Federal, Funds
An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm -
For'.. Colleges
Is Proposed
WASHINGTON (NC)-:President' Eisenhower's Com mittee on Education Beyond the High School has recom mended th.at the Federal government match funds with private and public colleges and universities to build class rooms. ' The 35-member commit- Legion of Mary tee, in what probably will qe ,'To Visit Famed -~'its final report, suggested hr.onett!
Fall River, Mass; Thursday, August 15; '1957 Volo 1, Noo 19,
Second Class Mail Privi'leges Authorized I al 'Fall Rivet, Mass.'
also that those paying for edu ~ cation' of a 'student beyond 'the The Legion of Mary of the high' school level be permitted to make deductions on their Fed Fall River Diocese is spon eml income tax. soring a P i I g rim age to The pgroup, which' includes Jesuit Father Paul C. 'Reinert, Rome, Lourdes and Fatima president of St. Louis (Mo.> Un in 1958, approved by Most Rev. iversity,- called the ..shortage of James L. Conolly and under the teachers the "most critical bot spiritual direction of Rev. Ed tleneck" to expansion of U. 8, higher education. It . recommended "to every board of trustees, every legisla ture and all others responsible for ,academic budgets" that the' "absolute highest priority.!n the use of available funds be given to raising fac\llty salaries."
$4.00 per Yr,
A 17-year old student from Tourcoing, France, will begin a year of study at Mount St: Mary Academy, Fa,ll River, next month under the exchang~ program operated . by t.he National Catholic Welfare Conference.' France Marl'e L u e 1t e r 1 ,a sponsorship of the NCWC to", be student at L'Ecole Notre come acclimatized before the Dame du Sacre Coeur in her, opening of school. .
, M i s s Leurent is making her home' here With Mr. and Mrs.
one of a group
~~ •~~L~jE~;,;fS~;1~i :KeVj~E~ar~~~~~E~' \,~
Europe S'
PRICE, 100
' · to Stu dy Here, rene, , 1;1 F h G ' ' p' U !n'der EXC han.ge rogram
na t IVe Cl y,
FR:: . Cap., English-born Francis_ can Father widely known in , Fall Ri vel' Diocese. as master ,of priests' and laymen's retreats, leaves Federal buildbig in Providence after being sworn in as United' States citizen.
, the program. Other tuition than it costs the school .... , been assigned'to homes throughto educa.te them. "The plain fact," asserted the , out the nation, some going as far as Los Angeles. committee, "is tha't the college Arrangements were made 1;Iy teachers of' the United States Rev. Edward J. Gorman, pastor through their inadequate salar of St. Patrick's Church, Somerset. ies, are 'subsidizing the education The parish will assume. the jobliof stUdents, and in some cases gation of the girl's tuition. the luxuries of their families by ari amount which is more than Speaking 'fluent English. which she has been studying for the double the grand total of alumni past five years, Miss Leurent told ~ gifts. corporate gifts and endow· The Anchor she hopes to include "ment income of all colleges and ward A. Oliveira, piocesan Mod in her program of studies Ameri- ~ universities combined."
erator of the Legion.
can history, Religiori, Spanish,' Non Income Producing typing and shorthand, in. addiUJ IrC "This is tantamount to the· Departure will be on May 8
tion to continuing her study of largest scholarship program In from New York aboard the S.8. . 'Ellglish. Following a year at CHICAGO (NC) - Pope world history. but is" certainiy Independence of the American Mount St. Mary she expects to Pius XII is "in wonderful not one calculated to' advance return to school in France to ,health" and "intensely in- education," said the group. ,. Export Lh\es. Afte~ arrival at Naples, Italy, complete her preparation for the . Regarding its suggestion for national college entrance exami- terested in the Church of . Federal aid to help schools put the irroup will visit the Shrine of ",.!y"·:::,',,,,":d , nations: - the United States," His Eminence up bUildings, the committee stat- Our Lady of, Pompeii. Four days Third oldest in a family of five ,Samuel Cardinal Stritch said ed that such fmids should be will be' spent in Rome where, "grants-in-aid" and should be , among other things, visits will be 'girls, France-Marie feels "at' here on his return from' Europe. home" in the Cassidy household The Al:chbishop of Chicago used only for "non-income-pro . ma(,ie to the four Patriarchal Ba silicas- St. Peter's. st. Paul's with Arthur Jr. 3, Mary Chl"istine made a five-week tour of Italy, ducing facilities" such as class Outside-ttie~.Wal1s, St, John La 2, and Catherine Ann 1. She 'is : France and Irel-and.' Describing rooms and laboratories. ' It is recommended that such a teran and St. Mary Major. 'the looking forward to meeting her ,his two audiences with the Holy classmates at Mount St. Mary. . Father as the highlights of the program be along the same lines Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museum, At present her nearest school- 'trip, Cardinal Stritch said tl).e as the, Hill-Burton Act ~'hich Catacombs, Coliseum. For u m gil'l friends are in North Cam- 'Pope "'is very gl:ateful for what makes Federal funds available to and the Pantheon. An audience bridge where they will attend the Ca.tholics of the United assist construction of public and with the Holy Father Is being requested through the North Matignon High School under the States are doing in giving relief private hospitals. American College In Rome. to 'sufferers in other countries."
'Loan Program , exchange pl"Ogram. of approximately .l00 French, , Traveling by train, the group The committee m:ged. continu Mr. Cassidy, a graduate of the He also had something to say German, Austrian. Italian and' Boston College School of Social about economic 'conditions ill - ' ance of the College Housing Loan will spend a day in Nice, France Program which gives long-term and then proceed to Lourdes for South American boys and girls Work, is director of the Fall Italy and the youth of that coun try. He compared his'present visit now in the United States under River Mental Health ClinIc. Turn to Page lEight . Turn to Paie Eight to Italy with one he made there in 1946. when he received his Red Hat. Economy Improved "It was just after the war," he stated. "It-aly and all of Europe Frater Conrad, O.S.B., formerly Cha~les Lamb of were suffering. Today it's differ , . "Good religious training at home is the best prepara ent, especiaily what I noticed in Taunton, has made his perpetual profession as a Benedic Italy. The people seem happier, bon a boy can have for life in the service. Mothers' and! tine monk at Marmion Abbey, Aurora, Ill. ' fathers who have done their job well don't have to worry better fed and are looking 'for Son of Mr. ~nd Mrs. William Lamb of st. Paul's Parish, ward to a good future. The eco about the spiritual welfare of their sons in uniform," Rev. nomic conditions have improved Taunton, Frater Conrad is , (Capt.) Francis X. Wallace,
gl'ootly. Unemployment, however, the twin brother of Mr. Diocesan priest serving 8.8
is still a problem in Italy." James'H. Lamb of the same , Army chaplain at F()rt Ben
The Cardinal mentioned that parish and a brother of ning, Ga., told The Anchor there are about a m'illion young Sister Rose Angela. S.U.S.C., who sters in Italy enjoying 'life in in an interview today. teaches at Sacred Hearts Acad summer camps because of the as "The boys from good homes emy, Fall River. sistance given by the Pope Qnd practice their religion," Father Frater Conrad was graduated the United States. Wallace added. "c hap 1 a in 8 from Monsignor Coyle High "I visited several camps of the wouldn't have much to do if all School, Taunton. in J.941 aQd was Italian youngsters':' he said. their charges had the advantage awarded a B.S. in Electrical En,. "Through the Pope, the Bishops' of sou n d training In their gineering by Northoosten'l Uni relief agency of our country , hOples.." versity in 1947. His college years '(Catholic Relief Services - Na On 100 ve from his assignment were interrupted by a period of at Fort Benning, Father Wallace tional Ca.tholic Welfare Confer service ill the U. S. Navy. ' is visiting his mother, Mrs. Flor ence) and surplus foods of the After graduation he was em ence L. Wallace, 652 Union Street, .United States, these youngsters ployed by Sperry Gyroscope of New Bedford. are able to, enjoy summer camp Long Island until his entrance Discussing the chaplain serv life." into Marmion Abbey In 1952. He ice, Father W~lla~ said every He also noted that CRS-NCWC is among a group of monks who opportunity is given the men to "distributes more than one-half will be ordained in May 1958, at 'l'urn to ]Page lEight Turn to ll"age JEight Marmion.
',Pope. Gro tefw
For American ,Aid to Ch h
Former Taunton Engineer Takes ,Benedictine Vows W.
New. Bedford Chaplain TeU$
Of Life in Armed Forces
'inn ArNlCHOR~ 'i1'hurs., AUIl: ~ 5, 19'57
.F@mrn~, ~~~~rr@~~J .~~~md@s
AU~lhority 'i'n
Aug. 18-;"St. Joseph's, Woods Hole Our Lady of l.ourdes, Wellfleet Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport Aug. 25-Sacred Hea,rt. New Bedford . St. Joseph's Orphanage, Fall River Sept. ·1-Se. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River St. John the Baptist, Cen tral Village Sept. 8-St. Louis of France, , Swansea' Our Lady of Mt. CO\l'mel, Seekonk
the Home
'Fat'heir!' GICM~hiJelY' O!b$<errv<e$) ~((»tr~ Alrn\]hf~Il$@~Y
Rev. Alphonse E. Gauthier. pastor of Sacred Heart Church,. By Rev. John'lL. Thomas, S. J.
New'Bedford, celebrated a Mass st. Louis llJniversity
of Thanksgiving Ino the chapel of Sacred Heart Home in observ How. much authority should the husb!lnd exercise. in
ance of the 40th anniversary of the home? My· wife and I.work things out together well
his ordiootion. Responses were as a team~ She runs the home B:nd does much of the buy
sung by. the Nuns Choir directed ing, while I earn the money. We agree fairly well in hand
by Sister Ida. ling the children. This seems Father Gauthiel' was guest at to work out all right, but war\{ for the best interests of th" a reception in the assembly hall famjly. As the chief breadwinner
lately I've read a lot of state following the Mass. A spiritual and provider, the husband has
ments to the effect that not only the authority but the bouquet and a floral bouquet modern men have made a mis . were presented t6 him in behalf serious obligation to plan for the' . take in giving women so much long range welfare of his fari1ily. of the Patronesses of the home, authority. What whom he serves as chaplain, by 'When he takes' this obligation does It mean to President Mrs. Rodolphe Para suiously, wife Rnd children Jind be the head of dise. New Bedford Council Ii ttle difficulty in looking up 00 the home? The reception committee com him. Every normal woman is It would be TRUTH, A CHALL,ENGE: ' To Install Officers prised Mrs. Leo LaBrode. Mrs. H. proud to have married a man tJasy 00 answer capable of assuming responsibili- Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, pro Officers of McMahon Council H. Leclair .and Mrs. Normand your question if . Maranda. ty. ' No. 151, Knights of Columbus. of' tenns like ,au- :, : ~ feel that much ofClthis. talk fessor of Church History at New Bedford, wiII be installed at t·ho r I t y and f?rrelCllte ftc Ad~Q"e$$ about authority is beside the the Catholic University of the monthly meeting Sept. 11. headship could· point. The real problem is that America, Wash.ington, will The following wiII ·be installed: Olhloo SerrrCll Ch.lj!bs be meaningful too many husbands become 00 Grand Knight A. Ed Ailain. STEUBENVILLE (NC) - Co ly defined apart tally preoccupied with their work acidress the 14th National Deputy Grand Knight Robert L. adjutor Bishop Thomas J. Mc from the social or with outside activities and Congress of the National Pelletier, Chancellor Clarence G. Donnell of Wheeling will deliver situation Within leave the entire task of running Yates, Jr., Recorder Manuel A. the sermon at a Pontifical Mass which they are the household and caring 'for the Federation of Catholic Col Sylvia, Jr.. Financial SeCl'etary here on Sept. 1. durirlg the third exercised. Even a slight knowl children to their wives. If you annual convention of Ohio Serra edge of different social s¥stems and your wife have learned to lege Students in Ne~ York, Charles J. Hines. Also Treasurer Theobold M. clubs. reveals that this is not possible. work together as a team, so much Aug. 26, NC Photo. , Bishop McDonnell has been Healy, Advocate Paul J. McCaw Perhaps we can clarify the prob;o- the' better. The main point Is ley. Warden-RaYI:l10nd P. Bolton, closely identified with Serra, an 1em by; starting with general that you shoulder yo'ur share of MCIIS,S OD'do . Inside Guard Edward G. Souza. organization of Catholic laymen principles and . then proceeding responsibility in training, guid-' THURSDAY -Assumption of Outside Guard Antonio J. Es whose objective is to foster voca to concrete situations. ing. and directing your children. . the Blessed Virgin. Double of I tions to the religious life. He trella, Trustees Norbert G .. Cruz, Equal as PerSons Class. White. Mass Propel'; 010 If you do this, you will be head l'ie; Creed; Preface .of. Blessed George M..Thomas and Raymond participates' regularly in Serra --According to Catholic teaching, of the family. affairs in the Wheeling diocese. J. Labarge. Virgin. HOLY DAY OF OBLI husband and wife are absolutely.' The two-day Ohio ,meeting will . Grand Knight Allain has made GATION. Q!qual as persons. They enjoy Aged Woman P~~;ll1$ be attended by Serrans from local FRIDAY-St .Joachirj1, Con the following a,ppointments: equal rights in what. pertains to fessor, Father of the Blessed Vir . E. Gerard Hotte, lecturer; clubs of Ohio, West Virginia' and the marriage contract. Howevel~, PDlga"omage Today Mary. Double of IT Class. :Henri Desrosiers and Ernest Pennsylvania. Harry J. O'Haire, TOLEDO'CNC)-A 76-year-old gin ibecause they fulfill different White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec~ executive secretary of Sen:a In roles in reproduction. they have Toledo ·mother will make her ond Collect for Rain; no Creed; Plourde, bowling co-chairmen; ternational, will make the main Fel'gus Bolton. degree chairman; -different roles in the family. The 50th Assumption day ~ilgrimage Common Preface. address at the convention ban husband's headship must conse today to the Shrine of Our Lady SATURDAY - St. Hyacinth, Leo Telasmanick, Catholic Action quet on Aug. 31. Confessor. Double. White. Mass chairman; ~ter prlik, six-point qUlmtly be defined in terms of Bishop John King Mussio of Propel'; Gloria; Second Collect chairman. the common good 'of the family of Consolation in Carey, SteUbenville, J:1ost to the gather Mrs. Michaeline Domalski, a Rain; Third Collect for Peace; [or Also Manuel A. Sylvia, Jr.• unit. In marriage. husband ll.l1d daily communicant, promised on no. Creed; Common Preface. Blood Bank chairman; Samuel ing wiII speak at the banquet and wife unite to form a special so SUNDAY-Tenth Sund(l.y after Madruga, reception chail:man; wiII be celebrant of a Pontifical her visit 50 years ago after learn ciety in which their sexual com ing of. the shrine from a neighbor, Pentecost. Double. Greeh·.