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Friday, August 16, 1991


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

$11 Per Year

Surrogate grandma contrary to church teaching, says ethicist WASHINGTON (CNS) - The case of a South Dakota woman pregnant with her own grandchildren "avoids many of the prob-· lems usually associated with surrogacy" but still is contrary to Catholic teachings, according to a church theologian and ethicist. Arlette Schweitzer, 42, of Aberdeen, S.D., is six months pregnant with twins, implanted after her daughter's eggs were fertilized in a laboratory dish with her son-in. law's sperm. Her daughter, 22year-old Christa Uchytil of Sioux City, Iowa, was born without a uterus. It is believed to be the first such case in the United States and the second in the world. A South African woman gave birth to her daughter's triplets in 1987. But Marianist Father John A. Leies, research fellow at the Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Re-

search and Education Center in Braintree, Mass., said the Catholic Church "has a problem with any kind of in vitro fertilizatioJ;l, regardless of the circumstances." Father Leies, who also is a professor of moral theology at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, said some people wrongly assume that the church supports a married couple's "right to have their own genetic children." But there is no such right, he said. In its 1987 "Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation: Replies to Certain Questions of the Day," the Vatican Congregation for the Doc~rine of the Faith condemned surrogate motherhood as "an objective failure to meet the obligations of maternallove, of conjugal fidelity and of responsible motherhood." The Vatican stand on in vitro

fertilization is based on the fact that it does not fulfill "the two purposes of the marital act," Father Leies said. "The procreative aspect is there, but the unitive love aspect is not." When in vitro fertilization takes place, the "union" of man and woman occurs "in a petri dish by PRINCIPALS OF last week's Evening on Cape Cod with some lab researcher," he said. "This Bishop Cronin, held at the Tara Hyannis Hotel, included from is not what God intended." f . Ie t, Mrs. Bella Nogueira, first VIce president of the Diocesan Some of the moral difficulties raised by surrogate motherhood Council of Catholic Women, sponsor ofthe annual event; Rev. do not apply to the Schweitzer Edward C. Duffy, moderator of Cape and Islands district of case, however, Father Leies said. the Diocesan Council; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Very Rev. Because the daughter has no uter- James F. Lyons, Diocesan Council moderator; Mrs. Mary us, "it's not just for convenience Mikita, Council president. Additional pictures pages 14 and 15 sake," and because no money is (K h) involved, "it's not a case of a hired • • •e.a.r.n.s.p.o.t.o _ womb." He also questioned whether the surrogacy arrangement is "in the best interest of the child psychoTurn to Page 15

National Black Catholic Congress topic at diocesan meeting A recent day of reflection brought together African-American Catholics of the diocese in preparation for a 1992 National Black Catholic Congress. Each U.S. diocese is holding similar planning sessions to prepare an agenda for the national meeting, at which a national pastoral plan for black Catholics will be formulated. The congress is under the sponsorship of II black bishops, the National Black Catholic Clergy Conference, the National Black Sisters' Conference, the National Association of Black Catholic Administrators, arid the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver.

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Its official symbol is the acacia tree, native to Africa and also used as a symbol of the continent. The acacia is mentioned in the Old Testament books of Exodus and Isaiah. Its wood was used to build the Ark of the Covenant and it is cited in Isaiah as a symbol of the messianic restoration in Israel. It has deep roots, enabling it to survive in times of drought and it also provides nourishment, thus it represents stability and resilience. The Scripture passage chosen as a congress theme is also drawn from the Book of Isaiah, chapter 6, verse 8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying 'Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?' 'Here I am,' I said. 'Send me.'"

Congress organizers explain that the passage speaks of the prophet's mission of restoring the people of God to full citizenship in the Kingdom. "In this congress," they say, "we would like the participants to feel the special sense of being sent as prophetic voices speaking on behalf of the Lord to heal, to mend, to comfort, to build, to restore, to create a new Kingdom of justice, love and peace." The diocesan conference, coordinated by Permanent Deacon Antonio M. daCruz of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. John the Baptist parishes in New Bedford, was held July 20 at the Family Life Turn to Page 15

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PARTICIPANTS IN day of reflection and planning for National Black Catholic Congress meet at diocesan Family Life Center in North Dartmouth.

Shooting victim was Home resident

The death of 15-year-old Chris Rogers at the hand of Boston police officer James E. Hall in Dorchester earlier this month not only saddened the residents and staff of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, but underlined the disastrous effects of recent social service cuts in the state. Rogers, who lived at the residential treatment center and special education facility one year ago, was recalled fondly by the staff. "Everybody knew him," Rev. Joseph M. Costa, executive director at the Home recalled, "He was a nice, capable kid with a lot of potential." The initial sadness, however, was soon replaced with frustration. "After working hard with these kids, we then are sending them back into a community where the supportive services just aren't there," he said. Father Costa pointed out that the staff works with the troubled children for a year or 18 months·in a structured program which involves counseling, education, and motivation. The residents live in home-like cottages with aroundthe-clock staff supervision and attend classes taught by certified special education teachers in a well-equipped school facility. Once the residential aspect of their treatment is completed, how. ever, the youngsters, who range in age from six to 16, are sent back into a situation which may not only be counterproductive, but downright destructive. "Kids and families are left to their own resources," he explained, adding that while family identity is important to the young people, it is unfair to leave them without other support.

He said that as recently as a year ago there would have been more support in the community, such as counseling, after-school care, and incentives for companies to provide vocational training. "Residential care is one of the few pieces of human services still intact after the cuts in the Commonwealth," Father Costa noted, adding, "The ramification is that kids are going to die." . This year alone, three former St. Vincent's residents, including Rogers, have been murdered on the streets of Boston. A current resident's brother was also killed in the city this year. The only way to stop such deaths, said Father Costa, is to provide community services to track troubled youths, possibly using school-based programs. There also need to be alternatives developed, he continued, like group or foster care for older teens which are less restrictive than a residential setting, but still supervised and monitored. The priest predicted that if something is not done soon, the death toll will increase. "The dismantling of the human ·services system, aside from residential care, will result in the deaths of more and more kids," he said, adding, "We need to ask ourselves if we're willing to pay that price."

Tbe Christian Response to Anti-Semitism Page Eight

Thousa'nds at funeral of Archbishop Whealon

DETROIT AUXILIARY Bfshop Thomas J. Gumbleton is arrested for trespassing at Offutt Air Force Base, Bellevue, Neb. (eNS photo)

Pax Christi meets, witnesses in Nebraska OMAHA, Neb. (CNS) -TranNoting that they both had had a azine's editorial which went on to sition marked the 18th Pax Christi conversion experience during the say: "Besides being immoral, war U.S.A. national assembly held in Vietnam War, Bishop Sullivan told today is useless and dangerous," Omaha Aug. 2-4. how Bishop Gumbleton had started with the only justification for war More than 400 members of the to take action. being strict self-defense against acts 12,OOO-member. national Catholic "In 1971, Tom got up at the of aggression. peace movement gathered at Creighback of a room of black suits and Sister Kownacki was praised by ton University to say goodbye to .dared to suggest that the bishops Marie Dennis Grosso, chair of the Auxiliary Bishop ThomasJ. Gumble- oppose the war in Vietnam," he naJional council, for' helping to ton of Detroit, who is stepping recalled. "The suggestion was met . "shape the movement into a strong, down as president after 16.years, with visible hostility and stony active Catholic voice for peace." and to Benedictine Sister Mary silence.'" Ms. Grosso said Sister KowBut the bishops did ultimately nacki had taken Pax Christi from Lou Kownacki, Pax Christi's naoppose the war and went on to a staff of two to a staff of 15, and tional coordinator since 1985. .Both were honored during the recognize the right to conscien- moved it into a two-story building assembly for their contributions, tious objection and selective con- with a warehouse to store the and Bishop Gumbleton was given scientious objection, and many also numerous publications she had the Pope Paul VI "Teacher of opposed the Persian Gulf War at planned and seen printed. the Detroit prelate's urging, DuringtheclosingMass,another Peace" award. Members also welcomed their of her contributions was recalled Bishop Sullivan said~ . new leaders. Bishop Walter F. SulIn an interview with the Catholic as those members who chose to do Voice, newspaper of the Omaha. so took a "Vow of Nonviolence," livan of Richmond, Va., succeeds Bishop Gumbleton as president, archdiocese, Bishop Sullivan said . which Sister Kownacki had introand Benedictine Sister Anne Mche was "delighted that the author- duced in 1985. Carthy has been named national itative Rome-based Jesuit magaThe assembly included seminars coordinator. zine La Civilta Cattolica had on economicjustice, racism, women recently stated "that the 'just war' and justice, ruraljustice issues, the The assembly opened with a theory is outdated and no war is Persian Gulf situation and the keynote address by Franciscan Father Antonio Moser on the just in today's world" due to the quincentenaryobservanceofColum-. theme, "Cry of the Church: Cry destructive force of modern weap- bus' discovery of the New World. ons. Ms. Grosso said Pax Christi's' for Justice." The original keynote He said he agreed with the mag- goals for the coming year included ~ speaker, liberation theologian Facontinuing to raise moral issues in ther Leonardo Boff, withdrew after the wake of the Persian Gulf War being removed as editor of a theoand continuing to speak out against logical magazine and pressured to 'government policies that ar~ antirefrain from speaking on controversial issues for a year. life, such as giving aid to EI SalvaDuring the closing Mass, Pax dor, she said. Pax Christi also is developing a Christi members took up a collecreflection process on the 500th tion for Father Boff, which will be anniversary of Columbus' arrival sent to him along with a banner of in the Americas for local groups to support that members signed throughout the weekend. use in considering what has been done in the past and to look crea- . The decision to honor Bishop Gumbleton with the Pope Paul VI tively into the future, she said. . While the national assembly formaward "was the fastest decision the [Pax Christi] national council ever ally adjourned on Aug. 4, Pax made," according to Bishop SulliChristi Omaha continued the momenvan. tum Aug. 5 by holding a "peace "The Paul VI award is presented witness" at Offutt Air Force Base annually to an outstanding peacein Bellevue, home of the Strategic maker, someone who is both a Air Command. More than 100 teacher of peace and a prophetic people attended and 52 were detainwitness of peace," he said. "Whened for trespassing on the base. ever you mention the Catholic BENEDICTINE Sister Anne peace movement in the United Center Closes Before the Omaha convention, States, whenever you meniton Pax McCarthy, new national coordiChristi, one name comes to mind: nator of Pax Christi USA. the IO-year-old Pax Christi-affil(CNS/ Pax Christi photo) iated Center on Conscience and Tom Gumbleton."


