
Page 1



Bishop Rebuts Critics

Of Seminary System .

VILLANOVA (NC)-A bishop concluded here it "is Ii deplorable lack of reality tbat leads a critic to say that a graduate of a seminary will have only the barest acquaintances with literature, psychology, sociology, economics, history and political science." Bishop Joseph McShea of Allentown, Pa., asserted: "Until contemporary electronics produce A machine to :ppur forth know­ ledge both infused and in­ tuitive, I defy any man pre­ paring for the priesthood or

any specialized calling to acquire the collateral proficiencies de­ manded by the strident voice of PRICE lOc such criticism." © 1964 The Anchor $-4.00 per Year Bishop McShea preached the sermon at the Solemn Pontifical Mass which marked the dedica. tion of the new St. Mary's Hall, collegiate seminary of the Au­ gustinian Fathers here in Penn­ sylvania. Francis Cardinal Spellman _of New York presided and Arch­ Egidio Vagnozzi, Apos­ "Pastoral solicitude for all'his flock; devotion to duty; bishop tolic Delegate in the United eapable administration, generosity to so many in such di­ States, offered the Mass. verse ways" were the characteristics singled out by Rt. Rev. Bishop McShea said the true John J. Hayes, pastor of Holy Name Church, New Bedford, joy of the occasion should spring . from "the consternation, im­ in his eulogy Tuesday morn­ provement and intensification of ing over Rt. Rev. Leonard J. your training programs for Daley, pastor of St. Francis future priests" rather than from' Xavier Church, Hyannis, $5 million expended in stone, steel and marble joined with Who died Thursday evening in glass and wood in the new build­ &to Anne's Hospital, Fall River ing complex. ~ter serving ten years in the Elape Parish. Since the first Augustiniaa novice was accepted at Villa­ Monsignor Hayes stated: "It Turn to Page Seventeen death diminishes us, and if this be true, how grievously dimin­ ished we are in the death' of a priest. It is then only natural for the Catholic heart to be sad­ dened, since it is the very nature of the priesthood to be such an H. Frank Reilly; Diocesan intimate part of our existence." president of the Society of St. The eulogist continued, "At Vincent de Paul, anounces the Che thought of so much good organization's 25th annual Dioc­ extinguished, we are tempted esan retreat, to be held the to say 'Too bad-he died'. Yet; weekend of Sept. 18 at Cathedral if with the eyes of faith, we saw Camp, East Freetown. the priesthood of' Monsignor Rev. William D. 'Thomson, Daley, as he himself saw it, as pastor of St. Mary's Church, only an instrument in the hands Norton, and Diocesan Vincen­ of God, a rusty pipe if you will, tian Director, will conduct the through whom God would chan­ retreat. A graduate of Boston nel the clear waters of divine College, he holds degrees of grace into countless souls; if we Bachelor of Sacred Theology eould see how many souls have from St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­ today a stronger faith, because more and Master of Arts from of that portion of a good man's Catholic University. life, the little, unremembered . He has served a.s spiritual di­ acts of kindness and of love; if rector of St. Mary's Home, New We could see the souls buffeted Bedford, chaplain of the Bristol by misfortune and lifted up by County House of Correction, and his consoling hands; souls Director of Diocesan Charities, cleansed by his sympa,thctic in addition to his long associa. heart; then our hea-rt would now tion with the Society of St. IlaY, 'Thank God, he lived'." Vincent de Paul. In the course of the retreat Turn to Page Eighteen BT. REV. LEONARD 1. DALEY Ozanam Sunday, Sept. 20 will be observed, said Mr. Reilly.

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 20, 1964

Vol. 8, No. 34

Life of Msgr. Daley Era of Dedication

Vincentians Set Retreat Date

Sisters' of St. Joseph Announce Transfers Affectin.g Diocese

St. Theresa's Convent, Fan River, Provincial House of the Sisters of St. Joseph, announces the following .r.:hanges affecting m.embers of the community in the Fall River Diocese: Sister Jean Marie from St. lean Baptiste, Fall River, to Blessed Sacrament, Fall River. Sister Marie du St. Sacrament from St. Louis, Swansea, 10 St. lean Baptiste, -Fall River. Sister Ernest Marie from St. 'l'herese, New Bedford, to St. lean Baptiste, Fall River. Sister Marie Euphrasie from St. Roch, Fall River, to St. Jo­ seph, New Bedford. Sister Ste. Monique from St. Louis, Swansea, to St. Joseph New Bedford. Sister Marie Ernest from St. .Tean Baptiste, Fall River, to 5t. loseph, New Bedford. Sister Laurence from St. Jo. fleph, New Bedford, t~ St. Roch, , Fall River! ..




Sister Ste. Anne from St. Therese, New Bedford, ~ St. Roch, Fall River. Sister Marie Joseph from St. Joseph, New .Bedford, to St. Mathieu, Fall River. From Louisiana Sister Ste. Genevieve, from St. Joseph, Vinton, La. to St. Mathieu, Fall River. Sister Marie Alphonse from St. Mathieu, Fall River, to St. LOUis, Swansea. Sister Ste. Marguerite from Blessed Sacrament, Fall River., to St. Louis, Swansea. Sister Annette Marie from St. Joseph, New Bedford, to St.

Louis, Swansea. Sister Louis de Gonzague from St. Michael, Ocean Grove to St.

Theres~, New Bedford. Sister Francoise Therese from St. Louis, Swansea, to at.

Therese, New Bedford, Twon to Page Eighteea

PREPARE FOR CONVENTION: Among those who will represent the Fall River Diocese at forthcoming Con­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine convention are, from left, Miss Leonor M. Luiz, James M. Kelleher, Miss Patricia Makin.

Fall River Native Keynote Speaker at CCD Session Edward B. Hanify, native of Sacred Heart parish, Fa' River, and now a prominent Boston attorney, will be ke}C­ note speaker at the firs-t evening general session of the 18tlt . annual New England Regional Congress of the Confrate.. nity of Christian Doctrine, gl'8Ph 00mpa·ny. His topc i t""­ d A ug. CCD meeting will be thea conto be h eld Th ursay, 27 through Sunday, Aug. 30 gress theme: "That I May B~ at Cathedral High School, Christ."


Springfield. Mr. Hanify, a graduate of Sacred Heart parochial school, Holy Cross College and Harvard Law School, is a direet<;>r of many Boston corporations and of the American Telephone and Tele-

Also representing Nte ~ River Diocese will be Miss I.e­ onor Luiz, a member of the Dio­ cesan CCD Executive Board. She will be in charge of the Helper" Workshop. Helpers is a CCD d'- I 1 Turn to Page- Four 1

; Pope Paul Expects Council ",.,,:~ T0 DeISCUSS "Th e Ch urc h" .<::(';:J





"The Church" and "His Church", how do they affect each other? One is the product of the Holy Father's prayel"­ fui meditations and intense desires; the other is to be the product of the world's bishops' debates. In his encyclical letter, "His Church", the a marginal exhortation. Pope repeatedly disclaims_ piece, dedicated to· the themes anti any intention of intruding hopes of Vatican II. It is not a upon the great pastoral and judgment upon its achievement!llo

and ecumenical themes of Vati­ can II. He will not draw up, out­ line, or otherwise expedite the council's unfinished business. That is the work of the Council Fathers: the Bishops and the Pope. The Holy Father sees in his OWA encyclical a companion-

a criticism of its program, a con­ demnation of anyone proposaL The Holy Father has simply of­

fered, on the eve of the thirtl session, abundant material for meditation and self examination

as the Church mces the chal­ lenge of the present world situTurn w Page Nineteen


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fait River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964

Reds Talk Peace, Seek Doininati~n, Survey Revea ts:

Studies Curia Reforms In Private Capacity

WASIDNGTON (NC) ­ The free world can expect even greater threats from communism, and must strive

VATICAN CITY (NC)-An official of the Papal Sec­ retariat of St'ate has confirmed reports that Pope Paul has asked Francesco Cardinal Roberti to study possible reforms of the Roman curia. But he said that the cardinal-head of the Church appelate court such a reform of the curia called the apostolic signature that would come from the curia it­ -was asked to do so " in a self. private and personal capa­ According to another Vatican city." The official, who declined to be identified, said that Cardinal Roberti heads no commission for curia reform. He said there is no such commission, and that none is envisioned in the near future. Pope Paul in an address to the curia last September said he wanted reforms in the Holy See's administrative bodies, and

official, the secretary of state, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, has asked ,all employees of the curia to make suggestions for re­ forms. While the papal secretary of state has made no public men­ tion of any suggestion he has received, one Vatican monsignor has revealed that he proposed that tq,e Vatican improve its "press" by smoothing the flow of information to news media.


I:l'rSIGNE OF NEW OFFICE: Bishop Russell J. Mc­ Vinney of Providence, right, is invested with the .badge of his new office as national chaplain of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies' Auxiliary, succeeding Cardinal Spell­ man in that position. William J. McErnerney, left, of Provi­ dence, the new A.O.H. president, officiates in the presence of Msgr. John J. Tully, center, pastor of St. Paul's Church, Cranston, who was invested as deputy national chaplain. NC Photo '

Most Important Job

Morally Unobiectionable for Everyone

Battle Hymn Brass Bottle Bridge on River Kwai Circus World Day Mars Invaided Dream Maker Drum Beat Fall of Roman Empire Fate Is the Hunter Gladiators Gold Rush Great Escape Incredible Mr. l:mpet

Ifs Mad Mad Mad World Lillies of Field longest Day Modern Times Moonspinners, The Mouse on Moon Murder Most Foul Never Put it in Writing One Man's Way Papa's Delicate Condition ?atsy, The . ?epa :leady for the People

Ride the Wild Surf Romeo & Juliet Sampson & Slave Queen Sergeants 3 Summer Holiday Unearthly Stranger When the Clock Strikes· Who's Minding Store Wild & Wonderful Windjammer Yank in Viet Nam, A You Have to flun Fast Young Sl'Iingers, The

Un~hiec'lior:~b~e f~r A~.h.dfs, ,k~~Je5t~lits Act I Advance to Rear Behold A Pale Horse Black Zoo Blue Hawaii Captain Newman. MD Challl Garden CI1i1dren of Damned Charade Citizen Kane Come Fly With Me Distant Trumpet Donovan's Reef Fail Safe Evil Eye Fort Dobbs

Hamlet ;;orior of It Ail I'd Rather Be Rich ;(iilg of Sun lawrence of Arabia Man From Galveston Mary, Mary Miracle Worker Muscle Beach Party Point of Order Ring of Treason Roustabout Sanjuro Sing and Swing 7 Days in May Secret Door

Secret invasion Shoe!! Treatment :333 Squadron South Pacific Surf Party Taggart Twenty Plus Two Twice Told Tales Unsinkable Molly Brown. Voice of Hurricane Walk Tightrope. Walls of Hell Weekend With Lulu Wheeler Dealers World of Henry Orient Young Doctors, The

Morallv Unobiectionable for Adults All Night's Work America, America Becket Bedtime Story Bikini Beach Buddha Bye Bye Birdie Cardinal tartouche Darby's Rangers Fargo Flight from Ashiya Fun in Acapulco

Hud Hypnotic Eye Loneliness of Long Distance Runner Los Tarantos Mafioso Mail Order Bride Man's Favorite Sport No, My Darling Daughter Operation Petticoat Paris When It Sizzles Pillow Talk Pink Panther Prize

Seduced and Abandoned Term of Trial Thin Red Line Third Secret Thunder of Drums To Bed or Not to Bed Town Without Pity Two Are Guilty West Side Story Hard Day's Night Where Love Has Gone Woman of StraV' Zulu Young lovers

For Adults (With Reservations) This classification is given to certain films, which, while not morally flffenslve 1ft themselves, require caution and sam e analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong inter pretations and false conclusions. Best Man Black like Me Divorce: Italian Style Cool World Dr. Strangelove 81f2 Girl With the Green Eyss Ulith

Martin luther Organizer Nothing But the Best Pressure Point Servant Sky Above & Mud· Below Strangers in the City Suddenly last Summer

This Sporting life Tom Jones Under Yum Yum Tree Victim Visit, The Walk on Wild Side Young & Willing

Morally Objectionable in Part for Everyone Americanization of Emily Black Sabbatto Cleopatra Comedy of Terrors Conjugal Bed Curse of living Corpse Female Jungle 4 for Texas Frightened City From Russia With love GI Blues Honeymoon Hotel Horror of Party Beach House Is Not A Home Jessica

Kissin' Cousins Kitten With A Whip lmy in Cage Long Ship~ Man in Middle Masque of the Red Death Night Must Fall Psyche 59 Racing Fever Sex and the Single Girl Shock Corridor Small World of Sammy lee Soldier in the Rain Some Came Running Splendor in Grass

Impty Canvas

~ondemned Silence

Strangler Sunday in New York The Devil and the 10 Commandments Three Fables of LaVA Tiara Tahiti !Br.) Under Age Vice and Virtue Viva las Vegas What A Way To Go Where Boys Are Yesterday, Today and "omorrow

Mask True Purpose.

Cat'holic Relief Services Official Directs 1ianganyika School. Lunch Program NEW YORK (NC)-Two years ogo thousands of school children in ':I'anganyika went all day 'Vitheut lunch. Today 100,000 of

FRIDAY-St. Jane Frances de Chan1.al, Widow. II! Class. WhitE. Mass Proper;. Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY -'The Immaculate }~eart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. II Class. White. Mass PropEr; Gloria; Second Col­ lect SS. Timothy, Hippolytus, Bishop, and Symphorianus, Mart~'rs; Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDA Y-XIV Sunday Aft e r Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Prefa'~e of Trinity. MONDAY - St. Bartholomew, Apostle. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Apostles. TUESDAY-St. Louis, King and Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Cre~d; Common Preface. WEDN:E:SDAY-Mass of previ. ous Sunday, IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Second Collect St. Zeph~rrinus, Pope and Martyr; Common Preface. THURSDAY -St. Joseph Cala­ sansc1ius, Confessor. III Class. WhitE'. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface.



Anthony of the Desert, Fall River. St. Joseph, Woods Hole. Aug. i:o--St. John the Baptist, Central Village. Our Lady of Grace, North Westport. Sept. 3-0ur Lady of the Assumption, New Bed­ :2ord. Ov.r Lady of Mount Car­ mel, Seekonk. Sept. 13-St. Anne, F a 11 River. . St. Dominic, Swansea. THE II.NCHOR


to spread freedom and justice everywhere. This sober advice comes frO-Dl an influential group-a standinl committee of the American Bar Associa.tion. Peace on the basis of "the communist doctrine of 'peaceful coexistence' is clearly an im­ possibility," it is asserted in a study sponsored by this commit­ tee. The study is described as "informational" and not intend­ ed as a policy statement of the ABA. But the committee urges "leaders of the organized bar, teacllers and civie leaders to ac­ quaint themselves with the facts" it contains. "There is a very real danger to the free world should it fall to judge accurately the iritentiona of the communists," it is stated. The study makes such 'Other statements as the following: "Above all, it is clear that the communists have not given up their long-range goal of world domination."

Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. DLblished every Thursday at 410 HIghlano Avenue Fall River Mass. by the Catholic !'ress 0# the Olocese of Fall River. Subscrilltl DO price by min. postpaid $4.00

lNIr ,ea.;

them are getting nourishing mid­ day meals-thanks to the enter­ prise of a youthful official of Catholic Relief Services-Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Cenfer­ ence. Julius Modlinsld, a 30-year­ old program director for CRS­ NCYfC, tile U. S. Catholic over­ seas relief agency, calls 'llie Tanganyika scheol lunch pro­ gram "the most important job I accomplished" during his time there. Previous periods of service in Senegal, Mauritania and Algeria had. made the Okauchee, Wis., native aware of the widespread, debilitating malnutrition among Mrican children. oro carry out t,he Tanganyika project, Modlinski requested 8,000 tons of foodstuffs-mainly U. S. surplus bulgar wheat, maize meal, powdered milk, vegetable oil and beans-to be shipped to Tanganyika every year. "The results of the program have been gratifying," he said in an interview. "Now the chil­ dren play football during their noon break. Previously they would just lie under a tree and sleep from sheer exhaustion. They also seem to be happier and more attentive in class."

Necrology AUG. 27 Rt. Rev. Francisco C. Betten­ court, 1960, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River.

Michael C. Austin Inc.



NEW Bl,;o::mm, MASS.

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN FUlleral Dome 550 Locust street Fall River, Mass.

"I,t is clear that when com­ munists employ the language of 'peace' they do so to mask their true strategic purpose: the iso­ lation, encirclement, weakening and final destruction of the free world and its way of life." "The great paradox of cur times may well turn out to be cur inability to recognize 'ch&t that the cold war has in reality become more intense despHe the increasing appearances of peace." "Ii the clash between the two syste·ms is, as the communists never tire of stating, irreconcil­ able, then our victory will not be achieved until freedom =d justice prevail everywhere in the world."


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Williams l Funend Home EST. 1870

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1 Washington Square NEW BEDFORD Reg. Funeral Director and Embalmer ,

Rose E. Sullivan

Jeffrey E. SulUvan



THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Sisters of Mercy Pronounce Vows

Hits Proposal To Tax Revenue From Ads

Nineteen Sisters of Mercy pro­ nounced perpetual vows and 57 novices pronounced temporary vows at ceremonies conducted Sunday. Following an eight d'ay re­ treat, two Sisters of Mercy from the Diocese of Fall River, took perpetual vows in the chapel of the Novitiate, Mt. St. Rita Convent, Cumberland: Sister Mary Bruce, RS.M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McCann, 602 Durfee Street, Fall River, of Sacred Heart Parish. Sister Mary Perpetua, RS.M., daughter of Judge and Mrs. Walter L. Considine, 12 Parker Street, New Bedford, of St. Law­ rence's Parish. Sister Mary Per­ petua is the niece of the Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine, Rev. John J. Considine, M.M. and Rev. Arthur G. ,Considine. The sermon was preached by Rev. Daniel P. Reilly.

NEW YORK (NC) - The president of the Catholic Press Association has ex­ pressed "grave concern" at a reported plan by the Internal

Temporary Vows Due to the large number taking temporary vows, the chapels at the Novitiate, Cum­ berland, and at St. Mary's, Bay­ view, were used. Five residents of the Diocese of Fall River were among the 57 taking vows: Sister Mary Aquina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lomax, 72 Snell Street, Fall River, of SS. Peter and Paul Parish. Sister Judith Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Bond, East King Road, of St. William Parish, Fall River. Sister Ann Maureen, daughter of Mrs. Germaine McCoy, 240 Whipple Street, Fall River, of St. Anne Parish. Sister Mary Ellen Theresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Moore Sr., 399 War­ ren Street, Fall River, of SS. Peter arid Paul Parish. She is the sister of Sister Mary Stephen Joseph, RS.M. Sister Marian Timothy, daug,h­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Precourt, 43a Emory Street, At­ tleboro, of St. John the Evan­ gelist Parish, Attleboro.

Priest to Sing Mother's Mass Rev. Lucien A. Madore, chap­ lain at St. Joseph's Home, Fall River, will be celebrant of a Solemn High Mass of Requiem on Friday morning at 10 o'clock in St. Jacques' Church, Taunton, fur the repose of the soul of his mother, Mrs. Anna Dumais Ma­ dore, who died Tuesday. Mrs. Madore, the wife of the late Joseph Madore, is survived by three children in addition to Father Madore: Joseph A. of Long Island; Leo W. of Queen's Village; and Mrs. Mary Yvonne McKenna of Stamford. Interment will take place in St. Charles Cemetery, New York.

Dr. King to Receive Interracial Award CHICAGO (NC)-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, will be presented with the 1964 John F. Kennedy Award of the Chicago Catholic Inter­ racial Council at a benefit din­ ner Thursday, Oct. 29 here. Edward M. Karlovec, council president, said Dr. King was chosen "as a tribute to his distin­ guished leadership on behalf of the dignity of all men." It marked the second straight time the Catholic council award was given to a Protestant clergy­ man. Last year the award went flo Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, moderator of the United Presby­ terian Church in the V.S.A.







