) - Some 16,000 persons in the Dubuque archdiocese participated,,~ a Mass study program sponsored by the areh<iiocesan council of Catholic men. According to the annual repori of the council's'religious committee, the Mass study program was initiated last year as a seminar for 280 laymen from IS deaneries..Twelve lay instructors, in turn, conducted SI ,workshops devoted to the stucIF of the Mass. Eventually over 1,500 laymen were instructed in preparation for parish Mass institutes. At the parish level there were 604 lay tutors and 132 institutes.

1Effectsllluim:ination of l.ife !By Rt. Rev. MSJ,Cr., Jobn S. Kennedy Robert Cormier's first book, Now and at the Hour (Coward-McCann, $3*), will, in all ~robability, be co~mo~ly described as a novel about death. 'I he reasons for thIS VIew are plain, and one will n'Qt dispute it. However, thereflectiv~ reader will recognize, l@ng ;lIlOd with it an upsurgElof hope. before he reaches the last Terrib17 AloM page, that'it is even m0t:e a .But then, there were the b t life And such a mghts, long, dark, lonely, the nove1 a ou . '. nights when pain struck him,

reader ~~ay hiS tnbe be nu.m- and the certainty of !imminent erous) wl1l~ long after hav:J.ngdeath. He wouldhavll a .good read the fmal day now and again, but no words, mu~ on nights were good. He was going the il1um~a-todie. tio~ of 11 f e 'The others, he saw, were which the work aware of this. But they had effects.. fomled a conspiracy UI keep' it Someone will from bim. suppose t hat But their effort to keep facta Mr. Cormier from him only' succElCded in has chosen a making him ,feel terribly alone. rn~rbid s~bj.ect. He must, however, go along HIs pnfolclpal, with them, maintaining the ficcharacter 1S Al- , : tion that he would recover. ph e g e L,e - . Id native of He prayed: snatches of words Blanc, a 58-y~ar 0 lived and learned in childhood, the Our Canada . whoN hasEgland facFather, Hail Mary. He had never worked In a ew f n decades regarded himself as especially wry to:v n for ~ver trans~ religious. He had ,gone to Mass ts ever smce ~~p: ~e United regularly, attended the novena ported the fam1 h dan aposometimes, said his morning and States. Alph has ul a operation night prayers. His wife was the parently succe~As the' story ~aUY' devout one in thl~' family. for lung can.ce. is .recurring She prayed earnestly ft)l' all of begin~, t~e dlSCase rove fatal. them. and, IS bound ~ ~ thisdis-YoUng Priest Sympal~etie What happ~~';:'death ,is tlhe . Finally his wifesugg,asts that coveryand p ,the priest be summoned. Alph matter of the:~e~ will go to c~nfession,.- re~eive Reader " '. Hoo,. CommuDlj)n. He IS dlsap- Presumably :Mr. Cornl1er .~a;; ,painted when there appears not closely wa~ched 'someo~e; gO~~e iIlhe old parish priest, W'~o had through the experien~e,.h.~l\ne ,'been ,his ~onfessor~ but a ve:" examines. He gets m d a . ,t young prIest, bnsk and 1ft phases of the illness, ~ .~ gr~~ ;~looming health. many minute but tel.1.in,g detal~, 'With misgivings, Alp'h aw'kTo foHow his narrative. is . wardly begins his confession. share the trials ,of body, heart., but as the young prieS1; speaks and soul whiCh :Mph .endure;~al to him it becomes cleur "that Alth0l.l;gh the phyS1~, or ot Yll>uth had. nothing to do with It1 described vividly, but n d being a priest," that this mere clinically, it is the thoughts an beginner is understandi'ng, symfeelings of the doo~ed persoi~ pathetic, sure in minist1ering to upon which the mam focus a soul. directed, and it is in these tha: Alph eagerly seeks to prolong • small man achieves a grea the visit after he has received victory. . I' the sacraments, to pour' out to At first Alph percel~es 0 ,the priest all that he has had ,illt ,least ,ad~its ~o mmse 'nits to hold back from everyone, 'on'ly'that he IS serlOusly ~l. h'l 'else. The priest speaks of the worries him. True, all ~IS c ~d' suffering of Christ (it is now ,aren ,but one are marl'led a , Holy Week) ando! thEl 'Surety with homes of t?eir own. T~~ ,of the resurrection. It all s~e1l\ll one; Susa.n, ~s aust begun ~ e like just words, and th'e dying lege~enJoYl~ a~ advan, t~ man feels utterly' thwarted as which was unposslble f0l' . e the priest hurries away. others. She is bright, has won Understaillis Safferlll&' i1cholarships, but cannot ;co~ But .'in the 'succeeding day.. tinue school if her father eann " 'the w~rd8 come back to him and' llOntinue to earn. ' take on meaning. "Jesus had He has never managed to s a v e . been a man and had d:led and ' '00' a shop making much. H IS J eta ,In novelties paid h a' d gone t h roug. h 'It a. II H e p8 ,combs, c om · A'nd there' were drew strength from the ought Ibut rno d es t l y. . d' h th ht, .... h · orders slackened or •.• HIm an me, e ,oug ,...mes w en '. Him and me." latop~ed, :vhen de~resslon or .re-,. ,He even begins to grasp the +:., , 'ceSSion h1t bard. ' p0int of sutfering, to p,metrate Deep, Ce~in Know'lellge something of the myster:r of,hia He thinks of his children, one daughter's pain and de:!lth. "It 'lty one. Raymond and ,Grace was true after all he' thought, ihave happy dispositions an.d that something el~ comes with 'Ilave managed to, make. th~1l' the suffer,ing. if you wait, lone OWll, way.. , But,.~h~t ,of Dons, enough." . ,never popular, always overDelirium 'OCCurs. It is: inter,demanding - he has not given ~ittent, though. Clinging to the her the sense of being wanted truth that there is One who had end loved which' she craved; suffered and is with him, Alph 'and 'Rene - his promising ath- goes on to the end,never breakletic career cut shot:t by • ing down, never betraJ,ing to 'OI'ippling accident? this family his interior t,>rment. ~ddenly the thought be had. his fears. And when' death GOt • faced, had held 'at '~y, comes, M ,caabe laid to 10 out iftIShes upon him - he is gome to meet it. w die. "But' it was more, than a Mr: Cormiel"s til'lt DOVei~. Ulought - At w.. a ,cleep,~- ,mot perfect. But iteomeselOllll ..in knowledge that had welled, -to being a faulileSl presentation '1IP inside, like an evil ,flower at. ,an· uAusual and diffictlllt B\ib~lossoming. It was a kn9_edge, ~eet. Tar from'l:Ieiq deplressiDC. Utat had 'been there all theti~, it is inspiriftl. . 'Waiting to push toward 'the .-urface." : It caused him panlc,then ,re'Jilentment. He tried to ,putU «way. Sometimes it disappeal'e4 DETROIT (NC)-:A ceillsus of 'of itself, as, briefly, he felt bet- blind persons iii. this arch~ioceae iter' ,or something 'occuN'ed to w.i1Ji1 be sponsored by the, new. 'distract him. Confined though fOl'med Detroit Conference of. be was to his .bed, the Icoming 'Ca~olic Blind. ,of spring regiStered with ,him;' The project was proposed at theor.ganization's first meeting, attended· by about 50 blind ANGERS (NC~-Sisters'of the people. The conferene-Ii wu ,'" ' 'Good Shepherd from 47 'coun- formed after a'day of r~~ollec­ 'itries meeting, here in France tion held here for the blind. It ihave elected as their ,superiOtl' was suggested that an orl~aniza... ;general Mother Marie of St. tion be formed to provid,e more 'Thomas Aquinas, 49, the Com.- frequent spiritual ana social ,munity's ':Superior in England. IlCUvities for UMWiD4.' :




Conference, of Bilind, To Sponsor CenSiUI

Good Shepherd' :N'uns .

