
Page 1




Work of" Expanding Dennisport Mission to Begin Next Week


Prepare Site For Taunton

An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and fi'irm-ST. PAUL

Fall River,


Vol. 4, No. 36

Thursday, Sept. ·8, 1960 © 1960 The Anchor '.

PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year

Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.


Plan Mo!)ses in November In New Raynham Chur~h'

High School Site for the third diocesan regional high school in Taunton is now being readied with the demolition of the Old Colony Mill in that city. The eIght-acre site upon which the secondary school, will be erect,ed is located at the corner 'of Adams and Hamilton Streets near .Hopewell Park. It is expected the demolition Turn to Page Eighteen

Accommodations for the offering of the'Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be ready in November at St. -Ann's Church jn Raynham, Rev. L~o T. Sullivan, pastor anndunced today. Steel columns for the, new church ed~fice' are being de. . livered . and 'ereetea . this . . Father Sullivan expressed 'his' , Auxiliary Bishop 'James J. week: . 'l~he ~ment ,for the satisfaction today with the prog": Gerr.ard~ :V.G" represented ehul'l'h.. basement has already ress of construction, comment· the Diocese' of Fall River 'at , 'l:~ ing, "we'll have accommodabeeR poured. .Cyril Tucker tions for daily mass in the new' .the 'solenm pontifical re~

A"xiliary Bishop 'Attends Funeral

faea<hl the general committee oonducting a parish-wide campaign for funds to help pal'. tiaUy finance the new 'Colonial type edifice. Mrs. Richard A. White is secretary of the fun'd. raising committee which has reeeived pledges totalling $75,000.. ,

church' in November if every- quiem of John Cardinal O'Hara, thing contilmes t6' move as, it . C.S.C., Archbishop of Philadelphia,_on Monday last. has on schedu,le." , Franci,s Cardinal Spellman, Meanwhile, members of' the newly established parish' al'e Archpishop of New York, of-' atten'ding l11ass and the sacra- fered the pontifical requiem in ments in temporary quarters the 'Philadelphi,a Cathedral of until their church' is completed. S8. Peter .& PauL , Rev. Richard :8;. Sullivan, C,S.C., president, represented Stonehill College at the funeral services for the 72-year old former president of Notre Dame University; ,

Enlargement of Our Lady of the Annunciation mission in Dennisport WIll be started within the next few days, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, announced today. The alteration and renovation' of the Cape Cod .. mission to Holy Trin- Bass River-mission to St, Pius ity Church in West Harwich X Church in South Yarmouthis designed to increase the were doubled this year to accomseating capacity of the Den- modate Summer visitors on Cape nisport structure from 500 to 850, ' The enlargement of the Dennisport mission has been directed by the Most Reverend Bishop in order to provide adequate accommodations Ior an everexpanding Summer population in tHe densely populated Cape area. It will be the third Cape Cod church to be enlarged within the last 'few months, The seating capacities of St.. Margjlret's Church at'· Buzzards Bay and Our LadY'!)f the Highway, 1M

:'As,serts L'abor's: Program Attuned to Church Aims . "Long. ag9 Pope Leo warned: that better wages an" working conditions. were not a complete solution' to the social problem. He ,said that a return to religion and morality was also necessary-that, in fact, without such a' retur.n the social problem Mary's . Cathedral. could not be solved." Rev. . Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Benjamin t. N:asse, S.J., D.D., Bishop of the Diocese; prenoted Jesuit .author, told a sided. Rev. Arthur V'. Tansey,

congregation ,of United Labor Holy See Grants Ordinaries Council of Greater 'Fall River representatives at the third anMore Freedom in Liturgy, nual Labor Day. Mass in St. 'l'he new code of rubrics issued by ,the Holy See, makOp~ration of Diocesa.n Schools' Represents ing changes in the Roman ~}I1d breviary, gives $5,701'Cl380 Annual Savi,ng. to Taxpayers Missal Bishops more freedom to deal __ with liturgical matters in their Sees.' 'The changes, announced by His Holiness Pope John XXIII last July 25, have been published here and go into effect Jan. 1, 1961. In an' authoritative article published in the Vatican City daity, L'Ossel'vatore Romano to coincide with the issuing of the new code, Father Joseph Loew, C.SS.R., an official o~ the Sacred" Congl"egation of Rites' section on revision of liturgical books, said . that the code's provisions show the "part gl'anted to Bishops in the organization of the liturgy in their respective Dioceslils." "The greater rule being given to bishops in the liturgical field began with the reforms carried bu' in recent years and finds a eonsiderable vaster field in the DeW eo~e of rubrics. Tura W Page Flfteea

Operation of Fall River Diocesan parochial schools . . s~ve~ taxl;'::w ers m commUllltIes m whIch they are located a total of' $5,701,380, which rep:" resents the cost of educating nearly 23,000 boys' and girls on the basis of each community's cost> per pupil on the elementary and secondary school levels. The savings to the city of Fall River with its 22 elementary and. five high schools amounts to $2,013,094.12. New Bedford and Taunton follow with savings amounting to more than $1,661,000 and $798,000, respectively. In addition to ttIe ta~ savings. all cities and towns receive from the State Income Tax as based on Chapter 70 of the School aid General Laws of the State of Massachusetts a refund for every child between the agea

of seven and 16. The pupils of that age bracket in the parochial



v E


o N,

Cod. . Rev. Finbarr McAloon, SS.CC.. administrator of the West Harwich parish, said today that the Dennisport church will be widened,on both sides, Two new side altars will be erected and a new spire will be added to the exter.ior. Father McAloon "estimates Holy Trinity and Our Lady of the Annunciation serve approximately 4,000 additional weekI,. comlllunicants ,in the Summer season as 'conttasted with the nonnal year-round congregation..

schools are 'Counted and the community receiv~s payment ev~n for those bemg educated 'In parochial schools. Fall River with 5397 between seven and 16 enrolied last year in the Catholic schools received from the State an average of TurlJ to Page Sixteen

rector of the Cathedral and Diocesan Director of Social Ac_ ' tion, was celebrant of the Solemn High Mass. Hc was assisted by. Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, deacon, and Rev. James Buckley, sub-deacon. Rev. Paul F. McOarrick was master of ceremonies. Referring to a broadcast he had given three months ago over Vatican Radio when. invited by a Vatican official to explain why American trade unions are well disposed toward the Church and the Chur~h toward them, Father Masse traced the history of the American 1 abo r movement" Turn to Page Ten

Four-Day Work Week In~vitable, Jesuit Magazine' Editor Says Exemplifying the varied interest!'! of their community., two Jesuit priests who visited Fall River during the past week represent widely different spheres of action. Rev. Benjamin L: Milsse, S.J., teacher, writer, lecturer and associate editor of America Rev. Herman S. Hughes, S.J., magazin~ was in the See Director of Cultural Activities City to preach' at the third and member of the ~nglish.de­ annual Labor Day Mas~' partment of John Carroll Unisponsored by the Greater Fall River. United Labor CounciL

versity, . Cleveland, used Fall Turn io Page Eighteea


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of .. fdll)'iv'~r-rliurs.,Sept. .... . .-.:-'.



Priest -Chaplain; Of Disabled Vets ms Former Pilot·

Urges Students ':to A(quire Deeper Kr,{ow~edg~ o~faith

SEATTLE (NC)-A priest 'who flew 102 bombing mi&sions during World War II bas been named national

LOUISVILLE (NC)~A Catholic scholar has called on Catholic students to increase their knowledge of religion as a preliminary to engaging in the "dialogue" with 'other faiths.' 'Dr. 'rhomas P. Neill, author and historian of' St. Louis (Mo.) University, told 'exchange of views with other ' the 17th national convention religious groups rests mainly OD of the National Federation them: of Catholic College students: The St. Louis University his-

"In order to reduce the risk of torian said an effec'tive relosing our Faith in entering our sponse to the challenge of pluralist society and in order to America's religiously pluralis-' make our apostolic work more tic society "requires at least successful we z:nust first d' all three things": attain a greater, ~re profound Respect Necessary ]PRESENT DENNISPORT ,EDIFICE . knowledge of God; of our Faith, 1) "First and most difficult, of the Church • • • Common men of one faith must do more sense dictates that a man must than merely 'tolerate' those of kn'ow what he is talking about." other religions. We must respect l®@~ [LrrW@$ $@~(tijfy Dr. Neill spoke at the con- any ,group of persons who worvention banquet, during which ship God sincerely and live ac, NEW YORK (NC)-Sodalists cell' l himself, and to contribute he' was honored by the NFCCS cording 'to their consciences." must ac~ept the, challenge to 'to the welfare of the whole with its ArchOishop Noll Award. 2) '''Plurality of religion also lead the lives of "heroic sanctity" body." " United Action dema!1ds that we allow for disdemanded by their membership I,D. a letter of greetings read He stressed that religious be';' agreement and not try to en- in the Sodality of Our Lady, a at ,the opening session, Father lievers of all faiths in this force the moral 'or doctrinal Jesuit priest said here., I, 1S Paulussen, S,J., interna';' co'lintry should work fogether content of religion upon ,others , Speaking at the opening sestional promoter an,: executive to preserve the nation's religious •. Each group has-:the right to sion 'of the cecond national secretary of the World Federatraditions and' to keep them try to win others to its convicSodality ~ongress of the Lay tion of Sodalities, assured the iion; but pluralism demands Ap.o"to~ate, Father James ,A. sodalists that '''all of us here in operative in national life. The beliefs that human rights that 'converts' be won volun_ ,McQuade, S.J., of New York, Rome are united with you in" come from God and that there tarily and that no group' im:" declared: prayer ... during, this week." , is a natural law "are, the bases pose its religious views on oth"Heroic simctity 'is demanded Praising, 'the con['''' 'ssfor its , ers.", of a sodalist by a triple title: by use 'or lay people in teaching of our unity," he said. "They are accepted by all religio\l~ groups 3) "Plurality • • • also re- your profession as a sodat"ist, by many' ot the courses, he' sta'tc'd in this land, but they' are re- ,quires cooperation among all the, ciemands ,of ,your special that' "it is also marvelous 'that jected by 'an increasing numberfaith$ -in many phases 'If pUblic fprm of '1embership in the Mys- Y~:l are stressing .' e adult move_ , of secularists." , I life, for this is the only way in a tical Body and by __ the stark ment" and the professional So'''It is therefore prudent and pluralistic society to bring reli- necessities of the apostolate." dalists. :"You know how m'u'cb' expedient for members of va':'- gion to bear on various social Fa'~ler l'.i[cQuac:e, national so~ we are 'interesteq. in wider de:" rious religious groups to work and moral questions." . da lity, pro1l!oter ,in the United velopment, of this too neglected States, spoke to more than '1,100 sector of sodality life,'" he' said. in co~cert to keep our society professional, student and parish ' Decisive Action " religiousiy' ,oriented and to see f')dalists as five tiays of lectures ,The founder and director Of' that the present and future genand' workshop courses opened at th SCLA, Father Francis K." erations continue to be conthe 'Roosevelt Hotel. Drole,t" ;:;.J., regional promoter scious of and accept these ,truths ST. LOUIS (NC)~An official which are the basis of our social of B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation , , He ,stated that his special form of sodalities in New York 'and of.!TIembership in 'the Mystical Eorthe,rn New Jersey, putlined and political unity. LeagUe has expressed' concern Body 'is derived from the fact his hopes for ea.ch delegate. 'lie Mutual Understanding . over the recent upsurge 'of antithat the sodality Is a formal said:' ' . "To do this, of course, they Catholic propaganda. organ of the Mystical Body: "We have assembled the e<iuiDr. Joseph L. Lichten of New must cooperate and work toHe added that "each member valent' ofa university ~ one' gether-and to work together y:'ork, intergr,oup rel~tions direc:' of the' sodality has the added which offers 96 specialized effectively .they must, know a~d, , tor' o.f the Jewish organization, moral pressure 'J fulfill' emi- courses .. .And in our five-da'y" understand each other. Hence declared that "in many instances nently the function' of meinber....:..-' ,semester: we will offer nine the I]-eed at tpe present time of ,people ,known, for their anti-_ to be as perfect as possible a major areas of' study which" tbe dialogue" about which so Semitic activities in the past are challenge you to decisive action , ' , now eng!ll§ed in anti-Catholic m!-lch is now being said." for' the ChiJrch motivated' by ,activities." , ,Dr. Neill told the students that

tlJB'~te~, ~@c&a~~st$ A<c~~rP>tl' Chanelrng~,

@f He[f@D({:


:Resents'. Upsurge ,Of ,Propaga'nda

Dr. Lichten, here at the invl-' tatioii of the National Catholic Conference for Interracial JusFRiDAY':':':':St. PeterCia~er, Contiee to'-attend its founding con:;' , fessor. Douple. White. Mass vention, said experience' 'has' ~rQper; Mass is in the Supple-, shown thafprejudice against any ment ,to the Missal, fo'r some, one group' has much in corrimon places; Gloria; Second Collect with prejudice against any other. " 'All 'The Same ' of: St. Gorgonius, Martyr; , ","Anti - Catholic, anti - Negro, , Common Preface. SATURDAY-St., .Nicholas, 01. anti-,Semit~c, pnijudice":"':'it .is :.all 'Tolentino, Confessor. DO~ble.,' tl!e ,same problem," he declared _ White. Mass Proper; Gloria; in an interview. "PrejUdice is the' Common Preface.. sa~e '1V h erever you find it." SUN'DAY-"-'-XIV' Sr,nday After ' The B'nai.B'rith,official speaks Pentecost: Double. Green. Mass from experience." Formerly" a Proper; Gloria; Second Collect -member of the Polish'diplomatic SS. Protus and Hyacinth, Mar- corps, he came to, the United WI'S; Creed; Preface of Trinity. States after the Nazi invasion of MONDAY- Most 'Holy Name of Poland. He is now a U:S. citizen'.' Mary. Greater' Double. White. Mal!s :proper; ,Gloria;, Creei:i; , J'reface of .the Blessed Virgin. TUESDAY-Mass of previous MONROE; (NC)':"'-Bishop 'John Sunqay. Simple. Green. MaSll J. Russell' of Richinond _has ,: Proper,; No·, Gloria; Common blessed the foimdati'on ston~ of Preface. WEDNESDAY ~ Exaltation , 01.: t~~ :pew Father Jucig e , Mission ·"the HolyCross. Greater Double. Se!Jlinary of the Missionary Serv-, ',Red. 'Mass Proper; Gloria; ants of ,the Most Holy Trinity.· Students in, high s'!hool and in' Creed; Preface of Holy Cross. the first and second years of THURSDAY-Seven Sorrows of the' ,',Blessed, Virgin Mary. college are trained at' the semDouble of II Class. 'White. inary in preparation for 'the' priesthood.. Mass Proper; Gloria; ~econd The school is named for Father ~ollec~ St. Nicomedes, Martyr; Thomas' Augustine 'Judge, C~M.. Sequence; Creed; Preface of , who founded the community In:: Blessed Virgin. '1~21 and' was its head until his: death in 1933. . '. ' The MissionarY Servant~ of' FORTY, HOURS the Most Holy Trinity' are dediDEVOTION cated to the American home.mis- , sio~s. More than 200 priests and, 'sept.ll-St. Anne, Fall River. .Brothers, are currently working , St. Dominic, Swansea. at missions conducted 'by ,the" Sept. 18 -'Holy Cross, Fall . community in 15 states, the DisRiver. " trict of Columbia arid Puerto St: Jc)seph, Attleboro. Rico. Sept.25-St. Anthony of Pad',' :ua" ,New Begford. ,_ Ne~rolo9Y .. ' Sacred Heart, Taunton. . Oct. 2-:-0ur Lady of ,the Holy . "T.lJE,ANCHOR lists tbe ait- , ' , oJversary, dates of priests who,:, i 'Rosary, Fall,River. served'the Fall River Dloeese Our Lady of the Holy sine. its formatlonin 1904 wltlll Rosary" Taunton. 'heintention that t,be faithful TBB ANCBOR P!'a7 for them. Second-class :nail privileges authorized SEPT. 13 at Fall River. Mass, Published even> R Thu1'1lda7 at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall ev. CharlesA. J. Donovan, 1949. River, Mass,. D7 the CatlwUo Press of the SEPT 15 " Dioo.",., of Fall River Subserlption prlee "'Re' 'H ,', J' I'd • .. 1 b.F man. poetpaJd ".OO:PGI' year. , Vi" ~¥" usse 7-, 1934.. the burden of ,carrying. on the

