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~~~~l.:;jr=- ~'F"(iR:SbtlTh:::'-'~ I I\,1ASSACHUSETTS-CAPE CO,: .'. THE ISLANDS
VOL. 48, NO. 33 • Friday, September 3, 2004
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Thirty-five million poor hearing little about themselves in campaigns Bv PATRICIA ZAPOR CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
and author of the 1998 book, "Catholic Social Teaching and WASHINGTON - Try typ- U.S. Welfare Reform." ing the word "poverty" into the Although both candidates emsearch functions of the Websites phasize their plans to improve the for the presidential campaigns of financial lot of the.mi~dle class, President George W. Bush and he said, "nobody's talking about Sen. John F. Kerry and it might upward mobility for the poorest seem as though it's only a prob- people, about people at the botlem in other, distant parts of the tom of the job market." ·world. Father Massaro said both camWhile both candidates talk all paigns are responding to the pothe time about litical reality how they inthat "the poor tend to improve don't vote," or the economic at least, not in situations of significant .' , ,~middle-class I enough numf voters, neither ".. bers to make ;,p.,'. so far has detheir concerns voted much a priority. campaign ef"They're fort to the problems of the 35 mil- not a visible population," he said. lion Americans living below the "They're not well-organized." poverty line. He said Bush's policies, which When Kerry or Bush mentions the Republican describes as prothe word poverty in stump viding tax relief to stimulate the speeches, it's usually in refer- economy, are "all trickle-down ences to fighting poverty to pre- economics. It's much more 'convent terrorism, or as a strategy in servative' than it is 'compassioncombating HIV/AIDS interna- ate.'" Kerry, the Democratic nomitionally. "I'm not thrilled with either nee, comes closer to policies that party's take on addressing pov- actually address poverty, the erty," said Jesuit Father Thomas priest said. "He keeps talking Massaro, a moral theology pro- about the lower middle class, and fessor at Weston Jesuit School of that's great," said Father Massaro. Theology in Cambridge, Mass., Tum to page 13 - Poor
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SACRED HEART Parish in North Attleboro will celebrate its centennial tomorrow. A centennial Mass will be celebrated by Bishop George W. Coleman at the church on September 12.
BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman is greeted by students, faculty and parents at the new St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth. The bishop was at the parish to celebrate Mass for the 50th anniversary of the parish and to dedicate the school which opens its doors for the first time on September 8. (Anchor photo by Bruce McDaniel)
North Attleboro Parish ready for centennia·1 Mass, banquet Bv
NORTH ATTLEBORO With more than a dozen religious and fun-filled events under its belt, hundreds ready to attend a Mass and gala banquet marking its l00th anniversary, and plans for an addition. to its house of worship on
the horizon, pastor Father David Costa's pleasant note, "As you can see, we are very much alive and well!" told the tale of Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro. On Saturday night, the actual 100th anniversary of the parish's founding on Sept. 4, 1904, a centen-
nial banquet will be held at Luciano's Lake Pearl in Wrentham. Presentations, prize drawings and dancing will follow the dinner. The Centennial Mass will be celebrated by Bishop George W. Coleman on September 12, at 10 Tum to page 10 - Sacred Heart
Fall River diocese implements new guidelines of Child Protection Act FALL RIVER - Religious Education directors and principals and teachers in Catholic schools across the Diocese of Fall River are currently receiving the newest updates on issues and regulations dealing with the protection of children and the law affecting them, as the new school year begins. "We've had to change the ways we provide education and training pertaining to the Criminal Offender Record Information System because of the changes advanced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops following their 2002 charter sessions in Dallas, Texas," said Arlene A. McNamee, diocesan director of Catholic Social Services. The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was drawn up and approved by the bishops following the clergy sexual abuse of children scandals that rocked the Church in
the United States in recent years. However, for more than a decade, the Fall River diocese has been a leader among dioceses nationwide in addressing the issues. "We have produced. a new video and last week we began training sessions with directors of religious education from all the parishes across the diocese and we will be doing another session tomorrow," she told The Anchor on Monday. "The directors of religious education are our focal point here. They will then use the'video in sessions with their teachers and parish volunteers," McNamee explained. At the same time, in light of those same changes, CSS has had to introduce a Child Protection curriculum into diocesan schools, and this was done Monday at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall RiV~li~ith all the principals and Calli \C schoolteachers in the
diocese. Another session with teachers and principals is slated for September 7. The new school curriculum being introduced is called LURES, McNamee reported. Schools will invite parents in to view the program and receive the information as school sessions begin. "In our religious education we have also developed a curriculum that is integrated into the existing program of studies that religious education teachers use. We also held those sessions last week so that the directors can instruct their teachers on the additions to the curriculum." McNamee also reported that what was formerly known as the Office of Abuse Prevention in the diocese has been changed to the Office of Child Protection. "To demonstrate the imporTum to page 11 - Guidelines
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Mrs. Isabelle Harrington DARTMOUTH Mrs. Isabelle (Gomes) Harrington, 86, wife of the late Edmund A. Harrington, and mother of Father Kevin 1. Harrington, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Bedford, died August 20 at the Heritage of Dartmouth. In May 2003, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington had celebrated 60 years of marriage. Mr. Harrington died on January 3 of this year. Born in New Bedford, the daughter of the late Domingo and the late GloriaB. (Dejesus) Gomes, she lived most of her life in New Bedford before moving to .Dartmouth six years ago. She was the first student of Portuguese heri. tage to win the Silver Cup while at New Bedford High School. Before retirement, she was· employed as a switchboard operator at the New Bedford Hotel and as a bookkeeper for the Standard-Times and the C.E. Beckman Company. Mrs. Harrington was a member
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of St. Lawrence Parish and was a member of the Veradames ofProvidence College, from which her three sons graduated. She had also been a candidate for the New Bedford School Committee. Besides her priest son, she leaves another son, Dr. Edmund. A. Harrington Jr., of New Bedford; a daughter, Gloria E. Healy and her husband Walter, of Lakeville; two daughters-in-law, Ronnie Glantz Harrington ofBelmont and Patricia Harrington of Mattapoisett; three sisters, Sarah Grace of Fairhaven, Theresa Gracie of Somerset, and Gloria Woolard ofVrrginia Beach, Va.; eight grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. She was also the mother of the' late Dr. Barry 1. Harrington; and sister of the late Alice LaCerdia, John. Gomes, Lois Hayes, Lydia Santos, Noah "Gomez" Gomes, Dr. Samuel Gomez and Naomi "Norma" Paiva. Her funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Francis of Assisi Church. Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery. The Saunders-Dwyer Home for Funerals, 495 Park Street, New Bedford, was in charge of arrangements.
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MORE THAN 200 alumni and wives from across the country gathered at White's of Westport recently to attend the annual Msgr. Prevost High Alumni Association reunion . A special tribute was paid to the Class of 1954, above, on its golden jubilee. Seated from left: Richard .Nadeau, Ronald LavoieplQobe'rtrr@oyette, and Roger Levesque. Standing: Robert LaVOie, Roger Roy, Thomas Lee, Henry Picard, William Michaud, Raymond Leboeuf, Charles Menard, Paul Theberge, Donald Letourneau, Gerard Rocheleau, Gerard Lussier, Raymond Caron, Robert Chabot, Armand Gagne,· 1, Roger Theroux, and Dr. Phi lias Garant. At right are members of the Class .of 1939. Seated: Conrad Briere and Reginald Remy. Standing: Charles Lussier and Paul Dumais. Not in phot9, was Rodolphe Bernier. Msgr. Prevost High School in the east end of Fall River graduated classes from 1938 to 1972. All told, the school graduated 1,400 students.
Daily Readings Sept 6
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PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA . On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my
name that Ipromise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: .I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Sept 12
THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address cbangesio The . Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks Sept. 7 1966, Very Rev. James E. McMahon, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 1984, Rev. Raymond Pelletier, M.S., LaSalette Shrine, North Attleboro \ Sept. 8 1868, Rev. Thomas Sheehah, 'Founder, Holy Trinity, West Harwich
---------) . Sep~.J.0---- / /~ 1966, Rev. Hugo Dylla, ~astor~ St.-Stanislaus, Fall River 1969, Rt. Rev. Felix-S:-ChildS,'Pilstor Emeritus, Sacred Heart Fall River . ~ \\ '. . '
Sept. 1987, Rev. Joachim Shults, SS.Cc., OUf Lady of Assumption, New Bedford \ 1997, Rev. Cyril Augustyn, OFM Conv~, ~astof, Holy Rosary, Taunton 2001, Rev. Francis E. Grogan, CSC, R6.Iigious Superior, Holy Cross Residence, North Dartmouth
Sept. 12 1962, Rev. John 1. Galvin, Assistant, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River . 1986, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Fourth Bishop of Fall River, 1951-70 1995, Rev. John R. Foister, Pastor, St. Louis de France, Swansea'
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Sept 11
1 Cor5:1-8; Ps 5:5-6,7,12; Lk 6:6-11 1 Cor6:1-11; Ps 149:1-6,9; Lk 6:12-19 . Mic5:1-4aor Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6;Mt1:116,1 $-23 or 1:2823 1 Cor 8:1 b-7, 1113; Ps 139:13,13-14; Lk 6:2738 1 Cor 9:1619,22b-27; Ps 84:3-6,8,12; Lk 6:39-42 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13,1718; Lk 6:43-49 Ex32:7-11,1314; Ps 51 :3-4,1213,17,19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:132 or 15:1-10
Friday, September 3, 2004
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Catholic Citizenship would energize Catholics in a Pro-Life voting bloc. NORTH DARTMOUTH - A new organization, Catholic Citi-, zenship, has embarked on the campaign trail to educate, energize and mobilize mil1ions of Catholics into a Pro-Life voting bloc, especial1y in this election year. President Raymond Flynn addressed about 100 persons from various parts of the Fall River diocese at a recent meeting in Bishop Stang High School Auditorium, Dartmouth. . A former mayor of Boston and former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, Flynn said he has had "a long discussion" with Bishop George W. Coleman to focus on efforts in this diocese. Flynn's message was reinforced by Beatrice Martins, 'liaison for the diocese. And seminarian Ronnie, Floyd made a forceful defense of . Catholic .teaching. A few persons came with the intention of disparaging certain Church positions, particularly the declaration that no other political issue is as grave as legalized abortion-on-demand. A sharp exchange took place with those attendees, and at least one couple got up and left. Flynn is national president of Catholic Citizenship: He is "cam- , paigning" .~n various states, notably in those with important Catholic populations, which could decide whether President Bush or Sen. John Kerry wins the White House for the next four yearS. These key states include ...,....but are not limited to - Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania. At the moment, Flynn and others are volunteering their time to build tip Catholic Citizenship, started in Massachusetts in June.
.Espirito Santo Parish to (:elebrate 100th anniversary FALL RIVER - Espirito Santo Parish, the first parish founded after the Diocese of Fall River was established, is celebrating its l()(}th anniversary on September 19. The commemoration will begin with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10 a.m. in the church on 311 Alden Street. Bishop George Coleman will be the principal celebrant. . Espirito Santo Church, a daughter parish of Santo Christo Church in Fal1 River, was first established as a mission in 1903. In 1904, the parish was founded to minister to the Portuguese immigrant families settling in the Flint area of the city. These hardworking and pious families have made many contributions to. the . greater community over the past. one hundred years. Following the Mass, a banquet will be held at White's ofWestport. Anyone interest~d in attending should contact the rectory at 508762-3352 for information.
Flynn hopes the backing received people for whom to vote or what from the Bay State's four bishops party to join. will translate into some financial But on a subject that he insisted should be of first imporassistance. Two principal goals are to en- tance to Catholic voters, Flynn roll many more Catholics as vot- , asked "who is talking about Proers, and to convince new and al-' Life issues? Nobody." He comready-registered voters of the plained "right now, our voice is moral obligation to choose can- not being heard"'on such matters didates for president, congress as abortion, euthanasia, physiand state offices on the basis of cian-assisted suicide, the death penalty, embryonic stem-cell reChurch teaching. The number of Catholics who . search, etc. He further asserted neither vote nor otherwise partici- that it is the responsibility of pate in government because of Catholics to make certain that issome disillusionment is "abso- sues of concern to them are in fact lutely staggering," Flynn told his the ones debated. audience. The result, he noted, is Flynn observed that "maybe that "we ¥e allowing other people the Republican Party does better to make decisions for us." He said than Democrats natidnally" on 40 percent of Catholics are alien- Pro-Life matters. Yet he quickly ated as voters. "We have to chal- pointed out that at the Republilenge the thinking tbl\l 'my vote can Convention in New York this doesn't matter,'" he said. week, three of four major speak"I am here as an AmeriCan ers were known as "pro-choice" who is a proud Catholic," Flynn on abortion, and thus seriously at . remarked. "I am not here as a odds with CatholiC teaching. Taking a swipe at the media, Democrat or Republican." Nor was it his intent, he said, to tell Tum to page 13 - Citizenship
TV Mass air time to change FALL RIVER - The Television Mass, shown each Sunday on WLNE-TV, Channel 6 is moving to a new time beginning this Sunday. . The Mass will now air at 11
a.m. It previously aired at 8 a.m. Now beginning its 42nd year, the Television Mass is sponsored by the Fall River diocese to serve those unable to attend a parish Mass because of infirmity or age.
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FALL 2004
NEW GROUP intent on promoting political activism by faithful Catholics is stressed by, from left, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican Raymond Flynn, Beatrice Martins and semi. narian Ronnie Floyd.
