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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure Gnd rirm-ST. PAUL


River, Mass., Thursday, August 17, 1961


S,No. 34

PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year Second Class Mail privileges Authorized at Fall River. Mass.

© 1961 The Anchor

Cardinal Cicognani to Serve Universal Catholic Church As New Secretary of S~ate Pope Names ·Former U. S.

Also to Head Vatican City Sovereignty

D~!egate VATICAN CITY (NC) Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, 78-year-old former Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., has

been named Vatican Secretary of State and appointed to two other top Vatican posts. Pope John has also named five other cardinals to major Vatican offices. As Secretary of State, Cardinal Cicognani succeeds the late Domenico Cardinal Tardini, who died July 30 He is the first, prelate to hold that post who brings tb it a' wide and detailed knowledge of the Church in the . U. S., where he served for 25 years. Cardinal Cicognani, who has been serving as Secretary of the "'-Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church. was also named Pl'esident of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City, a post which makes him governor of a sovereign state, CARDINAL CICOGNANI . and President of the Cardinals' Commission for the' Administra- merly held by Cardinal Canali, tion of the Goods of the Holy the Spanish Cardinal· presides See. over the Sacred Apostolic PeniAs President of the Vatican tentiary, high Church court that City commission he succeeds the deals with the granting of absoFather Gendreau' Father Moriarty Father Buckley late Nicola Cardinal Canali, who lutions and dispensations and died Aug. 3. Cardinal Canali was __ decides on cases of conscience 'l'he Chancery Office announced today the appointment Pro-President o~ the commission and matters per.taining to indulof the' Episcopal Representative for Religious and the for the' Goods of the Holy See. gences. tr:ansfer of two assistants. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, S.T.D., . Other papal appointments Paolo Cardinal Marella as pastor of the Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, has were: Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, and Prefect of the Sacred Conbeen named EpisCopal Rep- outh, . Mich. From June, 1943, to as Grand Penitentiary gregation of the Basilica of St. resentative for Religious suc- April 1946, he served as an Army C.M.F., of the Church. In this post, forPeter, both posts held by Carceedirig Rt. Rev. Humberto chaplain and spent six' months Medeiros. The curate in combat with the artillery transfers are: forces in the European theater ;Rev. James F. Buckley, assist- of operations. NOTRE DAME (NC)- said, "if we take the hand of out' ant at St. Mary's Cathedral, to Father Gendreau was apassistant at Sacred Heart Church, pointed an assistant at St. Religious superiors 'w ere lay brother in Christ and show Fall Rivel" Mary's Cathedral on June 15, urged by a Bishop to provide him how he can help us in our Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, as- 19(;4, and served in tl1at positjon lay people with .the opportuwork." (Iistant at Sacred Heart Church, until 1958 when he was ap- nity and encouragement of play"On the contrary," he. said, Fall River, to assistant at St. pointed administrator of St. ing their role in the Church's "we 'shall confirm our own sense Mary:'s. Cathedral. Peter's in Dighton In February of vocatt"on in 'his eyes and make , of .this year, he was named pas- mission. Calling attention to the him aware of, his own; we shall emergence of the' laity in the Father Gendreau, a native of tor of the Blessed Sacrament demonstrate to him our faith in Fall River; was ordained June apostolate of the Ohurch, Bishop the fullness of the Mystical 15; 1935 in St. Mary's Cathedral Church, Fall River. Leo A. Pursley declared: "We Body; we shall give him concrete by the late Most Rev. James E. The new offjcial of the Diocese cannot too long delay our adjustCassidy. From September, 1935 serves as secretary of the Board ment to their presence and their and convincing proof that in our to June 1, 1954, the new apof Examiners of the Clergy and participation in ,that divine mis- own consecrated hearts lives that Charity of Christ, that love pointee .taught in seminaries in is judge of the Diocesan Matri- sion." . of pod and man, which is not The Bishop of Fort WayneBaltimore, Seattle, and PlymTurn to Page Twelve South Bend told the National only the bond of perfection, but Congress of Religious that while the only 'means of salvation." The prelate spoke to about the proper role of the laity must 1,500 priests, Brothers and Sis~ . 'be defined "m'ore clearly and ters who are major 'religious completely," many lay people superiors from across the counare already engaged in Church try. He 'addressed the opening work and many more are eager key session at Notre Dame Unito join their ranks.. SANTA CRUZ (NC) - Richard Cardinal Cushing versity yesterday. "We shall nOot lose face, status, urged delegates to Bolivia's National Eucharistic Congress prestige, uniquely and irrevocaEarlier, Valerio Cardinal Valto fill their lives' with Faith and to. frustrate communism bly ours by holy orders or reli- eri, Prefect of the Sacred Conwith social justice founded on that Faith. The Archbishop gious profession," the Bishop gregation of Religious, presided

Ordinary Announces Th~ee Assignme.nts


. Encourages Laym'en's Role

Cardinal. Cushing Says Faith Basis for Justice of Boston, as Papal Legate to the congress; preached the sermon at the opening.of the congress. He also spoke at family day and at the close. Pope John, in the official letter appointing Cardinal Cushing es Papal Legate, lauded the works of charity promoted by by the Cardinal in Latin America: "The generous largess with which you have provided for the lreligious needs of that region (Santa Cruz) makes your name spoken of by all there with \praise," the Pope stated. He expressed the wish that the con'gress might bring upon the Bolivians an increase in brotherhood CUld "~'eater,charity in justice." . Pope John noted that many in Wolivia lack sufficient food and {housing and ex-pressed particular concern for the depressed condition of the Indians of, the country. Need More Priests All the Bishops of Bolivia, in ~tu Cruz fJ.QlI: tho congress,

dinal Tardini. Gustavo Cardinal Testa as Pro-President of the Cardinals' CommiSSion for the AdministraG ,tion of the Goods of the Holy See. Alberto Cardinal di Jorio 00 Pro-President of' the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City. Eugene Cardinal Tisserant" Dean of the College of Cardinals. as Grand Master of the EquesG trian Order of the Knights 6f the Holy Sepulcher, a post held bV Cardinal Canali. Archbishop Acacio Coussa, as~ sessor of the Sacred Congrega~ tion for the Oriental Church, haa been appointed Pro-Secretary oft that congregation. Cardinal Cicognani's appoiv~ ment was unusual in that f"t'la document naming him W1I\Il written entirely in Pope Johps hand. It was presented to t~ Cardinal by ArchQishop Antol1lf.o Samore, Vatican Secretary e£ State for Extraordinary Affait's. and Archbishop Angelo Den'~ Acqua, Substitute Vljtica'n SE!'I::G retary of State, o~ the Pope'Q behalf. . It is believed here that CIri>a dinal Cicognani, despite his n~w appointment, will return to tbe U. S. to serve as legate of Pope John at the 4th Inter-Americall Congress on Christian Doctrine to be held in Dallas, Texas, ~G ginning Nov 28. If he does, it will be the second time a Vaticau Secretary of State has visited. Turn to Pagl" Eighteen

joined civJl authorities arl.d the Bolivian people in a rousing welcome for the prelate. The Cardinal in his sermon at the opening of the congress stressed the need "for· more native priests in Bolivia and elsewhere throughout the great nations of Latin America." In his address at the close of the congress, the Cardinal said the world is in trouble because men have abandoned God and defied His laws. He said that by neglecting to establish a social order founded on justice and charity "we shall prepare the way for the advance of atheistic communism." !Eucharist HopI" of World The new social order which will save the world from destruction "must banish forever the theory that men are as wolves to one another and that law and order represent only the survival of the strong over the weak." Cardinal Cushing continued~ Tairlll to Page Eighteell

FaU River 'Parish P~C!nlS Testimog'tial To fat~~r Gomes



and preached at a Solemn Pontifical Mass in Sacred Heart church marking. the formal opening of the Congress. Bishop Pursley said the spirit of the world "is always a rougbe ruthless and reledless antag()c> nist to spiritual truth." To keep that spirit completely out of religious life is "a plainly impossible task," he said, unless community members cooperate with the- grace of God which "will not be wanting." "Those who enter religiolU life today," Bishop Pursley observed, "are coming largely out of a world softened by selfe indulgence to an extent which makes all the prcblems of selfdiscipline more acute and' mor0 resistent 'than' ever before." He said that "if the task is harder than before, it must, for that reason, be done by men and women more worthy to meet itD demands."

,Bishop Connolly To Bless School 6 At Westport

parishioners of the Christo Church, Fall will' honor Rev.' AnM. Gomes, adminis-

Bishop Connolly will bleSQ the new St. George's Paro<> chial School, Westport, Sun", 'day afternoon at 3 o'clock,

trator of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River, at a testimonial banquet at 6 Sunday night at the Lincoln Park Ballroom. Father Gomes served 'as an assistant at Santo Christo for the past eight years. Manuel C. Faria is general chairman;' Edward Perreira, secretary; Patricia Cabral, ticket chairman; and James Mendonca, chairman of PUblicity. Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis, pas tor of Santo Christo, will be the main speaker and Dr. Raymond R. Costa will speak for the laity. Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, assistant at the host parish, will aot ro

Located on Route 177, the new Westport edifice has eight rooms, an auditorium and principal's office. There is a laTge outdool? recreational area and sports facilities will be added in the very . near future. Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais, pas~ tor, announced that Rev. MaU'r~ 'ice H. Lamontagne, pastor oil Our Lady of Grace Church, No. . Westport, and former assistant at St. George's Parish, will ho deacon and Rev. William R. MEDAUST: George K. Jordan-, pastor of St.. John the Hunton will receive the 1961 Baptist Parish, Central Village serve as subdeacon. St. Francis Peace Medal will Rev. John H. Hackett, Episcoaward of the Third Order of pal secretary and vice-chancelSt. Francis. NC PhotOo 1«" will be master of ceremonies.

The Santo River, thony




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 17, 1961 --- - -' _._"- .-..:..._-_ -.- . ,

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. , Bequest.J .,.. ;"~:.~~;",. p'owen ·~.;·:l;\~~ 'Is"


OFFiCiAL· ~.

APPOINTMENT Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, S.T,D., pastor of the BlesSed Sacrament Church, Fall R-iv.er, to be Epi~opal Rep~esentative for Religious, to succeed Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros. Effective Aug. 17, 1961. ,TRANSFERS Rev. James F. Buckley, assis·tant at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, to Sacred. HelU't Church, FaH River, as' assistant. Effective Aug. 22, 1961. Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, assistant at the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, to St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, as assistant. EffecUve Aug. 17, 1961.

~~,lJt£~ llish~p of

Fail River




. :~': CHICAGO (NC)-A total ,..... $2,400,000 was left to Cathol.: ;~ , organizations in the ChiCago ... under' the terms of a will made publ_c ,here. . .'. \ So\l1"ce of the bequests is ,a.. : ; three-million-dollar estate· .011;' . ; :Walter P. Powers, a retired Chi... ' : eago buiJinessman with extensiv. .. • real estate holdings. He died. • ; ~ April,1960. . .', .' C:itholic charities of the Chi-· cago' archdiocese were' l~ $1,600,000. Institutions or religow ., .communities· receiving $100,000 each in the area are: St. Vincent.. , . Infant Hospital, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sisters of Charity of ·the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sistere :ot' Mercy, Angel Guardian 0,.. :phanage, Loyola and De Paul Universities,' and St.. Mary" . Training School, Des Plaines. · In a settlement out of court., executors agreed to give $75,000 , to Mrs. Kathleen Ryan, half-sis- . ter of Powers, and $12,500 eac~ 'to foUr other relatives. They had. contested the will on the grounds , that Powers was of unsound mind . '.. when' the will was executed ~ '.. I .. 1957; ,

Diocese of Fa II 'River .

$2,400,000.' :;



Name .Assistants

At New Bedford

Mass Ordo

FRIDAY-Mass of previous SUftoo Rev. Hyacinth Seremet, O.F.M. . Adalbert Sroka, O,F.M.Conv. Conv. and Rev. Wenceslaus Gru-' . Both appointees are natives of day. IV Class. Green. MalIS Buffalo. Father Seremet's last I; }>rpper; No Gloria; Second cela, O.F.M.Conv. are newl~' apassignment was at Mater DoloC~llect St. Agapitus,' Mart1ll$ pointed curates at Our Lady of . rosa Church, Holyoke. Fath~ no Creed; Common Preface. Perpetual Help parish, New Grucela comes to tQhe New .. Bedford. ford parish f rom ueen 0 e .... CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)-:-Safe driving is the duty They replace Rev. Rupert Most Holy Rosary Church, BufMass Proper; Gloria; no Creed;i 0 F M Conv and Rev. falo. Common Preface. of a ll, Pope John told 7,000 visitors at his Summer resi- H' h t f d th d aJna, .. '.' . SUN,DAY -XIII Sunday Afte!'" dence here, pointing out that the' aryes 0 ea . reape..... a,. & Pentecost. II Class. Green.' by road accidents approaches that of war. The Holy,Fatrer, I~ew ,(hM:an v. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed;

Pope c.etes Com man d ment . S f Dee In PIeo for a e rlVI n9

. .

fB~- SAc~~:eDssAo;.II~t.~~Zshs~ ~~~,

V S' *"f State ecrel.lory "There are before. us 'in' 'fact .. ' Has h,timate ~,~.i1,owled_ge of U.S. , 4sPoOkneewShomrtolYbl'laeftefrl'lmbleuSSnil~tgs · impressive statistics .of : the',

MoP~~~~~s;ri~~eY'Frances ~

... which' the Italian ,govern- . deaths and injuries due to road . WASHINGTON (NC) - The sions. In 1924, as a you~g monChantal, Widow. III CLasS. . t men t b y Pope.John signor, he had thiSI counWhite. Mass Proper,' Gloriment is sending· to all parts accidents, which almost, equa I appom "t come the to Sc b' i .." in numbers the. disasters of past XXIII of Amleto Cardinal Cicog- try to VIS~. . a a rm. no. Creed; Common Preface•. of Italy as part of its road safety wars." nani to be his Secretary of '8tate Fathers (MISSionaries of St. TUESDAY _ The Immaculate campaign. ' fuvolves Responsibility. places hi this high Vatican post Ch.arles ~rrom~) and to org-, Heart of the Blessed' Virgia "Life is a pilgrimage which 1 t h possesses a wide amze theuo work here. Mary. III Class' White. Ma. . t Pope John said: i'Life's duties and a pre aintimate e, w 0 kn9 I n 1931 , w-h'l . g ~_ carries a person f ~om one pom Ie servmas -Proper; Gloria; Second Called wled ge of ,to another of the earthly ,globe," become graver in the measure . h h d. 'vil life in the sessor of the Sacred CongregaSS, Timothy, Hippolytus;Bish-' Pope John said. in which men gain new capaci- C ~c an CI . tion of the Oriental Church he' Umted States. VI'SI'ted New. York to help reth t d "The end of· our voyage shines ties and n~w power 0 0 mgs top, and C Symphorianus, d P f f BlM8I'__ .I from above and it is Paradise, . and to experiment." He often referr.ed t~ t~~ U.S. " organize the Catholic Near East :i~iin.ree; re ace 0 e_ for which we wert: created,'" 'He said that in using' and as "our beloved Ame;1C'a when . Welfare . Association, On his. W,EDNESDAY"':-St. Philip BeDPope John noted that to live' is abusing the rights of the road;. he served as ApostolIc Delegate visits he made an extensive' izi, Confessor. III Class. White. ). to move and to meet others, but !'nan' becomes involved in a ,here from 1~33 to 1958. study of education .in the Ur:'-ited Mass Proper; Gloria; no dr~dC : that· these encounter~are often '''mystery of Lie and death which, Shortly, before leaving for States and Amene,an bwimess Comnion Preface'.' . . ' '" ". terrible toaay. , " ,. involves the responsibility from' . Rome where he'was elevate,d· t-o' 'techniques. . ' . '. " THURSDAY-St. Bartholom~ ,'.j • 'Frequent, Sad' Duty' , which none. can ,coh~ider' the Sacred' College of Cardinals Lauded inCongresa. ". ; . A .stl II CI R d M' o "Is it not' perhaps . tru~! ! that 'himself exempt The .c,ivi.1 on Dec. 15 1958' he said: "Aft.er . po e. . ass. . e.. .a~".., . , On ;the occasion of the 25th an':' ,',C Proper; GlorIa; Creed; nothing hitherto has' 'equaled : of human.' coexist.ence.'. a.re' "ju~tl,! ' ,'. 25 yearS of Iifein. America I' . A . Preface ' . ...... , . h I f 'Th 1 niversary of his appointment 'and" of postles. . .'." ' : ,., today's perfectlon in 'effiCient based in t e ~rea~ a~ o. , .9.~.". considered Iriyself settled lere' . . and rapid means of making this shalt not kill' which shmes and I was· n.ot; thinking of a ,elevation, to the hierarchy he',,' L·· 'f D ";;' voyage through .paths of the among .the Ten Comqlandm~~ts, . change.' I fee-l'deeply saddened' . was lauded in the halls of Con':" 'eglon 0 ee~n~J", '., '; earth, 'sEla and 'sky? But'it is 'also . for all tim'e and which is,'for all 'to leave this land that I' had gress by John W. McCormack of' Tne following films are to ~. ' .. a frequent and sad duty to note a sacred command of the Lord."· come to consider like my coun~ Massachusetts and tributes were, ::' added to the list in their ~ L t " .. '.',; that the drama Of '.the voyage The. Pope, recomm~nded t~a. try, and saddened to leave 90 placed. in the Congressional Rec-" spective classifications: ends in the tragedy 'of death motorists pray to their guardl~n many friends in ,America: I ,have ord. ,More than ,150 American ", Unobjectionable for AduIta ..., and of tears. angels. 'too highest" admiration for the bishops, assembled in' Washing-, ,and' Adolescents - The Young, '" . American' bishops,· bot has· .ton in November, ,1958, honored i ' Doctors. . .:: churchmen ,and as real Amoeri- ·him for his 25 years service as Unobjectionable for Adults~. Apostolic Delegate here. ' One' Plus One; Susan Slade. cans." On the occasion of the obseTvObjectionable in Part 'for AftHad Constant Contact ance of his 25th anniversary, Leda· (Objection: Suggestivoe QUEBEC (NC) - An almost public tribute to Father Masse. Even before coming to the Cardinal Cicognani "composed a costuming, situations and Beforgotten missionary, -a founder Mayor Gerard Guay of Sillery United StateS as the papal 'rep- prayer for "our beloved Amerquences; low moral tone); PUllof the Jesuit missions· in New officially presented to the Jesuits resentative to American Catiho- ica" and dedicated his book, . ,pIe Noon (Objection: Suggesti\18 France 350 years ago, was re-' the deed of their ancient prop- lies, Cardinal Cicognani had an "The Saints Who Pray With Us sequences). . membered here. er(y. unusual' acquaintance with the in the Mass", to the American Anniversary celebrations' cenForced to Leave. Church and the people here, clue . priesthood. He l1ad previously , tered on 'the' centuries-old Jesuit - -Father Masse and othei· J~suits, ;to 'his Constant; contact wit~ . pUblished a. volum~, "Sanctity:inl . mission .-. at. suburbarI". SillerY,. · landed at Port Royal hi .Acadia ' . America' 'wl1il.e . serving . ~'ith America," dealing with pending .,. M;~"ael where there is a- monument' to "on May :22, 161.1. Howev~r; ~ey : .the Roman Coh~~~atj()ns. , '." .' . causes for beatification. ,., Father Enriemond. Masse, a Jes7' w~re forced..toleave becauseQ~: • ,He had previously visitedbbe Shortly before' leaving ~' Inc. uit .who played a le'ai:ifng:role i~ the 'hostility'of the, ;Fiench, '. United States on official mitl- Rome to receive' the Red Hat 'of ..., . FUNERAL SERVICE' the growth ofthe·Chul'cn :in the' · weather conditions and.. the 'liltl-' . ',.'.1' . . the cardinalate; Archbishop' Ci";"'" " New Woi:14: . ~ , . , '.. ' .... ,';\ guag~' ·barri~r . betw~' the Farm- Union Leaders 'cognani paid a ~ai'ewell visit·tO··.. '549 COUNTY ~T. Archbishop Maurice Roy..of :'French' and 'Indians. .. : '; • '..... ". "Pr.esident Eisenhower at . UHf ' .. ",' Queb~c; Primate Canada, paid Father Masse went back to . ·Llke [":'IIlew neye lea Whire House to ahank fUm for I • ,NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ' .;J . 'France, but in 1625 he returned OTTAWA· (NC)-Leaders 01.. the courtesies extended. to him'" to the New Worid with other .the farm cooperative movemtmt by Americans and said that be Jesuits, inCluding Fathers Bre- in Canad'a have expressed gr,atwas "leaving the United States FORTY' HOURS · beuf and Lalemant, both of _ ification· a~ the support given to with re~ret." . DEVOTION whom were martyred by the cooperatives in the new em:yIroquois. . cHcal, Mater et Magistra. Aug. 20--0ur Lady of Lourdes The Jesuits built their own A. F.' 'Laidlaw, national S(!CWellfleet chapel on April 6, 1626, together . retary of the ~ooperative Union Our Lady of. Grace, N:o. by ,i with a residence, and named it . of Canada; . said: "Previous "e-n• Westport. Plumbin.g ...... Heating .. Notre Dame des Anges. In 1629 ". cyclicals on reconstruction of .the .. . . Sacred Heart, New Bedwhen the British occupied Que- social. order referred only inford. .Over 35 Years , bec,. Father Masse once again,. directly to. cooperatives, but the " Aug. 27~St. Antpony C!f, t~e . of Satisfied Service had to return to France. '. recent pronouncement of Pope , Johnny L~mos Florist . '. Desert, Fall River. ",' }. Established Mission ~'; John' makes specific references 806 NO. MAiN STREET St. John the Baptist, . Hyqnnis Sp. 5-2336, He came back tc, New France'· to co,:,ops'.:.'" Central Village. . fail River' 055..1491 for the third and last time in . ',' . Sept. 3-51. Louis of 'France, 1633,. arid established a mission" ~f=~:;;ci~~~~~~~~~~~ Swansea , _..... .'at, Tadoussac,.about 125 miles: ': 1~~ c·~ ~ifV Our Lady of Mt. ,~Carmel,~ . : from QUebec. He died in 1646. Wu88o~m$8IFMOnetrc.t '._:::::': .. Seekonk "... lH({J)m~' ,:' .If·,. -• . Father Masse's name was for- , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11")) [F' Sept.lQ--St. Anne, Fall River. .. gotten .. for many years, b~cau.se . ~.,., ~ r:s;, .' ~ , G ' ONIE STOP, .. . EST. 1870 St. Dominic, Swan.sea. , ... of wars, uprisings and the seizure _ BUSIN\:SS AND ~ Washington Sq'uare SHOPPING CIENTIER of the Jesuit property in' 1800. DUPLICATING MACHINES NEW BICDFORD Priest-archaeologists discovered Second and. Morgan Sts. • Television • Furniture' THE ANCHOR Reg.' Funeral Director ClIfldI · his remains in.St Michel'chapel • Applia~ •. ~rocer~ '. . - Embalmer Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. at Sillery in 1869. The remains. FALL RIVER Mass. Published ever)' Thursday· at 410 were placed under the nearby \NY 2-068205 9-6712 004 Allen St.. N:ew BedfOll'Cl PRIVATE PARKING AREA Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass., by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of monuinent erected to his memE. J. McGINN. Prop. TEL. WY 6-8098 WYman '7-9354 Fall River. Subscripiton price '117 mall, ory. postpaid per ;year. O


Anniversary Rites Honor Mem.oll'Y Of French Jesuit Missionary




C. Au'ti"·· ,,'

I'· . '11





He'nry Teixeira


f IF


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Msgr. O'Connor'. Requiem Frida; 1n,·East Walpole

':T;p~ Rt. Rev." Daniel·

THE ANCHO~Thurs., Aug. 17, 1961

Stresses Fathers' MoralObligafl'ion To Build Shelters


O'Connor, 81, retired pastor of St. Mary's Church of East Walpole, died Tuesday

ROCHESTER (NC) -·A moral theologian said here that fathers have a moral obligation to provide fallout

at 'st:"l!;iizabeth's' Hospita~ .~er •

'brief illness. . 'Born' in Somerset, he studied at St. John's Seminary in Brigll'ton and was ordained in 1905. He served as a curate at St. ste- . phen's, Boston; Most Precious Bloo'd, Hyde Park; St. Mar-y's, Walt~~m; St. James, Arlin~ton; and St. Andrews, North Billerica. He was appointed pastor of St. Mary's of East Walpole in 1934 ~nd retired in 195? because of ill health. Last June, he was elevated to' monsignor by Pope John XXIII. He leaves a brother, Richard B., and a sister, Mrs. John Shea, both of Fall River. The Office of the Dead will be ll"eCited at 4 P.M. today in St. Mary's in East Walpole. A solemn high Mass of requiem will ~e celebrated there Friday at WA.M.