':"'Ma'ss Ordo


Blesses' Cornerstone Of. Mission Seminary,



S'ister Transfers I" N~. JU'tlebor~,

~~~.~~~lity and aimed at herO:: The ,annual Mass marking thf;! " , ppeniM of the Sacred Heart School, year will be celebrated Sis'~er Maureen,' RS,M.,prinat f!:30, ,on Wednesday mo'rning. cipal, has annou'nced' that t~' Some 422 pupils are expected 'schooi year for pupils at Nazafor this school year. " r e t h Ha'll, Fall River will start' Among changes in the school o~ Wednesday, Sept. '14. """ personnel as announced recently by,the Mother Provincial of' the Sisters of ,the: Holy Union are, the" following: ,'Mother Marie Funeral Gemma leaves Sacred' Heart:' to .. 571 Se'co~d St. ~...~. \ ~ assume 'new :duties at the Pro-, " , vincial House of the Congrega,. fall River, Mass~' tion in Groton, Mass, She is re,0S 9-6072 placed by Mother Marie Lucille MICHAEL J. ,McMAHON as Superior of' the Convent. Licensed Funeral Director Mother Marie Lucille will con.,~egistered Embalmer t~nue' to teach the 6th Grade. ,'Sr. Gabrielle Lucie will continue to teach the Special Class and assume the duties of Principal of the School. ' Sr. Roger' Therese leaves Sa~~~d Heart for St. Jacques .' " "PuneralUome ' " School in -Taunton and is' re. 550 ·s,.· .. placed by Sr. Marie Antoine Fall' River. MaSs." who comes to Sacred Heart from ,- "'.' ,OS 2-2~91 St. Ja,cques. , ,Sr. Anne 'Raymond leaves Rose E;, Suilivan' . Sacred Heart to report for- new .Jeffrey, E,. Sullivan, , duty at St. Lawrence' School, Centerdale: Mrs. Leo Meunier will ,,;replace her in the, ,3rd

chaplain of the Disabled AmePiean Veterans. ' He is Father, Joseph LaUl'Q, pastor of, St. John's parish, Russellville, Ark., 'who was a bomber pilot for the Royal Canadian All' Force and the U. S. Air Force. , During his military caree~, he was injured by flak, survived,'a crash landing and was awarded four decorations for heroism; . He became one of the first of the World War II GI's to be ordained. The 46-year-old priest was reared in St. Theodore's parish in Cl:\icago. He received hie bachelor of arts degree from, DePaul University in 1936. 68 Missions When the Nazi war machine was overrunning Europe in 1940~ he'joined the RCAF ;n Windsor~ Ont. As a flight lieutenant' he piloted a Wellington Lancaster, a heavy bomber, ,on 68 bombing missions from England and Africa. He was hospitalized forr two weeks because of flak injuries. When he crash-landed ' . Africa' after a mission he suffered a neck injury and he stin has severe headaches because ell it'.' , Father Lauro was sent to Eng. land'in 1942, where 'he was dec. orated with the Distinguished Flying,'Medal 'by the' late King George' VI.' A ,short time later, he received the CanadianWinll1 of Operation. , 'Devoted to Blessed Vlrgbt' In 1943, he transferJ:ed to' thCl U. S. Army Air Gorps as a first' lieutenant. He piloted a B-1' . (Flying 'Fortress) and a B-24 (Liberator), both heavy bombers, on, 34"missions over Europe. ' : Father Lauro, had named aJl three of his ships, Regina CoeH, Queen of Heaven, one of the Blessed Mother's titles. 'He, was, 'decorated, with the American Distinguished Flying Cross and.,the Air Medal ·with five Oak Leaf clusters. ' .' " "

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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 8, 1960

'Unhampered by Lack, of Funds, Opens Miami Center for Destitute


Asserts History Demands Truth

MIAMI (NC)-The zeal and faith of an Irish-born religious,. . unhampcl'ed by a lack· of funds, has resulted herein the founding of a ccn tel' for homeless and des- . titute· men. . In less than three days after. his arrival on Florida's famed "Gold Coast", Brother Mathias Barrett, founder of the Little Brothel's of the Good Shcpherd, received the approval of Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami to establish a haven for homeless men. He also paid several months rent on an old rooming house in downtown Miami wIth funds proYided by newly-found friends. Temporary Refuge "Camillus House"· located in the heart of Miami'~ "skid-row" section was opened as a tempo-

rary refuge. It lies within a few blocks. of Biscayne Blvd. and some of the Greater Miami area's ST. BENEDICT (NC)-A largest and most modern hotels. Its purpose, according to Catholic historian declared Brother Mathias, is to bring to that in the study and writneedy and unfortunate men food, ing of Church history "charshelter and clothing. Its goal is ity has to be put aside because to "reclaim them to faith in God truth comes first." in a House of God and to restore. Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, author them to hope through the charity and professor of Church history of God and their fellowman." at the Catholic University of Born in County Waterford, Arne l' i c a, Washington, D. C.. Eire, Brother Mathias joined stated: . the Brothers of St. John of God "If you start on the basis of when he was 15.years old. After following charity and put truth studies in France he was named aside, you are ruined right at 'provincial in Canada and. later the beginning. But in serving served in Boston. truth charity will be served." New Community Msgr. Ellis spoke at a meeting' M,ter 35 years his interest in of the American Benedictine homeless men caused him to. obtain . a release from the LABOR DAY MASS:' Two. members of the Labor Academy, held at Mount Angel Brothers of St. John of God' in Unions meet the principal.s of the annual Labor Day Mnss Abbey here in Oregon. order to .. found the Little celebrated - at the Cathedral, Fall River. Left to right: In support of his position he . Brothers of' the Good Shepherd. . quoted a statement by Father Father Masse, S.J., preacher, Mrs. Mary Lawson, president Henri Dominique Lacordaire. The community, which· now numbers 25' members, estabof I.L.G.W.U. 178, Bishop Connolly, who presided, and O.P., fameg.19th-century Frencb lished their first headguarters Joseph Cabral,' president of the. T.W.V.A. scholar and preacher: "Truth, when discreetly told, Most Rev. James J. Ger- at Albuquerque, N:M. in 1955 rard, D.D~, Auxiliary Bishop and now operates three centers is an inestimable boon to manthere. kind, a'nd to suppress it, espeof the Diocese, will preside "We are just beggars," Brother cially in history, is an act of cowat . the second week of the Mathias said in explaining that ardice unworthy of a Christian ·ROME (NC) -:... A temporary The Rome Vicariate has ac.: . Peter was a sinner and a renDiocesan priests' retreat at his community depends on the Cathedt'al Camp from Monday, generosity of bakers, butchers, solution has' been" found for a cepted the solution with the res- egade, and God has been at pains Sept. i2 through Friday, Sept. 16. grocers and. hotels to provide iegalproblem. which has pre:. er.vation ·that fur.ther documents to have the fact recorded in' the . " wtll be forthcommg. Cospels." Retreat master is Rev. Ed- them with food, and on dona~-_._.---------~--------_ _• ward V. Winsper, S.J., a native tions of- clothing and household vented marriages of Americans of New Bedford and a 'member items from interested persons. in Italy. . Daily Schedule . ·The problem, which has e x i s t - · I~·· of the Jesuit Mission Band 'sta. The chapel is a most integral ed since June) came about as a tioned at Campion Hall, North part of the institutions operated result .of a U.S. State Depart-· A"dovel·. by the Brothers' and Mass is ment. order to consular officials ',The following priests will atcelebrated. daily and the Rosary forbidding them to issue the ~nd the retreat next week:. "nulla osta," a certificate' of . Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Bonneau; recited each evening. Each guest freedom to marry, to U.S. citi-' T"e~ay .evenings, ~:30 io 9:30, September 20 to Decemb"r 13 (omitting Nov. It Rev. Felix S. Childs, Rt. Rev. is properly registered as in a zens wishing.to marry in Italy. Reglstrat,on by mall· or 7 to 8 p.m. September 20 and 27 iii Holy Cross HaIL .JQhn A. Silvia, Rev. Patrick H. hotel with his name, age, occuNo Prerequisites. Credit cau;..s. Fe" $15. for 12 ..ssion. ·Under . Itaiian -law persons· pation, home address and social Hurley, Rt. Rev. John J. Kelly. , GREATER SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE TODAY seeking .to marry must satisfy . security number. All are given . Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, ·Rev. M~. Henry W. Palmer of the Greater Boston Real Estate Boord and membere .Joseph A. Cournoyer, Rev. Wil- cards listing the daily schedule. the authorities that they are of the Society of Residential Appraisers and tho Providence Real Estate ·Boaret fr.ee to do so. Since 1952 the There will be no "permanent liam H. Hilrrington, Rev. Eugene ja!ntfy offer this timely sequel to the Spring course "How To Start, Stoy With. "null~ osta" has been re.quired guests" at .Camillus House, and Succeed 'in Real Estate." Dion, Rev. Joseph Eid. Brother Mathias said. "We keep as proof by Italian officials in . CREATIVE WRITING Rev. John J. Casey, Rev. LO:them on the move, getting them marriages involving U.S. citiProf"ssor Brassil Fit.gerald, M.A., well·known author of 2 popular boob renzo H. Morais, Rev. David A. out early to look for jobs· or zens. and 150 articles and stories, professional editor and manuscript "doctor" far O'Brien, Rev. Joseph R: Pannoni, helping them along to their next · The temporary solution perauthors, will present ·principles and methods of creative writing and constr_ Rev. George E. Sullivan: place." . mits a U.S. citizen to sign a tive criticism and co.mments of student porticipants' work. Rev. Ubalde J. Denault, Rev. Brother David Keene Of Lynn, sworn statement declaring that PORTRAIT OF' THE PAPACY Christopher L. Broderick, Rev. Mass., who sei'ved for 20 years ,. 'Reverend William f. Hogan; C.S.C:, J.C.D, rec"ntly returned to Stonehll he is free to' marry.' To this . Joao V. Resendes, Rev. Thomas in' the U. S, Arqiy ang was disCollege after 3 years' study No .Rome, ··will describo' the election of Popec statel'oent the consulate attaches F. Walsh, R~. Rev. Raymond T. charged with the rank of colonel,- a separate statement identifying (33.1400. A.D." the temporal power of the Popes it> the Middlo Ages, limits 01 Considine. Popol poo,rer today and in~luence.. throug~oUt the world and how tfte Pope and Brother Kevin Car.roll.of the document as a "nulla osta." Rev. James E. Gleason, Rev. Scranton, Pa., assist their supe~ ~vern.s ,today. with the aid of Curia and Cardinals. ·The consulate has stressed' " Francis A. McCarthy, Rev. Leo rior in the operation of Camillus • CURRENT EVENTS THIS PRESIDENTIAL YEAR that this procedure is only a J. Duart, Rev. John J. Griffin, House where guests are handed Ass~ciate I'fofessor Cornelius J. Cleary; M.A., Chairman of the Depart"""" .tem'porat'y Solution and that the of Social Sciences, .Stonehill College, will analy.e loco', national and internatianClll. Rev. John J. Hayes. • card on their. arrival which . ' . Rev. james E. McMahon, Rev. reads': "Dear friend: Welcome to consulate and the Italian Minis-. ·pr06lems. try of Foreign Affairs are stiU DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY OF THE CHILD Arthur G. Considine, Rev. Ber- Camillus House. You are a guest Assisiant Profe~sor Mary E. Shaughn"ss)', Chairman, Public Health Nursing. nard H. Unsworth, Rev. Gerard . of the Brothers of the Good discussing the problem. The. Bost~ College School of Nursing, will lecture on this vital and popular J. Chabot, Rev. Arthur G. Shepherd, a brotherhood of the top.c. ThIS course supplements the Spring course "Understanding Adolescence.Dupuis.. Catholic' Church. Please observe BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL LAW Rev. John T. Higgins, Rev•. the house rules. posted in the Wednesday, Friday and Satur. Attorney Georg. P. Connolly, local candidate for Sta" Senator, wil~i.. George Saad, Rev. Arthur W; reading room. day, Sept.. 2~" 23, and 24 are a survey oou~se considering contracts,· business organizations, agency, ~ "'..... Tansey, Rev. Ambrose E. BoweR; . "Thank God tonight for this Ember Days~Days.of Fast and ship, ellJploymen.t relatiOns, sales, bills and' notes, credita<'s rights, and U~;_ Rev. Daniel E. Carey.. Commercial Code. . hospitality, . and p'ray for those Abstinence. On· Wednesday and Rev. Lester L. Hull, Rev. Ed- who made it possible. God be Saturday, Sept. 21 and 24, meat· SECRETS OF THE POWERS GIRL win J. Loew, Rev. Leo T. Sulli- with you." . . The John Robert Powers School of 80ston will offer this course excluffvefy is. allowed at·the main meal. van Rev. Maurice Souza, Rev. far the .ladies. Thor. will be two· hour sessions on September 20 and 27, 0<0bber Jan:es V. Mendes.' l' and 25, November /I and 22. Fee $ 10. Non·credit course. Rev. John E. Bpyd, Rev. ErnEFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS esto R. BOI·ges, Rev. Manuel M. .. . Mr. Herbert A. Wessling, M.A., Assistant Professor, Stonehill College-' NEWARK (NC)-When Father how easily yOIl' con gain a mastery of yourself and be in contral of liltRezendes, Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, uations which confront you." . Thomas McMahon, M.M., meets Rev. Herve Jalbert. Everything PREDICAMENT OF THE MAN IN THE NOVEl Rev. William A. Galvin, Rev. Maryknoll classmates who ask his assignment he replies:."NewReverend Robert F. Griffin, C.S.C., M.A., Assistant Pr;'fessor, Stonehill coIege" Stephen J. Downey, ·Rev. Joseph in wlll consider Crime and Punishment by Dostoevski; Moby Dick by Melv"'" All A. Martineau, Rev. James F. ·ark." PhotO Supplies The King's Men by Warren! The End Of The Affair by ·Greene. . . A Ma'ryknon mission! Not Kenney, Rev. James F. Lyons. . 245 MAIN ST. 'INSURANCE BROKERS AND AGENTS EXAMINATION REVIEW COURSE - Rev. William F. Monis, Rev. quite. Mr. Abraham Brooks, Ll.B., local insurance agent 'and broker, lecturer·" The Hawthorne, N. Y., priest is Robert L. Stanton, Rev. Luis Falmouth lei 8-1911 Stan.,hill College, will lecture from the' lotest revision of the Standard Answer•. the second of the community's G. Mendonca, Rev. Daniel A. for Massachusetts Insuran... Agents and Brokers.: Actual experienc"s in the fielcf Gamache, Rev. John F. Hogan•. new priests' to join .the editorial will be cited and augmented by advice relating . to home, car, and buslne.. Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, staff of the Advocate, newspaper insurance policies, chao ling th, company, choosing the agent, self·insurance. Rev. Francis A. Coady, Rev. of the Newark archdiocese and distributing the premium dollar, etc. Arthur C. Levesque, Rev. James the Paterson diocese. .' INTRODUCTION TO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES The purpose of 'his Summer F. McCal'thy, Rev. Reginald M. Mr. Da'niel J. Looney, Jr., M.B.A., Instructor, Sto,:,ehill College, will sa. . stint at the Advocate is practical y~ dollarI this yea, and plan your next tax year. This is an investment willi Barrette. a life~time return . Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot, Rev. experience before entering CoEdward C. Duffy, Rt. Rev. Hum- lumbia University's graduate • <;I' ' DRAWING AND PAINTING Mr. Chqdes Kerinl, 10c!,,1 porlrait pointer of Pope John XXIII and Pope Pius ~II. berto S. Mcdeiros, Rev. Joseph journalism school this Fall. deligner of the COyer pages of "The Catholic Boy" and "The Catholic MISS", L. Powers, Rev. Edward A.. CHARLES F.VARGAS illustrator of books, painter of 48 U. S. Navy oil s~£."el from Perry to the Kore_ Oliveira. War, and portrait painter of many prominent Ain"ricanl will teach you to draw 254 ROCKDALE AVENUI Rev. Roger P. Poirier, Rev. , A scholarship benefit dance to and paint. for pleasure. You'll paint the first night" NEW iEDFORD, MAS5Rene G. Gauthier, Rev. James P. be held Friday night, Sept. 16 at I New Bedford Country Club will AMERICAN ECONOMIC POLICY: A PRIMER FOR THE INFORMED CITIZEN Dalzell, Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, Mr. James L. Wiles, M.A., Assistont Professor; Stonehill College, will can sieler be sponsored by Holy Family Rev. Francis B. Connors. balic economic proble,!,s such as inflation and unemployment, monopoly itI High School Alumni Associa-. Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, Rev. business and in the trade union movement, international economic relation... Laureano M. Avila, Rev. William tion with Richard C. Fontaine as economic growth, and the policies for coping with these problems including chairman. F .. O'Connell, Rev. Justin J. an appraisal of. the Soviet economic -system. Quinn, Rev. John' J. Regan. ~""""--""""-'~~ MODERN PHILOSOPHY Rev. Roland Bousquet, Rev. : CHRYSLER . Mr. lawrence S. Stepelevich, M.A., Instructor, Stonehill College, will ....... . : Joao Martins, Rev. Rene R. sider' modern theories,. their backgrou;'d, and their authors. Levesque, Rev. Casimir KwiatPLYMOUTH : . OFFICE PROCEDURES SEMINAR kowski, Rev. James W. Clark. Moderator, Mr. Henry M. Cruickshank, M.B.A., Chairman of the Department IMPERIAL. ~ of Busine•• Administration, Stonehill College, will present the tal"nts of a do .... Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, Rev.' : ·well·known business firml with national 'and internatio;'ol reputation •. A do .... Paul F. McCal~rick, Rev. Ar- : VALIANT:' speakeri will demonslrate up-to·date office techniques and. show you "100 Wa.,. mando' Annunziato, Rev. John P. ~ Sales -' Service - Part. ~ To Sav.e $s In Your Business." . Cronin, Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill Plea Ie , .."gister . with: Director of Adult Education, Stonehill College, Rev. Edward O. Paquette, Rev. North Easton, Massochusells . Clement E. Dufour, Rev. Edward J. Shat'pe, Rev. Luis A. Cardoza. : MOTORS, -INC. : Na_ : : ~ Courle _ Rev. John R. FoIster. : 13 MAIN STREET : Rev. Bel'llat'd F. Sullivan, Rev. Addre~ : ,..Robert M. Dowling,· Rev. Ber- : Hyannis SP 5-4970 : (Please moke checks poyable to Slonehill College) nai'd A. Lavoie. . , " " " " - " " ' , _--~

Prie'sts' Retreat To Conclude' Next" Week

Announce .Procedure Perm.itting Marriage of Americans in lta.Iy

STO""EHILL COL LEGE Co-Educat.·ona I Institute of Adult Edutation

Ember Day$,

Maryknoll Missioner On Newspaper Staff

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Asserts Church Unity Unlikely

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8, 1960

Isolationism Incompatible, With Christ,ian- Teach;·ng . Msgr. George G. Higgins win be in Europe for the next several weeks. During that time !Father Greeley will be his· , guest columnist. Father Greeley is' the author of the book The EJburch and: the Suburbs (Sheed and Ward; ll959)'. A ·second book on the problems of American young people is scheduled for publication in eady 1961.,

By Rev. Andrew M. Greeley The ghost of isolationism haunts the makers of Ameri-' fan foieign policy and it threatens to rise and strike down its slayers. The ghost has been stalking the pages of the Wall Street Journal in recent weeks. Agonizing over the Congo chaos and the mer- lationism is impossible . and the curial gyrations of Patrice responsible leaders of both parLumtimba, the Journal, a ties know it. . highly respected paper, has Oneness of Humanity been asking how the United If the oneness - of humanity, Slates ever got invloved in such was not clear in 1940, it most. a mess and whether it might certainly is in the day of the not be a good jet, the atom, and the rock<!t. thing to review Even if isolationism were feas·· the national deible, it would scarcely be Chriscision of the tian. middle. 40's. to The statements of the last two abandon 0 u r popes on the world communiiy t r a d i t ion _ . ·and on the duty of the w:l'llthy al "splendid nations to help the underisolation. , developed ones make· it clear The Journal that, whatever might be said for does not anisolationism in years gone by swer its own it is, as a theory and a philoso~ question, yet phy, hardly compatible with its doubts are the doubts of Catholic social teaching in the millions of Americans. - The 1960's. G!mergent nations of Asia and Could some of the' fault lie Africa seem to have fallen un-. with the· leaders? We' might ask der the control of a band of whether the post-war adminisjuvenile delinquents. In the New trations-no matter what the Leader Sal Tas says of Lumumparty-were as candid with the' ba that "he is one of the most American public as they might unscl'upulous; irresponsible; vulhave been, whether any real gar .and ignorant politicians ever . attempt has been made to eduto stride the steps of the UN cate the-American people in its building . . . . a gangster among responsibilities as a leader of the boy scouts." free people, on the need for patience and· prudence with the Display Ingratitude Castros and Lumumbas. . There is a strong temptation Perhaps during the Eisento tell the Lumumba's, the Nashower' era such education· W'lS sers, the Kassem's, the Sunot necesar"y because there was karno's, the Castro's and other little, disposition to question 'he would'-be "neutralists" that if main assumptions of our .foreign they don't stop trying to pluck policy. Hard Job Ahead the eagle's feath'ers we will let But the new president, '-'hothem become the' communist ever he might be, will not have . puppets,' which they seem so it 'so easy. A good portion of the eager to .be. electorate will be extremely Nor are we at all sympathetisceptical' of the ma'n who beat cally disposed to a person like their candidate. . the Laotian Captain Kong Le, New African nations. seem to who after his paratroop trainemerge every week and then to . ing, at Fort Benning went home split, and federate s.o quickly to Laos to lead a revolution, one that no one is able to keep track of whose main goals was to exof them. They will certainly bp. . pel the' very military mission the source of almost constant inwhich sent him to Fort Benternational tension. ning. , A new president with questionable popularity will be hard We can admit that Lumumba and Kong Le and the rest of put to defend our involvement them may have some legitimate in such comic opera nonsense oomplaints against the colonial ·especially since it contains with~ powers which -once oppressed in itself the possibility of world tragedy. them, but we fail to understand, It is by no means impossible why they should take their that. a neo-isolationist demagrudges' out on the United gogue could emerge to lead a States; national revolt against internaA classic example of ingratitional responsibilities. tude is. Sukarno, whose country To defend: the· assumption of would not be independent if' it had not be~n for Amerkan international responsibility as a cornerstone .of foreign policy, is pressure on Holland; yet the U.S. has received precious little .not to say that foreign policy is' thanks from him for this help, above deb ate. Perhaps. we should have more debate about or any other help to· anyone else. the methods and techniques of Seductive Temptation foreign policy. . -But even vioient debate about have inherited the messes methods should not· call into that others have made and apq'uestion, except possibly for the parently the enmities they sake of clarification,' the asstirred up. Might it not be betsumption of international reter to. forget the whole thing and retreat to our own ICBM-· sponsibility which our republic made at the end. of the Second Polaris protected bastion while World .War. theorest of the world proceeds to destroy itself? The isolationist temptation is a seductive one. _ Yet it is no more than a tempMIAMI (NC)-Negro students tation. No leading figure in will attend Catholic high schools either political party would here when classes' begin Thursdream of espousing an isolationday, Sept. 6 . . . ist policy. At the recent conThree Negro boys have been ventions there· was a conspic- enrolled at Archbishop Curley uous .lack of complaints about High School for Boys, staffed by foreign aid programs. For isoHoly Cross Brothers. A Negro girl has been accepted at Notre Dame Academy, conducted by the Sisters, Servants of the ImNEV( ORLEANS (NC)-Archbishop Joseph. F. Rummel of maculate Heart of Mary of West Chester, Pa.. New Orleans blessed the site for The first integration of CathJ the diocesan administration olic schools in Florida followed building that will rise on the grounds of Notre Dame Semin- an announcement last April that ary adjacent to the present all Catholic students, regardless of color, would be accepted in chancery office. He also blessed diocesan high schools in Septhe workmen and prayed for tern ber provided they met the their protection against construcusual Qualifications. tion hazards.


Catholic High School In Florida Integra'te

Blesses Site

SAINTS AND GOOD SCOUTS: Milwaukee diocesan scout'cfiaplain, Fr. William F. Knoernschild, inspects a copy of "Saints for Scouts"'with author, Robert·F. Flahive, and the' author's son Michael. The book relates the Scouting' movement to the Scout's religion by showing the stuff of which God's heroes are made. NC Photo~

. DETROIT (NC) - The president of the nation's leading conservative Lutheran body said here he sees little chance for unity among all Christian churches.. John W. Behnken, president of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, said, however, that' all have an obligation to strive for unity,. The Lutheran leader said that although Pope .-ohn has done much to create a friendly atmosphere for talks. on church unity, he still sees little chance of a "meeting of the minds." He added: "If Rome comes to us with an honest invitationwhich she has not done-to discuss and not just to listen, I think we would be duty-bound to bear witness. "But if it is just a question 01 their telling. us we must return . to Rome under their terms, we are not interested."

Archbishop R.efutes Congolese Charge .