HARTFORD, Conn. (CNS)- Archbishop Whealon in January Thousands of people touched by 1990 convoked an archdiocesan the ministry of Archbishop John synod of clergy, religious and laity F. Whealon of Hartford came to to take place in three stag~s. Only say goodbye and touch his simple twice before had Hartford had pine casket at the Cathedral of St. synods - in 1893 and 1959. Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Joseph. Laity, religious and clergy gath- Boston was the principal celebrant ered Aug. 9 for the funeral Mass at Archbishop Whealon's funeral for the archbishop, who died unex" Mass; Auxiliary Bishop Peter A. pectedly Aug. 2 at the age of 70. - , Rosazza of Hartford, named archArchbishop Whealon, who had diocesan administrator, was the headed the Archdiocese of Hart- homilist. Bishop Rosazza reme~bered the ford since 1969, 'died of cardiac arrest during a minor surgical pro- archbishop as one who struggled cedure. An autopsy later showed with much suffering, a noble Chrishe was suffering from heart dis- tian, an outstanding religious lead. ease and that cancer had recurred er and a man of prayer and wit. . Bishop Rosazza spoke of the in his body. Sixty-one bishops, including archbishop's physical ailments: his seven cardinals, and '400 priests many hip replacements, cancer concelebrated the Mass. Repre- operations and arthriti~. senting the Fall River diocese were "He often experienced horrible Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and pain," Bishop Rosazza said. "One' Msgr. John J. Oliveira. night, at a meeting, his hip went People came to the funeral for a out. I have never seen anyone in variety of reasons. such agony. It lasted for almost an Lorraine Hurley, principal at hour before he could be rushed to St. Francis School in Naugatuck; St. Francis Hospital and be aneswas saddened by the death of an thetized." archbishop who was so supportive Bishop Rosazza also addressed of Catholic education. public attacks made on the archJason Sant, a fifth grader at bishop's reputation. Wetmore School in Torrington, He was referring to the case of said he knew the archbishop be- Karin Aparo, who was accused of cause the youth had served as an involvement in her boyfriend's altar boy during a Mass at St. murder of her mother. During the Francis of Assisi Parish in Tor- widely publicized murder-conspirrington. The youngster said he was acy trial in June 1990, testimony impressed with the archbishop's was, heard that' the teen-ager's concern for him after he fainted mother would torment her daughduring the Mass. ter by telling her the archbishop Sister of St. Joseph M. Ger- was her father or godfather. trude Danaher, a member of a "The attack'was scurrilous, slandiocesan synod committee, said derous," Bishop Rosazza said. "It she 'respected the archbishop behurt him deeply. I never saw him cause he wanted to hear from the so wounded. All of us who knew church at large in the archdiocese and respected him realized that he to find out needs of .the times. was being crassly defamed. It was 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a mark of his greatness that he was War in Charlestown, a suburb of able to learn from this experience Boston, closed its doors, announc- to be more tolerant of the weaking that Pax Christi USA would ness of others." Bishop Rosazza praised the take on many of its operations. Gordon Zahn, center director, said archbishop for his work as a religthe decision was made because ious leader for Connecticut and "our 'business' has declined to the the nation. "He was a true spiritual giant, a point were maintaining an office man of suffering, one who loved and staff is no longer justified even though many of the issues we have very deeply but who found that love locked up inside to the point addressed remain unresolved." He noted that during the Per- that he had great difficulty expresssian Gulf War the center had re- ing it," Bishop Rosazza said. ceived "requests for assistance" "We are grateful that in this from throughout the country from noble Christian and in his many persons concerned about a possi- struggles, we have seen a reflection :ble draft, reservists subject to call, of Christ crucified and risen to individuals already in the military, new life," Bishop Rosazza added. as well as "troubled parents and families." The center was a source of Catholic Church teaching on matters related to conscientious objection to war a!1d military service. Pax Christi-USA will take responsibility for the center's LearyFatima Prayer Jaegerstaetter Fund, established to honor the memory of center my Jesus, forgive us, founder John Leary and Franz save us from the.fire of hell. Jaegerstaetter, an Austrian peaLead all souls to heaven, sant martyred in 1943 for refusing especially those who are to serve in Hitler's army. Videotapes of "The Refusal," a most in need. Amen. film about Jaegerstaetter's life, will be available for rental or sale from 11111111111111111111111111111[111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111 Pax Christi. THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-Q20). Second Zahn is scheduled to speak on Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Jaegerstaetter and show "The RefPublished weekly except the week of July 4 . usal" during meetings scheduled and the week after Christmas at 887 Highfor 7 p.m. Oct. 13 and Nov.I7 at land Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by .St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, tne Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid under sponsorship oCthe Southeast- $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address ern Massachusetts chapter of Pax changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall Christi. River, MA 02722.

~ prayer~,.>BOX o


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 16,1991


Prognosis good for Archbishop Schulte




Three new principals for The Diocesan Department of Education has announced appointment of three new principals to diocesan schools. Ana M. Costa, a teacher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School since 1984, has been named prin-

cipal of the New Bedford school. She is the first lay principal at the school previously directed by the Sisters of St. Dorothy. A graduate of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, and Bridgewater State College,' she is curr~ntly completing courses

Rota says drug addiction can be cause for annulment of marriage The ruling builds on a 1989 case VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Drug in which the Rota refused an annuladdiction can invalidate a marment request by someone claiming riage if a person's ability to make that the spouse was a drug user judgments about essential marital rather than a drug addict. rights and duties is impaired at the wedding, a high church court ruled' In the 1989 case, the court said a distinction must be made between in a landmark annulment case. a drug addict and a drug user who The decision made by the Roman is not under the influence of drugs Rota, the church's highest marat the time the marriage consent is riage appeals court, marks the first time the Rota has cited "drug given. The impairing of judgment of a addiction" as the sole reason for drug user would be minimal, the annulment. The decision goes "beyond sim- court said. "Another case is the consent, ple indications of principles of law, deepening the relevance of certainly not valid, given by a conabuse of drugs and of toxic sub- firmed drug addict or someone stances in general for the validity temporarily intoxicated who conor invalidity of matrimonial con- tracts marriage while under the sent, especially regarding discre- influence of a drug taken shortly beforehand and, therefore, extion of judgment," said the court. The 1990 ruling was made pub- presses the consent at the high lic in August with the publication point of the drug's action," it said. Annulments are normally given of the Vatican's" Activities of the Holy See for 1990," a 1,627-page under paragraph two of Canon 1095 for psychological or psychitome listing the activities of Vatiatric causes which hinder people's can agencies. The ruling cited paragraph two ability to sufficiently evaluate the of Canon 1095 which says that nature of marriage and to freely people "are incapable of contract- judge whether they can assume its ing marriage" if they "suffer from obligations. grave lack of discretion of judgAt issue in these cases is a perment concerning essential matri- son's a'l:>ility to make a free act of monial rights and duties which are will to accept marriage rights and to be mutually given and accepted." duties.


in elementary school administration. Her bilingual skills will be of value to the school, which has long served the Portuguese-speaking community of New Bedford's south end. Alberta Metras Goss is the new principal of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro. A graduate of Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River, she holds a bachelor's degree from Bridgewater State College and a master's degree in educational administration from Providence College. She has also completed courses in science, computer technologies and education for the gifted at Providence College, the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College. She taught mathematics and coordinated the mathematics department at St. Luke's School, Barrington, RI, before' entering' the master's program at Providence College. Charles D. Moreira of Seekonk has been named principal of Espirito Santo School, Fall River. . He holds a bachelor's degree from Bridgewater State College and has pursued elementary education programs at Providence and Rhode Island colleges. He comes to Espirito Santo with' 12 years experience as an elementary school teacher in Catholic schools of the Providence diocese. In addition to teaching duties he was responsible for curriculum development at Sacred Heart School, East Providence, and St. Margaret School, Rumford.


Deacon Patrick J. Mahoney to St. Patrick Parish, Falmouth; Deacon Richard Donald Biron to St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans; Deacon John D. Sullivan to Holy Trinity Parish in West Harwich.

Effective date: August 17, 1991

Archbishop Schulte, born Christmas Day in 1927 in Philadelphia, has headed the New Orleans archdiocese since December 1988, when he succeded retiring Archbishop Philip M. Hannan. He had been bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, W. Va., since 1985. He was auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia from August 1981 to JU,ne 1985. Prior to that he was assistant superintendent and then superintendent of schools for the Philadelphia archdiocese. He also was a pastor and a college and high school teacher. In January 1990 he was named to President Bush's Education Policy Advisory Committee.

Norris H. Tripp

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.'Diocese of Fall River

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin; Bishop of Fall Riv~r, has announced the following appointments of permanent' deacons:

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) Archbishop Francis B. Schulte of New Orleans, 63, underwent a triple coronary artery bypass Aug. 8 and doctors said the prognosis was good for his full recovery. He was listed in satisfactory condition Aug. 9. He was admitted to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia Aug. 4 after suffering an angina episode while on vacation in Pennsylvania. Doctors determined he did not suffer a heart attack but said that cardiac catheterization showed he had coronary artery disease. The archbishop was to remain hospitalized seven to 10 days and then spend a week or two recovering in Philadelphia before being allowed to travel.


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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 16, 1991

the moorif'l9-..., Restoring Education Education is the door to American opportunity; and what's important is to determine why the have-nots didn't get it. The reason for concern is clear: as our nation continues life in the fast lane, two mutually destructive groups are emergingthose who go to school and those who don't. In practical terms, one group dominates society, the other becomes society's slave. It's the worker and drone theory in actio~ and its playing out is fast becoming one of our most critical problems. Take a look at our cities. For the most part, urban schools are far worse today thaI). when they were described as blackboard jungles. They are often populated by homeless youngsters and those barely above that level. Dropouts roam our streets, where the rate of crime, often drug-r~lated, continues to rise. " It is interesting to note that there is a difference in. Asian inner-city areas. Where Asian students pred'ominate, city schools are energized by their ambition and drive. Indeed, Asian-America'n students iue fast outpacing their white, black and Hispanic fellows. Why is this so? If,one group does so well, why not others? Simply put, Asian youngsters are for the most part motivated by their families, by traditions of hard work and by their own desire to excel. Where these factors do not exist, schools are in trouble; and when a school ignores these reil1ities, chaos becomes the cJassroom norm. In many cases, we have brought these problems upon ourselves by enacting legislation replacing traditional value systems by social experimentation. The direct interference by courts in classrooms at the behest of politicians seeking only to garner votes has destroyed many opportunities that used to exist in our schools. It should be obvious that social programs and governmental giveaways have not even begun to make a dent in the problem of lifting people from the quicksand of poverty and neglect; yet it is true that programs are needed to help the motivated who ' simply cannot help themselves. Disenfranchised individuals who have the ability and desire to take advantage of an education should be supported and the prime guarantor in this situation shouid be the federal government, which should provide far more than false political promises. The \private sector too should realize that as educational opportunities are made available, they must utilize part of their profits to provide job placement to capable but needy persons. It is time for capitalism to rethink its goals and objectives. For too long workers have been made slaves of machines and of stockholders. As for private and parochial schools, struggling as they may be, they should invite more deserving students into their institutions. This should not be done in a spirit of tokenism or of grudgingly filling quotas, but out of care and concern for the future of the United States. For too long we have replaced people with machines, making computers our gods, only to find that emphasis on the products of man rather than on man himself has left us indifferent to each other's needs. If we are to avoid a new age of barbarism, we must strive to raise people by means of education rather than permit them to sink into the slavery of ignorance. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue ' P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 0272~-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev, I?aniel A, Cronin, 0.0" STD, EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault.. ~ Leary Press-Fall River

eNS photo


"How lovely are thy tabernacles, 0 Lord of hosts!" Ps. 83:2

Rural' c,hurch has hidden strength KANSAS CITY, Kan. (CNS) - They rarely get a lot of media notice, but America's town-andcountry Catholics form one of the largest religious groups in the nation. "Catholics of the small cities, towns and countryside exceed even the combined memberships, urban and rural, of the Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and the United Church of Christ," says Gary P. Burkart, chairman of the sociology department at Benedictine College i'n Atkinson, Kan. In'an interview with The Leaven, Kansas City arch,diocesan newspaper, Burkart suggested that the strength and vitality of America's' town-and-country Catholics are often underestimated and misunderstood. He is co-author with sociologist David C. Leege of "Parish Life in Town and Countryside::'one of a series of reports in the Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life, an in-depth study of the life and attitudes of Catholics in parishes in the United States. "Town and country" refers to those who live outside the nation's medium and large cities and suburbs - those in rural areas, towns and small cities of less than 50,000 people. "Between 25 and 40 percent of all [V .S.] Catholics live outside the cities of greater than 50,000 or their incorporated suburbs:' Burkart said in the report. "Between 40 and 50 percent of all parishes are located in these same areas," Rural parishes are often criticized for not having the range of programs that large, complex urban and suburban parishes have, he said. This overlooks the fact that formality is not a characteristic of the typical rural parish, he said.

"Things get done, but they get done informally. The important thing is, they do get done." Burkart said the Notre Dame study found that Catholics in rural parishes have both a strong sense of church tradition and a flexible attitude toward the future. "There is a greater tendency [than among urban Catholics] toward strictness about the faith. Rural Catholics are much more. likely to be in line with the pope in their views:' he said. With rural areas especially hard hit by the priest shortage and growing number of parishes without a resident pastor, Burkart predicted increased lay leadership in rural parishes. But he said there is already a strong tradition of lay involvement and influence in rural parishes that has prepared them for it. The typical rural Catholic goes beyond the Mass-and-sacraments relationship with a parish and is involved in at least one churchrelated organization, he said. Burkart said it would be a mistake to assume rural parishioners are farmers. "Only 9 percent are farmers, and the vast majority are non-farmers. Of course, here in the Midwest the percentage of farmers is much higher," , Among the main differences between urban or suburban and rural parishioners that emerged from the Notre Dame study, he said, are: - Rural parishioners are more likely to do volunteer work for their parish. - They,tend to approach social justice issues in terms of hands-on, grass-roots activities rather than trying to change social structures. - For their priests they place more importance on "a holy person who says Mass and performs

the sacraments:' while urban and suburban Catholics put greater emphasis on "a good administrator and therapist," - They are less likely to have parish schools. Only 20 percent of rural parishes and 31 percent of town parishes have their own schools, well below the national average of 45 percent. Father Joseph Biehler, who has spent 56 years as pastor of St. Joseph Parish in the small rural community of Flush, Kan., said his life has become "much simpler" since the parish high school closed in 1966 and the grade school closed 10 years later, For 40 years he had been a teacher and coach as well as pastor and janitor, he said. His parish still ,has about 100 families, only slightly lower than its peak of I lOin the I940s. But he has' far fewer parishioners. "In those days a family was a family, with six to 10 children:' Father Biehler said. Today if you find a family with four, that's unusual. At one time I counted about 450 souls. Now it's closer to 280." He said nearly everyone in the parish was a farmer in the 1930s and '40s, but today only half his parishioners still work farms. Father Biehler, who still owns the family farm where he grew up, finds g'race and beauty in rural life. "When you're close to the soil, close to nature," he said, "everywhere you 'look you see God's handiwork - in the trees, in the crops, in the birds, in just about everything." "Rural Catholics are different:' he said, "and they are sometimes judged harshly for that. That's too bad, because many, many positive arguments exist for their way of life."

