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t eanco VOL. 34, NO. 34

Friday, August 31, 1990

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Catholic News Service ,,' ,,' ,,', THIS LABOR DAY comes""'at a time when the:U$.labor movement is experiencing a crisis so serious that sOnte4!xp~rtsfear >', it may prove terminal. The labor movement rejects this~()o'rosdaY,;f pessimism, but is painfully aware that it maybecomecriJ)pled,>' beyond recovery unless its leaders resolve the challenge~ an~proJ).., ';' lems posed by today's rapidly changing and, highly competitive global economy. , ,,' " To survive, let aione prosper, the movement must take stoc~ of its traditional methods, plans and programs, 'and be prepared to adopt new ways of doing business. . ' Today's economy calls for "an Imaginative vision •.. that can help shape economic arrangements in critical new ways," the U.S. bishops said in their 1983 pastoral letter on the economy. The pastoral emphasized the role organized labor and management, with government's assistance, can play in developing new forms of bona fide partnership for the pl,Iblic good. ' This has new and important meaning as American industry and labor struggle to try to find ways to become more profitable and competitive without sacrificing such hard-won human gains as equal employment opportunity, safe and decent working conditions, adequate wages, security in both employment andretir,ement, and the opp,ortunity to improve one's standard of living. But, the bishops warned, such partnerships are possible "only when both groups possess real freedom and power to influence decisions." "Workers rightly reject calls for less adversarial relations when they are a smokescreen for demands that iabor make all the concessions," they said. It is useless to theorize about new forms of cooperation without a consensus that unions are not only legitimate, but indispensable in a society like ours. , Na such consensus exists tOday. Indeed, there is reason to think that we may be moving further and further away from it. Government also plays an indispensable role in bringing about new forms of labor-management cooperation. First and foremost ought to be a new look at our aging federal labor laws. The modest - and rejected -reforms proposed in the 1970sare' ' still badly needed; far more extensive r,eforms will be required to meet the new challenges. ' , One badly needed reform is to outlaw the permanent replacement of workers Inv~lved in a legitimate strike. Employers who exploit outmoded court 'decisions to replace legitimate strikers represent a serious threat to our social fabric. " What we need are not just technical innovations, ill labor,,; management-government relations, but solutions to ethical and: profoundly human problems of great significance for the future of our society. There has to be recognition that: , ' , -As a moral and economic world leader and model forottler; nations, the United States has a responsibility to achieve It just' balance between economic and human needs. _", - The right to employment security is basic in an advanced and ," humane society. ' - We need to develop ways to tap the often-neglected creative' talents of workers. ' >-;, - Workers need to be able to develop their talents ands~ilIs ill~i;> meaningful f a s h i o n . ; " , -Technological advances should serve workers as well as hIlSi." ness. Everyone should benefit from new technology and particio' pate in its development.' , - We need t,o think about competitiveness in away thatdoes / not sacrifice a segment of the population. We have a moralobUga-'" tion to provide workers whose skills or industries Jiavebecome',· obsolete with the means to again become contributors to the ' economy. - We need not be trapped by the past; its lessons can help create" ' new opportunities and approaches consistent with our values.



511 Per Year

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REV. STEPHEN J. AVILA, parochial vicar at SL)ulie Billiart parish, North Dartmouth, in foreground, retired Navy Chaplain Cecil L. Newbert; rear, and Rev. Constantine S. Bebis of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, New Bedford, background, do the honors at the 21st annual Blessing of the Fleet at New Bedford State Pier. (Rosa photo)

Faith, fears mingle in Gulf crisis WASHINGTON (CNS) - Faith is a touchstone for Catholics from Pope John Paul II on down in what is called, in media shorthand, the "Gulf crisis." But as rapid developments crystalize the Persian Gulf conflict into a heavily armed standoff between Iraq and virtually the rest of the world, the fears of what could happen if war breaks out loom large in many minds. The pope, in a midday Angelus talk Aug. 26, made his most explicit comments yet on the current situation.

Prayers are needed, he said, so that "the star of peace may shine brightly on the troubled populations of the Persian Gulf," but said that the crisis is "truly worrying" with world stability "gravely threatened." Pope John Paul said the Iraqi actions in its takeover of neighboring Kuwait, which precipitated the crisis, were "grave violations of international law ... as well as the ethical principles which must rule the living together of people." In disclosing an August meeting between the pope and Archbishop -

Marian Oles, papal pronuncio for the two Persian Gulfnations, Vatican spokesman Joaquin NavarroValls said the Polish-born archbishop's title remains "pronuncio to Iraq and Kuwait." Iraq maintains that Kuwait no longer exists. Stock markets worldwide were tumbling and the price for a barrel of oil on the spot market soaring because of the Gulf crisis. Events in recent days have included: - U.N. Security Council approval for nations to use force to Turn to Page 10

7 bishops nix women 's pastoral WASHINGTON (CNS) - Seven U.S. bishops have urged in an amendment to the proposed pastoralletter on women that the letter be scrapped - at least for now. And Bishop Joseph L. Imesch of Joliet, Ill., chairman of the U.S. bishops' committee writing the document, told Catholic News Service Aug. 24 that there was "certainly not" the unanimity on the women's pastoral that there has been on other bishops' letters. "I don't know of any pastoral letters that haven't been approved. Maybe we'll make some history that way," he said. The amendment was submitted to Bishop Imesch's committee on the heels of two recent statements asking the bishops to drop the letter. The statements were by the Center of Concern, a social justice group, and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, a national organization of heads of women's religious orders. In addition, Milwaukee Arch-

bishop Rembert G. Weakland, citing credibility problems raised in part by the draft's treatment of the issue of women's ordination, has suggested the letter be scuttled.

The amendment by the seven bishops says that rather than publishing the document as a formal pastoral letter, the bishopsshould Turn to Page 10

.. • Over 2 million children will return to U.S. Catholic schools this fall. last year's attendance:





SOURCE: The omclaJ Calho/lc OIrectary. 1990 edIIon

Photo: Juliann Koonse

~ 990 CNS Grllllhlcs


Abp·. M~fino"'viCtim" says Abp. Laghi

,. The Anchor', Friday, August 31,1990

Bishop's Ball plans to be discussed at Sept. 23 meeting The annual meeting to plan the Bishop's Charity Ball will be held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, at White's of Westport. Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, Diocesan Director of the Ball, announced today that invitations to the meeting have been sent to committee members. The 36th annual ball is set for Friday Jan. I J, also at· White's of Westport. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be the guest of honor. At the Sept. 23 meeting, the Diocesan Coordinating Committee for the Ball will confer with members of the Society ofSt. Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, the traditional honorary cosponsors of the charitable and social event. Father Freitas said that committee assignments to implement all aspects of the ball will be made at the meeting. Proceeds help support four summer camps for underprivileged children and other charitable apostolates of the diocese.

Papal natal wishes for Mother Teresa VATICAN CITY (CNS) Mother Teresa of Calcutta turned 80 Aug. 27 with the apostolic blessing of Pope John Paul II for her "selfless caring for all God's children without discrimination." "Giving prayerful thanks to God for the eloquent testimony of your religious consecration and of your lifelong dedication and service to the poorest of the poor, I wish to assure you of my warmest best wishes on the occasion of your 80th birthday~" said the pope. Earlier this year, the pope accepted Mother Teresa's resignation as head of her order because of declining health due to heart problems. . In September, the Missionaries of Charity will elect her successor. Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on Aug. 27, 1910, to Albanian parents in Skopje, in what is now Yugoslavia. At age 15 she joined the Irish 1;lranch of the I nstitute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and was assigned to teach in Calcutta. The massive poverty of the city decided her in 1946 to leave teachi~g and begin helping and living among the poor. .' Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. Currently the order has about 2 000 members working in 92 countries with the elderly, lepers, abandoned children and AIDS patients.. In 1979, MotherTeresa accepted·' the Nobel Peace Prize "in the name of the hungry, of the naked, ofthe homeless, ofthe blind, ofthe lepers, of all those who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society."

It's All Well Done "If you do great works, you are raised high by mercy. If you do no great work, perhaps you are wholesomely humbled. God knows better than you what will help you; and on that account, if you wish to feel rightly about God, understand that everything which is done for you by God is well done." - Hugh of St. Victor

T.HIS ~OLL ~ CREW is part of the 54 children and 13 teen leaders who enjoyed a Bible V.acatlOn Time thiS month at St. Julie Billiart parish, North Dartmouth, under direction of Sister Theresa Sparrow, RSM. The week ended with a program for parents and friends.

Pope names 3 U.8. bishops to synod VATICAN CITY (CNS) Three U.S. bishops are among 36 papally appointed members of the 1990 Synod of Bishops. A fourth U.S. bishop, Archbishop John P. Foley, head of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, also was named by Pope John Paul II. The three resident U.S. bishops are: Bishop Robert H. Brom of San Di'ego, Bishop Donald W. Wuerl of Pittsburgh and Bishop Harry J. Flynn of Lafayette, La. The Vatican announced the appointments Aug. 24. Under synod rules, the pope is allowed to name up to 15 percent of the membership. The one-mollth synod starts Sept. 30 and will discuss priestly formation. The other papally appointed members are: - Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger of Paris. - CardinaIJoachim Meisner of Cologne, West Germany. - Cardinal Giacomo Biffi of Bologna, Italy.

Church lawyers advise laity input

- Cardinal Jose Freire Falcao of Brasilia, Brazil. - Cardinal Michele Giordano of Naples, Italy. - Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves of Sao Salvador da Bahia Brazil. ' - Cardinal Christian W. Tumi of Garoua, Cameroon. - Cardinal Hans H. Groer of Vienna, Austria. - Archbishop James F. Carney of Vancouver, British Columbia. - Archbishop Pio Laghi, head of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. - Archbishop Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Vatican Council for Promoting Christian Unity. - Archbishop Henry S. D'Souza of Calcutta, India, general secretary of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences. - Archbishop Antonio Rouco Varela of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. - Archbishop Gilberto Agustoni, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Clergy. - Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. - Bishop Dario Castrillon Hoyos of Pereira, Colombia, president of the Latin American. Bishops' Council. - Bishop Maurice Gaidon of Cahors, France. .

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A recent conference of church law experts concluded that wider consultation with lay people would help bring a needed sense of participation to church government, the conference moderator said:. . Father TarcisioBertone, rector of Salesian University, said that . Diocesan pr.o-lifers are prepar- . "effective pluralism" was the halling to p,articipate in the fourth· mark of today's society, and also annual Respect Life Walk, to be' had a place in the church. led by Boston Cardinal Bernard The conference focused on the Law and to begin at 2 p.m. Sun-': way the church should be govday, Oct. 7, from the corner of erned, "above all with a greater Beacon and Charles streets at the' valuation and a more frequenfuse . Boston Common. of consultation, including lay Mary Ann .Booth, an area orpeople," Father Bertone said in an ganizer, noted th~t "We are hopinterview with Vatican Radio. These I~y people should be com- ing to fill five buses from the petent and experienced in their Greater New Bedford' area alone. various fields, the p~iest said. One bus will be leaving from St. Canon law makes it clear that Mary's Church, Tarklin Hill Rd.; . another from St. James, County sharing in the church's mission is St., at II :30 a.m. Oct. 7." the right of every lay Cathoiic, he Participants are encouraged, but said. He said that full and free partic- not required, to obtain sponsors ipation like that expected in the for the .five kilometer (3.5 mile) political world also should be app- walk. Proceeds will benefit 42 prolied in the church. In the church life organizations, crisis pregnancy he said, this involves the basi~ centers and other family and social principles of subsidiarity and service organizations, including solidarity. . Birthright, Massachusetts Citizens

- Bishop Luis Reynoso Cervantes of Cuernavaca, Mexico. - Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Rodriguez Madariaga of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, secretary general ofthe Latin American Bishops' Council. - Bishop Bernard P. Devlin of Gibraltar. - Bishop Henryk Muszinski of Wloclawek, Poland. - Auxi.liary Bishop George Pell of Melbourne, Australia. - Bishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, apostolic administrator of Minsk, Soviet Union. - Bishop Sophron Dmyterko oflvano-Frankovsk, Soviet Union. - Auxiliary Bishop Gyorgy N. Jakubinyi of Alba Julia, Romania. - Msgr. Alvaro Del Portillo, prelate of Opus Dei. - Msgr. Luigi Conti, rector of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary. - Msgr. Stanislaw Kur, rector of the archdiocesan seminary i'n Warsaw~"Poland.

- Father Jose Pinero Carrion, rector of the Spanish College in Rome. - Father Maciel Degollado Marcial, superior general of the Legionaries of Christ. - Father Raymond Deville, superior general of the Society of St. Sulpice. - Father Pierre Drouin, superior general of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. '

ROME (CNS) - Archbishop Eugene Marino "is the victim of a human tragedy" resulting from his pastoral willingness to aid people in need, said Archbishop Pio Laghi, a'Vatican official involved in choosing Archbishop Marino as the first black archbishop in the United States. He was the "right choice" in 1988 to head the Atlanta Archdiocese, and the current controversy surrounding him will not hinder the naming of blacks to high U.S. church posts, he said. An interview with Archbishop Laghi appeared in the Aug. 19 Rome daily newspaper, La Repubblica. It was the first public statement by a Vatican official on the Archbishop Marino case. Archbishop Laghi has refused other requests for interviews about Archbishop Marino, who resigned as head of the Atlanta archdiocese because of an intimate relationship with a woman. Archbishop Laghi was the pope's representative to the United States from December 1980 until this summer and in that office was responsible for suggesting candidates to the Vatican to fill vacant sees. CurrentlY he heads the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. Archbishop Marino's pastoral concerns made him "vulnerable" to an emotional human relationship from which he could not escape, said Archbishop Laghi. The case shows that bishops are not immune to human feelings as they pastorally minister to many different people, said Archbishop Laghi. "But when the heart enters in the sphere of vulnerability, things become more difficult, even for a bishop. It's something human," he added. "Let's pray for him and for his forgiveness," he said. Archbishop Laghi defended the naming of Archbishop Marino to Atlanta. "It was the right choice. This was shown by the great enthusiastic welcome he received from the faithful of Atlanta," he said. Regarding increased leadership positions for U.S. bhlck bishops, "the road started with Archbishop Marino will not be interrupted," .said Archbishop Laghi.

