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ANCHOR Price 10¢

$4.00 per year

Vol. 15, No. 35, Sept. 2,1971

Set Opening For Schools Schools of the .Diocese of Fall River will open their doors next Wednesday morning but there have been some changes. In Fall River, 13 parochial schools will receive students. That is three ·Iess than last year since Blessed Sacrament, Holy Cross and St. Roch parishes will not be operating schools this year. Notre Dame Parish has cut its classes in half, offering eight instead of 16 classes. In New Bedford, 12 schools will be open to students. St. Theresa Parish is the only parish to have made changes. They have dropped the seventh and eighth grades. Fairhaven, Attleboro and North Attleboro are opening all the classes they staffed last year. ,.'Taunton has reduced all . schOols-seven of them-to the first· five grades. The Middle School--<>nce Msgr. Coyle High School-wilf M open for 606 Tauntonian!;l of the sixth, seventh and eighth ~rades. . St. Peter Parish in Province. town has clOsed its. facilities as have St. Louis· de France in Swansea and Holy Trinity in West Harwich. . Holy Family High School and St. Anthony of Padua High Schooi in New; Bedford will re',. maJn as .1ast' year. In Taunton, Coyle-Cassidy . High Sch()ol-':'-li 'merger of Msgr. Coyle :Hig~ .school for boys and BishopCassicfy. High school for girls-will receive (i86 students which is a slight 'drop for the combined stUdent 'b·odies of the schools concerned. . In Fall River, Bishop Gerrard .High. School will be the scene of a merger of Mi. St. Mary Academy, Jesus Marie Academy and Dominican ~cademy. The student' :body.:.:..:e90 girls-totals the same:' as the combined student bodies :of the three merged schools.

Coyle. • Cassidy Staggers Days For Opening Coyle and Cassidy High School of Taunton will open on Sept. 8. For purposes of .orientation, class~s will report separately~ Seniors will report on Wednesday, Sept. 8; juniors on Thursday, Sept. 9, and sophomores on Friday, Sept. 10. The entire student body, including freshmen, will begin regular classes on Monday, Sept. 13. On the day each group reports to school for orientation, these students will buy their books. The opening Mass will be cele-' brated on Thursday, Sept. 16, by Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River.

PATRIOTIC CIVILIAN SERVICE AWARD TO NEW BEDFORD PASTOR: Command Sgt. Major W. F. Ryan, second right, reads certificate of appreciation honoring Rev. Thomas F. Daley, second left, pastor of St. James' Parish,

New Bedford and retired Army chaplai~ in. the presence of Bishop 'Cronin, Col. Charles F. Means, Major Flanagan and Chaplain Stewart De Boer. The ceremony was held in St. Mary's Cathedral Rectory, Fall River.

Chaplain· Continues To Serve Men The Department of the Army awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for Patriotic Civilian Service to Rev. Thomas F. Daley, pastor of St. James Church, New Bedford, and a retired Lieut. Col. of the' U.S. Army Chaplain Corps at ceremonies conducted Monday morning in St. Mary's Cathedral Rectory in the presence of Bishop Cronin and members of the 24th Artillery Group, Coventry, R. I. The award was bestowed for the volunteer services rendered by. Fath~ Daley to the 24th Artillery Group from Aug. I, 1964 through March 31, 1971. According to the citation, Father Daley, as a volunteer chaplain, unselfishly donated his· time and service during this period to faithfully meeting the spiritual needs of the Catholic

Pope Describes Genuine Idea Of Authority CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)Authority in the Church must be exercised as a "service to its members," Pope Paul VI told his weekly general audience here. He stressed that thliJ "genuine concept of authority in the Church" must not be thought of in terms of' "despotism, pride, selfishness or triumphalism." The Pope urged his thousands of visitors to give their "loving cooperation" to' those.· "whose formidable task is to guide the Church," so that they may do so "with joy and not with grief." Demands have arisen for "the reinstatement of -a genuine concept of auhority in the Church," said Pope Paul. He admitted that, historically, temporal and spiritual authority has at times been treated as personal power "not only in Rome but in many Turn to Page Three

men of the Coventry Command. The citation further states: "He administered the sacraments, conducted worship ser· vices, performed weddings and funerals, baptized infants, counseled men, advisea':'families, befriended newly arrived person· nel, and identified with the single soldier." '. "Through his infectious good humor," the citation continues, "and sincere desire to be of service, Chaplain Daley endeared himself to men' of all faiths. Through his efforts and great

interest in the needs of the command, Chaplain Daley assisted and advised commanders in their civil and community responsibilities, and arranged for religious retreats. " "He has, as th'e result of his empathy with the men and rapport with their families, contributed immeasurably to the moral

Names Msgr. Gendreau Pastor of Notre Dame

His Excellency, Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, today trans. ferred Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau from St. -!;l,cques Parish, Taunton, to Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, Fall River, as pastor. The Upper Cape Cod CCD The Most Reverend Bishop Board, with the help of the also named Rev. Andre P. Jusdiocesan CCD Office, is setting saume, assistant at St. Jacques out at the beginning of this year Parish, as administrator pro tern with new plans, new officers, of the parish. and anticipation of, great things Both assignments are effective to come. The area' director is Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1971. Rev. Thomas C. Lopes, assistant Born in Fall 'River on Jan. 9, at St. Anthony Church, East 1911, Monsignor Gendreau is the Falmouth and chairman of the board is Mr. Norman Therriault. son of the late Napoleon A. and the late Marguerite (Cote) GenIn preparation for the new dreau. school year and the challenge After early education at St. of teaching religion to our Anne Parochial School in Fall youngsters, we are undertaking River he attended Montreal Colthe' sponsorship of two work- lege and the Seminaire de Philshops for' teachers. The first will osophie in- Montreal, Canada. be two evening sessions for ele- He 'prepared for the Priesthood mentary teachers and the secorid at St. Mary Seminary in Baltia course of two evenings for more. Junior High and High teachers. Bishop James E. Cassidy 'orTuesday, Sept. 14, St. Mar- dained him to the Priesthood on June IS, 1935. From his ordinagaret Church,~uzzards Bay. Tuesday, Sept. 21, St. An- tion to 1954 he taught in seminaries in Baltimore, Md., Seatthony Church, East Falmouth. tle, Wash., and Detroit, Mich., Tuesday, Oct. 5, St. Margaret as a member of the Sulpician Church, Buzzards Bay. Fathers. He interrupted his Tuesday, Oct. 12, St. Anthony teaching to serve with the U. S. Church, East Falmouth. Army as a chaplain from 1943 These evening sessions will to 1946, serving in the European theater of operations. Turn to Page Three

Cape Area Plans ceo Teachers' Worksho'ps

and spiritual benefit of the Army community, thus indirectly contributing to the successful accomplishment of our air defense mission". Concluding, the citation states that "the outstanding service rendered by Chaplain Daley reflects great credit upon himTurn to rage Two

Since his return to the Diocese of Fall River, Monsignor Gendreau has served at 51. Mary's Cathedral; 51. Peter Parish,· Dighton; Blessed Sacrament Parish, Fall River, and St. Jacques Parish, Taunton. The new Fall River pastor, who holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology, has also served as Vicar for Religious, Pro-Synodal Turn to Page Three


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Rohner Sees Inconsistency In Kung's Arguments CHICAGO (NC) '7"" Controversial S\'(iss theologian Hans Kung is "fundamentally inconsisten(' in his' argument against papal infallibility, German Jesuit theologian Father Karl Rahher has said.. In an interview in The Christian 'Century, an ecumenical weekly published here, Father Rahner, 68, -who is retiring in October' as professor of dogmatics at the Un'iversity of Muen,ster, discussed the, views ex, , , pressed' in FlitherKung's book, , "Infallible, An, Enquiry," under ,investigation by ,the Vatican's Do'ctr~nal Congregation; .: Terith ,


OFFICIAL, ASSIGNMENTS Rev. Msgr. Alfr~d J. Gendreau, 'pastor of St. Jacques Parish, Taunton to Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, Fall River as pastor. " Rev. Andre P. Jussaume( assistant at St, Jacques Parish, Taunton as administrator pro tern of St. Jacques Parish, Taunton. Ass,ignments effective Wednesday, September 8, 1971.

, I

FATHER GAWLIK . ~' . !\ ,

Ur9 es F'·u II.'T".· m'"e'" ' ' ork W."a.h 'D' e'af W Ql

Bishop of Fall River

"Citation for Father Daley Continued from Page One self, the Fall River Diocese and the RQman Catholic Church". In the Army's narrative description for the award, Father Daley was recognized for the spirit of sacrifice he manifested to the 24th Artillery Group since his retirement. from the regular army chaplain corps in 1964 following ~O years of active service. His years of active duty service in the Army asa Chap-" lain gave him a particular af-. finity to the military ,and an ap;->reciation of the problems and needs of the soldier. Father Daley voluntarily gave o'f himself, his time and experience and has not-received one cent of monetary reward for all ' the work he has freely given and the thousands of miles, he has -traveled to meet the needs of men in widely scattered, isolated installations. The New Bedford pastor's identification with the military

· in the civilian community and association, with the members of the command has contributed, immeasurably to the fine rapRort ·existing between the military ·and the civilian community.

Catholic School En,rollment Drops

LOS ANGELES (NC)-CathoIic schools of tI,1e Los Angeles archdiocese will open this' Fall with 5,000 fewer pupils than last year. One high school will not open at all, and a total of 75 elementary classrooms, will be' eliminated, archdiocesan schOOl officials said. One school will replace last year's staff with Sis-, ters-Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - who are newly arrived from, Ireland. But three others which previously had Sisters will open with all-lay faculties, Msgr. Donald Montrose, archdiocesan secondary school super-' . intendent, said that means higher tuition bills and a greater obSay President!' Had ligation to subsidize schools in poor districts. Three Talks Ready "If our people want Catholic NEW. YORK (NC)-RefIecting the importalJce attached to his schools for their children," he appearance here before" the said, "they ~ill have to supKnights of Columbus, President port them.. We are tigh.tening Nixon had three possible talks our belts, but costs are rising." prepared for the event, according to sources familiar with the Necrology advance plans. SEPT. 3 The one he cnose encouraged Americans to make short-term Rev. Thomas J. McGee, D.D., sacrifices under his new eco1912, Pastor" Sacred Heart, nomic policies for the sake of Taunton. anti-infI~tiona~y growth in the SEPT. 4 long run and encouraged Catholics by saying Nixon was willRev. Joseph P. Tallon, 1864, ing to help stop a trend that is Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford. closing one parochial or private Rev. John J. Maguire, 1894, school per day , Founder, St. Peter, Provincetown. The sources said Nixon made ,SEPT. 5 his final decision on the plane A. Messier,' Rev. Napo.leon, from Washington about which speech to use, which apparently 1948, Pastor, St. Matthew, Fall was the reason why the White River. House could not make his text SEPt. 7 available to the press in advance. Very Rev. James E, McMahon, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak "1IIl1'"'''ltlll''UIl''''''''''''''I''''''''''''''''I<''''"'"""""""""",,"""""""'U"""'IIIII Bluffs. THE ANCHOR Second CI~ss Posta~e Paid at Fall River. M,ass" Published e.ery Thursday at 41:l Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, Subscription price by mall, postpaid $4.00 per Yelr.

SEPT. 8 Rev. Thomas Sheehan, Founder, Holy Trinity, West Harwich.



THE,ANCHOR-Qiocese'of Fall Rive':"':Thi.!rs.Se:pt;'2, 1971

'The Jesl;lit theolQgian said Father ,Kung His fundamentally inconsistent in. arguing on the 'one hand there are no infallible p,:opositions but only an' 'abiding in, truth of the Church,' and then 'insisting' on the' truth of this single assertion 'with a,bsolute commitment. ',' "Kung must- argue that there are no obJ'ective' criteriaavail~ able for judging when and where stich propositions are to be made in the Church. I'd say to that, the Protestant believes there is indeed a criterion: the Holy Bible; and the Orthodox Christian would say that there is a criterion: the first' ecumenical councils; and the Catholic says: this higher authority is the Bible with the magisterium-in concrete terms, the Bishops and,

HOUSTON (t~C)-The 'C:~~ho~ lic Church has yet to corri1mit it-, 'self, fully to preaching th word 1 of God to the handicapped, according to' the Catholic chaplain , I at Gallaudet College for th~ Deaf in Washington, D. C. ,I Father Rudy Gawlik,: al ,Holy Cross priest ordained in I 1967, said the biggest, handic~p of· deafness is an informatkJlL gap. A deaf person must con~ciously learn everything he learns, unable to count ,on expo~ure to sources like television and radio, the priest said. , Father Gawlik made his observations while addressing!' the Texas Knights of Columbus: who Complaint sponsored Texas Catholic I Deaf He that complains or murmurs Community Week at St. Mary~s is not perfect, nor is he even a Seminary here. . l What is needed to fulfill the good Christian. -St. John of the Cross Church's 'teaching missi6rl, for the deaf is a center for ttaining priests, religious and lay 'p~ople to work with the deaf, F~ther Wilfred C. Gawlik said. , I "In most dioceses the pi~hop Sullivan Driscoll assigns a priest with other parish duties to work with the 'deaf part-time," he said. "The 'pHest 206 WINTER SlREET meets with the deaf perhaps , FALL RIVER, MASS. 'once a month for two or: three 672-3381 years. Then the bishop apl:>e)ints a new man." The young priest has wci~ked with the deaf since he was a 'student at Notre Dame University 'Years ago, Inc. "What is needed is a priest who will work witb the deaf fullFuneral Service time, perhaps ort a regional Edward F. Carney basis," said Father Gawlik. "This 549 County Street priest, acting as a director, New Bedford 999-6222 ;.vould have other priests helping Serving the area since 1921 _ _ I' him on' a part-ti)'Tle basis, but he would have to be in the work fUll-time to really get into it.i'

where necessary, ultimately the pope." Father Rahner also said Father Kung argues that infaBible propositions can err, but defines error inadequately. Vocabulary ,'He said "Kung never says clearly how he defines error. I get, the impression' he means only 'inadequate' or 'imbalanced.' But then he should say so, and he should concede that he's using, a different vocabulary from that of Vatican I or II: but, this would not then of necessity mean a contradictipn in thinking." Papal infallibility is more difficult .to" demonstrate than used to be assumed, Father Rahner said. The Jesuit added, however, that .Father Kung would have just as much difficulty proving from . scripture anq tradition "that Jesus of Nazareth really is' what both Kung and 'I understand him to be: nam'ely, Christ the absolutely binding figure." By accepting papal infallibility, Father Rahner said, he writes a blank check of his own free will every time he is confronted with an article of faith. "And the moment I grasp , that the Pope (a) errs in matters' of faith and morals, and (b) 'declares as Catholic doctrine what I clearly see to be false-at that moment I leave the' church ... ~'

·OiI?OURKE' -' '- '


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Gifts Great are these two gifts,' wisdom and continence': wisddm, wheteby we are formed in',' the knowledge of God; continence, ~hereby we are not conformed to this world. -St. Augustine I


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189 Gardners Neck, Road, Swansea,

Bishop Cronin La Sal'ette Homilist

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 2, 1971

Vincentians Plan Future Events

Most R~verend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, will be the principal concelebrant of a 7:30 evening Mass opening the month-long observance of the 125th Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette, Attleboro, Sunday.

The annual retreat for members of the Particular Councils of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of the Diocese of Fall River will be held at the LaSalette Center of Christian Living, Attleboro over the weekend of Sept. 10-12. Cost per each retreatant will be $20 and registrations must be made before Saturday, Sept. 4 with J.H. Leon Gauthier, 47 Underwood Street, Fall River. The Diocesan Central Council has also announced that Ozanam Sunday will be observed this year at the Retreat House at Stonehill College, No. Easton on Sunday, Sept. 26. The tentative program for this event will consist of meetings from 2 to 4 on the furtherance of the cause of Ozanam, the celebration of Mass at 4 o'clock and dinner at 5. Cost per man will be $5 and wives of members may attend. Registrations may be made by contacting Mr. Gauthier at the above address and the closing date will be Sept. 18.

The Mass is the first of eight services marking the anniversary of Mary's app~arance to La Salette, France, on Sept. 18, 1846. During the visit to two peasant children, she told them of her concern over sin and issued a call for a return to the Gospel and the Christifln life. Concelebrating the Mass with Bishop Cronin will be Rev. Armand M. Proulx, M.S., Provincial Superior of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Province of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La "Salette, and Rev. J. Normand L. Vallancourt, M.S., Superior of La Salette, Attleboro. Bishop Cronin will deliver the homily. The Mass will be held outdoors at the grotto 'altar. The hillside shrine, which depicts the appa'rition, will be highlighted before the celebration with a special lighting display. Music during the Mass will be provided by Rev. Andre Patenatlde, M.S., shrine music . director. :... In case of inclement weather, ~he MIls's' \"(.i,1l be held in the indoor chapel.

Msgr. Gendreau Continued from Page One Judge, Secretary of the Examiners of the Clergy, Member of the Diocesan Commission for Divine Worship.


Deny:: ~Ru~~rs

-Of. Papal


ROME (~C)-Rumors of 'papal· flights continue to fly, but just as quickly' are being grounded .' by ~oll!pet'ent authorities. :. Pope Paul VI is not planning trips 'to Iran or Brazil, informed Vatican sources told NC News. Eariier".a~ Italian news service said, th!lt'a 'papal visit to Aparecida; near Sao Paula, Brazil, was being' arranged by an Italian cardinal.: , . ,



Apa-recidii is the site of the S,hrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, patronesss of Brazil since , the 18th century.

SEE THE GOOD IN YOUTH: Richard Holden of 1022 Robeson St., Fall River, and a student at Morton Jr. High School and his friend David Rioux of 533 Hanover St., a Holy Name School student, prove that young peopleJoday do use leisure time for good deeds. Seejng the marks of desecration on the George 'Washington Memorial on Highland Ave. that was built by the Catholic Children of Fall River, the two youngsters have started a private project of scouring the marks from the memorial.

