Church Growing
The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 16, 1962
Vol. "6, No. 34
.© 1962 The Anchor
PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year
Name Sister John Elizabeth Taunton School' Principal Mother Mary William, S.U.S.C., provincial of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, has announced the appointment of Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C. as principal of the new Taunton memorial high scnool for girls. SiSter has b~n prilwipal of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall .River, since 1953. A member of' the standing com mit tee on evaluation for independent secondary schools of the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Sister John Elizabeth is a former secretary and present member. of the board of directors of the secondary school department of the New England Regional AssOciation of the National Catholie Education Association: Following graduation from Sacred Hearts Academy Sister. majored in Latin and Greek at Trinity College, Washington to attain a bachelor of arts degree. She did graduate work. at Columbia and Harvard and received her master of arts degree from Catholic University, where she majored in EnglIsh, with minor in French. She made her novitiate' studies in Belgium and France•
• In
ROME (NC)-The Church's missionary effort is advancing in Africa and Asia despite . political and social upheavals on these continents, according to a mission report issued here. The report was published by Fides, mission news service, as part of preparations for the observance of Mission Sunday, October 21. For the most part, it covers the period from 1959 to 1961 and deals principally with mission statistics in Africa and Asia. The report notes that in some places in Africa "disturbances wrought havoc in missionary work," and it m~ntions specifically "the massacre of 20 . Holy Ghost Missionaries in Kon_ golo, the Congo, at the very be- . ginning of the year 1962." The following statistics on Africa are given: On June 30, 1961, Catholics in African territories ecclesiastically dependent upon the Sacred Congregation for the 'Propagation of the Faith numbered about 22 milion against 17,740,000 in 1959. There were 12,500 priests in these territories, compared to 12,000 in 1959; 4,800 Brothers, 120 more than in 1959; and 22,000 nuns, compared to 21,400 in 1959. The report mentions as a bright spot in an area of serious difficulty the growth of the .Louvanium University in LeopoldvilIe, the Congo. It notes that the university, the' only Catholic higher Turn to Page Ten
Training courses will be a feature of the 16th New England Regional Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Con-
,African' See. ·.Adminis.ters. Sacraments in E~glish
Transfer Sisters Of St. Jos'eph In ,Dioc,ese
been announced by Mother Jeanne Therese, S.S;J., Provincial. ,Transfer of Sisters from the Provincial House staffing Blessed Sacrament Sch901, Fall River, is aa follows: Sister Marie Celine to St. Jean Baptiste Convent, as principal and grade eight teacher at St.. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River; Sister st. Emile to St. Jean Baptiste School, first grade. From St. Jean Baptiste Convent, Fall River: Mother Francoise Therese to St. Louis de' ·France Convent, Swansea, as superior, principal, and grade six' teacher at St. Louis de France School; Sister Marie, Cecile to St. Matthew School, Fall River, as grade' three teacher; Sister Marie Ange to St. Matthew School as grade seven, teacher. From St. Matthew Convent, J'a1l River: Sister Mari du SL " Turn\ to Page, Eighteen . 0
Father D~nehy To Direct Assignment of Chaplains
The Rev. John F. Denehy, a priest of this Diocese and a cl1.aplain with the rank of major in the US Air Force, has been reassigned for the second time within a year. Eight months ago Father Denehy was reassigned from a tour of duty in the Bermuda isles to assistant staff chaplain at (MATS) located at McGuire headquarters of the Eastern AFB, New Jersey. While in thio position he assisted in the superTransport Air For c e vision of seven air force baseB
Confraternity To, Feature ·Training
gress to' be held in Hartford Thursday through Sunday, Sept. 13 to 16. ' . Francis G. Mar~mdett of Worcester, will c.onduct a traIning course on the Executive Board. The pqrpose of the executive board is to act as an over'_ all committee for advising, plan_ ning, and executing the Confraternity work,in the parish. Mr. Marandett is active in parish and diocesan CCD work in Worcester ahdis president of St. Luke's ·parish 'executive· board. . SISTER JOHN ELIZABETH David'Graham, also of Worcester will conduct a training sesSion on the ..Model High School of Religion. One Of the most im. . portant phases of Confraternity work is with public high school , youth: some 80 per ceil't of all· Catholic youth· attend high school. . I '; CAP~ TOWN (NC) ' - The 'Cape Town archdiocese ,A hjgh school of. religion ,. i•. marked the feast of Our Lady's Assumption .by beginning · composed ·of organized classes the use o:£> English in the admip.istration of the sacraments. conducted. weekly during the The new English ritual' published by the South African school year over a period of four' Bishops' Conference was in- years for all Catholic youth entroduced here yesterday. It rolled in public p:igh school. The program. includes all the ele. provides' for the use of Eng- ments of personal,. educational lish in nearly everything the and vocational guidance. priest says in administering Teacher Training Courses for Turn to Page Eighteep Turn to Page Seventeen
Appointments and assignments of Sisters of St. Joseph affecting faculties. of schools in the Diocese have
Africa, Asia
Couple Talks Over Religion WithChi.ldren .Every Day" ST. PAUL (NC)-One of the world's smallest schools is in the St. Louis suburb of Roseville. It has two teachers three students; and one subject: relIgion. 'I.'he teachers a~ Mr. and Mrs. John Judge. The students are their three children, Steve, 9, Shaun, 8 , ' . and Cindy, 5. Mr.' and Mrs. ."children's hour" before bed. Judge; Minneapolis and St. Most family talk centers OIl Paul" area chairmen of' the the liturgy for the ·day. The
Christian Family ~ Movement, have set aside some time for religion teachirig ever since Steve started' to talk. They' .don't consider . it • . special ac.tivity. ~s Judge ~ys, "we've -always taken it for granted that all parents should give their children whatever ti!ey can." . Nor do tbe J4dge childr~n see anything unusual in a family. discussion of such a subject as the. Eucharist or the Mystical Body.. "Classes" are usually' conducted at. the breakfast or dinner table and. during the
Leaflet Discusses Anti··Birth Pill WASHINGTON (NC) A leaflet published under Catholic auspices sets forth the moral ground rules governing the use of the "contraceptive pill.." The leaflet 'states that the drug may never be used as a. contraceptive. It may, however, be used as a medicine under certain circumstan,ces to correct mal£un'ction or disease." The leaflet was published by the· Cana Conference of Chicago and was prepared in consultation with moral theologians and doctors. Copies are available from the publishers and from the Family Life Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Conference, at 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. The leaflet notes that the technical name of the new pills is "progestational steroids." The brand names of the two most eommonly used ·are· "Enovid"
and "Norlutin." ,It says the pills have s~veral uses. They can prevent conception by suppressing ovulation, · but 'also can aid in correcting a number of gynecological disorders. . . . The leaflet stresses that the use of the pills for directly contraceptive purposes is never moral. It says use of the pills in this way amounts to "direct sterilization . . . the deliberate intentional suppression of the reprod~ctive function." After quoting the late Pope Pius XII on this point, the leaflet states: "In summary, ifl these drugs are used for the precise purpose of suppressing ovulation in order to prevent conception, we have a case of direct sterilization and this ifj morally wrong." On the other hand, the leaf. let notes, the· pills may· be used
and their 34 chaplains. Father Deneby has now been reassigned to the Office, Chief of Air Force Chaplains, Head-· quarters-US Air Force, Washington, D.C., where he will function in the Personnel Section responsible for the world-wide assignments and reassignmentli of all Air Force chaplains on the numerous Air Force installationa .assisting in the defense of the western world. In his new position he win be guiding the assignments of. over 1000 active duty Air Force chaplains. Father Denehy was ordained in 1945 in St. Mary;s Cathedral by the late Most Reverend James E. Cassidy and served in parishes on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard before entering the Air Force in 1950. He haG served at bases in Michigan, Germany, California and Japan as well as at Otio Air Force Base on Cape Cod;
in some circumstances to correct .malfunction or disease, and a woman using them for such a purpose may continue to have marital relations with her husband. "If there is a physiological malfunction or a pathological c~ndition which (the pill) can remedy, it may be taken on sound medical advice, and the second effect, klmporary sterility, may be tolerated," the leaflet says. The leaflet· states that many moralists believe it is permissible for a woman to take the pills' to regularize ovulation, provided that the purpose is not "to prevent conception." . The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-. ministratio~ announced August 3 that it is investigating whether there is a causal relationship' between the use of Enovid and '1'Ul'lll 10 Pale Eighteen
Judges often bone up beforehand by reading various books. -Some discussions are planned with care, especially catechiSlll lessOns. Others arise spontaneously from a casual question ow after Sunday Mass. All this is in addition to the regular schooling in religioll that Steve and Shaun receive at Corpus Christi School. Mrs. Judge says she believeil that "the primary thing you can give your own children" is "your own know1ledge and love of God." Turn to Page Eighteen
List Transfe"rs For Fa II River Dominicans Changes and transfers an~ nounced from their Fall River motherhouse b~' the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena include Sister· Claire Marie from St. Anne's School" Fall River, to st. Peter's, Plattllo burg, N.Y.. Sister· GertrUde from StAnne's to St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet. Sister Miriam from Dominican Academy, Fall River, to St. Augustine's .School, Peru, N.Y. Sister Mary Agnes from St. Anne's to Dominican Academy. Sis t e r Bartholomew from Dominican Academy to St. Peter's, Plattsburg. Sister Dominica from Plattsburg to Dominican Academy. Sister Mary of the Trinity from St. Francis Xavier'a to st, Anne's,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur!j., .
Aug. ..
16, 1962 .
.:Modern C.atho.lic ,Must Go Out ., "nto W or'ld
.5a)'$ ~ati.nAm~r~(;a. ChUBrch Must Inspire S~iaIRefo~ms .
.ST.LOUIS t(NC~ ·-Ca~ olics of today cannot escape their social. responsibilities . by "fleeing to the ,desert" as
. MONTREAL (NC) - The -there should be laws' forcing Church in Latin America must owners to cultivate the lands awaken the social'and Christian or sell them, he declared.' conscience of ·those who have . capacity to bring about needed reforms, says' a Panama Bishop said here. _ Thirty-eight year old Auxiliary Bishop James McGrath, M~I (NC) More than C.S.C.,· of Panama' is eager for miproved relations between the .20,000 Cuban rdugees received . people of Panama and the Amer- clothing and' more than 18,000' ieans stationed there, One BOUllce . were given food at Miami's Cenof irrltation is there are two tro HispanoCatolico in the first .• salary schedules for employees six months of 1962. of the canal area, one for the - The Miami diocesan Spanish. \ blacks .and one for, -the whites, center also reported .that since doing equal work. For the most. January of .thisy-ear 7,674 visits part the Panamanians are .paid were recorded, at its medical' according to the lower schedu1~. . clinic, where Cuban refugee and Americans, tbroughaloofness American doctors volunteer their and failure to learn'the language" services. Another '6,569 'appointhave not made themselves pop- , mentS were provided in the dental clinic. ular, he noted. ,President KenSpanish-s~eakingpriestsan c1 nedy's "Operation FrieJ;ldship" in civilian and" militarY circles the Dominican Sisters of St. . is trying to,offset the poor rela- Catherine de1Uoci who staff the tions which exist through wha·t center interviewed 8,672' Penlons Panamanians consider American seeking' assistance. :Employment has been obtained in the last six airs of superiority. Bishop McGrath said taxation months for 323 persons. More .than 9,000 Cuban exiles. ' and agrarian' reforms are needed in .many parts of Latin' have studied English .at classes America. There ar-e large land in the center. The center also areas which are owned only by provides nurseryservioes for the children of Cuban refugee par8 few individuals. Some of these areas should .be divided. and ents ""ho are employ-edQr seeking work., . No charge is made for any' at. the eenter's services. . ,
ilbeearly Christians did, a Ben'edietine prior said here. ' "We are not ,permitted .in OUl' ~ and :age to ;follow the palM of the Christians ,of the first ce~ 1turies,~' said Father Theodore Leutermann, O.S.B., prior of st. .Benedict l.Jbbey, Atchlson, Kan. "We must go out 'into the world, even though Mis diffi·emlt, as.theP-ope :says. <·to recon.cile man's modern respect for? progress wtih the narm of hu=manity and of the 90spel teacbo ing,''' hesald. Father Leutermann spoke ~ the 107ilih national eonv.ention oj the Catholic Central' Unioliil (V~ein) ()f America. Some SOD delegates attended the meetin(g of the union, a social paction groupforrned 'byGerman ill1JDi.. grants in the 19th century. ' The Benedictine said that "'basic responsibility" rests \Vitti the. individual. ".From thae W0 can go on to the family and thea to the local societies and' Iocr] forms of government. State an&! Federal forms of governmel'l1 . abould exercise their powero only when the lower forms a~ . unable to do so,-
Center' Assists' Cuban iRefilgees
DominicanPeople Honor' Prelate RequireT~o.Shifts SANTO. OOM!lNGO· (NC) -
Doininicans have-
sent a silver chalice and a gold
I~ ,Montreal Schools
MONTREAL (NC)-TheMonpectoral 'cross to the former ,.trea1 Catholic School CommisApostolic Nuncio tQ the Domin-' sionhas not been able to keep iean Republic for his "defense of pace with enrtlllment demBDdlil tbe rights of the people!' . for a second straight year. . The gifts are for Archbishop Again it will be necessary for Lino Zanini, now Apostolic 10,000 children to attend classes Delegate to Jerusalem and Pala half-day basis when schools estine, who served as Nuncio here when the late 'dictator : : : ~~s~~~~:'ber despite 230 Rafael Trujillo was stilI in The 170 French and tiO English power. The chalice was sent by schools, will limit.half-dayshifUl Dominican ,women, and the pec- to grades one and three, leaving toral cross by Dominican men. full· second-grade sChedules "in A· message aocompanying gifts order to allow those who are 'on lauded A: ".hbishop Zanini for rotation . in the first grade to by hav 1n';' defending the people "when the pic}( up some stre~"'~ "6..... coUntry was under the domina- the complete course the following year." tion of a cruel tyrant." The school populationm the last six years cas risEm 110m 22,000 Eng1lshpuplls in 53 schools to ,32,000 in 65schooJs and from 117.000 French pupils, BANGKOK (NC)-The Cath- in 232 schools to 150,000 inZ90 oJicChurch in Thailand, 300 schools. years old this. year, reached a new milestone when.three native priests becam'e papal eham·berlains. Never before had a Thai priest been raised tQ. thi~ rank. NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Three blind altar boys· served' Benediction on the closing day ·of the Christian Family Movement third annual.program of Summembers of Notre Dame parish, mer classes for the blind held Fall River, will sponsor a at the Ursul.ine AcadeJl)y heN. The '$ervers were Denny and cake sale following novena services Saturdf!y night, Aug; 1~ ~ Hoffma:n, who are twins, and after all Masses Sunday, and Bernie Dufour. They partiAug. 19. Siale will- take place ~n. cipated.. :with other, bUnd girls the lower church and .prooeeds and boys in hour-and-a-half in_. will benefit the paochial ~::hoOl 'stt'ucl.ion sessions twice a week. fund.. . Plano lessons and an opportunity ~studyeleetronics w-ere offered during the course, which ll1:asconducted under the aus-' pices of the Confraternity· of. CbristianDoctrine. .Aug.19-our Lady (jf Lourdes, Wellfleet. Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport. . : Sacred Heart, New Bed-, :VALENCIA ,( N C) :- The .ford. . . Holy See urged young Catholic Aug. 26-:St. Anthony of the . workers in SpaIn to continue ·Desert,' Fall River. I .' . their efforts' to' promote the' . St. ~ohn 'the Baptist, Church's social ~~aehings. , . Central Village. . , ~ The Holy' See's request was Sept.' ~Ou'rLady of the Asmade in a letter sent by Amleto sumption, New BedCardinal Cicognani, Papal Secford. . retary of State, to the' 15th .Na:' Oui Lady of Mount Cartional CQngress of the Young mel, Seekonk. ChriStian Workers' .organiza-· . Sept. ~t. Anne, Fall River. 'tion (JOC) her-e. The letter· also . St. Dominic" Swansea stated that Pope John sent his. blessing to organization mem-
First Thai Priests Named Monsignori
Blind Boys Serve' At Bened'iction
CFM Cake ·Sale
Urges Spcu,'ish Youth To Promote Justice
Second Olua P... ~. !'aill at hU Illver•. 14.... l"ubllallH ....., 1'b1I1'aclal ~. UO Hilf1llal>1l 4 .....u.. "all 'bl the Cadloltc P... " die 01...,.. 01 r.II SUbeerll'f_..... ... -0.
a....".00 .,.
as..... ......
bers. .. Also 'taking part in.the meeting were JOCmembers from
England, FranCe, Portugal, BelBium _~~ ~-1' _.
. . FRIDAY-St. Hyacinth, Confeso sor. "lICiasS. White. i.vIa~ Proper; Gloria;' nO . C~ Common Preface. . of thJ . RESIST RED PRESSURES: Typical of the resistance SATURDAY-Mass Blessed Virgin for' Satutda}lo . north Vietnamese Catholics continne to show their comIV Class. White. MassPropero munist overlords is' thjs young girl.: one ·of .thousands .asGloria; Second Collect & Agapitus, Martyr; DO creecn; sembleq for an outdoor in Hanoi pn the fftastof the Preface of Blessed Virgin. Immaculate Conception. North Vietnamese Catholics cherish Sunday ~ Pes" a strong tra.ditionof martyrdom as the "land of 100,000 SUNDAY-X tecost.n ·Class. Green. Maf::J martyrs~" .NCPhoto. . Proper; Gloria; Creecl; Prefa«> of Trinity. MONDAY-st. Bernard, AbbOO, 'ConfeSsor and Doctor of· tb:J Church. m Class.' White. Maf:::J t Proper; Gloria; DO C ~ CommonPrefaee. CINCINNATI (NC)-The dl- the 'renewability of freedom. B~ rector of the. U. S. Office of . predicted "communism will be TUESDAY~t. JaneJ'ranoes (b -Chantal. Widow. m Emergency Pl~said here ' crushed by the weight ,of itsoWD White.M.ass Proper; Gloria; lW . that freedom has the stamina to t)'rannies, its-degradation ·of the Creed; Common Preface. . outlast communism. individuaJ.and its· invasion of WEDNESDAY-The Inim~ human .conscience." . Edward .r_. McDermott of :Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. IT White. MaGI WaShington,D. C.. told graduProper;. Gloria; second ColleCa ates of Xavier· University that SS. Tiritot'hy, Hippolytus,BishAmericans "are often unfair to op, and Symphorianus, Mar~ Fo~nder themselves in 1allying up the tyrs; Creed; Preface ·of Bless~ .balaace sheet of our. struggle . CAP .DE LA MADELEINE Virgjn. 'against commumsm." and "have (NC) -Msgr. Joseph Cardiin, a . penchant for losing ,sight .al founder and chaplain general of THURSDAY-St. Philip Benizfl. Confessor. III Class. Whito,. our triumphs of the last 15 the Young Christian Wo~s,. Mass Pro-per; Gloria; no ~ years." will be honored in ceremonies Common Preface. contrasted. 1he success of here on Sunday, Aug. 19. . the U. S. Marshall Plan inEu- . Some U)~OO . young workem roPe, whier resulted· in the ,will gather at the national shrine gr~ of NATO alliance and of Our Lady of the Cape to 'celthe development ofthe·CommoD ebrate the 30th ,anniversary. of Market: with the disenchant- . the YCW 1ft Canada and Msgr. - FOR YOUNG WOMEN ment of. Soviet satellite nations Cardijn't11 SOUl birthday. ..196 Wbjppfe st.• Fall Riveii' anti .the vanishing "dr-eamof in.stant industry" 'm China. '. Conduded by 'franciscan . McDermott said Americans' . Missionaries of .~~!y, should realize they, have a great Comf~leFurn1&hecl Room:J advan~ge over '~u~~~bn With: M.eals Inquire O~· '-2892
U. S. Official Asserts .:Freedom· Has S·tamlna . ' . to O' utI e o.mmunlsm '' •. c:ist
.Christian Workers To Honor
St. Francis Residence
Stcuof Se.a Villa, Wednesday" Aug. 22 .ha~' beeft ~ 'bythe ,~isters 'cf.·Mercy for theirannual'lawn party at Star of the Villa; South .Dartmouth. Sister Marie' Merici, R.S.M., St. John's Convent, New Bedford, is in charge·of·arrangements and announces that man,. booths will be. featured~and grand prize will be a 14'-day Caribbean :cruise' ·far ·two. Proceeda- will benefit the community's building fund. .
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962
'Constant Working ,at Unity 'No Guarantee of Success LISLE (NC)-Christians must continue to work for religious unity eve!) though there is no guarantee that their 'efforts' wilt be successful, a theologian said here. "Perhaps it is God's will that the ecumeniCal movement is to bear its final fruit tomorrow, next "Don't ~xpect to convert the year; next century, or next world if you work hard enough millenium. Perhaps it is' and pray hard enoukh. This does God's will that' it will be not mean that you should not work and pray; but it does mean that you and I must' leave sults in the hands of God."
'barely, partially or h:emendo'usJy successful," said Fatner' Fran:cis L. Filas, S.J. in the Illinois,
Father Filas, chait'man of the ,theology department at Loyola University, Chicago, told the convention of the Christian Family Movement that no, one knows where the ecumenical movement 'will lead. Charitable ActioJi dAs far as human lights go, it I!leems that,the only step that can \he "taken at present is the charJitable action of trying to under'stand the sincerity of the other parties," he said. , He said such an attitude in'il'olves "speaking to them kindly •.. cooperating with them .wherever no obstacle of conscience i1orbids, and thus ... erasing all base suspicions and hatreds that destroy the love of our neighbor;" The Jesuit stressed that ,the ecumenical mov~ment is "not something insincere." , He said the movement is not "clever method of ingratiating ourselves to non-Catholic Chris_ tion~," so tha~, later it would be possible. to. swoop down on them With bmgo and "hOlY w,ater ond scapular medals. Endorsing the proposition that '"the unity of the Church is the will of Qad," Father Filas cautioned against expecting too much from ecumenical efforts., "Don't ex p e c t overnight changes or even eventual complete changes in human nature, whereby the constant past pattern of human activities and In u man relationships would <ehange," he said.
htrvite Families'
Listener Library Three Years Old Marking the third anqi,versary of the Catholic Listener Library
in Taunton, Merrill A. Maynard, co-ordinator of the organization, ,which'seeks to provide spiritual tape recordings for the blind, has issued a report of accomplishments to date. Noting that the Library has moved to 171 ,Washington Street in Taunton, Maynard says that the new location provides a room for office and recording studio in addition to a storage and shipping Office. "Our Stations of the Cross record is in its second pressing. Qur tape masters for ~ set of' rosary records are prepared and we are antiCipu,ing the cooperation of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen to prepare the fou'rth,side--instruction and history." Future Needs .' Mr. Maynard says the Libz:ary needs high speed duplicating equipment to 'make it possible to provide extra t~pes for bo,rrowers. Fund-raising projects are still on an experimental ,basis. The group is aided by several priests, including Rev., James Lyons of Immaculate' Conception parish, Taunton, who is chaplain. Mr. Maynard invites all priests \)f the Diocese "to avail themselves of our effort to help them with' the blind and others in their charge who require spiritual co~peration 'with use of taped devotional exerci,ses and reading matter."
Yet) KC PCfley Families of Knights of Columbus members are invited to at- j tend the grand opening of the 80th s.upr.eme convention of the o~gantzation, !;llated for Sunday mght, Aug. 19 at the Statler H?tel, Boston. A pops concert Will be featured. Families are also invited to ~e convention Mass. at 9:30· ThUt'sday morning, Aug. 23, at Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston. Cardinal Cushing will preside IMld preach.
Three To Enter Re I·I9 .gO US Life Members of Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro, entering the religious life include Miss Dolores Charpentier, to become a postulant at the Holy Union Provincial House, Groton,' Mass. next month and Ernest Gaud.reau Jr., t~ enter St. Ma'ry's seminary in September to study for the priesthood for the Fall River' Diocese. ,Miss Charpentier, a graduate of Sacred Heart parochial school, • was a student at Bishop Feehan· High School and active in CYO . ,~vents., ., Mr. GaUdreau, a graduate of. North Attleboro ~igh. School, was active in the CYO and Boy ·~outing.
, Also from the paris!l is ~ister Mary Rene, the former Denise Pinsonnault, who made, her first profession as a Dominican Sister yesterday at St. CatherIne's Convent in Kentucky. She is a graduate of the parochial school and Dominican Academy, Plainville.
Begins Oregon Conversion .Program
EN T E R S BROTHERS: Robert A. Seguin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seguin, 37 Alfred Street, New Bedford, will receive the habit of the Brothers of Christian In· struction Wednesday, Aug. 22 in Biddeford, Me. A former stu'dent at Prevost High School, Fall River, Mr. Seguin graduated in June from L a Mennais Preparatory ~hool, Alfred, Me.
PORTLAND (NCj - Three' men who left' their homes and livelihood to join 'a new ~postol_ ate are working in Portland (Ore.) parishes tG bring as many as 100 conversions a year to each parish. The men are Dave Killen af Seattle; Robert Greger, Edwardsville, 111., and Roy Wolff of Milwa·ukee. ' They explained their work as parish advisors specializing in conversions. The trio has completed a year-long training course offered by the Institute of Lay Theology at the University of San F.1'ancisco to prepare men for what is becoming a new profession
Mission-Sending. Societies To 'Have Anti-Red 'CoJ'~Je WASHINGTON (NC) - A nar will de-. .,ith methods 01. former communist and a cardi- trainin.. 1 ~~ders for work against nal will, be among the speakers .'communism. The convention will ,open at the 13th anntial meeting of U.S. mission-sending societies, September 17 with an evening to be' held here Se ph~1Tlher IT Mass offered in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conto 19. Between 800 and. 1,000 priests, cepiion by Auxiliary Bishop Religious and ~aymen repre- Fulton J. Sheen of New York. senting more than 170 mission- After the Mass he will present ary groups are expected to at- the annual Worldmission Award, tend the meeting in the Shore- given to a lay person for distinguished service to the missions. ham Hotel. ' Bishop Sheen, who will preJoseph Cardinal Ritter, Arch'bishop of St. Louis, will address side at the convention, is na, the convention September 18 on tional director of the Society for "The True Missionary Nature of the Propagation of the Faith and director of the Mission Secthe 'Church." retariat, s'ponsoring agency for Also speaking to a September the mission-sending societies' 18 session of the' convention will meeting. . be Douglas Hyde, former ediClearing House tor of the communist London Daily Worker and now a CathThe secretariat, which has olic journalist, author and lec- headquarters here, is a clearing turer· in for information and services relating to U.S. Catholic Training Leaders foreign mission work. Its exeHyde will als,o conduct a special intensive 'seminar for, cutive sec ret a.' y is Father Frederick A. McGuire, C.M. missionaries on the, two days Theme of this year's meeting after the convention. The semiwill be "Total I n vo I vern e n t through Communication." An explanation 'of the theme bY' the Mission Secretariat said: "Our efforts should be directed toward involving all of our Over 500. couples from the Catholics in this mission of th~ New England area, including Church by communicating to several couples and chaplains them the full and 'tomplete confrom Attleboro .and Fall River cept of the Church - the Mysunits, attended the second bien- tical Body of Christ." nial convention of the Christian Family Movement at Newton College of the Sacred Heart. The Ohristian Family Movement, which fosters Christian initiative in family and community life 'has a national mem_ ' COUNCIL FATHER:, St. bership of 60,000 couples. Keynote address was given by Ambrose, .Bishop of Milan D~mald J. Thorman, author of who died in 397 was a fore- . ,"The Emerging Layman," cur'most doctor of the Church rent Catholic book of the month. Special convention guest was and a bitter opponent of the RE;v. Thoms J. Riley, auxil. Arian heresy which was con- . Most iary Bishop of Boston.
