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Fall River, Mass., Friday, August 13, 1982


20c, $6 Per Year

Latin violence

concerns church

By Agostino Bono NC News Service Increase in political violence and turmoil in much of Central America has been matched· by growing concern for the region by Pope John Paul II and the U.S. bishops, as well as by the Reagan administration. EI Salvador has drawn most attention because of the high number of deaths there and U.S. interpretation of the conflict as a classic communist attempt to take over a country and infil­ trate the rest of the region. Political violence is also a way of life in Honduras, Guate­ mala and Nicaragua. In all four countries, about 90 percent of the people profess Catholicism, 'making the church a powerful social, cultural and political 'force in the area. Here is a summary of the sit­ uation in the four countries: EI Salvador: On Aug. 6 Pope John Paul sent a letter to the Salvadoran bishops condemning military and guerrilla violence as lacking Christian' justification and asking bishops to foster "the ministry of reconciliation." Salvadoran church agencies estimate that at least 32,000 peo­ ple have died in the three years of fighting that has pitted the military and paramilitary groups supporting it against guerrillas. "The methodology of violence which has led to a practical war

- placing on the one side those who consider armed battle a

necessary instrument for obtain­

ing a new soci~l order} and on the other side those resorting to the principles of 'national secur­ ity' to legitimize brutal repress­ ion - has no rational, and much less Christian, justification," the letter said. ' Salvadoran guerrilla mov.e­ ments justify their struggle by saying it is the only way to ob­ tain a new society based on social justice. The government and the military justify the use of violence and the suspension of basic civil rights as necessary to defend national security. . "The discords and divisions that still disturb your country and caus~ new conflicts and vio­ .lence have their true and deep root in situations of social in­ justice: a problem that has erupted with force at the poli-

tical level," Pope John Paul said. .But he told the bishops to offer the predominantly Cath­ olic population "the methods of peace in the ministry of recon­ ciliation through the word of the Gospel and the action that it inspires." The pope said both sides in El Salvador's civil war are "motivated by contrary interests and guided by ideologies' that sacrifice the fundamental aspira­ tions of the human person." Nicaragua: On Aug. 6 the Vatican released the text of a papal letter to its bishops warn­ ing against priests in politics and the growth of "popular churches" which reject in hier­ archial authority and leave them­ selves open to being infiltrated by political ideologies. The letter was ,read in parishes at Masses last Sunday but sev­ eral days after its Vatican re­ lease had not been mentioned in secular media. Four priests who have sus­ pended their priestly ministry are

prominent in government ser­ vice: Maryknoll Father Miguel D'Escoto, foreign minister; Father Ernesto Cardenal, minis­ ter of culture; Jesuit Father Fer­ nando Cardenal, moderator of

the Sandinista Youth Movement; and .Father Edgar Parrales, dele­ gate to the Organization of Am­ erican States. The pope defin~d the popular chqrch as "a church which arises much more from the presumed values of a portion of the popu­ lation than from the free and gratuitous initiative of God" and as a church which is "opposed to the church presided over by legitimate pastors." It is "a church. which enoys the autonomy of the so-called 'bases,' without reference to their legitimate pastors and teachers." "Bases" is an abbreviation for "basic Christian communities," grassroots Catholic organizations which study the Bible and dis­ cuss concret~ socioeconomic and political problems. During the civil war leading to the fall of the Somoza regime, many basic Christian communi­ ties opposed Somoza and sup­ ported the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a Christian­ Marxist coalition. The support continues,' although the Nicarag­

uan bishops have become in­

creasingly critical of the gov­

ernment, especially o'n human . rights issues. Tum to Page Six

Charismatics. ' •

Pro;vidence· In Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston will join with other New England bishops and several hundred priests to concelebrate a colorful liturgy closing a Cath­ olic Charismatic Conference to be held at the Providence Civic Center today through Sunday. Bishop Louis E. Gelineau, of Providence, will be the main cele­ brant. Culminating three days of praise, worship and· teaching, Sunday's celebration will feature a festive processional with the Boston College Liturgical Dan­ cers, priests, religious sisters and brothers, deacons and lay people. Homilist will be Father Ronald Brassard, assistant chancellor of the diocese of Providence, who has planned liturgies for three New England conferences and a

1979 charismatic gathering in

Yankee Stadium.

Conference participants, in ad­

dition to those from the contin­

ental United States and Canada,

represent Mexico, Brazil, Costa

Rica, Europe, the Philippines and

South Africa. Among those to appear this weekend are ij:arry Blamires, in­ ternationally known British writer and lecturer; Mother Ba­ silea Schlink, a Lutheran nun from Darmstadt, Germany; Jes­ uit Father George Maloney, founder of the John XXIII Center for Eastern Christian Studies at Fordham University; and Father John Bertolucci, faculty member at the University of Steubenville, who will be master of cere­ monies.

'It is necessary to remind old people to contribute their spiritual riches to other people, in particular, the young.'

Golden· aging

By Jeff Eodrst VIENNA, Austria (NC) The first World Assembly on Aging concluded its two­ week session in Vienna. Aug. 6 by calling for policies to en­ hance the lives of the elderly and to allow them to enjoy "in mind and in body, fully and freely,' their advancing years in peace, health and security." Delegates from 120 coun­ tries and representatives of 143 non-governmental organ­ izations agreed that quality of life "is no less important than longevity," and that the elder­ ly should therefore be able to enjoy in their own families and communities "a life' of fulfillment, health, security and contentment, appreciated as an integral part of society." The Vatican delegation made an informal proposal for a study on "making the fam­ ily the subject of a United Nations conference in the near future." The idea was broached by Bishop Francisco Jose Cox Huneeus, secretary of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family and head of the Vatican delegation. He told the assembly that religion has particular signifi­ cance to the elderly.

"It is necessary to remind old people to contribute their spiritual riches to ,other peo­ ple, in particular, the young," he added. He said that respect for the elderly is a "manifestation of respect for life at a particu­ lar stage." "Man has no right to dis­ pose of any stage of life, from conception to death," said Bishop Cox. He said that the elderly have an important role in im­ plementing the policies called for by the assembly. "They have the time and wisdom to give to society. The church expresses its gratitude to-those institutions that have contributed to the cause of the elderly," he told the as­ sembly. Richard 'Schweiker, U.S. Secretary of Health and Hu­ man Service, told the assembly that issues of aging have enormous impact on social, economic and political charac­ teristics of nations. He said the ch21llenge is in finding personal fulfiillment for the elderly through new activities and roles· not pre­ viously widely available. Schweiker listed key ques­ tions which he said are still Turn to Page Six


THE ANCHOR:"'Oiocese


Aug'. ·1-3,'1982' ' .




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Sen. .

• querIes murders WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. Charles Percy (R-I1!.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has called for further investigation into the murder of four American churchwomen in EI Salvador in December 1980. The State Department mean­ while continued its testimony at congressional hearings on aid to El Salvador, saying that there has been no cover-up in the in­ quiries into the killings of the . four women. , But brothers of two of the women have claimed that the State Department knew of allega­ tions of involvement by high­ ranking Salvadoran security officers in the deaths of lay worker Jean Donovan, Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura' Clarke and Ursuline Sister Doro­ . thy Razel in EI Salvador. Michael R. Donovan, Jean Donovan's brother, testified be­ fore the Foreign Relations Com­ mittee Aug. 3 that the State De­ partment suspected involvement of high-ranking officers in the women's deaths. Five low-rank­ ing soldiers have been implicated in the murders. Donovan and William Ford, Sister Ford's brother, said that at a State Department meeting a Salvadoran attorney hired by the U.S. embassy in EI Salvador to investigate the churchwom­ en's deaths had stated that sen­ ior military officers and officials of the Salvadoran government may have ordered the killings. But such accusations were denied by Thomas Enders, assis­ tant secretary of state for inter­ American affairs. When asked by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) if the State De­ partment was covering up any­ thing, Enders replied, "No, sir, we are not." But Percy said the testimony by Donovan and Ford "person­ ally shocks me" and pledged "I .will do everything I personally can" to get answers to the ques­ tions raised. "I can walk in the shoes that you are walking in now," Percy said to Ford and Donovan, ap­ parently referring to his anguish over the unsolved murder of his daughter Valerie at the family's home in 1966.

Let there be light

JERRY ~RlE, sexton at Our Lady of Fatima Church, _ New' Bedford, is mayor,fire and police chief, construction engineer and the entire population of Rockville, a Westernstyle village he's built over the past four years in his East Freetown backyard. The % size buildings include the Church of the Little Flower which seats eight and was re-.

cently the scene of a Mass celebrated by Father William T. Babbitt, associate pastor at Our Lady 'of Fatima. Rockville is not intended as a tourist attraction,but LaBrie welcomes visits from ,friends, family members and Our ,Lady of Fatima . parishioners. (Rosa Photos)

VATICAN CITY (NC) -;- The world's tiniest city state now has its. first traffic light. Vatican officials installed a traffic light at the arch separa­ ting the Belvedere Courtyard from the Vatican Gardens and the papal apartments. The installation of the first traffic signal in the 104-acre city state coincided with the· intro­ duction of new uniforms for the 100 Vatican security' guards. The guards, who formerly wore all-blue uniforms, are now dressed in white shirts, blue pants and ties, aQd a newly styled hat bearing -the papal coat-of-arms.

CU thanks


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The contribution of $33,000 from the people of the diocese of Fall River to, Catholic University of America was recently acknowl­ edged by CU iProvost John Jo­ seph Murphy. In a rletter to Bishop Cronin, Dr. Murphy said, "The need be­ comes clearer every day for teaching and research which are vaaue-centered and whIch occur in a context tilat explica'tes the fullness of human personhood. We cannot conceive of genuine education in ,the absence of a constant appreciation of the presence of God dn aU bis works." Shrinking financial resources, both from private and public sectors, and new tax 'legislation makling donations to private in­ stitutions less attractive "make us keenly aware of !how impor­ tant Is the support we reoeive from the annual diocesan coHec­ tion," Dr. Murphy stated. "May I express to you, your people and your priests the deep and sincere gratitude of the en­ tire university community. Your true beneficiaries are the many students who WlHI be enabled by your 'generosity to take advan­ tage of a university education founded in faith." Located dn Washington, D.C., CarthoHc UniV'ersity was founded by the American bishops in 1887 and since 1903 has been sup­ ported by the Catholic people of the United States by-way'of an annual diocesan collectdon. 'Last year diocesan collections totaled $3,431,415 and made 'Up 7.28 percent of tIhe university's budget.

On the road in Poland WARSAW, Poland (NC) Groups of pilgrims from more than 20 Polish cities and towns are walking to the nation's most revered Marian shrine. Polish church authorities said that some 100,000 people took to the road for the traditional national pilgrimage to Czesto­ chowa, home of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Poland's patroness. Some 300,000 pilgrims are ex­ pected in 'Czestochowa on or be­ fore Sunday, the feast of the As­ sumption, for ceremonies opening jubilee year celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the arrival of the icon in Poland. , Church officials said the num· ber of walkers was the highest in recent history, despite high summer temperatures and diffi. culties in organizing the pilgrim· age under Poland's martial law regime. The pilgrimage has been held for 271 years, except for years of war and occupation. Pope John Paul II had been invited to attend the Aug. 26 celebrations 'in his native Poland, but the visit was. postponed be­ cause of disagreements with government authorities who said they would welcome the pontiff next year.

