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Elderly Who Assisted Church Deserve Now To Be Aided

ST. MARY - OF ·THE-WOODS (NC)-No group is as loyal to the Church or has contributed so much to the Church's welfare as the elderly. Nor is any group so poorly served by the a:verage parish. That was the consensus of a panel discussion at a conference An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul on aging being held here recently under the joint sponsorship of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 22, 1974 and St. Mary-of-the-Woods Col..... 34 PRICE 15c lege. . I 18 o . , ."IIIlO. © 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year More than ?OO persons attended the conference held to explore practical ways of assisting the elderly and of reviving or extending their active involvement in parish life. Isolation and inflation are major problems for the aging, 'Father Rene Valero of the CathCASTELGANDOLFO (NC)--Is and spiritual formation of the olic Charities agency of Brookthe Christian life easy to live, good, just and pious person, be lyn, N.Y., told the conference. Pope Paul VI asked the thou- he a child or a mature adult." A large percentage of the res~ands aottending his weekly genThe Pope explained that orig- idents of the inner-city are eld~ral audience Aug. 14 at his suminal sin makes it difficult for erly white persons, trapped by man to live an ascetic life, which static incomes in neighborhoods mer residence here. that have grown hostile and The Pope responded to his is the hallmark of a Christian. The Pope defined an ascetic' strange, he said. Frequently the own question from two approaches. Under the theological life as "the difficult and perse- parish church is their only link 3spect, it should be easy to vering exercise of tha'li dominion to a familiar culture, and it may live the Christian life, he said. of self which put brakes on the also be their only source of com"Is not the Christian life per- spontaneous and unordered in- fort and companionship, he 'laps our salvation? And is not clinations to live by instinct and added. ,alvaltion the immense and freely passion ... It is the effort toward d d given gift of God the Fat.her, personal perfection, which for us ,believers, must be conceived ac·ee ea ers Ip ~hrough Christ the Redeemer, in ;he Holy Spirit? cording to the faith." H i t ' R' • Quoting from St. Paul, the.. 0 a ISing "And does not this gift itself :nclude the grace to correspond Pope decl~red: "The f~lI.owers o f M e d ica I Costs Jesus Christ have crucIfIed-that ;0 the conditions which are reCHICAGO (NC) - There is a is, mortified and dominated-the ~uired for sillvation, that is, faith need for leadership in the health flesh together with its passions md good works?" care field to halt rising medical and its concupiscence." Since yes is the answer t.o all How then can living the Chris- costs, according to br. Charles '.hese questions, said Pope Paul, C. Edwards, assistant secretary ti~n life be easy, Pope Paul :hen it should be easy for Chrisfor health of the U.S. Department ",By means of a sense of asked. :ians to repeat the "sweet words of Health, Education and Wel)f Jesus 'my yoke is mild, my duty" he replied. fare (HEW). But how can duty pe easy, he )urden is light.''' Dr. Edwards addressed the then asked. "This then is the On the other hand, he said, the secret of the Gospel: it can be opening session of the American Christian life Is not always easy, easy if duty coincides with love, Health Congress at McCormick 'when one forgets the human and esepecially with supernat- Place. The congress is the joint :ondition." ural life, which we call charity, annual meeting of the American This condition of mankind, and thus we ourselves can con- Hospital Association, the Cath;'because of original sin, is not clude: the Christian life, if it is olic Hospital Association, the ~ormaI. It is not whole or pernot always easy, can be always American Nursing Home Association and the Health Industries fect ... and inhibits the moral happy." Association. "Excess inflation - inflation Publication SCJys Male Religious greater than the average 'rise in consumer prices--cannot be the way of life of the Health-care More Critical of U.S. Culture industry,;' Dr. Edwards said. "If WASHINGTON (NC) -- U.S. sue. The uncritical enthusiasm of no meaningful action is taken by male Religious are becoming the 1960s for death of God theolthe industry in the' face of a more critical of U.S. culture than ogy, situation ethics, sensitivity crippling economic problem, then in the past and are beginning to and T-group training has endanI am afraid the freedom of action realize than their "religious com· gered skepticism for faddist or will be removed from the Amermitment and vows are of great technical solutions, and a much ican health enterprise." value because of their counter- more reflective approach to aposHe said .the supreme test facing :ulture testimony," a paper pub· tolic involvement." the leadership of the American lished here said. The paper, which discussed health industry is to make deciThe paper, entitled "Aware- various aspects of the Religious sions when and where they are ness: The Experience of U.S. Re- life-prayer, the intellectual life, needed. "For in' the absence of ligious Men," was published by community, the vows, ministry- responsible and enlightened leadthe Conference of Major Superi· was written by.a subcommittee ership, the drift toward governDrs of Men of the USA (CMSM) of the CMSM delegation to the ment control of the .health indusand is intended for consideration Bogota meeting. The subcommit· try will not be checked. at the Second Inter·American tee was chaired by LaSalette Fa"I want to be both candid and Meetings of Religious, to be held ther Armand Proulx and included realistic. At no time in the hisOct. 28-Nov. 3 in Bogota, Colom- Divine Word Father Donald Ehr, Turn to Page Three ~ia. Jesuit Father Richard Cleary, "While wanting to be involved Maryknoll Father William McIn· in the concerns of the day," the tyre 'and Brother Francis Blouin paper said, "U.S. male Religious of the Brotbers of Christian In'Summer Mass Schedule are now more selective in decid- stJ'Uction. Pages EIGHT and NINE On prayer, the paper said: ing which of the goals of the 'Secular City' are worthy to purTurn to Page Three


Pope Paul Discusses Life and Happiness



"These are the people who built the churches of today, the people who have been so loyal and contributed so much during their lifetimes. They deserve our concern and our care," Father Valero said. "There really are old people living on dog food and cat food because it is cheaper than regular food," the priest said. "This is no television myth." He recommendecl that churches tie into such programs as mealson-wheels. The parish can be a regional drop-off point, with vol-

unteers making home deliveries to the elderly within .the parish boundaries; or parishes can operate their own luncheon programs, he said. In addition, he said, parishes can aid the elderly in applying for food stamps and see that they receive sound dietetic information. Gove'rnment funding is available for senior citizen centers and a variety of social services. Father Valero stated, and the Church can be instrumental in mobilizing the political pressure necessary for getting financing.




.~Y\\f-'" BISHOP AT NAZARETH CAMP: Some of the exceptional children greet Bishop Cronin during his annual visit to the summer playground in Westport that is supported by the Bishop's Annual Ball and the Catholic Charity Appeal. Marist Brother Sees Mass Media Curriculum Education Innovation MILWAUKEE (NC - A pro- cial issues and problems with gram of studies on the mass their students. "The curriculum will make media recently introduced in Australia may soon influence ed- children more critical of the mass ucation worldwide, according to media so they can read the press Marist ,Brother Kelvin Canavan, and watch TV inteIligently, in the director of elementary schools in same way we've taught them to read Shakespeare," he said. the Sydney al·chdiocese. '-We must recognize," he conA native of Australia, Brother Canavan is finishing up a year's tinued, "that the average child work at Cornell University in is spending more time before the New York where he is developing TV than in class. But we must a curriculum in mass media edu- educate them not' to take it in cation for grades 7 to 12 in the like sponges. This curriculum will Sydney Catholic schools. He was help children understand what's here recently visiting the Milwau- going on." kee archdiocesan department of The teachers wiII decide how to education. use the curriculum, Brother CanTwo years ago he worked on avan said. Some might use it as a similar curriculum for grades a separate course for an hour 3 to 6, now in operation in both or two a week, others might inpublic and private Australian corporate it into their English schools. Then he was asked by studies. Whatever the case, the' the national bishops' conference curriculum wiII make students to write the curriculum for the "more appreciative, critical and discriminating," according to its secondary sc~ols. Brother Canavan stressed the creator. . "This is not a preaching great influence mass media has on children. His curriculum course," he warned. "The teacher would allow teachers to make doesn't say what to watch or not wider use of newspapers, TV and to. It's a discovering sort of apradio programs in discussing so- proach rather than a lecture."


K of C Schedule Annual Me'eting In Detroit DETROIT (NC)-American citizens should inform themselves about the qualif.ications of candidates for rJUblic of,fice and support only the most qualified who have shown themselves to possess "the highest principles of honesty and integrity," a resolution to be presented to annual meeting of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus Aug. 20-22 here states. The resolution is one of approximately 200 to be considered by the 386 official delegates to the 92nd annual meeting of the Supreme Council, the top legislative and policy-making body of the Knights of Columbus. Delegates will represent the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippin,es. Another resolution to be considered by the council opposes amnesty for those who refused , to serve in Vietnam. The pressures for amnesty, the . resolution states, stem from a ."misdirected effort on the part of the media" and declares that ,the real attention should be given to the young men who fought and died."

Fall River Man To Make Vows On Saturday

Name Sister Lois To Publicity Slot At Salve Regina

'tHE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 22, 1974

Sister Lois Eveleth, R.S.M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Eveleth of F,all River, has as· sumed the duties of director of rmblic relations at Salvt~ Regina College, Newport. ' . In her new position, she will have responsibility for internal communication at the college, press relations, publications, and advertising. The office Qf public relations is a division of the office of college and community rehi tions. The Sister of Mercy first came to the Newport college in 1970, VOCATION' HEAD: Rev. when she was appointed to the Daniel Morey, O.F.M. is philosophy department, as its new director of vocations chairman. She also served on the curriculum committee, and in for the Franciscan Province 1971 was· eleoted to the faculty of the Immaculate Concep- senate. Re'cently she has 'been at tion which staffs St. Joseph's 'Fordham University, New York, Villa, . Buzzards Bay, from where she was a fellow in the which f~iars assist neighbor-· philosophy department. earned a bachelor's degree ing parishes. Fath~r Morey, a, in She classics at Salve Regina, and a native of Brooklyn, was pre- master's degree in philosophy at . viously assistant pastor at Loyola. University,' Chicago.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel par- . ish, Mt. Vernon, N.Y., where he directed youth activities. The friars will also assume pastoral direction of St. WASHINGTON (NC}-The naLouis Parish, fall River and tional convention of the Catholic St. Kilian's Parish, New Bed- War Veterans of the United States and their Ladies Auxiliary ford on Sept. 1.

Pledge Support To Presid'ent

FINAL PROFESSION: Sr. Margaret H. Donnelly, SUSC, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donnelly, Jr., of Holy Name Parish, .Fall River made final profession of vows hi the Holy Union Community at Mass last Saturday in her home parish. Now assigned to St. William of York School, B~ltiinore, she is a former faculty member of the Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River.

Jesuits. Score Korean Trials

Brother Robert Caouette, C.S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caouette, Fall River, will be among, religious making final profession as ~Holy Cross Brothers at ceremenies to be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Waterbury, Conn. Now a faculty member at Holy Cross High School, Waterbury, Brother Robert is a graduate of the former Coyle High School, Taunton. He entered the Holy Cross community after three years at Stonehill College, North Easton, receivng a bachelor's degree from the college in 1970. He is presently attending graduate schooi at Wesleyan Univer· sity.. Superior General Very Rev. Thomas O. Barrosse, C.S.C., superior general of the Holy Cross community, will be principal celebrant and receive vows at' the Mass of Final Profession. . A reception will follow the ceremony in SS. Peter and Paul parish ball.


