
Page 1

Total of 23,586 Boys and Girls to Attend

78 Elementary, High Schools in Diocese


The ANCHOR f(OJU River, MiDJss. o Thursday, Se~lt. 1, 1961

V@t 11, No. 36


]967 The Anchor

$4.00 per Year PRiCe IOc


Secondo ry Institutions" 18,035 Early Grade PUP;~$ and 94' in Special C.lasses

More than 23,000 students today are in attendance in the 78 diocesan schools fo[' the 1966-67 academic year. The large group is enrolled in special classes, elementary grades and secondary in8ti­ tutions. Approximately 5,131­ 2,201 boys and 2,930 girls - are enrolled in 13 high schools in the dioceHe. The estimated enrollment in 63 elementary schools is 18,035, made up of 8,910 boys and 9,125 girls. And, in addition, kindergartens will

accommodate 174 boys and Yesterday, the two ConnoUy 152 girls. : classes reported at the perr­ Registration at two Naz­ manent school. areth academies for excep­ The larger Connolly Hig-ro tional children, willapproxi­ enrollment has of necesgity mate 94. The special classes resulted in the assignment are in Fall River !,\nd Hyan­ of a larger Jesuit faculty to> nis. accommodate the ~ldditionaR Bishop Connolly High in students. This will be the first aca­ Fall River, the fourth re­ gional diocesan secondary demic year in the histOl'y of the diocesan schools that school, has added a Sopho­ students will attend classea more class this Fall. It com­ menced lasot year with only on holy days. The dioces&m a Freshman Class which schools, in almost all iIm­ studied at the St. William's stances, will follow the puio>­ parish center in Fall River. lie school program.

Parish . E~plainsWhy Tuition in School Joining many ~t)1er parishes in ~he )Fall River Dioce~e, S~. Mary's in N~rt~ Attl~­ OOro will be forced. 'to charge tuition for. children attendmg Its school, begmmng thIS month. The explan&ti6n of the paris~ ~ouncil for the move clearly embodies the lllany problems and expen~es. involyed in opep~tihg' a: non-public sChool' and as suehmay help .catholics in other parishes to understand why lnodHrate Mary·s. For example, the cost .tor, commenting on the .rates, for one child·.from a family res- 'reminded parents· that the newly fees must be charged. ident in St. Mary's parish would announced charges include text­ St. Mary's decision, said be $50 annually. For two chil- book fees which average $8 per

mlEv. T. ;r. BARRING'lI.'ON

Fr.T.J. Ha 'rrington Named to Study In Washington" Bishop Connolly announced the. assignment of Rev. ,,"homas J. Harrington, assist­ flnt at Immaculate Conception OUturch, Fall River, to the grad­ nate school at Catholic Univer­ ~y, Washington. Father Harrington, the son of Rtl.ward J. Harrington and the !ate Esther F. Yates Harrington, was born in .New Bedford, Olll 4luly 28, 1938. He is a graduate of Holy l?amily High School, New lBed­ fiord, and received an A.B. de­ gree from Holy Cross College, ~orcester, in 1960. Following Turn to Page Sill: ~ay

Curia Cardina~ Discounts Wecdth Of Holy See ASSISI (NC) -The oord­ wl)o i,s persistently rum­ (j)1l'ed to be Pope Paul VI's ~oice as his first financial ~~al

~fficer under the newly reor­ !lanized administration of the Holy See hilS discounted pub­ fished reports that the Ho'ly See ~ fabulously wealthy. Angelo Cardinal DeM' Acqua ~ the Roman CUlI"na, the (j$llllUrch's administrative oances, ~mmented, "If the figures thlllt Turn to ;Page Niueteella

the council, was arrived at after a careful study of school ex­ penses . revealed that increased costs for teachers' salaries, texts, equipment and maintenance .left the parish no choice but to charge tuition. Even now, said Edward Smith, council chairman, tuitiqn will cover only 40 per cent of' the. school's operating cost. Balance will continue to be met from general parish funds. . ''The entire parish and for that. matter the entire community benefits from continued opera­ tion of the school," he stated.. "Therefore the burden of meet­ ing the major portion of the ed­ ucational expense remains are': sponsibi'lity of the parish at .large." The tuition plan features graduated 'decreases in the cost based on the number of children from a family attending· St.,

Second Retreat Week Begins On Monday The second week of re­ treat for priests of the Dio­ cese will;- begin Monday eve­ ning, Sept. 11, at Cathedral Camp. The retreat conducted by Rev. William F. Hill, S.S., of St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, will close Friday evening, Sept. 15. The following priests will at­ tend this second week of retreat at which Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, will pre­ side: Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia, Rev. E~ward B. Booth, Rev.•10hn J. Casey, Rt. Rev. George E. Sulli­ van, Rev. Ubalde J. Deneault, Rev. Joao de Medeiros, Rev. J. Omer Lussier,Rev. A. Castello Branco. Rt. Rev. Raymo'nd T. Consi­ dine, Rev. Jose M. Bettencourt e Avila, Rt. Rev. Johu J. Hayes, Rev. Arthur G. Considine, Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, Rt. Tum w Page Sil

dren from the same family, the student for the coming ~,ear. total cost would be $80. For Father Annunziato said that three children, $100 would be . the rates were purposely kept charged. There would be no ad- low so that the student body of ditional charge for 'subsequent St. Mary's would "continue to be children from the same family. representative of all income For students from outside the levels in the parish.'~ The aver­ boundaries of St. Mary's, a sim- age weekly expense for. a family ilar but· slightly higher rate with three children attending St. schedule would be charged. The Mary's is calculated by the par­ rate for one child would be $75, ish council to be 85 cents per for two children, $125, and for child. three or more children from the "This is well ~ithin the budget same family $150. Rev. Armando of our parishioners," Father Annunziato, school adminish'a- Annunziato stated, adding. that - no one would ever be turned away because of inability to.pay. "The Catholic Church has a spe­ cific responsibility to the· poor which it will continue· to meet under any and all .'circum­

stances," he said.

A similar financial policy is in effect in other Diocesan Mo~t Rev. James. J. Ger­ . rard; D.D., V.G., Auxiliary schools.

Memorial .Mass .For Fr. Hatton



Bishop .of the Diocese of Fall River and pastor of St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, will celebrate a Memorial Re­ quiem High Mass in that Church on this coming Saturday at 8 o'clock for the repose of the soul of Rev. Francis R. Hatton Tu,rn to Page Six

Ordinary Asks For Extension Work Support Bishop Connolly has en­ dorsed the program of the Catholic Church Extension Society for the Home Mis­ sions and has urged the faithful of the Diocese to support i~ work. ' In a letter read at aU Masses in Diocesan churches Sunday, His Excellency recommends 'sub­ scriptions to the magazine Ex­ tension, the society's official publication, as CIl medium of support: Beloved in Christ: Once again, we dl'aw your at­ tention and solicit your support for the significant work of Cath­ Turn to Page Fourteen



The Most Reverencll Bishop will formally invest 'lIle new Diocesan Monsignori at cere­ monies in St. l'lary's Cathe­ dral, Fall River, tl1lis Sunday evening at 7:3"


Fr. E. T. Delane, Plans to Study

At Illini Univ. '


Rev. Edmund T. Delaney, u. sistant at St. Jo~eph's Parislll. Fall River, has been granted Ii leave of absence to do graduate work at the University of Illinois in Urbana, Ill. Born Oct. 13, 1936 in Failll River, the son of Joseph R. anm Jane E. Bourke Delaney he at­ tended Coyle High School, Taun­ ton, Cardinal O'Connell Minor Seminary, Jamaica Plain, anell St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Ordained on Feb. 2, 1962 in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Connolly, Father Delaney has served in Holy Name Parish, Fall River, for two years and has been in his present assignment at St. Joseph's since July 9, 1964. Father Delaney has taught a course in theology for three years to elementary and second­ ary teachers for the In-Service program of the diocesan school system. For five years, he has served! as instructor in theology at the College of the Sacred Hearts fOil" the Holy Union' Sisters and fOil" one year, he has served as i'n­ structor at the St. Joseph Teach­ ers' Institute for the Sisters oil St. Joseph. Father Delaney received master's degree in guidance 01Ill Aug. 11, 1967 from Bridgewatefl' State College. Turn to PO\&e Six


.2 \


Cape Verde IsUes

THE ANCHC?R-:'Oiocese of Foil River-Thurs., Sept. 7, 19~7

M@~itEi! 'Catho~oc LISBON (NC) - The Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Mrica have the largest per­ centage of Catholics in Portu­ guese possessions overseas, ac­ cording to figures just disclosed here. The Nova Lisboa diocese in: Angola has the most Catholics with 759,589 out of a populatioB of over 1.3 million. But the Cape Verde diocese, which is much smaller, has a percentage of 98. Of the 13.8 million inhabitants of, Portuguese overseas posses­ sions, 3,570,720 are baptized Catholics. 800,000 are Christians of other denominations, one mil­ Ion are Moslems and about 8 million are so-called pagans, most of them Animists. The overseas Portuguese pos­ sessions are Angola,. Cape Verda, Mozambique, Portuguese GuinellJ, Santo Tome and the Principe Islands, Macao and Timor.

Diocese of lFa~~ River OIFF~C~AL Seminary' AssDSJl1'Ilmel11llts FlIRST THEOLOGY Theological College in WaslluiDugtolll Michael Methot

St. Mary's Seminary, Balt~nnoJre , Edward Byington ~bert C. Donovan .... FIRST PHILOSOPHY .

To St. John, BFighton

Michael T-oolin

FIRST COLLEGE Cardinal O'Connell, Mmor Seminary, JTamaiea IP]ain: James Airozo John Carreiro Stephen Fernandes Arnold Medeiros David Pepin William Sullivan

St. Thomas, Bloomfield,


Mass Ordo FRIDAY Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. II Class.

White. Mass Proper; Glory;

C.reed; Preface of Blessed Vi....

OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL: Pope Paul was to offer Mass tomorrow the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Vi,rgin, at t~e shrine of Our Lady of Good Coun,;" S~~RDAY _ St. p'et~r Claver.. sel, Genazzano, 20 mIles south of Rome. However, because. Confessor. III Class. White. of illness the pilgrimage, had to be called off. Our Lady , Mass Proper; Glory;' no Creed; of Good Counsel is the patroness of the Retreat Movement· Common Preface. of the Diocese of Fall River. NC Photo., . 'SUNDAY -XVII Sunday Mter

Timothy Place Herbert Nichols Jay Maddock

Aftoin ~

Resurrection College, KitelhlIlleJr, Ondanio, CMall1la Richard O'Brien Stanley Barney St. Mary's College, St. MaJrY, Kendueky: James Machado Raymond Martel Bruce Neylon Louis Brum Reis Richard Roy Joseph. Viveiros. I,'

(COWDO ILD!h~Ii'll"OleS fr«lJ®~(OJllilt


in Jersey




Higjlm $cho'l .

Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - Mass of previouo ·Sunday. IV Class. Green. MaS8 Proper; No Glory or Creed; Common


school Christmas pageant be SS. Protus and Hyacinth, MaJ'oo cancelled as a violation of ihe tyrs. Red. Glory; no Creed; Constitution. '. Common Preface. "A program in celebration of a ';FUESDAY-:-Most Holy Name of Christian religious holiday con-' . Mary. III Class. White. MallE stitutes establishment of religion Proper; Glory; no Creed; Pref­ by the government" and ,.m,,?st ace of Blessed Virgin Mary. likely violates the Fir~t ~~~d- ~ W~DNES,DAY~Mass,ofprevious t merit's guarantee of the free. e~-.. , ..:Sunday. IV Class.. Green. MaS8 ercise' of religion, the ACLl)' Proper; . No Glory, or Creed; .said." . .J ,;, , . ' " ", ,Common Preface. , " . A policy' statement' iss~~\,p.y" THURSDAY-Exaltation of the the'school board a year s~i~ .*P~,. H~ly 'Cross. II Class. Red. Christmas . pageant was t,o, ...be. ,,' Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; SI&PT. 15 , Rev. Henry J.Mussely, 1934, .·"educational· and .cultural.'~; :rh~ '.,' . P,eface of HolyCross. Pastor, 'St. .John Baptist, Fall ,ACLU, however,feels that "the 'overall- impact of the program River.' . Rev. Brendan' McNally, S.J., . was one of reverence." 1958, Holy. Cross ColI e g e, .

WESTFIELD. (NC) _ Tha,t perennial harbinger of a change in seasons-the first Christmas con,t~oversy - ' has popped up here. ,I~ a letter read at a meeting of t~e board of education in this' ,New . Jersey community the American Civil Liberties Union bas demanded .that the high'


OPPOSe Abortion L~W .'R~~ision LANSING (NC-Nearly two dozen witnesses opposed at­ tempts to revise Michigan's abortion laws during state S.en­ ate hearings here. They told the committee, that the proposed law is immoral, unnecessary on mediCal _and JlSychiatric grounds, and probably' unconstitutional". -. , Rabbi Joshua) Sperka, secre-: tary of the Council'of Ortbo,dox 'Rabbis in Detroit; told .the illittee that "basic concept in ,all, r~l~gion~ .is the ,~l;lea. that all lluman" creatures are' ia,shioned in the image of God.




DEVOTOON Sept. lo-St. Anne, Fall River. St. Dominic, Swansea. Sept.17-Holy Cross, Fall River. . St. Joseph, Attleboro. St. Louis de France, Swansea. TIlE ANCHeR

Second Class Postage Paid ot Fall River, fIlas~_ Published ever)' Thursday at 410 Inghlana . ~venue, Fall Rive, Mass.. 02722 by the ~atholi< Press 01 the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price fIly mall, postpaid $4.00 per year. '

"The Talmud," he said, ..states that the soul enters into the . human embryo during ..t,he first stages of pregnancy. Therefore, abortion .. .is forbidden."

~~s;T. Rev.~Jean

Worcester, 16 Rt. A. Prevost, P.A., P.R., 1925, Pastor, Notre ,Dame, , Fall River. SEPT. i7




Heating Oils

and Burners

. ....

. Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, 1954, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford. • Televi$ion • Grocery;' 365 NORTH FRONT STREEi "The law, as it is now pro-' SEPT. 18 • Appliances. Furniture NEW BEDFORD posed," he added, "would opim Rev. Luke Golla, SS. CC., 1945, wide the door to the deteriora- Seminary of Sacred Heart, 104 Allen St, New Bedford 992-5534 tion of this moral and spiritual, Wareham. 997 93 concept of the dignity and san~Rt. Rev. Edmund J: Ward, . - 54· , ," tity of human life." 1964, St. Patric~, Fall River. .,:-~--~~:----~.'P'I':'''';~ ijclOc)OC)OIoOQClOC)QC)QococlOC:18 .. Dr. John Choitz, president' ot' SEPT. 19 .'. -.l.i··...;!-;;,,,·;;.·~·· ----~,;,...--...;......:.--- .... MI.Chigan·Luthefan College, ·said·. Rev. Hen~y E. S. Henniss, 1859, YOURS TO 'LOWE ANOlO" GIVE! " that human life "begins with ,the, Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford: tlie lite of:a DAUGHTER OF $T:PAiii..l~ God" f9rmation of a fetus. Anyone " . ~Ij:PT. 20. . , more;'and give to'souls~knowli!dge aild.'iove'ot WhO'deliberately destroys a fei- . ~v" SiJIlo~ A. O'R9urke; 1918,' ·God byserying'Hi'!' In'~'Missib'ri'w'hich"uses the' us destroys human life ..•. a . .cllaplai~, Vnited States Navy;"", .. P~ess. RadiO. MotIOn Pictures' 1nd·'TV. to bring right which belongs only., to Rev. Orner Valois 1958 'Pastor ,,' II!s Word .to·. souls' everywhere.' 'lealous' ;voung' God.", \.' . ., Sacred' Hea~t New' Bedf~rd '.glrls 14-23 .. year~ .interested , in, this' unique . , .,' ...• Apostola,te may write to: !'o , . . SEPT...Z l · R E V E R E t f D MOTHER SUPERIOR . Rev. George Pager,. 1882, . .' "OAUS'i1URS 'OF ST, PAUL PauBist Discus$' Foum)er, Sacred Heart, N.!'!w. 50 ST. PAUL'S'AVl BOSTON 3D MASS B~dford. . ' . Crisis of Faith Rev. George Jowdy, 1938, Pas-' . :, NEW YORK (NC) ,- Father tor, Our Lady of Purgatory, New.., .fohn J. Kirvan of the Paulist Bedford. FatJiers, author, lecturer and cOunseLor will be guest speak­ er on the {jatholic Hour on radio (rJY~(()UR.KIl­ , DNDUSTR'IAL,' and DOMESTIC. . on the Sundays in September. {}{J[}flI<ef/(m6 Home The sU'l:>ject of his four talks will be .the· "crisis of faith" 571 Second Street among. many of today's college IF<OIi~ River, Mass. students. The Catholic Hour is produced 679-6072 by the National Council of Cath­ MICHAEL J. McMAHON oqc Men, lllnd is heard every Il.icensed Funeral Director 312 HilUman Street . "997.9162 New' Bedford

Sunday over the NBC radio net. Iliegistered Embalmer . work. '








THE ANCHOR-Diocese of'failli¥. . . . . . . ......., . . . .

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DEDICATE NEW WING: Everyone at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, is anticipating dedication of its new $900,000 wing this week­ end. Left, Sister Benedicta, R.N. takes Mrs. Marie Cormier on tour of new facility. Seoond picture, Mrs. Normand V. Maranda, president of home's auxiliary, Les Dames Patronnesses, ioopects nursing station;

Visit to Church Irks Ora ngemen

third picture, Sister Mary Vianney, sup,erior, discusses celebration plans with Ronald .Lo~anger, construction chairman, standing, and Georg-e Vigeant, general chairm'an of arrangements committee. At right, Mrs. Alvina Leonard, seated, and Mm. F. Orner Grenon, program chairman, tryout .facilities in new room.

Gala Celebration at Sacred Heart Home As New Addition Is' Dedicated

Board Opposes State Law

BELVIDERE (NC)-The nine­ BELFAST (NC)-A visit to a Sacred Heal't Home in New Bedford will be rocking with a dual ceJebrntion this member board of education of Catholic Church by a group of weekend: The 50th anniversary of service to Greater New Bedford residents by the Sis­ Knowlton Township, a commu­ boys led by a Church of Ireland curate so "annoyed" a local ters of Charity of Quebec and dedication of a new $900,000. wing at the home. The nity of 1,500, has refused to comply with. New Jersey's new Orange lodge of Northern Ire­ celebration will begin Saturday night with the arrival of 50 Charity nuns from the school bus law. The board voted! land that the members asked the Mother House in Quebec ted by Loranger Construction unanimously not to accept ap­ cleric for an apology in writing. tees or elderly people already plications for transportation to' who serv>ed 'at the home dur­ Corp. The apology was not forthliving at Sacred Heart Home­ private schools, claiming the law coming. . ing its half-century' of ex­ Some residents will be un­ they are the people who look is unconstitutional. The Order of Orange is a so­ able to attend the special cere­ istence. It will swing into The parents of seven children ciety named after William of full gear Sunday morning with monies and banquet Sunday. forward to moving into the home when the fireworks are over. applied for rides for their chil­ Orange and formed in 1795 "to formal dedication of the new For them, nuns and lay emp'loy­ maintain the laws and peace of 84-patient wing at 10:30 and · ees are preparing, a special din­ It is called a "home." It is just dren in compliance with the the country and the Protestant a Mass of Thanksgiving at Sa­ ner at the home. that. Peace and safety are the law's registration requirement. constitution." It has had a major cred Heart Church at 11. A Following the banquet, many daily menu of those for whom School busing of private school 'influence in Northern Ireland's banquet will follow at 1 o'clock of the out of town guests are the Sisters of Charity of Quebec students on the same basis as that provided for public school political life. at White's Restaurant at The expected to return to the home toil now as they have for the students becomes mandatory The curate, the Rev. John Narrows, Fall Riyer. for refreshments and an evening last 50 years. with the opening of the 1967-00 Withy, 29, of St. Aidan's Church Sunday's celebration will be a school term. The Most Rev. James L. Con­ of music and movies. here, took 12 boys on a week-end Most of the sisters and visitors "family" one-because the sis­ nolly, D.D., bishop of the Fall Warren County School Supt. excursion to the seaside resort ters and tlleir guests c~p1pris~ a Allan· Tomlinson said tttere is no' River Diocese, will, preside at -along with residents of the in Newcastle, County Down. home-are expected to' remain family. the dedication ceremony and excuse for the Knowlton action. While there he and the boys wa­ the Mass. He also is expected alert unte after an 11 P.M. news People of the Diocese wish He declared: "There are avenues ited the new church. telecast Suday which is sched­ (of protest) open to them, but In July, expulsion from the to attend the banquet at which uled to show highlights of the them a "Happy Birthday" and "Happy Dedication"-it is un­ flagrant disobedience is not one Order of Orange was proposed visiting nuns and ambulatory dedication - anniversary observ­ of them." . necesssary to say "Well'done... · for three men, one a member residents at the home will be ance. of the North Ireland Parliament, guests. "I'm not going to the things," Monday morning at 6:30, a one 'nun sighed this week. "It's because they had attended Cath­ Memorial Mass' will be sung in probably just as well. I'd never @lic services. the chapel at the home by Rev. be able to get up the next morn­ Edmond Tremblay, .permanent. ing." chaplain. It will be offered for Plans for the dual 'celebration all those who died in the home have been made by a large com­ during the last 50 years. mittee headed by George Vigeant The visiting nuns from Quebec, of New Bedford. along with those from other Travel costs for the visiting ST. JOSEPH. parts of New England, will nuns from Quebec were raised FALL RIVER christen the new wing. by a committee bazaar held in The parish council will meet "They will be staying there March under the chairmanship at 7:30 tonight in the school hall. over the weekend," a nun at of the late Miss Edna Langevin the home explained. "When they of Les Dames. Patronesses, the ST. JOHN BAPTIST. leave, we will remake the beds home's "Good Angels." CENTRAL VILLAGE and clean the rooms for the Mrs. Normand. V. Maranda,

Women of the guild will serve . o~en house to be held Sept. 17;" · president of Les Dames, and

a meatloafsupp.~t:,.at 5:30 and, New residents wll not be Mrs..:Rene L'Jlereu;x, secretary,

6:30 Saturday" ~,ight, Sept. If in. moved into the home until after ha~e been wo~king with mem­ bers for mon~hs. t!>. ·.ensure suc­ the parish hall. Mrs. Emily Costa, '. the public open house.. .. chairman, announces that tickets Ctirrently, al>proximately 160· · cess. of the c!'llebrati~n.. . Lion,el B. LeDlJc is chairman are availal;>le ,from Mrs. Edith elderly residents live at the Kirby, from other guild mem­ home. They are cared for by of the .guest iist. for the Sunday banquet, at which Congressman

bers and at the rectory. The unit 25 Sisters of Charity, supple­ .. will hold its regular monthly mented by'a staff of nurses and Hastings Keith· is scheduled to·

present to Mother Superior meeting at 8 Thursday night, licensed practical nurses. Nee" To Be Jl Customft"! Marie Vianney a flag that has Sept. 14, also ill the hall. The new wing; a four-stor)­ flown over the Capitol.'

addition, bas M private rooms, SACRED HEART.

