eanc 0 VOL. 21, NO. 35
Bishops Support Full Employment
Declares Support Of Vermont Nun 'Deplorable' NEW ORLEANS ~C) - Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans labeled as "absolutely deplorable, contrary to Catholic doctrine, and completely illogical" the affirmation given by the National Assembly of Women Religious (NAWR) to Sister Elizabeth Candon, secretary for human services of Vermont, for her stance regarding the equal access of all women to legal rights. Sister Candon supported the use of state funds to pay for abortions for the poor women, for which she was criticized by Bishop John Marshall of Burlington, Vt. 'Archbishop Hannan, in his column for the Aug. 25 issue of the Clarion Herald, New Orleans archdiocesesan newspaper quoted a report on the Aug. 4-8 NAWR convention in New Orleans: The group made it clear that it was not an affirmation of abortion, but rather a stance to affirm the fact that in these Turn' to Page Five
1Sc, $S Per Year,
The Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts, while supporting the "forthright 1977 Labor Day Statement of the United States Catholic Conference," have also issued a' statement of their own, endorsing National Employment Week and calling attention to unemployment statistics in theCommonwealth. Signed by Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, 路Bishop Christopher J. Weldon, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan and Bishop Timothy J. Harrington, the statement follows: We, the ,Board of Governors of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, give our full support . to religious, business, labor, civil rights and other leaders across the country in endorsing the NaTurn to Page Five
It's back to school, farewell to summer joys for 60,101 children under Catholic instrudion in diocese
Labor Day Statement Demands Full Employment
Encuentro Shows Hispanic Growth
By Cliff Foster
A tremendous sense of the growing importance and leadership of Hispanics in the American Catholic Church is the overriding impression carried away by Father James E. Murphy from the Second National Hispanic Pastoral Encuentro, which closed a three-day Washington meeting last week. "At the first Encuentro, five years ago, there was one U.S. Turn to Page Five
WASHINGTON (NC) Two officials of the U.S. Catholic Conference (USCe) have criticized President Jimmy Carter for not keeping his campaign promises on full employment. ~ "President Carter called for a national commitment to full employment and endorsed the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act in his campaign, but has thus far failed to follow through on these pledges," said
Msgr. George Higgins, USCC secretary for research, and John Carr, usee urban issues coordinator, in a joint Labor Day statement. '~He has put forth a modest program of economic stimulus and public employment initiatives which has reduced joblessness, but falls far short of genuine full employment," they maintained. Popularly called the Humphrey-Hawkins bill after its congressional sponsors, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Rep. Augustus Hawkins (D-Cal.), the
full employment act would require the federal government to adopt policies to bring the adult unemployment rate down to three percent within four years of passage. It has received strong backing from a variety of religious groups, including the USCC. Noting another Carter campaign promise, Carr and Msgr. Higgins said it will be a "difficult task" for the President to Turn to Page Five
Hyannis Parish Diamond Jubilee' Plans are almost complete for the diamond jubilee celebration of St. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis, founded in January, 1902. With Msgr. William D. Thomson as honorary chairman and Ted and Mary-Jo Kehoe as general chairmen in charge of a large committee, an extensive program has been planned. The general theme is "Thanksgiving to ,God: 75 Years." The observance will begin Sunday, Sept. 18 at 5 p.m. Mass with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal celebrant and homilist. Concelebrants will include former St. Francis Xavier associate pastors and visiting clergy. A ,Diamond Jubilee Ball is scheduled for 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Turn to Page Five
Asores Say' 'Nao' ANGRA, Portugal (NC) - Coadjutor Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro of Angra in the Azores Islands has refused' permission for dissident Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to celebrate Mass in any church on the islands. 'Archbishop Lefebvre, who was suspended from the exercise of the ministry last year after refusing to obey !Pope Paul VI's order that he not ordain anyone to the priesthood, is to visit the Azores at the beginning of this month.
',A .,
SISTER KATHLEEN' PETER McCANN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward, McCann, St. Thomas More parish, Somerset, professed final vows as a Sister of Mercy at ceremonies in her parish celebrated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin.
NEW SERIES An eight-part series, "Divorce and Catholics," begins on page 10 of this issue. Helpful reacUng for all involved in an often agonizing situation.
1 AT PROVINCIAL MEETING of Sacred Hearts Fathers, held at Wareham monastery of community, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, center, concelebrated Mass with Father William Davis, 55.CC., provincial, left, and Father Fintan Sheerin, SS.CC., vicar general of congregation.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
ill People.Places.Events-NC News Briefs (b To Preview "Soap'
Acquit Priest
PROVDENCE, R. I. - Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of 'Providence will preview three episodes of ABC's fall series "SOAP," before the loca.l ABC affiliate decides whether to run the show. Edwin W. Pfeifer, vice president and general manager of WPRI-TV in Providence, said his station will probably run the series but he IS withholding final judgment pending the bishop's comments. '
PRETORIA, South Africa - A South African court has acquitted a leading spokesman for the South African bishops of all three charges he faced over the possession or distribution of banned matrials. The court said that Dominican Father Arnold Dominic Scholten, 47, general secretary of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, was not shown by the government to have willfully committed the alleged offenses or to have been negligent in determining whether the material allegedly in his possession was banned.
BISHOP PATRICK FLORES of San Antonio makes point at Encuentro workshop in 'Washington, D.C.
INDIANAPOLIS - The top policymaking and legislative body of Knights of Columbus (K of C) has endorsed a proposed family rights amendment to the Constitution while it took a swipe at the Equal Rights Amendment and efforts to legitimize homosexual "marriages." Other resolutions passed at the 95th meeting of the Supreme Council reaffirmed the K of C's position that abortion violates' the unalienable right to life and attacked "living will" legislation.
Advertisers Ni:1t 'Soap'
What It Is
Several advertisers, responding to a letter from the Goalition for No "SOAP" asking them not to be involved in ABCTV's proposed fall series, have told the coalition that they too find "SOAP" objectionable. Representatives of major companies such as J. C. Penny and Ralston-Purina have told the coalition that they will not place advertising on the new series.
WASaINGTON Acknowledging that "evangelization resists an easy definition," Archbishp Robert F. Sanchez of Santa Fe, N.M., told 400 delegates to the second National Hispanic Pastoral Encuentro that "it must be a living union" of content, commitment, proclamation and witness.
Youth Appeal. tc. Bishops FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Young Franciscan tertiaries from the Midwest have asked the world's bishops to give serious attention to the needs of Catholic youth, especially in parishes. More than 100 members of the Third Order of St. Francis, including a dozen priests and adult leaders, took up the issue at a convention at St. Francis College :in Fort Wayne.
Encouraged to C:ontinue
MSGR. WILLIAM THOMSON, pastor of St. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis, is preparing for church's diamond jubilee celebration at end of month.
ROME - In an open le:~ter, the Jesuit superior general, Father Pedro Arrupe, and top Jesuit officials from countries in Northern Latin America hSlve encouraged Jesuits threatened with death in El Salvador to continue working for rural reforms and social justice.
Name Bishop Rausch WASHINGTON - Bishop James S. Rausch of Phoenix, Ariz., the former general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops - U.S. Catholic Conference (NCCB-USCC), has been named chairman of the NCCB's Ib,.d Hoc Committee on Farm Labor.
NEW YORK Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York has asked all priests in his archdiocese to begin a special pro路 gram of prayer for the return of peace and order to New York City.
Abortion Alten.atives
FATHER JOHN GALLAGHER, Marion, Iowa, has received the annual Leadership Award from the National Apostolate for the Mentally Retarded.
ERASE, They Say ECORSE, Mich. - A citizens' group led by a Catholic pastor says it will sue the city of Ecorse it it does not enforce an ordinance against pornography by closing a theater that features live .burlesque and X-rated films. Ecorse Residents Against Showing Erotica (ERASE) have been picketing the Harbor Theater for five months, according to Father Joseph Feminineo, who heads ERASE.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano is planning to seek the elimination of Medicaid eligibility rules which restrict poor woman's access to welfare and medical care in 28 states. The movl~ will be part of an. "alternative to abortion" package being developed by HEW. Lack of access to income -and prenatal, maternal and postnatal care is generally regarded as a pressure on a woman to have an abortion.
MSGR. THOMAS' FEE, 53, has been named Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, succeeding the late Cardinal William Conway.
Reduce Papal Load CASTELGANDOLFO, Ualy - Aides of Pope Paul VI are striving to keep the aging Pontiff's work load down to bare bones during the vacation time he has left. The Pope is passing one of his quietest summers ever at his hillside villa in Castelgandolfo, receiving only a few official visitors.
Worst Over? HALES .cORNER, Wis. - The small but. steady gains in the number of persons路 entering religious life indicate that the worst of the current vocations crisis is over, according to .the president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM). Franciscan Father Alan McCoy of Oakland, Calif., discussed the vocations situation as keynote speaker at an institute on Pallottine spirituality here.
DANNY THOMAS, TV comedian noted for his work for sick children, says his credo is "I believe in the Lord and the basic teaching to love one another."
Umpteenth for Democracy VATICAN CITY - The new treaty over control of the Panama Canal is "the umpteenth point in democracy's favor," the Vatican's weekly magazine said in an editorial. L'Osservatore della Domenican said that "certain currents" throughout the world sought to heighten the tension' between the United States and Panama during negotiations for a new treaty. It concluded, however, that the agreement scores a blow for democracy.
Deplores Barnard Pact VATICAN CITY- The Vatican daily newspaper has accused heart-transplant pioneer Dr. Christian Barnard and his brother of seeking to "legitimate and spread the criminal procedure of euthanasia" by entering into a death pact. The famed South African heart surgeon has announced that he and his brother, also a heart specialist, had pledged that, if one's health degenerated to the point that his life was not worth living, the other would help him com路 mit suicide.
ARCHBISHOP KARL ALTER, retired Archbishop of Cincinnati, died last week at age 92. He left all his possessions in trust to his successor, Archbishop Joseph Bernardin, to be used for charitable purposes.
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 1, 1977
Birthright Unit Has Anniversary A Mass of thanksgiving at Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville, followed by a potluck supper, marked the fifth anniversary of Birthright of Cape Cod. Diane Nielson was installed as new director of the Cape unit by Susan Anderson, regional Birthright director. She succeeds Cathy Carpenter. Awards were presented to five-year board members and volunteers of the organization, which offers aid to women with problem pregnancies. Addresses stressing the importance of the Birthright program were given by Father Francis Connors, pastor of Our Lady of Victory, and Msgr. William Thomson, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, both of whom were concelebrants at the opening Mass.