Papal De$cription of Genuine Authority Continued from Page' One other local European churches." Pastoral Nature

He described, a genuine conIt wllsalso rumored that the cept of Church authority, modPope would visit Iran before the eled on Christ who was at the •end of the year to participate in service of God the Father in the 2500th anniversary of the carrying out the divine will, this founding of the Persian Empire way: by Cyrus the G~eat. "The exercise of authority in Diplomats at the Iranian and' the Church is called ministry Brazilian embassies to the Holy ... The authority of the Church See said there was no foundation is of a personal nature ... It for such speculation. must be in pursuit of the common good and a service, neither light nor easy, for the benefit of those who are in need of it. Its style must be evangelical, that Continued fro.m Page One run from 7:30 to 10:30 and will is, pastoral, and its forms apbe conducted by representatives propriate and legitimate so that from the CCD Office in Fall it may show itself as the manifestation of the virtues of River. ' Christ." It is our hope that these courses will be well attended by Pope Paul noted modern attiteachers in the Upper Cape area tudes toward Church authority and that they wlll gain confi- and, its exercise. He said there dence, knowledge and help in are many who "would like ecclepresentation for starting off the siastical authority to spring from new school year; successfully the rank and file." There are teaching the principles of the those who want the hierarchy to Catholic religion to our public draw its reason for being and school children. Anyone desiring its power "not from the order more information may contact established by Christ but from Father Lopes at 548-0108. the mandate of the community."

Cape CCD


There are others, he went on, ferences, the synod of bishops, who "would even contest the ,priests' councils and pastoral necessity and the legitimacy of a councils. They show, he added, hierarchy, of a human ministry how the Church is tryng to make endowed with divine powers, as "the twin theme of service and if the relationship with Christ authority more evident and more did not need a canonical, pasactive in the Church so that this twin theme may be inspired by a ' toral mediation," '\.: single principle-charity," 'Of Divine Origin' Citing St. Luke, he said that "authority, always difficult in itself, has today become for not a few 'a sign of contradiction'." The Pope told - his listeners that he did not at this time plan to defend authority or the hierarchy with argumentation, saying: "you certainly know its 'claims of divine origin and its consistent traditional development," He pointed to such post-council developments as episcopal can-

Vincentians to Meet Espirito Santo Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will host the monthly meeting of the Fall River Particular Council on Tuesday evening, Sept. 7' in the parish church 249 Alden Street, Fall River. The meeting will open with a ' Mass at 7:30.

ST. ANNE CREDIT UN ION 43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. NEAR COVE RD. NEW BEDFORD All Your Money Insured Against Loss All Personal Loans Life Insured Home Mortgages on Eas, Terms Special Deposits Double at Death Bank In .Person or by Mal! Welcome Into Our Credit Union Family

Open Daily 9 am-211m Fri. 6-8 pm -ParkingCLOSED SATURDAYS

Father Jussaume Rev. Andre P. Jussaume~ assistant pastor at St. Jacques Parish' since 1958, is the son of Joseph and Adrienne (Dupre) Jussaume. He was born in New Bedford on April 16, 1927, educated at St. Anthony Parish School, Joliette College in Canada and St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. Father Jussaume was ordained to the Priesthood on March 29 1952. ' He has served at Notre Dame Parish in Fall River, St. Theresa Parish in New Bedford.

Religion For a religion to be true it must have knowledge of our nature. It must know its greatness and its meaning, and the cause of both. What religion but Christianity knows that? -Pascal

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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 2, 1971

Urges Pope Help Save Jerusal'em, Holy, Places , '. "cASTELGANDOLFO' (\'IC) J

The new Iraqi ambassador to the , Vatican urged Pope Paul VI to support the people of Palestine and to "spare no efforts in saving Jerusalem, and the Holy Places. -:. from actions taken to ,change completely their' genuine and historical characteristics." Both ~ Christian and Moslem groups have chllrged that Israel is trying to force non-Jews from Jerusalem' and turn their property over to ,Jews. The Vatican;s daily and weekly ne,wspapers have criticized the Isr-aeli government for this. . In receiving his, credentials, Pope Paul to~d Ambassador Hassan Mustafa' AI-Nakib that the Church's mission .is to help the downtrodden everywhere. ' "The' Church, seeks to be of aid also in those sectors mentioned by your excellency," he said. ' ,' " Praises fope's Efforts

Catho,lic Schools Ben',efit Community tI

Court, .Decision



Nonpublic school offcials have been saying for years that their institutions benefit the entire community in the educational services they render and the tax 'dollars they sa~e. ' But a growing number of U. S. Catholic schools, are serving their communities In less publicized, extra-curricular ways: Xavier High School in New York City is one of about 25 Catholic schools in the New York area which have blossoming adult education . programs. More than 200, adults, predominan~ly black and Puerto Rican, a,re working toward their high school equivalency diplomas by taking free night courses in English, mathematics, science and social studies. Two thousand adults have participated in the Jesuit: run program since it started' seven years ago. Nearly 100 :Chicago parishes opened up their'school facilities' this Summer to' a 'neighborhood. youth corps project which provides work-study programs for 4,500 inner city teenagers. Several, Chicago Catholic schools are also doubling as day care centers for children of working mothers, and 24 schools 'are headquarters for "Head Start" programs which ready pre-school ghetto youngsters for successful compe. ,tition in public schools.

Public Service'

Urge Amnesty For Clergy SANTIAGO DE, COMPOSTELA (NC) --' An assembly' of bishops and priests from the Galicia region has called for the release of approximately 30 priests now in prison in Spain for alleged political actions. They also asked that a similar resolution be' drawn up at the nationwide meeting of bishops and priests, schedul«;!d' fbr September in Madrid. Most of the imprisoned priests come from the Basque and Catalan provinces of northern Spain, where separatist feelings are widespread. "The defense of ethnic minorities is right and just, and the actions of a priest, .inspired by the 'teachings of the Gospel, should not be labeled political," the bishops and priests, from Galicia said. They also noted that 1971 is a holy year in honor of Slintiago -St. ,James the Apostle, patron of the Spanish nation. During the holy years, celebrated every five years, the Franco government has traditionally granted' amnesty to many of the nation's prisoOf~rs. This year, however, a year of considerable political strife, no amnesty has been announced. The bishops and priests asked ,Franco, as a Christian gesture" 'to continue the amnesty tradition.

Pope Paul has call~d for an international body to administer Jerusalem. A week earlier, Syria's new ambassador to the Vatican ADULT EDUCATION is becoming, a growing; part Nach' At AI-Husseini, told the of the total effort. NC Photo. Pope: "The Arab nation itself is confronted with the greatest and have to rise, (public 'sch~ol) , But non public school officials most' ferocious challenges;" This While the survival of pro- classes will be larger and pro.. :' also protest the Supreme Court 'Scandinavia Bishops ' nation'is resolved to aefend its grams like these might not be posed school building ,programs.. 'school aid rulings by noting that rights and resist until' the occu- threatened by recent U. S. ,su- will be revamped," "saiq Fred'., their schools' value extends beHit Abortion Trend pied land is freed.'" . STOCKHOLM (NC) The preme ,:Court decision, survival Burke, Rhode Islahd' C9 mmis - yond dollars and cents. And .they Israel's, refusal to return' land of some of the, schools sponsor,· f Education. Th~, .cite , , Scandinavian bisHops havecriti~' , , SlOner 0 "real their' ~st inlluential :supit captured in the 1967 .Arab; i!l'g the programs might be.., .• : crunch" 'on the state's ',public porter - President Richard' M. cized what they,se-e as '-8 ' trend c' r Israeli war has been a '~ajor towar.d thelegalization'of' unreThe nation's Catholic elemen-, ' . school system will, come· a year Nixol1~to'~~ck them up.., obstacle in attempts to bring Nonpublic schOOlS; the Pres- stricted ,abortion ,in tHeir counabout peace in the Middle East. tary and secondary schools gotB,'i 'froIl) , now, Burke 'said, 'When a tries. The Iraqi and Syrian ambas- severe financial jolt on June 28 decline in parochilil schelol en- ident said hi his March 1970 ed'Christian churches, the bishsadors are Moslems. Both when the Supreme Court struck rollment is likely to take I place. ucation reform message to Con- ops said, cannot be indifferent Island nonpublic' ' g r e s s , "supplement in an imporpraised the humanitarian efforts , down- a Rhode Some non public school offi, I to a matter of life and death for of Pope Paul. in his search for teacher salary supplement aw 'cials agree that snatching' public tant way the main task of our unborn persons. and a Pennsylvania "pure hase-, I public school systenl. They propeace. funds from their institutions will ' The joint pastoral letter of the of-secular-services" act. They got vide a diversity which our edu, do nothing but make 'matters bishops, entitled "Abortion and Work for Justice I cational system would otherwise another two days later when the worse for the nation's' public Christian Responsibility," said high court affirmed a Connectilack. They give a spur of com'I'mg t hat a Simi "1 ar schools, and they can cite ',speci- petition to the publl'c schoo'l 'that unrestricted legal abortion In acknowledging the Iraqi cut court ,s ru " is an indication of the ambivambassador's tribute that he is "purchase-of-services" law there, fic "for instances": through which educational innoalence of modern social developon the side of all men "regardWhen Sacred H'eart School in vation comes, both systems benwas unconstitutional. less of race, ,color or creed," ment. On the one hand, they The only encouraging note Greenville, N. H., . was i 'forced efit, and progress results." said, this development is aimed Pope Paul cited his recent aposNixon also praised the Cath- at a better understanding of tolic letter on social problems, was another high cour;.t action finahcially to close, 148 pupils grants to transferred to the, town's, only olic school's dimension of spir- human dignitY,but on the other .upholding' federal in which ,he had spoken on behalf of' "those discriminated church-affiliated colleges and public elementary school!,' in- itual value to education affIrm- threatens the respect f,or the inagainst, in law or in fact, on universities for constructing non- creasing enrollment thereby 150 ing in children a moral code by tegrity and inviolability of the' per cent. The community's' pub- which to live. human being. account of their race, origin, religious facilities. "No government," the PresiAlthough none of the judicial , lic school budget 'increased I from color, culture, sex Of religion." The Pope told the ambassador: actions invalidated other forms, $95,000 to $225,000 and' the dent said, "can !?e' indiffer~nt to "You can be assured of our de- of assistance to non public town's property tax rate jumped the. potential 'collapse of. such schools." , sire to work for justice, freedom schools, it was back-to-the from $36 per $1,000 of ass~ssed and peace throughout the world, drawI'ng-board .I·n states whl'ch valuation to $70 per $I,OOOi Catholic educators take heart and of our predeliction for those had programs identical to those In Lebanon, N. H., another in these words, hoping that, the ,OIL in want, for those who suffer, the court struck down. Sacred Heart, School had to dis- Nixon administration - which and for those oppressed." The anti-aid rulings have been, continue its seventh and 'eighth backed their Supreme Court Following the formal ~ere­ hailed by organizations like the grades after the local 'public case in the form of a U. S.· Jusmony, the new Iraqi ambassa- American Jewish Congress and school system had already es- tice Department brief defending dor had a private conversaton the Civil Liberties Union as vic- tablished its budget for the fol- the ,Pennsylval)ia aid law-will with the Pope-a departure from tories for church-state separa- lowing year. With the unexpect- come up with constitutionally South • Sea Streets normal protocol, in which new tion. Other citizen groups, spoke ed transfer of' 52 students' into acceptable aid suggestions to ambassadors meet with the 'of the financial "salvation" of 'the public school system, qper- keep, the "potential collapse'; Hyannis Tel. 49·81 papal secretary of state, the nation's public school sys- ating costs for the year exceeded from becoming a reality. 'As is the case with many tern. , the budgeted amount by $57;200. diplomats accredited to the Vat· Public school officials them- The town's public school, per ican, Ambassador Al Nakib will selves did not always. agree, pupil cost increased' from, $674 SIX CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU not live in Rome. He will main- however. to $1,100, and taxpayers' wallets tain his residence in Madrid, ONE-STOP BANKING were flattened accordingly.; ; Companion in Disaster where he is !llso the Iraqi ambassador to Spain. Education , Diversity Needed'in. - I Mark Shedd, Philadelphia pub- , lic school superintendent, said Catholic school c1osing~ I do Anxiety the Supreme Court action "was 'not always mean' increased itax Beware of. anxiety. Next to really a body blow" and added 'dollars. In areas with few', non, sin, there is nothing that so' that the city's financially- public students or places where OF TAUNTON much troubles the mind, strains plagued schools - both public popu!ation de~lines have' 'left 'North Dighton • North Easton • Norton the heart, distresses the soul and non public-are now "com- many public school facilities Raynham • Taunton panions in disasters." and confuses the judgement. vacant, "transferring stu~~nts Member' Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Archbishop Ullathorne "Local property taxes will can be absorbed fairly easily.' .


" : .'''~-







, '

The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

chairmen of' parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, ~all River


OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER A house-to-house call will be made by the priests of the parish during the month of September in order to evaluate each per' son's spiritual progress. A special check will be made on regularity of attenpance at CCD classes. ST. 'JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Election of officers for thecoming year will be conducted at tomorrow night's meeting of the CYO. ~ast call is being made for reservations for tickets for the Sept. 24 night baseball game between the Red Sox and Washington Senators. Only 28 reservations remain.


.Catholics, Methodists Share Spiritual Heritage . .

DENVER (NC)-Catholics and In the past, he said,' Christian Methodists have a shared heri- fellowship has been made to tage that is "a reality - not seem almost "a distraction from, something conjured up for pur- or antithesis to, personal sanctiposes of ecumenical cordiality," 'fication, rather than a necessary Cardinal Jan Willebrands told a setting" for Christian growth. week-long meeting, of 5,000 Because of religious divisions, Methodists. the cardinal said, that '''shared The cardinal, head of the Vatheritage of Christian spirituality, ican's Secretariat for Promoting wider and deeper and richer than Christian Unity, was a special our forefathers even suspected," guest speaker at the 12th World was not known for many years. lVIethodist Conference, held at , .the University of Denver. Cardinal Willebrands said that Both Catholics and Method- John Wesley, who founded the ists, he said, share a spiritual Methodist church in the 18th heritage emphasizing ideals of century, read a life of St. Francis communion, contemplation, com- , Xavier while crossing the Atlanpassion, and Christian fellowship. tic to hte United States.

The cardinal ,also quoted from a newly discovered letter written by Wesley about CatholicMethodist relations: "Let us endeavor to help each other in whatever we are agreed leads to the Kingdom. So far as we can, let us always rejoice to strengthen each other's hands in God."


$19.95' POSTPAID


.Holy Rosary Sodalists have

the year for 2:30 Sunday after. 'noon in the school hall. 'An Appreciation Day Party is planned for Sunday evening, Sept. 12 from 5 to 9 in the school hall. The highlight of this year's party will be the recognition of the basketball coaches who led the parish quintet to the class B championship. Jackets will be awarded to members of the winning team. Bob Bassett, popular Channel 6 TV personality will speak following the buffet supper. Dancing will bring the evening to a close.

Reaffirm Catholic School' Support CLARK (NC) - New Jersey's bishops reaffirmed at a statewide meeting here their pledge to keep their Catholic schools open despite the June 28 Supreme Court decision striking . down certain forms of public aid. Meeting wth legal and educational authorities from the five New Jersey dioceses and staff directors of the state Catholic conferences, the bishops· explored the decision's potential effect on New Jersey Catholic schools.

Cardinal Willebrands offered the Methodist delegate~ personal greetings from Pope Paul VI.


Catholic FIRESIDE Edition of


~scheduled their first meeting of


Commenting on the ecumen· ical movement, the cardinal observed, "We hear that the steam has gone out of the ecumenical movement, but I think this can only be believed by those who look at the last few years with shallow optimism. It is no sign of confidence or wisdom in a mountaineer to rush noisily at the first slopes, leaving himself no breath or spirit for the heights."

The cardinal commented: "If a .shared heritage is a reality, it is a responsibility. God sees it and He sees how we use it. He sees that our forefathers were prevented even from sus· pecting its existence, and that

ST. MARGARET, ' BU~ARDS SAY." , . , A . workshop fol' elementary' teachers ofjeligon will 'be spon-' sored by the Upper Cape CCD Boara at St. Margaret's, Buz· zards Bay_ from 7:30 to 10:30 on,,,Tuesday evening, Sept. 14.


hence we must go beyond our forefathers, improve on them ..."

Ecumenical Movement

ST. LOUIS OF FRANCE, SWANSEA Mrs. Raymond A. Boulanger and Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong will serve as co-charmen for the fashion show entitled "An Evening of Fall Fashions'-'-scheduled for 7 on Thursday evening, Sept. 24 at the Venus de Milo, Swansea. Tiekets may be obtained from Mrs. Norman Messier, Mrs. Leo LeComte or Mrs. Herman, La· 'pointe,'

The"Upper Cape CCD Board will conduct a workshop for elementary ~eachers of religion from·~.7:3,O to: 10:30 on Tuesday 21 in the church. evening,.... .Sept. , ST. S:rANISLAUS,


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa'il River-thurs.·Sept. '2, 1971


But Ru:/j Too.'

'Voucher Plan


As Catholic schools open their doors next week,' the . 0 thought on the minds of parents and administrators' and children .alike remains-for how long? It seems that there can be no public aid for the Cath· olic school system as a system. But 'what of public aid to each individual child to secure the type of education that he and his parents desire: for him? ' , I This is what happens in the case of the returning veteran. He may enroll in any acceptable college-state or private-and the governm~nt has no hesitation about contributing to his education. And this is a situation where there is no law demanding that he pursue school. It would seem that if t.his is true in the case of the college student, it should prevail all the more , in the case I of the student who is compelled by law to attend school. Why not pubHc aid to each individual student and then let this student bring the aid to that school system that he and his parents deem best for him-corrimunity school, private school, parochial school? In this way the purpqse of. education is carried out while the freed9m of the individual to choose his own type of educational system is guaranteed with no penalty for choosing other than that . provided by' the community. And if the child is questioned as to why he prefers private or parochial school over community, then right away he becomes tJIe object 9f discrimination, and such questioning must be disallowed. The Delaney Bill in Congress provides for just such .aid. It-seems to have been dormant for quite a while. The time has 'come for it to be pushed. This'voucher plan is 110t a new one. But it would seem to be an acceptable one constitutionally and one that is needed right now.

Age ,Groups




ith€ '

nl 00R I n "f r:.

