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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Frrm-St. Paul

Vol. 20, No. 35 © 1976 The Anchor $5.0:~~~E~: Fall River, Mass., Thursday, August 26~ 1976

Diocesan Priests' Retreat By Rev. Donald Connolly Priests of the Diocese of Fall River have been invited to participate in the traditional annual Priests' Retreat to be held this year at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, in early September. Rev. Donald Connolly, ana-

Father Donald Connolly, age 43, is a native of Boston, Massachusetts. Ordained in 1960 for the Archdiocese of Miami, Florida, he received his Master of Arts Degree in American History from the Catholic University of America. Father Connolly's priestly ministries have included 16 years of parish work; various assignments in the Archbishop's office Tum to Page Seven

Office of Social Services Opens. Counseling Centers The diocesan Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates has announced the inception of Catholic Counseling Services, a program of pastoral and family counseling with Rev. Maurice T. Lebel, S.J., former rector of the Jesuit community of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River,' serving as a fulltime staff member. Father Lebel will be in residence at St. Joseph Rectory, Fall River, and will be available at both the Fall River and New Bedford offices of Catholic Social Services. He holds a master's degree in counseling from the University of Detroit and has for some time been associa.ted with the diocesan Social Services office on a part-time basis. His work will be focused on helping individuals work through problems of varied degrees of intensity on all levels of personal, family, occupational and social concern. Short-term counseling will be available from the new office in crisis situations and moderateterm services will be provided for more complex problems pertaining to familly and marital

Abortion Is "Death-Blow" To U.S. Family Life

FATHER CONNOLLY tive of Boston and since 1960 a priest of the Archdiocese of Miami will conduct the tWo weeklong sessions, sponsored by the Diocese.

New Treasurer FaII Riverite Reverend Ronald Hebert, M.S., a native of Fall River, has been appointed Treasurer General of the Congregation of the Missionarie of Our Lady of La Salette. This appointment, dated July 29, 1976, was made by the Very Reverend Lionel R. LeMay, M.S., Superior General of the Religious Congregation. Father Hebert, the son of Edmond Hebert and the late Fernande (Desrosiers) Hebert of Fall River, was born there on January 3, 1939. He attended St. Ann's School and in 1953 enterTum to Page Two

BOSTON (NC) - A nationally prominent black woman physician has denounced the U.S. Supreme Court's abortion rulings as "a death blow~' against family life in America. Dr. Mildred F. Jefferson spoke at a ladies luncheon at the 94th annual meeting of the supreme council of the Knights of Columbus. She is an assistant clinical professor of surgery at the Boston University School of Medicine and president of the National Right to Life Committee. Dr. Jefferson excoriated the court as "an enemy for our republic and a traitor to our country." Her address followed a speech earlier in the meeting in which Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt said the high court violated the First Amendment by establishing a national religion: "the religion of irreligion - secular humanism, established and decreed by the courts." Dr. Jefferson was also critical of three members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation,< all Democrats and Catholics, for their "indifference" to the right to life movement. She cited Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Jesuit Father Robert F. Drinan, a U.S. Representative, and House

majority leader, Thomas P. O'Neill. "Congressman Drinan always voted against us," Dr. Jefferson Tum to. Page Seven

REV. MAURICE T•. LEBEL, S.J. relations, peer and authority relationships, psychosomatic and disorders and issues of psychosexual development. Severe clinical disorders will be professionally referred for diagnostic evaluation and treatment. In addition to individual counseling, experim~ntal group meetings will be offered to adults: The meetings will be designed to maximize emotional development through peer interaction, communication and cognitive insight. . Fees for the service are based on a sliding scale according to the income of the client, but no one will be refused attention because of inability to pay, said

Gerald Ford and Catholics Cordial Relations; Mixed Views Jim Castelli KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC)During Gerald .Ford's two years as president, his relationship with Catholic leaders has been highly cordial, but Church leaders have given his administration mixed reviews- on performance. In general, Ford has received .high marks from Catholics for his personal integrity and piety, his personal opposition to abortion, his support of aid to parochial schools and for some of hi~ foreign policy efforts. But Church leaders have often criticized Ford's policies on the economy, human needs programs and some of his foreign policy positions. Ford has met with Church leaders on a number of occasions. Last year, he met with

Pope Paul VI in Rome and with a delegation of five American bishops discussing issues of concern at the White House. In October, 1974, he met with Cardinal Terence .Cooke of New York to hear a report on the dinars trip through faminetom African nations. Earlier this year, he paid a visit to Cardinal William Baum of Washington, D. C., to congratulate him on being named a cardinal. Just a few weeks ago, Ford received a standing ovation from 100,000 people at the closing ceremonies of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia after he said he shared their concern over the "growing irreverence for life." Foliowing is a summary of Church. reactions to some of Ford's policies: -Abortion. Ford has support-

.....- - - I n This Issue'--He's International Treasurer

Sisters Kathleen, Beverly Make Final Vows

Page 2

Pages 3, 6

Rev. Peter N. Graziano, director of the Department of Social Services. He stressed that the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association will be maintained in all counseling relationships, especially in the area of confidentiality. Counseling appointments may be made at either the New Bedford or Fall River office of the Social Services Department. The New Bedford telephone number is 997-7337 and the Fall River number is 676-8481. The New Bedford office is located at 628 Pleasant St., Rooms 417-419 in the Duff Building; and the Fall River office is at 368 North Main St.

ed a constitutional amendment which would return decisions about abortion to the state level. Cardinal Cooke, who heads the bishops' Pro-life Activities Committee, has praised Ford's willingness to back an amendment. "Only an 3mendment which Turn to Page Six

Timely Archbishop Bernardin

WASIDNGTON (NC) - The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops has praised the anti-abortion language in the Republican party platform, saying it is "timely and important" recognition of the value of life. Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati said in a statement that the language· will encourage public dialogue on abortion.

New Rector At Our Lady's Chapel Page 3 .


Seek Cape Nurses

Statistics Stagger But Greatest Is Love

Page 6

Page 10


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976








ization here to fight what they say is the systematic exclusion of their neighborhoods from consideration for home insurance policies by major underwriting companies.'


Karen Quinlan Fund MORRISTOWN, N.J. - The parents of Karen Quinlan have donated $10,000 in profits from a magazine article on their 22-year-old comatose daughter's case to Bishop Lawrence B. Casey of Paterson for a living memorial fund to aid an undisclosed health-care facility. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quinlan said the $10,000 was about' half of what the Ladies Home Journal paid them for their exclusive story, published in the magazine's September issue.

Indifference to Press ~

SAN FRANCISCO - At an awards ceremony honoring him here, a Catholic editor expressed concern at what he termed "the growing indifference of some Church leaders in relation to the religious press." Gerard E. Sherry, editor-manager of The Monitor, newspaper of the San Francisco archdiocese, was presented with the National Conference of Christians and Jews' Golden Medallion Award.

Orders Elections I

WASHINGTON - The National Labor Relations Board has ordered union representation elections for teachers and other professional personnel at Boys Town in. Nebraska. Also, in separate rulings handed down in August, the board ordered that four members of the Gray Nuns of . the Sacred Heart be included in the lay faculty union at D'Youville College, Buffalo, N.Y., and rejected a request by a hospital run by the Sisters of Charity of Providence in Montana that the board decertify the nurses' union there.

Fight Cancellations DETROIT - Members of eight Catholic parishes have joined with a community organ-


The parishioners have linked themselves with the Michigan Avenue Community Association (MACD), which has been active on several neighborhood-issue fronts, to reverse recent refusals to renew homeowner policies.

Blankets For Refugees NEW YORK - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has shipped 2,500 blankets, valued at $10,000 to the 4,000 victims of the 52-day battle for the Tall al-Zaatar, Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. The refugee camp which had been under heavy attack by the Christian forces in Lebanon, capitulated Aug. 13. The survivors, mostly women and children, are being transported to Moslem areas in Lebanon. The CRS emergency cargo of blankets left here by plane Aug. 16. CRS, the overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics, has sent more than $274,000 in cash in the past 14 months to help Lebanese refugees. Among major purchases of food stuffs made by CRS in Europe in recent months were 100 tons of dried milk and 200 tons of flour, valued at $109,000.

. Infant Baptisms Down OKLAHOMA CITY - Catholic infant baptisms in Oklahoma have decreased 31 percent during the last decade, according to a study conducted by the Sooner Catholic, newspaper of the Oklahoma City archdiocese. The study shows that 26,521 baptisms took place in Oklahoma from 1966 to 1975 compared to the 38,418 baptisms recorded for the previous decade, 1956 to 1965.


SEPT. 4 Joseph P. Tallon, 1864, St. Mary, New Bedford John J. Maguire, FoundPeter, Provincetown

SEPT. 5 Rev. Napoleon A. Messier, 1948, Pastor, St. Matthew, Fall River SEPT. 7 Very Rev. James E. McMahon, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs SEPT. 8 Rev. Thomas Sheehan, 1868, Founder, Holy Trinity, West Harwic~.

World State Aid to Schools ROME - Italian bishops are planning to appeal to the Italian high court against decisions by a number of leftwing local administrations to deny state aid to Catholic schools. In areas of central Italy ruled by coalitions dominated by Communists and Socialists, the bishops say, parochial schools have been refused the government subsidies necessary for her survival. Some schools have had to close their doors.

Double Centenary LOURDES, FRANCE - The famous Marian shrine of Lourdes here celebrated two centenaries during the first week of August - the 100.th anniversary of the consecration of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and of .the coronation of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. . The double anniversary was marked by a speciaf Mass in the Grotto of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St.路 Bernadette and by a candlelight procession in the evening. So many people took part in the procession that their candles made the vast esplanade "bright as day," according to witnesses.

May Not Resign v ATICAN CITY - Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski of Warsaw, 75, has almost certainly submitted his resignation to Pope Paul VI. But the Pope has not yet accepted it, and the Vatican has denied press reports that it even acknowledged receiving the Polish primate's offer to resign. It is widely believed that the resignation offer will not be accepted by the Pope in the near future. A Church law in effect for several years now requires all heads of dioceses to submit their re~ignations to the Pope when they reach 75, and several sources have reported that the cardinal has submitted his resignation. He celebrated his 75th birthday Aug. 3.

Name Fall Riverite International Treasurer for La Salettes

Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D., 1912, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton Rev. Pastor, Rev. er, St.



Continued from Page One Hebert has served in various ed La Salette Seminary, Enfield, ministries for the La Salette FaNew Hampshire, where he was thers. He was a tea,cher at the graduated in 1957. Father Hebert High School Seminary, Enfield, then attended La Salette College, New Hampshire from 1966 to East Brewster, Massachusetts . 1968, then he was transferred to and was admitted to the LaSal- Attleboro, Massachusetts where ette Fathers; Novitiate in 1959 he was assigned to the Center which he completed by the tak- for Christian Living. In 1969, he ing of First Religious Vows in founded Mark IV Presentations, 1960. He then attended La Sal- Attleboro Massachusetts, a multiette Seminary, Attleboro, Massa- media program production and chusetts from 1960 to 1965 to distribution center. 'In 1970, Facontinue studies in Philosophy ther Herbert became vice-presiand Theology. In 1965, the La dent and representative of MultiSalette Fathers transferred their media International of Rome, Major Seminary to Ottawa, On- Italy. tario, Canada and Father Hebert Along with his responsibilities completed his studies for the priesthood there at St. Paul Uni- as director of Mark IV Presentaversity. He was ordained to the tions, Father Hebert was named. priesthood in Manchester, New superior of the Provincial House Hampshire on December II, in Attleboro in 1971 serving there until 1973. In 1973 he was 1965. Since his ordination, Father appointed Treasurer of the Pro-

vince of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Reverend Armand M. Proulx, M.S., Provincial. As treasurer, he was appointed to various financial boards of the religious congregation. His term ended in June of this year with the election of a new Provincial Administration and his appointment to the General Headquarters of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette in Rome, Italy. His new duties will require Father Hebert to supervise all financial matters of the worldwide religious congregation. With Father Hebert in Rome are two other American priests, the Very Reverend Lionel R. LeMay, M.S., Superior General, of Manchester, New Hampshire and Reverend Eugene G. Barrette of Danielson, Connecticut, General Councilor and Secretary General.


