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diocese of fall river

t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 36



Cardinal BOSTON (NC) Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston has rejected a fundamentalist approach to biblical scholarship. The church "cannot be fundamentalist in her approach to the word that God has inspired and revealed," the cardinal said in a homily at a general meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, held at 路Boston College. "Those who are nervous or frightened by the work of serious biblical scholarship," the cardinal said, "betray their failTum to Page Seven




150th to the Pilot!

Yesterday The Pilot of Boston, America's oldest Catholic news weekly, was 150 years old. Next Wednesday comes the celebra: tion, when well-wishers路 from throughout the commonwealth will gather at a banquet at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston to give the grande dame of the Catholic press a sendoff for her next 150 years. The Anchor will be there with a unque birthday present, to be presented to Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros, The Pilot pUbl1sher, by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, The

20c, $6 Per Year

Anchor publisher. It is a specially commissioned painting of the "Gazelle," a whaling ship that sailed out of New Bedford from the 1850s until 1885, when it was lost in the Arctic Ocean. The gift symbolizes the link that has always existed between the archdiocese of Boston and the diocese of Fall River. In 1876 the Gazelle was off the coast of Australia, then an Irish penal colony to which many political radicals were banished. While there, the whaler aided imprisoned activist John Boyle

O'Reilly to escape from imprisonment. . He made his way to Boston, where he quickly established himself as novelist, orator, poet, civic leader - and editor of The Pilot. Later, mindful of his own rescue, he financed a voyage of another New Bedford whaler, the "Catalpa," to Australia to aid the escape of fellow penal colonists: The birthday painting is by Leo Amaral, a New Bedford artist specializing in seascapes. AmTurn to Page Seven

Pope "This is Tuesday, so it must be New York," may well be Pope John Paul U's reaction to. the crammed schedule planned for his U.S. trip next month. Of a heavy agenda originally planned for Boston, his first stopping point, little remains, however. There he will meet with priests of the archdiocese at Holy Cross Cathedral at about 3 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 1. An outdoor Mass .on Boston Common will folloW at 4:30 p.m. and a papal motorcade will then travel around the Common Turn to Page Seven



THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

ill People路Places.Events-NC News Briefs ill Not Necessary

China Gets Religion

WASHINGTON-Americans should not tolerate the traditional economic notion that high unemployment is 'necessary to help cure inflation, the general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference said in a statement for this year's observance of Full Employment Week (Sept. 3-9). "l1he USCC firmly rejects this approach to the nation's economic problems," said Bishop Thomas Kelly.

NEW YORK-Religious freedom has returned to China since the overthrow of the Gang of ,Four, hard-line supporters of communist leader Mao Tse-Tung's policies shortly after Mao's death in 1976, Chinese religious leaders said at a press conference in New York. Zhao Puchu, acting president of the Buddhist Association of China and head of a delegation visiting the United States, said the Gang of Four did serious damage in all areas, including religion, but that an earlier policy of religious freedom is "again being seriously implemented."

Pope Consoles Queen

FATHER GEORGE BELLENOIT has been named chaplain to the Girl Scout and Camp Fire Girl apostolate in the Attleboro area.

In a message of condolence to Queen Elizabeth, Pope John Paul II denounced the assassination of 79-year-old Earl Mountbatten of Burma, one of Britain's World War II heroes who was killed by a bomb planted in his boat by the IRA as he vacationed in Ireland. "I offer to your majesty," the pope said to the queen, "my sincere condolence on the tragic murder of Lord Mountbatten, a courageous man whose death causes Breat suffering to the royal family and to all the nation."

For Whole Church VATIOAN CITY - The Liturgy of the Hours is a prayer "not only of the clergy or those who have a special mandate for it, but of the whole church," said a letter in the pope's name released by the Vatican and sent to Bishop Carlo Manziana of Crema, Italy.

Reconciler WASHINGTON -Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Patricia Harris,. a black, said she will work for reconciliation between blacks and Jews in the wake of Andrew Young's resignation as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations after his unauthorized meeting with a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization. But Mrs. Harris said she believes the division between blacks and Jews is not as deep as some have thought.

HENRIETTE MACKIN,. Elm Grove, Wis., is beginning her 25th year as publisher of Hi-Time religious education materials.

NLRB Order WASHINGTON - The National Labor Relations Board has issued an unprecedented order to the J. P. Stevens Co. to reimburse with interest the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union for the cost of a union organizing campaign. A three-member panel of the NLRB unanimously held that Stevens conducted a campaign of seriously unfair labor practices to thwart the union's efforts to organize 1,000 employees at the company's Wallace, N.C., plant..

Bishop Is Fined .sAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-Bishop Antulio Parrilla-Bonilla !has been found guiHy of trespassing on federal property and fined $500. The bishop, a Jesuit, was arrested May 19 while holding an ecumenical service on a Vieques Beach used for target practice by the Navy.

13 Find Sanctuary

BISHOP PATRICK FLORES of EI Paso, Tex. has been named archbishop of San Antonio, Tex., succeeding the late Archbishop Francis Furey.

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Thirteen exiles from military governments in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay have left the Swedish. consulate they had occupied for six days and moved to the residence of Cardinal Eugenio Sales of Rio de JaT.leiro. The exiles occupied the consulate to dramatize their search for a country which would grant them permanent resettlement.

IYC and Christ VATICAN CITY - Christ's love for children "could be said to constitute an evangelical program" for the International Year of the Child, Pope John Paul II said in a general audience. Before more than 20,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square, the pope recalled Christ's harsh words for those who lead children into sin:. "It would be better for them if a millstone were tied around their neck and they were cast into the sea."

Weekly Confiscated ROME-An issue of II Male, a satirical Italian .weekly that faces numerous suits on grounds of obscenity and slander, was confiscated by Italian authorities on charges of obscenity in cartoons satirizing Pope John Paul II's new swimming pool. Despite the confiscation order the 54th in the publication's 69-issue history - the tabloid was readily available on Rome's newsstands.'


has been appointed chaplain to Benedict Circle, North Attleboro Daughters of Isabella.

WOC, NCCB Meet WASH1NGTON-Representatives of the Women's Ordination Conference met with members of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Women in Church and in Society to plan a dialogue which would promote the full potential of women in the church. l1he first dialogue meeting will take place Dec. 5-6.

Nuncio'to France VATIOAN CITY-Pope John Paul II has named Archbishop Angelo Felici papal nuncio to France. The 60-year-old Italian has been papal nuncio to Portugal since 1976.

Bible OK'd CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.-A U.S. District Court judge in Chattanooga has accepted as constitutional a revised program for studying the Bible in public schools after earlier ruling that the original program was unconstitutional. Judge Frank Wilson, who last February ruled unconstitutional a 'Bible study program in use in Chattanooga schools since 1922, rejected arguments that the revised curricula still had religiouS overtones, saying that all but one lesson are "capable of being taught for their secular, literary and historic worth without religious emphasis."

Change Demanded SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Hispanic women who are tired of being stereotpyed by the media as someone "who carries ban,anas on her head" or is a "barmaid" must be assertive and demand a change. That was among points brought out by nationally prominent Hispanic women taking part in the fourth annual San Antonio CineFestival.

FATHER BRUCE CWIEKOW路 SKI will direct the Attleboro area Catholic Youth Organization.


Don't Condemn, Says Chaplain

Thurs., Sept. 6, 1979

Church Project Is Hindered

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The chaplain of a Philadelphia police and firefighters' organization has cautioned against condemning all police officials in the wake of the Justice Department's unprecedented suit charging police Iabuses in the city of Philadelphia. "The vast majority of police officers are conscientious and. dedicated men and women who are called upon to put their lives on the line in their often difficult work," said Msgr. James J. Howard, spiritual director of the Police and Firemen's League of the Sacred Heart. . The federatgovernment's suit accused Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo and 19 other top city and police officials of establishing policies that condone the systematic abuse of citizens by police officers. Msgr. Howard told the Catholic Standard and Times, Phila:' delphia archdiocesan newspaper: "It would be unfortunate if the suit filed by the Justice Department called into question the professionalism and dedication of so many police officers and undermined their authority as peace officers in the community."

What's Needed VAToICAN CITY (NC) - Ordaining 26 bishops from 12 countries at St. Peter's Basilica, Pope John Paul II emphasized the duty of bishops to communicate the love of God to all people. "What the world needs most, this world into which you are sent, is precisely love," he said. Five U.S. priests were among the ordinands.



Septembel 15 Rev. Henry J. Mussely, 1934, Pastor, St. John Baptist, Fall River Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., 1958, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Rev. John J. Casey, 1969, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton September 16 Rt. Rev. Jean A. Prevost, P.A., P.R., 1925, Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River September 17 Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, 1954, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford September 18 Rev. Luke Golla, SS.CC., 1945, Seminary of Sacred Heart, Wareham Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Ward, 1964, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River September 19 Rev. Henry E. S. Henniss,· 1859, Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford September 20 Rev. Simon A. 'O'Rourke, 1918, Chaplain, United States Navy Rev. Orner Valois, 1958, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford


ROME (NC) - Sources in Poland claim that police are harassing Catholics .trying to construct a church in the Diocese of Przemysl, Poland, said Avenire, Italy's national Catholic newspaper. Quoting unidentified Catholic sources in Poland, the newspaper said Polish police recently confiscated the automobile of a priest "on flimsy pretenses" and searched the home of a parishioner. The two men, identified only as Father Michalski and Mr. Sudol, protested the local government's refusal to grant permission for construction of a church in Kmiecie, a town in southwest Poland, ev.en though parishioners had obtained land and building materials. Catholics are currently worshipping in a chapel created from "a shack," Avenire said. The local commission for human rights and religious liberty, of which Sudol is a member, collected 700 signatures on a petition requesting permission to construct the church and has asked Catholics from other areas to join in the appeal, the newspaper reported.

Two arguments against abortion.

Cape Cod Birthright Seven Years Old "You are pregnant and your first thought is, 'No, not me, oh, please, not me!" "Your whole world is changing and you don't want to face it. You want yesterday again. Who will listen and really under. stand how upset you are? Birthright will. "Birthright cares about you. Give life a chance and we'll help you every step of the way." Th.at reassuring message, part of an attention-getting red and yellow flyer, has reached hundreds of girls in the seven years since Birthright of Cape Cod was organized in Hyannis by Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Last month members celebrated the -anniversary at a Mass of Thanksgiving offered at Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville, by Father Francis B. Connors, pastor. A cookout and' candlelight rededication ceremony followed and Barbara 0' Donnell and Diane Dupone were installed as Birthright's new director and assistant director. B.irthright is a volunteer, nonprofit and nondenominational organization dedicated to helping . unwed mothers who wish to have their babies. It offers medical care, shelter, clothing, legal and employment assistance and whatever else might be needed in a particular situation. The Cape Cod unit is a sister chapter of the international Birthright organization. In the' Fall River diocese are are chapters in Fall River, New Bedford, Attleboro and Taunton. "Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the essence of our service is love," say Cape Cod . officials. "We counsel on a oneto-one basis each girl who comes to us and offer her true concern and friendship throughout her pregnancy and afterwards as well. Many lasting friendships

Mystery of Love

have developed as a result of personal counseling." The Cape Codders are enterprising in their use of the media to spread their message of love.

