t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 34
Schools beckon 10,000 scholars
PlatforUlS cr,eate Catholic, dilemma By Jim Lackey
WASHINGTON (NC) - Comparisons inevitably will be made between the 1980 Republican and Democratic platforms. In a sense, such comparisons have little value other than to confirm that Democrats are "liberal" while Repubilcans are more "conservative." But for those who take :platforms seriously this year's editions will create another dilemma among that unknown percentage of Catholics whose political views mirror positions taken by the U.S. bishops. On one hand, it's no secret that the Republicans take strong stands on abortion and tuition tax credits which are almost identical to the views of the bishops. But there's also a long list of social principles reflected in the Democratic platform which the bishops strongly favor. Take the current debatl~ in Washington over balancing the federal budget. Bishop Thomas C. Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, testified before both the Republican and Democratic platform committees earlier this year that "Federal spending is not the primary cause of inflation and cutting the federal budget is not an adequate solution." That view is clearly reflected in the Democratic platform which urges against reductions in funding. of "basic human needs" and opposes a comrtitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. The Republicans, in their platform adopted in July in Detroit, strongly called for reduced federal spending and, if necessary, a constitutional mandate on a oala.nced budget. Or take the issue of national health insurance. Bishop :Kelly told the platform committees that the bishops strongly support national health insurance because everyone has the right "to the means which are necessary and suitable for the development of life." The Democrats, while disagreeing on the means te, implement the plan, stated in their platform that they too are committed to some form of national health insurance. The Republicans call such insurance "socialized medicine." Or take the issue of U.S. relations with Latin America. The bishops call for a policy based on human rights has gained a more sympathetic ear from the
Democratic Party than it has from the Republicans, whose 1980 platform deplores the "Marxist" takeover in Nicaragua and opposes reconstruction aid to that country. But on the issue of abortion, the clear distinctions in the party platforms makes the dilemma for many voting Catholics greater than ever. Both parties in 1976 took positions in the vast middle ground between groups favoring full abortion rights and groups favoring nothing short of a constitutional amendment overturning the 1973 abortion decisions. But now the parties have moved further apart: the Republican platform favors a constitutional amendment and an end to federal abortion funding, while the Democratic platform opposes a constitutional amendment and wants Congress to reverse several years of opposition to abortion funding.
Pope asks synod prayer VAT~CAN CIIT (NC) Pope John Paul II has urged the world's Catholics to make the 1980 world Synod of Bishops a "family affair" by praying and making sacrifices for its success. iIn a Latin-language letter "to the bishops, priests and faithful of the whole Catholic Church" the pope proclaimed Oct. 12 as a special day of prayer for the synod. Turn to Page Six
With Labor Day falling on Sept. I, Catholic schoQls in the Fall River diocese will open Wednesday, Sept. 3, the earliest date for many a year. Answering the school bell with varying degrees of enthusiasm will be 10,150 scholars, attending 27 elementary and five high schools as well as the special' education Nazareth Halls in Fall River and Hyannis. Miss Grace Taylor, business manager of the diocesan department of education, said that elementary enrollment is 7000, up 50 pupils from last year, while secondary students number 3150, down 50. The drop, she noted, is occasioned by the closing of Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River. Most of its students, however, found places in other Catholic schools. Since the Second Vatican Council Catholic schools have defined their role in terms of the council's Declaration on Christian Education.
Marriage is her apostolate By Pat McGowan
Have you made a Marriage Encounter and maybe a Cursillo? Then Sister Laura Oliveira would like you to know about Marriage Retorno. Literally "Marriage Return," it is a retreat program that helps husbands and wives to pray as couples. Conducted, like Marriage Encounter, over a weekend, Retorno includes some six hours of prayer and Sister Laura sees
20c, $6 Per Year
it as an ideal followup for an encountered couple. . The format is flexible, she said. The Retorno can be held in a home, with couples returning to their houses to sleep, or in the more usual retreat house or motel setting. Directed in the United States by Father Eugene Tucker, SJ, Retorno begins with a time for reconciliation of spouses with each other and with God.
"Even in good marriages there can be many hurting areas," explained Sister Laura. Reconciliation is followed by the meat of the program prayer together, embracing a family's needs and its relationship with God. "It's a wonderfloll program for the year and the decade of the family," pointed out Sister Laura. Turn to Page Six
"What is most distinctive about this document," notes Bishop G. Emmett Carter in a commentary, "is the insistence upon the integration of Christian education into the whole pattern of human life in all its aspects. "In this regard, the Declaration on Christian Education is totally in conformity with the spirit of Vatican II. The contrast is with a form of thinking and acting of another age when it was considered best to keep Christians away from world lest they be contaminated thereby? "The present Declaration spells the official and definitive end of any possible false thinking on this score. The Church here states with the utmost clarity that it has no desire to remain away from the world in a form of isolation but that Christian education is in the world and, in a sense, for the world, since· man must always work out his salvation on the concrete situation in which God has placed him and must achieve this not by protection but by contributing to the whole human community of which he is an integral and inseparable part. "Thus we note the strong emphasis on the intellectual values of all education and an appeal for all to strive to achieve the highest development of the human ~ind. "In making this appeal, the Church remains true to itself by insisting that this must be done in the framework of the moral formation of man and in the fullness of his spiritual, supernatural destiny. But the formula remains one of integration and total dedication to all of man's legitimate aspirations." The Declaration itself outlines in general terms the entire Christian curriculum: "Since every man of whatever race, condition, and age is endowed with the dignity of a person, he has an inalienable right to an education corresponding to his proper destiny and suited to his native talents, his sex, his cultural background, and his ancestral heritage. "At the same time, this education should pave the way to brotherly association with other peoples, so that genuine unity and peace on earth may be promoted. "For a true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to his ultimate goal, and simultaneously with reTurn to Page Three
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
DALLAS (NC)-Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, the retired bishop of Dallas who presided over that diocese for 17 years and was noted for his achievements in the Catholic press, died of cancer 'Aug. 16 in St. Paul Hospital in iDallas at 87. His funeral was today. In addition to involvement with 'Catholic papers in ,Los Angeles, Reno and Dallas, Bishop Gorman was involved in the development of the National Catholic News Service and was for many years episcopal moderator for the Catholic press. He had an editor's scissors in his coat of arms.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Several churches and organizations have said they will protest at the Sheraton-Washington hotel in Washington unless the hotel cancels a Sept. 14-18 arms bazaar. Five Washington church leaders, including two priests. held a press conference to ask the hotel to refuse to be host of the nuclear armaments trade fair.
FATHER JOHN HOGAN (left), pastor of St. Julie's Church, North Dartmouth, and Greek Orthodox priest Rev. Constantine Bebis participate in ecumenical Blessing of the Fleet ceremony in New Bedford. The New England won first place for the best-decorated boat.
DES MOINES, Iowa (NC)-Bishop Maurice J. 'Dingman of Des Moines has urged Catholics of his diocese to form their ~onsciences on the issues of atomic warfare and disarmament. In a pastoral letter he said that the 1945 dropping of the atomic bomb makes him uncertain now that there can be a just war. ,~
WASHINGTON (NC)-A hearing ,by an administrative law judge will soon consider whether eight states which do not collect unemployment insurance taxes from religious schools are in violation of federal regulations, according to a spokesman for the Department of Labor. ADRIAN, Mich. (NC)-Siena Heights College in Adrian has become the first Catholic institution of higher education in the United States to sign a bilateral cultural exchange agreement with a major 'Chinese university, Jilin University, in northern Manchuria, Louis C. Vaccaro, !Siena president, announced. WASHINGTON (NC)-The most significant result of the White House Conference on Fam1lies (WHCF) "was to put AmeIiican families firmly on the national agenda," according to a report by a Catholic committee on the conference. LONDON (NC)-Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, leader of the Anglican Church, sent a personal appeal to Ayatollah Khomeini in 'an effort to secure the release of a British missiona.ry held for questioning in [ran. The appeal concerned Jean Waddell, former secretary to the AngHcan bishop of Iran.
DIOCESAN DELEGATES to a National Cursillo Encounter held at Niagara University meet before departure.
MINNEAPOUS (NC)-A charismatic priest, Father John Bertolucci, said charismatics are "normal Christians." Father Bertolucdi addressed several thousand particti. pants in the Ndnth International Lutheran Conference on the Holy Spirit. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC)-Bishop Arturo Rivera Damas of Santiago de Maria has asked warring factions dn EI Salvador to stop fightling and begin talks toward ending four years of politJical Vliolence. BEIRUT, Lebanon (NC)-Arab Chrismans should convert to J:slam because "an Arab can't be a Christian,.... according to Moammar Khadafy, head of the Libyan government. BOSTON (NC)-Elliot Norton, theater erotic for the Boston Herald American, has been voted recipient of the 1980 O'Reilly-Conway Medal, awarded annually by the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper, "for distinctive contributions to journalism." WASHINGTON (NC)-Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Franciso, preSident of the National Conference of Catholdc Bishops, praised the work of Bishop Aloysius Zwane of Manzini, Swaziland. after reports reached the United States that the bishop had died dn an auto acoident earlier this month. Archbishop Quinn said Bishop Zwane's work for justice and reconciliiation would be Ii. :lasting memol"ial.
JERUSALEM (NC)-Although Jerusalem is important to Moslems and Christians, .it has stronger ties to Jews, according to IsraelJi Prime Minister Menachim Begin. In a letter to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, he reiterated Israel's plan to make a united Jerusalem the nation's capital. The 'Israeli plan differs from the Vatican position call1ing for a speoial, Iinternationally guaranteed status for Jerusalem.
VOLUNTEERS PREPARE for 8th annual Harvest Festival at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. From left, Jo Ann Simmons, Attleboro; oneyear-old Jennifer Grenon, Lincoln, R.I., the festival's youngest clown; Alice Walmsley, Hyannis. The festival will take place from Aug. 28 to Sept. 1, will be staffed by over 400 volunteers.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John Paul II has named Msgr. Peter Coughlan of England undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. The pope also named Bishop Raphael Nze Abuy of Bata, EquatoI1ial Guinea, as apostoHc adminJstrator of the Diocese of Malabo lin Equatorial Guinea.
THE ANCHOR-Diotese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
Schools becl{on Continued from Page One spect to the good of those societies of which, as a man, he is a member, and in whose responsibilities, as an adult, he will share. "As a consequence, with the
Sr. Damien
Soup kitchen gets visitor NEW YORK (NC) _. It was meant to be a "family affair" for Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the members of her order in New York. But her stop in the United States drew crowds when she joined in opening a soup kitchen in the South Bronx rec1mtly. Mother Teresa, foundl~r of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, visited New Yorle on her way home to India from the Family Conference of the Americas in Guatemala City.. It was her first visit to the United States since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize last October. Sister Priscilla Lewis, ::n charge of the New York convent where Mother Teresa stayed, said, "Her visit was unexpected but we received it gratefully, jo~fully." Mother Teresa said Bhe went to New York because o:::te of the members of her order was ill. At the opening of the combination soup kitchen-shE!lter for homeless women, Mother Teresa thanked the poor people of New York for "allowing themselves to be taken care of' by the nuns of her order. "They have given us so much more than we have given to them. Let us continue, to love God in the poor,'''' she said: Sister Lewis said an opening Mass and blessing had been planned for the nuns, the priests who worked with the shelter and the people of the neighborhood. With Mother Teresa's presence "it remained a family affair, but it became a little biggl~r." Television cameras followed the slight nun and she said she accepted the attention jrorced on her "for the love of Jesus.""
