lFaU River, Mass., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1966
Vot 10, No. 34 ©
1966 The Anchor
$4.00 per Year ,
.,Favors Merch~ndi$ing,
Lay Retreat 'Movement
CAPE: RE<;TORY BLESSED:' Rev. :'Joseph C. Nolin, M.S., pastor of Our Lady of the Cape, West Brewster; Mrs. Mary Mc Cormack, parishioner; Bishop Connolly, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Harold Ellis, parishioners, meet in the new Cape Cod rectory following the bless ing on Sunday. Harold Ellis and Mrs. Mary McCormack broke the ground for the Chul'ch in 1963. ' ," ' '
Advertising ExecutiVe Tells Boston Conclaye Attendants' .Plans Bos'rON (NC)-An advertising executive predicts a R.l'ight future for the Roman lay retreflt movement if di- , JPectors revamp the format to fulfill a contemporarY need. James O. Wick~rsham of New York, speaking at the l.1st biennial convention of Bishop Connolly of Fall River the National Catholic Lay as moderator at the Fri men's Retreat Conference served day morning session entitled here in the Bay State's cap "Retreats in the Light of Parish
New Consultative Body.
Ordinary to Establish Senate in Diocese
ital city, said the movement Life" and gave a resume and' , should be merchandised like Q' 'comments at the conclusion' of product in the commercial mar the session. I' ket. Referring to the retreat move The Diocese of Fall River will have a Senate of clergy, which ','in due course :t :It $ The conference brought near-' ment as though it were lI' pro will be expanded," Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of -Fall River, announced today• .,. ,2,000 Catholic laymen to Bos S duct and divorced from spirit f ualcontact, Wickersham anal Other dioceses throughout the world also are' in the process of organizing enates or ~n from more than 200 retreat houses throughout the, nation. yzed it mtichthe wayan adver ;heir Sees. Bishop. Connolly, revealed that the new dioc~san consultative body will consider Fifteen bishops and scores of , tising man would' approach a " the pastoral duties', of !)riests attended. ' In addition, the S~nate will Most Reverend B~shop, asserted bar of soap or any other market ' priests, the priestly ministry;, review sUch matters "as the the Senate "will review the able product. There is need for drastic priestly preparl,ltion and ap- call of the faitliful, the 'people matter of salaries of teaching ,changes in the retreat movement, propriate renewal of the l:e- . of God,' to' bear witness and, Sisters, ;lnd Brothers, with iii share in 'our 'responsibilities, as view to raise them realistically.'" , opiried the New York execuiive, ligious life." Patterned after the Senate of also the whole matter of Catho. who is making a study to point' . . . : lic education." the' Bishop said. , Bishops announced by Pope Paull out its deficiencies and how they ,toward ,the end of the Second . call be eliminated; Wickersham Anticjpa~ing the alrea!iY an stated there· has been no serious Turn to Page Two
nounced di~cesan synod," the :Rt. Rev. Charles J os~ph decline in the laymen's move
, f'anty, pastor of St. Paul's ment but there 'should be great
Church, Taunton, will con~ er gains in the light of an in
national economy, in
duct the annual weekend re creased crease in available time for par
The Diocesan Board of Ed treat fOI members of the St. ticipants and other 'factors. ucation, comprising seven Vincent de Paul Society from Bishop ,John J. Wright of • councils of the Diocese. members of the laity and six Pittsburgh, the keynoter, assert Voluminous preparatory 'work for the convocation of Scheduled for the weekend ed the declaration of purpose of members of the clergy,' will of Sept. 24-25 at Cathedral Camp, the Second Vatican Council is ,will meet with thE' Most Rev. the approaching .diocesan synod, announced in April by ][.,akeville, registration and as the, declaration of purpose of the . James L. Connolly, .Bishop of t~e reached the stage that will permit a complete outline of a}]
signment of rooms will take reached th estage that will permit a complete outline of all Turn to Page Fifteen Turn to Page Two lPlace between 4-5 on Saturday matters to be discussed at afternoon; Sept. 2-1. the diocese's own Vatican II. Tbe order of exercises wilD. An extensive inquiry into 'faollow the pattern' of former re the actual diocesan and par keats. . ochial programs-and their real Monsignor Canty, was ordained May 26, 1934 in St. Miuy!s C~ :~i: Jan:i'es' effectiveness-is about complete. thedral b~' the late Most Rev. ' ' Each priest of the diocese has I~lmes E. Cassidy, D.D., fOllow-:' been given the oportunity to scrutinize the present and make, . Turn to' Page Se~en'teen n To Moss'
,Tqrn to Page Two , pleasant. Tuiquipaya is a little A day in the life of a mission ary priest 'in'South America is village about 25 kilometres from' , LaGuardia.' The purpose: of , th~ , vividly described in a 'communi cation'to The, Anchor; from trip was to celebrate Mass'for a Father, James E. Murphy, for deceased person, who. had died nine days ago. ' ' merly assistant at St. Patrick's, Fall River and the first priest Funeral \Masses are rare'down from the Diocese to serve with here. Instead, the person'is buried the St. James Missionary group very soon after death a~d for A PontifiCal Low Mass working in South America. nine evenings in a row all the will be offered tomorrow neighbors gather in the home From Santa Cruz, Bolivia, night at 7 :30 in the Bishop Father Murphy writes: of the family of the deceased. It is a very beautiful day in I suppose that this custom Stang High School Auditor out village of LaGuardia-about could have started at a time ium, No. Dartmouth, b~' Most when it would' have taken that Rev. James L. Connolly, com 20 kilometres outside the city long for the family to contact the memorating the millelWlium of of Santa Cruz in Bolivia. Although we are still in Winter, priest and have him travel out to Christianity in Poland. Rt. Rev. Stanislaus 3ypek, m the past few days we have had ... 'the village. Now things may be warm Spring weather. After our done a'little more rapidly since native of Our Lady of Perpet series of cold weather storms our main Church is just off the ual Help Parish, New Bedford, main "highway" from Santa and a professor at Emanuel Cm from the South these days are a lege, Boston, will be the preach. welcome relief. Cruz to Coch;lbamba. The warm air made my trip to The people in the villages are er. JlSGK.C.I.. CANTY Tiquipaya this morning verT Turn to Page Two . REV. lAMES E. MURP~ Turn to Page Four
Taunton Prelate Retreat Ma for Vincentians'
Education·· Board, Io Study School .Salary Schedule
Plans 'for
Diocesan Synod Are Nearing Completion
· B'0 I·' · Diacesan Priest' Serves' In,' Describes Journey
.. Mu;phy . Fcirtnfir",Assistant I Fall Riyer .
To' Sma'" Village,
Expect Cap':1city Throng at· Polish Millennium Mass
'Sthedule Annual
'Labor Day Mass
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 25, 1966
Plans for Synod
I .
WASHINGTON (NC) -Arch to better the educationdl, char bishop Patrick A O'Boyle' of Continued from Page One , itable and 'religiouE life of the
Washington will preside ,at the suggestions. for the future in the Diocese, the' Second' Vatican
annual Labor Day Mass offered light of Vatican II.. Council has launched a great re';'
'for labor, management and goY Every phase of religiotis life ernment at the ' Shrine of 'the ligious crusade and provided the as found 'in the Diocese - has churches with the means to suc- _ Sacred Heart here Sept. 5; come understudy. Now the ~ cessfully live, as the M.ystical Auxiliary Bishop Edward J. suIts of such a conscientious Herrmann of Washington will Body in b world such as this. study is' to be melted into the offer the Mass, which is spon The study that'has been inau sored by the Archdiocesan Union prospective program of the Sec . of Holy Name Societies. ond Synod of the Fall. River gurated .at the bidding of the
Most Reverend Bishop and ·the
Coadjutor Bishop Peter J.,. Diocese.. .>f Vatican II will now be
Gerety of Portland, Me." wfill call The countless opinions and translated into more effective
suggestions at a, more Clruitful programs. Here again, Fall River
" ,preach, the sermon. ' .. A wreath-laying, ceJ:emony and effective Christian life and is among the'''first to' put .the
, !hon()ring the memory of .James witness in' all, fields of human hopes of ,the ,Council, and ,Pope , Cardinal Gibbons will follow"the endeavor, shall, now be com , into. effect,., ", , ' dial' , ,"., , ::',M ass, a t '.h e car ns"statue! • . ,·pared, scrutinized, and weighed according to the increa:;;ed good for the people of the diocese and ' Mi~len'niumMass' :,~i':,PR][MATE'S ~EPRESENT~TIVE: Bisho~liadiSh\us" :r~t ;:e:~~::u~~\h~··.. g-~~:; Co~ti~u~ f~om:i:>~g~ o~~;,~.ubjil,., Auxiliary .~lSh,Op',.to ~ardmal:,Wyszyp.~ki,()f PoIa.nd, ~ashi~gtonCentralLabor COUllalso according to the generosity . . of response to the inspiring di . Assisting Bishop ·Connolly.will >iU;!,;~e~comed on ~l~' f-lrrlval m ther.. p·,S~ b.y, B1St:lOP.WY~lSIo ;;~l, .wIll speak., ' ., rectives of. the' Second Vatican be Rev. John" BainboI;' ·O.F .M.' of; ChIcago, and he. w111 '·represent th.eCar dmaI at the ,()bserv-I !'\ ' . , . :" . .Council. c;:onv. an~'Ite~.'Fe1iCian Plicbta,\ahceof the. Mill'enriium. of Polish. Chr:is:ianit~~ to ?E!.'held' in .' .For this a Senate of Priests O.F.M., Conv; , ' Chicago ,on Sunday. Jhshop Rubm ,vlsIted hiS fnend Rev. '. , soon to be named-and various . Presenlat the 'Mass Will, be Ad~Ibert A. SzkIanhy, :1ssistant at St. Pa,trick,'s Church Commission will begin to do the Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, F 11' R" . '1''9'63' d' ted he e g in in October .' "sorting and comparing work of, Auxiliary Bishop 01 the Dicx:e~e., a. Iver, m ..... an IS expec ." r a a " NEWARK (NC) -Sister Carin a' sense, rewriting the laws Chaplains to the Bj~hopwill be ,', melindaSciscento, a native 01 and practices f)f the Diocese' of. Rev. Joachim Dembeck, O.F.M.. . t' ~ , .,.. Fall . River, has been named Fall River in the light of the Conv., and Rev~ Matthew Kot','.' :"general econome 'or financiall~lCl ·Vatican Council. kowski,.O.F.M. ConY.', . ' . ' ",' _ . , , . ' . Visor of the Religious Teatl1en Diocesan Synods are to be Brother Henry New. .. · eonv9k'e,: periodically so as to . . bnng the Church's many pro Mr. Walter'G<isciminskiwill b e . . 'Of286-Year old C"'hristici'n' TeaChEI',S",' St • Francis"Xavie~s eonvent .' , , " .' ',. ' , • ' . , ,. benihas been a member of the · 'grams to bear' mere effectively the organist. in solving' 'the contemporary LAFAYETTE (NC)-Brother icism if it helps us to improve' community 'for 36 years anti a 'problems the people of the di~ t Charles Henry, F.S.C. first our techniques, developing bet-i'eoJnmunity supervisor in ··the . 'eese must live with.. C h _00 nro men·; American elected s\iperiorgen- tel' teacher training pr'ograms." Newark archdiocese for 'ifoaw The 'last such. synod in· the ReCllches eral of the 286-Year old Brothel'll ": years. 1 history of Fall River was held of the Christian Schools, preROCKVILLE CENTER (HC) senteel habits to new Brothers ff · at 3t. Mary's Cathedral, Fall Continued from Pag4~ One '" nlverslty ta '.' " •. River, by Bishop William Stang, -Enrollment in diocesan schools here on the 40th anniversary of . here on'Long Island'will reach "his own reception of the habit. ,Vatican,Council, the Senate of R· • . S' ,'. on May 12, 1905; a record total ,of more :than of g:reat, ,help e,slgnatlons oar The ceremOnY marked' some Priests willalsl' . Though the Fall River Diocese 000 students when the new school to the Bishop" BUENOS AIRES (NC)..:.-'D-, firsts for the Brothers here. For ~ , has conceived many programs T his . group of appointed 'igI1ations of personn~l at BuenOll year begins in" September. the first time the new' Brothers The opening of four new high retained their family names, priests will stud3r questions con ,Aires University have run into "sl·ana Prelate high schools' and two new el- 'rather than choosing 'a 'religious cerning ,parish and diocesan life the thoustands. Faculty and staff Loul ementary schools is' principally closely and then, .after' mature members, protesting the govern name, and at the end of ,the d lib ti tak uIta responsible for the numerical e era on, E! on a c:ons ment's closing of-the school, are
To Lead <4PI'lgrIOmage ceremony they filed out flanked ti t e. Th'IS d eciSlOn ' f th . growth It brings the total of "e vo 0 ' e '.. leaving m' droves despite g01' NC)-M,sgr. ' . 'by their parents; rather than by te sh uId _nect to the , S LAKE CHARLES ( schools to 123. ' ena 0 ,.-.:.u ' ,ernment promises to restore
Irving A. DeBlanc, pastor of Our already 'professed Brothers. Bishop and other au.thorities autonomy. parish Teaching personnel, also .on' Brother Charles Henry said he f' f di' i L a d Y Queen ' 0 f Haven e , the increase, ,will number, about what the eelmg 0 'ocesans s. .Resignations,have come,.from . 'fi" al vot eo", does not believe the tea:chin,g f th p'" .... h ere, WI'11 Ies d an around the ,2,225 with lay teachers com "Th'.e".n e"rles... . deans., from' the ranks of .the S ena 'te WI'11'm no way, t ~ a"Jee a1 ; school's 2,000 professors. and~'88 , world. piigrimage Nov. 28 to .;prising about, one-third, of ,the .""Brothers', apostolate ' '", will " ",'dis ' appear., Jan. 3.. " ' , i "total. . . ,." .dec~sll;m but ,only a.,.sugg~~tion ;,.' sociates, ,and from f1ecretari~. Thepilgrim~ge will inClude ,. "Catholic education is here to . w~ch,: ~ been fOrmE!~t.,after.... The;July. 29· closing, enfolleed' attendance at the Interna.~onal M' '~·O d"" .' ~t.aY,~'The people desir~ it,i~ ill' ~tu~y:and de~beratioJ,l." by:,thegovernme,pt to.:weecLout Un'ion of Family Organizations ass; 'r 0 C needed, and i,t is goq4 fo~ ~oc~!'!ty, ".The,~tial \Vorkof;true.,~~nJlte communists among the facul~ , conference in :r.-rew- De~,. Ind;ia, . FRIDAY..".Mass,o~ previo~.Sun in general." " '.. ' . .of ~~sts.~ the Diocelle. or J:all and student body, has bro~gb.t a , Dec: 12 t~ 16, and .m7etin~ WIth _ day. IV Class. Green, Mass "Criticism," he added, "can be :River, .to;study:the PI:ob- storm" Universal" protest. Proper; No, Glory,or Cree!i; a blessing in .disguise,' if we .l~~swhich,th~ Dioc~aJllS~od Teachers atthc Argentine· Cath . family:. lif~. spec1>llis.ts m.~ '. countnes ':Islted. Chnstmas WIll .. 2nd' Prayer. St... Zephyrinus, profit fromit. We welcome.Crit-,.iqo.fac~.,~:ri,ew~~,S~g;g~stions ..olic, ViuverSi.ty",unl!ffec,t~ by be spent' m Bethlehem, where' Common .·Preface. offered b~ the DIocese s p'r,i~sts, the' order closmg down state pni Magr. DeBlanc will celebrate .. . ' OR ,,','
Fr~shm",en". sk" an_d fo~~atethE!ir o\\l'ns.u~ges-·;· v~rsitfes;'isSuea a tetter 'e1l:prea . midnight Mass for the families St. Zephyrinus, Pope,a~d Mar ,, • • ' . '·ti~ns,foi' this official revie~,~d·· ing their'deep concern'fot"tbe of the w;orld. ,tyro Red. Glory.; no Creed; ",' New TUitIon ·Grants . "~~gio~amento", o~, diocesan future of 'the Argentine.. ~tudent The pilgrims are scheduled to , Common'Preface. "",. LANSING (NC)-:'Nearly 1,000 laws. community.' . ha've an, audience. ~ith Pope SATURDAY -St.- Joseph Cala- private college freshmen .already Paul VI during a VISIt to Rome. sanctius Confessor. III Class. have applied for state' tuition They will leave Paris for home White. 'Mass Proper; Glory; grants under ,a new Mi~higan Continued from Page One Jan. 3. no Creed; Cor.unon Preface. . law. ' . .. SUNDAY-XIII· Sunday 'A f t e r Dr. Leon Fill, vice-president Diocese, and Rev. Patrick J. ..uneral Bonae .' O'Neill,' Diocesan SupeJiI1tend Pentecost. II Class.' Green. afthe State Board of Educa Picket CathedraO ,550 Locust Str' ',' Mass Proper; ~ Glory; Creed; 'tion,' saidabo~t 6,000 freshmen ent of Schools;- at 2 Frida;y after-, NEW YORK' (NC)-Some 20 Fall River. Mass. Preface of Trinity. who plan .to enroll in private noon 'in the Bishop's Residence, ':' Highland Avenue, Fall'lUver. demonstrators picketed st.~ Pat MONDA.: -:-B¢heading, : of . St••. colleges in .September . are""ex ',...' .OS 2-239" 'the purpose of this meeti'rig is ..' rick's Cathedral here, ca1ling John the Baptist. III Class. pected to apply fo~ grants whiCh upon the Catholic Church to re E; Sa1Uvan Red. Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd 'range from $50 to $250 per to 'discuss' 'the salaries' of the verse its ban or. artificial meth Prayer st. Sabina, Martyr; 'no semester, depending on the stu- . teaching . sisters . and b;rattiers, ";.,,.. ~y E. , , - . . -. "". throughout the Diocese of 'Fall ods of birth control. The dem Creed; Common Preface. dent's family income. River. ..: •. onstration ,"las led .by William R. TUESDAY,,- St. Rose of Lima, The new Tuition Grant Pro .... Baiid, a non-Catholic. Virgin. III Class. White. Mass gram .ias approved in June by Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer SS. the state Legislature and signed " . OIROURKE: Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs; into law last month by Gov. Funeral GeOrge Romney. The Legislature no Creed; Common: Preface. FUNERAL HOME, INC. WEDNESDAY - St. Raymond. appropriated $3.1' million fo'r the FORTY HOURS 571 Second StrEte~ II. Marce. Ray - 6. LarraltlG IIoJ
Nonnatus, Confessor. III Class. first year of the program. . ,DEVOTION Roger laFrance
White. Mass Proper; Glory; no . Fall -River, Mass. FUN~IlAL DIRECTQRS
. Creed; Common Preface. Necrology Aug. 28--St. John the Baptist, 9-6072 THURSDAY - Mass of previous 15, Irvington Ct.
Central Village. . SEPT. 3 Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass MICHAEL J. McMAHC:>N '. 995-5166
Out Lady' of. ,Grace,- No. Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D.,. Proper; No Glory or Creea;, Licei;5ed FuneraB Director "Westport .New Bedford
2nd Prayer" St; Giles, . 3rd 1912, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taun Regi~red' Ernbalm.••r Sept. 4-:-Our Lady of the .As Frayer. Twelve"~oly' Brothers, ton. sumption;.New Bed SEPT. 11 Martyrs; Common Preface. ' ""OR '. ford. Rev. Joseph·P.Tallon, 1864, Our Lady of, Mount Car st. Giles, Abbot: White. Glory;. Pastor,· St. MarY, New Bedford. mel, Seekonk. D·OLAN~SAXOI~"· .!' 2nd ,Prayer' Twelve HoI y , Rey;: Johp. J. Maguire, 1894, Sept. ~ur" Lady of.' the Peter, Provincetown 'Brothers, l\iartyrs;no. ·Cr~;. Found~r, FUNERAL HOME Assumption, New Bed" SEPT. 15 ~omn'1on. Preface. ' .; ' . . One Votive. :Mass·hi. honor':of ., nev. Napole6n A. Messier, 469 LOCUST STREET' Jesus ChriSt; the Eteniaf High 1948, ·P.astor, St: Matthew, FlllJ1 FALLRIVEit, 'MA$L'.,. '. THE dCMOI Broadwa,,:: Pnest, permitted. River: 2-33., . S8coml Clau Posmge PalO It Fall Rive, Glory; 2nd Prayer, St. Giles, SEPT. 8 Mass. Publlshel eve" l1Iursda) a1 41a Rev; Thomas Sheehan, 3rd Prayer·· Twelve ' Holy WUfred Co James' l Hlllhlana Avenue' Fall Rive. Mass., 02722 oy tile catholic Pres. 01 the Diocese 01 FaA Brothers, Martyrs; no Creed; Founder, Holy Trinity, W. Hall' YA 4-5ClJGO . . Driscoll·Sullivan;.Jr. , Rive. SubscrlptlOll price IIlI IIIlIU: IIOSlPGlII· wich. .," ,", Commpn Pr~ace... $4.D0 lI8I ,..,. .
FaII Rover' Sister
In High Off'ice
Re~~cii~~~ '~~,':a:~~il1a::~'
;. "'"
IE' II ,'94 000
First· Senate
· ' ,S
. '.':
.1 ,000
School Board
. : &ose
Sullivan" "
Home ..
D. D. Sullivan &Sons
Funeral. Horne 123 TAUNTOI'II"
Maryknon Cuts' Makes Superior's Term 'To Six' Years
Room lor Jet Set,
Fr. Morris
MARYKNOLL (NC) Permission to reduce the terms ,of superiors general from 10 to six years has been
Thurs., Aug. 25, 1966 ~
Semi- Retirement
Fall River MaryknoUer 52 Years in Priesthood
Congress. Probes Luther Teaching HELSINKI (NC) Luther scholars from all over the world met here in Finland to discuss the impact of modern scholar ship on the traditional under standing of the'medieval reform-
er. .
Discussing hIs spirituality,
philosophy and ecclesiology, the scholars attempted to relate the reformer's thought with modern Protestantism and ecumenism. This year's congress, the first to be held in Helsinki, is the third LU,ther congress in 10 years. ';rheological preparation ,was was dope ,by the Lutheran World Federation.
Maryknoll F'ather John E. MQrris may be one of the few priests in the world who (JI.ven to the Catholic Foreign can say his mission was "bumped" by the Jet Age. And indeed it was. The Fall River MiSSion Society of America missioner was stationed in Hawaii wher'e he wo~ked for 12 years until his parish border OMaryknoll Fathers) by the.Con gregation for the Propagation of ing Honolulu's International Airport, was engulfed by runways lengthened to a~commotile Faith. date new jet aircraft. That ' . The change in the constitution holm in a prisoner-of-war ex was in 1956. Father'Morris ldso includes a provision for suc ehange. celebrated ,his 77th birthday .ession by the 'society's vicar In Hawaii Jl! Years general if the superior general OR Jan. 1 of this year, and ceases to hold office, for the currently is semi-retired from In 1944 Father Morris was as.. aemaining term of office. Pre mission work and resides at the 'signed to the missions of Ha ,w-ously an extraordinary ehap Maryknoll' seminary in Moun waii where' he worked for the 6er 'had to be called 'to elect a tata yiew, Calif. next 12 years until the incident . .ccessor. . with the extensien of the run JI)iocesa~ Priest Greater Flexibility" way in 1959. The shorter term becomes He ,was, ordained for the Dio Returning to the conti1!entat effective immediately' and will cese of Fal,'River in 1914, joined U. S. he was appointed Regional acffect the terms of office of 'the Maryknoll in 1921, and left for Director of Maryknoli' activities superior general and four mem the missions in Korea in October in the Pacific Northwest with Two thousand friends and 85 bers of the general council whose' M: 1923. his residence in Seattle, Wash sociatesof Rev. Father Edmond elections are currently on the , After 13 years in Korea, where ington. He held this post until L. Dickinson, who served the _apter agenda. " , he served as Prefect Apostolic, his second assignment to Korea· Sacred HeaIi parish in ~orth Maryknoll's constitution has be was transferred to Kyoto, to in 1959. Attleboro for 28 years, will .1Ied for 10-year terms of of work among the large Korean His assignment to Mountain gather, at the King, Philip on ,Bee since it. was written in i929. population living in that city. View after 43 years of, mission Sunday, Sept 11 for a testimonial ,,; ,~u;.e subject ,of shorter terms was ' . ' ' With "the outbreak. of, World , work was made in August of banquet. Gliscussed at the last 'chapter, in General ,chairman of the 31-' 1965. He, jokingly commented ;,. 1~56" but gelegates, at th~ :titne, War II he was interned by the Japanese and repatriated to the at the time "1 have to m"ke , fair, is L. Bancroft Austin' wIth , ' ~ted to de~er action on it. ' ' ,hcmoJ;ary chairman, Rev. J. Omer A chapter spokesman declared U. S. aboard the S.S. Grips- REV. JOHN IE. MORRIS, M.M. oroom for the jet set." Lussier, pastor of Sacred' Heart .u~ six-year term will al\ow Church. ,Co-chairman is Roiand greater flexibility and conform Fregtault and treasurer, ,Rev. (;tv wHh :rapidly,changing times. Roger Leduc. The general com Additionally, it will" allow mittee comprises, Joseph Vedl more frequent opportunity for leux, Mrs., Ralph Patunoff, Fran m.ajor planning and re-evalua cis Ouellette, Norman Deschenes, tion of society work and permit "Manifestly our wealth in Pauline Paquin, Mr. and Mrs. the possibility of re-elections. MIAMI BEACH (NC) - The· 'l~ading Christian body iIi the L'Homme Gerard numbers, talent and resources Normand Trend 01 Times chief executive officer of' the land. Maryknoll is one of several Knight:; of Columbus called on Our order has spread through calls on us to reach out to the Achin, Albert Desilets; Mrs: Paul lJOCi~ties in recent years to seek ' the organization's'I,200,OOO mem- the length and breadth of North community and, like Christ, LaTamee, Daniel Cardin, Romeo ...d receive permission from the, bers "to be in the foreground'of America. It now counts in its seek to serve rather than be Villemaire, Mrs. Donna Gilmore and Al Houde. Holy See to reduce the terms of tlltose who respond to the direc- ranks the intellectual, economic served. office. Among these were the tive of the Second Vatican and political cream of society," Tum Outward Oblate Fathers and the Mission- Council that laymen tmust take he said. , ''Evidently our eyes whicl1 for llI'ies of Ss. Peter and Paul up the renewal of the temporal, "It is high time that we years we returned inward NOTRE DAME (NC)-Notre (PIME) who have reduced their order as their own special abandon the concept of 'our toward oui self-defense now Dame U"iversity's 13th annual generals', terms to six years. " '. obligation.' " order as mainly a fortress to must turn outward for opportu , Election of Maryknoll's superSpeaking at the States Dinner protect us from a hostile world. nities to defend and help others. theological institute for local lot' general and' four-member '01. the 84th annual meeting of Under such an outlook what "And it is in, this new role as superiors closed after 1,700 nuns
,teeneral counci! is expected' at the 9rder's supreme council, served as a fortress of protection we direct our attention to the from aU o'"';)r America discussed
iMena:ry sessions after Aug. U' John Wi. McDevitt said the yesterday could become a prison community at large, that we th~ impact of the Second Vati
IH&t it is possible the discussion ,,~nights of Columbus constitute 'barring us from opportunity to can carry out the challenges can Council on women's reU
iIould be introduced earlier.· the "largest, most effectively or- day and ~ .dungeon dooming us given us by the Second Vatican gious l;ommunities.
ganiBed and most highly equip- . to 9wg~ation tomorrow. ' Council."