GENEVA (NC) -The Archbishop of Leopoldvill) has protested the "false allegations'" of the Congolese government that €atholic religious houses in VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope named. to the Commisshrll of Leopoldville have been· ·hiding· John has appointed. four U. S.· Religious; Father Charles Cor- Belgian paratroopers. Archbishop Felix S ca 1 a- is , prelates and priests to preparacoran, C.S.C.,. a native of PortC.l.C.M., declared in a pastoral tory commissions for the forthland, Ore., now a professor of coming ecumenical council. ,dogmatic theology at Holy Cross .letter, that there was "not one single paratrooper in the mis-Bishop Ernest 1\. Primeau of College i':l Washington, D. C., Manchester N.H. was named a was apPOInted a consultor nt sions or the houses of Leopardville." member' of' the Commission for the Commission of R~ligious. The Belgian-born prelate'. 'Discipline of the Clergy and Other appointees Faithful. . M~gr. George' SchliCte Five other' prelates were :pastoral fol)owed a press conference, assertion by Premier: Paof the Boston archdiocese, vicenamed members of the Commis'rector of the North. American . sion for Discipline of the CIergy' trice Lumumba of the Republic of the Congo that a search made College in Rome, was appointed and Faithful.' They are Archby Congo.lese security forces rea .co.nsultor of the same combishop Charles De Provencheres vealed that Belgian P<IracommISSIOn. , o f Aix, France;, Archbishop Raf. Father Edward Heston, C.S.C., faele Baratta of Perugia, Italy; mandos and three officers were hiding in a' room: at the Sacred a native of South Bend, Ind., who Bishop William Philbin of Cion:' Heart. Convent ip Leopoldville. is serving as procurator and pos- fert, Ireland; Bishop Sahag Lautulator general of the Cong·regarent Kougian, Patriarchal Vicar tion of ;Holy Cross in·Rome, was of Cilicia of the Armenians in SUMMER I ,Beirut, Lebanon; and Bishop and Louis HUdal,Austrian-born prelRETIREMENT HOMES h.1.ot C~tho' ate serving as a consultor to U 1-" Y' h Vatican congregations. CLEVELAND (NC)-A PresAplong the bishoP!! named byterian' minister told particiconst.ltors of the same commispants in a meeting sponsored sion are Archbishop Eugeniusz here by Protestants and Other Baziak of Lvov, U.S.S.R., who West Yarmouth Americans United for Separation is Apostolic Administrator Of the Rte; 28 SP 5-3100· of Church ~nd State (POAU) to Cracow archdiocese in Poland;' "vote as you please-if it's not Archbishop Luis del Rosario; for Catholic.'" S.J., of Zamboanga, Philippines; Bishop Paul· Taguchi of Osaka, Dr. T. C~istie Innes, pastor . Japan; Bishop Luis Baccino of of the Collingwood Presbyterian San Jose de Mayo, Uruguay;' Church in Toledo, said in a talk Bishop Miguel Raspanti of. at a Baptist auditorium that "the Moron, Argentina; Auxiliary Roman pontiff is.a grave danger" Bishop Jose Dominguez y Rodto America.. riguez of Havana; and Bishop Pio Farina Farina, former AuxilHe added that Sen. John Ken':' iary Bishop of Santiago, Chile. nedy of Massachusetts, Democratic presidential nominee who is a Catholic, is "merely giving' the latest American Catholic line" when he says he believes in complete separation of Church and 'state. BUZZARDS BAY \

Council· Preparatory C'ommissions Include U'!S. Prelates, ..Pri·ests

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Stating that the Catholic Church. is too demanding and asks too much submission of the· faithful, ,Dr. Innes 'had an answer for th,is' problem. He advocated the establishment 'of an American Catholic Church· which would decide all things, even moral questions, by popular vote.


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Bishops Approve Lay Movement. Begun in Spain

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Sept.S, 1960

Priest Receives Pi lot's License

AUSTIN (NC) - An unusual retreat-like mox.,ement originated in Spain about 10 years ago is finding increasing acceptance in the southwestern United States. Los Cursillos de Christianidad ("Little Courses in ChristianIty") has been officially approved in the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Dioceses of Austin and Amarillo, both in Texas, and Tucson, Ariz., in a little more than two years. More than 3,200 men and women have attended the threeday course of prayer aDd instruction which, with follow-up sessions, is designed to bring about a thorough dedication of the individual to Christ, the Church and its apostolic mls·sion, according to sponsors. The movement now has its own magazine, "Ultreta," edited here by Father Frank Briganti of Cristo Rey (Christ the King) parish. Now given only in the SpanIsh language, Cursillos for the English speakmg people· aft in preparation. Begun in Spain, on the island of Majorca in 1949, the Cursillo movement is the result of eight years research by a ·team of laymen and priests. The first Cursillo held in the United States was given in 1957 at MissioR, Tex. by two Spanish air cadets and an Oblate priest. Plan New Centers Between December, 1959, llod June, 1960, Father Briganti reports, an increase of some 400 Cursillistas (those who complete the Cursillo) was noted. By January, 1961, the number of Cursillistas is expected to reach 5,000 as new centers are being planned in California, Ohio, Utah, New York, Florida, Oklahoma and Colorado. AU dioceses in Spain have Cursillo centers. A number of South American nations also have established Cursillos and many centers are to be found In Mexico. Whenever a Cursiliohas been given, Father Briganti reports, there has been an almost unbelievable uplift in the spiritual life of the men, the parish and the diocese. Father Briganti says that mea who have not been to the sac· ..aments for 15 or more yea" have been profoundly infl\&eoced by the Cursillos.

· Franciscan Sisters Make Assignments

LEAD CATHOLIC STUDENTS MISSION CRUSADE: The new national officers of the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade are: left to right, William Tooley of Oneida, Wi5C., Harold J. Feldman, O.M.!., of Washington; Leonard Medura of Plymouth, Pa.; Msgr: Edward A. Freking, chairman of the CSMA Executive Board; Father Henry J. Klocber, national CSMC director; Joanne Schumm of Scranton and Betty Bourgeois of New Orleans. NC Phc;wl>-

LOCKPORT (NC) - A priest who will conduct a m1ssion airlift over the jut;lgles of New Guinea has completed his training for a pilot's and aviatioft mechanic's license at LewUl College here in Illinois. Father Patrick W. Fincutter. S.V.D., of St. Mary's Seminary, Techny, IlL, is the answer to a request by Bishop Leo Arldeld S.V.D., Vicar Apostolic of Wewak, New Guinea. Father Fincutter left the faculty of the Divine Word Brother Candidate School and enrolled in the 12month pilot and mechanic training course. He will be stationed at Wewak, a town on the northern coast of the island in the section governed by Australia. Besides helping with the usual spiritual aod material phases of mission activity, he will carry on the mission airlift to all parts of the 16,OOO-square-mile mission area. The mission uses only single engine planes because the moun.tainous terrain allows only small areas for runways. The primitive conditions in New Guinea make it essential for the pilot to have mechanical training.

PriesfSays Hate-America Campaign Is Spreading in Latin. America NIAGARA FALLS (NC) - A students and instead of giving "hate America campaign" is outright economic aid to Latin spread~ng throu~hout 1l~ the Americaftgoyernment stipucountnes of Latin AmerIca, a ' . Colombian priest asserted here. late .that a group of AmerICan "The people in general hate officials must dispense the aid. American!;," said Father :Alberto He also~id that American inChaparro of the Diocese of dustrialists should leave some of Santa ,~art\l, Colombia. Fidel the profits from the Latin Amer. Castro s success in Cuba was ican investments in Latin Amerbase~.on hatr~ of Americans for ica. These profits should be 'left Sendl~g arms, money and. other in the form of be~ter wages, betmatenal.s to h~lp former dictator tel' housing conditions, and imFulgenclO Batista, he charged. provement of living standards, • "In Latin America," .the priest he stated. said, "about 10 per cent of the people handle 95 per cent of the r-----------~ .wealth. The various appropriations given to Latin America (by the United States) are given those who control the ,government-whn come from the rich:" Father Chaparro said that j most of the money has nevec II I. been seen by the poor. L________ I Exchange Program "Your government's student exchange program also does little good," he continued, "since it is only ~ sons and daughters of the rich who participate in it." Stating that the threat of com-munism is more serious no.... than ever before the Colombian priest added that communist , • workers "get down to the poor

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'::::m~"ctuallY do something for ~ ~ Changes in assignment for the This year, he added, 20,000 Franciscan Missionaries of Mar,r from. at 621 Second Street, Fall 'River, · Include Sister Mary Florentia, ~Ill . attend FrIendship ~ntverKIT CHI! N • eighth grade teacher at Espirito Slty In Moscow. ':'he :Sovletgov-. _ ernment will pay all expenses, AmMoI"'.· most .• nvl.d klte""".Santo School,who will be reincluding transportation, living ,placed by Sister Mary Silvia, coming to the -community from . costs and clothes. Scholarships for Poor Brooklyn, N. Y. To offset communist gains itt Sister Mary Benilda, who has , been studying at Boston College, Latin American, Father ChaparwlU teach the sixth grade, re- ro suggested that the United Middleboro Road. Route II placing Sister Mary Theonas States should make scholarships to American universities 'availwho w ill take up an assignment EAST fREETOWN able ·to the poor but intelligent · In 'New York.


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Stonehill College Sets Eyen in9 Cou rses

Nuns Annual Picnic

o o

Please send literature CHICAGO (NC)-Nearly 1,000 Have salesman call at ... nuns from 71 convents in the Evening courses to beheld at area were guests of ·the Chicago obligation. 8tonehill College for 12 consecu- Park District ·at the third annual Narne................•.....•....•••....••tive Tuesday evenini': from 7:30 . "nuns' day picnic" in six Chicago 60 9:30 beginning Sept. 20 will parks. The day was originated AddrM .. Include creative writing, cur- three years ago by James H. City ~ •.•.......••••••·....•.••••..· ,NOt ev-ents, insurance, child Gately, park district pres~den.t. psychology, business and com.. mercial law, literature, publie ~aking, church .history, phil· O/JOPhY,economics, taxation and Ileal estate. It. 6 at Th. Narrows in North Westpotf Also to be offered are a sam'inaI' in office procedures and a ehArm course. Registration witl Where'The be 'held at ., TuesdOl' night, Entire FamU7 Sept. 20 and Sept. 27. Can Dlne


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· Scholarship Winner Philip B. Daigle, son of Mr. _d Mrs. Bertrand Daigle, 111 Deer Street, Somerset, has re· eelved a partial scholarship from St. Michael's College, Winooski, 'ft. A graduate of Coyle Higb · School, he will study pro-dea...,. at St. Michael'..


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Giani Writing .Tablet ~~~:: 3 POI 1.00 COLOllfO 80xn 1 99 1unch Kit ASSORTI!O WITH VACUUM Borni omy • JumhMemo Pads ·fOlt sg::~i~o~ IA 1'Strawberries '::IH 3 p~:S 1.00


,THE ANCHOR-Diocese)~fFall Rivet:;Thuri~'i"Septo ~,.l'iOO '.. ...- '. . - .. .~ ... : ' .. : . ,. :, . ..-. ;,. " ~ ... "'" .



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The '.Constitution,'. and Education . _'.~ ~. •



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The Constitution· of the .United· States wisely" niakefl .... :. ,. .no prQyisi9n 'for' a 'Federal system 'of e~ucati<?I1. It . leav~s· M,ucation where it properly belongs -primarily to the parents. and,~t their bidding, in local·hands. . However, the Federal government does make provisjoris to give assistance. to each child of school age .so that a proper and adequate education· according to the system designated by the parents might be more easily obtained. But by· a strange turn .of development, this. aid is denied to those children whose parents choose,.within·their Constitutional' ·rights, .to' educate in a religious-oriented school. Or, rather, the child is counted to be therecipierit Of Federal aid, and then hiS- share is arbitrarily alloted to "the public s~hool system. When it comes to counting noses ·for the money, all children of schooli'a,ge arEdnCl~ded; when it conies time to allot ·the m9ney,' the public schQol . system· 'alone benefits; ,'.', ' . ./ And so Catholics catTy the..:1ouble burden of stipport-:· .ing ..the p~bl!c' ~choQl\·.sY·ste~·9f educ~t16n and" their own.· :. Parochial school System' '~8 ~ell: Thi8~:burd~n,is 'likewise, .' carried by those-who·supj)ort·Ltitheran 'and other'''religious'' . schools'. . . ,". ",' '" . . , ". ..SOme' would ~rgue' that' a "religiOll~" school is a prlvi.. )eg~ .arid therefor~ ini.tst~.·paidfor. ,Bu't theCortstitution' . · 'dOOs·notindicate 'this' when, iVleaves education iIi the hands . . . of parents. ·Whatever system the p~rent~ choose wh.ich · meets m!nimuJ}1 aqequate Jocal e~uc,a.tioJial stand.ards seems· '. to. be .the· Constitution's provision/or education.. All this gives food for thou~ht,' doesn't it?



Weekly Calendar ·:Q(.Feast Days, TODAY-The NatiVity

oi . .

Bless~d Virgin. The fea$t ~.


memorates ·the birth, .free original sin of the Jewish maiden of the House of David, · destined to become the' Mother' (If God. Her. parents were sa. · Joachim and Anne. I TOMORROW - . St. Peter Claver, Confessor. He was the · lion of a farmer, born in 1581 .. Verdu, near Barcelona, Spain. He ,joined the Jesuits in 1609. Stationed at Majorca, he'was iospired' by St. Alphonsus Rodriwith the desire to do milt" .. sion 'work in America: He .... . '. sent in 1610 to' Cartagena ' . · .Central America, the centrM , slave' mart of the West Indiee, , and forthe next 40 years devoted )linis~lf to the welfar~ of Nepo ,daves. 'He is said to have ~ tized ·and. cared for . more· thaa 300;000 of them, He died i!'l 16M. He was canonized in 1888~ and declared the patron of all Catholic' mfssions ainong Negroes .. '. '1896. ' . . ' .


SATURDAY-St. Nicholas 'crl Tolen.tino, Confessor. He . • bOrn in answer to the prayers of a holy mother and :was promisees · before his birth to the service Oi God. His austerities were' eonspicuous even in the strict order to which he belonged. He diM in· 1310. .

· Beauty' Parlor "Art"

Catholics - well, some of them - will welcome with open arms the statement of an editor of a Lutheran youth. magazine; deploring "bathrobe"· religious drama and picSUNDAY-Fourteenth Sund87 tures of Christ· with "beauty parlor hair· and a polished after Pentecost. Generally tbie · date is the feast of SS, ProtUll outdoor complexion." ." and Hyacinth, Martyrs. Accord-" "Most of us," said Charles. Lutz of Minneapolis, "have ing to tradition, they were never gotten beyond the Sunday school picture card stage." · brothers, .Romans by birth ·anei The most popular paintings of Christ; according to Mr. servants in the house of St, E~ Lutz, are like a.photograph-"Once you've seen it, there's genia. Seized in the persecutiOD · under Diocletian, they WeN nothing left to draw out of it.~ . The editor 01 the Question ami AlMwer column does "9t guarantee Ie scourged and beheaded' about It is amazingly and frighteningly true how a concept GlMllleranonymous queries nor ktters jromunidentijiabk sources. In every ·257. of Christ can' be built un.....:-foI' weal or ·woe- in' the ·mind instance the desire jor anonymity lIIiU· be .respected. To tJwt end, names 1-'GTe never appended 16 the qllestiOlM, but unless ~ letter is signed MONDAY-Feast of the Most through the medium of art. And, if the "art" be' «:m' the . ,lhere is assurance that 'OilY COlMideratio"n will be gillen it.. Holy Name of Mary. This feast sweet and sentimental type, then 'thefuU majestic image ot'. . Bow many.Rites are there· luch a marriage be straight.:. was i1istituted by order of PoPe Christ nev,er" emerges ~rom -the ·fiuf!. ,And· if ,the "art" III .the Catholic Church? Is It cned out? Innocent XI in 1591 to commembe merely·-a photograph ,that could~well be the ma-n next all. right to gO to MasS In. one In both cases-a Catholic orate the victorY of the Christi• door- then' Christ is nevell 'seen in 'all' His 'dimensions. . , ... of these churc~es! , . ' marrying before. a civil magis- .' Forces over th:e Turks at Vie~na, , ' . . ., ··t i the kate or. before a minister-the Austria, 'gained through ~ ,',It is·quite;true that 'Jrlany Persons have' a:whol~' series, Tbe~ea~e ni~e ,Rl es.. n: . marriage.ls invalid. The differ. h'·'and sa·t'IS f.ymg . . an. . d prayer " . f' i .' ot t' ... tta h Catholic Church. The Latm ,Rite cnee is that Canon Law provides · intercession. o.. f . ric u conn a IOns· a c - '(. 'th 'ts several varian':')' ByTUESDAY·-St. Phl·l·I·P·, M"":"'" . f t ' th···' b t . od t" t· Th' WI I . "" , 'It f' . . t' -mg· to a 'pleceo .'ar . IS . a,ny .. mg, u . m go REI e. 1.S zimtine' Ar,menian Chaldean, a pena y 0 excommumca Ion tyro He' is said to have been ~ is a tribute to'their J.a.ith. and to' the religious training of .CoP.tic;'Ethiopic;. M~labar;, Ma'r- . for the marriage before a min,. 'father of St. Eugenia, in whoM - , ister, while no' such penalty is . 'their childhoOd. And an introduction-slow-; if rieedbe, and, onite; Syrian. The last eight attached to marriage before ii' household SS, 'Protus and Hyaintelligentlyexplained"-;to· Christ depicted,. in' more taste- - rites named' are refe,rred to as. public official. . , ... cinth were employed, Traditioli fl' I h . ' . ' f Ch . the Eastern Catholics, and there has it that he held the hiBb u art media shou d en ance thelr,concept 0 .. rlst., . s bdivisions within· these To rectify a~y invalid' mar-:. ran·k. of pr'efect at .Alex'andrl'a .. t . teh' . th ld l'th' hare u , . t N o one IS rymg 0 sna .. away. e.o I. ograp rites. It is certainly permissible' . riage the person or person'sin- in Egypt, but resigned his.poSt 01' the garish statue with the memories these hold. But to attend Mass or any of the volved must contact the parish to be baptized in the thilld cannot good art or better art give more depth, more food serviCes 'in these, .chur.ches of priest and. explain the circum- century. · iental Rites stances. The priest, acquainted for thought. The ,adult .outgrows the erstwh de satisfying the 0 r ., with the' details, will inforin WEDNESDAY ~ The Exaltathings of childhood in other fields. Why not in the field Th,ere .ar~ other sects with you of the steps necessary to tion of the Holy Cross. Constannames Similar to the above' tine was still wavering between of re I ·· IglOus art?. ed rl'tes but they are schis- validate the union, e nam , Christianity' and idolatry wheD /l(/


to. MachIDes

matic groups. These are usually * • ~ • Ii luminous cross appeared' te referred to as the Orthodox What Is the meaning of the him in the heavens bearing the Neal O'Hara is quoted as saying that according to Churches. One must be on guard Initials V.F, after a priest's inscription: "In this sign shalt statistics, "Married couples who are happily in love, and lest he , co nfuse the Oriental' name? Is It some religious thou conquer." He became a Christian. A few days later, hit! remain in that state, average appreciably longer life spans Rites of the Catholic Church ' order? The initialsV,F. mean "Vicar . mother, St. Helena, found the than those who are divorced, separated or remain single, with .these Schismatic groups. • .• • • Forane". These priests, usually ,Cross on which Our Saviour studies 'at Harvard University and life insurance companies Should a person who has led senior men in an area, are ap- suffered. After the EmperOl' show." .. • sinful childhood join such pointed by the bish,op to exer- . Heraclius had recovered th. societies as the Altar and eise a limited jurisdiction ·over precious relic from Chosroes, So in this. age of electronic computers, the machines a definite district of the diocese, . King of Persia, into whose handJi have come' up with another reason for morality and virtue. ,Rosary Society .and similar groups! . They are called "Deans". ~ it had fallen, t.he F~ast of ~ But it is hoped that the unfeeling transistors and . Certainly! Sacramental con- . At the will of the bi!?hop,·the "Finding"· was instituted to eel" efficient tapes' will n'ot repla~e in the convict~ons of men tession has long since remitted 'dean is.entrusted with vigilance ebrate the recovery of the cr_ the basic reason for virtue and. fidelity in marriag&-the' the . eternal punishment due to . over Church discipline in the by Heniclius. ' .' will of God. '.' . . childhood sins· and penance several parishes' which consti.' Still, it· is good 1;() have an answer for .the "modern" prayers andgc;lOd' worklican _ t~te . the 'deanery;. he has .the . CatholicBusinessmcnt eliminate at. least a portion "f power of' summomng and pre- . man who will accept only' the advice of whatever_ :has been the temporal punishment. due' siding at·.meetings of the clergy ecelves IVIC '. onor . in his district. . . NEW ORLEANS (NC) ....;. .A. devised within his 'own life span--asif, poor soul, the :. ' • '. • • Catholic businessman here WH universe began when he came into being and, the ,the~.·, The New Testament is. full· oII f ,owns an art object, aw:arded the New Orlea..... a man -way'he at· times acts, will disintegrate when he ceases accounts· of Christ.forgiving sins. . he doesn't realize its' real T· es _ Pl'cayune newspaper'. but to be. . ' Outstanding among. these - is the lovI'ng cup for 1959 for hl's m~value, would it be sinful for va ... . . than 30 y.ears of servI'ce to ..... ....... So here's to the. ·m·achines. They have been credited story of the woman who was. . one who does realize its worth taken in sin and was about to b e . _ d . eommunity. with and accused of much..The title of "defenders of ,.stoned. Our Lord said "Let him "' persua e the man to sell it nuptial happiness and' ~oliness" will add ~ new luster to who is without sin cast the first for a price far below its actua!· He is' James J. Gilley, Jr., fl5them. ' .stone.'! The. woman was left worth? year-old executive vice-prest-.. d·t' h 't th t Justice demands that a buyetr dent of the Whitney Nation~ d T ra unstone. I Ion as 1 a . Bank: In' 1947Mr: Gilley ~ this woman was Mary Magda::' pay fair price even though the h th ft b seller is ignorant of the real eeived from the late Pope Phal lene, 'W 0 erea er,' ecame an XII the award of Knight Cm-.· and holy member of the value of an obJ' ect. Fa.the.·r Fran,;, t' BC Ive early Christians. . cis 'Connell, C.Ss.R., in his book mand.er of the Order of St. .Gre..... ..Unfortunately, humans are OUTLINES OF MORAL THEO-· ory., . not quite so forgiving as God. It LOGY, 'declares that this does A native of Thibodeaux, La., would be interesting to note not apply if the purchase is Mr. Gilley has served with tbe OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 'THE DIOCESE .OF FALL RIVER ~hether a similar·test to that of made at an auction, in a second- Red Cross, and' headed ·maRy . Christ in the case of the sinfu,l hand bookshop, pawnshop· or . charitable drives such as the Published weekly'by The Ca'tholie Press of the Diocese of Fall River woman taken among the most antique shop. In such instances 'Youth Progress Bureau', the vociferous critics of one who the buyer is under no obligation Negro College Fund, and maDr 410 Highland Avenue has been discovered in a crime to reveal the true value' of the' city hospital construction proFall River, Mass.' ' OSborne 5-7151 might not yield' the same pro- object if he can acquire it at a ' grams, He also led fund driveJI PUBLISHER portion of them ultimately cast- low price. for the construction of buildineMost Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. ing the stones. • (I III • . 'for the N~w Orleans·archdiocese. • .* • * What Is the meaning of tine GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER What Is the difference word "churchlng"? birth. It is also a public act of Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll whether a Catholic is married "Churching" is the term com- . thanksgiving by the mother. ReMANAGING EDITOR . . by a civil magistrate or III monly'used to refer to the bless- grettably, this pious custom to• • ' Hugh J~ Golden' Protestant minister? Bow oaa log given ~ women aftec chilO. IeeDUI gradually: to be dying ~







C·· H . .

~ C~.. nciJ.$ To Aid Christi.an. J( of

UnitY Cause .:. "

History .~f Taunton's French "Parish ·Seen· .~~~;;~.N;:p~R~, 1960 ? _ ,T~r.9J,Jg~" J.ive8.Qr~tJ-Three Pastors ' AssertsChur~h ...... '.

.:. '-'..



. '.' ,'. ' .' Schools Benefit WASHINGTON (NC)~A l.'he:,~6 year hi~tory .of st Jacqu~ parrsh,·.Taunt~~,m8:Ybe.traced th~ugh·the·lives·, . 'p' 'b'I- Ed' catl-on recent Knights of Columbug' of the three pastors who have served' It: Rev. Alfred ,CarrIer, . 1904-1930, Rev. Alfred ,U IC U resolution has given a, Lev&que, 1931-1949; and Rev. William' Srriith,·1950-!960. But ,the story o~ St. Jacques OKL.AHOMA ~ITYo (NC) international movement an began long before early industrIal qevelopinent .in Tau.ntoli made the ·estabhshmentof a '-~ubhc education ·m t~. i~itial' "boost~' toward its twin., F h k" '.' 'h' Umted States would benefIt goals of restoring Christian. ren~. spea In~ par~s '. a from an increase in the DUmshrines in Asia .Minor and furnecessIty. French . ~amily' ber and quality of church-affilthering the cause of Chi-ist,~ nam~8 can be found In the iated schools, according to Father unity. •, archives of the first Taunton Gerard S. Sloyan, head of the

By· Marion·