Urges Bishops. to Promote Authentic Teaching, Unity bility as bishops united with the Holy Father." The archbishop .said that "there are surely areas where further theological study and refinement are needed and the theologians and others are crucial to this task." But he cautioned that the pursuit of theological truth "should The letter from Archbishop always be carried on in solidarJoseph L. Bernardin of Cincin- ity with the teaching authority nati, NCCB president,. was an of the Church and with a willofficial advisory of the suspen- ingness to acknowledge the sion from the exercise of priest- magisterium (teaching authority) ly ministry of French-born as the final arbiter in matters Archbishop Marcel - Lefebvre, pertaining to our Catholic rector of a traditionalist sem- faith." He added that "perhaps one inary in Switzerland, who opposes the decrees of the Second of the best contributions we can Vatican Council and recently make at this particular time, in disobeyed an order from the our own ministry as pastors, is Pope by illicitly ordaining 13 to give witness to our 'personal men to the priesthood. conviction - which stems not In his letter, sent at the re- from emotion or sentimentality, quest of Cardinal Jean Villot, but from our Catholic faithpapal secretary of state, Arch- relative to the importance of bishop Bernardin said that "this' sad affair gives us all an oppor- an authentic magisterium within tunity to reflect on the Church's the Church and the need for teaching role and our responsi- unity with the See of Peter."

Thurs. August 26, 1976

Begin Preparing For 22nd Annual Bishop's Ball

WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) has urged U. S. bishops "to promote the authentic teachings of the Church" and to maintain unity with the Pope in a letter advising them of the suspension of a European archbishop.

K of C Establish $500,000 National Anti-Bias Fund By


M. Buckley

BOSTON (NC)-The supreme council of the Knights of Columbus concluded its 94th annual meeting here after acting on some 200 resolutions aimed at protecting the constitutional rights of Catholics "and other religious people" and defending everyone's right to life, including the preborn, invalids, the aged and the .diseased. Resolutions were approved to establish a $500,000 anti-bias fund to safeguard equal rights for religious people; to support a pro-life constitutional amendment and to oppose the proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) for women. The approval of a legal defense fund followed a recommendation by Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt who said that some U. S. courts and legislatures have encroached upon the equal rights guaranteed to Catholics and others by the First Amendment. McDevitt noted that the funds could be used to test selected laws and rulings that infringe on the rights of parents to educate their children in conformity with their religious consciences and the rights of hospitals and other institutions to carry out their apostolates in accord with their moral standards. Convention speakers included Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who ...lIIt!lllllmlll...ullllllllllmllllllllllllllllmUlllllllllltllllll..IIIIIlllllIllllllIIllllllll""....I.

THE AHCHoll Second Class Postale Paid at Fall River, MISS. PUblished every Thursday at 410 HI,hllnd Avenue, Fill River, Mass. 02722 by the Cltholic Press of the Diocese of Fill River. SubscrIption price by mall, postpaid $5.00 per .yelr.

urged the Knights "to take an active role in the life of this nation and to bring to bear on society and political life, as certai1)ly as upon individual lives ... firm commitment to the human and moral values found in the Gospel." Calling upon the Knights to become "shock troops" against immorality, Bishop Cronin urged them to work particularly against divorce, abortion and euthanasia. Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt charged that the U. S. Supreme Court's actions have violated the First Amendment by the establishment of a national religion-secular humanism-established and decreed by the courts." McDevitt took issue with politicians who "pontificate on the notion that Cathlic laymen and laywomen in America cease to hold the bishops of this eountry in reverence and respect or can be divided from their bishops on fundamental moral issues." Rear Adm. Jeremiah A. Denton Jr. warned that growing disrespect for fundamentat' religious beliefs and moral standaras "may represent as severe a threat to the security of America as the nation's enemies." He urged the Knights to direct their attention to two critical areas: mass media (particularly television) and the educational system. A total of 394 delegates representing Knights in the United States, Canada, Mexilco, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Cuba and the Philippines gathered here with some 1,500 family members and guests. Other convention speakers included Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston and Dr. Mildred Jefferson of the National. Right to Life Movement.


FINAL PROFESSION: During annual provincial meeting of Immaculate Heart of Mary Province of Religious of Holy Union of Sacred Hearts, final vows were 'made by Sister Kathleen Clark at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. From left, Dr and Mrs. Joseph P. Clark, her parents; Sister Kathleen; Rev. Joseph O'Meara of St. Edward's parish Baltimore, who celebrated Mass of profession; Mother Ignatius Loyola, superior general of international community; Sister Marilyn Spellman, provincial superior.

New Chapel Rector in New Bedford King Seminary in East Aurora, N.Y. The new Rector, a native of Shamokin, Penn., comes to New Bedford after an assignment at the well-known Church of Sf. Francis in Manhattan, N. Y. Previously he lived and worked in 'an international community of Franciscans a.t St. John Lateran, Rome, Itly.

Most Rev. Daniel A: Cronill', S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has confirmed the Franciscan Friars' appointment of Rev. Leonard Perotti, O.F.M. as Guardian and Rector of Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford. Father Perotti succeeds Father Raymond Hirt who has completed a three-year term as. Superior and has been assigned as Spiritual Director of Christ the


Preparations' are under way for the 22nd annual Bishop's Charity Ball, to be h'eld Friday, Jan. 14, 1977 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, 'North Dartmouth. Records show, said Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, longtime director of the gala social event, that no other diocese in the United States has held such an event' over so lengthy a period. The ball honors Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and proceeds support four schools for exceptional children and four summer camps for underprivileged and exceptional children, all under diocesan direction and open to childre!l' of Southeastern Massachusetts. The annual planning meeting for the ball will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26 at White's restaurant, North Westport. Some 150 committee members are expected to attend, representing the ball coordinators, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Motif for the ball will be "Island in the Sunshine," said Msgr. Gomes, and the color scheme and dec. orations will carry out the theme.

Missionaries Some give by going to the missions; others go by giving.



FIt. PEROTl1, O.FoM.

Adopt Priest

"Have a priest in your family," suggests Rev. John Porter, SDB, of Don Bosco College, Quito, !Ecuador, who says that for as little as $5 per month an individual or family can "adopt" a priest who will write regularly to his benefactor and offer daily prayers on his or her behalf. Further information on the sponsorship plan is available from Salesian Mission Office, P. O. Box 30, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10802. r""""""""""'~


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Saint Mary's Cathedral is proud to announce on the occasion of its 75th ANNIVERSARY OF CONSECRATION

A Grand Parish Reunion S'unday, September ·19th Mass Will Be Celebrated at 5:00 P.M. by Bishop Cronin Banquet at White's Immediately Thereafter Banquet tickets are available at ten dollars. Tables of eight and ten are available too. Please contact St. Mary's Rectory, 327 Second St., 673-2833 or Mr. Daniel Shea at 673·8747


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976

Turn jor Worse' The enviable highway. safety record of the State has taken a dramatic and tragic turn for the worse over the last ten days or so. Auto fatalities have jumped and it is only, right that officials have ordered a crackdown on speeding and more rigid enforcement of factors that can mean life. A noted New York plastic surgeon who deals with many of, the results of accidents has pointed out some observations from his years of treating many- of the tragic injuries resulting from auto collisions. ,The conclusions of Dr. Robert A. Fishi are these: very few of those with severe injuries wore seat belts at ihe time of the accident; the smaller the vehicle the more serious the injuries; motorcycles, giving the least protection, cause the most severe damage to the human body; a significant number of accidents are related to alcohol. Driving a vehicle is a moral responsibility. It must be seen and accepted as such if tragedy is to be averted.


New Repor.


A most prestigious private group called the Club of Rome issued a widely-noted report three years ago in which it warned of disaster of humankind within a century if present growth trends continued. Those advocating' restriction of population, zero population growth, and so forth were delighted at the report and have quoted it widely and loudly in support of their views. ' But what has happened now? The Club has issued another statement that is not so widely hailed and quoted. And why? For the very simple reason that this new report now recognized that further global growth is essential if the problem of world poverty and threats to world peace are to be solved. And the report of three years ago? Well, this is pinpointed now as having had value for "getting the world's attention" on the problems that the world faces. It almost reminds one of the old maxim - figures don't lie but liars can figure. 'It would seem that just about any report can be made to say whatever those commissioning or writing the report want it to say. And if events prove that they said the wrong thing, why, it is an easy matter to congratulate oneself on speaking about the right problems, even if one came to the wrong conclusions about them. One wonders what kind of a piece of scholarship that turns into, but apparently this doesn't bother some people much. So here is the case now ...:- the' Club of Rome is now calling for a new international order. Indeed, its new report which will be issued in October is called Reviewing the International Order. And previews of the report call for many of the things that the Popes, for example, have been calling for for decades: income distribution, closer collaboration among va': rious groups, food production and distribution, environmental programs and ocean management, transnational enterprises, scientific research and technology at the service of people, arms reduction, non-exploitation of developing nations. Not everything in the report will be without controversey. . But it will be interesting to see how much of it will be quoted. And in proof of what. '


Published weekly'by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John R. Foister, S.T.l.

Rev. Msgr. Johll Regan ~leary

Press-Fall Rlvlr

Recent catechisms . . . stacked together in a teacher's study . . . provide a microcosm . . . of the Church today. Some are done by teams of theologians . . . some done by individuals . . . one an ecumenical work of Roman Catholics and Protestants . . . some originally American . . . others translations from German or Dutch . . . all apparently orthodox . .' . yet none is official. A variety of catechisms ... attempting to express the one faith . . . with varying degrees of opennness 路 . . sensitivity . . . scholarship . . . and love. . .Each 'meant to be a true expression ... of Catholic belief. An apparent anomaly . . . one faith . . yet many catechisms. . . The desire for uniformity . . . and clarity ... reveals a unity ... rich with diversity ... a scandal to some . . . to others a cause for rejoicing. It seems that the one Spirit continues to breathe where He will ... drawing a startling blend of diverse people . . . into fellowship with the one Christ . and with each other . . . in one Church . ." as multi-colored as Joseph's coat. Jesus' prayer . . . was not that all be the same 路 . . but that they be one . . . as He and the Father 路 . . while remaining unique . . . are profoundly one. (John 17:22-23)

Fairhaven Portuguese Plan Annual Feast Fairhaven ,Portuguese will honor the feast of Our Lady of Angels at a three-day festival to be held Labor Day weekend at 7 Jesse Street, Fairhaven. A parade will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4, followed by a band concert. On Sunday an auction will begin at 2 p.m., followed by a concert. Festivities for Monday, Labor Day, will include a Mass at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Church, Main ..Street, with the homilist to be Rev. Joao Mato of Agua de Pau, Portugal. A procession will take place at 1 p.m., followed by an auction and concert. Portuguese and American foods will be available and there will be children's games. The entire festival open to the public.

a moment and read the following quotation. "So many 'theologians' surround themselves with so many definitions, conclusions, corollaries, proposition, explicit and implicit, that it is impossible to follow or adhere to them. They will thunder out so many rattling terms, that they will frighten an adversary into 'conversion. They are the sort of people who are very excitable and high strung and should I probe. them I have no doubt that they will brand me as a heretic to their cause. "I believe that the Apostles themselves would stand in need of a new illuminating spirit, if they engaged in any controversy with these new divines. St. Paul without question had a full measure of faith, yet, when he defines faith as the substance of things not seen, these men attack it as an imperfect definition and would undertake to teach the Apostles better logic.

