Class of 16 Postulants Enters Sisters of Mercy Novitiate Next Sunday
. Sixteen postulants, including io graduates of ?vIount St. Mary Academy, Fall River, five graduates of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, and one graduate of B. M. C. . Durfee High School, Fall River, will enter Mother of· Mercy Novitiate of the Sisters oi : Mercy, Cumberland, R. I. next Sunday to begin their three years' trainir1:g prior to proa An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm ST. PAUL .. • fession of first vows. . ' 1 Following' one yea r as postulants, they will receive Thursday, Sept. 5, .1957 the holy Habit and their rea Fall River, Mass.
Vol. 1, No. 22
Second Clall Mall Privileoes Authorizod . at Fall River, Mass.
PRICE. 100 $4.00 per Yr.
llgious names. Two· complete years as novices will follow." Included in the group, of Mount St. Mary Academy graduates are the' follOWing members of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River: Elizabeth Marie Joseph daugh ter of Mt·. and·.Mrs. George Jos eph, 224 Brayton Avenue; Bever ly Anne Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moore, 399 Warren Street;' Kathleen Made Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Riley, 63 Snell Street. Margaret Elizabeth Stapleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mau rice Stapleton, 29 Berkley Street; Norma Lillian Theroux, daughter of Mr,.and Mrs. Eug~ne Theroux, '686 Cambridge Street; Margaret Mary Wrobleski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wrobleski, 822 Second Street. Other Academy graduates are Elizabeth Margaret Price, daugh- .. tel' of Mrs. Rita Price, 200 FrankTurn to Page Seven
41 Young Ladies Enter St. Anne's
Nursing School
A class of 41 young women be THREE SISTERS IN HOLY UNION: Mr. and Mrs. their training for careers as Arthur J. Murphy of St. Mary's Parish, Taunton, ~ith their gan nu"rses at ·St. Anne's School ot daughters (left to right) Sister Marita Elizabeth, S.U.S.C., Nursing. Fall Rivet" yesterday Sister Joseph Marita, S.U.S.C. and Sister Marita:Dolores, morning. The group includes 18 residents S.U.S.C.
Third Daughter of Taunton Couple Takes Final Vows The three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mur phy, 25 Ashland Street, Taunton, have dedicated their lives· to the service of God as Religious in the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts. and Sister Joseph Marita are Sister Marita Elizabeth teachers at st. Francis de 'Saies (Marita Murphy) has made School, New York City. and both her final profession oCvows are candidates for degrees at at the Sacred Hearts 'Con Fordham University. Mr. Murphy Is a teacher. of vent chapel, Fall River. Her sis ters are Sister Joseph Marita science at Taunton High School. (Rosemarie Murphy) and Sister Two brothers of the Religious are Arthur J. Murphy Jr., who re Marita Dolores (Mary E. Mur phy). All are graduates of st. cently completed a tour of duty with the United States .Air Force Mary's High School. Taunton. Sister Marita Dolores js princi . and Thomas F.. a graduate of Monsignor Coyle High School pal of the Sacred Hearts Acad emy Elementary School in Fall and a freshman at Providence RIver. Sister Marita Elizabeth College.
'S~per~Olf AnfiOUrriCeS
of Fall River, 13 from New Bed ford. three fronf "'Swansea, two from East Taunton, and one each from Taunton, Raynham, Somer set, North Dartmouth and New port. R. I. Two students from New Bed 'ford, Alma M. and Thelma A. LaFrance. are twins. Following are na~es, addresses and secondary schools, fro m which the students were grad uated: lFall River Rose Mary Barry, 158 Fourth Street, MouT!t St. Mary Academy; Turn to Page Twelve
LEAVE ATTLEBORO FOR NEW PLACES: Two of the 12 nuns of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity to receive new assignments are· pictured above. ' Sister William Mary, Jeft, and Sister Joseph Mary leave the Holy Ghost Cenacle in Attleboro for new assignments.
T,velveTrinitarian Nuns Receive Mew Assignments
Twelve· transfers affecting communities within the Fall River Diocese were announced today by Mother Gen . eral Mary Sebastian of the Missionary Servants of the ,_ Most Blesseq Trinity, The new assignments for the Trini tarian nuns are effective Sister William Mary, from At tleboro to Philadelphia. immediately. Sister Joan of Arc, from Long Two nuns whose com Island to Attleboro. bined years of service at the Sister Elizabeth Ann, from Holy Ghost Cenacle in Attleboro total more than three decades are included among the trans ferees while anotl'ier Trlnitariim who has spent many years at a Cape Cod Cenacle has been given a new assignment. The transfers follow: Sister Joseph Mary, from At tleboro to St. Anselm's. Brooklyn:"
Turn to Page lFourtecll!I .
Holy Union Assignments'
Father Is Away, He's. at PriestsO Annual Retre'ct
Change oJ assignment for five Su'periors and 16 Sis ters, affecting' schools in the Fall River Diocese, have been announced by Reverend Mother Gabriel Clare, S.U.S.C., Provil1cial of the Immaculate Heart Province of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts. Heart. Fall River, to St. An Transfers of Sup e rio r thony's as Superior and Princi pal. Principals are as follows: Changes in teaching assign Mothel~ Mary ( Virginia from St. Mary's to St. Joseph's, both in Taunton; Mother Anna Marguerite from St. Joseph's to St. Mary's, both In Taunton; Mother Eugenia Marie from Im maculate Conception, Taunton, to Sacred Heart. Lewistown, Pa. Also Mother Paul Elizabeth from S. WiViam of York, Bal timOl'e, Md., to Immaculate Con ception, Taunton; Mother Cath 1llrine Agnes from St. Anthony's. Taunton, to St. William of York:
SIster Mary Bernard from Sacred
ments are as tollows: Sister Therese from Sacred Heart, Fall River, to St. Mary's, Taunton; Sister Lawrence Marie from Sacred Heart to St. Mi chael's, both in Fall River: Sister Jeanne Regis from St. Michael's to Sacred Heart. .Sister .Olive Marie from St. Joseph's, Swedesboro. N. J., and Sister Dolor e s Therese from SacrelJ Heart, Mt. Ephraim, N.J.• to Sacred Heart, Fall River; SisTurll!l to, Pag!l l'wehfCl.
Holy Name Cenacle, Fall River to Blessed Sacrament. Walpole. Sister John Alice, from Blessed Sacrament, Walpole, to Holy Name Cenacle. Fall River. Sister Mary Andrea. from St. Patrick's, Wareham. to'Rochester (NY)' Cathedral.
Sister Peter Therese, from Os . terville, to Rochester.' Sister Margaret Vincent. from Osterville-Falmouth to St. Thom as', Southington, Conn. Sister Helen Marie. from Ro chester to Osterville. Sister Anne Marie, from Elm hurst (NY) to Osterville. Sister Geraldine, from Orange (NJ) to Osterville. . Sister Joseph Regina, from Os terville to Wareham.
UFather is on retreat this week. He won't be back until Saturday." This is the phrase that will be repeated over many rec tory telephones this week and next. It explains wHy half the
NURSING SCHOOL REGISTRATiON: Three stu who began their training yesterday are shown regis termg at st. Anne's School of Nursing with Sister Made line Clemence, director. They are, left to right, Pauline Cha:rpentier of New Bedford, Judith Correira of Fall River and Ann ;Ayhva~d q~ New Beq,fol;<i. de~ts
priests of the diocese are absent from their parishes this week, and why the other half will be away next week. The Fathers are on retreat. . . During the whole year the priests ot the pal'ish are interest ed in the needs of theIr parish Ioners, administering tlie sacrQa ments, instructing prospectivea Tun )0 Pag'6 ShooeD
Arrch'bishop Brady: Explains
S~credness of Stip:ends
By Archbishop William O. Bfady, D.D.
Archbishop of St. Paul, Min'ri. '
This week the Archbishop invites hlS priests ,and peo'
pIe to share a worry with him., The worry is not 'a minor
one. It is the worry which springs from the Ar~hbishop's.
duty to see to it th8:t our Mass offerings' ar'e sacredly ac
cepted ,and sacredly dis- ----+-:----:-.::..
.. - - - - ' - - - - charged: , dolence ahd a Mass stipend at a .
Our pi'iests know that funeral parlor or in the home of
.since last October the .Arch- the, dead.! Such' are just simply
bishop ha.s made inspection of not Mas~ .'~stipends." No 'priest
has accepted them. No one has many Mass rec.ords, checking the assumed 'the duty to discharge
Jjttle books which are kept by the them. Thb custom. is a travesty
clergy' to insure faithful dis- and' should be everywhere abol
charge of such obliga,tions. The . ished at 6nce.
A:rchbishop com p I i ments his
priests on their well kept rec- '. , Used :for O~her Purposes
'No reason of convenience' can
ords, though none of them expects compliments in this, for all . be offered in excuse. It is nothing "
well know that 'such, accurate "more than an abomination, and
notations are seriously binding the Archbishop' k now s .well,
III conscience, enough from 'actual, positive
C~RISTIAN FAMILY MO~ENT: Keynote .speaker at'the ninth annual meet , Our lay people do not always cases that. the intentions of the realize the burden they place on donors ,aI'e :not always realized. ing of the ~!lristian Family Movement was Msgr. William E. McManus, second from their priestS when they make an The expected Masses are simply l~ft, Superintendent of scl!0ol~ for ,the Archdiocese of Chicago. Greeting him at the offering and ask priest to offer not offered: because there' is no a Mass for them. Only the very one to asSume theresponsibllity. , opening session were Father Lou.is Putz, C.S.C., Director; Catholic Action, University ot observant will have noticed how In some cases, the pious offerings Notre Dame and M.!. and Mrs. Patrick Crowley of Chicago. More than 1,500 attended ,the sessions. NO Photo. , _',
carefully the priest asks ques- have been· used for other. pur tiona. Is this all offering for a poses such as Mass leagues or
High Mass or for a Low Mass? funeral expenses. Which is someIs it for someone who is dead,. thing that 'rests on the conn~ ec~mlng
tmd If so, what was his name? Is Ilcierices Jf ,tnose who have so ~I,aA.Do,On .~efloned DEVOTION
this .an offering for one Mass, or used' them. Thanks be to God. I~ II for two, or for 10. Are there any the priestS have no worry in this ST. LOUIS (NC) - The United The' Archbishop 'contrasted the Sept. 8-St. Louis of France, other "strings,'" conditions 'or matter, except that by a timorous States is. fast becoming a nation· . . ,Swansea limitations? Is there any special silence ,they :have allowed an un- of "refined pagans," according to advantages ~ child 'could receive Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, time to which the offering is ,Catholic custom to become much· Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of in a CatholIc school, where he Seekonk restricted. too well establishl'd. St. Louis. lets a "complete" picture of rePriest Accepts Duty Can iEJ,iminate Abuses Speaking to parents on the ality, with the view he gets in a Sept. IS-St. Anne, Fall River All such questions have reasons' Our 'people should be told cer- necessity, of a Catholi~ education secular, school where the view is Holy Cross; Fall River behind them, For in accepting a tain thlngg for their guidance. at all levels, the prelate said there distorted, Sept. 22-St. Dominic, Swan Mass offering, the priest accepts They sli'ould ¥ow that when is 'little: wonder that! Catholics Inviolable Bond sea II duty which' he must discharge large numbers of Masses are of- a~e becoming "i,nfecte4 with the "The underlying ,principle of St. Joseph, Attleboro ill justice. under pain of mortal feI;ed the 'priest cannot keep ,v~r~s o~. worldlmess ~nd mate- 'Catholic education," he said, "is St. Anthony of Padua, stn; and he must' know In detail them. Beyond a certain number. rl~!lsm:. ~: . "that there exists an inviolable New Bedford what you want done, so thathe he must turn the others in to his For -thIS. reason ~ll of ,us, bond between education of the Sacred Heart, Taunton will know in detail'what he must bishop or send .tliein to' some whet~er we ,be ,t~,tterrd or un- mind and religious' education. other priest to be discharged. letteIed, P~OI or ll?~, ishould see Religiol1is not a mere adjunct of do. , Our lay people should know that Nor can 8., p'riest playa guessing the necessIt~ ,~f, gIVl11.g ,absolute the curriculum, it is the very , even if the offering is small,- the game on Mass offerings. He must and unc~md~tlOnal obrdlence to center and inspiration of the' contract is great and important know wha:t the people pla~, and ,~~~~~~I:sh,.r~ee~~~~~hmgthat it whole system. (ORR~IA and serious. You 'should then he must dIscharge what they ask. ' I "But the study of nature with make plain to your priest exactly· Since there are more than a few' Total Indifference out reference to God, the study of O,NE STOP 'what is involved. If you do not, abuses' in this matter, the Arch"We are living' in Ian age of human ideals without mention of how can the priest be bound in-bishop wlll likely return to this 'almost total ·indiffereirce to spi- Jesus Christ, the study of human CENTER SHOPPING conscience' to CatTY out what he ,subject sorrieother week. But ritual thing/i.. and to things per- legislation without divin'e law is, cannot measure.' ' nearly all 'of the abuses would, be taining to faith and niorals. The to say the least, a distorted and • Television • Furniture Our lay'people should make it a. eliminated,. if the asking of Mass~ vast majoritY' of people do not incomplete education,"
' . ~ppliances • Grocery Parental Obligat.ion
rule, which should see but few es and the promise of them were bother themselves about God. "104 AI.len St., New BedfoI'd wlll place done face: to· face between the about sin They
exceptions, that' they , I or about eternity. ' Bereft of religion, the teaching WYman 7-9354 their Mass offerings directly in people Who'. w·ant· a Mass· offer'ed are on'Iy 'concerned about their . I of morals be.eomes an appeal to the hands of some priest they and the priest who wlll assume 'mat ena and phYSICal Iwell-being, expediency or the inculcation of know. And they should make the charge to-ao so. with .pleasure and enjoyments. f' f ' th' , t ~ . f licit or lIlicit, of the things of this a orm 9 morality which might err reques 15 .or MasS of erings II'fe," , , be called "social responsibility," at a time and place and in a . The' above. is a reprint an so prevalent'today, he sa'id.
manner that wI'11 resu It in cIear article which appeared in the st. ,Ill such 11.'•1 age, a religious edu . Because of the fact that out h t i WIS . h ed Paul, Catholic Bulletin, the offi- . cation becomes even:. more ~im 232, understanding of was I side the church school·there is no, lind what is promised.' ci,al newspaper of the Archdio-' portant~ lis a needed: paI't of a Dartmollth St. "I I cese of St,Paul. growing y'outh's develo'pment, the complete education for youth to- ' , ,. ass -eagues . day,' the Churclr "very propeI'ly l.'I'ew Bedford The Archbishop sees f om v . Archbishop said. In secular edu . 'ne th t th r an ' . M· a' 5S 0' rdo cation there, is' a grekt deal of places upon parents an obligation OUI! magazI binding under pain of.serious sin 15 a ere are '8 lI WY 2-0787
sorts, of Mass leagues; Mass THURSDAY _ St. Law'r'en-ce confusion about aims I and pur "oundations a'I1d M'ass assocI'a- poses, he pointed out.. Catholic to send their children to Catholic .. y Justinian,Bishop and Confessor. h I h' th il bl Finis A
-tions,which solicit offerings from' Simple. White. Mass Proper; education,pn the other hand. sc 0015 were ey are ava a e: La Main
'thf I I Th A· GI' S f h,as a definite and tnie philosogrammar school,lIIigh·school and our f aI' u peop e. e rchona; econd Collect or Rain; college," Archbishop Ritter said. bishop advises: IGNORE THEM ' Third Collect for Peace; Common phy of Iffe to guide it, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~g~ ~LL. For, in conscience, he fears P r e f a c e . · ' t ~ that many people respond to such FRIDAY - Mass of Previous
advertisements expecting t hat Sunday.' Simple. Green. Mass
their offering be accepted as Proper; No Gloria 01' Creed; Sec
gifts for Masses to be celebrated. ond Collect for Rain; Third Col
lBut the fine pl'intpromises only , lect for'Peace; Common Prefa<;e.
880 SOUTH .MAIN .' ST. - FALL RIVER SATURDAY - Mass of the
"a remembrance in our Masses" Blessed Virgin. for Saturday.
and that, beloved brethren; 'YOU SI~ple. White. Mass Proper;
already have every day from Gloria; Second Collect for Rain;
l/)very priest who celebrates Mass Third Collect for Peace; Preface
anywhere and at any time. of the Blessed Virgin.
Safety-Tested Used Cars
For the guidance of ow' people, ... .SUNDAY- Nativity of the .
the Archbishop writes' plainly. Blessed Virgin Mary and Thir
Do you wish to make a donation' .teenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Telep~one OSborne 8-5236
to 'some good cause? Make it if Double of iII Class. ·White. Mass
you, will. But, ·if you wish a' Mass Proper;', Gloria; Second Collect
•- b ff d th k Thirteenth Sunday after Pente
.., e 0 ere, en as such cost; Third "Collect St. Adrian,
f):fIf)r1ng where you can see the . Minty):; Creed; Preface of Bless
J)r1est accept it, where you know ed Virgin. I ' . ' .
he will record it and where you MONDAY - St. Peter Claver,
understand that both priest and Confessor.: Double. White: Mass
(\ Archbishop are careful to make cas in the Supplement t.o the Mis;"
the records, check the duties and sal for some 'places; Gloria; Sec-,
ond Collect st. Gorgonius, Mar-
discharge them. The Arc.hbishop has·miver .beeh tyr; Third Collect for Rain; Com mon Preface. . , able to understand: how our' TUESDAY-St. Nicholas of ToENTERS NOVITIATE. • BANQUETS. WElI)J1JllNGS • PARTIlmS f)f)ople were ever allowed to fall lentino, CoDfessor. Double. White. Miss C a th e r i n ~ O'Neil; bIte the habit of making offer- Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Col • COMMUNION, BREAJIHi'ASTS ingll for Masses at'funerals;bY lect for Rain; 'I'hird Collect for daughter of Mrs": Charles !Casually leaving a card of con-: ~eace; Common Preface. . 'O'!'Teil, 92 Ropeson. Street, TilE ANCIIOU WEDNESDAY-Mass of Thir- ,New Bedford a June' gradu f3econd-elaRs mall llrlvileges au- teenth Sunday Gtfter Pentecost. • ate of S H 't A d 1343 PlEASAN1 51. IFA[l ~OVlE~ , tborlZ41d at Fall RIver, Mass. Pub- ' Simple. Green. Mass Proper; No : ' , .. acre. , ea~ s ca IIsb41{).every Thursday at 4HHtlgh- ,Gloria or Creed; Second Colll'lpt' . emy,.Fa~rhaven, has entered lano Avenue. !<'all RIver, Ma"n,. by., Ss Pl'otus and Hyacinth MaT .' . I IP'IHlOb\llfE OSiIb~I1"lI1e ~-1i'$O tile Catholic Press of the Diocese. .. " ' , - : the Novitiate of ·'he Sacred , of Fall Hlvcl',. Suoscl'lptlon prIce tyl's;Third Conect for Rain; " H ' . ' . . ;! . .~. . , - by nmll;'llostjJnidu,ee ver year. CommonPreface. . ' eartS, F<'JJrhav~n. ,
As Se.r t s U
da St. t5 B
e o'f' Pagans \
~ !~~ t.\N\C~OR 1J2.i'1II~., S2~t. 5. 1957
ffi)@@~~ ~0 ~~[l@Q1)~ ~rnd~(itMertlt ~@@~~~~;'aJ \~@~~d C~~Ml1!J~O~M
Tw@ Mmi~)lfil ilfi'\l U. S. in 21
ByR{cv. D. Bernard '1'heall, O.S.IB.
