More Than 4,000 ' WThel 'Concelebrated Mass
To Participate
ANCHOR Regional Conclave
Closing. Highlight
At Stang High
Fall River, Masl., Aug. 26, 1965
. © 1965 'More than 4,000 membe~ of· the .Confraternity of .Vat., No. 34, ftuisthin Doctrine, representing two archdiocese~ and nine ,diOceses of New England, wiU ~ttend' the four-day ~9th annual regional COngress which 'starbJ tonight at Stang High Sehool, North Dartmouth at chairman of the Bishops', Co~"
tile invitation of' Most Rev. mittee, CC D.
j:a~es L. Connolly, Bishop of Mr. Joseph 1. Reilly of Three
Fatt :a,iver. . Tuns,-Ambler, Pa.; will deliver
Reverend Eugene V. La Members of the' New England the' keynote address: "Let Your Plante, A.A., Instructor o( hierarchy expected to attend are Light Shine Before Men," with Bishop Connolly presidin, and Theology' at Assumption Col..; Most Rev. Walter W. Curtis,D.D.. ;Rev. Joseph L. Powers, FaD . lege in Worcester, Mass., h~ Bridgeport; Most Rev. Daniel J. River Diocesan CCD director, _
:Diocesan Native' ,Named Pastor In Russia
Feeney,· D.D., Portland; Most chairman.
Rev. Bernard J. Flanagan, D.D., "
Other New England directors
:Worcester;' Most ~ev. James J. 11 who will attend are Rev: Russeil , Fa Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary, , . River; Most Rev. John F. R. Novello and Rev. J. Peter Re Hackett, D.D.,· Auxiliary, Hart- gan, Boston; Very Rev. W.' Jolm. Fradet, Burlington; Rev. Augus ford; t Also, Most Rev. Robert tine H. Giusani, Hartford; Rev. , Leo A'. Desclos, Manchester; Rev. loYce, D.D., Burlington; Most Richard L. Archambault, HorRev. ·Bernard M. Kelly, D.D.. . h Rt R A dEC Auxiliary, Providence; Most Rev. WIC; • ev. rman . yr, Ernest J. Primeau, D.D., Man- Portland; Rt. Rev. John .A. e,hester,' Most Rev.. Thomas 1'. Keaney, Springfield; Bev. Me deric J. Roberts, Worcester. Riley, D.D., Auxiliary. Boston: Most Rev. Christopher J. WelSpecial sessions are scheduled . ;-.on, .Ii DDS' for tomorrow, Saturday. and .., prIn gfi.'~ld• . Sunday mornings and afternoons, Most Rev. Joseph W.Regan, , with general sessions tomorrow D.D., Fairhaven native and prel- and Saturday nights. . ate ordinary of Tagum, PhilipClosing session will be held at pines, will also a t t e n d . " Sunday afternoon with ConBishop Connolly will open the celebration of the Eucharist. first session at 8 tonight in the Bishop Connolly will be princi school auditorium with the Cele- pal celebrant and New England . bration of the Eucharist. The Diocesan CCD directors, concel homily will be given by Most ebrants. The homily will be de 'Rev. Charles P. Greco, D.D.. livered by Most Rev. Robert 1'. Bishop of Alexandria, La. and Joyce, Bishop of BurlinltODo "
been 'appointed Chaplain ,for American Catholi.cs in MosCow and Apostolic Administrator of Turn to' Page: Twenty
The hIghlight 'of Sunday's p~am at 'the CCD COlt gress ,will be the ooneelebrated Mass to be offered at Bisoo, Stang High School, No,' Dartmouth, Sunday 'afternoon ~ 4 o'clOck. Bishop Connolly will be the principal celebrant and the following DiocesanCCD ~t:i~al events. Accordin, to . . Directors wili be' concele thinking of the Church, t~ ~ brants: Rev. Joseph L. Pow is the best expression of the eM·, Fall River'; ,Rt. Rev. uiIity of· the sacrifice of the
Msgr. John A. Keaney, Spring field; Very Rev. W. John Fradet, Burlington. , , Also, Rev. Rus~ell :It. Novello,' :Boston; Rev. Leo A. DesclO&, Manchester; Rev.' Richard Le' .Archambault, Norwich; Rev. Me- ' deric J. Roberts, Worcester. This will be the third time that the Most Reverend Bishop haa been principal celebrant at a eoncelebrated Mass.·Oo Feb. 13, five newly ordained priests con celebrated with Bishop Connolly at their ordination in St, Mary'. Cathedral, Fall River. On Holy Thursday, April 15, Bishop Connolly offered the Mass of Chrism with 12 priests, of the Diocese as concel~brants. The scheduled 'Mass for Sun day at the CCD Congress will be the first time this Mass has been offered outside of the Bishop'. Church, the Cathedral. In line with -the decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rite!! of March 27, 1965, the closing Con gress ceremony will follow the rite that was used 'often 'at the YaticaJl Cowicil and other'hia
Cross, the unity of the priesthood and the action of the entire peo ple of God. ' In' exten'din, the concelebra tioD rite to the universal Churc'" the Congregation of Rites men tioned that there were manJ" reasons for the restoration of thW . meaningful, rite. Among the
Telecast The 4 o'clock concelebrated Mass of the closin~ session at the CCD· Con&,ress will be televised at 6 o'clock Sunday evenin~,'Au~. 29. over Channel 6, WTEV, New Bedford• Illi5W:mm~WM@f«"t.;l:%~;:;:MJrllBt1
many reaso~ given were the following. UnUy of Sacrifice Mass is continuously beiD' offered -to Almighty 'God. No matter .what the 'hour, some where a ,priest is offering' the BodJ' and- Blood of Jesus Christ ,TUi'n 'to'Page'~ .
TH~ ANCHO~-Dio~~e ~ Fein Rj~r-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1'~5
Father Phalen to Conduct 'Priests Annual, Retreat l
Proper of the Mass
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
Rev. Robert P. Phalen, B.J.. pastor and IUperior fill St. Mary's Church in Boston'. North End, will conduct the annual retreat for Diocesan priests at the Retreat House, ~thedral Camp, East ~ Priests will attend in thNe groups starting Monday, Syracuse and Covington. Aug. 30. Priests who will attend . . Father Phalen was born :iJl :ftnt week are as follows: Waterbury, Conn.; studied in Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost, . .
INTROIT: Deign, o God, to rescue me; 0 Lord, make JaSte to help me. Let them be put to shame and COnfO'I" "fed who seek my life. Let them be turned back in disgN"'p, who desire my ruin. Glory be to the Father, etc. Deign, 0 ;00, to rescue me; 0 Lord, make haste to help me. Let Qlem be put to shame and confounded who seek my life.
GRADUAL: I will bless the Lord at all times; il~ praise shall be ever in my mouth. Let my soul glory in the . Lord; the lowly will hear and be glad. Alleluia, allellli-l, 0 Lord, the God of my salvation, by day I cry out, at night 1 clamor i'n your presence. Alleluia. OFFERTORY: MoseS prayed in the sight 'of the LrJrd his God and said, "Why, 0 Lord, is your indignation enkin dled against your people? Let the anger' of your mind cease; remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to whom you swore to give a land flowing with milk and honey." And the Lord was appeased from doing th~ evil which he ha~. spoken of doing against his people.
Laud Portuguese Boys Towns
parochial and public schoo. there and then entered the S0 ciety of Jesus at Shadowbrook, Lenox, Mass. Following 'studies at Shadowbrook and Weston College he was ordained June 21, 1941 by the late Bishop Rob ert Emmett, S.J. After Tertianship at St. Rob ert's Hall, Pomfret Center, Conn.; Father Phalen served as a curate at Holy Name Church, New Or leans and from 1944-45 taught Freshmen at. Cheverus High, Portland, Me. For the next six ye~ he was associate editor of Jesuit Missions. magazine. From 1951 through 1961 he was a member of the Jesuit Mis sion ~and, giving parish mis sions, novenas and retreat. throughout New England, also in Halifax, West Indies, Germany and Midwestern states. He was appointed pastor and superior of SL Mary's on July 31, 1961. Since 1954 Father Phalen haa conducted priests' retreats 'at Auriesville, N. Y. and in the Dio ceses of Manchester, Harrisburg, St. Paul, New York, Worcester,
LISBON (NC) - Five Portu guese bishops have issued a COMMUNION: The earth is replete with the C-ruit of statement praising the work be gun by the late Father Americo, your works, 0 Lord; you produce bread from the earth, founder of the Portuguese ver and wine to gladden men's hearts, so that their faces gleam sion of the American boys' with oil, and bread fortifies .the hearts of men. towns. The statement cit e d the priest's work on behalf of the homeless and sick boys of all ages, and lauded his stress 011 FRIDAY-St. Joseph Calasane responsibility, personal initia tius, Confessor. m Class. tive and hard )Vork. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; BUENOS AIRES (NC)-Prot Father Americo remained a no Creed; Common Preface. estants and Orthodox are join diocesan priest all his life, and SATURDAY - st. Augustine, ing Argentine Catholics in hte various "boys' towns" he Bishop, Confessor and Doctor . prayers for Christian unity dur founded belong to the bishops of the Church. nI Class. White. ing this week. in whose dioceses they are lo In a letter calling for unity· cated. But the organization Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd Coll. St. Hermes, Martyr; no Creed; prayers, Antonio Cardinal Cag which he formed-the Obra da giano of Buenos Aires said "it is. Rua (literally, the Work of the Common Preface. desirable for Roman Catholics to Roads)-has both canonical and SUNDAY-XU Sunday After join in prayer with their sep WASHINGTON (NC) - The Pentecost. n Class. Green. arated brothers because joint civil status. Priests who feel called to the 181st anniversary of the death Green. Mass Proper;, Gloria; prayers are an effective means work remain under the jurisdic . of Father Junipero Serra-the Creed; Preface ~ Trinity. to attain, unity." tion of their bishops, although Franciscan missionary who In ecumenical activities else they elect a superior from amon, founded nine missions in Cali MONDAY - St. Rose of Lima, fornia between 1769 and 1782 Virgin. m Class. White. Mass where in Argentina, a Catholic themselves. will be. marked b,. special cere Proper; Gloria; 2nd Coll. SSe priest gave a sermon in a Meth monies Sunday in the Capitol'. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs, odist church in Bariloche and priests attended the dedication Statuary Hall. no Creed; Common Preface. of a new Methodist building in The ceremonies, sponsored by - TUESDAY - St. Raymond Non Rojas. the Serra Clubs of Washington, atus, Confessor. ill Class. SAN JUAN (NC) - The only D. C., and Fort Belvoir; Va., will Methodist Bishop Sante Uberte White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Barbieri commented: "We are Interdiocesan Cat hoI i c news Include the placing of a wreath no Creed; Common Preface. at the statue of Father Serra, living in extraordinary times. paper in Puerto Rico has sus Who would have imagined even pended publication on order of and a speech by Congressman WEDNESDAY-Mass of previous Burt Talcott of Monterey, Calif... five years ago that we would be the island's Bishops so that a Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass thorough study can be made by where Father Serra died Aug. Proper; No Gloria or Creed; seeing things like these?" journalism experts with the aim 28, 1874. 2nd CoIl. st. Giles, Abbot; 3rd of improving it. Father Serra founded the first Coll. Twelve Holy Brothers, El Debate, published b7 the California mission-San Diego Martyrs, Common Preface. Bishops of Puerto Rico, was de Alcala; now the city of San or formed in 1961 by the merger of Diego-on July 16, 1769. JAMAICA (NC)-New presi St. Giles, Abbot. White. Gloria; In the next IS years he found dent. have been appointed for Luz y Verdad ("Light and 2nd CoIL Twelve Holy Broth official Ponce diocesan ed eight more, including San en,. Martyrs, DO Creed; Cam two universities in New York Tnrth), paper; Juventud (Youth), pub Francisco, santa Clara de Asill, state conducted by the Vincen mon Preface. lish~ by the Young Catholie and San Joan Capistrano, along tian Fathers. Workers and De Reino a Heino what later became known as E1 'l'BURSDAY-St. Stephen, Kine Father Joseph T. Cahill, C.M.. and Confessor. In Class. White. who served u president of Hi- . (From Kingdom to Kingdom), Camino Real-the King'a Bisb Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; &Pm University for the last newspaper of the Confraternit)'· way. of Christian Doctrine. Common Preface. year, has been named president . The first issue had a circula One Votive Mass ill honor of St. John's University here, tion of 46,378, higher than the of Jesus Christ, the Eternal the largest Catholil institution ROME (NC) -Pope Paul \'I first issue of any other Puerto High Priest, permitted. of higher learning in the nation. . Rican publication. The tabloid'. will address the sixth Interna Gloria; 2nd Coll. St. Stephen, Father Kenneth F. Slattery, circulation has since dropped te tional Thomistic Congress open 'King and Confessor, DO Creed; ing here Monday, Sept. • under C.M., who has been dean of the 30,000. Common Preface. 'sponsorship of the Pontifical graduate school an.! of the school Academy of St. Thomas. of education at Niagara, haa been named to succeed Father Cahill as president of Niagara. Miss Adele Simon heads a FORTY HOURS committee of parishioners from St.' Anthony of the Desert Ch1lI'$, . Fall River, who are Aug. 29-St. John the Baptist, planning an Oriental Night Sat 'iEPT. S. Central Vilage. Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D.,· urday, Sept. 11 at Venus de Milo Our Lady of Grace, No. 1912, Pastor, Sacred Heart, restaurant. Oriental music and Westport. Taunton. dancing will be featured. The Sept. ~ur Lady of the public is invited and tickets are ,SEPT. ~ Assumption, New Bed av~lable from committee mem VA 4-5000 Rev. Joseph P. Tal1on, 1864, bers. ford. , Pastor, St. Mary, N'!w Bedford. Our Lady of Mount Car Rev. John J. Maguire, 1894, mel, Seekonk. Founder, St. Peter, Province Sept. ~ur Lady of the . Assumption, New Bed town. S~ns
Mass Ordo
Pray for Unity In Argentina
Schedule Serra Anniversary Rite
p'uerto Rican Paper Halts Publication
Vincentian FatherS' Name Presidents
Pope To Speak
Oriental Program
Funeral Home 12,3 Broadway
D. D. Sullivan &
Our Lady 0:: Mount mel, Seekonk.
rill ANCHOR SecOllll Class Postage Paid at Fifl Rlve~ Miss. Published every Thursday at 41u Hiahlano Avenue. Fifl River Mass. bY lila' Cllhollc Press of tile DIocese of Fill lIlv.r. Subscrlptloa .,Ice II, IIIIfI, toItPIkI I4.GO
.., " .
SEPT. 5 Rev. Napoleon A. Messier, 1948, Pastor, St. Matthew,Fall River.
SEPT. I ftev. Thomas Sheehan, 1868, : , Founder, Holy Trinit)'. W. Har wich. '
OS 2-3381 Wilfred C. James Eo DriscoH Sullivan, Jr.
Rev. l"rancia X. McKeon, ~ Patrick H. Hurley, Rev. Edwar4 L. O'Brien, Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais. Rt. Rev. William H. Harrinlf"O ton, Rev. Joseph K. Welsh, Rew.. John J. Casey, Rev. David A. O'Brien, Rev. Ubalde J. nea.. eault. Rev. A. C. Branco, Rev. Jo. V. Resendes, Rev. Leo J. Duan. Rev. Arthur G. Considine, Be' Cornelius J. Keliher. Very Rev. Wllliam D. ThOM son, Rev. John E. Boyd, ReV. George Saad, Rt. ftev. Arthur W. Tansey, Rev. Roland Boule. Rev. Leo M. Curry, Rev. Lestd L. Hull, Rev. Leo T. SullivaD, Rev. Ernesto R. Borges, Rt.· Re1r. Daniel F. Shalloo. Rev. John G. Carroll, Rew.. John J. Murph7, Rev. Gerard A. Boisvert, Rev. Lucien Jue Raume, Rev. Edmond L. Dickilllot M)n.
. Rev. James .... Lyons, . . . Wllliam F. Monia, Rev. Ernest E. Blais, R~v. James A. McCu thy, Rev. Raymond W. McCart~ Rev. James F. McCarthy, Rev. Humberto S. Medei~ Rev. Joseph 1.. Powers, Re"" William J. Shovelton, Rev• .M bert F. Shovelton. ,Rev. Rene Gauthier, :Re9.. Maurice Parent, Rev. William .. Farland, Rev. George J. So--. ReT. Justin J. Quinn. HelU'7 Munroe, Re9. Roland Bousquet, Rev. Luci. . Pereira, Rev. Alexander ZicheDe, Rev. Roger Gagne. Rev. Joao C. Martins, Be... James W. Clark, Rev. Gerald 'r. Shovelton, Rev. Adrien J. Bel" nier. Rev. Edwam J. ShMpe, ~ Robert F. Kirby, Rev. Bernard E. Sullivan, Rev. Anthony Roeh.. Bev. Robert W. Dowling. Rev. Daniel .... Moriarty,. Rft. Robert S. Kaszynskl, Rev. KeD neth J. Delano, Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, Rev. Thomas E. 11-. rlssey. . Rev. Leonard M. Mullane:.. Rev. Philip A. Davignon, Rn. Ronald A. Tosti, Rev. John ... Perry.
I. III_I .., - Co lMraI• .., Rogel LlFrance
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Q. 995-5166 New Bedford
Funeral Home
571 Second Street ,Fall' River, Mass. OS 9-6072
Licensed ,Funeral Director
Regi.l'tere'" Embalmer.
Funeral Home Inc.
Helen Aubertine Brough
'William H. Aubertine Brian J. Aubertine
Spacious Parking Area WY 2-2957 l~
Alfe" St.
New Bedford
Funeral Bonte 550 LOCUM Street Fall River. Mass.
OS 2·2391 ROM Eo SllIlivaJI .. Sullivan
:"W(E ANCHOt-DIOceM of Fa" Itlver-t'hurs. Aug. 26, 1965
Pope Paul
VI ana•
Connolly Bless CCO Congress
':Your ExceUenc~ ~" On the occasion of t~ Nineteenth Annual New England Regional Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine ro be held in New Bedford, August 26-29, it affords me genuine pleasure to inform you that our Most Holy Father, Pope Paul VI; has graciously deigned to impart his Apostolic Benediction as a pledge of divine favor and a token of his paternal benevo lence. It is the express wish of His Holiness that this Benediction be shared by the o.£ficers and delegates as well as by every one who participates in this year's program.
.. Beloved in Christ: Permit me. a word of welcome and thanks, first to my brother 'Bishops, who do us the honor of lending their presence, wisdom and experience to our meetings. I am grateful to all, clerica"t, religious and lay, who have responded to our invi tation and come to address the Congress in fields where they have special competence. We must not fail to notice and ap plaud the zealous work done by our own Confraternity members, who together have developed a well working system of re ligious education on all levels. The theme of our Congress is: "Let ." While conveying this august message ~ Your Light Shine Before Men:' Surely we of the' Sovereign Pontiff, I wish to add my should be responsive to our Lord's com personal felicitations and, good' wishes. 1 . mand, for today there are many who sit in trust that this Blessing of the Vicar of darkness and look longingly for light. They Christ will bring with it abundance of must come to know, as we do, that it is . heavenly graces to inspire the memBers of. Christ whom we seek. It is not enough for the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine us to tell them so. Our actions must il to continue with ever-increasing zeal their lustrate' our words. It is only when men noble work for the Church and the good see good works that they are disposed to of souls. listen to what we have to say.
