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t eanc 0 VOL. 39, NO. 31


Friday, August 11, 1995




$11 Per Year

Pro-lifers encouraged by House, Senate vote on abortion coverage WASHINGTON (CNS)- In action on an appropriations bill, the Senate Aug. 5 voted to ban coverage of abortions by federal employee health pla.ns except in cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is I:ndangered. The victory for pro-life forces came during an unusual Saturday session for the lawmakers and followed on the heels of other votes in the House on the abortion issue a few days earlier. The Senate's 50-44 vote, which came after six hours of heated debate, restores abortion restrictions on federal insurance coverage that were in effect between 1984 and 1993. Th,e restrictions were dropped after President Clinton took office. On Aug. 2 in the House, lawmakers overturned a committee's vote to end funding of a federal family planning program, but other pro-life provisions of a major appropriations bill survived a challenge. The votes came on amendments to the $256 billion appropriations bill for the departments of Education, Labor and Health and Human Services. The family planning amendment, passed on a 221-207 vote, reversed an earlier House Appropriations Committee vote to revoke all funding for the Title X program and to apply its $193 million budget to two state block grant programs the Maternal and Child Health block grant and the Consolidated Health Centers program for community and migrant health. States would not have been required to spend the brock grant funds on family planning, however. But an attempt to remove other provisions favored by pro-lifers failed on a 270-15S vote. Those provisions would: -Ban federal funding of research on living human embryos. -Give states greater latitude in deciding when Medicaid abortions will be funded in the state, meaning states could dlmy Medicaid funds fOf abortions to poor women who are victims of rape or incest. -Prohibit state and federal governments from penalizing any obstetrics/ gynecology residency program because it does not include abortion training. All the amendments considered by the House had the strong back-

ing of the U.S. bishop's Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. Its executive director, Gail Quinn, said the measures would probably be condemned "as the w()rk of 'rightwing extremists' who oppose 'freedom of choice.''' "But even a moment's serious reflection indicates how misguided such rhetoric really is," Ms. Quinn added at the time of the committee votes. "These measures chiefly have to do with getting the federal government out of the abortion business, ending policies by which government had actively promoted and subsidized abortion." The provision on embryo research prohibits federal funds for any research in which human embryos are created or "destroyed, discarded or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death greater than that allowed for research on fetuses in utero." The Medicaid ~'I;lendment would let states refuse to use federal Medicaid funds to pay for abortions in cases of rape or incest. States would still be required to pay for Medicaid abortions when the mother's life is in danger. The provision on !1bortion training was adopted in response to a recent directive by the Accreditation Council fQr Graduate Medical Education requiring residency programs to offer abortion training or risk losing their accreditation.

-------------1 Pastorates to change in two pa~ishes Pastorates of two Fall River diocesan parishes will change in the coming months as a result of decisions made by the religious communities who staff them. The Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, Immaculate Conception Province, will withdraw from pastoral administration of St. Louis parish, Fall River, i,n mid-September, and the Congregation of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will withdraw from St. Francis Xavier parish, Acushnet, next year. In light of this, Bishop Sean Turn to Page 13

../ PARTICIPANTS IN THE national Catholic Charismatic Renewal conference held in Orlando, FL, pray at a Mass. (CNS / Brund photo)

Charismatics meet in Orlando ORLANDO, Fla.(CNS)- They danced in the aisles, thrust their hands in the air at every mention of the Holy Spirit and chanted softly, some in tongues, when the celebrant said: "Do this in memory of me." More than 4,000 Catholics were among some 7,000 to 8,000 people who gathered in Orlando for the 1995 Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization. The National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference was held in conjunction with the July 26-29 congress. The visual aspects of charismatic renewal are only part of what the movement has to offer the universal church, say its leaders. "Our centrality is a proclamation that Jesus is Lord, and we have an openness to the charisms of the Holy Spirit," said Walter Matthews, director of Chariscenter USA. The center, in Locust Grove, Va., is the headquarters of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. The movement is also sociological, with its own culture and language, Matthews told The Florida

Catholic, diocesan newspaper. And sometimes, he added; it has been a struggle to keep a Catholic identity. For instance, Catholic charis~ matics must ensure that the charisms of the Holy Spirit are not separated from the sacraments, he said. The sacraments of initiation baptism, Communion and confirmation - let in the Holy Spirit, explained Matthews. Followers of

the charismatic movement believe that through reawakening or renewal of the relationship with the Spirit, faith is strengthened. He noted that being baptized in the Holy Spirit should not be confused with being "slain" in the spirit. Charismatic individuals are "slain" when they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly perhaps as a result of a group prayTurn to Page 13

Bishop Stang HS among 4 finalists in national study Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, is one of four Catholic high schools in the nation named to participate in a $670,000 four-year program of consultative guidance addressing finance and governance issues in schools while emphasizing their Catholic identity. Of 1200 U.S. Catholic schools invited to apply for the program, Stang was among 12 semifinalists and the four finalists. The others are St. Bernard's School, Eureka, and Verbum Dei/ Regina Caeli/ S1.

Michael School, central Los Angeles, both in California; and Don Bosco Tech in Boston. The program, to begin in September, was developed in response to a Harvard University research study, "Effective Catholic Schools: An Exploration," which documented the success of Catholic schools but warned of potential problems of finance and governance. The undertaking, funded by an Turn to Page 13

...----In This I s s u e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Parish celebrates 90 years

CompResource aids workers

A CD-Rom for canon lawyers

The face of homelessness

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2 THE ANCHOR ~'riioces~'of Fail'RiVer ~ ·Fd.~ Alii'il, i99'5'

4,500 at Cincinnati' parley for pastoral musicians' CINCINNATI (CNS) -.Musicians and other church personnel converged on Cincinnati's convention center July 24-28 to hand down Catholic musical traditions and to present new repertoires for today's Catholic commun.ity. . The 18th annual convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians brought together 4,500 people from across the United States and six other countries to sing, play and pray. Among them was Philip Lowe Jr., organist and minister of music at St. Patrick's parish, Wareham. He will share the highlights of a convention workshop on "Celebrating the Responsorial Psalm" led by Dr. J. Michael McMahon, director of liturgy and music at Blessed Sacrament Church, Alexandria, ·V A, at a workshop for cantors throughout the diocese. It will be held at St. Patrick's, 82 High Street in Wareham, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16. Convention Activities . For many involved in church music, the convention is a rare opportunity to get together with peers, and the event typically fosters informal as well as scheduled collaborations. "It's the only time the musicians gather for this purpose," said Eugene Englert, composer of "Let Us Sing to the Lord," heard at the convention's opening session. He is music director at Assumption , Church in Cincinnati. "Music is a form of evangc:lization," said Jeanne Hunt, director of religious education at St. James of the Valley Church, also in Cincinnati. She gave a talk on "Praying the Story." Composer Bobby Fisher, a member of Nativity of Our Lord Church in Cincinnati and program coordinator of the organization's School of Guitarists, said that as a language, the melodies of music help bring spoken words to life. The language of music is evident in church hymns like th~ anthem "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name," said Ms. Hunt. In that way, "liturgical music mirrors the energy of the church in general with a quality of music, a spiritual depth, an understanding reason for musical prayer - for praise, for adoration and for thanks." A goal of many of the pastoral musicians is to bring Catholics around the country together by reducing the labeling of music used at Mass as traditional, organ, choir, contemporary or guitar. Fisher,' who is also music director at St. Agnes parish in the Covington, Ky., diocese, said he wants to see Catholics everywhere using a common repertoire of music. Pastoral musicians who keep in touch nationally tend to work with that in mind, said some convel).tion-goers. "Labeling creates a division in the community," said Roy James Stewart, liturgical music minister at Cincinnati's St. Saviour parish. He tries to erase distinctions between types of music because, as Catholics "we're trying to sing praise together." Participation of the people in the pews brings everyone closer to the universal experience of Christ, Stewart said.

"It can really bring people to a new understanding," he said. "It gets people in touch with an emotional responseJo the encounter." And in working with parishioners, music ministers need to remember "to be humble" in their leadership role, said Ms. Hunt, remembering to be sensitive to the needs of their communities, to provide support and to act as servants and listeners. "I think part of the ministry is to have the music invite people back," she said. . In welcoming the musicians to Cincinnati, Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk told the standing-roomonly crowd at the convention center of a welcome extended by King Frederick the Great of Prussia to Johann Sebastian Bach in 1747. The king, himself a flutist, devoted his attention to the visiting composer, the archbishop said, inviting him to try the palace's new pianofortes and later accompanying Bach around Potsdam to play on the organs of various city churches. Archbishop Pilarczyk said he hoped to offer a similarly warm welcome, and told the church musicians: "You are the heirs and successors of old Bach. You play an integral part in the liturgical life of the church. You bring people to experience the beauty and majesty of God. "You enable them to partiCipate in worship in ways that only music can achieve. And you lead them to pray with part of their souls that would remain unawakened without your skills and your talents."

OBITUARY Palmira Pereira The Mass of Christian Burial" was offered Aug. 8 at St. Michael's parish, Fall River, by Father Luciano Pereira for his mother, Palmira (Botelho) Pereira, who died Aug. 3 at·age 85. Mrs. Pereira, a resident of North Dartmouth, was a native of Capelas, Sao Miguel, Azores, the daughter of the late Henrique Botelho Medeiros and the late Maria Dos Anjos (Medeiros) Botelho Medeiros, and the wife of the late Antonio J. Pereira. She was a member of her son's parish, where she was active in the Holy Rosary and Mt. Carmel Societies. As well as by Father Pereira, she is survived by five sisters, Gilda Botelho, Albertina Pacheco, Beatriz Carvalho and Fernandine Almeida, all of Fall River and Conceicao De Sousa of Portugal; by a brother, Alberto Medeiros of Fall River; and by several nieces and nephews. 11II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor,·P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.

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AT ENDof90th anniversary Mass of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, New Bedford, in left picture, from left, Father Roman Chwaliszewski, pastor, greets Mrs. Pat Pitsley, Bi.shop Sean O'Malley shakes hands with Mrs. Helen Gracia; right, Edward Skozolek kisses bishop's ring.

O.L. Perpetual Help, New Bedford, marks . 90 years as parish community With flags, banners, flowers and brightly costumed children, members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, New Bedford, celebrated the community'S 90th year at a July I evening Mass ofThanksgiving that had Bishop Sean O'Malley as principal celebrant and homilist. Polish-American War Veterans bearing the American and Polish flags led the procession into the church. Mass concelebrants, all Conventual Franciscans, were Very Rev. Thomas Reist, vicar provincial for St. Anthony of Padua province of the order, and Fathers Roman Chwaliszewski, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and SebastianSlesinski and Isidore Kowalski, parochial vicars. Representatives of parish organizations welcomed the bishop, presenting him with traditional gifts of hospitality, and a banquet followed the liturgy. Speakers included Bishop O'Malley, New Bedford Mayor Rosemary Tierney, and a parish spokesperson who promised that the day's events were "only the beginning of an exciting and ambitious yearlong celebration. We have plans for a great deal of parish family activity!" Parish History . The history ()f Our Lady of Perpetual Help began with the late 18th- and early 19th-century migration of Poles to the United States in order. to escape adversity

and oppression in their native land. Those who came to New Bedford, however, found no Polish-speak.ing priests, thus were at first dependent for spiritual leadership on , Polish priests from Boston and Rhode Island. Eventually, however, with the consent of then-Bishop Harkins of Providence, who at that time had jurisdiction over what is now the Fall River diocese, Father Edward Uminski came to New Bedford to serve its Polish population. A political refugee from a Russian-controlled area of Poland, he dreamed of establishing a Polish parish in New Bedford and, despite opposition, was able to raise enough money to buy the land where the' church now stands. Actual construction began 90 years ago this month, and on December 31, 1905, Bishop William Stang, first bishop' of the newly-erected Fall River diocese, blessed the church. Father Uminski enshrined the icon of 'Our Lady of Perpetual Help, patron of the parish, at the main altar where a statue of her now stands, imported from Germany. He was to remain pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for 10 years until he was transferred and succeeded by his associate pastor, Father Hugo Dylla, who was able t.o reduce the parish debt by half during his tenure. The third pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was Father John A. Nowicki, who began his tenure

inauspiciously when the 1918 flu epidemic forced a temporary closing of the church. After two years he returned to Poland, to be followed by Father Andrew Baj, who served for 12 years. Father Stanislaus Rycze:k, the. next pastor, who took over the reins in 1932, was faced with. a parish on the brink of bankruptcy as the Great Depression tightened its hold on the nation. Afte:r five months of struggle, he suggested to then Bishop Daniel F. Feehan that Our Lady of Perpetual Help be directed by a religious community. The suggestion was accept~d and on March 2, 1933, Conventual Franciscan Father Leonard Pakulski became the' first of his community to take over guida nce of the parish. Eventually, under Fathers Richard Brzozowsk i and Norbert Zonca successively, the mortgage was burned in 19~;0; but unfortunately by that time major repairs were needed, thus indebtedness continued. During his pastorate, Father Chwaliszewski has been ahle to replace the church roof, in:,tall a vinyl exterior, hardtop the parking area and replace the· 55-yearold organ. The rectory has been refurbished and it and the church have had old heating and a.ir exhaust systems replaced. There was truly a lot to celebrate as. Our Lady of Perpetual Help marked its 90th year!

Knights hold 113th·annual convention: In his homily during the conKANSAS CITY, Mo. (CNS)Pope John Paul II's encyclical on vention's opening Mass, Archlife is a direct challenge to today's bishop Keleher said that the pope "culture of death" and to the influ- in his encyclical "points out that ences that culture exerts, delegates modern society cannot speak the to the Knights of Columbus inter- truth any better than did Cain." national convention were told. An example of that, the Kansas Speakers, including Boston Car- prelate said, is how today's culture dinal Bernard F. -Law and Arch- uses misleading rhetoric to describe bishop James P. Keleher of Kan- abortion and euthanasia. sas City, Kan., addressed pro-life The aim is to make both not just issues, as did the Knights in the legal but "socially. acceptable," he resolutions they approved. said. About 2,000 people participated As the convention opened, a in convention events and 70 cardi- message from the pope was read to nals, archbishops and bishops also . those assembled. In it the pope attended the meeting of the 1.5- praised the Knights for their promillion-member group. life work, noting that "the sure In his address Aug. I, Cardinal measure of a society's commitment Law said the Knights were without to justice and freedom" is respect peers in their support of pro-life for life and for the most vulnerable issues but said any pro-life efforts and needy in society. He also also must encompass concern for thanked them for their pro-marthe poor andJhe weak. riage and pro-family initiatives.