The Reel Book of the Persecuted Church, e<med by Albert GaIter, (Newman $4.75) is sure]y one of the most· stirring and complete indictments yet rebTned agai l1 st world Communism and its struggle to wipe out the Catho lic Cl1ul'ch. Published earlier
in Elll·oJ.Je under the aus picel;> of the Commission for the Persecuted Church, the boole ha~ Imd a tremendous im pact thc~e and in England also. W e h 1\ V (' .," " , ':'.:,1 ]lad, of course, /~ numerous ac counts of Com munist activi ties a g a ins t Catholicism in t his 0 r t hat country. This book brings to gether a mass of documenta tions. statistics. and flesh - and blood testimony in a way that is much more ef fective because of its massiveness. Effective, too, Is the restraint with which the various national pictures are presented. The em phasls is upon exposing the systematic attacks upon Catholi cism through administrative and legislative trickery. a procedure. much less obvious to the world than would be direct physical assault. . Ullsic Principles An Introductory chaptet· on the methods of Communist persecu tion common to all countries sug'gests that certain basic prin ciples underly this form of activity everywhere: 1) The number of Catholics, the degree of organization, and the intensity of Christian life in the particular country: 2) The existence of a larger and more stable Christian deno mination that may be used ag'alnst Catholicism. Fo)' example. Russian Orthodoxy has been \Iscd, when the hierarchy of that Church publicly announces its support of and co-operation with the government; 3) The strength of the Com munist position within the coun try; 4) The possible impact of the anti - religious campaign upon opinion abroad: . 5) The use of certain PSycho logical devices adapted to the specific country. A second introductory chapter exposes the Communist technique of "propaganda by equivocation" used when force is deemed in advisable. ' No Let-Up
After this preliminary material, there is a countrY-by-country survey of the Communist-domi nated part of the world-begin 11ing·. as is natural, with Soviet Russia, where persecution of the Church got under way with the successful outcome of the Revo lution of .1918. From that time on, the evidence shows. there has never been a ·let-up in the pressures brought to bear upon the Church, whether psychologi cal, administrative and legal, 01' physical. Now and again, for reasons of policy. there has been a cynical lessenin/.l" of outward persecution. But o,lways this has been because it appem'cd necessary as the pre lude to a more ruthless and efficient stamping-out of the basic religious desires that lie deep in the Russian mind. Under this Russian chapter are covered countries directly within the Soviet· orbit: Estonia, Latvia" Lithuania, the Ukraine, and the Cal'patho-Ukralne most of them traditionally and strongly Catholic for ccntudes. ll!·ltmili".r Accounts There follows a detailed and l1eavily documented picture of persecution in these countries: Albania, Ij;ast Germany, BulgarIa. <C1I1 na.; KOl'~a; Ii~12rtaJ.·~. ~~Iand.
----.-- ..- Romania, Czechoslovakia, VietNam, and YugoslaVia. Some of these accolHlt.s will be rathel~ famili:'.r to Americans becall~e American mi:;-sionaries have. figured in them. Korea, with its story of Bishop Byrne and Msgr. Quinlan .and the heroic priests and nuns \vha suf fel'ed with them, 'we know about. Familial', too, is the Hungarial1 story. 'Especially interesting is the account of the difficulties encoun- . tered by the Communists in reg ulating the ChUl'ch in strongl'y Catholic 'Poland, where, time after time, they wllre forced to retreat or to modify theil' repres sive measures. Interesting,' too, < is the long account of antiChurch activity in China, with LEAVE CLOISTER F0J!. JAPAN MISSION: Setting its emphasis on the estab out on a missionary journey that will take them h~f-way lishment of an "autonomous" Chinese Catholic Church-about around the world are four nuns of Our Lady of Sorrows recent developments in which di Monastery; Pittsburgh, the first foundation of Passionist rection we 11ave been reading in nuns in America. They are'on their way to Japan to open the press within' the past few the first Passionist foundation there. From top to bottom weeks. Convincing Uefutatioll
The chief effect of this book, it seems to me, is to refute thoroughly and convincingly any possible arguments that Commu nism is either (a) no longer a world menace, or (b) a dangerous thing in Russia but a rather in nocuous feature of life in certain other parts of the W'orld, or at worst, only another form of gov ernment-as, say, in China. "The Red Book" makes clear the frightening unity and mas siveness of single purpose that marks Communism throtighout the world. It makes clear, too, the great importance attached by communists to the suppression of Catholicism. This is not to say that there has been no heroic non-Catholic resistance in this or that country, b,ut rather that the Communists are aware that it is Catholicism which must be sin gled out for ruthless destruction. Finally, '''The Red Book'~ ought to act as an alarm to the Ameri can Catholic conscience, which may forget, from time to time, what we owe to those who have fought, or are still fighting, the battle for the faith.
Bishop Retires
are Mother Mary Vincent a convert from Judaism formerly of Zurich Switzerland; Mother Mary of Pittsburgh; Sister M. Theresa of Nanty-Glo Pa. -and Mother Mary Joseph of Pittsburgh. The Sisters' travel is unusual and of vital na tun~ since Passionist contemplatives are bound by vows of poversty, chastity, obedience and neverto leave the walls of their convent. NC Photo.
Would Bar Children From Certain Films
Exiled. leader Seeks liberated Poland
BALTIMORE eNC) An NEW YORK (NC) - Antoni amendment to Maryland's mo . Pajdak, Premier of the Polish tion picture censorship law has government - in - exile has ap been proposed to keep children pealed to the free people of the world to help liberate Poland under 16 yeaTs of age from at from its communist regime. tending certain films classified as Mr. Bajdak, who is in this "r'estricted." country on a three-month good In a. letter to State Attorney wiH mission, said he hoped to ac General C. Ferdinand Sybert. the quaint Americans with what is State Board of MoUon ·Picture happening to the Poles under Soviet oppression. Censors asks for an official opin He appealed to Americans to ion of ·the constitutionality of send packages of clothing, food the proposed new restriction. and medicine to the Poll s h "Further controls and safe guards for children of immature people. years" are desirable in the light of recent decisions made by the United States Supreme Court, the Maryland Court 'of' Appeals and the New York Court of Ap peals, wrote Censor Board Chair man C. MortO.ll Golc:l.stein.
NOTRE DAME (NC) - The pull of divine truth upon tho open mind has led 2,180,290 con verts Into the Church in thia country in the last 21 years, ac cordIng to Fat her John A. O'Brlen, research professor at the University of Notre Dame and author of several widely used books on convert making. In 1935 the average number of converts per priest per year in the UnIted States was 2.3, whlls last y1Jar's figure was 2.8 Thio gain is a creditable accomplish ment, Father O'Brien poInted out, but the- number must bo notably Increased if any appre ciable percentage of the 70 mll lion churchless or the 100 million non-churchgoing people are to b€l won. That the national average can be considerably increased 18 evI denced from the numbers won by individual parishes and dio ceses, Father O'Brien saId.. WhUGl. some parishes regularly receIv@ 60 or more, others of the sarno sIze and In the sam0 community receive 10 or less. DioceselJ rang~ in average per pt'iest from 21.{J to .09.
Real Estate BrokelT~ To Close on Sunda)'f
CINCINNATI (UP)-Real ea tate brQkers here stand throo %"> one In favor of closln(f their of flces on Sunday. The move to discourage Sun day sales, begun two montlul BIIO. Is supported by closo to 120 real tors. who claim to represent 8li) per cent 01 the local business. However,. 43 other brokel'll met recently and planned Il. counwr atw.ck, calling the Sunday Cl08 ing campaign "an Infringement . on free enterprise." ~.
A. WILCOX CO. OFFICI FURNITURII In Stock For Immedlatlil J1)cllv~~
• @)
ST LOUIS (NC) - Most Rev. David F. Hickey, S.J., first Bishop of Belize, British Honduras, has retired and .has 'returned to his native St. Louis to reside. The 75-year-old prelate is a member of the Missouri Province of the Jesuits.
Jolh1l11l B.
ailClI Sons. 811'1e.
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!?>~@ml. New Unit
. ~ ~ T ~ u rrahnTl
ROME (NC) - ~issions, voca: called unfounded by competent tions and the communist, threat persons in the order.
A Catholic War Veterans Coun to education are expected to be There are nominations which cil will btr organized in Taunton. the topics de,alt with at the ex the congreg~tion is expected to Veterans who are interested.in traordinary general congregati0!1 make. Ji)\ther Joseph Bolland, Joining the new organization are of the Jesuit Order here, begin- . English assistant to the Superior Invited to attend the initial meet ning tomorrow. Oeneral who died in March, will Ing at 8 Friday night, Sept. 6 in As a matter of policy the agen almost certainly be replaced. It da 'a11d proceedings of a Jesuit Is als.o possible that a ninth r~ th'e Taunton CYO Hall. Sponsors of the proposed unit general congregation are not made public. But the matters gion, India, for example, will be are eager for a large turnout. A lIkely to be treated were revealed added to ,the present eight Jesuit nationa:l Catholic veterans group as an "educated guess" by an un regions. If this happens, it will has been most active and suc offIcial but well informed source. be necessary' to appoint an as- . cessful.
A general congregation - a /'sistant to the Superior General
meeting of delegates from all for that territory.
Jesuit provinces - is convened Two setbacks in the missiOll , on only two occasions. It is called field - communist persecution in Sun'day~ to elect a new supeiror general. China and the di1Iiculties faced The first Fall meeting of the In thJs case it is called "ordi by miso\)ioners seeking to enter nary." India - arealsollkely to be dis Fall River Diocesan Council of It may also be called to deal 'cussed during the nleeting. The the National Council of Catholic with extremely important mat Jesuits, who were once very .ac Women will be held at Cathedral ters at a time when the. election tive in China. are reported to be Camp, Lakev·ille, on Sunday, of a new superior Is not neces especially concerned ·about their
Sept. 15.
sary. In this case it is called losses there. "extraordinary.'! The congrega There 'are now about 33,000 Rosary and benediction of the
tion opening tomorrow is in this Jesuits throughout the world. Most Blessed Sacrament will take category. greatest growth in the order has place in the Chapel of· Our Lady The first Jesuit general con been in the United States, but of the Assumption at 7 at night,' gregation was called in 1558 to the greatest demands on the followed by a business meeting In elect a successor -to St.. Ignatius work of the order likewise come the Library. Loyola, the order's founder. The from the United States, and so present meeting Is the 30th in the- drive for more vocations Come in and Select the Order's 40-year history. It is there cannot be relaxed. It is be the fifth extraol'dinaty congre- lieved that the congregation may Your gation. . take that fact into consideration Speculation on Subjects· in the interest of the internation The rarity of extraordinary al picture. congregations has given· rise to There are 184 delegates to the much speculation, especially in ~eeting. Of these 33 are from ... the European press, on subjects the U. S. - three from each of the meeting Is to discuss: the Jesuits' American provinces J All these rumors have been and three' Americans from the general curia in Rome. Emily C. PelTY, Prop. ,
Women to Meet
Sept 15
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AMSTERDAM (NC) - Two FRANKFURT (NC) - "Pro national Dutch Catholic dailies testantism Is called upon by the have taken Issue with a parlia Holy Ghost to establish a new, mentary committee'lj proposal positive relationship with the that the government pay part of Roman Catholic Church." the costs for building new With these words, six distin churches. guished Lutherans - five pastor9 Editorials In both De Tijd and and a layman - opened a cir pe Volkskrant have criticized the cular letter to Lutherans of proposal. Germany entitled "Evangelical De Tijd suggested that If it Statements on Catholic Truths." were put into effect it would fos Known as "Die Sammlung" ter a tendency for the state to (The Gathering), this group Interfere with the spiritual res plans -to hold a meeting with ponsibilities of the cl1urches. representatives of the Greek and According to De Volkskrant, Russian Orthodox churches In church-building is the task of the the fall. faithful, not the government, and " Catholic observers here, while the state should be called on for recognizing that "Die Samm help only in cases of the greatest lung" is only a small, but impor necessity. The paper also raised tant minority of the Protestant the specter of Christians having camp in Germany, consider thi9 to contribute taxes for the erec . latest pronouncement as an indi tion of meeting places. for non cation of a trend that has been Christian sects. noticeable for -some time. But it "expressed satisfaction that the Sassen Report calls for a 10-year trial period rather than permanent subsidy program.
New Bedford WY 3-1346
foreign )nissioners prepare l\80. 1 SPECIALIST to meet for a three-day ses0"1 sion in Washington, start- •. IN -STORAGE ing next Monday. Miss Lois Waters·(left) an~Misslrene ~ /tn. Simone, are aides to Father Jill,UED Frederick A. McGuire, C.M., I I 'All LIliES, 100. Executive Secre~ary. It will ~hDB.S.~·~_II.~.~llItaQls:maity
The Perfect Gift
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be tJ:1~ la;rgest gathering ever held· in the U. S. NC Photo.
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r,c-~p'C'";;:::;'"1,~n R;ve~" Wome!,1 To Enter Convent on Sunday f
At Our House
Parents Can Help AHeviate Heavy Burden of Teachers By Mary Tinley Daly
There's something about early Septembe1" that has a meaning of its own. With schools opening, it carries with it more of a New Year feeling than Jan. 1 ever could. . "This September brings new problems to the world of education. The pinch felt for some years, is tighter llght, a specified and inviolate time, and "consultant serv than ever. That bumper study ices"-even though it may mean crop of war babies are Qabies giving up a favorite TV program lllO longer. They are in the upper grades and the early years of high s c h 0 0 i ... They are the one s who are going to hit the colleges - but hard - in the lllext few years. As Catholics, we have a vast stake in the ed ucational prob lems of the present and the near future. Right now we are feellng the above-mentioned pinch. Remember how, not so many years ago, 'the last-Sunday in-August sermon was always a !plea to " send YOUl' children to a Catholic school"? Advantages were pointed out, parents were told .that it was thelt· duty indeed their solemn obligation to enroll those boys and giris in the parochial school. or Catholic bigh school or college. As of now, priests must regret fuiiy report from the pulpit, all too often, that the parish school Is full and parents may put their children on the waiting list. And the pathetic. "Wlll those who are moving away please let us know illS soon as possible so that we ll11ay make room fOl' others?" In our parish young' mothers took up theil' posts outside the !principal's office as early as '7 a.m. when registrations were be ing made. Crowded Classrooms Diocesan superintendents and schooi principais everywhere are doing a ioaves-and-fishes act in lipreading school facilities' over a . maximum of pupll need. Ciass l'ooms are packed, with one Sister often teaching 50 011 60 pupils. Split sessions become necessary. Lunchroom and playroom space Is taxed to the utmost. And still Sistel' manages to teacll - and to discipline - an appalling numbel: of youngsters. What's more, Sistel' knows each one as an individual. How. we'll never know, but at parent-teach ei' consultations this is quite evident. A phrase comes back from our typing lessons: "Now is the time fOl' all good men to come to the aid of the party." Surely this is the time for all good parents to come to the aid of their own children, caught up in the maelstrom of overcrowded schools. If you're as lucky as we, and !have your chllduan in Catholic 6chools. give Sister a hand by seeing that the homework is done -i.e., understood. Provide a good
Board Commends Pope's 'Intentions All members of the Daughters of Isabella in the United States. Canada and the Philippines hava been asked by the Board of Di rectors, National Circle, to dedi cate one day of work for thlt intentions of His Holine§s, Popm Pius XII, as requested by th& • World Union of Catholic Wom en's Organizations. Date suggested for Daughters of Isabella is Friday, Dec. 6. . 'The Board has awarded a scholarship at Catholic Univer sity to a student 'from India and scholarship help to a seminarian at San Carlos Seminary, Philippine Islands. About 30 scholar ' ships are to be awarded in Que bec, four in Ontai'io, one in New Brunswick and one in the United States for the ensuing year.
or a telephone conversation. JFaculty Problem Our high schools and colleges, cognizant for some time of the up-coming wave, are doing their best to take care of their own, but it's a struggle. First problem, of course, is' faculty. A mother who has had teacher training, and has taught, might well give a hand here. Czech Reds Sentence Catholic colleges and universi ties the length and breadth,of the Two Dominican Nuns land were, this past summer. , VIENNA (NC) - Two Dominifilled with Religious - priests, Brothers and Sisters readying can nuns have been sentenced to' themselves to care for the higher prison terms by a Czechoslovak education of our children., For 'ian communist in Vsetin for instance, the Catholic University "anti-state activity:' , According to a Radio Prague of America. in Washington, had a record number of Religious broadcast, Sisters Ruzena Mina rikova and Marie Sumberova of from all over the country work the Dominiean convent at Liptal ing, on a graduate level, for mas were sentenced to five and four ters degrees and doctorates. and-a-half years respectively. It wasn't easy for them. Wear Sister Ruzena was accused of ing the heavy habits of their harboring Father Vaclav Filipec. various orders, and in the blister a Salesian priest who was recent ing heat of a Washington sum mer, these, dedicated men and ly sentenced to nine years for I women studied under experts in directing a "Spy ring" in Mqravia. Also, the Reds charged that the all fields of education. The edu cation they received is of th& nun had written and circulated highest order. Many hundreds anti-state propaganda. , Sister Marie was convicted of of them are now ready to carry ihe 'same, offense. Antonin Chro their part of the burden of Cath meak, described by Radio Prague olic education in America. as a "pensioner" from Bratrejov, Parents' Obligations As this session of school.starts, was also tried for harboring we Catholic parents must do our Father Filipec after the priest part. First 01 all, we must realize left the convent. He was sen the tremendous pressure brought tenced to two years in prison. In June" the communists ar to bear on our teachers by the sheer weight of numbers. It isn't rested a number of Salesian priests and nuns in Moravia and just helping Johnny with 7th grade homework. We also have to charged them with espionage. keep an eye on Susie in high The charges were denounced as school, to see that she doesn't false by Salesian headquartel:s in take advantage of the fact that Turin, Italy. "She can only call on you once in four days 'cause the class is so big:~ Let Susie know that she's a gone-gosling if she doesn't' study in high school. We even have to see to it that "the big one"-college student. that is - has as his main pur pose STUDIES. So often the in cllnation fOl' participation in too many extra-curriculars - the popularity bringers and the out side jobs with their ready money. This Sep~eniber, particularl,. is a New Year for parents who The have children in school.
Diocesan Retreat' League
Planning Fall Schedule First annual meeting of Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat League will be held Sunday, Oct. 6-at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament .at 6 o'clock to be followed by supper. 'I:he schedule of week~nd retreats has been announc, Spring by Father McMahon to ed by Rev. William J. Mc- foster interest in the retreall Mahon, director, as follows: movement among the laity of thlll For women: Sept. 20-22 and Oct. 4-6. For men: Sept. 27 -29 and Oct. 18-20. , The league was founded last
Diocese. Members are asked tG recite the Memorare each day and to make a retreat at least! once every two years, and arct also urged to try to enlist a new retreatant every year. One of the objects of the leaguct is to dispel the notion that re treats are solely for priests andl Religious and to point out th~ spiritual advantages of lay 1'0 treats. A retreat is defined as a period! 'of time set aside for thought; about God and eternity, afford ing an opportunity to put asidIJ the problems of daily living andl think about important spiritual probiems. Those interested in becominf! me,mbers may contact' Father McMahon at Cathedral Camp oc Mr. Arnold Weaver, men's chair man, at 33 Arlington Street, New Bedford, or Miss Mary Phelan, women's chairman, at 157 Austin Street, New Bedford. '
Fall River Guild Plans Reception Immaculate Conception Wom en's Guild, Fall River, wlll hold its second annual membership tea Qnd installation of officers from 2 to 5 o'clock next Sunday afternoon in the church hall. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament wlll' follow. All members and prospective members are invited, President Mrs. Edward P. Riley announces.
, TV Programs 1
RALEIGH (NC)-Bishop Vin cent S. Waters of Raleigh has asked diocesan parochial schools to participate in the three-year experiment in educational tele vision conducted by the Univer sity of North Carolina. , "In some small measure these dally TV-classes wlll pay back partial dividends on the equity our good parents have invested in the publlc school system," he added.