CFM Couples· At Convention
demned finally at the First Council of Constantinople in 381. NC Photo.
co. Heating Oils. ~ of the Legion: of __ 'and Burners their families will ~
Legion of Mary Sets Annaud Outing Date ~ Members Mary' and hold their annual outing Sunday, Aug. 26 at Our Lady of the Lake Camp, East Freetown. James E. Lenaghan will be in charge of games. Legion members of St. M;ichael's parish, Fall River, note 243 visits made during the last report period. Members also prepared census cards and did other parish clerical work. '
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THE. AN('W",O_ Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962
Papal Volunteers '/forking To Save Latin America
Of Socia~ Actgon
WICHITA -(NC)-A U. S. . nurse serving in Latin America believes the situation there isa fluid one in whIch
Qn So. America MONTEViDEO (NC) A genuine atmosphere of Catholic social teaching is neede~d in Latin America according to the general secretary of Pax Romana. Thom Kersteins of the Netherlands also declared here that too much stress is being put on communism in Latin America, ah emphasis that could increase SENSIBLE SIGN: This billboard giving advice to parishioners about to take off for its danger. ~ Summer vacations is posted near Mt., Carmel Church, Jersey City, N.~. NC·Photo. Dangerous Tendency Whaf is truly important, he said "is 'to create a genuine cli®~®o/QffiB@[{)) mat~ of Christian social doctrine. . It is necessary not to exaggerate NEW YORK (NC) - The Sept. 2 and 23. Bishop John J. on the efforts of the Organizathe importance of communism, 'of Pittsburgh will be tion for the Southwest Communrole of Catholics and the Wright since it is already experiencing the guest on both.. ity. This group aims to preserve an internal crisis throughout the Church in soCial, life, ,with The New York program will the character .of a neighborhood world." emphasis on steps. taken to' feature the house of hospitality by having all groups make up a He stated that communism is develop Christian justice, will be of the CathoBc Worker Mo've- fully integrated community. It unable to solve the problems featured on the "Look Up and ment and the communal farm on will be seen, Sept. 16. which its propaganda takes ad- Live" program!! <>.0 CBS-TV each' Staten Island operated by movevantage of. Sunday in September. ment members. Dorothy Day, Texans To Continue The serieS, filmed in Pitts- cofounder and '~itor of the 'Kersteins said lie noted in Latin America "a dangerous burgh, Chicago and New Yqrk, Catholic Worker, will be interReligiou.s Program tendency to' everything or will be broadcast each Sunday viewed. The' program will be AUSTIN (NC)~A Texas Assonothing. ,This is dangerous be- at 10:30 A.M., EDT. Produc~ by broadcast; on.Sept. 9:' ciation of School Boards spokesthe CBS, News Department in cause the, people lose interest Chicago Episode man says a "God and Freedom" cooperation' with the National ~hen no immediate results are The Chicago episode will focus program to be 'run by a minister Council of Catholic Men, the In sight." in Texas public schools this Fall series will be seen on a delayed Last Warning .. Boston Doctor Wins will continue despite the U. S. He cited as an exampie for the basis in some areas. Supreme Court's decision against' Bishop Wright area the tasks undertaken by Pope John Award official prayers. Two programs were filmed in Catholic students in India, who , 'BOSTON (NC) - Dr. Eugene . Donald G. Hugent, association eombine their studies with man- Pittsburgh. They will be SeEm on G. Laforet of Boston has re- executiv.e director also reported ual labor to build" roads and thus ceived the Pope .John XXn(In- Texas school boards do not plan' come in contact with the peas,,: ternational Prize for Medical any changes in school religious Catholics File Appeal antry. Ethics from' the International exercises. Most Texas public schools ''This,'' he asserted, "is a posi-. For School' Bus Rides Congress of Catholic Doctors. have daily prayers or' Bible tive example of what can be Dr. Laforet was honored for OKLAHOMA CITY (NC)' done in the'sphere of social evo:" Parents of Midwest City' paro- a paper on "The"Hopeless; Case" reading. The "God and Freedom" camlution, which' is plainly more chial school'pupils have appealed read at tlie 10th triennial meetfruitful tha'n 'revolution.' Th.e to the Oklahoma Supreme Court ing of the congress,' held in paign, to be run by Dr. Walter -Kerr;a'Tyler Methodist minister, Marxist revolution attempts' to allow their children to ride London. His paper maintains' everything but the social eieva- public school buses, arguing that calling a dying patient will include spiritual instruction tion of the people. Europe, Chi':'3 . that their school performs' a : "hopeless" is "to his detriment, during s.chool hours, directed by students. State Edu<:ation Com-' snd Cuba prove that." public function and buses are for and 'inhibits the progress of missioner J. W. Edgar has .apHe emphallized the Cuban the, safety of the youngsters. medicine in general." ' I'egime of Marxist Preinier Fidel Dr. Laforet feels that when proved the program. In a formal brief .filed with Castro is a last warning to the the court, "the parents asked a death appears near it is better people of Latin America, and' reversal of a District Court de- to err on the side of active treatEnter Carmelites ~d~: \ " Miss Ma~reenCorreira, daugh,:" cision which stopped the "good . ment. But he also told the conAdvance Evolution' ter' of Mr. and. Mrs. Manuel neighbor" practice of carrying . gress that the use of costly and Correira, 105 Oregon Street, Fall parochial school pupils -on the painful means of adding a few "It is necessary that CatholicS undertake with daring and cour- Midwest City public' school. hours of life is not in keeping River, will enter the Carmelite with Christian charity. Sisterh~d 'in September. age the development and coor- buses. dination of their activities. If Stating that,Midwest City is a they join their efforts in all metropolitan area, with serious fields toward a united, advanced traffic problems and many safety planning, they will attract peohazards, th1! parents' brief reple's attention and als0 that of quested the court to "recognize political leaders. Then such the right of Independent School , plans could change into the 'ev- District 52 to better provide ~or olution' that would far outdisthe safety needs of thosechiltance the 'r\evolution'." dren who attend the churchrelated school by permitting" them to ride the public buses. Catho~c _Thought
prospects for peaceful progress can change overnight.' Margaret Lies of' Wichita, home on a brief vacation from northern Brazil, where she ...served as a Papal Volunteer for Latin America since June, 1961 recalled the statement of, Father Edmund Leising, O.M.I., of Sao ,Paulo, Brazil that 2,000 people are lost to the Church every day
in that country alone. Sees Revolution But· more optimistically Miss Lies cited a statement by Father Clement Weirick, C.SS.H., Amazon River missionary, that ."00 things are going now, there io great hope.. We have priests, Sisters, lay people working hard for the progress of Latin America and conditions 'are getting better." However, the road ahead will . not be' easy, according to MiSll Lies. She quoted Father Weirich as saying: "Revolution will corrie. If the people stick with the Church, they will benefif by the change." •She n~tea th~t every nation ira . I ,tin America is making ~ de. cision. There is great danger that some will go like Cuba but there is aiso great' hope that some will shake off the old pattern and take' up the wise and progressive measures <}u tlined in Mater et Magistra." . ' , Red Infiltrations The lay mi~sioner stated thaa communist study clubs arid" communist infiltration in the schoo! system are commonplace"' 1111 northern Brazil. But she emphasized that there has been a vigorous response to the Papal Volunteer programS 'on the pari of the youth. Some y'ouths from the best families have asked to become Papal Volunteers, she reported. Miss Lies was a member of tM first group of Papal Volunteers who arriv~ in South America in June 1961.
Course· at Temple PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A course in contemporary Catholic thou'ght will be offered in September in the newly established' department of religioJ;l at Temple University, a private institution here. . Open to graduate and undergraduate students the course will be conducted by Harold 'R. Bronk Jr. assistant pJ,"ofessor of theology at LaSalle Colleg~ .con_ ducted by the Christian Brothers here. Bernard Philipps, chairman of Temple's religion department, said the course is 'designed to cover work of the 20th century ip.tellectua~ life among Catholics in literature and the arts as well as in theory and philosophy and "to provide a basic introduction' to the content of Catholic religious thought by readings· and lectures He said the course may be taken for scholastic credit.
Consecrate Helena Bishop on Aug. 30 HELENA (NC) - Most Rev. Raymond G. Hunthausen will be consecrated as the sixth Bishop of Helena on Thursday, Aug.,30 • at St, Helena cathedral here. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the U. S,,' will be the consecrator. Bishopdesignate Hunthausen will succeed Bishop Joseph M. Gilmore who died last April 2•.
Benedictines Plan Denmggk MCIl'iHt!lsftoeIi'Y' CONCEPTION (NC) - Benedictine monks at Conception . abbey 'here in Missouri have decided to build a monastery in Denmark, according to' their, Abbot, Anselm Coppersmith, O.S.B. ' .. The decision has' been made following an invitation extended by Bishop Theodore Suhr, O~S.B., of Copenhagen. Bishop Suhr, a recent visitor to 'the community, told of the great need and opp.ortunity, for a monastery in Denmark, which has not had Benedictine monks since the early 16th century. Bishop Suhr recalled that 'there are only 27,000 ;atholics in Denmark in a tofal population of about five million. The monks, who will occupy quraters provided by BEhop Suhr in Copenhagen' until their monastery is completed, will seek to establish' contacts with members of the nationally predominant Lutheran Church..
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TRAVERSE CITY _(NC)-The Michigan F.ederation of Citizens. for Educational Freedom said here it has asked each of the state's candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives to fill in a' questionnaire on Federal aid to education.
Fall River
155 North Mail7D SO.
Telephone OSborne 5-7811
Supreme Pontiff Marks 58 Years In Prijesthood CASl'ELGANDOLFO (NC) -Pope John has observed the 58th anniversary of hig ordination to the priesthood
One-Nun Art Show Enchants Summer Visitors To .Holy Union Provinctal House, Fall River :
By Patricia McGowan , A one-nun art show has been entrancing Summer visitors to the Holy Union Provincialate ~t 520 Rock Street, Fall River. It's the work of Sister Mary Teresita, .S.U.S.C. and represents projects und'ertaken during the past three years at Seton Hill College, Greensburg, Pa. Siste! Teresita graduated from the institution in, June and come Sep" tember will be on the faculty of the new Taunton Memorial High ~hool for Girls.
by offering Mass in the Castelgandolfo audience hall. Large numbers of priests and seminarians from various naHer exhibit, displayed in a tional colleges in Rome, including North American College, spacious ,hallway at the Prowere present to hear the Holy vincialate, includes work in enamel, oil paints, clay, metal, Father say: "We take advantage, of this tempera, pencil, linoleum block, happy occasion to encourage you silk screen, ink and charcoal. to participate in the holy' joys. Three dimensional media are of the meetings of the (ecumen- clay, 'mosaic, papier-mache and ical) councIl, which seeks to be various other craft materials. Favorite of Sister's fellow-rea real splendor of heaven, a direction for life, and, above all, ligious is a clay statile of Our a definite and efficacious guide Lady of the Holy Union. "They like the back of it best," and a conquering apostolate." Ite stated that '~Jesus continues chuckled Sister. She has fashHis ministry through His priests; ioned the back of Our Lady's He still guides His sheep and veil and shawl after the style of seeks them out and brings them the Holy Union habit. Striking is a charcoal' selfback on His shoulders to the . portrait. "It's my school face," fold." said Sister, describing the serious Universal Church pose. She' has taught ,second Turning his attention to the graders at St. Joseph's School lack of ':::hristian unity, Pope in Taunton, and hopes to have John asserted: "Unfortunately-art classes at the high school. ' and Weare aware of this reason Her "one-nun show", is defor sorrow -- through the ,centuries part of the flock of stined to demonstrate various Christ has been dispersed, dis- techniques to high school artists. j1":('rsed somewhat throughout the What is her own favorite whole world. These individual medium? "It's hard to say," Dnd collective separations are in mused Sister, "but I do love clay eon tradiction to the last prayer of because you can feel it taking Christ to the Father: 'That all shape under your hand -- you have direct control of it." may be one.' Fun Things "While We were intent on She confesses, too, to a fondprojects of ,rebuilding the pastoral order," the Pope continued, ness for "fun things" such as "there immediately came to Our Louie, a what _ is - it animal fa s h ion e d of wire drawn ~ars the voices of those people who, though not yet belonging through drinking straws and 00 this single flock, expressed co vel' e d with papier-mache, the wish--first with an almost then adorned with sequins. A furtive yet confident tenderness fat pink pig made of a papiermache covered balloon is also Dnd then later sincerely and generously -- of hearing and a favorite. A sculpture of a soaring bird seeing,' of feeling themselves understood within the embrace entitled "Flight" is represented ot charity, and this made Us by photographs. The original is ii'c''('1 how much of their spirit still at Seton Hill. "The' Holy eon draw close once again to the Ghost?" queried an awed visimaternity of the Universal tor. "No," returned Sis tel': Church." "That's Marty."' Seems that she met with trouble when putting Day of Lord The Pope added that "charity finishing touches on the. project ro the mysterious force which and applied to St. Martin de prepares the day of the Lord." . Porres for heavenly aid.' When the work satisfied her, she "Beloved sons, 58 years have named the bird Marty in gratipassed," said the Pope, "but the tude: ' heart is po older, and the tenMost of Sister's work is in derness of that day, of those il'ntraditional forms, but she has pressions, the clear memory of included a few abstract studies. the intentions undertaken imd "They mean what you want maintained through the goodness them to" she tells visitors and of the Lord, are still an ineffable she enjoys collecting differing ond untold joy." interpretations put on the same picture. Students at Seton Hili learn ~@JgiGll@W PfT@V8d& versatility, said Sister. She has ~[}u(!Jj9'®@)= P~@1nl made her own frames for her SAGINAW (NC) -- Some 312 pictures and can wield power students from seven Catholic woodworking tools as handily high schools in the Saginaw Val- as paintbrushes and the potter's ley will take at least one course wheel. Nor are her talents limited to . in neighborin~ public schools the field of art. She is fluent next year. The 'students, who relYesent in Spainsh and otaught the almost one-fifth of the enroll- language at Summer sessions this year. ' rnen~ in their schools, will attend The Holy Union community shared-time courses in drafting, horne economics, physics, art, is eagerly awaiting arrival of electronics, industrial shop and a very special project that Sister completed in spare moments Spanish. . duril)g ~er last year at Seton Father Olin J. Murdick, Sag- Hill. It is ,a four foot copper inaw diocesan superintendent of crucifix, suitable for use in a schools, said: "The public school chapel. Only problem -- \}'hich authorities in virtually every Holy Union house will be its' part of the diocese have shown fortunate recipient? willingness to cooperate with local parochial school adminisLuther'ans Designate tra~ors in sharing the facilities and services which the public Council Observers school provides." GENEVA (NC)--The Luther,an World Federation, which has a membership of 50 million persons in 30 countries, has named Unity Commission two theologians as delegate-obATLANTA (NC)-Three layservers to the forthcoming Sec~ men, a laywoman and eight ond Vatican Council. priests have been named to form Dr. George Lindbeck, associate a Catholic Commission on Unity professor of historical theology in the Atlanta archdiocese. at Yale Divinity School and Dr. "As the tempo of church 'his- K. E. Skydsgaard, professor of tory increases. with the coming systematic theology at the UniVatican council, it is essential versity of Copenhagen, will repthat the archdiocese has its·own resent .the federation at the official instrument of unity," October Rome ~ouncil. They are Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan regarded as experts in the sphere said. . 'of Protestant-Catholic relations.
CAR~ON COPY: Sister Mary Teresita, S.U.S.C. with charcoal self-portrait done af3 part of work for art degree at Seton Hall College. The Holy. Union religious will be on the faculty of the new Taunton Memorial High School for <iirls. .
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 16, 1962
Celebrezze Has No Opinion Yet 'On School Aid WASHIN<iTON (NG) The new Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare is not ready to give an opinion on Federal aid to. parochial and other private schools. Anthony J. Celebrezze, former mayor 0c£ Cle'veland, told a press ,conference that President Kennedy did not ask his views on Federal education aid before appointing him. College Level While avoiding the controversy over Federal aid to schools below the college level, Celebrezze did say he ravored U. S. assistance for college construction although he is "not too optimistic" that such legislation will be adopted by Congress this session. He reported he favored Federal loans as the "means of assisting colleges. The college aid, bill now is tied up in negotiations to produce a compromise between House and Senate versions. The Senate bill wQuld extend loans' to all colleges; the House measure would give colleges a choice of either loans or outright grants. Additional StUdy Asked his views on proposalg for Federal aid to elementary and secondary schools, public and private, Celebrezze replied: "I haven't quite had sufficient time to complete my studies on this matter." As to whether President Kennedy checked his views on Federal aid before naming him, Cel_ ebrezze said: "AU he said was, 'I want you to come down to Washington al1tl take (Abraham) Ribicoff's place.' The President 'didn't ask my views on anything." Celebrezze, who was SWOI1'£iil into office on July 31, is the 17t!J:l Catholic to serve in a U. S. prroidential cabinet.
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HOOD PINEAPPLE-LEMON WHIRL ICE CREAM Cools you off from the iHside out ••• a sassy mix of sun.mellow, honey-sweet pineapple highlighted with whirls of tart lemon. Here's the summer cooler that makes you sit up an,d take seconds. Serve new Hood Pineapple-Lemon Whirl Ice Cream tonight - on sale now at your Hood dealer.
. THE .. AN<::,I-!OR-Oiocese of Fall River~Thurs" Aug. 16; 1962 "'. ...
Care Enough'
. ,
, :.
The President 'of Fordham University, Jesuit Father Laurence J. McGiriley,' placed his fil)ger on a cruCial area when he said recently that one, of the major problems of the western world is finding ,citizens "who believe enough' . to ~are. " , ,,'.. ," The path of I~as.t re·sistance isa well-travelled one, ann the allur~ of tr~n!,!ie~t values--pleasure, ease, prestige, the easy w~y-is a strong one. ' " Many persons drift into evil not because they loVe evil' but" because. they do not.Jove 'good enough, they ~o no~ care . enough.. Unwholesome situations exist in society because : people; good' people wl.lo are horrified aLthe evil they See· around them',. still do not Care enough to try to make some changes. ' . - _ ,",' Anyone who h~s ever'. spoken with a group about bad literature or distasteful movies recognizes the expEn~ierice. Every person in· the group agrees that these -are unhealthy and would not be tolerated in his own home. No on~rises up in indignant wrath to support these elements. And yet, nothing is done. Because people somehow do not care enough to use the American way of speaking out in protest. . History tells the story again and again of the pol"ers of evil conquering not by their strength but by default, by the refusal of good people to care enough. Yes, people must examine their motivation, 'and be moved enough by their beliefs to care enough. This they , must do in their personal lives, in their family lives, in their social lives as members of a community' and citizens of a nation; A greeting card company has as its'slogan, "For people who care enough to give the very best." This could well be adapted to the great vocation of living, ~d~people should care enough to do their ve)'y best. .
.Council. By Rev. Wm,. F•. Hogan,C.S.C. .. .. _ ~one~iH .~""" .
From Past to Puiure
.> -When orle looks back ·ov_
· the various ecumenical cou·" · cils, it is evident that eada .', cOuncil had a character alHl
.a history
all its' own'. Each' had, so to speak, its special personality and . this was due to · the fact bhat the · problems which faced these councils w ere alldifferentand were bound to ' have an effect on the council itself and the men who composed them. Pro- I" cedur~ varied in the ,councils ·over the cent~ri60 · as the Church, and consequen~ the councils grew larger. We can, therefore, expect th~ CW~th the 21st council, soon .to begim;, will be different from its prede.By. REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University cessors; for the crises and attf,.. . tudes of the 20th century diffE!(? from those of previous agesof our' loneliness and helpless- secularism, communism; etc. TODAY - St. Joachim, father ness without God. Not to make Pope John XXIII describ~ A bright note rising' above the tensions' of Africa an~ of ihe Blessed Virgin Mary, Con- us somber, but to heighten our the aims of tbis council in hio Asia is the development and strength of t,he Church in these fessor. We are part of a wor- . rejoiCing and thanksgiving, to first encyclical letter: the growfi!:! important continents. . shiping community of· men increase our appreciation Of His 'ol the Catholic' Church, the i'Qo . rt· t I e d ' d' t th te of which goes back to Abraham, free gift. of grace in Christ . newal of the spirit of the gospdl A 'missIOn 'repo JUS re eas mIca es e ra father of the faithful, and looks Jeli\us. in the hearts of men everywhe'Il'Q growth 'and it is most encouraging, The figure~ are impres- . to a future universality of which .: and the adjustment of Christian sive apd give testimony to the zeal of missionaries and the we do not know the extent:'. MONDAY-st. Bernarll.· A1t- discipline to the needs of modi-> generosity of those who give to support their work. But--. The Church desires and wills boi, Doctor. Make sure you pn!- ern day living: These aims 00 above all else--the'striking growth of the Church .in these to be coextensive with the serve the savor of. the salt you·' such are pecqIiar to the new . lands points to the grace of God, for it can never be· for- human race. So lOday's Mass in ,are, let the light you have flame· .council 'and will give a disti~ honor of the father of Our .Lady, . up .and illumine, Jesus teaches color and character to it. .gotten that Faith is a free gift of God that cannot be giveR with its mundane genealogy -in today. in His, saving Word. So Rapid Transportation by.anyone else: As Christ has said, "No man comes to me the Gospel, is no accident. The we ask Bernard's intercession,' The' 20th century offers greaWi' ~nless the Fat'b'er draw him." -. '. good n~ws is for concrete men . -who preached' and taught and facilities than the centuries 'pai;Q It is. good. to see· that· the Father is drawing so many and families and nations, not'for 'eriticized:so faithfully and lov.:. for ·assembling· an ecumeriic6l VW'oples of these emerging continents to His' Church. ADd dise~l,>odied spir~ts. And . ~ ,ingly. When he told ·ttle Pope council. Whereas In the past 10 p~ • I' I . I ' . h Ch . h" A"":'-- ChrIstIan commumty at worshIp that he should, have about him often required· 'months meye10 I. partlcu ar y Important e ement In te ure In .1C.R;A,' prays for the whole .:human ,the instruments of the plough- to deliver the invitations to 0 ~nd A~ia is the presence of so many' native bishops aDd family. '. . " - man' and' of' hard work rather eOuncil; today with telegrapO priests, ", ,. .. than.. the instruments of kingly- and telephone they could bQ When families give their sons to the priesthood and ,TOMORROW - Si. .·R3/aein.... : power~ and' majesty, . he wasn't :::i;~itted. in but a matter (l(l their daught~rs to the ~onvents, then this is a sign of spirjt- Confessor. The problem is not ,mere~y.trying to, shock. He was . Rapid means of .transportati<OO:l . . how· anyone got a name like .sharing. with the community oi , 1llal maturity and moral health and vigor. It points 1;()whole-' Hyacinth. The 'problem' is how Christians that wisdom (firs& ,join even the most distant'pam aome family life and a generosity of spirit that will be satis. we can resist putting our trust reading) which is of God. '. . of the world to Rome, the centea · tog God . of Catholicism. Those prelat«J f led on1y by thegif t 0 f everyth'm . in possessions and in things (first ,TUESDAY-st. Jane' Fra_ who in. the past might have beeD And so, despite the maw difficulties obvious to thOse reading) and cleave, in, the first .- ...e. ~ani8I,Widow. As th~ Go&- prevented from attending a gen.watching the' new 'nationS of- Africa and Asia corrie into place, to God-how ~e eaQ keep pel teaches us that the life of . erai coimc'il on this scOre woulil their own, these are relie.ved by bright spots. A~d the the watch and be ready w!tenhe the k'ingdom is a'happy combi:" 'nof'be faced with such ptoblemo comes (Gospel). For this is the . , h h th bl position of the Church·in these countries is one such. nation'of the new and the old, today, alt oug 0 er pro emo Way we "confess" hi~, this is the Ii treasure which demands adult may very well prevent bish01l'l e e '. way we bear witness. This is the disc~rnment and judgment, 80 from attending. $ '. . message that "gets a~ross," .not , the first reading gives' us a praeThis conveni~nce and .ease aI . .... . . ..' , only when we worshIp but. also ti al ... 1 h ld . th It IS a good, SIgn that so many non-CatholIc relIgIous. whe'n we work and play; . c example of such maturity' Nave's ou gIVe e ecumene . h . . 1 f 1" M in· its tribute to a holy. woman. ical council an even more unioIeaders are speaking about te essentIa sore Ig~on; any Such real devotion is never. COD- versai appearance than in the of their talks are dedicated .to stressing the essential eJeSATURDAY - :Mass 'of fused with a mere traditionalism p~st, although it is by DO means ments and are brushing aside those non-e88entials that Mary on Saturday. "And I took or attachment to habitual ways. necessary that thehierar~ serve only as rallying points of dissension. root in an honorable people," "Blessed are they who walk in from all over the world be presIf this type of thinking continues, and there is says the :irst reading, applying ·the,law of the Lord," sings the ent in order that a council be ' t this' Old Testament passage to entrance psahn. His w:ays are ecUmenical. reason to believe that it will, these leaders will see t h a Our Lady. SQ tbe Christian's not necessarily the ways we have Well Organized religion comes down to three essential components--a creed. roots 'are in the Church and es-' known or the ways 'we have One question frequently bein which one believes, a code that one must follow, a cult Pecially in the com1J1unity at l i k e d . ' fore the minds' of men these
C'fhnouq.h. thE WEEk
thE ChWtch
Bright. Note
. t laI' , S.peak1I1g 0f Essen
by which one worships God and is drawn into communion with Him. .' , And as the prejudices and customs of centuries are un..' derstood for what they are, perhaps, under the guidllnce of God.'s. grace, there will come about more agreement on these three components. Non-Catholics will understand what . , Catholics mean by these. And non-Catholics themselves will understand more clearly what they themselves hold ,and will see in h9W much, they agree with. Catholics and wherein they differ. v
@rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic ~rells of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland f'venue . Fall River, Mas8~ OSborne 5-7151~' PUBLISHER
MOlt Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.