In addition to the Mass study program, the report shows that there were 12,100 laymen in 159 parishes' participating in the weekday Lente~ Mass attendance program.

,CRUCIFIX FOR AFRICA: This carved walnut crucifiX:, . made by Sister Mary Jane Kadyszewski, in partial fulfillment of requirements for a Master of Arts degree at Catholic Uniyersity 'of America, will be shipped to a Holy Ghost missionary in Rom:bo, Tanganyika. Admiring Sister's artstry is Father Charles ConnQtS, C.S.Sp., of Washington. NC Photo. '

.Bishops' Agency,Aids 'Formosa

Migration Congress VATICAN CITY (NC)-Arch.bishop Giuseppe Ferretto, Assessor of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation. will leave hent BOon for Ottawa to attend the fourth International Catholic Migration Congress taking place from Aug. 21 to 25.


TAIPEI (NC)-The AmeriCaft :mishops' relief ·agency has sent illl its available food supplies to the stGrm-ravaged center of the Island. Fathe~ Francis O'Neill, ,M.M.. ,director in Formosa of the Catholie Relief Services-National· 'Catholic Welfare Conference, said bis agency sent 3,000 .bags of rice to central Formosa, where floods added to the damage done ,by Typhoon Shirley. "'l1he ,tropical stormkiUe4' scores of persons and left more ,than 50,000 homeless. , .on the ,east coast it swept away the roof of the Lotung tuberculosis 'hospital, ~hich was 'ibuilt withCRS-NCWCassist,! ance and is staffed by the CamKlian Fathers. More than 50 patients, were transferred 'at night from the hilltop hospital to , a nearby novitiate of the Benedie, 'tine SisterS: , The mission area hardest hit ;by the floods was central ,Fl)I',mosa's Taichung prefecture, which is ·staffed by MaryknoU Fathers. A vital bridge wu washed out and roads 'all4i. ··raD. lineS were severed. "




'IPre'late Sets Exqm;ple I:n 'Adopting' Re,fugee TORONTO (NC)-James Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop ol Toronto, has '~adopted" a young 'Yugoslav refugee. Stefan Silec, who was a st1:tdent ina Franciscan m~naster7 in Yugoslavia before g()ingto a refugee camp in Germany, had boon eager to come to Canada. . but his brother and sister, now' living in Toronto, were unable to make tM necessary financial guarantees. , On learning Of the situatioa, 'Cardinal 'McGuigan signed ~ necessary papen that will permit the 23"year-old refugee to ·enter Canada. Cardinal McGUigan.'s action is an example for the cit.y's 70parisbes, eaoh Oil , whie'h ·has been. asked to "adopt" aaontil'e


Mucee faIaUr.


Vicariate ,Considers lBeatificatioR Cau_ ROME (NC)"':""The Rome..... eariate hu~. considered 101":poeaib1ebeatification the causes 01. ; ,two Italian fo~& of l,"eligioM , congl'egati~ , The vicariate opened.' the llpostoiic procesS on the 'vlrtue. an4 ,miracles of Bishop GuidO Maria Conforti gf iParma, who died'in 1931, and who founded theiPious Society of St. F<l'aocb Xavier .for Foreign Missions. . The vicariate al90considered the cause - of Father 'Giovanni Calabria of Verona, founder of the men's and women's branc!neG' 'of the Poor Servants of Divine PPOvidence. Father Calabria tied 011. DeCember I, 18M.' ' .












lokar Coffee ,j

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The Catholic in America

Quebec Act Di!rect Cause: Of American Revolution By Rev. Peter J. Rahill, Ph.D. This Is the sixth of a seriesl of articles reviewing the pos!tIon and experience of the practicing CathoUe in the life of the American community from Colonial times. The author hoEds a doctorate in American Church Histo1'1', has taught in various nnlversities, and is presently Archivist and Historian of tile Archdiocese of St. Louis.


Eighteenth century American Catholics may have thought that they had plumbed the nadir of colonial; intolerance during the'French and Indian War. The Acadians bad felt the deepest bite of the lash in expulsion from them native Nova Scotia. South- obvioUs benefits of the' episc;:opal ward in the territory now visit, even the spiritual advan... the United States the "Act :~.Of the saeraments eon... for disarming the Papists" I Except 'Catholles' m~~t ~ave been extremel~ hu-

nuliatmg for any CatholIc of consequence. Whether ~ Dot an individual's house was searched. for wea~.ns, the SUSpiclo.n cast upon his loyalty entil' e I)' b e.",: en~~ of hili religIon pre..sented a severe test of . ilis fidelity to the ChUJ'ch. In adopting the animosity of the government of the mother eountry toward the ancient religion, colonial anti-Catholicism had out-heroded Herod. The fall of Quebec brought death to the gallant Marshal . Montcalm but also extinction of New France. In the Treaty of Paris of 1T63 the French monarcby ceded all claim to the vast t~itory n~ and west ot the Bntlsh colom~.., Fo~ Catho~ics h.vm« in the EnglIsh provmces It must have. brought a rosy gleam of· hope. ~ longer wO';'ld any r~son exist for chargmg the faIthful wi!h ~ympa~bY .for their co-re:ti~.OD1stll fighting under the Lllles of France. Could they not look forw~d to .8. definite iml)1'ovement 1ft their status? Bopes Dashed All these expectatiON!' wen dashed in the controversy whieh arose both in England and in the eolonies over the Quebec Aet. The fresh· difficulty 10r the Catholics in the English colonies originated in the refusal of the French and Spanish governments to jettison their formew subject. at the peace eonf~ence. The defeated powers bad iftslsted the all-conquering government 01 King George III not discriminate against the newl:J acquired inhabitants because of their Catholicity. This solicitude resulted in the indusion of . the following clause in the Treaty. 01 Paris: "His Brittanic Majesty ... agrees to grant the liberty of the Catholic religion to the inhabitarits of Canada ...Announced by proclamation on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of 1763, the Quebec Act was' hotly debated on both sides of the Atlantic f~ 11 long years. ·Becoming a law on the eve of the American Revolution, It unquestionably was a cause of the colonial rebellion. DillaPproves Proposal One instance will indicate that the Catholics in America did' not presume upon the freedom proposed by the Quebec Act. With any priest subject to expulsion or even death if apprehended in the English colonies, it will be readily appredated that no bishop was present. Once the territory east of the Mississippi was united under one rule, the Holy Sec proposed that Bishop Jean Olivier Briand· of Quebec visit the faithful along the Atlantic seaboard, especially in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Father Ferdinand Farmer's response to the suggestion was prompt and decisive. This zealous priest pointed out to Bishop Briand that any indulgence enjoyed was contrary to the letter of the law. The presence of a bishop, even temporarily, might invite summary aetion. This disaster would counterbalaJW:e by far the

