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Neglect of White Working Class Threatens Disaster

The eHOR

WASHINGTON (NC) - ' A warning that "continued neglect of the white ethnic working class is bo\md to bring disastrous results" marked publication of the 1970 Labor Day statement by the U.S. Catholic Conference's An Anchor of the Soul, Sure ,and Firm - ST. PAUL urban life division. Prepared by Msgrs. George G. Higgins, division director, and Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 3, 1970 -Geno C. Baroni, director of program development, the statePRICE 10¢ ment is a plea and a plan for Vol. 14, No. 36 © 1970 The Anchor $4.00 per year increased cooperation among elements of America's working class. The statement pointed out that most public imd private aid efforts have' been aimed at racial minority groups, charging that: "Public and private agencies

Link Education

devoted to the restoration of urban America have largely ignored working class whites in deSIgning programs to eliminate povery, substandard housing, racial discord, declining schools and physical decay." Yet, the statement continued, "it is difficult to rationalize neglect of these citizens, given their number and their strategic location in our urban areas ... they are the backbone of' our labor force in most of our industrial cities, mining towns and manufacturing centers." These people, many of them Catholic, share many of the

In All ,Phases

WASHINGTON (NC)-It used to be that 65 Catholic schools in a diocese meant 65 independently run educational systems. But 104 Catholic education offidals were told at a five-day workshop here the direction of the future is "total diocesan planning" ,-an organizational catch-all which ideally' includes centrally managed Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and adult education programs, as well as Catholic schools. - Attending the Georgetown University workshop-eo-directed by Father Raymond Lucker, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Education Department, and Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem., National Caih-

olic Educational Association president-were teachers, diocesan superintendents, heads of religious communities, principals, supervisors and board of education members from all over the country. Workshop participants heard that more than structural changes are involved in Catholic education's "getting itself toTurn to Page Six

Priests' Senate The first meeting of the newly elected Semite of Priesfsol the Fall River Diocese will be held at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, on Friday afternoon, Sept. II, at 1:30.

Air Forc~' Chaplain To Commemorate Jubilee

School Opening Means Stress For Parents It's here again, the most fun time of the year in the life of a family. Instead of active play, children tend to settle on the front porch to discuss the merits and demerits of school, as if they really had a choice. , , Little ones who haven't looked at a calendar' for n'early three months begin to count the days, complaining vocally that the ••• i

tary careers prior to retirement will be: Rev. Thomas F. Daley, Army; Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty, Navy; Rev. Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, Army; and Rev. Msgr. HenrI' A. Hamel, Air Force. The five will represent 125 Turn to 'Page Six

Summer is almost over but still saying, "Only three more weeks." They've lived in tennis shoes all Sum'mer. Even so, school shoes that didn't look bad in June seem shabby as Fall approaches. And so begins the cry that parents dread: "I can't wear these shoes. I've grown two Turn to Page Thirteen

Na~e Rev. Armand Proulx

La Salette Provincial Rev. Armand M. Proulx, M.S., Provincial Councillor of the Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has been named the new Provincial of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. Father Proulx has held many

administrative posts during his 15 years as a member of the La SaleUe Order. The new provincial has served as superior of the junior seminary in East Brewster and was the first superior of the house established near the campus of Assumption College in an experimental gesture to bring future La Salette Turn to Page Six


1970 T F 10 11 17 18 24 25

16 Days M


F (l)


11 18 25

M 3 10 17 24 (3ll

Rev. Msgr. John F. Denelly

• • ". ;.-."." ".". "i • • -.-, Ow ;; •••. .;"n

This is the fourth in a series of articles which will discuss the purpose and plight of Catholic School education and its future prospects.


Rev. Msgr. John F. Denehy, Colonel in the Chaplains Corps of the U. S. Air Force will commemorate his silver jubilee in the priesthood with a concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 27 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Bishop Connolly will preside and four retired military chaplains of the diocese will concelebrate with Msgr. Denehy as the chief concelebrant. The four concelebrating chaplains who have served full mili-


problems of their nonwhite neighbors, the statement said. By government standards, their median income is not quite adequate. Rising real estate costs are barring them from buying homes. And their real salary is declining while prices are rising. Moreover, the statement noted that members of the white ethnic groups have been barred by mutual suspicion and fear from allying with their nonwhite but problem-sharing neighbors. This fear' and hostility, the statement added, has led to open conflict between the races and to repeated charges of "racism," leveled at members of white ethnic groups in racially mixed cities. The Labor Day statement rejected "the widespread accusation that these people are the primary exponents of racism in our society, although we do not deny that racism exists in their ranks." Because business and professional leaders no longer live in the cities, the statement added, "it is obvious . . .that if there is to be a resolution of the racial crisis which currently grips our society, a critical role will be played by white ethnic working class communities." In an effort to prevent "demagogues of hate" from filling the leadership vacuum among the white working class, the statement suggested: A major effort to sensitize American institutions to the Turn to Page Six

7 6 5 12 1131 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 20 Days MAY 1971 T W T 4 5 16 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 18 Days

8 15 22* 29

OCTOBER 1970 F T W T I 2 9 6 -[7] 8 5 (12) 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 21 Days M

M 1 8 (15 22

FEBRUARY 1971 T W T F 2 [31 4 5 9 10 11 12 19) 16 17 18 23 24 25 26 15 Days

F 71b 14 21 28

M 7 14 21

JUNE 1971 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 19 15 16 17 22 23 24 1~


F 4

11 18 25*

M 2 9 16 23 30

NOVEMBER W T 3 [41 10 (11) 17 18 25 24

1970 T F 5 6* 12 13 19 29 . (26 27)

M 7 14 21 28

18 Days M 1 8 15 22 29

MARCH 1971 W T T 3 4 2 .9 [101 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 23 Days

F 5' 12 19 26

M 5 12 (19 26

DECEMBER 1970 W T F T 4 1 2 3 8. [91 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 (24 25 29 30 31) 17 Days APRIL 1971 W T T 1 6' [7] 8 13 14 15 21 22 20 27 28 29 16 Days

F 2 (9)a* 16 23) 30

()= Holiday or vacation; no school session [ I = Professional day; schools close at end of morning for staff in·service program. . = End session of Quarter. Examination,s given during this week; report cards issued within week following. a = Good Friday b = Catholic Teachers Convention

Rev. Armand M. Proulx



'Re'cent··' Incid~nts Show Interest ~n Mounting Crime Problem

THE ANCHOR-:-DiocE:se of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 3, 1?70

Catholic Women' Request Study: Of Equal R~ghts Legislation WASHINGTON (NC) To "keep abreast of the future," the National Council of Catholic Women recently asked the Catholic University of America here to undertake two in-depth studies about women's roles anti another about parish life. Regarding females, resean:hers would investigate the implications of the proposed equal rights amendment, passed by the House in early August and currently promoted by many· feminist groups throughout the nation. A companion· study would' determine "participation of women in the church." Miss Margaret' Mealey, 'the council's executive director· at the United States Catholic Conference, .explained' that while groups such as Women's Liberation urge passage of the amendment, the council, "prefers to study its possible effects upon society rather than just jumping on the bandwagon." It's a bandwagon the councilhas stayed off since equal rights legislation was first introduced t '10 th e 1920' s. a ure to th egis Ie ' I Throughout the years; Miss Mealey ,pointed out, the council has championed women's rights . and worked ha l'd t 0 acqUIre protective legislation for them. It is this protection _ minimum wage laws widows' allo ance' . alimony an'd support pay';ents": which she said the council fears the proposed amendment would destroy " " . In Ma~,. the councd reiterated Its oPPOSitIOn to the a~~ndment ~n be~alf of the I0 m~II.lOn. women 10 member orgamzatlOns. The group stated that the pro,sposed amendment is a "th~eat .to t~e. nature of woman which 10dlvlduates her from man in God's '" PI an f or H'IS crea tIOn.

NCCW "has long had a sUlIId against this amednment bec~use of its social and economic ~hil­ oSQphy," said Miss Mealey. Now, she added, there is need i for study of its theological impl!c:.llions. ; ','Is there a different function delineated for men and wOfueri' -in religion, in society, in I,the family, in the. work-a-day world?" asked a tentative ou~linc for one of the requested studies. In a letter to university vicepresident Father John P. Wh~len, Miss Mealey discussed the areas to. be studied possiblyintelj-departmentally by the Catholic University. .: . She requested mforma,tion about the psychological differences between men and w6~en and if they are such "that they would affect the function each has or should have-in the family, in society, in the labor market?'.' i . MIss· Mealey also asked If there are optimal roles for ~en ,an~ ~om~n .and wha~ the psy~hlat~lc fmdm?s are, If opt,mal unctIOns are Ignoreu. . :i A seconl: ~tu~~ rel~.tIvl. to woment w~u d mc ~ e a .. ~torl:al ~ccoun 0 women s partiCIpatIOn 10 the Church, a review of canon '. " la~ on the subject an~ phi\o~op.hICal and ~sychologlcal ',barners to such mvolvement. . A th~rd suggest~d StlllW W;ou~d determme NCCyv s stre~gt~ 10 th_e I?ca~ or pansh orgamzatlOns and mdlcate' the "future ofl the U.S, Catholic parish, , "Can the present form (parish) survive? Will the territorial \parish survive? If not, what ;type may take its place?" Miss Mealey asked CU. In other words I said Miss Mealey, "How and Where will the institutional Church be visible in the 21st century": an '( , l "How and through what channels will it communicate ',with the people of' God'~" Necrology In reply, Father Whalen: told SEPT: 4 Miss Mealey that he likedl her Rev. Joseph P. Tallon, 1864, proposals and intends to ':take Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford. ' them up with appropriate peoRev. John J. 'Maguire, 1894, 'pIe" at ClI: Founder, St. Peter, Provincetown. \ Mass Ordo SEPT. 5 Rev. Napoleon A. Messier, .FRIDAY - Weekday. Mia s s (Choice of Celebrant). I • 1948, Pastor, Sf Matthew, Fall SATURDAY - Mass of Blessed River. Virgin Mary for Saturday. SEPT. 7 : Optional. White Very Rev. James E.' McMahon, 1966, Pastor, Sacred Heart,' Oak SUNDAY-Sixteenth S u nid a y After' Pentecost. Green. Mass' I Bluffs. Proper; Glory; Creed; Pr~face SEPT. 8 of Sunday. . Rev. Thomas Sheehan, 1868, Founder, Holy Trinity, W. Har- MONDAY - Weekday. L alb 0 l' Day. White. Mass Proper; wich. Mass of St. Joseph, the WorkRt. Rev. Felix S. Childs, 1969, er (From May 1st). i ,Pastor Emeritus, Sacred Heart, TUESDAY - Birthday ofr/the Fall River. Bles~ed Virgin Mary:' f,east. Rev. Hugo Dylla', 1966, Pastor, White. Mass Proper; Glory; no St. Standislaus, Fall River. Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. ' WEDNESOAY~St. Peter c1aver, Priest. Memorial. White. .Day of Prayer THURSDAY - Weekday. Mass (Choice of Celebrant). I S~pt. 6-St. Anne, Fali River. St. Dominic, Swansea. Sept. 13 - Holy Cross, Fall River. St. Joseph, Attleboro. FUNERAL HOME f ALBERT J. LAMOUREUX I St. Louis de France, Swansea. Embalmer -Fune~al Director Tel. 997-9044 :' THE ANCHOR , i Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River 177 Cove St., Cor. So. Second St. Mass" Published every Thursday at 411i NEW BEDFORD I HIghland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 r


by the Cahtolic Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year., '





WASHINGTON (NC) - The (Time problem has bou~ded back into the spotlight with such vigor that it almost certainly, will be a big issue in the November elections. Public interest in 'the issue was increased by the recent talk Chief Justice Warren E. Burger gave to the nation's lawers in St. Louis. It has escalated with the UniforlJ1 Crinle Reports just issued by the Federal Bureau of 'Investigation. The FBI repol'ls have received more attention than these statistics usul:llly get. Newspapers have given more space to them in news stories illld editorials, Bro. Richard Levesque and business firms have taken lal"ge ads in newspapers to urge people to be alert to the crime crisis. The extraordinary interest shown, in the FBI's latest crime Brother Richard R. Levesque,', statistics stems in part from the a native of Nonre Dame Parish, fact that they cover a whole ~Fall River has been named a decade~the 1960s. They show rector of financial aid for Walsh that not only the number. of. .Cdllege, .Canton, by' Brother crimes but also 'the rate of crime Robert A. Francoeur, president per 100,000 of population have of the Ohio college. • gone 'up almost steadily in that Selected for the post of plan- period. ning and coordinating financial In 1969, a total of 4,989,700 assistance to students, Brother crimes-a 12 per cent rise over RiChard has served for the past 1968-was reported to the law three years as a mathematics enforcement agencies that report instructor at St. Thomas Aqui- to the FBI. Serious crimes innas High Schooi, Louisville, Ken. creased by 148 per cent in the Prior to his assignment to, the '60s. No Easy Solution Louisville school, Brother Rich-' The FBI report is a thick pubard was principal of St. Louis High School, Bidde(ord, Me. St. lication with tables some people Ignatius High School, Canford, may have trouble with. The buMe, and ·two years at Monsignor reau invites, such persons to apPrevost High School, Fall River. ply to the FBI for explanation. The Washington post has The new appointee is a brother of Rev. Arthur C. "pulled ,out" figures to show that Levesque, administrator of Our "your personal chance, as an Lady of Fatima Parish, New individual, of becoming a direct Bedford and -Rey, Edmond R. victim of crime in the United Levesque, assistant at St. States is now a little more than twice as great as it was 10 years George's Parish, ,Westport. ago." It says the "likelihood" of beTurn Red to Black ing murdered has gone up by 44 'per cent; of being robbed, up In School Picture 146.1. per cent; of having your LOS ANGELES (NC)-Red was car stOlen, up 137.8 per cent. . turned to black when parishes in Unfortunately, this increased the Los Angeles archdiocese b¥ discussion of the problem, while contributions made up a $7.3 healthy, suggests that the probmillion deficit in the 1969-70 op~ lem has no easy solution, .and eration of 268 elementary that there are wideiy divergent schools. 'The parishes contrib- views on how it should be atuted $7,305,635. tacked. Total cost of the operation wa's $19.7 million. Tuition, fees, and contributions were $12.4 million, leaving the $7.3 deficit. Funeral Home Enrollment in the schools dur571 Second Street ing the year was 120,850 pupils. Largest expense was $10.6 milFall River, Mass. lion for salaries of lay teachers.

Fa,1I Riverite In New Post

The chief justice, talking to the lawyers, called for more judges and better managed courts and more prosecutors and defense attorneys to provide swifter and surer justice, and . also an improvement in the penal system.· Almost. at once t.here were contentions that the ,police and courts deal only with the symptoms of crime; that prisons should rehabilitate rather than punish; and that, first of all perhaps, city slums should be recognized as breeding places of crime and be cleaned up. Touchy Situation The Nixon administration would like tq make Washington a model ,for the country in the 'control of crime. To this end, the "city has a newly' enacted crime "law, the first phase of which goes into effect on Jan. 1. Meanwhile, there have been 'rumors ,that the city's Mayor Walter E. Washington is on the way out, supposedly becaus,e the White House feels he is soft on crime. But five days after the FBI report was published, Mayor Washington took part in a White . House news briefing at which the President's press secretary, Ron Ziegler, said Mayor Wash-_ ington "doesn't plan to leave his post as mayor ... Nor does the White House wish him to do-so." This extraordinary procedure indicates as well a's anything the touchiness' of the sit~ation.

D. D.

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Catholic Nurses Convention To Hear Sr. Kathleen, O.P. Sr. Kathleen Murphy, O.P., Ph.D., a native of Fall River and a graduate of Dominican Academy will be the guest speaker at the breakfast on Sunday morn· ing, Oct. 18 during the New England Regional Conference of Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses scheduled for the Sheraton-Hyannis Inn, Hyannis. A noted counseling psychologist, Sister Kathleen will speak on "Women in the 70's: the Challenge of Change. The speaker received her B.A. degree from St. John's University, Brooklyn; her M.A. and M.S. from Fordham University, New York and in June 1965 was awarded a Doctorate in Guidance at Fordham. Presently functioning as Assistant Professor, in the Counseling Psychology Department of Boston College, Dr. Murphy has had a diversity of experiences within the educational field. For five years she was Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services for the secondary schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn, at which time she was also an adjunct assistant professor of coun.selor-education in Fordham and St. John's Universities. In the past, she has taught on all levels-primary grades, mid· die grades, secondary and college, and was a full time counselor for five years in a girl's private school in College Point, N. Y.

She is a professional member of the American Personnel and Guidans;e Associ,atian, the National Yocational Guidance Association, and the American School Counselor Association.

Asks 'Equal Time' For Peace Sermon PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Fundamentalist preacher Rev. Carl McIntire, head of the International Council ,of Christian Churches, wants equal time from the Germantown church to tell worshippers about his hopes for a U. S. military victory in Vietnam. McIntire claims he is entitled to preach for a few minutes at the First United Methodist Church of Germantown because Father Daniel Berrigan,. S.J., at that time a fugitive from justice, preached an antiwar sermon there Aug. 3. "We are challenging directly throughout the nation the peace stance taken by Father Berrigan, the Philadelphia Peace Committee and the Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam," Mc.Intire wrote to church spokesman Dr. John G. Siegfried. ' "In view of the opportunity given Father, Berrigan in your pulpit, I request the opportunity to do the same thing which he has, but present the diametrically opposite view."

Easton D of I The Easton Circle No.' 564, Daughters of Isabella, will meet on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9 in the Frothingham Memorial Hall. The Circle's annual supper and sale will be conducted on Saturday evening, Oct. 24 in the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, No. Easton.

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 3. 1970

F'arm Workers Exclusion Hit

She is also on the executive council of National Catholic Guidance Council and has served as past president of the Brooklyn Catholic Guidance Council and past president of the Fordham Personnel and Guidance Association. Sister has participated ill several national, state and regional programs both as presenter and commentator. She is Co-author of a. recently published Group Guidance series for high schools entitled Being and Becoming.

DES MOINES (NC)-The faillire of Congress tv include farm workers in recently· enacted unemployment compensation amendments drew protest here from the Nationul Catholic Rural Life Conferenl~l·. A statement issued by Msgr.

Edward O'Rourke, executive director, said the conference rejects "arguments that the time is not right for extending these benefits to farm workers." State unemployment compensation programs in California alld Hawaii " have show that such coverage is neither impossible to administer nor more costly than the coverage of other types of seasonal labor," the statement sakI. While applaUding "the significant improvement this legislation provides for industrial workers," the statement said including farm workers in the benefits is a matter of justice.