Vesper Service At Cathedral


Clergy, religious and laity, especially those involved in parish musical and liturgical programs are invited to St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, for a celebration of the Evening Prayer, or Vespers, of the Church of the Feast of the Exhaltation of the Holy Cross. The celebration will be accompanied by song and chant, led by the Cathedral Choir, directed by Glenn Giuttari. All will have an opportunity to participate in the celebration, to be led by Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, cathedral rector. Msgr. Harrington will also be homilist for the occasion. . Ample lighted parking will be available in the cathedral schoolyard. The Cathedral Choir participates each Sunday in 10 a.m.' Mass.. Its fall season will begin Sept. 16.

Catholic Club The first meeting of the season of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club will be held Tuesday at 8 p~m. at Holy Name School, Fall River. Prospective members are invited to attend this open meeting. Entertainment will be by "The Winged Victory Singers." Mrs. John R'. Morotti will be hospitality chairman, and Miss Eleanor R. Shea will be chairman of a coffee hour to follow the program.


"If God's love calls you in

"If God's love calls you in

suffering, respond by self-surrender, and you will learn the mystery of love." - J. Messner

suffering, respond by self-surrender, and you will learn the mystery of love." - J Messner

Not only have they a slide presentation av~lable to groups, but they have developed a television program shown weekly on Cape Cod cablevision. A newsletter is due for publication beginning this month. It will go to all Massachusetts Birthright chapters and anyone else interested in receiving it.


A telephone· hotline is maintained by each diocesan Birthright group' and is listed under Birthright in area telephone ·directories.

Greeks Say No ATHENS, Greece (NC) Greece's State Council, the supreme administrative court, has rejected as illegal a July government decree establishing diplomatic ties with the Vatican. The council ruled that the Vatican could not be accepted as a state because the pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican has little territory and no people as defined by international law.

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC) - The Salvadorian bishops asked the apostolic nuncio to EI Salvador to intervene with military authorities to end "the wave of assassinations of priests" and bring the killers to justice. The five bishops making the request were prodded into action by hundreds of priests and Religious after a rural pastor, Father Alirio Napoleon Macias, was gunned down at the altar of his church early in August by unknown assailants.

Rtghteous Wrath "Reason opposes evil the more effectively when anger ministers at her side." - Pope St. Gregory the Great .

Birthright of Greater Taunton WILL HOLD REGISTRATION FOR


93 Washington


St., Taunton, Mass.

(Directly Across From Morton Hospital)

MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, SEPT. 10 • 13 10:00 - 11 :30 A.M.







"It Is The Right of Every Woman To Give Birth And The Right of Every Child To Be Born."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

.the moorin~

the living word

Let's Keep Moving As you can observe from the front page of this edition of The Anchor, special tribute is being paid to The Pilot on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. The Pilot is the official newspaper of the archdiocese of Boston and the oldest Catholic news weekly in the United States. The diocese of Fall River is proud to salute this distinguished publication and to take particular note of the very special bond that exists between our two papers. Not only was the present cardinal archbishop of Boston formerly a priest of this diocese but the present bishop of Fall River was formerly a priest of Boston. In addition, the noteworthy career of John Boyle O'Reilly, one of the most famous editors of The Pilot, would have been an impossibility had he not been rescued by a New Bedford whaler, the Gazelle, which brought him to America from the infamy of an Australian penal colony. But our salute to The Pilot is also in a very real way an opportunity to speak a word of encouragement to the entire Catholic press in this country. Indeed, a word of encouragement and reassurance should be offered to all who seek to put into print the reality of truth. The struggles of, the Catholic press have been compounded by the times in which we live. Never before have so many needed the message of the Good News. The world in which we live hungers for the Gospel message in all its implications for modern man. Yet never has the world been so indifferent to the efforts of the Catholic press. This indifference is found not only in the homes of potential readers but even in the halls of rectories. T6day's diocesan press must be supported and encouraged by the clergy whom it tries 1:0 serve in its efforts 'to evangelize. In-house difficulties aside, the Catholic press also suffers from the heavy financial burdens that are affecting all areas of life. • The outrageous and never-ending spiral of postage rates is a living plague. Increased costs of newsprint and printing add to the grave difficulties that each diocesan paper must face. And the fact that so many young people have not been educated to read or just can't read does not make the future an idealistic rainbow. In addition, government restrictions and intervention are always a basic threat to the freedom that the entire press, including that of the Catholic church, enjoys under the Constitution. Undue federal and· judicial interve~ion, not only into the area of freedom of the press but also that of religious freedom, places a double burden of con. straint on the tatholic press. However, the struggles that a diocesan weekly faces throughout the years must be met and fought through with determination. All elements of diocesan life should be aware of the efforts and perplexities that are constant in the life of the Catholic press. With awareness and concern, difficulties can be vanquished, dilemmas will be resolved and obstacles will be overcome. Inspired by the manner in which The' Pilot has achieved these goals for~the past 150 years, we at The Anchor hope to continue our editorial course with the same determination and purpose.

the anchOfCS)

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A: Cronin, .D.O., H.D. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore, Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ~ leary Pre$$-Fall River


'Quietly, Lord, thy creatures raise their eyes to thee, and thou grantest them, in due time, their nourishment.' Ps. 144:15

Money Talks-Except for By' Jerry Filteau cause he had been too busy to ROME (NC) - Will the Vati- read the article. Most of the Vatican offices can ·release its first public financial accounting before the end were in the midst of the traditional Italian mid-August vacaof the year? L'Espresso, a popular Italian tion, and officials were out, of weekly, claims it will by direct town or could not be reached .for comment. order from Pope John Paul .It There are two or three fairly The Aug. 19 issue of the magwell-known facts to consider in azine carried a cover story on light of the L'Espresso article: "Pope Wojtyla Is a Good Bank- The Vatican in recent years er" (a play on the biblical "good has suffered an increasing yearshepherd" theme). Its cover photo ly operating deficit, brought featured the pope in flowing about in part hy declining revwhite liturgical robes, his miter enues and in part by inflationreplaced by a turn-of-the-cen- . caused increases in administratury banker's top hat and his tive and operative costs. crozier transformed into an - Much of the Vatican's faivory.topped black cane. bled wealth is in properties, The six-page feature story be- such as churches and mastergan. "The development is so ~pieces of art, that prduce no inrevolutionary that only a for- come or less income than is reeign pope could have had .the quired each year for their procourage to carry it off: Before tection and maintenance. the end of 1979, at the end of the - The income-producing infirst year of the pontificate of ternational investment portfolio, John Paul II, the Vatican State derived mainly from cash rewill make its balance sheet." ceived in the 1929 settlement "After centuries of jealous with Italy for papal properties confidentiality, it will officially expropriated in 1870, has had declare the amounts of its in- its share of the good and bad income and expenditures," the arti- vestments olikely to affect any large investor in the course of cle continued. The rest of the article dredged a half century. If, as L'Espresso claims, the up the usual mixture of known facts and often repeated but un- pope ordered a public accountconfirmed rumors about Vatican ing of Vatican finances, it could finances - the rumors consist- satisfy the many calls for more ing of reports long ago denied open and complete "accountabilor met with silence by the small ity" in the church. corps of Vatican officials who In the United States in recent actually know the state of the years most dioceses have begun Vatican's finances. to publish annual financial reWhen L'Espresso hit the ports, on a uniform accounting newstands Aug. 14, the vice di- basis, to meet" that call. rector of the Vatican press ofBut ledger figures would not fice said he had no comment be- begin to answer the numerous ,




rumors and charges over the past 50 years concerning the flow of Vatican funds or the contacts allegedly used to channel funds. A case in point is whether or not the Vatican ever used the services of Michele Sindona. Sindona until the early 1970s was' considered a rising financial wizard with a Midas touch, and investors (allegedly including the Vatican) flocked to him. lIn 1974 the Franklin National Bank in New York, in which he had controlling interest, went bankrupt. In August he disappeared from his New York apartment just before he was due to face trial on numerous charges of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds over the Franklin affair. His lawyer said he was kidnapped. Italy, meanwhile, has been seeking his extradition over alleged multimillion-dollar irregularities in his oItalian financial empire. .Jf the Vatican were to open its financial ledgers, in future years some of the rumors that surround the secrecy could disappear. On the other hand, at least the initial accounting would give rise to all kinds of new rumors and speculation over what has happened over the past 50 years. According to L'Espresso, Pope Paul VI once leaned heavily toward open accountllbiIity, but finally decided agai~st it, saying, "But will the people believe the figures we publish?" If Pope John Paul has decided to open the books, he likely will face tne same problem.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

Seeking Jesuits In China

'Life of Brian' Is Found To Be -Beneath Contempt

LOS ANGELES (NC) A onetime missionary to Taiwan, Jesuit Father Francis W. Conn, recently searched seven mainland Chinese cities trying to track down any of the 115 native Jesuit priests believed to be alive.

By T. Fabre

"We know the whereabouts of only 20 of them," Father Conn said. He met with two Jesuits while in China. An assistant principal at Loyola High School, Los Angeles, Father Conn's passport and Chinese visa did not identify him as a Catholic. priest. In China he met with Father Vincent Chu, now free after spending 15 years in prison and another nine years in work camps. "Meeting him at the door, I said, 'Happy St. :Ignatius Day (July 31)." It was the first such feast Father Chu had been able to celebrate in 24 years. The two met with Father George Wong, released earlier this year after 15 years in prison and four more in work camps. "Both priests live in jeopardy amid ever-present dangers," Father Conn observed. They cannot trust priests of the state-controlled church, some of whom probably are communist agents, he said. The supposedly secret celebration of St. Ignatius' feast day did not go unobserved by the secret police, Father Conn reported. When he was preparing to meet with Father Wong, his hotel accommodation was changed and officials questioned him about the two men. Father Wong suggested by phone that they change their meeting place to a downtown street. When they met, a crowd gat~ered.


IT WAS BITTERSWEET moment for alumnae of former Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, who attended a final reunion prior to conversion of school into elderly housing. From left, Mary Lou Carvalho, class of '64; Sister Bernadette Hemingway, '57; Olga Garth, '26. (Rosa Photo)

Legionaries Visit Pope

Members of the Legion of obvious something Mary in the Fall River diocese was wrong. Five. people came have received an account of a up especially close and stared at recent visit to Pope John Paul Father Wong as I spoke with II by Legion officials, including him. I would say without any Frank Duff, 90, founder of the question that two or three of .worldwide Marian organization. these. people were members of Excerpts follow: the secret police." Four Concilium officers, inFather Conn had been forecluding Brother Frank Duff, warned by' Fathers Chu and Wong never to change express- went to Rome to attend the Lay ion while talking in public Apostolate Congress. On their' places - "just smile." So he did. arrival they learned that arrange"It felt phony," he recalled, ments had been made for them "but afterward I could see what to be present at the Holy Father's Mass in his private chapel, and they were saying." .to have breakfast with him. Father Wong, smiling all the At 7 a.m. the Legionaires were while, suggested they cancel their dinner date. "I'd better escorted into the small Oratory catch the first train back to where the Holy Father was alShanghai," he said, still smiling ready in prayer. During the Mass as if he hadn't a care in the they received Holy Communion from His Holiness. When Mass world. Father Conn never saw Father was ended the Holy Father again spent half an hour in prayWong or Father Chu again. er, then invited路 the Legionaries 路Father Conn also met another newsworthy "priest" during his 33-day trip. He had a brief conTHE ANCHOR versation with Father Michael (USPS路545-D20) Second Class postage Paid at Fall River, Fu Tieshan who was later "elected" bishoP of Beijing (peking) Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the National Chinese Patri- Highland by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fa Ii otic Association. That election River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid has been declared illicit by the $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall Vatican. River, MA 02722 "It was


into his small private dining room. His Holiness said grace and the party settled down to a substantial breakfast while he had the usual continental breakfast. There was complete absence of formality and a most friendly atmosphere prevailed. His Holiness spoke to the team as if to one person, afld showed interest in what each one had to say. The conversation ranged over the world and its problems. He recalled a visit of Irish Legionaries to Poland and said he had met the Legion in France and in Belgium. Aspects of the' Legion which he particularly admires are its steadfast devotion to Our Blessed Mother, the spiritual formation it gives its members and the emphasis on a person to person apostolate. ,Brother. Duff has been received in audience by four popes but he was overwhelmed at the extraordinary tribute paid to the Legion by the present pope. The Legionaries met many dignitaries, including Cardinal Bafile of the Congregation of Saints, and they discussed with him the cause of Edel Quinn. They learned from the postulator of

