
Page 1

Church Stresses Management


And Labor Have Common Duty to American Public

WASHINGTON (NC) Pope John's soCial encyclical can· help U.S. labor ano'! management in their analysis of how economic activity should serve the common goo~ a major Catholic Labor Day statement says. The usefulness of the Pontiff's encyclical "Christianity and Social Progress" (Mater et Magistra) is stressed in the statement issued by the Social Action Department of the National . . . Catholic Welfare Conference here. Msgr. George G. Higginfl An AttchOf' of 'h, Soul, tIM "~T. PAUL is director of the department. The statement, like last year's, expresses concern over the future of collective bargaining, but also says the department fedl River, Mass., Thursday, August 30, 1962 is confident tnat labor and management are determined to avoid the possibility that PRICl! lOll (C) 1962 The AnchOf' $4.00 per V_ bargaining may be supplanted by some form of compulsory arbitration. The Most Reverend James It cites, as a "significant ste~ L.' Connolly, D.D.· will bless in the right direction" a report and dedicate the new Holy to President Kennedy from the , . Trinity School, West Har- Chief Executive's A d.-v i s 0 r y Committee on Labor-Managewich, tonight at 6 o'clock. The ground was broken July ment Policy. The report, the statement· re28, 1961 for· this new L-shaped lates, says collective bargaining edifice which contains eight Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Diocesan Superintendent o( classrooms, a library and a prin- can be preserved only if it ia School, announced today a new high in the enrollment in cipal's office. The building 'is exercised responsibly through the schools of the Diocese. There 'will be approximately 19,constructed of 'California red- recognition not only of indiviFATHER C~FORD; O.F.M. wood , surmou~ted with a stain- dual responsibilities, but Gt 400 enrolled in the elementary schools' in the Diocese when less steel tower and cro!,s. All duties to society. classes begin for t.he new . Turn to Page Eighteell ear while the Immaculate floors in the building are of Y , ye'ar next Wed n e s day, Conception School, New. Bedtile. The name of the school is Father O'Neill reported. The ford, is adding a seventh' grade. emblazoned' 'on the sides' in increase in the various .high Across the 'entire NatiOn more ·stainless steel.' schools in the Diocese will bring than 13,000 Catholic .schools .and The main entrance is from ~oute 28 but. there is a side ensecondary enrollment up to colleges ~areexpected .to 'enroll trance on, Earl ,Street leading 4500 for a grand total of 23,900ahOut' 5,917,000 'students' this pupils receiving training in the year, setting another,record high into the .principal's office. '. MANCHESTER (NC) . During the co~ing ·year, the lIChools of the Diocese..·. ' total. ... Next Wednesday, the first ~s in past. years, the biggest Father Leo Clifford; (>.F.M.. ne~ schOOl. Will be :used for . The automobile is "a poteftSenior class at Stang' High .. increase is expected in the grade . will be retreat master for the catechical work and then it will tial killer in the 'han~8 of the open the fi,rst four grades of School in No., DartQlouth will 'schools, about 115,000 childr~n. annual retreat for· Diocesan' a parochiai' school. careless, the reCkless and the ata'rt their stUdies, while the High school enrollment should . Following the blessing and inebriate," Bishop Ernest I. !l!irst Sophomore class at Feehan go .up by about 64,000 youngsters priests' to be held at Diocesan High, Attleboro, will begin their and colleges by nearly 29,000 Retreat House, Cathedral Camp, dedication, a' dinner and recep- Primeau of Manchester declared.. beginning next Monday night As the Labor Day weekend tion to· Bishop Connolly for the G2cond year's curriculum. students. A native of Killarney, County benefit of the new school will holiday approached, the Bishop The Holy Name School, Fall These estiJl1ates were· preKerry, Father Clifford is a grad- be held at 8 o'clock at the Bel- in a letter to New Hampshire lliver, will ha,ve six grades thilJ. Turn to Page Seventeen . Catholics voiced his concerm uate of the University of Gal-· mont Hotel; , way. Before coming to the United, Rev. Finbarr McAloon, sS.ce. over increasing fatalities. States he taught at St. Mary'll administrator of ':he parish, has. The Bishop's letter, read at College; Dublin and has announced that the Sisters of Sunday masses in all Catholie preached throughout Ireland and Mercy have'accepted the teach- ch,urches of the diocese, declared England. . ing ~ssignment in the new motorists have a responsibility Guests of the Franciscanll m . school and will come to the to . "observe highway safety atiI Cape Cod Parish when the first an act of religion." Turn to Page Seventeen four grades. are opened for reg"The modern,. powerful autaa , FARGO (NC)-Two Catholic elemen.tary s.chools in ular classes. mobile, capable of excessive the Fargo diocese have announced they are dropping some, Our' Lady Victory Mission_ speeds, must be 'considered l! grfldes this Fall because of a lack of qualified teachers. St. ary Sisters, who at 'present carry' lethal weapon," Bishop Primeau Anthony of Padua grade school in Fargo is dropping grades on the catechetical instructions warned. "It is primarily a means for the children of the area, ar- of transportation and recreation, One, two and three. St. James rived on the Cape Aug. 21, 1953. but it can and must be recogAcademy of New' Rockford for advanced degrees. In the In coop~ation with the pastor, nized as a potential killer in tho is : dropping Grades three, past, the nuns have been atteI1dthey established the first Con- hands of the carelefls, the reck. iog college'during the Summers. four, five and six. fraternity of Christian Doctrine less and the inebriate. In Fargo, Superintendent of These schools, like several on the Cape. "Every driver must be con~ others in the diocese, are staffed Schools Hamilton Vasey told the The' West Harwich Parish waD scious of his responsibilities to by nuns of the Presentation of' Board of EducatIon that fiv~ established as such in 1869, al- others from the moment he' en~ the Blessed Virgin Mary order, teachers will have to be hired though. the first Mass was said terll ,his car. He must observe' whose motherhouse is 'in Fargo. to ' care for almost 200 St. An.in the Holy Trinity Church im' Christian charity and courtesy,· July 1866. the Bishop' said. Mother Mary Catherine, com- thony's students. munity superior, told pastor!! at the end of the past school year, that she was pulling out about 30 Sisters to attend colleges and anlversities for the full school year. These Sisters will either' !Rudy for Bachelor's degrees or ST. LOUIS (NC)-A bish· 'l,'he good .nuns at St. Theresa's Convent in Fan River op cautioned here against reexperienced the unusual thrill of" meeting with the new lying on statistics to measAmerican provincial of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers of ure the success of convert America early this week. Very Rev~ Francis D. Costa, S.S.S.. WO,rk. . who has just assumed the Auxiliary Bishop George J. ter is dean of ·the juniorate at ~. duties of American 'provin- the convent. Gottwald of St. Louis said statistics can be "very misleading>' cial, visited the Fall River As provincial, Father Costa VATICAN CITY (NC)- in dealing with souls. ' Diocese to meet his blood- will supervise the congregation!! Pope John in a personal The reason is that the Myssister, Sister Marie Emmanuel, work at churches and schoow ietter to Augustin Cardinal tical Body of Christ does not S.S.J., who is a member of the located in Barre (Mass.), Cleve'JBea, S.J., on his 50th anni- work statistically, Bishop Gottreligious house on Townsend land, Hyde Park, Chicago, Wau~ paca (Wisc.), Albuquerque and versary as a priest praised wald .pointed out. And the efHill, Fall River. especially his zeal and diligence fect of the work one person does Father Costa, a native oi Manila as well as Ware and Lei~ as president of the Secretariat for a conversion is not alwaYll Gardner (Mass.), is the son of cester in England. Father Costa has served 00 for Promoting 'Christian Unity. felt by that person, he said. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Costa of "One of the most gratifying The letter, revealed here, was 29 Duxbury Road in Worcester, superior of the Cleveland semi~ nary of the Blessed Sacramen~ sent to Cardinal Bea at his moments of a priest is to give and formerly of Fall River. Fathers. He was named a pro-native town of Riedboehringen, instructions to a prospective . The new provincial of the vincial consultor in 1958 and Germany, where he is celebra- convert," Bishop Gottwald said. Blessed Sacrament Fathers in was elected as a delegate to the "When the doorbell rings, he ting his priestly jubilee. AT DAKLY MASS: Steve America has succeeded Very congregation's Rome 1961 gener~ The 81-year-old Scriptural knows he is going to give in-' structions. But someone else has Mattes has pedaled to Mass Rev. William LaVerdiere, S.S.S., al chapter. ~holar, personal confessor of In addition, he 10 III membeli' )?ope Pius XII, went to Germany done a lot of work before the each morning at St. Patrick's who resigned as provincial because of ill health.. of the Catholic Theological SoGlfter attending a conference on bell ever .rings. Of course, it goes without ciety of America and a membei' "Who did the work? It may Church, Youngstown, Ohio, <Christian unity in England. Pope John told him in his have been somebody working since 1910. Mattes began the saying that the happiest mem- of the Mariological Society of Retter: "We are aware of the Oill the Religious Information daily trips after one of his ber of the Sisters of St. Joseph America. Father Costa plans to attend Breat alacrity with which you gram. It may have been some sons, now dead, was stricken at the Fall River convent was Sister Marie Emmanuel who has the canonization of Blessed illave performed the holy priest- people in an office. It may have lW ministry during the long been an old lady praying some- with ' paralysis. The retired not had too many occasions to Peter Julian Eymard, founder lileriod of your life. We praioo where. You and I 'will neve!' city playground caretaker is see her brother since both have of the Blessed Sac ram eDt 88 years old.. NC Photo. been ill the religiou. life;. Sbo Father,- in Rome on next Dec. .. Turn to Page Twelve TlU'n to Page Twelve·



Dedicate'New Cape School

Vot 6, No. 36


O'Neill Announces ~3,900 School', Tofal

Fr. Clifford To" Preach Retreat.


Drivers Must Use Care

Parochial School .Closings Hit ~ublic Purse in Fargo


Figures Give Distortion

Pope John Lauds Cardinal Bea's Zeal for Unity


........ _



b ........a .

Head of Blessed Sacramen't Fathers Enjoys Reunion' with, Sister-Nun At Convent in Fall River




'~t. Dorothy Nuns

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foell· ~iver;- Thurs., ..Aug. 30; 19(12" . . ' '

,.an New Bedford'

ITte~@M~~~&~ crmnmr~~ H©)~©l M@re Top~lev~~ ,M®@tfo[fl)~~



~e foIIowing transferm have been announced by the Sisters of St. Dor~thy, Villa Fatima, Taunton,' and af-

NEW YORK (NC) :- The 'American. In!'!titute of ( Management has recommended that the Church hold more iop-Ievel meetings ~f its principal' executives as a means IDf dealing with, changing conditions and, problems. The AIM, also suggested ~ that . . ecumenical e 0 u n e i I stake DE;W rating was prepared for -the place at least twice a cen- present study, and, the, 1960 'tury.' The institute, recom- rating is considered "still valid."

fecting Sisters in the Fall River Diocese. Appointed to Mt. Carmel, New 'Bedford, are Mother A. Avelar from St. Francis Xavier, Ea~ Providence, R. 1.; Mother I. Car. rellas and Mother M. Ferro from St. Dorothy's Academy, StateD Island; Mother B. Gonsalves and • Mother B. Scatmacchia from Villa Fatima. Going to Villa Fatima are Mother A.· Costa from St. Dorothy's Academ11. Staten,Island, and Mother A. Sila veira from Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. ' , Leaving Mt. Carinel Convent are Mother A. Canellas who will be at St. Francis Xavier, Eas4: Providence, R. I.; Mother 'R, Ellul to St. PatriCk's, Richmond, Staten Is13nd;, Mother R. Patrello to Santa Maria, Detroit, Mich.; and Motl;1er B. Rocha to Mt. SIt. Joseph, Bristol, R. L

The 'spokesman said the Study. mended the establishment of a was prepared 'lY institute perbody of specialized consultants, sonnel who went to Roine and Including "experts on every re- did research' there on the adgio" ana' every kind of human ministrative operations of the activity," whom the pope and Church. " . bis top advisors, could consult The institute's ~w study requickly should the need' arise'conimends that e cum e n i cal The nonprofit organization councils be, held more often. said the "uncertainty" of the sit- "So" great is the 'purpose uation in Cuba should be a "red and so useful are the results of :flag warning" to the Church and such a gathering that holding a spur to its adaptation to meet ecumenical meetings at shorter modern needs. intervals has, become' highly deE!ficiency Rating sirable for the Church," It says. " These eonclusions, are conIs recommending frequent tained in a "management audit" meetings of top-level Church ofof the Catholic Church prepared iicials, the study comments that by the AIM in connection with "in most corporations it is cusOPUS DEI PRIEST: Rev. William Stetson, of Green~ coming ecumenical eo~ci1. tomary to call together at ,fre- . field, Mass., director of foreign students at University of The study was made public quentintervals the heads of the Navarre, is ordained in Madrid as a priest of Opus Dei by here, by Jackson ~artindell" ma)9r departments and the geo~ , ' • L h' .. . h {M drid ' Chairman of the board of ,the graphical or specialized divisions _ Most Rev., GarCIa a Iguera, AUXIhary BIS op 0 a - La" American Institute of Manage- 'to exchange information' about', A~cala. NC, Photo., , . ' ' -: ment. It outlines the historical the state of the enterprise as' a ' ' , , ' M$)st' Rev. James Genar:d; d· background of past ecumenical whole and in some cases to IS~,(), Auxiliary Bishop of the Dio-eouncils, the ,lessons to be cuss problems which affect it, \1i# ce~, was present at the Solenm learned from the way they were as a whole.'" High. Mass of' Requiem celemanaged, and their effects on 0 , View Limited .'brat~d Monday morning in st. the long-range management of The purpose of such meetings, MADRID (NC)-Three Amer- at Harvard and received a do~- Miu'y's Church, Taunton, for tlul the Church. the report' states, is "the, im- leans' were among 28 members torate in ~heology from Rome s Very Reverend James F. GJJ.. The report is the third on the provement of communicatio:lls, of Opus Dei from eight countries Lateran University. . christ, C.P.M. vicar general ai Catholic Church prepared by. the the exchange of information, the ordained, priests' in the Basilica While the majority of --Opus .. the Congregation of the FatheR! AIM in recent years. An analy- recognition of problems that af-' of San Miguel by Auxiliary Dei members continue as ordi- of Mercy. ais released in 1956 gave the feet the enterprise as l!-, whole, Bishop Jose Garcia Lahiguera nary laymen, some members are Father Gilchrist, a native of Church an efficiency rating of and the coordination of points of Madrid. 9rdained as priests of the asso- ',Taunton, graduated' from ~ 8,800, points out of a possible of view and attitudes which will' '. The American members of the ciation in order, to serve .the, Mary's High School, Taunton, 10,000.. In 1960, a revised rating enable all .tpe participants to secular institute ordained are a spiritual needs of the membero Holy Cross College, Worceste~ gave the Church 9,010 points. carry out their particular activi- lawyer, a chemist, and a Slavic and the apostolates of Opus Dei. and received his theologiC'lllll A rating Qf 7,500 points is re- ties with a better sense of their -languages scholar~Father Wil- Thus Father Stetson will eon- training at St. Bernard's Semiquired to be certified as "ex- relation to the welfare of the Ham Stetson of Greenfield, tiilue as professor of law and nary, Rochester. He was ap;. cellent" by AIM 'standards. entire enterprise." Mass., a graduate of Harvard director of foreign students' at pointed the first vicar generSt1l Results Are Useful Provision for such meetings 'College and Hal' val' d" Law the University of Navane, Opus of ',the order in 1954. ' An AIM spokesman said no in the Catholic Church, is School, also holds a doctorate Dei ,_ conducted .ins~itution 10He leaves his mot'her" MrS. \ , "largely absent," the AIM,study in carton law from the Angeti-, cate~ at Pamplona, m 'northern Alice Maguire Gilchrist; anell Or«lo says. It concludes that the belie- cum University in Rome. . Spam.' . ' .three brothers, Leo and Loulfl, fit' of the "broad view" to be Father Bradley Arturi, of Opus Dei, which has, sections bOth of Taunton, and 'Dr. Joho FRIDAY - St. Raymond Non- gained by an ov~ralliookat the Chicago: is a graduate in chern':' for both men and women, has J: of "Dorchester. natus, Confessor. III Class. affairs of the Church is limited istry of the Illinois Institute of become widely kpown in' the 'Chapiains to Bishop Gerr:ucll White. Mass, PrClper; Gloria; to the Pope and' a few of his , Technology 'and also received Urtited States through the stu-· at the Solemn Mass of Requiem 'no Creed; Common Preface. close aides. his canon law doctorate from the dents' residences it directs in a were Rt: Rev. James Dolan and ','J,'omorrow is the .First Satur, • Angel1cum." , number of eastern and mid- Rt. ,'Rev. Francis McKeon.. ' Father Paul Donlan, B, osto~, western college cities. , d ay.of S ep t em b e r . , fl IC 11"\1 .. BudaI took place at 'the SATURDAY - Mass 'of the ~eSl nCllIl1l «)\f l!,#'ec~rrocy '- specialized in Slavic languages Fathers of Mercy' Cemete~ Blessed Virgin for Saturday. " A' .... ' I S "'5 ''Newburg, h NY ' , The following films are' to b'e ~. IL. ''VV!. IL& T ~ , 1'll1i1"",~'!UU:: ... , Tr""'nsfe' """ . . ., on T uesday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; added to the lists in their res,. ~OSlT)j«!>~ VV B'OgllVli «» ,;;I@Y " . , I Gloria; Second Collect St. 'pective classifications: ReltllWluem for Fll:IIth~r At Attleboro 'Mee~ Giles, Abbot; Third Collect' Unobjectionable fOr general "iJ Sacred' ;He~' Convent, . No. , SS. Peter and Paul, Fall Rive!'t Twelve Holy Brothers, Mar- patronage: No Man Is'an Island; John -Wright, 81,' father of Attleboro,' has ,three faculty tyrs; no Creed; Preface of Wonderful World of the Broth- Bishop John J. Wright of Pitts- changes for the, conling 'year. wpmen's club will open their Blessed'Virgin. , ers Grimm (superior entettain- burgh,', died yesterday at Sister Margarita from St. Cecile Fall season with a regulai' SUNDAY - XII' Sunday After ment for the whole 'family).' Lemuel' Shattuck Hospital, School, Pawtucket, will teach monthly meeting -at 8 P.M. Oil Pentecost. II ClasS. Green. Unobjectionable for adults:, Jamaica Plain. the eighth grade in place of Sis- Tuesday, Sept. 4 in the church Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Tower of London. :Mr. Wright lived at 698 River . tel' Paul Rita, who goes to the ha¥. Preface of Trinity. , Ob' t· bl' rt f t 11' Street, Mattapan. " Sacred- Heart School, Lawrence. , MONDAY--:-St. Pius X, Pope and Jec lana e In p a o a. 'A t· f Medfi ld h' The Firebrand (low moral tone; na Ive 0 e ,,' e Sister Lorraine Edmond comes ,Confessor. III Class. White. excessl've brutality)', A' Very Pri- was graduated from Burdett ' no C d C 11 from Groton' to teach the second M ass P roper; Gl ona; ree; vate AffaI'r (amoral and sugges0 ege. He was the supervisor featuring ' ' k 'mg con- grade and will, replace Sister C ommon P re f ace. tive)-. ' ' , 0f a B ost on paperma ' f or 30 years, re tirmg . 1TUES' DAY- Mass 'of pre'vious "The G~slBght, Room" Condemned: B ace ace I 0 70 .'cern ... Marie Antoine" who has been Sunday. IV Class: Green. 1951 ' t l' a nsf e I' re d to Assumption [de&! for Communion Break-, (suggestive; ,a "dirty joke" at . " , School, Chelsea. " Mass Proper; No Gloria ~r expense of sex and religion). ,Besides his wife, Harriet L . . . faste. Organization Banquets, Creed; Common Preface. ' (Cokely) and Bishop Wright, he Sister Mape Emma is trana. ,386 Acus,hnet Ave. Separate Classification: Too 1 d h M Ma ferred from St. Jacques ConW EDNESDAY - ,St. ' Lawrence T Ave '(I'f exhibl'ted eaves two aug ters, ra. r11 Young to , 'New Bedford 't" B' h d C f' .uu et H rt B d M' vent, Taunton; and wi serve J ' us Iman, IS op ,an on es- with discretion, this' stQry of an gar ave y, 0 n, an rs. . , Call WYman 2-1703 'sor. III "Class. White. Mass " H a r r i e t L. Gibbons, Milton; .and as the cook for the commumty. ,', Proper; No Gloria' or Creed; inadequately supervised .teen~ three' sons, 'Dr. Richard H. , Common Prefa'ce.· , ager can have sociological W· Plan" Supper, · is rIgh tof M'Ilton; Alfred F. of Separate classifica t Ion D db d R b rt G of CI THURSDAY .,.... Mass of,'prevI'o'us value). St. ' John's, 'Central Village, given films not in, themselves e, am, an 0 e . eveCOME IN will hold a corned beef supper Sunday. IV Class. Green. MaSl[l morally offensive which may land Heights, Ohio.' Proper; No Gloria or Creed; nevertheless require some an.Bish9P Wright will sing a from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. on Satur_ pontifical requiem Mass tomor- day, Sept. 1, A penny sale will f' Common Preface. ' alysis and explanation. . to' 1 k . ' , The following fiims are to be, row mornmg a 1 0 c oc m follow. added to the lists in their re- 'St. Angela's Church, Mattapan. spective classifications: Cardinal Cushing will preside. FORTY HOURS , Unobjectionable for General N~CVGlogy . Patronage - Coming Out Party; Convalescent Home, Inc. Reluctant Saint. ' t " SEPT; 3 109 GREEN STREET FAIRHAVEN Unobjectionable. for .Mults Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D., Sept. 2-Our Lady of the AsWY 4·7643' ,~,' and Adolescents -.A ,Matter of 1912, Pastor, 'Sacred Heart, Taunsumption, New ,Bedannounces additional' accommoWho; ,Two Tickets to Paris. ton. ford. dations for men and wamen . , Unobjectionable for Ad\Jlts- , 24. Hour Care Special Diets SEPT. 5 OUI Lady of Mount Car.. Married Tooyoung.' Open for inspection alWaY' ',Rev. Napoleon A. Messier, ", BUICK 'ELfCTRA mel, See~9nk. . ' 'Prop. Lena M.PiUiilg ! 1948, Pastor, St, Mathieu,' Fall , Sept. 9-St. Anne, Fall River. and Joan Larriv~ River. ' St. ,Dominic, Swansea " F~culty ~o~Se.' ".' ' sept. 16-Holy CrOSSt F a II' , GREENSBURG (NC) ...-ConST- 'FOR. QUAI.ITY~' River. ' ," STYLE AND, struction has begup' 'here' on a S~. Joseph, Attleboro new faculty house f~r ,". Sisters ", , COMFORT teaching at Greensbur-g; Pa., REST HOME FOR THE AGED • 00 Sept. 23--St. Roch, Fall River,. ' Central Catholic High 'School. MEN AND WOMEN Sacred Heart, Taunton. " Elt. ,1897 Designed to house' 30 nuns of Beautiful Surroundings ~, Comforlab~ UMmg · six communities staffing the lui'lders Supplies '1'11& ~.NCBO& school,the faculty house will , WONDERFUL FOOD '23-43 Purchal. Street Afttoinette Picard, P<OIIo 8eootl4 OJ- Poesap '1'a1d . . reU .1...... include individual eommon ...... Pullllabed ....ftJ 1'11""- at ·'1e · rooms for each religious comME 6-4921 New B.dford, 1M PLEASANT STUEf BlablaDCl AY_ll.,· J'alI ,tir, ,, FAU, IIVat " I_lis' Mills Rd. & 51'" c.r.... tIM o.SboIM ..... 01 ~DIoe_, '''' · munity, in additioll to '. 1'OORl WY 6~5661, raD RlYe, ,lllllleerlllltaa ..... . . . . . :', foe each Bus. DARTMOUTH' : '

p,."est's, Requ.-em M d' , st on ay

Thr<l!le' A'mer.·c" ans 'Am'on"g' pus De'i Member's Orden·ned .-n' 'S'p'c,in'. " '-





M-K Re$taurant



'New Buick,




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Sturtevant & H "'k

• lITOlIEn'S.' •


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Tt:tE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 30, 1962'

Worthwhl1e Recipes

K 4)f C Leader Cites Changing Role of La ity

By Rev. Joltn Ill. Foister St.


