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t eanc 0 VOL. 42, NO. 32 •. Friday, August 21, 1998



$14 Per Year

Sacred Hearts Sisters cele~rate nearly a century of service •

The 90th anniversary of their coming to the new Diocese of Fall River in 1908 will be recc~IIed at area events. By JAMES N.


FAIRHAVEN - Within hours after disembarking from the packet ship "Marquette" in Boston on Aug. 10, 1908, eight members of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary from France arrived here to begin what is being celebrated as 90 years of joyful, gen(~rous ser. vice to the Fall River diocese. Just three years earlier, Bishop William Stang had invited the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts into his newly-formed diocese. The priests then petitioned Mother Marie Claire Pecuchet, the superior general, to send sisters from France because those here saw that there was much work to be done, espe-

cially in the parochial schools along About the same time, five sisters America's East Coast. moved to a community on Adams . The request was not unusual, Street in Fairhaven. St. Joseph's because it is a significant recom- School is the primary apostolic mendation of the charism of ministry in which these sisthe order that the brothers ~ ters are involved. Two sisters formed the and sisters collaborate in apostolic efforts. Huttleston Community in Initial work involved 1984 in Fairhaven, a "Come and See" community for serving at St. Joseph Church and School in this cominuwomen seriously considering nity. When Sacred Hearts . . . . . . . a religious vocation and life Academy here began, the sis- ~ as a nun. The facility houses ters instructed girls from kinthe regional leadership group dergarten through high school in- in \Vhich three of the four leaders eluding day school and night board- reside. . ers, until it closed in 1973 as Route St. Mary Church here received 195 cut a swath through the prop- the help of the sisters who taught erty. From 1970 to 1979 the acad- in the catechetical program in the emy became the center for charis- early 1960s. Sister Eleanor Cyr, the matic prayer groups arid as a retreat regional vicar, is the directress of center. the Religious Education. Program, FORMAL PICTURE of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of In 1980, sisters moved into Fall working with the pastor, Sacred Jesus and Mary taken in 1960 in the convent in Fairhaven River to operate a retirement com- Hearts Father Robert Charlton. munity that is currently operating Throughout the years the mis- shows them wearing the religious habit that many will remember. Tum to·page two - Sacred Hearts at Hood and Madison streets.

St. Patrick's youth group: Let's paint a house! •

Summer project helps homeboundparishioner

certain sense of apprehension, knowing it means time-consuming hard work and perspiration. But for St. Patrick's Parish Youth Group, By MIKE GORDON painting a house has b~en an upANCHOR STAFF lifting summertime project, bringing pride to the community and a smile to a homebound parishioner. It's a big project, but the rewards are bigger. Members ofthe youth group have been working diligently since June· to repaint the home of Ms. Virginia Burns and .were busy last week applying the final coat of paint. "We do a lot of community service and thought this would be a good idea," said lO-yearold Stephanie Prevost, who added that she's enjoying membership in the group. The paint project idea was brought to the group by its leader, Adele Cabral, whose three teenage sonS, all members, are helping to make it a reality. "We were LONG REACH _. Stephanie Prevost looking for something to do and the house really of the St. Patrick's Parish Youth Group, needed some paint," said Somerset, applies the last coat of paint Peter Cabral between to the home of parishioner Virginia brush strokes. The 17Burns. Members of the group painted year-old said he enjoys the house as a summertime. commu- helping others and has been a member of the nity service project. youth group for almost SOMERSET - Painting a five years. The efforts of Peter and his peers house is a project that by most homeowners is looked upon with a Turn to page 15 - Painting

Red Mass will honor dedicated members of the justice system serving with the justice system," Father Hession said. "Judge Taveira was chosen for the ecumenical award because while he was a Catholic and a FALL RIVER - Four people judge, he disserving within the justice system will played a spebe honored at the second annual Red cial sensitivity Mass celebration to be hosted by and compasBishop Sean P. 0' Malley Sunday, sion to all who Sept. 20, beginning with a came before concelebrated Mass in St. Mary's him without JUDGE TAVEIRA Cathedral at 3 p.m. regard to race, A reception and dinner will follow creed or ethnicity." . The recipients were nominated by at White's of Westport at 5 their co-workers and peers in the legal community and a committee p.m., at which guest comprised of a regional cross section the speaker will ofjudges, attorneys, court personnel be Massachuand priests made the final selection setts Supreme from all submitted names. Court Justice The event is called the Red Mass, Roderick L. said Father Hession, "because of the Ireland. red vestments worn by the celebrant, Fat her since it is the Mass of the Holy Spirit Mark R. . that is celebrated. We invoke His H e s s ion, ATTY. HARRINGTON blessing on those who work for juschairman of tice." The tradition stems from 13ththe Red Mass Planning Committee,. century Europe and today the Mass has announced that those to be hon- is celebrated in dioceses throughout ored with St. Thomas More Awards the United are Massachusetts Appeals Court Jus- States. The tice Robert A. Welsh, Jr., of Dennisport; Atty. Joseph P. awards are Harrington of New Bedford; Retired named for St. . ClerklMagistrate James H. Sullivan Tho mas of the Attleboro District Court; and More, a 16thretired Superior Court Justice August century layC. Taveira of New Bedford. man who was ''This is the second year of the pro- a lawyer and gram instituted by Bishop O'Malley was martyred to h.onor a judge, a lawyer, a court for opposing worker and an ecumenical honoree the divorce of SULLIVAN

A judge, lawyer, court official and an ecumenical honoree will be recogned by the diocese.


King Henry vm and refusing to renounce papal authority. Designed specially for the diocese, the three-inch circular bronze medallion with enamel colors bears on the front an image of St. Thomas More and on the reverse an engraving of the recipient's name and date of presentation. The award recipients are: Judge Robert A. Welsh, Jr. Judge Robert A. Welsh, Jr., was born in 1938, the son of Judge Robert A. Welsh, Sr., and Alma (Danforth) Welsh. He is married to the former Natalie A. (Lawler) Welsh and they have three children, Atty. Anastasia Welsh Perrino, Atty. Robert A. Welsh, III, and James D. Welsh. H e graduated from Provincetown H i g h School in 1955, cum laude from the Col- JUDGE WELSH lege of the Holy Cross in 1959, and from Boston College Law School in 1962. Admitted to practice before the Massachusetts Bar in 1962, he served as a trial attorney with the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C.. from October to December 1962; from 1963 to 1965 was a first lieutenant with the Army's Judge Advocate Corps, and was honorably discharged with the rank of captain in the reserve. Turn to page three - Red Mass

~;;N~:rl:;~;~;~;';;~;;~ II GETTING TO KNOW OUR SEMINARIANS II her lOOth birthday

, Timothy P. Driscoll

TAUNTON - Timothy Paul uncle is Father Kenneth Delano, FALL RIVER - Sister Joseph Teresa Moran, a member of the Holy Union of Sacred Hearts for 78 years, celebrated her 100th birthday on Aug. 11, at a Driscoll is a native of this city and pastor of Immaculate Conception gathering of sisters and family at the Catholic Memorial Home. Congratula- was educated in public schools, Parish, Fall River. tory messages and citations were received from Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, the graduating from Taunton High Tim's hobbies include gardenMassachusetts House of Representatives and the Massachusetts Senate. School in 1984. Following under- "ing, golf, racquetball and readi,ng. The daughter of the late John and Mary (Joyce) Moran, Sister Joseph Teresa Entering the priesthood first was born in Taunton on Aug, 11, 1898. She was educated at Cohannet Gram- graduate work at Bates College and Boston University, he graducrossed Tim's mind while serving mar School and St. Mary's High School, both in Taunton; Bridgewater Norated from Stonehill College with Mass as an altar boy. He believes School (now mal Bridgewater State Cola bachelor's degree in humanities the ministry means preaching, lege) and Catholic Sisters teaching and sanctifying the in 1992. College in Washington Tim began his seminary stud- people whom the. priest is. to D.C. 'ies at Our Lady of Providence serve. To anY'young man considSister Joseph Teresa House of Formation in Provi- ering the priesthood, Tim sugtaught fourth grade at the dence, R.I., prior to entering St. gests praying, finding a priest and Barnum School in TaunJohn Seminary in Brighton. He is talking honestly and frankly about, ton for one year and entered the Holy Union Siscurrently entering his fourth year his vocation. ters on Dec. 8, 1919. of theology there. ' TIMOTHY P. DRISCOLL Having made her first Before entering the seminary, The priesthood and religious profession of vows on he lived with his mother, Evelyn, life demand generosity, sacrifice, to ministry. Think abof,,!t it, pray Aug. 27, 1921, she was at the family home here, and was motivation, flexibility and a sense about it! Contact the Diocesan perpetually professed on a member of St. Paul's Parish and of humor. Ifyoufeel that you are Vocation Office for reading maAug. 26, 1927. Ministry the Knights of Columbus. He has a person of faith and' willing to terial or to discuss a vocation at assignments included teaching at Sacred Heart 'i a brother, William, and twosi's- share your 'life with people, 'then (508) 675-1311. School, Fall River; St. . ters, Karen ,and Catherine. His you ,may be experiencing a c,all '1 'Ol Joseph School, Taunton; . St. 'Anthony School, Portsmouth, R.I.; St. . t .;. , Francis de Sales Schools: Continued from pageorie Patchogue and New York • •.• "Jf City, N.Y.; and St. Ed-' CELEBRA"'I"I'ON'I H '1 '. U' .. ,. S' t . sion~y c;il'has mov~d some of the ., a cOl1)muriity in,Maryl,al1d in 1978 and Mary is "To:bring tjle good ward School, Baltimore, . .' "" I . 0 y; nlon IS er sisters in Fairhaven to uproot from· , which wouldbe the home of young news of God's uncondifional love M.D.d .. ' ' . ' Jo"s~phJ.Teresa Moran receives ~ cor, familiar ground. . . sisters in formation studying at The to all the people we serye, espeShe also served as sage from Sister Ther~sa Moo Horvath, In 1928, 'three 'sisters left to Catholic University of America in ciallythe most needy/neglected." principal at schools in provincial of the Fall River Province, on found a community in nearby Washington. In September The sisters' involvement inP~tchogue, New York the occasion of her 100th birthday, re- Saskatchewan, Canada. In 1934 1995, the sisters all returned to the cludes justice and peace issues, City, N.Y.; Portsmouth, tl I b t d t C th I' M . I R.I. and St. Joseph School cen y ce e r~ e a a 0 IC emona they relocated to Chambly and in East Coast main community in Fall teaching catechism, retre,ats, visit1954 after a destructive fire in 1952, River. ing AIDS patients and helping and in Taunton. From 1939 to Home, Fall River. She has served as a relocated to St. Bruno\ Quebec· Sister Eleanor Cyr, currently the counseling the elderly. The efforts 1952 she served as pro- Holy Union Sister for 78~years~ where they are currentiy minister- . director of religious ecJucati<;mat St. , focus.on.s!lch life areas ai, caHabovincial superior of the , Holy Union Sisters based in Fall River. In 1974 Sister Joseph Teresa retired ing. Besides parish work and visit- Mary's in Fairhaven, responded in 'ration, internationally, vocation refrom active ministry and resided at Prospect Place until 1996 when she took up ing of the sick, the sisters have 1985 to the cry of Native Ameri- cruitment, communicatic,ns, youth staffed Sacred Hearts Academy cans in California. She ministered apostolate and mission p:rojects. residence at Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River. there, a prosperous elementary there until 1995. ' As for upcoming anniversary school with a growing enrollment. On July 1, 1988, the Sacred celebrations, Sister Muriel Ann At the invitation of Father John Hearts Community of sisters and Lebeau, principal of S t. Joseph Eagan, pastor ofSt. Andrew Church brothers founded a community School, announced that a year of in Avenel, N.J., four sisters re- among the poor in Lawrence. This celebration will involve students, sponded in' 1966, began a new foun- was a six-year commitment which staff, alumni and parents. On Sept. dation and worked not only in the terminated on June 30, 1994. 8, there will be a ribbon-cutting cerThe current leadership group of emony at the school, with a Mass parish but in the nearby jail and in a school for specially gifted chil- the sisters was installed in April to celebrate the day the sisters NECROLOGY. dren and adults. 1996 for a four-year term. It in- opened the school for the first time. August 22 .' In 1982, another sister was sent cludes Regional Superior Sister On Nov. 7, there will be an all1962, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Manuel 1. Teixeira, Pastor, St. Anthony, from Fairhaven to teach religion Dolores Pava9' Regional Vicar Sis- class dinner-dance reunion at Taunton classes at St. Mary High School in ter Eleanor Cyr, Regional Chancel- White's of Westport. On Nov. 8 an 1972, Rev. William R. Jordan, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River Perth Amboy, N.J., a neighboring lor Sister Margarita Denis and Re- anniversary Mass will be c:elebrated 1980, Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty, Retired Pastor, St. Paul, town to Avenel. The sisters contin- " gional Treasurer Sister Joan Rita at St. Joseph Church at 9:30 a.m. and Taunton" . . an open house at the schoell will folued this mission ~ntil 1976 when Cosme. , " August 23 ., they were re,called to Fairhaven. . .Today:s mission stat~111ent of tile low. For more information call Sis1895, Rev. Thomas Clinton, Pastor, St. Peter, SandwiQh . , \. \ r Four sisters were asked to found Sisters of theS:;Icred Hearts of Jesus ter Lebeau at 996-1998 or 996-1983. 1992, Msgr. Anthol1yM. Gomes, PA, Retired Pastor, OurLady of Angels, Fall River \ '