Rev. Daniel f .. Shalloo. M.A.
Rev. John P. Driocoll
Hugh J. Golden
:;o:~~i~n~:i:~s~:s:ed:'i~::WEDNEShAY-The Imma~ ,=:sc'ti~~~:r~at~~:nd~~~~~~. our consecration through Baptism in Jesus Christ. Here we should find tlie inspiration and vitality which continually give m;w sparkle to, the world and' which continually refresh the meaning of our life in the world. We need' our common worship for 90 many reasons. of
TENTH SUNDAY AFTER. PEN'i'ECOS.... Only. the humble man (Gospel) can "cast (his) eare upon the LoYd" (entrance psalm). The enemies of whom today's Mass speaks, ~ their assaults upon us, assaults of'sin, guilt, pain, are too much fOT man to bear alone. Yet the proud man stands alone, neither· admitting that his good works are the gifts of the Spirit (first read_ ing) nor able to confess (and therefore "cast")'his sins. Our Eucharistic celebration is our greatest teacher of the solidarity we have with one another and. of our free access through Jesus and in the Spirit to the Father of mercy. Its texts comllel confession, invite recognitioo
late Heart 0( Mary. The Blessed is impossible to give an answez, Virgin as type of the Ch~rC~' for: our historical survey has i~ symbol of the Church, is today' - dicated that counciis have lasted celebrated in terms which speak anywhere from a few days to la of her as the temple of the In- . 'years; as is the case of the COUDcarn,ation, as the meeting;-plac:e eilof Trent. , of God with man. So she draws One.can, however, surmise o~ thoughts and prayers to that that the forthcoming council wiD living 'community in which God be "better orgahized than it. and 'man still meet, iJ,'l which the . ~predecessors; for since the aDcovenant of our salvation iII'- nouncetnent of this council OIl . ever renewed, - the Mystical Jan. 25, 1959 p~eparations have Body of Jesus Christ. been made and commissions ap. Pointed, laboring ~ organize the Notre Dame Building agenda.. . . 13 S Lb W~th all this organization aDd - tory i rary the efficiency characteristic .,. NOTRE' DAME (NC) - The . the 20th century one can speo-' Kresge Foundation of Detroit. ulate ·that the council should has earmarked a $100,000 grant DOt last very long. toward cOIistrtiction of II 13The First Vatican <::Ouncil prostory University of Notre Dame gl'essed rapidly, despite the lone Memorial Library. speeches of some members, .. The $8 million library, sc'bed- view of the complexity of itlI uled for completion in the Fall a·gtmda. The coming council .. of 1963, will have a capacity of all appearances Is even betts" ,two milliOn volumes., The foun- 'OTganized and should mOllie dation's board of trustees speci- along. fied that the ·grant will be paid ,There iaa tendency on the when the university receives part of man' in the face of' the $7,900,000 in gifts for the libl'a17. Turn to Page Seven
Vatic'an' Coun~~1 ConHnued from Page si~ unusual, 'stich as ageneralcaUn_
Tragedy' Initiates :Services at "Sto 'George's, W '~.,'.t.p", f.t, B<.U.....t .' P r...ogperTLty Marks...present
e cll, to expect something ei-tra'., e . O.·.: .... orcH,nary. .Some writers have . .' . forecast that revolutionary mElaS.' ' , . ...' . . . ~y. VIS'. Rob~rts' ures will be taken in the"new ". , council, but this does not seem .' ':Tragedi brought about the' 'service in St.• George's Church, WestpOrt Factory,' to be .in· accordance with what history has shown us about .the but since that day in 1923 the parish has thrived and prospered. After laboring as pastor previous councils. . of the parish for many years, the Rev. Alfred E. Coulomb~ directed the: building of the The Church is not a ~ere new church. Shortly after its oompietion he was killed in a head-on auto crash on Route 6 human. organization and it does in Westport. The:chureh was '. not function in a purely human used for the first' time .at way. The divine element of the the' Requl·em·· Mass for' Father , ,~. Church must always be preserved 'intact and for this reason Coulombe. The first child to Holy Mother Church is slow to be. 'baptiied in': st. George's, make changes. Mrs. Albert Brulotte, was chosen No changes made in the past to burn the church mortgage at :have ever become revolutionary, a fete at Lincoln Park in 1950. • f for the Church wa~ established The church was designed by by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Joseph I. Higgins, Fall River Christ and must always remain architect. Romanesque in style, the same in nature as He co.nsti- it has many beautiful ornamentuted it. tations, including a lovely front .llll._.......- . . -,.,.,.-.. -1 Church Unchanged door. Accommodating 700 paTo be sure, some changes are rishioners, the church is 113 feet necessary in the structure of the long and 51 feet wide. The preChurch from time to time; but sent pastor is Rev. Lorenzo H. these modifications refer only MOrais, who has been at St. to incidentals and non-essentials. ~eorge's since July 16, 1951. The Church cannot emerge Other pastors who served the from this council as a new insti- parish after the death of Father tution, as some would have it, Coloumbe were Rev. Phillas L. or it would not be the Church Jalbert, Rev. Albert Masse, Rev. instituted by Christ; but there Joseph C. Bourque, and Rev. will undoubtedly be some adap- Alphonse Gauthier. tations to 20th century condiColumbus Day Job tions. In 1925 Father Jalbert overFor while the Church remains saw construction of a new parish unchanged and is timeless in its hall on the lot in the rear of essential nature, it is not behind . the church. Sisters of St. Joseph the times; periodically the from Fall River taught catechism Church has been modernized in for many years in the parish incldent;11 matters. hall before the present new: No Magic Remedy school was erected. Our investigation into the' past In 1955 the parish acquired councils and their history fur- :the former Esther Louise resther pointed out that no general taurant building fOr use as· a eouncil was able to immediately convent. Twenty parishioners. .,remedy . th~ problems wliich spent Columblis Day of' that ST. GEORGE'S, WESTPORT .faced the Churcll at the time; year painting the pretty convent . iior a general council does not which is near the church. of its nature produce miracles. Two hundred and thirty.young eight, rooms to accommodate , Classes previously were conIt may have formulated legismen and women from the parish 367 pupils,. grades one through .. ducted . at Westport Factory School and. in the parish hall. !aUon needed to correct and stop served in World War II. Their eight. . The school was blessed by the There' are U50 families in St. abuses; it may have encouraged names are inscribed on an honor men to a fuller living of the roIt which was dedicated and Most Rev. ·James L. Connolly George's parish. Confraternity Christian life and the practise unveiled at the church' in August 20, 1961. In addition to of Christian Doctrine classes are classrooms it, boasts . a . fully held for 100 public school chilof virtue; but no general council. 'November, 1943. ean for.::e ~he 'will of man. .' 'Prior to the building of' the equipped' auditoriam and prin- .. elren taught by the nuns and lay Thus a general council cannot. new' St. George's, services were .cipal's- office. and plans are in teacl~ers..Active organizations in the church include the Holy fmmediat~ly -or magic~lly rem- '. held. for many yea'rs in a small the offing for a basketball court , ~f ,the l1Is ,of mankmd. Man 'building on' 'the Head' of West- and other ·recreational facilities. . Name Society,', St.. Vincent 'de . WIth ,good will must fo.uow"the·'port Road, oWiled by the West- The. school is. operated· by· ·the 'Paul,Boy .SCouts . 'a'nd Cub Holy Cross Sisters. Scouts. .' !f;eachmgs of the council to ef- . ·port. Manufacturing Company. ,', " _ .' ·.The new church is of brick .feet the change. ..,; DependiJ on individualS" with stone decorating the facade. ., . To verify this we need" only' ··It 'has a Spanish tile roof, with; . cite· the condemnations of ra- 'a 'spire rising '60 feet from -the . tiorialism, materialiSm, etc." 'at front." ....' the First Vatican Council; I no St. George's is strongly conman' will deny that these forces 'structed with heavY steel b'ame\ , are still at work in the world . 'work and the nave has 40-foot ':~oday because men did not slif- . arches. Entrance is bya set of \ .. .. ficiently heed the Church's 'coo- circular steps. Situated on a 'demnation. . . slight bank, the church is visible · But we must not look at this . for a long stretch of Route .6. council idealistically and ex- . Parishioners are made up of pect an automatic immediate Nor~h Dartmouth and Westport and sensational remedy of the residents. . world's ills. The efficacy of 'the St. George and Dragon general council dep~~ds in great The white main altar of the Makes Any Room Dry i' nneasure on the indIVIdual Cath- church is centered with a' carand Usable. -~. . olics . wh~ will glady put into ving of the Last Supper with practIse Its decrees. " colorful angels kneeling at Lessons of History either side. Stations of the Cross Keep expensive tools. History has shown us the great . are brilliantly painted and the sporting equipment, appliances from beg<lod which resulted when ~en side altars are dedicated to. the ing ru'ined by rust and. corrosioJIL accepted and lived by conciliar . Blessed Mother and St. Anne.. ·decisions, individual good and In the sanctuary there are other M(j)U~! Protects costly cloth~ the good of the Mystical Body: ~s . -large statues of St. Joseph, St. lng, draperies, linens, books and manu·Q whole. .' Theresa' and the Sacred Heart. S4lripts from destll'uction by mildew alI1d One need 'reflect only on. the ·Paintings of many saints decor. mol~. tremendou~ benefits and revltalate. the high curved. arches of · .ization brought to the Church the church. S~@p' W£~~~G~ Prevent the after the ~ouncil of Trent with At the rear of the 'church is a warping of fnne furniture, woorlllworJ:t, its precision in doctrine and de" statue of St. George slaying the doors. crees of reform. dragon and an oil painting deHistory likewise has shown picting his feat is a colo~ul adj)fr@p' Stop the'blistell'ing US the harm, dissension and dis- dition in the entrance vestibule. and peeling oll painte(Jl ce!.lings and walRs. unity which res4lted in the early A highlight of the parish hiscenturies when men would not tory was ground-breaking for $~@~ '1I~'U'1f~OO@m Eliminate daIInJlD submit to the conciliar decisions St. George's School by Bishop by which they were obliged .and Gerrard. on October 25, 1960. rot that weakenS siani'S IlIlluli. beallDfJ. thus caused schisms in the The new school is located on a Church. . . four. and a half acre tract of C) COMPLETELY PORTABLE The Holy Spirit has brought ' land with a frontage of 790 feet Ci 5 YEAR' GUARANTEE · 'many far':'reaching graces and on American Legion Highway, · blessings to the Church on' the east of Forge Road, North West.e REMOVES AS MUCH AS 33 PINTS OF .. 'occasions of the 20 ecumenical .. 'port. The brick. building has MOiSTURE A DAY councils. Judging from the past:. '. .' . . we have every reason to expect ,. and hope for a multitude, of Chorch-Stcd'a Law' " blessings on the universal WASHINGTON. (NC) - An Church during the coming coun- .Institute· of Church"State Law cil, if we 'pray for them. These . has been established at Georgegraces' are not restricted to the town University Law Center. See Your Dealer or cOuncil members; they redound Staff . members will conduct to every member of the Mystical legal, historical, Political and Body of Christ. sociological studies into the proNext week: The Ecumenical priety and permissibility of Federal aid to education. CollDci1 and Ecwnenism.
·thu~s.. Aug.. 16. 1962
Note . Pub~i<\:ation Of. M~w VQ~ume By ·Dorothy Day. Members of this Diocese ·who have heard lectures by Dorothy Day on .her visits to this area are especially interested in' publication of her latest book, . "Therese," a "personal appraisal" of St. Therese of Lisieux. ' . Writing. froll) the background of her years with the Catholic Workers movement, Miss Day interprets the'life of the French saint with reference to the working class struggle of the time and with particular attention to the role of Therese's mother in the Martin family. "Perhaps the greatest advantage this life of St. Therese has," not the pUblishers, "is to be written by a woman deeply concerned to bring the message o~ the saint to those most in n~d of it. "The poor, the lonely • • these are the ones that Dorothy Day is especially concerned to reach with her book. The witness of her own life would lead us to expect a special sympllthy and understanding. "In her wise and quiet voice, Dorothy . Day shows us who Therese was, what she did, and! why we need her today." 0
Ca~hca;c Veh~!T@fl1ls -
Honor. AStl7'@I1U!lQ.!lh1 WASHINGTON (NC) - Tho Celtic Cross, high Catholic Wafi' Veterans' award, has been pr-esented to Marine Col. John Glenn, space explorer, to honol? the nation's seven astronauts. The presentation was made by Albert J. Schwind of Clifton., N. J., CWV'national commander, in Col. Glenn's office at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration !>uilding. Jameo W. Hafey, CWV national executive director, assisted. The astronauts were cited for " achieveme.nt in promotinG zeal and devotion to God; ccnm.o try and home." .
. 'n·fllN%~:'~·:·iF,:;~:~t·:::,~·~:.~,~;.X~,\.;
Slop RUST!
,::r-Alasktj': H-ospitol' N·earCompletion .'
.Don't ·.let Home, Sweet ,Home'
ANCHORAGE (NC) - 'I'he multi-million dollar Providence Hospital which will open here next month marks a peak in the Alaska mission endeavors of the Sisters of Charity of Providence. The new $6 million structure on the outskirts of Anchorage,· which will serve a population of 100.000 in south-central Alaska, will be ready for use in midSeptember. One hundred patients and 'twice as many employees will move into the new hospital from over-crowded" midtown old Providence Hospital which was established by the Sisters hi 1939. The new ·hospital is ranked· ail' one of the finest in the North- . west. It is an all metal and concrete, plant of three connected .units - the five-story hospital,' . utility and power house, and· tpe Sisters' convent with chapel. The . glist~ng blue and buff structure \ can be expanded from ·its present'l65-bed capacity to 400 beds while drawing on the· same service areas.
Be Robbed While You'.re Gone' By Mary Tinley Daly Is this Summer unusual in the number of burglarized homes ?Perhaps not. Nevertheless, it has and i~ can happen bere~ no matter where you live. You go away on vacation, take ordinary precautions to safeguard your . house, and return to a vandalized home. It is a frustrating feeling, to embark on vacations, y.,e to put it mildly, to find that· should like to suggest. these while you have been relax-. ideas, mostly .well known. some
perhaps new: . ing, thieves have broken in, Advise the post office to withDtolen your V'aluables. despoiled hold delivery of "junk mail" and your home. either forward the first class The r e has mail or· deliver it to a neighbor. been quite a If the post office is reluctant to. rash of this sort do this, ask. a neighbor to call Of thing.' not each' day and clear. your mailonly in our own box. Nothing can be more tell-, · vicinity' but, as tale thim an accumulation of we learn from this-and-.tha.;.outside· your door. letters; in other You. of course, cancel delivery parts of the of daily papers. milk. bread and lllOuntry. . eggs-from-the-country: What to do Leave your key with a trusted sbout it. as the neighbor who will keep an eye 1 ate Summer on the place and enter if emerBoston ·Priest tQ Dired/' vacation period 'draws near? gency arises. Don't leave the' key National Organization Here are a few tips gleaned under the mat, on the ledge over CmCAGO (NC) - ,FathEll' :!/rom the. experience of. others. the door or' other time-honored . Thomas J. McCabe. priest in the and from law enforcement "hiding" places. Boston archdioceSe, has beeliil· Ildficers. Arrange for a periodic cutting named ,to direct the Order oil "Don't leave 'cash money of the lawn, weeding and waterMartha, women's auxiliary Gil· about, no matter how 'carefully ing of flower beds, removal of the Catholic Church Extensiolil hidden." is the advice from offi- debris ·from trees in case' of Society; . , oors of the law. "That ~s the first storms. Father McCabe has been 8l')=> .Leave' a low wattage electric .(lbitig pro~essio.nal crooks seek. thorized to serve in this capacits? ' And they know wl:tere to look! light bulb burning, not bright t~ough the courtesy of Richard They . ~arch . fil~, behind 'enough to be noticeable in the Cardinal Cushing. Archbishop ofl oooks; under the paper in bu-· daytime, but furnishing a soft, Boston, who released' him from ueau drawers.' in dish cabinets; somebody's-home look at night. his St. Philip Nerl churckl , phonographs. AS' for a locked· Remember that, though ....Tis· . "'- thoey usua lY·Jus l ' . t pIC' . k thOa t WELCOME ·HOM·E·. ·Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krumeich,' in Wabim. .'. · ......x. pleasant. sure, ~o See one's name.: , As director of 'the Order 'fil : \!Ill and, make off with it.". in print". (Lord Byron), the re-of Akro~, Ohio, look on as their daughter Michele, 12, left, 'i'hisWllfl tI,orne.· out 'by the suIts of telling.the soCiety editor gets acquaInted .with her new"sister, Margaret, on~ of i2 Martha. he will assist" .over 6,000 0XPerience Qf,' friendS' whoSe - about your f~r.tbc!>ming trip can. Chinese orp'hans placed in CathoHc·.homesby. the Committee Cath9llc.. wo~en' iii ~upph.:ing tons of ve~ments. altar lineJ!fl , lLlOme burglar'ized i~' their. btl disastrous! You've no idea tlbse~ce> A'fock , was thro~~ how' carefully: th"oSe soCial noies' for ).tefug~e8, :N"atjonal ,CathoHc -Welfare Conference; NC ~n<!~ ~iJriilar iteplS'to 1~e6dy,bo~ missions throughout the, country. ~oug~ the. glass: of the front· are scaririee:fOr'.·tipS on who' is .' Photo. . . , . A gradua'h~of St. JOhn;s" Sem.. door.~e, 'ioor op~ned and -.the .:. going where and for how long. . iDary. -Brighton, .Father McCabe llwuse rI~ed. ~9thmg was. miss-. Wait 'to iri:Ipress' your friends , was ordained in, 1951· and serv~ flng. no' fmgefJ?ti{lts were m e~i- . until after you' get back. No "adasa 'resident chaplain at tOO alence, but dIsturbance. of. fIle vance" publicity,please. . Boston State Hospital from 19li@ ~ses, b~oks and bureau drawers ,- Good going; Safe trip, pleasant untill~l. . . was n~hce~ble. No cash, no lo~. va·cation,· and uneventful retum EAST ROCKAWAY (NC) - . Msgr. O'Reilly related. He Remmds us of· the "Autocrat honie' .' . 01. the Breakfast Table": . . On a wall i!1 a residence of the - plained: that __ he had lost his . East Rockaway Nursing Home voice as an indirect result .of "Put not your. trust in money Nuns' Formation Names is a large. autographed portrait 'tieing 'gas'sed during World War. But put your money in trust." .of Pearl. White. heroine of the', I in - France, while a chaplain. When you can't take it with Mother Cunningham , you,- leave it in the bank. MEQUON (NC) Mother' "Perils. of Pauline", and "Ex- with the 3rd Infantry Division,;';: Inspired Vacation is the time when all Mary. Regina' Cunningham, SU-', ploits of Elaine." silent picture . "I hadn't spoken in public for, l!!!! MlOlttN£ W.ILL Itinds of tricks 'are played. Like perior General of the Sisters of:. serial thrillers. the couple of "workmen" who· Mercy.· Bethesda, Md.• hali ·been··: The 'portrait is dated Nov. 27; several years," he continued,,, MAI\Il YOU WIM. I presentecf.. themselves at our. re':'elected to a second one-year': 1922. and a brief message above. - "but Seymour came over to me . .TWB PRESCA,IPTION, ., , house, asked if we had the key,. term as national chairman of the Pearl White~s signature reads: and said: 'This is your hour.'" WA6 F\U&O t« "To Father O'Reilly ... who Msgr.. O'Reilly .related. "I must ' 00 ·the house next door so they Sister. Formation Conference. '. ' eould "do a plumbing jQb the . Mother kathryn Marie. Supe:" has brought something into my have been inspired. Pearl White . '. . came' up' to .me after the diim'er" ~wner had ordered." . . rior General of the Sisters of life." There also is the :"deliyering a Holy ·CtQss. l\totre Dame, Ind.. Father O'Reilly;' 40 years'later, and said my little talk had done;: package" ruse: A'man comes will serve another year as vice is Msgr. Francis M~ O'Reilly, 82, something· for'· her, and' she' ..... 60 we "'NOW bearing a box, ostensibly for chairman.' retired Archdiocese of New wanted to see me." . ' IT'S WHAT THE DO(TOA delivery to a neighbor away on The Monsignor recalled. that The Sister Formation Confer- York priest. He knows the OADEREo.· vacation. A neighbor would, pre- . ence, organized in 1954. is a "something" ,to which Pearl Pearl White told him she had aumably have the key. So the volun'tary cooperative' move- White referred was 'the gift of 'been hrought up by an atheist delivery man . asks if he may .ment among American' sister- faith. He oonverted her. .father after .hei' Catholic mother 1IIliock the door. slip the package hoods. It seeks to raise the level • .The' incident that led to_ her had' died, at her birth. Msgi-. into the front hallway while you of training given Sisters. espe- oonversion. Msgr. OiReilly re- O'Reilly, gave. the movie serial wait in your own doorway. . cially teachers. It.. advocates coL- eall~, wliS·.almost. as dramaticqueen}nstrl,lctions. then baptiz~d . Within a few .seconds,he can lege diplomas' fOr all nuns be<- as' on~ of Pearl White's typi<;al her. S~ortly aft~rward. he re- . drop the. package'-an empty. fore they ~ cliff-ha'ngirig scenes. Miss White ceived her portrait and its mes-' . died in 1938: .. . sage of thanks. Forty years later earton ~ inside the· neighbor's front 'door. dash to'· a wind,ow 0.' La,'dy' of.Ang· It happened a ballroom of.:, it 'Still 9ccupies a prOUd .place . and unlock it, teturn the key to the Waldorf-Astoria .-Hotel in' among .the· mementoes. of the .' )'ou. pronto, with thanks for Announces"Festival New York City at a testimonial. aged priest. : . your con!lideration. Oniy that Annual ·parish··festival 01. Ow' , dinner for.a Dr. Seymour Op-, . Dight or several· nights later-, ia Lady' of Angels Church, Fall jlenheinier. an eye, ear, nose and'· the unlocked window used. River; will Continue 'from today throat specialist.· As precautions for those .about through, Sunday. Events. will in- .. ' ,. "Seymour was· treating me for ONE STOP clude' a youth· •night tonight, my voice, even thoug~ specialSHOPPING CENTER "Angelola" tomorrow night, and ists all over the country had told Japanese Sisters Open deliverY, of' penooes ~ hoines .me. I'd ,never speak again," .•' TelevlsioD • Fumlt~: on Saturday, Saturday night en_ Convent in' Germany· • A~pllanees' • Groeer~ COLOGNE (NC) - Eight Ja- tertainment will feature a _.Our Lady of Purgatory 1M AileD St., New Bedford panese Sisters have opened a "battle of music," i'efreshments, Members of St. Joseph' Sodal• WYmaD 7-93" . ·convent at Suelz, a suburb of prizes and a carnival. ity of Our Lady of Purgatory A solemn Mass is set for 1ll Church, New Bedford will re';' this German city. . The convent, which will even-. Sunday morning. All parish- ceive corporate· Communion at tually accommodate 18 SisteJ;'s. iOQers are asked to receive Holy 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, .. adjoins a kindergarten· at St Communion. A procession 'will Sept. 2 and will attend a follow-· Charles parish. Ground was be held ~unday afternoon at 2 ing breakfast in the rectory. 11 broken for the buildings by and carnival ·festivities will Franklin Street. 'J'he public ill Famoul Reading ·HARD COAL ~ , ~~n C~ .. Josef Cardinal Frings. Arch- follow~ .. invited. " ~EW ENGLAND ··COKE.. ~~ ~ bishop of Cologne, and Peter Cardinal Doi, Archbishop of Villa Fatima DADSON OIL BURr'lERS Tokyo, two years ago. The sixth annual festival of 24.Hour 011 Burner servlc.,:'" Since the end of World War the Sisters of St. Dorothy will _-~, 0~,," · D. close ties have grown be-' be held on the grounds of Villa h .." C areoal Briquets ~ ~.~.:s:;:-. tween the arc h d i 0 c e s e s of : Fatima. Taunton, from 2 to 8. Plumbing - Heciioll"dg i:lag Coal - 'Charc:oaU ~: ~~~ Colo g n e and .Tokyo. Every, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 111 Over 35 Years Christmas, a colle"ction is taken and 19. Sponsored by the Villa up in Cologne for the people of Fatima Helpers, the event is of Satisfied ServiCQ .Tokyo. Cologne's Catholics also under·· chairmanship of Mrs. ~c~ b\'Itlj). MAIN $i~fElEiJ' grant scholarships to all stu- Delores Aschiero. Proceeds will dents for the priesthood in benefit the novitiate and the IrGDD ~ivell' 0$ $-7~~7 Japan's 14 Catholic dioceses.'· .,. pUblic:is invited.
.. Retired Priest Recalls:, Conversion ·Of Movie: Queen Pearl White .
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t=~~l !-aE.
~~LL ~:-
, Thu~s.,· Aug.
Incre,ase. 'S"pousesz TeO'SfO:IlUI$, P!!oi.-S~
Rev. Francis Larkin, SS.CC.., has recorded 11 spiritual con1e1?ence for nuns ,in the chapel of the Sacred Hearts in. Fairhaven. ''The Sacred Heart and ReligioUS" will, be released this month on II long playing record by the Conference-A-Montb. Club, Carmelite Fathers, Engle-wood, N.J. Each month the Club sentfu long-playing yecords of spirituai talks' fa mare than 2700 convento throughout the world.