Auxiliary Bishop of Boston .Jeremiah F. Minihan will be oelebrant of the Mass. The jieacon ~ill be the Rev. Thomas P. . Fallon, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Watertown. The 'sub-deacon will be the Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, pastor of St. lVIary's Church in Mansfield. The eulogist will be the Rt. Rev. Leonard McMahon, pastor of St. Rose's Church in Chelsea. Burial will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River.

Sodality leaders Plan M~~ft'~Bilg


TRANSFER TO U. S. SEMINARIES: A Cuban seminarian is welcomed upon arrival at Miami International Airport by Father Victor Hernandez, S.J., of the Latin American Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Conference. The bureau is assisting in the reassignment of more than 35 Havana seminarians to major seminaries throughout the United States. NC Photo.

shelters for their families.' . Msgr. Emmett Murphy said he believes that "fathers who have the available space and the re'sources and .,kill to construct a fall-out shelter in their h"mes are, in the absenCE: of any other equally effective means to protect their families. under a moral obligation to build such shelters." Msgr. Murphy is pastor of Holy Apostles church and a former professor of moral theology at St. Bernard's Seminary here. He made his comments in an interview with the Catholic Courier Journal, newspaper of the Rochester diocese. 'Feasible Protection' He said fathers are obliged to provide "the most feasible protection" for their families and 'today that means constructing fallout shelters against the effects of a nuclear bomb attack. He said Civil Defense authorities agree that it is impossible to build "a sufficient number of easily accessible public facilities." For this reason, "the family fallout shelter which can be easily and inexpensively constructed offers the best assurances of safety to the greatest number," he stated.



New fund Fins

Great Need

Some 1500 lay and religious SemD~crDans ENGLEWOOD (NC) - An /leaders f.rom the United States emergency Educational Fund is cmd Canada will meet in New MIAM£ (NC)-More than 35 Catholic Welfare Conference, major seminaries of the U. S., as being established at St. Cecilia's York City, Friday, Aug. 25 young men whose studies for the they will resume their studies in well as in Canada, Rome, Spain, High School here to guarantee i!Jhrough Tuesday, Aug. 29. lJo priesthood in the Archdiocese of El Salvador and Puerto Rico. that no student will be forced to Study the most recent statement Havana were interrupted by the Major seminaries in the U. S. drop out in the event of a mis8f the American hierarchy and communist-controlled regime of cooperating in the program in- !lap to the family breadwinner. (J) apply its message to their Fidel Castro are bemg re'assigned <:lude the Montezuma Seminary; The fund will be administered R~lief iapostolic spheres. to seminaries throughout the Montezuma, N. M.; Kenrick Sein-' by the Fathers' Club and will They will be delegates to the . U.S. . LONDON (NC)-About 100,009 !nary, St.' Louis; St. Meinrad begin operation with the OPen. fIl1rd annual. Sodal~,ty Congress re,fugees from ,the strife-toI:n Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind.; St.. ing of school in September. It is , The seminarians, all native 01 the Lay Apostolate (SCLA) Portuguese African territory 0(' Paul College, Washington, D. C.; designed to' pay for the books .' ....ich is under t't\e direction· of 'Cuba'nS, came to south Florida " Angola, who poured into the by airliner _and ferry from El .neighb~rin'g Congo· have put all .' St. ,Franc.is· de Sales Seminary, and·tuition of. students from fam.Rev. Francis K. Drolet, S.J. "The Personal Responsibility Buen Pastor Seminary' in . Ha- immense strain on the already Chillum, Md.; St Maur's Sem- ilies .where the breadwinner die.! inary, South' Union, Ky.; and or becomes d·isabled. ef Free Men," subject of the 1960 vana. They' have been enrolled in overburdened .relief organjzaSt. Cecilia's is a co-educational annual statement of the Bishops English classes for the ·past few 'tions operating in the Congo, Mount St. Mary Seminary, Cinschool. weeks at St. John Vianney Minor according to the secretary gen- ·cinnati. ef the United States - wiHbe the theme of the SCLA and the Seminary here. eral of the Congo's Oatholic re- .....T ,dlIhT dlIhT d1lhT d1lhT dlIhT dill;'"d1lhT d1lhT dlIhT d1lhT d1lhT d1lhT d1lhT d1lh~ ., focal point of its general sesUnder· the direction of Msgr. ~~~ ~ ~ ltions. ~. !7' Arcadio Marinas of Havana and Father Andrew. Cauwe, S.J.,..: Ie .... d Drawing from major points in with the cooperation of Miami said his agency, Caritas-Dongo, ~..oo wnot you can 0 w,tn a ~ t'he bishops' statement, the meet_ dioce3an officials and Father Vic- . gives direct help to about half ..: ~ ing will feature workshops em,. tor Fernandez, S.J., of the Latin ~ plhasizing such areas as spiritual American Bureau, the National' the refugees. The rest are cared ' ~ for by the World Council of ..: furmati<)n, international responChurches and the Congolese Red '~ ~ sibHities, Ohristian influence in . ·Cross. United Nations forces in ":.4J .......... ~ vori-ous walks of life and use of the. Congo are helping transport '<a !7' l,fpeCific tools :>f the apostoloate. relief supplies. . ..: Sodality Techniques Father Cauwe recently visited .~ ~ CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)~ here after a ·tour of the distressed ~ Several workshops will also ~ ~ ~ncentrate on effective Sodality Pope John cQunseled a large areas. '<a !7' Organizational techniques A staff 'group of children at a general Relief agencies in the Congo ..: .~ ~ ~f . nine priests, one nun and audience here "always to 're- are also helping several hundred ~ nearly 50 lay specialists will con- spect older peoplE: and to sur- thousand Congolese who were . L: . ~ duct activities. round them with' every kind;. disp'iaced or otherwise deprived . ~ . . $peakers will include Artbut' ness." of their livelihood by the Congo'.. ...: ~ ,. Conley, president of the Nainternal dfssensions. . . ..:'~ ~ 'r.he Pope told his young hear~ tional Federation of Sodalities·in . et'6 .that older ..people "have a· _ ." ~ ~ the United States; Miss Mary I. ...: " • ~ DiFonzo, secretary of the World, real treasure of. gifts al1dhelp lI 4J !7' Federation of Sodalities;. Rev. 'whi~h the Lord has given them '" . '" ~ . . ~ ett.arles J. Callahan, president of along the long, road of life and - . .~ ~ 4!hti Nat!onal, Diocesan Sodality .which will be very useful when . ~. ~ Directors' Conference; and Rev. the time comes for them to end . ~ needed ~ Woalter·J. Burghardt, S.J., man- their pilgrimage on this earth." ~ging editor of "Theological PopeJoill~alsourgedyouthto ~ ~ Studies." add this respect fol' the aged to Aft ~ Also representatives of the a generosity i.n. the service of ..: Wit an ~ 6-Mil International, the Associa- God both in youth and in maturFamous for OUII' PII'ime ~ ~ tion' for International Develop~ ~ 0 ~ ment, the New York Catholic That would bring each of toAged Charcoal Broiled ~ ~ Interracial Council, the Confra- day's young people. a serene and k I 4J ....a t~ ternity of Ohristian Doctrine and. confident old age. sustained by Stea s - a so Roast ~ ~ members-in-exile of the Agru- the best memories of good work Beef _ Sea Food ~ ~a~in9 .necessary repairs NOW will ··save yo" from ~ pacion 'CatoHea Universitaria, accomplished, he said. L:. having to. mC!ke major repairs LATER ~ . ~~sional Sodality of ;Havana, ~ ~~. '. D~ncing Every Saturday . Termed "five apostolic u-ain·A FAMILY TREAT' Nite to the Music of ing days for· apostolic SodalBAR~B-Q, CHICKENS . Eddie Davis and his ists,'" thc SCLA is geared pri-' mal'(ly to adult parish and proOrchestra fessiomil Sodalists, student Sodatiflts from colleges, universities Planning A Wedding, Shower, Ban..: CENTER BANK-Purchase, and William SlIs. ~ and nurlling schools, mature high FARMS quet or Meeting-Call our Banquet 146 Washington St;, Fairhaven oo'hool seniors and to priests, END BANK-Cor. Acushnet Ave. and CoHin Ave. Department for details. AM Parties seminarians and religious enJust off Route Ii : gaged in Sodality di·rection. given our Expert Attention-CaD SOUTH lEND BANK-Cor. Cove St. & Rodney French Blvd. WY 7-9336 • AH sessions will be held at 1he Watch for Signs • Hobel Roosevelt. Reg·istration MAYFAIR 4·9888-4·9979 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will open Thursday evenling, While out fO!' :I DrIve • 91 CI1'«lJll'ildall Rd. TDVGIi'~@I11I, IU. ~ ~ 1Wg. 24 and will be held each Stop "t this Delightful Spot: ~W.W.W...W..\W~W,.1llW£ 1llW.1lIlJI~W W...W...W...W...~ _ o.f the CongrC83. ~

Resume Studies in United States


Refugees Strain . Agencies




Pope Asks Youth To Respect Age

:-4 :-4 :-4


'Bu"k OS'5.- ks







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~ NO~TIH ~




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:ccese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 17, 1961'

SUP[p)@[)'lfS Cf}u~lrchw

lUJW·~~~~ [Ptf~~ii~O~ ~~~~~~@lfD(01) Of Entey~'~;ea~B$,Ye~~~Q~g

Ends lPatro~age LA PAZ (NC)-Bolivia'fa Congress has expressed its recognition and support 01. the Church and voted. by a

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director. NCWC Social Action Department

Pope John's encyclical Mater et Magistra, was released at the Vatican on July 14. On July 31 another historic document on the social problem - the new 50,OOO-word Program of the Soviet Communist Party, the first since 1919 - was released at the the elemental forces. and social Kremlin. There is no .reason operation and did not know the to suppose that' either of real causes of natural and social these two starkly contrast- phenomena. ing documents was timed t o ' "This can be done by making counteract or offset the inuse of the achievements of modfluence of the ern science, which ste~dily. solvesother. It was the mysteries of the universe and u n d 0 U b t _ extends man's power over naedly a pure coture, leaving no room for reliincidence that gious. inventions about superthey happened natural forces." to be released Eno...mous Contrast within two and The contrast between this' secone-half weeks tion of the new Soviet Program one another. and the section on science and niis will prove technology in the new social ena fortunate cocyclical, while recognizing the in c ide n c e , I. value and the importance of scithink,if it serves entific and technological progto dramatize the many fundaress, is confident that this prog': mental differences between the ress will eventually "contribute social philosophies of communtoward making, human beings ism and Christianity, :more conscious of their own The most fundamental of li'mitations and toward creating these differences--and t.he one in them a striving for spiritual from which· almost 'all of the values ..." others derive - concerns the Furthermore. the new encyclinature and destiny of man. cal reminds us that religion is The "fundamental principle" "the only foundation on which a of Christian sociaJ ethics, as sumsolid and fruitful temporal order marized in the new encyclical, can endure." is "that individual human beings ' Cites Example are and should be the foundaAlmost all of the other tion, the end and the' subjects differences between the social of all the institutions in which philosophies of communism and social life is carried on: individChristianity derive from this ual human 'souls considered in fundamental difference concern. so far- as they are and should ing the nature and the destiny be by their nature intrinsically of man, social, and in so far as they are One example will' suffice. ' in the plan of Providence, by In the communist scheme of their elevation ,to the supernatthings, unions and other ecoural order." nomic organizations, like indiMan Creature of Time virluals and the family, are inThe fundamental prinCIple 01. strumentsof society. In the new communism, as summarized in soviet Program they are r~ferred. the new. Program of the Soviet to specifically as "schools of Communist 'Party, is completely communism," and they are indifferent from that of Christianstructed to "work constantly ·to ity. increase the communist conIn the communist scheme of sciousness of the masses." things, man is purely a creature In the Christian scheme 01. of time. He has no eternal, suthings, unions and other econompernatural destiny. His rights, ic organizations are expected, of such as tpey are, derive not from course,' to serve the common God but from the whim of his good or the general welfare, but, political masters. as the new encyclical points out, He is not the end and the subthey are to "enjoy an effective ject of the institutions in which autonomy in regard to the public social life is carried on. He is, authorities." rather, an instrument of society 'Frightening Document' or, more accurately, of the comThe new Soviet Program is inmunist apparatus. deed a frightening document, The 'new Soviet Program rebut to contrast it unfavorably peatedly makes reference to the with the new encyclical is not importance of "spiritual" valu~s. enough. To say that Christian But one does not have to read social principles are infinitely between the lines' to discover superior to the principles of that in the communist dictionary communism is not to say that the word "spiritual" (like the the practice of Christians is all word freedom peace and democthat it ought to be. nor that we racy) means the opposite of what· can effectively meet the comit means to people who believe munist menace merely by critiin God. cizing the principles of commuReligion People's Op~um nism. . The word "spiritual" as it ie. The best - y - perhaps the used in the new Soviet Program only way - to meet the comis not to be confused with the' munist menace is to practice word "religious." Religion, f.or what we preach or, more specithe Communists, is still the fically, to practice what is opium' of the people. It must be taught in Pope John XXIII's new supplanted by "a scientific masocial encyclical, Mater et terialist world conception." Magistra. "It is necessary." we read in the new Soviet Program, "tq explain patiently the untenabilVIENNA (NC) - Communist . ity of religious 'beliefs which Hungary's' 'Supreme Court has were engendered in the past ruled that a museum connected when people were overawed by with the Esztergom cathedral, which contains a valuable collection of Italian Renaissance paintings, is the property 'of the Church, it has been reported in PATTON (NC) - The "Rosan issue of Uj Ember, Hungarian ary Girls" 'at a shirt factory here Catholic publication, received in Pennsylvania have added here. Esztergom is the See of another year to their lunch hour Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty recitation of the Rosary for now in refuge at the U. S. lega~ peace. The practice was begun tion in Budapest. in 1950. The anniversary was marked by Benediction of. the Most Blessed Sacrament and public Paint and _Wallpaper recitation of the Rosary in St. George's church here. Dupont Paint Although few of the girls firom .---New Bedford the Van Heusen shirt factory eo.... Middle St. who began the practice were 422 Acush. Ave. present for this anniversary, they PARKING have been succeeded by others and attendance at the daily Ros- . Rear of Store ary continues constant. F'



Ruling for 'Church

Girls Mark 11 th Daily Rosary Anniversary



large majority to do away wHla the old naUonal patronage ~ tem regarding the Church. The national patronage dates from colonial times and ~ve the government a voice in the CODtrol of Church property and 1118 naming of. bishops and otbeir Church authorities. The votes came during a special congressional session ~ ing constitutional reforms. Long sought by Bolivia's Bi~ ops, the end of the patronage 11II regarded here as opening !be way to a concordat between the South American country and tb8 Holy See.

NEW CONGO PHEMIER: Cyrille Adoula, right, recently named Premier of the strife-torn Republic of the Congo, chats with Msgr.· Bakole, vicar general of the Luluabourg diocese. Premier Adoula, regarded as a staunch anti-communist, is expected to respect the liberties the Church in' the Congo demands for the family, society and: individuals. NC Photo.

PreJateUrge!; Americans Practice Justice, Demc)cracy at Home WASHINGTON (NC)-Aniericans were urged here to practice at 'home the justic,e and democracy they preach abroad so that more young people can get "gQod jobs." The appeal came from Archbishop Patrick A. O'B03'le of Washington who preached at a Solemn Pontificial Mass i.n the National Shrine of'the Im:maculate Conception for the 46th annual convention of the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver, a Catholic lay organization of more than 13,000 members in 27 ;states. Concern of All Archbishop O'Boyle reminded that Christ said love of neighbor was the second great Comrnandment, second only to love oj: God. "In terms of modern America,", he said, "this means that it is the concern of all that ,thousands of our brethren live in slums, tl!a,t they cannot f.ind work, that hopelessness often leads t(J' despair and violent resentment. "Idleness and' resentment in turn may be factors in the wave of vice and crimf' that is constantly and dangerously growing throughout our land." Catholtics, the prelate said, "Illay not withdraw into. isolation and pass by our wounded brethren ..." 'Incentive fo... Education "We must practice at home_ . the justice and democracy that we preach abroad," he said. "Then our youth will hav,e the opportunity to get good jobs.




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"This will give them the Incentive for proper education. It will give them the chance for good housing and proper medical care. "When society respects their human dignity,' they will be more concerned for the welfare of their own souls and for the rights of others." The Washington prelate spoke of efforts to secure racial justice. He called them. "struggles blessed by God and solemnly endorsed by the Bishops of the United States." He urged imitation of the spirit of St. P~ter C.la~er, a 17th century 'Jesult m~sslOnary atCartage~a, .Colom):na,. who devoted hIS lIfe to helpmg Negro slaves.

Bishops Satisfied The Bishops have expresse(i their satisfaction with congreesional action. They said in II statement that the decisions aJro a "faithful reflection of the :B0livian people." ' Congress approved the fon~ ing as Article 3 of Bolivia's Con:. stitution: "The state recognizes and supports the Catholic, apostolic anci Roman religion, guaranteeing the public exercise of all otJhEl'l' cults. Relations with the Church are to be regulated by agreements between the state and. the Holy See." It also approved the follow.ln« measure on Church property _ Article 24: "The property of the Ohureil religious orders and institutiON! carrying out educational, charitable and welfare activities wfIl enjoy the same rights and gDQIIloo antees as that belonging to incDviduals, with the exception Gf objects of artistic or historllit ~lue, gems and precious objeclll pertaining to religious worshiA, whieh may be transferred w,itll the authorization of the Execotive, provided, however, that the sale price be used for socKll ~ fare works in the nation."

Drive Causes Riot

Children's Day The PTA and Alumni Asso~ tion of St. Stanislaus Chur~ Fall River, will conduct a field day for children of the parisll this Sunday at Urban's GI'O~ Tiverton..





JERUSALEM (NC) - Thirty persons were injured here when Orthodox Jewish extremists caused a riot in their campa-ign to have the whole population observe the ancient Sabbath laws. Sixteen youths were af'rested.


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THE ANCH0RThurs., Aug. 1!, 1961

~ ffi)'\7DU'@U'uon


l!J. ~o @@'\7@G'01l[N\)®01lU' ll@ Mcd] g) (lJ] 01l 0\7 @G'~ 0U'Y' OLm ~m)[ril O'V®G'~@ G'Y'

,'T@ ~@01l<:,(C@~tl1l(Q)UC$ , OKLAHOMA CITY (NC) · --Clergymen and lay people .of all religious denomina~ tions are being invited as special guests to the 1961 North · American Liturgical Week. Officials of the Liturgical Week, which will begin four-day sessions in the Oklahoma ~City' Municipal Auditorium n ext lVIonday, said special emphasis is being placed on a reception progl"am for observers who are " not Roman Catholics because of • tMlc week's theme, which is "'Bible, Life and Worship." The Liturgical Week is being · Uteld in a Southwestern state for the first time in its 22-year · rnistory, said Father Charles M. · Statham, an Oklahoma priest in 'eharge of welcoming the non··Gatholic guests. Bible Foundation "Because Oklahoma is predom• mantly Protestant in faith, and · because the Bible is the founda, tion for the faith of most non- Catholic religions,' he said, "we · believe there will be great interest in our program." . More than 70 specialists on · Scriptures, worship, liturgical ~t and music, Christian life, · and other areas will appear on the Liturgical Week program. Twelve major addresses and 12 otudy sessions will make up the program. Father Statham said part of Illis job will be to operate a reception center f01 non-Catholic ·villitors il!- the Municipal Audi·torium. Special exhibits and q,ther acti vi ties. especially deaigned to interest clergymen of 4>ther faiths, are planned, he aaid. These guests are also welcome to attend regular sessions on the program, he said. llndicate IInterest 'The Liturgical Week is sponcored by the national Liturgical <Conference" Washington, D. q, · &0 association of clergy and laity interested in encouraging · proper forms of Catholic worBhip. A number of non-Catholic ,ctergymen nave already indi,sated interest in attending, Father Statham said. He said Episcopal Bishop Chilton Powell of Oklahoma has encouraged his clergy and lay people to attend rund plans to attend himself. The reception program for non-Catholics is not new to the · Liturgical Week It was first · established during last year's meeting in Pittsburgh. Father Statham said more than 200 Protestant and Orthodox clergymen attended the sessions, some coming from as far away as €leveland and New York.


MANILA (NC)-The U.S. government has officially honored the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas here on its 350th anniversary. Representing U. S. Ambassador John D. Hickerson, absent on home leave, John G. Mein, minister and charge d'affaires, presented a citation recognizing the "services to learnmg, humanity, democracy and freedom" rendered by the university. "As evidence of abiding interest," Mein also presented a special set of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica to the Rector Magnificus of Santo Tomas, Father John Labrador, O. P. The presentations were made at a convocation oj the universi~y's academic synod. The rector expressed thanks and gave the min i s t e r a commemorative medal. Founded in 1611

NEW SEI!UES: Dr. Edward D. Simmons left, shows his textbook, "The Scientific Art of Logic" to William E. May, textbook editor of Bruce Publishing Co. The book is first of a series which will deal with Christian culture and philosophy. Dr. Simmons philosophy professor at Marquette University, is a native of Dighton where his parents' " Mr. and Mrs. P. B. SImmons, and a brother and sister still live. '



N([fL~u'we;; N([])IMY ([fJ,~ IMI([fLlf<1Jlll11e~~e [],lJT1,iWelf~£~Y;; AlllJL1t!k([])lf ([]) ff (;([]) m IPlfehe lJ7l~~ we !L([])g~cc 7fex~Ib([])([])1k

Santo Tomas, oldest university in the Philippines and formerlY,during the U. S. administration, the oldest university under the American flag, was founded in 1611 by the Spanish Dominicans. The U. S. citatIOn, signed by Ambassador Hickerson, stated that "this university has, throughout the history of the Philippines, taken a major part in molding the nation's leaders ... The philosophy of education under which this university operates reflects the basic principles of democracy which underlie the concept of a free society dear to the, peoples of the Philippines and the United States ... "The curriculum dictated by the university academic council is designed to foster a continuance of the mutual cultural political, social and economi~ ties that bind Filipinos and Americans. "It is fitting." the document continued, "that .. ' these services ... be recognized by the United States government. as the re'presentative of the American people ..."

