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Celebrant of :First Mass To Offer Final Sacrifice In New B'edford 'Church

The Sacred Hearts· Father who celebrated the first Mass in Our Lady of the As­ sumptionChurch, Water and Leonard Streets, New Bedford; on April 6, 1905, will offer the final Mass in the edifice at 12 noon Sunday, Sept. 1, and preach a-t the first service in the new church that afternoon. ~. At/ At/chor 0/ the Soul, Sure and Firm - ST. PAUL He is the Rev. Stanislaus Bernard, SS.CC., chaplain of Sacred Hearts A cad e my: Fan Riv~r, Mass. Thursday, August 22, 1957 Fairhaven. Bishop Connolly 'will bless the new church. located at Sixth and Cherry Streets. at 3:30 o'clock and preside at the Solemn High Mass which will follow at 4 oclock. Officers of the Mass, all former pastors of the parish. will be as follows: Three Religious Sisters pf Mercy who c,omprise the, Rev. Stephen Conturi!,-ux, sS.­ faculty of Nazareth: Hall, the new D~9cesan school for ex'" .. CC.. of Sacred .Heiu:ts ·Seminary. ceptional children, have had special pl:ep'aratioli andtraiI'I-' Washington, "0. , G.. celebrl!-nt; Rev. Egbert Steenbeck, SS.CC.• lng for the type of work in, which they will be engaged; of St. Ma'ry's, Fairhaven, deacon; Objective of thl:] school Rev. Edward Callens, SS.CC.. of established by Most Rev. dinal .Stritch College, Chicago, .Our Lady of, Victory Church. They are taking courses at tile Bl'sllOP James L. Connolly, ' Al'chibishop Cnshing Clinic In Rochester, N. Y .. subdeacon. DD is to help the child who Boston and at st. Coletta's Founding Father ., . , At tlu: Invitation of the late Is not intellectually able to fol- School, Hanov~r, which has a Bishop Stang. the first three 10 \\'tl.1e l'cgtllal' SCllool PI'ogl'anl national reputation for work In Fathers of the Sacred Hearts btl '" who call follow and bellefl't the field of exceptional children. arrived in Fairhaven In 1905 by a more simplified program in Ideal Environment from their house in Louvain, BelIlllnall groups. All three Sisters in preparing gium. Father Stanislaus Bernard Sisters IIf Mercy fo!: the new Diocesan enwrprise was one of these founding fathers The facllity will consist of Sis- have done much field work and 'and has labored for the glory of trt· Maureen, R.S.M., B. Ed:. observed many classes in action God and the salvation of souls In principal; Sister Mary Joel. in similar schools In Washington, this area for the past 52 years. He was born in Luxemburg In R.S.M., B. Ed. and Sister Mary Philadelphia, New Jersey and Constantia, R.S.M., B. Ed. Sister Boston. They feel that the at- 1875. He studied at the Univer­ Maureen, 'a native of Fall River, mosphere of 'Nazareth Hall will sity of Lottvain and was a semi­ has taught in parochial schools in provide an Ideal environment for 'nary professor for the three years Fall River, North Attleboro and the students to fulfill their capa- in SinlPelveld. H 011 and. Six New Bedford. She is at present city. months after his arrival in Fair­ principal of St. Vincent's School The school, an 'Integral palt of haven he was appointed as the itl Fall Ri"cr. the educational system of the ,'first administrator of the newly Sister Maureen has studied at Diocese, will be under the imme- . established parish' for the Cape the Plus X School of Music of diate supervision of the Rev. Ed- . Verdeans in New Bedford. His the Mallhattanville College of ward J. Gorman, A.M., LL.D., su- priestly labors also brought him the Sar:red Heart. and she has perintendent of Diocesan schools. to Mattapoisett where in 1906 he taken courses In the Department A consultant physician will be· offet'ed the first Mass there In illf Special Education, of the in attendance. • the Town Hall.

Appointed Superior Catholic University. Located in Fall River on Hig'hSister Mary Joel. whO Is also land Avenue, at the corner of He remained in charge of Our from Fall River, is presently Hood Street. the new school was Lady of the Assumption parish teaching at St. JOseph's School. formerly the residence of James until 1910 wheli he was assigned :f'1\1I River, and Sister Mary Con- A. Burke. It was recently pur- to St. Joseph's parish In Faii.­ stantia, who Is from, Providence, chased by the Diocese and during haven. He returned a second Is teaching at .st. Patrick's the past two months has been time as administrator at Our School, Fall River. Sisters, Joel completely renovated and con- Lady of the Assumption parish and Constantia are working for verted Into a school building ad- tn 1911 and 'served In this capa­ their Master's degrees at the Car- mirably suited for this type of ' city until 1917. It was at this work. time that he was appointed suMembers of \ the faculty are periOI' of the Fathers of the .nQw at the school dally, Monday Sacred Hearts In Fairhaven and through Friday, from 10 a.m. to t~ereupon resumed the dutles of 3 P.M. for registration of stu­

'['urn to Page Eight

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• V Om.





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Asserts Liturgy I§ Rach Source I

Rev. Stanislaus Bernard,


Fo~rt~e~ Sister~

of Mercy From Diocese Take Vow~

Thirty-one Religious Sisters of Mercy, including seven from the Fall River Diocese, pronounced final vows in the presence of Very Rev. Msgr. Louis W. Dunn, Vice Chancel­ lor of the PrOvidence Diocese, last Friday morning in the chapel of Mother of Mercy vent chaplain, celebrated the

Novitiate, Mt. st. Rita Con­ Mass. Rev. Camillus Boyd. O.P.• vent, Northern Cumberland, who had, conducted' the l;Jisters' eight-day retreat. preached the R. I.

The sermon was preached by sermon. The ceremony' of Receptlon of Rev. Leon C. Maynard 'of the the Holy Habit was conducted ' Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Marle- ' Thursday afterno~m for 25 Pos­ ville. brother of Sister Mary , Turn to Page Four Leon. R.S.M. Nineteen Novices, including seven from the Fall River Dio­ cese, pronounced temporary v.ows the same day. Rev. Americo D. Lapati, con-

Mysterious Hand Now Directing Sovmet PO~g(6W

COLLEGEVlIiLE (NC)­ Delegates to the North Am­ erican Liturgical Week were cautioned by their ,keynote

WASHINGTON (NC)-A number of separate develop­ ments here have stimulated fresh interest in the com­

speaker to avoid the misleading thought that the liturgy Is, the Il::xclusive source of Catholic teaching and the only means of devotion. Archbishop William O. Brady of St. Paul. a native of Fall River, referring' to writings of Pope Pius XII, said the liturgy is rec­ ognized as "a rich sOtlt'ceof in­ struction." Commendable 'll'ask He . pI' {\ i se d the liturgical movement for a "commendable task" of trying to educate Catho­ lics to the teaching power of the littll'ffY, but he added "we must not mislead or be misled Into thinking that such teaching ex­ hausts . the magisterium of the Body of Christ." He spoke on the meeting's theme, "The Church Teaches Through the Liturgy." Thl' St. Paul pI'elate was one of three members oithe hier­ archy who addressed an esti~ mutct! 2.000 delegates during ses­ NiHIlS at, th\' four-day gathering.. Pl'il'sts. Rl'ligious and laymen lIwt to disl'uSS ways of increasing UU:i,'t<t:l1lclll1g of the form and

munist threat to the free world. Some of these develO6lments call Into question the under­ standing many people in the West had of communism. Some of them pull public' attention back to the realization. that the Reds' have never left off thelt' machinations to gain control of the world. Super Organization Rep. Timothy P. Sheehan of Illinois brought to the attention of Congress a document which had come Into his hands. He said ·it came fmm the Sudeten Ger­ man National Expellee Associa­ ,tion. It charges that there is super organization, the "Com­ munist Security System," which controls all those lands where the Reds have seized control. It says Khrushchev. Bulganin and others are merely stooges and can be replaced at any time. that this super-government can produce !\nti ~ Semltism. antl­ Stalinism and even anti-commu­ nist riots at will, and should the Reds be driven from power in any particular country the CSS has Tum to Page Four

Turn tu Page TMrteen

PRAYERS ANSWERED .l\1ANY-FOLD: Convel:t-mother of 18 childi'en is' Mrs. John Smith, of, Sumner, Iowa, who prayed that one of her children would embrace the reli­ gious life. Here she is pictured, in center, with the eight members of her family now in religion. All six daughters are members of the Dubuque FranCiscan Sisters of the Holy Family. One son, Robert, is a priest of the Lincoln, Nebr., diocese; another is Brother Norbert of the Dubuque Trappist community. Back row are Sister M. Vincent, Sister Mary Barbara Ann; Mrs. Smith; Sister Mary Valentine. Front row, from left, are Sister Mary ::I'heodore, Father Smith, Brother Norbert and Sister Mary Antonella.NC,Photo.





Thurs., Aug. 22, 1957

tHl @y~s l'e mle A. we rded NJewmalJ'il Medal

Aug. 26-Sacred Heart, NEW Bedford ,St. Joseph's Orphanage, Fall River Sept. 1-St. AnthonY of the Desert, ·Fall River a;t. John the Baptist, Cen­ . . tral Village Sept. 8-St. Louis of France, , Swansea Our Lady of Mt. Cmmel, Seekonk· Sept. 15:-St. Anne, Fall Rive).' Holy Cross, Fall River


DURHAM (NC) ':"-Carlton J. H. Hayes, well-known his­ tory author and professor and a former U. S. Ambas:

Bador to Spain, will receive the eighth annual Cardinal Newman Award, It was announced here. Father J. Desmond O'Connor, Catholic chapla.in at the Univer­ Mass Ordo sity of New Hampshire and THURSDAY - The Immacu­ chairman of the advisory com­ Ilite Heart of the Blessed Virgin mittee of the John Henry New­ Mary. Double of II' Class. White. man Honorary Society, which Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Col­ makes the award, announced Dr. lect SS. Timothy and Compan­ Hayes' selection. . ions, Martyrs'; Third Collect for The 1957 gold medal and ,cer- . Rain; Creed; Preface of Blessed tiflcate will be presented to Dr. Virgin. Hayes on Aug. 31, at the closing FRiDAY=-St. Philip Benizi. Confessor. Double. White. MasSI banquet of the annual conven­ ' ' Proper; Gloria; Second Collect tion of the National -Newman CHARTER MEMBERS OF GUILD HONORED: Miss M. Jane Coyle, second left, and for Rain; Third Collect for Club Federatjon in Ne\v York. Archbishop Leo Binz of Dubuque. Miss Catherine Coyle, second right, two o'f the oldest charter members af Assumpta Peace; Common Preface. SATURDAY - st. Bartholo­ episcopal moderator of the Youth Guild of ,st. Joseph's Church, Taunton, are presented fig'urines of O'ur Ble&seq Mother mew, Apostle. Double of II Class. Department, National Catholic and bouquets by Presid,ent Mrs. Charles Dru~m' and Rev. Patrick H. Hurle~, pastor. 'Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec­ Welfare Conference, wlll preside ond Collect for, Rain; Creed; and Dr. Hayes wl1l speak at the , Preface of Apostles. banquet. SUNDAY - Eleventh Sunday Dr. Hayes' citation will note.,. after Pentecost. Double. Green. being zoned out by various com. LaDrlere commellde'd Archbishop that he is "a distinguished hls­ CLAYTON (NC) - With an 'Mass Propel'; Gloria; Second ' _ Ritter and the Protestant Fed­ Collect St. Louis, King and Con­ torlan and statesman who in a ,assist from: St. Louis' ,Archbishop .Jnlll1lties." After the Archbishop's action, eration for entering the suit. The fessor; Third Collect for Rain; special way has won the admira- , Joseph E. ~Itter, a Jewish con­ Creed; Preface of Ti'lnity. the Protestant Metropolitan jurist said that zoning regula­ tion and esteem of the Catholic MONDAY-Mass of the Previ­ Students of America." -, gregatlon has won the first round Church Federation also entered tions primarily are for the pro­ A member of many' learned in Ii court fight for the right to the case as a "friend of the' motion of 'health, safety, morals ous Sunday. Simple. G'reen. Mass Proper; No Gloria 01' Creed; Sec­ societies and honored by several build a Ilynagogu~ In suburban ,court" and took a similar stand ll-nd the general welfare of a Collect St. Zephyrlnus, Pope and community. He found that the against the action by the Creve American universities, 'Dr. 'Hayes Creve Coeur. Martyr; Third Collect fpr Rain; Creve Coeur amendments bore no Common Preface. Coeur officials. TTl was once president of the Amerl­ can Historical Society. He is the he emp e Israel congrega.­ It marked the second time relation to these purposes and TUESDAY,-St. Joseph Cala­ holder of the Laetare Medal, pre­ tlon bought a plot in Creve Coeur within a year that the Arch­ that they violated the rights of sanctlus, Confessor. Do ubI e. freedom of religion and consti­ White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec­ sented by the University of Notre in 1954. then asked for a permit bishop took a stand against zon­ , Dame, and Is a.Knight of ¥alta. to build a synagogue. Creve Coeur ing restrictions adopted by the tuted a deprivation of property ond Collect for Rain: Third Col­ lect for Peace; Common Preface• without due process of law.