Ped body of Catholic laymen on McDevitt said a good outline
,~ m~niails to the American continent." He " of what Vatican II expects of ,the ,~amsey 'stated this constitutes Dot only ,People of God and partic,ularly Building Contractor , P,HILADELPHIA (NC) - Dr. , of the laity is given i,n the Pas
prestige ,arid honor, but also re TORONTO (NC) - Catholics ' SpOnsibility." 3';lck Ramsey, one of the most toral Constitution on the Church Masonry elf the' Armenian rite in Canada', ,succeSSful coaches in modern in the M:odern World. McDevm added ,that, circUm soon have regular Services college basketball history, has , He rE:mommended that all III their own language and litu,r- stances have changed drastically resigned as coach and athletic councils, with the aid of their ' liIinee the order was founded 84 ' " director at St, .Joseph's College chaplains. their bishop, and ,Archbishop Georges Layek of ~ars ago. here to become general manager other qualified authorities, un "'In those less' mature days of 'of pro Philadelphia 7Gers of the :A1.eppo in Syri~ said this is the , dertake 'an immediate in-depth Purpose of this tour of North Ameri,can d~velopment," he said, National Basketball Association. study of the council documents, America, implementing one of "0... Church was regarded sus Ramsey also taught social sci 7 JEANmE STREET piCiously as a southern European ence at St. Joseph's, where he "particularly those relating to &he desires of the, Vatican coun the responsibilities and oppor bod!r foreign to American soil. t FAIRHAVEN WY 4-7321 iii. He is acting as delegate for ' ~as a, star and captain on the tunities of Catholic laymen in A.omenian Patriarch Ignace~ Our members were largely im Hawks's 1948-49 basketball team. the world today. P4erre of Beirut. . , migrants still at the bottom of
Archbishop Layek announced the social and economic ladder. ~:t#t.~+i'm%M?i!lli**%1W.(®i%B.MWf.~:i!f.\W~)l',l;~?41~~~KKK&.iE\ffi.@?mw~NmW~@l:Ml:iiit1.f(@n;;))@@I!<j@<'@;;;~~1\li~ priests wiil be authorized to Gar order served principally as / care for the small groups' of Ar-, a fortress where members' could .enian Catholics in Toronto gather and find mutual encour and Ottawa.. Larger parishes, agement and strength against the will be established in the United slings of a society still hostile to States, Archbishop Layek said. both their religion and their na tionality.
"Understandably many early
~etroit , efforts of the order were direc lOW-COST H.E.L.P. LOANS ted .at preserving the' heritage
of 001' faith and protecting
DETROIT (NC) - The Uni members from unjust discrimi versity of Detroit has opened its SPIECIAL STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNTS, nation. Because the order WaB first residence for women. The small and ,weak its principal ac lleW residence ha'l1 is the former tivities were directed inward Palmer Hotel. It has been eom towBlrd self-preservation. pletely refurnished and. will Different Today ~use 150 women students. "'But what striking differences The new dorm has been named continued. IDr Father Joseph A. Foley, S.3'., today," McDevitt -..udent chaplain for some 30 "The Catholic Church has taken .-.ears before his death in 1965. fia1a root and' has become the
Fr. E.' L., Dickinson, Testimonial Sept. 11
Tells Knights, Renew Te'mporal Order McDevitt Stresses CO'uncil 'Directive
Nuns:' Institute
.. Hav4' Gwn Rite Service
Resigns. ,
University Dorm for Women
Blocks Suicide
College Inaugural
MADRID (NC)-5ister Con 'LORETTO; Pa. (NC)-Gene
.elo clung to the legs of a 28,;. vieve Blatt, Secretary of Inter
rear-old patient for more than nal Affairs of Pennsylvania, was aeven minutes to prevent the mall guest speaker at St. Francis Col fi'om 'jumping from the eighth lege here yesterday when Father floor of the general hospital Vincent R. Negherbon, T.O.R..
:waa inaugurated 8Ii president.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Au"'."<: , 066
Paper O~ Ca.nad.Ql
Former_FaU Ruvell' A$$D$ih~Jm1fr
Serves in !flo1ivia
MONTREAL -(NC) - Domam (Tomorrow), an Italian-language Catholic weekly newspaper, be gan publication here for Itaiian sp'eaking Canadians with an i~ tial printing of 20,QOO cQpies.
" The paper, founded and edited by Father A. Paoletti, O.F.M. Cap., is published- by the ItaliaD Nathmal Parishes of Montreai under the general direction of Auxiliary Bishop Adrian Cimi cheBa, O:M.I., of. Montreal.
Father Paoletti said the paper will deal with general news as well as Catholic news. StaH members are all Italian laymen .with journalistic experience in - Italy. Father Paoletti recently spent 19 years in Australia, where he founded La Fiamma· (The . Flame), an Italian-language paper published twice weekly in Sydney.
are also many homes throughout Continued from Page One the woods so 1 find it more pru able to catch the local bus and 'dent not to ask where they got we can reach most of our vil lages by jeep. The custom still the grapefruits.' The altar boys
'take advantage of the rest of the prevails, however, so this morn ing 1 started out for Tiquipaya waiting period to get washed in with two "assistances". The altar .the 'river .'", 0) . boys, from the 7 o'clock (more . People Appear .or less) Mass, have the morning The opposite bank of the ri ver to "help" the Padres' since U"!e seems to. be a solid wall of green boys do not have class until the but slowly the people begin tp
afternoon. appear on the bank. It looks like At 9-More or Less • the chiItlren o·f· Israel comiJig' Classes for the girls begin at ',through the Red, Sea - except 8:30 more or less. The girls begin this sea does not part in the m'id to arrive at' the rectory from dIe. The babies are quite secure 7:30 on so that they can borrow on the' backs of their mothers the two volley balls and jump. ,and all proceed to dimb into the' ropes for an hour or so before jeep. truc:~ fo~ a short trip to going to schoof The public t.he small opening in the woods school is just across the street. whel'e 'the men have set up an . T'he Mass in Tiquipaya is at altar. . ,. 9 o;clock-m~e or less, so after As Mass begins there are greeting all the little girls with 'about 75 people present. By the a "Buenos Dias" and. "Como time Mas~ is .over a few more Reoctl'ioD'O SllDrprsSes estas?" and a couple of turns people have appeared-only,G,od Vermol'illl' G«»vernor with<the.jump rope we start out knows f:.'om where. Probably for the village. Besides being a they have been attracted by ST. ALBANS (NC)-Vermont's very beautiful Spring-like day it Alejandro's very loud and very Gov. Philip Hoff disclosed one is also a very lazy day and the bad singing. of the surprises of his legislative animals arE; the first to feel the After Mass isa fine time for career in a talk at the dedica laziness in thE' air. The trip is a catechism class, baptisms and tion of new Central Catholic slowed down considerably by anointing of any sick if there High SChool which will be open many. very slow moying animals . are any. As 1 am' leaving in the, cd in September.
on the "highway"-oxen, cows, truck 1 get the usual question,
"When 1 came out in fa,vor of horses, pigs, burros, chickens. "When are ,you coming again, federal aid to private education," This afternoon they will have Padr.e?". The usual answer, "We the governor said, "1 expected te a little more life because there ha\'e many other villages to go' receive complaints and protests• .is a wind statting to pick up. to but if 1 'am able, in three Actually, 1 did not receive one Official Hymn Leader weeks--more or less". 'letter or telephone call' about We have one stop along the the statement. ~ , way. Alejandro will be waiting T1}e school, built at a cost '01 on the road at Santa Rita. Al $1 million, was made possible though we do not have any tele by gifts from a number of per phones in this area Alejandro must have some means of com APPPRENTlCE·INDJAN STYLE: At a technical school sons ,including many non-Cath ST. COLUMBANS (NC) munication with someone here in for orphaned boys~ established by_ Bishop Francis Xavier olics. The school was dedicated by Bishop Robert F. Joyce of LaGuardia who lets him know Fifty-two Columban missionaries Muthappa of Coimbatore, India, this yopng apprentice ~~jes Burlington, Vt., who' character when we leave the house. He 'is will leave for six mission coun eut some carpenter's tools. NC. Photo.' . ized the building as a "memerial always waiting on the road for tries this Fall. Father Daniel Boland, S.S.C., 9£ love." us when we go by Santa Rita. Alejandro is our 17 year old, director of .the Columban Fa thers in North and South Amer self-made catechist, and our offi 'cial hymn leader a~ <lll the Masses ica; said: "The only mission in the villages from Santa Rita country that will not be bolster Parap~egic in Wheel Chair Studies to the end of the parish. A real ed by this influx of missionaries . c is Burma, as visas cannot be ob .good boy-with no education. Clhemistry at Notre Dame One more stop I almost forgot tained for missionaries tp enter about. A five:minute stop-more that counrty." NOTRE DAME (NC)-One of . he took second place in the free Father ~oland, added: "There or less-in Jorochito to tell Guil the 14.0 high' school chemistry style, the back crawl and the lermo that he is to inform all are now more than 200 Colum BUDG~T teachers who attended Notre breast stroke. the village that there' will be a bans in the Philippines and 100 Dame University's' s u·m mer "I don't think I'm so unique," PRINTED AND MAILED Bible service at. the chapel at 8, plus in both Japan and Korea, ·chemistry institute here was a he said. "There were about 100 more or less, if: the evening. with the remainder in Burma, man who has received the last other paraplegics down at the . Write. or Phone 672-1322 Guillermt is easy to find. He the Fijis, Peru and Chile." lives in the sacristy and is a full Of the 887 Columban priests, rites of the Church five times. University of Illinois when I was Ed Quinn', 28, has been a para 234 Second Street - Fall River there so you know I'm not un time catechist. We pay him $10 a some 600 are actively engaged in plegic for 11 years but durihg usual." month.' . i Inissionary work oversea~. Total that time has earned a b,ilchelor Since the day is 'so beautiful membership of the missionary many' of the women are doing society of secular priests is 1,175. of science degree in physiology and a master of science degree' their wash today. There are in 'biology from ~hc University of many puddles from the rains Illinois. Prelate to Address along the road. I will never un If he attends the next four de.rstand how the clothes can Polish Organization summer institutes at Notre be so clean coming out of such I' PITTSBURGH (NC)-Bishop .Dame, he will also receive a dirty water. i master of science degr'ee in John J. WL'ight of Pittsburgh will Greeted by Children NOVI~A chemistry. By now I feel like General be the principal spea'ker at the Quinn has been a: paraplegic MacArthur when he returned to Polish Falcons of AIl1~rica ob, New York during the Korean servance of Poland's mill.ennium since he was in an auto accident ~~o.. shortly before his high school War. The children. all along the of Christianity. graduation in 1955. The pl'Ogram, inculding field way, are doing everything but standing on their heads so that events and gymnastics by the Although he needs a wheel Falcons and the' Slovak Gym the Padre will wave to them. eha'ir to move around, he won We arrive at Tiquipaya at 9 nastic Union' will be held at 'three silver medals in 1962 at Preacher: Fr. Cosmas F. Timlin, O.F.M. West View Park, Sunday, Sept. the Para Olympics in Stoke to find only one man ..People do not come to Mass until the Pad re 4 OtheL' attractions include a Mandeville, England. As a mem arrives. It is 'I little different Polish kitchen and folk dancing. ber of the U.S. swimming team, today, however. Mo?t of the peo 10:00 A.M. - 12:10 Noon - 5:10, 7 and 8 P.M.' ple live acr'bss the river so it is necessary to drive'the two miles to the n ver . bunk and blow the horn so that they will know that WJDA-Boston-1300 on Dial-II :05 A.M.
I have arrived. The river is very beautiful. WPLM-Plymouth--1390 on Dial-9: 15 P.M.
Very wila 100king. Actually this area is considered jungle-cer Write for Booklet and Medal: tainly not like the Tarzan movies. It is very beautiful al t.ho.ugh dangerous at night be cause of t:\C many snakes. We have half an hour to wait of BRIS'l'OI~ COUN'I'Y fOL' the people to arrive so the Franciiscan Fathers altar boys and Alejandro disap THE AREA'S MOST ACCOMMODATING .BANK pear into the thicker woods. Pleasant Sheet They return with very laI"ge NORTH ATTLESORO • MANSFIELD
New Eledford, Mass~ grllpef"llit~. Th,,·r ;l!'e many ATTLEBORO FALLS
.. fruit tt'ees in the area but there
52 Missionaries
To Leave U.S.
Another Degree
I !
In. PreporoHon
Feast - Octobe.. 28th
Begin's Thurs:day • Septpmber 1sf
Catholic Mission Societies Meet In Washington
.Philosopher-Priest Visiting North Dartmouth Also Sculptor, Painter, Housebuilder
WASHINGTON (NC) The 17th annual meeting of U.S. Catholic mission seci eties will be held here Sept.
A philosopher who is also a part-time sculptor: paintera'lcl honse-builder-that's Rev. Herman Reith, C.S.C., who is spending the Summer at St. Joseph's Hall, North, Dart mouth. As co-author of a textbook, "Psychology for Nurses," he spoke this month to students at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, discussing the motivation a nurse should have in her profession. The address was an interlude in a busy Summer, which the Holy Cross priest· has de
1@ to 21, with' some 1,000 priests,. lReligious and lay persons acti ve fin Catholic mission work ex pected to attend. The Worldmission Award, given annually to a layman who makes an outstanding contribu ¢ion to mission work, will be ]!tresented to James J. Fahey, Waltham, Mass., garbage man and author of "Pacific War. Diary: 1942-45." All proceeds from his book are going to build • church in South India. Among speakers at the meet ing will be: Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York, director of the National Society fur the Propagation of the Faith; Auxiliary Bishop Harold R. Perry, S.V.D., of New Orleans; Msgr. Joseph Gremillion, direc tor of the socio-economic divi sion, Catholic Relief Services National Catholic Welfare Con ference; Bishop Frederick Hall, M.H.M., retired bishop of Kisu rna, Kenya; Sister M. Olivette Whalen, councilor general of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Ind., and Father Gerrard P. Fredericks, M.S.SS.T., supe Il'ior general of Trinity Mission's, .Silver Spring, Md. Theme of the meeting will be "Poverty and the Missions-the Demands of Justice .and Char ity." 'Degrading Misery' Besides general sessions, the three-day meeting will also in elude a number of simultaneous separate 'sessions for various groups, including men's and women's major superiors, proc urators and promoters, men and women's training directors' and v 0 cat ion directors, editors, Brothers, educators, and lay groups. The Mission Secretariat is a elearing house for information and services to aid American Catholic foreign mission work, with headquarters in Washing ton. Father Frederick A. Mc Guire, C.M., a former missionary lin China, is executive secretary. The delegates to this year's meeting represent more than 7,600 United States missionades staffing overseas missions. In a pre-convention state ment, Father McGuire said: "It is a truism to say that we are liv ing in an era of explosi ve . change. We are also living in a country whose affluence has never been equaled in the his tory of the world. "We are, at the same time, Hving in a world where degrad';' ing misery envelops half of all God's children. We in the United States accept as our due all the eomforts and conveniences of this affluent society, the while we push from our conscious Mlinking the agony of uncounted millions."
Eight Irish Sisters Arrive in Montana BILLINGS (NC)-Eight Irish Sisters of Mercy arrived here ~ work at St. Vincent's Hos pital . and in parochial schools. Two others are scheduled to ar Irive in September Six axe teachers and four are IIlurses. Bishop William J. Con don of Great Falls invited the IIluns here last November when he visited their motherhouse in lBallyshannon! € o unty Donegal.
COll'llsecrc:!ltaon Oct. )5 RICHMOND (NC)-Auxiliary Bishop-designate J. Louis Flah erty of Richmond will be conse crated in Sacred Heart cathedrall here on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
voted mainly to work on a book scheduled for Spring publication by the University of Notre Dame Press. Titled "A Light to the Nations: Essays on the Intellec tual Mission of the Church," it is described by Father Reith a'S "an attempt in the direction of a theology of the Church in mod el'n times." - He is grappling in its pages with redefinitions of key con cepts such as the nature of the priesthood, the Church herself, and such terms as "mission" and "witness." "Religious, laity and priests are all wondering who they are and what their roles are' in to day's Church," he said. "My stress is on Christ as the Logos. Christ's mission t~ the world is that of enlightenment and all his wOI'k was a witnessing to the truth." Logos in Time .'. His book will discuss the founding of the Church under the heading of "The Logos in TIme," and will develop the con 'cept that Christ "must unfold through history in human fash ion" The book, six years in the writing, took rise, said Father Reith, 'from his attempts to ex plain to seminarians that teach ing is as priestly a role as ad ministering the sacraments. He quoted St. Paul: "But as the Lord hath distributed to every one, as God hath called every one: so let him walk. And so in all churches I teach." From this beginning, he went on to consider the role of the intellectual in the Church. "Shoul<:l we be Christians or in tellectuals?" he asks in his open ing chapter, and ends by explain ing that it's not an either/or proposition, but rather a both! and one. In his closing chapters he ex amines the roles of religious and laity in the Church, explaining parenthetically that he saves the layman for last, in line with the gospel comment: "Thou hast saved the best wine till last." Other Books Other books by the author" in clude "An Introduction to Phil osophical Psychology" and ''The Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas." Also to be published next Spring is "Frederick, His Writings," part of a series O!ll Marxist writings of' which Fr.
Reith will be general editor. FOl' his doctoral degree, earned at
Laval University, he concen trated on Marxist philosophy. He gives credit to St. Joseph's Hall for providing the peace and leisure necessary to writing." "Most of my books have been written there," he said. For Ie years he was chairman of the department of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame and he is now teaching in the de pa:rtment. "There's no time fOll" my own writing during the tllC ademic year," he says. . In the Spring, however, he
will leave .Notre Dame for
Makerere University in Kam pala, Uganda, where he expects
to teach for the next five years.
"We have many Holy Cross missions in Uganda," he saiell, "and the Bishop there feels that the Church should be involved " in the growth of African educil
. tion" He therefore volunteered
for the faculty of the l\IIakereJl'la Btate university" .
Thurs., Aug. 25, 1966
C.IE!rgymen oStudy Mental Health WASHINGTON (NC) - Ten Catholic priests and Brothers · participated in a mental health workshop held this Summer at Georgetown University. The · program was designed to pro vide them with additional skills in dealing with mental health problems. They heard lectures from more than 40 psychiatrists, psy chologists, anthropologists, edu. cators and other clergymen. The participants also worked with patients in psychiatric and general hospita~ wards and with representatives of social and ed ucational agencies of the District of Columbia area. A spokesman for the grouIJl said. they were given the oppor tunity to talk with persons with widely varying pro b 1 ems. They observed alcoholics in s 1 u m neighborhoods, traveled with probation officers who work wit" delinquent youth, and visited homes for unwe<il mothers. The program was financed by Georgetown University. No gov ernment funds were involved.
Bay Staters Serve Poor in Canada COMBERMERE (NC)-More than 100 international volunteers are serving the poor in one of Canada's depressed rural al'eas, the Madawaska Valley. 'They are from New Mexico. Arizona, Wisconsin, Kentucky, PHILOSOPHER-SCULPTOR: Rev. Herman Reith, Georgia, Alabama, Illinois, Mich C.S.C. works on Holy Family group which will be erected igan, PennsylvalTia, New York, Massachusetts and Canada. They on outdoor pedestal at St. Joseph Hall, North Dartmouth. come to Madonna House for a Father Reith has been spending Summers at North Dart week to a month, and some the mouth house. working on books in field of philosophy, but entire Summer, to work in the apostolate. will teach in African university for next few years. Many volunteers spend their time at the Madonna House inarians on an expedition to Father Reith will not be for farm, S1. Benedict's Acres. Oth Mexico, where they built houses gotten at St. Joseph's' however. ers help at the summer recrea for shack-dwellers. And where He is leaving a very tangible did he pick up his manual labor tion",l programs for childern in memento of his presence in the · two isolated settlements. form of a ·life-size sculpture of know-how? "I came from a fam Some help in the summer the Holy Family. which will .be ily of 10 children," he explained, "Christmas" program, cleaning "and my mother adopted four erected on a.15 foot pedestal on and repa.iring toys sent here more. There was always lots of the North Dartmouth grounds. from all parts of North America, work to do." To Leave Memento for distribution this .Winter One more item on this Sum Of steel, the modernistic sculp ture is being welded in :r-rew mer's agenda: every Sunday Bedford by Father Reith during Father Reith flies to the island hours "taken ;from his writing of Cuttyhunk to say Mass for Summer residents. "The island project. Just Across The The versatile philosopher also is actually part of St. Mary's, Coggeshall St. "Bridge South Dartmouth," he said, "and paints, "for relaxation," leaning Fairhaven, Mass. towards oils and pastels. "I like Father Considine, .the pastor, Finest Variety of semi-abstractions," he said, "but asked the Holy Cross Fathers t<l be responsible for Summer I always try to get some figures SEAFOOD Masses." in my pictures." Served Anywhere - Also Among the priest's friends in The house - building? That
came two Summers ago, when the Diocese is Dr. John E. Man
Father Reith led a group of ning, Fall River pediatrician,
Notre Dame students and sem- who arranged this month's lec
ture at St. Anne's Hospital.
Vermont's Divorce
Rate Al110ng Lowest
BURLINGTO: (NC) - Ver mont's divorce rate continues to
remain among the lowest among
the 50 states of the nation. statistics disclosed it has been fairly stable during the last 26 years - about 1.5 divorces per 1,000 population. Sociologists claim the stable low rate results from the large Catholic' population of' the state -some 135,000 Catholics in m total population of some 393,000.
Where A
Means A
WY 7-9167
ELECTRICAL Contractors'
St. Francis Residence
!FOR YOUNG WOMEN U96 'II/hippie St., Fall R;vell' Conducted by franciscan Missionaries I!ll~ Marv ROOMS - MEALS
Inquiro OS 3-289'
NEW BEDfORD 944 County St. New Bedford
' .River-Th~rs.
mE ANCHO'R-Di9cese of ,Fan .
:The oC1tQ'ice
i "
A fascirlating chooice i~ shaphlg up as a cOrOn~ry to th~ present crowded condition in the pa~hial school system; . .
.Sword' of, the
Aug. 25, l~66
Those in authority in the Church are faced with the possibility that lower grades of the Oatholic schoQI system must. be sacrificed to' provid~ the space and. teachers for those in the upper. grades. The Gatholic high school and college must expand at the expense of the elementary school.
Edward P. McDonagb
CCD and CFM . The fourth Biennial eon.. ,- vention of the New EnglaBCl Area Christian Family Move ·rilent concluded its three day
- And the ;o.ungsters f~m th'~se lower grades tnust tum
to the public'~chOoI'Syate_m"of ~ducation.
