
Page 1

'Made in America' Congress Inspires "

President Gerald Ford was the highest ranking civil dignitary PHILADELPHIA (NC)-About at the gala closing. He received 100,000 people - including the. a standing, prolonged ovation President, scores of cardinals,' from the crowd for declaring: non-Catholics, and Catholic laity ",I share your apprehension from all over the world-crowd-' about the increased irreverence ed this city's John F. Kennedy for life." The 41st International EuchaStadium Aug. 8 for the solemn closing' of an international Eu- . ristic Congress had been opened charistic Congress "made in the a week earlier with an invitaU. S. A.," and highlighted by a tion-only solemn Mass at Phil· live address from Pope PaU'1 VI adelphia's ll1-year-old SS. Peter as well as a pro-life statement and Paul Cathedral. But the real "stars;' of the from President Ford. The Mass, although celebrated Congress were Mother Teresa of under a drab gray sky, colorfully Calcutta, the frail nun who minclosed eight days of prayer, de- isters to the dying, Brazilian bate, and spectacle which was Archbishop Helder Camara of at the same time distinctly Olinda and Recife, a noted soCatholic and thoroughly Amer- cial activist, and Archbishop Tum .to Page Eleven ican. By John Muthlg

NIGH'iTIME SCENE: Thousands jam Philadelphia streets at nighttime Eucharistic Congress parade. Visible are congress banners which led to American Civil Liberties Union protest that they were unconstitutional, appearing to indicate city endorsement of a particular creed. Philadelphia Mayor Frank ~. Rizzo dismissed objection, saying ba~­ ners posed no threat to individual freedom. (NC Photo)

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul

"'· 0. 33 © 1976 The. Anchor PRICE 15c Vo I• 20, ..... $5.00 per year Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 12, 1976

Cardinal Ribei'ro to Offer Three Masses in Diocese Following a testimonial dinner held last night in Boston and attended by many diocesans, His Eminence, Cardinal Antonio Ribeiro, Patriarch of Lisbon, will celebrate three special Masses in parishes of the Fall River diocese, at the invitation of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The first will be at'4 p.m. Saturday at Santo Christo Church, Fall River, following which Cardillal Ribeiro will travel to Connecticut by chartered plane to attend a banquet planned. by Portuguese-Americans of 'that state. He will re-

.At 76, He's in 28th Year of Teaching English to Japanese Students When he was 38, Alfred T. Pion of St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro, lost his wife and newborn infant i n childbirth. Crushed by the tragedy, he nevertheless set about rebuilding his life and for him new direction came in the form of it religious vocation. Now 76, and for nearly 39 years a Cleric of St. Viator, Brother Alfred has for the past 28 years taught English at the University of Kyoto, Japan. He has no intention of retiring and while visiting his family in Attleboro last month he spoke . enthusiastically of the unique "direct teaching method" he has developed to give his students, mainly doctors and their spouses, a rapid command of English. He jokes that he is almost the "baby" of his long-lived family, all except for himself still res-

idents of St. Joseph's parish. They are Miss Vitaline Pion, 95, Miss Rose Pion, 91, Mitchell

Pion, 81, ~iss Alice Pion, 79, and Mrs. Beatrice McMurray, at Tum to Page Three


tum to offer a 12:30 p.m. Mass Sunday at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford; and

Superiors to Go To LCWR Parley

NOT ABOUT TO RETIRE: At '76, Brother Alfred Pion has taught English for 28 years at University of Kyoto, Japan, has no intention of retiring. He displays Japanese mementoes at his family home in Attleboro, where he visited last month. (Picture courtesy of Attleboro Sun Chronicle)

Three superiors from the Fall River diocese will be in attendance at the 1976 meeting of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. (LCWR), to be held Aug. 22 to 26 in Boston. They are Sister Marilyn Spellman, Fall River, provincial of the Sisters of the' Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, who will be accompanied by Sister Ignatius Loyola, superior general of the international congregation, in the U. S. to visit Holy Union houses. Two councillors of the congregation will also attend the conference. They are Sister Carol Regan of Fall River and Tum to Page Five

on MondllY he will be principal celebrant of a 7 p.m. Mass at St. Anthony's Church; Taunton. Area priests have been invited to concelebrate at the Masses and a reception for parishioners and priests will take place following each. During his stay in the Fall River diocese, Cardinal Ribeiro will be the guest of Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, Vicar-General and pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish. The testimonial events will benefit the Catholic University of Portugal, of which the prelate is the titular head. Cardinal Ribeiro's stay in the diocese wm be the first public visit here of a Portuguese Cardinal, Patriarch since 1937, when Cardinal Manuel Goncalves Cerejeira was a guest of the late Bishop Cassidly. The Lisbon Patriarch came to the United States primarily to attend the Eucharistic Congress, at which he was principal celebrant for an International Heritage Portuguese Mass, but his itinerary will include visits to Portuguese-American communities in San Francisco and Newark as well as in the New England states, before his return to Portugal.

New Principal At St. Anthony Through its newly organized Advisory Board, Rev. Clement E. Dufour, director of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, anounces the appointment of James W. Veiga as principal. 'Veiga, who served previously , Tum to Page Fifteen

_---In This Issue'-Msgr. Boyd Award Recipient Page 5

Two Different Kinds of Women? Page 7

. Congress OverNow What? Page 10

No 'Weaklings Need Apply Page 14

Retreat for Grief-Stricken Page 15


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976




and 1;



National No Comment WASHINGTON - Pope Paul VI has neither approved nor encouraged the use of Transcendental M~ditation (TM), according to Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States. . Archbishop Jadot said both his office and the Vatican have recently been asked to clarify re-' ports that the Pope endorsed the movement.

.Busing Support DALLAS - Leaders of 12 religious denomina-

tions~in the Dallas ar~a, including Catholic Bish-

op Thomas Tschoepe of Dallas, have appealed to pastors and congregations to give special support to families and children involved in school .busing programs. The statement called on families, students, school board members and school faculties to respond positively to tIle court-ordered busing program due to begin operation this fall.

Need Missioners PHILADELPHIA - A black African cardinal said that the priority need in his country was "more missionaries to come to Kenya to deepen the faith that they have been planting in that area for the past 75 years." Cardinal Maurice Otunga of Nairobi spoke at a press conference here prior to being the principal celebrant at the black community 'Mass during the 41st International Eucharistic Congress.

Congress Gift PHILADELPHIA - The John F. Connelly family here has given a $1 million gift to the

41st International Eucharistic Congress, congress officials announced. Father Leo McKenzie, spokesman for the eight-day congress, said that the gift will cover the million-dollar deficit which the congress has incurred.

Honors Father Brown BALTIMORE - The 550-year-old Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium has conferred an honorary doctorate on Sulpician Father Raymond E. Brown, professor of biblical studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, it was announced here. The degree citation said that the honor was in recognition of Father Brown's "outstanding contributions in the field of exegesis (textual interpretation) and New Testament scholarship." While the University of Louvain has conferred honorary degrees on U.S. bishops before, the degree. conferred on Father Brown is the first honorary degree it has given to a U.S. biblical scholar or theologian, the Suplician pro-. 'vincial office here said.

World He's Waiting. VATICAN CITY - An unheralded casualty of the war raging in Lebanon is the canonization of Father Sharbel Makhlouf, a Maronite monk who was beatified in 1965 and whose canonization was announced here smile months ago. "In view of the troubled situation in Lebanon," a Vatican official told NC News, "this is hardly the time for a religious celebration that requires peace and concord. I would say that the canonization is temporarily 'shelved until peace is restored to Blessed Sharbel's native land."

Congress Site? NAIROBI, KENYA - The next International Eucharistic Congress may be held here. Asked about such. rumors, Nairobi Cardinal Maurice Otunga said here that he may host the 42nd Congress. ' "But we' are still in the talking stage," he insisted.

Ban Publication MANAGUA - ' Five weeks after a Jesuit priest testified in Washington on campesino (farmworker) oppression in Nicaragua, agents of the Somoza government here banned publi. cation of the Jesuit-sponsored Information and Documentation Service (SID).

Missioner Arrested BUENOS AIRES - An American priest, LaSalette Father James Martin Weeks, has been arrested in Argentina as part of a government drive against alleged political activists that has already placed 11 other priests in jail, five of them scheduled for deportation. Since the March military coup against President Isabel Peron, the army has arrested one other American, Gwenda Mae Loken Lopez, 24, of Minneapolis.

Moon Traveler VATICAN CITY - American astronaut Col. Stuart Roosa, who went to the moon on Apollo 14 in 1971, was singled out for a路 personal greeting by Pope Paul VI at his weekly general audience. The Pope said he路 had .come from his summer residence by helicopter in a few minutes, but "there is here in our midst one who has traveled to the moon." Roosa was in Rome with his wife Joan and their four children. The family belongs to St. Paul parish, Houston, Tex.

Necl'ology AUG. 22 Rev. Msgr. Manuel J. Teixeira, 1962, Pastor, St. Anthony, Taunton Rev. William R. Jordan, 1972, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River AUG. 23 Rev. Thom'as Clinton, 1895,Pastor, St. Peter, Sandwich

THE ANCHOR . Second Class Postage Paid at路 Fall River, Mass. PU~lished every Thursday at 410 Hlrh1and A:enue, Fa!1 Ri 'or, Mass. 02722 by the Cathol:c Press of the CiJcJse ~f fa . River. Subscr:ptlon price by mail, postpaid 55.00 per year,

RICE BOWL RESULTS: Philadelphia dock workers load 20q ton cargo of rice bound for Bangladesh. Shipment was made during Eucharistic Congress to emphasize concern for world's hungry and was financed by congress-

sponsored Operation Rice Bowl, conducted last Lent as national interfaith program and raising nearly $5 million' for needy. Fall River diocese gave strong support to project. (NC Photos)

Continued from Page One 72 the "little sister" of the clan. When Brother Alfred joined the Viatorians, he said, he was assigned to a mission station in China and then became a pris- oner of war of the Japanese for 22 months during World War II. He subsequently taught in Canada until 1948 when he was assigned to Jllpan, where he has worked since. Brother Alfred said his teaching is based on his own 50lesson textbook, "Spoken American English," which he covers at the rate of one lesson a week. For the benefit of his doctor students, he organizes every two years a simulated international congress of medicine. "They read in English medical papers such as they would deliver at real meetings," he said, "and their fellow students and I question them on their material." Concluding his Attleboro visit last month, Brother Alfred is now attending a. conference in Montreal. He will return to Japan Aug. 23. He was asked what made hiin decide to enter religion following his personal tragedy. His one-word answer came immediately. "God," he -said.