Worldly Values Cannot ,Replace God, Church CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) God, Christ and the Church cannot be replaced by worldly values just because man finds it more "comfortable" to do so, Pope Paul' VI told a\ general audience at his Summer residence here. "God, Christ and the Church cannot be replaced with impunity," the Pope said. There is a temptation, he said, for man to say "we can do without God and replace Him with other values." This means forsaking faith in God and in religious practice, the Pope said. This "is not radical or rational atheism," it is "an attempt to found life on bases other than traditional religious ones," he said. "How difficult, they say, this problem of God is. How easy it is to evade its demands whether speCUlative or practical.' How comfortable," the Pope said. "Temporal cares oecupy the place that ~hould be reserved in the soul for the rights and duties of religion * * * The lack of rest and prayer on feast days shows how strong and overpowering this temptation is," The Pope said there is another forlll of replacing God with worldly values that has become fashionable. This forlll, he said, does not repudiate the benefits of religion itself, but "severs them froin their roots, that is, from relationship with the divine world," he said. In order to make Christianity welcome to the secularized mentality, the Pope said, Christ is presented in "purely human terms," that is as "a great figure," but as a man. In this kind of presentation "beautiful and profound things are said," the Pope declared. "They are often impressive pages, but are like roses cut off from their true root and reduced to merely human measure."

Editor Requests Journalism School COIMBRA (NC)-A national school of journalism to prepare persons for work in the Catholic press was prop'osed by an editor to the priests' council. of the Coimbra diocese here in Portugal. Father Urbano Duarte, editor of the diocesan newspaper, Correio de Coimbra, said that such a school is needed because of the new concept of the Catholic newspaper as a service not only to the church but to the community.


NURSES' CONVENTION PROGRAM: Miss Ruth Hurley, of Fall River, seated, program chairman of the New England Conference of Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, examines the conclave's arrangemen't with Sister Kathleen Murphy, a guest speaker.

Sue State Say New Jersey Conducts Racially S~gregated School System NEWARK (NC) - New Jersey was ordered by a U. S. district court judge here to show cause why it should not be enjoined from conducting a racially segregated school system. Acting in a suit filed on behalf ,of two black children, Judge Reynier J. Wortendyke issued the order ag'ainst the state attorney general's office; the commissioner of education and the board of education. The suit, filed on behalf of Vivien Spencer, 8, of Newark and Geraldine Chavez, 11, of Jersey' City, claims predominantly black schools' exist as a result from housing segregation in urban areas. The suit was filed by Harold J. Ruvoldt, Jersey City attorney, who represents Jersey City in another suit charging the governor, the legislature, the. state treasurer and state education officials with failure to fulfill the constitutional obligation of providing an efficient public school system for all of the state's children. The city of Paterson has joined in that suit, which is before the state Superi'or Court.' In the federal court case, state officials have been ordered to show cause why they should not be compelled to give the court a plan for integrating all school districts and another plan to provide compensatory education on an interim' basis in all districts where minorities predominate. Ruvoldt's complaint claims the students are being denied equal rights guaranteed by the 14th amendment of the U. S. Constitution because the state's school districting law perpetuates segregation.

The suit charges more than half of, the state's school-age black children attend schools where the percentage ·of white students is under five per cent.

Charge GenoCide Against Indians BOGOTA (NC) -, A campaign of genocide is being waged against the Guahiba Indians of the eastern plains region of Colombia, a group of Catholics has charged. The Catholics-priests, Religious, and laity-sent a petition to Attorney. General Mario Aramburu Restrepo protesting what they called "institutional violence" directed against the Indians. They charged that the army and other government organizations are aiding those Colom bians who "are seeking to exterminate the Indians in order to appropriate their lands."

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THE .A~CHOR-:-Djocese offal! River-·Thurs., Sept. 3; 970

Priests 'Protest Em"lgration Curb

Church in Poland StiII Strong After 20 Years of Red Rule DETROIT (NC)-"Poland en- priests in his jurisdiction, i told The observation was made by them a past9ral letter wa!s in' vies America only its freedom.~' the. making and forbade them t6 . I a Polish-American just returnt'q real it· aloud under penalty' of hume to Detroit after a . two- increased taxation. . . :I . . munth visit with relatives in iron Naturally, they would b~ unable to pay the tax' and everycurtained Poland. He said he traveled from vil- thiJlg they owned· would ,be iconlage to village, talking' with fiscated, except, perhaps a[,bed farmers, priests, businessmen and a c h a i r . ' and others who represent a But it was the first priest~ had section of Polish life after ,two' heard of the pastoral letter. decades of stern communist rule. They said they could not agree He said' the undercurrent of until they knew more aboJt , it.. oppression seems to make the Somehow the word got ar9und. Pulish people avid patriots and Some priests cooperate ,with strong Catholics. He recalfed the communists, while a i few that Auxiliary Bishop Ladislaw .act as undercover agents. i But Rubin, aide to Cardinal Stefan the people seem to sense I who Wyszynski, primate of Poland, they are and are cautious! the recently remarked: "The Catholic tourist said., Church in Poland is the strong· Confiscation. is the chie( .tool est and most independent church of repression of Poland. ~nder behind the Iron Curtain." And a guise such as eminent domain he subscribed to the bishop's . -the same rule t.hat razes hbmes • I estimate. in the U. S. for expresswaysPoland has a population of 33 the government can take; anymillion, and 3b million are Cath- one's property at any time.' But· olics. The returned tourist said' the value is set by the governdespite harassment by the pup- . ment and depending on the: reapet Red regime, obstructing reg- son for the confication, it: can ulations and .policies, imminent range from actual value to; tokdanger of arrest and property enism. confiscation, 80 per cent of the Catholics practice their religiot:l i openly. Missals Forbidden Polish Catholics still attend Marking its 70th year of; free Masses on Sundays and holy service to the visually handicapdays of obligation.. still observe parish feast days-but not with ped, the Xavier Society fot the' the same unrestricted fervor of Blind in. New York invite~ the queries ·of persons interest~d' in the old' days of freedom. Under communist rule, gath- borrowing free' on loan 'Igood erings of nine or more persons books in Br:aille, .Large Type, are forbidden. Also prohibited Open Reel Tapes and Casshtes. . An extensive and. select!. 'free are hymn. singing, Mass vestlibrary has available fOJ: the: askments, altar boys. But under the close scrutiny ing catalogs of its available vulof Red policemen, the Polish urnes: A Brailled calalog of (2000 people straggle into church, the titles in Braille, a Large IType tourist said, and they sing catalog of title~ in Large Type, hymns much more vigoriously as well as an inkprint catalbg of titles on Open Reel Tapes: and than do Catholics of America. To recite the propers of the Cassettes, which is presently be· Mass, some one might write them ing transcribed into Braillel The libraries contain books of out in long hand on a blackboard spiritual interest and instruttion, -or a slide projecton is used. Missals are forbidden by the fiction, biographies and Pgetry, government, which also censors all available free on loan.. Write for a free personal; copy all mimeographed material. of the catalog that interestS you Publishing a pastoral letter from bishops-to-priests-to-people to: Xavier Society for the Blind, New York, is an organizational feat. The 1"54 East 23rd Street, . I N.Y. 10010. government forbids mimeographing such letters, but each priest i receives a hand-typed letter Resigns as Envoy j 'which is hand delivered because To 'Atomic Agenc~ the mails cannot be trusted. NOTRE DAME (NC)-ResgnaPeople Cautious tion of Father Theodore M.!.HesThe communists· know when burgh, C.S.C., president, Univer-. there will be a letter. A rural sity of Notre Dame, as perma: official once called in all the nent Vatican representati~e to the Intermitional Atomic Ehergy Agency NamlE!s New Agency has been accepted. by Pope Paul VI, the university disAssistant· Director : closed here. NEW YORK (NC)-William M. Father Hesburgh was n'amed Pruzensky, 34, of Manhattan, to the post 14 years ago byiPope has been appointed assistant di-' Pius XII, continuing to serve unand ,Pope rector of the socio-economic de- der Pope John XXIII . , partment, Catholic .Relief Ser- Paul. He and Frank Folsom, New .vices. York chairman of the Radid CorBishop Edward E. Swanstrom, poration of American exedutive CRS 'executive director, said committee, the Vatican's lother Pruzensky, who has been work- representative, attended P1eeting for CRS in Central and South ings of the agency each i Fall. America since 1965, will be sta- Folsom died last January. I The university said Father tioned at the U.S. Cathoiic over· seas' agency headquarters here, Hesburgh received a letter I from seeking support from founda- Pope Paul which lauded his sertions, . industries, and other vices and reflected the i Holy' groups ·for improvement projects See's interest in "the. noble I aims in 70 countries in Africa, Asia of the International Atomic Energy Agency. " and Latin America.

. CARVAVELOS (NC) ~ Priests working with Portuguese emigrants in fureign countries deplore a rl:'cent ruling barring children from juining their immigrant pal'ents auroad: The priests exprt·ss!::d their - concel'n and distress at a course urganized for them by. the Portuguese Emigrants' Catholic Organization. The reports of the meeting in the Portuguese press represented a departure from the official policy .under the late Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. During Salazar's regime the' whole subject of Portuguese emigration was considered a pulitically sen~ sitive issue and was untouched' by the country's press. The fact that Portuguese were emigrating in large number·s from this country to earn a living was regarded as a damaging reflection on social and economic conditions in Portugal and the ruling Salazar government.


Braille Books Now Availalble


~'.' ....


Bus Decision Draws Mixed Reactions




;'4. ; . ~II


NEW POLISH CHURCH: After many· years of debates Polish authorities have given permission for the building, of the first Catholic Church in the new Polish city of Nowa Huta near Cracow. The church called the Church of the Queen of the Poles, is shown (top photo)..,.in constr~ction and (below) during an outdoor First Communion recently. NC Photo.



On Nun ,

Mgdison Avenue. •. I.

• .•




Teaches High Schoof Subjects To Ad Agency Employees

NEW YORK .(NC)-There's a nun holding down a, $IO,OOO-ayear job on Madison Avenue now, but she isn't earning it by mapping out advertising strategy. Instead, 33-year-old Sister Mary Elizabeth Fitzgerald, is . telling employes at one of the country's top advertising agencies about job opportunities and teaching the .subjects ~hey need to know to pass the' state's high schoC?1 equivale'ncy test. Her salary is turned over to her religious community, the Congregation of Notre Dame.. "Most of the' people here just call .me Mary Eliza~eth," she said in a conference room at Doyle, pane Bernback. There, she teaches a class of nearly a dozen black and Puerto Rican students, ranging in age from 19 to 43, the five basics-math, science, social studies, grammar and lit~rature-that they need to earn a high school diploma. Her students go to school from 9:30 A.M. until 1 P.M. From 2 to 5:30 P.M. they work in various departments at the ad agency and are paid $90 a week. The project i.s a 'joint government-business program in which. the hard-core unemployed are given a chance to continue schooling while working. Private industry and government split the tab. The program is part of the National AlIiance of Businessmen, an attempt by the private sector to help solve poverty . problems. Sister Mary Elizabzeth is well

qualified for the work. A native of Waterbury, Conn., she attended Fordham University, received her master's degree at Columbia University, taught in Catholic schools in Providence, Stamford, Conn., and in the Bronx in New Yorl< City. For the past four years she· was principal of' St. J.e~n's High ~chool in Manhattari. "I had asked to do work with high school dropouts," she said of her arrival" on Madison Avenue. "Our rule as Christians," she explained, "is to be aware of the needs of society and if at all possible to try to meet them. Do we need changes in the schooling of the Religious? Definitely, yes. "What I'm duing nuw is very interesting. I need a different approach to help the people I'm meeting now who are radically' different from the people I'm accustomed to meeting in our schools. We have to be flexible enough to adapt to that," she added.

ST. PAUL (NC)-A Minnesota Supreme Court school busing decision has drawn a mixed response from both parties to the case that brought the decision about. Coming under heavy fire was the court's departure from the busing issue when it' considered the possibility of future aid to' nun public education ]n holding the law valid, "we du so 'with the cOilvictibn that 'thiS"legisiation bring'!H:rs' to~ the bi·ink· of ;unconstit'u'tioniility," said: -assoCiate . justice James Otis' ·opinion. The busing law requfres that school districts receiving state uusing aid must also provide transportation ' to non public school students.

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Antone s. Feno Jr. - DISPENSING OPTICIANPrescriptions for eye glasses filled, lenses duplicated. Fraines repaired. 197 Bank St. (Comer Purchase) Fall River Tel. 678-0412 Hours: 9 _ 5 Mon. _ Fri. Sat. 9 - 3 'Friday Eves by Appt. Closed Wed.

tHE ANCtiOR,Thurs., Sept. 3. 1970

Cardinal Shehan Scores f'amily Planning, Bill BALTIMORE (NC) - Cardinal Lawrence Shehan of' Baltimore has'criticize,d a U, S. S~nate approved bill which would provide a $1 billion appropl'iatiun over the next fiv~ yeurs for expanding, improving and better coordinating family planning. The cardinal said he opposes the measure "us social legislation morally objectionable, aimed ut the building of the kind of a society Christians must reject." The bill (S 2108) passed the Senate by voice vote without dissent and was forwarded to the House of Representatives. The cardinal attacked the bill in a page one statement published in the Aug. 21 iss'ue of The Catlh olic Review, Baltimore archdiOcese newspaper. The cardinal's statement said: 'Contraceptive Mentality' "I have read the ,bill carefully. While 1 do not question certain of its features or the good intentions of some who sponsored and voted for it, I have strong moral, religious, and social objections to the bill as a whole. "My objections are based on the fact that I see in it a huge and costly effort on the part of some of those agencies and departments with whom the bill originated, to entrench this country still more deeply and irreversibly in a contraceptive mentality and way of life which I consider morally wrong and socially harmful. "Some time ago, in an, article that appeared in Theological Studies, Father Richard McCormick, S.J., the distinguished moral theologian, said: 'We live in a contraceptive world' where the pill (etc.) has assumed the character of a human panacea.' 'Attitudinal Package' " 'Contraception,' he adds, 'cannot be viewed in isolation from basic attitudes toward life and sexuality. There is mounting evidence that in contemporary culture, contraception is part and parcel of an attitudinal package that includes sterilization (even coerced), abortion, artificial insemination, and ultimately euthanasia.' "These words were written almost two years ago. Since then the evidence has mounted still higher that contraception, which is the heart of all secular planning movements, is indeed part· and parcel of that whole attitudinal package. "Within these two years we have seen the family planners sweep from victory on the contraceptive front to full-scale movement for abortion on demand. We have even seen the shadow of euthanasia In the distance-perhaps not the far distance."

Approve' Abortion, Oppose School Aid> GRAND RAPIDS (NC) - The Michigan Democratic Party convention here approved platform planks which favor relaxed abortion laws and oppose state aid to non public schools. The convention approved other platform planks which call for an immediate cease fire in the Vietnam w~r, plus withdrawal of all U. S. troops by December; and amnesty for deserters, draft dodgers and political prisoners.


Vatican Creates Drug. Center

PIONEER MISSIONER BIDS GOOD-BYE TO MODERN MISSIONERS: Rev. Columba Moran, sS.ce., a pioneer in missionary work bids good-bye to Rev. John Shanley, SS.Cc., left and Rev. Henry Watters, S5.Ce., right as they leave for the mission fields.

Sacred Hearts }l'Jissioners Pre]}are For ~finistr'V in Bro'lvnsville Diocese


VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has. created a special "drug ce.nh'l·" and obst!l'vt:rs beli{>Vt' Pope Paul VI may be preparing a majur statt'lhenl on the abuse of drugs. Pope Paul is keeping hilll!;df well informed on the use and abuse of drugs, a high Vatican source disc.losed. A special desk in the Vatican secretariat of state has been created to compile documentation on the worldwide drug problem. Although Pope Paul has briefly alluded to drugs in recent speeches, he has not devoted an entire talk to the issue-as he has, for example, on the spread of pornography and sexual perversions. It is not c~l'tain that the Pope is preparing a major statement on drugs, but his intense study of the problem points to that possibility. At least, no one in the Vatican is discounting the emergence of some major statement. One Vatican observer told NC News: • "It seems that Pope Paul has long been aware of the growing problem. He is thought to have spoken to President Johnson ubout drug use in the United States when the President called at the Vatican. When President Nixon visited Pope Paul in the Vatican, the drug problem was reportedly on the agenda."

Two young priests, members realize the hard work that faces Fr. Shanley, who has had a of the Sacred Hearts community, them. La Joya parish is approx- first hand view of the area, tells are about to become "padres" imately 2.0 miles 'by 15 in area of some of the challenges of the in the Lone Star State. Soon to and in Fr. Shanley's words is La Joya mission: "Besides the take up duties at "Uuestra Seno- "as flat as a pancake." The par- main church in La Joya, a town ra de los Angeles" Mission in La ish, which is on the banks of of about 3,000, we also have five Joya, Texas, are Fr. John Shan- hte Rio Grande, extends over outlying mission churches, a ley, SS.CC. and Fr. Harry Wat- fertile, irrigated land and tracts catechetical center, and parish center under our administration. ters, SS.CC. of semi-desert. This brings to five the numWith a population that is I would estimate that our initial ber of priests from the locally practiCally 99 per cent Spanish ministry will have to serve .the based community-serving in the speaking, Mexican-American, a needs of more than 1,000 widely Catholic University Brownsville diocese of Bishop command of the language is a .scattered Catholic families. But Plans New Center Humberto Medeiros. At the Bish- must. The people find local em: the first order of business," he WASHINGTON (NC)-A cenop's request, Fr. Fintan Sheeran, ployment in cotton fields, citrus said, with a twinkle in his eye, tel' for national policy review on SS.CC., the Provincial Superior groves and vegetable farms but "will be the pur<:hase of kneerace and urban issues will be esof the Sacred Hearts Fathers there are never enough jobs. high boots to ward off snakes tablished at Catholic University agreed to staff the La Joya par- Fr. Shanley estimates that about and wide brimmed sombreros to of America's law schuol here ish. Three more priests of the. 40 per cent of the families mi- thwart brother sun." through a $150,000 Ford Foundacommunity are working in a grate north for the Summer and Both men are enthusiastic tion grant. return home in time to put their u~out the future and speak glowparish in Harlingen, Texas. The centel', to be directed by The two young volunteers children back in school. ingly of the work being done by William L. Taylor, former staff Bishop Medeiros for his people. director of the U. S. Commission Fr. John Shanley, 35, leaves on Civil Rights, will aim to profrom S1. Mary's parish in vide nonpartisan research and North- Fairhaven' where he has analyses to public interest orbeen serving for the past year: ganizations concerning federal FAIRFIELD (NC)-A mail car- to oppose such a requirement?" Prior to that time he spent 18 policy issue affecting cities and . rier-turned-jurist urged postal he asked. months in Puerto Rico studying minority groups. Judge Norton emphasized LFA the' language and culture of carriers to insist on being reThe center will also provide lieved of the responsibility of be- was not requesting letter car- Spanish America. He has a training for law and graduate ing classed as "couriers of filth." riers to violate the law. He said: brother Fr. Matthias, SS.CC. ser- students from universities. Judge John Henry Norton, na- "We simply are asking you to ving at Our Lady of the Assumptional secretary of Leading Fam- make a bargaining demand to tion parish in New Bedford. ilies of America, based here in . the government that the letter Fr. Henry Watters, 28, who is Connecticut, in a letter to James carriers not only object to this already on his way to La Joya is H. Rademacher, president of the nefarious task of delivering filth, no stranger to Texas..After atPostal Carriers Union, asked: but that they should not be re- tending the Mexico City LanEst. 1897 "As a former mail carrier my- quired to deliver it," guage Institute in 1968 he spent self, I wonder how -your union The ju'dge said it apparently a year assisting at a Harlingen, Builders Supplies can permit decent family men to is unconstitutional for any per- Texas parish. Fr. Watters has 2343 Purchase Street become couriers of filth?" son in the United States "to be been stationed at St. Joseph's New lBedford LFA is a nonprofit association forced to do anything which parish in Fairhaven for the past , 996-5661 which provides economic benefits would be totally against their year. good consciences in a matter to 166,000 families with four or dealing with morals," more children. _1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "If there' ever was a legitimate He said LFA suggested there reason to question authority, it was an alternative if the union § § would seem these honorable car- refused to carry this filth. "There is nothing' to prevent riers should question the authority which requires them to de- the government from hiring perliver filth to the doorstep of sons who wish to deliver this American homes," the judge sewerage-if our so-caBed 'just' laws on the subject required the wrote. delivery of such mail," Judge Bargaining Demand "Should these postmen be used Norton said. "This flow of filth could be to help drag down innocent p::!opie to the depths of moral de- stopped tomorrow morning· if pravity? Doesn't an individual your union refused to deliver it. letter carrier also have a con- Such a stand would endear the science which must be' obeyed? letter carriers in the hearts of Doesn't the individual letter car- almost every American family," rier have a serious responsibility the judge stated.