Like Atlas "But alas, so many of today's theologians are so pleased with' themselves and are so laboriously intent on pursuing their own narrow studies that they c~nnot afford so much time as to read a single chapter in anyone book of the whole Bible. And while they trifle away their hours in babble, they think that they support the Catholic Church with their props and propositions like Atlas supporting a tottering world on his shoulders. "It really is sometimes quite laughable to listen to these new theologians in their hotly conREV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church trived disputes; to see how proud they are of inventing new terms and stammering out blundering distinctins." This rather lengthy quote is Now that summer school is over, many Catholics, reli- obviously not original nor hisgious and lay, have returned from the pursuit of theological torically new. In fact it is from insights. During these months some have even taken courses one of the most brilliant minds in "liberation" theology. For the most part, these courses the world has ever known, -namely the 15th century genius, have been offered for "liberErasmus. He wrote these words to be some confusion, to say the ated" people or for people very least. Yet should theology to his dear friend and saint, who desire to be "liber- be confusing? Thomas More, in a work he enated." It has been said that the best titled "In Praise of Folly." First of all, by way of com- theology is the Word of God In the light of this quotation ment, isn't all theology supposed itself. Yet over the centuries from Erasmus, if any of us who to be "liberating"?' When we men seem to fail to understand are interested in theology really have to ,use adjectives to de- this essential fact. They begin get so caught up in that which scribe theology, we are limiting to pick and pluck to distinguish is new for the sake of the new. its scope or narrowing its vision. and differentiate until one won- we should sit back; take a good Seemingly this would be just ders what happened to God's路 look at ourselves and maybe what the "liberators should be word. It would be well for those even have a good laugh at our attempting to avoid. There seems who seek "new" theology to take own praise of fally.



"New Theologies"


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976

The Permanent Diaconate

U.S. Diaconate Guidelines

Scores Literal Bible Reading

Are Listed, Explained By REV. JOHN F•. MOORE Even before the appearance of Pope Paul's motu proprio, the question of restoring the permanent diaconate had been taken up by the Bishops of the United States organized as the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB). A committee headed by Bishop Ernest Unterkoefler of Charleston, S. C., was appointed to study the matter and make recommendations. The subject was considered at several general meetings of the bishops as well as at meetings of the Administrative Committee of the NCCB. On April 23, 1968, during their semi-annual meeting, the bishops overwhelmingly voted to ask the Holy See for permission to restore the permanent diaconate in the United States "for maried and unmarried men of mature years." Permission was granted on August 26, 1968. In 1971 the Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate published their guidelines, which remain the basic formula in this country for formation and ministry. They will serve as the basis for this article and the articles to come. What are some of the details of the permanent diaconate program envisioned by the Bishops of the United States? While it is true that the precise role of the deacons is determined by local needs, it is also important to know some of the general points on which agreement has been reached. In the first instance, the permanent diacornate in the United States has been restored for "married and unmarried men of mature years." In practice, this means men of 35 years or older at the time of ordination. The diaconate is open to both married and single men. However, unmarried deacons and married deacons who become widowers after their ordination will be required to observe the rule of celibacy; that is, they will not be able to marry.

It also has been agreed that the diaconate will be a permanent office but not necessarily fUll-time. As a matter of general practice, it is expected· that deacons will support themselves from their earnings in the everyday occupations and will perform their specifically diaconal duties only on weekends, at night or on special occasions. It is envisioned that by working in secular jobs, deacons will help to establish a visible link between the church and the secular society, a function which could be one of their most important services in the modern world.

It is expected that the train-

ing for diaconal candidates will be three years. Most of the training programs that have been established are on a part-time basis, including not only specific class hours and in-service training times but also summer institutes and weekend programs.

CHAPLAIN: Rey. Steven R. Furtado, Associate Pastor

of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Taunton, has .been named as Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus of Taunton, assisting Rev. Msgr. Francis E. McKeon, also Chaplain of the Taunton K of C.

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SINSINAWA, Wis. (NC) Simplistic, literal intefpretation of the Bible was called "the enemy of a Christian study of the Bible" here by Passionist Father Richard Kugelman, professor of New Testament studies at St. John University in New York. In an interview with The Witness, Dubuque Archdiocesan newspaper, Jiather Kugelman termed fundamentalist abuses "dangerous" and said literal interpretation of the Bible "neglects critical analysis." "There has to be a study to get the literal meaning," he said, adding that fundamentalist abuses· pose a threat to both Protestants and Catholics. "Pentecostal practices have arisen within all the established churches," he said. "In Christian liturgy, there should be participation, but there should also be good direction of reading" so that spiritual life is


SOUTHBORO (NC) - ResiTraining covers such subjects dents of this small central Masas the Old and New Testaments, sachuset~s town decided they did moral theology and public not need - or want - an aborspeaking. Pastoral psychology, tion clinic which three Bostonreligious education and spiritu- area women had proposed buildality are also to be treated, as ing in an industrial park on the are doctrinal areas such as outskirts of town. Christology, ecclesiology, sacraSo they used a famous institumental theo~ogy, liturgy and tion - the New England town canon law. And of course there meeting - to block it. is to be training for candidates Voters at a special town meetwho are to be involved in special apostolates-as, for exam- ing elected overwhelmingly to pie, hospital ministry, campus change' Southboro's zoning orministry, min:stry to the aged dinances to prohibit the opening and infirm and social service of abortion clinics in town. ministries. The 260 to 65 vote for the zoning law amendment was exAll are in agreement that in . pected to kill two-year-old plans the case of married deacons, it for an abortion. clinic in the inis e:;sential that wives agree to dU,Strial park just off the major support the step their husbands highway into Boston, a site propose to take. The rigors of which proponents of the clinic the diaconate are likely to place said would be a "serviceable lomany paraiIel demands on wives. cation." Therefore, as a matter of fairUnder previous town ordinness-as well as common sense, ances, abortion clinics were persince the wives will be involved -they should be consulted and mitted in "industrially zoned . ,their agreement obtained from areas." the very start. The change was voted to block development of the clinic which the three women - all abortion counselors in Boston who live in nearby Framingham-said would "fill a medical void" that exists in Massachusetts outside of BosWhere The ton.

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based on true scriptural ground. ~ James L. Mays, from the Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Va., said in an interview that new interest in the Bible stems in part from "a need to go back to the beginnings." According to Mays, a Presbyterian who edits a journal of biblical interpretation, a return to common roots is a new step toward Christian unity after the turmoil and theological division of past years.

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Fruit Is T'OlpS oln Joe's Garde,ning Hit Parad,e

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976

Ford and Catholics Continued from Page One will return the protection of the law to unborn infants to. the maximum degree possible," Cardinal Cooke said, will be enough to end "the terrible destruction of a million innocent lives' each year." William Cox, director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, an organization supported largely by individual Catholic bishops, has said that Ford's support for ,"some flexibility" on the abortion issue adds up to almost "a position of abortion on demand." -The economy. Officials of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) and the National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC) have said that Ford's economic policies place an unfair burden on the poor, the elderly and the sick. The USCC associate secretary for domestic social development, Francis Butler, said of Ford's 1976 State of the Onion address, "The President asked for a pol- . itics of realism, but his program . for this year simply does not speak to the reality of. eight and a half million Americans who need jobs." Butler called the State of the Union message "visionless" and "the tired rhetoric of compla-' cency." The USCC last spring called on Congress to override a Ford veto of a public works bill which would have created 600,000 new jobs. - Domestic food programs. The USCC, the NCCC and the National Catholic Conference on Interrarical Justice have been especially critical of Ford proposals to cut back the Food Stamp program by about a third of the 18 million people now participating monthly. The NCCC and the interracial justice conference have joined other Church, labor and civic groups and a number of states in a historic lawsuit trying to block new restrictive Food Stamp regulations issued by the Department of Agriculture. -World hunger. Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame and a leader in efforts to reduce world hunger, praised Ford for responding to Church and other humanitarian groups and raising the amount of food aid of the 1975 fiscal year at the height of world famine. But Church officials, including

Bishop James S. Rausch, USCC general secretary, have accused the Ford Administration of "foot dragging" on food aid and. development programs since then. - IndoChina refugees. The high point in cooperation between the Catholic Church and the Ford Administration came in the resettlement program for Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees begun in the spring of 1975.

Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the usec and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, was named by Ford to an advisory committee trying to find homes and jobs for the refugees. The USCC resettled more refugees than any other voluntary agency working on the program. - The CIA. A number of Catholic and Protestant missionary leaders criticized Ford's October, 1974, suport for covert actions by the CIA, saying such efforts undermined church mission activity. Mission leaders and Bishop Rausch criticized Ford for statements by his aid Philip Buchen and then CIA director William Colby defending the use of missionaries as sources of information for the CIA. -The Clemency Board. The, usee praised the intents of the board, which attempted a caseby-case review of some war resisters. This program attracted one in five of those eligible for release. Two priests named to the board by the President-Father Hesburgh and Msgr. Francis Lally, USCC secretary for social development and world peace, supported unconditional amnesty. - Health Care. Church officials have criticized Ford for opposing a comprehensive national health insurance program. The USCC, Catholic Charities and the Catholic Hospital Association presente4 joint congressional testimony opposing Ford proposals which would have effectively raised the cost of Medicare for the elderly. -Foreign policy. Church officials have supported some Ford initiatives, such as the spirit of detente and efforts to negotiate a new treaty with Panama over the Panama Canal. But the usec has been critical. of the Ford Administration's for not paying sufficient attention to defending human rights in foreign policy, particularly in its support of the government of . Thought and Thing South Korea. "Truth is the equation of -Rural life. The usec and thought and thing."-St. Thomthe National Catholic Rural Life as Aquinas Conference opposed Ford vetoe~ of bills to regulate strip mining and to raise price support for "BUCKY" farmers.

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

Now comes fruit time. We have already harvested our raspberries and strawberries and now some of the everbearing raspberries are coming back in. The blueberries were picked in July but we have one bush which still has enough berries to allow me some for my cereal each late August tomato crop to ma}{e enough sauce to last in her morning. We have been eat- freezer right through the wining Bartlett pears for the ter and this is what really should

past two weeks and just today I ate my first peach (a little hard, but tasty) and so we can expect to be eating peaches for the next few weeks. The McIntosh apples are close to being ripe and we have used a number of them already for pies and applesauce. SISTER BEVERLY: Final Right now we are waiting for profession as a Religious of dwarf pears and plums to ripen, the Holy Union of the Sa- and for the Delicious apples, which come last of all. The Con~red Hearts was made at St. . cord grapes are just ripening Anthony of Padua Church, now and they are a pleasure, Fall River, by Sister Beverly either semi-ripe or dead ripe. Furtado, daughter of Mrs. All in all, we can say that we Mary C. Furtado and the late enjoy our garden which completely satisfies our yearning Manuel Furtado. Rev. John fot fresh fruit during the growGomes was celebrant of a ing season. liturgy at which Sister MariI enjoy fruit so much that I lyn Spellman, provincial think if I were restricted to superior, received Sister growing only one item in my Beverly's commitment. The garden, it would be fruit. Fruit trees can be a nuisance and they religious,. a 1964 graduate of certainly require care, but there Sacred Hearts Academy, is nothing I grow which is so holds a bachelor's degree . satisfactory. We have gone more and more from Trinity College, Washington, D.C. and taught in to dwarf fruit trees in recent because they produce sufPennsylvania, New York years ficient fruit to satisfy without . and Fall River before enter- taking up a great deal of room ing the health field and grad- and without casting much shade. uating last year from Diman Shade is the nemesis of the city Regional School of Practical gardener and he or she tries to keep it to a minimum; dwarf Nursing, Fall River. She is trees serve that purpose very presently a staff nurse at St. well. Anne's Hospital, F{lll River, In The Kitchen and is active in Birthright as We've had our first hurricane warning, the apples are falliing a counseling coordinator. off the trees in the yard and all too soon summer seems to be Seek Cape Nurses fleeting. For the past two eveMrs. John F. Meehan Jr., 47 nings we've even had to close North Road,' West Yarmouth the windows or risk frostbite 02673, is chairman of a. com- upon awakening, yet the calenmitt.ee seeking to organize a dar tells us it's only August. Each year I tell myself I Cape Cod and Islands chapter of the Diocesan Council of Cath- won't let go of summer until olic Nurses. Any nurse interest- its last breath but the harsh ed in joining the group is asked reality of preparing for back-toschool, the endless signs of winto contact her. ter in all the stores and the nip that we feel in the morning air Greatness "Great man is sparing in words won't let us forget that summer but prodigal in deeds."-Confu- is too brief a season. Our tomato crop is flourishing cius and where there once were just a few to be picked and ripened inside, there are now bushels Bath .Designs, Inc. that are almost vulgar in their abundance. Oh, for the time to 580 KELLEY BOULEVARD can, pickle and freeze. A very NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASS. 02.760 dear friend of mine uses her Lic. No. 4001