Avers Church Authority Inspired By Love

VATICAN CITY (NC) - In words apparently aimed at suspended traditionaiist Archbishop· Marcel Lefebvre, Pope Paul VI warned against schism and disobedience to authority during a general audience here. The Pope, who flew back to the Vatican from his summer residence at Castelgandolfo to greet about 7,500 pilgrims and visitors at his weekly audience, addressed a theme that he has .been developing for several weeks at his audiences, "Building Up the Church." He focused on the relationship between the Church's unity and obedience to authority, stressing that the authority of the Church comes from Christ. "Whoever denies, whoever contests, whoever lets himself, on his own authority, judge-the hierarchical role of the Church breaks the bonds which· unite the Church," the Pope said. One element in re6uilding the ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL: Fall River's cathedral Church that needs strengthenhonors Our Lady under her title of St. Mary of the Assump- ing, he said, is authority, "that tion. The feast recalling her taking into heaven will be cele- special divinely given power which has a single specific purbrated this Sunday. pose, which is to' teach, sanctify and govern the People of God." Archie Bunker his fame. MemThe Church's authority, he bers of the Cardinal's titular said, comes from Christ through parish would do well to reflect the apostles, not from the conupon and respond to Church so- sent of the people or from any cial teaching and the- Cardinal's earthly source. messages before they again feelLetters are welcomed, but should be no The authority Christ gave the fraud as long as he is willing to compelled to honor the dishonmore than 200 wJrds. The editor reserves Church, he continued, is not make a fortune at the expense orable. the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and simply a pr.ophetic and charis.of decency, tolerance, dignity, Include a home or business address. Rev. David F. Noonan matic power, but "a teaching and understanding in his teleCatholic Chaplain authority which inciuded a cervision series; tragic it is that Framingham State tain severity in rebuking and he does not -comprehend the imCollege punishing." pact of his public life· upon the Dear Editor, private lives of others; tragic it is that he does not understand What wisdom in the simple that his primary field for comstatement of Mother Teresa at munication of the Christian Cape Cod's Route 28 the Eucharistic Congress: "It is message and Christian values is, Largest Dennisport . a . very, very great poverty to at this time -his television series. Shoe Store Telephone .... decide that a child must die that Cardinal Medeiros, whose titOpen 9 to 9 398.-6000 you may live as you wish," ular church in Rome is the while she was speaking on abor- Church of Santa Susanna, has tion. castigated with intensity the Pauline R. Cahoon very attitudes which have given Falmouth


Letters to the .editor


Simple Statement



Objects to i\ward Dear Editor: To honor the dishonorable is to dishonor the honorable. This is what the granting of the St. Genesius Award to Carroll O'Connor, ,more familiarly'known as Archie Bunker, by members of Rome's American Parish of Santa Susanna is all about (The Anchor, Aug. 5.). Humor by humiliation has been and is the hallmark of Archie Bunker's success. Carroll O'Connor, as well as the parish which gave. him honor, seems to forget that the success which he has achieved is due substantially to the fact that he mirrors the perverted prejudices of so many of his audience. Mr. O'Connor is quoted as saying, "I came back to it (Le. church)". Tragic it is that he has not learned that you cannot come b~ck to it on Sunday and leave it during the week; tragic it is that he has not learned that to head up UNICEF is


tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

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The Church "is a' hierarchical structure with a function of ordering and of obedience," he said. Schism or division within the Church destroys unity, he said, and it extends to a difference in belief as well as in practice. Authority in the Church is a form· of pastoral service, inspired by love guided by truth, the Pop,e said. "It is not ordered to despotic and egotistical domination of others." The. Pope created a friendly atmosphere in the audience .when he tried out a few Polish phrases on some visitors from Poland and joined in the applause for a group of German children who greeted him with a song. To visitors from St. Benedict's Anglican parish of Birmingham, England, Pope Paul expressed his hope that "one day we may share in a perfect unity." Greeting a group of Americans from Pennsylvania, he said his "thoughts and spiritual presence are in Philadelphia, where such throngs are united in the Eucharist."

$1279 p~~id~~~ Oct. 18th

Saint Mary's Cathedral is proud to announce on the occasion of its 75th ANNIVERSARY OF CONSECRATION

A Grand Par-ish Reunion Sunday, September 19th /

Mass Will Be Celebrated at 5:00 P.M. by Bishop Cronin Banquet at White's Immediately Thereafter Banquet tickets are available at ten dollars. Tables of eight and ten are available too. Please contact St. Mary's Recto~, 327 Second St., 673-2833 or Mr. Daniel Shea at 673-8747

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976


The Motive The expected, but nonetheless refreshing, theme coming out of all the various activities of the International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia is the spiritual dimension. Speakers, programs, calls for action - all are very much conscious that the world will be changed and human beings will be given their rightful dignity and individuals will realize their fullest potential only if the spiritual is paramount.' And so those looking at the underprivileged of the world saw them as brothers and sisters of the Lord calling out to other brothers and sisters of Christ for family concern, at the expense of time and money and work and, sacrifice. Those whose dedication it is to go to others in the name of the Lord, priests and sisters and brothers, were asked to renew their vocation and to rededicate their lives in the spirit of Jesus Christ. The hungers of the human family - and how well Mother Teresa put it when she said, We are all poor are many and different, but all admit of being satisfied if the motive and the means and the purpose are spiritual.

Conclusions The Association of Theological Schools' in the United, States and _Canada is made up of two hundred Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox seminaries and one Jewish seminary. It represents forty-seven different religious denomination,s. It is nearing the end of a three-year study, costing five hundred thousand dollars, seeking to pinpoint the qualities that American and Canadian church people are looking for in their ministers and priests. The seminaries hope to use the findings as criteria to assess the readiness of seminary students to pursue their vocations and to attempt to measure how effectively they will do so. Of sixty-four clusters of criteria relating to the ministry, the chief ones indicated as most desirable by church people were "willingness to serve without regard for' acclaim" and "personal integrity." Interestingly enough, particular pastoral skills measured fourth. ' A preliminary report said that people are looking for "~ vehicle of God's witness and service in the world of ,need." , . The conclusions are those that would be drawn from reading the biography of a saint, from assessing the life of a truly holy person, from following the life and work of a Mother Teresa or many another missionary. People are looking for those who have individual holiness of life that overflows into service of others with the emphasis on God and not on themselves. The words of St. John the Baptist must be the guide, "He must increase while I must decrease." All the possession of knowledge, all the techniques of skill, all the qualities of leadership, all the consciousness of image-'- all of these, valuable as they are, can never take precedence over the reality of the Godly person unselfishly doing the work of God. It is good to see modern statistical methods coming to the same conclusions as the Scriptures in saying what those who come in the name of God should be like.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.

ACTING EDITOR Rev. JohnR. Foister, S.T.L.


leary Press,-Fall River

Statues of saints ... and popular heroes ... lined up for sale in a religious goods store. A curious mixture ... men and women ... white ~lack brown .. .lay persons . . . monks '. . . priests ... bishops ... old and young ... scholars and carpenters . . . all remembered with admiration. Santos ... Saints ... men and women ... some unusually gifted . . . others quite ordinary . . . all give moving evidence ... of what the Spirit of Jesus ... can accomplish in the human heart. . Their lives suggest horizons of hope . . . that peopl~ can learn to love to give of themselves ... to overcome obstacles to be honest and just . . . thoughtful and generous . . . The saints show that peace can be found in anxiety . . . courage can win out over fear . . . care can overcome selfishness. Individually and together . . . the saints remind us . . . that if we are weak . . . we can become strong in Christ ... and that if we recoil at the evil in our hearts . . . and in our world . . . we can recognize in them . . . encouraging evidence . : . that love i~ more powerful than h!lte -'-. . goodness more creative than evil~路 .. and life more lasting than death.


mooRlnq St. William's Church'

Why Not US? There are many Catholics who, after viewing the programs of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, sit back and say, "Why not us?" It seems that so many other religious denominations have captured the value and meaning of television in their, efforts to spread their version of the Gospel. and on a few occasions token time is given by a major netAnd it's not just local work. The U. S. Catholic Conamateur television. It's nat- ference does sponsor some pro)onal prime time. Often it is most satisfying in presentation and for many enjoyable in viewing. It is also quite obviol,ls that various religious organizations have put a great deal of time, money and effort into utilizing the tube in their evangelical efforts.

ST. JOSEPH, AITLEBORO Junior Corps members will go to the Seekonk Speedway at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14. The parish is supporting a 24-hour style-a-thon at Dorothy's Hairstyling Salon in North Attleboro on Sunday, Aug. 15. All profits will go to St. . Jude's Ohildren's Hospital. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The annual family parish picnic will take place at Our Lady of the Lake Camp, East Freetown from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 15.