, Former Ambassador . officials responded by a-me\1dlng .Creve Coeur officials. Last Jan­ WED~ESDAY-St. Augustine, He was a professor at Colum­ the community's zoning laws, uary after a Negro physician

Confessor and Doctor 'of Named Brfisil'll"uctcr ' Bishop, bla University in New York until pro h I bit I n g construction of purchased a site and planned to the Church. Double. White. Mass build a $62.000 home, the com­

he was appointed Ambassador 'to churches in areas designated as MANCHESTER (NC) - John Proper; Gloria; Second Collect munityofficials passed: an ordi­ Spain in 1942. He served until residential.: Julian Ryan of South Bend, St. Hermes. Martyr; Third Col­ nance and moved to condemn writer lecturer and educator, has lect for Rain; Creed; Common 1945. He has served as a visiting The Jewish congregation ap­ professor at the UniverSity of pealed the 'case to the St. Louis the property for a city park. The been nflmed an Instructor In the Preface. ,Archbishop organized a gTOUp of English department at St. An­ Chicago, the University of Cali­ COU~1ty Circuit Court. Judge Ray­ fornia, Stamford University and mond E. LaDrlere ruled that the Creve Coeur residents: who in­ selm's, College here. vited the Negro physician, a non­ Michigan State University. 'actlon by the Creve Coeur offi­ Mr. Ryan, a graduate of Har­ The Cardinal Newman award clals was a'violatlon of the free' Catholic, to live In the com:. vard University, where he was was established in 1950 to recog­ exercise of religion guaranteed by munity. That case against the later a-faculty member, has also nize outstanding !)itizens who the Federal and the Missouri. coinmunity officials stili is pend-' been an Instructor at Boston ing in the courts. have shown part.icular interest in constitutions. He ordered the of­ College, Holy Cross College and In his present ruling against Notre Dame University. the work of Newman Clubs, the ficlals to issue a building permit official organization for Catho~ and enjoined' them from inter­ , the Creve Coeur officiaJs, Judge lics attending non-Catholic Insti­ fering with the use of property tutions of higher learning. Past for religious purposes. The Creve D recipients of the award have been . Co~ur officials announced they D a Myron C. Taylor, Clare 'Boothe, will appeal the decision. o Treasurer Luce, Marvin L. Coyle, Frank' Archbishop Ritter entered the ,0 Sheed, Maisie Ward Sheed, Dr. case as a "friend of the court." Thomas F. .Monaghan Jr. Jerome E. KerWin, ~ep. Eugene The prelate' said he did so to J. McCarthy, and James A. "protect the' rights of Jews to Farley. build their chapel 'at the place Lun~heonette

they desired and also to protect 142 SECOND 'STREET our own baSic rights to building Obscenity laws FALL RIVER TRENTON (NC) - Three hills churches and schools without passed by the New Jersey, Legis­ lature to tighten the statutes FRANCIS J. OSborne 5·7856 against the sale or circulation of obscene literature have been PRlES(;R'P7IONS lljgned into law by Gov. Robert B. MeYner. . YOUR DOLII.AR BUYS : Reliable : 222 UNION STREET : PrescrIption Service : TEL.WY 6-9784 When i~/S time NEW BEDFORD, MASS. . ,

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Acu$hnet Man Professes Sacred

Hea,lrt~ VCW~

Brother Roland Clement Beaulieu, SS.CC., son of Mr, .and Mrs. Romeo Bea,ulieu of 268 Main Street, Acushnet, was among the four young men who professed vows at the SacI:ed Heart Novitiate in Fairhaven on the feast of Our Lady's Assumption. of the beauty and sig'nificance of Brother Roland attended the Religious and priestly voca­ St. Joseph's School in New tion. He also reminded the young men of the responsibility and Bedford, st. Francis Xavier's privilege which was theirs to walk School in Acushnet and St. An­ thony's High SChool in New Bed­ ford befol'e entering the Semi­ nary of the Fathers of the Sacred, Hearts. Pre'vious to being accepted, as a Novice, Brothel' Roland attend-, ed the Minor Seminary of the Order and completed two years of colleg'e work at the Catholic University of America in Wash­ ington. Now a s a Professed Reli­ gious he will return to Washing­ ton as a member of the Sacl:ed Hearts Fathers' Community there and complete his College studies in the School of Philosophy at the Catholic University. ~ The other members of the Pro­ MAKING RELIGIOUS VOWS TO PROVINCIAL; Brother Roland Clement Beau­ fession class were Brother Vin­ lieu, SS.CC., of AC\,lshnet (right) is shown professing religious vows to Very Rev. Wi! cent· Meyer, SS.CC., Hawaii; Ham J. Condon, provincial of the Sacred Hearts Fat~lers, at St. Margaret Mary Chapel, Brothel' Roy Yurco,SS.CC.. of Sacred Hearts Novitiate, ~airhaven. Assistant was Very Rev. Jerome Lane, SS.CC., left. New York City and Brother Claude' Kelly, SS.CC., of Hart­ fOrd, Conn. Received by frovinciai o The ceremony of Profession CHICAGO mc) - A call to this Christian educat.ion endeav­ II the K. of C. had a membe~'ship or because through its program of about 400,000. He said that took place in the Saint Marg~ret the Knights of Columbus to sup­ Mary Chapel of the Novitiate and many will learn to know Christ. port the work of the Confrater­ today, 15 years later; the mem­ the vows of the young men were love Him and serve Him." nity of Christian Doctrine was BiSho!) Zuroweste recalled that bership has more than doubled, received by, the Very Rev. Wil­ made here by Bishop Albert R. at the beg'inning of World War, having climbed over the million liam Condon, SS.CC., Provincial Zuroweste of Belleville. of the United States Province. mark. Bishop Z u l' 0 W est e warmly assisted by the Very Rev. Jemme Lauds Advertising P l' a i sed the efforts of the Vermont t@ Launch The microfilming of "pl'iceless Lane, SS.CC., Superior of Sacred K. of C. in defense of the Catho­ Hearts Monastery, Fairha¥en. manuscripts" at the Vatican Li­ War on Obsceniiy lfc school system against those brary and preservation of these ' The Novices were presented fOl' BUJ:tLINGTON (NC) - The in the Pius XII Library to be Profession by the Rev. Eugene "who' would destroy it." He said that today the "most vital task drive to rid this area of indecent erected at St. Louis by the K. of Robitallle;-SS.CC., Master of No­ vices. The parents and relatives facing the Church is expanding literature will soon' come to III C, was' praised by Bishop Zurow­ of the newly professed were in

and safeguarding OUl' Catholic showdown, according to Vermont este. He also lauded the organ­ schools." ization's campaign of. advertising attendance. Also, many Fathers

State's Attorney Allan Bruce. "It should be increasingly evi­ He said he was awaiting a copy ,Catholic teachings and beliefs in and Brothers of the Sacred dent to every Knight how much of the new law controlling "ob­ the nation's leading secular Hearts witnessed the ceremony. our Catholic children need Christ Scene literature" in this state, newspapers and magazines. He Rev. Roy Gardner, O.P., of ProvI­ dence College was present.

and His love in the modern and after studying it, would call praised the 'organization's pro­ In his sermon before the pro­

world," Bishop Zuroweste said. a meeting of wholesale distribu­ gl'am of providing playgrounds in "Without Catholic education and tors and retailers to map out lII. Rome which "has been acclaimed nouncement of VOJls, Fathel'

Condon spoke to the gathering instruction, it is difficult to find course of action. by the Supreme .Pontiff himself." Him. Our interest must extend "You have come to the aid of "We'll sit down and talk this beyond the Catholic school and thing over first," Mr. Bruce de­ the American hierarchy," Bishop into the Confraternity of Chris­ clared. "The local dealers don't Zuroweste told the delegates, "by tian Doctrine which provides not want to take the rap for the pledging more than a million only for the child in public publishers and don't want to get dollars for the erection of the schools but also for the adult hi,t in a crackdown without campanile at our National Shrine and parent. " of the Immaculate Conception in warning." "With the constan~ increase of However, he made it clear that Washington, D. C. This monu­ children of school age, this work he will use the new law to stamp mellt will stand as an exterhal 'of the confraternity becomes out all "filth and muck" that has expression of your faith, devotion , For Complete more important each day. The been published in some places and -love for the Immaculate Laundry Service knights form the vanguard in and sold in this area. Mother and Queen, OUI' Lady."



In the footsteps of the Divine Mastel'. Father Condon briefly sketched the beginnings of the Congl'ega­ tion of the Sacred Hearts at the time of the French Revolution. He pointed to the hemic and zealous life of the venerable foundel' of the ol'der, Rev. Joseph Mary 'Couridrin. SS.CC, and re­ minded listeners that he was truly a man in love with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in whose service all Religious of the Congregation, aftel' the elC­ ample of the holy Foundel', pur­ pose to live and die. Pray for Vocations Father Condon congratulated the parents fOl' the generosity With which they have offered their sons to the service of God and His HolYoChurch. He remind­ ed them that they were singular­ ly blessed by God in having I!o religious and priestly vocation in their own families. Father asked 'all to pray with fervor that many more young men and women will answer God's call to dedicate their lives to the religious life and holy priesthood. .

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New Hand Heads. Red P~licy Continued From Page One groups of spurious anti-commu­ nists trained and ready to take over. Knows West. Strange as this may seeni, the airing of this Qpcument was fol­ lowed closely by a widely circu­ lated story that top U. S. Govern­ ment officials believe Soviet foreign policy 'is being direct­ ed by a mysterious "Mr. X," It was stated that Russian notes and maneuvers recently have shown a touch not known before, and indicatEl direction by a pei:­ son unusually well acquainted with the West, The story says Khrushchev and Bulganin have not been home enough to give the leadership that is being shown in foreign affairs: and it is not the work of Gromyko Clnd others whose style is known, U. S, In­ telligence agencies have been given the task of, finding out who it Is. American Traitors At about· the same time, Boris Morros, a Hollywood producer­ composer, revealed tllst he. had engaged in counter-espionage for - the U: S. for some 12 years. and warned that many "important people" have been recruited by the Reds to steal U. S. secrets for them. Lest this seem -too cloak­ and-daggerlsh, it could be re­ called that not too long ago the Reds were able to get many "important people" to head up communist - front org'anizations in this country. ·Mr. Mon'os, Rus­ sian born, said he went to work for the U. S. Government after. the Reds had approached' him In 1945 and asked him to become a . spy for them. On the same day that'Mr. Morros talked to the press, FBI director' J. Edgar Hoover ap­ peared before a Congressional committee to urge legislation to protect his' agency's files from disclosure. He said the 'O'overn­ ment already has had 'to turn loose persons charged. with 'fed­ eral offenses rather than open the FBI files, and that FBI In-' formants have stopped giving information the agency needs to carryon its work. Warns Uncle Sam The London disarmament talks . gravitated between hardly luke­ warm hopes and cold disappoint­ ments, and the West- began to seek protection against the Soviet Russians turning the whole affair into a political and propaganda defeat for the Free World. Apparently not too much con­ cerned about the progress of dis-






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armament discussions. KhrUsh­ chev toured communist - domi­ nated. ea:>tern Germany, calling upon tlie Reds to crush their' "class enemies," and threatening the West· with possible guided missile attacks. He told the east­ ern Gcrmany cl:IDununists that "there must be no reconclliation with other classes." and he warned "the statesmen of the United States" that "in'our time. when rocket· developments are rapid, no distance wlll protect any country from the effects of ll.tomlc and hydrogen weapons." Communism would seem still to be very'much of a threat to our ~ay of life. . . '

archbishops and bishops from dioceses throughout Italy 'made

a seven-day retreat at a famous monastery here' founded on the spot where St. Francis of Assisl received his stigmata. . His Eminence. Giacomo Card 1nal Lercaro, Archbisholl of Bolog-na, preached the retreat on

the theme "Holy Mass, the Center' of the Day of the Priest and Bishop." Cardinal Lercaro, a recognized liturgica'i. authority, has written

several books 9n the Mass.

Diocese who pronounced tempo­ rary vows were Sister Mary Im­ maculeen, daughter of Mr. imd Mrs. Aime Goguen, 106 Princeton Continued From- Page One Street, and Sister Marie Imma­ tulants, including three from the culee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rokicki, 46 Ashley Street. Fall River DiQCese, with Mon­ both of New Bedford:. Sister signor Dunn presiding. The ser­ mon was preached by Rev. John Mary Cascia, daughter of Mr. J. Considine, Ml\!I'~; .New Bedford ., and Mrs. Frederick J. Cote, 227 Maryknoll missioner, uncle of East Street, North Attleboro.' Also Sister Mar:ll Reanne. Sister Mary Perpetua. R.S.M.•_ one of the newly:recelved Sisters. daughter of Mr, an<:i Mrs. Arthur M. Gendreau, 18 Cottage Street, Final Profession Fall River: Sister Mary.Gracelle, All seven Sisters from the Fall daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William River Diocese who made final F. Shea; 289 Manchester Street, profession were residents of the Fall River: Sister Mary Thomas­ City of Fall River'. ella. daug\1ter Of Mr. and' Mrs. They are Sister Mary Jame­ Thomas E. Carroll. 17 John sirie,' daughter of; Mr. and Mrs. Street, Fall River and Sister James F. Reddy. 17B Maple Gar­ Mary J'amesina, daughter of ¥r.. dens; Sister Mar'y Fredella. ·and Mrs. Eug'ene Desjardins, 48 daughter of Mr. Fl-ederick Dunn. Dover Street, Fall River. ·3 Ada Street: Sister Mary Julian, Three Postula.nts daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. James Postulants from, the Di~ese H. Riley, 63 Snell street: Sister Mary Dimella, daughter of Mrs. incl.uded Rita Frances McCann, Daniel Griffin, 607 Third Street. daughter of Mr. ap'd Mrs. Frank . Also Sister' 'Mary Caroleen. J. McCann, 602 Durfee Street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fall Rive!', who wilf be known as McTague, 676 Second Street; Sister Mary Bruce: 'Patricia Aim Sister Mary Lautita, daughter Considine, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Walter L. Considine, 12 of Mr. John LaPi~rre, 528 Divi­ sion Street; Sister Mary Estella. Parker Street, New Bedford, to daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Frank' be known as Sister Mary Pet-­ pettia and Jeannette Patricia Mc­ Calis, 93 Mulberry Street. . Also included In the group who Donald. daughter of Mr. and Mi'S. made perpetual profession was Owen M. McDonald, 140 Seabury Sister Mary Davida. daughter of Street, Fall River, who will be Mr. and Mrs. David' J. Dunne. known· as. Sister Mary Ambrosia. 3~8 Main Road, North Tiverton, former Fall River ,residents. Three Sisters from the Provi­ dence Diocese who have taught In Fall River parochial scpools were in the k!'oup making per­ petual profession. They are Sis­ ter Mary Joan and Sister Mary Viola,. teachers at St. Mary's Cathedral School and Sister Mary Carolita, St. 'Lows School. The seven'· Sisters from the

Cadet George' A.Riley, son of

Mrs. Charles Leo Riley. 261 Pope

Street, New Bedford. a member

of the Providence College Reserve

Officers .Training Coi'ps, was one

of six designated "Outstanding

Cadet of the Week" as the P. C.

. unit took. top performance honors

among 16 New England univer­

sltles and colleges attending the

General MllItary SCience Sum­

mer Camp just completed at Fort Devens. _ Official standings during the­ six week training period, devoted· to practical exercises in military tactics and technique, were de­ termined on the basis of leader­ ship abillty' and examination scores. Ranking second behind the 7l-man Providence College group was the Yale University contingent, followed by the Uni­ versity of Connecticut, the Uni­ versity of Vermont and Harvard University. In three of the six weeks Company H commanded by Ma­ jor Andrew A. DeICorso, Execu­ tive and, Training Officer of the P.C. ROTC Instructor Detach­ ment. earned the "Best Com­ pany" award' and then went on to win'the final award of ".Best Company of the Camp." Of the 71 P.C. cadets attendiilg the camp, 21 were recommended



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for designation as Distinguished Military' Students. A cadet so designated may apply for a Regular Army commission during his senior year. A total of 844 cadets from New England institutions of higher learning completed the Camp.

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Cardinal Conducts New Bedford Cadet Wins Honor 'regal-es' Retreat .. Fort Dtvens ROTC Cam'p' LA-VERNA (NC)~FiftY-SeVen At



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to mail

Large Particle of True Cross Found in Old Parish Church'


particles larger than the one In St. Louis are preserved in the Holy Land, It Is reported. . Discovered In 327 The True Cross was discovered

and identified In 327 A.D. during

excavations under the direction

of Macarlus~ Bishop of Jerusa­


. Some 70 years after the Cruci­

fixion, the Emperor Hadrian ord­

ered Calvary and the Holy Sepu­

lcre covered with earth, accord­ ing to historians. On the terrace

thus formeg. he. erected a statue

of Jupiter and a temple of Ve­





former Assistant Secretary of Navy for Air, who was named to succeed Thomas E. Murray. and John S. Graham. former Assist­ ant Secretary of Treasury, who succeeds the late John von Neu-

mann. Mr. Floberg, an alumnus of the Catholic University of America. and Loyola University in Chicago, is. a parishioner of the Church of the Little Flower here.