FAMILY REUNION: Family members gather to wish Godspeed to Rev. Conrad Lamb, O.S.B., who will leave Sunday for Guatemala. From left, Sister Rose Angela, S.U.S.C., Mrs. Stefan Zalewski, James Lamb, Mrs. Cathryn Lamb, Father Conrad.

Revenue Service to tax the ad­ vertising revenue of the publi. cations of nonprofit organiza­ tions. Msgr. Robert G. Peters, pres­ ident of the CPA, said in a letter to Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon that such taxation could prove "crippling" to many small and medium Catholic, Protes­ tant and Jewish publications: Msgr. Peters, editor of the Peo­ ria, Ill., Register, said many nonprofit organizations depend on advertising revenues--':"pres­ ently tax exempt-to support their publications as well as "a wide variety of charitable and welfare programs - including hospitals, orphanages, schools, missionary programs, etc." The CPA head referred to re­ ports that the Internal Revenue Service proposal to tax adver. tising revenues is aimed pri­ marily at "giant" nonprofit asso­ ciations. If this is so, he said, it would be grossly unfair" to seek to apply the same regulations to small religious publishers. A Catholic Press Association spokesman said here theft the association hopes to obtain addi­ tional information on the situa­ tion.

Benedictine from St. Paul's Parish, Taunton, To Aid Seminary in Guatemala ,



Preparing to leave Sunday for five years and possibly longer in the Diocese of Solola, ~ Guatemala is Rev. Conrad Lamb, O.S.B., native of St. Paul's parish, Taunton, and a monk ~ of Marmion Abbey, Aurora, Ill. Father Conrad is visiting his family this week, including his twin brother, James Lamb, of Taunton; a sister, Sister Rose Angela, S.U.S.C., of ~ Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall tery are the principal occupa­ training before embarking on River; another sister, Mrs. tions, noted Father Conrad, and their Latin American assign­ Stefan Zalewski of Milton; the people are for the most part ments. Miss Jeanne Olsen ,)f ~ and his mother, Mrs. Cath­ poverty stricken. Holy Trinity parish, Harwich,

"Too many people follow the path of least resistance:'

,, -

ryn Lamb; al;o of Taunton. He has just returned from a visit to another brother and sis­ ter on the west coast. He is one of several volunteers from Marmion Abbey who will administer and teach in a new minor seminary in Solola. Their going to Latin America is in di­ rect response toa Papal plea to all congregations to "send 10 per cent of your members to Latin America'." Father Conrad, an electrical engineer before studying for the priesthood, will teach science at • the new seminary. He will spend a year and a half at the Cath­ olic Uhiversity of Ponce, Puerto Rico before beginning his assign­ ment. "I have to learn Spanish," he explains, "and take courses in biology." His scientific back­ ground is complete with the ex­ ception of the biology courses and one of his first tasks at the new seminary will be to find out what equipment will be needed for its science labora­ tories. Supervised Equipment At Marmion, where the Bene­ dictines operate a military acad­ emy, Father Conrad has been in charge of government equipment issued to cadets, and has super­ vised transportation and main­ tenance personnel. He expects his familiarity with construction details to be useful in his new assignment. Solola is 5,000 feet high, said the monk, and enjoys a temp­ erature range of 50 to 85 degrees year round. Eighty-five per cent of its people are Indian and the remainder are of mixed Indian and European extraction. Ten different languages are spoken in the Diocese, but Spanish is the official tongue. Agriculture, weaving and pot­

.Location of the minor semi­ nary in 8ol01a itself will save the Bishop the expense of send­ ing seminarians elsewhere to study. The institution, when complete, will house 120 stu­ dents. Marmion Abbey hopes to be­ gin a new monastic foundation in connection with the seminary. "The purpose of this founda­ tion," say monastery officials, "will be to encourage native vocations to the brotherhood and priesthood, and, in turn, to contribute native lives of prayer and work to the build­ up of the Church in Latin Ame'.'­ ica: This is the traditional Ben­ edictine way of assuring fruit­ fulness, stability and perman­ ence." If the foundation is successful, Marmion monks who so desire will make the traditional Bene­ dictine vow of stability, and at­ tach themselves for life to the new monastery. In addition to his Spanish and science courses at the Catholic University of Ponce, Father Con­ rad noted that he will take an intensive course hi apostolic methods, the theology of the ap­ ostolate, area studies and other special methodologies that will aid him in his new work. He said'that many Papal Vol­ unteers and members of other lay and religious mission groups take advantage of the Ponce


who will work in Bogota, Col­ ombia, is another member of the Diocese who will be going to Ponce on Sunday to enroll in the four month special course. At a family send-off in Taun­ ton last Sunday, Father Conrad was greeted by 12 nieces and nephews, inclUding seven child­ ren of his twin brother James and five of his sister, Mrs. Zalewski. James Lamb is president of the. Legion of Mary Comitium for

the Fall River Diocese.

Montreal Hospital For Chinese Colony MONTREAL (NC)-A new $1 million hospital is being erected here for the Ohinese community. The Quebec government has made a $350,000 grant and the other $650,000 is being raised by a public appeal. The three~story, 65-bed build­ ing will replace a 25-bed hos­ pital in use for the past 44 years. Montreal has a Ohinese com­ munIty of 8,000. The hospital wiH be administered by the Mis­ siona,ry Sisters of the Immacu­ late Conception, who run the old hospital.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964


Plan Celebration of Liturgy



Week Masses in English ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Mass in English, as it will be

eelebrated later this year in Catholic churches throughout

the United States, will be used at the 1964 Liturgical Week

here starting Monday, Aug. 24. All four of the Liturgical

Week Masses in Kiel Aud­

itorium will have the priests parish practice." He said the sung Mass had and the people using En­ been written especially for the glish, rather than Latin, ac­ Liturgical Week. "This was a

cording to the formula set down

by the American hierarchy. Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis and Father Gerard Sloyan, president of the national Litur­ gical Conference, said both the Ordinary and the Proper parts

of the Masses will be in English. The thousands of persons at­ tending the 1964 Liturgical Week will take part in this major reform of Catholic wor. ship months ahead of their fel­ low Catholics in the United States. General use of English in the Mass is expected to begin in this country later this year, perhaps on Nov. 29, the first· Sunday of Advent. C There will be four Masses cel- . ebrated in the 12,OOO-seat munic. ipal auditorium, one on each day of the Liturgical Week. The first three will be low, or read, Masses. The concluding Mass will be high, or sung - which means that new original music settings had to be written for English. Father Sloyan told the news eonference that Cardinal Ritter had authorized the usage "be­ cause of the unique character of the Liturgical Week." He said that "many bishops, members of diocesan liturgical commissions, pastors, and others with leader­ ship responsibilities in the Church will attend the St. Louis Week." "The cardinal thought it fit­ ting, and even necessary, to pro­ vide such a representative group with satisfactory exem­ plars of the 'new liturgy,' as the language change is widely but somewhat inaccurately termed," he explained. Father Sloyan, a Catholic Uni­ versity of America faculty mem­ ber said the pattern af celebra­ tions chosen include two low Masses, a bishop's Mass, and a high or sung Mass-which should make it "clear to thousands what the various possibilities are for

matter impossible of achieve­ ment until recently when the full English texts were made avail­ able by the bishops through a' commission on the liturgy," he added.

Father Frederick R. McManus of the Catholic University, an

expert of the Second Vatican

Council, will be the celebrant

of the Mass on Monday, Aug.

24. Father McManus is past

president of the Liturgical Con­

ference. Cardinal Ritter himself will

offer the Mass on the second

day, which is the feast of St. Louis, King of France, patron of the host archdiocese. On Wed­ nesday, Father Sloyan will be the celebrant. The first sung Mass in English will be celebrated by a pioneer in the liturgical movement, Msgr. Martin Hellriegel, pastor of Holy Cross parish, 51. Louis. Msgr. Hellriegel is celebrating his 50th year as a priest. Providence Composer Original music for this cele. bration of the Eucharist is being composed by Alexander Pelo­ quin of Providence, R. I., who also will direct a 300-voice na­ tional choir during all the ser­ vices of the Liturgical Week. . The formula decreed by the. American bishops for English in the Mass pertains to what are normally called the "peoples' parts." They will.. include the Kyrie and the Gloria, the read­ ing of the Epistle and the Gos­ pel, and the recitation of the Creed in the first part of the Mass, called the Liturgy of the Word. In the second part, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Offertory beginning, the Sanc­ tus, the Our Father, the Agnus Dei, the Communion of the Faithful, and the Dismissal will be in English. The major part still retaining Latin is the Canon of the Mass, that part which embodies the Consecration.




CC:D Speaker

Continue'" from Page One vision offerii!1g aid to teachers and others directly concerned with the edu,eational task of the organization. Spll<Cial sessions to be held Saturday, Aug. 29 will include one directed by James M. Kell­ eher, also a member of the Fall River Dioces-.m Executive Board. His topic will be "The CCD and the ApostlesHp of Prayer." Other Speakers Other gen,~ral session sPeak­ ers ~,t the Springfield meeting will be Bish,}p G. Emmett Car­ ter of Londo:l, Ontario; Rev. Dr. Douglas Horton, a member of the Harvard Divinity SChool facul­ ty; ~lDd Rev. John B. Sherrin, C.S.P., edit<J,r of the Ca·tholic World. Dr. Horton "W9S an observer at the Ecum.enical Council and Fath,er SheE,rin attended as a '~peritus" or expert. Convention workshops in ad­ dition to that d-irected by Miss Luiz" will include a training cour;le on th,e apostolate of good will; a session for executive boa,r.d members; and discussions of the roles of fishers and par­

ent-educators. Th.ere will be advanced work­ shops for elementary and high

schOo[)1 teachers; a session on 01'­ ganhation and administration of a CCD School of Religion; and an explanation of discussion club:;. Fall River's Diocesan CCD Di­ rector is Re,'. Joseph L. Powers.

Regards Theologian Council Forerunner

TAKING IT HOME: John Mercado, 9, behind the wheel, was the 10 millionth visitor to the General Motors Futurama Pavilion at the New York World's Fair. To mark the occasion, he received this battery-powered model of a Corvette convertible coupe, as the representative of all 72 boys, aged 7 through 11, living at St. Mary of the Angels Home for Bo-ys, Syosset, Long Island. J a:ime Medina, 8 is in the foreground. Sister Mary Rose, superintendent of the home is at the left; Sister Mary Olivia, director ()f social services, right. NC Photo.

THIER (NC)-Cardinal Nich­ olas of Cusa, 15th century Ger­ mOD theolo/1 ian can be regarded as a forerunner of the ecumen­ ical council, Augustin Cardinal Bea" S.J., president of the Secre­ tariat for Promoting Christian Uni';y, declared here in Ger­ mar..y. Cardinal :Bea pointed that- the efforts of N:.cholas of Cusa show many surprising similarities to the work of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. He men­ tioned particularly his 'gigantic efforts for the union of Chris­ tians," to which he devoted his work during the Council of Bas-aI, which began in 1431, and as an envo:r of Pope Eugene IV to Constantinople. Nicholas of Cusa also tried to work OU1; an agreement with the Moslem world at a time whEm Christianity and Islam were bitterly hostile, Cardinal Bea pointed out. As a forerunner of 'Ute present spirit of reform in the ecurr..enical council, Nich. alas of Cusa did. effect.ive work after he was named by Pope Nicholas V as bishop of Brixen, particularly in the field of morals, Cardinal Bea said.

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WtE ANCHOR-Dioeese Of 'an .........

TREATS TEMPT: Students at Stonehill College's fourth annual in­ stitute for personnel in charge of food preparation at Catholic institutions sample tidbits at exhibit held in conjunction with course. Left, Sister Gemma and Sister Victoria of Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy, Newfield, Pa. approve of coffee sundaes. Center, ecumenical pie-testing goes on as Sister Marietta of the Anglican Order of St. Anne compares notes with Sister Marie Theodore of the Franciscan Handmaids of Mary. Peritus is

Justice Brennan Hits Criticism Of- Prayer Ruling NEW YORK (NC)-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Wil­ liam J. Brennan has declared that ·some criticism directed against the hig.h court's decisions to ban publie school prayers has been "ittesponsible" and unin­ formed. Justice Brennan, the <mly Oatholie on the Supreme Court ben<:h, spoke here to the con­ ference of State chief justices. "When we speak of criticism as the lifeblood of an open soci­ ety, we think particularly of eomment based on knowledge, not ignorance; on fact; not mis­ representation; on respect, not fear: on confidence, not suspi­ cion>' he said. "Criticism- which Is falsely premised, hostile, eros­ ive and destructive hardly serves noble ends • • • . "To take a specific and cur­ rent example, klwyers as wen a~ laymen are fully entitled to yooice their disagreement wltn 8Ur cou·rt's recent decisions oon­ C!el"ning prayer in public schools. 'Irresponsible Criticism" "But when sooh criticism de­ parts completely from what the eourt actually held and said in Chose cases, and accuses the court of baving decreed the re­ moval of aU vestiges of religion from our publie life-of chap­ lains f.rom the armed services, opening prayers f.rom legislative sessions, 'In God We Trust' from '!fJ.e coins-when the criticism is directed at this wholly-distorted version of the court's .decisions. I suggest that it is irresponsible Cl'iticism," he said. Justice Brennan said lawyers have an obligation to deter suCh unwarrented attacks.

Union Elects Prelate Honorary Member NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch­ bishop John P. Cody of New Orleans bas been named an honorary member of the Inter­ national Union of Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' local No. 1 of Louisiana, AFL-CIO. The award was made itt rec­ Ggnition of his extensive contri.­ butions in the fields ()f commu­ .it)' relatiON &Il4 0QWl~

Brother Herman Zaccarelli, C.S.C., director of institute. Right, Vin Kud­ irka in chef's cap passes out brownies to, from left, Brother Berchmall8, Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Albuquerque, N.M.; Sister Jeanne Clara, S.U.S.C., St. Martin's Convent, Fall River; Brother Dominic, Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Wakefield, 0.; Sister Germaine Alida, S.U.S.C., St. James Convent, Nanaquaket, R. I. School lunch Conference will start Monday, Aug. 31.

What's Cooking at Stone"!till Is Summer-Long Rightslssue'Test' Of Christianity Series of Food Service Courses BOSTON (NC) - The civR If you visit the Stonehill College campus in North Eagt{)n this Summer and ask what's cooking, you'll get a triple-barreled reply. What hag already cooked is the fourth arlDual workshop for food service directors of Catholic Institutions; what's a-perking now HI an institute for local supervisors and administrators of Catholic institutions; what'g on the menu for August 31 through September 4 is a Night performance and the planned for the future, in cities Brothers closed each evening's as scattered as New Orleans, school lunch conference. All entertainment Grand Rapids, New York, Chi­ by singing "Good­ are under direction of dy­ night Ladies.''' . cago and Louisville.

amic Brother Herman Zacca­ relli, C.S.C., founder of the Food Research Center for Cath­ olic Institutions, which makes its home at Stonehill. Brother Herman said the food workshop was the "largest ever," enrolling 240 Sisters, 60 Brothers and three priests. Forty-two re­ ligious communities from 38 states, Puerto Rico and Canada were represented. . The total included three An­ glican Sisters from the School of St. Anne in Arlington Heights. Heights and four Brothers and two Sisters from the Fall River Diocese. The small Diocesan enroll­ ment doesn't mean that interest in the workshop is lacking 10-:' cally; simply that area religious turned out in force for Brother Herman's three previous Sum­ mer courses. 'I Missed the Fun" Workshop students studied the special problems of food prep­ aration and management that face religious congregations op­ erating under a vow of poverty, On the other side of the ledger they learned frills for feast days and examined special menus for Fridays and fast days. All classes were conducted si­ multaneously in French and En­ glish and highlights of the 10 day course included a field trip to Catholic food establishments in the Boston area and a picnic trip to Plymouth. "The students formed 'a com­ mittee of those youngest in the religious life to plan and pre­ pare the picnic menu," said Brother Herman. Nightly funfests were an the workshop program,''' he added. "The Sisters played ball against the Brothers every night and later each evening we had a per­ formance from a regional group. Iri3h Sisters presented special­ ties of their OWR countries. There Wall a special Brothera'

Best comment on the good time had was made by a com­ muting Sister whose convent was close enough to Stonehill to allow her to go home nights. "I missed all the fun," she said wistfully, but added more cheer­ fully, "I've been cooking 38 years, but I learned lots this Sum·mer." Audiovisual Aids Brother Herman said that the food workshop courses were de­ signedly informal and socializa­ tion among communities was promoted. "The students are ac­ tive people, not accustomed to long classroom sessions. They need audiovisual aids and we use them extensively." Brother Herman is an active person himself. In addition to the courses on the Stonehill campus this Summer, his Food Research Center is responsible for programs already held, or

Education Program For Handicapped NEW ORLEANS (NC)-A de­ partment of special education for mentally retarded children in the New Orleans archdiocese has been established by Arch­ bishop John P. Cody. Sister M. Lillian, principal of a special school in St. Louis, Mo., for the past six years, has been appointed heed of the depart­ ment. The School Sister of Notre Dame has been in this field of special education for 14 years. "Education for exceptional children is no different from ed­ ucation for any other group of children," Archbishop said. "The aim in this program will be to teach the individual how to live better both for this world and the next; to teach him how to uSe all of his capacities; and to teach him to become a useful and cootente4 membel' .. ~iet,.."

Already scheduled for next Summer is a six week course on efficiency in quantity food ser­ vice. To be held at Stonehill, it will be directed towards dieti­ tians, supervisors and food ser­ vice managers. In October the Holy Cross Brother will make a food service tour of Europe, visiting training centers in England, Germany, Holland, Switzerland and France, under a grant from the Theo­ dore R. Sills Company. He will be granted a private audience with Pope Paul follow­ ing the tour and will explain the work of the Food Research Center to the Pontiff. Also on Brother Herman's cal­ endar is work on a proposed Catholic cookbook which will show the connection between the observance of holy days and holidays and point out sYmbolic foods' used in connection with special feasts. Underlying Brothe'r Herman's work in the food field is an ed­ ucational ideal expressed first by Aristotle: "To teach is good but to teach and delight the audience at the same time is better and more lasting." Brother Herman's students of the art of preparing food pleas­ ingly are bound to delight their audiences!

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rights issue presents "the most obvious current test of genuine Christianity," a priest said here. Father Frank Gartland, C.S.C., regional vocations directO!' for the Holy Cross Fathers, said there is "no such· thing as a de­ cent Christian hating Negroes, working against them, or-just as bad- not working for them, or playing it safe and trying tAt remain uninvolved." Father Ga·rtland spoke on the "Call to Church" radio program produced on station WEEI by the Boston Archdiocesan Radio ani Television Center.

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THE ANCHOP-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964

Willful Folly Never let it be said that the Pope does not krlO.w what is going on in the world. In a talk to some Italian Boy Scouts, Pope Paul expressed his concern over the extrava­ gances, restlessness and pleasure-seeking of youngsters, and he pointed out that he was referring not only to the Teddy Boys and Mods and Rockers of England but to others who indulge in willful folly. It is a source of concern for all when youngsters delib­ erately set out to do as they please with no thoughts of the consequences to themselves or to others. The Pope g.aid that all youngsters should be reminded that they are true youths in the full sense of that expres­ sion only when they walk the straight path. Discipline is. the sign of maturity and of reasonableness. Of course, discipline does not come naturally ttl a youngster. A baby is supremely selfish, wanting only what he· wants and when he wants it. He must be taught by parents and those around him how to consider others. And as the child grows older, he must be taught to control his wants so that his desires are always in accord with the laws of God and the good order of the family and the rights of other members. Indeed, it is when a child is young that the idea of sacrifice and self-denial must be built into his nature by parental example and encourage­ ment.. Too many parents think they are helping their ehil­ dren when they give them all the things that they them­ selves never had when they were young. They actually are doing their children the greatest kind of disservice by catering to their desires and taking from them the oppor­ tunity of doing without. More and more those in authority are hearing young­ sters explain why they did some piece of youthful folly with the words, "I felt like it." If children are to take their place in society as useful and responsible members, they must be taught by parents at an early age that this is neither a reason for acting nor an acceptable excuse for mischief. And if youngsters insist on pursuing a course of willful folly simply" because they feel like it, then they must also learn that they must take the consequences of such folly.· . , But it would be better for parents to examine their eonsciences to make sure that they are not contribut~ng' w this attitude in their children.

