
Page 1

A Statement

The four Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts have issued the following statement through the Massa­ chusetts Catholic Conference:


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A STATEMENT ON ELECTIONS To be a citizen in a democracy is to share a consider­ able amount of responsibility for the pursuit of the com­ DIOCESAN NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHEAST MASSl( CAPE & ISLANDS mon good. This responsibility can be fulfilled in a variety of ways. For most of us, it is discharged chiefly through Vol. 26, No. 35 Fall River, Mass., Friday, September 10, 1982 20c, $6 Per Year an intelligent and informed exercise of the right to vote. In order to be intelligent and informed, the exercise of the right to vote should display at least three character­ istics: 1. it should proceed from the knowledge of the polio' tical competence and personal qualities of the individual candidates; 2. it should be based on ~ set of values consonant with the proper pursuit of the common good; 3. it should be rooted in a critical evaluation of posi­ tions on issues essential to the development of the common good art~culated by the candidates in their respective cam­ paign statements. An intelligent and informed exercise of the right to vote demands a considerable amount of relevant informa­ tion. It also calls for careful reflection on that information in light of one's moral values. As the time approaches for state and local elections, \\ we, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts, remind our people of their twofold obligation: 1. to "get out and vote" 2. to cast their ballots within the context of a rightly . formed conscience, a conscience considering not only the competence and character of candidates but also the rela­ tionship of their campaign positions to the social teachings of the Church and the moral values which we are com­ mitted to uphold. To b'e consistent with their religious convictions, to vote with intelligence and a rightly formed conscience, Roman Catholics should give respectful adherence to the moral guidance provided by the teaching authority of the Church. Some of these teachings are doctrinal in nature and AT AN ORIENTATION SESSION at 'Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, are binding upon the Catholic conscience. An example is the for teachers new to the diocesan school system, Father George E. Harrison, keynote abortion issue and the need to protect innocent human life speaker, chats with, from left, Mrs. Carol Collins, Mrs. Fredda Megan, Sister Anne by law. Marie, SSD, Mrs. Sheila O'Brien. (Torchia Photo) Others may best be described as solid 'theological guidance which the popes and bishops have offered and continue to offer on a variety of social issues which affect contemporary society. Among these are statements on such social policies as: public safety and crime abuses or discrimination in jobs, education and At the invitation of Bishop Mahon, assembly co-chairman. housing tor. An assembly banquet follow­ Daniel A. Cronin, the National Following reports from NCCW ed by entertainment will conclude the special needs of the handicapped Council of Catholic Women will commissions and committees, the day. the plight of the poor and the elderly meet in biennial assembly from Father Thomas F. Lynch, family Thursday's program will in­ the right to receive proper medical care Monday, Oct. 4, through Thurs­ life representative of ,the U.S. clude NCCW subcommittee re­ the role of the government in providing proper day, Oct. 7, at the Sheraton Catholic Conference Department ports and a forecast of activities aid for public education . Regal Hotel, Hyannis. of Education, will deliver the for the organization's 1983 con­ vention, to be held in Denver. the morality of capital punishment in an age The meeting, held on alternate assembly's keynote address. Papers on aging and on human Monday's program ,will con­ scarred by violence and sickened by a disregard years from the NCCW national convention, will attract some clude with 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. rights will be submitted for rati­ for the sacredness of human life. 300 national and diocesan offi­ Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, fication. The assembly will ad­ In our system of government, those who vote determine cials of the largest Catholic wo­ with Bishop Cronin as principal journ at noon. the improvement and the progress of the common good. It men's organization in the world. celebrant and homilist. Participants will receive sou­ is our hope that the people whom we shepherd in the They will hear and act on reports Tuesday's agenda will include venir "tote bags" designed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts will exercise their voting of ongoing projects in such fields presentations by family affairs, Mrs. Aubrey' Armstrong and privilege in a manner reflecting the Gospel values given us as legislation, missionary out­ legislative information and or­ made in the Fall River and Cape Cod DCCW districts. Blue, with by the Lord Jesus and proclaimed by His Church through teach, human rights and service ganization services commissions kelly green lining, they feature to youth and the ~ged. and a leadership workshop. The the ages. a white whale wearing a pilgrim


NCCW assembly here

Humberto Cardinal Medeiros ' Archbishop of Boston Most Reverend Bernard J. Flanagan Bishop of Worcester ,Most Reverend DanielA. Cronin Bishop of Fall River Most Reverend Joseph F. Maguire Bishop of Springfield

The assembly will be preceded on Oct. 3 by a reception and din­ ner for the NCCW executive com­ mittee, hosted by the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Delegates will be welcomed on Monday, Oct. 4, by Bishop Cro­ nin; Miss Eth.el Crowley, DCCW president; Mrs. Arthur Giroux, director of the NCCW Boston Province; and Mrs. Michael Mc-

day's liturgy will be celebrated by Msgr. Gilles Simard, modera­ tor of the NCCW Boston Pro­ vince. Wednesday will see reports from the community affairs, in­ ternational affairs and church communities commissions and a public relations workshop. The liturgy will be celebrated by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Fall River diocesan DCCW modera­

hat. The pilgrim insignia is tra­ ditionally used by Fall River delegates to NCCW national con­ ventions. Convention arrangements are being handled by Mrs. McMahon a diocesan past president and past NCCW treasurer, and Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, also a past diocesan president. The assembly Turn to Page Six

!HE;ANCHbR'""'-Dioce'se of Fall River-=Fri;, S~pC·1 0, 1982

NEW YORK (NC)-Systematic torture of prisoners ~nd mass arbitrary execu;tions of civilians persist in Uganda, Amnesty Inter­ national USA said in a report released Sept. 1. The U.S. branch of the internaHonal human rights movement blamed the Ugandan army and security forces for abuse of prisoners and. atrocities com­ mitted against unarmed civilians. Amnesty's accusations repea~ed similar charges made earlier by Ugandan religious 'leaders. Ugandan government officia'ls have denied that the army detains, tortures or executes prisoners. .

RICHMOND, Va., (NC)-Commenting on the birth of the nation's and seventh test-tube babies last month, Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond said, "I'm not against the birth of the babies, but I do think there's a need for dialogue on the procedure that's being done." One of the babies was born at Norfolk (Va.) General Hospital; and it'he other at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Both were conceived outside the womb at the Eastern Virginia Medical School's in-v:itro fertilization -laboratory. Said the bi§hop, "At Norfolk Genera'l, they're going through this elaborate, expensive procedure (and) at the same time there are 13,000 abor­ tions a y'ear in tJte hospital. That's schizophrenic." si~th

SISTERS LORETTA MARIE JACOBS and Theresa Gill relax with their guitars after a busy day. The scene is from a series of television ads for religlc)Us vocations sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. (NC Photo) . .


VATICAN OfIY (NC)-Pope John Paul H's 'long-planned visit to Spain has been postponed to avoid conflicts vtith the Spanish electoral campaign. Father Romeo Panciroli, director of the Vatican Press Office, said that the papal trip, which the Spanish bishops had previously announced would take place Oct. 14-22, "has been postponed to the first days of November." The Spanish parliamentary elections are scheduled for Oct. 28.

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-The new Code of Canon ·Law may be issued on Nov. 28, the first Sunday of Advent, said a churoh law professor frpm Rome conducting a study week in Philadelphia on the new code. Jesuit Father Francesco Urrutia of Rome's ;Pontificat Gregorian University, said that Pope John Paul II is meeting with six canonists twice a week until Oc~ober to study and approve the new ~aw code for possible promulgation at ,the beginning of the church's liturgical year.

WASHINGTON (NC)-The director of the U.S. bishops' pro-life . office has sharply criticized the methodology and results of a Family Circle magazine readership survey which showed widespread support for abortion. Father Edward Bryce said the handling of the survey, including a pro-abortion article in the preceding issue of the maga­ zine by actress Katherine Hepburn, showed an "editorial bias" in support of abortion. He also said the survey questionnaire, which app~ared in the Feb. 2 issue, asked misleading and bias~ questions and said its resu'1ts contradicted "more reputable" polls on the ahor- _ tion issue. The popular women's magazine, sold primarily in super­ markets and drug stores, published the results of the survey in its Sept. 16 :issue, which went on sale Aug. 31. The survey question­ nairt;, which readers were invited to fill out and mail to the maga­ zine, was. published last winter.

LONDON (NC)-Thereturn of the Israeli-occupied West !Bank

and Gaza 'Strip to the Arabs is the key ,to peace in the Middle East,

according to the Melkite Catholic 'Patriarch Maximos U Hakim of

Antioch, whose headquarters is :in Damascus, Syria. "If Israel really

wants peace, lit wiH have to give up something of what it has," said

the patriarch to journalists Sept. 3 during a visit to London. But,

he added, if the West Bank were handed back, then the Arabs would

. recognize Israel. , ~

ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH BERNARDIN greets some of the thousands who gathered for, an outdoor Mass and picnic following his installation as archbish6p of Chicago. .

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (NC)-Sa'lvadoran Bishop Arturo Rivera Damas' has called for an end to the government informer system and paramilitary squads. He said 270 people, including 197 civmans, died of poIitical violence in just the second and 'third weeks . of August. The bishop, who is apostolic administrator of the San Salvador Archdiocese, also said t!hat the majority of vio\Emt deaths "are attributed to securi1ty forces and paramiHtary squads," and that, many persons accused by informers of subversion, includ-lng several teachers and ~abor .leaders arrested a week earlier, were doing nothing iHegal.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10; 1982


Nuclear freeze is asked

Immaculate Conception Church

Taunton parish

to marl~ centennial

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant and homi­ list at a 4 p.m. Mass Sunday marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton. All priests who have served in or are natives of the parish as well as all clergy in neighboring parishes have been invited to concelebrate the liturgy of thanksgiving. Robert Boule, organist and choir director, will offer a musi­ cal program including a brass ensemble, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Immaculate Conception was es­ tablished in October, 1882, under direction of Bishop Thomas F. Hendricken of Providence, which diocese then included what is now the Fall River dio­ cese. The prelate was respond­ ing to rapid growth in the north end of Taunton, known as Whit­ tenton, when he formed the new parish from what had been part of St. Mary's parish. Until the church was com­ pleted, Mass was celebrated in Lovering Hall, known now as Temperance Hall. Under direc­ tion of Rev. James F. Roach, the first pastor, the wooden church was dedicated May 20, 1885. A short time later the rectory was built and ,in September, 1891, the first parochial school in the city, Our Lady of the Im­ maculate Conception, was open­ ed. Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts staffed the school traveling daily, often on foot, from St. Mary's u,ntil a convent for them was completed. 21 years after its founding Im­ maculate Conception was itself divided to create St. Jacques parish for FrenCh-speaking Cath­ olics of the area. Fire destroyed the original

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THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S0020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue. Fall River. Moss. 02722 by the cath. ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by -mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address change. to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

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~~ ~ ~ ~

Upon Msgr. O'Reilly's death Rev. Thomas H. Taylor became pastor. It was during his pasor­ ate that Immaculate Conception's ' ~ fourth brick building was con­ structed - a beautiful church, ~ dedicated on Sept. 26, 1954.