\TIll ~
0/ ~aler's ~ve
EVEN I NG COU RSES (Credit/Audit) Basic Dimensions of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 4:3°-6:3° pm Tu. John Shea, OSA Foundations ofTheology, Colleen Griffith 4:3°-6:3° pm . Th. Christology, Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM 6:30-8:30 pm Tu. Liturgy, Sacraments and Church, Bruce Morrill, SJ 7:00-9:00 pm Tu. Psychology of Religious Development. John Shea, OSA 7:00-9:00 pm Wed. (Above courses meet from Sep 7-Dec 10) SATU RDAY COU RSES (Credit/Audit/CEUs) Sep 18, 25. Oct 9. 23, Course Meets 6 Saturdays and Online: F~undations for the Practice of Ministry: Voice, Vision and Vocation, Nov 13. Dec 4 Helen Blier
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Friday, September 3, 2004
the living word
The real business at hand From the'days qf the Democratic National Convention up to 'this week's Republican counterpart, the nation has been embroiled in the remaking of the Vietnam War. As a result of this political' smoke screen, the real issues that should surface in this presidtm.tial election have been blotted from view. A b9red and tired media has played this theme to a fair-thee-well. PQlitiCians have fled into the fray with a certain glee. They have been allowed to downplay the matters that should be discussed by both parfies.As time ticks away to November) election, no one.wants to tackle the real difficulties that affect life in this country. The more the~ political parties run from the problems at hand, the more we will suffer in the years ahead. It is simply inconceivable how the nation has fallen into a plotted trap that is diverting at,tention from the real tasks at h~md,' . The war on terrorism is a prime ~xample. All the colored code levels had little effect on diminishing the real issue of fear. Neither party has set forth goals and objectives 'for a long-term solution that will indeed eradicate the danger at hand. In faCt, there has been little discussion on the recommendation of the 9/11 COIlUll1S-, sion in regard to a global strategy to combat terrorism, as found in . Chapter 12 of its report.A lot has been niade of other findings, but. no one seems to be discussing a·long-term plan to fight not only alQaida, but also the developing radical ideological movement in the Moslem world. As the commission' reported, "The United States has to help defeat an ideology, not just a group of people. How can the United States and its friends help moderate Moslems combat the extremist idea? Another area where few are venturing concerns the Palestinian plight and Israeli wall building, There can be little doubt of our ongoing support of Israel, but at" what ~osts? How can we as a· nation build a political strategy that will be inclusive of all parties in the Middle East? Our currentneo-isolationism is forcing us to make solo decisions that find li.ttle credence in the European cOpl- ' munity, never mind the world of Islam. The political process must face the reality that we must show the peoples of the Middle East that asA,mericans we want them to strive, and indeed achieve goals and objectives that are important to.-them.. As Americans during this time· of elections,..we have a lot on our ·plate. AI-Qaida, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Afghanistan are issues we cannot ignore amid the cheers and jibes of convention partying.. Domestic issues, especially in the area of .environmental· concerns, should not be lef~ in the hands of the few. Global warming and clean air and water are issues that should not be ignored. At home, we also have problems in the area of medical care for all ·Americans. From senior· citizens to schoolchildren, our country . must do more to meet their many needs. Currently, middle-class , Americans are being squeezed,into oblivion. The poor and the rich ·abound. Those struggling in between are being igQored. These are but a few of home difficulties' that should surface as theconven'tions end and the:campaign picks up steam. To date, we have been reduced to person and personality atta~ks. This should cease, and . all parties lQ.ok at the real world, not through the glasses of parti-, , san fervor. America needs objective government, th;lt we indeed might 'all live in a terror-free social order. Let's get down to the real business at hand, -
Taking responsibility for the' world's destitute By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK . ,CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Mother Teresa who tells us: "Do causing me to wonder: "What more needs to be done?" not wait for leaders; do it alone, In his book on 'prophets, ' The first thing that came to person to person." Abraham Heschel says: "Their mind is that more orus need to When I was in Rome last. hearts burned for justice.': . ,'" experience firsthand what my year, I went" to Santa Maria Recently, I experienced that ' friend experienced. This is not an -Trastevere where the Commu'burning desire in a Benedictine . unrealistic suggestion.. Caring nity of Sant' Egidio prays. I was friend who had returned from Americans often go to' other so impressed with this mostly Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria. countries to learn of their lay community's piety that I The living conditions he . situation. Once they see the face investigated their work; I found described were horrible, Indoor of poverty and corruption, many that they are having great plumbing and sanitation were feel compelled to act for change. success among the poor. Like non-existent. Huts may have As my Benedictine friend those who were inspired by cement-slab floors, an improve- . spoke I could feel that compulMother Teresa and simply, ment over bare dirt, bilt they are .sian coursing through him. He _ dropped everything to carry out" would not have spoken with her mission, those in the .The·Executi~eEditor still absolutely stifling inside. The food staple is vegetable that .such feeling had he not personCommunity of Sant' Egidio resembles yams but becomes ally experienced poverty and dropped everything to minister .like wallpaper paste when . corruption in 'these countries. to the poor and elderly. cooked. Disease is' pervasive; as The t1:lorel thought about his I use the word "simply" is AIDS. Government corrupstatement that the. Roman because these people don't wait tion is rampant, as. is the black hierarchy is out of touch, the for powerful, influential.people market. Life is cheap, and death .more my thoughts went to to back them, they simply went is everywhere. . persons like Mother Teresa and ahead and did what needs to be "Even the Church seems to be lay organizations like the . done. CommuQity of Sant' Egidio. doing little to help. Rome is out Even though we live in times of it when it comes to underThroughou~ history, indi- , that are more blessed than when Vidual persons inspired by . .standing the plight of these our great-grandparents lived, . people;" my friend told me. . prophetic zeal, not Rome, have destitution surrounds us. Instead What touched me most when most helped to relieve poverty , of waiting for someone to lead, listening to him was his burning and confront injustices. For those of us graced with a . syn:tpathy for these people, and . .., some reason, most of us look to prophetic burning desire for the utter disgust he had for those those in power to rectify . justice should "simply" begin. , in power. His suffering over matters. But I think the most Once we take the lead, those ~ese people 'cut to my core, influential people are those like . who are in power will follow..
September. moments It's September again. The month that evokes feelings of euphoria and then hopelessness - all within a matter of days. This is the month that will determine whether the past five months of Sox watching was worth the anger, frustration, joy, confusion, second-guessing, third-guessing and beyond. It's September and the \ Boston Red Sox are in the thick of the American League
My View From the Stands By Dave Jolivet
East chase. They're in the thick of the Wild Card chase. They're in the thick of the chase for that eel-like world championship. Then how come I'm afraid to get excited? How come I expect the good ship Red Sox to take on water and sink within the next few weeks? Why can't I revel in the fact that the Home Towne Team is playing its best ball of the summer? Why? How come? Because' it's September. The other 11 months combined can't conjure up as much angst as September. Sure, October has provided the most damaging of blows for Sox fans, but those are few and far between, thank the good Lord. Nope, it's September that's , provided the most disappointments. Fine seasons that fall one, two or three games short of the post season. ' Untimely losing streaks that leave fans reeling on the last day of the season. Injuries to key players, head-scratching managerial decisions, and just plain dumb luck. These have all played their hand in this, the cruelest month
of the year. I hear folks saying that "this is the year." I still say it myself, but deep down inside, I know something's going to go wrong. . I cannot for the life of me, picture a day next month when 86 years of frustration will become but a distant memory. Actually believing the Red Sox will win the World Series is like believing that beautiful girl, or handsome guy in your homeroom in high school will actually say "yes" to going out with you. You know you shouldn't, even ask, but your "friends" , convince you that you actually have a chance. You fight your fears, choke out the words and hear response you half e~ pected, but hoped wouldn't come. "I think you're nice, but not my type." Actually believing the Red Sox will win the World Series is like applying for that first big job out of college - the job that will actually utilize the knowl- " edge you just spent four years sQaking in. , You get all decked out in your best busif\ess suit. You get a haircut, manicure, pedicure, bodycure. You spend nights practicing your interview skills in the mirror. You memorize all your assets and even come up with something about yourself that needs . improvement, because you know they're going to ask. You sweat through an hourlong interrogation, then sit by , the phone for a week hoping for the chance to go through it all again at a second, interview. The call comes. "You presented yourself very well, but we've decided to go with a candidate whose qualifications better fit the job requirements." Actually believing the Red Sox will win the WoiJd Series is like hitting a good tee shot off the first tee at- a crowded
golf course. ' You know you can drive the ball relatively straigh~ and relatively far. You've done it a thousand times at the driving range. It's yO,ur tum to step up and hit. You tee up, 'take a few practice swings and finally address the ball. In rnidbackswing you notice 20 pairs
of eyes waiting for you to choke. You smack the ball and watch it rocket past the foursome just off to your right, scattering the crowd. As you prepare to hit again, you notice they're all wearing bicycle helmets. All September moments. The Sox are in the hunt. They're playing good ball.
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Maybe, just maybe this is the year. But, it's September. Where's my bicycle helmet? Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Notre Dame School to .honor Blessed Mother
FALL RIVER - On Septem~ restored, will be carried in a pro-held September 17-19 offers ber 8, the feast of the birth of the cession to Notre Dame school heal and and renew couples a chanCe to . troubled marriages. Rediscover Blessed Virgin Mary, the students yard. . Publicity Chairmen' are 7-9 p.m: at1600 .Bay Street. Re- yourself and your spouse and a lov- and faculty of Notre Dame de' There, Bishop George W. asked to submit news items for freshments will be served. For more ing relationship in marriage. For Lourdes School will hold a prayer Coleman will bless the statue. It this column to The Anchor, .information call 508-674-4681. more information call l-8oo-470- service and procession in honor , will be placed .at the main en2230 or the Diocesan Office ofFam- of Our Lady: P.O. Box 7, Fall Ri~er, 02722. 4 . trance of the school. Name of city.or town should be FALL RIVER- Adoration of ily Ministry at 508-999-6420. _The procession route wilt" be The program will begin at Im'. . . included, as well as full dates the Blessed Sacrament is held every maculate Conception Church on County Street to Eastern Ayenue, of all activities. DEADLINE IS Friday in the Lourdes Chapel at NEW BEDFORD - The thomas Street at 9 ·a.m. Follow- to St. Joseph Street. NOON ON FRIDAYS. .Notre Dame Church, 529 Eastern DoilovanJIouse, a transitional home· ing a brief prayer service, a statuI,': All are. invited. In case of in. Events published must be of Avenue, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30· for women and children, seeks vol- of Mary, 'which was a gift from clement weather, the ceremony interest and open toour·genenlI. p.m. All invited.' unteers. Training and ongoing sup- St. Mathieu's Parish and recently will be held in the school. readership. We·do not carry noThe' parish PrQ-Life Committee port Will be provided. For 'more in- : tices of fund-raising activities, . sponsors ;lHoly Hour on the last formation call Debra Kenney at 508. which may be advertised at our Monday of the month from 7 to 8 999-5893. regular rates, obtainable from our p.m. NORTH DARTMOUTH-A' business office at 508-675-7151. FALL RIVER - There will be Diocesan Divorced-Separated SupATTLEBQRO -.A Healing a healing Mass at Holy Name portQroupwillmeetSeptember 13 Service in Spanish will be held Sun-' . Church, 709 Hanpver Stt:eet, on frOm 7-9 p.m. at the FanUIy Life day at 2:30 p:m. at the J-,aSalette Septembei14at'Zp.m. Confessions Center, 500 Slocum Road. It will ~. Stonehiil College in between Fairfield University in Shrine. For more information call will be he3rd at 6 p.m., and the ro- feature the video ''What To Do With .So~th Easton is . Connecticut and Loyola College 508-2"22-5410. .sary will be recited at 6:30 p.m.' Your Anger." For more.information . among top ranking: in Baltimore. Other ranking Benediction and healing prayers will . call Bob Menard at 508-673-2997. Catholic colleges included: Uniinstitutions. ATTLEBORO - Catholic So- take place after the Mass. versity of Scranton