Church -!New Bedford

Baptism - Prepara.tion I

was simple, then, when theSign. was visible, for the Bishop to insist that the community carry . WEJ.JCOME and show the community. sign "Hi! Come on in." What in public. But besides this, every a relief. We're welcome! We sign means something. In "this can all realise and appreciate case it shows the person's' attachm:ent to Christ and incorsuch a thing. The Sacrament porates the candidate to those , of Baptism is meant to be such Hebrews saved by the sign of an introduction and inaugurathe blood of the Lamb. Yet there tion. The Chrisis always that real risk that this tian community supernatural effect will someis to be lively how be lost and seem truly unand interested real if the Cross no longer is enough to exvisible and a community bond. tend the welWe mentioned, some time ago, come to the that at this giving of the Sign, candidate that is there is also an exorcism that contained in the takes place. Yes, all this only to meaning of the make the act more meaningful, Sacrament of real, and show the candidate the Initiation. Now importance of the change that if you were one must take place if one is' truly of the generous to be a Christian. parishioners brave enough to. Sit Down, Have A Bite volunteer as a parish visitor or A hearty welcome is so often collector of some drive, you followed by such a bidding. It know what a smile means as seems just natural. This does the some strange door is opened to Church also do in the adminisyou. This is how the Church tration of the Sacrament as She wishes to meet any real candigoes on to present the candidate date. . with salt. The presentation of salt is "What can the Church of God do for you?" asks her represen- already rich with symbolism. We have the salt of· preservation; tative. "Please grant me the the salt of wisdom. But. greatest gift possible-Faith." the beginning, it was bread and Now, perhaps we have too often idealised out of proportio'n salt-or salted bread-that was what is meant by this "Church given' the new candidate. This was simply one of the normal of God." Perhaps, like many incustoms of the day. No family terested but perplexed Protestant, we too are deceived by the would think of receiving some first meaning of "the Church." voyager or guest without preparing something to eat for him. The Church is not some looseSo here the Church presents ly defined spirit that sort of her candidate with something binds men who often have the same- feelings, likes or dislikes. 'of an appetizer-to prepare the way 'for that Eucharistic meal Nor is the Chu!"ch simply a which is the banquet and the nearly perfect institution with life-conserving fOod of all an orderly organization, correct Christians. discipline, and fine spirit., It is It was only when this most not some world-wide society to natural act of wel<;ome of a true ·which we give our name and and living community was lost, receive an appropriate number that some new significance and credit card. Too often, we such as preservation or wisdom have interpreted our fa£th in -had to be read into ihe rite. this Church as something altoNext. week: Preparation II gether independent of our belonging to it. Too often we have missed the fact t:lat it is a real and visible community of which we form a true part. The gentle advice that follows HOLLYWOOD (NC) - Th~ points to this true community story of the priest who made the of which the' candidate is to be world conscious of' the slogan, a part, please God. How does one "The family that prays to'gether, live in such a community? Why, stays together," will be recounted it's simple: one has "faith", .arid on a nationwide radio broadcast hope ("eternal life"), and charSunday night. ity ("you shall love ..."). "The Story of Father, Patrick The 'Sign Peyton" will be related on the "Did she or didn't she?" "Of Marian Theater program broadcourse, she did. Look at the sign cast from. 10 to 10:30 P.M. over in the window. She already has the Mutual Broadcasting System. bought Girl Scout 'cookies this Marvin Miller and Dan O'Heryear." Oh, how important signs lihy will be the narrators, while are! Each little organization has Father Peyton, C.S.C., will fill its own sign. Why? Because it is in some chapters of his life in proof of the real belonging of his own words. an individual to the particular' The Holy Cross priest current_ group. Now the signing of the ly . iii celebrating the 20th annicandidate with the Sign of the versary of his worldwide cruCross is only symbolical but at sade for family prayer. 'Besides one time it was most important. fOUnding and directing' the There were centuries when the Family Rosary Crusade, Father candidate was actually marked Peyton also founded and' directs was simple, then, when the Sign the Marian Theater and the Family Theater weekly. radio programs. His organization also produces special occasional television programs.


Father Peyton Story On Radio Su~day

Protest Selling Land To Nuns for Hospital

FAIRBANKS (NC)-Responding to criticism of its decision to sell 20 acres of land to the Sisters of Providence for a hospital site, the Fairbapks City' Council has agreed to' seel a similar amount of land to a community group for the same purpose. The Fairbanks Community Hospital Association, Inc., protested the decision to sell land to the Catholic nuns on the ground that a community-owned hospital would benef~t residents more than a privately owned one. The City Council directed Robert Crow, acting city manager, to meet with representatives of the community association and discuss negotiation for buying city land for a, hospital '/tite.

B 0 S TON (NC) - The changing role of the layman in the Church means more clergy - laity collaboration,

·HAPPY REUNION: Very Rev. Francis D. Costa, S.S.S., new American Provincial of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, enjoys an infrequent reunion with his sister in religion, Sister Marie Emmanuel, S.S.J., of St. Theresa's Convent, Fan River.

Pope Says Coun'cil's Effects Will Begin in Parishes CASTELGANDOLFO (Ne) -;- Pope John called for a renewal of parish life in his sermon at a Mass he offered in the parish of this village where his Summer residence is located. The Holy Father spoke of the concept of the parish and its relation to· shakable soundness of principles the coming e cum e n i c a I which are the assurance of the 'council, saying that the par~ salvation of humanity. ish is "the noble and effica. Unity\ of Principles cious form of religious and ec"These are known to you: clesiastical organization" and God, the Creator and Father; adding that the council is "di- Jesus Christ, the Son of God rected particularly toward the who became man and died for parish and will throw its light our salvation; the Church, anion it." mated by the, Holy Spirit, the The Holy Father stated that fortress of real peace and the in the "pages of the preparatory teacher of salvation for all men. work -and of the now abundant "There is also the moral law literature on the council, there and the 10 Commandments and is reserved for the parish.a post the ecclesiastical precepts for of honor, in the same way as the interior order of conscience there is for the diocese and for . and for the exterior peace of the problems of the social life human coexistence. of the Church." The effects of the council will begin in the parish, the Pope OAKDALE (NC) Five said, a.nd so the council seeks to offer three major helps to Brothers of the Christian Schools who will begin missionary work parish life in order that they may pass thep1 on from genera- in Ethiopia and Kenya were honored in departure ceretion to generation for the salvamonies at La Salle Military tion of souls. These three helps, he said, are Academy here in New York. sound principles, opportune ad• • • • • • +,+ • • • • • monishments and the' diffusion BEFORE YOU of grace. Pope John said that the BUY - TRY coming council "will seek to be a· shining reminder of the un..

Brothers Depart


.Buek Ossieks

C C',

~h,,~~~ GUSHING'S



~ ~

Vincentians Meet Tuesday Night· Members of Fall River Partioular Council, Society of St. Vin.cent de Paul, will be guests cd. St. Stanislaus Conference for their monthly meeting at 8 ned Tuesday night. The meeting will be held ia. the school hall following Benediction at 7:45 in the church. The annual retreat for all members of the society in the Diocese will be held at Cathedral Camp the wl:.ekend of Sept. a and 9. The annual national meeting of the society will be held beginning Friday, Sept. 14, a.t Atlantic City. Fall River Particular Council will be represented. ,


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not less, the head of the Knights of Columbus said here. . Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart told the 80tti international coovention: "There is no implication. that the layman's response to new opportunities and obligations entails some sort of separation from the guidance of our priests and bishops, or from their counsel in temporal affairs. "What the layman is being asked to do is to take his part in the work of the Church which extends beyond the sanctuary and into the market place. Through 80 Years "The shepherd, in short, fa saying to the sheep: Gentlemen, there is much to be done-more than I can handle by myself. Go out and do some of it fOl' me." Hart, speaking at the conveotion banquet, said the principles of the K of C "have worn weD through ,the 80 years of our history." "May we continue to exempltfy them through all the decades to come by increased good worq for our Church and our couotries", he said. Earlier the convention received messages of greeting from President Kennedy and from Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Secretary of State.

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Th'urs., Aug. 30, 1962'

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HANOVER (N C ) - A bishop who was once an inmate of the concentration camp at Dachau led 'hun-

n:@[i" _ ~~~ovoty

, DUBUQUE (NC) - The Catholic men's organization of the Dubuque archdiocese has launched an intensive

dreds of his fellow Catholics to the site of the old nazi BergenBelsen camp for a service of atonement for the crimes committed during the HiUerite era. The ceremony was part of the five-day national Catholic con- vention here. Bergen - Belsen, about 3.0 miles from here was a place of Hving hell for some .110,000 men of many nationalities. About 51,000 did not leave the concentration camp alive. Many died of epidemics and starvation. Many others were murdered in cold blood. The camp barracks were burned to the ground after World War II.' But German Catholics built there a memorial chapel, 'the Church of the Precious Blood, and Bishop Heinrich Maria Janssen of Hildesheim dedicated it last November Mass in Chapel Main featur~ of the atonement -ceremonies was the Mass offered' 'in the memorial chapel by Au;xiliary Bishop Joseph Buchkremer of Aachen. The Bishop was an inmate at Dachau when he 'was a priest. The rites on the site of the Bergen _ Belsen camp were broadcast to the convention site here, where thousands more of the convention participants had participated in a Mass offered by Archbishop Hermann Schaeufele of Freiburg. The Hanover' ceremonies closed with' a brief address by West German President Heinrich Luebke. Then Catholic men attended all-night atonement services in several Hanover churches where the Blessed Sacrament was exposed for nocturnal adoration.

leadership program following an appeal to priests from the local Archbishop' for more missions for laymen. The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men's cqmpaign was preceded by a letter of Archbishop James' J. Byrne of Dubuque to his priests saying that lay persons must be given jobs' worthy of their talents and training. ' The Archbishop wrote that , AT LITURGICAL WEEK: Liturgical Movement leaders gathered informally during 'priests must give increasing atsessions of the 23rd North American Liturgical'Week held ,in Seattle, included, left to tention to the challenge of how to utpize the large group of in- right, Bishop Charles A. Buswell of Pueblo, a member of the board' of directors; John formed and alert lay men and B. Mannion, ex-ecutivesecretary; Mary Perkins Ryan, member of the board of directors women eager to be of service to and national vice-chairman of the spii-itual development committee of the National Counthe Church. cil of Catholic Women; and Father Frederick -McManus of the Catholic University, presi"To answer this question," he ' . ' Wrote,"we must address our- ,dent of. the conference..NC P h o t o . ' eelves to. serious thought in the , months,ahead. Leadership Courses Some 4,400 priests, Religious SEATTLE (NC) - The - liturgical apostolate : . . (and) "I am convinced, Fathers, that we must give 'our zealous president of the national continu~ a?d acceler~te .t~e and laymen attended the meetlaity, as a group and as .indivi- Litu'rgical Conference has ~ ~eat ,lIturgICal ~estoratto~ u~:- ing, held in the civic 'arena on hated by the Roman pontiffs. the grounds of the Seattle · ,duals, specific missions worthy urge ' th e . d Secon d Va t lcan World's Fair. aI. their talents ,and training. Council to "undertake a liturgiFather McManus, ~ profess~r . Causes for Joy These missions must more and cal renewal which will make the of canon, law at the CatholIc DlOre bring our people to live Church and her life more intel-' University of America, Wash- -- Father McManus said developments in the liturgy so far this out in the world and in the in- ligible and attractive." ington, .D.C., spoke at the openyear are "causes for Christian lltitutions _oj. society the princiFather Frederick 'R. McManus ing general' sesion of the' 1962 joy and Christian hope." pIes of the Gospel of Christ." also asked the ,council, Fathers North Arne ric a n Liturgical He said these developments Since p~lblication of the bulle- to "confirm and stimulate the Week. ' underline the importance attin, men of the, archdiocese; tached by the Church to pastoral guided by the Archdiocesan preparation of the ,people, conMen's C 0 u n c iI, have' been gregational responses, ,invocabrought into "1 e a d e r s hip tions and sacred song during eourses" conducted on' a parish Mass and the sacraments; and level. . DULUTH, (NC) - A Catholic spread interest in non-Catholic particularly the .increase in "use The course, consisting of of the mother tongues in the 'seven' two-hour sessions, brings' lawyer said here opponents 'of 'religious bodies for the creating liturgy itself." Federal aid to private schools of their own separate schools," before the men issues facing the have'deliberately created a baseBall also said that even if Place of Latin Church today; such as social and economic justic'e.. Federal aid to : less fear in the public mind' that , more separate schools were Referring. to last February's public schools will go out of formed, this would not mean the papal constitution o,n the study I!lChools, ,communism and spiriProtest Haiti's Ban tual formation of the laity. It existence if 'private 'schools are end of good education. "Such of Lati ll " ','Veterum 'Sapientia," helped. schools would still have to meet On Catholnc Pope'r also ,aims to teach them -to plan , Father McManus said there was William B. Ball, executive' dir~asonable state req'uirements of '~'not the least hint or suggestion various parish programs., NEW YORK (N€)-The exrector of the Pennsylvania Cathlaw," he said. th!1t the Holy See intended to ecutive committee of the InterParticipation in Mass olic Welfare Coml'l.ittee, HarrisHe said that "we cannot doubt withdraw the concessions of American Press Association here At the sa'me time, a Christoburg, and a widely known ,conthat cultural freedom would be bilingual rituals, to revoke the nas condemneq Haiti's continued pher leadership course of the stitutional lawyer, spoke at the benefitted precisely to the de- express encouragement given refusal to permit publication of Gabriel Richard Institute in University of Minnesota campus gree that we would move away by both Pope ,Pius XII and Pope La Phalange, Catholic newspaDetroit has been brought to the here. from a'governmental educational Jr;>hn XXIII to the use of sacred per of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. city of Dubuque. A regular ninemonolith.'" song in the mother tongue at The association adopted a resBit.ter,nep.s ,week session will start here in low. Mass, Or halt- the gradual olution urging reopening of the September. It will be offered in .Ball said that much of the bitdevelopment in this matter al- 'newspaper and abolishment of Cedar Rapids and Waterloo in St. U. Highest ready terness in the controversy over undertaken by the same "methods of terror" in Haiti 1963 and in Mason City and Federal aid has been caused by apostolic See." The group made a similar ple~' In Alumni Support Marshalltown in 1964. fea'r of the demise ,of public Subsequent actions by the last January. schools. ' ST. LOUIS (NC) - The St. In addition, the diocese is pre,.. Sacred' Congregation of Rites Louis (Mo.) University sehool of paring further directives on par"It cannot be denied that there acting under the authority of medicine r.anked first among the ticipation of the laity in the' has been a, notable trend in the Pope John, indicate that there Mass. They are to be published past 20 years toward private ed- country's 86 medical schools, in are two distinct questions inPaint and Wallpaper contributions from alumni durthis Fall. ucation," he said in a lecture. volved regarding 'the place of ing 1961, according to the Jour-' Dupont Paint Other organizations of laity, But, he added, "fears concernLatin' in the Church, he'said. such as the Council of Catholic cor, Middle St. ing a threatened demise of pub- nal of the American Medical These are ,"first, the study of Association. Women and the doctors' and lic schools should be shown as Latin by the clergy of the west• PARKING Graduates of the schooi gave lawyers' guilds, are expected to baseless. The average child in a ' Q,.~~ Rear of Stor~ a total of $199,409.07,to medical ern Church for various import-' cooperate in the effort for inpublic, school 'today represents ant purposes, and second, the 422 Acusb, Ave. creased 'lay activity here. at least the third ,generation of education during the year. The introduction of the various figure included $187,397.02 con. New Bedford a family attending ,public schools: languages into the liturgy as the tribu'ted directly to the univerA tradition such as this tends to needs of the people may require sity and $12,051.05 to the AMA Abso~:uJ",gcn Deri'Dg«ll~ continue. . and as authority may deter-, Education and Research Foun- mine," he said. R. A. WilCOX CO. state Requirements Up~e~& :byCCllJlD't dation. A spokesman for the unive~­ \%%%%%%%%%%%X%%%%%S%%% ROME (NC)- The Italian Su- . "No serious student of AmerOFFICE FURNITURE preme Constitutional Court has ican religious bodies has pre- sity said 54 per cent of the school 1m 8toek for Immodiate Dell. .1'7 ruled' that a priest who denies dicted that, even though govern- of medicine alumni contributed • DESKS • CHAIRS ment aid should make itpossi- to the university during 1961. absolution to a Catholic who has < FILING CA,BINETS voted for leftis. political parties ble, there, would exist any wide':' does not infringe on electoral • FIRE FILES • SAFES BUSINESS AND Aid School Building freedom FOLDING TABLES DUPLICATING MACHINES YOUNGSTOWN (NC)Legion Asks Pra,yer The ,ase goes back to ,1956 AND CHAIRS Second and Morgan Sts. Youngstown diocesan fund camwhen, in ,the small town of Amo- ' paigns netted $3,700,000 and l~Pu blicSchools' FALL RIVER R. A. WI LCOX CO.' rosi, Passionist Father Francis NEW YORK. (NC)..,.-'The New cleared the way for construction WY 2-0682 ,OS 9-6712 22 BEDFORD ST. of Naples refused absolution to of two new high, schools, entwo women, Drusa Malgieri and -York state department 'of theFAll RIVER 5-7838 E. J. McGINN, Prop. largement ,of another, and v debt Vilma D'Angelo who told him American Legion recorded itself S· %%%% %%%$\%. ~ .. s::s::s;::n reductiollB at two other high they' had voted for a leftist party. ,in favor of prayer 'in the state's schools. ' ' ' The priest refused to give ab- public 'schools. ll solution on the ground that the The 3;000 delegates at the de.women had deliberately ignored partment's 44th annual conven- .""'~""4 Famous Reading HARD COAL the Church's warnings ,about tion here adopted it resolution voting for 'parties collaborating urging that school children and NEW ENGLAND COKE' wi.th c()mmunists. their parents agree on a prayer DADSON OIL BURNERS , C O . ~ and ask local school boards to 24-Hour Oil Burne,. Service have it said voluntarily in public I~ ,,\ Pll'el4Jlte Protests school classrooms. Charcoal Briquets The resolution urged ac'tion be ~, SALISBURY (NC) -'- ArchBag Coal - Charcoal" bishop F,rancis Markall, S.J., C1f taken without delay so, beginSalisbury has joined four Pro- ning with the new school term, 365 NORTH FRONT STREET v next month, pupils might be able .~ , testant churchmen here in, a ~ NEW BEDFORD '\ joint protest against a 'propos~d to recite "a, prayer acknowledglaw to curb ]Sl}litical activities ing our dependence upon God, WYman 2-5534 , of African nationalists in this and acknowledging His bless~ ~ 640 Pleasant Street New Bed'ercl Tel. WY 6-8271 1ngs." southern African country..

Fath'er McManus UU'ges Renewal Of Liturgy

,Fear of Public School SY$t1'emDemase C(jJUedBCl1~<eles$by Cai'h@H(;









, ~

Heating Oils ,


'otrlld Burners ',. ~


mE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Aug. 30, 1962


f ,

...., ,


, 1hit ~ '"1 "


DAVENPORT (NC) - A priest has told participants at the Study Week of the Apostolate here that U. S. Catholics are conforming to the externals of American life and Ignoring the social teaching of> the Church. Father Louis M. Colonnese, general,chairm'm, said "there is often not even a single voice of dissent on issues that are warmly and continuously debated in the other democracies of the world Gnd in nations where the Church is well-established." , "There is only a strange silence," Father Colonnese pointed out, "that mocks our claimlo be the most open society on earth and the country which proudly possesses such a vast Ca·tholic educational system." He charged that "Members of t'he Mystical Body of Christ," are not recognizing their role,' "because we are fearful, frustrated and overcOme by our failures as Christian leaders." "If in our thinking, our conversation and especially our Catholic scnool classrooms, we Ignore the social teaching of the Church," the priest concluded, "then we are guilty of high treason not only because of Catholic social doctrine's place in Christian living, but doubly so because of the critical situanon facin'! all of humanity in this our day."


~, "~'~'~~'h:;J~~:~~}~~:~~~~L , travelers today require the services of the famous dogs who have saved

BOWS TO TUNNEL BUT REMAINS OPEN: A 1,000-year-old rescue mission will be brought to a veritable close this Fall when a three-andone-half-mile-tunnel is opened through Grand St. Bernard Pass in the Swiss Alps. Although the Grand St. Bernard hospice, center, conducted by the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, will not be abandoned, few if any

Asserts American Catholics Ignore Social. Teachings


... '


more than 2,000 human lives over the years. At left, a group of religioll3 takes a prayerful walk outside the hospice. The famous St. Bernard dogs are still bred at the hospice and the largest, right, is named after "Barry," most famous of the canine rescue workers. NC Photos.

St. Bernard Monks to I(eep .Famed ·Hospice Despite New Tunnel 3,000 Feet Below GREAT ST. BERNARD PASS (NC)-"We will not abandon the c'radle of our order," Father Charles Giroud, Canon Regular of the Order of St. Al.!gustine, said here. He spOke' at his order's famed 8,114-foot hospice on this mountain pass between Switzerland and Italy, under which a 3-t-mile tunnel is being completed to link the two nations~ The tunnel, some 3,000 feet below lJurfaca road is impassable." hundred beds remain available the hospice, was started four in the hospice for travelers and As a matter of fact, a chairyears ago to take care of the lift now operates from the visitors. Some 20]000 people stay large amount of motor traf-. hospice to the very top of Chen- at the hospice every year, quite

fie beteen the two countr'-- It alette Mountain, at an altitude will be opened this Fall and be of 9,100 feet, affording a breathused by an estimated 300,000 taking view to tourists on clear motorists during its first year of ,days of towering Mont Blanc, operation. other Alpine peaks and 27 When the project was first glaciers. But the dogs in their announced, it was feared that kennels attract an even greater th order's members, commonly interest among the numerous known as the ''Monks of St. Ber- visitors. nard," would have to end their . "We keep them only for 1,000-year-old mission because breeding purposes," said Father travelers would no longer cross Giroud. "Fourteen of them here, the pass. Also few,' if any, seven at our Simplon Pass hostravelers now need the help of pice." the famous St. Bernard dogs The hospice now serves prinwhose skill saved more than cipally for the Summer vaca2,000 lives over the years. tions of the monks, whose "Nevertheless," Father Giroud ~otherhouse is in Martigny. said, "our mission will not be and whose seminary is in nearby abandoned. We now know that Econe. The novices also come up heavy traffic will continue to for part of their training, but cross our pass except during the only four priests remain during high Winter season when the the winter. Activities Continue The order's mission estabDecline to Exhibit lished in 1933 on the Latza Pass Teaching Machines in Tibet had to be abandoned ST. PAUL (NC) - A State when the Chinese communists Education Department official occupied that country. One has refused to demonstrate canon assigned there,. Father teaching machines to Catholic Maurice Tornay, died a martyr educators on the grounds that when he was slain by a group it would be unconstitutional aid of fanatical Tibetan Buddish' priests. His cause for beatificato a sectarian group. A letter· to the Minnesota tion and canonization now is Vocation~st F.athers Catholic Education Association pending in Rome. Open U. S. House The order's present superior 'from a department spokesman NEWARK (NC) - At.the in- said the demonstration might general,. Abbot Angelin Lovey, vitation of Archbishop Thomas take place if the state' employee was elected to his post while still were willing to take a day of a member of the Tibetan group. A. Boland of Newark, the Vocationist Fathers have their first I e a v e. A arrangement was The Tibetan mission has now been'moved to Formosa. suggested. bouse in the U.S. Activities here on the pass. A headquarters for their misThe superintendent of Cathosion efforts among the Spanish- lic schools of the Sf. Paul arch- continue uninterrupted. Four speaking people 'of Newark was diocese has charged that the deblessed by the Archbishop. The partment's rejection is "an' inbuilding will serve as a home dication of a trend" toward a and office for Vocationist priests strict form of Church-State assigned to Our Lady of Per- separation which he said would petual Help Center for the· deny all state services to chilSpanish-speaking. dren whose parents choose to The formal tiUe of the com- send them to church-related munity is the Society of Divine schools. Vocations. It was founded in Msgr. Roger J. Connole also Southeastern Massachusetts· Naples, Italy, shortly after emphasized the department's inI.argest Indep~ndent Chain World War I by Father Justin terpretation of the state conof the Holy Trinity. Its main stitutio'n puts the state agency concern is the promotion of vo- in the position of not .being in-. cations and most of its members terested in the education of all We Give Gold Bond Stamps' work in Italy and Brazil. future citizenS.