.Sacred Hearts'

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week



"August 24

1884, Rev. Peter J.B~:B\e'dard,Fou~der, Notre ~ame, Fall River 1962, Very Rev. James\ F.. Gilchrist, CPM VG., Vicar General of the Congregation of the\Fathers of Mercy .....-~ .. / ' . 1987, Msgr. James E. Gleason, Retired··Pastor, St. Patrick, Falmouth \~/ / .....-/





1974, Rev. JosephEHanna~,Founder, Holy Cross, South Easton . ~~. ..\ . v





1960, R~. Rev. Francisco C. Bettencourt, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River 1978, Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, Pastor Emeritus, St. James, New Bedford

PRIESTS CURRENTLY SERVING August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 27 August 28

:.. Rev. John LSteakem Rev. David Stopyra, OFM Conv. \. Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. Matthew Sullivan, SSCC Rev. Richard H'-.Sullivan, CSC Rev. Pawel A. S\viercz Rev. Antonino C. Tavares

FIFIST HOME _:.- This small ho\.Jse by the side of the former Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairhavl~n is where the first Sacred Hearts nuns opened their convent in 1908.

u.s. bishops look to increase Church's presence in all media •

Diocesan representative reports on recent meeting in Canada.

MONTREAL - U.S. and Canadian bishops' conferences are fighting an uphill battle to develop a strong Catholic presence in new communications technologies, said Church officials. "We know there is much untapped potential in using the new technology in the ministry of the Church," said Auxiliary Bishop Frederick Colli of Ottawa, chairman of the communications commission of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Colli and Msgr. Francis Maniscalco, director of the U.S. bishop's Department of Communications, were speakers at the recent plenary session of the Unda-USA General Assembly in Montreal. Unda (Latin for "wave") is the national Catholic Association for Communicators. The assembly was held in conjunction with the joint world congress of Unda International and the Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual,

known by its French initials, OCIC. Fall River diocesan Assistant Director of Communications John Kearns Jr., attended the conference, where he began serving a threeyear-term on the national board as the northeast regional representative. Church officials reported on efforts by the communications commissions of both conferences to make the Church's voice heard in the electronic media in particular. "The U.S. bishops are pleased in many ways with their presence in the print media, and they a,re proud of their diocesan newspapers on the whole," said Msgr. Maniscalco. "But th,ey want to increase their presence on broadcasting and television ... and in the seculm: media." Presentation sessions and workshops offered at the Und~ assembly aimed at assisting attendees to meet these challenges. In addition to Bishop Colli and Msgr. Maniscalco, other presenters included Dr. David Thornburg, a specialist in media technology and education, who addressed the impact of today's fast changing technology on our culture and particularly

Annual Father Foister food drive setfor Aug. 21-30 FALL RIVER - The third llnnual food drive in memory of the late Father John R. Foister, sponsored by the FoIster family, will be cbnducted as the Fall River Fire Department opens its doors to accept food or monetary domitions on behalf of its former ch~plain. . This year, boxes will be set up at the varIOUS fire st~tlOn~ from AU~. 21 through 29. Many area churches will also be collectmg lood ~onatlons on the weekend of Aug.29-30. Goods and money donated WIll benefit area food pantries. . For information call Michelle Brodeur at 678-9426 or Anne MarIe FoIster at 672-0082 or mail inquires to Anne FoIster. 9 Mandy's Place, Swansea, MA 02777.


Continued from page one

After serving in the private practice of law in Provincetown with Atty. Maurice M. Goldman from 1966 to 1967 Welsh was a founder and first chief' attorney of the Cape Cod and Islands Services Program until October 1968. He was then in law'practice with Atty. Richard O. Staff in Hyannis through June 1973. He has served as town counsel for Provincetown and Dennis and associate town counsel for Mashpee.

He was inducted as presiding justice of the Second District Court of Barnstable County on June 27, 1973. Appointed a justice of the Appellate Division of the District Courts, Southern Division in 1976, he was named presiding justice in 1983 and served through 1985. He was reappointed a justice of the Appellate l?ivision in 1991 with areas of speCIal Turn


page five - Rep Mass

Diocese of ~all River

OFFICIAL Excelle~:


His the Most Reverend Sean <?F.M. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the followmg appomtments: Rev. Craig A. Pregana, Chaplain, Bish~p Stang High S~hool, North Dartmouth, while remai.ning Diocesan Director of VocatIOns. Rev. Michael O'Hearn, Chaplain, Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall River, with residence at Sacred Heart Rectory, Fall River. . Rev. Steven R. Furtado, Chaplain, Charlto~ Memorial Hospital, with residence at Santo Christo Rectory, Fall River. Effective Wednesday, August 26, 1998

youth; Dr. William F. Baker, president of WNET-TV, New York, the PBS flagship station, who talked on the state of TV today; and Mary Alice Williams, former anchor and correspondent for NBC Nightly News and CNN and currently president of Ice Blue ,Productions. She discussed the mind-set of commer- ' cial news media. Workshops focused on the growing use of the web by dioceses; producing and marketing television' and radio programs; new information technologies; and a look at recent success projects from around the country with an eye toward adapting the web for one's own use. The joint world congress sessions were attended by 450 Catholic communicators from more than 120 countries. Kearns reflected that while U.S. gatherings of Unda members always provide a wonderful opportunity to share problems and solutions, meeting this year with members from places as far away as Africa and Asia opened many eyes to the variety of work being done in Catholic communi- , cations and the situations in which some of that work is being accomplished. "Some of the stories shared of challenges faced and obstacles overcome in remote third world villages, for example, or countries with unstable governments, make you understand the disparity of conditions ~ many very difficult ~ around th'e globe under which people live and carry out their work," Kearns stated. The conference concluded with the presentation ofthe annual Gabriel Awards, honoring those radio and television efforts from the past year which, in exemplary ways, worked to nourish and uplift the human spirit. WCVB-TV (channel 5) of Boston was awarded the Gabriel for television station of the year.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998

SSe Peter and Paul School will mark its 75thjubilee •

Students and faculty to dress in period clothing and reenact the first day of school three-quarters of a century ago.

FALL RIVER - When students at SS. Peter and Paul School go to class on Sept. 1, they will recreate that day in 1923 when six Sisters of Mercy from Mount St. Mary Convent met the arriving 302 students and ushered them into the only facility available, the church hall. While the students will dress in 1920's children's garb, teachers will dress as the sisters. Pastor Father Stephen A. Fernandes will be robed in the priestly attire of the day as well. That day of school in the parish was the fulfillment of a dream long cherished by the late Father Thomas A. Kelly, then pastor ?f SS. Paul and Paul. It was with great delight that he watched the chIldren file into the church hall on Dover Street because the new school building was not yet ready for occupancy. .. . . . The new school was designed and bUIlt III a baSIC Spamsh archItecture which blended with the church edifice located across the street. The church was destroyed by fire in 1973. During that historic first day of sc~ool, only the first four.grades were admitted. Each September a higher grade was opened until the school accommodated eight grades, as it does today. . Current students have been preparing for the 75th anniversary of their school since May, when they gave Mercy Sister Frances Doherty, one of the school's original teachers, a party to celebrate her 90th birthday. ' As the students return to school they will use an important tool from this end of the century, the Internet, to research the 1920s as they greet one another in clothing of se~en decades a~~.. . Also in celebration of the 75th anmversary, alumm WIll reumte Nov. 28 for an anniversary Mass to be said by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, and a reunion dinner at White's of Westport.






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Aug. 24 Rv 21 :9b~ 14; Ps 145:10-13,1718; In 1:45-51 Aug. 25 2 Thes 2: 1-3a,1417; Ps 96:10-13; , Mt 23:23-26 Aug. 26 2 Thes 3:6-10,1618; Ps 128:1-2,4-5; Mt 23:27-32 Aug.27 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Aug.28 1 Cor 1:17-25; , Ps 33:1-2,4-5, 10-11; Mt25:1-13 Aug.29 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13,18-21 ; Mk 6:17-29 Aug.30 Sir3:17-18,20,2829; Ps 68:4-7,1011; Heb 12:18-19, . 22-24a;Lk14:1,7-14 God may be calling you to ~ ••• THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20) Penodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Christmas' at 887 Highlanl Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic _ Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River. MA 02722.




Daily Readings



••• a Priest! ••• a Sister! ••. a Brother! ••• a Deacon!

Co~e to the Vocation Fair and check it out!

THE ANCHOR -..:...Diocese of Fall River ~ Fri:, Aug. 21,1998


the moorinS-,

.••.. . . ··the living word t


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to ' , . " .


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Restoring the national conscience The Clinton situation is not simply a personal tragedy. It is a crisis for all Americans..' As a people, we have allowed ourselves to wander into a very fuzzy gray area of life where ethic and moral behavior can be judged by how one feels-situation ethics run amuck. Like Pilate of old, we are still asking "What is truth?" At least, Pilate asked the Lord the question; we conduct a survey for ,the answers. In the process we have lost a sense of the universal truth that supersedes farcical Of. whimsical emotions. Because we have been told in fact, deed and song that we must do everything "my way," we have created too many false gods in our own lives and living. Presidential pleas to forget the past and take up the nation's business anew are indefensible. How can we as a people "repair the fabric of our national discourse" when we are failing to meet the moral and ethical standards demanded of us as individuals and citizens. What we should really learn from this tawdry affair is that we must renew a sense of virtue as a national ideal. We have failed to recognize that the virtuous person is one who freely practices the good. Virtue, after all, is determination to do what is good. It allows one not only to perform good acts but also to give the best of oneself. The virtuous person tries to practice the good by his or her concrete actions. As one commentator recently reflected, "This is where decades of inattention to private and public virtue have brought us"-we have simply refused to accept the concept that authority does not derive its moral legitimacy from itself. Its strength as a moral force must be based on true freedom and a sense of responsibility. The greater the office, the greater must be the demand for ethical and moral responsibility. This lack is the inherent flaw in today's White House. Truthtelling is not a matter of mere legalism. A person devoted to the truth doesn't need the assistance of lawyers, acting lessons, Hollywood personalities and media agents t~ make liim or her ap~ pear to be truthful. Truth is a virtue demonstrated in one's words and deeds and in one's guarding against duplicity, dissimulation and hypocrisy. Today's America needs a massive dose of truthfulness. The fault is not the president's alone. It lies with us as well. To place Clinton in a situation of accountability means we ourselves must be accountable. Otherwise we allow, as we have been doing, the continuance of a valueless social order. We cannot buy . truth by means of a media onslaught. All agree that this phase of the Clinton case has been appalling. With around the clock coverage, the media have created a state of frenzy in which confusion reigns and innuendo replaces justice. 'Human flaws are treated as a joke and what is right is ridiculed. As we continue to suffer the fallout of scandal, let us once more view our government in the ideal. The very history and character of our democratic system demand that our elected officials be moral and ethical leaders. The presidency, above all, is the office whose occupant is the moral spokesperson for this American ideal. The nation can be battered and hurt by a president who fails to meet such expectations. This in essence is what we are now experiencing as a people and our process of healing will be painful. However, once we have made the journey, we will hopefully once more walk tall and think honestly. . Now is the time for all in our land to begin that process of restoring honesty and virtue to the national conscience.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic P.ress of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 T<alephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR I Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~




_ -y'"



NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar


"Great are the works of the Lord, exquisite in all th.eir delighlts. Majesty and glory an~ his work, and his justice endures forever." .Psalms 111:2-3

(Anchnr/Gordon photo) .