The Parish Parade

grams such as the wonderful recent interview of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Despite this, there doesn't seem to be any real effort to use the media on a national level in the same professional and dynamic way as do our non-eath,olic brethren. During the early For the most part, they are days of television, the Catholic to be congratulated and ad-, Church was certainly in the mired. Their foresight and imag- forefront of this medium, due ination are reaping many div- to the efforts of Archbishop Fulidends. It's just sad to see the ton J. Sheen. S~emingly, nothing largest religious denomination on this national level has been in America, the Catholic Church, done since. For some reason we sitting on' the TV sidelines as are missing the boat and are still . \ standing on the shore. the parade passes by. Really, there is no rhyme or True, the Church is involved in local TV Masses on Sundays reason for the Catholic Church

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The annual three-day parish picnic will open tomorrow night at 5 with a chowder and clamcake supper in the air-condi. tioned Father Coady Center, where many of the event's activities will take place. ,They will include penny sales, an auction, a Las Vegas feature, a meat pie supper Saturday night, indoor and outdoor kitchens featuring and American international foods, and awarding of $1000 in cash prizes. There will also be many booths. ST. CASIMIR, NEW BEDFORD A Polish festival will take place tomorrow through Sunday on the church grounds at Acushnet Avenue and Wood Street. Polish and American foods will be available' and other attractions will incude varied booths and special entertainment.

in this land not to take advantage of using national television effectively to inform and teach. If we could only organize and marshal our resources, set realistic goals and objectives, hire professional talent and producers, . we too could once again" capture the TV ratings. For example, why couldn't some of the Church's affiliated organizations, such as ,the Knights of Columbus (and its multi-million insurance business) sponsor and produce good religious programs on a national prime time basis? Again for example, why couldn't the U. S. Catholic Conference really push, to organize and coordinate a , truly meaningful series of programs on the Church in this land on the order 'of Alistair Cooke's series on America? We just have to get moving and once. more let the American public, half of whom have no religous affiliation, hear and see the Catholic Church. We need to project a national image; we need once more to let the peo- " pie of this land know that we are still preaching the message. To do this, we as a church must no longer rest on previous accomplishments, basking in the faded glory' of past performances. The days of "Going My Way" are over. Billy Graham and Oral Roberts know this and have effectively responded to the needs and temper of the times. Why can't the Cath'olic Church do the same as far as television is _ concerned? Why not us?

THE ANCHOR-Diocese oHell River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976.

The Permanent Diaconate

World War, Mission Needs Sped Diaconate Movement

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well· as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not 'request that we repeat an announcement several times.

By Rev. John F. Moore From the Middle Ages to the days of World War II, the office of deacon was in eclipse. To be sure, it lingered in the twilight world of the mystic, but it really wasn't taken too seriously in its own right. Perhaps in the tradition of the Eastern and Orthodox Churches the role of deacon had particular meaning but in reality the office was more historic tradition than ministry of service. The human tragedy of World War II not only changed the map but also the mind of Europe. In Germany, theologians who had been in prison at Dachau urged the oJdination of permanent and married deacons. As a result of their efforts, the Community of the. Diaconate was founded in Freiburg-Breisgau in 1951. In 1956 Bishop von Bekkum of Indonesia proposed the restoration of the permanent diaconate for mission countries. Pope Pius XII indicated his support and sympathy for such a move but declared in October, 1957, that "the time is not yet ripe". In 1959 Caritas International requested that the permanent diaconate be restored and, from October 4 to 16, 1963, the subject was discussed during the deliberations of Vatican Council II. On September 29, 1964, in four separate votes, the Council approved the restoration of the diaconate. The first international congress on the diaconate was held in Rome in October 1965. Shortly there after an international commission was set up to advise the Pope on how to implement the recommendations of Vatican II. On June 18, 1967, Pope Paul issued "Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem," a do~ument which reestablished the permanent diaconate for the Western Church and left to the Bishops of each country the determination of time and circumstances.

American Restoration . In April, 1968, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting in Washington prepared a position paper and established an ad hoc committee to establish the restored dia-


conate in the United States. Formal approval for the restoration came from Rome in Aug. ust, 1968. Shortly thereafter, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops issued guidelines and established a study committee on the permanent diaconate. On September 15, 1972, Pope Paul VI issued further norms regar~ing the diaconate in Motu Proprio form. Since that time the Bishops of the United States have established a secretariat for the diaconate at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. This office has assumed responsibility for approving diocesan plans for the restoration of the diaconate, for formulating a full program of spiritual, doctrinal and pastoral formation, and for servicing the Bishops with regard 10 special questions on the diaconate and details of the diaconate vocation. Under the direction of the United States Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate over 70 dioceses as of this year have successful diaconate programs with an additional 70 dioceses expected to seek approval of their programs in the near future.

OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD In honor of the parish's patronal feast, the Festa Crioulo will be held on the parish grounds from noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14 and from 11 a.m; until after a 1:30 p.m. chicken dinner, Sunday, Aug. 15;


ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER A parish reunion is planned for Sunday, Sept. 19 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary Ilf the consecration of the Cathedral. Following a Mass of thanksgiving to be celebrated at 5 p.m. by ,Bishop Daniel A. Cronin a banquet will take place at White's restaurant, North Westport. Banquet tickets are available at the rectory or from paniel Shea, telephone 673-8747. Tables for eight or 10 may be reserved. Also in - conjunction with the anniversary observance, a par.ish history is in preparation, which will serve as a permanent record of events of the past 75 years.

SOUTER AWARD: Msgr. John E. Boyd, retired former pastor of St. Patrick's par. Features will include plush ish, Wareham, and St. Pat- toy, children's and adult gifts ST. STANISLAUS, rick~s parish, Fal~ River, and booths, grab bags, plant and FALL RIVER former director of Catholic white elephant tables, yard and Following the successful sumsocial services for the dio- cake sales, games of chance and mer festival of this year, Thomrefreshments and a block as Pasternak is announced as cese, is the fourth recipient skill, dance. chairman for next year's event, of the Lex King Souter HuSunday's program will begin to be held July 16 and 17, 1977: manitarian Award, pre- with a procession at 1'1 a.m., The parish confirmation team, sented to him at ecumenical preceding a noon Mass. Tickets including teachers, aides and recelebration in Fall River. for the following chicken din- source people, will participate The tribute commemorates ner (galinha gizado) will be in a' spiritual renewal day Sunhis 43 years of ministry as available at the door in a limited day, Aug. 29, including attendance at 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. "an Alter Christus to all the number. Stanislaus and the remainder of children of God he dedicated ST. JOHN BAPTIST, the day at St. Anthony of the himself to serve as a priest." CENTRAL VILLAGE Desert Church on Eastern AveIt was presented by Rev. A lobster supper will be nue. Richard F. Wilcox ,pastor served from 5 to 7 p.m. SaturEvil Enough of First· Congregational day, Aug. 21 in the parish hall. "He who does no good does Reservations m!!y be made by Church, Fall River, and was calling 636·2367 or 636-2882. evil enough."-Trench conferred by the Souter Memorial Foundation in conContinued from Page One junction with that church ROUTE 28 Sister Rita Beaudoin of Law- and the Andover-Newton .II WEST YARMOUTH rence, both stationed in Rome Theological School. . Ph. 775·8883

To LCWR Parley

during their terms of office. Also at the meeting, expected to draw over 500 Sisters from all parts of the nation, wil'l be Mother Almerinda Costa, Taunton, provincial of the Sisters of St. Dorothy; and Sister Eileen Mary Cunningham, Fail River, provincial of the Sisters of Providence. The assembly theme is "The New Spirit of '76-A Call to Interdependence" and keynote speakers will include Ms. Irma Marzelis of the United Nations Office of Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and Sister of Charity Gertrude Foley, a doctora'l candidate in historical theology. LCWR membership includes. administrators of congregations of nuns. Conference headquarters are in Washington, D. C.





At Congress At the Eucharistic Congress were 129 members of the Fall River diocesan Cursillo movement, who attended a National Ultreya, one of the congress events. The· Cursillistas joined other Fall River pilgrims and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at the closing Mass of the congress.




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P,r,actica Ily f,o,olpr,oof in Any Yard

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

Fi,nds Handling a S,ailb,oat Ex,hilarating Experience Last week, for the first time in' years, I took a vacation. Some friends let us borrow their beach house for a few days. It's about 100 miles from our home. Many tinies during the past years my children have endured my telling stories to relatives and neighbors about their claims an eight-year-old kid can easily sail this boat is misleadbehavior on vacations we ing the reader. The book mentook years ago when they tions nothing about forty-twowere little. They used this one to get even Teen-agers now, they waited about 30 seconds after my hus-

year-old mothers. Back when I was a kid, the sails had only one pointy end that obviously went up. This new simplified "kid-stuff" version has a sail that's an equilateral triangle. Trying to prove my expertise to my worried husband, I threaded the line through the By eye in the top of the mast while I still had it lying on the deck. MARY After I raised the mast I found a ring that must be slipped over CARSON· the mast before it's raised. So I lowered the mast, admitted I needed. help, and we tried again. band got our ancient station Now there are only two sides wagon under way. From the of the sail you can be on when back' seats there was a muffled, you raise it. I had a 50·50 "Ready? All together." Then: chance of-doing it right. I didn't. "Are we almost there yet?", One more try, and I was final"We're hungry." "We've got to ly underway. go to the bathroom." "Can we It was exhilarating. I felt like stop to get something to drink?" a kid agail!. The tone was set for the three There was just a light breeze, days vacation. and I was amazed at how easily Actually, the kids were great. the boat handled. My confidence It turned out I was the only soared. I could sail. problem. Unfortunately, within a few The house is in an isolated minutes, it started to rain. I spot, right on the beach, looking headed home, and almost made across a large open bay. I'm it before I was becalmed. sure Heaven must be like that spot. .You Never Forget Dorothean Sisters Set And there is a sailboat. I haven't sailed in thirty years. Annual Lawn Festival The 20th annual Lawn FestiMy husband was uncertain that it was safe for me to take the val for the benefit of the Sisters boat out. But I convinced him of St. Dorothy will be held at it was like riding a bicycle. , Villa Fatima Grounds, Route 140, Once you know, you never for- Taunton, on Saturday,' Aug. 14 from 2 to 7 p.m. and on Sunday, get. Actually, I never really did Aug. 15, from 2 to 9 p.m. know how to sail well, even The event will offer entertainwhen I was a kid. But I didn't ment, refreshments, peQny sales, tell him that; he'd only have groceries, white elephant, baked worried . . . more. goods, good cheer, handmade To ease his concern, however, articles, gift post, and a variety I read the handbook that comes (>f games with prizes galore. with the boat. I should have' 'Pony rides will be available been suspicious. Any book thaJ tor the children.

