The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, ·Mass., Thursday,· Sept. 4, 1975 PRICE 1Sc Vol. 19, No. 36 © 1975 The Anchor $5.00 per yur
Msgr. Harrington Praised A Man Ahead of This Age Msgr. William H. Harrington, known as the "Man of Charity" throughout the Diocese was buried Tuesday morning from Holy Name Church with Bishop Gerrard and numerous priests of the Diocese officiating. The homily of the funeral Mass was preached by Msgr. Daniel Shal100, pastor of Holy Name, who praised the late Cemetery Supervisor as a se1f1ess priest who was ahead of this age. Monsignor Harrington, son of the late John and the late Bridget (Sullivan) Harrington was born in FaU River on Jan. 21, 1889. He graduated from Boston College and was ordained to the priesthood on May 26, 1923, following theological studies at St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York. . His first parish assignment was at Sacred Heart Parish, Oak Blufss, where he served as as-
sistant until transferred to St. Louis, Fall River in Dec. 1924. He was then named director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River and in July, 1930 he was additionally appointed Supervisor of Diocesan Charities, remaining in these positions until Dec. I, 1949 when he became first. resident pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset. Six years later on Oct. 2, 1955 he was assigned as pastor of Holy Name, Fall River. Monsignor H\lrrington founded Holy Name parochial school and superv·ised the erection of the new building opened in Sept. 1960. The late Pope John XXUl raised him to the rank of Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor on Oct. 31,
Diocese Gives $10,000 To Assist Self-Help Projects The deaf, the anxious, the aged, the retarded, the sick will have their crosses somewhat lightened as they receLye the consoling and understanding helping hand of the Bishop of Fall River during these weeks. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, through the Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates of the Diocese of Fall River and assisted by a special committee of clergy, religious . and laity, has distributed over $10,000 ,to self-help' projects throughout the Diocese in 'his allocation of funds collected in each parish last November. The annual collection is the Campaign for Human Development, the U. S. Catholic Church's national anti-poverty programa concerted effort to aid groups and organizations in self-help efforts. Seventy-five per cent of the amount collected in each diocese is sent to be nationally distributed in country-wide anti-poverty ef.forts; twenty-five per cent of the Fall collectior;1 remains in each diocese to be apportioned among poverty groups attempting to raise their own standards of living and improving their lot in life.
Some 28 proposals for aid benefit from the Campaign for were received by the Diocese of Human Development on a diocFall River in July, reflecting all esan level are: $800 - United Front Homes kinds of human suffering and earnest effort; Portuguese and Day Care Center, Inc., New BedSpanish immigrants, programs ford, for its nursery program for for the aged and retarded, the the children of working mothers. anxiety of unwed mothers,' alco- $800-Portuguese Youth Cultuholism programs; the sick lonely ral Organization, Fall River, for in their homes, the deaf children its Bi-Lingual Multi-Service Cenand adults, the nursery children ter. $750 - Southeastern Conferand burdened working parents. ence for the Deaf, Attleboro, for Attempts to respond to the sincere ef,forts of dedicated the purchase of a Telecommunigroups and organizations were cations Unit. $600 - Regina Pacis Summer translated into grants from $800 for a day care nursery program Program for Spanish American to $1900 for aid with. the trans- Children, New Bedford, for reliportation of the elderly to med· gious and culturally oriented summer programs. ical appointments. $600 - Summer Camping, Each applying agency or organization was given the oppor- Taunton-Attleboro Spanish Apostunity to describe its purposes . tolate, to provide overnight and the intent of the requested camping facilfties for Spanish grant. The Department of Social speaking childhen. $500 - Homemakers of Fall Services and Special Apostolates received and processed the re- River to help provide in-home quests. A committee of clergy, servi~es such as meal preparareligious and laity then studied tion, light housekeeping, shopthe requests and made recom- ping, laundry, personal care, mendations to the Most Rever- physical therapy and companionship to the elderly, handiend Bishops. On Saturday, August 23, Bish- capped, retarded, mentally ill op Cronin personally distributed and families with multi-problems. $250o-Birthright of Fall Rivchecks to some of the agencies and saw to the sending of grants er, New Bedford, Taunton, AttleTurn to Page Two to others. Among those who will
Considered one of the best clerical adm.jnistraoors ·in the diocese, Msgr. Harrington served for more than 43 years as supervisor of St. Patrick's, St. John's, and St. Mary's Cemeteries in Fall River. Although he retired as pastor of Holy Name in April 1967, Msgr. Harrington continued his supervisory activ,ities of the' three Fall River cemeteries witn a dedication to work and service as an exemplar of what it means "to serve." In his prie!'>thood which spanned over half a century, he was instrumental in developing St. Thomas More Parish into one of. the area's fastest-growing Christian communities. Msgr. Harrington is also known for his outstanding accomplishments as the Director of the Fall River Diocesan Welfare Bureau. His successes in that office were -all the more outstanding when one recalls that his appointment was made in 1930 when the country was in the throes of its worst economic depression. The text of Msgr. - Shalloo's homily is found on page four.
THE BUILDING IN QUESTION: The subject of the civil suit brought against Bishop Cronin is the St. John's Day Nursery building. In the background is St. Patrick's Church. The nursery operated for years as a part of St. Patrick's Parish. The present occupant'., ~he St. John's Child Care and Development Center Inc., has been organized as a private and mdependent corporation totally without the authorization or the knowledge of the Bishop. R~peated. e.fforts wer~ mad.e to effect the withdrawal of the corporation from the facility WIth a mmimum of dIsruption and representatives of the corporation promised to do this over the course of many months. Their failure to move left Bishop Cronin no alternative and after ample forewarning the building was secured on Aug. 11 .
...----In This Issue--------------~------------- ......- - - - - - . New Bedord missionary and family celebrate first reunion in 36 years
Mary Carson applauds Betty Ford
Independence for the Azores?
Do Police have the right to strike? Read Msgr. Higgins
brings the Gospel to the American Indians
Page 3
Page 5
Pages 8 and 9
Page 10
Page 15
An Italian Priest
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Bishop Confirms Two Nominations
La Salette Pilgrimage
Bishop Cronin confirmed the nominations of two religious order priests to assistant positions in the diocese.
Members of the Union Saint· Jean-Baptiste will hold their 21st annual pilgrimage to La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 7. A concelehrated Mass with Bishop Odore J. Gendron of Manchester, N. H. as principal celebrant will be followed by a social hour in the garden, adjoining the shrine restaurant. The event will mark the 75th anniversary of the fraternal benevolent insurance society.
Confirming the nomination of Very Reverend Edmund Szymkiewisc, O.F.M., Conv., Minister Provincial of the Conventual Franciscan Friars of St. Anthony of Padua Province, the Bishop appointed the Reverend Jeremy Chodacki, O.F.M., Conv., as Asassistant at Saint Hedwig's Parish in New Bedford. Appointed as Assistant at Holy Cross Parish in South Easton was Reverend James T. Preskenis, C.S.C., Father Preskenis had been nominated for the position by Very Reverend William P. Ribando, C.S.C., Provincial Superior of the Holy Cross Fathers, Eastern Prov.ince.
Necrology SEPT. 12 Rev. John J. Galvin, 1962, As sistant, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River SEPT. 13 Rev. Char-les A. J. Donovan, 1949, Pastor, Immaculate Con-.ception, North Easton SEPT. 15 Rev. Henry J. Mussely, 1934, Pastor, St. John Baptist, Fall River Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., 1958, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Rev. John J. Casey, 1969, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton SEPT. 16 Rt. Rev. Jean A. Prevost, P.A., P.R., 1925, Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River SEPT. 17 Rev. Thomas' F. McNulty, 1954,' Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford SEPT. 18 Rev. Luke Golla, SS.CC., 1945, Seminary of Sacred Heart, Wareham . Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Ward, 1964, St. Patl'ick's, FaU River
DCCW to Meet The first quarterly meeting of the executive board of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will take place at 2 p.m. 'Sunday, Sept. 14 at St. Theresa's Church, South Attleboro. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon will preside.
BISHOP ~RONIN DISPERSES HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FUNDS: Gathered at St. Mary's Cathedral Rectory in Fall River are left to right Miss Joan Leahey, Greater Taunton Council on Alcoholism Youth Division; Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Director, Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates; Miss Gracia M. Hillman, United Front Homes Day Care Center, New Bedford; Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.; Mrs. Robert K. Wilson, Birthright of Cape Cod, Inc.; and Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Adams, Southeastern Regional Conference for the Deaf, Attleboro. "
Diocese Gives $10,000 To Projects Continued from Page One boro and Cape Cod, $500 each to assist young unmarried giris during 'pregnancies. $50O-Centro Hispano, Attle· boro Recreation Center, for educaUonal endeavors teaching English to the ,~p~nis4' speaking and Spanish to others. $1000~ Big Brothers in the Attleboro Area and Big Sisters in Greater Fall River, $500 each for their well known efforts in behalf of youth. $50o-ECHO of Cape Cod to aid with the religious formation of young people through weekend retreats. $350 - Chaplain'S' Emergency Relief, Fall River, to provide emergency shelter' and food for fire and disaster victims. $30o-Norton Council on Aging, to help maintain transportation for the elderly. $30o-North Attleboro Council on Aging to educate the eld-'
erly in the area of nutrition, preretirement courses and communications. $30o-Attleboro Area Assocition for Retarded Citizens-The Workshop, for purchase of equipment to facilitate the community's awareness of the illness of alcoholism and make known the resources available. $250 - Alcoholism Council of Greater Fall River, Inc., for a "HELP" grant setting up an alcohol information and referral component with a 24-hour cr'isk service. $160 - Attleboro Area Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc., for the purchase of educ,ational and recreational materials for their nursery school. $IOo-F'ISH of Easton, to make medical transportation available fur area senior citizens. The Campaign for Human Development - nationwide - has been termed a great "sign of hope to many who might otherwise be without hope." Thanks to the generosity of the Bishop, 'clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Fall River, that sign of hope has again been given tangible meaning in grants' making possible, all types of ser-
San Diego Forms Pastoral Council SAN DIEGO (NC)-A pastoral council is being formed in the Diocese of San Diego. Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego has appointed a committee to be responsible for drawing up a constitution for the pastoral council and devise methods for selecting and electing members from among the 500,000 Catholics in the diocese.
vices to the needy of Southeastern Massachusetts. It was with regret, during The pastoral council eventu· these 'times of economic crises, that the Department of Social ally named will consist of priests, Services and Special Apostolates Religious and lay persons. was unable to fund many other proposa.lsdue primarily to the limited resources and the gOodly' COUGHLIN number Of applicantS". Funeral' Home Inc. Hopefully, this' Fall's Campaign for Human Development 308 Locust Street will make possible an even more Fall River, Mass. enthusiastic and detailed expresJohn J. Coughlin sion of the Church's concern for Michael J. Coughlin the poor - regardless of race, creed, color-and responsive to 675-7055 sincere att~pts at real self-help.
A 'MATTER OF KEEPING, HOUSE Let's help take care of our world. It was created in gOOd form. Environmental concern 'is
•• _·1I11r 1lltl """""'1...1I111mlll'''...'"''''''... ''IIlIllIU'''''u.''mullU'''IIl.........-
Second Class Postage Paid at Fall Rivet., Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.
Manuel. Rogers & Sons APPOINTED K OF C CHAPLAINS: His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has appointed the Reverend Francis B. Connors, left, as Chaplain to the Father McSwiney Council Knights of Columbus, Council No. 2525, Hyannis, and the Reverend Richard M. Roy, right, as Chaplain to the South Attleboro Knights of Columbus, Council No. 5876.