What really matters about the Eucharist Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58 Often we become so involved with the "how" of things that 'we overlook their meaning. For instance, it bugs us that in today's Gospel Jesus never answers the Jews' question, "How can he give us his flesh to eat?" Instead of responding to their query, the Lord simply continues to develop the idea he was expounding before the interruption. John is telling us that we must be more concerned with what the Eucharist does than how it does it. As children, most of us ignored the real implications of receiving the Lord's body and blood. Instead, we filled our minds with lists of regulations: we remembered the horrible consequences of going to communion in the state of mort~1 sin; we knew our teachers were alwaysjudging us on how we folded our hands and dropped our eyes on the way back to our pew; we could never forget the dire punishments reserved for those who dared touch the host ...even if it was stuck to the roof of our mouth (anytime I met someone with missing fingers, I had a strong suspicion about why he had this handicap!); and we always worried about hurting Jesus if our teeth came into contact with the bread. With such fears consuming our minds, it was often hard to understand why this action was impor-

become one. Everything we do flows from this insight. Yet we will always' desire to delve into the frivolous. Because it is such an integral part of our human nature, even the author of Proverbs must treat this idiosyncrasy. In today's passage he extends Wisdom's classic invitation: "Let whoever is simple turn in here; to , him who lacks understanding, I say, Come eat of my food, and By FATHER ROGER drink of the wine I have mixed! Forsake foolishness that you may KARBAN live; advance in the way of un,tant enough for us to risk eternal derstanding." annihilation. The Wisdom movement, of John seems to be saying that, which the Proverbs author is a should we interrupt Jesus with part, encourages us to reflect on such concerns, he would probably the implications of God working respond the same way he'responded in our lives. Looking for patterns to the Jews: ignore us and con- and movements in nature, it believes that the more we understand ' tinue with the important stuff. the Lord's creation, the better we "Whoever eats my flesh and understand him. But as today's drinks my blood," he proclaims, pericope teaches, we must always 'has eternal life, and I will raise guard against "foolishness." Unless him on the last day. For my flesh is we train ourselves to, concentrate The Society for I true food, and my blood is true on essentials, accidentals will lead '•. THEPROPAGATIONOFTHE,FAITH I drink. Whoever eats my flesh and us astray. , drinks my blood remains in me . .' ..... ..all of us committed ,Ite worldwide mission ofJesus I Think of the questions we Chrisand I in him." The most important thing to tians would now be asking if the ill , ' Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. I remember about the Eucharist is , 47 Underwood Street, P:O. Box 2577, Fall River MA 02722 I main thing we had concentrated that it makes us so one with Jesus on through the centuries had been Enclosed is my offering for spr~ading the Good News, I that we now share his eternal life'. , Jesus' statment: "Just as the Fa" with the help ofcatechists, in the Missions: I It is this oneness, not a list of regu- ther who has life sent me and I lations, which should be engross- have life because of the Father, so 0$15 0 $30 0 $45 0 $75 0 $100 Other $_ _ 1 whoever feeds on me will have life ing our minds. I want to be a monthly donor to the Missions! because of me." We would rarely Paul believes that unity with the find time to worry about rubrics, N~e I Lord is the basis for all morality. He reminds his Ephesians, "Do conditions for reception or punAddress I ishments for mistakes. Our quesnot continue in ignorance, but try would revolve around how tions to discern the will of the Lord. City State ZiP: Avoid getting... Be filled ... Sing we could reach out and continuANCH. 8/16/91 ally help more and more people praise... Give thanks..." The Lord's v iii • deductl'bIe.I - " - - _No. _101 _ _ _ _Jourgr"tlstax become a part of this eternal life. will is now our will. We have







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The Anchor Friday, Aug. 16, 1991



Dear Dr. Kenny: Our 5-yearold is our mascot, cutesy and the apple of her daddy's eye. Lately, she has become very demanding. We feel she's turning into a monster. How do we unspoil her? (Washington) , I. Stay positive. You don't spoil children (or other people) with too



A mother of three was jailed by her parish for singing too loudly and off key at Mass. Oh, such big issues we face in our church family. Actually, both her behavior and th;lt of the parish are quite familylike. They represent the act-react and'reaction-to-reaction chain of


How to unspoil acutesy,路5-year', old much love. Love is not the same as giving in. Continue to notice her good points. Compliment her on her virtues. The physical expression of love is the best way to nurture. Hugs and touches are basic to good parenting. 2. No need to be mean. You don't unspoil children by suddenly becoming stern and unaccommodating. The "let her know who's boss" approach is not the opposite of giving in. 3. Set limits - yours, not hers. You can be loving and still show. firm guidance. Talk ov~r the house rules with your husband so that both of you know when and how to apply them. If she insists on too many sweets

and junk food, and you have said no, don't argue. Simply hold the line. If she throws a tantrum in a store or supermarket, take her home at once. If she refuses to come in when called, go and get her. . If she cries to get her way, ignore her. 4. Say what you mean. A corollary to following up on what you say is to say less. Be careful what you say because you need to see it through. Too often, we parents come to rely overly much on our mouths. We give directions, give them again, nag, pester, plead, threaten, and finally give up and give in. Better not to make a demand in the first

place if you know you won't or can't follow through.

moments. Withholding dessert from a poor eater would be physic5. Mean what you say. Follow' al. Other physical techniques inthrough. Regard anything you demand as a contract between you clude using eye contact, hand gestures or a frown to indicate disapand your child. Having said it, you proval. Sometimes it may be are bound to follow through and you and your husband must be enough to use a touch or noise to interrupt a child's sequence o( consistent with each other. behavior. 6. Follow up non-verbally. Unspoiling a child means being Physical discipline is often more consistent. sticking to what you effective because it involves less have said and following through. attention than lecturing and nag- Such firmness does not preclude ging. Physical discipline means warmth and love. The sooner you' non-verbal. It does not mean begin to set firm limits with your spanking. 5-year-old, the easier it will be. Standing"quietly over your Reader questions on family I~v颅 . daughter until the job is done ing and child care are invited by would be physical. So is making . the Kennys, 219 W. Harrison, Renher sit in one place for a few sselaer, Ind. 47978.

What to do about off-key note in the parish family behaviors that often surfaces in family life. According to the news item, the woman had been a member of the parish choir but quit and began singing from the sanctuary, next to the lector's stand. . The pastor explained the problem. "She sings the same songs as the choir, but she doesn't always match up and she's very off key. She's been a source of aggravation for Quite a few months." ... It seems thatmany in the parish family had also asked her to stop singing but she responded, "What's

the problem? This is how 1 want to give glory to God." Poor God, poor parish, poor woman. Most people who can't sing on key can't hear on key, either, so they don't know how discordant they are. Some make up for lack of tonality with an increase of volume. Apparently .she fit both categories. After 'she ignored a restraining order ob.tained by the parish, the pastor had her arrested after. 9, a.m. Mass, then had the parish attorney bail her 'out of jail at to p.m. Asked why he did it, the pastor said, "We are hopeful that the experience will change her mind.

But I don't think she appreciated what we did." Funny, that. I don't suppose many of us would appreciate being arrested in church for singing too loudly. I'd like to have heard the conversation in the police station when the call came in. Like a family, the parish is a place of relationships, and, like home life, irritating behaviors can escalate into maj,or disruptions. The family that doesn't experience escalation is one that recognizes and acts on early signs of trouble. I doubt that our singing' woman's parish did that. Why did she quit the choir? Was she 'asked to

quit, shunned, or ridiculed? Who decided she should quit? Could reverse psychology have been attempted by giving her a short solo in hopes that would fulfill her' need to give glory to God? I don't know what the real problem wast is but I do know that the parish family had better hone its skills in ~ealing with irritating behaviors, troublesome relationships, and authority issues. It's a little like calling the police because a child won't stay in bed or another is playing his stereo too loudly. Parents have to learn to deal with such matters. And so must parishes.

.How corrie some early Christians' committed suicide?

(indeed other Christians as well)' find hard to believe. This is the-fact FATHER that o'ur moral code did not fall full-blown into our laps. . Jesus gave us the two foundaJOHN J. tional principles for; morality, to .love God above all things and 'our DIETZEN neighbor as ourselves. . Throughout its 2,000 years, the church has meditated and reflected Q.I have been recently told that on those principles as it tried to suicide is not sinful. I always discern what they 'mean in the believed it was a sin against the myriad conditions in which Chrisfifth commandment, ,tho~ shalt tian men and women find themselves. not kill. , Someone said that suicide was Each new circumstance helps once 'all right and approved by clarify these applications more fully Catholics. Is this true? (Texas) and with deeper spiritual insight. A. Before responding to your The area of morality about which question directly, something needs you speak is a good example. Durto be said that many Catholics ing the early Christian centuries,

in the time of the great Roman persecutions, killing' oneself' in theCace of imminent torture and death wa~consideredcommendable. .Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea (died in the year 340) provides our best windo~ into the first Christian centuries in his "History ofthe Church From Christ to Constantine.". " While their fellow Christians praised highly those martyrs who endured horrendous tortures and trials before they finally died, he tells of others who, "unable to face such a trial, and before they were caught and came into the hands of their would-be destroyers, threw themselves down from the roofs of tall houses, regarding death as a

prize snatched from the scheming hands of God's enemies." Suicide was not, incidenta:tly, the only area of moral action about' which our Christian forebears held ideals differing from ours. Eusebius describes with obvious approval how, when the persecu~ . tions ended and the "enemies of true religion" were captured, they were themselves subjected to "elabo rate tortures" and executed. From all this, we realize that we do not have options in the way we treat ourselves and others, simply because Christians of another time acted in a particular way. To be specific, the church's teaching, based on God's lordship over our lives, is that any attempt to take one's own life is objectively

seriously sinful. The individual's subjective responsibility, of course, depends' on many 'factors. We have, or should have, learned much as a community of the church about applying' Gospel values to 'human life. Indeed, if history . has anything to teach us; it is that even yet we have not learned it all. A free brochure answeringquestions Catholics have about cremation and other aspects of Catholic funerals and burials is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Paternity redefined, or bravo for new dads! By ANTOINETTE BOSCO

Hospitals have changed radically to allow childbirth to be a family affair, and hallelujah for them! I have just returned from a visit with my niece Jenine and her husband Scott, proud parents of newborn Zachary Andrew. Scott was busy with his videocamera, getting a lasting remembrance of my overnight with them, with me holding and admiring 8day-old Zach. Just before that, Scott had shown me the video he made of the event in the hospital a week earlier, when his son first' entered the world. He had focused a day later (


on Jenine reading a card accompanying flowers Scott sent. I noticed a tear of emotion as she read aloud what he wrote: "Thank you for the gift, the most wonderful gift in the world - a baby." And then Scott reiterated his commitment to their "unending marriage." My sister, who was with them during the labor, recounted how difficult that time had been for Jenine. She had made no progress after 13 hours of labor and finally it was necessary to do a C-section. But while she was laboring, she often asked Scott, who was with her, assisting her, trying to give her physical and emotional support: "Let me see your eyes." She needed that connection of soul that is made one to another via the eyes to give her strength. Later, Scott was allowed in the delivery room and was able to see the baby as he was lifted from his mother's body. At that moment,

the bond between father and son was instant and irreversible. Two months earlier, virtually the same scene took place with my son Frank and daughter-in-law Judi, who also had a C-section. Frank stayed with her until the delivery. I was there minutes later with Judi's parents. We watched Frank through the nursery window and remarked that we had rarely seen such joy as on his face. Seeing both Scott and Frank, I remembered how it was when I had my six children. One was put in a, room to labor alone, visited only periodically by a nurse. No one was there to comfort you or share your fear. You felt dehumanized and abandoned. Later I wrote about the need to humanize childbirth. I was far from the only one concerned; and eventually, people in the field of obstetrics b~gan to listen. The most spectacular change

has been for fathers. Most, like Scott and Frank, are proving more than anxious to take up their parental responsibilities from the earliest possible moment. . The Connecticut hospital where my granddaughter Talia was born even celebrates the new parents by serving them a gourmet meal, can-

dlelight and all, the night before they take the baby home. That would have been science fiction in' my day! My sister and I are cherishing grandmotherhood and we are also watching in' awe as the fathers of our grandchildren redefine paternity remarkably and positively.