Almost two hundred yearrs later it would appear that the priest had correctly interp~eted! the ill temper of American nonCathollcs of the 1770's. A review of the more. flagrant incidentlt of these years will suffice. One had taken place the pJlevious· year~ The Boston Committee of Correspondence had enUomerated the causes· of dissatisfaction among the settlers. COne of the rights demanded was ''to worship according to the dictates of one's own conscience." But while insisting upon this freedom from the mother country, the New Englanders explieiUy denied it to "the Roman Catholicks." In addition to the usual vituperation of "Babylon's Whore," as the Church was branded, the New Englanders cited the British Toleratiol'l Ad of 1689 as a firm legal precedent for this· disbarmeftt~ Suffolk ResolvesNo dissent was voiced to this exception in any of the 13 col!onies. With an increase in the disagreemeIit between parent and children the famous Suffolk Resolve~ were passed by the New Englanders in 1'nt. Article 10 of these resolutions explicitly condemned the· heedom of conscience granted to Roman Catholics. in Canada lUI "dangerous in an extreme depee to the Protestant religiOD and to the civil rights awt liberties. of all Americans." . Addresses wae sent to tile ~ingl declars:tions iS8ued of. rights and gl'levallfts, and an appeal Il}ade to ~ people of Great Brit$, all during the month of October, 1~74. E~e~y one of· these declarations lIsted the Quebec. Act as an ~njustiee to the colorust& aDd an mte&lI to eDSJave them. Animosity Deep-Seated So it was no uneducated mob 01' a few demagogues. who hurled the invectives against the Church in the English calonies. The tradition olanim08ity toward; Catholies and their beliefs was so deep-seati!d that· there were scarcely any who even questioned· th~ antagonism. The Address to the Inhabi. tan18 of Quebec was dispatched also in this month of October, 17'74. The Quebec Act itself had: been written for the benefit of these people, who had been subjects· of the British crown fOIl' only slightly more thari a decade. Catholicism being free and unrestricted had been the principal irritant to the English colonists in the Quebec Act. Appeal to Canadians Yet the appeal for a united! stand by them against the mother country included this: statement: "We are all too well; acquainted with the liberality of sentiment distinguishing your nation, to imagine that differences of religion would prejudice you against a hearty amity with us." . Is it possible to conceive a. more complete reversal of position than was cijsplayed' by the First Continental Congress within a few- days? Retention of their heritage of Faith in the face of increasing oppression had long since proved the courage and fortitude of the colonial Catholics. The enthusiasm with whicb this beleagured group joined! the struggle for national as weUi as religious liberty will be in... spiring to every Catholic today. Next Week: The Liberty JBeUi Binga for American CathC)li~s.

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2 ~~ 39




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Au~,. 11, 1960

Brother Visits Bishop Walsh


Need ',t@

Now Facingl Mo'ke Choice

HONG KONG (NC) - Bishop James E. Walsh,"M,M., has been .visited in his prison cell In Red China by his brother, Judge William C. Walsh of Maryland, it was reported here. Judge Walsh's wife. who ItOcompanied her 70-year.!.0Id hus- . band to this British Colony 00 the border of communist China.' said she had received a telephone call from Shanghai sa,... ing the Judge had seen Bishop Walsh.. She reported the Bishop WQII said to 'look' well. Bishop Walsh had refused to leave China despite threatll from the communists and their subsequent offers of free passage out of the country. He disappeared in October of 1958 and was sentenced in March of this year to a 20-year prison term Oil charges of espionage. This bogus conviction aroused universal contempt, and prompted the U.s. to lodge a strong protest with the Chinese. communists. Bishop Walsh, 69, was a missioner in China for almost two . decades, '

ROME (NC) - Psychological relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches have improved noticeably in the past 90 years, according to a specialist on thE! Oriental churches, This opinion is expressed by Eather Pelopidas Stephan,ou, S.J., in an article ,vidualistic doctrine:," .. Thus, in Civilta Cattolica, the Jesu- Father Stephanou says, "Orthoit's Ro'man province maga- ,doxy is pushed unavoidably tozine.' ward a process of clarificatic?Il." Father Stephanou. says. doctrinal obstacles to reunion of the two churches, remain as great as before, But he cites the words of Orthodox Archbishop Jaco~os: "Today all objections to UnIon are synthesized in the primacy of the Bishop of Rome and in'his

"'I~"I un,s 50' VEla rs'

Continued from Pa!:'e One Sister Mary Leonce ·of Sacred Heart parish convent, l~all River. Her sister, Sister Jane Andrea, stationed on Long Island, joined her in jubilee celebrations at