Priests' Retreat Priests of the diocese will be on retreat during the next two weeks, attending one of two sessions to be held at Cathedral Camp, Lakeville, under direction of Father Robert Carson, O. Praem of St. Norbert Abbey, De Pere, Wisc. The first retreat begins Monday, Sept. 5, continuing through Friday, Sept. 9; the second will be held the week of Sept. 12 through 16..
Benedicfine Oblates Benedictine Oblates will hold a day of recollection Sunday, Sept. 4 at Portsmouth Abbey, Rhode Island. It will begin with Mass at 9:30 a.m. and conferences will be held at 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meals will be served at 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited and further information is available from the abbey or from Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, telephone 672-1439.
Always Persecution "Ab, my brother, you are mistaken, you are mistaken, if you suppose that there is ever a time when the Christian does not suffer persecution." - St. Jerome."
Bishop's Ball Plans Begin
WITH RETARDED YOUNG ADULTS during their visit to L'Arche communities in Canada are Sister Patricia Custy, RSM, at center in left picture, and Sister Maureen Mitchell, RSM, seated at center in right picture. Both are on faculty of Nazareth Hall, Fall River.
Nazareth Hall Nuns Aglow with Vision Of Christian Community for Retarded By Pat McGowan Two Sisters of Mercy on the faculty of Nazareth Hall, Fan River, spent a month this summer sharing the life of a L'Arche community in Canada and have returned aglow with the vision of what membership in a Christian community can mean to retarded adults. Sister Maureen Mitchell, Nazareth Hall principal, and Sister Patricia Custy, a teacher at the school for exceptional children, visited a L'Arche home in Stratford, Ontario, one of about 50 around the world founded by Jean Vanier, a former seminar· ian and son of a former Gover· nor-General of Canada. Aim of the homes, which take their name from the French word for "Ark," symbolizing a place of hope, is to promote the dignity and realize the worth of mentally handicapped adults. Among the many small miracles attendant on L'Arche, said Sister Patricia, is that "the Lord seems to provide a constant supply of young people willing to do the work of the homes."
PREPARING FOR ANNUAL La Salette Family Festival, to be held today through Labor Day at LaSalette Shrine grounds in Attleboro, are, from left, Brother Raymond Dulac, M.S.; Mike Dziuba, New Bedford; Ray Meiers, Attleboro; Roland Robenhymer, Esmond, R.I.; and Father Bernard Baris, M.S., newly appointed shrine treasurer. The fair, one of the largest community festivals in southeastern New England, will offer over 50 booths, games, raffles, a large midway and daily entertainment. Over 400 volunteers, headed by Father Gilles Genest, Brother Raymond and Father Baris, have been involved in its preparation.
She explained that L'Arche houses may be in country or city and may also include supervised apartment living. In Stratford, L'Arche facilities comprise a farm, a city house and an apartment. Overseeing all and providing a stable patental image are an older couple, the wife a retired high school principal. The pattern of young volunteers and more mature directors is followed in most L'Arche homes, s.aid the Sisters, explaining that the young people are often students taking a year or so out of college "to see what they want to do with their lives." Volunteers frequently also include priests and Sisters. Sister Patricia commented on the great respect shown L'Arche residents. "They are never, for instance, referred to as boys and girls, but always- as men and women." Another point she made was that at first it is hard to tell the handicapped from the volunteers, so completely are daily routines shared. iL'Arche strives for normalcy," she said. "People are given every opportunity to learn, making mistakes if that's part of it." Most residents work at sheltered workshops, taking public transportation to reach their jobs, and Sister Patricia noted that public acceptance of the handicapped is excellent. "People don't patronize them, just treat them as ordinary members of the community." Prayer is an important part of . L'Arche life, she said, with nearly an hour of Scripture reading and community sharing scheduled daily. "No one's obliged to go, but everyone does," she commented. VArche life, she summarized, is simple, spontaneous and joyful. "Bread and cheese make a picnic," she said, "and at birthdays there's one simple gift from the whole community. But I was impressed over and over by the happiness of everyone." Both Sisters said they see a tremendous need for L'Archetype communities in the Fall River diocese, not least to ease the minds of aging parents as to their children's future, but
noted that church-state funding practices differ vastly in the U.S. and Canada. And Sister Patricia mused, "Would social acceptance of the retarded be as beautiful here as in Canada?"
No diocese in the United States has had an event such as the annual Bishop's BaH of the Fall River diocese over a comparable period of time, said Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes in announcing plans for the 23rd annual Ball, to be held Friday, Jan. 13 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth. Some 150 committee members have received invitations to the annual Ball planning meeting, to take .place at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2 at White's restaurant, North Westport. This year's BaH will mark the 25th anniversary of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin's ordination to the priesthood and decorations and theme will carry out the silver jubilee motif. Honorary co-sponsors of the annual charity event are the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, whose representatives will meet next month with the coordinating committee members. Ball proceeds benefit diocesan schools and summer camps for exceptional children, which are open to all children in need of their services.
......................................... .....
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
themoorin~ Mr. Studds' Achilles' Heel During the last few weeks, Gerald Studds, Congressman from the 12th District, has been paying a great deal of attention, as is his custom, to his constituency. From the Madeira Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, to the Blessing of the New Bedford fishing fleet, his presence has been duly noted. Now, there are few who could criticize Mr. Studds for lack of zeal as he pursues .his congressional responsibilities. His concern for the economic life of his district, which includes a large section of our diocese, is to be commended. The work that he has undertaken to assure the protection of our marine life is certainly worthy of praise. Yet, despite all these efforts, Mr. Studds still has more concern for baby seals than human babies. If there is an Achilles' heel in his congressional record,路 it is his philosophical and political approach to human life. Mr. Studds is not one who supports the efforts of the pro-life movement. His position on the abortion issue is abhorrent to the la.rge Catholic community from which he seeks political support. To be sure, his determination in this situation has been clouded over by his tireless efforts to better the material life of his district. It is a shame that he could not broaden his scope to include the totality of life, expending some of his energies to preserve the right to life. What makes this particular situation so annoying is that this admittedly hard-working congressman, perhaps because of his determined liberalism, is so unbending in this matter. As a result, he fails to realize that he is imposing on the largely Catholic community which he represents his own personal moral convictions - without the consenting consideration of his constituents. Mr. Studds, what good will it do if Southeastern Massachusetts becomes a materialistic boom land, i( there is no one around to enjoy it, except the select, unaborted few?
Remem'ber the Working Man The vast majority of Americans agree that the ideal of full employment is the great ideal that we must strive for within the framework of our democratic society. The American Bishops have given their full support to this concept. Our own Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts have stated in this regard that "joblessness is not simply an economic or political matter. It is a moral issue." The working man and woman have always had the full support of the Church in their efforts to obtain social justice with human dignity. After all, the Catholic Church in this country has always been an immigrant church. Immigrants are workers, not coupon clippers. Thus the renewed efforts to secure full employment in the job market must be seen as an .integral part of Catholic social doctrine. However, all of us should attempt to be realistic in this matter. This goal must be achieved within the structure of our democratic process. There is a danger in some circles that the practical implementation of this goal could in fact create bitter tensions beween labor and management. Full employment will not be achieved if either party gets its back up against the wall. Neither will it be satisfactorily accomplished if it entails constant handouts from big brother, the federal gov' ernment. The goal of full employment is the task of all sectors of society: labor, management and government. Unions must not feel that they are the sole solution to all employment problems; management must not be consumed with the greed of outrageous profits; government must not think that it can legislate the answer for each and every problem that arises in the marketplace. When these parties begin to fight amongst themselves, the one who suffers in the long run is the worker, certainly not the union boss, the plant owner or the posh politician. Together, however, they can create an atmosphere that will expand the job market so that anyone who really wants to work will find suitable employment.
John Elizalde ... retired seaman ... spends his days quietly walking the streets of New York City ... eager to share with others ... the Word of the Lord . . . which has so changed his own life. With limited education ... and unlimited dedication ... he prints his message by hand ... on colorful signs . . . which he changes from day to day. He gives away . . . or -sells . . . dozens of copies of the Psalms . . . to anyone willing to chat with him . . . and share his experience . . . and faith. His approach may not attract everyone . . . His understanding of God's Word ... may lack the sophistication some would desire . . . and might even be challenged by some other Christians. But his simplicity and sincerity . . . his respect for others . . . and his commitment to sharing God's Word ... as he experiences and understands it ... may well cause all of us ... to reflect on the New Testament challenge . . . to all Christians . . . share their faith with others. "Quietly trust yourself to Christ our Lord . . . and if anybody asks you why you believe as you do ... be ready to tell him ... and do it in a gentle and respectful way." (1 Peter 3;15).
and NE Bishops
'Bishops of New England, including Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, met last week Qt Watch Hill, RoI. to discuss the status of :;>riestly vocations in the sixstate region. The meeting was called by Providence Bishop Louis E. Gelineuu, Chairman of Region One of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops :(NCCB). Nineteen prelates, including Boston's Cardinal Humberto Medeiros and Hartford, Connecticut Archbishop John F. Wheelon, wrere present. The Bishops were joined at the end of their talks by the 11 New England Diocesan Voca-
tions Directors, including Very Rev. John J. Smith of this diocese, who shared their views and reacted to the Bishops, recommendations on increasing vocation efforts in the region. "I would say that the directors and Bishops both agreed on a definite need for an aggressive program of vocations awareness," said Bishop Gelineau." Of course, the Church views a vocation as a gift from God, and we don't intend to 'sell the priesthood' as a way of life for anyone. Rather, we are looking at ways to seek out the best men available: those with a sin-
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D:D., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore, M.A.
Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan "~if'''
leary Pren-, rail River
cere interest and a call to serve others as a priest. It isn't an easy life these days. It takes a tremendous amount of faith and a deep spiritual commitment to be a priest in today's secularistic society," noted the Providence Bishop. "We want, as Bishops, to work with our vocations people, with parish priests, families, and with young men themselves, in developing the kind of priests we need to lead the Church in the coming years:' "No one tries to hide the fact that in the '60s and '70s, there was a 'thinning in the ranks' of the clergy," said Archbishop Whealon. "We just aren't getting the numbers we used to, partly because of the materialistic world we live in. Also, people today are making life commitments at a later age. in careers, in marriage and in the priesthood and religious life. If anything, we find more men coming to us after college than ever before," he noted. The Hartford Archbishop said that he could "not overstress the importance of the average priest in the increased vocation effort," "A man who is happy in loving service of others as a priest - can be the greatest advertisement going. Every priest is a true vocations director," continued the Archbishop. Archbishop Whealon took note of the value of specialized tools such as outreach programs into parochial and public high school, weekend retreats, and peer ministries. "The concept of a 'Catholic Peace Corps,' in which a young man spends a year or two, at minimal salary, working in a pastoral field. is an ideal way to learn of a real interest in the. priesthood," he said. Such programs are already underway in the ,Dioceses of Portland (Maine) and Providence (whose program is set to begin in September.)