The Knigh~ of Columbus SU-:. church, St. Mary's, founded ~ religious education department pre?,e Councl1 ~as ~rg~ its sub.;. 01831. . ' '. at the .Catholic. University of O!dmat,e councIls to give CO~-. In following yearS;,more and America.. 1 slderatlOn to the ~erican S?C -. more French Ca'nadians came Father Sloyan declared that ety. of Ephesus, WhICh bas JUs~ to the vicinity, mo~: ,'Settling,'m public schools are "the glory of launched the. Ephesus. Ecu,men-:, the nortli end of the·Citi. !lear' the nation, but now that they ical Mo~ement for umty of the the Whittenton ManUfacturing . are well established so that no Christian wo!'ld ..." . '.' Compiuiy, where they were em,other schools will be a threat Marko ZUZ1.C, execu~ive dl~ec-:-. ·ployeet.: ," . to them, we need to develop tor .of t?e Llm.a~ OhiO, Soclet~ By i884;'"t~~ .need,·:(or a new " ,more parochial schools of every sai~ 'durlllg a vIslt~ere that ~h~. parish in 'tbe'hocth e~d, call~d faith.". . ." . '" Kmghts of Columblis resoluhl:!?, Whittenton; ~:,,!as evident, ',and ':It goes Without ~Y1Qg ~h~t~ fol~owed closely, the plea f?'t,. ImmaClilate Conception ·church,. child cannot, receive religiOUS umty' m.adeby Po!:'e John l~ with R"1V.' JaiTles'Roach 'as'ltS nurture in the public schoolS," announcm.g the commg ecu.m~~-. first pastor/.was founded. . he commented. ical he councIl. . • Father Roach. having been edCommon Understanding . resolution .. also echoeli, ucated' in Cari~da"spokefluent'" He added: "If we could reach ":'lshes' for the society's. success' French, and for a t:me', ~ervices a common understanding as t:o t.:at the P.ope exp.ressed m a !:,e~,,:,. were conduc~ed in :r.rerichand curriculum, Scripture or prayer, sonal audience With Mr. ZUZIC In English," providing ,for 'all.~Cath';' 'some teachers, because of the 1959. olics in that vicinity. Seven years ~ature of their religious commit' Pope's Program: 'later Father, Roach built ;lmmac~ ment, would' still offend SOffi4t Through restoration of the.. ulate ConCeption School',' setting students or their parents." common Christian shrines at aside' a classrooin' for the ·teachFather Sloyan was here 110 Ephesus, Turkey, the new moveing of French. . speak at a religious education. ment 'will take part in tbe Pope's' With the Catholic population workshop at which "A Catholic program for the development of continuing to increase, soon this Catechism" was introduced aa Chi-isiJan unity, Mr. Zuzic said. church became too small to acthe new religion textbook in the The movement itself, be added,', commodate all parishioners, and sixth, seventh and eighth grad~. Is dedicated to Pope John. in 1903 a delegation 'approached of Catholic schools in the DioThe American Society of the Providence Bishop, under cese of Oklahoma City'and Tulsa. Ephesus was established in 1955 whose .jurisdiction Taunton was Father Sloyan is the editor'of by George B. Quatman of Lima" then 'arid requested a French the American edition of "A Ohio, a telephone company, exec... speaking parish for the commun<;:atholic Catechism," originally utive. In thanksgiving for favors', ity.· written for use in Germany. In granted during a Marian Year His.torle E.vents ST. JACQUES CHURCH---TAUNTON 1955 it .was approved for use in P 11 g rim age which included all German dioceses. It appeared Ephesus, Mr. Quatman ·under-· The' actual founding of the 1921 this, too, was a reality" and Smith set about raising the funC!. in English in 1958 and is now took the restorations at Ephesus, parish awaited two ,b~toric was' located on Bay Street on and by May, 1951 had $200,000 in translated into some 25' laoand tl1e formation of ,the Ephesus events: the'crea,tion' of .the ~ir!lt land adjoining school property. reServe 'for the purpose. ' . -cuages, Father Sloyan said. society. Diocei~ of, the pontificate of But Father' .Ca~rier's plans for ,Dream Comes True' First Effort Pope Pius X, that of :fall ,River; the French Catholics in his With construction underway, Mr. Zuzic said' the society's., and the first· parish established parish would' 'not be completed enthusiasm increased, and during STEUBENVILLE ( N C ) first major effort, a result ~f.· by i~s first Bish~p, Most Re:v.. until the new St. Jacques Church 1953 650 families contributed ,.ears of negotiation with the' William Stang, who announc~ was' erected. To this end; he' $104:000 for their new , church. Father Francis F. 'Brown, ne~ Steubenville Turkish' government, will be the' th.e. forming .of St. Jacql.ies Ocl started a building fund. By 193!" The dedication took place July editor of the rest'ora tion, of the Justiniim' 11, .1~. • ...' " when he left the parish due to . 25, 1953, and the end result of aegister, newspaper of the Steu~ Basilica of St. John the' Apostle Father Carrjer was, appoJnted advanced' age and ill health, 48 years of planl:J.i~g is a beau,.. benville .diocese in Ohio, bu .been named a papal chamberlain and his tomb, which lies beneath hea·d. of the flock of 534 French, there was over $100,000 in "the tiful romanesque style edifice. the basilica. Both have been in" families throughout the city .of, church treasury. Last year Father' Smith 'had with the' title of Very'Reverewi Monsignor. ruins. for many centuries. Ta~nton. He. immediately. rented His successor; Father Levesque., the' convent ren'ovated: The second project of the soci- St. ,John the Baptist. Hall in.·, was familiar to the parish,as' On' July 1'7, 1960, atterteu.' et,. will be the restoration of the Wb'ittenton where relig~oU8,serv,.. he 'had served as assistant, ,to years as pastor, of St. Jacques ITS ALL RIGHT 10 ancient ·double 'church of the· ices were to be. conducted ,for. Father Carrier from.1908 to 1911; Church, Father Smith tiied, Divine Maternity, the site of the ., the next two 'years. " ' H e , too, wished'to complete the. shortly after having observed SHOP AROUND ~ historic. council of Ephesus at,l For use as a temporary rectory, church, but more pressing neecb the 40th anniversary of his ordiSOMI THINGS, BUT which, in 431 A,D., Mary was, a house 'on th~ corner of. Law-, arose. nation to the priesthood.' proclaimed the Mother of God. renee' and King Streets was The first years of his pastorate, His assistant, Rev. Daniel Mr., Zuzic said that the house rentecJ, , as well' as six classes of an" addition to the school, was Gamache, who has served in the believed to have been provided the old Immaculate Conception' built because it had become too Taunton parish since 1945, says for t~e Blessed Mother by St. School for the children. small for the number of pupils. that the next 'program to be . 202-206 Rock Street John the Apostle has already At first, Sisters of the Holy These were the day" ot'the deundertaken will be the renovaFau River been'restored by the society. Union of the Sacred Hearts who pression when .little was avail-. tion of the school, which now IS ~ PlACE I'D The final object in the Ephesus . staffed the school, resided at Sl able for the erection of new has an enrollment of 420 pupils. restorations will be' the Basilica Mary's Convent, traveling 'back buildings. The other assistant serving more GET A PAESCRIPTIOI't of the Seven Sleepers, containing and forth daily, but Father CarLater, a fire broke out in the than 600 French families in, the FILLED! the tomb of St. Mary Magdalene. rier soon rented a house at the basement church and repairs and city, is Rev. Andre Jussaume. corner of Washington and Van redecoration of the church were 0 Buren Streets for their residem:e. necessary. During his 18 years as ~ew 'With these temporary facili- pastor,Father Levesque directed PWMBING & HEATING, INC. COVINGTON (NC)-The new ties providing for the parish's a thorough renovation of .all Seminary of St. Pius X for the immediate needs, Father Carrier parish buildings, school, convent I ~ for, Dome~, Covington diocese was dedicated set about the erection of permaand rectory, as w!'l,ll as improveA IndustrW. . __ ,Sale. aJMI' by Bishop' Richard H. Acker-" nent parish buildings. ments tQ the grounds. man. C.S.Sp., of Covington. A large tract ,of land Oft When Father Smith arrived at. Oil Burners Service The seminary will open this Whittenton Street was purchased St. Jacques Church. in FebruarY WY 5-1631 ' Fall with a four-year bigh' from' the Whittenton Manufac-.. of 1950, he fa.ced the tremendous -\ '2283 ACUSHNET AWl. school and a four-year college·, turing Company in' 1905, and ' task of completing 'the original NEW BEDFORD curriculum. It has an enrollment ,that same' year the large three- dreams of the parish. Having re- ' of 24 students in the high school story brick rectory' was com.- ceived word from Bishop Cassidy' ond ·65 in the college courses. . pleted for' occupancy. It was' that permission would be granted. Founded in 1955 by the late followed in 1906 by the buildirig 'as soon as' the .Church treasurY ' IIYOUR BANKII Bish:ot) William T. Mulloy of of Ii basement church which was", sh6wed a Substantial sum, Fath~ Covington, 'the seminary w~ many years later, to serve as the started in a reconverted barn~ foundation of the new St. Work on the new seminary Jacques Church. In the meanSOMERSET., MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop building was started in March. time, these church facilities _ • • invites. your participation in the 1958 and students moved into were adequate for the parish. growth of' a new Banking Institution the ~ew quarters early this year.' loners. Joseph A. Charpenti. . The three-story building waa For the next six years Father • COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS SERVICE Reg. Pharm. constructed at a cost of $1,'150,- Carrier worked toward the liqui-MORTGAGES - AUTO and APPLIANCE LOANS ,TB.. 'Iff 6-0772 800. dation of the church debt and the Accounts Insured To $10,000 accumulation of funds for a PRESCRIPTIONS parish school. By May 21, 1912, Member Federaf Deposit Insurance Co. 1902 ACUSHNET A viE. ground was broken on Fifth Harold J. Regan, Presidettt NEW BEDFORD VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope A~enu7 for the large brick school loho. ' has bestowed mission With eight classrooms. crosses on seven young priests. . Permanent Convent They were given during an With rector~, church basem~nt, audience granted to Gregorio and sch~l built, the next proJect Pietro XV Cardinal Agagianian. of the first ,pastor was a permaPrefect of the Sacred Congrega- nent convent for the nuns. By tion for the Propagation' of the Faith,before his departure for OIL BURNERS • tour of India, Ceylon, Burma ST. LOUIS (NC) - St.Louis Also oomple&e Boiler-Burner end Pakistan. University has received four or Furnace Units. Efficient Among those present at the anonymous corporation gifts low cost heating. Burner and fuel oil sales and service. audience, was Msgr. Francis J. totaling $370,000 to be used for Lally; editor of the Pilot, Boston general university operations, archdiocesan weekly, who will Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., qni480 Mt, Pleasant Street accompany the Cardinal on bla versity ,president" announced New Bedf"rd WY 3·266'7 totu. here.


Editor Is Prelate


Dlocese Has

fet oVlng on Seminary









• M" ISSlon - . POpe GIves

Crosses to' Priests

Anonymous Gifts


Stanley Oil Co., Inc.





·r~E-ANCH.q.R~~r9cese:~f. Fail'~~~er':'" Th~rs., Sept. 8~' 1~60,Spea kers


Racial Justice'


· eco' ra' t.·ve No'te t·o· · 'H 0' m' e' " D . By Cahill, ,



tion .ST. against LOUIS Negroes is tantamount to denial of the teachings '. of Christ, Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis. has declared.: Archbishop Ritter' made thestatement in an address to 250



The common slogan these days~ on radio, on television; or in' the windows 'of any store'is "Back to Scho'ol"-a'nd back to school ~eaiJ.sb06ks. Chances are ,that,on tp.e last day, of s~hool, .JohnnY threW-his books into a catch.,.itll closet, but with the op,ening ' .. , of school books become a . height, dow. if'shelves are built to table you can m'alCe a nice matter Qf prime interest for' . arrangement . of fu~niture by parents and chlIdren. and it- placing, a sofa in 'front of the · .is well to give some 'thought to' an apprqpriate 'place to store all, your books. .One may have walls'. fill e d wit h 'b 0 0 kshelves; or only a tiny n'i c h e liere and there for .a mer e b' and fill 0 f . books, Let your booksheivesbe pianned' for utmost utility, ~ no less than six or more than nine inches deep; from six to 15 inches high 't book f 1 any to Bookcases can. add new beauty · to your home's interior architecil thO h'l th . a euseful w Ie 'purpose ey are servt ure, their log as a try-sting-place for books worth reading-classics of literature and history, as well as school' books '(read the books on your · shelves so often that they'll Dever gath*:r dust).

delegates attending the founding', convention of the National Cath:' olic Conference for Iriterraciof Justice.' 'The meeting heard' speakers 0 stress that racial discrimimitioft' is both a . moral evil, imd, from. . window .and tables at each end . , the point of view of the welfare; of the sofa for lamps, o.f Church and nation, serioU41 . You will ~oticethat we 'ha~e practical error. . suggested that sheives end at Mor.al Harm table height, because iLisawkFather Patrick J, Molloy, mod"-' ward to reach for books on 'low el'ator of the St. 'Louis Catholic shelves, when this space can be Interracial Council,' cited the used for storage of things other, moral harm in discrimination.: th~!1 books, such as a portable He preached at a Pontific~' typewriter, a world globe or Mass ,offer~ by Archbishop drawing board; to say nothing Ritter in St. Louis cathedral. of catcher's mitts or tennis . . "Race relations for us involvetl;~ rackets.' not. on}y temporal well-being,' In some instances one may 'be equal opportunity, civil rightS, able to make shelves. adjustable. but more important-man's eter-' This is an ideal arrangemen't for nal salvation," Father MOlloy' larger .volumes, such as atla'sea said. or art books. "The prejUdiced. pel'son witk suffici.ent knowledge is guilty.of Re.eord storage PI EASED WITH ACC . .. .' . OMMODATIONS: Junior. Mary mortal sin, and in danger of For those of you' Who have Brennan of Chatham, right, welcomes three of the freshman eternal damnation," he declared. . r e cor d' libraries, adjustable I f 49 t th N' 'H' . . "The person offended by preshelveS are ide·al.' To' 0 oft'en rec- ca.ss 0 L f 0 e urses orne, St. Anne's Hospital, Fall judice can be turned away from . R .ords used to be hidden inside Iver. e t to right: Jeanne Gobeil, 'St. Josepl).'s, New Christ and His' Church, and' the duSty' cupb'oards . of the Bedford; Patricia Calnan, and Barbara Gosselin' of St~· thereby also lose his' soul. We' . phop'ograph. Now' they are 'a:Lawrence's, New 'Bedford; Miss Brennan. cannot afford to be indifferent. decorative addition: to ihe bOOka.bout either person, or we may' shelves in·your r o o m · : N lose our own souls. We a'reour , .K?owing how the average brother's keepez:s." " .,.


C" munl'Ot"Y M" k Ch '. l:InS '.' a" .,es . ".. anges 'In Customs and Spiro i. tua. I.. Exercl·se·"s


Use 'Nooks' famIly collects records it's well" Let's consider the 'need' for to leave an extra 'sheif for 'hi... . S,ister' Mary Viar-mey :' :'.. , usirig just a.' nook. :In a:, c,hi,14's. crease; (Meantime, you can fill ST, LO~I~ (NC)'-:"Bi? chang~s , woul~ .·p'rov!d~ for .tl;te ~aking, In New College Do'st ,'.: '" · room, where you have a sla,rit:-: in the empty space with'B piece '~ ~e,spl~ltu~l ~xercls~s, c~s- o,f vO.w~, ..f9r a period o('two years II' . . o~ bricabrac,), '.i!im, ,sturdy ai,;.. ~ms, and wearing ~ppa.rel of the a.t the :time of first profelision, {HOOKSETT (NC) ~ Si;ter ~ ing~eiling 'and 'possibly an ugly. bums are equally. attractive . ,SIsters. of S~. ~oseph of Caron-' . ,f9llowingthe novitiate, and for Mary Viaimey" dean of' M6u'n't· '. i!>g, you might transform sucb as books. We don't ,have" re-' delet, Mo., were an~ounced here. ' a' period' of three years at the St. Mary College here for 'the: · a corner i'nto .• · smart bedroom,. m' d th t 'h'l ' . A d' " . . d' f' . ' p'ast 'six years, has, been n'am' A .. '; book 'niche bY' c\itting one b·oard. lD you ,a you s ou d alway.' ccor mg to. a s~tem~nt by s~con,. pr~ .eSSlOn, PreVIOusly .,.. i,nto three shelves. Then' Y.ou. k.eep' Your records' away· from 'Mother E, u c h a r i s t a Galvin, vows had' Been renewed annu- executive vice-president. Under: might place a study. table ,under radiators, and' be' sJre' they are: Mother' Getlerar of the Sisters of" . '.I11y prior to finaI:profession. :a pew' experimental program the these shelves. ., . , ' st!lnding upright: on' the shelves;' St. joseph of. Carondelet; the . M~therE.ucharista a'dded 'that Sisters of ~ercy college will be 'li" 'h new decrees affect mor th . . . ' d' 'th thO . h administered by the offl'ce' of t' he' : In a, vmg room were you . Or, you: might. 'turn an odd-. " Rell'g'ious .'located e. an HoI' m accor WI t'h'•,eS't WIS es of the executive vice-president in ·co·... · ay , a t to k " . 4 300 on the S ' f Ihaped corner into a 'delig'htfut' .'m· st',w n. .. '. eepyour prIzed '. "State . m'a' " 1 nd" IS ers 0 "St. operation with the board of tru"';' ed't' . , Umted H .' J y'. 'h ee" "11 ,!! ad,dition t,o 'a, room's interio,r f lrrk '11 Ions, you l'might use s 10 a ,10 . th . . a .. waH and Japan . a-· Sosep tb' A,WI . ."open a mission ia tees instead of a president. . ..-. d icheme by'building round-the-,a co or ~s e lDlilg.for.the . " . . ,. "ou J!lerJca as soon as pascorner shelves.'and cupboards: shelves ·in stark contrast to the ~ Sistersbof, St, Joseph, long for- sJble. . Sister .Mary Maurita, president' . ' . b d'· 1 . b'dd th' . \ for the ·p.ast 10 years, will 'be OR · Maybe y~>u 'can' arrange shelves' pI ~10 cup oar pane s. below. Do . 1 en y'. ~lr rule to drive ·Th.e Sisters of St. Joseph of for books on either side of a' not crowd rare books; separate, ears, may.noW' do so, the mother, Carondelet teach in 249 padsh ~he f~CUlty of the Marian Court, 'dOor.. 'Often the case.s form 'a tbem with a. piece of classic' general said, Modi.fications of· schools in tlie United States and, ostu ate in Swampscott, Mass. . · '1'" b' 1· ..· th h b' h ' 'Sister V.ianney' is a native Of leasing re.·cess for' .the doorw,ay·. . ow or .L1gurine. Porce am-a ' 11e a It. ave been made to conduct' 64 high schools in ad''dl':" . Boston. She is an alumna cd P This depth lends' interem to the 'If you are building '8 simple' . a ow for driving. tion to the five colleges for, Mount St. Mary and m~de ad·: view thru the door. modern home and want to in.;. RegioJialSuperiol'8 wOI:llen.The congregation also vanced studies at the Catholic If you h!lve a long sturdy lib,':' clude book shelves i!1 the living conducts hospitals, homes for University of Am'erica in Wasb' Mother Eucharista also , said children " .among ington, D. C., where she receiv-.:o ... ' . ' and miSSions rary table, you ml'ght bUl'ld room' by a fl'replace, you ml'ght ......th ' e. Live prOV1Oces' the Indians. her d o c t o r a t e . " bookshelves on either side of l·t. build the fireplace in Romana t eac h 0 f th .,.. If this whole wa~l could be pinesize bricks across one wall and 0 f th e congregation may now be T paneled,we'd suggest that you have streamlined shelves to the subdivided into regions, with . . . , . ,t1llti d1IhT . dIIhT dlIhT dIIhT dIIhT dIIh d1IhT ATATATAT AT •.. . h a v e' table-height cupb"oard ceiling above the masonry, eli- the consent of the order's general· "'..S OJW OJW OJW WIll aun OJW ~ doors beneath the shelves, using minating a mantel shelf. Divide council. Provincial superiors can ~' . . .'~ ' H hinges and old latches, This is the bookshelves into vertical then duties to a ""..S a good background for a Colon'" !!ections giving them a stream- regional superior. ~ t;>' !al type room. lined effect to merge with the' . Other changes promulgated by' ""..S L C 'E' T :04 · Some old houses with' antique mortar joints. This can be the . the mother .general are; OW asy erma '. paneling and age-old ceiling center of interest of your room.' '-All community prayers win ~ e. . beams devote one whole wall be said in E n g l i s h . " : I""IIIIII~' to shelves. If you are trying to ,Three Sisters Leave '-R~uired spiritual reading ..:'~ ~. re:"create such a room, leave For ,F'lnland MI'ssl'on may be done either incommun-' f'or the purcha:se of space above the top shelf where ij.·.. or in private. , ~ ~' one can place 91d liquatjugs and O~FALLON' (NCh-Three Sis- "J a...: N'EW' OR USED' CARS ~ perhaps some pewter or brass. ters of ·~he'·1VI9st Pr~i()us,Bloo,d, . -Various prayers, stich as the' ~ . ::",,'. The paneling' shelves may . O'Fallon, M:o., have left for Fin- L ita l1Y of the Saints, have been' Ii..:: , be painted: ' . -' . ,l~ nd to' fill assignments in their' . discontinued; others have been· ~ ::"" . .,A no. th er.' c~z~;' inviting ' ;""orte.ne.dor .rep'laced. . . r.:: ti::!J. ' P->. .:04" place community's t'w'o mlS'SI'O'ns'ther·e'•. ... 6'" whereOrie might arrange shelves . The·. three' nuns ' are' Sister . -¥inor changes in the habit ~ eo. · to 'set a $cene .for readirigcoJild ,Th~r.silla·Kleine'$>fOmaha, Neb,; .fuelude replacement of .the cine:- ~ ~ be in a living room on' eil;1iet Sister, Constantia Metzger . 01. ture with a braided belt and the' '.<5 .::"" side of a: light':-Deckoning Mo., !lnd ,Sister Modest&shortening '.of the Rosary worn. , ." . Nieder of Concord· Hill, ,Mo. on the left side. SCarfs' replace, ~ ,;:t 28. Take, Vows" Sister Tharsilla and Sister Con;. .. Ihawls and certain types of coat& .' ... stantiaare"returning \ to Finland' may be ,worn' in cold elimates.· €I' . It .,tak~· only' a few tAt ar,ranate ~ C Iese, Convent ,A.t ,ong,o. after'. haying 'taught' in tr. S. ,Maki"';' Vo'~ ~~ e : '~ , •LEOPOLDVIL!:.E. ,( N C, ) ,_ schoohdor several years: SiSter ... .... for YOUI' Auto Loa . ~ of ~ Twenty-eight Congolese. women . .spent the past Sumim;r 'Among the decrees forwarded,"':. ,. '. ..... ' . ' , I t ... ,0111' n~ade their firs,t so~emn. profes:,. studying in the United States:.' to Rome for app~oval br· the ~ ~ SlOn as novices of-:the' Sisters of : The Sisters .of .the Precious'· Holy See was a .major change in' ' Charity 'of Ghent in Katanga . Blood are the only' U. S, 'order. the making of yows. The change ' ~ .' - . " , '~ province in mid;-August, it was '. operating missions in Finland. ..: • P pt C f'd . I ~ learned here.. . They conduct English schools at' ~', '. rom ; on 1 entia Service, ~





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win;;' ql~sgo'lW,

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The ceremony took place at the new interracial novitiate of .the congregation in Lubumbashi just southwest of 'the capital at Elisabethvillt. The 'Same day the noviCes made their profession, three. postulants received the habit of the order. . The congregation has missions In lhe Low" Congo, Kal<a' and Katanga, The Sisters at Lubum-' bashi are continuing their studies' in preparation for medic'ararid social work and ,teaching.



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3 . . IEIGHBORHOO·D BAN KS ~' ...:.~

cTaapml'tPael.re and' at .Helsinki,


WOman ,'Wins' Catholic Art A'ssocOlatOlon Me'dal


FUNERAL HOME, INC. ILM.......I go, - 0. Lorraln. Ror 8 _ LaFr"uee .


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Y,o.u do n,ot need , to. be De.po. t;>' Place your Insuran~e With ,Your Own Agent- ~ th~ m~n.. best qualif.ied to give you service when ~:04=-".

FUNE.RAL. DIRECTORS a...:.;~' ,'you need It. ,LATROBE (NC)-Mrs, Maria P"': Montoya Martinez of San Idel~ i' IRVINGTON CT. ~,'. ,fonso Pueblo" New Mexico, re.. WY 7-7830 . r:: ",Ived the Calholl. Art NEW BEDFORD -<!j ~ ... ....., ciation's"medal for excellence, at ..: -". ,ft,'-i~.~ its" national, convention at st. '~ . " " A Vincent College. She was honored for her. work '<a in pottery. Mrs. Martinez a n d " : CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sf:s. H o Iy R ' her husband,.' the late Julian ..s osary, Tea'' Martinez, are credited with t h e . ." END BANK-Cor. Ave. and Coffin A, Tlle· Women's Guild of Holy "discovery of the "black-on.ROUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. Rosar! Church, Fall River, will black" method of pottery-mak. Near Fairhaven Drive-In . END Cove' & Rodney French Blvd. hc~d 'ItS annual 'membership tea ing.... ' ., _ ~ at 3 Sunday Sept. 11, . Father: Phelan of.l'rO". Italian Our Specialty '. . insUrance.' CorporatiOA, ill. th~ church J;lall:Mrs. RaYi-. N. Y.,· president of the assoda'Servtce OIl \ Pail. . ~' ,.,. ' , ' ,. ". ,'.' ' :1' J:t ............... 'flff." ...."..


after~oon, Th~ma8 ~~f\.P.l¥~(~~~,jsi'qqair~~:{6;j !J.~":P~!i~j·~.!.~;~,!"



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Problems ofCatl1ol,icEducatio'i Ca"IIFor Cooperation from 'AU' . By Mary Tinley Daly School patrols are onc~ more manning their po,sts, bells are ringing" smells of chalk, ,ink and new shoes blend with that of burning,leaves. "SLOW-SCHOOL" a~d "DON'T' PASS STOPPED SCHOOL BUS" greet the motorist's eye. It's that time of year. For ' Catholics, thousands of of every member of the Mystt~ cal Body." ' Masses of the Holy Spirit He explains that the proposed are' being solemnized, to ask tax would help the situation and Divine help during'the academic "would' be accepted almost imyear ahead. With an an-time mediately if the idea were suf~ high of more ficiently explained to the genthan five and eraI Catholic population." one-half milFrom reading of the national 1 ion students pict!Jre of Catholic education, enrolled in U.S. listening to top Catholic educa~ Catholic cc:iltors, right down to observation 1 e g e's, Ii i g h in a'local parish and being parS c h 0 0 I sand ents of children in Catholic e I' erne n t schools, we have a concern for ary s c h 001 s, the prOblem. with building and staffing As parents, what is our role! problems acute, On a national level, we can the help of the try to effect a change in the tax Holy Spirit is laws 'so that the right given .for argently 'needed. At present private education can be transthere are not enough facilities l~ted into reality. " CO provide Catholic elementary Regional Level and high school education for On a regional level, working those who seek it-to say noth- with what is available, there is Ing of the ideal, a "total" 'Cath- the inter-parish, inter-commun~ olic education. ity Catholic high school. Busses are cheaper than schools. . Why a Catholic education! For elementary scho.ols, if '!'he indomitable spirit of Catholics in providing a separate there musti>e a choice, decide achool system itt terrific sacri~ which grades might best be' eliflee is testimony to their belief minated. but keep the structure. II' the importance of keeping the relationship of man to G()d and And there is many a 'mother bis Christian duty to his fello,," who could help with the teachman In the forefront"of the oon- ing situation in her locality. aciousness of the young. As to J;'arent Teacher Associa~ ,Keeping this precious Chris- tions, Home-School Associa~ Clan spirit alive in the formativ;e tions, whatever they are called , where your house' is--they are years, an~ at the same, time a, bulwark. Fathers and mothers providing an excellent educa&I,on, is the challenge, foday. with teachers, not vs. teachers and administrators ean do won~ With zooming enroilments, del'S. public schools can depend on,inWe par~nts find it hard to creased tax. support., .Catholic realize what 'teachers have to schools cannot. School administrators are worried and Catholic contend with all day: 50 energyfilled seventh-graders for inparents, who bear the chif,lf bur- stance. ~, are sorely pressed. And the teacher, accustomed At a recent meeting of the to caUing "Attention" and getNational Catholic Education -!\s- tinll it 'sometimes finds it hard IiIOciation, a diocesan-wide finan- to communicate on a peer level eial support plan was again ad- with the parents of her students. Yocatcd. This plan~a diocesan -tax" on all-has worked sucIf both sides will only realizeeeSsfully' ,in many areas for that this is a crucial time for many years. Under it, parishes Catholic education, each give a band together for inter-parish little and come to a common unhigh schools. It is successful in' derstanding of the over-aU picthe 10c~1ity in which we reside ture, Catholic education will and, we understand, in' many survive and flourish. others. In engineering, they say that The Rev. Ernest A. Flusche, when a whole corps of men D i 0 c e san Superintendent of marches over a bridge in unison, Schools for the Oklahoma City- the thumP-thump of those deT~lsa Diocese, calls Catholic termined feet creates, a rhythm school financing in certain placefl that ,will break down the strong"archaic." est structure. When they just Interviewed for. his diocesan walk, each at his own gait,' stresses and strains adjust and paper, Father Flusche said, "We the bridge stands intact. have not thought in terms of the value of Christian educaCouldn't we attack this probtion to· the whole Church and lem in much the same way? CO the whole society. Christian United as an army to get across, education should be the burden but _with easy pliability, as we go?, . .....


Cardinal' Blesses New Novitiate

, MASS FOR'PARENTS AND NURSES: Following the first nurses', and parents' Mass celebrated at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, a Taunton family meets Sister Madeleine. Left to right: Sister Madeleine, Sandra Jean Souza,. ~r. and Mrs. Frank Souza of St. Anthony's Parish.