Mrs. Arthur St. Germaine is :U 'on each floor with' auxiliary FALL RIVER banquet chairman. assisted by There will be a testimonial m serV'ice rooms. A nun will live Mrs. Frank Chartier and Mrs. on each floor to supervise. honor of Father Hull on his ele­ Albert Lamoureux, co-chairmen. The last addition to the home vation to the rimk of Monsignor Backstage, .. the celebration was made in 1958. when a 50­ (til Sept, 17 frolll 2 to 4 in the committee consists of innumer­ room addition was built on the able friends and residents of the school hall. In charge of arrange­ HGREATER FALL RIVER'S FAMILY BANKING CENTEr ments will be Mrs. Owen site of the original' home, a home who are doing little,things frame house with facilities for

O'Shaughnessey, president of the and big ones to help get ready Women's Guild, and Leonard 50 elderly guests. for the big day.

Bur.gmyer, president Gf the Bishop Connolly also offici­ Wax and polish, energy and Men's Club. ated at that dedication assisted enthusiasm, memories and hopes -all are intermingled in prep­ by the Most Rev. James J. Ger­ HOLY NAME, rard, now auxiliary bishop, who arations for the half-century FALL RIVER was vicar general of the dio­ birthday and opening of the new cese at the time. wing at the home. Parish CCD teachers and de­ 4 SO. MAON ST. corner of Bedford New wing of the home de­ The people, however. who look partment chairlllen will meet at ALL DEPOSITS INSURED IN FULL UNDER LAW the school at 7:30 tomorrow signed by Owen F. Hackett Jr. forward most to the dedication and associates and was CQllStruc- are not members of the commit­ IlWiht.

The Parish Parade









T~HE ANCHOR-Diocese. of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 7,1967

Urges Leaders Face Re@~~ty .

PO[ftUgcm~NS ~bbey C~M[f~h<.es. Aflrg Arr<6&D5\1'~~iflliHf@~ M@[J'\7®~$ By lRt. Rev. Msgr, John S. Kennedy 'rhe road to Avila takes one through country in which strange rock formations abound. Surely this is where modern sculpture found its inspiration. At first I thought that the groupings were arranged by men. But seeing more and more of them, mile after mile, I could only conclude duplicate) Scotch tartans. Some that natural forces pro­ men in solemn black suits and hats are barefoot. The boats are duced them. Some look for of a peculiar local design, un­

all the world like Henry Moore changed for centuries. Lines of pieces, others suggest the W'ork multi-colored wash hang on the of other artists. housefronts, or from house to In Avila, the main attractions house, in the meandering streets. are, of course, the places asso­ Teams of oxen stand on the ciated with the beach, waiting to haul in catch­ great Saint Te­ laden boats. Also on the beach resa.The church are ranks of bathing tents which built about her suggest a medieval ,military en-' birthplace is campment. It is all of another not especially day and most picturesque. impressive, and I for one am Market Days repelled by such SfilI, much of the rest of Por­ exhibits as a tugal seems less touched by mod­ single finger of ernity than most of Europe. hers, encased in One can tell when market day is glass and adorn­ occurring, for then a stream of ed with rings. carls pours toward town. This Far from fceling moved to ven­ 'one 'contains vegetables; that eration, I feel discomfort. one, a crated pig; ana so on. More impressive than such The people on the seat hold curiosities is the walled town themselves nobly erect. In town, itself, which enables ~nc to vis:" there is a central square where ualize events in the life so often each farmer rents a bit of pave­ rehearsed and admired. ment. There he sets out his So far as I know, St. Vincent's wares. Would-be buyers go from Church in Avila has nothing to display to display, observing, de with Teresa. But it is fascin­ ating. Very old, not vel'y l~rge, comparing, keeping their f-aces inscrutable. In recent years, i it is an odd blend of Tomanesque havc seen something of just this and gothic, of grey gl'anite and sort only in North Africa. golden sandstone. It has a de­ lightful carved fri>nt, an-d before Unspoiled Country the altar there s~ds a very I have heard it said t~at F-a­ exotic tomb, which strongly sug­ tima is a heart-stirring illace aests a Chinese pagoda.. when a vast crowd is present. What a mixtum gatherum the It is har-dly that when ·one visit'S whole thing is! yet thcl'e is it ()n an ordinary day. It is nothing grotesque or ev'cfI in­ situated in beautiful' \Hlsp(liled congruous about it. The centur­ country. . ies, it seems, have brought the But ·the basilica is a ~r-ace­ diverse elements into lovely less mediocrity, and the same harmony. can be said of practically ~very J,itur:-ical Reform feature i>f the place. Those J.'C­ Afl inn in A vila has an inter­ sponsible for thc planning and· t'Sting anteroom, There is ;1 huge embellishment of this cent~r ·of. fil'eplace. On the whitewashed pilgrimage have shown little im­ agination or taste. . walls are antlers and animal skins. Nothing so singular in Really to_be moved OIt Fatima, t.hat-But have a look at the one must .visit the house of the 'bookshelves: Points of Philoso­ Martos, parents of Jacinta .and phy, Works of St. Teresa, Ser­ Francisco. Everything about it mons (wh<>se'!), The Sentences bespeaks unsqualid poverty. It of Peter Lombard. The like of ig meagre and 'humble, the -em­ t.his 'array is hardly to be seen bodiment of simplicity. in OIny other inn's public room Faith, devotion, onenne-ss -kl' today. God, 'readiness to perceive, ac­ Liturgical reform is progress­ cept, and obey what the S()­ ing unevenly in these countries. . phisticated would miss or scoff 1'1 some places, the people's par­ at-these are ly·pified. by the ticipation is minimal; in none dwelling in which the children where I have been, is it strong. were brought up. In only one church (again, in Sheer Architecture my limited experience) was there a lay lector or leader. There are three abbey churches One finds some altars facing in Portugal remarkable for their t.he people, few of them sightly. history and for their present Some people are still bobbing condition. One is that of' Our and gesturing to statues as the Lady . of Victory' at Batalha, Canon of the Mass proceeds. The which dates from -the fourteenth sermons are far from first rate, CE'ntul'y and has been called although there was one memor~ Portugal's chief national shrine' able exception, in Italy; a hom­ the second is that of Santa Mari~ ily by a young priest who spoke at Alcobaca, which is even old~r enlighteningly of the prayer of going back to the twelfth cen~ the Church. _ tury; the third is that of S. Incredible Nazare Jeroflimos at Belem, begun in tl1e eady sixteenth century. The same day, .however,· I All thl'ee are architectural beard another; in a more im­ marvels, and the first two may portant. church, which \\Ias a now be said to 'be sheer architec­ senUmental and sententious far­ ture. That is, they have been rago on Christ's weeping over .Jerusalem. Until pniaching has stripped of dec~rative elements' which accumulated in the coul'se due substance and' relevance, of time, and stan-<! forth nOiked. flne can hardly expeCt people to be properly iiwolvep in com­ This enables one· to appreci­ mon worship. . ate the magnificence of their . N~z:ll"e, on' the .Portuguese form and fabric. It is not often coa~~, is incredible. It is a fish­ that one has the oppol'tunity ie ing town. The fi!'herIolk wear see and study pure architecture trad i tion7.] rl "f'. "lad: :'1nd <Inn "'h-" it comes. "c '.. t.... es~' plaids that resemlJle (and may pla'''"ti, the effe«:t is stuuuing.

MOST IMPORTANT: Seabee Sentry reflects: "During these long, often tense, hours I think of many things. Of home, family and friends. Of the day when my duty will be done and I can return to it all. I think of life and I think death. But I do not let these thoughts monopolize my attention or dull my alertness, for during these dark hours, I am the most important man in this camp." NC Photo.


'Stop Consume'r -Gyps' Jesui·t Says Problem of Economic Justice Beh.ind Race Riots 'WASHINGTON (NC)-"Th~'e is .a definite connection between the public inability or refusal t'l do anything ·about consumer abuses and -the violence -of these riots (in Detr-oit .and ;Newark)," a Jesuit economist told a House subcommittee on consumer .af­ fairs. Father Robert J. McEwen, S.J" chairman of the economics -de­ partment at Boston College, and former chairman of the 'Massa­ chusetts Consumer Council, tes­ tified .at hearings into long-pri>­ posed but never-enacted Truth in Lending" .andc<>nsurfier pro­ tection bills, The pl"Oblem presented by the riots is not, only -one of race, he­ said, but one of "-economic pow~ . er and economic justice." . Eliminating that problem, ·he added, means "the timely; elim­ , ination and correction of social, political and economic abuses wherey~r o~ whenever theyoc­ cur. "To the extent that. our laws and commercial customs have been rigged in f-avor of the seller and against the consumer, they have perpetuated an alienation 'of the people-a loss of convic­ tion that they could work through the orderly processes of government and' iaw for the amelioration of their. difficul­ ties." Sil:"nificant Factor "Too often' the law has been used against them," he said, "This breeds the conviction that the law and the fOITes of law and order are the enemy." After quoting Patrick Cardi­

nal O'Boyle .of Washington, Archbishop John Dearden()f De­ troit and Pope Paul VI on the urgency and moral neeessity o! consumer-protection legislation: Father McEwen added the prac­ tical reasoning of California Atty. General James Lynch: . "We f()und that the resulting resentments ( from consumer frauds and lending swindles) are a significant factor in the chreR­ ic hostile feelings in minority group .aJ.'Cas."





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Don't Neglect Slipping. Do false l.e\)th dl"op, slip 01" wobble whcn ~'ou talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't 'be annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTEETH. an tin,, (non-acid) powder to sprin­ kle on your plates. keeps false teeth more firmly set. Glvcs confident feel­ ing of security and added comfort. No gUOllllY. gooey taste or feeling. Dentures that fit are essential to

OMAHA (NC)-"The time !llJ rapidly approaching when' cleri­ cal and lay leaders must make the' decision to plunge into the midst' of agonizing spiritual and apostolic reality - even at the possible cost of alienation of the scandalized," a nationally known Catholic journalist told the na­ tional Sodality Convention :IIa Creighton University here i!ll' Nebraska. Father Joseph Hughes elf Carlton, Minn., a columnist foll' the National Register, told the sodalists that if this decision is not made-"·if we return to the anemic Christianity of a past and passive age-our condition will be worse than it was orig­ inally. Father Hughes addressed the joint convention of the National Federation of Sodalities and the Midwest Assembly of the Sodal­ ity Lay Apostolate. "The Christian church actual­ ly is in the uneasy dawn of a most historic uprising againsll passivity, . irrelevance, indeci­ sion, religious technicalities, moral ambivalence and spiritual sloth that will dwarf the original!. revolution personally instituted . by Christ against the pious im~ positions of the scribes 2lJld pharisees," he said. This revolution will mean Fa­ dical change in many structures of the' Church, said Father Hughes. "Practically all parishes in this country, particularly large city parishes,.as presently con­ stituted, have outlived thei]!' usefYlness," he said.










THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 7, 1967

Cardina3 Cushing

Asks F@arness for ReD'@ rrded

Jesuot CQllBtQO~S Against Waning

DURHAM (NC) - Rich­ au-d Cardinal Cushing of Bos­ oon called here for the in­ ~gl'ation of the mentally re­

Of Auttlmority


into the mainstream of oociety, and greater attempts to !make full use of their abilities. "In our efforts to do some­ {9hung for the retarded child, we lllav~ no~ done much for him," (fue card mal told an outdoor au­ <illience at the conclusion of the 21st annual New England Con­ gress of Religious Education. "We have acted as the judge &lllld jury and often condemned him to the life of a basketweaver lJ!m' a non-weaving civilization. "The grim struggle for survi­ '\7tIIl does not allow us the IUXUl'y 001 'wasting our human re­ oources." Cardinal Cushing asked teach­ 0ll'S of the mentally retarded to "'look beyond the level of intel­ lligence in the child that dictates what he cannot accomplish and P;ook instead for that which he ·C1ln do or be taught to do." He also urged greater social CM:ceptance of the retarded. lLater, Cardinal Cushing said ®te nation "is in danger of rot­ ~ng away from within while llihe communists are keeping their Cime schedule in the plan to OOI'ound America." . He said the U.S. is fighting I'lR Vietnam to thwart the sched­ ole of communist aggression. III!' Wietmllm FaRIs . ill' Vietnam were to fall to the cnmmunists, "the next step is Australia, then the Philippines, <lhen the 21 countries of Lation America," he said. "Then the prophecy of Lenin will be fUlfilled," Cardinal Cushing declared. "They will illave the United States in the pincers and the U.S. will drop llike an over-ripe apple." Cardinal Cushing made his li'emarks on communism at a Bible Service led by Bishop ,l2:l'llest J. Primeau of Manches­ ·~r, Iiost to the six-state eon­ iCerence in which more than (i),OOO persons participated.· The :oorvice was written by Dr. IDouglas Horton, former dean 0jf Harvard Divinity School. Representatives of New England oouncils of churches also partici­ Jl)at,~d.



At MOrllfi'rea I PROVIDENCE (NC)-C. Al­ laxander Peloquin, director of the Peloquin Chorale and music di­ rector at the Cathedral of SS. lP'eter and Paul here, has com­ J!lleted a new Mass entitled "Messe Terre des Hommes" ~"Mass for Man and His World"). The new Mass will be pre­ Gented at the Metro Church, St. .Jacques, Montreal, at a midnight Mass on Sunday, Oct. 29, Feast ()f. Christ the King, and again at lJ P.M. ][n addition to the "Mass for Man and His World" Peloquin will also present his acclaimed. Mass, "Love Is Everlasting," IlU'hich was premiered in Seattle £n June. Peloquin's latest Mass is h18 ilUrst usage of a French ted. He ~urrently has to his credit seveII1l. lLatin Masses and four English ,i}aasses.

P'arish in Peru BRIDGEPORT (NC)-Bisho!!» ;il!Talter W. Curtis of Bridgeport '1l1as announced that the dioc~ ·.m accept responsibility Jr'Ol' III . Gecond parish illl Peril. The lIllew ~rish, located in Chiclayo, Pell"llAo ,lliI to be known as St. Joon MGllr~ ~ianne¥..





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RETREAT TIN SAIGON: Catholic Nurses serving in U.S. Army hospitals in Viet­ nam recently attended a one-day retreat, conducted by Father Robert Crawford, a· Vin­ centian priest from Philadelphia and pastor of Queen of Peace church in Saigon. The girls came from the 3rd and 17th Field Ho spitals and the 12th Evacuation hospital. Photo by Fr. Patrick Burke, Society of St. Columban NC Photo.

Survey Shows Retreats Are Changing New Programs Introduced Into Traditional ways an'd partly because of the CINCINNATI (NC) -Tradi­ tional closed retreats are neither stimulus of the CUl'sillo move­ dead nor dying-but they're cer­ ment. "The innovations range from tainly changing. This is one of the conclusions 'the simple incorporation of group discussions to a very un­ drawn by Father Norman Perry, structured 'happening' sort of O.F.M., associate editor of the program," Father PelTY said. St. Anthony Messenger, maga­ Use of Finms zine after a study of answers Among the principal modifica­ from 82 retreat' houses . to a tions of the retreat· program questionnaire by the magazine. noted are: Updating of talks by In the September issue of the retreat masters, with more magazine, Father Perry notes Scripture and overtones of Vat­ that new programs have been in­ ican II; More informality on the troduced into the traditional re­ part of retreat masters; Relaxa­ tl'eat, partly because of retreat­ tion of the silence, together with ants' dissatisfaction with old

NOTRE DAME (NC) A priest - biblical scholal1" warned here that "the au­ thority in the Church is in trouble." Father John McKenzie, S.J., theology professor at the Uni­ versity of Notre Dame, told more than 500 Christian Family Movement chaplains and couples the Church's authority is in trouble "because the pressures it has long exerted are weaken­ ing." Once something loses its pres­ sure, it is worth nothing. This is the crisis of authority today" he told the chaplains' session preliminary to the 15th CFM convention sessions. "The conception of Church authol'ity must be renewed on all levels, not just a hierarchial. Anyone in the Church with any type of authority must know what type he has. Authority e1l:­ ercised over other than fl'ee per­ sons is not human, it is some­ thing else," he said. Excessive But sometimes freedom is ex­ cessive, Father McKenzie em­ phasized. Authority must thellil do something and prOVide lead­

ership, he added.

Father McKenzie emphasized!

that there will be a crisis of au­

thority "as long as the gap exists

between the leader and the led; "We lack a free and constanO: flow between those on the gov­ erning level and the governed," he said. "The Church needs authority; more than it has now - an au­ thol'ity which builds up, not tears down. But it also needs n better understanding of Christ's authority. "We are all exercising autholl'­ ity as parents, teachers or clergy. Let's not be so quick to buck the bishop, for perhaps we may be just little bishops in our own sphere," Father McKenzie de­ • clared.

provision for discussion or dia­ logue; Use of films and other visual aids; Group participation in the liturgy, use of Bible .ser­ vices, and introduction of spon­ taneous prayers; Less "herding of retreatants, who have more freedom to choose what they wish to do. Group Dfnamics Father Perry cites "new pro­ grams" which are different from retreats and have in common "heavy emphasis on group dy­ namics and, community." Among these are the Cursillo, the Better World Movement, and Teens Encounter Christ. "The new forms have had al­ [LQ1JU'[}u®rr@Q'U . ~U'M@®D'ilU' ~~%)@(c3@G'o©[JJ most phenomenal success so far," Father Perry said. But he spec­ ~®®~~ ~®MD'ilD©D'il' WOU'~ ~rruMrr~[}u ulated that "when the dust set­ tles, the more traditional pro­ Lutheranism and Roman Cathol­ BOULDER (NC)-1'he Coun­ icism need not regard themselves gram will predominate." cil of the Lutheran Student As­ "The old and new will co-exist sociation of America has adopted as separate churches or denom­ inations but merely as different side by· side-as they should-to & resolution which calls on the meet the different needs of nation's Lutheran churches to points of view within the West­ "seek organic reunion with the ern, that is, the Roman, Church Catholics and Christians," he predicted. and';' » ¢ Roman Catholic Church." "There is room for both be­ , The action was taken by the "Seek organic union with thGl cause they are in reality directed legislative arm of the association Roman Catholic Church." at different purposes and fulfill­ during a six-day annual meeting PIl.UMBING & HEATING, aNC.

ComllIlon Concerns ing different needs. Partfcipation here at the University of Colo­

Approval of the resolution wins in these newer programs is not . "" Sales ana Service rado. followed by an action to forward ,= tor tlomesttt . The resolution - adopted by a copy to the National Newman meant to be repeated and they . ; §::; ana lnaustricl will not as a rule be effective if voi.ce vote-was declared unan­ Oil Burners Conference meeting at North­ repeated. Ideally they should imous in the absence of dissent. western Illinois University. 995-1631 lead renewed and enthusiastic lE~ergencY Movement It was coupled with a "Mes­ 2283 ACU~HNET AVENUE Christians into the retreat move­ sage of Greeting .. that noted ment to keep alive their intensi­ The establishment of a sepa­ NEW BEDFORD that both student groups were fied faith and enthusiasm." rate church was not the inten­ tion of the Lutheran reformers holding study conferences almost

but Was "forced by a series of simultaneously on common conz­


historic and eccl.esiastical mis­ Earlier illl their meetings, the

fortunes," the resolution's pref­ Lutheran students were ad­

ace said. "In the light of these facts," dressed by Father Chllrles FOJr­ the preface added, "it appearn syth, senior Roman Catholic that the Lutheran traditioll1l is chaplain at the University of not one of a separate church Sill Colorado 3Jlld ecumenism chlllir­ man in the Nationlll1 Newm8II1l. much as an emergency move­ DOMES'flC & HEAVY DUTY OIL ·BURNERS ment within the pale of RomaJll Chaplains' Association.

He noted problems in ecumelll­

Catholicism." Sales':"" Service - I nsfallafion ism resulting from differerm

lIt then called upon the Ameli'­ positions 00: papal infallibility,

iCaJll Lutheran Church, the Luth.­ MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER ell'an Church in America and tibJte means of salvatioll1l, both defina­

tiOill lIlnd administration of sacra­

Lutheran Missouri Synod to: "Undertake a strenuous stlllldy ments, the role of the laity, aoo


of Lutheran ecclesiology •• C!> "Explore the possibilitv tlIDdl'




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THE ANCHOR....,.Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 7, 1967

,, ,


Some Answers, Please S6me Catholics colleges are in·a process of change and, as.a result, must face up to questions being asked by people who wonder what is goi}J.g on-and why? . .. More and more Catholic colleges are placing 'non~ Catholic professors on their f'aculties, some teaching courses in religion. . This gives rise to questions. The presence of non-Catholic faculty members opens .the possibility of changing the environment of the Oath­ olic college. Presumably, an overwhelming Oatholic faculty was supposed to create a' certain type of atplOsphere. The presence of non-Catholic faculty members is probably go­ ing to affect this atmosphere. Is this desirable ? Ag,ain, the aim of Catholic colleges to upg,rade their level m schol~mihip is a most worthy one. Does the hir­ ing of non-Catholic professors assure them of this-or have the best men in the field gone to already-es'vablished Mld top-flight private colleges? What will come of undergraduates in Oathollic colleges studying whatever religion their professor presents to them? There is here no question· of the comparative re­ ligions course offered to the' graduate student or' even to und~rgraduates. But what of the high school graduate who-face it-does not have a .mature grasp of his faith, is in the midst of a diffiCult growing-up process, and who is thrown into a class where ill-formed ideas on Catholic­ ism are further buffeted by hearing things that differ widely from what C~lJtholicism 'teaches ? Maybe he should be able to attend such classes without being adversely . affected in his faith, ~:)Ut is he? Can he ffike what he ld . t lnd - 'th'• E ven Rev. Continued. from Page One · hears WI'thont .h arm t 0 h'IS un'derdeve ope William D. Thomson, Rt. . though the purpose of college' is j~tellectual development, Rev. John E. Boyd, Rev. William oon loss of faith be the price' that is to· be paid 7 R. Jordan. The whole matter is 'not one of prejudice against non.; ij.ev. Howard A; Waldron, . Catholics nor yet' one ofereating a: Catholic college ghetto. Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen, Very ,It comes down to. this: . is i1;desirable to turn Catholic Rev. Dariiel E. Carey, Rev. George' S.Daigle; Rev. Roland colleges, into pr-iv:ate colleges, 'oJ;" would it be wiser·to en­ B. Boule,·Rt.' Rev; Alfred J. courage Catholics to attend either ·low-tuitionstate ool­ . Gendreau, Rev. LuCien A. Ma­ . 'leges or the prestigious' private: colleges that· already exist ? dore, Rev~ Henri R CanJ,lel. A Newman center Could provide' theJ{ the" Catholic' irifhi­ . Rev. Man\1el'-Resend~s,·Rev. . '. ' ' '. '. , Herve "Jalbert,' Rev.' Alfred R. ." e n c e . . . 'Forni Rev John J' 'Murphy ; If: the choice is ,between atte~ding a Catholie .,college ..Rev. .'StePh~1i :1.' Do~ney, Rev: 'with a faculty of varying religious' beliefs, or a s,tate 01' Joseph F. O'Donnell,Rev. Jo­ private c~llege with the sarrie tyPe Of faCulty, what guides seph A·Martineau, 'Rev. Antonio the choice ? . C. Tavares. . A} t ··t " f . ld' C th r 11' .' k' '"d Rev. James ·F. Kenney, Rev. ay rns ee .0, an. 0 _ • a. 0 IC co eg~ was as e James F. Lyons,' Rt. Rev. Robert recently why he d1d not send hI'S son to hIS' own alma L. Stanton Rev. Ernest 'Blais mater but rather to a top-grade private college. His .an­ Rev. John F. Hogan, Rev. Fran~ awer was simple--If my son would get the kind of Cath­ cis M. Coady, Rev. James F. Mc­ olic education i'hat I got; I would send him to my college; Carthy, Rev, Edward C. Duffy. . t th t' f tt' .h b Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. b. U.t I'f }·t·I'S JUS e ques IOn 0 ge· mg t e est college' William J. Shovelton Rev. John education, I wiH send him to the best college I know; and P. Driscoll, Rev. Alb~rt F. Shov­ that happens to be Harv'ard. elton, Rev. Roger P. Poirier, Those directing the destinies of Catholic colleges have Rev... Rene G. Gauthier, }tev. already caused many questions to be asked. They would M~u~ce Parent, Rev. Joseph · 0 Of OlIveIra. b e domg a great servIce 1 they now supply some of the Rev. Manuel Andrade, Rev. answers. Daniel L. Freitas, Rev. Evaristo