. session on August 14th. The ~ W!lS the lovely campus ~f tbe Newton College of the Sacred Heart'and CFM couples from all If these yo'ung-sters 'p~esent tllem'selves .at the do()rs of over th.e, New England Sta~ the over-crowded public schools,' the community must find gathered there' to increase th~ . space and te.achers .for' them. That hits the whol~ com understanding of the mov'emeil!li . munity in the pocketbook... ·and to chart· new areas of, A~ tolic Action. .. The onlyaIternative seems' to be increased aid from. The' theme of the Christi_ publk tax funds for the parochial school system to assist . FamUy Movement is: "For Hap:. , 'pier. Families." and c!>uples • it· to educ~te every child who wants an ~ducation in a the organization seek' that goal Catholic iChOol. by applying the "Observe, JUd~ and Act" technique in their own CriticS of pa-roehial school system. must 'choos~be . :ho~es, the neighborhood, the tween expaIlding the public school system at a prohibitive parish and the ~orld at large. eost; or swallowing their harsh words and grant to· parents The purpose of all this is to fo~ the right to educate their children in a system not less Catholic Lay Leaders 'and', from , all the evidence, it succeeds veq ca.pable and democratic than the public school system, and well. in assisting the chil~ to. receive an education in the system · Significantly, one of the wen of his parent's choosing. attended workshops at the rec~Di convention 'covered the comple mentary nature of CFM and CCD. Chaired by Rev. William. Study Suggests More Than Busing \ 1'. Downs of Newton, the wide A survey of _two thous'and pupils in the Chicago area In EdllllcGtioll1lEquality-lntegration
ranging discussion period h'igb produced some revealing staticS about their television lighted several areas where CCD WASHINGTON (NC)~A re Senator Abraham Ribkoff of and CFM have worked well to viewing habits. port prepared by the U.S. Of Connecticut has accused the 00 geth~er, and some where the,: Elementary school students spend an average of fice of Education 'says that the ·ministration of playing have not: present s~t-up of the ..n ation's the report because it contains' twenty-one hours a week with television. Wor!dng Together public school system serves to explosive political implkations. Couples'from several localities High -school'. students average' :fourteen :hours a' week. - perpetuate the social and eco "I think the time has come for - indicated that CCD's Paren1o nomic gap between most .Negroes us not to be satisfied. with Educator units are natural ou1o Parents of those ·qu.estioned admitted to watChing and whites. cliches;" Ribic9ff told John W. lets for those seeking to pro , television about ,twenty hours week, and their teachers Although it challenges the . GaTdner, .SecretarY¢ Healtl),. mote happier famiiies. Manr saw it twelve hours. eoncept of n e i g h b 0, b 9 0 d Education, and Welfare, M 11 CFM couples are working iQ: the' report warns tha! Senate sub-committee hearing -Parish Parent-Educator groups Television is here to stay. No on~ would decrie its . schools, integration and· edu~ational on urban problems. "A lot of and~" 'in doing so, are finding great entertainment and 'educational value. Already it is equality cannot be attain,ed. by the concepts are loaded with solid, recruits for CFM among being used as' a supplement 'to classroom teachings. . ' busing alone. political dynamite.'" the young married couples that The 737-page report on Equal-' James S .. Colemlm ,author of, - . But like any other thing, it inust be used and ·not ity oj Educational Opportunity the report; agreed that the ad they. visit. T~is is. a perfect. eJl ample of how the two organiza.,. " abused, the used and not the user. has been published, by the Of ministration - issul~i:I summary tions' can help each other l:\v. It is quite possible for people to become hypnotized by fice of Education. Earlier, the was fl;lt and over--cautious. He working together. office isued a summary of the said that might have stemmed Other examples cited by parti thecatho,de eye and spend hour afterhour in an electronic two-yea'r study called for by from uneasiness. about findings cipants . were the use of CFlII controlled -trance. Congress under terms' of the' "that may have political lreper..; couples as guest lecturers and cussions." 'discussion leaders in CCD Since such viewing is essEmtiatally passive it bodes no Civil Rights Act of 1964. .classes covering questions . . good .for the creative mind. And the student can easily marriage- and sex. Fall River come to grief by ·spending too much time caught in the CFM'ers noted the participation . trap qf. this twentieth century Lorelei. . of CFM couples as discussion moderators in the CCD leadeJi"o A student's life is one of application to lessons and Enable Proests to Cover Large TerritCl»rfl,
ship day programs. Manyothel8 work. He has no more excuse from those responsibilities recounted incidents of CCD Eli In PerfolTmOlftceof Apostolic Work
ecutive Boards being formed o. than his father has to refuse 'to work, his mother to ignore the making o~ meals and duties of housekeeping. '. .' LOCKPORT (NC)3-A priest" . years ending with the rank of of CFM groups. who has twice flown at" the major,. was here in Illinois for · 'Father Downs, who is both • Study costs an effo~t. It is not always pleasant. ltis speed of sound believes a plane the third annl,lal conventioJl' of . CFM Chaplain and a CCD Parish a sacrifice. Arid in this age of high living standards, when. can be a useful tool "iii apostolic the National Association of Director, noted that priests will contittue to look to CFM for children are brought up with v'ery little sacrifice' in .their labor, especially in· far-flung .. Priest Pilots. He' learned to fly' here ""hi~ leaderS ·to staff CCD"units and lives, surrounded by everything that money can buy, they fields." . Father Richard E. Spellman, he 'was seminarian. He said: "I otlier parish.organizations. Not to must learn control and discipline to assure s~holastic suc pastor of Our Lady of the. Most was a good enough pilot that the provide for CFM in a parish cess. Archbishop of Santa Fe tnJsted would mean that a prime source Holy Rosary parish in Albuquer of committed laymen a Jl d me to take him around the Arch que, began to fly when' he saw Control of television watching is just such a discipline women would be cut off. diocese in my plane." ranchers in New Mexico using of spirit. There are a few problems' too.
planes 'to get- around their Some 150 priests belong to the Several areas have eXJ?erienced
association, said Father Rich~rd . And with schools soon to open, it is a discipline that ranches. difficulty in obtaining permis
Skriba, the convention's gen "If the. ranchers can do it, should be decided upon by parents for their children, and sion to start CFM because CCD
why can't a priest?" he asked. eral chairman and a'!::sistant pas~ Discussion Groups already ex
insisted upon as the school year goes along. "I found out that in my little tor of St. Simon parish in ,Chi isted. Apparently the distinction
plane I was able to get around cago. Altogether there are over between the two groups is not
quickly to mission schools in 400 priests and Brothers in the always understood. New Mexico to teach catechism U.S. who are pliots, he added. Similarly, CCD Discussion to children." Groups have; in some cases, He 'has used his plane, too, to Says Priest's R~Ue been difficult to start and maind~liver medicine to Catholic I 11 . tain where CFM is active. In missions in Mexico. . Just pirituOID rare instances, competition BOGOTA (NC)-Father C~ - rather than cooperation has Father Spellman, who served as an Air Force chaplain for 10 cilo de Lora, one of the direc- been the guiding spirit, with un OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RiVER .tors of the Latin' American bish- fortunate results for both. ops' educational department,. afThe lesson learned from the d1"O Highland Avenue Retain Pri"iDege firme<: here that the role Of the workshop )Nas this: Where 'CeD 675-7151 Foil River, Mass. 02722 MADRID (NC)-Spain's bish priest is 'exclusively spiritual. and CFM people get ~ know: ops, following their annual con "In the past," he said, "prieSts each other and take the time to PUBLISHER ference. announced that they had an authority and prestige understand each' other's pro Most Rev. James L. -Connolly, D.O., PhD., will retain the privilege of eating beyond .the religious, .but ilow grams,' the results can be im meat on Friday. The ,dispensa- " we have to recogniZ4~ that the pressive. CFM has the happy' GENERAL MANAGER '. ASST. GENERAL. MANAGER . tion from the regular law dates , times have changed andtl)at our knack. of producing. commi~ted Rt. Rev. DanielF. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll back several centuriell, and came ··miSsion is rust spiritual:" Father >Calholics who are willing ..
r~ orginal1y.. as a reward .for ..ser de Lora spoke during a"conJ'er- - act, -and CCD continues to off.
MANAGi~G E[>ITOR ;,~ ... 'vices to the .Church. and for ence at Bogota's arl~hdioce,san almost unlimited opportunitiee
H~gh' J. Golden Spanish wars against infidels. curia here in Colombia.' for action.
Here'is where ,the choice coin~s in.
Gap StUI· Exists
Modern Lorelei
down ,.
Planes Help
THe ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Aug. 25, 196'6
Bisho:p Asks for Suggestions-- !: Priests Respond Generously, ,';\
", '1.Ciity"· Ex:pres'sVariety of 'Opinions Brm
YOUNGSTOWN' (NC)-I-WedThere was a call for a study of
R~~~ie$ fr~ QM~~\1'5@~~~o[j',®
<mngs and ftinerals in the eve- "the'~hoie questiori:of the Caih- ' ming, 'wholesaie' revamp~~g. of o~(~~ool system versus, CCD.",
VICTORIA (NC) - Give the Latin and Oriental rites.
l!'arish' organizations, retire~ent :,JElimination of raffles, collec-:"
,lar;m~,alliop,p~rt.u,ni~yto speak " On the ,ne~C;i~ive, sidEiI 418 felt @f priests at age 6s-:these were tronS:and all o~her "fUli9.-raising :' his mmd on the' results of the that there was a great need of sorrie' suggestions for updating gimlnicks" was proposed for Second Vatican' Council, the better adult ed'U:cation~ 'There advanced' by the Youngstown Catholic, schools. ,One priest liturgy, ecumenism and the was overwhelming concern for <t1Iiocese's 262 priests. lamented the lack of dialogue' Church and he'll say plenty. better Catholic education, more , The Ohio priests responded between parents, pastor and' Bishop Remi de Roo of Vic- religious instruction for Catholic generously to a request, by school principal" and suggested toria here in British Colombia children not in Catholic schools, lBishop James W. Malone, apos- the establishme:nt, ,of q, parish discovered tbis when 600 parish- more Catholic youth activities tolie' administrator of the diocese, s~nate, whose members would ioners filled out a comprehen- and efforts to' build a stronger lior suggestions. The bishop now sit in on school faculty meetings. sive question'naire and returned family life. Inadequate teachers lltas called on the laity of the Also present was the limitation it to the chancery office. Two- and poorly trained ,teachers also aliocese to make suggestions. The of all classes to a maximum 6f thirds 'of them signed their came under fire. llle~ IS-member pastoral com40 students. ," names but this was not required. Other tOPIcs which turned up '" ,mission will study all suggestions Their comments went far beyond in the survey, ,but" which were ) " . ~: .. , ' ,an:d make" recommendatioQs to the questions asked. ' not' put as questions, included " ' BiShOP Maione. ' ',': ~@oo&rm~ [L@~~ . ,A $~ud,Y: of: the: an~wers reveals ,creination" pull.figpting, mar
" .. ~ ','" ,'Th\,!, 'new' liJurgy, econl.i~ics
that'jwlJ.i1~ mo.~e, two-thirds riage,of c1E;rgym~n, childre,n ~ry ", ond, parish orgllnizations. were of the people were pleased with ing in church, nuris' habits, 'pov :,: <o~llQrig ,t1;J.e, m'os't popular are~s of new' 'deveWpments in' the erty arid the clergy's ability as .,) <ilC?mment by, th~ priests.', SAIGON (N'C)-General JosChurch, the remaining admitted businessmen.'" " ,\: To enhance singing at' :IYJass, eph W. Stillwell, 'lost during' a' being mildly or very disturbed. atere were suggestions for each plane flight. from, San Francisco' " 'Fifty pel' cent' 'agreed that the :: ,iParish to, mime a ministe.r. of to Honolulu, is prayeclully, re council 1 ,had· " deepened their CoIQ'mbi«li:, CFM,! Has JlIllu§ic to teach liturgical music membered by. grateful lepers, Faith. and bt:ou~ht them closer ~ parishioners, and for establish- Sisters and their chaplain in St. to the Church, but 105 stated National Structure ' ment or strengthening of mixed Joseph~s'28 miles ~rom Saigon. BOGOTA (NC) -The Chris
.vOSEPH MICHAUD that they had been left confused. moirs to e1).courage others to They recall how on April ,5, Fifty PeJ; cent answered that tian Family Movement, which
Cak~ part. ,,1964, when Viet Cong activities the liturgical reforms had helped has been functioning on a some
Another .priest asked, for had resulted in cutting off the, ,them pray better. Fifty per cent what independent basis in 1'7
'"" ~ilwre patience" in implem,ent- leper hospital from all supplies' said they felt the Church could dioceses in this country, now, has . ,lIDg the changes because, "theb;t road, Gen. Stillwell and his be improved·. Two-thirds felt the structure, ,of a national ' l!leW forms of participating are d~uty, ':Col. John L.' Klingen' that the, Chur~" should concern organization. 'lIlot appealing to all." Ther~"was Jiagen of St. LOUis, came to the 'WA~H:iINGTON (NC)-Joseph itself ,;wore with the interna The first national meeting of
the CFM was' convoked in the
~,plea also for a ,return to the rescue'. They brought food and Michaud has been appointed· tional'situation, soCial and eco last part of July by Bishop Pab
holy and dignified liturgical other necessities in a series of music director of the National nomic problems. ,music imd elimination of' folk helicopter :fliglits carried out l>y Shrine of the Immaculate Oon Asked specifically where the lo Correa Leon of Cucuta, presi
, oongs and modem swing music." the U. S. Support Command, of ception here, Msgr.' Thomas J. Church should be more involved, dent of the Episcopal Commis
sion for the Lay Apostolate, in
, :' ,Another priest urged that ~'4'ee- , which Gen. Stillwell was com- Grady, director of the Shrine, the answers voried from rehabili , ,dom of experimentation .in, the' mander. announced., tation of drug addicts, the labor order to organize CFM on a na
.. ' ,1Iiturgyshouldbe encouraged." Ben. San' has about 280 leper Michaud will develop and su- movement ! and: the emerging tional scale. A, board of directors of the .:, : " Changes in Vestments~',.: patients, in the care of the pervise the music program at the nations., national CFM was named and Most Important There were requests "to elim";: Da'ughters'of Charity of St. Vin- , 'Shrine;' assemble and train a The majorit~ considered the includes five married couples, ','" 'mate 'or -review Forty Hours de- ..'"cent de Paul. :chortis vf mixed voices; even five' most important questions, three from, the Bogota archdio \Yotions and similar' celebra-' :"" -'.'Mrs. faillwell, durfu.g her 'st~y' 'tuallyadd a choir of' men and tions;" for daily evening Masses' in Vietnam, was one of the boys; and supervise the care of discu~.,;ed at the council to be: cese and one each from the arch dioceses of Cali and Medellin. the Church and fellow Chris ma parishes where there are two American women who sponsored all organs and the carillon. These five ,couples, in coopera tians; birth control; active shar CI' more priests, and for smaller the 'new center for undernourA 'native of Sumas, Wash.. tion with Father Enrique Acosta, ~onfir.mation classes, with, ~he 'ished children, also .conducted by 'Michaud has' served churches ing in the }.iturgy; the sharing of responsibility in the Church; are In charge of extending the IIIlX prIests who are. deans bemg the Sisters of Charity in Saigon. and schools in Seattle, San Fran CFM 'throughout the entire Gi~le.gated by the bIShop to, ad,We are 'praying 'fo~ the be~ cisco; Portland, Ore.; Detroit, and religious liberty. Prefer-' country. ences at the bottom of the list Blumster the sacrament. reaved family'" Father Vict' Pittsburgh, and Mt. Lebanon, Pa. we,re: worl~ popul;ition; atheism; called for a Be rset,., C MH ., ' chaplam .. or H" Other. suggestions ~ " '1' l' hts th at Ben IS ch' Olrs h ave appeare d' on international' government; and _~cussion on Vlgl Ig , . e San wrote. ' network radio broadcasts, gave
\l)rlests' breviary, changes 10 the premiere presentation of
Mass vestments, and merits of Alexander Peloquin's Missa Na-, Establishes " Special ,group confessions, in which lPiJ'iest, , P:lans Homes' tiVitatis with the Pittsburgh
penitents attend a Bible service,' '," , " " : Symphony over the CBS 'net- 'Tourists' 'Parish'
t:o to 'confession and receive'ab-', ,·for Working G.rls ,work iIi 1962, and in December, COLOGN]i: (NC) - Cologne's solution private~y and then per~'" ,TECHNY (NC) ~ Father Ed- ',' 1955~ sang' in Menotti's "Ahmal , Joseph 'C'ardinal Frings has ap Sform 'a community penance, such' wiu-di. Wojniak S.V.D.' Chi- an~ the ~nght Visitors.'" WYman pointed a" multilihgual Dutch ~eatt 3-6592 :". 'as 'recitation of a prayer to..: :', c~go-born Society' of the Divine , " ' , priest to establish a special tour "t:ether. 'Word mlssionary, is oft the' verge .. A~'d f' ists' parish ,on the Autobahn near One writer suggested that the of seeing his dream come' true. ""I· 5 e, ugee or CHARLES IF. VARGAS Dusseldorf:' " , llrishop offer Sunday Mass ;at a , . . . •
Although several churches are
<iliff rent ish church each He has be;n VISItIng throu~h- Of German Knights 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ~ par raut the Umted States, seekmg ,' .located, 01_" th~ ,famous German
, , ~ee. h' h Id b . t d' d the ,aid of busineSs firms which ,BONN (NC) - The German highway; none provides special
'NEW IalEfPlFqitD, ~SS. Tl~ l~g S : "P e .l~ ro u~; have interests in Formosa, to aid government has provided three tourist services. The new parish,
" 'la, ,prIes . v;:~o , h a~~ ~s w lC him in his pet project---"-to erect jeeps ;:tnd three 'ambulances for besides the, church, will have a
ll , :?Opt t~ngf.s ~.u I r~p':11 hostels for factory giriS present-' the work being done by the Ger- hot~J, restaurant, ,theater, and
.. ~ngo, reds, es IVdi~ s, e c. 1 ly: forced 'to live in' squalid, man Knights of Malta for refu chiIdr~n's pla~~rounds.
~IOt~eSan ahn Idnonb- tockesan fCO c~owded, unhealthful and prim- gees in South Vietnam.
"ec IOns s ou e a en rom T . d't" d t' c:ae proceeds of the tithing sys-" 1 lVe con 1. IOns, . angerous?o f\ team ,~f about 25 Germa~s
C2 " .. only, to their phYSical well bemg- wl1! work m' refugee camps In,
m. but also to their moral well Hoi in the QuangNam province, HUe];) l!llen~ Poor being. in ilentral Vietnam.' '
; See Us
Others suggested rich par~shes The hostels will' be non-de-' The Germar. government will' n '_ should help poor parIshes, nom:inational and will provide contrilmte about $250,000 annu ~ -Abou~ ij
~rough .a commo!! fund?, that quar~ers in pleasant surround- "ally for the' work' of this coun
o , each ~arish establIsh. a fma~ce, , iilgs at $3 per month. In addition tt-y's Kn'ights of Malta in Viet ~ €le!i!Jcp(]!ip ,, and the ~lOcese ,hire. 'toa home, it will provide .edu-nam: a fulltJme profeSSional fund, 'eational and recreational facili'
,ll'aiser for parishes that need his ties, Father Wojniak said. The ~1!lIIilllliJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm: aervices. first hostel will be built at Tai~ ' 'pei as a pilot project, with E DRY CLIEANNG E Says Gift of Tools . Father Wojniak as di'rector of ~, and ~ Wareham falmouth J =rst Class MI"ra'cle ' Taiwan Hostels, Inc., which will ~ fUR STORAGE ~ ,:-y 5-3800 'I<I 8-3000' f w be run on a noh-profit basis. E == __o-.o.-.. BOGOTA (NC) -Shop stuE ~
dents at Bogota's Colegio San, f " R " E ~
E Viator rec'lved a windfall of, lI'anCISCans etaln ' ' == yy~
O~' G®~®[j'@cr
Michaud Shrine ,Music Director
W k
r~o;D~D~i~=~i;~~~~i ~ ~@t17 (@~~~OuTI@]OUceouu®
~ ~~~~[HJA~ ~
r y y ' Y ' Y......,......
~~~C1?Jm.;,~d~~~:~ B~r~~::::(N~~m~..,ty. i ,::nCohan:: ~:~~, l •..C~~o~A~~~~~E~RT lIlllira~le" by one of the students,
two newly received Franciscan ~JII,"IIII1I1I11I11I11I11I11I11I1I1I11I1I11I1I1I1I1I1I11I11I11Ii; , , nncluded a' large variety and Sisters of Perpetual Adoration ~ ,Spaeious Fireproof Sleeping Quart~rs-Boys 'I to 14 yrs. Old quantity of hand tools and two retained their baptismal names ; Six-week season: June 26 to Aueust G of severalla.rge power tOQls. with the title' of Sister at their ,', ,.
Register for, 'z, or 4, or 6 weeks Free Tutoring' it desired Father John Stafford, C.S.V., reception into the community ia " ehicago provincial supervising St. Joseph the Workman Cathe- ': • THE BROTHERS OF THE SACR.ED HEART , tile Viatorians' Bogota mission,' 'draI here in ~7isconsin. ' _ 'eommented that the gift, worth 'tVlot~er General Ann Marie of ',' ,," Excavating ,,' ' ,$6;000 in the United States, is ,~, Rose convent said the name. C worth 'five times that in Colom- 'policy change was the first ill :, ' ontractors r SBAltON, MASSACHUSETTS "twa: He added that the tOok .,'it.le':U6~year history of the com- ",~, • (,"I~SS 5,T.~FAIRHAViH: ' ,.A Reside~t School for BoYS Grammar Gra~es ~-,li-6-'1-' "would probably give the school ", muOity.At the same ceremollT ''''the'best;'~lIuippe.d shop ~ ti&e;',,~ ,Sist:el's, made ~rs,t-year pN-,l" . WYman. 2-4862 , CAMP 0& SCHOOL, TeL 117.'184.5'162.
i' ,.t
,~,YOWi.,,-................... • ",I., 1.• '/
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: I .; , , I •
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., I,
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........ ..
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 25, 1966
Parish to Serve Wide Community
of Marriage Seen.
PATERSON (NC)-With the end of its vacation religiolli school, St. Joseph's parish heI'CI in New Jersey has turned ~ serve a wider community. Priests, Sisters, seminarian£\ and student volunteers haw taken a $200 budget given by the Catholic· Interracial Council and put on a program of field triP8D arts and crafts, athletics, and story-telling for 120 youngstem. The children, mostly Negro, had no opportunity to be part of any other summer program, so Father Nicholas Molinari stepped in to help them.. "Our objec~," father said, .,. to . impress the children' witla love. They don't., they ~aven't ~xperienced it.. We want to break down their self h~ite concept. We 'want to make them realize tha~ they are goodo
'Delig~tfuny O~d.-fashioned~ By Mary Tinley Daly Never, it is said, have so many million words been written about a marriage as the reportage of the Luci Johnson-Patrick Nugent nuptials-TH}!: WEDDING, in popular terminology. It's over, in all its impressive dignity', with an .ele~ance wor~hy ~f honestly state that thei, ambi the marrIage of a PresIdent s tion is "to grow up, get married daughter. Yet, like every and have babif!s." wedding, great or small, it . So.mewhere along the. line, ed earried its message of identificationto the millions viewing it on the screen it n d to those reading' .about it. At our house, ~ ve n a s ~ t .
:vou~s, t~at n.o~· ~l~c Idenbfi....
ucatlOnally or other~se, they are shunted career-WIse, or pre tend to be.· They, of c.ourse, "want to marry" but this is in~ cidental;
AlulDDae ·Notes
you~. ;'Alumnae
~otes": Bii( deal. is ~ gal who
"has her master's, working on the doctorate" il'. physics: mathe- . ' Sisters Christian . matics, Russian or whatever.
And the proud boast of a college
Charity Elect America. .imany of our graduates are no~
PADERBORN (NC) - Sister making more money than their fathers'" M, Augustilde Giesen of Jersey Into these same alumnae notes City has been elected the first comes a confession . humbly American superior General 0If written from Betty B. 'that she is the Sisters of Christian Charit,: "still just a housewife, has a here in Germany.' family and recently was electesl Sister Augustilde, former PJ'Oo> NURSERY FRiENDS: Sister Marie Patrice, R.S.M., vincial of the province head president of the local PTA." Phyllis McGinley, talented director of Holy Angels Nursery for Exceptional Children, quartered at Mendham, N. J., author, has expressed 'herself Belmont, N.C., cuddles one of the 69.children in her care, was director of the province's against the discontented femi';' most of whom, because of their disabilities, require round junior sisters attending Marillae Sisters' Formation College at the nine mystique of searching for the-clock attention. NC Photo. fullfillment outside of the' home. time of her election.
So have others. The 2,200-member congrega
As an addendum, we find 1lI tion, founded in Germany ~ quote from Rep. Emmanuel Cel":'·. 1849, moved to the United States ler. (D-N.Y.) apropos prohibiting in 1873 during the anti-Catholic Kulturkampf compaign of Ger discrimination against wom~ 'franciscan Nun,. Biology Professor, Says serving on juries': man chancellor Otto von Bis marck. "There are women who work Primary Apostolate Is Prayerbecause they have to; others who work because they want to; and .BUFFALO (NC)-Dr. M. Re"My whole life, I trust, is giv New Secretary 10. ". . . there is the lazy kind, whO. gin~ L~gan, .associat~ profes~' ing witness to Christ," she an CHICAGO (NC)-The Nation . ~er. father, the PresIdent, ~o cleans,' washes, irons, cooks; sor of' bIOlogy and chaIrman of swered. "I am a biology profes,;, al Catholic Conference for Inter ma~t~r how you regard hUll chauffeurs, mend1l," binds . \lIP ~e biology concentration at sor whose prime role is two racial jUstice haS announced the ~lltlc~lly,. y'ou must a!lknow~~ wounds, nurses, :cloctors' .·and ; Rosary Hill College here, con fold: first, in edu(:ation, :proper, appointinfmt . of Margaret C edge'expres~ed'fat,h~rly .~onfl~ 'shops and has .conSequently So tends there is no such thing u and, second, in research ·to· fur';' . Roach to' its' program staff. Millli ther the education of my stu · dence:w.?en. he said, of fat. little to. do aD day, why Should . • "new breed" of nuns. Roach ':'haB' been social actioa N~gent;.. LUCI look~ up to him 'she not '1?e obligated. NrM _ The sCientist HI as qualified dents.~' _ secretarY for the National CO~ with great r~spect, ?eep. ~~c; OIl ju~es?" ., as anybody else' to know. She However, she noted, "many ell ai' Catholic· Women iIinoe tion a~d confIdence 10 hlll?, It has been a Franciscan nUll for people think th-at by taking off 196=: -
M's. go~ng to b~ ~ good; 28 ye'ars; and,' she iilsists,' the the reUgio~ garl? or by. drop~ Dunn~ the s~me mtervlew, Urges ~ Un·derstClnding. . O.S.F." ·comes. before the Ph.D•. ping the religious title we Call 1he President recalled that Luci . . . had been a .deep1y reiigious girl Other Churches . "I don't. think .Sisters have be more effective. This is .not so. all 'of her life even before her SPOKANE (NC)-"We ehanged," she said. "Pe.ople are . "As a nun, my primary apos Conversion to Catholicism. More- not take the positioJl. that .. the jUst beginning to llotice what tolate is prayer, to give God, the over, he did not believe ·she other Christian coinmunities'aM we've .beeJ? doing all along." love and adoration that the Arthur Janson, Reg. Phcim..
would ever become' active in simply in error," Bishop' BerWith 11 biological papers pub modem world often neg1Eicts to DIABETIC AND SICK ROQM
politics but would concentrate nard J. Topel has advised priests 'llIshed and nine read with' the give. In the present day discus SUPPLIES . on home-inak~ng, raisin~ a fam- of the Spokane diocese in a Get eredit of being first' to isolate sion of the nun in the m.odern 204'ASHL~ BOULEVARD
· l¥ and followm~ her faIth. of interim ecumenical JUide-- tile bacteria Desulfovibrio desul- world, attention should be fo New Bedford
Father, not politician, was lines. furicans and with the institution cused on her existlmce, nc)t the garb she wears," she said. WY 3·8405
apeak~.?g ~hen. . .. Bishop Topel urged priesbl i= of a trail-blazing method of pre · LU~I s VIew of ~arriage IS re- "avoid expressions, judgmenu menting a college biology curric freshmg and dellghtfully' old-' and actions which do not repre- ulum the Franciscan who drinks fashioned ·in the mid-twenti~th sent the condition of oui' sepa- ber ~offee black is fully a pro... century when so many gIrls rated brethren with truth ad fessional in science too. have their sights set on the . ' .
split-personality syndrome, ma.r- fairness and 110 make mutual She has. be~n awarded $81,000
riage plus "individual freedom," relations with them more cWI- llra grants-m.-ro.d for .her resea!ch a career and assuming at once ficult." He said :full eucharistic 'ecm'" on the pernICIOUS m1cro~r.gamsm .
~~t .has ~ knack for rummg oill
a plar- in the forefront of outside activities. munion is the ultimate lioal «Ii dnlling ngs.