With sentiments of esteem and re
Hopefully the fruits of this Region.al newed felicitations, I remain Congress will be many and varied, suited t{) the needs of all who participate.. But may ~incerely yours in Chrisst, it be for each of us a source of renewed ~ E. V AGNOZZI inspiration and yet another means of draw Apostollc Delegate ing us close to Our Lord, who is the true SELECT CONGRESS SESSIONS: Mr. and Ml'8. JamelJ light that has corne into the world. R. Jones and Miss Caroline Paulino of the CCD of the Im Faithfully yours in Christ, Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.O. maculate Conception Parish, North Easton, decide what ses ~ JAMES L CONNOLLY,
Bishop of Fall River sions of the Congress they will attend. Bishop of Fall River
Fall River, Massachusetts
Most Reverend Bishop Welcomes Regional Congress to Diocese Contipued from Page One In adoration, thanksgiving. pen ance and supplication. But all these Masses-all that have been ever offered and that shall be offered until the end of time -represent only the single sacrifice of Christ on the E::ross. The Masses share in the ftature of Christ's sacrifice as they are the memorial of the blood immolation of Calvary. It is through the Mass, through the unbloody immolation of Chrisf on the altar, that the fruits of the bloody sacrifice are received. Thus the union of a number of priests each and together offer ing the same sacrifice illustrate
.the "unity of the sacrifice of the cross." There are many many priests in the world who offer Mass ~aily. But they do not each offer their own personal sacri fice. They are the 'ministers of Christ and it is He-Christ .who exercises His ministry through them. To do this, Christ associates to Himself individual men who will share His priesthood through the Sacrament of the Order. So, although they are scattered throughout the world, they all act in virtue of the same Priest hood of Christ, in the person of the same Christ, the High Priest, to Whom it belongs to COnsecrate
D'isciples of Christ Convention Laud Pope for Gift of Candle SAN JUAN (NC)-Delegates moment" in Catholic-Protestant to a world convention of the relations in Puerto Rico. Disciples of Christ enthusiasti "I never cease to thank Jesus eally applauded Pope Paul VI our Lord for the grace He has when a candle blessed by him made manifest in the ecumenical was presented to their meeting movement," he said. as a gift. "We are living in a. time when Dr. Lawrence V. Kirkpatrick, . the breath of the Holy Spirit is ex.ecutive secretary of the Sev tearing down the walls of mutual enth World Assembly of the -Dis prejudice which history" igno eiples of Christ, said the candle rance and misplaced zeal' have was one' of several blesssed by built between us." Pope Paul and sent: to religious Archbishop Aponte said the groups represented by observers present moment in history is one at the Second Vatican Council. in which "humanity itself has The richly decorated candle been rediscovered as truly one, was used at one' of the services regardless of race and color, re in Hiram Bithom Stadium dur gardless of nationality and po iRg the week-long convention. litical conviction, regardless Presentation of the candle even of faith and creed-all of us creatures of God, aspiring to took place shortly before Cath olic Archbishop Luis Aponte be sons of the one heavenly " Martinez of San Juan delivered Father, some in ignorance, some in the light of His revelation; his second address to the Disci but all of us in true so!,\ship to ples of Christ convention. He that God who created us all." had also welcomed delegates at the start of the meeting. The archbishop added, "We are Speaking in both Spanish and true sons of God only in the English, Archbishop A p 0 n t e measure that we are true brotb ealled his appearance a "historic erii to one another... ·
the. Sacrament of His Body and Blood whether through one or through many together.
K of C Pledges War on Smut BALTIMORE (NC)-The 1,100,000 - member Knights of Columbus have pledged an all-out war on smut. Delegates to. the 83rd annual meeting of the Catholic fraternal organization's supreme council undertook a four-pronged offen sive against purveyors ofob scene literature. Their action followed a brief ing during the convention by Charles H. Keating, Jr., founder and legal counsel of Citizens for Decent Literature, Cincinnati based, non-denominational, non political association. At the same time, the Knights of Columbus resolved to initiate and sponsor at all levels confer ences on human rights stressing intenacial justice and charity. They expressed their disap proval of "the misuse of police powers by' any state, as well as the use of brutality awd violence by any demonstrations designed to secure equal rights for all cit izens regardless or race, religion or national origin." But they also declared that "civil disobedience of the law is not justified even though there is non-violence."
St. Francis Residence
FOR YOUNG WOMEN 196 Whipple St., Fall River Conducted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ROOMS - MEALS OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY Inquire OS 3.2897
The fact is easily accepted, of course, but the rite of concel ebration illustrates the truth be fore our eyes. Unity of Action The final important reason for the restoration of the rite of cO,ncelebration is the united ac tion of the entire people of God which there appears more clear ly. There is no private or per sonal Mass. Each Mass is the worship of God offered by the entire Church. The true- nature of the Church is preeminently manifested: in the offering of the
Mass no matter where, when or by whom it is ritually offered. In an hierarchically ordered manner, the Mass is the action' of the entire people of God. What better illustration of the fact than the grouping about the al tar of the people of all levels and conditiohS, the priests fro m throughout the diocesE\ and the Most Reverend Bishop, ChrisVs appointed Shepherd. We see be' fore us an entire diocese' at prayer - a small example of what really is the people of God. at worship.
In Preparation for Feast-October 28th
Begins Thursday • September 2nd
Preacher: Fr. Cosmas F. Timlin, O.F.M.
CHAPEL DEVOTIONS: 10:00 A.M.• 12:10 Noon .'5:10,7 and 8 P.M.
RADIO NOVENA: WJDA-Boston-13oo on Dial-II :05 A.M. WPLM-Plymouth-1390 on Dial-9:15 P.M. Write for Booklet and Medal:
Franciscan Fathers 600 Pleasant Street New Bedford, Mass.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Aug. 26, 1965
Pain of Separation
Suggests Prayer, Charity In Attitude Toward Son
Laments Disunity Among Christians
Following Interfaith Dialogue
By John J. Kane, Ph.D.
-We reared my 24-year-old son in a good Catholic home; he attended Catholic schools from .elementary to college. Now he has abandoned his faith, never goes to Mass, eats meat on Friday and tries to justify all of it. He says he doesn't believe, ridicules isfaction by calmly informing' Catholic teaching, and up- him that he must make his own sets his father, brothers and decisions. You have given him sisters as well' as myself. a good Catholic education and Should we as» him to leave the hom e ? " . First, faith is a gift. It is something to be cherished and to be developed. And yet there is probably no Catholic or persons of other reI i g ion s for that matter, who at sometime or other in their lives have not been plagued by doubts about their faith. Some of the greatest saints went thl"ough such periods. Now, I should ask you a question. How should a good Christian behave in such eircumstances? The answer, as you probably know, is with a heart filled with charity. Openly fighting with your son about his par-. ticular convictions will result in DO good. As a matter of fact, most of this may be an attention-getting device and he is not unusual in this type of behavior. Recently a number of letters and case histories have come to my attention in which the son or daughter of a good Catholic family l5eems to have abandoned the faith. On Immature Side In the process of growing up and trying to become independent of parents, some children find it necessary to reject them one way or another. While your son is 24 years of age and by this time should have passed the stage, I suspect he is a bit on the immature side. He is trying to assert his independence and this happens to be one of the methods he chose. But even though I urge you to bear this with charity, I likewise urge you to insist that be give up ridiculing the Catholic Church. He is old enough to form his own conscience, but he is also a member of the family and this may havo adverse effects on others who are constantly listening to his criticism of the Church. 1£ these are his convictions
reared him in a good Catholic home. This is the best that God can expect of you. Please do not be plagued by feelings of guilt, as you apparently are. Spurious Argument I also suspect that in view of his education, he is fairly artic ulate. For this reason he may constantly start spurious argu ments against the Church. Per haps there is no one within the home who has enough education to refute some of the things he may bring up. Furthermore, if there is to be any discussion of this matter, you will have to admit very freely that certain churchmen and laymen have committed evil. If among the 12 Apostles, there was one Judas, it is scarcely sur prising that out of millions of Catholics, clerical and lay, there should be some who have given bad example. If you are discuss ing such matters with him and trying to pretend that tbel"e never were any clerics or lay people wQo were Catholics and did things that were wrong, you are playing into his hands. He will simply delight in refuting your claims. So far as his eating meat on Friday is concerned, you cannot do anything about it. What you can do is to prepare non-meat meals on Friday for the family and in the event he insists upon meat, let him go to a restaurant and buy it. Leaving Home So far as leaving home is con cerned, he has already done so, at least in the psychological sense. 'He has left the Church which is a type of home, and he has left his own home psycho logically because of his strong opposition to Catholicism and the convictions of family members. I would not insist upon his leav ing home physically. Of course, you are heart broken over this situation and this is quite understandable. But you have a powerful weapon at your disposal and this is the weapon you must employ prayer. Perhaps it is a coincidence that your name is Monica, You recall the story of the life of St. Augustine whose mother, St. Monica, prayed for years that he would return to the Church. She should become both your patron and your example in these difficult and trying times. Active Participation
and he is sincere, and frankly I doubt both, at least let him keep his comments to himself. This, incidentally, is another indication of his immaturity, the necessity to criticize the Church. Seeming Rejection But it also indicates something else. It is a whistling in the dark to keep up his own courage. Daily he must reinforce his disbelief in the Catholic Church. If he were firmly convinced that the Church were not the true ehurch, why bother to discuss it at all? He could simply forget
tio~~e~~:e~~: ~~~~bi~gf:~lesi
it. Not infrequently at this period of life a seeming rejection of the Church is not that at all. It is un... willingness to cooperate with God's grace in living up to the commandments. So to soothe an aching conscience he rationalkes his behavior by claiming the Church, not he, is wrong. The extent to which you openh' express concern about his attitudes are a source of satisfaction "to him. Deny bim this Ilat-
ought to raise; Perhaps it does not apply to you, but it does ap ply to many Catholic parents. Too frequently they depend ex elusively upon the school, paro chial, high school or Catholic college, to see that their children receive a good education in Catholicism. But education is something broader than merely knowing what the Church teaches. It involves an active, devoot participation in Catholicism. Every Catholic home should have within it holy pictures, holy water font, Catholic literature, and hopefully family prayer. Grace before and after meals is frequently neglected. In other words, too often the very mini mum is practiced.
IN NEW POST: Sister Mary Peter (Traxler) S.S. N.D,. is the new director of the National Catholic Con ference on Interracial Jus tice, Chicago. NC Photo.
STEUBENVILLE (N C ) _ Father Robert H. Punke, who particpated in Catholic-Protes tant dialogue at Otterbein Col lege, Westerville, Ohio, said he "now has a keener sense of "pain of separation" and of Christian brotherhood. The liturgy professor at S1. John Vianney's Seminary in nearby .Blooniingdale, and char tel' member of the Ecumenical Institute of Steubenville, con ducted a class in CatholicProtestant dialogue and under-. standing for a week at the Disci pIes of Christ adult Summer conference at the college. It was the first time in Otterbein's llS-year history that a Catholic priest was a member of the faculty. Other members of the faculty
Plan Demolition Of Pavilion NEW YORK (NC)-Just two m 0 nth s short of closing, Vatican Pavilion authorities at the New York World's Fair are making plans for disposition of their showplace. The major pavilion attraction, Michelangelo's Pieta, will go home to Rome on Nov. 2 aboard the Italian liner Cristoforo Co lombo. :Bids for some of the exhibit objects are being received £Fom a rabbi and a Presbyterian min ister, among others. The rabbi, building a syna gogue in Queens, New York City, wants to acquire three of the bas reliefs on the pavilion exte rior. The Presbyterian minister, in Maine, seeks to buy a display of the Beatitudes that forms the backdrop for quotations fram Pope John XXIII and President Kennedy. The $6,000,000 pavilion will be demolished. Certain art works, such as the liturgical banners, will be sold by bid.
Move Toward Laity Control of Schools VANCOUVER (NC) -Parish lay school boards have ,"oted to ask each Catholic wage-earner for $1 a month to finance trans fer of the administrative control of Catholic schools here in Brit ish Colombia from clergy to laity. In a meeting iii. Holy Name parish hall, school board repre sentatives from 55 parishes in this northwest Canada archdio cese voted 51 to 4 to make the levy. The boards hope to raise $25,000 to establish a diocesan school board and hire permanent staff, including a lay superin tendent o~ Catholic schools. .,
Publish Testament In Punjabi Verse LAHORE (NC) - The first first Catholic New Testament in Punjabi language verse has been published here, "in Pakistan in two stages. The tran"slator, Joshua Fazl ud-din, a lawyer, presented the first part of the work consisting of the Gospels and Acts to Pope Paul VI when he visited Bombay last year for the International Eucharistic Congress. He also sent a copy to President Moham med Ayub Khan of Pakiston. The newly published second part consists, of the Epistles and Apocalypse.
included the Rev. George Cren shaw, pastor of Steubenville's First Christian church and Rab bi Albert Goldman ~f CinciJr nati. "I could not help but be It& pressed by their spirit el Christian charity," said Father Punke. ''Further, I feel that a new dimension has been added to my understanding of ecumea ism. "Now that I have shared me. and discussions with them, I believe that I have come tit know them and their religious convictions much better. I see more deeply that they are as the Church teaches, our brethren ift Christ. And I sense more keenly the pain of separation and dis unity among Christians,- lie said.
THE HGLT 'AT"''''' M188. . . AID TO ftII! ORR,"'" CIIUIICN
If )lOtI could IIOt afford • vacation this yea,. you -received the Holy Father's blessing. At Castel Gandolfo July 25 he said he wished "every man could enjoy a period of rest." To those whe can't enjoy it (at least 99% of the world's population) he gave his special bless· ing.••• Vacation or not, do we really count
HOLY our blessings? We have enough to eat, clothes FA.nf£R'S , to wear, a place to sleep. Three out of four BLESSING people in this world are hungry au the time•• ••• Do you wonder the Holy Father asks help for orphans. deformed infants, feeble old men and women. lepers, blind boys, refugees? You can feed two refugee families for a month for what the average family in this country spends each month for soft drinks ($20). For only $2 you can give a blanket to an abandoned infant. For $500 you can build a three·room house for a refugee family•••• If you enjoyed your vacation this year, or are enjoying it now, why not share your blessings? God rewards the person who thinks of others!
A missionary priest, Who depends on Mass offerings for his food and clothing, will offer promptly for your intentions the Masses you request. Simply write to us.
In Kerala State, south tnd"l8, Archbishop Mar
Gregorios wants to set up in every parish a
five-acre demonstration farm to show people
how to improve food production. Each farm
(backyard chicken coops incJuded) will cost
only $975. Like to give a farm, or part of it?
Youngsters in Kerala have only rice these days
for breakfast, lunch and supper!'The average
family's income is less than $1 a week. Help
us wipe out hunger! _
A Our legal title is CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WElFARE GOOD ASSOCIAnoN: WILL o $600 will train a native priest, $300 a na tive Sister, who will pray for you always. $10,000 will build a parish "plant" (church, school, I'iJctory, and convent) some where overseas.
IIOnsI8nor Ryan: Please return coupon with your offering
-----------------ENCLOSED ....EASE
FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAsT WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840
',. .:.
Teenagers Help Race Relations In Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA (NC) Hundreds, of teenagers here aft working a quiet revolu t10ft in the fight for inter
P A.VLA. Teacher Returns from Assignment, Stonehill Graduate to Replace Her -r
write this letter to thank you most heartily for the services of your Papal Volunteer Arlene Schreiner during the last year, The Sisters and students at St. Catherine Academy were most pleased with Arlene. My impression is that they came to love her most dearly, and that all considered her an excellent teacher. The principal, Sister Mary Sarita, told me that her his tory classes were outstand ing, and that her students followed them with enthus
l'llclal justice through the Phila cIelphia Association of Scholastic Interracial Councils in PASIC. The more than 200 students iasm. Among the Papal Volun have sponsored a clothing bank, teers Arlene was much loved a tutoring program, a home re and appreciated. All of us are pair project, and a home visita deeply concerned with her wel tion program. The group was fare and are most grateful to formed last year by students those who sent her to us." Irom 17 Catholic high schools. The glowing letter was re One of their first projects was ceived by Rev. James W. Clark, t'he tutoring program, staffed by Diocesan Director of the Papal 80 students from St. Joseph's Volunteers for Latin America, eollege high school. The boys from' Bishop RL, Hodapp, S.J. tutored children at nearby Gesu of Belize, British Honduras, elementary school: As far as where Arlene taught the past possible, they operated on a one ' year. to-one basis with the children. Now returned to her home in Visit Homes Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Each Saturday, work crews of Seekonk, Arlene is as enthusias JO or 12 students applied fresh tic about her friends in Belize plaster and paint to homes in as they are about her. At a Philadelphia's . declining areas. meeting with Father Clark and The clothing bank distributes Anne Murphy, of St. Lawrence donated clothing to the needy parish, New Bedford, who is to when necessary. The students be her successor as Fall River's have also bought coal to heat volunteer for British Honduras, homes which would otherwise she spoke enthusiastically of the have no heat in the Winter. spirit among her 11 co-workers The most successful project, in Belize. according to Father John Bur "No one's concerned about ton, S.J., the founder of PASIe, money," she said, "and every bas been Operation Friendship. one's so friendly. When you walk Every, Sunday for the past sev down the street, even people eral months, groups of students who don't know you smile and have made afternoon visits to greet you. Here people are so 218 homes of Negro families, busy and most, are so material Catholic and non-Catholic. istic." Real Home The 12 girls teaching in Belize schools shared a three-story hous'e, said Arlene. "It's the big gest house in Belize," she noted. LOS ANGELES (NC) - The During the year the volunteers pitched in to redecorate the in ~stor of a church in the middle terior, making drapes, painting of the riot-torn, devastated walls and refinishing floors. Watts district of Los Angeles was packed and ready to evacuate Christmas was a special high when a fire that threatened his light. "It seemed so strange to attend church "miraculously stopped midnight Mass on a hot night advancing." under tropical stars," recal1ed Fat her Valerian O'Leary. G.F.M. Cap. said the tire waa Adene, "but the spirit was so ady a block from St. Lawrence wonderful you felt Christ was el Brindisi church, with a gas being born right there." 1ft addi tion to teaching English station in between it and. the ehurch, when it stopped. "We and history to freshmen and Md the Blessed Sacrament, the sophOlllores in the Belize high school, Arlene participated in a ft8tments and our personal be longings all packed and we were catechetic program 'COnducted by JleQdy to leave. We had aft 9kay the Sisters of Mercy for outlying ,missions. "We'd go 'up the road' ~ His Eminence, James Fran . . Cardinal McIntyre ~ L6s i>,.- truck to a mission station once a month," she said. "First Angeles. "The fire department couldn't we'll make home visits, then teach catechism." ~ to the fire and it was coming In primitive parts of the in our direction. We were scared. But then it miraculously stopped country, saidJhe volunteer, there advancing' and we stayed aU is still some belief in witchcraft, but the majority of the people D.ight." are Catholic and where there is Despite the widespread dam age in the 98 per cent Negro area education there is little super -estimates ranged as high as stition. Arlene returned from Belize $100 million - Father O'Leary said' his church, two short blocks last month and in September from the center of the conflict, she will start teaching sixth was not damaged, "except for a graders in Barrington, R. I. bulletin board out front that However, she declares she won't forget British Honduras, and she eomeone threw a rock at." plans a return visit to Belize in the not too distant future. Says Eager Listener An eager listener' to the l"e turnee's report was Anne Mur MADRID (NC)-The new su phy. The sister of Rev. James perior general of the Society of Murphy of St. Patrick's parish, .Jesus said during an interview Fall River, she will leave for seen on ~panish television that British Honduras Sept. 1. the balance of the Catholic "I don't know if I'll take Ar Church is ieaning toward North lene's place directly," she' said. end South America. . "I may be sent to another part Father Pedro Arrupe, S ..J.. a of the country." tBrmer student in the United Anne, a June graduate of States and a misSionary to Japan Stonehill College, spent six declared there is an "immense weeks this Summer at Catholic field" for Church work in the University, participating itt the western hemisphere. He stl"essed. initial session of a newl;, organ particularly the need for a social iRd PAVLA training program. IlPOStolate in Latin America. "The Fall River Diocese hopes The Jesuit general promiae4l '- have a continuous progralll 8l 11M CK'der would eootmue .. ' 8e ~ Papal V ......... 4leeply involved ill edueattOll, M Mid ~at4ter Clarlc, . . , . • Aaae '-alJ¥ ill deveJePac ClIMIIIklieL .~4rleDe."~
Fire Threatens L. A. Church
Church Leans Toward Ameri,cas
HONDURAS SOUVENIR: Admiring souvenir from British Honduras brought to Rev. James W. Clarke, Dio. cesan PAVLA Director, by Arlene Schreiner (standing) is Anne Murphy, who will replace Miss Schreiner as Di() cesan volunteer in Central American country. he is looking for a nurse volun teer for Brazil, to replace Lucille Lebeau of St. Ann's parish, New Bedford, who will shortly com plete her assignment in the Latin country. Involvement in the PAVLA program is likely to spread to parishes of volunteers, nGted Arlel\e, saying that her pastor, Rev. J()hn Murphy, sparked a drive by men's and women's or ganizations of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to send Christmas contri butions to the poor of British Honduras.
Arlene told Anne that bene tits of her year in British Hon duras included learning to cook for IZ with equanimity. "We took turns cooking dinner," she said. How did Anne hear of. PAVLA?" I heard about it at Stonehill," she said, "mentioned to my brother that I might be interested, and next thing I knew, I was signed up!" Interested people who may not have such cooperati ve brothers may get in touch with Father Clark at 1335 North Main Street, Fall River.
"It really made their Christ maS," said ,Arlene, adding that Father Murphy plans to send aid again this year.
Garden Party Fathers and Brothers of the Sacred Hearts will sponsor their fourth annual Garden Party from 1 to 8 Saturday afternoon, Sept. 4: and from 1 to 5 Sunday afternoon, Sept. 5 on the grounds of Queen of Peace Mission Sem inary, just off Route 124, Jaffrey Center, N. H. Dinners will be served both days and other fea tures will include booths, kiddie attractions, a raffle and enter tainment by the Singing Scholas
JANSON'S Phqrmacy Arthur Janson, Reg. PharM.