· Mass Raymond J. Labarge. admission Mass. plementarity gives them differ that she would try to return each Proper; Gloria; Second: Collect chairman; William A. Barton, ent roles. The husband's authori St. Agapitus. Martyr; Third Col year. a ty, therefore. stems from and is lect for Rain; Creed; Preface of membership chairman. a has six children. One year, She a Trinity. limited by his role as protector going to Carey meant taking' a o MONDAY-St. John EUdes, Cardinal Better and provider of the reproductive o a unit. It is not a privilege which six-week-old baby with her. Mrs. Confessor. DOUble. White. Mass MONTREAL (NC)-His Eml-. Domalski. when she was 20, had Second Collect Proper; ,Gloria; he can uSe for his own interest. nence Paul Cardinal Leger, Arch ~ o It can never legitimately extend double pneumonia, and after for Rain; Third CoHect for bishop of Montreal, has left Hotel Peace; no Creed; Common Pre ij ward weakened lungs and pleu beyond the pm'pose for which it Dieu hospital here following an o face. . u wa:;; 'established by God, namely, risy. Several years later she be operation in mid-Jl)ly. He has TUESDAY-St. Bernard, Ab U gan her pilgrimage string. She is the good of the family. II bot, Confessor and Doctor.of the been advised by his physicians 00 o Inasmuch ·IIS all authority in good health today. Church. Double. White. Mass spend August in convalescence. U Proper; Gloria; Second Collect comes from God and God is Love, u. o for REtin; Third Collect for ali authorit,y exercised in His •Vermont Catholi~s You'll Fall In L,,,'e \VI/h o Peace; Creed; Common 'Preface. name will be characterized by Get Scholarships o NORMAND'S DONUTS WEDNESDAY-St. Jane Fran. o love. But love is the gift of self. o MONTPELIER (NC) - Stu ces De Chantal, Widow: Double. In exercising authority in the PRESCRIPTIONS DD dents of St. Michael's College in White. Mass Proper; Glotia; Sec family, the husband gives hlm ond Collec~ for Rain; Tllird Col a Winooski received 134 of the 291 elect for Peace; no Creed; Com . Belf 00 the family according to B Reliable ~ the qmllities which God has .giv . Senatorial' .scholarships. awarded mon Preface. : Proscription Service ~ en him as a male. Likewise, obe in Vermont during the last year • a dience is an act of love. In obey 'under authprization by the Leg ing her husband in the legitimate DWIM@mJ1'$ ~ Islature. exercise of his authority in the 22 lUXUS -OI'l;;lIl EVENINGS The scholarships are awarded ~ Alfred A. Dumont Reg. Ph. Prop. ~ fllmily, the 'wifegives herself to by the 30 members of the State the family according to the qua friendly Druggist g ~@rm@)lmcrlJ9$ ~~~~~ D~. Youi' Senate tlnd each -grant is for We Specialize in . a liti~s which God has given her as 299 Ashley HI I. WY 4-11984 $200. Former Sen. Branon, of • D lDepo9 Sq. Hyannis, Mass. a woman. Store Fronts & Auto Glass 111 Ashley 0 0. W\' '1-92111 D a Fairfield, who recently left the . Mutual Su'pport . 180·0 ACUSHNET AVE. As a going concern, the family State Senate, awarded all of his NEW BEDFORD like any other society, requires ,scholarships to a single college St. Michael's. WY 4-4415 someone in authority. The hus . band's job as breadwinner norm '. . ally piaces him in the best posi CIE,CILIA NEWTON I tion 00 fulfill this function. When 80cial conditions change, the Dlanner and amount of authority he exercises necessarily change. 1n American society. happy mar- . INSURANCE' !'ied . couples tend to work out· ~ RES~IDJElr tbeir problems. Each conti-ibutes " RIEAl lESTATIE according to ability and past ex pcrience.Thus It develops that Location: Midway between Boston and Provitiellce 7 No. Mlilin St. ,Fall River, MOSG. tilC .mother makes most of the immediate decisions around the home, while the father makes tbe TO . ALL CIHIURCHES . long range decisions and those GMDES: 4-5-~,7-8 pertaining to" activities outside The RECTORY • CONIVENTS o , th4: home. As companions in a oommon enterprise, both ~hould consult eao.'1 other and lend mu :Rented CII1l ,Rug C8ecJnill1l9 tualll!1pport, particularly where tI~ children are involved. Service ., .Il)c Dt Youil'self of New Bedford! Mass. What really counts in marriage Interview and Entrance Examination Required CA/Ul. MaRn Office Is that ooth husband and wife t1hlllioli1l caJli1IclI fil18eCllS«l1l11l1' Sits•. 'II'RE "'.NeHOR -13e':<Jllt'l-cla'l~ mall privileges au·' INicl1'tJ'6D li/llJd ISl1'cJlllJdiJ UWl..~ ...oo at yaH River, Mass. Pub :MllCIHIAMf)801N1 'lI'IlHIR. 11200 . ACIlD!lihlDllet IPi.ve. Hailed evel'y"rhu·r.:<lay at 4Ul Hlgh la-n(J l\venuc. l?al1 River. Mass" by IMC. II!lAR'll'MOllB'1I'lHI, MASS. Member· !Fedcll'eR Depvsj4 tho ~Jathollc Pri'SS ·()f th<l Diocese
'WV 5-,7800 llnsnrance Corporation' III I"~U RJ ve'l'. :Huhs'll'liltion price
• Luncheonette • Beach· Supplies • Hospital Supplies
I1!JfSrt6 It Cat ~~Il1lC"
. o
e 2 ,lfS~,,"ilt
a c lloi."..10.1\
.. t •
~hurs., Au~~ 15, 1957
CommtuJlr\)B~[l1 SU'O~a G[I'erat'est U~[f'~@~'
To Americ@[J1l$ BALTIMORE (NC) - An "unremitting e,ffort" by the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the
FOUR BROTIHlIERS AT HOLY CROSS: Sons of Ml;. and Mrs. Charles E. Downs of Vineyard Haven are, ieft to ll'ig'ht, "Jerome F., junior; Michael P., a freshman; John F., a sophomore, and Charles E., Jr., a senior.
Councillors Rescind f~lnalnced. Vi~eYQrd 'Fami,ly Has One Son Freeway ActiolJ1l Vatican 1F;~lming In Each Class at Holy Cross WILMINGTON (NC) - Tho When the new scholastic year begins at Holy Cross new Wilmington City Council has Work CClmp~eted Colleg'e, Worcester, next month, its enrollment, for the rescinded the action of the pre
K. of C.
VATICAN CITY (NC) The Vatican Library'S gi gantic project of microfilm ing more than 600.000 an
first time in the long history of the Jesuit institl,ltion, will '. include four brothers, one in each class. Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Downs of Vine ton, Is a graduate of St, Luke's $chQol of Nursing, New yard Haven, they are Hospital Bedford. Charles E. Jr., a senior, can They have two other children
Government Is needed to stem the tide of communism in this country. Herbert R. O'Conor, former Maryll;lnd Governor and U. S. Senator, declared here. Returning from the American Bar Association convention in London, Mr. O'Conor told a press conference that atheistic com munism still remains the great est threat to the American way 'of life. These enemies of our form of government do not respect God!' or man made laws.... he said. '~The communists· tenets do noll Include an acknowledgment of the dignity of human beings and.
therefore, there never can be our
acceptance of their principles.
.Theil' every contention is the ne·
gatlon Qf spiritual and authori
tative edicts because they denl!'
the, existence of a Supreme B2 Ing from which all authol'lty em· anates.'· At the London convention. Mr. O'Conor gave a report which was called one of the highlights of the meeting. He I'e ported to tho ABA House 01 Delegates as chair man of the committee on com· munist tactics, strategy and ob· jectives, Members of the British House of Lords and England'S! leading legal authoi'lties wer~ present when tho I'epod WSIJ given. Picked by five former ABA presidents, Mr. O'Conor WWl named head of the committee five years ago. After his reporll
6n the association's fight durini
the past year to contain com
munism. the convention voted ro
continue the committee for an·
other year.
vious council endorsing a freeway cutting th,rough three large Catholic. parishes, Priests of the three parishes cient manuscripts has been had publicly opposed the freeway brought to completion. route, They are Fathers John J. The filming. fout· years in Walsh, pastor of St.· Paul's progress. involved about seven didate for the degree of Bachelor -Mary Elizabeth, 16. and Tim Church; Joseph Delikat. assistant of Science in Social' Sciences; othy. 12. million photographs and re pastor of St. Hedwig's ChUl'ch, quired about three million feet Jerome F., a junior. and John F., and Paul F. Huber, pastor of of microfilm, These are to be a sophomore. both majoring In Suggests Cadllo~;c Sacred Heart church. mathematics in the Bachelor of 1L~lbrary in Home deposited in the Pius XII Me Fathers Del1kat and Huber Arts curriculum; and Michael P .• morial Library at St. Louis Uni joined a group of laymen In an WESTPORT, Ireland (NC) whose course, like oldest brother Irish Catholics can help create active anti-freeway' campaign. In versity. St, Louis, Mo. Financed entirely by the Charles', will lead to a Bachelor a good critical sense In their chil- . a letter of protest to the City of Science degree in Social dren. by providing them with Council. Father Delikat observed Knights of Columbus Founda Sciences. tion for the Preservation of His Catholic newspapers ~nd books, that property owners in the path Mr. Downs, Holy Cross '30, is said Archbishop Joseph Walsh of of the proPQsed fl'eeway are torical Documents of the Vati can Library, the microfilming prlnclpal~ of Oak Bluffs High Tuam here. predominantly Catholic, t hat project was undel·taken by St. School. He received his early He addressed people who had "neighborhood patterns would be education in St. Joseph's Paro Louis University fOI' a dual pur come on the' annual pilgrimago altered too deeply and would re pose: to aid American scholars chial School and B.M.C. Durfel9 to Croagh Patrick (Patrick'll sult in irreparable harm to the Ilnd to preserve for the western High School in his native Falf mountain) fl'om all over Irellind. balance of the city."
world valuable documents that River. Mrs. Downs, the former Both St. Hedwig's and St. Parents should be careIul to Mls~ Margaret Hickey of Taun might be destroyed by some un keep a· strict watch over the Paul's recently completed new foreseen calamity. literature their children read, parOChial schools. The filming was done with the Archbishop' explained. and a Propose Teaching' special equipment brought from sure way of attaining this aim is the United States. Among many Geography Early to form' a Catholic library in technical difficulties involve'd, CINCINNATI (NC) -Teaching every home. Oil BURNERS B'reat care had to be taken in thl of geography should begin in kin Window Company CI'oag'h Patrick - sometimes Alao completa llJoiler-Burnor o~ handling of ancient documents dergarten, a conference of ele known as St. Patrick's 'Purgatory Furnace Units. !Efficient low COli Stainless Steel Track Window I'eady to fall to pieces at the mentary school teachers agreed ' - is the mountain where St. heating. Burnor Dnd fuel oil sales Ornamental Iron slightest, touch. Patrick spent the Lent of 441 in here. and service. Amedcan lLeadership Chain link Fences Sisters of St. Ursula and lay prayer and fasting before begin The microfilmed manuscripts teachers from seven schools in ning his evangelization of ~heJ (0., 1533 Acushnet Ave.
covel' such subjects QS philoso the Cincinnati area declared also western part of Ireland. New Bedford Wy 4-1332
480 Mt. Ploasant Shoet phy. theology. Latin and Greek that in the religious school, Home Tel. WY 9-6505 New Bedford WY 3-2667 classics and historical research in geography should not be limited Asiatic countries, The languages to the material world. of the manuscripts include Latin, A good deal of geography can Greek, Syriac. Coptic, Hebrew, \ be learned without a textbook by HARDWARIE Arabic. Persian, Armenian. Gae children In kindergarten and the GARDEN ACCESSORIES lic and Slavic. first three grades, the teachers At the time the work started decided. Teaching tools in these The Only Catholic College in the Diocese oj Fall River four years ago it was said the grades include sand table' pro 766' COUNTY STREET main reason why Pope Pius XII jects. weather charts. supple NEW BEDFORI!» permitted the microfilming of the mentary reading, and audio manuscripts was his belief that visual aids. ,WY 3·4491
much' of the intellectua.l. cul ,
tural and scientific leadership of the West is 110W passing into the "hands of the United States. At about the same time Presi dent Eisenhower praised the project. sta ting that "this price FAIRHAVEN. MASS. less collection will interest mil Boarding' and Day School lions of Americans for the col-' . for Girls-Grades 1-12 lection is oile of the primary "It's whale of (1/ drInk" Academic and Commercial sources of information on the Courses: Also KindergartenU DELICIOUS IFLAVORS history of western thoug-ht." Day School-Boys and Girls. , "Access to the manuscripts," WYman 2-3467 BEST SINCE 1853 he added, "will ba immensely 'valuable to all who wish to delve WE DEUV(EfI!l Prophet IS not more deeply into the fundamen ADMINISTRATION BUILDINC ,CALL, tals of our civilization." without honor except
Stanley Oil
in his 'own· country and among his own Kindred and in his own bouse.::
Joseph A, Charpentier
Reg. Pharm.
1902 ACUSIHlNJE'1l' /! VIE.
NEW RlEilJll1"I{)lIIUJ)
IJeweiad Cross I
iU. \MV iQ,·@n2 J3MSrcl."J.BfJJ'ifJ!({J~,
WY 9-6264 and 9-6265
Hiram Wheaton Ind Sons, ~nc.
45 SCHOOIL 51'0 tiU So. !First
Visitors Are Always
Rey. THOMAS C. DUFFY, C.S.C Director of Building Fund Stonehill College
PHONE !=Edar 8-2221
Wtfiters findEvi~ Easier To De§cribe Than' Beauty ,
By William 1Hl.
Hollywood in Foc~s
Thera., Aug. 15.,1957
Predict CleanMp for Moyie Ads
NEW YORK (NC) - The New . York Times is reported to be _"We are getting more crime and violence in motion readying for a "cleanup" job on pictures because many screen writers find' it I!!asier to movie advertisements it prints, describe and dramatize viciousness than to discover particularly those for foreign_ beauty", Leo McCarey told m~ the other day. "Beauty is fUms. elusive. It calls for more • The report is made in Variety.. disa'pproval of iIoliywood films imag-inl3:tion, sensitivity and the weekly show business publi in which priests or nuns have cation which said th~ newspaper ,human understanding. 'Ug been depicted: No matter what that some of the ads it·s "[eels liness, more often superfl-, merits or de-merits Mr. Brizzo ,been running on foreign fUms cial and almost always concerned lai'a found, in "Heaven Knows, In past months have exceeded with the physical, has about it Mr. Allison," "The Left Hand of the boundaries of good taste ..,." a certain fasci
God," "I Confess" etc, 'either as Variety Quoted Vincent Red nation w h i c h
art of entertainment, his implied facilitates dra
din~, manager of the Time:;; ad hope "that the cassock and habit matic impact.
vertising acceptability section, as This makes lazy
may enjoy eternal rest from PlLANS FOR NlEXT50 YEARS: Builder of 15 church not wllling to disclose details, writers go for
moviedom's commercial1sm" is a t ' vain' one. And however eruditely es and en schools in all parts of Japan, is German-born but Issuing the following state what they think
he expresses himself, Mr. Brizzo- Brother Ig-natius Gropper, a Jesuit lay Brother-architect. ' merit: will create max
imum s h,o c k
lara's strictures: tinged with He came to Japan in 1930 a~ the age of 40. He had to learn "We have a concern regarding at mini m um
prejudice and cynicism, can <do Japanese, ~ll the more difficult, since he had to learn the' the propriety of some moving effort."