Most little girls are :disarming- the ecumenical movement.' WitnG!S8 b Christ
Wreck~r ly frank .(see Art Linkletter's' ' .
program or talk wit~ 7, 8 and C I H • H d How does her commI~ent Ie I,':'year-olds .you know). The" . . 0 •.. ' ols,"gton eo s ~erstudents and co~CC?mltantl,:
. , . W' A C. to ber research (she 18 also II
653 Washin!Jton Street, .Fclirhaven " . . . omen s rmy. orps. iOOnsulta'nt at Oak Ridge National
WYman 4·5058 HoldY,ou~g Christian WASHINGTON'(NC)' - A Laboratory, the group leader of
, h b I e s s i n.g followed. traditional Civil Defense fixed monitorin, ~ ·Student Works OF> , . 8wearing..;,in ceremoni£s here for Station mici a' ~'part fliine seam catlOn was pres. t '. "Ik now ex.: en actly ho,'" LUCI feels," squealed our most recent bride, as the TV showed the radiant Luci on her father's arm. ' . "And I ,know how ~~rvous Pat was at that moment, c?mmented the most recent bndeBr~om." . Me too, from bndes and grooms of years ago. To go further back, an eon or .two, even. th;' ~ea~ of the House and. hIS bnde shared the g~ose pImples. . Behmd the pomp and ClrcUJI.1stance, sket~h~s of gowns held 10 somewhat ndiculous top secrecy as though they were plans. for m~on shots,. was. the forthrI.ght attItude of thIS l~-year-old brIde. Sh~ wants th~s to be a goo~ marnage, andw111 try to make It
Disclaims· New. Breed
JANSON'S,; .Pharmacy, .
..... ....•..••....•........
. . .'.- ... _
'. N0TRE DAME (NC) - The . Col. Elizabet~ P. Hoisington, the_ . •reSs"). Bel With h1el'. commit- ~IMtlIIIIIIHI"IIItIIIIIIIIItI","miJlHililjJlniRiiillntJil.iIllNtiJtIl""""IHII!"~. 'Reoild' 'annuai Young' Christian new director 01.. the Women'.' mentu a Bi'ofei6ec! .~.. Student 'apostolic workshop Wall Army Coorps. Christ? ., . ~ ' , . . . . . , . . .. . .' . li5 ·held here this.weeK.for·~Brade. ,~The· ·blessing was giVeIl'. , E ~ oionhool::m·od'e~~tor's,fromparochial;,aper-· L~ 0'••••••• · §' _ " ...,.' ',' · c · ,' . . • . . : ... :- .•.•. j :.'. " . . . . . . , • . iL.:.,. II!! and public school gro'Upsas weB .. s~I!a1frierid of the woman Arm>:'. . II Ill:: . [He. .. '. c E '.
';. as ,parishes. . '" .. ~. . '.... le~de!,~onher request, afters~ .• II .~.: .,··...:··<The Iconference, .. coordinated had taken her.oath of office ani 8 8 :."":J" .: § .' -. . : by the Catholic Action Office of: beeli pi6moted. from lieutenant 8 • . -:1 . . l ;." Notre Dame·University, was beld. e9Jonel.···.:.: '. . : II == . I~
' • •; . ' "
J' B
On t~e university's camp,us.. : . :·.CQlol).~I)!loisington, ~lP'adu:" .. .~ong !ilP~a~e.r~: wer.~.r.aJher.lilte._.. of... tbe:. C0U:ege .oI..~.ou... · LOUIS,J.::P.utz, c.S.~.,_re!ltor of. Da~e;,\:aalti~or~,. Md., JOlDe.G,: II'
;::h:~p~~~~or;.auli1~~~h~:' .~e~~:n~~~;~2~t~e~~~sLe~'·:
_ "r
·",.:,."::.9~~I·~~, .R~-£.~~,~; '.,;;:,. " ...'.
CroiX .de Guerre with 'silver 1Rm'. . • . . and the American and ~uropeaJll: 'J.'heater ribbons of Wo~ld Wall'..
.-,P-t.'.' :
,.r·'·. -.
".,>. . . •
... IMjaRwia
il.. IE
'R'IEF' ~'II'G_..~ ~"'R'A':T.I.O·..... .
i §
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"of$84: i55 .· .. I.R ·CO~"'ID·ITIO"'.I"".G n 29211 :!:'.'363SECOND.S',o· .. ' .... FALL .... RIVER, .
natioI).al.<Jirector.o(t~~ Gabrie(.CIl,lster,.the. Bronze Star, ~.So. Dartmouth WY
Richard Institute, and. the Rev. · Ja~es Neuman, p.asto.r. of. Hum. boldt Pa;~ United BrethreJll
.FR' . ' '1'..(.. . I'.·D··'.A'·.·IRE" :'. '., . .'
So. Dartmouth
D' ,"..p 'SAlES' ·AND· ·SE·RVICE .
Ill•• III• • _1118
I': 5:
~Swooned Priest'
Eggplant Dish
:U$ong Legendary
P~r$!ey P~~B1)t
. By
Approves Loco ~ School Boards
Joseph amI MarilYllll Roderick
The cool weather w here ~gain and with it the grass has begun to break donnancy and send up little green shoots which means that the lawn mowers which have been rest ing for a few weeks have got to be brought back to action. 'The drought that we had snipped!t up the flavor would uperienced for the past be stronger. three Summers has raised Well, I cooked my recipe and havoc with lawns and it it was quite delicious but a few doesn't seem much good can be sprigs of the green shoots re done this season in areas .still mained on the counter. and as under water restrictions. How Joe was helping me clean up he :ever, in those that are not, there inquired why I.had been picking a few things,·which .can be carrot tops. Needless to say, at done ·between now. and 1hetirst that moment I rseolved to learn '-bst to help lawns along. , a great deal more about parsley ,., To ',begin, with, this is, a· good in all its varieties. . ·time to apply it· weed, killer of .' The things I found out in my some. kin to I .prefer touse'.com research on the parlsley plant bination weed killer and fertil were quite fascinating, and even !zer as this saves time and does it bit frightening if you're the el good job. This should help superstitious type. Did you know dear up the .lawn and start the that it was thought to be such a grass out of dormancy. Follow plant of the devil that it could this with a good raking to dis only be sown on Good Friday lodge some of the matted grass if it were to flourish at all? In and you are well on your way' ancier.t times the Greek$ decked 'to a healthy lawn in the Spring. their tombs with it, for they '. The next step is to buy a good fully believed that it sprang grass seed, if your lawn is well from the blood 'of one of their established, and to apply it at dead heroes. It was also th9ught ab04t half the rate or less sug only the wicked could grow ·gested on the package.'The idea parsley successfully. PRE-CONVENTION ARRANGEMENTS BY DCCW behind this is to fill in places Feeling that its merits must 'where the lawn is thin or where far outweigh its supposed curses, DELEGATES: Among the delegates from the Diocese who weeds have been killed. Inci I searched further to discov:er met recently for arrangements to attend the 33rd National dentally, it is a good idea to that one of the beliefs that sur Convention of Catholic Women in Miami Beach, Oct. 5-8, wait two or three weeks after· rounded it 'was that wherever it · you, .have applied weed killer flourished the missus is master. were, left to right: Mrs. James E. Williams, St. Joseph's, ·before you start new grass seed. This could provide a good reason No. Dighton; Miss Angela Medeiros, Mt. Carmel,Seekonk; It is important that your seed for cultivating it! Mrs. Theophane Lavoie, St. Je.i:m the Baptiste, Fall River; be a' good brand and quality. 'A Getting away from the P4rely Mrs. John Smith, Sk Mary's, 'South Dartmouth. Thursda.y eheap seed contains many coarse theoretical and into the practical ~escues and annual graSses I learned that parsley is l.a h~rdy . Sept. I, is the closing date for registration of delegates . which will do the lawn very biennial, normally flowering and from the Diocese to the Convention. little good over the long run. going to seed in the .Spring -after !Jetter to buy a very good. seed sowing, though in a hot, dry in small amounts than an ,iJ:lex year' it may "bolt" and go to .pensive seed which will cause seed in late. Summer (this 'is :y.ou more trouble than it w:ill do what happened to Ti Tia's pars . ,Econoniist Tells Superiors Life Expectancy good.. ley bed.). Seed may be planted '. The' only job left af~er ·this .,is in· April and 'May fOf' a Summer . Justifies C~operative Plan .~ .keep the· lawn m.oist"sq.,.~bat and early Autumn crop ,and·,s "the,. n~w>.seed has a·.chlUlce "tos~cp'nd s~~ing ~ll,late.,~uly " ...MILWAUKEE .(NC)..,-Kuni- .encountered by :ri~ns thl,'o~ghQut .' ". germinate. If you are succ~ :pr August, for, tbe .next .~pring ',';'erlli*y; o~p'ay.ton ecqno.nll,~ ~.r,~ their lifetime. and the lawn does take, it is im-~pd, SumD:ler." ",. ,~essor. ,Wbo~peciali~es., .. i~".m~g.Medical Passports · perative tbat yo.u. keep the. n~:w,.par~le~ steJfis .h,ave fiir~ore ic~l stati§tic!l.:(or~sees.alow-c~ To c~'nect data 'Fechei'dEl~ised . grass:.cut at about two inches So~avo;r than the leayes a.nd ~e .b;e~lth.i~u~an~e~lan a~~ 'a.~ni- a medlqal, i4e~tification card ,.' that 'it makes.· sorne'.root growth. French often use only the stem fiect. })r?gra~ 0 . . n:1edlcal and which'''iiecalI!i a' "medical pass-, , before the coIf' weather sets in. where taste is 'more" important h.~spltal fa,cllities,f?r. Am:~can ·P'Ort.";He said these cards, car Most'lawns should be"reseeded· than appearance," They "are full nuns under, the admlm~tratlOrt~f 'r'yingrecords of current disabili iJdHis \va"Veach year; pI:efetabiyof chlorophyll ,(thatgreeliish the Conference of MaJor Supe- . 'ties'·· eouldaid in accumulating late August:or eatly':Septem- property '<hat 'was so popular' a · riors 'of, W?men. . ", . . medical information. to help , ber. Seeding is out· of the ques- few'·" years .ago), and· when .'Addressmg t~e conferepCe· ~t ·..nuns. qualify for lower cost , tion; however, where water re- crushed ~int· mayonnaise a'o'd ,Its annual .meetmg he~,e, COli ,J"health insurance and to organize strictions are still in effect. So other sauces a lovely shade of Fecher, s~ld· ~ooperative.,plaQsan .,eventual program' of com if you are allowed to water only .green. If you do happen to· be ~or ~?ns m thIS country .canbe bined health care. They might one or two 'hours a week, you "wicked" enough to have pars-' JustIfIed by the longer life ex also be of value to physicians will have to suffer your poor ley flourish in your yard, the pectancy. ~n.d better health of treating future illnesses. he said. hlwq "or at least another season. four most popular ways of stor women relIgiOUS. The five-year survey tended h the Kitchen ing it in your refrigerator. are: . Fecher presented d~ta .Q~. a to support the adage ':your 1. With the stems kept ina fIve-year study on disabIlItIes health mirrors your environ., I realize that I have 'a great glass of water. among 3\),000 nuns. He has made ment "Abstinence from'alcohol deal to learn concerning both 2. Washed: water shaken off; many previous statistical studies and ~igarettes .. a well-balanced the kitchen and garden but my sealed in a glass jar or plastic on ~he nuns' long~vity. . diet, adequat~ housing, secure tack of knowledge was under bag. Smce nuns. lIve In what • communa: livi"" and celibacy .:Jined the other day when I was 3. Unwashed in a plastic ba·g. Fe'c~er calls a. "contr?lled life;" apparently do ;iow down the preparing to cook the recipe 4. Washed and folded into.:.a studIes ~f thel'·. sta~us aging process," Fecher said. -: ¥tat I'rrt,. ~sing in this ,,:,eek's. cloth; the. cloth.:· absorbs the can prOVide medical SCIence WIth He cautioned however that , ~olumn .. As I. read· the 'hst of dampness. ..., ' .. ~nf~rtn~.tion rel:vat:>-t ,to,.. 0-lher this does not ~ecessarilY'mean ... ~ee~ed I:.g~edlents, I only gave I found the following recipe ""q~e!1.. ' ,But. mo~t PTl;lvI~'ts that: a'religious life prom'otes "iilSSmg no.t!.ce. to t~e pary.ley,as ,~elicious ..even J~oJlgh graced ,stuq.~es.; ha,ve .,trat~~~m longevity and that a "similar '.: .have always gathere.d It. fr~s~ .' with carrot top~. instead of pa,r:s ,rn~rta.lI,ty.•. ,s~tI~tl~s"~l1d, ,w~re am6tirl't .' of .work-day, school :: rom. a large bed over In 1-:1 Tla s -- ,ley.. The' unusw: name may re'fer ,co':J,c;erI):ed... 'W~.~ .,<!eaJh ,apd., I~ "day, or'religiflus-day sefvice '.ya~d, howev~r. when I we?t to s<?melllen:lbero(.th,~-cleigy ,causes. Fec~.eT s, rece~t ':"'?~~S 10sses:er .\ be applied to each and over to pick It I .found that In who fainted with joy at the :fla centered around the dIsabIlIties every. religious community in a s~ort span of a few days most vor he enjoyeo tbecountry."· .... ,. '0£ It 'bad gone to seed." , '.' -,. ...... '," ·· .. ···,· ..SWo()ned.\Pri~s't·:~'.l·,· Fecher said that data collected , Suddenly I see~ed' to recall 1 eggplant, peeled and sliced "Christrtras Bazaar over the past 40 years shows that .~hat Joe ~ad:mentIoned that he :!h' inch thick. ". Advance preparations fire be the '.'health ·care programs of re ;had. planted some of theltalian 2 large onions sliced _ . · ing made for a Christmas bazaar ligious are ,very uneven." .::'Vanety llear our raspberry 3 large tomatoes, sliced
slated for the weekend' of Nov. .~ushes, ah, the day was saved. salt and .pepper
25 through 27, in the basement of '. "That must be it," I said to 1 small bunch of fresh pa~.;, Sacred Hear.ts Church, Nol!th ·myself as I spied sOllIe feqthery. ley minced ,
Fatrhaven. Meetings are being green shoots along' the fence; it. . 2 Tab)e~pouns oil.
held in the rectory at 7:30 each 'didn't smell. very . much like 2 cloves of garlic sliced. . · MOhday night, 'and parishioners · parsley but ther. again it was 1) .Arra,nge eggplant, onion.s· who cannot come' at this time supposed to be .a' different va- ., and tomatoes in alternate layen; · are m:ged to ''volunteer home lriety and perhaps when I in .a large frying pan, sprinkling .services by.knitting, sewing :or each layer with salt, pepper ahd making'" fthEir' articles 'for sale. '\1 00" R . the minced parsley. . '. Materials will be furnished and u, v eglster 2) Add 1f.J' cup' hot water, the .dondticins . "ii're .« iHsif""oeing": re NEW YORK (NC) - More oil and garlic. ! quested 10.1:' a white elephant than "1,000 person have regis3) Cover tightly -and· simm1r table. Gerieraf"diairman Mrs. ~7.~~d ,to at~end the ei~J,1th n~-,. for about 30 minutes or" u~til Larocque announces· that ~lonal CursI110 Movement eon:-iiquia 'Is reduced't~a'ricl1 'gravY. "prOfits will' benefit the school 'i'ention now in session here. Rem.ove garlic before serving. improvement fund.
",n:,..';' '.;::'
THE. ANCHORThurs., Aug. 25, 1966
BURLINGTON (NC) - The appointment of four local Cath olic school boards brings a new method of' Catholic school man agement to 25 per cent of the diocesan schools here in Ver mont. At the regular monthly meet ing of the Burlington Diocesan School Board, Father John A. Lynch, diocesan .superintendent of schools, reported that consti tutions for four. schools' had been approved ,. making a total .of 25· per cent of ..the schools ;operating' under policy-malting 'boards approved by the diocesan board. .. ,"~h'e diocesan statutes e~c6ur a~e"but do not demand the formatior. of 1 0 c a l' schoOl boards," he said. Father Lynch also announced that a study would be made of school costs, in the hope to find ways to avoid increasing tuition and parish assessments. The study of education costs will be made by George Fortune, ac counting consultant to the dioc esan school system.
Good Counsel College
Gets Loan for Dorm
.$1,180,000 college housing loan
for Good Counsel College for women in White Plains, N.Y., to build a new dormitory has been approved, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Robert C. Weaver announced here. ,The dorm is planned to ac commodate 192 students. The college, conducted by the Sisters of Divine Compassion,. has an ellrollment of some poo students. Some students required to live on 'campus are in overcrowded ·facilities.· Mother M. Dolores, president, said ,lack of, housing will foree the· college' to deny admission ·to'a .number. of stu dents ·this fall, she said. The COllege enrollment' is . expected to reach 650 in five, years and .'800 in 10' years.
, Ce~tervilfe Guild New officers of Our Lady of 'Victory Women's Guild, Center ville, are Mrs. StephenB. O'Brien Jr., president; Mrs. John J. Pendergast Jr.,' and Mrs. James Murphy, vice-presidents; Mrs. ~oger Carlson, treasurer; Mrs. Francis McKenna and Mrs. Edward O'Neill, secretaries.
famous for
$a,s~ Voca.tions
'niE ANCHO.R.:.... Thurs'., Aug; 25, 196'6,
COnCern of'AIi
Employer "U rges ' Workers to Vote For Teamsters
ST. LOUIS (NC) - Speaking at the third annual Vocation Mass in St. Louis cathedral · here, Joseph Cardinal Ritter said ·vocations in the Church should be the concern of every Roman . Catholic. The cardinal told 397 men and women preparing to enter semi naries and convents in the Fan that religious vocation " is not · merely a concern for the arch· diocesan director." "It is a matter of solicitude for each and everyone of us. A , voc;ation is a divine thing, but it is a thing which God will not w~thhold from His people," Cardinal Ritter continued, "By· manifesting a concern about and an interest in voca tio!ls, we truly show that we · a're the People of God."
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) -The Di Giorgio Corpora tion is recommending that its farm workers vote to af
filiate with the Teamsters FaTm Workers Union, if they wish a union, the company announced. Robert Di Giorgio, president of the company, said the'recom mendation· is in accordance with National Labor Relations BoaTd procedures. The' recommenda tion was made in letters sent to employes eligible to vote in the union election scheduled Ifor Tuesday, Aug. 30. Opposing the Teamsters will be the National Farm Workers Seeks Assistance Association (NFWA) and the Agricultural Workers Organ For Congo Church izing Committee, AFL-CIO (AW WASHINGTON (NC) - A OC), which have me'rged since Congolese senator, visiting the. they began the long Delano United States on a State Depart strike. ' ment tour program for foreign The Teamsters won the origin government officials, hopes to al election for union representa make his two-month visit serve tion, but charges of fraud a double purpose.
brought a new election. . Senator Gaston Diomi wants Di Giol'gio said the corpora
PROFESSION CEREMONY AT WARE'HAM: The Chapel in the Woods of the No to speak with Catholic laymen . tion is recommending' a vote for the Teamsters because: vitiate of the Sacred Heart Fathers ";vas the scene Saturday morning as four novices ·and members of the clergy; per-' address au'diences at The Teamsters won the pre :."iere' profe~sed ,by Bishop CoimolIy.Left to right: Bro. Jude'Mohan, Bro. Joseph O'Neill, haps Catholic institutions, in his hope vious election·. . Master of Novices Rev. Andrew Jahn, 'Bishop Connolly ,Very Rev. Daniel J. McCarthy, to bring the Church iri the The Te<lmsters, '''while they . Congo to the eyes of American . light hard in their members' Pro.\dncial, who offered the Mass; Bro.' Paul Daly, and Bro. Martin' Lucia. ,~ Catholics. behalf . . .. are 'fair arid' respon And the senator has a plane sible." he wants to set up 'sharing pro 'Company Union' grams throughout the United "The competing union on tne States, . programs in which an ballot, the Nationa. Farm Work' American diocese would adopt z ers AssoCiation, 'has achieved Congolese diocese, an American. tentative recognition with oniy program to meet its needs--part religious order adopt a Congo LOVELAND (NC)-Religious "J:I1ost rigidly formed in the old two' gr'owers, the larger of which of which could be a parish'. lese order,. an American. orphan-. this year shifted production from' education' is needed for aduits . system," to see the '!new' vision school.;'. . . age adopt a Congolese orphan.:. more than for children and a' of the· Church',and of Christian ~ble' grapes to wine, tnus elim Flexibility and the wiUingage. 'better' term' for' it would be' life" ·set· forth by the Second inating 'a great many jobs.":' ness to· try a variety 01' ap. "The American government.· something .like "shared growth . Vatican Council. . Cesar Chavez, head' of the N "This 'is 8' hard ~'ask," Sister prOdches ought to be the mmk of has such sharing programs;" the FWA, called' the Teamsters a iIi Christian ·life·."·· This' is the" 'estimate of Sis':' .admitted; "for 'adult education .an effective:religious education senator pointed. out, "Why "company. union" and said it tel' 114. Charles Borromeo; former demands new. approaches and program she ,asserted empha-' shouldn't the Church have the has "entered: into a partnership sizing that·it should have "a so- .same? The .Church that is Cath-' head of .'the theology school at cannot be' imposed." with Di' Giorgio in a common· . cia 1 and an 'ecumenical dimenolic, the Church that is defined St. Mary's College conducted by' Each One's Mission plot agabnst the farm workers.". . sion."· QY the Second Vatican Council Holy Cross Sisters at Notre She wouldn't abandon' chilHe said the company's recom-' "Built into each, program ·as. a missionary Church"':- why 'menda:tion confirmed that the' Dame, Ind. She recently joined 'dren's education, }J.Owever. She should .be a'. growirig aW8l'eness . shouldn't' this Church and, tier Teamstens. came to Delano to the faculty of St. Xavier Col-· 'said:' of e~ch one's mission' in the members share even more read tlrganize' workers\ at the invita-' lege,. Chicago,. as theology .pro-. ... "What I'd' like' to' se~ IS em:h Church-an outgoing .mis·sion to ily than 'government~?" ifessor. " . , set up a total religiou:;; education iion o~ the corporation. reach others and .to build.: the New Approaches · social patterns' needed in our Speaking at the Summer lec- ': .' . . ' , NO JOBTOq .BIG
world." Oppose Intervening ture series at Grailville herein Quote Pope Paul's NONE TOO SMALL
'Issues 'of Times I· Ohio U,S.heaq.quarters of the' A' 1f IP . annlng<. ..,international Grail movement," . ppea oreace In Fami·1 y P · . She warneq. against looking MILWAUKEE (NC)-The ex- Sister Charles Borromeo a'C-' .' BERLIN (NC)-":Fiye hundred for "textbooks with all thE' an ecutive .committee' of the ad- knowledged that the Church. in . letters .quoting : the fl'ppeal .of swers" or. for fOl'lliulas that visory i?oard of the Milwauke~ ,this country has placed most of . Pope Paul VI for peace in Viet might take the place of deci:siOli PRINTE~S Archdioce~an Family Life Proits resources at· the service of .nam .were sent persons in East rilaking. by' individual wnsci-. gram has adopted a' resolution' children's education. . .. . Germany. by the Social Demo ences.·. . Main.OHice and Plant
. opposing; government interven"" ' But the ."most urge~t need for . cratic Party (SPD). The East Religious'teaching should in 95 Bridge St., lowell, M~••
'non in family pla'nning, giving: religious· education," she .said, Germans had asked .the SPD volve a. "di~logue;" she' su-g;gest:' .unanimous· approval' to' a 13-' if; 'to help,adults, especially those why the free world, had not e,d, addi~g that in the past there Tet 458.6333 .
point resolution which insists made imy efforts to end the war has been too'much stt'ess' on au that the matter of family plan..,. d " . . . in Vietnam, Auxiliary Plarits thorityin . teaching ';;rid~ot ning is a private affair, not a Sche' u ~. Reope,ning . ,The letter' sent by the Social • e~o~gh 'on 'sharingChrisliari' BOSTON eoncern of the government. Democrats· pointed out .that the gr()wth.· , . CAMDEN, N.J. Frank :. Stabb, chairman' of .' at 0 IC C 00 peace efforts of .the pope, the "Thequesiion is not so ~lUcb the'Catholic board,. stated,that ' MT·.. REPOSE (NC)-A Cath- World Council' of Churches, and" OCEANPORT, N~J. "since it has become ,incre,asingly olic' .school here in Ohio for . of the.' governments of. the ~hat' to. tea~h," she ()pined, "but MIAMI how will we produce ~he Chris apparent· ti:lat our federal'gov':;' some 250 children will reopen. in United States, Great Britain; PAWTUCKET, R.1. ernment ,ans to use tax'inoiiey": September due to efforts of in- . Sweden, India, France, and Itr,ly (ian experience in litUl'gy and for the spreading of. birth"con-· (lividuai 'citizens, civic. and Pro..;' 'had' all ·.been . rejected by' ,the' soci~l action.Jn th~ .great issues' PHILADELPHIA ." trol, it becomes the obUgation ..of" testantchurch groups in the communists. . The . letter' also of our, times.": ~ this family apostolate to speak area; the Milford Chamber. of ·stressed· the SPD's view that out vigorously in oPl:lOsition to·a Commerce," and parishioners of . war can no longer be an instru' policy which has absolutely no St. Andrew's church, Milford. ment in solving political prob validity." The Elizabeth Seton School, a lems. · He. went on to say that "when rural outpost, of, St. Andrew's . R<i'dio, television, and news WITHOUT T.RAFFIC " PARKING PROBLEMS
ariy' government agency tells parish, was' established' .seven paper i'eports iil' East· Germany' ·poor married couples' whether years ago and' con tin 11 a llY have. given the impression' that· .at the -' .'
they should have children or . plagued by sewage dIsposal no one, ·including the Pope.. 'has \ I hownfany to have, the govern- problems. The school was· closed made any efforts to seek peace ment is making a mighty pre- . by court order in. the Sumrtler .in. Vietnam. sumptuous intrusion into a most of 1965' but r~openeq last year i J. .SOMERSET; MASS::' ;,. , , sacred element of huin~nlife)' 'with an arrangement fo~ "haul- .. " :S"ta'·.·r, 0'" n .·.P'.·.'II'··O·ft.·.,·'a' m,' ~., ~.~ ~,! ;. • ) ••• 'l't · .. .:; !: '.' ing. to Milford.·.;·'When"· ~ " ThemOflt friendly,· d.mocr..t~, lANK oHe,ring . · V' 1,;.,. t"" C·h '. '1' '. forcedto"stop usingthe:M:ilford .' DA:VENP0RT "(NC)'~Se'ven-' ... eer· apaln· .'se"w'a'ge "s'ystem'''last''':J:,a',n'uary,' teel) " members of..religious .. coni';" ., .:,;' ,0. un , PHILADELPHIA (NCf....:...Fa-· classes were, dfscontinueii';> . . ", mutlities' in . the...uilited· ·States' : . .'.: ther . J:j;Robert Falabella; S:J.,' ,The' 'Closhlg'" spal'ked ;if coin- 'were 'among the graduates at the' ".Club'· Accoul1Its., ':' ..... , .. "'-,; 'Auto ·Loa....... '.-', :' ,.. '"
.. 36, 'instr~ctor in theolO'gy'at St: ,mlinity 'effort led, 'by the: 'Buck- .:annual mid~Summer·commence..:'" ..Checking ,Accounts ': ~: .. ' Business ,boris .. Joseph's: 'College' here, .has. vol- wheat-·Taxpayer's Association;w 'ment' of St... Ambrose College, . Savings . Accounts~' ;.~ '~, 'Ieaj. Estate loOns 1 " - ' ',u\teered: for extended adive ' aid'the·"school;·A fUrid 'drive for 'her~"in' 'Il:lwa; ·Par.ticipating .'in ~At.· S~~~rs'~t:'S,~~ppi'~~: Ar~'a=-~igh~~a'"" 5.:" ~t:~due duty witp 'th'e"U,S, Army Re":": $2,50(( to 'pay for'· new tihiinage' the ceremonies' was Margheritii'· serve ;;'s' 'a: chaplain .in the Viet"'·. 'f~cilities .was ~ledby th~' Mil'- . Roberti,; a~ native of "Davenport;· , ., 'Me~ber ,:FeCieral I)eposit· 'ri~urance' Corporation. mam combat zone. . . ford Chamber' Of' Commerce.' a 'leading ',dramatic sopr.anQ~: ..