Pro-lifers· prepare for annual Walk for ~ife, the Knights of Columbus, Project Rachel and Morality in Media. . Organizers note that while prolife supporters are often accused of caring only about stopping abortion, the roster of organizations participating in the,Walk indicates their concern for the physical, emo_ tional and psychological needs of women and ,children. . Walkers may designate the organization to w,hich they wish to donate' pledges. Registration for the Walk will begin at I p.m. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.


Sept. I 1985, Rev. Jorge de J. Sousa, Pastor, St. Elizabeth, F,all River . Sept.3· 1912, Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D., Pastor, Sacred heart, Taunton Sept. 4 1864, Rev. Joseph P. Tallon, Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford 1894, Rev. John J. Maguire, Founder, St. Peter, Provincetown Sept. 5 1948, Rev. Napoleon A. Messier, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River Sept. 7 1966, Very Rev. James E. McMahon, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 1984, Rev. Raymond Pelletier, MS., LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro

Guam abortion ban said unconstitutional

'THE ANCHOR·--.:... Diocese of Fall River -

AGANA, Guam (CNS) - A federal judge Aug. 23 ruled unconstitutional a virtual ban on abortion in the U.S. Pacific island territory of Guam. U.S. District Judge Alex Munson said the measure, the nation's most restrictive abortion law, vio- ' lated a woman's constitutional right to choose abortion. He said Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, "applied with equal force and effect to Guam." The law banned abortions except when the mother's life is in danger. It was passed unanimously by Guam's single chamber, 21-member legislature. It had been on hold because of a court challenge brought by an abortion rights group. FATHER JACK Prendergast, shown packing for action The decision was a disappointment to Guam Governor Joseph last February, is now in Saudi Arabia with the 82nd Army Ada, a spokesman told reporters. Airborne Division. (eNS photo) He added that the governor had much respect for Munson but would take a "long hard look" before deciding whether to appeal. PEORIA, III. (CNS) - Less wide. Just three others have reached Anita Arriola, among lawyers than nine months after the U.S. the rank of major. " who challenged the law, said, "We invasion of Panama, when he beDuring an interview with The are exceedingly happy for our came the first Catholic cleric since Catholic Post in February after clients and the people of Guam," the Korean War to parachute into the Dec. 20, 1989, invasion of a combat zone, Father Jack Pren- Panama, Father fSrendergast, 44, and she praised the decision for being "so clear." dergast, a priest of the Diocese of described his work a~ a "very, very Peoria, III., is back at the front. special ministry. I wish I could let Her mother, Sen. Elizabeth P. He recently called "to say he was (other priests) know how gratifyArriola, wrote the legislation, which made performing or aiding an flying out to Fort Bragg, N.C., to ing a ministry it is." abortion a felony and having an join his unit, the 82nd Airborne Division," said the paratrooperabortion a misdemeanor. priest's mother, Audrey PrenderWhen the measure was first introduced, Archbishop Anthony gast of Streator, III. "I haven't heard from him since," 5. Apuron of Agana had raised the possibility of excommunicating any she told The Catholic Post, Peoria's diocesan newspaper. territorial lawmaker who would The 82nd Airborne Division was vote against the bill. one of the first units sent to defend He told a June pro-life conference in Chicago that Guam had "a the Saudi Arabian border following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. strong family-oriented society" that Father Prendergast, aU .S. Army holds motherhood in high regard major, joined the Army in 1980 and marks every christening with a large feast whether the infant was and entered jump school at the age of 34. The jump into Panama was legitimate or illegitimate. his 58th since he was granted perPassage of the abortion ban, the mission by Bishop Edward W. archbishop said, was not meant to O'Rourke of Peoria to join the challenge Roe vs. Wade but was Army. Father Prendergast, who logical, given the island's cultural had been in the Air Force in 1964values. 69, was ordained on July 4, 1976. The area covered by the Agana He is the only Catholic chaplain archdiocese is 91 percent Catholic, in the 82nd's three brigades qualithe highest percentage in the Uni- fied to jump. In fact, he is but one ted States or any of its possessions. of 15 paratrooper-priests nation-'

Priest-paratrooper back in action

Youth ministry to host open house The Diocesan Office of Catholic Youth Ministry will host an open house for clergy, religious educators and youth ministers on Sept. 12 at Neumann Hall, Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. Participants may attend either of two sessions: 9:30 a.m. to noon or 7 to 9 p. m. Both sessions include the presentation "Total Youth Ministry... What's It All About?" by Olive S. Greene of the Bridgeport, Conn., Diocesan Office of Youth Services. Youth ministers and youth leaders from several diocesan parishes will be available to

Used car 'sale LONDON (CNS) - The"popemobile" that carried Pope John Paul II during his 1982 visit to Britain is to be sold at auction Sept.

II. The auctioneers, Louis Taylor ofStoke-on-Trent, England, expect it to fetch about 25,000 pounds (U.S.$48,000). The vehicle is a high-security converted Range Rover with 3,555 miles on the odometer.

offer ideas and materials on programs for young people. In addition, diocesan resources, catalogues and videos will be available for preview. To register for the event, contact the Office of Youth Ministry, 763-3137.

Cardinal Dadaglio ROME (CNS) -Italian Cardinal Luigi Dadaglio, 75, who spent almost 50 years as a Vatica'n diplomat and Curia official, died in Rome Aug. 22 of cardiac arrest, several weeks after having a heart attack. The cardinal had retired earlier this year as head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican office that issues decisions on matters of conscience. He had served in many posts abroad, including a 1950-1953 assignment as an official of the apostolic delegation in Washington, D.C.

The Measure "The measure of love is to love without measure."-St. Francis de Sales -

Fri., Aug. 31, 1990


Reports denied MEXICO CITY (CNS) - A Mexican archbishop has denied reports that he transferred a priest to punish him for controversies surrounding his work with Central American refugees. Archbishop Carlos Quintero Arce of Hermosillo said that Father Ramon Dagoberto Quinones, who in 1986

was found guilty by a U.S. federal court in Arizona of smuggling illegal aliens into the United States, still has his full support and continues to head his diocese's immigration commission.


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AUG. 30

1908 - 1986 SR. MAUREEN HANLEY, R.S.M. Beloved Teacher and Friend

Memorial Mass St. Louis Church Bradford Ave.• Fall River

Sept. 8, 1990 • 4 p.m. Requested by Helena Fonseca




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Diocese of Fan River -'- Fri:\ Aug. 31, 1990

themoorin~ Encouraging New Directions Catholic schools are an integral part of our national life. But many who have received much from Catholic education do little to keep it going. For the most part, Catholic educational institutions are poorly endowed. None of our graduate schools can match the benefactions enjoyed by the Ivy League colleges and universities; indeed, the percentage of Catholic alumni who endow their alma maters is pitiful. In contrast to the general dismal picture is the recent announcement of a major endowment in the area of theological studies made to Boston College by the Flatley Corporation. In making the $2 million gift, Thomas J. Flatley recalled the biblical admonition that from those to whom much has been given, much is required. Such a reflection from a successful Catholic entrepreneur is indeed refreshing to hear, an'd it is noteworthy that the gift went to a department of theology, an area of studies far too often taken for granted . . In fact, is it not a real problem in Catholic higher education that so many of our scholars are studying Catholic theology at non-Catholic schools? For example, Catholics form the largest single denomination represented at both the Chicago and Harvard divinity schools, and graduates of such schools are routinely hired by Catholic theology departments. One hopes - that the Flatley gift will help Boston College to renew the rich tradition of theological scholarship that was in the past and still should be a hallmark of Catholic institutions. The fact that the gift to Boston College was from an Irish immigrant should remind Catholic alumni, predominantly from immigrant stock, of the need that exists in ali our schools for support and for development funds. Perhaps the only Catholic college in the nation receiving major and consistent gifts and grants from alumni is the University of Notre Dame. Very few Catholic schools come even close to Notre Dame's record, yet even it cannot be ranked in the top echelon of endowed institutions. Some may argue that Catholics are just beginning to enter the upper income brackets; but in actual fact many have been there for along time. What is closer to the truth is that in proportion to their peers in other denominations, Catholics are far less generous to their church. It should be evident that there is much to be done in this area of concern. Catholic colleges and universities must increase their promotional efforts. Nor should such undertakings be confined to higher education. Bingo, candy sales, socials and carnivals, often held in support of primary and secondary schools, could be superseded by tithing or endowments if Catholics were truly motivated in this direction. As a community, we have expended much effort in going after what amounts to nickel and dime donations and have failed to grasp the big picture of major gifts. Few church institutions have developed or encouraged such thinking and partially because of such narrow vision, we have had to close' many of our schools. If Catholic schools are to continue as a positive and major educational influence in the United States, t~ey must get out of the tunnel, realizing that the light at its end is to 'be found in the form of endowments and bequests.


"May the gracious care of the Lord our God be ours; prosper the work of our hands for us!" Ps. 90:17

• • Litur,gical musIc flux role still In

ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) -The changing role and content ofliturgical music have put a song in the' hearts of some people, but have broken the hearts of others. A quarter century of musical evolution has divided the liturgical community between those who approve the changes from Latin to the vernacular and those who see the new music as a cheap rendering of an important aspect of the Mass. The two sides agree that the changes have brought more attention to liturgical music meant to involve the congregation in the Mass, but they disagree on methodology. "People are coming to recognize that the liturgy is not just a collection of songs," said Jim Frazier, music director for the Worship Center of the archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Contemporary church music, Frazier said, "can stand up to the judgment of a musically trained. person." , Music had been ~ like 'other' areas of church life - pretty much . The Editor a constant until the close of the Second Vatican Council in 1965.' As the church wrestled with ways to adapt, parishes began to reexamine the role of music. "The most profound change that. came out of Vatican II was in the OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Constitution on the Ch~rch," said David Haas, a local composer Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River , whose music has become widely P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue used nationally in the last 15 years. Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 "The prime component of the Telephone (508) 675-7151 church became the assembly itself," FAX (508) 675-7048 Haas said. "The assembly should PUBLISHER be the church; not just be at church, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.o., STD. but actually be the church. Music EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER is the most available way that the Rev, John F, Moore Rosemary Dussault assembly can participate and become the church." CUjl,~lpIL.- Leary Press-Fall River The switch to the vernacular




created a need for music that would explain the meaning of rites Latin had obscured and contemporary musical forms such as folk, pop and even rock began to influence ,composers. Piano and guitar were heard more often than the traditional organ. Choirs diminished in importance as congregations were invited to sing. "N ow, there is a major sense of participation and a sense of community that didn't exist before," said parish music director Notre Dame Sister Lynore Girmscheid of Sh Paul, Minn. Not everyone approves of the newer liturgical music. "People believe that plastic flowers are inappropriate for important occasions," said liturgy director Jim Dorn of St. Patrick Church in Edina, Minn., "but some people don't realize that this is plastiC music." . "We have lost some of the awe, transcendence and majesty," Dorn said, ~pining that the newer music

praye~BOX Queen of the Home Our Lady, Queen ofthe Home, I salute you and I place our beloved home in your hands. As you were queen of the holy home at Nazareth, be queen of our home,O Mary, and in your providential care keep our family ties unbroken and our hearts forever united in faith and charity. Amen.

"doesn't have the lasting quality of the older stuff." "A lot of the composers aren't even trained musicians," said Dorn, who is finishing his master's degree in liturgical music at St. John's University in Collegeville. Dan Schutte, music director at Our Lady of Lourdes in Milwaukee and composer of such favorites as "Here I Am, Lord" and "You Are Near," disagrees that today's music isn't up to old standards. "There is new music that's inferior, but so is some of the old organ music," he said. Bob Harvey, contemporary music director at St. Olaf Parish in Minneapolis, has been working on ways to blend the contemporary and traditional. At two Masses each week volunteers perform both new and more traditional songs to the accompaniment of guitars, pianos and violins. It's worked. "It has helped to blend the division between contemporary and traditional gro'ups within the parish. We've gotten a'drawerful of positive responses from people," Harvey said. Frazier said that instead of "holding one Mass with guitar, one with organ, and that, kind of thing," parishes "are mixing all of these elements together. They are trying not to segment the parish," he said, adding that he hopes the approach will lead to agreement on music's role. But he also admits it won't be easy. "It's all part of the continuing search for our roots," Frazier said. "Generally, what I'm hearing is that, since Vatican II, there has been so much change that it's time to settle on some kind of standard. We just have to accept that for a time we're going to be groping."

. -Sassing, cussing; yelling or defiance. -Room or hallway not clean when mom returns from work. (Room cleanup includes: make bed, pick up floor, put clothes away, clear dresser top.) -Leaving fan or curling iron on. -Playing stereo too loud. -Leaving clothes, towels, books or toys around the house. -Leaving the house without saying where you are going. Here is their list of penalty units: - Wash, dry and put dishes away an extra time.