THE ANCHOR Friday, Aug. ] 3, 1982


Hurtado freed

CARDINAL AGOSTINO CASAROU, Vatican Secretary of State, discusses prob­ lems in Poland and the Mideast with President Reagan during a meeting at the Hartford convention of the Knights of Columbus. (NC/UPI Photo)

Bishop attends K of C convention

HARTFORD (NC) - Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was among hundr.eds of prelates at the 100th anniversary .convention of the Knights of Columbus, held Aug. 3 to 6 in Hartford. The bishop was a concelebrant at the meeting's opening Mass and was present for a major ad­ dress by President Reagan and for a dinner at which Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, Pope John Paul II's representative at the' event, accepted on the pontiff's behalf the first payment of $1.25 million from a fund set liP by the K of C for personal papal charities. On the diocesan scene, Bishop Cronin will be honored by Fall River K of C Council 86 wltha state Legion of Merit Award in Aug. 21 ceremonies at the coun­ cil home on Columbus Drive in Fall River. At last week's Hartford meet­ ing over 7,000 Knights and fam­ ily members from the U.S., Cana­ da, the Philippines and Mexico were in attenda'nce. Reagan's speech to the Knights Mew rousing applause when he backed tuition tax credits, school prayer and pro-life legislation. Resolutions later passed by the Knights endorsed the idea that education is primarily the right and responsibility of par­ ents; backed the Hatch amend­ ment, which states that nothing in the Constitution guarantees the right to an abortion; and backed an amendment to allow prayer in public schools. Other resolutions reaffirmed commitment to raising prime­ time TV standards, urged stricter enforcement of anti-obscenity laws, supported establishment of a scholarship fund for the North American College in Rome, and



Fall River



SUN., SEPT. 19· $16 Call: Helen Ouellette • 674-4050 RESERVATION DEADLINE SUN., AUll.1S

caHed for the beatification of the the homilist, noted three under­ Knights' founder, Father Michael currents affecting Christianity today: the mystical movement, McGivney. Cardinal CasaroIi told the including the charismatic move­ Knights that the pope holds their ment; the political movement, organization in high regard. He seen as the struggle for justice, said the pope "is grateful to you social development and liberation for the aid of every sort which of the poor and oppressed; and you give not only to your local the ecumenical movement. churches and to the whole Cath­ The Knights journeyed from olic Church, to your homeland, Hartford to New Haven, Conn., to those who are in need, and to Aug. 6 for a Mass in St. Mary's youth, but also directly to the Church, where the organization Apostolic See." was founded, and for dedication of statues of Father Michael J. Also on Aug. 3, Cardinal Casa­ McGivney, the founder, a mother roli lunched with President Rea­ gan in Hartford. A White House and baby and a child at the spokesman said the primary Order's ,supreme headquarters. topics discussed were Poland and the Mideast, especially the con­ flict in Lebanon. The foHowing day the cardinal discussed the same topics with U.S. Secretary of State Shultz at the State Department in Wash­ ington. No details of the meeting were released, except for a statement by State Department spokesman that "we found the exchange of views very valu­ able." At an Aug. 4 Mass, Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila, Philippines,

GUATEMALA CITY (NC) - Dr. Juan Jose Hurtado, a pediatri­ cian whose arrest prompted five .private U.S. organizations to in­ vestigate his case, was released July' 29 after no charges were placed against him. Government officials had said he was arrested as a suspected communist. In July the American Associa­ tion for the Advancement of Sci­ ence, the American Public Health Association, the National Asso~ ciation of Social Workers, the Public Health Association of New York City and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences sent a fact­ finding team to Guatemala as a show of concern for Hurtado, who ran a free clinic for Indians at San Juan Zacatepequez near Guatemala City.

The Closest Reflection "When a man and a woman choose to have children, they also choose - perhaps without really knowing it - to become the closest and clearest earthly reflection of God that those chil­ dren will see in their first years of life." - Alicia Marsland in U.S. Catholic magazine






THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall.River-'-F'ri'.,

'A..fg'. 13, 1982'

the living word

the moorins.-, The Beleaguered Parish A recent Wall Street Journal article concerned Cath­ olics who shop around for the "best" parish. Titled "The Parish-Shopper," the article describes such people as Catholics who have abandoned their home con­ gregations for ones they like better. Though there are no accurate statistics, the writer estimated that close to 10 percent of practicing Catholics join parishes in which they do not live.. The article goes on to state that many parish-shoppers have a want list. At its top is good preaching. Other desired attributes iriclude diverse activities, a sense of belonging, putting on a good show, and offering liturgies tailored for different occasions. The writer details how one pastor uses slides, inter­ pretive dance and creative liturgies, including such attrac­ ti6ns as, a Muppet Mass. As any pastor knows, there is much truth in the light­ hearted approach of this article. More and more, people do shop around, sometimes just to find a Mass that fits their schedule, sometimes because they want an air-conditioned church. Most often parish-shoppers view a church as they would a convenience store. What suits their own needs and • comfort becomes priority. There are also many in the church, uninterested in liturgical nuances. They shop for the "quickie" Mass. Get in and get it over with. ' , However, the fault is not that of the laity alone. Much of the blame for this liturgical shopping mentality must be placed in the clerical corner. In the battle to fill the pews many who have the stewardship of parishes have fallen into the gimmicks trap. They range from the keepers of all that is "holy" in the old church to those who have all but turned the sanctuary into a .circus ring. Rather than leading the people, they have been led. There are those who ignore diocesan direction and maintain that ihe only salvation from all this guitar mess is a return to the good old days. The opposition has pro­ ,duced musical variations on liturgical tpemes that all but rival rock concerts. . What has happened in all this is that many parishes have lost a sense of community. People are losing their r~­ ligious roots, are confused and are subject to conflict and 'deep pain; Although no one parish can fulfill all the desires of all its members, it can be a source of stability, hope and healing for' all. It can and. should be a place where individuals and families can meet with the Lo'rd. It can be a center of shared faith inspired by a positive spirit of building rather than tearing apart. ' Parishes should not compete with each other, but rather should work together for the, common good of God's people. There should be a flexibility of choice but one that is always church centered. Liturgies should encourage people to come together joyfully, not in a spirit of hopeless boredom. The words of the Fathers of Vatican II should be seen' as the goal to be achieved: "The liturgical'life of the parish and its relation to the bishop must be fostered in the spirit and practice of the laity and clergy. Efforts must also be made to encourage a sense of community within the parish, above all in the common celebration of the Sunday Mass." For the believing Catholic, this says it all.



PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. ~DITOR·

Rev. John F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ~ !.eary Press-Fail. River


Ne/UPI Photo


'OUIl' bones are dried up and our hope is lost and we are cut off.' Ezech. 37:11 "

'Labo,rem Exe:rcens' By ]Father Kevin J. Hanington

History often has a surprising way of judging the significant and the insignificant. Publica­ tion of the encyclical letter "Lab· orem Exercens" ("On Human Work") should have been seen as a significant development in the Church's social teaching. Unfor­ tunately, North American Cath­ olics seem fixated on certain is­ sues only. None of these was dealt with in this historic en­ cyclical. Every pope since Leo XIII has expressed his concern over the soCial conditions, that have ob­ tained since the Industrial, Revo­ lution, both 'at the workplace and the marketplace. In 1931, for example, Pope Pius XI, worried about the worldwide depression, wrote the encyclical "Quadra­ gesimo Anno," commemorating the 40th anniversary of what is perhaps the greatest social en­ cyclical, Leo XIII's "Renim No-, varum." There has been evolution in the church's social teachings but there have also been significant changes. Historically the church has looke'd unfavorably upon social­ ism. As we·know it today, it has been too closely linked with Marxism. Dialogue with Marx· ism led to controversy in Poland.


Many Polish Catholics advocated total repudiation of Marxism. Others tried to accommodate some of its positive 'elements in­ to a philosophy of Christiim per­ sonalism. Karol Wotyla, the present pope, formerly archbishop of Cracow, was among those who advocated the personalist ap­ proach. With the publication of "Laborem exercens," there can be little doubt that he has brought this point of view with him to the Chair of Peter. "Laborem exercens" was writ­ ten against the background of the Polish labor struggle. It clearly shows the church in soli­ darity with the working poor, emphasizing their struggle for justice. The pope's central message is that human labor should always have priority over capital. Vio­ lations of this moral principle are evident in both Western capitalism and Eastern collecti­ vism and are the source of op­ pression and misery in society. The shortcomings of capital­ ism are made glaringly obvious in the case of the exploitation of Third World peoples by corpora­ tions controlled from the North ,Atlantic centers of economic power. We must expect a "burst of

solidarity'" from those oppressed by the existing order; and it is obvious that the present econ· omic order dominated by both collectivism and indiVlidua1lism will occasion further such bursts. The pope's emphasis upon the moral principle of giving human labor priority over capital has led to a critique of the two prom­ inent economic systems of our day. . There is something truly radio cal abqut this encyclical. The pope is, not simply asking for a fE·formed capitalism based upon the liberal social philosophy that dominated the postwar Demo­ cratic party of the United States. Many regard U.S. economic policies as a middle r~ad be­ tween capitalism and socialism, but the pope seems to dismiss the social good that comes from reformed capitalism because global disparities will in practice prevent capital from ever truly serving labor.. After reading "Laborem Exer­ cens," I feel that only through religious conviction will people struggle for justice. The strong faith of Polish Catholics has sus­ tained their struggle against op­ pression. The same faith will be needed to motivate the West to work towards peace through justice.



My Mom, the nun uPeople react in stunned disbelief when I tell them what my mother does. 'She's a nun,' I say. 'Yea, very funny. Now what does she really do?' they ask. When I finally convince them, they're not sure how to take it. In fact, they're not sure how I take it! Just how does one react when one is told by a hard-toehold-down, always­ on-the-go, leader-of-everything mother, 'I'm entering the con­ vent. Is that okay wth you?" Speaking is Kate, daughter of one of the two nun-mothers I want to tell you about. Every so often we read about a grand­ father becoming ordained but rarely do we read about widowed women becoming nuns. Yet in the past year I've met two such women. The first is a wido~ed grand­ mother of three who studied fam­ ily ministry with me last sum· mer. She endeared herself to my 13·year-old son by taking him fishing, a hobby she enjoyed with her son many years ago and now with every fishing.addicted child she can borrow. Her name is Sister Claire Marie, O.S.F. and her apostolate is prison ministry with an organ­ ization called Triniteam. She

works closely with youth who end up in prison and/or on par­ ole, supplying both a motherly and spiritual presence. Many keep in touch with her for years as the only caring mother they have known. The second nun is Kate's mother, Sister Lucille, IHM, a 1936 graduate of Rosary College, Chicago. Seven years widowed and mother of 26-year-old Kate, she read a diocesan newspaper ad for women over 40 who felt called to a second career as reo ligious. On impulse, she contact· ed the community and God took it from there. She was profess­ ed in 1979 and now works in a retreat center developing family spiritual programs. Her daughter wrote an article on having a nun for a mother: "Let me admit," she wrote, "that I had a sneaking suspicion that Mom was headed in this direc­ tion. Never did I dream, though, that she'd actually manage to find an order predisposed to tak- . ing in 'late vocations,' as hers was truly as late as you can get. After the initial shock wore off, I was ecstatic because I felt that this was the perfect third career (following wife/mother and social group work professional) for the energetic woman I've

Ephemeral days

It has become the know­

ingly accepted folklore of raising children that you no sooner tum away from them, even momentarily, than you find they are all grown up and suddenly gone. But, oh, my dears, my dears, do I have news for you? While it was happening to your child. ren, it was also happening to you. The years are so soon gone that it will have made your head spin ·and you somehow come slowly and painfully to realize that you are no longer quite the buoyant and radian.t young thing you used to be. You who are very young, the young marrieds and the youri~ singles, if only you could real· ize how beautiful and yet how ephemeral are the days in which you live. Let me try to tell you these things in the words of some very wise poets. "Think," said the poet and playwright Ben Jonson, "All beauty doth not last until the autumn. You grow old while I tell you this," The trouble is, of course, right from the start, that we do not think about such things. And yet, in the telling of this, as Ben Jonson pointed out more than three and half centuries ago, we grow steadily older and move just as inevitably toward the autumn of our days and the winter of our destiny. "Marg­ aret," the Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins would later ask a young Victorian girl of that name, "are you grieving/Over Goldengrove unleaving?" - in


what is surely one of the most exquisite poems in the language - and he meant by that figure simply a grove of trees shedding its leaves at summer's end. When poets use that kind of langu~ge, they generally mean other, more specific things too - in this in­ stance, the loss of innocence in the corrosive passage of time it­ self. A time will come, indeed, when we realize the blight we are all born for, and Margaret herself shall realize too that it is Margaret she mourns for. "And after many a summer dies the swan," sang the saddest heart and the most finely tuned ear in English poetry, my Lord Tennyson, who, in the previous line to this more famous one from "Tithonus," also said: "Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath," The most devastating,poem in the language, as far as the theme of vanished youth is concerned, was, written by an American southern gentleman and scholar, John Crowe Ransom, and his poem in question is titled "Blue Girls:" It tells of the beautiful and mindless - certainly un­ mindful .- young girls twirling in their blue skirts on the semin· ary grounds, where they must go to listen to their old and con­ trary teachers, but without be­ lieving a word they say. The girls believe their beauty is im­ mortal, whereas the wise ob· server in the poem has long since learned, "It is so frail;" and adds in five of the most marvelous lines (for sense and sound) in Am!:!rican poetry: For I could tell a story which is true;