Suggests Posta I Carri·ers' Union Stop Being 'Couriers of Filth'

Sturtevant 6' Hook









THE ANCHOR-Diocese of :Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 3, ~1970 ,':. "-, . .. . .~ \\; . : ~\..


Msgr·. Denehy'

Continued from Page, One' years of military service as chaplains fmm the llioct"se of Fall AIII.busll River, Rev, Msgr. John F. Albert, Frightening accounts are coming out ofseveral ofi the Brigadier General and present Deput~hie( of Air Force Chaplarge cities of the nation on the ambush and woun4ing lains wilt deliver the homily. and killing of policemen. , : Currently assigned in Spain, the silver jubilarian is accomIt is to be hoped that this is not some' nation-wide panied on this overseas tour by plan of a wildly militant organization bent 'on thro~ing his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. the country'-...--)into a nightmare of fear. ,. i Denehy, formerly of Fall River. Monsignor Denehy was bam in Policemen, after all, are men trying, for the mostp~rt, Fall River and attended, Holy to do a creditable jo~ of keeping this country a natioq of Cross College, Worcester, wh~re laws. There is no other way for many people, to live in he was awarded an A.B. degree peace and harmony together than' the recognition that in June 1941. His seminary training was undertaken at St. Mary there must be· ground rules and - human nature b~ing Seminary, Baltimore, and Theowhat it is - representatives of and from the community' logical College, Catholic Univerto enforce. these. , sity of America, Washngton. Postgraduate courses in Eco, The policeman must be the very epitome of judgenomics, Labor Problems, Political ment and balance and justice. Of course,there have been Science, and. Sociology at Cathinstances of' over-reaction and poor judgement and. imolic University were also part of patience. And these instances are' to be deplored. But rhe his study. vast numbers of the nation's police ~re trying to do a Ordained for this diocese in 1945, he served as assistant pasgood job. And the policeman stands at t~every frontier. 'of ' tor, St. Mary's Church, Nantuccivilization, the very line of' demarcation between an prket,from Sept. 1945 to February dered society and absolute chaos.. Remove him, weaken ~is ·tlWiW%\§J!it~@:i*;%.mn;m:~w,I[!%@~d#i#M#M#WEIii$ii.@l~;@r1im;t;*;''-'';::':;''*;Yi*@,pllXWMDimmm 1947. Transferred to Martha's position, tear him down - and thererc::mains only. anarcp-y."". Vineyard, he served as Assistant Pastor for Sacred Heart Church, A great fear is that the attack Qn police 'will, re~'il1t . 'Continued "from Page One lic education strictly "in terms Oak Bluffs, St. Elizabeth's in backlash, in the rising up of the silent> majority I gether" ~ 'through total diocesan of the number of schools and Church, Edgartown, and St. Authe militant right, and, then there' 'Will be a reaction tl;1at planning.. And they heard that pupils, buildings, buses ami dol- gustine's Church, Vineyard Havph'ilosophical viewpoints must lars," said Father Lucker. They en. can be truly. fearsome. ; tend to forget the Catholic also figure in "future planning. Msgr. Denehy was commisMany people are already in the plood to give \up They were also reminded never school's unchanging identity as sioned a First Lieutenant in the some of their civil rights in order to insure peace and ~he to lose· sight of the Catholic a "community of faith"·whose . U.S. Air Force in November 1950 school's unchanging idEmtity as goal is the mature adult' Chris- and was called to active duty to freedom to walk city streets at night without, fear. • I a "community of faith;" to plan tian, lie said. attend the Chaplain School, CarlOthers are talking a harsh language in dealing wjth for changing lifestyles of post The education director 'said he isle Barracks, Penna., in Decemthose who would kill from ambush, who would terrorize Vatican II Religious, and to im- knew of schools where both Re- ber 1950. prove communication with pas- 'llgious and lay teachers 'ga~her Among his Air Force assign'with the police as the special target. of their wrath. tors concerned about their di- for communal celebrations 'of:the ments as a Chaplain were at Violence leads to violence and terror to repression. T~is minishing decision-making role liturgy, meals,_ discus~i9.ns· and Selfridge AFB, Mich., Lockin parish schools. ' ' .. , " common proje.cts.. :' ... ,- ; bourne AFB,' Ohio; 'Travi!;"'AFB, . is not the road of civilized society , I Prophets of doom.see Cathe;>"It is 'only' through c"oming to ,.Calif.;· ,:Otis AFB, ,!Mas~.; . McThose 'who prey on society from ambush must be :know each other, it is only Guire .,AFB, N.J.; and Maxwell brought to civilized - not vigilante - justice. And the ' through developing close per- AFB, Ala. In his overseas tours he has sonal friendships, that the comfar right must be discouraged 'from its repressive reaction. munity of faith can be formed," served in Germany, Japan, Bel'Continued from Page On,e I 'muda, and currently in Spain. he said. problems of the white working . Sister Janet Marie Peterworth, His assigned tasks have induded 'a four-year tour' in the Office; class. O.S.U., director of education _Chief of Air Force Chaplains, Church Role for the Ursuline nuns in Louisi. . . I Washington, and a three-year The August 31 issue of U. S. News & WofId Repqrt Efforts to supply ethnic com- ana, urged 'workshop partici- tour as Commandmant of the Air has a splendid copyrighted story of· an interview with munity residents with opportuni- pants to plan Catholic educa- Force Chaplain School, Maxwell Cardinal John Wright who heads the Holy See's. Congte- ties for social, cultural and eco- tion with the "post-Vatican II AFB, Ala. nomic community development. Sister who has freely chosen gation of the Clergy. . Named Domestic Prelate to be a teacher because she feels Development of ethnic studies this is the best way she person,On December 10, 1964 Pope The' Cardinal giv~s some penetrating views on reli- programs in primary and secondPaul VI named Chaplain Denehy .ally can serve." gion of the future. ~. ary sdiools. a Domestic Prelate with the title "Plan with her," Sister Janet , . I Federal efforts to explain pro- 'said, "but do not' plan on her as of Right Reverend Monsignor. He speaks in a most cogent way of' how the Churqh grams in· a meaningful way" His service decorations include something that your school deremains, true to the basics given it by Christ while yet Expansion of housing, educa- serves by .inherent right, or sa- the Air Force Commendation always able to cope with the changes of a changing worIt:l. tion, manpower devolpment and credtradition or as an economic Medal with cluster, the Air Force' I Outstanding Unit Award with medical care programs to in, It is an article thaJ could be read 'with profit by all. clude members of white ethnic expediency." She added that cluster, the Army of Occupation Catholic schools should be "fiIt should be given a wide reading. It would be unfortuna~e groups. nancially . capable of existing 'Medal, the National Defense Serif less worthy articles, would be. seen and heeded 'while Because so many members of without the' guaranteed contrib- vice Medal with bronze star, and the Legion of Merit. this interview that carries such cogency and weight would the nation's white ethnic groups uted services of Religious." are Catholic and because the be little heeded. ,. Regional Units problems presented by unrest in The role of the pastor ,is "far I the cities are moral, the stateI and away the most pressing and Cont\'nued from Page One ment said the' 'Church and its .' I leaders had a special role in serious of all the problems in" priests in closer contact with the solving the country's urban cri- volved in educational plimning," world in which they will work. said Father John Gilbert, schools sis. In 1968, he researched and .Church efforts, the statement superintendent who helped initi- compiled material for the tvVo continued, should include de.vel- ate total education planning in special sessions and the general opment of present Church-related the St. Paul-Minneapolis al'(;h- chapter of the Missionaries of I I La Salette that was held in Rome ethnic societies, prevention of diocese. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAILL RIVIER i Regional planning units were this year._ polarization' and encouragment both of ethnic pride and' inter- set up there, requiring cooperaIn April of 1970, Father Proulx Published weekly by The C~tholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River national awareness. tion between parishes and inter- was named director of novices. 410 Highland Avenue I parochial programs,' he said. This position has now been as675-7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 Eventually, a' regional planning signed to his brother, Rev: MauPlan Welcome committee and a diocesan review rice Proulx, M.S, SYDNEY (NC) - A ' citizens' .board are also established with PUBLISHER Born in Springfield, the new committee has been formed here . this type of planning. provincial is the son of Mr. and Most Rev. James L. Connolly; D.O.; PhD. to arrange the welcome to Pope Father Gilbert said a pastor's Mrs. Joseph G. Proulx. He studPaul VI to Australia. The date leadership is "essential to plan- ied at the various La Salette GENERAL· MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER II of the P.ope's arrival has' still ning success. But it is a dif- Seminaries and the Gregorian Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll I, not been officially announced, ferent style of leadership than .' University, Rome. He also has a " , but it is widely accepte~ he will that to which. he 'has been ac- M.A. in English from the Uni~Leary Press-fall River be here from ,Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. customed," he said. versity of Notre Dame.


Plan' Toto I Diocesan Education



Labor Statement




f'ather ,Proulx



Plan Lutheran, Catholic Talks In Sweden STOCKHOLM (NC)-Th~ first series uf official Lutheran-Cathulic tulks in SWt'dt'n will begin her~ this Fall. Plans fur the talks Wd'e be· gun about 18 months ago, but the appointment uf the participants was not announced until August by Catholic Bishop John E. Taylor, O.M.I., of Stockholm, and Lutheran Archbishop Ruben Josdson of Uppsala. . Th~ Catholic members are Father Hermann Seiler, S.J., president of the Ecumenical Commission of the Stockholm diucese and editor of the Catholic Information service; Dr. Per Heskow and Dr. Alf Harddin, buth lay theologians, converts from th~ Luth~ran ministry and ussistant professors of theology uf the University of Uppsala; urlll Fath~r L.M. Dewailly, O.P., und R~ne Kieffer, O.P., both from Lund. Father Kieffer is assistant professur of th~ology of Lund Univ~rsity. Th~ Lutheran members are Hishop Sv~n Silen of Vasteras, who was u Lutheran obs~rver at th~ Second Vatican Council; Dr. Kjell Ove 'Nilsson, assistant pro- • fessor of th~ology at Lund Univ~rsity and a theological secretary of the Swedish Branch of the Lutheran World Federation; Dr. Holsten Fagerberg, assistant professor of theology of the University of Uppsala; and Pastors Olof Andren, Gavle, and Orjun Wikmark, Uppsala. In an interview at Uppsala Father Seiler ~xplained that the official sanction given to the talks was highly significant for future church relationships. He said quick or sensational results should not be expected. Results of the talks will be published.

Anglkans Training Auxiliary Priests PRETORIA (NC) - Thirteen persons, seven of them Africans, are being trained to serve as Anglican auxiliary priests here in Africa. The priests will serve on a part-time basis, mainly on weekends. A senior priest of the diocese tutors each candidate according to. a common syllabus during a thfee-year period. The men meet four times a year together for a retreat. Four auxiliary priests are already working in the Anglican diocese of Pretoria. Some of them are trained for special urban work, but others perform the ordinary duties of a parish priest.

Religious Traditions TAIPEI (NC)-To understand mentality of the modern Chinese and to make the Gospel rdevant to them, non-Christian Chinese religious traditions must be studied, says Archbishop Stanislaus Lo Kuang of Taipei who told 300 participants at the pastoral workshop for priests· and Sisters on Taiwan that they must look at the mentality of the modern Chinese and their religious faith from two viewpoints in order to understand them: from the point of view of the religious faith of the Chinese people in the past; and from that of modern Chinese thinking and living conditions.

THE ANCHOR Thurs., St::pt. 3,

7 1970

Sees Integration Plans in Danger WASHINGTON (NC) - lJ. S. attorney gelwral John N. MitchE'll wi.ll'lled that Fall Supreme Court rulings un racial balance in sl:huuls l:uuld ulJset adrnini~" . tnltion pllins fur sehoul desl'gn:gCltiun in the South. Mitl:hell said lhat l:oul'l decisions that might requir~ massive busing for integratiun would wreck compromise plans worked out to· bring integration to an administratiun goal of 9 Y2 per cent of tht~ South's school children. TIll' natiun's chief law enforl:er said new plans wuuld only serve to hurt the childr~n they are suppused to be helj1ing.

"I hope th~ l:uUI't doesn't tear up the peapatch in th~ middle of the semester," Mitchell remarked. "These poor kids have been living under five or six plans in the last few years; going in and Ollt of schools like yo-yus."





'"~~>' '~"'o'.:~·




Mitchell alsu told newsmen that he pr~dicted an allti-student backlash in this November's elections. He Claimed that campus unrest was driving many people to support conservative candidates outside traditional voting patterns.

"" '

:.... ~ . .



s . T~E OLD AND THE NEW: Rev. Stephen Hartdegen, coordinator for the New Amerlcan Blble, holds a copy of the Bible that has been universally used for 200 years, while on the table before him rest proofs of the. new translation. NC Photo.

PARK MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven

Comparison of the Old and New WASHINGTON( NC) - The New American Bible, to be published Sept. 30, is said to be the first Catholic English translation of the entire text-both Old and 'New Testaments-from the original languages of the Bible. The editorial board of the new Bible also said that the New

American Hible is the first and only English translation to make complete critical use of recently discovered ancient manuscripts. It includes all available Dead Sea Scrolls thus far deciphered and the Masada Hebrew manuscript, which give' new meaning to formerly obscure passages.


Psalm 22 (23)

Psalm 23

The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing.


He hath set me in a place of pasture. He hath brought me up, on the water of refreshment:



He hath convened my soul He hath led me on the paths of justice, fur his own name's sake. For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me. THE DOUAY VERSION






Following is a selection of passages from the New American Bible and the Douay Version.




The board also said the new Dible is a faithful translation eXpressed in simple modern English, for contemporary man.

Judge not, that you may not be judged. For with what judgment you shall be judged: and with what measures you mete, it shall be measured to you again. ~ And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye? Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye' and behold a beam is in thy own eye; Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thy own eye; and 'then shalt thou see to cast out tIle mote out of thy brother's eye.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall nol want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; Besides restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul.


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He guides me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side


With. your rod and your staff that give me courage.


SERVICE for Bristol County

THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE "If you want to avoid judgment; stop passing judgment. Your verdict on others will be the verdict passed on you. The measure with which you measure will be used to measure you. Why look at the speck in your brother's eye when you miss the plank in your own? How can you .say to your brother, 'Let me take that speck out of your eye,' .while all the time the plank remains in your own? You hypocrite! Remove the plank from your own eye first; then you will see clearly to take the speck from your brother's eye."

Bristol County Trust Company TAUNTON, MASS. THE BANK ON TAUNTON! GREEN Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



Asks Ordination Of Women

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Sept. 3, 1970 I




Moth,er of 'Sev:en Observes; Labor Day Appropriately i When they get all done with the rewriting of the liturgy, I hope some one has 'a good version of ,the old "Woe ~o you who are in labor or with child.", :' Each year as the priest started intoning that passage, I'd start having contractions. I I could be only six weeks, . "N.0' it's m~ eighth:-und! I pregnant-sometimes I think WOII t ~e a little whl,le. TI!~e . . baby will probably be born !Ill the. labor pams started Just about 15 minutes." ! o~t of force of habit-?ut the dire consequences promised by "the word" left me confused. First of all, I didn't think ti;;iNW1IiilIlI:!'Wa'@nfIfl '



labor was such a woeful state. Labor and delivery' themselves 'were no particular gems, but at least in a few days I'd be able to walk' more comfortably again. . Secondly, it, seemed every Spring you were encouraged to have a large family and every Fall you were warned "woe to you if you are in labor." There was something incongruous about the. whole thing. However, one year I beat them to it., That particular. gospel was always read in the Fall. Early in September'l awoke one morning with warning cramps -appropriately on Labor Day. I never believed anyone had a baby on Labor Day. It was one of those ,things you joke about -but never happens. After watching the clock for 'awhile, it was soon stabilized at about 10 minutes apart. I decided I better wake my husband, and get: moving.. Llitle Too Sweet I finally aroused him enough to hear me. "I think I'm starting. The contractions are about 10 minutes apart. We'd better get to the hospital." With underwhelming enthusi. asm he mumbled, "Go back to sleep. Maybe it will go away." He rolled over and was sound asleep again. I counted two more contractions, which were getting closer. Another try: and he realized we had to hurry. Fortunately, the hospital is only a few minutes away. The woman at the admitting desk was sweet-just a little too sweet. "Oh, yes dear, have a seat and I'll be right with you." Countdown As the pains kept getti~g e1C?ser., I had the feeling she was ne....er coming back. I wasn't" in the mood for small talk, and she reopened the admission with, "Starting labor on Labor Dayhow nice." ' I really didn't care how nice it' was at the moment, I just wanted to get upstairs before it was too late. . "Now, dear, how far apart are your contractions?" "Six minutes." "Well, you'll be a little while yet, dear. This is your, first baby?"

"Oh. my heavens. yes! W~'d better get you upstairs. I'll get the information from your hus'band." A ' lovely nurse who knew all about delivering babie:> frdm reading textbooks assured the that she would call the doctor wheil it was time. 1 'That, Fast' . . ; I assured her I had already called the doctor-and it w'as time. : "On no, dear; your contraction's tire still five mfnutes apah. You'll' be awhiie yet." I' "That one was five minut~s. I' -The next one will be four. then three. In ten minutes. this baby is going to 'be ready tocom~.'· ;'Just relax. dear, It doesn't go ,that fast." I "Well, the 'last seven hJve eorie that fast, and we better ~et moving, or you'll be delivering tHe baby right here!" ,'! , Wryat little confidence I h:ad in her went down the drain wilen she observed "stretch marks" ~n my left side and wondered when I had my appendix remov~d.' Thank God, she was only helping deliver my baby. I'd h~te to have her assist at an appen: dectomy. " ': The doctor ar-rived, and 'as promptly as ·1 had' predicted, 6ur eighth, a girl, was born. i 'Old Ones' I By mid-afternoon I was f~el. ing quite well, and very cont~nt to lie in bed, eat, read and sle~p. I soon learned a friend of mine I had come in a few days eai'lier and was down at the other ~nll of the hall-with her 10th chjld~ , Since my bed was right near the door. I could overhear the conversation of the '''young mothers" walking in the hall. They sounded like the guided tour i to the oddities in the hospitat "Take a look at this one in here. She just had her eig~th. And, the 'qther 'old one' is ;all the way down the o'ther endshe had her tenth." i They soon had me feeling 'like a "medical miracle" having delivered so late in life-at the impossible old age of 32.


i I


Swedish Church Na~es 'First- Woman Pastor i STOCKHOLM (NC)-The issue of women ministers has cau~ed a .division within the' Lutheran State Church in Sweden" but ,the number of female clergy con• I tmues to grow. I Over the opposition of the parish council and the St~ck­ holm diocesan chapter, the government has appointed the first woman pastor of a state church parish. She is the Rev. Matgit Sahlin, who became one of ~he first ordained women ministers in 1960.' The Parliament ~nd Church Synod in 1958 appro~ed an amendment. of the state church's canon law to allow women cler,gy.