Are there

"good" penalties? By Dr. James and Mary Kenny, Dear Dr. Kenny: I've tried the rewards you've suggested in your column and they don't work for my 12-year-old daughter. She already has everything she wants. I can offer little that she can't get anyway. She won't change her ways unless she's punished. Yet nagging and threats don't work. What about good punishments? Are there any that work better? - Louisiana Of course there are, The key to "good" punishment is to minimize the "secondary gain," Punishment is primarily painful. Yet there is always a secondary gain, consisting usually ofthe time and attention that accompany the punishment. "Good" punishment, then, is brief and immediate, As soon as possible after the offense is committed, the "price" should be paid, and hopefully life goes on. When punishment doesn't work, the major reason is usually that it takes too long, thus providing the child with an unintended reward. Examples of poor punishments which are not brief and immediate include indefinite "grounding," "wait until your father comes home," long explanations and lectures, etc. Even though these parental responses may be unplea-

By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY sant, they usually don't work because they provide time and attention. I saw a family recently with a problem similar to yours. Rewards didn't work. So they developed the penalty unit system, with very good results. First, they listed chores and parental requirements. If the child failed to complete the chore by the specified time or broke a rule, he or she received a warning. If the child failed a second time on the same item on anyone day, then a penalty unit was received. Parents had already listed a number of penalty units and written them on slips of paper, putting them in a "penalty jar." Each .. penalty unit was designed to take about one hour of work. ' After a second offense, the child had to select a penalty unit from the jar and was "grounded" until it was completed. Here is their list of "wrong- . doings": -Slamming door. -Failing to complete chores by specified time.

People must fit Gospel, says pope

Sept. 1: 1 Cor 1:26·31; Mt 25:14·30 Sept. 2: Jer 20:7·9; Rom 12:1·2; Mt 16:21· 27 Sept. 3: 1 Cor 2: 1·5; Lk 4:16·30 Sept. 4: 1 Cor 2: 10·16; Lk 4:31·37 ,Sept. 5: 1 Cor 3: 1·9; Lk 4:38·44 Sept. 6: 1 Cor 3: 18·23; Lk 5:1·11 Sept. 7: 1 Cor4:1·5; Lk 5:33·39 Sept... 8: Mi 1:1·4; Mt 1:16, U'·23

- Vacuum and wash inside window seals. -Wash and vacuum cars. - Vacuum living and dining room, and mop kitchen. -Pull weeds around sidewalk for one hour. . - Wash woodwork for one hour. -Remove all dishes and clean inside of kitchen cabinets. -Wash windows for one hour. This family's three children have endorsed the penalty unit plan. They like the fact that the penalties are clear in advance; that they receive one warning and that they get to pick from the jar. The parents like it because it's working, and they are no longer nagging and hollering at the children. Good luck! Reader questions on family living or child care to be answered in print are invited by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison St., Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

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v ATICAN CITY (CNS) Evangelization means adapting people to the Gospel rather than modifying the Gospel to fit the needs of contemporary society, Pope John Paul II recently told bishops from midwestern Brazil. Spreading. the Gospel around the world means changing people's ways of thinking and living, the pope said. . "It is not the Gospel that will have to be adapted to the times and the current needs of humanity," he said. "On the contrary, we are dealing with placing the life of one and all in contact with this ancient but always new thing called the Gospel." he added. The bishops were at the Vatican for the visits required every five years to report on their dioceses. "The evangelization of Latin America. despite the difficulties and contradictions it had to put up with over the centur.ies, was without doubt one of the meaningful chapters of church history," the pope said. But he did not take a stand on the controversy as to whether the European territorial conquest of the Americans that accompanied the arrival of Christianity 500 years ago was positive. "We will leave to the objective study of historians all the phenomena related to the conquest and to what some call the clash between European civilization and American Indians," the pope said. What interests the church is the "incontrovertible fact" that this "was accompanied by evangelization," he said.

Daily readings

T'HE ANCHbR: ...:.... Dio'cese Of Fa'll River ,.- Fri:",' Aug: 'j I, 1990


The Anchor Friday, August 31,1990


In many conversations I've had lately, the subject of the changing, shrinking world has come up. More and more we have to admit that we know very little about the culture of many countries. This is particularly true for the Soviet countries, Oriental nations and those in the Arab world. The Russian, Chinese and Arabic languages are rarely taught in U.S. classrooms. Our children are lucky

Are Americans language-handicapped? if they have been exposed even to the popular foreign languages, such as French and German. ' I would say it was in the '60s that something happened in our educational system to make the study of languages, beginning with Latin, fall out of favor. Even some colleges dropped the language requirement for graduation. Now it is time to pay the piper. We are suddenly in a time when we 'need all the savvy we can muster to understand the behavior of people in other nations, to communicate well wiih them and to prove our leadership in a changing world. And we have a handicap because as a nation we are tongue-tied in language ability. I remember how seriously President Jimmy Carter took this when he was in the White House. He set up a presidential commission on foreign language and international

studies to ~ritique the state of these disciplines in the United States. His rationale was that in an interdependent world, we could not afford to be isolationist in communication skills. When the first results of this study were published (10 years ago), it said that we had a "dangerously inadequate understanding of world affairs." The report said bluntly, "Nothing less is at issue than the nation's security." Despite this warning, foreign language study remained stagnant in the nation's schools throughout the '80s. How was it that foreign language study lost favor, so allpervasively, in American schools in the last two decades? I do not know the answer, but I suspect that several factors came together to make us think exclusively English.

For one, the model that long prevailed of a "real American" called for a language base of English. Consequently, the immigrants from the vast array of foreign countries who arrived seeking a new and better life shed the skin of their old country as far as they could. If not for them, at least for their children their native language had to go, replaced by English. Their customs also became Americanized. By the second generation this seemed not only possible, but preferable. People also showed symptoms of xenophobia, fear of strangers, labeling immigrant groups with derogatory terms. Who wanted to study their languages, learn about them as people? When we lost the sense of valuing those who look, sound and act differently from us,

it made little sense to respect their languages. I think we need a major reversal in our thinking about foreign languages, not only for philosophic and human reasons, but also for practical ones. Our vital and growing interests overseas demand competence in the languages of the nations with which we deal. By getting to know people and their languages better, we can learn to respect them and see them as neighbors, not suspicious strangers. They might then respect us more and just possibly the image of" the ugly American" might fade away. If we do not reverse our ignorance of other peoples and the mutual hostility and suspicion it breeds, our future communication with the rest of the world might be carried out with all the clarity heard at the Tower of Babel.

Why underachiever Bart appeals to today's youth By DOLORES CURRAN

When I visited my college son last April he asked me if, on Sunday evening, I would meet with a leadership group in his dorm on dealing effectively with student stress. I agreed and asked him what time. "Nine o'clock," he replied. Since my mind shuts down

-around seven, I exclaimed, "Nine_ o'clock! Why so hite?" "Because the Simpsons are on at 8:30," he said. "And everybody has to watch them." Well, everybody did, including me. It was the first time I had seen the show and while I found it mildly amusing, I certainly wouldn't sched ule. my evening around it. But it made me wonder: what is the appeal of a cartoon show in which family members behave obnoxiously to one another, in which underachieving is valued, and which depicts parents as hypocrites?

I believe it's popular for those very reasons. I suspect it's a backlash to the Cosby Show where people treat each other politely and respectfully. Most families fall somewhere between the Huxtables and the Simpsons. The Huxtables are too nice to be real. Bart, the underachiever, is easier to understand. His popularity is a response to our parental emphasis on child achievement. The first big thrust took place in the fiftie.s when families fled to Jhe suburbs and initiated competitive activities of all sorts. The~e kids of the fifties became

dropouts of the sixties. They proclaimed cooperation and love over competition. Now the underachieving Bart is immensely popular with the kids of the nineties. My son told me of one Simpson show that particularly captivated his peers. It seems that Bart, the underachiever, cheated on his achievement test and received a high place, His father was so pleased, he began playing ball and spending time with Bart. After a week of this uncharacteristic attention and support, Bart, basking in his new-found intimacy with his father, confided to him .


How can I be absolutely sure that I am ready to become a Catholic and how do I go about joining?

DIETZEN Q. After reading one of your columns in the路 Catholic paper here, I know you can help me. I am a 17-year-old Protestant. However, I feel I belong in the Catholic Church. I have been reading about the church and have been going to Mass. I am writing for advice. How should I act when I go to Mass?' Should I recite the creeds and prayers along with church members? Should I speak to the parish priest about this?

. My heart also tells me that I'm headed in the right direction. I am anxiously awaiting your reply. (North Carolina) A. Your letter was a cool breeze on a very warm day. As a Catholic who lives our church and our faith a great deal, I'm always greatly pleased when someone like you wants to share it. And I'm happy for you. Obviously you even now feel God working in your heart through the

FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK The age at which people marry has risen. Men also are entering the priesthood at a later age. Such trends suggest that people are older today when they make major life commitments. A recent Washington Post headline proclaimed, "Area Divorce Rates Dive in 10 Years." The article said that far fewer Washington-area marriages now end in divorce.


How do you go about becoming a Catholic? I have thought and prayed about this for over a year and feel sure God is supp~rting me. All signs show me that he is.


that he cheated. The father was outraged and reverted to his old critical behavior. The message was clear to the young adults viewing the show: achieve success and I'll love you. How often do we parents project the image oflovers and supporters when success is high and neglect to do so when it is missing, when children need it more? The championships, trophies, and SAT scores are soon forgotten. Acceptance and' support or their lack are not. And that's why I think even the most "successful" young adults relate to Bart, the underachiever.

contacts and experiences you have already .made with the Catholic faith. My first advice is that you soon talk with a priest, or perhaps to a Catholic friend who might lead you to a parish program for someone like yourself. While we are always pleased that someone wishes to join our faith, we are concerned, as you obviously are, that this decision be made with sufficient understanding of what it means to be a Catholic. Our "faith" is not simply a list of doctrines we accept. It is a way of life based on friendship and intimacy with Jesus, a special kind of relationship to ourselves, to God and to others. This relationship is enlightened

and supported by the Scriptures and by our shared life of prayer and worship and service. Every Catholic parish has some process, some program, to help people know when, as you say, they can be sure they are ready. F or more and more parishes today that journey offaith involves what is called the Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults. Over a period of several months you will pray and learn, share your faith and doubts and questions with others, and have plenty of time, guidance and companionship as you weigh the decisions you will need to make. In the meantime, keep going to Mass every Sunday. Listen and participate attentively. You may stand, kneel, join the prayers. In

fact, you are welcome to do whatever everyone else does except receive communion. As you probably know, that should wait until you finally become a Catholic. Please talk to someone about your desires soon, if you have not already done so, and get moving with your plans this fall. Good luck. I'm sure many others who read this column will join me in praying for you and wishing you路 well. A free brochure answering questions many ask about 'Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, Ill. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to him at the same address.

.Delayed vocations and the signs of the times Many of those delaying marriage are first building up some financial security so they won't start out on a shoestring. A good number have completed their formal education, thus avoiding another pressure in their marriage. Social analysts feel that such developments reflect a more cautious generation, one less casual about marriage and more hesitant about divorce. There also seem to be more. couples who, because they are older when married, have a stick-with-it attitude. Some say that people are more concerned about ecology, AIDS, the cost of living and that with a sense of responsibility for society

comes a growing' sense of responsibility about marriage. Studies also reveal that today's seminarian is older and more secure when he enters the seminary than would have been the case in the 1960s. A young man is more likely to delay ordination and even go away for a year in the midst of his seminary training to discern his vocation. These trends among married couples and seminarians seem to indicate we have entered a more prudent age. We are willing to take counsel with others as we seek out the best means of reaching a goal. The goal in these cases is a lasting marriage or priestly vocation.

As healthy as these trends may seem, however, one wonders if they also are alerting us to the waning of another virtue in society: youthful courage. It is a goal of education to make us prudent in our judgments. Thus, many educators would hail the age of delayed vocations. Yet youthful courage is a driving force in education, suggesting that no one can ever perfectly plan his or her future. At some point in life we must begin to try to build our future, even though we don't know where it will all end. It is this spirit of courage that helped us shoot for the moon and that is behind the first airplane, the first steam engine, hybrid farming and thousands of other firsts.

Although some firsts were the work of older people, many were the accomplishments of youthful adventurers willing to make a giant leap forward on behalf of progress. Youthfulness was an asset because it contained a freshness as well as the energy to meet the heavy pressures of the adventure. Of course, youthful courage is fostered by the example and encouragement young people find in their elders. If people are taking commitments seriously, it is all to the good. At the same time, a curious. "sign of the times" may be reflected in such developments. Has our generation somehow become overly suspicious of the spirit of courage?


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 31, 1990

We're' Letters are welcomed but the editor· reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address. They do not necessarily express the editorial views or The Anchor.

A rticle scandalizes

The following is a prayer from the Lay Associates of the Priesthood; LORD JESUS, live in all Priests; help those who are faithful to remain faithful. Help those who have forgotten the grandeur of their sublime vocation to begin to be faithful shepherds again. Grant Father _ _ the grace so to appreciate the grace of his oneness with You that he will seek for no greater joy than Your love and the privilege of bringing it to others. Alice Beaulieu New Bedford . .'