Those who take a simplistic view of life often like to : think of the young as being energetic and idealistic and I • full of enthusiasm and the o!der as being ap.~.theti~, and :.' Rev. J~hn F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed, over-cautious and slow. ," :;" '1',.1" 55. Peter & Paul,' Fall River Yet Saul Alinsky, who has written a book "Rules for' : Radicals," has said, "I have found more senility among the Jer14~salem 19-to-20 year olds than among the aged. Life' is too much I I for them, so' they jump off into a mystical future. They One of the gre,atest swmbling blocks to peace in the have a penchant for picking losers. Che Guevara-what Middle East is the ,entire question of the status of the the hell did he do except get himself shot? Mao's Red Book, city of Jerusalem. Fpr a majority of the world's people, in this, cybernatic, automated, technological; jet-propelled Jerusalem is the Ho~y City. The Dome of the Rock and modern civilization is about as germane as running a stage- the Mosque of Al A9sa are' , d t th M 1 ' 11' the city of Jerusalem in such'a coach to Kennedy Airport." sacre .0. e os em l wor (. neutral state and in fact is makAlinsky tells the college audiences he addresses (hat For Christians the, very ing it once more a Jewish city. they must communicate, must use 'the skills of their, own stones of the old ci~Yt of J{~- This is directly contrary to the middle-class backgrounds. And yet he says he gets the feel-' rusalem are sacred to the mem- recommendations of the United . h f h ' Id l'k . h h lory of Christ who sh,ed His Nations and certainly in direct mg t at some 0 t em wou 1 e to re-mvent t e w ee Blood on them. The' I JewI'sh ' opposition to other religions . d d . because it came out 0 f a b ourgeols, eca ent socIety. world has always held, the Holy who hold the Old City of JeruWhat Alinsky says is just another indication that City as its sacred center. !Despite salem above and beyond the eople and age groups cannot be divided i,nto"sure cate- the reverence that these. ipeoples control of. a political state. P , The sensitivity which sur· gories. And those who attempt to label all the y'oung as one hold f~r ~erusalem, it P,\s be~n, thing and all the older as another are si,mply forcing com- ,and s~IH IS, the center Of stnfe\ rounds any discussion concern· _ plex individuals into ,general categories.. They are lumping' .. turmOil and war. i I ing Jerusalem is another diffi· people together instead of taking them as they' are; one Once again the entire: question culty which is always present. of Jerusalem seems to oe:headed Seemingly, any pos~ti~e criticism, by one, with their individual attitudes and strengths and for the United Natioh~. Ever of the policies of the State of weaknesses. . since the famous six-day war Israel is reduced without fact . One can take exception to Alinsky's general statement when the entire city wa~ occu.. arid foundation to anti·Semitism. about the young. But if what he says shakes Up, pre, pied by the armed forces, of the In many ways, this cry of reli-' conceived general attitudes about one or another age group~ State of Israel; the destiny of gious persecution has become a , the Holy Places has been I placed security blanket. for those who then he has made his point. . in the gravest doubtS. The wish to ignore the rights, and United Nations Organi~ation of . basic freedoms of other peoples. States has always, mair;ttained This attitude only aggravates that Jerusalem should be made and irritates the entire question ail international city. Vet the of Jerusalem and the' future of state of Israel refuses ~~. place the Holy Places. .... l


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 027.22 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rey. Daniel A:, Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloc, M.A: ~Leary Press-Fall River

ASST. GENERAL MANAGER· Rev. John P; Driscoll

P,'iests' ',Senate Releases Poll Information 'The Priests' Senate of the Diocese of Fall River has 'released the results of a poll taken of 'the priests of the Diocese concerning the "Moment of Truth" statement recently published by the National Federa· ation of Priests' Councils. Of 260 questionnaires sent out by the Senate, 125, or 48 per cent, were answered. The national statement concerns itself with the foHowing points; the priests of the Diocese have commented as described: Leadership: 79 per cent agreed with the statement; 90 per cent want it to be discussed in Rome during the coming Synod. Church Structures: 75 per cent agree with NFPC; over 90 per cent want it further discussed in Rome; 72 per cent feel the need for the development of new approaches in the ministry. Human Rights: 80 per cent agree and 90 per cent want fur· ther discussion in ~ome. Celibacy: 59 per cent agree with the NFPC statement; 73 per cent seek further discl,lssion during the Synod in Rome; 81 per cent see celibacy as a pre· cious tradition which should be preserved; 55 per cent are in favor of optional celibacy. The responding priests 'also established a list of priorities for the bishops' discussions in Rome during the Fall Syriod. The or~er of priority is Priestly Holiness. Leadership, Church Structure, Human Rignts and Celibacy. ,",~ ,.;

'Priest Asks Funds' For Boxing Gloves' OAKVILLE (NC)-The silverhaired priest led with a stiff right-and stunned some of his parishioners. Preaching . at a Mass ,in St. Andrew's church here in Ontario, Father J. W. Flaherty said he favored having youngsters put on boxing gloves to· settle their differences. He 'declared: "Every boy should be taught to defend himself."

Old City even if they happen to be Arabs. An internationalized Old City of Jerusalem could be a real blessing to the state of Israel. It could become a center' where Arab and Jew could meet 'as equals and where free dis· cussion could take place among the warring states surrounding Israel. It would also win for Israel ,the good will pt'the Chris· tian world, a. fact which would greatly bO,lster the present ap· prehension that' this world· feels concerning the safety and pres-' ervation' of the Holy Places. If Israel and the Arabs can ,reach such an accommodation, they will be off to a promising start on the road to mutual trust .....euhClllize Jer'lIsu'lem First Step and ·peace. If all factions inIf there is to be peace lin the would be to neutralize the Old volved in the strife of the Middle fand where the Prince qfi Peace City whose ancient wallg and' East would concentrate their. ef· once walked, there will ,have tq monuments are rich with· mean- 'forts with sincerity and trust on be dramatic concessions :on all ing and devotion for Christians,' a solution to the question of Jerusalem, there is no reason warring sides. Arabs and Jews Moslems and Jews alike. Israel should give up 'its con· why they cannot expand this alike must understand that they cannot live in a state of. perma- t~ol of the Arab holy places attitude to a solution of the en· I whose loss to the Arab world is tire Arab-Israeli stalemate. Jeru· nent warfare. A great step on the road to a constant source of anger' and salem gives them both a como, peace would be a solution to shame. Israel also should ensure mon ground of dicsussion and' the question of' Jerusal~m. A greater freedom of religious ex- the entire world a common helpful and realistic first step , pression to the Christians of the ground of hope. •i


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971

Taxation Only Effective Way to Sha.re Wealth If we stand off a little from the problem of armaments and put to one side our normal, unquestioning, everyday way of thinking about "defense," we can hardiy fail to share Pope Paul's sense of shock and sorrow that mankind accepts almost as a matter Here among the poorest peo~ of course public expenditure pies-as, a century ago, among of the order of $150 billions the poorest classes-the normal a year on instruments of de- methods of market economy do

struction, yet dedicates not more . than $6 to 8 billions to public programs for the constructive tasks of development. The reasons for this disparity are not, as we have already


noteo, rooted in any kind of economic necessity. The American • community, growing by more than $40 billions a year, could dedicate a third of that increase to world development without noticing it. No, the reasons for accepting defen~e and rejecting development assistance are political· and ought to be fully understood. Some we have examined already - for instance, the argument that spending even a third of the defense budget on development would undermine, free enterprise and disrupt the market-a fairly nonsensical proposition since vast spending on defense has done neither. The bias is supported by further arguments - that private charity and private investment can do the job and are socially more acceptable instruments of action in a free society. / In a sense, this argument repeats at the world level the 19th century belief firmly held inside our national communities that the thrust of private enterprise would provide society's main means of liveliehood while private alms-giving would look after the disadvantaged people .' who could not earn a living through the ordinary ml!rket. Only a Trickle Apply this belief to our new planetary society in which, we should recall, the 20 per cent who live round the North Atlantic enjoy 80 per cent of the income; then the expectation is that private international investment will provide the main stimulus to growth between nations while voluntary agencieschurches, missionary bodies, CARE, OXFAM and other such private charitable bodies-will fill in the gaps the market can not cope with. But it does not, in fact, work out like this. Take the critical input of private investment. To that half of the world in which annual income per head of the population is below $150, only .. a trickle of private funds find their way. Less than 15 per cent of the world's private investing goes to the 50 per cent living in the poorest lands-and were it not for investment in oil, the sum would be lower still.

not work because the potential consumers: are much too poor to get into the market in the first place. Private Charity So, if private charity is to fill in the gap, it will have to be on a tremendous scale. But is that possible? The answer is that today the full flow of private donations from all sources to the poorer lands is under $500 million a year - not even onetwelfth of the sums made available by public aid programs. Under no conceivable condi. .ATTEND COLLEGIAL ASSEMBLY OF VICTORY NOLL SISTERS: Six Sisters tions can we expect to see private donors in the Atlantic of Our. Lady of Victory Missionary Society serving.in the Diocese of Fall River attended World voluntarily multiplying proceedings held in Huntington, Ind. that st ressed their work in the diocese, both past their present alms a dozen times and present. Left to right:. Sr. Alice O'Brien, religous education director, St. Pius X, So. over. They simply will riot do Yarmouth; Sr. Della Ann Chartrand, diocesan consultor in religious edu<;ation; Sr. Florso. Nor should this surprise us. entine Lohr, president of the Missionary Sisters; Sr. Betty Anderson, social service In the 19th century, private worker at Regina Pacis, Spanish Center in New Bedford; Sr. Muriel Balch, religious educharity could never fill up the . cation director, St. Joseph, No. Dighton; Sr. Martha Wordeman, diocesan consultant in needs of the desperately poor. religious education. At the end of the Victorian era in England, after a century of industrial supremacy, it was' discovered that at least one-third of the recruits for the Boer War BOSTON (NC)-Young people the New England Congress of something solid and meaningful, had to be rejected because they who turn to Yoga and the Religious Education. perhaps to an inward discovery were too undernourished and "Jesus cult" but refuse to acof the unseen God." "In rejecting the legitimate sickly t9 bear arms. Only then knowledge authority run the risk claims made by authority on did Britain begin to accept pub. These people, the bishop said, lic programs - of pensions a::1d of becoming captives of their them, contemporary men of all are included among those who own systems, contends Boston ages face the danger of becomhealth insurance-to put an end Archbishop Humberto S. M.edei- ing captives of themselves. Their reject any fatherly authority. to the disgrace. ros. peer groups become their new The Boston archbishop said reGiven in Trust Today's youth, he said in an dictators, demanding scrupulous ligious education must be conIn our world today, private in- address, "has rejected any allegiance to what they think cerned with man as he is and vestment and private 'alms, val- fatherly authority over them, and feel about society," he said. with man as God wants him to· uable as they are, will not reach and therefore, any dignity: or "Despite their apparent actiy- be. the poorest half of our fellow- identity which God or any other ism and protest, their psycheReligious educators, he said, men. We have to decide, as our father figure might have bedelic emoting and exotic dress, "must confront current issues great-grandfathers had to decide, stowed on them." their rock music and smoking such as ecology and war, povwhether taxation in support of stick, many of the youth are now erty and population control, but "The worth of man is not public programs-for education, for health, for public improve- what is given to him from above, turning to meditation and con- always in the light of the risen Christ who alone illumines and ment generally-is not, in fact, they insist, but rather what he templation. "Yogas and 'Jesus People' are guides our understanding of the only effective way to shar- freely makes. of himself and of ing the world's wealth more his future," the archbishop, told ,withdrawing into the self to find every human problem on earth." equitably. We in the North Atlantic . countries enjoy 80 per cent of it. , It is given us, like all wealth, in CATHOLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT trust for our fellowmen. We can not deny that trust without acSCH.OOL CALENDAR 1971 -1972 cepting God's judgment on our indifference. This, surely, is the real significance of economic asSEPTEMBER 1971 OCTOBER 1971 NOVEMBER 1971 DECEMBER 1971 sistance programs. They are our M T W T T F W T W F T F M W T M T F M T answer to Pope Paul's query 2 3 5* I 2 [3) 4 1 1 whether we will tax ourselves 8 9 10 7 4 8 8 6 7 [8) 9 10 9 10 -11 12 5 [6) to aid the poor. 13 14 15 16 17 (Ill 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 The question remains whether 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 (25 26) 20 21 22 23 /24 Christian citizens can accept an (25) 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 29 30 27 28 29 30 311 attitudJ which the Pope has 17 Days 20 Days 17 Days 19 Days called a "defiance thrown in the face of God." JANUARY 1972 APRIL 1972 FEBRUARY 1972 MARCH 1972

Archbishop Avers Youth Captive of Own System

Archdiocese Trains Permanent Deacons OMAHA (NC) - The Omaha archdiocese has established a program to train married and single men to become permanent deac~ns.

Archbishop Daniel E. Sheehan said that the three-year program . beginning in September will be conducted at Creighton University here and will include fully accredited courses in theology, scripture and pastoral theology.

M 3 10 17 24 31

T W 4 5 11 112) 18 19 25 26

T 6 13 20 27

F 7 14 21* 28

M 7 14 /21 28

21 Days M 1 8 15 22 (29)

MAY 1972 T W T (4 2 3 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 20 Days

F 5lb 12 19 26


W T T 3 1 [2) 9 10 8 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 16 Days JUNE 1972 W T T

"I 5 12 19

6 13 20

7 14 21 17 Days

8 15 22

F 4



6 13 20 27

18 25)

F 2 9 16 23*

W T 1 2 7 [8) 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 22 Days T

F 3 10 17 24 (311a

M 3 10 (17 24

T 4 11 18 25

T 6 13 20 27

W [5) 12 19 26

F 7* 14 21) 28

15 Days'

Total.Days = 184 )= Holiday or vacation; no school session = Professional day; schools close at end session for staff in-service program.

of morning

* ~ End of Quarter. Examinations given during this week; report cards issued within week following. a Good Friday b Catholic Teachers Convention

= =




Black Nuns Form

THE,ANCHOR-:-Diocese of Fall Riyer~ Thurs. Sept; 2,19T r

New Order.

Dungarees.are Trade Marks. Of, Trave:lling Am1erica,ns

PITTSBURGH (NC)-A group of black Sisters, some of whom say they were forced out of their religious orders because of deep involvement in black c'auses, es: I just did a quick survey' of my girls' closet and tablished a community of thefr own at the fourth annual meetbureau drawers 'and' what I saw made me quite angry. , ing of the National Black Sisters' Dresses are hanging in that closet that are' being outConference here. grown' \yithout ever seeing the light of day, short sets are Formation of tlie community becomfng too, small without was "a response to. the impact suits or even hot pant suits and ever emerging from their worn this way. I predict that it that blackness has had on each r~$ting place in the drawers individual, and each individual's will become to Fall fashion what responsibility to the (black) liband yet my' girls certainly the lightweight knit suit was ~ci eration struggle," said Sister don't look .like' fashion plates Summer and travel. Mary Shawn, conference special for the emphasis is on dungarees. The collegians will also have projeCts director. While I admit that dungarees a chance to wear the elassi<;s "Legal proceedings for the new have a place in every young that are reappearing on the religious community are in progirl's and ,young.man's wardrobe, cess/~ Sister Shawn told NC . I 'dolike: to see them dressed fashion horizon for AiJtumn 71; such as that great look - the News, "and the Sisters will ofblazer and the elassic camel's , fer_ their service to tne commuhair coat in a wrap around vernity with or without canomcal sion and a mid'i length that will sponsorship." , keep them warm no matter how "This was not a brainchild of far ·north their college campuses the conference," she said.. "It are. MARILYN· just so happened that these SisThere's a good chance that our ters found themselves ready to young people will blossom forth respond to the Spirit at this RODERICK time." BOWLING .LEAG,'UE AIDS .SCHOOL: St. Mathieu's this coming season with some really good _, looking elothes-I ,o.ther actions at the session hope' so, and I- also hope tha~ Parish GYO Summer I Bowling 'League of Fall River an- at Carlow College here' inel!Jded in something else occasionally. when they are .purchased they, nounced at its awar,d~ b~nq,uet on' Monday, night that all the announcement of a new Tri- . Meryl's dupgarees practically are also worn and the dungarees, proceeds .from the season's activities will go towards the bunal for Black Religious Afcaused mob scenes in Portugal - pushed into the back of the' support of the parish ~chool. Members of the winning team fairs and a $35,000 study of the because no one but the Ameri- closet. were left to right: Mfs. Edna Fortin, Mrs. Doris Poisson, black Sisters role in the black _ cans w'ear them. Children from We can dream, can't we. Mrs. Doris Messier, Mrs. Terry. Tremblay and Mrs. Helen community. The 135 delegat~s from 23 reother countries that we met Lapointe. ': . ' ! ligious communities also' passed wore attract'ive play outfits and . I resolutions urging' the appointlovely 9resses-only we of the ment of more U.S. black bishops youth culture were attired in that worn blue uniform. Along and black control over Catholic the roadside, in the towns, at,the schools in black ar.eas. . I LUZERNE (NC)-A group of . Sister Shawn said establishin'g beaches the American ygung Knights UrgelNatic)nal Decency Week, . '''I . a, new order .had been "in the could be pick_~d out by their blue women here in Pennsylvania has Gratitude to, Firemen launched a campaign for con'mi;"ds '~nd 'hearts of· these Sis~ denim bottoms. _c_ ' .~i" ,- I sumer protection because' they Now I know that they are NEW YORK' (NC):..:.LPro~lama­ fund' w:as 'odginall~' established ter~,' for ~.about'~ threeY~~rs." ':~ are "F.E.D.U.P." with, they say,' selling other lovely' outfits for tion of a "National p¢~ency in 1944 to provide college scholunfair and. deceptive commercial young females (I have a whole Week" was considered by the arships for children of Knights practices The 'women decided. closet ful] of girls' Summer supreme council of the 'Knights killed or disabled in the military that instead of sitting around clothes that by my standards of Columbus 'at their 89th an- service of the Unitcd States or and complaining to each\ other, would be considered pretty bitt the United Nations. nual meeting here. . they would channel their condo not obivously hit my youngA resolution proposing the McDevitt also stated his dissumer frustrations into a reform, ster,s till!! way.) , special week said it w!!-s: needed approval of abortion, saying that organization called "Fight Economic Deceptlon and Unfair' to underscore the positive values pressures t.o legalize the operaCorduroy Becoming of propri~ty. Other resplutions tion pose a threat to Western Practice"-FED UP. taken up by .the KnightS If these gals ever forsake ,the culture. , , conF.E.D. U.P. was conceived at c,erned the evils of pornography, dungarees they'll find a wide "The Western world has made variety. of exciting fashions for_ an afternoon tea sponsored by' a public education pr6gram amazing strides in medicine, B'nai women of the Wilkes-Barre about those evils, securing Ifunds science and nutrition because of themselves in the stores this Brith who were concerned, but· for Catholic schools, providing Fall. not yet rriobilized for consumer! increased services for Jeterans its 'crusading conviction that UP-DATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM every human life is sacrosanct - Corduroy is elegant this year protection. TIMELY RELIGIOUS FORMATION in hospitals, and the question of and so is -to be saved and nourand it is as varied as New Endvil and respect for legitimate ished," he stated. He commended gland weather. The wide, wide - The members decided that the religious authority. ' ~RlaR President Richard M. Nixon's rewhale is not only being used for teas should be expanded to in- , All were' consi~ered by 386 cent statement of personal oppo-, ' sportswear but also for, su~h elude women from other area BRotheR OR pRieSt delegates to the highest legisla- sition to abortions. dressy items as evening skirts, organizations to help in the fight . o~ the tive and policy body Let us tell you how for fair practice. Radio, teleand vests. . "If ever there was a cause for you can serve. Write vision and newspapers told of 1,200,OOO-member Catholic: frafor free Iiterature at knighthood to defend, it is life For those who like their cor- the next meeting, where home ternal society. no obligation. , itself," he 'said. duroy a bit more refined, some economist Jo Ann Farrar-rep- . Supreme Knight John W. McVocation Director fabrics .are clipped so- smooth resenting . the Commission on Devitt 'set the meeting's' tone ST. LAWRENCE FRIARY The Supreme Knight's final that they have a velvet, finish to Economic Opportunity - helped during his formal report..-tt9 the major topic was the financial 175 Millon St. • Milton, Mall. 02186 them, yet they are corduroy, and lay the groundwork for 'F.E.D. supreme council: "We are ,d~eply condition of Catholic schools. Name they have the same wonderful V.P. concerned about the problems of The schools are necessary, he properties that we have always to rear and train young said, the world and the problt:irrts of Address "The Crusade for the Conassociated with this material. ' sumer" now reaches as far as , the Church ... but without lever people of strong religious comBrother 0 Priest 0 Age_ _ Jeans will be made of cordu- the state house in Harrisburg, , losing sight of the fact that our mitment and moral discipline. roy as well and gaucho pants, where fed-up wOJ1len travel. at true goal is not a paradise bblow 'I worn with high boots and thick their. own expense to push for but a heaven above." stockings, or (for the hardy the passage of a unit-pricing In his speech, the Suptenie souls with young blood) cordu- bill which will make it necessary Knight urged delegates tol exroy hot pants. for producers to .indicate the press concrete gratitude to' the INC. The printed corduroy will be price of an item _per' unit of . nation's firemen-"our modern ,knights in black armor." He !proworn by the young in combina- measure on the package. posed extending the benefits of tions with other small 'prints or . Back home in Luzerne, mem,stripes and this looks best in bers of the F.E.D. V.P. are con~ the KC educational fund ~ol the , jumper outfits with perhaps a tacting managers of' super- children of firemen who:l are ,killed or disabled because of 'matching j~cket, in earth t.ones. markets and 'private' stores ask- ,"criminal violence." f Smocked, it takes to yolks or' ing them to introduce unit'Same Risk'. I I cuffed, and tailored it 'takes on pricing, freshness dating, listing a shirt look, this time in lovely of nutrients and calories and Firemen fight fires today " soft shades of aqua and a dusty p'roper labeling' of meat, fish and "with the same risk that -lour :,:i ~ rose pink that is reminiscent of poultry. Two supermarkets here men in blue fight crime and 'our the Vict.oria era. Many of these have recently introduced unit men in Khaki fight foreign roles," shirt looks are seen in slack pricing. 'lle explained. The, ~ducati6nal I