infallibility.", ~ Stumbling Block The Jesuit writer says that a' the community's Summer vac'a:. stumbling block to reunion is' tion house at Nanaquaket, It L the existence of Catholic EastAlso noted were silvE~r jubile'cs ein Rite communities ~iJ. pl'e- ' of three Holy Union ~ll1ns, They dominately Orthodox countries.' ar~ Sister James Helena; Sacred The Orthodox have often urged Heart School, Taunton; presently Catholics to show their good on the staff of Our Lady of the trttentions and mutual respect Lake Diocesan Day Camp; Sister . ALSO JUBILARIANS: Also celebrating 50 years in by suspending all conversi<in Stephen Therese;, St. Joseph's religion are (left) Sister Mary Lydia, St. Anthony's School, efforts especially by members . School, Taunton; and Sister T t d S' t Mary L" of the 'Eastern Oriental Rites. he Jeanne Clara, St. Martin's Con. aun on; an. IS er eonce, Sacred H.eart parish convent, Fall River. t F a 11 River, states. ven, "Though the doctrinal pOsi° WASHINGTON (NC) -One tions have not undergone anyl' U hU!1dred and seven teachers great change, the' psychologica 'ttl'tu'de' I'S really 'dl·fferen,t." Continued from Page One' . Con.'I nue d f rom P "touring the United States were age De O as press, ' cmema,' radio, tele1 a11:"a.ther Stephanouwrites. 1931. he is anative·of"l:>etroit.,. ' to d a,that American Catholics ' touch' with him during'histerm> VISIon, in order to train "tech- , owe debt to Mexican Catholic.. , 'AS evidence of this change he Father Zo_ . , '()fservice:' 'nicians and local leaders in these ;especially for the early Mexicaa cites the different receptiol18 Very Rev. Norbert' Zonca,' Requlremeng . fields." '.' . ' missions in the Southwest and accorded to P,ope Pius IX's .an- 'S.T.D., present' administrator of Ca'rdl'nal MI'mml' 11'S'ted. the e"'8.,' "Teams for guiding.'Catho-' West.. ' , : no-un~ement of., an ecumenical .... ,. ,lic.,tell,ch,ers . in "public sch901,S. , ,. . . Our -Lady of Perpetual Help 'se,·ntial. requirements 'fo,r parti-. The, reminder came - from «lOuncil in 1870 and tQ His., Hol,, h WI'II go t 0" C'orpus' Ch ' ti cipation 'in the 'program . as', T ~e.,Y' are ne,ede,d to train Catho-, F at h er Francis T. Hurley,· assist, . pans, . ns ness Pope of John XXII,I's.Yati:, an~' 'h B uffalo. ' . "pr<!bity of life"teachingknowl';'" ~ics, who,a.re,teachers in ,public :ant general. secretary of the, ,the Second ,pans, Dc)uncement . , He wiH be-repiaced in' New.. edge of Catholic doctrine, teclt.;,~: sc!t9Qls'so that, within the lim- ,National Catholic Welfare Conean CounciL.', " t:. Bedford by Rev. Adolph Ba'naCll,' ' 'nical ., knowledge . for 'training:, ~t:;t~ion.s of ..the l~:w, they ,~an ference, H~'spoke in Spanish at Hostility' coming from St.. John ,Cantiua . .'leaders, acquaintance with Latin' present, Christian life and doe- ,a Mass he offered for the MonThe announcement .0i':PoPe 'Church, Clifton, N,J. . "American cultur-e, speaking",trine tc> ,~eir studentS.~ ': ",tere,Y teach~rs, in the Nationai', Pius IX was received . with.. hos, ". At the New, .Bedforci ' "· h ' ~'Teams .fo", Engli,sh.:.lan.g_: Shrme late C'()Dpari. "k' now1e d ge 0 f ~I'th,er, S ...!,>ams.,.or,: ' ~,' .• ' of the " I mmacu, tility, and. the q,rthodox .Pa~ri- , Portuguese kno ledg of th ceptlon of Constantinople refused since 1948, Father' Zonca ~was, '. . , '. ,. .-:', e"" ,-' ,uag~J~aching; which are' highly , F . '. ' _. previ,oUsly rector of St. Hylic,inth'" specia.l adl.vlt., to which' hili, :desired, 'l.·n: many rou'ntries of " ..ather ,H!!rler also s~id that " receive the Pope's letter .,coh" te· ded ted .. although USC th 1 , . Seminary, G,r.anby." Ma.ss" '''atId ,.am IS . lca . '. Latin.,America.'!' ' . .":' a 9 IC. a,re Cerning . the co.uncil.. ,.. ,. . ' '. ' proud of theIr Faith th d' . " . ' ',. serv,ed .as :prefect of stu'dl'4a and' . ;He suggested, that as the pro,', ,.' "ey a mue In contrast a, "feeling of j o y . . . . . ' , ' , With hum 1 t th F·th· M and 'exultation" greeted .Pope discipline at St., Francis Hig'h' gram develops the bishops of 'Youngsto~n , I l y e al In ell:.Iohn;s announcement to call'an- School, Athol Springs, '-ii/here' be ' each, American' TO ..... " C II ' lCO, has been purified by . . ,~lso taught Greek.' '. 'might "establish a' national cen,Q .~ew 0, ~ers~u Ion an~ today is growether- ecumenical council. , · t e r , to coordinate ,work 'of _. c;ANTO,N '(NC)-:-Walsh Col- ,m!, wlth'new vIgor an~ life. ',Behind. th.is change is t'he 'fact: 'He is the author of asemina~ the vo·lun't'ee·r·s'.', .' ... ', ,r .. ,~ge, I' ,., . 1iberal. arts ,. ., - The, teach,er~96' women a-AI • ., ~ Qew' college that the Orthodox Churc~ "totextliook '00. 'St: Anthony, Gi.,' ", --., ,for,· 'me'n,', ,ha.s,set mid-October":;' 11 men~were guests here of the . f d' w l'th makl'ng a Padua' a n d h as a 1so b ' guar.. Types .... fore'g . 'tors " co~mlttee . een . . ,. " ,Needed '.' . its open,ing, date. Some' 60 first-, 1 .n VISI of, the, d ay IS ace el).oi~e of serious COnsequence." dian of St. Francis Friary, AthOl . Ca.rf~mtal Mlmfm'li lIsted1 . ntine ,year students fr~m, this area 01. ~1.ashfmcgton Archdloc~san COUll~a~her Sfephanou cOIltinUes. " Springs, At Our Lady of Perpet-' specI IC ypes ~ . ar vo IJn ~eI' '_ -Ohio wi'U be ac~epted. . , Cl. 0 atholic Women. Trinit,.',. ' Choice' ual Help he liqiJidatedthe parish-' teams needed In Latin Ainer-:", ,., , CJllege housed the women and 'This choice has been brought debt, rel110deled the par:ish' cori':' Ica:;, . .' '' The institution, firs~ Catholie' ,the Oblates of Mary Immacuabout, he says, by the coliapse of. vent and supervised e;{tensive 1. ''Technical teams 'for ceteCOllege 'in the Youngstown diola&e housed the' men renovations' of the 'chur,eh reechetical. activities, for the train"': "cese is' named for Bishop Emmet ~ the which tory'and school. - , havenational servedinstitutions' the Orthodox ing of specialists in the teachi~g 'M. ,Walsh ~, Youngstown. lC; of ,catechism and, the instruction will be 'operated by ,the Brothers Church as a scaffolding in the He was ordained in 1924 at of catechists," . of ,Christian Instruction and and by the profoun..d.. 're- 'StJohn' L'a'teran B aSI'I'Ica "In .. . '2. "Teams ot'inarried couples;" eventually will enroll about 400 P'i,'st, li~iousness among the masses R~me, . who wi,ll de<iicate themselves to stud~nts, , o( faithful. 1.72 ACUSHNET AVE. , ,As a result, th,ere -is imposed spreading the" principles '01. ..... "!ear Brooklawn Park oft,. the. Orthodox dei-g'y' and Te~. Christian,family life, the neceshierarchy "the need to ,adapt . ,. sa'ry b.asis for priestly vocations, '. NEW. BEDFORD, ~ASS. ,&l.l· 'a'lue " .' and to traihingleaders in this' 101'ems'elves to the d'I'vI'ne' v'. 'C on..oued from Page One '. activity." " . Sam. J. laGasse, Manager of. .their own mission and to the . ' ' t t k f ., will op'en next month arrl'ved' 3. "Technical teams for Cath0 mdl- ,in Hyannis this week ItO take olic ' charities activities. Lay ex- ' d,Ism egra ing 'wor . , up residence at the Hall which perts will train both volunteers .. will. be open to all children of and paid staff workers in con·NO.IOa 1'00 lie the .<::ape ,area irrespective' of ductingsocial centers, house-toContinued from Page 'ODe' · creed and color, For the presen~. house visitation, :etc" on the napeople ,of countries visited. " TOO SMMl :Other members of the com- ,the school will' admit students tional" ,diOCesan and parochial · able to take· adequate care of levels," " . rrjittee inch.!de Glarence Banks 4.' "Technical teams for ur.ball of Sacred Heart parish, Ameiico themselves and on a day 'basis. 'On the co.mm'ittee arrangi~g and industrial problems, to be Rltmos of St. Michael's parish and assigned to heavil,.. aild, , 'Clement Dowling of· St. the Tea are: Messrs.' John T.', trained . ' . ~NTERS' ". R~ 'WilCOX CO.: MurraY,-Thomas J, 'Ly'on'.'" John'. communist areas:;' ...,. nseph's p~rish:' " , . '''''' " , 5. "Technical teams 'for rural" .' Speaker at the first L8bor. ,P. Birmingham, Joseph' Cronin," ,. "OFFICE FURNITURJ. Thomas P C ' . . community betterment, to,raise MasS in 1958 was Rev..Hubert .. ·8tod1: for I __ odiete 0 ....' _ Fallon, Fr~nk ~~~~ie,.~~:ifl~er~ " the 'economic level in oackward' C. CallagJIan, S,J" distinguished • DESKS ' " • CHAIRS· , areas, organize':coo'p'erativeB' and ........... &....~irector of ,the Institute 'o~ In-. dames Ralph Shea, Jame's J. 0'. , · ' small in·dustries,'.etc:,· ... · , ,'"' . FILING CABtNETS dustrial Relation!! at Holy Cr:oss L eary, .Charles Curran,. Thomas . , •..flRE ,:I':E$:' • ,SAfES College. Last year, labor men J ... Lyons, Roland. :De~t'(;siers .' 6. ''Teams. for fe a d e rs hi p Robert O'Keeffe, Frank Mutrl'e-' 'anlong university,'students',."- " ' b~ard Rt. Rev, George G. Hig-' .. :FOll)l~G TABLES . , . 7. '~echiiical teams for gins, Director of t~ / NCWC ',-!oh!'i. 'P: l\'IUl:ray, :,' "AN.P CHAIRS ' . 'Jpge l!>h' T'corrimunications 'activities,such Specia~ Action Department and "Burke" John Shlelds',,Jei'emiah . . . . . , ' : , . -,.' ., IOSYON • cOlumnist for The Anchor, R~ WILCOX Bowes and Miss. Mary C~OSI~' ,,----.~,------..;....;;",....- - -

f ran'clscans

Va toIcan,0 tlOInes. f. ' merlCO '· ,or' L.a toIn" A

Says U. S. Catholics Owe Debt to Mexico








Diocese '_:. ~h~~h ege






·La,bor Mass.