Catholic' Agency Expands Re!ief For Algeria NEW YORK (NC) -:... A. U.S. Catholic emergency ~ lief unit has arrived in Algiers to aid in an ~

panded Catholic relief progl'am among refugees and other need7 persons in war-torn Algeria. The emergency aid unit will a few Americans among them, assi'st regular staff members in but mostly Italian workmen in Algeria of CRS-NCWC, the U.S. search of work in Switzerland. Catholic overseas relief agency. The resident CRS-NCWC deAdmire Antiquities The Divine Office and con- legate in Algeria, Johri T. Crow_ ventual Mass are sung in the ley of San Francisco, recently 17th century. chapel where a, signed an agreement with the monument erected by Napoleon Algerian provisional governcan still be seen. Visitors ad- ment calling for "the importa. mire the Roman antiquities in tion and distribution of food. the treasury and precious medie- clothing, medicine and other relief supplies for the benefit of val books in the library. sick and needy persons among Rescue work 'in these days the population of Algeria." when skiers can usually take care of themselves is a' rare occurrence in the life of the Fathers who brave Winter temperatures of 22 below zero and snows on an average of 36 feet in depth some 10 months of the year. However, the advantages of - electric current, central heating and the telephone· now make these rigors more bearable. What things were like in the Sottth • Sea Sts. past may be gathered by taking Hyannis Tet. HY 81 a' look at the bronze fingerwarmer in the chapel sacristry which once was used by the ~-priests to thaw their freezing fingers during Mass.







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THE AW'I-l()D-;Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 30, 1962





He pointed out that increasing pressures. for conformi-.

.Vatican Council

ty, are hindering the development of leadership in the,

By Rev.Wm. F. Hogan,C.S.C.


The national Commander of AMVETS recommended worthy approach to the organization's aniJ.Ual convention.

United S t a t e s . . '




"More and more, day by day, we are all being pressured to conform; gently but firmly, it is brought ,home to' us from childhood 'that pleasant, reliable people do not hold opinions which differ from their neighbors'."

StonehiP. Professor

Secrecy, Scholarship and TllIle Ecumeflical Council .

One very important ch~ aeteristie of man is his iDAnd again: " 'Buy it-everyone else is buyi'ng it' cries satiable desire to know the advertisement; 'think it-everyone else is. thinking,it' ~ overwhelming intellectual shout the editorials, and' consultants in depth psychology euriosity. Rare is the individ. nod: in approval at this happy display of wh~t they Call. al who does not have an interest togetherness. " in learni.qg the . news (even be"There is sufficient evidence that a high proportion'of fore it happeople, and specffically people in our own age group, would pens), especialrather say that black is white than find themselves out ly when someof step' with their friends. H thing extraordinary is about This is all too true. to occur. The Leadership demands that a' person get out in front,. fort h c 0 ing council is stand-at times-alone, in making recommendations or in no exception to advancing programs. It deltlands that a person get from this driving inbehind the breastworks and stand out in the open, the tellectual curi'blrget of criticism and carping from' those huddled toosity of man; V'{e , gether in the safe anonymity of the crowd.' would all like to know just what is going to happen and just what This is true in the religious sphere as well. will be discussed. Holy Mother How many persons, knowing what is right, keep reChurch would like nothing 'betligion on an intellectual level only, because' they will not ter than to be able to let each By REV. ROBERT W. lHIOVDA, Catholic' University and everyone of us know what move away from the crowd to do what is right. They don't precisely we may expect, but really want to sin, but they are afraid to walk alone. The of necessity much secrecy had thought of God is not strong enough nor vivid enough in TODAY - ' S~ Rose of lLima, MONDAY - St. Pius X, Pope, to surround the preparations for Virgin. Christian virginity is one Confessor. At times in the his- this great council, with only their lives to make Him their .sole companion. way of bearing witness to Christ. tory of the Church we have Religion remains in their minds but does not move Chrill,tian 'marriage is another. tried to exalt the sacraments by limited ·reports of the activities being made available to the file will. Religious' truths. remain. truths but not convic- Virginity witnesses to the Chris- forgetting that they exist for people. . tian belief that eternity opens persons, fo~ us all. We thought tions that affect their actions. ReaSons for Secrecy up beyond time, that· all the for a time, for example, that the ; To these, conformity-with mediocrity and even evil good things of this world must Eucharist was so holy that it The' principal reason for this --ois preferable to being alone. in doing, good. be seen in relation to that ulti- couldn't possibly be the regular secrecy can be gathered from a More people should be inspired to do what il3 right re- mate reality whiCh transcends food of sinners like ourselves. simple review of history. CountPiu.s recalled us to a more less times the Church has sufgardless of the crowd, to break away from conformity with them. Marriage witnesses to the St. Christian belief that God loves Christian view of the, Eucharist, fered undue influence from people and to ,make conformity' to God their rule of life. the world and all that is human' not as, an end in itself, but 'as temporal rulers who have hin:. ) ' and ,that the persons' and things sacra'mental tool by which Christ dered the very life of the Church. we see are icons of the invisible feeds and forms His disciples. In previous articles we have God. We need both witnesses, TUESDAY - Mass as on SUIIG- pointed out how the emperors both messages. . day. The idea of the 'person's ·usurped the right of the Church It is interesting to note that the American Institute TOMORROW - St. Raymund importance is in the very sto~y to appoint bishops, ho'Y politiof Management has come up once again with some favo-I'- Nonnatus,' Confessor. St. Ray- of creation, "in the image of cal pressures kept the papacy a b mund's work, the ransoming of God." But is was Jesus who ina Ie conclusions on the Catholic Church simply as am 0lP- captives, is a work never done. sisted on it, impressed it, drilled virtual prisoner at Avignon, how emperors claimed the right te ganization. . ' M a n has not yet evolved to the it into the mind of mankind, as elect the pope, how conciliarism Considering the Church in the same light as it would point, of prizing his neighbor's He . does in the Gospel of this with its tenet that the council . freedom as he prizes his own. Mass. It isn't just the idea of approach any organization the Institute placed it second Most of us do not yet love our man that we have to put first-- is above the pope was fostered by kings against the papacy. only to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company _ neighbors as ourselves. But ahead of our money and our' And at the la'st ecumenicsl ill efficiency. ' 1here is still opportunity for things-but this perSQn or that eounciI many difficulties Weft , following :Raymund's example. person, .parti~ular man.. caused by leakages during the The exceptions taken :to ~he· Church were in the Every Christian working to make Ilpheres. of financial investments and in drawing top level . housing and schooling and jobs WEDNESDAY-8t.. Lawrenee timeS of preparation. The sensationalism which frepersonnel from the "prince and pauper". classes only and available to Negroes and other .Justinian, Bishop, ConfessGa'. Dot the middle class. _ '. minority groups in our commu- The Gospel parable of the tal- quently .characterizes today'" nities, every Christian trying' to ents tells U1il that the sacra- press might easily misinterpret . But it is' pleasing to realize that the Church-()fteil make JUStice accessible to the ment of Holy Orders, .too, .exists some of the discussions of the pictured by friends as well as enemies as a ponderoU's and· . poor, is Raymund's model'll. for the Church; for the People commissions in preparation far of .God, not vice. versa. Epis- the Second Vatican Council. slow-moving behemoth-"':is considered on the basis of counterpart. Temporal powers might onee copacy, presbytership, deaconfacts a remarkable well-ordered and efficient organization. ST. MARY ON SATURDAY. ship-all services, functions of again try to exert pressure em And a significant conclusion by the I:ristitue is that She who brought forth "the kind love and .unity, for the proper the Church and prevent it from "no organization in the world is beJter equipped to fight who' .rules heaven and' earth" ordering of the life of the freely exercising its spiritual (entrance hymn) is our interceseommunism than the Catholic Church. Either communism sor as we pray for grace to ex-. Convenant here on earth. We mission iri the world according honor today. one who brought to the designs of the Holy Spirit. will rule the world or the Church will prevent it." tend the realization of His king- to his service as. bishop a great Scholarly Articles . The Institute has nothing to gain by a misinterpre- ship here' and now. For in His love of God and a will eOllOne tremendous benefit hm; plan it is our witness' which formed to God's Will. tation of facts. Its conclusions have an unbiased validity. eome forth from the secrecy prebuilds up' the kingdom in this The leaders of anti-red nations would do well to listen to '"space-between." To root our vailing around the preparatiol11l for the Council, and that is the the Church's advice and follow its moral and social pro- lives in the. "assembly of saints" WltlI$!hJoll1l\9j{hOlft SchcoOs abundance of scholarly articles grams which. aim at preserving and building up family (first reading) and 'to "hear the which have come forth from the life 'and dignity and rooting out the internal weaknesses word of God and keep it" (Gos- To .1lt<eth~JofJ1 Prayers pens of scholars and have been pel) is to cooperate in the con, WASHINGTON (NC) Pubthat communism feeds upon. . struction of the heavenly Jeru- lic schools in the nation's capital published in Catholic magaArid Catholics must be aware that much of the world, salem. . will continue the practice of zines. The minds of Church's knowi'ngly or otherwise, is depending upon Catholicism to opening the school 'day with TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER scholars have been forp~ " ''1 Bible reading and the Lord's deliver it from evil and to help it weather the cruel storms PENTECOST. Today's commuwhen the new term be- study the problems. of the Of communisIll. nion hymn expresses the rela- Prayer Church today from eVelj' lNSgins Tuesdar,., Sept. 4. tionship the Christian sees besible angle in order to obtain II Wesley. S. Williams, president glimpse of what the Council ifl tween man and lesser things: ... . • food from the earth and of the District of Columbia facing. Much positive construewine to cheer the heart of;man, Board of Education, announced tive criticism of Catholicism hat! oil to .make his face gleam, and . continuance of the practice,. al- resulted, and this kind of 'critithough the city's legal depart- cism has been of the highest bread to sustain hfs srength..' The liturgy. itself is a .N- ment has not yet· given an type, bringing rna'ny advantages minder, and is full of reminders, .opinion on. its legality. to the life of the .Church. Williams said the school board that the person is· the greatest Learn Inner Meaning earthly value - the individual ."is deeply concerned about the Even if their criticisms are n9t interpretation" of the U.S. Subeing. And we tend to those to be treated by .the' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL IMR human say, "Of course;" and proceed preme court's ruling, in the New Fathers of the Council, some of Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . on our way as usual. But if one York state public school prayer these reflections will help 1;(,) really accepts the' Christian ease. The ruling generally has stir the minds of the clergy and. 410 Highland Avenue . answer, really believes that the been interpreted as applying to laity with _the result of a posFall River, Mass. OSliorne 5-7151 person is the greatest value in a prayer composed by the New sible reappreciation and revitaPUBLISHER .' this world, he must believe also York state Board of .Regents and' lization of Catholic life in arellQ that every other thing~Church, recommended by it for volun- which may not be .officiallw Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. state, law, freedom, democracy, tary use in' the Schools. The treated. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER ,edl,l.cation, social customs- is court decision held .government Catholics can learn from these Rav. Daniel F. Shalloo~ M.A.· . Rev. John P. Driscoll good only as it serves and pro- agencies ~hould stay out of the 'articl~s the. inner meaning of MANAGING EDITOR ·motes the good of the person, business,of composing and proHugh J. Golden Turn to Page Seven this person, every person.. . mulgating pray~rs.



Cfh,nO'u.'1h thE CWu:k With. th£ ChW\ch

Audit ConclusioD.§


@rhe 'ANCHOR'

Vatic'an Council Our Lady of VictQry. Paruh in Centerville .siX . · ...Boasis One of Loveliest Cape Churches !bey


Thurs., Aug. 30, 1962


Continued from Page Catholicism, facets of whi~h may never have grasped before. . , . By Marion Unsworth In one particular area several Situated at the top of a hill borderinir the road leading from Osterville to Hyanpieces of writing have appeared nisis one of Cape Cod's loveiiest churches which serves res.identsof one of the prettiest which have done much for CathAm®r?~~@ olics and the Church. When in communities in the entire resort area. This is Our Lady of Victory Parish in Centerview of recent liturgical reforms ville.For many years, Catholics in the Centerville section attended Mass and other services NOTRE DAME (NC) scholars suspected that one o~ either at Our Lady of the Religious communities ought the questions to be studied by Assumption in Osterville or to send "tithes" of 10 per the Central Preparatory Com- at St. Francis Xavier in Hycent of their membership to mission was the Mass, some Latin America, ArchBishop Karl worthwhile articles appeared in annis. Five years ago, under J. Alter of Cincinnati has said. magazines concerning a true ap- the auspices of, Bishop James He told the 20th national con~ preciation of the liturgy in gen- Connolly, plans were initiated vention of the Catholic Students eral and the Mass in particular. for the erection of a church on land which had been donated '" Mission Crusade that at least Role off Laity 200,000 lay teachers of reiigious These articles have brought by Dr. Herbert Kalmas, then doctrine are needed immediately. before the mind again the role president of Technicolor. The reArchbishop Alter suggested which belongs to the laity in mainer of the Kaimas estate Is the following measures in addithe Eucharistic Sacrifice, a role now owned by the Archdiocese tion to the "tithing" of religioulJ which can never be stressed of New York. priests: enough. . Rev. Howard Waldron, staEstablishment of new regional For instance, H. A. Reinhold tioned at st. Mary's Parish, , seminaries in Latin America at wrote an excellent article in North Attleboro, was named a rate of two every five years. Commonweal for Jan. 15 of this fi.rst pastor of Our Lady of VicCreation of scholarships for year (reprinted in the April tory Parish and was placed in seminarians, both at home and Catholic Digest) stressing the charge of the plans for the new abroad. need we Catholics have toap- church. ' Enlistment of lay teachers of preciate our own religion and its John B. Lebel and Sons; Con~ Christian Doctrine and estab:liturgy before we can expect tractors, of Osterville began lishment of local, national and non-Catholics to appreciate it. construction in February of 1957, international training centers for The latter often object to and on June 23 of that year, them. Catholic worship as relatively Father Waldron came to CenterCUOOIll lFi.&sc~ meaningless and not appreciated vlile to take up his residence. OUR LADY OF VJICTORY CHURCH, CENTERVJILLE even by Catholics; Reinhold ob-. Archbishop Alter called on lFirst Mass serves that when they can see "rank and file students in high Planned to harmonize with. its Father Waldron explained, "but Catholics partaking wholeheartFather' Waldron, proud of the schools and colleges" to study edly in the Mass following the surroundings, the church is ap- while we have two Masses work which his parish has done, the problems and opportunities proached by a long curved role that is theirs; ecumenism during the Winter, they are in- praised especially the church or- of the Church in Latin America. driveway and I and s cap e d creased to five in the Summer." ganizations which he described citing especially the study prowill be greatly furthered. After all the Holy Eucharist grounds. Traditional' colonial Two Jesuit priests from Boston as "e x c e p t ion a I.l y active" gram drawn up for that purpose is the sacrament of unity, and columns line the front while the College assist Father Waldron throughout the year. by the CSMC. a true appreciation of this sacra- remainder is of. the familiar during the Summer. He warned that "unless extra.. These include the Our Lady of Cape shingle. Simplicity domi- . ment will help to foster unity. The Centerville parish has a Victory Guild of which Mrs. ordinary efforts are made to salnates the interior which is of mission, Our Lady of Hope in Bradley Parker is president; the vage the situation, the Latia Question of Reunion Articles have appeared on the green and white and has single- West Barnstable, which until St. Vincent de Paul Society with American countries, which are nature of the Church, Stressing ,figured casement' stained glass 1960 was part· of Our Lady of Stephen B. O'Brien, Sr., as pres- uniformly Catholic in tradition, . its nature as the Mystical Body windows. the Assumption in Osterville. ident; and the Parish Men's Club will succumb to further rapid o'f Christ and the responsibility Downstairs there is a large During the Spring and Summer of which Harold L. Bragle is deterioration of their historic that belongs to each layman to hall with a modern kitchen and months, two Masses are' cele- president. All hold their meet- religion and culture." further and spread the kingdom several storage rooms. In front brated eal:h Sunday in an old ings an4 activities in the down"The danger of subversion of God on earth. of the church, overlooking the brick church. by sectarian and Communist ' stairs part of the church. Catholic Action and lay apos- highway, is a shrine of the propaganda becomes more acute tolate movements have been dis- Blessed Mother. . each day," he emphasized. "It cussed in writings which stress The first Mass at Our Lady of would be a serious blow to the the role of the laity i~ the Victory Church was celebrated future of the Catholic Faith if Church. these countries, with their rapin the partially completed upCountless publications have stairs on July 7,1957 and 'during idly increasing population and Three novices from the Dio- ceremonies was Rev. Antoine- their growing influence in world appeared on the question of the that first Summer Masses were reunion of the churches. Catho- celebrated there. In October the cese received the habit of the M. Lanoue, O.P. The preacher affairs, were to follow the pll'tlics have been informed of the parishioners moved downstairs Dominican Sisters, three took for the 0 c cas ion was Rev. tern established by Castro in differences which separate many for Mass during the winter. temporary: vows and one made Charles L. Hewitt of St. Ber- Cuba." non-Catholics from the true months until in May of 1958, the her perpetual profession at cere- nadette's Parish, New Haven. monies in the Convent Chapel Profess Vows Church; many misconceptions of entire church was complete. Spoke Receiving the habit was Sister Making temporary vows were 1.95 the ordinary Catholic have been In addition to Centerville, the cleared up and It has been in- parish includes' West Hyannis- Mary Kevin, Cynthia Merna,. Sister Mary Christopher, Claire dicated that the 4ifferences are' por~ ~nd the Craigville Beach daughter of Mr; and Mrs. John' Siriott-,e, daughter' 'of Mr. and BONN (NC) - Of the more more deeply rooted than meets area, in all approximately 125 Merna, Summer Street, Dennis- Mrs. Germain Sinotte, 151 Dethe· ordinary eye. f ami lie s duriQg the Winter port; Sister James Michael, troit Street, Fall River; Sister than 700 Prelates who took pari Diane Prezalar, daughter of Mr.' . Francoise Therese,. Therese Bis- in the First Vatican Ecumenical As· a result of the activity' of' months. the· Commission on Religious a "There are so many· tran- and" Mrs. Lawrence Prezalar,. 86· son; daughter Of Mr~ and Mrs. Council in 1869 and 1870, 195 few articles have appeared scieQts it is difficult to. say how Freedom Street, . Fall River;, Theodule Bisson, 28 BayView spoke at its general meetings. Father Burkhart Schneider, treating the place and function many. Catholics are in the area Sister Marie Louise; Louise I:.e;. ,Avenue,: ,Swansea; .Sister Anne of religious orders and the' new.... · during the' vacation period;" vesque, daughter of· Mr. and de Jesus, Claudette Pelletier, S.J., has reported in an article Mrs... ,Napoleoa Levesque, 94 . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aquila in the German review, Stimmen ly established secular institutes· Kellogg Street, Fall River. Pelletier of 280 Whipple '~treet, der Zeit, that 99 of the prelatE;s in the Church. Such writings , spoke more than once - 47 Free, BB'(QJd'ilu iJ'~ R.ev•. Jean-P. Cossette, O.P. Fall River. have helped Catholics underSister Mary Martin, Marcia twice, 17 three· times, 15 four stand the different orders and Dr; Philip Cogley, whose out- presided at the ceremony and societies in the Church and how door Marian shrine project was Rev. Robert Kaszynski of St. Delahanty, daughter of Mr. and times, 7 five times, 4 six times they contribute to the common described in The Anchor for Stanislaw Church, Fall River, Mrs.. Martin Delahanty of 1106 and 2 eleven times. The longest speech was delivered by Bishop &>. Main Street, Fall River, good and life of the Church.. Aug. 2, offers a free brophure preached, , ,Presiding 'at tho profession made her perpetual profession. .Paya y Rico Cuenca, Spain. There is no .need to go on on shrine construction to anyciting types of articles which one sending a postcard request have appeared in view of the to him at Cogley wood, Council coming Council. We need only BlUffs, Ia. mention that they have contributed much to educate Catholics and help them to appreciate' Catholicism. Ccsey.Sexto~fl Undoubtedly this effect was o .; 0 0 0 intended for the life of the Church by the Holy Spirit when He prompted Our Holy Father to summon the Second Vatican 94 TRIEMON! SIRm Council. These writings and TAUNTON, MASS. their beneficial effects may well Tel. VAndyke 2-0621 be numbered among the fruits of the ecumenical council along with the decrees and decisions In the world now anxiously awaits. (This is the final article in NO JOB TOO BIG a series of 24 written by Fatha' NONE ·TOO SMAlt. . Hogan for The Anchor.)

Stre$ses Urgent N~ed of W orker~ In 50"

Reception of Habit, Profession Ceremony at Dominican Convent

Prelates At!' Vatican Counca I

Cleansers ..



Pope Blesses, Aids Earthquake Victims CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)Pope John has sent a special me$sage of condolences and encouragement to the people of Naples and other southern Italian cities which suffered· from r.ecent earthquakeS. 'J,'he Pope told Alfonso Cardinal Castaldo, Archbishop of Naples, to give his special apo&tolic .blessing to the people. He also instructed. all offices oftbe Pontifical Relief Organization the area to make immediate aid available to au who neect J&.