I letter to the Editor I Editor: On the issue of school vouchers, the misunderstanding is that the public school is traditionally the American school. For over 200 years all the colonial schoolti were religious schools. An educated Catholic can only smile when one suggests that the public schools are the American school simply because they are supported by tax dollars. Even our great universities like Harvard and Yale were originally undm religious auspices. The local clergyman, who was also tl)e schoolmaster, generally fo unded the early village schoolhouses we have read about. Like many other religious i'lstitutions they eventually became secularized. We Catholics are annoyed and exasperated by the crude way in which the sE~para­ tion of church and state is often presented as a wall of separation. This is a prejlldiced view that blatantly disregards the many and important breaches to that wall sanctionedby the Supreme Court, which said: "The First Amendment does not say that in every and all respects there shall be a separation of Church and State. Rather, it stUdiously defines the manner ... in which there shall be no other concert or union or dependency one on the other." What's wrong with vouchers? What Catholics have advocated is not vouchers given to Catholic schools but to parents, to enable them to send their children to a school of their choice. This is not taxpayers' moneywithheld from public schools and channeled to Ccltholic schools via parents. Any citizen who uses vouchers would only be getting a fair return on his taxes. The Catholic schools are a most valuable asset to our country's educational endeavors, and they generally do a better job to educate our youth than the public schools and at a much lesser cost. They manage, when they do, to survive only because of the immense sacrifice in salaries and other benefits in their dedication to educate our young people. Father Pierre E. Lachancl~, OP St. Anne Church, Fall IRiver


Diocese of Fall River --:- Fri., Aug. 21, 1998


Pope, Irish Church leaders condemn bombing tive harmony which most discerning people are convinced is posCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE sible." In the late afternoon Aug. 16, BELFAST, Northern Ireland :Irish church leaders and Pope John Archbishop Brady, primate of all Paul II condemned the bloodiest Ireland, traveled to Beragh, near terrorist bombing in Korthern Omagh, to visit a family that lost Ireland's history, urging people to several family members in the reject violence and continue to seek bombing. peace. The bomb victims were herded Priests who visited the scene of into the path of the bomb after an the Aug. 15 bombing, which hit a inaccurate warning was given. Actbusy shopping district in Omagh, ing on a telephone tip, police evacu50 miles west of ated the shopBelfast, spoke of pers to the end confusion, numb"People had begun to of the street, ness and grief. At dare to hope that scenes where the least 28 people like this had disappeared. bomb eventuwere killed and It will open up old wounds. ally exploded. more than 200 Fat her people were inWe can only hope that Eddie Deney, jured by the 900- people will turn away from who works in pound car bomb, violence," Archbishop South Africa which came on Brady of Armagh said. but was on his the 29th anniverway home for sary of the first ' - - - - - - - - - - - -... a vacation, was deployment of British troops to traveling though Omagh-when the Northern Ireland. blast occurred. He went to check on Archbishop Sean Brady of victims and saw people running Armagh, vi~ibly shaken from the around, calling out names in search atrocity, said churchgoers must of each other. unite in prayer and not lose hope He and other priests administhat the peace process will triumph. tered last rites to the victims, but "Words are not very useful. We he said it was nearly impossible to must support people by [our] pres- tell the dead from the injured beence and assure these people that cause there was so much blood. these evil ones who carried out this The Church of Ireland primate, will not succeed," Archbishop Archbishop Robin Eames, comBrady said. "People had begun to forted the injured at'Dungannon dare to hope that scenes like this had hospital. 'We have had year after disappeared. It will open up old year of this," he said. "This is mass wounds. We can only hope that murder. We need to be shown that people will turn away from vio- this peace process is something that lence." Police said the can survive." car bomb was believed to be the Queen Elizabeth II joined politiwork of Irish Republican Army dis- cal and religious leaders in considents who oppose the peace pro- demning the attack. British Prime cess. Minister Tony Blair, who traveled At the papal summer home in to Northern Ireland to ,meet with Castel Gandolfo Aug. 16, Pope politicians the day after the bombJohn Paul said, "Once again, blind ing, called it "an appalling act of violence is attempting to impede the savagery and evil by people deterdifficult path of peace and produc- mined to wreck the peace process."


Weekly General AudiencE~ Message Pope John Paul II Dear brothers and sisters, In our continuing preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, we reflect today on how the Holy Spirit directs creation and human history to their ultimate goal. God cqlls man to bring the divine work to completion through the work of his intelligence and will. Man, however, must use his freedom in harmony with God's will and overcome the disorder which sin has introduced into humCln life and into the world. The Holy Spirit makes this possible by bringing about a profound personal and community renewal. St. Paul teaches that Christ redeems and sanctifies through the Spirit, who transforms the heart and social relations of those who accept the Gospel message. The Spirit enables us to recognize ourselves and the whole of creation as coming through God's hands. He not only gives us a shore in the filial relationship which Jesus enjoys with thE! Father, but he also raises up and perfects human activity in the universe. Thus in a real, though mysterious and indirect way, creation, too, is destined to enter into the freedom which God offers. Consequently, the Holy Spirit is the true hope not only of man but also of the created wor.ld. I cordially welcome the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present, especially those from Ireland, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States of America. I gladly invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ upon you and your families.

POLICE STAND in rubble after a car bomb ripped through the market town of Omagh in Northern Ireland Aug. 15. At least 28 people died in the attack. (eNS photo from Reuters)

Red Mass professional interest including civil litigation and civil procedure, abuse prevention proceedings, appellate procedure and court administration.

Atty. Joseph P. Harrington Atty. Joseph P. Harrington is a New Bedford native, the son of Michael J. and Margaret F. Harrington. He'is married to Lorraine L. (Bourque) Harrington and they have three children: Joan M. Woodworth of Boston, Atty. Joseph P. Harrington Jr., of Boston and Suzanne Harrington of Brentwood, Calif. He is the brother of Anne M. Downey and the late Atty. Edward F. Harrington. A 1951 graduate of New Bedford High School, he graduated from Boston College in 1955 and from New England School of Law in 1958. Harrington was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1959. He is a former president of both the New Bedford and Bristol County Bar Associations. He served as assistant district attorney for the Southern District of Massachusetts from 1960 to 1970. Elected as a member of the New Bedford City Council from 1959 to 1969, he was its president in 1964. Harrington has been a trial attorney with offices in New Bedford since 1959. He isa memberofSt. Lawrence Parish, New Bedford. '

Clerk/Magistrate James H. Sullivan James H. Sullivan is the husband of Dorothy (Dennen) Sullivan and they have two children, Atty. Daniel J. Sullivan and Maureen Sullivan Mason. Appointed clerk/magistrate of the Attleboro District Court in 1952 by Gov. Paul A. Dever, he served in that post for more than 29 years before retiring in 1981. The same year, his son, Atty. Daniel J. Sullivan, succeeded his father as clerk and is currently serving. Sullivan has been an active member of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro for 59 years. He is an honorary inductee to the Attleboro Area Hall of Fame and the Attleboro Bar Association; was cited by the Attleboro Varsity Club for his dedi-

Continued from page three

cated service to Attleboro High Arthur J. Taveira. He is the nephew School sports; is an honorary mem- of the late Father Augusto 1. Taveira, ber of the Feehan High School the first pastor of Immaculate ConAlumni; received a citation from ception Church, New Bedford. B' nai Brith and an award from AttleMarried to Kathleen (Carroll) boro Lodge 1500 for his measure of Taveira, the couple have a daughter, devotion. He was also the recipient Ann C. Trahan, se~retary to the Jusof a distinguished service award from tices of the Superior Court; two the Bristol County Bar Association. grandchildren and nine great-grandSullivan was a member of the children. Judge Taveira is brother of Attleboro Fire Department, attaining , Arthur W. Taveira and the late the rank of captain and was president Armand R. Taveira. Taveira graduated from New Bedford High School and attended Providence College. He graduated from Boston University School of Law in 1940. He was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1940 and was appointed presiding judge of the Third District Court of Bristol in 1949. He was appointed ajustice of the Massachusetts Superior Court in 195B and retired on Feb. 4, 1983. Prior to retirement as senior justice of the Superior Court, he served as secretary to the justices of the court and was the first selected to serve in ST. THOMAS MORE a pilot project as a regional adminisaward will be presented to trative justice of Region 3, which outstanding members in the comprised Bristol County and neighboring counties. The project was subjustice system within the dio- sequently adopted and is in place in cese during the Red Mass on other regions of Massachusetts. After retirement from the bench, Sept. 20. (Anchor/Mills photo) Judge Taveira also served as a courtof the statewide association for fire appointed conciliator for several years fighters for four years before becom- and as a court-appointed master. He ing a court official. He was a district was also an arbitrator and mediator deputy of the Knights of Columbus, for Alternative Dispute Resolution president of the Columbia Council agencies, until his full retirement in and organizer of the East Council of 1991. Taveira is a member of the Bristol the organization. Well known as a master ofceremo- County and New Bedford Bar assonies for more than 50 years, he has ciations, the New Bedford Country been personally friendly with several Club, New Bedford Lodge of Elks governors and state and federal legis- and the Knights of Columbus. In his lators. He was also a personal friend youth he was a member of the 1929 and supporter of the late President American Legion State Champion Baseball League. He is a former John F. Kennedy. Sullivan's fine tenor voice can be member of the Democratic Commitheard any Sunday at morning Mass tee and in 1948 was a member of the at St. John's and in the evening at the electoral college representing the New Bedford Area. Selected by the New Capron Park band concert. Bedford Chapter of the Prince Henry Judge August C. Taveira Retired Superior Court Judge Au- Society as Man of the Year in 1982, gust C. Taveira was born on Fcb. 4, he is a member and usher at St. Mary 1913, the son 0/' the late Dr. and Mrs. Church, South Dartmouth.

THE A:NCHOR -- Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 21, 1998,

Ari organizational chart for the parish,-of tomorrow By



What does a parish organizational chart look like these days, and what will it look like in the fu路 ture? Today, most U.S. parishes are multicultural. African Americans, Latin Americans, Asians and others are increasing in number. Accounting for this phenomenon would in itself fill an organizational chart because Latin Americans include many peoples - from Mexican Americans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans to Colombians, Guatemalans and Salvadorans. Likewise, Asian and Pacific cultural groups include Vietnamese, Koreans, Filipinos, Chinese and many others, while African Americans might be Nigerians, Haitians or Creole. A parish today could spend all its time ministering to diverse cultures. But it cannot stop there. The organizational chart usually must include services to: single people who never have been married and'represent 20 percent of the population; families in interfaith marriagesabout one in every toree families; single parents, gays and lesbians, widows, widowers, the ,divorced, marginal Catholics, shuts-ins, those addicted to alcohol or dliUgs, and youth who attend parochial schools or who participate in parish-sponsored programs. ' For some parishes, the organizational chart would include a 911 emergency function serving distraught people who need immediate help. Without a doubt our chart could be expanded to include many other activities, but let's stop here and . ask: What will the future of parish services look like? I see it taking two possible directions. First, parish programs could be cut back dramatically. The reasons for doing this ,are many, with inef-

Journalist investigates Salnt of the Last R,esort The Catholic Digest Book Club called its July edit<;>r's choice "the first book of its kind!" . The title is simply "Jude," but a footnote in large letters gives a hint why this book is unusual. "An acclaimed journalist takes a spellbinding voyage in search of the 20th century's most beloved yet mysterious saint," the patron saint of last resort, lost causes and the impossible. I immediately recognized the author's name ~ Liz , Trotta. She is an Emmy Award-winningjoumalist for her reporting on the Vietnam War. I saw her from the '60s to the' 80s on NBC and then CBS television. I had tremendous respect for her achievements as a woman in a maledominated industry. A few 'years back she wrote "Fight. ing for Air, In the Trenches With Television News," a fascinating book.about her work and "getting kicked out after 20 years." When I got her book on Jude, I wanted to meet this fascinating woman. We agreed to get together for break- ' fast in New York. Reading her book I learned more about St. Jude, but did not get a much clearer picture of who he is. Even the author acknowledges that after all her research, which took her to Rome, Thrkey and many churches in America, no clear picture of this revered apostle emerges. . Jude re~ains "the saint of shadows, a holy helper, who hears the weakest, most desolate cries." Mysteriously, that may be why you can't put this book down. Yo~ read the stories of the people so' touched by this saint, and you feel a magnetic draw to speak to him yourself. He has been the obscure apostle of history, too often confused with' the traitor Judas. Yet, he is the one people through the ages have called upon when they are desperate, most in need of hope. Why? That's the que~tion Trotta wanted to answer. She embarked upon an extraordinarily detailed search. She used her skills as an investigative reporter to get the real story of this elusive saint, who surfaces everywhere - in a hundred newspapers a day where people thank Jude for favors received, in uncountable shrines ~nd in innumer-

able testimonies, many from the well-known, like the late Danny Thomas, who built a children's hospital in St. Jude's name in gratitude for answered pray~rs. When I met Trotta, who is now New York bureau chief for the Washington Times, I learned you get fast, straight

The'Bottom Line By Antoinette Bosco

answers from this classy woman. She was definitely not happy that someone who interviewed her referred to her, incorrectly, as a "lapsed Catholic." In fact, when I asked her if writing this book had been something of a faith journey for her, she countered immediately that the answer was no. She knows who she is and what her faith is, she responded with confidence. That faith is rooted in a good heritage, from a decent, hard-working Italian family that believed in education, specifically Catholic education. ' I then asked her about a line in her boo:< where she says; "I suspect that Jude himself drew me here from the beginning, that the journey is more summons than privilege." Her comment? He wanted a good n~porter, and that's who she is. "I had an assignment and I carried it out. Why would he pick a bad reporter?" You have to like Liz Trotta! What she observed in researching St. Jude's life and impact on the world was that many people have "an extraordinary, spectacular faith." And, she comments, "I w~sn't surprised to find it."