in Pennsyl~ cial Services is sponsoring a support ,NORTH EASTON-The pubvania (sixth), St. Joseph's UniWASHINGTON (CNS) lic is invited to participate in' the . group for women struggling with FREETOWN ---; Mother of the anxiety, depression, relationships and Sorrowful Heart Rosary ~rafters are praying 6f the 20 mysteries of the Catholic colieges and universi- versity in Philadelphia (10th), St. loneliness. Beginning September 14, actively making and sending hand- rosaiy on 'Sundays at 5 p.m. in the' ties acros's the 'country once Michael's College in Colchester, it will lJleet every other Thesday' made cord rosanes to Missions . chapel of the Father Peyton Center . again received top 'grades in U.S. Vt. (11th), and Manhattan Colevening from 6-:7 p.m. at catholic throughout the world and are avail- at Hoiy Cross Family Ministries, 58 News & World 'Report's animal lege inJRiverdale, N.Y. (15th). Social Services, 10Maple,Street. For able for demonstrations. Individu- Washington Street. Daily rosary is ranking of the nation's best col- Several other Catholic 'colleges placed in the top 30. more information call 508-226-4780. als or.groups interested in learning recited at 9 a.m. and Mass is cel- . leges. In the Midwest, in addition to As in previousyears, Cathohow to make rosaries should call ebrated at noon every 'Yeekday. lic colleges had their best stand- Creighton, ranking Catholic EAST .fREETOWN - - Carol Spoor at 508-644-2645. ings among regional universities sch90ls included Xavier UniverEmmaus, a co-ed weekend retreat' .' SOUTH YARMOUTH and they topped the lists in the sity in Cincinnati (second), John program for people aged 2Q.:35 who MASHPEE...:... The Third Or- Redemptorist Hither Edward J .. Carroll University in Cleveland' are seeking a deeper relationship with der of CanDelites will meet Septem- McDonough from Mission Church North and Midwest regions: (fifth), and Rockhurst University {anking, three In the national Christ, will be held November 12~' her 19 at Christ theKing Parish fol-: in Roxbury, Will conduct a healing in Kansas City, Mo., and Do'Catholic 'colleges made the top14 at Cathedral Camp. A Mass cel- lowing the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Join service at St Pius X Church, 5 Barebratingthe Emmaus Program's them in the St..Jude's Chapel for bara Street, on September 12 at 2 - 50 list; they were the University minican University in River For- of Notre Dame in Indiana {18th), est, Ill., which tied for 14th place. -30th anniversary in the Diocese of prayer, .reCitation of the rosary and p.m~· All are welcome. Seven of the top 15 ranked reGeorgetown University in Wash\ Fall River will take place at St John / study. For. more information call TAUNTON - Members of the .. ington (25th) and Boston College gional universities in the West Neumann Church; 157 Middleboro Dottie Cawley at 508-477-2798. Taunton District Council of the St. (37th). The College of:theHoly are Catholic. They are: Santa Road, on October 10 at 6 p.m. All are invited. For more information MISCELLANEOUS-Aweek- Vmcent de Paul Society will spon- Cross in Worcester, Mass., was Clara University in California call B!U"bara Hayden at 508-336- end retreat will he held OctOber 22-. . sor Mass September 13 at Tp.m. at . 31st among national liberal arts (second), Loyola Marymount . University in Los Angeles 9158. 24 at tQe Family Life Center, 500. St. Jacques Church for' the intention ,colleges. Ilarvard and Princeton tied for (third), Gonzaga University in Slocum Road for men and women. It of the canonization of Blessed FAIRHAVEN -There will be will he facilitated by Franciscan Fa- . Frederic OZanam and ill memory or' best national universities with Spokane, Wash. (fourth), Unia First Friday Mass tonight at 7 p.m. therMichael Ma1y Gauvreau who re- deceas~d members. It~ (eguHrr doctoral programs while Yale. versity of Portland in Oregon placed t.hifd. Williams College in (eighth), St. Mary's College of at St. Mary's Church, North Main cently authored the book ''The Provi- monthly meeting.Will follow. . . Williamstown, Mass:, topped the California in Moraga, and Seattle Street, sponsored by the Men of the dence of God and the Existence of Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven Chapter. Evil."Forniore infonnationtallAlice , YARMOurHPoRT - Father list of national liberal arts schools. University, tied for ninth. S~. This year's collegerankings Mary's University of San AntoAll are welcome to 'spend time with. Beaulieu at 508-995-2354. ,. Roger Landry will lead a morning ' were based on a wide range of nio placed 14th. . .the Blessed Sacrament in a Holy hour ofrecollection September 11 begiitThree Catholic schools made following Mass. Refreshments and MISCELLANEOUS ....:. The . ning with the sacrament of recOn, factors that the magazine has social time will follow. Massachusetts Citizen for Life Group . cili~tion at 8:30 a.m. in the Sacred used in'its more than 20 years of the top 15 in the Southern region has established a 24-hour hotline . Hearts Chapel, 32 Stimmer Street conducting this survey: peer as- . - Loyola University in New OrFALL RIVER -=-- Catholic So- dedicated to giving men and women MaSs will be celebrated at 9 a.m. sessment, academic reputation,- leans (sixth), Spring Hill College cial Services will hold an informa- important information on alterna- Therried "SpiritwiI Lessons from 9/. retention rates, faculty resources, in Mobile, Ala. (11 th), and tion session for fudividuals and fami- tives'to abortion. There are several '11;' it will include several talks and student selectivity, financial re- Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, W.Va. (15th). lies interested in adopting a child pre-recorded messages on a variety 'Benedictiofl of the Blessed Sacra- sources .and alumni giving. . In the category of best compreCatholic colleges and univer-' from a foreign country or a 901J1es- of topics to assist in. any situation. ment. For.more .information call , hensive c.olleges - bachelor's, sities fared· b!,?st in the category tic newborn, on September 14 from For more information call "Her 508-775-0818. of best universities - master's. which focuses on undergraduate The category ranks ~chools with programs primarily in the liberal undergraduate and master's pro- arts, Catholic schools in the North , . FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's Hospit~i is seek- pleasant for ,our pa~ients." . grams but few, if'any, .doctoral took three 6f the top-10 spots. ing volunteers to serve in areas throughout the hosPositions are currently available in the Gift Shop, programs. They were: Stonehill College in pita!. According to :volunteer coordinator Diane _Emergency Department, Patient Advocacy, OncolIn this category, di\'ided by re- . North Easton, Mass. (first), Palmer it's a great opportunity to reach out to the ogy Department, the Center for Children and Farni- gion, Villanova University in Merdmack College in North . community and learn ne'Y skills. . , ' . lies, Professional Development, Day Surgery Cen- . Pennsylvania topped the list in Andover, Mas,S. (seventh), and "Volunteering at Saint Ailne's is a greatc~ance ,- ter and Reception. In addition, the hospital has sat- the. North and Creighton Univer- the College of ~t. Elizabeth, to meet new people, make new friends ~d truly ellite sites in Tiverton, R.L and Dartmouth that of- sity in Omaha, Neb., placed first Morristown, N.J. (ninth). fer challenging and rewarding positions. make a differeric y," said Palmer. In the Midwest, St. Mary's in the Midwest. Catholic schools' Palmer notes thafthere are volunteer activi'Applicants should possess a positive attitude, .had strong showings in every re- . College in Notre Dame, Ind., ties that will fit with many different schedules maturity,. good judgement and comfort in 'deal- , gion except the' South. ranked first am'ong liberal arts " and accommodate.personalin~erests."Volunteer-' , ing with people of diverse backgrounds. WaLkOther schools making it in the colleges and St. Norbert College ~ng may involve direct patient' contact or service ing and standing are also required. Training and top 15 in the North, in addition in DePere, Wis., placed fourth. 10 one of our many support areas," said Palmer,' orientation -will be provided. For more' inforto Vitlanova, included Provi- There were no Catholic liberal "For as little as three hours a week, you can'helpmation call the. hospital at 508-674-5600 ext. dence College in Rhode Island arts colleges among the top 10 our ,staff and make hospitalization. a little more- .2080. (second) and a tie for third place in the South. <,t';fi
Cat~olic colleges 'get
high marks in annual magazine ranking'
Hospital seeks voluntet;rs .
. ~.
,; D, ••
Friday, Septe~t S, 2004'
Taking the Bible literally "what really happened." The Q. Our ROMEO group (retired old men eating out) human authors wrote under the inspiration of the Holy occasionally wrestles with Spirit, but used human ways theological questions, some of speaking and telling the probably beyond our competence. We understand truths they wanted to convey. that today we are not Thus, much of the Bible is made up of allegories and boun~ to believe that parables, poetry, short everything in the Old fictional tales, speeches, war Testament is to be taken and love stories, and numerliterally, particularly in ous other forms of literature, light of scientific evidence all with their unique way of about the origins of the earth and the theory of evolution. Where does that leave us regarding God's creation of our world in six ... ~-- ... days, Adam and By Fattier Eve, and the John J. Dietzen Garden of Eden? Any ideas where we can get some describing human events an.d help? (Indiana)
message God wanted to give. As you say, the Catholic Church has no problem today with some sort of evolution from pre-existing living beings as a scientific explanation of the origins of the human body. Pope John Paul II noted eight years ago that converging investigations of several sciences create a . progressively "significant argument in favor of this (evolutionary) theory." Regarding Adam and Eve, near the beginning of the 20th century the Roman Pontifical Biblical Commission (PBC) decreed that parts of the Genesis stories must be understood as literally true. Among the facts to be accepted were the creation of experiences. It's not surprising that the first woman from the first man; the descent from them most of the book of Genesis of all human beings; and the is not straight history in' our appearance of the devil to sense of that word. ParticuEve in the form of a serpent. larly those events described After a half-century of in the first 11 chapters are biblical scholarship, howpre-history, supposedly ever, the PBC announced in taking place thousands of 1955 that Catholics had years before human beings "complete freedom" on these even invente,d writing. subjects, except where they The authors who finally affected faith and morals. put all this down as our In 1950, in his encyclical Bibles have it today knew "Humani Generis," Pope Pius probably as well as we do XII wrote that it "is not that they didn't have a clue as to what actually took place apparent" how the theory of polygenism (more than one eons before. So they related ancestor of the human race) their truths, explained their squares with Catholic teachtheology, inspired their ing, but, contrary to what readers and listeners by telling stories that carried the some seem to believe, he did
Questions and Answers
A. First, congratulations for tackling some of these intriguing questions about our faith. Judging only from my mail, I'm awed by the number of people who gather as you do, searching for deeper biblical knowledge about God and our relationship to him. And don't be too quick to assume questions are beyond your competence. Approaching these areas of truth with faith, care, study and an open mind can only be fruitful. You have already taken the first major step in answering your question, acknowledging that by no means can all the Bible be read as a literal, factual, scientific account of
not condemn polygenism or' absolutely rule it out. Interestingly, some avenues of genetic discovery in the past 20 years seem to point perhaps to one set of parents for all humans. Two excellent resources for your group would be . "Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible" by Father Raymond Brown (Paulist Press); and the New American Bible, St. Joseph Edition,
which has a fund of information on questions like yours.
A free brochure describing basic Catholic prayers, beliefs and moral precepts is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail:
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HEALING SERVICES WITH MASS Sun., September 5 - 2:30 p.m. - Hispanic Fr. Fredy Jimenez Thurs., September 23 - 6:30 p.m. - English Fr. Richard Lavoie. M.S.
HOLY HOUR Eucharistic Holy Hour and devotions to Our Lady of La Salette and Divine Mercy Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in Church
September 12, 2004
Hand Crafts White Elephant Table Christmas Crafts A
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Fresh Vegetables Baked Goods 235 Chinese Auction Children's Corner Plants A
Pierogi, Kielbasa "Golabki" (Stuffed North Front Street Cabbage), Cabbage New Bedford Soup, and many more Polish Delicacies. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers
Special Entertainment during the hours of the Festival AMPLE PARKING AVAILABLE • ONE MILE FROM INTERSTATE 195 From Fall River, Taunton and West: From Fairhaven, Wareham and East: On Interstate 195 get off at Exit 16 (Washburn Street). On Interstate 195 get off at Exit 17 (Coggeshall Street).
At stop sign make an immediate right. At traffic lights take a left on Coggeshall Street. Second street on right - make a right hand turn on North Front street. The Church and Parish Hall are 50 feet from the corner.
After traffic lights continue for two blocks. Second street on right make a right hand turn on North Front Street. The Church and the Parish Hall are 50 feet from the corner.
Friday, September 24 - 7:30 p.m. - Music - Healing - Church Good-will donation
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Mon. - Fri. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Wednesday 2:00-3:00 p.m. & 5:00-6:00 p.m. Saturday-Sunday 1:00-4:00 p.m.