,picture advertising and have in
Because ':they aren~t making ~~~~~. goOd and may do much·' h~ghly technicaJ lang-uage. Brother Gropper, celebrating vited a small group of persons
Of course there has been com- hiS 50th year as a member of the Society- of Jesus, is pic love stories' but hate' stories these associated with the industry to
days" McCarey went back to meliCial exploitation of religious tured at work in his office on the campus of Sophia Uni gather with us lit an informal
"Love Affair" which he first characters in all these films, ,versity, 'r:okyo. NC Photo. ' meeting and discuss the matter."
filmed with Irene Dunne and· because movies are commerce. Variety said that "behind the Charles Boyer 18 years ago. "I'm For tb-at matter books on theol Times move is the rising tide of not looking into the past," he ogy, religious tracts, even Catho complaints about the low Quality explains, "but',!' saw that thea lic magazines are written, print NEW,YORK (NC)-Two Cath television stations across the of film ads, particularly for the ters were in need of a love story ed and distributed at a price. Imports which have become more 'and I thought I could do this one Are they to be given away or oUc films were among the three country to determine selection of suggestive alld spicy In the re. religious films. selected by tel~vibetter than I did it before. That dispensed wi th? sion stations in an annual sur the best available public service cent, past." meant a lot of work and perhaps Some films about priests and' vey to determine the 50 best'-'tree films. .- some risk. ' The two Catholic films are nUlls have been 'trite. 'Seve'ral films <available for television. The result, "An affair to'Re The survey was cO~lducted: by . "The Story of Juan Mateo," pro might have been less so had the member" co-starring Deborah by the Maryknoll Fathers Kerr and Cary Grant is going producers concerned felt less Variety Magazine, which polled duced at their missions in Guatemala, ,Maintenance Supplies
"great guns" everywhere iJ;J.dicat ,fear of "offending the Catholics." and the Christopher film "Gov ing McCarey has on his side a' Othe~ ~.nms while "exploiting for SWEEPERS - SOAPS
~epil. ~ 2 CCnSelCr<aJiI'o~1l'll ernment Is Your Business," fea considerable public. Some critics d~l1alS the c~lIbate and chaste. turing :Father James Keller, ALBANy (NC) -:Bishop-elect DISINFECTANTS
think with him too. Otliers have 01 e,ven touchmg upon the 'Con M,M., founder and director of the told him they personally do not fe~slOnal, have done so within Edward J, Magin'n will be corise fiRE EXTINGUISHIE~S
Christophel's movement. The only like the film' "although,:' added fau' bounds of dramatic license. crated Titular Bishop of curll.!m other· religious film selected was and Auxiliary, to' Bishop William Better Half a Loaf one, "my wife and daughter ~eo: A, Scully of Albany on Sept. 12 one by the Me'thodist church. loved it!" This critic, in re'view Is it prudent at a time when in the Cathedral of the Immacu 1186 _Purchase Street ing "An Affair to Remember" the screen as a comnlUnication late Conception here, . 'nsure 1,( Sure Insurance asked why "it is not a satisfac medium is' importuned by sepa NEW BEDFORD Bishop-designate Maginn, 60, tory romance" then answered his rated, Christian communions and WY 3-3786 was vicar general of the Albany own Question wit h: "It is even the enemies of God, to warn, dreilched in 'sentiment; just isn't of! the Hollywood producers from diocese when named to his new as tempting or affecting as it Catholic story material? I would post by Pope Pius xiI. He was was 18 years ago," say rather let there be more ordained on June 10, 1922. ' Referring to a mixed group of active, official guidance for them ,poor. Settlement children Mc- from with,n the family of the Carey put bito the film (as he Faith, For such help, has done did so effectively in "The Bells much to render some films more Yvonne Lajeunesse Vaudry Of St, Mary's") Time said: "Even acceptable. To argue, as Mr. IELECTRICAl
Owner ~ those 'who adore youngsters Brizzolara does. that films which Capitol Bldg. Rooms 3-t-5
merely show Father 'as, a 'real blindly may wince at the', . ,dl H28 Acushnet Ave:
gression into a JOYouS interracial Joe', and Sister as a 'good egg' , Rosidentiml ...,... Commercial'
New Bedford WY 5-'7387
sea of. gap-toothed, freckled ... give us only halt a priest or Industrial
faces, cutely squalling songs off half a nun and therefor should 633 Broadway, Fall I!lvQr
key _ the sort of kiddies' night' not be made at all, is like saying Falmouth to Chatham OS 3·1691
program that could break up a that we should throwaway half Sagamore to Orleans PTA meeting," a loaf because we have not been' and Points Between Avel'sion to Sentiment given a whole one: As to whether' GUARANTEED
This typically cynica.l note of any ?,f thes~, so-called "Catholic , Scudder Ave.
aversion to human sentiment. fIlms have added to the stature T.V. and RADIO
characterizes the attitudes (or of the Church, or its mission in Hyannis, Mass.
poses?) of many who consider the world, Who kno'!.s? Tel. Hyannis 4275
themselves ultra _ sophisticated" I hav.e heard from converts AUTO RADIOS critics. Yet they will fall all oyer w~o ..s:lalm that the petty prej ~rember 'R.T.T.G. You won't be sorry themselves to butter up movies ,~dlces which once fo;med their tomorrow If you call e o[ "social sigl)ificance" in Which I~sistance to Catholicism w le us todoy Dead End kids o[ various ages, f~rst br?ken down by some 46 MIDDLE 'RD. brea~ing up everything in sight, slm~le, little thing they saw or' ACUSHNET. WY 5·7548 DO IlNOWI heald i11 one of these movies. As angl'lly rail against' "the system." ·~J:~mrgiH:~1r::Ht.~~;it~.Jrar·J:t'lr~Ia[W'M Sentiment implies susceptibility a convert myself. I .know well to feeling emotional,appeal, Ac en?ugh how.forblddmg to In -Electrical cording to the cynicai critics and QUlrers. is the stone wall of ' the breed of fllm writer' with' Catholic silence, smugness and ~, Contractors whom they team up, it is quite cO~Placency on the inside of all right (indeed is eminently de w~1.lch Rmany life-long Catholics, sirable) that,we are stirred to our WIth naturalsatiBfaction and un emotional depths by typical mis na~ural possessivene8B, hug the . fits of our society', but there is "FaIth to themselves. Films need so met h i n g maudlin, perhaps not teach in order to inform. If ,Mr...Brizzolara sees Holly weak, or even downright wrong abou't any of us who yields. the wood (Catholic film-wise) as a emotional appeal of gap-toothed, hopeless case .might he not better freckle-faced kids, singing 8S commend its. cause to the great ' ~~. happy, unspoiled youngstei's are St,. Jude rather than use "The 944 County St. ~ apt to do. I fear that in the' V~lce of St. Jude" 1n which to New Bedford. r present climate of pseudo-"intel _a;;;1~se~h~is;;;o~wn;;;~8~g~a1n~s~t~1~t?~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;,;;;;;:;;;;~;; Offer to young Men and Boys-special lectual cynicism and, snobbery. rr opportunities to study for the Priesthood. too many Hollywood writers and ."OUR -DOllAR' BUYS' too many movie critics are push lack of funds no obstacle. Candidates Ing ugliness and hate in our movies, while the only kind of for the religious lay Brotherhood also "love" they are prepared to iHAN lEVER' BEFORE Itlccepted~ For further infor.:nation, write recognize as surefire screen' drama is spelled SEX. to See QIIS for the SUi DEAL In a ,1 Even some Catholic writers ford /Car Olf Trude now tend to follow the trend towards cynicism in fUm criti cism. Without disrespect for his opinions of any specific film, I FORD DEALERS FO~ OVER 38 YEARS
disagree 'with Robert Brizzolara P. O. BOX 289 HOLUDAYSBURG 12, PA. who, writing in "The Voice of St. . i 344..26 Purchase Sf. New Bedford, Mass.
JUd~t expresses rather general
Ca.th,6?lic films A~o~g TV 'Best
" e
Insurance Agency
Serving Cape Cod
MORE fORD in 1957
!Patronage Unrestricted
Radio Vatican Warns Aga;nst Heresy
VATICAN CITY (NC) - CathoUcs have been warned in 22 languages by Radio Vatic!l'n that It is heresy to support "national churches,"
Frustrates Career Men
Obviously aimed at the recent Red Chinese move to force the phurch in China into schism by establishing a "Patriotic Associatlon of Chinese Catholics." the
broadcast was addressed maInly . , .. _ to CatholIcs i~l coml1ltllll~t-dominated countnes of EU1"O~ and Asia.
By Donald McDonald
Davenport CathoUo Messenger
Probably 'no event in recent years SO dramatically demonstrated the barrenness of career government serv.. ice and the reason why government is unable to attract able,_ dedicated civil servants as did the performance of one Max Gluck, nominated by President Eisenhower to be Iy Ignored when It comes to lillo Ing the senior positions overseas. our ambassador to Ceylon Nothing Is more frustrating or on the strength of his $31, fundamentally unpleasant for
000 contribution to the Republi lCan Party's 1956 political cam paign. Mr, Gluck, Questioned • by a e nat 0 r Ful bright of Ar kansas on his fitness to be our ~: ambassador in this highly sen sitive part 01 the world, con fessed he did not k now the the n arne of Ceylon's chief of state and thought he knew the name of the Prime Minister of neighbor ing India but could not pro nounce It, In fairness to Mr, Eisenhower, it Is unlikely that he was aware of Mr. Gluck's contribution to the Party. In a press conference, the President was Indignant When this fact was mentioned. The rewarding of campaign 1C0ntributors and defeated politi iCal candidates with diplomatic assignments Is not an Innovation 01 the Eisenhower Administra tion, ' HalTY Truman sent party-giver Pearl Mesta off to Luxemburg. And Franklin Roosevelt awarded the Court of St. James to the wealthy and generous Boston Democrat, Joe Kennedy. But the Gluck affair hit the bottom of this absurdity. Something to Laugh About I suppose it drew loud guffaws, In and out of Washington. There Isn't much to laugh about these days, amid all the hokum, phony piety and public relations "savvy" that passes for political integrity. We all got a good laugh out of Gluck slipping on the banana peel of a grade-school question of information. The laugh was not so much on poor Max Gluck as It was on the smart boys around the White House who carried their slickness too far for the stomachs of even our most hard bitten, cynical Washington news men, with the usual exception of Time magazine which had tried to put a gloss on the affair and salvage some respectability for the party to which it has been committed since 1952. But I dare say that a number of people got no laugh out of the Gluck spectacle. Ceylon's Prime Ministel' Ban
daranaike has nothing to chuckle about. Prime Minister 'Nehru of India,
a man of sensitive and keen in
telllgence, must have experienced at least mild feelings of contempt for our nation. And the hundreds of American foreign service career dipiomats iCan hardly cheer this latest evi dence of disregard for the high art of conducting international relations. Patronage, of course, Is as old as the history of American poli tics, But there are some areas where patronage and the reward for party loyalty must yield to higher considerations. And one of those areas in these days of
the intimate planet must surely
be international l'clations. We need not make the mistake
<Df assuming that career diplo
matll and foreign service person nel. simply because of their I\:areer, are automatically qulified for senior diplomatic posts of full ambassadorial status.
But what is objectionable ill
that the career diplomats are,
with few exceptions. automatical-
the professional diplomat than to be forced to serve under a man (like Mr. Gluck) whose only qualification lor the job Is that he has been a succesful business man and has been cleared by tho FBI. Select Most Qualified A businessman can become n' successful diplomat, as Chester Bowles proved In New Delhi dur ing Mr. Truman's Administra tion. Ahd career diplomats can bo very unsuccessful ambassadors if they focus too narrowly on the tasks that merely come acrOSll their desks each day, But the surest way, I believe. to guarantee ',that our al:llest young men will refuse to go into foreign service as a career. Is to repeat the Max Gluck affair. All that reasonable people would de mand Is that the most qualified men in foreign service be selected as Ol\l' representatives abroad. Reasonable people do not ex pect that the spoils system In American politics will disappear. despite all the Pijrity and In tegrity claims of whatever ad ministration happens to be In power. _ But let us restrict patronage to postoffice appointments, domes tic bureaus and other less vulner able functionary positions. The unregenerate political cyn Ic might ,ask: "How much has Ceylon contributed to the Party?" But respecting the national leel Ings and dignity of a foreign people, the real ,question should be: "Who is the most qualified man we can send to represent Ull among these people?" One always risks being the prill when moralizing about common. garden variety cynicism. But If It Is priggish to recoil at a system that installs the Max 'Glucks In our embassys when this nation needs every, atom of respect and prestige it can com man d throughout the world, then put me down as a prig. '
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8S far weat as Worcester and Including 'Cape Cod, the Fall River-New Bedforol Area - also Manchesterllnd Nllshua, N. H. and thslr Immediate vicinities I
.Weelldy Calendar Of Feast Days
TODA.Y - The Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary. This
Feast, A Holy Day of Obligation
In the United States, commemo
rates the taking up, soul and
body, of the Blessed Virgin into
heaven after her death.
p.ubii~hed Weekly by The Catholic P;ess of the Diocese of Fall River
410 HiRhland Avenue Fall River, Mass.. OSborne 5-7151'
. .Most Rev. lames L., Connolly, cD. D., Ph.D.
CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL MANACER lIev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M . A . · ReV:: I John P. Driscoll MANACINC EDITOR A"~nn~y Hugh I. Colclen
TOMORROW - St. Joachim, husband of St. Anne and father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ,He lived In the first century, B.C. Virtually nothing is known of his life. He has been honored in the Eastern Church since its earliest days, and in the Western Church since the l6th century.
Our Lady's Assumption "Rejoice wfth me, all you who love me; fC!r the most High has chosen my heart, to set His throne therein~ and the kingdom of the Son ofHis love." (Offertory of the Mass on the Feast of the Most Holy Heart of Mary.) Today is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into.heaven. God would not allow corruption to touch the flesh from which Christ's body was made. In the first Adv~nt of her life, Mary awaited the birth of her Son by working for Joseph. She cooked and cleaned and mended for him, living in secrecy but known to all those around her. , . . . After the Crucifixion and Our Lord's Ascension into heaven, Mary went to live with John: "From that hour' that disciple took her into his own home." There is no secrecy again she lived a life of preparation' for heaven. She had come to another Advent, a preparation for seeing her Son's face in heaven. This second Advent was lived out in the' same way as the first-in caring for someone -this time, the Apostle John, in cooking and mending and cleaning for him. And all the time she was living out God's Will for her, God's way for her to prepare to see hel"'.Christ. o When the Blessed Mother died her body was born up into heaven. Our Lady is there, body and soul, with' Christ, Who is there Body and Soul, humanity and Divin .ity. As God sanctified human na~ure by· uniting it to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, so He proclaims the holiness of human nature again by bringing Mary's body .. as well as soul to heaven. And so do we try to live out the Advent of our lives hel'.e on earth by imitating Mary---eby dQing the thousand and one routine monotonous tasks of our everyday living, that we may join her and her Son in the. happiness for which we were made. . . The A~sumption of Mary into hea:ven gives the answer to why we were made':'-we were made, body as well as soul-for God and eternity. Mary has shown us the way arid the goal that is reached if we follow the way.' And the way is Christ.
SATURDAY - St. Hyacinth, Confessor. He was a member of ·an· illustrious Pollsh family, who became a Canon of Kracow but joined' the Dominicans after meet.ing St. Dominic following a. journey to Rome in the early 1200'~. He made three great apos tolic journeys, which took him from the Scandinavian peninsula to Tibet. He died, an old man, In Kracow, and was canonized in 1594.
Live for IEt'et~ity
Artists and ·W orship
;: ;::
:: .OJ -:
'1 -:; 3 I:
By Joseph. A. Breig
;1 0 l'
Cleveland 'Universe Bulletin
"Death never s'eparates. members of a family. They will live for eternity in He~ven." Thus spoke Pope Pius XII as he welcoJlled 'Red Sk~l-, ton, the renowned comedian; Mrs. Skelton; their daughter a!ld their young son Rich know something about the tears ard who is incurably ill.. that flowed on the cheeks of Red The -Holy Father uttered Skelton and his wife while a very the on,ly ultim~te comfort. It noble Pope spoke his comforts to'
!;- ,
SUNDA Y - St, Agapltus, Mal'. tyro Patron Saint of Palestrin8,' he was of noble birth and lived in the third century. At the age of 15 lle was arrested as a Chris tian and was thrown to wild beasts in the amphitheatr'e, bllt the animals did not harm him. This miraculous event was fol·, lowed by many conversions. He was beheaded by order of Emperor Aurelian.