"m~igration rule WASHINGTON (CNS) - Attorneys for the U.S. Catholic Conference, in a letter to a top U.S. immigration official, have asked for changes in a proposed federal rule governing immigration to the United States offoreign-born religious workers. The proposed rule would implement provisions of the 1990 Immigration Act regarding immigrants who come to the United States for work-related reasons. A nonprofit organization called the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc., established

changes asked

by the USCC's division of Migration and Refugee Services in 1988, contracts with religious communities to assist foreign-born religious to get worker visas.

Peacefulness "When tension begins rising in my mind, I often find one technique effective. I practice remembered peacefulness, returning mentally to and imagining the most peaceful scenes I have known."Norman Vincent Peale

Notice: We are happy to receive letters for the Mail Packet but in fairness to all correspondents we have established the policy that no one person's letters will be used more than once every two months. Editor

You are needed!

eNS photo


Bishop pleases most priests' ERIE, Pa. (eNS) - Most priests answering an Erie diocesan survey said they were "most satisfied" or."more than satisfied" with the job done by Bishop Donald W. Trautman. Bishop Trautman marked the end of his first year as· bishop of Erie July 15. ' The survey was sent in June to 277 priests"six religious superiors and ab'out20key lay leaders in the diocese. Although they were told the survey was "confidential a'nd anonymous," a few signed their response sheets. Of the 127 responses received, , 44 percent said they were "most satisfied" with the bishop's ministry; 33 percent, "more than satisfied"; 20 percent, "satisfied"; and less than 3 percent, "less than satisfied." None marked "most dissatisfied." Respondents were asked to rate the bishop's performance as teacher, sanctifier and governor of the diocese and to comment on specific aspects of his ministry and leadership that they liked or disliked. He received favorable comments on -his homilies and the way he celebrates liturgy, on his commitment to education, pro-life issues and social concerns, and on his column in the Lake Shore Visitor, the diocesan newspaper. He received criticisms for having a management style that was too clerical, making decisions too quickly and downplaying the role of women religious. Bishop Trautman said the negative comments on his treatment of women religious surprised him.

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"That troubles me because I don't see any objective basis for it," he said. "I feel I have a good rapport with women religious." He said he was not surprised at the comments Oft his management style - "I am very much a church person" - or quickness to make decisions. But he emphasized that all his major decisions have been made "in a collegial way through consultative bodies." He said he would take the criticisms seriously, but he was pleased at the positive evaluations he received. ' "It gives me a sense of great solidarity knowing that priests, religious and lay leaders are with me," he said. He said he would have had to reexamine his leadership style if the results had been different. "There's nothing more disastrous than to have a leader out in'front, turning around and finding no army behind him."

Dear Editor: Birthright of Greater Fall River needs volunteers! Presently the office is open three evenings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. and one afternoon, Thursday, I to 3 p.m. There are only 8 active volunteers presently keeping the Birthright office open. Birthright'S philosophy is very direct, "It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth...and the right of every child to be born." Birthright provides training and direction to all volunteers, In regards to scheduling, each volunteer chooses in advance the best times to be on duty in the office. Birthright would also appreciate the opportunity to speak to service groups, church organizations, etc.. explaining the who, what, where, why and hows of Birthright. All you need do is call the Birthright office, 675-1561, or our Director, Audrey Shott, 674-3660, and arrangements will be made. Many times we hear the question, "What can I do to help Birthright?" Among our answers, you will hear: We need infant clothing. sleep,ers, undershirts, receiving blankets, crib sheets, infant bath towels and face clot~s. little socks, diapers, pow~er~c.,etc. When we receive a -caIlfi'om a new mom, we put together a layette for her newborn baby. We need maternity clothes for our young mothers. Most of our girls borrow tops and dresses and after their babies are born, bring back the items to share with others. However, we are always in need so that we can offer a variety of sizes and styles. We urgently need volunteers to help us keep the office open. Birthright needs you! Qualifications - a commitment to life and a willingness to share your friendship.

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WISdom is the principal thing ••• Proverbs 4:7

Polish-American Festival

The Anchor Friday, Aug. 16, 1991

Please call: Janet - 674-0180 or Eleanor'- 679-1898. Birthright services are free. There is never a charge for pregnancy testing, baby clothes, baby food or maternity clothes. We gladly accept donations of clothing, food and monetary contributions. Our fund-

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The Christian response to anti.. Semitism Anti-Semitism, most simply defined as hostility against Jews simply because they are Jews, is sinful. Catholics, now and in the past, have not been guiltless in this regard, despite strong statements by church leaders, most notably Pope Pius XI who in 1937 issued an encyclical, "On the Present Position of the Catholic Church in Germany." In the encyclical, the pope condemned Nazism and its exaltation of a "master race." Despite personal risk, every Catholic pastor in Germany was ordered by the pope to read the condemnation from the pulpit. Again in 1938, Pius XI stated the Catholic teaching on anti-Semitism when in reminding a group of pilgrims of the Jewish roots of Christianity, he deClared that "it is impossible for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism....Weare spiritually Semites." And a major document to come out of the Second Vatican Council was N ostra A etate (Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions). It states: "Indeed, the Church reproves every form of persecution against whomsoever it may be directed. Remembering then her common heritage with the Jews and moved not by any political consideration but solely by the religious motivation of Christian charity, she deplores all hatreds, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews." . Given all this, a pamphlet recently issued by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) titled "Uniting against Anti-Semitism: the Christian Community Responds," seems a project whose time has more than come. It is available at no charge from the ADL, New England Region, at One Lincoln Plaza, Room 301, Boston 02111, tel. (617-330-9696) and among its writers and editors is Msgr. William F. Murphy, Secretary for Community Relations of the Boston archdiocese. With permission from the ADL, excerpts from the pamphlet follow: From the Introduction We see this manual as a significant first step towards assisting people of all faiths who want to do "something" when an incident occurs. Although its focus is on appropriate responses to antiSemitic incidents, the concepts and ideas offered here can and should be applied to any signs of religious, ethnic or racial bigotry. We hope it provokes discussion, spurs creative ideas, improves dialogue between Christians and Jews in local communities and, most of all, combats anti-Semitism. The faith traditions that we all share affirm the equal dignity and value of every human person "created in the image of God." Our concern expressed in this brochure arises from that vision and from .the conviction in our traditions that any form of hatred or violence is sinful and alienates us from God and from one another.


, I

Myths and Stereotypes How many times have you heard the following stereotypes linked to the Jewish people? • They are only concerned with money, they're cheap. • They have big noses. • They are always the smart ones. • They always win all the awards. • They are pushy, aggressive and loud. • They are flashy and like to flaunt their wealth. • They killed Christ. • They are clannish. • They are complainers who can't let go of the Holocaust. • They control the media and the banks. • They think they're the only ones who suffered during the Holocaust. • They're more loyal to Israel than to America. These are some of the subtle or overt anti-Semitic myths and ste~ reotypes that have pervaded our language and affected our attitudes. They, like other prejudices, are often contradicted by our actual experiences with individual Jews. If you have heard people repeat any of the above .mentioned antiSemitic stereotypes you can better understand how such beliefs can inhibit a potentially supportive re-

sponse to a Jewish community vic-, timized by any act of anti-Semitism. The Shylock Myth Outside of the deicide accusation repudiated by the Catholic Church in 1965 and Protestant and Orthodox denominations since then, the most insidious and lasting source of anti-Semitism has been the image of the Jew as . Shylock. The despicable image of Shylock the Jew, moneylender and villain, has·haunted our language as well. In most English language dictionaries we find the word Jew defined as a verb: "Jew: vb (offensive) to bargain sharply with, beat down in price." Then there is the twisted boast, "Did you hear the way I jewed that guy down?" In recent years, the most frequent anti-Semitic incident in many communities is the throwing of pennies at Jewish students. These pennytoss incidents are often accompanied by jokes like, "How do you start a Jewish parade? Roll a penny down the street."

• Contact rabbis, community leaders, ADL and the victims with expressions of concern and support. • Where appropriate, initiate and organize coalitions of Christian churches to march, protest or sponsor a public forum to discuss the specific incidents. • Consider immediate, clear and direct public condemnation of the incident to town officials, media, and / or your own congregation. • Communicate your support of law enforcement officials for their good response to an incident or your criticism for a slow or absent response to a victimized community. • Gather signatures on a petition repudiating the act, offer the petition to the victims and submit it to the press. • Offer assistance in repairing or cleaning up vandalized property or damage. • Invite Jewish community leaders or the ADL into your church or parochial school to discuss the incident and possible responses.

The Christian Response When an anti-Semitic incident occurs, often it is left to the victims Hate Groups to defend themselves. But Jews Ku Klux Klan members, neoshould not be the only ones to respond to anti-Semitism just as Nazis, skinhead groups or others blacks should not be the only ones may visit your community, plan to respond to racism and Asians marches, distribute leaflets, hold should not be left alone to respond news conferences, make public statements or recruit members. to anti-Asian discrimination. • Join with other racial, religWe belihe that if one group is attacked we must all respond but ious and ethnic groups to educate often good people do not know the community, counteract and how to respond. Thus, when an protest the extremist message; incident occurs precious time may work with existing community be spent on struggling with this coalitions, police and school ofquestion when clear models are ficials. • Contactthe AD L for detailed already available. Here are some specific suggestions which may help and reliable information a60u~ . facilitate a rapid and clear response. particular hate groups. • Urge the community to ;lvoid • Be sure of the facts. • When you learn of an inci- . direct physical conflicts or' verbal dent, attempt to determine accu- confrontations with such groups; rately the who, what, when, and or even with their opponents who advocate violence. where of the incident. • Find appropriate times and • Do not disturb evidence. • Call police if appropriate ways to communicate to your community the presence of these groups before taking other action. and the need to oppose the bigotry • Notify the Anti-Defamation . League and a similar agency in advocated by extremists. your own t!.a~Htion. Harassment Anti-Semitic Vandalism Harassment can range from If you see swastikas or other physical assault or intimidation anti-Semitic graffiti on synagogues, against Jews, or phone threats, to name calling/ anti-Semitic epithets, ·homes or public buildings: '

and throwing pennies at Jewish students in schools. • Contact victim, community leaders or rabbi with support. • Contact police or school officials urging quick action. • Speak out against such harassment in private conversations and public forums. Public Statements A candidate for local office makes anti-Semitic comments in the press, (for example, "Hitler didn't get enough of them"); a Holocaust revisionistfinds a broad audience for his/ her view that the Holocaust didn't happen; antiSemitic comments are made on radio and television talk shows.

In some cases, the statements may not be anti-Semitic per se but are clearly offensive to the Jewish community. Your own discretion and sensitivity should guide you in these instances. • Utilize existing relationships with other clergy or Jewish leaders to discuss these statements if you have any questions. • Issue public comments, criticizing said statements with letters to the editor, sermons, letters to . perpetrators, protest letters to applicable TV or radio stations. • Call in to radio talk shows. • Ask other public officials to respond. Turn to Page 16








.. . . ""a·····>·····.·.···-·····.··'·· ·. ~

IN BADEN-BADEN, Germany, top picture, a synagogue burns on "Kristallnl,l.cht," or "Night of Broken Glass," Nov. 9, 1938, when, at Hitler's orders, hundreds of synagogues and Jewish businesses were destroyed, many Jews were murdered and thousands were arrested. At bottom, women sweep up glass in the -aftermath ,Qfthe..night..Qf. ~eJf'9r·. (CN~;Rq.Q~s), \, .