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be done with these "love apples." Well, even though I haven't the time to preserve our tomatoes I can enjoy walking through the garden and smelling the rich perfume of the warm sun on the ripening vines, an odor that immediately brings back a rush of memories. My Uncle Crae, whose real name was Angus McRae, lived in a rural section of Swansea where he had one of the loveli- est gardens imaginable and one of the greatest pleasures experienced by this city girl was to walk among the tomato plants and pick one that was filled with the warmth of the sun. These memories make it very difficult for me to eat a hothouse tomato and get any enjoyment out of it, and it isn't until August brings our tomato harvest that eating a salad becomes a joy. Although all too soon September will be here, we have the comfort that with the crisper temperatures a bounty o! vegetables will fill our yards and favorite stands. There has to be a little good in everything! While tomatoes are in season, fairly reasonable and also in some of our gardens we should look for different ways to prepare them. Stuffed Tomatoes 1 cup rice, cooked 6 large, firm tomatoes 2 Tablespoons butter or margarine . Y2 cup chopped onion If.J cup chopped celery ';4 cup chopped green pepper If.J cup (3 oz. can) deviled ham 1- can sliced mushrooms 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon salt VB teaspoon pepper Y2 cup buttered soft bread crumbs 1) Prepare the rice and keep hot. 2) Wash and cut off tops of tomatoes. 3) With a large spoon scoop out center pulp from tomatoes. Reserve. 4) In a skillet saute the onion, celery, green pepper and ham in the butter. 5) Mix the cooked rice, reserved pulp, sauteed vegetables and mushrooms with the Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Need mortgage 6) Spoon into tomato shells, or home 'heaping slightly. Place in baking dish. Evenly cover tops of improvement money? tomatoes with crumbs and bake Make NBIS your home port. in a 375 oven about 15 minutes. 0

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dom, who uses the Church's enemies to perfect His saints and purify His religion." -Thomas Merton





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26,1976

Continued from Page One told more than 200 women at the luncheon. "Sen. Kennedy," she added, voted against us most of the time and congressman O'Neill has not taken the kind of leadership on human rights as he did to end the war in Vietnam." Dr. Jefferson emphasized that in an election year "Catholics must not be deceived by those who wear a Catholicism on their sleeves which is not backed by firm convictions." In a criticism of those who say "I personally am against abortion but I do not believe that I should force my moral conviction on others," Dr. Jefferson said: "We must replace the compromise with the politics of principle. When only material things are at stake, compromise and negotiations may be a reasonable approach, but when human life is at stake, there can be no compromise." In a further comment on the Supreme Court; Dr. Jefferson said that by giving a woman and her doctor "the right to kill the unborn child," the court "is turning the pregnant woman from mother, the protector,' to 'mother, the terrorist,' now the worst enemy of the unborn child." She added: "By destroying the father's God-given right to protect his unborn child from abortion, the Supreme Court is undermining a man's instinct to provide for his family. By cancelling the parents' God-given right to save their teenage, unwed daughter from abortion, the court has placed a wall between parents and their children at a time when the normal strain might have been overcome by parental concern." This attack on the family, Dr. Jefferson said, "jeopardizes the posterity of our nation." The luncheon speaker noted that the often-used phraseology, "abortion is the right to choose," is an unfinished sentence. According to Dr. Jefferson, the full sentence should include: "the right to choose to kill." "In a sound society there are choices which we must agree not to make and not to allow ... in such a society we cannot allow the private right to choose to kill," Dr. Jefferson concluded.

308 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael




Diocesan Priests' Retreat

Father Connolly began his writing career at the age of 11, with a short story in the Boston Post newspaper. He has subsequently written ten books and numerous pamphlets. His work has also appeared in over 30

"He who begins life by sti'fling his convictions is in a fair way of ending it without any convictions to stifle." -John VIscount Morley



Continued from Page One holic Office for Radio and Teleincluding Archbishop's secretary vision in New York City. In that for 7 years, the Archdiocese's capacity he coordinated all CatLiturgical and Labor-Manage- holic radio and TV work in the ment Committees, Ecumenical United States and established Commission, and secretary to Communications Departments in the Cursillo Movement. Other as- 38 Dioceses. He also assisted the signments have included: re- major networks in the productreats; hospital chaplaincies; tion of nearly 500 radio and TV high school principal and spirit- programs, and was a popular ual director; college professor; guest himself on the media, inand Communications Director cluding the Johnny Carson TOfor the Archdtocese. He has been NIGHT show and the NBC TOfor the past four years the pas- DAY show. He hosted his own tor of St. Thomas More Parish in . radio program each week for Boynton Beach, ·Florida, and NBC, called GUIDELINES. He Professor of Communications at began his radio career at the St. Vincent de Paul, the major age of 15. Father also covered major news assignments, as theseminary of the Archdiocese. ological consultant to the netFrom 1967 through 1970 Fath- works, throughout Europe, the er Connolly was on a special 3year assignment to the American United States, and South AmeriBishops as Coordinator of their can, including the Holy Father's newly-established National Cat- visit to South America and the



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Mchbishop Mar Gregorios will write personally to say where he'll locate if you enable him to buy ($975) two acres of land as a model farm HOW for a parish priest. Raising his own food the YOU CAN priest can teach his parishioners how to increase HELP their crop production. (A shovel costs only INDIA'S POOR $2.35, a hoe $1.25.) TO HELP THEMSELVES For only $200 in India you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps on the side. walks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal Parecattil will write to thank you also,







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The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's needed. Sometimes, besides, they build the church in memory of their loved ones, name it for their favorite saint. ... Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and· villages in our 18 country mission world. In Faridkot, in the Di· ocese of Jullundur, India, for instance, where native priests of the Little Flower Congregation s~rve 435 Catholics in an underdeveloped area .of almost 20,000 square miles containing seven towns and 900 villages, you can build a mission chapel for just $3,000. You'll be doing some· thing needed where it's needed, for Christ- and for people who cannot do for themselves..•• Do something at least, as much as you can ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $3, $1) to help build this chapel! Your gift of any size will be a Godsend! . . . Have you been looking for something meaningfUl to do? Help these poor missioners build a simple but lasting chapel! The Bishop will write to thank you on behalf of his people. We will send you a sketch of the proposed chapel, when we thank you.


RADIO NOVENA: (Every Thursday)


6 convenient offices

magazines from theological philosophical and historical journals to anthologies of detective stories. His newspaper articles have appeared throughout the United States and Europe. For many years Father contributed articles on religion to Colliers Annual Encyclopedia. He is a member of the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences.

SUMMER CAMP: Children enjoy craft session at summer camp sponsored by Regina Pacis Center, New Bedford. Six-week program was funded by diocesan Campaign for Human Development, included Bible study, photography and singing classes as well as sports and games. Special features were an Olympic Games day and a play staged for parents.. .


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internationally televised funeral of Robert Kennedy. Another highlight of his New York assignment was the award-winning EVERYMAN'S DREAM, A TV Special on Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel paintings - one of only 5 American productions accepted for TV presentation throughout Russia in a recent cultural exchange program.



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MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary ..' ~ Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. ~ 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y. 10022 ~ Telephone: 212/826·1480 .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26,1976




Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or bU~iness address.

olic, received 129,602 votes against his opponent's 99,369 votes. It seems to me that Father Greeley's article was a bit misleading to say the least. Donald O. Shanley Attleboro

A Bit Misleading Dear Editor: I should like to take exception to the article appearing in the August 19, 1976 issue of the Anchor. The article I. mention is "Source of Fear" by Father Greeley. Father Greeley states' "they are infuriated when that leadership is made fun of by a representative of a man whose state voted overwhelmingly against John Kennedy because of his religion." I took the time to look up the vote of the state of Georgia in the 1971 issue of the World Almanac. That issue states that in 1960 John F. Kennedy received a total vote of 456,638 against his opponent's total of 274,472. I also checked the 1928 election results and in that year AI Smith, also a Cath-

Urged To Monitor Human Rights GENEVA, Switzerland (NC)The central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) has been urged to monitor human rights violations, particularly violations of religious rights, in Eastern European countries. In :l. survey sl.bmitted to the Geneva-based world organization of Protestants and Orthodox churches, Walter Wolf, editor of the Swiss Protestant news agency, cited numerous instances of religious restrictions behind the Iron Curtain. He urged the wec "not to keep silent any longer in regard to the violations of human rights in' Communist-dominated Eastern Europe."



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FALMOUTH HEIGHTS EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.

BUZZARDS BAY ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00·5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.

'ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM, Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. . Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass




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ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 - Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, t 1:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 ~.M.

HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M.


HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

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FALMOUTH ST. PATRI<;K Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.


County Road, Pocasset


BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27· Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.

OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.

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Mass Schedule for Summer Season

OUR L o\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.

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SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.

EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses:- Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

SACRED HEART· Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.

MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M.

MAnAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 1~:30 A.M. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.

NANTUCKET OlJR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, '11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. (Saturdays 9:00 A.M.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily

SIASCONSET UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August

OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.

ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day MaMes: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 AM.



Page Gladly Sponsor

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976


of Churches and Masses Mass Schedule for Summer Season I


CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:01,) and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE

OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMmON Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. SANTUIT

ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE

QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCASSET

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. SANDWICH

CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00,9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. SAGAMORE

ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. , SOUTH YARMOUTH

ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)' BASS RIVER

OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) VINEYARD HAVEN

ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturdlly-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.



ST. PATRICK Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: % hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M. WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY

Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Conft!ssions: % hour before Mass WELLFLEET

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00. ~:OO, 10:00. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00, 6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. TRURO

SACRED HEART Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 'A.M. Saturday-7:00 P.M. NORTH TRURO

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday--9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH

HOLY TRINITY Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 12 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.




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UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF mE ANNUNCIATION Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 12' Masses: Sunday-7:00,' 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Confessions: Satur<tay-3:45 P.M. WOODS HOLE

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ST. JOSEPH Schedule effective June 19·20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 AM. . Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Sat. only) Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses

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IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 AM. , Saturday Eve.-4:15 and 5:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: ~ hour before Sunday Masses




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26,1976

La Salette Plans Summer Festival The fourth annual summer festival to be sponsored by La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, will open at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2 and run continuously through Labor Day, Sept. 6. With a theme of Americana '76, the event will salute various eras of history. Its more than 60 booths will represent colonial, pioneer, gold rush, Civil War, Roaring Twenties, the Fifties and contemporary periods, and festival workers will wear appropriate costumes. Rev. Giles Genest, MS,' festival general chairman, said that a committee of 450 volunteers has been planning the program for several months and that a

special event will be featured each night, beginning on Sept.' 2

with an appearance by the One Niters Dixieland band.