Deat'h. 'Never Separates Merl)1bers of Family
is the one truth that makes true laughter possible-the laughter that 15 clean . and good, the laughter of joy and of real hu mor. How many year5 of any! honest love are G!nough? At what point In recent years we have read ,8, great deal in magazines could you say that you would be and newspapers of the church work done by different content never to see your child artists of varying degrees ot' greatness. Matisse, just a again-'-or your father or moth,er, or brother or sister; or friend? short while before his death, designed and executed the After a hundred years? Ten Dominican Sisters' chapel, at Venice near Nice on the thousand? Ten million? There cannot ever ,be a mo .French Riviera. And we have read only recently where ment when any true love can en Jean Cocteau, the French poet and writer, decorated a dure ceasing. What each' of us wants with every force of our be fisher'm~m's c'hapel at Villefrance-sur-mer, also in the Dio Ing is permanence. cese of Nice. Even SalvatOJ;e Dali~he of the weeping () We want eternity. We w{tnt watches and other strange figures .has turned his brush God and the company of GOd'5 without end. to religious pictures that have been received with mingled children , Life Is Eternal appreciation. . We can face, although it hurts, The outstanding set designer on Broadway today is temporary separation. What we Jo Mielziner. He has been aGclaimed the country over cannot abide is the blotting out for the ingepuity of his settings for plays, for-the artistry of love and all that love means. Were it not for the eternity in that goes into all he does. He is, incidentally, a convert to Heaven together that is to conie. Catholicism, Mr. Mielziner has said that his highest ambi life would be too' te.rrible to bear. The 82-year-old Pope Pius said tion is to turn his talents-and they are considerable-to church work. He would like to put his abilities directly to nine-year-old Richard Skelton, is eternal. because of'God.' into the worship of God. We may be sure that the churches "Life God, is the meaning of every and sanctuaries· and church furnishings that he. would thing: life eternal with him' is conceive and exec\J.te would have little in common with the whole point of existence. The . so much of the ~'catalogue #123 art':.that.is on the market. Holy Father told Richard: this time on, life will,be But one thing stop~ Mr. Mi.elziner. He is a family man ... a "From' holy hour for you. From now he must provide for his wife and children-he cannot af on, you shall live for eternft~." ford to drop his present work and devote his time to what , Every' life is either a holy hour is'his ambition. And so he waits but all the time feels that .or a dreadful waste; and the sooner the holy hour is begun. the he has not reached the full outpoudng of his talents. - sooner living becomes purposeful It is a great tribute to the spirit of man and to the in and joyful. ' . ' ' , tegrity of his art 'that the artist turps to things religious Until we have begun to live for as the purest expression of his art: It indicates that the . eternity. we live, foolishly and mind and abilities of men have been touched by the Divine outside true happiness. These are not mere pious sen as their source, and that they reach upward to God as timents or 'copybook maxims. the fullest development of their being. It shows that men They are the profoundest of all were made for the worship Of God, and that they feel most i'oolities, and' the -only ones that true to their nature when' they are putting their abilities last. My wife and I have a son who to'that task.- st.· Augustine has said: "-Thou hast made was baptized at bir.th, and' died. th~ rational soul, OLord, capable of Tpy plajesty, in such· We have a d?t1Iod,te p ','"'J "Jbo was a way that nothing ~lse can, satisfy or sate it but Thyself~'.' baptized at birth, and died;· yve
THE ANCHOR Thll'li., AUR. 15, 1957
t "'! " ' , ,'1'
them and their children. Two Sorrows The memories of the little ones who came to us for a moml!nt, . and departed are two sorrows which go .through life with us. Sometimes the sorrows reced'e and ease, and sometimes they come forward and are vivid. AI wa,ys -they are there. In quieter nioments, in lone lier times, they bring ,us close to tears even now. But·they are no longer, !Ls they once were, bitter, violent, tearing - at - the - heart pains that seem beyond endur- . ance. . ,There was a time when the on ly relief was to turn the mind away lest it break, because every beating of our hearts for 8 long time had been for those 'little I " ones. But "death never separates members of a family . They will live together for eternity in .Heaven." More than that, they can live together .even here on earth, for such is the power of love and of l'ealizatIon of the supernatural. Daily we ask our son and our daughter, in prayer, to pray for us, because they are among the' saints, they are with God. . Daily in prayer we are in a kind l!If communication with them. They are no less real to us than10ur five living children. Indeed, they are no less 'alive, they are more alive i:lecause life reaches full intensity and com 'plete fulfillment only wirth God in eternity. They love us more, not less-
MONDAY - St. John Eudes. Confessor. A Frenchman, he was the founder of the Eudist Fathers and' the nuns of Our Lady of Charity. He contlnued his mis sionary labors beyond his 75th. year, and was the author of several ascetical works. He died in 1860.
" TUESDAY - St. Bernard. of Clairvaux, Abbot-Doctor. He was born in l09l near Dijon, France. At the age of 22 after persuading, , 30 young nobleman to follow him. he 'joined the struggling abbey at Citeaux. Upon finishing his novitiate he was sent by his abbot to Clairveaux, where he became regarded as the real founder of the' Cistercians. Dur ing his lifetime he founded 68 Cistercian houses, was adviser to popes, kings and councils, and was the preacher of the second crusade. He died in 1153 and was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1830. . WEDNESDA.Y St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow. At the age of l6, a motherless child. she was placed under the care of a worldly-minded governess. She offered herself to the Mother of God: She was married to the Baron de Chantal and 'her horne was a model of domestic happi ness. After the death of her husband, she entered the reli gious life and founded the Visi tation Order. In this work she was assisted by St. Francis de Sales. these two who are' gone ahead than our boys and girls who are . with us. This reality is the JOY that gradually displaces the sor row of those who must face such separations. "Death never sep arates members of a family," not if they live life's true meaning.
. Destinatio'n "60,000 Gunsight Ridge·
Operation Madball . Persuader Spook Chasers
Chicago Confidential
Action of the Tiger Domino Kid
Golden Virgin
Lovers' Net
Men of a ,Thousand Face5
Passionate Summer.
I!!l)clk'i of the lHIollJlr.
Thun., Aug. 15,1957
W calugh s· Autob;ograph;cal
Liturgical Weelk Program ~~anne«fj
Novel Is Disappointsng , By Rev. D. Bernat:d ThealU, O.S.JB.
COLLEGEVILLE (NC)-Pronl inent leaders of the litul'g~ movement will be the luain speakers at the 18th North American Liturgical Week WhiCh opens here next Monday at at John's Abbey. Some 2.000 delegates are ex pected to attend the sessions at what is called the bii-thplace of the ilation's organized liturgical movement. The theme for the week is "Catholic Education M Foi'mation in Christ." Among the speakers will be Archbishop William O. Brady of St. Paul, a native of Fall River,
Easily the most' disappointing book of the year thus far is Evelyn Waug'h's The Ordeal of GUbert Pinfold (Lit tle, Brown $3.75). What might have been an acceptable magazine piece has here been blown up into a book for which the publishers feel . . justified in asking an out- lawyers left suddenly secretary landish price. less, with a great need for fast Th k' I I t typing: "The Jukebox and the e wor IS arg'e y au 0- Kallikaks," a wonderful country biographical, as a prefatory tale of two kinds of love: "The ·'Note" explains. Three years ag·o, Fiesta," about a poor little rich '~Mr. Waugh suf- !m'.".. boy's adventure with a dollar bill: and "Christmas Doll," a fered a brief ~~+\' spell of halluci- Ii heartbreaking story of a little nation, induced f· girl who wan~ed to ·be tough. These, and perhaps "The Vex by a drug that ' he had bee n ation of Barney Hatch," a 'de partment store Santa 9laus long t a kin g fOl~ a ing for a drink; make the book minor illness. In this period, he worth the price. If pressed fur felt himself the ther, I might say that "Q for center of wild Quitclaim" over which I laughed e pis 0 des, in .uproariousiy 'several times, does In which crimijust that all by itself. . nal types con spired against Editorial Points Out him, highly iinproper advances were made to him. and the world Purge .Inconsistency In g·eneral seemed leagued in VATICAN CITY (NC)-An conspiracy. Of this episode he in L'Osservatore 'Roma editorial has made his book, with its fic
no has pointed out the inconsis
tional hero. tency in the current purge of Seeks Cure Gilbert Pinfold is an English leaders within the Soviet Com novelist in the late forties, a munist party. convert to Catholicism who dis Signed by Count Giuseppe likes most of his neighbors and many, of his friends. After a Dalla Torre, editor of the Vati period of taking, for medicinal can City dally newspaper, the reasons, some large grey pills of editorial noted that four leaders mysterious composition. Pinfold have been purged from party finds his minli embarrassingly circles for opposing a Soviet hazy on numerous occasions, and, peace program-a program for by way of seeking a cure for this, which the Church has been cri he sets out upon a long ship ticized by the communists. The editorial was ·occasioned voyage. Once embarked for the tropics by a news conference given by In the S.S. Caliban, Pinfold finds Italian Communist party leader things rapidly getting wo·rse. His Palmiro Togliattl. Mr. Togliatti said that George cabin seems wired foi' sound, and all sorts of terrible sounds they M. Malenkov. Vyacheslav M. Mo are. There is barbaric music, but. lotov, Lazar M. Kaganovich, and much more frightening, there D. T. Shepilov were ousted be-. are m u t in 0 u s conversations cause they worked in opposition to a program of peace and the among the crew, whispered con suUations on matters of state In lessening of tension established the captain's cabin, conspiracies by the 20th Congress of the So among the passengers centering viet Communist party. Count Dalla Torre pointed out about Pinfold himself. There is the inconsistency in Mr. Togliat also a mysteriously alluring crea ti's remarks by saying that His ture named Margaret who ad dresses herself to the romantio Holiness Pope Pius XII has al rake in Pinfold, and ultimately ways asked for true peace and proposes that he make love to lessening of tension. For llis stand, continued the her. Count, the Pontiff has been ridi About all .of these noises Pin fold ·complains to the captain. cuied by the communists. The the other passengers, members of editorial continued: "Togliatti must agree and we the crew, and anyone who will listen. They all, of course, put can quote articles written by him him off as a harmless lunatic, in which the Church and the thoug·h some whisper that it is Pontiffs were slandered and drhlk, otliers that dope has done fought against as allies of capi fOl: a novelist who never was talist warmongers'. . . because they condemned, long before the . much good, anyway. Instead of traveling in the central committee of the Soviet tropics, he returns home on the Comm'unist party did, the com same ship, and by the time he munist method which created a l'eaches London, all seehls normal barrier to all initiatives-now ag·ain. A brief conversation with considered new and just-in fa the doctor brings' the suggestion vor of III foreign policy of ap that pain-killing drugs have been peasement and of peace." l·esponsible. Pinfold ends by taking pen in hand and setting out to write & what turn out to be the opening wOl:ds of this literary jest. But Rnc4lIrporated . the joke does not come off, and l'eaders will, except for a sen fUNIEIJUU. SERVICIi tehce here and there. look In \'!lin for the brilliance of A Hand Serving Central Cope ful of Dust, Brideshead, or Scoop. -
Uneven Quality
The Blue 'Cup (Outton, $3.50) Is a collection of 12 short stories by B. J. Chute, author of last year's loveliest novel, Greenwll low: All have appeared In maga zines. and some bear the unmis takable stamp of formula-writ ing·. Examples would be "Thl! :l3llle Cup" and "Ro.okle Cop," Ii!. n d pel'haps "The Legacy:' Others are didactic and preachy, ~specially about race relations. To this gi·oup belong ''Birthdal' Gift" 9,nd "The Outcasts." But about half the book com.el! m.el1f the level of GrcenVlHlow; :'Q for. Qu.l.tcJIl,f.m/' about tl1reCl
Tel. 684 lHlyannis, Mass.
POPE'S ISLANDERS SEE -POPE: Bishop George Cal avassy, Exarch of Byzantine Catholics in Greece, is. pic... tured during an audience granted by His Holiness pope Pius XII on occasion of the building of the first Catholic Byzantine Rite Church in Athens. Bishop Calavassy and the ,four seminarians (shown with the Pontiff) are natives of Syra, an island in the Aegean Sea _surnamed the "Pope's Island" because of the attachment of its Catholic inhabitants to the Holy See. NC Photo.
Pope Praises Dominican Efforts To Inc rea se Rosa ry Devoton VATICAN CITY (NC)_- His Holiness Pope Pius XII hall praised the Dominican Order'a efforts to get more persons to recite the Rosary. ' In a letter to Father Micha~l . Browne, Dominican Master Gen eral, the Holy Father wrote: "We are confident that the most powerful Mother of God, Implored by the voices of so many of her children, wlll benignly obta'in from God the daily re flourishing of private and publio
. good morals. "We hope also that they will obtain the grace of God, that the Catholic religion will everywherQ be abie to fulfill its divine man date free from every injustlcQ
and impediment and, finally, that its salutary force may b& able to· circUlate not only in th& soul of the individual citizen, but in the very veins of the nations. so that-duties and rights may all be balanced and placed-in a just order. "This will g va birth not to division, but to concord; not to ' hatred, but to charity; not to the ruin8 of new conflicts, but to true prosperity." The letter recalled the Holy Father's 1951 encyclical on tho recitation of the Rosary, "In gruentium Malorum" (The Ad vancing Evil), in which, he called for family recitation of the
Rosary for peace.
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Pope Pllm to two brothers, Jean and Pierre Levas seur, founders of the Confrater nity of St. Anne. in a message to III reunion of their descendants. The reunion, organized by Re demptorist Father David ~evack. will mark the 300th anniversarlea of the arrival of the first Levas seurs in Canada and ot thfll founding of the Confraternity of St. Anne. It will be held Sunday in the Basilica of St. Anne do Beaupre, one of Canada's most popula.r pilgrimage shrines. The Holy Father sent his apos tolic blessing to the descendants of Jean and Pierre Levasseur, who now live in Canada and ths United States, and to the mem bers of the Confraternity founded by the pious brothers.
XII h~s paid tribute
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Coyle, :~High' Grclduate Receaves
. THE ANCHOR~' 'Thurs.: Aug. 15. 1957
General ·Motors Scholarship
Fro Wallace Continued From Page One
attend Mass and receive the S:'tcraments, The priest is as close to them as is their parish priest at, home, if not 'closer, he said. Commenting on the unfavora..o ble publicity the military serv-, ice gets when individual mem-' bel'S are guilty of transgressions, , the priest emphasized that there: is tremendous consolation in the' life of a chaplain in the number of men Who attend Mass and re ,ceive Holy Communion every week. ' "That is the little' 'publicized' brighter·-~de of Army life 'from the spiritual standpoint," Fath- ' er Wallace said. 0 ,Educated at St. 'Anselm's Col- , lege and St. Mliry's Seminary" Father' Wallace ~as ordained in' 1947 at' St. Mary'S Ca.tbedral, Fall River, by the late Most Rev. : Bishop James E. Cassidy, D.D. Assigned to Corpus Christi' Church, Sandwich, he served as National Guard chaplain at Bourne and began regular Army . service whEm the Gua/d was ac tivated at the outbreak of the Korean War. Following a brief tour of duty f\.t Camp Edwards he was sent to Korea in 1951 and, remained there until as signed to Camp Carson at Colo rado Springs the -following year. Father Wallace's next assign-· ment took him to Germany. where' he remained from 1953 until 1956, when he was given his present post at Fort Ben ning.
Federal Help Continued From Page One Federal loans at low interest to colleges for construction of "in come producing facilities," such as dining halls and dormitories, In its proposal for income tax deductions, the committee did not cite any amount that might, be charged off. It did ,suggest, howevei', that "proportionately greater tax benefit" be given , those "least able" to afford the expenditures necessary in getting a college education. Fa\'or Borrowing The committee also suggested that "the idea of borrowing: for' an education should be encour aged." It noted that "stUdentS and their families are daily urged in our society to incur debts for far less important purposes." It recommended' that colleges seek to expi1l1d the use of loans and that private foundoations, take the lead, in. exploring the' 'value of regional or national' mechanisms for "supplying credit to. students through, their colleges at -low, interest and 'on flexible 'repayment terms'." ',' The committee' expressed op position. to proposals for inst!-' tuting a large-scale program ~of ' Federal scholarships. '"It could lessen the growing , effoi:ts of others; it could Bccen-' tuate the. danger that enron-; meilts will rise' faster than' the' faculties and facilities needed to ' , care for them" and it would net l'cpresent . the' most'· effective means by which such F'edeml as sistance as may be needed could be, used to aid' both stud'ents and lnstitutions right now,'; it said.