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THE ANCHOR Thurs., 5eGlt. S. 1957
Weelldy Calendar Of Feast Days
6'ublished We.eklv bv The Catholic PrelD of the Dioc~sQ of Fall River· . 410 HiRhland Avenue ~Ill/ River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connol/v. D.D.• Ph.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. CENERAL MANACER Il{ev. Daniel F. Shal/oo, M.A. Rev. John ~" DrlllColI MANACINC EDITOR Attorney HUllh J. Golden
Why. Relligno1I1l n1I1l IEdllllcatn01I1l
TODAY-St. Laurence JusUnG lIan, Bishop-Confessor. He re fused the offer of a' brilliant marriage, fled from his home at Venice and joined the Canons Regular of St. George. He became the first Patriarch of Venice and d.ied in 1456 at the age of 74. TOMORROW - St. Zacharias, ]Prophet. He lived in tl!e sixth a:entury, B.. C. He was the son of Barachias and became known in Israel during the reign of King DariUS, as a contempOrary of the Prophet Aggeus, Both contrib uted by their exhortations to Ilpeeding up the work of the building of the Second Temple. SATURDAY - St. Nemorius and Companions, Martyrs. Regis tered in the Roman Martyrology '1lS St. Nemorlus, he is also known as St. Memorlus but more popu larly venerated .as St. Mesmin. He was a deacon of Tl'oyes, France, and with five campan. ions was sent by St. Lupus, under whom he served,' to the camp of Attila.. the Hun, who then was ravaging Gaul, to implore mercy of the Barbarian leader. Attila had all six beheaded, about'45~, However, the prayers of Bishop St. Lupus were answered and Troyes was spared from ravage. SUNDAY - The Nativity 'of . the Blessed ViI·gin. The Feast commemorates the birth, free from original sin, of the Jewish maiden of the house of DaVid, destined to become the Mothel' of God. Her parents were SS. Joachim and Anne. MONDAY - St. Gorgonius, Martyr, He and St. DorotheuSl were favorites' of Emperor Dlocle. tlan and officials of his co urt in . Nicodemia, Asia Minor, but the hatred of Christianity caused him to, have them hanged for their Faith about 303. An account of their martyrdom was left by Eusebius of Caesarea, a contem porary. The remains of St. GorG gonius were brought to Rome" during the reign of Pope St, Gregory IV.. . TUESDAY, - St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor. He was born in answel~ to the prayers of a holy mother and was promised before' his birth to th~ service of God. His austerities were conspi cuous even in. the strict order of . the Hermits of St. Augustine, to which he belonged. He died In 1310. WEDNESDAY-SS. Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs. According to tradition, they were brothers, Romans by birth and servants in the house of St. Eugenia. Seized in the persecution under Dlocle tlan, they were scourged and be headed about 257.
The following are excerpts fl:om several letters writ ten to a national magazine commenting op an article concerning religion in schools: . : . "Confine the c!.assroom to reality and remove the fan tasies. Let religion be questi~ned ..." ,_ . "To me, the problem of teaching our children religion is not up to the schools. God has given the;t~sk of teaching children the truth to us, their parents." ! "If any citizen, for whatever reason; i:s not satisfied . to have his children in an American public ,school, then i~ is his privilege to place them in another type of schoQl. However, that is his privilege and privileges usually must be paid for." , : . These statements give a' good. idea of the ·way many persons of various typ~s look on religion land the place-. if any-that relig'ibn should occupy in s c h o o l . . . B.y l\'lsgr. George G. Higgins There are those who think of religion a~ bei~g a myth Director NCWC_ ~oclal Actlon Dept. founded upon a feeling. It is allright to, give security to In the past ten 'years the writer· of this coiumn has the weak or faltering or to use as a tranquilizer at times of received at least 100 letters-many of them anonymous and most of them rather venomous-charging that Walter emotional stress and strain.' But these persons deny that Reuther, President of the United Auto Worker~, is a soreligion can be examined like the sciences. cialist, if not a' communist. It is true that we cannot put God under a microscope, - T.l)ese letters; which come in privileges, share joint responsi that we cannot dissect virtues in a laboratory. It is like- irregular spurts,' are strik-. b1l1tles. One of these joint res wise true' that we can and must use the same mind and ingly similar to one another ponsibllities is to find a way to . in tone as well as in content. The raise c II tl b i i b the same reasonmg' powers.on the facts of .God .and religion . latest batch followed almost. im0 ec ve arga n ng a ove that we use on the sciences. The mind, when applied to . mediately upon the level of a struggle between . i t competing economic pressure mathematics or biology or ' medicine, can reason to many. -ment 0 u r . abPpoMn - groups. We in the UAW believe y 0I' r. valid conclusions that are accepted as indeed scientific. Reuther to the that collective bargaining. to be' That same mind' can be put to the same v,alid 'use in mat- recently_ estabsound and socially responsible, must serve the public need. In . " lished U. A. W. tel'S of 1I eliglOn.! The mind, after all, is made for truth. -, Public Review practical terms, this means that There are other persons, a;s shown in the second quo- Board. . free labor must shape its economic demands and free manAssummg as tation, who believe that religion is a matter for the home we areprep~red agement m us t· determine its' and parents. That is entirely true as far as it go.es, but it to .do,that the pricing policies so that they w1Il wnters of. these not only 'protect and advance the , . does not go far enough. letters- are slninterest of all American consumBasic relig~us education is certainly, the job of the cerely interesters. This joint responsib1l1ty to home and the career of. the parents: But there must' be ed in the truth the whole of our society and to · ' . . and that they have not been .the well-being of the whole na-' a carry-over int9 the school. Religion must not be put into ,blind~d by prejudice, we would tion -transcends in Importance a compartment marked "home'" and ruled out of other IItrongly recommend that they the more narrow responsibHities l'f F' ' .' b ."" carefully study the complete text that labor and management have aspects of 1 e. 01 then rehglO.n ecomes ~ home matter (not merely a newspaper sum- to their respective groups ...' like eating one's spinach and not using bad'gram~ar when mary) of, Mr. Reuther's ~idely· "N e i the l' stockholders nor one's parents can hear. Away from the home,. it does not publicized letter of August 17 to workers ... have a right to insist apply. . the Presidents of the Ford Motor on levels of income through inThe 'religious values I.-earned in tho.e hop1.em.ust extend McoomtoPI.aSnYanadndCllol.fYSI,tehre cGorepnoel~'aa~ flationary prices that deny to other citizens their full and pro to every phase of one's --hfe .or there IS' somethmg unreal tions. If this lettei' fails to con- per e qui t y in the national either about religion or about the lif~ one: is leading. It is vince them that Reuther Is not a product... , covered or invented by Walter -a learning one way .in one. place only to·live and learn a 1I0cialist, nothing evel' w!lI. "Unless'. free labor and free Reuther and his associates in different way in another place. This just does not add up":ould Cure InflatIOn, management voluntarily take ef- the U.A.W. Th thO d • t t' . t ,.' t i" In thiS letter Mr. Reuther pro- fective steps to halt It,'and soon, We must say, however, that '- .e 11' quo a Ion IS .he claSSIC argumen aga nst posed an average cut of $fOO, in the inflatl'ollal'y spI'I'al will be Reuther's letter - which reads h ' parochIal sc ools. The phrase "Amel'ICan public school" '. the price of 1958 cai's and stopped either by the onset of almost like a paraphrase of Pope wraps the public school system in the protection of the pledged, in return: that the recession 01' by the intervention Pius XI's encyclical Quardragesi flag so that any pointing out of its shortcoming's-becomes U.A.W. would sh~pe. ItS 1958 con- of government acting on behalf mo Anno _ restates this princi. ,.' , demands wlthm the frame- of J' tif'ably d I" an attack on de!ll0cracy. (It, . is amazmg how .thmgs can tract work of the companies' financial ' a us I arouse peop e. pIe more clearly and more elo be slanted and impressions created ·by well-placed adjec- 'position after such reductions No Sociallst Document' qUEintlY than any other secular tive.) , . . had been made. . The fore~oing excerpts from document we have ever read. . .. .... Th' t . . ed t" fl Mr. Reuther s letter can be boiled This letter couldn't have been The educatIOn of chIldren.ls not a pnvIlege that the IS wo-plOng an 1-111 a- d t b' i" l ' written bY' °a conVinced socialist · ".. . • . tlon proposal mayor may not'be own 0 one . aSlc PI' nClp e. palents have-It IS a rIght. ~hIldren,? bel~ng not to a sys~ feasible in its' present form. In' _ lab~r and m~nagementmust sub- ' (except, of course, as a cynical tem or to the state but to theIr parents. It ~s a dangerous any event, it ought to be given ordmate their particular interests hoax) ,. but it might well have and. wrong and undemocratic thing to give' the state serious consideration by the Big to the common g~, not. only . been written by a Catholic priest .. "rights" that properly belong to individuals. That is not Three .1n the auto indus.try and bdecaiuseitthlifs ibS tthe Inghbt thmg tio as a practical applioation of en . . . " should not be summal'lly dis0 n se, u a so ecause t cyclical teaching in the field of " democracY-~Ulte the contrary.' . .' .missed as a publicity stunt or ~ is the 'price of freedom. . industrial relations. In' our judg· The pubhc school system was InstItuted t,o help par- 'public relations gimmick. ObVlOusl~ t?er~ Is not~1I1g new ment,' it will undoubtedly go ents fulfill their right to, educate their children.' The pUbWe are' primarily' interested. about this prmCIPI~. I~ IS one of . down in the books as one of the lie school system aids parents, U does not supplant them: however, not so much in the spe- the fundamental pnnclples of t~e most important documents hi the · bl' t·'·' ciftc details as in the underlying natural law as interpreted by recent history of. the American The A mencan pu IC lichool sys em~ IS a wonderful· . . .. Ph'l I osoph Y 0f R eu th er 's d rama- competent , philosophers and the- labor movement - regardless of apparatus domg a splendId Job as ·far as ~~ goes. But the tic proposal. The gist of this ,ologians and as eXPC:lUnded·in the the ultimate judgment of posteri most zealous advocate of tve public school system willa:d-. phliosophy _ which.is eminentlY social encyclicals of recent Popes. ty or the merits of Reuther'B mit that it cannot do the complete jo~tliat while in the 1J0imd'from the point of view of In other words, it wasn't dis- specific proposal. public school classroom belief in God and: reilgious values Catholic social teaching - is ~.R ATRO...1AIL -EGlON OIF 1l)~I1"~Nl1"'v .,'. contained in the following exnl u", II. I ~"'I' '" II and virtues can be held up as part of the ChIld s educatIon" cerpts from Reuther's letter' UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR GENERAL PATRONAGE respect for the consciences of individuals demands that Joint ResP(lDsitiility . Omar Khayyam ·these ideals be kept on a broad plane. A too-pointed an "Much is being said about the 1IJNOBJECTIONABLE .!FOR AIDULTS application cannot be made. . growing probl~m o~ inf~ation but Quantez· All this is a way of saying that to educate without re- unfortunately btUe IS b~mg done. OBJECTIONABLE llN PART !FOR AJ.L · . . We can all agree that 111 our free Back From the Dead Devils' Hairpin Jiglon is not to educate completely. It is not to educate a flociety, free labor and free man_ CONDEMNEID whole person according to his nature. agement, in addition to ~ving Bed of Grass Light Across the Stl'eel
Reuther· ,Letter Practico.1 App~ication of 'Encylical
Emphasizes Duty To Watch Frun,ds
Union and company offl· daIs were reminded of their obligation to safeguard the integrity of pension and welfara funds In a LabOl' Day sermon her9 by the president of the Cathollo' Economic Association. Father Mark J. Fitzgerald, C.S.C.. professor of economics at the University of Notre Dame. said that if labor and manage ment zealously discharge their duties, the negotiated security program will become "a glorious achievement of free industrial re lations. Neglect of these obliga tions, however, may cause grave h'arm to our social and economic order," Deferred Wages Father Fitzgerald spoke on ·'Social Justice and Welfare Fund Agreements" at the fifth annual Labor Day Mass at the Shrine of the sacred Heart here. Archbish op Patrick A. O'Boyle of Wash· Ington offered the Mass which was attended by representatives of labor, industry and govern ment. Father Fitzgerald directs Notre Dame's annual unlon management conference and heads the industrial relations section of the university's eco nomics department. Company funds set aside un der welfare and pension pro BTams. "whether in the care of unions. employers or both. are legally recognized as deferred wages," the Notre Dame econo mist pointed out. Responsibility Great "To dissipate these reserves by excessive administrative charges. 01' to jeopardize them by dubi ous investments. especially for personal advantage," ,Father ,Fitzgerald declared, is to risk vi olating a Biblical precept by "de priving the worker of his hil'e IIlnd at a time when he is ill or Buffering the trials of old age," The enormous growth of wel fare and pension funds in recent years has made the responsibili ties of union leaders "much more serious than in previous times," Father Fitzgerald noted. "Temptations to betray the in terests of the members have be come more severe. UilfortunatelY, there are notorious cases where union officials have yielded to these temptations and proved themsel",es false to theII' trust," he said. Avoid Distortion "Without proper precautions there is no more assurance that company plans will be any freel' from abuse than are union ad ministered funds;" the pl'esldent of the Catholic Economic Asso ciation asserted. "The failure of many company pension pro grams of an earlier day to ful fill their promise because of POol' standards must not be forgotten," Father Fitzgerald called on the press "to avoid a distorted ap pro.'1ch" In reporting irregulari ties in the administration of pen sion and welfare funds. "Day after day to bring to the public's attention stories of mis conduct in regard to such pro grams, without noting the splen did record of honest achievement by both employers and unions which predominates-is to leave en impression out of balance with realty," he contented. Labor &0 Prom He also cited "the forthright nctlon" which has been taken by. American unions through their national federation by publica tion of codes of ethical practices. These codes, he said, rededioote unions to their essential purpose, "The economic and social wel fare of the membership,'" Their main implWt L"l intended for "the, minority group which threatens the good name of the labor move ment," he asserted. "'rhere is no denying that the American union movement is facing a critical internal chal lenge to its prestige, which must be overcome," Father Fitzgerald declared. "The forces of conup tion, though minor now, could as-
THE ANCHOR ThuMI., Sept. 5, 1957
Sisters of Mercy Postulants
Continued From Page, One
Family League Head
Says Germany Dying MUENSTER, Germany (NC) Germany is a dying nation, ac cording to Salvatorian Father, Maurus H. Stark. moderator of the Catholic Family League here. From 1949 to 1956 the German birth rate decreased from 16.8 to 15.7 per'thousand persons, Father
Stark pointed out. While Euro
pean countries behind the Iron
Curtain and Asian nations show
constantly growing bfrth rates,
up to 18.9 per thousand, tho
populo,tion: increas~ in Germany
now is only 4.9 per thousand all
against &,6 in 1949.
, A constantly growing number of German families. the' priest noted. seem to restrict themselveD to only one child. when th}eo children 'per family is the mini;' mum to maintain the present numerical level. The result of the practice of birth control which is spreading rapidly. even among Catholics, begins to be felt in a critical labor shortage. he stated. At the present time there are 250,000 'job opportunities in Western Germany that are not being filled. School graduations show an annual declipe between 60,000 and 80,000. By 1970, he said. there will be jobs for 40,000 en gineers that will not be filled because of the lack of applicants. Abortions, Father Stark de clared, number in the hundreds of thousands every year in thi& ,country.
President Greets World Champicr\1 little Leaguers f,rom Mexico WASHINGTON (NC) - Tho world champion little leaguers. who also are tops as Catholics, got the thrill of their young liven here when they were received at the White House by President Eisenhower. The Chief Executive presented 'each of the boys, who hail from Monterrey, Mexico, with a pencU inscribed: "Stolen from Dwight D. Eisenhower," The little leaguo champs' also were rewarded with 11\ trip to New York. At Williamsport, Pa.• where tho Mexican boys won their cham· pionship, BUl Morgan and A., F. (Cozy) Dolan, Williamsport busi· nessmen and members of tho Knights of Columbus. served £10 hosts. Well Behaved · "These boys we~e something special," said Mr. Morgan. "When we brought them into town they wouldn't pass a Catholic church without a display of devotion. Before the Church of the Annun ciation they made us stop the bUD and all of them piled out and knelt down on the sidewalk to pray." "That's right," said Mr. Dolan. "They stayed there ,until B1Il went and got Father John J. O'Brien out of the 'rectory to givo them his ble~sing. And a better., behaved bunch of boys you never saw." The hosts reported that tho
Goan I?riests to Aic!l
West African See
SA'DA BANDEffiA, A n g 0 I 8.. Portuguese West Africa (NC) _ The two - year - old diocese of Sa'da Bandeira, which recently gained its 15th diocesan priest, .will soon have more· than double the number of diocesan priests now working in it. Twenty priests from the Por tuguese colony of Goa in India have volunteered their services to the West African diocese. Re leased by the Patriarch of Goa. they were accepted by Bishop Altino Ribeiro Santana of Sa'da. Bandeira and are expected to arrive here soon. sume grave proportions unless courageously met and defeated," The crises wUl be overcome, he predicted, "and the house of labor will be stronger and more stable because of the present chal lenge~"
cnrid Hyannis SC, lDJao1moutlh WV'1-9384
Il-6'jfGIIU1l0S 2921
'Mexican boys got a blessing from Q priest before every game in tho J,.ittlo Leagus World Series. They said that the 11 and 12-year-old youngstero were smaller than their American opponents and their sizs was one of the reasons 100 a I fann "jumped on their bandwagon." At the White House, President Eisenhower particularly was im pressed by Angel Macias, e. 5 foot-2, 94-pounder who pitched Cl perfect game against the LaMesa. Calif.• team to win the series. A crowd of 9,000 saw the Mexi· can lad pitch to 18 batters in a six-inning game. striking out 11. His team came through with a 4-0 victory. Before the final game. the Mexicans knelt on the field whlle Father Carl G. Ulrich of St. Bonllace Church gave them h1a blessing. In Williamsport the victory by t ho Mexican team was halled as "e. bigger booster of more good w1ll between the United States and ito neighbor to the South t han John Foster Dulles could whip up via diplomatic circles,"
lin Street. Sacred Heart Parish; Lois Marie Eveleth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eveleth, 127 Cory Street, St. Joseph's Parish. Also Marlene Gertrude Newton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newton, 20 Bentley Street, St, Kilian's Parish, New Bedford; Jean Susan Frates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frates. 31G Hilton Street, Holy Ghost Parish. Tiverton, R. I. Pat l' i cia Maureen Leary. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick - Leary. 80 Palmer Street, St. Pat rick's Parish, Fall River. was graduated from Durfee High School' in 195~ and did post graduate work at Mount St. Mary Academy Summer School. Holy Family High School grad uates include Nancy J. Leach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Leach Jr., 236 Cashman Lane. South Dartmouth, and the fol lowing New Bedford residents: Florence DeWhurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dewhurst, 330 Shaw Street; Patricia Har rington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Harrington. 14-1. Presidential Heights; Carol Mur ray. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Murray, 1032 Wildwood Road; and Elaine Costa. daugh· tel' of Mr. and Mrs. David Costm. 427 Tarklln H1Il Road. and fI sister of Sister Mary Kateri. R.SM., of Mount St. Mary Aca· demy.