Jungle Approach The name of Teamster President J~ines Hoffa is in the news these days because he has just been sentenced by a Fedral judge to five years in prison for defrauding his union's pension fund. Over a year ago, Sign magazine printed a quote of Hoffa's, made. during an interview with that individual. Hoffa said then: "Every day, the life of the average individual is a matter of survival * * * What may be ethical to you may be unethical to someone else. Live and let live. And those who try to destroy you, make it your business to see that they don't and that they have problems." Sign pointed out that the surprising thing about the statement is not that it came from Hoffa but that so many other persons have the same idea. Said Sign, "Life is getting to look .,more and more like a jungle-a matter of survival, where anything goes." A true Christian must be very sure that this is not the line of reasoning that he is holding in his heart and living in his life. The Catholic must change the environ­ ment around him and must begin with himself. But, as the Prior of Portsmouth, Dom Aelred Graham has sagely obsrved, "Catholic action if! largely a waste of time when it is not the fruit of Catholic thought." And the "jungle approach" to life is hardly Catholic.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Foil River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shelloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll . MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden

Same Old Pitch




Assistant Director

latin American Bureau, NCWt

Latin America Cans School days, school days. The opening of school eomes much sooner for our Papal Volunteers than for most students returning to classes. The Papal Volunteer school in Ponce. Puerto Rico, and one ia Cuernavaca, Mexico, both open in August. Marching off to these schools will be a small army of Papel Volunteers preparing for their new life in an "old world." As they converge at the train­ ing schools, many of the Volun­ teers will have fond memories of their depart­ ure ceremonies at their home Cathedrals. Cin- . dnnati, Ohio,' had a ceremony By R)~V. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University where 13 vol­ unteers (inclu­ ing Extension TODAY - St. Bernard, Abbot, The Gospel teaches of two mas­ volunteers) re­ Doctor. ":Ie will make known ters competing for our loyalty. to all the tradition of teaching In either case, man is important c e i v e d their ~ he has reeeived," says the First and his decisions are important, crosses. On the same date, Bish­ Reading c.f those who teach as his life is important-a refresh­ . op Ernest J. Primeau of l'.'1a,­ Christians. Again, this emphasis chester, N. H., presented mis­ ing contrast to the popular cyni­ on the Other who speaks to us in cism of the day >I' * >I' and an in­ sion crosses to nine Papal Vol­ JE'SUS Chr.ist, who teaches us and vitation to measure our value unteers and three Extension Vol­ whose tradition of teaching we by God's love rather than by unteers. At the same time, in must pas:; on. popular mood, fad or fashion. neighboring Vermont, Bishop Robert Joyce blessed the crosses It is in and through our public MONDAY - St. Bartholomew, and gave word of courage and worship that this teaching comes Apostle. "God has given us dif':" prai$8 to his departing vol~n­ to us, b01h in words and sym­ ferent positions in the church,"' teers. bols. HoI)" Communion, for ex­ Trainina- Schools ample, was teaching effectively instructs the First Reading toAs more and more dioceses in the depths of the human spir-' day. But whatever our position,-· begin to send Volunteers to buth it long before the urgency of we are "Christ's body, 'organs of it depending upon each t}1e .home and foreign mission mankind'~ unity and solidarity' fields, the annual departure L'er­ b{!came evident on the level of other." We honor one of the college emony will become a standard verbal articulation or in the of apostles, yet we affirm that··· and valued event of diocesaa evolution of social institutions. these distinctions wi,thin 'the life. TOMOll.ROW-St. Jane Fran­ community of the faithful are Most of them will have finish­ ees de Chnntal, Widow. Woman's for the sake of service to the ed home training programs other-cen1eredness is in these church and' not for personal whioh will introduce or strengthlessons an example not only of . honor. en them in the work of the the Chris·;ian's posture in' rela­ So the Council's reform of apostolate. Then the offiCial tion to oher people but also of public worship is aimed at acti- training schools will give them his relation to the Father, the vating the whole variety of language, missionary methods, Other. parts of Christ's Body at Mass: and a general view of the cul­ The Entrance Hymn states it Not only priest-celebrant, but ture they will face. simply: 'You have loved me The national PavIa office has also readers, cantors, commentaand kept me humble." The re­ tors, choir, congregation.· begun a retreat or orientation sponse-ta··value of which the· session of a week's duration pre­ Gospel te.'lChes is not awakened TUESDAY-St. Louis, Confes­ liminary to a pilgrimage to Our by insight into our inner re­ sor. Even a king has a place in. Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in sources, hut by the confronta­ the church. But the great gift of Mexico City. This common ori­ ti,on with another which is faith. God is wisdom (First Reading), entation period and pilgrimage and wisdom belongs to no office, SATURDAY-The hnmaculate to no specific minstry. Wisdom's should give the volunteers a Heart of Mary. We celebrate favors are an example of the sense of belonging to a larger tt:.e humanity of Christ because basis equality of all Christians, program and a common bond with other volunteers. it is the :instrument of our Re­ stemming from their Baptism­ Help in Readjustment demption, because in His risen Confirmation - Eucharist initia­ As yet there is no specially and gloriJied humanity all hu­ tion and commitment. The mans become the beneficiaries riches of wisdom will increase designed program to separate oj' the promise. We celebrate the' endlessly, while. the poverty of Volunteers at the end of their humanity (the "heart") of' the unwise becomes more stark service and ease them gently back into American "ci~ilian" Mary because she first received (Gospel). life. No doubt the future wiJl the full effects of t'hat Redemp­ WEDNESDAY - Mass as on see an arrangement to help vol­ til>n and shows what God has done in Christ for creatures. Sunday. In a sense, we have to unteers in their readjustment to rediscoved this importance of normal living. The PavIa nat­ FOURTEENTH SUN DAY each member of the Church, in ional office is ever seeking new AFTER F'ENTECOST. No crea­ his own vocation and function. ways of helping both prospec­ on earth is as important as the Since even before the Reforma- tive and ·veteran volunteers. Christian worshiper. This may tion we have been so busy deThe volunteers have yet an­ seem paradoxical, since faith fending the Pope and the college other ceremony facing them­ and the worship of God inspire of bishops that we have put all the huge welcome they will rf'­ h:.lmility. But it is true. emphasis on these offices and ceive from the residents of areas Both lEssons in today's Mass· given them an honor. where 'they will work. Now that show the human person as the Now we have to rediscover the PavIa idea has become wide­ object of a vast struggle between the ·dignity· of other offices spread they are often welcomed the forces of evil and the king­ among Christ's members. Our with traditional Latin warmth dom of God. The baptismal rite, worship reform would help us and joy as people who exemplify with its ,~xorcisms and pledges to do this by making evident the best in American life (both ,oJ: faithfulness to God, teach the again in every celebration of North and Latin) as people who SHme tru1h. Sunday Mass a cooperative ·ac- .. willingly are fulfilling the re­ In the First Reading, the tion and common work of many, quests of Pope John who awake­ groups and :ndividuals--each. ned the world to the place of st.ruggle is between the "im­ pulses of corrupt nature" and with a specific function and" the layman in the Latin Ameri, can apostolau. . il1e "imllulses of the spirit." m i n i s t r y . ' ,-

Decency Legio~ \Names Affiliate For Film Study

NEW YORK (NC) _ The film study division of the Catholic Adult Education Center of Chicago has been named the affiliate office fur film education of the National Legion of Decency. Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia, chairman of the Episcopal Committee for Motion Pictures, Radio and Television for the American hierarchy, said the acHon had been approved by · Albert Cardinal M~ye~ of Chieago. • The announcement' said .Msgr. Thomas F. Little, eXeClitivesecretary of the legion; which has bead'quarters here, and' Msgr. 'Daniel M. Cantwell, chaplain of the Catholic Adult Education Center in Chicago, will coord-inatE' the arrangements: "The Chicago main office will have two functions--expansi.>n of the legion program of encouraging public support of artistie."IUy expert films and assistance in the development and promo· tion of the motion picture education program throughout tne country," the announcement said. Council's Directive Establishment of the affiliate office for film education, the announcement said, "is seen not only as a significant development in the legion's recent efforts at the promotion of film culture, but also as an immediate response by the America:t Church to the directive of the Second Vatican Council decree on the media of social communications. "The decree urges that such edueation be realized 'in Catholic schools at every level, in seminaries and in lay apostolate groups.' " The announcement added that , the centers will "prepare and · publish material on film appre. ,eiation;. will offer study days, workshops and lectures on films . for general aUdiences; will·..es­ fiablish training programs for' teachers and other specialized' groups; will conduct research projects on motion picture edu­ cation,. and will serve.as a clear­ ing house for information, ideas and literature in the field."

Denies Christianity Has Failed India LOUISVILLE (NC) - Christ­ ianity in India dates back to the year 65 but today less than two per cent of tba·t nation's teem­ ing millions are Christians, a priest from India observed here in Kentucky. "It is not Christianity that has ~iled to reach the Indian but the methods of presenting Christianity," said Father Mich­ ael A. Machado of the Nagpur diocese in India. "Christiantty almost always has worn a Latin garb. Much of the teachings of Christ has been presented in a rational way which has little im­ pact on the Indian soul." Father Machado said what the Church needs in India is more Christians like Tom Dooley, the late . American physician who gained fame as "the jungle doc­ tor of Laos."

Greet Statue BURGOS (NC) - Thousands of people lined the streets of this. ancient Castilian city to greet a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, brought here to Spain from Por­ tugal by Bishop Joao Pereira Venancio of Leiria for Mission Week. The procession was wel­ comed at the entrance to the eity by Archbishop Luciano

Perez Platen.

Ann Reilly, Jane McGovern Important Seniors At Bishop Cassidy High in Taunton Ann Reilly and Jane McGovern are Bishop Oassidy High School's entrants in the Im­ portant Seniors classification. You wouldn't think it to look at the slim teen-agel's, but both confess to a great partiality for refrigerator raiding. Ann "likes strawberries madly" and Jane's special favorite is peach pie, which sh~'s always willing to make for a family des­ sert. Both girls unite in a fondness for Coyle High School basketball and football games, but both agree that there's lots more to high school life than snacks and sports. So, on the serious side, blue­ eyed, brown-haired Jane is glee club president at Bishop Cassidy and also plays trumpet for the school orchestra. She's a cheer­ leader and served as junior class vice-president.. She names sci­ ence as a favorite subject and picked for a recent science fair project the testing of ,various' brands of fruit juices for vita­ min C content. Diplomatically, she wouldn't name the brands rated highest. Outside school, Jane's an en­ thusiastic Girl Scout. She's be­ longed to the organization since she was a seven year old Brownie Scout and is now a Wing Scout, a group especially interested in airplanes. On the' earthbound side of locomotion, however, she's en­ thusiastic about projected driving lessons for this Summer. She's vice-president of her par­ ANN REILLY AND JANE McGOVERN ish CYO, St. Mary's in Taunton, and is the possessor of two Fair. and both return to the students and'12 faculty members brothers and two sisters. One subject of food as they say that did a "masterful job" of moving brother is a senior at Coyle High of aU delectable dishes at the books, papers and similar small and the others are younger than Bishop Cassidy cafeteria, apple items from old St. Mary's High Jane. Her parents are Mr. and crisp dessert stands first! of Taunton to the new school. Mrs. James McGovern and Dad Short Bistory The academic year had started works at the Taunton post office. Bishop Cassidy High has in it­ at St. Mary's High, since 1911 in What does the future hold for vivacious Jane? She's hoping to self a short history, since its use as a secondary school for attend college, but choice of doors only opened in January of Taunton Catholic youth. From which college and what her 1963, when students and faculty 1911 to 1933 the school was c0­ major Or future career will be participated in a three-day mov­ educational, but became a girls­ ing job unique in Diocesan his­ only institution when Coyle has yet to be made. Summer plans included a tory'. Two hundred and ninety High was opened. couple of beach weeks "and we have to read eight books." Swimming's high on the list of Jane's favorite sports and bas­ , betball takes over come Fall. Essay Wins Prize Ann is also a member of St. Mary's parish and active in its CYO. She names English and art as favorite school subjects· and her facility with the pen won her a prize in a recent es­ say contest held in connection with the City of Taunton's an­ niversary celebration. Her sub­ ject was the Taunton Herring· Run, a famed yearly attraction.. An only child, Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reilly and her father is retired. Ann's official housekeeper and says Saturday's her morning to clean house. "It's my day too," chimes in Jane. "Swimming and reading-any­ thing," are Ann's hobbies. She hopes to be a high school En­ glish teacher after college. Summer's been busy for Ann as she's filled in for vacationmg employees at a local department store. Both girls say they're looking Forget overcast skies, muggy heat and forward to their senior class trip, rainy days~ Your GAS clothes dryer which will be to the World's lets you wash an.ytime. Dries your clothes to a warm fluffiness in any weather. GAS is .the modern, fast, dependable, safe, silent and economical way to do all your major household MANILA (NC) - The first choJ'es-aut~matica!ly.·center of Opus Dei in the Phil­ ippines, a house for student members of the society, was opened Saturday by Father Sal­ vador Ferigle, a member of Opus Del who arrived here from Chi­ cago. It was blessed by Rufino Cardinal Santos of Manila. The Sacerdotal Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei origi­ nated in Madrid in 1928. It is a secular institute for priests and lay persons who devote them­ selves to the spreading of evan­ ·gelical pedection among intet­


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Catholic Theatre Meeting to Hear Drama Critic DETROIT (NC) -


1,000 members are expected at the National Catholic Theatre Conference annual convention here starting Monday when Jay Carmody, dean of Washington, D. C., drama critics, will deliver the keynote address. Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit will offer a Pontifical Low Mass Tuesday and Father Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., confer­ ence president and head of the 'speech and drama department at Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., . will deliver the sermon as the convention's religious highlight. Carmody, recently retired from the Washingt<U), Star after serving many years as drama critic, is engaged in writing and lecturing on the theater. An­ other convention speaker will be Emmet Lavery, playwright and veteran in conference affairs. The conference's highest hon­ or, the Dineen Award, will be presented at a banquet to George Schaefer, TV producer-director for his television productions. The award is named for the late Father .Joseph Dineen, S.J., a conference founder. Bonor Writers Plaques will be presented to the script writers of two movies, James Poe for "Lillies of the Field" and John Fante and Jo­ seph Petracca for ''The Reluc­ tant Saint," based on the life of St. Joseph of Cupertino. Sidney Poitier, first Negro to win a best actor "Oscar" for his work in "Lillies," Ralph Nel~n, its producer-director, and Edtvard Dmytryk, producer-director of "The Reluctant Saint," bave been invited to the convention.

The Sun is a Iways shi ':1,i n9 when


you rei othes

Open New Opus Dei House in Philippines




vtsTttll. .


FESTIVAL' of GAS Pavilion at New York'.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964

War on PC!Nefly Task fur AM,

Air Points of View on Practice Of Telephone Solicitation'

. WASffiNGTON (NC)-Bi8hop John J. Russen of Richm()nd, Va., has urged Catholic WOmeR "kJ take up the war on poverty all their personal contribution te the Church and the social order. Addressing some 700 delegatelt at the convention of the Inter­ national Federation of Catholic Alumnae, Bishop Russe)l noted that "while the United States as a nation enjoys the highest stan­ dard of material prosperity t'he world has ever seen, and we spend millions for ghastly WEa­ pons of war, still one-fifth of our citizens are so poor and under­ privileged that the President has announced his determination to eradicate this poverty amid plenty"'''' ." He recalled that Pope Pius XII gave women a particular role in bringing understanoing and mercy to the temporal oroer•. "Today he would confront our Catholic women with the Chris­ tian view of poverty, would speak of degrading social con­ ditions, and he would describe slum living as follows: dilapi­ dated, ramshackle houses with­ out the most necessary hygiEnie i]'l8tallations, yielding a sizable income to their owners who ne­ glect to make necessary repairs on t~em for years on end," the bishop said. Bishop Russell said the Chris­ tian's duty in this area does Jlot end with endorsing civic pr4)j­ eciB or paying taxes.

By Mary Tinley Daly ()bviously, we' are not ~Ione as· targets for telephone !alespersons. Obviously, too, our reaction of irritation upon having our patronage solicited at inconvenient times is rather widely shared by readers. However, some of the let­ ters received as a result of a 1'eCent column on this su}). us. We eaIled the number and it an authentic sales dis­ jeet elicited some new, un- . found play place. But if it had not U6ual and very human points been? If someone with less pres­


ef view. We should like to share

a few of these: lfrom Mrs. A.A.

ence of mind than Mary An. had been on the job? The telephone, Mrs. Daly, fuese days must be handled with the finesse of a diplomat, the watchfulness of the F.B.I. Another point of view from Mrs. F.X.R.: ' Dear Mrs. Daly: Your column about irritation upon receiving phone calls caused in me mixed reaction. In your column you showed com­ passion, saying that calIers are probably trying to supplement an inadequate income. I am one of those. Four years ag(J I was widowed, left with four children to support. I have arthritis. YOll see the position? Came chance for telephoning people, at S(J much a call. I make these calls endlessly. Din­ nertime, I f(Jund, was the most likely time for finding people at home. "How'd you do, Mom?" came the queeries as I would limping­ ly return to our &Wn dinner table." "O.K." I would always say. Matter of fact, I didn't do O.K. during the dinner hour. This is the time, I now realize, I should not intrude on people's privacy. They are home, certainly, but they are not in a receptive mood. Mrs. Daly, you have given me a few hints on when to call and Wlhat to say.

e:f Maryland ..• Dear Mrs. Daly: Your column today's paper IlIecalled one of my erstwhile .-pet Peeves." You will notice how I speak of this in the past tense. After 56 many sprints to rthe telephone from outdoors or rUle basement breathlessly to answer the phone, only to hear • saccharine-voiced sales pitch, I finally hit on an idea to get DIY name off the sucke~ lists. Now I almost never get these Imnoying calls. Whenever I get one of these nIls, I politely' interrupt the sales pitch by saying, "Pardon me, but I make it a practice never to patronize a firm which invades my privacy". By this time, I have turned the tables. Now my ealler ill fneathless. Simple-no? From Mr. and Mrs. R.B.L., parents of young children, comes a good suggestion: Dear Mrs. Daly: Apropos of ~Iour column, a eall similar to those you de­ scribed came t(J our house one evening while we were out and Mary Ann, our baby sitter, was in charge. (Frankly, we had never thought to warn her' of Plan Groundbreaking

8trange telephone calls.) At Our Lady's Shrine

It was from a salesperson, os­ DOYLESTOWN (NC)-Arch­ tensibly, who had a househ(Jld bishop John J. Krol of Philadel­ gadget to display-right now. phia will preside at ground­ "Mr. and Mrs. L. are not avail­ breaking ceremonies here Sun­ able immediately," said Mary day for a new church at the Ann. "If you will leave your number, they will 'eall you U. S. shrine of Ow Lady of Czes­ rochowa. back." The original ezestochowa "Are y(JU the baby sitter?"' shrine is in Poland and is one was the next question. "I beg your pardon?" from of that country's leading Chris­ the dignified Mary A:m. "I am a tian centers. Our Lady of Czes­ friend of the family. And who tochowa is national paironess of Poland. are you?" 'I1he U. S. Shr·ine was estab­ "Well, I'd just like to drop by and demonstrate a real bargain, ,lished in 1955 on the grounds of like to drop by. this evening." the monastery of the Pauline "If Mr. L. cares to see it, he Fathers here in Pennsylvania. will call you in a few m~ments," 'l'housands of pilgrims are ex­ our quick-wittl~d one said and pected at the groundbreaking bnmediately got in touch with for the new church and at cere­ monies the same day making an early celebration of the feast' of Congregation Decree Our Lady of Czestochowa, which iaIls on' Aug. 26.