'·Feels Adults Need Religious
More. So' .Than Children, Nun Declares
Of' Chi"
S· h
.. ' .
'. -
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 25, 1966
Cardinal Cushing Hits Imbalance In Schools
Cassidy· Seniors Attend Work$hop
BOSTON (NC) -,.. Richard
Cardinal Cushing deplored
that "very little" has been
oone to relieve racial im
Three members of the incom ing senior class at Cassidy High School, Taunton, will complete tomorrow a five day Workshop in Leadership conducted at the University of Massachusetts under th~ sponsorship of the Massachussetts Association of Student Councils. Mis s Rosemary McKenna~ president of the senior class, Miss Nancy Thomas, president of the National Honor Society, and Miss Christine Victoria, co editor of the Cassidy school paper, are attending. , Miss Victoria is secretary of the Southeastern Association of Student Councils and will serv~ in 'that capacity with the other officers: Jerry Flanagan, presi dent, Feehan High; Marsha Boyd, vice-president, Attleboro High; Luke Boyd, treasurer, West Bridgewater High,
balance in Boston's public
schools in his first public address
since his recent illness and con
'. The Boston prelate told an ec umenical meeting· in All Saints Lutheran church here that al though "very little· has been done" to make a year-old' law work, "we are not discouraged and we are very far from giving up hope that we will have re Bults before long." He referred to the Racial 1m.:. balance Law, aimed at promot ing racial integration in Massa chusetts public schools. The meeting marked the first anni versary of the law. The measure will deprive Boston public schools of $30 million in state subsidies 'until the city's school committee submits an integra tion plan acceptable to the state Cassidy GIl',«!I<i:!luClll'e board of education. Until now the city committee has not sub Wins Elks o AWt!lD'd mitted an acceptable plan. Miss Pauline Lee, daughter ox "A school that is heavily im Mrs. Harry Lee and the late PROFESSION .AND CtOTHING' CEREMONIES: Principals in the ceremonies con balanc~d racially cannot provide Harry Lee of 7 Dean Ave" Taun the best education that should be ducted for the Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts in Fall River on Monday available for our children. ,Even were; seated: Sr. Mary Dolores, Sr. John Veronica, Bishop Gerrard, who presided, Sr. ton,' has Qeen named the recipi ent of a $600 Massachusetts Elks with the ,most devoted teachers Lead~rship Award granted by Standing: Sr. Margaret Edward, Sr. Joseph Maureen, Karen .Dolores, Sr. Mary Catherine. and the, most up.,to-date pro the Elks National Scholarship grams-and we have both o( Sr. ,Stephen David, Sr. James Constance, Sr. Celestine Regis, Sr. Anne Robert, Sr. Vin Fund. these in Boston-a predomiJ)ant cent ,Dolores. A member of the 1966 gradu ly Negro ,school suffers from an ating class of Bishop Cassidy isolation from the general com High School, Taunton, Miss Lee munity which cannot fail to be was in the top ten of a class of harmful,'~ he said. 108, and maintained a scholastie Scores Slum Landlords . honors record throughout bell' "In a similar way, we can say four year/;. that an all white, scJ100l fails to , Miss Lee will attend Nortn-' reflect the', true nature of the WASHINGTON (NC) -Some tegic Studies at Georgetown West in general and the United eastern University, Boston. States in particular. University, a Jesuit-conducted radally 'mixed community· in jarring statements are made in . . "It need not be emphasi~ed," which we live 'and' so deprives a significant n.ews report' whose school here. ,It is an in-depth. analysis the study states, "that the over white youngsters of theexperi,;,' private but highly responsible Schools Merge ence of living and studying with' sponsors call it the result· of· based on· more than 3,000. articles' whelming sentiment of the free BAY CITY (NC)-TwO wes~ and documents of the interna world is to live in peace. But their neighbors of a different "quality 'research." race. Our'ideal should be. to live "It' reminds,' for example, that tiOllal. communist movement, tQ mistake the, illusion of peace side Catholic high schools here and work'and study' and 'pray, the so-called' c,old war is' not more than 90 per cent of which for genuine peace· would be a hi Michigan will merge Sept; "I profoundly dangerous, perhaps 'to become.West Catholic CentraU side by side in mutual respect . over; and warns that, as of now, material is dated after the Cu High School. The ,decision te ban Missile crisis of October, fatal. mistake." and common affection." it may be entering ,a more dan 1962. , In ,a foreword t the book, merge was made by an inter "There' hav~ been several 'gerous phase. , ,?arish lay study committee, tv proposals"made during the, last T'h e :'~peaceful coexistence"', . Allen 'admits that the commu Bertram D. :Wolfe" a ' Stanford provide more efficient use of the nists have used the coexistence University expert on commu year to al~rest imbalance iit' the.' slogan, it says,' was once a com slogan in 'ihepast, 'and' with ~lism, warns that "we have been staff and facilities. The schooU schools of our center city," Car 'muhist "defensive, stalling tac dinal Cushing said. "None of tic," but, now it signifies the: sf?me success, but he directs at prone to read. the idea of live will be staffed by the ReligioU!l tention to the fact that it now these has been accepted by communists "have gone over to and let .live into the phase of Sisters of Mercy of Detroit. signifies a "strategic offensive": peaceful ,C 0 e x i·s ten c.e. Our those who h:o:ve been elected to ,the 'strategic offensive." make these decisions' in the" "The great paradox of, our, rather than, a "stal~ing tactic." , hopes and our longings are like The study notes that the Cu ly to betray us again and again schooi s:rstem. Of, course, we times," ,the document asserts, BIG DIVIDEND NEWS! know that no ,immediate pro "may well turn out to be our }jail build-up, the erection of into, a readiness to ,be deceived the, Berliil Wall, and the armed by those who, have sworn the gram will solve all our problems, inability to recognize that the' a SYSTEMATIC but we can make li beginning.'" cold war has in reality become iilvasi~n. ,of South Yietnam all, d~struction of all we stand year SAVINGS occurred during the ,most in-, for." . The cardinal also criticized more intel1se despite the increa's tense pedod of "peaceful co a INVESTMEIfJ slum landlords for the "inhuman ing appearance of peace," existen.'ce." ., , year SAVINGS conditions in which so many, The goals of. the present,m,as:~ here must live and' work alid 'tel's of. the Kremlin, are' no dif,- ' .~. It~~~inds that Khrushchev in REGULAR f.njoy· Dining, 8 19t1l,ddiiled coexistence as' "a, bring !JP their families." He ferent from "tho~e of, Khrush SAVINGS year called for a "crash program" of chev; Stalin or Mao, Tse-Tung, form of intense, ecoitomic, pOlit IN THE ' ical,' and. ideological struggle, assistance for the deprived.' and to the Krt;mlin, peac~ful co existence" 'is a strategy, not,. an *gaii1s~ the aggressive forces of . .JOLLY WHALER imperialism hi the, international end in itself, it declares; arena." , --AND-State Uses Vacant
The study. entitled "Peace or , it ,aiso. says that,. in their 3t . Pea c e f u1. Coexistence," was SPOUTI:RINN Catholic School
sponsored by the Committee on , tempt to, create wha •. they call • SOUTH YARMOUTH BURLINGTON (NC)-The re-, Education Against CommUl'lism "the 'New ComIJlunist Man," the RESTAURANTS cently closed Don Bosco School· of the American Bar Association. communists have systematically • DENNIS PORT . , ,Always ,Free Parking for BoyS here will Soon be'filled ' It was unveiled in New York, presented a vicious and thor," • "YANNIS up again with teenage boys, this just 'before the ABA began its oughly distorted picture of .the • fARMOiJTH SHOPPING PLAZA time as temporary quarters for annual meeting in Montreal, but • OSTERVILLE Vermont's pilot residential treat it was prepared by Richard V. Nuns to.' Construct
ment center for youthful first Allen, a specialist on Sino-Soviet 'offender lawbreakers. affairs at the ,Center for StraHealth Care Facility
In announcing the: acceptance -,1111 SANDUSKY (NC)-The Fran of the proposal by Bishop Robert K of Plan Soc'.oal ciscan Sisters who operate F. Joyce of Burlington and the Providence Hospital here 'in Verm 0 n t Catholic Charities " Ohio will construct a new 100 board, State Institutiolls Com- Action I.... i tia tive . , missioner John Y.: Woodhull MIAMI BEACH (-NC) - The bed,' $1,250,000 'health'care fa stated: "I think this is one (}f the top official of the Knights of cility separate ftom. the,hospital. It will serve Medicare patients finest ecumenical :/testures of Columbus announced' plans for faith and charity th:at I have a new initiiitive in the ecumen ,of the area during post.,hospital ' known." , :, i: ' ' , " .. , -i~al' and' . soCial action field care and Qther convalescents who The eenter ~ ~provide a' through a partnership with the O do not' .- BANQUETS,· -WEDDINGS - PARTIES home for 16 to 20' b(iys, aged HI' John LaFarge Institute ill New care. Sister. Lucia, '-administrat.or,' 81l,id it will relieve· pressure. ~ to 18, who are referrecl ,by the , York. ,"~ .- .. .. .: " ~'. ,COMMUNION .. BREAKFASTS hospital, beds in. the area. ,, eourls as first offenders. Toile In additior. W ,financial assist There .,w.i II 'be, ari appeal:, to .. , boys will work, loea"l':. du!-,in, , ance,the LaF\ll'g~jnstitute will , 1343,P'lEASANT STREET FAll RIVER th~ p,ublic lor, about, ,$.900,000. . the day, and return to the c'enter reeeive ,suggestif:msand "recom , ,.OSb~rne 3-7780 in the ~venin.1! for :intensive .. mendations frOJll the official The -remainder of the funds will ' .roup t~erapy eonducted b)' ." rep!-,~~entation,and, plJ,rticipatiOll .btl. supplied, by the ,Federal'gov ,Btaff III ~ix:. • Ule K. • C." . erllment. '-'-h--*'
Report .Says 'Cold War' More Intense Peaceful', Coexistence, Now Strateg,ic Offensive
5.50% 5.00% 4.50%
Bass River
SovinQs Bank
'. New,
Bedford Hotel
THE ANCHOR"":Olocese of Fall
River-Th~;s.' Aug. 25, 1966
'~®W ~®~tfJ' ~lYJ~~ Tt?@@U'UY1)@[fi)l[
BJ' Most Rev.
Of R~dD~~~csm Amcm)gY@W]fr~'
J. 'Sheeillp D.ll).
"If my neighbor is stronger than. 1, I fear if he lsweaker than I I despise bim." Such is the modem judgement of the psy chiatrist, Dr. Jean: de Rougemont. Earlier, the Psalmist speaks ~ the "arrogance of those who have much and the despisal 'of those who are proud." :How can the rich avoid feeling superior to the poor? How can the poor avoid being humiliated? The answer is that vices, but can the;)' give up cigarettes for a week to help the poor? the strong must see their weakness and' the rich' must see~eifto poverty. How: realJly strong are the strong? They'may avoid great Are thfi!Y, suc~ masters of themselves tb;atthey. can turn down the third cocktail (or. give, up the first) and use the money instea4 to ~uy sulfone ~or, a .i~~r~ l,iqw r~ch_ :ar~the rich? Let them look inside' themselves. IIi what,virtue are they rich? Rich in cb~t:y,? Rich :.i~ cha.r~ti? Ri~)n f~th?,",. . . , .... '
.lJy Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Phillip Abbott Luce's The New Left (McKay, 119 W. 40th, New York. $4.50) attempts to explain "the resurgence ,. 'of radicalism, among 'American students." Its author is a young man who won some notice both when he was a leader of the New Left and the lives of the rising generation.
when he broke with Pro Youth is repelled by parental
gressive Labor, which he attitudes and aspirations, which
\eharges was. organiz~'d. 'by are seen as mostly narrow, neg
-formermembenl'of' theSoVfei ative, sterile. College is a bore,
'controlled Communist' Pa rt y:' . offeriiig no incentive or oppOJ: USA and is now' .. ,:, . tUnity for youth to direct its en .aPeking..;or~eh", ' ergies into crucial causes. .
;Onc~t~~ :~i~rhty:' see 'th~mseiv.~, asnothiDi a~d the,"rl~h, . A mood of rebellion has devel- . tated Commu~ the.~selv~ ,as i~p,overislled,.th.~, they,; wui lov~, we~~ 'D1st group. 'Mx:;, ; ~ped,. and a chance. to express it 'as their ,brothers':ilDd ,the peor IllS 'their ... Luce has an ex'::': ' has been pr~sented,by the 'civil APPOINTEE-: Bishop Jos "fellow beggars for . t hetrrace of God. ;tremely . Impor-' rights struggie and the unpopu~ eph B.· Brunini, Auxiliary .'if· . the,' strong ·lov,e ··themselves despite'
'·tant subject, one' lar and beclouded war in Viet all theirweaknes5~ then why not' lov<il
which is both nam.. Nor does the prospect of since 1957 to Bishop Richard weaknesses in others? :u the rich' love
timely and crit fighting authority in each case O. Gerow of Natchez-Jack themselves despitG!' ·their inner naked
leal. Because of dim the attraction' of these son, ·Miss., has -been' appoint ness; then why nCllt love a lesser ]lJOV
his' experience, causes; quite the reverse. Hence ed by Pope Paul. VI to be erty in others? That i~ why Our Lord'
he should be. the New Left. Apostolic Administrator of . told us to love our'neighbor as ourseU.
especially qual JLists Organizations ~y not more than self? Because, iii ]I
the diocese. NC Photo. ,ified to set it Communist organizations of . love myself-knowing myself as ']I do,
out. But the fac~ is that he is, various stripes have attemptec!. knowing how utter'b weak ]I am.2-then
at best, a mediocre writer. to sieze control of the New Left I have the measure of how J[ am to pour
, He has no notion as to how to and to exploit the mood of re out love to others.
'organize .a book, marshal his bellion, wi~h an eye to changing /. materials, and to ten his story iIi it into .participation in revolu We live in a world divided between the rich 'and the poor. a consecutive way and with :cu . We live in that kinol of a church-pOor parishes and rich parishes. tion. ST. ...... '" 1l>Y'S .'" "'TillED"" '" .. d mulative force. This is a dull all m.n"", ov= "= Even bishops an~ priests·. speak of a parish being "good" when ,muddled treatment of a:. very Mr. Luce lists and desribes lFALL RJrVER ·vitai topic,~ not heipedat all by the Communist organizations so The parish will sponsor a one they mean it is economicaily. rich. Somehow or other, we have ~ crude English' usage. engaged. The one he knows best, day pilgrimage to the Shrine of get, qut of this slavish. standard of affluence which is so opposed . Mr.' .Luce's personal histog of course, is 'Progre§sive Labor. the North American Martyrs,' to the !lross of. Christ. To that end,. we make the folloWing proposal: has to be piec.ed together, fro~ But he gives much space to the Auriesville, N, Y., on Sunday, that you, or yo.ur ·parish,club, school or office, undertake the sponsorshj.p of one of .the poor areas of the world which has been bits strewn through .the' book Du Bois' Clubs, which are the Oct. 2. . · instruments of the Communist Interested partl'es may obtaI'n investigated by the Apostolic delegate. Write to us and we will like the debris after a h urricane. . He 'is an Ohioan', born·in 1935, Party. Then tlmre are the Trot-· full particulars by contacting send you ·the name of this diocese, its location, the number of priests, catechists and faithful it has. Thus, you will be sure that the son of middle-class. Repub- . skyite splinter groups, of which Mrs. Laurence Coyle, Mrs. Wil lican parents; H~ start~d college four strains are identified (in liam Blythe or Mrs. George you, have a ·needy (Ibject for. sacrifice and service and n9t one based on 'a haphazard -appeal ·froin an uninvestigated, source. The at Miami University in Ohio, left cluding ·one that is pro-Negro Boitano. 'to see the Souih, finished' ~t Mis., and' anti-Semitic). I S8. MARGARET-MARY GUILD, Church will not allo"W you to sponsor this diocese for more. than one year because· thtlre are so many poor parishes in the world. sissippi State: and did gradu.,ate Mr. Luce estimates ,that 'some. BUZZARDS BAY' , k a t Oh"10. 'St' a'te. . .,' .12,000 A' ,publ'IC Whit·..... ·U .. be Look 'into your weakness and you will love the weakness of. o~heJ,'8. wor _." t '1 YOung. t'AmericanS 1 b'are '" S paL 0;' WI . .Look ,into your poyeny stricken soul and you will'serVe poverty d ct d b the guild on Satur , He became interested in ua orgamza Ion~ mem ers . , . ', of .the New Left" wIth as many . con u e.. y '. lcal ideas while at MissisSippi non-joiners on the peripherY. day even~ng, .Aug. 27, at S lD ~. stricken bodies. Writ.e to -mp..,;.God. Love .You! ,*at~~ ,fi~!!t he~!-,d" .~~ . ~h~' ~er'Btlt its' impact- is "smd: to'have; , ,Mll,l:~aret s. ,Kinderlctarten a:aU' i A~R.C."to'r :$sO~ 'Left whIle at Ohio State, and .': ' l . Prizes WIll be awarded and re :~ .~ :.':·~·GOD~'·LOV:E YCllJ'· to·.~S.M.L.>.O~· ~$5 .,. ; '''For :your',1ni!ssion'U'ork.'I'ean't,h,elp eve~one ,and,·you. ~o.. .. !t:grt'~rit'otcOt··gth'·e've,c'J1:amm~-~W1lS~~tttedp"':a~~y',. ~xten~e~ . tots 'about,200,OQP ,co "",.' h~~hriients: served. ,. "', ;, \ !''' o nl,~ge ~,u en, ~~. ':' .. \:. i , " , . : - : , <'GUiLD OF' 'TillE VIsITATION, "'tltosem most meed.... : •• 'tchJ:M.B.fcn: $20 .'.' to ,Anon,..,lor" $1,0.00. "Iil1961;he"ifioved~:to New·,Yor.k ,,; ,It '~S" ~l1en,a :!!,lza1?I~.,~~eme~t i iNO' EASTilrAM' ':~ :~;",.:;,,;.. ; ,;·;'sent'·With".<eommn•. ,'.,. . '~:"", "'., ,"" ", '1''''''.1 ' .. :. _.'and came closer to.the, C;ommti.- in the country. What alarms Mr. ih al'b ... quet of"the :' Dist Party. Ll'itef, he 'joined Pro- Luce is not its existence or its ~~ 'h The GOD 'LOVE 'YOU~ medal;'. lovely cameo medal of' the ;:gressive,La]:>o~aiI~ edited its size but the fact and the inW WI e e on nes · monthly magazine'.!, _. ,,:cre~sing extent of Comrnamst ,\q!1Y~ ,.:4-~. 3~,: a~;: the, PiJ~~ Madonna of ' tIle world'iS one you' would 'be 'proud: to give' or·de' 'lighted tci reC~iVEt DesIgned bi the world-renowned' jeweler, Harry · ' -"domination~' He' gives' -instances .Springs Re.staurant, :N;o. TflJ ro,.,: :' Visited. _C~,..~,ro,'-S Cuba R t cl Sunday . in proof that"suc.h dO..minatioD.'-i8 'A'"'. e~e2" rv,a,~o?1l os.!! on .. , ,'. ' winSton;' aildbltessed' 'by Bishl>p Sheen; .the GOD ,LOVE YOU medal It was Progressive Labor ug s is available' in·cl~!!i,c'F~oreritinegold firiishor pure sterling,silver : which arJ;'anged- for f\meric~ . indeed an actuality:, , ' ; ' SACRED 'HEARTS, :; aod may' be," obtained by sending your; request and corresPondirtg :studeritsto visit 'Cuoa,'in 1963 Stresses Strength' '," 'NO'. FAIRHAVEN . ,,' offering to The Socieb for the Propagation of the' Faith, 366 Fifth · and .. 1961:, . In..' defiance .of our He insists that somethin~(must ... Registration for 'the kirider Avenue,New York; N'.Y. '10061. $2' Sinall sterling silver; $3 small ·.State Department~s'ban on travel be done to' prevent Communist 'garten,' pre-primary, and : the '11>k goid 'fiiled; $5 larg'e sterling silver; $10 large 10k gold filled .. there. Mr. Luce made the trip, capture ,of the' movement. He eight eJement~ry grades are be says .that most 'of 'the students wants everyone to wake up to ing held daily during the month Cut out this colullnn, 'pln your sacrifice to It and .mali It to · were unaware of Progressive the existence and the strength of Augus.. . . 'Most Rev•.Fultom J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for Labor's sponsorship and control. of the N.ew Left. , Pupils' may register with S.J;'. the Propagation of thl~ Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York; N.Y. The money came from Castro. We must realize, he urges, how Marie Henriette, SS.CC.,' at the 10001, or to your Dioclesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond 'Jr. And Progressive Labor members disenchanted with our society Sacred Hearts Academy, 332 .Considine, 363 North ll1ain Street, Falll River, Massachusetts. planned and staged the wild the young people ~re, what hos- Main 'Street, Fairhaven, any 8£ scenes at a Congressional hea~ tility they feel, what a gulf ternoon from 1-5. RegistratioDfl ,ing concerning the ·project. yawns between them and their . are also' being accepted by Rev. By late 1964; Mr. Luce was elders, and hc;>w impervious th~YAlexis Wyggers,' SS.CC., at the ,enti~ely dissillusioned abo u t are to ideas and language which i ReCtory 382 Main' street, Fair i Progressive Labor, and· by Feb figure in their eldE;rs' attempts haven. ' .. . ruary of 1965 ,h~ pad left it,' to to communicate with them. / " The Association' of St. Anne :" ,.' .' be· quickly "expelled" upon his No one, he maintains, is S~-'Will receive' corporate 'Coinm'U I"~ departure and sa:yagE(l~' Y;im~~~~ J",iously .. trying to reach the 'hiort'on Sunday' at the 8 'o'cloek ;':7,' Perry, " '., · He left because, he says, Pro:. 'young rebel, to understand him, Mass. fI~~f;ng "gressive Labor is a ·Maoist Com to speak to him intelligibly and .~v~-:t.~e '.' munist tool, because it·;ad'lrQc::ates effectively... Co~unJ~t .e.rrors,· .Oils.Make' ". imd take steps to "implelrtent propaganda, hypocnsy mU:st 'be "SCHWYZ (NC) - Catholic: Taunt~B'1l~ Mass. .. armed insurrection, because- no relentlessly exposed in a way movie and ,television experts .personal free'dam "is" allowed 'to . which' the young people will m:'et 'here iil ~::fwitieriand for im Worm Friends·,' VA' 2-2282 .,' members.. an4 lill- deQisions· are comprehend. '. ., international. exchange of '~;. made by a' few dictatorial lead He is strong_ for a Freedom ,riiques iiI' the use'of Tv anell ~ril,.,. 1?ecause,.,member.s,:.are:,Jn Aeademy;- which would..,pr.ovipe 'films in religious education.:·· . ,.. " .- . :.' , '.
volved in' programs' of Whose expert, practical education con 'eonsequences to/.,.tg,e:.: country cerning CommunislJl.;·And 'he'
,and to themselv,es:t!:Iey have no stressesthe':need of place,for
: idea. .. ... , ,,: '<~ " . genuinely democratic radicalism ON. CAPE COD , ' " 'lFe~,ls.. lF~tts~rated., .. in o~r I'ociety. '. ._, Mr:' "fL~ced6es-' not·.. contend · that "the: New Le#'is 'Goromunist Ri> "flJ1 ml n' cre£;;:!,' or,'·entireiy.:Commuist-. . !9l«II«: ~$ lf1J @Il'il'ilte ~fYl U@ '~'.', .'I~»8L[)~NG MA·h~linAL$·,· .6 ·~~~V~C~ '<l!oltiinated:' -He,:s¢~B: it -as''8, phe- ':PITTSB~1RGH',(Nt)': '- 'The : .. : honi:d;on ' 'whlc~ . "came', ~bout, Pittsburgh Ca,tholi(' Interracial " ,Commercial·' 1!5 'Industrid S~~r.i~gj spontaneously; an' eX~'IJ1Pre of- Council has" endorsed home rule " Institutional' 4~",~YA,RM@UlrH ,ROA~)' youth in reb'ellion. -' .,:. .for the District .of Columbia, as , Youth, he: holds,~ h'i,ls a·;::£eeling. 'sertingthat'''tooibng have many . ,pa.inting ~,nd~ D_~~o~qti!,g:. ·.tYA~.MBS· of., -frustration· . with American ''', 'of the-importanLdecision,affe"ct 'Fall River OSborne 2-1I9H $ociety, its tone ,and its values.' ing (the District, of CohJmbia) . "AMPLE PARKING -y oi.ith~es~rtt~r'having 'rio' say' in'''''''b~erl''madtd)y''congr££ssiriehftoin ,:~ 4"v~hllia son Str~e~' the making of decisions affecting hundreds 'of miles away."
. The Parish Parade
•• •
:' ':' J~edB~' Me'U1l':Me~'t·
lbONNlElly, :fP ~n~T'~U\nCG' ',' •
']OH'oo,.' ~~~;(Kl~Y'·'· &. SON (~o ,
Jesuit Educators Ponder Students' Cynical ~ttitQJJde LOS ANGELES (NC) A top Jesuit educator dispen sed advice here on how to eombat the attitude of some
Members of P A VLA Maintain Missionary
Thurs., Aug. 25, 1966
Area G~~s Socoa!
Record of Fall River Diocese lLong outstanding for the missionary work of its priests, Sisters and Brothers, the River Diocese is fast becoming noted for its outstanding Papal Volunteers for Latin America. These young men and women, doing Christ's work in some of the world's need iest areas are a credit to the parishes and toowns from which they come. Letest PAVLA assignments in the Diocese are those of Lucille Lebeau of St. Anne's parish, New Bedford and Anthony Gomes
~e!l'vD~e ~elrllfrer CLEVELAND (NC) - OUX' Lady of Futima parish hat3 opened a social service centeli' here in the midst of the Hough area, scene of Cleveland's recent rioting. The center, housed in an 18->
room former apartment buildo ing, . was dedicated by Archo bishop Paul J. Hallinan of~ At-> lanta while he was visiting iii! Cleveland,~bis native diocese.