'of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 13', 1982

Wonder is worth keeping






called 'Mom' over 26 years. What makes the decision even The Founding Fathers left . "Appropriately, this third car· more puzzling is that the case plenty of room to grow in eer made itself available in her involved Nixon. It was brought the Constitution. F u t u r e by major homesite - California. In an exemplary public servant generations, they obviously - and citizen - A. Ernest Fitz­ fact, Mom's life had had a third thought, should be free to adapt gerald, who has been engaged in "three' - our small family of Mom, Dad, and me! So now, in . and modify the infil'!ite uses of a 12-year fight against executive democratic government. . her supposed twilight years, the arrogance. But given their feelings about years to take it easy and just Fitzgerald, a Pentagon cost royalty in general and George III analyst, was fired in 1970 for enjoy life" she is devoting that in particular, it seems allowable, doing his job. He reported the life to the ultimate three - the or even indicated, to imagine $2 billion overruns in the con­ Triumvirate of God Incarnate, them turning over in their graves struction of the C-5A airplane. the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. over the recent Supreme Court In his $3.5 million suit, based on "I'm pleased that she did, in­ decision about presidential im­ deed, listen to her 'angel' and evidence found in the Watergate munity. make her brave decision to con· tapes, Fitzgerald charged that One of the great and continu­ tinue her commitment to service Nixon had conspired to get his ing challenges of our system is .job and to render him a perman· and her love for God and man in to exalt our presidents so that ent unemployment statistic. this special way. Let's hear it they can behave better than the for her and for those who will But, said the majority; a presi­ rest of us while at the same time dent has absolute immunity follow her. Three cheers for Sis­ making them· understand that against lawsuits. ter Lucille!!!" they really are merely first And there we have it from the "A reversion to the old notion among equal~. daughter of a relatively newly­ that the king can do no wrong," professed nun, who is proud to The first thing that happens wrote Justice Byron D. White in introduce friends to "My Mom, -to a president is the realization a vehement dissent. the nun." that he is diferent. That is part­ "I find it ironic, as well as ly due to the way he lives ­ tragic," he wrote in the minority never taking a suit to the clean­ opinion, "that the court would er, never having to argue with a so casually discard its own role plumber. We arrange that for of assuring 'the right of every him so that his mind is left free individual to claim the protection for the cosmic: of the laws' . . . in the name of By The trouble is that presidents protecting the principle of sepa­ . get the idea that it is: all theirs. ration of powers." THOMAS What some find equally ironic "They are all my helicopters, is that in another controversial son," Lyndon Johnson memor­ McDONNELL' case of immunity, Justice White ably told a young soldier. came out on the opposite side. In his manner, Ronald Reagan He wrote the majority decision has resisted the imperial strain in Stump vs. Sparkman,.which ~ 1, .. \ ..... fairly well, but he has shown held absolute immunity for the ]I know a woman with a terri­ those telltale possessive signs judiciary. A judge named Harold lately. He refused to explain to D. Stump had ordered, on the ble tongue, Blear eyes fallen from blue, ;.\S why Alexander Haig stalked mother's say-so, the sterilization off the job as secretary of state. of a I5-year·old girl without the All her perfections tarnished­ yet -it is not long The public had no need to know, latter's knowledge or consent. Since she was' lovelier than he said. It is his Cabinet, he Judge Potter Stewart, dissenting, any of you.· thinks: found in Stump's conduct "a 'Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. total absence of any of the nor· gave a curious, unreassuring ex­ mal attributes of a judici~l pro­ planation of the court's majority ceeding." verdict: The press is constantly While acknowledging that pain scrutinizing presidents. Well, had been inflicted on an individ­ yes, the press will, if it gets the ual citizen, Justice White ruled chance. But this administration on the superseding importance August 14 has been trying to curtail the of the principle of judicial im· Rev. Raphael Marciniak, .OFM Freedom of Information Act, munity. Conv., 1947, Pastor, Holy Cross, which in many instances is, if We have no way of knowing' Fall River . not the only, surely the best hope what moved Justice White to of finding out what the executive argue in the Nixon case that no August 15 is up to. man should be above the law. Rev. Charles W. Cullen, 1956, Justice Powell wrote also that Possibly he makes a distinction Founder, Holy Family, East "vigilant oversight" by Congress between judicial and executive Taunton is a deterrent to abuses 'of office. immunity. Justices are not re­ August 17 It is Congress' duty to "make quired to explain wha~ appear to be inconsistencies in their de­ credible the threat of impeach­ Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, 1882, ment." But impeachment is a cisions. They are shielded from Pastor, Holy Trinity,. West Har­ nuclear remedy, undertaken with inquiry. But you can't help won­ wich dering. The founders were much the utmost reluctance by Con­ in favor of wondering citizens. August 18 gress and the country. They seemed to feel they would Rev. Msgr: William H. Dolan, It took months of agony for 1977, Pastor Emeritus, Holy the House Judiciary Committee preserve the republic. Family, Taunton to gear itself up for action against a president who acted in True Martyr distressing, preemptive accord "The true martyr is he who with the words of the decision, has become the instrument of THE ANCHOR (USPS·545·020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published regarding immunity as "a func-' God, who has lost his will in the weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· tionally mandated incident of the will of God, not lost it but found ue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· president's unique office, rooted it, for he has found freedom in olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by malt, postpaid $6.00 in the constitutional tradition of submission to God." - T. S. El­ per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA the separation of powers .. " iot 02722. ).


!;; ..




Friday, AUR. 13, 1'982

Revised canon .law' ,code

Priests of the diocese are pre- ' been set for issuing the code,

paring for the anticipated prom­ the Canon Law Society of Am­

Incurable erica has conducted workshops

ulgation, of a revised Code of "Anyone who has truly known , throughout the nation to fami­

Canon Law, updating the 'pre­ God can never be cured of him." liarize priests associated with

1917. vious 'code, issued in - Francois Mauriac The·new code, which will pro· 'diocesan chanc~ery offices, mar­

vide the basic legal framework riage tribunals and seminary

. for church governance and faculties with its provisions. Nine priests of the Fall ,River order, will incorporate pastoral, HALLETT

insights and theological concepts diocese have attended such work­ shops. Msgr. 'John J. Oliveira, developed during Vatican Coun­ Funeral Home Inc.

cil II. Council sessions were held vice-chancellor and episcopal 283 Station Avenue yearly from 1962 through 1965 secretary, and Father Horace J. Suuth Yarmouth, Mass. and the revised code has been in Travassos, assistant chancellor, participated in sessions at Christ preparation since 1963. . Tel. 398-2285 Although no definite date has the King Retreat House, Syr~·

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Continued from page one Their dissatisfaction reflects the feelings of other groups which fear that Marxist members of the Sandinistas are gaining control. Church sources said that the government did not' allow the local press to publish the pope's letter as of -Aug. 9 for fear it , would revive the- controversy of priests in government posts. The Reagan administration ac­ cuses Nicaragua of aiding the Salvadoran guerrillas and of be­ ing the political ann of Cuba and the Soviet Union in Central America. Relations have deteri­ orated rapidly since Reagan came to, office. '

Guatemala: Last, month the U.S. bishoP!? supported the Gua­ temalan bishops' condemnation of political violence in Guate­ mala and pledged to lobby for­ U.S.. government aid programs aimed at healing the wounds rather than inceasing the vio­ lence. The support was contined in a letter to the Guatemalan Bishops' Conference sent by Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul- Min­ neapolis,' president of the Na­ tional Conference of Catholic BishopS, and referred to the persecution' of church people in Guatemala. ' It came two months after the Guatemalan -bishops in a May

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minstration is considering re­ 27 statement asked the govern­ ment to investigate massacres suming military aid to Guate­ of Indians and peasants and to mala. Military aid was ended' punish the people responsible. under Presient Jimmy Carter over human rights. Guatemala also is experienc­ ing a guerrilla war and many Honduras: Honduras has caught church people have been killed in the spillover of the problems the conflict. from neighboring Nicaragua and A March' coup brought Gen­ El Salvador. Efrain Rios Montt to power, re­ Many Salvadorans have fled placing another general. Rios to Honduran refugee camps. But Montt pledged to respect human refugee aid workers say Salva­ rights and correct previous doran troops have been raiding abuses. the camps, killing and kidnapping But it was continued killings refugees with the cooperation of that sparked' the Guatemalan Honduran troops. bishops' letter of May 27. Honduran and Salvadoran "We beg and insist i~. the military officials deny that they name of God that the human life nave a policy of raiding refugee and physical integrity of the camps', but say that guerrillas campesinos (peasants) be reo 'often cross the border and use spected . .'.. We call upon the the camps as bases of operation. authorities . . .' to investigate At the same time, Nicaragua these doleful facts, not allowing has accused Honduras of allow­ th~ perpetrators to remain in ing anti·Sandinistas -to use Hon­ their state of absolute impunity," duras as a base for forays into they said. ­ Nicaragua. The sit~tion .has , The U~S. bishops' letter came raised the threat of border bat­ at a time when the Reagan ad­ tles between the countries..

Golden aging



.ljoward C, Ooane Sr,

judge, chaplain at St. Anne's Hos­ cuse, N.Y. ' Attending a program· at Pope pital, Fall River, and director of . John XXIII National Seminary diocesan pastoral ministry to the in Weston were Msgr. Thomas J. sick; Father Thomas L. Rita, trio Harrington, chancellor; Msgr. bunal judge and director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, and Henry T. Munrge, tribunal offi­ cialis and pastor of St. Pius X St. Mary's Home, New Bedford. Msgr. Harrington said the parish, South Yarmouth; Father Jay T. Maddock, tribunal secre· , workshops included "presenta­ tary; Father Roland Bousqu~t. tions by canonists, review of re­ tribunal judge and pastor of St. vised canons and lively discuss­ ion of practical implications of Stephen's parish, Attleboro: Father Joseph Oliveira, tribun­ . the revi!!ed code hi the pastoral, care and the sacramental life of al judge and pastor of St. Mi­ chael's parish, Fall River; Father the people of God." Edmund J. Fitzgerald, tribunal


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by priests here

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UNSETTLED CONDITIONS in Central America are reflected by Sandinista supporters in Mana~a, Nicaragua (top), and Catholic Peace Fellowship members Father Bill Briscotti arid Kathy Boylan, both of New York, who recent­ ly conducted a hunger strike at the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador in 'protest of U.S. aid to EI Salvador. NC/UPI

Continued from page one . ~ to be answered in the United States: How will aging affect job opportunities and con-' sumer marketing systems, education, politics, govern­ ment and the response of health care institutions to de­ mands for services? How can the extra decades of American life be enhanced? How can the skills and experience of older citizens be tapped so that these people will be a more productive force in society? The assembly noted that only in the past few decades has world attention been drawn, to the social, economic, political and scientific ques­ tions raised by large-scale aging, as the 20th century has' witnessed greater control of infant mortality, decline in birth rates and improvements in nutrition, basic health care and the control of many in­ fectious diseases. D,elegates 'were told that in 1950 there were about 200 million people 60 and older in the world. 'By 1973 that' fig­ ure had increased to 310 mil­ lion. U.N. projections for the

year 2000 say this will jump to 590 million and there should be about 1.1 billion people over 60 by 2025. The assembly session was affected by. extraneous poli­ tical matters relating' to cur­ rent international conflicts. The Soviet Union restated . its recent pledge not to be the first to use nuclear weapons. It also argued that disarmament could result in savings which could improve the well-being of the aged. Poland thought the debate was dealing with technical matters while Third World elderly, had not been taken into consideration. Three amendments pro­ posed by the Vatican delega­ tion were approved by the as. sembly. They described human soli­ dari'ty as the "fundamental and indivisible element of authentic development;" con­ demed discrimination based on race, sex or religion as an "obstacle to -the solution 'of the problems of the elderly;" and called for inclusion' of "religious and spiritual fac­ tors" in social policies relating to the elderly.