, New I • ..,... WY 3·...0$
Thurs., Aug. 26, 1965
Catholic Bureau Aids Los Angeles Riot Victims LOS ANGELES (NC) The Catholic Welfare Bureau moved seven tons of food in to the Watts district here to alleviate a food shortage after 'six days of riots. Food will continue to be sent in by trucks of the St. Vincent de Paul Society until permanent arrangements are made to sup ply food to residents of the area. Msgr. ,William R Johnson, 'CWB director, said food was be . ing provided by the Archbish op's Fund for Charity and was being distributed through exist ing agencies in the area. Distribution points are the Catholic Youth Organization and Catholic Welfare Bureau offices in Imperial Courts, a public housing project on East Imperial Blvd., where 2,500 persons re side. Other agencies and organiza tions also sent food into the area, where a shortage existed be cause of the destruction of major . food markets. . Supervise Distribution Distribution was handled by residents of the housing project. Supervising it were workers from Catholic organizations who have been working there in a community development pro gram. Residents of the project cred ited the work of the develop ment program with enabling them to prevent damage to their homes and harm to their fam ilies. Msgr. Johnson said CYO and CWB offices closed during riots in nearby areas, "but the neigh borhood committees formed by the agencies continued to func tion. The committees worked to keep the people uninvolved and tried to modify any possible violence." The arrangements for .toed distribution were made _ the scene by Msgr. Johnson and Msgr. John Languille of the CYO. The first shipments inte the area included bread, milk, rice. beans, flour, margarine, grits and canned meat.
ELECTRICAL Contractors
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THE ANCHOR--:-Diocese of 'aIIltiver-ThursAug.
.Congress Welcome Interest in - and dedication 1;0 - the work of the
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is not a new-found
thing in the DiOcese of Fall River. The first Bis-hop of the
Diocese, William Stang, in a pastoral letter of June 18, 1905,
ealled for the, canonical' institution of the Confraternity
of Christian Doctrine in every· parish as soon as possible.
Quoting the words of Daniel the Bishop said, "They that
instruct to justice shall shine like s-tars for all eternity."
The New England Regiontl Oongress of the CCD OpeN tonight at S tan g Higk School at 8 o'clock witn a
That concern for spiritual knowledge and growth ha6
The present New England Congress of the Confrater nity of Christian Doctrine has been anticipated with eager ness in every area of the Diocese. Visitors from all over New England will find a warm welcome from a Diocese that is at once compact and ·varied. It is compact in that there is a family feeling of oneness among the quarter of a million Catholics of the Diocese. It is diverse in its size stretching from ,the Attleboros to the tip of Cape Cod and the Islands, encompassing industrial cities and Summer vacationlands. It is diverse in the rich contributions made by the various ethnic groups whose ancestors brought colorful and revered tr,aditions from other lands to this one, groups who contribute to unity but without uniformity. Visitors to this Congress will find their own enthusiasm
and zeal matched by th,at of their hosts.
We will learn from the Congress. We hope that our visitors will be likewise inspireJ and delighted at what they find here. And we pray that all will be moved to rededicate themselves to the work of building ,up the Body of Christ through proclaiming the Word of God by their words and by their lives.
A most unusual conference took place in Brooklyn recently. It was a meeting of the poor of the Brownsville section to 'discuss the antipoverty campaign. The unusual part was that the meeting was billed as just that-a meet ing of the poor. Not of the underprivileged, not of the deprived, not of the less-fortunaee-but ,the poor.
Armand J.. Goulet
Take 'New Approach San Diego Officials Have Two-Pronged
Method. of Fighting Smut
Pontifical Dialogu~ Mass cele brated by the Most Rev. JaJnell L. Connolly D.D., Bishop of .,.. diocese. With all of the material pre~ rations made for the making 01 . a sueeessful congress, there could be no better way to assure " success than for the faithful te ask the blessings of Almighty God and to petition the Holy Spirit in this Pontifical :Ma8I!L The Diocese of Fall River • proud to be the host to the con gress this year. It is hoped that of the thous<lnds of people whe will be attending many will be from our· own diocese and that they in turn will come away with greater dedication in "Re storing all things to Christ!" To all those who will be at tending from other dioceses; to those guests who will be actively participating in the congress, our Most Rev. Bishop Connolly, Father Joseph L. Powers, Dioce san director; our e x e cut i v e board, our CCD priest directors and all of the religious and laity associated with CCD, we wish a hearty welcome to our diocese. We hope your stay here will be a pleasant one and that the Holy. Spirit will shower you with abundant blessings-which include an enriched and more fervent faith, a greater apprecia tion for charity.
Virtue of Charity For, after all, the virtue 'eI. charity is like a Christmas gift. DETROIT (NC)-Delegates,to . iting sale or distribution .of . It is a proof of God's love for the National League of. Cities "morally corruptive" material to you. It is the foundation of your It has been a long time sinc'e People called themselves conference' here heard officials persons under 18 years of age. love for God. It brings you God of San Diego, Calif., outline a San Diego City Attorney ·Ed and were willing to be caned poor. ' Himself. But, as long as you are new approach to the problem of ward Butler said the proposed still in this present life, it brings printed smut.' ' . law defines "morally corruptive There was a time when that was a worthy name be you God wrapped up in' the Except for hard-core pornog material" as that which an' av cause· a true one. People were poor and they knew it and . raphy, it is virtually impossible . erage person, applying contem per and ribbons of faith a~d so did everyone else. But recent discussions on the poor to gain a conviction on grounds porary community standards, marked .'~Not to be opened untA . have preferred to use another name. p'erhaps it is out of of obscenity because of the con would hold as improper for sale eternity." Charity brings God to mall stitutional guarantees of freedom or distribution to minors'. deference to the sensibilities of the poor-and, if so, is to because it is man's friendship of speech, said San Diego Mayor The language, he said, is based be commendeo. Perhaps it is just a refusal to face facts- with God. Like all friendship it Frank Curran. . on the U.S. Supreme Court's and if that is the case then a "rose by any other name is o He said the city had gone to 1957 definition of pornography. is love of. benevolence, that is, it is an unselfish· love. Charit,. still a rose." court time and again under ex loves God for Himself. It does isting laws in an attempt 10 have not seek any selfish gain 'or There is no disgrace in being poor if it is not the result specific books or magazines advantage. If rests'in God as the of laziness or sloth but simply a matter of small income banned from sale only to be frus supreme Good. and unavoidably large expenses. It is a sad commentary trated on the question of what is Again, like all friendship, on the American way of life-with its equation of success obscenity. BALTIMORE (NC) - Assist charity is based on a community Now', he said, the city is taking with affluence-that the very idea of poverty must be a two-pronged new approach to ance in marshalling skilled legal of interests or of living. Through talent to carry the fight against charity God gives to man a share camouflaged under other names. the problem. ' printed smut though America's in the Divine Life, and, there Support Legislation . courts has been pledged by the fore, a share in the divine hap The poor should be helped. The poor shpuld never be One move is formation of a 70 Knights of Columbus. piness. humiliated or made to feel inferior. But they should also member citizens group,to arouse . Supreme Knight John W.Mc God's happiness is in the love know that they have been called "blel?sed." And that is not public opinion and gain cooper Devitt told the Knights' 83rd of Himself, so man is happy a bad state to be in. Especially when one considers Who. ation of magazine' dealers in re supreme convention here' that when he shares in that· love moving objectionable mate:r;ials. . laws against ·obScenity and por ealled them that. . through charity, that same chari The second is to. support nography in the U,S. are ade ty that is developed through the pending s~ate legislation prohib q~ate, .but there has been a_"lack . work of the CCD on the pari.sIl· . . 1\.;,. ; . . • f)f - meaningful confrontation of level. pornographers in the court So come to the congress, brine Mexico's Parents room.", Government attorneys your friends. Increase your faith, inexperienced in obscenity cases develop 'your charity. Become Fight Pornography have been at a disadva·ntage other Christs and let your light MEXICO CITY (NC)-A nat when opposed by the publishers' , shine before men. ionalcampaign against pornog experienced lawyers, he· con . raphy has been announced here tended. by Ramon Dibildox, new presi Lesson in Poverty'" He announced that the Knights' dent of the Mexico's Catholie financial support would go to oriented, 500,OOO-member Nat For Gotham Nuns the non,.sectarian organization OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE O~ FA.LL RIY~ ional Union of Parents (UNPF). called Citizens for Decent" Liter-' . NEW YORK (NC)-Teachin« "We cannot continue to tole ature, Inc.;which is participating Sisters from 14 religious commu Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of FaU River 'rate' this trash. Pornography ·iJi in· two obscenity cases now be nities in the Archdiocese of New 410 Highland Avenue newspapers, magazines and pub York lived, slept and ate in fore the Supreme Court. Fall River, Mass. 675-7151 ,'licity media must disappear," he Membersliip has now reached Spanish Harlem during a five Baid. ' ' , PUBLISHER an all-time record of 1,177,154 in day workshop held here.' ' . The workshop was designed ,_ ,It is planned to petition the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., ~hD .. 5,225 couIicjll! in the U. S., Can-. Secretariat for Public Educa ada, Mexico,.Puerto Rico and the dramatize the meaning of pov GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENE.RAl. MA' !At;;ER tion .and the Attorney General's 'Philippines, McDevitt· reported; . erty and was co-sponsored by Itt. Rev. Daniel F. Sha.lloo,.M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll 9ffice. to withdraw registrY ~f . and K. of C. assets rose from . New York Catholic Charities·aJl4 MANAGING' EDITOR Mercy College of. Dobbs· Ferry. publications not complyinl: with $232,575,600 to $257,997,228 in the ;N;,Y., past yeal'. . -, 'existinl: laws. Hugh J. Golden
K of C to Press Obscenity Fight
.Involvement: In W:orlCl7Af,fairs Good ·for~:'ehurch
niE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 26, 1965 '
Language Slo.ws Liturgy Reform In S'weden
, PORTLAND (NC)-Mean fngful involv~ment in' the secular world is essential to 'the church,' Father Robert
Hovda, publications editor for
sence of a common language the national Liturgic8I Confer- ,
,among Catholics is hamper ence, has told the 1965 Liturgi
ing implementation of, litur cal Week here in Oregpn.
,gical reforms in Sweden, accord~ ''The Church's hands are not '. ing to Bishop John E. Taylor, always clean," observed Father a.M.I., of Stockholm. Hovda, ''but soiled hands are Interviewed here while visit better thaIi no hands at all. ing relatives, American - bom In ,another address on "War Bishop Taylor said the problem and Peace," Father Hovda urged stems from the fact that Cath t hat, 'on' the private level, olics in Sweden come from 25 Christians "in' increasing num distinct language groups and bers' become conscientious ob-, most are immigrants. jectors." , 'Only the Worlll ' "We have JIO common lan guage," he said. "The Church in "There can come" it time," he Sweden numbers about 25,000 to said, "when soCIety'reaches such '30;000 Catholics. Only' about - a pitch of madness that a kind of 8,000 of these are Swedes. The radical disengagement is the rest are refugees. 'only meaningful engagement in ' A native of Springfield, m., moral issues one can make." Bishop Taylor was named bishop Father Hovda sharply criti or'Stockholm in 1962. ' cized "that utter unembarrassed 'Ministers Convert8 contempt so many Christians "The Church in Sweden grows have for everything that does not slowly. We have about_70 priests have some ecclesiastical mark now, 43 from various religious upon it; that suspicion-eongen orders. There are 27 diocesan lal with the apparently most priests but. only five of these are common mind of Catholic piety , native Swedes," he said. -that God's world is a trap for , "You understand some of the the innocent and a dare for the problems when you realize that :wary." , Catholics in Sweden were ostra There are "no longer a 'secu cized until 1876. And churches Jar' world and a 'Christian' world other than the state Evangelical side by side," he declared, but Lutheran Church were not rec ·only the world, in which an ognized until 1953. open Church functions." "We are not even sure of the Source of Scandal numbers of Catholics coming The priest said Christian at into the country," he added. tempts at "withdrawal and dis "The government won't release engagement • • • have eve r these figures. Converts among failed" and led to "wholesale re the native, Swedes are mostly jections of the Gospel." people who have traveled or Calling... however, for "radical who have lived in other coun disengagement" by.Christians in tries, among them 11 former the military sphere, Father Hov Lutheran ministers." da recalled that "nothing in the HOOTENANY BREAK: "Operation .Northwest" fs ~ non-seCtarian enrichment pro past is comparable to the militar ization of the 20th-century gram conducted by two Sisters of St. Joseph and two seminarians from Brentwood, N.Y. Greets Protestant
:world.". . Sister Mary Carl, CSJ., provides a guitar accompaniment for an afternoon "sing" for He charged that Christian. pupils of the second to fifth grades who need a headstart but are members of an in-be Delega-tes Meeting
'"'pre-occupation" wit h "private SAN JUAN (NC)-Archbishop the War on }?overty-too old 'for Operation Headstart; too young' for tween bracket in and peripheral moral problems" ,Luis Aponte of San Ju;m has Neighborhood Youth qorps,. NC Photo. ' .
has been a "source Of scandal" a"ked Catholics here to pray for and he asserted: , the success of the world conven tion of the Disciples of Christ "A moral witness Carefully ...... • restricted to the area of sexuall"'llllllline I·oeese. oln .'meeting'here in Puerto Rico. and private problems is simply . In a prepared statement, the , . ar:-hbishop welcomed delegates, not intelligible to a world which recognizes the impediments of its noting' the ecumenical concern long-sought unity and' equity rt'flected in their meeting.' and peace." "W~ feel hopeful," he, said, Sisters of Mercy marked Mrs. Patrick J. Harrington, New, ,River. Means and Techniques Sister Charles Marie, St. tllat "the Lord of both Catholics four stages of the religious ' Bedford. -We have been given'a new life in ceremonies at Mother . Tempor~J:Y Profession James, New Bedford; Sister and Protestants will enlighten and great opportUnity," he Sisters making temporary pro- Maria Clare, St. Mary; Seekonk; and guide us tow.ard greater mu of Mercy Novitiate, Mt. St. lession at Mother of Mercy No- Sister Mary Jogues, St. Mary, tUal understanding. U convic added, "in the astounding dig thns of faith separate uS, thUI nity of means, in the non-violent Rita Convent, Cumberland, R. I. vitiate included six from the New Bedford; Sister Maz:y Gil st'ould not exclude unity in char character, of the human rights and at Mt. St. Mary Convent Diocese. They are Sister Mary patrick, Holy Name, New Bed l'evolution sWeeping oUr nation. chapel, Fall River. Francis Anne, St. .J~es parish, ford; Sister Marie Walter, St. ity." , "It seems to me that our only ' Nine postulants from the Fall New Bedford; Sister Elizabe,th Joseph, Fall River and Sister
hope for the future lies in the River Diocese are among young Marie, SS. Peter and .Paul, Fall Charles Mary, St. Mary, South
effective large-scale adoption of women who received religious River: Sister Daniel Maty, St. Dartmouth.
James, New Bedford; Sister Ruth
non-violent means of resistance, names and the habit of the Sis ters of Mercy. They are: Mary, St. John Evangelist, At~
non-violent techniques of non Mary E. Gosselin, Sister MaryUeboro. ' cooperation." DRY CLEANNG Charles, daughter of M~. and' Sister Evelyn Mary, Holy and Mrs. Charles J. Gosselin Jr., New ,Name parish, New Bedford; Sis. FUR STORAGE Urges Partic'ipation Bedford. tel' Mary John Leone, SS•. Peter '. Irene, M. Griffith, Sister Mark and Paul, Fall River. In Government Aid" :Marie, daughter of Mr. ailli M~, . Renewal of .VOWlt .• TRENTON (NC) '-T.he' Stat~ Leo' Griffi,tli, N:ew ·Bedfoi.~. ,. D' Fl ' s Renewing temporary vows at Departme~t,. of Education h<ls, ,lanne ahe~y, 'SistE7~ ean Mt. St. Mary convent chapel urged public school officials ,to Maureen" daughter of Mr. and after an' eight-day retreat were 34-44 Cohan net Street consult 'with non-publl~, school, Mrs,. Fr~ncis M. FI8:~eitY." AttIe Sister Patrick Marie; St. Joseph Taunton - VA 2-6161 leaders as soon as possible to boro. , " parish, Fall ,River: Sister Paul formulate programs for partiei-,' Phyllis !'ePage, Sistergerard Mary, St. William, Fall River; pation in federal schoolaia proj- Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. ,."., ects. Gerard J. LePage, Fall River. ,. , .!?i~ter Rose Marie, St.' Mary's P"11 B . S·t· M' C~thedral, Fall River. , ·It issued policy guidelines in ~IS~I a .arreIra, IS er ana Fourteen religious from the conjunction with four other e!i- '; C~rl.sb~a, mece of Mr. a?d Mrs.: Diocese pronounced fimil' vows ucation groups including the WIlliam C. Nunes, F~ll RI~er. following a Mass celebrated by ., SClvirigs Bank Life Insurance New Jersey. Ed~cation,Associa... Francine Filipek, Siste~. Mau" 'Bishop Bernard Kelly, Ai.i:icilial-y Real f tion. reen David, da1;lghter 9 Mr. and;, df the Providence Diocese, at . . Estate Loans '. . ,l New' Jersey is due to receive ,Mrs. Frank Filipek" Ne'Y'. Bed 'Mother of Mercr Novitiate. . Christmas and Vacation Clubs They are Sister Mary' Carl, $27 million in federal school aid f o r d . , funds. One church school leader, Cecilia Polka, Sister· Monlea Sister James Marie, Sister'Mary .Savings Accounts Msgr. Joseph P. Tuite, superin-, .Marie, daughter.of Mr. amI Mrs. Mauricita, Sister Mary Carblanne 5 Convenient Locations tendent ·of Newark archdiocesan Stanley A.Polka, Fall River. ,'., and .Sister Mary Stephen Joseph, schools, ,has ·been named to I a Patricia Lackey, Sister Ruth 'all of SS. Peter and Paul parish" .', committee to draw up plans for Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mra. "Fall River: Sister, Mary Julene , NEW BEDFORD aid distribution under' that sec-' Hadley Lackey, Fall River. :' and' Sister Marie Christine, St. , tion of 'federal legislation' which Sheila Harrington, Sister Br!-. Kilian, New- Bedford;· -Sister :will assist school llbraria. _ 14ar7. daughter·of Mr. aDd l\4ary de Sales, St. William, Fall
From, D·
J · ' Si.$ters of Mercy
Others, Pr'ofes's Temporary :and'" F.inal Vows
famous for
'CheclC' These Banking Services
• • • •
THE ANCHOR-Dfoceee fI1 'oIIlt1ver-'Phurl. Ave. 24. lH5
Tens Teenoge,s ~ Form Programs'
Veteran Actor· Marks Birthday
With Zip, Bounce· of Teenager
CHICAGO (NO) - Cath" young women were advised .. forget the "good old days" ~ work out programs that can heIIJ By' Mary TinJey Daly make them effective wives and mothers of the next decade .. Sheerjoy in living is contagious when you are around the Junior Catholic Daughtenr·CJt our friend, octogenarian George Vivian.· And when you're America convention here. with George on his birthday-well, the blues just don't Speaking at the first national have a chance! One of the English-born 'Four Viviana' of the meeting of the Junior CDJ\. theatre in the early days of Bishop William G. Connare 01 A dance and a feast. Greensburg, Pa., national epi8'O' this century,George has Let natal time come when • copal moderator, said, "While the been in the United States may' goal remains unchanged, laW, since 1905, has played near· Be it Autumn or Spring people by their own right ha.it l)' a thousand characters as an This gay chorus we sing: their own role to pIa,- .. actor, staged scoJesofproduc. "Many happy returns 01. 11M Christianizing our age." dayl" tions, has in' "With respect for your eldeI'll, fact, as one of and gratitude for their countle88 'Twenty-one Today' his biographers gifts over many years." Bish~ I'm twenty-one today, puts it, "done Connare urged the 400 delegate. I'm twenty-one today. everything· from 38 states, ''you will proceed I've the key. to the door in the theatre to develop ideas of your own." For I've never before from stagehand
He told them that their pro SB.BARTHELEMY MOTHER AGNES d'A VILA Been twenty-one-till today. to manager." As
grams should not be confined to
Father' says I may do 88 I Jib to Shakespeare · their personal lives, but, should
So shout, ''Hip-hip-hooray,'' . - start a line
· reflect "that social sense so ch~
Sing, "He's jolly good fellow, and George can
acteristic of the intelligent aDd.
He's twenty-one today!"
pick up from informed Catholic woman" there and go on
'It's My BirihdaJ' JW Two Dominican Sisters of Brother Henry Gabriel. a pro. today." for the entire play, and has a Charity of the Presentation of vincial in the Christian Brothers.