By Edward P. McDonagh THE GREAT CONGRESS There are rare occasions whe'D a sense of mission comes OVel' people, when they reaiize what is the nature of the job that has to be done. They may not know precisely how they will do the job, but they know that it will be done. Moments like these are mem­ orable, even thrilling. We had many ,such moments at the Uni.­ versity of New Hampshire du»­ ing the New England CCD Con­ "gress of Religious Education. It had quality about it that _ so good, so contagious, that, f01l' all of us who were there, it win serve as a yardstick to measuN future events. It wasn't only the size of tile Congress. The ·fact tQat OV81' 7,000 people attended was ~ yond our most optimistic expet> tations, but that alone doesnfa insure success. ' It wasn't only the speakeflJ" They were Uniformly exc'ellent, interesting and to the point. But . Rev. Edward J. Burns, Rev. I'm sure they have all talked tI) large audiences before, perhaJ:ll!l Roger L. Gagne, Rev. Joao Martins; Rev; Gerald T. Shovel- . with even' more eloquence thail ton, Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, they displayed at the CongreSBt and still ca'me away with a sense Rev. Antonio P. Pinto, Rev. An­ tonio Ferreira da Silya, Rev. .of not having gotten throufih, At the COD Congress they did Johp P. Cronin. . Rev. Ratrick J .. O~Neill,Rev;' get through. ·It was the chemistry of file VincentF. Diaferio,' Rev. 'Lc;mis thing that made it s~ good.. The .A. Cardoso, Rev: Arthur, K. Win­ .gate,' Rev. John 'RFolster, Rev. size, the speakers, the enthulD­ 'JamesF. Buckley, Rev. Bernard asm of· the crowd, the sense Oi -F. 'Sullivan;· Rev. Roger 'J;.,te-. committment. All these factom jelled. and we had ourselves a 'vesque. . -. Rev. Thomas G. Mayhew, Rev. '. remarkable weekend. 'It is diHichlt to convey, how John J. Smith, Rev. John F. Moore, Rev. Kenneth' R Delano, well the CCD Congress went. Rev. Mau'riceR: Jeffrey, Rev. You don't 'describe feelings, yOu Francis L.MahoneY, Rev. Lucio experience them. I remember walking by one. seminar . ~. Phillip.ino, Rev: Robert .S. and seeitlg ~very seat taken, 'the Kaszynsk~. , Rev. James F. Kelley, Rev. ail;lles fille4. people seated eli the floor in front of the speaker Thomas E. Morrissey, Rev. Be.r­ nard R Kelly, 'Rev. Thomas F. and standing behind him.. The Neilan, Rev. Ba:-ry W. Wall, Rev• corridor outside the classroom had its complement of listeners Philip A. Davignon Rev. Leon­ and l' counted 15 people standing ard M. Mullaney, Rev. John A. on the lawn' outside the class Perry. . ., - Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Rev. with their ears cocked to the Donald J. Bowen, Rev. Thomas open windows: It didn't help the J. Harrington, Rev. William P. airflow, but nobody seemed to mind. Blottman, Rev. Michael P. Mc­ The Fall River Diocesan Del­ Partland, Rev. George Almeida, egation, over 250 strong, organ­ Rev. J0l;leph M. Ferreira. ized the biggest and best di~ 'cussion sessions that were to be had' at the Congress. They were examples of adult education at Continued from Page One its best.' Two figures stood out;.; who died August 4th in a fire in 'Father McPartland of New'Bed­ ford skillfully managed to keep Holy Ghost' Rectory, Albuquer­ 150 people tuned in on the same que, Nev' Mexico. Father Hatton; 38 years of age, conversation.' . Elmer Cunningham, CCD Di­ was anative of the New Bedford Parish. Son of the late Francis ocan Board member from New (TidIer) Hatton and Daniel J. Bedford, kept everyone supplied Hatton he was 'brought up by with coffee. In doing so, be missed all chance of participa..­ .his uncle and :.aunt, 'the late Mr. tion in the lively sessions,' but . and Mrs. Wiilia.m Brennan. He attended Holy Family Grammar he did insure that scores of other School, New Bedford High people enjoyed themselves. ',' A teenager who attended the School, and served in the Air CCD Congress remarked that it Force. He made his seminary was like sitting on the shouldem studies at St. Mary's Seminary, of giants--you could see that far. Kentucky, and. Conception Sem­ It took a long time for us to get inary' in Missouri and was or­ to this vantage point and we dained by Bishop Connolly for service in the Archdiocese of should take a good look, because we might not see the likes of it Sant.a Fe' on' May 11, 1962 in St. again. It involved years of Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Father's Funeral Mass was struggle, uphill all the way. Now cpncelebrated by' Most Rev. that we are here, we can see James P, Davis, Archbishop of that we are on the right road and Santa Fe, Rev. Ralph .Herrera, that, while still difficult, it's all downhill from here. Rev. Albert Schneider, Rev. Pat­ rick Lopez, Rev. Carl Hammer and Rev. John Rodriguez in !P'mJ$fr@li'@]~ ~@{],l]I7il<eO~ HolyvGhost Church. PORTLAND (NC)-The Pori­ Survivors include Jwo broth­ land (Me.) diocese has an­ ers, Daniel J. and Charles Hat­ 'n~unced plans to establish a die> ton, and three sisters, Mrs. Mar-' ocesan pastoral council, with . gaFet .A. Mandley, Mrs. Evelyn ·..·representation. drawn from ,the -M" Goowin and Mrs.· Elizabeth ~. clergy, Religious· and laity of the T. Carey. diocese.


Priests' Retreat - Second .Week

Tavares, Rev. CorneliusJ. O'Neill, Rev. George J. DeSouza, Rev. Andre P. Jusseaume, Rev. Norman J. Ferris, Rev. John J. . Regan. .


"In my father's house there are many m:ansion~." These wqrds of the Lord have been interpreted in many ways. But they can certainly apply to the many and varied organizations and groups that are to be found in the ordinary p a r i s h . ' At times' a suggestion comes alo~g that just one mas­ Continued from Page .one ter-plan organization be established to include all the vary. . courses at the Theological Col­ lDS! apostolic and social groups in a parish. It is good that· lege,Washirigton,he was ordained thIS IS not d o n e . . " on May 30, 1964,' in St. Mary's Parishes have different personalities. People within' Cathedral, by' Bish.op Connolly. parisbes h~lVe different persomilities too. And so variety . On June 4,~964, Father Har­ of groups meet the variety of personalities and needs. ~ngton :was asslgn~d to st. Fran­ h I ... . CIS XaVier, HyannIS, and served T e on y quahfICatIOn' on. 3;ny group ~hould be:- that . there iJ~til his present assign­ . lt does meet a real n~ed, that It IS an effec~lve group, that " J!lent at the Fall River parish in eharity and, kindness exist within i t . ' 'February' of this year. As for the rest, let v-ariety be the order of the day., . Father Harringt~n served as

Fir.. Harrington'



Cape Cod CYO Director while stationed at the Hyannis parish.

[F[]'o ~®~@Im®V Continued from Page One

...."'=I:pr' "\lL NIEWS!PA~1E1R1 OfF lI'HIE IO~<OCIESIE OIF lFAlLlL ~'VIE~ P~blished weekly byT~e Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue fa!! River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James l. Connolly, D.D., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR' HUSh J. Golden

He wiJI enter the University of Illinois this month as a doc­ trinal candidate in counseling psychology. Father Delaney is the brother of Rev. Joseph ·P. Delaney, who recently volunteered for five years of service in the Browns­ ville, Texas; Diocese, under Bishop Medeiros.' His sister, Sister Jos~h Thomas'is a mem­ ber of the Holy Union. of the S~cred Hearts. . '. '.'



Fr.F. R. Hatton

::Best Descriptio" Indi~ns Visit New Bedford Pediatrician, 'j Of Church Tod~J ~ Discuss" American Life Adjustment lf ; i Is ~Open


SAV ANAllI (NC) - "Th0 ; Second Vatican Council de­ fines the position of the Bishop, not at the top, but in the midst of his people, as <me who serves," Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan oj[ Atlanta hag ~ld more than 1l,OOO persons at­ tending the recent installation c;ri: Bishop Gerard L. Frey as lllth Bishop of Savannah in the Cathedral of St. John the Bap­ tist here. , ,Archbishop HaHinan' was 'the I mstalling prelate. ' ":" :"'''For'centuries, the Church'1'1!as been pictured as a pyramid'"­ 'With the Pope at the peart;"the ':.!laity at the bottom, and: Bishops., ..,priests and Religious' in ,~ 'tween," Archbishop Hallinan I 'said. ' " , '" ,"It was symetrical, "pleasing to look at, easy to understand, but it was closed and tight, and! a little smug, a little too secure ... <Co <Co the shape of the 'pyramid satisfied the eye but DOt" the mind, and certainly not the heart of man." ",' '",., " ' ", 'Rednscovery @!i' G@SIlD~IJa" " :'" ,The Archbishop asserted :'that "e'~~r>" page of the re~,?rd,; 'pf Vahcan Council II points to a "iolBlly different shalle. 'The '1ay­ "cterical distinction "is qua1if~ed '~* >the striking concept' '~priest­ -ij60d of the faithfu[" ' , h I" he, levels of pri:est-b,lshQp­ 'pOpe are now conditioned by' a llharing of service and authqdiy :~..i'" is, called '~oliegiality:" '~rch,?istiop Hallinah sta~ed. " ""We might find man'y"figures of speech to describe !tie' new 'shape of the Church '!ci' replace -the pyramid (but) Perhaps'the phl'ase 'open eircle'defines" it best. "'rhi's new form of the Church is neither novelty nor' inven­ , tion," the Archbishop continued. coIt is a correction. It is' it 'red is­ <covery of the Gospels - what , God 'wants His Church 'to be. ' One Who Senes .. ' , ~:;,' '



,::,,,may :~'I~ other times, other, shapes have been effective" blft in \11, '"world

grown used to self­ 'Jl'!eliance, dialogue, involvement ,and the domestic way of life;~he ,said, "the pyramid just will. not do. The 'open circle' is scriptu­ rnlly authentic and historically ,appropriate." , ~'II) this 'open circle:" Arcb­ ,~,1$hop Hallinan noted, ,"the ,(Co.uncil itself defines theposi­ ,tton of the Bishop, oot at the top, but in the midst of h'is p~o­ pIe, as one who serves. Around ,him are his faithful, lill'ing and . :'Working in 11 communion of ,~ve:, ,,' " "He welcomes and loves his I 9 riests, listening to them and trusting them," the Archeishop ,~erted. "His ar~Iik~ Ciir~st's ,,--5t,retch out to all the brothers ,~apti'l:ed and part 'of the ,;, ,!Church, as well as the ,rwn­ ,baptized, everywhere, 'b,eca\.!ge, like, Christ, he loves t~.", ,

New York Marlkli Labor Day Earl, .

NEW YORK (NC)-The New York archdiocese stole a march on the celebration of Labor Day.

The annual Mass for labor Wag

9ifered in St. Patrick's cathe­ dral on Thursday, Aug. 31. Francis Cardinal Spellman pre­ lJided and Auxiliary Bishop Ter­ ence J. Cooks, vicar general, was the celebrant. . Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director sf Catholic Relief Servieas, preached the sermon, based' on • quotation from Pope Paul VI -"Human development AS evelIY man's right. Therefore, each- of t:lshas ,a duty to work fer the

aood of


Prabha GonsaiIves, 34, may be the firs t bride ever married in St. Vincent· Ferrer Church in New Yorl< City in orange and gold. That' Wag the color of the sari she wore April 27 when she was married to Albert Gonsalves, 35, 1st secretary to the permanent Indtan delegation to the United Nations. "Those are the traditional colors for a bride in my part ~f India," ex­ plains the 5 foot 4 inch Hin­ du, who was a fellow resi­ dent of Dr. Anne Downey

TME ANCHORThurs., Sept. 7, 1967


Ca,rdinal Asserts

Dialogue Human

FAIRFIELD (NC)-What doer> the Catholic Church and aU Christianity have in common with the non-believer? The an­ swer by the head of the Vatican Secretariat for Non Believers is: "Our humanity." Franziskus Carinal Koenig o~ Vienna, speaking before an audi­ ence of some 400 persons at Fair­ field University, said, "All of us are God's children" and because of this the Church's conversation with the non-believer "w'ilI first be a human one, rather than a theological one." In his opening remarks the cardinal ,gave a rationale '£01:' the establishment of the, secre­ tariat which he heads. "The history of the Secretariafi' for Non-Believers," he said, "is base<l1 on the need for communication. conversation and coming to­ gether with thos-e outside the Catholic Church." During Vatican Council n, he added, "dialogue was recognized as essential for breaking through the walls which had arisen be­ tween the Church and the world '" '" J) Pope Paul brought system to this dialogue by establisliing secretariats to deal with sepa­ rated Christians, non-ChristiaEP. religions, and non-believers,'" with ead, of whom the Chutdll has something' in common. "Our'belief in Christ'and 'Holy Scripture .is ,held in ,cor,nmOlll with, other, Christians~ our, be­ tief in God is held in commom with th'ose of non-Christian reli­ gions; and as for non-believers., we have in common with them our humanity," Cardinal Ko~mia explained. Conversion to Christianity iii not the primary aim of the dia­ logue the Church seeks with th(} non-believer, the 'cardinal' ob­ served. "Rather) we want con­ versation so that we may undeK­ stand."

Saunders of New Bedford at the University of Chicago Hospital in 1960., Dr. Prabha, who returned to India for six years aftel1' her res­ idency in the United State~, was an assistant professor of pedi­ atrics at a medical coilegi! iiit Sou~h Ind\a, :when; she ~~t bel" homeland for New Y,ork to marry Albert Gon$hlves,la.Cath­ olic, in a Catholic' ceremony at i St. Vincent :Fener. Today, she ~s a oJ,ember' OX t.he medical staff at the NeW' York ­ Foundling Hospital-one of the favorite charities of Francis C'ar­ dinal Spellman of New York. "She got the position through Father Kaufman, the Dominican priest who married us," explains her bridegroom. JFrom «j',~n, , Alfred Gonsalves is descended 'from Portuguese, who,·came: from Goa. "We" acquired our FOl'tu­ :guese mime," he,sai~ "when we 'became Christians 400 years ,ago, while St. ,Francis Xavier- ',was 'in ·'India." ",,' V][SJIT NEW BEDFORD: Two pediatricians ,exchange As a youngster. he . attendedl a 'reminis«ences o~ ttu:iir days as hospital ~sidents ,at New "convent school in his native' city Bedford reunio.Q. S:e~'teCi; 'Dr. Frabha ,Gonsalves; :standing, -"of, Ootacamund, 'where his 'pa'r­ ,Richard Saunders, Dr. Anne Downey, Saunders, Alfred GQn­ ents--'his 'father' is 'an'- attol'ney'­ ,still live.' ' . ,,' &alves. " ' .. , , "I went until I,was ll-a,year after the sisters decided to turn The' ceremony was a dipio­ end of April and the Israell the school into a girls' school. I matic one. Prabha knew exactly problem erupted the end of May. was the only boy kept an extra , "WithiiJ, a month after we four guests at the wedding re­ year." ' ception. Alfred knew all of them, were married I was spending all .' He grins and his bride looks. , inclUding the ranking' guest, the my nights at the, United A graduate of Madras Univer­ Nations." president of India. sity ,in Loudale, India, Alfred Now the couple Is Hving in Cl The young couple, vivacious entered' his nation's' foreign duplex penthouse on East 63rcl and friendly, spent Labor Day service as a young man. Street in Manhattan. weekend with the Saunders anlli He was stationed in Moscow , It is Alfred's first v!sit 'the their five childl:en' at 'the Saun­ five years, during which' time he United States and his' introduc­ ders home at 411 '.County 'Street. says gleefully, "I sel"ved as of­ tion to New YOI·k.: , It was difficult to tell during "ficial interpreter for the Nehru­ . "New York" he 'reflects "is the visit whether the Gonsalves Khrushchev talks -'- 14 hours 'full of oPPOJ:iunit~es, things 'to or the children were having without a mistake." F.utero' Dome more fun. ' " do and people to meet." ' Following his tour in Moscow, 550 JLooust Stll'e<il(\ Prabha finds it a city ,where, a Richard, the oldest ()f the 'he returned to New Delhi as de­ sari draws no more than a pass­ Saunders brood~had met Prab­ Fall lIUvell'. Mass. partment head of the 'United ing glance. ha before, shortly after his birth Nations Division of the Ministry 672-239n

~Once," she admits, "'while I in Chicago.• of External Affairs. was in. Chicago I tried w~aring He obviously doesn't remem­ . Ro~ E. SUIUVaul

That is where he met Prabha. a dress.~ ber that, but he's ready now to "Initially oult" parents were'hes­ Jeffrey E. SuUivalll

Jrt was the first and last ti~e take off for a New York visit at itant," he says, "now they are since she "grew up." the drop of a, hint. completely satisfied." . Anne Downey Saunders-who The trip will 'have to wait un: Prabha's mothe'l'-her father is dead-is director of the 'United met Prabha in Chicago while :til next school vacatiori,though. she and her husband Richard T. ,He entered the second grade at Stades Information Serviea lli­ Saunders were studying there ,Holy Family School this year. brary in New DelRt -laughs. The Gonsal ves--open and lov­ Marryil)g a Hindu-or marry­ Everyone Whistled ing-look as though they could ing a Catholiic - depending lHIl take a visit from the whole 001 remember that day," she re­ the point of view, is nOt easy, calls. "Prabha wore the dress and brood' in stride. the Indian couple admits. " "It is mOll'e complicated '~han everybody whistled."· ~ a Catholic marrying a PrOtestant "They looked at my legs," DOA.N'·8"AL·AMa 'in the United States,"' he says. Prabha says. "I went J)ack to my IHCOl'.I'OItATltO ,. "Or a Catholic' mar'tYing a room and changed." INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.,

Jew," his wif~ injects. ' The wedding, Prabha admits, 'However, the ObstaCles were was not followed by a typical 96 WILlIIAM STREET

'IllOt insurmountable, as' their American, honeymoon. ~EW BEDFORD, MASS.

wedding proves. ., It took place' on a Thursday • HYANNIS .\ night. "He said he didn't have to • HARWICHPORT 998-5153 997-9167 take that day off because it was PERSONAL SERVICE • 30UTH YARMOUTH after hours," she recalls. Then she grins, "But he did take off Nine Lay Members the next day." NEW ULM (NC)-Nine of the Alfred recalls that the honey­ laity-six men and three women moon ran into diplomatic inter­ -and six priests have been se­ ference. "We were married tb~ lected for the new school board of the New Ulm diocese here in Minnesota. The priests were elected by the clergy of the diocese, while FUNERAL HOME

the lay persons were named by Bishop AlphOnse Sehladweiler 469 LOCUST STREET of New Ulm and Msgr. John FALL RIVER, MASS. Ward, superintendent of dioce­ san schools. 672-~381 OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON Two nuns, selected from 1~ Wilfred C. James E. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT nominees, will be added! to the DriKO~1 Sullivan, , Jr. board.






School Boord Hali

D. D. Sullivan & Sons


lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:-Thurs.;Sept.7"


'Finds Mysterious Secret .. Is l'ove of Go'd;'- Others-'f" ,





Work! Race Problem


NEW YORK ~)-Framdtt­ kus Cardinal Koenig 01[ VieDDQ predicts that Ameriea's racial turmoil is likely, tQ be repeated throughout the ",wId m the ... ture.


By' Ginny, Daly

The 62-year-old eardinal, w~', heads the Vati~an's secretariat for non-believers, said "it ~ of ihe utmost, importance, to aJ.l, of us how the Unit~ States handles its race, riots, "What's going On here OlD 21

national level is very likely ~,

happen throughout the world ill the future."

.'''Men sit 'round in a cirel~ and, suppose. ,The secret sits in thecenrer and knows~ 'Amid all this solemn supposing, a sinall voice can be heard murmuring "Fiddlesticks r>o " :It tried'tO figure out this lJUote from Gabriel Vahan- her what it was. But somehow,

ian one night with my t didn't need to. Although she

was chatting with her family, I friends Chrissy O'Neill, and could sense what it was.

, ~y Morris. We ,were tr~'ing to They Know llecide which one we were--the She knows. She had put all

,llIlen, the secret, or the voice. It her, confidence in God and had

wasn't' un'til recently, however, emerged as love and able to love

that it fully, made sense to me. all those around her. I looked at

I attended the wedding of a my friends Sisters Mary de

ltood friend, Joan Aluotto, to Joe Montfort and Bernard Eileen

Rafter. I had known Joan and and could see the same thing in

lloe during college and I could their faces.

~ that they had something And the same is true of Joan

gpecial. I wasn't sure what that and Joe. They know. They have

oomething special was. It seemed placed so much love and trust

~ be the natural radiance of an in God, in each other, that they

engaged couple, although not are free to give of the love they

~ery couple I've seen has had it. share: Now 1 can understand

The "it" was definitely there how it is they, could leave

the day of their marriage. ThJl shortly after their wedding to

wedding was perfectly lovely- serve in the Peace Corps - to PROFESSION: Making temporary professi,mi' in ,the as all weddings are - and the 'give of themselves to all those

Sisters of St. Dorothy, at Villa Fatima Novitiate Chapel,

IIl1rength o~ their love showed.:J; who will be around them and Taunton, were, left to right, Sister Cecilia Amaral of Proviwas especially aware of it as will need their love and' help tiley exchanged the marriage so badly. Now I can' also under­

denee and Sister Mary Fatima Simas of Immaculate Con., 'Vows---vows pledging their en- stand why the' glow il!> still pres­

tire lives, ,with whatever might ent in my parents. They have eeption Parish, New Bedfor~ , , happen, ,one to the other. As I extended the initial radiance and

liescribed, the wedding to my special something that was part

parents, 1 re~gnized the same of their love for each other, to Iflow in them. They'li soon cele- each of the children and grand­

~rate their 41st weddinganriichildren that God sent to them.