Raymond J. Kelleher Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelleher, of 116 Montgomery Street, Fall River. has been awarded a General Motors Corporation scholarship at Holy Cross College, A maxinla cum laude graduate of Monsignor Coyle High School last June, K.ellehel' was 'Cited by the National' Merit Scholarship Corporation for superior per formance in the Scholarship Qualifying Test, taken through out the country by 'over 162,000 selected' students for the Merit Program. His standing placed him among the top two per cent of high school seniors in this State. • .T h e letter of n9ti~ication, signed by President H. H. Curtice of General Motors Corporation, 'reads. in part: "The College of the Holy ci·oss _has notified us .of yourseleetion for an award this year uilder the G e n e l' a 1 Motors College Scholarship Plan. ,"We have be~n, In1pressed by EARNS MASTER'S DEGREE: A Honduras mapog the information which has' been, any tabeniacle is presented to Rev. William C. Tepe, crap brought to our attention' con lain of the Newman Foundation of the University of :M;ary-~ cerning the' records 'of the out 'young people who are land, by Miss Rita De Lisi of Jackson Heights, N. Y., a standing being selected for these awards graduate art'student at catholic University, who exeetited by the colleges and universities which partIcipate, This 'is shown the t!lbernacle to fulfill her requirement for a master of. by their superior work in second fine arts d~gree:' ' ary school and their demon strated all-round ability, ..." Salutatorian of his class, Kel IPD~grimage leher' won the senior Mathe grimage will visit'the Shrine of matics Award and the Religion Continued From Page One , I , Award in his junior year at Coyle. Our Lady of Fatima and the Ba two days of prayer and devotions. silica of Our Lady, En rout~ vis Assistance at Mass in the Basili ca of Our Lady andpartioipation its will be made to TOrres Vkdras 1ri the torchlight Procession will OB'eides; a medieval walled: city; Alcobaca', site' of the fame~_Cis-' highlight the stay at Lourdes.', Arriving ,in Lisbon, . Portugal, tercian Abbey of Sainta Maria; arGR ovaR HALP A'CJLNTURY by train, the pilgrims will enjoy Batalhlt and Monastery of Our •, GREATIlR NEW BEDFORD_ Lady' of Victory.' " a' full' day of sightseeing Includ Ret'urning to LisbOn, th~ Pil IN ing a visit to famed Belem tower, grimage group will depart ehcitrd Popular Art Museum, Monte the S,S. Constitution about May Belvedere, Commerce Square, 28 arriving in New York City on Museum of Coaches, Jeronimos June 5. , Days of leisure and private de Convent and the Port Wine In votions will be inclUded Irt ihe stitute. • itinerary. i On the following day, the Pil
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The first COlonJal Asselizbly was held at' Jamestown, Va., July 30, 1619.
American' Aid: , ~" ,
Continued From, Page One ' of the food· consumed' in these' Bummer camps." While in France the Cardinal made It pilgrimage to Lourdes. One of his happiest' days on ',the trip; Cahlinal StritCh said ',was h'is visit to the birthplace ~f his father at Ballyheige; County Ker ry, in Ikeland, ': " ,
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World Council Rejects Declaration Of War on Catholic Church WASHINGTON. (NC) -
Two of the most widely quoted delegates at the recent New Haven meeting of the World Council of Churches Central Committee have a long record of anti-Catholic statements. One of them recently Ilhowed a glaring Inconsistency in his utterances. . At one time durin~ the nine-day meeting of 165 representatives of Protestant, Anglican and OrthQdox churches in 50 countries, it looked like the 'council might i'Ol'mally charge the Roman' Catholic Church with suppresIling religious liberties in those iCountries where Catholics are ·'dominant." A delegate who opposed this action said It amounted to "an open declaration of war." , , The ~aJl' !.or.-this actiofl came'·' from Methodist Bishop Sante Uberto Barbieri of Argentina, who said he had been "pleading ~or years" for the council to "stand up" to the Catholic Church. He claimed that Protestants in Colombia have suffered "persecution," and that religious minorities were 0 p pre sse d "wherever the Roman Catholic \Church is dominant." Only last May, while attend ing the annual North Texas Methodist Conference in Dallas,
Bishop Barbieri, a gmduate of Southern Methodist University,·
told the Dallas press that "the Protestant movement is expand ing rapidly" in Central and South American countries. He said there are five million Protestants in Latin America, and that "If ,mpport from the mother churcho ea in America were cut off. to morrow, missions and churches in Latin 'America would survive ... We have trained native clergy who would step In. We have a tipirit of self-determination and self-support." Over 500 Sects . There are 18 major and 485 other Protestant sects In Bishop Barbieri's own Argentina, accord ing to statistics from Protestant sources. Some of these sects have hundreds of churches and missions. The total number of Protestants in the country· has been estimated at between 430,000 and 500,000. It has been said that the esti mate of two million Protestants in Brazil is conservative. Pro testants there are arranging a huge celebration for 1959, to mark the centenary of the anival of the first Protestant sects from the United States. Some. U. S. firms have used their enterprises in Brazil to foster Protestantism in that country. Today, Protestants in Latin America 'operate schools, pub l1Rhing houses and powerfUl ra dIo stations. The Rev. r)r, John Mackay, president of the Princeton Theo log1cal'Seminary, said the coun cil eventually should studY fully tile questions raised by Bishop BarbierI. Dr. Mackay. also said )'eligiops llberty "means more" in Communist Czechoslovakia nnd Hungary at the present time than it does in Colombia and Spain. Dr. Mu:ckay is a vice-president of Protestants and other Ameri cnDS United for Separation of Church and State (pOAm, a group with headquarters here which Is noted for Its anti-Cath oUc attacks. '11'0 Make Study The more inflammatory pro poools were sidetracked in favor of a motion "that the executive committee be asked to arrange for studies to' be made of the problem of religious liberty aris ing in RomaJ1 Catholic and other countries." It J5 to be wondered if the studies would reach into the Scandinavian "and other coun tries" whCl'e Catholics are a mInority, and where. they have suffered disabilities not only of a religIous but also, in some places, of a civil nature. A number of Ilpeakcrs llrose to
oppose the sharply worded pro posals alleging persecl,ltion' of Protestants in predominantly Catholic countries. Pastor Charles Westfall of the Reformed Church of France told the delegates: "I am pained to observe that some members' seem ready to make a public statement against the Roman Catholic Church. In oth er words, an open declaration of war." He noted that in his own France "Protestants have every opportunity to live in perfect Ii berty and increasing respect,"· The New Haven meeting also saw the re-election of the Rev. Dr. Josef L. Hromadka of Prague to the 14-member executive com mittee of the World Council of Churches. This action was strongly opposed by some dele gates, on the ground that Dr. 'Hromadka had defended .Soviet intervention in the Hungarian ,revolution of last fall, 'and 'criti cized the WOl'ld Council of Churches for taking the part. of the Hungarian patriots. One dele gate said the Czech minister had made statements "contrary to the whole tenor" of the council at the time of the Hungarian uprising.
NEW .MOTHERHOUSE FOR NUNS: Four story building of brick and stone con temporary design, to be built in Bethesda. Md., by Sisters of Mercy, will accommo Sis~rs. date 125 . .;.
Says Goa to Remain,. . Colony of Pf?rtugal
Students Accept Integration NEW YORK (NC) - Young said. St. Mary's Dominican Col-) people in the South are becoming lege, also in New Orleans, has: more favorably disposed toward several Negro students. "Four or i racial integration, according to five" Negroes attend the Arch-: Father· Harold Cooper, S.J., of diocesan Notre Dame Seminary•. Loyola University in New Or- A number of Negroes also attend I leans. . , Southwestern Louisiana Insti-i He told the Catholic Inter • tute, a state college with a high' racial Forum that students in proportion of Catholic students. I Catholic colleges. particularly, Father Cooper said that stu- I are "beginning to change their dents In all these institutions' minds." He attributed this in had told him that integration large measure to emphasis' being had presented no difficulties to put on 'Catholic doctrine 'of the them. Mystical Body of Christ, "in all its aspects." Proponents of integration who approach the Question in an in direct manner are beginning to INSURANCE AGENCV get a hearing, the Jesuit educator All Kinds Of ;nsurance said. Advocating this approach, he said: "Man doesn't reason 96 WILLIAM STREET much about his way of life. This NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Is particularly true in the case of a person's way of life that has DIAL WY 8-5153 been Imposed upon him by his Personal Service social milieu and by his family relationships." Negro students have been ~t tending Loyola University for the past five yearl?, Father Cooper
SACRAMENTO (NC)-Portu gal wlll retain controi of Goa in India, according. to Archbishop D. ·Jose Vieira Alvernaz of Goa, who is Patriarch of the East Indies. Archbishop Alvernaz, visiting relatives In California. declared To Increase Training that India covets 'Goa chiefly In Religio.us Orders because of Its excellent seaport, now under a rigid blockade. "I am told there are no com WASHINGTON (NC) English translation of a papal munists in Goa," said the tall, dOcument on reorganization of b'earded patriarch, "but I doubt • that this is true." the seminary training of priests The 600,000 inhabital1ts of the of religious orders will be pub small country are about 50 per llshed by the Catholic University cent Catholic, with strong tra of America. dltlonal ties to Portugal, he said. Translated by Marlst Fathers He complained that the blockade John L. White and Nicholas A. Is disrupting family life because Weber. the text of the apostolic so many Goans have employment constitution "Sedes Sapientlae" outside the colony and find it (Seat of Wisdom) and the an difficult to "commute." nexed general statutes will be the October Convocation official translation for the Eng COLUMBUS· (NC) - Domini Ush speaking world. Issued by His Holiness Pope can tel' t I a r i e s from eastern United States will,attend a con Pius XII in May, 1956, the apos tolic constitution establishes, vocation to be held here Oct. 13 at Our Lady of the Springs among other things, an addition al period of training of about a College. Dominican Father Urban Na year, during which newly or o LlNGUICA dained priests do "laboratory" gle. co-founder of the Blackfriars e CHOURICO work and studies in SUbjects Guild, New York City, an experi •. MORCELAS mental theater group, will be connected with their order's par at the principal speaker. ticular apostolate. Theleglsla At Grocers-Super Markets Tertiaries, or members of "the tion does not apply to diocesan third order," are lay men and priests. women who live in the world, ' but in accordance with the spirit LISBON SAUSAGE CO. Religious and Laity 586 Pleasant Sf. and under the spiritual guidance 433 So. Second St. New Bedford At Liturgy Meeting WY 3-7645 of a religious order, such as the Dominicans, COLLEGEVILLE, Minn (NC) About 2,000 lay and religious per sors concerned with ,developing greater and more Intelligent par lilt. 6 at The· Narrows in North We!ltpori ticipation in the Church's public services of worship will gather here next Monday. Host to this 18th North Ameri Liturgical Week will be the NEW BEDFORD Benedictine Abbey of St. John, which has been called the birth place of 'the organized liturgical move~nent on this continent. . Theme of this yeai"s meeting' is "Catholic Education as Form'a tion In Christ." Featured will be lectures and workshops oh teach ing liturgy in various typel? of schools and on spiritual fOl~ma . I tion through the liturgy in schools, parishes, religious com SALES & 'SERVICE munities and families. . A"ENID PEACE THROUGH PRAYER ANDSAcRIFiCEI ]9~U' . The liturgical movement' is 5011 COUNTY.ST. directed toward increasing Cath NEW. BEDFORD olics' appreciation for. the Church's public worship anli does , WY! 3-1151 not concern itself directlY with At the SHRINE of the MERCY of GOD-MARIAN FATHERS reform of the liturgy. STOCKBRIDGE,MASS.
Oil CO., INC.
Family Restaurant
on MASS. TURNPIKE 3 Miles from Exits 2 and 1 or Routes 102 and- 7 Bl)gin~ SUIHlay. A UgUHt 18, itt 3 P .. M. with the coronation of the famed Pilgrim' Virgin ~tatue, and ,jermon by M~gr. Wll· lIam McGrath. Daily at.· 8" P. M. CandlelIght ·pr.o.~e~sion, sermon. and Benetllcti.in .. 'l'hlli'sility, August 22, at 3 p, M. S}lecial· Holy Hour. , Saturday, .AUgU~t 24, at 10 A. M. Mass tn the Byzantine Slavonic Rite. at 3 P. M. Holy Hour. • Sunday, .A ugus! 25, at 3 ·P.M. Blessing of the Sick and Holy Hon,'. . . "Week"day Mas,s. 10 A. M. Ro~ary every Honr.
:. COlrnsecration of New lProyiidelrnce Seminary SchedM~ed ~ed~u~l§~~J
'C@Mmittee Shou:~d 'Ob~~rve limits of Competence By l\'1sgr. George G. Higgins
NCVrC Social Action Dept.
The 1957 Labor Day State~ent of the NCWC SoCial Action Department, scheduled for release on Aug. 30, wili .commend the -McClellan Committee fo'r the 'fair and ob jective manner" in which the Committee has thus·farcon ducted its.investigation into
the, proble'h1 of labor rack transportatien and the distribu
tive trades. eteering. At -least two of the members of
Advance copies of this -the McClellan Committee have '
statement have already gone to a number of neutral journalists and labor rela tions experts who have been following the activities of the McClellan Com mittee mol' e carefully t h' a n we :have been
a,ble to do.
There has been a mixed reac tion' a mO)l g
these observers to our commen dation' of the Committee. Crossed lFingel's Some are inclined to agree tllat the Committee is deserving of the highest praise. It is only fail' to report, however, that others have their fingers crossed about the Committee, They willingly admit that the Committee g'ot off to a good start. but they think· they can detect certain' potentiaJly alarming' indications that some members of the Com mittee arid its staff are beginning
to lose their sense of perspective. It is alleged, for example. that
one member of the Committee's staff emotionally upset the teen age daughter of a labor leader by questioning her privately and at considerable length about, her father's' alleged dishonesty and by warlJirig hel: that her' father was in serious' trouble with the law. Another member of the staff is reported to have thrown his weight around very crudely sind insultingly in questioning a na tionally known labor leader Whose personal integrity (and the integrity of whose union) is com pletely peyond dispute. In defense of the Committee it might be said that such mistakes have been the exception rather than the rule. Nevertheless the Committee would be weJl advised to keep close tabs on its investi gators, lest repeated mistakes of this type bring the Committee itself into public disrepute. T..he majority of labor leaders, foJlowing the statesmanlike lead of AFL_CIO presidelit, George Meany, have leaned 'over back wards thus far to cooperate with the Committee in R spirit of good faith. In return, they have every light to expect the members of the Committee and its staff to
treat them with courtesy and
respect and to refrain from pass
ing judgmerit on individual labor'
leaders or particular unions until
all pertinent evidence has been
presented. .
Clear Distinctions
, Mr. Meany and his associates
also have a right to expect the
Committee to 'confine its investi
gation to matters which are
clearly within its competence. This means, first of all, that a clea.r distinet~on should be made between the private and pJIblic or professional mistakes or mis deeds of labor readers who are being investigated by the Com mittee. Secondly. a clear. distiriction should be made between labor racketeering and the ecollomic and political policies ·of unions. While tlie Committee may legiti mately investigate ,tlie problem of racketeering in the 'Teamsters, for example, it has no authority, to investigate ortG .pass judg ment on Mr. Hoffa's :E/roposal ta establish a working 9,rr9.ngement (or possibly to effect a meI:ger) between the Teams!;ers ·and sev C;:D,1 other unions in the .nela. of
publica!Jy stated that in their
opinion such an arrangement or merger would be. bad' for the country. As individual citizens ii'i1d as members of the United States Senate, they are obviously entitled to· this opinion (which we are inclined to. share), but their Committee, as such, has no authority even to consider the 'question, -much less decide it. Political Capital? Furthermore for the duration of the McClellan inyestigation,
the members of the Committee would be better advised to refrain from making public statements on debatable issues of this kind lest the impression be left that t,hey are speaking officfally for the Committee or that they are trying to use the Committee's well deserved prestige to gain
publicity for their persona1 opin ions on matters which are' not
witl?in - the Committee's compe tence.
In conclusion, let it be very clear that we 'believe the McClel lan Committee, up to the present time, has done a remarkably good job, all things considered. We orily hope that the members of the Committee and its staff
will resist· the inevitable tempta tion to make political capital out of the current crisis in the labor moven)ent or to, investigate mat ters which are not within the Committee's com\:JetEmce and ju risdiction. To succumb to this temptation - as other Congres:" sional committees have been Imown to do - ,would be disas trous from every conceivable point of view.