A graduate of Coyle High School, Taunton, now associate professor of philosophy at Marquette University, Milwaukee, is the author of what its publishers term "very likely one of the most complete under-graduate studies of both formal and material logic." He is Dr. Edward S. Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Simmons of St. Joseph's parish North Dighton, and his book ' Vineyard and a brother in Con- response, each of these texts is is "The Scientific Art of nectl·cut. more th an an encyclopedic Logic." It presents three Notre 'Dame Student manual for a particular philomajor traditional divisions The professor received a sophic discipline" of logic, augmented with a pre- Bachelor of Sacred Theology deNoted scholars have been liminary chapter acquainting the gree at 8t. Mary's Seminary, chosen to prepare the volumes reader with the topics and Baltimore, and earned master's and provide students with an methods of the text. A concludand doctoral degrees at Notre introduction to the work of men REAL ESTATE ing chapter recapitulates the Dame University He has been such as Plato, ,Aristotle, Augusmain points of the study and on the Marquette faculty nine tine, Aquinas, Kant. Bergson pres(!nts logic in detail as an art years. and Maritain, "whose writings and as a science. His book is tht' first volume are more fecund than. any text Insurance in a series on Christian culture can hope to be." Dr. Simmons, married and the and philosophy' projected by Forthcoming titles' in the series Agency father of eight children, lives in B~uce Publishing Company of will deal with natural theology, SOuth Milwaukee He was last 43 PURCHASE ST. cosmology, ethics, metaphysics, in Dighton two years ago, but Milwllukee. Dr. Donald A. Gallagher of Villanova University philosophical history and philohi·s parents have just returned is general editor of the series. sophical psychology. from a trip to visit him and his The bo.oks will provide underfamily. Another brother and a Publ~$1hJ ~olb~O«lJg)rOl!J)hy sister are still Dighton residents, graduate students and their teachers with material accurateand he has a sister in Martha's [J1 o~~ 5'BC tTl Otl'li l«II'V ~~@$\i'@~@li'e ly presenting the basic themes' ROME (NC)-A guide to of Western philosophy and at C~~elb>rr(!D{l'~ C®l1\lfr~Inl«IIti'}? the same time endeavoring to Maintenance Supplies ~(jjli'th1eU'§ writings on the lay apostolate has been compiled by the PerSWEIE~L:RS - SOAPS S~. P~iUl~o$ A[)'li'UW@~ lead to a personal involvement BOYS WANTED for the )IJlanent Commission for the Inin the philosophic quest for NAPLES (NC) - Celebration DISINFECTANTS ''OOrnational Congresses of the of the 19th centenary of St. Priesthood and Brotherhood. truth. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Lay Apostolate which has its Paul's arrival in Italy was cliAccording to Dr. Gallagher, Lack of funds NO impediheadquarters in Rome. "since . no mere cataloging of maxed here by a naval procesment. The bibliographic guide lists sion carrying the chains of St. principles is suffj cient for thia Write to: 80 works from various countries. Paul from Naples to nearby 1886 PURCHASE Sir. f. o. BOl( 5742 These illustrate the role of lay- Pozzuoli, where the Apostle first NL:W BElDfORIOJ men in the Church and their landed. Baltimore 8, Mel. WY 3·378<1) setion on the international level' Alfonso Cardinal Castaldo, in light of pontifical documents, pastoral letters, biblical studies Archbishop of Naples, with e t hth»iN- nMt' t II·' seven other bishops, accompan· and theological teachings. JOSEPH M. F, DONAGHY ied the chains aboard the ItalA similar bibliography was owner/mgr. ian navy sloop Torre del Greco. ,ll'ublished in 1957 by the Catho142 Campbell St. ric University of the Sacred More than 30,000 of the faithNew Bedford. Mass. · Heart at Milan. ful lined the streets of Pozzuoli to welcome the procession after WYman 9-6792 'New Chief Chaplain it landed.' The chains are norHEADQUARTERS FOR mally kept 3It Rome in the Bas;For British Army COLONIAL AND ilica of· St. Paul Outside-the· LONDON (NC) - A former TRADITIONAL FURNITURE Walls. ~ prisoner-of':war of the Japanese, :. Father John J. O'Mahoney, has been appointed principal chap· !ain of the British Army. ''The Family That Father O'Mahoney becomes officially Vicar General for the Prays Together ATmy to the Bishop-in-Ordinary . Stays Together's eo Her Majesty'S forces Archbishop David Mathew. ' OIL BURNERS - T'he Irish-born priest succeeds THE Also complete Boiler-Burner · Msgr. Edward V. Stevens who is or Furnace Units. Efficient It'etiring owing to ill-health. He ANS~A-OS 4J.g~601 loW cost heating. Burner and has been an army chaplain since fuel oil sales and service. BANK 11938. He was captured in the Stanley Oo~ h~~. AeUeboro-South AttiebeJ'.o TAUNu@~=~llcn4}~~~ Far East in 1942 and was held 480 Mt. i"neaselll~ S~li'ell~ Seekonk prisoner by the Japanese for New Bedf"r~ 'lin! 11-266'l three yeat·s.



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Maine Collecton A/oJ IT /)()ESN;t·~AY.ANYrHING··Obtain P aintings 4BOUT ,I-/UMAN R~GNr$1 ,Of Priest-Artis,

20 Years of What,}

. <)iocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 17,1961

The Breakdown Underway It is most .disturbing to read reports coming from all sections. of the country about attacks being made on policemen as these officials go about their duty of upholding law and o r d e r . ' In some instances the 'attacks are made by hoodlums, operating with surprise' tactics and· always in strength. These are somewhat understandable since the guardians of


LIVERMORE FALLS (Net: ' Two al't collectors h~ have acquired virtually 1JlIi entire painting output of a French priest-artist who cfted 31'years ago, . Arnold H. Sturtevant· and _ · the law are their enemies. Edward Martin' of Liverm0ir4 More difficult to grasp, however, are the action~ of Falls purchased some 500 p3in+supposedly respectable citizens who interfere on the si«;le of ings by Father Jean ~ the lawbreaker and try to prevent a policeman from carrying Gervat, who for' many yeaN out an arrest. Under the .pretence o.f the great .American combined art with his duties a parish priest insoutbeml tradition of help for the' underdog, these citizens have France.' ... aroused crowd .sentiment, against the police and have even . The two collectors acqukea gone so far as to assault officers. Father 'Gervat's paintings almotit · , 'd d I by· accident. A bad situatIon III ee ' . Some months ago they nOthleG When will people realize that contempt for any authority . an article in a French jou.r.nal means the 'weakening of all authority? When will. they ,on the priest's work. They we»e acknowledge that the' fight for law against crime is the interested in him because h e ' . duty, of every responsible individual? When will they accept . 'a primitive,.or self-taught adist., and th~y have specialized. tilL the fact ~hat t.he apprehension of criminals is the guarantee collecting American pri~ of civilization? ' . ' ", ' . . " . paintings, .' . The strange doctrine of "sticking up for the underdog" Depict Southern Fraaee. surely does not extend 'to giving di.s~se a fi,ghtjng' ~h~nc~., They wrote to the priest's . . . ter, expressing an interest in :bJIl to support fpr the ·polio. yj~us in its 'str,!ggl,e:Jorch~~,l;"Yig, work and asking if any oof hIa on bacteria, Thesephysical'qangers ar~ crushed ru'thlessly ,..paintings. were 'for sale, She __ , : and 'withallthe forces afoused ·citizenrY. . ' . . plied that theY.could have ibeliJ, . . " ThE!;sam:e.attit~de m'ust prevail ag~irist breakers o{law all, since:. 'it ,.h3s been '. and ,orde'r', The po.lice niust have th.e·respect,and. support. of. ~other'll ~i~h. that his wel'll eould oe' seen.' by North ~ ~citizens~ True, the poli~e. must always 'conduct themselves leans. ,: .. " , ; . ·in a.praiseworthy·manner;But they are always deserving of . (""fLo,.· «1lU Ie n'u 'L I .. ·Fathet·'Gervat;· who diec1 .. ','support~ Deny'it'to -them,:an'd;the breakdown is underway...' t~;-·wiiR· -Vv~t' t' i' • WieR 1 ,(',J930.at.the.a·ge of 63,'speCializeii '" .. , ..' .: . '., , " ,-,'. . .". .,' .. .,. ~ landscap~s • depictin~ ~ g',' , ' By REV. ROBERT W.. HOVDA, Catholic. University, l • 'southern France he knew .. . .' '.'. . :. d' r well. 'Sturtev~nt. ;u:1d D.r.~~r~ .:, Ever since the 'death 'of Ernest Hemingw'ay by his OWD. "\;;-;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----.;;;;;;;;;;;";;;--;;;;;;;;;~,;;.-~:I . .. ,are hoping to· ·sell some' of 'bIie 'h'and',y~rious; editorials' ind,·.p~:ssages of eulogy on the TODAY.:.-St, Hyacinth,.Con'- tioil of the Sacrifi~ialMeal'·.ahd:". pa~!lt~ngs h,e.r~1,~ith th'e'prpc~ ,...... ,," ·. . . "..... , ., . ..' lesSor; Whether the confessor' our participation" in' 'it· in Com- .. to .g~ ·to oil. cha:r~table .fu!,!d, ~ · ha v~ been.~ppear~ng.And it is sllrprising to read the n.ll m b.er .of the faith uses words (i:lreach:- .munion. These are the major', '.. retIred . rectory. housekee~ of· avticles that have saluted the .fittingness ,of his :having ing) or deeds (alms, 'he'aling), . steps. in a continuous and 'iJ-jte~ . 'which the priest est~bli.~hed. : ·died as he 'did, he is' confessing the· Lord gml action that is Christian ,lit- ':. ful~ .Those who have written in such a vein see something through things - ordinary, pro- urgy in its c'entral and .most 'loll fane, materfal things, So when' essential expression, . . '1 dramatic in death by suicide, see it as part of the Hemingway we worship, too, it is with MONDAY-St, Jane Frances' Assistance'~, mystique.. . . things.. The most important of De Chantal, Widow. One of the SANTIAGO (NC) -.:. ChiM No one, of course, will judge Hemingway and this final.' these things in worship is lan- human traditions and miscon": Catholic charities organizoaticm... l'f H ft II' th 'd t f' . .guage. To have true common ceptions away . from which the Caritas, has expressed its -tha-..... action of his I e. e was, a er a ,Ill e mi s 0 a senous . prayer, 'genuine congregational ..'..... . liturgy leads us is the deep"; on the fifth anniversary Of' ' eVI. '1 a nd long period of depression. But severe J'udgement should public worship, the language, roo te d no t'IOn th a t sex lS founding for the help it has l'&be visited upon those who se~ in suicide something brave must be common and it must be The Epistle of today's Mass i6 ceived from Catholic ReJki or daring or imaginative. Such individuals have lost a sense intelligible, Because"- it is by' a nature-song 'of proaise to :the . Services-National Gatholic Ot d b 1 means .of the language" the female sex. . The beautiful fare Conference. ' b ot h 0 f mora l I y an a ance. prayers and praise in whjich all f' flen d sh'.1P b e t li!f;een .D- e. Ch an.tel CRS-NCWC, Caritas' offlicl'tft. Almighty God still has full· ownership over ·life,.and share, that 'the deeper consensus 'and St. Francis de Sales was publication ~tateci, "has sho• • man should no't presume to deny this to. the Creator. While --of minds and hearts is promoted productive of much good. There 'gen~rositY without limit." .. and perh.aps achieve.d: .. ,,, h' h . '. . th f t' th t never condemning .the sui~iQe, the ~ction must be condemned. TO.l\IOlIUtOW. -Mass as on' 1S .. 19 .purpose in,. e ac . f! ,,·Thanks, in· grea.t part to oR&.. . . . . . ,male and' female, are comple- ·N. C.' WC aid.'. Ca, r.it~S.' today is "l",;".",' , And· on another level; ,it remains a fact that suicide if! Sunday. But these "thing8?' can 'meniary in many ways, . :; . mg 2,029,204 persons out oi~ a> retre'at 'from .reality, a.~refusal" to' 'faCe up, to ablirden. kill the spirit as the Epistlc! says... , . TUESn.AY""':"j~he ImDlaculate ': ti>tal Chilean p'opitlation of 'J .. '.' . .. , . ...' '. Because. our forms of: worship H' t f Ma' "B h ld' , .' ,. However touched. on~ be' at:-the· sight of indivi9u~}S . are an' inheritanCe from the . ear.9·· ry." :.e ~ , ·your· '»:lillion; There ;It''e 23 di~ .!.- ' 'ff ,bd' "t" 'f' ..... , l"f 'b '''If' d" t'" t' ' . , " ., mO'th~r:" To.~ i'!1m.~c.ulat~ d~, .,Carit.as offices, 61S.paroch,ial'" su .ermg;a ,lCa .I?n .r()m 1 e, y.3e-. es ruc .)~~.ca~ ne:v~' ,past, are very tr&ditional..And· not .~e.an, ~ ,~. f~:l,Iltl~SS, .a~d· ... fic~ ~~d a'tota~ of.3,476 diff~ .. ':., " .' be advocated as·a.'worthy :sorutiofl' of'a problem.Sqch ~,'eYen though the Holy See :basin' . passlo,nless,. I~., IS, ·.m, Jac.t, :.~." organizatiqQg'participatil'!g iit,:4iiii " : a~tio'il ,go~scontrai'{ to: the law of God and to~the l~w'oi : recen~y;ea~s refonned t~e, Ji~-- oPPo~lte:. ,frlJ,ltt4ln~ss (all. ;.tne -: ben~fits·of~his·.cnarity. ' ~ ~ ;... , nature .fotqt is axiomatic that' the' desire' ,to live 'is the" urgym var1~us way~to ~.ake ,it· earth sch1ldrefl,are,,~o,w ~erl;ll" ... Surplus fOods' from the l'JI& .' t· ... ' t .. :. f' t ' r'," l .' 'b"" - .. ' ; ..... -:~,: more ·effective as a servant: of a1.1 d .;-passio,n. ·f9f':', (see, :. E,P)S.~~e.) ... :goverrimen.t.; , ·espe,ci'au.·Y"~ .. ~,·J·" ";-":'! ::.:',: . s ronges.l!,~ me :0 . e.v,e y .lvmg eu.:~g.., · '" ..... ':~ .: '/"'< ~he~pirit iD'::our times, .n,ever:';· lov~, for· kQ.Owledge, .for .hope,., pOwdered milk 'corn meid .._ . . . . SuiCide is ::i'terrible;' a tragic;act. It shocks; and, perhaps., : theless there ··is always. arid forsweetriess, fOl" life,' 'for ·vir.,.' . rice ·form. ;ii:' la'z.gepart· ~' . . . . . . attracts in a morbid way' by ·its ·v~ry :n:~ture~ But" erio~gh . nat~r!llly: a·lag., A, pr.act~ce tue. It is goOO ~ rememQf)f tb'. : :~lid.~ .' ;'. .' '. ::. ~~~f:. . ' f " t " ' h T' 't "rtt': "d' 'f" .. Wh1Ch once was very expreSS1ve . as we .celebrate. the eart.hY'S!1c.-, ·C.aritas,.singled·.. out,··for..~, !_... ',: 'f 'th' . , . . . o· ,Is ~ralse ~ "I',. or. ~.II.IlgI.. ~ ,I' ~ng .e~, .~ .. a .Of,a· spil"itual.attitude 'may :~. ram~.nt ~f H1s:B?~y.anp, ,H~: .~~ralse .the: U.S;' BishoP,s':a '-,,_ .. confhct.~rldden.lIfe: There 18· ()nly ~n~ .flptmg. e~.d. to ~very 'so no longer, b~t it doe.s nt?t. Blood.. " ' , ' ,. 'I1hanksgiving 'Clothing' c611ec&ii . WEDNESDAY"';';';St, i'bjiip BeL . fOr:' the ··needy."·ov.ersealS: !'t.iJiie . human life ..:....ih" accordance with God's WilL and in, His . disappear easily from tht! . litPeace;" ., ' -. " '.:. '. urgy. i\.)l;inguage whic~ ,once nizi, ConfessOr, TO'be "fo'ols' for' 'saint Martin'ot' Tours' ~w... '\.' ,was intelligible· to the people Ch' t" E " " . ", n.iay be, so longer, bu.t tr.,ad:i- . ,rlS (pisUe)' may, be .pre:':: "shared his cape wilih'a beg~ clsely to celebrate 'Sunday after .. the North 'American CathOJiJt .' ~ion's resistance to change may S d d" ' . keep 1,'.t in the lit!ir;g.y. un ay an . day "after day: 11 shares his clothes and food ~ . tt'he Engli~h reviewer of. Graham Greene',s latest n~veI commemoratIve Meal datlllg ·the needy all· over the w ~ . SAT,UitDAY-St..John Eudes. from firSt-century. Jerusalem!." said the Garitas ,publication.: . . . ended his article in the Daily Herald witli the words,"Afl . ., . · Confessor, This tradition;alism . What has this to do, this lit~ven God Himself ~s said to gfve sinners a more than even has many vlrtues. as long as it . urgy, with. the Berlin .crisis, '. Urges Quebec K of break, it is .som·ehow unseemly and. downright presumptious · is not adamantly opposed 1:0 all .-,with· automation and umimploy"H. e,lp' issione'rs': changeo It is something like ti:le ment, with this excessively late that Mr. Greene should be'so fast and deadly on, the' avenging · vigilance in waiting for the decline of white "supremacy?" ~UEBEC (NC)-Nearly' 7~~ trigger." , Master that is celebrated.in . And yet, to .celebrat.e that .. Kmghts. of Columbus .meetJDfI Indeed" man. has' more to fe~r from the judgement of . today's Gospel of a confessor. Meal is to be ~,di~ciple' of Hirrl - ~ere .were .to.Jd . they c~.n b~~ his fellow men than from God, And the God of Justice is For example, it has kept.for, us, whose proudest titie was Son.: stem ~ornmunI$t:m.roads.m~a~1I?­ not to 1k shunned for the God of Mercy. For God alone knows through a period of several cen-" ,of Man.,So .the.Spirit whom He A,?~;.lca ~nd ..Afr1ca by a,l~~ turies . of liturgical ignorance sends to His" disciples as..they, ~lSSlOnaries. m. these a~~al;l.,'- : :.,,;-.:'. the tensions imd strains and impulses and motives of 'the and' decline, the riches we are eat His ~dy and drink iI.'is. ':',rudge Eugen~ MarqUIS, ~. human heart ami behind the h~man !'\etio~.;·· ':' .. / , . again 'discovering, in the Mass Blood is the Spirit who sfrives deputy, .told the .annual K, ,of elL and the other sacramentll,' A to make men one family' in ~onvenbon pf, Quebec 'proy~ :. And His judgement is true. .. . Catholic will not reject ·tradi- .. bonds of love and peac·e. . ." ,.....tl1a~ Cathoh~.s..who . 'faI1:~. ~ 'So: i.t is well that Greene hf,.lf not ,usurped the"place' tion automatically' any '1l1ore '., ' . ..... ..• ' the1r part· m ·helpmg. foreilJll "f the. Almighty: .. ' ", than he will reject the new and McCaulev N. .D.·.e,~n,.c,.,• Religious and lay.' missionarillfl the modern, Because for him it Y , a r e guilty of '''apathy inertia . . . is' quite possible that the Spirit Of Diplomatic Corps", indifference," . :.. breathes in both, .. , VATICAN' CITY (NC)-Jrish The convention drew 'delegatIIB .. 13th SUNDAY .AFTER FEN- . Ambassador to'the Holy' See Leo ·representing 22S'K.of C. coundJll ,. TECOST, Not by obedienc,a to T. McCauleY-is the' hew dean' of' . in Quebec province., It was·... law is the Christian saved, :but the corps of diplomats accredited:' . nounced' that '$500,000 was raised, by faith in His promise, in His to the Vatican.' . .. for Catholic works in the prO"'living Word. So today's Epistle The former dean, Uruguayan - ince. Members were urged." and' Gospel recall the Christian Ambassador A:lfred' Carbonell-' increase their contributions, p-. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER community, as they always do, Debali,'has been recalled to.Uru,,- ticularly to ·missionaries of Uto .theessentials of the Gospel. guay, He became' dean earlier' Church. .. . Published weeidyby The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River They lead us away from our 'this year when Austrian Ambas410 Highland Avenue human traditions and miseon- ~ador Joseph Kripp retired.. . Mystery Ride. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 ceptions and toward the divine Ambassador McCau-Iey and his' Members of the Ladies of s-. PUBLISHER tradition - God's saving acts in U. S.-born wife - the former Anne, Sacred Heart pa~ history. Georgia O'Gorman .of New Jer- . North Attleboro, will participate Most Rev. James L Connolly,D,D" PhD. Not only do the Bible readings sey-have been here since Octo- in a mystery ride starting frO!lll'l GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER do this - those readings which ber, 1956. Prior to that he had the parish hall at 7:30 SatU1'ldaiV Rev, John P. Driscoll Rev. Daniel F, Shelloo. M.A. are the first major step in our served as Irish Ambassador to night, Aug. 26. Mrs. RayDlODfi MANAGING EDITOR worship at Mass - but also the Canada and consul general ill Collard an~ Mrs. William Davill _~ in charge of aroangeme.n4a, Hugh J. Golden other major steDs: the celebra- New York.






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'Suggests Church Quit Element~r, , ,'$cho~~ Teaching.

.. .. 'BOSTON (NC) _ A Bos;. "Wn archdiocesan prelate has .' .' suggested the Church withdraw from grade sehool'edu-





Our Lady 0.1 Health Parish, Fall River, Counts N e at llO':a Ie earlY T'WO Th ousand p ,ortuguese . By Marion Unsworth Portugues,e parishes in Fan'River, as in ~he entire Diocese, 'have played an important part in the growth of the Church in Southeastern New England. The last of these parishes to be established in Fall River was Our Lady of Health Chtirch on' Cambridge Street which. was founded in 1924. Previously, in October of 1922,. Rev. Manuel Travassos; then pastor of. Espirito, Santo Chureh, purchased land for a new. church on Cambridge Street. The first Mass for

'cation and concentrate on high schools and colleges instea~ , Msgr. George W. CaseY feels the Church should concentrate its money 'and personnel in education "where the need and the return" are greater. Msgr. CaSey, this mission of Espmto Santo pastor in Lexington, made' 'his was celebrated· by Fath« Tra8uggestio'n in the weekly colUmn vassos on Christmias Day, 1923, he writes for The Pilot, Boston inth~ newly constructed church. archdiocesan newspaper. . , Our Lady of Health parishion.• . He said' it is "quite clear byers were ·served by priests now that Catholic schools are from the .mother parish until · not going to get any financial June of 1924. when Rev. Fran· aid' from the Federal Govern- cisco Bettencourt. formerly pas'rhent. Since we cannot staff' or tor of Santo Christo, was named · finance schools for Catholics the first pastor. In November of ·'itom the cradle to 'the grave, 'we that year. the' solemn blessing



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THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 17, 1961


htterracual Group Ask.$ Resistance Against Bias WASHINGTON (NC) "Faster progress" on all fronts against racial discrimination was called for in a statement issued at the elose of the national convention here of the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. The statement of the inteTracial Catholic fraternal order and its ladies' auxiliary attacked discrimin.ation in a wide variety of fields: in parish life, in government. voting. education. employment, housing and civic life. Its strongest language was directed against racial segregation and abuses within parishes and societies of the Catholic Church. "We call' upon our fellow Catholics." the· sl:atement said. "to resist.and combat every facet of racial discrimination by priest or laity within the Church." The organization, named after St. ,Peter Claver' (1581-1654), "apostle of the Negroes," said In the first part of its statement: "We aim to strengthen the leadership 'of our great country and to support that leadership in . correcting racial abuses." ·'Great Need' "We recognize 11 great need,· the state~ent continued. ''for faster progress in correcting racial discrimination· still entrenched.in the official practices . of certain state and mUJ;1icipal governments." . These practices. it said. '"tend to degrade our government before the world and tend to aid, abet and give sustenance to the communist government and its satellites throughout its realm.· The fraternal order congratulated Presiden.t Kennedy for his actions to preserve and protect "the rights of Negroes." But it called "for a more vigorous leadership by the executive branch of the govern~nt in this area and in ·all other areas required. to spell out and ultimately gain for all Americans a full and free . democracy."