·n· '.


'•. 'j ..

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 13, '1982

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T . ,:'' '1>:;::1:.

AT HOLY UNION SISTERS' provincial meeting, from left, Sisters Virginia Samp­ son, SUSC, and Kathleen Gallivan, SND, speakers; Sister Carol Regan, provincial; Sister Peggy Fromm, stationed in Taunton; Sister Lena Nadeau, from Fall River. (Torchia Photo)

Sisters discuss community life

On Saturday the sisters heard Sister Sandra Marcoux and the provincial formation team; Sis­ ter .virginia O'Hare, prpvince ,treasurer; and Sister Margaret Donnelly, coordinator of person­ nel, who 'spoke on ministry. On Sunday, Sister Kathleen Gallivan, SND, associate director of Ecumenical Counseling Ser­ vices in Melrose, discussed "Community Life in the 1980s: Developing Skills to Enable Con­

Peace flight in progress

The fonowing article is by Miss PauIyne J. Dick, Falmouth, who Is among participants In the peace pilgrimage she describes. On May 13, 1982 Pope John Paul II at Fatima, Portugal, in union with all the world's bish­ ops, consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In making that consecrati<m, the Holy Father prayed especially "for those nations most in need of this consecration and for those nations most desiring this con­ secration." In making the consecration as he did, the Holy Father left no doubt that he included Chiria. He has indicated that he relies primarily on prayer to heal the terrible split between the so­ cal1ed Patriotic Church of China and the thousands of clandestine' Catholics in that nation who re­ main loyal to the Holy See and are subjected to harassment and persecution. It is almost providential that the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima had already arranged to take the Pilgrim Virgin statue to China just three months after this consecration by the Holy Father. To reduce costs, the Blue Army purchased its own plane,

"Queen of the World," for this historic peace flight around the World with the Pilgrim Virgin statue. ' In addition to China, there will be visits to Fatima, Santi· ago, Spain, Lourdes, Rome, (with an audience with the' Pope), Athens, the Holy Land, Karchi, Pakistan, Kathmandu, Nepal, Hong Kong, Taipai, Honolulu and Mexico City. Some 180 pilgrims are aboard this spetial plane, which left New York Monday and will re­ turn Sept. 5. Cape Cod is represented on the flight by the Misses Arlyne and Paulyne Dick, year-round Falmouth residents; Mrs. Thom­ as Sullivan, a summer Falmouth resident; and Mrs. Helen Cox of East Sandwich: The results of this pilgrimage cannot be envisioned.·1t is being made in faith, with prayers and hopes for peace. - Everyone's prayers are requested for this in­ tention and it is also asked that well-wishers burn a blue light during the pilgrimage period.' Such a light, which has been used on other occasions as a symbol of unity in prayer, need be only a blue bulb inserted in a regular light socket.



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tinued Growth;" and Sister Vir­ a liturgy at which provincial ginia Sampson, SUSC, staff council members were missioned member of the LaSalette Center by the province to their leader­ in Attleboro, spoke on "A Spirit­ ship roles; and the leaders miss­ uality of Compassion." \ioned each sister to her ministry Both speakers addressed the for the coming year. psychological ' and theological bases of community life as it has evolved in the Catholic Church in general and religious com· munities in particular since Vati­ can II. Members of the Holy Union community's Groton province joined the sisters of the Fall River province for Sunday's pre­ sentations. ' As a followup to Sunday's sessions, individual communities met on Monday to share expecta­ tions and set goals for the com­ ing year. The assembly concluded with

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Holy Union Sisters from Flor­ ida, Maryland, New York and New England as well as visitors from England and Ireland met last weekend at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, for their annual provincial meeting, chair­ ed by Sister Carol Regan, pro­ vincial superior.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of. Fall River-Fri., Aug. 13, 1982



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BREWSTER, Our Lady of the (:ape, Stoney .Brook Road: (Schedule effective July and Aug­ ust Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; .Sun.. 8:30; 10, 11:30a.m.; daily, 8, 11 ·a.m.; no 11 a.m.on Saturdays; confess· ions, Sat. 4:15-5 and 6 to 6:30 p.m.




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EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Coneepti~n, Route 6A: (Sdied­ ule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. BUZZARDS BAY, St.. Margaret, 141,Main St.; Sat. 4:00 and 5:qO p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., con­ fessions, Sat. 3:00 ~ 3:30.


Phone 997-9421

ONSET, .St. Mary Star of the Sem, Onset Ave.: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m.; confes­ sions, .Sat. 4:30 - 5:00. CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of Victory, 122 Park Ave.: Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m., confessions, Sat. . following 9 a.m. Mass and 4-4:45 ~.m.

WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady of Hope, Rie. 6A; Sat. 4 & 5:15 p.m.; Sun.,' 8:45, 10 a.m., daily' 8 a.m. confessions, before each Mass. CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 72, Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, Sat. 5 p.m.;' Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m. SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule July 4, Sat.' 7 p.m.; Slin. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30' a.m.; daily, 9 a.m'. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, East Falmouth Highway: .Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:l5, 11:30 a.m; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions,. Sat. 3:30-4:15 p.m., weekdays, any. time by request.

";;;;;:;-.=-iioIiIIlIIIIli~ 167

EDGARTOWN,'St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9; 11 'a.m.; daily, Mon.­ Sat., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Y2 hr. before Sat. Masses.

YARMOUTHPORT, Sacred Heart, off Rie.6A: Sat. 4:00, 5:15.p.m.; Sun. 9. a.m.; confessions before each Mass. MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; dilily, 8:30 a.m.; confess­ ions, .Saturday, 4:30-5:00 p.m. MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, 22' Barstow: St.: $at. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, 11:00 a.m., daily 8 a.m.; Confessions 3:30-4:20 p.m. NANTUCKET, Our La:dy of the Isle, Federal St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m. Sun. 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m.

SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Jarves St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat.. 4-4:45 p.m. SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. 6A: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., confesso' ions Sat. 4:30-5:15 p.m.

and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m.

SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.

SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August.

BASS RIVER, Our Lady of the Highway, Rte. 28: Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily (Mon.-Fri.), 8 a.m.

NORTH FAlL.MOUTH, St. Eliz­ abeth Seton, 481 Quaker Rd.: Sat; 4, 5:30 p.m.;' Sun. 7:45, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, 4:45-5:15 p.m.

VINEYARD HAVEN, St. Augus­ tine, Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 11 a.m., 5:00 p.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m., No­ vena to O.L. of Perpetual Help, Monday at 8:30 a.m.

OAK BLUFFS, Sacred. Heart, Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.­ Fri.) 7 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:15-5:45 p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Arc, Bridge·Road. (schedule effective June 26-27 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass Wed. NORTH EA,STHAM, Church of the Visitation (schedule effective June 26-27 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30' a.m.; daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon.-Wed.-Fri during July and Aug.; confessions, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave. Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.

FALMOUTH, Si. Patrick, 511 E. Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun.· 7, '·8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 SANTUIT, St. Jude Chapel, Rte. p.m.;· daily 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8' 28: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 ·p.m.; Sun. a.m.; confessions:, Saturdays 9, 10:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:45-4:45 and following 7 p.m. 3:30-4:00 p.m. Mass. ./ ' MASHi»EE, .Queen of AU Saints, FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, St. New Seabury: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 Thomas Chapel, Falmouth p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; Heights Rd.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. confessions, _ Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 .8, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. p.m~ 1

BYANNIS, .St. .Francis Xavier" 347 South St.: ~chedule effective May 30 - Oct. 10-11, Sat. 4:00, 5:15, 7:30' p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 7 a.m., 1~:10 p.m.; confessions, '-'Sat. 3:00 - 3:50 . p.m: and following 7:30 p.m. Mass.

PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the APostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; dilily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by ap­ pointment.

POCASSET, St. John the Evan­ gelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, 5; Sun. 7:30,. '8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m.; except Thursday and Sat-' urday; 9:00 a.m., Tues. and Thurs.; 8:00 a.m., Saturday; con­ fessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m.

WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45, 7-7:30 p.m. WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 (schedule effective July and August): Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. .WELLFLEET, .Our Lady of Lourdes, 56-58 Main St.: Sat. 4 and 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before all. Masses. TRURO, Sacred Heart, Rte. 6A: Sat. 7 p.m.; confessions before Masses. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; confessions before Masses.. WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28 (schedule effective July 3-4): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, '9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3, 4:30 and 7:45 p.m. DENNISPORT, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Upper County Rd. (schedule effective July 3-4): Sat. 4:30 p.m..; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. WOODS . HOLE, St. Joseph: Schedule. June 26-27, Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; Confessions Yz hour be­ fore Sunday Masses.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 13, 1982

'Permane:nt deacons,

The following Instal1ment of a interview with Msgr. Ernest Fied­ ler, executive director of the Na­ tional Conference of Catholic Bishops' Co:rnmittee 00 the Per­ manent Diaconate, is reprinted with pennissioo from U.S. CATHOUC, published by Clare­ dan Publications, 221 W. Madi­ son St., Chicago, IL 60606. It will appear weakly until the entire interview has been presented.. What exactly makes pennan­ ent deacons, different from priests? Priests and deacons are both ordained but have separate vo­ cations like apples and oranges - and ,they shouldn't be confused. It's important to understand that the diaconate was originally an independent ministry not tied to the progress toward priesthood. There is a danger that priests will envision a linear setup for ordained min­ istry: that the bishop gives the order to the priest, who then gives the order to the deacon. That makes the deacon the ser­ vant of the priest, and that's not the case. In the early church, the bishop became the focal point of unity and ministry, but he simply couldn't be everywhere all the time himself as the church grew. Therefore, priests extended his eucharistic presence and dea­ cons extended his service to the . community. In chapter 6 of Acts, what are known as the "first deacons" were chosen to attend to the needs of the community, leaving the Apostles free for the ministry of the word and prayer. Priests' and deacons' minis­ tries do overlap to some extent, but I believe the identifying mark of deacons is their ministry of service. Today, deacons also ap­ pear at liturgy, and they pro­ claim God's word; but I think that role makes sense only if they are real servants to the com­ munity. Yet it seems as if the only permanent deacon the average' Catholic sees is at Mass on Sun­ day, following the priest around. I think you're absolutely right,

and that bothers me. For ex­

ample, when newspapers go out to cover a deacon, they always take pictures of him in the sanc­ tuary, baptizing or something. That's what people keep seeing. Their presence at Mass is cer~ tainly the most visible part of the job, but it's by no means the most important. I think deacons need to em­ phasize how they serve the com­ munity, or we'll end up with deacons being merely mini. priests. And deacons today are involved in plenty of other things

that Catholics should know about. Like what? The first thing deacons got into with a bang was ministry in ment~l health facilities and homes for the aged. Priests' work with the mentally ill and

the aged was really deficient not long ago.

Deacons moved into that area and began to work with great vigor and creativity and imagina­ tion. Many of them visit facili­ ties and celebrate a weekly litur­ gy with the people there; they can read Scripture, give a homily, and have a Communion service. Another area where deacons have become very involved is social justice.

property; they should be a sign of the larger church. They should be sent wherever there is a need and wherever their particular talents will be most helpful. Of course, this may often be paro­ chial.

If a deacon's main role is his service to the community, is there any purpose at all to his a~ng at Mass? He's not really needed, and it probably just confuses people. .

I think ministry in the church has been pretty much identified with priests in recent genera­ tions, which is a sad .mistake. I think deacons will be involved in areas of service ministry which priests have been involved in, but they are also going to create new forms of ministry, respond. ing to the needs of the people. Part of' that will come from the fact that 93 percent of Pet­ manent deacons are married ,"d 97 percent of them keep their secular jobs.