What are the family's values Dear Dr. Kenny: What has happened to the family? I know the family unit is changing, but where are our good old-fashioned family values? Both parents working fu,Uime jobs, divorce, the ''me'' generation: Surely this isn't what people mean when they appeal for a return to family values. What do you think? (Pennsylvania)

Arising from this basic purpose, family hw. some other qualities. By "family", we mean a unit big enough to matter, yet small enough to be personal. Social psychological research indicates'1hat the ideal size for such a , group is 5-15 people.' .By "family," we mean personal. Family is where

Family Talk With Dr. James & Mary Kenny

Pea~eSign By FATHER


In every Mass, Catholics turn to one another and wish each other peace. Most of the time this remains only an abstraction, but sometimes the prayer for peace takes on flesh inthe behavior of people and the policy of nations. When it does, it"deserves to be celebrated. That is why I want to say one final word about my visit, to Costa Rica this summer: "Peace." Costa Rica is a unique example in the Western Hemisphere of Christian teaching in action. This small country, about the size of West Virginia, with a population of 3.2 million, is living the Scriptural goal of beating swords into plowshares. For the last 50 years, Costa Rica has not had a military. It abolished the army in 1948 following a failed military coup. The nation is totally neutral. The money saved by not having a military is wisely spent on two important needs, health care and education. As a result C:0sta Ricans have .alife expectancy of76 years for women and 72 for men, nearly equal to the United States, and a literacy rate of 93 percent, hIgher than the UOlted States (U.S. Department of State s t a t i s t i c s ) . ' Education and health c:are are universally avaihible to every citizen, paid for by a social security tax. . Just walking down the street you can see the difference. In Costa Rica' you see none of the groups of children begging or ic\le, or the crippled and lame children often seen in Africa or the Middle East as a result of war or disease or lack of schools. While Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and EI Salvador literally have been bleeding to death in civil wars and military-sponsored terrorism, Costa Rica has been living peacefUlly only a few miles a w a y . ' , .: . ' The result is that people want to go to Costa Rica. It has twice as much tourism as any of its neighbors. Its biggest social problem is the influx of refugees fleeing violence and poverty in other parts of Latin America. While I was in Costa Rica, the town councils of a few Nicaraguan villages along the border actually voted to secede from Nicaragua and join Costa Rica. Great is the attraction of peace and prosperity. . How has this happened? I don't presume to know. But I see that the ethic of peaee takes the s~e kind of promotion and praise that we give to our military. For example, in Costa Rica, instead of signing off the broadcast day with symbols of military power, the local television signs off with pictures and songs of peace: families together, school children playing, fathers holding babies and crops being harvested. _ On roads and bridges I saw plaques which pointed out that the improvement was the "fruit of peace" and that the country could not afford it if it had to pay for a military. ' . ' At the University in San Jose, the capital, our tour guide pointed to the beautiful campus with pride and said, "This is our army." It is also the "army" that brings companies like Intel and Microsoft to Costa Rica. We have a "War College" run by our government. Costa Rica has a ' . "University of Peace" sponsored by its government. Peace is even advertised. As you enter San Jose from the airport, there is a big billboard on the main street that proclaims, '~La Paz comienza en nuestros hogares" (Peace begins in our homes). Real peace takes real risks. But the sign is right. Peace does begin in our homes and churches. . Our sign of peace is more than a gesture, it is our prayer and the Lord's will.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998

Never alone Dear Readers, Several weeks ago I responded to a woman who had been baptized and made her first Communion, but had not been raised Catholic. Her parents were bitter against the Church, for reasons she never knew. She was promiscuous. She had aJf abortion in her 20s. Through a 12-step program, she rediscovered God and her faith, but feared going to church where she would be alone in pews full of whole families. When she tried to go, she turned back home, ashamed. "With all my sins," she said, "what should be my first step?" . I answered that God wants her back, that whatever she has done is past, and she is repentant, and many more people than she could imagine in their 20s and 30s and 40s have the same story she has. The response to that column, from baby boomers and post-boomers, was astounding. Clearly, there are many more people than I imagined who have the same story and who want help coming home. I want to share one of these letters with you, this one from the East Coast. It was meant for me to send to the original writer, but Linda approved my use of it in this column. I'm grateful for her letter and hope it will help some of you or someone you know. Dear "Post-boomer" from Ohio: Your letter to Father Dietzen was amazing; it was like someone described my life in my early 20s! Same sins, similar agonies and emptiness, aloneness and longing. I'll never forget going to Mass, sitting in back and then getting quickly out after Mass started. I felt so unworthy to be there. I finally went to confession years later. I was married and pregnant, and wanted to be "cleansed" before the birth of our child. It was a first step and the smartest. God, of course, already had forgiven me. I'm still working on forgiving myself, but I'm getting there. I wanted to write to you because Father Dietzen was right: The Church does want you back. And the Lord desperately wants you back. Now that I have children I have an ever clearer

grasp on the smallest bit of God's great love for us. My child 'could do the worst thing imaginable, and I would still love him and want him back. So much mOre does God want us. You are not alone. Those church pews are filled with people like us. You don't notice them maybe because just like you are/were feeling, they don't nec-

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By Father John J. Dietzen essarily want to be noticed. Know ~hat I am in those pews. You are not alone. I have advice even beyond Father Dietzen's: Get involved in the Church as well. Join a Bible study or faith formation group, volunteer for the homeless shelter or whatever your parish offers. You will meet the angels of the Church, but find they had bumps, even big ones like ours, along the way too. And you'll see how much your love is desperately needed in so many lives and ways. . I understand about the lack of family support. You don't need a family to start anew. You are a family even with just you. It's time to go outon your own: You won't be alone. God is with you, your guardian angel is with you, and I am with you too! My prayers and my love, Linda.

A free· brochure answering questions Catholics ask about Mary, the mother of Jesus, is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 395, Peoria, III. 61651. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.)

Proof of God~s sense of humor As nearly as I can tell after spending an extensive 12 or 13 minutes flipping many, many pages of the Bible on my desk, therf: are no obvious passages that say something like "God has a sense of humor" or "On the sixth day, God installed a funny bone." So, how do we know the Creator of us all appreciated "the funny"? Well, right out of the gate you have the fact that Jesus chose men who enjoyed fishing to become apostles. That alone spl~aks volumes. You don't have to spend a lot oftime around boats, beaches; docks, nets, tackle stores or guys discussing their fishing exploits to know that the potential for frivolity is there. It's my personal opinion that the Gospel writers edited out most of the dialogue between Jesus and Simon and Peter, then James and John, and probably for pretty defendable reasons. Moving on, if God does not have a funny bone it becomes difficult to explain either a hammer-head shark or an anteater. Seen a hippopotamus swim? That's funnneee. Who do you think taught thf:m? Hmmm? While we are on animals, can it not be credited to divine mirth that we can learn more about unconditional love, loyalty and fidelity from a border collie . than we can from way too many of us who are Christians? Ever wonder about the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees in 19207 Of course there are a handful offolks in Boston who don't think that's a real yucker - or divine in any sense. Just think about this country's last half dozen or so presidents. Nah, it's not fair to lay that at the feet of God's good humor. We did elect these guys, after all. But, then again, we elected them,. and God did create . us - and that alone argues for something akin to whimsy. How's this for an example: Jesus tells us directly, declaratively and simply to: 1) love and obey God, 2) love and serve neighbor. Then God provides us with free will and intellect. In turn, we divide God's straightforward directives into more canons, codes, disciplines, levels of belief and theological issues than an onion has layers of skin. It has to make God chuckle. Or at least we'd better


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The offbeat world of Uncle Dan By Dan Morris

hope that God is chuckling. Still, it would be reassuring to have direct, unequivocal substantiation for God's comedic intent. Unless, of course God slips up alongside us and says, "Gotcha." Which makes me want to read Luke t2:40 again a little closer ("Be on guard, therefore. The Son of Man will come when you least expect him."). Like they say, humor is in the timing. Your comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998

Seniors find rural camp isn'tjust for youngsters By ANN M. AUGHERTON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE .

and Virginia. The average age is 78, vania, and as far away as Wiscon- candle holders, yarn becomes iittle especially the counselors. dolls, and sea shells, mounted on掳 . Wednesday is field trip day with but this particular week, 90-year- sin and New York to help. Each day the seniprs get a'iittle "cardboard and covered with a piece a jaunt to the race track at Charles PRIESTFIELD, W.Va. - There old Melzetta Williams threw off all Town. gift, either a camp T-shirt or a mug. of plastic, become wall hangings. are arts and crafts, camp T-shirts, averages. "Nobody broke the bank," said The camp is structured so the The Priestfield staff prepares all The prizes for bingo range from field trips and some spirited games .of bingo, but at this summer camp the meals, which director Bleck said shaving kits for the men, to candle- 'seniors "can do as much or as little Father Adams, but one woman did sticks and picture frames. as they want," according to Father win $5. "Most have fun watching are "nutritious and beautiful." there is not a child in sight. SOME pays $34,000 to the reThe arts and crafts are a daily Adams, who said the days are long, and picking their horses from the This camp in Priestfield is for treat facility for room and board for . highlight. Pine cones become from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. for many, program," Bleck said. senior citizens. two Funded by SOME (So Others the Might Eat), the camp brings senior weeklong sescitizens from the Washington area sions. All other to a rural West Virginia retreat fa- expenses, such as buses and cility for a weeklong camp. The sounds of sirens, helicopters crafts supplies, and random street crime so famil- add to the cost iar to these seniors have been re- of more than placed by the chirp of crickets and $100 a week per not much more. senior. A Washing"Many tell'me that this is the first time in years they have had a good ton-area radio night's sleep," Father John Adams, station hosts a SOME director; told the Arlington benefit every Catholic Herald, newspaper of the year to raise doArlington, Va., Diocese. "They nations. This don't want to go back home." year's total of " The seniors meet at the Basilica $24,000 goe& of the National Shrine of the Im- toward covering maculate Conception in Washing- these expenses. . ton on Monday morning and board At one time, buses for the 90-minute drive to the there was no small town, just past Charles Town. charge to par"They get off the bus and rush ticipants, but in all keyed up," said camp direc- Father Adams tor Jean Rae Bleck. The camp re- said that made quirements are simple. Campers them uncommust be at least 60; they must fortable. qualify economically - eitJier they "It was a can't afford a vacation, or haven't matter of digtaken one in years; they must send' nity," he said. in an application with a medical ...... ...: .. . form from a doctor indicating a recent physical and TB test; and they thing and nomust be able to navigate steps, since body knows the facility does not have an eleva- what anyone tor. else's offering w.:...-:..._.;.....:.;:......::...::.-;:;;;.,.;~ .......:....:...;...;;...;.;.;.;;,.: ''The idea is to have a good, re- is. Some . 路23 . WILLIE MUSE and Nathaniel Alexander compete to make th.e longest bubble at a seniors' summetr camp laxing time away from the city," said Father Adams, adding that c 0 u n s e lor s in Priestfield, W.Va. Funded by' So Others Might Eat, the camp invites seniors from the Washington area for most of the campers are inner-city come from a week of fun and relaxation in a' peaceful country setting. (CNS photo by Ann M. Augherton, Arlington seniors, with a few from Maryland nearby Pennsyl-. Catholic Herald)


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Knights' convention keys on Church and family By VALERIE KINCAID


CINCINNATI - Christian faith requires belief, commitment and confidence from those who would accept Christ's invitation to follow him, Archbishop Daniel E.