invest ,c,onferre.d,. b.,y" the late Bishop" J'~::::::';;;~, Lr · ., shbUld -ilh'ere they will our yield resolirces the best was Feehan return," he emphasized. . . 'EarJyPa8torates '. .. • . '. . At first, a .house was rented • Preserve Faith " . "The chief reason for. the on Brayton :Avenue for use a s ' . .. • ".' 'catholic School system is ",the a rectory. bu~. soon Father, Bet'. ~~ . --.-;....-......, · . 'pr~servation of the Faith,'· .the tencourt purchfl~ a house .~: · pre1ate c~mmented. J;le s<lid, he a.cross the street Hom the chur;cll. -. ,,' '. has never seen a child. lose the which became. Our Lady of.. · . - _ -' , Faith in the elementary gr~~es, Health Rectory. . The first pastor remained in , : "but I have seen high' .sdt,ool '. bOya and girls lose it." the Fall River parish until 1928, ~----• "Let us have the pri~ and when Rev. Jose Martin me., t!\e'Sisters around in the grcIdes: ceeded him and .served the Po.r-.. ; .OUR .. LADY' OFHEALTH",:FALL ,RIVER h ." I he bo . ts I d her .' ttigtiese' families in the' parish' . . ,. 1I11l'Di re y mee gu, an w. e until 1930. '.. ~y. ~th, ~~t the Reforma~on," '! Father Martin 'aM ibis sUcces-; redeeoI'atingthe\' in'terior, 'in- parish activities and is located ,'the InqUISItIon commUDJSD1 h' stalling stained glass windows on Somerset Street.' , ; "",. w·· F 'di' d n' 'SOl's. Rev. Art ur. dos Reis, pasand an ele~trl'c organ.. Fath'er '''A.I~ Imsm• .r~u amsm an ..a tor from 1930 to 1933' Rev. An'" ""."W·henJi'ather Resendes became · Ute other religIons and pbiloso' , ' ' . .,Re.sel1:~s also constructed the ... P~,stpFi,at, ~spirito San~ .in 1954, ,.", "bi'" " he' t d . '",."tomo L. Silva; 1933 to 1943,:and ,.• ~ ,es, . asser. e : .•Rev. Joseph . Cabral, 1943.to .. Chw.;~ h~ll, wq.ic.~ ,is u,$ed far Rev. A. Castelo Branco was . riiimea 'to thepastot-ate at' Our • .. , I • . 'Tongue in Cheek' ..:,,1945, continued.the work of the Ip. commenting on Msgr. Casey'S ,first., pastors, "maintaining' the .. ., : La'dy' cit. Health, where he reproposal, Msgr. Timothy F. church properties and working . mained until 1956, when the I. ~Leary. superintendent of Bos- ",. to, reduce the' parish debt, while present pastor, Rev. Maurice I. ton Catholic schools. said there the parish grew in numbers and MEXICO CITY (NC)-Atch- , SoUZa. was appointed to the is "no thought of closing schools in activities. · parish. 'Father Souza's first p.rojof any grade level" in the arch- : . . In 1945. Rev.. John Resende'" bishop Miguel Daria jVIiranda of eet was to build a modem rec.., MexicO City has' invited all diocese. now pastor at Espirito Santo. tory next to the church. He also "We cannot afford to scrap was appointed to the pastorate bishops of the Western Hemi- ·has made several other improveA._ t sphere to the second five-day ments in church property. in..... sys em of Catholic elemen- at Our Lady of Health. He set Inter-American Marilm Congress ta.ry education. certainly not for ,to work immediately to payoff to be held here begiiming SUD- · eluding the purchase of land on. the reasons advanced by Msgr. . the parish debt•. then made sevSomerset Street for the future ·Casey." said the superintendent' eral improvements in the church, da~, Oct. 8. '.' ~:of the parish. in a statement. . , The invitations also asked the Appoints Curate Msgr O'L id h th gilt bishops to invite their clergy By 1959. the parish had sufMsgr. Caseyea~S:ot ~ten~U his" 0YS and faithful to the' congreSs: .' ficiently grown so that Bishop .' proposal to. be taken seriously, · .. Topic of the congress will be but that "he was writing 'tongue "Our brotherly " duti~s • in the 'Connolly .appointed a curate. • in' cheek' as he is wont to do so . WASHINGTON,(NC) - Sen.. light of the spiritual motherhood ...Rey., ·George J. Sousa. to .. assist the pastor. Together they care · often and so attractively " B a i r y Goldwater has pledged a ) of Mary." .. ' ",.' I D" ... floor fight to rid'the Senate·ver- , .. Pope John is scheduled to ad- ','f6r"the'spiritual needs of some , n _. lsagreeme~. . .. sion of the. National Defense -1800"Portuguese Catholics. ' ... , .Ib. Wa,shl~~ton. wher~ he was .. Education Act bf"mconsistencies . dress, a .message .toAhe 'Catholics ,.' featuring A Holy,Name Society,.Holy.Ros::Ilsked ,for comment. MslP;. Fre.d- ". 'in' aid for pUbftc'tand private' of North and South··America·,on · ,,~ry ,SI?~~li,ty., Children9.fMary. .''The Gaslight Room" :,. eriek ~. }J;ochwalt . ~es~.bed :, schools.'" ,'." . , . ,Thursday. OcL 12~,last'day oUhe ~dies' ,Guild, St. Vincent d.e Paul [deal for Communion Break(.:~elf.as totally" in.<Jl;,sagr~e- '." Th~.Atizona'Reput)lican'charg- .. congress.' " '.:.:' ",'U ".r.. ", •. ~So(:iety. C:Y.O., and'Confr'aternfasts. Organization Banque.ts Itleht Vllt.f1 Msgr. Casey.. '. '.' ,I,:ed the bill (S: 2345)l provideS'as-'" Official Ianguage!(of the'con- ·:"·itf' of CIrristian Doctrine areac. "'I ,don .that the, (~ed""_..... -'""''''h'i"t:". 386 Acushnet Ave. ..' .,....." 'd)t agree b ttl ' . 10 t . If·t Ilce "for...'p.... "" a an'd"o'th'e r "" gress" will be' SpaniSh,' . English, :",tive';:organizations in. the,,:parish, .. ..,~ ~I "'~' e .IS . .,.s ..., .... 1 "'p!-ivate 'sChoolil iJ'1'llOme areas. ""Fretlch"and Pol't'U~ese~"", which has given one pri~s~, tour .. New Bedford .': ;,'ddesr1. t h~~.~~n thiS :v.:ear, i.~ 'Y111 • but proposes' 'to "tielp only public .,' Last 'year's "con~reSs.·thefii'st,' Sisters and one seminarian to the Call 'WYman 2-1703 : h~ppen 10 some future year" ..sch·Is .. ·' others:' ,':, '.' - waS"held in November in'BueD.oliI , D i O C e s e . ' '. ~.' ":said' the Monsignor,' dire~orof .... ~dw~er••the',senate's Iead- . AiFes. '.," ,,' '," ~ Dep~r~~nt of Ed':l~t~on of ',Ing'conservative is: an"oPPonent .", ':"., , ' " ~ f ::;',1: the National Catholic Welfare "of aU Federal aid to education. Benefits' ,Home , Conference.' But. he has insisted that if U. S. '.' A' Labor Day 'weekend stage aid is to be given to education, i t ' shdw to t>e presented'a't' S( Vin- :' S.ilspet:1d$' Sel'llteru:~S'Oughtto go to all 'schools. 'cent's Home. :Fim River.' by In' Obsceni~y Case' . When the Senate passed on 'L'ocal '57 of the stage Employes PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Three ·May 24 its bill fugrartt $2.5 bilUnion will benEifli; 'the instituowners of a. book-distributing lion' to public schools for con- .. tion', according to 'thomas 'Scancompany here were given sus- .. struction. teachers' salaries and lon, chairman. Performances will pended sentences after they maintenance' cos'ts,' Goldwater' be held' at 2:30 'and'4:30 Satur... pl~aded no defense to charges of led' an unsuccessful effort·to 1n- ·:·day. 'Sunday an.d' Mon'day,. Sept. ""possessing and selling obscenity. elude a program' of loans topri- . 2 through 4. Tickets are· avail. Judge David I •. Ulhnan also' vate schools for construction. . able from members 'of cooperor~ered that 40.000 of 70.000' . Goldwater announce~:l' his plan ating unions.' "bOoks and magaz.iJo.es seized in a to amend the ND~' in' a state':May 22 police'raid on the firm's ment added to' a rePort of the "warehouse be destroyed and that Labor and PiJblic Weifare Com. 'the other 30,000 be returned to .inittee. The repo'tt explained the 'distributors. in California and Committee's measu.re to revise Illinois. and extend 1IiD~A. .. 'The three owners of the firm ": .. " :. ISigned con.sent decrees in which · ¢hey agreed. not to .sell similar JI .. publications f,or ~5 years.' GIl'Sne orps anu KANG HWA (NC) A!!l American miss~on~ here believes in always taking· advaJllUMADE. FOR. tage of a windfall" . . PARTICUlAR' PEOPlE'" . 'ST. LOUIS' (NC)-The 10661 When 'the U·. S. Marine Corps · conventior. of the Catholie CeDI- barid from Hawall'visitedthiB itrafUnion tie 'held in Syra- ·'Korean town on a' concert tour, '1 'tUS~, N. y ..•. from Aug. 26 to 30, entire pOpulation turned out 'with headqu~rters in ,the Hotel to listen directly acroSs the street Over 33 Years Experience Sytacuse: THe' 45th cOIlventlon of from the rectory' of Fatha' SUBURBAN', the National Catholie Women'. Thomas McKee,' M.M., of Tulso., ". ' Union and' thE!' rllnth convention Okla. of the Youth Section also will be · . :The priest decided the concert BOTTLED AND .BUtK GAS gave him n chance' to acquaint held. SeNI!ng The Community Since 182' GAS APPUANCES The CCU ,headquarters here the overwhehningly non"';Chris4 $how Rooms to serve you snld the theme of the convention tian audience with Catholicism. KyaaJris Falmouth W83 adopted 'from the words of No sooner had the Marines Eo Mom 5t. 696 E. Main sa. Pope John in his 1960 Christmas packed up their instruments, SP 5-0686 KJ 8-1560 message: "Know how to build than the Maryknoll missioner., Or~ Provincot_ with quiet perseveranee and u.n- an ex-Navy man, was up on the 11.0.... 6 tiS Com_cialsa. 'tiring endeavor the eonditiom bandstand inviting all the music 585 8$8 ~ 66 NORTH MAIN ST. "\ for better times. healthier, more · lovers to tour his new church. ltarwfcl't - ~ <3'Xl [1.o~ 'is:: ~Io olen for modorn banking servIce Most liW.. iust. more secure." -'


, 'j



M·a·ria n Cc)'ngress . , ' .,., . In M . exico'C' ,ity

S Ed' "". uccllon ·Act Unfair


M··K Restaurant


the '·Miss;oll1ary,.F.clltl)Ws. M . C B

CcithoHc' Union Plans 106th Convention'






'* 1\Tational * cJ'\:;BAN~




THE ANCHOR-DiOcese of Fall, River-Thurs. Aug. 17, 1961

Urges UN Adopt Marriage Rules

Family Solves Yearly Pro,blem Of D~d'§ rBQ~t~d~y Prce$~U'Y~

WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council of Catholic Women has called upon the U. S. government to encourage by adoption by the United Nations of a draft convention on freo consent to marriage. The appeal was made by .Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf, NCCW president, in a letter to S~eretary of State Dean Rusk. The draft convention, was fop. mulated by the UN Commission on the Status of Women at a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, this Spring. It suggests standards with regard to minimum age for mar;' riage, fr~econsent of the contracting parties to marriage and registration of the marriag~

By Mary Tinley Daly , What gifts will please a man? Up pops the question <avery Christmas, every Father's Day. On these occasions, advertisers help with lists categorized dollar-wise: If you , have $100 to spend, if you have $50, if you have $10, $5~ou'll find it at counter X vent their being exchanged). in our store." But what to Successful Gifts get a man for a late-summer Among the successes were: St. birthday, such as the recent

Joseph Missal, aIm,ost but not one of the Head of the House? quite ready to be replaced; metal At our house, we have learned roller full of stamps; hammock; to get together desk set; desert boots--and "the on the problem, Golden Fleece," a loud yellow ever since the, and black plaid flaimel sport time five of us shirt which he wore until the hit on the idea sleeves gave out, then wore over of a cook-out other sport shirts until, the eostume. 'Twas whole shirt gave out. prompted, as I "I know," Markie snapped ll'eCall, by his her fingers. "Let's get him a wholeMadras jacket and slacks to go be art e d apwith it!" plause 0 f a neighbor" be"But would he wear it?" caudecked in stiff tious Mary asked. "You know white chef's hat and apron with how conservative he is about glaring red' letters: CHIEF the clothes he wears outside the CHEF. Secretly, each of the house. Let's sound him out." five of us envisioned our own "Dr. Rush sure had on a good Birthday Boy holding forth as looking Madras coat at Mass Chef One. this mornilig," Ginny' comMatter of fact, the Head of the mented. "Think so, Daddy?" House has never cooked outside "Sure thing. Looked good on m\ his life and only inside in him too. He's a fine man." ease of emergency. However; we And again:', "Saw Frank Hall figured, everybody has to start today. Had on one of those new sometime. L~t him start in granplaid jackets--reaJ gay." deur. _ "Yeah? Well, Frank's 1!I gay All five chef costumes went old boy. How was he? We've ,back to the sto're in the mum'got to get together with Frank ing ..• 'and Helen one of these days.", Summer bi~thday time agaln In this borderline state of and we are oncE' more faced doubt as to the coat's accept-, with the question. Best the ,ance, we went ahead with the' papers come up with are sales . purchase, a not too bright but of Summer shoeb, suits, straw hats, ,bathing trunks, "broken defInitely Madr:>,s plaid. lots and greatly ,reduced." Birthday Comes Not very gifty. Came the birthday,' complete In consultation, we 'went over with visitors ,for "Grandpa's ke 'fhe presents he has liked in the cream and cake and candles Cind past, and used to the nth. When presents." Seated i~ his big he likes something, the Head chair in the living room and of the House uses it, declaring surrounded by children, 'front, over a'nd over how grateful he back and sideways, it was like is. The others, he wears once or a scene in one of these heavenly uses once (just enough to prepictures: cherubic faces peeking out of clouds. "Hurry up, Grandpa! Open 'em! I can't keep th'e secret much longer!" We co-purchasers held our , breath as Sean' cut the ribbon CHICAGO (NC) - Mother on the big present, the thumbsMary Cecilia of the Ursuline up or thumbs-down one. Academy, Paola, Kan., was "Sa-ay!" ,a, wide 'smile chosen as the Grapho Analyst of wreathed the face of the BirthlIhe Year at the congress here of day Boy as he rose to tryon the International Grapho Analythe jacket. "This is a dandy. Gis Society. Perfect fit, too." ' The Ursuline nun was aW8l"ded .. "With your lotsa hair and an engraved plaque by Peter your new coat, Gnindpa," Lu Ferrara, president of the society, Anne said, "you look just like at a special ceremony in connec- President Kennedy." tion with the congress. The nun Be that as it may, the Head is the first member of the society of the House likes the jacket, to receive the honor. because he named it immediMother Cecilia, who ha,s lecately, just as he did "the Golden tured widely on handwriting Fleece",of happy memory. . analysis, moderated a panel disThis is known as "Joseph's cussion at the congress on the coat of many colors" - or "Joe's emotional problems of children. ' , coat" for short, , ,Mother Cecilia won' first place Foster Homes Plea' and a 'prize of $750 in the 1961 Cooperator Club Contest of the Gets' Big Response international Grapho Analysis' BINGHAMTON (N C) ~, A Society. Awards were granted huge response to a request fOl' to Cooperator Clubm'embers foster homes in this ,area' has 'who enrolled the most membeNl. assur~ -53 children remaining in St. Mary's Ho~e of "new homes" .before school ,starts.' .. The .children must, ,leave St. Mary's which will be razed later this year to make way for a new Catholic high schood!. About 138 responses were made to the initial request for foster homes for the children. Father Robert B. Davern, director. of Broome County Catholic Charities, called the response i'truly wonderful I considering ~e· size of the area."

Name Nun Best Grapho A nqlysf

" Senior Prom



'GOD'S GUITARIST': 'Father Aime Duval, French Jesuit priest widely known throughout Europe as "GDd's Guitarist," gives his autograph to a young French fan. Since 1954 more than a million records have been made of song:s by Father Duval, with religious words and modern mus~~ NC Photo.' .

To Protect Family Mrs. Zepf wrote that such regulations in most parts' of this country show that these standards "are most necessary for the protection of the family and the stability of society." "Free consent of the contracting parties is also an important element and is supported by our Judaeo-Christian tradition and occidental culture," she wrote. "Furthermore, registration is important, for it is a protectio& against misrepresentation." She urged its adoption by the U.N. Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly.

Select Presid~nt For New Rochelle'

NEW ROCHELLE (N C )' .,... Mother St. John O'Brien has been named president of' the College of New Rochelle, 'it was announced here by the school's' Cu~hing . BOSTON (Ne) A nun's years ago as a reSIdence for nUM board of trustees. Mother St. John has 'been dipoetic plea for relief from an' studY'i~g i,n Bost<;)fi. . . rector of novices at the Beacon, , "invasion" of mosquitoes br,:)ught. . Cardmal Cushmg replIed that N. Y., novitiate for the eastern a quick and affirmative 'response the nun "will have her request from Richard Cardinal CUflhing, granted" and seree~s will be put province of the Ursulines' of the Archbishop of Boston. on the conve~t wmdo~s. That, , Roman UniOn since 1956. A graduate of the College of Card'inal Cushing printed m presJ.1IDablY,_wIll make It unnec_ New Rochelle, she is a former ,his "News-Notes" column in the essary ~or her to carry out the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan news- threat m the last stanza of her superior of the Ursuline nuns at the school and has also taught paper, a seven-stanza poelTi by poem: mathematics and been director an anonymous Oblate of the So one af these nights, of students there. Most Holy Redeemer who helps And this is a fac,t, staff a convent near BOBton's I'll turn on these critters Lawn Party Public Garden. And bite them right back! The Sister disclosed in rhyme the building fund of Mt; St. and in verse that there is a, For Italian-Speaking Mary Academy, Fall River, will nightly invasion by mosquitoes LITTLE CURRENT (NC) benefit from a lawn party schedof their screenless dormi.tory. Thirty - five Italian - speaking uled from noon to 8 next WedThe convent was established two women from the Salte Ste. Marie nesday, at Star of'the Sea Villa, diocese attended a retreat con- South Dartmouth. Sister Marie ducted in Italian at Marygrove Merici is in charge of arrangeUniversity Campai~ln Retreat House here in Ontario. ments. Attractiom will include Passes $14 Million It was the ifrst exercise given in games, booths, gift tables and ST. LOUIS (NC)-The prior- #a language other than English. pony rides. ity . needs section of ~t., Louis flFWWW¥tltMiit"Wiki@iNWMjfi'l$& tf;,it5,1r«=QlItIW,tf'r3,**~§ __ M University's 150th anniversary development program has passed the $14 million mark in its drive to raise $18 million by 1963. The priority needs campaign is the first phase of the 150th anniversary. development pro'gram, which seek!; $46 million 'by 1968. It will provide funds for immediate capital projects 'imd for raising faculty salaries. Announcement of the progress 'of the fund drive, was, made by August, A. Busch, Jr., general chairman, ar,d Father Paul C; Reinert, 8.J., university p:resident. .' !.:.

Nun's·· Poetic Plea Brings Quick Response Fronl Card!nal. ,

The ,kF~~end~y Store That Saves You More!

Mormons Purchase Catholic Property , NAUVOO (NC) ..:.... The Latter Day Saints (Mormons) of Salt Lake City, Utah, have purchased 5S. Peter and Paul school and hall here in Illinois for $100,000. The two buildings and the 'land on which they stand were the last two ,pieces of property on Nauvoo's Temple Square that were not Mormon-owned. The par,ish has permission to use the school, rent free, until Jan. 1, i963. But .interest will be paid on the $100,000 until the Mormons take over the buildin~

The graduating, class of m.', Anne's School, of Nursing; Fall River, will hold its 'senior prom' Nun Wins Award toinbrrow'night at the New BedTULSA (NC) - The National ford Country Club. 'Secretaries"Association has presented fts Certified Professional Cookout at Swansea Secretary award to Sister Mary St. Dominic's Women's Guild, Kevin, treasurer of St. Joseph's Swansea,wiil sPonsor a cookout, convent here iIi Oklahoma. The on the rectory grounds Sunqay' award is for skill in' business at 6:30 P.M. preceding the regu- manageman± and- 'human r,~la­ lar monthly meeting., '~ons.



OS 17-966~ 99 Rodman St:~' Near Sc:)condSt. Fall River at Cathedral Square


THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 17, 1961

Your ,Home ,Can Be~ Attractive' Without Large Expenditures

Nursi ng Grants To Three Girls

By Alice Bough Cahill Your home can be attractive without spending huge /lUms of money, for there's beauty in sincere economy. If 70u are planning to build, study every possible plan, get prices from several contractors, for in home planning today cost-saving simplicity of will make in your hall. (Of eonstruction and detail mus-t course a small chair will be be an objective. The won- put next to the table.) Bookshelves that a handyman derful part of such planning .. that these savings need not result in lack of comfort 01' beauty for your

borne. Here are some .ings that may help you in Four effort to eave don't waste a foot of a b I e space; _elude enough eupboards and elosets to take eere of all storage requirements. Each bed roo m should have plenty of storage space; put a linen closet next to the bathroom and a large eloset for outdoor wraps just inside the front door, and, of course, plan good kitchen storage. Now for your furnishings, Ask yourself, why do you buy ready-made clothes and the answer will be that they offer you smart styling, good workmanship, fine fabrics, and good' fit at reasonable prices. Maybe you've never applied .is answer to home furnish:logs but take, for instance, .bedroom ensembles. Here, too, you can get a custom-made look at • budget price. We're not talkiIlg ab<>ut skimpy bed6Pread 'and curtain sets at budget prices ita bargain basements. You can find ready-mades at top-bracket lItores in prices you can afford. Whether your taste runs to tuilored -styles or boudoir ruffles, you find them plenty. Fabrics are varied and you can assemble bedroom dress-ups tlhat look custom-made. You'll find some sets in patterned fabrics and blending colors, so you can "mix-match" the separates to suit yourself. Denim tailored studio sets in plain and plaid are wonderful for the males in the household, 1IoL' instance. Use Room-Cheerers Flowers, leaves and grasses are room-cheerers, You can put them in many kinds of containers - in a bird cage, in pewter mugs, in small brass teapots, etc. When Winter comes and fresh flower~ are scarce, put artificial ones in a basket and hang it by a wire from the oeiling. Take a look at any hallway In your home. You may be able to give it distinction in no time at all by just adding a table and a wall lamp. Suppose your phone is on a shelf in the front hall. If you have room, why not put in the corner a small table witA , drawer. This will hold phone, ~ve you spaee to write mes-', MgeIl, and a place (in· the draw·" _. to keep the phone book: . . of sight, yet accessiDle. If this corner is dark, haug a lamp on the wall and' besic:re the lamp a~mall mirrQr. You'll be . delighted in the change this


Thousands of Pilgrims At Canadian Shrine STE. ANNE DE BEAuPRE (NC) - Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world flocked to the shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre for, the feast of the mother of the BI~ssed Virgin'. Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec, Primate P'f. Canada, urged pilgrims at his Pontifical Mess to pray for l)a.ti.9rialleaders • this period of, worldtensioo. ' Bishop Jean, L. '.Jabidon of. _zuzu, Nyasaland, bleued huadreds of sick peioSOR5 at the :



Class Reunioft Members of tbe 1941 graduet-

... cla5s of Dominican Academy, I'8H River, will hold. reunioa tit 2:30 Sunday afternoon at MialIOfti's Restaurant, followed by a oIOCiel hour at the DomiD.i.oell CIotweftt, 37 Pat'k SWeet.

can make could be built under a hall window at the top of the stairs. The top shelf will be a wonderful place for plants, and add a decorative touch as well. Another clever hall addition eould be a bench to provide' ~xtra seating, as well as a convenience in putting on rubbers. Invest in an ordinary wash bench. Pad it with foam rubber and cover the pad in a fabric of the han accent color. Another use for such a bench would be as a coffee table in the living room. Sand and finish the bench with stain, flat black paint, or a bright-colored enamel. This will hQld ash trays, magazines, etc. Old Showcases Remember the old showcases for thread? If you have a chance to pick one of these up, mount it on a regular tray stand and, you will have an ideal silver chest to put in your dining room. Refinish in natural wood finish, or use an enamel paint. Here's a dressed-up look for your kitchen. If your range is in front of a window, you've probably worried about the fire hazard that fluttering curtains present. Take down the curtains and put in their stead a washable, inexpensive cypress-wood shade.' If you think the window frame looks bare without a curtain, however small black iron trivets will add decorative interest and give a "dressed-up" look. If you ever find yourself at an auction with ornate Victorian picture frames at a reasonable price, buy one. They make wonderful frames for mirrors and enhance the beauty of any room.

Expelled Nuns to Oper Mission on Formosa NORMANDY (NC) The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, twice expelled from China by the communists, will open a new mission on the Nationalist-held island of Formosa. Sister Catherine Sullivan, Provincial of the Sisters' western province, announced here in Missouri that the mission will be at Tainan, Formosa. The Sisters will work with Vincentian priests there, staff an out-patient clinic and make home visitations. In charge of the new mission will be Sister Agnes McPhee, superior of St. Anne's HQme in St. LQuis for the past tWQ years.

Seven American Sisters Meet on Sisters Road ,. l:.;()NDON (NC)-Seven ArnerieaR' ststers call1i'' to Loudon'. seven SIsters Road-and all were nuns. ,The sisters, two Benedietines, two DomInicans and three Serviteil; came to spend a few days at the Servite ,Priory, North London, after a tour of European shrines and an audience with Pope John. They are all members of the Sitzm§lnn 'family, nine of whose 11 children entered religious life. rhe two boys were ordained five years ago as Benedictine priests. They are natives of Neb~aska.


Three high school graduate, trom the city of Fall River are recipients of partial scholarships to nursing schools from the Fall River Catholic Nurses' Guild, according to announcement made by Miss Frances Cash, chairman of the organization's scholarship committee. They are Miss Lucienne Blanchette, 3 Quequechan Street, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Blanchette; Miss Mary Wheatley, 406 Fourth Street, daughter of Mrs. John Wheatley; and Miss Judith SUllivan, 782 Second. Street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan. Miss Blanchette, a member of Notre Dame parish, and Mig Sullivan, St. Mary's Cathedral, are both graduates of B. M. C. Durfee High School, Mis. Blanchette will enroll at Truesdale Hospital school of nursing this Fall and Miss Sullivan will enter St. Anne's Hospital School. Also a member of St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Miss Wheatley is a graduate of Mt. St. Mary Academy. She will take training at Union Hospital.

Cuban UrsuJines Arrive in U.S. COMPLETE SUMMER SCHOOL PROJECT: A mosaic panel depicting engineering symbols has been designed and installed in the University of Notre Dame's engineering building by Summer school students of Father Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., right, head of the. art department. Putting the finishing touches on the 22,000 piece mosaic are Sister Mary Ignatia, left, of Indianapolis, and Sister St. Denis McGarthy of Ottawa. NC Photo.