Fires De-st~oy Two Schools in Austrclfoa· . ,SY?NEY' (NC)-Two Catho': hc 'kmdergartens in the Jlletropolitan area have burned 00_ · on successive nights., , The schools, Our Lady of Fat- J Ima Kindergarten at Kingsgrove , and St. Felix, Kindergarten at B~n~stown,. \,Vere o!'\ly' five ~IIes ' apart. ,Both were a total loss and damage was estimated at $30,000. ' The C~nises of the fires remain a mystery, although police ventured the opinion that children began the KingsgrQve fire. A Methodist· minister offered his c:hurch hall to the Catholi<: pail- , tor at Kingsgrove for use as a ~indergar~

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,THE,ANCHORThurs., Aug. 11, 1960'

Charges British ' 'Television Offers Deba~ing Programs

LONDON (NC)-A committee set up by Britain's television networKS to evaluate the impact of television on children has roundly reproached the networks for broadcasting "drivel" and debasing material. The committee, ereated b y the British The coIDJDittee's repoiot said J:lraadcasting Corporation that television seems to enjoy and the In~ependent Tele.- an authority never possessed by vision Authority, pointed the cinema "and perhaps no-

out that between 34 and 61 per eent of, all British ehUdren watch television during the UU'ee peak boUftl from e flo 9 P.M. The committee commented OIl various kinds of entertainment presented by, the television networks during those hours. -On shows featuring vio- lence: ''The Committee believe. that even if no scientific evldence yet exists for the harm.ful emcts of such (violent) mc:idents, common sense argues that the cumulative ,effect of their constant repetition is more likely to be injurious for chil-

longer possessed by the newspapers,' even if they once had ·It." It pointed out that British lawmakers have allocated -to television networks the privi.lege of using the airways. Impose Responsibility "'Their privileges impose the responsibility of acting consistently with the public good," the, report said. ''This resPonsibility cannot be fulfilled if drivel, bru1ality and deb~ moral standard8 are significant features' of the programs provided ift the peak period of family viewing.II 'The committee analyzed, the problem as follows: dYen than not." "The core of the problem .. Degraded Attitude the need to ensure that children -On popular songs: "Too GEe ~ given an insufficiently many lyrics broadcast are merevaried picture of the adult world, ~ drivel and have a generally by the rapid succession of pEGdebasing tone which is to be . grams to which, by the mlture deprecated. Mucll 0( the em- of the medium, they are ellvbasls in these. lyrics is not on posed. . sentimentality, which hu its "While the adult may be able generally innoeUOlH place, but, to evaluate what:e sees, ebBon, a degraded attitude to sex." dren may not. • • .-:-On plays: "A easuaL ap-' . The eommittee ,recommendeG , preach,to marital ,fidelity, ill of- that the BBe and the ITA forten discernible, going beyond mw,llte a, joint s~tement,co~;" the. license,' traditionally permUting .themselves to· the, J?re- , mitted"to ,comedy.". sen~tion of p~~ams, IlUI~, .-On quiz shows: "'The nightfor childf.e.n ,.dun,ng the peaK". )y. gloating ,over',rich rewards" hours of VI~wmg. , ' , " fol:puny,~orts mu~ in the long' It d~l~ ~t bl'oadcll~~s term ',enCQurage the deve.op-,' ca~t le~veto parents the e"!,-, ment of a false ,set of· values, ira tire' responsi~ility of, sup,~rv~s- , .' relation ..toboUl, money and to log the television fare of ehil..

Benedicti~e Asks

Youth Take Lead In Erasing Bias .; MOUNT ANGEL ABBEY (NC)-A Benedictine priest told a group of Young Christian Workers here in Oreg01l , that the Church, Christ and the nation .are looking to them te erase the un-Christian, unAmerican blur of raclsm in ~ United States. Fat b e r Ambrose Zenn~ O.S.B., at a yeW West Coa~ Study Week, said "it is the soJ.;. emn duty for anyone who calls himself a Christian to know and implement by his actions Christ'. teachings on race." Father Zenner, rector of Mount Angel Major Seminary, spoke*more than 100 persons who Moo> tended the week-long meeting on the theme "Race, Parish, PoD....."",s." lJDlty and Equality The Church's doctrine on r~ Father, Zenner 'said, presents a , problem because "her interracial E10ctrine is Dot over-vhelming);y evident in the history of the 0 RENSSELAER (NC) - Ste- in area groups for workshOJl6 to Church in the United States." phen Mitchell, former Demoplan political aetion for ·the Although there its evidence flII eratic party National Chairman, coming year. II stable Church policy toward ~ill preside at the politica~ ~s- 'Other speakers inclucrePerey minority groups such as the 10810n of the Yo~ ChristIan Williams, dir~r 01. the Prerd- dians in this country, the evj.. Warkers 'annual study' week': at dent's ComriUttee' on' 'Govern..' 'dence of.' interracial doctrine 01'" St'. Joseph's College here" m" ment Contracts Midwest region- tbe ,Church in regard to tb() Indiana. aI,.office in Chicago; who ',wnI Negro race' is "not as apparem.~; S9me' 500 delegates· and chap- talk on discrimination 'in em':::' Father 'Zenner said. He urged youth to put forw81'4 ' plains from nearly 50 dioceses" ployment, and Vel Phillips, Mil.; the 'Christian racial doctrine" and archdioceses U1 the United. waukee Councilwoman and 00-" which is as' old as Christiani~· States 'are expected, to attend chairman of the rules· committee ' h 'II ' itself."''Unity and equality of ,aD.. , the study week whic WI begln, for" ,the Democratic National races is the heart of the Catholie Saturday. conV,ention. ,Mrs. Phillips, will teaching on the racial problem,.at Following the Aug. 10 politi- , explore diB<:rimination in '\lOt- Be declared. ., ealsessioh, delegates will maet ing.


Former· Democratic C"·hairman T Add ress yeW ,. Stu dy W eek

'. Ai;' Force Mission,:":. Warns C.at'h'o'I,.es' ~ Cardinal Meyer, Areh, .. bishop of Chicago, will discuss to Disband .. ' West .Indian Archbishop' Denounces Foes Merciless ~~~,~a: s:d :::Ci~Y: : ' Team WASHINGTON (NC) - The" Air Force's l1-year:old Catholic Education Commission's Report KmGSTON (NC)-The'Bishop· Thursday. Mission Team, two chaplains de-



PORT-OF-SPAIN (NC)-Tbe Catholic: archbishop here declared that "the Cat h 01 i e Cburch will never assent" to,any attempt to' have the education of ehildren "complete17 subjecrted" to the government. '