In his annual report to the convention, Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant spoke of a momem later this year that will be "without precedent in the history of our order" - when the Knights join the diocese of Brooklyn, N. Y., in co-hosting an Oct. 6 Mass by Pope John Paul. . "For the Knights of Columbus to be singled out in this manner speaks more eloquently than words can do of our role in the church and of our relationship with the vicar of Christ," he said. During a pre-convention welcoming reception July 30, De,:hant was awarded the "Silver Angel," the highest award given by the Kansas Catholic Conferenc:e. It was only the sixth time th2lt the honor, given for distinguished service to the church, had been awarded. (See photo, page 6)

Father Fernandes:

"Optil1nism pervaded pro-life meeting" ORLANDO, FIa. (CNS)-"The landscape is looking very different today" on abortion, Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahonytolda national gathering of Catholic prolife leaders Aug. 4. Less than three years ago a newly elected President Clinton had "single-handedly wiped out five pro-life policies in one fell swoop" and "we quickly faced the relentless push to mainstream abortion," he said. "But today we are moving forward with many pro-life initiatives of our own. With the new pro-life majority in Congress, President Clinton's unilateral abortion policies are being turned back," he said. Cardinal Mahony, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, made his comments at a first-ever joint national meeting of diocesan respect life coordinators, diocesan natural family planning directors and state Catholic conference directors. Representing the Fall River diocese at tile meeting were Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes, director, and Mrs. Marian Desrosiers, assistant at the North Dartmouth office of the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate. Father Fernandes, lIJtreeing with Cardinal Mahony, observed that "an optimistic spirit pervaded the meeting." In his talk the cardinal made a surprise announcement that through Vatican int1ervention, 13 Chinese women in California who were facing deportation to China, "the country they fkd because of forced abortions and steriliza-

term as head of the bishops' prolife committee, stressed that in the fight against abortion "education is the key. Education has always been the key ... the need to return, again and again, to basics." He cited widespread advocacy of legalized euthanasia in the United States as another ongoing issue confronting pro-life leaders. He quote~ a statement by Australian governor general Bill Hayden in a speech Hayden gave this June advocating euthanasia for the elderly: "There is a point when the succeeding generations deserve to be disencumbered - to coin a clumsy word - of some unproductive burde:ns." "Let us never forget," Cardinal Mahony commented,. "that euthanasia is not about freedom but about devaluing people's lives." On another front, Cardinal Mahony reported:. "Today we have the beginnings of our national database of identifiably pro-life Catholics who are willing to make their voices heard on pro-life issues. "This is a major and important undertaking. It is also an expensive undertaking," he said. He said the project of entering data from 1.3 million registration cards has been funded and started. After weeding out duplicates and those who ask to be removed from the list, "we should have a national pro-life mailing list of about 800,000," he Haid. At another convention session, said Father Fernandes, Camden, NJ, Bishop James McHugh, the former director ofthe U.S. bishops' Office for Pro-Life Activities, reminded delegates not. to rely on legislation alone to achieve their goals, but to make a constant endeavor to c~ange people's hearts and minds on pro-life issues. The Fall River director also cited an excellent presentation by Father Gus DiNoia, OP, of the Dominican House of Studies in teefora Human Life Amendment. Washington, DC. Father DiNoia Ms. Quinn said the members of spoke on the recent papal encyclithe bishops' Committee for Procal, "Evangelium Vitae," stressing Life Activities asked her to set up a its emphasis on the necessity to similar phone tree to disperse inreverse trends toward acceptance formation about Congress. of abortion and euthanasia as permissible. Taylor's group hilS relied upon Others who spoke at the conpostal campaigns in the last two vention, said Father Fernandes, years and has between 600,000 and were Helen Alvare, director of 700,000 names to inporporate into a database that could work as a . information and planning for prolife activities of the U.S. bishops; phone tree. and Hadley Arkes, a faculty memHe said he frequently receives request for information on bills from pro-life activists around the country. MANILA, Philippines (CNS) "People are just hungry for inforThree boys who escaped from mation about what these bills are," forced labor at a bleach factory he said. outside Manila led police back to their former workplace to rescue eight young colleagues in a case that illustrated the plight of child workers. Social workers who accompanied police on the raid said they found some 30 workers, including the ~:ight minors, living in subhuman conditions at the factory.

tions," will intead be allowed to go to Ecuador. The United States had denied their petition for political asylum. "The Holy See arranged with the government of Ecuador to accept these women, funds have been raised to help them start new lives in Latin America and an American nun will accompany them to help smooth the transition," Cardinal Mahony said. Outlining legislation already passed or currently pending in Washington, Cardinal Mahony said that if pro-life efforts succeed: - "Military hospitals will not be doing abortions." - "States will not be forced to pay for abortions as dictated by the federal government, even when it is against state law." - Federal tax dollars will not .fund unethical research on living human embryos...." - "Hospitals will not be forced to give their obI gyn residents training and experience in performing abortions." - "The gruesome killing of children almost fully delivered will not be allowed to happen." Several of the items Cardinal Mahony cited had been passed Aug. 3 by the House of Representatives in a major appropriations bill for the departments of Education, Laborand Health and Human Services. One defeat for pro-life advo. cates in the House bill was a reversal of the committee decision to end federal funding for family planning, induding abortion counseling. Cardinal Mahony, who this November completes his three-year

Providence pro-life phone tree may be national model CRANSTON, R.I. (CNS) - A phone tree system l:alled Lifenet developed by the pro-life coordinator of the Providence diocese may soon become a model for the country. The Lifenet system created by Maria Parker makes it possible to sort out Rhode Island voters by legislative district and parish when contacts need to be made in a hurry on legislation related to prolife issues. Gail Quinn, executive director of the Secretariat for Pro-life Activities for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, was in Providence to study the system with Michael Taylor, executive director of the National Commit-

Workers abused

ber at Amherst College in Amherst, whose topic was partial-birth abortion. He also noted it was announced that the U.S. bishops are issuing their recent message, "Faithful for Life," in October. It will be in a conveniently sized, attractive format and will be released to coin-

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the nomination of the Reverend Robert Campagna, OFM, Provincial Minister of the FranCiscan Province of the Immaculate Conception, and has made the following appointment: Rev. James C. Tuxbury, OFM, as Pastor of St. Margaret Parish in Buzzards Bay. . Effective August 15, 1995

Catholic Charities appointment made Bishop Sean O'Malley has appointed Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, pastor of St. Anthony's parish, Taunton, director of the Taunton area for the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. The appointment is effective immediately.


cide with both Respect Life Month and the Oct. 4 to 8 papal visit to the United States.

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The Anchor . Friday, August II, 1995

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4 THE ANCHO~ -Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. II, 1995

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Beware of Merger Madness



The acquisition of ABC by the Disney Corporation and the acceptance by CBS of a Westinghouse bid have sent shock I. ; waves throughout the commercial world. Stockholders are jubilant because they foresee better dividends and corporate managers are hopeful of larger salaries. The financial benefits are, of course,' far-reaching; the prospects for advertising revenue are seemingly boundless; while the likelihood of multichannel increases and the consolidation of power in the entertainment industry are cited as advantageous gains. Of course, the public has been offered the proverbial carrot on the stick. The thought of homes having the choice of hundreds of television channels is a couch potato's dream. The development of advanced media systems will naturally extend to household use in the areas of cable and satellite television, desktop business news and video on demand. We are truly on the cutting edge of entirely new systems of communication, but at the same time it must be remembered that there are inherent problems with such conglomerates. As the Congress prepares to offer sweeping legislation to deregulate the communications industry, there exists the real possibility that media companies will, as banks are now doing, merge into a few giant corporations, thus limiting individual freedoms. Even now, hardly a local newspaper is independently owned. Most are part of enormous companies such as the' Wall Street Journal corporation. Local control, to say nothing of local informatlon, becomes nominal at best as corporate advertising becomes the name of the game. In addition" the mind of the corporate publisher determines the philosophy of the paper. For example, an anti-Catholic publisher could mandate that such a mind-set be reflected by his corporate board and his media outlets. Power is the name of the game. Another danger posed by corporate giants is that of pric~ control. With diminished choice, the danger of monopoly price fixing is always lurking in the shadows. CNS/Bakhshand"gi photo In a time when the dream of effective unionism has turned POOR CLARE SISTER MARIA PRAYS AT CLEVELAND MONASTERY into a nightmare; when Congress is the tool of corporations and when the stock exchange has become the pulse of the "0, how have I loved thy law, 0 Lord! It is my meditation all nation, the outlook for the individual and respect for personal the day." Ps. 118:97 freedom are both more than diminished. There are many who simply refuse to recognize the dangers now inherent in our economy and there are also many who have abandoned their right of choice. In either case, the basic needs of people are ignored and human rights are ridiculed. what was certainly not a "bolt out right to have unrestricted aborBy Father Kevin J. Harrington of the blue" was how little atten- tions and freely available contraThese are grave underlying'issues that should be seriously The upcoming United Nations tion the media devoted to this ceptives, all without parental considered as corporate mergers seek approval. ' Beijing conference on women will year's letter in comparison to last Somehow our elected',officials should be made to realize that in all likelihood become a rerun of year's letter when the pope in- knowledge or consent. Not surprisingly, this ki nd of their duty is to be champions of the people, not of big business. last year's population conference structed the faithful to abandon ethical environment is reflected in in Cairo. The media, in my opin- any thought of women becoming If they are truly interested in the well-being of their constituthe fact that the word "genc.er" is ion, are biased in favor of the radipriests. ents and the common good of the nation, they will legislate used nearly 300 times (and "sex," cal feminist agenda and against Are the "Vatican fears" about "sexuality" and "sexual" almost safeguards protecting the consumer and ensuring personal , Pope John Paul II. the upcoming conference justified? 100 times each), while "mother" rights. They will pursue the course of路justice rather than that of Four days after the pope issued Dale O'Leary, a Providence Jour- and "motherhood" appear fewer a letter endorsing equality betWeen patronage. But, sad to say, history shows that Congress in nal columist, who attended the than 10 times each. Marriage is the general is deaf to pleas for reform, choosing rather to listen the !,exes, condemning sexual vio- Cairo conference and is also sched- least used word, even counting the lence, praising women who had very attentively to Wall Street. uled to go to' the Beij ing confer- use of the word in sentences .about struggled for th~ir rights and offerWe know that we are but at the start of massive business ing a personal apology for those'in ence, found plenty to fear in the the early hazards of marriage! Little wonder that the Vatican mergers. It is thus more than important that everyone who the church who contributed to the 120-page draft "Platform For Action." She wrote: "This is an . has called the draft document undesires to safeguard his or her individual right of choice and oppression of women, New York anti-woman document. The femibalanced. My advice is to batten freedom of expression be very cautious as industry tries to Times columnist Gustav Niehbur nists who wrote it don't like the down the hatches and await the entice us with glowing promises of a better and more entertain- characterized it as a preemptive decisions many women make, such same storm of Catholic-bashing strike aga,inst the Beijing confer- ' as choosing to be wives, mothers from the media that the Cairo) coning life. One could gain baubles, but lose oneself. ence:

Thoughts on the Beijing conference

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev, John F, Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ lp.a'v P,p.ss- Fall R.ver


"In its timing," he wrote, '''the document was hardly a thunderbolt from the blue. It was intended to help shape the debate leading up to the United Nations' conference on women, which the Vatican fears will be influenced by Western ,feminist ideas with which it does not agree." With the exception of the personal apology, the 16-page papal letter was hardly a "bolt out of the blue," not because of any ulterior motive concerning timing but because of its, content. The pope had already dealt with many of the same issues in the same forthright manner in his bestselling book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" (Knopf, 1994). But

and homemakers. They're saytng we're too dumb to know better, and they're going to save us from ourselves." One of the issues the Vatican has raised concerning the draft document is the language that surrounds "forced pregnancy," which seemingly condones abortion in cases of rape. The document seems to condemn the pregnancy, not the rape. This attitude is consistent with those that maintain that all genital sexual activity is morally neutral under the right to privacy that prevails from conception until the time of aboi'tion. Hence, having a child becomes the sin, not the act that leads to it. The reproductive rights heralded in the document are code for a teenagers'

ference precipitated. There will be hints of conspiracies between the Vatican and the Islamic countries to oppress women. There will be the usuaL criticism of the fact that the Vatican (the smallest country in the Vlorld) is having a disproportionate influence on shaping conference dl~bate. Know, well that the best-kept secret in the world is that the present pope, in spite of his opposition to the ordination of women, may well be judged by history as the best friend women have had in the Vatican in nearly two thousand years. But to anyone who takes the time to read what he write;, and not what is written about him I am sure that it would no longer be a secret!