.Women FEDUP With 'Deception'










THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971

Dignity of Lab10r Die'clines Wit,h Dels.ir,e for Leisu,re Labor Day was originally designated to honor labor. But today we seldom hear anyone speak of the laborer with respect. with any acknowledgment of his dignity. The more obvious trend is' toward leisure at any price: Work is something to be avoided, to be reduced' to skill of a surgeon, 'cause he a minimum, to be regarded could fix anything. It didn't mat- . tel' . if it was a clock, a toaster with disdain. What happen- or an electric drill; he knew how

ed to the spirit of pride over a job well done? . My husband and I expect our children to work, and by doing / so, learn the satis~ction of accomplishing something difficult,


seeing a job completed through their own efforts, determination and skill. Sometimes the kids regard us as Mr. and Mrs. Simon Legree. . And they are not alone in their thinking. Seeing my gang working on the lawn on a recent hot Summer day, a passer-by commented to a neighbor down the block, "Did you see that wbman up on the corner? She's got all her kids eut working ... mowing the lawn, raking; one is even up on a ladder painting the garage. Somebody ought to report her to the 'child labor departmentl" Old·Time Craftsman My neighbor listened to his complaint, . then commented, "I think it's great that her kids work like that. Do you think it would be better if they were just hanging around all Summer, wondering what to do wth themselves?· Maybe if more kids were working with their parents, there wouldn't be so many kids iri: trouble!" He wasn't impressed, and shuffled down the block, mumbling about "that crazy woman" those poor kids." Yet his attitude was really not unusual. Society seems to look down on anyone who' works with his hands. There is no respect for the laborer. One must be a member of a profession to gain recognition for having done something' worthwhile with his life. Granted, we need doctors, teachers, nurses and scientists. But what this country really needs is a good' repairman! What ever happened to the old-time craftsman who stood at his bench, held in awe and admiration by all who watched him? He was a man who had the wisdom of Solomon, and the

Sold for a Dollar MARQUETTE (NC)-The Capuchin Fathers of the Detroit province have sold their $340,000 Sacred Heart Friary at Assini.ns, Mich., to the Baraga County Indian Council for one dollar. The building will be used as an Indian headquarters and trade school. It served as a diocesan orphanage for 28 years and a school for prospective Capuchin Brothers for 13 years.

it worked and how to fix it. But in our modern world, he's disappeared. The first hot day in the beginning of this Summer, we got our little air conditioner out of the attic, and put it in our bedroom window. We switched it on and it didn't cool. We never had an air conditioner break down before so I called our electrician. He doesn't fix air conditioners. Then I called our TV repairman. He explained that the equipment to fix air conditioners is so expensive, he couldn't afford it. So, I looked up "Air conditioning equipment and repairs" in. the Yellow Pages and called the nearest firm. They have a very efficient switchboard operator. She knew what was wrong with the machine, even before they' had seen it. A truck picked it up and two days later it was back. It worked for about two hours, then quit. Profession-Conscious I called again. And again she knew what was wrong without seeing the machine. If she knew what was wrong, why didn't they fix it while they had it? They picked it up, brought it back a few days later and it quit in a couple of hours. We played this routine five times. Now that Summer is almost over, it's fixed. But doesn't anyone have enough pride in being a repairman to want to do a good job in the first place? Our whole society has gotten so profession-conscious that the kids are brainwashed on getting into college to learn anything that doesn't require' working with their hands. One of our sons was talking about his future. "You know, Mom," he observed, "I'm going to be a good carpenter. By the time I get out of college, everyone else is going to be an engineer '01' an architect. I'll be the only one who knows how to drive a nail. They won't be able to get along without me!" He may be right.

Federal Aid Denied To Parish Schools

COMMEMORATE FOUNDING OF LEGION OF MARY: Members of the Legion of Mary from all sections of· the Diocese celebrated the golden jubile~ of founding of the World Legion of Mary in ceremonies held on Sunday at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Adamsville. Left to right: Mrs. Irene Martin and Mrs. Matthew Hart, both of Fairhaven; Manuel A. Gomes and Miss Marie Lebeau from New Bedford; Matthew Hart, Fairhaven; Miss Beatrice Capeto, Fall River; Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, guest speaker and celebrant of benediction; Rev. William P. Blottman of St. Joseph's, Fall River; Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor, spiritual director of the Dio.cesan Legion of Mary. .

Str,e:ss,es Faitlh i,n Catholic Educ·ation ;

C,atholic Conference' Director Named Bishop WASHINGTON - Bishop-elect non public school aid programs in Raymond A. Lucker will leave Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and his post as director of the U. S. Connecticut-a trio of financial Catholic Conference education blows which has driven ·some of department armed with a set of the most seasoned optimists to personal "credos" on Catholic the pessimist camp. education. "I think the Supreme Court is "I believe that Catholic educa- forcing us to clarify our education will continue to playa vital tional philosophy," Father Luckrole in the Church in this coun- er said, puffing thoughtfully on try," Father Lucker toldNC his favorite pipe. "We are forced News in an interview. to say, 'Yes, we are for a school "I believe that the teaching in which religion is taught as an office of the Church is essential integral part of the curriculum.' , to its mission. ... If we can't get certain kinds "I believe that Catholic educa- of aid with that kind of school, tion will be conceived of in a then we still have to stick to our broader way than we have con- Catholic educational philosophy." ceived of it in the past." Other Aspects Education department director priest added that he The since 1969, Father Lucker will be ordained auxiliary bishop of the , thinks constitutional ways can St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese still be found to aid non public schools, citing as possibilities aid on Sept. 8. When he came to the newly- to parents or students rather reorganized ~ education depart- than to a school itself. Father Lucker said he believes ment, Father Lucker said, "all the then existing divisions had Catholic education of the future had a long, and I think fruitful "is going to be Conceived in the existence as separate entities. very broad sense as the total They were used to operating on teaching mission of the Church." their own, and yet the mandate of the USl:;:C was that all these divisions-and two new oneshad to learn to work together as a department."

"I think we will continue to encourage and support Catholic schools to the extent possible, but that Catholic people will also want to place emphasis on other aspects of education-like adult education, or family education, or the liturgy as a communication of the word of God." Two areas in this broadlyconceived' educational picture which need beefing up are programs for minorities and programs for students on college campuses, Father. Lucker said.



PORTLAND (NC)-Three parochial schools here have been denied federal aid because of the U.S. Supreme Court's June 28 decision banning some f.orms of state aid to non public schools. Citing that decision, the U. S. Cause' for Optimism Department of Housing and UrThe priest holds a doctorate ban Development (HUD) ruled that $155,000 in federal funds. in sacred theology from the Unifor the three school programs versity of St. Thomas in Rome and a Ph.D. in education from cannot be used. Frederick L. Brown, counsel . the University of Minnesota. for 'the Portland Model Cities He has been "Msgr. Lucker" Program's regional office in Bos- for the past two years, but rareton, said even current assistance ly uses the title. programs to the three schools The bishop-elect finds cause are legally "doubtful in light of for optimism about Catholic eduthe most recent Supreme Court cation even in the U. S. Supreme decisions. " Court's recent decisions voiding









1343 PLEASANT STREET 673-7780



Pope Paul Names Synod Delegate

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 2, 1971

'~ Says US Bases

SPRNGFIELD (NC) - Pope Paul VI has named Bishop William W. Baum of SprngfieldCape Girardeau a delegate to the 1971 synod of bishops meeting in Rome, the Bishop said here in Missouri. Bishop Baum, 44, has been head of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese since April 1970. Experienced in ecumenical affairs, he was a "peritus" or official expert at the 1962-1965 Vatican Council while a priest.

Wo'rk,to Ease Race Tension


NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Human rela~ions colin,cils at U. S. Air Force bases in Europe- are ~'definitely working to reduce racial tension," according to the nation's only black bishop. Auxiliary Bishop Harold Robert Perry, of New Orleans, anti a member of the Divine Word Missionaries, said that he learned At their meeting in Detroit on a tour of bases in England last April, the U. S. bishops apd Germany' how such councils elected' four delegates to the are working to neutralize factors synod: Cardnals John Dearden of contributing to racial tensions. Detroit, John Krol of Phladelphia "They are also working to imand John Carberry of St. Louis" prove 'communications between and Coadjutor Archbishop Leo enlisted'men and officers," Bish'C, Byrne of St. Paul-Minneapolis., 0p Perry said. REUNION AT NATIONAL SHRINE: Six natural sisters, all Religious of the Immac- They also elected two alternates: He described base race rela- ulate Conception, Canada, met with their brother i:n a reunion at the National Shrine Archbishops Joseph T. McGucken tions as quite good despite "in- of the Im'maculate Conception, Washington, D.C.,' (ecently. It was a happy ?ay .f~r the of San Francisco and John F. cidents at spme bases." He said Whealon of Hartford. l that racial difficulties in Ger- Doyle family when they all: met for the first time in many years. T~e famIly. l~ ongmally Bishops' conferences of the many, particula,rly among Army from Canada but now they are in various parts of, the world. MonSIgnor WIlham F. Mc- various countries elect delegates personnel; "were 'perhaps the Donough right, director of the Shrine, welcome~ th~' fam~ly. F~om left t~ rig~t are: Sis- to represent them at the synod, most difficult of any I,saw dur- - ter Aileen, Mr. Timothy Doyle, Sister Teresa, SISt~~ Manon, Su~ter Mane, SIster Helen and the Pope personally appoints ing my tour of bases." other delegates. and Si,ster Rita. NC Photo., "It would be difficult to find the 'interest and concern for Form Mutual Fund human, relations anywhere in civilian life as I found in the Air For World Peace Force bases ,in England and GerWASHINGTON (NC) - Two many," the bishop said, ,how-' Chang~es churchmen here have set up a ever. CHICAGO (NC)-Based on the ' "They (the schools)wiil exist The report also recommended mutual fund aimed at making a ~haplains Loved toward world belief that Catholic schools can because parents and the:cpmmu- school priorities for the Chi- "contribution peace", weather, the crisis of closing' nity have voluntarily taken. upon cago archdiocese, among which He praised Air Force comPax World Fund, Inc" became manding officers "for their great down, the Chicago archdiocese is themselves the burden Io,f sup- are: Catholic schools serving neigh- effective under a Securities and concern for the happiness of offering ~ome suggestions on porting and shaping th~nV the ' report said. , • borhoods with large numbers of Exchange ruling Aug. 10., Dr. men' of minority groups, espe- savjng, the schools. I low-income families, such as Lutller, E. Tyson, preside!)t, and . The suggestio,ns are contained' ' cially the black enlisted men. '" Local Option : - in an archdiocesan school board ._ c1 I I . v those in pu~lic housing. , Dr. J. Elliott Corbett,.vice-pres~." Bishop Perry called Air Force repprt, "Future' -Directions' for . ~ The report cqlledfor I at baSIC ' Catholic' schools whose stu-' id~rit, are on the staff' of the,' chaplains "a tower of moral Catholic Schools/' compiled by relocation of responsioility and dents are predominantly newly-, United Methodist Chur~h's board strength in' a difficult and often a special commission. ' decision·making fOf Cclhtolic arrived immigrants or recent ar~ of Christian social concerns; critical existence" and said they The 25-member commission is 'schools from pastors,: b!ishops rivals from the South, Puerto The directors said the diversi· are loyed by the, troops. composed of priests, nuns, law- and religious orders to p~rents, Rico, or fr<;>!TI Indian reserva- fied no-load fund, which empha'Bishop Perry also noted yers, businessmen, educators and, "acting in concert" witp the tions. sizes income and security, will" 'changes in attitudes in the Cl' ty ·off.l·cl·als'. others concerned with the edub h' . Decisions a out c angmg riot invest in any of the 100 United States. Five years ago, The commissi~n .emphasized', cation of children. There' i~ neeti schools, re-opening them, or when he was consecrated a .that if' the Catholic schools are for a decentralization ,process closing them down should be left largest Department of Defense contractors. It will "seek investbishop in New Orleans, pickets to surviv~ they must make some which will permit local pption to local options. ments in companies that are not greeted him. changes, especially in, giving and local responsibility for Cathto any degree engaged in de'" DI'ffl'cult Days "But· today, after only five parents a more active voice, and' OII'C schools, the report sait!o I fense or weapon-related pro-· years, I have noticed great the urban poor more opportuni-' To exercise its responsibilities ducts," they said, changes of attitudes in my' own ties within the Catholic school Hits 'PostlPone""e~t to the poor, the commission The fund will invest in comcommunity. Now I am siinply ac- ' system. , called for combined efforts of panies dealing in housing, medi· cepted for what I do and what Other predicted changes for' Of Welfare. \Ref~~m the entire Church to aid the poor cines, health care, fOcid, clothI am. I would call that a' very a healthier Catholic school sysWASHINGTON (NC) 'I The "in justice, conscience, in Chris- ing, leisure time, poIlution consignificant attitude 'shift in a tern will be for schools to have one-year delay in welfare reform tian love." trol and education, giving prefrelatively short period of time." more freedom in introducing which was announced! with The commission forecast dif- erence to companies with fair innovations, the comm'ission re- Pr~sident Nixon's wageiprice ficult days ahead for Catholic ele- employment practices, they said. ported. controls "is wrong," .accqrding mentary and secondary schools, Blacks Ask White to United States Catholic: Con- even with public aid. It caIled Bishop to Resign. ference official John E. I Cos- for a search. for new funds in Deny US Supports JOHANNESBURG (NC)-Black both the public and private secgrove. , ' i African Catholics who asked Brazil Repression "Once again, as before: ip our tor to check a nationwide epiBishop Hugh Boyle of Johannes- . Aluminum or Steel WASHINGTON (NC) - There history, those least able to pay demic of school closures. burg to resign were told to take is no direct evidence that the 944 County Street are asked, in effect, to bear the Calling public and' nonpublic their d~mands to the Holy See. United States government supNEW BEDFORD, MASS. cost of economic prdgtams, schools partners in a public ser992-6618 A group of 12 black Catholics, ports police represssion and bru- while, simultaneously, thos~ best vice, the commission recomincluding three priests, walked tality in Brazil, according to a able to pay are further. ~ubsi- mended that any new public into the m~eting of the South Senate subcommittee on Latin dized," said Cosgrove. He is di- funds should be used not only African Bishops' Conference in America. rector of the USCC depa'rt~ment to aid parents, but also to make Pretoria in July and presented The subcommittee, chaired by of social development. II "Catholic schools more accessi. a memorandum, demanding that Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho), This "indicates something of ble to the less affluent and raisBishop Boyle resigl1 and that a reached its. conclusion after a black cardinal be appointed to brief series of closed hearings.. ' the priorities which must, be re- ing the quality of, education." if we are to move . , , I forreplace Cardinal Owen McCann Testimony was taken from five assessed ward as a nation," Cosgrove ~ of Cape Town. witnesses, all American governsaid, "striving to reconstruct Bishop Boyle, in a statement ment officials. to the Catholic weekly, Southern Religious groups in the'United . our social order on a more: just "I Cross, said that he is bishop of States have been pressing for and humane basis." INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC Johannesburg "by favor and ap- such an inquiry into aIleged vio- i Cosgrove said that while the pointment of the Holy See ... If lations of human rights in Brazil, presidenl's control measures: andcertain people are dissatisfied including torture 'of political : cuts in some federal prdgtams with this appointment, I suggest prison~rs. ; are necessary, "cuts across! the to· them that' they petition the' The hearings ~ere held in May board are very questi?l1able ' Holy See for a new bishop. I ~nd, although the subcommittee policy," He speculated that ["the look forward to my 75th birth-=- has not yet released its findings freeze on federal employes', I pay . day in 1972 when I can tender publicly, government and private . increases and the cut in employmy resignation to the Holy sources disclo,sed the highlights , ment by the government w,ill not 312 Hillman Street 997-9162' New. Bedford. See." , prove blmeficial," '. iri August. ~