Recognizes Miracles

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The decree recognizing the miracles obtained through the interces­ sion of the 22 African Martyrs of Uganda has been posted. The decree was signed by Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, C.M.F., prefect of the Congrega­ tion of Rites, and Archbishop Enrico Dante, the congregation's secretary. It is a prelude to the decree of Pope PaUl \1l declar­ ing it "safe" to canonize the mar­ tyrs, who will be the first Afri­ cans from south of the Sahara to be declared saints. -,

Style Show Msgr. Noon Circle, St. James Church, New Bedford will spon­ sor a style show at 8 Tuesday night, Sept. 15, at Kennedy Cen­ ter. Mrs. Donat C, Bernier and Mrs. Leon J. Bellavance are chairmen,

Says School Freedom

Farce in Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN (NC)-The leader of Puerto Rico's CathoHc-OO'i­ ented political party charges freedom of education on the island "is a faree, a bad joke." Ohairman Jose L. Feliu of the Christian Action party in a pre­ pared statement asserted: "As long as children of cane field workers, poor janitors, depart­ ment store employees, small businessmen Mid small shop­ keepers are forced to attend the public school without religious education, freedom of education will be a farce. Feliu said those in the poor class are forced to send their children to the public schools because they are unable finan­ cial·ly to send them to the sclloob e.f their choice.

GREAT ORGAN MADE READY: Comparing the man

to some of the pipes, one gets an idea of the size of the or,g'an in the gallery above the main entrance to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The pipe the technician js tuning is 32-feet high and weighs 2,813 825 pounds. There are 6,325 pipes in this organ and . piJpes in l~ companion organ in the chancel. NC PbOw.

Make Final Adjustments


"rechnicians Ready Organs in National Shrine Of Immaculate Conception 'WASHINGTON (NC) -TecIh­ nidans arE, making the final ad­ ju:nments on the organs in the upper chl.:lreh of tihe National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ eel!>tion here. '!'he musical instruments. among the biggest and f,inest of thf~ir kin<i: in this hemisphere, Mfa the gifts of Francis Cardinal SpE"llman and the Catholic chap­ lains and personnel of the U.S. a·rmed for(:es. Cardinal Spellman is milit8lT vicar. There are two organs in the upper chul'Ch of the shrine. One is in the oh.ancel above the floor adjacent 1;0 the sanctuary. 'JIbe other, and much larger organ, is in the south gallery, above tibe m.ain entrance. A plaque to be fixed on t'he la:rger org,an will say "it is the v~,ice of the military to remind all who hear it of tlhe hed'oic

Christioln Unions Ask Cost of Living Cuts PANAMA CITY (NC)-The Isthmian :I!'ederation of Christian Vlorkers has started a campaign hl~re against the high cost of liv­ illig, unemployment and low sal­ aries. The Ohristian unions are ask­ irlg for a c:ut in the price of food, m.edicines and clothing. In ad­ diltion, thl~y are asking the gov­ ernment 1;0 set up public clinics and give free medical care to the indigent. In the cases of food, medical ~nd clothing prices, the Christian workers say that the rl~ductions ought to be from 40 u, 50 per cent.

Set Annual Tea

New Bedford Catholic Wom­ an's Club will hold its annual 4)pen house and tea Sunday, Sept. 27 at its clUbhouse, 399 County Street. Officers for the coming year will be introduced.

sacr,ifice of 102 Catholic p"rieslfl and untold thousands of war dead and to recall to the living the tremendous price of lJt!Q(le." 'Pontifical Trumpet' Each instrument is complete in itself, with console and blow­ er, but al'rangements atl'e being made to control a large paI"t of thE" south gallery organ f.rom 1lbe . chancel console. At the present time, the "Pon­ tifical Trumpet" located in the south g,allery is controlled from the chancel. The "trumpet" con­ 6i~s of 49 fluted brass pipes placed above the south gallery console and pointed toward the main altar, a considerable dis­ tance away. Its tones will sug­ gest pageantry and majesty.

St. Francis


FOR YOUNG WOMEN 196 Whipple St., Fall River Conducted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary .ROOMS - MEALS OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY Inquire OS 3.2892



"vite lenerOlls 'Ollllll Ia.ies .. Join tIIeDl In leadinl a He,!

religious life Of love, adoration, and reparation. In that spl,. the Sisters devote their time to til. education Of routh, retrlll work, allll deme!tlc lllIties. For further Information, apply "

Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, Mass.

'''Save With Safety"







THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Gh.ristian.:. I~)~als 111~lude ~are.;

OfAged~ Respeet.for Parents""


By Jofui:'" J. Kane, Ph.D.



Starts Forni Iy Life Survey,


. Doesn't the young.e~··g~neration have any respect for older people? Is it old fashioned today to honor thy parents? I am in my sixties and I often hear young people complain that older people should retire so that they oan get jobs. I have even heard complains about providing ade­ that it costs too much to problems quate financial security for the take care of the many old aged. people we have today and we All Americans are going to

i'orEWARK (NC)-A survey Oft attitudes toward family life problems has been undertaken by a priest-sociologist here. The results eventually will be made available to diocesan family life directors throughout the U. S. Father James T. McHugh, a9­ sociate director of the Newark Family Life Apostolate, survey director, said answers are being sought from 1,500 couples who' are practicing Catholics but not involved in the family apostolate directly; ,­ , Qu~stions .seek not only the personal opinion and experience. of the couples but also what they believe other good Catholic. think or do, he said. . Among topics taken up are ~ily planning, if any, at the time of marriage; basis for fam­ ily limitation, if practiced; means of family limitation used; pre-marital training of young people; attitudes on the birth control pill, and reliability of the rhythm method of family plann~ng. Father McHugh ~id.

Should think of euthanasia. have to face the fact that to, Just recently I overheard my provide for senior citizens will niece say, 'Why cost money. But if this, the most doesn't my aunt prosperous nation in the world, give me some' cannot take care of its older of' her money citizens adequately, where else now? 'Why do I can they be taken care of? have to wait un­ she dies? She Vital Obligation has ·plenty.''' Those who complain about One sign of. the cost of caring for the aged, getting old, pershould recall that these people hilPs even more during their productive years definite t han made it possible for the young years, is the atand middle aged people of to­ tit u d e t hat day to acquire an education somehow or other the younger from tax money. generation is not what it used Many of these people fought 'WOMAN OF THE YEAR': Mrs. Anna Wimmer, left, to be. About 2,000 years ago a in World War I in defense of Gold Star mother and widow of Belleville, Ill;, received this Roman. poet, Horace, wrote cr:it- 0 tbeir country and future gener­ title from the Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary at its annual icllUy of people who p~.is~. a;tions. Even more importantly, in Cleveland. Mrs. Irene Hennigan, CWVA na­ convention ti~es that are past. In .Q~~r. they may recall that if they Words, cMstance.does lend ~n::, survive, they too will face many, tIonal president, center, presents' the citation. Walter D. Turn Out 700 Strong chlIDtDlent, and as we ,~ro~. off:he 'problems that the aged Hyle, Jr., national commander of the Catholic War Veterans Older, . the past appears to be. Americans face today. For Family Reunion 'the right. NC Photo. " , 1l):U~h rosier than it everw~ in' The obligation to· honor' HOLY· CROSS (NC) - The reality. '"'' ' mQt1¥lr .and father is still as Bowlings turned out 700 strong .The good. old days in .~a!;1y v~tal l;lnd as binding as it was for a family reunion here in resPects were not, nearly so goq4: centuries' ago. Today, however,' , Kentucky recently. as.they Seem in retrosp~t..Liv,:-. it tends to take on a' new 'kind' i The event began with a Sol­ ing conditions were much ~liIrsllr. of meaning. In many cases; pat­ Daughters of Charity 'Follow Recommendation emn High Mass celebrated at er for most people thlm they ents, while not wealthy, ,can Holy Cross church by Father are todaY. Infant and maternity manage to get by adeqqately on' '" Of, Sacred Congregation' Charles P. Bowling of Bowling mortality rates were high: Life the combination of pensions and ST. LOUIS (NC) - Probably to a point in the back, 1ust below Green, Ky. Two other Bowlings, exp.ectancy was much. sh9r~~r, Social Security. the most . distinctive religious the shoulders, and will be Father Robert Bowling, Holy and orphans more common. But In rJ;lany cases they do not de­ Cross, and Father George Bowl­ it is this very area of social pend for financial support upon 'iheaddress-the pointed, starched clasped in the back. It will re­ change, increased life expec- their children, although even to­ white cornette of the Daughters semble a three-cornered scarf. ing, Campbellsville, assisted. The Bowling clan, now in its tancy, of which you are inquir- day some do. But what older of Charity-is going, effective It slightly resembles the head­ ing. parents long for, even more than SundaY, Sept. 20. piece worn by St. Louise de sixth generation, is estimated to The first major ohange in the Marillac, who cofounded the number about 800 families. They PensiOns, Social Seeurity financial security, are the love Time was when it was expected and affection of their children.' 3OO-year-old habit of the Daugih- community with St. Vincent de are descendants of Thomas and Ellen Hutchins Bowling who ters of Charity of St. Vincent Paul in 1633. that children would take care Share Children's Pleasures caine to the Holy Cross area de Paul will give the members Need Radical Change of their parents in old age.' P~nfrom Maryland in 1785. "To of the community a simple blue sions were virtually unknown, The son who provides com­ The Daughters' new blue preserVe the Faith should be the the Old Age and Survivors Iln- fonably for an agedmoth~r,.'1~ut coiffe,with a white lining and dress will be six inches from the theme of all family reunions," suranee had not yet com,~. ::into never visits her, is scarcely hon-" edging, instead. The new headdress will corne' floor and will have one box. :F'ather Charles Bowling said ill being, ,and few could save' :ade- oringhis mother. The daughter' pleat in front and one in back. the sermon. quately for the proverbial ~<rainy who pays a handsom'e fee" 'to It will be one-piece, with a small day". :aut, on the otherh,and, keep her' aged father in a nurs":' white f.rontpiece and will be there were relativ.ely few' ',peo- ing home, but never visits' him' Chatham Penny Sale more _trim than the Daughters' pie who lived to be 65, 70 6r 75 or "writes him, is not honOring present 'multi-pleated, sboe­ The Association of the Sacred years-of age. .' . her, father. length gOwn, with its large Hearts of Holy Redeemer Miss Susan E. O'Keefe, daugh­ Today, almost 10 per cent'. of Older people are deeply aware' Church will sponsor a penny sale the .~erican population is., 65 that most of their lives are ter of Mrs. Ruth O'Keefe and . dickey. tonight at Chatham Intermediate Sister Mary Rose, D.C., visita­ the late Thomas O'Keefe of 10 years of age -or older. -In the over. ,But they can enjoy their' School.· Mrs. William Madden is past it is true that many chil.#en remaining years' more fully, if· Hope Street, AtUeboro, has been trix, or provincial, of the West­ did care for their parents in'old they can live a bit vicariously.· awarded a scholarship by the ern province of the Daughters of chairman. age, but it is also true that there By ·that I mean, if they can', Attleboro Area Catholic Nurses' Oharity, said the change is- in compliance with the recommen­ were relatively few parents to share the joys and pleasures of.: GUild. dations of the Slw!red Congrega­ Miss O'Keefe has been ac­ be cared for. . their children and grandchildren. CAPE COD'S

Increased longevity has deA niece who would ask why cepted at the Worcester City tion of Religious. Sister Rose also said that the LARGEST BANK

manded that some type of pen- her aunt doesn't give her money Hospital School of Nursing. .-A graduate of St.' Xavier's urban and !'Ui"al wOO"k of the sian or old age financial security now instead of making her wait PAYS

Daughters necessitated "a rad­ be provided for older persons. until she dies, may have been High School, she has held mem­ Sometimes children are not cap- guilty, in a moment of £rustra-. bership in "The Typing Club", ioal change." The only thing able of supporting their aged tion, of a most uncharitable' "The Library Club" and "The that will resemble the fonner habit are the blue and white parents while they are trying to statement. Certainly, it was a' Furute Nurses' Club". The scholarship winner has colors, Sister Rose said. rear a family of their .own. '.': stupid thing to say, even if the At other times, unfortunately, ~ece thought only on a mercen-~ been also active in the CYO of Interest Compounded and St. 'John the Evangelist Parish, they" are callous to the .needs of ary level. payable' quarterly on our Attleboro. <their, ~ed parents. So itsimp)y: AlwayS Provides Problem NotIce, .Savings Plaft makes good sense' for private The very fear that you might; fe':lturing

businesS and government to loin hear this and perhaps leave her: Issue 'Pop~ John Stamp together through pensions and nothing might have stilled her liThe Gaslight Room"

' Social 8eeui'ity to provide fi-. tongue; But once" again, 1 do' Despite Two Errors Weal for C:_IIIUJ1loe Ireokfeste

RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-The nancial help for those who not think you should takea~w OrgCllllllatlOft Baa.....·

forced into retirement at· the' cases and consider them typl<ial Post. Office Department will re­ • SOUTH 'ARMOUTI lease a new stamp honoring ale of 65, sometimes younger. of all the young Americans. . . 386 Acushnet Avenue

• DENNIS PORT Pope John XXIII in spite of two I'iDancial SecurU,. Of course, youth does; change New Bedford

• HYANNIS from generation to generation, errors. Call WYman' 2-1703

The Pope is pictured in a • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PUll , I am certain the vast majority and it might be wise for all of of young people do not share the . the aged to realize that. once green cardinal's hat and the attitudes and feelings of those upon a time older people were word "memoriam" is spelled you have described. Admittedly, wringing their hands over them with a final "n." Postal authorities decided to there is certain impatience, too. This is not to minimize among young men particularly, some of the very serious prob-·· allow the sale of the stamp since t9 get ahead. Sometimes they lems posed by America's youth five million have alreadY been do see the way to promotion today, but it is to remind every- . distributed to Brazil's 31 re­ Qlocked by older persons and at one, that there have always been gional postal districts. times this is resented. segments of America's youth. : New College Head But as compulsory retirement that provided a serious social RIVER FOREST (NC)-Sis­ at 65 becomes more and more. problem. There probably always ter Mary Candida, assistant pro­ Common, this situation will be- will be. ~ C¥>me increasingly rare. FurtherBut as long as the ideals of fessor of political science, has more, it seems quite likely that Christianity prevail, deprivation' been named president of Rosary the age of retirement will be of the aged and mistreatment of College here in Illinois sueceed­ even younger in the immediate parents can never become an blg Sister Mary Aurelia, hea<l UNION WHARF; FAIRHAVEN of the school since 1957. future. Thi.I, of ~se, raises accepted way of life.


is at

Change He'address

Attleboro' Nurses. AnnounceWinner'


1 / 0 1


M-K Restaurant

Bass River 'Savings Bank



For Your Outdoor Cookout

MacLean's Sea Foods




Plan to Develop Liturgy Courses For Seminaries

Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Ambassador Sees Need for Priests In Philippines WASHINGTON (NC) Philippine Ambassador to the United States Oscar Le­ desma told the biennial su­ preme convention. of the Daugh­ ters of Isabella that his country ibas far too few priests and new vocations are not closing the gap. Ledesma told the nearly 2,000 delegates that his country has one priest for every 6,400 Cath­ olics, as' opposed to one priest for every 700 Catholics in the U.S. In regard to vocations, he said there is only one vocation for every 7,300 Catholics, so that the Jieed for priests is growing. "There are n:.aterial difficul­ ties involved," he said. "For ex­ ample, it is noted that the great majority of vocations came from low middle-income families with four children or more. "Very often assistance is sought from relatives or friends to help the boy through school. Even the seminaries themselves solicit funds for the support of promising students Who would otherwise not 'be .able to finish' their course'" • 0 . Grateful for Aid "And then there is thesitua. tion in the parishes themselves, which: 'often discourages voca­ tions," he said. "Most of our parishes .are poor. They are without s t ron g permanent churches and convents. Many of the beautiful. and big stone churches built during the Span­ ish times were destroyect during the last war. "The income of many of our parish priests is often too low to maintain their dignity and help them acquire a car or a jeep in visiting distant villages, or to build a decent rectory." The .'·ambassador said Filipino Catholics are grateful for as­ sistance received from such American bodies as the Paugp­ ters of Isabella, the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and the Catholic Relief Services -N.C.W.C. With such assistance, he said, there are hopes that his country <;an spread the Catholic Faith to the rest of Asia. Paraphrasing President Ken­ Jledy, he, concluded: "We ask not what America can do for us; we ask what together we can do for the freedom of man."

ST LOUJS (NC)-A spee­ ially-called national institute for seminary rectors and professors to develop liturgy courses for those studying for the priesthood will be held here starting Friday, Aug. 28, A committee appointed by Archbishop John F. Dearden, chairman of the American Bish­ .ops' Liturgical Commission, planned the institute to follow immediately after the close of the national Liturgical Week here. The institute was' hurriedly called in order to give seminary faculties some training courses before the beginning of the next school year. Major Course The sessions will plan to com_ ply with the requirement of the Constitution on the Liturgy, which states that "the study of sacred liturgy is to be ranked among the compulsory and ma­ jor courses in seminaries and religious houses of studies; in ,theological :£acuities it is to ENTER NOVITIATE: Entering .Holy Cross Brothers' Novitiate, Valatie, N.Y., are, ran k among the. principal from left, Donald Pelletier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pelletier, 'New Bedford, 1963 grad­ courses." Planning the institute are uate of St. Anthony High School; Edward Papke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Papke, father. Gerard Sloyan, presiden~ Westover Air Force Base; William Crombleholme, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cromble­ of the National Liturgical Con­ holme, Acushnet, graduate of Coyle High School; Joseph Moore, son of Dr. and Mrs. ference; Father Bernard Cooke, S.J., chairman of the theological Joseph Moore, W;treham, student at Stonehill College. facultY.,l:\t .Marqu~tte University. and Father Aelred Tegels, O.S.B., professor of liturgy at St, John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minn. Joseph Cardinal' Ritter ill EMBAKWE (NC) -With the and adorr..ed with Mnooth te-r­ . ipners, donors include German sponsor of the institute. blessing and opening of a new razzo and,lshining plaster. Catholics responding to a circu­ church building Sunday, the l3esides money from parish- lar letter issued by Julius Car­ Catholic mission here in South­ dinal Doepfner of Munich and ern Rhodesia completed its 60th ENFIELD (NC) - Some 1,500 funds from the Congregation for year. the Propagation of the Faith in persons attended the dedicatioJl The new building, Church of of a new memorial chapel hon­ Rome. the Sacred Heart, is designed to oring members of the armed Started In 1902 meet modern theological think. forces by Bishop Bernard J.. The mission, located on the TEZPUIt (NC) - The Bishop ing and the wishes of the Second Flanagan of. Worcester, Mass., Vatican Council. It is spacious, of the new Indian diocese of northern edge of the Kalhari, at the LaSalette Shrine here in built in steel and glazed brick TE,zP'Ur, a town threatened with semi-desert area, owes its be­ ginning to Empandeni, Southern New Hampshire. An Air Force invasion ill the Chinese commu­ band assisted at the opening of RhOdesia's oldest Catholic mis­ ni,!Jl; attack of 1962, has launched the GO-seat chapel. sion, which was a royal gift a campaign .to set up new Sriilools, churohes and mission' from an African king, Lobengula' to the Je~i-t Fathers in 1885. stations. Embakwe out-school was PIETERMARI'!'ZBURG (NC) B ish 0 p Orestes Marengo, started in 1902 by the Jesuit -South. Africa's National Cath­ Where A S::D.B,.. Ordinary since 1951 of Fathers in a hut. Lobengula's olic Federation of Students has the neighboring' diocese of Di­ warriors were its first. pupils. unanimously adopted a state. ment declaring that racial dis- brugarh, ,Vas named last month Today ~~e mission is an impor­ tant edueatiQnal and missionary . crimination is un-Christian, and as head 01 the new diocese. Situated ort the oorthern bank center. " Means A it has asked .the Catholic bishops of the Brahmaputra river, Te~" to clarify their position regard­ , In 1930 the Mariannhill.Fathers ing the government's apartheid plllr was evacuated when Chinese .took charge of the mission and attackers reached its outskirts policy. . schools. Today ·there are ' . the The statement, in the form of during thn 1962 invasion. nearly. 1,500. i children . being . Last JarlUary, Pope Paul VI taught including five out-schools a preamble to the NCFS consti­ set up the diocese of Tezpur the farthest 40 miles away. tution, declared: comprising the Himalayan State "The National Catholic Fed­ of Bhutan, the portion of the eration of Students, as a Chris­ tian movement, recognizes the North-East Frontier Agency­ A .=AMILY TREAT common brotherhood of man, J)<trt of W'hich is mill under Ohinese occupation - and the to whom is accorded the su­ BAR-B-Q CHICKENS preme dignity of sharing in the Ammm State north of Brahma­ life of God, and the duty of all putra and the NowgQng district people and groupS of people to or.. the southern bank-a total of act in such a way that this basic some 95,000 square miles. FARMS truth is made manifest. 145 Washington St,. Fairhaven "We therefore affirm, both in Just off Route 6 theory and practice, our oppo'; WY 7-9336 sition to all racial discrimination. NEW YORK (NC) - Fatfiher NCFS' commends the existence ,Philip S. Hurley, S.J., has re­ Watch for Signs of non-racial, non-sectarian signed as chaplain of the Cath­ Open Evenings While out for a Drive student organizations and ac­ olic Inter::acial Council of New Stop at this. delightful Spot cordingly disapproves of soci­ York. The council executive eties which encourage racial­ committee said Father Hurley ism." rEsigned because of an increase in other eommitments.