No 'matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATILEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44~ *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRlDGE'v.ATER, Route 18 *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southw~y Plaza, R. I. Ave., .FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick People are constantly asking me for the nam~s. of plants which are almost foolproof in the garden, claiming that they have bad luck with whatever they try. I teally don't believe there is any mystery to growing plants, but if you are one of those nothing more soothing than people looking for the easiest is sitting on a beach and listening plant available I would sug- to the hypnotic sounds of the gest day lillies. These are waves. This to me is heaven on

perennials which are almost fool- earth. proof in 'any garden. They are One of the first things I would , disease free, they bloom yearly do in my dream house would from mid-July to August, they be to have a beach clambake in grow under any soil conditions, .the style of the first settlers of TO BE NUN:' Sheila Cas- are drought resistant and multi- our shores, the Indians. While ply rapidly. There isn't much it is unlikely that I will do this, sidy, British doctor whose else that can be said to enhance the next best thing is reading claim of imprisonment and their desirability except to say about it and one of the most torture by Chilean military that they will even grow in par- fascinating articles about shorepolice caused international tial shade. side clambakes that I have read Day lilies may be planted any in recent years was in last repercussions earlier this from now until mid-Octo- month's issue of "Gourmet." year, has decided to become time ber. They come in a number of Titled "A New England Clama nun. colors and a great deal of work bake" and written by Malabar When she went to Chile in has recently been done by hy- Hornblower, the mouthwatering to enlarge the flower tale makes you want· to rush 1971, she said she was look- ' bridizers and to 'enhance coloration. Over- out, gather up rockweed, buy ing for work governed by size day lilies are now available needed ingredients and even her own needs, not by those and although quite expensive, the dig a hole in your backyard if of other people. She said she they produce larger flowers and a beach isn't available. was "ambitious," with no more lasting colors. A friend of Fortunately, here in New Enours in Carlisle, Mass. has an desire to help the under- extensive gland there are still some bakecollection of standard masters around and most of us privileged. and oversize types and we reto attend at least one "The change started in cently visited his garden where man,age bake hefore the season is over. 1975 when I was working for we saw many in bloom; This year my sister-in-law and Day lilies are hungry plants the Chilean National Health and therefore it is a good idea brother-in-law from New York Service," she said. "The ser- to give them ample room when are driving down just to attend vice· disintegrated,' leaving planting. Although not especially one because he's from Georgia and has neyer experienced this the people with no medical fussy, they prefer good garden particular joy. Hopefully, we soil if they are to prosper. The care. All I saw was suffering will go along too. only caution I would suggest and oppression. However, after, reading the is to spread the tubers out when "It made me take a good planting so that they are not Hornblower article I doubt if I'll be content until I manage look at what medicine meant cramped. to create a bake of toy own on A reasonably good-sized plant to me," she said. "Eventsome deserted stretch of beach, ually I found that to go and should produce some flower the reproducing the sights and aro~ first year after planting and will leave people with no medical probably require dividing after mas he speaks of with such afcare was not consistent with four to six years. We dig up an fection. While I wouldn't dare offer what I believed in, so I opted established clump, shake off the excess soil and divide the clump a recipe for a New England out of the rat race." by hand or even with a spade if clambake because of the endless . It was this sense of service it is exceptionally heavy. These arguments as to the right way that caused her trouble with divisions are then replanted and ·to prepare it and whether the clams go on the top or bottom, Chilean authorities. On Oct. left in the garden. For the gardener who feels he I do offer a recipe to accompany 31, 1975, Dr. Cassidy was arneeds the foolproof plant there it-brown bread. rested in the central house of is nothing in our estimation to New England Brown Bread the Columban Fathers in compare with the day lily. Not Santiago while she was only is it easy but it produces 1 cup flour 1 cup, rye flour treating a sick nun, and an abundance of beautiful flowIf 'any 'readers. want aders. 1 cup yellow meal charged with treating a dresses of reputable day lily 1 teaspoon soda ' wounded revolutionary nine dealers, please write to me in 1 teaspoon salt days earliex:. care of The Anchor and I will 1 cup sour milk y:! cup raisins For the next four days, be glad to forward names to you. % cup molasses she was subjected to elecIn The Kitchen 1) Mix together the flour, trical shocks, hypnotism and I have always said that if I rye meal, soda, salt and then other torture. She spent held with reincarnation I would add the milk. three weeks alone ~n jail believe that at one time I had 2) Shake a little flour over been a seagull because of my the raisins and put th~m in the and five weeks with other fascination with the water. My prisoners, subsisting on a idea of a dream house is any- molasses and add to the first mixture. Add about 1 cup cold diet of tea, bread and soup, thing with" a roof and a private water to make a batter that rewith an occasional stew beach. With all the bounty of sembles pancake batter. Pour and eventually she was ex- the ocean at my front door I into greased coffee cans arid doubt if I would be tempted by .steam for about 3 hours. pelled from Chile. the riches of the world. There


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fqll River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

Two Different Kinds of Women?' NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arti- getting clots,' how many women ficial contraceptives are med- are having strokes. Apparently ically. dangerous and unsound, we must have two different Dr. William Lynch, a member kinds of women!" he said. "I don't know of any method of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, told of birth control that has threatdelegates to the International ened a' man's life or killed a Alternatives to Abortion con- man," Dr. Lynch continued. "I vention here. • know of many that have pro~ "It's amazing they've all tried duced the deaths of women; that to suppress it except in En- have crippled." . gland," Dr. Lynch said. Asked if the American drug According to Dr. Lynch, the industry was trying to use unBritish Medical Journal has told true medical data, Dr. Lynch a different story about the ef- replied: "I wouldn't say the drug fect of the pill than its Amer- industry has caused it to be that ican counterpart, the American way, I would simply point out that there are three major inMedical Journal. "The American journal tells dustries in this country: steel, of the great possibilities of the automobiles, and drugs and pill and the British journal tells chemicals. I'll drop it at that." how many women are dying Also speaking at the convenfrom it; how many· women are tion was Father Pierre Primeau,

director of Pastoral Fainily Care of Latin America in Bogota, Colombia, who told the 125 delegates that Third World nations are being pressured to use any steps, including abortion, to control their populations. "Internationally and politically wealthy countries are putting pressures on poor countries to accept family planning programs ,using contraceptives, sterilization and abortion," Father . Primeau said. "In order to explain the poverty of international agencies, for instance, Mr. McNamara (Robert McNamara, former U. S. Secretary of .Defense) now of the World Bank, believe that it is due mainly to their high birth rate," he said. As a consequence, administra-

They Say It's Cloud 99 PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Thunderous applause and wild cheers greeted the highest ranking U. S. cardinal at the Vatican as he and 200 other priests mounted a makeshift altar in this city's convention center to close the second worldwide convention of Marriage Encounter Aug. 1. Last Breath In a homily capped by a standing ovation and interrupted frequently by applause and laughter, Cardinal John Wright, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, told an estimated 13,000 that he would "serve them until the last breath of my life," and asked God to preserve the movement that claims more than 700,000 proponents worldwide. In preparation for the convention, each participant was urged

to attend a Marriage Encounter weekend, an intensive crash course on communications between husband and wife. Feelings the Core According to the Marriage Encounter philosophy, feelings are the core of human relationships and must be expressed between husband and wife regularly. Cardinal Wright, who is a strong supporter of Marriage Encounter, delighted those attending the closing Mass with his personal observations on married life. "A marriage unites two families, and that is why y'ou should always teach your children to look over very carefully not only the boy or girl they intend to marry, but also their parents,

because that's what they're going to grow into," he quipped, Runs in Family "If the prospective mother-inlaw is a shrew, so is the prospective bride, And if the prospective father-in-law is a drunk -ah well, it runs in the family

tors say, "it is imperative to give a priority to a population program which will reduce births," Father Primeau continued.. "Mr. McNamara said that these countries needed a 'strict strategy,' What does it mean exactly? "The World Population Council is more explicit. A spokes.man for them said 'We should deny our foreign aid to any country that has an increasing birth rate that we consider undesirable . . . The United States should use its power and prestige in order to apply diplomatic and economic pressures against any country or organization which is opposed to the most severe world problem," The Rev. Robert Holbrook, founder and' president of the Nat ion a 1 Baptists for Life

C9mmittee, directed his remarks against those who, he said, attack motherhood.. "The career woman is more respected than the woman who stays at' home and raises a family," Mr. Holbrook said. "In 1973 there were 300,000 fewer births than in 1972, although there was an increase of more than 800,000 women of child bearing age ... America's young women are in effect going on a baby strike. "It is a great mistake," he ,said, "to translate the female desire for inner growth into a rejection of motherhood,"" The four day convention drew most of its delegates from the United States, with several foreign countries represented.

-something like tonsilitis and gout,"

asked what they thought of the Marriage Encounter philosophy responded in superlatives. A typical reaction was that of Joe Schubert, a Lutheran from Pitman, N. J.:

The closing Mass gave form and substance to the Marriage Encounter philosophy. The Sign of Peace, for instance, lasted for nea,rly five minutes as couples hugged each other and the priests who mingled in the crowd. Persons picked randomly and

"Do you know where Cloud Nine is?" he asked rhetorically. "Well, we're on Cloud 99 ... It's the most beautiful happening in 'the world,"



The missionary brings help to the world's suffering poor... he brings hope ... he brings a meaning to their lives, while he is compelled to suffer untold deprivation. He begs for them ... he begs YOU for the help he needs to continue the work of God. We wouldn't ask you to change lives with the unfortunates of the world but we MUST- ask you to help those who have. ,


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HELP US... ... to fill their needs of body and spirit. May the Societx fo.r the Propagation of.the, Faith be your pnnclpal chanty for shanng In the gr.ea~est. and ~o.liest work of the Church missionary activity.

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Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 Fift~ Avenue New York, New York 10001


Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720

• • •


The Merchants on Thi

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976


.This Cape Cod Directory Mass Schedule for Summer Season





OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 ' Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6;30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:00. 6:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.

ST. PATRICK Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. baily-7:00 A.M.· Saturdays 8:00 A.M.




ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, \1:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.





IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.






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YARMOUTHPORT ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA T.1asses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P-.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass

CENTERVILLE OUR L c\DY OF' VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, .9:30, 10:45, 12 noon. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A~M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.


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ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon 'and 7:30 P.M.. Satl~rday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00. A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.



Falmouth 548-5500

HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M.

OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.

CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday~:OO, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

SOUTH CHATHAMOUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective ~uly 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30' A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.

EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. , Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. .


EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZAJlETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.

MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Satlirday"":"'5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M.