-.ergary and the something Joan and Joe.' ... the Sisters

8»ecial' is still there. ' •• ,. Mom 'and Daddy ••• all of

, Same Giow them, know. ' , I thought the "something spe' '1 had told Cecy anq Chrissy ,

mal" was the deep and compas- that l ' was the' secret. I, didn't Over the years, slacks have hotel restaurant because, she

eionate love between two peophi really believe it, but I couldn't 1Iulfilled a definite need -in a was wearing a pant suit of her

~. ,. and yet" 1 saw the same let on! As 1 mulled over the fashionable woman's' wardrobe, design. The, daring designer

Iflow in the faces of my friends words of Vahanian some . more, but 'they' always seemed'tO know very' casually ,ste'pped out, of

as they made their temporary I could' see in them' the entire their place. Last Winter the lone her' slacks and sauntered to her profession of vows at St. Elizalife cycle of man. A child mur- slacks picked up a matching table attired in the matching

beth Convent. There was a con- murs "Fiddlesticks!" he is care- jacket and sudthigh length jacket. eelebrated Mass with Sister free. Youth supposes; he ponders denly the pant Important Addition

Margaret De Martini playing the the future. But somehow, at suit had arrived While there are always those

guitar-but not a folk Mass. For some time, you reach a point on the fashion who will abuse even a good

this one they sang the psalms. where you know; You are the see n e. Fine, fashion, for those who' look

At the offertory, the former nov- secret. And it glows. here was the good, in' slacks; the slack suit kes walked up to Hie bishop, perfect' match" is an important addition' to their and, each one holding her canCol. Hayes Named Chief iilg costume for wardrobe. The designers, watch­ dIe, gave her joyful, grateful, sportswear. No ing the popularity of the long

jubilant, hopeful, loving,' and Of Army Norse Corps longer would p'ant suit, have made one more thank-'full "Yes" to God. "I, Sis' WASHINGTON (N C) _ A you h ave to advance and this season will

tel' Anne Drumond, in the presgraduate stude,nt in the Catholic throw a mislaunch the short pant suit. This ence of all the company of at h d . k t lleaven ••• vow to God poverty, University of 'America school of m c e Jac e consists of either bermudas or 'nf' has been named Chl'ef Q) vel' you r shor't culottes and a matching

nursl ellastity, and obedience for one' ~ 'wear'_.••" of the Army Nurse Corps. shoulders or, wear a sweater in jacket.' We are told that this "Aite,r the, ceremony, when . The appointment of Col; Anna what you hoped was a match-- - fashion must be worn wj'thknee~

W\roud and lov,in,g families ,as ':May . Hayes was' announced' by ing shade. The costume,look in socks,' over the, knee boots, or ';ell as good friends congratu- Lt, ~neral,Le~)J)ard D. Heat~n, llP,Ory&wear had ~~rived. tighis. ' " , ..

Army 'Surgeon General. CoL Ho""ever, the "avant garde Tile c~lotte'suits ,ar~ partic:" }atedan~ visited th,e :;;isters,·1 'Ha'y"es" succeeds' ""ol."Mildred 'II' , ' , I I 'f 1 d 'll b­ could look into each face and,' , '" , JI.o aaopt~ ,this new" faShion and y ar Y ~race.u 'an ,w,1. pro,

Bee .the radiance 'of .something' ,Clark... ' ' ' , ", '" carried it to such extremes as ably be wearable by people, who

'. I S· t Col: Hayes is a graduate of the wearing pant suits, 1l.o ,work, Ol' fi~li sl~c~s ,unflat,teri~,r; ~n~~n:­ 'specIal. ' went up to IS er, 'All'e'n"'to'wn ('Pa'.)· H'osp·l·t'a·'1 D':ll'oo''} "Th' . h ... Marianne Ahern" an especially' 'for very dreSllY ~cashms. Res- ,e~fortable. IS IS t ,e year o~

8lose' friend.' i wanted to of nursing; :and has a: baccalau- taur8flt!;, that disp1Qyeti notices 'tb~ pant suit and it is up 14>, the

reate' nursing degree horn warning' their patrons that no individual' to "h,~e the style

'Teachers College,' 'Columbia one without a tie wouid be ad;' obe finds most flattering.

,Mark ,25th Anniversary' University: She is 'writing- a dis- 'mitted had to, add that 00 you'ng " , .

, sertation at Catholic 'Unh'ersitY 'women' atti:red in the afore­ Cathedral .Of 'Edith Stein's' Death ::n~ursif)g service administra- menti'oned s~it oould grace their Mary's Catbedrai -W~menj8

. COLOONE (NC):-:"The 'apos,;. "premises either. iolic" nuncio to Germany, 'cele:': ' , ,." ' '- ' ., , Guild of Fall River hold its brated ;,,' requiem' Mass,' at A,nnQunce $17 Mim()" "This rule was brought to the first Eall meeting at 8 Monday , the Ca'rmelite community in H"~' I E . '. attention of the public' recently night, Sept. '11 in the Shamrock Cologne-Lidenth'al recently. to OSplta, xpanslon :when, Lady Jane, ,8 ,y~\lng Lon- Rooin of the Corky 'Row ,Club. eommemorate the 25th anniver- .... BIRlViINGHAM ,(NC), ,....., The _don designer, was asked to leave All parish women ,are invited w

, Bary of the death of the Carmel- Daughters of Charity announced' the dining room of an e){'clusi~e ' 'attend.' ite nun killed by the nazis, Edith some' $17 million' wili be ·spent Stein. in Alabama !for Catholic hospi-' Edith Stein was born Oct. 12, tal service in the next four fFDVIE ~ONlVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU :11891, in Breslau, Germany, of years., iii Jewish mother. Up to the age Providence Hospital, recently ONE-STOP BANKING lDf 21 she' considered herself an built in Mobile, and already ex­ illtheist. She became a Catholic panded at a cost of $6 millon, in 1922 and entered the Carmel- will now get another $9 million ite convent at Cologn'e-Lfiden- expansion. When finished it will thaI in 1933. On Aug. 2, 1942, have 438 1::Ieds. ' ahe was arrested by the Gestapo The 67-year-<>ld St. Vincent ©IF jj'~lUJli\'ljj'(Q)!J\lI in the N&therlands and murdered Hospital here will be replaced at Auschwitz on Aug, 9. by a new 300-bed hospital comNorton, W. Main. St.-:-L'taynham, Rte. 44-VauntolJ1l, Main St.

The Mass was attended by the pIex' expect.ed to cost $8 million. lNIortlhl Dighton, Spring St.-,Norih '!Easton, Main St.

IDnly surviving sister of 'Edith It is scheduled to be finished by Stein, Dr. Erna Biberstein of 1971, centennial of founding of MembelT ,!FedereR lIli~posit Dnsur«ll~ce C';rpolTetion

New York. the city of Birmingham.

He said the' United States

eould avert this by setting an

example for other' nat ion s

threatened by racial clashes if

it is able to improve domestic

race relations.

Cardinal Koenig is visiting the United States for a series of


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Aid Problem Of S'ho.rt.. IB~o'Q'm\ing Flowers

Dwa,rf ,Irises

,TH_E_A_N_CH_O_R_~hurs., Sept. 7, 1967

Asks Programs For Deprived




By ,J~AJllla aqd


9_ )J


Gara:e.nfni ,h~,",.80qie' blii,lt:-hl' problems, among them Ch'8Jt o'fwhat to dQ with flowers 'which bloom only a short time, then take up space for, entire season. Irises fall into this category. They bloom beautifully in mid-Spring, then spread out for t~e rest of the Summer. Theil' foli­ hOmes with antiques, (ftf we can alford them) insist that the car­ age is aynthing but attract­ penter use hand pegs in our liv­ Eve and they take up a. great ing room floors and cherish our


NEW YORK (NC)-The SQoo> perintendent of Catholic schoollJ in the New York archdiocese has urged the city's Publie School Board' to produce TV programs for use in schools ed­ ucating a high percentage of ed­ ucationally deprived youngsters. These remedial and enrich­ ment programs should be made available to all such schools, re­ gardless of whether they llI'0 conducted under public or non­ public auspices, said Msgr. Ray­ mond P. Rigney. This would in no way "under­

mine the wall of separation be­

tween church and state," tb,<a

priest claimed, "since the air­

waves happily transcend anY'

such barrier no matter how higll

one may try to build."

In a statement before the New

York City Board of Education.

Msgr. Rigney charged that the

board has failed to develop TV

programs to meet the special

educational requirements of d<a­

prived children.

He said this failure was diffi­

cult to understand in view of the

fact that Title I of the Elemeo­

tary and Secondary EducatioB

Act of 1965 specifically cites ed­

ucational television as a way m

which federal funds might be

used to jointly upgrade the ed­

ucation of disadvantaged young­

sters in both public and nOQoo

public schools.

deal of valuable spaC0. How-' family heirlooIIllil but none of ever, if you like irises, this is n these things can forestall what necessary evil, unless you begin the, scientist of today calls prog­ thinking in terms of the dwarf ress. irises. " Endless Paradee These are not new on the' , 'Our days are filled wItb market, b,l,I.t, there !las geen a ,motion. The automobile gives us great deal, of, work ,d!)ae in mob.~lity but what this mobility broadeni{\a their color: svect,ru~ , ,s~ems to bring about is an end­ and they are now worth plapting ~ess parade of activities such as m plac~, of ~he taller 'mare ex­ P.T.A. chores, dancing ll~ssons, pensive varieties. They are pa~­ and school car pools, from ticularly suited for the' rock which we emerge with frazzled " garden or as boarder plants, al­ nerves and a lack of leisure. though their period of bloom is Ol,lr mothers didn't have the much shorter than that Gf their advantage of being able to drive taller relatives., their children from one end of Less Expensive the city to the other, from one BACK TO SCHOOL: Kevin Carroll of Dallas, Tex., lIn Southeastern Massachusetts, obligation to another,' or from found the first day of school a grim business. But his teach­ you may find that there is not home to school. We went to the er at St. Pius X school, Lorette Dryer, assured him he'd too large a variety Gf dwarf nearest school. If we had lessons irises to choose from, but there to attend we managed to get like it. His classmates in the background seem calm about are many mail order houses there under our own power or this new experience. NC Photo. which carry a good variety at in that obsolete vehicle, the bus. very reasonable prices.'. 'The; , Our mothers' generation shopped (iwarfs are much less expensive at the corner store, and mothers than normal-sized ones. didn't feel obligated to drive Planting directions, ~re 'very from one ,supermarket to anothel:' much like those for all irises. looking for bargains or to take !Poisonous Variety, EspeciaUy ,Interesting Irises lire shallow rooted and , a' day to travel to a larger cit,. eherefore'do not do well if they to' take advantage of clothing To Sister of Charity' are buried too deeply in the sales. around. Rather, they should al­ E~er Days NEW BRUNSWICK (Ne) severe sicknesses caused yearly most sit in the soil. The require They: lived within their own Seldom is Sister Joseph Marie by mist~enly ~ating the wrong Meredith to' Speak reasonably good soil to flower little circle of relatives and seen without her 'gardening mu~hrooIIllil eQuId be stopped." SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Jame!l well although they will survive 'friends, unconcerned with the trowel, and large paper bag. Working with Dr. Joseph L. Meredith, Negro civil rights fig­ Mnder the most adverse Soil problems of civic government, In her blue Sisters of Charity Peterson, a research specialist in ure who was wounded by /I oonditions . urban upheavals' or church habit, she goes about, constant- the plant biology department at shotgun blast from a white seg­ The one thing they will not changes. I do not feel they were 'ly stooping, bending, digging, the college of agriculture and 'regationist during a Marcll tolerate is soggy soil. Wet feet particularly right in living just gathering-and enduring the environmental science, Sister Against Fear in Mississippi las~ will cause rotting and poor for home and family but I must stares of the curious-on the Joseph Marie has peco1l!e quite Summer, will speak Oct. 20 in growth very quickly. Any place admit I do think it was a much campus of Rutgers University a mycologist through her at­ the 1967-68 Lecture-Artist Seriea with reasonably good drainage, easier life than that demanded where she has won a modicum temPts to find ,out more about at Our Lady of the Lake College some sun and fair soil is all that ,of the modern homemaker. of unsought recognition through the curious fungi, that grow here. He will discuss "Racill! Sa necessary for iris ~loom. Freed ~from toll by labor-sav­ her self-assigned labor.tbroughout New Jersey. Peace in America." With the use of dwarf irises, ing appliances, she becomes In short, prevention of death ~i&rht Fuocus the problem of what to do with chauffeur, gourmet cook, work­ is Sister Joseph Marie's aim. ' . d th er an d a h un­ She's collectl'ng' and classl'fYI'n'" She first became interested in I3vergrown plants is solved. 109 WI'fe anmo '" dred and, ,one other labels pecu­ poisonous mushrooms. Normal- 'in:vestigating mushrooms, when These little irises do not grow more than six inches tall and do liar to ,our modern society. She ly she is stationed at st. Peter's she talked with members of the Where A not spread rapidly. TheY' should expects and is expected to cook convent,but for the last two department during a visit' to like Julia Childs, dress like Summers she has spent most cK the college with the biology be lifted every few years and claSs she taught in East Orange divided to avoid overcrowding, Jackie Kennedy, bring up her her time on the university camchildren like a child psycholo­ pus. Catoolic High School. but that is their only real re­ Means A Quirement. gist, live, within, her budget "I'm especially interested in Now nearing the end of her When they are divide« they while the cost of living soars, poisonous mushrooms," Sister 'Second Summer of work, she should be moved to a different have her home looking like a Josep Marie explains. "If there has collected 65 different kinds location 90 tha't their fertilizer page out of House Beautiful and were a way, to know beyond a' of, mushrooms, quite a large requirements can be replenished. look 10' years younger than her doubt which New Jersey mush- number for the small area in Because they are surface feeders mother did at her age. This is rooms are 'poiSonous and which' , which she has worked. , they do drain the soil cri' f0rtility not easy. ,are not, perhaps tl!le deaths and Sister. Joseph Marie looks if kept in one place too long. She needs an understanding mainly for ,one particular fa~-: 111 the Kitehelll husband, nerves of steel, an ly of mushrooms when llhe col-, , lects, those belonging to the Last week I planned to speak open mind, a never ending sense are daI?pened. before a group of area women of curiosity and above all and 4) B~at for two minutes. on, amanita species. This species in­ who have formed a monthly dis­ most important, a sense of the medium speed of the elec­ eludes mushrooms that are ' among th e mos tPOlS · 0 nous. cussion group featuring a main humor. 'I feel quite sorry that I tric mixer. couldn't have discussed this speaker. I was looking forw.ard '5) Add the three eggs and ,"The work I'm doing is more with enthusiasm to meeting s,uclt. subject wi~h a. group ,of modern beat ORe minute longer. .., classification that anything else," , , ' ·st J M '. 'IF a group of 'women who to' me young women to see If they too 6) Stir 'in coconut and' pour ,said Sier oseph arIe. ,or 1001 Kings Hw,.. :represented'the modern Ameri.. have noied this problem and' perhaps have 'a'solution for it! the batter into ,twa 9 inch layer' that reason,. I, collect ~ man~ of ean female: intellectually cu­ For the days when you're not pans greased "and lined on the ,the, same' kmd that can fl?d. rious, eager to keep up With world events and not content mobile, here's a delicious fluffy bottom with' greased paper. I,nave'to. make certam ths:t I ve ' B a k e in a ,350' oven for 30 to '35' got the' right fungus. Specimens with living within an isolat~d cake to make. , Orange Coconut Cake 'minutes. This cake may' also be of, the same species often have environment. . , Open 'Evenings bakedil,l,th;'Cee &-:in<;h layer Pans. sUbt~e variation~ th~t you can't Needless to ,say" the best la~d iiii cups cake flour (self rising) 1:Jh cupi;' sugar' " , ' for 20 to 25 minutes. tell Just by lookmg. plans often go awry, my Meliss;l %. cups butter or margarin'e 7) Frost with your favorite had to enter the hospital quite 1 Tablespoon grated orange 'frosting.

suddenly 'and i regretfully had rind or 1 teaspoon' orange '

to cancel my talk on a subject extract plus lh teaspoon ya­

that I feel quite strongly about: nilla. I didn't have orange

the changing role of women' in extract but I din have

the world of today. orange bitters.

Quite often I feel that we %. cup milk

llook back with nostalgia on th0 3 eggs

gond old days because they rep­ 1 cup coconut

resent a more leisurely, secure, 1) Sift the flour with the oolid way of life that we can never hope to recapture. The sugar HI a small bowl or onto Q days of cool, tree-shaded piece of wax paper. .f BRISTOL ~O(JNTT

2) In a large bowl cream the , [PlIgNTED AND MAlILlm porches, moonlight sails, band G:Oncerts and slow strolls to the butter and orange rind or ex­ THE AlllEA'S MOST ACCOMMODATING BANK

VV~ or Phone 672-U322 ClOrner ice cream emporium are tracts. 3) Add the flotlllI' mixture and flone, never to retUl'l:l' into the AnlLlEBORO FALLS

2M SeconcI Street - IFllIiI lIiWll' the milk to the creamed mixture life of the 20th centur;;r home­ NORTH AnlLlEBORO • MANSFIELD

saker. ..e 1Illq( t:w-o.iBh I)Ul' IUlUl all particles of the' floW'



Studies Mushrooms














·Bishop Corrects CeUbacy Stand Stal"ements LONDON (NC) --" In Id letter to the editor of rfhe Tablet,' a British Catholic weekly, Bishop Theodore Zwartkruis of Haarlem in The Netherlallds corrected an article in the weekly .concerning his views on Pope Paul VI's encycli­ cal on priestly celibacy, 5acer­ dotalis Caelibatus. Bishop Zwartkruis wrote: .. (1)' I never' went to Rome 'to prevent the Pope's recent encyclical on celibacy from ap­ pearing in its present form,' as reported in' your issue of July 22. I merely talked to vai'ious people in Rome on the timing of its publication, this being the topic of conversation when I arrived. there ;for a holiday.. 50 this subject might also have been brought up in my conver­ sation with the Holy Father, had the encyclical not already been printed. "I really went for a holiday; this was no cloak to cover up my real intentio.ns. ··But bishops cannot apparently take a holiday

" in R~me with~ut bel.ng·suspe~ted


.' of a 1;lU~ine6s vis.it:


The bIshop's letter then 'dis­ '" cussed the letter by 17 Dutch seminarians' and student-priests ,. ,that appeared. last month in the ": Dutch Catholic daily De Volks­ · krant. That leHer had criticized the encyclical, on priestly ·celi­ ..'.... bacy. The ·bishop ,considered, the le'tter 'insulting to. the Pope. Bishop Zwal'tkruis and Bishop · Martin A. Jansean of Rotterdam demand an apologr for it. In his letter to The Tablet, Bishop Zwartkruis said: ' "(2) AJ;. regards the letter of Dutch seminarians, as reported in your issue of July 15. I can now ·.state . that all 17: students · have apologized' to the bishops of Haarlem and Rotterdam for .Jhe insult to His Holin~ss, and have rea,ffirmed their belief in thepri.macy·of .the :pope an~ his · right to issue encyclicals to the · worJd.~ .



Three Cardinals' Attend ,S,Ot'h'" Anniversary. Criticizes Suit , Ago.inst .St,c~P ,


. B~ys Tow~' N,~w $15''j~ini()n' lristitutib~'

BOYS ,TOWN (NC) - Three . WASHINGTON (NC)-Rep. oordinals headed the h·ost.of dig";" Clement J. Zablocki of Wiscon­ . nitari~s who participated in the' l)Qth anniversary of the founding sin criticized an attempt by • of Boys Town here by Father grou'p' to prevent the Post Of­ llice Department from issuing a Edward Flanagan,' an Irish ·im­ migrant priest. Christmas stamp which repro­ Paul Cardinal' M·arella,arch­ duces a portion of Hans Mem,}jng's .famous "Madonna and priest· of St. Peter's basilica, Vatican· City, offered' the anni~ Child with Angels" portrait. A suit against the' issuance versary Mass in the. Boys Town Df the stalnp, whi~h is. similar . chapel. Fr~ncis 'Cardinal Spell­ man ·','of . New' York, iorigtim~" to· the ,1966' Christmas stamp, bas been filed ill; U.S.. District benefac'to'r of the institution, and Court here by the Protestants John Ciirdirial Cody of Chicago , ·.and Other' Amel'icans- United were present. . 'FaUth Flanagan; who '. later :1/01' Separation' of Church and' because 'a . monsign~r, . clung to State (POAl)'), . ~hich claims vi­ vlation of Chllrch-State separa':' the phil'osophy that there was such thing as a bad 'bOy. ' . tion. With $90. borrowed,he .rented "The ar·guments which the POAU has put forth to support a houSe in Omaha and launched its case are patently' specious ones," Zablocki asserted on the floor of the House of Represent­ iltives. / The Christmas stamp, he said, LATROBE (NC)-St. Vincent "is no more an attempt by the College here in Pennsylvania has Post Office Department to es­ announced appointment of a tablish a religion than was the rabbi and two Protestant theolo­ issuarice of 'stamps some years gians to the faculty in the De- . ago depicting Greek and Roman partment of Religious Studies. goddesses an attempt to promote They are Rabbi Reeve R. ancient forms of polytheism on , Brenner, writer and lecturer the Amercian scene." He ex­ American Jewish history; Dr.. pressed confidence that the PO Gordon E. Jackson, dean of the AU did not speak for the vast Pittsburgh Theological Seminary majol'ity of Amefican Protes­ and Dr. Robert R. Vogelsang, tants in filing what he called a pastor of Latrobe Presbyte,rian ..~" suit. Church.


Rabbi, Protestants On ·College Faculty



, has' grown into' a $i5 million in­ stitution now located some 10' Dliles' from' Omaha.. Over'the 50 years some 15,000 youngsters have called Boys' Town home, In 1937 the first high school class of Boys Town was graduated. Father.Flanagan lived to see the home on its way to solid suc'::' 'c~ss, ~e went W .GerOlat:\y and' Austria "to .s~rve ~s a tr"S. ~d­ viser OIl child welfare proOlems in the post-World War II trou­ .373 New &oston Road bled days. He died of a heart WASHINGTON (NC)-Arch­ ~D River 678-5677 bishop Robert E. Lucey of San .. attack enroute home from Aus­ Antonio. was one of 85 guests at t r i a . ' 'a White House dinner honorfng . West German Chancellor Kut Georg·Kiesinger. The archbishop, . a long-time friend of 'President . Lyndon B. Johnson, stayed t,ne WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEM~ night in' the' White. House as guest of the Johnsoris. . at the his efforts on behalf of boys who . were orphaned, wayward and the' products' of broken. homes. He started with three youngsters turned· over 'to him by. the· juvenile CQurt. 15.000 Boys Aided Help came to Father Flanagan :llrom all parts of the nation and many foreign couritries. From the house in Omaha, BQYs Town'


Archbishop Guest





.VltllALL I

"'''II~.~ U"-IIUII "'".,





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Stresses Prison Chaplain's Work ~n Rehabilitation


Thurs., Sept., 7, 1967



Bishop Prim~au Stresses, N~ed For CourGg)®

MIAMI BEACH <NC> ­ Chaplains aSRigned to cor­ JreCtional institutions have the most important role in

CHICAGO (NC)-Courag-e

is neede above all other qual­

the rehabilitation of criminals, tthe bishop of Miami told del­ ities by a bishop who would

egates to the 97th American be a good leader in the

Congl'ess of Correction. Church today, Bishop Ernest J.