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TH£A.NCHOR-Df.Oc:ete,OfFaft R"1YtIt;-1'h~, Aug. 30, '962' '"" / 1-.;'.·.. , ' - .. ' '- -. ,-' ... -,.... ~

,Most Girls Consider Schools 'Hunting Grounds for Mates', ,


By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Asst.' Sociology ,prof.~t. Londs University , . \. . Ii ~

~ you accept' suggestions for topics to ,discuss in :four column? Although I'm past 80, I'm an avi<J reader of your' column and' would like to have YQU write on the subject: education fol" the girl. Educating a girl is a real'need of today'a ,family ,life -..;.. if ' the girl or wife is educated, have little 'serious need for edu.; the whole family (hers) cation; . t, , Necesary Means reaps the benefit; if no In other words, with the ex;what have 'we got - dumb ceptioil of the members of the ducks. The world today needs upper social ,classes who have kains." a relatively' long tradition ,of education as 'a general preparaS u g g e stions for topics tion for life, there are sound ~ be discussed reasons for doubting that the are always welbulk of American women precome since the sently regard their ample educaKJurpose 'of this tional opportunities as anything eolum is to deal , more than necessary means for , • with problems getting a job-or a husband. @f immediate From the viewpOint. of young m.terest a'n d__ women, our collegeS, and more eoncem to my recently our high schools, havf:! aoeaders. Such become socially ,0 r g ani z ed l!IlUggestions are hunting, grounds for a mate. Almost helpful if they are accom-, though they take the required panied by-your own vie:w~ 'and courses and frequently secure SISTERS OF HOLY UNION' CEIlEMQNY: Most";Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary are related to,' some particular 'relatively good grades, they a r e ' " ' , . f S" f h H I _problem or situation of your not really interested their in- Bishop of, the Diocese, presided at investiture and profeSSIon 0 .the Istera 0 t e o l' immediate experience. It might tellectual development and feel Union' of the' Sacred Hearts: Seated left to right: Very Reverend Mother Philomen~ , be well, to add that only issues slight commitment to the pUIl'- ' S.U.S.C., ,Superior General, 'visitirig from Rome; Bishop Gerrard; Reyerend Mother more Or less closely, connected suit of knowledge." Dorothy Marie, S.U.S.C., Assistant: General from ,England. Sta~ding, left to right, are ~ with marriage and family life Bi:iefly, they want to get mall'- Sisters from the Diocese:- Sister-Mary Augustine, Mary Lou Simcoe, Swansea; Sr. FredeJloo ean be discussed, in my column.' ried, "-and 'in ~'. 0 e i e t y , ,Requests for. information ,OIl IlChools provide' themoBt con- ick. Therese" Mary Badwey; Somerset; Sr. Eleanor Francis, Carol Regan, Fall River; Sr. , ether tOpics should be submitted venient eoncentration of avail-Mal"Y -Frances, Patricia' Heath" N,orth', Easton;' Sr. Bartholo'mew, Eleanor McNally, Fall to other columnists. Ilbleprospective mates~ River; Sr. John Evelina, Barbara. N9brega, Somerset; Sr. Josep~- Catherine, Sandra MaPa ' New Attitucle , , C~mpetenee iD Struggle, ooux;Fall'River; Sr. Isabel14ary; Barbara Kirkman, Fall Rive~~, ' _" Your views on education folC' 'If this observation' appears ' tirls are quite similar to mine., llInduly cynical, one might con, Perhaps to a superficial observer sider how'manY"youngwomen flIf modern trends m educatioll '~hesitatingly terminate their, there would seem to ~ little 'educational program as soon aa ,LIMA' (NC)~"OUr,w~tchdogS,' ,Su~ was one experien~ 'of ,Sisters Ger~rci, Romana aD4lI , Deed to discuss this point fur- they' have 8G' opportunity to do a good jqb, Sister. But if you'd, ~ese Sisters, who hold doctor- , Theophane ,conducted a lO-week tiler. We have come a long .way marry. ' '" ' 'like a--little m~re ,prot.ect~oJ;l dur:' . ,a~ _q.egrees, as they,' traveled " study' among Peru's sisterhoods, , trom the post-reformation VIews 'How manY motherii with' ii' iDg the night, I can let you have , P~ruvian roads in their, exhaus- , numbering more than 3,600 nuns, 'of colonial times when it was daughter in high 'school are a 045 if you want." ,,' " ' , tive study of educational facili- to formulate plans for, developbelieved th~t· formal education seriously concerned abOut her " The 'prop;rie'tor of,an, inn in the : ties .for communities of teaching ment ,o~ a Sister Formation COl')oo 'ilor women was somehow con- progress in intellectual develop_ little community of Tingo Maria, .' Sist,ers., ference ,edu<;ation program. northeast of Lima' W!lS : : The three nuns are each' in- Leaders of 70 Peruvian religious . trary to their nature 'and made ment' as long as !lb.e Hi' POpuJ.air '345 them unwomanly.' , and reveals adequate ,co~pe- ,181king to' one of,thJ.-ee at, mumental in, developing' 'the , communities have pledged theiI' In spite of its obvious ab~rra- tence in the highly, competitive the counter;', ' }:.', " : , Sis~r Formation Conference~ coop~ation with tpe plan. 'tions, the century-long lltruggle ,struggle 10' secure the' ''right'' "DOes he mean aA5 pistol'!"", which h,as headquarters in , The Sisters' investigation took , ef the feminist move~ent, aided dates? ' , , Sister Mar,. Gerard of Mihvau- ,Washington, D. C. The confer- them from coasta~ Peru into the by the expanding opportunities 'What blUshing bride, flushed kee, Wis., asked her',two com- ,erice's,purpose is to advance the tor employment created by our with her succ~ iit securing II ' panions, Sist~r, Mary Theaphane "lIPiritual and intellectual train-, Andean high sierra and east to Peru's jungle lands. ' technically advanced, sOciety, well-educ,ated youngman for, of Seattle Wash. and Sister ing of nuns. iierved gradually to modify tra- her Iife-:partner, ever asks' her- Mary" Rom,' ~naof W, inona, Minn." ditional attitudes concerning the self, what serious preparatiOil educational capacitiel:! of women, she has made to become the comWhen the tWo' other Sisters I!IO that sexual differences in this panion and help-mate ci such nodded, the thr~nuns held a regard are no longer considered a spouse? ' conference and decided to cast significant. The factors underlying this their lot with the watehdogs, , Whether boys and girls should paradoxical, short-'sighted view- since, they know' little about .. receive the same type of formal 'point are not difficult to dis- pistols.' education ,remains an open ques_ cover. They took- their key, went to tiOJ,l, but, the belief that they Our society places great em- their. room, 'brushed their teeth Mould receive roughly equiva- phasis on m~rriage rather thall' ,(with soft drink in the'absence !ent amounts is rightly no longer on the' family. Particularly ,of water) and turned in for the' open to"discussion. among mothers and daughters, night. Two Premises preparation for marriage is con- ' , , . ., An analysis of the thinking , sequently throught of primarily Awnings ~er V~ticaf1l' relating to this changed popular as the acquisition of the social If""ourty'ard Co,~, e Down, view reveals that it stems from skills required to secure a' suit- I\", never two major premises. You have able partner, while the qualiVAT~CAN CITY (NC) -. The indicated one in your statement ties needed to fulfill their roles awnings that went 'UP over the SO tbatthe girl's education will , as wives and mothers receive Vatican's busy courtyard of Sa~ benefit her family when she minor consideration or sUn- ,Damaso in July have come down, becomes a wife and mother. ply taken for granted. ' at the' peak ef, ,Rome's, hottest Every vitamin' The other, and perhaps the Hen~e mothers are ,little eon- ~~son, ' ~ om e bod y , threw:, ,_ G child needs more operative one, is that girls eei-neq about their 'daughter&' "llghted cigarette :,outof ,lIlD up.. ••. now hidden Deed an education in order to intellectual development per-story window;, " ln' this brand, .ecure employment, for tliey are training in domestic arts. Since "During, their', brief '"lifetime, . new milk! expected not only 'to be self':'sup- their majOr ,focus' is marriage .the"six: broad strips 'of cloth:e~~. porting before, marriage but they early orient their daugh- ten~ed from one windowed wall Stop & Shop ,must be prepared to seek outside ters'· interest and. attentiOn to 'the 'other, archi~gslightly a,t ::~AOyyrr;~n:n:e~ri~:o:;;rr:::~i:: eliiefly in ,this, direction. ' • the mid,dle. The great bars, Q.f Yes, I fully agree with you. ,shade 'they cast o~fered re~uge .. that education for girls is II fr~m the. Roman sun to VatIcan Major Goal prime requisite 'for stable fami- CIty pollce' and ~e people ~t.. These two motives for pro- Ii, life today, but society can, ,t,endinl{ papal audlenc~s, whl(~h motingthe education, of girls provide only the opportunity., were. helq in the courty~ b~ correspond to a fundamental Mere exposure.to education'wi'II ,'cau~of ..w.o.rk g,oing ~n m S~, ambivalence or confusing dual ' p t ' b li Contgins j gelded essential vitamins and focus in their preparation for prove of little avail as long as ' e e~ s:', aSl ca:, ' '," minerals. One quart contains the mini~um interest and' at ten t io n are But after that careless ciga~' '. 'daily, adult requirements as estab llshe4 lif~onsidering current marriage focused primarily on getting ,rette butt set .fire to, o.n~ of th!! by , the' U. S. Govt., , Stop: & 'Shop and, married rather than on' self-de- a'YVning~, VatIcan offICIalsd ortrends, there cail be' no doubt, , Tedeschi's are the only'_s,uper l1'larkets wh~re that American young women re- velopment, and preparatioR for ,dered, them 'all ~taken , own. , you can buy MULTI.VITAMIN MILK,' : "" "ard marriage as their major family life. ' The cobblest!lnes :of the ~an .. Damaso' courtyard' are, bemg ,oal i~tlhife't'hlndeed, in, comfPatrhiI " scorched ,once again by the Tede!Chl'. son WI 0 er women 0 e Cape Parish Saie ' Summer sun, as they had been a division- of Western world, more of them for, centuries. ' Stop 8i ShoP I eventually marry, they marry St. Joan of Arc GUild, Orleans" you n g e r, and they marry will sponsor a food sale after . TuiHof1l Break oftener. ' the Masses on Sunday at 'the On the other hand, the ma- 'Road and Route 6A. NEW ORLEANS (NC) ~ Oldjority together with \ their par- Parish House, ,corner of Bridge sters will get a break this year ~nts, appear to regard formal The Thrift Shop in the Parish, in the evening division of LOyo61ducation primarily as a pre- House is opened Monday, Wed- la University here. Persons 65 l'aration for employment rather nesday and Friday mornings. or ,over .will be ,charged no tui- , than marriage, so that if they from io o'clock until noon and tii>il and will pay only fees and marry young" or "wen;," they every Friday night :£rom 7 to 9. , tex~book costs. o



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Mothers: your (hiId·












As' Twin


..,THE .'AN~HOR-' :.\ Th",rli., Aug. 30, 196~

... ·Descr·ibe~·':1:·Solemn·: C-erem·on·y

Boys Are Baptized

U.s. Nuns Found

By Mary Tinley Daly It was Christening Day for the twins at Johnny and Lu's house. True to his jokingly made' promise, Johnny found that they had selected the hottest day of the entire year, temperature a sizzling 92, humidity smothering. Heat ~nd humidity notwithsta?-d- tlul Goon-to-bec~me Christial18. mg, a hum of happy exCIte"Brendan's. the one with the ment bubbled at the twins' soft cord tied around his ankle, house. Being _of the "let's- Grandma," Lu called from the

Bolivia Mission

BORDENTOWN (NC) - The Sisters of St. Clare monastery here in New Jersey will.establlslil a new Poor Clare monastery Un Coroico, Bolivia. Mother Mary Paschal, abbeSB" said the new commu.tiity will be founded by six Sisters in coma pl1ance with the wishes of Pope balte _ 0 - cake" generatdon ~oz bathroom as she waD getting John that all religious commU a every celebTation, 1 won the no- Katie ready~ "He gets the tradinities join in the missionary efa DignmeJ1t 0 f tiona! Corbett dress; Matthew forts in Latin America. 'XVI@ m a kin B the gets the Daly dress." , years ago the local community e a k e ;" two These dresses, worn by Corestablished a monastery in Flora cokes, matter betts and Dalys for DO many ida with five members. of fact. Bakery yem-s . • . Here was the one Mother Mary Paschal said eakes are all tlult &1l of our children" had well and eood, been christened in, ~io other, three years ago the community . wao 'invited to establish the ~ut the r e ' s Lu. had worn. monastery in Bolivia by Bisho~ oomething per'Godmother Markie picked up Thomas Manning, O.F.M., PreDOnal a I) 0 u t Matthew, god mot her Joan late Nullius of Coroico. Mathe? iliose done by Kohler picked up Brendan, and Mary Paschal and. Sister Mary ~ving hands. they started for the cars. PaniConsolata ~ecently visited tho L-oving handa, eking 9lightly, ~ called to Lu, primitive area and inspected the I learned are "Which baby did you say has site of the monastery. oot nece~sarilY skilled one3. the cord around his ankle?" With the zeal of a typical "Brendan," she al18wered with Plans for the new building arandmother 1 "did my hom~ the patience that comes from have been completed and tho work" stud;ing cookbooko fol' dealing with little children and construction will be directed by the ~oot tantalizingly delicious an nging mother-in-law. a Franciscan Brother. Until the BROUGHT UP.TO-D;ATE: Science professors at col- monastery i:J completed, the 51&0 f'acipe;otudying liturgical booka Whew! Right for once. gor n perfect symbol in the deeRIch SymooM!:;;m leges and universities are attending the Georgetown Uni- tera will live in an adobe builcll~ orating. Found! The paraclete, No matter how many times versity Summer School Conferenoo on Recent Advances in ing now on the property. They symbol Of the Holy Spirit de1l- one witnesses the ceremony of' Astro-Geophysics. Two of them are' shown replicas of sat- will operateD printing plant. cending. After tracing..frQmthe Baptism, 'it never loses ito aweFor more than 50 years the book, ! eut out a, cardboard' someness. Young Father William ellites at the Goddard Space Flight Center of the National, Poor Clares at St. Clare's mona . astery here 'have supported figure, Wd it carefully. on top Kane of St. Bartholomew's made Aeronautics and Space Administration NC Photo.' the .. newly £rosted cake.. it solemnly impressive by exfuemsclves mainly by ~kmg . h'acing it· with a knife' poin~ . plainingall tlierich, centuriesaltar breads for many parishes 'A' For . Effori old Symbolism as he went along. in the Dloc'ese Trenton aMI . ' ..' ., '.. Fascinated and' in wide-eyed Camden. , WIth th~ c~ncenttabon.of one wonder, many attending chiluoyingugainst odds, 1 maneu- ,dren watched as -three .babies MINNEAPOUS. (NC) :..... A Sister Michael Ann commented. St. Louis Parishes Plan , veI:E!d· that pas~ tube With its became membe~s the Church ebocolate . icing slowly Mound MilitaIit:' a . d~rk' haired boy Catholic m'edlcal 'missionary in . . ':'I've heard it often from the the edge Of the cardboard PW:ll.Cnumed Donald Joseph and thea India related in a message home simple. village' people to whom' Schools of Religion' how .she· o~erCaD,le primitive the wondero of·' medicine are 11 lete, lltopping every few.squeezes . twins. . ST. LOUIS (NC) - Five new to pop the whole thing into the Outside the church, the babies confusion about modern medi- deep mystery. I'd answered the parishes in the St. Louis archa argument before, with more Oi" diocese will have no schools be-. x<efrlgeratOf'. . through their sponsors answered cine to help save a girl's life. Sister Michael Ann, medical less success. This morning 1 won cause they cannot obtain a ratio Between the heat· an6the the questions as did the catechuparaclete, life was difficult. mens of old, applicants f<lr Bap- technologist .at Holy' 'Family again." of three Sister-teachers to one All the while she took blood Lastotraw came when the Head tism.. Prayers were said over. Hospital in New Delhi, told of lay teacher on the faculty. of the House sauntered into 1he each child a b I uti 0 n s and her experience with the ParentQ from the falher, the mother This was made known in 1m . kitchen.and asked, "Wouldn"t anointingn' were. administered., of 13-year-old Shafikan, a.Mos-. walled at .the thought ox losing it be enmer to 'put a flagon eacn the" ''Salt of' Wisdom" put· on 'lem girl scheduled for surgery. her husband, the nun reported. announcement thQt the archdiOo "Her blood tests showed she But went well both for him cese it! about to launch a com~ limlte?" eacb little tongue~"May it be ''Easier than what?" the :£rwJ- lllntothee -an earnest of God's would need transfusions," Sister IWldfor Shafikan, who ill now prehensive "School of Religion'" program in all parishes for Catha Michael Anne said.' "Lilckily, on her way to recovery. . tra.ted artist asked. favor Ut1Ul life' .everlasting." two relatives donated bota , ..And,"added Sister Michaei ollcchildren unable to attend "Than that American .oo,gle For Life'Of Grace with the broken wing?",.. . .Came progress to'the font the tIes; ~ut .as. ·surgery.progres:::eci, Ann, "Shafikan~B parents 'have Catholic cehools. The cOUrcea in religion witt be •So m,ueh for .the. liturgical. .priest's ·stole·· on the shot:lder there came calls for . three' tnOf'.e become leading workers'for my taught by trained lay men and _. clay-in- day-out struggle for ~pl~. Ii .the ,Paraclete loolta of the first iB prOcessron. 'Then bottles.". . '. ... wOmen as part of the Confra~ The' nun hurried to the par- . blood 'donors." . like the America~ ,~l~ :.and the promises ·to renounce. satan. ternity of Christian Doctrine. The with 11 .broken wmg, this 'was his works and POlnPs, anointing ents, huddled' weeping 'm • five new parishes have post.. it! A wlPe-?ff of the ehoco1n~ of the breast and back,changing' waiting room. 'She . asked the poned school construction under are-do WJ.th ·white, ,and. the of the priest's stole from violet father. if she' could test his' blood- Pa"e·nts Favor School an. .order ext Joseph Cardinal "1homework" was for 'naught. of sorrow to white of joy for ·to see if he would be able to Prayer Observance Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louiro. The lovln,g but clumsy hands the life of grace about ·to begin. give some 10 is daughter. paI~CETON (NC) Eighty who set a three-to-one ratio , . Honest QuestioD' ttettled 'for s imp 1.,. writing Climax, the formal request per .cent of a group of parents nUDS and lay teachern. "Brendan" .on one cak~ ".Mat- for Baptism made 'by each little The father shook his head. "I questioned ~'aGallup poll said ibew"on the ,other,added "!he boy as pronounced by his spon- cannot give," he said. "I have they approve of religious obserdate and a .couple of~ink sors, and the "Ego te Baptizo in . other ,sniall children at home. vances in public school!!. frosting roses which promptly nomine Patrie, et-Fillil, et .Spiri- I have .m" land to plow.' What Questioned were parents who melted into .tlat blobs. tus Sancti"as the wa~er was will happen to them if I die will be sending their children to A for effort., D .for ,perfor- poured on each, small head. giving my blood .for Shafikan?H public e I em e n tar 'Y tbr high ENJOY mance. The newly .baptized could now "It was an honest question.," schools this Fall. Fourteen per ~ime to feed. the babies, Lu be treated as kings, Father excent said· they disapproved of fARM aiving a 'oottle 10 one, I to the plained, anointing their heads Open House the religious observancell, and ~her. .with Holy Chrism in a wide, six per cent' expressed no .c:RESH II'mditional 'Dressea generous crosS, giving each the St. Jean Baptist Council of opinion. As LUGUW to getting the other "white garment,"the "burning Catholic Women, Fall River, MILK Asked if the practice of saying clI.ildrenready, 1 waa :allowed light.. and the blessings. will hold an open.hou·seand cof- graCe before mealo io observed lfi Yeur Own ate fun 'ofbathing and dressing Donald Joseph and his troop fee hour at 1:30 Sunday; Sept.·· in their homes,' 69 ,per ;;ent of "Throw Away Container' . . _. ~ .. ,' of relatives, friends and photo-· 9.' Rev. Maurice R.Je:f£rey will the paren'tssaid it w, and 31 or ,. : graphera w.ent their way; Mat-· . speak and all parish' women aTe per cent said it 1D not. GlaCB BontQ . thew and Br.endan, aCdompanied invited. Other counciloactivitieo .. . ,by .their admiring fan club mem- ; will includea'hat show Monday, - _....-~~.-""!'"--~""""-- ~ . bers' went .theirs. Sept. 17 and s·turkeY'whiGt Whit.e~s. ~arm D~lifJ Onward' Chrlstian SQldiers! . Saturday,.,N.ov. 17.



Nun ·OvercomesPrimitiv~·. Medical: Notipn·roH~~p :Save Girl's Life






QUCiJUty Contlfolled


North AttJeboroGirl r 0 Enter Novitiate ' Miss· Joan Saulnier,' Sacred 'PariSh, North Attleboro, "'411 enter1:he .Jesus and Mary Novitiate in ·B'yattsville, Md., Monday. She was' graduated from Sacred Heart parocbial school and from' St. Charles High .Schow. Providence. Her sister, ''Mother'Mary of Joy, is stationed at. the Hyattsville novitiate.

Norto,,·Series ''!'be Norton ,CatholleWomen'. eJ.ub w111 ~nsor~ld.,. whist POSTuLANT,. Miss M&Ul'& ·par:tielliD St. l\Ia.ri's Parish . .• . Center on 'Route 123 in Norton lI'alvey, daughter .of Mr. and carting Friday evening, Sept. 1. Mrs. JohB W. Falvey, '79' at a o'clock. Manton StNet, Fall Riv.er, . Mrs. Ruth Yelle and Mrs. Mary will enter the Carmelite Or. Murphy, co-chairmen, have an· She .no.uncetl that· the ,public is ineIer Saturday. S ept. vited to this series 'being eonfa a gradu.te of DominieaJl 1tueted for 1he benefit CIIf the

8: . .

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Inter ~ American ,Bank Loans Aid Peru Workers

THE ANCHOR-· Thurs., Aug. 30, 1962'

Revival of Shinto Slows Progress

LIMA (NC)-Smallloan; for ,housing, crops and sani.. tation proJects authorized for Peruvian workers in the

Of' Church

SAPPORO (NC) Missionaries here are viewing with misgiving recent attempts tq revive the nation- ,


lower income brackets are im:' proving the social justice outlook in this nation. Money for the loans comes from a million-dollar contract with the Inter.-American Development Bank in Washington. The loans extend over 2'0 years. Fishermen along the. coast near Lambayeque, coffee planters in the' far northeast jungle.land near Jaen, and day laborers in Lima are getting more out of life as the result of loans ob-' tained.

alistic cult of Shinto by some, Japane'se political and financial leaders. , Father Bertrand A. GramelSlPacher, M,M., of Jasper, Ind.; noted that an increasing number of stories on the development of. this movement appear in the daily press here. In March, the re-established Kogakkan University opened for the first time since being closed by Gen. Douglas MacArthur after the war in 1945. The Shinto, Restrict Use university is a revival of the "To date," says Father Joseph prewar Jingu Kogakkan which J. Sarjeant of the Central Credit was founded 80 years ago as II Union of Peru, "we have made I3tate university. \ 165 sub-loans amounting to al..; Course for ,Kamikaze most $135,000. We make loans Jingu Kogakkan became most exclusively to associate credit famous during the war when it lIn'ions who in' turn loan money ser'ved as the center of "Misogi' to their members. training" (training' through a "This IDB money is restricted purification ceremony by bathto credit unions whose members ing in the cold water of the make only $120 or less. a month. , Isuzu River near Ise Shrine; the It can be used only for housing, center of Japanese Shinto). agriculture or the pressing saniGovernmental and nongovern_ tation needs of potable drinking menta! leaders, advocating "servwater and sewage projects." ' ice to the state thro'ugh indusThe Central Cr~dit Union' has try," went through such training. been operating' just less than a It was also the basic, training year. It opened Sept. 21, 1961, eourse for the Japanese Kami. as .another service of the Perukaze (suicide) pilot, of Worl4' vian . Credit Union League. The Wra II. " RECEIVE. HABI.T:' Four,Coyle:High School"graduates -were·a~ong 21 candidates Central af. Before the ·war; governine.·rtt-· . . . .' , f"l' t d .CredifUnion d·t . . . has.91 M .... ppor·.ted Shinto nearly stifled fo.r theB,r"others, o,f. H"olv:,Oross.:.. ,Wh9.,f,eee!yed the :religlous,habit.. ~nd: start~·their, c~n~. 118 e .cre 1u.~110ns.. orc; are. ~. h I f ·teaming' up ¥onthly fJ..'o~ am~ng. missionary' activity"because' the.', onical year at .St;. Joseph Novitiate, Valatie, N.Y. All..Taunt~n ·~~t~yesA .ey. are,; e t·to the 300-plus individual credit. n ~hur~h ~a8 foreip1:.T~Er.Jap!1 ;'", . ' r~g~t,. Brother Edw:ard·. p'Co.~n~~I, O.S:C., Br ~ther Da,vid An~rews,. C.S:c.., :aro.th~r ·Mjchael. " unions Of ,the 'league; founded· ~. pea.pIe are ver.y n.ab~mali~tie~,: DO. eFl'ore by the Maryknoll Fathers'coShmto' ·feeds· thUlnabonaliSm,'" . . ,C .S .C• and Brother Harold Hathaw IlY, C.S.C. DU

._.nd to that extent· a reviv'al "of": .