Formation Conference Provides Scholarships for Peruvian Nuns LIMA (NC) Twenty-two Peruvian nuns have left here to study in the U.S. on scholarships furnished by 10 communities of Sisters there. The Overseas PrQject of the Sister Formation Conference of the U,S., headed by Sister M. Josetta, R.S.M., president of Xavier College, Chicago, has organized the scholarship program in collaboration with Archbishop Romolo Carboni, Apostolic Nuncio to Peru. The 10 U.S. communities of Religious will pay all expenses for the 22 Peruvian Sisters from 10 communities here. The scholarships include roundtri,p pas-

sage, board, tuition, bo~ and all other items necessary for studies that will 1ast from two tQ fQur years. Most of the Sisters will study English and pedagogy, but SQm~ will specialize in medicine, nursing, and chemistry. The majority of the Sisters are Peruvian citizens, although a few are from other Latin American countries. Included in the list of colleges at which the Sisters will study is Regis College at WestQn.

Prelate Cites Problem Of Bad Marriages '

Heads College

,Rummage Sale

NOTRE DAME (NC) - Sister Maria Renata has been appointed president of St. Mary's College to succeed Sister M. Madeleva, president from 1934 to 1961. Sister Maria Renata has been chairman of the college's histQry department since 19~9. Sister Madeleva win be a consultant to the new President.

Women of St. Mary's Cathedral Guild, Fall River, will sponsor a rummage sale Friday, Sept. 15, according to Mrs. Michael J. Davis and Mrs. Timothy Kelly co-chairmen. '

DODGE CITY (NC) - Almost one of every seven marriages in the Dodge City diocese is a convalidatiiln - the Church term for legalizing a marriage attempted outside the Church. For Migrantsl Children Bishop Marion F. FOl"st of Dodge City said that as mum DETROIT (NC) - Sununer time was required for the 4G tIOhools for the children of migOODvalidatiofls as for the 221 rant 13atrm workers aPe being opother marriages periormed leoJt eratild at ni~ centers ion this area year in his diocese. undet' sponsorship of the Detroit He explained that COIlvalideerehdiocese. Conducted by stution requires many witnefJSe8 and dellU and graduates of Marydocuments to cleat' the legality ,grove and Siena Heights Col-, of a marriage, and added that" leges, lIhe' 9Cbools offerooUl'6ell at least half of such processes in religion. reading, arithmetic' spelling, hygiene and group play: are, not c?ffiPleted .in this dio-



Visits France

Mother Mary Leobin, SS.ce., superior of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, is concluding a visit to France where she participated in golden jUbilee observances fQr Very Rev. Mother Zenaide Lorier, superior general of the Sacred Hearts community.


$HOP SATURDAY 'TILL 6 P.M~ Closed All "'Day' Sunday


NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The last two Ursuline nuns in Cuba. both stretcher cases have arrived at the Ursuli~e convent here. After the Castro regime confiscated all private schools, 26 of the 28 Ursuline nuns then remaining in CUba left the island. The two invalid nulU! were cart;d fQT in a private home by a Sister of one of the Cuban Ursulines until they could leave. Exiled Twice One of them, Mother Domenica, 92, has been exiled twice because of religious persecution. A native of France, she was forced early in the century to leave that country. She went to Havana and had been there since. The other, Sister St. Luis, 75, is a Cuban. The two academies conducted by .the Ursulines in Havana are now being used as prisons by the communists. It is not known tQ what USE: their community's novitiate is being put.

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Gasoline Fuel and Range



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Sea Foods


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FCK prompt deHvery

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West Berliners Live Near VolcanQf Confident of Free .Worldls Support

THE ANCHORnlUrs., Aug. 17, 1961

Cosmonaut Titov Listens to Radio Talk on Saints NEW YORK (NC) -.: Maj. Gherman S. Titov, Russia's 'second cosmonaut, listened to a broadcast about saints

By Patricia McGowan Attendance at a Pawtucket school staffed by the Sisters of St. Chretienne led Sister Mary Lucienne to join the commuuity, founded in the early 19th century in France, and having seven foundations in the United States. She is formerly a member of St. Theresa's parish, South Attleboro, where her family still resides. A brother is Rev. Lucien Bouchard, O.M.!., missionary re- the sixth grade. She has been notes that the Sisters of cently expelled from, Com- studying at Boston College this St.She Chretienne maintain their munist-held territory in Laos Summer, working towards a de- Nor t h American provincial house at Gisard, Quebec, where and now. in Rome for a "sec- gree in education. ond novitiate" period. Sister Mary Lucienne attended parochial schools in Attleboro and Pawtucket before entering the Sisters of St. Chretienne in 1949. She says that the community is primarily composed of teachers although the Sisters also do hospital work and serve in foreign missions. They are active in France, Canada and Africa in additi<lp. 00 the United States. Their'motherhouse is at Metz, France. After joining the community, Sister Mary Lucienne taught in Canada, then in Rum10rd and Salem. She has taught second and seventh grades, but most of her teaching career has be.en in

Armenian Sees Unity 'In Distant Future' ISTANBUL (NC)-The head of the GregorIan Armenian Church said here that while he is in favol:' of Christiar. unity, dogmatic and administrative problems will delay reunion to "the very distant future." Catholicos Vazken t, whose ancient communion totals about four and a half million Christians, spoke on Church unity in the CQurse of a press conference here. He came to Istanbul from his See city of Echmiadzine, in Sovie.t Armenia, for the funeral of Patriarch Khatchadourian, leader of the Gregorian Armenian Church in Turkey.

girls interested in joining the community should make application. High school graduates to age 30 are accepted as candidates, with exceptions possible in the matter of age. The Sister last visited her family in July, just before her brother's departure for Rome. There are five other children in the family, three brothers and two sisters.

Barbecue Sunday' At Dighton Parish Parishioners of St. Peter's Church, Dighton, will hold a Barbecue Dinner Sunday afternoon at the rectory grounds, Route 138, for the benefit of the church.

a slave world. Berliners are not unconscious of the fact that they are surrounded with 300,000 Soviet troops. Annihilation is at the very doorstep. Even the visitor, if he has credentials, can ride along the border between West and East Germany. As one passes slowly in his car he sees the ever-alert Russian guard lift bis binoculars to his eyes to catch the car registration or to take a picture for permanent reference. Quiet and emptiness, deserted homes and streets lie on the east SIde; only the Russian soldier, his gun on his back or across hi~ 1{nees, watches, waits and records. All the same, We~t Berlin. citizens are. neither nervous nor uncomfortable. No other Germ'lD city is more prosperous or more busy. The well known Kurfur~­ tendam is crowded each night with strollers and those enjoying the delights of the mao,. sidewalk cafes. The shops are full of the latest and finest merchandise and new buildings are every~ where springing out of the ground. The new Berlin-Hilton hotel is extravagantly elegant and dancing couples moving across the roof-terrace can almost see the Soviet zone. With all of this, they know that they live on the edge of a volcano - but they rely on the free world to prevent its eruption. The President's strong language recently on Berlin has been a great support for Berliners. They feel quite confidently that they are a symbol, and more than a symbol, of the fre.e West. If Berlin is lost, Paris, London and the rest must follow. The presence of the British, French and American forces in the West city gives them real assurance. They are quick to add however that their real hope is in the U.S. - they seem to know that we will not let them down.

Girls' Dormitory Hall Has Swimming Pool SANTA CLARA (NC) - The first coeds in the University of Santa Clara's hil'tory will be housed in a new apartment court with a swimming pool. The Park Lanai, which is four blocks from the campus, will offer spacious living and study room for about 80 of the first group of women undergraduates in the nO-year history of the former all-male university in California.

dither" about getting to the moon. He said it would be better

to spend U. S. money on foreign students. Dr. George N. Shuster, former president of Hunter College, New York, and now on the Notre Dame University staff, spoke to about 360 Notre Dame Summer graduates. "We have gotten into a fearful dither about getting to the moon before anyone else does," he said. "This is not because it would be amusing or even instructive to be there bu~ because we think that landing on the moon would be good propaganda." Meanwhile, he said, the Soviet Union has several thousand young students from Ghana enrolled as university students for three years. Bring Communism Home "Bringing these to the United States, or better still to some well-organized university in Western Europe, would have cost a fraction of what the first fumbling experiment in moon travel will," he said. The Ghandians in Russia, he said, will return to their homeland "with communism on their lips," adding that "while we are still half way to the moon, there may be a lot of the wrong kind of people, from our point of view, in Ghana."

Agents Ask Stronger U.S. Anti-Smut Laws TDENTON (NC) - Legislative and law enforcement officials from six New Jersey counties recommende.d here that Fe.deral anti-obscenity laws be strengthened. They gave their views in testimony before the New Jersey Joint Legislative Commission to Study Obscenity. The commission, authorized a year ago, expects to release its findings in the Fall.

Game for Charities GREEN ,BAY (NC)-The first annual bishop's charities football game will be a preseason contest between the Green Bay Packers and the New York Giants of the National Football League. Pregame ceremonies will include remarks by Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona of Green Bay and Mayor Roman Denissen.

which consisted of eight white Leghorn chickens, four Plymouth Rocks, eight rabbits, a stray kitten and a mongrel puppy. Although he was the Bishop and shepherd of Wuchow diocese, all his priests had chists. All ftIis, in eight short been expelled from China, years. and his Christians were cut The pagan gods of Miaoli are restless in their jade and ivory off from him. And the flock

of animal~ cackled, squealed and flourished unde! his caring hands not because the bishop needed a hobby, but because the bishop desired to live and work again. And these creatures-all except the kitten and the puppy were his daily bread. The flock increased, the Bishop had food. He survived his prison sentence, was expelle.d from China by the Communists, and then took up work again among his beloved Chinese-this time on the island of Formosa. This Summer, the same Maryknoll Bishop sits at a desk and again surveys his flock. But the chickens and the animals are absent. This time the Bishop adds up figures that total a minor miracle on Formosa. They show that eight years ago in the whole area of the present Maryknoll mission in Miaoli, which is populated by almost one-half million Taiwanese, there were no churches, no priests, and so few transient Catholics that they could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Truly it was a pagan place, without priests, without altar, without sacrifice. On this Summer morning in

BISHOP DONAGHY 1961 the bishop finds that 8,000 converts have entered the Catholic Church in eight years. His figures add up to 25 Maryknoll priests, 15 Maryknoll Sisters, 14 new parishes, over a thousand catechumens studying the doctrine, and a working force of 70 well-trained, well-tested cate-

Irish Exhibit at Liturgy Meeting To Feature Gold Cloth Vestments OKLAHOMA CITY (NC) The cloth was woven by Patrick Cloth of gold vestments emWalsh, who has been weaving broidered in Celti.c designs from for 61 of his 75 years for the the famous Book of Kells will be same firm in Dublin. featured in the Irish exhibit at He used gold thread, Irish the North American Liturgical poplin and silk to weave the We.ek starting next Monday. complete set of vestments. His The vestments were woven for loom is an ancient model, parts Gregorio Pietro XV Cardinal of which are 200 years old. Agagianian, Papal Legate to the Mary Comerford, Rathdrum, Patrician Congress in Dublin County Wicklow, Ireland, cut, last June marking the I,500th sewe.d and embroidedered the anniversary of the death of st. vestments by hand. She made Patricllt. The Cardinal wore the her first vestments for Father vestments to celebrate the Pon- Doyle eight years ago, and since tifical High Mass in Croke Park, then has been sending her handiDublin, on the closing day of the craft all over the world. congress. The vestments and other Irish Used Ancient Loom ttl religious art objects, including Father John R Doyle, Dublin chalices, monstrances, ciboria, pastor who designed the vestand wood carvings, will be disments,' will bring them from played in the H.M.G. Compainy Dublin to the Liturgical Week. booth at the Liturgical Wek.

shrouds. They must tremble at the m~aning of these figures. Surely they teeter when they see 5000 newly b&ptized Catholics paying public homage to a new Queen, as they file through pagan streets with lighted candles in their hands, the rosary on their lips, and a new faith in their hearts. Tremble they will on the 15th of this month when the Assumption procession draws other hundreds from their joss sticks and idols. The Bishop is restless also. Having witnessed many minor miracles in his 35 years in China, he will not be satisfied until he at least touches the hem of a major miracle. And the hem seems closer to his fingers now2,000 Catholics closer. Before the 10th year arrives there should be in Miaoli, God willing, 10,000 Catholics. That would be almost a major miracle. Ten thousand Catholics in 10 years! And the first 10,000, the old French missioners say, are always the hardest to find.

Discuss Problem Of Hong Kong HONG KONG INC)-A team of Jesuit experts on social action has conducte.d a weeklong seminar on how to help Hong Kong lift; itself by its e.conomic bootstraps. The Jesuits came from all parts of Asia. Their seminary, known as the Institute for Social Action, was attended by 70 people, inclUding pri,ests, Religious arrd laity. All were leaders of Hong Kong's diocesan and civil welfare activities. The seminar began with an examination of the principles motivating social action. Then came discussions of practical ways of overcoming the problems of this crowded island colony, whose main natural resource is its fine harbor. The institute singled out credit unions, marketing cooperatives and labor unions as the key organizations for helping Hong Kong overcome poverty and unemployment.

SCOTCH PLAINS (NC)A group of New Jersey residents have banded together to oppose construction of a

co-institutional regional high school proposed by the Archdiocese of Newark in this com..munity. A public hearing on plans for the school is scheduled for later this month by the Board of Adjustment. Main purpose of the hearing will be tq determine whether the plans satisfy the Scotch Plains building code. The school would enroll 1,500 pupils and would be located on an 18-acre tract in an area where school construction currently is allowed. The site was selected after the Newark archdiocese was unsuccessful in bidding for city-owned property in nearbY' Plainfield. Hesitation by citY' officials in the wake of pr"'tests by residents led the archdiocese to withdraw its offer. Second Protest The school here would serve western Union County. It is one of eight planned by the archdiocese in a new constructiOR program. Opposition to one of the other schools has already led to court action. The archdiocese has filed suit to upset a zoning ordinance adopted by Hohokus in Bergea County to prevent the construetion of a high school for boys. The amended ordinance was adopted after the archdiocese announced its intention to build a school there.

Archdiocesan Cya ~" Serves 80,000 Youth DETROIT (NC) - More t'hM' 80,000 young people were served last year by the Detroit Arch_ diocesan Catholic Youth Organization, the group's annual repow shows. The Detroit CYO n<lW servM and adV'ises 70 teen clubs and 28 young adult clubs with a total membership of 9,424. The total attendance at the activities of these clubs last year was 218,182" The repol'lt underlined the wide range and variety of CYO activities from basketball • Holy ~ours. The parish service, athletIc and settlement division of the CYO, as well as specialprojects, are supported by the United Foundation of Greater Detroit through bhe United Community Services. A prudent question is on--"alf of wisdom."




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PFAFFENHOFEN (N C) Workmen restoring Pfaffenhofen's 13th-century par ish church of the Assumption have uncovered 1 what is believed to be the oldest cathedral in the mountainoUs Tyrol. The workmen first came upon well-preserved walls beneath the foundations of the parish church. They then found a bishop's seat or "cathedra," identifiable by its walled-in base. The findings are believed to date from ihe fifth century.

South Attleboro Girl Sister of St. Chretienne, Teaching Order wi,th Seven U.S. Houses


Find Fifth-Century Cathedral in Alps

FAREWELL PARTY: Sister Beatrice Therese, S.U.S.C. enjoys picnic lunch with Janet LeBlanc and Donald Ouellette at party given in Sister's honor by women of Sacred Heart Parish, North Attleboro, prior to her departure for African mission field.


during his globe-circling journey. Titov disclosed this in an interview published in the Soviet newspaper Izvestia two days after his 25-hour space flight. The cosmonaut WFiS quoted as saying he had tuned in on Russian language broadcasts during his flight, and "some of these broadcasts were for some reason talking about saints." "I could have told them what really goes on in heaven," Izvestia quoted Titov as saying. Following appearance of the Izvestia interview Radio Liberty here said it had identified the program mentioned by Titov as one originating in its studio. Solar Reception Radio Liberty, privately supported network beaming Russian-language programs to the U.S.S.R. from stations in Europe and the Far East, said the program conducted by Rev. Alexander Schmemann adj unct professor at Columbia University, dealt with the need for academic freedom. Rev. Schmemann contrasted a course on Russian religious thought at Columbia with conditions in the Soviet Union. He etressed that it is essential to study the works of religious philosophers and Russian saints to understand Russian history. A Radio Liberty spokesman .aid Titov's experience suggests that space travelers to the moon and elsewhere in the solar sys~m will be able to hear its broadcasts.

BERLIN (NC) - All over the eity of West Berlin there are signs which say "Ich bin bei euch" (I am with you) a scriptural assurance left over from the Kirchentage (Protestant Days) which just ended in this city. Over 60,000 Protestants gathered in the great stadium that housed Hitler's 1936 Olympic Games to close the conference and to protest the absence of the thousands refused travel rights by East Germany's communist government. The Protestant motto, now that the conference has passed, has a double meaning which Berliners understand very well. "I am with you", they also interpret to mean that free men everywhere stand behind Berlin and what it means in the present world situation. President John F. Kennedy's speech electrified the population; but even before this, confidence. in U.S. backing ran very hIgh. Here they already spea~ of a Kennedy visit to BerlIn. Annihilation at Doorstep Berlin is a city more than a hundred miles behind the Iron Curtain, a kind of free island in


Warns of Fearful Maryknoll Bisltop Donaghy of New Bedford THE ANCHOR11' Thurs., Aug-:.J7, 1961 Dither Over U.5. Hopes for 10,000 Formosan Catholics Jersey Residents Getting to Moon By Henry J. Madigan, M.M. NOTRE DAME (NC) Fight Regional In the Spring of 1955, Bishop Frederick A. Donaghy, M.M., of New Bedford, sat An educator was critical High Schools here of America's "fearful in the doorway of his prison home in Wuchow, China, and surveyed his entire flock _

_ _ ......._ . _ - - '







of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. F, 1961

Holy Father to All


Sees Tragedy in Modern Worship of Mechanism

God Love You By ·Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D.

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Uishop of Reno

What a marvelous thermostat exists in the human body! ft regulates food, blood and heat in all parts of the organism. The right arm is never heated ZO degrees more than the left; food does not give increase to the left cheek to the detriment of the rig-ht; an even body temperature is sustained in every oell and member. This is What is known as the catholicity of the human body: life is in every part of it that it may grow harmoniously

Science fiction, as we learn to our edification, numbel"~ its devotees by the millions. Detective and "mystery" novels may still hold the lead in our jaded reading. world, but their empire is threatened. Innumerable magazines are

published for the delight M the science fiction addicts, and the correspondence col..mns of these periodicals fairly scintillate with ingenious euggestions fOl' achieving and perfecting comIII u n i c a tion with Mars, Venus, and Satwn. Gone forever with the wind III'e the naive .unplicities of those revered pioneers in the fie 1d , Edgar ll. 11 e n Poe, lules V ern e, and H. G. Wells. Time machines have proliferated in this realm ol the possible-impossible, and daily excursions to the past or the future are advert'sed for surprisingly modest fees. Life tor the ~dence fiction fan, if not precisely beautiful. is at least unceasingly fascin'lting. Maurois' Suggestion This calls to mind an invenClon proposed by that clev~r I'renchman, Andre Maurois, a device which has always inkigued us. He suggested a truth machine, a gadget which could eliminate automatically from the human record everythmg that failed t.o measure up to the Blost rigorous standards 01. veracity. Put a book in one end ef the machine, and it would eome out at the other with aU misstatements neatly erased. As Maurois himself pointed eut, however, the effect mi~ht well prove disastrous. How many volumes of history, for example, eubjected to thi~ treatment, would emerge from thiS drcad:luI purgatory with enormous blanks in place of the serrted lines of print. How many textbooks 01. lICience. alo.s, would come forth virgina·r in their white purity. And how much of our treasured literature would be reduced to the utter banality of unvarnished statement. No longer would Helen's face launch a thousand ships or burn the topless towers of Ilium, be_use, obviously, it did neither: Electronic Brain No, heaven forbid that the truth machine ever be invented. And yet, who is to tell in this age of feverish advancement? Truth is always stranger than Action, and in the short space of time since Maurois flung out bis jest we have come to know aU about the "electronic brain," and have acquired a mare bealthy respect for sides. Now, indeed, it seems hardly worth while to bother with the _udy of mathematics, when all eorts of calculatiol1ll may be entrusted to instruments so much more reliable than the human mind, that singularly fallible and incorrigible sentimental mechanism. This, at least, is balm to our sPirit, for arithmetic was never the favorite companion of our lubrications. Translates Texts We read of the feat of a group Gf language experts of Georgetown University working togeth. . with te n1micians of the International Business Corporation,

who have produced a variant of the "brain" which can translate texts from one tongue to another. You feed Russian into one end of the machine, and it comes out at the other as perfectly· plain English. It knows all the rules of orthography, etymology, syntex, and even, presumably, prosody. It can handle sequence of tenses without so much as slipping a cog, and it j& never guilty of those grammatical bloomers which are at once the glory and the despair of our literature. Language Study Needle.. What this implies for the future of language studies in the schools may be imagined. Who would be so foolish now to spend interminable hours conning irregular French verbs when all that is needed is one of these machines to turn Corneille into sound pedestrian prose? The bourgeois gentilhomme, M. Jourdain, who discovered to his surprise that he had been speakipg prose all his life, would now be thoroughly vindicated. The newspaper account of this modern marvel specified that the texts to be translated, that is, fed into the machine, must be meaningful. No nonsense, in other words. We are visited by the melancholy thought that an article such as this, which is only vaguely meaningful, would not read so well in Russian. The inference, at any rate, is clear: We are one step nearer the truth machine. And the next question is. inevitable: Who is going to decide what is the truth, the machine or man? Pope's Warning It is not altogether funny. In an age which is absorbed by the power of the machine, which is but one step removed from actual worship of the machine, it is altogether possible that the machine itself will be made the arbiter. Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, in his Christmas allocution of 1953, evidently had just such a fear in mind when he denounced the cult of mechanism. He saw the machine as the new Frankenstein Monster set up to destroy humanity His quarrel was not with the genius of man, which can make the machine do his will, but with the false concept of life which would glorify the product at the expense of the maker. Ignores Cardinal Fact Pygmalion and Galatea furnish only too ap, an illustration of the Holy Father's warning. The artist dreamed his statue had come to life, more beautiful than any woman of flesh; modern man is in danger of endowing the machine with the som he has disowned himself. It is the tragedy of a world that has learned all about technology and ha~ forgotten all about philosophy or, more properly, ~ll about theology. i<'or it ignores the cardinal fact of our knowledge and experience, that when Gf}d came down 110 earth, He came as man, not as a machine.

Sisters of Holy Family To Wear New Habit

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The Sisters of The Holy Family have adopted a simplified version of. LOYOLA (NC) - Spain's 26th the habit they have worn since dioce8an radio station has been ... their 1842 founding. ',I'he new version features a built here in the birthplace of 8t. Ignatius of Loyola, foundw' narrower collar The former headdress, which resembled of the Society of Je8WI. . old-fashioned sunbonnet,'haa The station wIll be operated been succeeded by a headpiece by the Jesuit Fathen to serve that does not block side vision. the San Sebastian diocese. Its The community is the first for lINt transmission was a broadeast of a Mass celebrated by women founded in Louisiana, .Arcl1bishop ndebrando po -'. . the first for Negro women in the Mtt, Anoc:'Jlic Nuncio to Spain. South and the second for colOl'ed _ st. Ign".ius' feast women in the United States..

Jesuits Operate New .,; Spanish Radio Station :'


and ••



Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota will address the opening session of the 47th annual 'convention of the National Newman Club Federation in Berkeley, Calif., Monday, Aug. 28. NC Photo.

Soviets Boast Space Flights Hurt Religion VATICAN CITY (NC)-A Soviet boast that the conquest of space deals a blow to religion was challenged by L'Osservatore Romano, Vat:.. can City daily newspaper. The editorial was occasioned by a special issue of the,atheistic monthly magazine, ,!:;Cience and Religion, dedicated to the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first maR to circle the globe in space. The magazine said in an article that the "conquest of space is a triumph for. materialism and a hard and bitter blow for idealism, religion and obscurantism." Religion Supports PrngreSB Assistant L'Osservatore editor Federico Alessandrini said in an editorial that the triumphs of science are no blow to religion, "which has always encouraged and supported progress in truth and knowledge of every kind." No one can contest the true value of the accomplishments of both Gagarin and Maj. Gherman S. Titov who circled the globe 17 times, the editorial said. But the atheistic propaganda which the communists have attempted to make out of Gagarin's flight and doubtless will attempt to make out of Titov's flight "will make future geneNltions smile," iot said.