ENGLAND'S GYPSIES: Although they are' still persecuted, England's gypsies still cling ·to the aId ways. Here, a: group of gypsy children' pose outside thefr mobile home. NC'Photo.

CHICAGO (NC)-Members of thl.' National Coalition of American Nuns called on the Church to approve "ordination for any ljualified woman who so desires." Speaking for the organization, which numbers I,SOO nuns across the country, Sister Margaret Ellen Traxler, S.S.N.D., of the group's executive board commented: "In keeping with 'Pacem in Terris," women mu;>t ask for ordination, since 'he who possesses certain rights has likewise the duty to claim those . rights as marks of his dignity.' " The text of the statement re, leased here said that "there is no theological, sociological or biological reason' for denying ordination to women." Above all, the coalition of nuns emphasized the need for more workers in the sacred ministry. "Is there Wisdom in speaking of vocation shortage while denying equality to half the Church's membership'," NCAN members asked. Sister Traxler said "granting ordinatiun to all qualified women who so desire will relieve the Church of centuries-old discrimination. This will do much for proclamation of the Sacred Word and above all for equality of all members of the human family."

. ,Jubilarian Seven Holy Union' of the Sqcred Hearts Religious <;:ommemorate 'Anniversaries Seven Holy, Union Sisters, members of the community at Sacred Hearts Convent, 47 Prospect Place, Fall River, were joined this week by their fellow religious to commemorate their respective anniversaries. Sister Johanna Monka McKenna and Sister Jeanne Alice McKenna, blood sis.ters, natives of Pawtucket, Observed their sixtieth annivers:u.ry. Sister Maria Immaculata. (Mary G. Sullivan) and Sister Frances Aloysius (Mary Skehan), both natives of Fall River, ,celebrated their Golden Jubilee. Commemorating 25 years in religious life were Sister Anne Marie Phillips, a native of Fall River, Sister Frances Farrell, of

State Auditor Predicts Nonpublic School Aid WHEATON (NC) - The man who controls Illinois" purse strings predi,cted here the state will approve state aid to nonpublic schools. , Michael J. Howlett, auditor of Illinois' public accounts, speaking before the DuPage County Serra Club here, underscored the education in. this country. He said there is a "raging debate" throug!:lOut Illinois over' the issue, which has the backing of Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie but failed 'to clear a Senate committee in the last legislative session. "But state aid to nonpublilc schools will come up again-arid ,again, if necessary. And it will pass. It will pass in Illinois the same way it has in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Connecticut and last month in Michigan," he asserted.

Amesbury, and Sister Pauline Marie Dufour of Lawrence. The members of the Community at Prospect Place, together with the Holy Union Sisters from the area, joined the jubilariims at u special Mass of Thanksgiving in the Convent Chapel: Following this they assembled in the' Community Family Room to off.er greetings and gifts, before gathering for thf' Special Jubilee Feast. Of the seven jubilarians. Sister Maria Immaculata. Sister Frances Aloysius,' and Sister Anne Marie are graduates of Sacred Hearts Academy and have spent the greater portion of their religious life as teachers in the Academy of the Sacred Hearts. The two Golden Jubilarians are now retired from active teaching.

Open Senate Hearings On Education Problems WASHINGTON (NC) - Opening of Senate hearings on educational problems of the nation's second-largest minority group-Mexican.Am~ric~llls ~ was announced by Minnesota Democratic Sen. Walter F. Mondale. Commenting on the need for the hearings by the Senate Select Committee on' Equal Educational Opportunity, Mondale characterized the education of Mexican-Americans as "a shameful corner of the American educational system." Mondale said that in Texas only 46 per cent of the' MexicanAmericans between the ages of 16 and 19 are in school. Of the age group 20·49, he added, 79 per cent have not completed high school.


944 County Street NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 992·6618

Sister Anne Murie, former Principal 'at Sacred Hearts Aca, demy left this week for her new assignment as a member of a Catechetical Team in the Diocese -of Orlando, Florida. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II~

~ Color Process


Year Books





'I= =

American Press, Inc. OFF S E T-P.RINTERS 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.



Phone 997-9421

THE ANCHOR-. Thurs., Sept. 3, 1970

Boots Warm, Fashionable" Sometimes Uncomfortablle

Schools to Have Fewer Students

How many pairs of boots did you buy last year? If you managed to get by the whole Winter with only one pair, don't try it this year. The designers are advocating that you have as many different pairs of boots as you do shoes. So we all better go on a boot-buying spree. through this one too. Most of This, of course, is easier us put appearance ahead of com·' said than done seeing that furt; therefore I won't make any tl1t:~

price of a good pair of boots falls into the $35-$45 range. While we are not the most upto-the-minute area, fashion-wise, we are fortunate in that we do have a great many discount stores and retail outlets and


there is a good possibility that we can pick up some of these boots at discount prices. Then it would be possible to have more than one pair. Another drawback to the big emphasis On boots, with the dropped hemline, is that boots are warm and if they are worn indoors any length of time they become quite uncomfortable. While J personally love the look of boots, the feci of them on my feet hour after hour is something else. , In fact, in our school, at least 'on the' elermiilta'fy, ievel;, we're' --Je'~t'lt11'a't'tt{~1', hild}en,'d"'ift'r . ~ear 't'ile tot~ .typ~jM:\nht§'~~, wear the shoeless variety, that they bring shoes to change into. ,Appearance First On a few occasions I have forgotten my own shoes and have spent 8j miserable morning teach· ing in .boots. Unless one works in pretty drafty quarters I can't imagine being comfortable in them for long periods. of time, especially while working. Well, women have, lived through many uncomfortable fashions and I suppose we'll live

Accept Broadca,sting Grant Applications NEW YORK (NC)-The Catholic Communications Foundation here is accepting applications for 1971 financial grants, for which individuals and organizations serving the broadcasting apostol· ate of the Church are eligible. Bishop John A. Donovan of Toledo, Ohio, foundation presiident, said "it is our intention to keep eligibility for grants as broad as possible." "I want to emphasize that the ever·increasing demand for trained personnel to serve the special radio and television responsibilities of the Church in the United States has become an important interest of the Catholic Communications Foundation. Projects and training opportunities in religious communications will undoubtedly carry a high priority with the CCF this year," the bishop said. A panel of communications executives reviews all applications for grants. The recommendations of the group are forwarded to the board of directors for final approval. Foundation grants are awarded during Jan-



LOS ANGELES (!':Ie) - Enl'ol1ment statistics indicate 5,000 fewer students wil1 attend Catholic elementary and high schools in the Los Angeles archdiocese in the H170·71 school year. An l'nrollment of 160,000 pupils is

bets about boots not being worn.


Aside from comfort the boots for the '70s are very, very hand· some. Many are laced giving them the look of the prairie or the covered wagon era; this type blends well with the gaucho pants or tweed midis. Others are decorated with straps, scal10ped edges or cut-out decorations.

Msgr. Donakl Montrose, secondary school superintendent, said chief cause for the decline was the rising cost of education. plus shortage of Religious teaching personnel. One. high school will close while another will operate a girls' department. but discontinue its section for boys. One parish school will close while four others are consolidating.

Pink or Blue? I was in high school when the first stylish boots for everyday wear began to be seen. These were ankle high with alpaca linings. We thought they were just beautiful and they certainly were after an era where galoshes were the only thing one could find to keep our feet dry,' (waterproof they were"':-fashion. able they were not)

It was reported that inability of the archdiocese to meet school deficits at present levels has brought transfers of thousands of students from parochial to public schools in the last five year-s, increasing educational costs by more than $50 million.

However, it took some time before the boot fad finally caught on and I remember quite distinctly asking a local shoeclerk if he had boots in stock (this was in the late '40s) and he glibly asked in retul11, "w'hat color, pink or blue?"

Says Young Understand Real Value of leisure



We've come a long way, baby, in those 20 years and now boots a re udsed nhot only to kdee p your feet r.y; t ey are. use alS9 to keep thehHa'shiOrfa'ble-> ..... "


' . ,;'


ll""!': ~_


'WHAT GOES UP: John Beery, 4, of Brandywine, Pa., :,~: .,,,' " .",', ,;" . " .... , we'nt 'up ·with' the 'garage door when he opened it. H~ Honor Mother of Five" was rescued without incident after hanging in, the air For Vietnam Work for a few minutes. NC Photo.

MURRYSVILLE (NC) - Mrs. Thomas K. (Randy) Engel, mother of five, has been hon'· ored for her work on behalf of refugees and orphans in South Vietnam. A member of Mother of Sor· rows parish here in Pennsylvania, Mrs. Engel was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal "for exceptional and meritorious service" to Vietnam by Dao Trinh Binh, a director of the Vietnam' Council on Foreign Relations. Mrs. Engel is executive director of .the National Vietnam Refugee and Information Service which aids thousands of refugees and orphans in South Vietnam. She also edits The Vietnam Journal. The Service operates five centers in Vietnam and aids two Buddhist and two Catholic or" phanages. Founded in 1965, it has 200 active and 2,000 supporting members.

Install First Elected Province Director ST. PAUL (NC)-Sister Miriam Joseph Cummings was installed as the first elected province director of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet here. Previouly the directors were appointed. , Succeeding Sister Mary Edward Healy, who held the office since 1964. Sister Miriam has been superior of the College of St. Catherine, conducted by the Sisterhood here. and secretarytreasurer of the college corporation.

Aid. Hurricane Victims I,

Bishop, Priests, Nuns and laymen Work Tirelessly to Bring Assistance

CORPUS CHRISTI (NC)-Part of the $25,000 the diocese has spent meeting ,emergency needs of Hurricane Celia's victims has made its way to the people via 60 Sisters traveling on a mercy mission throughout the area. , "Day and night since Aug. 5," said Corpus Christi Bishop Thomas J. Drury, "60 Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament have worked ful1 time, giving thousands of hours of service in all areas struck by the storm." The bishop who has been visiting ,storm-struck areas himself, said the Sisters and parish priests along with hundreds of lay volunteers have worked "tirelessly to bring food, clothing, medical s~pplies and other forms of assistance to disaster victims." The bi'shop has'also met with officials -of the National Catholic Disaster Relief Committee from Washington, D.C., who arrived to. offer, consultation and evaluation of the Church's role in relief operations following the storm which hit Texas Aug. 3. Meeting with the bishop were Msgr. Leo J. Coady, committee chairman, and John M. Hayes. secretary. They made a two-day tour of the heavily damaged southern coastal towns and reo

turned to Washington to outline further plans for assistance. Church officials in the 'resort town of Corpus Christi have been working closely with the American Red Cross to distribute supplies. Hundreds of persons came to temporary headquarters in the basement of the Corpus Christi Cathedral. "It soon became apparent that our facilities were overtaxed and more space would be needed," said the bishop. He and Red Cross officials worked for several days to procure use of a local spacious coliseum for use as emergency facilities. State Rep. Carols Truan had, also urged that. the operation be moved to enable more persons to be handled more efficiently.

ST. LOUIS (NC)-Qut of a guilt-ridden American populace which for years justified leisure hours by "playing hard," springs a generation tuned into a softer definition-a realistic and satisfying concept of how to play and what to do with free time. America's new scope of leisure stems from rejection of the Puritun ethic that work conquers evil; according to Father Sean Quinlan, Irish-born theology professor at Fontbonne College here. In his analysis of changes in attitudes toward leisure, Father Quinlan said that Catholics "'have been the most successful in copying the Puritan ethic." But, he added, young persOns in the United States today-"-including Catholics-are rejecting that ethic and coming to understand the real value of leisure. "In the last two years or so," he cited," "the kids have started a new expression: 'That's a fun thing to do.''' He said he believes the contrast between this understanding of leisure and that of the "play hard" expression used by older Americans is most significant.


John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET Fall River OS 8-5811





New Bedford



THE ANCHORThurs., Sept,- 3,



The P aJr-ish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

SAN DIEGO (NC) - Bishop Leo T. Maher has called, on all parishes in the San Diego diocese to form councils before the end of the year which will "involve all members of the Church in their priestly mission." He issued a "Guidelines for Parish Councils" brochure to all pastors with a remiIlder that a parish council involving clergy, Religious and laity "can be most helpful." . "It can help the people' of God become more aware.of their mission, more articulate in dialogue, and more involved in renewal efforts of the Church," he said. The guidelines include basic steps for setting up a council, a constitution and by-laws; a bibliography of books and pam· phlets on councils, and suggested' sermon outlines for pastors to explain councils to parishioners.

chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, Fall River

02722. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, HREWSTER The Women's Guild will open the year with a Mass at 8 on Tuesday night,' Sept. 8 and installation of officers will be held after Mass. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, IFALL RIVER . The Council of Catholic Women will hold its first meeting at 7:30 on Wednesday night, SepC 9 in the church hall.

Jesuits. Appoint·· Press Officer LONDON (NC) - The English Province of the Jesuits has ap· pointed a layman to be its fulltime press officer. He is Hugp. Kay, 46, a Cath·· olic journalist, writer and broadcaster who was formerly editor of the Scottish Catholic Herald and an' assistant editor of the Jesuit .review, the Month. The Jesuits' London headquarters at Farm Street receives many inquiries from the press, television and the public about Catholic affairs. . Kay, whose salary is $7,200 a year, in addition to answering' these inquiries will also' act as general public relations officer for the province, help Jesuits in journalistic techniques, and pass on Jesuit information to the so· ciety's members throughout Brit· ain. The Jesuits are the first Catholic Religious community in this country to make such an appointment, but the Church generally is always cooperative with the mass media. Both the English-Welsh and the Scottish hierarchies have in the past few years set up press offices, in London and Glasgow, with a full-time journalist in charge. The Anglican Church has had' its own press office in London for many years and the other major Churches all have press officers, though they are not always journalistically trained.


Priest Heads India Association

CHINDIGARH (NC) An American-born Divine Word priest has been elected president of India's national Association on Mental Retardation. Father Arthur Malin, S.V.D., . 68, was elected here by the asso· ciation's general meeting as its third president. A native of Wisconsin, Father Malin, who' has, been in India since .1947, is a founding member of the association and founder of India's only fully fledged Vocational Guidance Center, at Nagpur. The meeting here also named . the priest to be in charge of speakers and papers at an AllIndia Conference of Mental Retardation, scheduled to be held in Madras in December.

Urges Parishes Form Councils

Use Old Newsprint' To 'Roll Their Own'

I !


EXAGGERATED REPORT: Indian nuns stroll in the garden of their convent in Genoa, Italy. The Vatican annohnced that day· that the practice of recruiting poor Indian girls to become nuris in Europea~ convents had been suspended, terming press reports that the girls were sold to the convents exaggera ted. and sensationalistic. NC Photo. I i

Opposes Arhendment on Equal Rights I

'Congresswo;man Fears ·Hom·e Life Breakup .

WEWAK (NC) "Wantok tastes good, like a newspaper should" might well be the slogan for the first national Christian newspaper in the territory of' Papua-New Guinea. In the United States, Am.ericans use newspapers to wrap their garbage in, but in this Australia-administered. territory the people are accustomed to use old newspapers (or rolling their' own cigarettes. When Wantok,' which means' '''one talk" in Melanesian pidgin, . was started, the paper's organ..'" izing team, headed by Father Francis Mihalic, S.V.D., from Er'ie, Pa., ran a ....s eries of tests to determine which paper stock was the best for making cigarettes.

"In fairness every. working ST.. LOUIS (NC)-For the last responsibility for the support of 18 years Mrs. Leonor K. Sutli-j his family could be completely person- be it man or womanshould have the same benefits," "an, a Democrat, l-tas enjoyed the, wiped out," she said. distinction of being Missouri's. If the amendment is passed Mrs. Sullivan said. At present, only woman in the {J. S. HOUS~ I "by the Senate; as expected, and she noted, single women, whose of Representatives, but she still ratified by three·fourths of the dependent survivors are not 'eli: believes a woman's most impor- states it "could change family gible for benefits are particularly tant job is in the home. .I life as we 'know it in this discriminated against under the That conviction is why she isl ' country," Mrs. Sullivan asserted. . Social Security Act. But, she said, this could easily ','And I still feel that the backopposed to the constitutonall amendment on equal rights fori bone of any country is the right be corrected by the House Ways women which won House ap-j kind of family unity and family and Means Committee. "They could and should make pr?val by a 350-15 vote. I life," she said. The amendment would open'· Mrs. Sullivan said she does these corrections and we have up a box of mischief," Mrs. SUI-! not believe Such an amendment testified before the committee livan told NC News. is necessary to assure. non- asking that these inequalities be corrected* * *but you don't need , First to come out of that box,! ' discrin11nation against women. a sweeping amendment to the Same SS Benefits she said, would be "much pro-: Constitution to change them," "W·· d'd longed and' . . confusing litgation"l, e I amen d th'e C"I IVI she said. CITIES SERVICE about eXlstmg laws based on: R' ht t t . I . I Ig S ac 0 give women equa DISTRIBUTORS sex. UltImately to come out, "she, opportunities," she said. "We suggested, would be further de-, d'd . I . I l' f . I Insur(lJnce Agent Gasoline terioration of hollie life." , I pass egis a IOn or' equa "I h appen t 0 b eI'leve . m • Ie,' payd for equal work for. women. .. ' Becomes Bishop fuel and Range 't . f . "M S I I An there are other provIsIOns sanc t I y 0 marrIage, rs. u·' h TRICHUR (NC)-A priest who ·. 'd "I b I' th t th' t at could and should be enacted I Ivan sal. e leve a el t .. . f became an insurance agent in or,home environment is one of the ? preven t d'ISCrImmatlOn. a ong der to raise funds for a home for OIL BURNERS most important things to civili-', lInes wher~ women, .d~splte t~e the aged has been consecr'ated · I thO k th t th b k I new laws, are defmltely dlsFor Prompt Delivery t za Ion. m a e rea UPI .. t d .." bishop of the Trichur diocese. of home life and the lack ofl CrImma e agamst. & Day & Night Service Officials of the Life Insurance true responsibility by parents I Among t~e l~gal cha~ges. need- Corporation of India announced in the home is one of the chief I ed, she said, IS equalIzatIon of that Bishop Joseph Kundukulam. G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS causes of the problems" ofl Social Security. benefits, w~ich of Trichur had been one of its young people todilY. I supporters claim would.. be agents since 1961 'and had sold ,Rural Bottled Gas Service Mrs. Sullivan said that final I forced. by the equal rIghts policies worth a total of about 6 t COHANNET ST' adoption of the amendment amendment. $135,000. TAUNTON could ~ccelerate breakup of I The new bishop used his comhome life because of the "kind I Predict Celibacy Attleboro - No. Attleboro missions to help support St. of laws the amendment would I • Taunton Anne's Home for. the Aged, of law to Remain wipe out." . which he was a .director. AMSTERDAM (NC) - Priests . Family Unity "Laws regarding child sup-! in the Netherlands have been port, custody of children, the re- I told that there is little hope that sponsibility of the father as the: the IDutch bishops will be able head of the household and his to bring about any change in the Church's law on priestly celibacy. In a letter to all priests in Director Dies this country,. the Dutch bishops at FATIMA (NC) ~ Dr. Pereira said that 'Pope Paul VI "finds Gens, who had headed the med- that in conscience it is not his ical bureau at the, Marian' shrine 'task to change the law on celihere ever since it was formed bacy ~s it has existed for so in 192,6, died Aug. 21. Dr. Gens . many centuries." was working on a book on the The Pope also· believes that 115 WWLLlAM ST. 'NEW BEDFORD, MASS. major cures at Fatima he had generally all bishops agree with investigated. him, the. Dutch bishops said.