PILGRIMAGE DAYS Sunday, September 12 Catholic Family Pilgrimage 12: 10 Mass followed by entertainment Sunday, September 26 - 1:30 p.m. 30th Portuguese Pilgrimage Day Presider Bishop George W. Coleman Homilist Most Rev. Isidro Perin, M.S., Superior General Missionaries of La Salette Choir - St. Anthony Parish, Lowell, MA
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Friday, September 3, 2004
American dream: U.S. Catholics hoped Kazan icon would get back to Russia ~
But they had hoped 16th-century original - and in Pope John Paul II could finding out about the Blue Army. bring it there. Nothing was resolved at the
meeting. By then, the Blue Army VATICAN CITY (CNS) - . had transferred the icon to the For Americans who had a hand Byzantine chapel of the in getting the icon of the Mother organization's hotel, the Domus of God of Kazan back to Russia, Pacis, in Fatima, Portugal. its transfer was a prayer anAnderson was still keen to do swered and a dream denied: something, so he wrote about the Pope John Paul II had wanted icon and its importance to thento carry the Russian icon home, Archbishop Edward I. Cassidy, and his traveling to Russia, icon the new president of the Pontifiin hand, was part of the dream cal Council for Promoting Chrisof many people belonging to the tian Unity. U.S.-based Blue Army-World The Leningrad-Seattle Sister Apostolate of Churches proFatima, which gram hoped that purchased the if the icon were icon from an given to thenEnglishwoman Metropolitan in 1970 and Alexy - espe~ gave it to the cially if Pope pope in 1993. John Paul gave The dream of it to him - it a papal trip has would pressure been set aside, the government replaced by ferto restore the caWESSLEY KOHOUT feeds cattle on his family's farm near Friend, Neb. The Kohouts of vent prayers for thedral to its St. Joseph Parish started a meat-processing business to supplement their farm income al")d better relations original use as a maintain their agriculture-based way of life. More and more farm and ranch families are between Cathoplace of Orthofaced with the decision to get a job in town to supplement their income or quit farming or lics and Russian dox worship, ranching. (CNS photo by Father Kenneth Borowiak, Southern Nebraska Register) Orthodox. Anderson said. The icon In 1993 with recently deterFather Miller as director of the mined to be an 18th-century . Blue Army and work -had POPE JOHN Paul II gives the n - Arc h traveled around the Russian icon of the b i s h 0 p the United Mother of God of Kazan to Theodore E. States in the Cardinal Walter Kasper dur- McCarrick of By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE grandfather bought the farm in for their new business. mid-1970s with ing the papal audience Au- Newark, N.J., as Each week, they process up to FRIEND, Neb. - More and 1924, and his grandparents members of the gust 25 at the Vatican. Cardi- apostolic visitor Blue Army ven- nal Kasper led the delegation of the organiza- more farm and ranch families are farmed the land. Then his parents two cows and two hogs, which erating it as they in returning the icon to Rus- tion, Pope John faced with the decision to get a farmed it, and Sheldon grew up local farmers bring to them. The prayed the ro- sian Orthodox Patriarch Paul asked for job in town to supplement their there. He and his wife married in Kohouts also sell retail beef and . income or quit farming or ranch- 1985 and moved to the farm in pork selections they process from sary.for the con- Alexy II of Moscow. (CNS the icon. 1991. verSIOn of com. ... "The thIng ing. their own herds. And they have munist Russia, photo .by Alessla GIUliani, that struck me It is a decision many rural "We talked about many things their own pasture-raised chickens as Our Lady of Catholic Press Photo) ~ powerfully families hope they never have to ~d we asked ourselves, what do and turkeys that they process for we have on the farm that we can sale. Fatima had re- was the ease make. But as they face new chal- benefit from?" said Judy Kohout. quested. with which the board of direcThey also sell eggs from hens Peter Anderson, a member of tors agreed to transfer owner- lenges to remain competitive in Both are familiar with meat raised on the farm and fresh fruit the Seattle archdiocesan ecu- ship to the Holy Father," Father an ever-changing market, these processing. They had butchered which they get from fruit farmers menical commission, remembers Miller said. The icon's trip families are also finding creative cattle, hogs and poultry for them- in the San Joaquin Valley in Calireading about the icon in Soul, home to Russia, he said, "says ways to keep what for them is not selves and for neighbors. Years fornia. In addition, they sell their the Blue Army magazine. something very positive about simply a job but a way of life they ago, Judy Kohout noted, many goods at four local farmers' marBut the icon really began to the Blue Army, despite some of cherish. families butchered what they kets. All their products are inFor Catholic couple Sheldon needed on their own farms. occupy Anderson's time after a its shortcomings. The organizaspected by the U.S. Department 1989 visit to what was then tion promoted prayers for RusJ路 and Judy Kohout, the solution for "We thought it (meat process- of Agriculture and distributed loLeningrad - now St. Peters- sia and an awareness ofthe.need generating more income was ing) was something that people cally. burg part of the Leningrad- for full Christian' unity路 for most opening a custom meat-process- do not have access to anymore," The Kohouts also offer farm Seattle Sister Churches pro- of the 20th century." . . ' . . ing plant on their farm near she said in an interview with the tours, hayrides and cookouts for gram. An Orthodox deacon exPope John Paulnamed Cardi- Friend. They named .their new Southern Nebraska Register, individual families or groups. plained to him how important nal McCarrick, now archbishop business Straight From the Farm. newspaper of the Lincoln dio"We feel this is what God the icon was for Russian Chris- of Washington, to be part of his The couple is the third genera- cese. wants us to do," Sheldon Kohout delegation to take the icon to tion to live in the same farmhouse tians. Their pastor, Father David said. "We were not ready to give When Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow August 28. . and farm the same ground. They Bourek, encouraged them to pur- up," his wife added. Leningrad, the future Patriarch While Anderson, too, is dis- have nearly 1,000 acres. The sue it. ''The only way you can The Kohouts also want their Alexy II of Moscow,-visited Se- appointed that Pope John Paul Kohouts also raise cattle and mess up a good idea is not to act sons - Kyle, 18; Casey, 15; and attle in J989, Peterson arranged is not carrying the icon to Rus- hogs. on it," said the priest, who is pas- Wessley, 13 - to know that farmA severe drought that was into tor of St. Joseph Parish in Friend ing is about getting to know for him to have dinner with Fa- sia, "I think the important ther Frederick Miller, then-ex- thing is that it is happening, its fourth year and the high cost and its mission, St. Wenceslaus God's creation and learning how ecutive director of the Blue and I pray that it is a time of of seed, fuel, chemicals and irri- in Milligan. to use it properly. The farm, the Army-World Apostolate of grace." gation - coupled with marginal Father Bourek still helps out Kohouts said, teaches things their Fatima. "This is better than just keep- returns - forced the Kohouts to on his own family's farm near sons can't learn elsewhere, such Father Miller said the future ing the icon, and the Holy Father look at their options. The husband Howells. as the dignity of work, reliability patriarch was interested in know- is making this a major event," he and wife also had part-time jobs The couple got processing and responsibility. ing the specific history of the said. "What happens this week off the farm to supplement their equipment from auctions and sup"Farming is my life," Sheldon Blue Army's icon - even then can touch a lot of Russian income. pliers. This spring they put up a Kohout said. "It is part of me. I there were doubts that it was the hearts." Sheldon Kohout's great- new building, close to their house, can't think of not doing it."
For' Nebraska Catholic couple, farOling Olore than a livelihood.'
Friday, September 3, 2004
Respect Life program kits ready for dioceses, parishes
A MICROSCOPIC view shows a colony of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells being studied at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The U.S. bishops oppose human embryonic stem-cell research because it requires the destruction of embryos. (CNS photo from University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Survey shows support for noneDlbryoni<c steDl-cell research ~
Use of adult stem cells is gaining greater backing.
percent supported embryonic research and 61.4 percent approved using adult stem cells. The question noted that "scientists disagree on By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE which source may end up being most successful WASHINGTON - A survey commissioned by in treating diseases." the U.S. bishops' Pro-Life office reported that U.S. Regarding medical research in general, 79.8 peradults strongly prefer federal funding of stem-cell cent opposed using cloning to create human emresearch that does not destroy human embryos. bryos and 13.3 percent approved. The survey also reported strong opposition to Regarding human reproduction, 82.1 percent opposed using cloning "to create children for inhuman cloning to provide embryos for research. The telephone survey of 1,001 adults was con- fertile couples" and 11.1 percent approved. The survey reported that opposition to governducted last month by International Communications Research and has a margin of error of plus or ment funding of embryonic stem-cell research was minus three percent. stronger among women, It was commissioned by low-income respondents, the Secretariat for Pro-Life When respondents were pre- seniors and regular churchActivities of the U.S. Congoers. ference of Catholic Bish- sented with an alternative between In response to the ops. The results were re- funding research that destroys hu- closely divided question on man embryos and that which uses funding which did not ofleased in Washington. Also released was a adult stem cells requiring no de- fer the alternative of adult separate survey by the Na- struction of embryos, only 23 per- stem-cell research, regular tional Right to Life Comand people cent supported embryonic research churchgoers mittee which reported simiidentifying with a religion lar results. A survey re- and 61.4 percent approved using showed stronger opposileased by the Pew Forum adult stem cells. tion to embryonic research on Religion and Public than the general populaLife, however, reported tion. that a slim majority of Americans say stem-cell Richard Doerflinger, deputy director of the Proresearch is more important than preventing the de- Life secretariat, said the poll shows strong oppostruction of human embryos. sition to cloning and embryonic stem-cell research The Pro-Life secretariat survey asked two re- at a time when "cloning embryos for -their stem lated questions about embryonic stem-cell re- cells is the logical next step in the embryonic stemcell research agenda." search. When asked about legislation before Congress He said polls should not mislead the public that would allow federal funding for stem-cell re- by failing to mention that human embryonic research that destroys human embryos, respondents search destroys the embryos or by "ignoring the were closely divided, with 46.9 percent saying they documented benefits" of adult stem-cell reopposed such funding and 43.3 percent express- search. ing approval. The National Right to Life Committee survey But when respondents were presented with an reported that 53 percent of respondents opposed alternative between funding research that destroys federal funding for stem-cell research that destroys human embryos and that which uses adult stem human embryos and 38 percent supported such recells requiring no destruction of embryos, only 23 search.
WASHINGTON (CNS) - The U.S. bishops' Secretariat for ProLife Activities has published the 2004-05 Respect Life Program kit materials in English and Spanish for use in Catholic dioceses, parishes and organizations. The theme for this year's observances is "Made in His Image," or, in Spanish, "A imagen de Dios los creo." Most U.S. Catholic parishes observe the first Sunday of October - October 3 this year - as Respect Life Sunday. ''The Respect Life program is the primary educational vehicle for the (bishops') Pastoral Plan for ProLife Activities;' said Msgr. William P. Fay, general secretary of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The 2004-05 kit includes a poster in:'English and Spanish, fliers on the theme in English and Spanish, six educational essays on life issues, clip art for church bulletins or newsletters, a liturgy guide and a catalog of Pro-Life publications and resources. The fliers, essays and liturgy guide are also available online at www.usccb.orglprolife, along with electronic versions of essays and other resources from past programs going back to 1996. Essay topics are suicidal behavior by youth, advances in surgery for unborn patients, a Critique ofassisted reproductive technologies, effective strategies for Pro-Life advocacy, the human dignity of those in a ''vegetative" state and a discussion ofsex and marriage from sociological and
theological perspectives. The printed kit includes the essays only in English, but they are available online in English and Spanish. In addition to homily tips and sample intercessions for life for use at Mass, this year's liturgy guide includes a novena to SS. Anne and Joachim and offers rosary meditations on the five "mysteries of light," based on events in Christ's public life, that Pope John Paul II introduced in 2002. Msgr. Fay noted that the bishops inaugurated the Respect Life program with a resolution they adopted in .the spring of 1972. The first of what the resolution called a "week of prayer and study dedicated to the sanctity of human life and the many threats to human life in our world" was held that October. "Begun as a 'w~k of prayer and study' focusing on contemporary threats to human life, the program expanded to a month of prayer and study, and expanded quickly again to a year-round program that begins anew each year on the first Sunday of October," Msgr. Fay said. The complete set of 2004-05 Respect Life program materials costs $5. A smaller packet, without the poster, clip art or liturgy guide. costs $4.25. with discounts available on bulk orders. The fliers alone. in English or Spanish. cost $9 per 100 or $80 per 1.000. Orders may be placed by calling: (866) 582-0943.
THE U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities has published the 2004-05 Respect Life program kit materials in English and Spanish for use in Catholic dioceses, parishes and organizations. (CNS)
·110 Sacred Heart
Friday, September 3, 2004
Continuedfrom page one
a.m. Besides' Father Costa, 4,1904. concelebrants will include former A week prior to that, Father 'pastors Fathers Marcel Bouchard D.O. Villandre, who had been a and Richard Degagne; other curate at Notre Dame de .' priests who served the parish, and Lourdes Parish in Fall River, arrived in North Attleboro, to .deacons as well. It is expected that many of become the, new parish~s first the Holy Union Sisters who also pastor..Under his tireless guid· ministered atthe parish will also ance land was purchased· and a basement church built. and a be attending. A birthday party includirig building bought for use as the brunch, a '. cake, music and .rectory. games for the children, will fol-' Although Father Villandre low the. Mass on the parish had formed various parish socigrounds. A history display fea- eties and established catechism turing photos and artifacts from classes, it was the second pas· the parish archives will be set tor, Father Louis N. Dequoy, up in the parish hall. who established a parish school. Even as parishioners recall In 1923, Sisters of the Holy and honor the past, they 100kto Union arrived to staff Sacred the future, as plans for the Heart School. church addition, including a full And fai,~hful tq his pr?mis.e: service elevator, handicapped "If you build me a scli'ool, I WIll access to the house of worship build you a church," Father · and parish hall, and much. Dequoy did just that. The upper needed meeting space, have re- church was completed in 1929. ceived diocesan approval. A Subsequent pastors included major capital campaign is Father Victor Masse, Father planned to help finance the Alfred Bonneau, Father Omer project. Lussier, Father Joseph' Larue Further events marking the and Father George Daigle. anniversary year will have the One of the great influences newly-formed Parish Pastoral on parish life came when newly Council, in conjunction with ordained Father Edmond L. · the diocesan pastoral planning Dickinson arrived as curate in ,process, conduct a thorough . December 1943. He was responsible for estabstudy of the parish in light of ,developing a five-year pastoral. lishment of all branches of the CYO, Vocation Club, Holy plan. What might be the closing Name Society, Catholic Family · event of tlie celebrations will Movement, Pre-Cana, and the find the parish welcoming Fa- Confraternity of Christian Docther Gerard' and Sister Eileen trine. He reactivated the. St. . from St. Louis de Montfort Par- Vincent de Paul Society, eslabish, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for a lished a Home-School Associaweekend. A fund-raising dinner tion, and affiliated the Ladies of for the mission is planned. St. Anne with the National The beginnings of Sacred Council of Catholic Women. Heart Parish can be traced to the Father Roger p. Leducfolearly days of the UnIon St. Jean- lowed as pastor,' and with his Baptiste, Duvernay Council, successors, Father Marcel H. No. 42, which, in November Bouchard and Father Richard 1902, looked into the possibil- Degagne, the parish was reity of establishing a parish in newed and energized. North Attleboro for FrancoToday, under the leadership Americans. . of Father David Costa, the parAfter receiving the financial ish has grown to 850 households pledge of founding members, with more than 30 different parBishop William Stang, the first ish ministries, 245 students enbishop of the Fall River diocese, rolled in the parish school and canonically established the Par- almost 300 students in the Faith ish of the Sacred Heart on Sept. Formation Program. . by the discovery of a mysterious Byzantine Christian church unearthed after centuries. While not without some cheap chills, director Renny Harlin has exorcised any real eeriness out the film, substitutiC~§ Mvvle iCClIr\~lJ.e ingmore-silly-than-scary superII-' natural special-effects for genuine The following is a capsule re- suspense. Grisly scenes ofdemonic view of a movie recently reviewed pOssession, two graphic suicides, by the Office for Film & Broadcast- - '. so~e battl~field violence and assoing of the U.S. Conference ':of ciated gore, strong sexual referCatholic Bishops. " " ences and rough language, and ''Exorcist: The Beginning" some instances of defiled religious (Warner Bros.) symbols, The USCCB Office for Underwhelming prequel to the Film & Broadcasting classification 1973 horror classic set in 1949 M- is L -limited adult audience, films rica where the eponymous priest whose problematic content many (Stellan Skarsgard), having lost his adults would find troubling. The faith .after witnessing Nazi atroci- Motion Picture Association of ties, battles satanic forces released. America mting is R - restricted.