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, Primeau of Manchester, N,H"

bost to the annual meeting of said here,

the American Catholic Correc­ Bishop Primeau discussed the

tional Chaplain's Association, role of the bishop in the Chureh

which meets in conjunction with' at Mass of consecration of bish­

,the Congl'ess, addressed clergy op Thomas J, Grady, Bishop

and laity during the chaplains' , William E. McManus and Bishop luncheon where St. Dismas (the John L. Mayas auxiliary bisl;lOps Good Thief) awards were pre­ to John Cardinal Cody of Chi­ sented in absentia to 'a bishop cago. ;md two priest-chaplains. Cardinal Cody officiated at the Bishop Ca~roll reminded , l ceremonies in Holy Name Ca­ guests that: "In this day and 'age thedral here, Co-consecrators and under the complex circum­ were Bishop Cletus F. O'Donnell stances in which we live the of Madison, Wis., and Auxiliary scope of yoU!' work has broaden­ Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo of ed considerably. It is of im­ thicago. portance that you people be Bishop Primeau said that In genuinely concerned and per­ order to exercise intelligen~ sonally involved in the commu­ leadership in the Church a bish­ J1lity in which you live. ' op must have !faith, judgment, "We have been witnessing' in wisdom, decisiveness, int~grity, ~his country durinif the' 'past AUTOGRAPH SEEKERS :R~lY Repp, singer-guitarist-composer, was surrounded by fl'iendliness and a sense of, hu­ scvel':ll months displays 'of 'vic­ .. admirers wanting his autograph, when he appeared at the 15th' annual convention of the' mor. nence, lawlessness and' crime in "B,ut above an," he cont~n\lelll, Chris>tian Family Movement atthe University.of Notre Dame; NC Photo• . ,many, many, eities.,Whether they "the bishop of today needlj. CQUll'­ were j usti fied or not is not, for age-the courage required to re­ " me, to discuss at. this time. , sist pressures, private and' pub­ "They are the result of our lic; the courage to resjst qmbiJ­ Indifference 'first 'of all, to the tion and pCl'sonal aggrangize­ fact of the dignity of man, his ment; the courage to ta\t.e 1iJ lI'elationship' to Almighty' God liltand after due deliberation,; the "/llnd the' rights which he' has as of Troy said all neighborhoods courage to be true to his prin­ must listen tG NOTRE DAME (NC)-Charges and listen, and , [l result of -that relationship.", - "must begin wor-king' on the ciples and 10 the people woo that Christians have been inac- all peopleeverywhere~" massive failure in communica-, believe in them; fhe courage 1A:> "If a man 'hasn't learned how , !ive in building community spir­ Personal Responsibility tion which exists between the keep the trust that has beero it in the past and challenges that to listen -:- which means in a Bishop Carroll said the atten­ they get' active immediately small way dying to selt-Iove-he inner city and non-inner city committed to him; the courage 1\ion 'of the correctional person­ can go to church every' Sunday area. to be dal'ing when the occasioilll were voiced here, to, 4,5.00 melll­ nel is the "pel'sonal responsi­ bel'S at the 15th Christian Fam- , and nothing will, happen," he Katherine B, Oettinger, chief calls for it." bility which all of us have; chap­ sai'd, . ily Movement 'convention. of the' children's bureau, U. S. Bishop Primeau also stresselill lains, social workers, psycholo­ Lawmakers, authors,' theolo- ­ . Father John L. Thomas, S.J., Department of Health, Educathat "leadership to be intelligen~ gists, etc. It is our responsibility must be endowed with vision. as citizens and children of God gians, educators and sociologists research, associate with ,the tion and, Welfare, stressed the need for' improved "Nothing is understandable," 110 give of our talents. with 'the stressed the urgent need lor, cambridge Center for Social critical communication and concern Studies, 'said "we must be able health facilities, particularly in he said, "except through its his­ ooilViction that it is responsi­ with, inner-city residents and flo put ourselves in the shoes cl the slum area~. tory; and so the vision of the bility. their problems in' 24 seminars on others to build a better commu­ She 'cailed upon' members Clf£ present and future, Church mllst

,.. , You people 'who' deal' ''with "Building Community Through, lIlity."

the' Christian Family' Movement' ' rest upon a knowledge of an~

~hose found guilty of crYmes re­ Religion and Politics" at the daily, to, look into th4~ir communities" ,appreciation of the history anlll

,White people, i have ~lize that the criminal must be " ]l>assed, the Negro, gjle~toes, in ,to determine if medical and. wel-' ' the, tradition of the Church; blD~

pUnished," the' bishop' ,said, Universitr ~f ,~otI'e Dame., "We are sick," said Sister large cities, he said, but 'have fare services are getting tQ the it must not be bound by it.

pointing out that when Our 'Lord never' realized th~' plight' 'the peOple who need the most: "This' age is rightfully WOW'l

dealt with the thief He did not Mary Michael O'Shaughnessy of for its changes, its progl'ess, iiB

Negro is in. take him down from the Cross New Orleans, co-author of a dynamic aspects, The moder~

controversial new "Word and "In St. Louis rats bite chil­ but did promise him a reward. leader must adapt himself .to the

dren," he said. "I wonder if peo­ "Those chaplains that can 'Worship" catechism some Cath­ needs of the p~ople he is actual­

milst co'nvince the' c;'iminal of olics are trying to have banned ple really understand what this ly serving. Dedicatee}. to the res­

from parochial schools, in n means?" %he relationship which exists be­ CHICAGO (NC) - Formation tOl'ation of all things in Chris~ Enormous Problems , %weenhimself and Almighty blunt appraisal' of why Chris­ the modern bishop cannot just of a labor union to represent God," the' bishop , continued", tians' have failed to meet soci- .. U. S. Rep. John Brademas of. stand by and watch, reflecting ety's needs. " ' Religious and lay teachers in Indiana, ' asserted' that" "the ~that he has defied'the law of on the glories of the past. Catholic'schools was announced "Community, a never-e'nding breakdown of a sense'of commu­ society and the law of Almighty "In our world of today," Bish­ here. To be known as the Arch­ God and must pay for this defi-, struggle Jo achieve oneness with nity is a thread running through diocesan Teachers Federations, op Primeau said, "there is little the needs of' others," said the the enormous problems beset­ ance." place for the tradi.tion-bound the organization is one of the professor of theology at St. ting American cities today:' "It is the obligation of every­ Mar~"s Dominican College, "has He said too many middle class first of its kind in the United . bishop, who would rather con­ one in this work to love him," serve the old than form aJ'l~ States, regressed to the ghetto mentai­ Americans do not realize many the pI'elate declared, "The im­ fashion the new." fYf, their, fellow Americans, espe-' H,y of the Old Testament." Some 40 teachers, both lay and

podance of the chaplain's wOI'k , Father Gregory' :Saum, O,S.A., , cially - Negroes, feel locked out Religious, signed up as charter

.should be l'ecognized by all. members at th(l' first meeting. widely read theologian at the of the mainstream of American ' University of Toronto; said "The'" ,life, ' ' The monthly meeting 'of F:lE ,Oscar Weil, executive secre­ Church must ,'gO 't,o 'the world lHinois State Sen. Paul Simon' tary; ,niinois, Federation 'of Ri Vel' Particular Council, 'Soci­ Teachers, was ,the' principal ety of St, Vincent de Paul; was held at 8 Tuesday night with speaker. He exhorted the teach­ NE,W: YORK (~C)-The Na-' Benediction of t.he Most Blessed ers to' "go out and sell this' pro­ tional Committee' 61' Negro' Sacrament in St. PatTick's gram, to your, fellow teachers. Churchmen has called on Presi­ ChurCh, South Street, Somerset, ,Get them to, form' organizing Emph~sizes'Relig.,ou cQmmittees in t:heir own pai-ticu­ at' 7:45. The, meeting followed dent Lyndon B, Johnson and Congress for a massive program in John Fisher Hall, South Street. lar sehools." , r' of economic development "te ~.lIllIlIllI/II"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIII1I11I1I1I1II1III11"tttl""ltllllllllllllllllll1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1t! meet crisis cOllditio'ns in our DEKALB (NC)~The need for "Since Iormal religious training ll:ities," moral and religious training for is not available in the tax-sup­ The committee, composed of the young has become more crit­ ported classroom, it is up to stu­ i 400 Negl'O clergymen from 12 ical, with education's constant dents and pal'ents and religious denominations, also announced shift from private to public fa­ leaders, to see that it is made INC. plans to confer with Congres­ cilities, according to an Illinois available somehow to young sional leader's late in August on state official. people of families that cannot plans to aid the nation's cities, Michael J. Howlett, state audi­ afford the tuition at religious tor of public accounts, noted the institutions. Their plea to President John­ ron and Congress was contained shift in an address welcoming "This appHes not only to in a telegram, which also urged delegates to the 1967 National Newman Con'gress at Northern Catholics, but to Protestants, "consultation in depth with Ne­ Jews and every other formal gro experts involved in urban Illinois University, "The religious schools are not religion, One religion is not the planning, development, economic and political disciplines." "Such dying, he told the Congress. enemy of anot.her, The enemy of individuals," they said, will add "They are here to stay. But the any religion is il'l'eligion .. Irre­ strength and give confidence to tide of new students is rolling ligion is the riatural result to ex­ toward the public schools, where pect of completely secularized slum areas in disillusioned cities education." ~ costs are lowe£. of our nation." ~1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!~~::iiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"'lIIl1l~111111111111I11I15

C.halleng«! Christians to ' ~uild' Community" Family Movement Speakers Cite Need


Chicago Teachers Form Federation

Monthly Meeting

Negro Churchmen Urge City Action,


Illinois State Auditor TrCllining Need In Schools 'Today'· ,










Fall'RivefNun Spends SlIJlmmer OlService ~::~:~::nG~:ts AS$eDts·· IWl$~mtess" At "Bridgewater' :'jiJJJ/iJ®llT1ale . In~~!~~trB! . ;'In .¥to,rld "" ,IJ';:~':,::'":~::.,,.,' COOFf'(e'r.'Git%o>,~ '" . r


Amds' ~. .;. . . ,)'robaQiy th~'.'pply" n~.Ii,. in. ;fhe ·U.nited'. S~.te~' ~h~ ,c::tn '4is~lay, th~ ':k~y,·to,. ~. J)b.·~.~il as...... ,.;

SAN FRANClSOO'(NCl.....·" , .,

~othe.r, Suzanne, ,R.,r.lW:., fpr ~'lte ,:p'as~ ~l y~rs a ''"We' must 'build'u "li' trile ,.",,; ·teacher of sixth grade boys at Notre Dame School, Fall River. The religious .has just 'C'huroh ':fOr' a reaJ. a souvenir 'Of her, Summers work

!Project lEqWl<aJUmtt'y.


:Orid,".·' .

KANSAS,' CI'J;'Y.. (NC) ;;.:.,.' eonc1uded six weeks of full time work with 96 ·boys at the Institutefor..Juvenile GuidProfessionals who staff local anee, Bridgewater,' Mas s. ,... . .. . €tfiices of ,the Project Equal-, The ins,ti-tute 'is desrcibed as ity here reported a positive, an "en~ of the road",pl~e of response by the business com- correction for boys from 13·

Protestant theologian tOld

delegates to the National Cath";

olie 'Social Action· Conference at· the University of San Francisco. Dr. Frank·H.· Littell, president of Iowa Wesleyan College and 811· . advisor to the National Confer-­ ence of Christians and Jews, ia. ,'. an address entitled ''The Secular City and Christian Self-Re­ . straint," pointed out the .misunderstanding of 'the word '·'secu­ lar.~· He "criticized those who' used the term in a "negative" , ,'sense and warned against. secu- , larlzation. , "We do wrong," he said, "to' suppose' ·that other in/ltitutioDlJ in' the world have value only in that they submit to the Church. Order "To claim that the scope of the redemptive process is limited to the Church is heretical," he continued. ''The function of the Church cannot be understood apart from the doctrine of cre­ ated order and God's part in it...· The process. of secularizati9ll is.not a bad one, Dr. Litell said.. Rather, it is the Church's-re8C­ .tion. to it that deserves c~ticism.. The state has taken over many fUQctions wh,ich were fOl'!J'lerly.,, , those of the Church, he said, in­ eluding education and social welfare. . •. "Should those of us who have ,made the religious commitment . mourn' because we are no longer . in control,. o'r take pleasure only when good works are done 'by those authorized?" he asked.

munity to Project Equality's to 21 convicted of major crimes program for channel-tng the pur- or of escaping from other places <l:hasing power of religious of detention. Mother Suzanne groups to' companies using fair first became acquainted with it hiring practices. when she visited Miss Violet Speaking at the' Jesuits' RockLeonard, a fOrmer '. teacher at burst College here in Missouri," 'Notre Dame who is now on ·the Rawson L; "Wood, , chairman of' institute staff. She becaJIl'e' enthe National Catholic Confer": 'tlllisiastic about possibilities of <ence for Interracial Justice, re- working with its youhgste'rsand' vealed "an overwhelming .per- secured permission for a Sum~ntage of businesses which supmer of volunteer service. ply 92 religious judicatories with Her background she explaingoods and services are cooperat- ed included two ~revious Suming with the progl·am." m~rs of inner city work in WashProject Equality now covers ington, D.C, Coming from a famfive states and five ..cities in ily of 10 children, including other states--in all, about 30 several brothers, also helped her metropolitan areas.. More' than work with boys, she said; 15,000 firms across the nation OffdciaDs DoubtfuD have pledged to cEloperate, acInstitute officials weren't quite ~ording to Project Equality sure what a nun could do .with apokesmen.. ,. their' charges, but· adopted a These range" ;from two-man ~wait and see attitude.' Mother shops to corporations employing Suzanne played it by .ear" she more than 100,000 persons.··' said... .' . . Many firms are not 'reaelled by :. A typical iiay might' fhid. her any otherprogra.m" 'public or:straight~n~ng'out a boY'~f bure~u' private, for positive ,chang~ ~ :dra~ers;showing 'another how· the employment 'field.. . ~·w clean his room, giving, advice . '. . when requested,' or. joinirig II . . : " group under the ·trees for a.game BisholP;Boaste.lrs·~ :checkers':' ·~I.did, the"things :;' . , ... a m~ther. d,~s," she., sumiile<i UP, fL ." 4o'.. .' ... Cn@O. .For :.milOt.· ,'"of :the'b~Y's,'."she . . changed the image"' of .woman~ .. :: . DUBUQUE' (NC)-A. bishop hood. .from a' d.egraded t~ing ·io LEADS SINGING,'. Mother Suzaime, R.J.M. leads here in Iowa has called for II' Wlited effort of ~£.iestS,·nuns,llOm:thin~tobe,admire,d.. . 'fulk Mass· for inmates of. Institute for Juvenile Guidance, parents and lay ,teacbersto as~. 'su~s~J:!,oq:=i~~~~lko~:~~.:bad:. Bridgewater.; Religious' spent Summer working with you.ths lJist in strengthening Catholic" "J think you're great,". she' at. -institute; ..hopes" to return to serve them 011 fulltmle !education.' . ; '. ·.plied."They didn;t· believe me, ,basis. In his first statement 3IS arch":' ., ,., " --.1 • '" . . ' '.' d ,though," she added, :"and .when·,_ MONTREAL (NC)-Canada'il ... l 0 C e san, lilupenRten ent of . I brought· some other Sisters' to' ... A meai-tingful song" for the with "her boys." conference of bishops, meetinf: schools, Auxiliaiy Bish@!J Loras visit the institute, they asked . "Many boys have no visitors, to name its delegates to the in­ ·iI. Watters of Dubuque said them the same. question: 'Does youngsters, she s a i·~, was no mail," ·commented Miss Leo­ "They'll Know We Are ChrisChristian 'education for an ternational bishops' synod 9pen­ Catholic childr~ should' remain abe really like us?'· , tians by Our Love." , n.ard. "Mother seemed to gravi­ ing in Rome Sept. 29, elected. . . When the Sisters assured them . At ',the . end of Mother: Suz­ tate toward them, even though Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, S.S.. 'the ideal. New approaches will I did', they turned to each other she. wasn't told· their need." ­ of Montreal, Coadjutor-Arch­ be necessary to main~aiD ~he in' astonishment. "They say the' anne's stay, she -recounted, ''The boys wrote a flood of letters to' bishop Philip Pocock of.Toronto· The boys' reaction? "It was archdiocese's constantly'expand- same thing she does!'" . and' Archbishop George Flahiff,· great having you here," said one ing school syste/l1. he added. The ·highlight of Mother Su- Mother. Provincial, asking that she let me stay on III Julltime C.S.B., of Winnipeg as its repre­ youngster; and the same senti­ "Even though aU concerned zanne's Summer was her organ­ agree that it will be Rec~sllry ization of· several. folk Masses, basis.'" They were Seconded by ment was 'expressed 'in another .sentatives. way by both staff and inmates Also attending the synod win' to close a room or a grade for . £omplete with offertory pro-. Pasquale Prencipe, asSistant 'su­ when they 'joined' to present her 'be Maurice Cardinal Roy' of ,the 1967-68 school year, still . cessions and a prayer of the perintendent; who made a fly­ ing trip to New York City, to with a gilded key to ·the· gate Quebec, president of the council as that decision, is being made, Faithful to. which the boys con­ of the institute as she made her for the laity and the papal com­ detailed plans should be worked tributed their petitions, includ-. . see the superior, '''She had .tears last Summe'r visit before leaving mission for justice and peace. <l}ut for reinstating the discoo':' ing such heartfelt pleas as "That in "her eyes when she had to tum Fall River ''for a' 'new' assign~' and Archbishop Maxim 'Her­ iUnued portion,.OO: the program- our stay. at the Institute' for Ju..: me down, ~ ,he .said.. ' . , Mother 'SuZanne ean't be ment at St. Mark's School, Hymariiuk, C.SS.R., Ukrainianarcb-' at the earliest pOSllible moment, ~ . venUe Guidance go quickly"; attsville, Md. . bishop of Winnipeg. the bishop /laid. . "That people here get along to- , spared from teaching ·work this year, said the. superior,. bu~ it is "There should be' n@thing gether"; "That those: paroled possible that she might be as­ ~lJIl111l11l11ii"lIIl11l1"illllllll""lilllllllllliIIllIlIIlIllUIUlUlllIllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllll1I1111111111111111'~ ..... revocable 8QOut the,adjustments continue to go straight." • signed to the Bridgewater in­ which may be necess~ry now; Flood of LetteTs·. ~ , WE ARE O P E N ' .~ stitution next year. ~ If ,she, is, ~ or two may' bring many and she'll probably be the only nun important changes." , One of the guitarists ,fo~ ~h~ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mass, said Mother Euzanne, was working on the' staff of a state' Bishop Watters said the 'only" a young "agnostic." "But he juvenile institution; and 'she will archdiocesan schools that have . ·ne'ler. missed playing for".us." .... continue her, pelisonalized. work ~losed are 'tho~e' 'in~u~ai"ar~as which had l~ss 'than 100 students·" . " and were uil.,eoonomical ,to oper­ ate. The archdiocese operates U9 elementary:schools and 29'high Past.or,lH~pe~·, ~to. JP,'r9v~dci :Qpp~rtv~itY' liChools with an enrollment ·o{ 41,935, he s1jid. Last year's school, " For fll"iendship, Among.· Pa... ishgoner~ '.. Tel. 997·9358 ~losings af~ected lesS than 300

students. .CLEVELAND (N:C)-'-St. Hen-' in the parish 'bulletin and by Per­ ~lIIlmlllll;III""I11""I1I11I1I1I1I11I11I1I11I1I11I1I\1I11I1;,",mmlmmIIlUIIIHIIIlIlIllItIllIlIllIlIllIl.1IIIltltilllll~

ry parish, .in a mixed Negro- sonal letter prior to their neigh­ Bishop Watters and the 'Arch­ white neighQorhqod here, has borhood Mass. ' d.iocesan B"ureau of Education begun a series of "neighborhood Msgr. William M. Cosgrove, have issued a series of guide­ Masses" at I) A,M. Sundays in St. Henry pastor, said he ."be­ lines as plans of action to help Year Books lieves the DE!ighborhood MaSSeD bolster the' Catholic school sys- the lower church. tem. . The parish has been divided and coffee-social hour will pro­ Brrochllllrres into groups of some 100 families vide opportunities for greater and one or two of the groups friendship among parishioners." Sister IFOlI'fml<mlt'a@1I1 will attend the community Mass ROSEMONT (NC) - Bishop on appointed Sundays. Each person will wear a name Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester, WASHINGTON (NC) - The tag and be encouraged to take N. Y., will celebrate the final Mass and deliver the sermon part in a social hour, with coffee U.5. Department of Health, Ed­ Il.!TTERPRESS C IF IF 5 In ~ !PRINTERS ucation and Welfare has· amL Illext Wednesday at the closing and rolls, after Mass. Mass C0n:l­ mentators, ushers, and altar boys nounced awards totaling $4,629,­ \!If the lOth Instructional Pro­ Phone 997 ·942~ 1-~1.COffaN AVENUE . 334 to increase early detection gram for Spirituality, sponsored will come from the neighbor­ and conti'ol of ~ancer. Twelve by the National Sister Formation hood groups. New Bedford. Mass. Conference at R"- - -, "nt College Members of each group will be Catholic hospitals aream.eug tile here in Pennsylvawa IIWtified bkreugh announcemen~ 131 recipients.



:' .. :0£


. Canadian Cardinals To Attend Synod

re.. ..


'Neighborhood.' Masses""


for Cancel' Work

American Press, Inc.