FUNERAL HOME 1521 North Main Street. Fall River, Mass. Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado
Tel. Office 672-3101 Res. 673-3896 - 673-0447
Serving All Faiths Regardless at Financial Circumstances Fa; Over 102 Years CITY 'LOCATION 178 Winter Street . Between Cherry & Locust Sts. FALL RIVER
SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road North of Rt. 6 Intersection SWANSEA
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Parish Parade PUblicity chairmen of Darlsh orranizatlons are Isked to submit news items for this co/un n to The Anchor, P. 0.' Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be It.cluded,. as well as full dates of 111 activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Reservations will be taken and initial plans made for winter trips to Poland, Russia or Egypt at a meeting to be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 14 in the school hall. Holy Rosary Sodalists' will hold services in the church at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 7. A business session will follow in the school hall. Members of a 20-week club will attend a banquet at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13 at St. Anne's auditorium, Fall River. Reservations should be made by Saturday, Sept. 6 with John Luddy, chairman. A penny sale is slated for Saturday, Sept. 27. Donations may be left at the re::tory or convent and tickets are available from Mrs. Annette Golembewski, chairman, or at the convent. St. Stanislaus credit union will hold its 10th anniversary party at 4 p.m. Sund·ay, Sept. 28 in the school hall. Admission will be by passbook. . HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A parish census is in progress, conducted by the parish priests, aided by Rev. Mr. Paul Carrier, S.J., a Jesuit scholastic. . Women's Guild board members will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8 in .the rectory. A membership tea is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28 in the school hall. Prospective members may contact Helen Marie Booth, telephone 679-5232. The unit also plans a dinner and fashion show for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14 at the Coachmen restaurant. Tickets are available from board members. The 1923 Club will begin Sunday, Sept. 8 and those wishing to join may contact Bill Sullivan, 674·4586 or Joe Benevides, 6732293. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, ACUSHNET The St. Francis Xavier Women's guild of Acushnet wHl have a Pot Luck supper and installation of officers Wectnesday, Sept. 10th at 6:38 p.m. at the new school. Anyone Wishing to join may come and enjo'y a real nice evening. ST. PATRICK, WAm:MAM
Two Important events are planned for the opening of the 1975-1976 school year. There will be a meetin! of all parents of the f)adsh on Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Patrick's Hall. Our entire Religious Education Pra8!"am will be discussed and evaluated at this time anc! it is imperative that all interested parents attend and participate in the planning. On the following Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1975 an Hour of Prayer will be conducted at St. Patrick's Church from 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. The intention for this time of prayer is for the success of the Religious Education Pro· gram of the parish and all parishioners are invited and urged to join us in this united efort.
Parish Parade
FATHER GUENETIE AND FAMILY. FIRST REUNION IN 36 YEARS: Gathered together for the first time since 1939 are left to right Gerard Guenette, Sister Anna Guenette SSJ, Father Guenette, Mrs. George Lagesse, (Father Guenette's sister) and Father Guenette's nephew, Normand P. Ostiguy. The picture was taken at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ostiguy, shown standing in rear, at 189 Rochambeau St., New Bedford.
New Bedfordite, Latin America Missioner, Describes Work of Church in Chile By PAT McGOWAN "It is only 'by the grace of God that I am talking to you," de-
clared Rev. Alfred J. Guenette, as he discussed the difficult situation faced by missionaries in t·he small town of Lota, Chile in the days before the military coup of 1973 in that Latin Amel'ican country. Tbe Assumptionist prie~t, ·a New Bedford native, said that Communists conducted a reign of terror hefore the military takeover and that North American observers who disawee with this view of ,the sttuati'on "should have heen there to see for themselves." He feels that the military regime has made a revival of Catholicism possible in Chile and thinks that the world press in general has spread mistaken ideas of what has actually been going on in the nation. As an example of freedom of expression, he noted ·that, unlike missioners in many countries, who are reluctant to make any public comment on the political situation in the lands where they work, lie is "not afraid to speak out and I fear no consequences." Father Guenette has spent most of his priestly life in Latin America, serving in Mexko aftd Costa Rica before being assigned to Chile 10 years ago. He was in New Bedford on a horne visit, the highlight of which was a reunion with his tm-ee brothers and three sisters for the first time since his ordination in 1939. . They include Sister Emma of the Sisters of St. Joseph, a memo ber of the faculty of Bishop Ger· rard High School, Fall River; Mrs. Gilberte Ostiguy of St. Joseph's parish, New Bedford, with whom the missioner is staying; and Mrs.' Germaine Lagasse of Sacred Heart parish, also New Bedford. His brothers are Jean of St. Francis Xavier parish, Acushnet; Albert, of Worcester; and Gerard, .
SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD Ladies of Ste. Anne will hold a ham and bean supper from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12. Proceeds will benefit the parish and an added attraction will be a raffle of $100 cash, a handmade afghan and a handmade linen tablecloth and napkins. ST. BERNARD, ASSONET St. Bernard's Women's Guild will open their 1975-1976 season on Sept. 10th, 1975 ath 7:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall. All· members are asked to attend this meeting to set up the program for the coming year. OUR LAJ)y OF LOURDES, TAUNTON Final preparations are in the making for the Parish Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes which will be held on the Church grounds (49 First St.) the weekend of September 6th and 7th. On Sunday, September 7th, the Parish will host its First Religious Procession in honor of the Patroness, Our Lady of Lourdes. Following the Procession there will be a Band Concer.t by the Taunton City Band and once 'again Teenage entertainment provided ,by Richard Ferreira. Refreshments, both Portuguese and Amer.ican, will be on sale. On Sunday evening the Feast Committee will produly present a Folkloric Group, "Romarias de Portugal." Sunday's activities will conclude at 9 p.m. with the . awarding of the Raffle Prizes. On both days there will be Auctioning held and Games provided for both young and old. OUR LADY OF MT. CAIlMEL, SEEKONK • All women of the parish are invited to the first meeting of the Women's Guild, to take place at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 10 in the church center on Route 44. Following a business session, a tea will be held to welcome Rev. George Harrison, newly appointed curate. New guild off.icers are Mrs. Mary Oliver, president; Mrs. Rose Soucy, vice-president; Mrs. Eleanor Whitney, secretary; Mrs. Linda Hall. treasurer. Tun.. to Page Ten
who traveled from Mankato, and Father Guenette was pleased Minn. for the reunion. to report that on a recent visit "But I traveled farther than he found Ciudad de los Ninos anyone," pointed out Father flourishing and providing a 'new Guenette, who will return to life for 265 boys. Chile Sept. 9. He said that his assignments He has brad an adventurous in Chile included parish miniscareer in the priesthood, dating try in the coal mine area of Lota, back to World War II when as two years in Valraraiso and, ·a cbaplain on ·air maneuvers in most recently, work in the capiNorth Carolina, he caught his tal city of Santiago, where he is parachute in .the door of a p1lllne treasurer for his communi.ty and and dangled in mid-air untH crew in charge of an 8,OOO-member members, alerted to his plight by sector of an enormous parish of radio from ·another plane, pulled 50,000 souls. him back aboard. For ,that exThe missioner noted that antiploit he earned the nickname of Americansim is not found at the the "Dangling Chaplain." grass roots' level in Chile and Following the W1llr the erst· that few Catholics see the while chaplain, missioned to Churoh as collaborating with Costa Rica, devoted his energies "the establishment." to founding a Latin American "That sort of talk is leftist equivalent of Boystown, known propaganda," he declared. as "Ciudad de los Ninos," and Father Guenette feels, howproviding education, shelter and ever, that the day is fur off when spiritual guidance to abandoned a native clergy will he 'able to and orflhaned boys. take over the Church in Chile. Father Guenette said that after "There is so much m-a,terialism four years during which he and tha.t vocations have suffered." another Assumptionist Father The New Bedfordite is a graduoversaw construction of seven buildings, taqght the students the 'ate of. Holy Family High School rudiments of agricuLture and in- and he celebrated Mass for the first time at St. Joseph Church troduced them to such skills as general mechanics, carpentry, Au!. 3, 19390after ordination the _ previous February at St. Augusshoe repair and baking, it was. tine Cathedral. Paris. decided by his superiors that the Asswmptionists lacked sufficient m¥power to continue the proj· ect. I't was therefore turned over ,to another rel!8ious community; .
17 Park Street, Att:"".,M••. 27. Union Sti~, New IedleN, Mo•••
REGULAR SAVINGS 5-Yt % 90 Day Notice Account 5% % . 1 yr. Certificates minimum $1,000 6%% 2~ yr. Certificates minimum $5,000 6%% .. yr. Certificates minimum $5,000 7%% We compute interest continuously-day of deposit to day of withdrawal
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Back To School From kindergarten through graduate school, it's that time of year again. The temporary pursuits and endeavors of the summer mont1}s such as swimming lessons, beach parties, or waiting on tables, give way to the students' primary preoccupations: acquiring knowledge and skills which will aid in living the full life. Translated into daily activity such an erstwhile ideal may mean mem.orizing the rules of English grammar, conjugating Spanish verbs, or even writing a thesis. Most students will hardly embark upon their formal studies with the same enthusiasm with which they undertook the pursuits of summer. This is unfortunate because the purpose of education is to fulfill the God-given potential which each of us possesses. In this sense, education is both a year-round and life-long' process and none of us should' ever cease being a student. It is sad to note, however, that in the formal phase of education, in the classrooms, many students either lack any motivation or are improperly motivated. The first group is bored for lack of interest and the second group is over-_ anxious as· they strive for good marks without any attention to real learning. The only difference between these two groups is that frustration comes early to the former while the latter will be disillusioned in later life. Those of us who have passed the stage of formal education should by our examples properly motivate students and we do this by being ever curious and open -to improvement. Teachers, parents, and friends should endeavor to imbue in students a love of learning for the sake of learning alone. It is, indeed, only with such love that all of us will be able to develop the gifts which God has given us and live life to the full.
Confrontation In the Church Lately in these pages a running feud has been carried on between our regular columnist, Msgr. George Higgins, and Fr. Robert Drinan S.J., Congressman from Massachusetts. The subject of the dispute is irrelevant for our concern but what is noteworthy is the manner in which both parties have conducted themselves. Both Msgr. Higgins and Fr. Drinan, while battling over a point which is obviously both important and personal hav.e nevertheless not forgotten that they are members of the Church, the Body of Christ on this earth. They have expressed Christian affection-for each other and stated a desire to break bread together. Perhaps they will, and if they do the Body of Christ will be stronger for it. Now this shouldn't be startling news in itself except that lately such behavior appears to be the exception rather than the rule. Perhaps we shouldn't be shocked. We know that from the earliest days of the Church there have existed disputes among the followers of Christ. It shouldn't happen but it does. The humanity of the Church, however, should not be an excuse for failure to make serious effort to settle our disputes in a manner befitting those made one in Christ. Confrontation is a fact of life and cannot be avoided. Indeed when handled in an amicable fashion, it can be quite constructive. It would seem the Msgr. Higgins-Fr. Drinan dispute is of this type. It would further seem that all disputes among us should be of this type. Alas, they are not and therein lies the scandal and tragedy of our behaviour.
Published weekly by T.he Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. Edward J. Byington
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ...... leary Pross-·Fall River
Dear Editor: . . . " with regard to Mary Carson's column in the August 21 issue, this is the second time Mary Carson has written pro women's ordination. How can a Catholic newspaper retain a columnist who deHberately goes again~t His Holiness, Pope Paul VI - who is definitely against the ordination of women. If we are Catholics, we should show our aHegiance to the Pope and not publicly advocate sometthing that is very much against his wishes. I helieve Mary Carson's column shoud be dropped from the Anchor . . . why retain somebody who deHberately writes a· gainst our Pope. There are many fine and loyal columnists, such as, Father Lyons and Father Fox ... that's why I enjoy the Visitor (which I subscribe 'to) and the National Catholic Reg. ister. Hope you will give this ser.ious consideration. Excelsior . . . Sincerely Genevieve E. Foley New -Bedford
BETTY THE GUIDE: This uncaptioned editorial cartoon by Mike Lane of the Evening Sun was printed in Baltimore Aug. 25, after First Lady Betty Ford's interview on Sixty Minutes brpughi considerable reaction from religious leaders. Catholic spokesemen joined others in condemning Mrs. Ford's views on premarital sex and abortion. For a different opinion read Mary Carson on Page five.