ST. PAUL (NC) _ About 250 have pledged full support to American Jesuits and others in4ftF Withdraw Salary - President Gerald R.Ford in an volved, in missionary activity effort to unify, the country. have protested recent arrests'and I ncrease Request Th~ pledge was made in a res,tril;lls of ·churchmen, students ST. PAUL (NC)-At the urgolution passed at the time of the. , , ' ·and political leaders in South ing of Coadjutor Archbishop Leo Aft h . 0 Lad f -new President's., swearing, in. The C. Byrne of St. Paul' and Minne...· e!is: qnorIJ:lg,' ur.. .y 0 ," 'convention "was:held"i!.J)oard the .Kor~a., _. '.' :. ,',',' ,,' '.,' H~~" ~ou.~ .'. apolis that it review the matter, Angels wJIL,;be,~held Saturday, S.S, Q'ueen Anna Maria durin g ;. Bls~op Da~.lel . ht'd' '".' "f'~' "Ph'l ··· '~f" ~m, ;'u 1.n· SoutH .'Korea ~s, , the archdiocesan Priests' Senate, Aug.,3! tht:oug h j\1ond.ay, Sept. 2 . C~UI:~ ~o~bb I -, 'among the' many' who' have beeil' " here has withdrawn its request at Our Lady of Angels Catholic" a~ le~-t~ay St.,' Fairhaven. a TehP la rou g, e I an ean · put on trial. On Aug. 12 a milfor a $600. increase in annual Assn', 7 Jesse t d ' 'II b . Saturd ay,s program WI egm Ier conven IOnr a so I passe'It ary court foun d h'1m gUI'1 ty 0 f salary and allowances for priests. VO with a 7 p.m. parade, followed by reso u I?ns s~rpor ~g I unta.ry inciting rebellion and sentenced In April the Priests' Senate a band concert, and the, Sunday pr~ye;f m/u Ilc sC °tOhS, con. ~m- him to 15 years in prison and an 3 Days, 2 Nights had asked for the raise to meet schedule will include im auction ~eg ~ or tS' t 0 .0ca t e °h~e mlshs- additional 15 years of suspe~sion m m ac IOn m I nd oc ma, t e f h' . 'I . h rising living costs experienced by IS CIVl rIg ts. parish priests and those serving at 2 p.m., also followed by a continuation of the House Inter- 0 WITH GOURMET MEALS nal Security Committee, the. 'P~rticipa~ts. at the America:! in archdiocesan institutions and·· conce~t.,. FREE GSOL; GREE~t~EES' A high Mass Will be celebrated right to life, and efforts to reo Jesul~ MISSions Confer~nce, offices. ' Our 1a-Hole Championship Course at 10 a.m, M~nday, Labor Da~, move obscenity and pornography meetmg at Sf.' Paul Semmary In a letter to Father Edward at St. ~ary s Church, M~m from publications, movies and and St. Thomas College .here, And All This And More Free! Indoor & Outdoor Pools, Movies, Flahavan, senate president, Arch- Street, Fairhaven. A processIOn television. sent a telegram to Cardinal SteTennis Courts, Miniature Golf, bishop Byrne said he "does not at 1 p.m. will begin at th~ church Other resolutions opposed eu- phe~ Kim ..Su ,~wa~ of ~eoul deTop Entertainment, ,4 Orchestras! oppose raising the income of and pro~eed south on Mam Street thanasia, general amnesty for ,plormg t~e . unfair t~lal's an~ Rates per person, db/. occ. m.a,p, priests to a level found accept- to BenOit Square, then return to those who refused to serve in' the sentences gl~en to Bishop T]I Children under 12, same room 519,50 ea, per night with meals, able," but that because of "un- the church. Participants will car- war in Vietnam and U. S: ratifi- and others who have criticized Excluding Holidays. Free Brochure! fortunate publicity" he had re- ry a 700 pound statue of Our cation of the 25-year-old United the goyernment of President 'ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS REOUIRED ceived letters on all sides of the Lady of A.ngels:. Nations convention outlawing Park Chung Hee. pay matter from fellow priests, An auctIOn an? concert at the genocide, ratified by 78 nations. A copy of the telegram was WORLD·FAMOUS 500 ACRE RESORT Religious and laity. club grounds Will conclude the National Commander Neil also sent to the U. S. State DeGuided Tours lhru Amish/and Reconsidering the proposal at festivities. American and Portu- Knowles of Brooklyn, N. Y. and partment. its June meeting, the senate de- guese foods wm be available. as National Auxiliary' President, Cardinal Kim was to address (212.) WO 6-3200 INN feated the pay increase proposal well as games for children. 'Mrs. Mary Ruth CaV'anaugh cif the conference but he halted his Jusl2 Hours From N. Y.e. (215) 269·2000 , by a 9-7 roll call vote. Ba.ll, U.S. RT. 30, Downingtown, Pa. t9335 Honoring Mary Poland, Ohio, were reelected fof trip :in Tokyo and returned to Organizers of the feast explain another year. Korea because of the' newly critthat it originated in Portugal and ical situation there. 'Necrology that when participants emigrated V. However, the conference par·Incentian Fathers ticipants all had advance copies to Fairhaven they continued the SEPT. 3 DOLAN-SAXON of Cardinal Kim's speech, pre· Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D., observance in or<;ler to honor Set Festival Mary for their safe journey to pared in May. 1912, Pastor, Sacred Heart, the new world and for her materThe Portuguese Vincentian Taunton nal care of themselves and their Missionary F,athers. will hold SEPT. 4 Feehan Alumni families. their annual Missionary Festival 123 Broadway on Saturday, Aug. 24 and SunAlumni of Feehan High School, Rev. Joseph P. Tallon, 1864, day, Aug. 25 at the Holy Ghost Attleboro, are invited to attend Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford Society Grounds, formerly' the a record hop at 8 p.m. Saturday Rev. John J. Maguire, 1894, New Testament VA 4-5000 The Gospels rank among the Westport Fair Grounds, Old in the, school cafeteria. Founder, St. Peter, Provincetown best attested works of the County Road, Westport. SEPT. 5 The festival will feature PorRev. Napoleon A. Messier, Graeco-Roman world. They are 1948, -Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall better attest.ed than the works tuguese and American foods, 'BEFORE YOU of Pindar, or Xenophon, or Hor- auctions, an opportunity to win River BUY -TRY INC. ace; of Pliny, Polybiu~, or Sueto- prizes, and dancing. On Saturday nius; of Terence, or Plautus, music will be provided by Os Funeral Servic~ Sophocles or Euripides, or of a Lusitanos and on Sunday by Os • THE ANCHOR Edward F. Carney score Celtes. oil' others, the genuineness Second Class Postage Paid at ,,11 River, Mass, Published every Thursday at 410 Proceeds are used to support and authenticity of whose writ549 County Street Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass, 02722 ings are cheerfully accepted by the Portuguese Vincentian MisNew Bedford 999-6222 OLDSMOBILE by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall every classi,cal scholar in the sionary Fathers in Mozambique, 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven River. Subscription price by mail, postp~ld Serving the area since 1921 world. Africa. $5,00 per year.

Honor Our Lady In Fairhaven


from$65 10$85



,Funeral tiome TAUNTON

Michael C. Austin



Plan Ecumenical Education Study For Cape Cod The, Department of Christian Education of the Cape Cod Council of Churches and religious education coordinators of Cape Cod Catholic parishes will cosponsor a religious education conference Friday and Saturday, Sept. 6 and 7 at the ,parish center of St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. The steering committee plan路 ning the ecumenical program has invited three speakers to highHght the conference: Dr. Iris Cully, author and lecturer at Yale Divinity School, the Union Theological Seminary, Drew University and Fordham University; Dr. Emma Lou Benignus of the Interfaith Metropolitan Theological Education Institute, Washington, D.C.; and Rev. Stephen C. Doyle, O.IF.M., professor of scripture at Pope John XXIII Seminary, Weston, Mass. All will build on the theme "Celebrate Your Life." There will be an opportunity for those in attendance to exchange ideas with the speakers during the buzz sessions. A guitar workshop will be conducted by Rev. Andre Patenaude, La Salette priest lmown as "Father Pat" by those who work with him. There will be extensive book and media displays during both days of the conferenc:e, as well as opportunity for film previewing. A further highlight. will be a closing celebration with the Guild Players, whosf~ presentation will evolve from the' theme and events of the conference. Further information regarding the program may be obtained from the Cape Cod Council of Churcheg, tebephone 775-5073, or Ms. Marie Mann, 432-3843.

Medical Costs Continued from Page One tory of the American health system has there been a more clear and urgent need for such respon路 sible leadership." ..or. Edwards added that the federal government is equally responsible for a failure of leadership and is only now beginning to recognize and accept its share of the responsibility for effective and meaningful leadership. The task, he said, is to make certain those in Congress and the executive branch who must reach the hard decisions, who must enact the laws and allocate the funds, are guided by leaders who understand the issues and are prepared to act. "The people of this country are demanding a new quality of lead路 ership, one in which they can put their trust. And they demand it of those of us who are leaders in the health field no less than of those who occupy the highest offices in the landi," Dr. Edwards said. o

P'riests Federation CHICAGO (NC)-The National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) has set a national leadership meeting here in early 1975 for he.ads of priests' councils.

Thurs., Aug. 22, 1974

3 "

Vatican Official Meets Japanese Religious Heads

CRIB DEATH RESEARCH: Electronic monitoring equipment and laboratory animals are used in crib death research at Loyola'University's Stritch School of Medicine. Research technician Joanne Strauel, physiology graduate Dave Euler, and Dr. Sachchida N. Sinha, a pediatrician who directs the SIDS cardiac research, are investigating how the nervous system controls the heart during sleep. NC Photo.

Study Cause of Infant Mortalities, Loyola Medical School Analyzing Crib Deaths MAYWOOD (NC) - Loyola the center's direotor, explained, University's Stritch School of '~holds that the infant forgets Medicine here in Illinois is de- to breathe, causing a lack of veloping a three-pronged attack oxygen in the cardiovascular on the leading cause of death of. system. In turn, the heart stops infants one week to one year bea'ting, and dewth results." old. Because of the lack of inforThe medical school was named ' mation yielded in autopsies of the first regional c,enter for Sud- SLDS infants, SIOS has often den Infant Death Syndrome been confused with other causes (SIrDS)-or cr~b death as it is of death. often called ~ by the National "The center offers the first Foundation for Sudden Infant total SIOS package addressed to Death. The center is now devela large urban population," Dr. oping a program 'of research, Connelly said in explaining the education and service to famsignificance of the center. He is ilies of SIDS tragedies. "One SIDS theory that is be- also chairman of the pediatrics ing studied," Dr. John Connelly, department of the Stritch School of Medicine. The service aspect of the SIOS center is aimed at parents whose children have been victims of Continued from Page One There is an awareness that the the syndrome. Counseling by Lord is to be sought and found trained personnel explains SIOS within" as well as in the min- to the grief-stricken parents, prepares them for the acceptance of istry among the people." The paper noted that the trend in the 60s to form smaller communities' "where personal needs could more easily be satisfied" had led to this conclusion: "For the most part communities based upon human compatibility rather than upon an explicit adherence to specific Religious life values were short-lived. On the other hand, those that were based upon the sharing of faith experiences and a common approach to ministry have been more successful and consequently suggest the direction communities should be taking." A CMSM studS', the paper pointed out, had found that "the optimum number of persons in a religiOUS community is from five to nine with various age levels represented" and said that "the most important factor in the building of community life is the ability and willingness to dialogue on the value leveL"

Male Religions'

another child and informs them of the exact cause of death of the child. In conjunction with the Cook County coroner, the Chicago health department, and the Visiting Nurse Association, the SIDS center is establishing a team of six nurses to carry out the counseling function. The nurses will make contact with the parents as soon as a SIOS death is reported. A typical SIOS tragedy begins when parents awaken one morning to find their child dead in its crih. Other cases have been reported of infants dying in automobiles while their parents drive down the highway unaware of the tragedy occurring in the back sea,t. Such occurrences often lead to strong guilt feelings, and underscore the need for grief counseling.

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli, preSJident of the Vatican's Secretariat for Non-Christians, is visiting Japan for a series of meetings with leaders of Japanese religions. In particular, according to Vatican Radio, Cardinal Pignedoli will talk with Supreme Patriarch Miki Tokuchika of the Perfect Liberty Kyodan sect, which fuses elements of Sh'i"'toism with Western cultures, especially American culture. The patriarch visited Pope Paul VI on Nov. 29, 1973. Since 'his appointment as president of the Secretariat for NonChristians last year, Ca,rdinal Pignedoli has undertaken personal contacts with leaders of various religions. Recent visits h'ave taken the cardinal to meetings with Kting Feisal of Saudi Arabia and to the Islamic states of Sudan and MaIl in the first part of this year. Cardinal Pignedoli is scheduled to return to Rome Aug. 12.

Miami Bilingual Efforts Praised MIAMI (NC) - The Miami archdiocese has been commended by the Organization of Seminaries of Latin America (OSLA'M) for operating the major seminary of St. Vincent de Paul, a bilingual and bicultural institution designed to meet the needs of Miami's large Spanish-speakingpopulation. The Miami archdiocese received the praise at a recent meeting of OSLAM in Medellin, Colombia. Representatives from Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador,Cuba, Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico attended. The group displayed special interest in Miami's experiment .in maintaining a faculty equipped to educate Latin American students, and to assist North American students in learning the language and culture of the dty's Spanish-speaking.


Patience Many men commend patience, although few be willing to practice it. -Thomas a Kempis


Palestjnlan New Anglican Bishop In Jerusa lem

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan River-Thur. Aug. 22" 1974

GraiTt and Money and Charity The drought in the Mid West has resulted in a yield of grain far lower than that originally estimafed. This will mean higher prices for grain and for all those .productsmeat) for example-that depend on grain. At the same time, there is still talk of exporting grain to other countrie's, for profit, of course. And this at a time when there is the spectre of starvation especially in the Sub-Sahara area of Africa where it has not rained for years. There are a few facts to be brought out. It is to be expected that prices will rl"se if the supply is tight and more expensive. It is to be expected that the United States must answer t~e call for" help from those who face starvation. It will ncit be graciously received if profiteers make a killing at the expense of the charity that should go to those in dire need throughout the world. Americans will not grumble too much if they see higher prices and know that a contributory factor was charity to keep others in. the world from hunger and starvation. They will indeed protest if they know that a factor in their paying higher prices was the export of grain for financial profit to a handful. of companies or individuals. . It seems strange that only a few years. ago when the

great wheat deal was inade to Russia there was all sorts of speculation about enough railroad cars and ships to trans~ port that grain. But it seems that all this was accomplished and without too much loss of time. When there is a need of grain to feed hungry people in Africa, there does nQt seem to be quite the same zeal in arranging the deal. For this, someone must answer.