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God asks us to be people of true faith Wisdom 111:6-9 Hebrew 11:1,·2,8-19 Luke 12:32-48 In our cynical and secular culture, faith is a rare: virtue. This Sunday's readings chal1enge us to be people of faith who live in trust that God's future wil1 bring us deliverance from evil and other gifts beyond our imagining. Let us place our confidence in the Lord's fidelity to his promises as we sing the lyrics of this Sunday's psalm: See, the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear him, upon those who hope for his kindness, To deliver them from death and preserve them in spite of famine. (Ps 33:18-19) The reading from the book of Wisdom is a poem describing the faith of our Jewish ancestors on the night of the Passover when they were delivered from Egyptian bondage. That night they courageously put their faith in God's oaths promising deliverance, as they awaited "the salvation of the just and the destruction of their foes." Their faith was expressed in their offering of the Passover sacrifice, "putting into effect with one accord the divine institution." This same faith in awaiting the Lord's deliverance from evil should mark our Christian eucharistic celebrations. The second reading is taken from the great encomium in Paul's Epistle to the Hebn:ws on the faith of our Jewish ancestors. It begins with a formal definition: "Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, the conviction about things we do not see." Through faith we attain what we hope for, and it is the virtue by which we are put in touch with the unseen realities of God so that we may attain things at present-unseen. Each of the examples begins with the phrase, "by faith," and each, in one way or another, anticipates the resurrection faith of Christians. Abraham's faith enabled him to obey God's cal1 to go forth to the land hI: was to receiye as a heritage "without knowing where he was going." His faith also gave him the hope: "to live as an alien in the promised land as in a foreign country."

Daily Readings Aug. 14: Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147:12-15,19-20; Mt 17:22-27 Aug. 15: Rv 1.1:19a; 12:16a,10ab; Ps 45: 10-12,16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; lk 1:39-56 Aug. 16: Dt 34:1-12; Ps 66:1-3,5,8,16-17; Mt 18:1520 Aug. 17: Jos: 3:7-10a,l1, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6; Mt 18:2119:1 Aug. 18: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3,16-18; Mt 19:3-12 Aug. 19: Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16:1-2,5,7·8,11; Mt 19:13-15 Aug. 20: Jer 38:4-6,8-10; Ps 40:2-4,18; Heb 12:1-4; lk 12:49-53

By DR. PATRICK V. REID He, like Christian believers, "was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose designer and maker is God." And Sarah's faith gave her the "power to conceive though she was past the age, for she thought that One who had made the promise was worthy of trust." Her faith, like that of Christians, was in God's power to bring life from the dead. As a result of [Sarah's] faith, there came forth from one man, who was himself as good as dead, descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands of the seashore. Finally, Abraham's faith, demonstrated by his being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, was also an ' anticipation of re$urrection faith because "he reasoned that God was able to raise from the dead, and so he received Isaac back as a symboL" The Gospel reading from Luke continues the theme of the orientation towards the future of Christian faith, which calls for Jesus' disciples to live in trust and fidelity as they await the completion of God's kingdom. In this section of the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus is teaching his followers that their faith should free them from earthly anxiety and make them faithful in performing their duties. Because the Father has given them the kingdom, the

disciples are free to sell their possessions and give alms. Jesus commands them, "Get purses for yourselves that do not wear out, a never-falling treasure with the Lord which no thief comes near nor any moth destroys." Jesus also tells the disciples to be like servants "awaiting their master's return from a wedding, so that when he arrives and knocks, yo.u may open for him without delay." If they are prepared, the master himself"will put on an apron, seat them at table and proceed to wait on them." Then Jesus uses the parable of the, thief breaking into a house to illustrate that the time of his return in unknown. When Peter asks if this parable is meant for the disciples, Jesus answers by telling them to be "faithful, farsighted steward(s)" who are busy about their duties, rather than the type of servant who counts on his master's delay and abuses his fellow servants. Ascertaining the time ofthe Lord's return is inadequate motivation for faithful behavior!

pray~~ I


Father all:powerful, God oflove, you have raised our Lord Jesus Christ from death to life, resplendent in glory as King of creation. Open our hearts, free all the world to rejoice in his peace, to glory in his justice, to live in his love. Rring all mankind together' in Jesus Christ your Son, whose kingdom is with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 Aug. 12 1974, Rev. Victor O. Masse, M.S., Retired Pastor, St. Anthony, New Bedford Aug. 13 1896, Rev. Edward J. Sheridan, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton 1964, Rt. Rev. LeonardJ. Daley, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 1991, Rev. Gabriel Swol, OFM Conv, Former Associate Pastor, Holy Rosary, Taunton Aug: 14 1947, Rev. Raphael Marciniak, OFM Conv, Pastor, Holy Cross, Fall River 1969, Rev. Conrad Lamb, O.S.B., Missionary in Guatemala Aug. 15 1926, Rev. Charles W. Cullen, Founder, Holy Family, East Taunton Aug. 17 1882, Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, Pastor, Holy Trinity, West Harwich Aug. 18 1977, Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, Holy Family, East Taunton


A.M.· 9 P.M.





For Openheartedness

The Anchor Friday, August II, 1995





'6 TH.E ANCHOR'~ Diocese of Fall River --:- FrL; Aug. II, 1995

VIRGIL C. DeChant, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, takes time out with his 2-month-old granddaughter, Kathryn Rose Thompson, during the international K of C convention held last week in Kansas City, Mo. See story page 2. (CNSj Bollig photo)

Wake-up calls to By Father Eugene Hemrick


Today we have comfortable airconditioned or heated homes, I was alarmed by the deaths of depending on the season, we stay so many elderly people during our in and watch TV and life in general recent heat wave. It was reported proceeds at a greatly speeded-up that many who died were pretty pace. isolated from their neighbors. When we get home from work, I couldn't help hut wonder if all we want to do is catch our these deaths constituted a wake- breath. The last thing we want is to up call to parishes and their peo- walk about the neighborhood vispIe. A parish should always be iting with neighbors. concerned about drawing people It's really not that we don't care; out of isolation and seeking out it's rather that the conditions of those who are alone. modern life conspire to make us Not long after the heat wave I insular people. read a report on a quite different But can parishes rest content topic that also left me wondering with tliis reality? How might we' about parish ministry. Again, it better organize parish ministry so concerned people whose isolation that no one who needs assistance is appears to be a problem. . overlooked? This report was about a recent In drug- and gang;,ridden neigh-, Harvard Graduate School ofEdu- - borhoods, how do you' contact cation study on the use of educa- working parents in the evening to tional choice vouchers in Milwati- tell them about a voucher system? kee, San Antonio and St. Louis. In How do you ge~ parishioners"tired M,i1waukee, a voucher program after a long day's work, to take now being expanded. will.provide time after dinrier to check oil the low-income families with funds.to elderly in a nearby hig.h-rise use in religious sch,ools.' " 'apartment building? But it appears the biggest probHow do we even take thddnd of lem such progrllms face may liein census that would tell us who lives . getting information on such bene- jn our area? fits to people on the margins of Some parishes are ex~ellent at society who might benefit from it. all this. They have well-devdoped Many who are poor do not take, teams whose members know viradvantage of the voucher systems tually everyone who needs help. simply because they don't realize Such success stories need to be that they exist. ' told. We need to know more about I think we need to tell them. the kind of thinking and organizaCan parishes help to check on tional approaches that make them , , the well-being of shut-ins and the possible. elderly? Can they organize efforts Ministry is outstanding in most to help reach the poor with infor- parishes. But events such as heat mation about important benefits. waves tell us that neighborhood available to them? ministries are challenged by the More basically, do we in par- insular, isolated lifestyles of many ishes even realize how isolated people. some people are? Do you know your neighbor? Do you care how he or she is In the past, when the pace oflife was slower, people sat on their faring? Father Hemrick invites readers' porches at night or walked about the neighborhood. They knew comments at his Internet address: almost everyone around them. IN%"Hemri_ck~,UA.EDU"

A story' ab.'ollt "Pine Apple Somt<one asked" Where have cal nurse- is at Grace Bussey By all the Sisters gone?" "A lot of Medical Center where they disthem have gone to meet the poor pense medicines and treat up to 50 ANTOINETTE patients a day. anil work with them," I said. Most of the medications are I had just spent time with Kathleen Rafferty, known to everyone drug sal'!1ples doctors send to the BOSCO as Casey. ,She makes a living as a clinic, Ms. Rafferty explained. She marriage counselor in Key West, said she had invited physicians in Fla. But in the summer she goes to Key West and elsewhere to donate Volunteers like Ms. Rafferty, Pine Apple, Ala:, and joins four their samples to the clinic. who call themselves Partners in Sisters of St. Joseph as a volunteer Describing Pine Apple and its , working with the rural poor. ,homes, she says "it's like some- Progress, also paid for develop"This is the most fun, the most thing out of history 100 years ago, ment ofa recreational-vehick park important thing I do all year," said like going back in time, The people to accommodate visitors i:l this Ms. Rafferty, who meets young live in shacks. You see daylight town of motels. Word is getting around about families, the elderly and the home- through the walls. There's no indoor the needs of the nuns and volunbound, and works in the health plumbing and if there were, the clinic during her stay. floors would not support a toilet." teers working for Pine Apple's , Pine Apple has no downtown, "We're in the middle of no-' people. Partners in Progre!:s can the closest store being about five where," said Sister Molloy, adding be contacted at Box 6, Pine Apple miles away. With no industry,jobs however that Pine Apple is seeing Ala. 36768. "I had been to Appalachia, but are practically non-existent. But a lot of encouraging activity. something's happening here, some"We now have a nutrition center that was nothing like the rural thing Sister Mary Molloy calls where about 25 elderly people come poverty of Pine Apple," said Ms. Rafferty, adding "I fell in lovl~ with empowering.. every day. A volunteer takes food the people there." Sister, Molloy has spent 13 years to the homebound. We have adult In the past year, she has raised in Pine Apple and previously taught day care from 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. for over $4,000 to help the Sisters of school for decades in New York about 10 people. state. She credits the people in and "At the clinic," she continued, St. Joseph in their work, doing around Pine Apple for making a "we've started a learning center for much of it in the name of her difference. "They want to see their preschool children and tutoring mother, whom she describes as "a devout Catholic, always giving." area improve, and they're working for after school." So if you're wondering where In early June, the volunteers' hard to make something of their opened a thrift shop and a lunch the nuns went, they went to Pine community," she said. room, They're trying to raise money Apple and many other such places A major work of the, nuns who include a physician, a nurse to help solve housing problems by where they and lay volunteers are desperately needed. practitioner and a licensed practi- having Monday yard sales.

Improving your memory Dear Mary: I am 65 years old, and I think I am experiencing memory loss from old age. I spend lots of time looking for misplaced items. When r tell about a past event, my wife and children are always corr~ct.ing my information. I wonder Whether I can do anything about this problem. - Illinois

any age. Here are some suggestions: I. What do you want to remember? Do you forget people's names, addresses, phone numbers, misplace items? Select the areas itl,lportant to you. 2. Write down what you cannot or do not choose to remember. My husband has an excellent memory for phone numbers. I know only three or four, including my own. I ,don't try to remember phone numbers, recipes or shopping lists. I would rather memorize a poem by Emily Dickinson. 3. Reorganize your environment to deal with persistent memory problems. If you lose keys, set up a place for keys in the house, and train everyone to use it. A woman who constantly misplaces her pur~e n«reds to designate, one place in the house to keep it. Pay ,bills weekly or monthly at a regular time when you can arrange not to be disturbed. ' , 4. Exerciseyouqnemory. Create

Extensive research about the aging process is giving us more information on growing older. You may already know that older folks do not suffer loss of intelligence and that using the mind seems to be the best way to keep it working. One researcherfriend explained that much of what older folks term memory loss is really lack ofattention. It works like this: when you are learning a skill, you concen, trate upon the task, but once you master it, you perform it with little attention towhat you are doing. A 2-year~0Id concentates: very hard in, order tq put food on a spoon and bring tile spoon' to her mouth. An adult performs the same action 'automatically."" . By the time we reach the 60s, we perform many, ~any actions on C9L9RADO SPRINQS, Colo. "automatic pilot." We sort mail, ,(CNS) ,-:- )::qualitY.for, women, put things away and pay bills while social justice issues and ~dult reliscarcely attending tp what we are giou~ education are among the top doing. " challenges fa~ing I~ity in the CathoSuddenly we need to find one of lic Chu~ch.todax, said,l!lY leaders the items we put away or we ques- at a recent na~io~al conference in tion whether we paid the electric Colora4o Spnngs.,; bill. We can't remember, not Hundreds o~ ~rofessional and ' because our memory is gone, but volunteer lay mlmsters gathered at because we did whatever it was the 19th annual conference of the without concentrating on it, hence National Association for Lay Miniwe have no memory of doing it. stry to identify concerns and set Nevertheless, certain changes do action plans for the organization's occur as we age. We slow down. next decade. Discussions were based on an We cannot concentrate on two things at once. We might be as association study of 92 lay minissmart as ever, but it takes us a bit ters from 10 focus groups in five longer to complete a test. Certain regions nationwide. They remedicines can affect our brain. sponded to questions about their Loss of loved ones, grief, major experience of lay ministry and changes such as moving or retire- their hopes for the future of the ment can all affect our emotional church. health and ultimately our memory. David L. DeLambo, of Pastoral But memory can be improved at Research and Consulting Inc:, the ".

. • '.

By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY , a visual image of something you want to remember. Use rhymes or acronyms to remember items in a list. Check your library for hooks on memory. There are many; choose one or two that suit you, and practice the memory techniques they. suggest. Determine where your memory needs improvement and learn from the research now available. You may get so that you can remember names better than you could 20 ,years ago. Reader questions on family Iiv-ing and child care to be answered ,in print are, invited by the K,ennys, 21C) W:'Harrison, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.


Lay.. :ministry goals ,liste'd' at parle:y :







!; I




Indianapolis-based firm that conducted .the study, said: "It':; the first study, that allowed lay minisJers to say -.yhat's on-their minds as part of a ~tional forum." Among priorities: - Recognizing and affirming the ministry of women. - Allowing women meaningful participation in daily life decisions. - Preaching and teaching Gospel or social justice values. . . . - Ralsmg the consciousness of Americans about societal issues. - Providing more adult religious education. Other'priorities included affirming and supporting laity and priests in their changing millisterial roles; training and properly utilizing the talents of lay vol unteers; ministering to special church populations in their own languages; and influencing Catholic youth.