<~ Irl't~'1~:/1<7\~tl'


'1'J t J..~,j,:~', ,,'q~ ','" ., .... ~~': . ~~:~ . '\..~:::.'1

•.~ ~ I ,





Catholic Appointed To !Federal post WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate has confirmed the two choices of 'President Eisenhower to be members of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. They are: John F. Floberg. 41,

.' ''''''A • ' "" .•,il. t4~.. ':~";, ::.:1 -~lfl~: :~'\%~IM


, ..


\> . ' .•

'Constantine's mother, St. Hel­

,en, Is traditionallY honored for

,searching for and finding the

Cross itself. It was found at

Calvary ·while digging was be­ o ing done in Hadrian's terrace\ A

major portion of the Cross was

subsequently brought to Rome,

and succeeding pontiffs have pre­

sented l:elics of it to various

churches throughout the world.


5. ,.,,'",·..:::·1

." r " . ,~



of a lead pencil and two inches long, had been virtually forgot­ ten in recen t years. Its authenticity and the tact that it is the largest portion of the Cross of Christ in the U. S. was established by, the chancery office of the St. Louis Archdio­ cese. The relic was found in historic St. Mary of Victories Church­ bunt. in 1841 in a once-fashion­ able section of St. Louis. It is sur­ rounded nOW by slums and has been almost deserted by parish:' loners for the last four decades. Father Jerome F. Schutzbach, pastor of St. Mary's, presented the relic to Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis.' The chancery IlUlnouncement said it would be given a place of honor in the St. Louis Cathedral. It will be used annually during Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday and on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross in September. St. Mary's parish will l~tain a oecond, smaller True Cross relic, Historically, the relic was brought to St. Mary's in 1895 by' the late Father William F. Faer­ ber, then pastor of th~ church. Father Faerber had obtained it during a visit to a Franciscan monastery in central Italy. It had J formerly been the property of Cardinal Annibale della Genga, who later became Pope Leo XII. Authentic Relic authenticating the Papers relic as a portion of the True Cross, signed by Pope Pius VII. were with it. The papers were dated 1819. . Skeptics have at times claimed that all alleged relics of the True Cross. if added together, would form an object far iaTgel' than the Cross actually was. But this claim is qeclared to be contrary to fact. All known relics of the True Cross have been catalogued. with their size, description and loca­ tion. It was this catalogue that enabled the Chancery to say that the St. Louis relic is the largest In the country. According to the. catalogue. aU the authenticated particles add up In size to an ob­ ject considerably smaller than Christ's Cross is believed to have llIeen. Smail, almost;. splinter-sized i'ellrs of the Cross are preserved In CllUl'clleS, convents llnrj mon­ asteries tlu'oughout the world and

Masses at Shrine!

For Benefactors


seventh succe&sive yet'll' the Na­

tional Council of Catholic Men

has arranged to have special

Masses offered in honor of its

benefactors at· an hiternationallY

famous shrine of the Blessed


Beginning Saturday, the NCCM

announced, a Mass, will be of­

fered each Saturday for a year

at the Shrine of Our Lady of

Czestochowa In Poland.

During recent years, the NCCM

has had "Masses offered for its

benefactors at the Marian Shrine

of Lourdes· (France), Fatima' (Portugal). Guadalupe (Mexico). Nazareth (1srael), the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception In Washington, and the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in Tej­ goan, PakistQn.

~aetare Medalis~§ Named Delegate§ WASHINGTON ENC) -GeOl'gO Meany, president of the AFL­ CIO, and motion picture actreslil Irene Dunne, both holders of the Laetare Medal honorfng Catholic lay persons, have been named delegates to the next ses­ sion of the United Nations. The two were among 10 per­ sons nominated by. President Eisenhower for the 12th session of the UN Geileral Assembly which is scheduled to meet in New York, Sept. 17. The Laetare Medal has been awarded annually since 1883 by

the University of Notre Dame. It

is given for "distinguished ac­ complishmellt for country and church" and for a life which Is "a model of Christian morality and good citizenship." Mr. Meany was honored in 1955 and Miss Dunne in 1949.






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22, 1957


Ca!elndar Of Feast Days


TODAY-Feast of the Immac­ ulate Heart of Mary. Honoring the 'Immaculate Heart of Mary as a symbol of love, this fea,s~ was Instituted by Pope Pius VII, assigned a proper OfIice and Mass by Pope Pius XI, and ex-' tended to the Universal Church with a permanpnt date by Pope Pius XII. .' /. TOMORROW -"' St. Philip o Benizi, Confessor. He was born In Florance on the Feast of the Assumption, 1223. He entered the Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Sei'vite Order, which was founded Communist party, has become noted for--o-:among other ,on the day of his birth. His things-the casual comments that he tosses off .at various virtue won him I;espect and ad­ receptions and parties. His pronouncements are often mrntion. He died in 285. couched in homely language that lets one see exactly what \ SATURDAY - St. Bartholo­ are his thoughts. In a discussion of capitalism, he had mew, Apostle; He carried the 'Gospel through the most barba­ this to say only recently: "The capitalist is interested only rous countries of the East, pene­ in profits. You know, if the whole world would eat castor trating into the remoter Indies. oil and if castor ,oil would give him greater profits, he He was mart.yred i'n Armenia. would not be concerned with how castor oil affects the .. SUNDAY-St. Louis IX of human organism. He would feed everybody castor oil. France, King. He'lead two cru­ This would give him profits and he would be satisfied. This sades against the infidels and was noted for his great zeal for is the essence of capitalist production."_ the Faith. He died in Tunis in To this comment,we reply, of course, that it is not 1270 while leading his army on true. But what good does our reply do for the cause of his second crusade. Theology for laymen democracy and our economic philosophy if Khrushch~v MONDAY - St. Zephyrinus, and millions of his fellow communists and millions of oth­ Pope and Martyr. He succeeded ers throughout the world do not agree with us. If they Pope Victor I in 199 and reigned

believe-,-as, indeed so many obviously do-that the Secre­ until 217.

tary's statement is an accurate summing up of the capi­ TUESDAY-St. Joseph Cnla"

sanctius, Confessor. He was born

talistic system, what can we do about it? , , In Aragon in 1556. He studied for , First of all, perhaps there is some truth in what Khru- By F. J. Sheed the priesthood in Rome and was Ilhchev has said. Perhaps we have presented our economic God made us and aU,things of nothing.. We may look, ordained in 1583. He founded the system to the world in terms of profits. Perhaps the Amer- and feel, pretty substantial, so much flesh and blood and Order of Clerks Regular of the ican boast that a clever advertising campaign could sell ,bone: but the matter of 'our,body God made of riothing: Pious Schools. known as the Pi­ dedicated to care of chil­ an igloo to an Eskimo is boomeranging. Perhaps we have but what God has given it. God holds us and all things in arists, dren of the poor. In his old age, been so busy trying to sell our system of government and being. If He withdrew His he was unjustly accused, brough~ economy th~t we have concentrated too much 0!l the prac­ would be living in wonderland. before the Holy Office and re:.­ tical results and talked too little about the basic. principles will' .for ~our existence, we If the failure to see so small a" moved from control of the com­ underlying our democracy. Maybe there has been too should be nothing: 'I do not thing as a hook means a de- munity. Eventually he was re­ much talk of giving' everyone in the whole world a bath- mean that we should die, I . ranged universe, how much more stored and his patience earned for him the title of a "second room, and 910t enough emphasis on the values fO,r which mean that- we should.be nothing the failure to see God-on whom Job." He was canonized In 1767. everything" depends, including at all. ' the minds and souls of men really thirst-freedom, justice, Not to know the hook. WEDNESDAY-St. Augustine equality. Men and women, boys and girls died in the these two truths , God is not just a sublime extra'. of Hippo" Bishop-Confessor-Doc~ ,It is not that we see the same streets of Hungary not fora car or for all-steel kitchen Is to be \ wrong tor. He was born November 13, things as other people, plus God. 354 in Tagaste, North Africa. but for freedom and religion. • a b ou t every': Even the things we alld they both De;pite early training by hI's thing. If we Let us not, then, equate capitalism aQd our system of 'omit God, we see do 'not look the'same, and in , mother. St. Monica, he spent his government. with the ability to sell anyone anything. Let see nothing as it fact are not the same. Think of youth in vice. He became a rhe­ a physical landscape at sunrise; toric professor and taught at Ta­ us not divorce our concept o~ free enterprise from respon- ls but every­ it is not that you see the same gaste, Carthage, Rome and Mi­ ,sibility and moral principles and integrity in business. thing as' Jt Is hills and trces and houses as , Ian. He was baptized at the age not - which Is _ And this leads to the second lesson we. may draw from the very defini­ 'before, and now you see the sun of 32 by St. Ambros!!, the same Krushchev's comment. Capitalism must be presented not tlon of insanity. as well. The sun is not just one year that his mother died. He only in terms of material welfare-,-the Communist state God Is the ex­ more item, you see everything lived a short monastic life near sun-bathed. God is not just one Tagaste and in 391 was ordained also talks of Marx with a ,piece of bacon and butter thrown planation of ev­ more item, we must see every­ in-but in terms of its undefIying principles-the innate erything. Leave at Hippo. Three years later he out God then, and you leave out thing God-bathed. Only then are became Coadjutor Bishop of . dignity of mal) which grants him equali t y, 'the fIght 0 f the explanation of everything, we seeing'it as'it is. Hippo. Noted for his writings he men to enjoy the fruits of their honest ability, the oppor- you have everything unexplana­ Affects Actions Is famous for his "Confessions", Q tunities to which men may. aspire without undue govern- ble Science studies the constitu­ , Of course it is not only a ques­ and the "Cit.y of God," and also mental interference, the right' to possess property, the tlO~ of matter-what things are tion of ,seeing; this truth affects for his defense of the Church right to legitim'ate ambition, idea of government as a pro- made. of. But n,o science can our actions too. Sin, for instance, against"heresies and schisms, He study the two far more vital' is an effort to gail] something died August 28, 430. tective and helping, rather than constricting, agency. questions _ by whom were they against the will of God; but the

Communism .is a philosophy. Until we ,present our made, for what were they made. will of God is all that holds us 2,632,650 ~nquiries philosophy of government and economy to the peoples of I have called these more vital, in existence; when, 'we sin, we are Result f'rom Ads . I PQssesslons . so they are. Consider one hacking away at our only sup­ th ' e wor ld ,aII our rna t ena WI'11 be I 00k ed on as and thing only. You cannot use any­ port! What could be more idiotic? CHICAGO ,INC) - A total of the selfish boastings 'of a pagan nation. ,We must not thing intelI"igently till you know The relation may not prevent us 02,632,650 inquiries have been re­ forget that men's souls and minds feed not u,pon things what it is made for. Science can­ . sinning; but it ensures that we but upon ideas. Let us present ourselves in that way, and not tell you what the universe shall feel fools while doing it. ceived from the Knights of Co­ . . th e Ie t 0 Krus. . h ch ev 's VIews . was .made for: only its.. maker God's will is the only law for lumbus program of advertising gIve on capI·t~ Ism. can do that- because He knows sane people.· Catholic teachings and beliefs what He had in mind when He 'Yet this concentration upon in the nation's leading secular made it. the nothing God made us of must newspapers and magazines. God in Everything not lead us to think that we are As a result of the ads, a total And it is not only the whole nothing. That would l:1e an insult of 264.534 persons have enrolled In a letter sent to the International Boy 'Scput Ja~­ universe that we see wrong if we to our Maker. For if He made us 'for a course of religious instruc­ boree held in England, the Holy Father urged Scouts to leave out God. We do not see any of nothing, He Il1lide us into tion by mail offered by the thing right. God is at the something. We are not just K. of C. Religious 'Information practice brotherhood in accordance with their ideals: He single centre of the being of each indi­ thoughts in His mind. We really Bureau in St. Louis, it was dis­ spoke of "fraternity which reaches across the, diffel:ences vidual thing, giving it the eXist­ exist. And that we are kept in closed. The program Was started ence it has, keeping it in exist­ existence only by'the will of God in 1948 and $4,903,290 was col­ of nation, language and race.'" ence. To see anything - yourself, does not mean that we ,have no to carry it on. The Pope expressed the hope tha't the Jamboree, would for instance - without In the. secure hold on existence: we hold lected A complete report on the ad be a lesson in friendship and un~ty to the nations which same act seeing God holding it it. so securely - or rather God program and other Knights of in existence is to be living in ,R, holds us so securely in it - that Columbus activities was made by sept the Scouts. world of fantasy, not the real it is the"one thing we cannot be Supreme Knight Lu~e E. Hart at The Pope went on to urge the Scouts to raise the ideal ~worlQ'. : rid of; even death does no more the organization's 75th anniver­ of Catholic Scouting to the height of the teachings of You see a coat hanging on it th~n;change, the condition of our sary convcntion at the Palmer, Christ Himself. He asked tha"t the Jamboree be the af­ 'wali: with the eyes ofyour bod'y existence: 'we cannot. cease. House. . In his' report on the progress firmation of a youth which is proud Qf its rule of purity; you do 'not see tb.e hook, 'because' New Retreat House :of the' organization, Supreme hook is under the coat; but colirage and nobility, which is the echo of the moral im~ the with the eyes, of Y9Ul' mind you : CHICAGO (NC) '- A 360-acre Knight Hart disclosed that as of, print of G9d in the human heart. ' " see the hook all right. Supposing , Illinois farm estate at.Plano, near June 30 the K. of C. membership In the midst Of his many activities the Holy Father you did not: it would mean that, Aurora, has been acquired as a numbered 1,048,735, with insur­ has singled out the Boy Scout Jamboree as a practical you thought the coat was hang­ retreat forthEi Chi'istia'n Broth~ , ance in force on its members and lesson to the woi'ld of peoples of many ~ations and races iI)g on the wall by its own powcr: ers. Purchase of' the estate' .\vas their sons of $688.550.905. Duriilg \vml'rl bc ",Tong about the announced by Brothel' 1. Philip, , the last year, the organization's working and Jiving in peace together. It does honor to the you nature of co:,~,'~ ..:,· tb'~ 'na'cu,e of Provincial of the St. Lou!s Pi'OV­ insurancG has .Increased more , Scouts that their rule of life is based on the Christian ideal. walls. the law of gmvity. You ince of the brotherhood. than $93 milJion. Published Weekly,lby' The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River' 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. lames L. Connolly, D.D., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL MANACE,R Rev; lohn P. IDriuoll Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. MANACINC EDITOR Attorne.y Hugh I. Colden

Has Capita,lism Failed?

Explanation of Creatuon' Is Found O.,ly· in God




The Pope to the Scouts



THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Aug. 22, 1957

.At Our Housl!

T e~ephone Search Resu~ts ~n Renewijng Courtshijp

H<r2}~y(})k~ f@w@lJ'~


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By Mary Tiniey Daly

As a long distance telephone operator for the sum­ mer, -our Mary has joined the circle of girls who have, for a long time, been trying to locate another girl for a. frus­ b'ated y,oung man, . We don't kno'w the names of the principal char­ meantime. Evangeline had not married - and certllinly Gabriel acters but their story is so had not. ' like that of Longfellow's "This is the operator," came a well known poem about the Aca­

dian villagers that we'll call them

Evangeline and , .