"Hciw d~ you, deal. with a wumatt' who' lta;s; no sense: oQ. fci1!' p1awt E-u-ery time, we: get iJ:I:OO\ 2JIT.\'aF.gUment»- my wife avold~
:1!' the: real;
our ~ and' braIning' it a]~ on during courtship' are all my faure. She says r never confide in. heJr~ bu.t how can, r when I
=. . maw tha.t, everyli.umg·
becomeS' ~ far her' mill wFte'Ell sIre'!; aut tv hurt: me' in a quauel1? N'o.w fihene'Sl sa lt1Jtm' to' talk about between us: that;. 1 Iook: far. eXcUsES not, to 'It 0> n.o·m.e efteJ:: wwk. This. ialtt.goodf01! the familJII,,'yet. what else. can. & maIl! do 'und'2!! the eD:cumstances.?' Pel'haps t ~e i m G s: t. hoPeful thing', abou:t. your situation.:,. Les>~" is: the fact. that yoa realize )"C"..w mal'1'ia~ illl in: very bad ahape-. Men 1.m parttcu1aJl are ~ ua1l~ slow tel recogn~ ~ symptoms of SerloUSl marital ~, eord and equally reluctant to' admi~ the troul3led sifuaacm won't ri'gfrt· itSelf if given sufii-, dent time., , , This is probably ()Wing to"tne lace that: men1iv worik. lla1tes tIiem away! firoIm the, li~ 81 good cfeaB 0£: the' tfuIe ~ . lWnSequenuy' p~"idCD tli;em, some escape: from' tem:e> domestiC: situati~ though J it. may also- be'related! to- me d'if:" . fercnt,m'arltal expectatlOl.W" dt:WcroA·l7.v IDem andl womem ,i'D,.
by cllied'gfug: tIP the: worst: of. m~--e:vem mistakes we made: . pa;6i~l.t vfctim of the sclflshn~ o~ ffmughtlemmess, of their l'ImlibaniliJ, Seco~ the pj:iimuly pur..
of tire: recitlal seeIm fo be
seIf-iunti:ficatio~ suggestfug that there wives; fuiVe 8J personali need:
to> prove t1Iebr h1ISl':la;m;fu' gullq'
ad tFremsel'ves:
' AItfioughl ¥OU', d'i{rn't: recogniZe: ft., ;vau:, reveal'edt aI!l impa~ clm? to the ps¥cl1ofugicaIi state' pronpting their conduct wl'!:em y~ mcntinned the recall, o~' mig;takes; made' d'al"ing counfulrlp. Because' mas1l: wom~ Ii;:. GUF. culture lleL1ISe: j;o, acImowled'ge thcllz :exu."ali~' anlt manage; to CQa.--eaI i1; WIde:' the guise of a seazcl1 fan' aff'ecti'on" YO\I:C' wife: ad many OthCIDS1 tI7 to avoid. f~ tIiehumilliitmg: iiret oit thcil! premoEftal sexua1 indfscr~ tiom;, by 1:P.lling; t1IeinselveB: tl'ta!: th:~ were. exploited!" forcedl m' cOOiJ2ra.:m;, acfedi. sg}lfust them will" and so> foJ::th.., In crder, b' preseJM!' this :fa1ge seff-image they not only must. keep tireir partn~ faulfs constlmtly' fu\ mlIIdl. llut can afford to, Itdmit" DO shorlcunrlngs izn, themselves. This attitude also explains their desire to hurt-what you
Nuns' Conferenc.e Now Record
By Father Johlm JL.' 'ITicm~ S.J.
&:st. Sociolon
16, 1962
Dorothea" Provincial Dies. in Rome . Word has been rereived at Villa Fatima, Taunton, provincial house of the Sister!} of St. Dorothy. at, th2 dea:th in. Rome of Mother OIaa Zama. first Provincicl of the United States. Born in Rome in 1873~ Mothe!" Olga entered tlie community in 1902. Sire was superior of the first American community ill New York City, then t:erved as pcovinclal unW 1947. ..Returnina to Rome. she Wa3 first assistant 10 the Mathe!' General Wlti1 191H wh:m ohcretired.
Sorority to Honor Catholic lawmaker NEAT KNITTER: Picking up
CLEVELAND (NC) -- Rep. Kathryn E. Granahan of Penno Sylvania will be awarded honorary membership in Theta Ph! Alpha, national sorority for Catholic women, in recognition of her efforts to combat di&tlrlbution of obscene literature. Mm. Granahan, chainnan 3f the House postal operations, sub_ committee, will be initiated Monday, Aug. 27 at the sorority's golden Jubilee convention here.
a' few knitting pomters
called their Jadil of. a, "setlSli of.' :fIrom ant ~on, "fine clothing:~ are a group of School fair play." Tll:ey. a1'e really SIsters· of' St. Francis. afternoo~ performance angry, 'and dissatisfied '. With of Ringling' ;Brotlie.§, )3'ai'!lum and BaHey Cireu$ in Omaha. OM' sooietTv .' ttIemsel~Bj but ~ tl'rey' can't, . ," . .'" .'. , _.-.11'- "'''''UJIlIeIi atlOrd to f3:ee' thm own share' in NC Phow. 4""""" -their iora-st sexual fail'urell, HO_' YO.' .1"-1" 4 ....... ~ r: have" for rentiml , ' " ~""'T , II uvn ... ~ define their husbands lI3' me· ~ tfia1i ~. present soltRfoll" sore SolU'ce Of' tl'lefr' Pl!OI:IIem, and OS sofutWn lIf' alP. YGur wt:te. tlIu3: feel justified! in! punishing' is- bound ta" resenf" your stiaJ'irtg, tb:enn by any means available; away from home lind; wilP read' There call' be' .little improveATLANTA, ~.NC.),--Archbishop conventi@ of the' CPuistian 4 accuniingly~ while- yoU'. y~ ment, in such marriages unfit'i are liltelY' to- ~bliSli' fiierut." , Paul J. 'Hallinan of. Atlanta told, Family Movement', Archbishop " 'AMI LV' fllEAT ~ ships. or falI' ilxtl7 liaJ)iflt tfJat: will these: wives: can, lionestIy ad'm~ southern leaders. o~: 1m interna... Hallinan declared futfJ.ers ancll' BAR~B:'Q CHfCKENS ~ prove ftarmfbF tol your'm:arriage. tttefr paaft. to; tIiem:s~l'ves IlIEd ae-, tiorraI Catholic, ll'Cti<m movement m.oi:he.rlf - of Christie families 'Pl'1~ best I can gfve-you,' cept tli~\leS> as:.they ~, , fo!: mazried.OOupiesl that the ~ wiIll find WlU'tn encouragement tmli'er the cfi'eum'st'am:es: & to· 1m otWer wordS', they' have to cycliea1J Mater et Mag.istga, 'iJ from POtre .1'01"01'11 .iw hia lOOnl!Ieek tr competent. tnarria'ge giVe upi' tM couyenient femm!ne "Ute most; pen~atfug~ ~et. tbe, encyclicaI. . .' FARMS CGiIIWclo1r lIt. onxm:, Whei1l seriotIS' pretense: thaft Bell! "'waS' somethmg: most praclicml 01' t1!Ie, . "The meaning af this' paplJi La WUlUngton 8\.0 'alrhaftD DIl)nTi~ 'prOblems remalnt lang' ddn'e t'o' tIiem,"' andl having', ae- . sages: 0:11 thiS; c:entury!~ teltclifng,'" lw" asserted' ..~ . JUft oft Rottte • 1UISOlved'" baf;h-, pa%trerltl tend li:I klTGwledged!, tne~' eq~Ii partiCfSpeaking at the southemdlreal tbrmtght. its Latin rangna~e amll 8mlumulak 8ucba backlog of paiifon hi. t1ie- liuml1Irng' weakWY 1-9318 . M ecclesIastical format to reaclil reuentmeni;, hum:. ~lfuglJ. and! ness~s. of hum~ nature, ma~ Watch foJ: SiCu the beart of modern man. 'Mater ~ that umaUy an' cjbjOO.! !W' cllifm to, speda1 priV1~. m Bishop, Sends Greetings : et.Magistra speaks: fu. OUl"·timea, Wblle out for • DriYe to, oUr tfmes, and tor· our' times.. tive outsider 'is needed' lUI! IJrgumenft;. To' ftc.'op' aI' 'l!F.o Iu'nte·.'ers· Stop at this Dellghtful Spot 8tore the"broICen. lines.·of ~ Mufaaf~ r' Yl It breathes the spirit> of' its au-' IIUlnicatiom..,,, 'Above ~, they mwm ~_ VOL!J:A lUillil'ONDA. ~ thor, Pope .1'ohn.~ PJ:actical, op. Hence tfte'. fOIIbwing remuu nwe: that. notliiitg is more de- Young. people who- jio la~ m»- timistic mood wnose source is er.e meant'to serVe oill»' as a lCfu~ stmrc:tive or. madtaI. uni~ tbaa, siimary wori: "'speak onlT trw,: Cbdstian, hope'.... oIJ. ~mm~ an. W'h:af1 I reg~. to ~. Imowl.'edge.' confided fa. lofty' :I:a:ngtrage of' C!Iristiam ehlmAzcl:ibtslloP B"allinau stateet - the more' or less typical as- loving. trust.1b liurt. one's p~ ity..... tlie BiSfmp: of Barra cID that Chrisfian families' caD find peets o1i the sU'ua1il:om am JOU\ de- 'in: It' quarrel.. Pirai saidl fJr .. m.emiage fo Iliii in me encyeIiCal~ "the induceMaintenan. Supplfel lICI7ibe it. Fhave counseled a con_ Tl'rese- o&sermttOl!S' are nof PapaP VoIuErteersti'nist'riirg them' ment to teach their' children the SWEEPaS - SOAK siderabl.e numba,x ~ marriages meant to imp~; Lester;. tli'llt JU1I" trainIng C'G1.Il"Se here m. BraziL vIrtue' at cl1:arlty, in a: worM that DlS1NPfCTANTS with s~ar diffl.~ulties.. and pIayaf no' rore ih' causiDg meBishop AgneW. Boss1 said. "the either' doesn't und'erstalTd it; or fiRE EXTINGVlSHIII thou~ eaafb 1U3lllll.3:ge was 1& diffieultiE'!s: T&e' qJl3Iity of mar:. witness· ~I the wOllk. of the, doesn't value' it· . aome ways unique, the bask. eJ.e,.. ital relationslifps: is' al'ways the Chw.:ch}: given, by ·the Papal "The new encycIiClil," he CODnront's. 1m tli:el J)rolJIem ~ cunte cwnuliltLve- prod~-c1j; aIL muttmI v'olimteeh taKes. on. unusual. cluded" crl"emin~ us of. the imalike. . action, and rea:etiom lmpodam:e;; ... in. this.l1ouJ: whim ' mensity and the compleXity of ' 1816 PURatAS!, ST.' Oil.'"' GOOd MemOlliee . Since; the ~nlileml ,.on £:roe. is I!IlIJ tragic: foI: the 'Wo'rld· .aneL·' the lJOclal question. In its solaNEW' HDFORD . In, the fiJ:st placef; as, Jl'o~ 00';' is npt tIG'\ ~mmunicatuliD.",· fu£ OW! belovedl Latin A:msica~"J . tion every Catholic: grouping' bas ' t revell'.l8 yery. ~leaTfy,' bt¢ to. wo!'.X' ~, itls ~ ,. '1!he Plii}3!. Valun:teeEai ue an" its dtstinctive purpose." WY 14716 bUB!mn:cW an<:D.wi\l'eSlll11!:olvedl In ho..\V~ver" it: will help, in d:oi.u,w" women Uidudirig nine thes~ cases tend~, to" differ, a, thi3i,bbave.'som:~understand1nil. Nonh,Am.mcm'Alter.~': great,:dedi im thewayr,.t!\:eJTPro-.· of the bam.e fa'ctors; conWihutinl:. ot;them·trainIng lise :S~;;. ceCd!'l~ in an, 8l1gmI1'eIliL.. :, " tc: ynun d.i£fi.f:ultfus; in. the' ~ . theY' win: wozk, for ~,. ., '''The Famify That 1 . ..' . . It 1&' w:idely asswned that p1'lme'. In the Barra,doo-'PilllI:l ~. . truck BOdy WQ1l1en are more prone' man Prays.Together Aluminum, or Steel> men to approach ~ntroverslal, 944 COunty St. issues from a friglllY personal' 100,000 Ho",o~ Ste. Anne' Stay. Topth"'" NIW IIDFORD. MASS~ point of! view)' lI1l'd. con:se~ At Shrine Quebec ~ fnterpret' opposing opinions Illi SHEET METAL· WY 2-66f8 ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRll: Implicit rejectioDS'of themselves. J;" tESEft Pro". The wives in QJ1estion go one (NC) -- More than 100,000 pe!'H~1iIOHAL, ll'ESIDENTLt\[ step farther using each argu- sons assisted at; no.vena and feast . INDUSTRfAL day observal'U!e'S! m, 110nor of SL nmnt as an' OCtla'SioIll for humil" COMMERCIAl!. -iating their part'n~, Anne, mother' aff. tfte' Blessed, .~~o_,~ . As in your marriagej; Le9tCr, Virgin, at the internatiOnally , ,253 Cedar St. N••' a.etfordj Seelionk W!'(r' 3~222; these wives tend to fuNe: /JGOCl. known shrine here. The pilgrims and visltoJ'Sl memories, storing up alii past sufferings' and woes, imagined aft' , came froJll all parts of Canada', ,\ . ~~---------~-----., /l1Id. tli'e: United States, as wen 8S1 I'eal), ana- reciting them like a l1uixreralU. other countries. litany ~ time there is: trouble'. fu' tJ:1is; connection there TIin 300J.11'ear-old shrine each : year attrlicl8: more than two·, two points.. w.tillth noting•. million persons from many' Clue tilt Conclbot 'Eirst, in the incidents as re- countries of tile world. . ,, t 46 Taunton, ealThd, the wives are always, tbe
(H"es MOtte·.r ,e,t ,MagiJstro
For Christi;on.· Married' Coupl,es
'.·SEGU';N .'
Norris, H. Tripp
Aadre,: Palm Riker's, col..... eo intant~ aDd] CltiiId csre •. ail) Iongel' ~Clated. Thel'efoN, The Aneh_ ....; sIIsooIUb., , III) pg'U'W1blli.
,New' Motherhouse ROCKFORD) (!)RC)) Tbe> Mount st. Francia pJ:QviDce ot. tIE' SChool) Siist'ers' of st; rrandl hu announced its new' motherIIoaa& will, be baU&. here. la', DI-
SOutbeasteml McusachusetW' , . . . . .' ~pend.nt Chain .
10 BIG STORES \ "Mt> GiYe' Gold; lIOnel: SfCllQl'"
Green Tavntonr- Mass., YA 2'2282 '
Says Ec~menical _I 1 , ounci nterests '. Entire Church
TH,E ANCHOR- . Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962,
By%a~t~Rl'e Bishop:
ScoD"es Revo~t " d Ago inst G0
' All
SYBERTSVILLE (NC)-:The modern revolt against a uthority is "a revolt virtue arid moral standards:
. Nuncio t«;> Argentina said here. ' Archbishop Umerto Mozzoni,
,BUENOS AIRES (NC)"":' Catholics will be represented at the coming ecumenical council, the Apostolic
told the congress of the Conference of. Internationa) Catholic Organizations (CICO) that from' a theological point of view, "the: council is.,. of everyone: pope,' bishops, clergy, faithful." , This is because "it combines .the anxieties, wishes, needs of the entire Church," Archbishop Mozzoni said. The Nuncio said the council wiIi have'meaning not for sensation-seekers r,nd second-guessers, but for the simple of heart. Noting' that many nations suffer from "the dictatorship of a party that has organized political, psychological, so,cial and religious enslavement," he said that the "clamorous voice" of "freedom and m~m!s dignity'" would be heard at' the council•. ."Tyrannies fear the council' •.. because they fear the idea' ' that, it embodies arid which is . .' sum'marized in hum,an happi-" . ness,". he declared. .. , .
(and) it is a protest 'against the' teaching Jf the church on family life and personal sanctification;" said Bishop' Nicholas T. Elko,· Byzantine Rite .Ex~rchy of Pitts- , burgh. The modern 'revolt, the Bishop declared, is a revolt against God. Faithful lFlock Speaking at a Divine (Mass) Liturgy,'Bishop Elko emphasized th'e need for respect for the priesthood. . "When we stop manifesting our resPect for the priesihood,. we are contributing to' '., ments, not only of commumsm itself but of all evil groups which are part or parcel o~ it,": he stressed. '''This often has, been labeled· • depressed area, but there nev~r : has been' a depressi9n of f~ith, . tmlong the ChriStiims of the hard'
ooalfi~ld":bedecl~r~.. , " , ',',':,' ."
: ',' i,,:
SCHoOL'FORMIG~ANTS' ~HILDREN:.·.TW~~·of}'h~ 4~',~o~~g. ~om~n who .d,oria,~~::'.'1V"";T" ,.:, Spam~h-sp,eakmg mlgrantworkersof,:;;an, Jose~' . 0
,... ' . ' ,part of·: their Suinmer to'work wIth the
F.:. '. eO ~r.
J us~~~e .R~q u~~t$'~', Q~l-if., help'sta:tf a' vacation. seh~ol ih' the Mexi6Ui',c?mrnu.n:ity 'bf' Gtia~alu'pe pa~sh. Both 'el-" , ;'CoII'hc i 1,S.forY . , ,,'._ '.' .... , , '\_ ·".emeptary school tea~her8 lI1,Krn~st?n, N.Y., Marle,ma Roach,:l~~t, and Nan~y Bradford·
Immunity ,Stay ," '.' joined the three~week volunteeJ:' proJect of the Gra~l after, s~e~ng.:the.
SAN' FRANCISCO (NC):":"Th4! <Ch'ef i' ti f'the Perinsylva- .
m¢nt's exhibit at the Catholic University of Amerlca.,Washrngton. NC Photo..
~:~s~~f~~~:~~r:~~~c~~:~~b~:. ",'
'Miss.ibn·· '·Eff~ ..ts'in'·AfriC:,a" Clnd' -Asia
NEW· YORK (NC)---The CBEl television network will presen(l a ,discussion. on the 'fo~hcoming .,~nd" Vatican Councl.1 ~n ito
."~~~:~~~~~I~lo ~~;,;. p~~t~~
lmmumty wou~d :,c:rlpple ~r de. \' , ' . ,"Discussing the subject ~'Chrisotroy many .•. necessary chari. Continue~ from Page One,' ,South 'Vie~nam on. June 30, 1,603,934 of,them of the Oriental' lians imd. the· Council" will' 1>0 ~es," .. , . . .. ' , . .. " . ", :1961, had 1,337,96~ Ca~holics and Rite. s;venty per. cent·'of the ~ ... Father Thomas Stransky, C·,S.P., , ChIef JUstlC~. J~hn C. Ben, education' institute in ,Africa 111,324 e c hu men s; 1,521 c?untry s 6,437pnests are In- ' a member of the permanent stafll Jr., gave the view 10 an address' with international standing, be- ,priests, 1,322 of. them Vietna~:" .dlans. of the Vatican Secretariat fOf? before the Conference of Chief gan its first academic year ift ese; and 900 Brothers and.4,651T~eDioceseofHongKong·has, Promoting Church Unity' John Justices here, The doctrine of 1954 with 33 students and now. Sisters. " . '., 174,279 Catholics,' and 17,463' Mannion executive secretary oi ~haritable imm~nity g ran t s has about 700. ' J a p a n on june' 30, 1961, had cate~humens, Last year· there the Nati~nal Catholic' Liturgical many small hospitals and other ."The Catholic sChool system in 287,943 Catholics in a total po'p- ' ~re 22,676 adult baptisms in the Conference, and. Dr. George mstitutions immunity from lia- independent COI;lgo; .despite di{- ulationof94j280,000, an increase diocese. Crothers the program's,host. bility from actions of their em- ficulties of finance and person- of 10,411 over the figure for' 1960. The 'Fides report says that beViewe;sare advised to check ~loyees, servants. or agents. nel" sayS' the report, "has about ,There are.1,704 prie$ in Japan, ' tw.een· September, 1961, and the' their local listings for time and! DoctriDe. Needed 1,400;000 pupils in primary and 455 of them Japanese;· 395 end Qf July, 1962,' a total of 40 . channe,l of the discussion, which • .grant. 'secondary that are adB' th ers;,' . 3804' . ' pl'~ests, wer.e.,eleVoate?' t9,.!.: is' a. prese.nt ilIon t' 'f th bl' B'elhnpted that 19, sta~s 'schooiS , ~ o an,d ',' . • .J a, 0,::' e pu Ie ~o such iinmunity; 20 allow par- " mi,?isteI;ed by, ~~ missions." .." .' Slstersa,nd,~,0~6, forel~n. SIsters:, .' eplscopacy ,10 .tern.tones. of ,th!!: " ,affairS; department of CBS .news. ilial or ,limited immunity;.; eight ' . ) t states tha~ th~ ~961 ;s~bs-" .The iSl~nd, pf KyushQ ~nJapao ,Sacred'.'~9ngregat~on, f?rthe" Dtill grant what is,. in effect" ti~s for,.Urund.~(nowthe~mg- accounts ,for;, 11"~,5~.of ~e 28Y,:" . Pr_opagat~~n,ofthe FaIth:· 18 .'.' oot I . ity and three· have . d?~ of, Burundi) "s~ow th~t there,' 943 C:;;l,thol'cs.:,~ c' ~t::' ," enbrl' . E~rop¢!lns;, 11 AfI:icans,6 :,Asi~ : a l~mun" .... were 76000 m·'one" '". t" 3 A' d 2 ace 11l0tyet.,passed,on.the,quesbon.:, , , ' . . .Baptisms . . -' country " ;""'" ;' .. ,.',,","' ..'",~!CS".",mencan~.a!1 . ,an.,·; llIe told his jiirist colleagues ,that , rE!~r, approx.lffiately 1,500 ea~h, ' .Indl~ }1~~ .,.~,~69,~7:. Cat~plics, " la~s. " ' ." . " ' .; .. , .. "cha'ritable immunity is the well .week,"';a~d "10 Ruanda (now t e: , .:.''' ' . ' ',,, :c,', .'. 'F, :In regard to seminaz:y :aSsist.." ," .' . ' ., . '.' , 'Repubhc,of Rwand~),,90 per cent" h h QStabli~hed 'poli~y""of Pennsyl:- ., f II 'st" g schools are 'run,:' ,ance,. ~e repo!t stat~ t at t e vania. , " ,', ' •' . 0 " a . eXI 10.. " , " , Pontifical Society of' St, Peter. ',~ ., 'CITIES SERVICE The; ·,l.igh court, ..'head, argued.bYj the: Catho],ie, .....~lSSlP,n. ~.:.,' .' the. A"p.ostle.' for th,e N.ati~e Cler:- '-:": 'DISTRIBUTORS ded 445 d fihat . ~~hile it;is, possible,.... . 'Priest8lnerease ; .. ; " , , ' .' , .' ~m1DaJ,'~es .an ;," 29 ,083. Jumor semmaru~~ ""at ~e abolition of charitable", "1' : '."':' d' '~:: 'Asi·.J"·· . 'th ..... . ' MIAMI (NCr'";,,,· After 'three. " thell' . 1, l:lI' W n regar·.... 11,' e repoco', ':'" ' . ; '.' 'd 5594 . ,. . " bnmunjtymay, nQt .seriously: ,in.,. 'sa's that on June .30,,196i; Cath-,;, . y~rs .~~;:li~~aWT: t?ct pio.cese,9..f,:,;m .'. " :,sen~or ..semlna~la~s.. (" 'Gasoline' ':; t jure many of our la~ge co~?ora~e. . 'oiiciJ in territorie$,' not under, ~~a~D1 has. 1>&n. ~l'~en p-:rmls.,. ; ~'tf!pg. ~.~:J?.~st ~ear... .' ' ~ . Fuel and Rang•. <l:har~ti~s, t?e doctrme ... IS ~tIn coiillDunist domination DUm,-': SlO~to, erect, ~~Jdl~g~ 1D ,St.' ...The soc!e~ alloc~tesi$3,680,OOO.,' lJ1ece~.ary 10 many small com- bered about.10,575;000, 'compared ' T~9m';l:S. th~ .A~?stl~ p;lrl~h; here. '. ~o~ ~e ,~rdHlary upkee~_ of se'!1,;mumties 1?, help and protect to'9 700000 in 195!f In this period" Th~ ?erm~SSl~n 1S a, r\lli~g of ID.~r~e~, a.nd$3,985,55~ 1':" SpecI~J . ~all, cha~ltles 'and small hOBthe' nti~ber'of':Asiatic priests' the .Th~r~,I!lStrlct Co~rt o~ Ap,; SubSidIes. for new ~uIldmgs and pltals which. render so .much . ' , ... d"by' 400 tc:(6 900 and the '.,peals, markmg the conclUSIOn of 'extraordmary repa'!s. OIL BURNERS· beneficial ser~ice to their partie- ::~a~~ml:>er of pri~sts' bY. 70~)' li~igation which. began in Octo' ,FlI~ds Distributed O. L BOILER· BURNER UNITS olar community." to" ii!,500, Brotliers" increased'. ber 1959; T~e .. Dade Co~nty· The, report says that the, Socifrom' ~,160to 4,4()O, and. 'Siste:rs:' Metro· ~or.nm~sslOners. ~ 1 C eeties for, 'the Propagation of the '.' For .prompt' delivery from 31 34O'tO 34 860.0.,:erruledrecommen,datlonst,D~de. . Faith' ". with funds collected, , .', . '."." ... by the Dade County Zomng '. .', . I'The.outstan:.:llng 'B'.oar .. , d 'th'at a ..,perml ., 't'b"e approve ".... 'd througl1qut .th,e ,world, ".' &:Day' & Night Service • 1 • ,' u , eccleslasbcal, ' . , . .... . , .' wereal;>le . . . . , event in Asia," the report ·con- , '., . ' " d' ,W,., d~strlbute $20,341,437 to the' . . th' f th'e, . for construction m. issions for their various needs lural ' Bottled' Gas S~rvice t i nues, "was e erec t'Ion. o. school,.'. ".. ' of a church an .,.... .. , ' Ecclesiastical Hierarchy in ,.... . The Holy ChIldhood Assocla'61 COHANNET ST. n one occaslonF~thet.:Lo~l1l·'tionat its first plenary session' GRAND RAPIDS (NC) -.:. 'A K6rea with the creation of three'~ dioce~an radio station has be- archdioceses and eight dioceses. C.. Roberts,then .pansh a~m1O-. ,this year made financial alloca, TAUNTON gun 'operations here. In, South 'Korea on June ,30, ~~tra~or" was .,s~r~e~, with a <,,tions for the missions amounting Attleboro - No. Attleboro WJ<TO-FM,I owned and oper- 1961, Catholics numbered 487;958 Notice ,~.VIQ,latlon ~y the . to $3,451,200, the repo~t conTaunton ated as a commercial station by and catechumens 82,940. Metro BUlldmg 3:nd ZO~llng I!e- eludes. ' , the Grand Rapids Diocesan , . ' p a r t m e n t , chargmg him With Broadcasting Company is li'There were 66,517 adult Bap- "holding ·chu.rcl1 in h i s . eensed by the. Federal Com- tisrn;s there f~om ~une .1959 to rectory. • Sunday Masses are being of..... muniCations Commission. Th'e June,. 1961. Pn~ts 10 thIS counstation is conducted under ·,the try number 517. and?f these 2~. feredin public 'school building " joint auspices of the diocese and ar~ Koreans. StUdYlD~ for. the through a .rental' arrangement . . ~ Aquinas College; a four-year prI~sthoodare 29~ maJor semi- 'with' the Dade' County School ~J, \ ~W liberal arts coeducational col- narIans.. B~others1D Korea,num,!, Board. Daily· Mass is offered inE: ~'~. lege here. t>e: 96, Sls~ers 1,137 and cate- a rectory room." " ' : c', a.""~ Bishop Allen i. Babcock of chlsts 2~763: P'lans now are being ·.drawn O'~' '.,', ~ 'GrandRapids .describes t h e · " otJier"Are&. , " for, eonstructionofa church.and., U i , ' '.. ' . ' ' . . , .. ~ station as","a medium for Cath-,-... '!'JIe"report' lists these'other"·','~1,tool on·8 1~.,.~~4.,.a....~alf.acr~.,. Je\" ',' . ' ~: " olic t}lought, news and philoso- '''Statistics: . " ~,tr~ct. .The. faClhtllilB WIll serve, 0(:,: " , " •. '. '." :.. ' ''''-.::~' ~~"".", ,:,: .,:. phy ~ our community· •• an" m!>~e, than '1,000 ~~ilies in the. U'· ." ',' , ~ ,n the Apostol-,' . , " , - p¥lsh. " • ,. ate.~ Good Will and the propa-' , N~w H~mes" '~~ ~~, ~ ,~ lB· gation of our holy Faith!' iNDIANA~LIS·(N€),,- The', ; \ .Pla,n. am a e , ~" tl:..~ . Aquinas College provides stu-: ,Little Sisters o~the PQQr, whoM~1]1bers of Our Lady of Mt. 1M; ,~.. , . ~ -:-;" di6 and transmitter spac::e for the have conducte~'~ h~me 'for; the Carmel parish.. : N,ew Bedfo:rd,~: ,. " T",~H·. E .·c··Api,E station. Students studying such ,,:'aged poor in th~s citysin~1873, will attend a clamboil Sunday, ... lubjects as speech and jour~al- have acquired 34 'acres here for Aug. 26 at··, Brown's Pavilion, - \ .; ism will receive training at ·the a new $3 million hom,e.. CO,Q'" , Fairhaven. The ·,woman's Club j!:.: -- ..' . I~ .' n n station. WXTO-FM broadcasts struction of, the new facilities, has set a social pleeting for Wed" H,·,H.'po,' ,Itr • CHATHAM ,. ORLEANS daily, from 7:30 in the morning which will replace an 87-year,;" nl1sday, Aug~ 22. at the: Summer until! midnight. The 20,000-watt old building in downtown India.,. home of:MI;S; Rose Mathews and , . . ~ . 8tat.on has a broadcasting radius napolis, is not expected before Miss Hilda Mathews, also: ,Fair.~ of 50 miles. . 1964. haven.