Suggests Methods for,: Saving Schools Chicago Commission Stresses







, I





Scores Nixon's Pa rish School Aid Pledge

Thurs., Sept. 2, 197J


Laments Slaying Of Policeman·

NEW YORK (NC)-The American Jewish Congress said here JACKSON (NC) -- Bishop Jothat President Nixon should "upseph B. Brunini sent a telegram hold the Constitution instead of of support and sympathy to the promising prohibited government widow of a police officer killed aid to sectarian institutions." in a shoot-out with black miliIn a statement heavily critical tants here. of Nixon's Aug. 17 pledge at the "The Catholic people of MisKnights of Columbus convention sissippi join me in assurance' of here of support for aid to religiour prayers and profound symous schools, AJC executive dipathy for you, your children, and rector Will Maslow said both the all the family," said the bishop Constitution and recent U.S. Suof Natchez-Jackson in his wire preme Court .decisions prohibit to Mrs. Louis Skinner. the administration from assisting Her husband, an intelligence in "the primary and proper purofficer on the Jackson police pose of parochial schools . force, died from wounds inflicted to propagate the faith." during a 20-minute gunbattle at Also citing Nixon's stated inthe headquarters of a black tention of keeping school busing group called "the Republic of for integration to a minimum, New Africa." Maslow said he questioned the "wisdom and propriety of efforts The shoot-out erupted when by the administration to circumpolice said they atteIl}pted to vent Supreme Court decisions." search the black group's head"To say that government must quarters for a man wanted on a support parochial schools lest murder charge. Two other poCatholic parents be hindered in licemen were wounded in the their 'freedom of choice' is like melee, but were reported in good saying that the elementary hucondition. man right to travel abroad is Seven members o"f the" group not freely exercised unless govwere arrested. The wanted man ernment pays the passage," the was not among them. AJC director stated. Private Support Federation Awards Maslow said the National ~~~Iil'll~d,;%1ilit ST. LOUIS (NC)-Archbishop Catholic Educational Association MASS IN WOODS: Girls on a hike to Image Lake, high in the Cascade Mountains Dom Helder Camara of Olindahad praised the reduced number of Catholic schools as reflecting of Washington, pause in the deep forest for celebration of the Eucharist. The hike is Recife, Brazil and James J. "successful consolidations of part of the Camp Nanamakee program of the Seattle Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Or- O'Connor, a Bryn Mawr, Pa., attorney, are the first winners of smaller, less adequate schools in- ganization. NC Photo. the National Federation of Christo larger and more effective tian Life Communities Developunits." He added that aid to ment .of Peoples award given to noripubliC'" schools would only r recognize those who have taken drain money from equally hardgreat steps toward carrying out pressed public schools. the papal mandate of Pope Paul The AJC director said he VI's social justice encyclical, . "deeply regrets" Cardinal TerHARRISBURG (NC)-The re- "hopeful and confident that the cent ruling, the bishops noted "Populorum Progressio" (On the ence Cooke's call for government cent U.S. Supreme Court decision commonwealth (of Pennsylvania) the high court had also stated Development of Peoples). funds. will promptly enact new legisla- that "religion must be a private Private support of private voiding two state aid programs tion which, whatever its form, matter for the individual, the benefiting nonpublic schools schools is a better idea than govfamily and the institutions of will come to "ominously poin!s to a state edthe aid of Pennsylernment subsidy, he explained, private choice. to ucation monopoly," according vania parents in the exercise of since "only in this way can re-. See Us Fi;st their rights." the 20 Catholic bishops of Penn"Religion is indeed a private ligion be free of government insylvania. . terferE!llce and government be The Pennsylvania hierarchy matter," the bishops said, "but In that threatened monopoly, See U~ Last free of religious influence." was critical of the high court's it is far more. than that. Since A national survey by the AJC the bishops said, "parental rights warning in the recent ruling that the founding of the republic and revealed that some 27 cases now -if acknowledged at all-will questions of state aid to church- the founding of the commonBut See Us awaiting decision in state and be exercisable only by the related education present "haz- wealth, it has been deemed, in wealthy, by those who can bear federal courts involve some form ards of religion intruding into an important sense, a very public matter." of state aid to sectarian schools. both the burden of school taxes the political arean." The Supreme Court's June 28 and of the separate added cost Separation of church and state decision banning such aid in of nonpublic schooling." 'Very 'Public Matter' is a wise policy, the bishops conThe right of parents to eduPennsylvania and Rhode Island . cluded, but "separation of re"This warning must be rejectcate their children in schools of is sure to influence those cases' their religious choice is guaran- ed," the bishops said. "There can ligion from public life is dangeroutcome, Maslow said. ous folly." The AJC spokesman comment- teed by the U.S. Constitution, be no political liberty in a society in which religious groups said Cardinal John Krol of Philed: "When eight members of the court bar two ways of financing adelphia and other bishops of and individual believers, as . sectarian schools out of state the state's Roman and Eastern such, may not speak out on public issues. There can be no refunds, it is not likely that a rite dioceses. SHEET METAL : In their statement, released by ligious liberty in a society in : 1001 Kings Hwy. majority will approve another which public issues may not be the Pennsylvania Catholic Con_ J. TESER. Prop. way" of doing the same thing. ference here, the bishops referred discussed in their religious di- : RESIDENTIAL : · f M to a 1925 Supreme Court deci- mension." : INDUSTRIAL : SoClety 0 ary sion invalidating an .pregon Law COMMERCIAL: Citing another part of the re- : Elects Superior which required all chil.dren to _ 253 Cedar St., New Bedford Open Evenings SAN ANTONIO (NC)-An as- at~~nd pUbl.ic s?hools. _a " " " , 993-3222 ' u· The child IS not the mere Holy Name Society sistant provincial of the Pacific -. province of the worldwide Soci- creature of the state," the court Plans Convention ety of Mary was recently elected had ruled then in the "Pierce" CHICAGO (NC)-Members of the society's superior general. case. the centuries-old Holy Name SoThe election of Father Stephen Critical of Warning ciety wil,l meet in Chicago in Tutas, conducted during the soconvention Sept.. 24-26. But the bishops said the high ciety's general chapter meeting Louis A. Fink of' Atlanta, 'naat St. Mary's University here, is court's June 28 decision-out-· lawing a Pennsylvania purchase- tional president, said the convensubject to Vatican approval. DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS .' The society's general chapter, of-secular-services law and a tion will seek to "deepen the which includes delegates from Rhode Island non public teachers' spiritual life of our men, Sales - Service - Installation the 3,000 members in 13 prov- salary supplement act-"makes strengthening Holy Name units inces . throughout the . world, no mention" ofa parent's right at all levels by suggesting proMAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER meets once every five yea·rs. The to choose a different form of ed- grams of action to meet today's St. Mary's meeting was the first ucation for his child. needs and by a healthy exchange The bishops. said they. were of ideas." ever held in the United States.

. Warn of State Educational Monopoly Bishops See 'Parental Rights Limited to Wealthy


CHEVROLET rN~;;i~'H'.'T~ipp~ -






Phone 675·7484





Members of Presidential Panel Protest Newsman's Remarks

'of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2/1971

Urges Parents Use Power To Influence Television

The telegram-signed by WalWASHINGTON (NC) - Members of President Ri<;hard Nixon's ton, and the three other panel panel, on non-public education' members, Ivan Zylstra, William have protested a CBS newsman's Saltonstall and Auxiliary Bishop remarks on the president's recent William E. McManus of Chicago T~mpers may rise, values may fall but the Saturday . pledge of support for non public --..: asked "that these views be morning TV drivel goes on. In spite of the evidence of made known to the American schools. harmful and fasting d~mage to our children, it goes on. I CBS Washington correspon- public. don't think I'm an alarmist. I like escapism enough :to dent Daniel Schorr had said in a "Everybody is uptight about wan~ ,my children to lose television newscast ·Aug. 18 that talking back to the president on a prominent Catholic educator the record," Schorr said in the themselves in fantasy now of things may be happening to our kids' psyches. told him Nixon's statement to a Aug. 18 newscast, "but educa'and then. But the incredible Alarmist, you say? Okay. If Knights of Columbus national tion officials say privately they violence; cruelty and lack of- you knew your children were dinner the previous evening was have absolutely nothing in the concer'n for humanism which absorbing a harmless flick in . not backed up by action and was works to try to get around the permeates 'seemingly innocuous .which a boy fries his parents made only "for political or rhe~' (June 28) Supreme Court ruling cartoons is 'frightening, with a laser beam because torical effect." against aid to parochial schools." "What's a parent to do?" asks they've joined sides with a dicNixon had praised nonpublic the helples's mom or dad, spread- tator, would you feel as com"Catholic parochial school lead, schools for ihe I'eligious values ers who also want to remain ing palms up and shrugging in fortable? There are far more 'JUSTICE 'J. P. MOlJINARI they stress, saying: defeat. anonymous go further," Schorr grotesque cartoons showirlg ! " . . . lj.S we see them closing continued. weekly. at the rate of one a day, we must In the same issue of "Today's resolve to stop that trend and 'Nothing Happening' Child" in which I. found the turn it around, and you can evaluations, there appeared: a . "One prominent leader told By c()lmt on my support to do it." "condensed account of a speech WASHINGTON (NC)-QfficiCBS news, 'The administration Dr. Clarence Walton, chairman by a Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. als at the Apostolic Delegation isn't doing a darn thing. We :DOLORES . I . Chester Pierce" in which he here have announced Ithat for of the four-member Presidential stated that altruism' must be the first time in two years an panel, said in an Aug. 20 tele- have met with the pre!?ident taught as we now teach math or American layman has' been hon- gram to Frank Stanton, CBS. twice and he has said some very nice things about· parochial history. ored by Pope Paul VI ~\th an of- president, that Schorr's newscast schools, but there is no action. might create "a myth or 'view"The 'young children growing fice in the' papal household. point that is quite, unrelated to We have outlined ideas for paroup now have to ,be different from 'Justice Joseph P. M6linari of chial school aid that we think fact." any who have grown up before," the New York State 'Supreme would be legal-:-tax credits, a . The Orily answer is a question. said Dr. Pierce. "They have to "To keep the record straight," "What have you done ,about it?" be different because we know Court will be invested as a Walton said, "I wish to state on version of the GI bill, aid based If you are the typical parent of there can never be another war," Gentleman of His Holiriess, one behalf of my panel col1eague~ on benefits to the individual child Saturday morning TV viewers: What is needed is more emph51- of the high honors for layman and myself that our personal -but nothing is happening . . ." 1) You haven't watched what sis on effective learning" the in the Church, on Sept. 10 in meetings with the president . . . Schorr said the Catholic..~chool .-your children are watching. 2) psychiatris,t stressed, the expe- his parish church, St.' Mary's, leave no room for doubt in our official concluded that "we can N.Y. Bishop Edwin B. Oneonta, You don't intend to waste your riences and learnings which lead minds. where President Nixon only assume the president's statetime watching it. 3) You're to positive feelings about one- Broderick of Albany :will offki-. stands." ment (to the Knights) was for ate at the investiture; to which vaguely uncomfortable over the self and others. the value"of Catholic eduabout 'Wholehearted SUPRort' negative evaluations by psycholPositive feelings about oneself some 2,000 persons hav~ been inIn a follow-up news broadcast , . I : . ogists and equcators. 4) You feel and others. Isn't this void evi- vited. Waltor!, who is also president made Aug. 20, ~chorr. quoted il. Until March, 1968, the' honor helpless in changing the format, denced in our present youth, a of Catholic University of Amerand 5) Figuring you have only television-oriented generation? which will be bestow~'d upon ica here, said Nixol} "f,wors equal White' House statement thaf Nix'" on "has done more' to rescue. the was ;krtown. as Justice Molinari two choices, you let them watch When a child' or a young man opportunity and education for' nation's non-public and parochial a "privy chamberlain I of the or turn it off. feels a sense of self-worth and excellence; he seeks to strength- school system from their present In a 1971 evaluation of tele- self-confidence, he is free to sword and cape." The title was en both the public and private . financial crisis than any other changed in a special ;niotu provision programs shown during grant others that worth and schools; he emphatically wishes American president, and he plans rh:e papal prio dealing with children's viewing .hours com- dignity. When he is fearful of to keep viable a system' where to do more in the fut·ure." household. , .1 piled by' the 22-year-old non- others and unsure of his own non-public schools can continue The new title honors ., outstandI profit National Association for dignity, he cannot create peace But the CBS newsman added within the Constitution to mrke Better Broadcasting printed' in and harmony within hlmself, his ing Catholics or members of Ro"Catholic education sources" had man families as membel-s of the .their significant contributions to replied that however sincere the "Today's Child," I co'unted 48 family or his world. pontifical family. It is given only all American children who vol- president's concern, "action has of the 141 programs evaluated Need Parent Interest to those who have reridhed out- untarily seek their services." as unsuitable for children. been slow on their specific proWhat has television to do with standing service to th~ Church Walton said the panel had re- posals, including an emergency 'Relish for Torture' all this? Just about everything. and the Holy See. . I ceived "wholehearted support' rescue fund, and they see current . HeFe are some of the capsule. We are allowing another medi_ Justice Molinari has b:een with and encouragement from the plans inadequate to save the com~ents on programs produced um· to pour ideas and feelings the state Supreme Court for the White House," and that to at- Catholic schools after the Suspecifically for· children: into our children without a mur. "Ugly, noisy and full of point- mur. It's bad enough to try to last 20 years. He has be~n active tribute motives to the President preme Court's decision banning in a number of Catholi!c organ- "that are anything but straightless violence." offset other values when we're iZatio~s, including the: Knights forward and supportive of non- state aid." '·'Child characters in extreme aware of the offender but imperil. Expresses a relish for tor- possible to offs~t ideas which we of Columbus, and ciyi~ land fra- public schools does not accord ture and destruction of evil don't know are being absorbed. . ternal organizations, including with the panel's direct experithe Elks, the Lions, and the Boys ences." CHAS. 'F. characters." What can a parent do? Sit Clubs, as well as serving on the "Disgraceful and irresponsible down a full Saturday morning fare' for the' world's youngsters and watch what your children Doards of hospitals, colleges and . similar organizations. ! .. ,children deserve better." are watching. Then, If you can "Murderous, excessiveiy vio- keep yourself from smashing the lent preachment of totalitarian set, make a schedule of permis'- .Named OUltsta~din!~, OIL CO., INC. ideology . . , the show distorts Sible programs. Then, if you', basic democratic concepts." College Stude~ts really care about those kids . 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Internalizing Violence , NEW YORK (NC) - Two whose parents won't take the NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Children do deserve better, time to watch, write a note to ·'.young ·Catholicwomen,. chosen They are attracted to the vio- the stations carrying offensive: .by a nation~1 magazine as among )0 best repres~ntatives lence and blood of Saturday . programs. morning television like people Get the NAAB evaluations ($1; of changing campus iif~, value are attracted to auto accidents. 373 N. Western Ave.; Los An- the right to life but :disagree HEATING OILS The sight fascinates and repels geles, 90004). Refuse to support about the value of Cathloic eduCOMPLETE at the same time. The difference the sponsors of 'programs totaily, cation. Margaret Graham, 20, _who is that adults are able to cope unsuitable for children and I.et HEATING SYSTEMS will be a senior this Fall at with the aftermath and children them know your displeasure. INSTALLED IELECTRICAL aren't. You do have power. Parent Canisius College in IBuffalo, Contractors , I fully realize there's a school power is one of the stronge,st thinks that "being on a 'Fatholic 24 HOUR OIL BURNER of thought· that a child needs influences television can have campus is a wonderful opportuSERVICE . to act out his hostility. I agree. if we use it. We aren't limited nity to see faith in aCti9n." That's why we have Little to the option of liking it or BUDGET PLANS But Kathleen MCLatig~lin, 22, League, punching bags and turnfng it off. Programmers and a graduate student at· City Col,The Vargas Oil Co. protec.ts tether .balls all over suburbia. sponsors have shown their dis- lege of City University lof New your fa~ily's heating comfort But internalizing violence via regard of evaluations. They will York, told NC News in an interall year round. tel~vision ,is another matter. keep dishing up the drivel and view that she grew tired bf CathWhile we parents blissfully IlJove sadism as long as they have olic education durin~ high TRY US FIRST around in our Saturday morning viewers, Children deserve better school. "-It is a process t~at isn't 944 County St. Utopia, unhampered by children television but in order to get it fair," she said. "It stifles your New Bedford chained to TV mayhem, all kinds they need better parent' interest., growth." I

Pontiff Honbrs Justic·e Mol ilna rii .




famous for






... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2. 1971

DIOCESAN OVERNIGHT. CAMPS IN EAST FREETOWN; Left: ~i:>hop Cronin. with Rev. Walter.A Sullivan,. left, diocesan l~ire<;tor Qf-.: Cathedral Camp and Sr. Mary Sheila, RSM, right, of Feehan High School and directress of the Cathedral Day Camp for Girls admire the agility

Youth Generates Challges in CYO HOUSTON (NC)-Changes in today's youth are spurring changes in the Catholic Youth Organization, according to Msgr. Thomas Leonard, national CYO director. The. monsignor said in an interview at a recent Galveston· Houston diocesan CYO conven· tion that the national CYO or· ganization .is becoming more loosely structured as the nation" al office-based in Washington, D. C. - moves toward greater emphasis of local parish programs. We will be seeing a shorter length of commitment to CYO by our youth nationally," Msgr. Leonard said. As a result, he said, "our thrust is changing somewhat to less and less organizational type services. Instead, we will be pre· senting models of community ser;ice programs that can oper· ate on a short term basis in local CYO programs." In the future, Msgr. Leonard said, "diocesan CYO moderators will have to offer a wide range of short term projects that will attract youth." He said that in September the national CYO office will begin distributing a general program, limiting basic steps for good - groups process which can be used in local parish CYO groups. "This programming will attempt to respon.d to local needs and local resources," Msgr. Leonard said.

of one of the young campers on the trampoline. Right: Bishop Cronin witnesses the daily chore of tieing up one of the boats at the completion of the waterfront' activities for the day.