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WmU of Omnipotent ,God Produced
By F. J. Sheed
The question how God created falls na~urally Into two questions-what the creative act meant in' terms Of God -whose act'it was, and in terms of the universe which re sulted from God's act. As to tHe- first, question: God .w i II e d that things th'at Genesis was not meant to be taken literally, His own view which were not should come was that in the beginning God to be, simply willed it. He Is created the "seeds,"'the element&!
omnipotent, limitless in power, which would ultimately 'develop, and therefore requires neither evolve, into our universe, (He has material to a couple of theories about the work upon nor six days, neither of them literal.) any pro c e s s Meaning of "Formed" of manufacture. The burning question, of course. His will is was as to the creation of man. enough. Th e Genesis speaks of two elemento -reader' might - earth and the breath of God. profit'ably lin "The Lord God formed man of. ger on two texts the slime of the earth" and of Scripture. "breathed into his, face tho One is from the breath of life; and the man bePsal m s "He , came a living soul." Did the word. spoke imd they "formed" mean one single, in were n:!.ade; He stantaneous action? Or could it com m an ded mean a long process, animal and they were created" 048.5L bodies slowly developing, (under , The other Is from Romans, "He God's guidance) until at last one can send His call to that which was evolved capable of union ,PROJIEC'II.' '11.'0 AID TEACHERS OF BLINJI); Bishop Joseph A. Burke dedicates a has no being as if it already was" with a spiritual soul? Obviously monument on the grounds of a Buffalo church m'arking the site of the first Catholic UV.17>' the word "formed" could mean 'church In Western New York. The dedication coincided with opening of the Order of By revelation we can go fur either: of itself it does not tell us. ther. Creation was the work of Nor does the Church. Catholics the Alhambra 27th biennial convention, at which it was voted to appropriate $250,000 the Blessed Trinity, the three may, if they will, believe In an to help prepare teachers to train the blind to read Braille. The six-foot granite monu Persons acting as one creator. immediate creation of the human ment Is the 75th erected by the Order marking historical sites in this country and Can Just as Father and Son produce ' the Holy Spirit, so Father, Son body from elements in the earth; ada. NC,Photo. they 'are allowed to believe in an , 0 and Holy Spirit create the uni evolutionary' 'process by which verse. Here we should reread Seeks mli1formation what was said of Appropriation the first hmrian body comes from ISELIN (NC)-Father Thomas the earth by way of other animal (in Section 17). The Creeds speak H. Raywood js attempting to of God the Father as Creator of bodies. gather, in 0 ne book, information What they must not deny is the with PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Arch it not the slightest danger heaven and el:trth. But Scripture and illustrations of all known Is insistent that all things were immediate ~reatlon, for the first bishop John 1". O'Hara, C.S.C., of of control." The prelate's calCUlations were paintings of the Sacred Heart of created by the Son (John 1.3, ,man and every"subsequent man, Philadelphia said in ,hI/> hoihlaJ of the soul. The soul, being a education message that the na4 based on regions of the United Jesus. Hebrews 1.2). Persons having an original spirit, having no parts, cannot, tion's Catholic grade and high States. He multiplied the cost Pure OrIgination painting of the Sacred Heart, 61' We have seen' how the two evolve from some lower form; it mchools saved taxpayers in the per-pupil in public schools for 'knowing anyone who has. may truths combine. That something can exist oniy 11 God creates it. school year 1956~57 a ,"minimum" the 1953-54 schoolyear in each send their information to Father estimated total of $1,400,525,036. region by the estimated Catholic should come into existence of Prelate Challenges
Archbishop O'Hara compared elementary and secondary school Raywood at St. Cecelia's Library. nothing is a work of pure origi 40 Sutton Street, Iselin, N. J. enrollment in each region. the total with the subsidies pro nation: as such creation is ','ap Statistics of Jesuit
posed in the recently' defeated propriated" to the Father, who NOTRE DAME (NC) - Arch bill for Federal aid to school Move Offices within 'the Blessed Trinity is bishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati construction. Origin. But the something that LANCASTER (NC)~Executive -"Our annual gift to the schools, results is not just anything, it is has disputed a Jesuit sociologist's office of the National Catholic statement that· approximately each yeal: as costs which grows an ordered something, ordered in one-third 'of all baptized Catho per pupil in the public schools Theatre' Conference has been t itself and in its possibilities of . lics fail to practice their religion. ~mount, is almost !lve times as moved from Davenport, Iowa, to development: as such it is a work , ,II WYman great as the annual subsidy this New York CO).llmunity, Fa of Wisdom and is "appropriated" . Father Louis, H. Fichter; spe ther 'Gabriel Stapleton, S.D.S., ~ ~·6592 to the Son, who is the uttered cialist on the sociology, of the ($300,000,000) the Fedel:al gov Wisdom of the Father. When the parish, made the statement in ernment was asked to' give-and president, has announced. CHARLES F. VARGAS order was wrecked, it was the the June 15 issue of Ave Maria. which, we were solemnly assured, In a letter to the editor. Arch 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE terminate at the would definitely Son who became man to restore bishop Alter calle'd Father Fich end of five years,~' he wl:Ote. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. it. But this is anticipating. NO JOB TOO BIG ter's. report "interesting and in . '~Furth'ermore," he added, "our ' The second or our two ques NONE TOO SMAll ~ tions was what the creative act many respects quite challenging" free gift to the public schools is , ~eant in terms of the universe: but objected to his percentage of free even of costs of tax collection and administration. It is In had we been looking at the time, ' fallen-away Catholics. creased every year, and it bears , what should we have seen? No body, naturally, was looking. Of Hungarians Protest
that first instant before which New Terror Wave
there was no instant, we can VIENNA (NC) - As Hungary's Main Office and Plant know only as much as God tells Red regime continues its, new INSURANCE. us. The telling is in the opening wave of terrorism against the LOWELL, MASS.
two chapters of the Bible's open APPRAISER Church, Catholics protested by Telephone lowell
ing book, Genesis (which means flocking in greater numbers than REALTOR GL 8-6333 and Gl 7-7500
Beginning). Please' read them ever to Budapest churches to ' carefully: we shall be much oc mark the' feast of their patron, 1320 No. I\lain St.' Auxiliary Plant. cupied with them for the next St. Stephen. .. FALL RIVER few weeks. According to reports reaching 052·2000 B9STON ,Time of Creation here, the huge Esztergom bas1lica They tell of a creation of the and all Budapest churches were OCEANPORT, N. J. world in six days; as we read on fmed to overflo~ing on August ,PAWTUCKET, R. I. ' In the Old Testament, the surface 20, the day St. Stephen's feast is ' meaning seems to be that it all . celebrated in Hungary. It is ob happened roughly four thousand served elsewhere 'on Sept. 2. years ,before the birth of Christ. The turnout is interpreted here Scripture did not require the as a sign of popular reaction surface meaning, but having ,no against tlie recent execution of reason to do otherwise, men gen Father Laszlo Mindszefiti, who erally did, up to a century ago, was accused, of aiding freedom take the four thousand years for fighters during last fall's anti granted. Modern science-geolo communist uprising. gy especially - provided reason falmouth to Chatham against belieVing the four thou sand years arid they were drop Sagamore to Or~eans ped painlessly. Man is immeasu and Points Betweeri i , ably older, and the universe im measurably 'older stili: HOMOGENIZED' and Scudder , 'What of the six days? What of p,ASUUR'ZfD the order Genesis gives, for the Hyannis, M'Oiss~ ¢mergence of ,sun and moon and 1'e~. lHlyannns 4275 Comp~e1i'e, PaY!l'o~1 the rest? The Fathers and Doc tors of the Church never thought YOIII won" br sorry" of Genesis as giving' us a scien Dial O~fDeld.4·87'11 tomorr~w If you caDB FALIl. ROVER, MASS. 215 BANK STIIUET tific blueprint of creation. Round , illS today , ,the e])d of the fourth century, 65) 1 MAIN RD., over 11 hundred years before OSborne :7-9388 DO IT NOW! TD~ERr~~, 'R~ 8. '' Darwin, St. Augustine wrote, De ' -,: .... " Genesi ad litteram,' establishmg
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Hollywood in Focus
Thurs.• Sept. 5. 1957
Catholic Writer Explains How Movie Code Works
"Flying Bishop" Rescues Thomas
By William H. Mooring
You often hear talk of the Hollywood Movie Code. Do you wonder just what this is and how it 'works? Come along with me and see for yourself. In a modern office building at 8480 Beverly Boulevard, between Hollywood and Beverly Hills,. West Coast head- dozen different cases come. up. , quarters of the Motion Pic- Some show brutality in scripts. tells Father Fred Chamture Association of America, Shurlock berlain of Australia's Catholio we 'find a large suite called the Code Administration department. At 9.30 a.m.. we are .shown into the board room. once as t i g h t against outsiders as the President's cab1 ne t. W hen Geoffrey Shurlock sllcceeded Joseph J. Breen as Code Administrator. he did away with "secret diplomacy"; started the new policY of the open door. So we are to sit in as Code Chief ShurIe : presides over the daily conference with his expert assistants. Usually there are seven be"ides Shurlock. This morning. around the conference table we find Jack' Vizzard (chief assistant), M. J. Healy, Harry Zehner. Eugene Dougherty and Simon Levy. Morris Mui'phy and Albert Yan Scllmus are on vacation. Check Violations First Shurlock asks each man to report on bis work the day before. Most of them have read a new film script or seen a finished or partly finished movie. Did they find anything in them tha t might violate the code? One has seen a fairly innocuous western. Another has read a new script about a bunch of rather wild youths. Debbie Reynolds Is supposed to fit into this one. She's younger and more innocent than the others. begins to feel left out and wonders how she can "get with it" like the others. So at one of these beach parties she deliberately invites trouble in a deserted hut with an older fellow. "He's given a really strong s.-~ech there," reports Shurlock's man, "set her right back In her place, tells her how foolishly she's behaving, then takes aer back to the rest of the gang". Moral Compensation This sort of thing they call compznsation, moral compensation if you like. This fellow speaks for conscience. What he says is Intended by the script writer to balance right against wronw and bring out .-.dramatic conflict between the two. Shurlock says they'll have to look further into this script all together. We understand it may be touchy. The balance will have to be just right or the film may violate the Code. WI1lit "just right" may mean we can only guess. The safe answer lies in measuring ideas. Who has the perfect yardstick? What do I think of Gary Coop-er and Audrey Hepburn in "Love In the Afternoon". Shurlock asks. I do not think much Of the old roue making love to a young girl. e'But they gO' off and get married", says Shurlock, "and they were never alone there in his hotel room". I can see this means that the Movie Code was not violated. at least as to letter. If screen drama is to enjoy any freedom of expression the Code people cannot be concerned. as l 8m. because some of the situations appear to revel in occasions against purity or because a young girl's marriage to an old roue may mean no family. or be:' eause he· most likely will remain a roue anyway. l know it fa supposed to be a sparklinlf. sophisticated comedy in the Lubitsch tradition. It just happens to offend my sense of taste but [ cannot tell Shurlock where 1t ma,. have violated the Code. The main trouhle is a mass of "borderline" ,tuff is written in_ tbese days. During the two hour sittjllg &
Youth Movement who ·is visiting with us. that the 4ustralian censor and many others have been most troubled about violence in the movies. "We think we've cut down violence a great deal lately", says Shurlock, "but there are many shades ·of opimon; besides, what seems excessively violent or brutal in' one script may not seem· so in another". Of course circumstances and context. can make a lot of difference. Caters to Public Then in screenplays involvin, divorce, a legal and social fact against whieh the Code cannot properly raise barriers, opinionl often differ as to whether the Code- rule _upholding the sanctity of marriage and the home, has been observed or violated. The National Legion of Decency objected to the treatment of divorce and re-marriage in Bing CrosbY's "Man On Fire". the Lon Chaney biography, "Man of a ThoUsand Faces", .the Eve White story, "Three Faces of Eve." to mention only a few new pictures. but the Code Asiministration could hardly have done anything about these even though several of Shurlock's "cabinet" members happen to be Catholics. The Code caters to the public at large. Code Not Lelrion And before we leave this conference, be sure you understand that there is absolutely no connection between the Movie Code end the Legion of Decency. Many Catholics think there is. The Code is the film industry's own voluntary effort to keep movies within certain bounds. ethicallY and morally. and any who fear the code doesn't work or ought to work better. may be sure movies would be much worse if it wasn't in operation at all. The National Legion of Decency under authority of the Bishop's Committee on Motion Pictures. speaks to and for, you and me and about 30 million other Catholics in America. Every one of us, l dare say, is anxious to support only what the average Catholic considers to be decent entertainment. But who and what is "the a ve I' a I e Catholic?" Among ourselves we may sometimes find it as difficult to agree as to shades of meaning in a screenplay. as do the Hollywood producers and these Code expert. who try to pre-judge for them, the eventual ethical and moral effects of more than 300 commercial plays a year. The job is no cinch!
OLIVIER Plumbing • Heating 915 Acushnet Ave. At Weld Square New Bedford
ART DISPLAY AT STUDY WEEK: S!.ster Mary Regina" Ad.PP.S., of Sacred Heart College, Wichita, stands with three model statues which she entered in an art display during StUdy Week at st. Joseph's College, Indiana. They represent st. Gaspar del Bufalo, Our Lady of the Most Precious Blood and Blessed Maria Mattias, foundress of Sister's Order.· Sister is personally chiseling four life-size statues of Kansas limestone for a new motherhouse in Wichita. NC Photo.
Religious Education Need Cited by Pope VIENNA <NCl-Religious education has become more important than ever in a technical age. Pope Pius XII told the third international Congress of Catholic 'reachers here. have rightly "Pedagogues pointed out that r~ligious and moral education, where active life is concerned, has now an even greater importance than scientific instruction and profes-sional education. In a technical age man needs that compactly unified education based on ablIolute truth which places God at the center of existence . . ." "The most important element of the Catholic school," said the Pope, "is the Catholic teacher. Therefore the Church attribute. aa much value to the personality formation of the Catholic teacher as it does to the Catholic school. This is particularly true in missionary countries."
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Heads Fraternity COLUMBUS (NC) - Frank Flick, president of the FlickReedy Corporation, Chicago, was elected president of Theta Kappa Phi at the fratermty's biennial national convention at Ohio State University here; The organization is a national college fraternity for Catholic men founded in 1919.
WEWAK, New Guinea INCl New Guinea's "Flying Bishop" came to the rescue of Lowell Thomas, noted author and newscaster and a party of 50 cameramen who were in head-hunting country without food. A weak radio message was received here by Fred Cadd, a district officer, from the filming party saying all their meat and bread had spoiled as they made their way through the rain forests 350 mnes upriver from Wewak. Mr. Cadd prepared five bundles of food. each weighing from 20 to 30 pounds. and wtapped them in white cloth. The official made contact with Bishop Leo C. Arkfeld, S.V D .• Vicar Apostolic of Wewak, a Divine Word missionary from Panama, Iowa, who flew Mr. Cadd inland in his single-engine airplane. After spotting the expedition, Bishop Arkfeld, usinl' a technique perfected in droppinlf mall at mission outposts. fiew In at treetop level and told Mr. CaM when to toss out the parcels. Bishop Arkfeld, 4~, joined the Society of the Divine Word When he was 20. He was consecrated a Bishop at age 36 by His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Striteh. Archbishop of Chicago, on Jul.J 8.
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Latest dividend on Savings Accounts
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80 North Main Street, Fall River, Massachusetts
Telephone OSborne 8-5661
I 10 Thurs., Sept. 5, 1957 Reds Bon Donor Of Priest Fund From Mo scow THE ANCHOR-
DUBLIN (NC) - A Mos-
",ann accoun ,opened
24 years ago by a Philadelphia lawyer, has been thechief means of support for CathoUc priests in the capital of the communist world. Michael Francis Doyle, the attorney, told the story of the Moscow bank account while here with some members of the Americall Bar Association who visited Ireland after the association meeting in London. . From 1933 until the expulsion of Assumptionist Father Georges Bissonnette in March 1955, Mr. Doyle said the fund provided maintenance for an American ca tholic priest in Moscow. Ban Still On Although Assumptionist Father Louis Dion of Worcester (Mass,) has not been able to enter the Soviet Union as Father Bissonnette's replacement, Mr. Doyle said the bank account is still waiting open Theand story of howfor the bank ac-
Bishop Stresses Urgent Need of Lay Catechists
New Canadian Bishop Is Oblate Father
count was opened began in 19311 when the Roosevelt ad1lll.inistration decided to recognize the
Soviet Union and sehd an ambassador to Moscow. Under the agreement of that year, Americans residing in the U.S:S.R. are free to have their spiritual needs ministered to by American
Father Albert Sanschagrin, whohas been named Titular Bishop of Bagi and Coadjutor with the right of succession to Bisho}> Joseph A. Desmarais of Amos, will be consecrated here Sept. 14 by
A hb' h
priests, ministers and rabbis,
Soviets Object W.C. Bullitt, the newly ap. pointed U. S. Ambassador to Russia, took with him an Assumptionist priest, Father Leopold Braun, because the .Apostolic Administrator in Moscow, Bishop Pius Eugene Neveu, was an Assumptionf!,t.· When Father Braun arrived to begin work at the Moscow church o! St. Louis of the French, the Soviet authorities told AmbasMIGRANT WORKERS CONFIRMED: Spa n 1. s h sador Bullitt that they objected M' to having a Catholic priest in speaking migrants fill St. Mary's Church, Geneya, mn., the country who was maintained as Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald of Winona administers the by the Moscow church. sacrament of Confirmation to 59 Mexican children and The ambassad6r gave the inf formation to then Secl'etary 0 adults. NC Photo, State Cordell Hull. Mr. Doyle told Secretary Hull that he would have been able to have done it," A former member of the Pergladly assume responsibility for commented Mr. Doyle. manent International Court of ' Won't Let Me In suppor t·mg th e Ca th 0 11 c ch apIam Arbitration at the Hague, Mr. for Moscow's Catholics and did He said he would like to Visit so for the next 22 years. Moscow. He had applied to go in Doyle received an bonorary doc-
. P
Paulists to Publish Author's Last Book
INDIANAPOLIS (NC) Existence of an urgent need for lay catechists was stress~ ed here by Coadjutor Bishop
anI C0.
John J. Carberry of Lafayette
Apostolic Delegate to Canada. The Bishop-designate has two brothers who are priests in the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Fathers Emile and Roland S1\nschagri'n, both stationed here. He has a sister who is Sister Jean Bosco of the Sisters of Providence, stationed at Sacred Heart Hospital in Hull, Que. \ The 46-year-Old Bishop-designate, who joined the Oblates in 1931 and was ordained in 1936, has been serving as Provincial of the St. Joseph (Montreal) Province of the Oblates for the last four years. The Amos diocese lies in northwest Quebec. It has a Catholic population of 72.000 in a' total population of 76,000.
_(IndJ in an address at the regional Congress of Christian Doctrine. The Bishop said: "Parents, graduates of Catholic high schools and colleges, retired teachers _ intelligent, willing and teachable laymen who are disposed to be trained _ can, may and should become catechists." Other Jobs When lay people give religious Instructions on a voluntary basis, the Bishop stated, their instructions have a "tremendous impact" on young people. For.those who feel they do not have the qualifications for classroom work, Bishop Carberry cited a number of other jobs that are Vital to the success of a religious 1nstruction program. He suggested that such persons might volunteer their serv-
current visit. The degree was conferred by Prime Minister Eamon de Valera, who also is
NEW YORK (NC) - P. J. Kenedy & Sons book publishers has announced it will publish in March, 1958, a work entitled "My Last Book" by the late Paulist Father James M. Gillis, who was an outstanding Catholic journalist.. The book was written during the last years of Father Gillis' life and is edited by Paulist Father Joseph McSorley. It consists of a series of reflections and meditations. Father McSorley described it as "a sort of miniature spiritual autobiography." Father Gillis died at the age of 80 on March 14, 1957. For more tban a quarter of a century, he wrote a column entitled "Sursum Corda" (Lift Up Your Hearts) which was distributed by the N.C.W.C. Feature Service to many Catholic newspapers. He was editor of the Catholic World magazine for 26 years.
GOOD SIGN FOR FUTURE: Native vocat!ons to the religious life among young women in southern Africa are one of the most encouraging signs for the future welfare of the Churcb in that rapidly changing continent. Here a group of African nuns march in a religious' procession. NC Photo. or as organizers of recreational attract teen-agel's to a high ti ith r school religious training class,"
to reap the harvest of souls that it waiting." programs in connec on w re 1"There is no God-given talent gious training classes. the Bishop declared. of the laity that cannot be utiHIP' He id -"new laborers are d lized for the service ofhis God byi ha e p rJes t s . sa i "Experience has proven that a needed from the ranks of the priest neon ucting par s good social and recreational pro- laity to take their places at the program o[religious instruction," __e_r.:.y_b_es_t_.b_a_l_t'_t_O__s_id_e_o_f_t:-h_e_ir_'_p_rI_'e_s_ts.,:.\a_n_d_R_e_l_ig_io_u_s_ _t_h_e_B_i_sh_o_p_c_o_n_cl_u_d_e_d_. _
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Vatican Official Says Missions Are at Stake VATICAN CITY (NC)
Christian communities in mission fields may be taken
over by others .if there are not sufficient funds in the next few years, a Vatican official warns in this year's appeal for mission contributions. Archbishop Piero Sigismondi, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, said in his letter asking for contributions on Mission Sunday, Oct. 20: Combat Atheism "It is within the next few years that the future of many Christian communities in mission countries will be decided. If, for the lack of resources it should happen that missions will not succeed in carrying out their task, there is reason to fear that the fields will be taken over by others." The prelate appealed to all Catholics to lead a life of prayer and sacrifice to combat the influence of atheistic materialism in mission territories. He said: "Of this obstacle, which has joined with others to obstruct advance of the kingdom of God In the missions, we may truly say with the Gospels that it will be broken only by prayer and penance." Archbishop Sigismondi reminded Catholics that the missions oUer them the possibility of completing tl\eir Christian vocation. Christians are called upon to spread the Gospel throughout the world and missionaries are their delegates and representatives in this task. "It is they who make it poshible for you to meet the missionary engagement of your baptism," he said. . No Christian can, therefore, accept Jmy easy or empty and idle life when confronted by the thought of the sacrifices and sufferings endured by missionaries, he added . Better Understanding The Archbishop noted that modern technology is putting the furmidable progress of science at the service of industrialization in mission territories. "If there were not the Christian spirit compounded of justice and charity - to penetrate, purify and sanctify these new structures, a tenifying conflict bet wee n continents and races would be inevitable." In this sense, Archbishop Sigismondi concluded thfj.t - .,ission8 have greatly contributed to the development of better underI!tanding among men.