NEW YORK (NC) - In their insatiable quest to ridicule anything that moves on the human landscape, the Monty Python aBC goons have turned their lunatic comedy to spoofing biblical movies in "Life of Brian," a Warner Brothers-Orion Pictures release which opened in the latter half of August. The film has as its hero an invincibly dense Englishman named Brian, born on Christmas Eve in a stable neighboring the one sheltering the Holy Family. Brian grows up to become involved in the People's J:.iberation Front of Judea, finds himself mistaken for the Messiah and is finally crucified by the Romans under a lisping, faggish Pontius Pilate. Though Brian is never presented as Jesus, many elements and parallels to biblical incidents from the life of Jesus are employed throughout. The sophomoric, anything-fora-laugh comedy approach that is the essence of Python nonsense and has always been in questionable taste, employs in this film obscene language and graphic nudity as well. Shortly after its opening in New York, "Life of Brian" came under attack by religious groups and some critics. Three Jewish organizations, representing some 1,000 rabbis, denounced the film as "blasphemous" and "a crime against religion." The communications department of the Archdiocese of New York has expressed concern for the mockery of Christ's life that this movie represents. In his "Cinema Sound" radio review Robert E. A. Lee of the Lutheran Council in the U.S.A stated that "if blasphemy is still an operative word in our society, we must apply it to the outrageous Monty Python film satire, 'Life of Brian.''' He notes that the portrayal of Brian's mother as a "drag madonna," a role played by director Terry Jones himself, could hardly be more gross. In a statement issued on behalf of themselves and Orion Pictures, the worthies at Warner Brothers said: "The public has

the cause that it is hoped to submit papers in connection with the cause to the Congregation. A reminder to all of us to pray daily for the featification of EdeJ. On the last night of the Legionaries stay in Rome, the Dominican Fathers hosted a reception for them which was attended by many high ecclesiastics and by the ambassadors of many countries; including of course the Irish ambassadors, both to the Vatican and to the country. It was indeed a memorable visit and in gratitude for it the Dublin Legionaries held an all-night vigil of prayer on Pentecost Sunday.

been enthusiastic, having flocked to every theater now playing the picture. It is entertainment ... and, to many, an enjoyable movie experience. It was never our intention to offend anyone's belie,fs and we certainly regret having done so. The film is a sature; it is a spoof, and it should be viewed in that context." The Motion Picture Association of America issued an R rating to the film, allowing it to display the MPAA code seal of approval. MPAA's former "standards for production,'" required that "religion shall not be demeaned." If the spirit at least of that standard were to have guided the MP.AA, "Life of Brian" would have been given an X rating. The Office for Film and and Broadcasting of the U.S. Catholic Conference has issued a C (Condemned) rating. (See p. 15 of this issue of The Anchor.) At this writing it is rather clear that Warner Brothers, though acknowledging the serious' offense the film will give to Jews and Christians, does not intend to alter distribution plans. It is of some interest to notethat Warners' colleaogues in the distribution .of the film, Orion 'Pictures, is controlled by some gentlemen very prominent in the national Democratic Party. . Pythomaniacs in our midst include any number of adolescent children who have come to know Monty Python through television. Parents may therefore expect to encounter resistance when they tell their children that "Life of Brian" is not for them. Neither is it a film for parents or for anyone else who believes that Jesus is Lord.

Now Pope Sings PULHEIM, West Germany (NC) - A record album starring Pope John Paul II as singer and lyricist is on sale in West Germany. It features the pope singing ,six folk and religious songs alone and with students during his Polish pilgrimage last June. It also contains "The Moment of the Entire Life," a choral setting of a text by the pope performed by the symphony orchestra of Cracow, Poland. "It is the first time in papal or recording history that such a musical portrait of the pope has been made," said Bernd Goeke, production chief of Crystal Records. Goeke said the Polish bishops authorized the recording and negotiations are in progress for its release in other countries. ALL HAVE ANGUISH "There is no man in this world without some manner of tribulation or anguish, though he be king or pope."-Thomas a Kempis.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979


The Synod Shou Id Do Its Homework on the Family

'''' to .be able to respond to the present opportunities - not if one is to judge by the pedestrian ANDREW M. working paper, a bland restateGREELEY ment of the obvious. ,I agree with the values for which the paper stands - fidelity, chastity, fecundity. 1 am I had thought that the also in favor of virtue and theme for the coming Synod against sin. Unfortunately, with the exception of some pop. soof Bishops - the family ciological analysis of the was a providential oooor- "changes'~ in the last 15 years, tunity for the church. But hav- the document could just as well ing read a preliminary position have been written a millenium paper, I'm not so sure. ago. . ,We have not done enough Whoever drafted the docugroundwork in the theology or ment knows very little about the social science of the family the problems most families ex-

perience and has made little attempt to explore the church's traditional resources to find illumination for those. suffering in the ambiguities of contemporary family life. Most people, surely most Cath-. olics, still accept values of fidelity, chastity and fecundity, though they might not interpret these values in quite the same way as does the official church.

dinal Carberry had resigned. Who should be appointed where? The waiter kept hearing that MARY kielbasa was good. Returning to the kitchen, he asked who this CARSON Cardinal Kielbasa was and the kitchen-man leveled with him. That was the sausage. The informant returned to the I just had a letter from a dining room to try to learn more. Inside information about apfriend vacationing in Rome. pointing or reassigning cardinals She is a distant cousin of a might be worth something to papal guard who is best somebody. friends with路 a man whose One idea was to move Caruncle's brother-in-law waits on dinal Krol to Cardinal Wright's . tables in the papal dining room. spot. This would leave both And he talked. Philadelphia and St. Louis withDinner conversation the out a cardinal. And then there other night was about recent was the problem in Chicago. vacancies of posts occupied by There was talk about the cardinals. Cardinals Wright and . "earthquake appoach to manOttaviani were dead and Car-~ agement," and the informant

made his way to the kitchen to see if there was new word on Mt. Etna. Fortunately, the kitchen-man seemed to have a better grasp of things than anyone. He sent the waiter back to the tables with a platter of stuffed cabbage.



Admittedly, there is an increasing component of' the younger population which purports to reject all three. However, these young hedonists will not be listening to the bishops

and the working paper provides no help for those who might listen and who might with some illumination from the church provide young people an alternative to hedonistic paganism. I am not complaining about stands on specific issues; 1 am rather criticizing the dull and triumphalistic style of the document and its lack of new insights. The curial bureaucrats who wrote it were communicating with each other and not with the family people or the parish priests of the world. They have said nothing much that is bad, but nothing much that is good

either. They have managed this feat saying nothing much at all. A meeting like the synod depends to a considerable extent on the effectiveness of its staff work. The Vatican Council was a success mostly because the European theologians who were the "periti" provided superb staffing. Now most of them have flaked out and become "liberation theologians" regurgitating vulgar Marxism. The bishops are left with the curial pen-pushers to draft documents. They may come up with one of the best cures for insomnia since sheep.

But that would leave Chicago without leadership. The waiter distinctly heard someone say "Who would know the differ-' ence?" The Pope speculated on putting Krol in Wright's spot, and with Cody in Ottaviani's spot, then he would only have to fill three vacancies in the United States. Someone urged the pope to make Father Andrew Greeley a cardinal and give him Chicago; that might keep him too busy to write books about Rome. Besides, as路 a cardinal they could swear him to "secrecy" . .'.

name is Agnes Cunningham?" came from several corners of the table at once. "You know that book, 'Human Sexuality'? She was one of its authors." But it was decided that appointing a woman cardinal would certainly hamper efforts to prevent female priests. Someone then suggested moving Archbishop LeFebvre to Philadelphia because it would not change the old management's philosophy.

Having missed the intervening conversation, the waiter tried to patch pieces together. Apparently the pope likes Cardinal Krol and wants to move him .to Rome to create a balance - two poles against 27 Italians. He could put Krol in Cardinal Ottaviani's spot, but Ottaviani wasn't . .' There was talk about making really doing anything. Maybe it would be a good idea to move Agnes Cunningham head of St. Cardinal Cody into that spot Louis . . . it might liven up the until the dust setled. midwest. "Who in heaven's

Unfortonately I don't have any further information than this. This kitchen-man decided to quit and the waiter was reduced to washing papal plates. Such are the vagaries of,Vatican appointments.


Some 'Ramificationsof IAndy Young Affair


The "Andy Young Affair" brought together a number of separate and delicate issues: Andrew Young's performance as ambassador to the United Nations and his resignation; U.S. policy toward the Palestine Liberation Organization and black-Jewish relations in the United States. First, a .r~cap of events: Young met with the PLO's U.N. observer to arrange a delay in a vote on a new resolution about Palestinian rights. That meeting violated explicit U.S. policy to refuse to recognize or

negotiate with the PLO until it recognizes Israel's right to ex~ ist, although Young says he discussed. only procedural, not substantive matters. Young, in his own words, gave the State Department an "official version" of the meeting that did not include full details. Israel and American Jews expressed concern that Young's action signaled a U.S. shift toward a softer attitude toward the PLO. Young resigned,' claiming he did not want to distract attention from the real issl"~ of peace in the Middle East. He also criticized the U.S. FLO policy and accused Israel of stubbornness. American blacks defended Young, criticized Israel and A'merican Jews for "arrogance" and charged they dictated U.S. foreign policy. Several black lead- .

ers expressed support for the Palestinians and the leaders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference met with the PLO. American Jewish leaders criticized the black defense of the PLO. Black leaders complained that Jews were trying to tell them when they could and when they could not speak. Father Rollins Lambert, U.S. Catholic Conference adviser on American affairs praised Young's general performance in路 office, saying Young did an exc'ellent job of convincing Third World nations of American support. Marist Brother Cyprian Rowe, executive director of the National Office for,Black Catholics, believes Young should have stayed on the job, but does not think his resignation was racially motivated.

The consensus among political observers seems to be that Young might have weathered the storm if he were not perceived as having lied to the State Department. But Carter's political situation - including an emphasis on taking charge of his administration' and not tolerating lying - plus Young's history of controversy made it almost inevitable that Young would have to leave. Many observers, including the USCC, believe the Middle East peace路 process cannot move forward without Paiestinian involvement, but there is wide disagreement over whether the PLO should be brought in. The PLO claims to' represent Palestinians and some people, such as Young, argue basically that it is self-defeating to refuse to talk to any party in a dispute.