ALASKA lPOSIf: New dir ector'.USa club in Anchor~ age is Thomas J. Romanel
1.0, of Decatl.fr, Ga. A native . New Yorker, he is a gradU ate of Springfield (Mass.) Colleg'e and has been em ployed by the National Catholic Community Serv ice since 1951. Mr. Roman eno served for three and a half years with the Air Force during World War II. NC Photo.
MOSSDOll1larries ~~iP>itngt)
2#'~,a92 fell's@ll1ls , ST. COLUMBANS (NC) .....L St. Columban Fathers 'in fOl;eign missions have baptized 278,982 persofls in the past five years.
according to new, statistics re leased here. The totals were reported by 389 Columbans who operate mis sions in Japan, Korea, BU1'ma, Philippine Islands, Fiji Islands and South America. In one vicar iate, in South Korea. the conver- , sion rate has tripled in the past 12 months, according to' thID report. ~G_om
! lAGASS[E i .:
• D
. John B.
D D @
G} . .
Residential @ Institutions . Churches (i) Commercial •
Associated with Painting and ~ Decorai1nll Contractors of I America :
and Sons. Inc.
291 High St.-fall River ~ OSborne 9·6493 : g
, GAl'den 8-6509
LISLE. Ill. (NC) - St. Proco
pius College Academy here has
re-arranged its school day 80 students can take advantage of the. three-hour fasting regulation before receiving Holy Commun ion. . Mass will be offered now at 10:45 and 11:35 a_m. and since the students at the boarding school eat regularly at 7: 15 aJn. they will be able to attend Mass in two groups, receive Commun ion and have lunch afterward. , The academy Is the high scbool department of St. Procopius Col lege conducted by BenedictinQ Fathers.
lage they chose first the chapel .site anell cemetery. They ga ve some materials a nell will do all the work. We need $3.000 to buy all the materials. Won't you help us mO\'e the Lord from lil shed?
1,050 Indian Aryankavu are real tOrchbearers of _the Faith. They're part of an Indian Govern: ment mass resettlement to develop uninhabi tated areas. JFrom the , ,land allotted the vil-
begun two years', tratn iI\1l'. SISTERS JAN~. PATIENCE and JlU!Li. ANA In India; In Leb· anon SISTER NiCOl,fJ: and In Egypt SISTER MARlIE of ST. lROSE. We need $150 a year for each. ,
The missionaries who
ean cure tho pagan's ina Is preach ina tb.e Gospel in language the P II If II n understands. That'll why we're' so nnmoW! to retain the novices who have just
TRW TRYING Trying to qualify for Christ's army of native missionaries. theso three lads are without the means the seminary needs to keep and train them during six years-BERNARD in Lebanon and SAMUEL' and MATTHEW in India. Can you "adopt" one by sending, in anv payments, the $100 he needs each year?
Our Lor d replied; "When you did It to ono of these my little ones, you did It to me." ~lany poor missionary priests IrO about their labors In ragged cusocks. For $25 we can
as advertised in leading Newspapers & :M~gCllzill1e~ , vAlSO AIR, STEAMSHIP CRUISES AND TOURS'
of 'IUr Good Shepherd SlileI'D 'tn '!Lebanon .'"'Delinquency Diverl· ed." Thim,parl ,of the world known 11I0 mercy
For free folders ,Write orCe"
''Y.Andyke 4-969'1 'lfauniol1l gn~(lloblby)·.
give a new one to & needy priest. The Lorlll will look upon at Dill' done to Himself. Also, we must clothe anti feed our orphanc. New outfit $S. We keep ono on $7 II month.
With your. wonderful STRINGLESS GIFTS yo,u untie tho Roly Father's hands when he receives. urgenlappeals for help in Blller-' ,eneles in Near East missions. They are tied unless you put thll means in his hands. \ Your MEMBERSHIP OFFERINGS ara alse "stringless." You may.enroll friends and relatives, living or dead ($1 a year; $3 for a family); they will shan in rIch spirllualbent! fits, Including 15;000 Masses during the year. What's D.D.? Well, that'Dhow we.describo the tremendous work
WillE -tRAVEl , SERYH:lt
Specializing in
Academy Schedules Two Late Masses
-Cat~olics In
~ D
hiel·archy. rectors and former rectors of Seminaries. 250 MGll signori and priests. 300 Sisters and several hundred membel'8 (Jf the laity are expected to attend. the. dedic~tion ~el'emony.
~ D
Ceremonies of consecration and dedication of the new Seminary of Our Lady of Providence at Warwick Neck will take place next Wednesday and Thursday under the direction of Most Rev. Russell J. McVinney, D.D., Bishop of Providence. , Bishop McVinney will be as-' sisted . in the solemn rites of
consecration Wednesday by Most Rev, James L. CO!)l1oJly, D.D.• Bishop of Fall Rivel';' Most Rev.
Bernard J. Flanagan, D.D., Bish op of Norwich, and Most Rev. John F. Hackett, D.D.. Auxiliary Bishop' of the- Archdiocese of Hal:tford. The dedication of the new Seminary will take place at 10 o'clock Thursday morning with Archbishop Amleto G. Cicognani. D.D., Apostolic Delegate to the United States officiating at the ceremony and offering the first Pontifical Mass in the new chapel. Bishop McVinney .will be' the preacher. In addition to members of the
for a mlsguldetJ or d~, lIIusloneCi llil'l. .Sbe'o doomed to II lifetime. ao an outcast. .We've seem the Slsterllll!lVO hu-, dredll of W 0 JlI·13 ell' i t!.n, . girls. Can you .llpara B mite to help ~em pal] nhea1'1 Illl!ibU
Il}(!)N"JI' .'IFORG~T ;faURSEll.iJF~ Other.s win. Arral'l/lo sow , 'MasjietJ'fo.r Your oW:11 s~ul' 'when YOIll'1! JIlIeelll them. lL!J'fI; about "Saspense ·Card."
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$(Q1!FeW'.,~':ife~f~dlUJ$~_d (C1!1J1ff$ T~~e~~orte OSborme $,·5236 Ii
IFRAINCIS CAIRIDIN~IL S~IEI.iIlJMAN, iPretliEd(b'il~ Migr. ,lPlotsr 1l'.'Vuohv. iNClIt'li3rt''l1 ' Send all communiceitiol'lllt~l
CAliHOIL6C NEAR tEASi WELfA'IlI: ASSOCOAt:iON 486 il!:elioll1gftoB'll lAva. ltll~ 46ilhl_S~. New Yo~ ~1of ,00. 1lf. o
,:; I
Only ThoseArre Homesick Who Are .Left at Home By Mary ']'jnley Daly
It's lonely around our house these days. The Head of the House sits at the head of the table, the author of this column at the foot and, even the extra leaf removed, the ~i'des stretched out. Mary is on one side, Pat and Markie on the other. Eileen's chair, rand Ginny'S are pushed sending me here, specially right after the wedding that cost $$$. against the wall. Love, love, love, ' . Ginny" When Johnny and Lu and their gang come, that's another litory-the house resound~but they stay only for brief visits. Otherwise, It's Ilwfully quiet, and it stays so d e a den Ingly .. . "picked up" f now that the flurry of pack ing wedding presents is over. Needless to say, we didn't expect Eileen,~: married a few weeks ago, to be homesick, t.hough we Imagined she m"lght have a hankerin'. However, we kind of worried about ll-year-old Ginny, away for the first time at iCamp. "Youngest of the family,". we said, "never away from home be fore. Bet she's really going through the pangs." Vicarious Anguish
In fact, we could vicariously anguish with Ginny, having our lielves endured what is perhaps one of the most frustrating of diseases, a homesickness that makes the present only a dull' echo .of "what's going on at home." Our first taste of It was fresh man year In college and, of all things, the song of. the day was "You're a. Mlllion Miles from Nowhere When You're One Little Mile from Home." To this day, ' I can't hear that old tune' with (Jut a nostalgic longing for a dusty mid-western town, unex <cIting to any but those who knew the loving friendliness of Us residents. And so, mentally translating long-ago emotions into the minds of our young, we took, It for gl'anted that they would miss us as much as we missed them. Today' the VIP mailml\n de livered the first letters in his new l'ed white and blue put-put. Eil- ' cen's letter first, because it WR!! on top: "Dear Dad and Mom," she 'lirote, "Thanks a ml11ion fox packing and mailing the pre lients. We had' the best time opening them - fun all over again. Setting up housekeeping Is something, isn't It? We're go ing slowly, no curtains yet. We eat on that little round antique table. Have just one chair and take turns sftting on the suitcase which is about 1 foot taller than the table." . Followed a complete descrip tion of the new home, a thank you for the wedding... Having Wonderful Time
Next Ginny's letter, in pencil.· Enclosed' was a page for every one of us (Ginny knows how to get plenty of mileage out of her 3-cent stamp): "It's great here. We're having a wonderful time. There are 3 kids from my school in my cabin. Everybody's swell. "I'm a novice In swimming that means next up from begin ning. It's fun. Daddy and Mom, I'd advise you not, to come for parents day (We gulped at that lOne) It's a four hour drive each way and we'd get to see you for just an hour. Silly. Nutz. "It's rest hour. now and Jean has a red nose and Susan said she had so much tomato juice it went to her nose. Ha-ba. "A counselor just walked by and saw us WI'iting letters with lOur flashlights and did we get It. She didn't really mean It. "Thank you very much 101'
Well ... Guess the only peo ple who are homesick are those left at home.
Hal y Union Sisters Receive Degrees Six Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts have been awarded degrees following com pletion of prescribed courses. Bachelor o.f Science in Educa tion degrees were granted 'to Sister Paul Agnes and Sister Dolores Therese by Vlllanova University; to Sister Olive Marie by Boston College; to Sister Ger maine· Alida by St.John's Uni versity, and to Sister Blanche Agnes by Catholic Teachers Col lege. Immaculata College awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree to Sister James Miriam;
Honor Motherr' of S.ix Dn Religious IIJfe NEW YORK (NC) - A mother with six children In the religious life was honored here in the presence of over 1,000 priests, Brothers and nuns. Mrs. Patrick W. Moore of Flushing, N. Y., who has a total of nine children, was awarded the seventh annual citation of Fordham University's' Institute on RellglolJs and Sacerdotal Vo cations. Father Laurence J. Mc Ginley, S. J., university president. made the presentation on the university's Bronx campus. The citation said that Mrs. Moore, provided "an ideal Catho lic home, a veritable sanctuary. in which her children have been blessed by the example of a father strong in faith and manly virtues and of 8 chaste-. and' devoted mother." An address by Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester opened the tWO-day institute. designed to explore the means of recognizing, fostering and guiding vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Attention was also given at this year's session. to improve<b methods of vocational guidance in nursing.
Capuchin Cellllfi'enniaf MOUNT CALVARY (NC) More than 500 clergy and laity attended a Pontifical Mass of fered here In Wisconsin by Arch bishop Albert G. Meyer of Mil waukee In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Capuchin ord er In the United Ste.tes.
Nun Receives Honor Citation From Air .Force Association WASHINGTON (NC) - Sister gram starts with pupils in the Mary Aquinas, "the flying nun" first grade, to give them Q reali of Green Bay, Wis., has been zation of their opportunities in the air age. In the advanced awarded a citation of ponor by "llrades youngsters are given an the Air Force Association. explanation of the principles of The award was presented at combustion and electronics. the association's annual conven tion here by Mrs. Carl A. Spaatz, Pope Blesses Head!
whose husband was the first Air Of Catholic Press
Force chief of staff. A member of the Franciscan MELBOURNE (NC) - Father Sisters of Christian Charity, Sis James Murtagh, president of the ter Aquinas was' cited "for out Catholic Press Association of standing accomplishments In Australia and New Zealand, has conceiving, organizing and ad received a special apostolic bless ministering a nationwide air age ing from His Holiness Pope Pius science program for grade schools XII. Father Murtagh, celebrating involving more than 500,000 chil his sacerdotal silver jubilee, is dren." € d itor of the Advocate published During World War II she here. He earned a master's degree taught aeronautics at the Catho in social science at the Catholic lic University of America here. University of America, Wash . She Is now science supervisor of ington, In 1943. parochial 'schools In the Green Bay diocese. She conducts work shops for teachers from all sec 'tlons of the country and Is a con sultant to the Air Age Education Association. ' PROMPT EFFICIENT
Sister Aquinas, who earned a pilot's llcense early' in World SERVICE
War II, says ~ her workshop pro-
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Theology for ,laymen
'Same Win T,hat Made Us
Organize Spiritual
Keep§ Um in Existence-'
Bouquet. for Pope KANE '(NC) - The Cathol1G Daughters of. America are organ· !zing a spiritual bouquet of Masses to be offered· for tho intention of Pope Plus XII. This was announced here in Pennsylvania by Frances M. Maher, Supreme Regent of the 54-year-old national 'organlza. tion. The bouquet wlll be offered! to the Pope through the offico of His Eminence' Giuseppe Car· dinal Pizzardo, prefect of tho Sacred Congregation of Semina· rles arid Universities. when Miss Maher goes to Rome In OCtober to attend the second World Con gress of the Lay Apostolate.
By F. J. Sheed •
God needs' no being other than Himself. He not only contains. within Himself the sufficient reason for Hi.s own existence, but every other sUffici.encY. To His 'limitless perfection, nothing' whatever is lacking; there is no need of His nature that s o m e ' iesser being could supply; we shall not know the first thing about ourselves the first there 'is no luxury, even, thing. that some lesser'being could Need of God
bring HillJ. In His own nature is all being. all perfection. all bliss. Why then did He create a uni verse? There can be vast the ological discus sion here but it can be reduced, not too crudely; to ,the single statement that He k new we should like it. Creation brings Him no gain. but it brings us tremendous gain: it means that we are something instead of nothing. with all the possibllities' of life and growth and happiness instead of the mere blankness of, nonentity. Can Glorify God It is a new Jightupon the love of God that our gain c6uld be a motive for His action. He knows that beings were possible who could enjoy existence. 'and He - gave them' existence. By existing , they glorify Him - but who is the gainer by that? ~ot God. who needs nothing from any creature: only 'the creature, whose greatest glory is that he can glorify God. We use the' word create. for this conferring' of existence. God' made all things of nothing. Of what else could He make them? Not of Himself. for He is utterly simple: in Him there are no parts Which He can break of! and. s6 to speak. set up in business on their own. Not of Himself then: and beside Himself. apart from creation. there is nothing. So He used' no material in creating the universe. He made it wholly -.-:. that is indeed the definition of create. to make a thing 'wbolly. 'to make the whole of it. and only God can qo it. A carpenter does not make the whole of a chair, the wood al ready exists; a poet does not make the whole of a poem. the words already exist. But God did make the whole of the universe. there was no eXisting material to make it of, and He could do it because there is no limit at all to His power .,.... "He can send His call to that which has no being. as- if it already was" (Romans IV.17L Meaning of Creation For the Catholic all this may seem old stuff. He cannot re member when he first learned that God had made him of noth ing. Neither indeed can I. But I can remember very well when I first realized what it meant. I" was spell.king on a Catholic Evidence Guild platf01~m in Hyde Park. I remarked for the hun dreth time. or perhaps the thousandth. that God had made me of notl1ing. But this time I heard what I was saying. and the experience was utterly shatter ing. To realize that one is made of nothing gives a feeling of hardly being there at all. a feel ing that one has no 'hoid on exlstencl;l and oUght vanish aWaY. And all this because I had paid no attention at all to the truth that follows upon our being made of nothing - namely, that Ood continues to hold us in existence. God made' us of nothing. but by the mere act of His w111 He made us into something. And the Ilame that brought us into existence is required to keep us in existence. Think hard about this. for in it is the primary truth about ourselves; without it
THI ANCHOIl Thu...., Au,. 1S. 1957
A carpenter makes a ch~ir. He leaves it. and the chair continues to exist. Why?' Because the ma terial he'made it of preserves the shape he has given it: In other RECEIVE HABIT TODAY: Roger Landry (left) son Navy Award . words. ,when the inaker of a of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landry, 13 Middlesex street, Fall AKRON' INC) CarmelitQ thing leaves it. it is kept in Father Marlo L. Dittaml haD existence-by the material used in River, and Jo}m Gagnon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gag its makiilg. If God. having made non, 258 Grattan Street, Fall River, will receive the Habit received the Naval All' Reserve us. left ,us. we should be kept tn' of the Brothers of Christian Instruction in Notre DamlD Certificate of Merit from tho Chief of Naval Air Reservo -existence by the material used in Chapel, Alfred, Me., today. 'Training. . our making-namely nothing. The award recognized Father This is the truth about the Dlttanl's four and one-hal! yearo -universe as a whole and every ~hDlippinel as 8. voluntary chaplain. The pa.rt of. it (including ourselves,) citation noted his "outstanding Unless from l:noment to moment ~oplBl~tion' Amo~g service" and "willing, unselfish' God held it in being. it would ROME; (NC) - Over two per population of 83,552.000. Over and effective performance of ,simply cease. ' half of these faithful reside in duties of a chaplain." Whatever are the ultimate cent of the Asian world, exclud constituents of matter.Uod made' Ing the Soviet' Union's Asian Lebanon, the tiny republic at them of nothing and sustains possessions. is Catholic. the eastern end of the Mediter Monuments them in existence. The' highest ranean. 1238 liem.,ton St. aTe 31,993.993 faithful TheI:e created spirit equally was made XgW lUJI)I<'ORll In~onesia also has over a mil by God of nothing and without among the. 1.463.765.000 I people • Opp. 8t. Mary', eemet"ry • lion Catholics, 1.498,182 to be Him could not endure. that InhabIt the world l?etween OPgN DAU,Y Sunday by Appointment What It is made of does not the Mediterranean Sea and the exact. They live 1n an area with a total population of 83,880,000. account' for any being's coming _ Pacific o~ean. " RAYMOND D. In all. the nearly 32.000.000 into existence or remaining in These figures a~e based on a MARKEY 'Catholics comprise 2.19 per cent existence; everything depends at rec,ent survey by ~des. a mission of the Asian world. every instant upon the God It is news agency publIshed here. Tel. WY 2-6017 or WY '7-9564 ,made by. That is one reason for' The. most Catholic ,nation giving the whole power of our among the teeming coun~ries of '!P@rtuguese Diccese~ mind to knowing God. the Far Eastern w.orld -'Is the Philippine republic. Catholics Need More Priest! , FARO (NC) - There are only I:< of C in Fairhaven there constitute 78 per cent of 55 priests to Cltre for the 323.000 the ,population. ' More than half of the Catholics souls in Algarve, the southern ,Installs OfiFi«;ers Organization of Damian Coun in Asia live in the Philippines and most ,province of Portugal, a r'e port at the recent vocation week cil, Knights of Columbus of Fair account for 17.390.395 of the na ATTLEBORO, MASS.