* * *
Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
Funeral Homily
Msgr. Shalloo Talks On Priesthood One of the greatest acts of respect mankind witnesses is. especially manifested at the death of a priest. - This morning all present are sitting (still awed) at a respect that is centuries old. We f,ind respect for the priesthood ·in every race, in Pagan as well as Christian. In Homer's classic, The Iliad, the priest appears on the first page as a moral power surpassing all else. In Athens, no state function took place without the. priests, no peace treaty was ever made wIthout representation of the priesthood. Truly we can say that the entire State of Greece was "clerical." The same can be said of the Roman state also. Every civic or public function was conducted u'nder the auspices· of the prie&ts. Not even the mighty Augustus ventured to depose the Pontifex Maximus, the chief priest. In Christian countries the respect rendered to the priesthood was due to immense services the priests had rendered--for it was the source of the spread of ci\1Jilization. The priesthood we know receives respect because of the moral eminence of people who see in it what Christ, its author, decreed it-The Way, The Truth and The Life. This triplex decree was preached by Christ and was fully understood by· his listeners-for The Way, The Truth and The Life are the three basic conceptions of the Jewish religion and
He made the tremendous claim that in Him all three found their full realization and their full expression. To find our way, directions can be misunderstood or misconstrued. But Chl'ist takes us hy the hand to lead us. He walks with us-He does not tell us The Way. He is The Way. The pl"iest is the alter Christus, the other Christ, and as such, it is not the words that beget truth but his bearing as Christ that instills truth. In the last analysis, what man Is ever seek,ing is life. Man's search is not for knowledge for its own sake. What men want is that which will make life worth living. To light the bulbs of The Way, The Truth and The Life, the priest, the other Christ, produces the energy through example. Today we pay our respects to a priest who bl'azed the way, ignited the truth and rekindled Hfe by his exemplary selflessness..." Even as he neared the end, he never became self-centered as he expressed a desire for no eulogy, which is a public pradse in words. But years of selflessness meant following the law and thus the rule of a homily in the Liturgy of Christian Burial is being followed in the spirit ~ selt1!eSSl obedience. The theme is love-the -priesthood as service to others. He bas labored through five decades in the vineyard of the Lord and
although the world might see a priest of another age he was, in f.act, ahead of this age. His works were numerous, his accomplishments tremendous, his anticipation of the modern age of· social legislation incredible, Before letters of the alphabet were combined for agencies-he was supervising the procedures of aiding others. Long before the clinical psychologists and psychiatrists were analy~ing children's problems, he was solving their problems through a selfless love. Complarints today are directed at institutions failing~it is not ·institutions fail:ing us today, but rather the absence of great men of virtue. As The Way, The Truth and The Life, Monsignor Harrington developed in these unfo.rtunate children at St. Vincent's the way of faith, the truth of hope and life of charity. A litany of praises could be recited, but as you know, Monsignor Harrington would prefer a litany of prayers. His selflessness known by the public was only surpassed by his devotion to his sister Katherine. Fear strikes me as I attempt to. phrase an expression of sympathy to his saintly sister-I am fearful lest my inadequate words frame only platitudes of condolence, but may Christ The Man of Sorrows bless you K'athel"ine -be your way, your truth and your life in the days ahead. May Monsignor Harrington rest in peace.
Vocations Increase In East Africa
I didn't see the interview on TV when Betty Ford said those things, so I can comment only from what I've read. There have been loud condemnations, but those who made them seem to ignore her accomplishments. She has raised a fine family. In spite of the fishbowl our insatiable curi- that as children grow, parents do have the "toddler type" conosity produces, she has a not trol some think they should. solid marriage. She has faced More than that, Betty Ford ofa cancer operation courageously. Betty Ford must be doing something right! Maybe because she is so sue-
fered consolation, encouragement and inspiration to mothers. The average mother doesn't identify with Betty Ford's prominence and power. But she let us know that being First Lady doesn't make her immune to a situation any mother could face. I can only admire her. Honesty, simplicity, love, maternity. By Shameful Treatment Yet because she exhibited MARY those virtues, there have been some unbelievably vicious accuCARSON sations. Possibly the accusers have no knowledge of the fears, the shocks, the possibilities that cessful it's more satisfying to are a part of motherhood . . . or condemn her. the courage that maternity deI'm sure she would rather not mands. have been asked what she would We have treated Betty Ford do if her daughter came home shamefully. Are we so jealous and said she was having an af- of her accomplishments, so enfair:. Yet out 'of an entire inter- vious of the fine job she has view, that's what caused com· . done raising her family, that our ment. That's what we are inter- only recourse is to throw rocks ested in. That's what we talk at her? about . . . not her courage, her I'm not saying I agree with honesty, or such dull things. everything Mrs. Ford said. I am saying that as a wife, As a mother, I believe that her SUMMER FADES: Just as answer to the question was truth- mother, and' a person, she has afternoon light begins to fade achieved results that any woman ful, realistic, and. filled with behind a silhouetted Amermotherly wisdom. What else would be pmud of. And 'it seems to me that the ican egret majestically stalkcould she have done? loudest criticism of her TV inter- ing through a marsh at ChinShe could have refused to answer. But mothers are used to view came from people whose coteaque National Wildlife having their children ask embar· achievements in their positions rassing questions, and good and vocations in life cannot com- Refuge in Virginia, summer is fading fast with the arrival mothers always try to answer pa,re with hers. them. Just so much sour grapes. of September. NC Photo It's Possible She could have said that she'd disown her daughter.' But Betty Ford doesn't solve problems by dismissing them, or pretending they aren't there. And what would she 'accompHsh condemning Susan? Would the morals of other teen·agers be helped? .Or would the ide'a of Susan Ford being disowned create hero wor· ship? She' could have been shocked We have 220 New England Jesuits (one fourth of our . . . sa,id it wasn't possible. It 65 years old or older. Some are also sick or members) might not be probahle, but it is do not have Social Security. Nor a province infirm. We possible. And every honest retirement house nor a nursing care facility ready for mother, deep down in her heart, empathizes. them. So we're renovating our former seminary in Under the circumstances, I beWeston, Massachusetts. Will you ~help us cover the lieve Betty Ford did the motherly costs of this renovation? thing. She would face the problem honestly. She would not conHelp YOURSELF also. Give, yet receive income for demn. She would continue to try LIFE. Have more SPENDABLE income now. SAVE on to help. And she also implied
ROME (NC) East Africa, which waited three and one-half centuries for its first native pl"iests, now has 1,260 students in 11 seminaries, according to Fides, missionary news service issued here. The vocations trend in East Africa, Fides said, 'has . been steadily upward over the years. There has never been a decline, it added. The seminal'ies are in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. At the start of the current school year, Fides reported. the
taxes. Give in MEMORY of loved ones. HANOI (NC)......There are a million drug addicts in South Vietnam, said Nguyen Van Dong, a member of North ~ietnam's 'National Catholic Committee, who recently visited 12 provinces in the South and five Catholic dioceses. In Saigon, he said, there are about 500,000 prostitutes and and an equal number of orphans. ' All the Catholic bishops and most of the priests remained in South Vietnam after the communist takeover, he said, adding that only 130 priests out of a total of 2,000 left the country.
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Gaba seminary in Uganda had to build two new residences to accommodate the influx of students. Even then, 32 of them had to be sent to Katigondo, another seminary 100 miles away. In addition to the 1,260 studenst in East Africa, Fide~ said, there are several from the area in Rome for postgraduate studies. At present, all seminarians finish their studies in their own local environment before being sent abroad for higber studies.
-------WHO CARES •••?
Dear Friend, Who cares about Holy Land refugees? .Who cares if the baby born tonight in a refugee tent will have a clean blanket? Who cares if eager breadwinners deprived of their livelihoods can be re-trained for new jobs? Who cares about the orphans of war? Our Holy Father cares. Ever since these wars began, our Pontifical Mission for Palestine has been caring in practical terms: shoes, blankets; hot meals, medicine, new houses, new classrooms, self-help family loans, re-training, scholarships. The world is beginning to care a lot about the hazard· to everyone's peace in the unsettled status of 1,800,000 Holy Land refugees. While diplomacy remains boggled, your priests, nuns and ,lay workers are feeding, healing, teaching, mending the peace person-by-person-by caring where it counts. We believe that you' care too. About shivering children, about Christ's homeland. about peace, about the humane thing! The headlines of recurring crises in the Holy Land will not let your caring rest. We beg you .to invest in people who need you, with the handy coupon below. Your gift will go to work right away. And thanks for caring, Monsignor Nolan
New England Jesuits Need Your Help
So. Vietnam Addicts
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Betty Ford Gives Inspiration to Mot,hers
$. . .. My 'Stringless Gift,' use it where it's needed most $2750 Equipment for Pediatrics Center $1390 Sound lab for 20 deaf-mute boys $ 525 Three-rOOm home for refugee family $ 300 Two-year vocational training' for refugee youngster $ 210 One-year hospital care for an aged refugee $ 50 'Sewing machine for a refugee girl $ 25 One year's medical care for a_refugee family' . $ 10 Braille books for blind children $ 5 Two dresses for an orphan girl $ 2 Blanket for a baby $ 1 Lunch for a child for one month
26 Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
N,ow's Time tlo Add To,ps,oil, Pilant Bu,lbs in "Garden By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
By the time this appears in print there will be a number of sad children, some harried teachers and a number of happy, dazed parents at home. With the oncoming cool weather, things begin to settle down; the days grow shorter ' and some order once again enters our lives. The same from summer to winter by giving sort of thing begins to hap- us a short but very pleas~ant sea. h d f son to adjust to all the strong pen III t e gar en. A ter the changes that winter will bring. heat of summer bulbs become active, again ripening in the ground to produce the flowers for next spJ:1ing and summer. Thz grass begins to break its dormancy af:ter the dog days of Au. gust and the refreshing fall rains. This, not spJ:1ing, is the time to refurbish lawns. If your lawn needs touehing up, this is the perfect time. The grass will sprout and be given a reasonable chance to take root before really cold weather and dormancy" while the faU rains give you a fifty-fifty chance to keep the lawn fa;jrly wet during the day when drying can be hazardous to new grass. Time for Topsoil This is, however, the time when we 'are least incHned to work in the garden. The enthusiasm we felt last spring has long since faded behind the lawn mower and it becomes increasingly difficult to move our minds and bodies to the task at hand. However, this is valuable Nme and should be used accordingly. For instance, this is an excellent time to get some good 'topsoil into the garden 'and some cow or horse manure if available. Most of tbe perennials have bloomed and the annuals will not last too much past October. An application of topsoil now will' pay dividends in the spr-ing, by which time it will have had sufficient time to become incorporated in the soil. This is especia.Jly true of the ~anures, which will have ample opporptunity to decompose and enJ:1ich the soil. Bulbst of course, must be planted now jf they are to pro· duce blooms next spring. These are tiresome to plant but they do reward the effort with plentiful blooms in the early spring when we appreciate ,it most after a dreary winter. In the' Kitchen A decided nip can be felt in the air, the grapes on the backyard vine are almost at their ripest, and I spent part of the moming bringing some of my houseplants back inside. Fall is almost here. I adore summer but there is almost an enforced laziness about H that causes everyone to put everything off until tomor· row, while fall almost demands tha.t you get out and do things. Suddenly you have enough en· ergy to clean those windows, worry about new curtains, ar-, range a bouquet of flowers or ,bake that caj{e you've had the recipe for since June. While fall is a prelue to' our harsh New England winters, ~here is still much to be enjoyed In the sudden cooling, the crisp feel in the surroundings and the ever changing scenery. It's as if God'tried to soften the transition
JQY Worn Thin He certainly was very thoughtful in that respect, for by the end of August the joy of the timelessness of summer has worn a bit thin and we're ready for a more settled routine, in fact many mothers are looking forward to it. I love the~oods of fall, the squash, late tomatoes, crisp apples, and large, shiny egg· plants. I hope I have time this particular busy fall to hake at least a couple of apple pies, and maybe a pumpkin or two. For those of us who love cooking, fall is a festival of good f,oods 'and from the, feel of the weather it's just around the corner.. With an 'abundance of tomatoes in' ihe yard, it's a shame not to make a few ,things with them. This pepper sauce recipe comes from a cookbook compiled by the Westport United Congregational Church of Westport and it is contributed by Prudence Buckley. Pickle Pepper Sauce 2 qts red tomatoes 2' qts green tomatoes 5 red sweet peppers 5 green peppers 2 pounds of onions 1 cup salt 5 cups vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar 3 Tablespoons mixed pickling spices in a cheesecloth bag 1) Put the red tomatoes, green t0t?atoes, 'red peppers, green peppers and onions through a grinder and cover with the cup of saIto Mix well, ,let stand overnight and ,in the morning drain well. ' 2) Add the v,inegar, brown sugar and bag of spices together and boil until sugar ,is dissolved. Add the drained mixture and cook half an hour more. Seal hot in sterilized jars.