A MIXED terrier stars in a scene from'the movie "Benji Off the Leash!" (eNS photo from Mulberry Square Productions) .
Producer of new 'Benji' Dlovie touts faith as reason for Dlaking fibn By MARK PATnSON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
The biggest complications arose show "Benji Off the Leash," and close to the premiere date. Benji to show it for a longer time. "I saw what Mel Gibson was needed eye surgery just as Camp needed to promote tl:ie movie. Benji to do withQut Hollyw<X>d, and has healed sufficiently to go on tour I determined that we could do the with her - this time Benji's a she same thing," he said. "Our core ---= new masters. audience consists of families who Because the new Benji was truly care about what their children' found in a shelter and part of the watch - a very similar demoplot of "Benji Off the Leash" deals gmphic to the families of faith who with Benji being abandoned, Camp supported Mr. Gibson's film." said he hopes it will spur more· While one target audience is .people to go to the pound and adopt . children ages three to 10 who love dogs and puppies. cuddly animals, Camp said another ''When we did our location film- target audience is parents who saw ing, the next month the shelteremp- the original "Benji" flicks: 1974's tied," Camp said. "It was the best "Benji," 1977's "For the Love of (adoption) month they ever had." . Benji" and 1987's "Benji the Camp told CNS that, like most Hunted." producers, he's hoping for a big "We've got comedy in the film first-weekend box office..But, as an to make the kids laugh, but we independent producer, the opening also have a good story in the week~nd means even more to him movie for parents," Camp said. and the movie. A good box office "There really is something for take will prompt more theaters to everybody."
WASHINGTON - Is it possible that lovable movie mutt Benji is back after 17 years? It's not some shaggy dog story~ Joe Camp, producer of the first three "Benji"movies, is touting his Christian credentials in hopes of scoring, on a smaller scale, a Mel Gibson-like independent success with the latest in the "Benji" franchise, "Benji Offthe Leash," which_ opened in theaters last week. "So many times I said, 'Benji can't change the world, God. Even you are having trouble doing that. Christ changed it once, but that was a long time ago,'" Camp said in a statement to parents to help promote the movie. "'Hang on,' said God. 'Keep your eyes and ears open.' And along came Mel Gibson. Once again, Christ changed the world." Camp, who was raised Presbyterian, never wore his faith on his sleeve in the heyday of"Benji." But. now, he's happy to do so, he said in a telephone interview with NEW YORK (CNS) - The growth is supported by E-mail or Catholic News Service from AtHenri, Nouwen Society has telephone. lanta. An events calendar lists read"It was about time I took Chris- launched a new Website at tianity and my working life and that offers ing groups and retreats throughshuffled the deck together," Camp . daily meditations, weekly reflec- out North America, including losaid. Even before, though, he tions and discussion guides based cations, themes and contact inforadded, "God's always been a part on' the writings of the prolific mation. Currently Nouwen readpriest-:author who died in 1996. ing groups are meeting in New of the process." The so.ciety, with offices in York; Minocqua, Wis.; and Camp, who now worships at what he calls a '.'Bible church" in New York and Toronto, was es- Chestnut Hill, Mass. Father Nouwen, who was born California, said the new dog who . tablished in 1998 to extend Father would be Benji was found at an Nouwen's spIritual and literary in Holland in 1932, wrote more animal shelter. When the movie legacy and to provide a means for than 40 books on the spiritual life, crew did location filming in the people from a variety of back- . many of which remain on the same town where the shelter was grounds to build Christian com- Catholic best-seller list eight years after his death. He spent the located, they' feared someone. munity. The Website also offers an in- last 10 years of his life at a would "show up out of the woodwork and say, 'That's my little dog.' novative spiritual direction pro- L' Arche community home for the Nobody ever did show up," Camp gram called Mentors for Spiritual developmentally disabled near Growth, through which spiritual Toronto. said.
Henri Nouwen Society launches Website dedicated to late author
Guidelines tance of what is going on we have added the position of director of Education and Compliance. We have appointed Denise Porche, who holds a master's degree in social work (MSW), is responsible for the education and compliance in the diocese:" , Besides offering the video and training right down to the parish level, every assistance will be'offered them as a follow-up, McNamee added. One of the other changes is "that we have a new code of conduct that alllhose who work and
.... 1.U.'.·.i',>i!11,.9( Vft:YI ....~
Friday, September 3, 2004
Abstinence' Educator'
Continuedfrom page one
volunteer in the diocese must sign," she said. While CORI checks are still required by all those' who work with children, it is being updated currently so that everyone will be on the same cycle. Employe'es must undergo the CORI check every three years and volunteers every year. After viewing the video at the parish level, all those involved will sign new CORI affidavits arid codes of conduct. "We have a new book, new CORI forms, 'new codes' of con-
duct, and we have new policies," McNamee noted. ,All the information gathered is sent to CSS, which files that material with the Criminal Record investigation Board in Massachusetts. "We make sure that everyone who is a prospective teacher or volunteer is cleared first," said McNamee. "Because this is currently law and no longer just a policy, no one can work for the diocese until the approval is returned from the Massachusetts CORI board."
Diocese of Fall Rivet CODE OF CONDUCT Our Children are,the most precious fined as a gift not to exceed $50.00. which ensures that sexual boundaries gifts God has entrusted to our care. As 3. Minor should neverbe disciplined will not be violated. a priestldeacon/religious/employeel ' corporally or corrected with abusive or 9. Never touch a minor in a sexual volunteer of the church, I acknowl- other inappropriate language. or other inappropriate manner., edge that all individuals will be treated 4. It is understood that alcohol and 10. It is illegal to engage in any with respect, courtesy, dignity, pa- tobacco products are regulated and . form of sexual behavior with a minor. tience, loyalty and integrity. I prom- defined by the age limits as estab, 11. Professionals in supervisory ise to strictly follow rules in this Code lished but the Commonwealth of capacity should be mindful of their of Conduct as a condition of my pro- Massachusetts. Employees, volun- responsibilities to the youth that they viding services to the children and/or teers, priests, deacons and religious ,serve, and at no time shall their role youth of our (parish/schooVdiocese). are expected to enforce these regula- be used to coerce an individual to en, 1. Situations in which an individual tions and never purchase alcohol and gage in any sexual behavior; is alone with a minor should be tobacco products for those who are 12. Always report any suspected avoided. However, if a one-to-one underage. abuse to Catholic Social Services (508) meetings with a minor needs to occur 5. illegal drugs shall never be dis- 674-4681 and other appropriate, desit should be held in a public area or in tributed to or purChased for minors in ignated staff. a visible area such as an office with an the care of a priest, religious; deacon, I understand that as a priest/deainterior window, or an office with the volunteer or employee in the Diocese con/religious/volunteer/employee working with children and/or youth, door open. of Fall River. 2. As professionals it is inappro6. Prescription drugs shall never be an investigatiye background check priate to receive or to give expensive distributed to persons whose name is will be made on me. I understand that gifts from/to students, parents and per- not on the prescription. failure to follow any rule in the Code 7. No one will abuse alcohol when of Conduct will result, in an inquiry sons who receive services from employeeslpriests/deacons/religious and engaged in professional activities rep- from the Diocese. . To be signed by every diocesan volunteers ofthe Diocese ofFall River resenting the Diocese of Fall River.. 8. As professionals, we should al- priest, deacon, religious. volunteer * while it is difficult to define the term "expensive" for this purpose it is de- ways provide a safe environment, and employee.
Seeking FT energetic and creative individual to facilitate character-based sexual-abstinence education training for students, educators, parents, and community leaders. Program emphasizes building self-esteem, healthy relationships, and positive decision-making. Must have a bachelor's d~gree and at least 2 years experience related to adolescents, health issues, or abstinence training. Bi-lingual preferred. Strong pUblic speaking skills, communication skills, computer experience, and interpersonal skills required. Excellent salary/benefits. , Send resumes to: Catholic Social Services, PO Box M So. Station, Fall River, MA 02724 Attn: Steven Gangloff or E-mail resume to: - EOE
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Policies a'nd Procedures of the Diocese of Fall River PLEASE NOTE: The policies & procedures described below have been abridged for this publication. Complete policies and procedures are araUable for review by contacting Cathoiic Social Services or by accessing the Diocesan Website '
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7. The Diocesan Education Office gram and Institution, as well as Pastor, 2177 ACUSHNET AVE. and the Office for Child Protection are within the Diocese where such alleged NEW BEDFORD, MA abuse has been reported shallimmedispective Diocesan and parish employee to provide mandated, regular education shall complete an informational ques- for religious education students, conTum to page 12 ~ Policies tionnaire, to be filed with the Director cerning sexual abuse. of the local entity or the pastor, where 8. Background check on Criminal applicable. Offender Record Information (CORl)' 2. All volunteers shall complete the shall be conducted on every current diWebsite: volunteer questionnaire. A copy shall ocesan, employee/volunteer having' be kept on file at the local parish or lo- unmonitored access to children. A CAPE COD FALL RIVER cal Diocesan agency. to be inspected background check is also to be done ,NEW BEDFORD TAUNTON ATTLEBORO 261 SOUTH ST. by the Deans at their annual visitation on all new employees/volunteers prior 1600 BAY ST. 78 BROADWAY 238 BONNEY ST. 10 MAPLE ST. to the parish or by the Directors of the to having unmonitored access to chilHYANNIS P.O. BOX M - SO. STA. 508-824-3264. 508-997-7337 508-226-4780 individual Agencies of the Diocese. dren. ' 508-771-6771 508-674-4681 , 3. The informational questionnaire 9. Each employee/volunteer/priest! for an employee and the volunteer ques- deacon/religious will sign and strictly • COMMUNITY ORGANIZING • ABUSE PREVENTION tionnaire for a volunteer shall be up- follow the Diocesan Code of Conduct • COUNSELING • ADOPTIONS: dated as needed so that the information as a condition of providing services'to . INFANT • HOUSING COUNSELING is current. ,the children and/or youth of our parINTERNATIONAL • IMMIGRATION, LEGAL EDUCATION . 4. An employee/volunteer who may ish/schooUDiocese. AND ADVOCACY PROJECT SPECIAL NEEDS have unmonitored access to children Procedures to befollowed when an • ADVOCACY FOR: • INFORMATIONIREFERRAL ' shall be trained by the Office for Child Employee or Volunteer ofthe Church SPANISH & PORTUGUESE SPEAKING • INFANT FOSTER CARE Protection of Catholic Social Services. in the Diocese ofFaU River is accused FISHERMEN' • PARENT/SCHOOL CRISIS INTERVENTION This training is mandatory and atten- ofSexual Abuse ofa Minor or Sexual ·REFUGEERESETTLEMlliNT PERSONS WITH AIDSIHIV dance is documented. Misconduct with a Minor. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, • HOUSING FOR WOMEN: 5. Each employee/volunteer shall be GENERAL PROCEDURES CAMB'ODIANS given a copy of the Diocesan proceST. MATHIEU'S 1. When there is'reasonable cause dures regarding the sexu3.l and physi- to believe a child under the age of 18 i~ DONOVAN HOUSE • BASIC ENGLISH FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNING cal abuse of children, and shall, in writ- suffering serious physical or emotional ST. CLARE'S/ST. FRANCES' • CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ing. acknowledge receipt of same. injury resulting from sexual abuse in• BASIC NEEDS 6. The Diocesan Education Office flicted upon him or her by a lay em-, SPONSORSHIP: SAMARITAN HOUSE and the Office for Child Protection of ployee or volunteer. the person in, SOUP KITCHEN SPECIAL APOSTOLATES: Catholic Social Services are to provide charge, or their designee, of such instiCOMMUNITY ACTION FOR APOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES mandated, regular education for stu- tution or facility, Diocesan Director or BElTER HOUSING APOSTOLATE FOR SPANISH SPEAKING dents, concerning sexual abu'se. Department, Agency, Apostolate, Pro-
1. Prior to being hired, each pro-
112 Policies
Friday, September 3, 2004
When sexual abuse of a minor by a Office fOf the Permanent Diaconate to, "support advocate," but not for the purestablish a system to review the psy- ,poses of either actively participating in cleric is admitted or established after chological screenings given to poten- the proceedings or rendering civil or ca- an appropriate process in accord with canon law; then for even a single act of ately report such allegations to the'Di- ceed thirty (30) days. tial candidates for the 'diaconateor nonicallaw advice. rector of the Abuse Prevention Unit of * If an initialreview reveals that the priesthood. Moreover, a protocol has . It is importal).t that the cleric or reli- sexual abuse of a minor - past, present, Catholic Social SerVice: He or she wil.l 'allegation is credible, the cleric or reli- been developed to screen clerical per- gious brother or sister be aware of his/ or future - the offending cleric will · then notify the Moderator of the Curia gious brother or sister will be placed sonnel from oUtside the Diocese' before her rights unqer the laws of church and be permanently removed from minis·and the Massachusetts Department of on administrative leave pending further, an assignmerit is given or confirmed by state from the begin'ning of the process. 'try, not excluding dismissal from the Social Services. If following an initial, investigation. Administrlltive leave in- ' the Bishop to minister within the DioThe cleric or religious brother or sis- clerical state if the case so warrants. In investigation by the Director of the volves the transfer of the residence of a cese of Fall River. Finally; the: Board ter is to be advised of his/her right to every case involving canonical penalAbuse Prevention Unit of Catholic So- cleric to another residence, the private . will consult with the Bishop's Repre c, seek the advice of his/her own counsel ties, the processes provided for in canon cial Services, it is determined that the celebration of Mass, and'restriction of sentative for Religious to' assure that ap- and that 'of a canon so that his/ law shall be observed. 8. Appropriate and confidential allegation of abuse has su!?stance, the' his celebration of the Sacraments. The propriate procedures are in place to deal her rights may be protected. volunteer or employee is to be sus- alleged offender will not be permitted with accusations of women religious .' 