The celebration included the old and ill from among the shutins whom the nuns visit. Half a dozen were in wheelchairs. Mother Teresa said what struck her about the United States was the "spiritual poverty." She spoke of the 160 people to whom her 16 nuns bring food, clothing, housekeeping help, medical assistance and solace. "They are completely left alone, \lnwanted, hurt, but above all in fear, in fear of being alone. We are not meant to be like that." Sister Lewis said Mother Teresa also spoke about "the love and peace that should be in families and invited all to come and share in the work."
Funeral serivces were held Tuesday for Sister Damien Ruel, fUM, 88, who died last ,Friday at Jesus-Mary Convent,Fall River. Nearly her entire religious life was spent at Jesus-Mary Convent where she was engaged in domestic duties. "She lived very humbly but she did a lot of good," summed up a member of her community. Born in .oorchester, Que., Canada, she was the daughter of the late Hilaire and Cedulie Rue!. She entered the Jesus-Mary community in 1920, making perpetual vows in 1927. ·Entombment was in the JesusMary crypt on the· convent grounds.
help of advances in psychology and in the art and science of teaching, children and young people should be assisted in the harmonious development of their physical, moral, and intellectual endowments. "Surmounting hardships with a gallant and steady heart, they should be helped to acquire gradually a more mature sense of responsibility toward ennobling their own lives through constant effort, and toward pursu-
ing authentic freedom. "As they advance in years, they should be given positive and prudent sexual education. "Moreover, they should be trained to take their part in social life, so that by proper instruction in necessary and useful skills they can become actively involved in various community organizations, be ready for dialogue with others, and be willing to act energetically on behalf of the common good,"
Bishop Kelly raps plank WASHINGTON (NC) - The Democratic Party's endorsement of federal funding for abortion has been protested by Bishop Thomas C. Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference. I deeply regret the action by the Democratic convention in adopting a platform plank which calls for federal funding of abortion," said Bishop Kelly,
He added, ''The use of public funds to subsidize abortion is a serious invasion of the rights of citizens who conscientiously reject abortion," Bishop Kelly's remarks came in a usec statement which reiterated the usee position favoring an amendment to the Constitution "to restore basic legal protection for the right to life of the unborn."
DANIEL J. JUDGE, D.M.D. ORTHODONTIST University Trained Specialist 83 1
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Provide A Value Education ext to the profound influence of the home, there is no greater impact upon a child's life than what ho/she gains·from the school
THE AMCHOI (USPS·S4I-020) second Cllss Posta,e Plld It Fill River, Mis.. PubU.hed every ThursdlY It 410 HIJhllnd Avenue, Fill River, MIS.. 02722 by the Clthollc Press of the Dl,lc..e of Fill I.ver. Subscription price by mill. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters lIend Iddre•• .:hIn,.. to The Anchor, P.O. BOlt 7, Fill River, MA 02722
CATHOLIC EDUCATION STAFF Reverend George W. Coleman, Director Sister M. Laurita, Superintendent, Elementary Coordinator Sister Ann ·M. Moore, Ass't. Superintendent, Secondary Coordinator
the living word
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
themoorin~ Again - School Bells From advertising to admonitions, from bumper stickers to busing, few can ignore the fact that it's back to school time. Once more the challenges of education come face to face with the realities that permeate all levels of current society. The public schools, it must honestly be admitted, are reaching a crisis point. The exceptional student will do well, the handicapped student will rightfully be given special help and in between the vast majority will be lost amid fundamental issues that few school boards care to face. Due to the machinations of our judicial process, it will be more and more difficult for the teacher to teach. In fact, in many areas of public education, the teacher has become little more than a glorifed babysitter. In such situations it is now common to see the halls of schools being patrolled by the local constabulary. For many, schools have become a pusher's paradise. The smoking of pot has almost reached the kindergarten level. Many schools have been forced to become health centers for children, seeing to it that they not only get a good lunch but also a nutritious breakfast. Efforts to bring any semblance of order to many schools are thwarted, often not by students but by irate parents who use their own children to attain their selfish objectives as so readily evident in school busing incidents. There are millions of teachers in public schools who want to teach as well as millions of students who want to learn, but the tenor of the times has driven men mad. Many parents who seek a solution to the educational void that they encounter have turned to private and parochial education. In an honest attempt to bring their children the benefits of the attainment of knowledge, they are seeking alternate forms of educational opportunity. As a result, most private and parochial schools have not only full classrooms but long waiting lists. A main . reason for this influx into schools that only a decade ago were about to close their doors is admittedly the mediocrity that now engulfs most public education. Many people who once viewed the public school as the only valid form of education are now the first attempting to enroll their children in alternate forms. Defeated by the courts, ignored by government officials and outraged by the ferocity of the militant, they have given up the fight for public education. This is not good for either form of education. To abandon the public schools to the vandals and the vagrants is a tragedy. To espouse an exclusive form of learning that will create an elite is equally sad. Both forms of education must be supported, encouraged and sustained by all citizens who believe that the opportunity for good education is a national right. All who pay the tax bills must be concerned for the future of our public schools. At the same time, all citizens should realize that alternative education forms are also a constitutional freedom demanding the same concern and care under the law. Amid路 the turmoil the world of education faces, all of us should' once more recall that in the unrest and difficulties that have invaded our public schools, the children are the ultimate losers.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
路EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr~ John J. Regan . . . leary Press-Fall River
'Praise the Lord, ye children! Praise ye the name of the Lord!' Ps. 112:1
LAPAC's game plan By Liz Schevtehuk
WASHINGTON (NC) - In a roundabout maneuver, the Life Amendment Political Action Committee, Inc. (LAPAC) has taken on the Catholic Church in the United States in order to attack LA!PAC's real target, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) At issue is a 1978 IRS ruling limiting the political activities of non-profit tax exempt groups, such as the Catholic Church. The rule threatens loss of tax exempt status for organizations regarded as intervening in politics by promoting a single cause or candidate. As a result of that ruling, which has also influenced Catholic press editorial endorsements, U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) attorneys advised in memos of August 1978 and January 1980 that churches not allow fliers favoring or opposing a particular political candidate to be distributed on church premises. After filing a legal complaint against 170 American Catholic dioceses to force Catholic parishes to allow distribution of anti-abortion literature on church property, LAPA'C is "shopping" for a cooperative bishop. It wants the bishop to agree to have legal papers served against his diocese, informing it of the proceedings, so that a full-scale suit can be brought to test the controversial IRS rule. Until the papers are served, there can
be no suit, and without the suit, The memo of 1978, updated in there can be no real test of the 1980, warned Catholic media IRS rule, according路路 to Paul against encouraging readers or listeners to vote for or against Brown, LAPAC director. "I'd never do anything to hurt a candidate, labeling a candimy church," said Brown. "If we date as "pro" or "anti" anything, don't get a bishop to go along rating candidates, and other acwith us we'U just let this thing tivities, including assisting those die." He subsequently added that distributing political literature. "The church must not put iteven if no helpful bishop comes forth, LAPAC's action would self in a position of directly suphave "made this not enough" porting any candidate and it is that church attorneys will take advisable that no fliers be distributed on its premises which action. favor or oppose a candidate," Both Brown's spoken com- the memos stated. ments and a LAPAC newsletter George Reed, usce general strongly criticize the U.S. Catholic Conference's legal advice counsel when the. memos were written, chose not to comment on following the IRS ruling. "Catholics, by the refusal of the memos or the LAPAC comthe attorneys of the USCC to plaint. But he denied LAPAC's challenge thin illegal IRS ruling, claim the USCC gave in to the had become intimidated," forc- .IRS. "There was no acquiesing LAPAC to act, the newsletter cence," he said. Wilfred Caron, current USCC stated. general counsel, said the usec, In memos to state Catholic while declining to comment in conferences and other church much detail now, expects to have organizations, the USCe's at- further statements later. torneys described the IRS rule Meanwhile, in another twist as questionable constitutionally. to the case, LAPAC's Brown said "We find the ruling subject to constitutional challenge on many he expected to release in house grounds and believe that (the) IRS documents which he said inIRS would have great difficulty dicate the IRS in 1980 will not in withstanding a confrontation enforce its ruling against the on this issue," they wrote. How- Catholic Church or other mainever, while the analysis dissected line churches but will not likethe ruling for threatening the wise protect smaller churches. "They (the IRS) are afraid. freedoms of the press, association and speech, the accompany- They're not going to take the ing advice w8.rned church groups Catholic Church on in an election year," Brown commented. to be prudent.
Respect I called my husband at work yesterday and asked him to stop at the bookstore on his way home B.nd pick up a book they were holding for me. '" "Sure, "he said. "W'hat's the title?" I hesitated, knowing what was in store for me, but what could I do? "It's called A Woman of Independent IMeans." There was just the slightest pause on the other end and then the question, "You want me to pay for it, I presume?" I considered serving him brussel sprouts for dinner but instead I laughed. It was a delicious example of the irony of out times. It reminded :me of the cartoon of the man weighing two volumes. One title was invisible. The other WllS, Overcoming Indecision. I'm sure some women wouldn't have found my husband's remark amusing and they probably feel I sold out the women's movement a little by laughing, but I couldn't disagree more. We are undergoing teJTific attitude and role changes in American marriages. In spitE~ of what the Eagle Forum wo:men proclaim, it's a rare man~iage that hasn't been affected by the changing attitude of and toward women. But these marriages need all the help they can get in the form of humor as a detonating device.
• IS
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980 /'
There 'are ironies and inconsistencies, as in the case of the woman who says, "What do you mean, women always take things personally?" or the man who says, "I've been a long time supporter of wonten's rights. I've always let my wife work." Sometimes the persons who make remarks like these are entirely unaware of what they have said; yet the people around them attack them with a ferocity unacceptable in any other area. That's unfair. We need first to call their attention to the message that's coming through to us, whether it's demeaning, derogatory, or merely macho: The best way of doing this is with grace and humor, not attack and hostility. When I say humor, I don't mean the silly pretense of feminine sweetness that masks anger. It can be humor with a bite to it. An example. In my state we have several male legislators and one congresswoman. Her name is 'Pat. Our large dailies have adopted the practice of using her first name in headlines while referring to her male peers with a full name or title and people have generally followed suit. I was in a group where a few loud would-be president makers held forth on the state of politics locally. They talked about Hart, Armstrong, Wirth, and Pat. A woman in the group began quietly referring to our male
On teaching teens A priest wrote in response to my comment that I have returned to the difficult, rewarding and fun task of try-
ber is an underestimate because our questions are not good enough to get at all the "varieties" of religious experience.
ing to teach high school religion. How did I think it ought to be done, he asked.
The first time I tried this technique I was astonished at how readily teen-agers will talk about their encounters with grace ,if you create a nonthreatening environment in which they can be somewhat vulnerable without being laughed at.