See Catholic School Enrollment • Four Archdioceses Constant In WASIDNGTON (NC)-Catho­ lic school enroliment is expected ~ hold Us own this year all Bligbt increases at the secondary level tend to offset declines at , the elementary'level. . , That, at imy rate,' was the pic- : ture which emerged from four large dioceses with traditionally' strong Catholic school systems. "A'substantial increase in Stu­ dents in the Catholic high' schools of the archdiocese of, N'ew York will more than bal­ ance the decrease in enrollment et the elementary school level that is expected this Fall," said Msgr. Raymond P. Rigney, arch­ diocesan superintendent. , Continuing Decline He estimated that 221,980 stu­ dents will be enrolled in arch­ diocesan schools this Fall. The 334 elementary schools will have a registration of 169,924 pupils while 52,056 students are ex­ pected to be enrolled in 99 high schools. Msgr. Rigney said this represented a total increase of 1,954 students over the previous year's enrollment. lVIsgr. Rigney noted that ele­ mentary schools in the inner-city anticipate a continuing decline in enrollments. In view of this trend, two small parish schools and one private cshool in Man­ hattan will be phased out, he said. In the diocese of Pittsburgh, a

l'eCent decrease in enrollment has been entirely in the grade school&-and 90 per cent of them schools in the inner-city. Enroll­ ment at this level sagged f:JrOm an all-time high of 111,540 in 1961 ~ 101,167 last year, 'a' nine per eent drop. There are 234 grade schools. But Catholic high school en­ rollment in Pittsburgh inereased slightly in recent years, to 20.448 students last June' in 56 schools. It will increase slightly again this year, officials .say. Similarly, in Philadelphia, the projected decrease in enrollment is on the elementary level, with' 587 fewer students this September than enrolled in parochial schools last year. The total pro­ jected enrollment at this level is 208,921. An increase is ex;pectelll on the high school level in Phila­ delphia, with 271 more students expected for a total enrollment of 60,432. ' And in the archdiocese oR Chicago, Father H. Robert Clark, assistant superintendent, said the projected elementary enrollment decline of 6,000 will be partly offset by an increase in high school enrollment of between 2,000 and 3,000. ' Father Clark said the four ele­ mentary and two high schools which closed in Chicago last year were very small.



of Fall River-Thurs.; Sept. 7, 1961

Three Churches Aid in Summer Ministry COLUMBUS (NC) - Three major Christian tradition&-the Orthodox, the Catholic and the Reformed - are aU playing 2 part in a summer ministry to Columbus' Bolivar Arms housing project. The ministry is the work of P. p.PhiJip' of Kerala, lJidia. Philip, a candidate for ordina­ tion in the Syrian Orthodox Church of India, is 'serving as a pastoral intern at Bethany Pres­ byterian Church. And he's mak­ ing his home for the Summer at st. Dominic Catholic rectory. JPastOJr2.ln Counsening

He came to Columbus in an­ swer to an appeal for Summer help sent by the Presbyterian

Synod of Ohio to Andover-New­ at a Presbyterian camp and eVtlm ton Theological'SchwJ, Newton filling Bethany's pulpit on Sun­ Center (IVlass.) wbeJ:e Philip re­ day. ceived bis Master's Degree in In his work, at the high-rise, June. ' , low-r,ent housing project, Philip In need of living qmlrlers, be has had ,8 chance to PTay witll learned there was, a spare room the people, teach tbem the Bible at the' rectory. Father James and help them with their finan­ Hanley, pastor and 'editor of The , cial needs, as well as pr.actice hili Catholic Times,· Columbus di­ special love-pastoral counsel~ ing. ocesan weekly, said" "We wel­ Frays ,for UDity eomed Philip. with open arms.'~ Philip's work with Bethany . The Orthodox seminarian be­ Presbyterian Church has given lieves his counseling experienee him '~a good taste of t.he dutie~, will stand him in good stead of a pastor." In a.ddition to his when he returns to India as 11 work as chaplain at Bolivar Arms, seminary teacher after obtaining Philip's duties in Columbus his doctorate next year at ~ include visiting hospitals, teach­ ton University School of The­ ing Bible school classes, working ology.

Ollda.homa Expermmell1ltaE COmm{iUlli1ilmftr ~ll1lcEudes CathO.~CSD Non-Cathomilcs KANSAS CITY (NC)-When presides 'over on S!oJndays is is a parish not a parish? more flexible than the usual In Oklahoma, a parish is not a parish Mass because of ,its vary­ parish when it is the John XXIII, ing locations. Community, a group of ChrisSometimes the, Mass is cele­ tians experimenting with a new brated in a school hall, some­ furm of community under the times at the "Y", sometimes out­ direction of Bishop Victor~. doors. But the rubries Of the Reed of Oklahoma City-Tuls~. ,Mass as outlined by the Holy Made up initially of Catholics See and the National Conference who petitioned Bishop Reed to Qf Catholic Bishops are stric,tly allow them to work in a new observed and any experimenta­ Idnd of community, the group tion. has -to be approved by Bish­ now includes about 100 families, op Reed. both Catholic and non-Catholic.. Worship services usually open Members of the group described with a discussion of some point their activities at a discussion of spirituality, or theology, or session of the 27th annual Litur- of a political issue. Then, when gical Week here in Missouri. the discussion is ~oncludec'l, MilSS With the bishops' permission begins. to go ahe'<ld, the group developed Often the Mass is followed .by its program. Community leaders work on some project the com­ decided that they would build munity is sponsoring: a Montes­ no church or school; that they sori school, a Job Corps program 'Would administer the commuor a human relations commis­ nity through an elected board; mono that money collected beyond exAnd does i,t all work? penses would be' for. charitable works. Fail ~ Jn4egl'zk '. Once the pro~ram was outOn .the whole, members give , lined, the group moved ahead ~ an unqualified "y.es.'; They point . ~ak,e it a reality. They sec,ured to' their -own deepencld. 'commit~ the services of Father William men.t to th'e Church and to man­ Nerln, a diocesim priest· who kind and to "a corresponding specializes in -marriage counselgrowth in spirituality. They es­ . ' . . ,peciallypoirit to the charity and Ing. awareness the John XXIII Com­ ,Obser~e ,Jiubries Father Nerinsays the community aw~keJ;ls in children whtl munitY'li Mass, ~n • Sundays participate. " eE;leb~ates the Euchrist in. dU'But it is not all success. Critics p fe'rent nomes' on weekdays' and : of the .grou charge ,that it ten~8 leads the group in other activi- . ~ draJl~, ~ff t~e. ,'>est lead~rshJp ,ties. He r~eives a ,~lary tJ4 . In .reg~lar panshes,. thereby . $500 a month, out 'of which he . baltin.g renew.al. there, ,and pays d:or his food and apartment. me',Dber~ the~selv~s.confess th~t His autom9Pi1e,' telephone ex-, ,the! hav~ failed ,~n attempts ttl ]!>enses and office rentals are ~~C1aUy mtegrate the· commu­ paid by the' community. Dlty. . :z-et as dl~ec:tor Paul Spre~e . The worship Father Nerin pomts out, ]t IS 'all an experJ­ ment. It has another year to run ~Ql Vismti' before it is 'completed, and changes will be made to help VATICAN CITY (NC) - A VlIIlliean source has denied thlilt smooth over some of the exist­ there is any foundation to 'the ing problems. No one is ready to claim that report that Pope Paul is consid­ ering a visit to Moscow. He said this is the prototype of the that this report could have Church of the future; yet many feel that it is one way that the Dtemmed from a misunderstand­ ing of the statement of Orthodox Church will be able to solve the problems, both financial and Ecumenical Patriarch Athena­ goras I that he intended to see spiritual, tha,t plague the large, Orthodox Patriarch Alexei of expensive and often impersonal :MOHCOW. parishes of today.








What do you do when you live on a •Take a good look at your everyday very small island with over three and a .l8urroundings. You are a part of the 20% balf million people-say Hong, Kong? ' ~f ,the worl<!'s,population that has access Move to the suburbs? But what if the' 1080%' ofthe world's food. That means 8uburb is Red ChinaJ The only answer. ·thatthe other 80% ofthe world·must be· is this~and the hundreds'.of thousands~~ntent ~ith,'the remaining 20%~ 'Of who crow~ these hou~ boats are h.l~kYI .course you cftn read this and say "So?". Over half the peopJe of the world, Dre But, '''You cannot say to som~one who home]ess~and most live·in Asia., . . is' hungry:" come tomorrow •.• We must When we ,hear thllt· three-fourths of. .. act tOday'because tomorrow may be too the human race lives in poverty or-below., late" (Pope Paul·VI.) "F~ed the man the subsistence level: these are the 'pe(ll~dyjng of hunger :". ~ if you have not "fed pIe we are talking sbou't. Do we 'know.': him, you' have k·i1led him." (Vatican II). whatit feels like to subsist, to know no 1)ear M()lIsignor O'Meara; 1 am attach­ other feeling bu.t that of hunger?' It is ing'mygi/t (){ $_'_'_ to help right the Impossible,or we could never spertd over .imbalance in our world. Please use it so 100 billion dollars' annually on arma- that a missionary can feed the starving. ments while liO,OOO die each day from name: _~~_.~_~~~~~ undernourishment. addressl~~=~~_~====~




PO ((J) R





THE ANCHOR~Dioc~~ of Fciil'Rrv8f"...-'Thurs.; sepf. 7; '19~7 .

Extension" Society


ContinuecL from P.age One . oUe Church. Extension Society for the Home Missions; 'and ·in­ deed . the Catholic Peace Corps Movement' of many years•. ' Our Missions in Ithe South, Mid-west and Far-west have Kor By Msg...' George' G. Higgins two generations been benefici­ (Directm', Social Action Dept~ USee) aries of generous help extended them through the offices of The 1967 Labor Day Statement of the Social Action Church Extension Society. These :iDepa.~tment of the U.S. Catholic Conference deals· exchi­ people, since the days of Bishop l8ively' with the problem, of race rel8:tions in the United Francis Clement Kelly, have States. Breaking with a long-standing precedent. ,it, has worked patiently~ quietly, unos­ tentatiously through the medium nothing at all to say about ,', and a saving.sense of humor-' of subscriptions to Extension, the problem of labor:"man- a~d of legitimate pride in, his. their official publication. agement relations as such. own Me'xicat'i.-Amei'ican heritage You are' invited .tp s!1bsc!i~e This all-out emphasis on the c~uple'q :'with~ remarkable de-' to thil; maga~ine for,,~e weagre <t!(u:r'ent racial crisis is ful'ly ltis- 'gree of p.er,Sonal hUmility.: su,m indicated. We .rer;~mmet;ld tified' by the tragic e~e'i1ts. of the ' , I,.e,giSlat!on"1'!'ecessarj cordially that yOU, do, s!>.· U will past Summer in i " .. : It ha~' beeti 'a .Jong.ttm~, sin.ce . rep,aY. you many-~!>id. f!>r ~he Newark, Detroit, the United, States has" priiduced li~tle it costs YOll,.)~·ot ill!>lle. wiIl Milwallkee, and a lab6r' iEiader' oCcomparable you help a going PI,'OP9si,t~on,. but n, ,dozen other .stature. He: is a :.gr'eat .. credit you will benefit .Yo.our ,home and lEities through- to the movemeht~which"owes family' by intr09ucing,.,~ yery out the United more to him for his' example of readable and. st,imulflting publi­ :;States. No other dedicated and courage'otis lead­ 'FJLEDGUNG NURSES: Mrs'. Catherine Willia~s, seat­ cation into your· h9US~!101d. It ,domestic probership than he owes to it-and lem confronting . a tremendous credit also to the ed,house mother at· St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing will open for you many doors of the nation. at 'Mexican-American 'comIriunity in Fall River explains 'rules' and regulations' to young ladies information and i.nstructiQn. It ;the present time from which. he comes and to entering course of studiestha-t will lead to their becoming flas an appeal for aU m.ep,lbers of the family. In th.ese days p£ is even remote- which he .is so deeply deVoted. registered nurses. 'Left to right, Maureen J'ackson of St. the Lay Apostolate, C.hurch Ex­ JJY comparable to . . " . Cesar 'Chavez, tpen, has' dem­ Anthony's, Mattapoisett, Judy Hylan,d of St. Joseph's in tension Society speaks with the ~h!s one.; in its .'." ", onstrated, at least on a small I~rightening implicatio.~s!fqr..,~~e scale, that it is in fact possible, No. Djghton, Peggy Roskey of St. Mary's in Man~fieldi and ,v<;liceof expeI;ience" jp t.o,nes s,uited to the' spi.rit of .our,lpte ~~ture of the Repub'bic. ,.. ; . ",I' after all ;these years, to organize Pat Roberts of Sacred"Heart· in Taunton. . ;rwehtieth Century. .., "I, If this pr.oblem is,.z:ei.loly~d, ,we farm workers into a viable union Thanking one· and all for ought to be ~ble to .b!1ncj.Je W~!it ,and to negotiate collective' bar­ their generous co-operation and 'i~f our o~her social and e~gnW;9Jc .gaining agreementswitb; power­ with cordial ·good· wishes" I, am, :1\l,robH~ms with relative. .~as~,." . f u l grower's 'in spite of, the' 'fact ,:; .. 0.11 the other han.d,,;~!itjsp,'t .that the ,/Workers he '1"eptesents " Devotedly in Christ, '.' , satisfactorily resolved witW.Q. ,tlte are not covered under the',tel'ms S~@'~(g Otru. ·:.~,~,tO,$,~Q~ ·,~~o/@,hm,tH~tJn· ffi JAMES L'. ',CqNN~L~Y:; CHICAGO (NC)-,-..''':{'he,.,mis­ ,!'to grow by -rjsin~ ItO, new chal­

near future, we can. expect "of 'the ·National Labor Relations '. Bislwp :of, :Fall.River.

'nothing.b~t troublHe·riOUS,'.,md Act and, comparable ,legislation siol)ary:, .~dea1 raises a~l, of .!-l.!i: ,to lenges. Iii the .wol'ds· of Cardinal a shar.e;, .in Chr.is,t:!i:, re,v.o~1-:1ti.on. Newman, 'To live l is to change,

IJP.Rs~iplY·disastrous t~p1?le~~'.. ~ at the State level. '" . tiie years ahead, and this' o.n al- ." ,Jt is extrf;:,ffiely d~upt£JlI,. ;bow­ .The J;e,voI4t.ion .tllat.. Christ pr,Q­ ,and··to, ·be "perlect, "i!> ,to ha·ve ',IH0Il10'~ 'A~ch~i$h~; 'llDost every front. Tithe ii;','tuO:- . ~ve!, tt1l't,lle will ~ "a.ble",w claims: is not a re.vol!1ti~,J;l,.~.f;vip­ changed:'oftem',: I.' .. ", :,..... ,..,-, . TUSCALQOSA .{NC.)....-Arch­ out on us veryr'ap,<ily'.',·',"·· .11!>mplete. ,the., job Qf. .o.rgan.izi~g I ,lence., hat~d ()r 4!'lst,J;!-!-~tlQIl"" ':', "To arrive at· this !pei'f~ction Sad Jrnfigh~'''' " . I " I the nation's. agricllltural worlc­ Bishop Cletus. F.. O'Dqn~Wl~ .of in the midst of change, 'how-' . bishop Thomas J. Toolen' of Mo­ ers unless and until their' right Madison" Wis., sa,~1;l h~r~ .... ever," Bishop O'Donnell stated, bile-Birmingham was honored And yet we cannot afford, in' to organize and bargain COllec­ by the University of Alabama Bishop O'Donnell preached the ~e meantime, to ib'IlOre' the tively is effectively guaran.teed homily at the consecration of '~e need an anchor.. For us it is with 'an honorary doctorate. of ~he constancY' of the Gospel, the other domestic problems con- Bishop Michael Jaines D~mpsey, fixedness .of the Cross, the calm, literature, the first Catholic 'fronting the nation or; to table by l a w . ' O.p.. 'of Sokoto, Nigeria, at St. steadying. influence of the voice clergyman honored by the in­ them, so to speak, tuitil' we .have See Bfittea'. Battle . stitution. The degr~e was con­ Pius '(Doniinican) church. I .of Christ. . 'resolved the racial crisis:"" , As the Wall' Street Journal ob­ Joh l1 Patrick Cardina.l ~opy of . "People look· to their bishop ferred by Dr. Frank A. Rose, "., Some of our other probleinS:"- "served ill. a recent ,roll,Q.<J-,up 'tilough perhaps less' 'serious, I story on"Chavez' current organi­ Chicago was consecrator; AJ;ch­ to be this' steadying influence," unIversity president.. relat'ively speaking,tti.ilii' 'the . zational efforts in California,. his bishop J,ohn Aggey ~q:;agos;'Ni­ he added, "and the bishop?-he

geria, and Auxiliary, BishQp must look to Holy. Mother iproblem of race relatiori~,i~}~e .Farm Work~rs Organizip.g Com­ .nation's blighted sIUlIls--:-are.no mittee "mIlY. have .only, ·r;llptured Aloysius J.' Wycislo.: '9~ ':¢.~ic.~go Church to' guide win." '.' , 'l~ss tragil;. in their ifnplicatiQns ,a few strategically unimportant ,were SQ-c~nsecrator,!.. " ;,1',' a universal and, .. everlasting and no less destructive 'of human outposts, with tactics that ,could ~His ·is a revolutipn .of. 'new kingdom - a kingdom of truth values. . ., . fail in .latel) , key, showdowns." . men' with a new: conception ·of and life, of hoiim~Ss and grace, a I refer, for example, to the sad ,. The FWOC, the Journal .con- .life," Bishop O'Donnell said l ,"a kingdom of justice, ':Ioveaild plight of the nation's agricultu- tinues, "at least has a, foot. in the revolution aimed at .establishing peace. " ll"al workers-migrants in partic- ,door. The hQpes for the next two not the age of science;; ,of .space, ~ __ ~~ WYman "The missionary ideal;" Bishop '1Il1ar-who, because they are years, ,thus, loom bright,. But .of democracy, but the age. ofhu­ O'Donnell asserted, "Infuses the " " " '3-6592. largely unorganized and because they could dim a,s g~wersover­ man rights according ,to."the awareness of, and il'" taste· for, they lack the protection of the come the..initial and Wlexpec.ted Gospels .and the natural hlw.~ greatness, for dynamism, for the CHARLES F. VARGAS law, are at the very bottom of .defeats. ,ilnd ,dig in f~r. a long It is, the bishop, continued, "a drama of the Christian Mystery. the economic ladder and are time, bi~ter battle." .'.' " 254 ROCKDALE 'AVENUE .revolu.tion leading. ultimately, to It makes us ashamed of. the 'hes­ forced to live like peo.ns in:. 1lI , . This couI\'f turn olit,'of course, has filled the hearts of. ,many. itancy with which we face the NEW BEDFORD, MASS... lJtate of virtual servitude. ' to be An Qverly pesSimistic esti.. But .change is a part of. our' hu- difficulties and insecurities "of These are admittedly hard .mate of Chavez's chances to' con­ , man condition.. . our own· lives, "the. reluctance words, but facts are facts, and, 'iJolidate ilie' ynpl-ecedented vic­ that is ours to embrace the "Our Ufe is a continu/AI invi­ lit is high time that the nation wries which his union has tation from God," Qe ,cont'inued, changes and ~alle~ges .that faced up, to' them realistically. challted up during the past year. make Christ more present in the Chavetl GIflecI L<eader . I am afraid, however, that it . world." , ' ::, . lIDritation From God , i During the past year, unfortu- "may well peoVe to be a v,eq re­ Depres;sion era" ,was, ab~ ~ ilIately,' we' have seen iii si'igh!- alistic prophecy. But, whatever come up with D()thing better' "Revolutiona~ forces;' pQUt­ very slight-improveni~nt_in the of that, the time has come M than ,a lame excuse. ical. scientific-a~ ,~ might. field of agricultur811 .labor, amend the National Labor Re­ add spiritual-are sweeping the Long 'll'~ te:Waft thanks iii Jarge measure' to .the, iations Act te include agricultu­ world." the bishop said. ·Unrest

"I' am in favor," he' said, ·of

genius of Cesar 'Chavez, under ral worken under its .cOve~age

whose alInost charismatic lead- an~ thus to guarantee. their right giving' agrictlltul'al workers ev­

ery' protection, but .' just now I Eliza~th'Event

ership the newly established . to organize and bargain collec­ believe in biting off one mouth­

Farm Workers Organizing Com- tively. Tbf: ~ual Clamb~il '~c:i Field .. ful at a time. If we can get this naT of St. Elizabetb'~. c.~u.rcb. ill mittee has succeeded, for the Lame !Excuse first time in the histoJrY of the Labor relations legislation at , ~n~ tht:0ugh and get it working Fall River win· be held tbia U.S., in signing collective bar- the State level should be simi­ properly, ,'there will be opportu­ Sunday at the Church groun~ gaining agreements with a hand- larly amended as soon as passi­ nity later'·· • to take care CJl on Tucker $~reet. Clamboil sen'­ agricultural workers." ingil will take plaee from nOoR fuI of corporate farms in Cali-bie. Even if this is done, Cha­ That was 321 years ago-and until Z P.M.. and tickets fornia. vez's union will face an uphill be the nation's agricultural workera available at the door. I had heard much about Mr. fight for many years to come. Chavez during the past few But if Federal and State labor still haven't been "taken care ;rears and had read any number legislation is not so amended, of." Now is the time to correct of articles about him in the the union's future will be very this indefensible inequity. Catholic as well' as the general bleak indeed When the original The labor movement, in my press, but it wasn't until I met National Labor Relations Act­ 'judgment, ought to put this mat­ him and heard him speak in _the so-called Wagner Act-was ter at the very top of its legisla­ San Francisco at the recent con-' first enacted way back in 1935, tive agenda and should _settle it vention of the National Catholic Congressional leaders, who must once and for all- not a· year Social Action Conference that I have been under terribly heavy from now or five years from AND ASSOCIATION ATTLEBORO really got the meas.ure of the pressure from influential grow­ . now, but during the present ses­ man. ers, gave no plausible reason for - siOIi of the Congress. .4 ~ % 'on alii Savings Accounts He is an extraordinarily gifted excluding agricultural farm Thirty-two years is an intol­ lleader, possessed, of a happy workers from its coverage.. .. erably , long. time to wait foi' ceombination of unbending t6Ugh­ Even Chairman Connery of 'the simple' jUstice and equity. 'We 4%% on lime Certificates ness and calm serenity, Oi'gani­ House Labor Cornr'nittee, who have no tight to expect the farm Attleboro - New Bedford zational 'shrewdness alld pro,. was a most progressive' leade't workers of' this niltioR to wait ' ' , phetic vision, dead seriousllesa in the Congress ali through the any longer.

lustice for Fc.rm Workers' Serious Do~e$:tic·,Problem


S@).}?~,:, Mg$~p'~h~Rir ~~®@~, ItR.~,~~·:"














First Federal Savings


THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 7, 1967

Conference Asks For Federal Job, ~o~sing Help

Asks Expansion:,


SAN FRANCISCO (NC)­ The National Catholic Social Action Conference (NCSAC) has called on the federal government to "create vast pub­ lic works projects and other programs to give jobs to all the unemployed, especially jobs on a minimal experience level." A resolution adopted by the conference said: "We view the present crisis as an opportunity

for America to end the scourge of unemployment. "The times call for a national £ommitment to the principle that if private industry e ann 0 t 'provide a decent job for a man or woman who wants one, the

government must." Supports Coalition It also registered support of proposals made by the Urban Coalition in Washington for an emergency federal program aimed at providing one million jobs and one million housing units for the poor in riot-torn cities. NCSAC's 11th annual conven­ tion opened with' a welcome from Archbishop Joseph T. Mc­ , Gucken of San Francisco, who stressed the need for members of NCSAC and all in the Church to educate and influence com­ 'munityorganizations which have the resources to solve the prob­ lems of society. Father William F. Ryan, S.J.. director of the Social Action De­ ,partment, Canadian Catholic Conference, ,told the delegates that "the men of the world must 'no longer be 'able with reas~>n to judge the religious man sub­ standard, lukewarm or a turn, coat to their work of rebuilding '''8 better world."' ' What, nine-tenths of humanity does during nine-tenths of its time, namely building the earth­ -ly city, must have some rele­ vance to the Kingdom of God, Father Ryan said. The alienation of the Church from the world can be traced in history, he said, but at the same time .history shows the Church working to close the chasm. "With Vatican II council and the Geneva meeting on the church and society, the last ex­ cuse for divided and conflicting Christian service to humanity has disappeared, and it must if Christian witness, influence and action are to be effective in s0­ cial problems."