Swiss Bishops Fight Abortion Proposal EINSIEDELN, Switzerland N(C) - To remove penalties from abortion during the first three months of pregnancy as proposed in Switzerland leaves the unborn child's life undefended, the Swiss bishops have said. The people of Switzerland are to vote on the proposal in a referendum on Sept. 25.
Necrology Sept. 10 iRt. Rev. Felix S. Childs, 1969, Pastor Emeritus, Sacred Heart, Fall River Rev. Hugo Dylla, 1966, Pastor, St. Stanislaus, Fall River Sept. 12 Rev. John J. Galvin, 1962, Assistant, SS. 路Peter & Paul, Fall River Sept. 13 Rev. Charles A. J. Donovan, 1949, Pastor, Immaculate Conc~ption, North Easton Sept. 15 Rev. Henry J. Mussely; 1934. Pastor, St. John Baptist, Fall River Rev, Brendan McNally, S.J., 1958, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Rev. John J. Casey, 1969, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 1, 1977
Hispanic Growth Continued from Page One Hispanc bishop," he said. "Now there are eight, and it is estimated that one quarter of American Catholics are Spanish." Father Murphy is director of the Spanish apostolate in the Taunton and Attleboro areas. He was accompanied to the meeting by Father Charles Soto, OFM, director of Regina Pacis Center for Hispanics, New Bedford. Both were official delegates. Also in attendance as observers were Sister Gloria and Sister Teresa of the Guadalupe Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, a Mexican community active in catechetical work in the Fall River diocese for the past two years, with two Sisters working in New Bedford and two in Taunton. Father Murphy noted that Encuentro liturgies were particularly memorable, especially the closing celebration at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, where some 2000 Hispanics alternated in prayer and songs taken from contemporary Latin American church music. .BishopPatrick Auxiliary Flores of San Antonio, Tex., who concelebrated the Mass with 50 bishops and 70 priests, was homilist. "This is a new sun, dawning on a new era," he said. That sun shines over Church and society, he added, listing the improvement in wages for farmworkers, the benefits of bilingual education, gains at the polls as part of civil rights moves, and the growing number of Hispanics elected and appointed officials in government posts and in the judiciary. "But we are not satisfied. We have to multiply these gains by four," Bishop Flores remarked. His homily was interrupted seven times by applause.
'Deplorabl'e' Continued from Pa~e One complex times, difficult decisions on moral principles have to be made." weasel words," the archbishop weasal words," the archbishop wrote, "the 'affirmation' of Sister Elizabeth Candon's decision was to favor abortions, to grant abortions. This is absolutely wrong. Abortion is a grave sin." "Decisions are to be made on the 'basis of God's law, not the law of the state. Legal rights can be against the law of God. Slavery and discrimination were 'legal rights' at one time in this country. That did not make them morally right." The archbishop stated that not alI Sisters favored the NAWR decision, adding: ",Furthermore, I'm positive that the resolution of NAWR represents the thinking of only a small percentage of Sisters in the United States." Archbishop Hannan wrote: "NAWR has benefitted greatly the Church and society by many of its programs and resolutions. It has spoken out strongly for the rights of many oppressed groups, suporting programs that this archdiocese and others have undertaken. "We hope that the unfortunate resolution it passed will be reconsidered at a later date lind rescinded."
Hyannis Parish Continued from Page One Saturday, Sept. 24 in the parish center. Dress will be semi-formal and music will be by the Cape Cod Society Ragtime Band. A family picnic and field day will follow on Sunday, Sept: 25 from 1 to 5 p.m., with a rain date of Sunday, Oct. 2. To be held at Fair Acres Day Camp, Marston Mills, the program 'wil'l include games and contests. Grilles, charcoal and beer will be provided, say organizers, and families are asked to bring their own picnic food.
APPOINTED TO the Priests' Council by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin are from left Father Pierre E. Lachance, OP, Father Henry S. Arruda, Father Daniel L. Freitas. Pro te~ council chairman is Father Robert S. Kaszynski.
usee Continued from Page One balance the budget and reduce unemployment. "Any successful attempt to balance the federal budget will reduce action to eliminate the unemployment which is creating federal deficits through increased welfare and unemployment compensation payments as welI as reduced federal revenues," they said. "It is essential that policies of fiscal restraint not be pursued at the expense of those who lack jobs and a decent income." The two usot officials said high unemployment has become a fixture of the American economy and poses "fundamental moral, social and economic questions for' our people and our leaders." They called upon the religious community to participate in Full Employment Week, Sept. 4-10, a joint effort by some religious, labor, business, civil rights and other groups to instigate community action on the issue. Calling unemployment "enormously high" by historical and international standards, Carr and Msgr. Higgins rejected official estimates setting unemployment at seven percent of the workforce, saying the "more comprehensive measure" of 10 percent accounts for those who have stopped looking for a job and those who hold part-time, but want full-time, jobs. Joblessness hits hardest those groups "weakest in economic terms and those subject to discrimination," they said. According to the pair, figures. for April indicated that: - The minority unemployment rate was double the rate for whites, reaching 12.3 percent for blacks and 12 percent for Hispanics. - One out of every five teenagers was out of work. The rate for white teenagers was 16.1 percent; for blacks, 36.2 percent; - The unemployment rate for men and women was five and seven percent, respectively; - White collar unemployment was four percent; blue collar, 7.8 percent. While saying the economic cost of high employment is serious - it is estimated that the economy lost $4.4 trillion in Gross National ,Product as a result of joblessness in the last 20 years - it is the "human costs" that Msgr. Higgins and
Labor Day Statement
Carr lamented in their Labor Day statement. They said long
Full Employment Continued from Page One tional Employment Week, September 4 to 10. We, are pleased by the forthright 1977 Labor Day Statement of the United States Catholic Conference. Although we are concerned about unemployment throughout our nation, we are particularly saddened by the unemployment in this Commonwealth. Official figures from the United States Department of Labor and the Massachusetts Division of Employment Security show that the rate of unemployment in our state is, and has been in this decade of the 1970's, higher than the national average: Year Nat'!. Mass. 1971 5.9% 6.6% 1972 5.6 6.4 1973 4.9 6.7 1974 5.6 7.2 1975 8.5 11.2 1976 7.7 9;5 This unusually high unemployment condition in our own midst impels us to speak out for those individuals and families who are suffering. Joblessness is not simply an economic or political matter. It is a moral issue involving human dignity and social justice. It reduces a person's sense of worth. It harms family and community life. May Labor Day be a time of prayerful reflection for all persons of good will and may full employment become a reality in our land.
term unemployment causes serious problems in housing, food and health needs; destroys hope and confidence; contributes to racial tension; undermines labor unions, and is related to suicide, crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, disease and other social ills. CaIling unemployment "the most serious threat to human dignity and the most serious violation of social justice in our economic life," Msgr. Higgins and Carr urged "prompt, effective and compassionate action to put all our people to work." "Overwhelming indifference or apathy in the face of such compelling need would be a sign of serious moral failing within our society," they said. "National Full Employment Week offers us an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the achievement of the basic human right to employment for alI those able and willing to work." Msgr. Higgins has issued a Labor Day statement each year since 1955. Only once before has he coauthored the statement. That was in 1970, when the coauthor was Msgr. Geno Baroni, now an assistant secretary in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
High school CYO members will have their own celebration from 8 p.m. to midnight Friday, Sept. 30 at a dance with live music in the parish center; and the parish observance will close at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2 with a choir concert featuring Joan Moynagh as guest soloist. A silver tea will follow in the center. In connection with the jubilee, Msgr. Thomson has sponsored a parish history contest. Winners will be announced during the celebration. Gifts to the parish in honor of the jubilee include a new flag pole, to be blessed by Bishop Cronin Sept. 18, a new sign at the entrance of the parish cemetery in Centerville, and a ramp on the east side of the church, in use since May.
Normal Condition "History shows that the vital colIaboration of religion and culture has been the normal condition of human society from the beginning." - Christopher Dawson
JCDA Pledge To Aid Runaways, Shut-Ins
,PHI'LADELPHIA (NC) Delegates to the Junior Catholic Daughters of America (JCDA) national convention in Philadelphia have agreed to begin programs to aid young runaways and shut-ins, and to fight child abuse and child pornography through a letter-writing campaign.
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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 1, 1977
I propose to return to last year's controversy over the impact of the birth control encyclical on Catholic religious behavior - not because I have nothing else to fight about this week but because it
A Return TOI The Controversy Over Birth Control is of immense importance, if one wishes to get the Church out of the slump it is in, that one understand precisely why the slump is there. My colleagues and I argued last year (with overwhelming evidence) that the decline in Catholic religious practice was the result of a highly specific issue - birth control - and a highly specific event - the encyclical letter Humanae Vitae. As could be expected, many Church leaders felt the need to repudiate the argument publicly, however much they might have agreed with it privately. But a number of other Catholics contended that the explanation
Vias too simple, that there were other factors at work. We have returned to analysis of our data. One of the things which was certainly going on in America during the 1960s was a r,evolution in sexual permissiveness - not necessarily so much an increase in the sheer number of sexual acts as an increase in toleration of various kinds of sexual activity. There was a Catholic reflection of this "sexual revolution" and it is a profoundly important event for the Church, which ought to be taken with the utmost seriousness: Large families are no longer the ideal; sex may be divorced from procreation; pleasure is a legi-
timate goal of sexual activity. The change represents a complete reversal of what the ordinary Catholic perception of -the official and religious purpose of marriage and sex is. One would certainly expect that such a change would have a considerable impact on Catholic religious behavior. In fact, it has only a minor impact. Take the decline in church attendance. Our old model accounted for all the change - 20 percent of it attributable to a new cohort in the population, 46 percent to changing birth control attitudes, and 34 percent to changing attitudes on papal
authority. When the "sexual revolution" variable was put in the model it caused only minor modifications. The "revolution" accounted for only 15 percent of the decline in church attenance; changes in attitudes toward papal authority and birth control continued'to account for 65 percent of the decline in church attendance. There was, in other words, a "sexual revolution" of immense importance; buf it didn't drive people away from the Church. U was two highly specific issues - birth control and papal authority - which caused our problems, mostly independent of the "sexual revolution."