Sunday Mass is part of a dea· con's availability to the parish. The parish should know that he is there, on weekdays and on Sunday. But the deacon also has a special role that is too often downplayed: He is s'upposed to be the eyes and ears of the church, seeing and hearing needs all over that parish.

see CITIZENS First

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How does deacons' service differ from the service that priests provide?





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So their service is more in the world than in the church?

He's the one, more than any· body else, who should be sensi­ Yes. That's wh!lre they are. tive to pepple who are hurting. Whether a deacon is a dock A'nd on Sunday, in the general worker or a lawyer or a garbage intercessions, he should bring collector or a dentist, he's al­ those needs to the attention of ready there. His ministry is, not .all those who are gathered for ,part-time. His witness in the Mass. marketplace, his presence at the workbench, is direct j full-time He can say. "Here is some ministry. hurt going on in our community, I know a man from California and here's what we can do about it." It might be a good idea for who never finished high school - he's been a mailman for 20 parishes to announce what dea­ years and had to go to work to cons are doing each week out­ side the sanctuary, so people support his family when his father died. The parish council suggest­ know what's being done. ed he enter the permanent dia­ Do priests and deacons have conate program, but he said he didn't have the proper educa­ problems working together? tional background. They talked In the survey we conducted him into it and he was ordained. last year, we found that the One of his gifts is his person­ greatest area of frustration for deacons is relating with priests. ality - he's very outgoing. Peo­ ple respond to him. He walks his Some priests feel threatened be­ cause deacons now do some of mail route and people talk to the things they alone used to do; him - about everything. He was other priests use deacons to do responsible for straightening out six bad marriages on his mail the jobs they don't like to do. '. route the first year of his ordina­ ' It's important to remember tion. that deacons don't belong to parishes - they belong to the Next week: Is the diaconate a diocese. Deacons are not parish secret society?





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SISTER DIANE TALBOT, OP, 88, still takes her turn at answering telephones and doorbells at Dominican Academy, Fall River. In her 71st year of religious life, she is a veteran of nearly that many years of teaching at schools of her community. Among her 11 brothers and sisters was former Fall River Mayor Edmond P. Talbot. She and a young­ er sister, Mrs. Henri Robillard, are the only survivors of the family. Still proud to wear the traditional Dominican habit, Sister Diane is nevertheless attuned to contemporary issues. Proving it is the purple ribbon she wor:e re~ent1y as a s~bol of her yearning for world peace. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

The··fourth commandment

I am sorry your daughter's your letter so poignantly points marriage ended in divorce. I out, the friendship between par­ Dear Dr. Kenny: A stable fam­ agree with you that the small rents and adult child. is very ily is the backbone of society. Do' children are innocent victims of special. When an adult child you think that when cll1ildren this tragedy. makes a poor decision, most par­ violate the Fourth Command­ Your letter raises two issues: ents want to help, to support, to ment, we C81ll expect stable fami­ 1) that we undermine parental pick up the pieces. The responsi­ lies? authority by encouraging adult bility for living out a poor de­ Our oldest daughter married children to make their own de­ cision remains with the adult five years ago, not only against cisions, and 2) that problems child, but parents will continue our wishes, but -with an almost such as your daughter's would to experience and share the grief. certain prospect of a break-up. not occur if ·children obeyed The fact· that children some­ Now after many frustrating. their parents. times make poor decisions, how­ misery-filled months, the divorce We hold that adult children ever, does not mean they should papers are signed. must be permitted to make their follow parental decisions rather What now? There she is 26 own. decisions because decision than their own. years old, two sn1aIl kids, a place making is part of being an adult. Scripture indicates that people to live hard to find and the cost We believe that parents help have been making poor decisions prohibitive. After many years of their children learn to make de­ since the start of the human race. caring, giving and all the other cisions by providing more oppor­ God knew the risk, yet gave hu-' things, she is mainly on our back tunities for decision making as mans the gift of choice. Despite again. the risk of poor decisions and the child grows. Where does that leave us? Ever Granting adult children the the pain they cause child and thought about that? You say, right to make decisions is a parent, parents must take the "Allow your chlldren room to practical matter as well as a same risk and allow, even insist, grow and make mistakes." WOO principle. Society grants adult that their adult children behave pays for the sorry mess they status by age 18 in most matters like adults. creat~? and by age 21 in all matters. Reader questions OD family IJIl the first place, little chlld-. Parents must recognize this fact. living ,nd chlld care to be an­ We also suggest that the best swered in print are' invited. Ad· ren, iJmocentvictims of this gen­ dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. eration's shortsightedDess. We, model for the. relationship be­ Joseph's College, Rensselaer, the parents, in the second place, tween parents and adult child­ you and other t8Jg)&yers in the ren is a friendship model. As IDd. 47978. third place, because she is now depending on social ~. God gave Ten Commandments, three for his glory, and MIAMI (NC) - Barry Univer­ their status in the United States. right after ¢hese he put the .Fourth to preserve the honor sity in Miami has agreed to han­ As of Aug. 9, 143 Haitians had - and authority of parentS. To dle the procedures for paroled been released. Haitian detainees to report on a The judge also ordered. the show how important he consider­ ed this conunandinent, to this regular basis as. required by a Haitians to report ·their where­ abouts each week through their one,. and only one, there was federal court order. voluntary agency sponsors. attached a promise of well-being According to Dominican Sis­ for those who keep this command ter Jeanne O'Laughlin, there has Sister O'Loughlin, president of faithfully. been "much confusion and a the Dominican-run university Dr. Kenny, help and support total lack of coordination." She said, "If people fail to report parents in this often difficult and said procedures are now in place they could be sought by authori­ frustrating task of raising child- . for orderly supervision of the ties within 48 hours and returned ren in a· morally decadent Haitians. . to Krome Avenue Detention Cen­ society. Sometimes you betray U.S. District Court Judge Eu­ ter" in Miami. us and destroy .the parents' gene Spellman ordered June 29 Sister O'Laughlin sai4 she had authority at home. 'that the· Haitian. detainees, who visited the detention camp and I feel relieved that I have this had entered the United States "I don't want to claim Krome as off my chest, and I thank you illegally, be released from camps part. of the country that I love. for having taken time to read around the country while wait­ It was a prison like a concentra­ this. - British Columbia ing for hearings to determine tion camp." By Dr. James and Mary Kenny


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 13, 1982

uestion corner





By Father John Dietzen Q.~tlsthemu«h's~­

leal position on bread to be used for the celebration of the. Eu­ marlst In the Latin Rite? Are you aware of any suitable and acceptable recipe for homemade altar bread other than the tradi­ tional hosts? Also, If you would, what are the sources· for this Infonnation? I believe that not only I but many other Catholics will be helped by knowing where we are on this. (MIssouri) A. I cannot respond to your question honestly or intelligibly without first explaining that we have two seemingly contradic­ tory sets of regulations for 'eu­ charistic bread. Our church has insisted in­ creasingly during recent decades on the vital importance of signs in the celebration of the liturgy, especially the other sacraments and the eucharist. These signs - oil, water, bread, wine, ges­ tures words-are of the essence of th~ sacraments and should re­ flect as fully and genuinely as possible the reality they purport to be. Dirty water or gummy oil, while perhaps valid for the sac­ ramtmts, is grossly inappropriate. Thus, speaking of the Euchar­ ist, the church has insisted that the bread for the eucharistic celebration "appear as actual food" (General Instruction on the Roman Missal, No. 2~3). In other words it should look and taste like bread people really use. On the other hand, the tradi­ tion of the Latin Rite, at least for many centuries, and the pres­ ent regulations of the church in­ dicate that no other ingredients are to be· added to the wheat flour and water in the making of the bread. To my knowledge, and I've had much correspondence about this in recent years, I know of none who has been able to make bread that way and have it come out looking any more like recognizable bread than our customary hosts. One is reminded of the little boy who was asked if he be­ lieved if the bread had become the body of Christ. He replied, "I believe it is the body of Christ, but I don't believe it was bread." Early in 1978 the American bishops' Committee on the Litur­ gy presented a canonical position paper to the appropriate congre­ gation in Rome searching for some leeway by which unleaven­ ed bread could be prepared with a few additives that would make it appear more like real bread. The following year Cardinal Francis Seper, the late prefect of the Congregation for the 'Doc. trine of the Faith, responded that "it would not be appropriate to accept the suggestion" of the paper for some additions to the material for eucharistic bread. On May 23, 1980, an instruc­ tion by another Vatican office (the Congregation for Sacra­ ments and Divine Worship) re­ peated basically the same in­

structions. Thus, these regula­ tions presently govern the Latin Rite Church in the preparation of Eucharistic bread: As you imply in your question, quite different ,regulations apply to the Eastern Rite Churches. A final note: The communica­ tions from the Vatican congrega­ tions, particularly the -letter from Cardinal Seper, speak only of "lawfulness and desirability" of different bread materials. Bread with additions to the wheat and water, therefore, would be valid but not lawful for eucharistic bread. Q. Recently my friend visited a parish in another diocese. Since he is left-handed, he prefers to receive the host in his right hand and consume it with his left. The priest nudged him and insisted on giving Communion in the other hancl. This was humiliating' for him. Does it really make any difference? A. The church has no regula­ tion determining which hand to use when receiving Communion.. Q. What opportunities exist In the church for a divorced Cath­ olic man or woman who would like to dedicate his or her life to God? Do any orders accept such people? If so, is an annulment required? With the growing divorce rate there must be peo­ ple wllllng and able to ilve such ' a life and help others either as lay people or through the co­ operative efforts of a religious order. (Dlinols)

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A. What you suggest lis not at all impossible. Many conditions would have to be met, of course, for such a person to work in connection with, or be a member of, a religious community.


Each reHgious congregation or order, however, has :its own reg­ ulations and procedures in such matters. Anyone ,interested !n such work should contact the de­ sired religious community, and ask about the possibilities. Let me know what you learn.

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THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese of ·FaIlR·iver-Fri;j·-Aug: 13, 1982



Work's meaning


,By Dolores Lecky

know your faith Working the day away'


days of lolling about they find their pet bird dead in his cage For most people, work forms because their holiday meant not a backdrop against which their. feeding their pet. lives are played out. A similar lesson on the impor­ People complain' about work; tance of work is hammered home they chafe at the restrictions it· by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who places on them. Yet work is es­ wrote about how difficult it can sential in life. They might not be be for the very rich to find signi­ happy without it. ficance in their lives without ,In "Little Women," that is work. The message seems to be that brought home in a revealing epi­ sode. Fed up with their daily an endless round of partying and enough money to fulfill every tasks, the four March girls bom­ bard their mother for permission whim does not necessarily lead to happiness. to take time off. Mrs. March gives them a holi- . On the other hand, some peo­ day, warning that she thinks ple find their work so draining they are making a mistake .and that the balance in their lives making it clear that what they disintegrates. They cannot sep­ don't do won',t get done. arate their work from their home responsibilities. In the somewhat preachy fash­ ion of "Little Women," the girls' People in social services, edu­ holiday from work ends in a cation' or medicine sometimes minor disaster. After several find the heavy demands of their By Katherine Bird




jobs can lead to a feeling of be­ ing burn-out. Some hospitals offer special counseling for medical personnel who find themseives increasing­ ly less able to cope with the constant pain and suffering of their patients. Parishes and col­ leges tdo often offer courses or workshops, on the problems asso­ ciated with being overloaded at work. Today many people change careers several times, often be­ cause they are looking for' more meaning in life. Even if a switch means taking' a large cut in pay, some decide that it is more important to be available to 'their families. Different people have differ­ ent questions about work. But for most people work is intimate.:' lybound up with life's meaning..

within his vision for the monas­ tic lifer Even prayer together, Many years ago I dropped in the pulse of the monastery, is on a friend who had just moved called the "work of God." into a new home. No one seemed More recently, Pope John Paul to be around. , II spoke about work in an en­ Then I saw my friend in the cyclical. He emphasized that 'middle of her living room, hold­ work is for the person, not .the , ing a small painting. She stood rever.se. totally still, almost as if in That is perhaps the critical prayer. Indeed, she was. She said issue today. ' she considered organizing her In an agricultural period, new home a participation in people saw the results of their God's creativity. labor. Today machines often do I've thought about that in­ what used to be the work of hu­ cident many times. It illustrates man hands and often people feel for me the relation 'that should­ alienated from their jobs because exist between one's inner life they cannot see any direct value and one's work.. in what they are doing. They May Sarton is a poet and may have economic security but novelist now in lier 70s. What is experience few interior rewards. striking about her perception of We also witness the plight of work is the connection she some men and women who can­ makes between her life of soli­ not in conscience continue to tude centered on home, nature work in their current situation. and inner reflection, and the Pacifists decide not to work work of being a writer. where armaments are manu­ factured. Others leave situa­ How does our own work con­ nect with Qur values, with our tions where discrimination pre­ . inner selves or with the welfare vails. How does' one ponder the of society? dilemmas of work? Those who discover the can­ I think it is important to dis­ . nections have found, I think, the tinguish between work and jobs. secret of true work. . Through the ages, .work has Wor.k gives meaning. and pur­ pose to one's life. . been recognized as an essential A musician's work is playing factor in human life and growth.