Maryknoll Missioner To Be Consecrated
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THE ANCHORThurs., Sf,pt. 5, 1957
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MUSCA, East Africa (NCl - A Pittsfield, Mass., priest will be consecrated bishop of the newly created diocese of Musoma on the shores of Lake Victoria Oct. 3. Bishop-designate John J. Rudin, M.M., will be consecrated in an outdoor ceremony by Bishop Joseph Blomjous of Mwanza, Who will be assisted by Bishop Edward A. McGurkin of Maswa, Tanganyika and Auxiliary Bishop Maurice Ortunga of Kisumu, Kenya. Bishop Frederick Hall of Kisumu will furnish the ceremonial vestments. Currently, Bishop-elect Rudin Is in Nairobi, Kenya, where he Is the regional superior for the Maryknoll Missioners in Africa. His new diocese is located on the eastern shores of Lake Victoria in the heart of Tanganyika's big game country. A land of many tribes, the new Musoma diocese has 12 distinct language groups among the 290,000 people liVing within it 8,250 square miles.
Sage and Sond
Concern for Church Bond Between Clergy and Laity
Holy Union
Continued From Page One
By l\lost Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Reno
There was a time, dating back to the boyhood of this harried and hackneyed scribe, when the institution known as "Fall Opening" held a place of prominence. Whether it survives in these declining days he is not informed. It came every year with Sep- . - - - - . tember, and it offered to the couragingly and shows signs of mer c 11 ant s along Main galvanizing into activity, bu·t the Street the .opportunity of sleep is still in his eyes and tordisplaying the new seasonal styles with appropriate fimfare. This goes back to a less sophisticated age when the art of window-dressing had by no means reached its present high gloss of perfection. Something was left to individual caprice and ingenuity, and the imagination had a greal deal to work upon. Headless and armless dressmaker's forms did service for the sleek mannequins which nowadays create the popular illusion of "gracious living," and certain decencies were observed In the display of more intimate apparel. no doubt, but perhaps a shade more Christian all 'the same. For a small boy. firmly in his mother's tow, the annual excursion along Main street for the Fall Opening was unadulterated anguish, doubtless, but it was ~.Iso a part of his introduction into the rhythm of American life. Summer was over. the season of joyOUS abandon. and along with the revival of school for unfortunates like himself, it was evident that his elders and bet-
still in his body. Much is being written the.se days about the place of the layman in the Church. and there are scholars who are devotin, themselves to exploring the theological implications of the lay .~tate and of lay actiVity. Th. problem. clearly. is to. harmonize the spheres of hierarchical leadership and lay leadership in such a way as to avoid the very real dangers of conflict w·hich could lead .:lither to anti-clericalism or to outright heresy. The Church is not merely a human·.society; l.he is divine in her institution and her organization. and methods that might apply to a purely natural solution are absolutely ruled out in her case.• Mutual IJnderstanding America offers. undoubtedly... most favorable field for the deYelopment of a strictlY orthodox program of lay activity and lay leadership. We have almost none of the t~nsions of European anticlericalism. and between the pOl'
clergy and the laity, typically, there is a cordiality. a bond of tel'S had their own peculiar au- mutual" understanding, which Is tumnal concerns. September unrivalled in t~ experience of Jnllrked a water-shed in life. the Church. There is a common Reality and earnestness were 1 ecognition of the overriding back in full force. fact that it is the Church that Ready for Work matters, first. last. and always.. Fall Opening, obviously, has a And there are signs of a growing wider connotation than the dis~ f;enerosity in the sharing of resplay of new fashions. From twice ponsibility for the welfare of the ten thousand Catholic pulpits' Church between the priest and throughout the land there- is a the layman. Once the giant is new accent of urgency. Catholic aToused fully. who can set a limit Action, dormant through the to 'lis potential for great persummer holidays, is to take uP. formance? hopefully. where it left off last At a casual glance this Fall June, Tlle organizations are Opening is much like any other. called back into muster, with the The Altar Society is meeting and inevitablE' appeal for new memthe H'oly Name men are schedulbel'S and renewed enthusiasm, iug a Communion breakfast. But The laity are reminded that they more e!osely examined there is .. have something more to do than cifference. The giant. under peroccupy pews on Sunday morn- sistent prodding. is more nearly ings and fulfill the ecclesiastical awake than he was a year ago. precept of contributing to the Ar•.erica, even in our time. may support of .their pastors. The know his measure when he rises. Catholic Church in America flexes her muscles and gets ready Prelate Establishes for her year's work. What a tremendous work it 1s, Secular Institute LITTLE ROCK (NC) - A new all told. and what an enormous secular ins tit ute. called the exenditurE' of energy it requires! Anyone of us, individually. pre- Daughters of the Paraelete. has occupied with the narrow things been established in the diocese of of parish or institution or dio- Little Rock by Bishop Albert L. cese, is in danger of losing sight Fletcher. The Daughters of the Paraclete of the forest by concentrating on the trees. Confronted with a par- have alreadY begun their first ticular problem which absorbs work in Little Rock with the our interest and ejemands our at- opening of Paraclete House. .. tention. we are prone to ignore home for working girls. The chief the immeasura1:lly vaster· prob- work of the institute will be lems which face the Church in teaching religion, conductinc America as she moves further schools and doing other apostolic into the second half of the· twen- works in mission areas. Members will wear a uniform tieth century. Yet her problems are nothing more than the sum- dress except where, in the opintotal of all our individual prob- ion of the Bishop, the wearing of lems: and her strength or weak- such a uniform might be a hinness is gauged by the energy or drance to the success of their lassitude we bring to their solu- work. The insignia of the new society. worn on the uniform, 18 tion. a burning flame sj'lllbolic of the Sleeping Giant Holy Ghost. Some time ago this l\'riter happened to reler to tne American Catholic laity as a "sleeping FRANCIS J. giant" Like most phrases coined for oratorical purposes it Is far from exact, yet it evidently contains enough truth to account for its rather widespreltd repetition. 222 UNION STREET For the maIn problem of the TEl.. WY '-9784 Church in the United States has NEW BEDFORD, MASS. been and remains that of harnessing the vast reservoir of lay potential into a force cammensurate with the need of the GENERAL times. Somethl.ng ·has been done INSURANCE to arouse the giant, and there EH<e moments when he stirs en-
THI ANCHOIt- , Thu..... Sept. 5. 1957
GETS WELCOME BY NEHRU: Archbishop James Robert Knox, Apostolic Internuncio-designate to India, shakes hands with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, during a visit to the Indian foreign office after arriving in New Delhi. A native of Australia, Archbishop Knox is the third Vatican envoy in India's capital city since the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and the Holy See in 1948. NC Photo.
White's Farm Dairy
Nurses Enroll at St. Anne's Co~tinued
From Page One
Muriel Byron, 163 Hamlet Street, Mount St. Mary; Judith Correira, 39 Quarry street. Sacred Hearts Academy; Cecile Coulombe, 27 Bedard Street, Jesus Marie Academy. Mary Elizabeth Coyle, 53 Rodman Street. Mount St. Mary; Pauline Garcia, 733 Broadway, Mount St. Mary; Jeannine Lavoie, 603 Palmer Street, Mount St. Mary; Margaret Ann Nester, 674 South Main Street, DominIcan Academy. Anne M a I' i e Pacheco. 387 Tower Street. Mount St. Mary; Barbara Peckham. 156 Snell Street. Mount St. Mary, Madeleine Ring. 1310 Plymouth Avenue, Dominican Academy; Mary Lou Ryan, 110 Bowen Street, Mount St. Mary. Claudette Salois. 649 County Street. Jesus Marie; Therese L. Sorel. 417 Osborn Street, DominIcan Academy; Jeanne Whitehead, 63 Ash Street. Dominican Academy. Carol Wolowiec. 361 Centre Street~ Mount St. Mary; Jane E. Zawrotny, 495 Snell S t r e e t, B.M.C. Durfee High; Ruth Ann Zygiel, 271 Franklin Street, Sacred Hearts Academy. New Bedford Ann Patricia Aylward, 257 Chestnut Street. Holy Family High; Gail Francis Barton. 49 &ewster Street, New Bedford High; Pauline J. Charpentier, 4085 Acushnet Avenue. St. Anthony High; Jane Constant, IS Roosevelt Street. St. Anthony. Beverly Ann Dickens. 15 Studley Street,· New Bedford High; Claudette Dufresne, 881 Terry Lane, Holy Family; Alma M. and
tel' Mary Edna from Sacred Heart to Sacred Hearts Academy Elementary School. both In Fall River. Sister Magdalena Marie from Immaculate Conception, Astoria. N. Y.• to Sacred Hearts Academy Elementary; Sister Mary Richard from Sacred Hearts Academy Elementary to St. Mary's Taunton; Sister Celine Teresa from Sacred Hearts Academy Elementary to Immaculate Conception, Astoria. N. Y. Sister Marie Bertrande from Sacred Heart. Lewistown. Pa.• to St. Mary's, Taunton; Sis t e r Agnes Jerome from St. Anthony's, Portsmouth. R. I., to Sacred Heart, Taunton; Sister Viviane Marie from St. Mary·s. Taunton, to St. Anthony·s. Portsmouth. Sister Marie Thomas from St. Mary's to Sacred Heart. both in Taunton; Sister Marie Denise from Sacred Heart to St. Anthony's, both in Taunton; Sister Mary Teresita, newly professed. to St. Joseph's, Taunton.
Thelma A, LaFrance. 26 Rodney French Boulevard. St. Anthony. Joan Manha. 39 She r man Street. Holy Family; Phyma Menard. 86 Howard Avenue. St. Anthony; Rosemarie Motta, 26 F e Ito n Street. Holy Family; Rosemary Norton, 74 Sycamor. Street. Holy Family; Doris J. Tetreault, 839 Acushnet Avenue, St. Anthony. Other Communities Swansea-Helen Johnson, 393 Old Fall River Road, Case High; Virginia T. Morissette. 44 Ralph C hap man Road. Dominican Academy; Sharon Ann O'Brien. 72 Elmwood Avenue. Case High. East Taunton - Janet MarIe Conlon, 1094 Middleboro Avenue, Taunton High; Mary Elizabeth Correia, 31 Cullen Street, TauntOll High. Taunton - Sandra Jean Souza. 184 School Street, Taunton High. Raynham-Maureen Connors. North Main Street, Taunton High. Somerset-Madeline Frado, 209 Elm Street, Somerset High; North Dartmouth-Joan G1l1igan, 76 Coggeshall Street, Holy Famny. NewpOrt-Abigail Clare Powers, 20 Dearborn Street. st. Catherine's Academy.
"SPECIAL MILK From Our Own Tesfed Herd" Acushnet, Mass. WY 3....457 • Special Milk • Homogenized Vito 0 Milk • Buttermilk • Trbpicana Orange J.uice • Coffee and Choc. Milk • Eggs - Butter
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River OS. 8·5677
STONEHILL COLLEGE The Only Catholic College in the Diocese of Fall River
·• · ~
: . Residential. Institutions • • Churches • Commercial .
: A.ociated with 'alntina and • Decoratina Contrac:ton of : America I
: 291 High St.-Fall River : OSborne 9-6493
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Visitors Are Always Welcome
--- - -._._
Director of BuUding Fund. Stonehfll Col/cU.
,rlhle Family Clinic
Teach Children Christian Attitude Toward Money
5. U951
H@M$On~ 1P~ltl)De€:t P~@[J'i)Uil®@]
Of O~d CtmlYJll'~h
By Rev. John L. Thomas, S. JI.
St. Louis University
MlLLBURY (NC) - The Diocese of 'Worcester has transferred ownership of the Old st. Brigid church prop
HC!w much spending money should we give our chi! Il'Jren? We have five, three boys 'and two girls, ranging from fifteen to six. Although we've managed to stay fairly wen out of debt, by the time all the bills are paid and a ,nittJe set aside for future !!chooling, there's very lit dren may even resort to dishonest means to obtain money. tle left. Our children com On the oUier hand. some chil plain' that others always dren attempt to buy favor and
erty here to the Millbury Housing Authority, without fee. The church will be torn down and the site used for a housing project for elderly persons, About 24 motel-style housing units are 'to be constructed beginning next spring. The deed was turned over to the Authority by Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester at cere monies here. In a letter to John E. Maloney, chairman of the State Housing Board, Bishop Wright said that he was transferring the title of ownership "In view of the neces sary and praiseworthy civic wel fare project which the Housing authority would develop on the land," He added that he was 'doing this "without fee or delay In order that this important welfare program can get underway at the earliest possible date." The-property Includes a frame c h u r c h building tyld 35,000 square feet of land. The church was' vacated In '1955 when the parish' erected -anew stone church elsewhere. One of the first steps by the Authority will be removal of the church, one of the oldest in the area and a landmal'k on the original Worcester - Providence road.
have more spending money. This fliends w,ith money. You must Imay be true, but we like to plan show them that this is the wrC'1g 1'01' the future.
way to retain friends. In general, Are we being
if you take the trouble to under 1llInfair to 0 uri'···
stand your children's real needs and have taullht them to think Mlldren now? ,'.'
• • in terms Of the family, you can I think you 'I handle the problem of' spending 11' e I'.> I I z e that . money without too much diffi _~1UN ADEPT IN ANCllIEN'JI.' ART: One of the few peo - ~;here Is no sim- t: 'culty. the ancient Chinese art form of Wu-ing Is , pIe adept In lPIe ans\)'ft to: Fourth, teach the spirit of Sister Mary Caroline, a southpaw, pictured as she puts 'Y cur qm,stion.
shllring. Children are a strange Family sizes, in
finishing touches on a painting made at Fordham UnI mixture of generosity and sel <come, social po
fishness. Remind them of the versity, using only the coloring and the tip of the index titions, and en
needs of others, and show them finger. Technique is named for WU-Tsien-Yen, one of vlronment.s dif
how, through making some small fer g rea t I y. sacrifices, they can give Bome the most noted exponents of the almost extinct art. NC ' The sex and age differences of thing to charity. They are never Photo. children must also be considered. too young to start learning this Nun Is Consu6tant Bence more Important than the lessop. Campaign to SeClWre WASHtNGTON (NC) - Sister Rmount of spending money Is Finally, help them to' acquire Virginia Kingsbury, a Daughter your children's attitude to:-vard It a true sense of values. Teach Books for Poland! of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, NEW YORK (NC)'-An ambi Rnd toward money in general. At them that happiness Is based on titudes acquired In childhood a quality In the heart, not on an tious program aimed at re-unit. .has been appointed to serve the tend to endure throughout life. object In the hand. This lesson is ing Polish intellectuals with United States mission of the In Your real problem 'Is to teach learned slowly. Most generations Western culture is being carried ternational Cooperation Admin Istration in Guatemala. and your children the chi'lstian atti have to learn It anew. Yet It Is on by the Polish Institute of Art.s Ecuador; A registered nurse with and Sciences in America, {In or tude . toward money and the fundamental for Christians. Re- things It can buy. If 'you neglect member, Christ spent his whole ganization of anti - communist a master's degree in nursing edu': cation, the nun has been a direc this, the amount of spending life teaching It-from the poverty emigre artists and scholars. tor of nursing and a consultant Stanislaw Strzetelski, institute money you give them remains re of' the manger to the nakedness director, said he believes the in-,. on nursing education for hospi latively unimportant. of the Cross, tals operated by the Daughters etitute is the only organized Am All Blessings' from God of Charity's midwestern province. erican effort to meet specific re A consideration of the follow Portuguese Vocations quests of Poles seeking to catch 'ng points should help you meet up with the Western stream of this problem. First, show your Increasing Rapidly knowledge from which they have children that all blessings, ma SANTAREM, Portugal (NC) been largely separated since 1939. terial and spiritual, come from Portuguese vocatIons lire Increas NEW BEDFORD "The hunger for books in Poland God. Teach them to have a deep Ing so rapidly that the Patriar Is as great as the hunger for Iespect and gratitude for the chate of Lisbon Is adding a wing Anthll'adte 81 Bituminous bread," he said. food, clothing, and home they to the Junior Seminary here. enjoy. These are blessings which An Indication of the Increase neither you nor they have wholly of vocations was the ordination of the largest group of priests In (larned. Automllllltne G:llIIClID Stokers God has granted us a rich 50 years at Coimbra. Bishop Ba!ll CllIIClID - 'Woocll Michael and Edward Nasser country and prosperous times. Ernesto Sena d~ Oliveira of Co C!hlClllI'cllIIaD Proprietors Millions of others just like our Imbra ordained 16 men In B fJelves have lived and still live ceremony two weeks ago In , DEALERS i~NG without enjoying them. Knowing Colmbra's !lew cathedral. New Bedford's OtnJDy this, we must regard even the IN GENERAL Authorized Cl ust of bread and the worn gar ~AD$ON ment with reverence and grati NlERCHAND.SE Chevrolet DeaDer tude. You must live and teach O~l this lesson carefully lest our 545 Mill St., APPRAISER ~ 732 So. Main Stll'eet' present excess blind you and your READ. ESTATE New Bedford!
640 PILEASANT SI. Fall RiveII' children to the true Source of WY 7-9486
these blessings. WY 6..$27]-28-3 OSborne 4-204,7-3-9381 INSURANCE Family Loyalty 136 CORNELL ST. Second, build up in your chil NEW BEDFORD dren B spirit of loyalty and un ~nlti> . WY 3-5762 «lerstandlng toward your family I1S a unit. According to their ages, MOV-ERS
children should be brought into SERVING
your family council so that they ltIDrl·ay~s fa~~ River, New Becllforrcll can appreciate the over-all needs Cape Cod Area . IOf the family, share in your con CURTAINS cern over the budget, and parti Agent: Specializing ~n Church Property DRAPES cipate .in your plans for the fu AERO MAYFLOWER
RUGS ture. This Is a maturing process TRANSIT CO. oNle.
for growinll children. It develops LINOLEUM loyalty and legitimate pride in NatHon-wide Movell's
~ 636 Acushnet Avenue one1s family because each child 316 FIFTH ST. IFA~,IL RIVER WYman '3-0904.
New Bedford, Mass. comes to think of himself as a 304 Kempton st. New Bedford WY 4-3861 OSborne 4-5698 member of the team. Some parents foolishly exclude their children from their coun cils in the mistaken belief that they will learn the hard facts of B life later on. How can children acquire a sense of family unity INCORPORATED 1937 and an understanding of the family's financial limitations If they are given no knowledge of the facts? Is it not unfair to make them wait until they are married to discover that the fam lly budget must be balanced with money which they have earned? Children's Needs Vary JJAMES IHI. COLLINS, C.E., Ifllres. Third, make an honest attempt to. understand the spending needs Regi$teredl Civil and StructurliO Engi~eer of your children. They will vary M~mbe, National Society P;ofessionlll Enllineel1l 'With age and sex, but you can . make a reasonable estimate If FIiANlCnS L. COLLINS, JJIll., ill'es. you take the trouble. To refuse ll'IHICMAS K. COLLINS, See'y_ BREAD all spending money may exclude the child from ordinary particl~ ACADEMY BUOLDING. pation in his age-group. Under t.hese circumstances. some chil
James F. O/Neill
DORSEY lANDSCAPE & TREE CO• Designing-Planning-CoJnlsttrlUlction
••• then ioin the
Answers Segregationists
love 9f 'Fellow Man Edict Comes from Jesus Christ!'