The center will be staffed by four Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine, .who, along with. lay volunteers, have been working in the area since April,·1965. The center will ·provide C9uri;' seling, nursing, medical supplie. and pre-natal care. .The building, which standt next to the parish rectory" was purchased by· the parish. seveR. years ago when it was aba~ doned as an apartment building. Early. last year, Father Alberi Albert Koklowsky, M.S.SS.T.., pastor of Our Lady of Fatima, launched a campaign through a column in the Catholic Universe Bulletin, Cleveland diocesan newspaper, to explain Hough's poverty' to metropolitan resi< dents. Housing was a major theme. Resulting donations from 'uni verse Bulletin readers and 1,1 matching gift from Coadjutor ·Bishop Clarence Issenmann of Cleveland enabled Father Kok lowsky to renovate the building.
high schoolers who "consider the world and the religion of their ·parents as phony." . Father Edward J. Sponga, 8.J., of Baltimore, in the keynote ad St. John of God parish, Somer dress at the 1966 Jesuit Educa tional Association Workshop on set. Actually, Lucille isn't a, new Christian Formation at Loyola P AVLA hand. She was the first University here, called for a Diocesan enlistee in the organi
dialogue with everyone con cerned to emphasize the good zation, going to Brazil as a nurse-social worker in August, "crying to be released." Speaking to delegates from 52 1963. She returned from her Jesuit high schools in the nation, three year assignment in July, Father Sponga, chairman of the but volunteered to serve an board of the Jesuit Educational extra year in Brazil. She will re:' tum there in November. Association, declared: Anthony, veteran of a ·year's 'Menace to Freedom' work in Florida with the fed "If the young men of our erai government's VISTA pro schools. consider the world and gram, will teach English in a the religion of their parents as Mexican minor seminary. He has phony and a menace to their already completed a PAVLA freedom, then we must be ruth training course at Catholic Uni less in seeing how and why this versity in Washington, D. C., and is and in entering into dialogue will leave in September for with everyone who is willing to Mexico City and an intensive do so, in order that we may be four and a half month course in able to release the g09d that is Spanish language and culture crying to be released." . During the 12 days of research before beginning his assignment in the mountain town of Tacom and discussion, 125 school ad baro in the state of Michoacan. ministrators and teachers evalu Pioneer Work ated the effect that religion Lucille bubbles over with en courses, academic curriculum, spiritual exercises and personal thusiasm for P AVLA and its ac guidance have had on the char complishments. She has just re acters of the 35,000 teenagers in turned from a trip to the. Wash U. S. Jesuit high schools. ington training course attended The delegates particularly by Tony Gomes where, inci
were concerned about the loss dentally, she met him for the
of religious faith in the adoles first time. She talked to new
. . cent who is becoming increas enlistees individually and in LIMA (NC) - Sixty me~bers ingly sophisticated and critical. groups, seeking to picture for af the St. Rose CYO hert! gave them the new life they'd be en Middle Class Values volunteer aid to projects for the needy this Summer. Most' as~ Father Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., tering. ''Their enthusiasm was a boost slsted in a federally financed Stillman professor of sociology . educati~n,al program for' cultu~ at Harvard University's divinity er shot for me,"she said. This week the New Bedford .:rally deprived students.' from school, criticized. Jesuit high PAVLA ENLISTEES: .Rev·. James Cla,rk, Diocesan " ~nderglirten:· to sixij1 grad~; schools for not challenging the nurse is in· the Chicago area,'; middle class values of many of visting PAVLA headquarters Director· of Papal Volunteenl· for Latin America, with Othershelp!'!!1 a~ a· day camn f~ their students;, for not paying there and' friends she made ill Anthony G<>mes, bound for :teaching assignment in Mexico~ retarded cbildren, and· Qne' as.; sufficient att~rition to the social . Brazil, including the doctor with and Lucille Lebeau, who has 'already spent three years Ns~ed at a eerebral palsy.' c~mp. sciences;· and for not drawing whom she worked when me first went to the Latin American Brazil as nurse-social worker, will return November.for
more of their students irom eountry. He is now in practice .additional year.
among the poor. Dr. Alexander A. Schneiders, in Waukegan, lll.
"When I first went to Brazil," graduate professor of psychology urgy, eommunitY needs and was to leave in each pari,sh II at Boston College, stressed the she 8a14, "I worked for a little health needs. team similar to . their own to commitment of Faith, that must over a year at a hospital in Sal cOMPANY . carry on as far as possible the Most of the help that an area vador Bahia. My job was m!linly be made within the scope· of in work in liturgy, catechetics· and
received came from the people. training Brazilian aides and tellectual independence. He ar community and health needs.
Complete line gued against compelling students setting up hospital routines. themselves t h r 0 ugh their awakened sense of community, "We would return to the com
to make annual retreats or assist After the year was over, Brazil Building Materials ian doctors and medical students said :-.ucille. Actual government munities where we had given
at religious exercises. or material aid was hampered by this course as often as possible,"
took over the hospital, routines Other delegates suggested es political, economic and social said Lucille, "anu each time we
8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN tablishing pilot programs in were runing smoothly, and I eould set: them growing spiritu
1l)ner-city high schools with felt that I could go on to public complications of many kinds. The team "played it by ear" ally."
WYman 3-2611
nationwide cooperation and the health work in areas where there Turn to Page Nineteen
sending of Jesuit. teachers to was no nursing care at all avail- in deciding how to approach a able." , particular parish. Lucille and
work in community schools out Lucille joined an apostolic the nun on the team, who was .~ llide the regular Jesuit system. team organized by Bishop Eu also a nurse, tried to work genio de Araujo Sales, Apostolic through community midwives Administrator of Salvador. To who were sadly in need of tech Ho~es gether with a priest, a nun, two. nical instruction. The infant Goal of Campaign Brazilian lay apostles and what mortality rate in most areas was I would bt: the equivalent af an . very high, said Lucille, due iD. WORCESTER (NC) .:..... A cam paign to secure better housing American social worker, she large part to umbilical tetanus, caused by unsanitary delivery for.. Negroes .. in the Greater visited areas of. the Diocese pre viously all but unreached by. the techniques. Worcester Area is growing. .. Another technique was organ- I In a letter to some 1,200 per .Church. Aim of. the team, she explain S0l1S who last Aprii signed an ization of one-week parish Wy 3 0911 . "699' B' A ed" wail to ,change dormant par courses centered around the idea man .,. e VI e·· ven~
. "open letter" newspaper 'ad vertisement regarding fair hous.,. . ishes into Christian communi of. Christian cominunity. Lucille .. N,w'&~fQr.d: .
. I
John J. Concordia, . Duman ties. Seventeen parishes were said ·she would start the course lI·tI-IIIlII_ ..· tI-II'!.--tl......",.__, .__-~~......",.__, .......~.....--..·",....._-IIllII,IiI·ll"'IlI_-IIllII,~
rights committee chairman of visited in the course of a year by trying to explain the concept the Diocesan Council of Catholic and a half, r;;mging from mem- of Christians as "people of. God," ':M~~, . ~sked' sig~atorie.s of the .berships of 20,000 souls to 75,000.. then . would . set up discussion . ~ItIIIIHtHIIIIIDIIIIUIIIIHlII"I"III",""IiIllIIlHKHHIIItIIIIUIIIIIIIUllllliilllllllll","lIJlli/lllllllllllllilllllllll~ -letter" to volunteer' to The 75,OOO-member parish, said I!"oups· .en such· subjects as·'~. -_§!_
Lucille, .had only one priest· 10 "What is·a person?",-"Person to ~ :,::~adopt!' members of. a Negro ::family am. actively assist: them meet' its 'needs. . . person relationships~" and "Dif- ' § . ' ~ ferences between ordinary eom- ~ . , . " .. . . . .. ==
,in,:·.proC::1Jri~g decent housing to Plan 01 AetiOll tit';.heir ~ne~ds. . munities and'the parish." §'; ~.
The apostolic team,said Lu In . 8 statement by an inter , eille, would first survey condi This would lead to a discussion §! . , . ~.. ~=_=_
'. fa(th·eommittee on .housing, tions . and decide what most. of the function of Christians and § . . . , ·'wfi.i~Il"'Js. all out-growth a needed doing, then plan an 'edu what' iii Christian community § .. siniilar' committee' formed last cational program. Three or fo~r· should be lIke. Theil leaders ~ la5~ -. ~ .. year .by . the Diocesan Council natural leaders in each parish were ready to ask the parishion.; ~ . §= of: Catholic Women, a call was were chosen and arrangements ers if any were ready to coin- ~ made "for construction of hous were made to get them to an mit themselves as parish team § ~ ing for ··poor and lower middle Archdiocesan training center for members to a stronger expres- ~ . . 0.0 S. == : Tel. 997-9358 § d~ss f ami! i'e It.. ixlcludins a one month leadership' training sian of their Christian fellow- § UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN . . ,Ne8J;~s.'! . eourse wve.rins lIlatechetics,' lit...,;. .ooip. Go",~, of the lipQBtolie tea.. iulHIHlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIUill/IIJlmIllUiJiillJillnililunJililillliiihIUllllIIlIilill(IIUJIIIJ1I1llIJllliinillllllltuE . .
Work for Needy
- -
for Negroes.
·Y E5, we h····aye· .' .
Maclean's .S.e·Q· F d'
.-:: ..:
'-~_·,'·.i.j";:_.U.i:·· '~'
An ;Exce1lent Lc,te Summer Activity
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Aug. 25, 1966
'; ,'?'
Louisiari@ ~©frish A~~&mp:li~~~§.
T[T@ u'iH~Dfro@[j1) . fr@ . :~rtilfr®~[(@frD@Iri)·
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MADISONVILLE (NC)-:-+,wo 'cently 'used :for ~~gt~es.. ':~was,
'wears, ',ago in this, quiet', jural torn down. Its, blue, I green~:.and town the single square block 'white stained grass riow frames
'<Containing' Catholic h u r c h the huge 'rear wIndow '. ~. , ~t;
buildings symbolized the old 'era Anselm's church... ,'- - ': ~now it stands for the new; This Spring St. Catherine's "Two years ago two churches also came down. Gone, too, are stood 200 feet apart on 'this \he cOl-vents "'and • one' school. More block--'St~ Catherine, w'h ere 'The other school building' was , . whites worshipped, and St. retained for, parish meetings and Francis Xavier, where Negroes "the' now-integrated Confrater 'worshipped. The rectory, with ,', fiity, of Christian Doctrine
its one priest to serve both par- ;classes. . '
ishes, s too d between, the:C. ': 'rhe 100 or so school children
, ¢htirches," more· as a, symbol:. of ;'-:, transported to elemEm
the psychological gap thac as"an '! tilt-y and high schools in nearby
,: actual separation., " ," ,,;covirigton arid Mandeville. '
· " ,A fence stood between ,the, two " CCD instructions' ,have' been
eonventS on the block~rie,.for :'given!:>ySfsters qfChristian
the Negro nuns who, ,taught'Charity:and"theirstu:d.Eints from.
,.,Negro ch,ildren: in the ~e~ro : ~~nj,;pirClncy" at FolsoM, La., and . IIchool, the other for the w,fitte ,::",by.seminariaris from,*arby St.
IllUns who taught white children ,i-Jolieph semin.arY.' But·, tpese
iii the whHe school. " . diities are being taken over by
Now there is, one church,' one· tlie parish's integrated CCD or
rectory and one small classroom ;' ganizatiori,now being trained.
, building --' and one parish,' St. The 'pastor, Father John J.
Anselm. . DenDulk,' is' prouder, of the
Although wee k day Masses smooth transition than he is of
were said in only one· of the the physical change. . two old churches,' Masses and ,.,:. Participation in worship' has'
ether services on Sundays and 'increased since the new church
,major feast days were' said in : w~ built, he says., and he has.
·. both. Midnight Masses on Christ- "the best commentators in the .
: \ mas were celebrated concurrent- whl;)le world.'"
'.Iv in the two churches. ',.;' : AIthougb there are only '260
, .' But' the buildings were· badly , families in the parish, the new
. Qn need of repair. So, in 1964, the ~church is already more than half
<tId frame church of St., Francis., ,paid for, and ,the parish topped · ''Xavier, ,whose parish records go its quota in the archdiocesan "., back to 1863 and which was re- education expansion drive. •
;: ' J ,
than 280,000 people
lR<. OV~~·
cilrElody, been aboard
'iU'O ~he
past 'ys@[i'o
",'Bishop P·erry' :Say,s': ,New Orleans 'Has ,Healthy" Racial Climate DENVER ,.(NC) - Auxiliary 'still has more influence thaa ,Bishop Harold R. Perry,., S:y.D.,' any other Negro ,in the civil
of New Odeans" first .A.meJ;ican. rights movement. .
Catholic Negro bishop in, this He (Bishop Perry) has been
,<1lentury, said here a "hea~thy" very favorably received in New
racial climate will exist wher- Orleans.
eve~ the Negro has a' to Some Cannot WaU
voice his grievances. " He said there will. undoubted " Bisnop Perry dted New. 9r- ly be some civil rights groups
.,lleans as an example, sayipg the who disapprove <)f non-violence
,racial climate there is healthy and occasional demonstrationS
: because of an interracial' council by "those who cannot wait." ,
,,'appointed by Louisiana,,~ov. "Of course, I am a Negro and
John J. McKeithen to help splve we have been waiting a long
'," ,rmcial problems. . ' 'time. If you take the long view, ,'I
, "There are no demonstra~ions ',' complete equality can't come too '
and riots and very little picket- ; quickly;' he added~ : ," .lng," he said. "The cotiJ;lc~1 ,i-e- . He said he has been "received lieves tensions and if the Negro very well, even enthusiastically" has a forum to talk over his con- in New, Orleans. Picketing out eerns, he will not demonstrate." .side the church where he was Schools Integrated ~onsecrated, he s3,i,d, ,.:Was DOt typical of the general feeling. in The 50-year-old prelate said 'New 'Orleans. ' , '
be is proud New Orleans has inAs an evidence of his popu tegrated 'all Its' schools. "It's a ,'larity, he said he spoke at nine· ..
large percentage, not just token," graduations in June and has of
he added. . .ficiated, at Confirmation in 24'
He said Catholics are doing ..parishes. . their part to advance equality of
'opportunity in his city.· "1 think [EceQ./Jl1il'\leIJ'ilD""~~ CC'rrnDD'O°{\,.
there has been Ii united effort "" t;l)Ir If
by all faiths, and we would like ~~ ~D'©Q./JIJ'il&Ib>D'~~~DIJ'il@
to keep it that way," he' 'deCRANSTON (NC) I h
dared. , . - n a s ow
, The New Orleans bishop also . of the ecumenical spirit, lea4ers
~ommented on ~ wide range' of of major' religious faiths in this
area took part in' a combined ! . eivil rights issues, ,saying: The new militancy shown by • religious. and groundbreaking Visit the BClI~~ie$Mp anldll'ode a"lI'eplica of the Old iFal~· River B.ill1e~ ·,t· som~ civi~ rights groups is a service on the site of the pro posed Church of the Annuncia passing phase. tion, Greek Orth()dox. lours start every 30 minutes
The majority of Negroes are Archbishop lakov,o!!, primate
lJympathetic to' the non-violent ,of the Greek Orthodox Church'
Opei'll aU year round - 9 A.M. to Sunset philosophy of the Rev. Dr. Mar- of North and South America, of,.,
tin Luther King, and Dr. King ficiated at .the open air hierar-
For' Group Arrangements Call 678-1100 chal Divine Liturgy service, atl)OOOO(:)ooOOC)ooOOC:lOOC)ooOOC)OO~IOOl. Serra Meeting tended by more than 500 per sons. THIS MESSAGE Sp()NSORED IV l'HE FOllOWING INDIVIDUALS ATLANTIC CITY (NC) - A Participants in the ground eonference for members of Ser- breaking ceremony included
AND BUSINESS CONCERNS IN G,REATER FALL RIVER lI'a Clubs in the New York-New Catholic Bishop Russell J.' Mo
Jersey - eastern Pennsyivania Vinney of I>rovidence; Arch ANN DALE PRODUCTS, INC. MACKIENZIE & WINSLOW, INC.
area will be held here Sept. 23 deacon 'William L. Kite, repre
II~DY ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.' M A S O N FURNITURE SHOWROOMS tKi 25. Msgr. William Noe Field senting the Rt. Rev. John Seville CASCADE DRUG CO. GERALD E. McNALLY, CONTRACTOI' tiff Seton Hall University; South Higgins,' Episcopal Bishop of' GLOBE MANUFACTURING CO. SOBILC)FF BROTHERS . Orange, N.J., will give the 'key- ' .Rhode Island; Dr. Wayne ~is. ;,~~TGHINSON OIL CO. STERUllIG BEVERAGES, INC. a~te address Sept. 24 a£ter a executive director of· the Rhode' '~,A., Mc~HIRR ~9MPANY ., ,.TEXTIU:, WORKERS UNION Of AMERICA eOncelebrated Mass at which 'the' 1s~and Council, of Churches; ~nd . ..~rE~~ATI.QNALV4DIES; GARMENT ,.1; •. " . " Al:L~tO . ..' '.-.. . principal concelebrant will :be ., Rabbi 'Jerome S.'· Gurland : 'Gf WORKERS UNION . : ' ." '.,(EUOW COMPANY , .." . , Bishop George W. Ahr of 'Tren~ ....~'te!ll.i>l~, Sinai, 1,"epresentingthe.
ton. ",.B,hode Island Board of Rabbi&. ; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 MssSel••
; .. ~ .
. ,..;.
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.j; '.
,.-.' ..
Job Corps Members ·Aid You.ngsters Reading .
OMAHA (NC)-Omaha Wom- . chesne: Mother Moody found a en's Job Corps members joined ' benefactor to supply ihe a11 with five graduates of Duchesne import;lnt incentive program. College .and Academy of the Thanks to a generous racetrack .Sacred Heart here to upgrade bettor Who won the daily double, the. reading level of local public, there was enough money for school youngster.s. candy bar prizes and two picnics. The progra~, ca]]ed. Project An indication or- the success of Upstart, was first conceIved by the program was found in the Mother Helen Condon, dean of reaction of the students. A re the Nebraska co]]eg~. Mother cent visitor asked one of the Rosemary Moody, aSsIstant pro- young boys, "Why are you here? fessor o~ ~sYChology, volunteer~ Did someone make you come?" to adminIster and execute t h e · ., program. He looked up and said, "I'm The original plans were to here because I wan,t to learn to take a group of seventh graders read and I like it." . Two girls from Horace Mann Junior High who missed the morning bus to School and tutor them in devel Duchesne gave another exain-ple opmental reading and study of determination, to learn. 'J;'hey skills. It soon became apparent undertook a two-hour, five mile that some rather basic instruc walk rather than miss a day of tion was required: some of the class. ehildren were still reading at the second grade level. ' Duchesne's elementary school was offered for use by Mother Contlnu~d from Page Six Helen Sheahan, superior. An laymen's convention-an effort Omaha public school official suggested that the Omaha Wom- ' to provide some figure of speech, en's Job Corps be contacted to some image to suggest to those see if they could furnish high in the Church and to those out-, school graduates as tutors. Rob ,side what is the inner nature of ert Bathke, Job Corps education , the Church. Alluding to Scripture's refer director, soon put five young ences to the Church in terms of ladies at Mother Moody's dis posal. sheep and shepherds, the former Hub Auxiliary Bishop asked: Five recent Duchesne gradu ates volunteered to train the "How many people in Boston tutors for two weeks before the have ever seen a sheep? Sheep program actually began. , The and shepherds. say little to Duchesne alumnae eventualiy youngsters· in housing projects elected to stay on for the entire or even in the suburbs." program. The Bishop, who is epiScopal Mother Moody· was so im advisor for the NCLRC, officia pressed with the potential of the ted at the lighting of an eight Job Corps enro]]ees that she ex foot candle which symbolized the tended their sessions through the , conference theme-uThe Light rest of the summer and made of Chr~st." The candle .burned college preparatory work avail throughout the convention. able to them. ' Speakers stressed' the retreat Student Reaction program is geared to demOJi Perha~s one of the ,more un 'strate to the world that the way usual aspects of the entire "Up of Christ. "can become more start" program was 'its lack of meaningiful to men of our time." financing. The only real subsidy Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of (about $500) was from the Manchester reminded delegates OMaha ' Public School system, of recent profound changes with the bulk of which went to the in the Church. Omah~. Transit Company for bus "If the lay retreat movement service. is to remain vital and relevant," The equipment used in the .he said, "it cannot be static. It classrooms was borrowed from must be in harmony with the the public schools, the Omaha times, at all times.
Women's Job Corps, and DuHonest Call1Se
, ' Thu'rs:, Aug. 25, 1966
.Governor Balks
At 'Proposals . MONTPELIER (NC) - Ver mont's" Gov. Philip Hoff said he bas "extreme reservations" con cerning abortion and steriliza tion proposals contained in a re port of an adivsory committee on the mental ,retardation situ ation in the ·state. 'The' report called for legal sanctioning of induced abortion in cases where there appears to be a high risk of mental retar dation of an unborn child. The'report also contained a 'suggestion concerning steriliza. tion of the mentally retarded. "Apart from the recommenda~ tions 'on legalized abortion and sterilization of the mentally re tarded, I must S4ly it was II good report," Gov. Hoff said. He said lie will study the report with, utmost care before taking any' action.
Loy Retreats.
Plan to Supplement History Books
"Our retreat houses could 00-· eome, so to speak, the equipment and training centers for the apostolates of the laity," he ad
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) dec:t. A supplementary text showing Bishop Primeau urged laymei}. the contributions of minority to lea:rn from modern science, groups in United States history particularly in the field of hu will be added to history and man psychology. He said there is social science books .already' in . an opportunity as well. to learn use in archdiocesan schools here. from other organizations, both The supplement, containing secular and religious. He added: some 150 pages; will deal ch'ro ,''The youth of today are un-, nologica]]y with the contribu-: selfish and in large numbers they tions of Jews, Negroes; Orientais are seeking for an honest cause and various nationalities from to which they can dedicate them southern Europe. selves, as witness their devotion It is being prepared by a spe to the Peace Corps and the civil cial studly committee which illl rights movement." . evaluating current textbooks found need for more thorough material on the part minority Modernize AncEtenlt . groups have played in the OOUD try1s history.
. Puerto Rico CIl1llLmlrch SAN JUAN (NC) A, lPJt8 year-old church, one of the most Leave Providence
popular· in this capital city~ ~ going modern. ' For Mission Work
Archbishop Luis Aponte of PROVIDENCE (NC) - Four San Juan has inaugurated ·al Capuchin priest.. and two lay men left New York by plane for campaign for funds for restora mission work in the Santa Rosa tion of St. Ann's, a public ora tory, now badly illl need of J:e de Copan diocese, Honduras. ' Father Ad ria n Holzmeister, ,pairs. O.F.M. Cap., provincial of tile 1ft addition to restoration, the Capuchins' St. Mary province ehurch also Will be equipped. with headquarters here, said the with air conditioning. The six will work among some 50,000 eburch is the archdiocesan ceD<> persons in Mlree parishes in the ~r for the Confraternity Gi state of Ocotepeque. He said Christian Doctrine and perpetual . other mjs,sioners,·as they become adoration of the Blessed Sacr.a ,ayailabie, wiD be sent to aid ment. Built ill. 184B, the cburch Bishop Jose Canama Cb&vezCli, weplaced an edifice which dated )Iaek iG tile lWi\ century. tile diocese.
',Expresses Thanks To Holy Father
PROFESSION ANJ!)) RECEPTION: Four postulants be came canonical novices and two prof~ssed their vows as Sisters of St. Joseph at ceremonies at the Blessed Sacra ment Church, Fall River. Left column: top to bottom, Sr. Gerard Marie, (first vows), Sr. Anne Therese, Sr. Rita Jos eph, Bishop Connolly, who received the sisters. Right col umn: .Sr. Anne Denise,: Sr. St. Paul, and Sr. Alfred Marie (renewed temporary vow-s.) , ., ,,
Special·' Education Priests' Visi~ PaJ~ents' Homes to ExplOJon SignificOJlI1lce off Baptismal Ritual ST. JEAN (NC)-Sunday bap tisms are prece~ed by Saturday nights' special educational pro grams in a number of Catholic homes here in Quebec. The program to prepare the whole family for baptism through a home visit was de vised three years ago by a group of pries~s working togeth~r as a pastoral team. .. central idea of the program ~s that "it ,is good, for the priest to be with his people at impor tant times in their lives~ At· these times, people are dispOSed to receive the message of Christ ' as it applies to 'their circum stances, the developers of the plan reported . The visiting priest explains the lOOremonies of the next day, and the symbolic meaning of various parts of, the baptismal ritual.
Pilgrims Wctmlk TORONTO (NC) -The 10th annual walking pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyrs' shrine at Midland, Ont., will begin here Wednesday. Organized by the Guild of St. John de la Lande, the pilgrimage' will cover the 100 miles to the shrine in five days, a~riving there Sunday, Sept. 4.
LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING; INC. . fof. Oomestic l~ and· Industrial ~ Sales and Service Oil Burners WY 5-1631 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE NEW BEDFORD
Relatives, neighbors, or the prospective gorlparents may be present,but the· home visit usually involves just the parents and their children. The ide.. is to make the pre baptism v:sit an oppodunity for dialogue between the priest and the parents, rather than a con ference. . Ten parishes in the St. Jean diocese have adopted the prae tice, along with :l few Montreal parishes. Father Marcil Brillon, secretary of the St. Jean litur-' gical commission, said he ex pects the practice to spread.
That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth suJIer embarrassment Q.ecause their plates drop, Blip or wobble at Just the wrong time. Don't live In fear of thts happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEErH, the non-acid powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly so they feel more comfortable. Checks denture breath. Dentures that fit are essential to health. See your dentist regularly. Get FASTEETH at all drug counters.
VATICAN CITY (NC) -The vice prime minister of Vietnam has paid a visit to Pope Paul VI to thank him for his peace. ef forts and generous help to re lieve the suffering of the Viet namese people. . General Nguyen Huu Co, vice prime minister and secretary of state for national defense of Vietnam, visited privately with the Pope for 30 minutes. Accord-, ing to a Vatican Press Office bulletin: . "The vice prime minister in the name of South Vietnam, ex pressed profound gratitude for the 'valid support always given by the head of ,the Catholic Church and of the Holy See in the cause of peace and for the generous assistance sent by the Holy Father to relieve the suf fering . of those persons tor mented by war. The distinguish ed visitor then continued to· de 'clare that the intentions of South Vietnam are directed only toward an affirmation of the liberty 'of its own nation and W> arriving at a just peace in honor and concord."