It's a good question, and I'm happy to try to answer it, though I don't want to pose as prophet in Israel on this subject. I worked w~th teens for 15 years and now begin again. I've done a lot of research on the subject, I have some tentative ideas, and I submit them for what they are worth. I think one of our main tasks is to educate in the root sense of the word, to draw (lut of students their religious experiences and the images tha,t encode them. We do not indoctrinate, we do not evangelize (in all the pejorative senses that this once good word has acquired from the "religious educators"), we do not impose doctrine, we do not try to convert, we don't force our own ideology. We rather listen to how the spirit has spoken to the young and then try to link their experiences of grace to the symbols, stories and creeds of our heritage. It is, I think, easier than it sounds. Empirical evidence indicates that three-fourths of our teens have had some Idnd of religious experience and there is reason to suspect that tbe num-
Virtually to a person, young people view encounters of "love" as an experience with God, though they do not see it as "religious," much less as "churchy." The religion they hear on Sunday or in their instruction classes seems quite unrelated to the loving God they know. So much for our preaching of the Gospel and our teaching of religion. There is not much room in the dreary, sub-literate catechetical directories for encounters with grace. Grace is a doctrine to be defined rather than a Reality one might have already experienced. My ~olleagues and I have used this orientation in much of our recent research on religion. This is also the approach used by our most distinguished theologians, Bernard Lonergan and Karl Rahnero A recent excellent book on the latter, "Apologetics and the Eclipse of Mystery" by James Bacik (University of Notre Dame
legislators by their first names: Gary, Bill, and Tim. The rest of the group saw the humor in it and picked up on it with her. It became an amusing game to see how long it would take the politicos to catch on. One by one they did and eventually they smiled at themselves. Nobody had to shout angrily at them or crudely call their attention to what to them was a mere habit when to others it was demeaning. -But I doubt if they'll ever do it again in a group they respect. And that's what attention to a good relationship demands respect. We've seen too many good couples lose respect for one another as they try to find a new base of relationship. They become humorless. Neither is allowed weakness or errors. From there it's a short step to bitterness and hostility. And it's so unnecessary. When Jim brought the book home, he handed it to me with a smile. In exchange for his graciousness, I'm reading him passages from it while he reads the newspaper. With a smile, of course.
Press), parallels from the theological side the analysis my colleagues and I are doing in sociology and pastoral theology of John Shea in his "Stories of God" and "Stories of Faith." Sociology and theology, in other words, are converging on the importance of encounters with grace as the foundation of religious life. The "religious educators" are serenely uninterested in this. A pedagogy based on such an orientation ought not to be too difficult to develop, but will take time, imagination, intelligence and work. Nevertheless, this is a "chairos," a graced time, when theology and the empirical sciences offer theory and evidence for an approach to teaching religion that is both new and old, radical and conservative and much easier to apply in practice than explaining to the teen-age mobs about "salvation history." Don't try to prove to them that there is a God or explain' to them who God is and what he is like. Ask them, rather, "Who is the God you have encountered?"
I'rish b'touhaha settled It's not that anybody "intervened" in the affairs of another sovereign nation, mind you. But upon receipt of a couple of agitated transatlantic telephone calls and some throbbing cablegrams, the prime minister of Ireland reversed what his government said was only a possibility, and not a firm decision. The nice thing to say, of course, is not that the deliverance of Ambassador Sean Donlon from the dishing that was in store for him proves that certain Irish-American politicians have veto power over Ireland's diplomatic appointments. The better way to put it is that it proves the "flexibility" of 'Prime Minister Haughey - and is in admirable contrast to the disposition of certain chief ~ecutives who choose to live with mistakes rather than to liquidate them. Also, if you want to take the larger view, you can say that at a time when the day does not pass without melancholy reference to the decline of American prestige in the world, the Emerald Isle, at least, has a reservoir of decent respect for the opinions of the U.S. Haughey, who recently succeeded Jack Lynch as prime minister, apparently thought he would accomplish two things by kicking Donlon upstairs to the ambassadorship of the UN: he would appease Neil Blaney, a Donegal hard-liner on the reunification of Ireland, who has accused Donlon of being soft on the British; and he would unify the warring Irish factions in the U.S. - the moderates, personified by Donlon, and the militants, represented by Rep. Mario Biaggi of the Bronx, who refuses to condemn the IRA. But Haughey's doublebarrelled peace initiative blew up in his face. Irish, English and American papers exploded with alarums about a shift in policy, a repudiation of the course of non-violence, an abandonment of the political way of the "Four-Horsemen" - Kennedy, O'Neill, Carey and Moynihan - who have declared their dedication to a peaceful solution. Haughey received calls from Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill. He also was in receipt of the views of Sen. Moynihan, conveyed through a spokesman. Moynihan pointed out that the four had incurred considerable enmity among their Irish constituencies for their adherence to the stated views of the Dublin government and would be disinclined to offer support in the
event of any change to ambiguous accommodation to the Biaggi line. Whether or not Gov. Hugh Carey weighed in is not known; but other Irish-American civic leaders more than took up the slack, if there was one. Kennedy called O'Neill's Cape Cod home to alert him to the danger to Donlon and Irish peace. He spoke with Haughey and expressed his widely shared admiration for Donlon and his fear that Donlon's dislodgement would be widely interpreted as an IRA victory. O'Neill, after talking with Kennedy, called Haughey. He spoke to him apparently in the kind, fatherly tones he uses with a straying member of his House flock. O'Neill said he would be remiss if he didn't tell the Prime Minister "what a beautiful fellow Sean Donlon is" and how upset Irish-Americans were at the implied change of policy. Hours later, Haughey convened his cabinet and announced that Donlon was safe in his post in Washington. It seems that Irish public opinion is not unduly offended b~ the Kennedy-O'Neill-Moynihan meddling. The Irish agree that unification must be achieved peacefully and besides, the IrishAmerican politicians have family privileges. The Irish know¡ that of the talks now going on between the English and the Irish governments are to succeed, American support is imperative. Besides, having just expressed great joy over the inclusion of a pro-unification plank in the Democratic platform, they can hardly turn, around and tell the people who brought it into being - over the objections of Jimmy Carter - to mind their own business. So the rejoicing in the Irish nationalist bars in the Bronx over Donlon's downfall went like the foam on the beer. Haughey was obviously misled about the importance of Biaggi, who was, to the chagrin of Donlon, invited to a White House dinner for Prime Minister Lynch last November. Carter, too - on the eve of the New York primary - thought he could unify U.S. moderates and militants. "Haughey's really moderate himself," said an Irishman who was still dazed by the swiftness of events. "This was really only a hiccough." It's that rarest of foreign policy stories, it has a happy ending. A wise policy has been restated, a popular envoy has been spared deportation. It's almost enough to give U.S. intervention a good name.
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Convention provides new parish hall NEW YORK (NC) The Democratic convention is ,over and some people think it didn't accomplish much. But the folks at St. John the Baptist Church, across the street from Madison Square Garden, don't agree. The convention netted them a parish hall, all neatly painted, partitioned and soundproofed. The unexpected gift came their way because of their strategic location. When NBC was looking for a news operation center for the convention, someone told them about St. John's long unused basement church, idled because the parish, in midtown Manhattan, although very active pastorally, has few resident parishioners. "The church was perfect for us," said NBC's public relations director, Owen Comora. He approached Capuchin Father Peter Kasetta, pastor, who obtained the necessary permissions from Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, and in June NBC began the changeover from church to newsroom. During the convention, said visitors, activities reached fever pitch, with wire service tickers clicking, multiple telephone conversations in progress and three television monitors running. Famous ,"names" were every·
where, including reporters Tom Brokaw, Jessica Savitch and Garrick Utley and political historian Theodore White. Cots were available for catnaps and a "chow tent" in the rectory
yard provided snacks. The convention is now over and St. John's has returned to its busy downtown apostolate - with a significant addition to its facilities.
Is endtime cOining soon? CHICAGO - Will the world end in nuclear war, fire and brimstone, flood, or none of the above? If The End is coming soon, is there enough time to balance our spiritual checkbooks? In the' current 'issue of U.S. Catholic, published by the Claretian Fathers and -Brothers, James Breig examines the claims of those who believe the world is on the brink. In "Will We See the End of the World?" he notes that throughout history Christian sects have gleefully announced the swift demise of what they saw as an evil and corrupt world. And today, interest in the last days is again on the rise due to the popularity of fundamentalist interpretations of the New Testament, and in particular, the book of Revelation, or the Apocalypse. Will the Earth miss a tum and crash into Brother Sun? Brieg says, "The key to the controversy is how the book of
Revelation should be interpreted. Word for word, literally, say the fundamentalists. Carefully and with an eye to literary style say Catholic scriptt;.re scholars." Archbishop John Wheaton of Hartford, Conn. says, "It's a complete misunderstanding, misuse, and manipulation of the book of Revelation to interpret it literally. I would hope we know more about the Bible by now." He places the discussion in historical context. "We need a sense of history. For the last thousand years at least, the end of the 'world has been predicted; using the book of Revelation as justification. It hasn't happened yet." Father Carroll Stuhlmueller, a professor of Scripture at Chicago's Catholic Theological Union, believes such interpretations are not supported by scholarly research. "The first principle is that the book of Revelation cannot be read lit~rally," he says. "It deals in parable and symbol."
Portuguese Vincentian Fathers Festival 12th ANNUAL MISSIONA,RY FEAST AUGUST 23·24, 1980 *HOLY GHOST GROUNDS* Jefferson Street - Fa II River Formerly Dave's Beach
Portuguese and American Food Beaut,iful Music - Auction - Carousels - Games, Etc.
Marriage is her apostolate Continued from page one She is a native of Espirito Santo parish,' Fall River and a 1937 graduate of Durfee High School. She graduated from the former Union Hospital School of Nursing in 1942, then entered the Army Nurse Corps, serving for three years during World War II. She then decided to study for a degree in hospital administration at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. It was not until then that the thought of entering religious life came to her. "I really knew nothing about sisters," she admitted, "but I didn't ask a::1yone for help. I decided to find out about things for myself." At random, the young nurse wrote to several religious communities listed in the Catholic Directory. Among those responding were the Religious of the Cenacle. Their 'apostolate of counseling and directing women retreatants and teaching Christian doctrine appealed to her. She put her hand to the plow and did not tum back, entering the Cenacle four months after graduating from Catholic University with her administrator's degree. Things werie not very different for her at first, she said. She was put to work as a nurse for several years, then, while stationed in Middletown, Conn. initiated one of the first CCD programs in the nation for retarded children. Work in a regular CCD program in Mt. Kisco, N.Y. followed, then in 1970 she was assigned to a, retreat house in New Brunswick, N.J. There the lightning struck. Members of a support group for the separated and divorced attended a retreat and asked her to visit one of their meetings. Soon she found herself organizing a prayer ufternoon, then directing her own support group. "The work fitted right into the Cenacle apostolate," she said. In 1972 she was transferred to Lantana, Florida, where she found nothing at all being done for the separated and divorced. Again she offered herself to hurting men and women. By last month, six years later, when she was transferred once more, she had four support groups in operation and had reached some .1 000 people with her message of love. She was not leaving them rudderless. Inspired in part by her work, the Miami archdiocese has initiated its own separated and divorced ministry, which suits Sister Laura just fine. "The Cenacle is a catalyst," she said. "We aim to tum projects back to the parish or diocese as soon as possible." She said thut poor self-image is a common problem of the separated., "People need meaning in their lives and a relationship with God supplies that." She said she has learned that a counselor must accept and love a person as he or she is, refraining from making judgments. "Sometimes I feel helpless -
what can I do or say for this person? I listen and love and God seems to do the rest," she said. She noted that she seldom offers advice. "I'm convinced they have the answers within themselves. I just ask the Lord to be with us. " Sister Laura, the eldest of seven children, said she came from a strong background of prayer. "We always said the family rosary." Her father, the late Antonio Oliveira, is remembered as a founder of the Espirito. Santo Credit Union and her sister, Mrs. Aldina Vital, is active in the parish CCD program. At home resting and visiting relatives for the past few weeks, Sister Laura, 61, will take her vitality and enthusiasm back to New Brunswick in September. There she will continue her work with Marriage Retorno - now that her beloved separated and divorced are, in most dioceses, lovingly ministered to and cared for. Note: Infonnation concerning Marriage Retorno is available from Father Eugene Tucker, SJ, Manresa Retreat House, P.O. Box 9, Anapolis, MeL 21404.