MATTAPOlsm ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-8 A.M.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

NANTUCKET OURJADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. (Saturdays 9:00 A.M.) Ros!iry before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily

SIAS-CONSET . UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 A.M. July and August

OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. -

ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Ma!>Ses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.

s Page Gladly Sponsor

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976



of Churches and Masses




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Mass Schedule for Summer. Season



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Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. ·Saturday.Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. - Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M. SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL

Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS

Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST

Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half·hour PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (except . 'Saturday) Confessions: Saturday--4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI

Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE ST. THERESA

Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, -10:15, 11:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and ,7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only) BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY

Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE

Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

Robert l. Studley, Treas. Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon l. Homer Howard C. Doane Jr. Robert l. Studley HYANNIS 775.0684 South Ylrmouth 391·2201 Hlrwich Port 432.0593




Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. WAREHAM ST. PATRICK

Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 AM. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M. WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY

Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessi~)Os: Y2 hour before Mass WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES

Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00, ~:OO, 10:00, 11:00 A.M Saturday Eve.-5:00, 6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 ·'5:00 P.M. TRURO SACRED HEART

Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M.

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Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

How Do You Make the Eucharistic Congress Live? By MSGR. JOHN P. FOLEY

How do you make the Eucharistic Congress live? How does a participant in the events of Aug. 1 through 8,1976, carry out in daily life the message' of one of the most dramatic religious celebrations in American his. tory? First, it is essential to put one's personal priorities in order. The first book of the Bible, the Book of Genesis, opens with the words, "In the beginDing, God • • ." These words reveal not only the history of the world but the history of each individual life. The final book of the Bible, the Book of Apocalypse or Revelation, indicates that God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Thus, God is not only the origin of human life; He is also its destiny. To live by the light of that vision is to follow the only true path through life; to ignore that truth is the ultimate insanity. Therefore, the first practical resolution is ~ commitment to God for Whom every human bein~ has a hunger that will be satisfied ultimately only in heaven. Second, if one truly recognizes one's origin and destiny !n God, then communication with God is not only desirable, but necessary. -a daily morning offering of all that one will do, or think, or say to God - from Whom comes the power to act, to reflect and to speak; -an offering of thanks at the beginning and end of every meal to God who alone satisfies even the ghysical hunger of the human family; -prayers of "aspiration," like breathing itself, throughout the day, spoken silently in the sanctuary of the heart where only God can hear: "My God, I love you;" "Jesus, I believe in You, I hope in You, I love you with all my heart;" -prayerful examination of conscience each evening, to ob-

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Bome 550 Locust Street FaD River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. SuUivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan

tain that peace with God and . with others for .which the human family hungers - an e~amina· tion made up of the following points: (a) thanksgiving for every .blessing and gift received throughout the day, such as continued life and health, pleasant companions, challenging work, even trials and temptations; (b) petition for divine light to know . ourselves not only as others see us but as God sees us; (c) exam· ination of every thought, word and action of our day, to see if it has been in conformity with God's love and God's law and if it has been an act of gratitude worthy of being offered to God; (d) an act of contrition, expressing our sorrow to God that we have been so ungrateful and so unfruitful in our service of Him Who has given everything to us; (e) resolution that we will amend our lives on the next day to avoid those faults which offended God and others in the day just ended. Third, communication with God is most effectively established through frequent communion with God - Holy Communion in which the Body and Blood of Christ are received and in which divine life is truly communicated to human beings. The reception of Holy Communion can be most fruitful in a family context; families remain close together when they meet together and eat together; families draw closer to Christ and to one another when they feast together at the Table of the Lord. A good and practical resolution from the Eucharaistic Congress is family reception of Holy Communion at least once a month. . Fourth, those who feast together at the Table of the Lord come to realize that there are many who are starving at the banquet of life. Those who acknowledge God as their Father ought to appreciate that every human being is a brother or sis-' ter; those who receive Christ in Holy Communion ought to appreciate that we are bound to our brothers and sisters by a supernatural life which transcends the bonds of blood relationship. Thus, it is blasphemy to receive Our Lord under the appearances of bread and wine while we refuse to recognize the just claims of other members of the human' family to natural food and drink. Therefore, a practical resolution from the Eucharistic Congress would be to continue Operation RiCe B'owl in each family - possibly one day a week, with Fri-




The Master Beggar Worse than the poorest mendicant alive,

I seek the counters of life's gleaming store

pencil man, the blind man with his breath

But make no purchases, for you are there.

Of music shaming all who do not give,

How can I was.te one coin

Are you to me, Jesus of Nazareth.

With tear-soiled cheeks and , dark, blood-matted hair?

Must you take up your post on every block

And when I charity

Of every street? Do I have no release?

Pennies minted by love, still,

Is there no room of earth that

Fixing your sorrowful wide eyes on me.


I can lock To your sad face,· your pitiful whisper, "Please"?

while you implore

offer you in

you stand

Must all my purse b'e emptied in yC?ur hand?

Eucharist should be willing literally to "give until it hurts" in terms of service to others. The Eucharistic Congress preparatory program, Service in God's Name (SIGN), could be continued not only by young people . but by all people - the dedication of hours of special service to the needs of others and to the glory of God. The spiritual and corporal works of mercy - from visiting the sick to counseling the troubled - form excellent ways of making the self-giving or sacrificial aspects of the Eucharist live in daily life; and since the word, Eucharist, means "thanksgiving," there is no better way of offering thanks to God than by receiving the gift of His Body and Blood in Communion and by ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of others as Christ would have ministered to them in loving gratitude for His goodness to us. Seventh, since the Eucharistic Congress involves the themes of hunger for freedom and justice and peace, each Catholic' who has received Jesus in the !Eucharist should be sensitive to the establishment of a local, national and world order in which each person is treated as we would have wished Christ to be treated - with dignity, with respect, with love. Thus, economic and political decisions by government and organizational policy' makers must be made to transcend mere selfish, national or corporate interests and to include the best interests of the greatest number of people over the longest period of time. Finally, we return to the theme of "The Hunger for Jesus, the Bread of Life." To establish personal peace and to reaffirm the priorities in our own lives we might do' two things: (a) assist at Mass and receive Holy Communion as often as possible, even daily; and (b) visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for moments of prayerful reflection and petition that He Who alone satisfies the hungry heart may effectively satisfy all the hungers of the human family.

-Jessica Powers

day as an ideal day ot' penance and sacrifice. That is, a small meatless meal equivalent to what would be eaten by a fortunate resident of the Third World could be eaten with the amount saved from the cost of a more bountiful meal given to Catholic Relief Services and to local organizations which feed the hungry for the relief of those in need '

D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME . 206, WINTER STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381

at home and throughout the world. In this way, direct action would be taken to satisfy one hunger of the, human family. Fifth, in a world starving even more for faith than for food, each Catholic ought to resolve to help to satisfy the hunger for God and the hunger for Jesus, the Bread of Life, in two ways; (a) by being an informed Catholic who knows what Christ has revealed and what Christ's Church tj:!aches; (b) by being a zealous Catholic who gives the witness of a blameless life and who politely invites those without faith to share the precious gift off insight into the meaning of life. Sixth, Since Jesus said, "This is My Body which will be given for you," each recipient of the



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

Congress Inspires the abortion issue, must be reContinued from Page One Fulton J. Sheen, TV and radio spected." Some exhibitors working in preacher. congress hall booths and some Television crews, Sisters, and just plain people stalked Mother pro-life demonstrators openly Teresa, who was constantly pro- backed the candidacy of Repubtected by security guards. Her 'lican Ronald Reagan. Political partisans, however, appeals to "recognize Jesus in the disturbing disguise of the were in a minority. Most partipoor" left men and women in cipants viewed abortion as an important facet of a larger strugtears. gle to defend the right to life. Archbishop Camara brought They warmly applauded Bishthe crowd to its feet in Philadelphia's Convention Hall as he in- op James Rausch, U.S. Catholic terrupted his talk to kiss the Conference general secretary, hands of Mother Teresa, foun- for declaring that world hunger dress of the Missionaries of is a "fundamental right to life issue." Charity. "The Eucharist and the HungArchbishop Sheen, at a Mass in honor of Mary, rekindled ers of the Human Family" was memories for 50,000 Catholics the Congress theme. It sparked often heated diswith his theatrical homiletics. The three personified for many cussion of the arms race, imbala growing sense of what it ance in standards of' living means to be a Catholic in among and within countries, and FROM POPE: Cardinal America after the Second Vat- America's responsibilities and James Knox, papal legate to shortcomings. ican Council: Eucharistic Congress, pre-The willingness to do somePositive Effect sents chalice to Philadelthing concrete to help the matephia's Cardinal John Krol on A .consultor to the Vatican's rially and spiritually impoverCongregation for Religious was behalf of Pope Paul VI. ished, as Mother Teresa does. -The realization, expressed politely but firmly criticized for (NC Photo) by.. Archbishop Camara, that taking a "European" view of retrue satisfaction of the hungers ligious life. Father Mark Said had asserted of the human family cannot be achieved unless justice is done. that Religious orders were in -The desire, personified by "alarming" condition. But three Archbishop Sheen, to regain the leaders of American men and pride which once came from be- women Religious unanimously said that the rough road of ing a Catholic in America. NlILADELPHIA (NC) - The Archbishop Camara was right change had had a positive effect American Church's greatest reon target when he talked about ~n religious life in America. sponse to world hunger should social justice," said a PhiladelThe topic of women and the be through influencing governphia teaching Sister from a con- Eucharist was discussed for a ment policy, a U. S. Catholic servative order. "Social -justice day at the congress. But the hot Conference official said here. is what the Church in America topic of woman's ordination took Father J. Bryan Hehir; USCC has to be about," second place to appeals that wo"Mother Teresa is a saint," men promote a' "theology of associate secretary for international justice and peace said said a New York feminist. peace" in America to counter"Whatever our own particular act a "theology of just war" at- "The Church is not a political gripes happen to be, we've all tributed by one speaker to a party or a research institute, but as a community of congot something to learn from her male version of Catholicism. nonpolitical way of getting One American woman Reli- science its most important task is to look at the hunger something done." gious. told 1l panel on woman issue from a certain angle of A widow raising six children that the congress concerns were said at the congress' closing perhaps too American. She said vision." He spoke at the' 41st Mass: "Day in and day out I that the congress failed to take International Eucharistic Conhave to keep tel'1ing myself, note of the "very different" sit- gress. Other significant activities for 'God really does exist,' It's been uations of woman and men in Catholics, he said, would be to good for me to see all this and other parts of the world. give aid through private groups to hear other people saying the Unlike Predecessors . and to modify their life-style or same thing." All three women said they felt The 41st congress was .in food consumption. comfortable attending the Con- many ways like none of its 40 "I've always said, however, gress' varied programs which in- predecessors. that we shQuld first talk about cluded Marian devotions, an exTheologians from 25 Christian our view on public policy and uberant charismatic Mass, In- denominations participating in a only later take up a collection," dian and European ethnic litur- congress symposium on the Eu- the priest asserted. gies, Masses for youth and chil- charist said that they had reach- ~ No private collections will dren and even an outdoor Mass ed an"unprecedented consensus" ever take care of the hunger hv the Catholic homosexual or- on what the Eucharist means.... problem," he added. . ganization, Dignity, celebrated The ecumenical symposium Father Hehir said that while by a priest who said he was a and a day of prayer and dis- fasting can make people mpre "celibate homosexual." cussion on ecumenism was be- conscious of the food problem, It was a distinctly American lieved to have been the -first fasting itself has "no direct condisplay of tolerance, not shared ,time that a congress included nection" with the problem of by all of the 20,000 foreign cler- such high - level non - Catholic world hunger. gy and visitors, some of whom participation. He emphasized that the real occasionally expressed discomAmerican -Indians made their solution to world hunger will be ,,,,,* ,.. ;.~ this or that ~~~~~ ... the monumental Congress pro- debut at a Eucharistic Congress. found in a generous public polThey performed dances from icy on food aid, the building of gram in words or grimaces. four tribes as a prelude to the a world grain reserve and aid closing Mass. for agricultural development. In Reparation An American archbishop swayContributions to private funds The American Church's concern over abortion was in evi- ed along with other prelates at and change of personal life-style dence. Archbishop Sheen urged a lively Mass for 40,000 mem- are significant but secondary, remarried couples at a Mass in bers of the' Marriage Encounter sponses, he added. honor of Mary to make a -daily movement. A Vatican- bishop sang a solo holy hour before the Eucharist In debates, at prayer, in song, in reparation for _"one abortion from the pulpit at another Marriage Encounter celebration, and and in procession, all facets of every 30 seconds." Cardinal John Cody of Chi- thousands-black and white- the 41st International Euchariscago said he hoped the Congress joined in a "soul Mass" so spir- ~ic Congress, attended by nearwould show the federal govern- ited that some participants kept ~y a milion pilgrims, were ment that "the religious feel- singing, clapping and "praising stamped with the same brand"Made in the U.S.A:' ings of the people, especially on the Lord" until I a.m.