Changeless A,rrii,d路 Chang路e, Rlock Pr-ovid,es Meditation It was simply there . . . being By
My' family just spent five days at a little house on a stony beach at the edge of a large bay. Large rocks jut from the edge of the water. One evening, as I watched the sun going down, one particularly 'large rock became my meditation. Many forces contributed to that rock being where it was. It had no control over its ancestry, over its own composition:
itself. The waves washed around it - breaking against it, but unable to destroy it. In the evening light some waves glistened beautifully - the happy forces that bring bright moments. Other waves were dark, threatening. Yet the rock itself had no control over which waves bathed or battered it. It was simply there ... accepting where it was. In some areas the rock had been polished smooth, the rough edges worn away by years of adapting to the environment. 'But in other places it was still jaggered, sharp, retaining its own- -character.
The wind shifted and the bay b,ecame calm. The rock rested for a moment comfortable with where'it was. The water eased aicound it, accepting that the rock was going to continue to stand there and they might as well dwell together in harmony. With the change in direction of the wind, the bay took new highlights -from the setting sun and light bounced off the wet surface of the rock, making it glisten with the color of the sunset. As each wave rolled back, the rc,ck revealed that it was a. haVEm for algae, barnacles, little bits of life. The rock took much fr,om its environment - but it also shared.
A formidable piece of driftwood was thrown against the rock - and tossed back unable to find the mutuality that a little barnacle had. But then, the driftwood hadn't stayed long enough to learn what the rock had to offer. The barnacle had.
As I walked on the beach it seemed that part of that rock was ground into the soft band of sand that was gentle on my feet. Part of it was crumbled into the rough stones that lined the water's edge. But the rock itself was still there.
The driftwood had its own life. Momentarily it had touched the life .of the rock. Had they seen the need for each other, the driftwood might have lodged in a crevice alongside the rock. They had an opportunity to work together, and missed it. The waves laped against the rock all through the night. In the morning's sun the driftwood was lying on the beach, drying up.
The water's surface was no longer broken by that rock. The flood tide had covered it completely. It was there, though, silent beneath the surface . . . still being itself, a threat to unwary swimmers, a nuisance to complacent boatmen, and nourishment to the little fish feeding in its growth of algae. God made that rock. He didn't ask much of it . . . just to be itself.
Catholic Teac:hers: They Have Right To Organize By
The U.s. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled recently that the National Labor Relations Act does not apply to Catholic schools. Two simiar cases are pending before other circuit courts. Moreover, the NLRB, as a matter of course, will undoubtedly appeal the Chicago decision. Un-
til the Supreme Court has ruled on this appeal, the board's jurisdicijon over Catholic schools will remain in doubt. Meanwhile it is well to bear in mind that a definite Supreme Court decision will settle the Church-State issue, one way or the other, hut will have no bearing on the larger issue as to whether or not teachers in Catholic schools have the right to organize for collective bargaining. Some observers have overlooked this distinction and have concluded that the Chicago decision, if sustained by the Supreme Court, will mark the end of teacher's unions in Catholic 路schools. This is incorrect, can only serve to confuse the issue
and, if acted upon in practice, would inevitably result in a disastrous confrontation between Catholic school administrators and Catholic teacher's unions. The fact is that, regardless of hOow the Supreme Court rules on the Church-State issue, teachers in Catholic schools have the right to organize. It is also important to bear in mind that if the NLRB is ru:!ed out of the picture, a substitute set of ground rules or procedures will be needed to regulate negotiations and to guarantee due process. Catholic school administrators must also realize that teachers in Catholic schols who want to organize for the purpose ',of
collective bargaining must be granted the right to do so through a union or association of their own choice. A good friend imd respected fellow-columnist, Father John Reedy, C.S.C., touched upon this point in a recent column. He thinks that teachers' unions are not the "only way" to meet their legitimate economic needs and demands. Theoretically speaking, there is something to be said for this point of view, but practically speaking, it is somewhat irrelevant. In the first place, "church people" are not the ones who are promoting or organizing teachers' unions. These unions or associations are being organ-
ized by teachers acting on their own intiative. That's the way it should be. The decision whether or not to join a union belongs to the teachers involved and not to their employers and other "church people." In short, administrators and "church people" in general will want to bear in mind - as America magazine pointed out in a recent editorial - that "in the light of consistent church teaching, the development of strong teachers' unions in parochial sc~ools cannot rightly he regarded as a threat to the ultimate authority of the 'Pope and bishops over faith and morals,"
Next Spring's' Pruning Should Be Planln,e.d Now By JOSEPH RODERICK
This is a good time to plan tree pruning for next Spring. Trees are in full foliage and one can get a good look at shapes and determine which branches should be removed to allow for good circu:,ation and exposure to sun.
Pruning is done for a number of reasons, one of which is aesthetic. 'Not only do -we want as much fruit as possible, in the case of a fruit tree, but we want a good looking tree with a satisfactory shape. For instance, low growing branches which make maneuvering under the tree difficult and branches at bad angles or growing across other branches should be removed. Good air circulation is another reason for pruning. Without it fungus growth can affect both foliage and fruit. One can observe trees now in full foliage
to determine which branches ov,erlap and which should be reriloved to ensure adequate circulation. One other factor should be considered in pruning, the necess:ity for the tree to receive adequate sunlight on all its branChl~S and leaves. One should think of the tree as a vase of flowers. One should be able to look down from the top of the vase and see between the flowers which should form a circular" upward-reaching bouquet. By allowing sunlight to reach all of the leaves we again reduc:e fungus growth, reduce the
incidence of. chewing pests, and allow the tree to grow to its full potential. We mark branches to be pruned with a little dab of paint. This is done now when the tree is in full foliage and in the spring, it is a simple matter to do the actual pruning. Pruning is a simple matter which most people misunderstand. One never prunes for the sake of pruning. Any branch taken off a tree should be removed for a reason. If there are no branches that need removing, pruning should consist merely of removing the sucker
growths which grow from the end of each branch.
Benefit Concert La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, wHl benefit from "Father Patenaude in Concert," a program featuring Father Andre Patenaude, MS, folk-guitarist and composer, to be presented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 at St. Mary's School gymnasium on Illinois Street, New Bedford. Marriage Encounter is sponsoring the program and tickets may be reserved by calling 992-6583 in the New Bedford area and 636-3889 in the Fall River area.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
, Catholic Teachers: Poor, Holy, Non-Neu rotic? "We are the Church of the poor. In God's name, then, let us be poor." This was the theme emphasized to Catholic educators by Bishop Bernard J. Topel of Spokane, Wash., during a session on the vocation to poverty at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The bishop,- well known for his own poverty and simple way of living, told the educators, "You, above all others, are in a position to lead Catholic students to know of their vocation to poverty and to live it. So very much is at stake." Bishop Topel reminded the educators that "holiness, not merely goodness," is an essential element of the poverty vocation. "I regret that there is not an explicit call to holiness of our teachers in our Catholic schools," the bishop said. "Holiness is absolutely essential for best religious results. So important is it, that r believe that Catholic
schools should only employ of self-actualization," but in deeply committed teachers and . practice act to squelch signs of other personnel. If anyone is dis- it. satisfied with the religious re"Self-actualized kids are those sults of our Catholic schools, our who will not be bullied by the first concern should be whether system," he said. "As George the personnel is deeply com- Bernard Shaw said, they are mitted to Christ. unreasonable men. Reasonable "Holiness and commitment men accept the world as it is. are contagious. They must be Unreasonable men insist that seen. Christ must be seen in the the world change and adapt to teacher. Without this kind of them. They are the source of commitment we might as well progress." close our schools." Charging that schools and of her institutions in the United No Neurotics Wanted At another session of the ed- States are "mass-producing at ucator's convention, delegates an . alarming rate," Dyer said: were told they should make ~ure - One out of every three pertheir schools are not producing sons in the country is a neurotic neurotics. in need of treatment or hospi"The essence of helping young talization: people to be neurosis-free is the - In 1976, there were 100 models we present to them," million prescriptions for the said Wayne Dyer, author of the tranquilizers Valium or Librium. best-seller, "Your Erroneous - One half of the hospital Zones" and a professor at St. beds in the United States are John's University, JamaiCa, N.Y. occupied by people with mental He added that educators in disorders and of these, half will the United States "give a lot never leave; of lip service to the philosophy - Many cases of physical ill-
ness are the result of the way people think. Telling' the teachers "you ought to be modelling what you are asking them (the students) to become," Dyer stressed the concept of choice. "You choose your depression, your anger, your fear, your .colds, your backaches," he said. He warned against blaming others for one's troubles, for saying that one has problems because one's parents were too permissive or too strict, too rich or too poor, because one was an only child, the oldest child, the youngest child. One step toward self-actualization, toward the acceptance of responsibility, Dyer said, is "to stop complaining about your infirmities."
"You reinforce your tiredness by talking about it, and most people don't care whether you are tired or not." Dyer added: "I think God doesn't care either. I think She's got a lot more to do than . . . ". laughter and applause interrupted him. "You become what you expect to become," he said.
Not a Bar VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican's Doctrinal Congregagation has decreed that a vasectomy, or sterilization of the male, is not a bar to valid marriage. The decree however, reaffirmed traditional Church teaching, that impotence, or inability to carry out the act of intercourse, is a bar to valid marriage.