Confraternity Program Inspiration For University Students' Careers SEATTLE (NC)-A group of university students has become so enthusiastic about working with the deaf in their Confraternity of Christian Doctrine program here that several may make careers of this work.. Elissa Elterhardt, a 1960 graduate of Seattle University and organizer of, the university's CCD unit -for the deaf, already had been awarded a fellowship' to 'Gallaudet College, Washington, D. C., where, she will prepare for teaching the deaf. Others active in the' CCD unit ,atiended the recent convention of 'the :i.nt.er~ational' Cathoiic

Falmouth Dance Parishioners of st. Patrick'. church. Falmouth, and St. Thomas Chapel will sponsor • social and dance at 8 Saturday night, Sept. 10' in Terrace Gables Hotel, Falmouth Heights., Mr. and Mrs. John J. Farrell are general chairmen.

Deaf Association in San Fran~ cisco. There they won' approval for establishment of a Seattle .chapter of that organization. The students will set up the chap,t,er a,nd develop it until it can be sustained entirely by the deaf. " Learns Langual'e '" Another student member, Ana O'Sullivan, was selected by the students to attend • W9rkshop for the deaf to beheld' at De Paul University, Chicago. ,Miss O'Sullivan' is one of several students learning sign language. The university's uriit for the deaf il part of a CCD program that includes instruction for the blind and the mentally retarded, and a new program for persons to yisit mentally ill persons in the area. c' The unli for the deaf conducts Saturday morning CCD classes for deaf children and sponsors, :and religious and social events for children and adultll who are deaf. _ '


ENTERS TODAY: An'ne 'Marie St. Yves, daughter of , Cake Sale ,the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed-" Immaculate'Conception Womward St. Yves, will enter en's Guild, Fall River, will sponnOvitiate 'of the Sisters of sor a cake sale following Masses St. JQseph, 2501 South MaiR o~ Sunday, Sept. 11. Mrs. George Charbonneau is chairman, asStreet, Fall River, today. A graduate of Dominican Acad- sisted,by Mrs., James Bentley. Cakes should be left at the emy, she is a member of St- . c~urc!}, basement Q.e~een 2 tind Jean . k i' _~: SpiUl'~ tl4tet~p,'-~~~, ~~ ·""' _L. . . .:.Bapti&te ..... ' :..!,... .' parish. -......:. •. ~ ":... ,J... ~ {,.~""

OGDENSBURG (NC)-Francm Cardinal Spellman dedicated the new Sisters of St. Joseph Novitiate and Mater Dei College here in ,ceremonies witnessed by hundreds of visiting priests, Religious and laity. , Mater Dei College is the 252nd Catholic college to be established . in the United States. The Archbishop Qf New York spoke informally after the Mass of ~edication, offered by Bishop James J. Navagh of Ogdensburg. "!, remember once talking about Mother Seton to the Holy Father," Cardinal Spellman said. "We were talking about the miracles which \/ere' being prayed for so that she could have the honors of the Altar. I told the Holy Father that no matter what miracles there are or will be, none is greater than the parochial schoo' system in the United States of America. And, Mother Seton had a great deal to do with the start of oU&' parochial school system." Sets Up Fellowship To mark the dedication, the Cardinal established a fellow_ ship for a si~ter of St. Joseph to study music in Florence, Italy. In hi. sermon -the Mass, Bishop Navagh said: "Tlls colleg~ is dedicated to the discovery, appreciation and effusioft of ,truth-all truth, of whatever kind. This college is interested in man and man's world. It is interested in Man's Maker, man'lI purpose and man's end. Its fae'ulty and student body 'will asso~ ciate themselves with joyful eagerness with every other group and institution interested in that greatest of all possessions of the mind-truth." '

Fall Style Show Notre Dame Coun~il of Catholic Women will sponsor a style show at 7:30 Wednesday night, Sept. 28 at, White's restaurant. Mrs. Edward Tetrault ,ill chairman, assisted by Mrs. Paul Dumais. Ticketll are available from committee members ami entertainment will include singing and organ music. Refreshments prizes will also be featured. '



North Attleboro Girls E~ter, R~ligious Life "

Three young women from Sacred Heart parish, North At~e­ boro, have entered religious life in variouscommu'nities. Miss Claudette Ouimet, daughter " of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ouimet, '73 Peterson Street, will enter the Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts in Groton. Miss Marie Anne Guertin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Guer,tin, 20 Guertin Court, has entered the Religious of Jesus Mary at Hyattsville, Md. She is a graduate of Jesus Mary Academy: . MiSs Den i s e Pinsonnault, daughter of MI'. and Mrs. Rene Pinsonnault, 163 East street will enter the Sisters of St. DomInic in Kentucky. She has t_ IIreat-aunts, two aunts and two cousins in religiOus life.


Thurs., Sept. 8, 1960





GAS ~ange



EI)'---~ ... _-.. ...... _


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Fall' 'Riv,er


, 155Norltt Main St.

Telephone OSborne 5·7811 ".1.



illillIiI_ _- - " - " "



THE ANCHOR:::...Diocese of Fall ·River~Thurs., Sept. 8, '1960·






Twelve Alumnae of Mt.· St. ·Mary's· .Urges Catholics Puerto R·ico's Catholic-Oriented Enter Sisters' of Mercy Novitiate To Seek Social· Political Party Claims 82,027 ,.' Twelve.gta(luates of Mt:St. Mary Academy, Fall River, A'c't.·O·n' C'aree s· ~ . SAN JUAN (NC) - Puerto M''a·y. Th·.e 'bl'll's' 'defe'a't' sp~rke"

are Mnong 65 postulants enteringM:other of Mercy Novitiate' . Rico's· newlY-for~~d;Catholi~-: ' . -, "" n. ~. of the Siste'l~s of MeJ;"cy, Cumberland, 4t 'ceremonies' today,' NEW ORLEANS (NO)_:orientedChristian. Action party formation of the Christian Acti_. the feast of the Nativity,.of ,Our Lady. The postulants, ~ll' Catholic, college. graduates is now a P9liti~aheality., '.' . Par.ty. ".. ' from Fall River, 'include :Bar~ . ., .must put their education to . T!te CAP met the-registration' " Arc"bishop, J~mesP. Davis 01· l.An'n Bo'telho,'· Natalie isMiss.Patricia·Mede~rQsof Our ·work 'in' social.'actio'n· -and' deadlinetobeco.m~.elig'ible for'. San. Juan and Bishop James E.' IINI ra . r ' · . sel'vice delegate's . ' to ' the" the 'Nov.. 8 elect.ions by' filing' .' M,c'M"anus, C' .SS ;.," R·.... 0.. f .p'once, '." .oyce . B rennan, . G'I A . Lady· ofth~' Angels .Parish: H . .epublic .' al.. nn:, par~ilt.sare R~.Y.-·.. . " '.. ' ·of. '.Alpha .' "'I. 'th'th P uer. . to R'IC,. Sta t e D e- ·a.lo'n'g· w·I·th·'~·C·atL.'oll·c· 'le:adel's '_•. J, .. .. . . M .;Mr.':. ' and Ml'll·. . . '" nation·al.· convention .,.e ... II UIL Fads" . Patricia .Jean' 'Har:'. mond ¢dClros,5Q9 Hicks Street.: . Delta dl\mih~were told. '.' " ':Pl\~t~!:l?t a. to~alof. 82,O~7 'sworn ···the' island, . encouraged the fo...... iing'to~;Eil~en ·M;a~ga~,et:i<.itch=~··:Besi~es:b.ei?g ,co:..:.e~it~r·,of 't!le;:' ,'. -'.' : . ' . , : . '.. ;'. affld;mts of members·'ln·72· of mation. oi, the'· 'party.: But. they': en;·;.Carol Ami McTa;tu.e: "". '... , . ~e~cllm, ~ISS ~edelros was,al~., B.~endan.,Brow~ .. :p,rofessor 01.,. . the;· isiand's.· v9ting'· precincts.. >, stressed that the CAP could not . . A'lso' Patricia Medeiros Valerie' ~ member of the .S.tudent'-Coun-, . law at Loyola University of the. .' " , ; ' ''', .' b e·c.om e···a··Church -...s·po·nsore" . . . ~.' .. .' -' "'1 th L't "'1' Ch" .. ' d ' . ,. S ut . h . .m. . The total regIstrabon was .. :Regina Polka, l\;'IaJ;garet Ter,~sa·... c~ 't'h' e.;,. 1.~~~I~~,C·'h' ~lfl'" adn, .?~~; .. '. be° . he~·e .. remu~<;led the me ,:12 027" i?etitions more .tha.{. ~~_ ...·.organization,., ..: ..'. , p. 'oney Ther'esa Moniz Silva: ~ e c~ emy.' e~r. ea el:s. .' 1'8. of . the .. nabonal Catholic . - '. ..... ...... ." , ' , F~ance; IYIiil'y.~.hom~ii;. N'~!1,ey,: .': .- MiSsP61ka'sAc~d¢mY·dipl?ma\.' . i~at~r;ilit~.th!,lt~e~qe~~1.'!p ·ca.n· b,e,'" ;~~r{~"·'~d:q~h.f~~~~~:~~~l~~"· ... . ..,::.'" s ~rin: Wo'rthirigtoll:.. ~ . . ; . ,was ~~arde.~.~o .j:I.~:r ~ag!la.•curn .': exel'Clsed. 'throug~'g?vernme~t,.. ,tions. a WI e '. ". ." '. . ' he . ~6Stathel" dauglhkter230cf: ,the ~ass.c?~mUmcatlOns medIa. . ~~ssSilva, :daughte.r.: 0L¥.r.;... Mlau~e . d,sM ...... . '" '.' ,', h~"'A' and Mrs. Joseph,S. Sllv.a,.. 26~,. .. r. ·.rs ... nt:y..J:>o.. a,. . ' i and teachIng.' ., '. , .. " Jubilant.CAP.. ·members staged···· 'II . Division street is a member qf :ffo1y Ad' h,'dd'd"'th ." 'th :- an autompbi,le parade through .. '" . ChfistoPiifish.A.Soda1.ist; . . .sin.. ... . San . in ,.: • .' and former Correspondmg 'Sec-'" So?,a.hst, . ~he,: .w~s., !-lO-e~I~.~~, .of,:' .. belm directed·to· infiltrate and' ebr~t!.?n <.>~ ~e for~abo~ of :the.... :' .' . '" . 'ieta'iy' 'of Hie 'Sodality"Union'" the Mer£ycrest;.a}ne~berof th~. 'e~'plQit h ' i' f th: "b''': p~rty...Party, officials' 'said. the', >1' ".:8' .'A'iss· 'Silva was active in' th~' Glee Club, Liturgical.Choir'·and. . ' . . . as c anne'ds~r Eilrsu .. : .regIstration ·.was in::omplete .. in: .IU • V d S .' 'Cl b ", verslve propagan a. . , .... .: Mount' Saint Mary Academy anguar cIl'ltl ce u.. . .'. ...., . only.10 of ~h~ Island's 76 ·towns. .. Orchestra the Debatp. and Com- . . ,' ~~naCulll Laude,. .:' -Mr. Brown,deplorecqhe poSsI-. ........, ... .. m';rciai ciiIbs. A member of Hie. " ).\-fiss F-l'8nc:.~s Thomali!j Sodality. ~i1ity that Catholics' w,ouldnot, . Na~e. Candlda~ 'elass of '1959 she attended Car:'> Prefect; alsp rec~ived her;dip~o-: seek cafeers in these. fi~lds be:" . With the form a tioil·of. the' two CA'i'HOLlC AUTHORITIES_ dinai Cushing College 'in Boston' ma magna <:um.laude:. She is .the 'cause they d<.> not pay as well as p'ill'ty; C~P candidates for offices . Rev: John·M. Fahey, S.J. and He~ during.the past·Year. daughter.of.Mr. and Mrs. FraQk: ·other f i e l d s . : were announced. .'alv:ador Pere.a,· .Peter-Thomas Rohrbach, O.C.D. . Miss Botelho, a '-membe'r of. St.·. Th,omas; 716 .Br~rt~n ;Avt;nue,.. Profit' Motive . .historian, '~utJior and professor provide authoritative help Oil teea. Michael's Parish and daughter' Somer~et. J:ler act,tvlbes ll1clud~d. ' "It would indeed be ironical,". at, the Catholic -Univer~ity . of: agers' problems· of such grellt im-: of Mr. and Mrs..Louis Botelho, the Vanguar~~clence Club,~.tl).e() he said, "if the profit motive,. Puerto Rico, is the party's canPortimce to' all Catholic' pllrente 19 Morton Street", ·r.eceiv:e.d. her: Stu~.el1t D G.?u!1c!I.,. and. wl:tich has pla-yed such .praise-. d idlite .for"governqr. these days. 'In theNational Septem her issue Cl th,~ I C.om-:. h . of THE SIGN, GulllOl,", Academy Ciiplo·rrya:ctlluli{ude. A· lJlu~lsm l!lCusslon .. Uu... n ',. er 1 . worthy r.ole. in. generating psy. '. ' . ' .' . Magazine they discu8lj: . Sodalist and. As!,o.c)ate·.E?hor of. J;u~llor. Y:ear, s~e r~celVed. a ,cer-, ~h?logical power for the capital- :~ Jorge LUIS ~ordova .ola~, fo~-. . THE PAINS OF AOOLESCENCE the ,MercianL.sh~··:W.~S also. a. t!.f~cate of ~~rI! \l~th,e.D}ocesa.n IStiC sy~tem, ..should lure 'our .t erS~p~eme C?urt.Justlce, .~s: ~~~I~:T~:frtlgN.. member of the.Athletic A~socla-. SCle~c~ Fall' .,and was. ~l~(,:ted. best,bl'ams fl:om careers .of Ptlbhe pal ty s .ca.ndlda~e for R:e.sl- , SEI MENTALITY tion, the. Val)guard $cience Club Re~ordl.ng. S~cretary of the So,. .. lic leadership."., '. . ~e~lt CommiSSIOner In Washmg,..· " .~cr.~~~':=~~:~~:ll' and UI1l.on....As CATHOLIC COLLEGE . '. the Communism Discussion ~ahty St John' of G d P a rimember h' S .. , of. . . Archb'ISh op. J osep h F . R umme1.' O. . .. '. '. THE RELIGIOUS SITUATION Gr~up. . ',. , o . a s ~ r omer:-. of New.OI~leans told the 200 del- . ,Rep. Jose Luis Feliu Pcsquara COMPANIONSHIP· ..... Miss Brennan set, she has been. a zealous" .egates is CAP .for . ,... ,_ ..._ VOCATION . ." '. 'daughter . . . . of Mr. catechist. . .th . a't th r?u gh mem bers h'Ip " a candidate of the , '. .., .. ~n.Q Mrs. John Br,e~na.nof ~024·· .. ' . .... . . . " . . . , In their fratermty they·cap. make the: Senate.: He is the author o.f • ,- SepIe......,.&- of THE SIGNt St~,ff0t:d Road, belongs to St, . MFro~caUle,dral.parlsh IS MISS., a '!valuablecont'ribution" .. to. the .released-time bill, which:' ncETlEN-:AGIRO~AiiaWIT" '(••5 • V{~iam.'s Paris~., il ndAs, a me'P'~" argalet Roone.y , ..the. ~aughteJ: .".' society and the American way.' . ,,:as ...killed in'. the ·Puerto Rican:: ." What ~~e the dan'gers to mario be ..t of ItS Student ChOIr. W.hlle' .• of Mr. and Mrs, Geor?e.. ~ooney . of life." ' . . . . House of Represent;Itives ..'last· . "and morals caused by the teen. at"Mt St Mary Academy she was ..' of 54 Brqw Street. Active !n athagers' use of. the f:1I11i!y eM 4Uf:th~ Mercian staff and was' ac-: '; le~ics a~d the Student~Council,. M~~ cannot al~ays sta~d' : ':b~uti~at.' sh~~I~' bedoDfl tiV'~ in the Athletic Association, MI.ss .Rqo.ney...w/iS also a membe.r . ~lQne, . the" Archbishop s~ld.. "US' . D b t Cl b. th' Gl (:1 b of the Merclan, Staff the DraSometimes he needs:cooperahon, ,18 other inspiring 'a04 th , e t: '~~t . ~ 'l;it . ee u. matic'Club the Litur~ical'ChoIr 'and strength coming from unifi... entertaining IGN features wbieh make· d ~nM' e 1 _ur~lca :'"' ObiI'. f St . alld 'the COmmunism Discussion cation of forces. In such circumTHE l:1 vitalfor reading; ISS ans IS a mem er 0 . ., ·t '. . You can buy sutp a copy :I6e' a•. , , th F f 't'h 'b' t'J? . h Club. s ances the fraternity can. be ., parish reading racks and'at$elect4!d : A n ony 0 e es~t: ans :'. W . . . . . most effectl've " '. ta d d $ . and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MISS orthmgton 18 the . . "BOYS WAN.'.TED .fo~ the. newss n s. '. or sen. )·.OO·w,itb Albert Faris., 200 McCloskey' daughter .9.f Mr. and Mrs. How:Alpha Delta Gamma, founded - y'our name and address and ·this · t' tAt· ' . thl t' M' ard Worthmgton of 460 Jackson in 1924, has some 5,000 members .Priesthood and Brbtherhood.' ad for a6-month introductory subISS .. . , " n h pt t' 13 11 la'ck ,;".... f' n'd NO ' d " scription t~ start with this Septem. S ree. c Ive In a e ICS .. faris won a trp'phy for ~basket- ., St~·e~t .. She i~ a. member' of. St.' . 1 . c.~ .ers ~ , co eges. . ''In U &. Impe I,ber issue. SAVES YOU $1.00.: ~a,il a!1d bowling. "SHe also .; ~Ilha~'s Pansh whe~e she smgs ment.. ': Mail your $1.00 to: '. worked on.the Mercycrest was' "Il}. the Student ChOIr.. At the. t~· .Write to:'. ·Father.DonaId (-.P. in;! the' Dr'amatiC Clilb'and''sang ; Acaqemy. she ,was .a !!1~mb~r: C?~ THE SIGN-ROOM G with the Liturgical' Choir. . the Merclan Staff and the L.lturThe .first meeting of St. Jos- . ~: Q.. Box 5742' .i ; ' • 'gical Choir. B I" . 8 Md Sign Bldg., UnionCily, N. J. From Immaculate Conception. -..' . . . eph's Women's Guild, Fall River, a tlm~re.': ' .' . Miss Harrington is the daughwill be held tonight at 8 o'clock of Mr. and ·~ilrs. John .Harin' the Parish Hall on Brightman joi~gton, 12A H{lIside.Manor, and Street. a member of Immaculate 'Con- . CHICAGO (NC) - James W; The entertainment for the eve-" eeption Parish. As a Sodalist she Fay, Brooklyn, N. Y., attorney, .. nirlg will consist of an organ AS A HOLY CROSS FATHER was active in the Mt. St. Mary was elected national commander recital by Roger Dufour. Priest-Teacher Home Missioner Academy Athletic Association, at the 25th annual Catholic War President Ann M.Powers in'~oreign Missionary Parish Priest the Communism Discussion Club Veterans .convention in the vites all new members to this and the Vanguard SCience Club. Hotel Sherman here: initial meeting of th'! year. For .informati.on obout the A member of SS.: Peter and Mr. Fay, former first vice cO/nHoly C~oSs F~the.rs or . Paul Parish, Miss Eileen Kitchen mander, ·was elected after Jere,. Brothen,write to: ill the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. miah Paul Holland:' of Chicago, . . JOB TOO ItO Richard Kitchen, 968 Rodman retired brigadier general' of the :HOLY ,CROSS FATHERS ·NONE TOO' SMAIt Street. 'Her school activities in.;. Army, withdrew' from the 'race . North Easton, Massachusetts eiud~d the Athletic Association, and urged the delegates to make tl'\e Communism Discussion Club Mr. Fay's election unanimous. and the Vanguard Science Club. Gen. Holland serv~d in the Army '......'..om St. Mary's Cathedral for 30 years. Mr. Fay is president' Parish is Miss Carol McTague, of the Guild of Catholic Lawyers second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of New York and a member of Haht Olftoe aDei J"tIl:1II J'~hn McTague, 676 Second Street the New York State World W:H: ~ enter religious life. The other 'Memorial ·Authority. . IOWRl, MASS. member of, the family is Sister. A resolution~dopted by more .. 'JleIepboae ~ 14ary Caroleen, R.S.M, of St.' than 4,000 delegates at ·the con;Joseph's Convent, Fall' River, . vention which reaffirmed' the GI,. .-.... ~ QL also an alumnus of Mt. Sf. Mary CWV opposition to the admission Academy, While at the Acade.my of Red China to the United 'AasHlarlr ....... Miss McTague was Treasurer of Nations and its recognition by the ·Sevior Class, a member of the United States,· asserted it is .. ) BOSTON the Student Council; the Mer"increasingly evident" that speOqEANPORT; N. J, cian Staff, the Liturgical Choir cia1 interest groups are exerting PAWTUCKEt', I.L and an ardent basketball player. pressures to 'accomplish' these Another cum laude' graduate ends..


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T······ rirdta. ri,a.· n. F'a.'t'h. ers.··· " '.

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oseph's Women's... Guild plans Meeting


Catholic V.ets EI.ect Brooklyn Attorney





. ..,

THE,ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8, 1960 ~~·.,.-.,..c~~:~··'T:'-'-1~~



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23 Missioners" From Diocese Aid College Students Australian Catholic Press Takes Maryknoll Mark 49th Anniversary . Planni.ng Nation· Responsibility for Advertising Maryknoll, the American, hierarchy's own society, is St "d P MELBOURNE (NC)-Austra.. publish. Consequently, we hold· ," . ' . u y rogram. lia's Catholic Press Association oui'selves dutybound to take this year mal~ing its 49th anniversary. A bishop; 12 p~iests. LOUISVILLE (NC).-;-:- has issued a code of professional what prudent means are neces- '

and 10 oS' I'sters from the Fall River Diocese are 'among its· . Students at Catholic colleges members laboring for souls in 12 countries' on· four con- throughout the'country will tinents. T.he b..ishop is Most.· live t'o bUI'ld th'e .Church of.' n a - . ' · · · .. study the Catholic .role intha Rev. Frederick, Donag h y, tlve stone· .. '" I I" t' 't d ' . ." '. , . . p ur.a ISle .socle 'yurmg' ,e M.M.,. a nlltIv~of ~e~ Bed-:-". ~ever ... ~OSI?g, sight, of ..th.elr .' coming sCI1Qol., year under. ~.U!;:'. ford" ·now on the ..lsland.. of,,,.. pJ;lIDe ob,Jective.s~t\1e butld1Og .. 'picesof a ~atlonal. student or,-

h' d I . . t th t bl' h et ICS ec armg newspapers re- sary 0 assure. a our pu IS _ , sporisible' for the' advertising ing of advertisements will not i they publish: cause 'or cooperate in causing The c~~e wa.s published on. any physical" 'or moral harm to: d the occasion. of Catholic Press our re~ ,:rs. Mo~t~.(Au~llst)iri Austr,alia '. On·'.news· policy, the code', and New Zealand, . states: "When by 'our 'continued . Formosa. Priests include.. Rev. ' . ola .native cl~rgy . to . replace" 'ganization.· '. It states: . .practi'ce, statements' or ~uiges- ':. ves :.P)aps·"for the 1960-'61' scho01JohnJ. Lawler, also from New themseti t--,...~agrYk3~~llers r : . "We . a~kno~ledge that tions, we lead ,readers to believe"" Bedford, whose church 'in -Lima,' pr~~et'? y. .ramltnh ,,· '. n~ Iy . year 'study program 'were an-" . bea~ . a maJ' or 'part the';:'" ~ we ., supply general coverage Of'. Ph' t b d d' t db .voca Ions 10 elr miSSIOns. '. , . " ..., . . . . . . , . ,. ~ru! as J.us . eel1 e. l;a ~. y;" Fift '':'thl'ee 'oiihese'~seminai'ians' .. n~upced,.here,..dllq?g the 17th,. sponsipility, .fo.r. theeff~c~s upo~ .. the'news in any area or of anY' . ,. Richard Cardmal Cushmg, and ~ th 'f""l t' . f' ' . . congress. of the Natl9nal F~d~r- . readers of the advertIsmg we "'kil)d, we ',accepf it as our duty' Rev. Jolm J. Considine, recently. are I~ . e~r .ma ~.!1ges.~, .pre-:., atio'il of Catholic Cpllege .Stu- '. ., to keep'readers informed of the: nallied director 01 the .newly- . paratIon for the pIles~ood. . . . . dentS.· ..,": .,' . . 'See ';n'·Can·ada.Plans ":' even.lts.. ':N.ithin. that. area ,or of:' Some of· the ,more Important " '. , .. . '... '.. '.' th t y. d h h 1 ff ct formed Latl'n':Ameri'ca' B'l1reau .. . 60 the, program D'"o o r'C'" a Km serIOUs y .a ' e '". of the National Catholic' Wel- . Marykn~ll" ~,:,e~~s ,durmg·,'.19 .' 'The . . 'theme . , ofg " . ' I··.. D"oor-to-. e n s u s..,.':' their lives.was lCCatholics. fare Confei'ence. .' . conc~l'Ded: miSSion areas;, pe~- .,.... WtbdICht~lll dbrfm Ittoyg~ther bt~ti~" VANCOUVER '(Nt) -":'Ten' .,,'.:.. .: , .' '.. '. .' . h' soimel- and .new advances· In '. s uen '" an acu . In par IC" . , .' I'. . . . . . 1 ,.' The code had. been adopted. at .. SISters Include ,a nun~p Y81',.' pati'rig schools will be' "Ali Un• . th~.';ls~nd. m.ember!': .the~lt~."·the' ixth annual Catholic PresS' cian, Sister Maure'en Thonlas' 'apostolic,techll~9u"es.··, d 'dArstanding ofo'Ui"Ti~e"Cath:"<Wlllrmg close to a quarter t?t. a " s'" •... ' " . ." H' · IF a 11 Ri v,er, an.d many " In' . . . . ml'll"I"'on 'doorbells l'ri the Arch- M Conve"tton. held 10 Brisbane I . , Iggms.o h .the .. category h' f'll of. . Improve Cd :.," olicResponsibility in a ' Pluralteachers. '. tec mqueSj t e .. Q owmg prov i ' S ; t' ". diocese of. Vancouver in October ay. . , Major Events . successful: . '., shc ocle y. seeking to 'bl:in'g' back. fallen- . 'In the total picture of Mary- .. , Maryknoll ll(~o~le fac~ortes 10 . '.1!he s~udy progrllm was .deaway Catholics. : " knoll's activities, the se'ntencing Hong Kong-turmng r~hef.flour scrtbed. In a booklet· compI1~d , "The Good Shepherd Crusade", . of Bishop James E. Walsh' to' Into noodles for poverty-stric~en and .edlted by Bernard Martl~, sponsored by' Archbishop Wil-.twenty Years in a Communist' refugees~have been adopted by preSl(lent of the NFCCS, who IS liam Duke, is the first organized. prison, a devastating typhoon 'in other Asian countries. a gradua,te of Man.hattan College.: census of its kind in the' archdio- . Formosa and destruc'tive ChilThe Peruvian hierarchy, meet-. A natIOnal adVisory board for cese and is based on "Operation'.. ean eal:thquakes were listed .ing in Lima, commended Mary- .. the study program includes 13 DooroeU," a success in Wiscon- . amO!lg. the- maj<!r events . of the knoUers In Peru for "their effi- well-k~lown U, S. schola.rs,both sin, Oregon and Ida'ho. The society's ,49th' year; . cient catechetical work in PUtlo" Catholic andnon-Cathohc. week-long census will begin It was on June '29, 1911, that·, \ which; has re-established the o~d . Mr. Martin said the study pro:. . Oct. ·~3.. ., . Pope St. Pius' X authorized the ' institution of do~trine teachers; grain on pluralism will be ~mod- . . 'Hat Show establishlYient of. the .Caihol,ic we recommend that this.practice eled on a 1959-'60 program car.:. Foreign Mission. Society of Ambe e,x,te.nded to all the dioceses ried 'out at· 58 Catholic colleges St,. John the Baptist Women's .... erica, nOw popularly known as of Peru." thr01.1ghout the country. The Guild, Central Village, will hold I";;;:;;;;::;;;;::;;;o;;• •:;;;;;~;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;p::~ Maryknoll. '. . , ". Maryknoll's Good Shepherd first 'program was devokld to an open meeting and hat fal?hion., Co - founders' were Bishop Movement in' Japan,' which at-' discussion of Catholic higher ed- .. : show at.~ tonight .in the parish. James A..Walsh, Boston, and. tempts 'to reach the highly lit- '. ucation and"resulted in the pub-.. hali. Prizes will be awarded for, • c... FaUre-r' Thoinas: t." Pr'ice :of": el'ate Japanese. through mass'" licationof tWQ booklets summar- :. most, original, funniest and best Nortb Carolina... The . society's communications media,broad- izing the, conclusions of student· 'looking hats and refreshments . hea4qua~ters : ~et;e. 'fit:st ,:, at cast the' first' Catholic televisiori' and faculty partiCipants. .. will fQliow the show. ". :, Hawthorne, N,:y,,·but.since 1,912 program' in Japan.' .. R. bl.'·o . " _ - - - - - - - - - - - -... have, been 35 miles· north·· of 18 radio-schools in remote DO,lfIlnlCan ~pU .Ie,New York City, just outsi'de .. Bolivian mountain villages are To' Use Red"Media . Electrical Ossining, N.Y.. . . 'educating Indians. in. religion, .PORT AU PRINCE (NC) .. Today, Maryknol.l p~'le,sts and. agriculture,. health, animal hus- The govei'nment' :radio of the Contractors Brothers. ~are', for \lulhons of bandry and ~ther subjects.. Dominicari Republic. has' an- ' .~ people hV1l1gm remote areas. Latest proJect of the success- nounced it has started negotia- . .ContiractOl's of Formosa, Korea, Japan, Hong ful Maryknoll credit union in tions to use the iilfOrmation . Kong, ,the Philip~it~es, Haw.ali, . Puno, Peru is a housing develop- service of. the Soviet news 180 Liberty St. Chile, Peru, Bohvla, ~exIc~, ment for the .poor. . agency Tass. Guatemala, and Tanganyika 111 At Maryknoll headquarters 10 Th' ,... t d . ' . .. e announcemen was rna e East Africa. ., the Umted States~32 semmarIans .' C'l d'd T "U b Rad'o .FALL RIVER The first Mm'yknoll Depar- were ordained this year. In the 1n c 'b l! .. 3 th rUJ~ 0 f;h 1 944 County St. ture Group of;' four priests Dep.arture Ceremony 'f~llowirig dan et!n" fethwaTe?'11 e gC,on '. ':OSbome 2-2143 F' . '. II emna IOn 0 e rUJI 0 re 1me .. steamed o~t O'f S• an r.anclsco th~ ordmatIons, 46 Maryk,no . b ,the foreign ministers' confer- . New Bedford . • for the ChIna maInland In Sep- priests and Brothers receIved Y. . f th 0 't' .f . . . . . . ence. ' 0 tember, 1918. Each succeedmg lifetime assignments to" ,/'the mlSA S'te t rgamza '. S IOnJ 0 . ... ., *' ........ Af' L t' mencan a es In anose, . . . M . d . alYslOns 1':!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1i G It , In ASia, , .nca, f athIn . C't os a R'Ica an d th e move 'by . kyear,II more .and thmore . e os,pe .0 AmerIca and the Islands 0 e President Eisenhower to cut no el'~ carne the Chlllese people until thiS Pacific , t f'D " , t . . . h' d d 10 ." Impor s 0 ommlCan sugar In 0 • • • era In Church ISt01:Y- en e . the' United States. . 419 SECOND STREET FALL RIVER years whendown Chll1ese CUTS YOUR CL'EANING COSTS.' munistsago rattled the ComBam- o Cardinal BI AOTisserant t boo Curtain. American missionesses Irpor Distributors For ers working in China-210 FUMICINO . (NC) - Eugene J J T FLOOR POLISHING d Mal·yk.nollers among· them Carditlal Tisserant, Pean of the KEN. an were either jailed or expelled.,. College of Cardinals, has blessed MOTOR SALES KENT VACUUM MACHINES Maryknoll Martyrs Rome's 'new $50-million airport RENAULT _ PEUGEOT . JANITORS' CLEANING SUPPLIES In the live ecclesiastical areas here 15 miles west' of Uie c i t y , . FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .Parts - Sales - Service Th'e C ar d'Ina I was '.m. th e· 0 fl'1entrusted to the society, 22 BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT Maryknoll priests were impris- cial party that attended ceremon. 10 E. Mahi St. We Deliver Thro~ghout The Diocese oned. Twelve were subjected to ies in which the 'airport was Phone OSborne 7-9100 repeated brainwashing, followed turned· over to the Italian MinANN IS by public trial. Two Maryknoll istry of Defense by the Ministry Bishops perished. of Public Works. .M aryknoll's Supel'ior General, The airport, which has been Bishop John W. Comber, char- 10 years in construction, covers aoterizes his priests, Brothers an area of 3,706 acres 'and is and seminal'ians as "frontier designed to accommodate 400 builders." planes da.ily. Its facilities for pasWHOLESALE AUTOMOTIVE '''We move into areas where sengers include a church. the Church is not established," end Removes Ban he says. "There we build SANTA FE (NC)-Archbishop churches and schools, instruct INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES the catechumens, el'ect semina- Edwin V. Byrne of Santa Fe has NORTH FRONT STREET ries and nourish vocations to the lifted a six-week-old ban against • GENERAL TIRES • DELCO BAnERIES native clergy. When the area is an Albuquerque theater after NEW BEDFORD • .PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS strong and thriving, we pack up the manager agreed in writing WYman 2-5534 FALL RIVER - NEW BEDFORD - HYANNIS - NEWPORT and move on to another frontier . to show only those films apar:ea. In a word, it is our objec- proved by the Legion of Decency.