Dear Editor: This letter is sent concerning the article from the" Anchor" Aug. 17 on the "Celibacy Study of Priesthood." I was scandalized at both, what I read and at the thought that a Catholic periodical moreover, our own Anchor would print such an article! Didn't you stop to think at the . damage this could cause? Don't Dear Editor: you know, there are people only In response to your insertion of waiting for something like this to turn them "off' or keep them "off' the daily readings, I'm 100 percent if they are already there? This in favor of the Anchor carrying could even have a bad effect on same as several people in the parish do daily readings at the 7:30 future vocations! I am sure that I am not the only / Mass and it is not convenient to get to church early or stay late to one who knows many, many good, holy priests who are faithfully fol- read the readings in advance so I won't be tripped up by some unuslowing the Lord and who are to be ual word, etc. The church bulletin admired for their dedication to carried the readings one week and their vocation. I am able to go to I wrote to the Liguorian to ask for them, for forgiveness of my sins in its continuance but it has not been confession, knowing that they continued, nor did I get a response represent Christ Himself! to my reque·st. Is it not ironic that on the preI earnestly entreat you to put in' vious page in the Anchor, there the readings for the rest of August, should be the picture of what many call the "WEEPING Statue as I have the Aug. 31 reading yet to do. of Our Lady"? Therese A. Santos Let us pray to be enlightened by Taunton the Holy Spirit, so as to be faithful to all the commandments of God The daily readings were inadand obedient to His representative vertently omitted from last week's on earth, Our Holy Father, Pope Anchor, Today's readings are 1 Cor 1:17-25; Mt 25:1-13. Editor John Paul II.

Likes readings

Catholic educators laud school-choice law WASHINGTON (CNS) - As Catholic schools open for another year, Catholic educators are viewing optimistically a new Wisconsin law permitting some low-income Milwaukee parents to choose at taxpayers' expense a private, nonsectarian school for their children. Mercy Sister Lourdes Sheehan, secretary of the U. S. bishops' Department of Education, said the law is helpful in recognizing that parents "are the first and foremost trainers of their children." If the law "inspires public schools to improve," added Sister Cat he- . rine T. McNamee, president of the National Catholic Educational Association, "the church might not have to pour as much resources into inner-city schools." Both nuns. see the movement in Wisconsin as a possible first step to a time when aid will go directly to parents so they can choose their children's schools. The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program was introduced by State Rep. Annette Williams, who was critical of public education in Milwaukee's il)ner city. In a court challenge to the law, a county circuit judge in Madison upheld it as constitutional. Groups opposing the law have promised to appeal, arguing that public spending on private schools is unconstitutional. Sister McNamee said studies show Catholic school students have lower dropout rates and score

"significantly and consistently higher in reading, math and science" than those in public schools. She disputed claims that Catholic schools achieve such results by picking and choosing students, or that they "track" students into programs for high achievers. Public educators oppose choice programs for parents because of the fear of brain drain. The secular argument for school choice is that the free market will improve public schools by providing them competition. Sister Sheehan said she hoped that soon lawmakers would recognize the right of all parents to choose their children's schools and that "religious institutions ought to be open to that provision." She said that before the Wisconsin law, seen as the most farreaching of such proposals, 13 states had adopted some type choice plans. Child care legislation pending in Congress would "provide certificates for parents to use in any institution they select," she said.

Better Together Durfee




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PRESENTATION Sister Thaddea Kelly, 73, once the highest-ranking woman at the Vatican, died of cancer Aug. 23 at her community's motherhouse in San Francisco. The first woman to be a Vatican department head, she directed the department for constitutions at the Congregation for Religious from 1971 to 1978. From 1978 until her death, she was vicar for religious for' the San Francisco archdiocese while remaining a consultant for the Congregation for Religious, now the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. (CNS photo) .....-.,.......-~





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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Aug. 31, 1990

Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.


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OffC .. OU GlOVl AVI.; fAllllYEI

"Greatest • since Thomas Aquinas" WASHINGTON (CNS) - In the 100 years since his death, Cardinal John Henry Newman's "influence has deepened and expanded to the greatest degree," said U.S. church historian Msgr. John Tracy Ellis. "I have the highest veneration for him. In my opinion he is the greatest Catholic mi'nd since Thomas Aquinas," said Msgr. Ellis in an interview. At age 85 he continues to teach church history at The Catholic University of America. A fellow church historian, Father Marvin R. O'Connell of the University of Notre Dame, said the 19th-century Anglican-turnedCatholic does not receive the scholarly attention he deserves. Father O'Connell frequently lectures on Cardinal Newman around the country. In this centenary year "I've done practically nothing else," he said. He also has written a history of the Oxford Movement, a 19thcentury movement of leading intellectuals of the Church of England. Cardinal Newman was one of its chief leaders and the most famous of the. many in the group who converted to Roman Catholicism. "I'm ofthe view that Newman is not appreciated in the Catholic world. Perhaps this is because he's so very difficult to understand," Father O'Connell said. "His impact in the United States is largely a symbolic one," he added. "You can be fond of Newman, and be a Newmanite in that sense. You may consider him the finest prose writer the English language has ever known. You can admire him for his theological views... You can be sympathetic toward him because of the marvelous life he led." But among all the cardinal's many fans, he said, there are few who have really tried to understand him in depth. He said that even at Notre Dame, which he considers one of the top Catholic universities in the world, "there is simply nothing done on


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Cardinal John Henry Newman Newman. That to me is wrong. He needs to be studied in an systematic way." Msgr. Ellis described Cardinal Newman as "very definitely an influence" in his own thinking hinting some surprise that the question need even be asked after he had described Cardinal Newman as the greatest Catholic mind since Aquinas. He added that Cardinal Newman has influenced not only his thinking but his spirituality. The cardinal's "Apologia pro Vita Sua," written in just two .months in 1864 in defense of his conversion to Catholicism, ranks with St. Augustine's "Confessions" among the great spiritual autobiographies of Christian history, Msgr. Ellis said.. Father O'Connell said Cardinal Newman's educational philosophy was a strong influence in U.S. Catholic educational circles 25 years ago. He was devoted to the idea of a university as a center to cultivate the intellectual life, a place to integrate the liberal arts, science and theology. "But our Catholic institutions in the last 25 years have become more like their secular counterparts. They are specialized," Father O'Connell said. Cardinal Newman is most noted as a theologian. Theologians still study his original contributions to the theory of the development of doctrine, his attention to the role of belief of the people in discerning truths of faith, his historical approach to theology with an emphasis on Scripture and the early Christian theologians, and his nuanced analysis of papal infallibility amid the debates that raged around that issue in the 1860s and '70s. He is often called the hidden or absent father of the Second Vatican Council because of the influence that his theology of the development of doctrine and his theology of the laity had on that council, more than 70 years after his death. But he was also a poet and novelist and an acclaimed preacher. "His famous 'Parochial and Plain Sermons' is still read today," Father O'Connell said. And he wrote letters. A lot of

letters. Some 20,000 that survived have been collected and published in 31 large volumes as part of the church investigation into his life that is a prerequisite for declaring a person a saint. The cause for his beatification was formally opened in 1958 in Birmingham, England, his home diocese, and in 1987 it was introduced in Rome. Pope Paul VI was an ardent admirer of Cardinal Newman, and in the 1970s there were reports he hoped to be able to beatify Cardinal Newman during the 1975 Holy Year. But the massive task of compiling and studying the Newman letters was not yet complete at the local level. On Aug. 10 - the day before the 100th anniversary of Cardinal Newman's death - Jesuit Father Vincent Biehl announced through The Times of London that the theological committee of the Vatican Congregation for Sainthood <::auses had unanimously approved the holiness of Cardinal Newman's life. Earlier the historical committee had completed its work and gave its approval. Father Biehl, who is postulator or official promoter of Cardinal Newman's cause, said he expects approval by the full congregation and issuance of a papal decree declaring Cardinal Newman's heroic virtues - the first step toward sainthood - this fall. Father O'Connell said Cardinal Newman's letters reveal his impact· as a spiritual director on "a vast range of people," from everyday Christians to some of the era's most influential thinkers and religious figures. "Many, many of the letters are to people who were spiritually troubled, people who were troubled intellectually, but morally too," Father O'Connell said. He said the personal correspon: dence also reveals Cardinal Newman's faults, especially his tendency to "pick at the sores of wounds he suffered from others - he may have forgiven, but he never forgot." Since Catholics tend to think of their saints as people whose lives were beyond reproach, "anybody who leaves behind him 20,000 letters is going to have a hell of a time being canonized," Father O'Connell said.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Aug. 31, 1990

Paper says Vatican again threatening Father Boff SAO PAULO, Brazil (CNS)A Brazilian newspaper has reported the Vatican is threatening again to punish Franciscan Father Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian liberation theologian. The newspaper, Folha de Sao Paulo, reported the Vatican is upset with Father Boffs criticism of what he considers the centralization of power in the church. Folha de Sao Paulo reported that the head of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, has sent a letter to the Franciscan superior general in Rome, Father John Vaughn, questioning three articles by Father Boff. ' In Rome, a Franciscan spokesman would not comment on the report because he said it involved private correspondence between the Franciscans and the doctrinal congregation. Folha de Sao Paulo said the Vatican wants the Brazilian bishops' conference to analyze the articles and mete out a punishment for Father Boff. The bishops' conference has not commented publicly about the matter. The next meeting of its doctrinal commission is Sept. 24. Among articles questioned is" A Project for Latin Ameriea," published in December 1989 in Vozes, a general interest monthly magazine published by the Franciscans. In the article, Father Boff criticized the predominance of bishops' appointments among "conservatives" and described the Vatican's desire eventually to reduce the power of bishops' conferences. From April 1985 to March 1986, Father Boff was barred from lecturing and writing on theology after the Vatican declared that his book, "Church: Charism and Power," contained views that "endanger the sound doctrine of the faith." Father Boff said that from August through December 1989, he agreed under pressure not to travel or grant interviews outside Brazil. He told Catholic News Service he agreed "to calm Rome, to quiet them," and to be allowed to continue teaching at the Institute of Theology in Petropolis, Brazil. "I had to accept, or I would have had canonical punishment," he said.

Dreams capsize NORFOLK, Va. (CNS) - The dreams of a Detroit community of friars for cashing in on millions of dollars of sunken treasure apparently have capsized. U.S. District Judge Richard B. Kellam in Norfolk has ruled in favor of Ohio researchers and investors who in 1989 began sal~ vaging gold from the SS Central America, which sank 160 miles off the coast of Charleston, S.C., in 1857. Its cargo of gold is estimated to be worth between $450 million and $1 billion. The judge denied the claims of nine insurance firms, Columbia University, the state of New York and two private investors. One of the investors, Harry John, 70, had agreed to give the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin order in Detroit one-third of his share if he won in court.



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AT PROVINCIAL meeting of Holy Union Sisters, top picture, Sister Ann Kernan, provincial, and Sister Eleanor McNally, development program director, welcome Sister Jane Bodine and George Hagerty, speakers at a session explaining development strategies; bottom, Father Richard Roy receives gifts from golden jubilarians Sistefs Laurette DeChamplain and Eugenia Margaret Re~dy at Mass honoring them and two other sisters marking 50 years in religious life.

Development program topic at Holy Union assembly The progress of a newlyestablished community development program was outlined for members of the Fall River province of the Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts at a recent two-day assembly. Themed "The Weaving That Is Life," the assembly sought to bring together various aspects of the congregation's life and undertakings. The program opened at White's restaurant, Westport, 'at a session attended by community members from Florida, Texas, Maryland, Kentucky, New York and Rhode Island as well as Massachusetts. Also in attendance were a congregation councilor from Rome and a visiting sister from the AngloHibernian Holy Union province. The initial session presented an explanation of a newly-established development program directed by Sister Eleanor McNally. Speakers were Sister of Providence Jane Bodine and George Hagerty of Stonehill College, North Easton. Each explained the need of donations, grants and bequests to further the apostolic works of the Holy Union community. Also newly established is a group of Holy Union Associates. Its function and goals were explained by Joan and Eddie McGray of Holbrook, N. Y., and Pat and Don Miller of Baltimore. Both couples ,described the impact association with the sisters has made on their lives, while Sisters Mary Ellen

Donohue and Maryellen Ryan commented on the parallel influence of the Associates on the community. Provincial finances were reported on by treasurer Sister Virginia O'Hare, the provincial government committee described its activities and the topic of keynote speaker Sister Virginia Sampson of the community life committee was Community and Prayer. She was followed by Sisters Barbara Walsh and Carol Regan, who discussed various types of community prayer. At a Mass at Sacred Hearts Convent, Fall River, offered by Rev. Richard Roy, goldenjubilarians Sisters Laurette DeChamplain, Margaret' Higgins, Lillian Migneault and Eugenia Margaret Ready were honored. A Mass the second day of the assembly took place at St. James Convent, Tiverton, and was celebrated by Rev. David Costa. It was followed by a social gathering.