Alcohol Scene Attention is focusing again-and quite properly so-on the use of alcohol ~nd especially among young people. Survey after survey is being issued showing the. use, or abuse, of alcohol and particularly in students of junior and senior high schools. The recent lowering in Massachusetts of the age at which young people can legally buy alcohol beverages has, predictably, .been accomplished by an increase in serious automobile accidents involving those same young adults. Those who talked about the rights of young people and their ~asuring up to their responsibilities simply forgot that "what is" and "what should be" do not necessarily coincide. And any casual student of accident reports knows that speed and liquor are the main ingredients of the vast number of accidents involving fatalities and serious injuries. The drug scene that has been and still i~ with u~ has tended to overshadow the alcohol scene. But both remain for what they are-terrible crutches upon which too many people try to walk to their own destruction. Both are factors introduced into the process of living and maturing that can' only result in warped personalities because they throw young men and women during developing years upon a dependency . that should not be. . It is often almost an unbearable burden for people to grow up and mature. Add to that burden the factor of drugs or alcohol and the problems are multiplied in their number and intensified in their dimensions.



Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.




Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.

Re',. John P. Driscoll

Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan


Press-Fall· River

Rev. John R. Foister



Catholics Harassed Group Attending Holy Year Meeting At Chile Parish Arrested SANTIAGO (NC) - About 60 persons attending a meeting. to organize Holy Year observances "in Chile in a church administered by American priests here wel'e ar,rested by police. J The church is in a poor working-class district of Santiago.· The group, which included young couples and women, was taken to a police station. The women were released after one hour's detention and most men were also released that night. Two men were held ·Ionger. One of them is preparing to be.. come a permanent deacon. It was later reported that Church officials had contacted government authorities to negotiate a prompt release of the· members 'of the group. American Precious Blood Pather Jim Bender of Grass Creek, Ind., pastor of the church, St. Joseph's closed the church and the adjoining rectory and put up a sign saying that the church will remain closed indef-

JERUSALEM (NC)-Thc An· glican Church in Jerusalem has made a historical change by the announcement that an Arab Palestinian priest will be the successor. to the Anglican bishop in Jerusalem. Bishop-elect F. Hadad was horn in Tulkarm, the West Bank. He becomes coadjutor bishop for the present diocese of Jerusalem, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, with the right to succeed the bishop of Jerusalem when the diocese of Jerusalem is separated from Jordan, Syria and Lebanon during the coming year. At the same time, the nomination of the Rev. Agi Agl as assistant bishop res· ident in Amman (Jordan) was . announced. Canon Hadad is the first Palestinian to be appointed head of the Anglican Church here an'd one of the few Palestinian bish· ops in the numerous churches in the HO'ly Land. Canon Hadad, who is married and has four children, has been in charge of Jerusalem's Arab congregation of the Anglican Church. His appointment as bishop was made by Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, England, after consultation with the local church both on the nominee for the office and on the new structures for the Anglican Church in the Middle East. This reorganization of the str~ctures began when Jerusa· lem's Archbishop George Appleton retired in March. Bishop Robert Stopf<;>rd, former, bishop of London, is the· vicar general for a maximum period of two years.

initely, apparently as a protest for the contin'uing detention oJ the two men. St. Joseph's parish is. run by the Cincinnati province of the Fathers of the Precious Blood. The PreciQus Blop<! Fathers, who have been in ChJile since 1948, has 15 American priests and four Chi,leans working in the pa,rish. Fath(!r Bender has been Colonies Ready in Chile since 1955. , That community also main- 'For Self-Rule tains parishes in southern Chile VATICAN CITY (NC)-Portuand runs a school here. It also gal's African territories are "iii has cna,plains in Salvador Hospi- exceHent condil!ion to develop tal, one of the largest serving .rapidly" and therefore should the city. 'be able to preserve the Hberty Contacted at the provincial they have been promised by the headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, new . Portuguese government," Father Charles Bricher, the pro· according to the Vatican's week· vincial superior, said that he has Iy magazine. no information on the incident. "It seems incontestable that He added that his community while many countries have been has had no problems with the and are being stripped of their Chilean government fn the past. resources, the Portuguese Afri· Holy Cross Fathers . 'can territories mainta,in their Another American community, aotual and potential resources the Indiana province of the Con- almost intact," wrote Frederico gregation of the Holy Cross, has Alessandrini in the weekly L'Osfaced some conflicts with the servatore della Domenica. Urges Withdrawal government. Last year it was Alessandrini is Vatican press Fr,om World Council forced out of the administration LONDON (NC)-A group of· of St. George's College, one of . officer but wrote here in a perAnglican clergymen has urged the most prestigious schools in sonal capacity. member-churches to withdraw Santiago, after the military junta from the World Council of that overthrew the Marxist reBenedictine College Churches (WCC),' charging that gime of President Salvador the WCC has links WIth violent Allende in 1973 charged "Marx- Seeks $516 Minion ist inflitration" in the school. LISLE (NC)-IIIinois Benedicliberation movements. The manifesto of the newly The military named a ranking tine College here is seeking $5.6 founded Christian Affirmation military officer to replace Holy million to improve physical facilCampaign accuses the WCC of Cross Father Gerald Wheelan as iti.es and expand opportunities "false ecumenism" and of inter- head of the school. The congre- for students, according to preting the Gospels in "socio- gation then decided to pull out Thomas E. Culligan, chairman political terms." altogether, pending negotiations of the board of trustees. The Christian Affirmation for a return of the school to its Objectives of the drive are the Campaign asserts that the WCC control. The negotiations have' renovation of Benedictine Hall, is undergoing the most serious been unsiJccessflr-l so far. the 73-year-old main classroom crisis to shake Christianity Two Chilean Holy Cross mem- and administration building; the "since the Gnostic heresies." bers, Father' Mairtin Garate and oonstruction of a new physical (Gnosticism was a second- Deacon Diego Ira,rrazabal, were education learning center to recentury elitist movement within recently allowed to leave Chile place an overcrowded 48-yearChristianity that combined el- as a result of an arrangement old gymnasium, a $500,000 ements of other major religions 'between Church and government scholarship fund, a $500,000 en· and claimed that salvation was officials. They had been sought dowment fund, and $600,000 by policeln connection with al- from annual giving during the to be obtained through the supethree-year campaign. rior knowledge of a few.) leged "~ubversive ac~ivities.~'


Archdiocese Seeks Way to Ease Court Decision on T·extbooks ST. LOUIS (NC) - The St. Louis Archdiocesan School Office is seeking a way t.o sof,ten the impact of the July 30 ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court that a two-year-old law under which textbooks were loaned to nonpublic schools is unconstitutional. The 1972 Free Textbook Law allowed state money to be used to buy general, non-religious textbooks to be loaned to pupils regardless of the school they attended. Public school districts had ordered and had possession of most of the books to be loaned during the next school year. School officials in the state interpreted the ruling as an immediate freeze on the booklending program. Jerry Porath, governmental liaison official for the St. Louis Archdiocesan School Office, said the office is petitioning the state Supreme Court for a rehearing "and until they act on that petition their ruling is not final. So, in that respect, the Gourt fight is still going on."

If the court grants a rehearing,

the July 30 decision will be stayed and the program will continue. But if the court sticks to its decision, the matter will be returned to St. Louis County Circuit Judge Orville Richardson, whose 1973' decision to allow lending the textoooks to nonpublic school pupils was overturned by the high court. "It's possible that Judge Richardson, who ruled the law to be constitutional might order the program continued on a temporary basis, while working out some .plan to terminate the program," Porath said. ·In that event, pupils would obtain some or all of the books, at least for the start of school. "We're exhausting all the legal steps," Porath explained. "We don't want parents to commit money to ,buy new books until we see all these steps through. So, for that reason, we are advising the school principals to hold off on ordering replacement books."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974

Official Says Cuban Embargo Unsuccessful WASHINGTON (NC) - The head of the U.S. Catholic Conference's (USCC) Latin America Division has expressed personal support for a lifting of the economic embargo against Cuba. Father Frederick McGuire said his comments are his personal views and not those of the Latin America Division~ "My own feeling," he said, "is that we have not been successful in our embargo on trade with Cuba, and it is quite evident that many Latin American countries who are not at all sympathetic to Marxism are anxious that the embargo be lifted," he added. In speaking of the plight of political prisoners in Cuban jails, Father McGuire said: "I feel great sympathy for those suffering in Cuba." -

The government of Cuban Pre~ mier Fidel Castro "should accept international laws with respect to its political. prisoners," he said.

conclusions to the full committee at a meeting scheduled for December.

But, before making any public and official statement by the USCC on the prisoner situation, he said, "I believe it is necessary to consult with the bishops who are presently in Cuba, in order that we may act in accordance with their wishes."

Urges New Policy

There has been considerable pressure on the usee from Cuban exile groups in the United States who are demanding that the Church tackle the prisoner issue. The usee Committee on Social Development and World Peace recently created an ad hoc commission to study the problem. The commission will present its

The issue of an improvement of U.S. relations with Cuba has again cropped up among foreign policymakers and in Congress in this capital as a result of a report by Pat Holt, staff director of Sen. J. William Fulbright's (D.-Ark.) Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Holt visited Cuba from June 29 to July 8 in the first such visit by an American official since 1960. He reportedly obtained reluctant approval of the visit from Secretary of State Henry Kissin·ger for a trip which he had been trying to make since 1960.


a mine exploded near

the resettlement camp where this boy-refugee was found

Cincinnati's Survey of Black Catholics First in Country CINCINNATI (NC)--The Black Catholic Caucus of the Cincinnati archdiocese has begun a parish census of black Catholics to determine "who we are, where we're coming from and what we need." The survey is thought to be the first of its kind ever conducted in the United States, according 'to Sandra Wi1:Jingham, executive director of the caucus. "We really don't know what black Catholics think," she said, whether they are "cradle Catholics" or converts, whether they attend church regulslrly or infrequently, whether they identify closely or do not with a parish. Sponsored by the parish development committee of the Black Catholic Caucus, the first phase of the survey will include canvassing parishes with predominantly black memberships. Succeeding steps to be taken to locate the "invisible black Catholics," said Ms. Willingham, will likely include a door-to-door survey and pursuing "grapevine leads." The survey was designed by Professor Harry Murphy, head of the marketing department at the University of Dayton. Assisting him were Ms. Willingham and Sister of Charity Helen Margaret, a member of the Dayton Urban Apostolate, In addition to providing basic census infol'1lllation about black CathoHcs in the archdiocese (age,


half-naked, hungry, and very much alone. Thanks to the

occupation, marital status, level of education, amount of formal religious training), the survey is designed to tell how actively involved in the Church blacks arc and where they stand on many issues. It is expected to reveal their views on Catholic doctrine and practices - how important the sacraments are, the usual forms of prayer in the home and how they get church information and news, as well as the need for interfaith services, adult religious. education and more antiabortion activities.

presence of missionaries, he received immediate medical care, new clothes, and a safe place to stay. He gets one hot meal a day


in his own tin can ... he's learning to smile again too!

Eucharistic Congress Official Appointed PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Father Walter J. Conway has been named by Cardinal John J. Krol of Philadelphia to be executive secretary of the local committe'~ for the 41st Internationa'l Eucharistic Congress, scheduled here for August, 1976. IFather Conway is currently chairman of the Council of Priests of the Philadelphia archdiocese and a judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal, a Church court. Father Conway and his staff will work under the general direction of Auxiliary Bishop Martin N. Lohmuller, who had previously been designated by Cardinal Krol to supervise local preparations for the Eucharistic Congress.

It's not much, but it's a beginning. So many more beginnings must happen for the world's poor-so much more needs to be done. Missionaries are giving their all, but they cannot do it alone. They need your support and your love. Please begin today with a love filled sacrifice ., for the missions . .. it's a good beginning.

I _I I I I I I I I :

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Enclosed is my special sacrifice of $ to share in the vitally needed service of all missionaries aided by the offerings collected by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. ANCH-8-22-74 Name


I I I I I I •




Remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your Will

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The Society lor the Propagation 01 the Faith

OPEN DAILY 'For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.

Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth A venue New York, New York ./0001


The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720

r"l' )

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Tbur. Aug. 22, 197..