Turn to Page Thirteen

St. Benedict integrated work


A very sp~cial home By Father John O'Calllllghan, SJ As a newcomer, you would think it an ordinary Saturday evening Mass. There are young adults attending, older people

and a lot of children.

The priest is flanked by two altar persons who would give the first clue that this is not an ordinary Mass. Both have the broad faces and broader smiles typical of Down's syndrome, or Mongolism. You would see that many chil­ dren at the Mass have similar features. Some are in wheel­ chairs or braces; others are in the arms of adults, though they are not babies.


We used to call such places homes for the retarded. This one ill called simply a "home'" -:.. and so it is.

II For children By Janaan Manternach Eliazar, the rabbi, was curious. Someone had told him that Jesus was visiting Phoenicia. "Why would he be going into that foreign, gentile country?" Eliazar wondered. "I think I'll ,go there myself and watch what he does." Turn to Page Thirteen


If you knew Misericordia Home in Chicago, you~d see that life. there is characterized by love and based on faith. You would notice how varied these children are. They are very 'much ihdividllals, and treated as· such. At Mass, they are expected not to disturb others, but they can sit or stand, join in the sing­ ing or just listen, sit with the adults or with the children. Some aliults with the children are volunteers. They see what -they do as much more than "helping the handicapped." Many have grasped what Jean Vanier, the Canadian founder o.f the L' Turn tp page thi~een

Parables and allegories


By Father John J. Castelot

ed a bit of allegory into his pra­ gory, each detail receiving special

bles, as in the Parable of the attention.

Three preachers explaining the Prodigal Son, where the father In Mark, that happens with same parable to three separate obviously stands for God and the Parable of the Sower. It is c~mgregations would probably the wayward son for the sinner . not a smooth application, how­ proceed in three different ways. whom God reconciles to himself. ever. The Parable of the Sower in . More often, however, the les­ ~n verse 14 the seed is identi­ Chapter 4 of Mark's Gospel is an son in a parable was conveyed fied as the word: "What the example of. this. Its original by the story as a whole. The de­ sower is sowing is the word." meaning apparently was about tails are simply part of a good But in the next verse, the seed the amazing success of the story. stands for "those on the path to preaching of God's word in spite whom, as soon as they hear the A later generation of Chris­ of obstacles. tians, however, might take a word, Satan comes to carry off An allegory is not the same as parable to make a point rather what was sown in them." Once the transition is made, a parable. An allegory is a story, different from the original, ap­ not necessarily true to life, in plying the parable to its own the seeds falling on different. which each detail signifies some- . situation. In this process, the ground are. made to designate thing' else. Sometimes Jesus mix- parable might become an aIleTum to page thirteen





~",,"--,-~.._--,4~"'i.~ ,.,' VC .~. };

St. Benedict saw manual labor as part of the life of prayer.






For children

Continued from page twelve Eliazar discovered Jesus in a house near the city of Tyre. A crowd surrounded the house. Eliazar waited in the crowd. A woman started screaming for Jesus, who came out of the house to her. "Why are you so upset?" Jesus asked the weeping woman. "My daughter is very disturb­ ed," she answered. "An evil spirit is inside her, hurting her." Please drive the harmful spirit from her." Jesus felt the woman's fear

Special Continued from page twelve Arche communities for the handi­ capped, means when he writes: We are all handicapped. Some handicaps involve bra'in damage or Down's syn­ drome or nerve disorders. Others involve fears or weaknesses or immaturity or selfishness. Dealing with the Misericordia children helps many people get perspective on what the real handicaps in life are. The religious men and women and their lay colleagues are skill­ ed professionals. They run a home ranked top in the state. But they bring an added quality to their work: They beHeve in the children and in what they are doing. They believe that God loves each of these children and has given them to the world as a gift. They believe that God is glorified by the existence of the children. To a world tempted to turn to abortion and euthanasia as solu­ tions to imperfections and weak­ ness, these women and men as­ sert faith in the special worth of handicapped children.

Parables Continued from page twelve various types of Christians who hear the Good News: - Some accept it joyfully at first, but don't allow it to sink deep roots in their lives. When the going gets difficult they give up. - Others allow preoccupa­ tion~ to choke off the word be­ fore it can bear fruit. - Others listen, take the gos­ pel message to heart and nurture it. Mark's interpretation of this parable reflects the actual situa­ tion in the early church. What was a simpie story communica­ ting one point has become an allegory. Throughout Chapter 4 Mark's emphasis is on listening and hearing, concluded by a short collection of wisdom sayings making the same point: "Listen carefully to what you hear." These sayings take their mean­ ing from their context: "Is Ii lamp acquired to be put under a bushel basket or hidden under a bed?" For Mark, the lamp is the message of Jesus; it is meant to shine forth and illumine. Such a saying points to the responsibility of the Christian community to teach.

and pain. But he did not respond at once. ' "The teacher surely knows that a rabbi like himself would have nothing to do with foreign­ ers like this woman," Eliazar was thinking as Jesus spoke up. "Let the children of the family satisfy themselves at the table first," Jesus said to the woman. "It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." "An interesting answer," chuckled Eliazar. "Jesus knows the law very well." But the woman was not, put off. "Please, Lord," she begged, "even the dogs under the table eat the children's leftovers." Jesus smiled. "That woman has spunk," Eliazar thought. "She also has a share of humor." The answer Jesus gave really surprised Eliazar. "For such an answer," Jesus praised the woman, "you may go home now. The demon 'has already left your daughter." "How can this be?" Eliazar puzzled. "Jesus reached out to a gentile woman. She does not even know God's law, much less keep it. What called forth God's healing power for her daughter?"

Meaning Continued from page twelve the flute or the piano. The Cath­ olic Workers who live among the poor and work for justice recognize this as their work. Care of children is work. There is the physical side but beyond that, parents also spend time with their children. But what of those who find l'ittle or no fulfillment in their daily jobs? Some people who are frustra­ ted in their careers find satis­ f~ction in applying their skills and experience elsewhere, in churches and in civic communi­ ties. Others link the difficulties of their labors with the mystery of the cross. Pope John Paul re­ minded people that "Christ is now at work in people's hearts through the power of his Spirit:' Perhaps that thought can help us give ourselves, generously, to the work of our hands, our minds, our spirits.

Ecumenical first PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The Rev. James Alan Sox made his­ tory when he received a degree marking completion of studies for the Episcopal priesthood from a Catholic, seminary. Mr. Sox, who was ordained to the Episcopal diaconate in June, is a lawyer who did all of his theological studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, the major seminary of the Philadelphia Archdiocese. Father Arthur Ed Rodgers of the seminary faculty was an offi­ cial presenter of Mr. Sox at his diaconal ordination. Among 44 others receiving the degree of master of arts in reli­ gious studies at St. Charles Bor­ romeo was Episcopal priest Father George Christian McCor­ mick.


THE ANCHOR Friday, Aug. 13, 1982



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1. 6. 8,. 10.

Cho••n (liatth.w 24,22) A son ot David (2 Somu.l 5.15) Wool from sheep Thln '

11. Hnman I s son (Est-bar 916)

13. stop (Ho••• 1.4) 111. 17th letter or Hebrew alphabet 15. Chl.t 110". God 17. n.lt.d (E••klel 24.11) 18. Fomal. (Romans 7.2) 20. Ag. 21. lestern'Indinn t\"ibe 24. Sa. . . . 14h 25. 'lapltal ot 1l0llll (!lumb.r. 21.15) 26. A.ttempting (Hebrews 11J29) )0. Hascul1ne pronoun (John 1118) 31. Fruits or a tree (Song or SolOMon 6~1l) 33. Mo enlng (Exodu. 34.27) )4. Conc.al.d (nark 7.24) 35. Swords (John 19,)4)

16. Son of Ishfl\8.l!ll (08n8818 2,115) 17. !!.thod. (Luk. 8.36) ~8quire'llU!lnt9 (John lu4)

'ro consume tood (2 Thessalonia.ns )110)

Hountoln ot the lew (Exodu. )4,29)

Son ot Zeruial (2 Samuel 2116) Pootlv. vote (Ilatthew 5.)7) !legative answer (Hatthew 6124) Retor.

R.nd (Ez.ki.l 13,20)

'leve (Proverbs ).28)

)6. ~lty ln B.njomln (Joehua 18,25)

J7. Traps (Jo.hua 23.13)

42. ,,,.. (Scottl.h)

19. 2:"-:. 2). 26. 27. 28. 29. )2. )4.

44. Son ot Joseph (numberEI 45. Snow on a mountain



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)9. Oonk.r (Iletth." 21.2) 40. Son of Ephralm (Numb.re 26.)5) 41. Strlke (Matthew 4.6) 4). S~ (Luka 10.7) 46. T.ar apart (Luk. 5'36) 47. Blg (Mark 14,15) 4H. To ••1st (Mlcah 6.1~) 49. RoglollS b.rond' (Matthew 3.16) Sl. To IlItlke smooth


11.:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday

1) 17)

46. Poeltlon or r ... (Merk 6.40~ 50. !':y. (Scottleh)

)8. Alcohol Anol\Ylllous

1. Unlts




2. Fale.hood (John 8,44) 3. :l.t (!I.br.... 2.) To strive (PsalJna l03~9) Larg. edlble tl.h "11.ha (II. T.)(Luke 4.27) 7. Glowlng 8. Compre••ed (Jo.hua 615) 9. Twin cltr of Tyr. (Hatthew 11.21) 10. Capltal of Ed"" (Ioalah 16.1) 12. To direct 141

5. 6.

~ Hispanic bishops' address flock


, -

WASHINGTON (NC) - The 14 U.S. bishops of Hispanic an­ cestry have issued a joint pas­ toral letter challenging Hispanic Americans to be "artisans of a new people" by developing their native cultural and religious values. The pastoral letter, the first issued jointly by the country's Hispanic bishops, honored Our Lady, of Guadalupe, patron saint of the Americas. It was titled "The Bishops Speak with the Virgin:' The bishops cited faith, a cul­ ture permeated by the Gospel; extended family life and love for country and community as prom­ inent assets of Hispanic Ameri­ cans. But they also saw chal­ lenges and threats in racial 4is­ crimination, poverty, street vio­ lence and the gratifications of consumerism. ' Hispanic Catholics in the United States have been esti­ mated to number 12 million, or nearly one quarter of the total Catholic population of 50.5 mil-, lion, with large numbers in Cali­ fornia, Texas, New York and Florida. Most are Mexican­ Americans, Puerto Ricans or im­ migrants from Mexico or Cuba.

The 1980 U.S. census counted 14.6 million Hispanics in the country. Of the 1,400 Hispanic-sur­ named priests working among Hispanics in the United States, only 185 were born and ordained in this country. The rest came from Latin American or other Spanish-speaking countries. There are 450 permanent dea­ cons helping in pastoral work, as well as an undetermined number of women and men Religious. The current figure of 961 His­ panic seminarians in the United States represents a 10 percent increase over last year, but is only eight percent of the total U.S. seminary population. The bishops found the heart of the religious strength of Hispan­ ics in the strongbonds of the family. "For us," they wrote, "the meaning of family is extended and includes parents, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, 'distant' relatives, neighbors, godparents, and 'compadres,' or intimate friends. The, family is the first school of love, tender­ ness, acceptance, discipline and respect." ,



12:30 p.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 13rd to 1:00 p.m. TUESDAY. AUGUST 24th, 1982 LEADER: The Rev, DAVID W,H, ClAYTON, SSJE

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Deadline for Registration:

August 20, 1982

Fr, Clayton's meditations during th.... "quiet days" will center on the writings of the articulate Fr, Nouwen,

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THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Fri,,·A:ug;'·13, 1982,·" " '



. '. -.'