You're all'in this, Shakespearean quote to fit every the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother
You're all in this, Her brother Joseph resides at Lauds Government' lituation, mundane or celestial. You are, you are, Agnes d'Avila and Sister Bar Marian Manor, Taunton. A recent crippling illness Ha-ha! Ha-ha! thelemy des Martyrs, celebrated Sister Barthelemy of the staff For Building Homes would have stymied or depressed Fill your glasses to the brim their Golden Jubilee as nuns on SYDNEY (NC) - AuxiliM7 of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall, one with less bounce than this And shout Hoorayl Sunday. Bi~hop Thomas W. MuldooU River, the former Rose Vanasse, slender' little man with his We're going to have a :rumPUl Mother Agnes d'Avila, mother lauded the Australian govern erinkly white hair, bright blue 'Cause it's my birthday. superior at Marian Manor, took her first profession of vows ment for its financial support ill eyes and infinite ~apacity for So let your voices ring,
Taunton, the former Marie Lydia at St. Anne's on Aug. 22, 1915. constructing homl;!s for the aged. living the full life of the mind. We'll dance and we'll sing
Boissonault, was professed on Her 50 years in the Order have been spent as a nursing sister Bishop Muldoon spoke at the Aug. 22, 1915. Needless to say, George has To drive all care away. at the Fall River hospital. For opening of Our Lady of Conso many, many friends - we are And we'll sing and we'll shout A registered nurse, Sister, lation Home for the Aged. The privileged to be among them served on the men's ward at almost half a century, her as 'Til we're all turned out St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, signment \,"as in, the Maternity government contributed $320,. and, as he says himself, with a For it's my birth-dayl Ward at St. Anne's. 000, two-thirds of the eost. until her present appointment. chuckle, HI have no enemies, Sister is a registered nurse "We know that this investmeftt A reception was held at the rye outlived them am" and is still on active duty. by the government is a gilt Bermuda Nun Student 'l'auntor Home in co;mnemora· Surprise Party Solemn Benediction was cel. edged one, because it is buildiD8 tion of the golden jubilee and In Electronics Course His wife, Dorothy, the other was attended by Mother Pierre, ebrated Sunday in the hospital · up the social body in a ve~ day arranged a surprise party SYOSSET (NC)--Sister MariOll vice-provincial of the Order, chapel for the occasion and was healthy way," Bishop Muldooll · for George's eighty-somethingth Edward, a teacher at Mt. St. sisters, employees of the Manor followed by a reception attended ,~id. birthday and included us among , Agnes . Academy in Hamilton, , and guests. by Mother Pierre, Mother As- .. ' the ~esis. Bermuda,was the, first nun ~' One of Sister'a nephewa II cension, sisters, faniily, friends, t:an River Parish ' With his usual' exuberanee, take a Course at the/branch here and nurses. George rose to the occasion. of the New York Institute of 'l'he Council of Catholic Womew Among her nephews is Rev. 'Leaning heavily on the steel Technology when she studied Name Nun to Episcopal Robert Vanasse, a Norbertine of St. Jean Baptiste Church, FaD brace Plat enables him to walk basic electronics this Summer. Father, now serving as a mitJ. River, will hold a coffee ~o_ at all, he painfully made hiB "Many of· the boys in my Mission Center Board Sunday, Sept. 12, following a lioner in Egypt. CHARLESTON (NC) - Epill'o way from couch to birthday physics class know 110 much Benediction service. First eouncJ1 table. In a voice somewhat about radio and electronics," eopal Bishop Gray Temple 01. meeting is set for Monday, Se~ Nuns in Latin America 13. Also in September-will be a weakened with age, but with the she said. "I wanted to be sure South Carolina has appointed a Catholic Sister of Charity of, Communion breakfast, sei _ perfect enunciation of the to know as much as they do." trained actor, George sang some Sister is director of the radio Our Lady of Mercy to the board Distribute Communion Sunday, the 26th. rather unusual and happy little club at Mt. St. Agnes and. the of St. John's Episcopal Mission GIRARDOT (NC) - Mission ary Sisters of Madre Laura who ditties we should like to share only woman in Bermuda lieeDBed Center here. Named to the post was Sister work in remote areas of the Gir. with readers of this column. to operate a ham radio se~ Mary Anthony, supervisor' Of ardot diocese here in Colombia You can almost make up the.
Neighborhood House, a mission have been given permission by tunes yourself, and here are the
and welfare center located a few Bishop Ciro Gomez Serrano to words to gladden a birthday at Sees Much Progress blocks from the Episcopal Mis~ earry eonsecrated Hosts to their Excavating
70ur house:
From "Little People" sion Center. The Rev. Henry'L. 'mission -.tations and distribute
'Happy Beturns' Contractors
HONG KONG (NC) - -rtJe Grant, director of 'St. John's, Communion to the faithful. Many years, many years, greatest power on earth eometI said he is "delighted to have It is the second authorization
9 CROSS ST•• FAIRHAVEN You come bursting around from, a lot of little people, in a Sister Anthony on the' board. 01. its kind given to nuns in Latin · Saying all that affection can sap. lot of little places, doing· • 1Gt Her membership makes official America. A.. similar .experiment • WYmaft 2-4862 Still 'we love to hear of little things together," • • cooperation which always haa .. being tried in northern BraaiL : ~ ~ , From lips that are dear, existed." ' speaker told delegates to Asia'll "'Many happy returns 01. . . . first Priests'· Institute fOr Social Sister Anthony llaid she ill
day!" "quite honored" by the appoint·
Aetion. !'hen, • garland, a bum~ Prof. John ChishOlm of the ment. ''We always should cUt
Coady' International Institute, across religious and racial lines
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, told his mour, efforts to help .the poor;
· Detroit Native tteads audience that "from this proeea the ,probleJn$ are too great for
one agency to handle by itself."
will emerge' the ncw' eociar or 5,000 Felician Nuns del'. 110 Vitally needed Ia 1M DETROIT (NC) ..;... Mother ' Mariological Meeting • Mary Laudine;.a nati,ve of this world today. awe will have'to hamellB the ·eitj"; has been elected.at a meet· LISBON (~C)~The F~ lD ing in Rome as vicar .general to poWer of little people. ill • p~ . ternational Mariolo(flcal .Con ServIng RoOin Hou.. head the, 5,000 Felician Sisten gram 'based OIl the value of the 8ref!B will be held ill Portugal 90..... :",10 IIt• . working on· three eontinenta. individual, ~d it ifi here that " jft 1967, it w31J 81IDounced here. Dietl· Vrl.-5691· She will assume her new office Christianity can' make a unique ''!'he main theme of the congress . _.South Dartmouth, Mass•..'. contribution'," Chisholm ltated. " -In Rome in October. ' ' will be' '"The Beginnins-fII Mother Laudine has been pro Marian BelleL" " .. Yinclal superior of the Felicia Middle Ages Recipes Duns in Michigan, Ohio and lDdi ~.~ ,
ana for the last six yeara.
Nuns at Hospital and Home for Aged Commemorate 50 Years -in Order
................ • :GRACIA BROS.' ••• •• •••
Buy ~he best • Buy Gulf Hill ~ilk Gu"ranleed ·locan,.,.,.s"
To Mark Holy Yeai'.
D of t Plan 'PartY Hyacinth 'Circle 71, New Bed ford Daughters of Isabella, will hold a dessert card party Tues· day, Oct. 5 at Holy Name Hall. The event will benefit the White Sisters, according to announce· ment mad'e by Mrs. Mary Almond, general chairman. A planning meeting will be held at 7:30 Tuesday night, Auf'. 31 at 11 Robeson Street.
LEON (-NC)-An opPortunity
to see if today's food ill better
•....... .....• ·• ' ...
• J·8'·• =LUMBER CO. =.
than that of the Middle Ages win be present during the Span ish celebrations here of the Ho17 Year of st. James the Apostle. An international eooks' eontest will be held to see who can make the best "Santiago Roast," and other typical dishes served • in the Middle Ages to pilgrims • on the ancien~ "Road to Santi.-'
1180." ~'
• So. Dartmouth = • = = .and Hyannis = •So. • • • •r•••••••••••••••••1 Dartmouth WY 7-9384. Hyannh 2921
.-,' , ..
-:I':';"T',ree'~': " ,--'~ '.;, /"R'~" ;~" S--k"'·'I'1 'd' C"··' , PP,e ,epayl e 'are
A--"":' With Toothsome,-Va~ied Fruit
Garden~ Party 'the St. CeeiUa Mission' Club win sponsor a garden party for the benefit of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary from 1 to • ~turday, AUI. 28 on the 1I'0unds of St. Anthony's Con 'Went and St. Francis Residencr, IN' Whipple Skeet, Fd Ri~.
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 26, 1965
Asks Nuns Lead Unity Movement
By Joseph and' Marilyn Roderick . Whenever one reads about fertilizers one is sure to be Introduced to the value of nitrogen, phosphorous and p0 tassium to the soil and too often these elements are al! that are mentioned. In addition to these three elements there are others necesSary to good Summer plant growth. Among them Cootinr;-Yellow Transparent is boron. Boron which is ap Fall and Wiilter plied as fertilizer - grade Eatinr; - G 0 Ide nDelicious, borax in very small amounts is eonsidered a trace element, that Is, an element present in the soil in very small amounts. It is quite often lacking in this area because the soil is sandy. and with the drought of the last two ,.earsclts deficiency will be ap parent especially in apple trees. McIntosh and related varieties are particularly susceptible to a boron deficiency. I have seen leveral McIntosh trees this year which show telltale signs. The apples produced become gnarled and cork internally. Corking ia a perfect word to describe the eondition of the apples pro .uced. 'When one apple is cut open its pulp has the consiStenq til cork and is uneatable. The coxTection for this condi tion is simple. In early Spring lertilizer-grade borax may be applied in a six inch band about line or two feet beyond the per Imeter of the branches. It should be applied at the rate of % of an ounce to each inch of diam eter of the trunk. If the tree trunk has a diameter of 10 Inches one should apply seven and a half ounces of borax to the soil. This should suffice for three to four years and it is im portant not to overdo the use of borax. It is better to underfeed' than overfeed since an excessive amount could kill the tree. If the tree is grown on open eoil, the soil may be sprinkled with a ring of borax and wat ered lightly and thoroughly. It Is important to wa'ter lightly so' that the borax will not be washed, away. If the tree is' grown on turf. the grass should' be broken to allow the borax to' penetrate the sail, and reach, the leeding roots of the tree. In the Kitchen 1'0 matter what conditions Dyspeptic comes to feaze. The best of all physicians III apple pi*: and cheese! Eugene Field The therapeutic value of the apple may be debatable in med leal circles but one must admit that it takes a pretty poor appe tite to turn away from a large alice of freshly baked warm apple pie topped with a golden triangle of sharp cheese. We in New England are fortunate, for the apple has been part of our Autumn harvest since the pll pims' brought with them seeds IlI'1d propagating wood from the' better European varieties. At the present time more than 7,000' ftrieties have 'been recorded in United States since the land,,:, Ing at Plyinouth. but, onl7 the laardiest have survived: The homemaker 'muSt choose !ler apples- .. with ,their . use ,1ft IDind, as. eating and cookiQft ap plell differ. M8D7 of the most .eUcious; crunchy, varieties lose eVery bit of flavor when ,cooked. fte following chart may" help anyone unfamiliar with the to~' Bariles and their recommended
.. ..
DENVER (NC)-Nuns should be "in the vanguard in promot ing the ecumenical movement, a bishop told the lOth anniver sary meeting here of the Con ference of Major Superiors of Women. Bishop Charles H. Helmsing of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo_. made the appeal for involvement , of Sisters in ecumenism in the opening address to the meeting. The Conference of Major Su periors of Women was founded in 1955 at the suggestion of the Holy See to promote mutual understaDding and foster the work of women's religious com- , munities. More than 400 religious su periors representing- the 180,000 U.S. Sisters attended the Den ver meeting at Loretto Heights College. Delegates came from 41 states, and there were also observers from religious com munities in Canada, France, Italy and Mexico. Eager
Jonathan, Red Delicious. Eating and Cooking - Cort lancls (These are particularly good for salads because they do not tum brown when peeled) McIntosh. New ton. Northern Spy, Wealthy. Winesap. Baking-McIntosh,Rome Beau ty. Rhode Island Greening. ,My own source of SUliply for eating. and cooking is a twelve year old McIntosh with a Jona than' graft that grows in Joe's uncle's yard. This handsome tree supplies five families generously with its harvest. Early in the season I use the windfalls (ap ples that fall froW- the tree) for apple pies. applesauce. apple SISTERS OF ST. DOROTHY TAKE VOWS: Partici crunch and other tasty desserts that help revive our heat-de pating in the ceremonies of the pronouncement of vows at pressed appetites. This year we Villa Fatima Chapel, Taunton, were, left to right: Sister planted a dWarf tree 'that win Bishop Helmsing I8td ... Dolores Silva, Mt. Carmel, New Bedford; Sister Mary M. membe!"J ,also bear Mcintosh but it will of the Church are mo~ be at least three more yean Souza, Mt. Carmel, New Be.dford; Rev. Donald P. Reidy of eager" than Sisten. to clUT)' out '
before, it will produce. These the Bronx, who offered the Mass and preached; Sister Dor its wishes.
dwarf fruit trees are excellent othy Schwarz. St. Patrick, Staten Island; Sister MauFeen For this reason. he declared,
for the small yard but rm afraid Crosby, St. Ann, West Bridgewater. "the bishops of the whole world my allegiance will remain with look to you, their major superi the gnarled older tree. its ors, to guide and direct the vast breathtaking Spring blossoms army of women religious" In and its late August harvest. ° ecumenical work. Applie Pie He continued: College Students Serve 'as Volunteer Pastry for 2 crust pie , "It you are asked. 'What is It 6. large tart apples. peeled and that we can do to enter into Missionaries in Mexico cored and sliced the ecumenical movement?' My RENO (NC)-"Each·of us will 3,4 cup sugar process of drawing the plans for unhesitating answer would be: always feel a part of the commu 2 Ta1:>lespoons flour nity. You feel so close when you aJ;l.other room, and we hope to Get fully into the stream of re :Ih teaspoon cinnamon ~ave three grades by the end of newal and reform, realize' the! work, pray, sing and, laugh, to J;4' teaspoon nutmeg the Summer. The two girls, Vivi source of sanctity, try to cooper gether," reported a lay mission % teaspoon salt ary from a ~own high in the and ROl/alea, are very dedicated ate in the spirit of your institu 2 Tablespoons butter and have been doing a fabulous tion with all the means that mountains of central Mexico.' 1) Line pie plate with pastry. job with the children. have been traditionally placed "I kpow that I feel in a d~eper. 2), Mix together sugar, flour. at your disposal, neglect, noth "Also, last year we opened a more meaningful way, what i~ cinnamon. nutmeg. and salt. ing." dispensary inoLa VIllita, and this ' 3) Pllice layer of sliced apples means'to be' member of the is conducted several hours each in pie plate and sprinkle with" Mystical Body of Christ. to know part of the sugar mixture. qot one's 'brother and his needs.· day by another local girl. Mar garita. For an hour or so each with the butter. Repeat these wrote Kathy 'Hughes to her par week a doctor from Apaseo is on layers until all apples are used. ents here in Nevada. ' hand at the dispensary." 4) Cover with top pastry. For Kathy and 249 other copegians Kathy said, she and another a glaze. brush with one egg yolk. be~ong to a group called Amigos beaten. and sprinkle with sugar. AnonymoQs, which left San nux:se are carrying out a pro 5) Bake in a 450° oven for 15 Francisco in June for a Summer gram of vaccination against minutes. Lower heat to 350· and of volunteer service, traveling in diphtheira and tetanus for small Commercial • Industrial continue baking for 35 to 40 a caravan of. obsolescent autos children. Others are teaching Institutional sWimmin~ :to ,120 children. di minutes. Serve with slices of called the "junkyard army. Painting and Decorating , recting a sports program in the cheddar cheese. They are members of Newman schools. painting and repairing FaU River OSborne 2-1911 Clubs and students in Catholic the high school. building a new and non-Catholic schools. ' Commends. Struggle elassroom and working to set 74 Williamson Street' 'Fabulous Job' up honey cooperative. Against Atheism "In the past two years," Kathy
ROME (NC) - The superior said, "we h~ve succeeded in
general of the Society of Jesus. opening a school in La Villita, a
Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J.. has very poor area near Apaseo. and' called upon Jesuits throughout . two local girls have been ruri Illla ~ the world to take up the duty , ning it. The school now consists , SHARON, MASSACHUSms , "'IIIIIIIIII entrusted them by Pope Paul-VI. of kindergarten and the first two the study, of atheism and the grades. .' A RESIDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS struggle against it. "The town architect is in the Father .Arrupe broadcast a message ,to "the world's, '36.000 _'Potluck Supper " tHE BROTH,ERS OF THE, SACREDH,EART ' JesuitS- on the ,f-east of ,St. Igna tius Lo-y.ola,the founder of,tbeir , ApoUu,* supper-is ' .... - " "Gra.,m,mar Grades soclei7. Se ~peated the'message :0 for: ,W~s9ay. Sept. ~by ".. T , Mother McAuley,Gm'ld of Mt., ~'_ ' , ' ,e. 784-5"962 ~,I, , ' , ~ Ii>. times indi!.fenmt languages over Vatican Radio. Urging the Jesuil" to deepen theil. understanding ,of ·their meetin!i fcrr' ~dnescl~y. Oct 20. ,
founder's ideals, Father Arrupe and a mountola in Decembel'.
,uid such a task is necessary 00 , cause of the situation of the world, the Church and the So ciety of Jesus itself.
Amigos Anonymous
JF~"'''''''~''''Y~''''''~ SACRED HEART -SCHOOL
Graduate Program PHILADELPHIA (NC) - La Salle College's graduate program
in religious studies has been opened to diocesan clergy, Reli gious and seminarians. it was announced here. It is the col lege's first graduate program to admit students other than Chris tian Brothers, the teaching order ,wbieA CODducta the COlle,e.