But others believe talking to the PLO gives it a respectability it does not deserve. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, director of interreligious afairs for the American Jewish Committee, says the PLO has shown no signs of moving away from its charter which calls for the use of terrorism and the destl'\lction of Israel. Despite a long history of political alliances between blacks and Jews, there is also hostility between those groups. The Young affair has brought this latent hostility to the surface. Some blacks blame Jews for Young's resignation; Rabbi Tanenbaum says that if blacks want to understand how Jews feel about black-PLO contacts, they should imagine the way blacks would feel if Jews hali friendly meetings with the Klu Klux Klan.

Russian ColI~ge in Rome Marks 50th Year VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Pontifical Russian College of Rome, fQunded by Pope Pius XI to proviqe missionary priests for Russia and later a key center for Roman Catholic-Russian Or-


thodox dialogue, has marked its 50th anniversary. Jesuit-run Vatican Radio observed the occasion with a lengthy report on the accomplishments of the college.

The college was canonically establish,ed on A:ug. 15, 1929. Pope Pius' desire to found such an institution began when he was nuncio to Poland from 191921, Vatican Radio said.

The Pontifical Russian College admitted its first students in October 1929, accepting seminarians of any nationality on the condition that they agreed to work on behalf of Russians

after completing their studies. Most graduates of the college have gone to major cities outside Russia to provide spiritual and material assistance to Russian emigrants.

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 6, 1979

Cardinal Continued from Page One ure to grasp that marvelous condescension of the Father who speaks in our ways. Many there are and were who could not accept Jesus as coming from the Father because he was too much like us. They predetermine how God should manifest himself among us and when that 'image of the invisible God,' that word incarnate, does not fit their pre- ' conceived notions, they tum from him. "In like manner," Cardinal Medeiros continued, "they would predetermine how God may speak to us, and look at the effort to determine the literary form and the intention of the author with suspicion. They fail to realize that biblical scholarship is not an attack on the truth but a means to attain it. It does not obscure God's message, but sheds light on it, for' it respects it for what it is, the very word of God in the words of men." In a major address, Sulpician Father Raymond E. Brown, a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York, urged deeper study of the early Christian communities. Referring to his own recent study of such communities Father Brown said many more such studies are needed to understand the complex nature of the early church and to advance in ecclesiology, the branch of theology which studies the' nature and function of the church. The association elected Paulist Father Neil McEleney of the Catholic University of America as its president and Jesuit Father Mitchell Dahood of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome as vice president. Jesuit Father Richard Clifford, outgoing general editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, announced that the editorial board had elected Jesuit Father Joseph Fitzmyer, professor of biblical studies at the Catholic University of America, as the new general editor of the publication, effective next January.


IT'S FUN TO LEARN about God, say these children at the Religion Summer School of St. Michael parish, Swansea, who sang, colored and acted in demonstrating how God is present in their everyday life. The program, conducted by Sister Theresa Sparrow, RSM, with the aid of parishioners, was offered for two weeks, one for older children, one for tots from two and a half through second grade. (Torchia Photo)

Continued from Page One aral has had many exhibits in New England, the most recent at the Mystic Art Festival in Connecticut. Principal speaker at Wednesday's banquet will be Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, preeminent historian of the American Catholic church and the first holder of the Catholic Daughters of America chair of history at the Catholic University of America. Also speaking will be Cardinal Medeiros, Bishop Cronin and Msgr. John J. Grant, editor of The Pilot. A fact sheet issued by The Pilot staff lists the following items of historical interest: - Pope Pius X, now a saint, once assured us that "The Pilot has become an authoritative journal in Rome and is read by many of the cardinals." - During the time. The Pilot served America's immigrants, we had a national circulation of Father Arthur E. Lemieux, a million and a half - greater MS, 67, an assistant at St. Ce- than the current Sunday circucilia's Church, Pawtucket, R.I., lation of The New York Times. - When we first went to who was assigned for many press in 1829, officials of the years to the La Salette Shrine in Attleboro, died last Thursday. City of Boston included four His funeral Mass was cele- each of Fence Viewers, Cullers brated Tuesday at St. Cecilia's of Dry Fish, and Cullers of Hoops and Staves. Church. - In 1829, there were three He was born in Berlin, N.H. priests listed in the City Directand entered the La Salette community in 1935, serving in par- ory, all of whom lived at the ishes, as a hospital chaplain and Cathedral rectory on Franklin at the former La Salette Semin- Street. - We were 11 years old ary in Attleboro as well as at the when the first Cunard packet La Salette Shrine. began its monthly trans-Atlantic service. We were 14 when DanA funeral Mass was celebrated iel Webster dedicated the Bunker Hill Monument, 17 when Tuesday at the Catholic Mem路orial Home, Fall River, for Sister ether was first used in America. 20 when the great Gold Rush en- . Harriett Therese, O. Carm., 61, gulfed California. who died last Friday. - We were 31 when Boston A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., she had resided at the home for College was dedicated. 47 when several years. She entered the Bell invented the telephone, 50 Carmelite community in 1939 when Jordan Marsh opened its and had served in homes for the doors, 56 when the first "pops" aged in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New concert was given. Hampshire, New York and - We were 74 when the Wright brothers flew above Massachusetts.

Father Lemieux

Sister Ha,rriett


Happy 150th Kitty Hawk, N.C., for 59 seconds. 80 when 路Peary planted the U.S. flag at the North Pole. 83 when the Titanic sank. 85 when the Panama Canal finally opened. 89 when the Armistice ended World War 1,98 when ,Lindbergh landed in Paris. - We were 100 when Hoover was inaugurated as our 31st

President. 108 when the Hindenberg exploded at Lakehurst, N.J., 110 when World War II began in Europe. 130 when Alaska became our 49th State and Hawaii our 50th. 132 when John Kennedy became the first Catholic President of the U.S.A'., and 140 when U.S. astronauts took their stroll upon the moon.

Continued from Page One and out Commonwealth Avenue to Cardinal Humberto Medeiros' residence in Brighton. No activities are planned for the remainder of the evening or for the following morning, when the pontiff will fly to New York to spend the major portion of his day.at the United Nations. In Philadelphia on October 3 and 4, Pope John Paul will celebrate an outdoor Mass and visit the burial place of St. John Neumann. Also on Oct. 4 he will make a brief trip to Des Moines, la., headquarters of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and will then travel to Chicago. In Chicago he will meet with the .U.S. bishops and will concelebrate an outdoor Mass with them. The whirlwind trip will conclude on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 6 and 7, at the nation's capital, where Pope John Paul will call on President Jimmy Carter, becoming the first pontiff to visit the White House. Also in Washington, the pope will meet with area priests and deacons and attend a reception for members of the diplomatic corps and three seperate meetings at Catholic University and the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. He will end the day with an outdoor Mass on the National Mall.

To God Be The Glory DAY OF PRAISE To be held af400 Lincoln Avenue Dighton, Mass. 12 noon路 10 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th Interfaith -- Nondenominational Bring picnic lunch, blanket or chair Food and refreshments available AL L .A R EWE L C O'M E



FREEWILL OFFERING The Following Clergy Will Participate Father Robert S. Kaszynski (Father "K") St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River Diocesan Liaison with Charismatic Groups 路 La h Father Pterre c ance, OP St. Anne's Church, Fall River Healing Ministry

Father Joe Maguire St. Patrick's Church Somerset ' Pastor Jerry Martel From . "Bible Speaks" ' Rabbi Jonathan Panitz Temple Beth-EI, Fall River

Atty. George Bolger - Master of Ceremonies Music - Fellowship - Witness - Teaching - Preachfng Prayer Meeting - Healing Service


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

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THIS IS THE HOUSE where Pope John Paul I was born. Still the home of his brother Edoardo, it has also become a place of pilgrimage for thousands. (NC Photo)



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Brother Has Fulltime Job begin their own tourist guide patter while the family looks on silently. Pia Luciani Basso, the eldest of the late pope's 10 nieces and nephews, once found "pilgrims" wandering around in the bedrooms on the second floor. "We're looking for the museum, they said, and when as-

CANALE D'i\GORDO, Italy (NC) - Pope John Paul II arrived in Canale d'Agordo on Sunday, Aug. 26, to honor the first anniversary of the election of Pope John Paul I. Welcoming him in the mountain village where John Paul I was born was a man' who is paying a high price for the popularity of gentle, self-effacing Albino Luciani, the "smiling pope" who died Sept. 28, 1978, after a 34-day reign. Edoardo Luciani, 62, is a re, tired schoolmaster and civic activist. But first and foremost, he is "the pope's brother." Like the pope, he can expect to die in the job. Unlike the pope, he has no Swiss Guard to protect his privacy nor a secre. tariat of state to handle his correspondence. Over 1,000 visitors a day make the trek to this tiny Dolomites hamlet of a few hundred souls, 100 miles to the northwest of Venice, Italy. And then all want to meet "the pope's brother" and inspect "the house where the pope was born." Many come with a genuine devotion to the memory of John Paul I. Others are strictly sightIi "" seers. The Luciani family is genI'~' erously hospitable with many THE LATE POPE, then and unfailingly courteous to all. That isn't always easy. While Cardinal Luciani, is sheltermost visitors respect the fam- ed from a snowstorm by his ily's desire for a limited priv- 'brother. (NC Photo) acy, many do not, One group arrived as the sured there was none, settled for the bathroom instead. as a pilhousehold sat down to lunch. "Could you wait just half an grim's lot is Ii hot and sticky , ,hour while we finish?" Luciani one. asked them. ' Some tourists have suggested "No," was the peremptory re- to the Lucianis that they move ply. "We've got to get back to out and turn the house into a museum. Venice." "But I grew up in this house," . The group tramped on . said rangy, brusque and bearded through. A line of faces stares con- Edoardo Luciani. "And I want stantly through the windows. to live here." Visitors to the house receive People barge in, uninvited, and

a small card with a photograph of "Papa Luciani." And apart from a 20-year-old photograph in the living room, the cards are the only signs of Albino Luciani in his childhood home.. The rest of the village, however, is a medley of Lucianiana medallions, coins, photographs, postcards, drawings, plaques, paintings and sculptures, most displaying more business acumen than artistic talent. John Paul I, whose motto was "humilitas" (humility), is. a cult idol here. And trading is brisk. "If uncle could see certain things today, he'd tear his hair," said his niece, Pia Luciani Basso.

Edoardo asked the parish priest to take down photographs in the church. "My brother would have protested," he said. But many priests encourage prayer in front of these images, hoping thus to invoke a miracle and initiate a beatification process. Those who don't petition the late pope petition his brother instead. Edoardo Luciani still receives some 300 letters a month from, people seeking money, patronage and bureauc;ratic assistance. Some letters invite him to speak at conferences and seminars. He and his wife, Antonietta, recently took part in a young people's meeting at Roggl,lndorf in eastern Austria. "Every year these young people choose a figure to study," Antonietta :tuciani explained. "This year they chose Pope John Paul I. They read all his homilies and writings and then invited us to fill in gaps. And, do you know, 56 vocations came out of that seminar." "Every day I am amazed at this continuing interest," she added. "After all, it was a very brief pontificate. I marvel at the power of the church."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

Permanent Deacon Mi.nisters to Youth By Thomas Ewald DETROIT (NC) - Ernie Bedard has a magic way of relating with young people. Every Wednesday night for the past four years, the permanent deacon at St. Gerard's Parish, Detroit, has held a Scripture study class and prayer-reflection session in the church basement. Cold or hot, snowing or raining, the young adults sometimes 50 strong - come to talk about Jesus, the Bible and the joys and challenges of living a Christian life. "I wouldn't think of I)ot coming. They (the young people) expect to meet and they expect that I'll be here," explained the deacon of his four years of unbroken meetings on Wednesday nights. The group even has one member in the Army who

attends the meetings every time he's on furlough. The Wednesday sessions, which devote about one hour to Scripture study and another hour for prayer and reflection, attract young adults from Detroit and a number of its suburbs. "Fellowship is a big thing for the group," said Bedard, but basically "we come together for Scripture. The social aspect of the group comes from our reading of the Bible." .Besides the weekly meetings and retreats twice a year the group is also involved in community work. The young adults have cut the grass and spruced up the houses of some area senior citizens, while also painting the wall of one store in the neighborhood that was covered with graffiti. The tone of the Wednesday

night meetings is casual. The teens reflect on happenings during the past week, rdlect on a Bible passage or pray silently, by song or by listening to a poem or a literary reading. Bedard takes time to ensure that the Scripture passages have meaning to the young people. Sharing with others is emphasized, as well as caring about one self. The permanent deacon claims that the meetings are "a shot in the arm" for him. Apparently the same holds true for the young people who gather together with him once a week. "We've had some kids come and go, but those who stay experience a real change in their lives," the permanent deacon explained. "We've seen some come off drugs, others stop running away - that's real encouragement for me to keep going."