During its century of exis­ tence, Immaculate Oonception has built and then replaced four buildings. They stand as a monu­ ment to the faith of members of what is sometimes called the "Irish parish." That -faith con­ tinues to grow today under the leadership of the present pastor, Father William H. _O'Reilly.

Theft "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower


wooden rectory on December 31, 1917, ~nd it was replaced by a brick structure. Also replaced by a brick building during the pastorate of Msgr. Michael J. O'Reilly, who served from 1919 until his death in 1948, was the original wooden convent. In 1929 fire again struck the parish. On the first day back from spring vacation in April, 1929, the wooden school burned to the ground. All students and faculty were evacuated without injury and through the courtesy of the Taunton public school system, the children lost no school time. They were allowed use of the Whittenton Street School, at­ tending in the afternoon, while -the public school children attend­ ed morning sessions until the new parish school, also of brick, opened its doors on March 18, 1930. Bowing to the changes that saw so many Catholic schools forced to close, Immaculate Con­ ception closed its doors in June, 1972, after 81 years of educating hundreds of children, including many generations of the same parish families.

About 140 U.S. Catholic bish­ ops h~ve expressed support for a nuclear arms freeze in which the United,. States and the Soviet Union would negotiate a mutual halt to the production, testing and deployment of all nuclear weapons, accompanied by veri­ fication procedures, as a first step toward negotiated reduc­ tions in existing nuclear arsenals.

"Such a freeze should also in­ GENEVA, Switzerland (NC) ­ Nearly 100 Nobel Prize-winning clude the development of new scientists have called for a' weapon technologies." the statefreeze on deployment and de­ - ment said, and would be "an velopment of nucle~r weapons effective way of initiating the es­ and warned that "time is fast sential process of nuclear dis­ running out" to prevent a nuclear armament." The statement said that "dis­ holocaust. armament is technically possible: The appeal, by 97 Nobel lau­ reates, was made last Friday all that is lacking is political through the council of the Pug­ will." It said the number of wash Conferences on Science states possessing nuclear wea­ and World Affairs and distribu­ pons threatens "to increase ted by the organization's execu­ greatly in the absence of a more tive office in Geneva.. . effective worldwide non-proli­ More than half the signers feration arrangement." were from the United States, ac­ The world "continued ...to head cording to a list provided by Pug­ at an ever-accelerating pace to­ wash, a disarmament movement ward the ultimate crisis from inspired by physicist Albert Ein­ which there is no return," the stein and philosopher and mathe­ statement said. matician Bertrand Russell. Risks posed to mankind by the 160 scientists and scholars at­ arms race "and by the dangerous tended Pugwash's 25th anniver­ confrontation between the ma­ sary conference in Warsaw, Po­ jor antagonists have, in recent . land, last month. years, grown more ominous," the The statement by Nobel lau­ statement said. "Disarmament reates said that "monstrously seems further away than ever." high levels of deployed nuclear The scientists urged govern­ arms must be reduced as soon ments of the world to seek "a as possible." They endorsed a comprehensive international "standstill freeze" of nuclear agreement aimed at eliminating weapons at prevailing levels. the risk of nuclear war."









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REV. pmR N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director


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THE ANCHOR-DioCese of Fall River-Fri., Sept; 10, 1982


the living word

the moorins.-.,

Voting Guidelines.'


The front page of this edition of The Anchor features a statement on elections from the Catholic bishops of Massachusetts. . It is true that a primary election takes place on Tuesday, but the tone of this letter is that of a guideline for all elections. It should not, however, be misconstrued as a directive for the general public. Often the church is accused of attempting to tell everyone how to vote. So let it be boldly stated that the bishops' words are' directed to those and only those entrusted to their care as Catholics.. At the same time, Catholics should note that this statement is directed to them on' a pastoral and teaching level. Frequently, Catholics of whatever political persuasion cast their ballots from the heart, not the soul. Caught up in the euphoria of image making, there are Catholics who forget basic and essential moral issues to immerse them­ selves in the cult of personality. At election time, such a mind ignores substance and votes charisma. ' The Massachusetts bishops in releasing their st/:lteinent are reminding Catholics that they have a responsibility as citizens to insure the democratic process by getting out to vote. ' Many people just sit back and moan that one vote does not count. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every vote matters. It matters as an exercise of political freedom; it matters as a reflection of one's sensitivity to the public good; historically it has mattered even in presi­ dential elections. However, the bishops go further' in their statement. They urge their flocks not merely to vote but to exercise­ that precious right with an intelligent and informed mind. Know what you do when you go to the polls. Know the issues, the questions and above all, know where the candi­ dates stand. 'Yet for Catholics even this is not sufficient. The bishops challenge the prevailing motes by reminding Cath­ olics that their vQte should reflect "respectful adherence to the moral guidance provided by the teaching authority of the church." Votets should recognize that some. of the issues are not willy-nilly questions but matters that bind the conscience of all professing Catholics. Such issues include abortion specifically and the right . to life in general. . It is obvious from past performances that too many Catholics have not grasped the concept that some issues are simply non-questions. At the polls too many separate their personal beliefs from their public practice. Such a mind votes a contradiction. A Catholic, if he or she is to live the faith, cannot believe one thing and vote its opposite. That is no' more than living a lie. Tuesday's 'primary is now upon us. Candidates have spent millions to elicit public support. Showmanship, slick advertising and media exposure have all but buried the true issues that Catholics should honestly address. We urge all Catholics to get out and vote on Tuesday and to vote as Catholics. Find out, for example, which can­ didates oppose church teaching in areas such as abortion, public honesty and care for the truly needy. Don't just fol- . . low the old party line. The bishops' "advice sums it all up. They ask that Catholics "exercise their voting privijege in a manner reflecting the Gospel values given us by the Lord Jesus and proclaimed by His Church through the ages." What better voting guidelines could you .need or want? . .

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0:0., S.T.O. ~DITOR !lev. John F. Moore


. . . . I.eary Press-Fall River

hen iust men incref;lSe,,. the people sh all rejoice: when the wicked shall bear , rule, the people shall mourn.' ~rov. 29:2

The uncertainty principle

B Father Kevid J. Harrington

tion and' the momentum of an electron. Einstein, in frustration, R ligious faith is one of the refused to accept this principle mos~ ancient, ~niversal and eil­ because "it contradicted the durirg components of human ex­ scheme of logic that" explained istejCe. Religious persons should so many facets of nature so con­ not be disoriented by the dis­ sistently. However, when fact covery of regularities in nature and logic conflict, science, even and !bY our ability, within limits, if reluctantly, chooses fact over to oontrol natural processes. It logic. is r~asSUring to know that our The paradoxical nature of cosmos, as we have come to quantum mechanics can best be knoJ.. it in our limited way, is understood by considering the largJly predictable and some­ efforts of physicists to describe what controllable. . the phenomenon of light. Light H~wever, science and religion displays characteristics of both havi frequently donflicted in a wave and a particle, a paradox area of mutual interest. Such impossible to describe within the' over apping issues as evolution, traditional frame of logic. This the theory of creation and the situation illustrates that al­ natute of man have been among though logic is a part of life, life ,the r' attlefields and the heroes is more than logic, a classic ex­ have generally been the scien- . ample of the old adage that the tists, from Galileo to Darwin to, whole is more than the sum of in ourI own time, Einstein. its parts. , Religion- cannot expect to As Galileo's challenge to the stakel a claim in such areas of religious establishment on the mutuf.1 interest without expect­ question of geocentrism changed ing }t to undergo' scientific the .world view of his time, so scrutmy. . will the uncertainty principle Burl however successful scien­ tists toay have been in explain­ ing ~atural phenomena, it is sheer \nonsense to regard science as itself a religion and certain to pr9duce solutions to all our problems, given sufficient time. soJe historians believe that .Galile? brought the age of faith' to an end and perhaps later his­ torian~ will claim that discovery of the uncertainty principle in quantJm mechanics began the demisd of the age,of reason.

ve~ briefly, th~ uncertainty princip,le states that it is impossi­ ble to determine both the posi­


change our world view. Uncer· tainty, . we realize, exists in the world of ,nature as well as in our understanding of the realm of the supernatural. As the naive op,timism of the scientific age begins to crumble, religious beliefs will become crucial to the way we feel. about ourselves and others, to how we . bear up under tragedy and to how we persevere in adversity and temptation. Scientists failed in exorcising the demon of uncertainty and were forced to borrow the im­ precise language of myth (mathe­ matical abstraction) in order to describe the phenomena of· na· ture. It is a testament to their imagination that scientists have been able to develop a language consistently describing the sub­ atomic world as best it can now be described. Perhaps the discovery of para­ dox in their own . realm will make scientists less critical of paradoxes in the order of grace. Perhaps the wave-particle para­ dox of light will make students more receptive to the God-man paradox of Christ. Scientists and theologians have come to the lesson learned by Cardinal John Henry Newm~n a century ago: "There is a kind of logic that does a great disservice by dispelling our legitimate sense of mystery an4 paradox. How does it do this? By trivial~ izing the profound and dismiss­ ing the difficult. Today's scientists and theo­ logians affirm paradoxes natural and supernatural, rather than deny their sense of reality. I

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982



new church

What do you do if you've got a husband' in the old model of church and you're in the new? Or as one resign­

I believe these couples don't have as major a problem as they perceive. They aren't 'hearing each other. Sometimes apathy on the part of the husband isn't the problem. He has a deep love for the faith of his childhood and he married expecting the same kind of faith expression in his home. He's angry because he feels be­ trayed - by the church and by his wife who married him with the same original faith expecta­ tions. She changed with the church and that isn't fair. She doesn't see it that way. She's getting something good and spiritually rewarding out of the renewed community and she can't understand why he isn't. They are hearing each other's

ed woman put it, "Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the other mixed marriage? The one where we're both Catholic but we might as well not be. My husband gets so angry about changes in the church that we don't even enjoy religion together ~ny more." There must be thousands of marriages like this today. Usu­ ally, it's the husband who's the traditionalist and the wife the renewalist but not always. He opts for fast, quiet non-partici­ patory' Masses. She looks for lit­ urgies with community singing. He hates the sign of peace she likes. He won't have any part of the pre-sacramental classes for parents or parish renewal. They keep her faith alive. September 12 They married thinking that Rev. John J. Galvin, Assistant, they shared a faith only to find 1962, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River that expression of that faith di­ September 13 vides more than unites them. Rev. Charles A. J. Donovan, Eventually they drift to different Masses and groups in the church, Pastor, 1949, Immaculate Con­ ception, North Easton often becoming bitter in the pro­ September 15 cess. Rev. Henry J. Mussely, Pastor, Religion becomes an unpleas­ ant subject. As she enthuses over 1934, St. John Baptist, Fall River Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., the social gospel homily on the 1958, Holy Cross College, Wor­ way home from Mass, he makes, ,cester, Mass. derogatory comments about radi­ Rev. John J. Casey, Pastor, cal priests or sinks into sullen silence. When she asks him to 1969, Immaculate Conception, North Easton accompany her to a pre-confirma­ September 16 tion class, he refuses ort 'the Rt. Rev. Jean A. Prevost, P.A., grounds that if the church wants to change, it can do it without P.R., 1925, Pastor, Notre Dame, him. Often the faith life of both Fall River' September 17 degenerates. It takes a strong Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, Pas­ spouse to fight the ongoing strug­ gle and sometimes it's easier to rto, 1954, St. Kilian, New Bed­ ford ' give up.