Mary,liike her Son, died and rose Q. Around the time of the feast of the Assumption, we read an item that seemed to question the doctrine that the IIlessed Virgin was assumed into heaven. Our salvation, thc writer said, does not depend on a belief that Mary never died. E',cn Jesus died, so it's not necessllry for us to believe that his mother did not die. We couldn't thinl. oran answer. Can you? (Pennsyh'ania) A. The, answer is really quite simple. The opinion you quote confuses two entirely different realities. Put briefly, our belief in the assumption of the Blessed Virgin into heaven has nothing to do with whether or not she died. From the earliest c:enturies, some Christian churches honored the fact, and even suggl:sted places, of Mary's death. But that death, or lack of it, has never been a part of Christian doctrinal faith. Theologians actually took different sides on the, issue through the years and never came to a complete consensus. Thus, when Pope Pius XII defined the dogma of the assumption of Mary in the papal constitution "Munificentissimus Deus" (1950), he avoided any language which would appear to take sides. In the key sentence of the document, he simply said, "at the end of her earthly life" (the Latin reads:, "expleto terrestris vitae cursu,") God took Mary, body and soul, into heaven. I believe it is safe to say'that the

Greeting card drivel There are two types of people in this world - those who read the insides of the greeting cards they buy, and those who do not, not all that much anyway. Often they marry. Each other, no less. I know. "Which card should I get for my dad?" my bride asked just before a Father's Day many moons ago. She fanned out at least a half dozen. I pointed to one still on the shelf: "That one with the hunting dogs by the cozy fireplace with guns and snow shoes and fishing creels and reels and stuffed dead animals." "You creodont," she protested. " Did you see what it says inside?" "Who cares?" I said. "It's just gush someone slapped down one day at the card company. He or she was probably eating a liver and onion sandwich, or maybe they were..." I stopped·. The woman was turning pink a.round the gills. "Does this mean you don't read the cards I get for you?" Her eyes narrowed. My brain rushed for a credible fib. Logic dictated that her next que'stion would be, "Don't you read' cards you give to me?" I sensed danger. When in doubt, obfuscate. "Of course Ilook at the cards," I smiled. "It's just that when I go to pick out a card I don't stand so long other peopll~ think I'm an employee. You should bring a folding chair." , She didn't go for the end run.

By FATHER JOHN J. DIETZEN most common Christian tradition is that our Blessed Mother, like her son, did die, and that she was raised to life again. This is, in fact, a truth to which early Christian theologians point as one promise of our own bodily resurrection. As I said, however, the question does not affect the validity of our belief in the doctrine of her assumption into heaven. Q. Is the same rite of reconciliation required in all the United States? Is the rite also the same in Mexico as in our country? If there is one rite, when did it become mandatory? (New York) A. The rite of penance presently in effect was approved for the whole church in 1973 by Pope Paul VI. This does not mean, however, that the rite of penance; or reconciliation, will be the same everywhere. For one thing, the church prescribes three possible methods or rites for the celebration of this sacrament. First is the reconciliation of individual penitents, one-onone with the priest. Second is reconciliation of a number of penitents with individual confession and absolution. These are the so-called communal penance services celebrated regularly in many, if not most, parishes today.

Third is t!he ceremony at which the group of people present makes some confession of sin, but not individually, and general absolution is given to all at once. Because of severe conditions placed on the use of this form, we don't see it often today. In addition, the ritual provides numerous options of Scripture readings, prayers, song and homilies or other appropriate words of counsel and encouragement, from which the priest or assisting ministers can choose. The essentials always to be retained, apart from imminent' danger of death, are confession of sins, acceptance of the penance assigned, the invitation to contrition, the words of absolution and the dismissal. Within this framework, the priest is free to shorten or omit or choose several parts of the rite, as he judges appropriate for the persons receiving the sacrament (Introd~c­ tion to the Rite of Penance, No.

THE ANCHOR . . :. .- Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 1-1, 1995





Corpus Christi Church ~



Gregory Norbet

21 ). Obviously, it's not surprising or necessarily wrong that you experience wide differences in the celebration of this sacrament. A free brochure on confession without serious sin and other questions about the sacrament of penance is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy .Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, Ill. 61701. Questions for this colpmn should be sent to him at the same address.

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"You (pause) look (doublepause) at the cards I pick out for you?" she echoed. "1 love the cards you give me," I tried, moving from obfuscating to pandering. "Like the anniversary card with the romantic sunset and the lighthouse and the sea gulls and the ..." She held up her hand. "And it said?" "You can't really expect me to memorize greeting card drivel, can you?" I squawked. "So that really nice Valentine's Day card you gave me was just so much drivel?" See? I was afraid this would happen. "The big one with all the lacey stuff shaped like a harpsihord ?" I smiled. She said nothing'. I blathen,d on. . "I know it said I love you and that's really true, ya know." "Give me a break, " she sighed. "For all I know it said "you love me because I smell like bacon frying on a campfire." "That would only make me love you more," I told her. Interestingly,every Father's Day she gives me a card with hunting dogs by a cozy fireplace with fishing gear galore as props. It's the thought that counts, right? Your comments are welcomed by Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.

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complete houses from the time . . ·. . •. . . . '. . , oftwoJesus. ~

The finds show that houses were built with a fenced-in courtyard and a large kitchen with abutting side rooms. One house also had a winl: cellar, and in front of the other house an anchor lies where it was left by its owner more than 1,000 years ago. . But the find the team said has been most exciting is the engraving of the cross found on the shard ! of pottery in the living quarters of . one of the homes. "There are very few examples of Christian crosses in the first century," said Strickert. "The (:ross became popular in the year 300 with Constantine. "The cross was used by other groups but not like this," he :,aid. "It's not just a crude stick etching. This cross is most likely evidence of a Christian community in Hethsaida." The relatively large symbol is made up of a central circle with four triangular-shaped lines at :right angles on opposite sides of the ! circle. A smaller cross formed from an anchor etched onto a pottery han, die was also found. The anchor was an early ch urch symbol of hope, said Strickert. Based on the characteristi(:s of 160 coins found at the site, ranging from pre-Alexandrian coins to COLLEGE religious professor Fred Strickert searches, Roman coins from the tiffil~ of Trajan, Strickert said he wine cellar of a house dating back to time of Jesus. (CNS/Su- Empe.ror believes the city was destroyed by dilovsky photo) the later earthquake. Arav, however, still believeH the city was destroyed earlier by the Romans. "Even this small fishing village had international connections," said Strickert. "This has helped to , BETHSAJDA, Israel (CNS) At the place where fierce fight- understand the lifestyle here and Excavation of the biblical town of ing has taken place between Israel also helped us to see that these Bethsaida has yielded a gold mine and Syria, Father Pixner found people lived in a mixed communof information about daily life in shards of pottery littering the hill- ity with Christians, Jews, pagans the time of Jesus to archeologists side. Actual excavation began in and emperor cultists. "A lot of the time we imagined at the site. 1987. "The finds here are not so much "This is most certainly the site of them all living separately but more providing evidence about the life ancient Bethsaida and so it is quite and more we are realizing that of Jesus and the five apostles who significant for Christians," said they interacted and cooperated with lived here, but they are giving us a Msgr. Richard Mathes of the Notre each other," he said. Strickert said he discounts the lot of good background about Dame Center in Jerusalem, which of another group of assertions what life was like here during has expressed willingness to build Jesus' ti~e," said archeologist Rami a place for meditation at the site. archaeologists who say their earArav, an Israeli who teaches archeol- "This is the birthplace of Peter and lier excavation of the EI Arg site at the bottom of the hill and closf:r to ogy at the University of Nebraska. Andrew." the shore of the Sea of Galilf:e is "They were very simple people Unlike other New Testament who had simple things," Arav said. cities such as Nazareth, Capernaum the real Bethsaida. "They did find some Roman During Jesus' time, about 2,000 and Sepphoris, Bethsaida was never pottery anc~ columns there, but people lived in what was then a rebuilt after it was destroyed little fishing village. Based on finds either after the Jewish revolt against with the landslides and floods durof lead weights and other imple- the Romans in the year 77 or after ing the earthquake these shards ments, fishing then was not very , an earthquake in the year ! 15, would have been swept dowr"hill different from how it is now, he depending on which version you to that site," he said. "If people were building a town said. believe. down there later, they would have "Jesus spent most of his life up "This is very lucky for us because here in the Galilee with the apos- that means that the top layer is taken columns and pottery from tles;" said Fred Strickert, chair- from the time of Jesus," said Arav. the abandoned site instead of makman of the religion department of However, that also means that the ing new ones," he said. Arav said he would like to see Wartburg College in Waverly, exposed top layer has been subject the area developed as a pilgrimage Iowa, and co-director of the Beth- to some erosion. saida excavations. "When he died "Look at this beautiful pave- site for Christian tourists. Although the Ministry of Tourin Jerusalem some of the apostles ment," said Arav, indicating roughism has given financial assistance stayed there, but others came back ly hewn, dull gray, square stones up to spread the Gospel. jutting unevenly from the earth. to the project, he said, more funds "Pliilip and Andrew stayed in "This was a beautiful floor from are needed for reconstruction of the site and development of the Bethsaida and became part of the the inside of a house. area. . ',community," Strickert said. "And over here are stones of a "There are plans to open up the Although many people have· road from Jesus' time where he speculated about the location of may actualiy have walked," he site in the future but the government doesn't '" understand the ' the ancient town, it was only after said. the 1967 war, when the area came In their excavation the archaeolo- significance of this site," said Arav. "They think this country has too under Israeli control, that any-· gists have discovered that Bethbody actually began looking for its said a is older than previously many archeological sites and that site. . thought, going back to Old Tes- tourists should go to the beach so Benedictine Father Bargil Pix- tament times. They have found a they develop boardwalks," the archener was the first to survey the site, layer from the Early Bronze Age ologist sighed. located on a hill now about two (3000 B.C. - 2700 B.C.), and rem- , miles from the shores of the Sea of nants, including a palace,· of the Galilee, although during Jesus' time Old Testament kingdom of the the sea reached the bottom of the Geshurites. hill. .$0. far tbe ,~~am has uncovered

Excavation in Israel sheds light on time of Jesus

. Parents enthused about horneschools BALTIMORE (CNS) - One would think that Lori Danlon, the mother of six, would cherish the moments when her children are at school. She does, but not because it gets the children out of the house. She likes the challenge of teaching them herself. "I love homeschooling," she said. Mrs. Danlon was one of hundreds of homeschooling parents and prospectiv(: homeschoolers who attended the recent National Association' of Catholic Home Education's 1995 convention and book fair in the !Baltimore suburb of Towson. More than 500 people registered for the convention, which featured numerous workshops. Vendors included pro-life groups, textbook publishers and statue manufacturers. Most parents came to the convention' for religious education material, although material for all major coUrses of study was offered. Mrs. Danlon has been teaching her children at home for five years. A resident of Alexandria, Va., she began homeschooling because she felt her children were coming home without knowing their faith. She was also upset about the way .............'k.. human sexuality was taught. Now ST. ANTHONY of Padua is depicted aiding the poor in she teaches them everything, includthis painting by Tommaso Giannotta. (eNS/St. Anthony ing sex education. Guild photo) Michael and Stephanie Caulfield of West Virginia have decided to teach at home for several reasons. The nearest Catholic school is 30 miles away. But more importantly, they feel it is their d~ty as parents to be the primary educators, even in the academic sense, for their PATERSON, N.J. (CNS) who became known in death as four children. , 1995 is the SOOth anniversary of "the wonderworker." Mrs. Caulfield, who was a pubBorn in Lisbon, Portugal, the lic school teacher for two years, the birth of the saint best known as the finder of the lost things- St. future saint was baptized Ferdi- said her professional experience nand. Historians are unsure of his helped her make the decision to Anthony of Padua. The Franciscan friar was born last name, but know that his young educate at home. Aug. IS, 1195. His feast day is parents were members of Portu"Some ofthe children just didn't June 13 and at churchc~s the world guse nobility who sent their son to. seem ready to be away from home. over, that day is preceded by 13 the Lisbon cathedral for his early I would look at them and think, consecutive Tuesdays. of special education. 'You should be back home with "Butler's Lives of the Saints" your family,'" she said. prayers, a tradition now expanding to the Internet with a cyber- relates that Ferdinand joined the Mike Hill, a representative of regular canons of St. Augustine the convention sponsor, Tradition space version. And the popular saint is the sub- near Lisbon at the age 15, but two of Roman Catholic Homes or ject of a new book iss,ued in Eng- years later transferred to the TORCH, a support group for Cathlish by the Franciscans' St. An- priory at Coimbra tb escape dis- olic homeschoolers, said most partractions caused by numerous vis- ents came to the convention for thony's Guild in Paterson. According to Franciscan Father its by friends. religious education materials. He prayed and studied at CoimKevin Mackin, director of St. "That is about 99 percent of the Anthony's Guild, an organization bra, gaining extraordinary knowl- draw," he said. "Parents want ways edge of the Bible. In 1220, the relsupporting the order's charities, to form their children in the heart even St. Anthony's dl:votees have ics of Franciscans martyred in of the church." Morocco came to his monastery, little idea of his real life. "Our friend St. Anthony per- and Ferdinand, who had been 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111 forms a valuable servi(:e with needs there eight years, moved to the and he was commissioned to preach in everyday life, of everyday peo- Franciscan order sa that he too throughout northern Italy, where ple," said Father Mackin in a could preach the Gospel to the often he preached in marketplaces because churches could not hold statement announcing release of Moors. The Franciscans admitted him the crowds who came to hear him. the new biography. "lit's easy to get He also became the first member into a way of thinking that St. in 1221 as Brother Anthony and Anthony is at our beck and call to sent him to Morocco, but he- of his order appointed to teach became so seriously ill that he had theology, and was an envoy from find our lost keys, etc. At the same time, people who don't share this to return to Europe. Later that the Franciscans to Pope Gregory devotion often look upon it as year he attended a general chapter X who called him "the Ark of the at Assisi, Italy, where he saw St. Testament" for his singular knowsuperstition." ledge of Scripture. Father Mackin thinks the book Francis. Thereafter, he was assigned to a He lived the last years of his life will help bridge the gap between in Padua, where his relics are still the converted and the c;ritics. "What hermitage of Sao Paolo near Forli. we have in St. Anthony of Padua, Noone as yet kn¢w the sickly venerated. He died there on June 13, 1231, at age 36. Many miracles and what is revealed in the book," young friar had brilliant intellecwere attributed to him, and he was he said, "is someone who made tual and spiritual gifts. He prayed canonized within a year of his people take notice of the church in the chapel and in his little cave, and its call to justice, contained in and served the others by washing death. Pope Pius XII declared him the Gospel. He was a true re- pots and dishes after the common a doctor of the church in 1946. meal. St. Anthony customs still aformer." At an ordination ceremony, when bound: lilies representing purity The book, "Anthony of Padua, Proclaimer of the Gospel, " was no Dominicans or other Francis- are blessed and distributed on his written by Franciiican Father cans were prepared to preach, feast day; alms promised in honor of the saint when favors are granted Lothar Hardick and translated into Anthony was told to come forare called St. Anthony's Bread; English by Franciscan Fathers ward and speak whatever the Holy and novena prayers are recited Zachary Hayes and Jason Mis- Spirit should put in his mouth. His before his feast day. kuly. It details the life of the saint eloquence was thus discovered,