SUPREME KNIGHT VIRGIL DECHANT Pilarczyk told Knights of Columbus at their recent 116th international meeting in Cincinnati. The Cincinnati prelate recalled



the Scripture story of Peter walk- ness in a world that often pressures resolutions reiterating their support for decency in media; and for fideling out on the water to be with Jesus or entices them to do otherwise, he for pro-life efforts;" for Catholic ity to church teaching on marriage as illustrating how all the elements continued. education, parental rights in the and family life and contributed $1 of faith are necessary to grow closer During the business session of education of their children, and for million to the organization's $7 milto Christ. " the meeting, the Knights approved educational choice and vouchers; lion vocations scholarship fund. Part of the journey toward Christ is found in accepting the teachings of the Catholic Church, he said. Catholic faith requires believers to embrace those teachings, Archbishop Pilarczyk tol9 the more than 2,000 Knights of Columbus and their families who attended the convention. More than 70 cardinals, archbishops and bishops also attended the convention. "We don't pick and choose that which we will accept as if what the Church teaches was some kind of menu, the archbishop said, adding that "once we start to pick and choose we have set ourselves up" as arbiters of justice and morality. ' He said that organizations such as . the Knights of Columbus play an important role in society by taking an unwavering stand in support of the Catholic Church. "We are a group of men who proudly profess all that the Church CINC1NNATI ARCHBISHOP Daniel E. Pilarczyk center celebrates Mass with Heveral' and the Lord have taught us:~ Archbishop Pilarczyk said. Christians other bishops at the opening of the Knights of Columbus international meeting in Cincinnati are ch~llenged to lead lives of hoIi- Aug. 4. (CNS photo by Mark Bowen, Catholic Telegraph) .

Pax Christi meeting's keynote centers on reconciliation By CATHOLIC


COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. True reconciliation requires a process, not merely mediation of conflicts, said the keynote speaker at Pax Christi USA's national conference in Collegeville. Sister Kathleen Pruitt, leader of the Western province of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, said reconciliation goes far beyond simply working out a consensus or even forgiving wro'ngs. Humility,justice and admitting one's own faults have their' place in the process" said Sister Pruitt, who also is vice president of Pax Christi International.

The steps toward reconciliation can apply to situations as small as a relationship between two people or to an international dispute, Sister Pruitt said. The national conference, held at St. John's University, also included presentation of the Ca~holic peace organization's annual Pope Paul VI Teacher of Peace Award, and speakers on U.N. sanctions in Iraq, advocacy against the death penalty, Haiti's economic and political situation and the campaign to close the U.S. Army School of the, Americas. Also during the Pax Christi conference, Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond, Va., updated members on a statement denouncing nuclear deterrence as national policy. Since the June release of the report, "The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence: An Evaluation by Pax Christi Bishops in the United States," 90 bishops have signed it, Bishop Sullivan repOrted. In her keynote speech, Sister Pruitt broadly addressed the conference theme of reconciliation. "It's easy to say, 'I forgive,' glibly or unreflectively, but true forgiveness, which calls for a profound 'letting go' of past hurts and angers, is at the heart of our Christian faith, at the heart of reconciliation," Sister Pruitt said. She related a story from a book by the late Servite Father Lawrence Martin Jenco called "Bound to Forgive," about his experiences during eight years of captivity in Beirut. He told of the progression he and one of his captors made in relating to one another. While the guard, named Sayeed, had initially brutalized the priest, event.ually he came to change his app:."oach and ultimately called him by the Arabic name, Abouna, which means "dear father," Not long beforc Father Jenco was released, Sayeed asked the priest if he forgave him. Father Jenco responded that though he had at timcs hated Sayeed and was filled with anger and desirc for revengc, he understood at that point that he had to forgive his captor unconditionally. "Is there ever a time or situation where, for whatever reason, true' reconciliation may not - sometimes cannot - happen?" she

asked. "True reconciliation is not a Orthodox and Muslims, she exhasty peace, which glosses over or plained. refuses to look at the reai or perUltimately, Cardinal Danneels ceived injustices." was no longer welcomed to areas The steps toward reconciliation that had previously been open to can apply to situations as small as a him. He insisted that although the r~lationship between two people or groups might agree to an imposed to an international displ,lte, Sister , peace, reconciliation would never occur until injustices were adPruitt said. Cardinal Godfried Danneels of dressed, Sister Pruitt said. Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium, the "Such justice demands that the president of Pax Christi Interna- seeker rend hi!;/he,r own heart," she tional, made numerous trips to said, "requires the justice-seeker to Bosnia-Herzegovina trying to bring stand firmly in the silent strength together Catholic Croats, Serbian of a just and righteous God."

Approved Scripture texts ~eeded for official worship By JERRY FILTEAU

among concerns leading to withdrawal of the imprimatur were reports of its unauthorized use in the WASHINGTON -Church law liturgy. is clear that only Scripture texts apFather Moroney declined to disproved for liturgical use can be used cuss the ICEL Psalter itself, but said in official Church worship, said that in general, the Church safeFather James P. Moroney, secretary guards what texts are used for litfor liturgy of the National Confer- urgy by requiring that they receive two-thirds approval by the conference of Catholic Bishops. "Liturgy is defined as anything ence of bishops and confirmation which is the public prilyer of the by Rome. He cited Mass, celebration of the Church, contained in the official (lisacraments, recepturgical) books of the Church," h~ .....- - - - - - - - - . , tion of Commun"What a person does' ion or worship of said. He said texts in the privacy oftheir' the Eucharist out,and prayers that are room is not within the " side Mass and the not approved for IiLiturgy of the. turgical use may be purview of the liturgy:: Hours as examples of value to people secretariat," Father of liturgical rites in their private Moroney said. 'When for which the auprayer, but that it comes to what gets thorized texts must does not make be used: them appropriate printed (for liturgical While the for liturgy. use), the secretariat Psalms are used Father Moroney exercises an over- most extensively in was interviewed sight role." the Liturgy of the about the status of Hours, they are Scripture translaalso used in the tions not approved for liturgical use other liturgical rites, he said. after the U.S. bishops' imprimatur, He said the bishops' Secretariat or ecclesiastical permission to pub- for the Liturgy, which oversees the lish, was withdrawn from an En- prepublication review and approval glish translation of t~e Psalms by of all books authorized for use in the International Commission for the liturgy, would not approve any English in the Liturgy, book which substitutes an unauthoIn a recent letter to the U.S. bish- rized translation of Scripture for the ops, Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of authorized text. Father Moroney was asked Cleveland, NCCB president, informed them that, following up on whether individuals or groups who instructions from the Vatican Con- are not under obligation to recite the gregation for the Doctrine of the official Liturgy of the Hours could Faith, he had issued the decree with- use a model like the Liturgy of the drawing the imprimatur. He and the Hours for their morning and bishops had previously discussed evening prayer but substitute a difthe pending action in an executive ferent version of the Psalms. session, closed to the press and ob"What a person does in the pri- . servers, during their June meeting vacy of their room is not within the in Pittsburgh. purview of the liturgy secretariat," Although IeEL hoped eventu- he said. "When it comes to what gets ally to propose a final version for printed (for liturgical use), the secliturgical use, the Psalter receiving retariat exercises an oversight role." the imprimatur was issued only for study and comment and was neither proposed nor adopted for actual use .INutritional Supplements in the liturgy. Bishop Pilla said CATHOLIC NEWS


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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 21, 1998



TV sp'ecial brings actor to look for Italian roots By MARK PATIISON CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

HOLLYWOOD ~ Catholic actor Joe Mantegna got to go to Italy to dig deeper for his Italian roots - and have a cable TV channel pay for it. Mantegna is the narrator and hos~ of "Great Empires: Rome," a four-hour series to be presented on cable's History Channel Sept. 2124, 9-10 p.m. EDT each night, with a four-hour repeat 1-5 p.m. EDT

Sunday, Sept. 27. "I feel a closeness to that culture and so, the times that I have been over there, it's not only just as a tourist but because of my closeness to my relatives over there," Mantegna told TV writers. "I've spent time living there," he added. "'Back in the '70s, I did a 'Roots'-like kind ofjourney in finding the roots of both sides of my family, the history of my immediate family, which is kind of like a tiny version of what we're doing

TV's Downey recalls growing up in Ireland •

'Touched by an Angel' actress dodged real bullets; will narrate special on trio who can't escape their troubled past. By MARK PATIISON, CATHOLIC


HOLLYWOOD - Roma Downey, nominated for a Best Actress Emmy for her portrayal of Monica on CBS' "Touched by an Angel," had a lessthan-angelic childhood growing up in the midst of Northern Ireland's sectarian strife. "I saw things I wouldn't want my daughter to see," Downey told television writers in Hollywood. "On the way home from school, I would be .dodging bullets, literally. If you walked down the wrong road, you might come upon a rioting. If the wind went the wrong way there would be CS gas (tear gas) coming and choking you." Having lived through what many Irish call "the Troubles" "allowed me to have a bigger capacity for compassion," she added. "Maybe it's one of the reasons I was cast" in "Touched by an AngeL" Downey will narrate a CBS News special, "Before Your Eyes: Don't Take My Daddy," which dwells on a little-known outgrowth of the Troubles, Monday, Aug. 24, 10-11 p.m. EDT. The special deals with U.S. deportation efforts for three men from Northern Ireland who were jailed on crimes committed while each man was a member of the Irish Republican Army. All three served their time in prison - and have lives, wives and children - in the United States. They say that, instead of carrying out terrorism as it is viewed by the U.S. government, they were in a war fighting for their freedom. The wives are doing everything from holding rallies, contacting their congressional representatives, and raising money for legal costs to keep their husbands in America. "This is an opportunity for me to help educate the American public about the complicated situation in Ireland," said Downey, who was raised a Catholic in her hometown of Derry, the name Catholics give the city officially known as Londonderry. She said she had very few memories of a childhood before British troops arrived to keep order in Northern Ireland. "In the 1970s, which were my formative years, we didn't have a theater. We didn't have a cinema. We had a lot of empty spaces where there used to be things," she said. . She said it wasn't until she moved to England that she realized life could be different than what she had known. She had been in England a few weeks, she recalled, "when I was walking out of the supermarket with groceries underneath my arm, and I heard a car backfiring.... I hit the ground, and my groceries just scattered." At the point "I knew that it did not have to be that way. And that's when I really cried for the first time. And that's when I started healing." To this day "I'm still not fond of firecrackers, and on a bad day I jump when a door slams," Downey added. . During a hiatus from filming "Touched by an Angel," the actress was in a TV adaptation of "Monday After the Miracle," William Gibson's sequel to his acclaimed stage drama "The Miracle Worker." CBS has yet to set an air date for the program. Downey plays Annie Sullivan, the teacher who gave the gift of language to Helen Keller, but is now beset by an emotional crisis in their lasting friendship. Helen is played by Moira Kelly, known to Catholic audiences for her title role in "Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story." ' "In a long-running series, it's nice for me to hang up my wings and get into the guise of a complex woman," Downey said. . When it comes to accepting roles outside her regular series, she said her role as Monica on "Touched" would keep her from playing strictly adult-oriented roles, if she didn't already hold to those principles. "My sensibilities were always inclined to a certain material. I would never be comfortable doing nudity. I would never pursue that," said Downey, who is still a citizen Of Northern Ireland. "To a whole generation of children I am an angel. You can say, 'I'm not an angel, Ijust play one on TV,' but that really doesn't work." She assured audiences that they would not be seeing her on TV or film "running around in my bra and knickers wielding a bloodied ax." .

distill it down to hit the salient here with this show." "Great Empires: Rome" exam- points and try to get as much as you .ines the 700 years Rome asserted can," he said. itself as a pplitical and military "Obviously, in four hours, power in the known world. you're not going to cover 400 years . Mantegna, who has been fea- of the Roman Empire. But what you tured in such gangster movies as can hopefully and possibly do is "Underworld," "Bugsy," "Homi- spur your interest so that if there are cide" and "The Godfather, Part 3," aspects about it that make you want said it may seem difficult to como. , to go to other source material, you pact 700 years into just four hours. have the ability to do that." Mantegna reflected on the last"Unless of course you want to see the unedited version, which is ing legacy of the Roman Empire the 700-hour version, you try to and its influence to th~ present day.