The Body of Christ, which is the Church, also has an automatic regulator which supplies what is needed to each part of it. That is the Holy Father. He is the visible means of keeping the Church catholic. A few months ago we had the honor to offer His Holiness a small offering (really small). He asked: "Do you give this for a special purpose, or may we use it as we see fit?" Our answer was: "Your HoUness may decide." His gratitude centered principally on the manner of giving, as he expressed regret that so many donors tell him what to do with their gift, where to spend them, as if he did not know flhe needs of the Church better than they! Then, speaking of his Society for the. Propagation of the Faith, he voiced the hope that the faithful would give to it "first and principally," in order that he might make an equitable distribution to the missions of the world.. Then the Mystical Body will grow proportionately in all parts of the world. We will not have the Church in the United States rich and the Church in New Guinea poor; we will not have American missionaries favored and Dutch and Irish missionaries impoverished; we will not have some societies growmg fat while others become thin. All must grow, develop and expand, each receiving from its friends a supply for its seminaries and missions. But, as the Holy Father said, he must be given your sacrifices "first and principally" that he may be the Holy Father to all - "Holy" because he is ihe Vicar of Chri~ "Father" because all missions and all societies belong to him. There is satisfaction for tile ego when we decide where Gur money will go, but there is greater joy when we make an act of faith and allow the Holy Fathe.r to:. decide. Our Lord told us that our left haild was not to kno'w what our tight hand did in the way of charity. The best way to keep the secret from the left hand is to be catholic. Help everybody - ' every'body. And who has the interests of everybody at heart except the Holy Father! Send your sacrifices to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and we shall furward them to the Pontiff that he may aid all the missions of the world. GOD LOVE YOU to L.D. for $5 "In appreciation fer prayers that resulted in the conversion of our family of nine." . • . to .Mrs. R.J.B. fop $5 "Our home was broken into last night, but the robbers were surprised before they could take our savmgs. This is· in gratitUde." • . . to M.M. for $Z "I am eight years old. This came from making and selling pot holders. Instead of a new doll .I know you can feed real babies that are hungry." As you pray the multicolored WORLDMISSION ROSARY, remember that the white decade is offered· for the Holy Father. Then remember that the Vicar of Christ has said that The Society for the· Propagation of t..l-te Faith is to be "first and principally aided." Send your r.equest and an offering of $2, and we will send 'you. the WORLDMISSION ROSARY. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, NY., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV.. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.

Assignments Continued frOID Page OM monial Tribunal St. Mary'. Seminary, Baltimore awarded him a Doctor of Sacred Theology degree in 19<18,· . Father Buckley. iii a native .. Somerville and wail educated at St. John's $eMinarr,·· Brigh.toR. He was ordained on Jan. 6, 1950 by the Most Rev. James 1.. Connolly in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. He has been atl assistant at the Cathedral since ordination. The appointment 01. the new assistant at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, will take effect on Tuesday August 22. The new assistant at St. Mary'. Cathedral, Fall River, was born in Providence and educated at Oui Lady of Providence Seminary, Warwick, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Bishop Connolly was the ordaining prelate for Father Moriarty on April 25, 1959 in the Cathedral Church he is about to serve as assistant. Since ordination Father Moriarty has been a cur<!te .at the Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. The effective date of. his. appointment is today.

A-Okay Pastor SOUTH BERWICK· (NC)-A. .pace-happy Maine boy wa.tching Father John T. Arsenau.lt move into St. Michael's church here as pastor rar. home to hill mother and exclailned: "Ma! Guess who we've got for a DeW priest! Father Astronaut!"


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PQrty ·O.·pposes Ending Ancient System

·THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall' River- Thurs: Aug. 17,1961

~"Ad~i~@$ M@ffh:e~·. to Ap~r@w~' ·:'~'Dau~lffitr@[f°~ Wi~h to M@Hffl}f ~.



CARACAS (NC) - Venezuela's largest politicaf party continues .t~ oppose elimin. ation of the national pa"tron-

By Father John L. :Thomas, S.J.

Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University

"How do you handle .ajealous father? Our 19-year-old daughter ,has started going with a· fine Catholic boy or' 23, and her father is reacting like a'neglected ;puppy. He'w9n't speak to the boy, makes sarcastic remarks to the girl about h~r 'one and only,' an~ .... the young ma~! Under'such cirmakes It clear he doesn t cumsbnces, some .fathers. react. 'w'ant her to marry. Our ~n the same way as an older "daughter is a fine girl who child when a new baby arrives-

age system which since Colonial times has given the·state a voico in the appointment of Church authorities. . The Democratic Action party took i.ts stand in a statement by its national committee despite the opposition of its head, Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt, and this Soutb American nation's Bishops. Early in August the national patronage system wall 'ended in Bolivia during a special COngressional session to'reform its constitution. Many other nations Of Latin America still retain the system. This sparked speculation .of possible similar action i.ta Venezuel8.. .

dated little during high school . they misbehav~ just to let the · and up to the present. She now 'family know they're still around. holds a steady . . Mistrust Motives job,pays us Alth?ugh the pattern ~ disboard and is appearmg, some fathers stIll ex.' earef~l to tell peet their older children to work · :.me about ner and contribute··to'the support of :'dates. How can the family for. a few years 'be· .' i get my 'husfore they marry. . BAPTIZES GE:NERAVS SON: President Joseph KasaI band to' act This custom :was common vubu of the Repu~Jjc of the' Congo )iolds the infimt son of. .,like . a normal : Jimo.ng .some ..niitional groups, C·en. Joseph Mbb.'6tu: ~s the' child is'bil'p'tized" by Auiilia MT 'iather or am I par~cularly ,ij,tl~e families w~re , . ,.', .. .',' , . , .:"" 'wrong?'" large, andthe<older.children BIshqp'Joseph Ma:lula of Leopoldvdle at Our Lady, of,FatlI~a F!Iov:~r Present Law :. "1';'1 t' s t 1"U I y /" could find wo'tk' even' 'before' church. Presidetit ]K:asavubu'"'was godfather Of the" infant. . · .amazing . what . ; .' finish~ng high ~s.choo~;"·'As· long ·'·M~s. Kasavubu' at right NC;Ph"oto. - " j ' . , ,>, The Democratic Action party .,.differ~nt atti. ,81l. thIS. custom·:persls:ted"par., " ' , "'. ..., ..... , ": .... '.: ,'. '.. .. said'in.,its statement: "Church., tUdes parents ent.s tended to: discourage bo~ A. ' e "C' e, ., State relations should be ruled ., an take toward the marriage h.igher edu~a.ti.i>.n.and early m~!;~,C:l~~llarl~.", ~...~~r. l!-cco~ding to the present law of of a daughter. Some leave it rlages, especIally for the I r e I patronage whose replacemerit by entirely up to her, some scheme daughters. ., , '. ~ a concordat or modus vivendi ,. and' plot 'to have her med the Final~y, ~me fathem take a., WASHINGTON tN' C). - A .. erative efforts being undertaken (witb .the ,Holy See) we do not "'right" man, some are dissatia- very dIm vIew of the morals Latin. American 5ecte·tariat for by U. S. Catholics on behalf of support." fled with anyOl:e sne may of the younger generation., "Academie.·Serv'ioes·cwHI:·be estab- ,,,' the··Church'·in ,Latin" America. .. , ''', In his inauguration: address in · choose, some seem overly an- Since ~hey mistrust the motives ..lishedhere' in·Octobef'to'promote .; . "'Be ~bed 'ciirrenfprOKrams '·1959, .. Fresident BetanCourt dexious just ,to marry her off;.cand: o,f .aI!-. y~ou~~ .mE!n .all,cl,.apParently .. closer cooperation between" the 'as ''3' tremendous effort of mutu- ,:. clared:.;.·, . . ~e apparently don't want her have littl~ c?nfidence in: .their .. Catholie:school ~stemlf'()f,Nol1h al underStanding iD" ttie'·tIue· .... "The. time has come· to open ~Lmarry" ~t . all, though..,Jtlq", ,<i,~~~h~~~ V;:l;l"t\,l.~l!~ ",they ·stub-·. n and ,South AmerIca:" '. ',' '. f " ' " spirit of· the universal Church.•. G talks WIth the"Holy See; The law Probably would never ado.itt it.. , '~o~nly .oPP?se.th~ir' entrance ,The, new secret~a't"wU1.'be The cELAM officW. exp~ of ~urc~.~atronageis outdated ,: Since your husband se'!ms' 'fct'" ~nto. ~oClal ·life·,outslCiethe ,fam-iheaded .. by a Labn .Amerlcan '., panieuIar gratitude'to: "Magr. ; and IneffICIent. It belongs almost 'iall in this "last cateciory·,'Miidge"·' "'I~y cJ.l,"cle.....;,\\;,.\...: priest to be named by·the i Latin·Willi3ni McDonaldiectOr'of the to·the·prehistoric period of our .• ,is inte~esUng to ~pec~Jate o~ Just ~ow: their dau~hters are "" A-w-ericllD. Bish.ops'·. C;,,?,u'n c i1Catb:~c Universit~, for'b8vingpublic.law.A more flexible and '~e reasons:for his peculiar ,rjlacr: : :: ,to, 1,J,1.~et suItai:>l«;!,. ~arrIage part- ",(q!/.LAM). It wll1"haye,lts head- 'JDa'de available at the university ~to-date" a~rangement should IUon. . . ners IS a pro!>lem such ~thers quart~on the ".campliIS of the "'quarters '''for the' new' Latin .. be carefully dIscussed· by the two . I P i it' 'R tioIl thoughtlessly Ignore. ·,Catholic .UniversLty· olAmel'lica.- American secretariat'· fOt 'Aea-' contracting .parties," r m lve eae " Strange Attitude . . ., Chief. purpose ,of the secre-demk' serVices. ' i ' The .. right of patronage wall '. Why s~ould a fa,ther oppo~e , ;:, It 'is, not clell;l" from. your tariat will ~e to b,elp Catholic Gra ful . ~anted by .the popes to the the marnage. of his dau~hter.· letter, Madge, whIch one of the educators In Latin America, ., .~. to Co~1ttee kings of Spam as a recognition tBi~ce she has reached ~e a.,pproabove factors is operat~ ill where .. Catholic school systems • M~. ~endoza also expr~ for services of the Spanish jprlate age _ for marrIage., AI- >:,our husband's case. , '. ~re expanding,. in drawing OIl . ad~~~n and .gra~itude for crOWD to the Church. .U1ough he would deny .it, I . What. can you do about the the experience of North AmeJll- the actlv!hes of a study commit-Personal Privilege .think you are correct in COI!-:" problem?' .' ican Catholic ·educaton:. tee of the Catholic Press Assoeluding that your husban,d really ; First, you must . try tIC find PI' T h" 'E h ciaUon of the U. S. and Canada. The patronage system giv"• '-,- str'ange an . The . committee . visited Latin the government the right to sub<:l I '11 1eac er. xc anp .doesn't want his daughter ever out what's back of ..... to. marry. attitude. He may refuse', or m,,,,r t'WI a so be-concerned with America' in.January and Febnl-, inter Ameri mit to the Holy See the names of ,If you put the question to him not be able to give you a clear can teache!' ex,. ary .of. 1961 to study.. flb.e mass certain priests who would be d.irectly, he would probably answer, but you can suggest ,change programs and with mateo~unications media. th.,ere, and ' to Latin \. erl acceptable to the state as the lat Ing, reply that lie. feels she is too some of. the above reasons and .' t....00 en rets J m eatl. . '. tud t So ~ake. .reco.mmendatiooa." bishop of a See that has become .,-oung to marry,. o.~ that he' let 'hlin 'think'";about thein for ...... en ·5 y 1A· .• 1!:he· U. ",. The ,CrA .study ,.iifoup, was . emptY~ It also gives the govel'ndoesn't like thill. particular:, '.awhile: -;A', little--;~ef1ection may But, It will notfunctiloD as· a .Ilea~eci. by Fath~ .,~ ~. ment the power to acceptor re'young. man,. but sm<;e your;" ~ring him around,: __. a more . cleaxing-house for'Uitin'ADler- l\l~v~" ~,.~., presideJJt. of 1lbe ~aaughter .has reac~ed a~a~';'~::;balaric~ attituqe.: '~'" !can students. . ,', :. ~?A; :\lDd, ~torof,Marylmon ~theone chosen by'the HolT ~ t~g~abie:.:~ge· llnd . t~~. ,~,~~~"~~\~(;,,:~,~~~u'rage;'~n~":; ~iip~ ,.Plans lor the, secretaJiat, were ,D1a~~n~. Qiherm~~' were :Many Church .. leaders' here ;,~,:excel1ent, responSIble Catl:i- :,[.i<'.·)Y,.~.~th<er:,he cp,anges'hi~ ap-made.,public here following 'con- ,.~oY:d.A~der.;SQ~CI:'~,~~:~~ ··maintain 'that the privilege of ; ~~, such. an?Wers don't sound ·p~ofl~~.::;j>;'~;~9-t;.r your . role is : ferences ~etweenrepres:en~atives ",,~!i~~~!lQli,e~!~r ~~}l,u~ ~~~te. .' suggesting candidates was never ; ~f.Y convIncmg. '. clear;:'.;.YOur .:,.daughter is old ".,,9fCELAM a.nd the U:,S.. B1Shops. N~)i!;p,-~~ ~~ l·, !l~:.J;~..~WH- ; conSidered.· a territorial law 'to' i ./)Vhat ails him? One possibility enough,.tostart meeting :tOwig··,.·T,p,osetakmg 'par~ m'~lhe talks 'i~~·.,.~~a~,)~f.; ~~; . : ~VQll ~,belong:"foll'ever to the Spanish if that this is his first expeL"i- men who may prove suitable .. Jncluded Msgr"JulIan,,,.Mendoza ;;:~~~t#e,rs., ,Pr~~~s._.",~~ Jan : ,,, " "I ' " h'ld d h" marriag'e t' 'd h" ·.:·~Guerrero, gener.a1 :"secr,etary.... ofLOwdI Mass.' ... . dB. It was, they argue, "8' per•.~ce In . ",9.~ll)-~i ac I ,,,~n ,~r . ..',r" " ~~r,.~~,r.~~.,~~ s.e conthe CELAM. t ' t . ':"'.'" . ",,', .. r .. ·,· .,'1" " , f .;". ".,so~~pq:vilElge o.f:.,U!e.Spanish '.doesn't nke'··the fact 'that she' I':sequently :'rleeas~'y6ur support. .,.: .".. ",.,,~eere a~la .. '.I.m .: " ,. .' .... ",~,,," Jtin ~ . ~fll pass from his coIj'trol .illt~ . One of the dangers in a~l such Bogota,Colo~~ia;..,and:·,.. F~tiher 0/.." " fr.~h:'~~·~$~:Q"": ,roy.~. ·4P~~~~::tm:~en. :the }~le hand$~l?f·.anothel:-·Henc~}~~''.j'}.I~f~rt~?a~ .~~~u~t!C?ns) i( tbat C~~Sl~~iinM:~ .., ~ LloY~l; .'!!ijda" ~A'9f Mr. and ;~gards ·ffi~ young man as'.. a .. ,g.lrls:· I:>ecome, dlsgusteci:' with· 'Biri-' N t' . 'ai c tbo:ite~~ Mrs. Joseph S. Wajda anc:l.Stan; ~~allenge ::~o his powe~" 'and .: their ,~ath¢~s:.· ~tr~atmen~ arid faree~~nfe~n a , .}ey~oPieJai'Z;·SQri,:Of\~":Mary · IL'esents him accordingly;' " . '. choose· marr I~~e ¥.. a ~eans of . ' 'Th' . "., ~ in luded two : Popte1arz; ,.bOth, membel'il of' St. .. rhlck' Body Builders '-:.. ' Th~s is ad~itte~ly a primiti~escape. U you can't get y~Ur .da S~fse~~~ithFat~elr'Ma.r ":~ed~s .Fi~ ;Ne~:.·B~df()r~ . Alliminum or' Steel .•~acbon, bl!t.m. tl~l~d.eeply·em?:,.. , husband to change... at lea~ gIve .. ,G~in. of the Office,.(I,f '.~ve b I'e,oe.1ved as novI~.m County St. '.~I!>nal are~.; of ,?aternal dqmin- . you.I:' ,d~ughterthe enco~rage- ,American Affairsa4;.th,e Can _ .. ttie~ MinOr~:V~~aI and 'I ance, such -reactIOns are not un- . mElnt and suppor.t. she needs. d i ' C' t h i ' C 1 a . 'have entered the St: .Joseph CnNEW BEDFORD, MASS. :~common.' . , .' Essential:Tl'aits' , :.O:wa. a 0 Ie", 'on erenc:e, "p~o"Novitiateof'the'cOmmu'.W) ~-6618 · ,He may also resent the imYou must also help, your ", . ' mty at EIlicottClty, Md.' Tlhe 'plications of her growing at- daughter develop a realistic '. '.Lauds IT' 8. Cath4)I~.,,-oung'men .were inVested with tachment tq this young .outsid,er. vie~ of marriage and its impli- . ":Ms.gr. Mendoza, re al:·the. fa- the'F1lanCiscan habitatS't. BedUp to· this time he has "been catIons for selecting a partner. vltabon of the .LatIn AmerIcan ·wig'~ ·t~; ,first time· the· Cere- ," i .'the man in her life, and he B.ecause of.her father's action, .Bureau had praIse ,for tlilfl'OOOP- many·bad beenperfolmed'm'tha '~doesn't enjoy the thought of .. ,she is .likely to. overestimate the 'T"h-"'J ':,.. '. f'.', 'L'"'- . parisIn.; ; ;~eing replaced by the first young:/ 9ualitie~:.·of --atir' man who is .. ' IS" apanleSe" "Ikes. uJ?start to come. along. , ., .. ;'i.',:good to.her..... " , TrainHeI1'Hc~rse' : "Whether they'admit 'it or:n,o~ r:, O.n t~e basl~o~ yoqr:::experi- '. : KUMAMOTO (:#C)':':':'lt so~<b .. '. ." , .,:a~ fathers, .are pleased by.. :t.Il;~. ;,.; en~, ,rou sl:1-~:uld b,e;,~ble .to -' :like a'story from' "Cari: ):~~u Top . ; ,though.t that they .... ~old a higl(·;}~o.~tout some ~~ the'essenti8! This?" but Father Leo Bal:tea:, · place In' the affectIon of their', tr~~ts ~ look ..for m a prospect.. .. S S'C 'd·t '11' h ' ,;._.. ., ,:lve' husband.. . . .' . ., sal I r~~, l' ... aJ?pe.~ ;,. daughters, a!1d ali .feel at least .. . .1, . ' . . ' .' The Japanese are notoriOU1l ,II wy '. '~.•. temporarr twinge'. of regret II:' ii /I, 1ft ":fOr 'brIilgiiig alonif'an k.indsof ' ~ l - 11-' f when tbey seemJo be sp quickly ..,@CS(!) CgR$tr~ IrU uaSn' - belongings, even aniDuliBSuChSl!l, ,. ~ 'r' ., ~..... i' J'eplaced I:>y;';an q ther. ,)';, ~ Co~ven'tion' pigs' ,and - chickehS;'whe:n they : '. CHARLES II: VARGAS ;' And I 'inIght· add,' it aoesn't . , ST. LOUIS '(NC)-Racial in- .' travel on buses and ·traml. Bow... '. 214 RCCKDAU AYENUI :,: help ~oothe~~the~r injuredvanity te~ration,)Federal aid to paro- . ever, . Colufu.baii'.Flitha,- ,~~, . ,. '. ',.'. ..\ . . INVESTED IN i ~ to dIscover'. that both :mother . chl.!il scbools,.a~4 marriage prob- ,ve~ran though ~' be, ''Was 'au. ~ BED~" ~ . . CATHOLIC CHURCH ~d daughter are enthused about '~~il1 be. some,of the topic:J . prised when ·he'sa.w~8Illold JOO:r AND 'HOSPITAL BONDS discussed anile American Cath- :tryiI;tgto lead 'a herR'up ·tho ;:')'oung olic Sociological Society conven- steps into thecomparimeDtCllf a In Units of $500 or More Gll'C:~;P X~i: ~:re ~,~gif~1ing MondllJto 'passengertr'Sl~ ," ; C . ' · "

'S," A

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Nurses JJoin ;;Will'h'Su-udell1t RENSSEL-<\~R (NC) -

The S9me of the topics follow' · Young Christjan Nurses move~·"Descrtption·" of;, the P~erto I men.t, at its,first .nationa~ ,c~n7 J.'. ~ican Situation in th.e New York · ,:entIOn ~ere m Indla~.a, affIliated, ",/y.ea," "Description of the Negro ; Itself WIth the natIonal Young . Situation in the St. Louis Area" , Christian StiIdents organizatiort:,·"'''Catholic Lay Attitudes Towa;d i' Founded in 1953, the Young '\"'F'ederal Ai'd" tOo Parochial Christian' Nurses movement is Schools." . . ' intended for student nurses.·· "Family Values' in a PluralPhyllis Cunningham is national istic Society," "Some Factors of secretary of the movement,' Success and Failure in Marriage which was held at St. Joseph as Determined' by the. Use ai. College in conjunction with the Marriage Counselmg Inventory," national study week of the "Catholic Population Changes '!

(. Cbristian Workers movement.

and the Education

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iHEANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Aug. 17, 1961

!Ii,:, ' NEW VATICAN SECRETARY OF' STATE: Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, 78, serve;d for more than 25 years as the representative of the 'Holy Father in this country. The Cardinal is shown at left during ,one of the many ordinations of American, priests. In picture second from left, the then Archbishop Cicognani visits with a group of schoolchildren in Charlotte, N.C. In 1958 on the 25th anniversary of his arrival 'in the United States, he was honored with ,a silver chalice (see upper photo).

Presenting the chalice were (from the left) Archbishop Francis Keougll of Baltimore, James ~:fancis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop Of Los Angelei\, ~nd Francis Car~in~l Spellman, Archbishop of New York. In lower phobe the Cardinal is shown paying his respects to the Holy Father on. t~' latter's first anniversary of hi~ pontificat~. At right, His Holiness bestowll ~p'on Cardinal Cicognarii, the red biretta; raising, him 00 the college flIl Cardinals in De<;em~er" ~'958. NC Photo.": '

Puerto Rican Prelate, Grateful For Pope's Advice PONCE (NC) - Bishop James, ,E. McManus, C.SS,R., of, Ponce, reporting on an audience with , p'ope John, said the ,Pope told, him he sides with "those who' receive the most bloWS." Noting that "enemies" ha,ve criticized the Puerto Rican , Bishops to the Holy See, Bishop , McManus said it was "truly consoling" to receive from the Pope "his genial smile, his fatherly kindness, his sympathy and wise words of advice." The Bishop made the com-

ment against a background fJI. controversy in which the Puerto Rican Bishops have been, embroiled for some time. CritieiJled Party The controversy ~ached & peak during last Fall's ele«:tions, when the Bishops publicly oP:'; 'posed Puerto Rico's Popular Democratic party and approved formation of a new political organization,' the Christian Action party. The Bishops criticized the Pop-

12-Year-Old Blind Student Excels

In Class, Plays Children's Games CHICAGO (NC) _ There is a special youngster who will enter the eighth grade at S~. Clare de . F 11 d Montefa,lco schOOl thIS a. ~n g continue her way of brmgl.n hOJ11e report cards loaded WIth A's and B's. What makes fair-hai;red Bar':' bara Gulch so special? She is blind. '" Barbara 12 is the only blind pupil at the s~hOol., She~ost h~ sight four years, ago .when.. 'tu~or was remove4.: from her brain. , """" Thisaffliction ha~, nbi deierred the happ;;'chiid of, l\!Ir. and Mrs. Constant GUI~h from any normal activity. She excel~. in her, studies, joins in' the ' children's ,games and gets around the school by herself, except when it's too crowded. Then, Barbara said, she gets a little 'assistanCe from her friends ' .' When interviewed, Barbal'a was excitedly preparing for her , trip to Rosholt, Wis., ~here she will vacation for one week at the Wisconsin Lions ,Camp for

'Jerseyites Claim Law Too Strict SOMERVILLE (NC)-An attempt will be made to amend this New Jersey town's strict Sunday closing ordi~ance because of complaints by'residents since strict enforcemept of the law began. ' Somerviile's In,. forbids an worldly employment. except f~ , 'works of,' necessity an" charity. Because 'of its strict: wording," police have been' ~alting resi": dents froin mowing thfir lawnS Ol'working on their ~omes. News dealers have been prevented from Selling cigarettes and eandy. Mayor Walter F. S~ott S<lys 8ft amendment to the ordinance will be introduced at the Aug. 21. meeting of the Borough CounciL

Confirms 1,500 SA DA BANDEIRA (NC) Bishop Altino Ribeiro De Santana of Sa da Bandeiro confirmed a group of more than 1,500 during a recent tour of his vast diocese in this Pol'tuguese West African t:erritOl'3J-

. ;"",.

ular Democratic par~;whiCh ,L','" ,has no relation to the mainland Democratic party, for its stand ~ OIl ' sucll' issues as' birth control aoo released-time education. But the Popular Democrats n,onethe- less won an overwhelming triumph at the polls.' ',', Bishop McManus, writing of his interview with' the' Pope in the Catholic interdiocesan newspaper EI Debate. said the Pope was "not unaware of our problems."