Gabriel.' (Al,ike '

except for the'

outcome, t hat


Three years: ago the man - [:, Gabriel-met a '" girl he couldn't i', for get. How­ ever, before he had a chance to date her, the ,­ family m 0 v e d ~ . away. Where. Gabriel didn't know. He knew the name of her father, but nothing . else about· the family. Then began the long, long search. Each week-end Gabriel would make seemingly useless calls. He started. via long dis­ tance, with the bigger cities of the country: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore. San Francisco, Los Angeles - all down the line. Every time the. girls In the telephone exchange would find the father's name In olle of the larger cities there was renewed llope in their hearts, and then: "We have a man by that name on the line, sir," they would re­ port, with pity In their voices. "but there is no Evangeline at that address. I'm sorry, sir,awful­ ly sorry. Better luck next time!" Search Goes On

And' so the dragnet went on, week-end after week-end, year after year. It was never the fami­ ly with 9Pgirl named Evangeline. What was the father's busi­ ness? Gabriel aidn't know. He and the family could have moved anywhere. He had lived In a big city, where the two had met, so, presumably, Gabriel reasoned, he had not moved to a farm. Yet, he might have retired ~. , . After a searchlight survey of the largest metropolitan centers, Gabriel started on cities of lesser population: Wilmington, Newark, Kalamazoo, Omaha, Miami. both Portlands, Seattle ... Over and over again the 1lame would be repeated and always the re­ gretful: "Sorry, ,sir. None of the folks by that name hll'Ve a daughter n'i\med Evangeline," Each week-end Gabriel per­ sisted, finally closing his circle to small towns around the metro­ polil.an. center where the two had met. "People are inclined to move not too far away," he told the operators. "This Slimmer let's keep trying towns around the area." When Mary told us that Gabriel was trying small towns, we thought that the case was hopeless. The hello girls in that particular exchange thought otherwise - and they were right. Last night Mary came home In l\ glow. "We found ber!" Mal'y called as she raced up the front steps. "The boy's found the girl!" Then she told us about the happ~' ending. At Long Ll'st "Listen In, girls," Gabriel had aaid, "You're the ones Who got ua tog'ether. I can't thank you enough ....' Needless tit say. till; girls were ",11 too eagre to hear the result ",f their three years of effort. "Hi," said the long-Illusive Evun~eline, "I kind of thought you'ti CIJU - sometime .. ," Follov:e:i an account of what Wl,cb tw.(/, been c!oIJ-la ~). the

pseudo-crisp voice, "All of un here wish you well. I'm going to close the key now so you can talk privately. But," she laughed" "Sir, we're instructed to ask you to please take down this number -In case you want to cali It again!" ' Remember Longfellow's "Ye who believe In affection that hopes and end u l' e s and is patient •.. ?"

Encourages· Devotionl

-To Precious Blood RENSSELAER, Ind. (NC) Devotion to the Precious Blood has grown during the past 150 years as welJ as an awareness of .It being an integral part of the liturgy. These observations were made at the Precious Blood Study Week at St. Joseph's College, Col­ legeville. near here. More ?than 300 priests, Brothers, Sisters and seminarians, representing most of the Precious Blood societies in the United States and Canada at­ tended. Father RQymond M. Cera, of St. Joseph's College, said devo­ tion to' the .Precious Blood is doctrinally sound and immensely Important." "In the sense of special devo­ tion, there is a greater formali­ zation and crystallization of it in the last century and the half," Father Cera said. ,"There is wide­ spread use of the devotion· and Q sense of Its missionary valtre:" .he said. The priest urged more pro­ found studies of Its sources In Scripture and tradition to bring it even more fully into the life of the Church. , Father George J. Lubeley, C.PP.S., also on the colJege fa­ culty, pointed out tha't the Pre­ cious Blood' is in a sense the cen­ ter of the Redemption and makes man conscious of God's love and of his obligation to' love God. This becomes particUlai'ly appar­ ent, he noted, by the actual presence of the Pl'esclous Blood during the Mass, the center of lIturglcel life.


TOGETHER AFTER 10 YEARS: FOl,lT years in a Com­ munist prison camp" Father John A. Houle, C.P., meets his mother in Honolulu for the first time in ten years. "They hated Almig'hty God," Father Houle reported of the Corpmunist Chinese. "Their effort was to destroy the souls of men." Explaining Communist technique, Father Houle said, 'Their whole system is built on methods of violence which over a period of time, add up to torture." NC Photo. ~ATlONAl Il.~GBON

HOLYOKE (NC) -Preliminary plans for the establishment ~f released time classes for religious instruction of public school stu­ dents in this Massachusetts city of 53,000 people were unanimous­ ly accepted by, the school board. The plans, offered to the school board by School Superintendent Wllliam R. Peck, envisage th& nolding of classes one day a week in Holyoke High School, under the provisions of an existing re­ leased time law. Religious 8TOUPlil participating In the program 'would,provide teachers and would decide on the curriculum. The superintendent stressed that he believed the classes would be an invaluable contribution toward curbing juvenile crime. Area clergymen .have been In­ vited to attend a meeting with Mr. Peck and members of tha school board, to hear a presenta­ tion of the featw'es of the plan and to offer their comments.




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ChGrrg~ «jjf, F)~otest~llral!' PelT~<eCMtrBOim

~ 8'il 1L@ft'nll1 AJi'il"Ue Irica lC@ U<e<dl aJltrBti'!1'Me

, :By Father William JT. Coleman, M.M. (N.C.W.C. NEWS SERVICE)

The'statement by ,Methodist Bishop Sante Ub.erto

Barbieri of Argentina before the meeting of the World

Council of Churces in New Haven; that the Catholic

Church in South America is carrying on a systematic and

relentless persecution 0 f '

Protestant churches and only moons for keeping our apos­ , communities, could normal- ' tolate outside the narrow circle ly go unchalleng'ed because, of fanaticism, and of being able

on the contrary to carry it on of its obvious untruthfulness: fearlessly in every place, con­ In fact, it is now evident that ducting' it in truly missionary o responsible leaders in the World spirit, without police action, Council of Churches regret the without any note of overbearing­ statements made by the Argen­ riess, and without resort to tipe bishop. Indeed, thoughtful 0 threats. participating delegates of such Catholic Tolerance' organizations as the Internation­ ,"This spirit of tolerance does aI, Missionary Council of the, not, it goes without saying, repre­ T-V PRODUCERS AT AUDIENCE: Received in private audience by Pope Pius XII Protestant Churches not only re­ sent any innovation in the tra­ are representatives of the Nationai Council of C~tholic Men and the NationalBroad­ gretted but even i'esented such ditionalCatholic spirit. It simply declamations, which only embit­ recognizes a different set of casting Co., currefltly filming for the HCatholic Hour," television presentation, " Ro l11 e tel' an already tense atmospbere. circumstances. of the Popes." From left are Martin Hoade, an NBC director; Joel Cramer, production Contrasts Action "In all ages there have been inanag'er, NBC; Joseph :Vidala, cameraman; His Holiness; Msgr. John Dougherty, ,Pro­ Well informed people, both necessary tolerances. In our case Catholic and Protestant, are call­ tolerance is imposed on us by the fessor, Immaculate Conception Semhiary, Darlington, N: J.; Dick Walsh, director, Radio and Miss Doris Ann, NBC producer , of the film. NC Photo. . ing for some sort of. l;onstructive fact of the gradual dis~pearance and Television for NCCM; , . approach that will better rela­ of a society which enjoyed reli­ tions' between. Catholic and, Pro­ gious unity'of doctrine, of custom ~~OS0~9&e. testant, not worsen them. a,nd 'of law and the. actual .Such a constructive and objec­ existence now of a heterogeneous Continued From Page One ,of the Sacred Hearts obsei'ved its tive .attitude was taken by 100 society without religious unity Golden Jubilee in the United delegates of the laity' and clergy and without stability even of its administrator at St. -b>seph's States contains a special dedica­ pariSh.' (among them eight bishops and secular institutions. This hetero­ tion ". to Father Stanislaus, SS.­ .19 priests) who assembled in, geneous community will seek new After returning from a vaca­ Chimbote, Peru, during the Third formulas of organization, with or t!on to Luxemburg he had with CC., the one remaining pIoneer father of the province." Inter-American Catholic Action without us." Same, day service Week in 1953. These representa­ To this can be added a more hini rough sketches of his own tives from C a t,h 0 Ii c Action recent declaration which empha,.. parish church there· and used Q) if desired! ! SUMMER STREET organizations in 14 American tically expre'sses' the opposition these as a model for the present St. Joseph's Church which was WY 3-5528 republics made a study of the of the Latin American Bishops to • 6 CAMPBELL ST!

various problems or' the Church use of any kind of violence to constructed in 1925. In 1944 he was appointed chaplain at Sacred in their countrIes, including the defend the Catholic Faith. NEW BEDFORD

Hearts Academy, North Fair­ problem of the Protestant pene­ Position of Church 591 SUMMER Si. haven a position which he now '~Q!)~. .eC!'8• • tration of Latin America. ' The decl'aratlon is contained in New .Bedford WY 3-1346 Bishop Barbieri would find the current issue of Miles Christi. actively fulfills 'in his ,82nd y.ear' that little time was spent by this official publication of the Latin of age and his 55th year of , All Bundles Insured While group on denunciation of Protes­ American Commission for the priesthood. NEW BlEDIFO~D The Jubilee'Book published two in Our }'osses'Sion ant tactics. Rather he \vould find Defense 'of the' Faith, a branch • years ago when the Congregation Storage Warehouse Ce• on examining the 300-page report of the Latin American 'Bishops of the proceedings of this official, Council. It teads: ' WY 3-1101 Catholic gathering, that a serious "'ocfense of the Faith does not ' Catholics do in the United States. effort was made to solve the mean violellt, physical rejection but still desires that he and his NO JOB TOO BIG 3-9951 critical situation created by t~e of persons who attack our 'Faith. family may remain members of 'SMAll NONE TOO more than 4000 Protestant mis­ "The people as a whole, simple the Church in which they were sionaries who. for the most part, and unsophisticated, sometimes . born, baptized, and have made concentrate their proselytizing react in a primitive way when their first Holy Commul\ion, Im­ efforts on the weal.er members, their Catholic Faith is attaCKed. proper tactics on the part of of the Catholic Church ,in South They believe that· if it is licit to North American groups place the America. defend one's life with force, it is spiritual liv'es of these people In s- ..... Religious Tolerance also licit, to use, force to defend jeopardy. Main Office and Plant t He would find there principles the,Faith, which to many Is more But among missionary Protes­ -!':: of religious tolerance as outlined precious than life. tants' there is a difference in lOWELL, MASS.

NO. 1 SPECIALIST IN by Horaeio Terra, 'an architect' "But this is' not the way to point of view., Telephone Lowell

and an outstanding Catholic defend the Faith. Defense must Hurt Themselves LONG DISTANCE MOVING GL 8·6333 and GL 7·7500

Actionlst from Montevideo, Uru­ be on the same nature as. the There are those who go about guay, whose opening discourse attack. Only if force should be the practice or' their faith and ~;n Auxiliary Plants among many other fine observa- used to' impose error would it be its propagation with reserve and JUUED tions contained the following:liclt' to use force to reject it. ' without 'offense to Catholic com.­ ,VAN LINES, Inc. BOS-':'ON "We must adept ourselves to a . Proper Reftitation / munities. But then there are ~. 1 lIlI U. $. Itiib...,.· no. 1 ill s.m... N•• I ill 'DIl' CDlIIllI1IIIili1

OCEANPORT, N. J. heterogeneous community, ac"Our Lord 'never commanded'· those who make it a practice to FURN'ITURE DEPT:

cepting the formulas of social us to expa11d the Gospel through provoke incidents._ PAWTUCKET, R. I. and civil tolerance necessary for - physical force. Much less did ~e It should 'be stated that these 19 lEAN ST. . NEW BEDFORD>,

liVing In peace in this communi- say to defend our Faith' With, last, generally of the Penteco!,tal ty, and in order to act in it with violence. sects, cause as much grief to t;heir apostolic efficiency. To accept "Defense of the Faith means Protestan'ty confreres as they do these formulas is to renounce all first of all the intelligent refuta­ to the Catholics among whom l\f,V1' ENGLAND'S social, legal, political or personal tion or error. Therefore, Protes­ they v.'Ork. They harm rather coercion upon non-Catholics in tant allegations against the than help the reputation of Pro­ matters which can affect their Catholic Faith must be ,:efuted testantism in South America. -It is' the attitude of such consciences. that is to 'say, their by the written and spoken word. interior. subjective sincerity. This should be done In a style groups which the- statement of "T his tolerance is neither easily understood by the people Bishop Barbieri best represents. cowardice nor doctrinaire intran- and in a manner that will reach They do themselves more damage sig-en,ce, as some may pretend. the greatest number. 'thai-! their would-be Catholic ,Still less is it liberalism or con"But 'defense of the Faith is adversaries: cession to heretics, according td not confined, to refutation of r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; what incorrigible 'integrists' ,vil- error. Ratlwr it means a better Plan You~ PICNICS, OUTINGS and CLAMBAKES

fully affirm. Rather, It is in the and wider instruction in Chris­ first place respect for the freewill tian doctrine and 'a better and Contact 1\'[1'. Gamache, Tel. WYman 9-6984

of every individual, without wider practice of this doctrine." which adherence 'to the truth is Create Problem repulsive hypocrisy and without It may be added that the in­ moral, value. formed South American person Jl)jspla~'s Charity distinguishes between the various "In the second place, it is an Protestallt sects ,and tactics as Called For and, Delivered expression of charity for those much as we do in this countl'y. ,.314 Church St. New Bedford There are many Protestants in I WY 4-0421 WY 3-7342 who are, misguided. since tolerance takes into consideration the South America who are Protes­ immense ,difficulties that a man tant for the same reason many ._-----_._._-----------~ faces in 'overcoming, his preJu- ,Catholics are Catholic - tney Children's ' SHor~ u Once-A-DCIIY. in Somerset and Swansea at 4:30 P.M. , First Quality , ~~ ~ dices and his errors. were born such. This immigrant "It is, in the cthird place, the Protestantism receives the same at Reduced Prices SPECDAl ATTENTBOfNJ GDVEN

means of g'aining the proper free- respect in South America that is , MIEN'S SAMPLES 'JrO EMERGENCY PRESCRDP7I'DONS

dom of action for the apostolate. accorded it in this country. . But the proselytizing form' of 'I'olerance frees the apo'stolate CANCIEU.A'IUONlS from all selfish designs of inter- Protestantism engaged in by $10.00 to $20.00 Value ests and of worldly hatreds and some of the Narth American mis­ )'evenge, inevitable as these are sionary groups 'creates many From 3~9S i~ pro Hearong Aid Co. .

when the fight for the cause problems which are of grave descends to the hateful level of concern for the Church in Latin St@r~.~ Arflhur J. Shea, Prop.

the use of force and makes com- America. D NEW BEDFORD o mon cause with those who emThe average Catholic in many o' 1494 ACUSHNET AVE. 202 and 206 ROCK ST. lEt. OS 5-7829

ploy such force. areas Jacks the facilities to prac­ "The Home of Happy Feet" oB "Finally. this tolerance, is the tice his religion in the way











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Keen Competition Marks Successful Horse Show lUI' Cathedral Camp The applause of cheering spec­ tators and the keen competition of excited campers summarize the enthusiasm shown at Cathe­ dral Camp's Annual Horse Show., Presented as a climactic event of the Diocesan Camp's seaso-n. the show gave the campers an opportunity to display their skill in this difficult but elljoyable sport. Under the watchful eyes of prou'd parents the campers took part In various novelty races as well as competitive riding en­ tries. so planned that the rider must employ certain principles of horsemanship which he has learned during his stay at camp. The feature event of the after-· noon was the Fine Riding class held for the Chieftains. the old­ est group of boys. The Blue Rib­ bon of this competitive entry was <llaptured by Larry Hatch of Onset. Stan Koczera of New Bedford and Bob Hackett of Fall River were victorious ih the Cnleftaln Flag Relay' Race, and In the highly amusing Saddle Race Ted Sanft of Fall River finished first. ' The Mounted Zig Zag Race for the same group had Al Staskle­ wicz of Swansea making the best time In a thrilling finish. Musical Stalls Despite keen competition from fellow campers, Jay Waldron of Swansea placed first In the <Cathedral Camp version of Mu­ sical Stalls. Other first place winners from the Hunter group were Joe Medeiros of Fall River in the Potato Spoon Race, <Charle~ Fewore of Canton in the Obstacle Race and Henry· Martin of West Falmouth In the Riding <Control Race. Lance Correria of Wareham was the top rider in the Warrior Riding Race, really earning his


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., AUII. 22, 1957

Stokes I!»ea~h Tl7'a~fi(g

first prize in this highly competi­ tive event. Other Warriors who' will bring Blue Ribbons home with them are Jay Irwin of New Bedford for his victory In the' Cracker Race and Henry Hudner ,of South Swansea who outraJ:l the other entries In the Shoe Race, The Braves, youngest groqp at camp, put on the most amusing show of the afternoon as far as the spectators wei'e concerned; Man e u vel' 1n g their horses through simple control di'ills. Bill Waldron of Swansea and Dave' Muir of New Bedford took the . first places in this division.