Baptist-Cathal ic Conference Set
WASHINGTON (NC) - "Conversion to Christ and Life-Long Growth in the Spirit" will be the theme of the fourth in a ser,ies of regional Southern BaptistRoman Catholic conferences. The conference will be held Oct. 27-29 at the Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, Calif. Jointly sponsored by the Interfaith Witness Department, liome Mission Board of the Southern , Baptist Convention and the Committee for Ecumenical and Interrelig.ious Affairs of the National Conference of CathoHc Bishops, 'the Conftrence will bring to· gether about 70 representatives of both churches from California, Oregon, Washington and' Nevada. Dr. Thomas Francoeur, McGill University psychologist, Montreal. and Dr. Richard Cunningham, Gate Seminary, San Francisco theology professor at Golden w-iU del,iver the two main addresses. Six small groups will discuss topics related to the con- , SCHOOL DAYS: The familiar yellow school bus is terence -theme. Those attending will be welagain in operation as thousands of students throughout the comed to the San Francicso area Fall River Diocese returned to school yesterday. by Archbishop Joseph T. MeA. Gucken of San Francisco and Dr. Robert D. Hughes, executive VATICAN CITY (NCr-For 2() this jubilee year he had spoken secretary, California Southern centuries mankind has sought to of Christianity in general, of the Baptist Convention. Among those at the conferprobe the key quest,ion of Chris- Christian message to be rediscovtianity, "who i's Jesus Christ?" ered, of a new way of Uving, of ,ence will be Bishop Bernard F. Law of Springfoield-eape GirarPope Paul told more than 80,000 communicating with God. Tracing the arguments' over deau, Mo., subch,i.'irman for pilgrims at a general audience the identity of Jesus as described Roman Catholic/Southern Baphere Aug. 27. in John's Gospel, Pope Paul told -tist relations of the bishops' ecDespite threatening clouds, the audience: "Jesus died the umenical committee, and Dr. Pope Paul helicoptered in from victim and martyr of his myste- Glenn Inglehart, executive direchis summer home at Castelganof th.e Department of !n~er dolfo and lignored a light shower r,ious unity of man-God and, in that, his oneness resurrected on , aith Witness, Home MISSion that fell toward the end of the audience as he' spoke of the the third day, He became the'/ Board o.f the Southern Baptist Sav,ior of the world." ConventIOn. identity of Jesus. Pope Paul continued: "On the r"'S-.......- - -.....-----.,. "Who is Jesus Christ?" asked cornerstone which is Christ him. ath Tub Ruined '1 Pope Paul., "The Holy Year means a meet· self ,He is building through us· a ~ ing with Jesus Christ, a special living rock which can never coltv, (C meeting. It signifies that every- lapse, neither in time nor woith \l :'=>one who celebrates it must rad- death. This rock Js His Church, ~ ically reflect on his own opinion holy and immortal, to which we !'lo'll V have the fortune to belong and We Can RESURFACE IT! of Jesus Christ, on def,ining him like Ne" - Guaranteed - No Remoyal on His reality." , from which we receive Christ WHITE OR COLOR Call Collect LECTROGLAZ 1·385·9319 p'ope Paul recalled that during himself\ the breald of eternal life."
k "Whos I J,esus Christ?" Pope.f"'\ls s:
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Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
'Li'fe Saving' Procedure
The Jesuit magazine "America" has completed its sellout to romantic entl:usiasm. Its recent symposium oncharismatic healing shows that the editors have abandoned all restraint, all- i¢elligence, and all goOd taste in favor of simple-minded emotionality. Indeed, the (mly caution that For those of us who remember the "America" that used "America" has displaye4 in re-/ cent years has been saved for to be, such a sell-out is a ethnictty and for serious and careful social science. "America" -first-rate tragedy. The Catholic church has aI- has been very cautious ind~ed on ways been cautious and re- _these .subjects and has urged strained in the face of cla:ms of Icaution on everyone else. Like Hitler
GREElEY the miraculous. It demands carefully-documented eVidence, con.ducts l(lng, careful -and precise investigations and then ends up with -a very moderate announce· menNhat there is nothing in the marvels that is contrary to faith: . The contributors to the "America" symposium are utterly innocent of such restraint and caution. They have seen the marvelous; they have tasted the power; they have found .ul~ answer. Documentation and evidence are useless; they FEEl the. power of fa'ith, and in the joy whieh',cOm~s, from such feeling moderation is thrown to the winds. . There is no mention of the convulsions which affect some of those who have been the targets ·of charismatic healing; no reference to the lawsuits which have been entered against some self-anointed healers; no hint that in Ann Arbor (charismatic land par excellence) healers have been parred from hospitals because 'of the guilt they create among patients whose faoith is not "strong enough" to i'espond to the powers of healers. Liberation Theology And if the editors of "America" are aware of the very considerable Hterature on healinga literature which,' to say the least, dictates caution - they certainly don't ~how it. But then in their enthusiasm for liberation theology the editors of "Ameria" don't show much awareness of the serious literature on problems of economic development and the caution that such literature dictates to those who have simple answers to world economic -problems.
One article comes dangerously close to blaspl1emy. The author compares Jesus- to Hitler and Mussolini and sees the c of "Duce", as appropriate fr:r· Jesus. Th~ Lord, he tells us, gives us a sense of corporate power not unlike that which the Fuhr,er and the Doce gave to those hypnotized cr()wds which chanted. their praise. Only the p.9wer of Jesus, he quickly adds, is ~ "good" power and not bad. The comparision is enough tc make one want to' vomit. The power of Jesus is not of this world. He was meek and humble of 111~art and fled the cries of the power-dazed crowds who wanted to make him king. The response Jesus seeks from us -is not one . of power but one ·of faith and love. Jesus did not come to distribute to us marvelous powers of beaiing. He used his own with caution and restraint. Jesus came to preach service to the I~ast of the brothers. The only power in the Gospel is the power of service. To confuse service with wonder-working -is to fall victim to the temptation of the scribes and pharisees. Used With Caution There is something terribly blasphemous about the whole healing cult. God alone works miracles. OCcasionaUy saints seemed to have had the power, but 'they have used it with caution and restraint-never to beat others over the head with it in an orgy of romantic enthusiasm. To publicly claim such powers for oneself, to use these powers indiscriminately, to demand that others acknowledge that one has the power, is to make oneself like God. I believe the archangel Michael had an appropriate response to a previous claimant. "America" is apparently getting a' new editor. Donald Campion, having turned the oncedistinguished magazine jnlto a journal for the lunatic fringe, is off to Rome to handle press relations for the Jesuits. That's just what they need.
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Hits Romantic En.thus'iasm Of Charismatic Healing
THE BISHOP AND THE PEOPLE. As lremen, policemen and city officials salute in tribute, John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia bring~ Christian consolation to the family of a fireman killed in the line of duty. NC Photo.
Learn Coop,eration
H. RILEY .& _SON, Inc.
Program Enables Youth to Exchange Places and Ideas COLUMBIA NC)-They were all in agreement. life is far different in the big city than in the smaller. cities 'and towns of the South. However, ,that was not all the fOUl members of the Diocese of Charleston Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) learned in Philadelphia, Pa., where approx~ imately 50 youths attended the' Philadelphia Archdiocesan National ,Training Institute for Leadership 'and Service this summer. Known 'as the "Philly Exchange Program," .the training institute enables teen-agers from the Dioces~ of Charleston and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to learn and work with each other. Since the program's inception three years ago, eight youths from South Carolina have taken part in Philadelphia's training program while 37 teen-agers from the North have come to work in Southern rural and urban environments. "I benefited 'a great deal," sai,d K'ate Doneley, 17, of St. Peter's parish here. "We learned things to use in the parish CYO as well as getting new ideas for different activities within the parish and the community:' "It gave us a lot of techniques to get to decision making faster," added Christine Thonnes, 16, of Our Lady of the Hills parish "One of the first things -to get to know people on an individ-uaI basis before you can work in. a group." "It was not only a great learning experience, 'but a great people experience," said Anne O'Hara, 17, of St. Joseph's parish here. "There was role playing and the group was to determine how effective our leadsrship was by giving us our. strong and weak points." "I am glad that I went," said, Will:ie McKnight, 17, of St. Joseph's parish in Kingstree, S.C. "If there was an opportunity to go again, I would:' While in South Carolina,
Oothes - Many wear clothes that know not their Master. -Joseph Hall
HARBOR SPRINGS {NC) The controversial medical procedure call "amniocentesis" has hee.!) credited with, saving many lives by an official of' the National Foundation - March of Dimes. Dr. Arthur J. Salisbury, the Foundation's vice president for medical services, released figures indicating that more than 97 per cent of those procedures conducted in 1974 resulted in negative findings. Amnicentesis is the withdrawal of a small _-amount of fluid from ,the amniotic sac which surrounds an unborn child in the womb. The fluid, taken .through a needle -the mother's abdomen, is then analyzed for' suspected disorders.