• • • • •u

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By James Fiedler DENVER (NC) - "Heaven's really going to be a neat place to go after you're through with all this," said 22-year-old Cindy Steinbeck, a victim of brainstem cancer, to a visitor. Miss Stein~ck credits Father Frank Gold of the Regis Jesuit Community who visits her regularly for much of her grasp of her faith, her view of heaven and her attitude toward her illness. She first became aware she had cancer when she was told that she would have to undergo chemotherapy. Recalling that moment, Miss Steineck said, "I cried ... I was angry with God . . . 'Why did you make me sick?' I asked him . . . But there was no answer . . . But," she went on, thinking of what prayer and reflection have brought to her since,. "I shouldn't blame God because he's fixed a neat place for me." Miss Steineck's mother, Shir-


ley, said that doctors have told them that there is nothing more they can do. Since then "just talking to Father Gold . . . talking about the Bible . . . about God . . . about heaven has helped me," the young patient said. She laughed when Father Gold responded, "Don't blame me for that . . . Cindy already had the faith. We talk in real terms, about real things . . . Her faith comes from her parents. Cindy is really brave . . . I talk with her about many things . . . and I celebrate Mass in her home every weekend." the priest said. Mrs. Steineck insists that Father Gold has been a great help to her daughter. He is quick to say Miss Steineck has had a positive effect on him. "I love coming here to her home," he said. "I get a wholly different perspective on life . . . after watching so many people just driving around in cars like nuts." Miss Steineck

Says Cindy commented with a smile, "Well, I can't drive around like a nut." Her mother said Miss Steineck has a good sense of humor and is easy to care for. She never complains, said Mrs. Steineck. The family includes John Steineck, a space engineer, and Cindy's two brothers and three sisters. . When she was 19 Miss Steineck was stricken with a brainstem hemorrhage. Three times since she has almost died, and she has been able to attend college for only one semester. She has been hospitalized and has undergone radiation as well as' chemotherapy treatment. Though she has feeling in her legs she cannot bend them and she is seldom able to get out of bed. There are times when Miss Steineck, as she puts it, "gets down," especially when she sees her longtime friends lively and well. "You just have to believe, you have to have a lot of faith when you get a sickness."

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MANAGUA, Nicaragua (NC) - "Our missionaries are with the people and fully committed to cooperate in the work of reconstruction," said Maryknoll Sister Joan Uhlen. "All the Religious I know feel that way." The nun, who comes from St. Louis, has worked for eight years with the Christian basic communities of Open 3, a workingclass neighborhood that mushroomed after the 1972 earthquake. Open 3, with 50,000 people, has been renamed Ciudad Sandino after mountain fighter Cesar Augusto Sandino who inspired the revolution that toppled the Somoza dynasty in July. Sandino was killed in 1934 because of his opposition to Somoza family rule. "We share the deep sense of liberation of the people. Our Christian communities' were being repressed (by the Somoza government) on suspicion of subversion and even when we stressed that our meetings were merely biblical study clubs, still we were persecuted. Now we are

How· Can I Overcome My Guilt? By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear ~r. Kenny: I have been unfaithful to my

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gamzmg community life," SisThe Brothers of the Christian ter Uhlen added. Schools operating in the AtlanHer statements were made to tic seaboard cities of Puerto CaNC News Service, which ob- bezas, Waspan and Biuefields tained opinions from U.S. mis- are doing well. However, the U.S. sionaries in Nicaragua after 10 branch has turned over the admonths of civil strife. At pres- ministration to Spanish missionent there are 74 U.S. mission- aries of the same congregation. aries in the country, of whom No reason was given for the 43 are men and 31 are women. change. All are doing well, according . The Sisters of St. Agnes have to officials of the missionary or- a high school near Managua and ganizations represented. escaped injury,' said an official (According to the U.S. Cath- of the order. olic Mission Council, there are TheColegio Teresiano run by 30 Capuchin priests, six Broth- the Sisters of St. Theresa, mostly ers of the Christian Schools, four for girls from well-to-do famiMontfort priests, two. Maryknoll lies, is. experiencing some priests, and one lay missionary. changes in personnel. A new nun There are also 11 Sisters of St. is due to arrive soon to take Agnes, six Maryknoll Sisters, charge of the Fe y Alegria five of St. Theresa of Jesus, school for children of the poor, four of St. Francis of the Holy which was sponsored by rich Cross, two Missionaries of the patrons. Sacred Heart, one Carmelite and Like most parishes and Cathtwo lay missionaries.) olic schools, the Colegio served The Montfort Fathers are con- as a refugee center during the tinuing their work in the in- last weeks of the civil war. land towns of Santo Tomas, Pa"We hope to continue our lacaguina, Pueblo Nuevo and help," said one of the sisters, Ocotal. Their personal and build- who declined to be identified.

husband and now I'm going ,- through a very trying time. I have not told him. I'm afraid that if I did he would never forgive or trust me agail1l, or else have an affair of his OWI1l, or even worse, divorce me. You see I love him very much. I have confessed my sil1l, but I find I can't forgive myself. I pray every day to ask God to help me ,forgive myself. To make matters worse, the man I had the affair with still phones me. I've begged him to leave me alone so I can forget, but h~ keeps calling anyway. I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. What can I do? (pa.) A. Thank you for sharing a difficult moment with us. Sexuality is a powerful force, and its expression has many complex effects. I agree with you about not t~lling your husband. What's done is done, and your confess-

ion would only hurt unnecessarily and add a second wrong. You must stop feeling guilty. Wallowing in guilt is a selfish luxury. .It is just as self-centered to focus on our faults as it is to focus on our virtues. Instead, use the energy you would spend on guilt to do something' nice for your husband. Make up for your infidelity by being a loving spouse now. Fidelity means far more than not having sex outside marriage. Fidelity means being persevering and constant in all the daily details of giving to one's spouse. A preoccupation with your own guilt may cause you to be so tied up with yourself that you neglect your spouse - in effect, a second infidelity. Write down what is good about you, especially what makes you a good wife. This will help you to get off your guilt trip. Pay attention to what is positive about yourself. If guilt continues to plague

you, use thought-stoppers. Treat guilt as a useless and wrong kind of thinking. Each time you begin to think of your own guilt, give the thought a maximum of 15 seconds; then force yourself to think of something else. It could be anything - a joke, a beach, rain on the roof, the smell of steaks cooking, an achievement of yours, a child at play, anything at all to occupy your mind. Have a few things ready to think about. Finally, when this man calls, follow the telephone company's advice about unwanted phone calls. Ignore them. Don't talk to him at all. Say nothing. As soon' as you know who it is, hang up. I realize it is not easy for you to forget your involvement. Remember that guilt is not a remedy for past transgressions. Love is. Reader questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys; c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thu~" Sept. 6, 1979


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By Father John Dietzen Q.. I am 14 years old and have recently been having doubts as to the existence of God and Jesus and all the other characters of the Bible. I used to be so devoted to God, said my prayers every night and every morning and participated fully at all the Masses. I know that faith is believing in something you cannot see, but I am finding it very hard. It started one day at Mass when I got to thinking "What if we're all worshiping something that doesn't exist?" I started feeling very silly, iike I was taking part in something that had no meaning. Here are some questions I hope you can answer for me. If there is a God, why is there so much bad in the world? Is everything in the Bible trUe? How do we know ours is the right religion? Why doesn't Jesus appear on earth every once in a while just to visit? What exactly is the Holy Spirit? What was Jesus' job on earth? Wouldn't everything still be the same if he would not have come? Couldn't God allow reincarnation? ~ I will be anxiously awaiting ~'our answers to all my questions. (La.) A. First, let me tell you that few of the thousands of letters I have received through this col" umn have pleased me nearly as much as yours. You are a prayerful person, you have a lot more faith than, at this moment, you give yourself credit for and you are thinking and probing. That's a perfect combination for a potentially very full and real Christian life. Most of the questions you ask (the ones I have listed here are only about a third of them) reflect searches that have intrigued intelligent man and women as long as the human race has existed. It's impossible to respond to all of them, but r do have a few thoughts that may be helpful. . First, anyone who has not seriously asked these qliestions has not yet begun to live' a deliberate adult life. The fact that you are asking them should in itself be kind of thrilling for you. Second, you are at an .age where you begin to question many significant things in life, most of them involved with the numerous other emotional, physical and social changes you are experiencing. You are probably either a freshman or sophomore in high school, which means a lot of adjustments there also. So don't be disturbed at finding yourself confronting these large concerns about God and the meaning of life openly and





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squarely. It is a sign of your developing maturity that you are doing so. Finally, in this as in other facets of your life, have a lot of confidence and trust in the people who love you, especially your family, close friends who may be a little older, your parish priest and so on. You are smart enough to know that the big questions of life do not have easy one-paragraph (or even SPECULATION IS that one-book) answers. A good bit Bishop Ignatius Kung Pinof study, prayer and the kind of wisdom that comes from '. mei, 78, of Shanghai, China, thoughtful living help us toward may be the cardinal named finding those answers and, may"in pectore" (secretly) by be even more importantly, help Pope John Paul II in May. us to accept the relationships The bishop reportedly was with Gad and those around us released in July after 24 which make it possible to integrate these answers into our years in prison. (NC Photo) lives. You may also be consoled by knowing that millions of good faith-filled Catholic men and women have lived through the AlJBANY, N.Y. (NC) - The same process of doubting and United States should end all aid wondering that you now are ex- to the military government of periencing. . Carlos Humberto Romero in El In other words, for one rea- Salvador and use its influence to son or several, you must have try to suspend or limit financi~l enough insight to know that the assistance by private and interkind of answers you are looking national banking organizations, . for are beyond you right now; 'said a U.S. missionary working but you are beginning to find in El Salvador for the past eight them far sooner than a lot of years. other people your age. Keep The United States, which has your inquisitiveness without already cut off military aid to losing sight of your own very the Central American nation, real faith and the faith of those should take action to remove its others whose lives reflect to you military advisors, added Marythat God and his love really do knoll Father John Spain. exist. Father Spain was interviewed by The Evangelist, Catholic I realize this doesn't respond to each of your questions, but newspaper of the Diocese of as one who still enjoys enorm- Albany, while on vacation. The cut-off of all aid is needously finding fuller and better ed because there is no way to answers to them, I· believe you control where any of the assisare on the right track. tance, financial, educational or Questions for this column nutritional, actually goes, he should be' sent to Father Diet- said. Orientacion, newspaper of the zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Archdiocese of San Salvador, El Fall River, Mass. 02722. Salvador, lists persecutions of over 75 priests and Religious Paper Accuses King since January 1977, he said, with six priests killed since January Of Inconsistency 1977. WORCESTER, Mass. (NC) "What the government is tryThe Catholic Free' Press, Worcester diocesan paper, has ac- ing to do is destroy the church's cused Massachusetts Gov. Ed- integrity and moral leadership," ward King of "inconsistency" in said Father Spain. The church is being persecu. his pro-life position for signted because "the church is edu-. ing a bill reinstating the death cating and helping to organize penalty in the state. people' in order to achieve their The, paper said in an editorial human rights," he said. that while King remains "staunchly anti-abortion," his Pro,,:,Life Victory only doubts about the death penalty bill concerned its conAKRON, Ohio. (NC) - Four stitutionality, not the fact that provisions of an Akron city orit is "an affront to the dignity dinance restricting abortion of life." have been struck down by a The Massachusetts Catholic federal judge, but more than 15 Conference had opposed rein- others were upheld in a decision statement of the death penalty which pro-lifers termed a major and The Pilot, Boston archdio- victory. The Akron ordinance, cesan paper, urged King not to enacted in February 1978, besign the bill just days before he came the model for similar laws signed it. in 11 states.