He told the TV writers, "Just as I walked in this room, J: look around here and I look at the architecture, and I look at these arches above here and things like this ... these are all partly things that were influenced by Rome, by th2,t time in our history. "So, that fact that we still today, on this [particular] morning, sitting in this room, are somewhat being affected by things that transpired at that time - to me that's one of the most interesting and noteworthy things."

'Stella': What might have be.~~ a great film gets morally tanglled By GERRI PARE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" (20th Century Fox) asks whether a woman can defy a social taboo and really find happiness with a man half her age. If you believe this movie, the answer is an enthusiastic yes, but the film itself rarely faces rude reality, preferring to transport viewers, especially women, to a tropical paradise where everyone is beautiful and everything is possible. Playing the title role to pastel perfection, Angela Bassett's Stella is a career-driven San Francisco broker with a bank account to envy, a house to di~ for and an ll-year-old son (Michael J. Pagan) to do any mom proud. But best girlfriend Delilah (Whoopi Goldberg) senses just what Stella is lacking and while they are on a week's vacation in Jamaica she sets out to find Stella a fella. Trouble is, another fella has already found Stella and is not deterred when she admits up front she is 40 to his 20 - old enough to be his mother, she reminds him. No matter; between the sea, the stars and Delilah's nudging, Stella falls for handsome islander Winston (Taye Diggs). But he's thinking serious - not casual, as Stella assumed. Returning to the States, Stella figures her May-December fling is flung. Wrong again. Winston phones and persuades her to return with her son for another week, and talk ofa hopedfor future together. The reunion is awkward, then cut short by anemergency back home, but this time Winston makes the trip north to see her through an emotional crisis. Still, Stella has a hard time dealing with other people's disapproving comments and can't come to a decision when Winston proposes. Talk about eye candy; this movie fairly shimmers with silvery starlight, golden sunshine and aqua waters, a veritable two-hour promotion for Jamaica. (Air Jamaica is just one of umpteen commercial logos prominently and needlessly featured throughout the story). Then there are Bassett's constantly changing costumes and hairstyles that make the most of her good looks and movie-star glamour. If it's romantic escapist fare you want, "Stella" has it in droves. Morally, the movie ends up very pro-marriage, family and commitment, but at the start it treats a onenight stand as just so much meaningless and harmless fun - a very bad message to send out to viewers. This point of view, how~ver, soon gives way to love over lust as the motivat-

Sullivan, the movie is ba:;ed on Terry ing factor at hand. To be sure, there is no way this McMillan's semi-autobiographical movie would ever be made with novel and screenplay which suggests Whoopi Goldberg in the sensuous sexual healing as a remedy for Stella's Stella role and, say, Dennis Rodman loss of zest for life. But it is Winston as winsome Winston. We are just not never treating Stella as a plaything, talking the real world of ordinary- or seeing their age gap as an impedilooking people here; the camera loves ment to true love, that gives the tale both Bassett and Diggs, virtualIy some semblance of SubstlIlce before worshiping their faces and physiques. the fairy-tale ending. Shamelessly directed at the female Comedy is this movie's business as well as romance, and it does de- audience, but with potential to be a liver the goods at times, especialIy . date movie, its comic elements may when Stella interacts with her opin- also attract a crossover au.dience. Due to a benign treatment of a oneionated San Francisco sisters (Regina King and Suzzanne Douglas) or, night stand, discreet encounters, fleetWhoopi's sassy character, who ini- ing nudity and some rough language, tially introduces Stella to an overcon- the U.S. Catholic Conference classifident romantic prospect (Barry fication is A-IV - adults, with reserShabaka Henley, making the most of vations. The Motion Picture Associahis body fat for belly laughs). tion of America rating i!: R - restricted. . Direc~ed by Kevin Rodney'

Two TV movies 0:0 Noah expected to ~lir


take the bear on, and the tiger and the camel, and the cats. And I loved work. HOLLYWOOD - Both ABC and ing with Tony Danza." NBC have made-for-television movA series regular on "Herman's ies in the works¡ that tell the story of Head" and "Nick Freno, Licensed Noah and the flood. Teacher," Sibbett, who wlmt to St. But the two will hardly be compet- Joseph's Notre Dame, an all-girl's ing for the same audience. school in the Los Angeles suburb of ABC's version, "Noah," is already Alameda, added, "It's a really beauticompleted and will air Sunday, Oct. ful story." 11,7-9 p.m. EDT as part of its "WonThe NBC "Noah's Ark" is being derful World of Disney" anthology. produced by Hallmark Entertainment, NBC's version, "Noah's Ark," has which has scored big ratings with pre. not even completed casting much be- vious special effects-laden miniseries yond that of Academy Award winner epics on NBC such as "Gulliver's Travand Catholic actor Jon Voight as Noah. els," 'The Odyssey" and "Merlin." It will be a four-hour miniseries. . In this version, Noah, his wife and The ABC "Noah" will be a mod- their sons are among the few i~O escape em-day version of the Old Testament the destruction of Sodom and tale where God sees a lot of sinning Gomorrah, and he becomes an outcast and decides to flood the world again. in the new village where they live, esTony Danza, who is also a Catho- pecially when he builds a gn:at ark at . lic, stars as a rugged, unscrupulous, the height of a long drought. widowed contractor named Norman But when animals begin to arrive Waters, who prides himselfon his abil- two by two and the drought turns into ity to cut comers. a great flood, the villagers are hardly He is stunned when a stranger in the mood for more ridicule. Instead, named Angela (Jane Sibbett), a spe- they attack the ark, and the animals cial supervisor froin Heaven, asks him themselves take on part of the job of to build an ex'act replica ofNoah's Ark protecting Noah and the ark from vil. in 40 days - for nothing. lagers, and from pirates and monsters Norman refuses at first, but when at sea. he wakes lip to find his feet covered in An even bigger challenge hI' Noah mud and torrential rain pouring only on is keeping everyone on the straight and his house, he decides'to give it a try. narrow, even as the ship veers unconSibbett, in an interview with Catho- trollably to its final destination - the lic News Service, said: "I actually top of Mount Ararat, where ':he anibring all the animals on Doard.... I got mals are set free and human history to work with great animals! I got to begins anew.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998


Work on documentary leads to long-lost Galileo letters By MARK PAmSON, CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE HOLLYWOOD (CNS) - One thing leads to another, as author Dava Sobel has learned. Her top-selling book, "Longitude," has led in circuitous fashion to her next book, a series of letters between Galileo GaIilei and his daughter, a nun. "I was reading about Galileo's efforts to solve the longitude. He was one of many top scientists who came to this problem, which had existed for centuries," Sobel told television writers in Hollywood. "He understood the principle. He tried to solve it both astronomically and through a time-keeping solution, by designing a clock which he never built, but he had the whole concept," Sobel said. . She was in a clock library in Pennsylvania reading about Galileo's efforts in a book by Sylvia Berdini, and had only one weekend to do all her research. Berdini's book contained an excerpt of a letter to Galileo from his daughter. "She was trying to fix the clock in her convent and writing to him for advice," Sobel said. "And I just had one of those moments - I just went cold and numb, -'j and felt this was one of the most interesting things I had ever heard," she added. Because of the time constraints, she copied the letter and, after "Longitude" was finished, returned to it. "It turned out that Galileo had saved more than a hundred of her letters, and that they had never been translated," Sobel said. GAll LEO GAllLEI is deThe result will be the book picted in this illustration. The "Galileo's Daughter," which Sobel estimated would not be published 16th-century Italian astronomer and physicist is the subuntil October 1999. A show based on "Longitude" is ject of a " Nova" documentary called "Lost at Sea: The Search for production set to air in the fall. Longitude," and it will be the 25th (CNS photo from Bettmann season premiere of PBS' "Nova" se- Archive) ries on science and technology. It will air Tuesday, Oct. 6, 8-9 p.m. EDT. The program's producer, David Axelrod, said he never imagined he would make a film about such an apparently dry subject. "After all, everybody pretty much takes it for granted that if the cruise ship is headed for Miami, Miami will eventually appear on the horizon, not Fort Lauderdale or Galveston or Bombay," Axelrod said. "While it may seem somewhat arcane from today's perspective, for 18th-century navigators threatened by pirates and warships, always at risk of running aground or crashing into the rocks, the stakes were high indeed," he added. The longitude solution was finally figured out by John Harrison, a English carpenter who made wooden clocks. Patrick Malahide, the actor who portrays Harrison, called Harrison's quest "an 18th-century version of 'Apollo 13.' If you don't understand where you are, you cannot possibly know where you're going to go."


ROBERT GUILI.AUME stars with Felicity Huffman in the new ABC series "Sports Night." Guillaume, best known for his role in the sitcom "Benson," said TV needs to explore racial issues in greater depth. (CNS photo from ABC) NEW YORK (eNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film "Return to Paradise" (20th Century Fox) Flawed tale of an American (Joaquin Phoenix) facing execution in Malaysia on a drug conviction unless his lawyer (Anne Heche) can convince his buddies (Vince Vaughn and David Conrad) to return and serve three years in prison for their part in buying the drugs. Director Joseph Ruben allows a premise meant to explore difficult moral choices to gradually descend into overwrought melodrama. Brief violence and recreational drug abuse, implied affairs, recurring profanity and much rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-IJI -adults, The.MotionPictur~A~sociation of America rating is R -restricted. "Slums of Beverly Hills" (Fox Searchlight) Lethargic coming-of-age tale set in 1976 when a 15-year-old girl (Natasha Lyonne) learns about life from her hard-up divorced dad (Alan Arkin) and about sex from her mixed-up older cousin (Maria Tomei) as well as the neighborhood pot dealer (Kevin Corrigan). Written and directed by Tamara Jenkins, what might have been a slight but whimsical series of anecdotes is pumped up into a glossy picture about charmless characters and their unamusing antics. An exploitative sex scene involving a vibrator, sexual references, some nudity, drug usage, rough language and profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is 0 -morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. . "Snake Eyes" (Paramount) Glossy thriller in which the lifelong friendship of a corrupt cop (Nicolas Cage) and a Navy officer (Gary Sinese) is tested while investigating the assassination of the secretary of defense at a championship prizefight. Director Brian de Palma's implausible conspiracy plot is more slippery than suspenseful as it twists its way to a conclusion involving the hardly credible redemption of a key character. Intermittent violence, some sexual innuendo, minimal rough language and frequent profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.

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GARY SINESE and Nicholas Cage star in the action thriller "Snake Eyes."the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. (CNS photo from Paramount)



THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall



Vietnam's, Cath_olics celebrate

Pope to offer 'mea Marjafl apparition anniversary culpa'for Christi~ns', ,.