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Evangelize now says cardinal

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 31,1990

Faith, fears miDgle Continued from Page One maintain against. Iraq a naval blockade, the chief method of enforcing U.N. economic sanctions levied Aug. 6 against Iraq. - U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar offering to negotiate a peace settlement with Iraq President Saddam Hussein, who said he was willing to meet with Perez de Cuellar. - The continued detention of thousands of Westerners in Iraq and Kuwait, many believed to be near military installations. France spurned an Iraqi offer to release French hostages, but Austrian President. Kurt Waldheim secured the release of more. than 80 Austrian hostages. Pax Christi USA and 11 priests and brothers of the Sacred Heart order also called for peace in separate statements. Pax Christi asked the U.S. bishops to determine whether the Gulf crisis meets Catholic principles of a just war, while_ the Sacred Heart religious called for the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops in the region. One of the most popular items requested by soldiers before being deployed to Saudi Arabia is the St. Michael medal, according to Father Matthew Quinlan, a chaplain at Fort Bragg. St. Michael is patron saint of the airborne, said Father Quinlan, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. "They also asked for pocket-size New Testaments and things like that," he said. The medals, he ad(jed, "are not good luck charms, but deploying soldiers are realizing they have strong value systems which they've come to appreciate." Father Quinlan and the Rev. Franklin Daniels, a United Methodist chaplain at Fort 'Bragg and an Army lieutenant colonel, have stayed behind to assist families of soldiers deployed to Saudi Arabia. They said they are dealing with soldiers who are reaching inside themselves for strength - not a return to "foxhole Christianity." Stress levels rise in the family as soldiers are deployed. It is the job of Father Quinlan, Mr. Daniels and other remaining chaplains to help families prepare for the absence of parent and spouse. "We provide accurateinformation to them as it becomes availa-

ble to us," Mr. Daniels said. "We assure them we are available to listen and to talk." The family life center at the fort prepares families for deployment and makes sure families are connected with family support groups where leadership and networking are foremost. The chaplains sometimes find couples who have not acquired the skills needed to get them through difficult times. They are available to help them learn communication and parenting skills. As for helping children cope with a parent overseas'in a strange place, "we encourage parents to be sensitive to their children," Mr. Daniels said. He recommends parents talk to their children about what their father does. "Show them on a map where Daddy [or Mom] is. Get children to talk about issues with you," he said. "The critical part is after deployment when the family has to get to a routine life and the family is deal- ' ing with finances, working, school and job. That's when unusual behavior sets in," Mr. Daniels said, and those changes in behavior usually come within five to six weeks of the parent's absence. Father Quinlan said schoolteachers tell him they always know when military duty calls a father away from home. The level of stress in those children is always higher, he said. , Many families adapt well to crisis, however. Families who involve' themselves in chapel activities, family support groups and other community areas are the ones who fare well, Mr. Daniels said. And what about the chaplains who were deployed to Saudi Arabia with their units? "They are conducting themselves exactly as they would in any field training exercise and are providing spiritual and moral guidance to soldiers as they would here," Father Quinlan said. "Chaplains are looked up to in a stressful situation," he said, "and we [chaplains] find a need to be with our soldiers." "Every day is Sunday. When they're not conducting services for the troops, they're counseling or listening or just spending time with them. Wherever the soldier is, that's where you'll find the chaplain."

..-.. CANDLE LIGHTING: Lynn Zechman and Tony Melendez, the armless entertainer who played guitar with his feet for Pope John Paul II, light a candle during their wedding ceremony Aug. 18 in Richardson, Texas. The bride is an assistant director of youth ministry for the diocese of Dallas. (CNS photo)

SOME OF the estimated 300,000 people who crowded Kennedy Park, Fall River, for last weekend's Great Holy' Ghost Feast of New England are seen in this view from the Dominican Academy building on Park Street. The shot was taken as worshipers left St. Anne's Church last Sunday following a Mass offered by Msgr. August Arruda Cabral, vicar general of the diocese of the Azores. The liturgy was followed by a miles-long procession that totally encircled several city blocks following a march down South Main Street. The fitst participants reached the dispersal point in Kennedy Park long before those towards the end began marching. Holy Ghost groups at the event came from as far as Canada and California as well as from the New England states. (Gaudette photo)

7 b.-shops D.- X pastoral Continued from Page One continue their reflection on concerns of women, a bishop who signed the amendment told CNS. He declined to be identified or release the names of other signers. In interviews in late August, however, a number of bishops contacted by CNS said they would vote against approval of the pastoral at the bishops' general meeting in November. Commenting on complaints about the way moral teachings are treated in the second draft, Bishop Imesch noted that "pastoral letters do not make new teachings. There were restrictions in this [pastoral] that were not there in other letters. -How many moral stands are there on the economy?" he said, referring to the bishops' 1986 economics pastoral. The bishops' deadline for submitting amendments to the second draft of the proposed pastoral is Sept. I. The text of the second draft of the proposed pastoral letter is "so inadequate that it would be counterproductive to approve it," Baltimore Auxiliary Bishop P. Francis Murphy told CNS. Bishop Murphy was for 12 years a member of the bishops' Committee on Women in Society and the Church. While pastoral letters by the U.S. bishops on war and peace, economic justice, Hispanic ministry and racism were "uplifting" and "visionary," Bishop Murphy said "quite candidly I do not find either vision or hope in the first or second draft" of the proposed women's pastoral. "Those Catholic women who are quite informed on the issues are clearly dissatisfied with the document" as are Catholic women "who are very comfortable with the status quo and who do not wish any change in the role of women," he said. Many will not take the document seriously, he said; adding that "loss of credibility in any sphere negatively affects the full range of bishops' public policy efforts, including our pro-life

agenda, our peace and economic agenda, parochial school issues and global matters." Bishop Murphy said he hoped' the document committee would , prepare a "pastoral plan of study and action" for the bishops' November meeting based on the 25 recommendations made in the pastoral's second draft. Bishop William A. Hughes of Covington, Ky., said he would like to see the proposed letter tabled. "The whole issue of equality is en~nciated more clearly than ever before, but in its application we use gender to justify what seem to be inequalities,". such as prohibiting women from being ordained to the priesthood, said Bishop Hughes. ' If the letter is approved in its present form, the bishop said, the effect on the church "would be hard to gauge ... but we rely on ,the expertise of women for practically all of our apostolates," he pointed out. Bishop Raymond A. Lucker of New Ulm, Minn., said the proposed pastoral says "women are equal in creation, in redemption and in call to holiness. Then we get to the fact that women for centuries have been treated unequally in the church. It's hard to admit we've been wrong." He said some two-thirds of women he has met with in the New Ulm diocese since the second draft was released favor tabling the pastoral. "These are not folks on the far ends of the spectrum. These are good solid Catholic people who want to do what's right. ... If we publish the document substantially as is, it will further polarize us as church in this country," he said. Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond, Va., also opposes publication of the letter. He also said the treatment of women's ordination did not concern him so much as the "birth control question." "I'd like to know why that's a women's issue and not a malefemale issue," he said.

INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago told an estimated 8,000 ,cl,ltholics at a Mass during a recent interdenominational evangelization conference that now is the time for evangelization. "The Lord Jesus sends us to evangelize the world - now! The church calls us to evangelize the world - now! The Holy Spirit empowers us to evangelize the world - now!" Cardinal Bernardin said. He spoke at a Mass at the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit imd World Evangelization held at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis for about 20,000 Christians from 40 denominations. "How can the word of God seem credible to others when we, who are committed to live by that word, suffer from seemingly intractable disunity and divisions among ourselves?" he asked. "Let us pray for our leaders, for all our fellow Christians, and for the freedom and the power of the Spirit' to make us one." Bill Beatty, executive director of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the United States, pointed to the call to evangelize from Gospel teachings and directions from Catholic leaders, includingPope John Paul II. "The 'biggest problem is that hundreds and millions of Cathol, ics have been sacramentalized, but they have never been evangelized," Beatty said. "I'm part of a sleeping giant. My prayer and my life are devoted to waking up this sleeping giant." Beatty said 10 million U.S. Catholics have been "baptized in the Spirit," by which charismatic Catholics mean they are empowered to witness to their faith. They may receive certain spiritual gifts, such as the ability to speak in tongues, to understand others who speak in tongues, to prophesy or to heal by layIng on of


Father Michael Scanlan, president of the Catholic University of Steubenville in Ohio, told a Catholic conference session, "The main reason we don't pray is we think we can get better help from someone else. Way down deep, we [act as if we] don't believe in God."

Pay's 路below median WASHINGTON (CNS) - A study by a national Catholic organization says U.S. Catholic Church employees receive lower pay than the national median, often lack benefits and, in some cases, take second jobs to attain "ordinary economic rights." "The median income for professional employees in the church falls 17.5 percent below the median income of the general population of the United States," said Michael Liberato, executive director of the National Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education and the project's director. The median annual salary received by professional church workers, according to the study, is $22,258. The study cites U.S. Labor Department statistics reporting that average (j .S. heads of households with bachelor's degrees need $27,217 to meet their annual expenses while those with master's degrees need $31,667 to pay their bills.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 31,1990

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BRENDAN O'ROURKE with his father during Pope John Paul II's 1987 visit to San Francisco (top picture); and receiving papal embrace, also during the visit. (CNS photos)

AIDS victim who captured world's heart dead at age " of Brendan, their middle child, WAS HINGTON (CNS) None did, she said, adding, "I "very well," the priest said in a tel- had to hire another teacher. I Seven-year-old Brendan O'Rourke, ephone interview. a boy with AIDS who was emcouldn't believe it." "Both have a strong faith and braced by Pope John Paul II at a Brendan was "a real gift" to the come from big Catholic families," school, she said. San Francisco church in 1987, he said. died Aug. 17 of complications from He was well-liked and had "a the disease. Holy Name Sister Marilyn terrific personality," she said. "The The youngster, who contracted Murphy, principal at St. Cecilia's children in the whole school took AIDS through a blood transfuto him, from the eighth grade on School, where Brendan would have sion given shortly after his prema- been in second grade in the fall, , down. He was not afraid to talk to anybody." , told CNS that despite having ture birth, was mourned Aug. 20 both at his funeral in San Fran- AIDS, Brendan" had a normal He was "alive, alert and had a cisco and on the front page of school life and was out only once a real twinkle in his eye," she said. month for treatment. ' L'Osservatore Romano, the Vati"He never felt sorry for himself." The hun commended parents in can newspaper. "I, gave him his' medicine" in The boy captured the world's the school community. She said school, she recalled. "It tasted heart three years earlier when the that when Brendan was enrolling awful. He'd take it, say 'ugh,' and pope hugged him as he reached in kindergarten, s!te prepared herthat was it." from his father's arms to tug the self for objections from some parThe only special precaution the pope's ear at a meeting with AI DS ents and overbooked the class school took, the principal said, sufferers at San Francisco's his- because she expected people to , was to assign someone to assist toric Mission Dolores. The ges- withdraw their children. Brendan should he somehow cut ture from the redheaded prehimself and bleed, since the AI DS schooler visibly moved the pontiff. virus can be transmitted thr()ugh In noting the death, the Vatican contact with a patient's blood. newspaper saic\ Brendan offered That never happened. the world the "fullness of a life that In an interview with CNS after even as it slipped away from him , the first meeting between the pope became more precious to every,and Brendan, Mrs. O'Rourke said The Harold K. Hudner Oncolone." The newspaper, which printed ogy Center at St. Anne's Hospital, the papal visit with people with a photo of the pope hugging the AIDS removed the stigma her Fall River, has become associated boy, added that he left the world family felt. with the Cancer and Leukemia "with another hug of peace." Now people know "we're reguGroup B (CALGB), a national "The world still needs to under- cancer research group. lar people like they are," she said. stand - in these hours more than The meeting taught people that St. Anne's is the only hospital in ever - that the struggle is for life, southeastern Mass'achusetts asso- "AI DS doesn't know any boundaras Brendan taught us, and not for ciated with CALG B, a relationies." death," it added. ship made possible thro"ugh St., Brendan's death at the U niverAnne's affiliation with the Dana Montie Plumbing sity of California-San Francisco Farber Cancer Center in Boston. Medical Center followed numerArea patients participating in & Heating Co. ous trips to the hospital for treatCALGB clinical programs will no Over 35 Years ment for AIDS complications. longer have to travel to Boston or of Satisfied Service Hopes of a miraculous cure also other cities for treatment. .Reg. Moster Plumber 7023 sent him to the Lourdes shrine in "The affiliation provides patients JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. France and to the beatification access to the latest national pro432 JEFFERSON STREET ceremony of Franciscan Father tocols in chemotherapy radiation Junipero Serra in Rome in 1988, FalLRiver 675-7496 and cancer treatment and offers where the youngster received comour medical staff education and munion from the pope. research information as it happens Msgr. Patrick O'Shea, pastor of across the country," said Richard :\L\\AYS W)\EY :\\AILi\BLE St. Cecilia's Church in San FranHellwig, M D, chief of medical cisco, told Catholic News Service oncology at St. Anne's. FOR HmlE Pl RCHASE OR that about a thousand people In order to be accepted by I\IPRo\HIE\T attended an Aug. 19 prayer service CALGB, the Hudner Oncology at the parish for the boy he desCenter underwent a review procribed as "an upbeat little kid." cess which included a site visit, The death was somewhat sudinpatient and outpatient surveys den, he said. Only a week before, and a review of staff credentials. he had met Brendan as he was CALGB, one of the first coopwalking out of the hospital and 'erative oncology groups, has talking about an expected welexpanded its clinical and research ; D::i) 18.!5 come-home party, the priest said. concentration to include treatment \\TIll <:O\\1\II:\T OFFIU~, Brendan's parents, John and ofleukemias, lymphomas, breast '11IROI (;IJ()! T SOl TIIE\SI1R\ \t\'\.\ Elaine O'Rourke, took the death and lung cancers.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive'r-Fd.; Aug.' 31: 1990 ....

POpe criticIz'es' Latin pastoral programs' The pope expressed his "overall positive evaluation" of colonial evangelization given the "difficult circumstances" faced by missionaries. They had "to invent new methods of evangelization aimed at nations and people of different cultures," he said, noting that the first missionaries were members of religious orders. "In evaluating the activities of those missionaries, we cannot apply

VATICANCITY(CNS)- Pope John Paul II has criticized what he said are efforts by some Latin American religious to set up pastoral programs against the wishes of local bishops and to overly politicize their activities. There is "an erroneous interpretation" based on a "Marxist code" which equates "the option for the poor with the vow of pove-rty," he said. The pope complained of "deviations and overly radical a.nd unilateral attitudes" by religious which have harmed their unity with the hierarchy. He also jumped into a major Latin American controvt~rsy by defending the Catholic evangelization campaign that accompanied Spanish and Portuguese colonization of the Americas.