H. RILEY & SON, Inc.




"Save Witlll



THE ANCHOR,·· Thurs., Sept. 3, 1970

Outlines Solution To Problem Of Theology BOSTON (NC)-An optimistic solution aimed at defining the relation of academic. theology to the Church's teaching authority was uutlined here by Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Addressing the ninth general assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities here, the University of Notre Dame head expressed confidence there will be an "ultimate theoretical solution." He based his viewpoint on the continuing dialogue between the federation and the Vatican Congregation for Christian Education concernng the freedom and autonomy of theology in Catholic universities since 1!l63 when he hecame federation president. In his talk to the assembly at Boston College, Father Hesburg expressed belief that the problem already has been solved in a number of institutions, "but not without some occasional anguish on the part of persons representing" the teaching authority of the Church. "One great result of our c,ontinuing discussions with the (Vatican) congregation should be an ultimate. theoretical solution recognized by the Church," Father Hesburgh said. "Until that happens, there will still be those who say that a Catholic university is a contradiction in terms. Personally, I am optimistic about an ultimate theoretical solution." New Challenges Father Hesburgh said that while there' is no 'limit, to the number of terms a federation president may serve, he personally believes it should be limited to two or three. His address marked his resignation as head of the organization. . Outlining his reasons for not seeking reelection, he said: "There are new challenges now facing the federation and I believe these will be fulfilled better with new and fresh leadership and the enthusiasm that comes with beginnings." He said the federation has grown in stature over the years to a point today where its representatives are invited to attend a majority of conferences throughout the world dealing with higher education. He recalled the difficulties encountered over a two-year period "to accomplish the research, planning and worldwide visitation of Christian theologians and theological faculties, Protestant, Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox" before the federation was ready to send delegates to a number of important conferences in the'mid1960s. Q

Ponder Voluntary Prayers in Schools CAVENDISH (NC)-Cavendish school officials announced that they may still introduce voluntary prayers into classrooms despite threats of a state aid cutoff and a Vermont Civil Liberties Union lawsuit. The state's education department has warned school officials that any school introducing prayers-banned by a U. S. Supreme Court decision - would face the loss of state educational funds.


Thorny Problem At Notre Dame

GRAND TOUR: President Nixon shows the grounds of his western White House at San Clemente, Calif., to (left to right) Archbishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles; Cardinal Jam~s McIntyre, retired Archbishop of Los-Angeles; and Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York. NC Photo.

Health Official Hits 'Social Engineers' Says HEW Perpetuates Population Explos'ion Myth ST. PAUL (NC) - A public to rid the country of poverty, he health official and magazine charged they are striving to "get editor attacked pro-abortion rid ~f the 'poor by decimation." stands taken by "social engiDr. Ratner, here to speak beneers" in Congress and federal fore a student association 'congovernment departments. ventjon at Macalaster College, Dr. Harold Ratner, editor, said in an interview the decision Child and Family magazine, by the U. S. Defense Department criticized the U. S. Senate ap- to permit abortion-on-demand at proved $1 billion family planning military bases without 'regard to bill, due to be considered shortly local laws was evidence that by the House of Representatives. The bill fails to define family planning, Dr. Ratner said in an Appoint Educator interview here, but calls on U. S. Twin Circle Editor taxpayers to foot the bill "carte CULVER CITY (NC) - Dr. blanche for a family life program Robert Morris of Dallas, Tex., that could include abortion and educator, author and World War infanticide." The "social engineers" in gov- II naval officer, has been named ernment apparently are seeking editor-publisher of Twin Circle,' conservative national Catholic to "cut down the welfare rolls weekly newspaper published and the high taxes that accomhere. pany welfare." Instead of !rying Morris will succeed Father Daniel Lyons, S.J., and also will Delegates Attend continue to serve as president of the University of Plano (Texas). Malcolm X Play Father Lyons will continue to WASHINGTON (NC) - Dele- write a column for the paper gates to the first national black and also has ,been appointed Catholic lay convention here editor-at-Iarge, operating from took a break from discussions an office in New York City. and debates to take a look at Father Lyons resigned recently one of the na~ion's first all-black as editor and publisher of Twin theater groups. While lights 'and music set the Circle after an editorial disagreescene on a nearly empty stage, ment with Archbishop Robert J. members of the New Orleans' Dwyer of Portland, Ore., the Dashiki Project Theatre talked, newspaper's board ch~irman. joked, danced and cried their way through EI Hajj Malik, the life of slain black leader Malcolm X. Organizied in 1968, the Dashiki group got its start with a 13-week grant from the Economic Opportunity Corporation and the use of the St. Francis de Sales auditorium in New Orleans. Finishing its second season this month, the group can look back on two years of dramatic production based largely, its brochure says, "on faith, hope, sweat and the continued support of Father G. Joseph Putnam of St. Francis de Sales."

Aids Flood Victims In Northern Brazil NEW YORK (NC)-A $17,500 plane shipment of vaccines and other medicines was dispatched by Catholic Relief Services here to aid some 10,000 flood victims in northern Brazil. Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of the U. S. Catholics' overseas aid agency, said danger of leptospirosis, a disease which Ultimately can cause kidney, spinal and brain damage, was feared among the flood victms.

the bill now pending before the House favored abortion and infanticide research. He said the "myth of the population explosion" is being per· petuated by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare by propaganda. But in a report issued by the National Planning Task Force on July 4, the government admitted population was not a major problem and the country was "heading for a stable population by the year 2000," he said. Step to Slaughter Dr. Ratner, director of public health in Oak Park, Ill., declared: "The social engineers are pushing for family planning Which includes abQrtion under the enormous misconception that there is a population explosion." Legalized abortion is the first step leading to the slaughter of deformed babies who were classeCl by Adolf Hitler as "the useless eaters," Dr. Ratner said. Dr. Ratner acknowledged he subscribes to the dictu!U that "you 'shouldn't impose your morality on another." He added that this should be remembered by legislators and citizens when they are con'fronted with the life and death of human beings. "Every legislator should speak out against killing, no matter what the consequence. Abortion is killing," the public health official said.

NOTRE DAME (NC) - The thorny question these days at the University of Notre Dame centers around what's going to happen to a $10,000 collection of cacti and other succulent plants amassed by Father Joseph McGrath, C.S.c. Father McGrath, former dean of the uni'versity Summer school, is about to leave here for' his new post as superior of the Congregation of Holy Cross' Sari Leandro (Calif.) House. During his 12 years' here, he collected more than 1,300 African and American water-storing plants now housed in a greenhouse behind the biology building. His specimens' won 10 blue ribbons over the last two years at the Chicago World Flower Show; plus eight second, third and honorable mentio~ prizes. Father McGrath disclaims the role of scientist, insisting he's just a devoted gardener. He said he has no intention of taking his collection to California, or beginning another one there. Caring for desert-breeding plants in changeable climates of this area is far from easy, but Father McGrath observed: "Once the bug hits you, there isn't much hope." He's particularly proud of his varieties of cactus. He said: "True cacti grow only in the AmericaS. Similar plants which store water in a sap or pulp for non-rainy days thrive in Africa, but lack the thorns and spines of true cactus."









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THE ANCHOR:- Diocese of Fal~.1~iver-.. Thurs.,.?ept.3, 1970

Against Smut

Far~ Workers-Te,amsters Pact Historic Do'cument I

The U.S. Catholic Bishups' Committee on Farm Labor became involved in the California table grape dispute several'months ago in an effort to bring the parties together and to persuade them to settle their differences peaceftilly I and equitably through the normal processes of collec- the tununiltee in Salinas, Cal. on tive bargaining. Partly be- Tuesday, Aug. 11, In the absknce , cause of the Committee's efforts in this regard, the grape dispute has now been substantially resolved, but nu. sooner had the decisive Delano contracts been negotiated when, quite unexpectedly, a potentially more troublesome problem arose in the form of a jurisdictio'nal dispute between the United Farm



Workers Organizing Committee and the Western CO!lference of Teamsters, .In response to this worrisome development, the Bishops' Committee,' acting, through its chairman, Bis'hop Joseph F. Donnelly, auxilia'ry bishop' of Hf\rtford, addressed an urgent appeal to the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee and the Western Conference of Teamsters to meet with representatives of the Committee in a sincere' effort to resolve their jurisdictional dispute, Bishop Donnelly's appeal to the parties reads; in substance, as follows: Urgent Meeting There is, to our mind" no question that· the· farm workers want union recognition. We are also convinced that the grciwer employers are willing to' recognize such ,a union. The only question remaining is which union do the workers want. In order to' safeguard the newly-won peace in; the agricultural industry, 'and to avoid the possibility of another prolonged struggle, we, the members of the U.S, Catholic Bishops' Committee on Farm Labor, appeal to al1 the parties concerned to come together to see)< a resolution of this problem, As chairma,n of that committee, I, specifically cal1 up'on the United Farm Workers' Organizing CO,lllmittee, AFL-CIO, the, Western Conference of Teamsters, and the growers involved to meet with our committee to attempt to re,resolve and settle this dis~ pute, ' Because the current harvest is underway, it is ur e gent that a meeting be s c h e d u led immediately, Therefore, I am calling for such a meeting to be held early this week, Good W~I1, Courtesy Both parties responded immediately and very favorably to the committee's appeal and agreed . to hold a series of Il)eetings with representatives of


VATICAN - CITY (NC)--Mol'al del'adt'nct' !"xt'mplifil'd by the nudity, sexlwl pervershlll and porniogl'aphy in contemporary suciety has bi~t'Jl till' recent target uf attacks by both Pi,pe Paul\ VI and the Vatican City daily, The U. S, Presidential Commission on PUl'llography also canw in fur criticism f"olll the Vatican City paper. Tht' Pope criticized tht, nudity, sexual aberrations and sadism found in today's permissive society at a general audience at his SUllllnt-r home at Castelgandolfo, A week later, in a front-page editurial, the Vatican City daily, L'Osservatore Rumano, said that neither censorship of the press nor legislation can cure t;he "decadence and shamelessness of modern habits" so affected by pornography. Raimondi Man-. zini, the paper's editor-in-chief, called for a reeva!uation of modern customs and attitudes to combat moral decadence. Censorship by local boards of r distinguished and respected citizen's would probably be ruled unconstitutional in Italy as it has been in the United States, , ,Manzini admitted. "This assumptiun needs no greater proof," he said, "if it is true that the U, S, Presidential Commission on ,Pornography concluded that it ,could, not be ascertained if pornography, exercised a pernicious influence on morality!"

of the chairman, Bishop DonnelIy, who was unavoidably: detained in Connecticut, I iwas privileged to chair those meetings, with the able assistanc:e of Monsignur Roger Mahony' of Fresno, Cal., who was servin'gin his capacity as secretary of l the .~. committee. I Beginning early Tuesl)ay mbrn,.~ ~,/ ing, Aug. 11, Monsignor Ma~ony '/./" ,....,. and I met with the parties ~ep­ arately over a period of se~eral SISTER DISTRIBUTES COMMUNION: Sister Adrian, hours and at 10:30 P.M. called D.C., one of the 14 nuns granted permission by Archbishop them together for what turned I, Philip Hannan to distribute Holy Communion to patients in out to be a non-stop all-mght Charity Hospital, New Orleans, executes her privilege'that session which, happily, resulted the increased number of Catholics may receive the Eucharist at 6 A.M" Wednesday, Aug.: 12, in a 'formal pact between, I the daily. ' United Farm Workers Org~niz­ ing Committee and the' Western Conference of Teamsters, i As I told the media at a jpint NEW YORK (NC)-A federal terian Hospital to explain why press conference at noon that court judge here cited Presby- it refused to let a doctor on its staff perform an abortion on a day, I look upon this mutuaI: assistance pact as being a it'uly nounce--even before this column 18-year-old unmarried girl under historidll document in the; an- appears in' print-that the par- the state;s new unrestrictive nals of. farm labor, and. I 'am ties have settled their ,differences abortion law, fully confident that it will work and have signed col1ective barThe suit was bruught" by Dr. to the mutual benefit of all con- gaining contracts covering a Robert Hall, an' obstetrician-gycerned, workers and groWers variety of crops in the Salinas necologist on the hospital staff. alike. i . Valley, In fact, I am absolutely . The doctor .said it is the presIn the name of the Bishbps' certain that this is' going to ent policy of the hospital to require paren~al,co,t:I.s~!lt f(,lr an Tourist Compelled Committee, I should like to ton- happen, . . abortion· on 'any ~emale, under gratulate both, parties, very ~in­ I 1;\m equal1y certain, however, 21'' :" .,"- - ;(ll.'I' .... · ,:. '1,1 .' .i,,=- • ',$!' J,',. cerely'for the,st:atesmarilike' ~nd mat' if couldil't'hil\i~ hJ~ppefied:':':' .1.. I(.~;.;ii ~lif,,;;·.:; UI'f; d sill '~!J' '.)j 'J~Hi ~~ rfrl~ ALlCANTE (NC) -,-,A" y!,)uqg highly constructive mannerj in h6ssi~ly'fo~ ~ev~'ra'l' yea rs...:...if .the , ':Phe ,girl'in:,the'ufse :iMhi1given which they have resolved their Teamsters and the Farm \\"ork~ the fictitious name of Sally Poe: Puerto Rican tourist w~aring a jurisdictional dispute, and Mon- ers had failed to settle their juris- It was stated the girl did not Il;j~ro-nlini ski~t, ,a fishnet blous,e signor Mahony and I, speaking dictional dispute on Aug. 12. have 'parental consent, but· also and no bra was taken into cusin a more personal vein, wis~ to When I arrived in Salinas on explained she had been living tudy by Spanish pulice here and commend t!fem for the matur:ity, Aug. II, I was frarikly very pes- <;eparate from her family since urJered to accompany them tq"a ., the good, judgment, the gpod simistic 'al;>out their ability or October, has been, supporting nearby deparment store. herself, was graduated from high There the girl was obliged to will, and the unfailing courtesy their willingness to do so. ,;chool in June and does not wish purchase a maxi-skirt and a new' which tDey brought to their UifIn fact, I was' reasonably cer· tu let her parents know' that she blouse and police ordered the 'ficuU assignment. i tain in my own mind that if they is eight weeks pregnant. salesgirls not to let her leave Prrzises Growers didn't settle the d'ispute by Weduntil she was "properly dressed" We told the parties when :we nesday morning, Aug, 12, they ·Under the state's newabor, first met with them on :the were' headed inevitably for a tiun regulations, voluntary and in the new clothes.' Pulice did not press ,charges morning of Aug, 11 that we were civil' wa'r which might have nonprofit hospitals may make hoping for and would, do pur dragged on indefinitely, ii: was their own rules regarding abor- against the girl, but said she had 0 best to help them hammer out a for this reason that I decided to tions.. Cathulic hospitals have re- to pay about $23 for the new clothes, document which would be more ,keep th~m in session all night .fust'd to allow abortions, than an armistice, more than a without so much as a coffee legalistic non-aggression pact. break. SIX CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU In short, we urged them to ;try' New Era to come up with an agreement Fortunately 'this emergency which would be thoroughly'p~si~ strategy was successful and, by tive in tone and would be calcu- noon the fol1owing ,day, with the lated not so much to defend: or formal announcement of their protect their separate inter~sts mutual assistance pact, we had as to promote their mutual.1 in- moved into a new era in the terests and the general lin- annals of farm labor not' only terest of the entire agricultural in the .State of California but OF TAUNTON industry. We think ,they ,have throughout the rest of the nation North Dighton .• North Easton • Norton done just that and h'ave done it as well. ' Raynham' • Taunton very well. ! . ,Fr<Lm here on in there can 110 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo~ation The growers in the Salillas longer be any doubt that col1ec. Valley are also to be congnitu- tive bargaining will eventual1y lated for their willingness to become the standard method of ognize the col1ective bargaining handling labor-management rela- ~1II1111"""III"""IIII11I1I1I11""IIII11I11I11I11I11I11I11II1I11I11I11I11I1I1"III11"IIII11I11J11I1""IIIIIIJllJllJllIIIIIII1I11111~ rights of their workers and: to tions in' the entire' agricultural help develop a sound system: of ' industry. The question is no labor-management relations I in longer "if" but "when" this wil1 their crucially important ind1us- happen. : INC. try, . I For my own part, I am optiOn Tuesday ll'lorning; Aug. 118, mistic enough to think that it they started negotiating with, the won't take very long. That's United Farm Workers Orgartiz- why I said at the press confering Committee. I was asked lby ence in Salinas on Aug, 12the parties to sit in on these he- and wish to repeat at this time-§ gotiations' as a representative 'that the Teamster-UFWOC mu- § of the Bishops Committee !on tual assistance pact was a truly Farm Labor. .. i historic document in the annals All Night Session i of the farm labor movement in Speaking ,in that capacity! I this country. Again, sincere confully expect to be able to. an- gratulations to b01h unions.

, v"'"'"


Sues Hospital in Abortion Case




P,ro" err:










Persuasion Proper Method To Change People's Minds In the last column I argued that my political and, religious beliefs are profoundly influenced by. the Jeffersonian wing of the American Populist movement. I am willing to put a good deal of trust and faith in the people, at least enough of the people to make the right decisions would be to vent one's own feel· over the long run if they ings of aggressiveness, self· have the proper leaders. I righteousness, or superiority; also believe that most men, or at least enough men, have ~he good will that is required to balance social progress with social stability. - [ finally believe that anyone who proposes to engage in polit· ical or social action must respect



M.L:::;;: ;::....