Champ brothers persist

words but not each other's feel­ ings. If they can sit down and share these feelings, each may appreci­ ate the other's pain and loneli­ ness in the faith. Then they can proceed to compromise and de­ velop a couple and family faith expression as they do in social relationships, budgeting and other areas of family life.' Although they may have brought differing attitudes on such matters into the marriage, they respect one another's feel­ ings . and learn to compromise. Some wives, for instance, like an active social life, with which their husbands are uncomfort­ able. She gives up weekly parties and he agrees to enjoy monthly parties. The same kind of com­ promise is possible in the tradi­ tionallrenewalist marriage. She can 'be sensitive to his de­ sire for non-participatory liturgy and he can agree to be part of the parish renewal program. She can agree to a family rosary and he can get involved in parent programs. It can work and couples who make the effort find it pays off in both a deeper faith commit­ ment and a greater appreciation for one another. One doesn't have to win and one lose. Both have to care 'about the other and that's a by-product of the love that brought them together in the first place.

The two brothers have come a long way since they first heard that their sisters had been murdered on Dec. 2,1980.

Bill Ford is a black-haired New York lawyer with six children. Michael Donovan is a slight, fair-haired Connecticut account­ ant with a year-old son. They have left their jobs and families repeatedly to come to Washing­ ton to wrangle with the State Department, tQ testify before Congress, to answer oft:icial slanders. They will not let their sisters 'die. They have forced the State Department to reckon with them, rallied congressional support and finally made a solution of their sisters' deaths a matter of offi­ cial policy. One of the conditions for certifying EI Salvador for further military aid is a show of "progress" in solving the kill­ ings of Jean Donovan, Sister Ita Ford, Sister Dorothy Kazel, Sis­ ter Maura Clarke - and also two other American citizens, labor experts Michael Hammer and Mark Pearlman, about whom the labor movement makes sur" prisingly little outcry. The ,brothers' success has made little difference. They see no progress, but certification was made anyway. As for justice, it seems remote as ever. The trial date for the five soldiers charged last February has not been set. ,Ford and Donovan, along with families of the other victims, emerged from their latest meet­ ing with the State Department Bureau of Inter-American Af­ fairs discouraged and outraged by a new tum of events. They A weekly at-home program for families

were introduced to a nameless sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry lawyer from El Salvador who, they found out, could be retained by them if they engaged him as an "accusador particular" for a ily story that has been important Adult Families minimum of $30,000. The lawyer OPENING PRAYER in the family history. How much explained that they would, also Share your thoughts and feel­ Lord Jesus, all creation sings of it is true for sure? Share why ings about a favorite old family have to hire an investigator to your praises, for through you is the story is especially meaning­ assist him at approximately the story. What impact does it have the salvation of ,the world. Lord ful. Share what you know about on you today? same price. Jesus, yours is the greatest story the persons in -the story. It was rather dramatic, accord­ ever told. We praise you now ing to the brothers. Assistant SNACK TIME and forever. Amen. M,iddle Year Families Butterscotch pudding and milk. Secretary for Inter-American Affairs Thomas O. Enders would Complete the following: TO THINK ABOUT not bring the Salvadoran into .' 1. My all time favorite story ENTERTAINMENT Read aloud a story that the the room until he had extracted Listening to a great story gives is ... family chose on a trip to the a pledge of secrecy from the much pleasure. Stories can tell 2. My favorite scripture story library. family members about the, Salva­ us much about ourselves. Great doran's presence at the meeting. stories contain pearls of wisdom is ... why? The reason given was ironic, SHARING that can be savored like hot 3. The story that impressed chocolate on a cold winter night. me most as a child was . . . I - Share a m~ment of tension in view of the fresh certification of EI Salvador's "progress" in Every family has its own col­ from last week. liked it because . '. . ' lection of stories. What are - Share a time someone felt human rights: The man's life would be in danger when he re­ 4.. A good story should . . . yours? What important mess­ special. turns to EI Salvador. Why did Christ tell so many ages are in the special stories - Someone tell a funny story. The families agreed to keep stories in the gospels? that are your favorites? silent. CLOSING PRAYER Strange to say, it was super­ ACTIVITY IDEAS Dear Lord Jesus, thank you diplomat Enders who let the cat Young Families for this chance to be together. out of the bag. He told the Sen­ Bless our family and friends this ate Foreign Relations Committee Have each family member coming week. Teach us to be in open session ,Tuesday morn­ share his or her favorite story patient and kind especially to ing that the lawyer who was re­ anti tell why it's so special. tained by the U.S. Embassy to one another. Amen. Mom and Dad share an old fam­


Family Night

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look into the muders had met with the families. Enders appar­ ently thought it was proof of "progress." His disclosure led to maximum confusion Bit the afternoon session where Ford and Donovan' once again pleaded with the senators to Rean on the Salva­ doran government and the State Department. Donovan made the statement that he had learned from the State Department that "it now has reason to suspect the direct involvement of senior officers . . . and officials of the Salva­ doran govenlment." When the senators asked him who in the State Department, h:e replied that it was in fact the lawyer. "I prepared my testimony be­ fore I heard Secretary Enders speak freely about hilJ1" so I used the words 'State Depart­ ment' to protect him." Enders denied that the lawyer had said any such thing. The State Department insists that it is as fervent as the fami­ lies in trying to solve the case. "I am sorry to say," Ford told the senators, "that our govern­ ment is looking for a trial of the five and to forget the whole thing. The families are deter­ mined not' to' let this happen." Where f21milies and Foggy Bottom clash is over the question of the involvement of Salva­ doran higher-ups. Donovan is convinced there is no other ex­ planation for delays and shod­ diness. Ford thinks that no seri­ ous investigation has been or will be made to find out for sure. The State Department protests that, despite the resignation of three judges assigned to the case, the matter is on course. It is the vagaries of the Salvadoran legal system, not official foot-drag­ ging, that impede justice. It is a system that indeed seems designed \to devour justice rather than to produce it. Former Salvadoran President Napoleon Duarte explained once to baffled senators that it was "intended to catch chicken thieves, not murderers." A State Department spokes­ man says he thinks the families of the slain women are of two minds - "wanting swift justice while calling for a more thorough investigation." L. Craig Johnstone, the State Department's area director for Central America, says he is con­ fident' that the trial will occur. If it ever does, it will be the first for any members of El Sa i­ vador's security forces, who are suspected of thousands of kill­ ings. About the only thing that is clear at this point is that Mi­ chael Donovan and Bill Ford are champion brothers.