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 11, 1995




St. Allthony born 800 yeal·s ago Aug. 15

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lO'THE·ANCHOR.!.-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. II, 1995

SISTER Mary Ann Martin participates in low-impact aerobic exercises at an Ursuline motherhouse in Cleveland where about a dozen sisters' aged 70 to 89 are involved in a program that includes use of exercise bikes, treadmills and stair climbers. (CNS/Glick photo)

The spirituality of aging The following article from the bulletin of Christ the King parish, Mashpee, is drawn from a reflection offered by Sister Vera Herbert, SUSC, at a recent meeting at Coyle & Cassidy convent in Taunton. At the meeting, Sister Vera gave a beautiful reflection on the Spirituality of Aging, opening with a quote from John F. Kennedy.....It is not enough to add new years to life; one must add new life to years." , She opened our eyes to the fact that although the early stages of our lives from birth to adulthood are wonderful and joy-filled, the stages of later life can be even more rewarding. She calls this stage the Third Age, and these are a few of her comments: The Third Age brings into play new challenges to concentrate on bringing joy to others as you continue to participate in spreading the Good News ofjoy, love, meaningful relationships and reaching out to others in need. This stage is meaningful, fulfilling and realistic. It is a time to keep our minds vital by learning new things; a time to spend with God, reading, contemplating, praying; a time to walk for the health of it; a time to delight in making new friends, planting new trees, smelling the flowers; a time to empty out, to make room for permanent realities; a time to accept ~he reality of death and a lessened fear of it. Aging is both losses and gains, and in the process we are being created anew, awakened afresh to the source of our being. A spirituality of aging must help us fj~~ ~,

way to turn losses into gains;to learn how the stripping process which often accompanies aging can be a gradual entrance into freedom and a new life. Aging is winter grace. Winter reveals those things that summer conceals. We can see farther and with clearer vision; we can walk in places not possible in other seasons. There is an inner life and awakening. The rhythm of the Third Age may be slower than that of youth, but it can reveal a new kind of beauty, one refined by experience. Graciousness and mercy are other aspects of this winter grace with its entry of God into human life. In closing, Sister Vera quoted a favorite quatrain inspired by the Book of Job 12: 12: There is great beauty in old trees, Old streets and ruins oldWhy should not I as well as these Grow lovely growing old?

If I accept that all I am and all I have are God-given and are therefore Godgifts, just maybe I owe something to both God and my fellow man besides a humble smile. "The gift you have received, give as a gift." Matthew 10:8.

WASHINGTON (CNS) - For older Americans "the overall issue and concern - across races and cultures - is health care, particularly long-term care," said Jacqueline E. Wilson, a delegate at the fourth White House Conference . , on Aging. Mrs. Wilson, executive director of the Office of Black Catholics for the Archdiocese of Washington, represented the National Black Catholic, Congress at the recent conference in Washington. The overwhelming interest in health care, Mrs. Wilson told Catholic News Service, "was a recognition that people of all races and cultures are living longer," reflecting projections into the 21st century that "people 50 and older will outnumber those under 50 for the first time in history." Catholic values played a part in discussions, she said. "In our search for ways to serve the underserved and those most vulnerable in our society, the way we deliver health care is very important. It must respect the dignity of the human person." The right to work also is a related issue, she noted. "We need to make a decent living," she said, in order "to participate in a meaningful way in our own retirement plans throughout our working lives." Mrs. Wilson, who is also president of the National Association of Black Catholic Administrators, was one of 2,217 delegates who worked on resolutions and adopted 50 on health care, economic security, housing issues and quality of living. Although most resolutions bridged racial and cultural differences, she1aid benefits of the'conference for minorities included calls for: - More attention to homes headed by grandparents and removal of legal barriers for grand-

... 'i ••,

parents regarding school and guar- for Hispanics in the United States dianship issues, visitation rights, and a lack of research 011 Hispanic and financial help in caring for elderly. , grandchildren. Another situation the c:onference -'- More attention to such inter- highlighted, she said, was the fact generational issues as the isolation some people, especially Hispanics and loneliness of older Americans, and African-Americans, want to diminishing repect for older peo- _ provide in-home, long-term care pIe within both family and com- for elders and they need help and munity, and elder abuse. support to do it. "If I l:hoose to - More sensitivity to minori- care for my auntie at hl)me," she ties regarding language and cul- said, "there are some things that I ture, specifically in the use of inclu- can't get now or can't get easily." sive language in resolutions and The problem is compounded by the call for community social ser- the aging of caregivers, she noted. vice and health care workers to Today, it is not unusual for a 65speak the language of their oldest year-old daughter to be c:aring for clients. her 85-year-old mother. - More research money to study "The most poignant th.ing I saw the needs and concerns of people at the conference," Mn:. Wilson over 55, and to pinpoint research said, "was drawings of the elderly to special populations such as done by school children and by women and ethnic and racial elders themselves." Mo:;t of the minorities. pictures showed elders as ugly and "For the first time there was a useless, she recalled. "Only a few definite plea: to provide preventive were pictured as companions or health care for children" said Mrs. friends." Wilson. This is important so these But overall she took away a posfuture senior citizens "won't be itive impression from the meeting. coming back in the 21st century "Our elderly people are much and saying the same things we have been saying in the 20th more astute than peopLe think. They are serious about their needs century." It was good to say that elders are and will speak out ev(:n more not in competition with children artiCUlately than they ha'{e in the for services, she added. "We are past," she said. "They will not saying fund programs for both allow themselves to be abused or children and seniors; don't play neglected." She was heartened to see "much one off against the other," She said that at the conference more awareness of and se'nsitivity there was a strong representation to the presence of the other", with of African- and Asian-Americans. regard to racial and cultural diverThose delegates numbered about sity. There already are tOl) many 300. But"a Hispanic presence was noticeably niissing," she said and elderly people who are "hungry and malnourished, who are ailing offered some reasons why. "Very few Hispanics look to and failing and can't pay for care," government to care for their elder- she said. "I hope that what was ly," she said. "They believe they said is respected and tramilates to can do it better. Also, government action, that political leaders will is often seen as the oppressor" in see the elderly as a threat to their Hispanics' native countries. She longevity in office and not as a also cited a lower life expectancy joke," she added.

Proposed Medicare changes premium from its current level of Both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have $553 a year to $1,272 a year. proposed significant reductions in Other ideas being proposed inMedicare spending over the next clude a new 20 percent payment seven years. President Clinton also for home health care visits (averhas proposed cutbacks in Mediaging $900 per year), and similar' care. What will the impact be on new payments for lab services and elders in Southeastern Massachuskilled nursing home stays. House setts if Congress cuts back the and Senate plans impose a new Medicare program? premium for people with incomes There are just under one million over $70,000 a year. The proposals have been called Medicare beneficiaries in Massachusetts and a large population of a "sick tax" by some critics, who elders throughout Southeastern point out that eight out of 10 people on Medicare have incomes of Massachusetts. According to research conducted by the American less than $15,OOOa year. The House Association of Retired Persons, version also has a special $240 a these cutbacks will force Medicare year charge for elders who choose recipients to pay more out of their to remain in a fee-for-service plan own pockets for health care. In rather than joining a managed 1995, the average Medicare recip- care Health Maintenance Organiient will spend about $3,600 after zation (HMO). The hardest hit in MassachuMedicare has covered its portions. setts would be those 72,000 seniors The cost of nursing .home care, which averages around $40,000 who live at or below the poverty level. The state's Medicaid proper year, isn't even included in that figure. gram currently pays for Medicare Medicare doesn't cover health premiums, deductibles and copayments for poor people, but this services such as vision and dental program could also disappear. care and prescription drugs, so elders receiving Medicare will have . For information on these and to pay for about half of their other elder issues, residents may health care expenses. Under the contact the Bristol Elder Services, Senate proposal, Medicare recip- Inc. (BES) Information and Reients would pay 10 percent more ferral Department at· either (508) out oftheir own pockets for health 675-2101 or 1-800-427-2101. BES care over the next seven years, and the House plan would raise expenses by II percent. The Senate proposal could increase the Medicare Part B doctor's insurance


serves Attleboro, Fall River and Taunton, as well as the 12 neighboring towns.

Sacred Heart H:ome activities listed Recent activities at Sacn:d Heart Nursing Home, New Bedford, have included a cookout {or residents and family members and an employee picnic, both annual events. With a red, white and blu(: theme the cookout featured a barbecu~ and music by the Music Masters, 'Bob Richard and Kathy Pelletier. The employee picnic was a "cruise to nowhere," with the home's patio serving as a deck adorned with posters, balloons and a wading pool. Those in attendance were dressed for vacation fun and a highlight was a drawing fOJ a trip to Martha's Vineyard aboard the MV Schamonchi out oJ New Bedford. Also announced at the home is the graduation of Lucia A. Mota of New Bedford and Daune C. Santos of Dartmouth from Diman Regional School ofPractica:. Nursing: Both were certified nursing assistants at Sacred Heart while earning qualification as lic:ensed practical nurses.


His heart is in hills of East Kentucky

HealthWise I

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CompResource can assist with work-related injuries Work~relatedinjuries are a source of great: concern and frustration for employ~ ers, employees and co~ workers. CompResource, an occupational health program offered by Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, helps to relieve that frustration by offering treatment plans to help employe{:s recover quickly and completely from injuries. CompResourc€: treats pa, tients with work~related injuries as athlet€:s, return, ing them to uthe team" as soon as possible. The team approach reduces worker's compensation costs, facilita~ ting rehabilitation and enabl~ ing employees to reach pre~ vious levels ofproductivity. The CompResource pro~ gram is designed to be inte~ grated into a company's overall management program and to manage workers' injuries effectively. Staff members of Comp~ Resource evaluate patients and begin individualized treatment within a few days of an accident. UEmployers who have worked with CompResource are abso~ lutely astounded by the results," said Claire Sullivan, RN, director of the Occu~ pational Medicine program. uWe offer options and solu~ tions that most employers may never even have consid~ ered," she added. According to Thomas P. Galvin, M.D., mc~dicaldirec~ torofCompResource, uMany work~related injuries can easily be preventc~d by chang~ ing the way in which an employee works. Decreasing work~related injuries is not only beneficial to ~mployees but also decreases worker's compensation costs for par~ ticipating organizations." Benefits offered businesses by CompResource extend beyond medical services and followup appointments for work,related injuries, to ongoing management of injured workers, physical examinations, back rehabil, itation, pulmonary function testing and company health and safety uwalk throughs."

Typically, patients are treated at CompResource for sprains, strains and lac, erations. In addition, pa~ tients seen initially at the hospital emergency depart~ ment for work~related in, juries are referred to Comp~ Resource for a followup visit. As director of the Occu~ pational Medicine program Claire Sullivan has a unique role asa liaison for patient, doctor and employer. UMy main goal is to facilitate the recovery 'process, including verifying that the patient is, in fact, suffering from a work~related injury and hel~ ing employers create modi~ tied activities for injured employees. I also make fol~ lowup calls to patients to discuss their progress and answer any questions they may have," she explained. Medical Director of Comp, Resource Thomas P. Galvin, M.D., earned his medical degree at Loyola University, Chicago, interned at Yale Uni, versity Hospital and did his residency at the University of California, San Diego. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery and is a member of the A merican Academy ofOrtho, pedic Surgeons. Prior to her appointment as director of the Occupational Medicine program at Comp, Resource, Claire Sullivan RN, worked for 27 years in the emergency department at Saint Anne's Hospital.

PITTSBURGH(CNS)- When Piarist Father Tom Carroll went to eastern Kentucky in 1988, starting a school was the last thing on his mind. But today, the Pittsburgh native serves as principal of the only college preparatory school in the region. Long hours and tight budgets are the norm, but it's a ministry close to his heart. Located in the town of Martin in Floyd -County, the school is operated by the Piarist Fathers and offers a full four-year academic program featuring college preparatory and advanced placement courses. "There's no doubt in my mind God has brought us into eastern Kentucky," Father Carroll said. He is one of three Piarists at the school. The faculty also includes three salaried teachers and three volunteers. After joining the Piarists, in part because of the order's fourth vow of educating youth, Father Carroll was serving near Philadelphia in 1987 when he read an article about Fat.her Ralph Beiting, founder of the Christian Appalachian Project, who was looking for volunteers. Father Carroll wrote to him and proposed that. the Piarist Fathers "get involved" in eastern Kentucky. But after he arrived in September 1988, Father Beiting informed him, "There is no such thing as just getting involved - start a school." The school opened in the fall of ·1990 with just a freshman class, and has grown steadily to its present enrollment of 33. Father Carroll anticipates an e~rollment of 40-45 next year.