China Leads World M M 1ft odern artyrs

prelate quoted from Pius of Kingston told Chinese Cath-' encyclical, Divini IlliUll Mag~stlll': olics assembled here in Jamaica , "Let ~t be loudly proclaimed that the communist eneinieeof and generally understood that their lay' apostolate "will give MUNICH (NC)- China hal wh~ the Church demands, CaUlJW quarters." produced more 20th century' 0100 scbpols for her c~ld~, Bis~op John McEleny, S.J., martyrs than any. other country, she is,not raising, a question 1m- said in an address before the III £hine&e' theologian declitred" . .,,' , ~ posed upon 1)er. She has n~ de-, ftinth' annual' Chinese Catholic here. Jo.1ochb~ Pa~ '. . sire to divorce her children from eonference: ~ather Viaon~,. Hsin told pi1- \ Ryan, O.P., pi. POI't-o~-Sp8m.~ the 'natlonalspirit and' way"Of "Your apostolate is opposed grims at Munich's International a J)8lltoral letter too.Ie lflSue W.lth life On the contrary, she wisb@' tJoday by forces which will' give Eu'charistie Congress that one of the. re~ of a speclJll e~ueation to '~ould' 'them 'in accordance fiG quarter. Even &II you think every seven Christians in China e&mmi.88~onol. the government with it in the best sense and ~:' in' ternis of world conquest lor has given his life for his Faith. 01. TrinlClad and Tobago. ~ the way most advantageOus W'\' Christ's'love, the forces of evil" He said that in the p&&t }6 Il~n-;ral tenor 01. ~mml&- the nation. For, every true Catk- aze intent upon world conflict, yea" mainland China's Red Slon II report, he ~ud, mvolves olic trained in accordance with· and 'hatred." , , ' m a s t e r s have subjected' the .. ~ camouflaged claim, to exclu- Catholic doctrine, is by that very The Massachusetti,;.bo.Fft Bish- country'S 3'.5 million Catholics slve control of edl:lca"tlOl't by the fa~ found to be an,. excellent " ' '. to atrocious persecution, mur.~t o continued: ' , , dering more than 500 pri~sts and s_ e or g~ve r o m e n t . " 'citizen, a sincere lover of, h i aOIl -, . Against this, Archbishop R~8fi country, arid a loyal.and obediThe conflict between the free imprisoning more than 10,000 reiterated the Catholic teaching ent subjecl, uriderany legitimate WQl"ld and the communist 'world'. priests and lay pe,rsons merely that it i1l parents who have the form of government.'" ' if!, between two irreconciiabIe' because' they upheld their '!oy_ primary responsibility lOt' the Urges catholics Act concepts' of man: The concept of' alty to the Church. education of. their children, and In bis conclusion, Archbishop man as 8 person with inherent that it is the task of the state to Ryan reminded the Catholics of dignity and God-given rights aid them. these islands that "heaven helps which the state is obliged to re,Asserting the right 'of C&th- those who .help ~em~lves." To &Peet,and the con$:ept of man oUcs to their own 8C~olB, tM this" he added:' as part of. a mass, without sig"Catholics. are roughly one- nificance in himself and with for . . third of the POPu,lation and in- o~ly suCh rights as an omnipo,elude representati'\TeS of every tent state sees fit to ,grant him.


voting most of their time .. oonducting missions around the . world, will be, disbanded iA ~ember and its duties assumed by eivillim priests. .ThE Office of the Air Foree Chief 'of Chaplains said thai bringing 'in Civilian priests te oonducl the missions puts the program inUne with the pro;. Ill"am e1 religious missions fGI' Protestants and of Jewish To.rM, eonvoeations.





Dominicans Re-elect Father John Marr .



section of our cosmopolitan com"A't·., PI·lgrl·mag~, DUBUQUE (NC)-Father John . m~nity. Their suffrage is no I .. Edmund Marr, I O,P., was resmall power. F~r electoo for a' second four-year "They must ~nsist that" the ,'. CAP DE LA MADELEINE provincial of the Dominicans' or government resp,ect and (Nth-One hundred anQ twenty: Province of,St. Albert the Great State rotect .theii inherent liberty ; f ~ ill"es ,.WI· t h '. ,~venor ,more,' at the province's ~ixth chapter. P to bring up their children: in children each attended the an.The meeting, 'beld at 'st. Rose witb "the law 'of God DUal ,pilgrimage for. large 'fam-' priory here, was atte~ded by 37 , accordance and His Church." , ' , delegates from seven states. , The Archbishop ordered the ilies to ,the Shr,ine of Our 4dy; , Queen of the Rosary here. One Father Marr's election was conpriests of his See to read and ex- fllJ1t,', ily included 21 children... , firmed by' Father' Michael plain the long message serIally B:r,owne, O.P., Master General of on eight successive Sundays. . B ish 0 p Martin Lajeunesse, the Dominicans, who resides in ending Aug. 21. O,M.I., who comes from a family Rome. . ' , of 15 children, six of whom enFather Marr joined th,e,DomiDtered religious)ife;' officiated at icans in 1927 and was ordained the pilgrimage. to the priesthood in 1934. He taught at De Paul University in MANILA (NC)-Manila PostThe KEYSTONE Chicago, and at the Dominican master Enrico Palomar has. House of Studies in River Forest, , charged that communist agents Warehouse Salesroom m.;. where he alsO served as ,i,n Hong Kong are deluging the ,New and ,Used priOr. He served as a pastor in Philippines with obscene literOFFICE EQUIPMEHI' " New Orleans Qefore he was ature. . ' . ' eleCted provincial ~'succeed, : Mr. Palomar disclosed that the Father Edward L. Hughes, O.P. Bureau of' Posts recently discovered a large amount of ob~icnic , llCene' material mailed from Immaculate Conception parish, Hong Kong to individuals in the We iho'<lf • large Cl&eortment of Fall River, will hold its annual Philippmes. desks, chairs, filing cabinets, tables, family picnic Sunday, Aug. 21'at He said the addresses were apetc., in wood and steel. Also metal St. Vincent de Paul Camp. The parently chosen at random and storage cobineh, IOfet, d!emng, roin date will be Aug. 28. Ar- he urged parents, schools and lockers, etc. rangements for transportation law enforcement officials to may be made with Albert Kel'!l keep close watch on reading 108 James $tI'eet, near Un~ between" and 10 Wednesday materials which fall into the New Bedford WY 3-2783 eveniD& Aug. n. iIands 0( ;?Guns people.

LqrgeFamili,s' '


Reds Send. Obscenity To Philippines .




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Pare'nts Prepare Own' Chadren For Eucharist

,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 11, 1960

~ MiS$~~6

BreY~ary~ R~ifQrm

First in four Centurie:$



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100 children between the

VATlC'AN CITY (NC)-Reforms of the Roman Missal _ and breviary which go into' effect next January 1 will be · the first complete revisions of the two liturgical books in , almost 4'00 years. Athird liturgical book, the R0rl1an Ritual,

ages of three and eight received their first Holy Communion from ,His Eminence 'Joseph Cardinal Wendel, Arch"bishop ,of MU!lich. All the children' were pre· , pared for reception of tpe Sacra-. ment by their parents only. Par. : ents accompanied' their children to the Communion rail of Munich cathedral and received the Eucharist with them. The cer· emony was a highlight of the .eight~day (July· 31, to Aug. 7) International Eucharistic Coh· gress held here. . ,C~rdinal Wendel. told the chit· · dren: "This is your big day at · the Intel'national Eucharistic 'Congress." He urged them to : remain "pure, brave an~ pioull . children' of God." . Privilege and Righ~ . The Cardinal declared: "It is the privilege and honorable right · .of parents to p'repare .their. chil· dren for first Holy Communion." 'He also recommended, early Communion for children. The Cathedral of Our Lady was filled to overflowing before · Cardinal Wendel began cel~ brating Pontificid High Mass. · The children, clad in their best '. Sunday clothes rather than .the customary white, followed the -Mass with special picture prayer · books, Each picture was. accorri- . panied by a' ·few simple words. " One father. arid mother brought thl'ee children. of· pre-school age .: to the Communion rail. Another ·.couple went to the rail with six .children.· '. , Cardinal Wendel smiled. each ,time he' gave the 8acra'ment to a young chiI~.