On anger and on adult relationships brother was going out with some friends and I wanted to go with him. I remember my frustration, my anger and my tears. Although I didn't even know the meaning of the word, this was my first grievance with people... I was furious at my mother and brother; in my mind, they were the cause of my upset. Although I'm sure I didn't know the word victim at the time, I'm certain that I felt victimized and I felt my anger was completely justified. If something goes wrong in your world, you should find FATHER NORTON someone or something to blame! "I am overwhelmed today as an The following article is drawn adult as I recount the number of from a weekly seminar on Spiritu- times I have fallen into that same ality for Adults being presented pattern of behavior, both as a this summer in St. Joseph's parish, child and as an adult. I truly Woods Hole, by Father William believe the ego's law is that if you W. Norton, pastor. In subsequent want something and don't get it, weeks, articles will deal with you must feel frustrated. If the Environmental Responsibility, frustration continues, you must Talking to God and Talking to" feel angry. You must blame other Each Other. people, and you must hold onto In our American culture, anger your anger." is intense, often stopping people Anger vs. Forgiveness from the gracious acceptance of What Janpolsky is telling us is God. Anger is defined by Web- that there is no room for peace or ster's Dictionary as a strong pas- love in our hearts when the ego is sion or emotion of displeasure and telling us to value anger and hate. usually antagonism, excited by a When we are victims of the fierce sense of injury or insult, as in vent- ego, fear and anger dominate our ing one's anger. lives. Anger becomes the answer The movie "If' is a study in . when we don't get what we want. anger. It portrays life at a British "You just wait - someone will boys' boarding school where the pay!" becomes our attitude. burden of routine, the loneliness Anger is, of course, almost the of the students and the phoniness immediate human answer to hurt, of moralistic rules reduce the rejection or abuse: "Poor me!" we younger students to frightened feel. "How could someone do such pawns in the hands of the head- a hurtful thing to me?" master and senior boys. Anger's opposites are peace !lnd In the face of severe beatings for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the true minor infractions of regulations, key to breaking the power of one's the youngsters form a deep bond anger; it is the act of admitting that of camaraderie. Then the leaders we are like other people and just as among them discover a cache of prone to make mistakes that inflict machine guns and bullets under pain and fail to communicate our the cathedral where commencement true intentions. exercises are to be held. There is really no way to avoid The film ends with a terrible hurting others and being hurt oursurrealistic scene in which the'boys selves because this is the nature of take the guns atop the cathedral our sinful selves. Our only choice and mow down the formally attired is between reconciling ourselves to commencement guests. It demon- our own flaws and those of others strates how loneliness and fear can or withdrawal from the human lead to the formation of a camar- race. But if we do withdraw, it is aderie of revenge on those seen as from both our humanity and our responsible for the hurt. connection to the sacred. Basically, anger tries to get even. To live fully, we must accept the "I d'on't get angry; I get even," cycle of interaction in which inevmakes no sense. The only reason itably we will hurt and be hurt, for getting even is because you are forgive and be forgiven. If we do angry. not forgive, we fill our lives with Anger demands attention; it resentment, paranoia, isolation, wants to be center stage, swearing, righteous indignation and the false throwing objects, verbally lashing self-assurance that our behavior is out. It finds a victim and it demands justified because of the wrongs a lot of its owner and anyone in its that have been done us. We feel, in other words, that we way. . In "Out of Darkness into the are above the community of imperLight: A Journey of Inner Heal- fect beings because we perceive or ing," Gerald Janpolsky offers a hope ourselves to be better than critical insight into anger, saying the rest of humanity. If, on the other hand, one feels that when you want something very badly and you don't get it, all oneself to be an unforgivable sinner, the conditions are in place to acti- one's life is filled with recriminavate the ego. The ego is that part of tion and shame. In both situations, one sees the mind that focuses on the needs of the body and the personality crippled human beings: those who and splits us from our spiritual are hurting and those who feel self. It "thrives on frustration and they have inflicted hurt. Each group its influence on our lives and is sees the other as injured but is buried by the fear and guilt it afraid to reach out, thus each lives in a human hell. The only way out creates. The ego also cr.eates the illusion for either group is reconciliation, of a split between ourselves and because anger annihilates human God, even though such a split is relationships, whereas forgiveness . frees both parties to go on living. impossible. . "I still remember the first time I I"n short, forgiveness is the plasma consciously encountered my ego." of friendship. writes Janpolsky, "and perhaps it Adult Relationships was then that my fight with God It is of primary importance to began. I was four y~ars 路old. My .keep adult relationships adult!.An

adult is one who is in charge of his or her life, who stands on his or her own feet and who manifests consistency of purpose. Adult is owning one's roots,. one's maturity, one's story. It is the freedom to be yourself, assuming full account. ability for your virtues and failures. Adults are called to love God with their whole hearts, souls, minds and bodies and their neighbors as themselves. They must realize that the principle of "no pain, no gain" applies to achieving maturity. Being an adult can be painful! Adults do not blame others for their disapointments and do not desert God when events go badly. They forgive, try to understand and refuse to indulge in childish behavior. Adulthood, in short, means coming to maturity spiritually, psychologically, sexually, intellectually and socially. Relationships Jewish philosopher Martin Buber described a relationship as an I - Thou association. Life itself is a relationship; we are constantly empowered and empowering. Empowerment means to give others what they need, and to allow others to give us what we need. It is the act of giving, receiving and exchanging the basic realities of energy and attention and giving one another encouragement, praise and support. It requires the willingness to comfort and be comforted; to support and be supported; to encourage and be encouraged. Spiritually we become empowered by our willingness to tell ourselves the truth, to listen to the truth when it is revealed to us by prayer and to dispense truth as lovingly as possible when we feel compelled to speak to another from the depths of our heart. Friendship True friendship is experienced by so few that if you have two good friends in life you must be considered blessed. Friendship, however, calls us to spiritual responsibility for those with whom we have developed a relationship. T.S. Eliot wrote: I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; Wait without Love, for Love would be Love for the wrong thing; There is yet Faith, But the Faith and the Love and the Hope are all in waiting, waiting So the darkness shall be Light and in the stillness of friendship is Love. Obstacles to Love Our very mobility and pressured lives form obstacles to love. Consider: we are a mobile society, too many of us utterly without roots; we spend many hours at work and commuting to and from our jobs; at work, there are often hostile influences which we bring home with us; outside our jobs we are beset by such daily chores as housework, ferrying children to activities, paying our bills, too often living beyond our means. It adds up to an overpowering load for many of us, leaving us drained with little time for caring and deeper relationships. Add to all that such stresses as racism, prejudice and discrimina~

tion of all kinds, economic competitiveness, the use of drugs to put one to sleep, to keep one calm, to enable one to function at all - all these factors limit possibilities for meaningful and loving relationships. Twenty-eight million adults are children of alcoholics; one in four suffered sexual abuse as a child. The result is too many unhappy adults. What is needed is a crusade of love, the love we are called to by Christ; yet many people in our culture are unable to feel genuinely loved or valued and thus encounter great difficulty in loving anyone themselves. When people learn to increase their capacity for accepting love, their capacity for giving love is astounding. Mary Ellen Donovan and William Ryan have written an exciting book entitled "Love Blocks.," pu blished in 1989 by PengulO Books. They define a love block "as a deeply ingrained psychological pattern that prevents us from being able to experience ourselves as loved or valued." While such patterns can cause us to behave in ways that minimize our chances of being loved, their most significant feature is that they prevent us from experiencing ourselves as loved, even when love does come our way. Thus we deflect, reject, dismiss or distort love in our minds. And if we cannot take love from others it's difficult to give love because one cannot give what one has not received. "Nemo dat, quod non habet."

Donovan and Ryan list 12 obstacles to giving and receiving love: I. I do not want to deal with or share my inner feelings. 2. I really do not deserve love. 3. I do not need anyone; I'm strong. 4. Love just isn't in the cards for me. 5. God dealt me a sad hand. 6. I'll never fall in love again. 7. It's too late for me; my time is up. 8. I always get hurt with love. 9. I feel threatened when another adult gets close. 10. I just cannot make a commitment. II. Love just gets in the way of my success and my career is first. 12. I don't want to have to ask for love or what I need. Why can't you read my mind? Refusing To Be Adult Adults refuse to be adults when they refuse to communicate their real feelings; when they only love others with reservations ("I will love you only when you do things my way"); when they do not' do their share to maintain a relationship. True adult intimacy is experienced in the heart before it is expressed sexually. Intimacy may lead to intercourse, but it does not follow that intercourse leads to intimacy. Adults stick to their commitments and they realize that it takes two adults to get married and to stay married. Adults are willing to forgive - and they value and enjoy their time together.

~S.o/.P Sr. Marie Edward,O.P J Vocation Directress Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne 600 UndaAvenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914) 769-4794 Dear Sr. Edward: I would Il<e to know more about your Communtty.






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 16, 1991

"War's end recalled By

AMONG THOSE enjoying festivities at the Our Lady's Haven sixth annual family cookout are resident Louise Couture, center, and friends Nikita Bourque, left,. and Ida Airozo, right. About 500 people - residents, families, friends and staff - attended the event, which featured music, dance, games, clowns, face painting, magicians, and more, but the real cause for celebration was the family feeling that the nursing home cultivates on a daily basis. "The cookout is a special way to recognize the strong family involvement we have year-round at Our Lady's Haven," said Jean M. Golitz, administrator of the Fairhaven facility. "We encourage families to ma~ntain close ties with their loved ones. Life and loving relationships don't end just because you need nursing home care." Ms. Golitz said that for some families, the cookout is an annual family reunion, a chance for out-of-town relatives to visit with area relatives as well as with the individualliving at the Haven. Captains' hats for staff volunteers, sailors' hats for guests and a rowboat complete with a life-size fisherman and mermaid contributed to the event's nautical theme. Residents, families and friends enjoyed entertainment by vocalist Jerry Columbo, the Rainbow Group of Acushnet, the Mariners Barbershop Quartet, Joan Breneke's Dog Obediance School, and a sing-a-Iong with guitarist Diane Winchester of MUSE, Music Serving the Elderly. . The home's family day closed with an outdoor ~ass celebrated by Father Albert Evans.

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Lord God oftest-tube and blueprint, Whojoined molecuks ofdust and shook them till their name was Adam, Who taught worms and stars how they could live together, Appear now among the parliaments of conquerors and give instruction to their schemes. Measure out new liberties so none shall suffer for his father s color or the credo of his choice. Post proofs that brotherhood is not so wild a dream as those who profit by postponing it pretend. Sit at the treaty table and convoy the hopes ofthe people tf/rough expected straits.... That man unto his fellow man shall be afriend/orever. Norman' Corwin Where were you when World War II ended August 15, 1945? That's 46 years ago, of course, and we World War II survivors should be pardoned for forgetting details about even as momentous an event as that. I'm not sure exactly where I was and what I was doing, but I do remember VE Day. May 8. 1945, three months earlier, when victory in Europe came. That's when I first heard the words above. Confusion over the date and time of both VE and VJ Days resulted from the buildup of rumors

about both German and Japanese surrenders. The actual dates were pr,oclaimed by President Harry S. Truman. What I will not forget are the powerful words by Norman Corwin voiced on the radio program, "On a Note of Triumph,"aired by the Columbia Broadcasting System on VE Day. They were reprinted in the local paper, and I carried the words around with me for decades. Neither willi forget the celebration that engulfed Minneapolis, MN, my home town. I was home on leave, and I drove downtown that evening to join a cheering. horn-tooting mob in which hugging 'and kissing strangers and dancing on car roofs were commonplace. But the words of Corwin even today have the power described by .ghost-writer Peggy Noonan: ..... Words, like children, have this power to make dance the dullest beanbag of a heart." Television was only a curiosity in 1945, so we had to rely on radio for instantaneous information about world-shaking events. How different it was 46 years later when the nation watched on TV as another president announced the ending of the war in the Gulf. When Corwin's apocalyptic prayer sounded on radio in 1945. the leading Allied powers had just drafted (April 25) the UN charter. It was signed on June 25, two


months before Japan surrendered, and it took effect October 24. The opening line of the charter says. "We the Peoples of the United Nations Determined: to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind ..." Who dreamed that as the Second World War came to an end, that the freshly ininted UN charter would playa key role in holding off World War III for at least 46 years? The sixth "Determined" says "to unite our strength to maintain internationl peace and security...." UN forces worked together during the Korean Conflict. They stopped the fighting, b!Jt an uneasy truce has lasted 40 years, During the Gulf War, peace-loving nations worked together to defeat an international bandit and killer. I believe Norman Corwin's VE Day prayer is being answered. Remember how it ends: "Sit at the treaty table and convoy the hopes of the people through expected straits.... That man unto his fellow man shall be a friend forever."