youths from the City of Brotherly Love also held training workshops . for members of parish CYO chapters. This year the. exchange youths worked and stayed in homes in Beaufort, Columbia and Greenville, S.C. For the South Carolinians the two-week se8sions in the big city were a novel experience. Doneley said she got "messed up on -the' buses"while Thonnes noted the brisknesS' of the people. O'Hara had definite ideas on metropolitan city life. Big cities-aren't all that they're built'up to be," she observed. Still, they all agreed on the worth of the learning experience and have begun plans for the coming year in their parishes.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Announ" Theme for Unity Week
Author of the following ClOrnmentarY is a Bebnont resident and former Dean of the Harvard
University Graduate School of
Azoreans-Madeirans-Cape Verdeans: Independence? Yes or No
Arts and Sciences, as well as former Chairman of Harvard's Department of I\omance Languages and Literature. A specialist in Portuguese linguistics, literature, and civilization generally, Dr.' Rogers is Professor ofRomance' Languages and Literatures, Harvard, and author of numerous books and articles "About all church leaders can relating to ,I»ortugaI--particulardo at this point is to encourage \ Iy to "the island Portuguese" and support the Christia.n people and their experience in the 'as they take their rightful place United States. in the quest for unlty." - Ed. The Graymoor EcumE:!nical InBy FRANCIS M. ROGERS stitute is an agency the Americans of Portuguese deAtonement Friars, ~ Catholic is." Religious community whose scent 'and birth, prominent in Announcing the theme, Gray- founder, Father' Paul Mattson, many New England communimoor Father Arthur .F. Gouthro, established the custom of ob- ties, stem in part from Continen· director of the Graymoor insti- serving a week of prayer for tal Portugal, to a much greater tute, said "it reminds Christians Christian unity in January 1908. extent from Portugal's three Atlantic archipelagoes. Nine that unity is 'a gift of God-a Resource materials for the anfuture vision, to be sure, but one nual observance continue to be Azores and two Madeiras conwhich nonetheless is unfolding distributed by the institute, lo- stitute Insular Portugal. Also known 'as the Adj>acent Is'land, in the present." cated here. they helong to Metropolitan "The 1976 Week of J>rayer Portugal. The nine Oape Verde provides Christians with an Euthanasia Islands, on the other hand, he· excellent opportunity to rear· "The type of Christianity with long to Overseas Portugal, form ticulate the vision· of unity to which God is calling the which mercy-murder is compat- an overseas province. AIl three Church in this latter part of the ible is s6 watered down as to be archipelagoes were unknown to 20th century," Father Gouthro almost unrecognizable. It is a mainlanders and uninhabited form of religion in which mornl when Portuguese mariners came said. values have become subjective upon them in the fifteenth "This call is both a judgment and sentimental, and religion it- century. upon ,our present divisions and self largely humanitarian." AMERICANS VIEW the three a challenge to search for that Rev. John C. Ford island groups as coequ'al sources reconciliation which will only of a hardworking" ponest, selfbe manifested in the future. effacing, and oapable segment Focus Shifts of their countrymen. The Chur,ch Citing an "increased maturity" views them as coequal dioceses, in the movemeat for' unity, all three suffragan to the ArchFather Gouthro said that the diocese of ~isbon. Successive Portuguese governments, howDoane' Beal'Ame$ rHCO"O."TEo ever, persisted in making an adFUNERAL ministrative distinotion which has already cost Portugal the SERVICE S.rving All Faiths loss of the Cape Verde Islands Since .926 and, due parti<:ularly to that precedent, bids fair to cause the THE PEOPLE OF THE AZORES LOOK TO THE Robert l. Studley. Trea~. Sandwich Hardware Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon L. Homer loss of Azores and Madeiras. FUTURE: Political turmoil in Portugal has raised questions Howard C. Doane Jr. Robert l. Studley Azoreans and Madeirans deCo. about the future of the Azores and Madeiras islands. The HYANNIS 775.01114 scend in their vast majority from Souttl Ylrmouttl 318·2201 islands located'some 1000 miles from the Portuguese mainNlrwlcll Port 432-05.3 white settler families from penSANDWICH, MASS. ,Tel. 888·0292 insul'ar Portugal. Portuguese women were reluctant to accom- in the Third World, the UN, the suit in colonial subjugation of pany their men to the harsh, United States, and elsewhere, mixed European-Afl'ican Cape. NICKERSONrugged and more tropical islands for PAIGC was considered for- Verdeans hy a new Black AfriIris~ Imports Waterford BOURNE off the West African bulge. The ward looking, liberal, the wave can nation. Belleek men therefore brought in black of the future. Some Protestant Becau-se of this hesitation, the ~m FUNERAL Aynsley women--both froo and as slaves groups such as the Episcopal Di- issue was deferred until elections Porcelain HOMES' Connemara Marble -from African coastal regions. ocese of Massachusetts, foc held June 30, 1975. Their purMusical Cottages 40 MacArthur Boulevard mated with them, and created some Cape Verdeans within their pose was selection of delegates Jewelry a special folk, .Cape Verdeans, islands, unlike Azoreans and to a National Constituent ,ASBourne, Massachusetts 02532 Records largely mulatto, handsome and Madeirans, have been Protestant sembly which, by prior agree(Rt. 6·A, Sandwich, Mass. ,ta.lented. Some later white Por- for many decades. ment, has until OCtober 5 to tuguese families did go to ·the Came the Revolution of 'the draw up a constitution. The Cape de Verdes, 'as Melville Carnations of April 25, 1974. voting revealed little desire to called them, and contributed a The new government immediately remain with Portugal. On July HALLETT white element, bal'anced else- began to negotiate independence 5 the Cape Verde Islands became TOM .. FRAN DALLAS where by black Cape Verdeans for the several Oolonies. Portu- independent, and ·the optllons Funeral Home Inc. in areas of particularly intense guese Guinea won hers first, were reduced to continued and 975 ROUTE 28 283 Station Avenue African influence. September 10, 1974. Mozam- complete ,independence and unSO. YARMOUTH, MA. South Yarmouth, Mass. During Africa's struggle for bique became' independent on ion in some form with Guineafreedom from colonial European June 25, 1975, Sao Tome e Pri- Bissau. Tel. EXeter 8·2285 617·398·9175 ' masters, individual Cape Verde- cipe July 12. Angola's freedom The newly-independent Cape Director-Norman A. Hallett ansassumed leadership in a is schetluled for November 11. Verdeans received an immedi· movement for independence of VICTORIOUS in half its strug- ate boon. By the 1965 amendboth their own archipelago and gle, PAIGC, in reality one of ment to the U. S. Immigration r;;";"';:;"~P-''',,",/'~~'J'''::~~~--'''~'• • Pottuguese Guinea (capital Bis- seyeral options for Cape Ver- and NationaJ.ity Act of 1952, sau). The tight control which deans encountered opposition in each Eastern-Hemisphere counSalazar and Caetano exercised the islands And especially among' try is allowed a maximum of over the .islands, however, re- Americans of Cape Verdean de- 20,000 visas annually, with the sulted in easier and earlier suc- scent or birth. Opponents pre- proviso that any immigrant I Hummels - Belleck - Waterford Crystal. cess on ·the African' mainland, ferred that the archipelago either born in a colony or overseas Religious Articles, Church Goods where Portuguese Guinea's remain with a renovated Portu- province or other dependent area struggle paraUeled that of gal in an administrative arrange- is chargeable up to a limit of "~ Greeting Cards, Gifts, Armetales, Bibles Angola and Mommbique. The in- ment parallel with that of the one per cent of the maximum !: dependence party, known as Adjacent Islands or become to- number. This meant 200 visas I 428 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. 02 601 PAIGC (African Party for Inde· taHy independent. What oppo- for Cape Verdeaml, a discrimpendence of Portuguese Guinea nents empbaticaUy did not want inatory action which Cape Verand the Oape Verde Islands), en- was unification with the new deans here, among them able joyed considerable support with- Guinea-Bissau, which could re- and distinguished lawyers, to·;
GRAYMOOR (NC)-The theme for the 1976 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan. 18 ,to 25) will be "We shall be like him," the director of the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute announced here. Selected by the Institute and the Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches, the theme is excerpted from the First Epistle of John (3,2): "Dearly beloved, we are God's children now; what we shall later be has not yet come to light. We know that when it comes to light we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he
focus of ecumenism had shiftedI' "The spotlight is off the bigwigs and has shifted to the local scene where people become more convinced of the need and value of ecumenical cooperation, and 'are taking the initiative and the reins of control. so to speak."
," I
~ H...
Leprechaun Gift Shop
. . --.
ford, Luso American of Newark, THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975 and Portuguese Journal 'of Oakland are now regularly featuring for 278.600 people. in the MaIN MY OPINION, the :;ulvu' stories concerning independence, deiras 108 for 247,800, and in tion of Portugal, including the principally of the Azores but the Cape de Verde 19 for 270,495_ isla·nds, will come, not from the also of the Madeir~s. They even In that year there was one den- guns of the mHitary, nor yet the reflect tal'k of annexation by the tist in the Azor,es and one in the purses of the landed gentry and United States. Then:! seems to Modeiras. (I am told, however, their cohorts here, but from be no demand, however, for a that official figuers deceive, tha t priests like my friend, from single new nation' which would there were in fact six in the Christ-like young bishops, an:! combine both archipelagoes, as Azores.) Infant mortality is from their devoted followers. I a new Guinea may combine the staggering. Whereas oilrs is now old Portuguese Guinea and Cape down to 17.0 ·children dead be- interpret recent events in Con· Verde Islands. During a caIl at fore the age of one year per tinental Portugal as reflecting Funchal, Madeira, this past June 1,000 live births, 'in 1972 the rate a revitalized Christianity, and 20, I did hear Madeirans discuss was respettively 47.2, 58.8, and not a conservative Catholidsm excitedly and approvingly the' 61.9 in the three Azorean dis- participating in the grinding idea of 'independence for the ti-icts, 66.3 in the Madeiras, and down of a credulous peasantry, Azores, but not for themselves 90.9 in the Cape de Verdes. either alone or in combination. During one of three visits to ~ INDEPENDENCE is riot an the Azores in 1970, I stayed in easy solution. For years, the is- a private home where a young BOOKSTORE and ands and especially the Azores priest home from the Continent I RESTAURANT I have suffered from an increas- was spending his vacation. He MAYO BEACH KENDRICK AVENUE ingly unfavorable foreign-trade treated me to clerical platitudes WELLFLEET. MASS. bal-ance. There are foreign mil, during all one day and evening. Tel. 349·3154 itary instaIlations in the Azores Suddenly, at midnight. he drew , Dine Overlooking Cape Cod Bay COCKTAilS whic.:h a larger Portugal can keep the shutters, ripped off his col- f Be Sure To Visit Our Famous Bookstore in the Back of the Restaurant subordinate but whiclt might lar, and exclaimed: "It is up to swallow up an independent mini- us priests to bring Christ back I BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER __• ' . • • nation: (1) U. S. facilities at the to these lands." He then launchd • air base of Lajes on Terceira, into a diatribe aga'inst Salazar, (2) NATO naval base at Ponta Caetan, and reactionary govern. Fpr Delgada on Sao Miguel, (3) ment-approved bishops the like . professional French missile-tracking station at of which I have never heard. Santa Cruz on Flores (1,802 nauJnsurance service tical miles from Boston as the at no Lord of Life missile flies, nearer than Hilo, extra cost, "Only God is the lord of the Hawaii, from San Francisco), and see life of a man not guilty of a (4) AFAR Azores Fixed Acoustic Range) or submarine detec- crime punishable by death! The Bryden tion apparatus located on and physician does not have the near Santa Maria and run Joint- right to dispose of the life of In.urance Agcy. ly by an international consor· either a child or its mother; and Route 6A., Sandwich 888.2244 no one in the world, no private tium (Canada, France, Great Established in 1945 Britain, It:aly, Netherlands Por· person, no human authority, may authorize him to proceed to tugal, United States, .and West its direct destruction." Germany). -Pope Pius XII Most importantly, independence preslipposes unity and requires agreement on such matters' as location of capital city. Since the early 1830's, the governments of Portugal have kept CAPE coos FIRST OANK 1021 the Azores divided into three districts each with its capital and oo 245 MAIN STREET I'tAZA has further maintained the MaFALMOUTH 548.1918 deiras administratively separate from the Azores. A power strug· ARMAND ORTINS, Prop. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE gle within the Azores could well ~ FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPotATrON result in unsatisfactory domina._----tion of eight islands by one island. Americans of Portuguese de- Cornwell Memorial PJ/S CARPET, . scent and birth are naturally Chapel very concerned by the plight of Inc. their island brethren. They are Dignified Funeral Servic·e COMPLETE FLOORING most generous in sending remitCARPETS WALLPAPER tances of money, paying transWAREHAM CARPET CLEANING Atlantic fares for rel'atives, con· 295·1810 CENTE~ . tributing to earthquake-relief funds.. Their very generosity and 1.1 2360 Cranberry Hilhwa, (Route 28) concern, plus a nostalgic streak, West Wareh lllll , Mass. 02576 expose them to propaganda by - 16171 295·8111 right-wing, -reactionary counter-· After Mass Sunday Brunch revolutionary individuals and diAt rect their attention toward a goal which may not be in the r I long-run best interests of the I islanders. An example involves IYel.548:'0042 'd. 1949 conservative U. S. Senator Jesse Lunches - Sandwiches - Cocktails A. Helms of North Carolina, Tennis Courts Available NDw who caused an address of his on County Road, pocassetJ the Azores and independence to be inserted in the Congressional 563·7171 Record of June 13. Filled with , Private Function Room ! factual errors, innuendos, and ••••••••• a-a.. • •••• _ extreme tendendousness, this ad- .... .. I ! dress was reprinted on July 24 584 Main Street George E. Towers by the Portuguese Times, where, devoid of commentary, it can ,West Falmouth, Mass. Bourne Rotary mislead many readers. I CHANGE must come to all i three archipelagoes, above aU to .~ Gulf Station Directors the Azores, so near the United Harold W. Jenkins, Jr. BOURNE, MASS. States in space and so dis.tant Clement E. Walsh in time. According to official Tel. , 759-4863 Portugese figures foc 1972, there were in the Azores 90 doctors ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ' "
~ Photo Supply ~
land are of particular interest to the people of the Fall 'River Diocese because most of the Portuguese American 'community emigrated from them. Story and photo courtesy of the Boston Pilot gether with their friends imme.diAltely began to combat. T~en ,came recognition by the United 'States on the very day of independence. The Immigration and Naturalization Service was notifi~ at once, and now Cape Verdeans quaHfy for a maximum of 20,000 visas per year and not 200. A result of winds blowing over Africa and impending independence occurred on June 21. At long last Cape Verdeans received one of their own as bishop;' Dom Paulino do Livramento Evora, C.S.S. The first Cape Verdean ·to become a bishop, he was born in the capital and see city of Praia on Santiago, the island which has ull.dergone the greatest African influence. IN . THE MEANTIME, Azoreans and Madeirans have not been blind to the new reaHties. Since .long before Salazar came on the scene in 1926, the Insular Portuguese residing itl their' is.lands have been second-class citizens ruled by distant Lisbon. . In 1972 and 1973, aU four district "civjl'~ governors were Continenta·ls. - Two of them were army colonels, the one in the Madeira'S in addition an arrogant count. In the Azores the bishop, the three port captains, and the beads of army, navy, and. air
force were also Continentals, in spite of the fact that juridically, and in contrast to the eighteen administrative districts of Continental Poctugal, the districts of Isular Portugal were labeled "autonomous... Insul'ar Portuguese want true autonomy, of the type Nantucketers and Vineyard folk enjoy vis-a-vis mainland Massachusetts. They want the right to differ from Continenta'ls, to vote differently in national elections. And in the elections of April 25, 1975, both archipelagoes did in fact vote far more conset:VativeIy than the rest of Portugal. In the Azores immediately after April 25, 1974, I heard on aU sides of MAPA (Movement for Autonomy of the People of .the Azores). At first I was heartened, for since my initial visit to the island back in 1938 I had felt that the islanders deserved ohange for the better aM been convinced that they had to do their own agitating for it. I have always believed, however, that if they can improve their lot While yet. remaining Portuguese they have much to gain. Talks also included independence, and discussion spread to Portuguese communities within the United States. The weekly Portuguese Times of New Bed-
SOUTH VAIIIrilICIUTM FALMOUTH ."1"'1000 "YAflllilIlS 111111)1.1000
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IJenkins Funeral.