Nun's slayer forgiven, by sisters

THE ANCHOR­ 'Friday, Sept. 10,' 1982

HELP aids elderly Project HELP, a program keeping elderly persons with, health problems in constant con­ , ' tact with the emergency room of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall 'River, has been announced by' the hos­ pital. HELP (Hospital Emergency Lifeline Program) provides each participant with a small push­ button transmitter to be carried in a pocket or attached to cloth­ ,ing. In an 'emergency, the button is pushed and an automatic dialer connected to the individ~ 'ual's telephone is activated, a signal to St. Aime's emergency room. By reading a code number visually displayed on the hospi­ .tal's receiver, emergency per­ ··.sonnel can identify the person needing help. . A ,Wings of Ho1ePil,ot rushes a patient 'to med_ical care. He or she is immediately call­ ed. If there is no answer, a pre­ arranged "responder," a friend, neighbor or relative is alerted. Ambulance, fire, 'or police assis­ A unique airborne charity'that lbric shell of a plane used airborn.. From the backwaters tance may also be activated. , delivers food and medical aid to b~ Medical Missionaries of Mary of the Amazon to the Alaskan HELP equipment will summon remote corners of the world is in their ministry to . famine- bush, these dedicated men and aid even 'if the subscriber cannot wom~n fly supplies and field the subject of the weekly radio 'stricken desert nomads. press the transmitter button by .lIn St. Louis, a group of avia- workers in and out of areas series "Lift Your Heart" to be means of a timing device which heard at6 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 19 tion-oriented businessmen raised where'land travel is restricted, will automatically signal if it has on radio station WSAR, Fall f~nds for a replacement metal by dense jungle, rough terrain not been reset at a pre-deter­ River. A production of Sacred aIrcraft. After meeting that need or flooding rivers. mined interval. The pilots perform medical Heart Program, Inc., the pro- fi~st, the group established Wings St. Anne's director of social gram will focus on the growth 0 'Hope to provide air transpor- evacuations, deliver food to. fam­ services, Ronald Ponte, noted and work of a humanitarian air t tion to missionaires and field ine victims and transport dis­ that the program will assist 'par­ service, WiIJ.gs, of _Hope. ~edical personnel in other ,jso- placed villagers to new home· ticipants to maintain independ­ Founded in St. Louis 20 years lated communities. Today more sites. A former Navy pilot inter­ ent living and reduce concern of ago, the now worldwide organiza- t~an 40 air craft, serve estab· viewed on the program calls his relatives for the.elderly, who live tion developed from a project to lished charities in remote out- mission field experience "the alone. acme of achievement in my life." aid a medical mission in Kenya. ptsts on four continents. HELP is funded by Bristol Hyenas had eaten through the \volunteer pilots keep the fleet County Home Care for the Eld­ erly through Title 3 of the Older Americans Act. Applicants for the program must be Fall River residents 60 years or older and at some type of medical risk. ST. PAUL, Minn (NC) - The te~, he 'said, is how to bring an "enough," Archbishop Roach Further information is avail­ church's involvement in political en(f to abortion. said. . able from St. Anne's. social ser­ The bishops' conference "may vice department; 674-5741; ext. issues is beginning "to make.a 'J~e National Conference of lot of people nervous," said - Catholic Bishops ended up "do. have made a political error, but 261. Archbi~hop Joh~ R. Roa'ch of St. in* what we said we'd never do" I will go to my death believing Paul-MmneapolIs. bYI backing the Hatch amend-. we made the right moral judgBut the church should "become mant, which states 'that the con- ment," he said. "I have some op­ JOANNE LISA, a New deeply involved in that process stifution does not guarantee a timism that the Hatch amend­ Bedford resident employed by . which the priorities of a rig~t to ~bortion and gives Con-, ment itself will carry the day." at the Deaconess Home for country are estab,lished," Arch- grEis,s ~nd the states po~er to reo. Discussing the poor, Arch­ Girls in Fall River, will enter bishop Roach, president of the strict It, because the bishops de- bishop Roach noted that Pope e I was t'Ime t 0 say John Paul II has called defense the Sisters of Mercy at cere­ National Conference of Catholic Cl'dld't spending a "misallocation of monies Sunday at Christ the Bishops, said at a conference 'on funds" that could be used for the King Church, West War­ ' ministry and justice. Four issues, in which the ' poor. ' wick. She is the daughter of church should be involved, he Planned defense .spending of "1.5 trillion over the next five Continued f.rom page one Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Le­ ' said, are nuclear arms, abortion, duc, Cranston, R.I. defense spending vs. programs ba9quet is being coordinated by years stands in sharp contrast to for the poor, and' Central Am- Mrs. Anthony J. Geary and Mrs. budget cuts that threaten the erica. Ja~es A. O'Brien Jr., and Mrs. 'food, health care and welfare Geary is also assembly treas. for the poor in the United Although he favors ,separation urer. . ' States," Archbishop Roach said. . of church and state, A'rchbishop Msgr. Gomes is host moderaAt -the same time, the cburch Roach said, an "absence of dial­ tor I and Miss Crowley is host. is obligated to "fill the gap" 'left ogue" betwe~n ,the church and pre~i4ent. Miss Crowley is also "where government has with­ government on these issues can coordinating tours for delegates.' drawn its programs for the only harm b~th sides. Ther will include a cocktail poor," he said. . The most frequent question he cruise. around Hyannis Harbor, The church is also obligated ' is asked about nuclear arms, the and\bus trips to Cape Cod towns to address the Centra'! America archbishop said, is: If the use of and will conclude with a tour of question, Archbishop Roach said, nuclear arms is considered im· Ply±outh, Kennedy Library and "not just because our brothers moral, why is the question of Fan uil Hall marketplace. The and sisters there are mostly deterrence even debated. "That's latt r trip will be available to . Catholic," but "because the peo· 'a simple, clean question without delef.ates en route to departure pIe there have been trampled a simple, clean answer," he said. flig~ts froQI Logan Airport in upon generation after generation." -, One issue that must be deba- Boston. I

'Wings of Hope' aid thousands s~all



in politics· makes a Ilot of people nervous


AMARILLO, Texas (NC) ­ After a trial in which it took longer to find a jury than a ver­ diet, Amarillo resident Johnny Frank Garrett, 18, was convicted of the rape and murder of 76­ year-old Franciscan Sister Tadea Benz. After deliberating for about five hours, the eight-man, four­ woman jury found Garrett guilty and sentenced him to death by lethal injection. "It's painful to have to hear that sentence," said Franciscan Sister Viola Bacca of St. Francis 'Convent, where the slain nun lived who attended the trial. But she also expressed relief that the . person responsible for the attack would not be able to reo peat it. Sister Bernice , Noggler,' pro­ 'vincial of the Sisters of St. Fran· cis of Mary Immaculate ina pre· pared statement, "I know that if Sister Tadea were alive she would be the first to forgive and, pardon Johnny Frank Garrett. I am sure that she has done that and therefore, I, too, forgive him and so do all the sisters." Described by his defense at­ torney as "dumb and (having) a low mentality, a thief, a burglar, a dope addict and an alcoholic," Garrett insisted throughout the proceedings that he was inno­ cent. ' Bishop Leroy T. Matthiesen of Amarillo said he does not favor the death penalty for Garrett. "I 'believe in respect for life every­ where," he said. "Instead of con­ demning the accused to die, we need to address ourselves to the root causes of violence, such as problems in our society." The bishop said life imprison­ ment with no hope for parole un­ less radical conversion takes place is a far better deterrent to , murder. "It's a very tragic story," said Leroy Behnke, administrative assistant to Bishop Matthiesen. "I look out my offi~e window and right across the street see the front dooz: of Garr~tt's home. I wonder what kind of life is led by a young man whose n~me is Garrett while his mother's name is Cameron and his sister's name is Weiver. Perhaps a society that accepts turbulence and ·rootless values should share in the blame for his' crime." Garrett's home is two blocks away from St. Francis Convent. He. was convicted of breaking i~to the convent on Halloween morning last year and raping, beating and strangling Sister Benz.

A Calling t!A Christian vocation is a call­ iilg," an invitation to do some­ tbing special with my life . . . W~ are invited by God to pursue the powerful religious hopes ~e find within ourselves. We experi­ e~e ourselves being I~d, called or 'even coaxed to liv~ our life a certain way." - Evelyn Easton Whitehead and James White­ head


.. ' ... ~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982

PBS to air jazz Mass

NEW YORK (NC) - "Thomas emotionallY,·intellectually and Merton once told me that the philosophically," said Brubeck. Gregorian chant at Gethsemani "That is what makes it so diffi­ Abbey where he lived was cult for a composer. You stronger to him than Bach," jazz wouldn't write it if it didn't pianist-composer Dave Brubeck please you, but if it doesn't reach recalled. "I almost jumped out of out you can get quite a shock. my chair, because ,Bach to me is You just have to learn to think so strong." they are not' on the same wave "Merton will win no prizes length at the moment." Although. Brubeck specializes from musicologists for saying that, but a few might know . in jazz, he said he was not pro­ what he was talking about," moting it -over other styles of Brubeck said of the Trappist church music. monk, poet and author. "I feel a "The church should use every­ lone flute player, maybe an un­ thing that's good, that's sincere and can reach out," lie said. trained sheep herder, can some­ times be more religious than something else written for a reli­ gious text." Brubeck, in New York to play at the Stouth Street Seaport Museum, discussed the jazz Mass LQNDON (NC)-Authority is he wrote, "To Hope: A Celebra­ leadership, not discipline or com­ tion." The work was commis­ mand and obedience, said Arch­ sioned by Our Sunday Visitor, a bishop Derek Worlock in a reo' national Catholic newspaper. cent lecture in London. Brubeck said he sought to com­ He said he expeoted the papal pose a Mass that would not re­ visit to Britain would do "an quire Lincoln Center stars for a enormous amount" to get rid of successful performance, but pop\rlar misconceptions about could be handled by ordinary papa'l authority. musicians in various settings. "It is sadly true," he said, On Sunday, Oct. 3, the Public "that sometimes people say that Broadcasting Service will feature what they '!ike about the church Brubeck discussing his approach is that it has authority. to ,the Mas~ as a composer and "When pressed, such people participating in rehearsals and reveal that they are thankful not performances of "To Hope." only to be told something defin­ The film, which received its itely but to be relieved of the principal funding from the Cath­ responsibility ,to think for them­ olic Communication Campaign selves - indeed to be relieved of and the Pallottine Fathers, was responsible membership in the made during three performances church. with three separate groups: the "That is neither authority nor Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows true response to authority," in Belleville,' Ill.; the Huntington In his talk Archbishop Wor­ North High School in Indiana; lock spoke at ~ength about the and the Newark Cathedral of the idea of authority in the church Sacred Heart in New Jersey. as expressed in the recently pub­ Included in the film is a sec­ Hshed agreements by the Angli­ tion of "To Hope" where each can-Roman Catholic Internation­ member of the Brubeck Quartet al Commission. is featured in solo improvisation. "Mothers bringing up their Brubeck said that with other children, teachers of religious groups the section where his educa'tion in sohool, priests in quartet improvised could be fill­ their homilies, share in the ed by other musicians according teaching authori,ty Christ has en­ to their own playing styles, jazz trusted to his foHowers," the or otherwise. archbishop said. "Yet there is In addition to Brubeck on the this one special form of leader­ piano, the quartet includes on ship: 'episcope," ~ooking after eiectric bass his son Chris, one of the community with a leadership six Brubeck children, four of and discernment which only God whom have followed their father can give," in taking up music as a vocation. "Episcope," a Greek word Brubeck said he is still wrest­ meaning "overseer," is the word ling with the question of how from which the Greek and Latin musical sound should be related words for "bishop" are derived. to biblical or other religious It is used by theologians to de­ texts. "A saxophone can be just scribe the specific kind of au­ as religious as an organ, depend­ thority the bishop has as the ing on the guy that's playing," "overseer" of the Christian com­ he said. munity. "Twenty-five years ago,. . . I Archbishop Worlock Hnked said that to me in order to sound the Anglican-Ca'tholic dialogue religious, music had to sound statements on authority with the like Bach and Handel," Brubeck collegial exercise of authority by said. "A minister told me, 'You're the bishops of England and absolutely wrong. If you're writ­ Wales in convoking and respond­ ing about Christ, it should sound ing to a national pastoral con­ like the Middle East,' I never gress of Catholics in England forgot that," and Wales two years ago. He Since then, Brubeck says he linked the congress, in' turn, to has tried to tap the ancient He­ the approaching visit of Pope braic modes, along with other John Paul H to Great Britain at musical sources. the end of May. "Now _the successor of Peter Writing music for a religious text that is supposed to reach comes to talk with us, perhaps to church congregations is difficult offer us guidance in some of because people. are at so many those problems (raised by the different levels in their religious pastoral congress), to set the seal of authority on some of our life, Brubeck said. "U depends on where you are initiatives," the archbishop said.