Inequities for retired women By Dolores Curran As if earning only 61 cents for every dollar men earn during their working years weren't bad enough, there's worse news for women when they stop earning. In 1989, the me~fian income for women over 65 was only $7,300 annually. Nearly 75 percent of the elderly poor are women'. And, according to the Older Women's League, women get only two-thirds of the Social Security benefits men get. Further, only 23.5 percent of retired women get pension income. . We should be outraged every time we see an elderly poor woman. And see them we do. I sat at a dime store ,lunch'counter recently and watched an elderly woman pore over the menu, count her change, order a bowl of soup, and then furtively empty the basket of crackers into her purse. I realized it would probably constitute her next meal. I've seen what poverty does to these women. They can no longer afford long distance phone calls to their children or little gifts for their grandchildren. They walk rather than take the bus. They eat cheaply and poorly. One ofthe costliest myths young women believe is that there will always be a man around to take care of them in old age. Because we continue to foster this myth, our unjust pension and Social Security policies are rationalized. The laws, after all, are made by men for men. A woman wrote Jane Bryant Quinn in Woman's Day magazine that her husband died at 58 after

working for his company for 32 years. "I gave; up my right to a preretirement benefit because it would have lowered his pension, , but now I'm told I don't get any part of my husband's pension either. Is that legal?" "Yes," replied Quinn, "and it's, something wives often don't understand .... A wife who will need her husband's pension for support should not waive the preretirement annuity. Any woman who already has - and whose husband is still living - has a right to change her mind." If there's a message in all this, it's that women need to become financially literate and assume responsibility for old age long before they reach it. Dorothy Clarke, assistant director of the National Center for Women and Retirement Research, emphasizes that women need to plan for their financial futures. ..It's more important now than ever," she said. "Even if you are married and both you and your husb~nd are employed, you still should put away money for yourself and have your own individual fund working for you. If you stay together, you have a double cushion,. but you never know what's going to happen. Not only are divorce rates high, but women outlive men." She should know. She had been married 25 years and had four children when she was divorced. "I'd worked as a teacher but had used my pension for the down payment on our house, so I had no retirement fund of my own. I was married and thought there was no need to do so."

. 3( '\ the anchOI\.Y


Life isn't easy for elderly men, either, but it's a lot easier than for women because they have more money. There's a group called PreRetirement Education Planning for Women (PREP) which holds seminars around the country and offers a guidebook as well. Readers can get information by calling 1-800-426-7386. At a recent seminar, a financial¡ leader told women, "Don't procrastinate. Start planning now. Set realistic goals for saving, something attainable. Every time you get a paycheck, pay yourself first. We're afraid of making the wrong decision. But doing nothing is W9rse. And if you think Social Security will take care of your needs - well, don't plan on it." To that, 75 percent of our elderly poor would say, "Amen."

Contentment "If you are but content, you have enough to live upon with comfort."-Platus

DAILY READINGS Aug. 19: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps

106:34-37.39-40,43-44; Mt 19:16-22 Aug. 20: Jgs 6:11-24; Ps 85:9,11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Aug. 21: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Aug. 22: Jgs 11:29-39; Ps 40:5.7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Aug. 23: Ru 1:1.3-6.1416.22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Aug. 24: Rv 21:9-14; Ps 145:10-13,17-18; In 1:4551 Aug. 25: Jos 24:1-2,1517,18; Ps 34:2-3,16-23; Eph 5:21-32; In 6:60-69


THE BROTHER and sister of 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone sit on the steps of their Milwaukee home after Konerak's murder. (eNS/ Reuters photo) -

Milwaukee prelate asks for love for criminals, victims MILWAUKEE (CNS) - Mil- ment; one slain in Bath, Ohio, near waukee Archbishop Rembert G. his boyhood home; two killed at Weakland in a psalm written for his grandmother's house in the his archdiocesan newspaper prayed Milwaukee suburb of West Allis; for an understanding of evil and and a man who was slain at an for compassion toward criminals unspecified location after going to and their victims. a gay parade in Chicago. He did not make any direct refIn his psalm the archbishop asked erences but seemed to allude to the that the story of the loving father grisly murders recently discovered and the prodigal son be constantly repeated, "We must always see in Milwaukee. "Teach us to'love one another you running out. to meet all of us - with no exceptions, .no luke- wayward 'children, welcoming us warmness," he wrote. "Teach us to into your reconciling bosom, even realize that all people~ even thqse the worst of us," who seem to us cruel and evil, are When people act cruelly, he said, your creat'ures and, as such, of ' "hi:lp us ... to understand why such value to you and 'loved by' you; 'evil" can exist, in' some~ so that we remind us that your loving hand, can learn to prevent it." stretched out to them is never He asked for help in seeking out withdrawn." root causes of evil in society by The archbishop wrote the psalm listening and not being hasty to as his regular "Herald' of Hope" prescribe remedies when emotions, weekly column for the Catholic not reason, run high. Herald. "Teach us to stand with those Police found II mutilated bodies who suffer," he wrote. "Do not let in the Milwaukee apartment of us succumb to pessimism or cyniJeffrey L. Dahmer on July 22. cism." , They believe he is responsible for A week earlier in his column at least 17 killings, including that Archbishop Weakland warned of 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasom- against allowing the gruesome phone, who was returned to Dah- details of the Dahmer killings to mer by Milwaukee police after the become an obsession. "In some respects we allow ouryouth was found running, naked and bleeding, on a street near selves to be like the accused if we Dahmer's apartment. Dahmer has do not exercise some control over admitted to killing Sinthasom- the fascination we have for the phone immediately thereafter. macabre and the grotesque, the Milwaukee police said July 29 violent and the erotic." that Dahmer had confessed to at He said he has restricted his own least 15 slayings: the II whose reading to a rapid scan of the morning and evening papers. remains were found in his apartIn that column he also asked for compassion toward the victims, their families, family ofthe accused as well as the accused. He also asked what could be done so "such ghastly events do not reoccur," but advised against the death penalty as a deterrent, saying that "I find it hard to believe that violence, even state sanctioned, is the right answer to other violence." What's alsQ needed, he said, is for people to help their neighbors, especially the lonely depressed and isolated; to aid the hungry with not just food but with money and spiritual and psychological assistance; to eliminate hatred and prejudice; and to pray spontaneously much more often. eNS/ UPI photo


God's Art "Nature is the art of God." -Dante

Aug. 17 1882, Rev. Cornelius O'Connor, Pastor, Holy Trinity, West Harwich Aug. IS 1977, Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, Holy Family, Taunton Aug. 10 1983, Rev. Thomas Cantwell, SSJ., Retired, St. Joseph's Seminary, Washington 1982, Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth, Retired Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford Aug. 11 1962, Rt. Rev. Msgr. ManueIJ. Teixeira, Pastor, St. Anthony, Taunton 1972, Rev. William R. Jordan, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River 1980, Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty, Retired Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton Aug. 13 1895, Rev. Thomas Clinton, Pastor, St. Peter, Sandwich


THE ANCHOR-Dio",« of Fall Rim-F.i., Aog. 16. 1991




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BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS The War in the Gulf is Won But Now Will We Lose The Peace?

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The Anchor Friday, Aug. 16, 1991

Pope visits family tomb on first day of trip

Pope plans Brazil trip

KRAKOW, Poland (CNS) Pope John Paul II kissed the grey tombstone which marks the graves of his parents and elder brother as VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In he prayed at their burial site in October, Pope John Paul II plans Krakow' at the beginning of his his second trip to Brazil, the counlatest foreign journey. try with the largest Catholic popu..At night, the image of my father lation and immense social probappears before my eyes," he said lems. after praying on his knees for 10 Although the pope has supported minutes at the family tomb. social action programs of the The pope added that he someBrazilian bishops, he has criticized times gets up at night to pray after the ideological support expressed seeing the image. by some liberation theologians who The pope visited his parents' use Marxist concepts in th'eir eNs/UPI路REUTERS pbolo tomb at Rakowicki Cemetery the analysis. morning of Aug. 13, shortly after TIJE TREVI FOUNTAIN Twice since the pope's 1980 trip, arriving in Krakow. He was schedhe has summoned representatives uled to leave for Hungary today. of the Brazilian bishops for major The pope was named after his meetings with Vatican officials on father, Karol Wojtyla, and said problems in the. Brazilian church. . the elder Wojtyla had "a great Franciscan Father Leonardo influence" on his life. Boff, a main Brazilian liberation The pope's mother died when he VATICAN CITY (CNS) ~ On rebellious sea horses to pUll the theologian, has been disciplined was not yet 9 years old and the , a sultry summer night,water once ~ari~ several times 'by the Vatican. . Flanking Neptune are statues elder Wojtyla became "like a The schedule for the pope's up- again filled Rome's wishing well. mother and father," said the pope. After a 32-month dry spell for representing health and abundance. coming trip has him visiting 10 cit"He was a very profound arid ies Oct. 12-21: Natal, San Luis, cleaning and 'repairs, the Trevi Above them are statues representvery r~ligious man," he told jourFountain was turned on as televiing the four seasons. ' Brasilia, Goiania, Cuiaba, Campo nalistsat the cemetery, who"taught sion cameras took the prime-time The grandeur belies the original Grande, Florianopolis, Vitoria, me the mystery of the infinite ceremony live into Italian homes. 15th-century fountain which was a Maceio and Salvador. majesty of God." For visitors to Rome, the event simple basin. Its current popularThe pope visited Salvador and A children's chorus sang as the was a midsummer night's dream ity also belies the anguish that Brasilia during his first trip in pope prayed at the tomb. Before ' accompanied the original fountain's 1980, when the emphasis was on come true. rising, he kissed the tombstone. The fountain, famous in cinema first renovation, in the 17th cenBrazil's major cities, but the The graves are a sign of the early October trip is mostly, to secon- and song as the place ~here tour- tury. To finance the work, Pope personal tragedies which influenced and make wishes, is ists toss coins Urban VIII imposed a wine tax. dary cities in rural settings. the future pope and denied him a The current restoration cost $2.3 Brazil's Catholic population is a popular landmark. But for ,panormal family life. rades of disappointed visitors repair million and did not thin wine130 million, slightly more than 88 His mother, Emilia, died in 1929 deadlines had passed as work drinkers' wallets. It was two-thirds percent of the national populaof a heart ailment. financed by Assitalia, a private tion. Brazilian Catholics form 14 dragged on. His older brother, Edmund, died The fountain spent most of the Italian insurance company. The percent of the world's Catholic in 1932 at the age of 26. Edmund 32 months covered with scaffold- rest came from the Rome governpopulation. ' was a doctor and contracted a The South American country ing as 90 restorers carefully ment. fatal case of scarlet fever. ' Although the coin tossing makes brushed, scrubbed and sand-blasted also has extensive poverty and the fountain a moneymaker, the away 230 years of dirt. Symbolic church efforts ,to meet this problem have often produced contro- of its grubby state was the spread- funds do not go to tl.e sponsors of ing black eye - resulting fropl the I;leaning. COllfcted once a week, versy. . CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy Annual per capita income is dust and exhaust fumes - on the they go to the Italian Red Cross. (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has alone that are Italian coins statue of Neptune, the fountain's $2,020, compared to $16,444 in the flipped into the fountain add up to appealed for"urgent Christian and United States. Brazil has 'one of , centerpiece. human assistance" for thousands about $1.5 million per year. the Third World's largest foreign T~e barriers and the dry basin, of unwelcome Albanian refuge,es debts and has been hit with triple- though, did not keep tourists from in Italy. digit annual inflation for most of throwing coins into the fountain . The pope's comments came Aug. the 1980s, spilling over into the as they wished to return to Rome. II amid a worsening crisis on It just made the traditional flip current decade. Italy's Adriatic coast, where Brazilian bishops have often com- over the shoulder with one's back ROME (CNS) - Pope John authorities were forcibly repatriatplained of the growing economic to the fountain - more challengPaul II has condemned the killing ing new Albanian arrivals. The gap between rich and poor, unfair ing and less enchanting. of two Polish priests in Peru, say- refugees, numbering about 13,000, land distribution, repression of Now visitors can see immacuIndians as part of colonization late statuary and dip their hands ing it was an attack on social har- had arrived on a freighter four days earlier and were being held in projects and dangers to the envir- into the cool, constantly flowing 'mony in the troubled country. The young Franciscan priests port areas with little to eat or onment because of the destruction "virgin water," so called because it were executed Aug. 10 by members drink. of huge tracts of forests. is piped from a spring outside of the Sendero Luminoso ("ShinThe pope urged the international Rome which legend says a virgin ing Path") guerrilla group, accordcommunity to give concrete aid to showed to thirsty Roman soldiers ing to the head of the Conventual Albania and said Catholic aid in the first century B.c. The Roman Franciscan order, Father Lanfranorganizations should do all they 19 B.c., built general, Agrippa, in VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope co Serrini. can to help its suffering people. The group was apparently upset John Paul II might travel to Alba- an aqueduct to funnel the water to La~t spring, more than 20,000 Rome to feed his baths. because the priests had recently Albanians arrived in southern Italy, nia, said Bishop Nikolle Troshani, The two stories are recalled in opened a charity center in the making their way across the Adrithe country's only bishop. Bishop Troshani, 76, was inter- two bas-relief tableaux on the region, Father Serrini said in Rome. atic in small boats and on rafts. viewed by Vatican Radio Aug. 8, facade behind the fountain. One Slain were Fathers Michael Tom- This time, Italian authorities said the day after he met the pope. Vat- shows the maiden pointing out the aszek, 31, and Zbigniew Strzal- they W0111d 'lot tolerate the clanican Radio said it was the first time spring to the soldiers and the other kowski, 33. They operated a misin 46 years that an Alabanian shows Agrippa approving the plans' sion in the diocese of Chimbote, ' where they coordinated pastoral bishop was allowed to travel to for the aqueduct. The current fountain, a monuservices for 22路mountain villages. Rome to visit a pope. The priests were meeting with a Bishop Troshani said he invited mental complex of larger-than-life the pope to Albania and the pope statues and cascading water, was youth group when guerrillas abreplied that such a trip was a built in the 18th century by order ducted them, along with a nun and , of .P9pe. Clement XII at a time the local mayor. The nun was later Strong possibility. Bishop Troshani is apostolic ad- when popes were also the tem- freed, but the priests were shot poral rulers of Rome. through the head and their bodies , ministrator of Lezhe, Albania. The grandiose structure took 30 left on a roadside. The mayor was years to construct and was com- also killed. Sign of Strength pleted in 1762 during the papacy Father Serrini described the "There is a moral faith which is of Clement XII I. It takes up 26,900 murdered priests as "the heart and a virtue - faith in a friend, for square feet in the heart of Rome's the hope" of the local Indios peoexample. Is there not an intellec- historic center. ples, and said the order planned to tual faith which is a virtue, which The monument is a tribute to continue its mission there. Another holds fast when prooffails? I believe the life-giving properties of water. Polish missionary priest who helps there is such an intellectual faith Its main statues have the sea god, run the mission was out of the and that it is a sign ofstrength,"- Neptune, standing in his seashell country at the time of the attack Mark Rutherfoto ' chariot as two Tritons try to rein in but was to return, he said,