THI ANCHOR Sept. S. 1957
Trinitarians Continued From Pago One
Sister Joseph Mary, Custodian of tho Cenaclo at the present Cleveland Unlvers,e Bulletin time, 'has spent 18 years in tho servtc8 of t~8 people of Holy A New Orleans group know!1, as the Association of Ghost Parish, bel~B' one of the ,Catholic Laymen recently asked Pope Pius to declare,that original iroup of, three Sisten it is not wro-ng to' segreg'ate fellowme~ because they. are which opened the Cenacle in 1939 members of different races. the request of Bishop Cassld'Y. I find my comment tak given me, I have given to them. Prior to her assignment in Attle "That they may be one, even as ing the following form. boro, Sister Joseph Mary, who ill we are one. At the Last Supper, the "1 in them and thou in me. an R.N., was superintendent of 'heart of Jesus Christ flowed "That they may,be perfected in Holy Name of Jesus 'Hospital in over with love for human beings. unity. ' Gadsden, Alabama. He spoke with unaccustom~d "And that 'the world may know Sister Willlam Mary, who wall emetion. that thou hast sent me, and that To His disci thou' hast loved' them' even 'as previously stationed in ,Southing ples, He said thou hast loved me . . . ton,' Conn., will,pursue additional , , that for a long '''And I have made known to , studies, preparing for a Mastel"o time,He had de them thy 'name, and wUl make it ' Degree. She hilS been in Attleboro sired with a known, . IIi order 'that the love
for 13 years,
great desire to
with which thou hast loved me eat this pass
may be in them, and I in them." Both Slstel'll aro natives of FRANCISCAN EDUCATION CONFERENCE: Father over meal with After saying these 'things, Jesus' Brooklyn: N. Y., and poth havo Cyprian Abler, O.F.M.; Superior, of Our Lady Queen of them. went foith with, his disciples He instituted the sacrament of beyond the brook Cedron. And Angels Retreat in Saginaw, notes modern house of prayer sisters also in the T'rtnitarian Community. Sister Joseph Mary 'Holy Communion, giving Himself there Judas betrayed Him to features to officers of the Franciscan 'Educational Con Is a sister of Mother Mary Fran to them, under the appearll.nce those ,,,ho hated¥is te~ching. ference at group's 38th annual convention. Left to right cis, 'former Mother General of of bread and wine, to be food . are Father Sebastian Miklas, O.F,M. Cap., of Washington; the Community. --> and drink and medicine for their lLe~ion@~ lQ)~~el1'il<CY The present Mother Gener~l. Father Geoffrey Bridges, O.F.M, of San Luis Rey, Calif.; souls. : He did this In order that His '~<ClIJnlS 'ii'w@ Morre IFHm$ Father Gerald Walker, O.F.M. Cap., of Detroit; Father Mother Mary Sebastian, M.S.B.T., NEW YORK (NC) Two was the first Custodian of Holy followers might be fUled with His Maurice Grajewski, O.F.M., West Chicago; Fat,her GregQry Ghost Ce.nacle when the Sisters own surpassing 'love of God and. foreign 'pictures hkve been eval uated in Class C '- condemned Grabka, O;F.M., Conv., Grand Bay Wise, and Father Abler arrived in Attleboro 18 yearD mankind. ,~ by the l'fatlonal Legion of ago. NC Photo. ' Love One Another Decency. Rev. J. J. Sullivan, now 'pastor A dispute arOse among the dis The 'pictures are "Bed of of Sacred Heart Church in Fall CC@U'[k}@~n«:~ [11l ~@~tr~'@ ciples as to which of' them was Grass," a Greek production dis River was then pastor of Holy repu~d greatest. Christ quelled tributed by Trans-Lux. and BALTIMORE (NC> - Custody child's mother which she 'mado Ghost parish and under his di it with the words, "Let him who "Light Across tlie, Street," a rection the, Sisters began a pro when 'she gave the baby to too is greatest among you become as F l' e n ch movie distributed by of a chlid whose mother request gram of religious instruction for the youngest, and him who is the UMPO. ed him to be raised as a C'atholio welfare department. the children of the parish attend chief as the servant.", has been given to a Catholio The Legion' announced the fol Mr. and Mrs. Frantum ob ing public s'chools, a kindergarten He dramatized his meaning by lowing objection against "Bed of couple 011" the basis of court " tained a restraining order. there for pre-schoolchildren, and a washing the feet of those present. Grass": "The 'theme and treat comprehensive recreational and Becoming troubled in spirit, He ment . of this film,- ,under tho rulings against im adoption re~ by keeping for' themselves cus told them that one of them would guise of realism, ,are developed in quest made by a middle-aged tody of the child until the legal social program for all the youth of the parish. betray Him. Lutheran couple. issue was settled by, court action. an atmosphere of sheer animal At this point, Judas departed. ism; it dwells a\most without The Baltimore City Welfare The Navy officer is 32 and his He did not stay to hear Christ variance upon suggestiveness in Department gave the baby boy to wife is 29. They have one other Sayillg, " A new commandment 1 situations, costuming and dia Navy Lt, Kenneth Adams and his adopted child, a girl. give you, that you love one an-' 'logue. Excessive brutality." I other as I have loved you," The legion posted the following wife, Catholics~ after two Mal'yJesus promised to send the objection against "Light Across land courts ruled against Mr. Holy Spirit to give His followers . the Street": "The, highly ques , and Mrs. Frank'H, F'rantum, who the wisdom and holiness to obey tionable' subject matter of this : are Lutherans.' that commandment. film, plus gross and sordid details The city agency had placed the My Commandment in treatment, are considered se baby in the care of Mr. and Mrs, His supreme sacrifice was clear, rlouslY,offenslve t!> Christian and' Franti.tin. The' child was sick.
,HEAT~NG and He remarked again, "This traditional standard~ of morality The Lutheran couple had aided
NEW BEDFORD is my Commandment, that you , ,I the department to restore other
South Q) Sea Stu. love one another as I have loved Chicagoan Receives dependent children to health,
, PRESCRIPTIONS you." When the baby had recovered, SURGICAL SUPPORTS' Hyannis Tel. HY 81 And In what manner did He First Dami'en Award' Mi'. al'ld Mrs. Frantum ,applied to
CHICAGO (NC) - Frank J .. ,adopt him. Mr. 'Frantum is 53
love them? "Greater love than this no one has," He said "that Lewis, 90, Chicago, philantropist, and his wife is 47. They were
one lay down his life for his was presented -with the first'Da turned down because of their age
friends," men Award of Loyola University and in view of the request of the
He defined the word "friends" at informal ceremonies here. -"You are my friends if you do The Damen Award'isnameti,in You'll Fall In LOY8 With the things 1 command you.'" And honor of Father Arnold Damen, NORMAND'! DONUTS He had that moment commanded S.J., founder and first president them to "love, one another as I , of St. Ignatius College, ,Loyola'1l GREEN ROOM CHARUC)T· R.OOM ,predecessor. It will be given an have loved you,~' Then Christ be'gan His great nually to outstanding individuals WEDGEWOOK) ROOM "for their dedication in the Jesuit final prayer: , BusIness Breakfasis; Parties "Father, the hour has co~nef tradition, to God, to; society' and to the nation." Glorify thy Son , .. Available for Social Orgonlzatlong Mr. Lewis, who made a' fortune As We Are One , PHONE OSborne 6-82211 "I have manifested Thy name in tar- products, gave the univer 22 KINDS - OPEN E\'''lNINGS to the men whom thou hast given sity'Lewis Towers, its 17-story ,downtown campus, in 1945. In me out of the world ... "I pray for them; not for the 1948 he gave the university a 299 Aahley,Blvd. WY 4-11984 Ttl A.able)' Blva. - Wl' 1-11251 world do I pray, but for those one mUlion dollar medical school endowment. who thou has given me, because
they are thine; and all things
that are mine are thine, and
A Delicious , thine are mine, and I am glorified
Sh'aron, MossClJclhlUset1ls 'Treat in them, ..
, 0' "Holy Father, keep in thy name those whom thou hast glv - ' en me. ATTLEIBORO, MASS, "That they may be one even as Daily Masses: 6:30, 7, we are one '.. " " 8 A.M. _ "Sanctify them in the truth. Location: Midway between Boston and Providence Confession!! Daily: Thy word is truth. "Even as thou "hast sent me 6:30 A.M. Ito 9:00 P.M. into the world', so I also have sent Devot!oUllS OUll SUNDAYS them into the world. And for lbegilllJ -yeaO' Il'ound at .GRAIOIES: 4-5-6-7-8 them 1 sanctify myself, that they 3:00 Ut.M. ' also may be sanctified iIi truth. OpeD'Dings foil' 4··5-~ OI11l~'lf "Yet not for these only do I IPell'lPefrllll«110 lNIovena fro Our pray, but for those alsQ who lLady of lI.aS'ZlIOelte every through their word are tobel1eve eveD'lliD1l!Bl 'ZlI1t '1:30 P.M. In me. '. Perfected in Un!ty OlTgclIl1lDzell's of Interview and Entrance 'Examiliation Required "That all may be one, even as lPo~grDmage$ thou, Father. in me and I in thee. flJOe«llS8 CCOMGd: , "That they also may be one in
By Joseph A. Breig
Normand's ~~~~~
"That the world may bell.eve
that thou hast sent me.
"And the glory that thou hast
M~<dI~ IIUt~ (Mp~ AslJc. /POO' TOtem 'ifoday
Ray. father lDlorecfcr
'lT1E1L. AIl1t~eboll'o U
Double Standard
THE ANCHOR Thill'S., SePt~ 5. 1951
Of Press Scored!
Asks Accepii'QJnce
DUBUQUE (NC) - The c'double standard of profes· .11onalethics" used by some newspapers in weighing the
Of Repent@n§"
, CHICAGO (NC) - Samuel Cardinal Strltch made a plea
incomes of businessmen and la here' for the acceptaFlce by so IDol' leaders was criticized by I} . clety of convicts who have "reli
priest social action leader in e giously and civilly atoned for Labor Day sermon here. their guilt," Msgr. George G. Higgins. di Speaking to a luncheon meet rector of the Social Action De ing at the annual nationalco!1 partment of the National Catho vention of the American Catholic lic Welfare Conference, delpored Correctional Chaplains Associa the tendency of certain news tion, the Archbishop of Chicago paper editors to nail down the said: naIades of labor leaders while "We must recognize the good Ilhrugging theil' shoulders at the that is in them; we must recog incomes of businessmen. nize and, even above suspIcions. He preached at the annual presume .the goodness of their Labor Day Mass here. Archbishop intentions. We must all outside Leo Blnz of Dubuque was the the prison walls be intent -en (Celebrant of the Mass. trying to give them another Some Unfair chance," Msgr. Higgins said that "many Charitable Attitude of labor's critics have a tendency The Cardinal said it is known to judge the labor movement "to those who have made deep more severely than they judge in the field of penology JrOUND WHAT THEY WERlE LOOKING' FOR: Master Sergeant ?4arvin Holland' studies" other organizations in American that there is "no force like the economic life," He noted tha~ and his entire family have been received into the Church by Father George M. Hickey, power which religion has in "this is particularly true of cer-, Chaplain at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. "Becoming Catholics wasn't some spur of bringing consolation and JOY and taln newspapers," the moment decision," Sgt. Holland declares. "It has been coming ever since we were the sense of restored human "The editors of these news dignity to those who are In the .married." From left, Sgt. Holland, Jack, 15; Mrs. Marvin Holland, Sherry, 6; Pa:t 12; sad papers," he continued, "know. ot places of prisons. and Linda 13. Fa~he17 Hickey is at right. NC Photo. course, that thousands of Ameri "The chartty that reaches out can businessmen enjoy bonuses understandingly trying to help and other tlnancial prequlsltes Receives Grant these men in their trials and try far In excess of those accruing to PITTSBURGH (NC) -....: The ing to assist them to come again the president of any union. It Is to a realization of their dignity. National Science Foundation has their difficult, however, even to imag human dtgnlty"before God CINCINNATI (NC> :..... Parents desire for an 0xcessive amount awarded a grant to Mt. Mercy and before man," ine their getting excited about this fact, least of all during tM who coddle their children may be of entertainment, and they ,stay College here to establish'll Chem He wal'11ed against "sentiment istry. Institute .for secondary al charity" that would make current Senate investigation into . undermining the youngster's .out every 'night to all hours," Dclence teachers. Mt. Mercy re labor l'acketeerlng," "compromise between right and Parental Example ceived the largest grant of 18 wrong, which would refuse to Msgr. Higgins said he could mental health, according to a Jesuit priest who is a national Correctly motivated discipline made to colleges in the United l'ecognize guilt and the necessity only "Interpret this to mean leader in the Recovery, Inc .• will bring the children to adopt States. It is the only Pennsyl as one newspaper rec.ently ad for protection of our f.!'eedoms mitted - that certain editors movement for persons who have a "mature,- reasonable. common vania college that shared in the and free institutions, of our law been afflicted by nervous and gran~s. have a double standard of pro upon those who commit a crime." sense attitude toward growing up lressional ethics: one for business- , mental ailments. and accepting responsiblllty,".
Jesuit Father John J. Higgins. llIlen and a more stringent one Father Higgins declared. NICKERSON
one-time Victim of a mental ail gor labor leaders," "Paramount in providing chil ment. said: Corporation Salaries , [fUNERAL "Poor disciplinary training of dren with adequate discipline," He stated that "the American children is a major factor in the he added, "is the example of the ~UNERAl press is doing a genuine service nation's I).umber one health prob parents. Unreasonable behavior' to the labor movement" by keep by the parents - arguing, blck- . lem - mental illness," ' ing alive the ideal of personal - He cited recent ofilcial figures ering, excessive drinking, and BO \ M(lllT'illlJlmefl'ilii' Servsces 70 Washington Street
dedication and self-sacrifice in showing that approximately 10 on - leads to a breakdown of Serving the Cape and
trade union leadership. But 'he million Americans suf!jlr some the children's behavior," TAUNTON
Surrounding Communities
declared .that "certain newspa He summed up ,by observing form of 'mental 111ness, and that. VA 3-3371
CP!IF[i «:OD, MASS. pers are being unfair to labor "every other hospital bed in the that "in the 20th century the and are doing a great disservice U. S," is allotted to a mental case. family has lost the art of living ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to the business community when Setbacks Inevitable 'they fall to point out that busl Father Higgins, who teaches nessmEm also are expected to philOSOphy,' psychology and edu place reasonable limits' on their cation at Parks College, aeronau Iltandard of living," tical section of. St. Louis (Mo.> RICH IN FAME
. "To say," he continued, "that University and who Is a licensed dearest to them. RICH IN NAME r:!
the president of a big union airplane pilot, declared: Keep your Gold Bond handy for relief 1't !Ought to be satistled with a salary "Many of today's children are From the discomforts of SU~BURN, hl of $20,000 a year, but that the brought up in such an· atmos PRICKLY HEAT, POISON IVY, CHAFING, 1:1 president of one of the corpora phere of comfort-worship that tions with which he bargains is , they are not equipped to handle and ATHLETE'S FOOT. GOlD. BOND is the E1 fUNERAL HOME perfectly justified in asking for the discomforts and setbacks that ideal medicated powder for the entire i.~ $500.000 is very !lattering to are inevitable," . fqmily. Take Gold Bond to the beach-on d 550 Locust St. Fall River, Mass; labor but rather insulting to The genial. white-haired Jesu!4i your vacation-on week·end visits. Y.::IU ~m , OS 2-2391 business. doesn't believe in "old-fashioned, will enjoy its lIoothing aid, the year M Double Standard big stick discipline," Rose ,E. Sullivan roul\d. ~1 It assumes that the principal "But the youngsters should be Jeffrey E. Sulliv!ln incentive of the businessman is taught in the family to accept the 4 OZ. SIZE 12 OZ. ECONOMY SIZE ~1 responsibility of performing defi materialistic, whereas the prin Cosm~~ Tax clpalincentive of the labor leader nite chores, of, helpIng with the is 01' ought to be very idealistic," housework, of studying their les Msgr. Higgins said he is not sons, and doing their homework," arguing "in favor of dividing the Instead, he said. many of them FUNE~AL HOME ·mTi;N:KlmEETl:i':i?,::'~n:~:~~·::,:c:,:z::e:.:},!1 wealth" 01' criticizing executive are plagued with "a controlling salaries "from the point of vie~ of morality," He stated he is caston for a national examination 571 Second St. merely making "a defense of the of conscience in the field of social Fall River, Mass. ' American businessman against justice, with a,view to cOl~:ecting his self-appointed friends who the deficiencies of our &::onomic OS. 9-6072 Your nearest mail box is a First would reduce him to the level of system," federal "branch office" that's the purely economic man devoid of ideals and motivated more 01' open 24 hours a day to make less exclusively by pecuniary in THE saving easy for }'ou. No traffle, no centives," parking, no weather prob'cl1l~. He said most of the business men and labor leaders of his Withdrawals are JUSl as simple acquaintance are dedicated indi FuneraE Home as savings payments. , Funeral viduals llnd do not fit this des , cription. "Exceptions to the rule 127 CHEStNUT Si. Directors in either group are open to ,\ttl save-by-. NEW BEDfO~1lll lie • • • • oS vs this coupon or .tarting on. criticism," he added, "but they 469 Locust St., Fall River IA IKIT Sen d detal on • . . . .·11;"1 ought to be judged by the same . _FREE Mail for",1> on .' TEL. OS 2-338] standard of professional ethics or CURRENT:. «teeOV"t. : 0 ideals," ,RATE ; 'SIG~UD~ : BasicaIly Spiritual "Labor Day," he stated, "is an $Y. & N O . - , annual reminder of the fact that (0 American trade unionism. in • (111 Ilpite of its many faults and im fUNERAIL HOME t fall RIVer • perfections, is dedicated to pur poses which are basically spiri $ERV~(E 986 Plymouth Ave. And loan QS 1 tual: the pursuit of justice and FaD Rivell' No 1 No. 11' • • • • • • • charity and the advancement ()f 549 COUlNIY S1I'.
WE PAY POSTAGE! human brotherhood in the field OS 3·2272 of economic life," NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
"'r!'!'post~pcdd~ Clc;tdr,s"c;t '''V~~P()~, .!!.!dy t..~ moil He said it is "an annual oc-
Coddling Children Can Undermine Mel!tal Health, Jesuit Declares
GOLD iiiiiiJPolmf"'"!
Michael E. O'Rourke
Buy the Large Size - Save SSe ~
D. D~' Sullivan
& Sons'
30;0 :
f£O£ftAl SAY'~GS _ ; ':~;~\S~\~l~. t~~~
\~ . '
'. ~." I
/, I ,
• ':' . '.
.: . .
i i
draws into his own soul 'wIth God. There are periods of prayer when all the priests together re~ cite parts of toe Dlvine OUice" the Church's official prayerbook composed of psalms and scriptur<D readings and prayers approprlatit ·to every mood and need. 'There are also periods of recre ation, when priests from the At tleboros renew acqualntancell with their seldom-seen Cape Cod brothers. There are softball games when the Fathers take on tlie' Seminarians, who care for the Camp, and show them that the "old pros" have something to offer along athletic lines. Tha Fathers compare notes with onm another on the best way to organ ize groups, to foster vocations, to increase interest in things reli gious, even to' raise money!
Thurs., S~'b)t. 5.; 1957J
R<ethreat Continued lFrom Page One
; \
converts Qnd Catholics who ~ould be better informed on their reli gion, following up marrlage cases, aiding the' poor and those in need in so many ways. Out of Reach They are' working in parishes and schools and in special dio cesan assIgnments. They are at the beck· and call of anyone who dials a rectory phone number or rings a rectory door bell. Young or old, rich or poor, those coming to give and .those coming to re ceive, all have the right ·to claim the priest's time and efforts on thetr behalf. . These two weel<s. of September are different. During each week approximately 85 priests of the diocese. including the Bishop; will be at Catbedr~l Camp in Lakeville. They are away from diocesan and parochial assign ments and problems. They are out of the reach of telephones and door bells. They are spend ing'the time in prayer and medi t.a.tion and silence, bolstering up their own spiritual powers that
Tbanks God
PORTABLE ALTARS FOR M~SSES AT RETREAT: Twenty-five altars have been installed ~t Ca~hedral Camp to permit the retreatants t.o celebrate daily mass. from Monday night until Satur· day morning. The retreat maste! is a priest' from a religious order or another diocese-a' priest who
they may better aid those whom they serve the rest of·the year. Compare: Notes
The priests' retreat extend9
I . FAll AI'VE
gives several talks a day on mat ters spiritual to all the priest re .treatants. There are periods of silence when each Father wlth
Retreat is so valuable a tima that the Fathers look forward to it eagerly. It is so important that Church Law makes provisions for the priest's making a retreat. And as each priest celebratell morning Mass on one of the mOrlt than 25 portable altars 'set UP . for: the purpose, he thanks God for this opportunity to strengthen himself to return to his assign . 'ment better able to serve th08lJ . for whom he was ordained. .
. fLINT BRANCH . :n219 Pleasant treelt
SOUTH END BRANCH :nS49 South Main Street
SOMERSET BRANCH 1045 County Street
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business wom!1n - her many roles make her '.
schedule a· busy and varied one, That's oneofthQ
many reasons she banks with the Fall River 'l'rust•
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journeys - downtown shopping, •. in the Flint
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a brat!ch of the Fall River Trust handy, for her
banking (lonveniince I
Your Friendly Bank'
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./iI'• • • •
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Itep Closer te Midnigh!