Prelate discusses authority





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MS, will lead the second an­ nual Hispanic pilgtimage to be held at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow. The day of song and pray­ er dedicated to our Lady will be highlighted by a noon outdoor Mass. Music throughout the day will be provided by St. Leo's parish band of Leominster. Pil­ grims are invited to join the music program with guitars and other instruments; and all Hispanics are encouraged to attend. Father 'Maxfield, a Leo­ minster native, has worked 'in Spain for 'the past 18 years. '


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CSC, founder of the Crusade for 'Family Prayer, will be guest homilist at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, at a 3 p.m. Mass Sunday,' Sept. 19, marking the 136th anniver­ sary of the apparition of Our Lady at LaSalette, France. The three days pre­ ceding the feast will be ob­ served with a triduumof 7:30 p.m. twilight Masses at the shrine. The Saturday liturgy will be highlighted by music from Father Andre Patenaude and the Reconcil­ ers and liturgical dance by the Credo Dance Company of Boston. Ambiguity "Though the devH be trans­ formed into an angel of light and suggest thoughts of a good ap­ pearance, ttihe heart will still feel an ambiguity, some agitation in the thOughts and disturbance of feelings,"-St. Seraphim of Sarov

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niE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10,1982



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\' In connection with the .nation­ meeting of the Society of St. rincent de Paul to be held in Hy­ 1nnis Sept. 23 to 26, the fol~ow· g account of the life of Fred­ eric Ozanam, founder of the ~ociety, is presented. Readers ~re asked to join Vincentians i.n praying for Ozanam's canonizaI tion. A good man is a good man .. 'is a good man. Even so, each period of history particu­ l!rizes its. concept of goodness, r quiring of those so classified t .e special virtues which match t -e unique needs and spirit of t,e time. Thus, the model man f~r modern men is usually asso­ ciated with such terms and prac­ tites as personal maturity; soCial rJsponsibility; sensitivity to others and to all living beings; cdmpassion; authentiCity., IIf people everywhere - .and especially the young seek idjlntity in a milO Jor now who is a man for others, their best mrdel can be found, we suggest,_ in the pe.rson of Frederic Ozan· am. . 6zanam enjoys an estimable pl~ce in the annals of man. His is Ian honored station, richly de- '




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chosen remembrance. In a busy have tried to reproduce a fair fn a few years (1813-1853), world and life, he found time for shadow of what you were to us. his only daughter, regaling her . I have written them for you Fr~deric <?zanam lived long and at his knees with the tales and who were for 20 years the purest eff~ctively. As a ·youQg student in !Paris, when the Sorbonne was; imagery of the past which he if not the most powerful object of our gaze. If there were weak­ ch~racterized by a fashionable knew so well. nesses in you simply because His love for fellowmen' was Atheism, he stood, almost alone, to fOffer refutation - courage· constant and helpful - without you were human, they only made ou ly, graciously, persuasively. patronization. He was a familiar still dearer that unshakable con­ He drea!"ed th~ magnificent ­ in the slu'ms of Paris, wh"ere he stancy in those things you. loved shared his personal means and and defended. dr~ms of a young idealist. He those of fellow members in the set for himself the task of You were the teacher of many, de onstrating from the history_ Society of St. Vincent de Paul the consolation of us all. Chosen of all antiquity and the ages in order to relieve pain and suf· by God to recall the glories of bd!Jh the validity and the virility fering. Recognizing at the same the camps of truth after long of :Christianity. From this noble time the widespread dimensions years of humiliation, until the un4ertaking - impossible task, of poverty' and its social implica­ last day of your life you faith­ fori a single scholar - he never tions, Ozanam publicly advocated fully .accomplished this noble turr,ed ll$ide; and in his trying, a quite unpopular philosophy ­ . mission of peace. pro(luced lasting and important the rights and dignity of every The poor man saw you at his historical works. He took his individual; the demands of social bedside. You stood erect before ­ chalnces with life because of justice; the need for equality and a generation on the platforms of dectkcation to this Christ-centered ' opportunity in education and em­ literature. The press, that other I ployment. He pioneered in -arti­ goa~; he gave up his promise and instrument of good and evil, had profpects as a practicing lawyer, culating modern concepts of in you an honest and conscien­ opt~ng for his first 'love in the ­ Christian social justice. tious workman. Ozanam lived and died a struggling life of a Professor of You have left no wounds save young man - victim at the age History and Literature. His gen­ th'ose which heal from mortal of forty of a debilitating tuber­ ius of mind was matched by his ills, because they are' inflicted short,' he culosis. In a span so caPfcity for work - so much so from the motive of charity. Liv­ that, at twenty-seven,he be· had lived fully and fulfillingly. ca~e the youngest ever appoint­ Ozanam is not the legend of ing after you, we no longer have ed to the .faculty of the Sor­ pious romantics, he was a hero the joy of seeing and hearing bonhe; and at thirty-one,' the in his own day. The universal you, but the joy of praising your youbgest full time-professor. A esteem in which he was held remains, and no matter what teac~ei' whose writings were found expression, shortly after destiny may have in store for us, the even greater joy of imitating bot9 prolific and scholarly, he his death, in the memorable pan­ you from afar, if God permits. egyric of Pere Lacordaire, great­ • nev~rtheless maintained the hu­ man touch, setting aside several est pu!pit orator of the Nine­ Brothers and Sisters hou IS in each day for student teenth Century. In this final pass­ conferences and individual con­ age, Lacordaire addresses his de· "Good Sunday liturgy pre­ sultJtion. parted friend: sumes that the parish already , If I today we especially laud _Dear Frederic O:z;anam! None has some' realization of Hself as - thos~ who und~rstand and prac­ - of us will fill the gap you have a genuine community lin Christ. tice Ithe art of human relation­ left. Not one of, us will carry The Mass wHl sustain and build shiP1, Ozanam com~s off with away from men's hearts what that community. But we can the ~ighest of ratings. He loved -you have taken-from ours. You never expect such a reSillIt if the were our leader in virtue; you pal'lishioners cannot see in fellow his ~milY - attentively, consis­ tentl . He retained the youthful have gone before us in death. worshippers men and women who amo r of his marriage, observ­ The poor prayed for you, and are tru'ly their brothers and sis­ ing ach month the wedding an­ stole your soul away from us. ters ,in Chl'list." - Archbishop nive~sary with a thoughtfully Accept these pages where I James Hickey se~ved.




Renewal mulls status change· By Nancy Frazier ROME (NC)-- Now in its 15th year, the Catholic charismatic renewal is seeking a new epis­ copal adviser and considering a new church status that could significantly change the move­ ment's day-to-day operations. Since before the resignation earlier this year of Belgian Car­ dinal Leo Suenens as episcopal adviser to the movement's inter­ national office and council, lead­ ers of the charismatic renewal have been holding informal talks with the Vatican's Council for the Laity about making the movement a Ca~holic internation­ al organization (eIO). "That would involve quite a few structural changes - stat­ utes, membership lists, rules," said Jesuit Father Fiorello Masca­ renhas, director of the move­ ment's international office in Rome. "Some of the changes could be considered alien to the whole spirit of the renewal," he added. The biggest change would in­ volve dropping non-Catholic members from the organization, or at the very least, forming Catholic and non-Catholic branches of the charismatic re­ newal. "At the international level, recognition of an organization as Catholic implies the approval of the Holy See, which in this way authenticates the organization's participation in the apostolic mission of the church and its hierarchy and confirms its ad­ herence to the doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church," say 1971 guidelines on CIOs from the laity council. A spokesman for the laity council said the charismatic r.e­ newal has not submitted a for­ mal request for the new status, but has been discussing the possibility with the Vatican for several years. But, the spokesman added, no such change could be considered unless the charismatic renewal became a strictly Catholic organ­ ization. Father Mascarenhas, a native

of India and a charismatic since 1972, estimated that only about 20 percent of the charismatic re­ newal communities in the world are ecumenical. "Because some of the -major . charismatic communities are ecumenical, the impression has been created that the great ma­ jority are," he said. "But more and more often the renewal is oriented to being in and for the (Catholic) Church." If it achieved the new status, the Catholic charismatic renewal would join a select group of fewer than 50 internatiomil asso­ ciations and federations, includ­ ing the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations, the In­ ternational Catholic Union of the Press, the Legion of Mary and the International Christian Union of Business Executives. U.S. Redemptorist Father Thomas Forrest, who heads the nine-member International Cath­ olic Council for the Charismatic Renewal, said the change would be desirable because the move­ ment sees itself as "a service for renewing the whole Catholic Church." "We don't claim a monopoly on the Holy Spirit's work of re­ newal," he added, "but the closer we can work with and in the church as a very normal part of the church, the better we would be able to fulfill our purpose." The charismatic renewal,. which began in Pittsburgh in February 1967, has some 10 mil­ lion members worldwide, with .strongly Catholic South America having the largest number and the United States running "a very close second," Father Mascaren­ has estimated. The search for a new episco­ pal adviser is related to the possible change in church status, because the adviser to a CIO would automatically be named by the pope. When the late Pope Paul VI asked Cardinal Sueneens, now 78, and the retired archbishop of Malines-Brussels, Belgium, to take a special interest in the. Catholic charismatic renewal, it was an' appointment "without

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982


precedent," Father Mascarenhas said.

The cardinal submitted his

resignation as episcopal adviser to both the international coun­ cil and office last February, less than a year after the office had ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford moved from Brussels to Rome. The council has no past ex­ One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities perience on which to base the choice of a successor to Cardinal Now Available for Suenens, said Father Mascaren­ has, adding that the adviser will BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. eventually be appointed or con­ firmed by the pope in any case. FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER - 636-2744 or 999-6984 The council is also. in the pro­ cess of adding three new mem­ bers ....... two from Asia and one from French-speaking Africa, further· delaying the question of finding a new episcopal adviser. Both Father Mascarenhas and Father Forrest are based in Rome but travel frequently on behalf of the charismatic renewal. I "Our main work is to safe­ I guard and promote the Catholic orientation of the Catholic char­ ismatic renewal, to keep in con­ tact with the leaders and to pro­

vide leadership formation," the II Est. 1928 Indian priest said.

t The international office has "no authority in any place," he I FALL RIVER, MASS. said. "The bishop is always the t authority. But we are a service body - we offer service to those who will accept it." That service might involve leading a charismatic prayer group toward a more service­ oriented outlook, informing bish­ ops who are "not hostile but just INC. indifferent" about the realities of the charismatic renewal, or co­ ordinating plans for retreats or seminars drawing clergy or lay people from various nations. Whatever its minor problems,

the charismatic renewal has

come a long way since its be­

ginnings, when some Catholics

viewed it as a cult-type organ­

ization or a passing fancy,

363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. Father Mascarenhas said.