FIRST FRIDAY: Every First Friday Mass is celebrated by priests of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, for those living in Morgan Apartments for senior citizens. Mass is offered in the recreation room and residents BJre, made to feel part of the Cathedral Parish in which they reside and in whose activities they are urged to pal"ticipate fully~

MassCom'esTo. Re-sidents Every Month

Residents of the Morgan the monthly celebration. Msgr. Apartments, Fall'River housing Stanton has a set of altar linens project for the elderly, enjoy an and other necessary items at the unusual privilege. Every First . apartments and the women keep Friday an ,afternoon Mass is them in readine~s for use. celebrated in their recreation Two priests are at th~ project ha]] by priests from St. Mary's e8£h First Friday, said Msgr. Cathedral. Attendance by Cath';' Stantion. One J:lears corifessions' olic residents, is virtually 100 before Mass ~nd the other is per cent,. said Msgr. Robert L. celebrant. Both distribute Holy Stanton, Cat.hedr~l, re(,ltor. Mos,!, ,Communion, i~ neqessary.; A receive Holy Communion, be parish boy serves. added. " ,; , , Altboughthe Cathedral !s near' The First Friday Mass was Msgr. Stanton's i~a, and began in February, two months after , the apartment house was opened. Women of' bouse, led by Mrs. Sam Taylor and Mrs. John HARTFORD -Some 5,0 KinJiane; act as sacristans for . children from Hartford's' North' End ghetto are going to school in pnidominantly white Catholic schools in the suburbs. The children, most of whom would have attended public MEXICO CITY (NC) -The schools, attend three parish federal department of education schoOls in West Hartford and plans to adopt for public schools two schools in Manchester. Their the intelligence tests .developed bus transportation will be paid by the Christian Brothers and for by the Hartford Board of used in the private schools they Education under a grant from ,serve here. the U. S. Office of Education. Government officials say the Msgr. James A. Conno]]y, su­ tests offer particular advantages perintendent of schools for the in vocational training and guid- Hartford archdiocese, said the ,ance. \ ' € a tholic . schools project would Although the Mexican consti­ be part of the city's year-old tution prohibits Catholic and Project Concern, funded by the other denominational schools, Office of Education under Title neither the government nor any- ' l! of the federal Elementary and ' PONCE (NC)-An Institute of one else has paid much attention secondary Education Act. Project- Concern fbund elassTheology for nuns has been ee-' to the law, and Catholic schools, have continued 10 operate and ' tabJfshed at the Catholic Unlvel'­ are tolerated. sity of Puerto Rico here.

Msgr. TheodoreE. McCarrick,

university president, said the

institute "will eventually be af­ CLEVELAND (NC) - Bishop

filiated with the Institute .Regina Mundi in Rome." The Pontifical Clarence G: Issenmann has au­

Institute of Regina Mundi was thorizedthe offering of Masses

established to assist in preparing , in Spanish in private homes' once

Sisters 'to teach' religion m a month in St. PatriCk parish

here. Some '400 of the parish's

schools. The institute, expected to be 1,200, families are Spanish­ in operation by February, 1968, speaking. They are mostly Puelt'­

will offer courses in theology to Rican. One Sunday Mass m

and Sacred Scripture. Classes the parish church will also be

said in Spanish.

will be conducted on a two­ language track system, enabling

both Spanish and English­

[f~~~~~ ,¥~[N] speaking Sisters to participate.


Brothers Develop Tests for Sc:hools

Establish Theology Institute for Nuns

Mass in Spanish

S)lliJ[9)[9)@l?U' [f®@]@U'@U'O@[7i) VANCOUVER (NC) - The

<Catholic Public School 'Trustees'

Association here has announced

xu)] support for the Federation of Independent Schools, an or­ ganization comprised of repre­ sentatives of Anglican, Catholic, Calvin Christian, Lutheran, Mennonite, Jewish and other achoohJ.

TIJLlJ AA ~ ~ ~ te©MIi»b\lNJi? ~@lI'ilillP-l~e~@) [1,OI7il@

~wo~cdID[)'il!9J M~fr$rro@~$ ® SlPRING

~1?, IjlABiP'HAVrt~

993·26~ ~

the Morgan Apartments, having Mass on the premisE!s is a boon to the oldsters; said Msgr.' Stan­ ton. "We want to make them feel an integral part of the par­ ish," he noted, "and this Mass is one way of giving them ser­ vice." "It's a two-way street;" added the rector. "We ,are invited to social, events at the project; and we enjoy attending them very much."

Hartford to Bus Slum" Chi'I~I~en To Suburban, Catholic' Schools' (Ne;



ALBANY. (NC) - The New York State Board of Regents has proposed a major expansion of the state's scholar incentive pro­ gram, to provide direct financial assistance, for tuition, books, food, clothing, housing, trans­ portation and "all reasonal)le costs" to needy students in both public and private schools.

The new plan calls for a grad­ ual increase in scholar incentive payments approaching "total col­ lege costs" by 1975. The 54-year­ old Regents scholarships, award,. ed only after competitive exami­ nation, would be phased out.

There is "danger of placing too much emphasis on tradition­ al educational yardsticks in esti­ mating what college-capable students are, in fact, capable of doing in college," said a Regents report urging a shift away from the competi ti ve scholarship awards to a wider aid program. "While the people of New York state can be justly proud of their financial assistance pro­ gram, it is clearly demonstrated that the present program does not meet adequately the needs of all of today's college students. and that it will fall far short of foreseeable needs In th'e yearn immediately ahead," the Regenw said. The Regents also proposed 'n system of 2,000 "opportunity'" scholarships beginiling with10tb grade students to" encourage .. them' to stay in schoQl' and seek eolhige education.' ' , ' ,


Deputy School Head DETROIT (NC)~ister Ger.;. trude 'Marie of. ,the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati has been appointed assistant sl,lperintend­ ent of the Detroit archdiocesan elementary school system, the highest educational post attained here by a nun. For the last 10 years, she served as elementary school supervisor for the Cm.. cinnati archdiocese.

room space and provided bus transportation for about 250 North End youngsters in five suburban towns' last year, its first year of operati.on. ' "We approved participation in Project Concern last year," said Msgr. Connelly, "but were un;­ able to make the nE!cessary plans ~ ~ in time ~o take part in it. "This year, we have made the plans and we are going to dis­ charge some of the Church's so­ cial responsibility,". he said. He said children from grades ,I throug~ 8 will be picked by Project Concern officials and '. • So. Dartmout h ,. ,. Father Robert McGrath, pastor of St. Michael's parish in the • and Hyannis • North End and chairman of the , archbishop's committee on hu­ : So. Dartmouth 997·9384 : man rights. • Hyannis 2921 • "They need not necessarily be 'Catholic," be saidl., Pl. ... II • • • • . • • • • • • • •,

• :• J B ': :• LUMBER CO!':• • • • • • • • •

Bolsum Bread is that good!




Survey Potential

THE:.',~KHOR-Dioce~~ of Fall River-Thurs" Sept. 7, 1967

PlatrB~ulrug 'Is; 'Key ~@ SaJ]<C~~$$ _1m l@r~~lfU Ed~ce@~W@Oi]

Detroit Uses Ccm,puteu- tG Matc,h Retired

Perso@1s to Jobs

DETROIT (NC) - There are form to parishes to 'determine their needs. an estimated 165,000 retired {leo­ - pIe-many with both the will Their first aim: "The first run and ability to exercise much on the computer will be to find, needed ski lis - in the Detroit 'all the men and women who are archdiocese. , available to teach," said Frank And there is an unknown Gerbig, Jr., who is in charge of ,number of possible jobs with the project. parish and diocesan agencies in After that, he said, Archbishop the archdiocese. John F. Dearden will estblish a Neither of these facts is news. committee to determine, priori­ But what is news is the fact :ties and match people' with that the archdiocese has enlisted positions. a computer and a three-man , team who are working full-time A1Ffr~O' @@ ~~J(j'$ to put the two together. The team has distributed a , VALDEJO (NC)~The Domil1l­ )can Fathers will leave St. Villl­ four-page questionnaire to re­ tired persons-7,500 have been 'ce'nt Ferrer parish here in Cali­ fornia ,on Oct. 1 after 102 yearn returned and fed into the com­ puter so far - and a two-page , -of service.

l'-'rom "Social Revolution in the lLatin America" , Edited by John .T. Considine, M.M.

Every educational effort in Latin America, write Rev. <Gustavo Perez and Rev. Isaac Th. J. Wist, should be oriented ('OOward overall development. In the traditional school sys­ tem there should be a major effort to expand technical and agricultural training a n d ' ' ,programs in social sciences, begun for foreigners living in based on the real social doc- Latin America but eventually most end up provid.ing education 'trine of the Church. More- to Latin Americans, It is com­ @ver, in every school there is, a mon for Latin Amel'ican chil­ meed to teach an ethos of de vel- dren in these schools to learn 'opment. There ' m o r e about the country of their dis', also a special teachers than about theil' own. '(task for private When classes are given in- a :lmgencies in the foreign language such as English, <e x peri men the children develop problems '~l 'field. Today in their' native. tongue: Hence, we realize that foreigners must pay specia! at­ 'it he traditional . tention to the needs of their new 'ochool is not country and spend quite a long , EDITOR: Frank Morriss, '~he only means , t i m e studying these problems former ne\\'s editor of The . of education.

before they begin actual teach­ Register, National Edition, 'Besides ad u 1 t

·ing. '<e<iuca'tion, there

The formation of Christians is Denver, has been named ed­ 't1lre other means

not a consideration to be left itor-in-chief of, a new na­ which are growing in im­ for last place in any education

'~rtance. effort. Such formation should be tional Catholic newspaper to The radio school systems of included in all of the previous' be named Twin Circle-The ,!Latin America which started in list, of challenges to' the private 'National Catholic Press. <Colombia have proven this. Un­ ,sector: in both public and. pri­ Twin Circle, to begin in No­ til now, the use of audio-visual vate schools, in adult education, vember, will publish in Den­ aystems, education by corre­ ,in programs outside of formal ver. as a 16-page tabloid. NC gpondence and mass communi­ schooling in programs using Photo. eation media in general have mass communications media. &een greatly underestimated. 'There should be a great effort Class Integration to teach Christian social doctrine h®~@[]'i)©1 L®@@!$ Special attention should be in every phase of education.' An given to the integration of social inquiry made recently discov­ celasses. This does not mean that ered that in many counh"ies stu­ U[J'i) MO~§O@IT'il®[f~ D private school for wealthy dents from Catholic schools were DUBLIN (NC)-Ireland leads families should have some kind said to be weli trained as stu­ the world in the number of its of an annex school for the poor dents, but poorly trained as priests abroad on missionary as is common in many parts of Christians. So we must make a service, according' to the Mis­ Latin America today. ' special effort to im'prove Chris­ sionary Service Center here. . This kind of school system tian formation even in our The c'enter said 5,963 Irish <emphasizes even more the social Catholic schools. distinction between ricft and Lastly, we must lay stress' on_ priests ,are working abroad poor in a number of ways very the need for careful planning compared with 5,723 in pastoral significant to sensitive children: of our effort. Time is short and work in Ireland. Largest con­ differences in clothes, desks, teachers too scarce for us to centration of 'Irish priests is ~ 'teaching materials, and so (}I~. continue improv.isation which is Africa w)lere there aJ;e 1,443. Of JIntegration means that children at this moment the worst enemy this number 748 are iil Nigeria. of different social classes should Qf the development 'in Latin A third of the 651 Irish priesw in Asia are in the Philippines. together in classroom as far America. 'This means that every­ 'Argentina counts the largesa is possible. body: has to be aware of the The effeCt of such a school on studIes' that are being done or number of Irish missionary tlie children of the upper classes have to be done on educational priests in South America, where Irish missionary efforts are iJIl will be to give a social education needs. the initial stages. There are 29 fo them and also to their parents It means also coordination who do not like their children within the private sector itself Irish priests in Argentina. mixed with "common" people as as well as with the pU,blic sector. iii frequently heard among upper The time is past, when as hap­ One 80ll.!J1i' lFatl'lnHeli'N dass Latin Americans. This kind pened recentiy; a rector of ,a HANOVER (NC) -Protes~ 0'£' Christion: social education is Catholic university said to' one espeCially urgent, of his students that her desire and, Catholic scholars in Gefi>.o For those who come from to study educational planning many have agreed on a commOOll text for the Our Father. AJ\.o abroad to woi'k in education we was outside the Catholic ap­ though the text has not yet been go back to what was said in the proach because it indicated a beginning of this paper about marxist tendency. Planning IS released, its publication is em­ the differences between the two the key t Q success in Latin pected after' the septembe!l" meeting of the German Bisho¢ Americas. American education. , Too many foreigners ha ve Conference. opened schools in Latin America that would be wonderful in th'eir .Two Philadelp,hi~ own cou~rry, but are nol ori­ Schools to Close P~umbing ented toward national ;needs, PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Two Many of these schools were parochial schools here will close their doors in September, and a OVeQ" '35 Yean

,H a~ tN egotia tiollilS third was saved by last-minute of Satisfied Service

pledges of support from parish­ Reg. MasteQ" Plumber 7021

for Sht§i(ed Time ioners. Officials of one parish .JOSEPH RAPOSA. .m.

DULUTH (NC) -'The diocese blamed the closing on the lack 806 INC. MAIN STREEt'

of Duluth has broken off nego­ of state ,support. FaD Rivet!' 675-749'1 tiations for shared time and St. James and Our Lady of the shat'ed facilities with the Duluth Blessed Sacrament schools will public school system on the ad­ not reopen in September. Olllr vice of a public school board Lady of Sorrows school will re­ attorney. main open because more than The attorney said shared time 200 persoll.'l pledged $10 contri­ or shared facilities arrangements butions at an emergency meeting of parishioners, held after noti­ were "not feasible" under Min­ fication that the school would nesota law. A chancery spokes­ man said that the diocese had close in September for financial reasons unless state aill was accepted the opinion. The diocese of Duluth has ceived. ~440 students enrolled in Cath­ St. James -school cited a drOit olic elementary or high schools. in enrollment as the reason it will Another 18,961 Catholic students not re-operi. A shortage of fIi:­ attending public grade or high nances and personnel prompted I schools receive special religious the clo!!ing of Our, Lady of tAM . . rlJ











OOYS 0 hi





famoUl for


._-~~? ...



reward you , . Ilemembering tfIe'pooc, A Our /legal tWa: cmtouc NEAR EM1' WEUUtI . . . . AaocIAnoII.



Blessed Sacrament.


We'll send you his name this week, on recel~ of your first gift. ••'. -What a blessing foryolDlI" family, to have a priest! IFJUILIl» , 0 For as little as $3,000 (and sometimes IeSI$» '1!OUR you cal'll build a church iiJ'l your loved onell" tDWU'1Q memory, and nama it for your favorite sainI!'.' ©Jll(lJJ~ We can tell you now where the church is needed!. and as construction proceeds the local priest OS" lBishop overseas will keep you informed by let­ ~rs and even photographS. " , .,l> _00' 0 For $10,000 you can build In India a com­ IFAIRUstfl plete parish 'plant" (church, school. rectory and convent). Want full Information? ~ 0 OUr priests are free to offer promptly 'tit<) (FOR Masses you request. and your Mass offeringll lOu. !buy food and medicines for lepers and orphans. lUst ~ Intentions now (anniversarlea. birth­ days, *.) for the ReJtt few montha, anell we'CJ earo of them.


Heatil1lg Co.


18 ciluntries,· pitiably poor, you





lBECOMfE still train a boy for the priesthood for onllf lPRJES1l'S $8.50 a month ($100 a year, $600 for the entil10l six·year course). He will write to you and youlI" family, pray for you, Bnd you may write to him.



lHere in New York we're delighted whenfriend$ Dike you drop in to say hello. We know youblf mail, and you know us. Come in so we can meet In person! ••• Our office (330 Madison Ave.. at 42nd St) is in mid-Manhattan, near the Grand Central railroad station, not far from the UN. You'II find us busy sending your gifts to missionary priests, seminarians and Sisters. blind children and refugees..•• We're all one family, we like to think,-and you're an impor­ tant member. We let you Imow where the Hollf Father says your help is needed, and you nevell" fail•••• Come see for yourself how we do OlDlI" work. We want to thank you in person for doine yours. ")1









THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan Inver.....T hurs., Sept. 1, BYOJ'

~:-?:,>:<-----' ~,




CONNOLLY HIGH FACULTY: Newest diocesan bigh school, Bishop Connolly High in Fall River, opened with two classes in its new build­ ing yesterday. Jesuit faculty members are:· Left photo, front, Rev. Mr. Paul C. Kenney, S.J. (Englisb), Rev. Mr. William H. Nolan, S.J. (Mathe­ matics), Rev. William J. Cullen, S.J. (History and Theolegy), and Rev. Joseph P. Walsh, S.J. (Librarian); rear, Rev. John J. Hollohan, S.J. «Guidance and Mathematics), Rev. James F. Linehan, S.J. (Theology),

Rev. Mr. Francis J. McManus, S.J. (History), a.nd Rev. Mr. Josepb 1"0 Carey, S.J. (Latin). Right photo, front, Rev. Mr. Thomas M. Wass, S.Jf., (Modern Languages), Very Rev. Charles J. Dunn, S.J., Rector, Rew" John G. Cornellier, S.J., Principal, and Rev. J~hn F. Mullin, S.J. (Eng­ lish); rear, Rev. Charles A. MacMullan, S.J. (Latin), Rev. Bro. Anthony R. Picariello, S.J. Administrator, Rev. Mr. Robert J. Paradowski, S.Jo (Chemistry), and Rev. Peter J. McKone, S.J. (Mathematics).

Communists S1l'ran'gle Catholic Life in 'North Vietnam

SAIGeN (NC)-Catholic life is being strangled by communist ;mti-religious pressure in North Vietnam. That is the conclusion toward which reJ)4lrts from various oources converge. The Catholic religion is far !!rom e:dinc1:. of ~oul·se. ill the

north. Gommunist bl'oadcasts and articles occasionally imply that extra "persuasion" has been found necessary for the Catholic compatriots, still no negligible minority. Foreign travelers find tbe cathedral in Hanoi open on Sun­ da¥. Mass beinl: celebrated and

good-sized congregations. For­ eign visitors always comment on the presence of many young people at Mass. As in other communist capi­ tals, however, there is more of a semblance of religious freedom in Hanoi than throughout the country. Yet even in Hanoi all Catholic schools have been taken over by the communist regime leng age. The seminary has been closed. For years Archbishop Joseph Trin-nhu-Khue of Hanoi has not been allowed to visit parishes outside the city limits. In the smaller towns and vil­ lages the strangulation of reli­ gion has been done more crudely and more openly. , 'Dying Out' "Chl"istian life is weakening," one report said, "It is very diffi,.. cult to keep the faith." "Catholicism is dying out in my province," a 30-year-old North Vfetnam soldier who sur­ rendered to the national forces ill June, 1966, Sllid. "Other reli­ gions are dying 'out, too.

Arab Refugee Relief Totals 4.25 Million

PERSONALITY WORKSHOP: Attendants at two day workshop in Personality Development in Religious Life held at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, chat with Miss Anne Culkin, guest speaker and author of newspaper column and book on subject of charm From left,' Sister Mary J. Cr:mshoff, S.S.D., Miss Culkin, Sister Mary G'regory, O.P., Mother James Tereila, S.U.S.C., Mother Barbara, R.J.M. NeHrly 400 SiRters from thp Pall River and Providence Di­ oc.e;.,;e:s wt:!'e pre;:;ent at





NEW YORK (NC) - Emer­ geny aid from Catholic sources to Arab refugees 'of the recent Israeli-Arab conflict has reached 'some $4.25 million. Since the June 5 outbreak, Catholic agen­ cies gave $3 million' in food, medicine, blanl,ets and other relief supplies and $1.25 million in cash to aid' centers on both sides of the cease-fire lines. The Catholic aid was chan­ neled thmugh three agencies­ Catholic Relief Services, the Pontificlli Mission for Palestine, and Catitas Int~1 nationalise

"No more priests are being trained. Those who had been al­ ready ordair.ed were sent to other regions or were prevented from being active. In the sman villages the churches are de­ serted. People still worship pri­ vately in their homes, but the younger people are drawn 'away by other activities promoted by the authorities. Fear Church-(;oers

"Some of these activities are contrary to Christian teaching, For instance, young people of Catholic families were urged to take part in the denouncing and execution of landlords during the 'agrarian reform' and in the seizure of property belonging to persons named 'enemies of the people.' Loose moral conduct was also tolerated between party cadres and village girls." Another soldier of the North ~

Vietnam army, who defected iJIl ] 00ti, said he had traveled M> many parts of the north. "In the rural areas," he saitll. "all the village pagodas bave been turned into storehouses ... used as schools or meeting baH!!. Only the large pagodas thai were noted landmarks and pa­ godas in Hanoi were sparetll. Catholic churches remain intad jfl the runll areas, but tHere aye very few church-goers now. "In places where there aYe large concentrations of Catholictl\, they do not conceal their dislike of the regime. They refused M> join the government coopera­ tives, preferring to work tbeilf own land and pay very bea~ taxes fol' their freedom," (Hanoi radio broadcasts bavlil claimed that most of the Cath­ olic peasants have "agreed" t.f) enter the "cooperatives.")

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JiAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer Member N~" ,1 Society Professional E:lgir.'



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept~ 7, 1967


C!.OfP ANf[) SAVE f())~






Jack Frost (RusJ Monkeys Go Home Namu. The Killer Whale Nobody's Perfect Reluctant Astronaut, The Plainsman, The Return of the Gunfighter Russian Adventure Seven Guns for the . McGregors Sound of Music, The Sullivan's Empire

Track of Thunder Tammy and the Millionairo Tarzan and the Valley of Geld! Terrornauts, The That Tennessee Beat They Came From Beyond Space Thoroughly Modern Millie Thunderbirds Are Go Tiko and the Shark A Time for Burning What Am I Bid

Africa-Texas Style -A Man For All' Seasons Arizona. Bushwacker Ballad .of Josie Bible, The Big Mouth Brighty of the Grand Canyon Bullwhip Griffin Cat, The Christmas That Almost Wasn't, The

Frozen Dead Cool Ones. The Couritdown Double Man, Th~ Double Trouble Endless Summer, The Enter laughing Fantastic Voyage Fastest Guitar Alive Finder's Keepers Follow Me, Boys

Hardy, The The Gnome·Mobile 40 Guns to Apache Pass . Frankenstein Conquers the World Frontier Hellcat Gentle Giant, The Goal! Happiest Millionaire I Deal in Danger Is Paris Bu rni ng?