Logistics Stagger Imagination PHILADELPHIA (NC) - It's J:lot easy to sponsor a Eucharistic Congress. The 58 major liturgies held for .the 41st International Euchraistic Congress here required: -500 complete sets of vestments; -1,500 albs;

-1.75 million hosts for Holy Communion; ; -6,000 quarts of altar wine; -1,500 holy water buckets; -54 ceramic chalices; -A 1,000-voice choiJ:; -A 200-member symphony orchestra (the choir and the orchestra were made up completely

of volunteers). -750,000 Mass booklets; -6,500 volunteer ushers and congress aides; -A lO-ton steel-supported canopy for the final Mass in John F. Kennedy Stadium; -And a lot of faith; hope and love.

Pope Regrets Philippine Disaster

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.

SACRED HEARTS, NORTH FAIRHAVEN From Sunday, Aug. 29 through Saturday, Sept. 4 the Pilgrim Virgin will be at the church, and a 6:30 p.m. Mass each day will be followed by recitation of the rosary and other Marian prayers. A five-hour vigil honoring the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart will begin with Mass at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary, a coffee break, a holy hour, private prayer, Benediction and a midnight Mass of the Immaculate Heart. Rev. Jeremiah Casey, SS.CC. will speak at the services. A parish mission renewal will be conducted by Rev. Walter J. Fox, OFM of the Franciscan Mission Band of New York, beginning Monday, Sept. 13 and concluding Friday, Sept. 17. Two services will be held daily, with Mass celebrated at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE The Ladies Guild will sponsor a whist party at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2 in the church hall. ESPIRITO SANTO, FALL RIVER The Portuguese Heritage Museum will sponsor an exhibit on "The Portuguese in America" from Saturday, Aug. 28 through Sunday, Sept. 5 in the church auditorium, 249 Alden Street. Weekend hours will be from noon to 2 and from 6 to 9 p.m. and on weekdays it will be open from 7 to 9 p.m.

state, Cardinal Jean Villot, to and other suffering brought by Cardinal' Julio Rosales of Cebu, earthquake that has struck the president of the Catholic Bis- southern Philippines, and to give hops' Conference of the Philip- . assurance of his prayerful closepines. ness to all affected, on whom he "The Holy Father has asked invokes healing strength from me to express the deep sorrow God," Cardinal Villot wrote. "To he feels at loss of human life all the Church in the Philippines he gives heartfelt apostolic blessing." Only 11 Priests ABU DHABI {NC)-The most serious problem for Catholics in Arabia is a lack of priests, according to Bishop Bernardo Gremoli, who recently returned WASHINGTON (NC) - Two here after his first visitation Bath Tub Ruined through his territory of more top American churchmen have denounced the detention of bisthan a million square miles. Bishop Gremoli was appointed hops and other Church personnel fo months ago to head the apos- attending an inter-American bistolic vicariate of Arabia. With hops' meeting in Riobamba, Ecut40 'tl , 17 priests )1e serves a Catholic ador, on Aug. 12. We Can RESURFACE IT! "The action was an unwarrantepopulation of about 13,000 . Like New - Guaranteed - Ne RemoVIII WASHINGTON (NC) - The spread out across nearly all the ed and unjustifiable intrusion by WHITE OR COLOR Call Collect LECTROGLAZ, 1·385·9319 Arabia peninsula of Asia-Saudi a state in the legitimate exercise U. S. Catholic Conference Arabia, Yemen, South Yemen, of the pastoral ministry of the (USCC) here has published Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Church," said Archbishop Joseph "Night Prayer" from the Liturgy United Arab Emirates (a feder- Bernardin of Cincinnati, presi- of the Hours, the official prayer dent of the National Conference of the Church, in a 96-page ation of seven shiekdoms). of Catholic Bishops, and Bishop paperback edition. The USCC also ennounced that John J. Fitzpatrick of Browns, 102 Shawomet Avenue ville, Tex., chairman of the a newsprint edition of the same Somenet, Mass. NCCB Church in Latin America volume will be available in AuFuneral Borne Committee in a joint statement gust. Tel. 674-4881 550 Locust Street Both booklets include' Night issued here Aug. 18. Fan River, Mass. 3¥z room Apartment Four American bishops and Prayer for each day of the week. 672-2391 two NCCB staff members were The text is the official transla4~ room Apanment Rose E. SuUlvan among 57 participants in the Rio- tion prepared by the InternaIncludes heat, hot water, stove, reo William J. Sullivan bamba meeting detained by gov- tional Committee on English in frigerator and maintenance service. Margaret M. Sullivan ernment authorities for 27 hours the Liturgy and approved by the Aug. 12-13 for subverison. All National Conference of Catholic . Bishops. The translation of the were released unharmed. In their joint statement, Arch- psafms is the one done by the bishop Bernardin and Bishop lay apostolate movement known Fitzpatrick affirmed that the as the Grail. The booklets include optional meeting was pastoral and evanINC. penitential prayers for individual gelical in purpose. U.S. participants in the meet- or group recitation of Night ing were Archbishop Robert San- Prayer, the four Marian antichez of Santa Fe, N. M., and Bis- phons usually said at the concluhops Patrick Flores, auxiliary of sion of the hour and a selection San Antonio, Tex., Juan Anzuba, of appropriate poems that may auxiliary of Los Angeles, and be substituted for the opening Bishop Gilbert Chavez, auxiliary hymn of the hour. There is also a commetitary on 'of San Diego, Calif. Also at the meeting were Father Edgard Bel- the Night Prayer psalms by Frantran and Paul Sedillo, both of ciscan Father Stephen Hartdegen, director of the U. S. Center for ~ the NCCB Secretariat for the the Catholic Biblical Apostolate. Spanish Speaking. • • •, • • • • •, # • • • • • • • •" " • • •, • •# ,• • • • • • •

VATICAN CIlY (NC) - Pope faul VI has cabled his sympathy to the Philippines after the disastrous earthquake and tidal wave which struck the island of Mindanao Aug. 16. The earthquake, which registered 7.8 on the open-ended Richter scale, took more than 3,000 lives, according to official estimates. Authorities calculate that 30,000 are homeless. .Pope Paul addressed his message, sent by his secretary of

~~ ~

Protest Church Meeting Raid


USCC Publishes Official Church Night Prayer








HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICH The annual parish auction began yesterday am~ will continue today from 7:30 to 11 p.m. in the church auditorium. Refreshments will be available. ST. STANISLAUS, FALLRlVER The solemnity of Our Lady of Czestochowa takes places today and will be marked at a special Holy Hour from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., followed by a concel" ebrated Mass. Evening Prayers in honor of Our Lady. will be sung at 6:45 p.m. and Mass will also follow this service. The day is also the patronal feast for members of the new Confraternity of Our Lady of Cestochowa. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The winter schedule of Masses will begin Sunday, Sept. 12. Other September activities include the annual procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima at 7 p.m. Saturday Sept. 4 and the feastday Mass at 8 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 5. An Appreciation Night will take place Sunday night, Sept. 26 at, White's restaurant. The Holy Name Society will hold a breakfast meeting following attendance at 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Sept. 19. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Knights of the Altar will visit homes Sunday, Aug. 29. to solicit contributions for the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. Also on Sunday, the committee of St. Joseph's Cub Pack 37 will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Cubmaster and Mrs. Gerald Durocher. ST. THERESA, SOUTH ATTLEBORO The Confraternity of Christian Mothers will open its season' Monday, Sept. 13 with a family style meat pie supper at 6:30 p.m., followed by a talk on Childhood Behavior by Rev. Robert McIntyre of St. Aloysius Home, Greenville, R. I. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor an overnight trip to New York City Saturday, Oct. 2. Further information is available from Kay Nestor, telephone 574-6276, or Stella Pavao, 6736881. The parish bingo game will re-open Wednesday, Sept. 15. Father Joseph Aduesi, CSC, vicar-general of the diocese of Kumasi, Ghana, will speak at all Masses this weekend under the Mission Cooperative Plan.

Donation Day Massachusetts Citizens for Life will benefit from a "donation day" program Tuesday, Sept. 7, when supermarket shoppers will be able to request that five per cent of the amount of their purchases be donated to the pro-life organization. Stores in Buzzards Bay, Fall River, Hyannis and Wareham are participating in the project and further information and necessary identification coupons are avai~­ able from Citizens for Life at 1 Gateway Center, Newton Mass. 02158 or from Mrs. Pamela Smith, 592 Stevens Rd., Swansea, telephone 676-9634.

\ THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976

1976 Has Been Bad Year For Prophets of Doom

Father Greeley"s Tribute To Blessed. Virgin Mary

This has been a bad year for seers and prophets, espe-' dally those who think of themselves as belonging to the so-called liberal or progressive camp, whether in Church or state. On at least three major events - the Democratic primaries, the bicentennial, and the Philadelphia Eucha- having been too "ecclesiastical" In character or for having failed ristic Congress - many of to highlight their own particular them guessed wrong, much Interest. They are entitled to to their embarrassment. With few exceptions ("Scotty" Reston of the New York Times was one), the nation's leading


MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS political pundits grossly underCarter's estimated Jimmy chances. Long after the tide had turned in his favor, they kept saying, "Jimmy who?" By the time they learned the answer, the die had been cast, and their reputation as prophets had been tarnished. . The bicentennial also caught a number of pundits off guard. Badly misjudging the national mood, they predicted that路 the grand finale on July 4 would fizzle out like a damp firecracker and that the whole shebang would be resented by aggrieved minorities and ignored even by beneficiaries of the system. In an article dated, ironically, July 3, one Catholic journalist reported in a British magazine (much too gleefully) that public reaction to pre-Fourth of July bicentennial celebrations had been extremely negative. Then he said, "bigger problems are foreseen for the grand climax of the celebrations on July 4 at Philadelphia ... The mayor has requested a massive presence of federal troops to keep the protesters from getting out of hand." For his own sake, I hope he didn't wager his life savings on that pessimistic prophecy. I am not criticizing him for being a hopelessly bad prophet. To the contrary, he has my sympathy, for I must admit that I, too, was surprised by the way things turned out. There is this difference between us, however. I am delighted I was wrong, but, if I have read his article correctly, I suspect he was disappointed by the Bicentennial finale's phenomenal success. Prophets Fooled The Eucharistic Congress also fooled the prophets of doom, present company included. I am one of those whose expectations were rather limited. After the fact, however, I am delighted that I was completely wrong. The congress was far more successful, from almost every point of view, than I ever dreamed it could ,be. It was a grand, glorious reljgious celebration. I am glad I was there, for I don't expect to live long enough to see anything like it again. It is predictable, that some will criticize the congress for

their opinion,'but I suspect the majority who took part in the ceremonies will turn them off and will agree with Kenneth Briggs' enthusiastic round-up article in the Aug. 8 New York Times. Briggs, the Times religion editor, caught the spirit of the congress when he said that "though the hierarchy was much in evidence, the congress has been primarily a folk festival, graphically illustrating the Second Vatican Council's emphasis on the Church as 'the people of God'.... The expressions of solidarity, most clearly evident at the many Masses, have coexisted with displays of diversity that some believe to be the greatest world's fair in the Church's history." Self-Righteous Moralists Briggs' reference to the congress "folk festival" character calls to mind a statement made . by the British Catholic author, Meriol Trevor in her book, "Prophets and Guardians: Renewal and Tradition in the Church." Miss Trevor, the distinguished biographer of Cardinal Newman and Pope John XXIII, points out'that "prophets (in the biblical, not the contemporary sense of the word) and radicals easily become prigs, and a prop.hetic community, as we see from the history. of the sects, is liable to develop into a closed circle of self-righteous moralists." She then quotes Newman: "The Church moves as a whole; it is not a mere philosophy, it is a communion." If Briggs is correct-and I think he is-the congress confirmed the wisdom of Newman's thesis. It was a marvelous example of the Church moving as a whole, as a communioQ of people who, despite their differences, are united in the faith and came to Philadelphia to celebrate their unity. The congress, to be sure, did not take up all the controversial issues facing the Church today. But as Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Briggs . in an interview: "There was no attempt to sweep them under the rug. Sometimes we just have to get together to give witness to our faith and not get hung up on our problems." I suspect the overwhelming majority of the million or more people who attended completely agree with the archbishop. I know I do. I couldn't agree with him more.