Opening of New C:hurch Marks Progress·

Heroes' Chapel

.lll1dia Bishop Asks Schoc.ls, Missions

So. Africa_Students. Denounce Racialsm





Chal»lain Resigns

Prelate Applauds

TV Punishment

NEW REGENT: Mrs. J\nna; C. Walsh of St. Louis' is the newly elected Supreme Regent of the Dau­ ghters of Isabella.: She has been .Supreme Vice-Regent for ei~ht years. NC Photo.·

PORTO ALEGRE (NC) Archbishop Dom Vicente Sche­ rer applauded the punishment of a teleyision station here in Bra­ zil for what was charged to be an indecent program. The station was barred from the' air for 24, hours as punish­ ment for a report on the"mono­ quini" (the Brazilian name' for the controversial one - piece . bikini). The station ,used live models to demonstrate the brief swimming costume. '



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THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Urge' Penalties For Agitation Against Jews

Jewish Leader Hails Decision Of Holy Se'e

BUENOS AIRES (NC) ­ The legisl-ature of Argen­ tina's predominantly Catho­ lic Cordoba province has ask­


official of the American Jew­ ed President Arturo Illia and the national congress to enaot ish Committee has hlli1ed the stiff penalties for persons in­ decision of the Holy See to volved in anti-Jewish activities. place all matters regarding 'r.he petition also accused fed:' Christian-Jewish relations into eral deputy Juan Linares of the the hands of the Secretariat for neo-Peronist National Lab()r promoting Christian Unity as It party of "engaging in racial agi­ "significant clarification" by the tation practices." Vatican. The'request came on the heels Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, of an ()utbreak of anti-Semitism director -of the Interreligious Af­ in Argentina which officials say , fairs Department of the AJC, is limited to a small group of said that the move "will help persons, many of them teen­ r~assure many who feel that the agers. lI."elationship of the generally pos.. During the debate, the Cor­ itive development between the d<>ba legislature bitterly attack­ Vatican and the Jewish people ed an anti-Jewish propaganda was largely attributable to the campaign by Hussein Trikki, de­ great confidence, trust and scribed as a representative of friendship the Jews have for the Ara<b League in Argentine. (Augustin) Cardinal Bea and the The Arab League is a loose or­ The Holy See announced Aug. ganimtion of Arab states, with 'I that Christian-Jewish matters headquarters in Cairo. would be removed from the jurisdiction of the newly formed 'Climate of Terror' AT BIBLE SGHOOL: Youngsters of Our Lady of Health parish, Fall River, enjoy Secretariat for Non-Christian Trikki has accused' Zionists' of seeking to take over Latin session of Bible School under direction of Rev. Arthur de Mello. School met three days Religions and returned to the 1 America by foree: Linares, the weekly for' four weeks, climaxed with Olympcs Day, featuring Indian < ceremony, sacred . Christian. unity secretariat. . 'SignificaDtAd', 1 federal' deputy, bas proposed that· ~ncert. . ';I'hat same day, Rabbi Tanen­ govermnent officials be invest­ ,. baiUn told a Sister Formatioa igated for Zionist influence and' . Conference at Marquette Uni.. bas demanded to know how' versity here that Jews were be­ much money has been sent from coming ~ncreasingly worried that Aa-gentine to Israel. " . There's consternation in Fall River at the moment over what appears to be a rising' the Vatican council statement on In answer to these statements, tide of juvenile' delinquency-but an area prhst has a solution to the problem. It involved the Jews wouJd be watered the powerful Christian-Jewish d<>wn or discarded. Confraternity in Argentina 'plenty of hard work on his part, but its underlying princple was siJt:lple. "Keep the .youn.. . Asked about the latest deci­ sters busy," sayS Rev. Arthur de Mello of Our Lady of He,altl:l Church. To keep them clha,rged. that "the outbreak of' sion, Rabbi Tanenbaum said it anti-Semitism in' Argentina busy and at the same time past four weeks; Concert, . issuing of certificates was a "significant act which will eomes at such an opportune time provide them with a whole­ help prevent confusion in the So m e thirty-one teen-age and an Indian ceremony featur­ that one can only believe that. some, palatable helping of counselors were responsible for ing a pantomime presentation of future." He noted that for Chris­ ft is with 'the deliberate a~m of the younger boys and girls and the Lord's Prayer. At the concert tians, Judaism is not simply ereating a climate of teNOr to study he organized a Bible shepherded them through an a picked group of singers offered another non-Christian religion School which enrolled 97 young­ further ends whicl1 are not at but the "mother faith' from active morning program includ­ the Gelineau Psalms. sters three days a week ·for the all clear." ing athletics, Bible instruction

During the four week camp whose It>ins Christianity wall and meditation, Indian lore, arts period, Father de Mello said he born and which continues te and crafts and a vigorous physi­

conducted three Bible vigils, one give spiritual nourishment." He said Jews feared that the cal fitness session.

for children as young as seven excellent relations which had Parents Are Happy and eight years old. developed over the years with The Bible School was an out­ As well as Our Lady of Health Cardinal Bea would be lost ii the awam .for public service. MANILA (NC) - Father Au­ cilildren, boys and girls from ·grQwQ1 of the regular Confrater­ Jewish questions were placed gustine Nguyen Lac Hoa, leader nity of Christian Doctrine pro­ four surrounding parishes, in ad­ Relief Agency Aided under Paolo Cardinal MareHa', of the beleagured viHagers of gram in the parish, said Father China-born Father Hoa -: his diton to a number. of non-Catb- . secretariat for non-Christians. de Mello.' Its success definitely Binh Hung, Whose self-defense Chinese name ·is Yuem Lo-hwa­ olic YOj.lngsters, attended the forees, the Sea Swallows, have esc~ped to Vietnam wit'll some of Bible School. "They enjoyed it · points the way to its repetition kept their district in $outh 'Viet­ his parishioners from' south and their parents seemed to next Summer. nam's :extreme south out of com­ China in December, 1950. He and their parents seemed. to ap.. munist hands, has been chosen found 'temporary havens 'for 'and their. parents seem.ed to ap­ L~ucrs :lor one of the year's BamoD them first in northern Vietnam, ,de Mello. . JERUSALEM (NC)-The in.. Magsaysay awards. . The four w~ek program was . terlor committee of the Knesset tt:hen still free but recked by climaxed by an Olympics Day, AccQrding to the annoUnce-' w,ar, and later in Cambodia. (Parliament) has urged the gov.. FMNKFURT (NC)-A repo~t ernment, to ,find some legal way ment by the Magsaysay Award Finally in 1959, throUgh' the attended by parents. Athletic to restrain missionary activities. Foundation, "Father Hoa is rec­ personal interest of the :late events, a weiner roast and an presented to the general assem­ .It said the missions distrib­ ognized for extraordinary valor Presiderit Diem with the help exhibition of arts and crafts · bly of the World Alliance of were followed by evening Reformed Churches here in Ger­ ute goods and candy to find a in the defense of freedom, of Catholic Relief Services-Na­ many has hailed "a new climate" way to convert youngsters and strengthening among a belea­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ in relations between CathQlic poor families. gured people the resolution to ence, the priest and his people and Protestant Churches. resist tyranny.'" He is the foun­ were settled in Binh Hung on The report said this climate dation's Selection this year for land that had been abandoned Parishioners of Our Lady of Health Church, Fall River, will has developed in areas where and had lon,g been insecure. SERVING

Unde1' ~ather Hoa's leadership mark their patronal feast tomor- ' cooperation previously would have been unthinkable, particu. FINE ITALIAN FOOD

row through Sunday. Tomor­ the people built houses and cul­ larly with regard to religious row's program will .inclUde tivated the soil, only to be at­ freedom, peace and race rela. tacked by the communist Viet fOO,d sale of Portuguese delica­ tions. Cong in November, 1959. The cies beginning at 6 in the eve­ RESTAURANT and LOUNGE

ning in the church hall on Som­ It urged member churches to priest's flock, which now in­ on Lqke Sabbatia

cluded non-Christians formed its erset Street. Also' to begin at 6 exchange' "in the interest of 1094 Bay Street

·own self-defense unit since the at the hl\ll is Saturday's sched" sOcial betterment" mutually ac­ ule, a blessing of offerings, a ceptable .experiences in worship regulatarmy was unable to pro­ VA 4-8754

TAUNTON lawn party and a concert. Sun,.. with the Catholic churches. tect the village. ~ day's program will start with . Former Recipients solemn high Mass at 9:30 in the Recen'f,ly two Vietnamese morning, with Rev. Antone G. ,majors were assigned to take Janeiro, O.F.M., missionary from command of the Sea Swallows Santo Christo parish, to preach. WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS and the district. ~ather Hoa is A procession will follow at Z at the still the chaplain t>f the self­ and another lawn party and con­ defense unit. cert will conclude festivities. He is the second priest to re­ SOMERSET, MASS.

ceive a Magsaysay award since the first award was given in Assets Over $2,600,000 in 3 Years

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Bible School Answer'to Wh'at' to' .Do?"

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964

IFortunate .·'Few · Principal Characters· .i." Two 'Novels

True Christian Insight



God Love

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

, By Rt. Rev. Msgr. JQhn S. Kennedy If you are not intensely interested in that American

Why are there over 100 conversions a year per priest fa

many mission -ds, when in ,the United states priests avera&"e only a little over two conversions a year? Because we are bllSier and must teach in schools? But the priests In the Missions have more work. In some parishes In AfrIca, the priests hear eonfessiona rIVe ho1U'S a da;r, four da;rs a week, in addition to caring for DllU1J' missions and converts. The reason is probably this: here. we want people to come te us; In the Mlsstons, they gO out after the people. We are canonicals, that is, our responsibility Ia measured by those who are subject to Canon Law; MissIons are pastoral, in the sense that «others who are not of the fold muR be bro~ht in that there may be one fold and one Shepherd.·

minority which consists of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of means and social position, it is doubtful that The Rector of Justin by Louis Aucbincloss (Houghoon Mifflin, $4.95) and Widows and Admirals by Louise Field Cooper (Si-' pictured it. "Now I see that is, only another tap for on' and Sc·huster. $4.95) will Justin the world's materialism," he appeal to you. Almost all the cries in unaccustomed anguish.

eharacters in each are of this fortunate few. True, there is • Ca~olic in Mr., Auchin­ elosS's novel. ' but he s a wispy fellow and hardly m '0 r e than an offstage murinur. And in Mrs. Cooper's story there· are ' Irish and Scan­ dinavian


vants, women with big feet and atrocious accents. But the principals are exclusively drawn from among our best people; Not that the authors are 'blind..; t,.. devoted to them. In a staidly· savage way, Mr. Auchincloss,' opens up dark places in the lives" of his creations. Mrs. Cooper bas" a . gentle mannet, but she can· spot, foibles in. her favorites, and,' l'Ouse laughter at them.. August Presence i·"" .' Mr.. Auchincloss allows us ,into . the august presence of the Rev- . erend Francis Prescott" D.D., founder and headmaster of a. New England preparatory school for boys. Prescott has almost outlived the hills when we meet him. New to the faculty is Brien Aspinwall, an aspirant to the Episcopal clergy. Prescott has long since 00-, eome an institution quite as much as his school. At the school, he is regarded with awe. It must be said that he does everything to. encourage su~h an atti~e., His bearing, his mannero~ sPe:ech,· his dress are all cal~.,.. la~d toprodace a Jovian ,ef!o~." _* U:ead Stan 'We learn" from Aspinwall and his four helpers, that Prescptt is .by origin. a Bostonian, whicb, of ,course, is a head start for anyone. In his youth, he Wa$ an" able student and a splendid ath­ ~, extrE~me1Y serious about, himself and what he would ,Jllake of his life. At Oxford, he hap­ pily took to English ways, which have since become a fixed part .t the school routine. Being a clergyman didn't "fundamentally a p pea I t o Frank," a contemporary dis­ closes. "He took orders only because he wanted to found a church school, and he sought to get his studies and ordination behind hiDl as quiekly as poSsi­ ble." , .And what a success U1e school had been! Aspinwall is practi­ cally besotted with admiration for the great one in whose iouige it was made. But how well, do : myth and man accord? ·The' otlH!rs arEl less than, ,adoring toward him. or his school' Man and Mrtb It develops that this seeming paragon actually had little time or use for genuine human rela­ tionshiPS. that his marriage was much more for convenience than for IClve, that his wife was really the deeper, richer per­ sonality, that his daughters (like Lear, he had three) have no illusions about him. But he was a great educatQr, surely? No matter what his shortcomings, he was that? Even here there is a big question mark. The celebration of the school's diamond jubilee is soured for Prescott, soon to die, by the :realization that the school is not as he has alwaya

Right People Perhaps he exaggerates. But there is truth in his belated rec­ ognition that "snobbishness and materialism were intrinsic in its makeup" " "When I urged the boys to go into politics or the ministry, they accepted it as a Prescottism, so many lines of a lesson to be learned that had no relation to the real world at home" " "They had been told by their parents that to be a graduate of Justin would be a material aid in that real wot'ld. Ah, yes, reality. Reality was the brokerage house, the corporate law .firm, the place on I"ong Island, the yacht,' 'the right peo­ ple." Marries Catholie The Roman Church and its pe­ culiar adherents crop up now and then, but very, very periph­ erally, in Prescott's ken. Thus, one of· his daughters, Cordelio, has had the poor judgment and taste' to marri a' Catholic. It didn't work. And when slle gets a chance at . ,something .better,'at least finan:'· cially-, Prescott does' not hesitate to urge her to 'lie' "to a priest from the Rota" to the effect that, on her part, there had never been any matrimonial intent." She replies, "Even a Jesuit is entitled to the truth!" Good girl! But not so good, she does as he suggests-and later turns into' a promiscuous tramp. Gravely Flawed And what has th,e magnificent, Pr~scott turned into by the: time we reach, with relief, the :last, page? A monster? An utter fraud? Say, rather,· a gravely flawed human being. But· not . a tragically flawed one. M•. Auchincloss has been re­ soundingly praised as in .the ' front rank o£ present day Amer­ ican novelists, and this has been" pronounced his masterpiece to date. It is a modest masterpiece at best, heavy rather than sub. ' stantial, arch rather. than subtle. with a few flashes of wit and a dreadful descent into embarrass­ ing sensationalism in the case of Cordelia. Lighter Touch Mrs. Cooper has a lighter, livelier touch. She relishes the human comedy, and can present it wryly and amusingly but without harshness. I would hot ' count this among her best works. Its matter is slight indeed; there is an unconscionable amount of repetition; practically notl:lirtg happens. Its best feature· is its precise rendering o£ a place and of a season. ' 'The place i s . Connecticut ahore resort, easily recognizable although given the fictitious name "Flanders Point." It is small, secluded, select. Its shab­ bily comfortable houses are, prized possessions handed down from generation to generation. A cynical visitor once declared Flanders Point to be a sink of self-satisfaction. One can see why. But Mrs. Cooper wants u~: to perceive that, for all their' foolishness and especially theil' petty pride. these are nice pe'ople" warm-hearted and considerate.' .She has her fun with them" but she does admire them. And: the alien reader, probably 01: the same stock as the loud and, lumberina menials. will not dis·: agree.


FIRST VOWS: Brother Ernest Bourcier, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Adrien Bourcier, New Bedford, a Coyle alum­ nus, will make his first pro­ fes·sion of vows as a Holy Cros:J Brother Sunday at St. Joseph's Novitiate, Valatie" N.Y. He will pursue studies at St. Edward's University, Austin.

. Urg!e Immigration Lall' Liberalization WASHINGTON (NC) -'Con­ gress:ional approval for a sweep- . ing liberalization of U. S. immi­ gration laws has been urged by U. S. voluntary foreign service' and· immigration agencies, in­ cluding several with church af­ filiation. Th(~y

endorsed the aims of an admbistration-backed immigra­ tion hill in statements to a House judiciary subcommittee. Princi. pal feature of the measure (H.R. 7700) would be the phasing out' of the national origins quota system, under which immigrants are admitted to the U. S. on the basis of nationalitY.

T~,rt.ifYing in support ~.


, ,. Just say that there were three conversions per priest pep year in the United States, which is above the average. Ia there a single priest who does not know twenty· who .left the Churoh during the year to follow one of the three concupiscences: sex, egotism and greed? Are we really growing except in baptisms of infants .to catholic parents and by adding building to building? However one answers the question, those who love Ohrist can plainly see that we ,have 110 go out to those who are not coming in. The Communists do not limit their zeal to Communists, politicians buttonhole voters and kiss babies, salesmen ring doorbells, and dog-food manufacturers hire town criers. Shall we who have Christ huddle together in pews and be. helpers of' the Iiight of Heaven illid not cast ~e 9Il th.e e~?, We know that you faithful have worried about this eMIl­ placenC)'. You ask, «What can be done?" For one thing, yo. eould imitate the girl in a dentist's office. who makes thirty converts a year • • • and all with toothaehes! Talk· about Our Lord with' others, invite them to prayw:ith 7GB. Go out into the suffering world where Christ is. If you bve failed in this, then send misSionaries, help educa.te a priest, deny yourself a III'X1lI'Y to pay for a'Catechist In Africa, .take. up a collection in your office for lepers .'. . an~ send it to one who is responsible to, the whole Church. namely, the Ho17 Father.

GOD LOVE YOU to T.C. for $20 ''Please accept my pnryen and sacrifice to support a cateohist for one m-onth in the Mis­ sions." . • • to Lori, Robin, Dicky, KoathrY'n and Barbara for $4.30 "We had a carnival to raise money to help the lepers. We hope this will help save all the little children who have leprosy." ••• to Mr. and Mrs. F.K. for $150 "Last night we decided to forego our planned vaoati-on trip so that our offering could travel to the Missions. At least we have a place in whiah to "stay home." • . • to A.K., and D.B,. for $10 ''My fiance and I used to have dinney out once a week. Now I have proposed that I cook the dinner and we ,send our. savings to the Missions. You will be hearing from

ua every week.~

bijl was Auxiliary Bi~op, Ed.,. , w;n'd E.. Swanstrom. of ~ew: Pind out how an annuity with The Soclet;r for the Propap­ York, executive director of tlon of the Faith helps both iou and th.e POOl" of the world. Sen. Cathillic Relief Serv~es - N~­ your requests for our pamphlet on annui~ies, including the date tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ of your birth, to Most. Rev. FUUOD ~. Sheen, 366 Fifth Avenue. ence. He spoke on behalf ,of 2fJ New Yorkl0901. volW:ttary agencies that mak~ up the Committee on Migration and Cut oUt' this coupon, pin your sacrifice to It and man it to Refu,tee Problems of the Amer':' the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society iC8n Councll of Voluntary Agen­ for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York cies for Foreign Serivce. I, N.Y., your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street. Fall River, Mass•





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'Ftff ANCHOR- -.._lhurs., Aug. 20, 196,(

Sees Improved Public

.Papal Volunteers Stress Value Of Laymen

Relations for Church

~ENESEO (NC)-A public information expert chaJl­ acterized the communications decree of the Second Vatican Council as "both a hope and a harbinger" for improvement of the Church's public relations efforts at the Vatic'an and in the U. S. Father Vincent Nations seminar on free-· A. Y zermans, director of the United dom of information. Bureau of Information, Na­ Father Yzermans said the tional Catholic Welfare Con­ communications decree contains

ference, told the annual Summer conference of the National So­ ciety for the Study of Communi­ cations here at the State Uni­ versity of New York there are three reasons why, from Ameri­ can newspaper viewpoints, the Vatican has poor public rela­ tions. First, the nature of the Vati­ can's work deals largely with the spiritual and much of it necessarily must be confidential, Father Yzermans said. Secondly, "the Vatican has lived for over 100 years with a European press markedly anti­ clerical in character" and knows how "its statements, its pro­ nouncements, its policies have been twisted and perverted," he said. The "straight goods" Amer­ ican attitude conflicts with the Italian expectation that "fact and comment be interwoven," he added. "The real situation of Vatican public relations, then, by Amer­ ican standards leaves much to be desired," the priest said. "However, the winds of change are obviously blowing through the Vatican and the effect can be seen in two documents, both encouraging and promising." Salient Points He said the documents are the communications decree and the address by Pope Paul VI last April 1'7 to participants iR a

Observance Theme War on Poverty MIAMI (NC) -"The War Oil Poverty" will be theme of the Miami diocese's fourth annual Labor Day observance Sept, 3. Pontifical Low Mass offered by Miami's B~shop Coleman F. Carroll in St. Joseph church, Miami Beach, will open the one­ day program. A banquet at which Daniel p. Moynihan, as­ sistant secretary of labor, will be the principal speaker, will be the closing event. Msgr. George G. Higgins, di­ rector, Social Action Depart­ ment, will serve as chairmall of seminars in the morning and· afternoon at the hotel.