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THE ANCHOR".....Oioc.ese.of FaIlRjver"7'Thurs'~'Sept; 8,,:1960' .






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,~. 'A siicrificli.!. s8'rY~~,' ',;' ,.·GodLove"You



'Li,ghtwood A",tobiography'


l l

Not~ .IAma%i..ng~



By Rt. Rev. Msgr., John S. K~n~edy "An amazing story," the -blurb writer says of Teresa Lightwood'sautobiographiCal effort, 'My'Three'Lives (Dut~ ton. $3.50). Unusual it may be. 'Bot Ainaiing?No. One Supposes that the higher volta.ge adjeCtive is used in ol:der to sell the' book and also '. An~ther Englishwoman. who because the author was· for ha's turned to autobiography but %0 yea,rs' a member of. a is entirely different from. Miss Catholic sisterhood. But Lightwood in background and


' .


By 'Most Rev. 'FultOn J.

Shee.. D.D.~ :'. , ..

We rec'eive many letters inquiri~g in~ the' nu'mOOr of M~~'Bes one should have said for his soul 'after death. RecentlY,one letter requested about 1,800 Masses' it year over a period of years.' It would seem that in such instances the ideal is quantity rather th8ll charity; ' . So we went back to St. Thomas Aquinas for a guiding prineiple and this is what he states: "In satisfying fOl' our, sins, the, love of the one who offers is worth more than the' quantity of the offering." The ~Utle Flower once said that 11 one picks up a pin from the floor with greater love of God • than one gives handouts, .there is more . worth In it.

there is nothing startling either history, is ·Jessica Mitford, .au-' iD her account of her two dec- thor of 'Daughters and Rebels ades in religious (Houghton Mifflin. $4.50). garb 0:'" in her Two of the Mitford sisters atreasons for puttained a measure of celebrity ting it aside; . long since: Nancy as a nov~list, Suppose one reduced this .problem '~o its . This Englishbiographer, and specialist on lowest ml;\terial terms: what would .be more woman's family upper class usage; Unity, as a NEW HEAD:~ev. James advantageous to a soul, to give a poor Bishop' was not originfanatical admirer of Hitler (she $100 for one hundred Masses, or to giv~himi,'~h, II y Cathglic. shot herself when Germany a·nd. Didas, ·S.S.J., editor of The $100 for one' Mass? We believe the latter. Ini@: England went ,to watV. Colored Harvest magazine the first instance it would not be charity,butt@' S he sp.ea k s 0 f A' third is the wife of" Sir her mother as since 1942 has been named · strict justice. What was done looked to thejlf "almost bigotOswald MOllley, head of the Britrector of St. Joseph's Sem- ,ego even when it is a sacrifice' offered tot! e d I Y Protesish fascists, and a fourth .is a God; never once is the neighbor considere~."~ , '. tant." But, when duchess. Jessica was for years inary, Washington. · In the second instance, God and neighbor '8{e consid.ered beforl;l the Teresa was still an enthusiast for Communist-' self. The charity shown to the Bishop who can use the offering for fA girl, both her mother and her tinged causes, but never joined his poor, will make God look more. favorable upon the donor. father entered the Church,. as the party. . Continued from Page One did four of their five children Such careers (except that of . pointing out its repudiation halt (Teresa' included).' the daughter who married a a century ag'o of Socialist arguDid not Our Lord say that 11 we were forgetful 01 our -neighTeresa. was plagued by illness' duke) could scarcely have been ments for public ownership of bor, we were to ,leave our gift at the altar, that is, forget it for 'm her youth (and throughout predicted for the offspring of the means 'of production. ' the moment. God will not, remember those who forget neighbor, Lord ,and Lady Redesdale.. Yet, ) The' Tesuit author mentioned''/ Did He not teach us to pra, "Our Father", Dot ''M, Father'''? DO her adult life, for that matter. as one reads of what life with Her mother's' sudden death cryswe not ask for "our dally. bread,"mstead of '~'my c1ail, bread." tallized the girl's previously father and mother was like, one', the reforms in the social order Did not Our Lord condemn the pra,er of the Gentiles because It stressed by Pope Leo in his great vague' desire to become a ,min. is not surprised that at least encyclical, Rerum Novarum, 'was based on quantit" ii.,inc "They 'thlnk tIte, shall be beard' She was only 16 - and an un- some of the chilch:-en reacted violor that much speaking,'" '. " adding that "it is scarcely neceseommonly naive 16 - 'o\1hen, in iently .against th~ kind of upsary to poinf out ho~ clearly ,1922, she was accepted as a pos- bringing' they received, and went American "Labor's program has Everyone"wants forgiveness of ~ina,. but fprg~vene.ss)s granted tUlant. She says that she~!ls to freakish extremes. ' . harmonized with the teachings only in the context of fraternal ct"arity. ,"~ut ..if 'you ~orgive ,n~ perfectly happy for two .years, Parents Eccenkles of Pope Leo .XIII."·, these trespasses neither will your Father "'forgive your tJ:~spa.lllIes.' ai:t d after that increasingly,~n; ., Their strange existence was "I would only note here," What Is, it that makes the Lord be!1d a favor!lble eye to our suphappy., " dictated by a pair of prime 'ec- Father Masse said, "that so'· far plications if·.K be 'not the deeds that overilow the jUst ~asui't~?' . .' 'Thailand Missioner centrics. Thus; .t,heir parents did as Marxian socialism goes, there , .Following her final profe~sJo.1t not ,believe in girls' going to are few organizations in, the the was assigned to the miss'io!,s school, hence their education was world more uncompromising in Apropos of charity, .the Rol, Father" PoPe, Joiul' ~ said 1ft' Thaiiand. She found" the imparted by a succession of in- ,their opposition to' communism , ,that "the, are twice blessed in death who during their lives aided Orient utterly strange and rath- competent or distinctly odd gov- than'the AFL-CIO." , . the Society for the ProPaa'atioD '01 the Faltb." We await your forbidding, but gradually ern!!sses-one of whom taught Conscience Examlnattolll lQ' . ·ebarlty. came to like it, although ~lway. them. shoP.Iifting. -Admitting that "although most Their father, was a creature 01. , oppressed by the weather.., our employers and workers . So too with her experieqce. 01. prejudices, who took Ii jaundiced GOD LOVE R:L·.S. for $7 "A little' sacrit,ice for my are God-fearing men and women. the convent in Bangkok, where, view of the' contemporary wo'rld many gifts from God.'~ . ;. ,to A,M.C. for $400 "I- felt guilty spending without. the least preparation, when he deigned to notice it. they sometimes fail to take their money for an air condition~r for my car, :fO here.is an equal amount she' ~as put at cooking: initial "My parents," says Miss Mitford, religious beliefs and their moral for. people who can't have air. eond~tioners." •.. to W.H.B. for ~ distaste gave way to tolerance. "would not· have dreamed of codes along with. them when "I am sending a few more, dollars that. I know will help someone 10 .. Her reconstrUction of the dec- looking down on a"nyone; ·they they 'enter their offices and factories," the, preacher continued; need" •.. to Mrs. B. for $2 ''Please accept this for the Missions. I .de she spent as a religious in preferred to look straight ahead,. "Surely it is not . inappropri- · cut down on cigarette. to help myself .and tho~ who are unThailand is interesting for itS carin'g not at all if this tended to " ate on an occasion like this to fortunate." description of' scenes, people, ,limit their vision." eustoms, pagan observances. 'But,They were opposed to all suggest that both, workers alld employers 'might at this time Cut out this coiumn, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the. it is quite obvious that she made change, tenacious of their privi:' no spiritual progress whatsoever; leges, unconcerned' about"" the profitably place' 'themselves, in Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen; National Director of ·the Society for the presence of God and make the Propagation of the Faitli, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N, Y., in filct there fs no sign that, she rights and sufferings of otliers or was leading a spiritual life. ' the upheavals which these were an hOMlit 'examination of COIl- or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, science. 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass;' . Physical Handicaps . bringing about. " ,"We ~~e tOday engaged in th~ A handicapped person '(less . . most ,dangerous struggle in· our than 5 feet tall and with some Re~ Associations DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL deformity, variously afflicted, .Such obscurantism induced history. On its outcome depends Invi19 ,oung girlt (14-231 to labor rexceptionally dependent), she Jessica to .take an interest in so- not only our freedom but the ·Chri.t's vast vineyard a. an Apo.... of the had protection and security of a cialist ideas, to move on to Com- freedom of: the entire world ..• . Editions, P'OI9. Radio, Movie. and fel. sort, as well as an opportunity o~ munist 'literature and' associa"If' 'certain employers don't ,vi.ion. With theM modern mean., titHe) service, in the convent. tions, to run away to Spain with abandon their petty attitude "Inionary Sistors br'ing Chri.... Doctrino But, plainly, the life of prayer Winston Churchill's nephew, tQward unions, if they don't Ia all. rogardle.. of 'ace, colo, or creeeI, and the spirit of sacrifice dId not who passionately espoused the cease waging 'a kind of guerilla . For information w,Ite Ia. I'\1le her, and there is no indica- so-called Loyalist' side in the. warfare against' them; and' if REV. MOTHER_ SUPERIOR . , tion that she perceived any su- 1936-39 war, certain unions don't begin to SO IV. PAUL'S' AVE, eOSTON 30. MASi. pernatllral dimension' in her 'Eventually married to this act more responsibly toward vows and their fulfillment. young man, the ail thor .cameto their own me~bers, as well as She expresses herself very the United' States"with him just toward employers and the pubpeculiarly about many things prior to World War ,II. They lic, then sooner or later. the fundamental to the Christian . existed by free-loading and by people are ,going to' rise lind '" "' . . . .', life, the rel'igious 'life,' or. com~ jobs which would have given demand ihat Congress restrict Catholic practice. ' ; 'their aristocratic families fits: the cherished liberties of both . i . 'Adolescent ·Weddilllr'., ' selling stockings: from door to ub.ions andem,ployers..' - ,. '. UrgesPrayt:r .' For example, she refers· to the door, working in a night club ,I·,"': , .' :Eucharist as the, "consecrated '(he as l:!artender, sh.e as lady "I pray to God that this win ~read;';' speaks' of :""'attending ;.bouncer). " '.. " ,not happen, for if it does happen, eommunlon,"and dismisses her . Although Miss Mitford tries the free world will have iost a entering religion .as an "adoles":, hard to estatllish her profound major battle in the Cold War .. ~ eent wedding with Christ." , commitment to, liberal causes, "As the Mass continues, then, At any rate, she 'obtained re- . one gets the impression that they 'lease from her vows, returned to were escapes and larks for her. let Us pray God that" our emUNION WHARF 0 FAIRHAVEN, MASS. England, had a hard time adjust- Th.e only. engMing part of her ployers and workers may have tng to the world, decided ·to take book is the section concerning the courage to practice in their aursing courses. the .freakish establishment of her public lives the religious prinAfter. working for a time ill parents, and that is more appal- ciples they profeSs in their hearts and in their churches ..• hospitals, she was invited back ling than amusing. Let our workers. and 'our em. ','. . to Thailand (by the 8~perior of as!t~ the help of him who, the community she had belonged Hall University ployers in the Providence of God, to) to start a maternity hospital. labored with his hands ,to. supShe accepted. Later, at 'the age . To Establish Museum ~ ~ SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-A' port the Son of God and God's , of 52, she married .and now live. Wlt,- B~y - We, Supply mother. Let them go to St. ·~useu~ .. for the. acquisitiort, Ie India. study and display of cultural and Joseph." COMPlETe Archbish.op to Off. technical achievements of'man'RENTAL WORK U~tFORMS kind' will be established at Seton For Litu;gists Dubuque' Labor Hall University, PITTSBURGH (NC) - DeleS.HOP TOWELS . DUBUQUE (NC)-Archbishop Msgr:' 'John :T. Dougherty, gates to the general sessions of· Leo Binz of Dubuque will cele- university president, said the the North American Liturgical AIM Reclain:. '';dUstrim' Gfcw.. brate his sixth ci>risecutlve Labor museum.would also collect and Week found their ~eeting,roolll8 Day Mass pn Monday, Sept. 5 tn display objects of naturaihistory dominated fro~ the stage by a St. Raphael's Ca.thedral here. . . of. interest to the students, f.ethI:one holding an open book of , The Mass iS'sponsored by the ulty and community. the Gospels. Two lighted' candles Catholic Committee for Labor He named Herbert ,C, Kraft fl1ulked the big chair~ The book Day Observance. Father Joseph of Elizaoe.th, J!i. J. as director of was open to the Gospel of the ·$u«OSSOf' to :T. Macking,' associate professor the project: Mr. Kraft, an ,alum- day's Mass. The arrangement. N~w E"9Ia~d Overall -., Supply Co. Of economics and labor relations nus of Seton Hall, has one of,the ,gym ~oli~~d ,Christ. presiding'over 20 Howard Ave" New, BeMora at"Ca;r'oll College, Heiena, Mont.. largest private.coliections of pre.. the,,' meetings, prellent as,. ,the 'Ph'one WY 'f.. ()'1S7 .... .,' . orWY '1~0'18S ,.


Labor Program








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Bishop Stresses Church's Needs In . Thailand

" Thurs., Sept. 8, 1960

Many Openings Exist .in Africa For Teachers

NOTRE DAME (NC)-A youthful Siamese Bishop whose rem 0 t e ancestors moved south from Mongolia and who learned to speak English at Ireland's National University in Dublin was a center of interest at the 19th national convention of the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade here. Bishop Michael Kien Sarnophithak, Vicar Apostolic of Thare and NOl1seng, in northeastern Thailand, spoke warmly of his native land. " 'Thai' means 'free,'" he said proudly. "Our nation has never been a colony." He spoke wistfully of the needs of the Church in a country where only 106,000 of the total population of 22 million are Catholics, and of his own Vicariate which has'about 21,000 Catholics in a population of a million. Most Siamese' are Buddhists, said the Bishop, adding that the government nevertheless subsidizes Catholic schools, paying about half of the salaries of their teachers. Wants Missionaries In his own 10,OOO-square-mile diocese he has only 17 priests and 60 professed Si~ter~. That's one. of the reasons he is visiting ·the ' U. S., he said, to "make known our needs" and try to obtain missionary priests and Religious, as well as lay missionar~es for bis eountry. "What we could do with just one American Catholic: doctor in Thare!" be said. I ' Americans don't seem to know much about Thailand, Billhop Kien observed. What they do know has been derived in most instances from ,the romantic mU,sical "The King ,and I", be said. He added that the film is banned in, Thailand because of "serious inaccuracies."

NOTRE DAME (NC) -"'-An all-out effort to supply competent teachers for Africa's emerging nations was rec-

~ ~


,,-,lliJ..:1I::t .d1

By Patricia McGowan ' Away off in the Fiji Islands there's a dedicated group of Anchor readers. They're young victims of leprosy' whoar~ at a Boys' School where Sister Mary Marguerita of' the Marist Missionary Sisters teaches catechism.. "We m~de a scrapbook of all Fath~r Bousquet's articles on the. Mass and explained one at each class," writes Sister Mary Marguerita. She is a native With modern treatments, notes everything,"· she says. "I am not of Fall River, one of 10 'liv- the. misliionary, the number. o~ a trafned nurse, but have done ing children of Mr. and,Mrs. , lepers decreases yearly. "In 1953 nursing, dispensary, laboratory' Pierre J. L~vasseur of St. there were over 750, while today ·and pharmacy work; cooked for there are only 309." , She has been· on 'the Islands nine years. "One i~ given 'the opportunity to train in almost"

nearly 200; cared for the patients' church; ,had charge of the food ration store and was a clerk at the' co-opevative store." . SisteJ:, 'became a favOl;ite 'of., whiie she was on store Liturgical,' Movement customers dutY,'when she sold fisbing spinStrong in Austria. ners' for' the equivalent Of 10 VIENNA (:N'C) - The move- cents ''instead of 'their actual ment tc) ,restore active partici- price of $1.25. She's never been pation by the people' in 'the offi- . 'able to live the incident down; cial worship of the' Church ill she says. Austria .. began early and has Life on the Islands is filled made relatively steady progress. with amusing incidents, many . As . elsewhere, the extent of. related to the English language, liturgical reform in Austria' va- Fijian style. One man came to ries from diocese to diocese and Sister Superior asking. "Is it even from parish to parish; but Friday night' this morping, bethe pastoral clergy are almost cause if'it is I want to take the unanimous' in declaring that the a'Iternoon off." changes made thus far regard,. Another man came to the store ing language, rites and ceremo_ asking for a husband. The starnies have been well received by tled Sister in charge said, "Sorry the people. They have done I don't have any." But it turned much to draw to the focal point out that the man really wanted of Catholic religious life young a lock for his "sweetcase." people who formerly were lukeThe Sisters bear iJ" mind, how. warm or simply uninterested. ever, the purpose of their 'labors Dialogue' Masses and evening in a land far distant from their· Masses have been adopted al- homes. "I beg you all to pray most universally in Austria. But for Fiji," writes Sister Mary there are still variations in the Marguerit.a, "that His Kingdom extent to which the vernacular may come and He may reign in language is used. Generally more and more hearts, that· they speaking, German is used in may realize how much Our Lord congregational'singing - which loves each one of them, and, is common, even at low Masses perhaps, you might have time even if there is no organ accom- for an Ave Maria now and then paniment. The vernacular is also for all working in ~is.vineyard." , used iri, saying the Apostles' . Creed, the Lord'$ Prayer, and the "Domine non sum dignus" preceding Communion. German' is ai so " used:. oc~as~onally at Ho~e made Hig~ Mass ·for the Epistle and, CANDIES: Gospel of the. day. ' CHOCOLATES


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i~·········"·"·i ~ARMB.Q' Richard Cardinal' Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, chats with Peruvian President Manuel Prado in Lima, Peru. The' Massachusetts Cardinal presided 88 Papal Legate at 'the Sixth Peruvian Na~i~I)al, E~charis~ Congress. NC Photo• .' , , '

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JERSEY CITY' (NC)-Father Edwa~d F. Clark, S:J., presi,dent of St. Peter's College here, was appointed a member of the' New J.ersey State Scholarship Com~' m,lssion by Gov. Rqbert B. Mer.nero The nine-member commission administers the state schol.,. arship law under which some 3,000 high school graduates annually are awarded state gra':lts to study at C~Hegell of their choice.

. ROUTE 6 near



ommended to delegates at the 19th national Catholic Students' Mission Crusade convention here., Raymond J.' Smyke, special assistant for Africa, World Conf¢deratiori of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, described the "countless openings". that exist in Africa for U. S. teachers. At the same time he, admitted that "there are many difficulties involved in placing them." . But he pointed out that despite ,the great need for ,teachers there, "no ·Ca.tholic group in the U. S, as yet is specifically concerned with preparing' and sending lay teachers for Africa." "Even if all the efforls of existing lay missionary organizations in this country were centered in this problem," he said, "the surface of Africa's need would not be scratched." , American Effort Mr. Smyke called for "a professionally organized American' effort, under the direction of the Hierarchy, to send teachers to Africa." He added that the effort would require high professional competence, continuing supervisiori and careful administra~' tion. "Anything less than such aft effort," he' said, "iinplics' failUJ'e to recognize the extent of th~1 problem, and a failure of tile. American Catholic educational , community to respond to its mosi serious challenge." He said toat it is not a matter of. "either teachers for Africa" or ."lay missionaries for Lath! America," but that "there must ~ both."

150 V arien..




Anchor Articles Prove 'Useful Catechism Aid To Fall River Missionary ,in Fiji ·Islan.ds·

Genera' Organ, Re~;r;ng C~~



"., "•• ;,; .'w' . i.; FIJI MISSIONER: Sister Mary Marguerita of the Marist Missionary Sisters has been stationed on the Fiji Islands for nine years. Left~ she stands against a t'ropical background; right, she goes over Anchor articles on the Mass with, her catechism clas6 of young victims .of leprosy. .

Roch's parish. A graduate of Jesus":Mary Academy, she treasures the memory' of the prophecy' page of her class's yearbook. "It' was a letter to one of the graduates who had become a· missionary sistr.1· in the service of those afflicted with Hansen's disease (leprosy)-and here I amI' Why? 'How?-is still' God'r, secret, but how grateNI I' 'am for such a treasure." Vatican Wins Award Sister is stationed at' the Fiji Hospital on the island of For Religious Stamps Leprosy VATICAN CITY (:NC) -The Makogai. ,"It is certainly God's ' State of Vatican City bas been . country," she says. "It is a small' awarded an honorary citation for' island of the Fiji group, being the best issue of stamps in 1959 only six miles' in circumference. Viti Levu and'Vanua Levu are depicting a religious subject. The award was made by the the two largest' islands. Levu in Archangel Gabriel World Union, :"ijian means big, so literally a, philatelic society interested in theY would be Big Fiji and Big stamps carrying religious themes Land." or designs. Urge Greater Effort The citation was signed by His , Eminence Franziskuse Cardinal Among Migrants QUINCY (NC)-A resolution Koenig, Archbishop of Vienna, protector of the society, and the requesting Franciscans to insociety's president, Joseph Fran- crease their efforts among migrant workers in. this country cois Aumont. was adopted at the three-day 41st annual Franciscan EducaIowa City Renames tional Conference at Quincy Library for Priest ' College. . DYERSVILLE (NC)-The city The resolution said that miof Dyersville public library has grant workers are "among the been renamed the "Matthias M. most neglected groups in this Hoffman PUbiic Library" in country" and urged "that every honor of Msgr. Matthias M. effort be made' to secure for Hoffman, pastor .of St. Francis them protective legislation." Father Pius Barth,· O.F.M., basilica here. Msgr. Hoffman had played a provincial emeritus of the Franleading role in establishing tbe ciscans' Sacred. Heart province, library. The City Council ap- was elected president of the conproved a resolution by the· ference. Father Barth is now library board to rename the stationed at the, Alverm\ .Retreat House in Indianapolis.' . library.






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THE ANCHOR-'Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8, 1960

Catholic Students

tJnio'n 'of 'School'alid"State' Portends' End of, Freedom,


Cq.-rt Qr~~,;~:.:":'"'~;:",'.,, NEW OBL:EANS :(NC),-,,, A',Catholic college 'students" group :here "~a8'I'~~o~t~' .,l" resolution Daekiifg"a Fooer8l

By Most Rev. Robert J .. Dwyer, D.D. , . ' - :. . Bishop of BeQC) , ' . . Separation of church" and state may be considered a· principle so deeply imbedded in the American mind as to give assurance that it will remain so 'longas the republic itself endures. Broadly. speaking, it is accepted by the overwhelming .majority of the conditions is the hollowest of People, regardless of relig- pretenses. The miniStry of edu-ious affiliation. Catholics'. cation' in those countries is are' as firm in its support as rightly 'Considered one _ of th~

courtotder for rac:al integra-. tion of public schools'm: 'New' Orleans. "".'