Mark 40th' Yee., Of. Pax" -Romana


, lupw-Right Quidity Meats -••• AU p1'iced ',' ",' and sold at the, advertiSed price '. •• , :" 'Never higher. 0'0 GWira";'teed t~ Satis!,y.

'Favored with Smile' Bishop McManus stated: "The

Visually Handicapped Children. about events in P, R. and for that reason was not prepared to give Wants to be NUIIl directives. Barbara is one of eight boys ' , ' ' ' B u t since the enemies of the and girls sent to this camp under' 'Bishops have not omltted,to.in'the sponsorship of the Southwest Lions Club. This camp is com- 'form the Holy See, with excess of details, of all the, so~calloo pietely owned arid supportea by 'errors of the Bishop:;; whereas the Lions Clubs of Wisconsin, neither' toe Bishops' nor tneir .. , but accepts children. from Illinois. ,friends' have taken 'the trouble' "I want to be a Sister, 'aJid .. to write' to Rome in self-defenSe, teach braille to the blin'd," said it was, tl'uly consoling and hear'~arbara when asked, wh~t .p~aDs .. teninir to be in iq¢, pr.ese~ce" Of s!:'e is making for the future. the' Vicar"of,'Clir'ist a'ndnof"be . This ambit.ion .wa. s arC)U~d by 'cOndemned. nor" criticized,' bUt ~e,r' devotion W! Sister. Li~uor~a . favored, with hisgEmial smile,. biB ~f ~he., Holy CroSs' Ord~r" w~~ fatherly kindness; his, sympathy' ~rougti,t Barbara bac~. ',1C!.' the and wise words of ·advice." : ' world, by means, of braJ11e~ , " . 'Writes LoDll'halh1l , After a year in special classes ', . , ,. " ." " at' Holy Redeemer and St. Raphaers schools. Barb;:lra' last'" , . ,- ' , .. year returned to St. Clare de~ FRIBOURq (NC)'-Five hun-' Montefalco to 'resume her ,!ired students, and professional seventh grade studies with the men came from five continents companions she had left in third to this'birthplace of Pax Romana grade. :fOl" the' 40th-anniversary conSh t k h k' vention of the international e a as o~ewor ass~gn- move~ent of Catholic intelleements on a braille typewrJter, then transcribes it on a normal ~als. " typewriter. She can also write They were encouraged by iI longhand, guiding her right hand letter from Pope John praising with the left to keep the writ- Pax Romana's social and aposing line even. tolic works. Mrs. Gulch takes her daughter Among those who addressed back and forth to school, but the eight-day meeting were from there on she il! on her own Franziskus Cardinal Koenig, and does very well, her mother 'Archbishop of Vienna, English said. actor-critic Robert Speaight and \ former French premier Pierre Newman Feder~tion Pflimlin. 'Fhe meeting· oommemorated 'ConYe~tion Aug. 28, WASHINGTON (Ne) ~ More the inaugural meeting of Pax than 1,000 student delegates are Romana on July 19, 1921 when ex'pected at the 47th annual con- students from 20 countries asvention of the National Newman sembled in Fribourg's cantonal Club Federation iftBerkeley, parliament. The American deleCalif., ,beginning Monday. Aug. gation was headed by Father Aloisius Muench, now a Cardi28. Newman Clubs are centers fOr nal of the Church's cent.ral adeducational and spiritual work Dlinistration in_Vatican City. for Catholics who attend state or Attleboro Scouts other than Catholic colleges or Girls 'of the two Brownie universities. These Catholic students now outnumber those Troops and three Girl Scout at Catholic colleges by about Troops and their leaders spent last Saturday at Our Lady of 500,000 to 300,000. The 1,000 student delegates the Lake Camp Mrs. Ralph will represent Newman centers Patunoff was in charge of aron more than 800 college or uni- rangements. Fathers Dickinson versity campuses. They will be and LeDuc were guests at lunch accompanied by about 200 New- and it was then announced that man chaplains, according to the Father LeDuc would be the national headquarters ef ~ chaplain of the five troops this coming year. federation here.

',;' 1:.....



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 17, 1961


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BILBAO (NC) - . The Bishop of Bilbao has asked for the immediate establishment of a minimum wage· to

By -lRt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Your reviewer is on vacation. He has been lazing -through the past week in a small New England harbor . <town dotted with houses built before the Revolution. The most prominent local names are distinctly English, and . d'len - t 0 f an aper t'f t heir bearers are desce.nd- . an ·mgre 1 . ants of the seventeenth cenThere are those who will contury settlers. But conspicu- sider any such allusion to <!)Us along the streets which Lourdes water as simply out-


debouch upon the lovely old "reen, are faces unmistakably .. Puerto· Rican, and Spanish cascades upon the salt-tinged air. Times have changed. . The y don't <!h a n· g e much for a reviewer Ihowever. True t his 0 n e has spent consider· able time simpH 'aly resting. e ~llJits for long · periods in front .@f a seaside -bouse, staring at the tide coming in, go~ng out. He watches the start and the fin:ish of the boat races, pretending be knows what it's all about. He relishes the quiet, which is accentuated rather than violated by the sounding of the bell-buoy snd the screaming of the gulls.

rageous. It should be noted, however, that the author does· not make fun of the water itself. Rather, he is fiercely assailing the abuse of it by the pietistic and superstitious. Th~t such abuse occurs, is unoontestable.

Brother Aloysius Similarly, there will be scandalized criticism of the handling of Brother Aloysius and his "spiritual" advice to Lady Foxglove. This ghostly father is completely taken in by the lady's simulation of saintliness and . speaks to her fawningly and fatuously. Again, exaggeration. But not sheer invention. . But to return, as we must, to the horrid school, with its atmosphere of silliness and its underConsecrat~ 36 Altars tones of vice. Martin's. contem~n NewAbbew·ChYll'ch pararies there include Kenneth COLLEGEVILLE (NC) Stoat and William O'Connor. Thirty-six prelates and priests Neither has any of Martin's glamour; neither aohieves succonsecrated 36 airtars in the crypt cess. Stoat is ugly, unkempt, and of the nearly completed St. the son of a dentist. And O'ConJohn's Abbey and Universi,ty nor, worse still, is an Trishman. Church here in Minnesota. ' Truth Verified by Life Among those consecr~,ting alCOMBINES WORK WITHFIRESH AIR: Pope John School finished, Martin enters were Bishop Leo Dworschak stops next to a fountain on the grounds of the Papal Villa tars the Army as an officer-candidate of F'argo, N.D., and his nephew, in the renowned Pigs regiment. at Castelgandolfo to read over a document. The Pontiff A b bot Baldwin Dworschak, Here he again meets O'Connor. often works-outside in the gardens of his Summer resideNce. O.S.B., of St. John's Abbey. It is school all over again. His privacy is scrupulously respected by his collaborators Bishop Dworschak consecrated Whereas Mar tin progresses aItar which was a gift of the and- only an attendant stands.· by at a respectful distance. an smoothly, O'Connor is involved Dworschak family. Abbot Dworin endless troubles. The reason NC Photo. . schak consecrated the altar of is that he is a self-acknowledged Assumption chaPel, the main and graceless scoundrel, while crypt chapel, which ·will hold [P[j'®D(11J@]O~® ~@U1l~[j'@U1l{[~ Martin's profound dishonesty 'IF[j'@<dJn{[o@Ifi)@~ 450 worshipers. and cold-blooded opportunism ~@fr[}n@~n~ ~@U1lldJndl@fr®~ ~@[j' [P@[j'~O@[]'iJi)®U1l{[ Bishop Peter W. Bartholome are lacquered with his famous, of. St. Cloud deleg'ated the right LONDON (NC)-A traditional . had very much a common interor infamous, charin. est in everything in the past," he to consecrate the altars to the Preposterous as are the epi- prejudice still makes it hard for 36 men. said. sodes developing the contrasting . Catholics in Britain to be elected careers of the two, there is bitter to Parliament, a Catholic M. P. But, he said, tte situation is said in a natronal television dis- changing. "Things which I have truth, verified by life, in that point that failure and punish- cussion. personally suffered from in the ment can result more from lack Capt. Hugh Delargy, member past will be largely ·relegated to of a pleasing appearance and imof the opposition Labor party; in history before very long," heposing bearing than from ·lack the House of Commons, said that added. of merit.. that only 23 out of its 630 memFour Catholic members took But Martin, like his mother, is bers are Catholics. Since about part in the discussion,· the first not to go unscathed foreyer. He, 10 per cent of Britains are Cathof a series on "The Church in NEW BEDFOR~ . like the novel, peters out in :£rus-. olics,· he noted, Catholic: M. P.s Parliament." The others were tration and futility. . should number between 60 and Alice Cullen, Labor party memHa.s Agile Imagination 70. He explained the discrepancy, . ber and the only Catholic woman INDUSTRIAL OilS ,Mr. Waugh has an agile, wry saying: in Parliament, and the Marquis imagination. He deftly piles one HEATING OilS "It is not because the Catholics of Lathrian of the House of comic absurdity upon another, are less public-spirited or less Lords, the upper chamber. although at the end it seems that . intelligent ·or less ambitlous; it TIMKEN he is tired of the whole performis simply this traditional antiance and summarily shuts it off. Oil BURNERS Catholic prejudice, though it is He has a keen nose for hypocnot so strong as it used to be." risy and corruption, and rather SHEET METAL & Another Catholic M.P., Wing too much alacrity in celebrating Cmdr. Robert Grant-Fe.rris of J. TESER, Prop. them. lfe has, as well, a sharp the governing Conservative RESIDENTIAL appreciation of the ironies of. 501 COUNTY Si. party, said that in his party it is INDUSTRIAL human existence. He is a mercidifficult for Catholics. to be acNEW BEDFORlQ) COMMERCIAL· less dealer of retribution to the cepted as parliamentary candiunpleasant puppets - he has 2$3 Cadall' St. New BedfONl dates. created and made to dance. WY 3-17511 WY 3-3222 "I think the reason really is His book does not move so fast that the Established (Anglican) or nimbly as did his father's Church of England and the Conearly works, chiefly because he DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL servative party have been very has not the same gift of swift, Invit. young girls (14-231 to labor Ia closely woven together and have scintipant dialogue.. Christ's volt vineyard as an Apostl. at tho Occasionally one encounters Editiono: Pr01l8, Radio, Mavios and Tolehere a trenchant line or a brisk, visiOfl. With thoaG madam' moans. th.1e coruscating exchange. But, over_ WsaiOllary Sistors bring ehriGI'D Doctrine all, there is a paucity of the fast, to aU i '.gardl.as at rae., colo, or crGOd. seemingly irrelevant, but wickFor information writ. te: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR edly apt talk which marks sati10 st. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 10. MAil. rical fiction at its best.

Compa.risons lInevitable But he can't get entirely away from print. A lot of the time !he is reading as during the rest of the year. This rented house is iI1ather well stocked with books. They are not the usual nonde· script, dog-eared lot, and, mysteriously, there is not one mould-. ering back issue of the Reader's Digest on the premises; The reviewer has not entirely neglected new books. Between snoozes in the sun, he has been sampling The Foxglove Saga by Auberon Waugh, son of Evelyn Waugh (Simon and Schuster. $3.95). Despite claims that, as a writor, young Waugh owes nothfng flo his illustrious parent, comparkons are inevitable. Theme, characters, style, prompt the oboorvation, "Like father, like 9On." Angel-Faced Monster . Evelyn Waugh's first publish'ed novel, I?ecline and Fal~, had .88 its scene an English public ·l!IChool, and Auberon Waugh's opens in one. The Abbey School of St. Alexander the Lesser, Cleeve is a Catholic institution, ron by an unidentified order of priests. A favorite with teachers and fellow students is Martin· Foxglove, dazzingly handsome son of the famous chest surgeon Sir Derek Foxglove and the reputedly saintly Lady Foxglove. Lady Foxglove is reminiscent of Lady Mortmain in Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. Like the latter, she is an angel'faced monster. Her goodness is entirely illusory, her sanctity pretense. She assiduously shams virtue, keeps a careful list of supposed acts of merit" self-righteously interferes with the lives of others at whim. Extremes of Mockery She may well be judged the principal figure in the book. Mr. Waugh shows considerable craft in depicting her, and takes obvious delight in riddling her. She meets a savage comeuppance, effected both by her own Retreat foil' Men malice and the' resentment of The weekend of Sept. 22 her victims. . through 24 has been set for the Like his father, Mr..Auberon .annual - men's retreat of Our Waugh goes to extremes of Lady of Good Counsel Retreat mockery. Thus Lady Foxglove is League for the Greater Fall 'represented as a devotee· of River area·, according to William 'Lourdes water. Not only does F. Hurll, president of the i!"aU she send it to :~he sick, but she River unit. Last. year's retreat: drinks it regularly, now taking ants are urged to attend and . an iced draught; now using it as bring friends.

Fall River K of C Fall River Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a· chicken barbecue and fiell"! day open to members and families at Cathedral Camp on Sunday, Aug. 27. Albert Gagnon, general chairman, announces that sports events will begin at· 12:30 and the picnic will start at 2. Benediction at 5 will close the afternoon's program.

allow Spanish workers to live in a way "worthy of human beings." "Little has been accomplished in the solution of the very urgent problem of a living wage," said Bishop Pablo Gurpide Beope in a pastoral letter:. The letter dealt with the Young Catholic Workers organization and was published during the YCW's 14th national council at nearby Derio seminary. "To establish this minimum it is not enough to carry out sociological stUdies," Bishop Gurpide said. "It is necessary to start at once, in a decisive manner, to put it into practice so that a worker may live with the dignity of a human being in all its aspects, in exchange for a normal . working salary. The worker should not have to resort to the extra effort of overtime or of double employment." .


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THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 17, 1961

ORGANIZA.'.lI'KON "Every parish a CYO unit". "Every teenager a CYO'er" Members should wear CYO pins and possess membership cards (available from CYO office). Reception of new members at religious ceremony. Election of Officers - explenation C1I. duties by moderator and lay advisors. Induction 01. Officers (cf. ceremony). Appoint chairmen to head Spiritual, Cultural, Social and Physical activities. Program is the important factOl" of the organization. Plan program for year on monthly basis. Vary the social program - youth tires quickly of a set pattern.

SPIRITUAL Promote reception of Holy Communion at every. Mass attended. Religious instruction through Program of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Daily Rosary during October and May. CYO Communion Sunday monthly. Promote National Catholic Youth Communion Sunday on feast of Christ the King and daily reception of Holy Com. munion during National CYO week. CYO retreats and Day·s of Recollection. Monthly Holy Hour - might affiliate with Catholic Youth Adoration, 84 East 76th Street, New York 21, New York: excellent Holy Hour booklet, 10 cents per copy. Promote Youth Adoration ~ -Pentecost Sunday. Communion Breakfasts or Suppers. Family Communion Breakfast. Assign "Watch" to CYO groups during Forty Houl'tl and Holy Thursday. Youth Forums every Sunday evening of lent. Annual spiritual bouquets fur Pastor and priests of parish OIl specific anniversaries. . Dedication of CYO flamilies to Immaculate Heart of Mary. Dialogue Mass. Explanation of M-ass. (el. Fr. Savage-CCi> Department). Participation in CYO PJ'Ograms of Indulgences. Pilgrimage to nearby shrine. Maintain parish pamphlet rack. Adopt and assist a partlcuklr missionary. Visit homes for aged. Acts of Mercy-assign youth to visit shut-ins on their birthdays, make Christmas cards for sick children; provide beby sittens for paren1s :fO!' Sunday Mass, Missions, etc.; provide transportation for handicapped youth to CYO affairs, athletie events, etc. Discussion PossibiliUes Proper observance of Lent. Lives of Great Saints. Religious Vocations. Famous Catholics in AmericBft History. 5 D's-Drinking, Dancing, DMing, Driving, Dress. Use of Missal. Vestments of Mess. Legion of Decency.

SOCIAL Purpose: To· teactl youflh how to have a good time in a decent way; Dernend and maintain high standards at CYO socials. Initiate new members at • Halloween Party. Farewell party for those leaving 1101' service or college. Dances-Back to School, Sadie Hawkins, Square Dance, Scavenger Dance (Materials gathered given to St. Vincent de Paul), Valentine, Mardi Gras to open Lent, Easter Mondsy Ball, Barn Dance, Snow BalL New Year's

Y©Jlli][]i)lf@1n Area


YOUR CYO DIRECTOR SPF4KS REV. WALTER A. SULLIVAN "United under the banner of 1be National Council of Catholic Youth-U.S.A. Unity . . . Sanctity . . . Action .'. . " This quotation is taken from the' CYO installa.tion ceremony of officers in parishes and dioceses throughout the country. Every CYO officer has repeated it and every unit has felt its power. Unity, Sanctity, Actionthis is the wellspring from whioh the Catholic Youth program derives its vitality and purpose. What we understand from this quotation gives life for whatever service and/or contribution we, the Catholic Youth of America, will be able to give to man and God. Each one of these words implies an ideal and when these ideals are brought together they cannot help but generate and guarantee a dynamic and vital program for the Catholic Youth who understand. Unity implies leadership' and cooperation for and between members of the CYO. Unity of effort between the various areas and their ·directors affords a strong program that reaches to all parts of the diocese and to every unit in it. Unity among CYO'ers aiming and directing their efforts for active perticipation in ·parishsponsored youth programs guarantees activity the year round. Priest directors, lay leaders, and young CYO'ers participate in the CYO program united in the banner of wholesome activity directed towards the service of man and God. Sanctity not only implies an Ideal, but is an ideal in f-act, held Ski Trip. Snow White Weekend (Skiing, Tobogganing, Ice Skating, Snow '9all Dance). Mystery Rides. Discussion on Social Etiquette. CYO Chop Suey Dinner Waiters and Waitresses in Chinese Costumes (Can be very inexpensive and popular.) Fashion Show to promote modesty in Dress. "To be or not to be" party with members dressing in garb of future vocation. Sleigh Ride party. Beach outing or picnic. Theatre party. Parents night. Conduct Dancing Class . Thank you social. Social Problems fOl" Discusion"':'" Teenage Drinking. Records (indecent trend). Movies and Legion of Decency. Automobile (Social and mocal problem) CYO Car Code. Outing at major league baseball, basketball or hockey game. N.B. Many groups begin and close social with prayer-h&ve CYO King and Queen crown Our Lady during CYO week or at' May devotions.

CULTURAL Purpose: to develop tas.e lor better things. . CYO Parish Newspaper. Mimeo "Memo" for members. Roundtable discussion - Current problems, current books, current movies (Legion of Decency). One act Play contest. CYO Choir (Carol singing at


Eve. Sports Night. Treasure Hunt. RoIlel'-Slmting party.


lee Slmtla«

Fall River Area The CYO Director and the staff extend to Notre Dame and St. Patrick's teams, division champions in baseball, oong;ratuIations on theitr championship, and to an the teams in the leagues congratulations on their sportsmanlike conduct and effort throughout the campaign.

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himself and his Most B~ssed Mother, who are the models that aU CYO'ers mum imitate. The work of this imitation comprises the very essence of the spiritual content in the CYO program. Action ...·The attainment and the achievement of unity in ideals and unity in membership along with acceptance of the command "Come follow me", which leads to sanctity, by their very nature draw the CYO'er to action; action directed toward the ideal of achievement and accomplishment. This action by its very nature invites all the CYOers to formulate the government that determines the end product of the program, which is Catho'lic Youth growing in grace a,nd wisdom before God and man.


FATHER SULLIVAN in reverence by all who know the challenge of spiritual perfection, aimed at by priest, layman and· young CYO'er through a spiritual program initiated by the individual in his own parish and extended by the contacts he makes with young men and women at the centers and at the various functions. "If you be perfect, come follow me". The model of sanctity, of course, is always our Lord Christmas time.) Make available Catholic literature, e. g. pool Catholic magazines and period;cals. Promote Catholic Christmatl cards. Career guidance program. Minstrel Show Talent Night. Amateur Hour. Barber shop quartets. Tours and visits - Museums, Art Galleries, Historical sites. Erect Catholic press display during Catholic Press Month (February). Night at the Pops Concerts. Guest Speakers Small scale Library (Book Clubs). CYO Workshop (Repair and Repaint Toys for Christmas).

The qualifying rounds to determine the representatives of the Diocese in theoNew England Area Golf Tournament were completed with the following re_ suIts: Under 16--Jim Roarke and Jackie Ellis, both Fall River. Under 19--George Pacheco, Fall River, and Paul Bass, New Bedford. Under 26-Richard O'Connor, Fall River, and Dennis McGrath, Taunton. O'ConnOl" fired the low score of the day, but in competition for the Marty Higgins Memorial Trophy, George Pacheco in his class walked off with the honors. Gene Maz2lOne, Taunton, and Richard Brodeur, Fall River, have been chosen as alternates. Area tournament will be held at Mill River Country Club, Stratford, on Aug. 28. 'Ilhe Diocesan B'aseball championships will get underway in Taunton on Saturday, Aug. 19· at .Hopewell Park, with the Taunton standard bearer meeting New Bedford champions in a two out of three game series. The winner of this series will . then meet the city champion of Fall River for the Diocesan title on SaturdaY Aug. 26, a,t a time and place to be determined later.



RECREATIONAL the game of life honestly-the playfield is an important classroom. Basketball for boys and girls. Ski Trips (well chaperoned.) Parish Bowling League. Baseball for boys; softban ror girls. Outings. CYO Tennis. CYO Golf Tou,rnament.

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Barry Bird won the seniai' singles title and then teamed! with Kevin Ryan to capture t~ senior doubles crown of the aonual tennis turnament. Bird, Ryan, William Flo~ Dennis Carvalho, Thomas Quig,ley, WaIter Stadnisky, Jeanne Andrade and Sue Flood shared the prizes in this year's ev~ the largest in the short history ~ the tourney. . Bird bested Ryan for the tbiP4 time in four years in winning the senior singleli title. Matc.b scores were 6-1, 6-3, 4-6, 4-6, 7-i. In winning their third straight senior doubles championship' Bird and Ryan rat' into stubborn opposition from Lee Gibbons and Providence College varsity tennis ace, Jack Carvalho. ScortW were 3-6, 6-4, 2-6. 6-4, 6-4. In the junior division singlEll final, Floor outlasted Leo AD-> drews for the title. 4-6, 8-6, 6-' 8-6 and 6-3. Floor then teamed with DeD=> nis Carvalho, brother of Jacli! Carvalho, to stop John Doylo and Andrews for the doubloo championship in the junia!' division, 5-7, 6-4, 6-1 and 6-0. Jeanne Andrade topped hel' doubles partner Sue Flood 103' ".. the junior girls championshiii> and then teamed up with Sue to defeat Jean Beaulieu and CaroJ Mansfield in doubles. In the 8-11 age bracke\ 'Ilhomas Quigley established himself as pee-wee division cham-pion. Quigley teamed with Stadnisky to stop Jim Quigley and Chris Reid, 6-2, 6-3.


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Po'pe John'Names Hec;llds of Sees

:. cese of Fall River~ Thurs. Aug. 17,. 1961









WASI:UNGTON (NC)-Bishop John P. Cody of Kansas City.-St. 'joseph, Mo~, 'ha~' tieen' named ,Coadjutor Archbishop' of New Orleans with th~ right of succession to Archbishop Joseph F. ,Rummel.