Fasting Won't Help Much, He Says



Let's Not Play One Ethnic Group Off Against Another I am in favor. of the so-called ethnic movement in the United States, but I hope its spokesmen will resist the temptation to take either themselves or their own particular ethnic group too seriously.. One way of taking an ethnic group too路 seriously is to exMsgr. John A. Ryan (Irish); . aggerate either its virtues or Father Raymond A. McGowan its grievances or to blame all (Irish); Msgr. Luigi Ligutti (Italits troubles on "them," ian); Father Virgil Michel (Germeaning either the so-called WASPS or some other ethnic group, meaning, more often than not, the Irish. In my opin-



man); Father John LaFarge, S.J. (Yankee-French, I think); Bishop Edward Swanstrom (SwedishIrish); Cesar Chavez (MexicanAmerican). Msgr. Karl Hensler of Pittsburgh (German); Msgr. Charles Owen Rice also of Pittsburgh (Irish); Edward Marciniak of Chicago (polish); Russel Barta also of Chicago (polish); Miss Linna 路Bressette of the old NCWC Social Action Department (French); Paul Weber of the now defunct Detroit Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (German-Irish, I think); Msgr. Clement Kern also路 of Detroit (German); Father Benjamin Masse, S.J., long-time labor editor of America (French, I tliink); Bishop Sidney Metzger of El Paso, a strong supporter of the Farah boycott (German); Msgr. Geno Baroni of ethnic fame (Italian).

ion Richard Krickus occasionally succumbs to the latter temptation. In Krickus' otherwise excellent study of recent date, "Pursuing the American Dream: White Ethnics and the New Populism," he says that the Irish engaged in "cultural genocide" against other ethnic groups in the United States. Me thinks that, in this respect at least, he is taking both himObviously this list could be self and the ethnic movement 'expanded to include hundreds of a bit too seriously. other priests, Religious and lay Ethnic movement spokesmen . people who would presumably ate not alone in making pejo- fit The Tablet's definition of rative comparisons between va- "liberal." I dare sayan expandrious groups in American soci- ed list would show roughly the ety. The editors of the London same diversity in terms of ethTablet, who have little, if any- nic origin. thing, in common with AmerSo what's the point of trying ican ethnics, fell into the same trap in a July 3 editorial on the to play one ethnic group off American bicentennial. With against another? That's a waste specific reference to the prob- of time and a great disservice to lem of race relations in the the ethnic .movement,whose United States, they say that various constituent groups can "with a few notable exceptions, proudly stand on their own recthe record of the Catholic clergy ord and have no need to bolster until recently was not good. their sense of self-identity or There was some truth in the self-confidence by exaggerating saying that liberal priests in- their accomplishments or denvariably have German names igrating those of any other and they were a minority:" As group in our society. one whose maternal grandfather, Rethinger by name, was a firstgeneration German-speaking immigrant from Alsace Lorraine, I can gracefully say that this statement is not only contrary to the fact, but completely 102 Shawomet Avenue irrelevant. Somerset, Mau. No Useful Purpose Tel. 674-4881 The fact is that so-called U. S. 3~ room Apartm.nt "liberal" priests' have not "invariably " had German names. 4Vz room Apartment ,But that's beside the point. The Includes heat. hot water, stove, repoint is that comparisons of this frigerator and maintenance service. type are odious and serve no useful purpose. Looking back over the three decades that I have been in"BUCKY" volved in the Catholic social action movement as a paper-shufThe Television King fling usee bureaucrat, I would say that, in terms of ethnic origin, so-called "liberal" priests <and 'lay people) in this country have been a mixed group. Let 1196 Bedford Street me illustrate with a random Fall. River, Mass. list Qf people, living and dead, whose names are well known Dial 673-9721 to anyone with even a passing SALES AND SERVICE interest in the field of Catholic S.rvln, the Iru for .Vlr 25 Jura social action:





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 11, 1976



II Sundays and Special Occasions By




ship. This presumes, of course, that parish leaders establish In another city recently I par- weekend liturgies on the highest ticipated in a solemn Mass for a rung of their priority ladder. commemorative occasion. Such a value judgment will have The music was superlative practical consequences with rea large choir, a talented, ener- gard to time, money, personnel, getic director, a fine pipe organ, and energy expenditures. an assortment of other instruWe begin Sunday liturgy planmentalists. But I am not sure ning a month or two earlier at the people worshiped superla- special staff meetings. We develtively. op themes for the next four-eight Their speaking and singing weekend celebrations (e.g., all of seemed minimal; the distractions Advent, Lent, Eastertime or a and activity around the altar section of the ordinary time were frequent and pronounced. throughout the year). Those sesThe congregation watched, list- sions are hard.working, painful, ened, enjoyed and perhaps drew yet creative and crucial for the considerable inspiration from the development of celebrations liturgy. For the most part, nev- which can touch the hearts of ertheless, they were ~ute spec- parishioners. tators, a role rejected years ago Having studied the scriptural by several papal documents. texts for those Sundays, reflectWith minimal direction, that ed on the current needs of the Eucharistic celebration could community and discussed poseasily have fused this marvelous sible ideas, we finally agree on choral music and, the people's subjects and preachers for each proper parts. The congregation's weekend. share would then be enhanced That list then goes to two without any diminution of the groups: musicians and artists. choir's important function. An ever changing committee Careful, informed advance' of the choir takes the themes planning remains the key to such and selects music - some famila delicate fusion, just as similar iar, some new - which will unearly preparation is essential for derscore aspects of those various effective regular Sunday worTurn to Page Thirteen


Abraham: Father of Believers BY



Preserving Sound Teaching

"Faith is confident assurance . concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see" Hebrews 11, 1. The biography of Abraham stands as one of the greatest faith stories in the history of religion. About 2,000 years before Christ, a young family man underwent a profound r~ligious experience in the riverside city of Haran along the banks of the Euphrates. In a culture where mathematicians were developing geometry, equations, and the 60-minute hour and everyone believed that each group had its own god, Abraham experienced the one God and Father of all. At the dawn of recorded history, Abraham came to know the God who would create a believing people through His servant. In that solemn hour, Abraham sensed that this God wills life and hope for everyone. "God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living, For he fashioned all things that they might have being. God formed man to be imperishable; The image of his own nature he made him" Wisdom I, 13-14 2, 23. Abraham sensed a call to leave the security and known future of his homeland and go forth as the first missionary of the living God. Abraham moved to Canaan. Along the way he enjoyed several more depth experiences of God in which he came to see that God's love

would see him through the destiny of becoming a Father of Believers, both in the descendants of his own flesh and in all those people who would catch the fire which ignited his own belief. Abraham possessed the confident assurance that God would keep his promises despite all evidence to the contrary. Like any pioneer traveling in strange lands, Abraham and his family endured the hostility of strangers and the fear that resettlement would not be possible. Furthermore, the years wore on and his tender young wife aged with them. She showed no signs of fertility. Yet Abraham stood by a conviction that he would find a permanent settlement and that God would gift them with a child. He had an amazing capacity to look beyond what could not yet be seen. Little by little God kept His promises, Abraham did find a home and Sarah, his wife, did have a baby. They named him Isaac. When this boy grew to early adolescence, he became the occasion of the trial by fire for Abraham. . Tension Is Broken In cold prose the Bible describes God requiring the blood sacrifice of the only SOTh Abraham is to take the boy to Mourit Moriah, knife him to death and burn him as a religious offering. With no comment on the disappointment or shock to the father, the text describes the preparaTurn to Page Thirteen