(2) 9 (6) 23
13 20 27
7 14 21 28 18 days
8 15 22 29
9 16 23 30
3 nO) 17 24 31
20 days
JANUARY 1978 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 20 days
6 13 , 20* 27
FEBRUARY 1978 1 2 3t 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 (20 21 22 23 24) 27 28 15 days
MAY 1978 1 8 15 22 (29)
2 9 16 23 30
3 10
17 24 31 20 days
OCTOBER 1977 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28
NOVEMBER 1977 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 nll* 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 (24 25) 28 29 30 19 days
6 13 20 27
JUNE 1978 (4
11 18 25
5)b 12 19 26
5 12 19
6 13 20
7 14 21 17 days
1 8 15 22
2 9 16 23
)= * = t= a b
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MARCH 1978 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 (24)a 28 29 30 31* 22 days
5 12 19 (26
DECEMBER 1977 1 2 6 7 9 8 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30) 17 days
APRIL 1978 3 10 n7 24
4 11 18 25
6 5 12 13 19 20 26 27 15 days
OF LOS GATOS 7 14 211 28
,TOTAL DAYS = 183 Holiday or vacation; no school session End of Quarter. Examinations given during this week; report cards issued within week following. Catholic Schools Week Good Friday Catholic Education Convention
I-The en~ of the school year is determined by the fulfillment of the school attendance requirements of Massachusetts State Law and the approval of the Diocesan Education Office. 2-Sessions shall be suspended whenever the public school sessions in the .city or town are suspended due to inclement weather. 3-on the day preceding a vacation if public school sessions close prior to the usual time, Catholic schools may close at the same time. 4-Special holidays proclaimed by the civil authorities for their respective cities or towns are to be observed. 5-Schools may not take additional free days or close sessions early without the consent of the Diocesan office. Consent will be given only in extreme cases. 6-Elementary school graduations may be held on or after June 5. High school graduations may be held on or after May 29.
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THE ANCHOR-:-:Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
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Mass Schedule for Summer Season
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Schedule effective weekend of June 25-26 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. . Daily-7:00 A.M. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.
Schedule effective weekend of June 25-26 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, U:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily~:OO A.M.
. Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M..
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, and 12 Noon and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M. Confessions: Saturday- 4:00-5:00 P.M. and after 7:30 P.M. Mass
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA I,lasses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11 :30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass CENTERVILLE OURLWY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.
YARMOUTHPORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Before each Mass
MARION ,ST. RITA Schedule effective July 2 - Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M.
S. Route 1, Plainville, Mass. 02762
Big Fishermen 548-4266 Restaurant Inc. Box 475, Route 28, East Falmouth, Mass. 02536
Masses: Sunday-8:30; 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M and. 11:00 A.M. (Except Wed. at 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.) Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. & 6:00 to 6:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30 & 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and' 6:00 P.M.
Gifts, Cards, Belleek, Hummels Waterford, Armetales
Route 28 - MacArthur Blvd.
WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10:00 A.M. , Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 2 MSlsses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
~~ frederic's ~ !~ flowers' ~ CLOSED SUNDAYS Daily Deliveries to' Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital 12 McARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE Tel. 759-4211 and 759-2669
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. . Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:15 Weekdays Anytime by Appointment EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessic,Jns-Saturday 11:00 A.M.-Noon
MAnAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-8 A.M.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:30, "9:30, 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Rosary before Daily Masses Confessions: Saturday-4:00-4:45 P.M. SIASCONSET UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 A.M. July and August NORTH FALMOUTH ST. ELIZABEllI SETON Masses: Sunday-7:45, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00· and 5:30 P.M. Confession: 3:15-3:45 and 7:30-8:00 P.M. OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
s Page Gladly Sponsor
of Churches and Masses
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
'The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parlsll ore.nlzatlons Ire Isked to submit news Items for tills column to TIle Aricllor. P. O. Box 7, Fill River, 02722. Hlme of city or town sllould be Included. IS well IS full dltes of III Ictlvltles. PlelSe send news of future retller lllin IIIst events. Hote: tile same news Item cln be used only once. Please do not request tllit we repelt In lnoouncement several times.
. OUR LADY OF mE CAPE, BREWSTER The Women's Guild will hold' its first meeting for the season Tuesday, Sept. 13, beginning at 7 p.m. with Mass and installaVINEYARD HAVEN tion of officers. A business meetST. AUGUSTINE ing and social hour will follow Masses: Sunday-8:00, 11 :00 A.M. in the church hali. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. . OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Confessions: Saturday--4:00-4:30 P.M. and The annual procession in 6:00-6:30 P.M. honor of Our Lady of Fatima sponsored by the Holy Rosary WAREHAM Sodality will take place at 7 ST. PATRICK p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8. The feastMasses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 day Mass will be celebrated at 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. 8 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 6:00 P.M. The Holy Name Society will Daily-8:00 A.M. hold a breakfast meeting folConfessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 7:00- lowing 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, 7:30 P.M. Sept. 11, at which time plans for the year'will be made. ST. mERESA, WEST WAREHAM SOUTH ATLEBORO ST. ANmONY Members of the Confraternity Schedule July and August of Christian Mothers will attend Masses: Su~day-9:00, 10:30 A.M. 9:30 a.m. Mass, Sunday, Sept. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. 11. They will open their season Confessions: % hour before Mass at 6:30 the following night at a meatball and spaghetti supper in the church hall, followed by WELLFLEET entertainment. Reservations may OUR LADY OF LOURDES be made' with supper committee members or with chairmen Sue Schedule effective June 18 Vierra, telephone 399-7512; or Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Cecile Vachon, 399-7475. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Sat: 4:30-5:00 P.M. and before all Masses. Cornwell Memorial TuesdaY' Eve.: 7:30 P.M. Mass followed by Charismatic Prayer Meeting Chapel
Mass Schedule for Summer Season ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 18 - 19 - Labor Day Muses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions-Saturday 4:00 - 4:50 P.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.
NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF mE VISITATION Schedule effective June 18 - 19 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Confessions-Saturday-6:30-6:50 P.M.
OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF TIlE ASSUMPTION Schedule effective June 25 thru Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
_. SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: 'Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
POCASSET ST. JOHN mE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:oo, 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 6:156:45 P.M.
PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER mE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday--4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.
SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
SOUTH )'ARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENm Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)
BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWA'\ Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.)
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Before Masses
ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD '~How well do you listen? What do you see when you look at something?" ask members of the parish Couples' Club. The answer will be given at the group's meeting at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 in the school cafeteria, when Keith Krewson "will help us find out a little about ourselves. Prospective members are invited to attend. The 'club will hold a kick-off dance open to the public for its new season from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Sept. 24 in the hall. Music will be the Gene Oliver Quartet and coffee and danish will be served at midnight. Tickets may be reserved by calling Ray or Anne Miranda, telephone 995-9314.
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WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Schedule effective July 2 • Sept. 11 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 3:00 and 7:45 P.M. First Friday- Additional Mass at 11:00 AM. and Benediction at 2:00 P.M.
SAGAMORE ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
Dignified Funeral Service
SACRED HEART Schedule effective. June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Before Masses
DENNISPORT UPPER COlINTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Schedule effective July 2 - Sept. 11 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.--4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 3:00 P.M.
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Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 ,A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses
Falmouth 548-5500
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
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CATHOLIC COUNSELING SERVICES DIOCESE OF FALL",RIVER OHers professional and confid~ntial counseling when you want help with personal, family, marital and other relationship problems. For information or an appointment call or write: 628 Pleasant St. New Bedford, MA 02740 997-7337 or 997-8201
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Phone 675-7484 e •
With this issue The Anchor marriage, but I want to state several areas, is available from gins an eight-part series intend- briefly which specific aspect of Father Michel G. Methot of the ed to create an awareness of marriage is usually the reason diocesan office of adult educaslDme of the important aspects of for a divorce. tion, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall divorce and of pastoral concern Before Vatican Council II, any River, telephone 678-2828. Adfor those affected by it. The au- definition of marriage usually vice in specific cases of divorce thor is Father Cornelius J. van centered around the concept of a or separation is available at the der Poel, C.S.Sp., director of the "perpetual and exclusive con- diocesan Marriage Court, 344 Family Life Office of the Arch- tract between the partners with Highland Avenue, telephone 675diocese of Detroit, and this ma- regard to bodily acts which 1311, or from any parish priest.) tl~rial originally appeared in the could lead to procreation." Vatiarchdiocesan newspaper, The can Council II does not abroMichigan Catholic. It is reprint- gate or eliminate obligations and ed with the kind permission of duties which flow forth from both the newspaper and Father a contract, but the Council puts Eight Brothers of Christian van der Poel. it in a form which gives us Instruction, faculty members of In an introduction to the ser- more insight. In the expressions "illS, the author notes that he which are used in the Pastoral Bishop Connolly High School, .offers no complete answer to Constitution on the Church in Fall River, were among attendthe tragedy of divorce. Rather, the Modern World the Council ants at a summer workshop at he says, the articles "invite each centers the vision on marriage St. Michael's College, Winooski, divorced person to seek assis- around the understanding of a Vt. While there they marked the tance of a concerned and pas- mutual covenant for a commun- golden and silver jubilees of four Brothers who had taught at tl)ral person. They invite the ion of conjugal life." the former Prevost High School pastors to display creative comA covenant includes more than passion which combines justice a contract. A contract is an in Fall River. Attending the workshop, which and mercy and which presents agreement between persons the theme of Consecrated had the pastoral solutions the Church about things (selling or buying) Celibacy, were !Brothers Daniel has to offer." or about actions (such as in a Divorce, no matter what the labor contract). It is an agree- Caron, Roger Millette, David Touchette, Robert Michaud, Leo r.~lationship, is always a painment between human beings ful experience. Sometimes people ratified by human authority. St. Pierre, Michael Branaby, Theodore Letendre,Louis St. may say that they finally can Just as mutual agreement esPierre. r4~st and that they feel relieved . tablishes a contract so mutual Brother Thomas S. Farrell, when their fighting partner has agreement can also dissolve it. lE!ft the house. But usually a A covenant has something else. former principal and teacher at slmse of pain is connected with More than just a mutual agree- Prevost High School, marked his this relief. I have never met a ment and a mutual responsibil- golden jubilee at celebrations on c1:)uple that wanted to get mar- ity, it is an agreement about per- the Vermont campus. Observing ried only for a short while. They sonal dedication. It includes the silver jubilees in religious life all want their love to last for- process of growing and develop- were Brothers Charles St. James, ever. Frequently it does not. ing together through mutual Marcel Crete and Raymond BerMany couples experience their concern and through mutual ube, also former Prevost faculty marriage as a failure and div- help and encouragement. The members. orce becomes inevitable. word "covenant," correctly unKC Council 86 Divorce is painful because it derstood, means a life-involveis not simply the end of a busi- ment and a concern for personFall River Council 86, Knights ness relationship. Divorce is the alities rather than for things or of Columbus, will open its year fllilure of the involvement of the actions. This is the reason why with a Mass and installation of ,,;hole life of the partners. Usu- marriage as a covenant reaches officers at a date to be anally a deep sense of personal so deeply into the hearts of the nounced. A spaghetti supper is value as a man or as a wom"an partners. planned for Saturday, Sept.10, is connected with marriage. The term "a covenant for the with music by the Secrets to When this deep sense of person- communion of conjugal life" is follow; and a "Tootsie Roll" al value is not achieved then the therefore also much broader and fund raising campaign is planned c1:)uple often feels that they fail- much deeper than the term "con" for the weekend of Oct. 7 ed as man or woman. Divorce tract." Without going into great through 9. Also' scheduled for reaches deeply into the lives of detail it is necessary to discuss October are a harvest supper the couples. the meaning of this "communion and the council's annual charity Divorce means the marriage of conjugal life," because div- ball. has failed and the failure is fin- orce occurs only when this comTHE ANCHOR alized. To understand the real munion of conjugal iife fails. Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, impact of divorce in the life of Next week: ''Communion of a couple, a clear understanding Conjugal Life." (In the Fall Mass. Published every Th~rsday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 of the meaning of marriage will River diocese, information on by the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall be quite useful. I am not pre- support groups for divorced or River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid senting a theological study of separated Catholics, active in $5.00 per yelr. "
Mark Jubilees At Workshop
1-17 COFFIN AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.