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THE AI"~' '~:"'-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 25. 1966
Parishes Share Education Costs
DETROIT (NC) ' - Twenty nine urban parishes here have decided to help one another meet the rising cost of education. At the elementary level, par epts will pay $50 per family, $75 per family for' non-Catholic parishioners, and $75 per student
,C~nsiders Instability Causes
In' Latin American lamds F:rom "Social R-evolution in the New Latin Ameriea" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. ' There are many causes of instability in Latin America. Some have said in the past that it is an inheritance frQm . Spain. They feel that the years of Spanish'authoritarianism rendered the colonies incapable of integrating themselves into a more balanced social system; Because they had there exists the problem of low previously lacked indepen denSity of population with a lack of internal communication, In -dent creole authority, the many cases there is even, a lan
Danish Catholic COPENHAGEN (NC) -There are 11,321 Catholics in the Danish capital,according to a report issued by the Copenhagen statistical office. They' consti tute the second largest religious " entity there, next to the Luther ans, members of the State Church. The total number of Catholics in Denmark is approx imately 26,000. Total population is 3.5 l,llillion. '
colonies were unprepared to ac guage barrier. eept a more democratic, author The problem of an underde ity. In his book veloped economy has also been Between Free a factor in forming Latin Anler , clom, and Fear, ican social structure. German Arcin On the social level, the ele iegas draws a ments I have mentioned' favor comparison be an internal lack of class struc SISTER AMBROSE tween the En ture that involves a juxtaposi glish and Span tion rather, than a social organi' ish governments zation and integration. Democ in the Americas. racy, on the other hand, presup In ihe north, the poses, a large scale integration colonists came in of the people in the political search of free economic-social life of the WASHINGTON: (NC)-"Yan dom. IIi the end, nation. kee, come over," a statement the founding of the Nodh The masses of -illiterates in', which would do much to boost American colonies was only the Latin America who do not par obvious culmination of a process ticipate in these areas have no the morale of Americans in sev eral parts of the world, could' ,already begun, It was the reaf iilterest in 'government, though well summarize what an Irish firmation of customs already in their interest and loyalty may missionary nun to South Africa grained in the social milieu. It be enlisted by the demagogue. -has been saying during a visit was an evolution, not a real rev here. _ Formation or Dictatorships olution, for the,se settlers were The "wonderful hospitality" accustomed to autonomy. The A dictatorship takes form , authority pf their governors was when one or more pressure of the"'American people has im more democratic since they groups, unchallenged,' seizes the pressed Sister Ambrose Harty Gf the Sisters, of the Holy Family. ,worked closely' with .the popular power of government.
assemblies. From the begin In order to better understand' She lamen.s the fact that oppor ning, .the keenest concern of the the types of dictatorship found tunities to receive Americans in a like manner have been few and North American colonist was for in Latin America, let us elCam far between during her 20 years freedom of worship, and his hos ine the different forms of revo ' tility to the Church of England lution and the various' ways in in South Africa. was evident. which the pressure groups "You've got such a lot to On the contrary, Latin Amer bring their influence to bear. give," she said here in an ~nter Ica was part of an empire. The Kalmal1 Silvert distinguishes view during which she expressed Spaniards came to dominate and these types in his book' Reaction a strong desire to see greatly in evangelize. The viceroy repre and Revolution in Latin Amer creased people-to-people rela sented the king, who was an ab ica, which is written in -English. tio~s between the country where solute monarch. The role of Silvert shows the relationship she serves and the United States. assembly in Latin America was between dictatorships and the Sister Ambrose was particu secondary arid represented ex extreme indiv{dualism found in larly interested in the Peace 'tremely liII:lited power. these countries. Independence in the Latin The first type of revolution Corps ann reported that its pur American nations entailed a real named is what Silvert calls the poses and work ,are hardly revolution since from the begin simple b...rracks revolt. Most of known by the people 'of Soutli ning they were forced tb look for the' outbreaks, especially in the Africa. "I haV'en't heard it dis new political and social forms. past century, have been of this cussed at all," she said. (The Religious,liberty did not' elC kind. The barracks revolt occurs Peace Corps has not been invited ( typically in a big class society. into the country.) ist in the Latin American colo It is carried out by the amlY, nies since all were obliged to With words of praise' for the , membership in the' Cathoiic som£.times in its own name and missionary work being done iii sometimes in behalf of a chosen the South African Republic by Church. leader. This type of revolution Oblate arid Paulist missionaries Unassimilated Groups This comparison will help in - rarely ca'lses widesprelld public from the United States, she also disturbance since it represents expressed' regret at the general understanding the Latin Amer ican problem though it will not merely a switch in government paucity of missioners "from this from one general to another. country. There particularly is fully explain -it. We must ac The s'econd type, the' peasant an almost total lack ,of nuns, she knowledge that the political said. Only 71 Catholic mission revolt, is generally of little sig phenomeinon has a direct COI' nificance and limited in effect aries from the United States in: relatio~'1 with demographic prob lems, such as the existence of to a locality, though the Mexican cluding 16 nuns are serving ilm. large unassitnilated groups as revolution at the beginning of South Africa. well as masses of mestizos, un'" this century would perhaps fall derdeveloped and deprived, who in this category. Married Priests Third ': the regional revolt, can scarcely be said to partici AMSTERDAM (NC)-A commcn in the early days of pate in twentieth century ch'ili zation. Although these groups Latin American independence. Dutch public opinion poli h8lll form a part of the nation, they Here _the caudillo strove to put shown 'that 11 per cent of the are not integrated either socially, down provincial revolts and to Netherlands' p e 0 pIe woulci rather' have III married Catholi4.'l centralize power in an authori eulturally or politically. tarian I' e g i () n a I government. clergy than a celibate clergy. Despite the over-all demo The poll, including members ai g~aphic explosion, in some areas Typical of the caudillos who led denominations, regional revolts was Rosas of all and no Argentina. -showed that 68 per cent of the Plans Participation The fourth. a more modern Catholics queried preferred III type of revolution, Silvert calls married clergy. Liturgical the complicated barracks revolt.
HOUSTON (NC) - The 1966 This is an insurrection that in
{~~ Liturgical Week here, fOI' ,the -volves civilian as well as mili
first time in its 25-year history, tary groups, with widespread
' will have a full scale program military action. for those interested in the The issues are ideological and Eastern Church.. ' relate to political parties as well ~ As part of the Liturgical Week as _ other interest groups. The program the Divine Liturgy Cuban revolution in its, begin (Mass) of St. John Chrysostom nings might be . considered -an ~ BM!I"IJ'U!rs ~ will be celebrated entirely in example. Although this is the' English and Communion will be most prevalent type ainon'g mod 365 NORYIoli IFROI\l'ir SU!E&ll' ( djstributed under both species. ernday revolutions, exce{!tions NEW IBIEDIFOR@ Chief celebrant of the Liturgy are the revolts which overthrew r;J will be Archbishop Paul Achkar, Peron in Argentina', Perez-Jime WYmafi 2·5534 ( Greek Catholic ~-chbishop of nez in Venezuela and -Rojas Lattaquia in Syua. Pinilla in Colombia. {I'~~~
(DEBROSS OIL ( co. (
~ Heating Oils # ~
In this instance, the students' parishes will be expected to pay the difference between the tui tion charged and the actual cost per student. The latter fee laM been set by the parochial school office at over $200 per year.
,Says SOo Africa Needs Americans
for Catholics outside the parish. At the high school level, the tuition cost is $H)O per student, in or out of the parish. With the exception of textbooks, this amount eliminates aU extra fee. charged up to now. Father Norman P. Thomas, director of the Urban' Parisll Apostolate, said the greatest ef fect of the joint effort will be experienced by the pastor who sends parish youngsters to a higll school operated by any of the participating parishes.
- BROTHER What happens In Ethiopia when an 'American MICHAEL. Christian Brother (he could be your son, brother, REYNOLD,S, nephew) Is told to upgrade Catholic schools? He FROM borrows a Jeep (or a mule), visits the schools PROVIDENCE, R.I., one by one, writes home for pencils and better REPORTS textbooks, and then begins..•• "This is the new fROM Africa," Brother Michael Reynolds reports en ADDIS thusiasticallyfrom Addis Ababa. "It can be a ',BABJ\peacefuf, progressive, Christian Africa tom~r· row. Just give us schools" give us time, and with God's help the job will De donel" • , •The schools are for villages like Aressa; Aiga, Biers, Wartll8~ -which have no school. The youngsters know that knowledge i~ their only chance; they'll go without food to learn .••• What does ,It cost to build a schoolf '''Only $2,950," says Brother Michael, "for the villagers snd the children give their labor,free·of·charge. We can train a cate· chlst for only $40." ••• In thanksgiving to God for what you know, will you do what you can ($100, $75, $50, $25, $15, $10, $5, $2) to give these youngsters a chance? The school will be named for your favorite saint, and the children will pray for your loved ones daily, If you build It all by you rself ($2,950). School will open late this year-but better late than never-If you Vlrit~ to us right now!
Our priests there, who receive no othor income for food and clothing, will offer promptly the Masses you request. We'll forward your Mass Inten~on,s through the Holy Father's office.•.. 40 young lads studying for the priesthood In Decamere lose their football when It goes Into a nelghber's garden. A large field can be bought, !~velled. and mede safe for sports fer $975.
MAKINQ ~~IO,OOO will !",ovfde • OOfDj)lete parjstlplant A (Ohuroh, rectory, convent" andscbool) In south WiW ImIAdla. In memory•••• $600 will ttiln a native ,.lrfHt,1SOO • native Sfster. Our legal tltI.. Cl~1HOUO NWt lAir WIU'AH AHOCIAnONo
, •
... _--- ...
----------~ INIILOIIlt IUMII'IND ••
Mum ClO1IIpon with your mt_ _ ~:i. off.rtnt ~~ err¥.
8TAl"I-l'P CODI_
HI IATHaLl1 RIIiAR '.8'11' WIL'A •• AI.aDIAT.aN
I!'RANCUS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretal')f Write: OATHOLIO NfIAR IiAST WELFARE Assoo. 1)80 MadlsolJ Avenuo· New York, N.Y. 10017 -felGpilonel 212/YUkon 6·6840'
lrt-OE ANCH0!) . Thurs., Aug. 25, 1966
Dormitory Proves Stonehill Permanently Coedu.cational
PriestCu@od Goal Of Top Skater,
Way back in 1951 when the first girl enrolled in Stone hill College no one could have imagined that a girls dormi tory would ever be built on· the campus. But the sound of steam shovels and hammers filling the air over the lovely grounds in ,Easton is proof that the long planned for and two girls from the senior daslr-assisting the housemother, girls dorm will soon be a Mrs. Grace Callahan. reality. When Stonehill was The experiment worked so
GREAT FALLS (NC)-A good! many folks in this Montana toWlll will attest that teenager J. Mishlll Petkevich is a pretty good skate -on or oH the ice. The affable, blond youngster, 17, topped a field of 136 per formers in the three-day Lake Placid, N. Y., international free style competition, sanctioned by the U, S. and Canadian Figure Skating Assoclations. The Great Falls lad was the judges' una·,1i mous choice for the men's gold medal in the finals. But Petkevich doesn't lose his cool off the ice. His classmates and teachers at Great Falls Cen tral 3igh School claim he's liIl winner in every event. He spends more than 40 hours 1:1 week in skating training, but carries the full load of class studies and consistently turns "Up on the school's honor roll. He's a member of the National Honor Societ.y. . "The school supported me ami the way, Everyone has beeEl wonderfUl to me," the modest youngster saia. He's been -skat ing since he was 2. He credit! his achievements to his Catholic Faith, the sacrifices of his par ent.s and of Arthur Bourke, sen ior· professional of the Great 'Falls Figure Skating Club. He said: "All I did was skate." "I hope some day to become'~ priest;" Petkevich said wbeil a~ked his ambition, "I hope 14> attend Notre Dame for at leasa two years and then I h9pe to gf) to the Catholic University fl4 .America."
founded in 1948 as a mens col well, in fact, that this coming lege, the fledgling school had Fall, both the freshman and just gotten off to a: good start' 'sophomore girls will be housed when the Korean War came this way, leaving only the junior along and emptied the class and senior girls still renting Yooms as the young men went quarters in private homes chosen into the services. by the college, as all the non That was the year that many commuting girls have done in small colleges had to close their the past. gates forever. But at Stonehill That typical campus situation the Holy Cross order was deter -the sorority house-is not in mined to hold onto this new the picture at Stonehill,-or fra school that they had planned for ternity houses either for that so long. matter. No sororities or fraterni What could they do to keep, ties are allowed on the campus. the college operating until the There is a cl 11b, however, that war was over and the boys came is the girls own - the. Crosier back? Of course. Open their Club. Mrs. Yosgandes is the gates to girl students. clubs faculty advisor and she de Fa,culty Pleased scribes it as the organization What started out as a tempo for women studentE "who want rary expediency somehow over to contribute in their own par the years has acquired a happy ·ticular way, as women, to their permanancy. No one could be college:" ' more pleased about this turn of Through their annual'musical events than the Stonehill faculty "Crosier Curtain Calls" they itself. ' 'raise money to acquire many· Helping out in Jhe ground things that add beauty and breaking ceremony for the new charm to campus life. This year dorm, Mrs. Virginia Yosgandes, they purchased two very lovely the Dean of Women at the col silver tea and coffee services. ·GROUND-BREAKING: The Very Rev, John T. Corr, lege, saiei. "I guess everyone will Any official group at the college really believe that the girls are is allowed to borrow the sets and president of Stonehill College, turns a shovelful of here til stay," they have already been used in earth to mark start of construction 0"£ a 200-student dorm Mrs. Yosgandes says that since many functions for women on the Stonehill campus. Watching the pro itory she first came to the Stonehill New Sign ce<lures are, left to right, Mrs. Virginia Yosgandes, dean af faculty in 1958 rumors have Mrs. Yosgandes says "The been popping up that Stonehill women; John C. Doody, '66 Alumni fund chairman; Robert will soon return to its original girls will be very pleased when Batson, contractor; Harold Bonvie, ass~iate of the archi
they come back th~~ Fall'to see status as an all male school. The tect.
the beautiful new sign they new dorm, she says, will be vis bought for the college installed ible proof of the permanancy of on Route No. 138." women on the beautiful campus. Continued from .Page One It's very easy to picture the The $1,150,000 building, de ing studies at S1. Mary's High, very charming Dean presiding signed to accommodate 200 girls Taunton; Boston- College, and 'graciously at a faculty tea. A and proctors will be three stories S1. Bernard's Seminary, Roches parishioner of Immaculate Con Christian Brother Lauds Students' of red brick. Architects W. Ches ter,N. Y. ception chul:Ch in Easton, she is ter :arown and Associates, and nespect for Intellectuols He served as assistant at Our in ~rivate life an enthusiastic wntractors C. A, Batson and Lady 01 the Isle, Nantucket; homemaker anc" the mother of a Company, are planning to com CHICAGO (NC)-Students in to foreign languages than Amer Holy Family, Taunton; St. 13 year old daughter, Christine. plete work on the dorm in time schools behind the Iron Curtain icans. Most students take a Mary's, Barrowsville, and St. for the opening of classes in Her husband John, is assistant ,"go at their studies with a pas seven-year sequence of English, John's, Attleboro. He was ap principal at Franklin Junior ,September 1967. It will be the sion," said Brother Kevin Mark, German, or French. English, he pointed to the Chaplains CorP!J High .. first unit of a five dormitory F.S.C., who toured Russia and added, is the most popular lan of the United States Navy in She speaks with great convic complex planned fo" the women four satellite countries with 19 guage, and more emphasis is January. 1942, and retiredwitb tion about college girls holding on campus. other U. S. r;ducatoi's. place<l on reading and speaking the rank of captain in Decem onto .feminin.e ideals while sur Kitchen ~pace than on writing it. Brothel Mark, who is princi ber, 196:>. Pope John XXIII rounded-and at Stonj:!hill out Mrs. Yosgandes is happy about pal 9f St. Mel's high school here, Brother Mark said that there elevated him to the rank of numbered 3 to, 1 - by men. the fact that the new dorm will at.tributed much of their motiva is almost nothing that he would Domestil Prelate with the title "While we're encoul'aging them have a kitchenette on each floor tion to the students' attitude that lift from the Soviet school sys of Right Reverend Monsignor i"I to be acdve in th£' community where the girls can cook small '''What I do does contribute to tem and apply in the U. S. May, 1962. meals and entertain guests. She's and the church and in politics the welfare of the state." He admitted, however, that Bishop Connolly named Mon hoping that the dorms built after and encouragint them to de Brother said he felt that stu they do get results. They have a velop their abilities to the full signor Canty pastor of St. Paul's, this ,me will providt> even more tremendous capacity for con est-we never 'fail to take into dents in this country lack moti Taunt-;ln in December, 1963. kitchen space for the girls to vation "because we're spoiled. centration when they set their account the fact that they are practice the culinary arts. women and in this competitive Industrial improvements have sights, for example their space
"M a n~.. tImes homemaking made it ,that a young man can program. It's not all a matter
skills come to a complete halt world they'll have to. -fight to go into a trade and make very of being chained to a lab table."
when a girl goes to college" she maintain their feminine iden . good money."
says. Apparently, all classroom tity." In the Soviet Union, he said
Coed Acti,'iti~s work and rio cooking make Jane "there seems to be a great re
Coed a dull girl in the room When she fi rst came to the where she'll be spending a great college, she s<,!ys, the girls were spect for intellectuals, and the
deal of time after graduation mainly interested in strictly student is thought of as a pro 01\'" STOP ,fessional schJlar. the .dtchen. feminine extra curricular activi 273 CE~"RAl AVE, ~'U"""'I\IG Cff\lTER Mrs. Yosgandes says "A great "Teaching is consid'ered a pro ties-fast.ion shows, teas, gids many cCJlleges have been work .fessi'on and remunel'ated accord e Television C F·.!I' "ure sports. Bd this has changed rad WY 2-62,16 ing witt. this problem and won ically in the last few years and . illgly." o r-,.... cerv
dering what to do about it." Be now the girls are much more in St. Mel's principal observed on
'I'lA Allen St., New!hdford cause they've had no living terested in the coed acti vities his tour that there was "little NEW BEDFORD
quarters for girls on campus the newspapers. the debating questioning on the part of the
Stonehiiil has had to do out of team, the drama club. Stonehill students."
necessit) what many other col is noted a~ one of a small hand The ch:SSl'oom situation, he leges have chosen to do recently. ful :>f Catholic colleges where said. "is very much teacher ori The Dean describp.~ an experi girls are ·active in every part of ented that is, study in depth is 21 DA Y PILGRIMAGES TO EUROPE men't that the tJ'ied last college life, Every cour!'e at done on the teacher's ins'pi.ration. rou~ 1-Legion of Mary Pilgrimage leaving Sept. 12th with yeal' tha. has worked out ex StonehHj is opel', to girls.. "Truth in such areas as history tremely well. Father Edward A. O!i-viera will visit Killarney, Dublin, Paris, "We still haven't ,had a woman' cllld literature is accepted as a Experiment Successful Lourdes, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, and Fatima. - Tour 2 president of our student govern foregone conclusion,' and stu ing body the Senate." Mrs. The college leased a grollp of Holy Cross Fathers Pilgrimage leaving Oct. 10th. with Fr. dents just memorize what has rooms il. an apartme'lt building Yosgandes says. Now. girls, - - - - -. . :lobert E. McDonnell will wsit lisbon, Fatima already been discovered." what are yOIi w.aiting for? in Brockton last Fall where all '1odrid, Rome, Lourdes Paris and london. I."ike F.)rc~gn Li'n.;'u:tg'es the freshman girls who were not -cota! cost is $829.00 - Time Payments ·In the area of science, how commuters-55 of them-lived arranged. . Red Groups ever, the situation is difterent, in housekeeping apartments. ''()Ii TOUR tOLDERS CONTACT STEolfEN A. MARIIEY he po:nt~d out, because' in sci There were four girls in each BERLIN (NC)-Over 85 per ence "there is' an attitude of 'I apartment all sharing the re (:ent of East German' children n~ust discover.' " sponsibilities "of housekeeping. between the <lges of 6 and 14 are The girls hat' two sets of mCl"11)ers of communist youth The R\1.~··;·"'!'O, p,. oth.-.r Mark '~<k St., New Be::fl-.. "-'\ass. 02748 1)I'octO!'S - two a.Iumni wumen said, ~. ve 11111';,j, Ill\)l'e auention ~{n:IUps.
Msgr. Canty
Russian Schools
Catholic Travel Office
t.8 '
THE ~NCHOR-Diocese,of
' . '
, -
fo." Rivef'-Thurs. Aug. 25, 19,66
tS , ' I!u.O b'or 'M Urges , ,ovemen ·' here 'C ' n eml$p ' ooperate I H
I)riest :Says:" Some, ,Public
EmploYE~~S Have Right to Strike
NEW YORK (NC) -Public employees in certain fields have the right to strike against the government, a priest, declared
By Msgr.GooJrge C. Higgins (Director, Socian Actiolll Dept., NCW,C)
Father Philip Carey, s.J., ex ecutive director of the Xavier Institute of Industrial Relations, acknowledged t hat "certain strikes aJre intolerable." But he said that when the government acts "in a proprietary function" it must follow the same rules ,it prescribes for pr.ivate enterprise.
"Government, however, has been expanding its cQncern and has been'moving into ar~as of transportation, education, recreation and a host of other services formerly performed by private groups," he continued. "These activities are ancillary and economic, and here' the state in acting in a propri etry function. When it so acts, it ought to be subject tl,) the same rules of conduct the government prescribes' for private enter
, The relationship between the Americ,an labor move ment and the Latin American Confed~ration of Christian Trade Unions (CLASC) leaves much to be desired, as we' · . thO '} d" th '1- h ave a }read y noted severa1 t Imes m IS co umn urmg e past four or five years. The two movements are deeply' different thing's to different peo pIe, of course. To the leaders of auspicious of one another, CLASC it' means a sweeping In a letter to the New York ,prise." and just when they seem to program of socio,;economic and Times, Father Carey criticized ' Strikes by firefighters and be on the verge of settling or at political reform which goes far ~y implication a proposed state powerhouse uti lit y workers ,least -patching up their differ beyond the .limited goals of -l!lw that we;t'ul<ilincrease the would be wrong;, however, he ences, they 'go bread-and-butter unionism. penalties to be imposed on strik said, "because it is difficult to at' it again and The leaders of CLASC are ing 'union:, of public employees. imagine anY benefit they might recklessly'start convinced that ,such a "revolu .. MlISS' LHNDA DUNCAN "Th~proposed law grew out of 'gain to counterbalance the fear- , hurling insults tioo" is demanded by'the Chris ,recommendations of a five-man fut harm' such a l strike would at one another. tian social ethic to which they task force named by Gov. Nel;. impose on the community." 'To jUdge from subscribe' and from 'which they son Rockefeller to study the ' ':What they say derive their ideology. ' problem 'after a 19-day transit
Ii b 0 u t ,on e 'strike crippled New· York City , Perceptive Critiqu,e another public Some U. S. Labor rep Miss Linda Duncan, daughter in January. 1¥ as well as resentatives are skeptical, to say of Mrs. George Duncan and the - NeCeSSBlry for Bargaining privately, ,on e ,the least,~bout the allegedly late George Duncan, 61 Sykes Father Carey, one of' four CHICAGO (NC)-A Chicago 'would t h ink Christian 'content of CLASC's 'Rd. Seekonk, has been awarded pubiic members of the 'mayor's advertisin'g executive has bought that they were militant ideology. They admit the eighth annual scholarship of committee that helped' settle the 44 brightly-colored religious natural-born en the' need' for a peaceful revolu" the Attleboro,. Area Nurses', strike, disagreed with two' other ~anners t?at -hung in ,the N'a emies; whe~eas, in fact, they tion in Latin Americn, but'they Chapter. 'publl,c meml>ers ;\Vh_o h,ad ,previ ."tlOnal S?rme ,of the Im~aculate have much in common-much are convinced thatCLASC 'A 1966 graduate of Bishop ously supported the stiffer pen- ,: ConceptIon during, Luci John inore than they seem to realize wants this revolution' to " be ' 'Feehan High School, Attleboro, alties in a letter tc? the'}:rimes. son;s wed(iin~:' , , . -, ' and, for obvious reasons, ought, 'violent. ' , MisS Duncan was an officer, of The fourth public member, Har Earle Ludgin, a trustee of, the 'to be c60p~rating With .one'an-, Moreo~er at least one, promi~,theSodality, a cheerleader "for , vard'law school professor'Vern University ,of Chicago, ,said he ether as closely as pOSSible., : ,nent spokesman for ..the' AFL- . four years, a member of the Ten- ": Countryman, half ci-itiCized the will donate the banners to the , This writer "has learn~c;i , ,the' CIOhas publicly charged" in ej_, nis Club for two years and a suggested penaltie!l.