: is also ~xpe~ted to be. pu - ·.with the study of wheth~r or not , . lished in revIsed form III the a' complete 'reform' of the brevi. ; near' future.' Announcement ary was opportune. The work of • af the coming changes in the . ~his commission fro~nd its '!"ay ~' d breviar was made mto the acts of the fIrst Vabcan M~ssal an t ' Yued by' His Council in the form of certain in a documen .' l'f .', p ' J 'lSS hn XXIII on recommen d a t'Ions f'or simp I y· Hohness ope o . ing the breviary. But its work · July 25. . t b d th t . t' Details of the reforms in the never wen eyon a pom. · . d M' '1 have yet to In 1902, .Pope Leo XIII ap, breVIary an Issa . t d t' . , : be published. S.oine details have pOI~.e ~tPer~anfe~l'cO;mlsslOn~ · . 1 d 'n the course of rna, mg 1 par 0 Ie, ongr~g~ -been rcvea~. I . ever It has tion of Rites,and ,mtrusting to h W .tbhe. palst. yedar'froom an a' ~thoriit the .duty of studlring possible ; een earne, , 1 . . th b . . th t the breviary- .changes not on y m e rev1ary · tahve.source ., . also . I~ , th e M'Issa, 1 P ,on t'f' . th ta t··f each day's ·.b.ut I Ica 1 · contammg e exh'ch o. . must be ' .. a'1d . the Rltua . '1. T--h't ... ., Off'" a ,comllllSSlon, Ice, w I. . . . ' 't b 0 a d"d b ,p : Dlvme -recited or .readJ)y"all priests-:", '~~ p~~~r 1:36 en" . y ~~~ AT TAIWAN' CONSE~RATION:',Some 2,000 person~, will be contained in two volumes IUS. m. , remat.ms paIr · i f ' d' I .", t ' 'f' 'd th . d" f th esent four ,the Rites congrega Ion. t . s including many. oreIgn II> ollla s, WI nesse e consecra·, Instea 0 ~ pI' . chiefly responsible for the forthtiOll ceremonies.of the Most. Rev. Paul Cheng" right, new . Reduced ~i~e. ' comin'g reforms "of 'the Missal, ' h Th C d' I T' I ft f th : ,It has also been mdlcated that breviary and .Ritual. auxiliary bi~ op. to omas· ar ma . len, e " or . e ,<. A,rchaioc~se of Taipei,. Tahvaili :Chin~..Ne P,hoto. · amount 'of time needed for the , , .. " MaJor · breviary's reCItatIOn WI'11 be .. . ' S.. ,lp .. '. , .P?pe·OSft · .PlUS X sh~~e?e~:~t I ·greallY reduced. Taking an hour -8S' the normal length of time for Dlvme .f ICe sonrew a I~ .. l"lll -its daily recitation, th~ reformed, ~nd.a maJor step to'~a~d Slmph: w a5s breviary will require about' ~ flcahon of thpe: blxevI1Ia~y 19_ 'minutes to recite. .' taken b y Pope l U s m a. JERSEY CITY (NC)-Who : his studies. " . -, . . ' - . Exactly how the breviary will . He reduced the.ranle of ~ num- .wrote the first. Baltimore CateIn ,addition to .his parish work; shortened :has not been o.ffi- ,bel' of feasts, ,t~lI~S CUtb~lg. the chism, whos~ 75th anniversary he taught the,olqgy and philos.. '. 11' vealed But it is gener- ..length. of the: Dlvm<e. Office as-. . is' being' marked this year? 'ophy at Seton Hall College and ella yaccepted. re. . d f ' , .;ally that. major simpli- :s~gn~. or, th em. B' U\ h'IS s·Imp l'1The,fact is that there is' no .. wrote a . number of profound fication will· come' .in Matins, ,flcahons were only ~ ~~rt of a official record of, the' authOr Of - theologiCal studies. _the principal and 'longest houl' of . g':eate r re~qt'm ,he. envISIoned. . the' first' question-and-answer - ,The best· information avail'the Divine Office. It is expected It ·remamed for Fop,e :John' exphlliation,' ~f basic doctr~ne . abi¢ indiCates that he spent ~that the three divisio I1 s:of Matins . XXIU to .see.~he wor.k of ref.orm which was ordered by the Third : December' of 1884 and January -called' Noct.urns'-:""'each,'of, the:thro'!gh. t? .c~m~let.l!>n,.:.al1d ~o Plel{ary Council of U.S. Bishops '"of-1885 working on thecate;Wree composed of ,three pslan\s, :announce'lt m hiS n.lOtu.pr~pno . in Baltimore;, ' -chism: a period. which parallels :,the' Our Father,an ilPsolution, ,of. J~ly 2 5 . , ..But· . most, 'authorities beli.eve - a visit by Bishop Spalding to • blessing, .a' respollsory, and : ..Under. the new :reform, the 'original work~was written by' an . 'New York. three lesso~s taken' from Scrip- number of: feasts in the litUI'- " Italian~borri' 'scholar' in a da;nlp Four. ,months after ,he "had · lure, the Hfe of a ,saint, or a hom- .. gicat calendar is' expected: 'to be room in the basement of old St.. ·been gIVen the task, Msgr. Dei1y-"-willbe :reduced to one ; sharply curtailed. Many". feas~s Mi~h~el's church here.. . Concilio saw the c~techismpu:b-: Docturn. - h~~etofore ~bserved more ~r less He was Msgr. Januarius ·De.., .lished. A~cording to parish lor~,. . . Still Being .Printed .·solemnly are, e?tP~ded to' be Concilio, a native of Naples and he' sometimes ~amented th~t It, -Catholic Universities , '. . . " S· d C· made simple. feasts .. It is also 'f' 'st' t' of St MI'chael's Alhad 'been pubhshed sO SWiftly Get Scie'nc e Grants · AuthOrities of the acre on- bel' d th t d f t f 11' pas o r . . . . .' hi' t' to · -egation of Rites' have revealed - l~t.ve .' t,1!- s~lclonb ~lrYl' e~s tS °d • though the Monsignor hi.mself . Without _allow.ll~~. mime . WASHINGTON (NC) - Two ... .. h mos· sam s WI e e Imma e . make some reVISIons ,C a tho I i c'· universities were 'that the actual decree on ,t e re- F" . I' th 'f .t f th . never publicly claimed autho~- . ..' . 1 an d b ' 0 e Disame t ' d C om forts · among the 54. institutions of ·· form of. the Mlssa revlary si"or exam.p~, t f St F e 'eas " fA" ship, the originalcatech"Ism' IS '--a Latin document of some 150 !g:t·a bll 0 }',". r~n'i1s 0 d SSlt ,'attributed to him by Father Msgr. DeConcilio was known :higher learning . sharing in :'pages~cannot be expected to be mig. e ~ Imma. e< a:1} .on ,Y. Thomas " Chapman,' . C.SS,R.·, ,to enjoy teaching children and ,grants of over two million dol· h" ' h e· d before. A.u gust '15 pu bl IS . Its 'the I bslIlgle .d feast of St. . ,FranCIS . . 'among others, F ather, C apman '. especia,lly'. preparing t h em f or ; lars for the· improvement of :ftnal form is still being proofl'ead ce e rate:N 1m t' '. , has taken 'part in the series of -First'Communion and Confirma- graduate research facilities. ; and edited. . .", ew pe 'liS " revisions of ,the original cate- ·-lion. . , Alan T. Waterman, director of t·f The 1mport~,.I·. of the c o m i n g . . · l' ·t·' Th e M Issa m 1 s presen 01',:"- . reform' lies' in the fact that the chism. He disdained most comforts · the National Science Fou~dation, ·which made the awards, said the ~ dates. from.. 1568 and the breVI.., ." . . ' Ch "11 be' .. given ;" 'Wan<ed . andsuffet:ed' for years from urch" Wl. • Uniform Text. . h · . re f orm h ad. .. praylllg .. t 'th" f th .Msgr. DeConcilio's l' 0 I.e rheumatism he. contacted while · grants 'wel'e made on a 50 pel' · ary from 1570. Tell' " been authorized by the Council n~w t Impe u~~ o~' t,.e eve the. stemmed from an orde.r of the living in the'damp-:-basement of cent matching basis. This ar· h . the 'rangement requires the school • O·'f .T:rent (1545 to 156.5) when it 'g". t~ea h' ma~ld,es ,a . l<?n ' h' 0 . h" . e U.S,,Bishops'in 1884 for'a ·uni-. 'St . ' M'ICh ae l' s, ch urc·1Il g l C · dl'fl'ed and un1'fl'ed the. II'tUI'- '" theac mg, an ru. m . I urc., 1.n . . · to provide half the needed funds co l ' form text of basic doctrine to early days 'of the parIsh. "€lical practice. of the t.atin Rite e comlllg; ecumelllca C9uncl. . repla~e a rash of different and " Msgr.· DeConcilio, . died on Church. , " , 'Off' M ' ° AI' . March 22, .1898, at the age of 62 , During the,cEmturies that fol- . . ers . ,~s.s lin .,ps unsuitable ·catechisms. " 'n l' t d b' hi : lowed many additions:'and par- 'For .C":mblon·,. ~~IOoct' °lms . B~shop John L. Spalding: ~f . of.an I ~ess:co~'p Ica e y s, , '.' ',. " . " ...., _ '.' , . . :-t V· . . Peoria III was asked to submit ',rheumahc condlt!on. .- FUNERAL HOME · tlal.· rev1slqns were made m. the TRENT (NC)-Ma"s was cele ,'" , ' , . h' I t " : ' From his slllall boo~, the, U.S. 't 'g' I bo ks' alway's under . . , .). . a draft for. a catec Ism. IS' . ,986 Plymoutli Avenue _ · l,I l.l1: .Ica " 0 " . . ' brated,in a rock-hewn-chapel in ' believed' 'that 'he' \vent to 'New .Church ,has dev~loped ·a ~rles Feill River, Mass• · '~~ autho.l'lty: ,()f .~h~ qopgrega-:- .t~e nearby Ital~an' ~lps. for vic- 'York and got in )touch with' ~of. gra?~d ,catechisms des~gned Tel. OS 3-2271 ' .,~on of RI~es, ..whlc;h .was ,set uJ\ . tlms. of, ml?untam chmbmg acci- Msgr. DeCohcilio 'who had "a ,pl'lmapl~'" ~,.supply a ,ulllf?rm : , DANIEl ''"l, HARRINGTON : ~yPOP~.SlxtU~V 1~,1~811 t? 9!- dents thl'ou~hout the world", wide reputation a' scholar." expla!labon .0fChurch teachmgs : : ~ct,the. carr:y~ng out, ·9£ dlvllle " The .Mass is an annual event'" '... , ".. .; ,: " , ·for teach~rs -and· authors of ·reLicen.... · ·Fv".~1 DirectOr " worship. at the 'chapel of the .Twelve . h:he' !1,o!1!lSlg~Orh~~. co.~~, to. :ligiOl"~ education. textbooks and , - and Reglolered, Other Changes Apostles in the Dolomite Alps. t e ~Illted ta es as a ml~l~ncourses. Changes have been made in The chapel was built by an ~ry /~ 18~liandl h!,~ S:Udl~d ttJe' breviary many times, par~ Italian mountai~-climbing club . n~ ISS WI rta mos.y h r:.n eI P ,ticularly by Popes Clement VIII,' as. a monum.ent 'to those who zea. 'fome Ire ? t S sfaf ..e }tvh . d , . h' l'Ives. i n .scaI'1Il.g. on a ''f' ruga 0 enng " V'ban VIII and, B~ned1Ct XV. h,ave.Iost, tell'. t' 'f Ie 'th' . ISf in 1856, almost a century after ,the great peaks of thE! world.' mortI ~ca Ion or: e sl;lccess 0