most po'Verful and influential. of all .departments of governMost sensible .Americans,more- . ment, perhaps, in the long pull, over, regard it the most importimt of all, inas-. as il practical' ; much as it is: commissioned'. to' and' cordial de':' mold the mind of tomorrow.' marcation '0 f ' the two spheres .. '. 'The American public' has 'no~ '0 f . paramount . . yet.'come to an awareneSs tliat . . the same thing is being tried in interest, not as this' country';. yet·..·, there are ob- . a beetling wall d.iv~aing antagvious indications showing the, onisms. Only 8 list of the wind. . . "'" .. f e"';" fanatical . OJle of them is the thesi~ fringe groups much 'belabored, that all DOOfoster the 1at-, public, private or church reter;interpnita- . .; lated schools are divisive .and· tion:' though they are' 'noisy' inimical to the best interests of '. enough at times to create an the nation. Another, of immelmp~ession of strength much .. diate interest,. is . the current greater than they actuallT pos-' pressure pn 'the schools to act eess.; as agents in accomplishing gov-.· B~t while we have come. to a, ernment-:sponsored integration. . reasonable agreement on 'this Creatures of Governmellli principle of separation, we have Now this 'is 8 matter. of exalmost completely reversed our- treme delic,acy. Integration, it selves on another front. If !Jnion, gOes without saying, is emin.. 'of church and state is forb~dden, ently desirable. It is demanded. both: by law and popular con- by our Christian cOnceptS of sensus, union of school and state justice and charity. Our schools . is glorified as a. triump.h.~ should teach and practice it, American democracy. F01' llllS IS But the readiness with which an exact 'description of wh.at has government has made use of the NEW, YORK (NC) - The come :to pass over the course' ~ schools, as the most available :individual -family has pre, h d d years means of achieving its goal, served the. relationship bethe Ii~st un re . . laudable' though that goal may W~; have 'accepted and very be, contains more .than a threat tWeen religion~md t"he famDearly achieved the union ofoi. dangers ahead.. The poi~t,. is iiy. systems. even where religion education and government: The not 'that the schools should not itself has failed to attract family theory that education ia ~n ~~" 'int~grate, bu.t that they Shoi.dd members, a priest-sociologist scntial function of thestate,- tn- be selected as the iileal meanS of . said here. deed,: one of its primary- ~~nc- en~orcing a governmental deFather John t~. 'Thomas, S.3.. lions, has grad~ially grown 1Oto cree. of St. Louis University 'told an an American dogma. ItiCJ some. It indicate!!. the extent·to international family confer~nce thing: very close to ..heresy ~ which the schools, more. !lnd 'that "this remains, true even if quest:ion it; at the lea(lt,. it IS more depend'ent uPoO' 'the FE!d- family members are unaware of un-A~erican. " ,. e~al go~~rnmen~. for ~d.I, 110 . ·the relationship betw~en 'family ~ Discard Foanders':lclea operate, are viewed cand1~y aa -and religion," because religious This function was not foreseen ita creatures,' the instruments beliefs have become imbedded by the framers of the. Ame~i~n fOr the fulfillment of· its designs. , in their family culture.. Constitution, and no prOVISIon . '. Bon'ds' of Tyra~:r' , Father Thomas, director of.the was made' for' it-in that instru- !. .'~he question arises whether, '. I~stitute of Social Order at St.. . d I . t ment. In the1'r thinking educa- .ou·t .of this union of school and Louis UniverSity an co umms lion was not a necessary funcstate,we are not' for'ging for .for The Anchor, addressed the .. lion of government. It could be oUf1lelves new bonds of tyranny., 4O-nation International Union of left more properly to individual Where we were prompt to 'rec-' Family Organizations ,during ita enterprise or· to the several ognize danger in the establish- four-day convention at Columbia States. , ' ment, of religion, and provided University. against it by ,8- wise separation, It l'S' clear that the prospec,tor. 1 of church and state, we have' The conferenCe dealt witll engaging the Federa govern- f 'led to d' 1 if "Personal Security and Family 1scern_an equa not ment 'I'n the business of general ga1 reater danger inher ent ·In 'the Security." It was held in .con. educa'tl'on, and thus of sUbj.ec.tunion .we have so casuaIIy ac- junction with the annual meetlatter to .national','pol1ing the th cepted between government and ing' of the National Council of tics, was recognized by em as education. Family Relations. an unwarranted interference ith individual freedom and .an All this may be dismisSed with W h h a shrug of the shoulders as inarrogation of power w IC \ consequential. That is. J'~st the threatened to undermine the very substance of liberty. trouble. It is of enormous con- . sequence. But the scruples of the FoundCaptive Mhid ers have been brushed aside. . There is more than enough to , Today it is pretty well taken for substantiate the view that· granted that the School belongs America is in the process of' to the state. And the corollary substituting an "establishment : is emerging that the school must: of 'education" for an establish- '. do whatever the state wanta. ment. of. religion.. The school,', . . Slave of State not the church, is to be made the No question but that govern- ,instrument of affecting .policy. Thomas F. Monaghan Jr. mental control -of education in , .. ···,H· this' analysis 'is correct, it I America is far lesS drastic than portends only one thing, the end Treasurer it is in Soviet Russia, in China; of educational freedom in the' or even in those nations of the land. And that, clearlY,ia but: '142 SECOND STREET Free World committed to a docthe prelude to the end of aU' vinaire secularism. There the freedom. Where education ia .the . OSborne 5-7856 8Chool is' the abject slave of the slave .of politics there you haw state; it does whatever the states the captive mind. FAll RIVER requires because it has no· disIf this be hereSy, make the cretion in the matter. It teaches. most of. it.' . • prescribed curriculum; it adapts itself as a vehicle' of ' propaganda, not from choice .but from sheer necessity. Academic freedom under such

The College Y ou~g Ch~istiall Students of New Orleans and the Deep South'passec:i'the resolutioll during a meeting at th~ Institute.. of Social Order of Loyola .University of .the South.


. Protestants, Jews, or secularists.

.The. r~solutipn sta~d, in. part: "We recognize that true. ~hris­ tianity and bigotry are. thorouglh ly inCOmpatible, a.nd .that t~. cQming months will de~and tP~,. practi~~ of justic~. a.nd chllrity,' among citizens of New Orleans.. We wholeheartedly endorse ~he, values affirmed in the Federal . court decision reached AiJg'~ '2'l' on the integration of' schools:"


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Cahlics in Japan Increase 10,894 TOKYO (NC) -,Church 'authorities said there were 277,502 . Catholics in Japan at'the end:of .June: '30, 1960, an increase of 10,984 over the previous year. There were 9,132 adult baptisms' for the year, 848 less. than ·the previous year. There were 6,632' infant baptisms, 269 less than in the year thaf. ended OD June 30, 1959.






A~cording.to the Federa~co~rt ' order, issued by Judge J. Sk~lly . Wright, integrati.o~ .wasto begill in the first grade, 'on S~pt. 7., On Aug. 30, howev~r~. Judge Wright granted !l ,10-week ..delay. re-. quested by the New. OrleaM, school board: . Integration is now scheduled 110 begin Nov., 14.




Is the parish priest in the village 01 CHELAKKARA, in INDIA. Twenty five years ago, when Father' Thachupa"-ambU was ... ,signed to this remote vlllsge, there were' very' few Catholics him to 'minister to. This gooc" priest' worked ~~" l8alously to establish a' parish whose o . members would be the type of out~ stand~ 'Cathollo that would aUraot fA . 'others to our faith. He brought Sist . ters . into tho vUiage and used'· their 'Convent Chapel' as the parish church. .. '. 'His ·zeal, and that of the Sisters and ......... . . the original handful of parishoners, .., .. . Is now- coming to IruitloL After aU , ..Tht Holy Pathtn MIJ11OII'AitI. these' yearS of work the number of , ,for *~ ChmrII· . Oonvt?rt8·1s now growing 'so last thai 'Uae iiUI8 Convent' Chapel can' DO longer hold aU the Cath'oUcs for Sunday' Ma~ses. 'Father" 'Tbachuparambll'needs $4,000 • b'liild a suitable ehureb. C~..: YOU belp him brine thb abareb lDto belngT' , . - .


WHiLE YOU ARE'LiVING YOU CAN ARRANGE'FOR'GRga. . ORlAN MASSES'TO BR CELEBRATED AFTER YOUR DE~TIi. . The feast of the HOLY, NAME OF MARY wIiJ many elrill tbrourhout the world berlnning the no~ltiate,tr~ing that' wiD make them. replicas of the greatest Mar)'Our Blessed Lady: SISTER MARY CATH· ERINE and SiSTER MARY GERMAIN are novices of the SACRED HEART SISTERS in INDIA. Could you pa, lor the training of one of them? The cost Is '$300 and the mone, IlI7 be paid aU at once or in installmeDAoo


.. REQUESTS FOR MASSES TO BE OFFERED BY OUR MISSiONARIES ARE TAKEN CARE OF IMMEDIATELY. NO MAN' CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS -Diany have tried to do' so and have failed ·miserably. Our Lord's words are as true &0day as when He first spoke them. Service of God first. laSt, abd' alwil)'s, Is the watehwol-d of a Christian's Ufe.· MATHEW' .PINAMARUKILand JOHN PORATHUR a.... P~. I:.:~~~=:::::J paring . te lIerve their Divine Master d. priests. The, are in a seminar)' in INDIA. The' oost 01 'maintain'-' lng a bo,' in a seminart for six ',earS Is 1600; Could yoU pa,'OI' &be eduoatlon of Mathew 01' JohnT ' , .OLD AND YOUNG-Our PALACE· 0 .. GOLD CLUB brln/lll , us· some of, the mone, we need to send to our Missionaries fOl' ',the care of the Aged; our ORPHANS BREAD' CLUB brin/lll , Us some of the mone, needed-to care foe Children. The dues ire one dollar a month for,each club. To' doaale .. artIele '01' • MIssIoIl Chanll .. Chapel .. • wonderful manDer of perpetDattnc .u.e inemoii 01 a deoea_ ...latlve· or'frlenc': AmOaia'tbe IIlaDF tbIBp. Deeded fOI' .... prop. er LltoreleaI worship of God aN &be foliowlq: Altar . ... .. . '15 . ChaUee .•.•.. $40 SaDo'F Lamp' ... fll Mliss v08im... . 58 Clborluaa • . • ...8 tUtar LineN • •. II Ctwli8x ' • • •• • 211 raberaaele ,... 211 8~F BeD •••• •


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New York 17, N. Y.




-,:iltf"ANCH6R~Dioce5eofFa'Ii.. Riv~r-Thurs., Sept. 8~ 1960

Code Changes Continued from pqe 0 . . . "The Bishop is no longer '001,. . the custodian of the observ~ of the law, lie becomes its soul, supplying the law positively OIl the basis of. the demands of 'the necessities of his flock." Father Loew stressed that the new code is closely tied to the whole liturgical movement. He noted first of all that Sundays are now feasts of either the first or second class and thus take precedence over all other feasts except those of the first class. He said: St. Plus X Started Reform ..It is the· crowning, work 01. the reform started 'by St. Pius X for the reinstatement hf the regalar celebration of the 'dies D0mini' (the Lord's daY)' iil the twofold meaning of the' weekly celebration of. Easter and Baptism." .

Secondly, Fatl:ter Loew said, the new classification of liturgl';' HEADS STUDENTS: Greg cal days gives due ,emphasis .to Cusack of Davenport is the ' the liturgical cycle .of the. year, so that the "mystery of the' Re- new national president of the demption" takes, precedence Young Christian Students. generally 'over "the cycle of the an organization with 8,500, saints." He noted that "the members in the 50 States whole of Lent, with the raising of its ferial "~ays to the grade and the Bahama Islands. of third class, will take preceVows Today dence over the ordinary feasts Takes of the saints, which are reduced As Christian Brother In practice to simple commemoBrother Robert James Silvia, rations." F.S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bishpps also have the right Frank Silvia, 306 French Street, to permit the solemn blessing of Fall River, pronounced first weddings during any period of vows in the Congregation of the , the year if there is just cause to Brothers of the Christian Schools do so. at ceremonies held today in the The aim of the reform is to community's novitiate at Narrasimplify and clarify existing li- gansett. turgical riorms rather than to A graduate of De La Salle Newport,' Brother introduce any starUing innova- Academy, tions. No changes were made Robert James will study for a . in the Ordir.lary of the Mass. year in Troy, N.Y., then attend, De La Salle College, WashingVigils are divided into three ton, D.C. Brother Eliphus Vic. classes. Vigils of the first class tor, assistant superior general, are those of Christmas and Pentecost. In the second class are presided at today's ceremonies. those of the Ascension, the As- Jan. '18; Finding of the Holy sumption, the Birth of St. John 'Cross,' May 3;' St. John before the Baptist and the feast of , the. Latin Ga~e, May .6; AppariSaints Peter and Paul. In the - Uon of' St. Michael'· the ,Arch:', third class is the vigil Of st. angel, May 8; St. Leo II, July 3; Lawrence. ' St. Anacletus, July 13; 5t. Peter Octaves are of two classes. Oc- in Chains, Aug. 1, and Finding taves of the first class are Easter 'Of. the Body of' 51. Stephen, and Pentecost and the octave 01. . Aug. 3. the second class is Christmas. Also removed was the com.. Feast Days of Three Classics memoration of St. Vitalis OIl The old twofold classification Apri128. of liturgical days accQrding to Another group of feasts haa rank and rite has . been disbeen reduced to a commemoracarded. Now feast days are 01. tion because of their local charone of three classes. There is no acter or because of uncertainty longer the distinction of the over historical elements. feasts in "doubles" and "simAmong them are the feast of ples." St. George, April 23; feast of. Thus, Sundays are divided Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July Into two classes: Sundays of the 16; feast of St. Alexis, July 17; first class include those of Ad- feast of, SS. Cyriacus, Largus vent and Lent. Sundays of the and Smaragdus, Aug 8; feast of second class include others durthe Stigmata of St. Francis of ing the liturgical year. Assisi, sept. 17; feast of St. EuFeasts which up to now have stace and companions, Sept. 20; been classified as "doubles of the feast of Our Lady of Ransom, first or second class" will now Sept. 24; feast of St. Thomas 01. be known as feasts of the "first Canterbury, Dec. 29; feast of St. or second class." Sylvester I, Dec. 31, and the feast Breviary Changes of the Seven' Sorrows of the The new code does not change 'Blessed Virgin Mary," . Three new feasts' have ,been the essential structure or form. of the, Divine Office. However, added to the calendar. They are· by simplifying the classifica- Jan. 13, the Bapti,~ of Our tion of. liturgical days, the re- Lord; July 17; St. Gregory Bar- , citation of the breviary will , barigo, and Oct. 23, St. AnthoRy Claret. ' . automatically be shortened. The greatest changes have Two feasts have been tranebeen made in the Matins, the ferred. The' feast of St. Irenaeul longest part of the Divine Of- of Lyons has been moved from fice. For the most part of the June 28 to July 3. The feast of St, year, the Matins will now con- John Vianney,' the Cure d'Ars, list of a single nocturn of nine ,has been shifted from Aug. 9 to Aug. 8. psalms and three lessons. Three other feasts have had The single nocturn will apply their names changed. The Cirto all Sundays, to all ferial days -with the exception of the last cumcision of Our Lord is now three. days of Holy Week-also to be known as the octave of the -to vigils, feasts of. the third Birth of Our Lord. The feast of dass, days of the octave of the Chair of St. Peter Apostle of Christmas and to the Saturday Antioch is to be known as the feast of. the Chair of St. Peter office of Our Lady. Feasts of the first and second Apostle. The feast of the MoSt dass and of the last three days Blessed Rosary is to be known ,of Holy Week will keep the as the feast of the Blessed Virgin Matins of three nocturns, with 01. the Rosai-).. Two votive Masses have had a total of nine psalms and nine lessons. Easter and Pentecost, their titles changed. The votive with their respective octaves, Mass "Contra Paganos" (Against will keep the traditional order Pagans) is to be called the of Matins, with three psalms and "Missa Pro Ecclesiae Defensione" (Mass in Defense of the' Church). three lessons. Eight feasts have been re- The Mass known as "Ad Tollenmoved .because they occur twice dum Schisma" (For the End of Schism) is now to be known' as in honor of a mystery or some the "Missa Pro Unitate Ecclesaint. Feasts that have been canceled siae" (Mass for Unity of the !CIWrcb,l., ue; ~ <Ii 81. Petea' at llomQ.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8, 1~60

British Workers 'Fi'ghting' Reds In Industry.

. Grace @f' .Vocation , 'AssIsts Paren1ls Fulfill Obligations

LONDON (NC) - An underground movement of small, picked groups of Catholic trade unionists is "fight-

]By Father John L. Thomas,. SJ: Ass't. Sociology Prof.-St.. Louis University

"We're doing our best. to raise our five children prop'. erly. There are three boys and two· girls, - all but the youngest is in grade school. According to the articles we read, OUI' se:rdous. problems won't start until the children are older. I suppose that This sense of solidarity will makes some sense, consider- be fostered if children are grading all the talk about teen- ually made aware of your plans, agers today, but isn't there resources, financial limitations, some way to help, them develop normally'!" 1. rather enjoyed your letter because you' in,. ierred t h, e r. e was no good: rOe a,son why minors should. become major problems. For various reasons modern parentS have come' to ~xpect that their .children will have a lItormy,fru!rt. rating time dUring adolescence. This widespread. view becomes • ' kind of self-fulfilling prophesy. Parents and youngsters feel they ought to have prob·lems, so they do. As one high school girl wrote me recently, ..Itin a teen-ager and: have all the problems we teen-agel-s face." Granting that our nation has • great deal of j.uvenile delin'quency, it doesn't follow that the normal. process of growing up must necessarily involve sellious problems. Of course, we can call anything. and. everything a problem. . Adjustment to ~ondltion. All living calls for fairly con,. tinuousadjustment to changing eonditions, but we should speak 4tf problems only when we are uUfapable or don't know how to adapt. 'ourselves to the demands' ef the situation. U modern young people have serious problems, therefore, it must mean either that they are DOt adequately prepared or that their social environment. makes Impossible demands' upon them. In our complex, rapidly' ,chang", Ing society both factors are operative to SGme extent. Wha t - can parents do?; Well" Rose, your first' task is to define 70ur role as parents~ Inherent ilt the very nature of the marriage wntract is the obligation to work together for the establi'shment of a stable, loving society or home in which children cal\ be born and reared to Christian maturity; Since this is your role as parents, you must be confiderit that the Creator has given you' the knowledge, strength, and grace to fulfill it. You must also be eonvinced that your generous . fidelity in carrying out the entire job will perfec~ and sanctify you: as parents. ~me parents lack confidence In themsel'ves and' consequently are afraid to enforce order and discipline in their families. TOOl many others confi'ne their role to supplying food, shelter" and. clothing, forgetting. their basic obligations to create a Christhm environment: in the home and to form character. What special points should 70u keep in. mind1? Fiust, build up, a spirit of loyalty and cooperation in: yow:' famil)'!. Train your children to feel that. they are members of a family g,roup, sharing Us burdensiandljoY'st. and responsible for.. its success.

ing" the communists on their own terms inside Britisb industry. Enlisting the aid of reliable non-Catholic workers and dropping the "Catholic label" in their work, the movement .has adopted many of the communists' own tactiCs in smashingrabble-rousing activities. According to the Catholie Herald, nationally circulated weekly newspaper, the "brains" behind the campaign is an anon.ymous parish' priest called "Father Pipeline." The arionymous priest outlined! . a series of principles to guide . the campaign. Through the Her_ ald, he aske,d other priests to follow his example. Study Encyclicals He told the clergymen to study Dnd know the social encyclicals. learn . the prin~iples of tl'ade unionism and keep abreast of the social conditions in. local factories b, speaking to parishion-

and so on. There must also be shared activities. In particular, the main meal' of the day should be a required. family affair.

Consistent Discipline Second, your discipline should be united, consistent,.and pa- , tient. By: united I mean that you and your husband agree on all essentials-and your' children know it! Discipline should' be co'u;stent; that is, the' children shOUld know what you expect of them and understand that you meaa it. If enforcement of rules is sporadic and. your "No" is only semi-final, no' respect for a.... thority will be developed. ers. Discipline should be patient. The anonymous priest said Normal children!. will assert their each clergyman should pick hill independence by trying to "ter.t'" "top ten" men, not necessariI, the rules. They will seek exCatholics, who have a full uncuses, nag, argue,. and protest. . derstanding of communist tactics. _ This may be expected', but i..The ten s~ould be. "travelers" ill telligent parentIJ don't change the plant, men whose jobs taKe the rul'es or argue. The,. give their reasons; state their policy, FffiST BAHAMIAN BENEDICTINE:' Most Rev. Paul , them from department to depariand remain firm. In too many 1.. Haggarty, O~S.B., Bishop-designate of Nassau, adminis- ment, where they can learn what is going on and take appropr.iate homes there is little discipline action. . because the chi l.d r en have ters the' sacrament of 'Holy Orders to Father Boswell "Father PipelineN told the learned that if they argue long' (Ambrose) Davis, O.S.B., first native Bahamian ordained and loud' enough; parents will in the new Missionary, Diocese of Nassau. The newly or- Catholic Herald that communlet them. have· their way. dained will teach in Nassau. Bishop Haggarty visited the ists have only one aim: to disrupt things in the shop .if they do not Learn by ImUation gf,lt what they want. ' Third,. give yoill' children: aims Fall River Dioces.e· this Summer.' He suggested that industrial and goals that will challenge parishes open training cent~rl them:. Expand the-scope of their for factory workers with perhaps interests, train them to look to evening classes daily for one the future' and to prepare for .it. Youth is, an age of idealism VIENNA (NC)-Francis .Car- . visiting American servicemen year. don't let them drift: through it .dinal Spellman, for yean a fav_ overseas. . like playful, irresponsible, well- or!te whipping:..boY. of Iron':~urFollowing the MaSs, the Carfed animals. . ~ln propaganda, was ~enboned . dinal . was guest of honor at a Fourth, children learn by imil~, the Mosc;ow spy trIal of U-2 special' reception at the IncirOTTAWA (NC) -An ItaIiaa tation.. Unless you display char- pilot FranCIS Gary Powers. lik base airmen's club. He flew who migrated from Egypt to ity, honesty, self-control, sincere Under direct examination by from Adana which is in the Brazil at the time of the 1956 respect, fbI' others, a, sense of' .Soviet prqsecutor.RomanA.· southern . pa~tof Turkey near Suez crisis won first prize in the social responsibility, and so on, . the:y will probably grow' up Rudenko, Mr. Powers testified St. Paul's, native· city of Tarsus, Migrant Essay Contest of the Inbefore' the Soviet court that Carto Izmir,. in the west, at 9 A.M. ternational Catholic MigratiOil without these virtues. OD Christmas day. Commission. Fifth, protect your children dinal Spellman was among the who had visited the Nth' N 'The contest was sponsored la against premature entrance into dignitaries classified' American air base at 0 Ill&' ew ,conjunction with ';he fourtla social: life. Take a' firm stand Adana Turkey.. Mr. Powers wall Having his name brought up against. ea.dy· dating, competing station'ed at Adana' before the . in a communist trial·was no new . world congress here of the commission, 'which has headquarten for popullll:ity" and,. the, like- non- U-2 flight on -which' he was'shot thing for the New York prelate. sense that seems to warm the down at Sverdlovsk" deep in the His name came up in Budapest, in Geneva, Switzerland. Winner of the $100 'first .prj,. .hearts, CJl so many neurotic Soviet Union, last May 1. Hu'!gary, at the 1949 trial of His was Nicola di Gregorio, an indl1&mothers. On hearing. the name 01. the Emmence Jozsef Car d in a I trial chemist whose transfer Archbishop of New York, who Min~szenty, and aga.in in PolDevotloll te, Chllist from Egypt to Pirassununga., and' In 1953, when BIshop Czes- Brazil, was carried .out with the Finally, help your' children is also Military Vicar· for Cathdevelop . a warm personal at- olics in the U. S. armed forces. . lay Kacmarek of Kielce was help of the Catholic MigratiOQ tried and sentenced. tachment to' Chr.ist 'and Hi. Mr. Rud'enko said: Commission. "So Cardinal Spellman interLast March, when·a Chinese Blessed Mother. Don~t relegate custom. or a. mechanical-, process. ested himself in military bases!" commun~st eo u I' t sentenced "I woul'd say he was interested MaryknoH's Bishop .James l!1 The child develops' intO' an adult Walsh to a 20-year .prison term, Christian only if he personally • 1ft military .personnel,." Mr. When Ws '""Powers answered,: Cardinal Spellman's name was accepts: hi~ Savior. "I think he wouldn't think: too also brought up. The Chinese . :parenthoodl is a big job! Of' to retire • • • ·Buy Reds charged that in 1948, "diltcourse it is! But you have the much of what a persoll doe. as patched by U.S. imperialism gIlaee of vocation. In rkising what he is." C.ardinal Spellman offered and the Vatican (Bishop Walsh) God'. childr.en you. are eo-' his midnight, Mass last Christ- came to China. together with workers. wIth Christ. . mas for U.S. servicemen and . Cardinal Francis Spellman, U.s. their dependents at the Incirlik' imperialiSt, to make countel'_ aiZ'· base' at Adana, Turkey. It revolutionary 'emergency' ar':' Continued from Page ODe was the ninth Christmas: the, rangements with ·a view to $65 per pupH fbI' a grand total U.S. Military Vicar had spent dermining the Chinese People'. of $350,805. New Bedford rerevolutionary cause." ceived $135,888 and the city of Taunton was given $123,214. . LISBON (NC)-The InternaThe listi'ng below indicates the' tfonaf .Union of Catholic Emtax savingg:, first and' the refund ployers' AssociatioDlt has anfrom the State- second: nounced that a meeting of ita Fall River:· $2,013,094; $350,805. Latin-European. section will be i Heating N e'"," Bedford: $1,661,941; held here from Oct.' H.to HI. • I Over 35' YetaI'I $13'5,888. Delegates from'Italy, Fhance'and 'Faunton: $798\362; $1:23,2,14. of satisfied Service Spain. are scheduled to attend. 276 Central St.,FaI River No. Attleboro: $311,149; 806, NO~MAJN STRED $64,lt45. . OSborne 6-8279 Riv... OS ~7497 . I The KEYSTONE Lists Fairhaven:' $3%4,458';: $36;270. , Attleboro: $165,813; $22,7Z1. ,Warehouse Salesroom The following communitiesre_ New and Used VIENN~ (NCJ~Foreign tour-· cei.ved~ the' aid' from the state OfFrCE EQUIPMENT ists in Viennlll can obtain. a list income. tax but: exact figures on -MANNY" SOUZA FOR SEE of foreign-language confeSsors-' the number. of. children betweell trom any parish,. in the city. 7:"1& in the parochial schools are • PLYMOUTH Among the, languages. fisted no~. a;vailable. '.' • CHRYSLER are English, French,. Italian,. Swansea:. $118,985.