Divorce and Catholics
LINCOLN PARK ROUTE 6 - between Fall River and New Bedford -I
OPEN DAILY For The 'SEASON at 1:00 P.M.
_ O ....I"......IIII..11I1II1II1..''"IIIIIII. . ._
...I_''IIIIU.... ''IIII ... I1''•• I I I I I I I _
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
Fiv~-Hour St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, will be the scene of a five-hour First Friday vigil of reparation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow. The program will include Masses at 8 and at midnight, recitation of the rosary and a holy hour service. A
Question (orner ?•
By Father John Dietzen Q. If a woman has an operation to change her seX, can she be ordained a Catholic priest? One priest I asked about it said no, because hisjher baptismal certificate would indicate the child was female. Another told me there were a lot of technicalities involved. Do you know the answer? (fil.) A. The present canon law of
their own patriarch in Rome or Jerusalem. All Hebrew Roman Catholics would be eligible to join the rite. Jewish feasts would be observed in a manner compatitlle with Catholicism; the rite would have church buildings in harmony with its own traditions; and eventually a Hebrew liturgy would be prepared and used. In other words, the purpose would be that Catholics of Hebrew descent might maintain their racial and cultural indentity for themselves and their children, removing what is presumed to be some of the main objections Jewish people have to becoming Christians and Catholics.
the Church requires that one be a member of the male sex to be ordained to the' priesthood (canon 968). Therefore, the one critical question is: How does one decide whether an individual is a man or a woman? - a question, one might imagine, that The idea is certainly innovacaused little loss of sleep for those who drew up the code of tive and interesting. But no qne knows yet how acceptable the Church law 60 years ago. The baptismal record might be proposal might be to Jewish one way; but it could be ob- men or women who may be injected by some that the sex clined toward the Catholic faith, identity evident in infancy did or to Church officials. not reflect the real psycholog(Questions for this column ical make-up of the child. should be sent to Father DietOne might ask how the psy- zen c/o The Anchor, Box 7, chology of the person matches Fall River, Mass. 02722.) up against a description of male or female characteristics. But many psychological' experts, unable to integrate into their doctrines the general common sense of human experience, aren't able to agree that there even are such letters are welcomed, but should be no characteristics. iIlore than 200 words. The editor reserves A more physical criterion lIle right to condense or edit, if deemed All letters must be signed and would be genetic analysis. Every necessary. InclUde a home or business address. cell of the human body carries a sex-signature in the genes which identify that person as physically male or female. No "sex-change" operation changes that genetic identity. Administration of sex hor- . Dear Editor: mones and cosmetic surgery may Your editorial in last week's modify external sex character- Anchor seems to me to have istics to some extent, but not missed the issue facing the to a degree significant enough Massachusetts legislators in votto influence a decision like this. ing the Doyle-Flynn bills, which If the question ever arises, certainly was not a vote for or the answer to whether such a against abortion as your comperson could be ordained to the ments seemed to indicate. That . priesthood would, of course, question has no doubt long since come from the Sacred Congre- been decided on by most people gation for the Discipline of the as a simple choice of "yes" Sacraments. For the above or "no," right or wrong, and it reasons and others, I would give is my conviction that the great about 1,000 to one odds the an- majority of Catholics, including swer would have to be no. the undersigned, do not equivocate in stating ':no, it is wrong." Q. Can you explain what the Hebrew Rite of the Catholic However, you do your readers Church is? I have heard that this a disservice in not discussing the is a way for Jews to remain more complex issue fachlg legJews and still become Catholics. islators who, representing CathHow can this be? olics, Protestants and Jews of diffemng convictions, confront A. There is no such thing as the question of whether they a Heb.rew Rite of the Catholic' have a legal right to withhold Church. An intriguing sugges- monies paid by citizens of all tion has been made in recent convictions from use by other years from some private sO,urces citizens on a medical procedure that the formation of such a rite which has been declared legal be considered, but no serious at the Federal level and which study of the matter has been procedure they know will, there-· made, to my knowledge, by any fore, not be eliminated by this Catholic authorities. . bill. The proposed rite would function such as other non-Latin Rather, the result of withholding rites of the Church (Byzantines, these funds will result in those etc.) Ultimately subject to the who would undertake an aborHoly Father, they would have tion under any circumstances
Letters to the Editor
DESIGNING LADY: Sister Mary Charity of Milwaukee designs stuffed animals for national magazines and pattern services, will use her royalties, already amounting to thousands of dollars, to start shelter' for homeless women. (NC Photo)
Centuries-Old Order Seeks New Members The Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Chapter of the Third Order of St. Dominic will hold its first fall meeting at 7:15 p.~. Friday, Sept. 9 at the Rose Hawthorne Home, 1600 Bay St., Fall River. The program will begin with recitation of the Tertiary Office, followed by Mass. The tertiary group has been meeting informally for five years and is now canonically erected into a chapter, with Father R. Gabriel Blain, OP of St. Anne's Church, Fall River, as chaplain. Those interested in joining the centuries-old Dominican Order as lay members may contact Sister Margaret, O.P. at the Rose Hawthorne Home, or may attend the meeting.
doing just that! - under any circumstances! while the position of separation of Church and State would be ill-served. No doubt some of our legislators who personally condemn abortion have agonized over whether it is their right to im.pose their personal moral code on others by means of the public till. 'In the particular instance, undoubtedly many have recognized that this would be a futile means of attacking the real issue of abortion, which surely is not one of law but of personal morality. In our pursuit and implementation of Christian values, should we not refrain from oversimplification in passing judgment? Mrs. Mary Balleste Pocasset
Rosaries, Medals Dear Editor: I have had many appeals for rosaries and medals from Holy Ghost Fathers in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kumasi,' Nairobi Mombasa, Machakes· and Nigeria, I should be very grateful for any quantity, which 'I will forward to the missions. Fr. Patrick Kinnerk., C.S. Sp. Holy Ghost Fathers of Ireland 48-49 37th Street Long Island City, N.Y., 11101
coffee break is scheduled for 10 p.m. All are invited to join in all or any part of the vigil.
Last Day "The day that is past must not judge the day present nor the present day judge which is past; it is only the last day that judges all," St. Francis de Sales.
27 Park Street, Att:eboro, Mass. 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Ma~i.
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No matter where you ·live fn the Fall River Diocese, there is·a Fernandes near you! ·NORTON, West Main St., .NO. EASTON, Main St., ·EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St.,*NEW BEDFORD, Jct. Routes 140 & 18, *ATILEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, .RAYNHAM. Route 44, .FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, .BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, .MANSFIELD, Route 140, .FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., .FALL RIVER, Griffin St., ·SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., .Middleboro, 133 So. ,Main St., .NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., .FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., .SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., .SOMERSET, Route 138.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
I.. Faith, Justice
The Bilble and Social Morality?