Asks Seminarians Change Attitudes

Bisho'p Promulgates Sweepi.ng Changes Bridgeport Follows Council Recommendations BRIDGEPORT (NC) - Bishop Walter W. Curtis of Bridgeport has signed a decree permitting sw~eping changes affecting 300,000 Catholics in the diocese,

Opposed by parishioners were proposals to let laymen help select pastors and to use films and 'other material during worship services.

His action, at a diocesan synod that included laymen, paved the way for women lectors, increased lay participation in the Church and broader ecumenical activities such as interfaith services and the celebration of the Passover Seder with Jews,

Adult ,Education

Basically, the laws he signed in a ceremony before more than 1,000 persons in St. Augustine's Cathedral here, provided for changes in line with recommendations of VatiCan II. The documents approved by the BiShop were written after a two-year study that included public hearings and voting by parishioners. The prelate said that to his surprise, a majority of the parishioners voted strongly against proposals to ordain women as deacons or to consider the possibility of ordaining them as priests. Although sU<;h matters are out of the prelate's jurisdiction, they were included on the ballot to sound out sentiment. Parishioners agreed that women "are free" to study the sacraments in order to learn if there is a doctrinal foundation for the practice,


Provisions among those welcomed' by parishioners called for: Division of the diocese into sections, each to be headed by a vicar. "Reasonable latitude" in dress and priests' personal lives as well as greater participation by them in civic affairs. Increased adult religious education and participation, in the religious education of their children. Greater lay participation in secular activities to improve society, including work to end radal. discrimination. More youth representation in Church organizations and in-' creased opportunities for contact with. the bishop. Increased celebration of Mass in the home. Comprehensive information and counseling by the Church. For Christian Living/ Bishop Curtis said most of the documents were worded to serve .'IS guidelines rather than to establish particular reforms. They represent "not so much a change as a thrust in the di-

rection of a more Christian living," he said. "The documents help the people see what being a Christian in these days really means," he added. The documents are to be implemented by a council of priests that the bishop said will serve as his cabinet and share responsibility in making major decisions. The 58-year-old prelate said he believed no other diocese had such a council that will permit all 200 diocesan priests in the diocese's 84 parishes to serve on a rotating basis-20 at a time for a one year period. Initial council members have been appointed and will meet for the first time in early September, meeting weekly thereafter. The bishop said a council of laymen, nuns and Brothers also is to be formed to help the priests' council.

RICHMOND NC)-If seminar~ ians try to understand racist attitudes and rid themselves of any racism in their own hearts they will be better prepared to go out and "liberate' black and white from the world they were made in," a black minister told Catholic seminarians here in Virginia. Racism is a' significant part of the life we live," the Rev. James Forbes told 20 seminarians and several pr.iests attending the third annual semina'rians conference at St. John Vianney Seminary. "It would be a miracle for you not to be racist."

.M~~il~· P·I~~b·i~g I: Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675-7497 I ••••••••••••••••••••••

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. ...r


THE ANCHOR:""'Oiocese of Foil River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1"971

" I , J:

European Trip Infuses Sense Of Meaning of Relaxation

Student's Death Startles Romans VATICAN CITY (NC)-Alarmed ... by the tragic death of a young Roman student who tried to fly from a fourth-story balcony after a drug party with friends" the Vatican daily newspaper has called for an intensive educational campaign in Italy to combat. the menace of drugs. The macabre death of 20-yearold Paolo Pavone brought home ,to startled Romans awareness that drugs can be found in nice homes and can infect· average boys. Until now, Italy has regarded drugs as the playthings of older jet-setters or the domain of foreign students caught by Italian police. "The heart is heavy, the spirit is dismayed and fu1l of pity for the poor families," the unsigned editorial s'aid in the Aug. 19 edition of L'Osservatore Romano.

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick ' At the risk of boring people with our trip to Portugal, I would like to do one column on the beauty of the coun-· try and the adverse effect it had on my thinking about our own great country. My trip to Portugal made me angry , in the sense that I was overis even in their vocabulary. whel~ed 'by the 'physical, Stores opened about 9:30 in the beauty of the country and morning and' c;.losl7d anywhere the obviou~ effort that the from 12 noon to one and stayed

Portuguese make to keep their closed for a three hour lunch cities and country beautiful. I period. (We who try to get a am ',not talking about the pre- million and, one things done in dominantly tourist areas, but of three quarters of an hour' and the country, towns and cities, gulp doWn a hot dog and a coke What ahgers me is that in this on the run can now turn green country', with our money and with envy.) Even in 'supermarket lines resources that we should take so little civic pride in our com- (where cashiers add by hand munities and that so little of and not by machine) the only our resources go into beautifying . ,frantic looking people are Amer"But the social body must icans who can't imagine' how our cities and towns. become ever more aware that it Everywhere we traveled in anyone could enjoy waiting for, is urgent to take preventive Portugal we were amazed at anything. measures toward helpless young Restaurants are really the the beauty of the country. Most people and to adopt a firm, reo of the flowers we saw with few place where you feel the unhur.'lentless attitude toward the exceptions are the same as are ried atmosphere of the typical poisoners, the. peddlers and the grown in this country. We saw E,uropean, for here you're waited speculators in dru~s." many plantings of geraniums on in casual elegance with the The Italian press reported that zinnias, mums, marigolds, etc., only thought your enjoyment of Pavone smoked' hashish and under in many cases with ad- the meal. Your food is brought took "enough LSD for four perverse conditions primarily of to you at a leisurel.y pace-you sons." While his terrified comdrought. There was little we are served a meal that. begins panions watched his antics, and progresses found that could not be dupli- with soup ran to the bal-' Pavone suddenly cated certainly in New England. through fish and meat into des. ..11' cony and tried to fly into space: sert, and when it comes time U. S. Still Tops He died on ar~ival at' a ho~pital. In Lisbon· and in many of the . for the check'your waiter all but small towns we constantly came disappears. Here you can see Describing the five students across little parks and plantings the natives of the country ,sit as "well-mannered,' normal stuwhich were obviously designed back, relax and settle down to dents who were devoted to their and planted to afford the peo- good conversation over another families," the editorial asked: ple some beauty. In some places, drink of wine. O,f course we "What did these young people A'FRICAN' CHASUBLE: Fr. Ron La~ge; s.v.D., wears the ,planting, consisted of num- "frantic Americans" sit there full want? What led, them to disrebers of pots arranged to give a of nerves and end up not digest- the African-made chasuble he wore for his ordination this gard the disastr,ous effects of good effect even though there ing our delightful dinner because year by 'Bishop Pe~er A. Sarpong at St. Peter's School, drugs and .their destructive don't know how to per usual we was no room 'or opportunity I to Nkwatia-Kwahu, Gh,ana. Fr. Lange, a native of Louisburg, power?" use natural' plantings. The relax. Wis., chose to be 'ordained in Ghana to express the univerBlaming magazines;. films ,and As we drove through the Poroverwhelming impression we '. sality of the Church and its freedom from any particular the theater for glam'orizing received was thatJ civic groups, tuguese countryside and watched drugs, the paper called for "an the administration .in the towns even the workers in the fields culture or national 'tradition. NC Photo. all-out propaganda campaign to and 'citie,s, were making an ex- stret'ched out in the shade for combat the scourge which tensive effort tp beautify their their three hour siesta with their l threatens us." jug of wine beside them, I said domains. One had to be impressed with, their efforts. This Jo Joe - "You know someone is in a country in which the has chosen the wrong way to Bishop Say~ Te1tlching-Sisters Vital monetary resources available are enjoy life and I have a feeling miniscule in comparison to ours. it's the frantic Americans To', Life of Schools One has to wonder what has replete with ulcers.", , I" , happened to our civic' pride and Just to add ,another pleasure While paying tribute to lay OAKLAND (NC)-Qvercoming love of beauty. to my non-rush day, my father- the serious financial pieture of , teachers, the bishop noted that It has become commonplace in-law just walked in with a Oakland diocesan school's is de- surveys have indicated that' "a to criticize the United States for delightful batch of fresh fish pendent on two fact9r~+Sister­ school with a1l ray teachers, or just a?out- ~verything conceiv- that he, caught yesterday and teachers and finances, according'. mostly lay teachers, is not conable 'and I personally am sick which he had· even cleaned for to Bishop Floyd L. Begiri. sidered a. Catholic schOOl by of it. This is a great nation and me. I'll either make a rich fish ClThe -most important element many parents." although we are not perfect we chowder or use them in the fol- in the future, of our s'chools is try as much as anyone to do the lowing recipe that is easy but According to The Catholic the continuing and ~~en in· best for our people. Obviously very tasty. creased service by our, Sisters," Voice, five years ago there were the Portuguese people: live in a Stuffed Fillets with Mushrooms the bishop said. "If the' teachi.ng 311 Sisters teaching full time in dictatorship which has to affect Sisters disappear from the scene, ,Oakland diocesan schools comthe quality bf their lives and I 2 pounds of fillet~, skinned our Catholic schools rrtay nave pared to last year's 395-an incertainly would not trade what 1 teaspoon salt crease of 27 per cent. However, no future.'" I' I 373 New Boston Road we have here for what they pepper to taste lay teachers in the same time Bishop Begin said' th1at behave. But I do think we can ex1 Yz cups bread stuffing span increased 138 per centFall River 678.5677 ert greater efforts in' removing 1 10 (17., Ciln of mushroom soup cause the Oakland dioce~e has from 175 in 1966 to' 418 in 1971. no income to cover Catholic the blight with which we are undiluted surrounded. 6 large mushroom caps, or as school deficits, individi.llli parishes should conect fun~s: annuIn the Kitchen many as fillets Today is one of those gloomy 2 Tablespoons butter or mar-' ally to provide scholarships for poor students. ' ! days in the midst of a week of garine sunshin'e that very often we look He said he saw little 'h~pe of 1) Season fillets with salt and / , forward to. 'It's the type of day pepper and roll each one around , state 'aid taking financial! pres27 Park Street, Attleboro, Mass. that you return your library a ball of the bread stuffing. sure off non-public schools'in the Union Street, New Bedford, Mass. books, go grocery shopping with- Place in a well greased baking immediate future. : out .feeling that you:re missing dish and top with the mushroom In a statement in The Catholic FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS something, or just sleep on and soup. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Voice, Oakland diocesan Inewson without any thoughts of hav2)" Bake in a 350 oven for paper, the bishop ca1le~ I upon REGULAR SAVINGS 5% ing to rush to do. anything spe- 20 to 25 minutes or until fish administrators to cut back on ' cial. flakes easily when tested with school expenses. He urged pa90 DAY NOTICE ACCOUNTS 5~% One of the greatest attributes '.a fork. Add a little water if fish tients to understand the cost of ,1 YR. CERTIFICATES MINIMUM $5,000 5:Y1 % l'could attribute to the European is getting too dry. ' education and be willing' tb pay after my very short exposure to 2 YR. CERTIFICATES MINIMUM $10,000 6% 3) Saute mushroom caps in tuition costs "even if it means them was the fact that "rush" butter and pla.;e one on top of " considerable sacrifice to' the Dividends Paid Quarterly doesn't appear to be a word that each rolled fillet. family." ,

1M Os~' Important








THE ANCHOR- ". Thurs., Sept. 2, 1971

Humility for Labor's. Critics

Rank and File Have Confidence For some time now I have made a hobby of collecting statements by liberal or exliberal intellectuals on the alleged decline and fall of the Amercan labor movement. During the past year alone I must have come across at least a dozen such statements in learned books and articles. Frankly,


there is a monotonous sameness about all of them-so much so that one almost gets the impression that their authors are cribbing from one another in technical violation of the copyright laws. That is to say, with slight variations in style and emphasis, all of them end up saying pretty much the same thing, namely, that the American labor movement, having lost its pristine fervor and militancy. has gone 'the wa" of ,,11 ~'--'. out, lock, stock and barrel, to the economll; a.._ r - -_. tablishment. By way of example, let me cite two statements of this type published withi~ the past ,m.onth or so. The first, from an' otherwise excellent book on the future of radical politics in the United States, reads in part as follows: "The unions in general have become profoundly conservative organizations ... (They) have become pillars of the Establishment, and it is not surprising that this is so ... Once the workingman has won a position of basic economic security, and reasonable expectations, he has considerably more reason to be conservative on social issues than the middle-class executive or professional man with investments or unearned income. 'Role in Management' "For the workingman, everything could be jeopardized by radical change. Thus George Meany - and· Harold Wilsonand even such old-line European Communist chiefains as Jacques Duclos ... are perfectly appropriate leaders of their movements, faithful to their working. class followers." (Condemned to Freedom, William Pfaff, Random House, $6.95) The second statement, from a new book on today's youth culture, also alleges - you might say it takes it for granted as a self-evident truth-that organized labor in this country has become completely reactionary. Pet Theory The author of this second statement then proceeds to prophesy, with amazing selfassurance, that within the next few decades "Labor will cease to be a political or social force; instead it will take on a shared role in management." (Genera· tion of Narcissus, Henry Malcolm, Little, Brown, $6.95). Maybe so, but I must report

that, by strange .concidence, within 48 hours after I had read these two statements almo.st all of the major unions in the United States, with George Meany acting as their spokesman (the same George Meany whom so many doctrinaire intellectuals delight in caricaturing as a kind of neanderthal· man) launched a vigorous attack on certain key sections of the Administration's new economic. program and threatened to tear. up their existing collective bargaining agreements if the present emergency wage-price freeze is extended beyond 90 days.. - Critics of the labor movement may say what -they want to about labor's policy in thisregard. They may say - indeed some of them have already flatly asserted-that it's completely selfish and irresponsible. I trust, however, that they will be honest enough to admit that, whatever else may be said about labor's negative response to the President's new economic program, it doesn't quite jibe with their own pet theory that the labor movement has sold out to the political Establishment. Superiority Complex Indeed it would be much to the truth to say-as at east one nationally syndicated columnist has already statedthat it's probably the most serious confrontation between a President of- the United States and the American: labor movement in this country. For my own part, I am sympathetic, in the main, to labor's position with regard to certain parts of the Administration's program, much as I agree with the over-all thrust and the main objectives of the program. For the present purposes, however, that's beside the point. ~Ioser

American MiSSioner Ordained in Ghana BAY ST. LOUIS (NC)-Divine Word Father Ron Lange, 30, a Louisburg, Wis., native, is the first American missionary priest ordained in Ghana. The Society of the Divine Word headquarters here in Mississippi said Father Lange also wears African clothes, is fluent in the languages of the Twi people with whom he works and has picked an African name-Father Kofi Yeboah. Father Lange was ordained by Bishop Peter A. Sarpong of Kumasi, Ghana, at St. Peter's High 'School in Nkwayia-Kwahu, Ghana, where he teaches and is school chaplain. He studied for the priesthood at Divine Word Seminary here and the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., before leaving for' Ghana. Father Lange wrote- to headquarters here: "To be most effective, a missionary should become as closely identified as possible with the people among whom he works. After two years of living with Ghanian families, eating Ghana food and wearing Ghanian clothes, I feel as much a native Ghanian as it is possible for a guy from Wisconsin to feel."


Priest's L.ast Act Sign of Love


The point is that the time has come, in this writer's Judgment, for some of labor's more doctrinaire critics in the intellectual community to. re-examine their own rhetoric and, at the same time, get ready to swallow their pride and to eat a little crow for a change. It won't hurt them a bit to do so and, hopefully, will teach them a lesson in humility. I am using the word "humility" here advisedly, for, whether they know it or not, some of the writers I am talking about have -or at least give the impression of having-a rattier snobbish superiority complex about the role that was played by their own intellectual and social peers in some of labor's earlier struggles. Underestimate Meany The first of the two statements referred to above is all too typical in this regard. The author of this statement gives too much credit to middle-class intellec· tuals (many of whom admittedly made a great contribution to the cause) and far too little credit to the uneducated working class leaders who built the American labor movement from the ground up and at the cost of enormous personal sacrifice. In this connection, there is no doubt in my mind that George Meany, for example, would get a much better break from some of his critics in the intelligentsfa if he were a graduate of Harvard or Yale-or, better still, the .London .School of Economics. . The' fact that he is a plumber by trade (and a high school dropout at that) seems to rub some of his intellectual critics the wrong way, and this not merely because they happen to disagree with him (as I do myself) on the issue of Vietnam, for example, but also because they can't seem to reconcile themselves to the fact that a man who didn't even finish high school holds far more power and wields far more influence than they do in American society. Failed Miserably. This isn't true of all labor's intellectual critics, but, on the basis of my-own personal experience and my own reading, I would have to say that it's most certainly true of some of them. Lastly, some of labor's critics in the intelligentsia and in the Administration make the fatal mistake of assuming that labor's elected representatives really don't speak for the rank and file. The Administration, to my amazement, fell into this trap with an awful thud in its initial response to George Meaney's blast at the President's economic program. Both the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of the Treasury (neither of whom can pussibly claim to speak for the working people of this country) were foolish enough to try to undermine Mr. Meany's leadership by going over his head to the rank and file. This was an awkward' ploy on their part. It failed miserably, of course, as anyone close to the labor movement could have told them, almost infallibly, that it would.


IN RUSSIA: Rev. Pedro Arrupe, S.,J., superior general of the Church's largest order of priests, now visiting Russia is making history by becoming the first general in the history of the Jesuits to visit Russia and the third highest Catholic churchman to visit the Soviet Union in the past year. He will visit Moscow, Leningrad and the ancient Russian Orthodox monastery of Zagorsk. NC Photo.