_Complete line
Building "'aterials
WYman 3-2611
Mission.- Urges Church Work With Negro
Thurs., Aug. 26, 1965
Viet War Causes Increased Need, For Chaplains
WINOOSKI PARK (NC)' The Church in the South has worked "for" the Negro. Now it must work "with"
WASHINGTON. (NO) The Vietnamese war has cre ated an increased but, n~'1 .. insurmountable" demand ~
him, the former pastor ,of Sel ma's Negro Catholic mission said. "The transition will .be diffi cult. It will be painful, but it for additional military cha~ musf be done," Father Maurice lains, according to the Journal of the Armed Forces. • F. Ouellet, S.S.E., told St. Mi chael's College alumni at their The weekly magazine pub Summer homecoming here ill lished here said the three ser Vermont, vices "anticipate no procurement The Edmundite priest was problems nnless there is a' gen':' eral mobilization call-up." pastor of St. Elizabeth's church, At the same time, the maga:.. Selma, Ala" until late June. He said his move out of the diocese :ane said, all three share "a , ' was requested by Archbishop major concern·" * the inability to procureand'retain ~nough , , ~AKE VOWS AS SISTERS OF ~HE SACRED aEARTS: Sister Margaret ,~f}~rt; ThomaS J.' Toolen, bishop .. Catholic and Jewish chaplains;;' ,Sister Edward Christine, Sister John Miriam, Bishop Gerrard who conducted the cerem-" Mobile.:Birmingham. " , ''This is due primarily to "the ~nr, Mothel<Marie,~~tis~Sis,ter Richarq'Marie, Sisfer" negiti~ DOlores, ~d'Sister j~eph' '''In'' 'the past· 27 years we have tact that there are notefiougJ1' F r a n c i s . ' , ' , '" '" 'been hi the South; the' Edmun. ites have eome to know the :religious ·leaders to take care of , Negro "because we worked both military and civilian' reamong them. But there has been of the • great change the past three years, more than in' the 24 yea,. Current 'Situation , ' before. Service by service, the magasine gave this rundown of the I~ u .. Must Adjust "The Church must adjust. "' CUrrent chaplain, situation and ' Catholic hierarchy there "does prospects for increased needs in ,SANTA CRUZ (NC)-Vatican the l\{arianist Brother, WID- began to change and 'here, I be:" council approval of' the' declara- not think it opportune at this lieve, lies the reason for my R view of the war in Vietnam: tion 00: the' Jews will injure the time 'to promote such a teaching." mented: "A rash of persecution and in- mo'val," FatHer Ouellet said. , Army: The Army has an au- Church in' the Near and Middle Arab Nations ' tolerance toward Catholicism. Although he' did not take pari Ihorized strength of 1,275 chap- East according to Brother John As for his prediction of trouble would certainly break out in in 'the dramatie Negro voting lains and is currently up' to demonstrations I as. strength. The total includes 928 Samaha, S.M., who is at the should the statement be adopted, many countries, especially' those rights Marianist novitiate here in Cali that are predominantly Moslem March, Father Ouellet's parish Protestants, 307 Catholics and fornia after spending two years and vehemently anti-lsrael: was the imofffcial' headquarters 40 Jewish chaplains. However, in Lebanon as a teacher. ' ,"Secondly, and perhaps, mor~ 'of Catholics; and many others, the' Army is at present short ao priests. He predicts "a great deal of Unportant in the political or who went to. Selma. He fed aDd 'Due to the Vietnam situation, disturbance" and said that "the ~idest sense of acceptance by housed many participants
the Army is asking for 100 addi';' Church has already experienced the people of the, world, the ,,,It is a terrtble' thing to be •
, t t f th b t I t h t CAMDEN (NC)-A mission.. Negro' in 'the South," Father ~onal chaplains "across the some as e 0 e 0 s ac es a ary to Borneo said here in New schema, though a religious docbe thrown in her' path," a ~ent", ,would be interpJ;"eted, Ouellet said. "Five per cent oil bo ard." The increased number, would 'f t'" k Jersey that the United States ef troops in Southeast, Asia has re erence 0 newspaper attac s . , d d ' t t· , . . st 'must defend Vietnam agai,nst ,poUtic~lyby Israel and Zioni!rt ,the Whites make life: miserabl~ ~eQuiredreassignment of chapan, emons ra 19ns, agam sympathizers." 'Ninety per cent are silent "Jllins from other areas where"Catholics at the 'end of jhe third communism. Such a use" said the Brother, ' guilty of the most awful sin .II their loss is felt. Council ~ssioii."" Father Leopold Van Rooyen, "would grieve very seJ;iously'" ~ur times. ~t is ,so, ea_sy to forget , of M.H.M., said he had recently, re~ , ,the 13 nations -of the League of ~at Christ said we' are oui 'NaVy: Authorized' tota~ ' Inoppodllue ",im~ ." , ,eeived a le~r from his sflperior, , 'Arab, Nations. "It would defi- "brothers' keepers." , , :Navy chaplains is 939, incl~ding Brother Samaha feels that ,in Eishop JanVos of Ku'ching, '~ar'" f'17 ,Protestant, 2~8 Catholic,' ' t h e ' tense Near East, ~ where 'awalt,' on the island of Borneo. 'nitely make the work of the ' "~,~,.'-,Cat,holics ,Jewish a,nd 6 Orthodox. Navy 'Arabs and Israelis' stand poised ' "l'he bishop could not under-' Church more difficult in those: ehaplainsalso serve ,the Marhie areas. The Church would lose • 'ASSISI (NC)-A retreat e~n-, Corps, ' the, ,Coast Guard, and th~ ,to fight, both' sides would mis- st.... nd why there was not greater great deal of sympathy and to1- ' , ~r ;for nOn-Catholle eJ.ergy wi. ' use the Council statement"which' support for President Johnson's open" at ftIe,· FraDeiscan S'an" , Merchant ,Marine. 'HI intendecJ to' stress, 'that JewS' stand' iii Vietnam, especiaJly in erance, and perhap,s even free.. 'Damiano monas&el7here in-lta17 ' Air Foree as" a people· can'n'ot be ,held r"'-' ' . . ' the " missioner ", 'r dom,",he asserted., " Short , ... 'hfs own country," ,Navy .chaplains in Vi,~t?~ list 'sponsible for the ,death otChrist " , , in September. ' y two. maJor problems: dlffICU.lt " nor. shc;lU)d: they be regarded as :A~~ther Leopold' said Bishop ',', ". ~ cov~rage because of the w~de a rejected cUrsed deicide disperSIOn of troops andtrymg PeOPle" Yos thought all southeast Asia, 'CHARDON (NC),-The first to keep a close eye on the field' " , ' . ".' ' w:)uld ' be . lost to commnunism ,Aall nun'! visit of the Red CroSS , IM>sJlital at the same ' t i m e . " ' "fhe ,E~~ternrlte.. hierarchy if the U. S. were to live up in ' :Bloodmobile -in thisObio' area " ' .: Air Force: The Air Force has and,the lwty, C,a,th91lc,and,'4:)r~ ,Vietnam. He said,the recent ar.. ',brought 'out 97 Sisters at the an authorized strength' of 1,165 t~o!iox aUke, h~ve', no 'doCtri?a~ ri.val,' of Austra,lian" and "New Notre',Dame Educational Center ~ , dlaplains but is siiort "56' "due to·' disag~eem~nt wIth th~ ,teach~nl Zealand, troops in Borneo, across to donate blood. The project was turbulence 'and new require- ' eontwned In the JeWIsh ~t~on, the South China Sea from ,Viet-, organized by Sister MaryWi1;" LlNCOLN.MERCURY-COMET ments in, Vietnam." The actual of the schema on. non.,-Chnsban nam, probably indicates growing, ,fred,- head, nurse' at' the center, FALL RIVER-NEW BEDFORD ,total breaks down to 742 Protes:' re~igi9nS," , B r 0 tb e"r SaDlaha eoncern on their part. and Mrs. I. F. Weidlein; Geauga , '-Where Service tant, 355 Catholic, and 12- Jewish. noted,. AIf southeast Asia IoeS, it 'fol-' County volunteer blood' ehair h II •• ;Her of Pride ,The Journal' of the Armed "Yet," the Marist eontinued, lows that, Australla and Hew man. J'orces, says, ~hat for the armed '"while there are many implica- Zealand would be next."
torces as a whole the ratio eI. ,tions that would never trouble
chaplains to men is one to be- the mind ,of a "Westerrier, they
tween 750 and 850. 'are highly significant and'>even explosive to the people Of the See Us IN THE Arab East." He held that tile YALDEMORO (NC):-Arl his JOUY WHALER About tori'ans have discovered. paint -AND-' ing of Our Lady by the' famed PARAMUS (NC)-There was, Spanish artist FranciSco de Goya 'SPOUTER INN business like shoe businesS (1746-1828) in the parish church at the Bergen County Summer RESTAURANTS BOSTON {NC) - Layme. iaere in Spain: day camps this ye/lr here in New The eanvas, about ax feet high mould have a greater' yoice iit Always Free Parkins lersey. and four feet wide, shows the Youngsters at the four cam~ the ' direction of paroChial Virgin Mary and St. Julian, .. Wareham " . Falmouth 'have collected ,mQre than a IICh091s, a theologian ~id here. whom she is handing a palm' ... ' CY 5·3800 KI 8-3000 thousand pairs of shoes for the Addressing 300 Catholic edu he kneels before Artexi;lerta children of Appalachia., Sponsor cators from many states and -:y'that it • impOSsible, ~ ,set' .f the ,prbjectis the Save-the Canada, Father Joseph Loclgno, • value On the paiJiting, wbicli Children Federation of Norwalk, assistant professor of theology at Pl'o.bably datell from-1786-a'1.,' Conn. the University of Notre Dame, The goal in the drive was one said: '-:l'he elementary sehool pair of shoes from each camper. would seem to be an obvious INC. 'But that was topped ,easily and area in which all of us can rec ~uildin9 Contractor lOme enterprising 'youngsters ognize the dignity as well as the canvassed their neighb'orhoods to responsibility of the laity in the Masonry add to the total. TW~ girls col Church." lected 75 pairs each. ' Father Locigno, speaking at an institute for 'elementary school 9 administrators at Boston College, BILBAO (NC)-Accompanied said there is need for Catholie by his seeing-eye dog, Miguel school boards, consisting.of Garcia, 45, blind for the past 18 prieSts, Religious and laymen, years, is making a 625-mile "preferably on the diocesan lev 7 JEANmE SfREEr journey from Lerida to the tomb el." The function of the boards FAIRHAVEN WY 4-7321 of St. James the Apostle in San- would not be to administer but \iago here in Spain. ' ~ establish policy, be said.
Feels Jewish Declaration Means Trouble Marist Predi,cts
"'I ear
East InJ·ury to Ch.hch
Asserts Vietnam Defense Needed
'Donate IJood
, ','lINCOLN.
Discover Painting
I. Parish Churdi
Collects Shoes: For Poor Children
injoy Dining
I I·
low Cost Financing ,
Stresses Laity Role In Parish Schools
;New Bedford Hotel
,Makes Pilgrimage
THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 26, 1965
Praise Catholic Paper's Expose Of Housing
Asks Community Action to Avert Futu reViolence
KINGSTON (NC) - The Canadian Register, product of Canada's major Catholic weekly newspaper chain, has
rence Cardinal Shehan called here for joint action by all forces within the community,
been saluted for news leadership by exposing deplorable housing conditions and poor tenant OWller relationship in this city. The Register is the official publication of the archdioceses of Kingston and Toronto and the dioceses of London, Hamilton, Pe~broke, Fort William, Peter borough, Alexandria and St. Catharines, all in the Ontario. province., ' ',l'he Register sent staff report, ~rs, and photographers, assisted
especially those 'of religion, to avert future, nightmares of violence like the Los Angeles riots. . Cardinal Shehan said the heart of the problem is poverty, which breeds "crime and racial ten sion." "These are social problems of the greate,st magnitude;" he de-· clared. "They need the joint ae:' ,: \' y SISTERS . one :,year as and now :tioi:I of al~ th,e forces ~ithin tbf ~t"to investiga~ t~e condit.i,one. 'JIl the~r novItIate after:" theR.~epbon, ceremon,y' .a,re, left. to ,right: Sister Anne Margaret, 'community; and of,those forces: , llUDdo1VD:Cp'nd~tiolls , ' 'Sfster Franci~'Mary, Sis.ter:,MargarefPaul, Bishop Gerr,ard, who offidated~'Mot:her Marie' none should be' more effee~ive :than reli~ion. ,~, .. ., And what the,Register f~und 'Regis' SisterMai'y EdwaJ.Od'" Sister Alfred Damien and Sister Paul Mary .ot only made front page news '.' , J . ' . , • "Unfortunately, in the past the for it but also for. daily new~religious bodies of this countl'Y e have been so'divided as to make papers across Canada, which e' picked up the story with full . any effective cooperation impos eredit to the Register. ., sible. Now, with the new ecu The Register named names menical spirit of understanding apd idenitified rundowncondiand friendliness,cooperation is ' ti,ODS. It paid one landlord tJ;l~ ". "Leaden; of all the churches not only possiblec-it is neces". ~O 'htf demanded before me~t,. TORONTO (NC) ~ FranCis ,hould and wiiI oontribute im':' actively involved in thi~ sary. It Should be all the more ing .the tenants to hear the~r Car~iinal Spellman- believes it is m~nsely to the spirit and prac:' movement. Theologians are more effective because in these areas ~mp.aints, holding that he was a" practical certainty, that the ti'Ce of ecumenism," the Amer involved than ever in discussion there can be no question of com.. a 'busy man and his time was vatican Council will approve the 'ican churchman added. -Valuable. . ~eciaration on religious libertY 'All three documents have be- lind dialogue," Cardinal Sp~ll- promise in doctrine or principle. ' The 16 tenants made 10 de- and other major statements. . eome "controversial. The initial man, said. On Neighborhood Level , "But ultimately it is the lay mands but only three. tenan~ "The archbishop of New York, vote on religious liberty was "If Catholic laymen are te showed up at a later meeting one of '12 members of the Coun- postponed at the last minute of man who most directly meets the make the, Church ,present and world and most intimately af with the landlord, some fearing ell's presidency, also predicted the third session, prompting pro in the world'" * * cer,. repriSals, although he had as- adoption of the declaration on, tests from some Council Fathers. fects its people for good or evil operative tainly they must join with men sured .them there would not be the Jews and of the constitution, The statement on the Jews won and, therefore, it is the la~'man any .evictions. The landlord of: the Church in the modern ,a preliminary vote of approval of each and every faith who ml,lst of other churches and secular organizations in meeting the agreed to meet half the demands, world. but further action was postponed., demonstrate the ecumenical spir.,. grave problems _that threa'ten 'particularly those, concerning . ImpOrtant DeeiSions The constitution on the Church it if that, spirit is to live and concerning fire and building byIn his fourth appearanee 111, -in' the mOdern world was dis- quic~en imd truly fill the whole, ~ciety today. ' "It is "particularly on· t~
laws. But he pointed out that8ix years before the Fraternal ·eussed"but no votes were taken. world," the, Cardinal stressed. lleighbor)lOod level that joint the tenancy agreement obligated Order of Eagles, the Cardinal Cardinal Spellman siressed to -action.can be effective in relie\;~' tenants to maintain their prem- spoke to the~en's orga?izatioll ·the' Eagles, who carryon works
.ing~racial tension -and· in eljmi- ..
ises in ',ood oonditioJi at· all ~bout eeumeDlSR1. He praIsed the of charity and specialize in' sup- ,780~ 'nat~ng ·their causes. ',' ,
progress· of inter-religious dis- porting research in, heart dis- . ' " times. Blames Tellll.llts cussionsand common Christian 'eases, that while theologians and "In our big citie$, especially, , Demands which he refused'" efforts as he discu~sed the "sol-· sChOlars will be joined in' R,OME (!'{C) - A total 4)f 'it is to be hoped that able and meet included painting the drab emn:public rededication of .the It!arned· discussions for many :44,741,081 CathQlics '~live in.' the energetic laymen from every,· ,eutside of the· two door-two-' Church, to, the'.' ecumemcal years to come, the layman' ulti _780 'sees 'dependent on 'the- Con- .parishand from all· o.ur organi" " zations will join all other con.; stol'Y. frame building which' movement." mately, wili· make ecumeni8ni :~g;:~h.~or,.the Propagation of :cerned and dedicated . men in' housed 16::timants,'.and erecting "In the final ~~m·,of ~ woik~ , . . 'bringing aboU:t 'between the· • fence. He stated that the ori.. Council this Fall, it is expected '''Acc,cirding to Fides, 'mission . raees, through dialogue and ,'a~ ginal ferice had been' torn down -in fact it is ,R practical eertain new!! service issued py the con- rious,· 'appropriate . projects,'a by tenants- and used by some fot ty-that other important decla"; Formosan ," . .firewood.·· , , . ' I . ' : . rations will be promulgated.,te 'gregation,' the' distribution is as, true. i~irit . of' under~taJ'.ing, ·Is' • . Re(llizing: Goal ", ,follows: good wIll and' cooperation:'" ..;, ; The 16 ·family groups were of fulfill and implement the. decree . T.AINAN ~NC)-When Peter . . "Africa" 24;262,266; the Amer"; !Varying size~ fro~ two to five of· ,ecumenism,,"the New York , Chen ·Chao-wen is' ordained a . leall, '5~800JooO;-Asia, 11,343,162; ehildren. 'One family .with fiv~ Cardinal predicted. ,,, ". ~ priest here he will be the first . ,. Europe,' '87,988; and' 'Oceania', ,,"The, declaration OIl:religious -ehildren occupied one room and 3,247;726. Not included in the bathroom. 'Some of the family . liberty, the declaration on ,.the of the Pius X seminary for de ...oups are 'on ciiY welfare. Jews ,and other non-Christian, layed vocations. totals 'are Catholics in territories' Bishop Stanislaus Lokuang of under eommunist rule· 'whien , , Their, landlord 'claimed that'· peoples" the constitution· OIl the Tainan conferred the four minor have' sees depenaent on the' con..' most 'Of the conditions com-Church ill the modern world plained about were due te ibe ·.all' theee momentous. IlUbjeeu ,orders on Chen at Pius X semi-' gregation. . Ilary; the first institution in ," To carry on this work' in 'the tenants' own disregard. China devotedsoleiy to' training. mission world there are 31,004 " NEW BEDFORD Stir Controy'ersy late vocations to the priesthood. priests,' 15;51% Brothers a 11 d . ,., , This ~minary's youngest stu Ministers' Read 83,325 . Sisters. Amoftg Brazilians tNDUSTRIALOllS
dent is 26 and most are between Catholic Paper SAQ PAULO (NC)-Anlc1e 30 and 40. Eleven of 21 semina~ HEATING 01l5'
, NEW ULM (NC) - hrty Cardinal Rossi of Sao Paulo has rians are forlDer army oHicers : declaJ,'ed there are ,two kinds of Mid enlisted men. Presbyterian ministers and lay TIMKEN
Bishop Lokuang.founded Pius men are receiving the Catholic Catholics stirring up debate 3 Savings Plans Bulletin, official newspaper of among their fellow Brazilians. " X semiI\ary to· benefit an in . OIL BURNERS
The first group, benid, ill ~asing number of late voca the archdiocese of St. Paul and Hom. Financing .made up of men of good will ~ons among ex-servicemen and. the diocese of New Ulm and the who lack proper doctrinal edu:' ethers in free China. Sales & Service
local Knights of Columbus. Bishop Schladweiler offered 10' 'eation and who promote council decrees ill a· manner not ap have. the Bulletin sent to inter 5~n ~04~TY STREET ested members of the Presbytery proved' by bishops. Such men, of Mankato, 'and received 40 said . the cardinal, scandalize NEW BEDFORD names in response. Cost of tiM! ' Catholics who are too clOsely ~ subscriptions was donated' by tacbed to tradition. 2M Main St., Wareham, MallS. . WY 3-1751 leg. Master Plumber 2930
Telephone 295-2400 . members of the Bishop Cretin: The'seCond group, said Cardt". GEORGE M. MONTlE
assembly of the K. of C. Ilal Rossi is composed of edu "."""111 Sarvln AIII..IIII "It is remarkable how much . eatedCatholics operating under Over 35 Years
our separated brothers know the guidance of the bishops. He of Satisfied Service
about current events, in the reminded those in his archdio;. 806 NO. MAIN STREET
Catholic ChurCh, and especially cese that the council is directed Fa" River OS 5-7497
about the ecumenical council," to pastoral eoncerns and that its the bishop said. "The good will decrees are founded on the ,is evidenced by their continued ' Church's traditiOnal teaching. 'interest in being informed."
~ a~":;:::" ~:::::ni:;g;:9e:. ~ '::)J~~ p~O~·
RE~Er'J;ION:, F911owi~"
Sees M·. GJor,'V . -I' 'St t emen t s ' . G"tIcan Councl·a E'· " ag es Heai" 'C'ar'd·Ina IS·" . pe man.•In Toronto ,
Sees' Depend On CorigrE!gation :
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Offering You
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Gift to College
University Post :BANGALORE (NC) - Pope WASHINGTON (NC) - John Paul VI has sent a check for :J. Pateros, financial management $50,000 to India's first Catholic officer in the U. S. Office of Ed sponsored medical college. He ucation, has been named to the blessed the cornerstone of the newly created post of vice-pres-, new St. John's College last year. ident for business and finance at The cornerstone. was brought to Georgetown Univ~rsity here. '8ombay dur,ing his visit to India..
• Television - Furniture • Appliances - Grocery 104 Allen St., . New Bedford WYman 7-9354
. :
THe ANCHOR-Dtocece of Fall Riv'er-Thurs;Aug: 26,' 1965
Ambassadon of Christ
Longford's . QUE!en Victoria· Well Written Biography
God Love You , By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. In one of our missions In the depths of AfrIca, a slnde nUll has the responsibility for the Instruction of 400 drls. Another who Is In charge of a UO-bed hospital, has onb' two nurses and a doctor to help her. Each year 3,000 patients are hospitalized there anel from 16,000 to 18,000 are treated In the dispensary. The daily average is 110 patients In the hospital and 300 In the clinic. ThIs Sister writes: "Hundreds of .babies die from bronchial pneu monia, for native mothers have many bad habits. They often un ClOver their little ones during the night, exPosing them naked to the cold. ~ !he baby has too much fever, he Is plunged Into cold water giVIng rise to .pnlmonary ~omplieatlons. U there Is trouble breathing, slltali cuts are made which become Infected and Increase the disease. They are thus apt to poison their off sPrln&' by submitting them to barbaric treatment,-
By Rt. Rev. Msgr~ John S. Kennedy . Who, in this 21st yearQf the nuclear age,·would read 577 out-size pages about Queen Victoria? The resounding answer is thousands and thousands of people not only in Britain but also in. the United States. EUzabeth Longford's Queen Victoria: Born·to Sue was to experience it to the last.