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THE ANCHORThurs.,' Aug. 16, 1962
Asserts America Bulwark in Push For Fre~ World, PROVIDENCE (NC)
Greek Orr~hodox ~
May Wifr~hold
The American Catholic is a Observe[f~ natural bulwark for a world that. wants to be free, a U.S. ATHENS (NC)-A special Senator said here. rp.eeting 6f the permanept Throughout ,U. S. " history, . executive c'ommittee of the Catholics have contributed their' ,Holy Synod of the Greek lives and fortun'es to the cause Orthdox Church decided ¥re of freedom, Senator John O. that only the synod as a whole Pastore of Rhode Island told the can decide whether or not to Fourth Melkite Convention of' s~nd observers to the coming North America, Melkite Cathoecumenical council at the Vatilics date back to the fifth cencan. tury. Formed in the Middle East, Press commentators here have they remained loyal'to the Holy said that the decision of the See during the early schisms of committee, which met under the the Church. chairmanship of' Archbishop Spiritual Dedication Chrysostomos, Primate of the "Each attack on prayer and Greek Ch'.Irch, is a step toward religion-whether it comes from refusing to send observers, It is outside our land or from'spme believed that a majority of the misunderstanding within - is members of the Holy Synod, met by a flood of convincing governing bod) of the separated testimony that our American' Greek Church, are opposed to society has a deep spiritual dedsending observers. ication," Senator Pastore deNext Meeting elared, adding materialism cannot prevail against this deep The next meeting of the full . 't al d d' t' , s y n o d is in October. The council spm u e Ica Jadaa, IOn. PROTESTANTS, JEWS TO ATTEND LITURGY, M.E,:ETING: Father ,WI'Hiam' Tr'e~c'y, opens on Jct. 11. Father John rector of St. Basil's Seminary, Methuen, right, chairman of non-Catholic welcome and liaison committee for·the23rd North Ameri,Meanwhile, the Catholic Arch. ,Mass., ,said the, Melkites ,of can Liturgical Week ,starting Aug. 20 on the'Seattle World' Fai,r "Groim,ds, . explains the diocese of Athens has issued a . America "join the Holy ,Father·week's, se~sions. to :r~pre8en~tives,fromleft to'right, Rev. Walfred :Erickson, Baptist correction of press stories saying '" . that His Holiness John d. 'the C ath0 Iie Hi erarch an y 01.' III wniniste.r and D.e,an ,G.f.the". L,ay, Sch,oo,I o.f T. h,eO,logy for t..he Greater Seattle,' Council of XXIII had written to ' Archbishop their prayers" for ,the success ... the ecumenical council. ' Churches; Rev. Harold Brown, pastor, of the; Phinne,y Ridge LutheranCI:mrch..of S~att1e C~rysostomos inviting him to "Nothing is closer 'to Oqr 'and RabQiRaphaelLevine,:$eiiior rabbiof th~,'.(~mple :ffirsch•. ,NQ 'f.hoto, ' . , ' . send .observers to the council. lileartB, nothing is more constant, . Archbishop Benediktos Printesill !In OW' 'prayers," he asserted;'" '. ' , '. . ' . ':: . of 'Athens pointed out that the"OUi.' :wery existence as Byzan, ..... invitation wes ,sent 'not by the ~ine and Catholic" bears witness " , : ' "' Pope, but by Augustine Cardinal &- .... 'th Bea, R;t., President of the Pre- , .......e, world' at the concernWASffiNGTON (NC) .:.... Fed- legislation provide Ollly loans. Quie spoke against a backparatory Secretariat for Promot<l)f OUi' ,Holy Father is our pd- eral grants to private church- . Quie called newspaper atti- ground of intense controversy ing Christian Unity. :~;i'Oc~~~~~ ;::yer~~~t h.l,erelated colleges are nothing new' des misleading when they pre- Feqeral college' aid proNational House of Represen- sent the question of Federal aid posals. B<>th chambers passed Cont.e·nds. State L'aws Divine ,Providence' tatives has been told in a major to church-related 'colleges as a bills early. this year ,but negotiFather Jadaa, stressing the speech..on the stalled college matter . largely of financial as- ators have been unable to pro- 'Violate Amendments Bpirit of the ecumenical move- aid bill. sistanee to Catholic colleges. duce a final compromise verment, said both the Latin Church A Qui of M' aion. " , HOOKSET (NC)-The consti. and the Eastern OrthQdox church Rep. Ibert H. e InCatholic colleges, he said, retutionality of New Hampshire's "will find in us a common nesota, member of the, House ceive less'than half· of the numThe Senate bill would autho- anti-Obscenity laws has been ground in which they can feel Education Committee .t~am ne- ber of grants which church-re- . rize $1.7 billion in five years challenged by a Hooksett Disst home" and through this com- gotiating with the Senate on the . lated colleges ,of other religious ' for construction of non-religious !rict Court defendant charged mon ground "they may be one.... legislation, said equal treatment' denominations now get under· academic facilities 'at all quali- with pOssession and display of He told the'convention dele- of public and private colleges, nine major Federal grant' pro- : fied four-year institutions. The ,obscene photographs. gates "we carry within ourselves 'has been national poliq f~r. • grams. ' , - House bill, for the same purpose, William W.Nagel, 62, of the elements of the Eastern and century. Quie put before, the House would spend $1.5 billion~ . Hooksett, pleaded innocent to Western spirituality" and' that Misleadin&, Stories' descriptions of programs under Fall, to Agree the, charge and defense counsel 1llie Melkites could be considered . The 'Republican legislator; hi which; ,private 'colleges have Neither bill would pay the Shane ' Devine' of Manchester a:J "repr~senting the Church as '.:·'lengthy House ·speech,. called' been given Federal grants, f~ full cost of. construction. The .p1oved ·that the case be transAt was .illl the early centuries." for pasSage of Federal aid, for," various puroo~s. He 6pecifically ':loans in both bills "would pay ferred', to the New Hampshire "W~J should' not •avoid our re-' college: classroo,m . con.struction, '~i,nted ,t~ ...gra,n,.ts a,cce.p" for up" t()· 75 per cent 'of the ,Silpreme Court for a ruling' on l'lPons~bi1ities ,by saying we ~re"defended'the House bill which" ehurch-related"college!l in' the collegels COst. The'grants'in the' constitutionality. Judge Frank ~ !l111011 jn numbers or unable wduld provide both' loans'and, states· of:leadi~R ,Senat~ OIlPO-:"' ,House bill would' m~t ,up ~o . D: Cate took the motion under ' ~ ha~e out voices heard," Father grants and criticized the Senate 'nents of the House eonstr1.iction one-third' of ,the ,cost. The 8dvisement. Jadaa continu~. :~It is part of· .:1ot demanding' that' tbefinal' lP'~t proposal. , problem . i s the method of distri-' ' "Devine" contended the New Divine Providence that each' : ' .. " ," ' . ,' , buting the money. '. Hampshire law violates the First !ndivfdunl, rich or poor, as wen' " , ' , ." ", k' d 14th A d t ~ each organization, large' or R~tired' ne Senate legislation would" " an : . men m~l!ts to he 8Mall~ during, 'th'e' 'course: Of a " . . . , " . . extend only repayable., loans. U. S. Constitution, cItIng s~v~ral The Senate wants to' aid both ~. S. Supre~e Cour~ deCISIons llUetUiIe must ful1il some Special 'I~OIt, 'public '-and , private institutions ,)fi' which antI-obscemty laws of work at some spe<;ial time." , F~O~T"'C.MITH' '.(N, ~) Bi~ho,p F~llai~"eame to'. 'bilt, thinks it, cannot. c'onStitu-' ,other sta.tes had been ruled' unI Blood ol,':Marlyrs . -" P ' t i ' . '. . constitutIonal. 'Father Jadaa recalled "our year-old retired bishop, ~ back ,:.']f~rtbwest ~'191~,.a onally gIve grants to church-, ' in· his beloved Canadian fat" .year after hIS ordInation a8 an related .' colleges. It adopted' a , . . - - - - - - - - - - -.... , forefathers kept the flame of north where hE; began setviee. 'Oblate of Mary Immaculate bill proposing loans for all col..; Christian unity and Rite the' a ,ml'ssio'nary 1913.. ", priest in, France. He 'Ii .- a native leges and is i nSls . t·109 upon I·t . existence o~ the alive," Byzantine . Church in any city in the United The Most Re~. Pi.etTe' Fallalze, of, GOrineville" Nor III and 7 , The House, on the other haiid, States gives "better understand- O.M.I., who retired 88 Coadj~tor France. put both loans and grants iiI its ing to the meaning of the uni- Bishop of the Vicariate of MacHe served at ;Fori Resolution, bill. A college seeking money versality of the Church." kenzie in 1939 when threatened ,.Port Norman and among Eski,;, could choose, either' method of "E~ch individual Melkitemust wlthblindness, offei'edMess m~s at'FoJi FrankUn and in ~ aid. The House rates both loans ,, NEW ,BEDFORD bear witness before the Christian hek-e on' the 50th anniversary of Coppermine River region. In. " and outright grants' as consti':' . community in which he lives,"· ordination to the priesthood. 1931 he was consecrated and tutionally permiSsible ways of to the spirit, of the E,astern " . se~, as Coadjutor ]Jishop of aiding church-related colleges. INDUSTRIAL OILS Church which was "nourished' M'·l.on y'olunteers the vicariate until 1939 when ,HEATING OILS' by the blood· of the martyrs;" . blindness' threaten"edand he re.R. A. WILCOX CO. Father Jadaa declared. I T' h'· J' b' Thclre are an estiinated 50,000 Ii eac Ing 0 S \ turned to France. He caine back TIMKEN OFFICE FURNITURE Melkite Rite Catholics with 26 . LEESVILLE (NC) - F 0 u r "to Fort .Smith last year at the ' .. 8&ock for Immediate DeIlYer, parishes in the United States. young women who volunteered invitation of Bishop. Paul Piche, OIL BURNERS • DESKS • CHAIRS Melkites follow the Byzantine for a year of mission work in a.M.I., now Vicar Apostolic of FILING CABINETS " Rite and use Arabic as their the U. S. have been assigned to Mackenzie. . Service liturgical language, but also use the faculty' of St. Michael's par• FIRE FILES • SAFES the local language in their litur'- ish school in this northerJ!. LouFOLDING TABlES . 501 COUNTY ST. gy including English and isiana town by the' Catholie i · • • • • • • • • + • • • • • . AND CHAIRS' . Spanish. Church Extension ~ietY. The NEW BEDFORD volunteers also engage in nursfeaturing A~ ". u ing, eatechetics, university and -( Father Hovda Joins 22 BEDFORDn. WY 3-1751 "The Gaslight Room missiOn assigIim~nts. , PAll liVER 5·7831 Pittsburgh Oratory , Ideal for Communion BreakThe four are Sara Tregasser of faN,' Organization Banquetll PITTSBURGH (NC) - Father Robert W. Hovda, a member of' IndianapOlis; Jo Ann Caprioglio" Ave.,-, t)le religious education depart": of Albany; Jeanne Merrill of , New Bedford, FaribaUlt, Minn.; and Beverly ment ;at the Catholic University . . " . . . Cal WYman 2-1703,' of America, Washington, D.C., Casper of Milwaukee~ Beginning in Sep~mber they will receive ,Savings' Bank' 'life Insurance and author of the column "The a month, Plus board ~ Week. in Liturgy" syndicated b7 $50 Real Estcite Loans lodging. , \ the NCWC News Service and Christmas and Vacation' Clubt published in The Anchor, hall joined 'the Pittsburgh Oratory. . Adenauer . Speak Savin. Accounts The Oratory is a community of Prescriptions called for BONN (NC) - German Chansecular priests, established last SConvenient Locations and delLvered year under the auspices 01. Bish- cellor Konrad Adenauer win HEADQUARTERS FOR op John J. Wright of Pittsburgh, spel:'k tot the closing meeting 01. whose chief work at present is 'the Katholikentag, the German DIETETIC SUPPLIES 600 Cottage St.' WY 4-7439 ministry to students at non- national Catholic convention, on Catholic colleges in th~ Pit. 1.heeonvention's theme: "Belie\Ftlo New Bedford Thank WMI Serve.· burgh area.
·oth.·n·9 ,New' .·'n ,Co"'lle,ge', ',G'"a';n',·t,s,' .
Prelate,,' 7'5, Bac .at Post Ie' : d'a 'Far -..... h M-Iss,lon n ana ' C);:A,7s-.. ,
Sales Qr
,M·K Restaurant "" aM
" Check rhese "_fJ:nking 'Seryices
•• ••
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6f Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962
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Sees' "W@~!d "in'" -P~@e6Ce~~~.'
Of: I®~@ming.
Tille: folloWUng Jiete' "wasi receiveclli.· from /1'.' ~. '~ ci'0SCt'lomg: lilli, life d\!D:fug:' tIie'last telli years. .
By Most Rev.' RobertJ'~ Dwy01'" D.D~, , Suffici~t fo~ the .day·.is the evil tha;eof~ 'MonsignOl" Knox translates this, more- pithily, as, Fo~ today. tod'a:y"s troubles are enough.. The morning penance 0]' foomg in the . mnTor in the necessari process of shamg may have some;:' thing to do with the lessen;..' . ing of the temporal punish.. Now it SQ' happens that: this: ment due to sin. It ca~ have interpretation of hiSf(my is>' BiO other consolation. Still ",!ide.ty accepted\ and! wii:terJ.r and.
it is a faCe. A poor
world' in. our time is becomIng faceless. In what Mr. David Riesman per.. ceptively c8Irs the "'Ion ely el'owd" t' h 'e 1" e no. longer ea p Ie with P faces but only faceless people.' Our contemporaries are fast .
condemned! to· ten' active bl. the Legion. of. MarlJ. For' the, fust; &l1U" ye~, [lIved with 'my Ji:uuIs 'cJialned' to my back;, Eight·: y;ears: ~ ~. sentence were spent being' 'Te-ed'acatecl"" Iii: €iJmmuniSm\ iiI: II' labor. camp. Most: at" tIiJS· time r wudted OJI' l:oadS', andi raikoad~bui1diD{t.o.....eacli: morning; we' weft· rasJiel!' 1Inl cham: to, me; site of the labor;' at nldt; we: were: qallri! penned! m.: priSon., My' sentence W1I8 completed' IBst :Veal'. liut I: amt compelled, to, 'r.emabl' under CommuniS{: jiJr:lSdicUon; fe oo!J1Dlete, nly' re~ed1ulatiiml.. .! ·''(i)n.the, niglit: of' J.\IIarcJi' 10, 1951•. I.