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Parish Parade
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,. Sept. 4, 1975
OUR LADY OF GRACE, WESTPORT· The Council of Catholic Women opened its season Tuesday with a concelebrated Mass followed by a silver tea at which 13 past presidents were honored and a brief historical presentation highlighted events of the past-- 20 years. Musical entertainment was offered by the "Spindle City Two Ply Two" a ~r-betshop quartet. Among hostesses· were Mrs. Stanley Ohrupcahl, council president and executive board members. In charge of atrangements for the evening was Mrs. Joseph Poisson. . ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will re~ sUme meetings Monday, Sept. 8 in the parish hall with a "Fashions and Figures" program presented by Mrs. Louisa A. Free· man, . ·an extension home economist. Miss Janice M. Hurley gui1d- president, will be hostess.
Policemen And The Right To Strike: In Pe~spectiYe The recent San. Francisco police strike was only the third or fourth such strike of any consequence in the history of the United States. The 1919 Boston strike was the first and most significant, but we had to wait until 1975 for an objective study of its causes tively and with great sympathy and far-reaching social and for the men involved in the political consequences - a strike. In the words of one refascinating book by historian viewer, Russell "emphasizes the
Francis Russell, .rA City in Ter- true character of the strike ror: The, Boston Police Strike", an attempt by ordinary working (Viking Press, New York, $10). men, working on the basis of Mr. Russell's timing - though non-ideological assumptions of human decency, to combat highly ideological conservatives who had no sense of decency but did ' understand the fears of many Iy Americans." Policemen Have Right to Strike MSGR. This is. not to suggest that Mr. GEORGE G. Russell's book is a derense of the Boston strike as such or a theoHIGGINS retical argument in favor of the Ordained for right of policemen in general to Missionary Group . employ the weapon of the strike LOS ANGELES (NC) - two .. as a last resort. To the coneven purely {:oincidental, I assume A NUN AND A BON: A nun mimed Sister 'Mary An- . priests were' ordained here Aug. trary, insofar as- I can tell from was almost perfect. reading his objective study. Mr. astasia Asturias and a honey of a bunny named Jan both 16 for the year-old Missionaries If his book had been published RusseU is probably of the opinof St. Stephen, whose primary in the 1950sor 1960s or even as ion that policemen should forego signed up to donate blood in downtown San Francisco where apostolate is the evangelization . recently as two or three years the right to strike. I agree with they talk with Dr. Jane Connell. Sister Asturias is from of the Indian people .of the Diago, it would have been of inter- him-up to a point. Presentation Convent. Jan is from (You guessed it) the ocese of Gallup, N. Mex. est to his fellow-historians but Fathers Santino A. Casimano But to' say that policemen, as Playboy Club. NC Photo. probably not to the general puband Joseph M. Nettdroven were a general rule, should voluntarily lic. ordained by Bishop Jerome J. forego the right to strike and at Hastrich of Gallup in St. AIComing as it did, however, in the same time to ignore their phonsus' church, Eaet Los An· the immediate wake of the 1974 ,side of the story (as Governor. geles. Baltimore police .strike and on Coolidge and the Boston EstabThe two new priesots are cothe eve of the recent San Fran- lishment did in 1919) would be WASHINGTON (NC) - Fran'- the group: ·'1The ministry of jusof the Missionaries. of founders cisco strike, it is required read- to miss the point of Russell's' ciscans from six p-rDvinces in the, ti~ and peace, is clearly the ing not merely for specialists in timely· book. The point is that United States and 'Canada.were work of the Church .... and not St. Step~n of ~Uup.. The con-gregatior). was canonicaHy establabor history but for the rest of some way must be. found to bal- urged to become involved in so- just a political perversion." lished Jan. 30, 1914, at St. John's us 'as well and, more specifically, ance the public's right to unin- cial a<:tion by an official of the Franciscan Father Finian Ker- sem-i~ry, Camarillo, Calif:, by for politicitans, 'editorial writers, terrupted police protection with order. win called on the assembly to be- its sponsoring prelate, Bishopcolumnists, and. other pundits the corresponding rights of the Addressing a national Fran- gin a debate "among the friars of Hastrich. who may feel obliged to corn- polIce themselves. , 'dscan conference on justice and the United States which will enThe ,two cofounders completed ment publicly on the issues inConcen.trating exclusi~ly on peace, Franciscan Father Alan able us to see more clearly what their formation at St. John's volved in what promises, for the former to the neglect of the McCoy, head of the St. Barbara our role should become in a rapweal or woe, to be ·a continuing latter might have worked for province of California, told mem- idly changing world. Many older after theOlogical ,studies -at the rash of strikes affecting public Coolidge and the B'Oston Estah- bers: "The particular contribu- categories no longer apply; yet Berkeley Graduate Theological Union. health and safety. 'Ushment in 1919, but it would tion Franciscans can make to the the newer horizons are barely Both priests are from the Los almost certainly be counterpro- American Church today is by visible." said Father Kerwin, Angeles area and will be staThe Calvin Coolidge Solution personal involvement in the crit- provincial of the 'Holy Name tioned at the Stephenite mother· . I get the impression, however, ductive in the 70s. that many of those who are curAs indicated above, many of ical social issues of the hour, and province, the host group fqr the house, St. Paul's'Mission, Crown rently speaking to. these issues in those who have taken a public not just by our life style of pov- conference. Point, N. Mex., to work with' the light of the recent San Fran- stand against the recent San erty and solidarity with those In a provincial meeting con~ their co-foun4er Father Albert cisco strike have yet to read Francisco strike have yet to who are suffering because of sin- cluding the gathering, the Holy G. Pinbeiro, superior-director. Mr. Russell's detailed study of learn this lesson. William Safire, ful structures in our society." Name province resolved to focus Since its foundation a year the Boston strike or, in any a columnist for the New York In the keynote address, Father on the issue of world hunger in 'ago, the new congregation has event, have yet to grasp the Times and a former ghost writer J. Bryan Hehir, associate secre- too coming months. grown to 12 members. moral of that disastrous episode for President Nixon, is a case in tary for justice and peace of the in American labor history. In point. His column, "When Cops U. S. Catholic Conference, told other words, many of those who Become Robbers," in the August have comme.nted publicly on the 25 issue of the Toimes awkwardly San Francisco strike seem to be tries .to out-coolidge Governor they.could not get satisfactory concerned eXclusively with ways Coolidge himself. insurance coverage, to protect and means of crushing po1ice "An entire city (San Franstrikes when they unfortunately cisco)," he says, "was kidnapped themselves against malpractice occur and would appear to have , and held for ransom. . . . When- suits. Whether they should have little or no irnerest in their un- ever policemen put their guns to gone on strike for this reason is Th....'s a lot t. ~ike about Fernandes Super Markets .. another matter. .derlying causes. a city's head, they create a poThe fact is, however, that they Serviced Fish and Deli, Serviced In· store lake Shops, They remember that, in the lice state. If a policeman has a did so (without· a word of criticase of the Boston strike, the right to striIre.. then e fireman cism from Mr. Safire) because luncheonettes, Convenient Customer Rftt Rooms. Try us .•. then Governor of Massachusetts, has a right to ignore an alarm, they felt they had no other You11 lik•. us, tOo! Calvin Coolidge, catapulted him- a surgeon has a right to walk means of protecting their legitiself into the White House by away from an operating table, mate economic interests. Well, holding to the absolute position and a soldier has a right to policemen MSO have legitimate that "there is no right to strike desert under fire. These are aU economic interests and, while against the public safety by any- acts against the public safety. one would hope that, as a genbody, anywhere, anytime." They Dereliction of duty is a crime, eral rule, they might be able to applaud the laconic Coolidge for and not a prelude to collective defend these interests without . going on strike, ihey are cerhaving mercilessly broken the bargaining." Boston strike by permanently That's paterPtly fallacious line tamly enbiued to as much public firing all those who t~ok part in • of argument. Safire knows per- understanding and public sym32 Stores in Southeastern Massachusetts it, but, with rew exceptions, they fectly well that, wi,thin reeent pathy as are doctors, for examcompletely ignore the strikers' weeks, thousands of medical doc- ple, when they decide, in the OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. side of the story. tors in San Francisco itself and end, that they have no recourse MONDAY thru SATURDAY Mr. Russell, by contrast, tel,Is in many other cities have, in but to withhold their services that &ide of ths story very objec- effect gone on strike because temporarily.
Franciscans Called to Personal Involvement in Social Issues
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Stern's 'Weathermen' Smug, Unspeakably Sad
Susan Stern, author of With the Weathermen: The Personal Journal of a Revolutionary Woman (Doubleday, 501 Franklin Ave., N. Y. 11530,374 pages. Illustrated $8.95), is now 32 years old. Her prosperous parents were divorced, after bitter courtroom batin her book. There is tles, when she was eight sented much more to the story, which years old. She' went to Sy- goes agonizingly on for almost racuse University married 400 dreadfully written, obscenitywhen she was 22, taught school for three months. Her so-called journal begins with her moving to Seattle in
1966. There she and her husband began graduate studies at the University of Washington. A year later she attended a New Politics convention and joined the Students for a Demacratic Society. She then left her husband, went permanently onto drugs, and decided to devote herself entirely to radical politics and the fomenting of revolution. She was convinced that America was "this Nazi state of ours," and had to be destroyed. When the Weathermen were fil'st organized in 1969, she was an enthusiasti'c member. In fact, with typical modesty, she considered herself a leader. She delightedly plunged into provocaNve demonstrations, street violence, rioting, thrashing, etc. 'Days of Rage' She was in court often, in j'ail several times. She was one of a group, known as j'the\ Seattle Seven," charged with conspiracY,anda similar charge was laid against her for her participation in "Days of Rage" in Chicago. The foregoing gives some idea of Susan Stern's story as pre-
Notes Anniversary Of Hiroshima VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI, in a general audience, noted the 30th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.. There were several hundred Japanese at the audience. "Today," sajd the Pope, "is the 30th anniversary of th drama, of the tragedy of Hiroshima. We wish to unite ourselves to this most sad and tragic memory which put an end to the war, but with a sacrifice of human life and a use of arms that hav'e spread terror throughout the world." The Pope continued: "We hope that this great sacrifice remains a reminder of the universal long· ing for: peace and of the refusal to take up arms to solve human problems; a reminder also to have recourse to legal treaties and planned discussions and to the firm intention to live as brothers in this valley, which is the world."
strewn pages. Indeed, the book is not so much written as babbled. But one continues reading in the hope of gaining some understanding of the revolutionary mentality as exemplified by Susan Stern. If she is representa· tive of the movement, we are in even worse trouble that we might have supposed. What we have here is the. ranting of an incurably immature person who seems to suffer ftom both self-hatred and egomania. The author admits, late in her book, "Call it fame, call it immortality, call it what you will, until I have it, I will always be unhappy." Pleasure in Pain Her pleasure in inflicting pain, instanced again and again, is surely a sadistic aberration. Her irresponsibility for example toward the high school youngsters whom she drew into dangerous megal activity, is con· temptible. She makes much of her concern for people. This is a mockery. Her recounting of her frantic, promiscuous sex life is a record of using people for her own pleasure o{ the moment. And when she insists on calling this love, she is fouling the word. She stole, Hed, forged, with no regard for the people she was thus vIctimizing. She can talk grandiosely of her crazy career as a process of "becoming a whole , human being," but it strikes one as being a sharp regression from human'ity. Reckless Nincompoops What she says of the talk and the doings of her associates suggests that most of them are arrogant, recklesss, bully,ing, self· glorifying nincompoops. It may be that her portrayal of them is unjust. In the main, one realizes, it is meant to be laudatory. She thinks well of their destructive, indeed nihilistic, attitudes and performances. Susan Stern evidently believes that she is a great idealist, and that the movement in whi,ch she was 'involved was nobly idealistic. Undoubtedly there are features of American life which are crass and cruel; undoubtedly, too, , American involvement in Vietnam was a crass mistake, with cruel consequences. But the Stern gang of the 1960's and early 1970's could match anyone in crassness and cruelty. This smug but unspeakably sad book is teeming with fourletter words, which the author <apparently thinks are great liberators. They are indicators, rather, of an impoverishment of intell~ct, spirit, and sens.ibility, of a dive into the gutter. But one four-letter word does come to the reader's mind. It is "Help!"