By Joseph Holland Ten years ago Father Yost and Mrs. Santos did not get along too well because Mrs. Santos felt that her peace was disturbed at Mass by Father Yost's constant. preaching on social justice. "After all," she kept felling him, "this is a nice middleclass parish. We do give many to special causes. Why do you keep going on and on about something that virtually does not exist in our community?" Whenever this cO:1Versation or a similar one took :;>lace, Father Yost felt an instant resentment which he tried to dispel. He explained, "There is more need right in this parish than you real.ize. Injustice has to be your business. lit'S eve!"T Christian's business. You are' comfortable and I am glad. But ':his just isn't, everybody's situation." And he continued to preach and Mrs. Santos continued to complain. One Sunday after Mass, Father Yost had an inspiration. He invited Mrs. Santos to accompany him the next day or.. his visits to some parishioners. She said at first that she didn't have time. He said, "Well, I guess you simply don't care to see what I have to show you." Then he wished her a pleasant Sunday and turned to greet another parishioner. Mrs. Santos was annoyed. She waited until everyone had, left. Then she said, "Father, I've changed my mind. I'll join you tomorrow." The next day, Father Yost greeted her cheerfully. He told her that they would visit some friends of his. First he rang the doorbell at a small house and a tiny old lady answered. Father Yost introduced Mrs. Santos to Mrs. Burns who lee, her visitors to the bedroom where her husband lay. How thin and weak he looks, Mrs. Santos thought. She left the priest and the old man alone and went into the front room with Mrs. Burns. "You know, I don't know what Henry and I woule: do without Father. Without him the parish, we would be in a State-run institution. We only had one son, and we lost him when he was in his early 20s." Gradually she unfolded her story to the other woman. When Father Yost emerged from the old man's room, Mrs. Santos saw his gentleness. They continused' their morning with other visits. Mrs. Santos was quiet on the way home. The next day, she went to the rectory and asked Father, "What kind of organizations are there in the parish to help these people? Surely you don't do it all alone." He smiled and a:lswered, "Of course not. We have the Justice and Peace Committee. It's composed of parishioners from their Turn to Page Thirteen
Mutual Aid
By Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
"MODERN COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA have brought the wretched plight of the vast majority of humanity right into our comfortable living rooms." By Father John J. Castelot In recent centuries the emphasis in Christian moralitiy has been on individual responsibility: a person's duties to God, to himself, to his individual fellow human being - a sort of "one on one" morality. While not totally neglected, our responsibility to society and to the whole human family has not been put into especially sharp focus. Modern communications media have brought the wretched plight of the vast majority of humanity right into our comfortable living rooms' and have made us, if we have a spark of conscience, yery uncomfortable. One can hardly plead ignorance of all the crimes which cry to heaven for vengeance. God has given us this world and its riches to possess and enjoy, but not at the expense of other people. If there is one theme that runs throughout the sermons of the prophets,' those revealers of God's moral will, it is the theme of social justice and of its criminal neglect. The earliest of the so-called literary prophets, Amos, preached to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during a period of unparalleled prosperity, material culture, and sophistication. But hand in hand with all of this af路 fluence went a callous diregard and exploitation of the disadvantaged. In the name of God he leashed out at the guilty. He preached about 750 B.C., and in 722, after a period of recession and frightful anarchy, the Northern Kingdom fell to the Assyrians and was, for all practical purposes, wiped out. Meanwhile, in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, Isaiah was sounding the same alarm. No
one paid much heed, and in 587 .J erusalem was sacked by the Babylonians and the people were dragged off into exile. The New Testament is no less insistent on practical concern for the world's poor. Jesus proposed as the criterion of our
final judgment nothing other than the way we have acted toward the hungry, the thirsty, the lonely, the ill-clad, the sick, the imprisoned. Even more challenging are Jesus' words to those who had Turn to Page Thirteen
Morality vs. Social Gospel By Father Alfred McBride After years of hearing about morality in personal terms, parish audiences of recent vintage :have been listening to moralizing about the social order. The so-called social gospel seems to :have replaced the previous assaults on personal conscience. Stop worrying so much about yourself and start thinking of your responsibility to heal the ills of society. The proponents of this way of teaching and preaching morality dte the sermons of the prophets .and the story of Christ's clansing of the temple as case studies to back up their intentions. After all, if ilsaias and Jeremiah .and Amos could castigate the temple congregations of the He;brew convenant about their mor:al responsibility of social evils, why isn't this approach just as valid today? Just as Jesus puri:fied the institutional church by his cleansing of the temple, so today we must purify the institutions of society in order that the deprived find hope in their :lives. No other moral claim has :a greater demand upon us than this, claim the apostles of the social gospel. 'If we are not convinced by their biblical defense, then they will. bring out the justice and peace letters of John XXIII and
Pope Paul's letter on the Development of Nations. Should we remain adamant before these arguments, they can still drum up a theology of liberation from Latin American scholars and heartrending tracts from social critics on the American scene. Who can resist so much goodness? Who is so crass as to deafen his ears to the cries of the poor? Who is so hard of heart that he cannot appreciate the pleas for unprejudiced and dignified treatment from the races and the ethnics? What good Catholic will evert his or her eyes from clear and present cruelty? Unfortunately, there are probably many who will. Hence all the more must the exhortations to social concern be raised. Yet, there is a problem. It is wrong to emphasize the social gospel at the expense of personal moral improvement. The fatal error is that the preachers may be calling unrenewed individuals to undertake a moral cause for which they are personally unprepared. tIf a Catholic man or woman doesn't know how to keep the commandments or engage in a life of virtue, how can he or she be expected to man the battlements for great social causes? Tum to Page Thirteen
A feeling of smallness. Like a person feels when, having complained about a minor ache, meets a patient individual with a painful cancer; or like a Christian feels when, having bragged about some small Lenten Sacrifice, discovers another who quietly has given up much more; or like a shopper feels who, roughly rejecting a street beggar's plea, then watches a more caring soul hand down and treat the same indignant with love and generosity. ,I experienced that feeling of smallness several times in a 10day period while offering Masses at Assisi, here in Rome at St. 'Peter's Basilica over the remains of that apostle, and within the North American Martyrs chapel of our college. Several couples from the United States had come to Italy for presentations with me on the sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders. As I observed their deep love for the Church, their strong faith in the Lord, and their intense devotion at the liturgy, :I felt rather small. Their love and faith seemed so much deeper and stronger than mine, their devotion so much more intense.. I was humbled by them, called to be the greater because of their example and the way they were living out their sacraments. At the same moment, however, they no doubt experienced a similar summoning to be more because of my priesthood. Bishops at the Second Vatican Council supported the mutual aid priests and married couples can offer each other. The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World urges priests "to nurture the vocation of married people ... by different pastoral means . . . They should strengthen them sympathetically and patiently to their difficulties and comfort them in rarity with a view to the formation of truly radiant families." The bishops also encouraged married people "to be united together in equal affection, agreement of mind and mutual holiness. Thus . . . they will hear witness by their faithful love in the Joys and sacrifices of their calling, to that mystery of love which the Lord revealed to the world by his death and resurrection." (Article 52). How should I a priest live in today's world? I 10k to the example of a married couple: their love for one another and for Christ speaks to me in a very human, visible, practical way about the love I should have for the Lord and for the people J serve. Similarly, a husband and wife, mother and father, viewing the love a priest has for God and the flock he shepherds, can draw inspiration for ther own lives.
-Bible, Morality Continued from Page Twelve just looked the other way and done nothing: "I assure you, as often as you neglected to do it to one of these least ones, you neglected to do it to me." These will go off to eternal punishment and the just to eternal life. (Mt. 25, 45-46). So insistant is Luke on this aspect of morality that his has been called the Social Gospel. Read again just for an example, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Lk. 16, 19:31). 'Paul stressed the primacy of love in Christian morality (I Cor. 13) and in so doing went to the heart of the matter, as Jesus did when He linked love of neighbor with love of God as the basic requirement of discipleship (Lk. 10, 25-27).
Death Is 'Drawing Near,' Pope Paul Says (NC) - Pope Paul VI made an emotional reference to his age and approaching death in his sermon on the feast of the Assumption. The reference came at the end of his sermon during morning Mass at the church of Our" Lady of the Lake, a modem structure built about 20 yards from Lake Albano with funds donated by the Pope. "Old as I am now, I would like to make a date with you to celebrate this feast next year, if God wills it," said the Pope who will be 80 on Sept. 26. "But 1 concede that the door of the beyond is drawing near and I take the occasion of this ~eet ing to greet you all, to bless you, your homes, your famiIiE.'s,
your works, your sufferings, your hopes and your prayers." Later in the day in his Angelus talk, the Pope said that Mary calls on the world to live not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. "We recall, dear brothers," he said, "the message that Our Lady assumed into heaven sends to the world, to the Church, to each life animated by the grace of -Baptism and of the sacraments and continually strengthened, as St. Paul writes, 'to be holy and immaculate in the sight of God in love, predestined to be His adopted sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His Will'" (Eph.l: 4-6). The ,Pope continued: "Our
natural life, wounded in its origin, in the equilibrium of its ethico-functional faculty, tends as if through spontaneous gravity, to abandon itself to the weight and attraction of the animal instinct. "-But 'those who live according to the flesh cannot please God,' as St. Paul again warns us. It is necessary to live according to the Spirit that makes us adopted sons of God and His heirs. "Our mortal body too, if it is animated by the Holy Spirit, possesses a pledge of new life and resurrection, which Our Lady had the privilege, the crown of the other privileges conferred on her, to enjoy immediately."
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. I, 1977
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Faith, Justice Continued from Page Twelve teens through those in their 60s and 70s. "Well, Father, what do you have to do to be part of that committee?" "You're on it right now," he replied. Of course, this story is fictional but similar scenes are being enacted in parishes all over the United States. It's the beautiful story of the great convergence of faith and justice which the Spirit of God is bringing to the modern church. While the Church has always dealt with both prayer and justice, each has its special social concerns and the Church shifts under the guidance of the Spirit and the needs of the time.
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Social Gospel
Continued from Page Twelve It is tough enough to work for just society when one has a firm inner spiritual and moral life. Imagine what it is like for people whose inner lives are in moral shambles. All the truly great prophets of the social gospel are people of profound personal, individual moral strength. Think of Dorothy Day, Mother Teresa and Dom Helder Camara. By all means continue the social gospel crusade. But add to it the guidance toward a deep moral and spiritual life. Only the combination is really workable.
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432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496
We salute the millions of hard-working men and women who
constitute the labor force of America. It is these individuals who have built this country into a great nation and a land of unfimited opportunities. We are proud to salute the working people of America who strive to make our country a world leader in the Arts, Sciences and Industry.
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River AN ILL-FED CHILD in a ramshackle home is a matter of justice, not charity.
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River 67.-5677
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 1, 1-977
Things fall apart; the centre cannclt hold
focus on
By Cecilia Belanger Turning and turl:ung in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the alooner; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blOOd-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
YO~llh • • •
The idea once was that literature should perform a moral function, that novels, poems, the various forms of drama (including films and television) should in some way make people better.
'But the last century or so the moral approach to literature has gradually slipped from favor among intellectuals, etc., and today is hardly mentioned except among the "old-fashioned" (like me). I feel sorry for students just out of high school who arrive at college persuaded that only a bigoted person would- want to l
In Music By The Dameans
WHEN I NEED YOU When I need you I just close my eyes and I'm with you and all that I so want to give you is only a heartbeat away. When I need love I hold out my hand and I touch love I never knew there was so much love keeping me warm night and day. Miles and miles of empty space in between us The telephone can't take the place of your smile But you know I won't be travelling forever It's cold out but hold out and do like I do. It's not easy when the road is your driver, Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear. But you know I won't be travelling a lifetime, It's cold out but hold out and do like I do. Written by Carole Bayer Sager and Albert Hammond; Sung by Leo Sayer Unichappell Music, Inc. - Begonia Melodies, Inc. Albert Hammond Music - ASCAP Leo Sayer sings a song of someone on the road away from a loved one. . It's a pain to be on the road, especially when it seems that, "the road is your driver." When the pain of being apart starts to hurt, sometimes it's only the memory of those who care for us that keep us going, people you can tell, "I miss you," an dthey'll always reply, " I miss you back!" On the other hand, the separation of time and distance can tell us a lot about love. It can tell us the difference between those who have permanent residence in our hearts and those with only visitors' passes. It can help prove or disprove the old adage, "Out of sight, out of mind." Closing your eyes and dreaming isn't as good as being with the one you love and, "the telephone can't take the place of a smile," but love doesn't panic when it has to wait. Patience has a way of showing just how strong and sincere love is, and since our singer knows he won't be travelling forever, he can look forward to coming home one day for good. To wait with faithfulness and hope is the mark of mature love.