Her,e Are Ways to Stretch M:eat D,ollar Further , For many of us the mystery of meat remains just thata deep mystery that is not well explained VI any cookbook, or 01) the wrappings of any of the pre-packa~ed mea~s that are part of our whirlwind world. When Denms MedeIros of Our Lady of Angels parish you usually do. This way you're in 'Fall River offered to give guaranteed your meat is fresh! our readers some clues to Be wary of food freezer plans good buys in meats, I Wa,S and check carefullY,to make sure delighted. While not presently in the meat cutting business, Mr. Medeiros started working in



that the meat is cut so you'll get the most for your money. Consider 10 one-pound packages of sandwich steaks instead of two five-pound roasts. Always look at the ceiling in a meat market, or at the meat counter, and be sure that they are not using a pink light over the meat counter to give the meat a healthy look that it doesn't have. ,Cook a turkey by starting it with the breast down, flipping it over a few times during the cooking process, and basting it with a very thin layer of prepared .mustard. Mr. Medeiros promises that the light film of mustard gives a beautiful brown skin. ' To make a tangy marinade for chops or even a roast, mix equal parts of water and vinegar, add a small amount of red dried crushed pepper and some paprika for color. Stir all the ingredients together and marinate your meat in this liquid overnight. Dennis Medeiros has such a vast knowledge of meat and how to buy and treat it that this column can offer just a skimming of that knowledge. Perhaps some day this knowledgeable young man will offer a course ·on the subject and share his expertise with the res,t of us who want our meat dollar to stretch as far as it can and' with the best results. This is one of the best: chicken recipes I have ever come across. It's perfect ,to serve guests, would be great with rice and isn't really that difficult to make. Caribbean Coconut Chicken ' 6 chicken breasts split and boned salt and freshly ground pepper 6 Tablespoons shortening 2 large onions, thinly sliced 4 teaspoons brown sugar % cup raisins 1 jar sliced pimientos (option-

slaughterhouses at the age of 13 and spent over nine years of his adult life as a butcher. "My dream is to own a restaurant with a glassed-in kitchen so that the customers can not only watch their steaks being cooked ,but also watch them being cut," said ,this delightful man who talks of cooking and eating with a rare gusto. Seven Cuts In discussing different cuts of steak Mr. Medeiros noted that there are really only seven: sirloin, T ~bone, porterhouse, top round, bottom round, eye of the round and chuck. , He said that the more a woman (or man) knows a'liout meat the more likely she is to buy wisely. For example, he stated that very often people rush to a meat sale offering New York Sirloin (bone-in type) for 99c a pound while boneless sirloin may be selling for $1.49 and go unwanted, even though in reality the latter is the better value. ",Beware of sales," added this experienced meat man, who noted that in many cases sale items 'are not moving and therefore not as fresh as they should be. A customer may buy such items in quantity, freeze them and then wonder why, when defrosted, they don't taste as fresh al) as they should. 2 Tablespoons lemon juke More Tips Coconut Crust . Some other tips that this gen6 Tablespoons melted butter or tleman offers to the concerned margarine housewife: 2 Tablespoons lemon juice Find a good meat man whom you trust 'and who is willing to Y2 teaspoon salt cut meat the way you want it, Y2 teaspoon freshly ground not the way it is pre-packaged. pepper \ 2 cups flaked coconut 'Buy a whole chicken and cut it up yourself: The savings are % cup chopped parsley 1) Season chicken pieces genwell worth the effort. Mr. Medeiros assures me that an aver- 'erously with salt and pepper. age chicken oan 'be cut up with ,Fold loose corners of each breast just the t091s you have in your piece under to, form a compact kitchen. triangle. of meat. In skillet gently Make YO!Jr own corned beef by brown chicken pieces in about buying a 3-corner roast or a 4 Tablespoons of the shortening 2) Arrange in a single layer boneless rump. Put a potato in a pan with enough water to cover i.n a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish. the meat and' add coarse salt Add two tablespoons of the (this isgener,ally found in the shortening to the drippings in the deli depar.tment of your favorite skillet. Add onions and saute unmarket) until the potato floats til tender. 3) Stir in the brown sugar, Y2 to the top. Add the meat and refrigerate for three days, turning teaspoon salt, pimientos, raisins every now and then. On the third and lemon juice. Spoon evenly day throw the water away and over chicken. Cover and bake in cook the :corned beef the way a 375 oven 45 minutes. Remove 0

POUSH MUSEUM: A portion of the museum of the, Polish Roman Catholic Union of America is shown at the group's headquarters in Chicago. The PRCUA is celebrating its IOOth anniversary. NC Photo.

C,ent1e,nary Year of Polish Catholic Union ,CHICAGO (NC) - The oldest Polish fraternal society in the United States, the Polish Roman Americl Catholic Union celebrating, its WRCUA), is 100th anniversary. Founded in Detroit in 1873, the PRCUA; now headquartered


.Pro-Life Seeks New Tax Exempt Status ST. PAUL (NC) - Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), a pro-life and anti-abortion group, has announced it will seek a new tax-exempt classification following formal notice by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that its present tax-exempt status is being revoked. Joseph, Lampe, executive director of the MCCL, said that before the IRIS made its ruling the MeCL had written to the government agency and voluntarily gave up its tax-exempt status which had heen under challenge for more than ·two years. In its request to the IRS, the pro-life group asked to switch from its former 501c-3 to a 501c-4 classification.Under both classifications, MCCL would be exempt from federal taxation, but under the new rating would lose the right to receive tax-deductible contributions from taxpayers. Lampe said it 'has heen told by the IRS that it appears to meet the criteria for the new designation and 'f'may qualify for (the) exemption ... which is applicable to civic leagues or organizations not organized for' profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare."

cover and sprinkle wi,th the coconut crust. 4) Coconut crust - Toss together the 6 tablespoons melted shortening, 2 tablespoon's lemon juice, Y2 teaspoon each salt and pepper, the coconut and parsley. Sprinkle this mixture 'over the chicken and return, to oven to bake 10 rninuts more.

here, has brjlnches in 25' states, Abramowicz of Chicago; Father 110 employees in its headquar- Valerian Karcz, national PRCUA ters building, a field force of chaplain, of New Chicago, Ind.; about 600, a membership of and the two vice chaplains. about 200,000 and asset~ just Msgr. Francis D. Chmaj of Camover $55 million. J.t is the 14th bridge, Mass., and Father Joseph largest fraternal organization in J. Kubik of Hamtramck,. Micp.· the United States so far as life Cardinal Krol will give the homily., insurance is concerned. ·Primarily a fraternal organiza· Joseph L. Osajda, PRCUA the PRCUA, "just as its ori· ,tion, president, said: "We call ourselves the mother of aU Polish ginators envisioned, has the obfraternals, an.d set the pattern jective of trying to help each which, to a great extent, has' other," Osajda said. "In the early days, when a been adopted by the fraternal father died the widow and chilsocieties in the U. S." dren had no support from any· The anniversary celebration one. Then members began can· began last year and will conclude tributing a quarter' a month to at PRCUA's 51st quadrennial build up a fund, and when some· convention here Sept. 15. There one was hur,t or died, they would will 'be a parade at 9 A.M. from "I,lse some of this money to help ,PRCUA's Milwaukee Avenue that individual or his family." headquarters to Holy Trinity The dues-collectng plan soon Church. proved inadequate, but from it There Cardinal John Cody of Chicago will concelebrate Mass developed PRCUA's life insurwith Cardinal John Krol of ance program, used throughout Philadelphia, president of the the entire U. S. organization. Most PRCUA units are at-National Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop Aloysius J. tached to Catholic parishes, and Wycislo of Green Bay, Wis.; a person must be a practicing Auxiliary Bishop, Alfred L. Catholic to join.

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A recent article in "Time" magazine reports that three women in England who were unable to conceive normally have delivered children. The article mentions that the women were unal;>le to conceive naturally because of a blockage in the fallopian tubes. The ovum was re- have' been slight. RealisticalIy. when it's your own body they arc moved from the woman sur- working on, it doesrft matter gically, fertilized in a test how "minor" the surgery. You

tube with sperm from her husband, and then implanted in her uterus. There have been many articles


and editorials in the Catholic press discussi,ng the moral pros and cons, speculations on where such experimentation leads. But as a mother I'm more interested in the women themselves and their motives for seeking pregnancy in this manner. Little is known of them because their doctor took pains to preserve their anonymity. What intrigues me is the human factors which led up to such a decision. I'm guessing that the couples involved deeply wanted to have their own child. This, in itself, is not extraordinary. Many couples want children. But few make a positive, intelIedual decision to conceive their child at a particular time. Under normal circumstances, at the moment of conception, thoughts of a future child are rather nebulous. Out of Love Those women had to undergo experimental surgery to conceive. No one opts for surgery lightly. UsualIy it is fear of death or fear of greater illness that forces a decision to submit to surgery. These women did not accept surgery out of fear. Since they shunned publicity it would seem they didn't do it to earn notoriety. So my guess is each must have had tremendous love for her husband to go through with it in order to bear his child. If so, the decision to have a child was a positive, loving act. But it must have carried its own unique fears. Would· the child be normal? That 'was unknown, since the experiment had never before been successful. What risk was there of the wife dying? AcademkalIy, it may

Britain's Highest Office Open to Catholics LONDON (NC) - One of the last remnants of constitutional discrimination against Catholics in Great Britain has been removed by the royal approval of an act making them eligible for the office of lord chancelIor, the highest jud,icial office in the realm. Queen Elizabeth II gave royal assent to an act approved by the House of Lords, upper chamber of Parliament. Now no religious bar· remains to holding any office of state in the United Kingdom, except the monarchy.

worry. What about public opinion of them? Would they be recognized as courageous pioneers, or criticized for manipulating human nature? ' And the greatest question, did they have any moral doubts that they were interfering when God intended them not to have a child? Or were they His instruments· in helping man to learn more about human reproduction? It seems to me the courage they displayed' is commendable, and to have maintained that courage through nine months preg. nancy is extraordinary! Most pregnant women worry if their child will be born normal. But objectively there are statistics of millions of normal births to relatively few abnormal ones. Daring Unknown But what of these women? They had no history to rely on. They had no past statistics. They were moving into an unknown ... and taking a child with them. I have the greatest admiration of them. They have made a dramatic, courageous contribution to the fund of knowledge' of reproduction. But· greater· than that,' they have' made an impoitant contribution to parel1thood. Few if any careers have been under as much fire lately as marriage and parenthood. As I see it, these couples, by their involvement in these experiments, have displayed the posi~ive, courageous, loving aspect of marriage and parent· hood They sincerely wanted children to a point of using extraordinary, unproved methods to accomplish t!1eir goal, Their love for those children and their own personal courage have got to be an excellent atmosphere in which to raise thell'). TRey set an example of the finest motives for having children. . My prayers for them, that their children continue to develop well. And my thanks to them for shedding more light on reproductive research.

Holy Cross Fathers Support Anti-Racism N011RE DAME (NC)':-Project Understanding, an ecumenical program against racism and discramination, has been granted $3,90.0 by the Justice and Peace .commission of the Holy Cross Fathers here. The purpose of the program is to develop and implement within the Church in the South Bend, Ind., region a longterm anti-racism and anti-discrimination strategy. In operation for a year, Project Understanding involves the cooperation of students at Moreau Seminary here, Notre Dame University and its Institute for Urban Studies, Holy Cross Sisters, area parishes and the United Religious Community (URq of St. Joseph County.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur, Aug. 22, 1974

Lauds Courageous Parents Of 'Test. Tuble Babies'

11 Iis"

rviA ~SACHU':: ~

BANQUET FOR SUPREME OFFICERS OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA: Mrs. Marie Heyer of Breese, Ill., supreme regent; Most Rev. Albert Zuroweste, Bishop of Belleville, Ill., Episcopal Advisor; Mrs. Gertrude Stanton, a member of St. Mary's Parish, No. Attleboro, state president and general chairman of the banquet; Miss Claire A. Bertrand, state regent, at head table of banquet given by the Massachusetts Regents Club of the Daughters of Isabella at the conclusion of the week-long convention attended by more than 2,100 delegates of the 120,000 members in 900 circles in the United States, Canada and the Philippine Islan~s'

Sisters Assuming More Responsibility ALBANY (NC) - Traditional- concerned for tl-"zm. The women, ly, the task of Sisters within a especially. find it easier to comparish setting has been that of municate with Sister. At times, e::iucation, primarily the educa- the people look upon the priest as an authority figure, so I am tion of youth. Within the past five years, finding that people are more rehowever, many religious orders laxed with Sister.'.', Father Donnelly added: "At of women. have effected a shift in emphasis, from focusing on our staff meetings, Sister Bron-. particular apostolates to focus- ner brings a woman's point ,of ing on the individual and the development of ~er special skills. Urges Catholic -Join Parish ministry is just one field of endeavor- which has mirrored In Political Drives the expanding roles of Sisters. BROOKLYI'j (NC) - Bishop In the past, pastors and their Francis J. Mugavero of Brookassistants were seen as ,the sole lyn urged the 1.5 million Cathoshepherds of the flock, assisted lics in 'his two-county diocese by the Sisters who staffed their "to initiate and cooperate with . pa:rish schools. Today, Sisters are other groups in special voter sharing full-time in the adminis- reg,istration drives" for the Septrative, social and spiritual work tember primaries and November , elections. of the parish community. His. message was linked to In the Albany diocese, women Independence Day observances. Religious are involved in P!lrish Bishop Mugavero expressed disministry on many levels. may at ev,idence that as late as At St. Paul the Apostle Par1972, "although 75 per cent of ish, Schenectady, N.Y., Sister all persons eligible to vote were Tnerese Bronner directs the minregistered, only 65 per cent 'acistry to the aging. She has ortually voted. He continued: ganized a social activities pro"Only last year 'in the world's g:ram for senior citizens, brings moSt cosmopoiitan. city (New Communion to elderly shut-ins York), the lowest vote in 70 and makes parish visits. The years was' recorded in the maymain thrust of her work is in oralty election." caring for the social and spiritual Americans have a responsibiliwelfare of the parish's senior ty "to act politically, to play. members. an acLive role in forming and Commenting on Sister Broninfluencing our government," ner's service, Father Elmer DonBishop Mugavero said. nelly, pastor of St. Paul's, remarked: "It's a great comfort to the elderly to know there is someone here. specifically to be

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view. It's helpful to get her slant. Just havirrg a woman sharing our ministry is good." As a trained socal worker, Sister Mary Jo Coleman offers her expertise in a parish which she terms "a mission territory," AI· bany's Cathedral of the Jmmaculate Conception. A majority of the people within the parish's geographical boundaries are poor and have many social needs. Her ministry includes facilitating emergency assistance; organizing summer programs for children and families; acting as an advocate for better housing, better health care for young and old; and offering a referral service. Sister Coleman also does counseling and makes home and hospital visits. She said she hopes her service in the parish is enhanced by the fact that she belongs to a Religious community.