6. Upon receipt of an allegation, the counseling is to be offered to the al'pended with pay (if applicable) pend- to celebrate Mass publicly, to wear and non-ordained men reFgious con- Delegate shall notify the Review Board leged victim and his/her family. When ing the 9utcome of the final investiga- c1erical.garb, or to present himself or cerning sexual misconduct with minors. which shall meet within forty-eight necessary, the needs of the parish and tion. . herself as a priest or religious prother 2. The Bishop shall appoint a Del- hours of the completion of the initial wider community should be included If the Massachusetts Department of or sister. The Diocese will continue to egate from among the members of the review, when the allegep victim is l! mi- in·the response of the Review Board. Part of the care and concern of the Social Services finds the alle;:gation to . pay the salary and benefits of a cleric Review Board to'serve as his represen- nor, and within a reasonable period of be sUppOl:ted and subsequently the al- while on administrative leave. . tative in cases il!volving an accusatio)1 'time upon completion of the initial re- Diocese is the offer of counseling. This · leged perpetrator is fO!Jnd not guilty by * Any suspected case of sexual mis- of sexual misconduct by a cleric or re- view, when the alleged victim is no· 'extends, of course, to the alleged vic, a court of law, a decision shall still then conduct with a minor will be reported' ligious brother or-sist~r with ,a minor. longer a minor. If the alleged victim is ' tim and the family. Depending on the be made as to whether or no! the em- io civil authorities. The Delegate will chair the Review presently a minor, the Delegate shal.l nature of the case, appropriate pastoral · ployee/volunteer shall be reinstated. * Confidential counseling will be Board. The Bishop is free to appoint a immediately notify the proper civil au- care'is extended to'the parish commuSuch a decision concerning reinstate- offered to the alleged victim and his/ substitute Delegate as' circll;mstances thorities, as required under State Law. nity and others. The Diocesan Department shall be made after a consultation her family. warrant. The Bishop's Delegate repreThe Board oversees all the steps of ment of Social Services will be availby the Moderator of the Curia with the' * No,c1eric against whom a cred- sents him in these rriatters.'This person the procedure dealing with the accusa- able to provide confidential counseling head of a Diocesan Department, ible allegation gtseJ!J\llJa~use of a mi- may be any member of the Review tion. It is the intent of this point that and/or identify other qualified. sources Agency, Apostolate, Program or Insti- nor has been made will,be given any., Team. For various reasons a substitute the Board is convened without delay. for assistance. The Diocese will undertution or the Pastor. assignment in or by the Diocese of Fall or alternate Delegate JIlay be named to The Board reviews the results of the write the cost for this service. 9. All applicable civil reporting laws' 2. If the allegation of sexual abuse. River or be authorized to seek pastoral assume the role. It could be that the Del- initial investigation conducted by the involves a cleric or an employee of work outside the Diocese.' egate is not available at the time or that Delegate and advises the Bishop re- are to be followed. Any'suspected case of child' abuse Catholic Sochil Services, then the nor- ' It should be noted here that both the a particular case may call for a certain garding the need for additional action. mal investigative, procedures of the law of our iand and the law' of our type of person being named by the The Review Board receives periodic re- involving an alleged victim who is a ,Bishop's Review Board shall apply and Church callsJor the pr~sumption of inc ' Bishop, e.g. a woman rather than a man, ports from the Delegate and offers its' minor is to be reported to civil authoriin all such cases the Bishop's Delegate nocence, While every allegation will be someone who 'speaks a foreign lan-' advice to the Bishop until the case is ties by the Delegate: This step recogshall pe the designated agent to inves- investigated seriously and fairly, we guage, etc. 'concluded. Substitutes and additions to nizes the legitimate right of the state to tigate/report the allegation both to the must remember that an accusation does 3. Upon receipt- of an allegation of tl1e team maybe made by the Bishop be involved 'in these cases. Allegations Massachusetts Dep'artment of Social not mean that someone is,guilty. Such sexual misconduct with a minor by a as needed. The alleged victirri and his/ of sexual abuse of a minor received Services and to notify the Moderator a judgment can be made only after all c1~ric or religious brother or sister, the her parent or Guardian shall use their when the alleged victim is no longer a of the Curia., parties are heard and the evidence is re- Delegate (or a substitute Delegate) shall best efforts to convey all necessary in- minor shall be reported. to the office of ,3. The alleged perpetrator employee viewed. ' conduct a preliminary investigation and formation regarding the a'leged inci- the district attorney for the district or volunteer will be· notified of the alThe procedures do not detail the shall file'a report with the Department den't t~ the Delegate, in a timely man- where the alleged abuse occurred, when legations made against him/her, and processes that are .found in the Canon of Social Services, if required. This irii c nero A recommendation by the Board reasonable cause exists. 10. If the alleged misconduct is a · given an opportunity to respond dur- Law of the Church. In order to appre- tial review is expected to be completed to the Bishop should be made no later ing the initial investigation process. ciate the rights and obligations, of the within twenty-four to seventy-two than six weeks from the date of the matter of public' record, the -Diocesan Anyone affiliated with Catholic Social clergy in a more complete manner ref- hours of the receipt of an allegation in- Delegate's initial receipt of the allega- Office of Communication shall issue a Services will be notified by the . erence needs!o be made to the proce- ,volviilg a victim who is:a minor. For tion, when the alleged victim is a mi- statement and serve as the ongoing liBishop's Delegate. . . dura! and penal laws of the Church: allegations by adults'who were minors nor, or three months when the alleged aison with the media. The members of 4. The initial investigation involv'These procedures are not "written at the tim~ of the alleged act(s); the.ini- 'victim is no longer a minor. '. the Review Board should not serve as ing non-clerics, should include inter-, in stone." They are to be reviewed and tial review is to be completed, within 7., If the Delegate, after receiving the spokespersons. Beyond reporting the alleged abuse views with the accused employee or perhaps revised on at least an annual two weeks of the allegation's receipt. results of the initial review, concludes volunteer, the person making the com- basis. Comments and suggestion~' for If the cleric or religious brother or sis- that the accusation of sexual miscon- to the appropriate civil authorities (cf. plaint, and any witness(es). The inter- improvement 'are .always welcome.' ter is a member of a religious order, his duct has some credibility then, by vir- No.9 above), the Diocese is not under view will be extended to members of PROCEDURES, religious superior is to be notified and tue of his executive power of gover- an obligation to make accusations a the alleged victim's family and with the 1. A Review Board shall be estab- made Part of subsequent steps In the nance, the Bishop may immeqiately matter of public record. Indeed, at times alleged viclim if permission is given by Iished by the Bishop to serve as an ad- process, with due regard for the require- place the accused cleric or religious the victims request that they not be: If a parent or guardian to interview the visory body in general matters concern- ments of canon law. : brothef.or sister on immediate admin- it is a matter of public record, the Reminor, and it is deemed appropriate. ing the issue of sexual misconduct and The procedures call for immediate istrative leave, pending the results of view Board and others should refer all When a young child is interviewed, it to serve as a monitoring and advisory action when an alleglltion is received' further investigation, including profes- inquiries to the Diocesan Office of should be done by a recognized expert board when a specific accusation of by the Bishop. The,intent of this point sional evaluation of the accused. The Communication. This office will oeal in this field. Interviews shoulo be per- . sexual misconduct by a cleric ,or reli- is that the investigation be done with- professional eyaluation is to take place with the matter in a manner respectful formed in person, but telephone inter- gious brother or sister with 'a minor is· out delay. It is recognized, of course, at a recognized treatment facility. Ad- of the rights of all concerned. Charity, views might be necessary in exceptional made. The Board will have no less than that the accused is innocent until proven ministrative leave does not carry with candor, and prudence are to be the charcircumstances. seven, but no m'ore than 10 members, , guilty. This does not preclude, however, it any presu,mption of guilt. Temporary acteristics of public statements. 5. If after these initial int,erviews the at the Bishop's·discretion. The mem-. swift action in response to any and all ,residence is to be provided by the DioII. The alleged victim and family allegation has been found to be initially' bers' shall, at a minimum, include: accusations of this nature. Finally, this cese. with no contact with minors. The will be kept informed of the response credible, an oral report of the suspected - an appropriately credentialed point calls attention to the fact thaL priest's or deacon's faculty to preach is of the Diocese through regular reports child abuse or misconduct must then be mental health' worker who has 'exper- Church law requires the involvement. removed and the priest's faculty to hear from the Review Board or'its represen' given immediately to the Moderator of tise in J!laiters concerning child abuse; ,of a religious superior when the accllsed confessions is suspended and he is ad-' tative. the described above in num,- a civil lawyer; is a member of a religious order.' vised to celebrate Mass privately. If the This step is included in the proceber one. ' - a canon lawyer; 4. The initial review wili ordinarily cleric or (eligious brother or sister re- dures to help guarantee that the alleged 6. The personnel file of any em-. - a priest with a past9raUparochiai include-interviews with the accused fuses to cooperate, the appropriate pro- victim and the family are aware of what ployee or volunteer against whom an assignment; cleric or religious brother or sister, the cedures of canon law shall be invoked. the Diocese is doing to respond to the allegation has been finally substantiated - an adult survivor of child sexual person making the complain!, and any If after an investigatiQn has been com- ... accusations. by the Massachusetts Department of abuse; witnesses. The review may include in~ -' pleted, the accusation is found' to be 12. These written procedures are to Social Services, isto be properly noted., - a parent of a victim of sexual 'terviewswith members of the alleged without merit, the Diocese.will assi,st be given to every incardinated cleric or 7. If an allegation of child sexual abuse; and ' victim's family and the alleged victim with appropriate measures to respond religious brother or sister ministering' abuse or misconduct involves a parish ~ a lay person. himself/herself (with a parent or to any harm done to the cleric's or reli- in the Diocese of Fall River. employee or volunteer, the pastor The members of the Review Board guardian's consent if witha minor) and gious broth'er or sister's.reputation and It is important that all clerics or reshould contact the family of the alleged Me appointed by the Bishop, for a term it is judged appropriate to do so. ' ministry, especially if the accusations ligious brother or sister know what provictim and offer spiritual care and sup- of five years, which can be, renewed. The Delegate, and in certain limited were made public. ' cedures govern allegations of sexual port, as his function is strictly pastoral The Review Board is composed of men circumstances, another individual, at The Review Board is to give its rec- inisconduct with minors. An appropriin nature. Catholic Social Services will .and women, lay and clergy, who have theDelegate's direction, is to talklo the ommendation to the Bishop as sQon as ate process to assure that this is combe available to provide confidential (or gain) expertise in the area of child key people involved 'and as many.oth- possible. It is noted tha't administrative municated to all ordained ministers cur· counseling and/or identify other re- abuse. It is anticipated that the mem- ers as he/she' feels are warranted. The leave has no direct parallel in canon law rently serving in the Diocese is to be sources for assistance. bers of the Review Board will have intent of the initial review is to clarify but it has proven to be a usefullnstru- developed by the Chancery Office. Any Procedwes to·be followed when a staggered terms in on;ler to assure con- the nature ofthe claim. Ordinarily, the ment to protect both the accused and cleric or religious brother or sister beCleric or·Religious Brother or Sister .. tinuity. This body'is to serve in an ad~ interviews should be done in person, the accuser. It should be clear that ad- ginning his/her ministry in the Diocese ·in the Diocese ofFall River is-accused visory capacity to the Bishop with ref- but circumstances max warrant a tele- ministrative leave does not imply guilt is to be given a copy of these proceof Sexual Misconduct with a Minor. erence to policies for Diocesan agen- phone interview with, some individu- 'but rather a need for time to pursue a dures.. . The Diocese commits itself to the des and apostolates. Among other als. When a small child is interviewed' serious accusation. The cleric's or re13. These procedures are to be refollowing action: . . things, 'the Review Board shall assist this is to be done only by a person with ligious brother or sister's faculties are viewed on a yearly basis or as needed, * There will be an. immediate re- these agencies intl1e development and/' recognized expertise inthis specialized removed on a temporary.basis. Finally, , by the Sexual Abuse Review Board sponse to all allegations of sexual or refinement of personnel policies for field. - the evaluation of the cleric or religious and must be approved by the Diocesan misconduct by a cleric or religious all diocesan employees regarding 5. The accused Cleric or religious brother or sister is to take place at a rec- . Pastoral Council and the Priests' brother or sister with a minor. For al- sexual abuse, the development of ap- brother or sister ~s to be advised of his/ ognlzed treatment facility. Ordinarily Council. legations of such conduct made by a propriate continuing'education pro~ . her right to retain independent legal and this evaluation takes place over several This point asks that some appropriperson who is an adult at the time the grams for clergy and laity; etc. Among canonical counsel. He/she shall also be days. If the accusation is without merit, . ate body review these procedures each allegation is received by the Diocese, the. tasks the Bishop shall give to, the provided with a list of approved clerics .it is important that any damage, to the year to see that they respond in an adthe response shall be made within a Review Board is to work with the Vo- or religious brothers or sisters appointed . cleric's or religious brother or sister's equate fashion to the issue at hand. Two · reasonable period of time, not to ex- cation Team of. the Diocese and the', by the BishopJrom which to choose a. reputation and ministry be adpressed. Continued on page J3 . Continuedfrom pdgd 1