• She',s a, surVIvo,r

By Chris Sheridan

Carol Ligotino in action

By Charlie Martin

ONE TO ONE I am the question You, are the answer It you are the music ' ' I 8m the dancer Through all of the madness And all of the sadness Of day to day living, We gotta keep giving. One to one Me to you Pure and simple Sweet and true One to one You to me Sending the love So it's spreading out endlessly. ' Now there are those moments When life loses me~ning And we lose our faith ' In the dreams we've been dreaming When people seem mindless And plain human kindness Appears to 'be dying We gotta keep trying. _I know this world needs changin' I know the shape we're in But with all the contusion I've reached the conclusion There's only one place to begin And that's •.• (Repeat chorus) ~f

Written by Carole King and Cynthia Well, © 1981 by E10rac Music, ATV Music Corporation & Mann & Well Songs Inc. , Rights' controlled by Colgems - EMI Music Inc. and ATV Music Corporation CAROLE KING, has beeI:! know well, whom you' share iving listeners songs of purpose much of your life with; other nd meaning for many years. Her times with individuals you don't ecent release reminds us that know very well. he way we treat others "One to We can ignore the people we ne" is the place to begin about don't know well, pretending they he many, changes needed in the don't really enter into our world.. orld. We can regard them as people Think about how many times .who are in the way or who are ou interact' with .others each competition in what we want to ay. Sometimes you interact achieve. But we also can seEl ith the, people you already these others as_equals who nee~

him, He ordered me to go into the park and the only thing I could do was to try to get fur­ ther away from the park toward the street. . "Then he stabbed me in the chest. I was lucky; it just missed my lung. The knife went into the nerves that go into the arm, Then I fell, and he was coming at my' face or neck so I picked up my leg by reflex. He had a very big knife." A Bronx cab driver took Miss Ligotino to Pelham Bay Hospital where doctors stopped the bleed­ ing before transferring her to Montefiore Hospital. Dr. Frank Veith, chief vascular surgeon, said later, "The leg was in serio ous danger of being loSt." Now much more optimistic about the outcome, Veith too has become one of Miss Ligotino's tennis opponents. . The atack occurred a week be­ fore Miss Ligotino was scheduled to play in her first professional circuit tennis tournament in Florida. "At first, I was afraid I would never play tennis again," she said. "But I'm determined to become a pro tennis player. I -had great people around me.", Miss Ligotino said !lhe was grateful to her familY who have stood by her throughou~ the or­ deal. Her mother attends the end­ less' tennis practices she puts in to build up her game again. She said she was grateful too for the "understanding" of her classmates at Msgr, Scanlan High School and of Dominican Sister Eileen Clifford, the principal. The teen-ager's determination "is unbelievable," her mother said. "And she has a lot of good faith. She doesn't dwell on things and she always has a very positive attitude. She w~ always like that as a child. She carried us through this. My hus­ band and I were devastated by this thing. eut she has remained so friendly to everyone."

NEW YORK (NC) - Carol Ligotino seemed almost back to normal. Her serve was straight and her backhand fierce in a tennis match that seemed little more than a simple exercise for the gutsy 17-year-old junior at Msgr. Scanlan High School, who nearly lost her life in a vicious knife attack last December. "You're lucky to get three points from me," she' told me after our match at an area rac­ quet club. A promising tennis player who wants to turn pro, Miss Ligotino is fast regaining her old form, surprising her doctQfs, One leg was horribly slashed in the at­ tack near her home in the Bronx, one of New York City's five bor­ oughs, a few days before Christ­ mas.She believed the.n' that her tennis days were ~ver. "I'm about 85 percent," she said after the match at the New Rochelle facility which has open­ our support. ed its doors to her at no cost Obviously, we are not likely to help her recover. "But in a to enter into an intimate relatione' few months I plan to be back ship with every person we meet. to normaL"

But a smile acknowledges an-.

Miss Ligotino began, picking other's existence and worth. up her tennis game on Jan. 27, Sometimes, we are in such a the day she left the hospital hurry we forget that one of life's after six weeks of'intensive care.. , purposes is to get to know those Two eight-hour operations we travel with. were needed to repair the dam­ Attitudes of fear, annoyance age inflicted by her assailant, who remains at large. The sever­ or competition do not build rela­ tionships. If we put aside such ing of three arteries in one leg defenses and open up with impeded the flow of blood to the :warmth to others, we ar.e likely limb, and veins in the upper por­ to discover many friends, many tioil of the -leg had to be trans­ planted by microsurgery techni­ traveling companions in life. " The song mentions particular ques. She also had a, deep pene­ trating wound in her chest. times when others need our en­ Miss Ligotino has vivid re­ couragement. and support: "When life loses meaning and we lose collectiqns of what happened last our faith in the dreams we've Dec, 22. "It was about 7:30 in the even· been dreaming, when people: seem mindless and plain human ing,", she said, ~'and I was getting off the Pelham Bay S.ubway on kindness appears to pe dying." To kn.ow when those difficult my way home when he grabbed times occur, we need to listen. me by the arm. I didn't even see 'We need to set aside our own

tasks and personal agendas for: a bit and attune ourselves to an-' other's feelings and needs. Doing ,this' is hard work and takes prac­ tice, but it is at the heart of what it means to love someone. By Cecilia Belanger time of cultural revolutions. Our world needs much healing.,

But Jeremiah's time, 626 BC, Loneliness and suffering affect, The turmoil in the world, of was like our own. There was an many people's lives. Don't under-: which Father Moore and others

estimate what you can do to help have written so eloquently, dis­ upheaval in the balance of poli­ ' b h d 'I l'f f 1

tical power. he'al some of t,hl'S pal·n. tur s t e· al y leo peop e We Christians can look at the everywhere. We are concerned' What happens in any time of ,way Jesus interacted with others., about wars, present and threat- ferment? The reaction was like Like him,. we need to take time' 'ened, and about terrorism. today's. Egypt re-armed. Assyr~a with those we meet. We need to: People ar~ dissenting from all mounted more power. Babylo~la show them that we are concern- this, pe.rhaps not as dramatic- _ pressed the attack., Israel go~ m· ed' about what. is happemng in ally as during the Vietnam war, to the ~ct and was utterly wIped 'but letters are being written, o~t ~urm~, .the 40 years of Jere­ their lives. , This provides renewed confi-: speeches are being made. mlah s mInIstry. He~ people were dence and enables others to' It is not easy to be a dissenter.' scattered and the cIty of Jerosa­ trust their own abilities. What a: I think of dissenters of the past lem was burned to the ground. powerful and Happy world could' as well as of the present. I sug­ Can you imagine th~ reception emerge if all people felt that' gest that those who are losing Jeremiah got when he prophe­ others cared and believed in hope read the 'book of Jeremiah, sied that God was going to pun­ them: This dream only be- a mail who suffered deeply but ish those kingdoms that depended come possible through one-to- : preserved not' only belief in God on military might to overcome one caring. but also a strong hope that God .their neighbors? He was forbid­ Look around. Who especially' had a program of redemption den to enter the temple. When needs the powerful touch of, for mankind. he read out his proclamation he your caring today? . We are so used· to that pro- was put in stocks. Your comments are werecmed. gram that we may not'remember It's not easy to be a dissenter, Please address to: Charlie Mar~ what it is. It is called the new which is why I reacquainted my. tin, 3863 Bellemeade Ave., Evans- covenant, the new promise of self with Jeremiah for this col. ville, Ind. 477n5. God's renewal. Such a high umn. Some things just don't promise is hard' to accept in a change.

A lonely task



By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Scholarship For Nancy Nancy Stanton, certainly one of Durfee High School's most outstanding athletes" is the recipient of a softball-basketball scholarship at Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport, Conn. The softball program at Sacred Heart University runs through two seasons, fall and spring, with approximately 80 games, including a trip to Florida. Between the softball seasons Nancy will participate in the university's basketball program.

At Sacred Heart she will be used primarily as a pitcher. Affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Assqciation's Division Two; Sacred Heart's softball program has earned national distinction, ranking third nationally last season in its div­ ision. Miss Stanton's accomplish­ ments as a Topperette in both sports and swimming have earn­ ed her deserved recognition.

Irs Playoff Time The Bristol County CYO Base­ ball League concluded its regu­ lar season Wednesday. It now moves to the best-of-three quar­ ter-finals in post-season play­ offs, starting Sunday evening at Thomas Chew Memorial Field, Fall River. Teams finishing first and sec­ ond in the regular season have byes in the quarter-finals and, ad. vance automatically to the semi­ finals. In the quarter-finals the team finishing third opposes the team finishing sixth, team finishing fourth takes on the fifth-place team. In the quarter finals Central, the sixth-place team will meet the third-place team and South End, fifth-place finisher, will meet Somerset, which has naH­ ed down fourth place. At this writing Kennedy seem~ likely to be Central's opponent. The quarter-finals will cQntinue Mon­ day with third games, if needed, set for Wednesday. North End and Maplewood are the two, top teams. As the Bristol County loop' swings into its playoffs, the Fall River CYO Baseball League en­ ters the last week of its regular

season with a four-game card Sunday. In a makeup game, pace­ setting Notre Dame will meet St. Michael's Club at 10 a.m. at North Park. Action shifts to Lafayette Park in the evening. St. Michael. and st. Patrick meet at 5:30 followed by St. William vs. Our Lady of Health at 7:30. Sandwiched between the

two games, St. William and Our

Lady of Health will complete their suspended game of July 21 with the score tied at 2-2 and Our Lady of Health coming to bat in the bottom of the eighth inning. Latest statistics available show that Greg Gagne, former Somerset High standout, is bat­ ting .249 with the Orlando (Florida) Twins' of the AA Southern Association. In 406 at bats he collected 101 hits, includ­ ing eight home runs, five triples and 22 doubles.. He scored 63 runs, drove in 48. In the pitching department, Jerry Perry, former Durfee High hurler, had five wins and five

losses in 28 starts and an earn­ ed run average of 3.94. In 75 innings he gave up only 63 hits, struck out 43 and walked ;39. Perry is with the Little Rock (Arkansas) Cards in the, AA Texas League. The Mustang All-Stars of the Swansea Independent Baseball League, Inc., finished third, a commendable showing, the first Mustang World Series in Huma­ cao, Puerto Rico. Another Swansea team mak­ .ing headlines, the Mavericks girls' team (ages 13 to 15) quali­ fied for the national champion­ ship tournament of the American Softball Association that opened in Glenpool, Oklahoma, yester­ day. The Mavericks won the New England championship by defeating Connecticut and Maine titlists and twice defeating a team from neighboring Somer­ set. In just about one month high school fall sports will be under­ way. According to the schedules that have reached us, the, first event is the Taunton High School football jamboree set for 7 p.m., Sept. 10. In swimming the relay carni­

val will be held on Sept. 23.

State meets will of course be

held after the regular season.