$8.50) is a splendid book about a woman and ruler rich in contradictions, and· has been selling spectacularly. This department be' latedly got round to sam pling it think ing that a dip or ; two in its oceanic abund an.ce might suffice. Nothing would do, how- . ~ver, but a swim from end to end, and it is an . exhilarating exercise. Victoria came to the throne in 1837 at the age of 18. No English monarch has reign ed longer. She died in 1901 at the age of 81. She gave her name to a whole era, on which we look back with ridicule or revulsion. She was a formidable figure, and the formidable always· at tracts. She was also rather mys terious, since she largely avoided the limelight for the 40 years between the death of her prince consort, Albert, and her own death, and the mysterious also attracts. . She was related to practically! all the· royalty of Europe in her time .and our 9wn, and there is som~t~ing fascinati l1 g about the spinning of this intricate· arid glittering web. She was involved in a critical British constitution al development. And she was, as the author overwhelmingly es tablishes, an extremely complex human being. Objective StUdy In .the Countess of Langford, Victoria enjoys a superlative bi ographer. The countess has had . access to archives which no Pre vious writer about the subject has seen. The amount of research which went into the making of this huge volume was vast and extremely careful.· The materials have been ex Quisitely put together, and the writing is superb. The countess· commands a nice wit, and uSes it nicely, without excess. She is 1»bjective about Victoria, under standing and appreciative with '1\1t being in the least sentimen tal. When Victoria was born, she was fifth in succession, and it then seemed unlikely that she would ever reach the throne. But her father predeceased her; as did other heirs. Her uncles, George IV and William IV, had mort reigns, and when the lat te~ died in 1837, it was diminu 4ive but deternrlned .Victoria's
tum. Again and again in her journal (which she was to write dailY ,almost down. to her death), she repeated and stressed the word "alone." The sense of solitariness ~d lonellness-was'strong in her. T~ isolation of a sovereign she experienced from the· first and, despite a happy marriage and a family of nihe· children, and in lltUIlerable grandchildren, ahe
Relax Censorship LA CORUNA (NC) -The Spanish cabinet has given ap proval to a new press law which. according to a spokesman, almost eliminates pre ss censorship. When formally enacte.d by the Spanish legislature, the new law will replace one that has gov el'Iled Spain's information media ldaee 1938
She always had an exaggerated idea of the sovereign's political scope and power in a constitu tional monarchy. She ·simply re fused to recognize the limitations set upon this institution, and a large' part of the book is given over to tracbig her relations, often stormy, with a long series of prime ministers, the most not able of whom were Melbourne, Peel, Disraeli and Gladstone. The whole history of the Brit ish Empire and of Europe, in the nineteenth century--comes within the purview of this volume. The author explains it succinctly and always with relevance to Victo ria. The focus is never blurred, and there are no lengthy, tire so m e digressions. Napoleon'. final defeat at Waterloo had oc curred only four years before Victoria was born, and Hitler ,was ,12 years old when she died. During her reign many wars were fought in the east and in the west, America grew from in fancy to maturity, empires were established or signally expanded. The social change in her life time was tremendous. In En gland, for example, democracy was painfully advancing. The vote was gradually extended as never before, .and· classes of peo ple previously unrepresented got the franchise. It could no longer be taken for granted that a small aristocracy had a monopoly on political power. There were changes, too, in the making and distribution of wealth, in the lot of the working classes, in health measures, etc. These and much more are touched on in the biography, and given due place in the rich and hectic background to the prim little figure which domi nates the book. . And then, of course,. there was . Albert, the Saxe-Coburg prince who became her husband. He· was intensely sober and straight laced, and his influence on her was immeasurable. She 'mourned him for four decades. But the author demonstrates that it.. is wrong to think that" .. even in death, he determined all that Victoria did. She did indeed emerge from his tutelage and re verse some of his rules. The Victoria-and the Victo:' rians--that we laugh' at are not absent from this book. Tbere is, for ~xample, the Queen's remark cOJ;lcerning the suicide of mad· King Ludwig of Bavaria: .'~Sure lythe whole thing must' have been badly managed." And her horror that tigers in India were .. eatirig "women as well as men." , And her· obServation on the' news that a doctor .of phUoso:. pht had attempted to asslissiD.ate ~e German Emperor: "So much . , for' Ph.il060~h1!:' Anc.I her daqgn- . te~s C?mfort~g expl8I!ati'?Dthat "dear Mama did not need 'to· .learn about art, as her collections were .already made, whereas others had to assernbie- their , own." Victoria' was an intelligent woman, but her intelligence was . neither trained nor venturesome. Her ignorance - say, of condi tions in Ireland-was prodigious, and her prejudices were no less. But given her inheritance, the environment in which she was brought up, the restrictiona and demands to which she was sub ject, she did not do too badly. She might have ·done far worse were· it not for her generally op
.ative COJDDlOA sense..
OUTSTANDING JUNIOR: Katherine Bihm of Mamou, La. has been named Out standing Junior Catholic Daughter of America. She was presented with a special gold medal of the Sacred Heart. NC Photo.
Warns of Reds In Uruguay MONTEVIDE(' (NC) - Com munism has ~ltrated its ideas into all levels of national life, ae cording to Noticias, a monthlT bulletin issued by the Monte video archdiocese. The bulletin listed some "ob vious manifestations" of commu nist ideology on the national scene. These are, according to Noti cias, exploitation of social and economic unrest, promotion of a "new morality" which attacks the traditio~al moral order, ex clusion of moral values for the sake of more "realistic" ones, dissemination of the idea that communism is changing and open to dialogue even with Cath olics, and propaganda about the inevitability and necessity of social change. . Noticias stressed that the Com munist party is not strong· in Uruguay, but said it was succeed ing in an .attempt to undermlne the "moral base of civic life." It is inciting "those who are ideo logically ill trained and easilT taken in," the bulletin stated.
Catholic Publication Protests Violence VIENNA (NC)-The Austrian diocesan vveekly VViener Far chenzeitung has called on the AU\ltrian government to inter venein the Sudan to stop the persecution of Christians. The paper stated that Allstrie bas. the duty tq do this in view of the history of the Austrian mission in Sudan and of the neutral status of the country. No Christian statesman has bad the e,wrage to protest against the persecution, it said.· "Recently. in South Vietnam,". ,. the paper said, "Buddhist mona· bl!mt themselves in a spectac ular way. A.ery of·indigation, arose around the 'world·· • • But in face· of the persecution of Christians in the southern SudaJl··· there ,is silence."
Ge;rmans. to Collect -. Funds for Vietnam COLOGNE (NC)-Josef Car dinal Frings of Cologne has an nounced that this See of 2.8 mil Ion Catholics will raise funds to be sent to Catholica in South Vietnam. The money, which was col lected starting last Sunday, wiJl be sent only to South Vietnam, because there would be no guar antee that Catholics in NorCIa Vietnam wOUld receive IIftF DlOIle7 sent them
What a joy to share. in the work of these ambassado~ el Christ. May our brother priests help- our overworked missionariea and may you who have money in secur ities reduce some of your taxes by taking . out a gift annuity. This way you will re eeive a substantial income during life and, at death, the remainder value will go to the Holy Father for the poor of the world. And you who are unable \to do this re member that every daily act of self-denial for these missionaries proves that you are your brothers' keeper. May the Holy Spirit inspire all who read this column to realize the alms you send us go not to one society but to all, not to one area of the earth but to all, not to one continent but to all. It may not be enough but -that
Is because there are not enough who care for ALL. God Love Y,*
who do!
GOD LOn YOU to M.L.D. for $5 "In appreciation for pauInc chemistry conrse." ••• to Mr. and Mrs. LoB.D. for $200 "fa &T8tltude for aU God's blessings, we are Wyiq to dve five pel' eent of our Income to the Missions." ••• to II. .. K.M. "We de-' elded to send this $10 rather than get some pottery to sit be side our front door. The doors of heaven might crack a tin7 bit wider for us--for we do It for Him."· Ill)'
Have you ever asked yourself thi~ question: "How much· dG I know about what is happening on today's frontiers of the Church"! Find out in the words of the missionaries living and working on the: scene who write of their· experiences in WORLDMISSION. This quarterly magazine, edited by the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen. can be sent.to yo~ for only $5.00 a .year. Write to VVORLDMISSION, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to It and mail It to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Con sidine, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Massachusetts•.
invite lenerGas ,ouna ladles to /ola til.· .. leadlnR a "''1~
relilious life llf love, adoratioa. and reparatlOL la that sDlrlt" tile Sisters devote their time to tile edllcatloa If 'Dutil, ntreIt wort. anti domestic duties. For further InformatiOllo apply ..
Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, Mass.
Family' Restaurant
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WORKSHOP OF RELIGIOUS LIFE AT LA SALETTE: The Retreat House at La Salett.e, Attleboro, is the scene of the second and final week of workshop fQrsisters ro develop a keener understanding of the Religious life and opportunity to live out more intensely a common liturgical life. Left: Sr. Theresa Marie; La Salette: Sr. Mary John of Carmel, Anna Marie College, P·axron; and Sr. Francis Xavier, St. John; Pawtucket: discuss a point of liturgy. with the workshop leader, Rev. Rene H. 'Chabot, superior
of La Salette Seminary. Upper Right: RouM. Table discussion by Sr. MaJ"1
Claude Bernard, Springfield; Sr.Celine Gertrude, Lawrence; Sr. Constancia ' of the Sacred Heart, Attleboro; Sr. Marie Estelle, Lawrence; Sr. Elizabeth de Hongrie, Southbridge: Sr. M. Rosalita, St. John, Newfoundland: Sr. Anne Maria, Concord; Sr. St. Simon, La Salette, Attleboro. Lower right: Sistera
at recreation.
Urges Understanding Author's Intention Calls
Introduces Bill To Curb Smut
Ukroinians Modern MartyrS
Writ~rs MUNICH (NC)-Ukranian-rite SAN :FRANCISCO (NC) --In' '''For instance,· he said, "if 1 the help of God in taking the Catholics form the "Church 'of order to understand the Scrip- . Pead that Jacob died at 120 years, land-it is a form of praising one-million martyrs, "according tures the reader must learn to, I take it as a westerner that he God. to ,the apostolic exarch for the share the mentality and outlook reached 120 years of age before "If we then look at the first Ukrainian-rite Catholics in Ge.... of their human authors, a Bible he died. But then 1 find that chapter of the Book of Judges, many. , scholar said here. many people in Egypt are dying we have an historical resume of B ish 0 p Platon Kornyljalt "What we have to be out 'at 120 years. Actually, for the, the event, and it is quite differ spoke in Munich at the national after," said Father Max Serwick, ' Oriental man, that is just an ex ent. Some tribes of Israel had convention of Ukrainians in Ger S.J., of the Pontifical Bible In pression in the concrete. It eim some success, others had half many. Approximately 12,000 of stitute in Rome, "is what the ply means that Jacob reached a success, others had no success the 20,000 Ukrainians living ill writers of the Bible wanted to blessed age-he beclUlle very at all. That is history; the other Germany belong to the Ukraniaa say-not just what the words old." is an expression of the people'. Catholic Church. say, but what the authors wanted Walls of Jerleho faith in God." Bishop Kornyljak said the to say with those ,words. The Old Testament, he ftOted, Ukraine would not have beea "If we are working with boon II both literal and, figurative. t able 'to tolerate itS sufferinp ~ originated .in t~e Orient 2,000 "The Book of, Josua in, Which,' IS without the support of its priesie.. years ago, m. quIte another cul- , fOr eXlUllple, the walls of Jericho
~any priests have gone with ture-an Onen,~l culture-but fell at the sound of the trumpet,
.,of an Oriental mmd and for Ori- . Ja meant to uliderline foreefull7' LISBON (NC) - Priests were their, parishes into Siberian elE ental people, then we must first . urged to collaborate with the De," he said.' '!But wherevew become Orientals." . " ., .. laity ,ina pastoral letter on the priests and people live togeth-. Father Zerw~ck, here to lee- '.' eCumenical council issued by the . the, Church: is ,no~ dead." ture at several area colleges, said' , •' . .
Poltu81Jese hierarchy·. in' an interview that Scriptural ' Both clergy and IIlYmen bave ~ar. idioms are "characterized, by' OHAMPAIGN (HC) _ Tw. to live with theproblemll 01 the . . COniplefe ", Par~tS Coftlp(ala, " C9I1creteness and forcefu1neM'· , :Benedictlnenw'have been as lNUJ1e Church, they said. (/ lY n d e r Zablocki's' proposai; , , . ~gned -fulltime to the ,lItaff 01' ~. bis~oPB . also warned, brokers or mail ,list ,:users who ,Expect ,P~tesfa~tt)le ~ewm~ FoUndatiOn at ~ . ag~st noveJ~ 'fo,r the sake ',of :
'fail to keep certaIn r~call t 't ',University of IUinoi(l, " novelty. They stressed that the'
, r«eive a fine ot $5,000 or a year ' Sisters: Philomena Sloan' and ' council's,' ,Constitution GIl the'
in 'prison or both.' ; FAUL~~,,(:tJC)-,.,.So~ ~ " ADnunciat¥i Keily, Benedictine' Church has not changed ,any..; ..
. . ~ ... ~ . ~ ~ , . 'The Whiconsin legiillator :told 'rotestant ~nd·, Catholi.e laYPle~ 'Si~rIl of :Nauvw,. m." will, live '. thing,'that pertalnstothe e~i1~ ,:
, tbt' House 'that despite vigorouil - "w.ere ,expeeted ,tpPtlJ'tlelpate ,ill ... the,Newman annex on campus 01. the Chur~ ~ prosecution by postaloffielals, . the fourth 'annual Fellow Chrisoo and assist the current staff 01 mailers of pornography still tion Clergym~n retreat spon-,,' five priests. iR .interviewing ,and . " ~ ~ ~ ' thYive and that complaints from 80red by the Jesuit, ~athers at : eouDseling as well .. ill eoordi.. J).'\rents about unsolici1e4 mail to Loyola - on - Potomac Retreat nating programs. children have increased 300 per Bouse bere' in Maryland: cant in the pa,st three years.' The 'clergy-retreatants were expected from such distant points ,as Clearwater Beach, Fla., and .TAUNTON, MASS. PlUMBING & HEATING, INC. Rome Post Aurora, m. The- retreat was con for I>omestic ,PROVIDENCE (NC) - Father ducted by Father David J. Bow Alexis Paul, C.P., a' native of man, S.J., assistant professor of ' e and Industrial, THE BANK ON
. . . .:s;;; . Sales and Service Norwood, Mass., who has been ecumenism at the Catholic Uni 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ( TAUNTON GREEN
OU Burners named secretary to the Passion versity of America, Washington, NEW BEDFORD ist superior general, Father The D.C., and Loyola University, WY 5-1631 ) Member of Federal Deposit
odore Foley, C.P., will leave for Chicago. .The retreat house is 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Insurance Corporation
'WYman 2.5534 f his new assignment in Rome on located some ao milea from NEW BEDFORD' 1¥as._btz,_, __ ~. ~ Moday, Aug. 23. WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. Clement Zablocki of Wisconsin has introduced a substitute for an earlier bill designed to give the Post Office Department a new tool in getting at mailers of obscene literature. Zablocki's new measure (H. R. 10331), which he said refines his first proposal, would require mailing list brokers and indi viduals and firms which use mailing lists for profit to keep detailed records of their transac tions for a period of five years. Endorsed by the Post Office DE"partment, the bill is designed ~hiefly to help postal investiga tors track down operators who rent a mailing list, often of chil drp.n's names, make ,a massive mailing of advertisements. for Bmut, do business for a short period: of time 'and then disap..
Jesuit Says Share Outlook of Bible
P Be h ' or uguese , ops Ask Collaboration
Assigns Two, Huna :
To .Newman Work
CI .R ,erg, at e, rea
,:'.SERVICE, ~
Bristol, County
" DEBROSS' OIL' \ " Bristol County: ) co.· , (. Trust 'Company ) , Heating Oils C and Burners C )
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'14 . 't:HE ~NCH~R-Di~cese
c;>! fal.' )liver-:-T~~rs;
A~g. ~~, 1965
Helpers of Brazilian Bishop
Include 'New' Bedford Nurse
From "The Church in the New Latin America" E~ited by John J. Considine, M.M. The Northeast of Brazil includes nine states of the aation, with six hundred thousand square miles (one fifth of the, national territory) and 25 million inhabitants (one third of the national population). This area possesses nine ecclesiastical provinces with and. religious clergy of the arch 61 dioceses out of a total of diocese, 6ringing them together 170 ecclesiastical divisions in every month in a country-house . the nation. With the excep- on the beach for' recollection, tion of the coastal area, the Northeast suffers periodically from prolonged droughts-sometimes of more than one yearprovoking dra-
relaxation and pastoral study. First the suffragan bishops of C~ico and Mossoro and then the other archbishops and bishops of the Northeast gradually found their way to Natal in order to study with Bishop Eugenio the mat~cmigrations common pastoral problems·' of toward 0 the r the area. In 1962 there was offi areas,e,g., toward cially established the Regional Rio de Janeiro Pastoral Office of the bishops of and Sao Paulo the Northeast, including more and toward the than 50 ecclesiastical circum':' new cap ita I, scriptions, with Bishop Eugenio Bra s iIi a • the responsible Secretary. The Northeast, The Natal Movement is a pas more than any other area, leaves toral program with apostolic as its imprint of underdevelopment well as socio-economic ·activi,ties. on Brazil. The most eloquent in- Bishop Eugenio is accustomed to dications of this underdevelop- say: "I have long abandoned the ment of the Northeast are: idea that religious instruction, 1. The high index of illiteracy preaching, celebration of Ml!!lS, -a0 per cent of the adults, and administration of sacraments :Ad In the interior 90 per cent; spiritual guidance are sufficient 2. The high index of child for evangelization. In an under mortality _ in Recife 232 per developed area it is indispen thousand and in the interior ai- sable for evangelization to give most 500 per thousand; people general human promotion. 3. The low average life expec- Otherwise we will miss the tancy of 30 years; mark!" 4. The exceptionally. hi g h The principal apostolic activ birthrate, for instance in the ities of the Movement embrace State of Ceara, 5.3. the following: 1) religious inIn order to promote sociostruction on all levels; 2) biblical economic development in this and liturgical movement; '3)re area; until. Ii .few years ago sys- newal of sacerdotal ministry; tematicallY neglected by the 4) strong parish life; 5) the edu Federal Government, there' was cational system; 6) mission recently founded the SUperin- preaching; and 7) campaign for tendency of the DEvelopment of vocations. the" NorthEast, the' famous The socio economic activities' SUDENE, which elaborated a include: 1) basic primary edu~!l gigantic plan-one of the most tion by means of radio-schools; important in the world - that 2) secondary education~ 3) labor may within a few years, change unions; 4) cooperatives; 5) han completely the socio-economic dicrafts; 6) mother and child and consequentl3i the moral-. clinics; 7) agrlcqItural club; 8) religious aspect of the area. internal migration; 9) pre!ls; 10) Powder Keg radio and television. At the moment, the N()rtheast The main support of the Is the most explosive' area of Movement t. a team of about Brazil-and perhaps of the whole 250 persons-part of them paid, western hemisphere - w hie h the others volunteers - which Communism tries to subvert, for Bishop Eugenio has buiit up instance .by ·means of the "Ligas gradually. Except for about 20 eamponesas," the leftist league of . Sisters-mostly of the Good the rural workers. Shepherd, all are laymen of both The socio-economic underde- sexes, including several univer velopment is one of the main aity graduates and a fair number reasons why the Church has not of social workers. (Among the been. able to 'develop normally. volunteers is New Bedford's Lu 'l'hus the Northeast is also under- cille Lebeau, who has been in developed spiritually. Brazil' since August, 1963, servHowever, -what nobody could ing as a nurse among the poorest have. expected, has happened: of the poor.) A hundred of this this poor Northeast has been the team labor, scattered over a starting point of the' pastoral re- dozen social· centers, in the newal of Brazil. The important working .class districts of Natal; CatholiC' program launched here " 39· compose the - team of basic is perhaps"The' t((ost~ successful education by radio, 31 form the pastoral experiment in underde- printing and press team, and 73 veloped areas in the world.," " ,.t~~ service. ~f" :r:u,~.~ ,a!jsistan~•. Pastoral Stan Bishop Eugenio himself is the This Catholic program arose leader and soul of this small but from the Movement of 'Natal,' valiant army, assisted by an in capitai of the'inostnortneasteni ternational team of experts,So state, Rio Grande do Norte, ciologis~, economisis, agrono which has about 700,000 souls mists, pastoral theologians and and only 45 secular 'and ·20 re- other specialists'. ' . ligious priests. Since the foundation of the The Movement started when Regional Pastorai Office of' the In 1948 six secular priests, under Northeast, e a c h ecclesiastical the leadership of Fathel' Eugenio Province and each. dioces~:·is... de Araujo Sales, oegan to 'meet building up its own'pastoral of':' periodically in the city of Natal fice, composed .of at. least. two, In order to face together the priests, two sisters and two lay alarming problems, particularly men. In order to promote the ~ of the rural areas. In 1954, 33 expansion and intensification of year old Father Eugenio' was . the Movement, the members of consecrated Auxiliary Bishop 10f the Natl;ll team fly throughQut Natal and took over from the the Whole Northeast, giving tech,:, blind A:rchbishop the govern- nical assistance to start and' to ment of the archdioce~e, 'rhus.he . perfect the apostolic and soclo- , was able to extend h'- "T1ostolic economic activities of the pro leadership to the \\.. _ secular cram in the ciifferent dioteseL )
NAMED 'MOST POPULAR PRO': Highlight of "CYO Night with,the Dodgers" at the Stadium in Los Angeles was the presentation of the Catholic Youth Organization's 1965 "Most Popular P.ro" plaque to pitcher Sandy Koufax of the Dodgers. Left to right at the Stadium home plate: Msgr. John P. Languille, Los Angeles CYO director; Tony Hutson, aged 5; Sandy Koufax, holding the plaque; and Elizabeth Vargas, also 5. NC Photo.