Holy Father Salutes 4~H Clubs' Work

QUEBEC (NC) - Pope Paw VI saluted the aims and work of Canada's 4-H Clubs, expressed hope for their expansion and dispatched his apostolic blessing to the directors and members in a letter to Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec, primate of Can­ ada. "They· leaI'n in this movement to "'{ork together, to love one another like brothers, 110 know and love their CO\Hltry and HS natUl"al resources, to discover God in nature, and especially in the forests which constitute such a great beauty of Canada," the Pontiff's letter stated. '11he letter said the Pope had been informed of the adlieve­ ments of the organiz8'tion dedi­ cated 110 the welfare of l'Ui"al

two salient points-one empha­ sizing man's fundamental right to information and the other urging effective use of the media to make the information readily accessible. He recalled that Pope Paul in his address declared information "is unanimously recognized as a universal, inviolable and in-. alienable right of modern man." The Pontiff also said "informa­ tion must be true, honest and faithful to facts."

Two from Diocese Sisters of Mercy Among the 22 postulants woo were clothed in the Ho:y Habit of the· Sisters of Mercy and given their religious names at a ceremony in the chapel of Mother of Mercy Novitiate, Cumberland, were two residents of the Diocese of Fall River. Eleanor Mary Kitchen, d,augb­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kitcl1en, 968 Rodman Street, Fall River, &f SS. Peter and Paul Parish, received the name of Sister Marie Marg'clret. She is the sister of Sist.er Richard Mary, RS.M. Kathleen eordeiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francisco. C. Cordeiro, 124 Forest Street, Fan River, of St. Mary's Oathedral

Parish, received the name ef

Sister Paul Maureen.

Most Rev. Bernard KeBy,

Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese

of Providence, presided. The sermon was preached by Re-v. Raymond J. Foerster, C.P.

Sodality Schedules Training Meeting BLACKWOOD (NC) - Some 150 deleg·ates from five states wHl attend the second annual leadership training conference of the New York province of the Sodalities of Our Lady of the Pillar here next week. '11heme of the conference win be "The World Crisis." Special emphasis will be placed on the problem of intel'l'acial justice. Representatives from 15 civil l'ighits groups will conduct work­ shops. Three African students and Father William Anderson, S.M., chaplain of Pax Romans in Africa, will discuss racial prob­ lems in their homelands. '11he Sodality of OUi' Lady of tlhe Pillai(' is promoted by the MarIanists. Delegates from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryla·nd and North Carolioo will attend 1he eonference.

Says Science Shows Existence of God

NATAL (NC) - Particu­ lar recognition must be given to the vital role of laymen S6 they will no longer be l'e­ ~rded as mere substitutes wr­ ing a shortage of priests, 25 Pa­ pe'l Volunteers working here iJ!

BNlzil stressed in a statement is9l1oo here.

The document's recommenda­ t'lons were addreSSed to the na­

tiOllQl PAVLA office, to the U.S.' diocesan directors, to the field in Brazil and to individual vol­ unteers. They were the result ()1f a meeting attended by elected rep.;. resen1JaJtives of P AVLA in BraziL HELP REORGANIZE: Father Ray Ruiz, C.M., left, The meeting represented the first amd Father Stephen Ganel, C.M., are going 00 Ohile to be atotempt of the volunteers as a group 'WI ex'press their views OIl provincial and provincial procurator, respectively, of the P AVLA policy and summed up Vincentian Province of the Pacific, which embraces Chile. a f'Our-year-experience in this The U.S. priests go in answer to an appeal from the Latin country. '11he document emphasized American province for help in reorganization. NC Photo. "'1!hat home training (before de­ pa.rture toT Latin America) be done under a nationally stand_ ardized system, at a regional or na1Jiooal school with a perma­ nent and qualified staff," and 1Ihat "the bishop-to-bishop plan­ ning should always be directed 1>hrQUg\h the national hierarchies NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Father are Catholics in the· archdiocese C. J. Springer, C.SS.R., is pastor elf New Orleans who are afflicted· of llhe United States and the reo­ in a parish of silence-a parish with deafuess - an affliction ~ving countries." in which a problem of communi­ which makes "!;he ordinary par­ cation must be bridged. ish church, in a sense, "out of Father Springer's parishionen txlunds" for them.

Being a part of the ordinary parish is extremely difficult and

OKA (NC)The Rt. Rev. Fidele frustrating for the deaf person, . Sauvageau, O.C.S.O., 42, son of says Father· Springer. Two of n blacksmitbh, will be blessed the big problems, he said, are solemnly as the third mit,red a~ CINCINNATI (MC) - Cracks sermons and confessions. bot of the 83-year-old Trappist are beginning to appear in the For them the sermon in 8'Il :monast~ry here today, feast of "wall of prejudice" by which elrdinary church is silence­ Negroes are "hemmed in" the there is no communication, D() St. Bernard, Trappists' patron. Paul Emi>le Cardinal Leger of eentral city, a speaker told the ~xplanation of the meaning of Moontreal will officiate at the Cincinnati Interracial Council Christ's Gospel. here. Confessions is even a bigger blessing of the successor of the kbbot Parome Gaboury O.C.S.a. Walter S. Bunker, past presi­ problem. woo recently died. Father Sau­ dent of the Cincinnati Real Es­ Come From Afar tate Board, warned, however, vageau was elected by the ~ that present trends may divide The 38-year-old native of New members of the Trappist com­ the metropolitan area into "tWel Orleans was .ordained in 1952 JnUlllity. and served for a while in a par­ separate communities." Abbot Sauvageau is Q native ish in Oklahoma. "We'll have a non-White cen­ of St. '11huribe, Que., and an al­ In 1954 he was transferred UI tral city," he said, "ringed by umnus of bhe University of Ot­ Baton Rouge where for eight tawa. He joined the Trappists restricted White suburbs-a cen­ years he was part-time chaplain irn 1946 and was ordatned to the tral city beset by unemploy­ ment, segregated education, seg- . of the Louisiana School for the . pr.iestlbood in 1952. regated housing and hemmed Deaf. He is in his third year as Hpastor of the deaf people in in by a wall of prejudice." Bunker, a member of Chri!t the archdiocese of New Orleans. Masses and other services the King parish in Cincinnati, cited as one of the "cracks in geared to the world of the deaf the wall" a statement by the and hard of hearing are held in Advance Mortgage Corp. in a temporary quarters at Our Prescriptions called for report on "Minority Housing Mother of Perpetual Help chapel and Delivered Markets." The report declared in the mid-New Orleans area. HEADQUARTERS FOR The deaf come from far away that "property values in neigh­ DIETETIC SUPPLIES borhoods in racial transition for the Mass on ';he second and 6GO Cottag~ St. WY J,.7.139 generaUy held their own or fourth Sunday of each month, New Bedford rose above the neigbboring Father Springer said. norm, thus refuting a long-held stereotype." "'rhis concept that housing values are based primarily OIl the income of people in a neigh­ ONE STOP borhood and not on their color is a very important one," Bunker GEORGE M. MONTLE SHOPPING CENTER Ie•. Master Plumber 21H declared. • TELEVISION • fURNITURE Over 35 .:ears "Of all the reasons for oppos­ • APPLIANCES • GROCERY ing integration in housing," he of Satisfied Service added, "the most frequently Allen St., New Bedford 806 NO. MAIN STREET eited is that integration causes Fall River OS 5-7497 ''lYman 7·9354 loss in property values. You can see how important it is that this myth be exposed for what it is -the rationalization of preju­ dice." FOR FAMILY BANKING

Parish· of Silence

New Orleans Church Services Geared To Needs of Deaf

New Trappist Abbef Son of Blacksmith

Cracks Appear In Racial Bias





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HAMBURG (NC) - A profes­ zor of theoretical physics at the University of Hamburg, Nobeol Prize winner Dr. Pascual Jor­ dan, said in a newly pUblished book that "the discovery of nat­ ural laws which are undeter­ mined reveals that aU creation ~th. is permeated by divine power." In his study, entitled "The. Joseph A. Charpentier Natural Scientist and the QuesReg. Pharm. South End Council, Fall River tion of Religion," Dr. Jordan afTEL WY 6·0772 Knights of Columbus, will hold firmed that modern pr..ysics no PRESCRIPTIONS a clamboil Sunday, Aug. 23 in longer holds a materialistic concept of the universe based em • 1902 ACUSHNET A VB. Tiverton Council ha}~ Fish lWa~ QeDial of the existence of Qod. ...._ _.N.E.W_B.E.D_F.O.R.D _ _..... irom 1--1 to 6. . ..........

"-' I..









TffE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964



3rd to

6th Rib




Super-Right ME:ETING THE PEOPLE: In his three-week visit til) missil>ns ill Latin America run by his 80ciety of St. James the Apostle, Richard Cardinal Cushin.g of Boston, with his host, Juan Cardinal Landazuri Ricketts, O.F.M., of Lima, Peru, met "~hese Indian mothers and mildren. NC Photo.

Congress to Meet Worlld BOMBAY (NC)-The 38th In­ ternational Eucharistic Congress to be held here win bring to 'the Church as a whole but par­ ticularly to Asia the eternal -message of Christ, the Catholic bishops c,f India have stressed. They spoke in a pastoral let­ 'ter signed by Valerian Cardinal Gracias cd' Bombay on their 'be­ "'hali. -' - The letter was read in the -'oountry'schurehes inprepara­ tion for a campaign of prayers end sacrifices to be held throughout India for the success of the congress on Aug. 15, feast ef the Assumption and India's Independence Day,' and on the precedine: and following Sun­ II-ays. The bishops of India expressed J1eir gratitude 10 .Pope Paul VI

for the warm-hearted encourage­ ment" given them and said the congress "will serve to meet the challenge of th€ modern world." The .letter added': "Through this congress we would like to light a' torch I)f hope in the hearts of men, op­ pressed with the burden of the

Lay Missioners -CINCINNATI (NC)-Thirteen lay missionaries received mis­ sionc'crGSses at a special Mags on the eve of their departure for posts in the U. S. and Latin America. Msgr. Henry J. Klock­ er, diocesan representative for P AVLA (Papal Volunteers for Latin America) and Extension Volunteers, blessed and prl!­ sented the crosses.


wodd's miseries'" '" '" We would like to give to all men the cour­ age, to make a better world, and that must be done by building a better city, a better home and. above all, a better self. "Self-renewal! The many new nations that have recently come into being are anxious to begin a n·~w life and to.make their own distinctive contribution to the new world of today. Among them stands India, where the' congress is being held, a country witllan ancient tradition that all renewal must begin with a renewal of self." . The bishops said that "preGC­ cupation with the material -as­ pects of the congress should never make us lose sight of the primacy of the spiritual" and the;v- called for prayers and study of the meaning and mys­ tel'lr of the Eucharist.

Mission Volunteers

RElceive Crosses

:MANCHESTER (NC) - Man­ chester's Bishop Ernest J. Pri­ meau presented mission crosses and COmmissions to nine Papal Volunteers for Latin America (PAVLA) and three Extension . La," Volunteers to the United Sta~es homeland missions at a departure ceremony in St. Jo­ . llep::l cathedral chapel here in New Hampshire. ' The Manchester members of P AYLA will work for the Church in South America at a salaxy of $10 a week. They wiU join two priests, two nuns and sevf~n laymen from the Man­ che;ter diocese now on assign­ ment in South America.

Train Catechists

ATrEND RETREAT: Sisters of St. Joseph eonfHr with retreat master, from left to right: Sr. Jeanne du Sacre Coeur, Sr. Francois de Sales, Rev. Mario N~. S.J"., Sr. Mar.ie EmJ1lanu.e.L -'

LISBON (NC) -Nearly 1,600 lay catechists have been trained in "phe archdiocese of Lisbon in the past three years. Manuel Cardinal -Goncalves Cerejeira of Lisbon told an outdoor rally that soon aU iIehool .children in ~ archdiocese will be, reoeiviDI reJ.iCioua iDItniotioL


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Program Giv'es Louisiana Youth Understanding of Priest's Work NEW ORLEANS (N C ) Twenty high school boys found out this Summer that the parish priest doesn't stand alone. They discovered that the pa,s­ tor relies heavily on the laymen who 'contribute many talents to the Church. The high school teenagers par­ ticipated in a week-long pilot program - an expansion of an archdiocesan seminary vocation workshop initiated a year ago. Under the program last Sum­ mer, students of sixth, seventh and eighth grades in the area spent a week at St. Joseph Sem­ inary in St. Benedict, La., get­ ting a taste of the life of a sem­ inarian. Some 300 grade school boys t()Ok part last Summer. The suc­ cess spurred the archdiocese to accept more this Summer and so 500 grade school boys are going to the seminary five weeks this Summer. Also added was the one week for high school boys. Visit Chancery Office In recruiting high school boys for their experiment, said Father Crllrhmam J. Putnam, "we found that they weren't interested in a 'day camp atmosphere' or con­ concerned with everyday sem­ inary life." What they wanted "was some­ thing that would help acquaint


Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Base Confidenc:e On Faith, Hope Pope Stresses

them with just what a diocesan priest does," said Father Put. nam, director of the program. Although St. Joseph SeJ11inary served as headquarters tor the 20 young men, much of their time was spent elsewhere. One morning they came 'to New Or­ leans for a visit to the chancery office and informal chats with the priests and lay people who work there. One afternoon the young men split up into groups for visits to metropolitan area parishes. They had dinner, with the pastors, talked with them and with key laymen. They got a view from inside the rectory of how a par:' ish operates. ' Evaluate Knowled«e Another day they vi'sited coun­ try parishes - at Mandeville, Lacombe, and Folsom, La. Back at the seminary the high school youths listened while two longtime pastors told about "a lifetime in the priesthood." Then the teenagers sat down to evaluate what they had seen and heard. They went home, said Father Putnam, with a whole new image of the priest - what he does and what he is. They found that he is a human being who works every day with human problems, and that he isn't iso­ lated in the rectory."

CASTELGANDOLFO (NG) -Modern man's need for a sense of confidence can only be realized if it is based on

Kennedy Urges Catholic Students Help Solve World's Problems WASHINGTON (NC) -Atty. Gen. Rober:t F. Kennedy urged an international gatHering of Catholic students here to use their education in such a way as to actively solve the world's problems. In a welcoming address to the Interfederal Assembly of Pax Romana, an international move­ ment of Catholic students and intellectual~, at Georgetown University, Kennedy said stu­ dents must prepare to take all active part in public affairs. "There is a danger, growing out of your university experi­ ence, that you will not do so," he said. "The very education which has helped expand your awareness of the problems of

other men is the same education which prepares you for a place in society far removed from those problems. Asks Involvement ANOTHER 'FIRST': Pope Paul VI looks through the "The carpeted office of. the open door of a helicopter as he is about to take off from medical specialist in the United the papal Summer residence at Oastelgandolfo for a flight States has lirttle relationship to the ailing peasant child in Latin of about 75 miles to Orvieto, ,Italy, to take part in, a cere­ America," he said. "The philos­ mony marking the 700th anniversary of the establishment opher's study in Europe is a cen­ of the Feast of Corpus Christi. It marked the first time a, tury away from the hovels of. pope had flown in a helic~pter. NC Phol the Asian poor. The research la'boratory does not produce con- ' cern in a faraway country." Kennedy called for "active involvement" by young people, holding up for themt-he ideal of Theodore Roosevelt who saw the PLOUARET (NC) - Algerian, ing to the legend, at a time need for a "life of strenuous en· Moroccan and Tunisian·Moslems when heretics were denying the deavor." joined Catholics from France, resurrection of the body, the Germany and Belgium in a joint sleepers awoke;' thinking they Christian-Mohammedan pilgrim­ had only slept one night. They age to the Hill of the Seven were found by the people of Sleepers of Ephesus in this nearby Ephesus who' looked on Breton village. their awakening as proof of the A Byzantine Rite Liturgy was ,resurrection of the body. develop a program of active par­ ticipation in the Mass at St. celebrated, during which the The story is contained in the Joeph's parish.' ' pilgrims prayed together in Ara­ Koran, the Moslem holy book. During its first two years of. ' bic, Breton, French, Greek" The seven have feasts in the Kabyle and Latin for unity of Byzantine Calendar on Aug. 4 'use, none of tlhe music was writ­ ten down. Later,however, it was faith and peace among nations. and Oct. 22. In the Roman Mar- ' Bishop Joseph Descuffi of Iz­ , transcribed, and last year a re­ tyrology they are commemorated cording of. the setting was issued. mir, Turkey, a city near' the site on July 27 as SS. Constaninus, The liturgical and scriptural of ancient Ephesus, sent a mes- , Dionysius, Joannes, Mplchus, texts in Father Rivers' program sage of greeting and blessing Martinianus, Maximianus and to Louis Massignon, organizer of Serapion. a,ppear in English tIoanslation. the pilgrimage. Although r()Oted in the tradi­ The legend of the seven tion of lI1' egro spirituals, the music does not borrow directly Sleepers of Ephesus tells of a OFFICIAL group of young Christian noble­ any of their familiar melodies. men condeqmed to death by the Rather, according to Father' FAIR WORLD'S Roman Emperor Decius (249,-51). Rivers, it incorporates their The group took refuge in, a TRAVEL CENTER C'haracteristic melodic patterns cave and' then fell asleep. The and rhythmic life into an origi­ Roman soldiers . found them nal expression." there and sealed the entrance,' burying them alive. , In Martyrology One Church Green , About 200 years later, accordTaunton Tel. 824-7518

Moslems" Catholics on Pilgrimage To Hill ,of Seven Sleepers

New Mass Setting Incorporates Melodic Patterns of Spirituals WASH'INGTON (NC)-A mu­ sical setting for the Mass that draws· its inspiration in part from Negro spirituals is winning acceptance in parishes through­ out the country. Entitled "An American Mass Program," it has been described by a reviewer for the trade mag­ azine Billboard as being "like Gregorian chant touched with the blues." , The music is the work of. Father Clarence . Rivers, 33, a curate at St. Joseph's Church in Cincinnati. Father Rivers composed his American Mass Program origi­ nally for his own inspiration and enjoyment and later used it to


Jesuit Urges Catholics Lead In Race Probl'ems Solution LAFAYETTE (NC)-Catholics have a special obligation to lead the way to a solution of racial problems, Father Louis J. Twomey, S.J., told a Newman Forum audience here in Lou­ isiana. "We who profess to believe that man is created in the image of God, and as Catholics who believe in the Mystical Body of Chr~st,lInust recognize that when one man suffers we all suffer," Father Twomey said. ''The time is pasi wben we eaa


. ~• •

indulge in the luxury OJ: Pt'l!lSlng the responsi'bility on to someone else. We can no longer sweep this problem under the rug. "If we deny the Negro his God-given rights," he warned, "we are building a d'angerous framework in which we all may lose our rights. How much longer will God tolerate His image in black skin being kicked around'? If we do not solve this ' , in the light of Christian love and Christian principles, do we de­ .erve ~ survive?