It thrives academically in a region where two-thirds of the students drop out of school. The only real employment opportunities in the area are with the school districts and the coal industry, he said, and job applicants must know someone to get in. "They figure why go to school if they can't get a job?" he said. This year all four seniors were offered college scholarships. One opted to join the Air Force and plans to pursue a degree when he finishes his to.ur of duty. I . "These kids have their eyes set on something else;" Father Carroll said. The students pay no -tuition to the school, which is funded through CompResource is conven, a small Christian Appalachian Proiently located at 1010 South ject grant, donations and appeals. ·"Each year, our expenses have Main Street; Fall River. For .'risen but our income has risen to more information on CompRe, match the increases," Father Carsource, please cont~t Claire . roll said. He would like to construct a Sullivan at (508) 675,6300. language lab and update the school's aging computer system. He is also seeking funds for a passenger van and uniforms and money for the athletic program. To that end, he expected to spend 20 consecutive weekends this summer on the road. He estimates that he will drive an average of 1,600 miles a week to parishes in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and other states. "I don't know many priests who, on top of their full-time job, would spend 20 straight weekends on the road," said Mark Groszek, a Piarist School teacher. "When he talks about the school you can see his passion for it."



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. II, 1995

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 11, 1995

Canon lawyers: a CD-Rom just for ,you VATICAN CITY (CNS)~ The director of the Vatican publishing house knows he did the right thing and is proud of his efforts; it's just that he gets a little nervous when he sees the sales figures. Salesian Father Nicolo Suffi, the modern director of a 400-yearold office, has published a CDROM he thinks is essential for the serious canon lawyer, tribunal or Catholic university. The problem is, he'd sold only 63 copies as of July 31, and he needs to sell 500 to break even. "You can see what might happen to me," Father Suffi said, pointing to a computer printout in his office, across the street from the tower housing the Vatican bank. Not that the Salesian will finish the year in the red. Although the publishing house is grouped with the budget-busting Vatican newspaper and radio station in the annual financial summary, it makes a tidy profit each year. "Even if I go in the hole on this, it's an honor to be the first Catholic publisher in Italy to issue CDROMs," the priest said. The current compact disk contains the entire texts of the 1917 and 1983 Latin-rite codes of canon law, the 1991 Code of Canon La w forthe Eastern churches and hundreds of related Vatican decrees, tribunal sentences and case studies. Users can select Latin, Italian, French, English or Spanish instructions and "help" as they read and analyze the texts, all of which are in Latin. The Vatican Publishing House, formally known as the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV), traces its roots to Pope Sixtus V's decision in 1587 to install a printing press at the Vatican. The "Iibreria," which means bookstore in Italian, was charged with selling the few copies of Vatican documents that were not given away free. The publishing house still runs a small but busy bookstore in St. Peter's Square, although the sale of LEV imprints is done mostly through bookstore chains in Italy and mail order from the rest of the world. The main charge of Father Suffi's office is to publish and distribute "the acts and documents of the supreme pontiff and the Holy See." But since the editor of those works is the Vatican secretary of state, the texts go directly to the Vatican's Polyglot Press without passing through the Libreria Editrice Vaticana. "An encyclical, for example, will say LEV, even though I haven't seen it and it is a secret to me," Father Suffi said. In addition to selling the formal Polyglot Press edition of encyclicals and apostolic letters, LEV also prints a pocket version of the documents for sale in its bookstore. "The number of copies depends on my courage," Father Suffi said. Generally, he runs 100,000 copies in Italian, 5000 in French and Eng. lish and a couple of thousand in the Vatican considers to be the other principal languages fo'r the church: Spanish, German, Portuguese and Polish. The designation of Polish as a principal language is not the result of having a Polish-born pope, the priest said. "Poland was a land of

strong Catholicism even before this pontificate." The proof can be seen in the LEV catalogue, which still offers copies ofthe original PolIsh translation of Pope Pius Xl's 1929 encyclical on the Christian education of youth. The LEV pocket editions compete with a handful of other editions printed by bishops' conferences and religious orders around the world, as well as by religious and just about anyone else in Italy. Although LEV holds the copydght to papal documents, in order to ensure their broad distribution, permiSSion is easily obtained to reprint them .. Father Suffi attributes the typically small number of U.S" publishers and the huge number of Italian publishers not to interest, but to culture. "Publishers in the U.S. always ask permission," he said. "Publishers in Italy never do." In addition to the massive CDROM projects, Father Suffi also has begun to publish some encyclicals and documents on floppy disk. The Italian edition of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church," which LEV published for the italian bishops' conference, is availa-ble on diskette, as is the pope's encyclical last March on human life. Expanding his horizons, Father Suffi published a diskette \,Vith the most recent encyclical, Pope John Paul's letter on ecumenism, in italian and English. "We haven't sold very many copies, but you can't say the Vatican is too far behind the times," he said. But like many things in the Eternal City, the very old and the very new exist side by side. Sitting on Father Suffi's work table next to the computer disks is a thick stack of paper bound with a rubber band: proofs for a new edition of the Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible, first completed at the beginning of the fifth century and revised in 1977.

Priests witness ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS)-The role of the priest must go beyond teaching and preaching to include living witness to the power of the sacraments, said Coadjutor Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St. PaulMinneapolis. "I as a pastor want to show you on every occasion when I hold the Eucharist that I believe that this is the body and blood of Jesus Christ," the archbishop told those gathered for the National Wanderer Forum in St. Paul. It was hosted by the Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly newspaper based in the city. Archbishop Flynn said his role as living witness to the power of Jesus' message will be the primary focus of his ministry as an archbishop. In April he was installed as coadjutor with the right to succeed Archbishop John R. Roach, 73, upon his. retirement. STEWARDSHIP:


THE CATHEDRAL of Notre Dame as seen by night from the Left Bank. (eNS pi!lOtO)

.Priests路 offer Notre Dame visitors spiritual counsel in eight languages PARIS (CNS) - Within the cavernous spaces of one of the world's best-known tourist attractions is a sign inviting visitors who so desire to talk to a priest. The sign and the white-robed priest beside it are reminders that the 832-year-old Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is still a functioning church. About 12 million people annually visit the cathedral, the vast majority tourists drawn to the Paris landmark. It has been made famous worldwide in art and literature such as Victor Hugo's 19th-century novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." For others, the visit stirs the need for spiritual dialogue, said Father Andre L'Henoret. "For some it's their first time in a church or the first time they have talked to a priest," he said in the office walled with plexiglass that was once a side altar dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Most people just want to talk across the office's wooden table, he said. Topics range from marriage problems to people trying to leave sects but not knowing how to break the tie, he said. The office also offers a wooden confessional for Catholics who wish to confess their transgressions in the traditional way, he added. Father L'Henoret is one of 12 'priests who staff the cathedral on a rotating basis so that there is always a clergyman present when the church is open to the public, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Admission is free, so there is no gauge of the exact number of vis-

itors.Father L'Henoret estimates a daily flow of 20,000 to 40,000 people. The 12 priests speak eight languages, including Arabic. Father L'Henoret speaks Japanese and his native French. The sign in front of the office says"Accueil, Dialogue, Confession." It also lists the name of the priest on duty and the languages he speaks. "Accueil" is a French word for "welcome." The "welcome" office started about 30 years ago, when people began telling the cathedral's custodians that they wanted to talk to a priest, said Father L'Henoret. A lot of the priests' work is referrals. If the priest does not speak a person's language, he gives him or her the name and address of a Paris priest who does. If the person lives in Paris and has a specific problem, the priest on duty offers a referral to a specialized church agency. Many .Paris residents looking for a priest come to the cathedral because "Notre Dame is so well know," said Father L'Henoret. An average of 100 people a day visit the office, he said. On some days, he said he has talked to as many as 10 people per hour. "I come across people who left

the church years ago," he said. Others are young people wh 0 never had religious instruction and want to know something about Catholicism, he added. Father L'Henoret said that one of the priests on the rotation list !S the official exorcist for th,~ Pans archdiocese. He talks to many Africa:ls and "clarifies their situation" regarding evil, said Father L'Ht:noret. There is a strong belief among them that events, such as death, are caused by spirits, good or bad. The priests' office is prominently located behind the "welcoml:" sign and is well-lit in the otherwise dark Gothic cilthedral with its p,)inted arches and high ceilings. It is down the right aisle beyond the Chapel of St. Peter and before the statue of S1. Joan of Are, the 15thcentury peasant girl burned at the stake as a witch and now the nation's patron saint. The cathedral itself is located on the lie de la Cite, an island in the middle of the Seine River that is the historical center of Paris. Throughout its nearly 2,000 years of existence, the city has expanded in concentric circles outward from the island. Work on today's Notre Dame began in 1163, on the site of several previous churches.

Illumination "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else."-路c.S. Lewis

Charismatics meet in Orlando Continued from Page One


109 lor them - they literally fall down. They are conscious of only God's presence, Matthews said. "He or she is just kind <of basking in the spirit." Among the topics discussed at the congress was "how do we bring this into the life of the church?" Matthews said. "How do we say, 'This is our experience ... we think this is something for the church.'" In the fall, members of the movement's National Service Committee are to meet with 60 theologians to discuss how to share what Matthews calls "a normative and integral movement" that charismatics believe can help all Catholics to enjoy a fuller life in the Holy Spirit. One reason the Catholic charismatic renewal has been so successful since its beginnings in the 1960s has been its strong ties to the institutional church, Matthews said. "We are very committed to church leadership," he said. "As you grow in your relationship with Jesus and an openness to the Holy Spirit, you want to b(: part of his life. You also grow in the acceptance of the role of authority." Unity of Catholics with charismatics from other denominations was a resounding theme of the gathering. A joint statement issued by denominations that are a part of the North American Renewal Service Committee recognizes that there are differences among the religious represented. But it also emphasizes similaritie:s. Catholic presenters at the congress included Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa; Bishop Sam G. Jacobs of Alexandria, La., who is chairman of the bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal; and Franciscan Father Michael SamIan, president of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. Fathel' Scanlan will

speak at the FIRE rally planned Step. 9 at Melody Tent in Hyannis. Father Cantalaltlessa "Holiness is not primarily an obligation or duty, it is a privilege and a grace," said Father Cantalamessa, a professor of ancient Christianity who preaches for Pope John Paul II and the Roman Curia during Lent and Advent. He put conversion to holiness in context with a story told by St. Augustine about new and old wineskins. The saint said a person's heart is like a wineskin filled with vinegar, said Father Cantalamessa. To replace it with honey requires cleaning out the vinegar. Likewise, a person who wishes to become holy must get rid of the sinfulness that separates him or her from God, the preacher said. "We must try to cleanse our temple," he said. "When our wineskin is ready, it is infallible that God will pour in his spirit." .


Father Cantalamessa said the first step is to acknowledge one's sins, and the next step is to repent. He asked people to consider how it would feel to be rejected by their own children and to see that a.s the effect on God when people sm. The priest suggested taking a moment of silence each day to focus on repentance. "I don't know myself, but you know me so I accept your judgment" is an appropriate prayer to God, Father Cantalainessa said, in contrast to the more unrealistic pledge never to sin again that some people make. And he suggested each person identify the one sin in their life that somehow has become personally acceptable. "We think we will never get rid of this sin because we really don't want to," he said to laughter from the audience. He suggested thinking of that sin and accepting the idea of continuing life without

Pastorates to change Continued from Page One O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced that the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo have accepted his invitation to assume pastoral duties at St. Louis parish. Two priests of this community already work in the diocese in campus ministry programs. At St. Francis Xavier parish, pastoral administration will be assumed by diocesan priests. Very Rev. Robert Campagna, Provincial of the Franciscan Immaculate Conception Province, and Very Rev. Columban Crotty, SS.CC., Provincial of the Eastern Province of the Sacred Hearts Community, indicated to Bishop O'Malley that the difficult decision to leave their respective parishes was reached after consultation with members of the provinces. Among reasons for the decision, they cited the numerous commitments of their communities and the diminishing number of priests available to carry them out. Each provincial noted that his community will continue to minister at the other diocesan parishes at which they serve. Bishop O'Malley commented that he regretted the necessity for the changes but expressed his gratitude for the longtime work of both communities in the diocese.

"On behalf of the diocese, I thank the Franciscan and Sacred Hearts communities for their commitment to these parishes over many years," the bishop said. "From discussions with their provincials, I know that the decisions to withdraw were not easy or reached without pain," he continued. "Yet some solace should come from knowing that because of their dedication, these communities leave parishes which are faith-filled and active." "I am confident," the bishop added, "that the priests who will follow at these parishes will work with the parishioners to continue building a vibrant community of faith on the firm foundations already in place." Bishop O'Malley added that concern for adequate staffing of diocesan parishes underscores the need for all to offer prayers for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The Franciscans have staffed the 110-year-old St. Louis parish since September of 1974. The Sacred Hearts community has ministered at St. Francis Xavier parish since its founding as a mission in 1910, nurturing its growth to a full-fledged parish in' 1915. Priests currently assigned to these parishes will receive new assignments from their provincials.

ever commlttmg it again. "Why not do it right now?" he asked. The next step, which he said many Catholics find difficult, is receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, which for many people has become a rare sacrament. "We must rediscover the beauty and importance ofthis sacrament," he said, describing it as a wonderful opportunity because the church, through reconciliation, is offering the healing sacrament to just the person involved. And finaHy, the path toward holiness requirc~s overcoming sin, said Father Cantalamessa. "When we praise the Lord, we are distancing ourselves from sin," he added. In a second talk, Father Cantalamessa said obedience comes in striving for holiness and is also a concept that people tend to assume doesn't apply to them. "Obedience is not just something we must acquire, it is a treasure we have received from Jesus Christ through baptism," he said. "We have been born out of the great obedience of Jesus." When people "fall in love" with obeying God in their lives, they must look for ways to put it into practice, such as turning to God for the answers when facing choices. , "Say, '( have no choice. I ask what to do,''' giving God the invitation to intervene in one's life, he suggested.