Elementary' School Tuition Permitted

vATICAN CITY (NC) - The priest shot to death while aiding a dying man in Northern Ireland was a "minister of God" whose last act was a sign of love, not hatred, said the Vatican daily newspaper. The priest, Father Hugh Mullan, was killed in a cross-fire between British soldiers and the Irish Republican Army as he bent to administer the last rites to a man in a Belfast street. In a front-page article, L'Osservatore Romano called for an . end to what is described as the "absurd and antihistorical discriminations against the Catholic population, for whom intolerable conditions of economic and civil inferoirity are perpetuated." The Vatican daily said the "heroic and holy sacrifice"· of 30-year-Old Father Mullan of St. John's and Corpus Christi Church in Belfast "speaks with shining eloquence." The priest, the paper said, "was killed while giving religious assistance to the injured fUlly aware of the mortal danger ... as a minister of God, with his hand raised in a blessing and absolution, thus offering, at the cost of his life, the answer of love to civil or religious hatred." ,Father Mullan is the first priest to die in the latest violence in Northern Ireland. AJ least 20 persons were killed in the rioting and gun battles that followed Prime Minister Brian Faulkner's order to jail rioters without trial.

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Pastors faced with losing their schools have been given permission for the first time in the Philadelphia archdiocese to charge tuition on the elementary school level. Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia said in a recent pastoral lette':, that allowing pastors to impose tuition "if no other means of financing are available" was one step necessary to meet the "serious financial crisis" afflicting archdiocesan schools. If a pastor has to charge tui· tion, the cardinal said, it must be imposed "in a manner that corresponds to the financial resources of, a family and with a view of maintaining the highest possible level of enrollment."

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THE' ANCHOR---'Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2', 197.1 ,

KNOW YOUR FAITH Win,ning Parish Support I

A few mont.hs ago, ,I had lunch with the vice presid~nt of a sll)all manufacturing' 'firm. He had' been made vice 'president because there was ~ 'pesperate need for a good man to get the , firm turned around, 'It was in , I pretty bad shape. Absenteeism was high. Turnover w~s appalling. Costs were up. ,~nd sales :' were down. This man's job wa~ to get things moving in the right direction; and he did it. In' a short time, he had reduced' ~he turnover of personnel to. one thinl of its former level. More was , , being produj:ecl by smaller work force. Production costs were were 'GUITAR'S PLACE IN WORSHIP: The psalms, aC~ down 16 per cent and ~~Ies , , , I companied by "stringed instruments" can fit into the mood up 20 per cent. . What happened? I . . of joy and. gratitude. in praise during Mass. It certainly was not, improved " technology. The man;'j himself,. knew very, little. about Ithe mechanics involved in making the .1.1 company's product. Yet, while he did not know moch abou.t Discouragement: "I am worried Sorrow, joy, gratitude, guiltthis parti<yular many.f!1cturing common human feelings, but emo- every night I flood my bed with process, he did know, 'a great tions felt differently.by different weeping; I drench my couch with deal about people.. individuals at different moments. tears," Psalm 6 When someone says, "I feel Petition: "Hide not your face I guilty, happy, sad or grateful" from me in the day of my_ diSwe know, in a way, what they tress. Incline your ear to me; in mean. By recalling past situa-. the day when I,call,. answer me .' "'r ~. tOf tions which produced such reac- speedily," Psalm 102. The Bible is full of P!1r.adoxes. tions within our own hearts and Jesus says he comes .16 bring Liturgical Psalms projecting those experiences we peace and the sword.! He says (;hurch for Entire can, in limited fashion, grasp that honor and esteem are how tl)e other person really does 'When praying psalms privately ~chieved through humility. To feel. ' I, we can 'select the particular live, he says, you must die. , ones which fit our current mood It is a way. of speaking we '!!.'::"::':"":';i'; or need. But· singing or sayi,ng may at first find uncomfortable, the more tightly 'determined because we normally don't speak Divine Office, now termed Litur" that way. We expect to hear gy of the Hours, naturally com~ facts and opinions on lTV; we plicates matters. The General look for the same kind of FR. JOS:PH Instruction quoted above, which, •straightforward expression in '. incidentally, forms an introduc' j tion for thesoon"to-be published, ~~~:~f~{{;~:r::~~:m~:~t{:~:~;I:t~Z}.1· revised Roman breviary, b'oth considers that problem and ofBy The psalms, while developed fers a soluton. ages ago in a cultural setting FR. CARL J. "The person who prays the quite diverse from the American the psalms in the Liturgy of scene, nevertheless cast into PFEIFIER, S.J.,; poetic form these basic feelings Hours does not do so only in his but in the name of own name, of men. A new document, the "General Instruction on the Lit- the entire Body of Christ, and, urgy of the' Hours," notes: in fact, in the place of Christ. If "Even if those songs were com- this is kept in mind, then the our newspaper. Twentietll cenposed over several centuries and difficulties encountered disap- tury Americans are more: comreflect an Oriental philosophy, pear, such as when someone fortable with direct, almost sci' they properly reflect the joys and mea~ures the sentiments of his entific expression. 'Jesus, the people of his time, hopes, t.he trust and anxieties of own heart against those ex: men fr'om every age and country, pressed in the psalms;' for exam- as well as most Oriental people and' sing of faith 'in God ~ho reo . pIe, when someone who is sad.. today feel more at home I with vealed himself 'and redeemed and burdened by grief prays a poetic, paradoxical expressions psalm of joy, or when someone which tend to deal with the'mysus." The following examples ("New is happy, and the psalm is actu- tery of things. Vocation and Loved Ones American Bible" translation) ally a lament ... But one who ' lend support, I think, to that prays the psalms in the name of the Church can always find The Bible is written in such assertion, an Eastern mode of expr'ession, Sense of guilt and plea for for- ,a reason for joy or sadness ..." and can be puzzling unles~ we giveness: "Turn, away your face. That General tnstruction con- understand it that way. For exfrom my sins, and blot out all tains this interesting note about ( ample,' in this coming Sunday's my guilt." Psalm 51 the nature of psalms. "Even, if . Gospel Jesus says that rip: one Trust: "The Lord is my light they are occasionally used as can be his follower "without and my salvation; whom should readings, their literary genre turning his back on his 'fJther I fear?" Psalm 27 tells. us they are rightly called and mother, his wife and' his Gratitude: "I will give thanks 'songs to be sung to the sound ,children, his brothers and',' his to the Lord with all my 'heart of a many-stringed instrument' sisters, indeed his very s'elf," in the company and' assembly of ... Even if a psalm is recited Whatever that means, we 'k~ow the just." Psalm 111 privately, or in silence, without it cannot 'negate his corrjJrtand JoyfUl praise: "0 Lord, 'our any music, it still bears this mus- to love others, to honor; one's Lord, how glorious is your name ical quality; its words may influ- parents, to. be faithful to' o.ne's over all the earth," Psalm 8 Turn to Page Seventeen family: I i

Praying the Psalms



M'II -==

He knew, for example, that, by the company benefit from his .itself, a feeling of obligation is , efforts. a very weak motivator. He knew Because this vice president that, when all, a person feels is recognized his employees' needs an obligation to his job, he will for self-affirmation, the em-. do as little as possible. He knew, ployees and the company bene-' too, that fear-even fear of get- fited from the same thing, inting fired-does not move most creased employee support. From men to be very productive. sullen boss-watchers and critics, What does move them is pride, the employees became proud, the good kind of pride that says: confident company supporters. ."I am recognized as a worthThs is not a fairly tale, nor is it unique. The history of industry is full of such success stories. We, in the Church, would be wise to learn from those who By have been able to generate such support in industry. JAMES J. Personal Pride in Parish PHILLIPS When we speak of support for a parish, we would be wise to learn ,what Qusiness manager.s and consultants have learned. ~ while person. I, am trusted. My We need to see that it is not" opinion is sought and respected.' enough to speak of obligation I will live up .to that image of to support the parish. When myself by using my skills more someone is told of an obligation, productively." In doing that, he his first reaction is to look for .J:d' .. feels better about himself, finds reasons why it does riot ,apply·,~· ... .., satisfaction rather than boredom to him. Fear will not work either. on the job and is happy to see To give out of fear is to give as little as possible. The force that will' generate parish support is similar to what will ge!1erate· company support.· It· is' the"good: kihd"of pride;''Per~' There is no .indiCation that sonalpride that says: "I will contribute myself and my money these words of "turning your to this parish beca~se it i~' conback" or "renouncing" loved tributing to my feelings of self ones and possessions applies to worth" and pride in the parish what we have come to know as itself because it is a lively, religious life, with its vows of dynamic. parish that makeS a poverty, chastity, and obedience. person proud to belong. ' . Religious, too, are called to love There are so many demands' their parents, to' love themselves, placed on people'S time and and to possess and use material money that these precious comthings. modities need to be ration~d. Attachment and Detachment Usually without giving it a great Jesus' words are a challenge deal of thought, most of us tend to us to probe deeper into the to spend our money and enermeaning of life. He is speaking gies w!lere. they se~m likely to to the heart, helping us look at do the most good. Turn to Page Seventeen Turn to Page Seventeen 0

Freedo nl to Love



Confirmation The movie "Question 7" presents a stirring' example of what the sacrament of Confirmation is all about. A teen-age boy in Communist East Germany has his heart set on becoming a concert pianist. He has just received the sacrament of Confirmation 'in which he pledged, "I shall fol- I low Jesus to the day I die." The government offers the boy the chance for a full scholarship to a conservatory. But first he must fill out a loyalty questionnaire. The 7th question asks him if he is willing to abandon his Christian faith. He knows that if he refuses to give up his faith, he will get no scholarship. Painfully, he also realizes that if he agrees to abandon Christianity he will have broken his solemn Confirmation pledge and wounded his deeply religious parents. After much debating and inner anguish, he does stay with Christianity. He lives to see his father die' for the faith. As the community sings the funeral


hymns, the boy is smuggled into West Germany-to freedom and a possible future in music. Do our images of Confirmation stir up &uch thoughts in our



minds? For a great many Christians, Confirmation means (1) the sixth grade (2) fright at not knowing answers to the Bishop's questions (3) oil on the head and. a tap on the cheek. What goes wrong here? Age of Confirmation For one thing, the sixth grade is a bit too young. Ten and 11 year olds are too inexperienced. Turn to Page Seventeen

... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of. Foil River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971

Ezra Pound Central Figure In Daughter's New Book

Winning Parish Support Continued from Page Sixteen For many, the choice will be between the parish and another charity. For miiny others, the choice will be between. the parish and this week's before dinner cocktails or participation in a local bowling league. Parish Means Presence of Christ When the parish loses, it is because the potential supporter has more reasons spending his time and money elsewhere. (

Probably the greatest American poet of the twentieth century is Ezra Pound. His verse is difficult and has no popular audience. He has lived Vlost of his, life outside the country, was indicted for treason because of broadcasts he made in Italy while the United States was at trous course domestically and war with Italy in the years internationally. 1941 45 d t Defends Father - ,an spen some He considered th~t' it would be

y.ears. after th~ war under detentlOn m. Washmgton. . . He IS the ce~tral figure m a new book ~Y hiS ~augh.ter Mary de ~ac~ewlltz, DiscretIOns (Atlantlc-Llttle, 'Brown, 34 Beacon

a catastrophic mistake sh Id ' th e Umted States ever go to ou war against Italy, and when that did occur, he launched the series of broadcasts which finall brou ht the charge of treaso~ agai~st





St., Boston, Mass, 02106. $8.95). Mrs. de Rachewiltz's mother was a professional musician, a once fairly well-known violinist, Olga Rudge. Pound and Olga Rudge lived together as man and wife for years, although in fact Pound had not been divorced from Dorothy Pound. When Mary was born, in 1925, her parents had two homes in Italy, one in Venice, the other in Rapallo. But she was brought up in neither. Instead, while stili an infant, she was sent to a tiny TyroleaJ'! village, Gai~, to be reared I by foste!" parentslwho were peasants. These people she refers to as Mamme and Tatte. Her own father visited her at Gais once in awhile, and she was sometimes brought down to Venice for a stay with her parents. There was a pronounced contrast between the two worlds which she thus knew, and she was much more at ease in the ,.. mountains than in the city. Her own mother was cold and impatient with her. Her father was always kind and genuinely interested. She re'garded him with affection and more thana little awe. He impressed on her the necessity of learning and of work, and set her a course of education in languages and literature which was exacting. In the Tyrolean village, she was in the midst of a large, bustling family. But on her visits to Venice she was much by herself in her parents' house for her mother practiced many hours daily and her father spent as many hours writing. Pound was an admirer 'of Mussolini, and something of a propagandist for him. He was not an admirer of Franklin Roosevelt, and he felt that the United States was following a disas-

Priest Candidate MERIDEN (NC) - Fat her Charles Cobb, assistant pastor of St. Rose's Church here in Connecticut has been endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee as the party's nominee for mayor in the November election. Father Cobb said he was running for office because "we have looked outside the Church and see that the needs of the community are not being fulfilled."

His daughter defends him, rather uncritically. And she champions all his theories - for example, those on money. Some of Pound's ideas were plainly unsound, touched with fanaticism' and Mrs. de Rachewiltz's at: tempted vindication of them is not convincing. The student of Pound's Cantos will profit from this book. For Pound explained to Mary what his method was, and the key to obscure passages is provided again and again as the composition of the Cantos is discussed. This discussion is not formal or systematic, but takes place sporadically in the course of the personal story which the author is relating. Village of Gais Interesting though the intimate account of some phases of Pound's career is, one is likely to find at least as interesting the picture provided of life in the village. . Gais was Getman ,in language and in culture, although it was in an area which had come under Italian rule. Whereas in Venice Mary encountered s~m­ pathy with the Fascists on the part of her parents in Gais there was fierce hostility to party and regime. The village was Catholic, and Mary was there raised as a Catholic. The religious practices of the people, the various feasts the measures to ward off de~il~ are described. In the home of her foster parents there were two books read over and over again, the Life of Christ and the Lives of the Saints. Strong Virtues In the farmhouse there was a bread room. Bread was baked only once every two or three months, and then put in a special room "with long wooden racks to keep the loaves dry and· ven· tilated," There was wonderful hospitality in Gais. This was extended not only to fellow villagers, but to people, and especially poor people passing through. The stranger was treated considerately, was fed and sheltered. It was a· simple place and a' simple way of life, primitive in some respects and not without its superstitions, but it had its strong virtues, as comparison with what the author experienced in a very different sort of world bears out. Her relationship to Pound has brought Mrs. de Rachewiltz into close range of a good many celebrities, but Mamme and Tatte from Gais, although they fade away before the book concludes linger in one's mind as being a~ least as memorable as the men and women with resonant names.


Freedom to Love' WINNER: Miss Mary-Eileen Mahon, dau:ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Mahon of 74 Veery Rd. Attleboro, a member of St.- Johri the Evangelist Parish and a Feehan High graduate has been awarded a partial scholarship by the Attleboro Area Catholic Nurses Chapter and will matriculate at the New England Baptist Hospital, Boston' this month.

Confi rmation Continued from Page Sixteen to know what life s about. They are still at the "fun and games" level, and rightly so. Novelist Kurt Vonnegut says that their job is' to save the world. He suggests they'd be better off fishing and hiking. Better also to defer Confirmation to a more mature age. It's a sacrament tl)at corresponds to the psychology of a young adult. . . Now' as to the question period. Why not test the candidates ahead 'of time? Certainly' we want to be sure the candidate knows what he is getting into. At the ceremony let there be public testimony of faith. Perhaps seven members could rise and recite a ceremonial oath of loyalty to Christ. This removes the mood of threat even as it preserves the sentiment of solemnity. Lastly, as to the oil on the head and the tap on the cheek. These rites still mean a good deal, even if sabotaged by swiftness. The sealing with oil is a sign of absolute commitment to Christ. The tap on the cheek signifies both the difficulties of this commitment and the I~ing delight with which God draws us' to Himself. More Adult Approach A greater deliberateness would add the proper note of dignity and reverence to the ceremony. This might add 15 more minutes to the rite, but it would be worth it if it has a greater impact on the lifetimes of the candidates. Confirmation is a dynamic cousin of baptism. It really becomes a time when persons can ratify the decisions made for them by their parents when they were children. This requires the psychology of a young adult. In -times past the stable structures of the community were able to sustain the faith of people. Hence the young age for Confirmation was not so serious a defect. But today with the dissolving of the old order, and the high mobility of society we have to rely on a stronger "inner structure" for faith. Thus' the call for more adult approaches to the sacrament.

Continued from Page Sixteen our sense of values, what we hold most important. He is talking about a fundamental Christian attitude-an attitude that makes possible the freedom needed to love people and things. What he w'ants to point out is the way to true love, to true freedom. To do this. he speaks the language of his cul-' ture, one of poetic paradox. Jesus implies actually that we should very deeply and warmly love parents, wife, husband, children, relatives. We should be attached to them with genuine affection. He implies that we should be very deeply attached to things, material possessions, natural 'resources, our environment. H~ even implies that we should love people and things passionately, with commitment, with deep emotion. What he does ask, even demand, if one is to be a Christian, follower of his, is that we do not get so "glued" to anyone or anything that we no longer are free to truly love even that person or object. He wants us to deeply care, but at the same time "not to care," He urges us to attachment, while calling us to detachment. Both are necessary if one is to love other persons or God himself. True love requires freedom. It demands the ability to "distance oneself" from one's own desires for the one who is loved. So, too, for possessions. They are good. They are God's gifts. We should gratefully enjoy and use them. So, too, we can become enslaved by our selfish enjoyment or use of people we think we love. Really in both cases we are seeking our own self-satisfaction. To that extent we do not love, or are we free. To that extent our attachment interferes wih our love for ourselves, for others, fo'r God. What Jesus' strong, paradoxical words express is the very fir~t commandment: "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no strange gods before me," Jesus puts it even stronger: "You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind ... and your neighbor as yourself,"

The culprit may be the perversity of the non-contributor. However, it may also be that the parish has not given enough reasons why it would be a better recipient that the liquor store or bowling alley. To thunder from the, pulpit about obligation may accomplish something. However, I am convinced that the local parish has the power .to generate great support solely on the strength of its value to the individual. All it needs to do is find ways to calm the fears generated by our society, to satisfy the loneliness that afflicts so many, and to restore a sense of worth where it has been lost or ,diminished. In doing that, the parish will generate the kind of personal pride and pride of belonging that lead to increased support. More important, in calming fears, easing loneliness and affirming persons, the parish will more clearly be what it already is, the presence of and vehicle for Christ in the world.