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.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Felli River--:rhur. Aug. '2'2, '1'974


Priests .press for Anti-Abortion Plank in Democratic Platform HARRISBURG (NC) - Two sistent with the Jan. 22, 1973 dePennsylvania priests appeared cision of t~e United States Subefore the state's Democratic preme Court.,,' platform committee in an effort , They allowed that the Suto insert a )'Iank calling for a preme Court decision "permitted limitation on abortion. abortions," but noted it "also Father James Crookston of St. set down gen,eral guidelines to .John the Evangelist church in which the several states might Altoona, and Father Donald W. provide certain' limitations on McIlvane, pastor' of St. Richards abortion." parish in Pittsburgh, said in their statement before the committee: "We speak only for ourselves in Pope Paul ,!Brands t1iis statement-but it is our ,i~dgment that the concerns we Bombing Cri."inal express are those of many memCASl'ELGANDOLFO (NC) bbrs of our Church, who in their Pope Paul has branded the bombtJrn are members of this party." ing of the Rome-Munich express I\Both priests had been active in train, which took a toll of a a loosely knit group supporting dozen dead, criminal and hore~lection of Pennsylvania Gov. micidaL" Milton Shapp and Lt. Gov. ErAlmost as the Pope was speaknelst Kline - independent CoaliJng at his customary Sunday ti~n of Pennsylvania for Shapp-. Kline. Father Crookston with- Angelus address to crowds at his dr~w from the coalition, how- summer home here, Vatican City. cv~r, because of what he cons,id- security police were winding up erJd to be the incumbent gov- an exhaustive three-day search er~or's position' of advocating of every rooin of Vatican City's "virtually no restrictions on, vast museum complex, St. Peter's ab6rtions in the state. Father'Mc- Basilica and even the apartments IIvbne, although dissatisfied with and officE:s of Vatican City. Camillo Cibin, superintendent Go~ernor Shapp's position on ab~rtion, continues to support of the Vatican security police thel coalition because Shapp has (the former pontifical gendar"done more good than bad" dur- merie), refused to discuss reports that the search had been ordered ing \his administration. In July of this year Governor after an anonymous telephone Sha1pp vetoed an abortion reg- call. "It was a normal operularlion bill which passed both ation," he told reporters. ,hou~es of the state legislature Pope Paul told the crowds in by large margins. Cardinal John the courtyard of his residence Krol 'of Philadelphia described the !governor's veto as "callous Aug. 11 that he was shocked "by and I incomprehensible," and the the spread of episodes of terrorPennsylvania Catholic Confer-' ,ism and of kidnapping perpeence\ vowed to join efforts to trated ~ith premeditated cunning, and spread virtually every-' override the veto. , 'where in the so-called civilized F~thers Crookston and Mcllworld." I k' th' . vanei ~ere see mg e InsertIOn of a ,one sentence statement into the ~arty's platform: "We stand for 11mitations on abortion can-



J Joins


H \NTlNGTON (lYC) - Ralph Posa~a has joined the Our Sunday yisitor (OSV) editorial staff to work with El Visitante Dominic I. OSV's Spanish-language news ape?", A native of Colomhia, osada has a doctorate in Iingui tics.

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Nuns ·DiscussEmerging -Role of Black Women ATLANTA (NC)-The National ,Black Sisters Conference (NBSC), a coaiJition of black nuns, convened here to discuss , the emerging role, of black women in the Catholic Church and the problems encountered by poor blacks in the United States. Dominican Sister Mary Shawn Copeland, executive director of the NBSC stressed the attempts at "self-determination for black

Catholics and, the organization's efforts to help educalte the black nun about the issue - of being black and Catholic. "Over-all," she said, "Relf-' gious women are protected from the reality of women who are in oppressive situations and the amount of ~ emotional and psychic pressure they undergo." The conference began in August, 1968, with a membership of 164 black Sisters.

Concentrating on the uniqueness of being black, Catholic and American, the NBSC has helped promote black vocations to the Religious life and urged the redistribution of black Sisters communities to black schools and other Church institutions. Dr. Mazetta Klanigan, a research analyst working on prison reform, told the NBSC of the "explosive situation" in U. S._ prisons.

Mass Schedulle for Summer Season IREWS'll'ER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. except Wed. 7:30 P.M.

EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. (5:00 P.M. beginning June 30) Saturday Eve.-4:00 • 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:15 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M,


ST. MARGAliETS Sunday-8:00, 9:0Q, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.


FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 ,P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.

FALMOUTH HEIGHTS ST. THOMAS CHAPEL' Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30' P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Effective June 22-Subject to. change .

ST. MARY--STAR OF THE SEA r.'Iasses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. , Daily 9:00 A.M.

CENTERVILLE OUR LO\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.......5:00 and 7:30 P.M. . Daily-?:OO and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M.

HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday~7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 A.M.

YARMOUTH PORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.


OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-IO A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.


ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10;00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M. Friday-Benediction & Rosary 7:00 P.M.

, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday at 5:00 and 6:30 P'.M. Oaily-9:00 A.M. Sunday Masses Parish Hall: 9:30 and 10:30 A.M.

- MATTAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: ,Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00 (Folk Mass), 11 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday-8:00 A.M.• 4:30 and 7:00 P.M. , Daily-8:00 and 9:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.)

CHATHAM, HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday':'-'7:30, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.

SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, '9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. " Full schedule begins June 22-23

EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M, Saturday Eve:-5:00 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

EAST FREETOWN OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday'-9:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

SIASCONSET, MASS. UNION CHAPEL Masses: 5unday-8:45 A.M. July and August

OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masse§: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.

ORLEAN,S ST. JOAN OF ARC Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00· and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 "A.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M. <


Rhodesicln 'Bishop Urge Equality SALISBURY (NC) -- Rhodesia's Catholic bishops have urged that everyone in the country "be equal before the law, find equal admittance to economie, cultural and social life, and benefit from a fair sharing of the nation's riches." • The bishops~ appeal against racial discrimination was issued shortly before Rhodesia's elections in which the ruling Rhodesia Front, dedicated to maintain-

ing the dominance of Rhodesia's 271,000 whites over its six million blacks, won all 50 seats reserved for whites in parliament. Tt-.-is was the Rhodesia Front's third successive Clean sweep· since 1962. "Power, responsibility and decision.making cannot be the monopoly of one group, or race or segment of the people," the bishops said. Blacks now have only 16 seats



in parliament. About 7,000 blacks are deemed qualified to vote while about 80,000 whites have the vote. Disagreement with the British-government over granting blacks a greater voice in the government of the country led Rhodesia to declare its independence .from Great Britain in 19€i5 and led Britain then to impose trade sanctions on Rhodesia.

Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF 'THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.':-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVU.LE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:00 - 5:00 P.M. SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M.

(CHILMARK COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. (Beginning June 30) WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00,10:00,11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues un'til 7:00 PiM. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses Tuesday: Mass of Peace and Justice 7:00 P.M. Schedule f()l' July and August WES~T

MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15· 5:00 P.M.

WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday-·7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses Schedule for July and August

POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass

WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8::00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 AM.

PROVIINCETOWN ST. 'PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7·:00 A.M. and' 5:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. & 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Saturdays only-8:00 A.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:·OO and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Daily-8:00 A.M. . VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

TRURO SAICRED HEART Masses: Saturday-·7:00 P.M. Sunday-9:00 A.M. N()RTH TRURO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday""":'7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A:M. & 7:00 P.M. First Friday-Mass and Exposition 11:00 A.M. [)ENNISPORT

UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Masses: Sunday-'i':30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M.

WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday~I:OO, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M: (9:00 AM. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hO:Jr before Sunday Masses NORtH FIUMOUTH (Megansett) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday~I:OO, 9:30, 11 :00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday l\fasses Schedule June 22 to Labor Day


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of'Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974

Secretariat Issues Working Document for Bishops' Synod VATICA:'oI CITY (NC) - A "working document" designed to help the more than 200 bishops and Religious who will take part in the World Synod of Bishops beginning Sept. 27 has been sent out by the synod's general secretariat, the Vatican announced Aug. 6. ~he document is general guide to work to be undertaken. It was sent out at. the end of June to those already known to


Czech Communists War on Religion ROME (NC) Communist professors and state officials in Czechoslovakia have been waging a 'persistent campaign against religion despite constitutional guarantees of freedom of thought and religious choice. This is the central point of Italian Jesuit Father Giuseppe Rulli, writing in the Rome Jesuit review in Civilta Cattolica. In a long analytical article, Father Rulli examines the writings of several eminent Marxist professors attacking religion and the Roman Catholic Church in particular over the past several years. Despite the Czechoslovak government's claims that it is tolerant of religion, Father Rulli stressed that over the past few years a consistent campaign has been mounted against religious freedom.

be part of the forthcoming syn· od, the first to be held in three years. A . Synod of Bishops is dcsigned to assist the Pope and the Vatican to deal wHh major prob· lems facing .the Ohurch today. Taking part in the synod. will be 144 delegates named by bishops' conferences around the world, representatives of the Cat:holic Eastern rites, delegates from male Religious orders, top officials of the major offices of the Roman Curia, the Church's central administrative offices, and some persons selected by ·Pope Pa.ul VI himself. The subject of the synod will ,be evangelizations, the spreading of the Gospel message in today's world. This will be the fourth synod since t'he close of the Second Vatican Council. The purpose of a synod of bishops is to present the Pope and the Church's cen· tral administration' with the thoughts, feeNng and hopes of local Ghurches around the world. Although a synod has no legislative authority, unless the Pope 'personally and directly de1egates such authority to it when it is in session, its views and final resolut~ons are a matter of ,record and taken into consideration by .the Ohurch's off.ices for future policy.' ALUMINUM Windows & Doors

Lutheran Church Membership Drops' NEW YORK (NC)-Membershipin :"utheran Church bodies in North America declined by 44,279 to 9,005,213 in 1973, the fifth stra·ight year of decline, the Lutheran Council in the United States reported in its annual summary of statistics supplied by various branches of Lutheranism. The loss, however, was the smallest in the past three years. The five-year decline of 234,061 represents about 2.5 per cent of the all-time membership high of B,239,274, recorded in 1968. Ordained Lutheran clergy rose in number in 1973 to 23,517, an increase of 420 over 1972.


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'Prelate Urges Seek Freedom ,Through Christ

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974 f- ....

Story of Equity funding Told. by Dirks and Gross

BUFFALO (NC)-It is said that in ~he Unit.ed States and elsewhere thousands "are see~ing truth and freedom through tran· scendental meditation, zen and yoga," the apostolic delegate to the United States, Archbishop Jean Jadot, said here. "For these practices, although honorable, do not lead to Christ," Archbishop JadOt--Said. "And he alone is our hope and freedom."