Bride~ of Fu Manchu, The Brown Eye-Evil Eye Chubasco Come Spy With Me Deadly Bees, The Defector, The (Gr.l Doctor. Zhivago Eight On The lam

Firecreek. rahrenheit 451 First to Fight The Flim·Flam Man Fort Utah Gone With The Wind Gunfight in Abilene In Like Flint Hostile Guns

Hour of Guns Jokers, The (Br.l la Vie de Chateau (FrJ long Duel Man Who Finally Died, The Mummy's Shroud Naked Among the Wolves (Ger.l O.S.S, 117, Mission for lJl

Killer lFr.l Perils of Pauline Poppy Is Also a Flower, The Projected Man, The Red Tomahawk Sea Pirate Shadow of Evil Shameless Old lady, Tha (FI'J Texican, The

Tobruk To Sir, With Love Up the Down Staircase Wait Until Dark War Wagon, The Warning Shot The Wild, Wild Planet Yo-Yo (FfJ

Accident (Br.) Assignment To Kill Barefoot in the Park Busy Body, The The Caper of the Golden Bulls Caprice Casino Royale Chuka A Countess From Hong Kong Crazy Quilt, The Deadly Affair, The Devil's Own, Ule

Divorce American Style Eldorado EI Greco For a Few Dollars More Fortune Cookie, The Frankenstein Created Woman Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, A Funeral in Berlin Grand Prix Hail! Mafia Happening, The -Hawaii

Happily Ever After Honey Pot, The Hotel Hot Rod to Hell Hunt, The (Spanish) In The Heat of The Night Island of Terror King of Hearts love-ins Made in Italy A Man and A Woman (frJ McGuire, Go Home The Naked Runner

Night of the Generals Not With My Wife You Don't Pawnbroker, The Penelope Professionals, The Quiller Memorandum, The Return of the Seven Riot on Sunset Strip r.<lsie . . Rough Night in Jericho Sand Pebbles, The Sandra (!tal.) Spirit Is Willing. !a1l

Shoot loud, louder ••• Don't Understand (ItalJ Spy With a Cold Nose Study in Terror, A (Br.l Sweet love, Bitter Taming of the Shrew Thief of Paris Tiger and Pussycat Trunk to Cairo Two For The Road Venetian Affair, The The War Game Where The Bullets Fly ,(8fJ)










•• ,

~ , ••



~ ~ ~




Birds, Bees and ItaHans Bonnie and Clyde Cool Hand luke Darling Easy Life, The (!tal.) The Family Way (BrJ .

Flame and the Fire Georgy Girl (Br.l Girl with Green Eyes (BrJ Knack, The (Br.) lord love' a Dur' MaratiSade

Moment ,of Truth, The Persona (Swed.l Hawks and Sparrows Red Desert Servant, The Strangers io the GitN

Taboos of the World (ltakt .This Sporting Life (BrJ Too Young to Love Ulysses Victim IBrJ Visit, The

Who's Afraid of V1rginhl Woolf? You're A Big Boy Now Young and the Willing. • (Br.l lorba, The Greek

Africa Addio (ltal.) American Dream, An Arrivederci, Baby! (formerly Yo.. Just Kill Mel Banning .. Beautiful Swindles, The· . Biggest Bundle of Them AI~ . The _ Blue· Max, The ' COfrupt Ocles, TCle

Covenant with Death, A Deadlier Than The Male Devil's Angels Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding Duel At Diablo Fistful of Dollars . Gumi . Guide For The Married Man, It

King's Pirate, The Murderer's Row New· Angels, The Utalp Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's I Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad Once Before I Die Pistol for Ringo UtalJ Prehistoric Women Queell$

Ride to Hangman's Tree, Ttra Sleeping Car Murder, The Space Flight Ie (BrJ Swinger, The TaU Women This Property is Condemned .Time of Indifference (ItalJ Three Bites of the Apple The Viking' QueeA WvaMaria

Way • • • Way Out! Welcome to Hard Times What A Way to Go What Did You Do iA the .... Daddy? What's New Pussycat Who Killed Teddy BearY Who's Been Sleeping ill lit

11111 1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ill1l1l1ll1l1ll1l 1I111111111111111111l









Bed Wild An&el&.· Tltt

' ; .... "


.. I., I •• '


Affair of the SIlln, All Bambole Utal.l . Bell'Antonio (ItaU Blow-Up (BrJ Circle of love Conteinpt (FrJ Cul-De·Sac Dear John (Swed.l Doll, The (SwedJ ' Empty Canvas Eric Soya's 17 (Danish) Game is Over (Fr.l Hiah Infidelity UtalJ



"en's Angels on Wheets · "Gve on a Pillow (frJ I love, You love (It8lJ loves of a Blonde (Czech) Image of love . loving Couples (Swedish) · Magdalena (Ger.l La Fuga UtalJ La. Guerre Est Finie (frJ · Maid in Paris IFrJ . La Mandragola UtalJ Married Woman, The (fu La,;, The (Fr.) Masculine·Feminine (frJ Le Bonheur (FrJ Miller's Beautiful Wife (ItalJ Let's Talk About Woinen UtalJ Molesters, The love and Marriage utalJ Mondo Pazzo <ltal,) Love Game (FrJ My Life to Live (FrJ love Goddesses, The My Sister, My love (Swedi) love In 4 Dimensioll$ (!taU Night Games (SwedJ

Nude Odyssey, The lftaP.9 Odd Obsession (Jap.) . Of Wayward love (ltaU Playgirl After Dark (BfJ Please, Not Now! (ffJ Port of Desire Pot Bouille (lovers cf ParlsJ Beach' Red Repulsion Run For Your Wife Sweet and Sour (frJ Swedish Wedding Night



• '


Tales of Paris fri Temptation (Fr.-1t..J 10:30 P.M. Summer Terrace, The (SpaDJ To love (SwedJ TM Trip Wasted Lives aRd 1lIIe IlIIII of Twins Weekend (DanJ . What's Up Tiger Lily? White Voices UtalJ Women of the World CftalJ Young World, The {f'fJ

-mE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 7, 1967'

President, Prelate Sa~Mte Catholic Youth ~r@g!f~ms WASHINGTON (NC)-Her­ alding the approach of the 17th lIDnual National Catholic Youth Week observance, President Johnson said the "fine program" for Catholic young people "pre­ pare the way for the kind of. roclety to which tllUs nation lIS­ pires." Anell Archbishop Philip X. Hannan of New Orleans, chair­ man of the Youth Department, U.s. Catholic Conference, call­ Ed the theme for the 1967 ob­ eervance, "Youth - Apostles to Youth" a "forthright challenge." The observance is scheduled from Oct. 29 to Nov. 5. The opening day, which is the feast of Christ the King, has been des­ ignated as National Catholic Youth Communion Sunday. The observance is sponsored by the National Catholic Youth Organization Federation of the USCC Youth .Department. In his message to Msgr. Thomos J. Leonard, director of the USCC Youth Department, Presi- dent Johnson wrote: "National Catholic Youth Week reminds us all that youth has always been America's strength. And more than that, it calls upon today's young Americans to begin early in their lives to use their talents for the future of our country.

CcuIPJUe '«@ W @[fk ~n L@f!'vtrU ~rMl®[fOCi:a

people have already responded to the call for lay missionaries and for helpers of developing nations. "'I am eonfident that the ob­ servanCe of this Youth Week will draw attention to the con­ tructive activities of our youth, and in this way eounteract the unfavorable impression caused by relatively .few young people in America. Whilll this latter circumstance is most regrettable, it can serve a useful purpose by spurring you to greater efforts in . achieving your splendid goals."

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ A young Negro couple who have committed tl~emselves to the un­ derprivileged of the United States as a lifetime apostolate have decided to work in Latin America for three years to gain a better perspective on the problems of their own society. "We think that through PAVLA (Papal Volunteers for Latin America) we can be a better Christian witness to our own society," Bill Thompson said. "We also think that by working with the uneducated in a different setting, we can gain . '. 'a' 'better perspective; that when we come back in a few years, we can be of better service til> ,th~C~urch and to the American society." Mary and Bill Thompson will leave for J'amaica Monday a~ completion of the six-week PAVLA training program con­ du,cted at the Catholic Univer­ sity of America here. Bill will help establish and will teach in Ii primary school and Mary will . teach in a kindergarten. They will also work in social welfare projects on the Caribbean island. The Thompsons-both former social workers-hope they will "get a better grasp on the funda­ mental question of how human beings are related to each other -how we can join forces with each other in trying to shape :;:) better world" during their three­ year stay in Latin America.

Turns Down Plea To He ~t Friest

MILWAUKEE (NC) -Arch­ bishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee failed to agree to a plea by Milwaukee officials that he order Father James E. Groppi, activist civil rights leader, to· stop leading the open housing demonstrations' which have oc­ casioned civil strife here 'for three nights. 'After a meeting with the city's commission on human relations, the archbishop issued a state­ ment criticizing the whites who have rioted against the demon­ strators and asking "prudence"

Fine Programs on the part of demonstrators. He "Catholic Youth Organizations mqde no mention of Father have already done much to en- Groppi in the statement and is­ courage individual self-fulfill- sued no direct appeal that the ment and enhance our national demonstrations be stopped. greatness. I know ,that you will Mayor Henry J. Maier had continue to work toward those publicly asked that. the archbish­ A NEW COMMANDMENT: ''Thou Shalt Not Park,w SIl"(i1)mlO~1ro Call'll@lrn goals in the years ahead. op intervene to stop the demon­ faced students at Gannon Prep, Erie, Pa., as they returned "Through your fine programs strations after the second open MADRID (NC)-A joint com­ you prepare the way for the housing march led by Father to school this week. The chancery office is acrQSS the mittee of Spanish and Latin kind of society to which this Groppi into the cit.y's white American bishops has completed quadrangle from the prep. school. NC Photo. nation aspires. You prove that south side drew a mob of 13,000 the Spanish-language version of free men can live together in anti-demonstrators who were the Canon of the Mass that willi dignity and in decency-and fin<llly dispersed by police use become the official text foll' that they can work together to Of tear gas. . about 250 million Spanish­ sustain their freedom, and realThe mayor issued an ordei"' sPiaking Catholics. A group of ire their opportunities in II banning marches, demonstra­ composers is now working on Q Chriist8 peaceful and prospering world." tions and parades on all city music score that will be offered In his message on the observ- streets and sidewalks for 30 Tulsa along with the text to all Span­ ance, Archbishop Hannan said: days. Father Groppi and mem­ .••• .... ·\t • "' 't> " ", , ,illh,..Slllea,king .c~ntries. TULSA (NC)-The Commudissatisfied with the slow pace .... " ."),'T,~tio~~J Cat~olic Yo.~th, ~rs of his NAACP Youth C~un­ Week provides . us with an ex':' . Cit violated' the' ban' by staging nity 'Of' the 'Livirig Christ is the"" of 'progress. I 1Delieve it offers

.. eelle~t ,occasion to be remillded .. a'demonstration outside their name for Tulsa's' experimental" ., a'kind of outlet. I've recom-'

WEAR 9f th~ .role ,of youth in the mod- burned-out headquarterS.' .The pftrlsh, which is patterned after . "mended 'to several bishops. that ern worid. . ~eadquarters, Fmedom' House, the c9mmunityOf John XXIII they· could use:.tbis type of comShoes That Fit ,,' Iounity' to giVll. the people ,Q , "Speaking of yourselves, the., was burned by an unindentified in Oklahoma City. I "THE FAMll\' SHOE STORE'" The community is presently' challenge, an opportunity to do

bishops of the Second Vatican arsonist folIowing the second something \\(j,th their ideas.~ .

Council sta.ted their conviction night of demonstrations on the composed,o::1 about 35 families and hopes to expand to about " " .. '. " that youth "ought to become the southside.. ­ prime and direct apostles of Police broke up the demon­ 100 . adult members. There are youth, exercising the apostolate stration outside Freedom House no boundaries to the community, . 43 FO!-fRTH STREET aside from the city limits of among themselves and through and hauled some 53'of the dem­ Continued from Page One Fait River OS 8-5811 themselves and reckoning with onstrators to jail while Father Tulsa. Bishop Victor :S. Reed of the have been cited were true we the social environment in which Groppi shouted charges that they live." Mayor Maier was the ."dictator Oklahoma' City-Tulsa diocese would not, among other things, ". . . . have to worry every year about Constructive Activities . . OJ.' a police state." ~as sanctione~ the group for. a. finding the 100 million. or 200 ELECTRICAL "Not surprisingly, this same ~o-year perIod, . ~d has 88- ,.: million lire ($160,000 or $320,­ Contractors .~gflep. the .comnwmty a ,PBri-. (00) needed to balance the budpractical idea is the theme·of· leave time chaplam." .' get." . the 17th annual observance' of"" . ., . National Catholic Youth Week:,FOr ·Rome.~hapter Bishop J{eed listed th~ rea- .. ,The cardinal did not' specifs/ . . ; 'Youth--'-Apostles to Youth~· A .... "NEW YORK (NC)"":'Thirteen sons why he f~lt fonnatIon ~'" which ~. reports Ille was refel'png . .' , forthright'challenge is 'contained: :"'CiJlegates, . J'epreiiellting more a i~nd ~xpe~mental. comm~ to though such reports have been in those 'four words. .... ..... than 1,500 U.S. and Canadiarl .,,'9 h'l"m e. ocese 18 wo 1 '.' publlshed recently in Italy, En'" It ·j& ..wiUY· hope and expeeta:.. ,. R~demptorist Fathers, have'left w ] e: ; .,. "'giand;' France and Germany.

t.1on that we will listen for your here aboard the Queen Mary to "It helps in the attempt 10 The prelate would not deny

response, and appraise your take part in the 17th world­ find new parochi.a~ structures the possibilitYi'"t:hat· theHolY"'S~ ,.., +.. ".~ ,; ••_. . constructive action. In his last chapter of the congregation th~t could be offiCially recog- would publish a fi an . I t te 'zed b th Ch h 4< 0) • I n cia s a ­ 944 County St. encyclical letter, Pope Paul opening Sept. 8 in Rome. < DJ Y e urc s~sment which it bas never d . one 10 noted the warmth and enthusiAim of the convocation is peet that we won't find just one the P'ast. New Bedford ­ ssm with which many young mainly to update the rule of the solution, and that one- kind of h. " :' , ""1'''' 235-year-old congregation - to answer might be some churches produce a clear and adequate without territorial boundaries Appoints Diocesan without ow.nership of prop­ ;restatement ·of Redemptorist life and ~ESIDENTIAl ert~';' ., , and wOJ:k';. in accord with the Boarc:ll , .1 SCHOOLS ~ CHURCHES liIelps Di~atisfiecll CAMDEN (NC) - Archbishop.. dQcuments of Vatican qouncil II. "I beli~e the John XXll!I Celestine J. Damiano, bishop' oil . . :One hundred provincials; vice ~NDUSIR!Al • BUNKER provinCials and elected delegates group. has been able to involve .... Camden, has appointed a nine­ itself more readily in the apos­ member personnel board to ad-' will take (part in the chapter ses­ /D) ADSON BURNERS .. vise him in assignments affecting llions. Months of "home work" tolates in city, economic and Complete HeCll9il'i~ nll'ilstalla9ions 'and some' seven preparatory business life," Bishop Reed said... the diocesan clergy. ~4 'Hour Oil lSuD'nell' Servill:e Msgr. Anthony A. Molitierno, 'meetings were held both in this' "Because it is not limited by, .. boundaries, people from many diocesan chancellor, was named country and in Europe. Asa re­ chaiman of the board, which is sult the Redemptorists hope to fields can come together and composed of three members complete' the first session of' the work in the areas needing 'help llelected . from each of three chapter by Nov. 9, the 235th the .most. groups in the diocese--the chan­ anniversary of the' congrega­ "Finally, I believe it helps the cery staff, the di~neSlln consult­ New Bedford tion's founding in 1732 by St. generation of well-read, edu­ 640 Pleasant Street lei. 996-8271 ws and the priests' senate. AlphODSUS de Ligowri. a:ated young CatholiCB who axe

Parish Gets Name

'Community of the living Given Experiment _I,




Title I


Holy Se,e.Wecdth '...


John's Shoe Store


-13 De'legates





!t4 r







- ~ ~iOCe6e of


Rivef'-Thurs., Sept. 7, 1967

DIOCESE'S NEWEST CHURCH: Holy Cross' Church' ,in South. Easton is newest' church in Dioc¢se, and was blessed, recently by the Bishop. Left photo;Bish~p Connolly bl~~siI~g church :exterior. C~nter, Rev. Joseph F. Hanna,C.S.C., pastor, helpmg cement cornestone, Vel'y Rev.

Priests Study

labor Dispute

ReginaldM. Barrette, diocesan chance.llor, 1'8 at right. Right, Lector Michael Haggerty reads· while Rev. Allan L. W. Butler, C.S.C~ a-ssis,tant" prepares to read Gospel at first Mass. celebrated by BishQp Connolly.,

C'ommi,ttee' "Has Notable 20- Year Record: :Catholic" Credit ..' 1~8 'Million Handicapped, Reha,b.htated

CLEVELAND (NCr - Two members of the Bishop's Com­ WASHINGTON (NC)-'-One of 'llllittee on Urban Affairs-one of the 'most succe'ssfulagencies in whom has been fasting in sup­ the Capital is about' to mark port of striking hospital work­ its 20th anniversary. It dates ers - are studying the dispute' back to ahaild-written post­ between St. Luke's Hosl>ital and script which President Truman fits employes. put to a letter on Aug. 27, 1947. The two were appointed to do ~'You may. want to call upon lihe study after t,he ~l'ban affairs officials alld· leading citizens IllOmmittee had' a debate on outside the Federal government whether to support the, strikers, for all possible assistance to this who are seeking union :recogni­ program," the' President s~id in t'on. The committee wanted to handwriting to ,·the then Secre­ get more facts on the 19-week tary of Labor, Lewis ,B. Schwel­ , , -strike before taking a definite lenbach.' IJtand. Within a'matter of days, Vice Father . Albert Koklowsky, Adlniral I{OSS 'T. McIntyre, who ,M,S,SS.T., and Father Urban had been personal physician .to JDumminger' will meet with President Franklin D.-Roosevelt, Jl1!ather John J. ,Humensky, dioc:­ met with a small group; and; the , esan direcforof hospitals, to dis­ Preside!lt's ,Comm~ttee', on Em­ cuss the situation. ployment of the Handicapped Some ,450 non-pl'oCcssional had its inception. ' workers at St.. Luke's-a Meth:" Full Acceptance .list-affiliated institution-want The purpose of the committee 00 be represented by Local 47 ..ILf the Building Service arid has never varied, It is to promote in the United States a climate of ~aintenance Union, They have been picketing for 19 weeks,' opinion leading to the full ac­ but the hospital boal'd of tl'Ustees ceptance of handicapped persons has refused to grant recognition in the labor fOI:ce of thecoun- ' try. (l)f the union. The committee itself has Father Koklowsky began a protest fast in SUPPOI·t of the grown, from 30 members to more strikers on Aug, 13, but ended it 'than 600. The members are, as on Aug. 23 on ordel's from his President Truman foresaw, "cit:' doctors and his superior, Father izens outside the Federal Gov:.. Koklowsky was hospitalized last ernment." They live and work in all parts of the nation, and they Spring because of an ulcer and come together here for annual exhaustion. meetings which are among the most fruitful and energetic this city sees. YugO$iU(OlV Parishes

Catholic pal'ticipation in the work of the committee has been ~n Fil1'll~li1cial Need

constant and active. Officials of, BONN (NC) - Catholic par­ ishes in the Yugoslav l'egion of first, the National Catholic Wel­ Backa, where many German fare Conference, and, now, the farmers lived before World War United States Catholic Confer­ II, are now in great_ financial ence have belonged to it an~ . need, according to the German supported it. Catholie Organizations Catholic news agencyKNA. To prevent the demolition of Catholic priests, Religious and litis church and to raise funds . lay men and women in every for renovations, the pastor of section of the country have been Sentivan near Apatili. sold all the active in forwarding the aims church bells except. one and will of the committee, notably in the most likely have to gi ve up the field of making public edifices, organ, if' enough contributions including churches, more easily cannot be solioi.ted to cover ex:' accessible to handicapped per­ sons-those in wheel chairs. on ~


In its 20 years so far the comcrutches, with impaired limbs mittee' has' seen 1.8 million and hearts, and the aged. men and women rehabilitated The National Council of Cath­ olic lVien, the National Council through federal-state programs,' of- Catholic Women, ,the National' raising their incomes seven-fold Catholic Educational Assoc.ia~ in the process; 256,000 handition, the Ca'tholic University of capped 'persons have gone to Ameri~a, and the Boston Catho- ' work for, the Federal Governincluding 3,000' men~ally lie ,Guild 'for the Blind 'are' ment among the Catholic' organiza-' retarded persons, many·of them , tions represented actively on the holding their first jobs. , The.committee points O'ut th~t, committee: .. ,,--­ not only ~ave the men and" Doc'uments ,and papers accu­ women rehabilitated under this mulate~by the :president's Com-' program strengthened their 0'111.'11' mittee over"its 'first 20 years , and' the nation's fibre, but the inhave been turned 'over to Mal'­ ,come taxes they haVe paid, in queUe VnlversitY,' Milwaukee, tw:o decades, are estimated to for sakefeeping in 'its archives: amount to billions of dollars.

Unions Increase

MADiSON (NC)-'-Credit Unions, serving Catholic' groups around the world reached a rec­ ord 1,924 in 1966 from the pre­ vious 'high of 1,693, CUNAInter­ national, internl;ltional credit un­ ,ion headquarters and service organization here; reported.' CUNA listed a total of 1,288 Catholic credft- unions in the U. S., ,39? ~n Canada, and 244, im other countries. In' addition, nearly, 3,000 community' credit unions also hav.e a large propor­ tion of Catholics as members. ' Of, the, 1,288 Catholic' credit, unions in the U~ S:, 113 are spon­ sored by the Knights of C01um­ bus. Of the 1,924 Catholic credit unions throughout, the world, 2o~ are parish groups. ' The Church has been a longtime Il u pporter of the credit ,uo­ ion movement, CUNA said. Cath:- . olic missionaries have bee III founders of, 'credit unions im Latin America, Fiji, Samoa, KGrea ·and Africa. ' Many priests, Sisters, lay-mem and Papal Volunteers have re­ ceived training' in schools and seminars conducted by CUNA International.

General Maas One of' the most' notable figures ever connected' with the .President;s 'Committee was its chairman from 1954 until his COLUMBUS. (NC)-An offi-' death in 1964.' He, was Major 'cial Of the Catholic Conference General Melvin J. Maas, USMCR, of Ohio said Gov~ James ,A. Ret., who was a'graduate 'of St. Rhodes deserves credit for pass- . Thomas College,' St. Paul. A age of "one, of the nation's fi­ Marine, aviator' in two world nest pieces of legislation p~o­ wars, and wounded in World viding educational assistance to War II, Gen. Maas lost his eyeCatholic school pupils," sight completely after serving as a Congressman from the 4th David Young, counsel and lE;gislative re'presentative for the Minnesota District. He was in Congress from 1927 organization of the state's six FUNERAL HOME. INC. to 1933 and from 1935 to 1945.­ Catholic dioceses, estimated th'at Pope Pius XII received hini in It Marcel Roy - G. Lorraine Roy the School Foundation-Tax In­ Roger laFrance crease Bill will provide "at least, audience in 1957, and Msgr. (now CardInal) Angelo Dell' FUNERAL DIRECTORS $10 million a year" for Ohio's 366,000 children in Catholic Acqua of the Vatican Secretariat 15 Irvington Ct. of State said afterwards the Holy schools: 995-5166 Father was "consoled and com­ "This badly needed assistance forted': to know of the work the New Bedford to pupils at Catholic and other general's committee was doing. non-tax-supported schools could not have been adopted without the total commitment and sup­ port provided by Gov. 'Rhode's administt'ation," the attorney , Jean Nidetch, founder and director of stated,

Praise$ Olhio's Education Bill


r-·----O'94MEETiNG·-·-·- r

Young said he had worked closely with the administration and legislators while the School Foundation Bill was being con­ sidered by the. 107th General Assembly and "Gov. Rhodes put the full force of his office behind the portion" of the bill calling fo'r ed~caiiolial materials and sel'vices for our pupils,"



will be, guest speaker


,I Thursday" Sept. 14--8 P.M.



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