·Bel.eey'e .... ew Jerse,Y p.as.·tor Author Of.. 'Origina. I .BaItim.ore .C.atechis.m.·.








· Benedict XV's death, Pope·Pius The chapel is.a large room Co.nv.e.nti.on....'S.pe.a.k,er . . IX set' up a: commission charged carved out of. the rock. Its stone . . ' a l t a r . is surmounted b:v- a30-foot DETROIT.(NC)'-Father Eu· Observance .to C'lose .crucifi?" alsocar:ved out of the gene·I. Van'Antwerp, S.S., rector' , b rock walls. From the entrance of St. Mary's Seminary arid Uni.', Renewal Ju ilee . . ,. . versity, Baltimore,'Md;, y,'ill gallery of the chapel visitors.. . . . t STOCKBRIDGE (NC) - Spe- ca'n see the spires and precipices speak atthe opemng ~vent of he ei31 Marian Week devotions will of four snow-covered mountains. ·6ist annual conv~nbon of th,e be held at the Shrine of. th.e On the walls 6f th~' ehapel are' ,Veterl!nsof Foreign Wars 0.0. Mercy of God here Aug. 21 to a num,?er of stone' pl~quescom- ,Au~. 2L F;lther :~an Antwerp, a 26 to close the golden J" : .. --: memorating various mountain :nabve of Detrol~, ;was named. year of the 1909 renewal of tn~ climbers who .died wh.ile climb- rector of St. Mary s '1fi 1958. · Marian Fathers' order. ing. Highlighting .' the seventh 'llllJEFFREY. E: nual ceremonies at the Marian. 'Lutheran Bisho,p Host · Fathers' ,monastery will be· the . SULLIVAN ,coronation or' the statue of the To' Catholic Pr1elate' . Pilgl'im Virgin of Fatima. he , MUNICH ENC)"':- Archbishop F.... Boine statue, now on an American tour, Lorenz Ja'eger of Paderborn was 550 Locust St. has been venerated by over 15 the guest of the Lutheran Bishop Fall River. Mass. million persons throughout t~e in MuniCh, Dr. Hermann Dietz0.5 2-2391 world. The Divine Liturgy felbiilger, during the Interna-. Rose E. Sullivan (Mass) according to the' Byzan- tional Euc:haristic Congress. Jeffrey E. Sullivan Archbishop Jaeger is the Gertine-Slavonic R i t e will be offered. Aug. 27; Blessing of the hUll} Bishops' representative in sick will take place the following' interdenominational' inatters. day. . . L~theran authorities appealed The Marian Order, founded in to Lutherans here'to show Cath1673,' was reduced by Russian olic pilgrims tp the congress the' FUNERAL· HOME, INC. persecution to one member. This same hospitality that Catholics R. Marcel Roy - c. Lorral~ Ito; . single priest received 'permission extended to Lutherans during ROlfer LaFrane.. from the Holy See to renew the last year's Lutheran General FUNERAL order 'in 1909, changing. 'it ~o a. Assembly in Munich, when Jos., - , DIRECTORS . : congregation wifh simple vows. ' eph, Cardinal' Wendel, Arcb':' ii mVINGTON CT. · The 'first Marian 'Fathers" foun- , bishop of Munich, was host 'to a WY 7~7830' ' dation in 'the U. S.: was estab- Danish Lutheran bisho;p and, hill " . NEW . .'. BEDFORD', . ' .',.. " wif~' .. ' . .' . \ Ushed in 1913. .




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