Ruins For Sale Remains of Cistercian Abbey Included
In Estate Up for Auction
LONDON (NC) - One of the greatest relics of English Cathol icism and one of the best pre served abbey ruins in Europe, Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire, has been put on sale. The remains of the Cistercian abbey, wrecked during the Ref ormation, are included in a 19,OOO-acre estate put up. for auction. It is expected to be sold for around $2.8- million. The picturesque ruins near Ripon attract thousands of' vis itors every'year. The large mon astic ruin in Europe, Fountains Abbey has been .officially listed as it place of· historic interest protected by law and cannot now be' demolished, removed or al tered without government· con sent. Founded In 113% The ruins became controver sial iIJ 1946- when a, group of Catholic laymen led by the Duke of Norfolk proposed a plan .to restore it as a monastery to· J>e a memorial to ~he Catholic dead of the two World Wars. It was also suggested that the Cister- . clans m1ght take it over again. The plan met" :with mjIch .op position from man1 people whl) . ,.
wished the ruins to remain as they are and the plan fell through. Fountains Abbey was founded In 1132 by Benedictines who wanted,a m!>re rigorous monastic life. St. Bernard sent them'Geof frlilY of Clairvaux who t$lught them the Cistercian rule. The monks were driven out and the abbey stripped and pillaged and left to deteriorate' in 1540.
DACHAU (NC) - Forty-one Polish priests, former inmates of the World War n German concentration camp here, cele brated Masses in the Carmelite convent and in the chapel of the Agon~and Death of Christ. The priests visited here at the invitation pf Auxiliary Bishop Johannes B. Neuhaeusler of Munich, who was also a prisoner at the Dachau camp. The priests had earlier celebrated Masses at the former concentration eamp Gusen, near. Linz, Austria.
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JERUSALEM (NC) - Bishop Hanna Kaldanny, '. vicar .gener.al,·q In Israel of Latin-rite patriarch Alberto Gori, O.F.M., of Serosa lern, recently ordained F~ther, Eliahu Petel of the Little Broth ers of Charles De Foucauld in a ceremony that employed Hebrew, in the admonition, explanations, sung liturgy and proper of the Mass.
., Just Acr~ssThe, " " ,. Coggeshall St: bridge . Fairhaven, Mass."
Offer Mass at Site Of Wartime Prison
Ordained in Hebrew .
LONDON (NC)-English Ses uit authorities have agreed to .delay closing their big public school at Beaumont while the matter is discussed with parents and former students. It is understood the Jesuits are willing to let the school be taken over and run by the Beau mont union, the alumni associa tion, or its noniinees provided its present high standards as one of England's leading boys' schools are maintained. They would let such a group have the buildings and grounds for a nominal rent. Though most English Catholics are not directly concerned, a storm of protest was aroused by the planned closing of Beaumont in the next two years. Its exist ing students would have been merged with Stonyhurst, their other large college in northern England. The decision was enforced by shortage of Jesuit personnel and increasing demands, particularly from the province's mission fields in British Guiana and Rhodesia.
'i ,~.
Jesuits Delay School Closing
.... - ; ......
'. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River- Thurs~Aug. 26, 1965
New England. Regional Congress
Confraternity of 'Christian
Today Through Sunday
Sunday ...Afternoon 4:00 - - Concelebrated Mass
Bishop Connolly, Principal Celebran't
Bishop Joyce of Burlington ••. 'Homily
Plan ·to' attend this four-day Congress' with other CCD members' from every Archdiocese .and' Diocese in New England
Tit;. Messoge. is SPonsored By Tit. Follow;n', 'nC#iyiC#uo'!C aad aus;ness Concerns in Greerte, Foil River: . . .I. A. M~Whirr Compan SobiloH Brothers . Products, Inc. .
Ann Brady Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Gold Medal Bread Globe Manufacturing ~ HutchiMOll Oil Co. ..
International Ladies . Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow. Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Gerald E. McNallr, ContradOf"
Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers . Union of America. AFL·CIO Yellow Cab Company .. .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs Aug. 26, 1965
Bitter Mixed With Sweet In Letters to Columnist By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. As usual, there isa somewhat odd assortment of malt on my desk, which won't fit into any logical order fo[" a column. It might be interesting to air some of it anyhow. logical order· or not. There are two letters here which wHl readily show you the con is a life of vice and that tradictory results you can life virtue is exciting and challeng-. expect from the things you ing indeed. But I find it hard to write. A California corre imagine a virtuous braggart spondent writes me that he makes good use of my books, es pecially I'll Die Laughing, to explain the Jesuits some what to his fel low seminarians. The nice thing
is that he is an Anglican semi narian. Now a -tetter like that pretty well in flates one's ego. until he realizes that the next mail, or the next, is bound to bring the deflater. And it did. A letter from a Jesuit seminarian in Missouri puts it this way: "My mother sent your book to some of her relatives who haven't spoken to us ·since I entered. The package l:ame back unopened. Don't feel bad, though-after it came back, Mom decided that she would read it." That's the way it goes some days. On Vocations rve a dittoed letter clipped to a vocation article I did, a letter which is, like all such, coura geously unsigned. Like many of the letters in this present batch, this one is from California. It professes to explain why it is perfectly all right to oppose a vocation to the religious life: "A mother's cry of hysteria, followed by a nervous break down * * * a father who takes his daughter's suitcase to a convent door who returns and throws himself on a bed and sobs· • • Why should we give up every thing in a child dear to us· • • the fear of demands made upon liS if this letter should be signed * * *.. Now I've all the sympathy in the world for parents whose ehildren enter the religious life. I also have some sympathy for those whose children marry. But I cannot see it causing a nervous breakdown in someone not al ready predisposed for one. And one great element in that pre disposition is clutching to oneVelf something which belongs to God, and the unwillingness to let a child save his soul in the way God asks. Practice of Virhae· California com e s through again with an objection ~ my calling the practice of virtue "quiet and unassuming," instead of loud-mouthed and brash, ask ing wh~ "the practice of virtue led so many people to an unquiet martyr'dom?" I'm sorry, I just have no
sources to use in arguing with.
this. It's an interesting idea to
speculate on, however-the mar tyrs brashly shooting off their
mouths during this heroic act of the love of God. My correspondent seems to seems to confuse "quiet and un assuming" with "dull and insip id," which is certainly the fur thest thing from my thoughts. I think the only dull and insipid
National Shrine WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop Andrew G. Grutka of Gary will consecrate the altar in the chapel of Our Mother of·Sorrows in the National Shrine of the Immacu late ConceptioA OIl Satl1~da¥, ~.,"
Racial Issue At least, this correspondent, in giving examples of "brash" vir tuous types like John F. Ken nedy and William Buckley all in one letter, seems to miss my meaning of "brashness," at least partially.
Quite a lengthy letter came from Missouri on (You guessed it) the racial issue, explaining why race prejudice is not realty prejudice at all but only justice and wisdom. It seems that this correspondent had once been conked on the head with a piece of pipe by a Negro, and there fore (with many ~nother similar "reason" cited), the Negro is al ways despicable and inferior. There is nothing new in this correspondent's letter-the same tired old mutterings about his own racial superiority and the Negro's alleged inferiority. (By the way I have before me some figures on army tests which indi cate that the northern Negro is superior in IQ to the southern white. Now there's an interesting item.) At any rate, I was twice bitten by police-dogs, and yet I still 10 v e police-dogs. Moreover, though I have been acquainted with many of them, not one has bitten me in years. Grown-up Teens Besides, I notice' a very Ger manish name on my correspond ent. And I can't resist mention ing that if we are going to uni versalize about a race from a man who hit another with a bit lJf pipe, then we can do • lot more universalizing about men who- cooked up those of other races in ovens. But of course only an idiot would make any attempt to universalize in either case. With the bitter there comes a little bit of the sweet from time to time, too. I am most happy with the letters from kids whlJ appreciate whatever help is given them in this column. And I am happy, too, with. those adults who write in call ing themselves, "grownup teens." Best of all are those notes from teachers who use the columns in conjunction with religion class, where the kids find them helpful and even sometimes readable. My thanks to everyone who writes, even those few who make use of me as a release from some deep-seated frustrations. That's the trouble with writing. You give yourself away too much. But I'm afraid I'm going to keep right on writing.
Consecration First In Puerto Rico
CAGUAS (NC)-For the first time in history, a native of Puer to Rico has been consecrated a bishop by another native-born Puerto Rican. The event occurred when Aux iliary Bishop Antulio Parrilla, S.J., was consecrated by Bishop Rafael Grovas of Caguas. The ceremony took place 'in the ca thedral here. Coconsecrators were two other native-born bishops - Archbish op Luis Aponte Martinez and Auxiliary Bishop Juan de Dios Lopez of San Juan. Present fol' the ceremony were the new bi9h9P's mother, his nine ~ and four sister&.
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THE ANCHORThurs.. Aug. 26, 1965
Long-Range Work Needed
To Implement Voting Law
Religious Fight Poverty In New York
By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) On Aug. 13 Rev. J·a.mes Bevel, .one of Dr. Martin Luther King's principal aides, told the Ninth Annual Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Bir mingham, Alabama, that President Johnson had signed the civil rights movement out of Dr. King and Rev. Bevel are existence in signing the Vo not the only would-be foreign ting Rights bill. "There is no policy experts from the ranks more civil rights movement," of the civil rights movement Rev. Bevel declared. The move ment, he said would develop into an "internation al peace army 1hat goes to war like all other armies. There is is no more civil rig h t s move ment * • *" Within 48 hours after Rev. Bevel made this in eredible state ment, approxi mately 35 peo ple had been killed and an esti mated $200 million worth of property had been destroyed in the Los Angeles race riot-one of the most disastrous in the en tire history of. the United States. Would it be in order, then, to BUggest to Dr. King and Rev. Bevel that they bivouac their proposed international pea c e army in Los Angeles, for at least a few days, on their way to Southeast Asia or wherever it is they plan to go on the first lap of their announced peace mis mon? Just SiariiDIt Who knows but what II few days in the embattled City of the Angels might possibly per suade them that the civil rights movemeint properly understood, far from having been signed out of existence, is really just getting started? If on the other hand, they are honestly convinced that there is no longer any civil rights move ment in the United States,-and no longer any need of one--then the sooner they bow out of the pie:ture, the better it will be for the cause of civil rights in the United States. These are admittedly harsh words, but surely there is no place in the leadership ranks of the movement for men who think of it only as a melodra matic flash-in-the-pan strategy for hastening the enactment of needed legislation and are pre pared to write it off, once and for all, as soon -as this prelim inary phase of the work has been accomplished. Would-Be Experts In brief, Dr. King and Rev. Bevel would prefer to let some body else do the hard, grubby, tedious, long-range work that needs to be done to implement the spirit as well as the letter of the civil rights legislation while they go traipsing off at the head of an international peace army. 110 be it.
Seek Tough Penalty For Obscene Cans WASHINGTON (NC)-Legis lation providing increased penal ties for obscene phone calls in the District of Columbia has been introduced in the House of Representatives by .Cornelius E.
Gallagher of New Jersey.
Gallagher's bill provides for a maximum penalty of a $500 fine
or a year in jail or both. The present maximum penalty for . obscene calls is a $10 fine. Gallagher said his bill was designed to give more protection to the "thousands of single girls who come here to work in gov ernment agencies." He called the existing District law "woefully ~adequate."
whose credentials in the field of international relations are at least open to question. One prominent civil rights leader, for example, argues very dogmatically in a recent book that there is a direct, measur able, and inexorably logical con nection between our admittedly disgraceful practice 0 f racial segregation and our present for eign policy. Given our treatment of the American Negro 'over the past hundred years and more, he asks rhetorically, "what reaction can we look for when the threat of international communism looms on the horizon? Can we be ex pected to react according to a larger imagination or breadth of mind?" Cheek Record His answer to this quest.ion is almost breathtakingly simple. In his opinion, "we have interna tionalized our attitudes of (ra cial) injustice and exclusivism, our determination to preserve our status quo of privilege and possession." In summary, our fereign pol icy is un-Christian because our treatment of the Negro has been un-Christian. Because of our racial pride, "an international transference of policy and atti tude occurs, a policy with the same psychosis as the one em ployed so widely and effectively at home." One way to test the validity of this touchingly simple thesis is to check it against the record. The record shows it to be full of holes, for the fact is that, by and large, during the past sev eral decades the South, in spite of its bad performance in the field of racial relationS, has been more' vigorously in favor of international cooperation than other sections of the country.
Grants Aid Criminal Justice Institutes NEW YORK (NC) -George town University in Washington, D. C., and the University of Chi cago will establish institutes to help improve criminal justice under grants of $1 million each from the Ford Foundation. Georgetown's institute, to be set up at its new law center, ;will conduct research and dem onstration projects in the Wash ington area. The University of Chicago's law school will estab lish an institute to conduct a research-oriented program in law enforcement, corrections and delinquency. In addition, the foundation an nounced a $680,000 grant to the American Bar Foundation for studies of the national cost of criminal-law administration, dis position of chronic-drunk cases, and various problems of legal l'epresentation in criminal cases.
NEW YORK (NC)-Some 300 clergy and Religious from the Archdiocese of New York have been taking
DEDICATED: This new cathedral in Lincoln, Neb., was dedicated yesterday by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, ApostoHc Delegate in the U.S. NC Photo.
Lauds Religious
Cardinal Shehan in Tribute to Nation's First Catholic Bishop BALTIMORE (NC) - Law rence Cardinal Shehan 01. Balti more has praised the religious liberty of Americans in a state ment noting the l75th anniver sary of the consecration of the nation's first Catholic bishop. Catholics, said Cardinal She han, "should thank God for the incomparable blessing 01. reli gious liberty whicl. has been granted us in this country." His statement noted that Aug. 15 marked the 175th anniver sary of the consecration of the first bishop of Baltimore, John Carroll, the founder of the U. S. hierarchy. One Condition Bishop Carroll, said the car dinal, undertook his duties under difficult circumstances, but there was "one condition which was most heartening, of which he never lost sight." "This was the principle and the right of religious liberty, embodied in the Fir-st Amend ment to the Constitution in the very year of Carroll's consecra tion, to which this country was irrevocably committed.
Pope Praises New Diocesan Paper SPRINGFIELD
(NC) -
'"To this principle he never failed to pay tribute in speech and in writing. Without it, the work of Carroll in establishing the Church in this country would have been immeasurably more difficult, if not impossible," be said.
Wall Tests Church Strength in Poland BERLIN (NC)-An old wan that encloses Church property in the Polish town of Lomza has be come another test of strength in Poland between the Catholic Church and the communist gov ernment, it has been reported here.
Town officials want to tear down the wall to widen a road and bave offered the local church $2,700 in compensation. The pastor of the church turned down the money because, he said, the government would not promise to issue permits to build a new walL In mid-June the pastor placed II statue of the Virgin Mary next to the w'all, making the location a holy place. Now officials say the statue and the wall will be removed if an agreement is not
reached by Nov. 1.
part ir. this city's war on poverty this Summer. In cooperation with the Office of Economic Opportunity, Arch diocesan Commission for Com munity Planning centers con ducted a "Summer in the city" program in 39 neighborhood areaE'. The commission set up centers throughout the city with a par ish coordinator, usually a priest, and a center coordinator, usually a priest or nun, at each. Three paid professionals teach drama, music and art; each pro fessional has two assistants, and there are three assistants for'<'"' general duties. Every center also has a six member committee of residents whc help work out policies best suited to individual areas. Good Effects Al~ough it is too early to judge result§, there appear to be some good effects from the pro gram already. "We worried aoout our children in other Summers," one woman said. "We wondered where they were wandering during the day. Now we know where they are. And more wonderful still, they are learning to work together." "Jt would be wonderful," said another woman, "if these facil itieos and programs could be kept (lpen throughout the year." One t.eenage volunteer offered his own observation: "Three weeks ago I didn't even know the other people who live in my building. Now with all the 'Sum mer in the city' activity every- . body says hello to everyone else * • * ··Something good is happening. there because nobody is th.e same. Maybe it's because they're. people now."
Jesuit Provincial PONCHATOULA (NC) - A new provincial superior has been named for one of the Society of Jesus' largest U. S. provinces with headquarters here in Lou isiana. He is Father John H. Edwards, S.J., 40, a native of DaJlas, Tex., and former master of novices at St. Charles College, Cirand Copeau, La. He will head ~he Jesuits' lIfew Orleans prov-'"'C JDce.
p~.lUi VI has conveyed his con
gratulations and imparted his
blessing over the launching of
the Mirror, Springfield-Cap~ 427 Second St. Cor. Morgan Girardeau diocese newspaper, in a message to Bishop Ignatius J. Ed. McGinn, Prop. ·Strecker here in Missouri. OLIVEtTI The message from Amleto Car dinal Cicognani, papal Secretary Calculators-Adding & Ace'. of State, said the Pope had re Machines
t'eived a copy of the first edition
We Do Duplicating of the Mirror. " Tel. Enclosed with the cardinal's 679-6712, 675-7806 -7807 Jetter was a holy card on which
the Pope per~onally had written:
"Where the Spirit of God is, ' ... there also is the Church in all
its graces."
Tri-City Office Equip.
MONTHLY CHURCH BUDGET ENVELOPES PRINTED AND MAILED Write or Phone 672-1322 234 Second Street - Fall River
,..-.....-tJ....."......,.......- . . . . . . " ....."......,............tJ....."......,.......--.
Fund Organization
ST. LOVIS (NC)-Represen tatives of 26 dioceses will con sider forming a national organi zation to provide advice on dioc-· esan development funds at a di ocesa.n development fund and financing seminar here next week. Eight representatives' of professional fund-raising firms will describe new techniques in fund raisin~
QOUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In Italian Dinners Our Specialty
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Thurs.. Aug. 26, 1965
Family Planning
Warns Against Red Agitation
MEXICO CITY (NC) - A Catholic - oriented organization here has warned that communist agitation among Indian, farm workers is increasing and called on the government to halt it. tn. JOHN BAPTIST, The National Synarchist Union CENTRAL VILLAGE said Red agents are urging the A food sale will be conducted Indians to rebel and are training Sunday morning after all the them in guerilla warfare in Masses by a committee consist Durango, Guanajuato, Zacatecas Ing of Mrs. Richard Viera, Miss and Michoacan states. Veronica Viera and Robert The union said it has received Viera. information that communist ef A. Edmond Furgeuele will pre forts in Michoacan are being sent a Pops Concert at White's backed by former President' Restaurant on Friday night, Sept. 3, at 7:30. A buffet will be Lazaro Cardenas and his brother' served and tickets may be ob-' 'Damaso, a former governor of the state.
tained at the rectory or from Red agitators are also at work any member of the Women's in the uni versi ties and secondary Guild. schools, the union added. With some 500,000 member!;, SACRED HlfARTS. the union is preparing to organ FAIRHAVEN ize itself as a political party. The Ladies of St. Anne will receive Communion in a body, at the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday G'rorning. Registration for pre-primary and kindergarten classes will be held at the rectory Suriday after noon, from 2 to 4, and again the following Sunday, Sept. 5 at the aame hours. Non-parishioners may be, reg Istered at this time. •
Parish Parade
8T. MARY, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will spon sor a one day trip to the World's Fair on Saturday, Oct. 2, for members, their' families and friends. Arrangements may be made by contacting Mrs. Catherine Murphy, president, Miss Mar garet M. Riley, chairman or any member of the committee. The deadline for reservatiolbi ... Sept. 14.
.. of,
u. s. Senate Anti-Poverty Extension
Sanctions Birth Control- Projects WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate Labor and Public Wel fare Committee has approved an extension of !the Economic Op portunity Act which includes specific authorization for birth control projects. Sen. Joseph Clark of Pennsyl vania sponsored the amendment ~hich will make "family plan ning" one of the officially recog nized services of community ac tion programs supported under the act. OEO spokesmen said that of the 400 community action pro gl'ams now under way, supported 90 per cent by federal funds, eight include family planning efforts.