'past faults

LA'VANG, Viefnam .-:.: More than '100;000 Catholics gathered at Our Lady ofLaVang'Shrin~ in cen...... . tral Vietnam to mark the 200th an.\ By JOHN THAVIS niversary of an apparition of the CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE. Virgin Mary. The massive crowds attending VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II is expected to pronounce a formal "mea culpa" in the year 2000 for the past faults of Christians, but the recent celebration in commuwill carefully avoid accusations against individuals or groups, a Vatican nist-ruled Vietnam amazed Father official said. Giuse Duong Duc Toai, who was The pope's路statement, planned for Ash Wednesday in the jubilee year, in charge of organizing the event. "We have felt the full faithfulwill be based in part on two Vatican-sponsored symposiums to investi- ness of all Vietnamese Catholics.... gate Christian responsibility for practices of anti-Judaism and for the ex- It's beyond my wildest expectacesses of the Inquisition, Father Georges Cottier told Vatican Radio. tions," he said. In 1798, in a forest. where the In these and other areas, "the awareness and reflection ofthe Church allows us to recognize today that such actions should not be committed shrine is now located, the Virgin and should not have been committed," said Father Cottier, a papal theolo- Mary appeared to Catholicsescaping persecution from the Vietnamgian and a leading member of the year-2000 planning committee. "It is not a matter of accusing the past," he added. One important con- ese emperor. At the end of 88 years sideration, in fact, will be the historical context in which Christians lived of persecution, a small church was, their faith. Father Cottier said it must be recognized that the "mentality of built at the site. It was later replaced the times" had a great influence on these people - even saints of past by a larger church. In 1961, Pope centuries committed acts that we now disapprove, he said. John XXIII granted it the canoni, "In some cases, people cannot be held responsible for actions which cal status of cathedral, and the bish[today] are considered sinful in themselves because they did not recog- . ops of Vietnam declared it the nanize the evil in committing them," he said. .. tional Marian shrine. Fifty years from now, people may likewise look back on the actions of In a message marking the annipeopie today with severe criticism, he added. "What was done by some versary of the Marian app~itions, people in some periods of the Church's history throws a shadow on the Pope Joh~ Paul II urged Yletn~颅 face of the Church," he said. ese Cathohcs to take heart In ~ary s He said the "actof penitence" would not be a critique of the "essence example and refus~ to be ~Iscour颅 of the Church, as if the Church were a long history of errors and crimes." aged by present difficulties. Th,e message was dated last December and was released at the Vatican in early August. It was addressed to Cardinal Paul Pham Dinh Tung of Hanoi, president of the Vietnamese bishops' conference, and all Vietnamese Catholics. Pope John Paul said the Marian sanctuary at La Vang had survived Ohadorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the imas an important pilgrimage center . despite decades of hardship and trimensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness m~y open to als. '. J -. me the doors and make me enter into It to fprIll'my life allm "Bishops, priests, men and You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before women religious, and lay 'people Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little love to find here the welcoming group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prospresence of [Mary], who inspires in trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it them the courage of witnessing the clothe me and eclipse 3;1l that does not pertain to You, Divine Christian life admirably, in circumWill. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the stances that are often difficult," he enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want said in the message: the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung away frC!m me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiserved as papal envoy and spoke of it being an honor for him and "for ness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a the Vietnamese nation, a nation the singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies allt~ings and conduCts1hem to God. . . Here prostrate, I invoke the'help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tenC:ier Mother, and will By lYNNE WElL teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my '~

pope always says is easy to fall in strictions were se~ in, a~cordance l'ove with." : ' . with government policy during difThe event was watched closely ficult economic times. . State-controlIed media barely by Communist Party officials, who in May had said access to the event mentioned the celebration. , When Cardinal Tung arrived would be limited to Catholics fi'om the Archdiocese of Hue, where the unannounced at La Vang Aug. 14 shrine is located. The province was he entered the crowds of worship-' facing its worst drought in 90 years. . ers, many of whom did not recogGovernment officials said the re- nize him.

Consecration to the Divine Will

A VIETNAMESE man peers over an image of Mary and the Christ Child during a procession Aug. 13 marking the 200th anniversary of the 'apparition of路 Mary at La Vcmg in central Vietnam. The celebrations were said to draw thE~ largest gathering' of Vietnamese Catholics ever in the country. (CNS photo from Reuters)

.Vatican finds youth document valuable, b~.t short on moralit)T

whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heartjealously and shall never give itto me again, that I may be sure 'of never leaving the Will of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish ,and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ( /n Honor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)

VATICAN CITY - An international conference on youth produced a valuable document; but it fell short in areas concerning sexual morality, Vatican authorities said. Government ministers on youth policy and other authorities met recently at a U.N.-sponsored gathering in Lisbon, PortugaL Delegations from 146 countries . voted on the final document. In its final statement, the delegation from the Holy See said it had some reservations about the "Lisbon Declaration," even though the document was "of great importance in providing

guidelines in favor of young The Holy See's delegation people." raised objections early i.n the U.N. The statement was made avail- gathering by issuing a statl~ment able at the Vatican Aug. 17. urging the conference to cO::Isider Among the delegation's main the roles and responsibilities of points were that education about parents in guiding young people's sexuality and reproductive health lives. should be considered "primarily In a speech to the mel~ting, and fundamentally the right, duty Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secreand responsibility of parents." tary of the Pontifical Council for It also stated for the record that the Laity, said "the poverty and the terms "gender" and'''gender- marginalization of entire popubased" refer only to male and fe- lations are increasing, an.d on male biological characteristics, the spiritual level the cri~,is of essential values becomes and not sexual orientation. It underlined Church teaching deeper." on artificial birth control and Bishop Rylko said roany abortion, emphasizing that the young people worldwide "are exVatican does not consider access periencing the frustration of false to abortion "as a dimension of' , freedom, the lack of meani:!1g in reproductive health care. life and of reference points."

Congolese rebellion impairs relief effort; workers leave By CATHOUC


CAFOD had not heard from its 2030 Congolese partner staff since July 31. Fighting broke out in eastern Congo, formerly Zaire, Aug. 2,

Priests urge end of death penalty in Philippines In the interim the Supreme Court there has postponed an execution after its constitutionality was questioned. By CATHOLIC


MANILA, Philippines - Priests involved in prison ministry in the Philippines have renewed their call to abolish the death penalty. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court temporarily postponed the Philippines' first death by lethal injection after a citizens' group questioned its constitutionality, reported UCA News, an Asian church news agency based in Thailand. . Father Roberto Olaguer is pastor of Mother of Mercy Parish in Muntinlupa, just south of Manila, where some 40 percent of the parishioners are inmates of the National Bureau of Correction. He said he feels that "if a person commits a crime, then he should be punished, but death should not be in-

cluded in the punishment." "Why do we kill people who killed people to show killing people is wrong?" the priest asked. Two Manila p(iests, Divine Word Father Anthony Ranada and Father Robert Reyes, called on Congress to abolish the death penalty, as it did in 1986 during the presidency of Corazan Aquino. The death penalty was restored in the Philippines in 1993. Father Ranada and Reyes are leaders of Presa Foundation, which runs medical, legal, educational and counseling services for a jail just north of Manila. "No matter how terrible a person is or how awful the crime, one is still a human being with a right to life," the priests wrote in a recent statement. Citing statistics compifed by the Philippine Jesuit Prison Service, they noted that through 1996, 87 percent of death-row convicts finished four or fewer years of high school. "People who can hardly understand the law and cannot afford bril-

liant lawyers and have no money to pay attorney's fees or worse, bribes, arc mostly the people on death row," the priests said in a statement. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order on the Aug. 7 execution of Leo Echegaray after the nongovernmental Free Legal Assistance Group, or FLAG, questioned the constitutionality of using lethal injection on death-row prisoners. In 1994, Echegaray was sentenced to death fur raping his 10year-old stepdaughter. With the execution having been postponed six times, "the FLAG motion is the last resort, and ifthey don't succeed it will be doubtful (for Echegaray) . unless President (Joseph) Estrada intervenes," Father Olaguer told UCANews. More than 600 people, most of them rapists, are waiting on death row, including 12 foreigners convicted of drug dealing. The Supreme Court has confirmed the sentences of eight people, including one woman.


Diocese of Fall River -

OUR LADY'S REUGIOUS STORE Mon. - Sat. 10:00- 5:30PM


As the fighting increased, countries such as the United States, Britain, Belgium and Russia urged their citizens to leave Congo. Kabila's soldiers began house-

WASHINGTON - Many for. eign aid workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo found their work impaired and some left the country as a rebellion mounted against the government of President Laurent Kabila. ." One British Catholic aid agency \ did not hear from its Congolese partners for two weeks, while one African-American aid worker was confronted by gunpointing soldiers during the Congolese government's search for Rwandans. Maurice McPartland, project officer for the British church aid agency Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, told Catholic News Service Aug. 17 he had finally made contact with one of CAFOD's partner agencies, CATHOLICS RECEIVE Communion at a Catholic church in Kinshasa Caritas Goma. McPartland said Aug. 16 as rebel forces were preparing an assauh on the capital of the Father Oswald Democratic Republic of the Congo. (CNS photo from Reuters) Musoni of the Gomn Diocese telephoned him in London. when Rwandan-backed soldiers to-house searches for Rwandans, The priest told him "everytlling was announced they intended to remove and early the morning of Aug. 7 OK, everything was quiet, but Kabila from power. The rebels soldiers broke into a U.S. governthey're not able to do much" in claimed to represent.a broad spec- ment compound in the Congolese terms of their assistance programs, trum of Congolese dissatisfied with capital, Kinshasa. McPartland said. what they said was the corruption Daniel Deng, a project manager Father Musoni had called from and nepotism of Kabila's rule. for Catholic Relief Services in Kigali, Rwanda, where he had gone Kabila, who came to power Kinshasa, credited CRS country to see relatives, said McPartland, backed by Rwanda's Tutsi-led army representative Kevin Hartigan's who added that tclccommunica- last year, has denied allegations of "very heads-up thinking at 2 in the tions remained unavailable in corruption. He was seeking aid and morning" for keeping him and his Goma to reach other Caritas-Goma support from other African nations younger brother from being arstaffers. for what he called a foreign inva- rested by soldiers who said they were searching for Rwandans. Before the call, McPartland said¡ sian, led by Rwanda.




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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall Riv.er - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998 " . . .. - .



Catholic Schools路.


HEARTY HANDSHAKE! Ethan Kelley of St. Mary's School, New Bedford, shakes hands. with the guest of honor at the school's annu~1 Teddy Bear. Picnic for incoming nursery and kindergarten.'students: . The day provided children :and parents an opportunity to meet teachers and th~, principal before the newschpol year begins.

. BISHOP STANG High School recently a~nounced its student' 60uncil officers for the 1998-99 school year. They are (from left) .Ellie Wheeler, treasurer; Katie Burke, secretary; Nick Colletti, vice-president; arid Bryan Tavares, president. They attended the. International Student.Leadership Institute at UMass-Dartmouth路 this summer where they learned about being effective leaders. .

Catholic Youth

SCHOLARSHIP- George Milot ,(far left), principal of Bishop Feehan, presented Shauna Crounse from St. MarySacred Heart School, North Attleboro, with the school'::; Principal Scholarship. Her family was on hand to celebrate her achievement. Pictured (from left) are the three sisters Cathleen, Shauna, Shannon and their parents MaureEm and Tom Crounse.

READYTO SERVE -The student council for the 1997-98 school yelar at St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, will be getting down to work in a few weeks. Schools open throughout. the diocese around Labor Day.

SCHOOL ELEC-' TIONS -Bishop Feehan announces student . council,members for 1998-99 school year. They' are (left photo, from left) Emily Watson, Ally Kinch, Mike McManus and Jennifer . Force.' Sophomore class officers stand ready at right. They are Matt Gibson, president; Hilary Clarq, secretary; Christopher Charron, treasurer; and Malinda ________.... Williams, vice-president.