Synod prayer Continued from page one The Synod of Bishops begins Sept. 26 in Rome and will discuss the role of the Christian family in the modem' world. It is expected to last about a month. "The whole church must in a sense be at the synod, present above all by prayer and sacrifice," said the letter. 'Pope John Paul asked the sick and members of contemplative religious orders to take a special responsibility for such prayer and sacrifice. The pope said he hoped the synod would bring about a new mage of the family, which he said is "nowadays often impoverished, obscured and perhaps also profaned." The pope asked that on Oct. 12 "public prayers be offered in each diocese, in every parish in every church." He also invited "representatives of the families of the whole church" to come to Rome on that day to "manifest the spiritual presence of all the families in the church, united in faith and love." The letter ended with a prayer for the success of the 1980 synod. "Grant that every family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love," the prayer says. "Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass."
Heaven "Here is the shadow, here the symbol; there the reality. Here we walk- in the sym~ol, we see in the symbol; there flJce to face, where there is full perfection; for all perfection is in the reality." - St. Ambrose
LCWR assembly Sunday Sister Barbara R. McCarthy, OP, and Sister Marilyn Spellman, SUSC, will be among delegates to an assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious beginning 'Sunday in Philadelphia. They will join some 1300 other leaders of U.S. Roman Catholic women's communities in an examination of the placEi of religious sisters in cont,emporary American life. Sister Theresa Kant~, RSM" current LCWR president, will convene the meeting and introduce its theme, "Once upon a Conviction." "It's an echo of the familiar story beginning," said Sister Kane, "and we chose it deliberately as a reminder that what we'll be about in Ph::Iadelphia next week is only pal:t of the ongoing story of wome·n in this country." The 1980 assembly will be the third for Sister Barbara, and she will serve again as a :facilitator of small group discussion periods. "The theme this year respects the different 'stories' of each congregation," she said, "yet calls us all to realize the elements - an American setting and a Gospel call to service that we share. In additic>n, I have
Dr. Shamlon at parley Dr. Thomas A. Shannon, assistant professor of social ethics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will be the featured speaker on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 25 at the Sheraton Regal Inn, Hyannis, when the New England Diocesan Councils of Catholic: Nurses hold their 21st Fall Conference. Dr. Shannon holds a doctorate in philosophy in social t~thics and was also awarded a pOlst-doctoral fellowship in medic:al ethics. His focus is on the areas of refusal of treatment, informed consent and human experimentation. Further information is available from Mrs. Ellen Peterson, 15 Jonquil Road, Yannouthport 02675, telephone 362-~:395, who notes that continuing education units have been requested for convention attendance.
a special interest in the input on the church in the United States, and the contemporary theology seminars which are on the agenda this year." The findings of two professoinal studies on women and religious life in America will be made public for the first time during the LCWR gathering. Both were commissioned by the , Leadership Conference. The Contemporary Theology Project is based on interviews with over 500 American sisters and offers an understanding of religious life that accurately reflects the lived experience of nuns in this country. Women and Ministry looks at the experienc;e of women - lay and religious - as doers and receivers of ministry in the Roman Catholic church. LCWR members will also elect officers and attend leadership workshops. LCWR is ~e official liaison group between congregations of U.S. women religious and the Sacred Congregation of Religious in Rome, some 100,000 American sisters. With executive offices in Washington, D.C., LCWR is divided into 15 geographic regions. The diocese of Fall River is part of Region I, comprising the New England dioceses.
College dean new NCCW head WASHINGTON (NC) - Winifred Coleman has been named the executive direc~or of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), effective Aug: 13. She succeeds Mary Ellen Madden. Miss Coleman was dean of students at Trinity College, Washington, for nine years before joining NCCW. A native of Syracuse, N.Y., she holds a bachelor's degree from LeMoyne College, Syracuse, and a master's'degree from Marquette University, Milwaukee. She said she sees her new role "as a logical extension of the education of young women. I see women's colleges as a training ground for young women, both within the church and without and we can use these colleges to encourage women to join the NCCW."
Delegates September 5 Napoleon A. Messier,
Rev. 1948, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River September 7 Very Rev. James E. McMahon, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs September 8
Rev. Thomas Sheehan, 1868, Founder, Holy Trini.ty, West Harwich September 10 Rt. Rev. Felix S. Childs, 1969, Pastor Emeritus, Saclred Heart Rev. Hugo Dylla, Pastor, St. Stanislaus, Fall River
SALT LAKE CITY (NC) Father Kevin Tripp and Sister Jeanne Lavallee, CSC of the pastoral care department of St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, will be among delegates to a convention of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains meeting in Salt Lake City Sunday through Thursday of next week. The 3,200-member professional association of people involved in ministry to the sick and imprisoned will install new officers and honor members with outstanding careers as chaplains. The theme for the meeting will be "The Church as Family."
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 21, 1980
He views Pope John Paul II's recent edict against priests in politics as affecting publicly elected officials, not consultants or lobbyists, a view shared by his provincial. Although he thinks the GOP platform is "absolutely made to order" for Catholics, he disagrees . that any issue can unite and influence a "Catholic vote." "I think it's simply politically incorrect and inaccurate to talk about a Catholic vote," Father Shea said firmly. "I think those days are gone - and they should be gone. It's demeaning to a group. "If there's anything I've done for the Republican Party in the last three years, it is that every time somebody says "Catholic vote," I say, "Wait a minute, there's no such thing.' "What a person stands for is more important to voters nowadays than what his faith is."
Tuition credits his goal DETROIT(NC) - He's a priest on the payroll of the Republican Party. But Precious Blood Father Donald Shea is not Ronald Reagan's Father John McLaughlin. In fact, Father Shea, 55, is quick to dispute any comparison to the controversial Jesuit who vocally and adamantly defended President Nixon during the Watergate days. "I think there's a very real distinction or I wouldn't be here," he says. "I purposely maintain a very low key and relatively non-controversial image. "I think I can do a great deal more this way than by running around the country giving speeches." For three years Father Shea has been on sabbatical from St. Joseph's' College, Renssalaer, Ind., to serve as religious and ethnic liaison for the Republican National Committee in Washington. In that post, he has met with ethnic and religious leaders throughout the country to discern their needs and concerns. One result of those meetings has been a plank in the 1980 Republican platform supporting tuition tax credits. Aid to parents of parochial school children on all levels is a special concern of Father Shea. "We're staying away from the phraseology because it's had a tough and unsuccessful history and does not have the image of a winning concept," said Father Shea recently. "Plus I think in comparison there are essential differences ·between· vouchers, which is a state-based operation and relatively complicated, and tuition tax credits, which can be federal and is simplicity personified." (Under a voucher system, the government would give all parents an educational voucher worth, for instance, $1,500. The parents then would use the vou~ cher to pay tuition at any school
of their choice for their children.) With more than 28 years' experience in Catholic education, it was his interest in aid to parents of parochial school children which brought Father Shea to the Republican National Committee. While working on an oral history in Washington, he was invited to attend the 1976 Republican convention on an informal basis as an advisor on private education. There he met William Simon, a Catholic and secretary of the treasury, and "we just hit it off." Upon Simon's request, Father Shea took a two~month leave to work for President Ford, and it was Simon who later suggested that the Republican Party form a religious and ethnic liaison, which Father Shea has headed since 1977. "As liaison, I serve as a resource person," Father Shea said. "I stay almost strictly with issues, rather than be involved with any particular presidential candidate."
"Unless Moses had been gathering together sheep into the fold, he would never have seen Him that was in the bush." - "The Paradise of the Fathers"
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
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1 he world Synod of Bishops By Father Donald Wuerl
26 the synod heard bishops, ever, as an expression of the heads of religious orders and "counsel" of the college of bishFather Wuerl, vice rector of missionary groups exchange ops, enhanced by the teaching St. Paul Seminary, Pittsbur~ views on the problems and possiauthority of the bishops, it does from 1969 to 1979 worked for bilities of evangelization today. represent a rather unusual statethe Vatican's Congregation for At the c10SI~ of that assembly ment of the church's reflection the Clergy as secretary to the Pope Paul reaffirmed the on a specific question. late Cardinal John Wright, its church's understanding of the Like the opinions of theoloprefect. The world Synod of essential roTIe that missionary Bishops opens in Rome Sept. 26. activity plays in the life of the gians, the synod's statements should be the result of some The world Synod of Bishops church. penetration into the mystery of seems to offer a viable means The 1977 synod was the logi- the church in her doctrine and by which the theological reality cal outgrowth of the meeting daily life. Like the statement of of the college of bishops can three years earlier. Catechetics a gathering of bishops, it should take voice and vote. So far in provided the theme. The discuss- reflect the pastoral care and confive meetings in Rome the bish- ion revolved around the ques- cerns of those who are the offiops have made the synod struc- tion: "How do we make the word cial teachers of the faith. ture work. of God better heard and appreciWhat gives this form of teachEach time they seem to have ated among those who already refined the procedure even more adhere to Christ and the church?" ing such importance' is its uniand limited the material to be Several documents resulted from versality. The synod does not discussed. And each meeting this meeting. The first was the represent a few minds addressseems to bring to light the po- '~Message to God's People on ing a problem that touches all tentials of a synod. Catechetics," publislied at the the church, but rather a representative body of the whole On Sept. 20, 1967, the first close of the synod's deliberatiQns church facing a specific prob. synod opened to discuss the on Oct. 28, 1977. Next came the lem. problems presented to it by the "Apostolic Exhortation on CateThe procedure is not new. . holy father: the revision of can- chetics i~ Our Time," given by on law, the question of doctrine, Pope John Paul II on Oct. 16, Collective pastoral letters on the part of national hierarchies have seminaries, mixed marriages and 1979. In all these gatherings the long been used to show the liturgy. The objectives of the synod in the words of Pope Paul synodal fathers conceived their thinking and tea'ching of an' enVI at the first session, were "the work as consisting of expressing tire hierarchy of a nation. Withpreservation and strengthening their views on the proposed in the United States, the use of of the Catholic faith, its integ- agenda and offering some con- collective pastoral letters to exrity, its force, its development, crete suggestions relative to the plain the Second Vatican Counits doctrinal and historical co- questions under discussion. The cil documents and apply them to herence." The synod closed after holy father's talk at the opening the needs of a particular people a month of deliberation on Oct. Mass of ihe first synod rein- was begun in 1967 with the colforced this view of the synod. It lective pastoral letter "The 29, 1967. Church in Our Day." It became apparent to the was to offer i.n the pope's words, "wider and more systematic adThe synod expands this probishops assembled for the first cedure to the level of the unisynod meeting and also to the vice and counsel." Within this context we can versal church. But it does so Office for the Synod that the first attempt at making the syn- try to deternline the theological with one great exception. The od work had met a snag. The value of a synodal document. synodal document is in itself program was too a.mbitious. The Certainly, according to the con- not a teaching instrument. It agenda had bitten off more than. stitution as set forth in "Apos- serves only, as presented. to the it could chew. Later synods tolica Sollicitudo," the docu- pope, to show the thinking of ment is not a binding piece of the bishops of the world on a would study fewer subjects. The second synod, called an ecclesiastical legislation. How- given question. extraordinary session, met from Oct. 11 to Oct. 28, 1969, to discuss the wider participation' by bishops with the pope and each other in the government of the church. In a certain sense the second synod was to tackle the problems that came to. light in the first meeting in 1967. The agenda devoted itself to the question of getting a large and cumbersome structure like a synod off the ground. The bishops devoted themselves to discussing. how cooperation between bishops and the central administrative offices of the church might be made concrete and workable. The discussions pointed out that all mutual dialogue be a two-way street. The permanent results of the second synod seem mainly to be found in the smooth functioning of later synods. The third synod was called to . meet in Rome on Sept. 30, 1971. The synod's agenda held two subjects: the priesthood and justice and peace. That synod presented the teaching of the church on the work and nature of the priest and the church's efforts in establishing justice in the world community. It also affirmed celibacy as a law in the Western church for all priests. THE 1977 World Synod of Bishops opened w:lth a Mass In 1974 the synod met to discuss the challenge of evangeliza- in the Sistine Chapel, concelebrated by delegates with Pope tion. From Sept. 27 through Oct. Paul VI. (NC Photo)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
CAPlE COD MASS SCHEDULES Sponsored by the Merchants on These Pages c:::::::::::::
BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Schedule effective June thru Labor Day): Sat. 5, 6:,30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 8, 11 a.m., no 11 a.m. on Saturdays; confessions, Sat, 4:15-5 and 6 to 6:30 p.m. EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Conception, Route 6A: (Schedule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8,9:30 and 11 a.m. . BUZZARDS BAY. St. Margaret. 141 Main St.; Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; 7:30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5, 7-8 p.m.. ONSET. St. Mary Star of the Sea. Onset Ave.: Sat. 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. :3:30-4:30 p.m., after 6:30 p.m. CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of Victory, 122 Park Ave.: Schedule June 28-29 - thru Lahor Day weekend, Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m. Sun. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon; daily, 7, 9 a.m., First Fridays, Masses 7, 9 a.m., UItreya, 8 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5, 7-~1:30 p.m. WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady of Hope, Rte. 6A: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. CHATHAM, Holy Rede4~mer. 72 RighIand Ave: Schedule June 28, Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m. SOUTH CHAmAM. Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule June 28, Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. EAST FALMOum, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmouth Highway: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:15 p.m., weekdays, any time by request. EDGARTOWN, St. Imzabeth. Main Street: Sat. 4, 530 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m.; daily, Mon.Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 11 a.m.-12 noon, 3-3:45 p.m. FALMOUTH, St. Patriclt, 511 E. Main St.: Schedule J:une 28-29, Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. FALMOum HEIGHTS, St. Thomas Chapel, Faimouth Heights Rd.: Schedule June 2829, Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 347 South St.: Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon, 5 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., 12,:10 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass. YARMOumPORT, Sacl'ed Heart, off Rte. SA: Sat. 5 p,m.; Sun. 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. A-5 p.m., Sun. before 9 a.m. Mass.