BC Vi ND Read two features on the New England game of the century. ._------~~-
VOCATIONS The Diocese reorganizes its vocation department.
PRIEST STARTS MOVIE: Jesuit Father James Fleck gets set for a filming session on a moveola crab, while University of Detroit Jesuit High School freshman Matt Naud, star of the priest's first film, looks on. The film, "7-Mile High," is expected to be the first in a series of films on the 100-year-old school. Father Fleck is head of a new Jesuit-sponsored company, Jeskor Creative Services, which will do photography, recordings, theater and advertising in addition to films. NC Photo
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Must reading for all married couples.
Jesuits F'orm Movie Company ,DETROIT (NC) - A new motion picture company sponsored by the Jesuits in the MichiganOhio area has begun making its fir&t film. The production portrays an eighth grader'~ view of the University of Detroit High School, a Jesuit-run institution, and will be part of a ,series of films dealing with the nearly 100-year-old school. The head of the film company and director of the movie ,is Jesuit Father James C. Fleck, a former 'advertising man before he joined the order. Last year he conducted a feasibility study of ways in which the order might respond to mandates from the Jesuit General, Father Pedro Arrupe, which makes mass media and communications a top Jesuit priority. In addition to films, the new company, Jeskor Creative Services, will also provide services in photography, recordings, theater, 'advertising and other allied fields. Jeskor plans to make these services avaHable to Catholic institutions and to non-profit firms requiring mass assistance. Father Fleck has produced film and television documentaries in addition to his role as a priest. He has also been a freelance writer and photographer for various Catholic publications. ELECTRICAL'
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The venture is the first time that the order has formally sponsored a film company-although individual Jesuits have worked in the media in a variety of capacities for years.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
KNOW YOUR FAITH The Bible an.d The Liturgy When a book of substantial size and dignified appearance is majestically held high and car· ried solemnly down the Church's center aisle, we know that either the text or its contents or both are unusually important.
Likewise, when two servers with candles flank the book as it is used, when the minister incenses the text before reading from it and when the celebrant kisses the volume after a proclamation out of it, we understand this is no ordinary publication. We refer, of course, to' the lectionary, that official ritual book containing the scriptural passages employed for holy Mass and the other liturgical celebrations. The Second Vatican Counc-il directed reformers to open up the treasures of tne Bible more lavishly for Catholic Christians.
They were to develop a cycle of Sunday and weekday biblical readings which, over a two- and three-year period, would include almost all of the Old and New Testaments. Our lectionary does just that and contains, moreover, a rich fare of scriptural excerpts suitable for Baptism, marriage, funerals and similar services. This volume and its schedule of biblical texts have proven so .effective that many main-line Protestant denominations and churches now follow the same Sunday cycle observed in Roman Catholic worship. We Are Bible People Introduction of the lectionary into weekly and daily liturgies has made a subtle, but great impact upon the spiritual lives of both clergy and laity. We have become gradually, almost unconsciously "Bible people" witli familiar passages from sacred Scripture more and more a part of our thoughts. The structure of all the revised liturgical rites has greatly facilitated this positive development in Catholicism. Each ritual calls for a Iiturgy of the Word containing one, two or three biblical excerpts interspersed with a Turn to Page Fourteen
What is the Bible By WILLIAM E. MAY
The aible is the "book of the acts of God." It is a book of many "books" which was written by numerous people over a wide period of time. The Bible might well have been described as an anthology representative of many voices and types of literature. In all, there are 73 books-46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The many "books" within the Bible make up one book, THE book. No other volume can match the story it tells. It's full of wonder, adventure, life, love - most 'of all a story about God's limitless love for us. Through the Bible, we learn what He has done to make Himself and His love for humanity known throughout the history of mankind. Those who authored the Bible were people who experienced this Iiv,ing and loving God in their own lives. And even though centuries have passed since the completion of this volume, the story that it weaves is both ageless and timely. It has spoken to generation after generation, reaching out to every man. The word of God waits for us to be enfolded in its embrace. We have only to pause so that we may think. If we do that, surely we will accept the invitation. Chapter III of The Documents of Vatican II, Revelation, states: "Those divinely revealed realities which are contained and presented in sacred Scripture
Faith, Mystery and Wonders
'have been committed to writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church, relying on the bel,ief of the apostles, holds that the books of both the Old and New Testaments in their entirety, with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because, having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (d. 20:31; 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:19-21; 3:15-16) they have God as their author and have been handed on as such to the Church herself. In composing the sacred books, God chose men and while employed by Him they made use of their powers and abilities" so that .with Him acting in them and through them, they, as true authors, consigned to writing everything and only those thin~s which He wanted," We Meet God in the Bible When we meet God in the Bible, we find that He is WITH and FOR us, even though He is the Supreme Being, the "holy one," utterly "other" than man. And He is the supreme Lord of life, the God who made us in His "image," He is Father, Mother, our sovereign Lord; He is friend and lover. He is always willing to help us, to give us life, to accept us. When no one else values us, God does. We can trust Him absolutely for He will never abandon us. We know that He is always true to His word. And what is His word? He promises us life; He is a God Turn to Page Fourteen
The tall of faith is always a call out of the ,invisible and the unknown. We believe because we cannot really see and cannot really know. Still, there is something about hearing the call of faith, of being called to believe, because it involves an experience of God and a relationship with Him. I think everyone has had such experiences, but most often they have not amounted to anything for us because we really have not responded. If Abraham had not responded to the caU of faith, there would have been no "story of Abraham." The story comes from Abraham's responding to the initiative of God. Abraham believed when by all standards the evidence was lac~ing: "Go forth out of. your country, away from your family, out from your father's house (a sure way of getting killed) ... Take your old and barren wife with you. You shall have a great posterity by her (ha, ha, ha!) ... Circumcise all the men of your house, ,including yourself and your son Ismael (ridiculous!) ... Sacrifice your son Isaac to me Ompossible!)" None of it made senseexcept that Abraham believed and responded. Has God ever caIled on me to believe and respond? Everyday, I would say. And you, too. Although Abraham is indeed an outstanding ancestor for every Jew and Christian, a landmark of faith in the distant past, we have actually come a long way since Abraham. Faith has had an evolution and been considerably refined. Above aU, Jesus came and revealed the Father to us, Himself believed unto death, and sent us the Holy Spirit to help us believe and to give power to our belief. Your Family Do you have a family? Do you have teenagers? Have older children gone forth to follow the ways of the world instead of God's ways that you tried to teach them? Then I am sure you understand that God asks you to believe in His plan for every one of your children. He asks you to have faith in the seed of God that was planted in their hearts at Baptism. He asks you to believe that He loves them even more than you do and that He will yet call them back to Him, turn them around, if need be, and claim them for His own. When things look bleak for your family, He asks you to believe that His ways are not your ways and His plans are not your plans. He did not give children to you to despair of them; He gave them to you so that your faith would save them and your hope woud lift up their eyes to Him. The evidence is lacking that the prodigal will return. The evidence is lacking that the son
PRAYER: "All prayer proceeds from faith. All prayer gives hope. Here is something in reach of everyone." A pilgrim Sister prays devoutly during Holy Thursday services in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. at home will ever have an insig'ht into the inv,isible, divine world. The evidence ,is lacking that the daughter caught up in marijuana and drugs, sex and vulgar speech, and immersed'in an alien culture will yet come out of it all a beautiful and lovable daughter of God. The evidence is lacking ... ,but we must have faith, not so much in' any of these human beings and what we have done for them, but in the God who is true to His prom,ises and knows each of His children by name. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways not our ways. Faith will give
hope, and hope will make love possible. Prayer Do you every pray? Have you ever called uPQn the name of the Turn to Page Fourteen
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Prelate Laments Vocations Crisis
Faith, Mystery and Wonders
HUANCAYO (NC) -Cardinal Faith Continued from Page Thirteen Juan Landazuri of Lima has laLord for help in your'distress? Do you ever pick up the Bible mented the scarcity of priestly Have you ever in a moment of to see if God has a word for vocations in Peru today in comjoy pra,ised the Lord for His you? Do you believe the Scrippaison with the abundance of glory? Have you ever been over- ture is the living word of God vocations in the past. come with gratitude for all the for all time? Do you read the "Our seminaries are empty for things the Lord has done for Bible in a different way than lack of vocations, and the few you? If you have then you have you 'read anything else? If you that come are uncertain," he responded to the mystery of God do any of these things, then you told an audience celebrating the in the world, to His movement' have faith and are responding to 250th aninversary of the Franin you personally, to the act,ion _ the call of faith. The Bibl~ says ciscan monastery of Ocapa, of the Holy Spirit in your life. some overwhelming things that which had been known throughTo pray is to say that you be- tax our belief, that would change out colonial Latin Amel'ica as a lieve, not again in yourself, in our Hves, if we really believed training center for hundreds of your own abilities, or in your in them: "Greater things than I missionaries. own grandeur, but in someone have done you will do," Jesus "Our anguishing crisis in vobeyond yourself who is faithful, said. It takes faith to believe cations can only be met if homes who is glol1ious, who is loving, just a little of that. Tremendous and parishes become eagerly dewho is all in all. faith to believe in all of it. termined to produce sons and Men are called to prayer and "Christ is in everything," Paul daughters with fiirm religious every prayer is a response to the . says. If it is true, then it' is a convictions," the cardinal added. call of faith. Man's call to prayer, call to fa.ith which can change The number of seminarians in man's hunger for more than he our daily lives. Imagine finding I , Peru have decreased from 303 'can ·lay his hands on, man s ex- Christ in everything in 1970 to 190 in 1974. While the hilaration before beauty and number of priests remain about As with the Bible so with each goodness, his exCitement when the same, at some 2,370, the of the sacraments. Every sacralove bursts on the horizon-are Catholic population has increased aU calls to faith, to believe in the ment is a call to faith and every from 11.9 million to 13.7, thus time we celebrate a sacrament it divine presence within' himself icreaslng the rate per pl'iest. It occurred is a response to faith. and ·inthe universe. Womeh Rleligious numbered to me the other day that perAll prayer proceeds from ha'Ps the surest way to receive a .THE LECTOR: "The liturgy of the Word stirs up our 4,435 in 1970. Now they are faith. All prayer gives hope. sacrament unworthily is to re- faith~ and helps us to recognize later Christ present in the 4,630. Here is something in reach of ceive it without faith in our sacramental action." Lector Kevin ZeruH .reads from ScripEarly missionaries from Ocopa every one-not just an Abraham. hearts, without faith in God's followed a pattern of establishfer a Mass inWashingtofl, D.C. ture We can write our own beautiful promise that He is at work in ing a string of towns similar to story by responding in prayer this sacrament and will accomthat of the California missions. to the movements of God in our plish . wonders by it-if we apAfter establishing