, "I;quity F.unding Corporation of America, a financial services institution, began operations in 19.6.0 with $10,000. By 1973, the company purported to manage assets of $1 billion. Its record· of growth in the previous decade had exceeded that of all major check on was the existence of diversified financial compa- the alleged policyholders. " nies in the 'United States. In Parallel Cases April 1973, this growth was

But there are state insurance Speaking to about 2,000 delcommissions which oversee the egates to the Retreats Internaworking of insurance companies tional Convention here, the archand keep them honest. And there bishop said that bringing Chr,ist is the Securities and 'Exchange to those seeking truth is "one of Commission' which polices the the many challenges to those of securities market. Such agen,you who guide the retreat move· cies, it is taken for granted, wil'l ment. prevent just such s~indles as Iy Equity Funding perpetrated. Not ORDINARY 'AND AUXILIARY OF PROVIDENCE: "The retreat apostolate is fluid, so, the book maintains, and it always growing and changing. It Most Rev. Louis E. Gelineau, right, Ordinary of the Diocese RT. REV. shows how they failed in this of Providence, congratulates Bishop-elect Kenneth A. Angell, continually needs examination MSGR. instance. and revision. ~' chancellor of the Diocese of Providence, on the occasion of Equity's meretricious rise and "A few years ago, the retreat JOHN S. spectacular fall are not a unique the appointment by Pope Paul VI of the new Auxilary Bishop movement was in trouble. As Photo by William Spencer phenomenon. There are parallel for the Rhode Island Diocese. KENNEDY many began to move with the cases. "Eq'uity Funding is not· an _times, there was a rebirth and isolated fraud," the authors say;', renaissance. ard Gross (McGraw-Hili, 1221 ·'It is a statement of our times "But we cannQt rest. easy. Avenue of the Americas, New ... It is a metaphor of the moral There are no enemies of the York, N. Y. 10020. 295 pages. corrosion in America's business Church in America as there were $8.95). and institutional environment ... Says' Nqrth Protestants Consider in the I880s and I890s. The enMr. Dirks is a securities an- What is ultimately more shockemies today are within-indif, South heland 'Siclk' . alyst who had much to do with ,ing than the fraud itself is the ference and that spirit which the revelation that Equity Fund- number of decent people who DUNGARVAN (NC) - Protes- authorities, many points of view. prefers material possessions to' ing was a massive fraud. His knew about it and did nothing." . lants in Northern Ireland regard He is to some extent forced to hammering the world" into the first-person account reads like a Ironically, the first person to the southern Republic of Ireland choose," shape God wants it to be. detective story. • be charged with wrongdoing as a "sick society," a Northern In contrast, he said, Northern -Right Answer What most of us remember when Equity was exposed was 'Irish Protestant leader said here. Irish Prot~_stan,tJs f,ind that reliin the ,re"Many are asking how cim I gious and social life from the newspaper 'accounts Raymond Dirks, who was acThe Rev. Martin Smyth, grand of the downfall of Equity Fund- cused of violating technicalities master of Hie 200-yea,r-old public is dominated by the Cath- be at peace with God on my left and the world on my right? Help ing is its fraudulent coinsurance of the New York Stock Ex- Orange Order, a Protestant fra- oUc Church. Church Dominates ,them to the right answer. Help scheme. Equity Funding had a change's code and of the Secur" terJlal society dedicated to main-' Referring to the recent 'defe~t subsidiary in the life insurance ities and Exchange Commission's , Itaining Protestart ddminance In '," .;, ,.. " , .... ~·thetn' to Chi'!s~.,". . . ., . ,. ..' . .. , business. It would transfer a por- regulati6n~. in the republic's parliament of In another talk to the delNorthern Ireland; said that many tion of the insurance risk of its Pig Days ' . of the problems of Northern Ire" a bill that would have permitted egatesat a banquet, the apospolicies to other, 'long-established . In The Day the Pigs Refused land had arisen because the the sale of contraceptives to tolic delegate said that the reinsurance companies. But more to be Driven to Market (Random -Catholic minority there l:tad im- married couples, he accused "cel- treat movement "should 'emphathan that, it would partially sell House, 457 Madison Ave., New posed on themselves the same ibate ciergymen of the dominant size the apostolic responsibility. to such companies .the future York Robin Wight is biting social and psychological handi- sect in the republic" of respon- We must bring about reconciliaprofits of a policy in return for a the' hand that feeds him. He caps that have been imposed in sibility for the "desperate resis- tion among rich and poor, black tance ... to the passing of any and white, educated and ignocash payment. is identified as "the creative di- the Republic of Ireland, So far, good. But Equity Fund- ,rector of, an international adThose handicaps, he said, in- law which will permit and reg- rant, all peoples and nations in ulate the sale of those contra- our effort to preach Christ to all ing faked insurance policies. It vertising agency," and - he here cluded an inferior sectarian edwrote up policies on non-existent presents a stinging indictment of ucation, lack of qualifications for ceptive goods, even to people men. purchasers. The coinsurers would advertising practices, particular- better jobs, unplanned families, "The greatest gift the retreat who are not members of th 7ir accept these as genuine and Iy of television commercials. and the acceptance of a uniform C.hurch at ?ll and who hold qUite movement can give is a deep and would make a cash p<\yment to He is convinced that the con. system of authority which damp- dlff~rent views about the .who.le abiding faith in the future of the Equity Funding fol' them..Thus, sumer is no longer manipulable ened down critiical thinking and subject. Church in the United States the coinsurers were buying by the advertiser (hence the title responsible initiative. ",Private judgment, which so combined with a vision of the nothing at all, the Equity Fund- of the book). :He discerns a shift many Protestants value and seek .ohurch in the world. The move· Nor~hern Irish p.rotestants are ing was getting a 'substantial, un- of power to consumerism, which repelled by what they see as the to assert as a matter of civil and ment could well be at its finest desell"ved cash flow by false rep- he defines as "the mechanism uniformity of society i11 southern religious liberty, is 'flouted and hour." resentations. that has developed to redress the Ireland, Mr. Smyth said at a so- denied,'''' MI'. Smyth said. Glamor Stock imbalance between corporations cial studies seminar here. and consumers ... Consumerist While the Northern Irish ProtEquity Funding was a glamor gl'oups, Consumerist media, and estant "may let himself be stock on WaH Street. Its reo consumerist iaw have all sprung ported, volume of business im- pp to challenge the corporate guided in religious matters by pressed brokers, and, the result giants and force them to recog- the particula,r traditions prevailing in the church to which he was an unwarranted value on nize the error of their ways." at belongs," the Orange leader said, the stock. No one questioned In part, he attributes this to " cannot fail to be awa,re tha,t in EquityFunding's reports or looked into its operation. An appeall"ance disenchantment with the so-call- those matters there are many of vigor and growth was created, ed affluent society. More and and it was simply assumed that more people do not believe in the Power the appearance corresponded. pu,rsuit of things as identical The love of power is oppreswith the pursuit of happiness. l1S WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. with reality. sive in every sphere, but in the They reject consumption for its But didn't independent audireligious most of al!. tors vouch for the truth of the own sake, and are moving from -Guardini pride of possession to a concern reports and the soundness of the " operation? The book shows that for actual usefulness and huthe auditors were not in fact man value. of adding genuine, not phony, Genuine Values independent, and did not conduct va~iues to its clients' products." a searching, objective scrutiny , Mr. Wight argues that adverOne hopes that Mr. Wight is tising must "cease to be the ir- correct .in judging the average of the corporation's books. What of the coinsurers? They ritator, the deliverer of half- consumer to be less ,gullible than 7 Perry ,:P-E!, ':,;= were handing over great sums truths, the uninformer, the dis- previosuly and insistent on qualAvenue of money to Equity Funding. respecter of persons, the social ity and performance. Even more, '-=-ili~ Wouldn't they make sure of what blackmailer. Instead it can be- one hopes that the spell of mere TauntolrlMass. AMERICAN they were buying? What they come a problem solver for con~ materialism, . and the supersti~1I1~ made sure of was the existence sumers, a bridge between con- tious regard for economic growth, 822-2282 of insurance policies (faked, as sumers and manufacturers carry- are in fact broken, as he mainit happene'd), What they did not ing two-way traffic, and a way tains.

exposed as a fiction." These are the first sentences in The Great Wall Street Scandal by Raymond L. Dirks and Leon-

Orangeman's View



-- .~




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tHE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 22, 1974

The F-arish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish oraanlzatlons Ire liked to .ubmlt news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. lIox 7, Fall River, 02722. Nlme of city or town should be Included, .. well IS full dates of all aclivltle•• Plelle send news of future rather thin PlSt event•.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Teachers for all grades in the parish OOD program are needed. Information is available from Sister M. Romana, R.S"M., telephone 676-0898. Also needed are Girl Scout leaders. Volunteers may contact Marietta Booth, telephone 672· 7250 or 676-9473. A ·bus trip to a Tanglewood concert will leave the school yard at 10 A.M. this Sunday, returning at 9:30 P.M. A box lunch should be brought for the noon meal. A "weekend ~ of prayer and song" at the Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vt. 'has been planned for Oct. 18 through 20. Reservations may be made at the rectory. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Knights of the Altar will have an outing to Lincoln Park tonight, ,leaving at 6:30 P.M. New officers will be announced in the course of the evening. A "hack.¢o-sdhool" movie, "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes," will be shown al. 7 P.M. Friday, Aug. 30 in the parish hall. Beano games are conducted every Thursday night in the parish I)all, beginning at 7:20 wiJth an "Early Bird Special." SACkED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN' A statue of the Pilgrim Virgin will be venerated in the church this week. The rosary will be recited following 6:30 P.M·. MaSSI through tomorrow. The annual parish picnic will be held from noon to 8 P.M. Sunday at Kluhowicz Grounds, corner of Alden and Coggeshall Streets. Features will include games, an auction, a flea market, white elephant and jewelry booths, varied entertainment and refreshments. A raffle will takE' place for 10 assorted prizes.

SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD Plans are under way for observance of the parish's centennial the weekend of Oct. II, with a youth night planned for Friday, Oct. 11 under sponsorship of CYO, CCO and Scout units of the parish. A social evening to which all present and former parishioners are invited is scheduled for Saturday night, Oct. 12. A Gay Nineties theme will be featured and a buffet supper will be served, foHowed by dancing. ·Bishop Cronin will be principal celebrant of a Mass of Thanksgiving to be offered at 4 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 13. Former Sacred Heart pastors and curates wil1 be invited to concelebrate and the homilist will be Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence. A. banquet will follow at White's restaurant. OUR LADY. OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Services in honor of Our Lady of Fatima will be sponsored at 7 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 7 by the Holy Rosary Sodality. Members will also attend Mass and a meeting Sunday, Sept. 8. Also on Sept. 8 the winter schedule of Masses will begin, with Saturday vigil Masses at 4 and 5:15 P.M. and Sunday services on the hour from 7 A.M. . to noon and at 5 P.M. The Holy Name Society will attend Mass and a breakfast meeting Sunday, Sept. 15. A parish meeting to plan a maIasada supper and penny sale will take place at 7 P.M. Monday, Sept. 23 in the parish haH. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM St. Patrick's Circle and the Altar and 'Rosary Society will cosponsor a summer bazaar from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. tomorrow and Saturday on the church grounds. Booths will include handmade gift items, candy, jewelry, foods, Christmas items, white elephants and children's toys. Quahog chowder, hot dogs, coffee and doughnuts will be served throughout the day.

State Position on Abortion HARTFORD (NC) - The six Catholic bishops of Connecticut issued a joint statement here reminding the state's Catholics of their legal .rights and moral duties regarding abortion. The 16-page pamphlet, "Your Conscience and Abortion,," cited freedom of conscience laws in Connecticut that allow doctors and other medical personnel to refuse to particpate in abortions without fear of discrimination because of their actions.

Named Auxiliary VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul has named Father Louisde Gonzague Langevin, a memo bel" of the White Fathers, auxilary bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada. Bishop-elect Langevin was a missionary in Africa before returning to Canada to become provincia'! superior of the Missionaries of Africa, commonly known as the White Fathers.

Moral Code I never ... believed there was one code of morality for public man and another for a private -Thomas Jefferson man.

The 'bishops summarized the U.S. Supreme Court decisions of January 1973 that prohibited states from outlawing abortions in the first six months of pregnancy, . but said the moral law forbids abortion at any stage of pregnancy. T.hey pointed out that the Code of Canon Law, the law of the Church, "states that all those who knowingly and willfully bring about abortion, including the mother, are automaticaHy excommunicated." The bishops outlined various possible degrees of cooperation in abortion procedures and gave guidelines to help determine the moraI imp.lications for individual health care personnel who might be directly or indirectly involved in abortion-related activities because of their work. Signing the pamphlet were Archbishop John F. Whealon of HarMord, Bishops Walter Curtis of Bridgeport and Vincent Hines of Norwich, Auxiliary Bishops Joseph Donnelly and John Hackett, both of Hartford, and. reo tired Archbishop Henry O'Brien of Hartford.


State Obscenity Law 'Salvaged' TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey Supreme Court has "salvaged" the state's 1971 obscenity law by adding an interpretation tliat it said would make the statute consistent with a 1973 United States Supreme Court ruling. The court, in a 6-0 decision, conceded that New Jersey's existing law does not meet the necessary constitutional requirements and fails to describe adequately what types of literature and movies are obscene.

DEPARTURE CEREMONY: Rev. Francis D. Lavich, SS.CC., right, receives mission cross signifying his departure to J,apanese missions of Sacred Hearts Fathers from Rev. Fintan D. Sheerin, SS.CC., provincial superior. Father Lavich served Our Lady of Assumption pansh, New Bedford, from his ordination last December until his departure for Tokyo language school last Saturday.

Go,vernment Newspapers Takeover Pr.)mpts Peruvian Bishops' Concern LIMA (NC) - The Peruvian Bishops' Conference has expressed concern that the good effeots of the government's appropriation of six Lima dailies and of their eventual tr·ansfer to workers' and peasants' organizations "may be destroyed by small powerful minorities which frequently control these organ-

Some bishops expressed criticism "in a cordial and open dialogue" with government officials, Bishop Metzinger's communique said. The military government officials clarified some points and agreed to consider suggestions presented by !the bishops, it added.

But rather than nullify the law, the court said it would fill the gap by interpreting the statute to be in line with the ] 973 U. S. Supreme Court guidelines until such time as the legislature can amend the law. To justify this decision, Justice Nathan L. Jacobs, writing the court's unanimous decision, cited past precedents in which the state's highest court has narrowly construed a statute under the assumption that it was foHowing the wishes and goals of the legis· lature. New Jersey's law, overturned by a three-judge federal court panel in 1972, simply defines obsenity as "that which to the average person, applying contem· porary community standards. when considered as a whole, has as its dominant theme or purpose an appeal to the prurient interest." Pending further legislative action and for the purpose of clarifying the' New Jersey statute, Justice Jacobs said the courts in the state should now follow the definition used by the U. S. Supreme Court in the 1973 case of MHier vs. California.