~ears: impriSonment; fim' havlilg: been
Bisho» of I!tellllll' '
......:_d b t ' F . "lo&.<ll% U DUne own-orr...,.;
By MootR~?~, Fulton .J. Sheen, D:D~
, "rn reeeat: y,ears; we nave: been star:V'ing.. Because: at tile famine,. the people here: are fOrced. to keep, strict last dq fD. and.. dar out;.,. Y.efj;, in' spite of this;. I have not succumlled! tn· any.>' diSease;, altliough I am: v~ emaClafed'.. God['ha:S: granted all of. wr the ~e: to' endure.suffeti'ngBJ' tOi!· HiS Name'ii
taught~. the. scl'rooJs: of the West;. We: have: even heazd of it bei""; taught in S0me Catha.Ire: ...... schools:. And,; fuevitabIY.. it:.Iias affected judgments: af' the most Vlmi:ed
BEST PR<lMCi),l'ER:: Si's:ter.- . me;. kinds" frOID! SUpreme Court decision to the: prospectns:' for' Mary' AU'gust~~;. "'As to: my" fidelify; tioJ the, Faith. I ilave peace. drawn up, at. Yil.Ita.. It is sionS magazine .editor~ has' become, even~ more, resoIUfe., Ii accept alt faceless: history;. ' ~ this: as; the; wm~ ofi GOd) and' sn1»mif,.. for been. named'. the i:mtstand'ing' EvoRutiOlll.3lT-Process' ,~. m: tUnes: of: great; hardSMp dOes' cnie 1962 Religious Vocation ~: ' Or take! the dogma of' evolu." experience: the! greatness: 01/.. the lAve of' tioniSm" so I;asuafliy mgreed to moteI"oy 1il'te: Mid'west. VOca" cfuisfi~. '1': &mI,' nof. alndou&i abou.t; whaf will. in our' time,. and'. SOJ atfmacfivedlo come': . . aU that has happened and' is' to Ilome of our best mind's, even the tion ASsoCIaefun. NG P~oto; haPDenI I. place: iiI, the: Bands of God. His .... mind. of' Tei.Ihal"d de Chardin., ClIKe'.suffiCes fOll me.. . ali.... EVcilutionism~ of. course" has· _ r:'JIP1L.' .IP': losing any sense. of i'ndiVldu • ""'nothing to dO with the scientific It.ft\y of their own individualism. all:. evidence. bearing;' nn the . . "Thi~ ilt tfle first tetter that·: i couId writ'e fo' you. It' may, irfsu quite simply, of it meanS . De. thl!' .Iastl But: whether: r liVe 01:' die" an. tliaf mafter& is: tbat: . to be. a pers(lD. We are m... theory;.of evolution, human or GOd be gI'mrified.. F. onlyr hope tbat I: rna:r' stilI &e alive: to Witness structed ·by: our- 'official phil<>- sub-human., It: is the concept·tbaf. 1I1l.. 'p... sprlhgt~ £01" . the! Chur.t:'.h. in:. ~a': Tlie l:iar:vest, ill ripe;. the. W8J' . sophers our. scientiStic pro-.: everything: is evoluti:on.. tfuit: JrCll' ~ is pa:eoa,red. We await the' coming 0'£. Christ.... '. . to d 'evoIution is the absolute exPlan.. . '. phetS' that the wise thmg 0 ation of the totality'of'bei'ng'aii~ 8'1"; PETER', ia to be mer~ in the grea~ DIGHTON I' ...... ~Ie, to. lose· """are.ln our' un";,. becoming, yes, includin& God,. '. - uv llU himself. . : . '.' The: annuaE Barbecue Chickent . ,' ..Mall· ~. IeUer.. touch the. hea~ 01,' 001\ brotheit' priesb awll. important: identity. ' A'd' to ....:.., ""'" . OIl .. Spare.• Ribs'. Dfune.r,· '£00. ~.. insDii'e tneJm tio' make, sacrifices' fall'. the: native clem;. Ma:w ~ Once upon a' time this was the CCQr mg. ....w.: dogma. ouere is not the smallest room. left· far' he,nefit . of ,the parish, will be·" sink .deep Into the souls. .of. the. faf~ill, aiuj, bel translatedi i'lltO 'reproach' we made against the h in . 'd ." condu~.d\·SUD~ afternoolll 08,." pra:rers- for.' tire .MiSslonw and' sacriflt:eS>for- Ole: Bo~.,· Father;, wl'toJ ....irit of the 'orient Now" manil. uman dlVI Ua:lity, or for·.. the, . .. ..... harium person. Man-iS no moire:·· the:.rectOry wrgUnds;, Route! 138, 1Jeusl tJie .bur.den vi tlie' MIssfuDs 01;: the w:o~lcL, OW': hrqthCf&: ~ f inversion of t'--,':" . '. a"'.' ev~lu.:'an"""'. p.......... oro.... Dinner will be ~wd fJram 1; festly, CIilila.. andl ~ and; :r.atbt;Amerlca await the; comlDg; of, C~ values!. t~is has strange been taken over by 1.«Ill ~ ~.... -~ "........... .' .... ..' ' . . ,.. •. &be WeStawfadoptedas.ita~ Hem~' as a~digit;be.madY~.~ tc)5:.o'cl~;:, ,'~ Bel· will1 not" come' Unl_l ':011' send Him tbr~. theJ Soctet;J If.. ale: 2rOpa.'pt,lm·gf,' thel FlaUM',; .... . of. IUs. fellOW' PJrOcesse~ ~~. SACBJiln 1mA:R:1P.'., own.· . 1 ...._ - " .. , We toldtbat weare quite. maybe::a ~u,> but. it:~: NO~ ·ATTLEB6)lO· clevoid of. SiiniHcance u mere doesn!t matter' where he' stlUids. . ThE, Ladies.: of' st. . Anne'iJ: . whole movement' "'~_1·"" iII' . .............;..' '. . . 00:0; E0W. YOU: to> ~Jt..for. :$i:~- "ElD!~ our.' Ho1)o' ~: .lndividual members. of' society. d The end t. !liIa' FOI! ill· 01not' DuuculOo,ll' W " spoDSOl.'t' IIm,JI-""'.l" or of .the race, or' of the nation. . ep ~~...':' . ..' e.v·mride Olll Saturd'~;. Aug: 25•. em, MillsioIl8< He ma;. Use- tliis. ~el": lie feels' It willi do t1tc' ~ whatever- the. category riU~t be,. ,~,?nfam ~ WIthout. II: "f'ac~\. will leave, the Churefu YJard' ila... gOOd;~". ~ •• f.o,i:.J\s'~ ~. $5t '"PUt: thiB.qll', accou.nt,ti:Jr'f'i1me;~ lII1d that. it is only; as we subNew' He~' . 'c' " the, eveni~g' at. 7::301 . of{ allt'at'torn,,.,, liO:>' plead! niy>' case- ):>efore the Diwm: Judgj!;:" , ., .. ,,~. merge ourselves as digits in the One, last iUu3tration·. Halil' ~~.Ray:mond Collard;, chaJr.'-'. AJ!1';€; fbi! $ll. "'l!&isi smalll gf'ft: fs, given, ktt thanlcsgi.vil1g: £oJ:' tlta: mea: tlotal mathematical complex. that cannot live and' De hapPY' witI)-· man~ req;I.eSts; that all'.~~; wo~al gfri! m. tbe- woridi."' .. ::: . to> An01J;}m1(}tlSJ fol!. $It "Fb:!l {;fro. ~' at ,Him ·~di'edJ"fOr.'·.!(we at us;" we take on any importance out. the tfuriU and ecstacY of . tions be made by tomorrow; whatsoever. Cold comfort. - art. Art is mali's attempt; m a···· ST, CA:S:IMIR", . . .,'. '. ~ ; . Dominallt Philoso. hundred fOrn:l4' ~ .through a NEW' BEDFORD' Materialism, ',whethell: we liko. h~':':dred media, .to·. iDlpose sig':I:'he. annuaI!parWi'· bazaar: ~'" &\''[0.' fOr, d,R; sUti~~s'l' TtinI> them' 1iIt& .' pm. GIw Wle idea or DDt, has quietly be- nificance' upon: tlie-matter· that be· held; SaturdaY and' SUndaJ'i 'IlJie, SOdefJr for:' the: P-i:opaptiOll fJlI ,me: F-lUftt ~ sel~ <iRD' come the dominant. phi1osoph3' . surroundS lilin\ whether. it be m. . oriJhe church' grounds' und'er' the" 8IIllIril caff:-Uilk: seflr Co.vaIl Or, lIIIDare); tie· cl3spl OIl' IlIdles" ~ of the Western .. nUnd. J\nd.' . t~e mari>fe ~ a statue,.' or' in the generaI: chail'inanshipl of' JOBeIl1i"; M'3d8lot 1t000;'co1ored('BamfitODl flDJSIl',witir me: raiSed. tiISi~ lit« materialism. has no use wbatso-. pIgment. and canvas"of a paint;. Ponichtera.' " ' tIie> SOcieQ:; t.Jiese: Items, ar.e; Ideal fOl" sem~ 8IJISS' ~ ever for personality, for iDdiYi~ . ing;, or' in the feffers;syl18bles-" Features of: theaff'air'will'.m;.:· lIIQl' and! all! giVfDg; SDcicit',. the ltemaJ J'UIl\ des&e-~ ~c[Q mo', dualism. It much prefers to. deaf' a?dl .w6rcf-.symbo~ whiCk form. elude, po!b, daxicin.g~ a magie! mJiWnUID\ ~ of( $31 f~ eaehl pfeee' and send! yoar' namCl' and:: with. people .as n~er~whe:-:' hs poems and. en lCS• shOw for the children;, ancauctiCD, adikessl tCr. The: SOetet!:· for] TIkel PtopapUoa' 01 tJie' nmto ~ titer on: the census carii or. 0Di .: But, II new-l'reres-.r hu riseB. UP. and various booths. nth, Avellue. New York 1. New YOdt. the police record... , . . to, deny themeani'ng: at aIt iilI P'OUshl fOO't\ will IJe.' available> And the loglcal fiowel'ing. of.: . our', tfme~.· It ~ the heresy of' an;. J"cidajl'" and[ a, cake sale, . . ~terialism, wbkh is" athelstk ti-humaniSlDl.. '.l'!fe. signific:mr.e will be conducted Oft; Saturdaj. Cut out thiS, colUmn, pol your sacrffi~ to> It> am[ mail! itt to- !bl . Comm~ quite bIunt4' de- whkl't num imposes; on' mafteJr" If Proceeds wm. 1'Jeuefittbe.' Most Bev,;" Ful~' J... SheD+.' JlfatiODah DiJ:ectolr a£ t11.e Snciet)7 ~ .. Dies; to the individual ~ J:eaI. It is:~, is ~ . chtm:Ii, Building, :Fund., . tbe' Prqpagjitiorr of·ttie- PlIitli,'3mt'Fifth' AVtiu.ueI. Nl!wr '¥O!lk: JJ,; lli1l Y"..... ' personality and an~' rights,· tor , ot: Jilir; .. own ~nan~,'~ 'h& ST~.uiTuo1lft OF DIJS£Il.~, or·.7our :brocesam Dmeator;..IW~.. ~EV: RAYMONJ)l1!';, Ei:cmsmINE.. ' match· it. According to the gas:.. . hnmam\l'; of b& sense: of sharing',. . 168: Malilt ~, FilIIl Rlv.s, Massi. pet of Karl Marx we a~ n~e' in Cl'eaUve: power' of' Goci F~L: U\liE& . . '. ,. of us free agents,. and whatever '1"he new tf1eory of ari is' ~ The HOl~ Name, ~ociety. wiII~. YOURS: TO' LOVE' ANDl to' GlVEI) Intelligence we: might seem to It shotill!j be. :fireel'ess;.. fllat', it SP'QIJSOr. a:, coo1r;[mt; Sat1irt:SQ' • di'V!"d'nall',,,,, or' .. ~ a sh-.'"..J., -.- _ . • ...... ev;.\eniDg. • at: 7::30; at: the: Father· ......,ofi.,OAUGHTDi Of! ST;.P.AUL Love GGel' possess m J .... U4,UU " " oua "' =............ S Ce : - . . CIIICI; gn,.: to:·......' 1ntvwfWp; CIIId ...., of; personal attribute,. is: actua:lly man. as: man,. or' to, man .' a, harbel nter. ' ctod'Ii?: Mniq;""", iiI'li' MlftiGlI' wtildi> _ J 1M> only a' reflectionol the coll'ec- . creattu!e of God.. It. has: to, deal' ST~. SOSEP&. Itrea: RadIO: MOtiiHt: PiCtUtw'. CIIMtJ Wi. eo briRSJ thre mind~ om;,. with abstractfuns;, wftD; FALL> R.Ii.VEJ!tc . Ilia' Word' Ie, _ _, ewryw....., ZindOw f'OUng 'Faeeless. 'ThJnkln~ geometry,. with. PBot'JOl.:U0IlJ, ~t!i: A .praIlD.ihgm~g~ fOIl"II ~, .,14'-2:;11 ."..... ~.•• ~. UIlklveI There is in modern America the mere· 'instr.umen~ of. are 'as: penny. sale, will! .Dehel~; at. '11 : I\piltata"; ~1.ritIt>,...: , '....., . a great deal of this "faceless ends in themselVes~ It is' tIne,-~ ,Mond33l' niglit;.A~g~.%O ~:rmem:.'· ,1l£\f~'.,MQ1~ .~0It thinking' 'of tDfnlting m. quan- of tQe;. ~ew F~~ . '.'.: bers. oE St, J'o.aephrl1;parisb, '~aIli' ,'.':. ... DAUGHTIR~, of: n;, PAUl' , j: tlti'\(e .te;ms ratherthim. in . . It. might all. ~. ~'.#2~ Ri'IJ~': ~ org~~tiona:wm, ~,~"P~l!~~S.~"~.,··· IC:?ST~:~. MA.~.; ..' human,terms~: . There .is,..hI a '.,were; ~~t ~ .terJ:ifying;., .,'Jrh.e p~rtic~~te~ ~.additioD-. toiDd6-·· .... ...•'i,;, .... ' .'..'ioi.:,_ ., ..... word Ii good share of pr?ctical ,Faceless- Man 1S', a . nightmare. Vidual. parIshIoners. 1l.., '. • ha' . bat hetis: abroad as. the N ~ : " ...' m.arXIsm m w twe sometimes . D T'T' :be"': " ' : ",,--~~~~----~, J' calI ~he ,po~ull1f ,mind.,. ev~ precIse,., tbey.:;)~fc; .Over.' 33' Yean EXperi.nC4Pc '): 1 It IS so with the rather' cordial one and tIle same: " . B"'~'D'D.AH; . ] acceptance, of the "economic: in:" "')~ tell'pretatioll of . history>", 'fIlis GAS' CORP~. i• . means simply; that it is:. not 801iUED AND, BULK, GAS r Ilwnan freedom which ia the Clition· GAS. APPUANCES; ,. controlling- factor' in' deei'lions; TAEGU . (NC), - 'J!f£e, Bene:but blindec:onomic la'WS'oper'- di'ctine. monks of. nearby Waeg-, 4: SlIow' ROoms to; serve· 1M' ating in a moral" vacuum. . wan. have i'ust: publiSlied lli booli:: Hyaaois f.Glmocith And ....a ccording to this view -it . on;:' the· Clirlstiim. futspretation 1:,. ~:'St; 6M! a MaiII Ill, would actually be better if aU of suffering tramllatedi into sp' 5'.e686 10' e:.rS60' names of. i 11 d i v i d u a 1 a. were: KOrean' b~ farmer.. Prime :Minis;.. o.tecms' PnMiICfi'owa; . . . . . ' (I, na>CCiJR-aat:l'l /, omitted. from. the textboob and: ter.rohnr " M:3oun.. Chang;" . 585 1M: '.' . total attention' paid to the 1mThe Benedictines issued'. 4,QOO HarWiCh -'f:ft4, • , personal forces.. W~at .. bistoq cop~ Of "Why; I.MUsf Suffel;" would· lose in interest would' be' by Father F; J .. Remler" C;M. supplied by accuracy. . Chang, a ~. cOmmuni~t;· p::s:s::a:::S:S::Ii:a:s::l:::ro:=Ii:a::IIi:ElQl" ,. said' that reading; the: liooIt had I Newman.C~nvenltiolt belm "an. iinmense .help 1.'0.,' me PITTSBURG~ (NC) The: <Juring 196J!..~ It: was: in ~'of EQ,UIP~ National' NeWman. Club F'ederi- I96]! that Cl'1an&'S ;veu'-OllIl iBJV:' tion will hold its canven,.;. ernment WlI$ dE!posed: m III mill. BUSINESS' 'AND tlon here .starting Monday, Aug'. tary; coup d! ~eta~ and1 he Iiini: DUPtICATING' ~afINES: rr, . The convention theme is s:elf charged! with procwDmU,. i SeCond, andi'MOrg,all; SIL. "The University City." Among nismand ptltund'er·housearrest.. the speakers wiD be· Bishop Chang saidi he' transrafedI tIle fAt.l RIVER: John J. Wright. of Pittsburgh book inta Koreaa witfll the . wy' 2:-0682\ oS, 9:.6712) aad authoJ:-columnist Bussell thought that: "Others: mfgJi# find ! E: J.M.:GtJlolN.. Prop, IC.Irk. tome beneii#Ja It also." -
Marist"Mig.; .
P ansh ''1l1ra.d,
.. ".tU.
:> _'."
..;0 .
Benedic.fines Publish:. . K T sf ,:'" , orean ... ran
: .·YRI:-CITt:. :OfFICE.
. THE ~NCHOR""Dioces~ Of Fan .Rrv~~Thuris;, Aug. 16, 1962 •
Ordinary . Greets' Span·ish.Sp·ea.king Catholics,. as Brothers in Christ
'.3 .
Fr. Daniel Boland Columb~n Director
MIAMI (NC)-Dlfferences In ious to know you, to understand languages III n d backgrounds your problems,. to offer their SAINT COLUMBANS (NC) McPartland, S.S.C., director should not separate Latin Amer- assistance, to be your guides and ":"'Father Daniel Boland, .S.S.C., since 1952, .who has been named ican and North American Cath- your protectors. Take advantage has been appointed director of rector of St. Columban's Semiolics, Bishop Col{!man F. Carroll of evel\Y opportunity you have the 165 Columbal_ priests of the ~ ary, Silver Creek, N. Y. Father of Miami, has advised Spanish- to strengthen your faith and to American Region of the ~ociety Boland has been . professor and speaking persons in southern meet and discuss your common of St. Columban. rector at the seminary in Silver Florida. problems with others in your . He succeeds Father Peter J. ·Creek and at· Milton, Mass. The Bishop's message was de- own language," Bishop Carroll livered to the Spanish-speaking advised. by groups of workers engaged in The !'!urvey is the first step taking a census of the Latin toward expansion of facilities American Catholics now resid- already provided for the reliing in Dade County, gious, cultural, and social needs '~In recent years the number of Miami's constantly expanding • of Spanish-speaking Catholics in Latin colony, it was announced. this area has grown immensely," . It has been estimatE:ft that the Bishop Carroll said in a letter Spanish .' speaking population written in Spanish, "We wel- here exceeds 219,000 including come them as brothers in Christ Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Colomand members of that Church bians and natives' of other South AUTHOR: Sister M. Carowhich Jesus Christ Himself has American nations. line of' Los Angeles, author founded and which has been the of two English texts for Bame mother and protector so . . children, will tour Europe, many Latins knew in other the Middle East, Africa and lands." Asia and .conduct special Worship Together Differences in language and reading courses designed to background, B ish () p Carroll . BAY ST, LOUIS (NC) - A added, "should make us all rec- survey has disclosed that· 983 teach foreign children methognize the providence that Jesus Negroes are members of the 109' ods of learning English. NC Christ demonstrates towards communities of Catholic nuns in Photo. \ each of us through Mother the United States. . Church." Th~ total includes 840 proMany of the Spanish-speaking fessed Negro nuns, who have families have been here for taken final' vows to religious life; ~~~"'W~:~~ years while others are refugees 91 novices, 52 postulants and who fled Castro Cuba's tyranny candidates. and godlessness, the Bishop The survey, conducted by the VA,TICAN CITY (NC)-The noted. . Divine Word Messenger, month- Vatican City daily has expressed Many have been able to make ly magazine published here by .feelings of "most profound pity" missionary priests of the Society on the death of actress Marilyn themselves "at home," while U.L -" th e Di' d was rna de Monroe. . '. . th vme Wor, o ers are bewildered, confused, among 743 motherhouses and L'Osservatore, Romano exand .homeleSIl, he added, so "~t provincial offices of sistel'hoods pressed "the hope that in the is essential for all of us to work in the Unl'ted States, d espera t e so l't 1 u d e 0 f thispoor . Slightly more than three- woman there may have been - t~gether,. to. worship togethell', to be united in Christ." fourths of all Negro nuns are' present at the last moment Share Parish Life members of three'· communities, Someone who -was kept distant . . .. The Bishqp emphasized that the survey showed. There' are' during her life, and that hope the census. was an invitation for . 338 Negro nuns who are .mem:- and peace may have smiled upon' ~ 411. 5112 LBS . ". . _ all Spimish-speaking .Catholics bers of tpeHoly Family Sisters'. the dying woman." . ~ ' . ' . . . . . to become active members of of New Orleans, 301 of whom are Vatican Radio, in commenting their parishe.s and to share fully ~ professed Sisters. ..' . ..' on the death of the actress, tQOk in paroc~ial,life. . The check show~ 325 Negr< issue, with the .opinion that she ~ ~ ".your ~rlsh priests are aDS-> . are Oblate Sisters of 'Providence was· the helpless victim of the of Baltimore, 297 of whom are . world which discovered, built' professed. . . . . up and foste~ed her myth. YOUR Methodists Appoint There' are 82 members of the "Without doubt," the radio . 'DREAMS all-Negro Franciscan Handmaids nouncer said,' "the environment Council .Observers COME of the Most' Pure Heart of. Mary fro~. which . each . individual NEW YORK (NC) - The of New York CitY,66 of whom draws sustenance of his physical .. TROE world's' 13 'million Methodists are' professed, the survey showed. and spiritual life can poison it, WITH will be repre'sented at the 'Sec. but in each one of us there ill '. PLAID ond Vatican Council by three the possibility of defending our:' official observers and six alter- Catholic Population STAMPS selves, altpough it· may be \II' nates. difficult task to determine the limits of this possibility." Two observers h"ld been an- Gains in India NEW DELHI (NC) - India's nounced earlier. They are Bishop .. , Fred PieCe Corson of Philadel- Catholic population has risen 24 . phia and the Rev. Dr. Harold percent-in the past 10 years to' Baton Rouge Plans Ojil D· W k'l Roberts of the Richmond Theo- a total of 6,282,409, according to I~cesan. ee y logical Seminary, University of the new Indian Catholic DirecBATON ROUGE (NC) - The London. Bishop Corson is presi- tory released by ArchbishOp JoBaton Rouge Diocese will inaugdent of the World Mehodist seph Fernandes of Delhi. Despite the rapid increase, urate its own independent week. Council and Dr. Roberts is a past Catholics account for only 1.4 ly newspaper in January, 1963•. president. Bishop Robert. E. Tracy has The third. official observer per cent. of . the country's 439 million people, of whom 85 per appointed Father John F. will be the Rev. Dr. Albert C. Outler of Dallas, professor of cent are Hindus and 10 per cent Naughton as head of the paper. He is diocesan director of the H ere's proQf POstt1.1J6 that A&P gives yoeai theQlogy .at Southern Methodist are Moslems. India's Catholics include mem_ . Catholic press arid bureau af low prioes Otnd Valuable .Plaid .Stam:ps, ~of University. bers of three Rites - 4,682,512 information. belong to the Latin' Rite; . Editor of the new paper win . 1,475,464 to the Syro:"Malabar be Brian F. Daly, now news ed· Vatican Authorizes . Rite and 124,433 to the Syro- itor of' the Voice~ Miami, Fla., . Malankara Rite. diocesan paper. The ·diocese at Grou'p Baptisms Eighty-three per 'cent live hi . present is served by Catholie BOGOTA (NC) - The Holy See has 'given Latin America a. the southern Mrt of th.e countrY; .Action of the" SO\,1th, which is! privilege that '.' makes group including nearly all the Eastern '. the' newspaper' ,of the New Rite Catholics: . . Orle~ns archdiocese. Baptisms possible. Answering. a request of Archbishop Miguel Mario Mirarida y .Trade Union Course .Our Friendly'" . Gomez· of' -Mexico, president of Americans Heads - up Service . . For. the Latin American Bishops' . • .. • r CARACAS (NC)-Thirty-one Council, the Vatican granted Opens' The Door VIGOROUS AND WINEY SAVE.4c SAVE 14c permission to use the plural youthful. leaders from nine c To Greater Motoring form in the interrogations and countries and four territories are prayers of Baptism, even those taking an intensive course here Ple«lsure .. FOf' You! that refer to ceremonies repeated in trade unionism based on '--' Christian principles: over each of the baptized. The National Institute of However, the main formula of JANE PARKER-SAVE 20. ONLY Baptism, the anointing with Trade Union Studies is giving ~ LB 8 028 INCH SIZI! the one-month course in· which chrism and the reception of the 'j LB302 white garment and the lighted, the lead~rs are studying the tacJANlJ PARKER-lAW lOe SIZE eandle must still be repeated for. tics of Marxism as well as the every person receiving the sac· papal social encyclicals. Sni~er's CHILI PEPPER BOTS Purpose of the course is to t.wnen~ . PINT give the students a solid foundaBOTS tion for a genuine trade union Struggle opposed' to any totaliResidence Halls 215~~:29C: F::V~H Oil CHANGE AND . tarian cOncept. . WASHINGTON (NC) - The LUBRICATE WITH Community Facilities Adminisl~N~Z 1.0~ tration has announced that "AMALIE" P,lcos IhoWII Ia ibIs 8d lIUarOflIE<ld t!InI Sal., August 18 Mount St. Mary College in & effective lit ALL A&P Supo, Markets In Ihls communllY & vlclnll'. Hooksett, N. H., will receive a Tobs<co products ond 1\l!n1S prohIbited b7 ..... exempl f,om PIDld Slllmp Offa. $732,000 college housing loan. The women's college, operated ~{lJ~COC by the Sisters of Mercy, will use l\jcg>4 l?~eiDlsiDln~ $~Ii'eefr the loan to build two residence halls housing 146 I1tudents and' [FiDlJI ~ivei' four supervisors. r'
Super-Right Quality
Smoked Shoulders
Number of Negro
Nuns Increases
Paper Expresses Profound Pity
Super-Right Quality'
·3···9···.(· ."
_ ":'.::;.: . ~.:...~~.: :~~: :~~!;:f.dt::_::~~ r :: • *
ii;~O~I:k ~~49~13~:1.39 . i:d Fci;~f:D;' L8 ~BA:55~l3 :~:~11~9
Bokar CoHee
'B~~ 59
3 B~G 1)69
39C!: Apple Pie 35ct Spanish Bar 2 1ioZ29C .Catsup . .2 39t: Forman's Picnic Pickles A&P Green Beans Calo Cat o~ Dog Food' . 8
TH~ ANCH~R-DiQ~e,se~fJ~" ~tver.~Thy!s.,!. ~~9~, . J~,_1962 tf
• '.
• 'I
Mexico's, Bishops Call for Prayers
To, ~",e$erveC@,tholic ...Hlea"i,t,QJg.e
~'~': lJ rge!~rc$itiveP."
Thlnk:ing ..': On Lay Ap@sto!@f"e Role
MEXICO CITY (NC) - Mex- such· an evil, which instead I ico's Bishops have warned, also· finding a welcome here . against the' "very grave danger" .first among those who hav of communism in this nation and made theinselves known fo called .on its people to preserve their hatred of religion, second 1 their Catholic her ita g e by,. among. those who join ne By Msgr. George G~Higgins waging a campaign of prayer, . trends because of their spirit 0 Director, NCWC Social Action Depal'tmeDt novelty or to advance their own especially 'the family· Rosary. The Hierarchy pointed out in interests, and finally among Pope John's encyclical, "Mater et Magistra" (Christia joint pastoral letter that there those who, lured by false pro'~ anity and Social Progress), is divided into four partS. The is a need for a "firm foundation mises, fall prey to them, are of religioUs and moral life" to converted into propagandists and fourth part calls for "The Rebuilding of a Social Order help solve the country's· social later become victims of their .Based on Truth, Justice and Love." The Holy Father says problems and said that all Cath- own deceit." . ' very emphatically in this olics, particularly the wealthy, section of the encyclical that be as critical as the next man must put· the Church's· social Prlll".\fe~~nI\A11 I:!! .,.y~ . while Christian social edu- but ,he concentrates on practical' teacliings 'into practice. ' . v · ~il)IW'U, W)'W! ... ken cation at every level of" ~steps.that can be tli here: and They noted' that unequal dis- . IL III b-. -..J II now to improve· the situation, tribution of ~ealth - is a cause ,,~tl10@U ~o~ ~ learning is an indispensable preHe says, jn· summary; ·that of injustice and recalled that·' CHICAGO (NC) Public aid . requisite to the achievement of . while much remains to be done, the Church has always defended to parochial schools is "not una sound social . ; the layman of today "has an in- , . the interests of the poor and ' constitutioi'ial, so long as it takes "order based on . ·cr. easi,ng mitriber of channels for, SCRIBE: An African seln. .workers. . a non-discriminatory form," ac:. t rut h, justice h . and 10 v e, a is interests, a~ ever-~owmg", inarian E.H.I. Manyanshon, , 'Finds Welco'me' cording to a leading specialist in number· of means by WhICh he , '. • ' World' communism, the 'pre- cbnstitutional law. purely theqretmay participate ,in the life of. gore of the newly mdependeclared, . "continues to Philip B, Kurland, professor of ,lcal instruction the Church." . dent nation of Rwanda in lates expand its destructive activi- constitutional law at the Univer~~ ~a~:o~~~~~ .. '~here, are· 'so_many gr?UPS, central Africa,· is one of·.42 ties." They continued: ' sity of 'Chicago, expresses this obligations is . suited to so many tastes and in- seminarians from 14 coun- , ,"Mexico, unfortunately, is not view in a new book, "Religion . inadequate. terests," Mr.. T~o~man points. tries being trained as a sten-· exempt from the infiltration of and·the Law," published here by out, "that the mdividual layman . . ' the Aldine Publishing Company. "People must has fewer and fewer excuses for _ ographer for the commg Kurland, in the preface to his ~~y :e,' !ShO~ not participatirig." ecumenicalcounciI. NC Photo·, P.Il'G v book, distinguishes 'between the Scope Broadeps Y issues of constitutionality and points out, "in ,b' . 1 "desira bili~y." which they can properly f.ulfill,udS IS ecommg· increasmg y C.... a. lL ol:c-P...oa.e"'tant true in the .field of "Catholic· .. llll'll. • II. '" Kennedy View Unwarranted these· obligations." P I' act, ~ c e . social action. Up until recent SYDNEY (NC)-"The Bishops a.: u While holding that nondismakes perfect, he says, and thus ,years the scope of the Catholic. e Cllllion sum prove of Australia have called for "sus- ' one learns Christian behavior iAl social action· movement in the· LOVELAND (NC)~atholic_ tained, fervent prayer" for the criminatory public aid to paro-· social and economic matters by .United States was limited to' Protestant relations have taken success of the Second Vatican chial schools is constitutional, -actual Christian action -in those relatively 'few areas ,Of social, a "great step" forward, accord- Council and for acceptance of its he says it is his conviction that .. fields. and economic concern. _. . ing to an authority"on ecumen- ' decis i9ns "with humility and' it would not be desirable, since " Profit Personally, At the present time, however, i s m . · obedience." . ' "the segregation of school chilIt follows, therefore, His Holi- there are small but potentially . Father Gregory Baum, O.S.A., The Bishops also stress in their dren by religion is an unmiti, .ness concludes, that "the Lay important Catholic organizations Berlin-born author and teacher pastoral letter, which is being gated evil." , : ,Apostolate has an important role in almost every area of social at St. Michael's Coilege, Toronto, read in Catholic churches ·in "As a judge, I should have · 'to play in social education concern. Most of these organi- explained that Catholics and Australia" next 'Sunday, that to vote to sustain the consUtu: especially those associations and Zations are affiliated with the' Protestants· "have begun to.1isten Christian reunion "is not the -tionality of such legislation; as : C)rganization~ which have· as Nati'onal Catholic. Social Action to one another." . .immediate or primary aim of a legislator, I should have to ~ ,their specific 0 b j e c t i v e the Conference which will hold its . Speaking to students and the council." . votE1 against, its passage;" he . '::Christianization of contempor-' 1962 convention in· Pittsburgh guests at Grailville here in Ohio, "From much that has been said Writes. . 'ary society. t k- d U.S. center of the Grail, wom- and written by private'individCommenting on President " The members of these associa- nex en .of the ,Pittsburgh en's lay apostolate movement, ua ls'm the 1as. t th ree years," the Kennedy's opposition to paroThewee theme .ons, besides profiting person- program is "Christianity and. the. Augustinian priest admitted pastoral . states, "the impression ochial school aid, he says there is .al1y from their own day to day Social Progress.'" In addition to that in the U. S. and Canada has.been widely cr~ated that the "little or no warrant" for the experience in this field, can also the usual formal· addresses on this progress is in the beginning cprimary and immediate purpose President's argument that the " help in the· social education of matters of current interest, the stages. of the ecumenical council is Supreme Court had specifically the rising generation by giving :program will include workshops ' "Our ignorance of Protestant- , .the reunion of the separated ruled out such aid. it the benefit of the experience on Adult Social Education, Civil ism is enormous," he said. He churches with the See of St. ·they have gained." Liberties, Credit iTnions, Gov- added that "it is paralleled only Petez:. No authoritative voice has Cemetery Conelave Most informed observers. ernment and Politics, by. the ignorance of Protestants ever said this, and it is a cause CIIICAq0 (NC) - The 15th · .would probably agree that the ,Ethics, ·Socio:-Economic Action about us." for regief that such an illusion annual National CathoUc Cemlay apostobite in the' United' , . h~ been created." · ·~States is not yet adequately ful- in Latin America, Unions in Japanese, Catholic The Bishops express the hope, etery convention will be held in ; :filling its proper role in the Non-Profit Organizations, and howeve~, 'that a new climate. of this Illinois city from Oct. ·16 field of· social education and . Urba~ Renewal. Population Rises cooperation ,hi regard to Chris:' to 18. ~~cial action. " ' " . ,.. :Open to Aft TOKYO· (NCh- Although tian reunion will be created as To analyze the reasons for . 'There wili also be a Summit Catholics comprise,.. only it very a result .0£ the council;, , this would take us far afield, Conference on ways and means small. percentage of this ha· ·,·and to wring our hands about of promoting the study and ap- tion's people, their number is Fund Drive Record · ..:jt in despair would -be a sure plication· of the principles out- increasing rapidly, according to LANSING (NC)-' A record. · :isign of ·lm.maturity andah lined in ~ope John's encyclical, ·~statistics published in the new· ,'utter waste' of time. "Christianity and Social Pro- 1962-1963 edition of the Japan $503,432 has been pledged to For Specific Projects . gre~." Representatives of a : Cathqljc Directory. the annual Diocese of Lansing,. "of • • :', It occurs to me, in this con- .scoie. of national Catholic or':', ,. Jilpanese Catholics, the official Developm'imt. Fund. It marked . :ilection, that every article or ganizations will take part in this yearbook reported, totaled 287,':- the ·first 'time the' project has , book on the role of the laity in special seminar on the encycli- '943 in 1961, or less than a third topped the. half-million-dollar '''the field of social action ought cal. . ·of one per cent of the ·country's mark. The 'fund is for educating ... .= ... to include at least one practiCal The National Catholic Social population of 93,418,501. seminarians' and ·'other purposes: CHARLES P. VARGAS ." suggestion for promoting. a spec,. Action Conference convention is The number of Japanese Cath214 ROCKDAlE AVINUI ... Uic project - not an over-all open to all, interested Catholics. olies, however, rose by 60,904 or NIW BEDFORD, MAlI. NO JOB TOO BIG solution to the total problem of Here is your chance to meet and 27 per cent in the five-year the 1ay apostolate, but a modest to join· hands. with' several period from 1956 to 1961.' In NONE TOO SMALL recommendation which might be hundred zealous· people who 1900 there were 55,000 Catholics· put into effect right away. '. want to do something about the here. Recent months l:J.ave witnessed problem. .t he publication in Catholic For further information, adlVJ,li'i)oft'y Sef)'WOl!:~' periodicals of a number of la- 'dress Rev. Raymond T. Schultz,'· BERLIN (NC)-J;>olish Catho'mentations about the· allegedly Arrangeme~ts Committee, sixth lic,· Orthodox, Calvinist and ·'sad state 'of the lay apostola:te Annual Convention, National Lutheran. clergy took part in a :in the United States. Articles of Catholic. Social Action· Confer:" '. religious o·s·ervice . organized by" Maill'l OHico and Plan!! . t his description undoubtedly 'enlie, Catholic Information Cen- Catholic priests in St. Martin's LOWen, MASS. 'serve a useful purpose. At the tel', 111 Bo~levard of the Allies, church in Warsaw, it was learned 'same time, however, writing J~,:,_ Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania... ' .'here.·' " . . , . ,. TGlephon~ A;oYfElIB , " .. 1fJ1 ·mentations is much easier than GR. 8-63331 CII~c'J OR. 7.7500 Se<e·!ks $ll'~lhe 'solving problems. SlE~V~~G Perhaps the time has come, ~uxiliall'Y Plank therefoie, if not to call a mora-.. ~©(j' ~(j'o'l1~ihe S~Iffi@@~$ ~~NlE Jir AlL~AN fOOID>· .. GOULBURN(NC) -Catholic BOSiON torium on articles and books on the lay apostolate, at least ·to laity here have formed an or:OCIEANPOR1i'" N• .B., ((;j (Q) ~JCJ [L ~ make' them a little more pracii- : ganization to carry on their fight; PAWYUCKIE'1l', Ill. O. ~fH~ATI~G RESTAURANT and a.OUNGIE cal. As· the Christophel'S point· for state aid. to private· schools. ' The Goulburn AsSociatio·n·· for out, it is better to light one . on R.ake Sabbatia · • candle than to curse the dark- Educational Rights· was estab- ' 1094 Bay Street ness, There is a lot of truth in lished at a meeting of 250 lay persons as a direct result of the TAUNTON VA 4·8754· " this slogan. action taken in July by Catholic· .' '. Many Gronps .. parents in closing the six Cath-' _ _-.oc===-='"==-.........._ ....""] ,': Donald Thorman's new book; olic schools in Goulburn for· a ' '"The Emerging Layman," ·(Ddu-· week- ali a protest against inSuf':; .. , ,WhBte\~ farM"Dairy : :·bleday, $3,95),i.s a good eX.~~J?le. ficient state aid to the schools. "SPECIAL MILK , :of "positive thinking" on the The schools were ·reopened on , lay apostolate. Mr. Thorman can July 23. From Our Own : ,Tested Herd" , At the meeting here, a· six-· Program Off Air man provisional committee was· AC,ushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 · MANAGUA (NC) -A Nica- appointed, authorized to draw ·up " , raguan radio station, Radio a constituticmand to confer·.with· • Special Milk Mundial, has taken a program other bodies with similar objec_ .• Homogenized Vlt. 0 Mille off the air following a protest by tives. Saturday, Aug. 25, -:'has •. Buttermilk . the Managua archdiocese that it been set as 8. tentative date for • Tropicana Orange ·,Juice ~ attacked and slandered one of a national meeting to be held •. Coffee and Choc. Milk the \ See's priests, Msgr.· Luis in Goulbum on the question of • . Eggs - Butter ·Majia Fajardo. state aid to private schools.