THE ANCHOR Thu~., $ept. 5. 1957
Foolproof Disarmament PIOJn Urgently Needed ~y
Monsigno~ Ward] P'lcfJ'ils h~ AU'\l'~rr\l<9g
"raye~ $®~~o@n
Donald McDonald
IDavenport, Catholic Messengeli"
Rt. Rev., MSgl;. Edmund 3. Ward, pastor of St. Patrick's Parish, Fall River and Diocesan Director of the Apostleship of Prayer, will attend the regional meeting of directors next Wed pesday at Holy Cross College, Worcester. , Rev. Robert B. MacDonnell, S,J" director for the Diocese of Worcester, will preside. Speakers at the morning sesQ sion will include Very Rev. Wil liam A. Donaghy. S.J., president of the college, who will give thO address of welcome; Rev. Mathew Hale. S.J., New England Region al Directol', and Rev. Martin F. Doran. director for the Diocese of Bridgeport. ' Most Rev. John J. Wright. D.D., Bishop of Worcester. will give the dosing address at the afternoon session following talks by Rev. Alban J. Dachauer. 8.J., asslst~ ant director of the central of~ fice at Rome. and Rev. Thomao 'R. Moore. S.J.. national secre tary of the Apostieshlp of Prayer.
Soviet Russia's annoupcement last week that it had successfully fired an ICBM, or intercontinentl:\,l ballistic . missile, reminded me of the foreboding cover that has heralded for ten years the monthly Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, edited and pub --.----'-------- lished by a gTOUp of Univer himself In an effort to jolt the sity of Chicago nuclear sci American people out of their ~mtists. The cover shows the lethargy over disarmament. Some ,9-to-12 quadrant of the face of a clock' and the hands, for 10 years now, have been pointing to two minutes to midnight. The So v let breakthl'ough In the missile race - and none of our government people have ex pressed skeptl cism to date brings the world a step closer to midnight,' Secre tal'y of State DuJles and senator Jackson of Washington, among others; have pointed out that previous announcements by the Soviet Union on past nuclear achievements have 'always been rJupported by facts.
few have thought. he has over stated the urgency of disarma ment. that he has been' unduly alarmed over something that may never happen. But Father Conway's position In 1945 was unassallable. It Is unassailable today. 12 years later. Russia's announcement last week Is a gloomy confirmation of his prediction. His position has been that progressive disarmament by both Russia and the West Is vir tually impossible unless both sides can be guaranteed against a "surprise attack," Bqt the production and hidden deployments of guided mlsslles capable of traversing continents makes It Impossible for neutral "Inspection teams" to detect their Imminent use. Two Posslbillties Unless. then, a foolproof. dls armament plan can be estabIIshed before ICBM's come Into production. the world Is faced with two,possibilities: (1) A "surprise attack" or even a retallatoj'y attack by a jittery nation that mistakenly thinks It 18 being attacked. Igniting. in 01ther case. a hydrogen holocaullt. (2) A continuous gal'l'ison exist ence for both the Soviets and the West, In which the energies and resources _ both material and cultural-moral _ are pro sressively depleted to the point of exhaustion. It Is still not too late for a breakthrough on the disarma ment front. But there Is less time now than tllere was e. week ago. In this area. the luxury of indifference has about It a mor tal. "midnight" complexion that can no longer be shrugged off as an unpleasant phantom.
FIRST ST. DISMAS AWARDS: Father Bernard, E. Brugman, President of the American Catholic Correctional Chaplains' Association, presents the association's first annual St. Dismas Awards to Father Alois J. Stevens, for mer cl\aplain at Missouri State Prison and to Father Cyril J. Keating, former chaplain at the Federal Correctional Institution in Milan, Mich. Father' Brugman is Catholic chaplain at Iowa Stat~ Penitentiary. NC Photo.
Hold Final Rites for Msgr. Knox LONDON (l'{C) - Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macm1l1an Qttended the Requiem Mass for Msgr. Ronald Knox, no'ted Eng llsh scholar and convert, In West minster cathedral here. He broke tradition by being the first British cabinet chief In modern times to attend a Catho lic service. The Prime Minister slipped into a place of honor beside the catafalque of his former tutor In English and history at Oxford University. "I have come to say goodbye to an old friend," he said as he was privately ushered into the eathedraJ from the Archbishop's· house next door. One of the best known Catho lics ·in the EngUsh - speaking student world, he was a brilliant ,
at Eton and Oxford. MagI'. Knox was the son of the' Anglican bishop of Manchester. Following ordination In the' Church of Eng land, he served as chaplain at 'Trlnlty College for 8m years until his com"erslon in 1917. Following ordination In the Cat h 0 11 c Church he returned to Oxford as III university chaplain. He left Oxford to devote his time to translating the Bible from Greek. Latin and Hebrew texts. a task which took nllle and a half years. Despite an operation last January for cancer of the liver, he recently delivered the Romanes lecture at Oxford, but he had to speak from a wheel chair with a physician In attend ance. This was his last public appearance.
Plan Pre-Cana Talks Sept. 15
Race Continues '1 But when we speak of the - Pre-Canna Conferences spon Q nearness of midnight for the hu IlOred by the Diocesan Family LIfo man race, the anxieties of In Bureau wlll be held Sunday. Sept, formed persons are not caused ~imply by the prospect that Rus 15, at 8acred Heart School. Pino sla may get ICBM's Into opera and Linden Streets. Fall River, tlonal production before the U. 8. and Knights of Columbus Hall, does. The anxiety Is caused by Pleasant and Campbell Streets, ~he fact that. since 1945, there New Bedford. for engaged couples lnas been no slowing down by either side. This anxiety 18 of these areas. eoupled with another: that hls Priests, doctors and mal'l'ied torlcally no war has ever been couples ,conduct the series of prevented by the amassing of conferences. certificates are ({Iv armaments In the camps of the en to couples attending all talks. potential belligerents; that, In fact, the amassing of arms and the i'ace for arms supremacy have undoubtedly contributed to the creation of an International lllllmate In which the settlement KINYON SCHOOL of differences and rivall'1es Is NeQd for Vocations
thought of In almost exclusivelY rmUSINESS TRAINING
military terms. On Mexico Noted
But "mllitary terms" in our CLASSES
MEXICO CITY (NC)' - This 'Win up 1,0 $200 C058'n lnydrogen-mlsslle age are now In ~aulosts ~o Expand! nation's Catholics learned of Its •. ENROLL NOW ••
dire need for more priests during !FOR FALL SESSIONS
The intercontinental ballistic four Publications the August National Campaign, BANK
NEW YORK (NC) ,The Paullst CALL WY 2-5448
missile that Russia claims to Opposite Ne;w Bedford
have made and that the U. 8,'1s Fathers have completed the first for Priestly Vocations. Attleboro 8. So. Attieiller@
, Promoted by Mexico's Catholic POST OFFICE
Memher of .'.It.a.C. feverishly working on Is a,multl cectlon of an ambitious 10-year Action, the campaign was con I'.ltaged rocket that rises 600 miles 'expansion program aimed at above the ,earth and' attains Quadrupling the circulation of ducted to awaken in Mexico's young men a desire to serve God DPeeds In excess of 16,000 miles their publications. at His altar and to obtain from Gn hour. It can traverse 5.500' The move-rare In the history the general public contributions' miles In half an hour. Because Its o'f Catholic publishing - brings of prayers and money to help hydrogen wiu'head ulilng Ii ther 00 vel' a 1 formerly Independent , educate seminarians. monuclear, 01' fusion. reaction publications under a single man Catholic Action showed there <Instead of the "old" Hlroshima agement and eliminates duplica are only 5.261 priests to care for type fission reaction) has a tre tion of effort and expense. , the nation's 29,000,000 Catholics, ' mendously Increased blast effect, Involved In the reorganization or about one priest to every 5.600 ' the need for firing accurary Is are four well-known Paullst pub persons. With so few priests, It
greatly reduced. A thermonuclear lications: the Catholic World, was pointed out, Mexico could
Over 35 Years @f Satisfied Servi~® missile can miss Its "target" by a. Information magazine, Tech not lead a Catholic life. Educa good many miles and still Inflict niques for Convert Makers, and . tion has deteriorated In the small the widely-circulated PauUst In massive devastation. vlliages . and hamlets, which the formation pamphlets. From Possession to Usage priest Is too busy to visit. These are only a few of the J lContemporary "military terms" _under which It would be unthlnk a06 NO. MAIN 51'., FAll ~BVER Qble to believe that international Il:onfllcts can be "settled," But with both sides In possession of ~ intolerable weapons of war. we have no guarantee that the his @)
tory of previous possession will L\'lEW BEfl)ir(\)~roJ
1€ not repeat itself now: that Is, 3U Church St. New Bedford that possession will not ultlmate f) Wi' ~·@42 ~ 'W." ~·j7342 Jy deteriorate Into usage. ~ ~N[DUSTRIAl (o~~5 For the ,past 12 years, Father I E. A. Conway, S.J., probably the best Informed American "lay ~ Chiilllren'll ~n.nr?DrF'~ 0 ~~AT~NG (()~l5 o lFllll'st (Quality ~ trtl \IV l&,~ 0 ,Q man" on both nuclear armaments o 0 and the complexity of disarm o <mfr ~edllD<cedi ~lTncces ~ 1fIMKE~ ament. has been warning Ameri lNffilElNloSi 'SAM~UtS) ~ ~ can citizens and government ~ QJ (()~l Jeaders alike that a "break ~ CA!NlCEiLlA\'iJ'~ONS g ~rough" in the disarmament g $10.00 to ,$20:00 VOIUfd ~ deadlock between Russia and the ~ £A,LES &. SERweCf West must be achieved before fi\JlORTI1l EASTON S1 _ RA_N_DO_LP_H 2 From to 91". intercontinental ballistIc missiles 5)@] COlUlNllfY $11. Bre perfected. '. INJEW BEDFO!f«1D) Father Conway. former foreIgn E. fBRIDGEWATEl tJ HEW BEDFORD ~ , Bffalrs editor of "America." now ~ H~4 ACUSHNFIr AVE. 0', Wy 3.. 'lJ75~ professor of poUtlcal science in U~ "The Home 01 Happy Feet" g Creighton, has Jltel'Rlly spent gG • • e • • see • • Dmmmmcme~D~ fIJ
MONTlE Plumbing - Heating
HATHAWAY Oft,C'O ~ ~ ~~Co
JltJendly •
lm~5 10.00 ~, ~ POWA~YOS $hGJe Steff) ~
SuPCt Markets
•• i.. . ~
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God LO~feY @u '-
t' \
I,Our' 'Have you ever had the problem ot whom to invito for dinner? Lord foresaw such a social difficulty. and aave us e most una (9xpected rule: \ "When'thou giv05t Il. dinner or a supper, do not ask th17 neighbors to come, 011' thy brethren, or thy kind, 011' th(y frleDcio who are rich: it may bo they will send thee invltatlone In l'Ga' , (turn, and so thou wilt be recompensed for thy pains. "Rather when thou glvest ,hospitality, Invite ]lIoor men to come, the cripples, the lame, tho blind I so thou shalt WiD n blessing, for these cmnnot make thee any return; thy reward will come when the just rise again.", ---.~..
· Our Lord did not mean that the poor actu
ally have to be at our table, though King St.
j.,ouis invited 200 every night to sup wit"h him.
.But it means that wo ce.n send portlone to
,ihose who have nothing, prepared and noth
ing to prepare! Just thfnk, if you sent 10
a day to the poor ,of thQ world, it would be ¢ome $3.65 in a year.
k' .
UJPWARD CLIMB: Adam Zak at '22 is a Bachelor of Mechanical Eng i n eering and is on his way to the Uni versity of Indiapa ,for fur ,ther studies. In 1939, at five , years of age, his father wa& , Please, in the name of, God Invite the poor to your table, RoO jailed and lie was depoi'ted we suggested by a dally sacrifice whlcn wou send to the Holy Father through his Society tor the Propagation of the'Falth. Tho from Poland to Siberia. La poor in the mission lands cannot thank yOU, that III why OUIl' ter, he' land'ed in ,Persia, Lord said that He will do It In their naiile. Row much greater therefore the' blessing. Cu't into your capital! Den'y yourself where his mother died. After dally! Make yourself happy by begiunlng to love others throu&,h .three years, he went to the love of giving. llt'ls one of tbe supreme JOiYll of life. ' .1 ' _'_,_ .Auckland, New Z e a: 1and, / GOD LOVE YOU to W.X.C. for $50. "sent out of love of God." where he started his educa \ ' • to A.S. for $5'. "This Is the result of saving dimes in a little bank. -tion at the Marist Broth I send it with a prayer, for-the missions and a tiny request for ~ prB,yer for my sick husband," .' .. -to - - the F. children for 170. ers" School. NC Photo.
The poor whom you ShOUld' invite to' your table, by sharing, are In Africa' and Asle.. Last ,year the,Holy Father through his 1315.000 mis sionaries aided 65,000.000 poor, sick, lame, blind, lepel'll, orphano and aged. The Catholics of the U. S. during all of last year avera .aged 30c apiece to help thG work. Reallylll How'very little. About · ,~he price of a packago of cigarettes Q year, •
Your prayers go a long way when you use the WORLD MISSION , ROSARY. They cover the whole world In the comse of a few minutes. . And the sacrifice offering that you send to us for. the rosary goes tl. long way too-for it Is used in the far away missions.• The rosary ill yours at your request acccimPtlnled by your $2 sacriit'ce, Addreslll The Society for the Propagation Qf the Faith Order Department, 366 .' 'Pifth Avenue, New' York I, New York, Cut out this column, pin your oocrlfice to it and mall it to tho Missions\ The address is The Society for the Propagation of th9 Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DI RECTOE, REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main street, Fall River, Mass. 'P
Stretcher-BeClrer and Benefactor . Of Lourdes Pilgrim§ Dies at 98 Count LOURDES (NC) Etienne de Beauchamp, hpnorary !3elgian consul who was founder
~rt) f?u[b~D(c
NEW YORK (NC)-:-The world time of an Important national a right to expect a special election," he. continued, "and standard of performance from then subside for the next 10 Catholics in public affairs, a gov years. Your part in the business ernment official told some 1,500 of governing, yom'self ought to be a continuous operation." Catholic students at a joint ses Mr. McCabe suggested that the sion here. The statement was made by students join one of the two Edward A. McCabe, associate principal political parties, and special counsel to PI' es'i den t then register to vote and not "sit Eisenhower, before a joint meet back until the parties name their ing of the National Federation of candidates for you." "You will be frustrated at Catholic College Students and times when your party nominates the, National Newman Club Fed 'eration. candidates of whom you do not After extending the greetings approve," he said. "Don't let this <<If President Eisenhower to the 'discourage you, for there is al student delegates, Mr. McCabe ways another day. And r.emenlber underscored, the necessity for that even when you don't prevail, active participation in the busi there will be the great satisfac ness of govel'nment. tion of having.tried, and tried in ' He told the students: "The two a worthy cause." most ,Important factors 'in, your "Truly ther'e is no more worthy 'interest, In public affairs are: cause in politics," he concluded. continuity of that interest, and "than doing your part to s,ee that an intelligent application of it." competent and honest people "It doesn't help much to' have exercise God's authority in this a great rash of activity at the important fielrl."
"My boys had a carnival in the basement and want to send the pro a ' : teeds (most of Which came from their six year old sister) to the mlll 'iions,"
From 'C@th@~Qc~', h~s
By Most 1Rev. IF'ulton JJ. Sheen, ID.l:Dl., .
W~r~d','lExpect$ High Standards
THIi ANCHOR 5, 1951
'\I'hur~., Se,~.
the IPc@U'D'
took part in the ceremonies. His Holiness Pope Pius XII sent a message of condolence.
Church to Keep lL@tirtllanguage ONEIDA (NC)-Latin sun In and will continue to be the "of flcial language" of the western Church, His' Ex~ellencY Arch bishop Amleto Giovanni 'Cicog nanl, Apostolic Delegate to tho United States declared here. "Every so often we hear it said that Latin is an archaic language and should be replaced by the vernacular in the liturg'y, espe cially in the administration of the Sacraments, in the recitation of the Breviary, and even, at least to a certain extent, in'the Mass," Archbishop Cicognani said, The Apostolic Delegate said that the Church "possesses gr.eat treasures enshrined in the Latin language; and such treasures should convince us, priests and , ecclesiastics, that it is our duty to know and cultivate, as much al possible; the Latin'language,"
Today the Holy Father sends an appeal to ljelp the church attached to oDe of our seminaries-the Greek College In Rome. Almost In the shadow of st. Petel"s, the Church of St. Athanasiull was built In 1581. For a long time it has needed repairs and can wait no longer. We need $2,000. 'l'ben, we must replace the delapidated furnishings (ab'out $1,000), and Install new Icons (oriental Images) for the proper celebration of the Greek liturgy. These special Icons will cost $150 each. The seminary must always show the future priestD the high standards the Church desires to be rnalntahled In publlo worship.
SPEAKING OF SEl\'UNARIES 'Reminds us of PETER in Lebanon and CHACKO in India, whos~ poor parents cannot help the seminaries with the $100 needed each year to keep and educate them during the,six years training. Won't you help one by sending us this yearly sum, In any payments? HAS GOD A SHARE IN fOUR. WiI:L?
UNDERMINED BUT UNSHAKEN The 'poor native 'Catholics In Acchele-Cusal, Eritrea-300 in all, among so many separated "brethren"-a're unshaken In the Faith of their fathers, though the chapel their fathers built more than 70.years ago Is undermined and fall ing. We need $2,500 for materials to cotuplet, the new one w!llch they sta rted already.
VALOE OF WEAKNESS Our lay missionaries, girllll from Belgium, France and Italy, are braving the rigors of Uf~ among the desert Moslem tribes In Jordan to care for thelr sick women, teach their girls the rudiments of . housekeeping. 'Il'he confidence thus gained by deeds of charity will open their hearts to bear tbe Gospel of Charity. 'l'he valor of the "weake~' IlCxl Have you II mite to help them? .
and president of the Internation Advises Seininarians ·al Society of Voluntary Stretch er-bearers of Lourdes, died here Watch World Affair~ , at' the age of 98. ,SclhlooH Bus iJ'iH Count de Beauchamp's life had CINCINNATI (~C)-Seminar-, AUGUSTA (NC)-Plans have been identified with Lourdes for . ians can not. afford to blind TIFIE !FOUR R'S been announced to Garry again half a century. Since 1922 he had themselves to international af The klddles running off to school these mornings are Into Maine court, 'probably in headed the committee in charge fairs' and current world history, the futuro hope of our nation and our Faith. In a deeper octobei·, a controversy here on of the hospitalization of the a mission authority declareci schoolbusl'ides for private school senso, the futuro of tho Church in the Near East mission htrgll number of sick' who visit children at city expense. . . frontiers Is being written in our mission schoolrooms., Lourdes eveif year. here, The Augusta Taxpayers Asso , . ~is ,dev~tion, to LOUl'~es began Father Frederick A. McGuire, Wo need the renewed'loyalty of our BASILIANS, mem . in 1881, when he first came here C.M., executive secretary of the , ciation. which defeated in court bers of our Mission Club for school SUPP&rl' have the first attempt to provide ,city and volunteered his services as a Mission Secrete-riat, at Washing , sponsored greater need of new members. Please getl! friend to has' announced' rides. stretcher-bearer. In 1894 he lost join with you. Only, A-DOLLAR~A·MONTH. his ,-\\'ife; his' father. his mother, ton, told delegates from 18 ma-: it will contest the' City's second , , ' and theil his two children. He Jor seminaries "Unless we havo effort. TENDER FJLOWERS nN GOD'S GARDEN had great difficulty adjusting to an attitude that rises above mere There's no better way to describe these lovely Near East girls wh@ his loneliness. national interest, we will not bo wW one day be God'!1 mlsslonarle9 to their own peoples. We bave) In 1906 the French government living up to our full responsl 1Jb suddenly terminated Its concor bility' as Catholics," 'J1!' roday SnST,ERS PllUS; OSWAILD and IROSULA In India, ILOunSE 1m '!Lebanon, and MARIA In Ualy who beg your help-the cost of twCll '::ts~~t~l :~~l~~l~l~~ee:t~~ ~~;~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~m ~@ years training ($150 a year In any convenient payments). de Beauchamp has ten e d to ~ 8 Lourdes, saw the situation caused 00 8 THEIR FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS thcre by the government's action, o· ~~[K?~Q~~ Hunoreds of Nile villages swarm with peasantn destined to lifetime poverty for iack of tho and leased the Grotto at his own' ~ ~ chance to learn II trade. The Verona Fathers at , expense to save it for the Church. ~ 0 fI. 0 n 0 When settlement was made be' g u@[i' ~!1'DS~@U, «:@l1!Jffil~~ Aswan in their wonderful tradeschool will start · ,tween Church and state, he re 0 0 )J o 0 out in life many a future head of a family witta ~~r~~~ ~~~r~~~perty to the use ~ 9 ~, ~ 0, bright future. At the moment a serious finan During the period of the lease, 0 ~ 0 ~trD~~®~ «:,@Q!JlIDfrWcialcrlslsthreatensthlswork.AlittlehelP!