Bishop Stang Continued from Page One anonymous international foundation, initially underwrote consultative guidance services for selected Catholic secondary schools for a 48-month period. Areas examined included school ownership/sponsorship, governance, administration, planning, marketing, finance and development, always taking into account the maintenance and enhancement of the Catholic character of the schools. That part ofthe program having been successfully completed, it will be carried forward at Stang and the other selected schools. All consultative services will be provided by Catholic School Management, Inc., headquartered in Madison, CT., and headed by Richard J. Burke, who was for nine years with the National Catholic Educational Assn. as senior financial, marketing and development consultant and is now on the faculty of the Boston College Catholic School Leadership Program. Founded in 1973, Catholic School Management has extensive experience in working with elementary and secondary schools, having provided services to nearly half the dioceses in the United States.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese o(Fall River-Fri., Aug. II, 1995


Hawaiians welcome return of Blessed Damien relic KALA WAO, Hawaii (CNS) After 59 years, the most prominent gravesite in the former leper colony of Kalawao has again become a real tomb. Some 500 pilgrims traveled to the island of Molokai July 22 to join patients with arrested Hansen's disease and other residents of Kalaupapa in witnessing the reinterment of a relic of Blessed Damien de Veuster, the famed "leper priest" who died there 106 years ago. Father Damien's grave, beside St. Philomena church in Kalawao, had been empty since 1936 when Belgians exhumed his body and returned it to his homeland. The remains of the missionary's right hand were removed from his present tomb in Leuven, Belgium, on the occasion of his beatification June 4. Pope John Paul II, who traveled to Brussels for the beatification, presented the hand, encased in a reliquary of polished koa wood, to the Hawaii delegation attending the ceremonies. In the seven weeks following its return to Hawaii, the relic was venerated in a series of ceremonies across the state. Cardinal Godfried Danneels of Malines-Brussels, who flew to Hawaii in July to participate in some of the ceremonies, said it was fitting to return to Molokai the hand with which Father Damien had blessed, anointed and nursed his people and built their homes and coffins. Father Damien joined the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Belgium in 1859. Assigned to Hawaii, he was ordained a priest in Honolulu in 1864, at the age of 24. Nine years later .he volunteered to go to Molokai, where people with Hansen's disease, then known as leprosy and then incurable, were quarantined on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. He served there 16 years until his own death of Hansen's disease in 1889. The Peninsula is a two-mile wide finger of land jutting out on the north side of Molokai. Steep cliffs

O~ Co.,

form a natural barrier between the peninsula and the rest of the 35mile long island, Hawaii's fifthlargest. People came to the reinterment mostly by air or some from elsewhere on the island. At least one came by sea. Father Joseph Hirsch of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., swam in from an offshore boat, re-enacting the way Hansen's disease patients were forced to come before Damien's time, when ships refused to dock there. His sister, Sister Ancilla Christine Hirsch of the Daughters ofSt. Paul, who is stationed in Honolulu, was among about 100 pilgrims who hiked the 2.4-mile, rugged zig-zag footpath down a I ,600-foot cliff, the only land access to Kalaupapa from the rest of the island. Among those at the reinterment was Sacred Hearts Sister Denise Priterre, who saw Damien's body in Honolulu in 1936, where it was displayed at the cathedral before it was shipped to Belgium. She recalled "like it was yesterday" details of Father Damien's skull, a dried flower bouquet in the corner ofthe basket, and his hands - just "bones, very brown" folded over his purple vestments. "It was a very, very sad day. The people did not want him to go back," said Sister Priterre, now retired and living in Canada. Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of Honolulu presided at a concelebrated outdoor Mass before the solemn reburial of the relic. Among concelebrants were several leaders of Blessed Damien's order and Sacred Hearts Father William Petrie, who works with Hansen's disease patients in India. Father Petrie served in the Fall River diocese before going to India. After Mass the relic was sealed in a burial reliquary along with official documents attesting to its authenticity, then carried in procession to the burial site. Father Joseph Bukoski III, Sacred Hearts provincial in Hawaii, led final prayers of commital.










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E5 .

• Our Catholic Youth •

Teens, adults see fac'e','of ho~e.lessnes!i '3'

PORTLAND, Ore. (CNS) pIe, you seethat they ti~ve a lot of the peopIe:who come to Sit. FranWhen teens in sl1la!l-town New-, problems and they need each other; cis Dining Hall from shelters, parks berg wanted to find out about they're just like u~.''' said K:athy and the undersides of brid;ges. homeless ness, they went to an Eklund, a senior at Newberg High As opposed to traditional serexpert - a man known as Bad School who came with the youth vice projects· in which students Bob, who lives under a buttress of group from St. Peter parish in . wait on the diners, Justus sees to it the Ross Island Bridge in south- Newberg. "It makes me think I can .that the meal is more a fami ly meal east Portland. , real1y respect people." than a soup line. "It's a chance to What does he eat? Does he use a visit, and talk about life, not just rope to climb down the cliff to his serve dinner," Justus said. bedroll? How does he feed his Lois Ruiz, a youth minister from shiny black dog, Midnight? And St.· Peter parish, said the youth the tougher questions: Why do group's annual immersion in meant police sweep hqmeless people out. to show members ways they can from under the bridge's just before respond to the Gospel call to form the Rose Festival? Why cim't poor' community with people ,:>n the margins of society. people get treatment for alcoho' lism and drug abuse? "We' want to incorporate this Ashe answers, Bob iS'able to set urban experience as an active minaside"the 'iro'n persona that has ·istry retreat," said Ms. Rui.z. "We allowed him to survive on the have spiritual retreats, but this is CNS/Criterion photo streets and to fight alcoholism for different. This 'is a way to put it all ROCK MUSICIAN JIMMY RYSER more than three decades. into practice." He, is spending a Saturday .' , . , working for'JOIN: A Center for' Involvement, funded in part by the U.S. Catholic bishops' Campaign kj~led for Human Development and housed near, St. Francis parish in GLEN ELLYN, III. (CNS) Portland. Shock reigned as400 relatives and INDIANAPOLIS(CNS)- For "I deny the disability a lot more' The organization recruits home-: friends gathered· at ,St. James Jimmy Ryser, an Indiana native than I probablyshouldjust because less people:to educate students and Church in Glen Ellyn for tbe funwhose rock 'n' rol1 has made him I don't want to have a limitation adults firsthand about urban poveral of 22-year-old Matthew P. national1y known; life is a gift. put on me. I don't let it limit ine erty through "urban immersions." , Tassio. To the wodd Tassio was a Ryser suffers from spina bifida, very much," Ryser said. " It also teaches advocacy ~nd comyoung American tourist kil.led in a congenital defect that leaves the Father J. Joseph McNal1y, Rysmunication skil1s to the homeless, Pamplona, Spain, when he was spinal cord imperfectly closed so er's childhood pastor at St. Bar- 'then ~ends th<:m out on the,lecture. 'gored by a bull in the annual runpart of it protrudes, This often tholomew parish in Columbus, circuit through its Community ning of the bulls. results in neurological disorders, refers to Ryser as a "very spiritual Connections prog[~m. To the mourners at St. James, C':!S/ Hoga~ photo affecting various organs and nerve young man. Jim's life is' faith, "Peopie have fears, stereotypes, he was a fun-loving friend with a functions as the afflicting person filled, due in part to the immense' and ideas that ~re imbedded," says "BAD BOB" ready smile and a zest for life. He ages, physical suffering he's endured." Rob JustuS;. ~ 1987 gradua~e of liked to taste, to see; to explore. Unlike 99, percent of those with The priest said Ryser knew he the Uriiversity. of Portland who Barry Bixby, a junior at New- ,He had just graduated from the spina bifida myelomeningocele, the , would succeed. "He persevered founded JOIN in 1992. "They may berg High, said the experience University oflIIinoisand had ajob most severe form of the disease, through many'hard times - the have had negative experiences with taught him the folly of seeing "the lined up;' but he and a Jriend Ryser is still walking, He was' pain that he went through was the' homeless." homeless" as one group, devoid, of decided to take a fling before endured 39 operations for spina , great." But the immersion experience their unique stories and indivi- entering the world of work. They bifida complications caused by "Growing up was kind of tough," "challenges theiriifestyles," he told . duality. traveled to Egypt; Italy and France pinched and irregularly functionRyser said. He would miss weeks the Catholic Sentinel, newspaper "There are a lot of differences before going to Spain, whero: Tasing spinal nerves. He had his first of school and his classmates would of the Portland archdiocese. ' between homeless people," he said. sio joined the crowd of daredevils operation nine days after his birth. , often make fun of him. - ' Immersion participants, espe- ' "People try to lump them together who traditionally race ahead of "When I was born, the doctors But as a child, he always be- cially adults, see homeless people but there are different layers. I'm told my parents that I probably friended children who didn't have living with few possessions and just amazed at how I can see the bul1s through the city's narrow streets. wouldn't walk or function like a many friends. "He is an inspira- wonder how anyone can behappy myself getting in the same situaHe was knocked down, and as normal child," Ryser told The Cri- tional young man who works so , undenuch conditions. Many par~ tion. It's really hard to judge he was getting up a bull speared his terion, Indianapolis' archdiocesan hard," Father McNal1y said. "He' ticipants are forced to re-evaluate others. " chest, severing his aorta. Hf: died newspaper. The doctors offered to has real1y pulled himself up by his their own values regarding mateLater in the immersion, the young almost instantly. Injuries are comlet him die. bootstraps." rial goods and wealth, said Justus. people share a meal with the "home- mon in the event but Tassio's "My dad's faith kept the doctors The doctors always prayed with "When you get talking to peoless community," as Justus cal1s death was the first in 15 years. from doing that," Ryser said. "He him before surgery, Ryser said. "I was so strong about believing that was always very frightened going God had a plan for, his kid. He into surgery when I was ,little. insisfed on surgery and when the Now, it's not so bad. doctors said they weren't going to "I've faced death so many times do it, he flew the top neurosurgeon that I really shouldn't be here," he in to perform the surgery. continued. "God has made aplan "Somebody was always holding for me .... Maybe it's entertaining people with my musical talent, or my hand during surgery," he added. "M ost of the time, I would sit up, fulfilling my dream of becoming a and pray Hail Marys al1 night. I psychologist. I consider every day prayed (the Hail Mary) 760 times a gift." Fans hoping for a new Jimmy one night as I waited to be wheeled Ryser album are out of luck, at in for surgery. Prayer got me through." least for a few years. Ryser wants Ryser caught fame with "Same to concentrate on school for now. ' But this summer, he'll be opening Old Look," a hit single off his 1990 debut album. A violin prodigy concerts for Kansas, a band whose who first picked up a guitar in his art-rock sound was most popular in the 1970s. teens, he'l1 be featured playing fiddle on good friend John Cougar Mel1encamp's next album. Betwee!1 the music industry and attending school - he's an Indiana University sophomore majorAlumni and current students of ing in psychology - Ryser finds it Providence Col1ege are invited to difficult to take time out to care attend 4 p.m. Mass Aug. 19 at for his-health. Christ the King Church, Mashpee. "Sometimes I find that school can-'be a bigger stress than record- Refreshments will follow the lit-, urgy. Further information: Steven ingan album," he said. "It's the ~ downside of being a perfectionist." Allietta, tel.,477-9357. TEENS VIEW underside of a Portland bridge that IS home to many street peo:ple. He's·a ,straight-A student. (eNS/Hogan photo) ,

Young Americ=an

Even with spina bifida,Catbolic singer r.ockson

'by bulll

An invitation


~1\tCORD&. ~c:Ii ~ Charlie M.n.in By

COLORS OF THE WIND You think 3'OU own Whatever hmd you land on The Earth is just a dead thing You can claim But I know every rock And tree and creature Has a life, lI1as a spirit, has a name You think the only people . Who are pllople Are the people Who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps Of a stranger You learn things You never knew you never knew. Have you ever heard the wolf cry To the blue corn moon, Or asked the grinning bobcat Why he grinned? Can you sing with all the voices Of the mountain, Can you paint with all the colors Of the wind, Come run the hidden pine trails Of the forest Come taste the sun-sweet berries Of the earth Come roll in all the riches All around you And for once, never wonder' What they're worth The rainstorm and the river All my brothers The heron and the otter Are my friends And we are all connected to each other In a circhl, in a hoop That neVflr ends. Have you ever heard the wolf cry To the blue corn moon, Or let the eagle tell you Where hes been? Have you sung with all the voices Of the mountain, Can you paint with all the colors Of the wind, How hig'h does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, Then you'll never know. And you'll never hear the wolf cry To the blue corn moon For whether we are white Or copper-skinned We need to sing with all the voices Of the mountain Need to paint with all the colors Of the wind You can own the Earth and still All you own is earth Until you can paint With all the colors of the wind.