"More and more the charis­

matic renewal is becoming identified with traditional church practice," he said. "Very few people now consider the charis­ matic renewal to be non-Cath-lIIl:~~;;;;:i=;;~ olic or just a fad."

Charismatics pray at mass meeting




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Teen-age daughters

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982

reasons are as much cultural as Ask him to plan with you ways By Dr. James and Mary Kenny, , hormonal. Girls today have no to handle problems. Although ear Mary: When my children clear models for behavior. Wo­ each situation seems unique, ere smaIl, I would hear older men's liberation has provided 'teen problems can be grouped parents mention how cIlfficult many opportunities but also irito a few categories; earning Y-fe was with teen-agers. I much confusion. Both younger and spending money and allow­ thought that perhaps they and older women are asking, ances; curfews; chores and home "lvell'eD't dea1ing with them posi-' "What is a woman supposed to responsibilities; school behavior , tively. _ CLOSED SUNDAYS ) do and l>e?" There are no clear and grades. Tackle each' area Now I have three daughters, answers. rationally. Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, , I) ~ges 20, 18 and 17. I have fOUDd I You and your husband might Women have always had hor­ Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Ho~pital e past five years ,very cIlfficult. monal changes. Such changes do form policies which help you 12 McARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE Our oldest daughter is ex­ have some effect on feelings. make fair and consistent decis­ tremely ,temperamental. With However, they do not determine ions. Your husband, might handle Tel. 759-4211 and 759-2669

, ....- -... .......... ...

.;....;...;;. -./::.-.- -- - - --,.. ...... .......... -.-- .................... teen-agers and the conse­ situations where firmness is nor are they an exc~se for tem­ quent ~ticlsms, arguing, etc., I peramental behavior. called for - enforcing curfews, actually began to stutter after What are r some helpful ways for example - while you do the birth of our (ifth child, a boy. more of the listening to com­ to handle temperamental daugh­ <}ve also have an ll-year-old, plaints and problems. You handle ,ters? daughter.) , - First, rather than trying to , the areas, where you do better I I'm aware that girls are more change the girls, change the en­ and let your husband do the t~'tat simply ]l)ecause vironmeJ:lt. What are situations same. '-'.~ I Finally, don't neglect the hus­ the female bormone roUer , that bother you most? Bickering Designers and Manufacturers of coaster effect. In talking to other between the older girls? Picking band-wife relationship. Take World's Finest Religious Master­ time out together. Don't think ~nts, I find that 99 percent on younger siblings? are more cIlffi­ think daughters pieces, Jewelry and Gifts~ , ) .. (t. Usually, if you focus on such \ all vacations must include the eWt. - , , behavior through lectures, the whole family. Even a short period Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's. am an easygoing person who bad behavior increases. Instead, can renew you. You become a Religious Shop or Gift Store. better parent and the whole finds it difficult to make decls­ - plan in advance a course of ac­ Idns. I know the Importance of family benefits. tion. I ' The teen years are a time ~ consistent, but each new Perhaps you'll decide to sep­ situation seems to require a new arate the girls whenever the un­ when children grow up and ,~aa<38:'e~aa<~~ea~~~aa<38:'e~~~~~~~~~~,,s6lutioD. The old 'rules are never desirable ',behavior occurs. No break free of family, a process q~te adequate. Most of the time sermon. Just send one'teen from which does not always proceed I'~ a p'!sflover; ·my husband Is the room and give the other a smoothly. Stick to your convic­ 4:30 - 5:30 P.M. , ~haps a little too authoritarian. task to perform..Planning ahead tions, stay close. to your hus­ , Every Night band and you will· weather the would enjoy yOur Insights. can help you make a good de­ THE storm. ' Pennsylvaida . CATERING TO WEDDINGS cision at a critical time. AND BANQUETS Second, you say' you are a As a parent I agree with you Reader questions on family ] - a d the 99 percent who say pushover and your husband an living and child care to be an,. Rte. 28, East Falmouth _~~ughters are more difficult. authoritarian. Your respective swered In print are bivited. Ad­ Lun9hes • Manda, through Frida, ­ strengths might balance each dress The Kennys, Box 872, SL M;any educators and school coun­ 11:30 a.m•• 2:30 p.m. Hosts - Paul & Ellen Goulet other. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. selors today would agree. Dinner • Manda, through Saturda, '4.:30 p.m•• 10 p.m. ' Make your husband your ally. 47978. II suspect, h,owever, that ,the








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concept" of worker oJ:nership of the means of ,'ptoduction found strong support in Pope John' Paul II's


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learned firsthand that this prirciple 'can be successfully ap­ plied during a recent visit to Sprin, where I spent four days studying the ,Mondregon coopera­ tivb movement, a highly publi­ cizFd experiment In worker ownership. isolated village in the m0l':l!1tainous Basque region of nonnern Spain, Mondregon has p~spered in the most inhospi­ table circumstances. The Basque' country suffered harsh retribu­ tiobs ,by the Franco regime for' its fierce resistance during the Sp~nish Civil War. Ih 1941, an imaginative parish pri,st, Don Jose Maria Ariz­ mefdi-Arriea.ta, began a bold ex­ pe9~ent to reconstruct Mondre­ gon's devastated' economy thr9ugh community self-reliance and cooperation. His efforts led to the founding of a technical sch?OI 'for working-class youth wh~ch today has more than 1,000 stu'tents. e coop'erative complex is bas d on three community insti­ tuti ns: The Caja Laboral Popular (labor bank), the key to the com­ ple~'s dynamism, functions as

, +n

Welcome Aboard



both a' credit, union and a com­ munity-based development or­ ganization. Serving 200,000 mem­ bers, the bank has a department which provides socio-economic research and technical assistance in the development of new co­ operatives. 2. The Escuela Politecnica (polytechnic school), which in­ cludes a research and develop­ ment unit as well as a coopera­ tive factory staff with work­ study 'students. 3. The league for Education and Culture,' a broad association of parents, teachers, students and community supporters that helps link the educational system of the complex to the communi,ty at large. The Mondregon firms are or­ ganized as workers' cooperatives on the basis of one person-one vote. Thirty percent of each co­ operative's surplus is set aside - part for the benefit of. the c()mmunity and part as a collec­ tive reserve fund. The remaining 70 percent goes to the members in proportion to the number of hours worked and the rate or pay received. Instead of being paid out in cash, this surplus is credited to each member's interest-bearing account so that the money can be reinvested in the firm. When a worker ,leaves a firm or retires, part of, his balance (about 20 percent) is retained as a reserve fund, and the rest is paid out

in cash over a period of years. Not one 'of the Mondregon co­ operatives has ever failed. Al­ though located in an area with one of 'the' 'highest population densities in Europe, Mondregon is not suffering unduly from un­ employment despite the world­ wide recession. A British Broadcasting Corp. documentary, on the Mondregon coopera,tive movement caused a mild sensation in England since it suggests one possible way out ,of the labor-management, im­ passe paralyzing ,British industry. Today both capitalist and sta­ tist models seem increasingly in­ efficient and socially demoral­ izing. The Mondregon co-ops seem to offer a third possibility which advanced industrial coun­ tries might find worth consider­ ing. The BBC film, titled "The Mondregon Experiment," can be rented from California News-' reel, 630 Natoma St., San Fran­ cisco, Calif. 94103. I recommend _it highly. The United States can boast of only a few small experiments of this sort, but plans are under­ way to expand the movement. The principal organization work­ ing in this area is the Industrial Cooperative Association, a non­ profit organization which creates and assists worker-owned and controlled businesses, primarily in low income and blue-collar communities. Readers seeking information on the worker-ownership move­ ment can write ICA, 249 Elm St., Somerville, Mass. 02144.



pays off

NEWARK, N.J. (NC)-T:ithing, or donating the first 10 percent of one's income to the church, has brought New' Jersey parish. ioners closer to God - and also has substantially increased Sun­ day collections. So say pastors of the Arch· diocese of Newark, where tithe ing has been :introduced an 30 padshes. "There's a spirit alive in our parish that I know comes froih this tithing concept," says Car­ melite Father Daniel Smith of St. Joseph's, Demarest, where Sunday collections have in­ creased about 100 percent. "God h.as consistently said, '11ithe.' In Malachy, he says, 'Try me dn this, and see ijf I don't open for you the floodgates of heaven.' " At the 30 parishes, par<ishJion­ ers are asked to give the first five percent to the parish and the other five percent to other charities which may include pa­ rochia1 school tuition. Father Thomas Kenny, pastor of St. Luke's, Hohokus, where collections have more than doubled, thinks 'tiithing cou~d also solve archddocesan financial problems. Due to assessments, archddocesan income incr~ases when parish incomes do. At Ascension Church in New Milford, Father Thomas DavJs sa'id tithing has been "phenom­ enal." "We were in very bad finan­ cial shape. We had money dn savings, but were depleting it at the rate of $1,500 a week," he said: After learning of the tithing concept, ·Father Davis and Father Carl Hinrichsen, Ascension's pas­ tor, discussed it with 'laymen in­ volved in tithing programs. "One saJid, 'We don't ta~k in terms of dollars and cents but qn terms of faith,'" said Father Dav-is. "I was convdnced and told the people I would tithe five per­ cent of my own dncome," Father Davis added. Af.ter pupit talks about tithing, Ascenison's co1'lections :increased. On the first Sunday the collec­ tion was $6,165, up about $3,300 from the same Sunday the pre­ v.ious year. '''We're now averaging about $5,800, which is to say we have more than doubled," Father Davis said. The Newark archdiocese now has 16 lay "witnesses" who ex­ plain tithing to interested par­ ishes. They emphasize that tithing has a scriptural basis and faith commitment. "What lis remarkable is the spiritual faHout in the parish," said a witness. "Tithdng changes a tither's heart."

Simple Style "In the face of sin and failure . . (the Christian family) gives evidence of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and- the Beatitudes. It practices a simple style of life and pursues a truly evangelical apostolate toward others." ­ 1980 World Synod of Bishops, "A Message to Christian Fami­ lies"


THE ANCHOR .­ Friday, Sept. 10, 1982



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St. Francis gets controversial stamp

thors of the First A'mendment in­ Cornwell Memorial

tended to prevent," Americans Chapel, Inc.