Conlinuedfrompage one
"The Democratic platform talks about raising the minimum wage to $7 an hour and that's great. But they're not talking about the 'welfare poor.''' During his primary campaign and his nomination acceptance speech, Kerry's running mate, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, talked regularly about "the two Americas," where different rules and benefits apply depending upon one's income level. It hasn't been clear whether Kerry intends to adopt Edwards' focus on ·the poor. His campaign staffsays yes, but the topic hasn't made it into Kerry's speeches. Father Massaro said that, while. between 20 percent and 30 percent of welfare recipients who have left the system "really are better off," another 30 percent to 40 percent are what he called "welfare cyclers." They find themselves in and out of the labor market, with welfare filling in the gaps. They have new job training or volunteer work requirements to meet, but their lives are not improving, he said. The remaining 20 percent to 30 percent of welfare recipients "are the ones nobody is talking about;' according to Father Massaro. They've been unable to get or hold jobs despite incentives to leave welfare and . still need government support to survive, he said. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development's Poverty USA project notes that the number of Americans living below the poverty level has increased by three million since 2000. That included 600,000 more people living in "severe poverty," for a total of more than 14 million people getting by on less than $4,600 a year, half the poverty level for a one-person household. About one of every three people in the country was poor enough fqr at least two months of the year to be classified as living in poverty, according to CCHO data from the Census Bureau. In 2004, the poverty level for a household of three was an income of $15,670 a year, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Continued from page 12 possible units to review the procedures are the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Priests' Council. The review should include persons familiar-with developments in the civil law and the psychological sciences. 14. Anyone wishing to report an incident to the Bishop's Delegate should call Catholic Social Services at Fall River 508-674-4681. Catholic Social Services shall immediately thereafter contact the Delegate. 15: The Board shall have no jurisdiction over cases of allegations involv· ing a cleric, or religious brother or sister who, at the time of the Delegate's receipt of the allegation, has resigned or is deceased. 16. The investigation of'religious brothers or sisters should devolve to their community, and the Diocese stands ready to refer the matt~r to the Review Board for its investigation if the religious community lacks procedures of its own to deal with this issue. 17. the event that any of these procedures shall be determined to not
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A 2001 study by Network, a to cover all the vouchers currently Catholic social justice lobby, found in use, according to a Network that a third of people taking advan- analysis. That would mean 250,000 tage of soup kitchens and other fewer vouchers for low-income charitable. food programs had in- families. comes above the federal poverty Kerry opposes the proposed cuts ' level. Of those, three-quarters were in voucher funding and other housformer welfare recipients who ing programs. His campaign couldn't make ends meet in low- Website notes his support in the Senpaying jobs without benefits. ate of various bills to expand hous"Faithful Citizenship: A Catho- ing assistance through additional lic Call to Political Responsibility," vouchers for people with AIDS and the U.S. bishops' quadrennial state- . to allow housing authorities to inment about how conteniporary po- crease subsidies in' markets where litical issues relate to Catholic teach- rents are rising. . ings; says a fundamental measure of The five-year mandate for Temsociety "is how we care for and stand porary Assistance for Needy Famiwith the poor and vulnerable." lies expired two years ago, but ConIt talks about the need for a liv- gress has been unable to approve a ing wage and encourages reducing reauthorization bill. poverty and dependency by providBush's proposal for reauthorizaing job training, child-care assis- tion called for continuing child-eare tance, health care, affordable hous- subsidies for welfare recipients at the ing and other forms of aid such as $2.7 billion level funded for 2003. the Eamed Income Tax Credit. It The version of the bill pending in also said U.S. agricultural policy the Senate includes an amendment should have the goal of "food secu- to add $6 billion for child-care prority for all;' and encourages support grams for parents who are leaving for food stamps, the federal nutri- TANF. The administration argues tion program for Women, .Infants that additional funding is unnecesand Children, and other programs. . sary. The administration also suppOrts . For Catholic social development activists, those goals translate into increases in the number of hours a legislative efforts including: raising' week TANF recipients would be the minimum wage; increasing required to work or be in job trainchild-care subsidies for poor work- ing, and in the number of particiers and people leaving welfare; fully pants required to work. The U.S. funding housing programs; and pro- Conference ofCatholic Bishops has viding nutrition vouchers and food opposed those proposals. _ Kerry, who voted for the 1996 stamps to immigrants and all others who are eligible. ' TANF law, opposed effol'ts in ConKerry supports raising the mini- gress to cut welfare spending by $65 mum wage from the current $5.15 billion and has supported bills to to $7 an hour by 2007. Bush has said .more fully fund child-care programs he fears an increase would price for welfare participants, and to propeople out ofjobs but that he might vide more job training before welsupport a small increase in the mini- fare recipients are required to leave mum wage as long as states could the program. On food programs and otherlowchoose to set their minimums lower. On housing, the Bush adminis- income supports, the Centeron Budtration has proposed turning the fed- get and Policy Priorities reported that . eral voucher program into a block Bush administration budget projecgrant to states, saying the change will tions call for cuts in domestic disgive states flexibility they have cretionary programs including the sought. The administration's budget Women, Infants and Children nutrirequest for 2005 would fund' the . tion program, energy ,assistance voucher program at a level $1.6 bil- funds and child-care subsidies over lion below what would be needed the next five years; The cuts would amount to $122 million less for WIC, for instance, meaning 18,300 be in compliance with 'the Essential fewer participants. Nonnsfor Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Kerry has called for full funding Dealing With Allegations of Sexual Abuse ofMinors by Priests or Deacons ofWIC and other discretionary proof November 13, 2002, or any amend- grams with 'spending caRS to ensw-e ments or revisions thereto, then the such expenditures do not exceed the Norms and not these policies shall gov- rate of inflation. The cap would not ern. apply to defense, education alld For further information, contac; mandatory programs such as Social Denise Porche. diocesan director of Education and Compliance. Office of Security. Bush signed legislation to expand Child Protection at Catholic Social the child tax credit from $600 to Services, 508-674-4681.. All Fall River Diocesan policies $1,000 per child. The law did not, and procedures regarding sexual however, include single parents with abuse response and prevention are incom(! imdet $6,000 a year or available on the Diocesan Website: or by contact- couples who make less .than ing Catholic Social Services, Post $12,000. The USCCB,. Catholic Office Box M. South Station, Fall. Charities USA and other advocacy River, MA 02724, telephone 508- organizations have pushed to ex674-4681. pand the credit to the poorest famiAlso available on the Website is the lies. U.S. Bishops' Charter for the ProtecKerry has sponsored and voted tion of Children and Young People. To report a suspected incident of for legislation to expand the credit sexual abuse by any agent of the Fall to allow another 16 ririllion lowerRiver Diocese, please contact Catholic income fariillies to participate. Social Services at 508-674-4681.
Citizenship he labeled it "a bit of hypocrisy" .and evidence of anti-Catholic sentiment when the media make "a big deal" over the Catholic Church's exercising constitutional rights to speak out,on election is- . ~ues, and yet the media's having no such problem when preachers in other churches even go so far as to actually endorse candidates. "It's all about money and ratings," Flynn charged. "In many respects, the media respond only to pressure." Another difficulty Flynn cited is that people today tend to get th~ir information largely from television, being used by special interest groups spending astronomical sums of money to influence voters. On the question of Church leadership, Flynn commented that he is "ti,l.'ed3':0fhearing Catholie la1't'y1tltYthey are "waiting for bishops and priests" to spearhead political activism. "We all want them to speak up," he responded, asking nevertheless' whether it takes the clergy "to tell us what our values are." It's time to stop· "waiting for the bishops to do the heavy lifting." "If priests and bishops don't speak up, we (laity) must and we will anyway," Flynn declared. A lively and sometimes contentious question-and-answer period revolved around Catholic teaching and the extent of any obligation to vote strictly on that basis. . Kerry, himself a Catholic, fa- ' vors the continued legalization of abortion-on-demand, even partial-birth abortion. On that basis alone, one woman asked Flynn "how can I vote for Kerry and still b~ a good Catholic?" To which Flynn answered, "maybe you can't." His reply drew loud applause. . An obviously irritated man followed up by asking what President Bush has done "that is so ProLife." Flynn recalled that Bush had signed into law the ban on .partial-birth abortion. Bush also
Continuedfrom page three
wants an amendm~nt to the U.S. Constitution to clearly define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, thus outlawing same-sex marriages. At pains to emphasize that he doesn't speak for the Church or its bishops, Flynn described himself as a "trained political person" proud of his faith and who is trying to get the Catholic laity engaged in the political process. In yet another instance, a questioner advanced the case for health care, employment, the Iraq war and other social and economic justice causes that he felt. require voters "to look at the broad spectrum." He argued that bishops have not advocated on the basis of a single issue, like abortion. Flynn countered that Catholic voters "can't ignore the most fundamental issue" of abortion since it takes the lives ofunbom babies and therefore commands the "highest priority" of the Church. Every other right springs from the right to have life itself, Flynn pointed out. "You ,don't have a beef with me," Flynn told the man. "You have a beef with the Church and with God." Semiriarian Ronnie Floyd reminded the gathering that the Church has been defending the right to life for 2,000 years. Floyd, from St. Patrick's Parish, Wareham, has a bachelor's degree in political theory. He is a second-year seminarian, now studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. A divided and fragmented' Catholic laity is a sign of weakness, Flynn said to those who might consider diversity of opinion to be, in reality, a ' strength. "We can't tell people how to vote. We can educate them." The night's discussion was not intended, Flynn repeated, to learn who presenfwould vote for Bush' or Kerry. And he noted there would be "no exit poll."
Our Lady's Monthly Message From .Medjugorje August 25, 2004 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children! I call you all to conversion of heart. Decide, as in the first days of my coming here, for a complete change of your life. In this way, little children, you will have the strength to kneel and to open your hearts before God. God will hear your,praye~s and answer them. Before God, I intercede for each of you. "Th~ you for having responded to my call." Spiritual Life Center of Marian Conuriunity 154 Summer Street Medway, MA 02053· Tel. 508-533-5377
the anch~
Friday, SeptemlJer 3, 2004
'Students continue to make, waves路 with Submerged Aquatic ,Vegetation Project ,
~BUZZARDS BAY. - Students from St~ Margaret's Re-
and animal waste., the students' involvement on the "These student environmental- project and said it's important gional School have been working, ists hilVe learned that taking care because' "interventions such as " hard this summer to help the en- of marine resources begins with ,this give eelgrass ~ better chance vironment by transplanting eel- them and;" said to prosper once again." : The project will. continue grass in Onset Bay in an ongoing Caradimos. The goal of, the project that.began a year ago. .,' project is tOPfomote the .revital- thr~ugh the'2005 school year. The The Submerged Aquatic Veg- ,ization 'of eelgrass and teach the Submerged,Aquatic Vegetation etationProject is one of four _community how to contribute to Project students are: Margaret projects worked on by students as a healthy ecosystem. Students are Glennon,' Katelyn McCarthy, part of its Environment Enrich- learning about,the important ' Seth Rogers, Daniel Barry, ment Program. Certain species of functions of watersheds relative Pat~ick Brady" Sean Gilmore, submerged aquatic vegetation, to the quality of water said, Brogan McGonagle and Morgan also known as zostera marina ac~ Caradimos. She is pleased with 'McCarthy. cording to project coordinator teacher Pamela Caradimos, have declined over the past 35 years and that is having a negative impact on the water and habitats for local shellfish. The project has students trans- _ planting the eelgrass to an area of Onset Bay with the help of local scientists Drs. Fred Short' and Gregg Moore from the University of New Hampshire. Groups, of plants called "terfs',' were put together and slowly dropped into the water so they will take root: Students have been keeping a close eye on the new arya of sea grass and replanting any that be~n disturbed because of stormy weather. STUDENTS FROM St. Margaret Regional SchC?ol; Buz,Caradimos said that students zards Bay, enjoy the hands-on work of the 路school's Subresearched eelgrass for nearly merged Aquatic Vegetation Project at Onset Beach. They are two years before choosing a site to work. They looked for a site transplanting eelgrass in hopes of helping to positively imwith good water quality and had . pact the environment. From left: Dr. Gregg Moore, Set,h to take into consideration the Rogers, Margaret Glennon, Patrick Brady, Dr. Fred Short, ~ nearness of homes that may ~se Morgan McCarthy, Katelyn McCarthy, Machenzie Mc9arthy ' ,,fertilizer as well as boat activity and Sean Gilmore.
TEACHERS AND aides lead students in a song during a summer Bible School at St. Mary's Church, Mansfield. More than 200 students partic,ipated in the August program organized by Eilen Westlund. .
The Coyle and Cassidy High School advertisement in last, " , week's Anchor, incorrectly listed the,'Open ,House day and date there as ,Thursday, November 10 ,from 6 - 9 p.m. The'correct day and date is Wednesday, November 10., The time remains the same.