~1~:n.Pert, Father DanieLI~. ~c-.

Playw'righ. ts Ignore. Religi~n

Pon'e To Speak D' ·n .'. Ret' e' t Jar. 9 - . r a .

, In 1959, former Prime Minis.. 'lerShigeru Yoshida and Hayato . 'FORT, LAUDE.RDALE .(NCl-:- .. for· -eption' . on .the 'script', of tic criticism ftom Yale Univer.' r-". .' ikeda, 'prese~t ~rime' Mi~ist~r,. American playwrights "miss,.the "Seven Nuns at Las Vegas" but sity and did-postgraduate ,work. .t the request of Toyoo Hase,' boat" when they leave religion, has declin'ed them because she at the .University ,of Birming-. " ehief priest at 'the Ise Shrine, .out of their .work. . ' . . would not haye the right to· ham, .England. At Stratfor.d-onVATICAN CITY (NC) _ His . became the' leaders' of the' new' That's' the opinion of Natalie. okay the, final' production. .' Avon, she :was, ~. student on an. Holiness Pope John XXIII will 'imiversitY. Yoshida is both its Wliite, .whose latest work" .MAfter ,all," . she.explain.ed" Institute,·of International Educa- speak to the' world's Catholics in president and"chairman of the' h::;even' Nuns' South Of· the ,'"these are religious plays of a :tion :scholarship.·", . , ",' a'radio message to be broadcast board.of d i r e c t o r s . , Border" has just been published' . sOrt, ": have. been ,_carefully, . She' became a convert.to ,the exactly;;· a month before the While funds were being raised" . by Dra'matists Play.Servic~, Ine.,. checked. by priests and .,nuHns,Gatholic ~ .Faith in ,1952;. at .the, opeiung :.f the Second' Vaticall to reopen theuniversity, Yoshida of New York. ... " .:: ... and approved as they stand,. .: Universjty.;· of . Notre . Dame, ,Ecu'menical Council, it was ao·.tressed that ttW!' school would .', . She ""'id her new play centers .,where sheserv,ed as dr,llm.ain-· ,nounce.d. here~" . A. convert .. to Catholicism", ."': t' . f· O· ' L ··d . ~ \;i fight against.any "id~!>logy Miss'White'is a m.ember·ol.St.· .Oll B.' piC ure 0... ur,. a Y; . .v... ,Iltructor during S,umm~r sessi,ons. Vatican. Radio will carry the which wiiI poison the nation CI 't Pam '. h her e' She"lii; the Guadalupe. and the "MeXIcan. . and wher€! al(of her other plays Pope's broadcast on September while ·aOd. developing au . ethmen , al . pays' '1'" .W 'h'ch'I . legend·. . :concerning 11 at 3 p.m.' (EDT) and is ar; protecting ". or "0f • sever ... ' .the·· . • appar.i- ' were produced., . . d emocracy. . have been produced in schools" tion of. the BI:ssed :~TlrglO·:c . .;. . . -.... ":-' . ranging for a relay.of the. papal Even 'though the new school is ' Color m Religion h ·1" . "d' xpress ratltu e '' " message . by ,other networks. . backed by top 'g'ove'rnmenta'l' a'nd' universiti~ and by little .theater. '.;; ''Th' .... • .. groups. both i1),. the· U.S. and ere-,'Ul .90 m~c. coo~ an,. _'. . . Pope:. JC;>,hn will deliver hi. financial leaders some observers' Euro~ .' . atmosph~re In relIgIOn that ~e To Brazil Prelate' . " .' speech d~ring, a personal re-' feel iit is doomed tolilllure. Some . .' f .. seem. to be. ~gnoring,".. the· play._,'.. . ..... ' , . ' . , '., ;treat,he WIll make from Septem_' Japanese see' the' fivival~~Ol _ . Deelines ~rs, ....; .c', wright said: " . . ' "RIg, Pi;, ~f\N.EI:Ro ...():'lG), ..~. ber 1.0 to 17 ~n ·pr.eparation for .Sliirito' as a revival of the things ,- Miss White Said "Seven. Nuns '. ,'Miss 'White 'was awarded a. ,The, CQnf~derab?n. of Is!.~~llte the c~)Uncil., During that time which led to the last war; and South of the ,Border" isa'sequel dOctorate iii iheaterand diaina- '.Groups of BraZil ha~, t~all;ked . all audiences will be suspended,' most Japanese do not want an- to another of' her plays, entitled ' . ' .,.. " . Jaime .Cardinal de Barros Cani~ ,, '. " " other war to .destroy their "Seven Nuns 'at {..as .vegas,~ She ara, Archbishop. of. R~o' de" cOuntrY again. . said she has had many offen Catholics Work Janeiro, for his recent protests. .. ~ . . against anti-Semitism. For 'EuropC'.an Unity . The' confederation also exMILAN (NC)-'-The Patriarch pressed 'thanks to the Cardinal Maintenance Supplies of Venice has urged Catholics'to for his cordiality in'receiving a SWEEPER~ - SOAPS work lor European unity. '. 'Brazilian· Jew ish delegation DISINFECTANTS, . Catholics are called' "to' be- which presented him a memor-' . .come the conscious and active randum listing world Jewish orPlRE EXTINGUISHERS citizens of this Europe,"'. 'Gio- ganizatl.ons" vanni CardinalUrbani'said. The memorandum asked that CitizensHip. in a new Europe the Second Vatican Council ad1816 PURCHASE ST. would not imply denial. of one's' monish the -world 'about the national heritage, the Cardinal dangers of racism and other NEW BEDFORD asserted. Rather it would con- doctrines tliat inCite hatred in 3-3786 tribute to the ;growth of that society. heritage '!within a wider and fairer distribution of economic ~~~ri!!IWi!lJi!!Ji!~~i!re!ffi!~i!!Ji!!ffi!Ji!!li!!rc!Ii!!li!Ji!!ffi!ffi!ffi!Jri!!IWi!lJi!!Ji!!Ii1!ffi!Ii!!li!mi!re!ffi!~r.~ goods."


G ...... 'd'

O .. f'





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"C Oc·N··C·ER T '


(ORREll,· & SO,NS. BEDSIDE BLESSING: Mr;land Mrs. Pedro Traverio,first eouple to be mal'ried after instructions at ReginaPacis, New 'Bedford center for Spanish-speaking people, visit Father Regis, SS.CC., confined to St. Luke's Hospital. The couple received the blessing of the'priest, whoinstructed·therii for the Sacrament of Matrimonyo .



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THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 30, 1962'

Forces at Work For Red Vrnctory In Amero~a LATROBE'(NC) - A Pennsylvania bishop said here that "the pagan is very much with us in America" and "many forces are at work to assure the eventual victory of communism over us." Bishop William G. Connare of Greenburg enumerated "some of these harmful forces" in his keynote address at a Chris'tian Family Movement regional convention at St. Vincent College here. He cited "the unrestrained pursuit of pleasure for pleasure's sake" as one example. He said '''the spate of erotic movies flooding our cities, designed 'for mature adults,' •.. is but l:l symptom of this pursuit." "Most unfortunately the box office is not too concerned about the maturity of their patrons, but rather with the color Bnd denomination of their money," he declared: The Bishop said the "emotional hysteria, which surrounded the abortion recently per for m e d on an Arizona mother," 'is symptomat"ic of forces at work in this country that could enslave it. PROFESSED: These Coyle High School graduates took perpetual . profession. Standing, Brother Rob~rt Rodier, Selfish Concern 110WS of religion at reception and profession ceremonies at Taunton; Brother Joseph Quill, East Taunton; Brother Pi-, Bis~op Connare maintained "'he Brothers of Holy Cross, St. Joseph's Novitiate, Valatie, erre Paquin, New Bedford; Brother James Nichols, Taunton; that "it is becoming increasingly N.Y. ~ft to right, seated, Bro~her Charles Cote, Taunton'; ',Brother Peter McGarry, Raynham ; Brother Francis Mello, more, difficult to hold and cermore ,difficult to express Brother 'John Donahue, Taunton; Brother' Frederick 'Mc- ,Taunton; Brother Stephen Nunes, Taunton all of'whom took tainly a, positioJ!" of cQmplete and unAul~;Y,AttIeboro; Broth~r' 'Jp,hn, Collins, No; Attlebor~; : iii'st vow$.' '" '. " sw(':'~ing .' allegiance ,to' Our' Brother Terrence Kendall, 'Hemsted, N.Yof all of whomma<le '. ,i ~;' Blessed Lord and His moral law .. ; ~ .'" ' . , .. '. . ; , :'...; 'in the climate' which is, modern America." . He condemned that selfishneBal whieb "merely abandons to a wanton pursuit of pleasure that HANOVER (NC)-The first many could not participate iD : pie of Protestant-eatholie relafull day of Germany's great, the great biennial gather,ing, tions. The Catholics of the SAN ANTONIO (NC) -"-- The sense of ,sacrifice . . . which is Catholic convention got under even though Hanover lies only Hildesheim diocese have had the launching of a full-time pro- the foundation of all that is way with all the bishops of West 80 miles from the zonal'border. use ,of more,than.. l,OOO,Protes- gram ,for ihe rehabilitation of lasting, and good in the American tradition." Germany and thousands of ,The last national 'Catholic tant churches and parish halls as juvenile delinquents has been , "Communism can never take pries"ts and lay people assisting convention, in Berlin in' 1958 sites of parish 'Masses. The Prot- announced for the San Antonio over here," the ,Bishop said, "unat pontifical Mass offered by, drew Catholics froni. both East estants offered their churchesarchdioc$lse by, Father James less and until this selfish conDenmark's ,only. Catholic bishop. and West Germany. (The 1980 ,when the inflow of 450,000 Brandes, director of the Catho- cern for only that which pleasCII The votive Mass of the Holy Katholikehtag was cancelled so _ Catholk' refugees trebled, the ' lie Welfare Bureau. " conditions us for the take-over." Spirit was sung by Bishop Jo-' , not to impede' the Intenia-· Catholic population of this area., ' - The pr~gram haS'been formalhimnes, Theodor Suhr, 'O.S.B., of 'ti,onal Eucharistic Congresss, : Bishop Janssen, has termed 1)- inaugurated by Auxiliary' Copenhagen. The massive con- : 'held that year in Munich,) " choice of Hanover as this year's ;B.ishop'Stephen A. Leven acting 0 MJheFamily That gregation in the banner-decked,' Hanover offers a good. exam:-- eonvention site a special gesture ,t, ,:' , , ' , pavilion at the, Hanover fair-, of gratitude for all the' help the in the name of Archbishop Rob. Prays Together grounds joined in singing the, region's Protestants 'have given ert E;' ~~cey of ,San Antonio., Mass with orchestral accompathe Catholic Church. Volunteer sponsors were found ,Stays Together" niment. Hanover's' ProteSants 'also" in 16 parishes to act as counseThe convention was opened helpea Catholics to: find b?using lors for young "boys' and girls THE the night before by Prince Karl SAG I N A W (NC) - , Forty for the thousan<ls, of ~a;ticIp'ants." who are under the jurisdictiOn zu Lowenstein, president of the'" Catholk schools in the Diocese Many Protestant famIlIes opened' " " "" , , " . Central Committee of German of Saginaw have' eontract~, with their doors to them.' The Cister- of th~, Bexar Count)' Juvenile, Catholics.: A representative of the Central Michigan'Educa- clan 'Abbot of'Seligporten arid Department.' .. the nation's Lutherans delivered tional Television Council for Auxiliary B ish 0 p' Walther, The &ponsor's job ill to seek "'boro-Sou&b AUlebon fraternal greelings. the use of instructional televi- Kampe, of Limb are guests of ' Seekonk sion in the classroom during Protestant ni.inisters~ out these teenagers and help ~ recurring note in all the , th talks was regret that Catholics 1962-'63. The Protestant head of the em to become useful citizens living in East Germany were Involved win be more than royal house of Hanover, Prince and active members of their' barred by their communist gov- 10,000 elementary 'and second-, Ernst August, provided rooms parish'es. ernment from attending the COn- ary pupils in a system which for ,Bishop Josef Stan~l. olf They are given the opportuven·tion. This was the first time covers 16 counties and enrolls Wuerzburg and his, i\uxilIary,. . . . I'M ON MY WAY TO THE that Catholics in eastern Ger- 23,000 students. Bishop Alfons Kempf. nIty to find work, fIn Ish DRuG STOllE TO PIC.K. UP , schooling and, in general, deA PRESCRIPTION-' velop many of their abilities , that they would otherwise lose I KNOW THA1 MUMS without a helping hand. <





Deplore Bar to' Attenda,nce, at' Meeting






~aunch Program For, DeHnquents


,To Schools Contract' For Educational TV,


Superintendent, of Diocesan School Announces Calendar for 1962-63 Academic Year



First Semester

'I5-Mid-winter vacation begins at clolltl ~ school' day , 2lr--Mfd-winter vacation ends; classes resume

September 5-Opening of schools '

October 12-Columbus, Day-no school

November , I-Feast of All Saints; no school April 9-End pf First Quarter. Examinations 5-End of third quarter. Examinations given during this week. Report cardll given during . this week: Report cards issued within one week following. issued within' one week. . 12-Veterans' Day; no school 1lI.-Holy Thursday~ Classes ,as.. ).lsual this 2~-23-Thanksgiving receSB day. Easter vacation begins at ~lose of the school day. ' December 22-Easter vacation Cl\ds; classes resume .21-Christmas vacation begins at close ~ school day



, I-Palmer .Examinations 9-10-Catholic Teachers Asso~iation Convention 23-:Feast ,of, tlle Ascension; no school 30-Memorial Day; no school'

January 2-Christmas vacation ~ndB; classes li'tP , sumed 25-End of First Semester. ExamlnatiolUl given during this week. Report cardfi issued within one week.


JanUary 28-Begioning 01 &loond semester

lo-l4-Dioeesan Examinations - Elementary Schools ' 18-19-20--Dioeesan School Picnic 21-Close of school year Schools Reopen Septembe!' 4u 1963










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,Revival' Effects

By Mos1Rev. RobertJ. Dwyer,


I,God 'Love'Y i


By Most Rev. Fulton. J.




Om Bllessed 'Lora ffurst fea! the multitBliewl!l.o lronMVe(j 10m tb.e ll1esen and then tall3:oo bt!l.ems1OO1id t!lehellmrim. Be . used externals ta» ,atnadmeml to IDmse]f, ~e EtertJall.Some SGlallb. procedure often has ·tIl be lloUl!owedm ~@n 1l:mdl:l, :fICIn otiv.eo .are at first hesitant anlill call1ltill)W!.



In the halcyond~y,sofour youth .(ah; bright Medusa'!) . we were trqubled not at all by the problems 'of ecumenicity and reunion all around. We had .a simple formula for the solution of s.uch 'vexing matters:.Protestantisin manifestly was in its seer'+'~and .1· . yellow aetual1'yab an d on'ed .d ogma. 'To 1 1eaf.' amos. t a t l~ astgasp. the contrary :there has come Walt a few years more and about a t1lemendousresurgence all good Protestants would of interest in the fundamentals


, One Itiissionary informed Wlthat it took 1rlmo full year to filidIa.nd on ,whiCh to 'Btart a mission: "I could .·caeo lot 01' uaeleSllo uncUltivated land, but ,the ownerS would not :sell it at any price. Thlswaa their way of ;sa,ying, 'Who are ·tou? What do you want? We. don't trust you and we :don't want you.'