Through Grace "Man does, in eternity, not what God through an arbitrary disposition makes him do, but what man has made himself capable of doing through the grace of God in mortal life." -Anscar Vonier


Our Lady's Day in Harvest Time "Dei Mater Alma." The generous belly, the breast soft and warm, The merry eye, the tender hand -all long, long gone.



EXPLAINS ROLE: Church influence on the political order flows from its teaching role - but that role stops short of partisan politics, according to the president of the 'National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB). Archbishop Joseph L Bernardin of Cincinnati called it "the task of Church leaders路 to address the issues which our society must face," in a statement on the Church's role in the political process. "The Church, however, does not involve itself in partisan politics; it does not endorse or oppose particular parties or candidates. At all times it must maintain its freedom to speak out clearly on any issue," the archbishop said. He backed the Church's record in the area of prolife concern, saying' the Church "is proud of its prolife stance; its opposition to abortion is also crucial because at this time the prolife cause has few other institutional advocates." Not catholic Issue The Church's stand on abortion "does not make the issue a Catholic one, no more than our involvement in the food .crisis makes that a Catholic issue," the NCCB president said, adding: "The record shows that the Church in our country has historically addressed a broad range of issues from a moril1 perspective." Other threats to human life include "hunger, inadequate health care, the lack of decent housing, and . . . the proliferation of nuclear weapons." . But, he said, "abortion is a direct assault on the lives of those who are least able to defend themselves," and the' Church's. strong concern is that the public's "sensitivity to the entire spectrum of human rights will ultimately be eroded" by "violation of the basic human right to life."

The blue mantle hangs useless from the peg Dust and darkness dim the window Stale air presses heavy on the land Sumertime - and yet we are cold. No passion in the empty house No laughter in the shabby garden No rapture in the frigid heart. Long gone she who used to wear the skyBright Brigid, sweet Astarte, gentle Net; Long gone, too, bewitching teenage peasant Who bore the world anew Who Who Who And

tamed the Norman fury warmed the Saxon soul kept alive the Polish hope calmed the crackling Celt.

Worthless the mantle and . brown her garden For whom the whole world once sang

Now the icy ideologue, the ivory icon, The sickly cult, the papal text, The dry debate, the dismal uno." Where gone, Madonna, and how long? Alive? Well, in what galaxy? And we orphans, chilled and alone, Among the rotting roses. The wind shifts, The mantle lifts, White fingers on blue cloth, Flashing brown eyes in the sudden sunlight, A smile explodes against the gloom. Laetare, Alleluia!

No Christian Names LIBREVILLE, Gabon (NC) Refugee reports here from neighboring Equatorial Guinea said a decree by its President-for-life Francisco Macias Nguema prohibits parents from giving Christian names to their children. Another decree, the same sources. said, orders military training for children 7 to 14 years, and provides heavy penalties for parents opposing such training.

CAMP CUNICS: Youngsters at Cathedral and Our Lady of the Lake Camps enjoy track and field, basketball clinics. Left, counselors Mary Ellen Brough, Jackie Bariteau and Lauren Draper with budding track stars; right, Eddie Rodericks and Brian Baptiste, college hoop stars, with basketball aspirants.

NASON OIL COMPANY 7 Perry Avenue Taunton Mass.


lOur Heating Oils Make Warm Friends l



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH Attitudes to Coming of Christ

We, Too, Wait .•. BY WILLIAM E. MAY

Toward the close of the first century, after the fall of Jerusalem and its destruction' by the Romans in 70 A.D. and after the majority of the first generation of Christians had "fallen asleep in the Lord," the early Church was faced with severe temptations. Not only were there many false teachers, "waterless springs" (2 Pet. 2:17), men who despised authority (2 Pet. 2:10) and deceitfully sought to lead the faithful to a false kind of freedom, there was also the gnawing doubt that the faith proclaimed by the Apostles was a hoax. For, after all, the Lord had not returned in glory, as He had promised, to give His faithful ones power and glory and dominion over 'all the earth. Could it be that the Apostles had been . deceived, that their faith was 'empty, their hope futile? It was in this context that the Second Epistle of Peter and the Apocalypse were written. The temptation to despair and the appeal of those promising instant salvation put tremendous pressure on the faithful creating tensions not unlike those we experience today. And. so the message of the Second Epistle of Peter was one


of encouragement and hope. The point of this letter was that Christ would indeed come in glory; He would be true to His word, faithful to His promise. But of that day no one of us has certain knowledge. What we do know is that the "dealy" of the Lord in coming is a "delay" only in the eyes of men. For "the Lord does not delay in keeping his promise ... Rather he shows you generous patience, since he wants none to perish but all to come to repentance" (2 Pet. 3:9). God Has Come In waiting for the Lord to come-and come He surely will -we are to live as His people. This means that we must be patient and make manifest through our lives that God has indeed come and visited His people. We show this by bearing our burdens patiently, helping one another and seeing in one -another the child of God that we really are. These same themes are struck in the Apocalypse: a work that stresses the certainty. of the final divine judgment (AP 19:20 ff: 2:1-3:22), the living unity of Christ with His Church (Ap. 1;10-13; 1;1-3:22; 6;1-8;1), the absolute transcendence and majesty of God (Ap. 4;1-11), the Turn to Page Thirteen

Joseph: Rainbow and' Jealousy

By FArnER ALFRED McBRIDE Few stories in the Old Testament match the wonderful tale of Joseph. It shows there is nothing like jealousy to ruin a family. Allied to this is the observation that spoiling children is as old as families, and as destructive. Old Jacob favored his youngest boy giving him expensive garments to wear. This enraged his brothers. Moreover, his dreamy ways and superior attitudes (and probable 'refusal to help with the work) move them to an irrational desire to kill him. They settled for selling him as a slave to a passing Egyptian caravan. Potiphar, an Egyptian officer purchased the 17-year-old boy. Showing a quick sense of responsibility, Joseph soon became manager of Potiphar's estate. The master's wife fell in love with the handsome young man, but he refused to return her affection. Angry, due to the repudiated love, she framed him, accusing him of having intruded upon her. Potiphar sent the presumed criminal to jail. In prison, his leadership qualities emerged again. The put him in charge of a cell block. One day two new men arrived who had been butler and baker to the Pharaoh. Wild dreams robbed them of sleep. Joseph plagued them at night and asked them about their prob-


lems. They confided their dreams to him. The butler had seen a vine with fat grapes. He squeezed the grapes and filled the wine cup and gave it to Pharaoh. Joseph said that the dream meant that in three days the Pharaoh would forgive him and restore him to his former office. Joseph asked the butler to remember him when he was free. The baker dreamed about a platter on his head. Three cakes rested on it and birds came and ate the cakes. Joseph tried to avoid interpreting the dream, but the baker pressed him. Sadly, Joseph told him that it meant that the Pharaoh would have' him executed in three days. Joseph's predictions came true, but the butler forgot him. Two years later the royal bedroom quaked with the shouts and mutterings of a restless Pharaoh as he now was tormented with dreams about seven thin cows eating seven fat ones and seven lean ears of corn eating seven .. plump ones. It was then that the butler recalled Joseph's skill in dream interpretation and brought him to court. Feast, Famine Joseph told the Pharaoh it meant that Egypt would experience seven years of big harvests and a population explosion among the cattle. This would be followed by seven years of famTurn to Page Thirteen


FATHER JOHN J. CASTELOT In writing about 1 Peter last week, I suggested that the letter was probably written by a distant disciple of St. Peter late in the first century. One of my aims is to keep you informed of trends in modern biblical studies. However, there. are trends and trends, and this week I shall begin by emphasizing the word "probably." For while there are several who subscribe to this view, the arguments for the letter's being authentically Petrine are by far the stronger. The actual literary style may be Silvanus', as 5:12 states rather clearly, but he would simply have given eloquent expression to Peter's message. It is a different story in 2 Peter. Biblical scholars' practically unanimously agree that this is a late, sub-apostolic work. Dates suggested for composition run from 80 to 150 A.D.; perhaps a date around 110 would be close. The author bends over backward to identify himself with Peter, but his attempts are transparent and self-conscious, and he tips his hand in several passages. For example, in 3:2 he writes: "Recall the teaching delivered long ago by the holy prophets, as well as the new command of the Lord and Savior preached to you by the apostles." And in the same vein, those who are denying the Second Coming ask, "Where is that promised coming of his? Our forefathers have been laid to rest, but everything stays just as it was when the world was created" (3:4). Both passages indicate a time when people are looking back to the first Christian generation. M~ny other features of the letter make this conclusion inescapable. However, our immediate concern is not the authorship of 2 Peter, but the allied question of the historical and theological situation which it supposes, especially the changing attitudes to Christ's Second Coming. The issues was of vital concern in the early Church. It involved a basic, general hope and expectation that the risen Lord would soon reappear in glory to establish definitively the Kingdom He came to earth to inaugurate. But apart from this basic expectation, there was much confusion on the subject, a confusion reflected in New Testament literature. In 2 Peter, such a long time has passed without any sign of the Second Coming that even this basic expectation is being called into serious question. The author devotes most of chapter 3 to demonstrating that the Lord will come again. His argu. mentation is involved, and he draws heavily on the Old Testament (sometimes rather strangely interpreted) and on conventional imagery borrowed from apoc-

In 2 Peter, Father John J. Castelot writes, the author demonstrates the fact that "the Lord indeed will come again." Peter cites the legend of the destrucion of the universe by the¡ waters of the flood and goes on to say "The present heavens and earth are kept for the day of judgement, the day when godless men will be destroyed." This detail from "The Last Judgement", a mosaic by Mary Reardon, is one of the vaulted ceilings of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. (NC Photo) alyptic sections of the prophets and apocryphal Jewish writings. In answer to the objection that nothing has changed since creation, and, at least implicitly,

that no ,change is in ~ight, he cites the legend of the destrction of the universe by the waters of the flood and goes Turn to Page Thirteen


rochial school can, of course, implement within that institution a thoroughly' religious edThe new pastor or group of ucation program for the young. parish leaders about to evaluate There is ample time available, a church's religious education a spiritual atmosphere present, program and set certain goals and freedom for the teachers to for the future must walk a del- integrate religion into the total icate path and try to harmonize situation. two Vatican II norms. Moreover, with close coopThe Declaration on Christian eration between school and Education states: parish staffs, the thrust of the "Acknowledging its grave ob- school's activities may strongly ligation to see to the moral and reinforce the parish's efforts. religious education of all its For example, teachers can enchildren, the Church should give courage and facilitate pupil parspecial. atte~tion and help to ticipation in a Thanksgiving the great number of them who' Day Mass or parish renewal are being taught in non-Catholic week. schools." (Article 7). When the Catholic school is "Accordingly, since the Cath- centralized, however, real conolic school can be of such ser- cern should be given lest a cervice in developing the mission tain competition arise. The of the people of God and in school can become isolated and promoting dialogue between the develop an identity of its own Church and the community at apart from the parishes out of large to the advantage of both, which the. students come. When it' is still of vital importance this happens, hurt feelings reeven in our times." (Article 8) The parish having its own paTurn to Page Thirteen

Attitudes to Coming of Christ Continued from Page Twelve on to say: "The present heaven and earth are kept for the day of judgment, the day when godless men will be destroyed" (3:7). As for the apparent delay, he makes this important observation: New Heaven, New Earth This point must not be overlooked dear friends. In the Lord's eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. The Lord does not delay in keeping his promise - though some consider it "delay." The day of the Lord will come like a thief, and on that day the heavens will vanish with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, ... (3:8-10) He concludes: What we await are new heavens and a new earth where, according to his promise, the justice of God will reside. (3:11-13) The Apocalypse (Revelation) of John, using the same sort of imagery, speaks of a new heaven and a new earth, and predicts that the Lord will come "soon," But "soon" is a relative term, especially in the context of eternity, where it does much of its temporal urgency. The author of 2 Peter had one objective: To esta,blish the reality of the Second Coming in the face of denials that it would ever happen. In accomplishing that objective, he borrowed imaginative details from past and current literature, references to cosmic destruction by fire, with the elements melting away in a blaze, etc. It is important to recognize his imagery for what it is: imagery. John L. McKenzie says clearly in his "Dictionary of the Bible," p. 640: Finally the imagery of the Parousia, which ,has stimulated so much Christian art and poetry, should be faced. (It) is derived mainly from On 7;13 f with additions from other OT

Says Catholic Church 'Vital' STOCKHOLM (NC) - "Vital" is the word Lutheran theologian Gunnar Hillerdal used to describe today's Catholic Church in Svenska Dagbladet, conservative daily newspaper here. "It is well known to observers that the development of the Church after the Second Vatican Council partly seemed to be chaotic and causing antipressure," the writer and educator said. "However, the remaining impression today is a \oital Roman Catholic Church." Hillerdal said that the Catholic Church "before the end of 20th century will be numerically the second largest church in our ~ountry.