The all-Southeastern Massachu­

setts Conference cross-country

meet will be held on Oct. 29 at

Southeastern Massachusetts Uni­


The Single Mind "Give 'yourself 1.W to ever so many good works, read, preach, pray, visit the sick, build hospi­ tals, clothe the naked, yet if any­ thing goes along with these or in the doing of them you have anything else that you will and' hunger after, but that God's kingdom may come and his wilr done, they are not the works of the new-born from above and so cannot be his life-giving food. For the new creature in Christ is that one will and one hunger that was in Christ; and there­ fore where that is wanting, there is wanting that new creature which alone can have his con­ versation." - William 'Law


tv, mOVIe news

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not ,always coincide, General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4--separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

New Films "An Officer an a Gentleman" (Parmount): Zack Mayo (Richard Gere), a bitter loner, the son of a mother who committed suicide and a boozing, woman-chasing Navy petty officer, enters officer candidate school with the dream of becoming a Navy pHoto He makes friends with Sid Worley (David Keith), a young m,an from a traditional Navy family whose respectable background is every­ thing Zack's is not. During their gruelling training they become involved with two local factory girls, Pa~la (Debra Winger) and Lynette (Lisa Blount), who dream of escaping from their drab worlds by marrying flyers. Zack and Paula fall in love, she unreservedly, he fighting it all, the way. Entertaining but melodramatic, the picture falls off at the end, turning into soap opera. Sex is overdone, 'earning ratings of 0, R. "The Secret of NIMH" (MGM­ UA): In this superb animated fea­ ture adapted from Robert O'­ Brien's prize-winning novel "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," a mother mouse, anxious to save her family and home from a farmer's flow, seeks help from rats with human intelligence gained as prisoners at the Na­ tional Insitute for Mental Health (NIMH). The style and texture of the picture represent a return to the golden age of Walt Disney. Indeed, director Don Bluth and a dozen or so other artists left Dis­ ney Studios three years ago to protest what they felt to be lower standards in animation. Unfortuately, this film, thqugh beautiful, lacks a compelling plot and a strong central character. However, it is better than aver­ age family entertainment, al­ though some sequences might be a bit scary for the under-five con­ tingent. AI, G

Cosby and James Earl Jones in a comedy about two wealthy con men "blackmailed" by a retired police officer (Jones). He won't turn them in if they donate 40 hours a week to a black com­ munity center. Mildly entertain­ ing. Strong language and the muddled morality - the con men never show remorse and Poitier lives in unwedded bliss ­ make this adult fare. A3, PG Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, August 15, WLNE, Channel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Television Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday repeated at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is it panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father 'Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: The Church and Military Service: War/Peace. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. Sunday, Aug. 15, (ABC) "Direc­ tions" - "Haitiaq Boat People: Refugees or Immig~nts?" On Radio Charismatic programs are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WiCE, 1290 AM: Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. ' Sunday, Aug. 15, (NBC) "Guideline" - Facing the prob­ lems of aging, with Sandra Rueb and Father Joseph Fenton.

Paraplegic weds KANKAKEE, Ill. (NC) - A paraplegic who was told he could not marry in the Catholic Church if he were permanently impotent, did so in a ceremony at St. Mar­ tin of Tours Catholic .Church in Kankakee. Larry Bonvallet, 32, whose case made internation­ al headlines in January, was ini­ tially informed that under canon law irreversible sexual impo­ tence is an impediment to mar­ riage. Bishop Joseph L. Imesch of Joliet, Ill., interviewed and said Bonvajlet and his fiancee could indeed be married in church. Church officials said that even though the rule exists it is rarely enforced because impo­ tence is rarely considered irre­ versible throughout life.

Films on TV Monday, Aug. 16, 9 p.m. (NBC) - "Loving You" (1957) - An Elvis Presley vehicle about a VATICAN CITY (NC) young singer transformed into "Peace is the new name for de­ an overnight se'nsation by a press fense," said Pope John Paul II agent. The ,dialogue is filled with to NATO Defense College stu­ double-entendres and is frequent­ . dents in Rome. "Peace is the ly offensive. 0 only setting in which adequate Wednesday, Aug. 18,8:30 p.m. defense is possible," the pope said. "If you want to ensure de­ (CBS) - "A Piece of the Action" (1977) - Sidney Poitier, Bill fense, promote peace," he added.


THE ANCHOR Friday, Aug. 13, 1982­




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JHE ANCHOR.­ Friday, Au'g. 13, 1982

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At annual award night cere­ Those wishing to assist in the monies, awards went to Dennis Medeiros, Joseph Souza and CCD program may contact' Ag­ nes Barboza, 673-4767, or one of Paul R. White. Herve Forcier was named the parish priests. Final CCD registration will be held from 10 Knight of the Year and the fam­ ily of Norman Valiquette was a.m. to noon S',nday, Aug. 29, in the parish center. chosen as Family of the Year. Scholarship awards we're SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NB made \to Denise Valiquette and. CATHOLIC MEMORIAL HOME, FR Our Lady Queen of Angels Laurie Cousineau. A recent farewell ,party hon­ Fraternity will meet at 10 a.m. An award of $3000 has' been Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel, made to the council from the ored Alice Stone, retiring from 600 Pleasant St. All welcome. state K of C charity fund, to be the home staff after 18. y·ears. used for purchase ofa:--?railled Entertainment was 'highlighted ST.ANNE,FR by an unscheduled dancer, ,the type unit for use of the deaf­ A family picnic will be spon­ 2-year-old dau~ter of the blind. sored' by the parish board of home's asistant dietitian. Council officers include Rich­ education beginning at noon Sunday at Our Lady of the Lake .ard N. Duddy, reelected grand FAMILY LIFE CENTER,

knight; Paul White, deputy N.DARTMOUTH

Camp, .East Freetown. The pro­ A Family Ministry cookout is \gll'am wil IliI1lCLlude la closing grand knight; Jesse Mello, chan­ cellor; Dennis C. Medeiros, war­ Mass. . planned 'for 5:30 p.m. Saturday, den. They will be installed Sat­ Aug. 28, at :the center at 500 Congratulations are extende(i urday, Sept. II. Slocum Road. ,A family prayer to parishioners Susan Bernier Installation ceremonies are set service will follow the meal. and Robert Raymond. Miss Ber­ for Sunday, Sept. 19 for Bishop nier, a Richelieu Club scholar­ Stang Assembly, Fourth Degree ST. MA'RY, NB ship winner, will attend Boston K of C. Those to be seated in­ Volunteers are needed fo rthe University; Raymond, who re­ parish' CCD program. clude Henry ~eru1je, faii'thllul ceived an award from Tiverton navigator; Rev. Joseph Martin­ K of C Council 4753, will enter eau, faithful friar; Armand Cou­ ENGAGED ENCOUNTER St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Engaged - Encounter for sineau, faithful captain; Armand couples planning marriage will St. Anne's ultreya will meet .at Raiche, faithful pilot. be held at the Family Life Cen­ 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the home of ter, North Dartmouth the week­ Jim 'and Lucille Martin, 37 Bay NATURAL FAMILY PLANNlNG;F1R ends -of Sept. 10 and Nov. 5 and St. St. Anne's Hospital Center for at Sacred Hearts Seminary, XAVIER SOCIETY, ~.Y. Natural Family Planning will Wareham, the weekend of Oct. A new program providing free offer four four-session programs 8. braille and large-print paper­ of instruction, beginning Sept. back editions of selected books 8, 15, 22 and 29 and concluding OL GRACE, WES'l'PORT A special collection at Masses has been initiated by the Xavier Dec. 8. All classes begin at 7·:30 Society for 1Jhe Blind, 154 E. 23 p.m. in Clemence Hall, adjacent - this weekend will benefit Nor­ St., New York, N.Y:- 10010. to the hospital. Information: bertine missions in Africa and Books are mailed free of charge Mariette Easton, RN, 674-5741, Latin America. . and may be kept by the recipi- ext. 326. SACRED HEART;FR ent. . ST. STANISLAUS, FR Xaverian missions in West Czestochowa jubilee days be­ Africa will benefit from a gin at all Masses Sunday. Dr. special collection to be taken up William K. Larkin of the Pas­ at Masses this" weekend. toral Theological Institute, Altar boys win attend a Lin­ coln Park outing on Tuesday, Madison, Conn., will offer teach­ ings at 7 ,p.m. Sunday, Monday Aug. 21, leavdng the rectory and Tuesday, 'in the context of yard at 6 -p.m. Permission for the evening prayer Sunda.yand Mass occasion should be returned to the rectory prompUy. Parents on Monday and Tuesday. Polish teachings will be given welcome. by Father Jerzy Bialek, SJ, at . The Women's Guild board will Polish-language. Masses ·next meet at 7:45 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 22, at the .rectory. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri­ ,.OMPT DELIVERIES CCD registration' forms are 'day;and Father Victor Krzy­ DIESEl DIU wonos, OFM, will be heard Aug. available at the rear of the 24 through 26. . church.

PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraislng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetln!!s, youth profects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundrafsing pro­ jects may be advertised at our regular rates,.

obtainable from The Anchor business office, • telephone 675·7151. . On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River. NB Indicates New Bedford.

ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY' The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be at the church. for one week, beginning tomorrow. Vocal solos by Josephine Fletcher at the 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Masses on Sun­ day will honor the occasion. SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH Sunday ceremonies at Mont Marie; Holyoke, will mark the opening of the 100th anniver­ sary of the establishment pf'the Sisters of St. Joseph of Spring­ field in western Massachusetts.

They will also signal conclusion of a year-long C!hapter of the congregation, ministry in the 21st century as it will affect sis­ ters in the. F'all River, Spring­ field, Worcester and Providence dioceses. In this diocese the sis­ ters serve in Fall River and New Bedford.




I 999-12261

I 999-1227 I






ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Altar boys will visit Lincoln Park on Tueday, departing from the church at 6 p.m. Family members are invited. Bookings are now available for memorial Masses to be said in 1983 and 1984. .


DOMINICAN LAITY, FR St. Rose of Lima Chapter will observe its patronal feast at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 23, with a gathering. beginning with Mass and continuing with a buffet meal.

We Ask Your Prayers For The' ...



Succ~ss Of


New' England General Conference



For The Catholic Charismatic Renewal'


AUGUST 13· 14 • IS

Whatever He,Tells


JOHN 2:5




SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th 1:00 - 6:00 P.M.

My Spirit Finds



loy in God My Savior LUKE' 1:47


,I "


Music: .y JON POLeE FOR INFORMATION: CAL L 6 4 4 ·,2 3.7 5

, OL OF ANGELS, FR The parish council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in ,the church of hall. . CCD teachers and helpers and those wishing to volunteer in the program will meet at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 20. Registration for classes will be held Saturdays, Sept. 11 and 18, for the .first four grades; ·ang Sundays, Sept. 12 and 19 for grades five of through 12. Registrations will close the weekend' of Sept. 25 of and 26. The winter Mass schedule be­ gins Sunday, Sept. 12, with Masses.on the'hour from 7 a.m. through noon. Saturday Masses will be at 4 and 5:15 p.m.

ST.NOCHAEL,SWANSEA Sisters of Mercy missions in Latin America will be benefited' by a special collection the week­ ~nd of Aug. 28 and 29. LEGION OF MARY, NB The Legion will sponsor a holy hour at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 20, at St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford. All welcome. \LaSALETTE SHRINE,


The weekend of Aug. 21 and 22 will be highlighted by litur­ gies 'honoring the Queenship of Mary. . Rev. Andre Patenaude, MS, will celebrate an outdoor Mass 'at 7:30 p.m. Aug:21, with music by the 50 member gospel choir of St. Bonaventure's Church, Jamaica, N.Y., directed by Peter Thomas. A musical program, liturgy and healing service will be con­ .ducted by Father Patenaude at 2 p.m. Sunday. It will include prayer and laying on of hands for those wishing this ministry.

Good Samaritan .

Dr. John WiIlkie, president of the National Right to Life Com­ ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR The hospital and Red Cross mittee and a physician, author V{ill cosponsor a blood drive and lecturer who has devoted from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. much of his professional life to Appointments may be made with Eileen Pelletier, 674-5741; the pro-life cause, will receive ext. 258. . the 1982 Good Samaritan Award The hospital's continuing of the National Catholic Develop­ medica~ education program has ment Conference (NCDC), the . been awarded a four-year ac­ nation's largest associiltion of creditation by the Massachu­ religious fundraising organiza­ setts Medical Society. Outst'and­ ing 'program features as cited by . tions. . thQ. accrediting visitor include Dr. Willkie will receive' the lecture good attendance, high quality of speakers, affiliation award in Chicago on Oct.. 6 at with Tults Medical School, qual­ a luncheon to be held ,in his hon­ ity asurance and utilization re­ or to be held during the 15th view procedures and good class­ NCDC Convention. room and library facilities.

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