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of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979



The En!ry to Jerusalem By Father John J. Castelot Jesus and his disciples' had arrived at the villages of Bethany and Bethpbage on the Mount of Olives, close to Jerusalem (Mark 11,1). He sent two disciples to fetch an unbroken colt. Why didn't he just walk into the city? His careful preparations and choice of means for making his entrance seem deliberate and purposeful. And so it was understood by the evangelists, who saw in it a clear proclomation of his messianic character. This is strange, in view of Jesus' consistent avoidance of popular acclaim as the messiah up to this point. However, in a few days he will illustrate hy his passion and death precisely what kind of messiah he is. It was typified by his choice of transportation - a simple little burro. Matthew was so eager to stress the connection of this in'IF GOD lS SO GOOD, why this terrible suffering.' cident with the hopes expressed Zechariah that he ended up Students console each other at a memorial service for eight by presenting a picture' just this classmates killed in an automobile accident. side of ludicrous. The prophet's w.ords, which he and John cite e拢plicitly, though with variations, are: "Rejoice heartily, Oh路 daughter Zion, shout for joy, Oh daughter Jerusalem! See, your 'Jesus' suffering makes it pos- king shall come to you; a. just By William E. May savior is he, meek, and riding on sible for us to live in a way we God is not a cruel' tyrant who could never dream of were it an ass, on a colt, the foal of an takes pleasure in tormenting us. not for his love. Jesus, the Suf- ass" (Zechariah 9,9. See MatHe is our father-mother-brother~ fering Servant and Man of Sor- thew 21,4; John 12.14). There is sister who wills for us only the rows; is the cause of our joy. only. one animal indicated; the good, and that good is life in idea is simply repeated in parHe is the mender of broken union with him. hearts and the reason to hope allel phrases. . Yet we do suffer. Human suf- and have courage. Suffering Matthew, however; ignores the fering, particularly the suffer- brings no joy, but God does, and parallelism and tells us "they ing of the innocent, is a terrible with him everything is possible. brought the ass and the colt reality and an awesome mystery. and laid their cloaks on them and If God is so good, why this terseated him on them" (Matthew rible suffering? Why should a 21,7). child be born with crippled The people greeted him enlimbs or sightless eyes? Why thusiastically. John furnishes should parents wat.ch as their them with royal palm branches, By Susan Annette Muto little girl is brought into a hoswith obviously symbolic intent, pital crushed by a drunkard's "What do you recall about for they were not readily availcar? your early upbringing that most able in Jerusalem. Mark and There is no reasonable an- influenced your faith?" I asked Matthew speak more realistically of "reeds" and "branches," swer. We do believe that suffer- Father Adrian van Kaam. but in any case it is a royal weling is rooted in sin. It is a mys"My parents," he replied. come. Yet, it is not easy to be tery of iniquity, and there is no inherent link between suffering "Both were deep believers, fine precise about what they were and joy. And we believe that the exemplars of faith. My earliest proclaiming. Their sentiments are inexpressibly wonderful and memories are linked with their expressed in the words of Psalm good God is so powerful and so attachment to the church." 118: "Hosana to the Son of DavFather van Kaam singled out id! Blessed is he who comes in much our friend that he can draw good out of evil a~d bring two memorable guides in his' the name of the Lord! Hosanna peace to broken hearts. He sent early formation - an elemen- in the highest!" according to us his own Son to share our tary school teacher and a head- - Matthew 21,9; Mark's version is lives and our suffering. master. He also recalled a de- less' explicit (11,10), and Luke Biblical theologian Father voted assistant pastor, from and John have their own variJohn L. McKenzie has said, whom he received instructions ants. When, after the entry, the "Jesus did not give us ... a ra- for First Communion and Con- general populace was inquiring tional explanation of the exis- firmation. The latter gave him about his identity, "th~ crowd tence of suffering." But Jesus a picture of the Lord when he kept answering, 'This is the accepted suffering and thus has was in first grade. This little prophet Jesus from Nazareth in given us the power to accept it. memento was like a seed planted Galilee' " (Matthew 21,11). John alone supplies motivaBy our acceptance, we have the . by the priest at the right time, power to transform it and enable for it stirred in the young de- tion for the enthusiastic recepit to play a role in his redemp- votee those longings for dis- tion. He connects it with Jesus' Tum to Page Thirteen recent raising of Lazarus, w.hich tive, saving act.

Joy and SuHering

I Father van Kaam I路

has caused quite a stir and has moved his adversaries to take final action against him (John 12,9-10, 17-19; 11,45-54). But however one understands the details, the same general picture emerges. It is a sort of flashback summarizing his whole career: initial enthusiasm

coupled with confusion and lack of real understanding which, under pressure from the vested interests, quickly cools and changes to violent rejection. It is also, and unfortunately, a preview of how thousands of people will react to him in the follow, ing centuries.

lDeathl of路 aChurch By Father Joseph Champlin On Sundays permanent deacon Willy Malarcher visits the hospitalized, assists with~the Eucharist and often preaches. During the week, he works as a liturgical artist and consultant, helping design new churches and transforming pre-Vatican II into post-Vatican II interiors. The second task is the harder. When an existing building appears clean, in good repair and more than adequate for Sunday Mass, the parish leadership sug~ gesting change generally must prepare for hurtful turbulence. On one such instance, Malarcher witnessed the temporary nervous breakdown of a pastor beseiged by bitter personal attacks from parishioners. These intense negative reactions puzzled Malarcher for many years. He frequently would visit a parish, present a logical exposition of Vatican II principles touching on church art and architecture, then show slides illustrating those guidelines. Despite his mild, objective

style, his audiences would stiffen, squirm, stalk out, raise their voices in anger or anguish, and practically run this dangerous invader out of town. Those irrational outbursts bewildered Malarcher until he studied Dr. Elizabeth KublerRoss's stages of dying. Then he realized he was threatening to take away from his hearers, an old friend, killing a dearly loved, important part of their lives. That insight solved the puzzle. From then on Malarcher could detect and cope more readily with those strong feelings of denial, anger bargaining and sadness which surface in parishioners facing a change in their church's interior. His perception of the problem also led him to develop a "gentle but firm process" in which a community would work through its understanding of what liturgical worship is and, therefore, of what its church building should be. That procedure requires, he feels, six to eight months.

For Children By Janaan Manternach Jesus and his friends were walking toward Jerusalem. It was a tense time. Jesus' enemies were tightening their plot against him. Jerusalem was their stronghold. But the people were again becoming enthusiastic about Jesus. Everyone had heard how Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb to life. That had happened at Bethany, two miles from Jerusalem. Now Jesus and his friends were at Bethany again. Just outside the village, Jesus stopped. He had a plan. People everywhere were saying he was the messiah - the one sent by God to free his people. Jesus had never admitted that he was God's messiah. But he did not deny it either. -. Now he decided was the time to show the people what kind of person God's messiah was. They thought he would become king of Israel. But Jesus knew better.

The prophet Zechariah had described what the Messiah King would be like. He would enter Jerusalem to free the people, not with powerful armies but alone riding on a young colt. His power would be found not in swords but in kindness and compassion. With that in mind, Jesus sent two disciples into the village. He told them they would find a colt. They were to bring it to him. If anyone were to try to stop them, they were simply to say that Jesus needed it and would send it back later. The two disciples went into the town, found the colt and told its owner what Jesus had said. He was happy to let Jesus use hi$ colt. By now large crowds had gathered. When the disciples brought the colt to Jesus, he got on it and began to ride to Jerusalem. The crowds sensed this was Tum to Page Thirteen

... Bishops May Assist Count Of Illegal U.S. Aliens

WHILE THE CATHEDRAL of Armagh, pictured above, is in Northern Ireland, Cardinal Thomas O'Fiaich, head of the archdiocese of Armagh, is Primate of All Ireland and will welcome Pope John Paul II to the country at the end .of this month. The archdiocese, including County Louth, almost all of County Armagh, ~he greater part of County Tyrone and parts of County Derry and County Meath, includes parts of both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The reason for the division is that the Irish dio. ceses, unlike those of Britain, have retained their pre- Reformation boundaries. The archbishop of Armagh is considered the direct successor of St. Patrick. Due to the grave situation in Northern Ireland, Pope John II will not visit the Armagh cathedral, where he had hoped to pray at the tomb of the late Cardinal William O'Connell, Cardinal O'Fiaich's immediate predecessor. Cardinal O'Connell was a personal friend of the pontiff, with whom he wor~ed on the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments. Among places in Armagh the pope will visit is Drogheda, where there is a shrine to St. Oliver Plunkett, a martyred archbishop of the primatial see. Pope John Paul, as cardinal archbishop of Krakow, was present at the saint's canonization.

Roots Not Deep MILWAUKEE (NC) The book "Roots" has not especially fostered feelings of kinship between African blacks and American bl~cks. One reason is that blacks in Africa look at American blacks "primarily as Ameri-


cans and not as some sort of lost cousins" said Father Rollins Lambert, adviser for African affairs for the U.S. Catholic Conference's Department for Social Development and World Peace.

. WASHINGTON (NC) A committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops is considering a request from the federal goveriIment to help the Bureau of the Census make an accurate count of illegal aliens in the 1980 census, according to Paul Sedillo, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Secretariat for Hispanic A:ffairs. Vincent Barbabba, director of 'the Census Bureau, and Rep. Robert Garcia (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House subcommittee on census and population, have asked NCCB representatives for help, saying they believe illegal aliens are more . likely to trust the church than the government that information they give will be kept confidential. Minorities have been undercounted in past cepsuses and the government wants an accurate count before census figures govern distribution of billions of dollars in federal aid. Sedillo said the NCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Hispanic Affairs had considered the request but had reached no decision because of concern about the confidentiality issue. But Sedillo said the committee's chairman, Archbishop Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, met Garcia in Albuquerque and told him he would ask the U.S. bishops for help if President Carter would issue· a proclamation reaffirming the census' confidentiality. Sedillo said Garcia raised the . issue with Carter during a meeting of Hispanic leaders Aug.l0 and that Carter told Garcia he looked forward to working with him personally on the. proclamation. Hispanic leaders on the West Coast say Cardinal Timothy Manning of Los Ange~es has already agreed to hold a "Census

For Child ren Continued from Page Twelve an important moment. Many spread their cloaks on the road as a kind of carpet. Others cut reeds and branches and spread these too in front of Jesus. Everyone was shouting and singing "·Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!" People were running and dancing all around Jesus. His enemies watched angrily. They were more convinced than ever that they needed to silence Jesus. Jesus rode the colt to the temple. He went into the temple area for a short time. Then he and his disciples slipped back to Bethany for the night. 'His friends found it hard to sleep that night. They were so excited. But they were also wondering what is all meant. What was Jesus trying to tell them by riding into the capital on a colt? Was he God's messiah? If so, what would that mean in the days ahead?