GREELEY "'. •...... " the dignity and the integrity of the people and neither manipulate them, nor despise them, nor categorize them, nor denounce them. There are a number of obvious weaknesses in the Populist position. The Populist believes that· in the long run it is better to trust the people than not to trust ambitious and snobbish elites. But, of course, as Lord Keynes remarked, "we'fl all' be dead." And in the short run the people can be bliM' to injlistice and immorality. Thus, the majority of the American public is, I believe, sympathetically disposed toward blacks (though not toward college students), against organized crime, and quite dissatisfied and unhappy with "the war. But they are not outraged about discrimination against blacks, they are not horrified by the butchery of the war, and they are almost completely insensitive to the brigands of organized crime. The Populist must respond by saying that however desirable, both personally and socially, hor-' ror and outrage may be, it is not absolutely indispensable; at least it is not indispensable that everybody be horrified or outraged. The Populist acknowledges many weaknesses and deficiencies in the people, but he says, "Let him who is without sin throw the first stone," and argues, "While the people may not be very impressive, they are, after all, the only ones we have." Bringing Pressure The alternative to trusting them and trying to win their support for socialy enlightened policies is to commit power to small elites, which, at its best, we call oligarchy and, at its worst, we call fascism. Those who wish 'social change must be permitted, indeed be expected and encouraged, to bring pressure on the people so that they will be stirred out of their apathy and complacency enough to become aware of what the problems ar~ and to begin to experience whatever amount of horror and outrage of which they are capable. But there are a number of dif, ferent reasons for bringing pressure to bear on the people. One ~.







a third would be to win the support of the people for a change. I would argue that he who is exercising the third strategy will use rather different methods than he who is engaging in the first two kinds of activities. I would also contend that where one is dealing with critically important issues like pea<;e or racial justice the first two kinds of behavior are luxuries in which we cannot afford to engage. Wrong Methods My problem with much of the peace movement (including the Berrigan brothers) is not that they are for peace - I. am for peace, too-but that the methods they use to stir up horror and outrage in the people against the war are frequently exercises in either self-righteousness or punishment and are not exercises in persuasion. Instead of being designed to make the people realize the foolishness and the horror of war, they are designed to call attention to the demonstrators themselves (though not necessarily consciously so) and to .awaken not anger at the war but' anger at the demonstrators. I repeat: this sort of behavior we simply cannot afford. I am not, then, contending that the people are always right, but I am not prepared to concede either the opposite contention that the elites are always right: thal, let us say, the editorial writers of the New York Times or the New York Review of Books or the National Review, for that matter, are always right. What I am contending is that when the people are wrong it does no good to tell them that they ought to feel guilty or to denounce them as bigots or as a fascist mass or to despise them as "the silent majority." From His Viewpoint The only appropriate behavior is to try to persuade them to change their minds. It is not an easy task to persuade someone else to change his mind, especially when you and he speak a different language, and especially when you feel vastly su. perior to him. The only way that you .are ever going' to change someone else's mind is to put yourself in his position and try to see reality from his viewpoint. There is a risk in such behavior. You might actually .learn something. You might actually change your mind just a little bit, while your opponent is changing his mind. This is a risk that many members of the American elite see no point in taking. After all, when you are absolutely right all the time there is no necessity to be ready to change one's mind. I am not,. therefore, mystical on the subject of the people. As a matter of fact, I am enough a member of the elite not to like crowds pushy, elbowing, unruly, inarticulate masses of human beings who are also my brothers and my friends.


THE ANCHOR-Thurs., Sept.



daily. Your lunch got smashed, recess was great. You always got a plaid dress and yards of new ribbons, because school wasn't school unless you had a plaid dress. On Saturday the whule family goes shopping, list in hand. Christopher wants brown pants; they don't have them in his size so it's off to another store. Julie isn't on the list because she doesn't go to school, but there's a sale on sizes 2·6, so she has a bag to carry, too. It's been a fabulous day. Spending money is always fabulous. And best of all, there's a good family movie at the drive· in, and it's not Walt Disney. So Summer winds lip in a blaze of glory. The first morning of the new school year no one slows down. The bathroom door opens and shuts to shouts of, "Why do girls take so long?" and "Mother, my hair's too curly." BLOCKS STILL IN VOGUE: Even before the reading. As everyone leaves, mother and writing stage, various size blocks make an effective calls, "Have a good day. Be careful, and watch the little working tool for studying: NC Photo. ones," and turns back to the house. Quiet Reigns a uniform," is met by, "You're Continued from Page One The youngest mira,culously -inches and my pants don't fit." kidding! Mother, tell him I can't sleeps through the hubbub. It's . Of course, the younger brother wear a uniform to the Center. quiet and lonely without the didn't grow at all, so you can't Nobody wears a 'uniform when children. Even the street is depass them down. she doesn't have to, Daddy. How serted and the phone doesn't The girls' dresses need the gross! Mother, did you wear your ring as much. It takes a while hems let down. Except the high uniform when you dated Daddy?" to settle back into the routine school freshman; she wants hers Somehow the conversation and discipline of the school year. taken up. Blouses that went to ends on how old she must be In a little while they'll be back the attic last Spring white and to date, and no one can claim to tell of rumors that were true, crisp have mysteriously develop- even a moral victory. Exasper- and the new teachers, and show ed' stains and lost buttons; ated as each one pretends to be, a hole in the knee of a brand Thank heaven for the freshman; all enjoy it immensely. She'll get new pair of pants. Another cycle she's safety clothed in standard some of the clothes and hope- in the spiral toward maturity beuniform. fully be the belle of the Center. gins. . Socks have holes, raincoats The battle of the clothes setWhat' can match the glow in are disintegrated, and out of all tled, everyone returns to waitthe eyes of children as they galthe galoshes (24 pairs plus sin- ing. Bedtimes gradually move up lop toward the challenge of a gles that have accumulated over with coming ~chool hours. And whole new year - especially the years-hOW can they come everyone gets up a little earlier. when they're sure they'll win! home from school with one Even parents find themselves galosh?) only two will fit anyremembering their shivery stomone, and those look mighty thin achs as that great day apon the bottom. proaches - the half dread-half The Great Compromise , that is the fun way expectation SHEET METAL Six' need new clothes! "New to meet something new. Like J. TESER, Prop. clothes! What ?appened to each ride on a roller coaster. what you wore last year? No, RESIDENTIAL You know you're going to we can't afford it>' To a chorus INDUSTRIAL scream, but you can't resist begof, "No? Come on, Daddy, what COMMERCIAL ging for one-more ride. do you 'really mean?" the most 253 Cedar St.,' New Bedford You remember dragging bat, bedraggled and worn clothes and 993-3222 , ball and glove back and forth shoes are presented to show how desperate they are. Mother, The Great ComproDAUGHTERS OF ST, PAUL-combine a life of miser, ruthlessly cuts away until prayer and action. Bringers of the Gaspe! Mes· ,sage to souls everywhere by means of personal only real necessities remain on contact: Pauline Missionaries labor in 30 Nations. the list, and all look as if they've Members witness to Christ in a unique missionwon * * * even ,Dad. Eldest propagation of the printed Word of God. The daughter, however, who never Sisters write. illustrate. print and bind their own publications and diffuse them among people of knows' when to keep her com· all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14-23 ments to herself blurts out: "I've interested in this vital Mission may write to: got to have Winter shorts, REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR slacks, and some sweaters. And 50 St. Paul's Ave.. Boston. Mass. 02130 my coat is for grade-school kids." Why fathers look so baffled NEW HIGHER RATES! .~ when faced with daughters I 7~% Term Deposit Certificates-$lOO,OOO, or ,more don't know. "I thought you wore

School Opening Brings Stress

Norris H. Tripp


Shun Church Union NEW DELHI (NC)-Members of the Central Conference of the Methodist Church in. Southern Asia have decided here against joining a proposed union of all Protestant . churches in North India. ~ The decision has c;ome as a setback to plans to bring approximately 85 per cent of the North Indian Protestant population under the Church of North India.

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-", Ov'ercome' ;Fear· of .Nuclear Energy With ';Knowledge, .Experts Advise



Cooler Weather Inspires Thoughts of ,Transplanti~g

l _





UNITED NATIONS (NC) - If nuclear' power development in the average person knew more the United States. He said he about nuclear energy he would b.elieves such opposition is have less fear about its influ- spreading through the world. He attributed much of this opence OTh the envir'onment. a By Marilyn and Joseph R~derick I . group of atomic scientists and position to ignOl'ance and to fear. technicians said here. , including a basic fear of any adWith the approach of cooler weath~r it· is tim~ to More than 30Ct scientists and vanced technology the general start thinking about transplanting flowers and shrubs: for technicians in the atomic energy public does not understand. plus next year's garden. Most of us have small gardens ian~ field from 2'1 countries met here a distrust of people who do un· so it doesn't take too long before that creeper we b04ght for five days to discuss the envi,. derstand it. begins to spread out and bei ron mental aspects of .nuclear J.F. Weinhold of the U. S. come crowded or the small again in the' days to come. ' power stations. President's Office for Science This city of ours had al~ays In a panel discussion. the ex- and Technology commented that greens we planted begin to had the cleanest, most refreshing perts were reassuring concerning the twin requirements of adetake over the foundation water of any town, or! city in the the moderate degrees to which quate electric power and envi-' planting, so' from time' to time area and now suddenly we ~ere nuclear stations influence the ronmental quality are frequently it is a must' that we shift things being told t h ' . , f' at now It Isn1t It atmosphere, soil. vegetation or conflicting goals. ' i around. Fall-is the perfect time for human consumption. Bro. Paul N. Parker, C.F.C. water. Bright Future to do it an'l:! the earlier the betI !'With modern technology, "If we can deve Iop tlIe procetel'. ,8t'm Boiling i . . ( a well-sited" well-deSigned nU-. 1 d h' t f '1' , i . mec . alllsms b0 aCI Ic Iear ) power s t a t"IOn rna kes so uures an . One of the major reasons for" "City Residents Boiling" i was . t tate resolvmg conflicts etween I I'ttl" e Impac t on I't s environmen .' d 'this is that the cooler, weather, the headline one of thelarea and envIronment-an I th a t I d 0 no t th mk I't'JUS t'f' means that ,there' will be less newspapers used'imd it was l true I la bl'e 'power . . h f d' II t" t' d believe we can do It-t e uture . . h po u Ion 0 e- . . . , likelihood 'that excessive drying both literally and figuratively. At B'rother Paul Parker. son or' t o use t he war t .., t " I' d for nuclear power IS mdeed . will take place and in combina- first most of us assumed that our Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. ·Parker•• scrl'b e t a Impac. c alme b . It" h 'd .' f I ' U 't d ng I, e sal . tion with the Autumn rains al· 'dishwashers were sterilizing the members of St. Michael'.s. Par- H.J. Dunster 0 t Ie III e M S 'k' f J • N' t ' l . d A ' A h 't . al I 0 apan salOna most ensures that transplants the dishes but we were to.ldl that ish, Ocean Grove has taken his Kmg om 'tomlc ut on y. 1 't t f R d' I . I S ' nst! u a 0 a ~o o~lca CIwill have a reasonable chance the heat temperature wasn't high first vows as a' Brother in the chairman of the panel. . . ... ences stated that m hIS country to succeed. enough. Paper plates and !cups Congregation of Christian BrothSuffICIent matenal, h~ said, nuclear power plants are 10' were put into. use. our ut~nsils . ers in ceremonies conducted in had be:n presente~ dunn~. the cated in agricultural and fishing Visit Friends were boiled for 10 minutes:'and . the chapel of Santa Maria Noviti- symposIUm to convmce all who districts remote from urban , Our ' task 'this 'Fall 'centers even such a .si~ple ri~e as brus~­ ate. West Park, N.Y: wer:. willing to listen" that ge~- areas. Residents near the plants around splitting up a host' of ing one's teeth ,became a chore. , An honor graduate of Cath-' eratlOn ·of nuclear power, const!- , were increasingly in favor of I daylilies which have' become No more will I just glance olic Memorial High School, West tutes ev.en less of a ~azard than, them. Saki said. partly due to overcrowded. breaking )JP irises•. at a news item describing~ome Roxbury, he entered the Chris- conventIOnal generatIOn. There- . the economie improvements they transplanting a host ,of' peren- latest squabble by our city lead- tian Brothers in 1968. fore. he conten~e? nuclea~ p~w- brought to the communities. nials which' are, crowding each ers over whether this or: that In September. Brother Paul er mak~s a posItIve cont.nb.utlOn The symposium. jointly sponother out. 'rearranging much of should be done to our water will resume his studies at lona to envIronmental .clea~lmess. sored by the International Atom. . : the garden to fit our restricted system. College, New Rochelle and major Th~re must be and WIll be furic Energy Agency. with headi size. This is always difficiult bein theology. ther Improveme.nt, Du~s~er co~- quarters in Vienna. and by the I In many cases ,it takes I just cause it means thinning out ceded. and c~lIltmued VIgilance IS Atomic Energy Commission of many of the plants which we such a crisis as, this to shake .. the ·U. S.• was restricted to parnecessary. I considered desirable in a large us out of our lethargy and make Conversely. he emphaSIzed, It ticipants designated by the govgarden but, which are no longer us aware that no town 01'1 city wa~ the consensus of the sym- ernment of a' member state. or, useful in a smaller one. is safe from pollutants. that poslUm that adequate ~nowledge by an invited international orthose stories 'that read like sciWASHINGTON' (NC)-A pair has al,ready. been acqUIred of t/:1e ganization. This is also the time of year ence fiction tan happen' o~iyo~r effects that might result from when people who are just start- own doorstep and that such an of univer~ity psychologists sub- the use of nuclear power "of a mitted ,a series of concrete proing out and would like to ex- emergency affects everyon~. posals to' reduce tensions among dangerous nature," in particular Warns Abortionists , periment with flowers they kno~ college students to the Presi- with regard to possible impact Will Try Again Meanwhile, we just werit on nothing about should visit their dent's Commission on Campus on the environment. b01'1'mg. 'friends who have gardens. II LOS ANGELES (NC)-Walter Ignorance, Fear Unrest. Many perennials will be' pullTrinkaus. Right to Life LeagiJe With the problem of boiling Panel members' were unani- president, took a J:autious view The suggestions .came from Dr. ed up and thrown away at this time of the year and most gar- every bit of water we us~ I've Paul Seder of Georgetown Uni- mous in identifying the building of the just-ended California legdeners would be more than hap- been avoiding any fancy co/?king versity here and Dr. Kelly G. of nuclear power plants, and islature defeat of abortion-onpy to give them to a friend rath- but when I read this recipe I Shaver of the College of William public acceptance of them. as the demand bills. er than throw them in the com- couldn't resist trying it and it and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. main problems facing atomic au- , "The ab.ortion zealots will be was well worth the effort. I ' thorities and utilities today. They recommended: post heap. back again with renewed vigor. I Harry G. Slater. senior vice· and their' efforts will not dimin· Coll.ege administra,tors reduce Mousse A L'Orange Chez This is especially true of those " I the nun;ber of negative functions president of the' Niagara Mo- ish between legislative sessions," perennials which make fast Bruchez they perform, transferring some hawk Power Corporation. dis- he warned. growth. and although they may Orange Motisse of these duties to student com- cussed the background and' Trinkaus said a "new danger be common and relatively inscope of . public opposition to is emerging-an attack on the mittees: 3 eggs separated expen'sive, are nevertheless costright of conscience of those who "As university officials are reY2 cup sugar I ly 'when someone is just startrefuse to cooperate" in taking I Tablespoon (I envelope) un- sponsible for everything from British' Foreign Aid ing a garden. life. flavored gelatin I academic standing to enforce"An incipient threat ~o the men.t of traffic regulations, a Shows Improvement ~ cup cold water I In the Kitchen LONDON (NC)-British aid to right of conscience was posed I cup orange juice (freSh is student's usual contact with an We read about the problems preferred) I administrator occurs under cir- developing countries last year, by a bill that would have pre~ I 'facing our world today with cumstances that may best be both official and private. totaled vented hospitals which perI Tablespoon cornstarch I complete objectivity until sudI teaspoon grated orange peel described as unpleasant," they 0.97 per cent of the nation's formed sterilizations from refusdenly one of these problems hits gross national product. it was ing a sterilization operation on J;4 cup heavy t::ream. whipped.. said. home. and then we frightingly announced, any patient who wanted one." he College administrators thorrealize how much needs to be I) In a bowl beat theI egg This falls short. of the one per I said. oughly review their policies. disdone and how helpless we, as in- yolks with the sugar. I until cent minimum urged by the, dividuals. are. creamy and light and Irmon carding those found to be lack- United Nations and Church ing and- modifying the rest so colored. i "Marilyn, I'm the harbinger of they fit a "coherent educational leaders. It is. however, a marked 2) Sprinkle the gelatin i'over philosophy and the data of be- improvement on the Ct.74 per bad news; the health department cent of the previous year. just told 'the hospital the drink- the water to soften and I then havorial science." combine with the orange juice, The total was about $1.07 -'ing water in the city is contaCourt injunctions be used to cornstarch and grated o~ange handle student disruption before . billion. minated." peel in 'a saucepan. I calling out, the National Guard. It sounded like a line out of 3) Heat the mixture ju~t to The commission meet with ELECTRICAL an old Superman radio show and the boiling point and add iit to,' Contractors at first I did think my friend the egg yolk, very gradually. media representatives. particularYOU'LL, Barbara was kidding me but beating aU the time'that yohare ly .from 'television, to discuS's ways of improving coverage of when I realized that there was adding. Set· aside to cool. II campus unrest. TlCKLEDII no laguhterin her voice. only 4) When the Il)ixture isl ~ool "The erroneous impression , apprehension. I ch~cked the jok- fold in the egg whites that .have ing' response that was on the been beaten until they are !stiff, often obtained from· television free delivery-Cali coverage is that higher educatip of my tongue. , but not dry and the 'l,4 cup tional institutions are in an al\ heavy cream. 'Pour into in~ivid- most constant state of anarchy.". "That's incredible, it can't be" I was my shocked response and I ual parfait glliss'es. the psychologists said. As a re373 New Boston Road 5) Chill and sriI've 'sopped: with sult students are stereotyped as was to find myself. my family. 944 County St. my friends and my neighbors ut- whipped cream, flavored •with radicals. which increases· na, . I Fall River 678-5677 New Bedford tering this phrase over and over, 9r ange liqueur. tional polarization. they added. i .' I

, "

Swansea Youth' Takes first YoW5





Hints Reduci'r1g Campus Unrest



Good Guys U~ite h. Preserving Parish Program JERSEY CITY (NC) - Christ the King parish ht:re is quite likt:ly the unly one in the New(Irk (lrclll.liot:ese with a backyard swimming pool in which 100 youngskrs can be fuund frolicking on any givt:n day of the lung hot Summer. Hut for three days I't:ct:nlly the pool lay empty and the basketball backbounls Were silent. The Summel' program, which involves four seminarians, two Sisters, several Neighborhood Youth Corps members and the parish priests, had ground to a halt. It began when the basketballs were stolen. And some of the neighborhood youngsters who come every d'ay went to Father Edward Jocham asl<ing that the basketballs be replaced. He asked if they knew who had stolen them. They said they did. He told them to go and get them back. They said the kids who had stolen the basketballs were bigger and tougher. And Father Jocham said: "Those are the same characters who in a year or so will kick in your door and steal your TV. Unless you get yourselves, together as the good guys in the neighborhood, this sort of thing is going to keep on." He said the program would be shut down until they got the basketballs back. Combat Thieves Father Jocham was remembering that six people in the neighborhood. of the parish had been shot to death during tli~ mondl of July, al'}d one wounded and another stabbed. Part of the rationale behind the program is the effort, as he puts it, "to get the good people to unite and combat the thugs and thieves who operate in the neighborhood, to cope with the narcotics problem and other crime situations." The basketballs were stolen on a Friday. It was a hot weekend. The priests at Christ the King looked at the empty pool and wished the kids were there. There were no evening movies shown against the white wall of the building next door, no Christian Living course, and no remedial reading and math classes. Then o~ Sunday afternoon a little knot of youngsters appeared at the rectory door. One of them was, as Father Jocham recalls it, "a little bloody." They had the basketballs. And they and the priests had a celebration right then and there.