The editor oj the Question and Answer co.lumn does,not C!tarantee to. answer anonymous queries nor letters jrom unidentijiable sources'. In every instance the desire lor anonymity will be respected: To ,that end, names lire never appended to the' questions, but unless the let.ter is signed there is no assurance that any consideration will, be given it,

Heart) be institut~d·.'~n return for this He made certain promThe appointment of the ises. Bishops' and the establishment The 12 Promises of the of the new diocese by Pope John Sacred Heart were announced h~re Monday I will give them all the graces by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, necessary in thell state of life; Apostolic Delegate to the United I will establish peace in their States. homes; READY FOR THE WATER: Sister Marie Merici, Bishop Cody's appointment I will comfort them in all their R.S.M., chairman; Sister Maria Miguel, R.S.M. and Sister brings him, at the age of 53, to afflictions; I will'be their secure refuge Mary Susan, R.S.M" committee members, with I3-foot the second oldest See in the United States and one rich in during life and above all, in Lapstr,lke Fiberglass Runabout to be awarded at the Sisters 'Catholic history and tradition. death; of Mercy lawn party, Star of the Sea Villa, So. Dartmouth, I will bestow abu'ndant blessBishop, Tracy has been Auxilings upon all their undertakings; next Wednesday from noon until 8 P.M. iary to Bishop Maurice SchexSinners shall find' in My Heart nayder of Lafayette since 1959. the source and the infinite ocean Before, that he served for 13 of mercy; 'years as chaplain and Newman Continued from Page One ordained a priest of the Melkite By devotion to My-Heart tepid ,Club director at Louisiana State that country. The fil'st was Rite-a branch of the Byzantine ~niversity in Baton Rouge. souls shall grow fervent; Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, later Rite-i'n Rome in 1920. , Fervent souls shall quickly Pope Pius XII, who went in 1936. mount to high perfection; . !\.I company that. employs suc!l , I will bless.every pla'ce where While the Cardinal wa,s Aposa picture of My Heart shall be tolic Delegate to the U. S. from high-handed methods of adver. 'Using and merchandising is en- set up and honored; 1933 to 1958, the Italian-born RAVE YOU EVER IMAGINED WHAT LIFE WOULD BE I will give to priests the gift 'titled to no consideration.' They prelate traveled in every state LIKE with,:,ut a priest? .•• Who would hear your Confession? of touching the most hardened 'take a caluculatea risk in sendbut Alaska.' Offer Mass? Bring you the sacramenb hearts; ing an unrequested article into when you were dying? • • . It's a disSaw Church lProgrl~ss Those who promote tnis devo'your home. Usua:lly such mer-, turbing thought, isn't it ••• It's equalHe consecrated 58 U. S. bish.,. tion shall have their names chandise is of inferior material ly disturbing tha& in countries like and poor workmanship-highly written in My Heart, n~ver to ops. He saw the Catholic popuINDIA, JORDAN, 'EGYPT, IRAQ and lation rise from about 20 to more be blotted out; overpriced. The firm sending the ETHIOPIA there are Catholics today than 34 million, the number of I will grant the grace of final 'material out is, "playing the per- in 1961 - who cannot receive the priests increase by close to 100 penitence to those who communeentage", figuring that they will sacraments beeause there is no priest. icate on the first Friday of nine per cent, the establishment of sUil make a neat profit if, only There are pagans by the thousands in , more than 30 dioceses and the these countries who have no idea who a'sinall fraction of the recipients consecutive months. founding of many new parishes, Christ was, who have never even oofuply with their request. sch:ools and other Catholic insti-. , The tactics of the book pubTht Holy Falm's MisJi()/f Aid heard the name .'. . Wha& pagan counlutions. ' . tries need is' a native clergy-Priests Dshing house amount to the fur lhi Orimta/ Churrh who speak the language of the people, s,ame thing, with an added tW,ist. 'Prior to his career in the U:S. who share their nationality, their customs, their traditions'. ; • It is the function of the company: . 'SYSE'RTSVILLE . (NC) . ...,. A lie had won recognition as' a But how develop a native clergy; say, in ,INDIA! It's UP to as to sell, not to make unreasonable Byzantin~ Rite bishop' told scholar; particularly in the field , to,get.down,on our knees anci belr G~ to "call" young Indians to' 4e~ands on your time and atten-:- th6usands of poople at a' wOrid of'canon ..law, an author,.a teachthe priesthood. And it's up to os to help educa~ them, because "'lion pressuring you into reject,ing peace pilgrimage here' in 'Permer and a counselor of 'youth. He , CatholicS in pagan couJKries '(e~en t,he' C,atholic' Bishops) lOme- ' 1iteir product, If they continue to ~ylvania"thatcominilliismeouid had also gained broad l~xperi.,. , times,do not have th~ funds •.. Here,in',Ne~ York oftlce we have bother you with repeated 'rebe "derailed if more Christians ence as an official in· a number the names of stud,ents now in ,seminariel! i~' pagan' countries ",,~~ts 'for, money, inform them, ' started' sharing instead 'of shOwof Vatican congregations. In who J!.eed financial help in, order to complete their studies. To ~~~ rou are tired of their unjust ing their material goods.'. addition' to, h'is native Italian, American ears the names 'sound strange" yet tliese are zealous harassment and if they continue "tIfcomll1unists ·saw 'in Cath~' he speaks' English, Freneh and ,young Catholics who are willing 'to' give their lives to adminisYQU will (figuratively,) "throw olics ,and Christians a true' Spanish: 'fluently. ' ter the sacraments and to 'e~ch their neighbors, about' Christ. Ute book at them," ' . Can you help, for instance, seminarians like CHERIAN ItA· Ch:rist-Iike reflection,'" 's aid' Cardinal Larraon'a, 73, is a * '"predella * DlANKUTTIYIL and JOSEPH PARAYARUTHOTTAM (stuBishop Nicholas T. Elko of the native of Spain, After studying i What is the or ' dents at ST. JOSEPH'S SEMINARY, ALWAYE,' INDIA), Pittsburgh Byzantine Rite diounder the Claretian Fathers, he ~he PREDELLA is tlie top SEDQUI AZER and MORCO'S HABIB (at ST. LEO THE GREAT cese, "they would be overcome entered that congregation and (..ide) step leaaing to the altar. SEMINARY, MAADI, EGYPT), or PASQUALE DA HADIDA, of trying to overcome was ordained in'1911. Cardinal lLt[1~s, in other words, the plat- instead (HOACCHINO DA, ZONGUI, MARINO DA ADDI-FENNE,' and us." Larraona visited the U. S. in :£om upon which the altar rests. LUCA DA MASSAUA (students at the SERAPHIC SEMINARY, Th:e Byzantine prelate spoke 1950 to preside at the National T e "predella" is also called the ERITREA)? Each one of these hopes someday to write "Father" during a Pontifical Mass he' Congress of Religious held at fobtpace, suppedaneum and, simin front, of his name. But ~ do so he needs your help . . . We Notre Dame University. p~, platform, SUPPEDA.NEUM offered at 'the annual Pilgrimage ask yOU to help, if you can, by sendinlr us $600 (which will go for World Peace held at the is :also, used to refer to. the small ' Franciscans' far in underwriting' the enUre six-year course of training) or 'Immaculate Heart Cardinal Marella, 66, is a vetiobtrest seen beneath the feet of of ,Mary Monastery here. About $100 a year. To "adopt" a seminarian you need not send the eran of the' diplomatic corps of airiston some crucifixes. ' money in one lump sum. You may space the payments to suit 50,000 people took part in the the Holy See. He entered the your convenienc;e. The seminarian will write to you, keep you '" ,* * three'-day pilgrimage. diplomatic service at the aposIn a, re,cent column, you disinformed about his progress, and you may write to 'him. You'll Bis,h,op Elko ~ongratulated the tolic delegation in the U. S. in cussed the First Friday, and be in his prayers, and one day, please God, in the Masses he 1924 and served there until he more ·than 5,000, people.at,the mentioned ,that it.. was one of will. ofter . • . Can yoU help? If so, drop as a line right now.' was named an archbishop and' M . ;iSS /9:1' ,"demonstrating to the We'll take care of the details. ' . '. the twelve promises made by at~,eists that, we don't frighten Apostolic Delegate 'to Japan in Ghrist to Margal'et Mary Alaeasily." , 1933. He was created a cairdinal , OUR PRIEST CLUB r ,epqU~. Please list all of the , But lie ,e~horted them to emuin 1959. CHANCES ARE, YOU'D LIKE TO, HELP EDUCATE A ,PRIEST-but maybe right now you don't feel you 'can do it. " ~~~);~CRED HEARt ~EVO- ,late In their lives the spirit of ," Cardinal Testa" 75, is another Well, there are hundreds' of people just likl;! ,you:..:..and we 8Ug-', poverty and charity shown by veteran Vatican diplomat and T(ON is dire'cted the. "human'gest they join THE CHRYSOSTOMS, the cl~b whictrhelps sup-' ~R e~pei-t on 'Middle Eastern, itlf of Christ united with' His St. Francis of Assisi.,' port poor boys who a~e studying for the priesthood. The dues If more men show they ,are affairs. Born in Pope Jrohn's' dti,iinity in one Person. in:' ador': ate o,nly $1 a month. In addition, we ask that you pray everyday true neighbors by helping their nativ.e· diocese ot'Bergamo, Italy, ' 1n~' the Heart' .of Christ,' one that God· will fill our sef!li!1arians with deserving young stuhungry' and 'needy brethren, he" studied' at the Pontifical a<i\?res Christ Himself, The de., dents, and bless with success t~,ose who are already there. May Bishop Elko stated, then comRoman Semmary and the ·Lat-· v~ion wal? revealed by Christ we add your name as a CHRYSOSTOM CLUB member. Fill in munism will not be able to ateran University, earning degrees ,~::St. Margaret Mary Alacoque the blank and mail to us today, tract them into its godless camp. in theology arid Sacred Scripture. m'the seventeenth century. He Dear Monsignor: "But too many Christians fail Cardinal diJorio, 77, a finimlis~ed that a feast 'of reparation Please enroll me as a CHRYSOSTOM CLUB ~~inber. " . to understand Christianity," he Cia I expert, was raised from (aww the Feast of the Sacred continued. "They have been ex-' monsignor to cardinal by Pope NAME ; ~.' hibitionists with the luxuries of John. A native of Rome, he rethis world instead' of exhibiting ceiveddegrees in philosophy, ADDRESS . ~he fact that, as St. Paul says, theology' and canon law after ...... , ,PORTLAND (NC) - Fifteen We do not have a permanent studies at' the Pontifical Roman ~regon young men will go to dwelling place in this .world.' " Seminary and was ordaine'd in CITY .••••••.•.••.••.•••••• :.~~ ZONE ,',:, STATE' .••••••••••• Ohrist the King Minor Seminary 1908. SUSPENSE CARDS ' at ,Mission City, British Colum- ' , In 1918 he was nam'ed an offi'YOU CAN ARRANGE NOW to have 'a set ,of GREGORIAN bie, because of an increase' in the Continued from Page One' , cial of the Work:o of Reli,gion, MASSES' (30 Masses, ODe each da,. without interruption) offered Dumber of students for the "As we hop~ a~d pray for such then the name of the Vati,~an's fOr' YOIl when YOU die. Write, to us for the details. We'll BeDd. priesthood in the Por.tland archa 'social. order, throughout the bank., Two years 'later he wa's JOU a "Suspense Card" fOl' safekeeping ia your safe-deposit diocese. ' world 'our. attenti(jn .is drawn appointed its secretary and, bebOll:. At your death, your exeeutor Or relatives sends, the Card Father Martin Thielen, arch:' d.uring t~i\, Euch,aristi~ Congress , came' president of its administo us and we have a missionary priest, ollet' the GREGORIAN' diQcesan director of education, to Christ our Lord. ,The Holy MASSES promptly. Write us for details. trative office in 1944. said the arrangement wa-s made Eucharist is Emmanuel, God 80 that all 105 applicants for ,adCardinal Tisserant, 77, Prefect with us. It is ... the hope of a mission to the archdiocesan of the Sacred Congregation of better world." minor seminary at Mt. 'Angel Ceremonial, has visited the 11. S. Before l~ading the congr~ss in tlris year could be accommofour times' and' received honor':' an' act of belief in the presence dated. ' ary degrees from U. S. UniverFRANCIS CARDINAL SPILLMAN, Pre.lde... ' of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist <!'ful'ist the King seminary is sities. Magr. Joeepll T. R;-' 'Nat, Sec', Cardinal Cushing declared:' "God conducted by Benedictine monk6 Send oN _ ••leatIoa to: Archbishop Coussa, 64, is a reigns' in the Eucharist so that of New Westminster Abbey in CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION native of Aleppo, Syria. He enwe may find new courage in our British Columbia, a monastery tered th:e Basilian Order of 4~.~~J(in~ton Ave. at 46th St. New York 17;N. y, determination to live according founded by monks from Mt. Aleppo at the age of 14. He was to His WiH." .Angel Abbey..

On numerous occasions n lhave received articles through lUte mail with the request to send a certain amount of money or return the article. Also, some book companies Illave sent ads for a book and . t~e ad says that they will send ,the book if they receive no , word to the contrary within a " e~rtain periOd of time, usually ~n days. What is my obligation, in such cases? 'in the instances you mention, 'lV-o,u are under no obligation. If, ~through an non est error, goods :are delivered to your address, 'charity and even justice may ,eblige you to see to it that the ,item is delivered to the rightful owner, but this i!, not the same 'set of circumstances you men-


At the same time it was announced that a 'Diocese of Baton Rouge, 'La., has been established out o! territory formeriy' belo~g­ ing to the New Orleans archdiocese. Auxiliary Bishop Robert E. Tracey of Lafayette, La., has been named first Bishop of the new diocese.


CocQ:»grrnani New State Head




Urge,s Christians' To 'Share Wealth:





Seminarians to Stud, 1ft. British Columbia '


C,a'r~i.n~1 Cu·shing'.





• ",1



Heroic Exploits Trigger" Great Baseball Interest

, THE, ANCHORThurs., Aug. 17, 1961



... D

Diocese of Miami Plans to Mark Labor Day

, 'By,Jaek Kineavy Major league ~~~11, 1961 style, has captivated the nation's,fandom ,to a greater degree than has been evidenced in some time. Even, those with only a casual interest in the game are following the Maris-Mantle assault on Babe Ruth's historic 60 home run record. progress. The initial round .. Stylish' Warren Spahn, whO scheduI~ to conclude today became the 18th' pitcher' ·i. with the championship serie. major league history to post set to begin on the weekend.

. MIAMI( NC) - National labor and management lead, 'era will participate in the "'first an~ual Labor Day ob'lJe1'Vance which will be Spo&sored by the Miami dioceet ThurSday, Aug. 31. Leo Purlis, director 'of h 'AFL-CIO Community Service Activities, Washington, D.C. ancl Gordon Chapman, assistant • the Secretary of State for Intenational Labor, will be among those who will be heard during seminars presided over by MsgJ\, George Higgins, chairman of the Sociel Action Department, National Catholic Welfare Confep.. ence. . Robert Dixon, chairman of thtI board of Johnson and JohnSOill International, world-wide phap.. maceutical manufacturers, NeW' Brunswick; N.J. and Richard B.. Roberts, Jr., vice president of the Florida Power and Light Cel\, will speak for management. F<»>mer U.S. Senator from Floricm Claude Pepper will be the mod-. erator. Bishop John J. Wright d Pittsburgh will deliver the sermon during an evening MQ£II which will be offered by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami ia the 'Gesu Church. Joseph Beirne, president of tho ' Communications Workers 04 America, wiU be the princiP&1 speaker at a banquet.

Defending champion New 300 wins, also had! contributed significantly to the resurgence in Bedford again appears to be the team to beat. ThE' Oilers, annithe national hilated Somerset 10-1 in the pastime. opener, while Holy Rosary Spahn will be edged St. Mary, 2-1. Just around presented with the corper is the annual CYO a special award Diocesan 'series. by His. EmiSign Bonus Contracts nence Richard The rash of bonus contracts Cardina'l Cushcontinues to have a New England ing Monday flavor. During the week N. Y. n i g h t before Mets' scput Johnny Murphy the annual signed a trio of Greater Boston Jimmy Fund players. Among them were Bill game between Robinson, former B. C. moundthe Braves and stay, B. U.'s Dawes Hamilt and the Red Sox at Fenway Park, Boston. One of the most populer Belmont's Doug Linehan. ,The' latter caught the Sox' Wilbur players in the mejors, the 40Wood at Belmont High. year-old lefthander now bas his The surprise signing of Mike sights set on winning 20 games for the sixth consecutive season. Hegan and Len Merullo, both of ' IN ST. PETER'S FOOTSTEPS: Two Benedictine Brothers His record now stands at 12-12. whom figured in HolyCross' Spahn's achievements take on grid plans this Fall, would seem from St. Leo's Abbey, Florida, follow in the steps of St. an even greater' importance to indicate that major league Peter in more' than one way. Brother Michael left and when iJt Is considered that he moguls plan to modify or per- Brother Richard grip their seven and five ;ound' bass spent three years in the Army haps even curtail the practice 01 during World War II. His only signing prospects to healthy caught in Lake Jovita which borders the Florida Benedictines' citrus groves. NC Photo. losing year was the Ill-fated bonus contracts. The youths' fathers are both season of 1952, the last for tihe close to the scene, Jim Hegan as Braves in Boston. Despite an unfavorable climate and a second a Yankees' coach and Len Merdivision, disillusioned ball club,- ullo as scout in the Cubs' system. Just another week or so and Spahn managed to rack up 14 . RENSSELAER (N~) - Reli(S.2180 and H 7936) is equally Two Catholnc Groups college football players throughvictories against 19 defeats.. glous groups should give "strong as important, he added: "Uriless' , out the country will be report, Has Sights ob Record cooperative support" to pending this runaway arms race is ar- Win Safety Awards Eleven of his 16 major league ing to their respective campuses legislation providing for a U. S: rested within the next several' COLUMBUS (NC)-Catholh seasons have seen Warren post for intensive pre-school grid disarmament. agency, a priest years, there may be no nations youth groups in the Columbut drills. 20 wins or better. He has a lifetold a Catholic youth study to aid nor immigrants to wel- diocese have won two national A trio of Greater Fall 'River time .607 winning percentage week here in Indiana. come." safety awards and shared in two and only Eddie Plank with 325 young men .figure prominently "It is absolutely imperative . Father. Conway said doubts 'others, it was announced here. in Colby's pigskin fortunes. Mule wins outranks him among the The Diocesan Council.of Cathco-captain for '61 is center and that this agency be approved in may exist about the feasability portslde flingers. linebacker Jim Bridgeman of this session of Congress," said of disarmament because of pres- olic Youth, for the seconcl It is this goa'l tbalt Sptrhn now Somerset. Joining him in the Father Edward A. Conway, S.J., ent world tensions. but he stated straight year, received the na-:. has in his sights and given antional award of excellence 10r starting line are tackle Dick director of the Peace Research . that plans must 'be ready for other two or three productive Center at Creighton University, presentation in saner times. the best youth-sponsored and Bonalewiczand guard Charley seasons, it Is fair to say that barconducted vehicle safety check Omaha, N e~. . ' 'Brink of Hell', ring' unforeseen incident the Carey. The Jesuit prIest told some 300 .. program. . Both are juniors' 8S is Bob delegates toast of Milwaukee has a bette!' . attending the Young After contestants over Berlin' The Sacred Heart parish Coun- . Hargreaves, who had such a trethan good shot at becoming the Christian Workers 'study week have teetered on th(! 'brink of winningest lefthander in maj~ mendousyear for Holy CroSs as at St. Joseph's.. College: "Both:, thermonuc~ear hell fo~, a couple, cil of, Catholic Youth received the' national circle of safety": a sophomore last Season." , league histOry. . Gfficially and privately, the, re,." of months, ~e stated, they ~ay " ac~ievement award. Both awar.' . M-Mell ligious groups of this country come to their senses and deCIde are sponsored by the Auto m.:.' , Holy ,Father Assists Of paramount interest ...at . the should press the. Congress to that one such, balancing act jll ,du/ltries of America. ' '. ',. enouah present is the hurtling pace, at complete action before it ad.. . 'KoreaFlo,od Victims' which the Yankees' Roger l\:Iaris "Even if such 'an 'accession of', ~---------";'-"'-lo SEOUL, (NC)-PopeJohn'has journs. The reas:ons for cooperand Mickey Mantle are convergative action are megatons more sanity is only a possibility,""he · sent $5,000 to the Apostolic Deling on the long standing home important than' they were 18" added, "our govert;tlnEmt must be ' , run record of 60 set by the egate' to ,Korea, Msgr. Xavier years ago.", . . ready with new arms control " Zupi, to help the victims of the legendary Babe Ruth back in Unite in' Support proposals based on the quality' 1927. Most expert!; seem ,to feel worst floods to hit this country Father ConWay recalled that and extent of research which rrescriptions called for in the last three years., , '. that one or both will surpass the agencies of the three major re;": only the greatly expanded pro' .: and delivered ' The Apostolic Delegate has' mark. All agree that the situaligi'ous faiths had issued a joint posed agency can provide." ' , HEADQUARTERS FOR given half the money to Bishop' tion has stimulated a tremendous 'declar~tion in 1943 calling for The YCW has members in 45 ' 'DIETETIC SUPPLIES response at the gate whenever John Sye, Vicar Apostolic of progressive reciprocal disarma- dioceses imd over 230 parishes in 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 Taegu, and half to Bishop Peter the Yankr appear. ' , ment. And he noted that more the U.S. Members' from 35 of New Bedford Hank Greenberg, now an ex- · Han, Vicar Apostolic of Chonju recently Catholics, Protestants these dioceses attended the study ecutive in the White Sox organ- in whose vicariates most of th~ and Jews had united in support week. Internationally, the YCW damage took place. Hyokiri vil"; ization, was one of three--that I lage which was almost wiped out of foreign aid and immigration represents over 2.5 million memcan recall-who with 58 round ' bers in 87 countries. A Delicious when a dam gave way before measures. trippers came closest to equalDeclarlng that cooperative the weight of water and aeling Ruth's feat. Greenberg had stroyed 107 houses is -in the support of the peace agency bills Treat 58 with five gamell to go but the Chonju Vicariate. well had run dry. In view of this St.P'hilip Heri · Catholic R~lief Servi~~Na­ SCRAP METALS experience, Hank sagely' ob" tional Catholic .We~are Confer- Alumni-,Are' ,Priests, " .WASTE PAPER - RAGS served: that the last few' games, ence-:-hadearlier sent' 250 000 are likely, to, tell the' story' for BOSTON"(NC) ........ A total: Of ' TRUCKS AND, TRAILERS FOR pounds of Clothin~, and' , 26~:OOO 276 alumni of the School of' St. " the Yankee M-Men. :" PAPER DRIVES pounds of flQur to the disaster Philip Neri for delayed vocations' . CHURCHES. ,SCOUTS and Both Mantle and Maris are stricken lilre~s. , " ", , CIVIC, ORGANIZATIONS have been' ordained to the priest-'· , well ahead of Rutb's" tlinetable ' hood in the past 10' years. '. ", 1080 Shawmut' Avenue and half 01 August ye~ remains. Statistics Teleased by' the' ' New Bedford' . , WY 2';'7828 However, the closer 'they come to the magic mark; the greater; Meet i" Detro'it", schOol; wh'ich' is 'beginning' its the pressure will get. DETROIT (NC) ~ Ca,thoiic 16th year, shOW that 183 of its On the credit side, the. Yanks cemetery directors from all over graduates have been ordained BapplneBS Is a mental attltucla anti will be home in the Stadium for' the country are expected at the for 'l0 dioceses, and 93 for reli:" one may be "" /lapp, ia a coUa8e • the greater part of September. three-day 14th annual conven- gious orders. In a manslen. A total of 389 of the school's Freshening breezes and length- tion of the National Catholic ening shadows may pose ob- Cemetery Conference to be held alumni are continuing their studies for, t,he diocesan prieststacles, to say nothing of the beginning Tuesday" 17. . REYNOLDS-DEWALT pitchers who will strive mightily 'l'he meeting will include dis- hood, and 166. for. ordination in , to avoid the dubious distinction cussions of such objects as ceme- religious orders. Certificates for William & Second Sts. satisfactory completion of the of serving up the record-break- tery regulations, Catholic burial Made Chip, New Bedford WY 6-8234 ing gopher ball. ,customs, new cemetery, ~\!-ip­ school's course h a v e been Alik for ThElin Today awarded to 1,252 students. Suburban Playoffs 'J!lent, development standards , On the ioca~ level, the CYO "and legal' que~tions ,involviilg abandoned ',cemeteries' and 'reSuburban LeagUe playOffs are'in • c· . claiming utiused graves. ' ,,' lloll'$U' !F{j'n~@lfJ:~ll!llh' . The convention will close with The First Friday Club. of, a' ba'nquet, ~t wqich Arcpbi~hop ©Ol (;O'G~~~~~Tr' Greater New.Bedford will hold John' F. Dearden of: De'iroif will "',,' its first Fall meeting at 7 Fri- speak. @i day night, Sept. 1 at M-K Res~fE'L C@f/' ~@If' ~;~~@~' taurant. ,Any Catholic man in the LIBREVILLE (NC)-Presiarea is eligible for membership, M~ATINGOllS with requirements including re- dent Leon M'Ba of Gabon has ception of Holy Communion presented an automobile to AuxCO~OPERATIVE,,' each First Friday and attend- iliary Bishop Francois Ndong Of South • , Sea Sis. ance at the monthly dinner Libreville and expressed this Hyannis 18t MY 81, meeting. Rev. John V. Magnani central African nation's pleasure H5 WilLIAM ST. is chaplain. at his appointment.

Asks Strong Support of Religious Groups for Disarmament Agency

LARIVI ERE'S Pharmacy.



CemeteryD~~ector~ To










-.: .





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. AU9."17, 1961 -



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