-<:>:::==:::::::=::=:> MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. (schedule effective: June 28-29, Aug. 30-31): Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4:305:00 p.m. MATTAPOISETT. St. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. daily 8 a.m.; Confessions 3:30-4:20 p.m. NANTUCKET. Our Lady of the Isle. 6 Orange St.: Sat 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 7 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., 12 noon; rosary before daily Masses; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August. NORTH FALMOUTH, St. Elizabeth Seton. 6 Shaume Rd.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, 4:455:15 p.m. OAK BLUFFS, Sacred Heart. Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.Fri.) 7 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:15-5:45 p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Arc. Bridge St. (schedule effective June 21-22 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p,m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass. Wed. NORTH EASTHAM. Church of the Visitation (schedule effective June 21-22 through Labor 'Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the Assumption. 76 Wianno Ave. (schedule effective June 28-29 through Aug. 30-31): Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30· a.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. SANTUIT. St. Jude Chapel, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:00 p.m. MASHPEE, Queen of AIl Saints. New Seabury: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:00, 10, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.
SANDWICH, Corpus Christi. 8 Jarves St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m. SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Roo. 6: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.
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WEST WAREHAM. St. Anthony. off Rte. 28 (schedUle effective July and August): Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. .
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BASS RIVER. Our Lady of the Highway. Rte. 28: Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily (Mon.-Fri.), 8 a.m..
WAREHAM. St. Patriclt, 82 High St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45, 7-7:30 p.m.
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WELLFLEET. Our Lady of Lourdes. 56-58 Main St.: Sat. 4 and 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. confessions, before all Masses; Tues. 7:30 p.m.; charismatic prayer meeting; Holy day Aug. 14, 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.; Aug. 15, 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.
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soum YARMOum. St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.
VINEYARD HAVEN, St. Augustine. Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:30 p.m., 6-6:30 p.m.
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TRURO, Sacred Heart. Rte. 6A: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m.; confessions before Masses; Holy day, Aug. 14, 7 p.m.; Aug. 15, 9:30 a.m.
NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of PerpetUal Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; confessions before Masses; Holy day, Aug. 14,4,5 p.m.; Aug. 15, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; Air Force Base Mass Sat. and Vigil of Holy Day, 4:00 p.m. WEST HARWICH. Holy Trinity. Rte.. '28 (schedule effective June 28-29): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3, 4:30 and 7:45 p.m.; 1st Friday - Additional Mass at 11:00 a.m. and Benediction at 2:00 p.m.
DENNISPORT, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Upper County Rd. (schedule effective June 28· POCASSET, St. John the Evan- 29): Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, gelist. 15 Virginia Road: Sat: 4, 10, 11 :30 a.m. Daily 8 a.m. Con5, 7 p.m; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, .fessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: Schedule June 22 Sat. 5:30 p.m.; p.m. Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8 PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the a.m.; Confessions Y2 hour beApostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 7 fore Sunday Masses. p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, OTIS, Base Chapel: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by ap- Sun. 9 a.m.; confessions one hour pointment. before Masses.
Funeral Home, Inc. 584 Main Street - Rte. 28A West Falmouth, Mass.
Richard E. Gregoire
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
Tracing adopted children
All the World Neells a Creed . •.
By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
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Dear Dr. Kenny: I put up a baby girl for adoption in 1976. Is there any way of my little girl knowing who is the real mother? And when she gets older, does she have the right to see her mother? A. For a long ti::ne the philosophy of adoption agencies and courts has been to prevent the biological parent from coming in contact with the adopting parents or with the child. In response to adults who were adopted as children and to biological parents, that philosophy is now changing. Currently many states are struggling to fashion laws which will respect the rights of the adopted person, the adoptive parents and the biological parents. The law varies considerably from state to state. Let's start with your last question first. When your daughter attains age 19 or adult status, she surely has the right to seek you out. The usual procedure is for her to notify her local welfare department of her desire to locate you. It will contact the agency where the adoption took place and find out your name and last address.· If and when it locates you, before giving her your address, you would be asked if you would like to hear from your daughter. If your adult daughter felt the
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Joseph Roderick
Tiring. Tiring. Tired. The gardening season is winding down and even the most fervent begin to tire of garden housework; cutting lawns, weeding and watering become onerous chores easy to put off until tomorrow. It's an excellent time to evaluate the garden and decide on its shape for next spring. For me it means digging up old clumps of iris and replanting them, moving small shrubs (each year I buy five dwarf shrubs in the spring which are planted anywhere I can find room and are usually relocated in the fall) including azaleas and rhododen, rons, digging and dividing overgrown day lilies, and dividing overgrown perennials of all
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adoption agency were uncooperative, then she would want to hire a lawyer to press for the court records which would help her identify and find you. A very practical thing you might do in the meantim.e would be to make sure ~he agency and court involved in the adoption always had your current address. Not every adopted child wants to see his biological parent. Some biological parents would prefer no further contact with the child they have given for adoption. Any further communication would be too painful for them. Generally the role of the adoption agency and courts is to act as an intermediary, arranging for contact where both the parent and the ,child want it. If one party is unwilling, then the information may be kept confidential. There are two kinds of parents: biological parents and forever parents. The biological parents conceive the child, and the biological mother nurtures the baby for nine months. The forever parents take over • at or shortly after birth. They provide the 'love, discipline, training and education, and they work to develop good habits. They need a free hand and complete responsibility in this task. For most children, the biological parents and the forever par-
....11I Q: SU[Y
ents are identical. Adoptive children are luckier in a way. They have two sets of parents. However, contact between these two sets of parents is rare. Frequently, unlike yourself, the biological mother does not wish it. Just as often, the forever parents do not want it. If you would like to establish contact with your daughter before she becomes an adult, I suggest you contact the agency which placed your child. It can inquire through channels whether the adopting parents are agreeable. If they are, fjne. If not, I would urge you to respect their wishes since they llre now the ones with the primury responsibility. One thing you mi~:ht do if they refuse contact is tel write your daughter a letter or send a gift. The agency might be willing to pass it along to the adopting parents who may :iccept it to give to the child if and when the time ~s appropriate. Your love for :rour absent child is commendable. You must extend that love to accept the fact that contact with your daughter may be delayed or even denied. Reach out to her in your thoughts and prayers. Questions on family UviDg and child care are invited. Address to the Kennys c/o 'Ibe ADchor, P.O. Box 7, FaIl JUver, Mass. 02720.
kinds. For me, this is a difficult process. It is a case of mental gymnastics, requiiring much planning and selection. The object is to treat each plant with respect, planting it in its best possible location. Too often, we amass flowers that capture our fancy and go in for numbers rather than thinking of each flower as a unique specimen.
This year we took down an old grape vine whic:h was producing too much shade and too little fruit and as a result I have a whole new ar,ea for planting. I am moving many overcrowded and overgl:own plants to this new spot and I am experiencing the fun of starting an area from scratch while attempting to avoid the errors of overcrowding and poor placement which all of us commit.
This is where discipline and planning count. If a plant is worth having, it should be planted where it can be seen to fullest advantage. On the other hand, if a plant is not worthy of being considered a specimen plant, it should be relegated to the compost heap.
Next year at this time I will probably look at the results and wonder what I could have been thinking of in puttin,g a plant in a particular place. But this is part of the hobby; ]Ierfection is never far away, b\lt is never now.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
U0!;tion corner By Father John Die12en Q. Where and how Clo I get information on starting an annulment? A priest, .told me I have no chance because I hive two children. Is this true? (Ohio) A. Annulment pro,::eedings should begin with a priest in your area, preferably in your parish, although another priest friend or acquaintance could begin the process. The priest will then submit your story to the diocE~san tribunal, which will decide wheth~r there is enough basis for a possible annulment to begin the many steps involved in this procedure. Only after these invesdgations are completed and evaluated can a final decision be give)". Two children, or 10, are not necessarily an obstacle to obtaining a declaration of nullity. Many circumstances which might be bases for annulme:nt have nothing to do with whether the couple have children or not. If, for example, one of the spouses proves to have an emotional deficiency so serious that a true married life was, and is, psychologically impossible for him or her, the marriagl! tribunal would be required to declare that no marriage ever e:x.isted (in other words, issue a decree of annulment), even though the couple went through the marriage ceremony, lived togl!ther for several years and had several children in the meantime. Q. We recentiy received word that a close priest friend is planning to marry. This cHsturbed me greatiy because I believed that priests who cUd were DOt good priests anyway, and I lllways thought he was. a good priest. What is his status in the· cbureh now? Can we In good eoosclence retain his friteodSbip? (Pennsylvania) A. Many Catholics still do not realize that it is possible for a priest to be released by the church from his promise not to marry. Unlike marriagel, whose nature and permanence, are established by God himself, the celibacy of the priesthood is something the church could change and has changed in various ways through the c:enturies. Jesus established the p:riesthood to serve his people in various ways, but he never made it his absolute rule that they c:ould not be married. In fact, married priests have .been common in some parts of the world since the beginning of Christianity. If a priest simply ignores the solemn promise he has made to remain unmarried it voiould be wrong. It is entirely po:;sible for him, however, to ask for and to receive a release from that promise, though this i:; not as common today as it w:as a few years ago under Pope Paul VI. If he is released from his promise of celibacy, he could marry and remain in perfectly good standing in the chul1:h as a lay man.