N:a,me' of Cardinal' Spellm~n Again Brou'ght, Up in Communist Trial

Italian in B;azilWins Migrants' Contest


Tax. Savings.


Empfoyees .to Meet

:GEORGE M.·M·ONTlE .Plumbing -


Vienna Foreign . Language Confessors -

Slovene, Polish" Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukr<linian, Rumanian, Swedish, Portuguese, Croatian, NOrWegfan; DUtctr, Turkish, Armenian" Greek; Rusosian, Bulgarian and' Danish. In> many Vienna churches; COD-" . fession is heard m &eYel'al: of . these languales.

. Acushnet: $91,687. Westport: $72,322. Orleans: $24,733.Tlie town. of. Somerset. halJ moFe than' 200, pupils, attending the parochial schoo&: of' Fait Ri.v:er and>. SWaDsea. and th_' saV1! the .taxpayel'll ot that ..tow. ·More thall-$58,830. '-

'GJ -







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rHE ANCHOR-,O.ioceseof ,Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8, J 960


Time Again This Timely Message's Sponsored By Tlte Following Public Spirited Indiyiduals and Business Concerns located in Greater Fall River

• Building Materials, Inc Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co. The Exterminator Co. Fall Rive,r Electric Light' Co. Fall River Trust Co. Globe Manufacturing Co. Kapl~n

Furniture Co•

. Kormon Water Co. MacKenzie & Winslow; inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co., Inc. Newport Finishing Co, Plymouth Printing

Sherry Corporation' SobiloH Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Strand Theatre Teldile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

""', .


Drive Slowly ... Carefully Watch out for children when you drive-adults must acce,pt the' responsibility for their safety. The Schools and our Police De.. partments throug.hout Greater Fall River are doing their ut.. most to teach safety to our chiS.. dren. But because they are children they s9metimes forget•

T'hey dart into the streets ••• ride their bikes without a thought totraHic conditions Clnd in most cases are obliYIOUS to the dangers around them. Be sure your car is mechanically safe. Don:t Speed ••• Obey the· T.raffic laws • • • Practice Caution at aU times!

'SLOW·U-P and Let Ou·, Children GROW-UP



The Catholic in Amermca

Inflam~atory Abuse Ig'nites Convent'in Charlestown· ' By Rev. Peter .1. RahiU, Ph.D. , The inauguration of Andr~w J acksonas President of tbeUnited States in 1829 brought a throng of his friends to Washington from their homes beyond the Alleghenies. Nationalism and Americanism were nO mere academic ideas but ,woven into the fabric of first ' it was intimated she had this administration. To that . been cast into a dungeon; then extent it could be said to it was charged that she' could have been unfriendly to the not be found at the c()n~ent at

strengthening tide of immi- all. Sunday evening, Aug. 10 the grants, and many neWcomers to Rev. 'Lyman Beecher called 'for ' our s h 0 r e s ' ' action' against "Popery" in 'vi.Jw~re inevitle~t sermons delivered in three ably' linked ' separate Bostop., churches. with CathoTardy Refutation Ucism. AgitaA short time before Bishop tors labeled Fenwick had had a difference even' ,t h 0 s e with the selectmen of Charles-' ! nc 0 m e r'l1 town over a Catholic cemetery. 'who declared' "For health reasons" the counthe mselves cilinen had refused to grant a Protestants as permit, though hon":Catholics "Jesuits in were being buried in' the same disguise." area without any apparent conExcept in tamination of air or earth. This Chis general sense.. of some exag- may have iaccounted for tardy geration of Americanism Jack- action on the part of the counaim's 'administration was not ,cilmen. antagonistic to' the Church.' In ' ~owever, on Monday morriing, fact, the,'hero of the Battle of Aug. 11, five sel,ectmen made a aiew Odeans'amed' the firs't . tour of the convent and ialked Catholic member of a presiden- with the nun who had left temt1al cabinet in the person of .porarilY. They issued a stateRoger Brooke Taney, Who went ment to the Boston ne'wspapers OR to be elevated to the bench that nothing objectionableraad '.f the Supreme Court. been found,' and that' the' young Washington Optimistic' lady in question "expresses herNeedless. to say, the'wild, pre- self to be entirely satisfied withdictions that the Pope would, the present situation, it hciug IIOOn follow Taney "to Washing- that of her own choice." ton w~re not fulfilled during the. " Alas! .This complete 'refutaZ8' long years' the Marylander tion of all charges was one day presided over the' nation'ssu- . ,too late. When it was, ,printed preme tribunal. the convent already had been In 1790 George Washington had . attacked ,and 'burned to" the told his Catholic countrymen ground, In their, nightdress the , that '''as mankind becomes more nuns,- together with the children liberal they w: ill be more apt and young ladies in their charge, f!D 'allow ,that all .who conduct ~scaped, thr01,lgh a 'rear gate of themselves as ,worthy members t~e surrounding garden; . q,f t~e comm,unity are equally, Base' Act entitled to the protection of civilThe next day 'a mass meeting government." 'The first Presi-., of Prptestants was held in Fan..; dent's optimis,rri was far, 'from 'e.uil Hall under the leadership of l'ealization iri the Massachusetts Boston's' Mayor Theodore Ly.t 1834. " . man, Jr. The destruction. of the - At Charlestown, to which Paul c~)Ovent was denounced, as a ,Revere had rowed from Boston' ,'i oase 'and co'wardly act...· Meanthe Ursuline nuns had estab~' while from nearby railroad con"lished Mount .st. Bene!iict, a struction c'amps Irish laborers ~hool for young ladies. 'Those ,had sta,rte'd ona mission of reof the 'Catholics 'who were'recent venge., ' immigrants 'had, 'litLt~ money to , When' he heard of this Bishop spend on higher education for Fenwick' hurried six priests- in their daughters." different directions to stay, the But .. :with four~fifths of the sell-appointed vigilantes. Call~u~en.ts non-Catholics .the' ining Boston Catholics,together, he ,atitu,tion expanded, The nuns urged his listeners, to remain acrlJpulously adhered to their quiet and allow the law to take . ~ron:iise,not to impose their own its course.' .' religious convictions on those No RedresS ~ot of the Faith. The trust· of the bishop in 'Brimstone Corner' legal vindication was notfulAs the academy prospered and filled. Of the mob which pattiIl'ew, bitter remarks were di- cipa~ed in the burnin~, eight reeted again'st it by enemies of were charged with, a'rson. Authe, Church. Many non-Catholic thorities 'agree tOd'ay that' the' ~inist.ers were particularly intrials were decided before the C'ensed that wealthy Unitarians 'evidence was heard. . Of the Boston area patronized All were .acqui,tted save' one the school. ,youngster. He too, was released , Leader of the attacks the on the petition of Boston',Cath~e~. Lyman Beecher, pastor of olics, who refused to: allow the Boston's Park' Street Church. youth to be scapegoat, .for those 'His fiery ,castigations of ,Catho- who had planned and carried licism from that pulpit earned 'out the felonious assault. for it the popular designation of When Bishop Fenwick peti"Brimstone Corner.'" " tioned for, funds to rebuild the . Two unfortunate, incidents ,convent, the matter' was re~ ~.Ted ,eaused the bubbling cauldr<~n to to the state' legislature; which' boil over. A scullery maid who rejected this and all subsequent had asked to be admitted to the attempts to give the Ursulines Ursuline order was dismissed' as moiley to rebuild on the blackunsuitable after four months. A ened foundation of their school~ lurid account of convent "life The immediate reaction 'of was issued under her name, but fair-minded Amer\cans was asprobably, would have been dis- tonishment and horror at the missed by all save the overly convent, burning. B~ston a credulous had not an actual-nun- gr~up headed by Harrison Gray left the convent school. Otis c\llled on "all good citizens Call for Action to express individually' and colThis ove,rworked music teach- : lectively the abhorrence they er temporarily lost her reason feel of this high-handed viola:'_ and fled to the home oc' friends. tion of the laws." ,~When lthe had recovered her Assaults Increase ,senses the following day she was Once released from the ~unds !visited by Bishop Benedict Jos- of law and, conscience, howeph, Femyick, for whom, she had ever, the mob spirit is, difficult sent. He readily iranted perto control. Despite ihe protestamission for her to return to the tions of influential Protestants, convent and she was brought, episodes similar in character back, by her Protestant .brother: were much too frequent in the Rumors of the incident were succeeding months and years. magnificd by hostile elements Next Week: Archbishop Hughes' and within a week were flaunt- Courage Halta Anti-Catholic ed in two Boston newspapers. 'At Riots.




Four~Day Work Week Inevitable

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 8,1960

publication of the encyclicall Continued from Page One 'River as his headquarters while Quadragesimo Anno. Father Masse thinks that a he made ,a survey of lecture and shortening of the work week is 'entertainment. series offered to the public by area colleges and "inevitable, barring some interuniversities. He was the g""st of national crisis," although he Dr. and Mrs'. Louis Kroger, 782 doesn't want to be as specific as' forecasting a definite fourRock Street. Father Masse, termed one of . d1\Y week in the near future. By the "most astute, sincere and and large, he said," a shorter objective students of labor- work week is good, although it , , management relations in the poses challenges. He no~ed, however, that proUnited States,'" addr~ssed the Labor Day Mass' congregation phets ,of doom' predicted . 'he on' the reasOns why Ametican downfall of the worker when the work week was reduced labor movements are in sympathy with social justice ideals from 48' to 40 hours. "It was of the Church as set forth' in mostly the people with ample leisure alrl'lady "';' felt that 'encyclicals by 'various Popes. Father Masse said his talk was m'ore leisure, would demoralize the working man," he. comsimilar to one he was requested to. give. in Rome 'over Vatican mented; ,All adult Catholics, said ,Radio' facilities while on a recFather Mas~e, should take the , ent world tour. He noted that Italian trade unions are largely Church's social program as serCommunist-dominated arid said, iously as they do any other part that listeners were most inter-' of her teachings. "We have ested in an explanation of why . failed in respect to 'the' fact that too few' of our Ca'tholics' in "American unions are not hostile to the Church and why, unions or in management are American' unionists experience familiar with the Church's sono conflicts between union' cial .teaching-a knowledge of membership and membership in ' which is essential to <e exerMAYO STORY: Television the, Mystical Body of Christ." . cise of fundamentally moral and the movies' are considThe labor priest said, "Many leadership.", ' Father Hughes , et;in/r the story of Mother M. do not appreciate how closely the philosophy' of the American' As Ditector of Cultural ActiAlfl'edMoes, O.S.F.. who 80 labor m9vement, is attuned to vities at John Carroll University, 'years ago, launched the' God's natural law and how sim- Father Hughes has for t,be' past famed Mayo Medical' Center ilar its reform program is to three years arranged a series in Rochester, Minp. ' NC that the Church has developed. of musical and dramatic pro'through her encyclicals." grams for students and residents' ' ' Photo. He stated a noteworthy as- of Cleveland.' He 'studiedsimilar pect of American labor 'is that it projects in Boston and Provihas not chosen, a revolutionary dr."ce·. while staying in Fall ", ' approach to its probelms as has River. A specialist in medieval drama, been the case in many countries FRIBOURG (NC)-An inter- abroad. ,Fath!lr Hughes teaches several ' national Catholic organization Father, Masse's own interest in English courses at the Cleveland with headquarters here, has economics and labor, began instituti9n. He is interested in. chartered a plane to ,carry delewhen he was ordained ,at the 9rganizing a "Jesuit Circuit" of. gates to its five-day meeting in ' height, of the depression. He said entertainers. If the 28 Jesuit Morocco beginning Saturday. "It quickly be'came evident that' colleges in the United States Pax 'Romana, International some of the worst problems of col1~b?rated, he said, plays arid -.Catholic Movement for Intellecmarried people were rooted in mUSiCal performances of high tual and Cultural. Affairs,' ar- , economics. I felt I could work calibre could be brought from ranged . for the plane' flight more efficiently as priest if I foreign countries to tour the which :-vill leave Paris tomor~' took an active' interest in the Unit.ed States as a self-contained row. operation without. worry about econ~mic, problems of the peoThe meeting, Pax Romana's ple." outside bookings or arranging ~4th plenary assembly, will be The young priest began his complicated schedules. ,held in, the Tioumliline monas,- program by ,familiarizing himtery in the Atlas mountains, a self. with 'the economic teachin' \ , Benedictine, center,' that has of the Church. He was helped, pioneered in 'bringing about bet-, , he' said,. by the' fact that Uiere ter. understanding bet wee n. 'was a general renewal of inChristians and Moslems. Theme' •terest 'in the teachings during of the meeting will be ''The Role depression days; an' interest of. the Educated African in the' probably sparked by the 193L c:OMPANY New Africa;" " '

Pax Romano, to Meet In MoroccoScitu rday



Site Taunton Coidill~edfrom'Page One

Heads Retreat House

CEDAR FALLS (NC)':'-Msgr. Loras J.Watters, who has been serving as spiritual director at work' will'be'completed withiathe, North American College in a'month. " ' Rome, is the new director of the Meanwhile, 'construction of the American- Martyrs' Retreat House -second diocesan regional high here in Iowa. . , school is progressing in Attie- ' boro. The latter school has been named in honor of the late, Bis~op Daniel F. Feehan, second ONE STOP, ordmary of the Fall River Diocese. The first memorial high, SHOPPING C~NTER school in Dartmouth, honors Most Rev., William Stang, the • Television. • Furnitu.... first Bishop of the Fall River' • APpliaoee,• • Grocer,. Diocese. 1M Allen St.; New ReMoN , WYman 1-935. CACOUNA (NC)-Msgr. Lou'Theodore Landry, 99, died here in- Quebec in the' 73rd year of his priesthood, after serving ill various parishes and, as a profes_ OWoe Ji_ sor and director of the minor 11:00.-6:. seminary. His last pastorate was except Wecl. at Cacouna from 1908 until 1953 DISPENSING , wh'eh he retired. ' ,


In ·73rd y'ear



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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 8, 1960

Patriots Launch 'Pro Season Against Denver Tomorrow



Help !$~@nders On Paengyong

By Jack IDll1eavy The Boston Patriots of the embryonic American Footban League are scheduled to open the 1960 campaign tomorrow night against the Denver Broncos at Boston University Field. At quarterback for the Hub eleven will be 34-year-old Ed "Butch" Son- come from sixth to first In a gin, veteran of Canadian season. This is unusual but not professional football and unique. The Dodgers jumped former Boston College ace. from seventh in '58 to the title

PAENGYONG DO (NC) _- Farmers and fishermen here faced starvation last Winter. They may soon be

self-supporting as a result of the efforts of an American PaengOpportunity knocked t w ice a year later. Over in the senIor circuit an~ yong and its two smaller neighfor the granite-jawed slinger other upstart club moved into bors, Taechong and Souchnng, who only last the final month of play in good located 60 miles,out in the Yelyear 'I" s playshape to go all the way. Pittslow Sea, will benefit from a ing for "coffee burgh's 6% game lead with 22 hospital, improved agrriculture and cakes" in games remaining should prove and 26 new fishing boats. the local semiinsurmountable. However, seven prQ c i r cui t • Father Edward Moffett, M.M.. of those tilts are with second Prime target of of Patterson, N. J., the only place Milwaukee. Anything reSongin's pitches priest on the island, early this sembling a split should assure is another B,C. year appealed to foreign relief Pittsburgh its first flag since Pie product, JimMcagencies in Korea to help the Traynor's days. Colclough, who starVing people of tbe island Olympic Obsell'Vations group. has been converted fro m _ The failure of the U:S. OlymCatholic Relief Servicef7-Nao back to end by Coach Lou Saban. pic track and field squad to live tional Catholic Welfare Confer_ FOOTBALL AT STANG: 'rhe'introduction of varsity Figuring, prominently in the up to advance notices has had ence' and Church World Service, Patriots' exhibition successes and a disquieting effect on the Amer- football at Stang High was inaugurated when Coach Carlin U. Protestant organization, due to see a good bit of action ican sports public. Considered Lynch, center, distributed practice uniforms to }Job came to the rescue with hIJD~ spelling Songin is Holy Cross' "shoo-Ins" were John Thomas McCarthy, left, and Bob Dobson, right both of St. George's dreds of bags of flour and cornTommy Greene. Relegated to the in the high jump, Ray Norton in Parish, Westport. • meal. The U. S. Army provided sidelines or perhaps to be in- the 100 and 200 meter dashes and transpor~tion of the relief goode volved in a late trade is Harvey Hal Connolly in "the hammer. to the islands. White of Clemson. Dick Soergel Thomas' defeat, was shocking. Armed Forces Assistance of Oklahoma State, another The B.U. ~9 year old hurdled the It was Gen. Carter B. Magruhighly regarded quarterback, seven foot barrier for the 38th didn't survive the cutting edge. time. For' his Russian opponent WASHINGTON (NC)-A Ben- 1'950, when as Capt. Leonard P. der, Commander-in-Chief of the , Also with the Patriots in the it 'was his first competitive seven edictine Brother, saluted here as La Rue, skipper o~ the Mereditll United Nations Command, whe role 01. chief personneiman is foot plus jump. The Russians at- one of this' nation's modern Victory,' he crammed aimost realized the islanders needed genial ~ike, Holovak, former tributed Thomas' inability to heroes of the sea, expressed deep 14;000, Korean refugees abo~rd more than temporary relief: He head coach at Boston College. approach his world mark of concern over apathy toward the his' ship a,nd sailed them to saf~ty directed ~is staff to examine General Ma~ager of the club is 7'-3%" to a' bad case of nerves. power of prayer and the dearth from advancing Chinese ',and measures which would help in ' Ed McKeever, onetime backfield This admittedly' was Norton's of vocations to the religious life. North Korean communist troops developing ,a productive. se1£. . coach at B. C. in the Leahy, era. trouble in the dashes. 'Brother Marinus La Rue in the early days of the Korean supporting community. Bill Sullivan, Boston businesa The result was a program Connoily, defending Olympic Q,S.B.,. said: "It doesn't look a~ conflict.' :, executive and former sports pub- champion' and world record though the world is followipg A Gallant Ship plaque was started with $47,000 of U. So licist at B. C. and later Notre holder, predicted he would have th,e advice of Our Lady given awarded to the Meredith VictQJ;y, Armed Forces Assi§tance _ Dame, is one of the owners of a bad time of it. The former at Fatima. Not enough people and the ,offic~rs and men wh,o Korea (AFAK). the franchise. Bostonian, now teaching on the are p,ray-ing the Rosary." He said s~rved under Capt. 1.8 Rue re, Isolated from the mainla~ ,T,oday, is "Meet the Patriots West Coast; was quite critical of the widespread ~'lack of devotion ceived unit citations. the islanders will soon be abJe' Day" in,Boston. Under the joint the rough surface of the take-off , to God" was made more tragic After the hostilities, had to get medical care on Paengauspices of the Chamber of Com- circle which he felt would-and because' of the mounting "dan'- quieted, Capt. La Rue' was hos- YOllg. A new hospital is almost merce and the Patriots there'll it did - greatly impede his gers from godless oppression" pitalized for a kidney ailment: ready and will be equipped with be a motorcade to B. U. Field efforts. born'of communism. .. The Philadelphian said he began beds, ci-ibs, furnishings, an opwhere a buffet lunch will be Disappointment in the overall The accolade accorded Brother to think seriously about a "new erating ,ta~le, X-ray machin, served and an informal get- U. S. performance gave rise to Marinus for "one of the greatest career in religious life while he , anesthesia equipment and geDlo together held. The end result; it charges that there were several marine rescues in modern 'mari-- was conva~escing. erator for light. It will be staffe4 is h:>ped,will be a sellout Friday on the" 65 man squad that refused' time 'Iii story" took place in the .by four Korean ~ister8. . " "Devoted to Our Lad,. night at B. U. Field. to observe training regulations. N~tiona~ Press Clu?' Secretary "I bad a lot of time to' think Double SessioD5 Subsequent investigation pro;l(ed' of~~~rt:J.erce FrederIck M. MU~I- while I was in the Army :hos':' A. 'D~ McMULLEN Double sessions are the order the allegations unfounded. This ler pr~sentedthe, Broth~r ",Vlth pital in Japan, 'and after Ireof the day on N. E. College cam- came as no revelation since there tI:1e ~erchant Marme .Mentorlol,ls turned to Philadelphia I' made Inc. " .. puses where grid candidates have is· no more· dedicated athlete S,e~vlc~"Medal, the highest ~~co"1 my decision," he-said in explain, MOVERS just concluded their first week than, a 'trackman. ' ra,~lon". o~ th~ U, S.· MarI,tune ing how a 'sea hero became a SERVING ,The end of U. S. supremacy in of training. Optimism is the key_ CommiSSIon. Benedictine Brother. He added Fall liver, New Bedfc;»rd note at Harvard and Boston Col- the Olympic dashes - this was' The heroism of Brother Mar- that 'he took his name inrelilege. The Crimson, are rated the the first time since 1928 that the inus goes back to Christmastime, gious life because of his special , Cape Cod Area . pre-season pick of the Ivy U. S: dropped both the 100 and devotion to Our Lady, Star of Agen': League crop; the Eagles, facing 200 meterB---'-Came with startling Start NCitionalization the Sea. " AERO MAYFLOWER Navy a week from Saturday- suddeness. If anything, it proved ,,Brother Marinus, a seafaring with Army'to follow":"'will have the success of the track clinics Of Gui'nea Schools TRANSIT CO. INC. ,:" man for, 22 years, now operates sponsored by the State DepartROME (NC)-The African Re,. a gift shop at St. Paul's Abbey to prove themselves early. _Nation-wide Moven ' , public 6f Guinea, 'whose leaders in ,Newton, N. J. He is one of The Navy has just completed ment in,Eur,QPe. ' .. , WYman 3-0904 have belm hobnobbing with those only three Americans who' joined a three week training stint at 3~,Kemp&on S&. New Bedford of the Soviet bloc, has begun the brotherhood in the BenedicQuonset Point Naval Air Station. Maryknollers Accept total nationalization of its Cgth':' tine's St. Ottilien congregation Coach Wayne Hardin, about to • EI Salvador Mission oUe schools, it was reported'here; ,in the last 35 years. launch bis second year at the MARYKNOLL (NY) The A Delicious Middies' helm, pronounced his Fides, mission' news agency, The congregation is one of charges fit and ready upon their Maryknoll Fathers have accepted said th'at in principle "the gov:15 throughout the world among Treat return to Annapolis last week- responsibility fo~ a new mission erninerit is supposed to buy the territory in El Salvador, Bishop the Benedictines and has misend. Hardin singled out Win.John w,. C,oQ'lber, M,M., Supe- buildings that were constructeci sions in South and East Africa' chester's Joe Bellino for special rior General of Maryknoll, hall b'y, the 'missions,' but outright and Korea~ The Newton, N,1'. commendiation. Bellino scored announced:", confiscation is the fact forl,lseen." abbey, headed by Abbot Charles ,",,' three times against Army last Fides said that in the Kankan V. Coriston, O.S.B., is the only Acting, ..on, the inv:itation of year, a feat unprecedented in the Bishop Benjamin .. Barrera y prefecture ,apostolic, one- of the U.. S. establishment 01. the' St. annals 'of ServiCe Academy Reyes, of Santa Ana diocese, the Church's three territorial juris- Ottillen congregation. " rivalry. dlctionll ,in Guinea, nine schools ,The Baltimore :Orloies, the Maryknollers will take over half will' 'p!lSS into the hands of. the of the Cathedral parish in, the American League's Cinderella city, of, Sa'nta Ana', and also the state when tp.ey open in October. - I.A. WilCOX CO. team, enhanced', 'their Uag country area e~tending toward The agency alooreported that the OFFICE FURNITURE chances by ,sweeping, ,a three the t>order of H~ridurall: ': governmerit has, declare~ ,that Ie, 8~* for l • •ediale OeJi~~ . ; game series with the Yankees Located'in a heavilY-populated Aug. 15, the feast' of the Assump,':' 1ast week. Should the Orioles area of northwestern El Salva- tiori of' the Blessed Virgin wil~ • DESKS • CHAIRScop the pennant they will have dor, the new territory has no no'ionger be a natiomll holiday: FILING CABINETS established ,parishes. The people It said the holiday has been • FIRE FILES • SAFES Request Documents there have only Qne Mass a Year transferred to' Nov. 1. This is All FOLDING TABlES at present. The central mission, Saints', day. AND CHAIRS' To Aid Beatification DOW under construction. will be , NEW 'ORLEANS (NC) - An A. appeal for letters and documents called Santa Barbara. 'MaryMade Rite Chip~, concerning the life ot Father knollers assigned there will be 22 BEDFORD ST. Francis Xavier Seelos, C.SS.R., under the direction of Father Ask for Them Today FAll RIVER 5-7838 who died in the, yellow fever Hugo M. Gerbermann, M.M. of lor all Nada, Tex., regional superior in epidemic here on Oct. 4, 1867, has been issued in conjunction neighboring Guat~mala. ' with his cause for beatification. The appeal was made by Father John J. Vaughun, C.SS.R., of 2030 Constance Street" New Coniult Orleans, who is working the beatifIcation cause. Father Seelos was born in JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY Fuessen, Germany, on' Jan.' 11, oWner/mgr. 1819. He joined the Redemptor142 CampbeU St. ists and volunteered 8S 8 mis.~. 8edio'rd, Ma... sionaryin the United States. He was ordained in this country on " WYman 9·6792 ',', Dec.' :22,'1&.\4,' and :was a priest "HEADQUAinERS FOR, EXeter for'2:tyears·. He served in PittsSuccessors to DAVID DUFFo'& SON ',', COLONIAL AND Dennisport • 8-2291 burgh; :and in Aruiapolls, c.~ TRADITIONAL FURNITURE berland and Baltimore, beforeMAIN ·ST. ' 8-2292 , Tel. WY 6-8271 640 Pleasant 'Street New Bedforcf'" coming to-New OrleanS:


Ap~thy Towa'rcJ Prayer Worries

-Benedictine Brothe'r, Sea Hero





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