"During the last few decades, quite a number of Swedes have converted," he said. "Other peapIe have for the first time found a spiritual home in the Roman Catholic Church. Hillerdal noted there are a considerable number of Catholic authors and essayists writing in Sweden today. "There are many indications that Swedish Catholics will be heard more and more often in cultural discussion," he said.

THE ANCHORThurs. August 26, 1976

apocalyptic passages. This imagery the NT did not invent; it found it and applied it to its own conceptions,. transforming it in the application. It seems exegetically more secure to treat it as what it appears to be, imagery, and to draw no unwarranted conclusions in detail about the external features of the Parousia. A world catastrophe, which the Parousia and the judgment are, must indeed elicit images, but they should . be understood as such. One may affirm that Jesus not only asserted that the time of the Parousia is unknown, but also that He uttered no concrete and detailed description of its external features. What we can say with certainty about the Parousia, the Second Coming, seems to be what we say every time we recite the Creed: "He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead."

To Teach

Jealousy Continued from Page Twelve ine in which the fields would dry up and the cattle would die. The best thing to do, is to build warehouses to store grain so that there will be no hunger during the bad period said Joseph. He counseled the Pharaoh to appoint a minister of agriculture to oversee the collection and distribution. Pharaoh agreed and put the bright young Joseph in charge. Everything happened as Joseph predicted. First the feast and then the famine. Neighboring countries journeyed to Egypt for a pittance of food. Joseph personally interviewed all grain missions from outside the coun· try. Jacob's family needed grain and so they came to Joseph. Age had changed him beyond their recognition. He spoke only Egyptian so they did not know him. He asked about the family' and heard about Benjamin. He demanded to see his younger brother and held Simeon as hostage. This was another sorrowful blow for Jacob who now had' his cup full of pain for all the mischief he had caused in his own young days. Immient starvation demanded cooperation with Joseph. They returned with Benjamin. Joseph wept when he saw his younger brother. ",Come closer to me. I am your brother Joseph, whom you once sold into Egypt. But do not be distressed, and do not reproach yourselves' for having sold me here. It was really for the sake of saving lives that God sent me here ahead of you" (Gen. 45, 4-5). Thus Joseph provided the key to the message of his story, to save life. The Church has always connected him with Christ, crucified by his brothers, but raised up by the Father for the salvation of the world. We see that God has chosen His people out of all nations, Abraham from Mesopotamia, Isaac from Canaan, and Joseph from Egypt. Out of the complexities of history God wove the first beginings of His plan for salvation The story of Joseph completes the story of the patriarchs and sets the stage for the subsequent unfolding of God's plan in the Judges, Kings, Prophets and Wise men.


"We live in a world where instant happiness and salvation are promised if we do this or that." William E. May writes. "We too live in a world where the memory of the One who emptied Himself of His divinity, took on the form of a slave, and died ignominiously and ungloriously on the cross has grown dim." This painting of the crucifixion is by El Greco. (NC Photo)

We, Too, Continued from Page Twelve majestic providence of God (Ap. 5;1-2), the equality of Christ with His Father (Ap. 1;7, 8, 18; 5;13 7;10; 19;16), and the rewards that a life of faithfulness and perseverance in doing good will win (Ap. 2;7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3;5, 12, 20-21; 14;13). In many ways we face the same temptations that troubled the Christian communities to whom these writing of the New Testament were addressed. We, too, live in a world where the pOwer of secular rulers is impressive and awe-inspiring. We, too, are promised instant happiness and salvation if we do this or do that. Our memory, too, of the One who emptied Hilmself of His divinity, took on the form of a slave, and died ignominiously and ungloriousl~ on the cross has grown dim. Why believe in a suffering and dying Messiah; a Christ who. asks us to take up our cross daily, to turn the other cheek, to seek not our own? The Second Epistle of Peter and the Apocalypse partially answers these questions. We are to have faith and to live in humble patience because the story about Christ is true. The cruci-

W~it • • • fied -':hrist is indeed the Lord's anointed, the very Son of the Father. In Choosing to live as He did, we become one with Him, sharing. his divinity just as He shared our humanity. The crucified Jesus, who truly rose from the dead in glory as the first fruits of the redemption, will in truth come again to welcome us into His kingdom.

St. Mary's College In Kentucky Closes ST. MARY, Ky. (NC) - St. Mary's College here, one of the oldest Catholic colleges for men in the United States and the oldest west of the Alleghenies, is closing after 155 years, it was announced here. Declining enrollment and the national drop in vocations to the priesthood forced the closing of the college, which, since 1929, has admitted only those studying for the priesthood, said Resurrectionist Father Bernard C. Hayes, the college's presidentrector, in announcing the decision of the board of trustees. Only 37 seminarians were attending St. Mary's at the end of the 1975-76 school year, Father Hayes said. Five years ago 140 were enrolled.

Continued from Page Twelve sult duplicated events occur and energies are wasted. There is no perfect resolution of that problem. Nevertheless, good communication structures between parishes and the school as well as frequent involvement of area clergy in the school's life may reduce those conflicts or tensions. The parish leadership must assign top priority these days to the large number of young people who attend public schools. For years these pupils have been second-class citizens in many parishes. Often there are overcrowded religion classes, insufficient budgets, no textbooks, well-intentioned, but inadequately trained instructors and even attitudes or principles which downgrade the public school parishioner. "Only Catholic school students are allowed to ibe servers." "What do you eX[J~ct, they don't send the children to our school?" Affinnative Action This has improved substantially in the past decade, but it doe.s so only if parish leaders make some hard and 'painful decisions which cost time, money and energy. In our church, over five years, we have: increased the bud~et from $1,000 to $15,000 for ~Ii­ gious education; hired three :::.isters as parish helpers with heavy, although not exclusive responsibilities in the catechetical field; tripled the number of CCD teachers; reduced individuai class size from 50 to 20; negotiated with the school authorities for a better released' time schedule; and built an instruction center across from the local high school. Affirmative action programs like these can irk those who previously seemed to enjoy favored positions. Because you are doing more for public school children than before, parents of Catholic school pupils may feel you are therefore doing less now for them. We have suffered such criticism, unfair as it is (our Catholic school costs . at Holy Family are $45,000 for 150 students, public school religiou instructions figures are $15,000 for 640). The parish leaders in those mixed circumstances must be extremely careful to show no partiality. The priests, particularly, are shepherds for all the children. We have found the clear and publicized integration of both Catholic and~ public school youngsters into special Sunday liturgies, e.g., the monthly children's celebration, graduation Mass, First Communion, is perhaps the most effective means of showing we, like Jesus, love and teach equally all our ,boys and girls.

Montie Plum~ing & Healing Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675·7496


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Aug. 26,1176


page Life




THIS MASQUERADE By The Dameans Are we really happy here With this lonely game we play, Looking for words to say? Searching, but not finding Understanding anywhere; We're lost in a masquerade.

NEON ARTIST: Ron Pompeii, young Philadelphia irtist, displays his neon sculpture of the Last Supper. Seventeen feet long 'and weighing 301) pounds, it was intended for display at Eucharistic Congress but wasn't finished in timcl. Nevertheless, Pompeii, creator of many other sculptures, is sure it'll find a buyer. (NC Photo).

focus on youth ... By CECILIA BELANGER There are different focuses today - some on the institution, others on the individual. Some find meaning in a community experience, others in a more indidualized way. Faith has different meanings to different people. The church has different meanings. Concepts vary and change in this modern world. In my own dialogue with youth and adults here and there, individual believers irrespective of church affiliation, ministerial roles, clergy and lay status, feel that' they are standing on the cutting edge of Church and world. They are confused. Rev. Sebastian Falcone, academic dean and professor of New Testament studies at Saint Bernard's Seminary, recently gave an excellent talk on this subject. He did not care for the expression "ordinary believer" because he did not think there was any such person, but he did say (to paraphrase) that the layperson or the secular believer who is citizen of the world and of the church at one and the same time is more and more clearly cast today in the role of the "double agent." It's not only the ambiguities within the institutionalized churches that confuse, but it's that point of contact where the individual believer as member of church or synagogue or any religious persuasion, who is also a member of a work-a-day world, faces the hard and fast challenges of making important, relevant decisions and somehow (this is the 'hard part) remaining integral in the process. This is

Marriage F'roposal Seen

By 12,000 Witnesses CHICAGO (NC) - Mar:'iage me? Love, Mark," flashed on the proposals traditionally are a pri- scoreboard during the third innvate affair, but Mary Sisler and ing, much to Mary's surprise. Mark Bernard, both studen';s at "I was dumbfounded," said Iowa Catholic colleges, had Mary, a student at Clarke Col12,639 persons to witness their lege in Dubuque, run by the Sisbetrothal. 'ters of Charity. "My hands were Bernard, a student at St. Am- shaking when he put the ring brose College, run by the D~,ven­ on my finger." port diocese, popped the CluesBoth sets of parents were at tion over the electronic s ;ore- the game as well as about 20 board at Comiskey Park here friends, she said. Everyone knew during a White Sox - Minnnsota about the proposal except Mary Twins baseball game. herself and Bernard's parents. "Mary Sisler, will you marry Ab, Come On! A few minutes later "Ah, come on, Mary" flashed on the board, the point of focus; this i ~ the followed by "Will she or won't she? The odds are 2-1 she will." area of relevance. Finally, in the fifth inning, So the question arises-what is the immediate future? What Mary sent her answer. "Maly said yes. Congratuladoes it hold out for the inc,ividtions and best wishes" appeared ual God-committed person ~ on the scoreboard as the final Breakdown Noted We have noticed a significant message. To the strains of' "Get Me to breakdown in the tradit ional patterns of society that have the Church on Time," the couple supported religious strucl ures. was given a bottle of champagne, Will the religious patterns, the courtesy of White Sox owner props, become weaker and weak- Bill Veeck, with the message, er for institutionalized reli ~ious "C-ompliments of the White practice? We are today e}:peri- Sox." encing the fragmentation of a Mary, 21, said she and Mark, society that for all of its diver- 20, have been going together for sity looked to avowed religious four and a half years and have values for its basic refe ,ence talked about marriage often. point. There are many reilsons They plan to wed next July. why some no longer look ill this She said Bernard got the idea direction, none of them good. for his unusual proposal several Traditional values erode iaily. years ago at a White Sox ~ame Less and less evident in our sQ- where the scoreboard was the ciety are those traditional reli- intermediary in another engagegious patterns, even Ie :lving ment. His own proposal was araside an indictment of CO:ltem- ranged well in advance by writporary morals. ing Veeck, she said. The more I talk with l=eople "He always told me he wanted the more I begin to belieVE that to give the ring to me that way, religious commitment, as it but I didn't really believe him," should be, will ,become the ex- she said. perience of fewer and fewer. "He tried to tell'me it was betThe environment for such ex- ter this way than if we had been perience seems to be hostile in alone," she said. "But ~'m still not convinced," Tum to Page Fifteen

Both afraid to say We're just too far away, From being close together from the start. We tried to talk it over But the words got in the way. We're lost inside This lonely game we play. Thoughts of leaving disappear Every time I see your eyes, No matter how hard I try To understand the reasons That we carry on this way. We're lost in a masquerade. Sung by: George Benson Written by: Leon Russell (c) Skyhill Publishing Company Inc., B.M.I. Each year, before Lent, New Orleans goes wild - streets become dance halls, strangers become friends, all rules are suspended, and the entire city lets its hair down. It's carnival time, the celebration of Mardi Gras. ,For this period an amazing transformation takes place and life becomes a party. Almost everyone masquerades. Ye't perhaps the most remarkable thing of all is that instead of hiding who they are, their masks and costumes provide them with an opportunity to be free. Society gives them permission to be themselves without criticism. This freedom finds expression in the way they decorate themselves. What we realize from all this is how much we are actually masked when we think our costumes are removed.