Canon Law Society To Meet Oct. 5 NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Di'scussions centering around theological implications of the National Pastoral Council, reforms in Church law, and needs of the priesthood will feature the 1970 Canon Law Society of America meeting in New Orhlans from Oct. 5 to 8. . Father James H. Provost of Helena, Mont, convention publicity director, disclosed that workshops dealing with aspects of religious commitment, experiences of diocesan pastoral cOllncils, psychiatric developments in marriage annulment cases and other topics will highlight sessi~ns.

1HE ANCf10jl


Thurs., Sep"· 3. 1970

Stresses Needs Of Leadership ST. I.EO ~N(') -An archbishop dedaretl hel\> in Florida that the lIeed for courageous lcutlers cOIllOluntling respect and support is paramuulIt ill the Chun:h and tilt: world ·I.oday.

AI'l:hbisholJ 'J'huillus J. MdJull\iugh of Louisvillt~, Ky., made the observation in his serlllon at the solemn blessing of Abbot Fidelis J. .Dunlap, U.S.B., a:> fourth head of Sl. L('o abbey here. The archbishop ordained Abbut Dunlap to the priesthood in 1~52. ''The putll uf lIlUII today is veritably a question mark which utterly confounds the learned and disappuints the most optimistic," tht' al'chbishop said.

TOGETHERNESS: Children from eight church'es spent two weeks together learning, playing, and just relaxing in an ecumenical vacation Bible School. The program, held at the Ogden Memorial Presbyterian' Church in Chatham, N.J., has been going three summers. NC Photo.

Sisters 'of Notre Dame 'Look Inward Discuss Mission at .International Meeting WASHINGTON (NC) - Nuns arriving here from Africa brought talk of strict racial separation, from Brazil came worries about too few Religious and too much revolution, from Japan, a story of conflict with Koreans. These and other concerns were described, at times· emotionally, by· the 250· fluns from around the world who Came here to an international meeting of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Tackling the theme of "Response to the 70's-our Corporate Mission,:' the Sisters conducted a three-week long discussion on tensions in religious community life as related to the secular world. In the process of self-examination they searched for different ways to communicate and meet the needs of Catholics they serve.

Foundation Makes First Three Grants WASHINGTON (NC) - The nonsectarian, tax exempt Human Life Foundation here made its first three grants, totaling $42,750. The fOl:mdation was established to sponsor research in human fertility and natural child spacing. A $28,000 grant went to Dr. Frank J. Rice, Fairfield (Conn.) University biologist, for a study aimed at monitoring effectiveness of child spacing by the "symto-thermic" method of recording basal body temperature and· physical symptoms to determine natural periods of infertility. A $10,750 grant went to Dr. Roland A. Patillo, Marquette University medical school, for a one-year study of steroid hormone receptors in ovulation control. A $4,000 grant went to the National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction and Rhythm for partial sponsorship of the Fifth International Symposium of Family Life, Abortion a'nd Sex Education scheduled iri Boston, Nov. 27 to 29.

Although the meeting was not a decision-making one, a summary of the lecture-filled gettogether generally proposed: Readdressing problems' and tensions of the time in taking a broader w<:>rld vision. Reevaluating educational needs of Sisters (many of whom are

Protest Russia's Treatment of Jews WASHINGTON (NC) - Members of the militant New Yorkbased Jewish Defense League gathered outside the Soviet Embassy here to protest Russian aggression in the Middle East and the treatment of Jews in the U. S.S.R. Led by league founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, 70 league members dressed in fatigue uniforms, combat boots and grey .berets, met at th'e embassy and tried to present a petition to an uniden" tified embassy official. Rebuffed, Rabbi Kahane read a stateinent threatening increased harassment of Soviet offices in' the U. S. Representatives of the league have already seized and temporarily held offices of a Russian airline, news service and travel bureau. The embassy gathering followed a 100-mile march here from Philadelphia.

Colle,ge Bagpipers Adopt .Mini Skirts JERSEY CITY (NC) - While women the country over debate the mini vs. midi hemline, a small group of men here have made up their own minds. They not only favor but are going to wear a sort of mini skirt. They won't be decked out in the finery all the time-just on parade and other special occasions. The male group are members of the Jesuits' St. Peter's College ROTC· band. The'y adopted the mini-more popularly known as kilts - as uniform of the band's bagpipers.

tt:achers) in light of needs peculiar to location. More effective religious teaching and continued development of an individual Sister's personal resources or talents. Five years ago, the Sisters in the 4,500-member international congregation would have celebrated the liturgy and listened to renowned speakers and each other from behind the cloak of voluminous black habits which most Sisters have since discarded. Today, the chid clue to their vocation is worn on a neck chain holding a metal-crafted. cross bearing the words, "te bon Dieu, qu'i1 est bon." ("The good Go<,l, how good he is.") Just as the nuns reached the decision to alter their dress, they now are reaching out to each other for ideas of future developments or new directions for their work, explained Sister Mary Ann Cook, an English teacher at Trinity College where the meetin~ ended Aug. 24. There are tensions, she said, as to "what is and what ought to be" the mission of the order. Solutions vary according to whether Sisters live in Africa, Japan, America, Brazil, England or wherever. Sister Ann was one of 13 "Notre Dame listeners" chosen to analyze and summarize the nuns' meeting. The listeners' 34page report will be presented for discussion at the congregation's area meetings throughout the year.


"Unwarranted emphasis is placed upon leadt~rship and yet, all too often, leaders are not fully accredit~d by those whom they serve," he said. "To achieve unity through diversity is a challenge which demands the support of all who call themselves Christians, followers of Christ. A leader cannot do it alone because of the complexity of thangt'."

Heads Largest Unit Of Project Equality PEORIA (NC) - E.H. Dansby, 55, was appointed executive director of Project Equality of Illinois, one of the newest but largest in a ..,20-unit system of interreligious organizations dedicated to tail' employment. The black former contract specialist for a large industrial firm is u member of the Decatur ·school board and past president of the Presbyterian Synod of lIlinois Commission on Religion and Race. He is a licensed airplane pilot and civil rights activist. Tht' Peoria unit of the Chicago-based national organization was organiZed last Fall and has 23 major Catholic, Protestant and Jewish bodies affiliated with it. The aim of Project Equality is to amass the economic power of religious groups to insure equal employment practices in organizations with which business is contracted.

See Us First See Us Last But See Us






Open !Evenings


j ,


:. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foli. Riv,f:r--Thurs·... Sept. 3; . 1~70 ' ,.-r



S~ysWorld ·Public. Opin'io1n;

,Has' .Powerful Influence




In so many of our discussions today about the illfiluellee a nation may have in the world, the kind of influe~'ce we take for granted is, in reality, of a very tl'lOlditional, even old-fashioned kind. In the days before instant (;(jm~ ,munication all round the , globe, one nation's influence cellluries, consists in the erheron another was pretty well gence of a sense of morality at the interilational level. confined to its poweJ-its The Americans have had a lot I

commercial power, its military power. The Incas had had no previous ideas about the' Spaniards until the Conquistadores burst into their Empire and de. ~illm:f?Ni2mfmI2?m:;)~,,:,:





stroyed them. The Chinese went . so far as to call themselves "the Middle Kingdom" because, be-, tween' Heaven and Hell, they occupi~d the entire "middle" ground of earth. There simply were no other people. Or, if they had to be allowed for, they were simply barbarians outside, the kingdom of civilized men. One reason for the passian with which Chinese Communists today denounce the West is the' appalling, traumat!c shock they experienced when Westerners conquered them in the 19th century and, .in cities of European occupation like Shanghai, put up notices such as "this park is closed to dogs and Chinese." But today everybody hears about everybody over all the oceans and continents. The little boy lying on top of his water buffalo in Upper Egypt with a transistor radio pinned to hi,S ear is the symbol of the new age. .People who· have never traded with America or Russia or seen their . soldiers at local bases still' know about them as Great Powers presiding in nuclear predominance over the destinines of the entire human race. Enormous Change But this -is not all. It is not' simply a question of theenotmous extent of modern communications There has been a comparably enormous change in peoples' reactions to what is communicated. One can say tha~ up to the 18th century the behavior of states and nations was not judged on a moral basis. Some Hindu philosophers might have taught King Asoka the primacy of peace. Rome could thank Stoic philosophy for such magnificent - and unsubstantiated - boasts as that Rome "defeated the proud and preserved the weak." Christian saints and sagesan Augustine, a Suarez, a Vittorio-denounced aggression and _tried to formulate such concepts as "the just war"-one wholly in self-defense. But on the whole powerful states and empires were looked on as amoral forces of nature. International Morality The vast transformation of popular judgment in the last two

to do with this. They invert ted the 'nations' saCred right to gov, ern itself. They ceaselessly I denounced European imperialism from which, they felt, they ','had themselves escaped. In the First World War, Bresident Wilson made the right of self determination a foundation of the peace settlement. After the Second, Amel'ica was a moving spirit in setting up the U~ited Nations and liquidating the: old European colonial system. i . So public opinio~ do~s not SImply know what IS gOIng on round the world. It has a !predetermined tendency to judge what is going on by standards of a steadily emerging public., ihternational morality. ,America's Founding Fathers foresaw i this when they asked for a decent respect for the opinions of banBLACK HISTORY: Two years ago, one would have been lucky to find any works kind. on, black history in the average library; But a rapid increase in interest in the subject Britain's Policy, I' has' stimulated publishing over the past two years, and the above is a small sample of Now their forecast is fact. There is an international p,ublic books currently available. NC Photo. opinion. It does provide a w~olly new form of inf1uen~e quite apart from. commercial' and: military power. It has an effed on a nation's fortunes. It can ;exerWASHINGTON' (NC) ~ Two cise a powerful influence in its Yet they are books that in the white backlash that led to steps own right. I brighter light of hindsight con- barring further black prosperity. In Britain certain sections df the years ago, it was next to impostain a wealth of nformation on He showed how black business Conservative Party have i long sible to assemble an adequate 'specific Negro topics and also initiative frequently became a felt that the greatest men~ce to popular library on black culture, British interests lies in po~sible Afro-American history and sim-, sl)ed light on the problems faced signal of business opportunities. Communist encroachments.! Par- i1ar topics related to the life of by early black scholars of high If blacks succeeded in a given competence but low marketabil- field-catering is one enterprise ticularly since Russia bega~n ex- the Negro in America. ' ity. studied hi depth - whites soon panding its navy, they fear for, True.. ~ome aspects of that life moved in to force blacks out. A classic study of racial prejutheir trade routes to Asia t-ound have been adequately covered. In short, DuBois showed in dethe Cape of. Good Hope anl1 feel Negro music has been studied; dice based on years of careful rethat it is essential to hJve a anthologized and imitated. Negro search came, out shortly after tail many of the causes and effuller military undertaking! with folklore has a place in every sur- the turn of the century over the fects of racial ,prejudice that have been outlined to the U. S. South Africa to safeguaro the vey course of American folklife. signature of W.E.B. DuBois. by countless similar studies pubDuBois, ,a highly educated sea lanes. / ' , i But books that took a broader black scholar from New England . lished decades later. Arms should be sold to the ,view were hard to find. Similarly, black historian KelSouth Africans, closer cobperaThe situation has I changed and the holder of a Harvard tion arranged at the naval base considerably. 'My own bookshelf Ph.D., prepared his study Of, The ly Miller's Radicals and Conserat Simonstown and a joint ~olicy 'has more than 60 volumes on Philadelphia Negro with the as- vatives outlined patterns of ra'evolved to counter the presumed various aspects' of black life in sistance of a handful of graduate cial prejudice in the nation's courts, schools and newspapers.. Soviet menace. . I America. There are histories, students. It was published and prom"ptly It was ignored when it was pubAccordingly, when the Conser- biographies and sociological lished. vatives won the June elJction, studies pouring from the nation's put aside. the new foreign secretary, Sir 'printing presses. Expect thea present flood of Reissued a' half:century later, Alec" Douglas Home, announced' Where did they come from? it proved to be one of the most books on Afro-American life and that the previous Labour; GovMany of diem' are polished far-reaching and comprehensive culture to continue for a while ernment's ban on all arms sales graduate school theses, submit- studies of the causes and effects -the gap America's white culto South Africa would be re-ted originally in fulfillment of of racial prejudice ever published. ture left in the study of the nation's black minority will take viewed and probably rescinded. some degree requirement. Many "he book outlined the effect World Reaction others 'are competent books pre- of geography on housing pat- a long time to fill. But Sir Alec reckoned without pared by scholars to fill an ob- terns, the reasons behind the And until it is filled, readers the vast development in [world' vious need for black studies collapse of Negro -family life and will have to pick and choose public opinion. The Sout~ Afri- - texts at every educational level. th~ decreasing Negro prosperity among books of varying quality. can Government practic~s the, Many too are pieces of dead that afflicted urban blacks and But at least now, they can most total form of racial ,subju- wood; 'hackwritten volumes car- the C\ecreasing Negro prosperity gation ever ~volved by, a!, mod- ried along in a flood of higher- that afflicted urban blacks after pick and I choose. ern, fndustrial state. The !three- .quality studies. . the Civil War. quarters of its peopl~.w~~ are Many of the best, imd the DuBois also prepared chapters coloured have· no clvll ,rIghts, most interesting are reprints. on community-police relations nearly on e of.40 f th . . , , ? e"1 IS III Some of these are books pre. . JaIl a~ any one y~e: h~lf the pal'E!d years ago by black schol- and the effects of their break,,:,orld s known .JudICIal :ex~cu- aI'S, books that in their day got down; on unemployment among tIOns take. place III South f'fnca. little critical acclaim and wound minority groups; on educational prejudices and the vicious circle . So great is th~ world's d:lstesta- up being published privately for created by inferior schools. tIOn for the regIme that VIrtually. a limited black audience. all Britain's partners in the ComBloc1<-by-block, house-by-house, monwealth 'have denounc~d the ""''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''','', DuBois and his researchers went sale of arms' and the coloured Thus moral force 'can play a through Philadelphia's black member-states threaten tp quit part. No policy-in Africa, in. ghettoes, finding repeated evithe association. ' Vietnam, in Czechoslovakia-can dence too that black prosperity Britain is now thinking:, again. afford to overlook it. -limited as it was-created a


Evolution of Library on Black Culture New England Negro Author of Classic. St,udy


.. .. Cardinal Wright Raps Population 'Scare Talk' WASHINGTON (NC)-Cardinul John Wright, head of the Vatican's Congregation of the Clergy; rejected a newsman's suggestion that the Church drop its rule of priestly celibacy with the comment that umarried priests are needed more than ever becl:tuse we live in an age "saturated with sex." Speaking in a copyrighted interview in the Aug. :il issue of U. S. News and World Report published here, the former Pittsburgh bishop rapped population explosion rumors as "scare talk." He also suggested that rhythm method birth control could be made to work if medical men were willing to give up the profits they make on birth control pill sales. . The Boston-born cardinal said that the root of many of the problems facing the world is the shift from a "know why" society to a "know how" society. "You see," Cardinal Wright explained, "for a long time we lived in a liberal arts civilization. The great universities of En: gland, the United States, Germany, France were liberal arts universities. "They've been replaced in the main by technological institutes, by technologywhich is to say that the sense of 'know why' has been replaced by . the sense of 'know· how.' Now, this brings with it inevitable changes of attitude. . 'Know Why' "Once people know how to do things~ . they -.develop- the· idea that since they can do them, maybe they shall. And when they've decided they shall, there develops a funny feeling that it's permitted to them." The Church's emphasis on the "know why" lies behind its continued opposition to artificial birth control, the cardinal added. "The Church has. a very serious complaint to make-indeed an indictment-against a civilization that is capable of polluti.ng the lakes, but not finding the 'know how' to take care of this pollution problem and of greater exploitation of ·the resources of the earth in behalf of persons. "The Church doesn't believe for a single moment that a woman who goes downtown in, let's say, some Midwestern town in the United States to buy contraceptives is making a contribution to the population problem in India or Latin America." Abortion Is Murder "It is this emphasis on "know hOW," Cardinal Wright continued, that has led to the growing acceptance of abortion in the United States. Basing his opinion on Englsh and American common law traditions, the prelate flatly denounced abortion as murder. One possible change in traditional Church teaching that the cardinal said might come was a relaxation of divorce rules' and the possibility that it might become easier for a priest to be dispensed from his obligations. Pointing to new discoveries in psychology and psychiatry, the cardinal explained that "there may be people who go through the marriage contract - or for that matter, the priestly ordination ceremony-unfit to do so.

THE ANCHOR:... Thurs., Sept. 3, '970


Nun-Nurses Plan Migrant Mission

ROME. INTERVIEW: Bishop James Walsh gestures during a press conference in Rome. H~ said that there were some constructive aspects of the Communist Chinese regime that promised well for the future. At left is Rev. John J McCormack, superior general of the Maryknoll Society to which Bishop Walsh belongs. NC Photo.