TQunton Nurses To Meet Sept. 5 Taimtpn Guild of Catholic Nurses'wllI hold its first meeting 'of the season Thursday. Sept. I) at Knights of Columbus Home. All Catholic nurses in the Taun­ ton district are invited to attend. Officers are Monica Patnaude, preslden,t; Grace Clasity, vlce­ president; May McCabe, corres­ ponding secretary; Shirley Jaros, recording secretary; CarOlyn Gil­ lon. treasurer, and Gertrude Gaf­ fney, historian. The Board of Directors in­ cludes Kay Tyson, Genevieve Gough, Julia Blk, Ruth Fielding and Helena Nichols.

Mass Is Solemnized .For Priesft's Mother

Three sons, all Blessed Sacra­ ment Fathers, officiated at the solemn funeral Mass for Mrs. Marie-Louise (Pariseau> Prefon­ taine at St. Joseph's Church. New Bedford. Celebrant was Father Maurice, eldest of the Stonellllle College will open three. who was assisted by Father i'ormally ·Sept. 16 with the lai'gest LOllis as deacon and Father Ro­ student enrollment in Its history, .ger as sub deacon. more than 400, according to Rev. Mrs. Prefontalne Is alsp sur­ .James J. Sheehan, president. A vived by, two grandsons in l'eli­ Solemn Mass attended by faculty and student body at 9 a.m. wlll gious orders, one a novice lay mark the opening. Freshman brother in the Congregation. of l'eglstration takes place Sept. 11, the Blessed Sacrament and an­ followed by upper-classmen on other a minor seminarian at La Sept. 12 and 13. . Salette, Enfield, N.H. ' The college, whose ambitious development program, aims to care for upwards of 1.000 stu-­ dents In another decade or so. has added 10 religiolls and lay members to Its faculty this year.

Stonehill Opens Monday, Sept. 16·

Cath@~D~s . LONDON (NC)-The death of Richard Rapier Stokes from an auto accident reduces the Ilum­ bel' of Catllolic members in the House of Commolls to 22 out of a total of 630 members. But the loss is far more seri-' ous than that. MI'. Stokes, a bachelor. was a millionaire industrialist and a leading member of the opposi­ tion Labor Party. The only Catholic in living memory to be·, come a member of a British Cab­ Inet, he was by fHr the strongEst ' Catholic spokesman.

To British

- MONKS MARK CENTENNIAL: New St. Benedict's Abbey Church in Atchinson is now open to the public for four centennial days as the monks open a year-long cele­ bration of'their century of labor in Kansas. The structure is a double church, h~ving a crypt housing three chapels and a total of 29 minoi' altars, and a main or upper , church that has 174 choir stalls for the m~:mks, pews for 650 ' persons and a special chapel in: the tower near the sanc­ tuary for the Blessed Sacrament. NC Photo, '

Taunton Women Plan Activities Assumption Gulld or st. Jo­ seph's Church, Taunton, will re­ sume activities in September with regular, meetings in the school aUditorium the second Tuesday of each month. Officers are Mrs. Charles Drumm. president; Mrs. James Goldrick, vice-president; Mrs. Edward Gorham, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Paul Maynard, financial secretary; Miss Grace McManus, treasurer. , Directors are Mrs. William Mulcahy, Mrs. Louis Bird, Mrs." John Trucchi; Jr., anI Mrs. Hugh A. Moran. Committee chairmen are Mrs. Francis ' F1'azier,~sunshine; Mrs.



Moran, publicity; Mrs. Vincent La,Han, program; Mrs. Henry Walsh, decorations. An Interesting and enjoyable schedule Is planned for the new season.

The Perfect Gift fo1l' Your Loved Ones

fRANCISCAN , MASS LEAGUE Perpetalbl Remembrance . On Daily Mass

The Living and Deceased May Be Enrolled. Illuminated Certificate , 'for Each Member Enrolled Enrollment $5.00 Write To: Rev. Father Rector, O.F.M. OUR LADY'S CHAPEL Franciscan Fathers 572 Pleasant St. New Bedford




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'1l'IHIB ANCIHlOIl­ "'ull. 22, 1951


HEBRON (NC) - A congrega­ iCOlQlJ!1'il1l'@!1'ilOrnIrn5 it@ ~0 tion threatened with a dynamlto lJ=!l@Dr [l@lll'il<dl f?oDlI1l1l stick only two years ago has built Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, pas­ a modern, new church here with tor of St. Anthony of the Desert the help and support of fellow By Re\'. D. Bernard Theal!, O.S.B. Chw·ch. Fall River, will show a. townspeople. The dynamite was thrown In sound and colored film, and give Gerald Hanley's Without Love (Harper, $3.50) is the'

front, of the home of Stanley his own commentary, 011 the Holy third novel of a young English Catholic author. It will re­

- Graves, a restaurant owner and a Land. Lebanon. Egypt and Syria. mind many ,of, and will appeal especially 'to, those who Protestant. because he had 01'-· at the Sacred Heart Church like the early and more violent novels of'Graham .Greene.

fered his cafe for the Sunday parish' hall. Taunton, at 8 Mon­ Masses of the newly formed Im­ Not 'that Mr. Hanley is sole­

day night. Aug. 26. macullite Heart of Mary Mission ly imitative. He has a great .. professional activities as a stu­

The ominous 'note attached cau­ deal of originality and his dent of patriotic theology.

tioned: "Warning, No time cap ,.,- - ~-own kind Qf power. About the first' World War o arid fuse wiil be attached to this "Without Love" is the story of she remembers little that i8 of

if' you want restaurant to stand.. Michael Brennan. a young Irish- consequence.' b'ut her story of

.Sunday better .be 'last day for man \\'ho has Hitler's rise to power and what

your mission friends." ,Despite the war n i n g, Mr. o left C h u r c h, tt meant to those who had even FIRST AWARD: First an­ c 0 u n try, and a small amount of Jewish ancesW ld . . A d Graves insisted that Father Paul '\. '1101ne a,s a SOI·t I nual " or mISSIOn war ' P. Ciangettl, the pastor. and hl~ try, is compe II'mg'Iy rea. " will be g'iven to Oliver _L. parish go ahead with their plans. O f, soldier - of - Flees Homeland ' fortune. fIe has Having lost a teaching job Parks, of' st. Louis at the' They did. but they were deter­ fought with the because of this ancestry,' and Mission Secretariat meeting' mined to have a new church of Hit I c r ,S. S. fearing worse to .come, ~iida i W h' t 9 . M r. their own. n as mg t on; S ep. agal'llst, tll'e AI- Limd was donated, more than Graef fled from Germany, first t· . 'lies. and with to Holland, and then to England. Parks, a convert, is ac lve In $15,000 was given and pledged by , the F r e n ch where she now lives and writes. a number of Catholi.G organ.. persons of all faiths. and a - beautiful 'little church was de­ Communist ReHer challengtng book on Therese izations. NC: Photo. 4~4 Second St. sistance forces. ... Neumann- a few y~ars ago was signed and built. At 32, when something of a sensation. GlI"ltlIB'\lil' f@r ~eseQlrclhI·' Bishop WilHam T. Mulloy of fFAlL RIVER the story opens, .' In England, Miss Gi'aef joined WASH;INGTON (NC)-A Fed- Covington, Ky., dedicated the Mike is' working for a subversive briefly the Church of England. eral grant of $135,295 l\as been 'church' on a recent Sunday and gTOUp vaguely ideiltified as "the An attack of "Roman fever" awai'ded to St. John's University. called the new building" a living , OSborne 2-21 ii~ -'," Organization" in Barcelona. Im- came soon. aild she ~was received New York City. for construction testimony of the faith of the mediately subordinate to a Inm)- into the Catholic. Chllrchat the of research 'laboratories in Sci­ Hebron people." _ ~ acinlt. repulsive, would-be phi- Farm Street 'church' of the Lon- ences related to health, losopher nltmed Kowalski, for don Jesuits, There .followed ·a The laboratories will be part whom worGls like "patriotism" brief attempt at the Carmelite of a larg'e Science-Pharmacy Hall and "religion" are objects of forIh of religious nfe, which ~ now being built on the school's amusement and profound COll- though she soon returned to the newcan'Ipus in the Jamaica sec­ tempt, Mike is especially charged world - gave the! scholar 'an tion of Queens county. The Hall with the murder of an opposition interest in the life of Edith Stein, will be completed in September. agent known to him as Finck. It whose works she ha::;,since edited. 1958, and will provide facilities Sll1all'@li'Il, Masscu:husetts is intimated, .however. that this Though sometimes badly written, for 2;500 'graduate and under­ is an alias, and that there have . this is an iJiteresting and enjOY.,. graduate science -students. It is been a dozen Mhers. able book." the third of 13 buildings planned Builils Up Suspense ina $25-million expansion pro-, 'Trying to save Brennan fronl Pll"isc>D"il lHIeQlldl [Q)elriies gram on the 100-acre campus. the net they feel is fast closing CIJ"U"I\U"'"D"":n cm Svsitem T~e grant was }nade by th~. in upon him, (when he will be u ....... ~ I( '. Public Health Service of the De­ Location.' Midway between Boston and Provide/lca killed either by members of the' DANBURY (NC) , - Warden' p~rtment or" Health, Education, Finck group, or, more -probably. Harold E. Hegstrom of the Fed- and Welfare. '

by a double-cross within his own ·eral Correctional Ins~it4J;ion here party) are his sister, Una Bren- has denied reports that he critiG:X:::DOOO<:S>CDC::X:::>

GRADES: 4-5-6-7-€l nan, and Lola, a one-time pros- cized Catnolic institutions for

titute, now sincerely in love with delinquent boys at a l'ecent Luth­

Openings for 4~5·6 only Brennan and desirous of saving eran meeting-.

not only his life, but also his souL The official was quoted in sev-

MAn{IE~ 1f©llJJlR< Though Lola is herself a fallen- erlir daily newspapers e.s con""

awny Catholic, she recognizes the deriming· the operations of in­ «:~IR ~llJJlNI ~1E'ii''ii'!E~ necessity of the Cllllrch. A subor- stitutions' such a's Boys' Town in

- hiter,view and Entrance' Examination Required A~ New Car Dealers . c"

dipate part. is 'played ,by Senor Omaha at the Lutheran 'World Pujol, member of'a Spanisl-i Conference of Social Responsi',' and ",S,,erVice S~a~iolllg ',.

IEve;'ywhere -se.cret police group, who keeps bility, Wittenberg 'c 0 II e,g e, ' ; , ' the whole drama in focus. Pujol Springfield, Ohio. ",CK:;)C;:;X::X::)OO~ ,, / is peJ;haps the least original He - was quoted as saying he

character. being one, of those "knew personally s~veral hun­

philosophic policemen who turn 'dredboys who have gone through

up in modern "serious" novefs. Catholic institutjons only to end

Mr. Hanley nas the same power up in prison." He was said to


as Graham Greene of describing have added, "the system, iristead

persons, places, and events with- of helping the boys, makes them

'out ever wasting a word', and the want to get away' from, the

same power - but, with his own church:: Co •

variations upon it - ·01' building Press accounts of his remarks,

549., COOi\lrV..ST. '

up suspense until it is ail but the warden told the N.C.W.C.

unbearabh!. He has, also, the News Service, "perturbed him::


ability to fuse together what one . "I wish to assure 'you that' I

\. ........... can only call a Catholic outlook .did not ge,y or. imply in any way

~ .. \ . on life (and especially 'upon anything critical of the opera­

death) with his story. so that tion of any Catholic institution

one is never bored or affronted ... All of us who have been illa­ SoToDooBoToCO~i ......c;. by being preached at. terested in religious welfare proAgain, Hanley has the power grams are proud of ,the accom­

to make the reader vividl~' aware plishinents of what the Catholic,

of the existence of a very real Jewish and Protesoont churches

986 Plymouth Ave.

I c - deviL with very real cohorts have done for the care and treat-

Fall River'

Kowalski is a fine portrait of a ment of neglected and dependent

kind of incarnate evil. Yet he is children: and I would, certainly

OS 3-2272

human enough to be able to sit 'place Boys Town at' Omaha as

across a cafe table and chat 'one of· the looders in that field."

pleasantly with Una, while ·work'

It's a wise homemaker who sets aside part of ing out a refinement on the way ,

the. family budget for saving. And it's the Brennan is to die.

IMUB«;~~0~ ~o ~/~@l\!J&~~

wisest homemaker who puts these savings in The climaX" of the story is ­

an OLD' RED BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT. immensely shocking and power­


ful. but it is' convincing. After it,. MI'. Hanley winds up the book in FUNERAL HOME . For 129 years, THE OLD RED BANK. has been a way that comes close to ac- . a favorite savings headquarters for millions 571 Second St.

coulplishing the' classical AristoSSO Locust St. FaU River, Mass.


of thrifty New' Englanders. Fall-River, Moss.

telian catl)arsis or, purgation.

OS 2-239_~ . .