Diocesans to attend World Youth Day at Czestochowa shrine in Poland VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has encouraged growing contacts between youths of East and West at a time of "profound changes" realigning world relationships. The aim should be "working to build a society in which all peoples will live fraternally together," the pope said. The papal encouragement came in his 1991 message for World Youth Day, to be celebrated next Aug.15. He asked youths from around the world to join him at the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland next Aug. 14-15 for an international youth rally to celebrate the day. A group of young people from St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River, is making plans to attend the rally. "It will be a pilgrimage of freedom across the frontiers of states which, more and more, are opening to Christ," said the pope. "Young people of the countries of Eastern Europe, I have a word of special encouragement. Do not miss this appointment," he said. "Already now, it can be seen as a memorable encounter between the youth of the churches of East and West," he said. Because of the democratic reforms sweeping through many of the former communist-con~ trolled countries, this will mark

It was generally positive with '~more

THIS FAMOUS PHOTO of Pope John Paul II admonishing Nicaragua's Father Ernesto Cardenal during the pontiffs 1983 visit to Central America epitomizes the ongoing tension between the Vatican and Latin America. (CNS/Wide World photo)

lights than shadows," he said. The pope's positions we:re contained in a 46-page apostolic letter to Latin America's 160,000 religious aimed at helping them prepare for 1992 celebrations of the SOOth anniversary of the arrival of Catholicism in Latin America. The pope did not directly mention a controversial catechetical program for the SOOth anniversary prepared by the conference of Latin American Religious and opposed by many of the region's bishops. But the letter addressed the main iS,sues involved in the controversy. • Many bishops complained that the program, called "Word-Life," was being used in their dioceses without their permission. The bishops said the program was too' critical of colonia.l evangelization and too ideological in its treatment of social iSSUI:S, The Vatican had intervl:ned to block use of the program. Traces of hard feelings over the confrontation remain among religious.

Synod document focuses on VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The discussion document for the 1990 world Synod of Bishops says priests need to develop an intense spiritual life to be effective ministers and avoid demoralization. It also says that secular influences and splits within the Catholic community over changes following the Second Vatican Council have led to confusion over the role of priests in church and society. Some candidates for the priesthood have been influenced by secularism, materialism and sexual promiscuity, it says, and those influences must be considered when designing seminary programs. The synod's "instrumentum laboris," or working document, calls for efforts at "human formation," fostering maturity, responsibility and fidelity to church teaching. But the document, recently released at the Vatican, says the spiritual life of a priest "takes precedence over every other aspect" of his life and must be the primary focus of formation. The theme for the Sept. 30-0ct. 28 synod is "The Formation of Priests in the Circumstances ofthe Present Day." The 60-page working document for the 1990 synod is a Vatican compilation of responses to the theme submitted by bishops, bishops' conferences and other church

today's pastoral criteria and attitudes, as these were unimaginable five centuries ago," he added. Many missionaries "raised their prophetic voices against the abuses of the colonists who sought their own interests at the expense of the rights of.others," he said. Despite the uneven manner in which Christianity took root, there was "more light than shadows if we think of the long-lasting fruits of faith," he said.


of priests

organizations. It is a guide for while some candidates "abandon said, was the' bishops' attitudes toward seminarians studying theolpreparation, reflection and discus- the pursuit of the ministerial life sion at the synod. because of the demands" of pov- ogy at a Catholic university or The need for "a specific priestly erty, chastity and obediencl~, "oth- theology faculty rather than within spirituality, total and complete," is ers who accept them show in sub- their seminary. "For some this formula offers seen against the background of sequent d~velopment that such dechanges in the church and society mands were never deeply interi- convincing advantages or is the only possibility in the local situaover the past 25 years. orized." tion," the archbishop said. Most ofthe changes in the church "These demands were undersince the Second Vatican Council stood and accepted simply as an "The progressive secularization have been positive, the document ideal, and not really lived," it said. of the university environment says, although "improper knowlThe U.S. and Canadian bishops, renders it always less suitable as a edge, bad intent or mistaken inter- and West Europeans to a .lesser place and scene for priestly formapretation" of the council's teach- degree, asked the synod to exam- tion," the archbishop said. ing' have led to some problems. Programs of ongoing formation ine the phenomenon of "burnout" A more direct challenge for those suffered "by priests of all ages," "so that priests can continue their learning and acquire better methods responsible for formation programs the archbishop said. for priests is the "deep crisis in the The problem was mentioned in in evangelization and the apostominds of some people as to the passing or not at all by other late" also are discussed in the identity of the priest, i.e., his func- bishops, he said. document. "Ongoing formation helps a tion and place in society," the docThe archbishop emphasized that ument says. a priest shortage and the increase priest resist various temptations Many of the responding bishops in the average age of a diocese's which are always present and lived called for a "clear and complete" clergy are not universal problems with varying degrees of consciousdefinition of the identity and mis- in the church. Many of the "young- ness" - such as "considering himsion of the priest as the point of er churches" of Africa and Asia self as an employee or functionary reference for designing training and some of the newly freed in service to an institution; of limand continuing education pro- churches in Eastern Europe have a iting his time of availability to others; or of restricting himself to cergrams, said Archbishop Jan ,growing number of candidates. Schotte, general secretary of the "Secularization, the crisis in in- , tain kinds of persons only," the Synod of Bishops. stitutions and conscience, eroticism document says. The priest's life of "selfless dedi"Many, many responses" also and the degrading of family life" cation to neighbor," it sa.ys, "occaasked for a thorough discussion all contribute to the decline in sions a strong reaction in that he on ways to help seminarians and candidates for the priesthood in newly ordained priests "interiorize" becomes a silent yet challenging Western Europe and North Amerindictment to the selfishness of a the values, norms and ideas im- ica, the document says. parted during their training. secularized world." Another deep division in the The working document said that Pope John Paul II has defended responses, Archbishop SI;hotte




the first time many youths from East European nations will be allowed to attend a churchsponsored international meeting.' God "is present in this evolution," which has caused profound changes' in the world recently, the pope said. "For many peoples the doors are opening the hope of a life more worthy ofthem and more human," he said. "Within nations, we can feel the strength of longing for unity that will break down every barrier of indifference and hate," he added. "We rightly rejoice that today, in an ever-increasjng number of countries, the fundamental rights of the human person are respected, even if, not infrequently, there has been ahigh price to pay in sacrifice and bloodshed," he said. The pope also warned against a freedom not controlled by moral restraints, "External freedom, guaranteed by just civil laws, is important and necessary," he said. But "external freedom alone is not enough," he added. "It must be rooted always in the interior freedom that belongs to the children of God" and which is "guided by an upright moral conscience," he said. Theme of the 1991 youth day is: "You Have Received a Spirit of Sonship."

celibacy for Latin-rite priests and said its elimination should not be a topic of the Synod of Bishops. Instead, the synod should suggest ways of strengthening seminary preparation for celibacy, he said. Christ "guided his church in choosing this way" and "invited his'apostles to commit themselves to this gift," the pope said Aug. 19 during his midday Angelus talk at Castel Gandolfo. "It was by divine design that a virgin prepared Christ for his priestly mission, which had to be completed in celibacy," said the pope. The synod wiII discuss celibacy in keeping with the Second Vatican Council's reaffirmation of it for Latin-rite priests, he said. Seminarians "must be reinforced in their conviction that celibacy is essentially a greater love toward Christ and neighbor, and that it is destined to sustain the holiness and faithfulness of Christian spouses," said the pope. The pope added that "consecrated celibacy requires a special grace, because it is an ideal which is superior to the forces of human nature and asks that the inclinations of some by sacrificed." But Christ "is not lacking in granting such grace to those he calls to the priesthood," he said.

Saint's rooms readied


ROME (CNS) - On the anniversary of their founder's death, Jesuits blessed the newly restored rooms where St. Ignatius of Loyola lived, worked and died. Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the Jesuit superior general, presided over the recent ceremony in Rome. The restoration was completed in anticipation of the 450th anniversary of the establishment of the Jesuits on Sept. 27 and the 1991 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of Ignatius' birth. The period between the two anniversaries has been designated the "Ignatius Year," and Pope John Paul II has published guidelines for obtaining plenary indulgences by praying at various churches and other places connected with the saint's life and the work of the religious order he founded. Ignatius' apartment, next to the Jesuits' Gesu Church in the center of Rome, is among places listed. A plenary indulgence granted by the church is seen as remitting the punishme.nt a person deserves as a result of sin. The pope's letter said the provincial superiors ofthe Jesuits, the church's largest order of men religious, may also designate churches in their areas as sites for receiving the indulgence. Ignatius, who was born in the Basque region of Spain, founded the Society of Jesus in 1534 in Paris when he and ~ix companions took oaths of poverty, chastity and apostolic labors in the Holy Land. He was ordained to the priesthood in Venice, Italy, in 1537 and set off with his companions for Rome. The founding of the order was approved by Pope Paul II in 1540.







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Three years later, Ignatius began construction of the building which would be his home and office until his death in 1556. A Jesuit house offormation was built up around the rooms in 1599. Small corridors and stairways connect the rooms to the rest of the building. After Ignatius' death, and especially after his canonization in 1622, the rooms became a place of pilgrimage and were repeatedly painted and elaborately decorated. . The recent restoration was an attempt to return the rooms to what they would have looked like when Ignatius lived there, said Californian Jesuit Father Thomas M. Lucas, who directed the work. The wood slats and exposed beams of the ceiling are almost entirely original, and the floor was repaved using bricks from the original attic, Father Lucas said.

Bishops refused celibacy research, author says BALTIMORE (CNS) - Psychotherapist A. W. Richard Sipe, author of a controversial book on celibacy and sexual activity among U.S. Catholic priests. said he offered the results of his research to the U.S. bishops four years ago but was turned down. In an interview with Catholic News Service, Sipe'linked celibacy problems in the church to a poor theology of s'exuality and said the purpose of his work is to help priests understand the dynam'ics of celibacy and how to achieve it. The book, "A Secret World: Sexuality' and the ~earch for Celibacy" is scheduled for publication in September by Brunner/ Mazel, a New York publishing firm. It generated wide prepublication controversy when Sipe summarized some of its main conclusions at an August meetingin Boston of the American Psychological Association. ' . Interviewed recently at his home, Sipe said he "would not have written the book" if his offer to share the research with the bishops had not been rebuffed in 1986. Catholic officials have argued that Sipe's estimate that half of

THE ANCHOR-Diocese'of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 31, 1990

U.S. priests are sexually active is inaccurate. In the interview Sipe defended his projections but said the highly publicized figures are not the main point of his book. The book, he said, is aimed mainly at analyzing how priests learn to integrate their celibacy and sexuality and what are the main elements in successful achievement of celibacy.. He said institutional problems of the church with celibacy are rooted in a lack of any adequate theology 'of human sexuality in Western culture. Asked about a credibility gap for the church's spiri'tual leadership if many priests are sexually active despite their public promise of celibacy, Sipe said that question went to the heart of his book. "I think that the spiritual leaders should question the validity. of their spiritual leadership," he said. "But ther'e is no mechanism for evaluating celibacy from the inside. That is what this book offers.... It's the first time you're given a criterion for judging the celibate process and celibate achievement."

The corridor outside the austere rooms has also been restored. In the late I7th century, baroque artist and Jesuit brother Andrea Pozzo covered the corridor with frescoes depicting the life of Ignatius~ including a scene of Ignatius playing billiards with a French nobleman. Father Lucas said the story was told that Ignatius and the nobleman placed a wager on the gam~ - whoever lost would put himself at the disposal of the other for a full month. Ignatius won and compelled the nobleman to complete the Spiritual Exercises, a 30-day retreat designed by Ignatius which is still the basis of Jesuit spirituality.


From chickens to chocolate, but problems remain LONDON (CNS) - Thirteen nuns who scrambled to find an alternate source of income when forced to slaughter their hens last fall are now bedeviled with contaminated chocolate. After the government-ordered slaughter of 5,000 hens .because some were infected with salmonella, the nuns converted an old stable block at their home in Daventry, 73 miles northwest of London, alld began producing handmade chocolate candy. However, the damp-proofing material used in the new quarters gives off a persistent odor of mothballs, which gets into some of the chocolates, barring their sale. The contamination apparently affects a proportion of every batch of chocolates. Passionist Sister Catherine of Cincinnati, the order's 83-year-old superior general, said the suppliers of the damp-proofing material acknowledged that their product was at fault and offered to pay two-thirds of the cost to fix it. "I don't see why we should pay the other third," said Sister Cathenne. In addition, she said, it will take a long time to straighten things out. "I think, in the end; the floors are going to have to come out - a very expensive job," she said. The nuns, invited to Britain from the United States in 1963 by the late Cardinal John Heenan, have invested 90,000 pounds (U.S. $ I73,000) in equipment and materials to set up their chocolate business. Sister Catherine said they' have been surviving thanks to "quite a bit of generous help" from friends and fellow religious, but the chips are down. "So, as time goes on, our future

is shrinking," said Sister Catherine. "It is so frustrating. It is hard on the spirit." "Nell' Ellg/alld 11ll-'1'IIcJlrcy wIth a Europeall FlaIr"

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.675~7151 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River GLOBE MFG. CO. GEORGE O'HARA CHEVROLET-CADILLAC GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGY. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU

• I

By Charlie Martin

BRAVE NEW HOPE Looking out of the window Can't believe what I see. Where was all this beauty when I loved you? From now on this is my world Yes we lost bun don't hurt anymore I knew there must be more to life than this. Now is the time for me I'm grateful - you set me free Baby, one good turn deserves another Now is the time for you Pray our dreams come true Could not see the world around me You were my world around me You were my world But now I keep inside my heart a brave new hope. There is no need to worry 111 find my place in the sun Better days are here to stay Times are changing and so am I Not alone 'cause there's a heart needing love I know that God will give, me one more chance. Everything seems new Have to get to know my friends again I never realized that it could be like this Time is a love continuum And I've got so much love to give I'm not afraid to start this journey again tomorrow. Sung by Basia Written by Basia Trzetrzelewska and Danny White (c) 1990 by CBS Records Inc. A READER from Evansville,vocal style to iisteners' awareness. , Ind., suggested I write about Basia's "Brave New Hope." The song concerns an individual's recovery from a relaBasia is the Polish pop star now making a reputation on the tionship that ended. Now that American charts. Her recent she is out ofthe relationship her whole life seems changed, but hit, "Cruising for a Bruising," brought more of her dynamic surprisingly, for the better. The

in our schools St. Anne School ,~


Connie Tuffile, secretary, Judy Gaudiano and Claudia Motta, treasurers. Monthly meetings are open to all parents. An open house and installation of officers will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 27. Parents will also have the opportunity to tour the . school and meet with teachers.