e!l'S_ forr. eounci -I
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f/uiclt delMJIY 01
THE ANCHOR-DioceSe of FaJi River-Thurs., Aug. "6,1962 .
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THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fall Riv~r--:Th~rs., Aug. 16, 1962' '
'Movel, ,Has" Element of Universality'
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John ,S. Kennedy Ellen Douglas's A Family's Affairs (Houghton Mifflin. $5.95), winner of a, fellowship award offered by the publishers: and Esquire, is a Southern' novel in which no "character is a lunatic or a' pervert and no murder or other act of violence occurs. . It, abounds in regional at- more ebullience than anyone rnosphere and diction, yet is else'in the tribe. She was a curi, ,not so peculiarly parochial ous combimition of the romaIltic as to make the reader feel he is
and the realist: on the one hand, always playing a role which acobserving, happenings in an tuality did not warrant, on the alien realm. Inother hand, having a shrewd apdeed,hecanrec- . preciation of hard, facts. In Kate, ognize himself, the author has Created a lr..ultihis own family, dimensional character, subtly m u c h 0 f his colored and almost painfully own experience true. I " in these pages, Th,ere is something unusually ,which mea n s and unbearably poignant in the that ,the book change which comes over her in has the element old age in the shadow of death. of universality "The &trength and vitality that essential to any had been her family's bulwark genuine. w 0 r k in the years after Mr: Anderson's of art. The audeath, when they, ~ere still chilthor uses a pseudonym. Whoever dren, was "heir burden in her she is she is' a writer of parts. old age when she was no longer Her n'ovel is lengthy and tends able to put it to any practical to be fragmentary, at least for use. She wanted to do' every- ' the first half. But all strands are thing,for herself and most things gathered together, all its pieces for other people. are added together, before the "OpJ;Wsition wasJ'a challenge close. At the last, it is well to which she never failed to rise, , rounded off, givirig a sense of and as she grew older, her un.. ' reasonableness took the exasper_ , completeness. Mississippi Setting ating forms that senility thrust A.t first, and for some time upon it." thereafter, it is hard to say who -The author does not merely ,the principal character's· are, ,tell us this; she show~ it happenand where the principal focus. ing. The story opens in'lthe Spring ,Collective Portrait ' of 1917, in a .small town in MisSo, too, with the changes in sissippi, which is the chief set- otherS,as life opens up for, the ting. The initial section details younger generation and ,closes the courtship which, ends in the grindingly down upon the midmarriage of Charlotte Anderson dle-aged, as the d'reamed-Of reand {talph McGovern. turn to affluence is seen as a But these ~wo do not dominate chimera, as the neighborhood the rest of the book. In one por- dustily decliiles and the, ,old tion, for example, the spotlight ways yield, to new, as. the family is' on Charlott,e's sister Anna, proves not to be the closed and who, after years of spinsterhood, secure entity it had been oon-' makes ':;tn )iI-advised match sidered. with a footloose fellow. In anBy means of scores of precise_ other, the subject is the first ly observed details and acculove of Charlotte's daughter, rateiy projected \ situations, the another Anna. ' author paints this collective por'In still another, th~ fore- , trait, communicates the feeling ground is filled with the gallant of unity ir.diversity, of the sad last days of Charlie Dupre, husblend of intimates and strangers . band of Charlotte's sister Sarah which close relatives are -to one" D. And the book ends with "the' another. A family quarrel which death of old Kate Anderson, the takes place during Kate's last matriarch of the clan. illness brings out the ambivalent 'Feeling Importance -relationship with dramatic force. Gradually, it becomes clear It is no mean accomplishment that the ,title, although seeming for an author 00 be able to encommonplace. and noncommit-, compass in one' book 'the aspira_,' tal, does rather exactly 'define tion and assurance of youth, the and sum up the book. It is the fading arid slowing of the middle Anderson family as a family years, the stripping and loneliwhich is !.he author's main con",: ness of old age. With discerncern. ment ~nd sympathy, this 'novelIt was once a very ,prosperous ist, has done so, and the result is family, with a plantation in' a' work which one reads'thought_ Louisiana. But it came upon fully and admiringly. hard day~, Kate was widowed, the move to a town in 'another state became necessary. ~"ri)~~Jj'O«:<r:lII7ilJ{<r:lIveJj'o~l7il$ The' house in town was large, it was far from grand, -and AIP~(Q)OI7il{/', ~1i'@VOl7ild<r:ll~ crammed with furniture acHOLLISTON (NC) - Father quired in' better times. T~ere Angelo Frosi, S.X., 38, has been was still a feeling of importance, named regional superior of a, of status, even though the money new province of the St. Franciswas gone and Kate's dau;,;hters . ,Xavier Foreign Mission Society , had to go out to work., A pre- which covers the United States tense of quality was maintained, and Mexico. and the expectation of a'decisive , The Arr,erican branch of' the turn of fortune long persisted. Xaverian Missionary. Fathers Romantic, Realist was founded here in MassachuThis was largely due to Kate's setts 15 years ago. Its members irrepressible spirit. She had work in the Boston and Milwau1<:ee archdioceses, and the Worcester Diocese. The comCathoHc, Sll'ations 'Aid munity recently opened a school for 900 boys in Mazatlan, Mexico. Peop~le ,of SeRovia Father Frosi, who 'was orLA PAZ (NC)-The six Catholic radio stations of' Bolivia dained in Boston in 1948, served have organized a national infor,;. for three years, as superior of the society seminary here and mation agency to- assist the since 1959 has been procurator Bolivian people. The Bolivian Society of Broad- and chairman of a fund-raising casting Stations has the specific for a new $500,000 Xaverian" purpose of- disseminating news Seminary to be dedicated. next throughout the country so as to Fall. create a national conscience in, AdvDSCl1'f ~oal!'d reference to the aspirations of LINCOLN (NC) - St. ElizaBolivians. It will also stress the problems of people living in the beth's Hospital 'here in Nebraska remote sections of the country. has announced formation' of a Head of the agency is Father 14-member lay advisory board Jose Gramunt, S.J., director of for, the 265-bed institution run Radio Fides of La Paz, the oldest ~y the Sisters of St. Francis of broadcasting station in Bolivia, Colorado Springs, Colo.
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Principal of Jesuit High School Asks Justice in Unified Ceylon GALLE (NC) - The principal of a Jesuit high school here has appealed for national unity founded on justice, persuasion and mutual respect. The appeal by Father P.N. Peiris, S.J., was clearly directed as the national government, which has reduced the Catholic school system in Ceylon from 750 schools to 40 since 1960. Father Peiris spoke at a termend ceremony, at St. Aloysius College, presided over by E. A. Wijesooriya, former principal of a leading Buddhist school, Mahinda College. He referred to the excellent re' a t ion s between the two schools, Buddhist and Catholic, and asked: "If we as individuals and as institutions could achieve so much by way of understanding, sympathy and cooperation, why cannot the same be attempted by all the sons and 3 the daughters of Lanka (Ceylon)?" Snggests Conference 'fhe Jesuit educator urged that all talents and skills be pooled for the common good. "Why have recourse to hurtful eoercive measures when a roundtable conference can bring about results faster, and more lasting? Why eut oft. our
English Use Continued from Page One Baptism, Penance, Matrimony and in Anointing of the Sick. English also prevails in the rites used in the reception of eonverts, the f~heral service, administering of the Viaticum, and Confirmation of the dying. The short essential parts of the sacramental rites 'remain iii Latin. But they may be repeated in the vernacular afterwards. Thus in the;! ~acrament of Penance, everything the priest says m~y be ip. English except for the absolution itself - "peinde ego to absolvo . . .," which is imparted with the Sign of the Cross and the invocation of the Holy Trinity. When a penitent goes into a confessional, the first words he hears frem the priest are: "The Lord be in your heart and on your lips, that you may duly confeSs your sins, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." V-ernacular Versions In Baptism, the whole of the ceremony may be in English except for the e x 0 r cis m s, anointings and the actual words of Baptism. But all these parts may be repeated in the vernacular. In the marriage service, only the w 0 r d s "Ego conjungo vos . . ." are in Latin. The rest is in English, including the nuptial blessings during the Mass. Use of the vernacular is not' unprecedented in South Africa. Vernacular versions of the ritual in five Bantu languages - Zulu, Sesuto, Xhosa, Pedi and Tswana - are already in use in certain dioceses. An Afril~aans version is to be ready soon.
Urges Negroes Join Race Equality Move LAFAYETTE (NC)-The national Catholic Negro fraternity has been urged to cooperate with other groups who are· seeking equality among the races. Addressing the Knights and Ladies of St. PeterClaver representing ~7 states, Clarence Laws of Dallas, regional field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said "although some significant gains have Deen made" in improving racial rela': tions, "w<! have a long .way to go." Laws asked the Knights to work specifically for the desegregation of all parochial, public and trade schools and to strive for equal job opportunities, increased colored' voter registration and desegregation of all public facilities. • ; : : : : [ t :,
t :
Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962
nose' to . spite our face? Why throw English out when our scientific and international growth is so much linked, up with it?" '\. " ' . He turned to a series of laws pushed through by Ceylon's leftist government which forced most Catholic schools out of existence. Only topflight s~con dary schools were allowed to continue provided they did not charge tuition fees. They were deprived of all government aid. 'Uphill Task' Financially speaking, it is really· an uphill task we have in hand in running the college as a private institution," he said. "Now, the point at issue is not our ability Or willingness to carryon this state-imposed burden. It is rather ~he questionable justice and fairness on the part of the state in imposing this burden on us. ''May it be perhaps that we were graciously allowed merely to exist, while our' doom was secretly 8ecreed and the steps leading' to OUr extinction were earefully prepared?"
Oreg~n ~~e Has
K of C Support In Legal Actions PORTLAND (NC) - Financial support for the. Portland archdiocese in legal actions involving education has been pledged by the Oregon State Council of Knights oil Columbus. A resolution approved by the 54th annual convention in Pendleton empowers state officers to assess the K. of C. membership "an amount to be determined by ,the necessity and at such time as a r~quest for ~assistance is received" to support the pledge.
ELIZABETH (NC)-The ninemember Union COunty Board of Freeholders here in New Jersey has unanimously adopted a resolution favoring prayers in public schools.
M I,A M I (NC) National leaders of labor and management will participate in the second annl,ial Labor Day observance sponsored by the' Diocese of Miami, Thursday, Aug. 30. -U.S. ,Labor Secretary Arthur J Goldberg will be the principal speaker at a banquet concluding the joint ,observance. Msgr. George G. Higgin.'l, director of the Social ActioD Department of the National CflthOlic Welfare Conference, is program chairman.
Jerusalem Greets Pope's Nuncio .JERUSALEM (NC) - The Catholic cOmmunity of this city turned out to welcome Archbishop Lino ,Zanini, newly appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Palestine. 'A procession escprted by police officials preceded Archbishop Zanini's entrance
Favor Prayers
Leaders P~an Joint labor 'Day Program
GREETED BY FATHER: Hugh J. McDevitt~ 83-yearold father of Bishop Gerald V. McDevitt, kisses the Bishop's ring after consecration ceremonies in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia. At left' is Sister Gerald Vincent, sister of the Bishop. NC Photo.
into the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. Archbishop Zanini, the former Nuncio to the Dominican Republic, succeed~ Archbishop Giuseppe Sensi, who has been given the post of Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland.
OPEN MON. Thru FRt 9 A. M. k..1 0 P. M.
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Judge Rules :Black. Muslimism. Is ,Religion Under ConsfitutiOll
Worthwhile Recipes . By Rev. John R. Foister,
WASHINGTON (NC) A District Court here- has ~led . that Black Muslim" adherents , practice a rp.ligion protected by the F,irst Amendment to the Constitution. JUdge Burnita S.' Mat1p.ews . made the ruling in holding that Black Muslims have a legal right to hold religious services at Lorton (Va.) ·Reformatory,·· a District of CQlumbia prison. The 'Muslims preach racial segrega'tion and Negro supremacy. It is not the function, of the' court, said the Judge' ,"to 'consider the merits or fallacies of a religion or to praise or condemn it, however excellent or fanaticai or preposterous it may ,be." <,Doctrine of Hate'.' _ Judge Matthews ~pheld the claim of a prison inmat'e,· Wil~ licim T. X. Fulwood,'who charged that denial by prison officials of permission for Black Muslim services is unconstitutional.' Prison officials argued that .the ~uslims preach a disruptive doctrine of hate. Judge Matth~W8 held, that <0
'St. Anthony's Church - Nl!w Bedford'
Until now we have seen the, importance ·of exorci~ms: . .They are such both to the candidate for, .Baptism and .for .the community of Christians which receives this new mem,. ber.· ExorCisms, becauSe of God's omnipotent- power, free
, the .soul from ll 'domi~ion the tongue (as iIi . the :G~spels) by Satan. ExorCIsms; by the , be annointed, PoPe Pius XII, in Church's carefully .. chosen 1944, and Pope John; just, this , text and rites, effectively year, hav 7 allowed that the re;nind baptized Christians of use' o,f saliva - . and even the their exalted position, their -to~chmg-:-b7 omltte~ .for cer:. ht s an d theIl" tam, hyglemc and slml1ar rea'rlg . , duties.' sons.,. . .. ; . B carefully This entire ~lte IS agam ~me Y r 1' t e' S, 'which emphasizes, c'hosen . ' . th the. commuth t h r ch mty's, 'place In e ceremony. JUBILARIAN: Mot her hoe es to Uteach 'The candidate 'is made able to Mary Agnes, foundress of r memberS act as a Christian-to .sp,eak, feel the ·Franciscan Sisters of "'the thi " d' I imand accept as a Chnstlan;~ne ritual points' out the' value of Most Blessed Sacrament in orSt ~a 'We Ph anc e'n' that the ceremony by having the as- Cleveland,will mark her 75th " .recl te, th e C reed, and anniversary in the 'order Oft inave the se first two , slstants 'sms in Lord's Prayer., Then, he anFriday, Aug. 31. NC Photo. ' ~xorc~ ism the noints the nostrils '(mouth) and, . ~ Pt p'ut an the - candidate himself (god~ pri s. 't th ese ',prayers,' end. toe Satan's actual ruIe parents' ) reCl.ell '·th aut h 0 r ita t i v e com- Thus the ceremony ta~es on a Continued from Page One ':~nds similar to those possibly newhimportanc~. It bistnotlalone blood-clot formation in women. used by the Apostles the~selves ~not ~r exorcism. u a so' a . The FDA acted after the when they' too were sent to ex- meamngful reception of the new British Medical Journal, said' orcise as is recorded in the, Gos- member, four' women taking the drug pels. Furthermore, the, priest .Fi~a1 Preparation, , in England had'developed blood illustrated this command and But the ceasing Of, Satan s clots and one had 'died; The FDA explained it by signing with the power is not something that said studies of two U.S. fatasign of the Cross and breathing can be done a~tof!laticallY and. litles' after taking the drug on the candidate. " . ' from the,. outsl,de alone. The failed to, conclude that' the Twice more does, the prl~t candidate IS never forced, hence deaths were caused by En<?vid. ' exorcise-no't' because Satan IS even the Church must stand, and Catholic moralists have so far especially rE,luctant to leave but wait as .the member, not commented on' this aspect simply because'we must remem- takes hiS stand. ThIS last and of the use of the drug. Father ber that the preser,.t all-~mcom- "most formal stE;P was formally Henry V.Sattler, C.SS.R., 'as-", passing ceremony .sim,?ly con~< foll.owed by a, f~rmal oath Of, al-, ,sistant director of the NCWC, denses what in earlIer bmes was, legla~ce to ChrISt. Through ,the, Family Life' Bureau, said' that if " spread 'o:ver many weeks. or " years the oath was dropp,:d b~t the "pill" is' discovered to be months. With an accompanymg the effect was the same In the seriously harmful' to life acprayer the priest annoints the sol em n incorporation which cording to, the best medical candidate with saliva; later, the SOO1\ follows by the actual ad- opinion, moralist~ will probably candidate solemnly renounces ministr.ation of the Sacrament. speak out agains't its use, even Satan and is again annointed, Solemnly the candidate re- for 'Iegitima~e reasons, since no with oil. Thus, the candidat~ is nounces Satan, his works, his one may risk his own life withready for the greatest of gifts P0ll).ps. . , out<a sufficient reason. and graces-Baptism. , ,True thiS 18 not 'an ac~ual In Chicago, Dr. J. F. L. Blasin_ Entrance exorcism but rather the fmal game, president of the American It is taken for granted that ,decision,' the, final signing of the Medical Association, said that the introductory ceremonies of order to Sata.n t~ be gone. There studies by the AMA have found Baptism are to be administered remains now only to make a few" no, evidE!nce that the use of oral outside of the .Church proper., brief preparations and the actual contraceptives caused the reAt this point,' the candidate is administration of the.Sa~rament. ported cases of blood clotting. introduced into the church. Of Satan has'lost; Chllst IS about course one must be able to see to more than take possession.:' TRtft:~~ng' Imrr~es' farthe;, than the ~imple building He is about to mal!:e this person: IIIl.!1 lin 1l4I"',' , of mortar and stone. The candi-, a part of His 'own Body; to adopt, Continued from Page One date' he or she is henceforth as- this new child as His own bto-' those who instruct public school soci~ted with those who are ,ther; to feed him with a life-'., children in parish schools of reb.:uly members of Christ., . giving nearness. ' ..~ ligion will also 'be conducted~ On Wednesday of Holy Week, Next week: PreparatIons '(I).. Sister M. 'yirgine, of the MiSSion " all candidates met at the basilica Helpers of the Sacred Heart, will, " ' . of st. 'Paul-Outside-the-Walls, conduct a refresher course. for, ' Rome, and there were solemnly teacher training course gradu- ,., examined as to their readiness Continued from Page One ates. Sister Virgine is engaged for the reception of Baptism. Sacrement to st. Louis de in Confraternity' of Christian, , The Gospels were explained to ' Doctrine programs in Baltimore, three C an dE' them and ' the Creed was r.ecited Fr~nce, S~ansea, rIe, P a. · t M as. grade A I +- W as h'mgton, D ,'., S h t eac er; IS er arIe nge e loV Sh I' 1 t . t ' h t· for them. Th·ey I'n turn reci.ted the Provincial House. ' , e a so ec ures In ca ec e lCS 'it aloud. Then' the Our Father From St. Louis de France Con':' in the Department of Religious :- was explained' clause by c l a u s , e . , ,~ducation at the Catholic Uni'T.hose found worthy were '~hen vent, Swansea: Sister Rose PhiL. versity of America. 'selected and they were ippe to St., Theresa School,New .... . .S·IS te r MM" " arce IIe- Therese us. as grade ~iye teacher; M h N H '11 . d t' ' to proceed to the Baptistry re- Bedford, Sister Therese' de l"Enfant Jesus' . anc est~'r, . . WI con uc Citing these beautiful prayers to St. Michael School, Swansea, the elementary teachers" session. as they went. Iil possible ,reSince 1959 she has, conducted .' ~ as grade four teacher; Sister, . d h' t St M' h forms' , how m'uch.more ,". ',Marie Fidelis to St. Jean Bap- lea ers Ip course a .. lC -,' ful it 'would be for the godpal::-. " . aeI's College, Winooski, Vermont.. .. ents to first recite the prayers tisfe Schooi, Fall River,'as grade Sister James-' Margaret at. , and, the a'dult answer; or' those six tea~lier;' Sister, St. Anhe to Worcester will conduct the high assisting and :then the godp'ar~ St;: Michael, School, Swansea, as 'school teachers' session. She has ents in the case of children! grade one Jea(;:her~. ' : , ' .:" been very' active in the Diocese On ,Holy Saturday, there ~oc'.' other Assignments ,of Worcester· CCD and high cured a ceremonial examin~tion From S~. Michael Convent, school program,. during which was' administered Swansea: Sister Angelica to St. D the fir~t definitive exorcism that Louis de France, Swanse'a, as this candidate'might be a temple grade five teacher; ,Sister Lau- '. of God 'and tliat Satan keep far rence to St. J~seph ~Scliool, New Continued from Piige One. from this creature of" God's Bedford, as grade seven teacher;, "If children learn their relimaki!\g: " " S i s t e r Marie du' Bon Pasteur to gion from Someone they love, it Taking saliva from his, (),w~,' ;St. ,'Louis de France School,. will help them respect it and mouth, the priest' annoints the Swansea, as grade two, .teacher; see it as sOJ:llething beautiful," nostrils and ears Q,f the candi-' Sister Jea[} Marie ,to St. Jean she said, date. This use of saliva was an, Baptiste School, Fall River, as The whole family benefits, instrument of diabolic exorcism grade two teacher. too; according to ,Mrs. Judge. used by ancient Romans. Its use From St. J'oseph Convent, New .She said "the most joyous. times' by Chris.t ,in healing the deaf Bedford: Sister St. Robert to' we've known" are "when we and dumb man at Decapolis gave Blessed Sacrament School,Fall are all talking about our Lord it a greater importance. Not to River, as grade six teacher. and thanking Him for His gifts."" give offense, St. Ambrose counThe following sisters are also selled that the nostrils and not being transferred: Sister Marie Housing Project Theofrede, from St. Joseph Con-. Ple"dge Smut fight vent, New Bedford, to ,the ProLISBON (NC) ~ The PortuRYE BEACH (NC)-The New vincial . House; Sister Theresia, guese Ministry of Public Works Hampshire Council of Catholic from St. Jean Baptiste Convent, has ,given a further grant Of , Women pledged an alI-out cam- Fall River, to St. Joseph Con- $i7,500 toward construction of , paign to remove obscene litera- vent, New Bedford; Sister Lu- the housing development here ture from newsstands. in the cille Marie, from the Provincial named for Manuel Cardinal state' in a resolution adopted at House to St. Jean Baptiste Con- Goncalves Cerejeira, Patriarch of Lisbon. its ninth annual conference here... vent" Fall River. ,- .....': r' .' .