This is a notable achievement in

Rose E. Sullivan fiction.' . OS. 9-6«1112

YOU CAN IANIK IBY MAUll leHre.v E, Sullivan Worthwhile Autobiog-ruphy In spite of its awkward title,

and' the German-born author's

The NICKIERSON occasional difficulties with Eng­

''1ish idiom, Hilda Graef's "From

Fashions to the Fathers" (New­

, " FUN,IERAl man: $4.00) is an. autobiography \anCll' that is worth reading'. Born in , Fall River Savinfjs Bflnk Flmerrqd '


Berlin iii '1907 of a Lutheran MOlJ'lllUJmelJ'llt Self~u«:e$ .lIJirect?/JTt8

'family, with some Jewish ances­ try; Hilda Graef took an interest Serving the Capa .and

469 Locust St., Fa.ll River,

very early in life in Greek and

Surrounding Commul1ities

"One of America's Oldest Sa "ing,r (J(mks" Latin and in religi.on - elements

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E lect~icq, I Contractors





,.:,~'" ,\



JlEff~ri:'{ !E.



De- D. SUUiV3Ilf





Freedom From RestrolBint Backfires on Producers By wmDsm B., Mooring

The Hollywood scandal magazine trial has given many editors "splashier" front pages and easier days. It has given many movie celebrities muddier reputations and uneasier nights. ' No, news - worthy name suppression of names and details In this scandal magazine action. that can be mentioned will Unfortunately the press, In the Toe spared, even though the' course of floeedom, takes license

circumstances, jf honestly with sordid details in order to


reported against more prosaic create public sensation lind thus

Ibackgrounds, might well describe sell newspapers. Just' flS many a

conditions as

Hollywood movie producer does

ccommon outside

with a screenplay for the sake

of selling tickets.

of Hollywood as

,Fish St.ory 'n it.

Catholic students' who once Public shock sure to result heard me speak on how various from the sensa­ movie effects were worked 'out, tional retailing often write begging me to tell' 01 sordid de­ them more. I thought of them tflils. under arc when, at Warners studio the lamps of so-called fame. 'Among other day, I saw a "process shot" its more solid patrons the Holly­ under way for Hemingway's "The PlLANNDNG MEETlN.G OF MISSIONERS: Advisory Board of the Mission Secre-· wood movie business will S\lstain Old Man ami the Sea". Spencer heavy commercial damage. Even Tl'ltcy, as the old man, sat in half t~ria~ goes over final plans for its three-day 1957 annual meeting in Washington, be­ if all the names were suppressed, a boat hoisted on rockers. The g~nmng Sept. 9. From left are Father Calvert Alexander, S.J., editor, Jesuit Missions; which they were certain not to background of sky and ocean SIster Maria del ~ey of Maryknoll; Father Alcuin Egan, S.A., director of Ave Maria be, the facts least mentioned and looked real enough. In his hand Hour; Father Frederick A. McGuire, C.M., executive secretary, Mission Secretariat and most meaningful strike an even he held a line by which, sup­ posedly, a big fish was towing Father Charles McCarthy, M.M., promotion director, Maryknoll. More than 600 mis­ more devastating blow at the re­ putation of American society him along. The "fish" was a sioners are expected to attend the meetings. NC, Photo. throughout the world. YOling fellow off-stage who gent­ In our proud t.\merican demo- ly ~tugged at the line when the GlI"eyfrDcllllrs Receive

Nun Killed Saving Girls From Death IClaCY "friend" lies about friend; director shouted "camera." Oxford! Recognitioll1l

TRENT, I,taly (NC) -'-' A 30­ ing them oown and covering' neighbor spies upon neighbor; Others out of camera range OXFORD, Eng. (NC) _ The )lear-old Sister sacrificed her life them with her body. The boulder weak, even innocent people are worked wooden levers to rock the Ilhamefully "framed" and their boat. When IOU see that scene at University of Oxford has granted near here In shielding two young rolled over them and dragged the sister about 300 feet down a Eood names taken from them, the theater YOU'll easily believe to Greyfrlars, the Capuchin girls from a rolling boulder. Sister Margherita Greif, a descending path and crushing Ilimply because 'thousands, per­ the old man Is at sea with a big house of studies here, the status of a constituent college of the teacher at the InstItute of the her. haps millions of their fellow 'un on the hook. ' Sacred Heart ot Jesus in Flor­ Help was rushed to the scene Americans are base enough to In a nearby special effects university. All the three branches of the ~nce, was Jeaa.lng a holiday party Immediately, but the sister died buy salacious and scandalous shop, experts were making a on the way to a Trent hospital. publications. Ironically, one shoal of big tuna or marlin. Each ,Franciscan Order _ the Friars of students from the girls' board­ lesi'ns, such trash is avidly read fish looked and felt real enough. Minor, the Conventuals and the ing school on an excursion on the The two girls escaped with minor 'n hail~-dressing salons by wom­ 'except for the tt'ap door In his Capuchins _ have friaries In lower <slopes of Mount Caorina. cuts and bruises. While the girls were picking tm waiting their tmn to be side. Through this a man will England. The F'riars Minor 'and crawl and looking out through the Capuchins both have their wild flowers, a large boulder "beautified." Propaganda foil' Reds fish eyes, "dJ:ive" the wopper by university houses of study, the Toroke loose from an overhanging motor just like a one-man sub.' Friars Minor at Cambridge, and cliff and thundered down the What cannot the ''Red'' coun­ Truck Body Builders hillside toward two girls who tries with their propaganda de­ One giant marlin had to look the Capuchins at Oxford. Aluminum or Steel

Greyfriars, at Oxford is so­ were unaware of the danger. partments make of this as a pic­ all chewed up in a fight. His In­ Sister Margherita ran ana ture of life under "freedom" and sides were pink foam rubber. called, lik.e many other Francis­ 944 County St.

"democracy?" }?laster "bones" protrUded from can houses,' because medieval threw herself at the girls, knock.­ NEW BEIDFORD, MASS.

This ll1ustratlon, brought 130 his well gnawed hindquarters. friars of the order used to wear WY 2-6618

flhockingly near to home, should' He'll looked gruesomely messed grey, although all save the Con­ It will ventuals now wear brown. Eive Eric Johnston and the movie up eventually. as may I if Warn­ W~,~TED continue to ~ accommodate' some leaders he represents good cause ers discover I told you. Catechism Teachers tor re-evaluatlon of their Idea!! What I meant to say, however, students Who are not Capuchins for Weekly Classes at -but only If they are priests or as to what exactly is meant by is this. It's not so much the trick OUR LADY OIF freedom of the press and the that deceives the eye you need members of other religious orders to know about in the movies. The -both from England and over­ Ilcreen. It has long been John­ ASSUMPTaON CHIlJIRCH! don's pet argument that since real trick to watch out for is the seas. NEW BED!FORID Many American priests have the American press enjoys con- one that deceives the mind; fobs iFiIl.. WY 4-7602 resided there while taking Oxford Iltitutional rights 'to put out what off false values as real and degrees. and that American link IF'OIl" IF'urtJier )[nformation it will, the movie screen must be sound: the trick that makes di­ free to do the same. vorce seem like a regular and is likely now to be strengthened. We have laws. of course, normal adventure, puts a halo Ill,gainst those who write, print or Bround the criminal character, BUILILY BOY CANDIES WM~enSi Flrt'm DCIliu}7

publish anything that is crimln­ makes a hero of the toughest guy always fresh

ally libelous. In the scandal ma­ In the bunch and things like' 86SPECmAIL MILK

«»11) Sale at YOUI!'

gazine case the Court must de­ that. I am not suggesting there fFrcrnnl OllJlrr Own

Neighborhood! Store

cide whether certain individua.ls are any such tricks in "The Old Win up to $200 Cash Man and the Sea," but we are Tested! Herd"

who so complain have been sub­ Fer Service CaUU

FIRST NATIONAL jected to criminal libel. However, sure getting them in many mov­ AClUlshnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 WY 8-5917

before a.ny decision can be les these days. BANK Il Special Milk "Try 'em you'll like 'em'" leached, the loud, worldwide Attleboro & So. Attleboro Papal Delegate f) Homogenized Vito D Milk Billy Boy Ca"dies New Bedford IChurning of evidence and coun­ ,11" ... ,.". "t F.D.r.C. OTTAWA (NC)-Blshop Leon e BUl'lerm.ilk ter-evidence will have done ir­ Pelletier of Trois Rivieres has I> Tropicana Orange Juice reparable injury to the reputa­ I> Coffee a'nd Choc. Milk tions of many, Innocent and been named special representa­ guilty alike, for no better reason tive of the Holy See at the con­ e Eggs - BUl'ter than that they happen to be gress of the International Catho­ known to the public. For them lic Child Bureau to be held at - ~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ denial is of no avail. Vindication Montreal and Trois Rivieres, be­ A SllJIll1J1Imertime, ginning Sept. 2. cannot bring them victory. Scan­ dal, like a viper, has poisoned Treat their lives whether they are blameless or otherwise. No Restraints ONE STOP ]n identical fashion films which threaten moral harm to SHOPPING CENTER Dlany who see them have done their foul work by the time prp­ • Television • Fur'niture cesses of judgement by public • AppOiances • Grocery Offer to, young Men and Boys-special taste and moral approval have 104 Allen St., New Bedford 'been applied. Yet it is constantly opportunities to study for the Priesthood. WYman 7-9354 the argument of Eric Johnston Lack of funds no obstacle. Candidates and the movie producers for whom he speaks, that there must o for the religious Lay Brotherhood also, Toe no legal restraints against the accepted. For further information, write public screening of anything a film producer cares to put out. to, The public is to be free to decide P~umbing He~ting for itself, no matter with what 915 Acushne~ Ave. effect upon its thinking or be­ havior. At Weld Square For all its professed abhorrence New Bedford of "censorship" one is sure that New Bed/ord's Leadi11g

'P. O. BOX 289 HOLliDAYSBURG 12, PA. the Hollywood movie industry Plnmber

\\oulcl gladly have agreed to the







Third Order Regular of St. francis




Je.opardizing God's Friendship

D@tfQB'TI® D~vor(<ed Pe~sons

~nw@~w®~ NS1Jmer@~~. ~y'

Rev. John L. Thomas,


Risk!S J.

st. Louis University

Why is it considered so wrong just to go on a date with a divorced person?·If people are old enough to know their own minds, there's no reason why they can't go out together merely for entertainment. When'they both recog­ nize that there can be no . thought of marriag'e, what's with him, but' you are also se­ the danger_of going out to- riously 1e s s eri In g your own gether once in awhile? After ..chances of meeting a legitimate all, divorced persons are human, partner. It is easy to put up a too; they can't be expected to smoke screen of excuses, ration­ sit home all the alizations. and false justif\f:ationo time. to soothe our consciences,. but . Well, Betty I we don't destroy reality by our think you know refusal to face it honestly. the answer as No, Betty, you can't continue well as I do alto date him if you wish to keep HOME, FATHER: Nepl1ew's and nieces were on hand to Father though you may God's friendship. Charles J. McCarthy, S. J., home to San Francisco, following his arrival'aboard the liner find difficulty in fa c in g it Preside.fit Hoover. Fa~herM~Carthy has ,just recently been freed from imprisonment by squarely. How­

the Chmese CommunIst regIme. The ¥cCarthy welcoming party from left are, Frank, ever, because a

<3harles, Danny, Clare, Mary, Robert, Thomas and Kathleen. NC Wirephoto. . good number' of ..-DETROIT (NC)-The first people seem to

Air Force Reduction _ woman ever to be name.d juvenile. sl1 are you l'

views on this· court referee here is a Catholic Includes' Chaplains matter. it 1}1aY' be worth-while· to NegI:o.. ' WASHINUTON (NC) - The go over the situation in some Mrs. Jeanne :Harbour, 39, an LONDON (NC) ~ The newly- has devoted the past 10 years All' Force wlll release 117 chap­ detail. According to reliable esti­ attorney. is one of two referees appointed BIShOP of Leeds, Msgr. of h'is' life to the conversion of lains - all Prot~stants - from mates. between 700,000 and 800.­ . 000 divorced persons ,are being appointed. Mrs: ,Harbour took up George Dwyer, has been directly responsible for more conversions England as assistant and later active duty because of the De· turned loose· in' American society her $IO,600-a-year post. on ·Mon­ fense Department's reduction of in Great Britain than any other superIor of the Catholic Misslort'­ , every year. The majority of these day, A gratluate of the' University person in recent years. ary Society. It has 12 priests Air Force strength for the first single eventually remarry and it ap­ of Detroit Law School. Mrs, He,!"­ BjshoP-,elect Dwyer founded working for It full'tlme, operates' half of the 1958 fiscal year. Pears that they do not neces­ sarily remarry other divorced bour Qas been in private practice, three. years ago tI:e Catholic In- mobile chapels for visiting IsoOnly chaplains of Protestant ' persons. At present the chances was an investigator for the qulry Bureau, WhICh seeks confaiths wlll be released' because verts to the Faith through reg- lated parts' of the country. that a divorced person will marry Wayne County Social Welfare they are the onlY'group now over ular attractive advertisements In spreads the Faith by street­ division, and for the past foul' are as good as. if not better than. the national daily and'Sunday corner preaching and In other strength. Even with the ordered the chances that a single person years has been :employed in the reduction of the service. the ways. In a similar age group will do so. office of the Friend of the CO,urt. newspapers. He also produced a simple systein of inquiry classes, The newly appointed Bishop number of Catholic chaplains will Her new duties will include hold­ Remarriage Ra~e High

'now a regular feature of parish has been a frequent broadcaster, still be below' quota. Normal com­ . The fact that the majority of ing hearings and making rec­ work In many of the..cosmopoli- He w.as the first Catholic priest pletion of active duty among ommendations on juvenile cases. divorced persons seemingly en­ Mrs. Harbour' is a member of tan industrial areas. for curious In Bntain to be televised actually Jewish chaplains will reduce that counter ~ittle difficulty in finding St. Cecilia's paHsh and of -the outsiders' seeking infonri~tlon preaching in the pulpit of ,a . faith's chaplaincy to quota level. suitable mates and eventually re­ about Catholicism. Catholic church - St. James'

Detroit League of Catholic Wom­ marry suggest!> that such unions His highly _ successful adver- Church In 'Spanish Place in Lon­

are no longer regarded as an en. She lives with her husband, ·Robert. "and their SiX-year-old tisement plan has become the don's fashionable West End

indication of how highly Ameri­ anxiety and the concern of non- _d;;is;;tr;;i;;ct;;.;;" cans must value marriage.' Al­ son, Randall. ' Catholic rellgious groups here.' r

though we have no complete data

Official figures issued a' few

La Salette FC!lther§

concerning the number of Catho­ months back showed that the lics involved in divorce and' Leave' 'iTcmorrow . Cat h 0 11 c advertisements had OIL BURNERS remarriage. there is 'sufficient IPSWICH (Nq)-Fo'!r La Sa­ drawn requests for :further infor­ AIDo complete Boiler-Burner or evidence to show that; an inci'eas­ ELECTRICAL furnace Units. Efficient low coat ing number are follOWing the lette Fathers have~,en assigned mation about the Church fl'om CONTRACTORS heating. Burner and fuel 011 8010s popular trend. to mission. work in Madagascar. 67,056 people, many of whom ond IIOrvice.