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the vi-rtues of faith and hope, Pope Paul VI told several thou­ sand visitors at his general aud­ ience here. 'J1he Pope said that a sense of confidence or trust is neces­ sary for everyone. Confidence is needed, he said, "if young ill order to get·.on one's feet, if weary, in order to act; if tired, in order to persevere, and if, af­ flicted and suffering, to reach toward God." The Pope said that the modern world promises much and gives much to a man, but at the same time "it disappoints him with the very abundance of its gifts." He said much of the present-day literature, drama and various other fields reflect dissatisfact­ ion and are "often oppressed by doubt, by boredom, by nausea, by unhappiness and often also by a mute and tortured inner depression." On the other hand, the Pope said, real confidence "which re­ sists the trials of our earthly existence, which are many and serious, is found at the meeting point of two theological virtues t<> which the contemporary world unfortunately pays slight attention, faith and hope!' Pope Paul explained the sense of Christian confidence by citing St. P.aul and St. Thomas Aqui­ nas. The former said '''our suffi­ ciency is from God," said the Pope, while St. 'IIlll)mas "ex'­ plains precisely that to have confidence, it is necessary to be­ lieve in someone who deserves ,faith, a:nd that it is necessary to hope in SOmeone who does not deceive our hope.", . The Pope spoke individually to several groups in the audience hall inclUding a pilgrimage from the At,rican nation of Senegal. egal,

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THI: ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Aug. zd, 19,54

Recommends Fr. Masse's Book on Social Teaching By Msgr. George G. Higgins In his encyclical of August 6, Ecclesiam Suam-the first of his pontificate-Pope Paul VI does not discuss in detail any of the great moral problems of our times. "We realize how long this letter. would have to be," he says in Part II of the encyclical, "if we were to indicate even the vide a more substantial material basis for personal and family de­ main lines of the modern velopment than ours does, 01: are program of Christian life, more in accord with human dig­

and we do not intend to enter nity." into such an undertaking now." Many Unsolved Problems Signifi­ On the other hand, he hastens cantly, however, to add, "'11hat is not the sar:le lie does refer in thing as saying that the Amer­ passing to the ican system of private enterprise importance of and the society to which it has VOWS: Brother James social and eco~ given a special tone are ready nomic problems for baptism. By no means * * '" Pontolilo, son of Mr. and in our rapidly There are gross injustices in Mrs. James Pontolilo, Nor­ changing world American life, and many Ull­ ton, a Coyle graduate, will and 'notes that solved problems'" '" '" stl:.dy this Fall at Stonehill he is "pleased "The great struggle for a sod. CoUege, following his profes­ fA) take this op­ ety dedicated fA) justice and :flrep.­ portunity of re­ dom, to truth and love is only sion of vows on Sunday at affirmin~: his half won. We may not be able Valatie, N. Y. close adherence" to the salutary to see as yet all the challenges IilOcial teachings of the Church. ahead, but enou~h of them are Spirit of Povert,. For the sake of brevity, the already sufficiently evident and Holy Father is c~ntent at this pressing to keep us busy for a stage to ,emphasize "the nobility long time to come." CONYERS (NC) - Hospital I am pleased to recommend and the necessity of the spirit of storage, a new wrinkle in prep­ Father Masse's new book ve:ry poverty which characterizes the Gospel of Christ" and at the enthusiastically. By the way, aration against disaster, was in­ troduced at the Trappist Mon­ don't be frightened by the com­ sarrie time to indicate that, right­ ly understood, it can contribute plexity of its subject matter. It astnry of the Holy Ghost near greatly to the solution of our is written for the averalire here. 'j\he first in a series of 42 reader in a style which is crystal m.ajor soc~ial and economic prob­ model civil defense emergency . clear. lems. packaged hospitals to be stored More specifically, he says that at selected sites throughout the spirit of poverty "makes us Georgia was installed at the more sensitive to, and more mO:l1astery library, and will be capable of understanding the ready for instant assembly. human aspects of economic .At a brief ceremony, Dr. John questions, by applying to wealth PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Bish­ and to the progress it can effect op Fred P. Corson, president of H. Venable,state health depart­ the just and often severe stand­ the World Methodist Council, ment director, officially trans­ ard of judgment that they re­ ferred the $45,000 hospital to the hailed Pope Paul VI's first en­ quire, by giving to indigence cyclical, Ecclesiam Suam and monastery. Lyndon Beall, also of Our most solicitous and generous said its proposal for "world be,t­ the health department, said the attention, and finally by expres­ terment" should win the support monastery was chosen because it sing the, wish that ecoRomic of Protestants. "admirably meets all civil de­ goods be not the source of con­ Commenting on the document, feni;e standards" - is near a flicts, of selfishness and of the Methodist leader said that ma;ior -population area, has good pride among men, but that they "Pope Paul's encyclical, offer­ storage facHities and custodians be used in justice and equity ing the services of organized . intHrested in the civil defense for the -common good and ac­ Christianity for the solution ,[)f program. cordingl~' distributed with great­ world problems, especially those In case of emergency, it was ec foresiJirht." concerning peace, human rights e~plained, the hospital would be Timel,. Book and social welfare, will be wel­ set up at the ConyerS element;lry The Pope's insistence that comed by every sincere devotl~e sch<)()l near the monastery. The economic resources be used "i,n of the cause of human better­ em,~rgency hospitals are 200­ justice and equity for the com­ ment." bed, field-type, which are stored mon good" brings to mind the For Common Good in 660 boxes, weighing 44,000 title oj: Father Benjamin ' "The proposal to unite with pounds. Masse's new book, Justice For all Christian and non-Christian Each unit includes two gener­ All, whic'h will be released this religions in this task is anothj~r ators, a 1,500-gallon water tank month blr the Bruce Publishing evidence of his desire for all ano a pumping apparatus to pro­ Company of Milwaukee. religious persons to work t·o­ vid<~ emergency power and Father Masse, who has served gether for the common good" water supplies. Also included with distinction for 25 years as Bishop Corson said.' are medical supplies to permit economics editor of the Jesuit "He clarified the stand of the 30 days of operation of the hos­ weekly, America, wrote this Church on atheism and commu­ pit~lls. very timE~ly book to "help bridge nism and identified both as ene­ the gap between papal social mies of the full human develop­ documents and those Catholics ment. Protestant groups should N.,. Fairhaven Notes who think seriously, or would offer to join with the Pope :in Registration for CCD classes like to think seriously, about these efforts for world bette:r­ will be held Sunday after all. the great socio-economic prob­ the Masses. Classes will start ment." lems of our times." on Sunday, Sept. 13, after the It can be considered, he says 8:Hi Mass. Coffee and donuts "an introduction to the Church's Children's Day Care wi[[ be served before the class. social teaching, written against .'Ihe next meeting of the Con­ Project Gets Grant an American background." fraternity will· be on Monday WORCESTER (NC)-A grant Balanced Answer nig~!lt, Aug. 31, at which time In summary, Father Masse of $40,000 in Federal funds' hi~s the fishers will prepare fA) con­ asks himself whether or not the been awarded to 1lhe Worcest,~r tad aU who failed to register American economy is operating Diocesan Bureau I)f Catholic on Sunday. Oharities by the Massachusetts "with justice for all", or (to reo Members interested in the ba­ Division of Child Guardianship zaa:r will meet tonight at 7:15. fer back to the new encyclical) with "justice and equity fer the to undertake a demonstration Ladies of St. Anne's Sod'ality project in the day care of child­ common good." win receive Gommunion ia a His answer to this question is ren in the Worcester Coun'~y body at the 8:15 Mass on Sunday. a carefully balanced "yes" and area. "no". On the one hand, he says, '11he gmnt was made th{'ou~:h "'Not many economic systems in the Department of Health, Edu­ the world-if any at all-pro. cation and WelfMoe. The purpose of the diocesan project is to "demonstrate the

PrelClte in Austria Est. 1897 MARIAZELL (NC) ~ Eugene possible contributions 'and ~~

Cardinal TisseraDt, French-born fulness of social services to duy Builders Supplies' dean of the College of Cardinals, care personnel and families .~f 2343 Purchase St..... made an official pilgrimage te children using clay care mcili­ New Bedford tbe 8oo-year-old Benedictine ties," Msgr. Timothy Harrin,:­ lKlnctual'Ji' here which is Aus­ ton, Worcester diocesan direc~)f' WY 6-5661 kia's chief Marian &brille. ef IIOCial sel'V-Ules. expliamed.

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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964

Rebuts Seminary Critics Continued from Page One which has dictated the programs

nova in 1848 said Bishop of separation from the world

MsShea the wo;k of the Augus­ and worldly contacts in prep­

tinian Fathers has spread to ara~on for ~he mi~on that

Dine archdioceses and 12 dio­ awaIts the pllesthood.

ceses in this country, and to . "We do not have to apologize

Cuba Japan and Canada. . m any sense of the word for the "D:u.ing the long years of productivity and r~levancy of training, hundreds of seminar­ the. c:lergy of the. d.lOceses an.d ians have been sanctified ill relIgIOUS commumtIes of thIS truth and sent into the world to land," the bishop added. acco~plish the Master's mission. "This very campu~ of Villa­ This has been done in the spirit nova bespeaks the frUItful labors of those hallowed traditions of a handful of dedicated men which the Church has kept as who were called apart to pre­ her own. pare themselves, and then here "The dispositions of the Coun­ within sight of this very semi­ eil of Trent, and the Code of nary have ed.ucated, trained and Canon Law, the Constitution of {lerfected countlesS! thlousands the Augustinian Order and its of young men and women in al­ Ratio Studiorum are the re­ most every endeavor of human vered guidelines which have learning and in Christian belief served and will serve in the and behavior.". future for the training of reli­ "New labels must not make us gious called to the sacred priest­ believe that the for~es they rep­ hood. They cannot be cast aside resent are somethmg new to lightly." men and the Church. Nor must Contemporary World we consider seminarians of .the . '." past to have been merely paSSIve, The .blsho~ contInu~: In our patient automatons, sitting, own tl~es, In the. SPillt of the standing, kneeling and speaking ~cumemcal CouncIl, the Cathoat the flick of a magisterial IIC world seeks renewal and ac­ baton or an authoritarian rod" commodation of the. <?hurch and the bishop said. ' her works to the SPll'lt and con­ ditions of a contemporary world. All of us feel in our hearts tbe urge to respond to the call of Pope John XXIII and Our Holy Father Paul VI. TRUJILLO (NC) - Richard "But there are many too who, by implication at least, would Cardinal Cushing told a group tell us that the practices and of seminarians here in Peru that disciplines of the past are hope­ Ahe Catholic Church is the only bulwark against communism in lessly outmoded," he said. Latin America, but that it needs "The charges are made that seminary education deprives the 125,000 priests immediately to do the job. seminarian of meaningful con­ The Boston prelate visited tacts with the laity; that he is not adequately schooled in the Trujillo, Peru's third largest city, during a swing through this disciplines of the modern world; country climaxed by his being that he is constricted by repres­ sive standards of obedience and declared an honorary citizen of respect for authority; that he is Peru at a state dinner in Lima. Speaking to the students at deprived of personal initiative. Trujillo seminary, Car din a 1 "All this is depicted as trag­ ically disqualifying our priests Cushing prophesied that Latin America would eventually be­ of today and tomorrow from ef­ fective apostolate among the come the bulwark of future civ­ enlightened laity of our times," ilization in the Western Hemi­ sphere. the bishop stated. Scarcity of Priests Like Apostles' Traiing "But if Latin America is Ul Noting that Christ drew His become such a bulwark, it will first apostles away from the be mainly through the work of world for spiritual formation be­ the Catholic Church," he said. f{)re He sent them out to teach, '"That's why the alarming· scar­ Bishop McShea said: "Let no city of priests must be solved." one dare to scoff at the centuries The cardinal told the semi­ old experience of Mother Church narians that foreign clergy are working in Latin America at the present time only out of neces­ sity, and that they would gladly tum over theit parishes and in­ stitutions to the native clergy once the scarcity was overcome. VIENNA (NC)-Mo~t commu­ He urged the seminarians to be­ nist propaganda agencies ig­ come holy and dedicated priests nored the criticism of commu­ intellectually and spiritually nism contained in the new en­ prepared for their work. cyclical of Pope Paul VI. Radio stations and news agen­ cies in Moscow, Prague and Bud­ Benedictines Found apest tried to diminish the i;n­ portance of Pope Paul's first en­ Priory in Wisconsin cyclical. The Soviet Union's na­ CEDARBURG (NC). - Nine tional news agency, Tass, stressed Benedictines, seven priests, a that the encyclical condemns deacon and a Brother, have es­ preventive and aggressive wars tablished Our Lady of Clare­ and rivalries. Tass quoted with­ mont priory here in Wisconsin out comment the encyclical's with the permission of Arch­ passage condemning atheistic bishop William E. Cousins of communism. Milwaukee. Efforts for Peace Negotiations for the commu­ Radio Prague deClared that the nity started in 1961 when the encyclicpl is an open confession late Abbot Ambrose L. Ondrak, of the diminishing power, O.S.B., of St. Procopius abbey, strength and influence of the Lisle, IlL, petitioned the Holy Catholic Church. Pope Paul see for permission to establish spoke more harshly of commun­ a new independent community. ism than Pope John, but did not The Congregation of Religious go back to the "'crusade against gave the permission last May. 22. communism of Pope Pius XII," Radio Prague said. Raqio Budapest declared iliat despite the encyclical's words, Pope Paul expressed hopes that SHEET METAL the dialogue with atheistic ide­ J. TESER, Prop. ological sYstems such as com­ RESIDENTIAL munism will soon bring positive INDUSTRIAL results. Eastern European comments COMMERCIAL on the encyclical stressed the ef­ 253 Cedar St., New Bedford forts for peace and talks between WY 3-3222 Catholics and Don-Catholics.

Sees Church

As Bulwark

Agencies Ignore Popes Criticism

Norris H. Tripp

CFM Planning To Start Politics, Race Program CHICAGO (NC) - Be­ tween 12,000 and 15,000 lay­ men, priests and Religious active in the nationwide

VERY CONFUSING: The College of the Holy Names, Oakland, Calif., makes available to children of "disadvan­ taged areas" plays that otherwise wouldn't reach them. Here two sets of twins are puzzled. They have been invited to see a play called "The 13 Clocks," and there aren't that many clocks in ·sight. The twins are Bobby and Billy Lesser, extreme left and right, and Dale and Gail Chin, center. Sandy Tanzillo, College of the Holy Names junior, makes a point with wand. NC Photo.

German Prelate Calls for Study Of Christian Women's Vocations COLOGNE (NC)-A German prelate has declared that Cath­ olics must get rid of the notion that the only vocations open to women in the Church are those of a wife or a nun. Auxiliary Bishop August Frotz of Cologne told a meeting of the Federation of German Catholic

Metal Madonna At Fair Exhibit NEW YORK (NC) - A ma­ donna created in wartime by a Polish sculptor out of 15 differ­ ent types of metal is one of the art works currently on display at the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair. The creation is the work of Roman Adler and depicts the Madonna of Ostrobrama of Wil­ no, who has since been· adopted by P£)lish airmen as their pa­ tronesses. Adler, a World War II pilot with the Polish air force in Poland, France and England, got his first inspiration for the un­ usual work during a wartime visit to the shrine of Lourdes in France. He was three years in com­ pleting his Madonna, using 15 metals, including gold and silver; Because of wartime shortages, he bad to get some of his mate­ rials from such sources as trash heaps and cellars. The madonna's face is exe­ cuted in polished brass with a lace-like veil· of gold and silver. The background is hand chiseled copper and bronze.





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Women that it is of great impor_ tance for the future of the Church to discover what the Christian vocations of women reaHyare. "With the changed position of women in public life, nearly all secular occupations have opened up for her," said Bishop Frotz. "Therefore, it is only logical if the number of women's jobs is increased inside the Church and many-sided vocations become recognizable." Poini ., Departure The bishop said Scriptural study must distinguish in the writings of Sl Paul those teach­ ings directed toward the women of. ancient times and those ap­ plIcable for all periods. "One must take as a point of departure the thought of 'minis­ terium' in the Church which the council has expressed so forci­ bly, of the essential individual service of each person for the people of God and human soci­ ety," he continued. "The thought pattern according to which only the ways of nun and wife are recognized as of full value must be destroyed."


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Christian Family Movement are expected to attend 15 area con­ ferences in the near future Oil the CFM's 1964-'65 program "Polit.ics and Race." . Public figures, theologians, civil right.s leaders, scholars and experts in various fields will speak at the area conferences which will be held in all sections of the country to explain and to activate the CFM's program for the coming year. Sen. John O. Pastore of Rhode Island will be keynote speaker at the area meeting in that state Sunday, Aug. 30. Charles Percy, Republican candidate for gov­ ernor of Illinois, and Lynn Wil­ liams, Democratic candidate for Congress, are speaking at the area convention here Aug. 21-23.. The Christian Family Move.. ment has 35,000 member couples and is represented in all 51 states. A CFM statement announcing the upcoming regional meetings stressed the link between polit­ ical action and effective effort on behalf of interracial justice. Rights for All "Every member of CFM must get to know persons who run for office, must come in contact with the organizations which support candidates, and must retain in­ terest in matters of government after the excitement of elections is over," it said. "Every white member of CFM must also seek out and come te know II Negro and every Negro membe!' must seek out and come to know a white person, 58 that he will finally see not a person distinguished by color but a man different only in his God-given individuality. "Every member of CFM be­ yond this act of friendship and love must take an active part in the organized movement for equal eivil rigbts for all.


Rural Bottled Gas Service




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TH'E ANCHOR-Diocese ot Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 1964

Sisters of St.' Joseph Transfers Con,tinued from Page One Jean ~Baptiste, Fall River. Sister Louise Marguerite from Mother Claire Louise from St. St. Roch, Fall River, to St. Ther.ese, New Bedford, to St. Therese, New Bedford. Sister Marie Edouard from St. ' Roch, Fall River. Mother Marie Clotilde, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River, to Joseph, New Bedford. st. Michael, Ocean Grove. Mother Louis de Gonzague, Sister Joseph Edouard from St. Therese, New Bedford. Blessed Sacrament, Fall River, Mother Marie Alphonse, St. to St. Michael, Ocean Grove. Louis de France, Swansea. Sister Henri Joseph from St. Sister Louis Joseph from St. Mathieu, Fall River, to St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River. Michael, Ocean Grove, to st. Sister Marie Theofrede from Joseph Provincialate, Fall River. St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River, to St. Mathieu, Fall River. Vincentian Notes Mother Marie Claire from st. Attleboro Particular Council Michael, Ocean Grove, to St. of the Society of St. Vincent de Mathieu, Fall River. Mother Marie Lucie from St. Paul began issuing a monthly newssheet, "Vincentian Notes," Jean Baptiste, Fall River, to this month. It will reach active St. Michael, Ocean Grove. and honorary members in the From st. Mathieu Attleboro area and will contain Mother Marie Mltdeleine from items of interest to Vincentians. St. Mathieu, Fall River, to st.