Written by Alan Menken and Stephen Sehwartz, sung by Vanessa Williams, (e) 1995 by Wonderland Musie Co. Ine. (BMI)/Wall Disney Company

"POCAHONT AS" may be one of the most commercialized, ~arketed movies of all time. But there i3 much that is positive about "Colors of the Wind" and Van,:ssa Williams presents a powerful vocal rendition of the song's challenging message. It encourages us to evaluate how much respect we give to Earth and to those who share it with us. Presenting a major belief of Native American spirituality, the song reminds us how "we are all connected to each other in a circle, in a hoop that never en~s." We need to translate this ancient message into our everyday behavior. Each of us can make respect for others and the Earth a way of living. Here are a few suggestions for doing this: I. Don't judge others. The song says that "you think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you." These lyrics refer to the prejudice the first settlers held toward Native Americans; yet intolerance of others is just as active today. Practicing re:spect means seeing that all people are God's daughters and sons. Practicing respect means holding back criticism and developing tolerance for individuals. 2. Evaluate how you use Earth's resources. Respect often comes down to practicing little, sometimes unnoticed actions. Few of us would go out and randomly cut down trees. But are you careful to buy notebook paper made from recycled materials? Do you actively take the lead in helping your family and school recycle everything that can be recycled? 3. Slow down your life's rush. Perhaps there is no "wolf cry" or "grinning bobcat" in your area. Yet Earth's gifts are found everywhere. Do you ever pause to glimpse the wonder of the night sky, feel the warmth of the sun or hear the wind's song? Do you ever pause to say thank you to a God who blesses us with such beauty? Every teen, in fact every person of any age, can think of ways to practice respect. The quality of your own life and the future of Earth as a home for God's family depend on the choices of each of us.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese Of Fall River-Fri.; Aug. I t;'1995

David may be just 14 now, but he'll remember June 23rd the rest of his life. Maybe he'll wish he could forget, but that will never happen. I've changed the names and some of the events, but this story is true. David and his 17-year-old broth~ er Rodney were walking home with some friends.'None were gang members. They were just kids, laughing, drinking sodas on a Friday afternoon. But then Justin stepped out of the alley with a pistol. He fired twice and Rodney fell, dying. He bled to death, there on the street, before the paramedics arrived. Justin and Rodney had had a fight the day before the shooting. Justin got the worst of it, and Rodney laughed at him. ''I'll get you," Justin shouted. "Just try," Rodney responded. Justin did get Rodney. He located a gun, waited for his chance and shot him down. David can't get that memory out of his mind. Again and again he sees the corner, .Tustin's face, and his brother falling, unconscious as he hit the sidewalk. Now he wants revenge. Since he can't get Rodney back, he wants to kill Justin. "My brother's death can't just be forgotten." It's understandable, but it's a plan for tragedy. Shooting Justin won't resurrect Rodney, and it won't help slow down the killing in the neighborhood. Violence is contagious, just like the common cold. The more violence you experience, the more likely it is that you will commit violence on others. You don't have to be a doctor to know that. Just watch the talk shows. People who were beaten by their parents beat their kids. People who are assaulted assault others. A survey in the Journal of the


American Medical Association showed that high school students who experience or witness violence are more likely to be depressed and angry, to feel cut off from the world and have higher levels of stress than students who do not have such experiences. Another study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that teens who have experienced violence become more likely to use violence against others. Putting those two studies together, here's what we learn. Experiencing violence makes us miserable and unhappy - and so we become more violent, making other people miserable and unhappy. If you think that sounds like a recipe for increasing misery and unhappiness, you're right. There's so much violence in our schools and cities that ordinary people don't feel safe just going about, their daily lives. . We need to stop the cycle. I understand why David wants to avenge his brother's death, but I know that returning violence for violence will only make it worse. Each of us who returns a blow for a blow adds fuel to the fire that is burning our communities down. But each of us who responds with non-violence takes a small step toward greater safety for all. So I say to David: "What shall we build as a memorial to your brother? Shall we dig a grave for Justin, and then shall we dig one for you, when Justin's brother or his friends come for revenge in turn?" Or can you become a peacemaker and commit yourself to fighting against the violence that cut him down? Which is the better way to celebrate a memory - with a life devoted to peace or with 'more blood in the alleys?

How Kathy Troccoli returned to church NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS)Kathy Troccoli is a rarity: a contemporary Christian singer who is Catholic. "There are very few people in the [Christian music] industry that are Catholic. I feel like I'm educating people a little bit," she said. If success can be a teacher, then perhaps her 1992 No. I pop hit, . "Everything Changes," offers a lesson for others. Ms. Troccoli was raised in an Italian Catholic family, but for most of her adult life she worshiped at nondenominational community Christian churches. "For whatever reasons, my experiences [with the Catholic Church] had been bad. I was bitter for years," she told the Tennessee Register, Nashville's diocesan newspaper.

But her unexpected involvement with Life Teen, a youth ministry for teen-agel's based in Mesa, Ariz., marked a new turning point. "I never really thought I had an appeal to teen-agel's," Ms. Troccoli said, but then she got an invitation to sing at a Life Teen Mass in Mesa. "I said to my manager, 'Cindy, you've got to be kidding! Teens in a Catholic church? HelloT "I went reluctantly, thinking surely there's not going to be many people there," she said. What she saw was a church "packed with teens and their families, probably 1,300 people. They were at the altar swaying and swinging. "It's the most wonderful Mass I've ever been to.'~ After she finished singing, she was moved beyond words at the

reception she received and the message that followed. "Father Dale (Fushek, Life Teen leader) talked to these teens at their own level, and I was on the second tier, weeping ... at my own self-righteousness, at the beauty of it all. "I asked God's forgiveness for how I'd treated my family, and my mother [a dedicated Catholic for whom Ms. Troccoli cared throughout her cancer battle in her final year]. All I heard God say was 'Kathy, please don't judge how I come to people,' " she said. Two weeks later she talked with Father Fushek about her experience and he asked her to be Life Teen's spokeswoman, a position that will take her to the Vatican this month.

KATHY Troccoli in performance. (CNS/Wiechec photo) She said she believes more Catholic listeners will discover contemporary Christian music when it "becomes a part of their hunger and thirst" for God.

"Catholics need to be turned back to the word of God within the Mass and turn to a personal relationship with Jesus. They're ready for that. It needs to be presented."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. II, 199$ , .

Iteering pOintl CORPUS CHRISTI, :I'.~",: E. SANDWICH Christian artist Gregory Norbet t will present a vespers concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 12. Ticket charge for adults, children under 12 free. Reservations may' be made at tel. 888-0209, or tickets may be obtained . at door. All welcome at craft classes 10 a.m. to noon each summer Wednesday at St. Theresa's Chapel. Materials available; finished projects will be donated to Christmas fair.

OL CAPE, BREWSTER Respite volunteer group needs additional members to offer respite to caregivers of sick or elderly persons in the Dennis/ Brewster area. Volunteers usually serve about two calls a month of two or three hours each. Further information: Pat Dowd, tel. 385-7302. Presentation of"Damien" scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 13. This is a dramatic tribute to the just-beatified apostle to the lepers of Molokai. ST. PATRICK/ST. ANTHONY, WAREHAM Baptismal preparation class for parents seeking baptism' for their children I p.m. Sept. 3, parish hall. Registration deadline Aug. 28. Further information at rectory. ST. WILLIAM, FR All welcome at Cribbage Club, 7 p.m. each Thursday, and Bible study with video and discussion. 7 p.m. each Tuesday, both at parish center.

saJJivQn)s Est, 1962

Religious Articles Books • Gifts Church Supplies 428 Main St. • Hyannis, MA 02601


Mon.-Sat. 9-5





CALL 675·7151 This 'Message Sponsored'by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO'FINISHINGCORP. FEITELBERG INS.AGENCY GILBERT ,C. OUVEIRA INS. AGENCY GLOBE MFG. CO.

DETROIT Cardinal Adam Maida will be principal celebrant at an 11 a. m. PolishEnglish Mass Sunday, Aug. 20, at SS. ,Peter & Paul Cathedral, Providence. Concelebrants will include Providence Bishop Louis E. Geli-. neau and Coadjutor Bishop Robert Mulvee; Boston Auxiliary Bishop Daniel P. Hart; Worcester Bishop Daniel P. Reilly; and Portland, ME, Bishop Emeritus Edward C. O'Leary. The public is welcome at the Mass and priests are invited to concelebrate. The liturgy will be part of the 42nd national convention of the Polish National Alliance, to be held Aug: 18 to 23 at Hotel Westin in Providence. The Alliance is the largest ethnic fraternal benefit society in the nation. Representatives from lodges in Fall River and New Bedford will be among convention delegates. LEGION OF MARY, FR DIOCESE The annual picnic will be held 12:30 to 4 p.m. Aug. 13 at St. Anthony parish, Mattapoisett. All members, family and friends are welcome. There will be games and prizes and the event will end with, Benediction. PAX CHRISTI, CAPE COD Members will report on the recent Pax Christi natronal assembly at their monthly meeting 7:30 p.m. Aug. 21, Our, Lady of Victory religious education center, Centerville. All welcome. ST. LUKE HOSPITAL, NB Volunteers sought for hospice program that supports terminally ill patients and their families. A 30hour pro~ram is offered that teaches listening skills and means of coping with bereavement, grief and the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects 'of death and dying. Volun-, teers are asked to spend an average of 4 to 6 hours weekly with families and to commit to the program for one year. Persons bilingual in English and Portuguese or Spanish are especially needed. Further information: Edie Vaughan, tel. 984-0270. Also at the hospital, enrollment in a Caring for Children program for teens aged 13 to 18 who are unmarried, full time students and lack health insurance will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 23 at the hospital's White Home. Applicants are asked to bring proof of Massachusetts residency and of total annual income before taxes. Interpreters will be available. More informatiol): Cindy. Francis, tel. 997-1515, ext. 2021.

.. ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP, FR Group meets 12:30 to 2 p.m. each fourth Tuesday at Catholic Memorial Home, 2446 Highland Ave. All caring at home for persons with Alzheimer's or similar conditions are welcome. Information: 'tel. 6790011. HIV/ AIDS PROGRAM, TAUNTON "Hear Me Out," a public hearing forum for persons with HIV / AIDS, will be held 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23, at the Galleria Mall community room on the second level. Persons may attend part or all of the forum. Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation will be provided.

SS 'PETER & PAUL, n~ ,' The parish celebrated a special Mass for children bapti;~ed in the last 18 months and their parents, including a blessing for· both the infants and parents. Refreshments followed. The parish sc:hool has received a $500 CVS challt:nge grant for computer equipment. The grant application was prepared by Robert Costa, husband of third-grade teacher Christine Costa. ST. ELIZABETH SETON NO. FALMOUTH Bible discussion group will meet Aug. 13. Information tel. ~i63-6961.

Royal visi.t

SEPARATED/DIVORCED LOS ANGELES (CNS) - For CAPE COD the first time since they were foundMeeting 7 p.m. Aug. 20, St. Pius , 'ed 200 years ago as outponts of the X parish life center, Barbara St., So. Spanish Empire, the histl)ric San Yarmouth. Newcomers welcome and Fernando and Santa Barbara misasked to come at 6:30 p.m., prior to meeting. Video'by John Powell, "Free sions of Southern California welto be Me," will be shown. Further comed a member of Spain's royal information: Judy, tel. 362-9873; family. In his first California visit, Paula, 385-2693. Prince Felipe de Borbon y Grecia, 27, heir to the Spanish throne, ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, FR· Hudner Oncology Center is spon- visited the missions before returnsoring a prostate cancer support ing to Spain after completing gradgroup, to,meeteach Wednesday from uate studies in international relaSept. 6 through Nov. 29 in Room tions at Georgetown Univc:rsity in 128, Clemence Hall building of the Washington. The prince is the third hospital. The l3-week schedule will child of King Juan Carlos I and include seven presentations by hosQueen Sofia of Spain. Although pital on a varying time schedule. he is not the first-born, males take Further information: Fred Barbosa, precedence over females in succes674-5600, ext. 2279; or Rose Marie sion to the Spanish crown. Baylies, 675-5688..

Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally do not vary from 'week to week. They will be presented in the Anchor periodically and , will reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retairl for reference. OnTV Sundays, WHTB, 1400 AM Fall Each Sunday, 8:00 a.m WLNE, River. The rosary is recited by Bishop Channel 6. Diocesan Television Mass, also broadcast on radio Sean 0' Malley in Portuguese weekday mornings at 5: 15 2..m. station 87.9 FM. and weekends at 5:45 a.m. and in Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, English every night following the 11:00 news (approximately 11:06 New Bedford: 7 p.m. each Sunp.m.) on WHTB, 1400 AM, Fall day on television Channel 20. River. "Vivendo a Nossa Fe" (Portu"Quince Minutos de Muska y guese), 9:30 p.m. Saturdays Fall River/New Bedford Channel 20; Quince Minutos de Mensaje" 2 p.m. Sundays Fall River Chan- (Spanish), with Father Kevin 'J Harrington, pastor of St. Joseph's ne113. parish, Attleboro, 8 p.m. elich Mass 9:30 a.m. Monday to Sunday on WJFD, 97.3 FM. Friday, WFXT, Channel 25. Charismatic programs with "Church ~iews" II a.m. Sun- Father John Randall are aired day, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 from 1:00 to 1:30 a.m. Monday a.m. Thursday, New Bedford through Friday on station WRlB, Cable Access, Channel 47. 1220 A M, Providence. Ott,er "Make·1t Known" with Father Catholic programs run daily at Andre Patenaude, MS, 5:30 p.m. 7:00 and 9: 15 a. m. and I:30 p.m. Tuesday, 5 p.m. Friday, Inland Mass is broadcast at I p.m. Cable, Attleboro & Rehoboth, Sunday. Channel 8. Catholic programming is heard "Rejoice and Hope" 6:30 a.m. at 7 a.m. Sunday on station alternate Sundays, Channel 10, WARA, 1320 AM, Attleboro. features Providence Bishop Louis Programs of Catholic interest Gelineau. are broadcast at the following The Stations of the Cross are times on station WROL Bosto:l, telecast at 10 a.m. each Friday on 950 AM: Monday,through Friday 9, 9: 15, 9:45 a.m.; Tuesda,y Fall River cable channel ,13. Faith and Values channel, and Thursday 11:00 a.m.; Wed(formerly VISN / ACTS), an inter- nesday 6:30 p.m.; Saturday 6:30 faith national cable TV network, and 8:00-10:30 a.m.; Sunday 7:00 is offered at various times on and 10:30 a.m.; 12 noon-3:00 cable channels in Attleboro, p.m. Barnstable, Chatham, Dennis, , "In Season & Out of Season" Harwich, Rehoboth and Yar- with Father Tom DiLorenzo, ,3 and II: 15 a.m.; 9:45 p.m. station mouth. Consult local listings. EWTN can be viewed in most WEZE, 1260 AM. A Polish-language Mass i:l parts of the diocese on various heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. channels. Consult local listings. every Sunday on station WICE, 'On Radio 550 AM. "The American Catholic," 5:45 The rosary is broadcast at 5:4~; a.m. Sundays, WPXC, 102.9 FM, a.m. Monday through Saturday Hyannis. on WPLM'Plymouth, 1390,AM, St. Jude Novena, 6:45 a.m. 99.1 FM.

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