Com l,ette
f··......··...... ....··....··......
M fA
· He:~~was ~~t~~eb~;~~ ~r ~~~a:l~~~:~ ~ :mID,@," ru ID,·~.-.· 1r ~ one of the founders of the Ii ~ ~ ® T\iffil ~ ~ · two hospitalS which now serve
• thti:~n~ de Bealichamp',.died' dw'-
~ ~ ~ .mi, ~ 0 52' Va,: ia~i~$-IHI«'JJU1ldJ <CllDll,80 0',
~.~~~., ~. 0Jj ~. '. ,1f',,; ,~'. 0~&. ~A,n~,. '
lr' f?" ' U[]'OB~~ ~,@.,I mro, fm@OO\V7":\ \.
• lng the 'annual' Frl'lnch National 0 Also Muffins-Coffee Cakell,8 ' 1!/Hl1E iANet @!M , Pi~grimageto th~ Shrine of Our g .' B)UZ~IItDS JS&1! , '0 'jfJMJPNI!rt)INHGR,lEl:f\lI~ , Lady in the GIOt~ here., His g {lIPP. 'B B 'JI'hea.tre g , : ,f~eral ~as attended by many ,of 0' .. ' DJENNllSPOIltT-' 0 Member of lFederarDcposlt "the pllgr,llIls W~lO 11 ad: known ~im . a 'JI'he"Old PORt Offloe ,g I!DlIunuice Oorporation n' fl?~ ~apl"y':e~~s~ ~y;e~'~l)~1s,l\O~~~ '~&""'·'1'i;oli"~'3''!I'i!'l!qG!'~9''!.a,~'¥'PPJ39 • ~).lea_"'_"'''''',q,.~~""",_""",,.,.,y ..
l& c;J~rJV').f,A;;J (A~DINAn. SPII:La.MAN, President lY\sgr. Peter IP~ luohy, Nat'l'Sec'v
Send all communications tOl
IN~AR " lEA$11' -WIER.IFARIE, ASSOCiATiON , -'CA11'HOLiC '" , , . , ,480 lLaxiI'ilSl~oU1l ,A,,~. iOl~ 46tihl St., lNewY~O'k, 17, N'. ,
n •••••
"i.. " •_'1\.<
,." I •
f)~m ClhlaffElll"
Football Season Moves in"
COn P~acid lasebaU Scene
UmmaclllJ~GJfi'e ConceptioJ!i1l' C~l!.Ilb Wins
IFmrrst fa~1 ~i1,Yelr' eye l'rrolclk ·Meet!'
il'IIU ANCHOR 1!'8n&IJI'll., SEpt; 5. 1957
Scoring in every event, 11Th Knight;<; of Columbus, he said he maculate Conception easily won hoped they would expand the the first Fall River eyO track competi.tion next year to include meet held under the auspices of all CYOers in the city, or make By JJanek K.illleavy
Fall River Council, Knights of it a Diocesan event, The first Somerrset 1lIIBgll1 School Coach
Columbus, Labor Day morning at meet was restricted to memb€rs South Park. of the 12 baseball teams in Fall The Labor Day Holiday and the back-to-school move The city baseball champions, River. ment that follows immediately are sports wor~d harbingers who open a best-of-three series Opening prayer was given by with Our Lady of Perpetual Help Rev. Paul COl1l1011y of Immacu , (Of the' onset of the football season. It is a relatively serene of New Bedford for the Diocesan late Conception Church. Oth€ r stage upon .which the grid game is about to intrude. Aside title at Lafayette Park, Fall clergymen present were Rev. !from the Williams vs Mantle River, Saturday, bagged.' five Thomas F. Walsh, pastor of St. Making his debut as line coach (Competition for the Amerifirsts in the eight-event field in Louis Church and Rev, ,John Cro (Can batting title, the die is under Mike, Holavak w1ll be Vin collecting 35 points. (The victors nan of St. Patrick's. 't Th" t st. Pierre of Taunton. Vin was won two straight from St. Mary's Ideal weather can d i t ion I; just a b ou t cas. IS IS no an All-Bristol choice at end dur of Taunton in the Diocesan base brought out a large crowd of to say that the month of Sep- Ing the P'alladino, regime at ball semi-finals). spectators, KC General Program wmber won!t effect a major up- Taunton High where he prepped Espirito Santos were second Chairman John Trainor, an set on the baseball front. Pre- for the Heights. An unusual fea with 13 and St. Mary's third with nouncer, thanked all who took sently, however, the Yanks and tUl'e of the Eagle roster finds 12. Sacred Heart scored five part in the meet" especially the Braves enjoy strong enough three sets' of brothers vying for points, St, Joseph's 4, and St. Fall River Park Department for leads over their nearest rivals to tackle positions. Best known' are Louis, 3. St, Anthony of Palua its fine coope~'ation. render even the consideratlcln of the Bennett boyS', Leon and Steve, also competed.
such a change unnewsworthy. who held down starting berths Andrew Shines Sh@ll"t @f iJ'eachen, Things might have been dif- last year. Joe and Stan Gabis Gordon (Buddy) Andrew fast ferent In the junIor circuit had from Gardner, Mass" and the, Still Bar Sisters est dashman in Bristol County
the·Chicago White Sox been able Keaneys, Frank and Tom, hail ~ last season as a member of the
EAST LONDON, South Africa to do anything with the Yanks ~ hlg from Portland, Me., round Durfee High track team, led indi (NC) Bishop Ernest Green of their recent three-gam,e series. out the fraternal picture. vidual'scorers with 11 % points. Port Ellzabeth appealed here for But, perforce, the old order preCoach steve Sinko' took a KEEP SUNDAY HOLY: He was first in both the 75-yard the government to relax its res va1led and the Yanks swept the squad of 43 strong, including 17 Working, conducting busi d'ash and open 240, and also was trictions on the entry of Cathollc £cries taking each game by the lettermen, to Peterborough, N. H. sl1mmest of margins, one run. where they will tl'ain for the next ness or going shopping on a member of the winning relay n~ns into South. Africa. ' Speaking at the opening of a Wonder just how many one-run two weeks. In Steve McGowan 'Sunday is now forbidden in team. Immaculates also got firsts in new $210.000 Dominican convent decisions the Sox have lost to and' Tom' O'Connell, Som(lrset, Oregon, Idaho arid Montana tlie potato race and baseball building in suburban Cambridge. the Yanks?,I can recall five off- 'Paul Bogan Durfee and Hugo by order of Archbishop Ed throw for catchers. Bob Machado , the Bishop called the teacher band. The season's series be- Bolin, Man~field, Southeastern ward D. Howard of Port-. gave Espirito Sa)ltos five points shortage the most serious prob tween the clubs now stand at Mass. is well represented On the land. 'Sunday is our weekly in the 65-yard dash, and three lem facing private Cat hall 4) 13-7. Yankees' advantage., ' , Te~;rier squad that has a plethora more by finishing second to An 8chools in South Africa. Braves In National of out-of-state talent. McGowan commemoration of ~e re He said also that unless the Over in the NatIonal League, is listed as a guard, O'Connell is surrection of Christ'~ and drew in the '240. Bob also' ran with the second-place relay team. government relaxes its restric - the Braves seem certain t~ make a quarterback candidate and Bo keeping holy the S.abbath Ted Reilly gave Sacre4 Heart tions, 20 Dominican Sisters wait their' pre-season prognostICators gan and Bolin are halfbacks. . look good. .The pennant bubble . The status of McGowan is Day includes "assisting' at all its points 'by breaking the tape ing in the Netherlands and Ger whIch broke with startling sud- questionable at the present time. Holy Mass a.nd abstaining in the 440, and St. Mary's got the many for entry permits to this other first in the 220 for juniors, country are to be sent instead to deness early in August h~sn't Steve fractured the navicular from unnecessary s e I' v i I won by Kenny Machado. Kenny Rhodesia. I5hown any indications of revival. bone in his' left wrist last spring work," he said. Only excep was third in both the 65-yard Age Is exacting its toll in Brook- aQd the injury has not responded lyn; St. 'LoUis, at the outset con- completely to treatment. Slateg tions are ."business services dash and potato race, and ran with St. Mary's relay team which sidereda year a,way, appe~rs just for a starting berth last year, -necessary for the com finished third: that; the surpnsing Phillies col- Steve was sidelined with a re mon good.'J NC Photo. SALES - SERVICE
Lauds K of C lapsed. at the plate, while the currence of an old knee injury. , Tom' Patten was chairman of Reds broke down ?n .the mound; His loss this year would be a Rnterparochial School Commercial) - Domestic
the KC committee, with Nap Du The plight of Birdie Tebbetts blow to Sinko whose guard squad fault Jr., track coach, at Case Air Conditioning
crew is largely attributable to is already depleted. O'Connell, Dedicated by Bishop High last season, clerk of course. tlleir singUlar lack of success off a fine showing in Spring -WY 8"5558 NEW IBERIA (NC)-The first Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Fall
against Milwaukee. The Reds practice; ,will battle it out with interparochial Catholic school in A. V. M.cGUIRE It SON River CYO director, expressed his
have won only two of- the 18 the experienced Len Hill for the . the Diocese of Lafayette was de the conduct of the
pleasure over 100 Weldl St. N. Bedford games played to date. The team's quarterback job. Last year Tom dicated by Bishop ¥aurice Shex me e t. In complimenting the
deplora:ble August ,rec?rd has re- was usert as a' halfback, but his nayder of Lafayette. ' suIted 111 Tebbetts bemg hanged conversion to quarterback pose.d Assisting the Bishop were the In effigy In Cincinnatti by some no great problem in that he had pastOl's of the .two parishes Which, of the overzealous, but apparent- played that position at Somerset provided the $750,000 school,' ]y vacuous burghers, who earlier and Storm King Prep. . Msgr. Warren L. Boudreaux, pas had extolled their personable tor of St, Peter's Church, and manager to the highest. Patterson Convert, Father Wayne Richard, pastor of What value' switch-hitt~ng? Most of the post fight gossip' Our Lady of Perpetual Help' Recent statistics have' Mantle that attended the recent Patter chui..ch. Msgr. Ignatius A,Mar hitting at .420 from' the right son-Rademache'r championship tin, diocesan superintendent of & side, .360 from the left. Mickey's go centered about the' racial Is : schools, participated also. ability to hit lefthanded pitching sue. No mention 'was made of The 12-grade school, conducted SALES - SERVICE - 'NSfAU.ATlON
IIlO effectively has enabled him the champion's' Inviting 46 boys by the Christian Brothers and lay MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ..ST., fAll.1!. RIVER to draw abreast of Williams in from tire Briscoe Memorial teachers, will 'accommodate 760 the tight A. L. batting race. But School to watch, his final work students, The school replaces St. tile fleet New Yorker has couple out In the Kerit· Junior High Peter's College, opened in 1918 lOf other factors going for him. School gym. 'The school Is con by the Brothers. At 25, he's 14 years younger ducted by the Irish Christian than his famous adversary. Brothers. Patterson spent 45' Then, too, Mickey, bad leg not- minutes with the boys aftel' his . withstanding, is one of the fast- workout, signing autographs and er '. men in the majors. As a re- chatting with each. Floyd took· liult, he is able to garner more particular interest in those who than a few "leg" hits during the were orphans. Although boxing course of the season, is not in the physical training 0Q Ted, on the other hand, is program at Briscoe, Brother naturally slowing down and more Ryan reports that there was ofren than not is thrown out on plenty of shadow boxing around hard hit balls, that cal:om only the school after the visit with a short distance from opposing the champion. . Patterson is a convert and, was infielders. Wllliams has managed to take advantage of the baptized in Brooklyn about a ilxaggerated Boudreau slllift on ~~ar .ago. He credits, his finding occasion, but there is a growing ot' the Faith to the good. exam tendency on the part of rival pIe of his wife Sandra and to managers to discard the strata- the assistance given by I)is man gem and play Ted straight away. ager·,' Gus D'Amato. D'Amato Whatever the outcome, it .must . made his first Communion in 5A'WRDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th-l·5 P.M. be conceded that Wllliams has st. Anthony of Padua, Church, OR AT had a fabulous year. New York, when Father Joseph ht CI,A55-SEPT. 9-3:30 P.M. lllIIIlcdi 7:00 P.M. st. Pierre B. C. Coach F. Rummel, now Archbishop of Switching to football. Candi- New Orleans, was pastor there. D «'Iates for the 1957 Boston College On the eve of his title bout, Pat D D and Boston University grid teams terson attended Mass at st. An D, l'cported over the week end. thony's Church In Kent. D o Coach Mike Holovak and his D ataff greeted some 67 hopefuls D CECllLUA NEWTON D among whom were 23 lettermen. D The Eagles have their work cut D '-"O/Nl YOUR D out for them with the Navy D opener a scant· three weeks off. o 'lNIew CIIIl1ld! [,uc;ell1l£ecdL Drriven. CH(gJ!i!i CCQlIl1l Be , CAR D '1" a Southeastern Massachusetts D nNl5lUJ~ANI(E ,ONS6.DIANCf lJophomores are listed on the D !)~qJJlT'ti'edi Oll1le ~@lmtlhJ; Before , ~,~ti'1hJ mlorth D t> E, C. roster: Tony Abraham, ex D Dm'fee luminBry, is a center D
cdI@W -' ENIOU.1l. INIOJ-W:~ f,{EA~ lES'il'AlIE D
prospect, . and Clem Kacergis, EJ" ~ ,"';'..-:J c: Provincetown, is :scekJng an end , .... '",., 7 No. Main St. 'Fall River, Mass. berth: Both arc llJgllly l'cgan'led.
Phone OS 5-7484
103 Pleasant St Fall River
os 4-1935
New Driving!;lasses -- Star·ting --September 9
3.30 P.Mm amid at 7.00P.IM. REGISTRATE(()N:'"
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&U~ Th"rs.. Sept. 5. 1957 .
Red Propaganda Au med to Offset Hungary· ~ssue WASHINGTON (NC)· With the adjournm~nt of. Congress watch for a shift ,in emphasis in ~ewspaper , headlines. Once again our, attention will · be called to a larger picture of the, world as it Is today. We will fi~d It is not a·hap·py one. When Congress Q'djoums or re· cesses there Is .usuallY anaccei eration of Soviet Union propa ganda'. The Reds apparently take advantage of the fact that our' legislators are 'out of town apd do not have the. U. S. Capitol as a powerful sounding board against which to answer Red at tacks and 'detractions.
Another Siege
Moscow's seizure of this hour to announce perfection of the "ultimate" missile weapon, its swaggering, even truculent, re jection of proposals lit the Lon don disarmament conference. its · arming of Syria, its revival of' · the question of Red China's ad 'mittance to the United Nations, -these are but some of the signs that we are in for another siege. The September 10 meeting of the General Assembly could well · put the United· Nations on the · spot. Moscow can be counted on to make the Assembly's consid· . eration of the Hungarian ques ·tion as fruitless as po.sslble. Gain Support We do not know yet how much credence to put'in the Moscow claim that it possesses a ballistic missile that can be fired accur ately from one continent to an other, While some politics is suspected in the announcement, it is pointed out here that the Reds have backed up pretty well their previous claims in weapons production. ,Our State Department is con fident it can muster more t~an enough votes to keep Red Chma out of the UN next month. But some observers here predict the ' ,Red bloc will pick up more votes thjs year, ,as it has in years' past, and that i~ will move e~e~ closer to the seatmg. of t~e Pelpmg del egate some tm~e 111 ~he fU,t~re. Seven nations Sided w.lth Pelpmg in 1952, 10 in 1953. 11 m 1954 and 12 i~ 1955, ~he vote was 4.7 to 24· agamst admittance last,year. The, 1956 vote reflected the fact that 16 new na.tions were admitted to' the UN m I)ece~ber 1955. It w:as soug~t to admit 18, but SoVlCt RUSSia blocked so~thern Ko- . rea and southern Vietnam. In , 1956, ,Observers no~ed, the Red bloc picked .up voj;es at ~,greaten rate than did the opposItion. Wishful Thinking All in all, it adds up to.a pic ture no brighter than the one we have known for years. This is an an~wer ~o those who have been saymg thmgs are much bet tel'. They have preached that Krushchev is an improvement over Stalin, that some satellites were developing a sort of "na tio!1al" communism and that this is better than international com munism, that the Reds want to change, that we can co-exist with them with no trouble, oi' danger; at all, That; of course, has been wish ful thinking-or propaganda.
NEW BEDFORD PARISHIONERS NOW ATTEND SERVICES IN NEW CHURCH: Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC.• assistant pastor (left) extinguish~s the sanctua;ry, light in the old Our Lady of AssumptiohChurch at the last mass held in the edifice on. South Water Street, New/Bedford. Rev Stanislaus Bernard"SS.CC., is shown at the altar at the right in the left photo. He celebrated the last mass. Fr. B'ernard,offered the first mass in the same structure 52 years ago. The picture. at the right shows Rev. Stephen Couturiaux, SS.CC., of the Sacred Hearts Seminary, Washington. D. C:, celebrating the first mass in the new Our Lady of Assumption Church at Sixth and Cherry Streets, New Bedford. Bishop Connolly blessed the new church and presided at the solemn' high mass which marked the opening of the new . church last Sunday.
Eastern Rites Church Publishes New Oriental Canon Law Code ' ROME (NC> - The. recently published canon law code for the Eastern Rites of the Church for
ministry, ought to be held by all ' in great honor, ~ccording to the unanimous tradition or'the Ori the first time brought together" ental Church and the Latin the scattered, sep9.ra~elY passed' Church." laws affecting Eastern Rite Cath- , Hi'erarchy Requirement olics. The code provides that "no . This has given, can~n law priest can be promoted to the scholars an opportunity to know episcopal dignity if he is neithel' more ,clearly some of the differ celibate 01' has not been lawfully ences between the Oriental and released from the bond of matri the Latin Rites.. . mony," A quick review ~f the 558 can The elec'tion of certain mem ons of the newly pUblished code bers of the hierarchy of the Ori reveals two outstanding differ . ental Church is best seen in the ences. ' . canons which provide for the Priests May Marry election of 'a patriarch by sy One is the existence of a nod. In many respects the rules Catholic 'priesthood· which is al that apply are ,similar to those lowed to ,marry. The, other is the that govern the conclave which practice of electing certain mem elects a pope. bel'S of the hierachy by a local Patriarchal Election synod without appointment by Within a month after the va the Holy Sea, as is normally done cancy of a patriarchal see, the in the Latin Rite. dean of the bishops must call the
It has been a tradition in the other bishops to a synodal meet
Oriental' Rite that a candidate ing. Only those bishops -of the
for the priesthood ma~ marry if patrairchate, . ,including .titular.
he does so before seceiving the Holy Order of subdeaconate. The. new code, 'promulgated Aug. 15. did not alter that tradition. However, the code states that "the celibacy of the clergy, inas ELECT~ICAl much as it is mOl:e' worthy and CONTRACTORS more consonant with their state Residential Commercial.
and the exercise of the divine Industrial
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The Fr«llnciscan
Matt: 6:14
I~ewe!~d (~OSS I
bishops, lawfully elected and their In the event that a two-third9 election confirmed by the Pope. m6jority is not reached within can take an active voice. 15 days. the designation of th61 The canons state firmly that . new p~triarcli falls directly to layment, of any rank or author the Pope. If the one elected does ity, are not to interfere in any not accept, the election contin manner with the election. With ues until another is chosen. -All this the code cuts. short any tra elections require the approval of ditionor privUege to the con the Holy Father. trary. • As in the case of the conclave. The election opens' with the bishops taking an oath that they the participants in the synod will make their choice as they electing a patriarch are bound to judge best in the sight of God. the strictest secrecy about the' Then,.after the appointment of elections, and everything that transpired while the synod was two ballot inspectors and a no in session. tary. the election- proceeds. c:::::J c::&D c:::::J. c::::::J . Papal Approval 11 A majority of two-thirds, after ' The OriginaIL the invalid votes have been de 0 0 ducted, is necessary for an elec W 0lULUAM No tion. Here there is a difference 0 with the 'papals selections, which requires two-thirds, plus one.
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