here revealed. tion's 22.265.000 people. Out of 68 parishes In Algrave, haven and Mattapol~ett, has been Excluding the Phllipplnes, the , Dally Masses: 6:30: 1,
completed with the installation greatest number of Catholics live 21 are without regular pastors. 8 A.M.
of officers and appointment of on the. Indian SUb-COl\tinent, ,Some priests must look after Confessions DailYI
which has.6.440.927 faithful in three and four parishes. Only five committee chairmen for the en 6:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. suing yeaI'. a total population of 482.507.000. clerical students from the Diocese Devotions on SUNDAYS Elected officers include Grand Chin a: including Formosa, of Faro, co-extensive with\ AI begin year round at Knight Anson W. Paine. Deputy. Hong Kong and Macao. follows grave province. are stUdying at 3:00 P.M. Grand Knight Manuel Sylvia. ,India with 3.196.901 Cath,olics in ,the major seminary in Lisbon. Chancellor Richard F. Doucette, the total population of 593.920. _ •._ .. .. Perpetual Novena to Our W~I'den Ric~ard C. Font'aine. In 000. , Lady of LaSalette every side Guard ~aurlce Tavares. The Malay peninsula has evening at 7:30 P.M. Also Outside Guards Joseph R. 1.976.578 Cathollcs in a 'total AUTO & FURNITURE Nunes and Ernest J. Sylvia, Re population of 77.591.000. Of this Organizers of,
UPHOLSTERING corder Atty. Th,omas M. Sullivan, number. approximately 1,563.718 Pilgrimages
Treasurer 'Daniel A. Mello, Ad of'the faithful live in Vietnam. All kinds ~pholstering J vocate Atty. Edward F. Harring The Near East has 'a Catholic P'ease Contact, ' FABRICS ton, Trustee (three years) Alban population of 1.038.176 in a total O. IE. NERBONNE, Prop. A. 'Duchesneau. J863 . Purchase St: New Bedford' Alternates to State Convention TEL. Attleboro 1·0008' • 48 Center St., Hyannis I are John Bellotti and Joseph F. . +_II_._"-:-"-An-'II_~M_~~_"_'''' SyJvia. Rev. Damien Veary, SS. CC. serves as. chaplain and Man uel Gonsalves as lecturer. Committee chairmen appointed are - Paul E. Despres, general program; Richard Ward. $::atho lic activity; John E. Bellotti, ot Council, activity; Miguel Brito; fraternal; H. Norman Genest, membership-insurance; John L. Harrison. youth activity;· Joseph When You Use O~r A. Kobak. public rela'tions.
Have large$t Catholic Asian Natior1l$
Rev. Father Director
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SLDlI'giciDlO AlPlPOiiDlnCe Cc. Pharmacy .. lHIeCllriB'1l~' Aiell' C@.
ArtJ1D1llI1I' JI. SIJDSIDI, 'IfO/p. 20~ ClInd ~06
ROCII( !ii.
ilElL. (Q)$ 5-1129
Sage and Sand
Thurs•• Au.£. 15.1957
Primrose Path of Sexual
Anarchy Leads to Ruin
Red ChinG StiU Holdilng T~~r~~ Missioners
By Most Rev. Robert J.,Dwyer, D.D. " . Bishop of Reno
GENEVA (NC) - Talks between Red China and the United States for the re lease of Americans impris
For priest or minister to deplore the low state of American morals is l:tardly considered newsworthy. It is discounted as professionalism. For a Harvard professor of sociology to voice his alarm on the subject :might rate a wider publicity. And if the professor is of the stature of mortalized In Hannibal Chollop. to this, she has been per Pitirim Sorokin it is even Added suaded 'by legions of psychoana possible· that some impres, lysts and alienIsts that a little
sion might be made on the sex u a I looseness Is actually popular mInd. beneficIal for body and spirIt In the new book, "The Ameri both. In the case of divorce tliis can Sex Revolution," the Rus has hardened into a convIction. slan--born sociologist who has deeply held and eloquently de taught at Cambridge for over 30 fended. It is more than just a years makes no effort to conceal chance opinion that this' is at hIs very great alarm. He is con the root 'of the widespread vinced tha.t America has already distrust of the Catholic Church.' been swept from her moorings Counter Revolution by al1 obsession with sex which Meanwhile, the tables are being he can only describe as revolu turned. As the West, with Amer tionary. And he Is not merely ica In the van. succumbs to the alarmist In his fear that unless sex revolution. the Communist the trend Is reversed and the culture of Russia and, to Q, nation finds her way back to degree, of her satellites, Is carry "= sexual sanity there Is everything ing out a counter-revolution in to fear and little to hope for in the same precise area. The Im the. decades ahead. Rarely, on the mediate aftermath of the Bolshe part of an acknowledged scienti . vlk victory of 1918 was a deter fic authOl'lty, has the case for mined effort to destroy every . decency and self-restraint been . vestige of the. old Christian set forth with such Impassioned morality: Sexual license, sexual vigor. anarchy, were not only tolerated Broken Homes but frankly encouraged, but It 'is Consider the leading facts: The many years now since this was current ratio of divorce to malTi l'ecognized as suicidal. If Communism still rejects ages stands at one to 2.5 or 3. It Is by no means Improbable that Christian morality by name. it this ratio will be narrowed still insists upon a standard of rigor further. It Is estimated that 12 ous self-control which, naturally milllon of the 45 million children speaking at least. Is a close In the country come from "bro-' equivalent. And there is no ques ken homes," The annual tally of tIon In the Soviet mind but that the strength and vigor of its abortions, conservatively reck oned at 400,000, may In fact be people are a direct res'ult of moral closer to the mlllion mark. And restraint. We are not Inclined even if the data of the Kinsey to argue the point. Report must be heavily discount The Harvard sociologist notes ed, there Is stlll ample evidence that in every Instance of sexual to show that pre-marital laxIty 'deterioration there Is a minority movement of resistance. It Is this Is appalllngly common. Sexuality. moreover, permeates impetus which. thus far In hls whole enormous areas of AmerI , tory, has always prevailed, ulti can life. It Is the stuff of which mately, to set the pendulum our dally entertafnment is made; /lwinglng in the opposite direc it Is the everlasting theme of tlie tion. Is this what we see in the literature, of whatever quality, American Catholic resistance to we read; it Is the bait held' out the spirit of the age? There are by the advertisers to capture our certain affirmatives to give us trade. The secular press quite courage, conscIous though we are of our exposure to, the prevalent candidly admits that Its popu larity rests on the amount of mass mind and the mass beha lIexual Interest· which colors its . ·vlor. If we can hold out 'we may pages. The figures who attract aave America. We may win the the greatest attention are the counter-revolutIon of Christian "stars" imd entertainers who sanity. flavor theil' offerings with a Day of Prayer tempting admixture of sexual WASHINGTON ,(NCJ - Pres excItement. . For a person to admit to being Ident Elsenhowel' has declared Wednesday. Oct. 2 a NatIonal shocked by sexual excess 01' per versIon Is now to be ticketed as' Day of Prayer and asked that nal'l'ow-mlnded 01' lacking In "each according to his own intelligence. Whereas, until fairly faith" unite In "prayer and medi recently, a public figure could tation on that day," . He urged AmerIcans to "ask hardly survive the charge of lIexual looseness, It no longer for wisdom and strength" in counts seriously In his disfavor. neeklng the "welfare of all peo ples through a just and lasting Sorokin marshals the prece dents of history and socIology to peace across' the face of the establish the point that every earth," known clvlllzation whIch has per mitted Itself to follow the prim rose path of sexual anarchy' has come to ruin and dIsaster. Every . EVERYTHING society which has lowered the Itandard of m 0 n 0 gam y and fOR THE HOME extra-marital chastity has ex perienced a rapid and Inevitable 104 Allen St. decline In Its moral and intellec New Bedford tual fiber, and has exposed itse)f to a creeping paralysIs of fl}ental WYman 7-9354 and spiritual decay. All the glory I that was Greece could not with stand the sexual corruptIon which set in even before her golden age was spent, and the grandeur that was Rome. by the operation of the same unyielding law. degenerated Into the char :nel-house of Lucius Apuleius. It is painfully difficult for ;;\merica to recognIze herself in For Complete the mirror thus held before her face. She has a certain purltanl Laundry Service ~al self-righteousness, which as limes her that, all the evidence 1668 Pleasanf St. to the contrary. she is still the paragon of morality; the resIdue faUI River OS· 9-6491 of that spirit which Dickens _ . 1m.
New Bedford, Franciscan Fathers Assigned .to Missionary Posts Two Franciscan Fathers who have been servIng at Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford were among tpe 11 mIssionaries leav ing for foreIgn mission assign-
Dominicans to Meet Df11I Rome Next Month RIVER FOREST (NC) -::- In conjunction, with the seventh centenary observance of the death of St. HyacInth, an inter national congress of preaching will be held In Rome from Sept. 17to 21 with DominIcans from all parts of the world participating. Father MIchael Browne, Domi nican Master General, will pre sIde. Problems of preachIng in the modern world and of spread ing the Rosary devotion will be discussed.
•. ENROLL NOW .. !fOR FALL SESSIONS CALL WY 2-5448 (l)ppaslte New Bedforcll
R. A. WILCOX CO. OPFICE FURNITURE In Stock For Immediate Delivery
The Perfect .Gift
ments after ceremonies at the Church of St. Francis of' Assisi in Manhattan. 'rhe Rev. Colman .T. Sullivan, O.F.M., of Boston and' the Rev. Luke A. A'Connell, O.F.M. of Derby. Conn. took part In the centuries-old ceremony. Father Sullivan wlll go to Brazil and Father O'Connell has been as signed to Japan. Father Sullivan received the Holy Habit In August, 1951, and was ordained a prIest In Septem ber. 1955. Father O'Connell re ceived the Holy Habit in August, 1949, and was ordained In June. 1955. '
Dine In Cool Comfort
Air Conditioned
Open Snndays
Special Children's Prices
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J<'or Res. 'VY :.l-170:1
PRESCRIPTIONS. Tho!. P. Selleck. Reg. Plu.
VA 3-3300
HEATING South • 'Hyannis
FRANCISCAN MASS LEAGUE NDerpetucD Remembra/llce Brill D«I1B'r Mess
The Living and Deceased May' Be Enrolled. Illuminated Certificate for Each Member Enrolled Enrollment $5.00 a
Rev. ffClltllne1l' Red@lT. 1Ol.1F.6\f.\. OUR o.ADY·S CIHAPEl IFrllnciscllllll Fathers
572 Pleasant St.
New Bcdfol'd
Sea Sts. Tel. HY 811
SAT., AUG. 17-1.00 P.M.
Children'. lickets - 1.50
THE MOHICAN DRUG 56 NO. MAIN ST. Taunton VA 2-6182
for Your Loved Ones
men on scaffolding and using huge cranes put the finish-· ing touches on the superstructure of the magnificent new Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore, scheduled for completion in late 1958. The finished Cathedral will seat 1,800. NC Photo.
oned on mainland China have entered their' third year of stale mate. U. S. Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson and Red China Ambas ~ador Wang Ping-nan met for the 69th time in two years and decided to meet again on Sep tember 12. As the talks entered the third year six Americans, including three Catholic missionaries, re main in Red China. Two mission IU'ies, Jesuit Fathers John Houle 8,nd Charles McCarthy, \\'ere the latest Americans to be released. The three American Catholic missioners remaining behind the bamboo curtain are Bishop James E. Walsh, M. M. of Cum~ berland, Md., who is free in Shanghai; Fathel' Joseph McCor mick. M.M., of Ossining, N.Y.• ' and Father Cyril, Wagner• O.F.M., of Pittsburgh, who are In commun1st jails.
then' ioin the
Sunbeam BREAD
He Depell"ld5 On Us
C4JU'h@~o«:s Shar(i. FedeB'@~ GB'@!mi'$
By Most Rev, Fulton J. Sheeri,~ D.O.
WASHINGTON mc) - Two Catholic 'universities and two hospitals are among 77 institu,· t10ns sharing Federal"' grants of $26,501.643 in the second phaslt of a program to encourage ex pansion of the nation's health research' facilities. Georgetown University, Wash. Ington. received $7,500 for equip. ment for a research laboratory . awarded previously; St. John'/§ University, Brooklyn, g'ot $135. 295 for a building and equipment for biology and pharmacy re search; St. Joseph's Hos'pltal. Syracuse, got $7,306 'for research facilities for its pathology de partment, and St. Vincent's Hos pital, New York City, got $79,221 for clinical research facilities. The appropriations were madGl by the Department of Health. Education and Welfare for the second year of a thre.e-year pro 'gram which will distribute a total of $90 million:,
Nineteen hundred years after Our Lord shed His Blood on Cal vary as the "Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the wor1d'~" only 17% of the earth's population belong to His Mystical Body. Is . this tragedy so because the beams of His Cross were too short to em brace the world tn'redemption, oi· because we who claim to be His have not been eflective instrumen~s? ,
The well of salvation is deep enough, but few of us have pro vided clips. Our Lord depends on us. He gives the flow of grace but we must be the channel. Our Lord struck down Paul" in the high noon of his persecution 0: the Church, but it was Animias who was used by God to restore Paul's sight. The Lord was gracious to Cornelius. the Roman soldier, in making him the first Gentile convert, but his conversion came about through Peter. Lydia the dyer of purple, had her heart opened by the word of God" but it was through the preaching and, instruction of Paul that she . became the first convert in Europe. ,When the
Prodigal Son returned, the father wekomed,
him, but it was the servants who w~re to bring
forth the best robes and kill'the fatted calf!