In a communique issued with the bishops' statement, Bishop Luciano Metzinger, secretary general of the Peruvian Bishops Conference denied that the bishops have taken any official position on the government's decision to expropriate the six priva,tely owned Lima dailies July 27. Gen. Rudecindo Zavaleta, the head of the government's social action agency, had been quoted here as sayin'g that the bishops of Peru support the government's expropriation of the newspapers. This support, General Zavalefa said, had been expressed during a meeting of the bishops with three high-ranking government officials. Bishop Metzinger's communi· que said that the bishops' conferenee invited the three government officials to the meeting in view of "the grave concern expressed by some of its members in rela,tion to some aspects' of the present revolutionary process." The Peruvian military government, which came to power in a coup in 1968, has pushed ahead with an agrarian reform program and has expropriated sever,al American corporat~. in· vestments here since then. Government officials have defined their program as a revolution which is "neither Marxist nor capitalist."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974

Fr. Humphrys/-' Neutrality ICompletely Unconvincing


Should the clergy get involved, on one side or the other, in the California farm labor dispute? Teamster President Frank Fitzsimmons says no. "Let the clergy worry about the Ten Commandments," he told a Riverside, Calif. reporter several months ago, These two examples are "and we'll take care of the enough to suggest why anti·UFW labor unions." Father Rich- forces in the agricultural indusard Humphrys, pastor of Our try are using Father Humphrys Lady of Soledad Parish in Coachella, Calif., has expressed a sim· i1ar point of view. In a mimeo· graphed report on the farm labor



as their stalking horse. They are obviously trying to sow confusion in the ranks by creating the impression that, because some priests are opposed to the boy· cott, the U. S. bishops' resolution on this matter is not to be 'taken seriously. From ·where I sit, I Iy think that that's a complete waste of time and money on MSGR. their part and will get them abo solutely nowhere. GEORGE G. I do not object that Father Humphrys, in complete disregard HIGGINS of his own advice to others, has taken sides in the farm labor problem, Father Humphrys says controversy. He is entitled to his . that "to come out in favor of own opinion. On the other hand, I am not either union is a tremendous mistake." His position is that impressed by his 'implied claim "we (the' clergy) .should be fair that because his parish "is in the heart of one of California's agrito both unions." So far, so good. Unfortunately, cultural areas," he is an expert however, Father Humphrys has on the farm labor problem. consistently disregarded his Father Humphrys is on puhlic own advice. His report on the record as having admitted under California farm labor dispute is cross examination in a recent heavily slanted against the court case in the Co~chella ValUnited Farm Workers Union and ley that his knowledge of the ins in favor of the Teamsters. This' and outs of the farm labor con- ' explains why copies of the re- trovetsy is extremely limited. Poorly Informed, port have been mailed' by antiUFW forces to all of the CathBy the time he had left the olic bishops in the U. S. an'd to witness stand, his alleged neu· a good percentage of the clergy. trality as between the Teamsters It also explains why a summary and the UrFW had been' blown was published, under anti-UFW to smithereens. He admitted that sponsorship, as a full-page adver, :he knew practically nothing tisement in the July 28 issue of about VFW's contract's and that the New York Daily News, he had never talked to Cesar which has the largest circulation Chavez or any other UFW offi· ~f any newspaper in the U. S. cial to get their side of the story. He came though as a man who, Misleading Statements This very costly advertisement despite the fact that his parish is was paid for by the Free Market- located in the hea~t of one of ing Council of Newport Beach, California's leading agricultural Calif., which speaks for a num- areas, is poor~y informed about ber 'of influential growers who the farm labor problem and has have consistently opposed the made little or no e'ffort to conUFW. J.t is fair to assume that tact all the parties with a view Father Humphrys authorized this to getting a rounded picture of financial arrangement and that' what the problem is all about. The transcript of Father Hum· . he has approved the text of the advertisement. This being. the phrys' testimony is readily case, he can hardly expect to be available to those growers who taken seriously when he says paid for ·his anti·UFW advertisethat he is a neutral observer of ment in the New York Daily the California farm labor dispute News. I challenge them to reand is being "fair to both un- :print it as a follow-up advertise· ment, but I really don't expect ions." The advertisement is blatantly them to do anything of the kind. prejudiced against the UFW and, 'For obvious reasons, which have worse than that, inchldes a num- nothing to do with money, they ber of statements which are can't afford to do so. Neither can either misleading or completely they afford to publicize the fact contrary to fact, Father Hum- ,that the judge's ruling in' the phrys says, for example, that two court cases referred to above of California's leading bishops was a victory for the UFW. "oppose continued support of the I am not surprised that antiboycott." Spokesmen for both Ohavez forces in the industry bishops have denied that this is are unwilling to publicize this so. fact. But I am surprised and Implied ClaIm that somewhat disappointed Father Humphrys also says Father Hlimphry's didn't even reo that "priests closest to the scene fer to the judge's ruling in the oppose the boycott." .l have no text of the advertisement which doubt that some priests who fit he imprudently authorized for this description are opposed to publication under the sponsorthe boycott, but I happen to have ship and at the expense of an or. pers~>nal knowledge that many ganization which is known far others-including some of Father and wide as being 'completely Humphrys confreres in the di- opposed to the UFW. ocese of ,San Diego-:-are not.. (© 1974 by NC News Service)

'Scores Report Ty~ng Alcoholism to Catholics GARDEN CITY (NC)-Alcoholism "has a lot more to do with biochemistry than· with 'Catholicism," according to a priest who is involved with the problem. Benedictine Father Peter Sweisgood, assistant executive director of the Long Island Council on Alcoholism here, said he disagrees with a recent rcport by a' task force of the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare which indicated that Catholics 'are more likely to be alcoholics than Protestants or Jews. The report, issued in Washington, D. C. said 'that: -There are relatively high proportions of drinkers among Roman Catholics; -Liberal Protestants drink Hke Catholics but they have fewer

heavy drinkers; -Conservative Protestants have the largest percentage of abo stainers and the lowest proportion of heavy drinkers; Jews have the lowest propor· tion of abstainers and a very low proportion of heavy drinkers. The report also said that the incidence of alcoholism is lower among those who attend church frequently whatever their denomination. No. Connection Father. Sweisgood said that the experience of the Long Island Council on Alcoholism simply does not bear out those findings. , "We have not found the connection between alcoholism and religion that this report would imply," he said. Father Sweisgood said that

there has been a study in Europe of the. amount of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase which occurs in people of different ethnic groups. (The enzyme performs a func· tion whereby the body can even·tually convert alcohol to carbon dioxide and water. GeneraHy, a higher level of the enzyme means a lower effect of alcohol.) "The people around the Mediterranean have great numbers of this enzyme," he said, but as the researchers went north through Europe into Scandinavia and the British Isles, the amounts of alcohol dehydrogenase grew less and less. Alcoholism in Europe follows exactly the same geographic pattern," he said. "Of course, the ,biochemical factor is only one factor in alcoholism."

THINK S'AFETY • • • itls· Summer vac,ation !

Because they are young, the children won't always be careful-they won't always think about the danger of dashing into streets without watching traffic. That's why motorists must be


careful now,

when so many youngsters are on the streets. Think of the'childrenthink safety!




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974






children divide into groups for craft session with volunteer counselors from Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Organizer of camp, now in its second year, is Sister Carmen Joseph, S.U.s.C., aided this summer by Sister Ann Boland, S.U.S.C.

REGINA PACIS CAMP: Eighty children from Regina Pads Center, New Bedford, will conclude two week camp tomorrow at St. Ja~es Convent, Tiverton. Left, youngsters prepare. to celebrate o~tdoor Mass wIth Rev. James E. Murphy, in charge of Spamsh apostolate 10 Attleboro. and Taunton and also assisting with work of New Bedford center. RIght,

Asks Uniformity In Observance Of Easter

·Counselors at R1eginaPacis Summer Camp Are Fa~ll River Students

NEW YORK (NC)-The traditional practice by different Christian churches of celebrating Easter on different dates may be ended in the "near future," accord'ing to Metropolitan Chrys'ostomos, a leading Orthodox theologian of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

By'PAT McGOWAN. "Ole!", Spanish for "Well done!", would seem an appropri. ate verdict on the summer camp' program of Regina Pacis Center, New Bedford. Concluding tomor· row on the beautiful grounds of St. James Convent, Tiverton, the two-week session has plucked 80 lively kids from hot city streets and deposited them on the lawns and private beach of a former Sakonnet River estate for a full program of recreation. Direoted by Rev. James E. Murphy, also leader of the Spanish apostolate in Taunton and Attleboro, and Sister Carmen Joseph, S.U.S.C. of the New Bed· ford center, the camp has accommodated a shifting roster of 20 hoys for overnight stays, plus 60 boys 'and girls for day sessions. Helping to run the program, including everything from lots of swimming to arts and crafts, dance, drama, singing and athletics, are a dozen or so Fall River girls, mostly sophomores at Sacred Hearts Academy. All close friends, the girls, plus assorted boy friends, have a reputation for lending their enthusiasm and assistance to various causes. They're gratefully remembered by members of one Fall River organiza'tion for turn· ing up last spring at an otherwise poorly attended penny sale and rescuing it from the doldrums not only by their financial support but by their infectious excitement and good spirits. And recently they spontane· ously took up a collection for a gift to a young Birthright mother whose progress they'd been watching with keen interest. Their contribution to the Regina Pacis camp was acknowledged last Thursday at an out· door Mass f.or the feast of the Assumption when at the Prayer of the Faithful Sister Carmen

Metropolitan Chrysostomos made his remarks during a short • visit to this country recently. The Council of Nicea ordered in the year 325 that the' Festival of the Resurrection be celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox but always after the Passover. Eventually, the Western churches dropped thl~ requirement that Easter be celebrated after Passover while the Eastern churches reta'ined the requirement thus causing the observance to be held as fair apart as five weeks or simultaneously. Favor Fixed Date Metropolitan Chl'ysostomos said he expected that the subject would . be discussed during the next meeting of the Pan-Orthodox Council, scheduled to begin on Sept. 16 in Salonska, Greece. <»

Most of the world's Protestant churches favor a fi:lq!d date. The Vatican has indicated that it is favorably disposed to setting a fixed date in conjuTlction with other churches "end secular . bodies. The most commonly suggested fixed date for celebrating Easter is the Sunday following the second Saturday in April. Metropolitan Chrysostomos said that the Constantinople pa· triarchate was aware of the desire for a fixed date for Easter and hoped for sol·id results from the deliberations in Salonika.



' . •,

Joseph gave special thanks for "the gir,ls from Fall River who have given their precious time to us." Look at Me! Less formally, it's acknowledged daily by to~s begging their favorites among the girls to "look at me! watch me swim! see' how I make this!" One little boy went further, solemnly promising marriage to his chosen counselor. "How do you say, 'We'll have to wait till you're older' in Spanish?" she queried. The day campers are brought from New Bedford via bus, said Sister Carmen Joseph, adding that its cost ate up most of the money she had raised for the project at ,a winter bazaar. A small add~tional allocation came from the dioce9an Campaign for Human Development, she hoted, but she ruefully admitted she had underestimated teenage appetites in planning for the overnight campers. "On ,an average night the boys have three ears of corn apiece as a pre-dinner snack, just to hold :them until they and Father Murphy get tpeir meal ready. Then they have an enormous di::mer-and an hour later they're hungry again!" The Holy Un'ion Sister said that some of the d·ay campers bring a lunch, but some depend on her supply of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and. "One boy had six sandwiches and seven glasses of milk!" she reo counted. Father Murphy is in charge of the overnight program, housing his 'boys in three tents equi,pped with doubledecker bunks. "I got them mostly with green stamps," he said, "and put in the rest of the money for them myself." Before he took the Regina P,:tcis hoys to St. James Convent he had broken in his equipment ..


. . . .,




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' •••

' •••••

' ••

Agency Appoints Nutrition Expert For Gambia

NEW' YORK (NC)-Mrs. Ger· trude C. Eastwood has been appointed supervisor of the Cath· olic Relief Services (CRS) PreSchool Nutrition Program in Gambia, West Africa. Pr·ior to joining CRS, the overseas aid agency of the U. S. Catholic Conference, Mrs. Eastwood served with the Food and Cold Gym Agricultural Organization of the The summer camp program, United Nations as training offinow in its second year, is Regina cer in Yemen, a nutrition officer Pacis' major pro.iect, said Sister in Tha i,land, and a home economCarmen Joseph. It succeeds due ics officer in Egypt. She has also worked as a U. S. Public Health 10 -coopemtion from the Holy Union 'Sisters who permit use of Service dietitian in Anchorage, St. James Convent, their vaca- Alaska. tion retreat, and from many of CRS' Pre·School Nutrition Prothe campers' parents who assist. grams are designed to promote in such chores as sandwich mak- the healthy development of chiling and bringing children to and dren under the age of five by from bus stops. providil'\g foods that supplement Also assisting this summer is the normal diet the children reo Sister Ann Boland, S.U.S.C., di- ceive at home. The program also rector of Fall River's Holy Union attempts to educate mothers in Primary School who is aiding in the basic facts of nutrition, child program planning. care and feeding practices. But Sister Carmen Joseph wishes that summer activity did not have to be one of the few Plum~ing bright spots in her youngsters' lives. 1 , "We have a big gym at the Over 3S Years center," she said. "but we don't of Satisfied Service have the money to hea1t it in the Reg. Master Plumber 7023 winter. Last Thanksgiving it was JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. so cold I kept the turkeys I had 806 NO. MAIN STREET for distribution there-I didn't Fall River 675··7497 even have to find a freezer for them. "·But if we could only get it heated, we'd 'be able to give the children a winter program and SIN,CE 1898 help keep them off the streets and out of trouble." SINCE 1941 Those who know Sister Carmen Joseph are betting that WEB OFFSET come this winter that gym will SINCE 1967 ·be in operation. on a similar session with youngsters from Attleboro and Taunton. A veteran of five years with the Society of St. James in Bolivia, he has for three years been in charge of the Taunton and Attleboro programs and is temporarily "pinch-hitting" in New Bedford.