Many people expressed alarm at the changes in the Church since Vatican III. Part of the problem is that changes came so suddenly and so sweepingly. For a few hundred years before the Council the Church had become static, monolithic, and the impression was given that it was immutable and that any change was tantamount to heresy. Actually the trouble lies not in the fact that it instituted changes but rather that it has resisted change for so long. The whole Church history has been one of change, growth, and development from its beginnings to the present. It has come a long way from the struggling little commu路 nities of the first century. It is important to realize that this dynamic growth process, sometimes painful, is reflected in the New Testament itself. The Church did not come down from heaven . completely assembled, gift-wrapped and beribboned. Jesus left His little flock the essentials of belief and conduct and a very basic, ltlmost skeletal structure. Then He sent His Spirit to guide the community in working out the details, in adapting to historical and cultural situations. If one ....eads the books of the New Testament in chronological order, one can trace this pattern of growth. One developmental stage is re, fjected in the 'so-called Pastoral Epistles: 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy. They are addressed to individual "pastors" and deal predominantly with pastoral rather than doctrinal matters. Although most scholars, both Catholic and Protestant, are convinced that they are not the work of Paul, they are written in his name, and they undoubtedly preserve some precious Pauline traditions-perhaps even passages from some of his early, unedited letters. Conservative, Defensive We of a later age and mentality may find this rather disconcerting, but in those days to write something in the name of an' authoritative figure of the past seems to have been an accepted and widely practiced technique. There are several examples of it in the Old Testament: Moses did not write the Law of Moses, the Pentateuch, and Solomon certainly did not write the Wisdom of Solomon! Quite sim. ply, their concept of authorship differed from ours. The style and vocabulary of these letters are strikingly different from those of the authentic letters of Paul, and the differences can hardly be accounted for by his use of a secretary. But there are more serious considerations. Unlike Paul's letters, the Pastorals propose almost no fresh doctrine, and if Paul wrote them, even from a pastoral point of




ALTHOUGH JESUS left His flock of believers the essentials of belief and an almost skeletal structure, He sent the Holy Spirit to help them work out the details, writes Father John Castelot. The decent of the Spirit on the apostles is depicted in an Albrecht Durer woodcut. (NC Photo) view, this would be most unusual. They lack the dynamic creativity of the apostle's letters; on the contrary, they are conservative, preservative, defensive. They

look back on the formative apostolic period and give the impression that there is now a fairly fixed deposit of faith to which the communities must adhere. Turn to Page Thirteen

Secularism Challenges Christianity BY WILLIAM E. MAY Paul's epistles 'to Timothy and Titus are called the "pastoral" epistles, because their preoc.cupation is the pastoral care of the local churches. When these letters were wlitten the early Christian communities were threatened by false teachers who, eager for popularity and money (ct. 1 Tim 6;5-10; Titus I,ll), were trying to win followers with their novel teachings. They caused serious dissensions within the Church and their teachings encouraged loose living. In these letters, the inspired author sought to give his disciples, Timothy and Titus, sound advice in organizing the local churches through the choice of worthy ministers and a practical program of leading the Christian people to a way of life based on the Gospel. These letters teach us that Christian people's lives can be deeply affected by the kind of leadership they are given. Only men who are temperate, discreet

and courteous, hospitable, kind, and peaceloving can be worthy ministers of the Gospel. But these letters are not mere pious homilies mouthing platitudes. Rather in them one finds a passionate love of God and a burning desire that the truth about God and our salvation through Christ Jesus be communicated convincingly and faithfully to the people. The ministers of the Gospel are above all to be men who help the Christian people realize that God wills all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:3-4), that He is a God who became visible in Christ, who is in truth the very manifestation of God (1 Tim, 3:16,) and that the life of the Christian is a response to the graciousness of God that has been revealed in Christ. "The grace of God has appeared, offering salvation to all men. It trains us to reject Godless ways and worldly desires, and live temperately, justly and devoutly Turn to Page Thirteen


Preserving Sound Teaching, Morality Continued from Page Twelve There are ominous warnings against heresies of a type which burgeoned in the late first and



Continued from Page Twelve in this age as we await our blessed hope, the appearing in glory of, the great God and of our Savior Christ Jesus ... (Titus 2:11-14)." Both letters emphasize teaching sound doctrine (1 Tim, 1:10; 6:3; 2 Tim, 1:13; 4:3; Titus 1:9; 2:1, 8) and guarding the deposit of faith '(I Tim, 6:20; 2 Tim, 1:14). Rule of Faith This concern for sound teaching and for faithfully handing on the deposit of faith is not to be understood as forbidding in, telligent inquiry into the meaning of the mystery of our salvation. But it does give the Christian people, the church, a criterion for testing these inquiries, a rule of faith. No one who denies the reality of the incarnation - God's epiphany in the person of Jesus Christ-or who teaches that the Christian life does not demand sacrifice and self denial -is a worthy minister of God. Whatever our state in life, one thing is ultimately important: The loving God has redeemed us through Christ, and we are to live as He did, patiently enduring our trials. The Epistle of James is in the same spirit. This letter, too, was written when the early Church was being threatened. Like us, the early Christians lived in a secularized world. Many of them had been disappointed that Jesus had not as yet come again in glory; they were tempted to despair and abandon their way of life; they began mimicking their secularized neighbors and living as they did, bickering among themselves, out to get their share of the "good life" good food, fun, and pleasure. For this reason the Epistle of 'James is encouraging and important for us. Written in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount, the Letter stresses that we have been made in the image of God (3;9), that we have obscured this image in us by our own sins (3;2), and that God, in His infinite and loving mercy and surpassing desire to give us His life (1;5, 5;11; 5;15), has come to visit us personally in Jesus and to rescue us from sin. We are to have a lively faith in God and in Christ, but unless we express our faith through Christlike deeds it will be an empty show. Basically the message of both the pastoral epistles and the Letter of James is the same, a message that we need to hear today just as our forebears in ~he faith needed to hear it toward the end of the apostolic age. Jesus has revealed to us both who God is and who we are. God' is a being who loves us and wills to share His life with us. He is the friend who will never betray us. And we are capable, of a life of friendship with God. He invites us to choose His life and friendship. 'we accept this invitation when we live our faith, take 'up 'our cross daily, and refuse to inflict ~njustice on others.

early second centuries. The Spirit distinctly says that in later times some will turn away from the faith and will heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons through plausible liars - men with seared consciences who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by believers who know the truth. (1 Tim 4, 1-3) Process of Change A large part of all three letters has 'to do with what we might call community housekeeping. There are detailed instructions for the selection of overseers (misleadingly translated "bishops"), presbyters, deacons (deaconesses?), widows. These, passages reflect a growth in community structure not discernible in Paul's letters. The latter suggest communities which are largely charismatic, with only minimal structure. There is just one, rather offhand, reference to overseers and deacons in Phil 1,1, and not one mention of presbyters. Here in the· Pastorals we find a later situation, with 'a structured hierarchy taking shape. The communities are governed by groups of overseerspresbyters (the two terms are used interchangeably to indicate the same group) assisted by deacons and others. Only later, in the early second century, would there be further precision with the residential, monarchical episcopate: one bishop in charge of one community assisted by a presbyterate and diaconate. (Timothy was not the "bishop" of Ephesus, nor was Titus the "bishop" of Crete; they were more like apostolic legates). The Pastorals give us a picture of an intermediate age in the evolution of the hierarchy. The process of change, of growth, is at work. It is rather strange that the virtues of an aspiring overseer have nothing Christian about them. They are what we might call "bourgeois," middle-class, "safe.." He must be irreproachable, married only once, of even temper, self-controlled, modest and hospitable. He should be a good teacher. He ought not to be contentious but, rather, gentle, a man of peace . . . He must be a good manager of his own household, keeping his children under control without sacrificing his dignity... (1 Tim 3, 2-4). Scattered throughout the letters are urgent moral exhortations, all designed to guarantee the smooth working of the com~ munities. One should read in this connection the letter of James also. At any rate, we get the impression of Christian communities in which charismatic enthusiasm has waned, communities holding on for dear life to the past, defending themselves against heresies which would adulterate the received apostolic traditions - in short. communities grown in upon themselves. This, ot cours~, was just one phase; it did not mean that all communities had lost the missionary fervor of Paul. Far from it- as history has more than amply demonstrated.

Thurs. August 12, 1976



FOLK MASS PARTICIPANTS join actively in the liturgy at Graymoor, N.Y., a contrast with what Msgr. Joseph Champlin describes in a church he visited where the congregation only acted 'as "mute spectators." (NC Photo)

Sundays and Special Occasions Continued from Page Twelve topics. Each artist receives the subject for a given Sunday and prepares a cover for that weekend's song leaflet. Since the theme for the coming homily and liturgy is known, the previous week's bulletin indicates what is on the agenda, e.g., "Next Sunday, Father Baehr will preach on God's power and desire to heal us." Obvious Impact The preacher, aware early of the date and topic, can read around the subject and prayerfully' reflect over a period of days or weeks on the theme. He may also enlist the aid of a committee, a few individuals, or a family for ideas and suggestions. On the day or two 'before his preaching date, the priest or deacon completes the homily in detail, prepares the general intercessions and introductory scriptural comments, selects the most appropriate options from the sacramentary, and writes a few remarks for the celebrant, particularly a mini-homily after Communion. This process takes approximately five hours. That effort has been rewarded many times over by the obvious impact which some of our better liturgies exert on worshippers. Weekend Masses are the occasions when the greatest number of parishioners come together for listening and prayer. The major moments of life - birth, growth, guilt, sickness, love, death and crises - are those events when these same people are most disposed to listen and pray. Parish leaders, conscious of this, should free priests of admin·

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istrative labors so they can spend the time needed with persons experiencing such situations. The clergy naturally need to recognize the sensitivity of those occasions and give themselves in the service of those particularly happy or hurting. For examole, accompanying a terminally ill person and his or her family through dying and death requires, ideally, more than one visit to the hospital for the sacrament of Anointing the Sick. More may not be demanded, but more really is expected. And more will never be forgotten.