,I \

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 21, 1998

Our Rock and Role Pressure and love don't mix By CHARLIE MARTIN

To Make You Feel My love

question I sometimes hear from teens: How can I make him (or her) realize how When the rain is blowing in your face . much I love him (or her)? The And the whole world is on your case question may represent frusI would offer you a warm embrace . tration when the romantic To ma~e you feel my love. ' . love and attention that is of~ ,: fered and sought is not returned. When evening shadows Wheri feeling like this, our And the stars appear emo~iona~ intensity may inAnd there is no one there' . '. fluence us to .~ct like the guy· To dry your te~rs . ,:in the song.' However, such I could ho~d you .for'a niillion ye~lrs"'" overreactions and excessive To make"yo'I;J fe~1 rjlY.lq~~ ... ·': . dramatizatiQl1s do ~ittle toestablish a ~ea,lthy reh,ltic)nship. " ,: " .... , A better' approach is I know you halven't' simple, yet difficult: Just acMade your mind up yet cept that the. other person But I would never do you wrong. does J:lot want a romantic reMEMBERS OF the St. Patrick's Parish Youth Group take a I've known it 'from lationship with you. No matbreak from its summer painting project. Their efforts have The moment that we met ter how much you "feel" love helped a homebound parishioner and brought accolades from No doubt in my mind toward another, the individual the community. On the steps (from. left) are Jeff Kwolek, Where you belong. may not be interested. Danny Cabral, Matt Laporte and Stephanie Provost. Standing at right is Peter Cabral and his brother Jamie holds a can This does not mean your of paint behind him. love is not good enough. It I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue. may be the wrong time. The I'd go crawling down the avenue. person may have many other No, there's nothing Continued from page one interests and not have the enThat I wouldn't do ergy for a romance. Perhaps have not gone unnoticed by the hours a week, according to Adele To make you feel my love. the individual is attracted to community of St. Patrick's and its Cabral. someone else. It may be frus"Their effort has been tremenpastor, Father Marc P. Tremblay, who praised their work at Masses dous. This is the most giving bunch trating, but there are many The storms are raging on the rolling sea last weekend. ''They're an excel- of kids," she declared. Both she and valid reasons why the person Down the highway of regret lent bunch of kids. and they're al- her friend Jean Prevost work with does not respond to your roways helping others,'.' said Father the group and have been supervisThe wind$ of change mantic interest. Tremblay. ''They don 'tjust do rec- ing their efforts this summer. Are blowing wild and free.. Statements like those in 'feational activities, but get involved , Much of the ~ork for the project You ain't seen nothing like me yet. . with· service projects benefiting was by the way of preparation. Old the song ~ometim~s indicate their community," he added. paint had, to be painstakingly , more that aperson is "in love The group has held dances to scraped off and primer added to the with love" than that.a person Nothing that I wouldn~tdo. raise money fOf community causes structure, which has. been home for genuinely cares about and visits nursing· homes during the Burns since her' family moved to Go to the ends of t.he earth for you, another's well-being. 'Be· holiday season for caroling, but this .Somerset in 1936. The job reached I couldl1lake you happy . . ,. "careful' of &omeone who' . is their first house painting project. .. completion last Friday with the fiMake your dreams come·true . They have caroled at Burns house oaf coat of paint applied and the last w~ul'd push his or her love on for several years and thought they brushstroke completed. To make you feel my love. you. could help her out. Bums, a longtime member of St. Actually, you do not I1eed The project was another oppor- Patrick's, was tharkful for the efforts to "make" another feel your Written by Bob Dylan tunity for the youth group to help of the youth group. "I think what people in need, according to Peter's they're doing is wonderful," said If you do, that may be love. Sung by Garth Brooks brother Jamie. Bums. 'They've been working hanJ:' infatuation, not love. Not that Copyright (c) 1998 by Capitol Records Inc. "Everyone should do something Hard work, perspiration and infatuation is wrong. Just nice for sOmeone else because at smiles, sometimes they go hand in PUT TOGETHER a rock The song repeats a com- don't confuse it with love. one time or another they've had fa- ha...niJi,d• . .... Love is alwa,ys a gift. It legend with a current mon pop theme: "No, there's vors done for them. I've hdd a lot ,. ..... of favors done for me," he declart,d.' Eucharistic Holy megastar, and what do you nothing that I wouldn't do to does not demand a response. Jamie said he enjoyed workinL H:';)ur and devotions have? A recipe for a sure hit. make you feel my love." the Love involves an attitude of on the house and his sentiment was to Our I.ady of That's what "To Make You person in the song assures his respect ~hat invi tes another to echoed by his peers. La Salette and Feel My Love" is. romantic partner that he loved make his or her own choices. "It's nice to help someone," said Divine Mercy are held The song W;lS written by her "from the moment that we 16-year-old Matt Laporte as he every Wednesday Bob Dylan years ago. The met." Indeed, he'd "go hunYour comments are ai- I worked 0,1 the front side of the house. "It's a lot of work, but it·s evening at 1: I 5 p.m. current release features Garth gry, ... go black and blue," and ways welcome. Please adworth it," he affirmed. Brooks vocals on the very even "go to the ends of the dress: Charlie Martin, 7125 The project began in June when in the People's Chapel W 2008, Rockport, Ind. popular "Hope Floats" earth" to prove his love. youth group members finished at LaSdette Shrine The song reminds me of a 47635. soundtrack disc. school. Since then the young paint~4' PJric St.• Attlebor~ •





ers have been working six to eight


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 21, 1998

Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this col" unm to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well .as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON MONDAYS. Events published must be of interest and open to our general re~lidership. We do not normally carTY notices offundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at (508) 675-

7lSl.. ATTLEBORO - LaSalette . Shrine will observe the Feastof the QUtlenship ofMary on Aug. 22 with a 4:30 p.m. Mass. It will be followed by a rosary procession and the crowning of the statue of Mary. All welcome. .The musical group "Spirit" returns 'to the shrine for an outdoor

concert Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. Those attending are invited to bring chairs and blankets. The 18th annual Polish Pilgrim': age Day will be held at the shrine on Aug. 24 at 1:30 p.m. It will include processions, living ·rQsary, music, Mass,and the sacrament of reconciliation. All services and music are in Polish. For more information call 222-5410.


CENTERVILLE - Rainbows, a support group for children grieving a loss in their family, is in need of. volunteers to organize its program and workshops. For more information call Linda Harding at 375-6455. FAIRHAVEN - Hospice of Community N:urse Association is beginning a six-week training program in Oct. for volunteers. It will present them with the basics of terminal care, death and dying, patient

care, family concerns and spiritual NEW BEDFORD - The issues. It is designed to help vol- prayer group of Our Lady of Perunteers provide friendship, support . petual Help Parish will meet at 1 and practical assistance to termi- p.m. Aug. 25 for recitation of the nally ill patients and their families. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, prayer, For more information call Gay reflection, a Marian talk, recitation Garnett at 999-3400. of the rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All welcome. FALL RIVER Drew For more information call 992Mariani,. a video producer of Catho- 9378. lic documentaries, will share his personal experiences documenting NORTH DARTMOUTH the apparitions of Our Lady on 5 The Office of Family Ministry anp.m. Aug. 23 at St. Jean· Baptiste nounces that the next Retrouvaille weekend will be held Sept. 18-20. Parish. All welcome. Retrouvaille is a program designed FALL RIVER - The Fall to help heal and renew troubled River Widowed Groupwill meet on marriages. Rediscover' yourself, Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. iri the St. Mary's your spouse and a loving relationSchool Hall, Second Street. All ship in marriage. For registration widows and widowers are wel- information call 1-800-470-2230. come. For more information call , All inquiries ate confidential. Annette Dellecese at 679-3278.

Share a Great Compassion

The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne


WAREHAM - The Sacred Hearts Seminary and Retreat House on Great Neck Road will host a day of retreat for all Cathol;:c men on Aug. 23. Entitled "Living in the Holy Spirit," it will begin with Mass at 9 a.m. For registration informa-. tion call 295-0100. WAREHAM , - St. Patrick's Parish will host Bible studies on Monday evenings after Labor Day. They will run from 7-8:30 p.m. and focus on the Gospel of 5t. Mark. For registration information call the rectory at 295-2411.


At Council Oil Aging (COA) tails. Hearing tests will be conducted buildings and' Senior Centers throughout the diocese there is an at theCOA on Aug. 26 from 1-3:30 array of programs and special in- p.m. Call to set up your appointterest groups. For information ment. A blood pressure clinic is about activities in your area, con- held from 9-11 a.m. every WednesPRINTING MAILING SERVICES . day. tact youtlocal COA. A luncheon is served every - Attleboro COA --: The COA weekday at the Senior Center. Call announces the approval of $2500 Alex at 945-1783 before 11 a.m. the for the Senior Tax Program, which day before to sign up. Transportaassists seniors in paying real estate tion is available. 234 SECOND STREET· FALL RIVER, MA taxes by plaCing them in temporary The Busy Fingers group meets jobs throughout the city. For more every Thursday from 1:30-4 p.m. TELEPHONE FAX information call the Rev. Larson Bring your knitting, crochet, croSs (508) 679-5262 (508) 673-1545 Senior Center at 223-2222 ext. stitch and needlepoint to share 3316. ideas, make new friends and have The Senior Center will be open fun. Newcomers always welcome. from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on WednesCribbage games are held every days starting Sept. 9. Various edu- Monday from 1-3 p.m, An oil paintcati(;>nal classes, lectures and mov- ing group meets Wednesdays from ies will be offered'. It also has medi- 1-4 p.m. Alzheimer Caregivers Supcal equipment to loan, including port and Sight Loss Self-Help walkers, wheelchairs, tub seats arid groups meet monthly. Call the COA canes. Call for availability. .for times and other offerings. Cribbage and bridge clubs meet Sr.M.Brigid every Wednesday at 1 p.m. Bingo Dennis COA - On Aug. 26 the Native of Chicago, Illinois is held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday and a C::OA will show the movie "U.S. Prior Experience: Medical Technologist knitting/crocheting class meets at Marshals," an adventure sfarring , My discovery of my vocation was gradual. 10 a.m. every Monday. Fridays fea- Wesley Snipes and Tommy Lee It began with a growing desire to spend my , ture,a chess club at 10 a.m. and a Jones. It will begin at 1:30 p.m. whole life loving and serving God and assisting ceramics class at 1 p.m. Call for Popcorn and soda will be available itl the salvation of men. While my work was more information and details about and bus transportation is available ' - r " " - - " ' - ' - - - - - - ' hOtlesl and good, i felt I was called to more other weekly activities. by calling 385-5067. There is no direct service to others, and a much deeper prayer life. After Blood pressure and diabetes charge for the movie. praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance and tbe grace oftrust, screenings will be held at Senior and investigating several communities, I knew God was leading Volunteers are desperately me to the Hawthorne Dominicans. Center on Sept. 2 from 9:30-11 a.m. needed to take seniors who have no Acting instructor Tom Hunter other transportation to doctors' apIn God's will is our peace; I wish no other life than the one will present an all-day acting work- pointments. If you can spare a few ' God has offered me in the precious gift of my vocation. shop on Sept. 15 from 9 a.m. to 3 hours a month it would be apprecip.m. Come and learn basic acting ated. Call theCOA at 385-5067 to techniques. help out. ~ A "Picnic in the· Park" will be Tap classes are offered for beheld on Sept. 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 ginners and advanced students each New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota p.m. at the Elk's Lodge, South Main week at the COA. Call Lois Stanton Street, for Attleboro residents over at 255-9242 for more information. We nurse incurable cancer patients in seven free, 60. Call the center to sign up. Light weightlifting for seniors is held every Monday, Thesday and modern nursing homes. Many who enter our comChatham COA - The COA is Friday from 3-4 p.m. For more inmunity have no prior nursing experience. Living in search of a volunteer trainer to formation call. 888-557-9994, ext. our vows and participating in the life of the Church assist with the fall "Young At Heart" 256. by prayer and sacraments enables us to serve God program. For more information call Low impact aerobics classes are the Young At Hear(Office at 432- held from 8:15-9:15 a.m. every in this apostolate. 3186, ext. 256. ' Thursday. Bring a mat and light ~-----------------'--------------------------------------~, Beach days are being held on weights if you have them. Interested women are invited to visit throughout the year. Tuesday afternoons from 1-3 p.m. Line dance classes conducted by For more information: wrife or call, Sr. M. Joseph, D.P., Call the COA at 945-5190 to re- Rita Kenney are held on Fridays Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, 600 Linda Avenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532' Tel: (914) 769-4794 Visit our WEB site - hllp:llwww.hawthorne-dominicans.orgldsh/dshmain.html serve ·your seat on the bus. It can from 10-11' a.m. All welcome. pick you up at home. Name Phone ( Lawn bowling organized by Ray Provincetown COA - Every Address .._,._ Byrne is held each day of the week day between 1-2 p.m. the Senior from 9:15-11:30 a.m. at Chase .Fitness room is open for your City Slale Zip _ Park. Call him at 945-3142 forII de~ health. Bicycles, treadmills and


SOUTH YARMOUTH - A presentation on St. Frands entitled "The Last Canticle of St. Francis" will be held,at 7 p.m. Au,g. 31 at the St. Pius X Parish Life Center. All welcome.

rowing equipment are available for , free and it is a clean and air conditioned place to exercise. A medical loan closet at the Senior Center has crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, canes and shower chairs for seniors to borrow. Call them at 487-7080 for availability. Other activities include Bingo 'every Thursday from 12:30 to 3 p.m.; bridge from 7:30-11 p.m. on Mondays and muscle strength training on Wednesdays from W-ll a.m. Blood pressure clinics are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hearing tests will be given from 1-3 p.m. on Aug. 26 and every Friday at 1:30 p.m. the COA presents a frell movie. A program entitled "Th,~ Power of Color" will be presented at 10 a.m. Sept. 4. Learn how color influences behavior and ·impacts our lives. All welcome. ' The COA will provide a social worker beginning in September, who will be available on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Call the COA for an appointmer.tt. Sandwich COA - Drivers are needed for the COA vans. Tiley are used for grocery shopping, doctor and hospital appoil'\tments, elder services, mall visits and social day trips. All' drivers are fully insured by the town's umbrella liability insurance policy. If you can donate a few hours each month it would be a great help. Call Jan at the COA office at 8884737 for more information. A small supply of Mass. Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing publication "A Guide for People Who Become Deaf or Severely Hard of Hearing" is available. Stop by the office for a copy. A book club is now available to seniors and will hold its first meeting on Sept. 9 at I p.m. The COA is seeking a 35mni slide projector in good condition. Please call if you can help. . Every Tues. at 12:30 p.m. a group of men and women meet to play pinochle. They are always seeking new players. Elder Services lunches are served at 11 :45 every weekday except Wed. at the Elder Services Dining Center: For reservations call the Nutrition Site at 888-2965 24 bours in advance.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.