Without his telling you, there is hardly any way you can know what his status is now, since these matters are naturally handled very privately. If you are a close friend, ask him. I think it is only fair that you should know, as it inevitably affects your feelings toward him. . Whatever the answer is, it does not mean he was not a good priest. If he did abandon his promise of celibacy without a dispensation, he possibly cut corners and possibly neglected prayer a lot more than he should have, but God is the judge of that. As for continuing your relationship with him, it can never be anything but right to be a friend to anyone - a thoughtful and honest friend. Try to understand, and have the courage to be and say to him what you believe is 'best for him and for the others you must think of. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Help wanted at
WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference's Department of Education is seeking representatives for family life, campus and young adult ministry and youth ministry. The usec representative for family life presents concerns of diocesan family life directors to the usce and represents the conference's position and interests to family-related government organizations and agencies. The family life representative helps implement'the U.S. bishops' Plan of Pastoral A'ction for Family Ministry. The representative for campus and young adult min.istry provides field serVices and information, holds regional meetings of diocesan djreetors and advocates models. for campus and young adult ministries. The representative for youth ministry is director of the national Catholic Youth Organization federation, which includes administration of services, bud. get and staff operations related to the national CYO federation. In addition the position will include the area of adolescent catechesis. Candidates for the positions should submit applications by Sept. 15 to Father Thomas Gallagher, Secretary for Education, U.S. Catholic Conference, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
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TABLES ARE TURNED for Sister Gertrude Gaudette, OP, a frequent photographer for The Anchor,_ photographed herself working on pottery at To Kalon - Greek for "ultimate beauty" - a retreat/workshop center in California's Santa Cruz mountains. Sister Gertrude spent a month of the summer at the center, combining work in gardening, basketry and dance with a spiritual program. She described To Kalon, directed by four Dominican Sisters from Adrian, Mich., as unique in its combination of art and spirituality. She said the sisters, all artists, aim to return to the simple life style of ancient religious .communities, patterning their schedules and liturgies according to the cycle of the seasons. They will bring their concepts to New England from Sept. 28 to Oct. 4 when they offer a retre~t week in Co-. hasset which will include painting and music workshops. Information on the program is available from Sister Gertrude at 37 Park St., Fall River 02721, telephone 616-3096.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. At.!,g. 21, 1980
A Solitary VocatiOltl By Father Adrian van Kaam
know your faIth A priest's vulnerability " By Father Richard Byrne
The vocation of the priest is often described in terms of pastoral care. He cares for his people by speaking the word of God and by celebrating the sacramental mysteries. He cares by helping to shape individuals into a community alive with the spirit of Christ. " This is a beautiful, challenging ideal. The newly-ordained priest has great expectations. As time passes, however, his enthusiasm may fade. Some fellow priests leave the ministry. Others are beset with problems and loneliness. He may find himself buckling under criticism, worn out and discouraged. A priest may lose himself in organizational activism. Or he may gradually withdraw from people and become a rectory priest, fulfilling only the minimal demands of his service. VVhat has happened? The answer may lie in the mystery of human suffering and diminishment. The only way out is through participation in the mystery of Christ whose ministry was fulfilled in suffering, death, and resurrection. Both priest and community need to remember that pastoral care is a two-way street. The pastor is certainly called to care for his people. But pastoral care involves caring for the pastor as well. Priest and congregation live and function well only in a
co-ministry of mutual communion and reciprocity. They live a mystery of interformation: priest forming people, people forming their priest. For the priest, this means living as a vulnerable servant of the community. Vulnerability bears a question: "Are you with me?" The servant is not above his master. The priest is not above or apart from his people with a kind of privileged access to divine mysteries that he dispenses to those below. The servant needs his master's affirmation and care if his service is to be loving and creative. The priest as servant can joyfully accept his vulnerability in this regard, knowing that he cannot live by the power of ordination alone. The priest needs the power of the community'S love. This love is necessary daily bread for the priest; it sustains him. For the congregation this dimension of pastoral care means that they help form their pastor. Their response in many ways determines the quality of his servant-leadership. Sensitivity to this will lead to spontaneous and concrete expressions of congregational pastoral care, moments when the people truly show their care for the priest. A priest can be nourished by his people on many levels. It may be as simple as a word of appreciation on a Christmas card
or a surprise birthday celebration. It may be a receptive face or an affirming nod during a homily, or an honest word of criticism about the same homily. Care for the pastor may include a voluntary, "Is there anything I can do to help in the parish?" This care may extend from the warmth of a handshake after Mass to generous service on a parish council. The pastor who is a vulnerable servant will experience all this as an expression of the congregation's care. He hears in such expressions the voice of the people saying, "Amen, pastor, go on!" The most important foundation of a community's pastoral care, however, lies beyond these instances. It lies in the overall Christian life of the community which the pastor sees gradually but visibly growing toward the fullness of stature in Christ. Time and again St. Paul was moved to praise and to thank God for the growth of the congregations he founded and nourished. "I give thanks to my God every time I think of you," he wrote to the Philippians. Paul kept going amidst suffering of every kind because his congregations kept responding to the Gospel. Their response was their finest gift to him. Today's priest needs the same response, a growing commitment of his people to at full Christian life.
Ministrv and St. Paul eI
By Father John Castelot
In his Epistles, S1. Paul discussed his ministry in some detail. Much of this is still relevant today. His mission was apostolic; as is that of the modern pastor. St. Paul was intent on forming Christian communities of people conscious of their unity with Christ and with each other, eager for the truth, fired by love and expressing this love in mutual service. He was dedicated to those he had formed in Christ. They were his family. Expressions of Paul's affection for this family are scattered throughout his letters: "while we were among you we were as gentle as any nursing mother fondling her little ones. So well disposed were we to you, in fact, that we wanted to share with you not only God's tidings but
our very lives, so dear had you become to us ... You, likewise, know how we exhorted every one of you, as a father does his children. .. when we were orphaned from you for a time in sight, not in mind - we were seized with the greatest longing to see you" (1 Thessalonians 2: 7b-8, 11, 17). After telling the Corinthians all that he has suffered for the sake of Christ, Paul continues: "Leaving other sufferings unmentioned, there is that daily tenSion pressing on me, my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak that I am not aflame with indignation? . . â&#x20AC;˘ This is the third time I am coming to you, and I am not going to burden you; for I do not want what you have. I only want you. I will gladly spend inyself and be spent for your sakes. If I love
you too much, will I be loved the less for that?" (2 Corinthians 11:28-29; 12:14-15). The church at Corinth had given Paul no little trou"ble. It had been riddled by cliques, with some professing allegiance to Paul, another to the spellbinding preacher Apollos, yet others to Cephas (Peter). In countering this, Paul reminds them of the function of apostolic ministers: "After all, who is Apollos? and who is Paul? simply ministers through whom you became believers, each of them doing only what the Lord assigned him. I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. This means that neither he who plants nor he who waters is of any special account, only God, who gives the growth" (1 Corinthians 3: 5-7). Turn to Page Thirteen
People are often touched by the loneliness of priests. They may ask: Is loneliness hard to live with? Why are priests asked to choose such a life? Yet loneliness is not necessarily a band condition. Living alone outwardly can help a priest live in solitude inwardly. Inner solitude enables him to feel at home with himself. This readies him for a deeper intimacy with God and people. Communication with God makes a priest's time -alone meaningful. In his rectory he finds a place of silence and through prayer and daily reflection he prepares for his priestly ministry. At such moments the priest can find in himself the sufferings, needs and longings he has in common with all people. He then becomes able to speak meaniingfully of the common experiences of life ;- birth and death, suffering and joy, consolation and desolation. Inner solitude helps people awaken as spiritual persons and hear the Holy Spirit in their innermost beings. In solitude the priest discovers how his life originates in God. And his life makes others aware of their own call to solitude before the Lord. As they respond to this call, people begin to see their "lives in a new light. People may find time, like priests, for prayer and mediative reading of Holy Scripture and the spiritual masters. Such practices provide a deep sense that one belongs to the tradition..of Christian formation. They enable the priest to communicate this sense of belonging to others. People can deepen that communication by mediative reading. In this sense the priest is ministered to by the word just as he ministers for the word. The word cares for him as he cares for the wore. To discover their deepest spiritual bond with others, people must from time to time seek solitude. The more people avoid solitude, the more removed they will be from Qthers in their deepest reality. Then they will interact merely on a superficial level, as smooth socializers, religious or social dogooders, or quasi-apostolic busybodies. As far as priests are concerned, solitude protects them from absorption in the common activities and collective structures which constantly threaten to overwhelm people. Social work, academic pursuits, apostolic actions, the struggle for peace and justice - all are excellent communal enterprises. However, they can take precedence to an unhealthy degree. They can even be dehumanizing if they block out human and spiritual concerns. People may forget what inspired them in the first place. The life of the priest is not immune to such problems. His solitude helps restore his inspiration. In tum, it calls others back
from total absorp tion in daily labors. " People need to distance themselves periodically from the emotional and organizational aspects of their lives with family, church, other people and charitable associations. The priest is a witness to this need. Solitude restores to him and others the spiritual dimension of life with God. Prayerful recollection in moments of silence and solitude is the best way to become present to God in the m::dst of daily activity.
IFor chiJldren II By Janaan Manternach
One morning J,esus walked down to the SeaShl)re. The Sea of Galilee was ca:tm. The sun was warm and rels.xing. Fishermen were busy. Many had fished all night and were cleaning their c~ltch. Others were mending their nets. A few were still fishing. . Jesus watched two fishermen, Andrew and his brother Simon, later known as Peter. They were making one last attEimpt to catch fish before rowing to land. Jesus called them. They were not far from shofl~ and could easily hear him. "Come after me," Jesus called. "Follow me and I will make you fishers of people." Simon and AndrE!w looked at one another. They were not sure what Jesus meant. How could anyone fish for pee pie? Turn to page thirteen
"PEOPLE are often touched by the loneliness of priests."