question the moral value of a book or film. Even middle-class Americans with high personal standards of morality grow un- . easy when asked to bring those tempted to hurt someone in standards to bear on the novels every kind of perversion can order to advance ourselves. flourish and be passed off with they read or the television proThe play forces us to recogan air of enlightened righteousgrams they watch. that in condemning Macnize ness in art. beth we also condemn something In their hearts, they fear the As Yeats says, "The best lack contempt of liberal intellectuals, all conviction, while the worst in ourselves. Thus Shakespeare's and even of their own children. are full of passionate intensity." art manages to be moral without being moralistic. Thus the great taboo against I think Shakespeare offers the . What is wrong with the world? subjecting literature to moral most instructive example. He Why are we in such a mess? judgements works in unexpected shows us how a writer in an Well, this is one of the reasons places to create and perpetuate age in which men of letters were in my opinion: Anything goes! an atmosphere in which pornexpected to exercise their craft The bottom line is no longer ography and the depiction of with moral responsibility, and in manhood, moral delicacy, self-rewhich censorship was a prerog- liance. The power of films and ative of authoritarian powers, television has been overwhelmcould produce work of the high- ing in influencing the wrong est order technically and im- kind of conduct. aginatively as well as of a profound and broadminded moralCardinal Staffa ity. VATICAN OITY (NC) - CarIn Macbeth, Shakespeare deals dinal Dino Staffa" 70, prefect of with a monster, a treacherous the Supreme Tribunal of the murderer, who finally comes to Apostolic Signature, the Church's' the nihilistic view that life "is supreme court, died Aug. 7 in a talejTold by an idiot, full of Rome, Vatican officials ansound and fury,/Signifying noth- nounced. ing." A narrow moralist might have exhibited Macbeth's character without any sympathy or imaginative understanding, might have depicted him as nothing more than a bloody villain whose career and death confirm the commonplace that "crime does not pay." JON STETSON
ILady Magic Good to StcJng. Senior "Magic is a 1ady. You must give her the right atmosphere." That's the philosopry of 1.7-yearold Jon Stetson, a professional magician and a senior at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. He must be on the right track, because this summer he brought his "Wonder Show of the Universe" to the top, a White House lawn party, where Amy Carter told him "you're the best magician I ever saw." The President's nine-year-old daughter "was with us from the minute we got there until the - minute they took her off to bed," chuckled JO:1. His performance was at a party given by J:mmy Carter for members of Congress - and their staffs and his appearance, which he has been invited to repeat next spring at the traditional White House Easter egg roll for Washington children, capped a career already, despite his youth, 12 years o:.d. lit began when Jon, then five, saw a magic show on television and it has contir.ued through
years of study and professional appearances up and down the East Coast and even a quick turn of "street magic" in Cairo, Egypt, performed in the course of a trip abroad. Among Jon's most enthusiastic fans is his uncle, Father ~ob ert Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, FaIl River. But there's no ·show business blood in his family, he says, and his parents and younger brother frequently find themselves bemused by his accomplishments and dizzied by his dashes in and out of their Fairhaven home. The Stang senior looks at magic "not as puzzles to be worked out but wonders to be experienced" and finds that people's response to "magicians playing with their minds is beautiful, it really is." He feels that a good magician -is also an actor, artist and psychologist, although working without benefit of the props and "stage faces" of conventional drama. . Jon admits it's sometimes difficult to dovetail his Stang stud-
ies with the demands of his professional life, but says he keeps trying. For the future, he hopes to make magic his career and on the immediate horizon says there's a possibility he might have a part in an English production of the long-running IBroadway musical, "The Magic Show." He also hopes to appear with the Bay City Rollers, a Scottish rock band.
Shakespeare's greatness, however, leads us to Condemn Macbeth only after we have come to know in detail the inner torment of his soul. We are brought' to a deep understanding of evil' through the sheer power of poetry; Macbeth's temptations, sufferings, and surrender to his passions broaden our humanity; we are brought to perceive the real meaning of these moments in our lives when we have been
Thurs., Sept. 1, 1977
Hockomock League Set For Fall Sports The Hockomock League wili open its varsity football season on Saturday, Sept. 24 but all its nine schools have non-league pre-season games listed for the preceding weekend. North Attleboro will entertain Bishop Feehan High, of Attleboro, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16. Non-league games the next day have Westwood at. Foxboro, Randolph at Stoughton, Canton at Silver Lake, Norton at Mansfield, Southeast Regional at Oliver Ames, King Philip at Marshfield and Cardinal Spellman High at Sharon in afternoon games, and Attleboro at Franklin in a night game set for 7:30 o'clock. The league's opening card has King Philip at Canton, North Attleboro at Sharon, Foxboro at Stoughton, Oliver Ames at Mansfield with Franklin in a non-leaguer at Milford. The league's field hockey season opens on Thursday, Sept. 15, with Oliver Ames at Mansfield, Sharon at King Philip, Franklin at Foxboro, North Attleboro at Stoughton. Canton has the bye.
Hockomock's' cross-country schedule wi'll open on Friday, Sept. 2,3, with triangular meets listing Sharon and Foxboro at Franklin, King Philip and Mansfield at Stoughton, and Oliver Ames and Canton at North Attleboro. Jayvee football starts on Monday, Sept~ 26, freshman football on Friday, Sept. 23. The schedules are the same as for varsity games except that for both, jayvee and frosh, the order of the home teams is reversed from the varsity with Franklin having the bye in each instance. Divisions One and Two of the Southeastern Mass. Conference open their seasons on Saturday, Sept. 24, when New Bedford will be host to Dartmouth in the Division One opener. Bishop Stang High will be home to Barnstable and ColyeCassidy will entertain Case of Swansea in the Division Two curtain-raisers. Action in Division Three is set to start on Oct. 1 with Wareat Dennis-Yarmouth, ham Dighton-Rehoboth at Old Rochester, and Bourne at Seekonk.
Volleyball Schedule In volleyball, the Durfee Topperettes open at home to Dartmouth on Sept. 14 and visit Dartmouth two days later. Then it will be: Sept. 21, Fairhaven; 23, at Attleboro; 28, at Fairhaven; 30, Attleboro; Oct. 4, at
Westport; 6, at Norton; 11, Case; 13, at Bishop Gerrard High School; 18, Somerset; 25, Norton; 27, at Case; Nov. 1, Bishop Gerrad; 3, at Somerset. The Fall River Middle School is the site of the Durfeeites' home games.
Somerset Wins CYO Opener Somerset nipped Immaculate Conception, of Fall River, 6-5, at Hanson Field, Somerset, last Sunday in the opener of the bestof-three final for the championship of the Fall River CYO Baseball League. With one out in the eigth inning, an extra frame, Jeff Cranshaw singled. He advanced to second on an infield out. John Kineavy was given an intentional walk. A throwing error in an attempt to pick Kineavy off base allowed Cranshaw to score all the way from second. Immacs scored twice in the first inning but Somerset came back with three runs in the same frame. Immacs tied the score with a single run in the third and went ahead with two more runs in the fourth. Somerset deadlocked the score at 5-5 on Greg Billington's two-run double in the home half of the seventh inning. Steve Pereira, who went all the way on the mound for Somerset, yielded seven hits, struck out 11 batters and walked three. Greg Perry, who went the distance for Immaculate Conception, allowed eight hits, struck out 10 batters and walked six. The teams were scheduled to meet last Tuesday at Lafayette Park, Fall River, in the second game of the series but because
of deadline requirements the result of that game are not known at press time. If the third game is needed it will be played at Chew Field, Fall River, tonight.
L. Angels Feast
The annual feast of Our Lady of Angels will take place Saturday through Monday, Sept. 3 through 5 at 7 Jesse St., Fairhaven. The program will include a parade Saturday night, followed by a concert, and an auction at 2 p.m. Sunday, also followed by a concert. Monday's activities will begin with Mass at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven. A procession will take place from the church grounds at 1 p.m. and an auction and concert will follow. The public is invited and refreshments and children's games will be available.
Decry Wh'ite Flight GENEVA, Switzerland (NC) - Voicing alarm over reported mass immigration of whites from Southern Africa, the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches ryvCC) has appealed to whites not to emigrate from Southern Africa, but to stay on to help build a more just society.
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
IF EVERY DAY were a sun-day, it would please parishioners of this church just fine. Located in Berwick, Pa., it's believed first in nation designed to be heated, cooled with solar energy. (NC Photo)
The Parish Parade
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HOLY NAME, ST. JOHN OF GOD, FALL RIVER Parochial school uniforms may SOMERSET be picked up in the school hall IBeginning tonight, a prayer from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow. meeting wil'l follow 7 p.m. Mass School will open with a Mass in each month on the Thursday the church at 9 a.m. Wednesday, preceding the First Friday. Sept. 7. Parents are invited. Chil'24-Hour Burner Service The September meeting of the dren are asked to report to the 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON schoolyard at 8:30 a.m., preced- Brayton Club will take place in ing the Mass. First grade pupils the church hall following 9:45 Attleboro - No. Attleboro will not attend the Mass, but a.m. Mass Sunday, Sept. 11. Final plans for the unit's annual Taunton will tour the school. A few reservations are still dinner dance will be made. available through the rectory for a three-day foliage tour to the ~"""""""""""'-,-,-"-,--------,-"'-~ White Mountains, Monday through Wednesday, Oct. 10 through 12. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild will sponsor a grocery whist at 8 p.m. : The Post Office has increased from 13 to 25 : Saturday, Sept. 3 in the school : cents its charge to THE ANCHOR for notification : hall on Route 177, Westport. : of a subscriber's change> of address. Please : SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER ~ help us reduce this expense by notifying us ~ The parish chapel will be open : immediately when you plan to move. : all day, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and may Please Print Yo'ur New Address Below : be entered by the door at the : end of the driveway. A schedule of two Masses a day will be ~ resumed this month and parish- ~ NAME ioners are asked to suggest the most convenient time of day : STREET ADDRESS....................................................................... : for the second Mass to one of the : priests or a member of the lit- : Apt. #, CITY, STATE urgy committee. : Women interested in joining :, NEW PARiSH.................. the parish bowling league may :.................................. : contact Vivian Burke (telephone .: DATE OF MOViNG 673-9492) or Stella Pavao (6736881). Those interested in an : And please attach your OLD ANCHOR AD- : Oct. 22 overnight trip to New York City may contact Stella : DRESS LABEL below so we can update your : Pavao or Catherine Nestor (674: record immediately. : 6276). A parish auction featuring furniture and other items from the old rectory, convent and parish school plus' donations from Paste Old Address Label Here : parishioners will be held Satur- : day, Sept. 24 in the school hall.
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