The father might have done this, but he willed
that the household share in.the joy of,a sinnet·
tloing penance.
.,..' 'I
Thurs., Aug. 1S. 19S7
It is in like manner that God will give the abundance of His
grace to the Japanese. the Burmese, the Indian and the other 1.500, 000,000 pe,gans. God will give the grace but we must supply the aid to the missIonaries by staffing their hospitals, providing catechists. nursin~ their lepers !ind we do it all by sacrificing little pleasures.
IT'S EASY WHiEN YOU KNOW HOW: Trying out a drill press is Sister Jeanne Marie, chief of occupational' therapy, College of St. Catherine's, St. Paul, at the occupa tional therapy clInic at .National Jewish Hospital, Denver. She visited Margaret' Hill, center, of Minneapolis, a st. Catherine?s student taking clinical training at the non
sectarian hospital. Left is Mrs. Hal'll Lemke, of St, Pius Two Foreign Made X parish, Aurora, Colo" of the hospital staff.
. "'"
Films Condemned
FaU, River Council Plans Track
NEW YORK (NC)~ - 'Two . foreign-made motion pictures have been condemned by th~ National Legion of Decency. 'Fhe pictures ai'e "Passionate' Summer," a French-made movitt distributed in this country by Kingsley, and "Stella," a Greek· made movie, distributed by Bur· styn. . The Legion posted the follow ing objection against "Passionate Summer" '~The theme and treatment of this film dwell almost invariably upon subject matter which, Is morally unac ceptable and seriously offenslvtt , to the virtue of purity." , Regarding "Stella," the Legion stated - "This picture, in the story it' tells, seriously violates ,Christian and' traditional stand· ards of morality and decency by reasoQ oJ gro"ss suggestiveness in costuming, dialogue and situa tions."
Meet and Riecognition Night
My' dear Catholc, people during the whole 'of last year you aver,· , Fall River Council 86! Knights event will be the council's annual aged 30c each to the Holy Father for his 135,000 missioAaries of Columbus has' t~o e'vents CYO Recognition Night- Oct. 7. throughout the world. That is the eqUivalent of the price of only On this occasion, Knights honor half a cocktail a year. In the name of Christ crucified and 'His Sor ~ planned for members of the Fall senior and junior champions in Rive'r CYO' in the rieKt two l:owful Mother. realize that ,you are an instrument in the conversion : , ' CYO basketball and baseball, and of the worl~; another human nature through which Christ woi'ks. months., First will be what is r!lOpea to joining the group this year will Deny yourself a tiny pleasure' every day and at the ~nd of the month be an annu,al track meet to be send it to the Holy Father through his own Society for the Propaga held Labor Day mornitlg at 10 be winner!! in the first KC-CYO tion of the Faith. o'clock at South Park. it will be track meet. Both events will be held under open to all CYO baseball players. GOD LOVE YOU to Anon: "Our son was sick but his fever sub the supervision of the council's sided and we didn·t haye to call a doctor so eBclosed find $3." ... who are urged to registe(' Immed Youth Activity Committee, head to E.S.R. for·$:L. '''Thank God I can give that some needy soul may iately with their coaches or par ed by AI?ert Riley" ' live." . , . to J.S. "I am' a waitress and I promised to send one pet' ish chaplains. Thomas Patten, an old hand cent of my earnings to the missions so long, as I am able to work , when it comes to tt:ackmeets, has ,College liIead' so here it is, $10.70:: bee,ri named chairman of the KC SPOKANE (NC) Father Everyone should have an interest in heaven while still on earth. , program, which will be conduct Edmund ,W. Morton, S.J.: 41, has If you write for our pamphlet on annuities it will tell you interesting ed in two divisions-13 to 15 and been named president of Gonzaga things about the material ,and spiritual benefits of taking out an 16 to 18' so that boys can com· 'University here. He' succeeds Father Francis E. Corkery~ S.J., annuity with the SOCiETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE , pete in their own age, groups. Patten, who is ro'und'ing up Q who has been president since FAITH. large committee of Ktlights to 1945. The new president has been
Cut out this column. pin your sacrifice to It and mail It to the assist in staging the meet, 'an- an associate professor of philoso
Most Rev. FultonJ. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the , nounced that the winning parish phy at Mount St. Michael's Col Propagation of the Faith. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. Y., or will receive a trophy !j.nd awards lege In Spokane, be presented, winners of the your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMONDT. CONSIDINE, 368 various events.
North Main Street,F.:all River, Mass. , Rev. 'Walter A. Sullivan, Fall
River CYO' director, has given Catechism Teachers
his hearty approval to, the track meet and hopes for a lai'ge regis-
For Weekly Classes at
AJ"iam't~e$ tration. '
OUR ILADY OF The second KC-sponsored CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) God's creatures to dwell in, while ASSUMPTION CHURCH It would be a grave mistake if ,you lift up your eyes to heaven. I NEW BEDFORD society did not make l;lse of. the knowing full well that the God TEL. WY, 4-7602 DANNY'~ of all, love and mercies knows limited abilities of the handi For Further Information your condition, and will measure capped, Pope Pius XII has told His demands by your restricted' ~Ialot members of the International So Next'to powers, and that the valiant ciety for the Welfare of Cripples. cheerfulness with which you ac tINCOD.N JP~RK "Man Is born into society as a cept the restriction and use the Factory App. powers will have its own reward vital member, to make his con when, with ineffable joy. you SCOTT ATWATER tribution. according to 'his possess Him forever." , powers, towards the advancement SALES & 'SER~ICE
of the common good." said the
Pope, "and some men, and their
, number is not very small, are
heavily handicapped b~' various
pllysical disabilities. , ,
e TIRES • DELCO BATTERIES "It would be 'a /Jrave mistake,
as well as a sad lack of Christian e PERfECT CIRCLE RINGS , ,/I WYman charity, for society simply to _~ 3-6592 FALL RIVER-NEW. BEDfORD-HY ANNIS-NEWPORT discount' their contribution. On
the contrary. it is fo~ thecom-',
So. Darfm@uth CHARLES F. VAR.GAS , munity to show a special interest 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE in developing their limited abili and HYQln~i5 NEW BEDFORD, MASS. tieS and, as far. as is possible,
So. Dartmouth 'placing them where they, may
g'ain a livelihood and share the
WY 7-9384' RICH IN FAME JOYS of a normal human life."
MEDICATE~! Hyannis 2921 The International Society for
RICH IN NAME Keep your Gold Bond handy for r"llief the Welfare of'Crlpples,.a federa
tion or" inore than 30 'voluntary
From the - discomforts of SUNBURN, national ',organizations, is an
PRICKLY HEAT, POISON IVY, CHAFING, "apostolate of charity, truly an
and ATHLETE'S FOOT: GOLD BOND is the QPostolate deserving the admira
In~. ,ideal medicated powder for the entire tion of all man." said the Pope.
WARE'HAM'S ONLY family. Take Gold Bond to the beach-on While calling God's blessing
AUTHORIZED! your vacation-on week-end visits. You upon the work of the society It
will enjoy its soothing aid the yearo self, the~ Pontiff also used the
CHEVROlleT .. Ci>LDS occasion to express his affection
DEALER 0 for those whom the society
'WARIl:HAM 368
Addressing himself to these
crippled 'people, he said: "Be of
'f\cU'ill'if'f Ulrges Society Make Us,e Of of Handicapped!
East Taunton's food Shopping
T i\. )1:,
f~r"ilk/( delivery ~f
go~d courage. Sustain yo~r resoM fl.:'. lR\"I?'1\1 ~ ~ 1l"V'\, (J. , lutLOn to play your part 1L1 make;;'"A I!I Mll'l!! \l:3I ~!"j ilk, •.• -ing"thts'world: a-fttter·piace·for-· - _. _. _ •. - •. - _ •• _. _. .
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l' [:
rou;d~z. l~ 60¢ $1.25 Cos:ne~~ ~a" ~' BMy the bJlI'ge SOle - StDlwe 5Se k
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THE ANc.HOR Thurs.. Au.!!: I S. I SS7
~ ~W@~[:@U)) ~W M@~@r1re~mrn~
A$~~ A,~$ll'mcru®!fU(c,:@
Co@s~ L~agWje
By Jack Kil1leavy Scmel1sed High SeboolCoach
The proposed shi~t of both the Giant and Dodger franchises to the West Coast is fraught with clifficulties. J[n so far as the National Leagpe is concerned,. the move would leave barren the New York area! and this, I assume, the senior loop moguls would be extremely reluct to 1I0 aU out to haVe the plant readiness for the Navy inau ant to do. President Dan in gural on Sept. 21. The vesting Topping of the Yankees has, officials with the responsibility in fact, already indicated of for determining the eligible re his intention of claiming the New York Metropolitan area for the American League in the event that the shifts materialize. The formation of a third major league with a West Cost geographical makeup not too unlike that of the present Pacific Cost League has been given serious thought of late. But this is not the only area that seriously entertains major league aspirations. Inter national League President, Frank Shaughnessy. has announced. that in the event Brooklyn goes to the Coast. he will seek a Jersey City franchise for his circuit in '58. Ultimately. Shaughnessy would move a club Into Brooklyn and petition for full major status - all within a three year period. Five Teams Affected 'The invasion of P.C.L. territory by either or both the New York ttlubs would, of course, write finis ~o the Coast circuit. In losing Los Angeles, the league would also lose nearby Hollywood, and. concelvebly, San Diego some 120 miles to the south. The loss of San Francisco would. by the same token. mean the loss of Sacra mento. And so with the National League ensconced in the two largest cities of the Pacific Coast setup, the latter would. in reality, suffer the paralyzing loss illf five of· its current entries. Whether the Red Sox, who control the San Francisco ter ritory. would be willing to sell their rights to a National League entry also is problematical. No such impediment exists in the Los Angeles area. The Dodgers purchased the territory from the Wrigley family last year In anti cipation of moving the parent club there eventually. It seems, In the light of the voluminous controversy about to unfold, that this would be a propitious time for Commissioner Ford Frick to announce his retirement. All Star Selections Speaking of the Commissioner, we are reminded of the sugges tion he made· recently regarding the selection of players for the annual All-Star game. Mr. Frick proposes that the players them l3elves select the teams. The idea has merit; certainly there could be no more Qualified selectors. Under the plan, players would loe barred from voting for mem loers of their own clubs. An alternate proposal would have the members of the Base loall Writers' Association do the Gelectlng. Wonder how T. Wil liams would fare under that Getup? The writers would be faced with 'as great a dilemma as the Southern bemocrats in the election of 1928. In either a:8se, the fiasco that attended the fan balloting this past sum mer would be avoided and this principally is what the Commis lSioner hopes to effect. In· his opinion, the game could not af ford It recurrence of the Cincin Iilati ballot-box-stuffing Incident. A quick glance in passing at B.C.'s new stadium, now under CGllstmctlon. leaves us with the jmpression that they will have
ltc., Oll1lc.
SHE!r MifFAll.
COM'f/tA\Cll'OIPJS ~5i31··~t) 11 ([;lill»ARI 5lT.
~INM ~niIl»H»~1I»
'Il.'~se"J 11'1'129•
.& 'lI'n-nll.
tum of substitutes this· year will add a little color to the game. The judge will act as bookkeeper for the home team. while .the umpire handles the visitors. The innovation will not affect high school play. Another addi tion to the NCAA rules stipulateD the official limits of -the bench. The area between the 35 yard
lines has been designated as the to restrict perambulating are limited.. The move is de signed to restrict perambulating coaches. Should JH[elp Williams The elevation of Frank Mal zone to the No. 2 spot in the batting order· is· bound to en hance Ted Williams' 'chances of advancing in the RBI race. The slick fielding third sacker Is the only other Bosox regular in the .300 class . . . The Sox this year - as usual - have been poison to enemy portsiders. They currently own a 16-4 mark against left-handers. Young Billy O'Dell of Batlmore was the latest to join the very select group of oddthrowers who have bested the Sox. Billy Pierce and Bobby Shantz are the others. Years ago When Hal Newhauser was in his prime he rarely made an appearance in Fenway, much to the consternation of the Yan kees. But Prince Hal just wasn't effective against the Sox in Friendly Fenway. Sort of makes the achievements of Mel Parnell all the more illustrious:Even now the Sox are carrying only one Port-sider, Dean Stone, and he is used very sparingly. What value a home park? None as far as the Braves are concerned. The National League leaders are batting .265 as a team at home compared to a road rec ord of .270. Gre.atest individual difference involves shortstop Johnny Logan who owns a splen did .344 road average but is hit ting an anemic .167 in County Stadium. Musial vs. A.aron With the fanfare attending the Williams-Mantle struggle for batting supremacy in the American League, there is a tendency here to overlook the ding-dong battle being waged for similar honors In the senior· cir cuit. There is a striking parallel in both instances: age versua youth. Stan Musial, six-time bat- •. ting champion of the National League, ill making a determined bid to capture another crown. He seeks to depose youthful Hank Aaron of the Braves who cap tured the title last yeal; \\'ith a .328 mar~.
. BE A CATCHER, SAYS YOGI: Yogi Berra, whose base ball career started on a sand lot near his native St. Am brose Parish, St. Louis, believe~ more youngsters should think seriou'sly of careers as catchers in the big leagues. Fewer players want to catch and consequently, there is greater demand for men behind the plate. Yogi, in the ma jors 12 Years with the world-champion Yankees, has been named most valuable player three times NC Photo
EDGEWATER PARK, Miss. (NC)-A call for the return of laymen to. the position held in the· early Christian Church was made here by the chairman of the bishop's committee for the Con fraternity of Christian Doctrine. Bishop Matthew F. Brady of Manchester. N.·H., said. "we want them to become more conscious of the treasure of their Faith. to know it _better and to be its her alds to those who thirst for its ·comfort and consolation." "They played that role in the early Christian Church and we would that they should continue to be 'the light of the world' In this confused and troubled age," he declared. . The prelate gave the princi pal address at a .dinner during the four-day, 24th annual na- . tional meeting of archdiocesan and diocesan direCtors of the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine.
r B!IB----- , The Origillal
I I m
~ ~ ~
0 0
Sixty-two CCD officials attended. Bishop Richard O. Gerow of Natchez-Jackson, host to the meetfng, urged delegates in his welcoming speech to emphasize the use of the CCD to provide re ligious il)struction for Catholic children not attending Catholic schools. The CCO is the Church's or ganization, on the parish level for religiOUS instruction of ch il dren and adults outside the Cath olic school seystem.
LEO IHl. IlIlERUBl'l. Mgr.
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Mllin Offin and Plant
FBat Work
Dry Cleaning
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Telophone Ll)well
Auxiliery Plllnto
lli>r V@ll1lfr!h1
ATLA!'lTlC CITY (NC)-The challenge of alcohol can't be met by shifting responsibility, writ ing new laws or fashioning neat "'slogans about safe driving, mem bers of the Catholic Total Absti nellce Union were told. Msgr. ,Joseph M. Lynch, dio cesan director of the Propagation of the Faith in Worcester, ana lyzed the use of alcohol by youth in his keynote address. "We oonnot disregard the drunkard and the alcoholic." he said. "We would welcome a Quiet, clear-cut answer, but unfortu nately there is none." He recommended that young people take a pledge of total ab stinence until their 21st y~ar to make reparation for sins of in temperance. "Wherever the pledge has been introduced it has brought. about the most heart warming results," he said.
Reasons for not drinking, ho said, are based on religious prin ciples. social conviction or health reasons. - - - - ----------- ---- --
WOJlijBas JJ. ~ichalT«lIsorro
General Manager
OSlbome 4·4623 t:2J
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Weekly awards will be under the supervision of Indepen-' dentPublicAcco~ntants, T~ I)e eligible, you must be 18 yrll, or older. )'oumay enler at all Fi;SI NationalSlores in Mainec , New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island.
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Os lNIoll' ,. Con~st Employees of I/f,s' National $tofes, BIl'lf:o 0B'fll not e1f9l1~le for iPlli'aseso