Rcisidential Commercial This does not necessartly mean the large island off the east would probab1y never otherwise have made any contact with' the

Industrilil that all such Catholics have com­ (0., coast of Africa. ' . Church. Of these 36,643 alter pletely rejected the Church's 633 Broadway, Felli ftlvGr Their appointments raise to 70 rel(eiving a first brief outline of 480 Mt. e.Jeount Street

teaching on marriage. No doubt, the numbeI' of La Salette. mis­ OS 3-1691 Now Bedford WY J-2667 Catholic belief enrolled for a free

Borne of them have. The majority, sionaries .there. postal course. of preliminary in­ however, are con sci 0 u s that Father Henry McKay. M.S., of struction. A total of 3,345 wel:e either in remarrying or in at­ Brookline', Mass." and Father tempting' r~marriage with a di- James Hogan, M,S., of Scranton. . later referred to local clergy for . vorced person, they are living Pa., will leave tomorrow for their more . instruction. Over 1,500 ­ contrary to the divine law. They new ·post. Two 'newly ordained and probably many moi'e - have find themselves entangled .in priests, Father joseph Shea, been received into the Church.

Gets Financial Support

their pI:esent situation' because M.S., of Watert6wn, Mass.• ' and 0 The system, being basically a they have allowed themselves to Father Roland Bernier, .M.S., matter of buying expensive space fall in love under circumstances fi>rmerly of Wa,terbury, Conn., \9 In which valid marriage was and now of Baltimore, wlll 'leave in the national press. Is costly.' But though it has necessitated a impossible. in October. .. ' .. staff and office premises, Bishop- 'G Simple Fact ' An impressive departure cere­ . elect Dwyer has never had to tall As you see, Betty. this brings mony for the four will be held a halt thi:ough lack of CatholIc us to the subject of dating, Daily here at the National 'Shrine of financial support. experience in this matteI' teaches Our Lady of La Salette. The La The lucid. simple course of

a very simple fact. The associa­ Salette missionariese work also instructions in 21 leaflets, all tion of adult males and females in .foreign mission fields in Bur­ written by him personally, has .0 rr===-""""''''''''''''''''""''=='"''' In the dating process easily leads mil, the Philippine Islands and . been admired by journalists and

RAN[)OR.PH : to more or less conscious mutual on the Africa mainland.


attachment and eventually to

Bishop-elect Dwyer, onl'y 48,

that em 0 t Ion a 1 involvement Ir(gjilhlell" (b1l"@D'ilDIIll fFl~~IIll$

NOIUON IE. 0 called love. When this happens,

some couples convince themselves Si~<dIy BD'il ~~Il"@rPJa

that their need for each other is W-!\SHINGTON (NC)-Father

Q). G)' () €) ~ greatel' than their need for God, John F. Cronin, S.S., assistant '. " <,. '/. ,.. .. ,..", .. ·N."'·· ,. so they enter a civil mal'riage.' director of the Social Action'De­ Others refuse to take this step partment, National Catholic Wel­ and continue their frustrating fare Conference~ has left for a, SJ association for years. six-week· study mission in Europe. . INIIEW 1IEIDIrOCUJ) Nobody can deny that the lot .He is also to give a series of of the divorced persons 'in our lectures to the students of the society is very diffi(:ult; Since North American COllege in Rome. ~N!!)lUSIR~Al ';!;I .:.·I . .• remarriage is impossible under He plans to study social condP the circumstances, l\e must seek: tions In France and. Italy, and from the discomforts of SUNBURN,' happiness and fUl!illJ1lent. bf to confer with various economic PRICKLY HEAT, POISON IVY, CHAFING, ~\ heroically directing his energy experts in those ·countries. , and ATHLETE'S FOOT. GOLD BOND is the .' "and interests along other chan­

rideal medicated powder for the entire :j.'" nels. This is an impossible' task

family. Take Gold Bond to the beach-on ,.. unless he faces his problem

MUII"Jray!'~ your vacation----'on week-end visits. V>Ju r~l' realistically and humblY seeks

O~l will enjoy its soothing aid the year j stl:ength and motivation from

CURTAINS round. *'j prayer and th~ sacraments. ~JUlE$ It Sf£RV'CfE DRAPES' Face It Honestly

4 OZ. SIZE 12 OZ. ECONOMY SIZE '&1 RUGS It ,should .be obvious that YGU

54)1 COUNty Si. fi!!ltI¢ Sf ~If No {;~ ace not really helping a divorced LINOLEUM 'NIEW BEDfORD, pel'oon adjust to his difficult sit- . 1636 Acushnet Avenue uatioll by accompanying him Ol,l New Bedford, Mass. WW 3..1iTS j dDoteS. MQreover, you are not only WY 4-3861 ..:.,:.i.,,:;":.,.:,';:•.:.... .. running the risk of falling in love.



'Court-Post Given Catholic Woman

English, Bishop Seeks Converts Through A.dvertising. System'




Stanley Oil














©@o ~~~,.


Siper Mlllkeis ~


o o o o









1a~IDGIEWAiEr< ~












;:~~ I~ ~~~: K.e~~:~ G~~~~~~~~~:uet ".',

IMW ~hi ~(U]~~e $~~~~ [hMI;;.'·}m;i.,{·!~@;,'t@!m!6·;'M!i(ii\WimI;:,II{~nM*!%i:;iiii,:,;~,;t:;tim,i~Iia~;;:.;::;;,t.:,


{1 , : ~;.;,~.,., :'~J G

The Yardstick

THE ANCHOR­ l'huFS., AUII. 22, 1957

Problems of Automation Require Fair So~ution


13 Coyle Grad,Yates "@k.e\low§ AsBrother Holy Cross Brot~e[f~ Francis Sullivan, C.S.C., has made his Profes­

Cont,lnued From Pa.ge lOne

content of the Church's public By. Msgr. Geoll'ge G. lIIiggi~s services of worship. Director NCWC Social Action Dept. . , (.Archbishop Brady summarized the statements of Pope Pius. XII The Vatican has issued two important statements on and his predecessor, Pius XI, on t~e s4bject of Automation during the past 12 months. The the .teaching power of the liturgy, first was a letter to the 1956 French Social Week, written slIying: in the name of ~is Holiness by Monsignor Dell'Aqua, Sub­ Worship Meaningful stitute Secretary of State. "First must come the instruc­ The other was a lengthy ad­ ought to be on matters of sochir tion of the. faithful concerning justice. the nature and content and pur­ dress delivered ·by the Holy Just and· Sensible pose of -the liturgy itself.' Then, Father himself on June 7 to It is less surprising but equally when this will have been under­ the delegates attending the an­ gratifying to find that George stood by appropriate and repeat- ' nual convention of the Catholic Harrison - the highly respected ed ins,istence, the faithful whom Association· of president of the 'Brotherhood of we direct in, liturgical observ­ Italian Work­ Railway Clerks - in a recent ers. ances will, with profit, attend the int,t:rview firmly insisted on the Inbothof life-long school (of the liturgy) illf these docu­ importance of labor-management. in which their piety is further in­ ments great cooperation as the only just and structed and enhanced because stress Is laid on sensible method of planning the the Importance change-over to Automation in the worship they perform Is 01 labor - man­ meaningful." the railroad industry. agement coop­ The Archbishop said,ahowever, Mr, HalT/son Is not opposed to eration for the the introd\lctlon of Automation that the work of liturgists "has protection of in the railroad industry, but he been handicapped sometimes by the rights' and strongly urges that the workers the interests of adversely affected be treated misunderstanding·of their goals." workers affect­ Archbishop Brady said that he fairly, Wherever possible, 'he says. ed by' Automation. workers should be adequately hoped that in discussions on the Better to Bargain trained to operate the new equip­ teaching power of the liturgy, "Recent Instances show,'~ Mon­ ment and then be paid in accord- , signor Dell'Aqua states, ·'that the ance with their newly acquired "there will be none so short­ sighted as to disparage the Coun-. risk of mass unemployment as a skills, Those workers who are per~ cil of Trent. to condemn the cate­ ·result of the sudden moderniza­ chetics of Canisius or to' try to tion of factories is not illusory." manently dislocated by the intro­ A "judicious participation of duction of Automation, Mr. take away from us the cate­ chism we still need in our teach­ worl~.ers In the effort of expan­ Harrison maintains, "are entitled ing." 6ion," he continues, "would not to reasonable consideration on only help to avoid this danger such mattei's as severance pay 'but would also bring about a and supplemental unemployment progressive and profound trans­ benefits, reimbursement for'any formation of the present condi­ loss on the sale of homes or UNSURA"'CE obligations under leases, expenses tion of the working class." APPRAISIE~ occasioned by transfer of resi­ His Holiness makes substansti­ ally the same point in his more dence to another city. and the REALTOIRl recent statement on June 7. "The continuation of coverage of em­ present problem," he says, "... is ployees and their dependents 1320 No. Malo Sa. to harmonize to a greatel" degree under the health and welfare FALL RJIVEIlt the Interests of management and agreements," All of these mat­ OS:2-200@ labor, and to make them aware ters, he says, must be subject to illf their common destiny In the collective bargaining, preferably social economy , , ," His advice in the form of a national agree­ ment which would set down the to labor and management is ex­ tremely simple: "It is better to procedure and terms for the bargain than to fight." This, he protection of employees affected says. "is the only word whiSh by Automation. Thank God 'for the likes of Mr. \\ both .. , can make theh' own hi the light of their own conscience Lamb and Mr. Harrison. May their tribe inc rea s e. Given llnd before the world." It is gratifying to note tjlat enough engineers, labor leaders and employers with such intel­ within recent weeks two'.promi­ nent Americ'ans - a consulting ligent concern for human values, engineer and a nationally known there is every reason to' antlci'­ pate that Automation will re­ labor leader - have I6sued state­ JPents which closely parallel the dound to the 8Teater glory of God 944 County' St. and to the welfare of the human New Bedford. "'Vatican's thinking on this im­ race. portant subject. Social, Economic Efforts James J. Lamb, executive staff consultant of the Remington Rand Diviliion of the Sperry Rand Corporation, presented his views on the social and economic effects of Automation In two lec­ tures at Catholic University's Specializing in Summer Institute of Catholic Social Action. Though job dis­ ICIS advertised in leading Newspaper. Ii & MCUgaZine5Itl•. location resulting from Automa­ ALSO AIR, STEAMSHIP CRUISES AND TOURS ~ tion is on a minor scale at the V:or Free Folders Write (/)r Cca" .: present time, he said, neverthe­ less it Is of "painful concern" to VAndyke 4-9691 Taunton Onn (Lobby) the semi-skilled workers imme­ diately affected. To meet this :~:m~rm.~lli:\'?f~i:r~mmm}~r;:~~~::}j:f5{~~~~~~!tm.~u~~0i;*~.f:£:.~~~j problem, he continued, a suitable plan for retraining of these workers should be put into effect In adequate time, It is even more important, Mr. Lamb said, that adequate provi­ Iilion be made for the retraining illf older industrial employees whose sk1ll is entirely manual. "It 'ls this group," he emphasized, 4) • "that requires the best coopera­ tive effort of employers, workers' organizations, vocational educa­ tors. and of the worker himself fOl' Its solution, Passing the buck from one to the other will not accomplish the necessary social !purpose." Mr. Lamb's deep 'concern as an engineer with the social and economic effects of Automation Is refreshing, and frankly, rather .BREAD Ilurprlslng, It has been our im­ pression heretofore that:" the en­ gineering profession, by and large, is not as articulate as jt

Gilbert c. Oliveirtm

sion of Final. Vows in the Congregation of Holy Cross at Holy Family Chapel, Flushing, N. Y. The son of Mr, and Mrs. Leo D. Sullivan, 26 Orchard Street, Somerset, Brother St. Edward's Univer~iti.Austln, Francis is the first member Texas. . After a visit with his family Brother' Francis will return to New York to teach at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish' school while completing his studies at Fordham University. Two other Coyle graduates have taken temporary vows in the· Congregation at the Novi­ tiate at ROlling Prairie, Ind. John Birch, '56, 400 No. Main Street, Attleboro, will continue his studies at Notre Dame and Hal' old Qualters. 136 Church Street, Mansfield, also of the Coyle Class of 1956, will study at St. Edward's In Austin.


of st. Thomas More Parish to enter a teligious order. He was graduated front Mon-. signor James Coyle High SChool, Taunton. in 1952 and has attend­ Q!d Notre Dame University and •

• • BB. __ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r



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Grand Canyon, Arizona, a National Park, is the greatest example of erosion.

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Paris Archdiocese

Crucified With Christ \

Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.O.

At each of the three major feasts that Our Lord attended 1118 affirmed His Divinity. The three times 011 which Our Lord openly proclaimed that He was the Son of God, were the threlt times wheil His enemies 'attempted to kill Hiin. The first occa­ . casion was when Our Lord said, that God ~as His Father. On the second occasion He said that His Divine Person existed fronu all eternity and that before father Abraham was born, "I Am." Finally, the third occasion, the Feast of Dedication In Jerusa­ lem, at which time Christ said; "The Father and I ,are One." Why does hostility mount as Divinity is affirmed? Beoous!l the spirlt"of the world is willing that a man make himself God as did Nero and Stalin; but it is not willing that God .Il. become a man. It will tolerate man exalting • himself to the heavcns:but not God humbling Himself to the earth. That is why Buddhism, Confucianism, Moslemism and Taoism in the Mission lands do not provoke the hatred of Communists-the world can 'get along with those of the world. But those who proclaim and live by the Divinity of. Christ must be prepared to be crucified. "Those who are Christ's, crucify their flcsh and its concuplscences." The' more Christ-like we al·e. the more- we separate ourselves from the world, deny ourselves Its luxul'ies and become partners of, the Cross. ]If the enemies do not persecute us, we at lea,st will crucify ourselves that we may carry about in our body the, marks of the Passion. Deny yourself a little luxury each day...,...the greatest joyS are in self-denial not ilL self-seeking. Send the accumula­ tion of Iyour sacrifices to the Holy Father through his own So­ ciety for the Propagation of the FaUh. GOD LOVE YOU to C.A.G. "The enclosed $10 is the result of 'penny pitching'. Each time I get pennies In change I pitch them into the Mission Bank with a wee prayer for the spread of the Faith." to J.M.G. for $5, "My first for the Missions, I hope not . my last." to R.L. and friends for $1.25, "A group of,ladies decided to give a penny every time we caught ourselves criticizing, faultfind­ ing or gossiping This is a month's result! .. If you do not hesitate to bring T.V. into your ho~e you surely will not hesitate to bring Our Lady of Television in too! For your sacrifice offering' of $3 and a request we will send the statue of OUR LADY OF TELEVISION to you. Address: Society .for the Propa­ gation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, New, York.,

Cut out this column. pin your sacrifice to it and mail It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the :propagation of the Faith.: 366 Fifth Avenue. New York I, N. Y. ,or, your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 366 North Main Street; Fall River, Mass. ' .'