The bill in which Clark's amendment was. incorporated by a voice vote of the committee' would extend the anti-poverty war one year and increase the money available for it from about one billion dollars to $1.65 billion. The, House, which already has approved its version of an extension bill, did not take up the issue of family planning. ' Clark's proposal was added to a list of services that are eligible for federal financing under the community act ion programs. Such projects usually are a
blending of public and private local resources to provide a wide variety of services to combat poverty.
Agency to Help Mission Project GUAYARAMERIN (NC)-The United States Agency for InteP national Development <AIDt will give technical assistance • U. S. missioners here who 'are cultivating a wild-growing me dicinal root. Father Donald R. Steed, M.M.. said the AID mission to Bolivia plans to provide a chemist and a root expert tQ help establish a processing facility. The root, ipecoc, contains • drug that is used in the treat ment of amoebic dysentery. The only sources of the root are ill jungle areas of Brazil, Guate mala and Bolivia. Father Steed, a native of West Medford, Mass., said more thaa $7,000 worth of ipecac was proc essed and marketed last year during the first year of the project.
Financial. Difficulty For Religious Unit OTTAWA. (NC) -Archbishop Marie Joseph Lemieux, O.P. of ottawa has been appointed by the Holy See to act as temporary superior general of a religious .rder in financial difficulty. The community is the Congre gation de la Fraternite Sacer tlotale, founded in Paris in 1901 by a Canadian priest. It is dedi eated to the care of ill and aged priests and also offers guest rooms for visiting priests and vacation residences. The congregation of 65 priests and 90 brothers is selling many ef its residences to buy back IIOme $7,000,000 in debentures is . d in 1961 and redeemable in 10 years or earlier.
Little Rock Diocese
Plans School Board
LITTLE ROCK (NC)-Father William M. Beck, Little Rock di ecesan school superintendent, bas. announced plans to form a diocesan board of education • made up of priests, Religious and laymen. Bishop Albert L. Fletcher of Little Rock has' asked pastors to submit names of q~alified lay men.
Blind Girl Passes HONG KONG (NC) - One hundred home-made volumes of Braille textbooks plus the help of many friends have made 22 year-old Josephine Yeoung one of the happiest girls in Hong Kong. Using Braille t e][ t. laboriously transcribed by her sighted classmates a~ St. Francis Canossian College, Josephine be eame the first blind person to pass the Hong Kong English, School Certificate Examination. --:...
Fryers & Broilers ALL FARM FRESH
First Nationars Famous Ribs of Beef - USDA Choice Grade
Sirloin Tip Roast 1st Two Ribs LB
llB 1 oz CANS
NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST RETAILER OF FINE FOODS! Prices effective in faU River and Somer5.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan RIver-Thurs. Aug.. 26; 1965
Theologians, Educators Urge Effort· to Foster Ecum·enism
Morally Unobiect~abl. for Everyone MrHoI
Boy '"lei Feet hi (:onquertd CitJ GlT 10, 80 ManiI Srell Race Sreatest Story ' - 'JIM Halleluja!l TrmJ Help Hercules, SantpsolI.. Ulysses Incident at PIlant.. lIughinc Twenties
MagnifICent Met III Flying Machines
... From Button WHIIow
Man of the W1tderMu .."., . "
Murie"a My Fair Lady . . Pfnocchio In Outer Spa Sandokan the Great Seaside Swingers Sergeants 3 Shenandoah Swingers Pndlse
Sword of Ali B8bI
Those CallowaY'
Truth About Sprilll
Topo Glgio
Up From the Bed
Yon Ryan's Express Voyage to End UIIivIM Willie McBean World of Abbotl and CeItIII Yank 1ft Viet Nam, A
You Have to Run FISt
ZebnI il tile Kitchel
Unobiectionable for Adults,.Adolescents Agony and Ecstas,
Glory Guys'
Arimna Raidel'l .. Gorgon Btack Spurs Great Sioux Massacre Brigand of Kando. Harvey Middleman, Fireman Cat .Ballou High Wind II Jamaicl Curse of the Fly . Ipcress File Curse of the MinnInIt" Ivanhoe DOnaldson Tomb , Kimberle) Jim Dark Intruder King's Story Dr. Terror's House love and Kisses of Horrors Masquerade Fool Killer Mirage Cunfightel'l fill c.. Nobody WM4 ~ 8rande Overcoat
Secret of Blood IsII11d
Secret of Success
Seven Slaves
633 Squadron
Situation Hopeless
That Funny Feeilng
TIckle Me
36 Hours
Tomb of ligeia
Unsinkable Molly 8nIwI
Wild on the Beacll
Young Fury
MoraDy Unobiedionable for Aduhs Agent B
Backfire I HaYi, a Wild Weekend Battle Il tile YII1a PIDrtII How 0 Murder Your Wlft Bay of the Angels Hush, Hush, Sweet Beba's Girl Hysteria Blind Comer If BiOOne Brainstorm " Successo Crooked Road I Saw What You DId Die, DIe MY Dartilll La TIa Tula Finnegan's Wake Nothing But a Man Genghis Khan. . . Once a. Thief CoIdfineer Operation Snafu ,
Patch of Blue
Sergeant Deadhead
Ship of Foo'~
Slave Trade in tilt WorM
Strange Bedfellows
Third Day
Umbrellas of Cherbourl
Very Specia; Favor
War lord
West Side Story
Wild Affllr
For Adults (With Reservations) lIIIs classlfJCatiOll II lIVen to certain f HIM, ""Ich, while not morally offelll'" " themselves, rlQVire caution and some analysis and explanation as a protectlol to the uninformed _lISt wrOlll Iftterpretatlons IIld false conciusiolll. Anatomy 01 • MarrIatI UIlth Suddenly last Summw Best MIn Love • Is Carte Taboos 111 the World
Blld LiIle Me Martin ~uther This Sporting life
Collector MoInent of Truth Under Yom YlJWI Tr.
Cool World Organizer Yic:tlm
Darling Nothing But tile Best Visit, The
Dr. StraArelove Pumpkin Eater Walk on Wild Side
Girl W"1tII tile GIeeI bit Sky Above & Mud Below Yellow Rolls Royce
KnacIl Strangers Ill. the CItr YOUR' I WiIlln.
Morany Objedionable in Part for Everyone AIllericalllzatlon of _ Amorous Adventures Bla Sabbstft Blood and Black Lace Casanove 70 Cincinnati Kid City of fear Desert Raven Diary of • CIIl111lbenMtd ~
JDy House
Kitten With AMID lost World 01 SinbICl les 'Abysses loved One love. the Itella W., Mozambique Male Hunt Money Trap ~ed~
4 for Texas Nutty, Nau~ ChItuI 8ft YGllrselt A CoHtat lilt Psyche 5 9 ' . CIrIs • The BeecII Quick, Before It MeItI HIrIow R'lCing Fever Now to Stuff • fIN Raiders FfOlI 8IIlIItIt 8lliAi the Sea
Sex and the Singfe ... Small World of S8malr '" The Devil and the 10 Commandrnenll the Sandpiper
TIme Travelers
Ullder Age
Vice anti Virtue
tOlIng· Dillinger
What's New, Pussyclt
Nhy Bother to KROCk
yesterday, Today IIId Tomorrow '-bit
Condemned BamboIe CIrcle at Love fmnt'l Canvas Hlp II FIdelity Lefs Tell About· WonItI
lAM Goddesses
Magnificent CUckotd New Angels
Sweet IIId Sow
To love-
Woman 111 tile DUlles
WIIftt Voices
SKINDIVER-MOUNTAIN•. EER: Brother S. Lawrence,· .F .S.C., chairman of the bi ()logy department at Saint Mary's. College, Moraga, Calif., has an $84,000 grant from .the government to study wind-borne pesticide residues in California mount ains. In his work, he back packs full skindiving equip. ment to elevations of 13,000 feet and more. NC Photo.
Interfaith Group Runs Job Center RUTLAND (NC)-A group of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish women is running Vermont'l only Job Corps center. for women. The ladies are memben of Women in Community service (WICS) , a national organization formed by the National Council of Catholic Women, the United Church Women, the CouneR of Jewish Women and the National 'Council of Negro Women. At the request of the Offtce of :Economic Opportunity, they set up an office to screen joble. women between 18 and 21 who apply for job training under the :Economic Opportunity Act. Almost a dozen businesses and organizations contributed time and material, including the of-' flce of Bishop Robert F. Joyee of Burlington, which mimeographed the center's material and distrib lIted it to pl'iests to encourage them to engage III recruitment fer the program.
Build Underground
Catholic Church
COOBER PEDY (WC) - Row to make a hole in a hill look like
• ehurch il the problem 01. the parish priest in thi. Australian mining town. Everyone dip 1Dl derground here to beat the ex tremes of hot and cold weather today,- Dr. Hellegerl ntd, ""Incl. and the ever-present dust. . The underground CathoUc 7et It seema to me - - - that DOt church will be completed by the only are' methods which are IlC eeptable to Catholics nie17 end of the year, according to discussed in testimony, they are Father George; O~ .M. Conv. It poorly taught in medical 1Choo1l, will have a front door and side If at all, (and) poorly undentood windows like any other church. Inside, it will be about 50 by by physicians, If at all.40 feet in area under a hill that "'Until such time as this is cor rected ," he said, "I could DOt in il almost 50 feet high. After Ini- good conscience refer patienta to tial blasting. by the parishioners, such clinics knowing that eath.. who are opal miners; pneumatic oUes could not be completely shovels will be put to work to· served in accordance with the dear the interior. dictates of their conscience.
Doctor Says Government People'. Servant in Family Planning WASHINGTON (HC) A Catholic doctor, testifying before • Senate birth control hearing, accepted 'the idea of government involvement in family planning but stressed that in this area "the state is the servant of the peopIe and not its master.Dr. Andre E. Helle/ers also charged that during the hearings conducted over the past several weeks by the Senate Government Ope rat ion s Subcommittee, "met~ods (of family planning) acceptable to Catholics have been conspicuous by their scarcIty in the discussions." "There are about one-half billion Catholics III the world
Believe in God WASHINGTON (HC) - The Harris Survey said here 97 per eent of the nation's adults })e. lieve in God and that 51 per cent go to church once • week GI'
Dr. Hellegers, a native of the Netherlands, is an associate pro fessor of obstetrics and gynecol ogy at Johns Hopkins University. He was one of a group of prOJD. inent Catholics .who signed • recent statement saying that government can have a role III family planning programs, "'ao long as human life 'and personal righta are safeguarded" and no -coercion" • iDvolveG • IIIdl prOil'am8.
NEW YORK (NC)-An inter and support a continuing serh!Jf religioUIJ group of acholars hili of ecumenical meetings through· urged the Nat lon.l Catholie . out the country." Welfare Conference and the "We particularly urge," the3' National Council of Churches to added, "that there be inaugu· create "structures" to foster the rated throughout the country l' ecumenical dialogue throughout cOntinuing series of ecumenical the country. prayer meetings to give expree- The appeal was made jointly lion to that degree of unity Wr by 17 Catholic and Protestant have already achieved and te,. theologians and educatol'l who implore the grace of the Ho~' have been professors or visiting Spirit to bring us to that perfect acholan during the Summer at unity which is His will." Union Theological Seminary Catholic signers of the apeal here. Included Father Cajetan Cher· They described themselves u eso, O.P.,- College of St. ThomQli. "keenly conscious 'of the spiritu St. Paul, Minn.; Father Walter al benefit we have received M. Bedard, O.F.M., Loyola Col·' through our prayer in common lege, Montreal; Father RobertE and our extended theological O'Brien, S.J., St. Peter's College. dialogue.- As a result of their Jersey City; Father LeandJ'{ exPerience, they added, theY Poirier, O.F.M., University o~ have "become more painfully Montreal; Rosemary Z. Lauer St. John's University, New York. aware of the scandal of a divid ed Christendom." Father Anthony B. Brzoska, S",. They urged the NCWC and Canisius College, Buffalo; ant! the NCC to "take immediate and Father Arthur L. Kinsella, O.P.. effective measures to set up the Immaculate Conception Colle. structures necessary to initiate Great Bend,' Kan.
Abbey Service LONDON (NC)-For the first time since it was taken over by . the Church of England, a Catho lic priest took part in a service at Westminster Abbey. Father Ed mund Jones, superior of the Oli vetan Benedictines in north Lon- . don, was one of the three clergy men who led prayera in the a~ be)" In an interdenominational .rviee for ChrWian unit}'.
Vatican Radio Plea For 'Sane Driving'
Women's College SCRANTON (NC) - The first JIUUl ever graduated from Mary. wood College here in Pennsyl vania is Leo J. Dorsey, 24, of this city, a· llOCial worker. He re eeived • master of lCience de gree. in' counseling education at the Summer commencement ex ercises of the college now cele brating ita 50th anniversBry. Marywood had ita c h art e r rilanged last September to allow men to enroR· ill the Jraduate program. .
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatl;, ean Radio has broadcast a p . for sane' driving over the Sum-. mer holidays in Italy. "No traffic, no measures bow "er effi~ent can Insure trafftt safety ~ long .. man's e9&o llcience has not reached mo:r~ Maturity," the plea stated. "It ... • 'natural duty to respect the . health and welfare of one's neighbor. It il a grave duty to protect. the lives of others. It ilJ a giave fault to take lightly tire risk of' killing,' mutilating _ harming the physical integrity and welfare of one's neighb01'll," Vatican Radio'. warning came 1ft . the light of statistics whicll reported that' In the first five months·of 1965 there have been 120,000 auto accidents, 81,000 persons injured and 3,100 JdUe4 ill ,Italy.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa'.' River-Thurs.: Au~. 26, 1965 . .. ,
GOLDEN JUBILEE OF OUR LADY OF TH~ ANGELS PARISH, F ALL RIVER: Left: Following the Jubilee Mass, thl'ee of the principals meet in the rectory. His Excellency Vasco Vieira Garin, Ambassador of Portugal to the U. S., main speaker at the banquet; Bishop Connolly who offered the Pontifical. Mass and spoke following. the Mass; Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, administrator. Center, Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medei- .
·Animals Problem For Missioners
Third 'New Bedford Area' Priest i.n Post Assumptionist Is USSR Apostolic Administrator
MOSHI (NC)-Killing cobra!! and shooting rampaging liOll!! Continued from Page One are still parts of a missionary'S the U.S.S.R., it was announced stock in trade in Africa'. by Very Rev. Armand H. Des .Many thousands of wild ani mals still roam on this continent autels, A.A., Provincial Superior of the Assumptionist Fathers. that remains one of the world's Father LaPl3nte will replace last natural 'habitats of wildlife. Rev: Joseph F. Richard, A.A., But occasionally some unfriend-' who has held the post since 1961. ly ones come a bit too close for comfort. . . , . , Father LaPlante is the third As sumptionist Priest from the New A carpenter at the Holy Ghost Bedford area to serve in this Fathers' mission in. Usa picked capacity. Father Joseph Richard, up a load of lumber recently A.A., the current Chaplain and and. found himself staring into the late Rev. Leopold L. S. the eyes of two irritated cobras. Braun, .A.A., the first to serve His- cry of alarm alerted Father the Moscow mission, were resi Gerald M. Feeley, C.S.Sp., of' dents of New BedfOrd. Sy~acuse,..New. York, who took A native of No. Dartmouth, careful aim with bow and aT Father LaPlante is the son of JIOWS and cut the cobras in two. MI'. and Mrs. Eugene A. LaPlante Lions Threat of 42 Spring Street, No. Dart-, Lions present the biggest'threat . mouth. .' to the mission in Simanjiro in He attended. St. Anthony's the diocese" of .Arrisha. They Parochial School of New Bed-' seem to 'be contim~ally' attracted' ford and was graduated· from to' the area, perhaps because or Assumption High SChool, (now the cows that live in the Masar A.!isumption Prep. School)' of tribe's corrals' nearby.. But Si~' . Worcester in 1950. After his first two years of manjiro niiss~OJ1 has at least two study at Assumption' College,· ~ .expert lion hunters, Father Eu gene Rillmap; C. S. Sp., from also in Worcester, he·entere.d the Norwood,Mas~., and brother' Assumptionist Novitiate in Que Francis Sullivan,. C,S., Sp.,· of.-. bec, Canada. A year later; he .re Staten Is~and, New YOlk , '. turned to Assumption College as. religIOUS brother and Usually when the lions' enter the area, the Masai schoolboys' awarded a Bachelor of' Arts de." eall Fat her 'R ill m a Ilj ",ho: gree in 1955.' Brother LaPlante pursued his. · promptly disposes. of them. Re-' eently, after he had shot one be-' studies for the priesthood at the tween the eyes, he had the sh9Ck' Assumptionist Theological Sem of seeing it walk several steps: inary in Layrac, France, where before falling. over dead behind, he was ordained to the Priest hood on Oct. 19, 1958. · " bush. . From 1959 td' 1963 he studied Canon Law at the Lateran Pon tifical University in Rome, cul-. minating in a J.C.D. (Doctor of Canon Law) degree. In March, 1963, he was ap ATHENS (NC)-Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville has pointed to the Faculty of As given to the Catholic center at sumption C.ollege as an Instruc tor in Philosophy. Since Septem Ohio l!niversity here the canon ber of that same year, he has ical status of a parIsh: Father Frank C. Cronin has held the post of Instructor in been named administrator of the Theology. Father LaPlante is a centerto be known as Christ the member of the Canon Law So- . ciety of America. Kin& parish. The center attracts The American Catholic Chap some 2,500 persons, all associated laincy in Moscow was set up as with the universit~'. The decree calls for the new a result of the Roosevelt-Litvi- . parish to embrace all students, nov Agreement in 1933, whereby . the United States and the Soviet . "all who work" at the univer sity, and their Catholic spousei Uni9n established diplomatic re lations. A special clause in that and children.'
University Center Becomes Parish
ros, preacher at the Mass; Atty. Francis J. Carreiro, consul of Portugal in Fall River, who addressed the banquet gathering; Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, who also spoke at the .dinner. Right: Antone Michaels, Jubilee president; Rt. Rev. Augusto ·L. Furtado who spoke for the clergy at the banquet; M·anuel C. Faria, treasurer~'
Agreement recognized the right Soviet Union to replace him. The of Americans living in Moscow American chaplains after Fr. to have ministers of their own . Laberge have been allowed b;y denominations. The first Catho the Russians to say Mass in St. lic Chaplain was Father Leopold Louis Church only on special Braun, 1934-1945, who died on occasions. For instance, after July 18, 1964. H;e was succeeded the death of Pope John XXIII, by Fathers .Antonio Laberge, Father Richard was permitted to 1945-1948; Louis Robert Bras say a public Requiem Mass there, sard;1949-1952; Georges Bisson in the presence of the Diplomatic nette, 1953-1955; Louis Dion, Corps and of a Russian Govern 1958-1961; and Joseph Richard. ment representative. The Rus "his Chaplain is not appointed sians claim that the Roosevelt to the American Embassy, rather Litvinov Agreement allowed for his services are extended to an;y an American Chaplain in Mos-' American Catholics in Moscow cow but not normally for public whether at the Embassy or not. services. Consequently, on week In practice, he acts as Chaplain days he says Mass in his private for all the Catholics in the Mos chapel dedicated to Our Lady of cow Diplomatic Corps. Hope, in his eighth-story flat, Assumptionists h a v e ~lways and on Sundays also in: the Ar filled the post mainly. because, gentine Embassy.
when the Roosevelt-Litvinov
Though technlcall;y there •
Agreement was signed, there nothing to prevent the American
was already a French. AssuQlp -Chaplain frOID having. contacts . tionist, Bishop Pie Neyeu, in with Russians, in general he Moscow as rector of the church avoids .doing so in· order not to of St. Louis. He was one of • compromise the ~ussians con small group of Assumptionists cerned, who are never eneour- . who had been in Russia since aged b;y their Government to. 1903. . have close relations with non-: Fathers Braun a nd Laberge Russians. The normal term of
were allowed by the Russian service in ~oscow is about thr~
authorities to use the church of years, though it has sometime. St. Louis. However, at the end been extended. of 1950, the Russians expelled Assumptionists h a v e beeB Bishop Neveu's successor as rec-· tor of St. Louis and introduced working for unity between Rom • ~atvia,n priest, a citizen of the ~ an Catholicism and Orthodox Christians in the Near East since 1863,when, at the request of. . ~ope Pius IX, Father Emmanuel CAPETOWN (NC) - Owell d'Alzon. (1810-1880), their Foun Cardinal McCann of Capetown der, sent some of them to wor~ has called for an investigation. for. that purpose in Bulgaria. into alleged .abuses in South
African prisons. The prelate
suggested that the investigation.
also determine why "so high a·
proportion of the population is
in prison."
Los Angeles Starts Teacher TV Plan LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Archdiocese of Los Angeles win begin a pilot phase of its educa tional television programming this Fall with the beaming of programs to teachers in 2S schools on one of three closed circuit channels allocated to the archdiocese.
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. Asks Prison Probe
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