United said in the November is­ 5 CENUR STREET sue of its monthly magazine, WAREHAM, MASS. Church and State. DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE In a release announcing the DIRECTORS

date and site of issuing the GEORGI! E. CORNWELL


stamp; the Postal Service quoted E. M. Almedingen, who wrote 295-1810 "St. Francis of Assisi," published in 1966. Almedingen said of St. Francis: "Staunch and devout Catholic that he was, he yet arises above creeds. Sociology did not exist in his day and NURSERY INC.' would have had no meaning for "On The Cape" him beca:use he considered the "WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" whole of mankind as a family, Evergreens, Fiowering Shrubs, Trees lawn Fertilizer· Loam • Annuals and that -was no matter for an Landscape Design academic discipline, but a flame 958 MAIN ST. - RTE. 28 on the hearth of his innermost EAST FALMOUTH heart." VATICAN CITY (NC) - Opus that the law lays down for the The stamp designed by Ned Dei, under its new status as a simple faithful in general." Seidler of Washington, portrays personal prelature, will not be Before his death in 1975 the' a "floating community" beyond organization's' founder, Msgr. St. Francis with a covey of doves, the birds of peace: "The design supervision of local bishops. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, conforms in spirit to the charac­ Press reports which had raised for many years sought a change ter of Francis and is a composite .. the idea of such a free-wheeling in the group's status which of written descriptions of his autonomy when the change was would highlight its role as a appearance," said Siedler, a staff 936 So. Main St., Fall River announced Aug. 23 are counter­ leaven. in secular society. artist with the National Geo· ed by a draft of the official Vati­ It was suggested to him in graphic Society. This is his-first can document enacting the 1969 by Pope Paul VI that desig­ stamp design. . change. nation as a personal prelature, The portrait of Francis dom­ 11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday The l,500-word document has a new judicial concept created inates the upper portion of the . Tel. 673-4262 not yet been released by the by the Second Vatican Council, stamp. The lower portion bears Vatican, but a copy of its pres­ might better reflect Opus Dei's the legend "Francis of Assisi ent draft has been obtained by character. 1182-1982, USA 20c" in a single NC News. line of red type:- Stephen Kraft The document establishing That draft, signed by Cardinal of Washington did the lettering Sebastiano Baggio, prefect of the Opus Dei as a personal prelature for the stamp design. is particularly important because Congregation of Bishops, con­ The fifth stamp in recent years Sales And Service cludes with a statement that it it is' the first such entity to be created by the church. to be printed by a private com· was approved and ordered pub­ pany instead of the Bureau of Fall River's Largest

Pope John Paul II has report­ lished by Pope John Paul II on and' Printing, the Engraving edly been a strong supporter of Aug. 5. Display of TVs

The declaration says that the Opus Dei, and the declaration Francis of Assisi stamp is the RCA - ZENITH - SYLVANIA change in Opus Dei's status calls the organization "an insti. first 'to be printed under a con· tract awarded to the American tution which ~ffers proven doc­ 1196 BEDFORD STREET from a secular institute to a per­ Bank Note Company and J: W. sonal prelature answers "parti~ trinal and disciplinary guaran­ 673-9721 cular pastoral and evangelization tees, and proofs of apostolic Fergusson and Sons. needs of our time" and that it vigor." accomplishes a "harmonious Its characterization as a per­ grafting of the institution itself sonal prelature, says the decla­ into the pastoral organism of ration, reflects the fact that lay CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy the universal church and local members of Opus' Dei continue '(NC) - Pope John Paul II will churches and makes service to their pursuits and do not take visit all six Central American vows, remaining in the "per­ them more effective." nations during two separate trips, A COLLECTION OF HELPFUL FLOOR HINTS BY 'AL' GARANT Regarding the rights of local sonal, theological and canonical one next year and another in bishops, the dec,laration says that condition of being normal lay 1984, Cardinal Mario Casariego of Guatemala has announced. Opus Dei members will come faithful." FLOOR COVERING under "territorial norms in re­ The cardinal said the pope will

The declaration specifies that 30 CRAWFORD ST.

(Runs parallel to South Main

spect to . . . general directives "as regards choices in profess­ visit three countries in 1983 and

behind Ray'S Flowers)

of a doctrinal, liturgical' and pas­ ional, social, political and other three in 1984. They are Costa


toral character" and will be "sub­ matters, lay faithful belonging Rica, EI Salvador, Guatemala,

• CARPETING • CONGOLEUM • CERAMIC TILE • ARMSTRONG ject to the jurisdiction of the to the prelature enjoy the same Honduras, Nicflragua and Pan14'

674-5410 rna.

diocesan bishop in everything liberty as other Catholics." WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Postal Service plans to issue on Oct. 7 in San Francisco a 20­ cent commemorative stamp hon­ oring St. Francis of Assisi, which aroused the protest last November of a group concerned with separation of church and state. The M. H. de' Young Museum in San Francisco was chosen as the site for the first day cere­ mony because that city's civic leaders have been organ'izing activities for the past year to

honor the 800th anniversary of the birth of the -man for w,hom the city was named. Last November, Americans United for Separation of Church and State said the plan to issue the stamp was of "doubtful con­ stitutionality" and would 'stir up "resentment and interfaith ten­ sion." "Postal Service involvement with the Catholic Church's year­ long celebration of the 800th an­ niversary of St. Francis' birth is surely the sort of thing the au·



Opus Dei status is clarified




Eastern Television

Papal trips set





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982 .

.Language is a bridge


By Katherine Bird

alth The Christian in the world By Nen Parent . ., What S?rts of declsl?n~ sh?uld I.be making as a ·Chnstlan In a highly complex world?" : For the m~st part,. my de~isIons are qUite ordinary, hke turnin~ off te~evisi~n to sp~nd more t~me talking With my Wife; or taking my daughter for a walk instead .of taking a nap. But I have friends who have astonished me with the decisions they have made in living their Christianity. They make me wonder whether my own life. style sufficiently reflects gospel values. One friend, now in his late 50s, resigned a NavY Department job to protest U.S. involvement in Vietnam. He came to this de-

cision after long conversations with his wife and faur teen-age children whose support he wanted before making such a drastic change. ~. Then, instead' of starting an-' other career, he chose to supplement his retirement income with jobs affording him mote time to pursue. social justice concerns. Another friend, in his 40s, is somewhat more radical. A former successful stockbroker, he now promotes international peace and is an advocate for the poor of Washington, D.C. . His activities range from leading retreats for prisoners to working in a soup kitchen' he helped found. He deeply believes that Jesus came to bring peace to the world and relief to the




pressed. He works for those gals with all the fiery zeal of a Old Testament prophet. When I ponder my own de­ cisiOns, I realize, however, that ~y friends and I do have some· t~ing in common: an awareness t~at being Christians will some· tires bring us into difficult or time-consuming situations. Where the world spe'aks o~ retribution, Jesus turns the other cheek. Where the world' holds to· equal measures of giving and reo ceiving, Jesus walks the extra ,. mIle.' !Being Christian means coming to\ terms with the, tension be· t~een the values of contempor· ary society and those of faith. Tum to page thirteen I 0



Two who believed By Father John J. Castelot


Two stories in Chapter 5 of Mark's Gospel are interlocked. Mark starts with the story of the cure of Jairus' daughter, in· terrupts it to relate the story of the woman with the hemorrhage,' thim completes the first story. When Mark does this, he us­ ually wants to indicate that both accounts have a common theme and that one helps to interpret the other. Here the common theme is salvation by faith. When the first story opens Jesus is surrounded as usual by a large crowd. Suddenly, Jairus throws himself at Jesus' feet. This amazes people, for Jairus is a synagogue lea,der and many

such leaders have been hostile ·to Jesus. But Jairus' little girl'is at the point of death. He begs Jesus .to come and lay hands on her "that she might get well and live." The' two men go off to Jairus' house. This sets the scene ·for the second story about a woman 'with a hemorrhage. Apparently beyond human help, she too has . heard about Jesus. She has faith, but of a rather superstitious sort. At that time, there was a com­ mon belief that certain persons .possessed .almost magical power to heal, througH any kind of con­ tact with a sick peJ.'son. The woman touches the. cloak of

attached to particular words can shift as time passes. Martin met his grandfather· A book called "Word and Sym­ only once, shortly after gradua­ bol," by Father Romano Guardini, tion from high school. discusses what happens when All his life, Martin had listen· words lose their meaning. Ac­ ed to stories about his grand­ cording to Hengesbach, Father father's lively segse of humor and his zest for life; about his Guardini pointed out that "peo­ ple discover we cannot communi­ career as a lawyer and as mayor cate as we did formerly and feel of his hometown. somewhat less human as a re­ But, when Martin finally met sult." his grandfather, the old man was A word such as "love" illus­

unable to speak because ,of Park- ' trates this point, Hengesbach

inson's disease. For Martin, it thinks. In some contexts, the

was an eerie sensation: He could word still is highly significant.

speak to his grandfather but his Tum to Page Thirteen grandfather could nQt respond. That experience, however,

taught Martin to appreciate for

the first time the power of lang.

uage and its position as a basic

tool for functioning in the world.

By Janaan Manternach ' "'Language acts as a bridge"

for people, asserts theologian Dr.

Morning broke on the village. Theodore Hengesbach. "It en­

People began filling the streets ables me to reveal to another Merchants. opened their shops. person who I am" and also -lets

Jesus walked down'the street others "share who they are with with his special friends, Peter, .me." Through language people James and John. They passed learn their basic similarities, through the village gate and took "even though we don't always to the road. agree," he says. Today Jesus wanted to share _ Hengesbach points' out that a very important secret with "God gets involved in our world them. through language" and that the The four friends walked up a Bible is an intriguing example of how "the Word of God comes to winding road to the' top of a us through the words of hu· mountain. From the mountaintop they mans.'" Occasionally, of course, lang· could see for miles over' the uage can cause problems, some· fields below. They enjoyed the view, then sat down to rest. times leading even to war.