A Verd,ade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
Pode Rezar 0 Homem De Hoje ? Nos, homens do sec. xx, podemos rezar? Devemos rezar?'Vivemos hoje num mundo ca4a ve2: mais secularizado, mais mecanizado; ne!ste mundo em que a presen~a do divino cada vez se faz sentir menos. H6je, com tecnica e com ciencia come~amos a dominar os abismos do mar e os espa~os siderais, sem precisarmos de recorrer a Deus. Hoje, pelo menDs no Ocidente, vamos acabando cada vez mais com a fome, as guerras, a peste, coisas que noutros tempos infundiam terror e eram motivo de ora~ao publica e privada. HO~le, advinhamos corn rnuita antecedencia a estiagem e as tempestades; hoje, podemos desfazer urna tempes tade antes de ela rebentar, ou produzir chuva artificial sem necessidade de ladianhas ou ragtivas; poderemos rezar? Deveremos rezar? Que e rezar? Rezar e pSr-se em comunica~ao e reverente com Deus; e estabelecer urn dialogo amoroso com Ele. 0 Irmao Carlos de Jesus dava esta defini~ao breve e exacta:"Rezar e pensar em J :eus amando-O", que coincide bastante com aquela de Santa Teresa; "Tratar de amor com quem sabe de amor~ Logo, a ora~ac) e urna intercomunica~ao vital entre dllas pessoas. Quem inicia esta intercomllnica~ao, este dialogo? Noutros termos: Qual e 0 fundamento da ora~aQ?
o fundamento da oral:ao. 0 que da
consistencia a nossa atitude religiosa e 0 gesto absolutamente livre pelo qual Deus sai de alguma manei ra fora de Si mesmo e vern ao nosso encontro para nc)s oferecer 0 Seu amor, a comunidade de vida com Ele. Este amor nao encontra C) seu fim senao na reciprocidade do nosso. A ora~ao, atitude fundamental do c::ente. Para C) nao-crente, a ora~ao " nao tern sentido. Seria urn absurdo orar diante do nadcl. Mas para 0 crente, pare o cristao, a ora9ao e 0 sustento, 0 alimento dessa vida divina ,que brotou do encontro, dc) eu humane com Tu divino. Fora desta in1:ercomunica9ao, essa vida, que deve ir crescendo todos os dias ate chegar plenitude de Cristo, morreria. Todos os povos crentes cultivaram esta rela~rao com Deus de maneiras muito diversas. Israel e um Povo de Deus, sim , mas tambem 0 Povo de ora9 ao ; e 0 cristianismo, imitando a Cristo, que e 0 RE~ligioso do Pai, sera antes de mais Ul1la comunidade orante. Orar, porque? Nao falta quem, embora crente, clfirme que a ora9ao e uma estupidez, ou uma'inutilidade ou ate uma coisa nociva. E dao esta razao: se aquilo que pedimos 'nao depende do homem, mas das leis fixas da natureza, postas por Deus, para que serve rezar? Nao Sera melhor realizar essas coisas, em vez de rezar para que se realizem? Nao sera melhor lutar pela paz, do que eedir pela pa~~? Tomar as medidas higienicas para il1lpedir uma doen~a, em vez de orar para que ela se propague? Uma coisa e certa: 0 homem nao pode orar, se nio acredita no valor da ora~ao. Jesus dizia: ~ precise orar sempre sem nUIlca desfalecer". Nao devemos deixar passar urn dia da nossa vida sem enviarmos uma sauda9ao filial a Deu:
Hurricane aid promised VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II expressed concern and solidarity for the countries affected by Hurricane Allen and pledged the aid of International Catholic organizations in relief efforts. Addressing a crowd of more than 20,000 in St. Peter's Square at his weekly general audience, the pope mourned the results of the "devastating fury" of the hurricane, which caused at least 220 deaths in the eastern Carribean and at least two deaths and widespread destruction in parts of Texas. "Natural disasters make us reflect on the fragility. of man, so
impotent and defenseless before the unchained power of nature," Pope John Paul said.
· ren For chiId Continued from page twelve They were puzzled at Jesus' words, but something about Jesus attracted them. They had seen him before. They had heard him preach, and liked what he said. Simon and Andrew left their boat and net and went with Jesus. They walked together down the shore. Soon they came upon two other fishermen, James and John, sitting in their boat with their father Zebedee, putting their nets in order. Simon and Andrew knew James and John. They were all Galileans. They greeted each other and Jesus watched James and John for a few minutes. Then he asked them to follow him too. Like Andrew and Simon, James and John had listened to Jesus preaching. They were eager to be his disciples. So they rowed to the beach, hugged their father Zebedee, then left him, the boat and their nets in order to follow Jesus. Jesus started back to Capernaum. His four new disciples walked with him. They did not know what it would mean to be with Jesus and share his work.
Noting that International Catholic organizations would do all in their power to respond to requests for aid, especially from the poorest countries, the pope asked for prayers in order that "our brothers and sisters in the world may not feel forgotten, but may know that the entire church holds them in its heart."
ent failures. This can aggravate priests' inescapable loneliness. Father's of families can come home and share with their wives and children; priests have no one waiting at home for them. Often enough, no one seems to care one way or the other. Yet priests do not usually go around crying for sympathy. They accept loneliness as an inevitable result of their chosen lives. But if parishes are to be families in more than name alone, it might help if people were at least aware of their parish father's basic loneliness, fatigue, frustration, and very human need for understanding and support. It is a matter of being sensitive to his situation and responding in kind to his love and concern.
Fr. Skwor directs • • maJor superIors WASHINGTON(NC) - Father Donald P. Skwor, former supf!rior general of the Salvatorian Fathers, has been named executive director of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men ., (OMSM). He succeeds Xaverian Brother Thomas More Page, who has resumed duties as provincial archivist for his community. The CMSM is an association of 263 leaders of U.S. Catholic religious orders of men. It represents about 30,000 priests and brothers. AnLEBORO'S
Aided lepers VATICAN CITY (NC) - Bishop John Scanlan of Honolulu has named an official historical commission to investigate the sainthood cause of Mother Marianne Cope of Molokai, Vatican Radio has reported. Mother Cope, a German-born American, spent 33 years among the lepers of the Hawaiian Islands before her death in 1918. After the death in 1889 of Blessed Damien de Veuster, who was known' internationally as a missionary to Hie lepers of Molokai, she was the leading Catholic religious figue in the apostolate to the lepers at Molokai.
"But they must also lead us to a common sense of responsibility in sharing, spiritually and materially, the suffering of fellow human beings," he added.
Ministry and St. Paul Continued from page twelve Here Paul touches on one of the peculiar difficulties of the priestly ministry. Only rarely do priests see the results of their work and prayer. This can be frustrating over a period of years, especially when priests have to accept so many appar-
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 21, 1980
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P'RAYER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, You enlighten me in every way, You illuminate all earthly paths, so that my dreams may come true. You give me the divine quality to forgive and for· get, am! you accompany me every step of my life, I wish ill these few words, to Thank you allll veri· fy once more that I wiU never separate myself from You regard· less of all the powerful and un· stoppable intention to join You and all my brothers and sisters in the Perpetual Home. Thank You again. One must recite this asking for nothing. Within three days this person will be granted the wish, no matter how incredible it may seem. Publication Promised. .
The pope speaks to youth During his
recent trip to
France, Pope John Paul II spoke
at length to French youth on topics of interest to teenagers everywhere. In the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from his talks. In the dialogue between Christ and the young man, there are, as I have already said, two stages. In the first stage, it is a question of the commandments, the Decalogue, the basic demands of all human morality. In the second stage Christ says: "If you want to be perfect . . . Come follow me" (Matthew 19, 21). This "Come, follow me" is the central culminating point of this episode. These words show us that we cannot learn Christianity as a lesson made up of various chapters, but that it is always linked with a person, a living person, Jesus Christ is both guide and model. It is possible to imitate, him in different ways and in varying degrees to make him the "rule" of one's own life. ,Each of us is like a special kind of "raw material" from which - - through following Christ - it is possible to fashion in the concrete this unique and absolutely singular form of life which can be called the Christian vocation. In the case we are studying, the "Follow me" of Christ is and remains the priestly vocation, or the vocation to consecrated' life according to the evangelical counsels. I say this because you have asked about my' priestly vocation. First, let me say that I have been pope for two years now, a bishop for more than 20 years, and yet for me the fact that I am a priest remains most important of all, the fact th!lt each day I can celebrate the eucharist, I can renew Christ's own sacrifice, offering everything to the Father in him: the world, humanity, myself. There in fact lies the true dimension of the Eucharist. And for this reason I have always alive in my mind the inner development as a result bf which "I heard" Christ's call to the priesthood, this special "Come, follow me." In sharing this with you, I invite each one of you to listen attentively to these words of the GOl;pel. In this way your Christian vocation will be strengthened and made clear in the depths of your being. And perhaps, in your turn, you will hear the call to the priesthood or to the religious life. Listen attentively. In every age the church needs those who "are chosen from among men," those whom Christ picks out in a special manner "on behalf of men," (He- brews 5:1).
The Power "I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible." - St. Teresa of Avila
By Charlie Martin
LOVE AND LONELINESS You used to think that love was worth the time When love was all we had We didn't 'need distraction all the time Or being made to laugh And then you said we had to build a home That love alone could not provide Oh no oh you said that money would never get us down You didn't know you lied. And now loneliness is there despite the love we make Oh and loneliness knows where to find the friends we make And the place we live is just a new Street number or an old address Called love and loneliness. I sometimes wonder how you'll see us now I'd read your mind if I had a chance Oh no oh I don't know if I'd ever find our love in there Or just a photograph. And now loneliness is there despite the love we make Oh and loneliness knows where to find the friends we make And you'll ask around and they act amazed You show them round and they stand and praise The life we live is just a new street Nutnber on an old address Called love and loneliness. Written by Nick Garvey and GordoQ Hann, sung by The Motors, (e) 1980 by Virgin Music (Publishers) Limited
LONELnvESS touches everyone's life. L:ke physical pain, it is a signal: Something hurts or is missing in life. We can try to run 'away from lonely feelings. But we find that our inner restlessness catches up with us. When people think of a cure for loneliness, they often think of a love relationship. Love brings a person together with another person in a special bond, but only if the two people continue to work for deeper sharing. When a couple forgets this loneliness often reappears. To understand loneliness, we must examine our openness and our willingness to make commitments. Moreover, we must take account of our patience for the slow growth process needed to form lasting relationships. We need to think and listen in order to discover the insights that loneliness brings. The pain of loneliness tells us what is missing in' our lives and encourages us to do something about it. Life is a Godgiven invitation to develop lasting closeness with others and with our creator. God is searching for us just as we are searching for him. What we do with this invitation is our choice. So many choices are available, but ultimately most lead nowhere. Perhaps today's false gods are the allurements of materialism, upward mobility in lifestyle and a search for instant relationships. Loneliness and emptiness are their ultimate rewards. For those who choose to walk the long route toward intimacy with God and others, a totally different experience emerges. In facing loneliness, they_begin to walk a new path.
anti drinkiing By Cecilia BE!langer I was introduced to a young man who is succeeding in giving up drinking. He has turned to prayer and self-discipline and has discovered what many never discover, that the majority of people live unduly for the body, He has also discovered that there is a moral force that helps those who help themselvell. Youth tell me thl~y are better off staying away from crowds, even family gathedngs, where there is liquor. What do they do? They take off by themselves, into the woods, acrOSil country, to the hills, the seashore. Many are disgusted with adul':s who drink heavily, yet are often the ones in charge of our lives, our governments. Our times are distinguished by the love of strong stimulants. Calmness and' sobriety are ridicul~d. The books gllnerally' read are not those that require calm thought and inspirt~ deep feeling. It is the epheml~ral that has caught on, the obscene and immoral. Even religioIl. partakes of the general restIesllness. Every place in the community is touched. Perhaps if we replaced sex education in the schools by moral education our young people would be better off and would respect their bodies more. How can a society care a'bout its children if it allows their pollution and abuse? How ca:rt people believe that God is here present and do the things they do? We talk about the brotherhood and sisterhood of the human race. And when we do we confuse our youth. What they sl~e is neither brotherhood nor siHterhood but an approaching holocaust. They hear nothing but lies and contradictions and behold only sickening games of power politics. They read and, hear about the number of alcoholics in the Congress and wonder how men with this weakness can be on their toes in making the laws of this nation. What an example to youth! And people wonder why some stay away from the polls. What choices have they?