Praying Continued from Page Sixteen ence our thoughts, but it is more effective in moving the hearts of those who listen to it, sing it, or even accompany it 'with the harp and an instrument of many strings.' " Two very practical considerations flow from such an observation. First of all, the responsorial psalm after the initial scriptural reading at Mass ideally should be sung by the congregation, not recited in unison' by them. Secondly, the guitar (surely an "instrument of many strings") enjoys an ancient, rightful place in worship and those who employ them in the liturgy need not apologize for their presence in the sanctuary. Psalm 6, for instance, contains explicit directions for the leader to render the poem "with stringed instruments." .


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971 :










# ....





Criticizes' Withhold·ing. :Report on Priesthood' I note that Archbishop Fulton ,sheen has denounced the National Opinion Research Center study of the Amer': ican pdesthood as' a waste of money. According to' the archbishop, a half million dollars was .poured down the' drain merely to confirm what everybody, already A social science center of the and the experience of,NpRC .knew. Well, perhaps, though age need hardly, fear' the judgment it was only t!lree hundred of competent professional colthousand dollars, and one wonqers wheher the archbishop r~al-' ly did kno,w that the majority of the-- American clergy' ·favor a' change of the celibacy rule and that eVen larger majorities want

,By ~EV.



leagues, but it still would seem appropriate to give the original researchers an' opportunity' to comment on that judgment. 2. Why w~s the NORC team told that the distribution of the report would not depend:on the" completion of the evaluation? It turns out that in faCt it did depend on the evaluation. Why were we given to believe, for · ."example, that the report would be distributed "shortly~' after 'the I?ishops' meeting last Spring?


to see popular nomination of bishops and do not· support Humanae Vitae. Howev~r, the archbishop is at . least more fortunate than most of his colleagues in the hierarchy, for somehow or other he obviously- got hold of a copy of the report; .at least at the time of this writing~' other American bishops have 'not yet received' the full text of the report. (I presume that such a distinguished scholar as Archbishop Sheen would not.judge a study he had not had the opportunity to read.) I hear by the episcopal 'grape- .. . vine that the report is going to be distributed in the "near future," along with' copies of the "evaluation" done by three social scientists. I heard rumors of the distribution of the report before and .am someV{hat" skeptical; still, if the rumor is true, a number of interest'ing questions ought to be raised. Oppor~unity

to Comment 1. Why was not the NORC survey team given an opportunity to comment on the evaluatiop. before it was distributed?

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3." Why was only the sociological report "evaluated"? What was the reason why the sponsoring' committee decided that NORC's work needed evaluation and Loyola University's·dfd·not? Is not a secular research center to be trusted? , - Another Evaluation 4. Who made the decision to withhold the distribution of the report before the "evaluation"? Were the social scientists who were asked to evaluate the report told that its distribution to the hierarchy would await their evaluation? . . 5. Even though Everett Charington Hughes, the chairman of the evaluating committee, is one of America's most distinguished. social scientists, why did not the bishops appoint someone with special training .in survey research to the. committee? Survey research is not' Professor' Hughes's field. 6. Is the rumor correct that while the report is to be distributed to the bishops, no one else will be permitted to see it? Will it takes' another "evaluation'~ before the priests in the country, who cooperated so erithusiastically with the survey, !ire given a chance to read it? Nothing Secret .

The National Conference of ST. PAUL (NC)-Public school board policies on free' busing Catholic Bishops, of course, must· apply to public and nQp- owns the report. If they want to, . public school students alike, the they are perfectly within their Minnesota Attorney' General's. legal rights to toss all existing' copies of it into the' fire and Office ruled here. The announcement ,eliminated refuse to answer. all questions the possibility of St. Paul and about what has happened to it. . Whether American Catholics Minneapolis school administrators transporting only public would be' satisfied with such an approach or with any approacn school students: The respecti~e .schoof boar'ds short of full public disclosure is had been' reluctant to bus all a matter, one supposes, that eligible students-those who live American Catholics will have to more than one mile fro~ their · work out with their bishops. One ~chool - bec.ause of tile addi- · wonders, however, if the. lesson' tional cost. Although the num- of the Pentagon', Papers was ber of public school childen in completely missed: nothing can the twin cities outnumbers non- be kep~. secret any more, at public school students by a ma~­ least not for very long. Any atgin of 2-1, more non-public : tempt to keep the report secret is bound to make matters worse ~chool children are eligible 'for instead of better.. free busing. the state of Minnesota will reIt is also worth nothing that imburse school systems of the while the' bishops do indeed own twin cities 80 per cent of the the report, they do not own the cost of busing all eligible stu- thoughts and ideas of ,those who dents. worked on i t . ' .


':,":: .






JAPANESE <;HRIST][ANS: Although they account for less than one per 'centof.the

population, Christia~~ in Japan are trying to function as a national conscience. ~C Photo .

' I




Favors Co:mJ)uter Program for Adop.tions· I'

WASHINGTON (NC); I" Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich) has

p~opo~ed legislat~on th~t\ wo~l.d

estabhsh. a NatIOnal f'?optlOn InformatIOn Exchange 'Program utilizing modern computcl- technology. I : "Computers and other, modern data processing.method:s can help locate parents for :children waiting aqoption," the, Isenate minority whip said. i I" Griffin's program woJld be established through the' Depart..

:; t








It is easy to want thingJ from the Lord and. yet not want the Lord Himself; as though tile gift could ever be preferable. to the Giver. -St. Augustine .

. . I




. . ,

ment of Health, Education and Welfare as an amendment to certain Soci~l Security and Welfare Reform bIlls. The senator noted that the information exchange program "would be particularly helpful in finding homes for children of minority groups, mixed racial background and youngsters with

• ..



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physical and psychological "h.andi- .. , caps." Each time an infant is place1t for adpotion, Griffin said, society.' ... is saved between $40 000 and- .. $50,000. "More import~ntly this. .. would mean a great savings to society that cannot be measured. in dollars-the benefits of stable home life," he added ..,·' . . --


~.".~" ••" ••" " " •••••••~••••••••~,.•••~•••c.,••, ••~.",.

,..' •••



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 2, 1971

FIRST MEETING OF: NCEA EXECUTIVE BOARD EVER IN DIOCESE: Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed.D., diocesan superintendent of schools in the Fall River Diocese, served as host for the first meeting of the board ever held in the diocese. They met to discuss the Supreme Court's Ruling against aid to parochial schools and planned the agenda for the October meeting. Left: Rev. Charles W. Regan, Wichita, Kan.; Msgr. James D. Habiger of Winona, Minn. and vice-president of the board; and Bro. James F. Gray, S.M. of Glenco, Mo. and board secretary.

Urges Catholics To Break Down Race Ba rriers NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans has called on Catholics to break down racial barriers and work for equality in educational and employment opportunities. The archbishop, in a pastoral message stressing community betterment, also urged Catholics to promote decent housing, prison reforms and to get involved in politics. "Our duties to the community and our' fellow man are not finished with voting," Archbishop Hannan said. "We must support programs which forward the common good - not necessarily to our personal interest but to the common good of all citizens." The archbishop said each citizen has a responsibility to become involved in politics, studying the candidates' records and voting in all elections. Personal Relation He added that the manner of achieving social justice goals is just as important as the goals themselves. . "It is the spirit of the law that' changes society. We have not really fulfilled the law of equality if we grudgingly give employment opportunities or grudgingly give equality in education and housing," he said, "As Christians, we can never' evade the personal relationship commanded by Christ. That personal relation to others means basically an attitude of openness, of willingness to greet and consider others as equals. We transform society by transforming ourselves and others by living the attitudes of Christ."

Center: Review of the agenda is made by Rev. Bernard A. Cummins of San Francisco and' president of the board ; Father O'Neill of Fall River; Rev. John Meyers of Washington, executive secretary of superintendenls division of the NCEA. Right: East meets west as Edward D'Alessio, right, representative of the USCC in Washington, joins Rev. Emmet Harrington of Portland, Ore. in discussion. All sessions of the group were held at Round Hill Retreat House, So. Dartmouth.

Nonpubl ic School Federa.tion Planned 1

Steering Committee Finalizing Details WASHINGTON, (NC) - Re- ' The Seventh Day Adventist ports that all major groups con- official said he is a steering ducting nonpublic schools have committee member, though no established the first Council for one from his group had attended American Private Education the Boston meeting. have been called "premature" by nonpublic officials, who say they Coalesce Efforts are still in the process of formSteering committee members ing it. meeting there were also attendCary Potter, president of the ing the' annual conference of the National Association of Indepen- Education Commission of the dent Schools 'and previously States-a group of political and identified as acting chairman of school leaders whose goal is the private education council, educational improvement on a told NC News he' is actually national scale. The next steering chairman of an ll-member steer- committee meeting is planned ing committee which is finaliz- for November.. ing details for such an organizaMost committee members contion, which will be the first of its tacted recently by NC News kind. were enthusiastic about the Even the name of the council prospective nonpublic federais not yet definite, Potter said. tion. Most also stressed that its primary thrust would not be trySteering committee members ing to get public financial assistmeeting early in July in Boston ance for their schools. passed a resolution saying they "Such an organization will inwould "cooperate in the formation of a nonprofit corporation" deed be historic and perform a which would promote communi- significant function in American cation and cooperation among elementary and secondary edunonpublic elementary and sec- cation, as well as serving to ondary school organizations, coalesce the efforts of the nontheir public school counterparts public community," said Dr. Edand the various branches and ward R. 0' Alessio, director of agencies of the federal govern- the U. S. Catholic Conference elementary and secondary edument. cation division. The corporation will also "further the wellbeing of educa'Matter of Survival' tion in general and of their constituencies in particular," comHe predicted that the organimittee members said. zation "should be functional" by "There is no organization Jan. I, 1972, but said discussions , yet," said Dr. Walter Howe, as- to date have only been explorasociate secretary of the General tory. Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. "Each of the groups are taking (a proposed charter) to their official bodies to see what they will do with it."


"Formation of the Council for American Private Education is simply a matter of survival for that essential element of the national scene that is private edu-

cation,'" said Father C. Albert Koob, president of the National Catholic Educational Association. "This should not be misconstrued to infer a panic button attempt to solve economic problems with a. united push for governmental funds," the Norbertine priest continued. "More important is the fact that the council would provide a framework for communication and cooperation between various groups of private elementary and secondary schools and between these schools and their public school counterparts." "It has been our position for

at least seven years that we will not push for public funds," said Dr. John Blanchard, executive director of the National Association of Christian schools. That group represents 270 interdenominational Protestant schools in 40 states.

P'olice to Attend, College Classes ST. PAUL (NC) - Lawenforcement officers here will receive tuition assistance from the U. S. Department of Justice to attend the College of St. Thomas. The new students, who will begin their studies in the Fall, take both specialized courses relating to their professional work and general college-level courses leading to a degree. Msgr. Terrence J. Murphy, college president, received authorization to begin the Law Enforcement Education Program which was created by the federal Omnibus Crime Control Act and has been funded at St. Thomas in the amount of $5,000.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River,-Thurs.'Sep't. 2, 1971 '

-Protesters Ask Court to Halt 'Catholi'c tlospital Expansion NEW YORK (NC)-A citizens At a news conference, the hosgroup, claiming that extra hos- pital read ~ letter, sent by the pitalbeds are needed elsewhere generalate of the Missionary and not - in their neighborhood, Sisters of the Sacred Heart in has asked the state supreme Rome to President Nixon, pled'gcourt, to halt a state loan of ing cooperation with his 90-day $93.7 million to Columbus Hos- economic freeze. ' pital for expansion. Sub-Standard Buildings' -- The 2BB-bed hospital, operRoom rates in the order's five ated by - the order that St. American hospitals will be adFrances Cabrini founded, the justed "downward," the letter Misionary, Sisters of the Sacred said, and "scheduled salary in~ Heart, would be replaced by a creaslts will be delC!-yed ,until 406-bed ,'building with modern' November.'" ," medical facilities. Joseph Tooney, hospital ad, To provide additional room ministrator, also answered -quesfor doctors and staff, the hos- tions abou the proposed expan~ pital - acquired two adjacent - sion. He said it was coincidental' tenements-tevements which the that the press conference came protes~i~g ~eighborhoo~ group right after a weekend demonsays are- still serviceable as stration by opponents of hospital "sound low-cost housing." expansion outside Gov. Nelson housing:" -, Rockefeller's residence in the William Worthy, spokesman city. for the protesting neighborhood Tooney disputed the charge ,group, said: "Our basic objection that the hospital was demolishis to the expansion per se. We ing "sound, low-cost housing." consider it irresponsible for a He said the two tenement blocks state agency to expend money were substandard, inferior buildunnecessarily in an area where ings. .. you do not need more beds while Because of a nursing shortage, oth~r neighborhoods ,- like the Columbus recruits staff from Lower East' Side - desperately outside New York City and 'has needs beds." to attract qualified personnel by Residents call the Columbus providing them living quarters ,Hospital area "bedpan alley." and parking facilities, he added. The 150,000 -residents of the Although there are other areas neighborhood have 4,000 beds in New York City where hospiavailable in a 'number of hos- tal beds are needed, Columbus pitals, not including a veterans' will not relocate because it has' hospital. There is one bed for traditional' roots in' the sa~e every 37 persons, while the na- part of the city where Mother tional average is one for every Cabrini first began her work at 400 persons. ' the turn of the century.

Black Parish C'ouncils Str'ess Good ·Works of Josephites NEW ORLEANS (NS) - Two parish councils here, one of them representing the largest black parish in the nation, have passed resolutions of tribute to the Jo-sephite Fathers, a 216 member order working with American black people. ' Mrs. Edna Williams, chairman of Blessed Sacrament parish ·council, said her group's resolution was drawn up "in view of the recent'- attacks on the Josephite Fathers by the' Biack Catholic Lay Caucus." The caucus had sta'ged a sit-in last 'April at tne order's Baltimore headquarters to -complain that the order was irrelevant, did not relate to the black com-.

Franciscan- Honored For Study of Mary

ZAGREB (NC)-Father Charles Balic, a Franciscan scholar known for his' expertise in mari()logy, has received the first International 'Marian Library Medal. Father Theodore Koehler, director of Dayton University's Marian Library in Ohio, presented the - new award here' in Yugoslavia at the International Mariological-Marian' Congress. Father Balic, a Yugoslav, is pre~aent and founder of the International Pontifical Marian Academy in Rome. He has been a leading student of doctrine about Mary for more than 40 years. His studies of the assumption are said to have paved the way for the papal proclamation of that dogma in 1950.

munity, refused to take stands on social. issues, and did not recognize the emergence of a new black identity and heritage. In July, Father Eugene A. Marino, 37, a native of Biloxi, Miss., was appointed new vicar general of the order-the first black head of the Josephites, or:" of any other order. in the United States. Father Marino said his selection "refle~ts the seriousness of the Josephite Father~" commitment to the goal of black leadership." In a letter to Catholic newspapers accompanying its resolution, the Blessed Sacrament parish council chairman said: "We feel that both sides of the story should be heard, and it is up to us who have profited so much from the gqod)works of the Josephites to'see that this is done-," The resolutions of tribute from that parish and from - Corpus Christi parish here, both cited the order's new leadership, its"hard work among blacks since, its founding in England in 1866, and the difficult circumstances of legal and personal racial prejudice within which the Josephites worked. The Blessed $acrament Parish resolution said the Josephite Fathers have "taken a leading Tole· in the black people's struggle for freedom 'am} fustice in these United States," and expessed "profound gratitude, deep appreciation, genuine esteem, sincere affection and unwavering loyalty" to the order and its new leadership.

,Co'mpufe's. C:ount' Cincin nati Sunday ~olle'ctions _CINCJNNATI (Nt) - Volun- - gram in 11 p~irishes, the system teers used to coun~ and record places the funds of all particiSunday collections,' but com- pating parishes in one bank. puters now will do the job in a Msgr. Ralph A. Asplan, archcentralized system ,adopted by diocesan treasurer, said -that the the Cincinnati archdiocese. arrangement enables participatStarted Aug. 29 as; a pilot pro- ing parishes to "invest and earn

income on a portion of their funds until they are needed for day-to-day operations." . A key element in the system is a new type of collection enve· lope which is magnetically coded for computer use.

United, l-~bor .Council of, Greater Fall '(':"elrican Fed_erotion of' Labor and 'CJ~gress of Industrial OrganizatiOri~' , .





* * *


.'-:-. :i ~.\~; .'

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Local', 177 ' , I

Amalgamated Me~t Cutl'ers and Butcher , Workers of North Amel'ica,' Local 2 -


Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 174

* American Federation of Musicians, Local 216 :

* International ,Brotherhood of Electric~1 \ Workers Union, Local * International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, Local 1505 "- * International Brotherhood of Pulp,Sulphit«.t'-' and Paper Mill Workers, Local 407' ,." 437

* Journeymen Barbers" Local 331

* American Bakery' andCI)nfectionery * National Association of Letter Carriers, Workers, Local 2'0 Branch 51 * American Federatioh of State, County, * Retail Clerks, -Local 1325 Municipal Employees, LClcal 1118 . * Sheet Metal Local 501 * American Federation of St,ate, County, Municipal Employees, Local 1701 * Textile Workers Union of America, Joint Board * American Postal Workers Union, Local 511 * Textile Workers Union, Taunton Local' 469 * FireLocalFighters Association of lFall River, 1314 : * Typographical Union of Fall River, No. 161 * Insurance Workers of Amel'ica, Local 21 * United Furniture, Workers of America, , Local' 159 ' * International Associa,tion- o'F Fire Local 1802, Westport Permanent Fire* United Rubber Workers of America, fighters Associatio,n; ILocal 261

.:", ;; .. ,






, , I



, I



In Memoriam To Dedicatedi leclders of the FaH River Labor Movement James Tansey John R. Machado John Golden Manuel J. Lopes Joseph P. Dyer , ,Edward F. Doolan Mariano ~. Bishop George I


William R. Medeiros John F. Reagan John L. Campos H. CotteH


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