Anti-Birth Pill
T"r'ansfer SI-'St'ers'
Tal·k Rel-Ig-Ion
,-f ....
prison officials cannot "underwrite" the religious activities 01. 'Catholics, Protestants and Jews. while at the sametinle forbidding such activities, by Black Muslims. ' The Judge did not discuss thG action of another District Court judge here who denied a second Black Muslim inmate's petition for religious services by citing the U. S.Su'preme Court's recent ruling against official pcayer. in public school.
Reds Block Roads To Stop Pilgrims BERLIN (NC) - The Soviets had to put up roadblocks to keep pilgrims away from the shrine of Velikorezkoya' in the Kirov region, about 400 miles east of Moscow, it has been reported here. ' , According to', a story in the Soviet magazine, October, soldiers and volunteer' helpers ~ cently blocked roads leading to this shrine that Russians have been visiting since 1540.
TO SAVIE SOULS, ,l'OU N};~D NOT BE A PRIEST 011. SIS1'ER. WERE IT NOT FOR PEOPLE LIKE l'OU, IN FACT,' . OUR'M.ISSIONARli':S COULD NOT SURVIVE ••• That's why, week after week, we write this column ••• A housewife in Milwaukee .helps us train a native Sister in LEBANON. A machinist iD Buffil1o- goes without lunch in 'order' to 'provide for orphana. A t nurse in San Francisco walks to wOI:kj- the carfare She saves Ja helpin; to educate a prtest·to-be In INDIA, " '. .. Housewife, machinist,' nUrse,these three people are missionerS d '"Tht Holy Father's MissiOfl Aid home! Without their backing, how, for tht Orimral CJJtnrh could we educate a native olergy, give orphans a home In EGYPT" care for lepers in INDIA? How could we build schools, chapels, clincs -In ETHIOPIA, ERITREA. JORDAN, INDIA, GAZA, IRAQ, IRAN? • ~ • These Thfngs are being done-because of people like youl ••• Would you like to help-?-Your help is most important•••• We need your prayers,' your sacrifices. /
THINGS YOU CAN DO D HAVE MASSES OFF~RED FOR THE LIVING AND DECEASED, Our missionary ·priests will be pleased to offer 'promptly the Masses you request. 'The offering you make is their principal means of support. D DONATE AN ARTICLE FOR A MISSION CHAPEL., For years to come these sacred ar;tjclEis will serve God and souls, In the name of the person you designate: VESTMENTS ($50), a MONSTRANCE ($40), CHALICE ($40), CIBORIUM ($40)" TABERNACLE. ($25), STATIONS OF THE CROSS ($25), CENSER($20), SANCTUARY LAMP ($15), ALTAR LIN~NS ($15), SANCTUARY BELL' ($5). FEED A FAMILY FOR' A MON'l'H. The' Palestine Refugees (Arabs exiled by the Arab-Israeli War cif 1948) live in refugee camps In LEBANO~, JORDAN, SYRIA, and GAZA. , They 'need ,food, clothing;' medicine, a place to sleep . . . TO FEED A REFUGEE FAMILY FOR A MONTH costs $10. . . . As a token' of our thankS, we'll send you an' Olive Wood Rosary , ,from the Holy Land. , D EDUCATE A NATIVE PRIEST; For Z7c a day (what a ' smoker pays for cigarettes), you can help a poor boy .become . a priest. ,The training, which lasts six years, costs $600 altogether ($8,32 a month, $100 a year). You may wr~te, to the boy YOII, help. He will write to' you, keep you informed of his progress, D TRAIN A NATIVE SISTER. In many parts of the 'NEAR EAST mission world young women who want to become S~sterl 'oannot pay their own expenses. Would YQu like, to sponsor one of them? . . . The training lasts two years, costs $SOO altogether ($12.50 a month, ,lllO a year). .. . Write 10 111I. We'll send you the name of a sister'who needs your help. D JOIN A MISSION CLUB.'. For 3ca day ($1 a month) ,you oanhelp lepers, orphans, the aged. Why not join one (or morel of the following clubs? ' DAMIEN ,LEPER CLUB .: •••••••••••... ,cates for lepen ORPHANS BREAD ....• ;.~.••••....... : .. ,feeds orphans PALACE OF GOLD .. , .••••••..... provides for the aged THE BASILIANS " ~ ; supports mission schools THE MONICA GUILD ." chalices, altarS, etc. for churches. D ENROLL YOURSELF (OR YOUR F-!\MILY) IN THIS MISSION AID SOCIETY.
Dear Monsignor: Please enroll D me.D my family. . Name
•••••••••.•••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••••••
Street ..••••• -
' . , City. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Zone .. '. . State,.: . D ,ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP. D INDIVIDUAL <'I.DOt D FAMILY ($5.00) D PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP INDIVIDUAL ($20t ' D FAMILY ~Ioot
~'l2ear&stO)jssions~ ,FRANCIS CARDINAl,. SPELLMAN, Presldoftt MIIf'. Jos." T. R;em. '~ctt'Sec" Send aR c_IIPVlllcatlolI3 tol
CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WUFARS ASSOCOATION 480 !.exlngtonAvo.l4lli 46th $f. Now York 11;~. ,;
-""""--------"~._~"'C1~.~"!: ~-""""~_I'II!!I
Baseball Enters Upon Climactic :P:hase of· Season j
THE ANCHOR-' Thurs., Aug. 16. 1962
Church Continues To Help Needy Haitian People
By Jaek Kinea'W)'
'enters Upon the climaetic phaSe ,of another.interesting ,and productive baseball .seasontonigb.t when Fall River Intermediate An-Stars take the field :against St.Mary'.s in an ~ition 'game under the . lights at South Park. Jim M e Jil d '0 n ea of .Mostpeop1e were willing to SantoC .h T 'let 0 and Paul concede :the Dodgem had iihe Borkm~ St. Mary's SuburinSide track on the .N.L.1laga ban mpper.1 will co-.pilot the wee1tago 'but the resurgent Stars \Who were .-selected
lengue C i() ncb ,e:L champion St. Patricks is not 7'epresented ,on the A1l-Starnggregation. T'h·e dty titllstsare nnxlousl-y nwmtlngth e
cu1come .of the Diocesan semi£iDol 'series,b1;!-
, NEW YORK (NC)-U.~. Catbolic relief agency w,m continue .its assistance f()ll Haiti as ,long; as possible, ,because of "desperate human J1!.eed."
Giants and Cincinnati ,Reds have once .again~jected tbemselves
intopemmntfocus. Manager.AI Dark's Giants broughttl!.e D~ ,ersbaCk to earth ~sweeping their weekend three game series. Quietly :moving npto within 6% ' games ,of ;theroo~meanw1riI~, were the defending champion Reds who had a .nine game win ' .skein going into Tuesday's f:filiedule.
This position of Catholic Relief Services-National Cat· lie W--- re Con1'''''''''nce has ~n announced by Father Fabian Flynn, ' C.P., public information director for CRS. . The U. S. government has quietly suspended most of its Haiti aid program, reportedly to indicate disapproval of the oppressive rule of President, Franco15 Duvalier. Father Flynn said that CRS eontmues its aid progrum, desPite "almost .insurmountable" administrative obstacles ' n n d .c;pen tension between ChurclJ und State, because "almost now~ere in the world is there more desperate human need." <'Fftfty per cent of the childB'en oom in Haiti do not live to the age of five; average income is $50 a year; death from starvatien is not uncommon; the illiter&cy rate is RO per cent," he ,revealed. Father Flynn noted that President Duvalier has been excommunicated because of his direct attacks upon the Church including expulsion of the ~I!n try'S leading Catholic officiaID. Despite this, and other' problems such' as riots looting of. , llupplies and failure' of thegov.ermnent to meet its commitments, CRS oontinues its assist01100 "in response to' appenlll b'ombishops wbo pleaded the _ eritica! needS of the HaitiQD peoJ;>le." he decll:lred.
Attendance Down . t \veen ImmncuLatest attendance statistiCB .inulnte 'Concepdicate that the Sox will likely tion of New, lBed1'CJlId ,ondOur Lady of draw no ;b1;!tter than 750,000 patrons this year. Rumor .has it Lourdes ·of Taunton. St. iPatriekll will be shooting for 'an unprece- that this .may ,be Mike Higgins' -dented third consecutive Dioc- last year. Hso, and with public esan crown in the final series support flagging,there no doubt which co~ld get gneerway Olll ,Will be many <ihanges, the question is.e<Whowillbe his,succesSuntmy. CYOSnbUllban concluded .tts sot?" Owner Torn Yawkey has gone regular .'seosonon .Monday 'and m1 record in suJ?port of Higgins will commence double elimination post sanson pll:\Y an Saw"; but in the event Mike nas had it, day with all t;Cven elubspaTtici- . the!'e Is good reason ,to believe iPBtiIlg. GuicioB ,af ,New Bediord that Inhnny iPes1ty may be =nexed'league honors, .8UCCes8- ,'brought up tfrom Seattle. Pesky iuU,ystnvin,g d a lnte season has ,hod good success in the chal}enge by defending cham- minors, first with the Detroit organizlltion, :thenlBoston.'D:ten, ' CHAMPION: Renee .PoweD, 16, ,8 junior at Canton pion Perfection Oil. ·of course, :tihereare the special O~io, C~tral HighSchool. tells the seeret of her cl1aaIJ.pion~ ;F-orm Beversa1ll scouts, Doerr, and Williams, both Baseball is perha.P8 the least of whom ,enjoyed great stature ship golfmg success to th~ family canine at her father's predictable .at ourso-ealled as players. Clearview Golf and 'Country Club. Golfing since the age major s.ports. .Form reversals, of three, she adds trophies to her collection the way most .ho FooftJaD both up and down, are not un. J Moving into the .sports foregirls add clothes to their warc:lrobe-44 in all. NC Phob>. usual but tlbis years goings on ground mexGmbly 18.King Footin both major eiloeuits Iha~ the ball. 'rheeoUegians and high expe.rU rather perplexed. The sdhoolers won't be getting under enigma 01. the American League Jb.ns ,to be t!he Cleve1anc!l Indians way for another week and a half who Iha~ hit the ,skids to a fare- but the prClS aJle bw!nYengtlged thee-wen. On their July visit, in 1heirpre-seasonexhibition NEW YORK (.NC)--State °Su_ Judge Markewich refused to the Sox couldn't get the Indians tours. Tibe Patriots ~pped their .tinrt contest" a 21"';~!Ddecisicm to preme Court Justice Arthur. turn the children over ·to Miles out. Mel McGaha bad >the club the :Olik:1and Raiders last Satur- Markewich refused here to en- or to· order Mrs. Lieboltllo raise right \UI the:reanlil he was being day 'at Brown. F.Qr.merPat ace, force an agreement allegedly them as Catholics. touted for Manager ·of the Year did his ex-mates in made by a divorced woman to Heeommented: ,~e children honors, anunusualdistinctiol1 with a two tGudhdGWU perfonn- raise her first husband's two 'Dre now quite young. The fnther ·anee. ehildren as Catholics. may. 'in f!11ure visits,iDfluence fora fl'eshmanpilot. Then the The PrOVlideooe Steamrollers, roof fell in and DOW the ~pless ,Justice M~kewich .tumed tihemasthey attain .maturity, by Famous for our Prime Indiam a1"E! no longer in the first membenl Qf tbe nascent Atl:antic cWwn .the request by John Gor- loving andgentll.epersuasion that division ~ are PiaYlDg sub .500 Coast .League. were scheduled don Miles ,ofDeta'oit on t1he iml WClJ' of seeking God 18 the Aged Charcoal, Broiled ball. By eontrast to their to open tb.eiir tuneu,p :sehednle' pounds that a "t1Durt nat" is not better •.• 'This has often haplast nigbtat Oilfly Stadium. 'The :Bwlngin' series with the Sox the a proper meaosf!:tr ~ pened before, and may well ocSteaks - also Roast Indians were shut ,out in both Rollers are amched bY 'Conrad about '8 ehangem religion. eD!' here if the' proper methcds PEnsav.a!lle, former Dartmouth games of last wee!t'1'I visit. Miles had sought by legal .ac- .are P1lniUed." Beef - Sea Food DoWJ11 in \fashi~ton nm oquarterbaek, :and their l'OSterin_ tion ';to :follCe .Mrs. Karen Bae outstanding former Piersall was heard' to chortle, dudes LiebGIlt to raise his 1wo ehilcl1ren, Dancing Every Saturday college ballplayers. Recently "~y GlD't blame Power; TemMelisSa, ~.and OhriStcpher. 5, Nite to the Music t;tf signed were a pair of All-Ivy ple and Piersall aD,ymore." Tbe aB Catholics. 1aekles in the persons ,of Bob Henry Cottrell and his inference was clear. These were Now PreSbyteriaDll the men upon whom thi! Iqdiantl Shaughnessy of, Harvar.d and Orchestra Miles said that ina 19511 agreesupposedly relied And upon Bob Asack of Columbia. 'ment accompanying their divorClll 'whom the onus of failure Z'e8tecL' f'laftaina A Weddina. Shower. II.... decree Mrs. Lieboltagreed to All were subsequently traded.. . . , • lheting-CaB ow 1Imt.., rear the children as Catll1oUcs. Piersall, by the way. is steadily Be said the ehildre.nare imltead Department .... do~",,1s. All ...... movin,g up in the average de.... _ lixpert AtteatIoD Cal Co~plaints beingralsed -s Presbyterians. partment after uunusua1l7 Mrs. ,Liebelt's second husband, poOr flrst half at the plate. ' "ST. LOUIS (NC) -.The new Dr. FNderlck Uebolt, ill 'an South •. Sea Sta. IlAYFAlI ..........-t97t . '. Pliehlng ~ :::;;, ,Missouri Human lUghisCom- elder of the Fifth Avenue Pre&HYannis Tel MY 81 9J Crandall Rd.Ti~n..... rhe. Sox, meaow!ille., r~~ed mission has· received, only 13 byterian cbureh here. pennant eali.bre pitching from ,eomplalnts ,of. ~ dlserimination, theb' staff on the last home stay. all based on race, during its first , Cqneomitantly, the whole ,club nine months of existence. Winston Cook, ,commission ' seemed to pick up the tep1PO. 'They began. to run the bases with 'chairman, said there have been, 'A success, came through with the no fonna! complaints charging timely hit, and ma~ the key , reI i g i 0 u.s discrimination, alGOOD play afield. In short, they re- though some incidents had been ceived the good break for- a called to the attention of the change. board informally. Means A "I have heard of organizations which hire only Jewish or GREAT DEAl. Library Name Honor Catholic personnel," he said., But the commission has been For Medal Winner able thus far to investigate only LAFAYETTE (NC)-A statecomplaints filed formally with 1115 WillIAM ST. NEW 8EDlro~D, MASS. sup~rted school here has named it, he said, because of a shortage its n~ million dollar library of finances. , for Miss Edith G. Dupre, a Cook said some evidences of member o£ its faculty since 1901 discrinlinatory advertising, had and recipient of the Papal medal come before the'commission. He SUMMER STORE HOUf<S "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" in cited 'an advertisement in a Mis1943. sissippi newspaper, which was 9 A.M. to 6 P.MMonday • Tuesday • Wednesday The University of Southwest- placed by a. St. Louis County, , A.M. t-fl 6:30 'P.M. Thursday • Friday., Saturday ern Lou.i.siana honored Miss Du- Mo., school board, asking for pre, noW professor emeritus of "white teachers only." 565 MILL STREET , No formal complaint has been English, for her dvic and religCLOSED All DAY SUNDAY ious reademh.ip since the turn filed on this, he said., "because of the century. She was one of we are not out to ~et headlines. HEW BEDFORD the first faculty advisors of the We attempt to work these things university's Newman Club, and out with the individual or emOpen Evenings she ~ed on the buDding com- ployer, because we 1eel much UNION WHAItF,FAtRMAVEN mittee of its Catholic student more call be accomplisbe4 by private conciliatioD..., centec.
Refuses. to Enforce Agreement To Raise Children 'as Catholics
Buek Ossieks
Commission Gets Bias
Maclean's Sea Foods
THE ANcHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 16, 1962
,Stang Hig,h "Symbolizes Ideals of' First Ordinary· began their apostolate of edu~ . cation in Cincinnati, Ohio. This apostolate has continued uninterruptedly, in the United States since that time. Over the span tion" by the first Bishop of th'e of a century and a quarter, the Fall River Diocese. The educawork of the Sisters of Notre tional ideals; as well. as the Dame de Namur has been faith and apostolic leadership of blessed by the good God. From the Most Rev. Wifliam Stang, that year to this, the sphere of influence of the Institute has D.D. are memorialized 'in the high school on Slocum Road, broadened into' an ever-widening, ever-fructifying circle. North Dartmouth, -that bears his name. Five Provinces For the' planning and the Today there are five Proactual work of this regional vincesof the ,Sisters of Notre school, our Most' Rev. Bishop Dame in the United States: Ohio, James L. Connolly, D.D. is .reMassachusetts, California, Mary_ sponsible. The undertaking with land, and Connecticut. The Sisits varied development became ters conduct three colleges: his problem. When the bull-' Trinity College, in Washington, dozers, tractors, and trucks D.C., founded, in 1900; Emfinally withdrew, a mas~ive manuel College, Boston, the first building emerged, a monument Catholic' college for women in to an earnest and zealous local New England, founded in 1919; .BISHOP STANG HIGH. SCHOOL-NORTH DARTMOUTH Ordinary and laity. and College of Notre Dame, in Within the imposing educacontinue on to higher education nurses' training, scientific, comready famous Siang spirit. Felmont, Calif., founded in 1868. tional structure there is a large Secondary, and e I erne n tar '7 auditorium-gymnasium,', a cafe- mercial administration, and lib- Utilizing the spur of competi- or a place in the world. schools, as well as catechism Great Progress ,teria, audio-visual room, spa£!- era1 arts, In the business tech- tion they award' monthly 'bannology course students begin ners ,to classes receiving the centers, have multiplied with Also of great interest to '. the ous library, beautiful chapel, to cite but a few of the outstanding. ,stenography and typing, but highest number of' points for students is Knights and Hand- astonishing rapidity. continue with 'the basic subjects courtesy, attendance and cooper- maids of the Sacred Hearts;.'an The story ·of the Sisters of features of the· building. required of all:' English, a lan- ation. Student Council activities, organization that carries 'on a Notre Dame in the United States First Senior C'ass' . are' based on ,an honor' system" spiritual heritage of devotion to · . is virtually the story of Catholic guage, history, music~ The bright classrooms have a Consumer economics is a its policy being one' of self-disseating capacit, of 40. On the· popular feature of, the commer- cipline rather than compulsion. the Sacred Heart through prayer Education in America. Moulders of the minds of the young from and discussion. third floor' 'of the academic cial administration course, which Athletics add to physical well,building the science department also includes typing with the being and school spirit. Without . Bishop Stang High is cosmo- k.indergarten to university, the is located. There are four large basic requi~ed courses. ,The lib- the' benefit' of . a senior class, politan in the sen~ that its stu- Sisters shape the destiny of laboratories: one for biology, '. eral arts' program ,continues Stang squads' have already' be- dents are commuting from '44 souls, and' prepare 'them for life for chemistry, for physics and with a third year of Latin, come title, threats in Bristol different parishes in the diocese. according to the educational for general science. The a1:.t and which the scientific course re- County football, baseball, bas- It is difficuJt'to remember any .ideals of Blessed Julie Billiart. At present, the Sisters' numbusiness departments are also places with c hem i s try. The ketball . and track. 'Girls have high, school which has gained ber. approximately 5,000, all unon 'the third floor. suchan outstanding reputation nurses' training course is similar field hockey, basketball, volley_ der, the government of the Now ready to begin its fourth to the liberal arts schedule in, ball and softball to expend their in so short a time, Scholastically Mother General and her Council year and with its first. senior and athletically progress .in just the junior year. energies on. residing at Rome. class Bishop Stang High opened New Subjects Additionally there is the con,its doors Sept. 8, '1959 to about , . SiSter Formation In . the. senior. year, it is cert band, the dramatic club, a 200 students representing 44 parThere are 10 novitiates in the ishes of the Diocese. of Fall 'planned to' add office practice radio club known as the "RadioInstitute, five' of them located ·River. Since the first morning, and . bookkeeping to business nauts" with its own amateur . in the United States. The preit has welcomed' two more .technology a'nd business law and. radio station, a photography sent., novitiate at Waltham, freshman class~s, increasing the bookkeeping to commercial ad- 'club that covers' all school acwhere the Stang Sisters received tivities and has its own dark registration to over 600, and ministration. th,eir trai!ling, is now inadequate Physics and' m e chan i c a I room for' developing, and a ~imultaneously advancing the fOJ;' the .accommodation of the first freshmen to the junior drawing will be included in the Spanish club. which communisteadjly increasing numbers of scientific' course; .chemistry, in . cates with pen pals in Spanishclass. t' postulants and novices. A new . The school operates each day the liberal arts and nurses' speaking' countries. n~vit~ate is' accordingly under Catholic Action with the aim of the Church training; review mathematics construction, at Ipswich. Stang also has a unit of ,the ever foremost. It is the one de- and trigonometry also will' be ~e . new building will be tsire of the teache.·s to cooperate part· of <the;' liberal ar~, and Catholic Stude,rits' Mission Cru";, · J;eady for occupancy in the with the grace of God in nurses' training. Latin IV wil). sade ' .formed in accord ,with Spring and.wilbprovide separforming the true and perfect be offered' to' the 'liberal' arts~ . papal, request for missionary ate modern housing and up-toChristian, developing the whole students. It is possible. that: leaders for the Church, Members date' educational facilities for man', in' accordance with the courses in' economics or prOb- . pian and present, plays and, the 'postulants and' novices example and' teaching of Christ. , lems in democracy will forIif dramatic sketches. on mission , '.during .their years of 'formation. Th.. course of studies of the .. part of the, two latter. courses:'.' •themes in addition'. to discussing The 'study of m()dern foreign ;, Jriission problems.' fresh~an and sophomore years "After profession, the" ypung languages begins, in tne' soplio-" The SodalitY of Our Lady of is .strictly liberal arts and inSisters take up' residenCe at 'the cludes the study of 'Latin.' A more 'year, with students free to the. Sacred Heart is aimed to •. newly -' a9<iuir~d' ''juniorate at full-time reading program 'is elect either French or Spanish.· form lay'Catholic leaders whose : Wenham, 'MasSachuset~. Here o'fiered to the freshmen' in order . Vl,lriec"- ActivitieS .. apostolate is the .overflow of, a' . ;"Utey. remain 'untiJ,' they have to improve skills poorly or'· in., Appealirig' to' the diocesan deep spiritual Ilfe of prayer and . " \ • completed ·the· requirements of .' sufficiently developed. . student' are a number of- volun- personal commitment 'to. Chrisi. three' years has conformed to; the' riationwide Sister formation' In the junior year; the stu- tary activities. The' elected offi- ' The ,School is sure. to deveiop , the sp,irit of the jet-,ge. · program,' '-which includes a dents may select ,one of five cers of the Student Council plan outstanding young Catholics, Stang 'is also' unusual. in ita thorough spiritual training of courses: business technolog)', affairs which increase an al- well-educated. and ready to , use 'of outstanding young men : the Siljters, combined with an on its, faculty including Mr. academic course leading 1;0 the John O'Brien,faculty manager A.B. degree. The new teacher thus enters of athletics; Mr. Carlin Lynch, head coach; Mr. Charles Con- the cIa s s ~ 0 q m professionally nell, and Mr. Peter Bartek. All, equipped with the, best in in-, were outstanding athletes who tellectual .and pedagogical prehave entered the vital field of. paration behind her, and motiteaching. Mr. UChet" Hanewich vated with the maternal injunchas left 'Stang to become athle- tion of her foundress' inspiring tic director, at Bishop Feehan ,~her: "We need magnanimous souls for our SUblime vocation' High in Attleboro. we. must have ~ thi' hearts Apostolic Order apostles." "The Institute of the Sisters This· is' the Apostolate of the of Notre Dame is a breath of the apostolic spirit fallen from Sis t e r s of Notre Dame de the Heart of Jesus upon' the Namur. heart of a woman who knew how to believe and how to love." - Cardinal Sterck; The Institute of, the Sisters of Notre Dame' de Namur was' , founded by Julie Billiart, in Amiens, France, in 1803. En.- dowed with keen intelligence and inflamed with. love of God, she saw that the hope of France, after the Revolution, lay largely in ,the Christian education of youth. She gathered about her women who breathed her spirit, women of intrep~d courage. At a later date, the Motherhouse was transferred to Namur, Belgium. From 'that center, the work spread rapidly to England, Scotland, tp.e United States (including Hawaii), Italy, and to the foreign missions in the Belgilin' Congo, South Afdca, China . and Japan.' ., In 1~4O: eight pioneer': Sister. ' , .,SISTER ANNE DENIS& -
"Where children walk in .truth", was the main point set forth in his 1907 "Pas-' toral on Religious' Educa-