Sunday" before Census Day, April I, 1980. On that Sunday priests would be asked to assure worshippers of government confidentiality and to tell them that an accurate count will result in more federal aid for poor Hispanic communities.

Cardinal Krol Will Testify


WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia will support ratification of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He will speak for the U.S. Catholic Conference. Spokesman from the National Council of Churches and a Jew.ish organization will also testify, although details have not yet been settled, according to a committee spokesman. USCC sources said the testimony would support ratification of SALT II, express disappointment that it did not go further in limiting nuclear arms and oppose linking ratification to increased U.S. military spending. Cardinal Krol, a former president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, presented the USCC testimony in support of the Panama Canal Treaties in 1977.

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 6, 1979

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f'ather van Kaam Continued from Page Twelve cipleship that eventually led him to become a Holy Spirit Father. A: few years after his ordination, his provincial asked him' to go to their house in Paris and study in depth the life of the founder of the Spiritans, Venerable Francis Libermann. Father van Kaam produced a biography of Father Libermann, "A Light to the Gentiles." Father van Kaam said that the founder's "portrait of the new apostle ... is one of a man who develops that great gift of God, his own personality, as broadly and richly as he can - not by repressing his nature and throttling his aptitudes, but by unfolding his individuality with the help of grace ... "The ideal that ·Father Libermann holds up is a timeless one, valid for all ages and climes. It grows out of the pages of the New Testament . . . " The spiritual guidance Father van Kaam gives in his conferences and writings evidences his life-long interest in spirituality and the spiritual masters. Friends, students and fellow· faculty members gratefully acknowledge how he has helped them by his wit and wisdom, by his warmth and lively originality to become what they most deeply are: men and women made in the image and likeness of God, whose "highest aspiration should be to glorify the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit forever and ever."



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

By Charlie Martin



CillLDREN FROM 51. Mary's 'Borne, New Bedford, tour HM5 Galatea, visiting New Bedford harbor. (Rosa Photo)


focus .on youth • • •

By Cecilia Belanger


How often have I heard the words, "What can we do; they are only a few of us?" Albert Einstein once said, "If two per cent of our population should take a personal resolute stand against the sanction and support of another war, that would end war." Whether or not this statement is as accurate as his cosmic mathematics, there is no doubt about the historical evidence on which the principle rests. IIdeas that have remade society have always been those of ,pended not on the 98 percent, but on the two percent. This principle' gave Christianity its start. When Jesus called his disciples, he was interested in quality, good seed though but a few kernels. It was the germinal two percent he was thinking about. To use his own simile: "The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven." Quantively small, vitally active leaven - that is a true figure of Christianity's beginnings. But is it wording like that now? Are we the germinal two per cent? Are w,e the little group of forward-looking men and women that our Lord hoped to make custodians of a society that is the hope of the world? , We're running scared half the time! We do not answer the description in the gospel. We have fallen far short. As a youth said, "We let the world write the agenda for us." The mission and plan that Christ left us have become a majority movement, standing for the status quo. Again, it's not numbers. It's the little leaven hidden in the three measures of meal that really counts. In every realm the pathfinders have been few, often crucified, but they were the ones! Perhaps we fall prey too much to our "democracy mentality," where the only way of carrying on

public business is to accept the of, the majority, the notion being that the majority is prob~. ably right. But whether or not the majority is right, it certainly does not rule. The dominant influence in every situation is a militant minority. The decision of public policy is not determined by yo~ or me but by resolute, militant, closely organized minorities who want something and usually get it. Always the majority has the DOUGH - the few have the LEAVEN. So. the lesson to be learned is that we should put our (aith in the creative minorities. We are tempted to worship size. But that is a fallacious standard when we are trying to estimate power. Could anyone at the height of Rome's colossal power have thought of anything much smaller than Paul in a Roman- prison writing his few letters? But, oh, the result! Whoever would have dreamed tl1at that little man. with his brief spistles would dig down so deeply, take hold so strongly, penetrate so powerfully? Whatever else we may think about it, there are few more dramatic incidents in human history than that of Ghandi confronting the British empire. The greatest empire in history stood over against one man trying to make terms with him, while he would not fight with outward weapons, was ready to die if his followers used violence, arid employed nothing but the ideas of a minority and a 'certain quality of soul to set them aflame. Bigness is not power. Power is in the ideas to which the future belongs, and these ideas have been the possession of the two percent. Whenever a true idea is born and a creative minority rallies around it, there is the beginning of victory. We Christians are intended to be that minority. We were to be the salt of the earth. voic~

We were supposed to be the light of the world, lit from His lamp. We were to be the leaven in the dough. There is no way we can misunderstand what our Lord meant. When a man or woman says, "I am a Christian," it should carry with it some responsibility. He or she is supposed to move over into that small, creative, even sacrificial minority -who have visions of a better world. Being a Christian is serious business! All this reduced to simplest terms, means answering Christ's two-word appeal, "Follow me." Where will it take us? Never in" to a majority you may be sure. You will follow Him into the two per cent.

Youth Ministry On the Move By Jeanine Beaudoin / "We are involved and are really doing things!" Youth ministry members at Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River, said that and, you know, they're right! -Beginning with planning Holy Week activities, the youth ministry has shown new enthusiasm for revitalizing the parish, which they describe as giving it a "spiritual facelift." During Holy Week, under the direction of Father Maurice Jeffrey, pastor, these youngsters presented "Jesus Christ Superstar," a series of dramatic and dialogued readings and slides to music. They also produced colorful handsewn banners and hanpainted Easter eggs. The ministry's involvement doesn't stop with activities, but uses various media to encourage personal and spiritual growth. Together, members share ideas and suggestions; together they listen to and learn about each other; together they form a dynamic team. This summer, for instance, the

Don't let your troubles make you cry Don't waste a m0n:tent wonderin' why When ev'rythinggoes wrong You have to go on And do it or die. Do it or die now Stand your ground Don't let your bad breaks go gettin' you down Even when times get rough And you've 'had enough You still gotta try Do it no matter what the people say They don't even know you. Die before you let them stand in your way (Don't you know that), You should know that life is a gamble all along Winners or losers you keep rollin' on So go on and roll the dice You only live twice So do it or die. "Do It or Die" is a mellow and reflective song from "Underdog," the new album of the' Atlanta Rhythm Section. The song's message encourages' us to look beyond our troubles and see the importance of going on with life. ARS's advice is that we "stand our ground" in the face of difficulties and try again for the goals we want to reach. It is important not to be easily discouraged by life's difficulties. It is also important to take time to reflect on the reasons behind the problems we encounter. Consequently, the line, "don't waste a moment wondering why" seems inconsistent with the song's overall message. Not every problem can be analyzed or understood, for example. "Why did it have to be me who accidentally stepped on a loose roller skate and broke my leg?" But in general, insight can be gained by taking some quiet time to reflect on our difficulties. Some problems can be helped by a change in our behavior, feelings or outlook on a situation. When one road is locked toward reaching a goal, often new ideas will emerge if we let ourselves think about the situation. Too frequently we undersell our ability to create the type of life we desire. While the song does not emphasize reflection, it moves strongly to the second step in dealing successfully with problems - action. This step is not always easy, for we may be afraid to risk again if previous attempts have failed. Yet as the song states, a part of us dies when fear determines what we will and will not attempt. The line, "You only live twice," possibly refers to the fact that when we give ourselves a second chance in facing our difficulties, we often discover new life anCl new ways to overcome these problems. During these times, we need to remember how we have succeeded in the past. God continues to affirm the strengths of our whole pe~son. With such reassurance we will find the courage to deal imaginatively with problems. ministry offered a lively schedule designed to promote parish community spirit. Events included a children's picnic, an evening at Fenway Park, an initiation program for new members, a parish dance and publication of the first edition of a parish newspaper. Exciting? You bet, and this is only the beginning! The ministry officers, Kevin Thibault, president; Claire Petrin, vicepresident; Paul Goulet, treasurer; and Helene Beaudoin, secretary, have a multitude' of new ideas in the-works. That's why Blessed Sacrament's youth ministry is on the move!

Pontafical Missions Get $59 Million VATICAN CITY (NC) The pontifical mission aid societies received $59 million to assist missions throughout the world during 1978, Vatican Radio reported. Nearly half of the money went to missions in Africa; $2 million went to Oceania; $19 million was distributed in Asia; and $4.5 million was used for missions in Latin America. Some $7 million w~s distributed for the needs of seminarians and priests in missioq. lands and $2.5 million went to EasternRite'missions, Vatican Radio said.


-Interscholastic Sports



Holy Family Booters Open Season The Holy Family High School soccer tea~ opens its Southeastern Mass. Conference schedule at home to Greater New ,Bedford Voke-Tech on Sept. 19 and visits Westport on Sept. 21. They will be home to Old Rochester on Sept. 26 and at Bishop Stang High on Oct. 3. Then come a pair of home games, against Bishop ConnoIly High on Oct. 5 and Westport on Oct. 10. At Dartmouth on Oct. 12, they return home against Old Rochester Oct. 19, are away to Connolly on Oct. 24 and wind up the season at home to Diman Voke. Several schools within the diocesan area will participate in the Northeastern University cross-country meet Saturday and in the Somerset High School invitational on Sept. 15. Coyile-eassidy and Bishop Feehan High Schools will compete in Division West of the Conference in cross-country. Division West action opens on Sept. 17 when Coyle-Cassidy is host to Somerset and Feehan has the bye. Other dual meets involving

diocesan schools in that division have Coyle-eassidy at Seekonk and Feehan at Durfee on Sept. 20, Feehan at Coyle-Cassidy on Sept. 24, Coyle Cassidy at Durfee and Attleboro at Feehan on Sept. 27, Feehan at Seekonk on Oct. 1 when Coyle-eassidy has a bye, Diman Voke at Feehan and Coyle-Cassidy at Attleboro on Oct. 4, Somerset at Feehan and Diman at Coyle-Cassidy on Oct. 10. The conference meet, closing out the season, is set for Oct. 19, and several of the schools will participate in the Columbus Day race in FaIl River on Oct. 8. Connolly and Stang are in the Small Schools Division, which opens on Sept. 18 with Stang at Wareham, ConnoIly at DightonRehoboth. Thereafter, for diocesan schools, it will be: Sept. 20, Westport at Stang, Bourne at ConnoIly; 25, ConnoIly at Westport, Stang at Bourne; 27, Dighton-Rehoboth at Stang, Wareham at Connolly; Oct. 2, ConnoIly at Stang; 4, Case at ConnoIly, Stang at Old Rochester; 10, Stang at Case, ConnoIly at Old Rochester; 19; division meet at Stang.