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Continued from Page Twelve tions as casually as though they were going on a fishing trip. They .set out on a three-day journey besieged by a heavy and embarrassing silence. The boy carries the wood, little knowing it is meant to be his holocaust. The father carries the knife. (The Hebrew noun says "butcher knife"). At their destination the two go through motions that are trance-like, as though they were sheep walkers carrying out orders. Abraham makes a crude altar bed, ties up his unresisting boy, puts him on the bed. He raises the butcher knife in midair, ready to destroy his only hope. At this moment the tension is broken, God speaks. "Do not lay your hand on the boy. I know how devoted you are to God since you did not withhold from me your own beloved son" (Gn. 22,12). Some commentators have said this is simply a story of how God was opposed to the prac· tice of human sacrifice occur· ring on and off in those days. ,But the meaning seems deeper than that. It is one of the most profound stories of faith in religious history. As the writer of the Hebrews points out, the story shows that Abraham's faith was so deep that he believed God would keep His promise of giving Him descendants, even if it meant bringing the boy's body back to life. "Abraham reasoned that God was able to raise back from the dead, and so he received Isaac back as a synibol" (Heb. 11,19). Thus the author of Hebrews sees this event as a parable of the resurrection, for God did indeed raise Christ from the dead in order that the promise made to Abraham should be fulfilled in the new dispensation. This story of a loving father and. an obedient son foreshadows the mount of Calvary where the theme of costly sacrifice is enacted. The Lamb of God dies and rises to show the love in which we all can and should put our faith.





FALL RIVER 673·7780



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

basic youth page He Says Church Must-Go Out To Youth By Paula LaBeck WASHINGTON (NC) "If young people do not go out to the Catholic Church, we must go out to them -like Christ/, Father Rudolph Beranek, director of youth activities for the U. S. Catholic Conference - (USCe) told participants in a symposium on Total Youth Ministry here. "For too many years, we have thought in terms of programs like CCD and CYO where ,the young people joined us and we didn't do much to join them," he said. "We have the responsibility to go out and minister to young people, not wait for them to come to us." According to Father Beranek, youth ministry is a new concept in the Church. "In the 1960s, ideas were _changing so fast among" young people that many of those who worked with youth weren't quite sure what they were· supposed to do," he said. "However, people who were involved at that time experimented, and slowly a new ministry to youth began to develop." "Youth ministers must work on a 'people-to-people' basis," said the priest. "Effective youth programs can only come from a response to a relationship.

Share Like Jesus "We are being asked to share ourselves like Jesus did. Much will and is being asked of youth ministers. We must be a people of the Gospel. If not, young people will see right through us." Father Beranek stressed the importance of parish support for youth ministers. "In 'the past, there were many complaints that the Church, the clergy in particular, did not sufficiently support ministry to youth," Father Beranek said.

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass.. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. - McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director


In Music By The Dameans


When the night returns just like a friend When the evening comes to ~et me free When the quiet hours that wait beyond the day Make peaceful sounds in me Took a drag from my last cigareete Took a drink from a glass of old wine Closed my eyes and I could make it real And feel it one more time Can you hear it, Babe Can you hear it, Babe From another time, from another place Do you remember it, Babe

DOESN'T INTERFERE: A cold rain doesn't interfere with celebration of Mass at _the Chrisian Outdoor Leadership School of Colorado. In rain hat and poncho, Father Kenneth Leone, direCtor of Denver Catholic Youth Services, gives communion to a student. (NC Photo)

No Weaklings Need Apply To This Rugged Program By Cathy GnJpp DENVER (NC)-The Christian Outdoor Leadership School (COLS), sponsored by Denver Catholic Youth Services, is indeed a school. But it also bears a likeness to a boot camp, a spiritual retreat and a backpacking expedition. . Described as the most unusual religious education school in the United States, COLS began its second year with" an expanded program of eight three-week sessions at three Colorado camp sites in the Sangre- de Cristo mountains. The first week, students-high school juniors and seniors-begin the day at Camp Elise at sunrise, spending a quiet hour with their Bibles. Breakfast is eaten with only a cup and a spoon. At no time during the three weeks do students use plates, forks or knives. Conferences, calisthenics, a one-mile run for physical conditioning, a" Mass and dinner fiII each day of the first week. Students sleep outside except when it rains, when they move into a cabin.

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According to John Farnsworth, director of the COLS program, the first week is actually an extended retreat. Emphasis of the first week is to "get the students out of the city" and prepare them for "real learning" during the second and third weeks, he said. Penance Service Camp Two is a much more intensive program than Camp Elise. Scheduling allows le~s free time, with conferences on leadership and dynamics all day. Physical conditioning continues and on one of the nights during the second week; students climb participate in an overnight particiupate in an overnight Penance service. At Camp Three, students backpack daily, concentrating on developing backpacking skills. There are no leadership conferences but during the hikes there are discussions on various forms of prayer. A three-day "solo" experience concludes the session. Each student is assigned an acre of land a10hg a creek and spends the time with only a Bible, sleeping bag and poncho. After completing the threeweek course, each participant is . awarded a diploma from> COLS signed by A~hbishop James V. Casey of Denver.

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And the radio played like a carnival tune As we lay in our bed in the afternoon When we gave it away for the sake of a dream In a penny arcade, if you "know what I mean And here's to the songs w~used to sing And here's to the times we used to know It's hard to hold them in our arms again But hard to let them go by Neil Diamond (©

1976 CBS, Inc. (ASCAP»

As darkness comes, water splashes against the shoreline. At first it comes quietly, then crashes. In and out. There is something mysterious about it. There is almost conversation as it swirls in small darkened pools and then escapes to the great uncontrollable ocean. The ebb and flow of something too large to understand. The source of life and death. Neil Diamond treats music much as the nature-lover treats the ocean. Both come with a mystical kind of respect to feel at one with life. Diamond's music is a flood of emotion, rhythm and sound that captivatingly washes through past, present and future. After a while it becomes clear that he is not so much interested in his song content as he is in the beat that moves his soul and the words that feel right together. And so, like the ocean, he eases into the crevices of your feelings, and then flows away as quickly, escaping possession and description. . Recently I attended a Diamond concert and was struck by another feature of his similarity with the ocean. At the end of the show when he was standing in a single spotlight with the crowd roaring for more, I felt' the ebb and flow of a remarkable kind of conversation between him and the crowd. It was particular'y striking because there was a feeling that it was more than just people talking back and forth. The movement between the audience and Neil gave an exhilarating sense of the largeness of life and the power that belonged in each one of us. I turned to the person next to me and said I thought that this was what baptism was supposed to do. Sacramental water should create the same .type of flow, where people believe that life is filled with a beat and rhythm that links it together, that there is power in the person who hears the invitation to share the song, and it all comes together when people gather around one spotlight. As surely aSI the movement of the ocean, the exchange between people and star brought about a type of. mysterious communion. There is actually something ironic about Diamond's new song. "If You Know What I Mean." The answer to the title is "No, Neil, we don't - not exactly." But, then, how is that different? Who can put his finger on the meaning of ocean or rhythm or applause or poetry or baptism? The most valuable feature in all those phenomena is that they give us the sense that there is so much more to know in life. This week we give you something too large to understand - the sounds of creators and those who listen to the mystery.



Announce Unique Retreat F~r Grieving People Beginning Sunday, Aug. 29 and continuing through Saturday. Sept. 4. a unique retreatseminar for persons suffering the loss of a loved one through death will be offered at The Common. Peterborough. N. H. Conducted by the Omega Group, a researching and coun-

New Principal . Continued from Page One as assistant principal at St. Anthony, holds a bachelor of science degree from Southeastern Massachusetts University and is a candidate in the master's degree program at the same insti. tution. He will be assisted in his responsibilities by the Advisory Board. . He and his wife Carol are residents of South Dartmouth.

Thurs. August 12. 1976

Catholic Women Set Cha rity Fete The Ushers' Committee of the New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club will sponsor a dinner dance from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, Sept; 25 at the Wamsutta Club New Bedford. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. will be preceded by a social hour, and dancing from 9 to 1 .will be to the music of the Bob St. Amour orchestra. Dress will be semiformal. In charge of arrangements are Mrs. Emile Camire and Mrs. Raymond A. Robichaud. with Mrs. Joseph C. Motta in charge of reservations, which are limited and should be made with her by Monday, Sept. 13, at telephone 999-6770.

seling organization specializing in the study of. reactions to death, the retreat will focus on the experience of loss. Often, organizers point out, bereaved persons find themsalves cut off from friends and family and even unable to relate to themselves. Thoughts of their own death and seeming inability to give meaning to their lives foster a destructive state of mind. In an effort to assist such persons to a better understanding of the dynamics of grief, three professional counselors associated with the Omega Group have planned the Peterborough retreat. They are John L. Maes, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, former dean of the Danielsen Center for Pastoral Counseling at Boston University and a Methodist minister; Rev. Adrian J. Cooney, OCD, retreat director and spiritual counselor who founded Boston's first student parish; and Jane Thibault Guenette, M.A., a specialist in counseling and research in the grievin& process. . 'Further information is available from The Common, Old Street Road, Peterborough, N. H. 03458.

THE HANG-OUT: Observing school tradition, 1976 graduates of St. Clare's Hospital school of nursing, New York City, hang uniforms from residence hall windows. It's last time for tradition, as Franciscan-run school is closing after 25 years. (NC Photo)



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 12, 1976

age in the ohurch where he was married and threatening the Ute of the pastor who had performed the ceremony.

It Was Enough To Make Pastor Turn Hermit

Father Alphonse Tuozzo, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in East Hanover, N. J., said Joseph Battifarano of Paterson came to the church after he was unable to find his estranged

MORRISTOWN, N. J. (NC)A 32-year-old truck driver was indicted by a Morris County grand jury for causing several thousand dollars worth of dam-

wife at her mother's home near- shield and dented the trunk of a neighbor's car in the ohurch by. . Battifarano allegedly broke parking lot,. authorities said. down a locked door between the The man then went on what sacristy and .the sanctuary, shat- was described as a "wild ramtered altar chairs, tore holy . page" in the rectory where he water fonts from the wall, rip- smashed a television set, a 'large ped out confessional screens, overturned candles, lifted a pew Will of Life out of place, and tossed a microphone at a stained glass window, "The will of life is love, and which cracked but did not break. he who dwelleth not in love is Outside, ,he smashed the wind- dead."-John Tauler

tape recorder, and a banjo. Father Duozzo said he was overpowered by the man as he tried to restrain him while a church secretary called police. Battifarano was taken to Greystone Park State Hospital where he is undergoing psychiatric testing. Authorities said Battifarano had been married for about seven months before he and his wife separated shortly before the incident.

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