3~oins can

go in fountain again as renovation ends

The future pope also had a sister he never knew. She died in infancy before he was born. This left young Karol Wojtyla alone with his father, who stimulated his son's appetite with his cooking and his son's intellect with his thoughts. The elder Karol Wojtyla was a staff officer in the Austrian army and after Polish independence in 1918 passed into the Polish army. He retired with the rank of captain. The elder Wojtyla was considered a stern disciplinarian, but a person who combined this with warm-heartedness and intellectual interests. In their hometown of Wadowice, the elder Wojtyla cooked the meals, kept house, tutored his son and watched over his studies. Father and son often took long walks to discuss their views of life. In 1938, after the 18-year-old Wojtyla graduated from high school, father and son moved to Krakow, where the future pope entered the Jagiellonian University, founded in 1364, to study ' philosophy. Three years later his father died, leaving the young Karol alone at age 21. The elder Wojtyla suffered a heart attack at age 6l'in the winter of 1940-41 and became bedridden. His son made arrangements with a friend to provide his ailing father with meals while he was away at the university. On Feb. 18, 1941, the young Wojtyla returned home to find his ' father dead.

Pope begs aid for Albanians

Pope scores killing of priests in Peru

Pope to Albania?

destine entry of Albanians and immediately began repatriating the new arrivals by boat and plane. Those who remained were being kept in dock areas and in a soccer stadium. Police used tear gas and water hoses to control them after some of the refugees began rioting and throwing rocks, according to news reports. Italian Caritas has announced it will send a team to Albania to plan possible relief programs there. Meanwhile, the organization called on the Italian government to guarantee "respect for human dignity" in its treatment of the refugees. Italy considers the Albanians economic rather than political refugees. Albania had been a Stalinist enclave in Europe for decades, but last year introduced political reforms. Earlier this year, a noncommunist government was formed and work began on a new constitution.

..... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Fri., Aug. 16, 1991

Father Ritter leaves his order' to serve in Indian diocese NEW YORK (CNS) - Father Bruce Ritter, 64, the Covenant House founder who resigned following charges of sexual and financial irregularities, has left the Franciscan order to become a diocesan priest in India, According to a statement from his order, Father Ritter "on his own initiative and with the blessing of his FranCiscan superiors in the United States and in Rome" requested and received as of July 3 permission from the Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life to transfer from his order to the Diocese of Alleppey in Kerala, India. The statement was signed by Father Giles Van Wormer, who in June succeeded Father Conall McHugh as head oflmmaculate Conception Province.. The prov.incial offices also were moved from Union City, N.J., to Staten Island. Father Van Wormer was not available for comment, but his vicar, Father Denis Hackett, sai4 in a telephone interview Aug. 12 that the statement was dated July 17, and had been held for when~ ever the story might break. The New York Daily News broke the news in a story Aug. 12 by reporter Cha~les M. Sennott. He was the reporter, then at the New York Post, who first reported in December 1989 that the Manhattan district attorney was investigating charges Father Ritter had used Covenant House funds to support a young man with whom he had a sexual relationship. Father Hackett said he did not know how Sennott learned of Father Ritter's leaving the order, but that the reporter then confirmed it in telephone conversations with Father Van Wormer and Franciscan Father Canice Connors, and that all aspects of the article were correct. Sennott quoted the provincial as saying, "We did our best to urge Father Bruce not to take this step. We believe he should have returned to the community and undergone full psychological counseling. We told him that no matter how bad it was, he was part of our family." Father Connors, who headed an internal investigation by the order into the allegations against Father Ritter, was quoted as saying: "Father Ritter continues to want to control his own destiny. I think he is avoiding dealing with the problem and the issues at hand. Sadly, Father Ritter has resisted our help. We pray for him." Upon the completion of the internal investigation, Father McHugh said Father Ritter had been directed to "return to daily living with his Franciscan community," but said nothing about the order's conclusion regarding his guilt or innocence. Father Hackett's confirmation of the Sennott story was apparently the first official indication that the order believed Father Ritter had a "problem" for which he should undergo "full psychological counseling." In an interview with Catholic News Service Feb. 21, almost a year after Father Ritter was directed to return to community life, Father McHugh said the priest was still living alone. Father McHugh said he was in regular t.elephone contact with Father Rifter, but did not know how he was occupying his time or how he was supporting himself.

Regarding a future assignment, Father McHugh said that if Father Ritter returned to the order it would not have to be in their province, but that other provincials had invited him to work for them in the missions, provided he would agree to certain conditions not being made public. However, the Sennott article made no reference to those offers, and said that he had sought to find work in the United States, but could not find any diocese here willing to accept him. During the controversy over Father Ritter, Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York suggested that he might find a place for the priest but said Father Ritter would have to remain in good standing with his order. Bishop Peter M. Chemiparampil of Alleppey knew of Father. Ritter's work through mutual friends, and. agreed to' accept him "out ·of sheer compassion," Sennott reported. He said Father Lonfranco Serrini, general of the Conventual Franciscans, approved Ii transfer for Father Ritter after receiving a letter from the bishop of Alleppey. . The Daily News article also said that the Franciscan order began steps to expel Father Ritter when he failed to return to community life within a year. Sennott reported that Father Ritter was living "in a white farmhouse on the gentle slope of a hill in a remote corner of !"few York state." The house belonged to a friend, and Father Ritter had been painting it, cutting wood and ga!,- . .den~ng, the artiCle said. Father Ritter traveled to the Iraq-Iran border region as part of a relief effort with AmeriCares, Sennott said. AmeriCares is headed by Robert Macauley, who chaired the Covenant House board until the month before the charges against Father Ritter were disclosed. A spokesman for New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams said Aug. 12 that Father Ritter's departure would not affect an ongoing investigation into the Franciscan Charitable Trust established by the priest. The trust, which Father Ritter set up without informing the full Covenant House board or his order, came under investigation when it was disclosed he used funds from it to make loans to himself and certain board members, and had made no allocations from it to Covenant House, the ostensible beneficiary. This past Feb. 27, Abrams announced an agreement with Covenant House designed to assure better board oversight, and an agreement with Father Ritter barring him for life from serving as a trustee of any charitable trust in the state of New York. But Abrams said he would make further inquiry into the Franciscan Trust. Covenant House has said it expects to receive the assets, about $1 million, when issues involving the trust are finally settled.

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New admissions, PR director at Connolly Father John Murray, SJ, Principal of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, has announced the appointment of James L'Heureux to the position of director of admissions and public relations for the school. A member ofthe Connolly Class of 1974 and a faculty member there for the last five years, L'Heureux has most recently served as director of the school's community service program, a social studies teacher, yearbook moderator, school photographer, and guitarist for the school choral group. Prior to teaching at Bishop Connolly he taught at SS. Peter and Paul School in Fall River and at the Governor Center School in Providence. He holds bachelor's degrees in education and special education from Rhode Island College. L'Heureux has been involved in local sports programs for young children, coaching tee-ball and minor league teams in Somerset and girls' basketball for SS. Peter and Paul. He is also a soccer referee for the Whaling City Soccer AssoCiation. He is director and guitarist for the SS. Peter and Paul parish folk group. He resides in Fall River with his wife Ann and children Matthew and Erin.

Taunton CY0 golf champs advance The Taunton area CYO held its annual golf tournament recently at John F. Parker Golf Course. Winners of the tournament in the various divisions were: For the senior division, Daniel Botelho finished first and Mark Lavigne finished second, defeating Christ Leal in a playoff lasting three holes, with Lavigne parring the third hole for the victory. Intermediate division champions were Brian Baker and Marc Furtado. In junior play, Jonathan Freeman and Jamie Griffiths were champion and runner-up. Griffiths defeated Geoff Angell in a three-hole playoff. In the cadet division Mark Lounsbury defeated runner-up Keith Morris in a one-hole playoff for first place. All the winners will participate in the diocesan golf tournament to be held Monday at the Pocasset Golf Club. Tee off time is 1 p.m.



675-7151 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. FEITElBERG INS. AGENCY GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY GLOBE MFG. CO.