St. Anne elementary school, Fall River, will open Sept. 5 with an additio'nal sixth grade for an enrollment of 525 pupils. Uniforms will be required as of Sept. 6. The pre-school, directed by Mrs. Lorraine Souza, will have a getacquainted day Sept. 6 for 3-yearolds and Sept. 7 for 4-year-olds. , The regular schedule will begin Sept. 12. . Morning extended care services· will begin at 7 a.m. Sept. 5. Afternoon care, from 2:30 to 5 p.m., will begin Sept. 6. A computer program to be held three days !l week will begin Sept. 17 and a computer laboratory sponsored by the Fall River public' schools will be available for stu- , dents needing assistance in math and/ or reading. A Mass marking the opening of . school will be offered. at I p.m. Sept. 13 at St. Anne's Church.

Bishop Connolly Rev. John Murray, S.J., principal of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, has announced the orientation schedule for the opening of-the school year. Faculty members will return on Tuesday. bn Wednesday, freshmen wili report for an abbreviated class ·schedule and activities with upperclassmen between 8 a.m. and I: 15 p.m. A presentation for freshman and· transfer students and' their parents will beheld at 7:30 p.m.

Taunton Catholic .Middle School

'Uppercl~s~men will return as follows: sophomores between 8 and 11:30 a.m. Thursday; juniors between 8 and II :30 a.m. Friday; and seniors at I p.m. Friday.

TheTCMS Home/School Board recently met to plan its calendar through December. Officers are Julie Millington, president; Laurie Montori, first vice-president; Jean Catelli, second vice-president;

The Connolly Alumni Association will resume meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Father Wolf Conference Room at the school. Business items include fall events, including an upcoming golf tour-

other persoh' had become her "whole world." Now she: is "looking out of the window" and "can't believe what I see." She asks, "Where was all this beauty when I loved you?" For her, "everything seems new." She enjoys getting "to know my friends again." Inside her heart she now keeps "a brave new hope" as she knows "that God will give me one more chance." Actually, God never ceases to give us chances to improve our lives. When we are stuck in disappointment, loneliness or unfulfilled dreams, we may wonder how to break through our hurt. An important step is to reach out to God and ask for help to get beyond the pain. God encourages us to trust and have courage. However, sometimes a dating relationship that is frustrating or hurting may seem preferable to being in no relationship at all. We may think that even though then: is pain in it, at least there is connection. The prospect of being out on our own may seem scary and uncertain. "Brave New Hope" is the story of a person who choo:;es to keep her dreams alive. Indeed, it takes courage and trust in ourselves to realize we have to let go of what we may think is love, but isn't at all. Certainly there are no perfect relationships, and even in very good ones there are likely to be times of hurt and struggle. Yet a boyfriend or girlfriend should not make us chronically unhappy.·1f this is the situation in your life, look deeper into your heart and discover a brave new hope. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635. name nt, and a report on a recent tennis tournament.

Educators like ]law WASHINGTON (CNS) - As Catholic schools open for another year, Catholic educators are viewing optimistically a new Wisconsin law permitting some low-income Milwaukee parents to choose at taxpayers' expense a private" nonsectarian school for their children. Mercy Sister Lourdes Sheehan, secretary of the U.S. bishops' Department of Education, said the law is helpful in recognjzing that parents "are the first and fon:most trainers of their children." If the law "inspires public schools to improve," added Sister Catherine T. McNamee, president ofthe National Catholic Educational Association, ':the church might not have to pour': as much resources into inner-city schools."

ST. VINCENT de Paul campers take a song (Hickey photo)

'Diocesan campers share . summer adventures A record number of boys attended the·St. Vincent de Paul Camp in Westport this summer. Altogether, some 130 youngsters from the Taunton area shared adventures during a two-week session at the camp, located on 100 acres' of fields and woods near Westport Harbor. Most of the boys remained for a full camping session. For nearly 50 years the diocesansponsored camp has served boys who are identified as prospective campers by the members of the various conferences ofthe St. Vin'cent de Paul Society in the 15 parishes represented in the Greater Taunton district. Roland J. Ducharme, director of the St. Vincent de Paul Center in Taunton, is a Taunton coordinator of the annual camp. He said campers representing virtually every area parish were included in this year's group. Boys are given the opportunity to enjoy the camp sessions regardless of race, color or creed, he said. The principal objective of the Vincentians in sponsoring youngsters is to provide a happy, healthy recreational experience for beys who otherwise would be unable to attend camp. Campers took part in athletics, nature studies and learned some of the history of the Indian tribes who once populated the woods of Southeastern Massachusetts. In one of the most popular nighttime activities, campers sat around a campfire and participated in the ceremony for the installation of members of the "honor tribe." Taunton district Vincentians visited the camp during the session to put on a festive cookout for the youngsters. District President Daniel Couture led a contingent of more than 40 Vincentians from the local parish conferences to share the chores of cooking and serving. Horace Costa of Sacred Heart parish, a meat cutter byprofes-

sion, sliced the watermelons that topped off the meal. Following the cookout, the Vincentians gathered in the camp chapel for prayer and devotions conducted by Rev. William L. Boffa, director ofthe camp program. Father Boffa is the parochial vicar at S t. Joseph's parish and chaplain at Coyle-Cassidy High School, both in Taunton. There are three distinct campi.ng programs conducted at the site. In addition to the St. Vincent de Paul overnight camp program, a day camp for boys from the Fall River and New Bedford area is conducted, along with the Nazareth Camp for boys and girls with special needs. The entire complex is maintained by the Fall River diocese under the direction of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. General funding for the facilities is derived from the annual diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal. Individual campers from the various geographic areas of the diocese are sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. To assist the Vincentians in this expense, many generous contributions were received from individuals and social and fraternal clubs and veterans' organizations. Ducharme said while the Taunton area youngsters were at camp, a. fire struck an apartment house on Weir Street. By coincidence, two youngsters who lived on the third floor - the floor most heavily damaged by the blaze - were safe in the camp dormitory. Their mother and a younger child were rescued froni the blaze.. Conceivably, he said, if the two boys were in their bedrooms, the fire may have resulted in tragedy for the children or for firefighters trying to rescue them from the burning apartment. Special arrangements have been made for the two boys, who are now homeless due to the fire. Reprinted by permission from the Taunton Gazette.

Schoo) prayer Ok'd SALT LAKE CITY (CNS) The diocese of Salt Lake City has backed a state of Utah decision to allow prayer at public sch()ol fU!lctions, but has suggested members of minority religious be enl;ouraged to offer prayers from their traditions so the practice may be handled more fairly. 'Diocesan officials were responding to a law~ suit filed against two public s(:hool districts by Michele Parish-Pixler, state head of the American Civil Liberties Union. The suit charged that students' First Amendment rights were violated when prayer was offered at graduation exercises.

BEATING THE HEAT: swimmers, from left, are Justin Adomaitis, B.J. Ellis, Jason Costa, Brian Caron, Miguel Viveiros, Mike MacKinnon, Jeremy Laffan, Antonio Arroyo and, rear, Chad Souza. (Photo from Taunton Gazette)



. . .. .'

Recent box office hits 1. Flatliners, 0 (R) 2. Ghost, A-III (PG-13) 3. . Air America, A-III (R) 4. Presumed Innocent, A-IV (R) 5. Problem Child, A-II (PG) 6. Young Guns II, A-III (PG-13) 7. The Two Jakes, A-III (R) 8. Arachnophobia, A-II (PG-13) 9. Die Hard 2, 0 (R) 10. DuckTales: The Movie, A-I (G) By Tom Lennon One of Krista's chores at home is vacuuming the family room, the living room and the dining area every other Thursday. To make' the task less boring, she does it with her headphones on. Because the vacuum is unusually noisy, she turns the volume of the headphones u'p high, The time goes by faster, and the task seems less of a chore. But Krista's strategy is a very bad one. She is abusing and damaging the magnificent sound-receiving equipment located on each side of her head, In the normal aging process her hearing would become somewhat less sharp; but she is speeding up the process and sooner rather than later she may deeply regret the harm she is doing to her ears, Scientists call the basic unit of sound measurement a decibel (dB). When you whisper a secret to a friend, you produce 20 dB. When you and your friend hold an ordinary conversation, you put out 60 dB. At 70 dB, sound can annoy you and at 8S or 90 dB it can damage your ears. Headphones can put out more than 110 dB. They are dangerous if not used properly, as are boomboxes and expensive booster-amp car stereos. Noone is saying Krista will become deaf next year. Indeed, she may never be totally deaf, but her hearing may be lessened enough to become deeply annoying, A woman I dated some years

back had a hearing impairment in her left ear. And so whenever we sat down together - at dinner or a movie - she had to sit on my left side in order to converse with me easily. She told me once that her hearing difficulty annoyed her and made her tense because she so often had to strain to hear what people were saying. Now I find myself wondering if Krista will one day find herself in the same unhappy situation. What are some ways in which you can protect your soundreceiving equipment? When you have your headphones on, don't use the music to drown out other noises. If someone is playing the television loudly, why not move to another room rather than compete with the noise? If you're walking in the midst of noisy traffic, take your headphones off. If you can't hear any of the sounds around you, beware you've got the volume too high, - No maqer where you are, if background noise makes normal conversation impossible, either get out or somehow reduce the noise as soon as possible. If you have to shout to be heard, something is wrong. If you have to be in noisy environments frequently, use earplugs, just as you would use sunglasses to protect your eyes from glare. Earplugs, incidentally, will enable you to hear a rock concert without the decibels damaging your ears.

Horror filmmakers should consider hamster stars By Hilda Young Have you see'n' the recent major horrorfihn, theo'ne'about spiders?' Hah! Pshaw! Soft potatoes! If those guys really want to make a' flick that gives us the cold· sweats, they should consider one titled "Hamsterphobia," It would star those gre~ade-size creatures 'that a're hiding' oui in millions of horries across America', plotting a mass attack that will make Alfred Hitchcock's "Birds" seem like an afternoo~ with Pollyanna. -, If this soun'ds mildly autobio'" graphical, I admit our own hamster, Freddy Houdin,i, could playa leading role. ' He started out simply as Fuzz-: pud.· He earned' Freddy (as in Kru'eger) Houdini (as in Harry the escape artist) for his frightening ability to break out of his "escapeproof' cage of steel, wood and bulletproof glass. Those few of you who have not been seduced into taking one of these cuddly balls of terror into your home might laugh. Truth is, F. Houdini on a bad night at large in the house can generate hideous scratching, chewing sounds that make your goosebumps sweat.

On a good night, 01' Houdini can do an impressive impersonation of a deranged killer lumbering through youi' house with a machete in one hand and an ax in the other. Born thespian. That's why they call 'em "hain"sters. ' ' Waking with a start last'nighi, f heard my husband yelp,."Killer on the loose, jump from' our window and save yourself!"" .': "Cute," I mumbled. "Houdini is on the prowl again?" "Maybe I can find him." he ,replied, As he slipped from bed, I heard cine of the mos~ bloodcurdling sounds of my endangered life. It seemedlo come from my husband. It started low and guttural, but rapidly became what is known in horror film circles as a shriek'

Recmtell WI1IlIllJll'l$SlO" of Vanety


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• • • • • • • ' ... -

1l" '.



{ •••

St. Bernard earns baseball crown In only their third season in the league, St. Bernard's of Assonet has captured the 1990 championship trophy in the Fall River Area CYO Baseball League, Regular season champs for the second straight year, St. Bernard's led the league this season with a 21-4 record followed by St. William's at 18-7. St. Anne, St. Michael, Notre Dame and Holy Name finished in that order respectively. In the league playoffs, St. Bernard and St. William drew first round byes while St. Anne's defeated Holy Name in two straight .games and St. Michael's won two in a row over Notre Dame. In the semi-final round St. Anne played magnificent defense and got great pitching from Steve Fortin and Jeff Tallman to defeat defending champion St. William's in two straight games, 11-2 and 4-0, earning the right to enter the championship finals for the first time in ten years. In the other semi-final round St. Bernard took two in a row from St. Michael. This set up a potentially exciting cha~pionship playoff round. Be-' hind the strong pitching of Steve Shimp, St. Bernard took the first game by a score of 8-4. Fortin











... '"









could not hold back the loud bats of St. Bernard. Game two was an exciting extrainning affair. John Rapoza started for St. Bernardand he was opposed by Jeff Tallman. St. Anne's went out in front by a score of 4-1 but St. Bernard's tied the game and then went ahead in the top of the seventh inning by a score of 6-4. St. Anne's would not die and scored two in the bottom of the seventh to send the game into extra innings. Finally, in the top of the ninth inning, due to some poor fielding by St. Anne's, St. Bernard's pushed across three runs and ended up winning the game and the championship, its first ever in the Fall River Area CYO league.