Sees Some Promise for China's Future Bishop Walsh Says Some Changes Helpf,:d ROME (NC)-The 'possibility for some kind 'of accommodation between the Church and Red _~~l}.ina .. is , s~e9 ..by '¥~9'knoll, Bishop James E. Walsh recently released after 12 years in a Chinese prison for alleged, espionage. "I shouldn't wonder if it did occur in the future, and not too far distant either," the 79-yearold American bishop said. Sitting in a wheelchair and wearing a blue dressing gown over pajamas, the bishop.. answered pre-submitted questions at a press conference in Salvator Mundi Hospital here. He told the newsmen that, although .he had "little sympathy" for Red China's regime, he sees some promise for the future of present day China. Even in jail, he said, he was able to note "certain indications of a very good spirit" within the Red Chinese government. It has "introduced certain changes into the life of the people of China which I think are very helpful and very good," he said. "I'm glad to be able to say this, althougft I have very little sympathy, of course, with a regime which restricts liberty to such an extent," he added. Three changes in Chinese life that augur well for the fUl.url', Bishop Walsh explained, are new provisions for the equality of women, equality of races and a complete ban on all forms of immorality and il,1decency. Bishop Walsh said that he was treated with "kindness and consideration" in jail. 1 had "excellent quarters, food and good medical care," he said. 'Still Tired, Weak' But an old friend of his, Father Francois X. Legrand, a Belgian priest who had spent four years in a Chinese· prison, said: "He is

talking in terms of Chinese standards, not ours." Commenting on his feelings afterb~ing released,. t.~e· bishop, who pF~vi(jusly referred to himself as a modern-day Rip Van Winkle, said: "I do feel rather out of water to some extent on first emerging into the free world, but I'll try to get my bearings as well as I can and perhaps I shall be able to stumble along in some fashion." The press conference took place the day after the bishop's emotion-charged meeting with Pope Paul VI: Bishop Walsh was introduced at the conference by Maryknoll superior general Father John J. McCormack, who said the bishop is "still tired and weak." Father McCormack asked. newsmen to accept brief answers to the questions. . The bishop's appearance was

WASHINGTON (NC)-A plan formulated here will send 100 skilled volunteer nuns into East Coast harvt'st fields next Summer to minister to the health, welfare and edUCational needs of an estimated I million migrunt workers and their familieS. The project will be directed by Sister Mary Maurita, newly named executive director of the Catholic Hosiptal Association. Known as East Coast Migrant Health Project, the seed financing has wille from a $130,000 u.s. Department of Health, Education and Welfare grant. But Sister Maurita suid additional funds will be sought ffCIm foundations, Catholic organizations and religiuus t.:ommunities, plus other sources. Tt!anls TIll'. pr.:-liminary plan l:alls fur three multi-disciplinary teams of five to seven nuns each to operate out of Palm Beach County, Fla., Northampton and Accomack Counties, Va., and Orange, Ulster and Rockland Counties, N.Y., plus at least one mobile team traveling with migrants who follow crop harvests. Sister Maurita said the nuns will aim tu provide health care primarily, but also to teach mothers about child care and set up education programs for the y.oung. "Religiuus wurkers have been responding to the needs of the people for hundreds of years," Sister Maurita said. "Their work, and the work of the churches, is even more essential and relevant than ever before as tne lJeople and their institutions strive to meet and solve increasingly complex challenges of a contemporary world that is both growing and shrinking simultaneously." She said technological advances in communications and transportation are "making the w0rld smaller," but also helping "to bring about growing needs among people in many areas of our life." U. S. government estimates place the number' of migrant workers at one million. Recent U.S. Senate committee hearings disclosed large numbers of migrants are poorly housed and fed, forced to live in crow.ded, unsanitary conditions as they move about following the crops.

Holy Ghost Fathers Provincial Named WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Charles P. Connors, C.S.Sp., educator, missionary and administrator, was appointed provincial of the eastern U. S. province of the Holy Ghost Fathers by Father Joseph Lecuyer, C.S.Sp. superior general, in Rome. A native of Pittsburgh and a priest since 1937, Father Connors in July completed a missionary assignment in Arequipa, Peru. Holder of a doctorate in canon law, he has been an official and active in affairs of the Canon Law Society of America. He taught moral theology at the community's seminary in Norwalk, Conn., and served in administrative posts for the congregation in this country, and in Paris, France.



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-' Chief. Justice -·-Directs Attention f'ederal, CQurts' Problems

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 3, 1~70


Eleano"- Clark Novel Fails To 'Fulfill High Promise !, The reader experiences pleasure, and even eXcitem~nt as he goes through the first pages of Eleanor Clark's norel Baldur's Gate (Pantheon, 457 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022, $7.95). Here is a book, truly literate, he sAys to himself, about real, mul: ' , I ti-dimensional people in an lence",to. its .imme~ori~l c~arrct­ expertly defined milieu and er, makmg It an msplratl?n J f~r _ ' k' d f thO . gadget-mad and mateflaltstlc Th I.S I pace. m 0 , mg IS America. I rare at a time when novels are likely to be slipshod and tasteless in all res~ects.. But the excitement dIes, the pleasure fad,:s, as the book progresses. For It proves to be over-



With all three of these rilen as well as with her husband EV~ is involved in Otie way o;! another. She aspires to marriage with Pryden, willing to abal1don her husband and young son, • I As for mystery, what ()f; the scandal perpetrated by Ejva's' mother? If one is determinedly By patient, that is ultimately re~eal­ ed and proves' to be more misRT. ,REV. fortunate than malicous. . i Is Ja~k Pryden actually I the MSGR. olympian Miss Pryden's nephew? No, he is her ·son. But who is JOHN S. his father? Baldur Blake. ' KENNEDY Soap Opera And what of the closemouthed Lucas Hines, who suddenly appeared in town as a bread· s'aleswritten and overloaded. The Fr. Egbert Steenbeek single virtue constant from first man? He eventually tells: his practically interminable story, to last is the depiction of the setting, a small town in Con-' which i,s stunningly compld and embarrassingly' rich in uhlike n'ecticilt, here called Jordan. surprises.' : The narrator is Eva BuckingIn fact, this recital brings the ham Hines. The Buckinghams are Sacred He~ Monastery in a long-established family in Jor- novel down irrecoverably. Iti goes dan, but their fortunes have de- from drama to m.elodrama to Fairhaven is home for Fr. Egbert ! Steenbeek who this year cele, elined. Eva's father was an in- soap opera. Soap opera. That label i may 50 years as a priest. After' brates effectual person, and here mother brought disrepute on their apply to much else in the novel. serving for nearly 40 years in name through a scandal which For example, there is a long: con- area parishes he retired in 1958 fs fully explained only )"lear t~e versation between Baldur and a because of failing health. group of high school students elose of the book. ' Fr. Egbert, who sh~res the The Buckingham house, per- which, for pretentious silliness, same ordination date" May. 29, haps the finest in the town, is could hardly be surpassed by the 1920, with. Pope Paul VI, is a becoming ramshackle. Lucas writers of those daytime TV ser- , native of Holland. His early min-_ i Hines, Eva's husband, is an im- ials. istry was in Fairhaven and until Disappointed, Annoyed pecunious drifter, whom she 1933 h~ was serving in St. JoThe indirection of this! fre- seph's parish. married after Jack Pryden, to whom she considered herself en- quently costive novel may be From there he went to Wellgaged, deserted her without ex- well 'illustrated by a bit Of difleet on the Cape but returned planation. alogue. On page 170, one f charJack Pryden represented Eva's acter mutters, "Can't get the to serve in Assumption parish, opportunity to -rejoin the town's straight of it." More than !three New Bedford in 1935 as pastor. He became pastor of St. Jo-' upper crust. He is the nephew full pages later, Eva asks! him.. and sole heir of Miss Adelphia "The straight of what?" In be- sep's in Fairhaven in 1944 and Pryden, a cultivated, wealthy, tween, we have returned to the was transferred to St. Mary's, imperious native who has domin- Revolutionary' War and! have North Fairhaven as pastor in ated Jordan for years. touched on the Civil Wan fire, 1947. epidemic, migrations West,! etc. Something Sinister In 1958, he was stricken by a One's disappointment a~d an- crippling ailment, was taken to Eva has, been . banished from the Pryden house because of that noyance result from the! high the Congregation's major semiunmentionable misdeed of her promise of the book and it~ fail- nary' in Jaffrey Center, N. H. mother's and shut out of the ure to fulfill it. Miss Clark knows where he began a remarkable Pryden world because of Jack's the typical Connecticut! small convalescence. town. She can not" only picture unac'countable flight. From bed he worked his way But now, years later, .Jack is its appearance and custotns in back in town. He is a biochemist all seasons, but also catth the into a wheel chair and from that to crutches. By 1962, he was and heads a laboratory where ef- peculiarities of its people. walking with two canes and toforts are being made to isolate a I I day can~anage nicely with just certain substance in the human Government Age~cy one. brain. There is something sinister about the experimentation.. In Historic• Convent From September of last year I Almost simultaneous is the reSAN JUAN (NC)-A 447-year- Fr. Egbert has been residing turn of an older man, a sculptor old building, one of the oldest at the. monastery on Adams named Baldur Blake. For almost Catholic convent sites in Amer- Street in Fairhaven. "It's worked a decade his house and ruined , ica, is now headquarters for the out just right." he said. ''''I'm studio have stood empty, while Institute of Puerto RicaJ Cul- back to celebrate my half a cenhe has been alcoholically idling ture, a government agency.I tury of priesthood 'amid the peoelsewhere. ' Now he sobers up, Dr. Ricardo Alegria, ~gency' ple I served. For this too I thank comes back, restores his studio, director, said there are I older Him." gets earne~t1y and brilliantly to convent and monastery sites in work. ' America, but they now lare in • I I Mystery Revealed rums. I Still another man has appearThe building dates back to ed on the scene, a fabulously 1523 when the Dominidn Farich .outsider, Chuck Jarvis, who thers came to the island! They DRY CLEANING falls under the spell of Baldur used the convent until l 1830 and Blake's imagination and integrity when the Spanish regime! closed and begins to plan with the all convents. The convertt was !FUR STORAGE ~ sculptor a renewal of Jordan founded by Father Antonio de 34-44 Cohannet Street which will bring it into the twen- Montesine, known as the, first Taunton 1 822-6161 tieth century without doing vio- defender of Indians in A~erica.

Golden· Jubilee

Of 'Priesthood


WASHINGTON (NC) - The country can expect -to hear more and' more about the judiciary as one of three branches of the federal government. The general public has not alwavs been ~indfulof this fact in the' past, probably because it'. has read about and seen more of the workings of the legislative and executive br!jnches. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger gave a talk to the American Bar Association in St. Louis which he said was intendeq to "provoke debate and even controversy" over the need for overhauling and improving the courts. The talk was said to have been the first by a head of the Supreme Court to receive such widespread exposure. However, it seems not to have received all· of the exposure that was hoped , for. The fact that it was tele· vised required that the speech be . cut severely to keep within a 27-minute network time limit. The chief justice" inad~ it 'plain that he wanted to 'stand on all of hjs prepared address. But, since then many people have complained that they have not yet seen the complete talk. Immediate Reaction In the part of his talk' he did ' deliver, the chief' justice made several specific proposals, and' gave indications that more are to come. One suggestion was that Congress, in considering legislation to combat pollution, protect consumers and defend the rights of criminal defendants, should give some thought. to the impact such laws could have on the federal courts, already overburdened.

Expect to Consider Admiuion of China UNITED NATIONS (NC)-The United Nations General Assembly .will again be asked to take up the question of the representation of Red China, when it convenes its 25th session Sept. 15. J'he request again comes from 13 countries, with only slight changes from last year's list. . Cambodia is no longer associated with the request; Iraq and the Sudan are. Last year the decision to con-, sider the question was adopted by a vote of 71 to 48. However, on the question itself which is always phrased as "restoration of the lawful rights of the. People's Republic of China in the United Nations," the. vote was 48 for, 58 against, while 21 countries abstained. Most observers here do not anticipate much change in either the debate'or the vote.

This was expected to draw extensive comment from memo bers of Congress, but it has been 'less than expected. This likely was due to the fact that the very next day President Nixon vetoed a $4.4 billion education appropriation bill and an $18billion Housing and Urban Development appropriation, because he said, it would add nearly $1 billion to. his budget recommenda tions. This, together with the President's earlier veto of a hospital construction bill, which Congress overrode, brought spending and inflation strikingly to the fore as an issue in this year's congressional elections. This latest veto brought immediate reaction in Congress. Obvious Way The chief justice's recommendalion to Congress did draw quick criticism from some' unofficial sources. It was .contended .that while Congress should weigh the impact of such legislation . in terms of whether this impact should not be considered in terms of whether this type of law should be passed. Chief Justice Burger told the lawyers that "the most simple and obvious" way to deter criminal conduct is to "give the courts the manpower and tools, including the prosecutors and defense lawyers, to try criminal cases within 60 days after indictment." Do this, he said, and "let us see what happens." "1 predict," he added, "it would sharplyreducelhe' crime rate."

Swift and sure justice is one of the aims the crime legislation recently signed into law for the District of Columbia. The aCt calls for more judges and prose~ cutors and streamlined procedures. Members of Congress received a great volume of mail from constituents while this legislalation was under consideration, and Burger's latest proposal can be expected to receive a great deal of popular support.


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Cathol ics Stress Church Position On Abortion HARHISBURG (NC) - The Pt:nllsylvania Catholic Conference warned both the state's ()emocrlltic and Republcan pat'tit:s of its opposition to any plank in a p<lrty platform which would favor lowering abortion restrictions. The statement on behalf of the state's t:ight Catholic dioceses was sent to the Democratic and Republican patform committees preparing for the November elections by Howard J. Fetterhoff, conference executive director. The statement said "the basic issue which must be considered is whether the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through the elected representatives of the people, will continue to protect every innocent human being's righ t to life." Pro-Life Tradition "Until recently, the laws of every state in our nation, and indeed of every civilized nation in the world, have protected innoct:nt human life, whether independent, healthy and productive, or dependent, handicapped and in need of society's stronger members for support," the statemt:nt said. "It would b.e the greatest of tragedies if Pennsylvania's prospective gubernatorial and legis· lative leaders, or the great. parties sponsoring them, would depart from this pro·life tradi· tion which has made America so great," it added. The statement cited a Harris poll conducted in :June, disclos· ing from 40 to 50 per cent of the people of the country oppose passage of state laws "per· mitting abortion for almost any reason." Protection of Law Challenging a claim that 8,000 women die annually in the U. S. as a result of criminal abortions, the statement said the only official figures available are between 250 and 500, agreed upon by proponents and opponents of abortion at an international conference held in Washington in 1967. The conference suggested bet· tel' enforcement of present laws as the best means of reducing deaths from criminal abortions. "Those who would remove the protection of the law from the lives of the unborn, must prove beyond any doubt that it is not human life they are attacking," the statement said. "Once we allow the t<lking of human life in the earliest stages of its development for the sake of convenience, or for the sake of a pregnant woman's rights with no reference to her responsibilities nor those of the state, how can we logically protect human life at any other point, once that becomes a burden?" the statement asked.

Child Day Care WASHINGTON (NC)-A book· let dealing with day care of children has been prepared by the National Council of Catholic Women. It includes articles by recognized experts in the field. Priced at $2 a copy, it is available from the National Council of Catholic Women, 1312 Massa.chusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20005. '

THE ANO-lORThurs .• S~~.)t. 3.

) 970

Adult Education Movement Gains In Sweden

PRE-TEEN SPORTS HONOR FORMER P.C. TRAINER: Principals at "Doc" Shockro Night during Pawtucket Red Sox game are: third row, Russ Pero of Pittsfield baseball organization and Roxy Pichi, president of Pre-teen Sports, Inc. Second row: "Doc" Shockro, honored guest: Paul Rockett, Jr. of Feehan High and alumnus of Pre-Teen Sports; James Heagney, treasurer of the Attleboro Youth group; Paul Rockett, Sr., treasurer. Front, Dave Fenton of the Jewelry City Midgets.


'Black First' Caucus Delegates Assert ,

Pres·ent Demands to Apostolic Delegate WASHINGTON (NC)-In cas~ anyone still didn't get the word about- black natiomilism, black power and black pride and what they all mean to white .institutions, delegates' to the first national black Catholic caucus here came right out and put it in words nobody could misunderstand: . "We are black first, imd Catholic second." And to make sure their point got across, more than 125 of the caucus participants went right to the official residence of Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the U. S., and presented a list of demands. Archbishop Raimondi was on a European 'trip, but a delegation se'cretary Joseph M. Whalen of Allentown, Pa., accepted the group's petition and listened while they prayed and sang Lift Every Voice and Sing, James Weldon Johnson's Negro An· them. Father Whalen said ·he did not know whether there would be a response to the petition. Growing Gap The petition asked that black Catholics elect four black bishops heading black regional dioceses. It asked also for an Afro'American liturgy and for increased support for the .recently established National Office for Black Catholics. During the convention, participants charged "We can hardly call the Catholic Church in America Christian and there is certainly little resemblance be-

tween it and the gospel of Jesus Christ." The statement and the demands grew out of workshops held during the caucus' threeday meeting at Catholic Univ'ersity. Delegates, speakers and visitors from groups as diverse as the National Welfare Rights 01',ganization and the District of Columbia's court of general sessions debated the. growing gap between the Church and black Cathoolics and wondered what could be done about it. 'Answer Positively' Keynote speaker Father Law· renee Lucas urged the 500 participants, representing ,about 800,000 black· Catholics, to stay in the Church even though it is "white and racist." Father Lucas, black pastor of New York's Resurrection Church, charged that the Church's hierarchy was ~'running away" from race problems. But he reminded

his listeners that "you can only run so far and then you have the ocean." He also told black Catholics not to worry about the fact that only 165 of the country's 60,000 priests were black. "A hundred dedicated. people can do what needs to be done," he reminded. Brother Joseph Davis, S.M., head of the National Office for Black Catholics, struck a similar note. "I suggest we answer the question of whether or not we can remain Catholic positively * * '" it's quite possible the Church no longer lives up to Jesus Christ. But it's possible God is manifesting himself today through our heritage and culture."

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Layman Editor BOISE (NC) - John Barclay, 25, has been appointed editor of the Idaho Register, Boise diocesan newspaper. Succ.eeding Fr. Perry W. Dodds, who will devote full time to duties as Catholic chaplain at' Boise State College, Barclay is the 12-year-old paper's first lay editor. He was associate editor for the last two year~. The statewide paper with a circulation of 12,000, is. the iargest weekly publication in Idaho.

STOCKHOLM (NC)-The adult rducution movement of the Catholic. lllinlJl'ity in SWt:den is making progrl·ss with the help of state aid. Adult educatiun has always been a malleI' of great importance to the Catholic Church in Sweden. Since the Church wlls able to resume its work here 100 years ago, adult education has been the most difficult and costly palt of the priests' and Sisters' daily work. From the cities and industrial areas where they were stationed they had to travel'regularly hundreds of miles through the vas~ and sparsely developed country to reach youths over 14 anti prospecti~e converts taking religious instruction. Until the present time the state was utterly indifferent tow'ard religious minorities' educational problems. The only concession has been to .exempt Catholic childrl;!n in state schools from Lutheran religious instl'llction. Study Circles The Catholic Commission for Atlult Education was founded in 1968 in order to put Catholic adult educational activities on a level with other such movements in the country and to get public grants for them. But as a separate association the commission was too small to compete with . the. 12 large edllcational associations in the adult education field in .getting public grants for the work. Much of the adult educatiun prugram in Sweden consists of study circles that meet regularly. The decision was matle to join the State (Lutheran) Educational Association and thus have a bettt:r chance of sharing in the state subsidies. The Catholic commission became a full member of the Lutheran association in 1968. .


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.

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Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Lclcal 177 ' Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Worker1s of North America, Local 2 Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 174 ~. I American Federation of Musicians, Local 216 American Bakery and Confectionery Workers, ~ocal 20 American Federation of State, County, MunicIpal Employees, Local 1118 American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees, Local 1701 Brotherhood of Railway & Steamship Clerks, Vi:ctory Lodge 2097. Fire Fighters Association of Fall River, Local 13i14 Insurance Workers of American, Local 21 . i International Association of Fire. Fighters, Local, 1802 Westport Permanent Firefighters Association i . International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, Local 437







* ** ** * -* ** *


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, Local '1505 International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, Local 407 Journeymen Barbers, Local 331 Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Workers Union, Local 65 National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 51 Retail Clerks, Local 1325 ' Sheet Metal Workers, Local 501 Textile Workers Union of America, Joint Board typographical Union of Fall River, No. -161 United Federation of Postal Clerks, Local 511 United Furniture Workers of America, Local 159 United Rubber Workers of America, Local 261


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