eya Hockey Tryouts Set The Bristol County CYO Hockey League, preparing for its seventh season, will hold tryouts and practice at nine o'clock Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink, FaIl River, it is announced by Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, diocesan' CYO director. Father McCarrick urges all interested to report at the DriscoIl Rink Sunday night. Participation in the league is open to all skaters in the Bristol and Plymouth counties areas. The only eligibility rule requires that players must be born after Jan. 1, 1956 and be at least 16 years old. High school players are also eligible to play the complete season if their coaches follow the Headmasters Rules. New Bedford, Taunton, Old Rochester, Fall River, Somerset, Westport and Dartmouth are again expected to be represented but there is also an opening for a new team if skaters from a particular area wish to gain ad. mission as a unit. There are also roster vacancies and newcomers are encouraged to attend next Sunday night's tryouts. League games are played on Sunday nights. . Players are provided league Jerseys and socks. All additional equipment must be furnished by !h~ player~, who must also sign Injury waivers. Cost is $50 for the season. It is planned to have a 20-game schedule, plus postseason playoffs. Bishop Stang is the only diocesan school with a field hockey team in the conference. The

Spartanettes will compete in the Central Division but do not open their conference schedule until Sept. 25 when they will be host to New Bedford High. The 'remainder of their schedule is Oct. 2, Dartmouth; 9, Fairhaven; 16, at Westport; 23, at Somerset; 28, Westport; 5, Somerset; 12, at Fairhaven; 19, at Dartmouth; 26, at F~irhaven. New coaches appointed at Somerset High School are Wayne Hall, varsity footbaIl coach and jayvee girls' basketbaIl coach' Michael Mahoney, freshman foot~ ball coach; and John Costa, sophomore football coach. Hall is a former Somerset High and Bridgewater State College pitcher. Mahoney is a former Blue Raider football star and son of the school's atheletic director Richard Mahoney. Costa is ~ member of the North Middle School. The Somerset School Committee has also appointed James Owens as football coach at the South Middle School.

Blessed P'ersecution ATCHISON, Kan. (NC) One of the five black Catholic bishops in the United States, Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Francis of Newark, N.J., has challenged the superiors of the nation's religious orders of men to become "committed, effective and credible advocates of justice, truly believing that it is blessed to' be persecuted for your efforts to be just."


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Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office, ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· . eral viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved. for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.

New Films "Rich Kids," directed hy Robert Young from a literate script by Judith Ross, offers an often lighthearted but essentiaIly serious look at the effects of divorce upon two well-to-do youngsters. Twelve-year-old Franny (Trini Alvardo) has been keeping tabs on her father (John Lithgow), who sleeps elsewhere but sneaks home by dawn's early night to wake her up for school and so keep up the fiction that all is weIl between him and her mother (Kathryn Walker). He has no need to deceive his wife. She, with a lover of her own (married, of course), wants a divorce but will not agree to giving her husband full custody of Franny. So she cooperates in the charade to preserve, they think, their daughter's carefree state. ,Franny seeks the advice of Jamie (Jeremy Levy), a classmate who has suffered through the divorce of his parents. His mother has remarried, and his father ha~ reverted to the life of a swinging bachelor. The youngsters, drawn together by their sorrow, spend a weekend together in the bachelor apartment of his father. This occasions an angry adult confrontation, involving spouses, lovers and friends. The film does not probe deeply, but has some fairly cogent things to convey about parental responsibilities. Thanks to excellent acting and ,good dialogue, it is consistently amusing.

Thougih the film has children as its central characters, its mood is adult and such things as the glossing over of the sexual implications of the young people's weekend together rule out younger viewers. PG, A3 "Apocalypse Now" (United Artists): An inteIIigence officer (Martin Sheen), ordered to assassinate a Green Beret colom:l (Marlon Brando) who is waging a war of his own in Cambodia at the head of an army of aborigine mercenaries who revere him as a god, makes a slow upriver journey in a smaIl patrol boat through ravaged Vietnam. Francis Ford Coppola's ambitious film has brilliant sequences, but the lack of an artistic vision strong enough to unify it reduces it to an intriguing failure. Its violence and language rule' out younger viewers. R, A4 "Life of 'Brian" (Warners): In this product of the Monty Python


troupe, a feIlow named Brian, a contemporary of Christ, is mistaken for the Messiah and is eventuaIly crucified. This nihilistic, anything-for-a-laugh film exploits much that is sacred to Christian and Jewish religious tradition. R, C On TV The tragic story of Freddie Prinze, a successful young TV entertainer whose life went haywire, is dramatized in "Can You Hear the Laughter?" airing Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 9-11 p.m. on CBS. The product of a New York barrio; Prinze achieved stardom as the Latino lead of "Chico and the Man." He was at the top when he killed himself in 1977 at the age of 22. The dramatization is worth watching for its variations on the old story about show people who ~et "too much toct soon." However, the adult nature of Prinze's problems, although handled discreetly, makes the program inappropriate for youngsters. "30 Minutes," CBS, Sept. 15: After having picked up a Peabody Award and an Emmy nomination, "30 Minutes" returns for its second season of current interest features for teen-agers, premiering Saturday, Sept. 15, at 1:30-2 p.m. on CBS. A story on the premiere examines why suicide has become the third largest killer of teen-agers. Another is about how the Golden Gloves competition offered a poor kid a chance for a better life. What is emphasized is the training and self-discipline involved. Upcoming shows deal with alcoholic parents, the volunteer army, cosmetic surgery, fast foods and the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT). Thursday, Sept. 13, 9·10:30 p.m. (PBS) "Damien." A rebroadcast of Terence Knapp's moving portrayal of the compassionate "leper priest" of Molokai.

Films on TV Wednesday, Sept. 12, 8 p.m. (CBS) - "The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings" (1976) - This comedy about a barnstorming black baseball team in the late 30s is very good adult fare, but language and an episode involving a brothel rule it out for younger viewers. PG, A3 Thursday, Sept. 13, 8 p.m. (CBS - "Gator" (1976) - Burt Reynolds stars in and directs this story of an undercover agent's attempt to send the Mr. Big of a corrupt Southern county to prison. Mediocre entertainment. Violence makes it adult material. PG,A3 Friday, Sept. 14, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" (1977) - This sequel takes the inept Little League team of the first film to the Astrodome. The foul language of the original has been toned down, but there are lapses enough in taste to make this comedy quesionable for younger viewers. PG, A3

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 6, 1979



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Sept. 6, 1979

-steering. •

pOints PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked ·to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722, Name of city or town should' b'l! included. as well as full dates of all activities, Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news' of fundraising activities' such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetinlls, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151_

SIX HOUR VIGIL, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The monthly reparation vigil honoring the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MarY will be held from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River. All are invited to attend all or any part of the service, which will begin and end with Mass and include a 10 p.m. coffee break.

CHARITY HOBBY REPAIR, PORT SANILAC, MICH•. Francis Winkel requests broken rosaries, cancelled stamps and framed holy pictures for repair and shipment to U.S. mission houses. They may be sent to him at 41 St. Clair St., Port Sanilac, Mich. 48469.

ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH High school students interested in making an ECHO retreat may co~tact Father Bill Baker. Boys' retreats will be held Oct. 5 to 7 and Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 and girls' Nov. 2 to 4 and Feb. 1 to 3. All retreats take place at La Salette Retreat House in Brewster.

ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, ATTLEBORO The Ladies' Guild will hold its first meeting of the season at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the school cafeteria. A covered dish supper will be served and George Avila of the New Bedford Glass Museum will show slides and speak on' ornamental glass, including Pairpoint and Mount Washington. New members are invited.

DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN The council will hold its first quarterly meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday at Holy Family Church, Taunton. Miss Adrienne LemieuX', council president, will officiate and Mrs. Harold Rogers, District III president, will be hostess. STONEHILL COLLEGE, NORTH EASTON Registration for continuing educational courses will be held through tomorrow, with classes beginning Thursday, Sept. 13 and running for 14 weeks. Eleven bachelor degree programs and seven associate programs are available.

DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER FALL RIVER Dominican Third Order members will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14 at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay Street. Father Giles Dimock, O.P., director, will offer Mass and conduct a discussion session.

ST"MARY, NEW BEDFORD Patricia Cushing, RN will present a film on alcoholism at the Women's Guild meeting slated for Monday night, Sept. 10 in the school basement. Guests and new members are welcome. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, FALL RIVER. The club is conducting a membership drive and notes that meetings are held on the second Tuesday of September, October, November, March and May. Father John F. Moore is chaplain.


HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER New members are sought for the parish ministry of intercessory prayer. Participants are asked to spend 15 minutes daily. in prayer for specific intentions and, if. possible, to attend a monthly prayer meeting. COD registration for children entering Grade 1 and any new pupils will be held after all Masses Sunday, Sept. 16, in the rectory conference room. Baptis-, mal records will be needed. Classes will begin Tuesday, Oct. 2. A training course for CCD teachers will be offered at 7 p:m. Monday at St. Anthony of Padua parish hall, Fall River. A fall foliage tour to Tamiment, Pa. will be held from Oct. 8 'through 10. Further information is available at the rectory.

SERRA CLUB, NEW BEDFORD Members hold a Teenagers' Night at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 10 at White's restaurant, North Westport. ' ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Guest speakers will be Step- NEW BEDFORD CCD registration forms have hen Avila and Michael Thomas, seminarians at the North Ameri- been mailed to all parishioners can College in Rome. Any high and should be returned via the school junior or senior in the collection basket by mid-SepGreater New Bedford area in- tember. terested in attending is asked to A house and lot have bee~ accontact Clinton Rimmer, tele- quired at the corner of North and Newton Streets. The house phone 992-7993, by tomorrow. will be demolished and construction of a parking lot will follow. SACRED HEART, The Sign group will meet at FALL RIVER 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9 and the The parish choir will begin rehearsals in the church at 9 a.m. Men's League will meet Sunday, Sunday, ,Sept. 9. Members will Sept. 16, following 10 a.m. Mass. sing at the 10 a.m. Mass. Addi- The Women's League has schedtional members are sought and uled a meeting, for Thursday, . may register at the Sept. 9 re- Sept. 27. hearsal. MADONNA MANOR, The folk group will hold its NORTH ATTLEBORO rehearsals following 10 a.m. Albert Gallant, a candidate for Mass Sept. 9 and will be heard the permanent diaconate of the at the 11 :30 a.m. Mass. This diocese, has heen named to asgroup meets at 7 each Tuesday sist Father James F. McCarthy, night in the parish center. New chaplain, in spiritual ministry to members are welcome at any Madonna Manor residents. time. BLESSED SACRAMENT



CURSILLO MOVEMENT, FALL RIVER DIOCESE Men's Cursillos at La Salette retreat house, Attleboro, will be held Oct. 18 to 21; Jan. 31 to Feb. 3; and April 24 to 27. Women's Cursillos are slated for Nov. 15 to 18; March 13 to 16 and May 22 to 25. Those interested in making a Cursillo may contact Father Edmund Fitzgerald, diocesan liaison, at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.

ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 11 p;m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel of Sacred Hearts Church, 383 Main Street. ST. VINCENT de PAUL, FALL RIVER COUNCIL The particular council will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11 at Our Lady of Angels Church, Fall River. A dinner meeting will follow in the church hall.

As the school season begins we must remember that children/s safety is everybody/s business. Youngsters may not watch out for traffic so make it your responsibility to drive extra ,

carefullYI especially near schools and playgrounds. Alert driving habits insure a safer and happier community.

This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the 'Diocese of Fall River BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO.



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