"This Masquerade" is not a new song. It's been sung by Leon Russell, Sergio Mendez, Herb Alpert, Helen Reddy and The Carpenters. The reality it describes is not new either. Disguising oneself goes back as far as Jacob, in the Old Testament, who masqueraded as his brother Esau to gain the birthright from his father, Isaac. Masquerade is precisely what the song describes - "a lonely game," It is an attempt to present to someone else a false front in hone of gaining their attention and affection. We can even tailor the mask to fit what we think the othe,r will be looking for and appreciate. Then, if the disguise is bought, we feel we have found some companionship. This feeling, however, is not satisfied because the real self has still not been met or appreciated. The real self is still hiding and lonely. The game becomes even harder once the other accepted the mask. Then we are afraid to unmask for that we will be rejected if-"we reveal who we really Because the pain of rejection would be too great, we "lost inside this lonely game we play,"

has fear are. feel

The song represents the sadness and near despair of masquerade. It handles those feelings with a real sensitivity, however, it does not give an insight toward a solution. -It points to the problem, which is only the first step. Our faith gives some insight into resolving the situation. It holds out the promise that "the truth will make you free," To risk being honest about your real self is to have the possibility of being free, and bei ng accepted for who you are. It may seem frightening and may require a gradual unfolding, but others will then have the possibility of loving us rather than our mask. Our faith assures us that it can happen.

'Focus on Youth..•

THE 4NCHORThurs. August 26, 1976

Continued from Page Fourteen many' areas. People now are identifying with a shrinking minority and this will lead the believer 'to experience increasing isolation. One.student said that even in his young lifetime, a feeling of collectivity has disappeared. He felt it's every person.' for himself. Others, say the' times will mark a return to the so-called Biblical remnant ... a core of godly people who will look. to express a commitment of faith that will have to find its root in a courageous form of witness. Father Falcone said the same thing. The anonymity of numbers will be gone; the mediocrity of easy membership will disappear and there will be a strong need to provide quality commitment or none at all. It's a matter of standing up and being counted. In a word, the religious person of the immediate future will become marginalized. Many already are.


Oldest Hebrew

Bible Available In Facsimile

Powerful Incentive There will be advantages to this prospect, bleak as it may sound to some. The need for tightening the ranks will provide a powerful incentive. Father Falcone feels there will be a de-emphasis on the different theological traditions and affili~ ations. That ecumenism will become not the option it is today -that believers, as a besieged minority, will look for an expression of unity for which they may not have felt any immediate urgency in the past.

TV INSIGHT: Paulist Father Elwood Kieser (right) discusses last minute details with television personality Mike Douglas prior to their narration of Mass at Eucharistic Congress. Father Kieser says TV'·s "vast wasteland" shows signs of being irrigated." (NC Photo).

Vast Wasteland Has Some Oases CLEVELAND (NC) - Paulist Father Ellwood Kieser has an inside view of the television industry. He thinks that in many ways it still is a "vast wasteland," but he also believes that "the wasteland is being irrigated. There are several cases - still a lot wrong with TV - but there are definitely some cases." One such basis is the show called Insight he created and produced. . Father Kieser - he prefers to be called "Bud" - has been travelling across the country to publicize the beginning jof his show's 16th year on the air. As executive producer of the award-winning dramatic show and president of Paulist Productions, based in Pacific Palisades, Calif., Father Kieser has had an opportunity to keep an eye on. the television industry, see where it has been, and where it hopes to go.

Another advantage would be the heightened quality of that faith expression of the believer. "It has always appeared to me to be a sociological fact that the larger the number of adherents to a given cause, the greater by inverse proportion the drop-off in quality commitment," said Father Falcone. He mentioned a lengthy conversation he'd had with Douglas Hyde, some five or six year~ ago -Hyde, the Communist editor of the London Times who eventually found his way back to Christianity. Father recalled telling him on one occasion that his work with groups had invariably led him to the conviction that with whatever number one might ,be working, 'eventually one could only depend on no more than a 10 percent core of the total number of adherents, 10 percent of the truly committed. And Father asked Hyde if this was so in his experience as a leader of several hundred communist cells that he had personally trained. Hyde looked at Father Falcone and said, "For all of the reputation of total 100 percent commitment that the Communists have enjoyed, I would have to say the same holds true there." "ACT NOW • Turn spare time into $$$! Be a SANTA's Demonstrator, earn comi$$lons up to 30% • OR • have a Toy & Gift Party in your home and earn FREE Gifts. Our 29th year! Call or write SANTA's Parties, Avon, Conn. 06001. Phone 1 12031 673·3455. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES."


His Insight show, he said, is not "just another preacher-oriented religious show." The show, he continued, deals with subjects of today - marriage, teenagers, social problems like abortion, drugs, the black-white relationship - but "the whole Insight series has a compassion and hope theme." "And we never preach," added Father Kieser. Insight is, in some ways, aimed at non-believers. But Catholics are not being abandoned for, as Father Kieser put it: "There's a non-believer in every Catholic." In presenting the program, he does not presuppose any religious conviction or commitment.

Loses Greatness "He who stays not in his littleness, loses his greatness."St. Francis de Sales

No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is ~ Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *AlTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD,Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.

Thus, "by reaching for the nonbeliever, I can reach all the believers along the way," he said.

OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 South Main St. Fall River

JERUSALEM (NC) - Exact facsimiles of the oldest Hebrew Bible manuscript, the Aleppo Codex, which dates back to the end of the first millenium of the Christian era, have been offered for sale here. The manuscript, believed to be written in Tiberias in Palestine by Aharon Ben-Asher, is the result of Babylonian rabbis' efforts in the seventh century A.D. to edit a Masora, or traditional official Jewish text of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. Because the Hebrew alphabet consists only of consonants, the rabbis were perplexed by the great number of different interpretations given to many biblical passages. Their confusion was like that which would arise if the English words "son," "sun," and "sin" all appeared in writing as "sn." They decided, therefore, to establish a single edition with vowel-points (punctuation marks equivalent to vowels), which they hoped would win universal acceptance. Judeo-Christian polemics added urgency to their mission.


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189 189





299 199 and Table :....... DREXEL Traditional High Back Wing Chair with 199 305 Cabriole Legs LANE Contemporary Loose Pillow Back Loveseat, Earthtone 349 249 HENREDON Traditional Loose Pillow Back Lounge Chair ... 438 259 BRANDT "Ranch Oak" Loose Pillow Back Loveseat, Herculon 594 289 SIMMONS Contemporary Hide-A-Bed with Full Size Mattress, Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 299 THOMASVILLE Mediterranean High Back Lounge Chair, Red 439 299 BROOKWOOD Traditional Queen Size Sleeper, 449 299 H I Pl'd ercu on al .-. . . . . . . • MARIMONT Traditional Loose Pillow Back Sofa, Red Print. 499 359 ETHAN ALLEN Traditional Lawson Sofa, Decorator Stripe. 677 379 HICKORY TAVERN Traditiona I Loose Pillow Back Loveseat. 529 399 HERITAGE Traditional Chippendale Fireside Wing Chair, Red 614 399 SELIG Contemporary Loose Pillow Back Sofa, Plinth Base. . 699 399 PRESTIGE Early American Three Piece Curved Sectional, Plaid , :. . . . . . . . 699 599 KROEHLER Spanish Sofa, Chair, Hi-Back Chair, Red Velvet 1299 899 SEALY Mattresses or Box Springs in Full or Twin Sizes. Values to 119 69 BASSETT Colonial Pine Triple Dresser, Mirror, Full or Queen Size Bed ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 249 DIXIE Mahogany Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed. : ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 399 YOUNG HINKLE "Ship Ahoy" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 429 THOMASVILLE "Sansei" Dresser, Twin Mirrors, Full or Queen Size Bed, Nite Stand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765 499 DREXEL "Delray" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 499 CRAWFORD Colonial Cherry Dresser, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 ·599 FOREST Pine Dresser, Hutch Mirror, Chest, Queen Size Bed, Two Nite Stands ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 699 'DIXIE Eleven Piece Teenage Grou~ with Twin Beds .. . . . .. 1478 799 DREXEL "Crosswinds" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Queen Size Bed and Two Nite Stands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965 799 BURLINGTON Colonial Maple Dresser, Hutch Mirror, Chest, Queen Size Bed .. '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1199 899 HERITAGE "Madrigal" Dresser, Twin Mirrors, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed 1799 999 UNIQUE "Vi nata" Dresser, Triple Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1639 1299

HIBRITEN Italian Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed, Nite Stand : . THOMASVILLE "Chateau Provence" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Queen Size Canopy Bed' . HERITAGE "Cameo II" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Full or Queen Size Bed, Nite Stand . CENTURY "Chin Hua" Dresser ,Twin Mirrors, Chest, King Size Bed : '. HENREDON "Four Centuries" Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Queen Size Canopy Bed . BRODY Five Piece Dinette Table, Four Chairs, P B ecan and ronze . ETHAN ALLEN "Heirloom" Harvest Table, Four Comb Back Mates Chairs . KELLER "Old Capitol" Maple Oval Table, Four Mates Chairs METCO Five Piece Dinette, Table, Four C!lairs, Rosewood and Chrome . LIBERTY Contemporary China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs HOOKER Mediterranean Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs .' . BASSETT Modern or Spanish China, OVal Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs , . CRAWFORD Solid Cherry Buffet, Hutch, Oval Table and Four Duxbury Chairs , .. PLYMWOOD Honey Pine Dry Sink China, Round Table, Four Mates Chairs , . LANE Contemporary China, Round Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . DIXIE Modern China, Rectangular Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . THOMASVILLE "Tableau" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs ' . STANLEY "Rendition" China, Table, Four Side Chairs, Two Arm Chairs, Server , . HICKORY "James River" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . DREXEL "Accolade" China, Round Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . DREXEL "Francesca" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . HERITAGE "Maracay" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs : . HENREDON "Artefacts" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs ' . HICKORY Louis XV French Provincial China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . WHITE OF MEBANE "Tiara" China, Oval Table, Four Side Chairs and Two Arm Chairs . THOMASVILLE "Passport" Oriental Lamp Table, Coin Finish . HERITAGE "Bronzini" and "Baricini" Cocktail or End Tables, Fruitwood . FOX Early American Etagere with Five Shelves, Rustic Oak. HICKORY "James River" End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Yew Wood . MARTINSVILLE Early American Pine Gun Cabinet with Lock SLIGH Seven Drawer Kneehole Desk, Tudor Oak with BlackTop . KATHERINE HENICK French Provincial Nest ofTables, Patina White .




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