Motorbike priest captivates teens' MINNEAPOLIS (NC) Dressed in a black leather suit with a crucifix around his neck, Franciscan Father Brian Przyborowski revved up his motorcycle and drove through a flap in the tent used for a parish revival in Richfield, Minn. With this dramatic entry "the motorcycle priest of the Midwest" seized the attention of 150 teens attending the revival. "It's not macho to be holy," Father Przyborowski told the youngsters. But before he finish-
ed his talk, at least three-quar- "born again" and accepted his ters of the audience had come motorcycle mission with the' forward so that he could pray blessing of his Franciscan superiors. He said he travels 20,000 with, them and for them. To 'the audience of youngsters to 40,000 miles a year on"Spirit." in grades seven to 12, he des"The Lord could take you cribed his uncertainties as an . home tonight," he told the about-to-be-ordained priest who youngsters. "Would you be feared he lacked the courage to ready?" follow whatever path God might He asked them to bring their choose for him. He tried to back away, he said, but "when you needs, their fears, their prayers run from God, you run into him." to God by standing before him Joy and peace entered his life, in the tent where he raised his he said, in 1970, when he was hands over them and prayed.
If senators and representatives find their jobs so stressful that they must drink to excess, then they should get out. Simple as that. No one twisted their arms to run. The whole thing is an insult to the American people.
On the day of judgment it won't be the m'lch-maligned youth who are found guilty.
,Gerrard pjictures June graduates of Bishop Ger.ard High School, Fall River, may pick up ,graduation pictures at :he Catholic Educaton Center, ';'23 Highland Ave., Fall River, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. any weekday.
tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings:"cG-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsLitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-aPllroved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3--a[lproved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morall)" offensive which, however, require sOITIe analysis and explanation): C-tondemned.
New Films "The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu" (Warners) is a mediocre comedy of special interest less for itself than beca,use it is the late Peter SeUers' la:st movie. One regrets that it is such a weak vehicle. The period story, set "possibly around 1933," concerns the attempt to steal from the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London a yeUow diamond needed as part of an elixir to rejuvenate the 168-year-old Fu Manchu, that diabolical master of international crime. Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard, the long-time nemesis of Fu, is brought out of I1ltirement to once again thwart :Fu. Both he and Fu are played by SeUers. Part of the problem with the film is that one doesn't particularly care what happens next. The script is a collection of bits and pieces vaguely related to one another. It contains some vulgar expletives and a mildly suggestive striptease. PG, A2 "XANADU" (Universall): Olivia Newton-John sings her way through her role as a materialized Greek muse who i:~spires a middle-aged musician (Gene KeUy) and a young artist (Michael Beck) to become partners in a nightclub. Special effects and official devices, along with frenetic and occasionlllly vulgar dance numbers, serve as little more than a visual background to music by the Electric Light Orchestra. The result is an illustrated sound-track album. PG,
A'2 On TV Rightfully buried amidst the summer schedule of repeats is a new made-for-television movie, "The Seduction of Miss Leona," airing Tuesday, Aug. 26, at 9-11 p.m. on CBS. It proves to be an E~xtension of the afternoon soap operas into prime time and asks thl:l age-old question of whether a single woman can find happin'~ss in an affair with a married roan. The answer is the same agl~-old no. Lynn Redgrave strives mightily in her role as a smaU town coUege teacher of Englii;h literature who faUs in love with the school's maintenance mlln (Brian Dennehy), who is married to a woman whose main concern is watchina soap operas. There is no reason 'Why you should make the same mistake - not even Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy would have made this clunker worth view-
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 21, 1980
ing. It is not for the younger members of the family, although the title is about as sensational as the program gets. Films on TV Friday, Aug. 29, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "Killer Grizzly" (1976) This inept action thriUer about a 15-foot grizzly bear attacking unwary campers in a national park becomes a tedious 'exercise in special effects mayhem, totally inappropriate for youngsters '(originaUy released as "Grizzly"). A3 Saturday, Aug. 30, 9 p.m. (NBC) - "The People lbat TIme Forgot" (1977) - This sequel to "The Land That Time Forgot" is set in an ice-bound vastness teeming with prehistoric mono sters and primitive cavemen and offers some amusing - if not convincing special effects that younger viewers may find enjoyable. A2
'Women's Room' attacks family TUPELO, Miss.-The National Federation for Decency says the 'decision of ABC-TV to air the movie "The Women's Room" exposes the anti-family, anti-marriage, pro-sex and violence exploitation stance of the network. "The decision to show the vicious, ugly, blatantly biased film brings into the open what many have known for some time," said Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, executive director of the national citizens' group. "The public now can see clearly that the intent of the writers, producers and network officials is definitely anti-family, antimarriage, anti-traditional social values. The anti-family values they have been very subtle in promoting for the past several years are now being advocated openly by ABC. The veil has been raised and the public can see the clear intent." The film, tentatively scheduled for airing in October, is based on a book by the same title by Marilyn French. Wildmon stated that both NBC and CBS refused to air the film. "But ABC was willing to admit their willingness to exploit to the hilt by airing the program," he said. He said his organization would mount a national effort concerning the film. "We hope this film will finally awaken the dozing public to the intent and purpose of too much of ABC programming," he stated, urging individuals to call and vite local ABC affiilates and the network. Letters, he said, should go to Leonard H. Goldenson, 803 ParkwayShore Acres, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Goldenson's phone numbers are 914·698-4520 and 212887-7717.
Made for it "How can we escape sacrifice? We were made in the form of a cross." - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Kennedy, North CYO Winners Kennedy and North were the winners in the opening games of the semi-finals in the postseason playoffs in the Bristol County CYO Baseball League, last Sunday night. Kennedy defeated Somerset, 7-5, in a contest that went eight innings and North upended Cen-
tral, 5-3, as the two best-ofthree series opened at Chew Field, Fall River. The eventual survivors in the semi-finals will collide in bestof-three final next Sunday, Wednesday, and if needed, Thursday.
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Connolly Booting Mentor Moves To Westport Edward (Ted) Pettine, soccer and tennis coach at Bishop ConnoUy High School in Fall River has been appointed soccer coach at Westport High School. Pettine, who has been tennis coach at Connolly for several years, took over the Cougar booters for the 1979 season succeeding Father Pare, who left Connolly for an assignment elsewhere. Pettine's success with the Connolly soccer team earned him recognition by the New Bedford Soccer Referees Association as its coach-of-the-year. The showing made by his soccer and tennis teams also earned him the school's Alumni Award as its coach of the year.
Other appointments approved by the school committee are: John Hickey, athletic director; Joan Carpenter, coach of volleyball, softbaU and girls basketbaU; Loran Frederick, coach of field hockey; Janet Routhier, assistant coach of field hockey; Michael Roy, boys basketbaU coach; James Nasiff, assistant coach, boys basketbaU; Raymond Ready, baseball and cross country coach; Gustin Cariglia, coach of freshmen basketball; Bonnie Morse Gifford, assistant coach in girls basketball; Gail Silvia, assistant coach in softbaU.
At Westport, 'Pettine will succeed Francisco (Frank) Souza, dean of high school soccer coaches in Massachusetts. Except for two years, because of illness, Souza has been the Central Villagers soccer coach since 1954.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 21, 1980
Iteerlng pOlntl
ALHAMBRA ORDER, REGION ONE COUNCIL The council will meet at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 5 at St. Anne's Fraternity Hall, 144 Guild St., . Fall River.
Holy Rosary Sodalists will schedule will reswne Sunday, sponsor a procession in honor . Sept. 7. Saturday Masses will be of Our Lady of Fatima at 7 p.m. at 4 and 5:15 p.m. and Sunday Saturday, Sept. 13. The feast- Masses will be on the hour from day Mass will be offered at 8 7 a.m. through noon and at 5 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 14. p.m. The winter weekend _ Mass ..
PUBLICItY CHAIRMEN .re liked to Itili~'lt news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, F.II River, 02722. Neme of city or lown should be Included .s well es full dates' of ell ,ctlvltles. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such .s bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetIngs, youth projects .nd similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng prolects may be .dvertlsed .t our regular rates obtainable from The Anchor business oflice, telephone 675-7151-
ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Parents of children in the parish school will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3 in the school hall. A sewing group is being formed for the purpose of making pads for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home in Fall River.
Father Adrian Scorzato will speak at all Masses this weekend on behalf of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Mi,ssions. Parishioners will participate in a trip to Tanglewood this weekend, attending a concert and a play and visiting Clark Art Institute. The parish council will meet at 7:15 p.m. Sunday at the rectory. ~
LA SALETrE CENTER, ENFIELD, N.H. Father Carey Landry will conduct a Christian Music Ministry Workshop at the center the weekend of Sept. 26 through 28. It will be open to all and will include a Saturday night concert.. Father Landry, a diocesan priest from Lafayette, La. has been released for a fulltime music ministry. Further information about the Enfield weekend is available from the center at P.O. Box 369, Enfield N.H. 03748.
Tomorrow, the feast of the Queenship of Mary, there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following 11:30 a.m. Mass and an hour of adoration will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. Those wishing to use school facilities for any parish function should make arrangements with the parish office, telephone 674-5651.
FATHER PAT CONCERT, SOUTH DENNIS . Father Andre Paetnaude, MS, known as "Father Pat," will offer a free concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Wixon School, Route 134, outdoors weather permitting, inside the school if necessary. Bringing lawnchairs is suggested. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER
The Women's Guild will sponsor a.communion supper Tuesday, Sept. 23, following 5:15 p.m. Mass. New members are welcome and may contact Mrs. Terry Ferland, telephone 678-
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, BYACINTH CIRCLE, NEW BEDFORD 3084. Members attended the funeral Mass of Miss Alice M. Miller, re- SS. PETER & PAUL, gent, who died July 27. She had FALL RIVER been a member since 1934 and The Women's Club will spon- . served as regent on three occas- sor a one-day bus trip to New' ions. She was also active in the 'York City Saturday, Dec. 6. state circle of the D of I and Reservations may be made with was a member of the :board of Margaret O'Neil, telephone 676the Diocesan Council of Cath- 8084. olic. Women. Special prayers are being ofHer post will be filled by Mrs. fered for the parish this week Julia P. Morris, vice-regent, by the Sisters of the Sacred pending nomination of officers Hearts at their Fall River house at a meeting to be held in K of of prayer. C Hall Tuesday. ST. JOHN OF GOD, DEAF APOSTOLATES, SOMERSET DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER CCD teachers will meet TuesThose interested in receiving day at 7:30 p.m. in the parish religious education in sign lang- center. . uage may contact the Catholic A children's Mass to mark the Deaf Apostolate, telephone 674- opening of the school and CCD 5741, ext. 413. They are asked year will be celebrated at 7 p.m. to call by Saturday, Aug. 30. Tuesday, Sept. 2. Parents are Likewise, deaf or hearing asked to accompany children. adults interested in teaching religion or in assisting at the Deaf ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, Apostolate office at St. Anne's GREATER FALL RIVER Hospital, Fall River, are asked The Vincentian Council will. to call the number above. meet at' 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2 at Santo Christo Church, Fall TEACHER TRAINING, River, for celebration of Mass. FALL RIVER AREA A meeting will follow in !lie A basic teacher training ses- church hall. sion for Fall River area catechists will be held from 7:30 to ST. STAMSLAUS, 10 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30 at FALL RIVER Holy Name School, Pearce Monday will be observed as a Street, Fall River. Workshops in day of penance and voluntary classroom management and les- fasting in connection with parson planning will be offered and ish observance of Czestochowa there' will be no charge for the Days, being held through Tuessession. day.
Volunteers are needed for the parish OCD program, which will begin when the public schools open. All·CCD teachers will meet at 7 p.m, Tuesday in the parish . hall. Holy Name Society members will attend 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Sept. 28. A breakfast meeting will follow. An appreciation night for parish workers will be held Sunday, Sept. 28. Boys in third through fifth grades are asked to become altar servers.
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