The Other Way Round "One who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love ofthe giver."-Thomas A Kempis

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Reprl1tea with perrIISSIDIl of Vanety


1990 CNS Q'aphCS

Symbols following reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-13parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2~approved for adults and adolescents;' A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morally ~fftmsive ~iii,ch, hQwever,: require some analysis and explanation); O...morally . offensive.. '

. P oCI'grows At a recent Internation'al Circle Daughters of Isabella convention. in Montreal, ·it·\vas anno'u~ced that membership. had increased by 3,810 and now totals over 96 000 persons in the United States 'and: Can~da:, including many in the Fall River di~cese.


WW!" . ' .. Egads·... I cried from under the covers, "what's happening?" "1-1-1-1 stepped square on ...(he stammered, paused) .. , on a wadded up sock." "Let's keep this thing between us," he suggested menacingly. No problem. Besides, I prefer to think he was rehearsing for' a bit part in "Hamsterphobia." . '

.. , 0THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 31, 1990


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Aug. 31,1990

:Ileering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as _lias full dates of allactlvIlles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not norlYUllly CIIrry naws of fundraising activIties. We ara happy to CIIrry noUces of spiritual programs. club mHUng., youth proJecta and similar nonprofit actlvltle•. Fundral.lng projects may be advertised at our regUlar rates, obtainable from The Anchor bualne.. office, telephone 675-7151. On StHring Polnta Items FR IndlCllte. Fall RIver, NB IndlCllte. New Bedford.

ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON: Upcoming CCD activities: registrations 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. II, CCD center; evening of reflection for teachers 7 p.m. Sept. 6, CCD center; opening liturgy Sept. 16. Parents may meet following the liturgy for refreshments and a video while grades I, 4, 5 and 6 are in session. Parish guild corporate communion 10:30 a.m. Sept. 9; brunch will follow. Information: Jean Arikian, 823-2636; Dot Emond, 8224140. Vincentians will collect canned goods Sept. I and 2 in baskets at church entrance. COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE New series of natural family planning classes beginning Sept. 9, St. Mary's parish center. Mansfield; information: Jon and Maureen Howey, 339-4730. FREE ORGAN A double keyboard electric Gulbransen organ with bench and music is available at no charge. Write Organ, PO Box 7, Fall River 02722.

SECULAR FRANCISCANS St. Francis of Peace Pre-Fraternity meets 2 p.m. Sept. 9, Holy Trinity Church, W. Harwich. Mass celebrant Father Kevin Mullin, OFM, will speak on medical ethics. Information: Dorothy Williams, 394-4094. HOLY NAME, FR School advisory council officers are Vincent Fitzgerald, president; Mary Biltcliffe, vice-president; Sandra Pietruska, secretary. CYO girls' basketball registration for grades 4 through 8, Ito 3 p.m. Sept. 9, school gym; tryouts 5 to 8 p.m. Sept. 14 and 10 a.m. to I p.m. Sept. 15. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO, Healing service and Sunday Mass with Father William T. Babbitt, parochial vicar, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 2. Religious education teachers needed for grades 3, 8 and 9. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER For information on Sept. 21-23 weekend contact Joe and Carolyn Fennell,432-7909. ST.'LOUIS, FR , Women's Guild first meeting of season 7 p.m. Wednesday; new members welcome. ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH Grades I through 7 CCD teacher's meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 9; a company representative will explain new textbooks. Teachers needed, particularly for grade 8. Choir rehearsals begin 7 p.m. Thursday; new members welcome.


CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, HYANNIS A special eight-meeting Bridge to Other Widowed support group program will begin Oct. 3; those interested are asked to contact CSS as soon as possible. Information: 771-6771. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Father Bob Mosher will show a video on Chile 7 p.m. Sept. 8, parish center. 55 PETER AND PAUL, FR Registration for new CCD students after Masses Sept. 9. HOLY NAME, NB Religious education teachers needed; training and assistance are available; . information: rectory or the Guilberts, 992-6021. CCD registration for new students after all Masses Sept. 8-9 and 15-16 except 7:30 p.m. Masses. Catholic school students in grades 2, 9 and 10 should register for sacrament preparation. Classes begin Sept. 30. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Mass for feast of Blessed Bronislawa of Krakow 7:30 a.m. tomorrow preceded by devotions at 7:20 a.m. Holy Rosary Sodality first meeting of season I: 15 p. m. Sept. 9. ST. PATRICK, FR St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet each last Wednesday. Officers are Arthur Correia, president; Waiter Burns, vice-president; George Newbury, treasurer; and Roger Salpietro, secretary. Women's Guild will meet on first Mondays with the exception of Sept. 2 and Jan. 7; officers are Grace Correia, president; Elizabeth Murray, vice-president; Jean Judge, secretary; and Ann Oliveira. treasurer. ST. JAMES, NB CCD registration after all Masses this weekend, church hall. CCD teachers needed; contact Mary Worden, 992-7122.

ST, JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Opening of school Mass 7 p.m. Wednesday; all students and their parents are invited. A meeting for religious education teachers will follow in the religious ed ucation center. Classes begin Sept. 8, with Monday and Tuesday classes and Thursday confirmation class all meeting that week. Students and parents of the Wednesday confirmation class will meet 7 p.m. Sept. 26. ST, FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS First meeting of parish Boy Scout troop 7 p.m. Sept. II, parish center. Catechists needed; contact Sister Cora Marie or Sister Becky, parish center, 775-6200. CATHEDRAL, FR CCD registration for new students 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 4 and 5, CCD office at the school. Teachers and office help are needed; contact one of the priests. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE High School youth ministry backto-school gathering 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, R.E. center. Parish council outreach committee has designated its August monthly grant of $300 to go to Independence House, a Hyannis shelter for battered women and families. Parishioners wishing to recommend a charity for a monthly grant may contact a council member, priest or the parish office. The parish congratulates Jim Phalan who will profess final vows in the Holy Cross order tomorrow at Notre Dame, Indiana. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Paul Dion, Madeline Vrona and Joe and Joy Vivieros will coordinate the CCD program. Teachers are needed; contact the rectory. Registration for grades I and 2 and confirmation I and 2 Sept. 9. Classes for grades 3, through 8 begin Sept. 8; confirmation classes on Sept. 12 and. grades I and 2 on Sept. 15.

O.L. CAPE BREWSTER Vincentians will collect grocery donations on Harvest Sunday, Sept. 2.' Ladies' Guild executive board meeting 9:30 a.m. Sept. 4, parish center function room. Parish Scripture study will resume meeting Sept. 10; topic: Samuel I and II. Information: Joan Carney, 385-6751; Deacon Frank Camacho, 394-5023 after 6 p.m. SEPARATED/DIVORCED CATHOLICS FR area meetings will be held at 7 p.m. second Tuesdays and fourth Wednesdays at Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport. New England Regional Conference Oct. 6, Bishop Feehan H.S., Attleboro; information: Office of Family Ministry, 999-6420. VINCENTIANS Taunton district council monthly Mass 7:30 p.m. Sept. 10, St. Paul's Church; meeting follows in church hall. FR district Mass 7 p.m. Sept. 5, St. Bernard Church, Assonet; celebrants: Rev. Edward Correia, pastor, and Rev. John M. Sullivan. NOTRE DAME de LOURDES, FR Food drive for soup kitchen Sept. 1-2 and 8-9; donations may be left at church entrances. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA The youth group will prepare and serve lunch at the Church of the Ascension soup kitchen on Labor Day; toiletries donated by parishioners will be distributed. To volunteer call 675-8596. SACRED HEART, NB 8th through 12th graders may join the youth group; contact Father Clement Dufour, 993-1204. CCD registration I) a.m. to noon Sept. '8; classes begin 9 a.m. Sept. 15. Parish picnic Sept. 9, St. Vincent de Paul Camp.

Pope leaves tomorrow for four-nation trip to Africa

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CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) - On the eve of his seventh trip to Africa, Pope John Paul II said the continent was showing strong signs of Christian vitality. Preparations for an African synod of bishops, in particular, have raised great hopes for all Catholics and made clear that the church is assuming "an African face," the pope said Aug. 26. The continentwide synod is expected to take plact; in the mid-1990s. The pope said the preparations and reflections leading, up to the synod have generated "joy and enthusiasm" among the entire African church. "The way of being Christian, proper to that cultural context, is taking ever-clearer shape" in the African church, he said. The pope spoke after an Angelus blessing at his summer villa south of Rome. He leaves tomorrow for a 10day trip to Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Ivory Coast, countries that embody many of the African continent's troubles and aspirations. During his tour through East Africa, he will witness the successes and shortcomings of "African socialism" in Tanzania, at a time when one-party rule in that country - and throughout the continent - is under increasing challenge. Rwanda, a fertile land pushed to ecological limits by population growth, will give the pontiff a close-up look at an active church that is allied with the government on many social fronts. In tiny Burundi, the pope is expected to bless a movement for national reconciliation in the wake of bloody ethnic rivalries that have lasted decades.

Finally, in what may be the most controversial gesture of all his African travels, the pope will stop in West Africa and consecrate a $150 million cathedral in the Ivory Coast - a relatively well-off country that has recently fallen upon economic hard times. Throughout his journey, the pope will speak to Africa's growing Catholic communities, encouraging them to keep up their "selfevangelization." One topic is sure to be on the pope's mind: the region's increasing number of priestly vocations. It is significant - and highly unusual - that he will ordain priests in each of the three main countries on the itinerary. The pope will crisscross Tanzania, a country where the church has tripled in size during the last 30 years and won national respect through its social programs. Tanzanian leader Julius Nyerere, who stepped aside as president in 1985 but who still carries enormous influence in his country, is a devout Catholic who introduced a brand of socialism the church could live with. The church saw in Nyerere's "Ujamaa" or "family community" program a blend of Christian and African values. Catholic leaders supported his efforts to reduce illiteracy, redistribute income to the poorest and set up cooperative systems at the village level. For a long time, almost any educated person inTanzania was a product of the Catholic school system. When the government nationalized schools in 1970, that influence diminished. More and more, the church has placed its personnel and resources in health care. Today it manages 44 hospitals, 287 health centers and 10

leper colonies - essential services in an area where the government has recently had to cut funding, AIDS is spreading quickly throughout East Africa, and its victims are given special attention by the church and its clinics. The pope will tour heavily Catholic Songea in the south, Mwanza on the'shores of Lake Victoria and Moshi next to Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast. He will also spend two days in the capital, Dar es Salaam, which has become a magnet for out-of-work young villagers. tanzania's failing economy is the dominant fact of life for its 26 million people. It remains one of the world's poorest countries and is struggling under a$4 billion foreign debt. In Burundi, the pope will spend two days in a country sometimes called the "Switzerland of Africa," but which has a history of bloody ethnic and political fighting. The conflict has had a marked effect on the church. Members of the minority Tutsi population have dominated Burundi politics, despite their being outnumbered by a 6-1 ratio by


ican, this is an important sign of ecclesial health. R wanda has one of the fastestgrowing populations in Africa, and its small territory is already bursting with the highest population density on the continent. The country's bishops have promoted natural family planning techniques as an answer to the crisis. The situation is worsening, however. Last spring, hundreds died in what relief workers called a "green famine" - caused by exhausted land, slumping commodity prices and depleted food reserves. Catholic priests and nuns were among those handing out food bags every day. The government depends on the church in other ways, too. R wanda's Catholic school system is extensive, and its network of orphanages, maternity clinics and centers for the handicapped has drawn official praise. The pope will end his trip with an overnight stop in the Ivory Coast city of Yamoussoukro, to celebrate an inaugural Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. The church, which resembles St. Peter's / Basilica in Rome and rivals it in size, was the gift of President Felix Houphouet-Boigny. The pope accepted the basilica only after a hospital was worked into the long-range building plans, symbolizing the church's commitment to both the spiritual and ' material well-being of Africans. Vatican officials hope this will mute some of the criticism aimed at the lavish project in a country experiencing a serious economic crisis . While in Yamoussoukro, the pope will meet with bishops to plan for 'an African synod pro@1990 eNS Graphics jected for the mid-1990s.

H utus. While tribal animosity goes back hundreds of years, some of the worst violence occurred in 1972, when Tutsis massacred 120,000 Hutus. The church has called it a "genocide" of the Hutu voting elite. Nearly all Hutus are Catholic. Church-state relations worsened in the 1980s under the regime ofCol. Jean-Baptiste Bagaza, who nationalized seminaries, jailed priests, expelled nearly 600 missionaries and suppressed catechesis and church life. In 1987, Bagaza was overthrown, and the new government has restored all the church's traditional rights. In recent years, two top Vatican officials have visited Burundi to aid in the recovery of a country 60 percent Catholic. In Burundi and neighboring Rwanda, local churches are heavily involved in health and social services, staffed largely by religious women. The vocation rate for priests in this part of Africa is so high that Burundi, for example, has begun to send missionaries to other parts of Africa. For the Vat/'./

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