-. ST. THQMAS MORE, , SEJ»ARATED/D1VORCED SOMERSET CATHOLICS Youth ministry trip to Westport Cap Cod and Islands support Waterslide Park 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 22: group meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, St. permission slips due by Aug. 19. Pius X parish center, South YarReligious education registration next mouth. Father Mark Hession will three weekends. speak on "Spirituality and the Divorced/ Separated." The recently O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Men's Club Family Cookout 6 ' divorced or separated are invited to small group discussions or one-top.m. Aug. 20. Fathers Luigi Acerbi one ministry at 6: 15 p.m. Informaand Timothy Tirkey will speak at tion: 362-9873, or Father Dick Roy, CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Masses this weekend on the Pontifi548-1065. A bereavement support group is cal Institute for Foreign Missions. ST. DOMINIC, SW ANSEA being considered; info'rmation: PRO-LIFE SPEAKERS Altar boy cookout and outing to Maureen Corrigan, 362-1103 or 1Speakers on pro-life subjects are Pawsox game Aug. 24; information: 800-642-2423. Altar servers outing available to groups and organizaO'Connells: 252-9478. Father Paul to Red Sox game Aug. 21; leaving tions from the Greater Fall River Carrier, SJ, will celebrate II a.m. church parking lot4 p.m. Food pan- Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Mass Sunday. Parish pro-life ministry collection this weekend; needed Information: Jim Wasel, 676-8958. try organizational meeting after 8 items are canned fruits and vegetaa.m. Mass tomorrow. bles, macaroni and cheese dinners, ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Clothing drive for Sacred Heart ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO gelatin desserts and laundry, dish Mission in Texas continues through CCD registration begins Aug. 19, and hand soaps. August. Altar servers outing to CCD office: 10 a.m. to noon and I ST. ELIZABETH, FR Rocky Point Aug. 19. p.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through 75th anniversary Mass4 p.m. Sept. Wednesdays. 10th annual" Afternoon 15; dinner follows ,at McGovern's with the Sisters" 2 to 4 p. m. Aug. 25, Restaurant. Information: 679-6903. St. Mary's Convent. ST. JOSEPH, NB HOLY FAMILY·HOLY NAME 14 new special ministers of the SCHOOL, NB Eucharist have been commissioned Registration for 1991-92 school for the parish. year now taking place; call993-3547. ,SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NB RETROUV AILLE Day of recollectiQn 8:30 a.m. to Program to aid troubled marriages 3:30 p.m. Sept. 15, Cathedral Camp, will hold weekend session Sept. 27 to E. Freetown. Sister Paulette Anne 29 in Marlboro; information: Phil Ducharme, OSU, will speak on . and Diane Caruso, 429-6293. "Praying with Creation." InformaST. JULIE BILLIART, tion: Gabriel B. Senna, 758-2890. N. DARTMOUTH HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Youth dance 7:30 to II p.m. Vincentian food drive Sunday; tomorrow, church hall. . boxes at main entrance of church. BREAD OF LIFE PRAYER' COMMUNITY, FR SS. PETER AND PAUL, FR Catholic Charismatic prayer CYO trip to Rocky Point 10 a.m. meeting 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Blessed, to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Vincentian Sacrament Church, FR. officers for next· three years are: president Bob Latinville, vice presiSACRED HEART, dent Tom Walmsley, secretary Ed ·ST. STANISLA US, FR N. ATTLEBORO Czestochowa prayer days: today: Tyrrell, treasurer John Tyrrell. Parish picnic 12:30 to 5 p.m. Sunevening prayer, and teaching 7 p.m.; day, Camp Kerr-Ana, Cumberland, WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE tomorrow: Mass 7:30 a.m.; services RI. ENCOUNTER continue through Aug. 26. AIDS HEALING SERVICE Marriage Encounter Weekend Healing service for all persons ST. JOHN EVANGEUST, Sept. 20 to 22; information: Bob and with AIDS, their families, those in Gail Enos, 9944446, or Joe and, POCASSET healing professions 7 p.m. Aug. 25. Msgr. John J. Smith will install Carolyn Fennell, 432-7909. Father Robert C. Donovan as pas- South Baptist Church, 745 Brock ST. JOSEPH, WOODS HOLE tor at 10:45 a.m. Mass Sunday; Ave., NB. AII invited. Information: 993-2590. ' Carmelite Missioners will speak reception will follow. at Masses this weekend. NOTRE DAME de LOURDES WIDOWED SUPPORT Parishioners age 21 or older interWeekend retreat for widowed CATHEDRAL, FR persons, Sept. 27 to 29, Family Life ested in forming a young adults CCD registration 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 Center, North Dartmouth. Informa- group may attend organizational p.m. Aug. 19,3 to 4 p.m. Aug. 26, meeting 7 p.m. Aug. 27, parish center. tion: 998-3269 or 999-6420. CCD office.

Iteering pOintl ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Marian novena continues until Aug. 22. Mass daily 9 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Holy hour 7 p.m. daily except Sunday. Themes: today: The Challenge of the World; Sat./ Sun.: The Gift of the Eucharist; Aug. 19: The Church, Fractured Body of Christ; Aug. 20: The Family, Nucleus of Spiritual Growth; Aug. 21: Renewal for Celibates and Married; Aug. 22: Recommitment, Consecration and Crowning of Blessed Mother. And child who made first communion this year and is interested in participating in crowning or presenting flowers may contact Father .Herbert Nichols by Monday. "RISKING" SEMINAR The Providence diocese Office of Ministry with Separ~ted, Divorced, Remarried· and Wid·owed Persons and the Se.ekonk Congregational Church will jointly offer "Risking: Tough but Essential for Life" 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 18, Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Ave., Seekonk; presented by Dorothy J. Levesque. The workshop will explore the challenge to risk emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically. Information: (401) 943-7903. O.L. MT. CARMEL, NB CCD registration for new students 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 17 and 24; 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 18 and 25. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Portuguese 8 p.m. Saturdays, church basement.. EMMAUS/GALILEE First Bethany retreat today through Sunday; director: Paul Neto, codirector: Sandra Cusson. Entire Emmaus community invited to closing Mass 2 p.m. Sunday, Neumann Hall, Cathedral Camp, E. Freetown. ST. JAMES, NB Altar boys outing I to 4 p.m. Aug. 22, Round Hill Beach, Dartmouth. Participants meet 12:15 p.m. near CCD building. Information: 6364903.

ENJOYING CAPE Evening with Bishop Cronin are, top left; from left, Mary Vieira, Marita Downing, Sister M. Elizabeth Mahoney, CSC, all from St. Joseph's parish, Taunton; top right, dancing to strains of Music Plus Combo; bottom left, Fathers Gregory A. Mathias, Edward C. Duffy, George


HOLY NAME, FR . R~ception for transferred parochIal vIcar Father Thomas Frechette is planned for Sept. 22; those wishing to serve on committee may contact rectory, 679-6732. Women wishing to join parish women's guild for season beginning Sept. 29 may contact Terry Ferland, 678-3084. Retreat renewal with Mass and social 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 25. Altar servers practice 6 p.m. Aug. 19 and 26. Youth group outing to Rocky Point 2 to 10 p.m. Sunday. K. of C. COUNCIL 813, FALMOUTH First Degree exemplification 8 p. m. Aug. 20, 279 Brick Kiln Rd., Falmouth; candidates arrive in main hall no later than 7:30 p.rri. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Healing service led by Rev. Adrien Francoeur, MS, and Brother Armand Binette, MS, will be held at LaSalette Shrine at 2 p.m. Sunday. Information: 222-5410. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, CAPE COD In Memory Still bereavement program for persons who have lost a loved one through suicide will offer two support groups to meet at Hyannis office in the fall: teen group to begin meeting Sept. 25 and adult group to begin meeting Oct. 16. Information: Bob Fournier, 7716771. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Altar boys must return permission slips fo'r trip to Rocky Point by Aug. 23. Men's Club golf tournament I p.m. Aug. 25, Falmouth Country Club. RCIA session 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26. ST. ELIZABETH SETON, N. FALMOUTH Maryknoll Bishop Joseph Regan will speak at Masses this weekend on mission work in the Philippines. Youth group trip to Martha's Vineyard Aug. 21; rain date Aug. 22. Participants leave on Island Queen 10:20 a.m. and return 3:45 p.m. Information: Jay Lively, 540-5018, or Deborah Maurer, 563-2163. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Religious education registration will resume at rectory Aug. 20. 1950s and 60s Family Day II a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow, parish center; dance 7 to 10:30 p.m.

W. Coleman; bottom right, Father James M. Fitzpatrick chats with S'tephen , and Monica McGuire of Marstons Mills as Father John C. Ozug passes table at left. (Kearns photos)

Congress Continued from Page One Center in North Dartmouth. In attendance were 21 persons representing Our Lady of the Assumtion, St. James and St. Lawrence's parishes, New Bedford; St. Julie Billiart parish, North Dartmouth; and the Providence and Springfield dioceses as well as the Hartford archdiocese. Msgr. John J. Oliveira offered greetings from the diocese, and Eckley Macklin, executive director of the Office for Black Catholics in the Hartford archdiocese, delivered the keynote address. Topics for the day ofreflection, discussed in small groups and in a general session, were: the AfricanAmerican Family, African-Ameri- , can Leadership Development Con~ sciousness Raising, Inculturation, and Networking. Participan~s i,n the program, asked to choose two of the topics for discussion at the national congress, selected the AfricanAmerican Family and Consciousness Raising. A second day of reflection in preparation for the National Black Catholic Congress will take place Oct. 26 at the Family Life Center. For information contact the center, telephone 999-6420.

Grandma Continued from P!lge One, logically," but said the answer would not come for many years, "We don't have much of a history on this," he said. In an Aug. 6 interview with The' Associated Press, Pat Anthony of Johannesburg, South Africa,said', she had no regrets about bearing triplets for' her daughter, Karen' Ferreira-Jorge, in October 1987. "I prayed to God. I knew if he wanted it to happen then God would help me," said Mrs. Anthony, who ha~ be~n reported to be a Catholic. ''I'm not worried about what other people think."

Catholic school grad in ladies' golf limelight WASHINGTON (CNS)-When Meg Mallon took her first Ladies Professional Golf Association tour victory in February, officials at her alma mater, Mercy High School in the Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills, got her to agree to be the focus of a golf outing in August to raise funds for the school. Then in July Ms. Mallon won two major LPGA tournaments in a three-week span and finished in a tie for third in the Bay State Classic in Massachusetts. Would success spoil Meg Mallon, or at least Mercy's plans for a fundiaiser? The answer in a word: no. Not only is Ms. Mallon keeping her commitment to the golf outing, she'll be feted at the subsequent banquet as the first inductee in the high school's brand new hall of fame - an idea whose time had come thanks to her newfound fame.

/ AT EVENING on Cape Cod with Bishop Cronin, top to bottom, left to right, Rev. Edward C. Duffy and the bishop greet Lauren and Jim Tamash of Our Lady of Victory parish, centerville; the bishop and Lisa Ferreira of St. John Baptist, New Bedford,exchange smiles; DCCW president Mary Mikita and the evening's chairperson Betty Mazzucchelli, with DCCW moderator Very Rev. James F. Lyons; a general view of those in attendance. (Kearns photo)


55 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 16, 1991


Social teachings implementation urged WASHINGTON (CNS) - The U.S. bishops have urged the nation's 55 million Catholics to take up church sodal teachings "with new urgency and energy." "Weave our social teaching into

every dimension of Catholic life," they said in a pastoral message, "A Century ofSocial Teaching," marking the 100th anniversary of "Rerum Novarum," tnel891 papal encyclical that was the start of modern Catholic social teaching.

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Christian response to

The Anchor' Friday, Aug. 16, 1991


Continued from Page Eight • Issue denominational statements against anti-Semitism from local ecumenical clergy associations.

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Dcpt. A. Falmouth. Mass.0254(


"He jewed me down," "kike," "Jew-move." • Anti-Semitic statements need to be directly and immediately confronted lest silence be interpreted as support or indifference. • Ask the person if he/she understands the expression? Explain why it is stereotypical and anti-Semitic. • Be clear that it is offensive to you even though you are not Jewish. • Challenge the person to consider the source of his comments or attitudes. Are they based on experience or hearsay? • Seek out or create a forum for discussing and debating myths about Jews. • In some cases, education and questioning won't work. Some comments simply need to be stopped by asking the speaker not to tell anti-Semitic jokes or make anti-Semitic comments in your presence. • Sometimes anger expressed at Jews is a cover for a different but real anger at some other situation. Help the speaker to distinguish between anti-Semitic feelings and legitimate but misguided anger. Long-Term Actions • Initiate mutual dialogue. • Invite Jewish leaders to lecture as guests in your church or school or to submit guest columns to your church newsletter. • Initiate church programs on the subjects of Jews and Judaism, the Jewishness of Jesus, antiSemitism, the Holocaust, Jews and Israel, Christian-Jewish relations, etc.

• Seek ou, opportunities to interact with local synagogues and Jewish organizations through ecumenical or interfaith services, educational and social programs, visits with youth. • Cosponsor interfaith Passover Seders and/ or Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Memorial) services in your community. • Distribute educational mate. rials or acquire these materials for church and parochial school libraries on subjects mentioned above. • Make special efforts to discuss significant Jewish holidays and historical events with your congregation. . • Review existing library material and religious school curriculums on subjects mentiQned above. • Discuss with church leadership and congregations official denomination pronouncements on anti-Semitism.

Stonehill College launches nonprofit management program The Office of Continuing Education at Stonehill College in North Easton. has a new certificate program in nonprofit management. The goal of the program is to assist managers in the human services field in developing skills necessary to maximize the effectiveness of their use of finite resources. The program consists of six noncredit courses, each six weeks in length: financial management; program ,planning and

JON POLCE, Christian musician from North Dartmouth, will be featured at the outdoor summer concert series at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. A 6:30 p.m. outdoor Mass will precede the concert. Spectators may bring lawn chairs. In case of rain, the program will be indoors. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I111111111111

evaluation; marketing; strategic planning; the changing role of the nonprofit manager; and one course from a group covering fundraising. A limited scholarship program is available for nonprofit managers who qualify for assistance. For scholarship information contact Mr. ·Lynn Nichols, 5836306; for program information contact Ms. Sherry Pinter at Stonehill,230-1258.









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5:00· 11:30 P.M.




Anyone Wishing To Donate Fresh Flowers For'The Decoration Of Eugenia Street May Drop Them Off AtThe Lazaro Family Residence. 113 Eugenia St. • New Bedford. Sat.. Aug. 171n The Morning.


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