begin to see the light .and .come

of .faith, . . . "When I 'was at ,the em.i G»f my ll'oJj)e, trooping back to Mother ChurCh; . Karl ,Barth as ,the il"ariking ·God .opened aCllo:oll'; Someoneillltll!e village, whereas all bad Protestant theologian may have bowing :I he-de cii.sP0ilSll.rY, !eli Gne ·61 Pro t e S _ been wryly amused (we hope 'he the older men thatJIwas:1:. first-elasadooWll' tants would was) by the .:antic publicity at. who could . perform .min.e~efl ,wltlli my thereupon betending his visit .to these shores, :'~®ill~li'@ ft®~U.(ffi1ftl$ meclicines ·fromabroed. Th~oUall man~s come, presumbut the commotion was :anaive .t;2J sonwasdyilllg ofdysent0!711nc!flever, alll ably,. agnostics, recognition of the importance J:..' 'ml D . 'iL.' administratiolllSof t~1Il ,oorcerernhavUJing atheists a: n d of what he stands for 'andwhat ~$ 'rr-@, ![f'iIJO!!i'~:11!ll ·flWed. :Smcethe lOOy ':woo~e .~lll1y ~son' anarchi~s. The he .!hasdone. 'VATICAN 'CITY (NC)---Greand :heh:, -tb.efather "WlW 'willfumg .~ pay last was thrown 'Catholics may jusMy criticize gorioPietro XV Cardinal Aga:Z9Y :price ;to have the ''bOY ,cmed. ·]E1llI.t b.e in for good much ·ofcontemporatYiProtes- gianianhasresignedasPatriarch 'l'Ual!l :indesperateconditJiOl!l ;and .lI .lmewJIwowd .neetrllmuclil alGoa's measure. tanttheologizingasnothing of Cilicia of the .Armenians tbe1li~ to 'save 'his ·life. ·Thepl.lll'en1l!l ,agIl'eed <thae ]I mllll.Sttu. :1 stayed We were susmore than modernism .in ,thin cause of .thepressures ,.-of ihis -wntb. ,him ,for ,three days, ;and ,the ,nIi1tibiOtiiCll ;pell'l1'll)rmeall 11 reaR disguise or as sheer evolutionism work as overseer ·of Latin 'rote &Uined' in our . ·mkacle. .Mterthful, 'man,ysicit 'w,ee;bro11llght :to my,t2n'LThe illusion not parading in Christian .aress ,but mission activities throughout 'the o0D1i .lnimit ·to lilY ;aalt!vi~ ~ ;.the ;SmaJj '!lUlmtity ,~ :melliicmea. only by youths as callow 'as 'our- we cannot ignore:the 'fact'that world :Cardimil Agagianianhad selves .but by elders 'who uught' the ~hole movement ;betokens been PatriarCh, :andthusspiI'itto have known better. In the a. vast reversal ~f pattern.ual "leader ,of ,200,000 Armenian popular Catholic literature tJf . Not ,that this applies to :all Rite ,catholics ,throughout ,the :"witho:ut ~yiD,g :~y:tb1ng, .t he people :understood ihat if I the '20s, say, it was blithely ,an-. Protestant groups, :nor m ithe world, :s"inceil.'93:7.. :But as ,effec- ,coUld get ;apiece ,of "land 1 \Would' open 'a dlispensarY 'and :give 'them t:ici,pated that Protestantism was same measure, 'but ,dearly at tive .head of the :Sacred :Congre_me~c1nes -theY :had ,never had ·.before.The next evening, :some of indeed' nearing its 'historic'.dis- does· toa ":sufficiently iinBuential gationfor the Pr.opagation ,of.the . ·,the :,elders :came 'and ;gav.eme :some :fine land cat :areasonableprice. ' : F a i t h since 1958, .hehashad !little :!Before :a :fun month had ;passed, :I 'had :a ·small.houseand dispenSary. .solution, and Hilaire !Sellae, ad- minority:' Diffell'ent Approacll. time.to give to the work of the After ;two years, :1.built 'a 'church. 'Now, 'after eight years,lt is a mii'able in. so ~y way.s,e1se, eonst~tuted himself :something of In a word, ,the Isimplisticfor.-patriarchate, whiCh ilias its lhead-' . promising pariSh;- . a prophet of thiS demise. mUla. of -the "20s, w.hich lacked quaitersin B~irut, Lebanon. Had it .not ,abandoned. ,dogma validity as· well as ,Charity, Isa :His :resignation has been ;ac-. ,'V'oery .~ten, .~in ,the ,uili3!OD ;land: ·,the feeding 1)f :the bUnIP'V for the. 'gospel ',of social ;serYice?' little Ilainful. to. remember.. Pro- . 'cepted bypo,Pe "John. TheVati- . ;;md .the' 11ulaling"Of Ithe ;sick ';iili (the ,cOll1ditloD :rm'])eOple' ':rcecelvtJmg Wel'e nof its "pews empty ':and testantismis ,certaiIily under no ~~n :nfahnounch'lg .the action the Faith.. 'With us who have ,the Rllith, ,the .tes& ,of ,our "graiit[!dk;) lts:.p~pIts ..piled ,with, ,airY,'.. t.em.p~tit:'nto ..fpId its 1tent;and . also' revealed thaVthePope 'has .1or .it, a oar ,willingness to. ,give breadandllledicines eto &hooQ mouthmgs? Professor' ~y,rrel1';s steal aw~y. . : ...' authorized the ~convokingof'a ·whoare" 'in ';Deed.Prove·that 'your Faith pasSes this test 'by eelebratedqili.p, '1: .am ,sufferin,g, . Wha~ IS .called .for .now, from synod· o~ ···the . Armenian Ri~e :senillng :an· ,offermg ,to 'The' Sooietyfw 'the ;~OpagatiOill ·of Iii:lIlQ lately, .fro!hinsOni·niauf~chureh". . Cathohcs, IS a totally different Hierarchy in' order .t~\. elect' a Faith! . was'" the proper" epftaPh".~. aPJ?roach to the problem.ofre,,:,."". successor. Pope .J.ohlf praised thought, for the RefOrmation. \lIllo.n.It :mostem.phatical1,,. is . Cardinal ..Aga,gianian .;for ihis Rumol'll of Rebellion' not a matter of holding out- work :during !his '25 :years ,00 G0D L0VE¥OU 'to ·iB.H. :for $10 "'Enclosed fInd 'n <few of ths Now it is true, .of ,cour.se,ithat spread the generous apron ,of P~triarch, 2'1 cen~ that I have missed over the last ten or .fifteen years.'''· .•• to G:E!G:'for '$3 ,"r"llrish '11 could ,do this everyday:" ... :'to A.W. fer clur'ingthe yearsfollow1:ng ilbe. Mother IOh~ch,-sha1Png1Jhe . :$3":1 h@pe this "vii1'l make ~ 'for 'the many times I ,could have first World ·warp.rotestantiSm. tree,. and lettmg the .ri;pe!£nuit ~ecia1ly 'in England and Amer:- fall.ln. . ' ,,";' , . . - . sentcmoney, ··but was :too ·,gelf:iSh. '1 'wassavln:g -this :money -for J::i'Q 'lea, fell upon evil 'Wnes. iIt .had, ~ven mOlle· em.p~a1l,ic~y" :it 1is ., ,Continued fr,omP.ageG>ne Senior"PJ;mn 'thUlf81l;" . largely jettisoned its ,theological n.0t.a matter ,of ;Slt!lilJ,g' ;~ound. knowuntilgudgement ·who igets . constrUCtiOIlll in :fa:v.or ,Of iIDoT.e like .so mllDY mutes wait~ :!for the credit for ,conversion. practical .aspects· of ,group life' ~e Old Laqy fr.om iGene;v;a itol~ut if we know: ,any,thing r MISSION-combines.the ,be;d feat~eD ,of ,liD .:other :ma,glWneD: .....d ''-0 t·· die. about ,the MysticaI:Sody oat ,ati, stories, ~.;n·;cture" ,statistics ,-and _de+o~l~ l"uman inter,ont. '':''-'-e ....., __ o' upac 10D"w'hich .iis ·,to ,.,.,....... . . ., . -' :r-... ~ ... ..... ........ ......., /JIly~that it was otrly too wi'll.in;g It I:ll difficUlt for many :Of 'us .' we know that wllat :weao .here interest.in ,the suffering ihumanity ,of .mission world' ,and t1~ to throwaway ,theker:nel,and " ~ accept the .fa~.that ,thIS '~e- .may"aff-ect :someonefu ,the iCon- -y'our .sacrifices .along with ,a ,request Ito .be put ,on ,the 'miUling .~ usuage its spiritualhul1ger with' vlve~ ·Protestantasm"witih its go. I. may .be .working on :some- 01. ,tbh .bi~montliW J)ubllcation... ' .. '. ' .. the husks. . '~ paSSiOnate concern .for .faith :and one in iqy. o.wn,parishwho There W!l1'e' ~ors of mass ' disciplin~, off~rs farmoPt! 1h9pe, ne¥er 'becomes .a 'Clith6lic - :but . i'ebell.io.n .against the ,old :stand- . ~orr~unl()n. thana P,rotestantism because iof, .my work ,somebo~y . . Cut out ~is column,pin .yoursacrlfice 'ItO !U :and·maiI- it ~lio :~ In disso"'''''on in Lithuania .does.But I ·t"'·-'- Most'Rev~ .F,ulton J. Sp,een,NationalDirector of the 'Society ~ .ds. a~dt~e ,00dmo~~,. reports : .. " . 'l.w.. . , ' . .' . 1 U U A q4, a gr.owingdisguSt 'With t h e , .P~pe.sp'lea I" -Ws ,'heartening .:to ·'know ·,that ~. Pxopagat!mi· ~ \fheF.liith, ~66 FifthA:venue, .New ¥ork' :1,; 'Ji. ':Y... anci~nt'P uTi ta n inheritance. The erro~~ofthe :pa.st~""illl even though 't ;get fhe door or :Y'our Diocesan'Directoz:, RT.· ;,REV. 'RAYMOND .T. ·CONSWDm. Mimsters, queried on the fUildathe ·SUPPOSlt.U)D. ·that, ,the : pas- slammed 'in :my 'ia"C~, ,'someone .is 36~ .'N.orth 'Mab,1 :Street, FJill lR"iver, ,Mass, , .. mentals of the ,Oliristian' ,faith, :: Senger .. s w~uld. ,s,.c'U.t:t1:e, .•the "getting ,grace:" J : s~g ship Actuall f h J P r o g r a , m ,of :SoalS .seemed ,Cheerfully prepared. "ito : •. ' . Y" er~ . 'The .!Bishop ;spo'ke :aFan_orTO':UlS -JOLOn ,AND to 'GIVEI . foreswear Trinity. lncarI.lation, .was far more' !evidence,to indi- .gatiizational . :mee.ting tor ,the Ik. :lih> ,ot ,a.D;\UGHTER ,OF ;51. (PAUL .Lo". 'God and Redemption, .along with the cate that .they ..would prefer :to .IIION. 'and 'sm '0 ,Hili. 'lUtowtedgo 'and 10".. of Virgin Bir,thandthc .Johann'ine sink with it; "Annual "Program .for 'Souls" ,God .by ·lI01'Ying Him 'in ,. !MinIOlt ,WhiCh uAa Ithe But :as t'hmgs are, ,there 'is 'DO now 'underway 'in ·St. Louis 'for Comma. , ·'lOrea, !Radio. IMofioe 'Plctvrel ,CI1UI iTY. to bring It was the 'era of the .notorious que~tion ibut 1that ,the' PrOtestant the :eighth 'consecutive ·year. o .!JIb IWord '(to .llOuls ,..,.".,who... %ecilou. lyang The "Annual PrQgram :for' Bisho.p Barnes 'and 'of that ,gad- - revl\,:al 'has .ibr~ol1ght :about,:in 'girls. 1~23 ·yea.. IIl'ore.tHl :b!l ;flii. Wlique fly of or,thodoxy,Dean W'illiam all Tan~,.aheI.~htened ,concern Solils,"ajoint project :of -the '."010", ,may \wriR .10' Inge. .' ..' ~or 'Chrxstlan umtY,not .-somuch Archdiocesan 'Councils 'Of :Cath~ ,R,IEVEREND ,MOTH£llSUflERIOR 'Remar"kableRevival I? te.rms of .los!p.g the fa'ith ,to . cilicMen :and 'Women, 1s being IDAUGHJERS ,OF ~ST. ,l>AUl Oddl .... .' ,find)1t ,as ,of .fmdmg jit 'in itsflill.- ca!ried 'out ina 'new 'way ..this .90 ,ST. ,.PAUl$ 'AV.E~ ,1Il0S10N :30.MAS$. y, ,,:,owev~, ;as time went ness. y,ear, 'according to ··Father :John OB" ., mO~ib.~iP.r:otestant;ism, : It may well. be that the· Il~S-' P. Cradick, :spiritualm(,derator ~~::blY J;D. a·fit of :absent-:mndl- peets .for uni'ty" today .or ,t:'rriar-' '. of, the two organizations.' ess, . neglected ,to.' . die.. It row, 'are in .almost exact r, :. The prQgram is ;being .divided JF/R,f!$iH:' ~, ~NAT!lViE .',. ." soou[d .have ,cea~d,and :desisted pot,tion to the 'relative 'revi~~t iIito ··two parts.' Before' Christ~~h\N'ber~ arop.nd, mid-century. " of contemporarY-:Protestantis mas,. everyonelivin,g in, the .St. . m . LOUIS area w:i11 be invited .:to. e. .calcuJ,abpos were .<&t . all" ~ and catholicism ' . ':~W':.: ,i, l .' accurate . . . . , f wnf . . . . P.er.haps .as Woe meditate u'. '0', . come'. to'·· ,a serIes 0 ' ..1, ormaBehold., here in !L962, iLls an these' ......·.n·""~ .. w'e ,. ' . ' !P n tional" meetings in Ii Catholic . exit 1:U 1 • II.W. ..." '. may re~ond ' . . ' .~eme.y . v: y. .'ghost.. Both I!1 the more intelligently the. c~urcb. ; '.' ElU'ope ·an~ .the ~ew Wurld I t Holy Father's !plea for l' l After ChrIstmas" those prohim ..expenenced a 'remarkable and penance ';fasting d'P :aN:~fess"ing':a further 'interest ~in 'the, rWIval" and the most 'recent .'fice, thatth~ work of ~e ~aom- C!Iurch be contacted and involume .'~ Dr. K-enneth :Sco:tt ci1, which 'is the wonk ,of uri~- vlted .10 a series of instructions, L ;stud'" maoy crown' ·t·..;:...· al WI'tYh' . he. :SIlld. . . , •. " ofatour.e:ttes Christia·tmonumental i ..iT ' ,.<t;..';'e''" V.~V: .m y . n .the mode.rm divine success . ." UNION' ·:W.HARF, .FAlRHAVEN ' . . wor,IfI ICOnfirmS.. the wlew :tba't it .' ~ c.=:['occ=o o,oco 0 oee ·!=.==o 0 0.0 coc 0 CCXll ~ e:t>.. has managed to ::r.eCllq). ;its l1mmes A • t P • 34 of .!the 19th· iC.en1:uIt:Y 'alnios.t :as _ R,PPo,n ;. ,r.les,Ii.,. ',Continued :n-omP.age (<llne successfully as :the. c4thtiliie ector of Semina ~or.e rYiour ,diligence' ,and Chtu'cll. . . '. " ' . .. ,~ ,your zeal -in. :tp.e.tasks. :as~gned 'Il'lher.e .~ ,Of course,,~ ~W YORK .(NC;) -:- 'Father .,to :you in: :the preparation lor ,the where lP-rOt s.tan1;'P~tr~ck J; Gaf£n~y', :S:M.M. :34'" ·'5econdV.a.tican Ecumenical . just :as 'Ilh~ are~e:= "has been'named 'rector ,of ,,Si;-CounClLas'president Ofl1lhe;S~ II CatholiCism hu~." .. ." '~uis .:de .tMontfor.t :s.eminaio/, ·retariat·for :P.rom~\Cluistian ., . . . fromltihe :mmiiS' ~. ;hWVF#J:iBiI· -Llteh'field,Conn. . , .. Unity:" men: . '., .'., ~ .'fil ~paipte.d lhe1le.11:J)' Fmber . The, .Po~ exp~".thehQpe Nor, <in ~t,haS Piote~tiHsm. R,?ger ,Charest, 5..MiM.,a:Fall 'that Christ will'''asS!St:y:oulGOllmver ~:v~ ·U;S;P;rov.inmlilal.·· .stantJy;" adiiing, "'lind \W:e ,lpray Back :SChooliPiI'Gv.:eJ' the Misslonarles of.the Company Him to . grant ,yOa·ane:v.er : i 1 ' O f -MIllY, {the Mo~tfcm Fathers)'" greater ,abundance rot His ,graces M~GllIS (.NC.~- "11be F.atherGafineY.'!S~t;POr.ted 'ito so that-with :unsba'ken .faith, Veterans o(,)f ~oremn 'WV:ars lbav.e be. :the y~ungest 'rector of a with youthful hope, and with a gone on record 'iiJ. .favor <Oif a maJOr -semmlll1" m Ifhe 1tlI;S. ch,arUY greater than :all diffici:ul_ congresSional !11escilution :antI . The rec:tor:s paIlentl!. ,Mr. and ··ties, you may continue :to make . proposed ,constitutional.:amend1lIIrs. Jame. Gaffney, arce .deaf : your priesthood .fr.w.tful ,and men:t Ito ililellllU,t ~y.er,$ jin }pub- mutes. "His :!fatlwr '8q, 3W1 JhOlds - tenderly acceptable ito :God :and Ii ~ ' & c l 1 o o l & . a ::fulltime jOb. . His .ho4' \Cbw:cA."




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,Deposing Witch Doctors First Ai~ Of 'Planned Guatemala' Mission' Oklahoma will be working. , . OKLAHOMA CITY (NC) The Oklahoma City and Tulsa Papal Volunteers in the Guatediocese plans to open a' mis- mala 'mission ,within 10. yeam. ' sion in Santiago' Atitlan,. Guate- He said that· he and the two ' mala,' next Summer, anti ae- other priests will be living in' Q • , cording to Father Ramon Car- 20-by-30-foot ;r:oom. 'He, quipped~ . lin, there will be need to com- "And I snore..There may be lil!fl • '. ' , . bat the work of witch doctors. iJnsurreetion. t o , Father Carlin, superintendent of McGuinness High school here for the last' five years, will be one of three diocesan' priest4l going to the quatemala mission. He returned recently from a SEATTLE (Nt) - 'A leader : tour of the town, which has a population of 11,000. While he iJn the liturgical movement dewas offering a Mass there, he clared her, that a true view of " related, he turned to say II Christ's r~deinptive mission de.. ·'D 0 min u s v 0 b i s cum" and Jl)ands that the Resurrection 'be counted five witch doctors in given equal emphasis with ~ Crucifixion. the sanctuary. ,Father Go~frey Diekmariill, ·'All natives are baptized, ,O.S.B., of Collegeville, Minn.. some are practicing Catholics, but the Christianity is riddled charged that until recent years western theologians and spiri~ with paganism," he said. "Pagan tual writers have neglected the rites and dances go on in the redemptive aspect of the Rechurches during Mass. "Neither priests nor Indians surrection. Father Diekmann, editor Gf can define !!harply where Chris- Worship magazine, called this a tianity ends and paganism be- "truncated'! and "largely negagins," he continued. "You see, tive" view of the redemption. since 1566 there have been many The Benedictine priest also times' when there was no priest told nearly 5,000 persons atat all. So the people went back tending the annual North Amerto pagan ways." ican Liturgical Week here that Native Catechists . there is "probably no' greater The witch doctors claim to heretical thre,at conlronting the be Christians, but they will not . Christian western world, today" Ulke ,instructions or mafry in than the denial of the historical the Church, and on certain, reality of tlie Resurrection. .0: . Church feast days it is customFather Diekmann attributed , ary for them' to swap wives, this view to the German ProFather Carlin said. He added: testant theologian Rudolf Bult-"We 'must teach them about the mann, emeritus professor at the FaIth but we must' be careful Ui!iversity of Marbtirg" ~ro not to insult thern. One way to many. . do this is to train' native cateProvidential Countei1'orce chists." ' He said Bultmann'sview of Father Carlin" said he hopes the lt€surrection' would make it some 40 lay missioners from ' "a mere symbol of early Chris.. tian .faith in the Saviour" and added that it has been estimated Urge Priests Help ..that as many a's 70 per cent of Build Free Uganda Protestant theological students ENTEBBE .(NC)-The priests at German· universities are £01of Uganda,' which will become lc>wers of Bultmann in his view Africa's newest free nation in of the Resurrection." ' October, were urged here to "Please' God, the percentage "contribute to the progress and is as yet substantially smaller greater prosperity of an inde- in the U.S.; but whatever it may pendent Uganda." . be, if Ch:ri~t be not risen, vain Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka, is our faith,"·' he said. W.F., of Rubaga told over 100 He speculated that the "strong priests gathered here at a semi- and long-overdue emphasis on nar on "The Catholic Church in Christ's Resurrection in all its Independent Uganda," that the dimensions, historical- and re-' conclusions of their discussions demptive, may possibly be a must be "practical ones which providential counterforce that can be put practice in present- will also serve to support those day Uganda," with 'the personnel of our . non-Catholic 'brethren and funds the Church now has. <Jwho are facing up to the threat."







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u. s.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug-.30, 1962 ." " • .:' •• ..... • _._f·_ • '_". ,~'.',',





·ToStaff Medical School in India':'·

."Says Spirit, ofLC!bor· Day' 'Is' .Positivetr Cons.truct.ive



national Catholic medical sch901, 'to be staffed' by .a ·U.S. community, will open

, . By MsgJr. George G. HiggilllsDlrecio~, NCWC' Socdal Act!on Department



Between- now .a~d next Monday all sorts of people, starting with the President of the. United States, will be issuing public statements on th~ meaning ,of Labor pay., And over the weekend special Labor Da~ ·sermons WIll be delivered' in churches ~nd synagogues all ov~r the l~nd. Needs 'Reemphasis Even at this late date ~ al-" It is safe to predIct, I thmk:, most '30 years after the passage· that most of these Labpr ot the .Wagner Act - this. prin-

Day statements and' sermo~s ciple still needs to be reemwill be' mO're: critic!!l of or-;-. 'phasized froni time to time; T o , . ganized 1 abo r be sure, many if not most' of the ' FROM FOREIGN LEGION: Bill St. Laurent of Bay than were those_ more influential American em' ployers are today willing to ad-:- City" M.ich., fifth:'graderat' St. Joseph's ScJlOol, thinks he of, say, the , mit that unions are legitimate must be the only kid in the United States with a bugle from thirties and forties. During arid that they are probably here the French Foreign Legion. One of eight children, he found the thirties and : to stay. .' at an early age that it never hurts to ask. That's how he forties the' typi, But too few Americans in all . ...walks 'of life are wl1ling to go got the bugle. NC Photo. eal Labor Day' statement or the whole way' and' to 'take the sermon put unconditional and unqualified 0 11... 0 FD:> I1-J] 1'5)@ 11~18l a.JI ['(i) 'f1 J6l much more em. positio~ that secure and ,stable N'V\10~InlD~@[j'j} W@V tr1l@~ I:9J a u U\EiU'ISi~ [9}tU!@ UI9 O, phasis on labo~'Sl unions are an essential' and inF'er;;:rI8lr;:;)!?11.. re"'B'r;;:rIi3l~I51r;:;), rJ ta\1Ql~rr;\r;:;) ~~ngW1ti!l1f';;l~F>l lights and prIdispensable prerequisite of a lrl!J\9UU\l::<[[tl I.r'~U\9Ut2}UU lb\9~uIWUU ~~~VI9UU\lU vileges than on ' . ., . sound social order. BAY CITY (NC)-'-A battered heard the French Foreign Legion .... Its duties and responSIbilities, , :Until'this principle is more or old bugle is the pride and joy ,was to disband. He wrote a letter 'more praise of labor~s acco~­ less u n i v e r saIl y taken' for of Bill St. Laurent, fifth grader to the legion. headquarters in, plishments than criticism of Ita granted as- a 'se1f;,evident truth, . at St. Joseph's school h~re. Paris, _asking for a bugle as a mistakes, and of its faults. labOr " and management will This is no ordinary horn-it's memento.. A month later he got a , Still on Defensiye ~ spend. too much time and energy something special. It may have letter from 'a . legion colonel ., In my judgment, there wasn't sparring with one' another sounded the charge in ,the which said the legion is not disanything reprehensible about time and energy which they 'Sahara, taps at Dienbienphu, ' banding, but if it does the colothis tendepcy to accentuate the ought to devote to carrying out call to the colors at Sidi bel nel will ~nd . Billy not only a positive and to concentrate for the demands which social justice Abbes. But there's rio doubt bugle "but the entire band." the most part on .labor's rights makes on both of them. about it-this is an authentic Hands-off Orders and privileges and on labor's. Social justice demands, among souvenir. of the storied French accomplishments. ' other things, that the two groups Foreign Legion. S.ome qays .later a, package It was fully warranted by the forget petty differences and Some time ago the son of Mr. arnved at the St. Laurent house. fact that organized labor at t.hat jointly. try to figure out how nd Mrs. Joseph St. Laurent It .was ,postmarked, fr~m .the time was still on the defenSIve" they can best serve the welfare a ' o f f i c e o f L e Colon~I,Regimentes struggling - in many cases not only of their own m e m b e r s , Etrangers" Paris. And there was against very uneven odds - ~ and their own stockholders but the bugle, wraJ.?ped in a French win acceptance in the commu~u­ of all their fellow citizens. newspaper WhIch had .a story , ty and to achieve a decent m~n­ Because ·of their tremendoUs about the te~tar ~atel1ite...The imum of stability and,. UnIOB strength, they have it withia dented. hor,n 18 eqUIpped WIth a security. their power to make or break WASHINGTON (NC)-About: red felt ·emblem bearing the.' Even today, of course, there the American economy. History 300 sociologists are expected at 'words "Legio' Patria ,Nostra." are some industries in some wiU judge them very harshly the 24th anriual convention of ; Bill surmises.dark spots on the . eommunities in which labor. is if the" selfishl" -their separ- the American Catholic Sociolo- bugle are blood.' ' , , " , ..~ .' ". .Still on the defensive and in ate ways and refuse to subordi- gical Association here next BIll- ca~ t play. the bugle yet. which it has to fight a rear nate their oWn separate interest Saturday and Sunday. He call makea:gogh~awfulnorse ,guard action to protect its basic to the requirements of the ge~ The assembly, to be held' at ~n.d his, practI~ tl1l~e is _c~~rights and to achieve its minu- eral w e l f a r e . . , the Catholic Uri i v e r sit y of taIled ,when ~-month~old E~d~e . mum goals.' Asks Encouragement, Prayen America, will 'open with a .ses- St., L.aurent 18 ~leepm? BIlls Union Necessary , In the final analysis, then, the sion on "Alienation and 'Social other brothers and sistersNevertheless, taking the coun- . ,- . . t Evolution" and. later meetings Rickie; .14; Patsy, 13; Mike, 9; L a b or Day ... unmmen h A K' try as a whole, we can say that. spi.rit of .. , t· If" win take up subjects' sue . as Joan,~; .nn" 6, ,and evin, 1"The Sociology of Occupa:tion~" , haye strict hands-off orders. " r g ani zed ,labor has now 1y pOSItive and construe lVe. achieved its majority and con- criticism of eitner labor or man- and "The SocioJOgyof Religion." '. , 'The" orders ~. e n't observed " " ., , . . sequently must expect to be agement seems to be called for on this occasion' well and good. . Bishop JOho.: J: Wright· of .housewide. The oUi r day ph~ treated accordingly. 'Having long since _passed But Jl little criticism goes a long Pittsburgh wm: preach at a Masil ' ,tog.rapher "£tom; the. Catholic way; celebrated' by Msgr:" WilliamJ. ~ Weekly, Saginaw diocesan' news- .through its adolescence, it now McDonald, rector of the unive.- paper,:' visited the S,t. Laurent' enjoys the status of full fledged What labor and manageIJlent sity'o home w'get'a shot of Bill and his citizenship, and must expect to , need more .thananything else A prelimina rv program 1'9- bugle. The horn' was nowhere to -" be judged according to adult and what they have a right to leased here shoW'S that the con- be . found. It seems dad had &h th Standards even, or especially, by expect from aU of us on Labor Day is encouragement and, vention will also have meetings taken it to the office to ow e its friends. ' , .; 'Of course, c~iticism of today's above an, -the support of 0Ui" on "Marriage and the Family," gang.. "Population," and "The Socio- tf""'~-----------""'"! iabor movement ought to be as continued prayers. They know th;lt their .past logy ,of Education." A:tf'\11 IA ~~ constructive as possible and L1fV tbnA I~ Should be aimed at streng- performance leaves something ",thening rather than weakening to be desired and, by and large, !¥Ii'O~${/' t\J~caJ<dl$ Aflj'a~@ IIlBfl1l\IS:II'Illtl'nil H~mll!A :' the cause of organized labor. they are honestly lookhlg for " I(' ~ III II"" ~ llItd Il I!ItII 'lW ': One would hope, therdore, I new ways and means of serving JOMfi'B'ii~~i$m MOSHI (NC) -: A Tanganyia,oadwGY ftlat this year's Labor Day state- the public interest more effecments and sermons, while re- tively. , kan priest-editor has bee n · I minding organized iabor of its' More power to them as they elected the first president orf ' ~TON duties and responsibilities, will prepare to observe, on Monday the newly established East and VA 4-5000 also remind employers, editors, of next· week, a national holiday Central-Africa J 0 u r Ii a Ii s t Efand whomever else it may con- which belongs to both of them Guild. cern that unions are not ~nly - the one holiday of the year He is Father John Kabeya, -legitimate but necessary in our which is dedicated to the causs editor of Kiongozi - a Swahilitype of industrial society. . of social justice. language _ Catholic newspaper published in Tabora, whi$ baa 'the largest circulation (26,000) of any periodical in this country of close to 10 million people.


300· Sociologists At Convention

here next.July. The governing body of St. John's Medical College and Hos_ pital, which includes the Cathqlie Bishop's 'Conference of In~ia, decided at meetings held here to locate the school in St. Mary's Ind.ustrial Orphanage until the buildings on the college's 40-acre site are ready for' use. 'Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, is 'chairman of the governing body. Archbishop ThoIJlas Pothacamury of Bangalore is vice-chair- . man. St. John's will be staffed by the Sons of Mary, Health of the Sick, a'10-year-old U.S. medical mission community with headquarters in Framingham. The first dean of the college is Dr. L. Monteiro, formerly dean of the Topiwala National Medical College and Nair Hospital, Bombay. W.-Saldanha, until recently secretary of India's Central Board of Revenue and Collector of Customs and Central Excise, was named the col- , lege's administration director. University Affiliate The college, which will start with 50 admissions' a year, will be affiliated with the University of Mysore, a state university with' centers bi Mysore and Bangalore, and with St. Martha~s hospital which will be built up to a 4OQ-bed capacity. The' college hospital, with 250 be,ds and a'n out-patient department in its first' phase, will eventually have a 750-bed capacity . , The. standards . for faculty, student-~eacher ratio, and salary scales wIll be those of the AllIndia Institute of Medical Science. The school will adopt, the university's minimum' standards ,for admisSion, with preference shown, s.tudents with a good science background. .