New Oriente I Code of Co non

l@w IEffectnve Ne)!t March·)

VATICAN CITY mc) - A the Codification Ilf Canon Law code of canon law for the Orient-' for the Oriental Church is com­ al Rites of the 'Church has been posed of nine cardInals, two of completed and will go into effect them members of the Oriental Rites. His Eminence 'GI'egory on March 25, 1958, it was an­ Peter XV Cardinal Agaglanian, nounced here. The announcement was made Patriarch of ·CllIcla of the Ar­ in' an apostolic constitution of menians, is president of the His Holiness Pope Pius XII. En­ commission. titled "Cieri Sa'nctitati" and ad­ dressed to the patl:iai'chs, arch­

bishops and bishops of the

Oriental Chmch. It was dated

June 2, 1957.

The Pope prefaced the publi­

and, cation of the new code of canon

law with the following exhorta-'


Greater GlOI'S of God

John B. "When we considel"the present

great evils which attack the

Church of Christ everywhere, the

same exhortation which the

Council of Trent once addressed

to the bishops bursts forth from and Sons. Inc. Our soul: "It' is most desirable that those who are invested with OSi[EIR{VO llILlE the episcopal dignity, whatever GArden 8-6l!O9 their office may be; should know that they were called: not for their own convenience, nor for riches nor for luxury, but to work with zeal for the greater glory of God.''' The new code of canon law

for the Oriental Church contains

558 canons. Its compilation was

begun when Pope Pius XI set up

the special Pontifical Commission .

for the Codification of Canon

Law for Oriental Church \in 1935.

The canons refer principally to

Michael and Edward. Nasser the Oriental liturgy and to the Proprietors Oriental hierarchy, as well as to discipline in some lay associa­ DEAlERS tions..

A section pertaining' to Rell­

IN GENERAl. 'gious of the Oriental Church has,

already been promulgated.

MEReflAND'SI Beginning on March' 25, 1958,

the code will be binding upon the

1732 So. MCIlin Stree& hierarchy, clergy and lall;y of the fCllII River Oriental Rites throughout the world. ' 'OSborne 4·2047-3·93S~ The Pontifical Commission for



700: New

Churches for Growing Population

God 'Lowe You o By



PARIS (NC) - Long world famous for her churches. Paris now needs 7~? new ones to care for the' spll'ltual needs of a rapidly growing population, according to a recent estimate. <> At the present time' the approximately seven million peopla of the Paris archdiocese, a majorlty or' whom are Catholics, are served by about 360 'churches.' But many of these, including the larg'est, were built centuries ago.during the "Middle Ages and Reilalssance in the heart of the city, an area that is no longer residential but occupied mainly by shops and offices. This has led to a situation In which the relatively small parishes In the center of the city' have huge 'ancient churches at their dlsHI S'T ORI AN CD:TED: posal, while large suburban disCarlton 'J. H. Hayes, re-' trlcts have smaller churc.hes 01' nowned history author, pro-' none at all. Greatest Need In Suburbs fessor and former U. S. Am­ Greatest need for new churchbassador to Spain wl1l re­ es is in the large working class ceive the eighth annual suburbs, where most of the newCardinal Newman Award, comers have found homes, many

g'iven eacn year by the John Henry Newman Honorary Society. The .award will be 'made Aug. 31 to "a distin­ guished' his tor ian, and statesman who, in a special way, has won the admira­ tion and esteem of Catholic Students of. America." NC Photo.

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The Origillwzl


Doyuu know of any way you can work in closer partnership with God to spread His Kingdom than by standing at the sids of the Hob' Father, His Chosen Vicar on earth? Under God. hs leads us', guards our Faith from error, teaches and interprets God's Word and governs His worldwide flock. We can share in that task o'nly by our prayers.. But besides these weighty duties, hllil must lend a willing ear and extend m generous hand to his poor pa.rtners wln@ + advance the faith on the world frontiern ~his missionaries. Their pitiful appeallB arrive daily at his desk. The I~yal sup­ port of OUR ,SACRIFICES sen t ·alB TIN Holy Fatheri AliiSion AiJ STRINGLESS G 1FT S are .the .un'v means he has of meeting these needs. In his recent encycllcal on the missions the Holy Father very clearly reminds every Catholic that it Is an OBLIGATION OF THANKS to God foil' the' Faith to do OUR UrMOST by prayer 'and sacrifice to SPREAD THE FAITH EVERYWHERE. ltIake it a regular habit to send your sacrifice to him, for he daily receives appealiJ. START TODAY. Truly you wlII be partners In God with that 1IIl0ly Father. YOUR WILL IS GOD'S WILL IF HE IS INCLUDED.





lIllouglCIIs J. IIUr:llnclrcllsCII1 , General Manager

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of them In low cost housing de,. velopments which provide quar.• tel's for as many as 1,200 to 1,50lD .. .: familIes. Wlthm the past threlt years some of these nelghbor-, hoods have more than doubled their population. Despite the generosity of th<t city's Catholics, the archdioces(t" has not been able to afford to keep up with the rapid expan­ sion. , In . some quarters. wher<9 constl'UctLOn has been' heaviest. no land is available, for churches. For several years, however. government planning authoritleil have been setting aside sites for churches.. In addition. some con­ struction' firms have reserved! space in large apartment build­ ings for temporary chapels for theil' tenants. This latter provi­ sion has led· to communist pro­ tests. Thus. although m 0 l' e new 'churches have been built in Paris in recent years than in several preceding centuries, the arch­ diocese finds it needs 700 more.











Our 'lovely, a~t1stlc GIFT CARDS are just the thing for such oc. caslons. Your gift i. "spiritual," for It tells fdend 01' relative, r<t­ lIglous or lay: (1) you arranged f.or a Near East missionary to say Mass for them; OR (2) you enrolled them In the rIch spiritual bene­ fits enjoyed by our members; OR (3) In their name you gave a sacred artlclo to a mission chapel-like, Mass bell $:1, altar stoDe $10. ,linens, sanctuary lamp or picture $15, crucifix or Mass book $25, ciborium, chalice or monstrance $40, aitar $75. MASS OFFERINGS ARE PRECIOUS HELP TO OUR PRIESTS.



Wllh God:-so much that they want to give themselves to Him for llfe-SEBASTIAN and DOMINIC in India and JOSEPH In Lebanon. We need $100 yearly for six years training. WOn't you help one?


Within a few decades the Visitation Sisters

at KoUayam have (rown to 138 Sisters, with 8

houses. They have now 4,056 children under their

care. To keep up with the grllwth they must build

a novlttate large enough for 50. Now they must

. turn some away-no rooni. We must help them

with $2,500. Won't you help?






Our apostolic Sisters are by no means second-rate missionaries. But somehow, though we have more novices to support '(during tWill years training) than seminarians, our appeals for help to support them ($150 a year) don't meet as ready 1II response. Today we must help SISTERS DAMIEN, MARY BENESI and MARGARET In India, SISTER CLAUDIA In Lebanon and SISTER SILVIA In Sicily.

~'l2ear 5stOJissions~


Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y

Send all communications to:


480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.

New York 11, N. 'If.


~raIge (QllrndJ


C@~W@~~D~ ~epentant Mcootr'Yf' ~e~o[O)fG1~ ~ [ji~~mrlmte~y fro A~I~ By Most Rev. Robed J. Dwyer, D.D.

Bishop of Reno

Magdala, a.ccording to an ancient rabbinical b:adition, a city of considerable 'wealth and luxury. Situated only a Sabbath-day's journey from Tiberias on the Lake of Galilee, it ,borrowed its name from a "migdol", a watch­ tow.er, 'around Which, pos­ Lazarus. Here again the affirma­ sibly, the town grew up. To­ tive is supported by great names, day, by a strange reversion but the etoctors are divided, and to .its beg'innings, all that is Pere Lagrange: perhaps our wa~

left of Magdala is.a ruined greatest contemporary Biblical watch-tower and a half-a-dozen scholar, takes the opposite .view. STUDENT DE.(.EGATES FROM 38 COUNTRIES; World - wide congTess of Pax There is no doubt that the inud huts, the hamlet which the scene at the house of Simon the Romana, held in San Salvador drew 109 delegates for 38 nations. Pictured are U. S. Arabs call Majdel. , In its heyday, we are told, it Leper is entirely distinct from the delegates, from '.left, Norman Miller, Univ. of Michigan; Richard Dremuk, Hunter other scene at the Pharisee's 'was the center of a thriving in­ house. The only question is COllege, N. Y.; Father Thomas A. Carlin, Assistant Director, Youth Department, Na­ dustry, and boasted some 80 dye­ ing vats. It was also an emporium whether the Mary who anointed tional Catholic Welfare Conference; Marian McReynolds, Rosary College, Chicago; fOl' doves-the turtle doves of the Christ's head against His burial, Presentation may have come in. spite of the protest of Judas, is Philip Des Meraid, st. Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans; Joseph Harris, La Salle from there. To this day there is the same Mary who had already College, Philadelphia; Diarmuid O'Scannlain, St. John's University, N.Y.;·Fa~her Andrew fom1.d nearby the Wadi el Ham~ received His pardon. It has been' am, the Valley of Doves, though forcefully poi n ted out that J. O'Reilly, Chaplain to Catholic students, New York University; Patricia MagUire, the gentle birds are gone together . Christ's words, "Let- her alone. Switzerland; Jean Mayday, New YorkUniversitr, and Virg'inia Dietmeyer, Chicago. that she may keep it against the with their buyers and sellers. There is really nothing left of day of my burial." can be more Delegates studied the contribution of the Catholic University Student to the Body easilY understood if the two Political. NC Photo. Magdala; notlllng out the mem­ Marys are, in fact, one. .,. ory of It woman. The rabbis as­ But at the end al1 question dies Priest 70 Years il.'ribed the downfall of the city away. It is Mary of Magdala who Cardinal to Offer to its sinful eOl'l'uption, its addIc­ MONTREAL INC) - Father stands at the foot of the Cross, Mass in Basilica '-7 ...., ~, ~,.., ~. 19 tion to the flesh and the flesh­ .., ,.~, Elias Vanier, 94, of the Congrega­ and it is she who comes early in . NEW YORK (NC) His Emi­ pots. At all events the woman to the morning of the first Easter tion of Holy pross. who is dean whom the place owes its everlast­ to anoint the body of her Lord. nence Francis Cardinal Spell­ of the clergy in the Montreal .~ t) • ing fame was undoubtedly a sin­ To her the Risen Master has but man, Archbishop of New York; Jler, frdm whom the Master had to address a single word, her has left from Idlewild airport for archdiocese, has celebrated his' to cast out seven devils - an name, and she knows Him in the a visit to Rome. 70th anniversary in the priest­ 376 CENTRAL ST. incalculable number. She was sudden glory of the dawn. For Duringcohis stay there he will hood. He is professor emeritus of called Mary of Magdala, and at the altar of the offer Mass St. Laurent College. Fathel' Va­ Mary, the sinner beome saint. Dial OS 5-7844 beyond the indication of her belongs intimately to us all. Chair in St. Peter's Basilica nier enjoys excellent health and place of origjn, we know nothins where he was consecrated a offers Mass daily. of her antecedents. Popular fancy Bishop on Sept. 8, 1932. Marks Jubilee has embroidered the legend of After his return to this country CAGAYAN (NC)-Archbishop the Cardinal will observe the 25th her surpassing beauty and her spectacular fall from virtue in James T. G. HaY!ls, S.J., of Ca­ anniversary of his consecration that golden and evil city, and it gayan marked his 50th anniver­ as bisholJ with a Solf;1TI1l. Pontifi­ may well strike close to the truth, sary as a priest on the feast of cal Mass .of Thanksgiving offered with the uncanny accuracy of the Assumption. A New Yorker on Sept. 7 at noon in Yankee by birth, Archbishop ·Hayes was Stadium. folk-tale. consecrated a Bishop in 1933. He Vexing Question Was she the woman who was named Archbishop of Cagay-. nought out our Lord when He an in 1951. The Archbishop, born was dining in the house of Simon in 188!}. entered the Jesuit Order the Pharisee? It is a question in 1907. After a teaching assign­ Evening courses for

ment at Boston College, he was which hao vexed the commenta­ in the seI\t to missionary work tors from time out of mind. cultural benefit or for credit.

J;'hilippines in 1926. During World though .the tradition whICh af­ War II he was held under house­ NEW BEDFORD firms the identity has the sup­ FAU. lERMOPENS SEPT. 30

port of the greatest names, from arrest by the Japanese. He has Anthracite & Bituminous not been in the U, S. since his CCllltalogue on request

Pope st, Gregory I on down the list, and in our time has been consecration. strenuously defended by the bril­ . . liant Dominican. Father Ray­ Automatic Coal Stokers

mond Bruchberger. st. Luke, des­ Providence 8, R. t UNion 1-1 SOO Bag Coal - Wood

cribing the scene, simply calls her MOVERS·


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ring to the same event, names her Mary. " Cape Cod Area

Simon's house, it would seem, Agent:

",as In Capharnaum. but it was a AERO MAYFLOWER

11mall world encircling the Lake TRANSIT COt INC.

of Galilee, and there 'Is nothing improbable in the Magdalene. Nation-.wlde Mover.

640 PLEASANT S'U'. with her seven devlls, finding her WYman 3·0904

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lage. There was' enacted the in­ cident which has so powerfully swayed the Imagination of the Perfectly AI,., Condltl~meCl!J Christian tenturies. The Phari­ see, contemptuous yet curious. FALL RIVER invites Jesus to his table, Omit­ ting the usual courtesies. The 6TH GIANT WEEK! .. woman steals tlilrough the crowd. ignoring the jeers and cat-calls. • e to cast herself at the feet of the Everlasting Mercy. Not daring to ~(OJte$t anoint His head, she breaks her precIous vial over His feet and dries them with her hall'. Never did parable carry a more direct pel'sonal rebuke to arrogant snobbery than that which Jesus lIttered; never did word of for­ giveness bring such peace to a troubled soul. • , I . Small wonder that this woman, this Mary, should have left all things and followed Christ join­ ing the company of those other faithful women who trailed the Member Federal Member Federal Deposit band of the ApoStles and minis­ CH~RLTON YUL ANN[ lD\II~RD G YVONN[ DtBRA Reserve System Insurance Corp. tered to their needs. For how long they continued so, hovering 'Within earshot of His voice, the SIR CEDRIC 'NIN~ MRTH~ JUDITH VINCfNT 1«» North AAaill11l. $frreelt, Fall Ri,;/'er, Massachusetts Evangelists neglected to meke ~IQHN ~IARDWICKE' fOCH • AN DERSON •PRICE <clear. Nor has it ever been set­ ~ ~ L, ~[NIM "ACKINlll·J1SSI L LJ,:;KY. JR • J,ICK GAR,;,5· 'IltOlllC " nllt.il\ A. I!..-I.,..c!.. HOlV~CRIPlU""'..J.t..,••,,,., ..J .........I'.r· P•..I.....l~,p.., ... fl..... Ao......... '­ ~ tled, and likely enough never will thilJ side Paradilie, whether Mary . 2 §Jht)l:r!! JI})1\UnSO 1; P.1;I!.-7 :SC ll".M. ~f Magdala is the same as M'p,ry Cl1ll.13'eD £,llj II"c:r€cn IlI!lltli!ol;f:lj 54lc Df Beth[l!l:Y" si8tel af Martha i1nd

'1' 'I'


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