' university'~, .Rockefeller Memo hard WR! and muc~ ',to hiS' so~- fect, that CLASC's ideology three yeaT' member of the FU- ' ' ," ,
rial Chapel, in, memory, of, his row that any outSider who 18 owes more to Marxism than it ture Nurses' club. Father Carey sl~id the ;~ays late wife. fO,oli,sh enough to.tryto .mediate does to Christianity. He finds i t ' , when "pay' and working condi-
The banners, for which Ludgin k f An instructor in the Confra- tions for men' and women in ~tween them JS as mg or, hard, he says, to accept the fact ternity' of Christian Doctrine '
reportedly paid, more than troouble. '," that the Christian labor movecivil service were determine4 by $40,000, were originally created progl'am in Our Lady of Mt. I'e g'ISIa t'Ive ;It n d a'd minIS . . 't ra t'Ive for the Vatl'can PavI'II'on at the · A .. ' t G C ommun f same men t 0f L a t In merIca IS non- ,Carmel Parish, Seekonk, the fiat" have pas ed "a d ' '. , s , ,that ' n we weshare now New York World Fair. ' If, ,for example, o,ne suggests, Communist. eighth winner of this scholarship,' plumeoursE!lves A group of Washington, D. C.. as I have done on more than one 'In my judgment, this kind of will enter the Children's Hos this decision-making with the 'Occasion, that soine of the anti:'; criticism of CLASC by spokes pital School of Nursing, Boston, 'working p E~ 0 P Ie themselves, residents bought ttie banners U. S. propaganda emanating men ,f<!r the AFL-CIO is ex;' in Septembe l-: through the process of collective when the fair closed an,d ar from' CLASC'sources revealS atremely harmful to the cause of bargaining.", ranged to have them exhibited n a i v e misunderstanding 'of ,inter-American labor unity. I in the Shrine until they could Amerlcan trade unionism' and fully agree, in this respect, with Ogdensburg Priests. If ,collective barg:aining is to be sold. Lugdin bought them'in American capitalism and/or ari' Dr. Carroll Hawkins, Associate ' , be the rule, he said, "we must April but agreed, at the request $ver-simplification of "Catholic 'Professor of Political Science at ,Sell',Ye Peru Mission' agree to gr.ant the right to of Shrine officials, to leave them Social teaching, he runs the risk Michigan State University, who 'OGDENSBURG (NC) -:- Four strike.'~ Without this right, he in the Shrine until after Luci'a 9f being written off as a, blind, recently published a most p,er Ogdensburg priests currently are said" ,"there is no union and no wedding. -not tO'say reactionary, apologist ceptive critique of American ministering to' th'e n~eds of_13,OOO coll~ctive bal·gai'ning." for so-called, Yanqui ~mperial- trade union policy in ,Latin- .. Catholics in Mollendo, Peru, the Expands Concern "iBm., " America ("The 0RIT and Amer.;. diocesan missions director re considering strikes by pu~ ...... : If, on the other hand, one'slig..; ican Trade Unions: Conflicting ported. ' lie employees, he dedared, "one OTTUMWA (NC) ...:... Sis t e'r "gests' that some of the 'anti-' Perspectives," Industrial Rela'The 'New York priests were' muSt distinguishb,~tween the ' ,Muriel Hogan, has been named ,CLASC propaganda enianating tionsand Social 'Changes .in, 'sent. to Peru 'after Pope Paul state as ,a sovereign and the 'the third presi4ent of Ottumwa , fro m AFL-CI0 sources is, Latin America, University' of,' asked that more' priests" be g()vernment 'a,cting in a propri Heights College here in Iowa. equally 'naive and unsoPllisti Florida Press). ,p'r9vjd~d fOr the people o£South etary function. When the state She succeeds Sister Marie An eated,he runs the same Sort of
Basic Problem '. America,' Msgr. Anthony A. Mi- aets as the def,end,er of the 'ciue Kennedy woo' win engage risk in reverse. ',' Dr. Hawkins admits; of course, 'lia said. He estimated more than peace or the promoter of justice 'm graduate study in oominuni " That is to say, he is likely to that "in all the Latin American 90, percent of the priests ,and internal concord, a str~ke eations at the University of be told-:-v~ry politely; of course 'criticism of United States unioniperu are from other countries. against itconstit,utes mutiny and California, Los Angeles branch '-:....that if he were to take off his in the ORIT (the Latin Ameli": r e b e l l i o n . ' (UCLA). Sister Muriel, a native Catholic ,blinkers and look at can regional unit' of the Interna;' ,,' In 1965 the priests from Og of Corning, Ia,,'joined the Sisters ,the record objectively, he would tional Confederation of, Free denburg administered 445 bapof the Humility of Mary in 1930. quickly come .to realize' that Trade Unions and CLASC's prin::" tisms and perfoI'me'd 64' marIn recent years she has been C?LASC is, in reality, playing t~ecipal, rival in Latin America) riages in their mission parishes, For Ecumenis.n ' ehairman of professionafarts de ,communist game in Latin Amer- there is ,a gEirierous mixture of Msgr. Milia stated: Since the, partment and college registrar. iea, ,superficial appearances 'to' cultural chauvinism and envy Ogdensburg mission was opened, "ALLENTOWN (NC) - The the contrary notwithstanding. that accompanies the most legit-' a modern new church bas been commission of ecumenism of the Both CaD Learn 'imate misgivings." built under its direction in the Allentown dioc,ese here in Penn Be that as it may, I still think: Even the' Latinos ·themselve~ "seapo'rt of'Matararii, two mission sylvania has published a 22-page "'~t CLASC has a lot to learn he points out, will admit on ac- churches have oeen completed, booklet of ecumenical guidelines 3 Savings Plans about _ and from':"":' American casion that their consumirig fear and a lal'ge parish church and to aid priests in guiding the Home Financing trade unionism. And if that of "Yanqui imperialism" is often center are currently under con laity. makes me a reactionary Yankee irrational. But' there it is, he 're- struction in Mollendo.. ' The guidelines include general ehauvinist, so be it. ' 'minds us, and "the basic prob,permission for non-Catholics to By, the same token, however, lem is * * * how to insure' con~, serve as witnesses at Catholic I aiso think that the American tlnuing cooperation bet wee n ' . '0 tee rs' weddings; for Catholics to .serve labor movement has much to Yanqui and Latino" in spite of Complete TlI'ainiri'g as witnesses at non-Catholic learn about -'- and from - the it. " weddings; and' for burial of nonChristian trade union movement Such cooperation, Dr. Hawkins WASHINGTON (NC)-Forty Catholics in Catholic ceremonies 261 Main St., Wareham, Ma•. in Latin America. The first thing, concludes, will be impossible un three volunteers have completed with a priest or a non-Catholic Telephone 295-2400 ' it has to learn is that the Am~r- less the leaders of the American the Second National Training clergyman c<mducting, graveside Banll",....,! SerVice 'YlIIIIIII leap philosophy of pure-and labor movement positively indi~ Session sponsored by the Papal eeremonies. simple, bread-~d-butter union:'" 'cete their acceptance of social Volunteers for Latin America ism, which, all things consid revolution in Latin America. and received assignments in ered, has worked satisfactorily '"This will require," he says, some ten Latin American coun-' in this country, is not necessarily "more than the generous trans tries. well adapted to the present-day fusions of economic aid" the Special ceremonies ended the Deeds of Latin America. stimulation under United States six-week training session at the DADSON OIL BURNERS Meaning of Revolution ,labor's auspices of leadership Catholic University of America 2'4-Hollr Oil BUrntlr Service Another way of saying the training programs 'for workers;", where volunteers studied the thing' is that American ,and other cooperative 'ventures. apostolic work of the 'Church, Famous Reading HARDCQAl iabor representatives.working on Need Broader View the layman's role in the apos Latin America problemswm "What is required," he insists, tolate and ,principles of spiritual NEW ENGLAND COKE have to reconcile themselves to <Cia a broader view-an' ability' life as well as the religion, eco the fact that a social "revolu- on the part of the American la:" nomics and culture of Latin Uon" is called for in Latin bor statemen to adopt policies America. American, labor federation that that will not always accord with Before leavillg for their as doesn't subscribe 'to a "revolu OUI' own value~" and, more spe signments, the volunteers will I tionary" ideology is probably 'cificall~', "the tempering of take intensive' four-month lan doomed to failure. (their) hosannas to free enter 'guage anl culture courses in a 640 ,Pleasant Street New Bedford Tel. WY 6-8271 The word "revolution" meaos prUie/' .._,_ _ , .Latin American language center•
Feehan Alumna Receives Award
Buys B,anners
For Memorial
...:lame College Head
vi -
'Pg'bl'l"s,h G'u."del."nes'
, Offering You
PAVlA V I un
Ask' Court': Bar Use of, Church Property"for Public SchoQ~.·,"
, WHITE ~S (MC) - A group of some. 25 . citizens represented by the American Jewish Congress has asked the New York State Supreme Court here to restrain the board of Ramapo School District 2, Rockland County, from holding public school classes in property leased from religious bodies. The school board, faced with severe-overcrowding, planned to lease eight rooms from St. Joseph's Catholic Church and five from 'l:em~e Beth ,El in Spring Valley. The action was approved by" .8tateEducation Commissioner, Jame$ E.'Allen Jr.
,A "Comllll!JJ\lt" served 0ill. the rlChool board by the A.JC charged ' the acti~n ,,,!,:o,~ld ~otate, Church State separation guaranteed, by the First Amendment to the Constitution as well as other provisions of the state constitu tion. It is believed to be the first wch challenge made 'regarding , the use of ,religiO\18 facilities for public scho,ol ,use. ' "l'he st. 'Joseph'property con sists of an eight.:.clasSroom school building adjacent' to' but .sepa rated from the chureh; It is Ill, good condition but "will not be used by' the p8rish this· year because it' has bUilt a new bUild ing for expanding its acbool to 141 classes. All religioUs, ~bols had I;leen removed from the o\der building in preparation' for' its use as a public school: '
The district school board had offered a fair market rent for
K,C Melll1'il~er~~ip At AJ~.,Tome e~~gh
cl883rooms, ~ut .. Church npokesman reporte~ that in line with New York archdiocesan policy the ,properly would be' made available for public school use at a token dollar-a-year
MIAMI BEACH (NC)-In his report at the 84th annual meet ing of the Supreme Council of rental. the Knights of Columbus, Su preme Knight John W. McDevitt made these points: Membership on June 30, 1966, stood at an all-time high of C@~~ege ~rr(l))g~@m 1,183,896. WASHINGTON (NC)-A class , The order's insurance cover of 97, under-privileged high age passed the $1.5 billion mark school students "was' graduated during the year. " on completion of, an eight-week 'The order's assets reached III Summer college .orientation pro '. neW, plateau of. $281,228,400'.28 ,gram at Georgetow:n University. at the end of the fiscal year. " , The exercises i attended, by The society i~ continuing,. its support of the campaign to st~m faculty and parents ,Qf the' stu dents, involved', .students who p(>rnography. , ' : ' , " Revise Ceremonial, . had completed .their Sophomore Progress is being made on,,the ,year in District of ,Colw,nbia re_Vision of the order's cere,mpn high schools. They, were chosen ial to give it a "total family ·cli for the special, course because mate" and make it "consistent teachers and counselors 'believed with moder: day philosophy. of they have the ~billty to do col social justice and religious prac lege work alihoug~ their pres tice." . , ent high school records indicate little likelihood of college ac The K. of C. have undertaken ceptance. ,. . distribution of copies of the ,1'~ew Testament to Catholic gradl,lates , Ninoty-five'Of the 97 students were Negroes, .md' 'the ratio of COURAGE PERSONIFIED: John St. Marie of 'B~YQ, of the Naval Offi«er CandfClatE males ,to females was about· port, ,Minn., CQnfined to a whee.lchair, ,since a 1953 pOlio ~chool in Newport, R. I., a,n(J ill tbree-to-two. ~ . the question of, ,pro attack, ,has received a scholarship to the University of ~dying viding a similar servi<;e, ~or The pro~~,'~~Ch began in Catholic graduatell of the, Qffi 1965, is 'financed by the NaUonal Minnesota law school atter successfully maintaining an A science Fowidation.· the 'District minus average in undergradu'ate work' at the College . of cers Candidate, School of ihe Canadian Navy" ' , "" .' St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. }irQ Photo. , ' of Columbia' public 'school sys It saluted Francis Cardinal . tem, and Georgetown. ' . . Spellman of New' York on biI In addition to 'academic work, . '50 years in the' priesthood, pay . the students were given c<>Ursetl ing tribute to him 'not only be in reading 'improvement' cause ,of his dignity as a pi-iest counseling gUidance." Athletie and cardinal but also "because and cultural' events, underwrit he '1S a great and wholesome ten by the program, were also 'mail." bK:luded in their 'schedules. JACKSON (NC)-Mississippl'l1 year he followed with a 'diree courageous 81-year-old Bi,hop tive that Catholic schools be de NEW YORK (NC)-A reputed Oliver Gerow welcomed his suc- segregated completely. ,relic of the cross ,on which Chtist ceSSor, Bishop Joseph B. BruniHelps Restore Churches ni, 55, as spiritual head of the Despite reported threats of· died, has been. stolen from the Natchez-Jackl'on diocese as one violence fro m segregationist Church of the Most Holy Re who is "active, vigorous and has ranks, "the aged prelate was deemer here. It was removed good sound judgment." among leaders' of an interfaith from a side altar, tabernacle "X am very happy in being group· which formed the 'Com . where it had been placed short relieved of the heavy responSl- ,mittee: of ·,Concern·, s.oHcited ,ly" after the church's establish ·billty that I have borne, for 'money," labor 'and materIals for ment by the Redemptoriad nearly 42 years," Bishop Gerow' 'churches, °espec.iallY . N'e'g'ro Fathers some :125 years, ago. .... said. "Of late I have felt.·that X houses of worshIp, which ·Were have not the, stamina "to caJTY I, bombed'· and burned. ,on as I have done in the' past. ' '''When'a p~ttern o.f destn1c~ion This load should be borne by 1\ develops as It .has m, our' 'state, youngerman." . "" then it }sincumbent upon all Yoii,t. ,Cathollc lnereaSe '..' "m~n .' ~ ~ood ~i~ througho~t . , . . . , . ' "MiSSISSIPPI to Jom hands.. m ." The ~venth bishop of~edio-, ,;helpingthe affected·, churches 0:' ", cese·whlch was founded I'D: 1~37 and ,in showing clearly our con- '
and encompasses /111 ,of Missls- .demnation at all acts of violence· sippi, Bishop Gerow . h8ll ,s~, lawlessness and destruction':. .. ., the Catholic population .. IJ:Ow ·the bishop stated in a letter're;d ' ,AND from 31,264 to 75,000 in his 41 in every Catholic church in .the ,years ,of office. The number of state. .
Welcomes Successor
Naming of Apostolic Administrato, " ' Bishop Gerow, 81
Relic Stolen
PAV~A Missionary Record °
Continued, from Page Thirteen A nurse from ,Chicago baa taken Lucille'll,pla~on the apos tolic team and ber purpose in returning is to help her succes 80r work into. the project smoothly. "It takes so long to get into 11," she Aid, "so II don't WJmt, I:l~r .t,o ,spendtbree . years j~ g~tting 'organized.~';
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 25, 1966
""'nterest,on Savings In'vested' In
Benedictine Marks 80th Anniversary ST. JOSEPH· (NC)-The old
est Benedictine nun in Minne
sota-and one of the' oldest m.
the world~marked the 80th an
niversary of . her entrance into
the order m a Mass for all Bene
dictine . jubil~tians held at St.
Benedict's convent here.
Sister Sophia Zimmer was 1~
years old Dec. 2, 1965. She Wall
born in a log cabin about 1\
block away from the convent.
An open house for her relatives
and friends was held at the
Receives Students
(NC) PoPe Paul vI received in, audi ence at his Summer home here students frOm 34 nations, includ ing many non-Catholics, who are taking Summer courses in the ItaUaa language aDd culture. sponsored' by the' Rome branch of the Catholic University fII.
.priests in the diocese grew, from 63 to 220, and churches ;md, mis sions from 108 to 243. , ., The last few years of ,ll'acial violence, perhaps, were the most troub'1d for Bishop. Gerow's long ad inistration. ·He· met the challenge, with courage., In the face of many-sided op position, Bishop Gerow. in 1964 directed the first grades of Cath olic· schools in the state to be :racially integrated. The next
Missionaries Move,
Seminar., to "Ohio
DAYTON (NC) -The White 'Fathers. a missionary society which bas served in Africa for nearly a century, is lllovi,ng its 'U. S. seminary to Dayton. St. Joseph's Seminary, which had been in operation at. On dliota N. Y., near Saranac. Lake, will re-open under the same . name, in four residences near the campus of the University, of , Dayton. The buildings have been rented from the university... Eventually. the White Fathers plan to build their own seminary ·facilities "somewhere, in ~e area," according to Fatber Paul lo1'e1le. W.F.,~.
His appeal for $300000 to .re-· store 'more than 30' d~stroyed and damaged churches brought contributions to the Committee
9f ,Concern from various sections ,. of the country.
U· nits
f $500 0
Keenan, & CI·arey, bie. ,Minneapolis, Minnesota,
.f,or detailed information
write 'to .
Plumbing': & 'CHARLES 'A~,' MURPHY Registered Representative, . . . .~ating Co., Inc~' 145 Pond $treet
' .
Reg. Master Plumber 2930 GEORGE M. MONTLE . Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service
Fall River OS 5.7497
Winchest,er, Mass. '\ PA 9-2696 And! Name...: .............•.••.............. ~ ...
City , _ A
TH'E ANCHO~-Diocese,of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 25, 1966
1 "
Sr. Mary LUk~; S.t.., about to enter the hall for her lecture. Center: Some
.r the sisters who attended Sister Luke's talk were, Sr. Josepha, S.C., Con
.en't Station, ,N.J.; Sr. M'ary Ke,nneth, Amityville, N.Y.; Sr, Mary (fheresa,'
!Brooklyn Church lribunal Lacks . . d'·IC,tlon ',uris J
S.M.S., Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Standing: Sr. Florita, D.P., King.;. ston; Mass.; 'Sr: Mary of Bathany', S.P., Holyoke; ,Sr. Mary de Sales, F$.S.J., 'Holyoke. Right: Mrs. Mar:y Virginia Yosgandes, h-ouse mother, waves'good bye to'the departing nuns. ' ' I
,Hopes' Nu,ns Move' Into 'Cent~r of Lij~e'
Criticiz'es Irish ' , - S o c i a l Security
By Dorothy Eastman When, in the third year of Vatican II" the momentous decision was made toinvite,wO-: men observers to audit' a 'Council for'the first ~ime, the Sister chosen to represent all BROOKLYN (NC)-Msgr. the nuns in America was 'Sister Mary Luke Tobin, Mother General of the Sisters of Lor'IlA"arion J., Reinhardt, pre- etto. When she,wasasked recently while visiting the Fall River Diocese, what impressed' J.~.L h t b t th C '1 '"I'dl'ng' J'udge of the Trl"blillal' er mos 'a ou e oune) "" she said with a wry smile, "We h aVe t 0 ' b e rna t ure enou,gh h er own ord er was work'mg (1)f the Diocese of Brooklyn , h to live in inse'curity," , ,toward these ends. She 'told of all Iltas announced that the bill of "The fact that we were t ere Will these changes be easy? experiment soine of her Sisters $Omplaint of 15 former teachers at all." I The Sister is too much of a have been engl;lged in for the
(NC) -
J~remiah Newman, professor of
sociology at Ireland's Maynooth College, criticized'private agen cies and the national govern ment for their failure to increase subsidies to families, ' After insisting that it would 'be best for private agencies and of. St, John's Un~versity had to At a Stonehill College institute realist, to give, that impression, past twu years in Pueblo,' Colo- local governments to administer be dismissed because of lack of Sister Luke spoke of her many "It's going to be fraught with rado. Although most of the 1,100 social security, Father Newman jurisdiction, on the part of the other impressions of the Council, ,difficulties," she warns, "but Sisters of Lorettv are teachers, said that ,since they seemed un ,', ecclesiastical court'. _ where she and seven other Sis- what isn't?" this small group of' Sisters in willing or unable to do this, the The Brooklyn ecclesiasti,cal tel's' were auditresses' for the last There are more than a few Pueblo 1s doing no t.~aching-in job had to be done by the nat $Ourt, which operates, under two years of Vatican ,II. Over Sisters who are troubled and schools anyway. They simply, jonal government. ~llnon law, said it is pmited in. 450 Mothers Superior from 55 sometimes shocked these days ,live among the poor as "good ' He said that' according to jurisdiction, to only spiritual different Orders were gathered by many of the changes hi their neighbors," he 1 pin jg wherever Catholic soCial teaching there ltuestions. at the Easton campus for the 'communities, The Mother Gen'- 'they cllD, leading discussion 'was no' limit to, the amount of " 'Charge Contra«:t Breach " five day Institute directed by' 'eral would warn them that it's' groups, counselling, etc. 'government' aid that is' permisThe' 5,000, word document Rev. ,William ,F"Hogan" C,S',C: 'pointless for them to say "Thill . Asked to comment on the re- 'sibie and. desirable;, if govern pointed, out' that the decree of , Sister Luke was 'one of a group, is not the community I entered." .. "cent experiment in Milwaukee, 'mEmt aid was the ,'Qnly practical Giisrriissal,is without prejudice to ,of noteli</speakers. who 'talked, When it comes to' that,: she says, :where30 School 'Sisters of' St. (sbl~tion to poverty problems. lbhe. 'merits of, the case. to the superiors on the subject we all might say "This is 'not the Francis" left' their convents', for, "If the Metropolitan Tribunal of the I Sister' in' the' modern Church I.was baptized into; or 'three weeks'tO work in secular
\!If the' archdiocese of New York w o r l d . ' this is not the ,world I was b()rn ,jobs - one'.Sister wa,3 assigned
'b' 1 0 f the Sacred , S'ISt er
~ th e'T rI una 'Adapting a: line from Charles into.'" Change' is a f,act of life, as a, newspaper"Feai makes the wolf 'Roman Rota reverses'the decree, Dickens to, describe this c'ontro:.. she points out~ "and 'we can~t keep, :Luke predicted a g'reat deal
, ,bigger 'than be is.'' the case' wiil be returned to the versial post Council a'ge, ,Sister ' things as they are or say ."Stop 'more~ of this kind of liniited
,Tribunal of the, Diocese of the 'World-I w'ant to get off," ' f i t th I 'w ld ~j ]Brooklyn for adjudications upon ,t~ees, sa~~iS"Ti~iSt~e,th~o~:r :: Role Superiors "~~~re ~o:, di~~a~~c~i;~t 'n~~;;
Ms merits," it was stated. times," She painted: vivid verThe role the Superiors will she said.
--,' The petition of complaint, bal picture of the world that lies ,play in the formation of what Since her own Order, founded ~1 filed by Father Peter O'Reilly .. ahead for Sisters. She said it has been called "The New Nun" in 1812, is quite 'new all religious ,W D~ne! s
Chicago on' behalf of himself would certainly be a challenging 'Lwuakeouattlintheed .orders' go, and is the :liirst com lind the other ousted teachers, one, and that conventlife in,the munity founded in America ~" charged 'he university which is 'future' is certain to und.ergo ,She urged them to "create a cli- without European ties, the Sis eonducted by theVincentian many radical changes. 'mate where Sisters' can liveters of Loretto weal' habits more ~j Fathers, with breach of contract, ' community life at its best." She -modern than most. But it's'still F The Superior~' were, told that entreated them to k'eep thl's cli- the dress' of 1812, not 1966, so it #,~ The dispute has been marked b Y" 'd' b l ' 'd .' ff' t p , 'ke t'mg, 0 f an ,mthIspensah · e" gUl· 'e me ,~ litudent unrest an d pIC . th' ec ,- ,m'ate free 'from legall'sm and will ,soon be changed. As soon tl .... I' , mg ese c, anges IS, e ,map 'survel·llance. " "" ".Ie schoo s campuses. f th f t th t th C "1 'as the all-ml;ll\:; 'Congregation: Ii,,,',', or;, e u ure a e ounCl "A community should be a of Re,ligious in Rome approv~s m Moral Issue Fatners drew up for the Church, plac'e ,where the,re-, is safety for F the' fl' t d f t' f d'ff " Sisters' new design, that is. :,-ilN> , ,About 30 teachers were fired,' She called the Counc'I'I' Decrees Rost December, in a dispute over, the "documentS ofhighe'st 'au-,' ,cop IC, an sa e y .or J ,er- 'Tliey, have submitted one de~ign '~'l'! "r'l'ty.", "W'e shou'ld'" a'll' 'h'a'v'e ,~n"es,' apd s.~fety; to ,cultiv~te ".that, the' fathers turnE!d down. ';i, administration-faculty relation- tho d' 't" h 'd Sh f I ' , l;'l , , the ,mI'nd of V'a'tl'can 'II, an"d" th'en ,lverSI y 's ~ 'sal,' , ,e ee s ':l"i'hey thought it was :too ,mod ' :1%,1 ships and other, issu,es. They t I th t th h ld be ~~, " :were joined b'y, a,num,b'er 0 f , we' c~n ,,'move I'nto' actl'o'n",", 'she' ..s rong"y ,aI t , .ere I~,?u g I ,fe ,r -ern/' Sister Luke says. UWhat an, "W' = , , ,,;,ther, ,teach'ers I'n' a strike that told her ',he,al'ers. '.1Jlo:,:e ~o~a IY, In re 1 J~)Us 1 .incredible thing for US to ask., ~. ... -;:-,uAfterall, we're not Trap- 'that we choose 'our 'own 'clothes /' '~">"',!,', <l, has c'ontinued' since January, ' Whi~h, Way!, " p ''sts " , " ", ~. , " " ' , 'l. '. .".,' she adds with a laugh.
';'-"~ The court found that "tpe How' will the Sisters know in Warning, that the time, ha,s S; 't . Lk . tl - b '
@ ," , i!ontractual controversy was not wh'icli direction they,' should 'come' for a re-evaluation of, the .' _, IS ,~rth u / tecen y. .e:~mt~ '~~: StIesaves I lot of ,alunle
a spiritual mattel".in, a canoliical llense ,of the word, spiritual," 'aild "that there wa's no allegation, ef a violation of an ecclesiastical law arid that the time was not opportune 'for a decision of moral responsibility because the secular courts would first have to determine whether there was a breach ,of contractual duty," The church court found "as a matter of law that "St, John's University, as a corporation formed under 'the law of the State of: "w York, did not have the ecclesiastical privilege of demanding that suits against it be heard in an ecclesiastical· CDOurt.":
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move in the many'arel;ls so(in, to true meaning of. community, she .;ne oIl' e, d~rs .. wo~;,~, ever, "~
change?, c'Experiment!" Sister' :told the Superiors that commu- 'bo~a ;h' a ,sre.~'t ' a f ~gUS
Luke advises so often it's almost 'nity doesn't mean conformity or ' 0 y! 'e oCle ~ o. anon
her motto. "We really cannot a' "hotel life" either or even a Lawy:rs. Does thIS ,that
move into change without ex-"lot of happy t9getherness th~ SI~ters may at ,last have a
perimentation," she says, "and around the television set." ,voIce 111 the formatIon of canon
'we will be engaged in tremen- ' . A ~ital new aspect of commu- la,":-at least th~ laws that rUI~
dous experiments from now on- 'nity is the idea 'of what Sister thel~ O~derS? SIster Luke de to adapt religious life to the 'Luke calls "sub communities"- vout y opes so,
times in which we live." ,the convent's immediate neigh"It's certain that the future for
The revisions that lie ahead borhood" the parish, the, civic the Sisters will be a very differ for religious orders will bring commumty, lay people 111 the ent one than anyone cou.ld have
Sisters into the mainstream of same profession as the Sister- imagined a few short years ago, modern life,' Sister ,Luke, for for instance, other nurses or .,The Holy Father has urged them one, has no doubts that this is' tEl,achers, "We have allowed too,' the~ to "move from the margin where they belong, "We ought great a gap to exist between our- of life to the center of life,~'
to be willing to take the risks') selves and the laity," she says, ' Will the move be' successful? that gO along with this plunge ' In an interview· following her Sister Luke says, "We can' only into the mainstream, she says. talk, Sister ~uke was asked how know by taking a ChanCE!."
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