Writ'er Appreciates Letters

From Readers of Column

By Rev. Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. You're never sure, when opening a letter in response to this column, just what you're going to encounter. But one thing you're sure of-it's always going to be interest­ ing, one way or the other. Most correspondents are kind enough to make you feel that Invariably, these teen-agel's, you are being h~lpful-not who may become involved in that you've said anything some dangerous relationship in­ new, but rather that you deed, are willing to practice



managed to encourage those even heroic virtue to remedy who are already doing what is the situation. The nice part of a right and, rea­ teen-agel' is that he doesn't sonable to con­ build a wall between himself tinue doin~: so and the Crucifix.

in the face of

Chooses· God's Side the group of All too often, a letter from a consistent loud­ boy will read something like mouths who try this "Tell me some way to ex­ to make right plai~ to her that this is wrong seem stupid and without hurting her feelings," wrong. Th ere an expression which might well are, of course, give you girls pause for medi­ the "hate let­ tation. ters" and those Or you'll get this sort of think­ from the dis­ ing from a girl who is breaking. senters, too. Sometimes, these off a dangerous friendship, , letters are sensible, occasiol}ally "Father, I have chosen the side wild, and often just pathetic. A of God because He loves me boy will protest vigorously that enough to have suffered for me; you're too harsh with "steadies," so this is better than any of the or a girl will indignantly pout pleasure of earth * * *" there can't be anything wrong The boy, of course, who is still· with "a little harmless necking so immature that he thinks girls and pettin~r." Or mother will were created primarily for his use "celibate" like a dirty word pleasure, would also be too im­ in informing you that anyone mature to dig this depth of but a "celibate" would know truth. there's no harm in 14-year-olds' Loves Kids dating. But the most interesting let­ InteresUng Follow-ups ter in this present batch comes It would be interesting to see from an American teen-aged the follOW-Ups to these letters girl who is spending two years some years from now. Even in Peru, instructing in English now, enough such letters are and trying to ignite others with -on hand to justify an occasional her own Sodality spirit. "I told you so." To quote only a couple of sig­ Invariabl~r, the boy finds out nificant passages from her let­ that going steady is dynamite, ted: "I love these kids, Father, the girl discovers to her sorrow and I don't want to let them go that there is no such thing as on like this. They need the "a little harmless necking or strong Sodality influence. I * * * petting," and mother awakes to can't speak enough Spanish yet the fact that 14-year-old dating (Give me 20 years or so!) to can and usually does lead to really communicate to them the tragedy-tragedy which, oddly Christian way 9f living * * * enough, is not limited to other Please keep praying that we can people's children at all. stick it out-life is sweet, but "Teen-Agers Vociferous" so is rock candy." Most letters make the author Real Teen-ager feel like' about two cents in You teens who are reading a high market, since they are this in the comfort of your from people! whose unconscious home should-and undoubtedly practice of virtue is tremendous, will-get some of the same feel­ or from those who are doing ings I get as I read it in my truly gteat work for God and comfortable home. Here is a girl their fellow men. of 15 or 16 who is generous There is, for instance, the enough to use her youth in help­ letter from an unassuming, ded­ ing others, maybe some of those icated priest who has started a "least brethren" Christ speaks group called "Teen-Agel's Vocif­ of. erous." This organization has as Here is one who has forgotten its purpose the teen-ager's work­ herself. who has given up the ing out of his own problems" preoccupation of some teens with the cooperation of other with dating and "fun," and all teen-agel's, and it seems to the rest to live a life of Christian have all the depth and energy leadership and not just talk of a good Sodality, basing its about it. And this, not because effectiveness on spiritual values it's just one big, romantic ball, rather than on just "keeping but because it's doing Christ's kids busy"--which, by itself, work, often the hard way. would be ridiculous.

Pradice Virtue

Mass at Monastery It's marve!lous, though hardly aurprising, to note how the for­ Marks Anniversary tunate teen-agel's under the care CANFIELD (NC) - A Mass of this zealous priest follow up marking the 50th anniversary of his suggestions with their own the Society of S1. Paul, whioh is youth and energy. Perhaps the most frequent dedicated to spreading the Cath­ olic Faith through modern media type of lettel~ one gets from teen­ agers has to do with boy-girl of communications, was offered relationships--which is hardly at St. Paul Monastery here in surprising. What might surprise Ohio by Bishop Emmet M. Walsh some peopl,e, however, is the of Youngstown. 'I1he monastery is the home of great good will on the part of the community's U. S. novitiate these questioners. and major seminary, and also the publishing center for two Liturg)' Workshops national magazines, Pastoral CLEVELAND (NC) - Priests Life-for priests-and the Cath­ olic Home Messenger. in the diocese of Cleve}and wlll The Society of St. Paul was take part in a series of work­ shops, scheduled for three cities, founded in Alba, Italy, by Father to prepare them for ohanges in James Alberione, S.S.P. Father Alberione, now 80, still governs the liturgy whioh will be intro­ w'-eQ later 1Ibi.ol' year. the society a.i .ilU\Perior ienera!.

PINAL PROFESSION: Brother Richard Demers, C.S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Demers, Taunton, will make perpetual profession as a Holy Cross Brother Sun­ day, Aug. 23 at Moreau Hall, Stonehill College. A gradu­ ate of St. Edward's Univer­ sity, Austin, Tex., Brother Richard has been teaching at St. Thomas Aquinas School, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Msgr. Daley Continued from Page One would now say, 'Thank God, he lived'." Msgr. Daley was born in New Bedford Aug. 19, 1894, the son of the hlte Thomas and the late Margaret (Riley) Daley. A graduate of St. Charles Col­ lege, Catonsville, Md. and St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., he was ordained May 25, 1922 by the late Bishop Feehan. Msgr. Daley was an assistant and master of ceremonies at st. MarY':l Cathedral from 1922 un­ til 19i:3, when he was assigned to S1. James parish, New Bed~ ford. He was named pastor of St. MarY'B, So. Dartmouth, in 1941. He served as pastor of St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay' 'from 1947 until assigned to St. Fran­ cis Xavier in 1954. On Nov. 2, 1961, Bishop Con­ nolly announced that Pope John XXIII had elevated the Cape Cod pastor to the rank of Do­ mestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. Assisting Bishop Connolly at the Mass were Rt. Rev. Hum­ berto S. Medeiros, assistant priest; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, deacons of honor. Rev. John A. Chippendale, deacon of the Mass; Rev. Ed­ ward B. Booth, subdeacon of the Mass; Rev. William F,. Morris and Rev. Francis A. Coady, aco­ lytes. Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, thurifE,r; Rev. Donald A. Tosti, book bearer; Rev. William G. Campbell, candle bearer; Rev. Philip A. Davignon, gremial~ bearer; Rev. Francis L. Ma­ honey, mitre bearer. Masters' of ceremonies were Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev, James P. Dalzell. Also present at the Mass were Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bish­ op of the Diocese, and Bishop RusseE J. McVinney, Bishop of the Providence Diocese. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of ~e Diocese, presided and chanted the third lesson at the Office of the Dead in the church Mon­ day afternoon. Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen chanted the first lesson and Rev. Christopher L. Brod­ erick, the second. Monsignor Daley is survived by two sisters, Misses Loretta and Gertrude Daley of New:~ :Be<:Uolci.


BLIND YOUNGSTERS IN THE GAZA STRIP, some of them oRI, .even years old, can now read with their fingers, weave baskets, raise chIckens and rabbits. thanks to the Pontifical Mission Center for the .Blind. /Someday, please God, they will be able &0 sup­ port themselves, marry, and have normal children of their own . . . In GAZA (a parched strip of desert between EGYPT and ISRAEL) blind­ ness was an' indelible curse until two years ago, when our readers helped build the Pontifical Mission Center. Now everyone in GAZA Th, Holy Ptllh(1f"s Mission Aid knows that blind people can lead for Ih, O";,nltll Church useful, productive lives... We thank God, and our readers, for the privilege of helping the blind to see! ••• Blind youngsters in rags, holding their fathers by the hand, came to the Center this week to ask admission in the fall. Dozens more will come before September. How many can we help? The Holy Father asks us to help as many as we can • • • $300 will pay the overall cost of a blind boy's training for one year •.. $25 pays it for one month ... $10 clothes a blind youngster for one year ••. $1.25 a month gives him lunch each noontime. Won't you do what you can? . . . Our Lord worked miracles to give sight to the blind. Your help can work wondenl

MISSION MEMO THE WORKING WOMAN earns about five cents a day in INDIA. Her husband averages about $1.45 a week . . . Small wonder, then, that the Holy Father asks our help to build mis­ .ion churches, schools, clinics! . . . Whatever you give to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association Is used under the Holy Father's direction in one of our 18 countries-and no gift is too small. After all, In INDIA a nickel I. a woman's full-day'. pay I


MISSION OF THE WEEK.-Catholics in NEDUMKANDAM, southern INDIA, can't use their new church until windows, doors, sbutters, and flooring have been Installed. The materials wlll cost $840. In addition, the new altar will cost $90 • • • Would you like to give the altar, or help pay for the materials needed? MAKING A WILL? REMEMBER THE MISSIONS



Dear Monsignor Ryan:

Enclosed please find....... •





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Pope Paul and Council

nity in which individuals try to Continued rom Page One know more and love better. They ation. The draft on the Ohurch has thus try to make more room in been partly discussed in t·he themselves for God's life, which is insight and love. council chamber. Sinee ~ sec­ ond session, its draft has been "The Gospels say that "God is rewritten so as to better agree truth" and "God is love". But with the expressed minds of the participles are best; God is not Fathers. Amendments have been static. His love is knowing and incorporated into the text. Two loving • "'. The Church is all chapters have yet to be treated the world which responds to for the first time: that on the Him; it is in Guardini's phrase, future glory of the Church in 'All creation redeemed and at heaven and that of the place of prayer'." Our Lady in the Church. ... • • As a summary of the People of God ehapter, not without justice, In trying to give a positive John Cogley wrote a little poem, idea of just what the Church is, in 'America', which we should one must always remember that quote:

it is first of all a mystery. Christ Who is the Church?

did not create the many offices, Who You." jurisdictions, rules and regula­ tions, etc. that go to make up­ The Holy Father's recent can externally at least-His Church to awareness, reform and dia­ of today. These have been hu­ logue makes the Council debates man arrangements over the cen­ that much more real and impor­ turies, proposed and put into tant. There is no place for the effect so as to facilitate the Pharisee's boastful faithfulness Churclh's primary reason for ex­ to God while all other creation is istence and for establishing a evil in some way. Awareness of better order in the Church's our position in the Church is not many activities. to create some looking down on In the schem3, the Fathers non-Catholics, non-Christians, have chosen biblical images-­ non-theists. It is rather to spur much like Christ Himself did­ us on to a greater attempt to so ''s living body, a shepherd and live in the Church that others his flock, a vineyard, the house will want to share with us what and the temple of God, the heav­ makes our life so rich, meaning­ enly city, the bride of Christ ful and happy. • • ." 'Not concrete enough? Yet Reform will simply purify our just about as concrete as Christ activities so that in all things we thought it should be taught. act as connected living cells of In "The Open Church", Mi­ His Body, liS sheep of His chosen chael Novak states it in this way: flock, as a life-transmitting The Council "tried to give the branch to the Vine, os a simple Children of the Chure..'1 a new dedicabd house =md temple of conception of her Efe. It focused God, as the reprcduction of that not on the Qutwnrd power or city th=obbL."1g with ~he life, joy juridical cchesion. It tried to and undz!'Standing 0:: the pres­ move away frem the concepts cf ence cf God, as the intimately bureaucrccy ur-::1 low, to the con­ hayyy ar..d rzndy to cQcperate cept of tlle ir.r:er ilie. ':':'h.e cr.d Spc:lse of C:U-ist. Church is fhe co::nm:.:r..ier. of As SOCi.1 as ecC:'l en:; c:f us CEll those who ~:lnre the' life ef God. 4CFor so:rr..:a r~~scns net c12D.r s:ly this cf his own Eie, the to men, God wished to sl11::1'e Zis C:'lurch will in tilS truest form be the Church of Chri...st. life with others wllcm Ee :;?e­ As soon t.S er:::h one of us can ated, with whom He speaks in history. Every man is invited gay this, we will be a":>le t:> ade­ quately turn toward all those and pursued; ench is free to re­ ceive this life in himself. If the who share this world with us answer is yes, he is drawn into and we will be able to be the in­ this life of insight and love. The struments intended. by Christ. Then, foilowing the instructions Church is this communion of in­ and prudently makbg contact ner life. _ ."But as God ~came man, with all men-no II:3.tter what physical and limited in time and . they call themselves - the Church will be in dialogue. space, so the Church is also hu­ man, external, limited by the conditions of time and space. It Promote Retreats

has buildings men can enter: water, wax, bronze, glass, "flame For Korea Laymen

they can see or touch; incense SIERRA MADRE (NC) - The they can smell; ministers whose voices they can hear; members first retreat house for laymen in the Republic of Korea will be who are skilled in every pro­ established by two American gression and live in the world. Passionist priests whQ left Cali­ "The Church is a community fornia for Asia. of men whQ talk, pray, act, in­ The foundation will be made quire. '.r.he Church is a commuat Kwangju at the invitation of Archbishop Harold 'Henry, S.S.C. Father Raymond McDonough, Chicago Professor C.P., is going to Korea with Gets Art Award Father Patrick O'Malley, C.P., a WASHINGTON (NC)-Mircea native of Iowa. Both will study Eliade, professor of history of Korean at the Franciscan Mis­ religion at the University of sionary Institute in Seoul. Father Chicago, was awarded the 1964 McDonough has been engaged in retreat work on the West Coast medal of the Catholic Art Asso­ ciation at the close of its 27th since 19(;10. national convention held at Georgetown University. Pharmacists to Hold Eliade, a former Roma::tian diplomat and a writer on sym­ Annual bolism and comparative religion, CINCINNATI (NC)-The Na­ was honored for his "tremen­ tional Catholic Pharmacists dous contribution in his field Guild's second annual conven­ and for the various insights he has given us concerning religion tion will be held here Wednes­ day, Sept. 23 nnd Thursday, Sept. in our own day." 24 with the St. Jam€ 3 ' Pharma­ cists' Guild e:'; Cincinnnti as host. St. Jos1"ph Parish Timothy P. Keating of New Activities scheduled at St. Jo­ seph's parish, Fall River, include Bedford, national preilident, said a smorgasbord supper to be aims of the organization arc to held from 5 t9 7 Wednesday uphold Catholic principles and nigbt, Aug. 26 and an outing for morality, especially as they re­ Cub Scouts to Newport Naval late to pharmacy; to help stamp Base this Saturday. The supper out indecent literature, and to is under sponsorship of the aid mission groups in the care Women'. Guild. of the sick.



Thurs., Aug. 20, 1964


Catholic Hospital Denies Charge Of Race Bias LITTLE ROCK (NC) Stern denial followed the National Urban League's charge. that St. Vincent In­

WORK WELL DONE: F'ather John F. Magner, S.J., of San Francisco, Catholic chaplain aboard the hospital ship SS Hope during all three years of its voyages to southeast Asia and Latin America, takes leave of Dr. William B. Walsh of Washington, D.C., head of the Project Hope. Father Magner was called home to San Francisco. Project Hope, an independent, non-prOfit organization fonned in 1958, brings medicattraining to peoples of newly-emerging nations. The SS Hope moves to the African Republic of Guinea in September. NC Photo.

Directors Say Obtaining Pastors' Cooperation Is Problem WASHINGTON (NC) - Ob­ taining cooperation from pastors is the biggest problem facing the COn£l"at~nity of Christian Doc­ trine, according to findings of a new nationwide survey of dio­ cesan CCD directors. T::e survey asked the diocesan dixec:crs to list thzir three big­ g~3t r:roblzms. Getting pastors 'to ~c:=~zI"r-:;e \.~2.S nu.~ber one, follcwc:Ci by "training and re­ trdniv.c:;" qualified lay teachers, EL."1cl aC:lieving propsr o?ganiza­ Cion and staffing en diocesan and pwsn ll:\vels. The C;Jnfraternity of Christian

Says Le(!~ers Need .'Cautious Boldness' WINDSOR (NC) - "It takes little courage to' be completely radical, but it takes a great amount of courage to adapt a sense of cautious boldness," Father Celestine J. Steiner, S.J., chancellor of the University of Detroit, told a seminar on Chris­ tian leadership here in Canada. Father Steiner declared that many people are taking extreme positions these days, but that a Christian leader should take his stance in the "dynamic middle." Besides this, he said, "a leader must understand the dif­ ference between vacillation and stubbornness. He must feel the relatedness of things and events. He must distinguish between the relevant and the irrelevant and the relatively irrelevant."

Discuss Congress BOMBAY (NC)-India's min­ ister for transport and tourism, Raj Bahadur, met here with of­ ficials of the International Eucharistic Congress committee to discuss arrangements for congress visitors.

firmary, a 500-bed hospital oper­ ated here in Arkansas, by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Ky., diserimates against Negrqes. St. Vincent's was listed by the NUL in a roster of federally assisted hospitals and housing projects which practice discrim­ ination. Winslow Drummond, a Little Rock attorney, who is president of the greater Little Rock Urban League, was among the first te deny the national organization's charge. Said Drummond: "From my standpoint, the infirmary has been a leader in accepting its responsibilities of compliance and cooperation with federal policy. The local league has al­ ways spoken very highly of. the progl'8m at St. Vincent and I don't understand what the basit :fur this report could be." . 'Leader in Field'

Doctrine is the official Church organization for teaching relig­ ion to all who are not in Catho­ lic schools. The major part of its program is giving religious in­ s-..ructicn to Catholic students L."1 public elementary end second­ ary schools. ':'1::; s:~rvey of dicceFan c":irec­ tel's' at'::tudes \7['3 conaueted by Father Joseph O'Donog:me, as­ sistar..t pastor and director of t:12 parish CCD at St. James church in suburban Mt. Rainier, Md. Father O'Dcm.oghue, 'acting in a private capacity, sent question­ naires last April to all diocesan directors in the country. He re­ ceived replies.:from 62 directors ~appro~tely 40 per cent of the total. Among the findingS of the sur­ vey were these: Seventy per cent of Oatholic students enrolled in public chools in the responding dioceses now attend CCD classes. This com­ pares with 61 per cent five years ago and 67 per cent two and a half years ago. Seventy-five per cent of the directors favor paying salaries to CCD lay principals and other key personnel to enable them to give fulltime service to the program.

The National Urban League disclosed at its national confer­ ence tn Louisville, Ky., that rt has sent a letter to President Johnson, askin~ him to end ra­ dal discrimination in federally assisted housin~ projects and :hospitals in 14;0 crties in 24 stetes. St. Vincent's was one of foUl" Arkansas hosp';Hals indicted in t1le letter. A release from the National Urban League said St. Vinc:li.1t's did not allow Ne­ G::o nc'sas or attendants to as­ sist in ale delivery of white ::Jabies. ':i:'i:ds charge, according to A. Allen Weintraub, assistant ad­ mii.1istrator of the hospital, is "as false as it can be. Negro licensed practical nurses assist in the labor and delivery rooms,'" he said. '~e feel we have been the leader in this field," Weintraub asserted. "We feel definitely proud of our accomplishments."





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,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 20, 196~~

Marquette Professor PHILADELPHIA (NC)­ The man whose ideas spark­ ed the founding of the Cit­ izens for Educational Free­ dom has stated he sees a grow­ ing acceptance of the idea that a11 children should share in Fed­ eral aid benefits, regoardless of the school they attend. Father Virgil C. Blum, 8.J., ehairman of the political science

department at Marquette Uni·, versity, expressed his views ill, an interview while attending the! fifth annual convention of the, CEF. He said a growing number of Protestants and Jewish educa­ tors are issuing statements sup­ porting Federal aid to a11 child­ ren as being in the national in­ terest. • Father Blum said one likely

for Federal Scl100l Aid for All

form this might take is contained cedent, particulaxly the G.!. Bill in th~ Delaney "Junior G.!. Bill," of Rig.hts, under which the Fed­ which would provide direct tu­ . eral government subsidized the ition grants to parents fur use education of 4,364,000 veterans at the school of their choice. He who. attepded elementary and said there is no question of the high schools. It is to be assumed Cilnstitutionality of such a pro­ that many of these veterans en­ gram. tered church-related schools." "This program," he said, "as­ On the state level, Fr. Blum sures continued autonomy of stated, direct tuition grant pro­ private education, and is it sol­ grams such as that adopted by idly based upon extensive pre­ the slll;lte of New York may re­

ceive favorable consideration In a nmber of states. He said CEF will make efforts to obtain local ll.1ld state tax. credits on tUitiOll paid in church-related schools in several states. Such credits, he pointed out. might even take the form of an absolute tax credit or cash pay­ ment for tuition in the case of parents who have no tax liabiL­ ity.

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