Coyle cheer~eaders win firs.t pla.ce at camp TAUNTON - The Coyle and Cassidy High School Ch,eerleading Team recently took first place at the UCA Elite Cheer Camp at Mount Ida College in Newton. The team of 20 girls was led by>captains Stephanie ~hmura and Ashley Santos. With the top fi,nish the girls are now qualified to perform, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, 'Florida. The team also took second place in the camp dance, and five se. niors were honored as All-Stars. They are: Stephanie Chmura, Brit- ' tany DaRosa, Ashley Hamilton, Maura Kafel and Ashley Santos. The All-Stars are now eligible to perform in the London, England New Year's Day Parade next year. The captains were invited to perform in , the Macy's Day Parade 'in New York City. The team .was also voted most spirited team on the first day ,of camp. Other team members are: Rachel Aaronson, Kelsi Adelman, Amanda Bernier, Elyse Bettencourt, Amand.a Corndel, Victoria , DiCarlo, Brianna Edwards, Jessica Fahey, Alyssa Malloch, Kim MEMBERS OF the St.Joseph-St. Therese, New B~dford, Youth Ministry recently toqk in O'Brien, Kayla O'Connor, Laura Perry, Honorary Captain Danielle. a game at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, R.I., and watched the Pawtucket Red Sox shut out Stigh, Melissa Wad~, and Samantha Wade. They are coached by . the Durham Bulls 8-:0. . Wendy Faria and Kristy Hurley. .
Friday, September 3, 2004
Life Teen parishes to make changes to Mass By JENNIFER BRINKER CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
ST. LOUIS - Much like a precious jewel that sometimes needs polishing, Life Teen is making some changes to the way its teen Mass is celebrated. That's the analogy Msgr. James Moroney, executive directoroftheO.S. bishops' Committee on Liturgy, used in a recent video sent to 952 Life Teen parishes around the country regarding the changes. The changes in the Life Teen model of liturgy are in accord with the most recent version of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which Pope John Paul II released in 2000. Two of the most noticeable changes with the Life Teen Mass are the cessation of a period during the Mass when teens would normally enter the sanctuary and gather around the altar during the eucharistic prayer. Life Teen also is asking its participating parishes to stop the practice of saying, "The Mass never ends. It must be lived," at the conclusion of the liturgy. "Life Teen is like a precious gem in the Church's crown," Msgr. Moroney said in the video. "But gems and jewels sometimes need to get polished and even have their settings rearranged." Not all teens are happy with the changes to the Mass that draws thous.ands of young people in the Sl. Louis area alone. Other teens, however, accepted the changes when explained to them by their youth
Secluded from the main highway by a mile of heavy forest, our destination was a town of the blink-and-you-miss-it variety with a main drag sporting a rickety general store and three dilapidated trailer homes (one abandoned). People pass through this town on their way to a larger city to the west, never knowing that if they make a left onto a little-known, little-paved country road, they'll encounter a great little restaurant. Here, the gounnet chef prepares an intricate menu for a smattering of guests in a small dining room in what used to be the basement of his home. I wa~ reminded that night that looks cancbe deceiving - and that breaking a pattern can be
ministers. The changes are expected to be implemented nationwide by October 1, which will coincide with the start of the Year of the Eucharist. Pope John Paul earlier this year announced a special year dedicated to the Eucharist. The general instruction, part of the Sacramentary, spells out what is supposed to take place during the celebration of the Mass. Churches in the Archdiocese of St. Louis implemented the changes required by the general instruction last year. "We want to bring a uniformity to the liturgy," said Phil Baniewicz, president of Life Teen International, in an interview with the St. Louis Review, archdiocesan newspaper. He was in St. Louis for a Life Teen gblf tournament and fundraiser. Baniewicz said· the changes to the Life Teen Mass would reflect a unifonnity with the way Mass is celebrated universally. As an example, Baniewicz said that, whether a Catholic attends Mass in St. Louis, Phoenix or anywhere else in the country, the general instruction provides that the Mass would be the same experience at any church. He said the Mesa, Ariz.based Life Teen International approached O.S. bishops almost two years ago and asked for direction about the .way Life Teen Masses should be conducted. Life Teen specifically asked for direction on how the liturgy could be in line with the new general instruction.
such a good idea. My companion and I were served a "tasting menu" which offered 15 to 16 smallish courses incorporating a large variety of foods and flavors. It's usually stuff many people don't norn1ally eat, like duck liver or purple potatoes. Tasting menus give more esoteric fare a chance to impress your palate. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat a lot of it, and if you do, you have a new dish to try. Variety is good sometimes, especially for the un-adventurous "Easy-Mac-in-the-moming" and "Ramen-for-dinner" girl that I am. One of the dishes served to us that night was "foie gras, seared and served in a turnip emulsion, topped by rhubarb chutney," according to the chef. Now, I dislike turnips, hate rhubarb with
Getting beyond hurtful words By CHARLIE MARTIN· CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
LET'S BE US AGAIN Tell me what I have to do tonight 'Cause I'd do anything to make it right Let's be us again I'm sorry for the way I lost my head I don't know why I said the things I said Let's be us again Refrain: Here I stand With everything to lose And all I know is I don't want to ever see the end Baby please, I'm reaching out for you Won't yoiJ open up your heart and let me come back in? Let's be us again Oh us again Look at me, I'm way past pride Isn't there some way that we can try To be us again? Even if it takes a while I'll wait right here until I see that smile That says we're us again (Repeat refrain.) Baby, baby what would I do? I can't imagine life without you (Repeat refrain.) Oh, here I am I'm reaching out to you So won't you open up your heart and let me come back in? Let's be us again Sung by Lonestar Copyright (c) 2004 by BNA Records Let's say in the midst of a conflict with your boyfriend or girlfriend you say things that
a blazing passion, and, well, duck liver (which is whatfoie gras is) doesn't really make my mouth water either. But my companion wanted me to give it a chance.
Coming of
Age I took a bite and found that those three flavors complemented each other so well that I didn't even taste the flavors I disliked. Delicious! The rest of the night passed as plate after plate of ingredients I'd never convince myself to eat all
are hurtful and untrue. Once the uproar has settled, how can you get a fresh start? That is the scene in Lonestar's latest chart hit "Let's Be Us Again." The group rose quickly to national recognition upon the release of their mega-hit "Amazed." Their new album, by the same name as this single,
'"r ...
· 'k 0" R .....J
has brought mixed reviews. Yet, no matter what the evaluation of their music, Lonestar has a way of conveying the emotional aspects of relationships. As the song's story unfolds, the guy is "sorry for the way I lost my head." He is not sure "why I said the things I said." He asks his girlfriend to "open up your heart and let me come back in." He sums up what he wants: "Let's be us again." He has made a gopd start in two ways: He is asking her directly for what he wants and he is not blaming her for his behavior. And yet, depending on just how hurtful his words were, he may be unrealistic to
by their lonesome (crab, squash blossoms, celery root, nasturtium leaves, oysters) all went down my gullet. I was amazed at what I ate - and liked! - when I actually sat down and gave them a try. Besides the fact that cheese is great seared in truffle oil, one thing I learned that night was that if I had judged this particular piece of rhubarb by the standards of the over-sweet and badlycooked dessert I had five years ago (or if I had judged the town by its outward dead-endsville appearance) I would have missed out on one of the great culinary experiences of my life. I realized on the way home that I should give other things not just food - a second chance too. HlfW many times did I judge people according to false stereo-
think that reconciliation will occur easily or quickly. There are a few other things that would help the situation. He could acknowledge that his girl might need time to think about his request. He could affirm that he wi II respect her decision regardless of what she chooses. He seems embarrassed and puzzled. But he needs to move away from saying "I don't know why I said the things I said" and instead show more commitment to discovering the causes of his anger. Most likely, there are issues between them that he has avoided. When we respond to conflict with avoidance, the' hurt and anger do not go away. Instead they act as emotional fuel leading to the painful interactions that the song describes. A commitment to understand "why I said the things I said" would show that he is ready to face what is going on within himself, including repressed anger and hurt. Then he and his girl might be able to create a new doorway to a different and more promising closeness between them. This takes effort, honesty and courage. That is one of the reasons why genuine love is far more than a feeling. As I frequently mention in talks about relationships, love is best spelled "w-o-r-k" and "g-r-ow." The guy has to be willing to work and grow if. he really wants to "be us again."
}'our commellts are always welcome. Please write to me at: chmartin@swilldialla.llet or at 7l:~5W 2005, Rockport, IN 47635.
typc~'! How many times did I refuse to give a repentant friend a second chance? How many times did I give up the chance to learn something new - or have some of my misconceptions changed ~ because I wasn't willing to step out and take a chance on a new experience? How many times did I give up the chance at a friendship because a person looked too geeky, too preppy or too popular? That night, I decided to start to treat life like I treat a tasting menu: by taking opportunities to revise old misunderstandings and looking closer into things I may have ignored or passed over before. After all, I don't want to miss out on the scrumptiousness life has to offer!
Friday, September 3, 2004
Election materials available for students, parishes, individuals WASHINGTON (CNS) Three religious organizations have produced nonpartisan materials to educate voters about political responsibility. The U.S, Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services and the Interfaith Alliance each has made election-related materials available recently. The USCCB released a bulletin insert that summarizes the bishops' teachings on the role of Catholics in the public arena, drawn from their document: "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility," It is framed as 10 questions for Catholics to consider during the campaign and summarizes key issues of contemporary politics. It can be ordered by calling USCCB Publishing at (800) 235-8722 or online at CRS is offering a 12-week program to guide college students through political issues addressed in "Faithful Citizenship." The program includes such topics as how to .organize a voter registration drive, as well as information about election issues including trade and foreign aid and how they relate to
Church teaching. The online sessions are designed for students, campus ministers or university faculty and staff. Materials can be printed from the Website, at, for use by discussion groups or individuals. . Information also is available by calling Kevin Kostic, CRS campus ministry coordinator, at (410) 951-7430. The Interfaith Alliance, a nonpartisan, grass-roots public advocacy organization of more than 75 faith traditions, has produced ai1:electioll year program, "One Nation, Many Faiths. Vote 2004." It offers five questions for candidates about faith, religious liberty and pluralism. There also are guides for candidates and houses of worship on how churches, synagogues and mosques may be involved in the election process without violating U.S. law and tradition. The Interfaith Alliance also will hold two national issue forums in Atlanta and Chicago this fall. Previous sessions were held in Washington and Los Angeles. Information can be found online at or by calling (202) 639-6370.
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HOLY HOUR for vocations held August 15 at Holy Family Parish in East Taunton, hosted by pastor, Father Jay T. Maddock, found diocesan seminarians meeting afterwards with Bishop George W. Coleman, who presided at the service that included Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. From left, seminarians Riley Williams, Gregg Bettencourt and Don Nunes, and Bishop Coleman. Deacon John J. Fitzpatrick assisted at the service and Jeremy Vincent was the lector. (Photo courtesy of Father Maddock)
Seminarians voice support for Dlandatory celibacy By JERRY
Assisi, Italy, where he was studying Italian in preparation for theology studies this fall at the WASHINGTON - At least North American College in 556 U.S. seminarians have Rome, Klein told CNS he and signed a letter to the head of the Kasel "did not receive a single {J.S. bishops' conference affirmletter responding negatively" to ing their support for mandatory the contents of their letter, alcelibacy in the Catholic priestthough some said they were not hood of the Latin rite. Gary J. Kasel of the Archdiosigning for other reasons. cese of St. Paul-Minneapolis and In August 2003 more than 160 priests in the Milwaukee ArchFranz S. Klein of the Diocese Of La Crosse, Wis., initiated the sigdiocese wrote to Bishop Gregory nature project last fall. asking that the U.S. bishThey said they did so ops begin accepting marbecause they were con11Th' . . d' t' f th h, f . ried men as well as single I I IS IS mica Ive 0 e 'ype 0 men as candidates for the cerned about the negative impact of a petition last men that are responding to the diocesan priesthood in oryear by a group of Milwau- priesthood today," Father Burns told der to reverse the growing kee priests urging the U.S. eNS. "They're committed, dedi- priest shortage an~ bishops to begin admitting cated, faith-filled, prayerful. And re- that U.S. CatholIcs' WIll married men as candidates ally they stand inspired by the teach- have .access to weekly. c~lfor the diocesan priesthood . f Hie th" . ebratIon of the EucharIst In mgs 0 our 0 Y ra er. the future. in the Latin rite. In the letter to Bishop In his E-mail to CNS, Wilton D. Gregory of Klein said the seminarFather Edward J. Burns, ex- ians' petition "is not meant to be Belleville, I~l., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic ecutive director of the U.S. bish- a shot at the priests who have Bishops, the seminarians said, ops' Secretariat for Vocations signed letters for optional celi"We are writing today to affirm and Priestly Formation, shared bacy. I know several of these our support for Holy Mother information on the letter and pe- priests personally and know that Church's teaching on the place tition results with Catholic News they are holy priests and very of celibacy in the priesthood.. Service in August, shortly after dedicated." We, to whom the precious gift of The Catholic Times, La Crosse "This letter," he added, "is divine grace to live as celibates diocesan newspaper, interviewed meant to indicate only exactly has been given, yearn with all our Klein and Kasel. what the Holy Father has spo: hearts to offer this celibacy up "This is indicative of the type ken of as being something of to the Lord with undivided of men that are responding to the great value to the type of priesthearts, at the service of his priesthood today," Father Burns hood that the Latin rite needs at Church." told CNS. "They're committed, this time. This important eleKasel and Klein were class- dedicated, faith-filled, prayerful. ment is the grace given to those mates completing' philosophy And really they stand inspired by who make a single-hearted sacstudies last year at St. John the teachings of olir Holy Farber. rifice and choose a life of celiVianney College Seminary in St. In an. recent E-mail from bacy." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Paul, where they initially circulated their letter after getting it cleared with their rector, Father William J. Baer. They said they only worked through such personal contacts and made no effort to canvass all U.S. seminarians. Students from 12 other seminaries responded as well and Bishop Gregory received a total of 556 signatures from the 13 institutions.