some 50 mislives.. I daresay that every day proach with faith and expecContinued from Page Thirteen. present in the sacramental ac- sions along the coast of South man is iny.ited to pr:ay. In every tancy. . psalm and an appropriate phrase tion. That gesture may be, for America, the Franciscans went moment of silence, in every moexample, the breaking of bread into the Amazon jungles and The opportunities to believe ,from the Scriptures. ment of love and joy that fills in the Euchal'ist, the pouring of into Bolivia, Argent·ina, Chile The lectionary and the speci·fic our hearts, in every need and .have changed considerably since and Colombia. felt insuff.iciency; God speaks to Abraham. Maybe faith is not I'ituals then offer a lengthy list water for Confirmation. In all Cardinal Landazuri is a Franthese, however, it is Christ who of suitable texts from the Bible us and calls to faith. We can easier, but the more we know of write our own story, or leave it God's filling the universe and for each occasion (e.g. 28 in the baptizes, Christ who anoints, ciscan and studied at Ocopa. unwritten, by listening and re- our whole being, the more are Rite for Marriage, some 70 for Christ who confirms. Salvation . sponding-or not. God is that the grounds and the challenge anointing at the sick, over 100 in We need faith to. meet Jesus His people, and it is Chl'ist, pres- in those actions and a liturgy of· to believe. near to us. No man has the right to abanent in His Word, who proclaims the Word deepens our belief so don the care of his salvation to the Gospel." we can realize Christ is present another. "The readings should be lis- on these·occasions. -Thomas Jefferson tened to with respect; they -are Continued from Page Thirteen man 'being. He sent us His only- a principal element of the litwho enters into communion with begotten, eternal and Uncreated urgy. In the biblical readings us, who initiates what the Bible Word. The Word of God become God's Word is addressed to all calls a "covenant" with us, a man was Jesus. Jesus shared men of every era and is undercovenant symbolized by the love perfectly our humanity so that standable in itself, but a homily, between a man and a woman we could share His divinity. as a living explanation of the who pledge themselves to live Jesus lived with us and for Word, increases the effectivetogether and grow to~ether for us; He suffered and died witli ness and is an integral part of , life. And this God means what us and for us. As Risen Lord, the service." He says! He wills to be BRe with He exists NOW as a pledge of Secondly, the liturgy of the tis and to communicate His ute the glory that will be ours- Word stirs up our faith and to us, and never to desert us. He "eye 'has not seen, nM ear heard, the order of Penance). Moreover, does Rot leave us even when we nor has it entered into the heart our OWB bishQps have approved betra:; Him. He is always tltece of man what 1000 God has pre- a principle which permits liturt9 receive us with open anns. ·pared ..." AU of tt\qs-yet He gical planBers to select other He wHls to give Himself to us Has done even more. He told us more effective scriptural pasand to do so freely. both in word and deed what we sages, if the ane indicated do not seem to fit SQtisfactor:ily the parSo true is Godt6 His word, are to do if we are to be faithful ticular circumstances. images of His Father. We are to Scripture tells us, that He did an There are several purposes beunimaginable thing. He became love as He laves us. We are to 'hind a litUl"gy of the Word for be like Him and like the Fa'ther one with us by becomin& a huwho sent him-serv""ts of our these sacranteatai celebrations. Christ 1'1'8....... the Gospel ,brothers and sisters, fellow . To ..wate from the Koman words of God. Missal's Inti'OOuctiBn: "When Yes, the Bihle is the story of the Scriptures are read in the " .~ 21 NORTH MAIN ST. , . . . . COltV . God who is true to His word. ATTLE80RO m_ rAli:'o"TUS WASHINGTON (NC) - Plan- And among ·the words to whom Church, God Himself speaks to ........ helps us to recopize later Christ ning next year's Catholic Press He is tcue are we Who are his Association's (CPA) national con- created Una~s or "words." His vention hi8hlighted CPA commit- love is so great that He lived CON~ tee hea·rings here, according to with us, served us, and expeJames A. Doyle, CPA's executive rienced our sufferiq, our joys, AluRlIinum car Steel director. our sorrows. 944 "nty St..... And what is our mission? The Of the 17 committees that NIW "POU, MASS. met, eight or nine of them were Bible tells us that we must -be 991-6611 connected with planning the con- true to the Word that. God has vention, which will be held here spoken to us in Jesus. We can I [ 'I\, j I May 4-7, Doyle said. All the be true to His Word if we I ~ ",••••• ",., ".,. Y•• f. CIe.,.r I ~~I~~ ,. ~-------_J committees, totaHng 50 members, are true to ourselves, only if w~ submitted reports to the CPA are willing to be, like Him, heboard of directors which met ings who exist WITH and FOR our fellow men. Auf. 22.
Th. lible ami The LituF9Y
Whet Is The lib..
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 4, 1975
Father Mazzuchelli, Apostle To The Winneba'gos will have filled the entire contiAfter his ordination in Cincinnati nent. Then the Indian will have in September 1830, He was given In 1833 the local Indian agent care of a few thousand souls on scarcely left a trace of his exat Fort Winnebago, John Kinzie, the fringes of civilization in the istence in the land." sent to Gov. George Porter of Michigan Territory. The center Despite this unhappy initiation the Michigan Terr,itory a mes- of his mission, Mackinac Island, into life on the American fronsage addressed to Pres.ident An- was the hub of trade with the tier, Father MazzuchelIi was undrew Jackson by Chief Whirling Indians. Though ever increasing flagging in his praise for our Thunder "in behalf of the Winne- numbers of Americans' were still form of g'overnment and for the bago Nation of Indians." quality of its laws. He never moving into the Northwest, the The message showed the de- inhabitants were still largely of missed an opportunity to speak gree of trust the Winnebago French-Canadian origin, nom· such sentiments at patriotic placed in a new missionary inally Catholics, of whom many gatherings and assorted c,ivic cel- , priest working among them, Do- had contracted civil marriages ebrations. His ministry to the minican Father Samuel Mazzu- with Indian women. seWers moving into the midwest chelli. Chief Whirling Thunder and across the upper .Mississippi For four years the sale chapel was asking the President to in Father MazzuchelIi's vast has made his name a household change the site of a planned parish: was at Mackinac. To minword which is still, after more s.chool for the Winnebagos from ister to his flock, he had to than a century, held in benedicPrairie du Chien (on the western travel the wilderness south and tion and veneration in Wisconborder of the present-day Wis- west to the Father of Waters, sin, Illinois and Iowa. consin) to the Baraboo River the Mississippi, at Prairie du He built at least 20 churches about 100 miles to the east, Chien. His ministry was priand almost singlehandedly laid where most of the Winnebagos marily to the white settlers, but the foundation of the Church in lived. an area now comprising seven he v,isited the Indians in their dioceses. The cause of his beatiNoting that "many of us have villages, for they were eager to fication, opened in Rome in 1967, lately joined the Catholic Church hear the word of God. is making slow but steady progHe at once began to build a and have become Christians," the ress. chief said. church in Green Bay. There in "We therefore hope that our June, 1831, he established a free Suggested readings: "The Man prayers may be answered by our Indian school for Menominees. MazzucheIIi, Pioneer Priest, by great Father the President; we By 1834 half of the thousand or Jo Bartels and J. Michael Alderwill then he able to have our so the area had son (Madison, Wis., Wisconsin become Catholics. children educated among us and House Ltd., 1974); and "The • Visits the Winnebagos in the Catholic pers.uasion. We Memoirs of Father Samuel Mazhave never had anyone until In July 1831, he reCeived an zuchelIi, D.P.,; translated by Sislately to teach us the word of inv-itation to visit the Winnebago APOSTLE TO THE WINNEBAGOS: Dominican Father ters Maria Michele Armato and God. We begin to see the light, Indians at the portage between and we wish to know more of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Samuel Mazzuchelli, 1806-1864, one of the earliest mis- Mary Jeremy Finnegan (Chicago, the great Father above. We want They had the reputation of be- sionaries to the Indians in the Michigan territory, is shown The Priory Press, 1966). Mr. (Father) Mazzuchelli to re- ing the most cruel and intrac(Father Walker is archivist main with us and the school es- table in the Northwest; yet here in a portrait painted in Italy in 1825 three years beand historian of the Dominican fore he arrived in the United States. tablished among us. We intend Father MazzuchelIi made an atProvince of St. Albert the Great, to be good people, and it is in tempt to reach them before the arid discrimination River Forest, Ill.) the power of 'our Father, the ink was dry on the Treaty of dominate, especiaHy against injustice President, to render us such September 1832, which brought equity and injustice." mushroomed into a national scanaid." Bishop Joseph Rosati of St. dal. Then the champion of the an end to the inhuman Black it is not known whether the Hawk War. In May 1833, a son Louis had asked the Dominicans Indians was the first bishop of message ever reached the Pres- of the esteemed Chief Decari in Ohio for the services of Father St. Paul, Father Joseph Cretin, ident, but Kinzie's successor, came from the portage to con- Mazzuchelli for the missions on who was supported in his efforts Capt. Robert M., McCabe, wrote tact and guide MazzuchelIi to the upper Mississippi where a by a host of most prominent several times during 1834 warm- Fort Winnebago. During that pr,iest was desperately needed. men in Iowa. Father Mazzuchel: Contradors & Industrial" ly endorsing the Indians'request. first visit of about six weeks, he When the priest reached St. Ii, in his "Memoirs," written In Although the govern'ment knew won over their hearts, as the Louis, a letter from C. A. Harris, 1844, predicted: Richard Souza, Inc. Prophetic Prediction the Indians' preference, it pro- message of, whirling Thunder acting secretary of War, was , awaiting him. In it he was inLocations in "It will be their (the Indians') ceeded with the school near clearly indicates. Prairie du Chien as planned, and FALL RIVER & SOMERSET On three subsequent' visits in formed that no change could be fate to continue in their wild, the Indians refused to attend it. 1833 and 1834 he was able to in- made regarding the location of roving, and uncivHized state un679-8991 Fall River the school and ,that no change til the day when the civHized lt was 120 miles from their' struct and baptize more than 672-1051 Somerset homes. 300. In the fall of the latter would be made in its supervision. population of European origin Father Mazzuchelli did not acArrives from Italy year, having been replaced at cept defeat. He repeatedly com" S~uIt Saint Marie, Mackinoc, and 'Father MazzuchelIi had come municated his grave concern for to America from Italy in 182'8. ,Gr~n Bay, he established a ,the Winnebagos to his friend, little school on the west bank of the Wisconsin river,' near the Gen. George Wallace Jones, conPrays for Holy' Year, fort. Without money arid una,ble gressman from the newly created to obtain support, he' had to Territory of Wisconsin, but World Justice, Pe~e abandon the, Indian mis.sion in without success. In fact, in .1835' CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) )835 and move on to PraIrie du and 1836 the Winnebagos were Pope Paul VI said ,on the feast' of Chien, although the' school moved across the Mississippi to the assumption th'at hIe prays struggled on until April.~ On May lands along the Turkey River, daily at the Angelus for the Holy. "10, during a trip back to Ohio at and there a few years later the tionalBank Year and for world justice, order his' superiQrs' request, he wrote and peace. The Pope told a holy a vigorous appeal'to the Presday crowd at his summer resi- ident seeking redress for the indence here that the Angelus' pur- Justices to the Winnebllgos and pose is "to bring to the Lord; the discrimination toward a forthrough the example and inter- eigner and a priest, saying he cession of Mary, the unfolding of believed the President desired life's daily events, with particu- "to give equal encouragment to lar attention to the world's great all Christian denominations so causes." , that none of them should preHe said that for bim those great causes include "the outROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford come of the Holy Year an<;l socia'l Plum~ing justice. order among peo"lles, One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities and always a peace that is' free' and reaL" Now Available for Over 3S Years The Pope called the Angelus a of Satisfied Service "spontaneous flower of medieval Reg. Master Plumber 7023 spirituality." He said it was a JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 373 New Boston Road prayer to be recited usually at FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 432 J EFFERSON STREET home or "wherever our daily Fall River 678-5677 Fall River 675-7496 activity allows" By Father James P. Walker, O.P.
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