Montie Heating Co.




. . . . . . . .II.-J. . .

Man Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974





~;~;iw,. ~~ .

. 2


Cronin, listens as one of the campers explains the,joys of being a Cathedral


Jailing Of Korea Bishop VATlCAN CITY -The s,entencing of South Korean Bishop Daniel Tji Hak Soun, on Won Ju 10 15 years imprisonment on charges of contriquting to ,a subversive student organization has "given rise to deep sorrow," . Vatican Radio stated Aug. 13. The comment on Vatican Ra'dio was the only immediately available Vatican reaction following the announcement of the sentence handed down by a special military court in the South Korean capital of Seoul.' The 52year-Old bishop was found guilty' of contributing $2,700 to aid a presumed stlident conspiracy working to overthrow the present government and instaH a communist regime. Vatican Radio, in reportnig the decision of the military court, said the bishop is currently under arrest in a Seoul hospital where he is recovering from diabetes. The Vatican Radio report noted: "The emotion stirred up in various religious areas because of this event is testified to by' numerous prayer vigils held in recent days by Catholic and Protestant groups. Concluding its report, Vatican Radio stated: "The, news of the sentencing of Bishop Tji, for whose cause the respect for human rights 'has been invoked, has caused wide repercussions in the world and given rise to deep sor.' row."

Oppose' Visit LIMA (NC)-Two editors of a religious news and documenta,tion ,service based here have, called on Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury to reconsider his decision to visit, Chile in September. Maryknoll Father Darryl L. HuM and the Rev. James 'E. Goff of the United Presbyterian Church in. the U. S. A., editor and associate editor of Latin America Press here, said that Archbishop Ramsey's visit to Chile, "will be a propaganda coup for (Chilean) president (Augusto) Pinochet and his government."


Pledges for Fight Ag~in~t Drought Grow 'UNITED NATIONS (NC)-Ap- " $1.13 million and $790,000. reo proximately one-third of the spectively to the UNICEf drive United-Nation's Children's Fund's ,to bring the total to $6 million. (UNICEF) drive to raise $18 milSporadic rains have falien reo lion goal for aid to the drought· cently which have enableCl some stricken Sahelian zone of Africa' farmers to begin planting the auhas been reached. tumn crop, but ,cond.itio~s gen· The governments of the Neth· erally remain poor, UNICEF reerlands and Norway donated ported. Problems continu~ to be acute for the nomadic tribes in the sub-Sahara area as the~r Iive- '. Miami~s stock-the basis of the ec'onomy '-have been decimated antl their migration southward in se~rch of MIAMI (NC)~Miami's oldest pastures for the herds hasI been Catholic parish, Gesu, adminis- impossible. '. tered by th~ Jesuit Fathers has A survey taken in one section been designated as a national of Niger has shown th~t- the historic site by the U. S. Depart· average .nomad family hlas alment of the Interior. re~dy lost from :one to three . Announcement of the 'r.ecogni.. chIldren as a result of the tion was made recently by Arch.. drought. ,. bishop Coleman F. Carroll of The U.S. Agency for Interna· Miami. tional Development (AID) has Jesuit priests have ministered: "n~" ..vl I'ln additional ~2.800 to those 'living and working in tons of high protein foods for disdowntown Miami, where the tfiiJu[ion m the 'Sahel. In l addiChurch of the Jesu is located, for I more than 100 years ago, when the first Masses were offered when the' city was a small vii· ' lage. The first parish church was a smaN wooden structure built on property donated by a nonCatholic Florida pioneer devel· oper, Henry M. Flagler. It was dedicated by Bishop John Moore of St. Augustine in 1898. Nine years later a school, convent and rectory were completed.

Oldest Parish Honored

I '


The present church,built on the same site, was dedicated in 1925 by Archbishop pietro Fumasoni-'Biondi, then apostolic delegate in the United States.




Plan TV Film, Of Christ's Life

tion, AID also pledged payment LONDON (NC) - A six-part for the costs of freight and inland television series on the life of transportation for the consign- Christ is to he made jointly by ment, estimated at $1.6 million. Associa.ted Television. The 22,800 tons is sufficient to ' 'It is estimated that the series provide slJpplementary feeding for approximately 500,000 chil· will cost $5 million. Shooting is to begin in February, under the dren for one year. Joining with the World Coun- direction of Franco Zeffirelli cil of Churches in distributing with a script by author Anthony the food locally has been the ,Burgess.. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Sir Lew Grade, chairman of the overseas aid agency of U.S. Associated Televison, said that Catholics. an advance sale had allready been At present, CRS is negotiating made to General Motors of the with the governments of Mauri· United States for transmission in tania, Mali, Chad and Niger to 1976 on the National Broadcast· expand their transport networks ing Company network. It will be shown in the United Kingdom in into those nations., The range of UNICEF's activi- the same year at a peak time on ties in relief and rehabilitation Sunday 'nights, wi1ih no advertisprograms has focused on high- ing breaks in 'the hour-long epprotein foods for children, provi- isodes. A sear~h is being made for the sion of medical supplies and equipment, logistical support, actor and the actress to play the nutrition advisers, and particu· parts of Christ and of the Virgin Mary. larly, well·digging equipment.

J9 B


Parish Church WASHINGTON (NC) - Pres· ident Gerald R. Ford will probably continue to attend Sunday worship service at his suburban Alexandria, Va., church and is not expected to reinstitute the White House services' i~itiated by President Nixon, according to Ford's p~ess secretary. Fora is a longctime parishioner of Imman. uel E'piscopal Church-on-the-Hill in Alexandria.


campet. Right: Fern lib movement puts William Tell in the background as girl day campers show their skill at the archery range.


EVeJl{Iday I ~® I '


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Aug. 22, 1974 '\<




ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CAMP CENTER OF HAPPINESS; Bishop Cronin admires the art work on the t-shirts"':-the result of highly developed arts and crafts program. Right: Rev. Edmond R. Levesque, direrCtor of the Westport Diocesan Camp, joins the Bishop at the pool that was installed at

Publishes Aid To Pastoral



PLATISBURGH (NC)-Father WASHINGTON (NC) - The Roland St. Pierre, a 47-year-old National Catholic Educational priest of the Oblates of Mary Association (NCEA) has "pub- Immaculate, is almost a unique lished a set of questionnaries de- priest-there is only one other signed to assist in implementing I,ike him in the country, but the U. S. bishops' 1~'72 pastoral Father St. Pierre was the first. on education, "To Teach as Jesus Did." " • Until t'\"o yea~s ago ,Father St. Published in a manual entitled Pierre was pastor of St. Peter's "Giving For"m to the Vision," the Church here, a parish whose" questionnaries are intended to French-speaking settlers had help Catholic educators evaluate asked the Oblates from Montreal, 70 miles to the north, to the degree to. which their activestablish in 1853. ity conforms to the principles set out in the pastoral and determine But in the fall of 1971 the peothe "specific actions they will ple of Plattsburgh issued another take to insure that their program call to Father St. Pierre. This is more completely in accord time they asked him to be their with the pastoral. mayor. Authored by NCEA executives and Catholic educational administrators, the manual consists of five questionnaries dealing with the areas which most often compromise t,he total parish educaWASHINGTON (NC)-"Public tional program. These areas are service demands the highest inagencies of educational policy- tegrity and is a heavy responsi· making, adult education, reli- bility," said Cardinal John Krol gious education, education out- of Philadelphia, president of the side the school, the Catholic el- National Conference of Catholic ementary school, and the Cath- Bishops and United States Catholic secondary schooL olic Conference (NCCB-USCC). " In a statement titled "One Nation Under God," the leader Qf Vatican Offic:ial the American bishops urged. a new sense of honesty and integTo Visit Far East ROME (NC)-Cardinal Angelo" rity among America's citizens Rossi, prefect of the Vatican and elected officials, but above Congregation for the Evangel- aU a new sense of accounta·bility ization of Peoples, has left Rome to God for one's actions. "The glare of public revelation to visit Hong Kong, South Vietin a free press is as nothing nam, Thailand and Singapore. While in South Vietnam, Car· compared to the light of truth dinal Rossi will ordain the three in an all-knowing God," he said. new South Vietnamese bishops "Our first president, George whose appointments were an- Washington. explicitly declared nounced by the Vatican recently. that morality is impossible withThe ordinations of the bishops out religion," he said. "The -Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van ,pledge of allegiance to our flag Lang of Xuan~Loc, Bishop Paul affirms that we are in fact one Huynh Dong Cac of Qui-Nhon, nation under God." The NCCB-USCC president and Auxiliary Bishop Nicholas Huynd Van Nghi of Saigon praised the American system "in August II. which disclosures of impropri- took place Cardinal Rossi, who will exam- eties can be made and appropriine local Church problems during ate remedies can be taken." But he warned that that same his visit, is due to return to system is one "in which officials Rome Aug. 31.

the direction of the Ordinary of Diocese as one of the improvements made possible by the generosity of the people of the Diocese at the time of the annual Catholic Charity Appeal and the Bishop's Charity Ball held every year in January.

Approves Contract For Family Planning

Plattsburgh as Mayor

WASHINGT0I:'/ (NC)-A con· tract for up to $115,600 to fi· nance development of a' training curriculum for instructors of natural family planning methods in government·sponsored clinics has been finalized here by the U. S. Department of Health, Ed· ucation and Welfare and the Human Life Foundation. The year-long project is de· signed to help alleviate the cur· rent shortage of trained instruc· tors of the natural methods of family planning. ]n announcing the agreement, "I take the regular salary for Helen Chiaruttini, project direca mayor," he said, "but I only tor of HEW's Health Services use what I need for the job; the Administration, said that the rest goes into the order." project is designed to provide Father St. Pierre fe~ls that the "the '"same amount of thought .great downfall today in public and counseling that go into the life is the lack of standards and' other methods" of family plan· a lessening of moral fibre. "This ning. . Federal law, she noted, reo is the area in which the churches at all ievels may be tempted to ought to be influencing public quires that all clinics funded by value political loyalty over pub- life," he said. "We heed sound the federal government offer lic benefit. 'Funds ... may be tenets of faith today-something several family planning methods spent very wastefully on ap- to believe in. From that the to its clients. pointees who receive large in- churches ought to be setting up eomes for minimal service or on priorities and standards for pubELECTRICAL lic life." :~rojects which serve too few Contractors people at too high a cost." The cardinal reminded Americans, "It has been said that, in a democracy, the people often SHE·ET METAL : get the leadership they deserve." :J. TESER, Prop. He called for a renewed interest _ and involvement in government : RESIDENTIAL : by all citizens and urged "a" re- " : INDUSTRIAL : awakening, if it is to succeed, he : " COMMERCIAL: said, should begin "with the pro- - 253 Cedar St., New Bedford found conviction that we are in-993-3222 deed one na,tion under God." -

The one other priest-mayor is in Cottonwood, Minne., where that primarily Lutheran town elected Father Dennis Deckert last fall. Plattsburgh is 67 per cent Catholi~ and tr.aditionally Dem· oeratic. But rather St. Pierre running as a Republican, picked up 69 per cent of the vote from its 18,700 citizens. In an interview with the North Country Catholic, the newspaper of the diocese of Ogdensburg, Father St. Pierre spoke of the life style of priests in politics,' morality and politics, revenue sharing and gave a "no comment" on his future plans. "Of course I have different

duties," he ga,id. "There are meetings and social affairs ] have to attend, and I have a lot of different concerns than when I was pastor of S1. Peter's. But my basic concerns are the same." Father St. Pierre's life style as far as living standard~ go, has not changed either. He lives in a two-room apartment at the Sacred Heart Nursing Home where he also serves as chaplain to the residents. He says Mass daily for them and makes rounds regularly.

Public Service Demands Highest Service, Cardinal I<:rol Asserts




"May we never grow weak by forgetting that sourc~ of our unity and of our strength," he said.

Priest to Remai·n DUBUQUE (NC)-The priests of the Dubuque archdiocese have voted to retain their affiliation with the National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) after some displeasure with the national organization had been voiced here earlier this year.





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