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CathoUc Chcw-itie$ in Hong Kong Help Refugees From Red China

. HONG KONG (NC)-Caritas-, Hong Kong is expanding an ambitious welfare program to make sure. that refugees pouring into the British colony from Red 'China' don't meet misery worse than that they fled from. Bishop Lawrence Bianchi, P.I.M.E., of Hong Kong has i'ePorted that this year Caritas, the diocesan Catholic charities organization, opened four soCial centers, a medical center, a primary school for refugee children and three educational centers for teenagers and young workers: Only a small fraction of the number served are Catholic. ':., . Close to 70,000 escapees from 'Red China are unofficially reported to have secured government identity .cards in May· and June. Even now, 500 are said to apply for the' cards every


' 'Depth of Defeae" Many of the' refugees, most of. whom come from the farming districts of Kwantung, have neither education nor skills. The change from rural to urban life brings a shift in. work and in way of life. Their substandard, wages do not meet the city's rising costs. Consequently they have to depend on welfare. "The depth, of human defeat," observed Bishop Bianchi, "comes when a perSon re'ally cannot do anything to help himself . • • Crime and delinquency are' recognized' byproducts of any compulsive, one might say animalistic, drive for surviaI." The social work cited in the Bishop's report focuses on sea.help .programlll .... •


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.FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS '._. "OF FALL RIVER I North Matn Sf;;',,"" .8edforcI


Opea fri.

E"e 'til I


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foti River":"Thurs.,·Aug. 30, 1962




'f1he strength of A~eriea is directly related 00 its produetWity. And basieto Ameriea's productivity allld strength is

the skm of the American worker. Labcw eweates om' necessities as wen


cur luxuries ~d .

the materials we must have to defend them.

R Is Labor's earnings and savings that make wp the eapital tG cveate our good way of !ife that symbolizes our dem()C!'~

We salute the vital contribution


membershFp flr<i:\3 made

to America's progress and the steadfast ~ which bave

made America great.





Amalgamatecfl Clothing Workers of Americtll .

Plumbers Union, l.ocaU Nlc>. 1'35

Fire Fighters Association of FaD River.. J.oeqzH No. '!tS'~4

Retail Cerks, loca! Nlc. ]325

Insurcmce WOlriceFs Gf America

State, COUflty, Muni~ifPCI8 lEm~oYG63

International l:adies Garment Workevs lW111licml


Titxtile Workers Union of Amer~

Journeymen Berbers

•. Unit0d Furniture WcrrkeG'S of Ameri«D, I!.~ N@. 154

National Association of Letter Carriers-Branch No. Sil


United Rubbet- Worketl'S, ~al No. ~6 'U

Irotherieoodl of IIcriIway & Steamship Chnb/l ~ Lodge No. 2097 .

IN MEMORIAM To Dedicated Leader, 01 tlte Fall River Labor Movement JOHN G()l{)Etq








MARtAt40 S.



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THE AI'lCHOR-Diocese'of Fall River-Thurs .. Aug. 30, 1962

Aro~rn-d' G~obe iQll

1@ Y<e«IJtr$O

.lDce;ight~uny E~i®kf&@5lftlBiil~ By Rt. Rev. Msgr. JO-hlll S. KeI!0edy Delightfully entertaining is Irena Wiley's Around the Globe in 20 Years (McKay. $4.95), the reminiscences of the wife of an American diplomatic official. Of Polish birth and a Catholic, she married Jo!m Wiley, an American foreig·n service officer, in have. .become .extremely 'coni934, and since then-- has troversial. lived in Moscow, many parts She admired him profoundly of Europe, Latin America, as a person, and it was to her


and the Orient. During the last that he' en\rused .the keeping part of the two decades covered, of the manuscript of what was Mr.. Wiley rose to be an unusually well 'known to ambassadobook, The Phenomenon of Man. rial rank. Mr. Wiley attained the status His' wi f e of ambassador in 1944, and his draws, paints, first assignment in this capacity and does sculpwas to Colombia. Having seen ture. There are the spectacular landscape of that 16 pages of recountry, Mrs. Wiley could' well productions of understand why Colombians alher work. A' we-Ys make a will before starting glance at these· on a journey.' , shows that she There followed appointments has far more to Portugal, Iran, and Panama. t han courtesy In the fir_st of these she had an 'right· to the title '''artist''; she opportunity to see Salazar at -0. is a professional. Lately one of close quarters. Remarkable to her productions has attained' a her were his self-discipline and special sort of celebrity. The the asceticism of his life~ pres: . has carried photographs Iran she found quite the reof an altar panel, carv~d 20 verse of the romantic connota- . years ago for which the then tions of Persia. There was drabyoung John F. Kennedy was the ness and .blackness, yet, as wen, model for an angel.' a beauty which did 90t ·over· CommentoD' Moscow whelmingly lteclare itself. ·Mrs. Wiley's artistry is still She 'became attached to the operative when she puts aside people, was struck by the--Mosbrush or chisel and takes up .alems' devotion to Mary, and remarks, "One can never underpen. Her marriage took place in stand the biblical' patience, the 'foulon, France. At the civil heroic acceptance of a life deceremony there required, the prived of even bare nececessities mayor officiated. of the people of the East without , After a short honeymoon, the the. 'This is -the will.. of God,' Wileys.were off to 'Moscow. Her which is not just an empty phrase but .• deep creed." comments on the Red. capital Indignation flares in the pages ::~ ~~e~~uri~'t~:te~~~in~~ ~~: concerned with Panama. Mrs. great purge' of the 1930's. . Wiley.had seen plenty of pover':' She was impressed by the ty elsewhere, bllt nowhere had she encountered the callous saldrabness of the Soviet paradise, fishness of the well-to-do ill the grim poverty, and the fact Panama. that in the supposedly classless She describes these.people as BOciety distinctions were strong- icily indifferent to the wretch1y marked and the bureaucrats e n joyed luxury while - the edness_ of their fellows and commassses were in misery. pletely unconscious of. anybody but ·themselves. Soviet Occupation . Worthwhile Opinions Then came stays in Belgium Scattered through the book and Austria. She was in Vienna are opinons as' to our· foreign· . when, in 1938, the Nazis took service which deserve more ,ovJeOr' than passing notice. Mrs. Wiley hn Wiley.. became . U.S. inveighs against the practice of. minister to Latvia and Estonia making pol i tic a 1 appointeea shortly before the Soviets seized heads or .missions. / ,. the Baltic countries. The seizure She gives telling examples of was hypocritically' represented the way in which an .envoy is as bringing the benefits of Com- hampered by the insufficiency munist society to the downtrod- of the funds granted by Conden. gress. She depicts the demanding But Mrs. Wiley testifies that routine which aD ambassador the freedom, prosperity, clean- follows; his is not an eaq liness, and content which she partying life. ' • observed in those lands were in Hers is a bOQk kaleidoscopic:. marked contrast to conditions in in its sc;enicvariety, studded ·the U.S.S.R. and she remained with amusing anecdotes and inlong enough after the Soviet oc_ cisive thumbnail sketches wise eupation to see the terror and in its appreciation of, human exploitation which were the differences and un d e r I yin g blessings the invaders bestowed. unity. One hopetJ that in our Leaving' the Baltic countries, foreign service there are many, the Wileys proceeded home by many people of the calibre of way of China and Japan, and the Wileys. 'this required a journey of 12 days· on the Trans-Siberian railBuilt way. During the trip, the couple Amerit;an spent two months in Peking, and SEOUL (NC) - A three-story there met the French paleontologist, Father Teilhard de Char- Catholic hospital, built with din, whose name has since be- American help, was' dedicated come famous and whose theories here by Archbishop Paul K. Ro of Seoul. Holy Family Charity Hospital will replace the. clinic ·that Catholics was used for the past four years. Take Part in Council Only the ground floor of the FARGO (l'iC) - All Catholics hospital, run by tile Holy Famishould take 'an act~ve part in ly Sisters, is completed. Btit it the coming ecumenical council, is already treating 1,700 patients Bishop Leo F. Dworschak of a month, about half of· them free of cbarge. Fargo said here. Bishop Dworschak said "not Ameri~ Forces Aid to Korea only the bishops and theologians (AFAKO) gave $75,000 worth but every Catholic throughout of materials to help build. the. the world can' and should have hospital. Catholic Relief" Ser_ \. a part through prayer, study and vices-National Catholic Welfare penance." . Conference donated equipment' He urged Catholics of his and medical supplies. U.S. Army North Dakota diocese to partici- Catholic c hap 1 a ins collected pate ~n a novena to be conducted over $1,000 from units all over .in every parish of the dioc·ese on Korea. The Holy Family Sisters the:nine days before' the council themselves collected more than , $20,000.' opens in Rome.

Bless Hospita' .With Help

. Urges All



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19c 29c 29c 69c 25c· 19c 36c 69c


ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Aug. 30,1962


Continued from Page One Gauthter, Rev. Maurice E. ParNew York, he has been giving ent, Rev. Manuel Andrade, Rev. William E. Farland, Rev. Joseph retreats to priests and Sisters in this country for the past six Oliveira, Rev. John H, Hackett. Rev. George J. Souza, Rev. years. The Chancery Office Has an- Andre P. Jussaume, Rev. Norman noun~ that the following J. Ferris, Rev. Henry T. Munroe, priests will attend retreat the Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Rev. first week. Edward J. Burns, Rev. Luciano Most Rev. Bishop James L. Pereira, Rev. Roger L. Gagne. Connolly will preside too first Rev. Edmond J. Levesque, week. The following priests will , Rev. James A. Clark, Rev. Joao attend. C. Martins, Rev. James W. Clark, Rev. Joseph K. Welsh, Rev. Rev. Bento R. Fraga, Rev. ArWalter J. Buckley; Rev. James mando A. Annunziato, Rev. J. E. Lynch, Rev. Arthur C. dos Adrien Bernier, .£lev. Arthur K. , Reis, Rev. John M e d e i r 0 s, Wingate. . Rev. Asdrubal A. C. Branco, Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, Rev. Rev. J. Orner Lussier, Rev.. JOl;e James F. Buckley, Rev. Robert M. B. Avila. . F. Kirby, Rev. Anthony Rocha, Rev. James E. McMahon, Rev. Rev. Roger J. Levesque, Rev. Henri Charest, Rev. Cornelius J. Hugh Keenan, Rev. John V. Keliher, Rev. Maurice H. LaMon- Magnani. tagne, Rev. William D. Thomson, Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew,' Rev. CATHOLIC STUD~NTS MISSION CRUSADE: Leading figures at the 20th national Rev. William E. Collard, Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, Rev. Martin George Saad, Rev. William R. L. Buote, Rev. Agostinho S. c~nvention of - the Catholic Students Mission Crusade at Notre Dame, are: left to right; Jordan. , Pacheco, Rev. John J.'Steakem, BIShop Alfred, F. MendeZ, G.S.C., of Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Bishop Raymond A. Lane, Rev. Howard A. Waldron, Rev. Rev. Kenneth J. Delano, Rev. M.M., !oriner. superior general of the Maryknoll Missioners; Msgr. Edward A. Freking, Leo M. Curry, Rev. George S. Maurice R. Jeffrey. executIve chaIrman of the CSMC National Board; Bishop Richard H. Ackerman of CovDaigle, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Bernard Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, Rev. J. Fenton, Rev. Alfred J. Gen- John W. Pegnam, Rev. Joseph P. ington; Msgr. John E. Kuhn, director Of the Cincinnati Junior CSMC Conference; and dreau, Rev. Alfred R. Forni, Delaney, Rev. James F. Greene, Father Frederick A. McGuire, C. M., executive secretary of the Mission Secretariat, Rev. Henri R. Canuel, Rev. Rev. James F., Kelley, Rev. Washington,. keynote speaker at the conventjon. More than 4,100 delegates from 30 William H. O'Reilly. Gilbert J. Simoes. states attended. NC Photo. . Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Rev. Ernest R. Bessette, Rev. John G. Carroll, Rev. Edmond Tremblay, Rev. John J. Galvin, Rev. Lucien "'The FUmiture Wonderland OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Madore, Rev. John J. Murphy, Rev. Gerard Boisvert. Of The East'" SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. Rev. Stephen J. Downey, Rev. William J. McMahon, Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell, Rev. Donald A. Couza, Rev. Edmond L. Dick_ inson, Rev. Robert L. Stanton, Rev. William F. Morris, Rev. Ernest E. Blais.' Rev. James A. McCarthy, Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, Rev. James F. McCarthy; Rev. Jo~ph L. Powers, Rev. William J. Shovelton, Rev. George E. Amaral, Rev. John P. Driscoll; Rev. Roger P. Poirier. Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, Rev. Louis R. Boivin, Rev. Rene


Once •in •a•Lifetime Savings on Nationally Famous FURNITURE · CARPETING · TV and APPLIANCES



Continue" from Page One pared by the Department ot Education, National Catholic Welfare Conference, which has placed actual enrollment last year on the three levels at 5,709,119.

Elementary schools: 4,560,000; Secondary schools: 1,002,000; Colleges and universities: 355,000.

Catholic high schools this school year will pass the one million mark in enrollment fo!' the first time. Grade and high schools have increased the i r enrollments more than 100 per cent since 1945, the year marked, unofficially by most educators as the beginning of the curl'ent pupil boom. How many students have been turned away from Cat hoi i c schools because of a lack of desk' space is unknown. But it is estimated by officials that Catholic grade schools care for about 55 per cent of the Catholic children of elementary school age. Catholic high schools are said to enroll about 45 per cent of those Catholics of high school years. In 1961, the American Catholic educational program - the largest private school system in the world - had 238 colleges and universities, 92 for men and 146 for women. They el1l'olled 326,160 students taught by n faculty of 25,533. There were 2,376 secondaI'J' IlChools, enrolling 937,671 students. The faculty totaled 46,623. . Catholic grade schools - 10,631 of them - enrolled 4,445,288 children. They were staffed by 110,911 teachers. Most of the teachers in Catholic educational institutions in 1961 were from religious life, 120,634. But lay instructors formed a substantial part of the teaching corps, totaling 62,443. There were more lay teachers, 17,240, in Catholic colleges and universities than Religious instructors who totaled 8,293. In secondary schools, there were 34,153 religious teachers to 12,470. lay instructors. In elementary schools, there were 78,188 religious teachers and 32,723 lay teacher&.


We had to move this tremendous inventory to our Warehouse Showroom in Fall River where it is clogging the aisles, cramming the rafters and interrupting our normal flow of business. We must move this merchandise immediately regardless of cost, loss or replacement value. Most items are one-of-a-kind - many sold is"hurry for choice selections. If you love a bargain, now is the time. to buy! '

,The building housing our New Bedford Store has been sold to the New Bedford 5c Savings Bank, the premises vacated, and we're stuc1$: with a quarter million dollar inventory of nationally famous Bedroom, Living Room and Dining Room Furniture . . . Chairs, Tables, Desks, Lamps, Rugs, Carpeting, Gas and Electric Ranges, Electric Refrigerators, T-V's, Hi-Fi's, Beds, Bedding and Juvenile Furniture.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan Ri ver-Th "':S., ,Aug. 30, ,1962


St. Jude . Novena Starts Sept., ,6,



The Franciscan Fatbersof Our ',Lady's Chapel of New Bedford announce the beginning of their Solemn Novena of Nine Thurs-Care lest privileged classes days to St. Jude, in preparation arise, even among the workers 'for his Feast Day on Sunday, ""--'Maintenance 'of equilibrium Oct. 28. between wages and prices ' -The need- to make goods and services accessible to the greatest number, -Elimination, or at least the restriction, of inequalities in the various branches of the economy' -that is between agriculture, industry and services -Creation of a prqper bal-, ance between economic expansion and the development of . social services, e s p e cia 11 y 'through the activity' of public authorities -The best possible adjustmtmt of the means of produc'tion to the progress of science and technology '~Seeing to it that the benefits which make possible a more human way of life will be avail_ able not merely to the present

Stresses Labor; Industry Common Duty 'In summary, it says that free Continued from Page One The statement says that labor collective bargaining,can be preand management are "sufficient- served only if it is exercised ly mature and responsible" to, responsibly. In the words of the spell out the requirements of report, this means that labor ,the common gooa in wages, and management must "recogprices and prOfits, adding that nize not only their own indivithe Pope's encyclical will be dual responsibilities but their joint re'sponslbility to the sohelpful in this task. ' This encyclical, the statement ciety of which they constitute , says, 'does not give precise, de.:. an important and integral part" mands of the common good in and thllt they must jointly deeach country, but it does offer velop "improved methods for '''useful guidelines of a general reconciling their' separate and 'nature." The complete statement mutual interests with' those of follo~s~ , the larger community, and for The President of the United, reducing still further the extent' States in January of this year, lof avoidable' interruptions' of called' upon labor and manage- operations." Evidence of Unity ment to use their concentrated. economic power with a high de..: The President has charactergree of social responsibility and lzed this report of his Advisory with a se'nsitive concern for the Committee on, Labor-Managepublic interest, In those sectors of the econ- ment Policy as "a higqly meaningful and significant doc:. omy where both companies and ument" and one which can stand ,unions possess substantial mar- as "a symbol of the maturity of ket power, the President P?inted rthe parties to .the collective out in his annual' Economic Rebargaining relationship." He sees port, the interplay of price and in the ,report "heartening' eviwage decisions could trigger off -Et 'another round of inflation. "If dence of the increased unity of purpose in all, parts of the this were to occur," he con- American economy." tinued "the whole Nation could , The 'President's congratulabe th~ victim." tions to the members of the comNation Would Pa,. mittee willo prepared this unaniThe President hastened to add, mous report will'undoubtedly be 'however that he himself did not ;-echoed by all those who are believe that American business persuaded, in the words, of Pope or labor will allow this to hap- John XXIII's' recent encylical, pen. We can rely, he said, on Christianity and Social Progress" "the good sense anq the public that man's aim must be to spirit of our business and labor achieve in social justice l;l society leaders" to hold the line against "in 'which -all economic activity inflation. can b~ conducted not merely for Time alone will tell whether private gain but also in the inthis expression of confidence by terests of the common good.", our Chief Executive in "the good The specific de'mands or re": sense and the public spirit" of labor and management was fully quirements',of the common good ~aIT~~~ , in the field of wages, pric'es and We hope it was; for if labor profits cannot be easily defined and management were to dem- or determined. Weare confionstrate that they did not merit, dent, however, that labor and such confidence-if they were to management in the United States prove themselves either unable are sufficiently mature and reor unwilling to reconcile their sponsible to be able to spell' own interests with the over- them out with adequate preciriding demands of the' common sion if, in cooperation with repgood-not only they themselves resentatives of the public and but ultimately the Nation as a of the government, they will whole would have to pay a continue to work at the task heavy price for their lack of ~ith sincerity and perservance. Useful Guidelines statesmanship. Pope John's 'encyclical should Collective Bargaining What is really at stake here, prove to be helpful in this' regard. 'The encyclical does not among other things, is the very pretend' to say what the precise institution of free collective bardemands of the common good gai'ning as we have come to might be at any given time or know it in the United States. We in any given country, but it does have reached the point, in the provide us with some useful , words 'of one economist, "when , guidelines' of a general nature. 'collective bar g a i nj n g 'must It says that the demands of the evolve or perish." common good on the national Another way of saying the level include the following consame thing is, that if collective sideration~: ' bargaining fails to ser.ve the public interest, it may well be -Employment of the greatest '~ supplanted, under any political possible number of workers administration, by sorrie form of compulsory arbitration, call it wha tever you will. The times are so serious and :our Nation is faced unexpectedSacred Hean Church, North 'ly with so many difficulties. a: nd -uncertainties in the competItlVe Attleboro,' will' hold Lay Apostoworld 'market that collective late Sunday, Oct. 7. Parish orbargainirig could become an out- ganizations will meet to coormoded luxury in which labor dinate programs and plan an in:and man age men t could no tegra ted spiritual theme for all units, ' ,longer indulge themselves exOfficers and leaders ()f orcept at the risk of caIling dowa ganizations are planning the 'a plague on both their houses. 'day, and invite all parishioners Significant step to attend. Next organizational Fo'rtu~ateiy there is reason meeting is set for 8 Tuesday to believe that' labor and man- night, Aug. 28. agement are determined to avoid On the committee are Edward such a catastrophe, thereby Surprenant and Mrs.' Richard justifying the President's confi- Deschenes, co - chairmen; Leo ,dence in their 'good sense and 'Meunier, secretary; Norman Lapublic spirit. casse, treasurer; Mrs. Gerard During recent months out- Desilets, publicity. standing representatives of, both groups have been meeting regularly under Presidential auspices to refine their understanding of the public ~ interest and, more MUENSTER (NC) - Close to specifically, to take a new look 80 priests who were prisoners at' 'at collective -bargaining in the the nazi concentration camp at light of the common good. , The unanimous report of this Dachau came here to celebrate' ~ational labor - management the 50th anniversary ()f the orcommittee on the subject 'of col_ dination of their "block father" • , lective bargaining was trans- at Dachau. mitted to the President just a Father Reinhold Friedrichs, few months ago. This report, al- 'vicar capitular of the Muenster though couched in rather vague 'diocese, was leader of nachau's generalities, marks a I significant Block 26, where priests were in..carcerated. . ~~ep in the right direction.

No. Attleboro Parish Sets Apostolate' Day

Dacha,u Priests Meet To ,Honor' Leader

generation but to the ,coming genenitions as well. Unemployment High We sincerely hope that labor and .'management will lOse no time in addressing themselves to a serious analysis of these basic guidelines of a sound, wageprice-profit policy in terms ()f present _ day American condi. tions. 'We further hope that, in doing so, they will give special atten-, tion to the problem of providing employment to the greatest number of workers' and eliminating some of the grosser ine:.. quities ,in the distribution ()f national income.' It is little short of a national scandal that, in this, the most.' productive. and most affluent society in the history of .the world, the rate of unemployment is 'stilI dangerously high and that extreme poverty is still the lot of such a large percentage of OUr' citizens. Need Vigilance We have made substantial economic progress in the United States over the course of the years and, give a minimum of good sense and public spirit on the part of labor a'nd management as well as on the part of' government officials, we can expect to make even 'greater progress in the years' that lie ahead. But the spirit of Labor Day, with its traditional emphasis on the dignity and worth of the individual human being, should serve !o remind Us that economic progress is not lin end in itself; that, in the words of Pope John's encyclical, it "must be accompanied by a correspond'ing social progress so that all classes of citizens can participate in the increased productivity." The encyclical adds that "the utmost vigilance and effort are needed, to insure that social inequalities, so far from ii'lcreasing, are reducea to a minimum." Now is the time for'labor and management in the United States to face up to this challenge with renewed vigor and determination. We are confident that they will do so out of the highest motives of justice and charity.



WY 3-1151

Joseph Cardinal Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louis, whose sister, Sister Marie Catherine, is m member of the sisterhood, offered Pontifical Mass commemorating the annivers~ry.


THE WORK 'THEY DO IS INDESCRIBABLE. lIn INDIA the;' care for lepers, the aged, orphans, the blind. ID ETHIOPIA they give medicine and food to the tired, the pOOI'. In LElBlANON, SYRIA, JORDAN, IRAQ, and IRAN, they teach tiM catech,ism as well as the ABC's ... They are God's chosen; theJ 'themselves chose God ... Would,you like to help a young gfiI!'ll become a Sister? Here in the New York Office we have tIw names of 502 girls who want 110 become Sisters. These glrl!::l, however, .haven't the money 110 for the novitiate training. The 'training lasts two years, costs $300 altogether ($150 a year, $12,50 a month, only $2.88 a week). Can you spare $2.88 a week to tcain a mission Sister? ... The Sister you 'adopt' will write to you, and you may write 110, her. For as long as she lives, YOU'll have a share in the work she does. Please help us tl'aJa 'your' S i s t e r . , ' , Dear MonsignOfl: Enclosed is $ ,toWG1'd the $300 It takes t8 tralll • Sister. I'U BeDel $ .••••••• 0 weekJ,y, 0 mODthq, P annually.




BARDSTOWN (NC) - A cardinal, an archbishop and five bishops were among the hundreds who attended ceremonien marking the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth at the community motherhouse here i1l1 Kentucky.



S.,.. & Service

,Sisters of Charity Mark Anniversary

OUR CATHOLICS IN MASSAWA, ERI'l'REA, DO NOT PLAUt THE ORGAN AT SUNDAY MASS. INSTEAD, &hey ring belw. t I"h and Pia)' cymbals and arums. 'l'!r:o L...1>S.,- "~J~. laDguage of ~he Masa (called "T~Gl 'V d' Sacred Liturgy") is ,nM Latin; it to I,. ~. Ge'ez,'. long-dead Semitic wng1llIt., :' 0 The pries~'s ves~ments do' no~ reselllll~ ~ ble ours a~ all '. • . Are these peopAca G(A really Ca~holics? The answer fD" + empha~ically, 1:es! ••. lB the U.S..&. mos~ Catholics belo,ng w the so-calle\1ll Latin or Romo Rik. Our Catholiiro in MASSA WA belong te one of &!2:3 Eas~ern Rites-speclficaIly, the CatmTht Holy FaM Mission Ait/ olie E~hiopic Rik ••• As all' CaUaolw lor tht Orimtal Churrb do, our MASSA W A Ca~holics aece~ ~he Pope as &he Supreme Pontiff. Moreover, &heir li~urgy, 1a'W(i and customs are fully approved by Rome • • • To show that n:[l Rites are equal, Pope John,las& year pu& on Easkrn RUe v~ men&s and consecrated a Bishop according to an Eastern RUe. 'He encourages Eastern Rite Catholics-like ~hose In MASSAWC. -to preserve their ancient customs . • . In, MASSAWA &hero is good reason to hope that our Catholics' of Ute Elhlopic RiQ0 will, be a means of convening olhers to the Faith. To do ~ however, we must help provide ~he means ••• The 'church' b MASSAWA m looks like a long rec&angular, wood-shed) is, for fl house of worship, an embarrassing disgrace. During the rainy seGson (from mid-June to earb' October) the roof leaks heely; aDtJ lhe unpainkd, warped boards-ol which the 'church' is madenap noisily in &he wind. -Wha~ can the parishioners do abouw it? No&hing! Our Catholics in MASSAWA are very pooo. The &ypical parishioner earns seven cen&s a day-less than 50e 0 week! ••• Our priest in MASSA W A writes to us for help. WiM our readers, he asks, 'give something_loen pennies-to he!lll> him build a church? • • • The coins in YOUII' pocket are wealtllD in MASSA W A; &hey total more' &han ~he average Sunday eo{\. Iec&ion. Imagine what your $1 gift win do! . . • AUogeUler t!lnal ehureh will cost $9.500. PerhapS you'd like to build it aD nrv yourself in' memory of your family or loved ones. H so, writla us now ... Or perhapS you'd like to give the roof ($1,200), the altar ($500), baptistry ($450), ves&men&s J$50), a holy icon ($25 each) • . • Without a church to aceommodate new Ca~holies, ~ is almost impOSSi1,lle in MASSA WA to make converts. Will yea help by doing something? Each stoDe in the church will c056 $S. Why ncK give a stone? ••• Please help. Our Ca~olies l!m lIASSAWA need you!



For the benefit, of ,shut-i.rla. the novena devotions will be broadcast each week over radio station WSAR, Fall River, and for the first time this year over station WPLM, Plymouth.

Eritrea:,Drums !nstead Of An Orga~



This novena will begin next Thl;lrsday, Sept. 6, with devo-, tiona being conducted by Fatt)er Timlin every Thursday at 10, 12:~O noon, 5:10 7 and 8 P.M. in' the chapel. '


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480 Lexington Ave. ~ 46th St. -..ca'


New York 11;.... , .. .

Alan O'Neil NE eyO Tit~ist; Cards 71 Fo'r New Record

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 30, 1962'

Pll'e~ate !m.~tife~

As Air force Ch'a~lai~ Chi'ef

By J2clt Kmeavy


.Ahm O'Nefl crf Fall River fired Do tourney record 71 win senior division laurels in the annual New England,CYO golf toumament at the ThIanchester, C,Oml. Country Club last Monday. A SGb par back nine 33, highlighted by

birdies cn, the' 17th and 18th holea, enabled the slender P.C. graduate to outdistanee the select field. O'Neil was named recipient of tOO Ted Cooney 'fiophy awarded annually to th€ tourney's oustandperfonner. On the- baseball front, St. Patricks of Fall:> River annexed an mnprecedented th ~ r d sucCessive Dioo, esan championship by defeating Immaculate Comeption 1£ New Bedford two straight 'm their best of three weekend series. The def~ tiWsto got off to a winging start em Saturday when Bill Walkden fired 11>' three hitter at the Immacs enroum to a 6-4 victory. He and J"o~,.Kardosz &wapped positions for the Sunday encounter and John went the distance' in St. Patricks' 8-4 'win; The~big man at the plate in the series, h9wever, was IC's Ray , Costa who collected III total of six hits in seVe>! trips. AI Cwikla, St. Patricks' veteran third baseman' and field captain, closed cmt a brilUant ~areer going 3 ftJr4 in Sunday's encounter. Two , of AI's safeties were triples' good for S RBIs. A check of St. Patricks' record reveals the compiete dominance exerted by shiPPe? Gus Kimo yon's charges over CYO intermediate competition in the past three yearll. During that span they went undefeated in series ' play and during the course of X'egular season com'p etition they were defeated but onee-, a truly remarkable performance. Forhes Field We had our first opportunity, in many years to sees National League game last' Thursday' nigp.t, a 4-0 victory for the Pirates and Vern Law over the Houston Colts at Forbes Field, Pittsburgh. It was a fast, wellplayed contellt, taking only one hour and fifty-two minutes to complete. For this several travel weary football officials'from this area' were particularly gratefuL This Was our first visit to the home of the 1960 World Champion Pirates and we must, confess that Forbes Field comes throueh much better on picture

WASHINGTON (NC) 'Msgr. (Maj. Gen.) Terrenoo P. Finnegan,' 58, has retiJl'oo ,as Chief of U.S. Air F01l'CG

postcards than it does. in realtty. It can't be compared to Renway Park for aesthetic appeal. for , example. The exterior drabness reminds one of the old Babcock , Street approa:h to Braves Field. " Just inside the grandstand entrance is a plethora of vendors' j booths which are lighted in such 11 manner as to lend a garrish atmosphere to the compacted area. The grandstand itself is a triple tiered affair and the number of obstructed view seats are ' many. Yes, you guessed it; we Grew a plate blocking stanchion. They even identify the UmpiKes' lrOQm. which we thought unusual. but this made Bill Stewart's contacting Jocko Con.-VISITS NEWLY ORDAINED:, At the Castlegandolfo IoIll that much easier after the- ' Dr " . c th S d game. ConlODWas a. long time Summer house of Rome's . ban UmversIty Oll eacre parlner- of Bin's father who for Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, which trains y~s was one of the NUs most students. from mission. territories for the pri~~thood, a new r:cspected .!ll'biters. Bill Jr. now' subdeacon kisses the ring of Pope .f~hn XXIII. Other newly coaches. tmeemajol' sports at ·:ordained. subdeacons look on smiling their approval. ,NC Bosfon English :Bigb and in his, .' , . own right Is' II: noted footbSU,. hoclrey and baseball official. Football '€linie The occasion for our presence in Pittsburgh concerned 'the romua! clinic of the Ii:astern NEW YORK (NC) - Profes- working out a method 'of' supIntercoll~giate Football Officials' Association which was hosted sional football spokesmen gave porting college football. Among other things, he suggested: "If by the University of P\ttsburgh. ehoJrt ,shrift to a suggestion by a and the PittsburghChaptei, Wliversity president· that "001- the ,American ,Cyanamid ~orp. can sponsor a chemistry student Ii:.A.1.F .0. In attil!lldance, from kilges neek direct support from this area were Don Dwyei' 'of those that benefit the most loy at Xavier University, I do not Dartmoutll1 and Nick CarigIia, cOntinuing football-namely, the see why the Cleveland Browns, . professional teams." 'for example, could not sponsor Warren, R. I. The bleak picture of Catholic 11 student quarterback without An inspiring incident and, r believe, Q keen insight into the ',collegiate football was painted ,calling the plays." Financial Squeeze character of these men who by Father Paul L. O'Connor, ,S.J., To the suggestions Com:mishandle college games in the East, p~esident of Xavier University" was the lar~ turnout for Mass Cincinnati, in an article, "Foot- sioner Joe Foss of the American and Communion on Saturday ,ball Flunks Out" in the Septem- "Football League' responded: "I prio? to the lUlnuai written ex- bel' issue of Information maga- do think professional teams and leagues owe m,uch to the colamination on rules and proce-' zine published here. The article said only five leges and should contribute in dUKe. A feature of the banquet Notre every way acceptable to their . closing the clinic was the award CathOlic universities of a lifetime gold .pass to Joe Dame, Bostor College, Holy football programs. But this must 'be done within the financial McKenney of Boston, ex B.C. CrOBs, Villanova and Detroit are in big-time football today, means of the donor." And Q grid immortal and present Director of Physical Education for the while three-Xavier of Cincln- spokesman for the National nati, John Carroll of Cleveland Football League was quoted as Boston School System. and Santa Clara-are playing saying: "A pro team' would not And -so, we are about to tUrn ''minO? football." finance the education of an aththe pages of the sports Calendar Debt to Colleges lete to whom 'it has no claim." and welcome football on 'the Father O'Connor said:"ProThe financial squeeze Wl:\S scene, though the pennant races in both major leagues have fessional teams and leagues owe listed as the prime cause for the much to the collep,es and should decline in Catholic college foottightened considerably in the contribute ih every way to their ball. Other causes were listed as last couple 'Of weeks. Next time ' football programs." He, said poor attendanCe at games, yeararound we'll· endeavor to review without outside support the around competition from other for you the major grid rule future of Catholic college inter_ sport9 and televising of major changes - there aren't manycollegiate football looks drab. college and pro football games. and then it'll be about that time He added:. "If the colleges drop The article said: "Television's for the Falmouth Jamboree and their programs,' the professional 'living room stadium' has proven the school season to follow. teamn would have to establish much more comfortable and costly minor league systems in there is no admission charge." Qrder to keep up their present high quality of performance." . The Jesuit educator said it should not be too difficult 'lD


Pro Football Declines Suggestion 'To Aid Declining Co~lege Game

Former Amateur Boxing Champion Now Student .for Priesthood TECHNY (NC) - A onetime top-ranked flyweight boxer' in his ,native Pans. ta ,is now' a student fOT the Society of the Divine ,Word mIssionary ptiesthood here in Illinois Seminarian Albert Lawrence, S.V.D., 28-year-old' Negro, has four more years of study before ordination. He said: "I still want to fight-not other men, but' sin. I still want to win a crown-not a perishable one for myself, but an eternal one for others. I still want to be a champlon--a miDaionary champion for Christ." "Something Mlsstng' Lawrence said when he wl,ls 15 boxing was his only interest, a



In Mission Closing


BRASILIA (NC)-More than 70,000 ,persons gathered In the central square of Brazil's new eapital to participate in ceremonies closing the first Ho~ Mission of the People. During the mission, which was directed by Capuchin Fathers 2,000 marriages took place, over 100,000 faithful received Ho~ Communion anel there were 400 ..f' conversions. ...d.~;..

world championship hisk9aI. fie was amateur flyweight champion of the Republic of Panama for three years'. He turned semiprofessional 'and was on a 'threshold of a pro career when he found there "was something missing in the right game" and hung up his gloves. uDishonest managers and crooked referees had wormed their way into the sport," Lawrence said. He first considered a career in the priesthood after 'reading the Shepherd, a magazine for young men published here by the Future Priest Club. In 'the seminary, he said, he found realization of ilis boyhood ideals-"models who were not, boxers, but real champions like St. Francis Xavier and Father Damian of Mo~okai.H

LARIVIERE'S ,.Pharmacy·

Prescriptions called for and delivered


600 Cofta§6 St. WV ~., 439 New a.dfotcl


Chaplains after nearly a quarter century of military, service. The Monsignor, a priest' of the Norwich, Conn., cUocese, is suceeeded by Chaplain (Brig. ~n.) Robert P. Taylor, 51, a Baptist minister, who has been nominated for the rank of major gen.eral, the Department of Defense, announced. Chaplain Taylor haD been Deputy Chief of Air Force Chaplains since July I, 1958 when Msgr. Finnegan took over the post as chief. Father (Col.) Edwin R. Chess, 49, of the Chicago archdiocese, assigned, as command chaplain for the U.S. Air Force Security Service at San Antonio, ,Tex., becomes Deputy Chief of Chaplains.. He has been nominated "fOi" tile rank of brigadier general. A native of Norwich, Conn., Msgr. Finnegan began his military service in April, 1938. He made his studies for the priesthood' at St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, and sf? Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was ordained in 1930 and elevated 00 Monsignor in 1956. During World War II, in 1942.43;' Msgr. Finnegan served on Guadalcanal and was a warded the Brone Star Medal. He served several tours of duty in the Pacific area.

Where A





NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings

ST. ',J U DE














OCTOBER 28th. 1;1 Begins Thursday, Se~tember6th 11


10:00 A.M.-12:10


7 and 8 P.Mfl


10/'III/Cit """I1~


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WSAR - Fall River-1480 Dial- 6:45 P.M. WPLM ..:- Plymouth', 1390· on Dial- 6 :45' P.M. WJDA- Boston . ·1300 oil Dial-ll :05 a.m. WARE-Springfield 1250 on Dial- 9 :45 a.m.· Write for BO<;)klet and Medal:




Our Lady's Chapel

------.., Franciscan Fathers

600 Pleasant Street New Bedford, Mass.


THE ANCHOR-DiOcese of Fall River-Thurs" Aug. 30,1962

Truly -Christian Education Forms' Souls for Heaven "Praised Forever Be Jesus and Mary!" Christ hears an'd responds to 'this perfect act love millions of times


daily, as the Religious of Jesus ,and Mary reiterate ~he holiest aspiration of, Mother Mary St. Ignatius, (Marie Claudine Thevenet), beloved foundress of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. In a similar manner and from the moment a child is, enrolled as a student of Jesus and Mary, he or I she is tau'ght the all-im'portant meaning and value of , this beautiful and unifying motto, and; through reverent practice,repeats tl1is significant invocation before every class. In this way, pupils become cooperative agents in the great and noble task performed in their be :lalf and, many' years ago, commissioned by Christ through Rev. Mother Mary St. Ignatius R.J.M. to form souls for Heaven by a truly Christian education! First in U. S. . ~. The first Jesus Mary foundation in the United States was in Fall River; ,and it is a1s<> the oldest bi-lingual school in this -city. In 1874, a zealous and P\OUS priest, Father Pierre Jean Baptiste Bedard, laid the foundation, / JESUS MARY ACADEMY~ FALL RIVER of a new pariiiP in Flint Village -Notre Dame Parish. Numerous and noble were the pare t,he fa~ulties ,of the child Mary direct two ~chools in Fan minds is the same that unites dreams of the ,you'ng pastor 'as ',to accept the,light of Faith and River. Fifteen nuns staff Notre ,alumnae,students and teachers b.e ,faced, the future. He ,wanted to collaborate with the action of ' ,Dame and teach', apriroxi~ately, 'in all-t,he ',Jesus..,Mary establishschools, a cpnvent, .an orphanage 'Grace., 600 ' students. ' The 'principal is' ments the ,world over, whether, it and, a church dedIcated to, ~ur. ' ' ' Happiness of ,Others Mother St. Roland. Two hundred ,be in' a' convent in Rome, Eng,~adY.. A~ early as 1876,. ,he 111-' Thoroughly, c(;nlviriced of, th,e 'students attend' the senior high land, 'Ireland, Spain, France, vlte~' m?-Ispen~able collabOrators statement made by st; Thomas school. Beginning in ~eptembei', Germ,ariy; Switzerland, India, ~ ~IS pioneermg work--the~~.., 'Aquinas that "The miild is' nOt 'the' students' will 'don a new' Afr~ca" Canada, -South' America, llglOUS of' Jesus and, Mary from, 'a vesselt(» be 'filled but it is 'a 'sChool uniform ;consisting ot a ,Mexico, Cuba.'o~ .~ustralia; Th-e ,Quebec. .. ".. .' , " fire to be 'enkindled;', the school' ' plaid pleated skirt and a mivy". aim remai~"tQ: FQrm ,souls fQr T~lese relIgIOUS, arr!ved ~n the tries to impress upon Its students blue blazer. Because of, limited ',He,aven: ,by a truly Christian ,eduSpring of 1877 .to ~pen th~Ir firs~ ,that they must los,:, themselves ,space, only day pupils will at": 'cationjlild the'same motto rallies con~ent ~n ~~~rIc~nsod. The, in 'something greater'than them- ,tend the Academy; ' i t S memb'l:!rs: "Praised forever be pans? ~tIll I.n Its mfancy was selves-and that they will never flo~nshmg; It took care of a be' happy unless they strive for parIsh school,. an orp?anage, a the happiness of others; .' convent, school, boardmg quar" . ' , -;.... ' ters for working girls night Co-currIcular actIVItIes, such school and, Sunday schooi. ,as the Sodalit.y of Our Lad~, M Pr st C.C.D., the NatlOnal Honor l;)OClsgr. . evo _ . ety, the Stud,ent Council, Libra:' In 1~84, death mterrupte~ the ry, Clubs, Journalism Club, Year-, pastor s plans and'seemed lIkely book Staff Dramatics Orchestra to..compro~ise his life work.' Glee Club' and Atlilehcs help t~ DIVIn~ ProvIde?ce, however, was develop well integrated personwatchmg apd m 1888, Fat~er J. alities. ' A. Prevost, later MonSIg,no~, From the children who learned came to Notre Dame where hiS within the walls of our Jesus , name will ~ive forever in the an- Mary classroom's the all im'poi.. ' n~ls of,. parIsh an~ sch.ool. :Under, tant lessons of knowing and, hiS enlIght;ned ~IrectIon, an era, serving God has c~me a continQf expanSIOn began for Jesus .gent of priests, brothers 'and SisMa~~ A?a~emy. In 1887, ..the ,'ters. who in, turn are preaching mam' bUIldmg of the academy 'to' others 'the' words ',of. the wasbuilt-in 1900; Notre Da~e Gospel.' , School. In '~928, th: south wmg . Among them we mention with was, added, and, III 1939, the f r . f 1 g·t· t 'd . auditorium. a e: mg ,0 e lIma e prI e Though methods and school MonSIgnor Alfred E. Bon~leau, pastor at Notre Dame; MonSIgnor programs havethe changed through.. MOTHER ST. REGINALD' J M• out the years' education aims Alb,er t Beru b e, pas tor.of St. , R •• .' -, A th " Ch r it New Bedford' of the pIOneer nuns have re.. n ony s _ u c , ,. ' , ,A flexI'ble curriculum, Ul' 0'£- Jesus ~nd Mary." inained the same to this day lor Fat,he~ Anat!>le DesmaraIs" pasit is the aim set for the' Religious tor of St. James' Church,. Taun- fered the pupil who_ ~ishes to Claudine' T~evene,t Fo.undre~ i by their Mot~er Foundress--to ton; Father A:rthur DupuUl, pas- choose a college" a,'nursing or a The Congregation of Jesus ,form solus for Heaven; This is a tor at St. LoUIS ~f Franc~,. Swan_ business cateer.. Mother" Mary and',Mary was founded In ~yons; precious heritage which remains ~ea; Father Lorenzo ,MoralS, pas~ Cl~udin~ is prinCipal of the France towards the beginning of as challenging today as it waS tor atSt.GC<?,r~e Church, ,West-:- Academy. Rev. Mother St. Jean the nineteenth century. Claudine . ioo 'years' ago. p?rt;, Rev. Wl1lIa~ Crane, supe-',?"Baptisteis 'Superior' at JesWi Thevenet, ,the foundress, b~~ , In' pursuit of' this ideal the , rior of the Marlst Fathers in Mary :Convent, " , longed ,to a much respected schOOl takes into account not . Boston. '. Three qu~rter~ 'of a ,centurY family of silk merchants of ,that only the' spiritual and moral de.. Alumnae Promln~nt ,has formed here.'in ,Fall River a , cIty. Sge ,was only 19 years of velopment of each individual ,Among the 'scores of nuns, we large Jesus aild.Mary family, age when the French Revolution but the physical, the social and shall mention but a few: Mot~er cherishing its, oWn, ideaIs and devastated the country. the intellectual as well. It is the St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, cultural backgrou,nd. Yet the During the reign of terror, her work of true educators to pre- now a member of the General spirit that binds hearts and ,two brothers were taken prj's..,Council at the Motherhouse in 'o'ners with the noblest youth of Rome; Mother Mary of the 'Lyons. At, the risk, of her own Saviour, Assistant Provincial at life, Claudine visited them' sevHyattsville, Md.; Mother Mary eral times -in disguise in order Gertrude, superior in Pakistan, , to bring them food and clothing India; Rev. Mother Bernard, and encourage them. Superior at St. Michael's, Ocean One day when she was has-, Grove; Mother St. Aloysius, ening on this errand of mercy, bursar at Hyattsville; Mother St. she met a long line of prisoners Barbara in India. . being led to execution; among , Scores of nurses, business, them were her brothers. They women, hard ~ working parmanaged to ~hisper to her as she ents, staunch parishioners, all pressed close to them in the praise ,through their Christian crowd: "Forgive, Clady, as we living the unsung 'deeds of the do." With a broken heart but laborious and fruit:l'ul years spent ,heroic constancy, she stood by at the Jesus Mary schooIs in while they were shot, murmurNotre Dame Parish. ' ing over and over, "Father, forFlexible Curriculum give the murderers." , The alumnae association, organized in 1917, now under the From that day forth, Claudine aj:>le leadershIp of its president, cared only for her family 'and Mrs. Paul Dumais" still proves the poor"":""the sick, the abanits love and loyalty to Alma doned a,nd the little children Mater. _ growing 'up' without the knowlFATHER ADRIEN', BERNIER, MOTHER ,JOHN BAnlS1:" Toda7 the Religious of !esWl edge _'of God. She succored them ~ n

'1 " ,



~d ";ith some pious corri~anioit8 ,forc-ed a charitable society to carryon, the, work. Among' hell' 'early assoCiates Pauline '"Jaricot, the 'future foundress o~ the Association 'for, the Propa:' gation oft~e Faith. On Feb.. 25, 1823, Claudine, was clothed Witlill the religioUs habit and took tho name ,of' Mother 'MlU7 St, Ignatius. Christlike Love , , The call to' :religious life came' in the form of a gentle tap at the door 'vhen the Abbe Coindre found two little 'orphan girls illl ,rags' arid confided them bl» 'Claudine's care. For 14 years Mother St. Ignatius ~as to rule as Mother General of the Congregation. Self effacing and gen:.. erous, she was always ready to attribute the foundation of tho Institute to Rev. Andre Coindre. The moving power in ,MotheX' St. Ignatius' life was her Christlike love. She gave it to God and! then to others, especially God'o little ones. I~ 'Was ,a love wit~~ut stint aild without limit. She gave and asked for nothing ,in return. That was her spirit and It wao the spirit whIch 'she gave to-he.? community. , Mother St. Ignatius labored until her death in 1837. The Cure of Ars said, "That is a 'commun'ity that was started the' right way." In humility, and poverty, the devoted foundress sowed 'the 'seed that has grown into 0large and ,flourishing tree, 'who~ braJ,lches _sprelld out oV,er siIt cOntinents. ,: Barely -four years after the death of the foundress,' the Congregation became a missionary society, sending out missionaries to India,~where for' over, a century, they' have labored to 'spread the Faith among infidels and to preserve it among Catholics.





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