Suddenly Jesus was trans-. Language is not static, Heng­

esbach remarks, and the meaning

Turn to Page Thirteen

II For children


Je us and is cured of her chronic he~orrhage. . But Mark wants to emphasize th It the personal contact of fa~h is necessary here. Jesus' pot.er_is not some sort of auto­ ma~ic. magic. In addition, Jesus is in control of his power, as he ind1icates by asking, "Who toJched my clothing?" ihe woman is terrified. Ac­ cor~ing to Jewish law, her mal· ad~ made her ritually unclean. By \touching Jesus, she makes him unclean too. I ~ut she knows there is no es­ cape and confesses what she has don~. She receives a gentle com­ meldation from Jesus: "Daugh­ Tum to page thirteen

A. young .man' s St·ory\I


By Archbishop Joseph Plourde


had no real knowledge of how Then he turned to me. '''Why aren't you saying any-' . ' much influence this had on him. Once I was a professor 0 f • • I" I was about to find out' . L thing,' you who? have all •the an­ phI'losoph Y 'In a smaII coII ege. Among my students was a 19­ His. father died suddenly at swecs In .class.. ;'hy did God year-old who intrigued me. He 47. I was about to write him a I~t IhY father die.. We, had our was a very good student but in­ note of condolence when there flrst\real conversation !esterday. accessible and cold, even enig­ was a knock at my door. I open­ I. was so ha~py about It I har~Uy f ed it and there he was slept last mght. We were gOing ma I C . . '.. to lie friends at last. But now . He slumped Into a chalf, With he's Idead and I . h I I had the feehng he was alto­ gether different from what he cle~ched fists and a look. of .de- ' dead too still be~~~ed ;:~: spalr. I couldn',t he~p. thinking:. was \a pl~ce where we could be seemed -to be. Because he came to see me Watch out, we re sitting on a together." HI b occasionally I also knew there volcano about to erupt. . . . e egan to sob uncontroll­ was httle commUDlcatlon bet· I expressed my sympathy, abl tween him and his father. Did he then both of 'us sat in silence. y. suffer from this? I really didn't All of a suddden he stood up , I idn't know .what t~ say. know and didn't dare ask yet. and began blaspheming God ~ath r, I knew .It wasn t the Did he have faith problems? who, having taken away the per. time to say anything. That I didn't know either. He son he loved and admired most, Af er he calmed down. I told THE POWER OF LANGUAGE is debased on a movie attended church regularly but, I could .not be a God of love. rn to Page Thirteen marquee such as this. (NC Photo)

ii i




Continued from page twelve ter, it is your faith that has cured (saved) you. Go in peace and be free of this illness." This is the point: It is only when she acknowledges her faith that her cure, 'her salvation, is affirmed. Now Mark resumes the first story. While Jesus Is still speak­ ing to the woman, people arrive to inform Jairus that his daugh­ ter has died. The story of the woman has served a clever psychological effect. When Jairus sees the wo­ man's cure, his hopes soar for his daughter. But now his hopes are dashed. Illness is one thing; death is another. 'But the lesson about the power of faith is emphasized. Jesus says to Jairus: "Fear is useless. What is needed is trust." It is not enough for him to "take a chance" on Jesus. He must real­ ly believe. Jesus then silences the official mourners with the reassurance: "The child is not dead. She is asleep." This elicits scornful laughter: They know death when they see it. But from a Christian point of view, death is only a sleep from which to be awakened by resur­ rection. Jesus demonstrates this by raising the girl to life. All the key words used to de­ scribe the miracle are from the vocabulary of Christian resurrec­ tion. This reminds the reader that faith in Jesus leads to salva­ tion and resurrection. .. . Finally, in telling those present to keep silent about what has happened, Mark :is saying that the true identity of Jesus can­ not be comprehended fully until after he rises from the dead.



11. Ri...r in Media (Ezra 8,15) 13. EmU... river Mountain noar Mt. Hemon (Song or Solomon 418) 14. Dish for food (Luke 11'39)' HaldIlB low (2 Corinth1allB 11.7) 16. Unite of "01187 (Matthew 16.24) !letIeldah'. mother (2 King. 16.2) 17. BrolDl. (Re... lat10118 9.20) Occurance (Eoolao1aetea 2114) 16. 111•• end beaqt1tol WOlllBn Town in Asher (Joahua 19126) 19. "Iork an1mels (Esther 8.10) Sta;y (1 John 2.24) 21. Friend or Judah (O.lI801s )8.1) Stag. 24. T8lIIpt (1 Peter 4.12) To d••tro;y 29. Emplo;y (Acts 14,$) To opread b7 epeecb (!lark 1.4$) 32. Topther (Oenu1s 49.6) Au.tral1sn Oetr1c~ . 34. Abrahsm's nsphew (GansBi. 12.4) Asher'e wife (1 Chronicl•• 4.$) 37. About 3 p1nte (2 K1nge 6.2$) Rented 38. Tenth or an .pheh (kodu. 16,16) or nsc••s1t;y (2 Connthians $ 110) 39. A br1ght17 colored n"""r High priest and judge (1 samuel 1.9) 41. Son or G1nath (1 Kines 16,21) A plecs be;rond Jordan (Gane.1e $0.10) 42. To pester Chief Bsb;ylon1an Ood (I..iah 46,1) 44. Survivore (aomans R.17) Son or Pelog (Ganoe1s 11.16) 48. Drage or wine (I..1ah 2$:6) $0. King or Baehen (Psalms 13$111) 30. Olde.t son or Judah (Ganesis 38.3) 1. 6. 8. 9. 11. 12. 14. 15. 17. 16. 20. 22. 23. 2$. 26. 27. 28.

31. saint . 33. Dspand on (2 Chron1cla. 16.8)


36. 40. 41. 43. 4$. 46. 47. 49. $1. $3.

54. $$.

,2. Possessive neuter pronoun

Sod1... ' Attar tho first (Luke 6,1) King or Eg;ypt (2 Kings 1714) Tithe (lIobrsve 712) Son or Paroah (Eara 10,2$) King or Ilslllath (2 5aJIlll.l 8,9) Like (Revolat1ol1B 1114) Canaan1ta ho17 placs (Ganesis 12.8) Haroh Helping (1 T1moth;y $ 110) Dr.adtol As1at10 11l;r tre. H7s1an seaport (Acta 20.13) Dcnm

1, . To rlllllB1n or sta;y (Hetthew 10,11)

2. 3. 4. $.

"","tar'. ot Art Greok for Ashor (Luke 2136 ­

Llko anaw


C1t7 or Issacher (1 Chronicles 6.73)

Hado low (Hatthow 23.12) 7. Blta ~!ark 9.16) 8. Astoni.hed (Aote 217) 10. Duration (Matth... 2.7) 6.

For children Continued from page twelve figured. Even his clothes be­ came dazzling white. His appearance was so bright that at first Peter, James and John had to tum away. Then, squinting, they tried to look at Jesus. To their surprise they saw Elijah - a great prophet who lived centuries earlier - stand­ ing beside Jesus, talking with him. On the other side of Jesus they saw Moses, the first and greatest of all the Jewish prophets. Peter, James and John could not hear what Jesus, Moses and Elijah were talking about. All three of them were over­ come with amazement. They did not understand what was hap­ pening. But they sensed the mysterious presence of God on the mountain. A large cloud suddenly settled over the mountain, resting right above Jesus. The voice of God came from the cloud. "This is my Son, my beloved," they heard the voice saying. "Listen to him.'" Then tllere was silence. Peter, James and John cautiously look­ ed up. Everything seemed ordin­ ary. Moses and Elijah were gone. They were alone again with Jesus.


THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, Sept. 10, 1982

Continued froIl' page twelve Continually, we must make de­ cisions on where we stand. Often it is puzzling to be a Christian in today's world. This is where belonging to a community of believers becomes important. Within a parish, we may gain support for walking a difficult path and we may be aided in deciding what path to take. Being able to consult other Christians can make it consider­ ably easier to decide how we should act in particular situa­ tions. - Some Christians are pro­ phets who see issues with in­ credible clarity and force us to reexamine our own attitudes. - Others are organizers who help us carry out works of justice and charity. . - Others help us pray or cele­ brate our faith. These, too, are vital means of discovering what God asks 'of us today.

Language Continued from page twelve The Bible reveals "God as the intimate language of love,:' for instance. And to a couple ex­ changing pledges of devotion, the word carries great meaning. But, the word is used in so many trivial ways today, Henges­ bach believes, that it is in danger of becoming meaningless, caus­ ing communication difficulties, since there is no other word to take its place. Finally, Hengesb~ch likes to think of language as a means by which one can learn how an­ other person views the world. And of course it can be a means of exchanging ideas about what it means to be a Christian.

Peace Fund

A young man's story

Continued from Page Twelve him this wasn't the time to dis­ cuss his father's death. As he was the oldest of. four children, I directed his attenUon to his mother, his sister and younger brothers who were relying on him for support. I assured him I'd be at the' funeral and we agreed to meet a week later. When we met, I explained that he had been through an experi­ ence that makes no sense outside a faith context; that faith wasn't going to make it stop hurting but, would at least give it mean­ ing. Had God wanted it to happen or just allowed it to? Why? I couldn't answer that, but I told him what I believed. Because his father was a be­ liever, his death had surely been useful to a multitude of people because of its link with Christ's own death. Of that I was con­ vinced. I had another conviction: His father was still alive with that life God promised would never end. Where? I couldn't say, but why couldn't it be at home with

his wife and children, although invisibly? There are so many things on earth that we can't see, begin­ ning with God himself. We must not think that the ties between him and his father were severed forever. \ The first real dialogue between them a few days earlier could continue after his father's death. He listened and went away. Only months later did he thank me for my encouraging words. I couldn't help thinking: Isn't it too bad all those years went by without father and son get­ ing to know each other better? Had there been more communica­ tion, perhaps the son would have been a happy, open and fulfilled child instead of a sullen lad who had suffered alone so many years.

First Cell "The family is . . . the first cell of the church, helping its members to become agents of the history of salvation and liv­ ing signs of God's loving plan for the world." - 1980 World Synod of Bishops, "A Message to Christian Families"

OMAHA, Neb. (NC) - Bishop Leroy Matthiesen of Amarillo, Texas, has announced establish­ ment of a Solidarity Peace Fund to help workers leave their jobs at a nuclear. warhead assembly plant in his home diocese. "We who believe that we are stewards of life and creation ... must use all the religious and moral vision we have to prevent a threat to what God has created," he said. The bishop added that the fund would be used to help employ­ ees who wish to resign for rea­ sons of conscience from the pro­ uction of nuclear weapons at the Pantex plant in his diocese. Twelve other Texas bishops are also in favor of the fund.


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No religion study , MILAN, Italy (NC) - Bul­ garia has forbidden teaching of religion to children under 16 in the communist-ruled country's two Catholic dioceses, reported Italy's' national Catholic news­ paper, Avvenire. Officials pre­ sented the order to Bishop Bog­ dan Stefanov Bobranov of Sofia­ Plovdiv and Bishop Samual Sera­ phimov Djoundrine of Nicopoli. It will prevent confirmation of Catholic children in BUlgaria be­ fore they reach 16.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of

j:~H River-Fri., Sept.

10, 1982

"Times like'these I have pray­ world I would like to say that you are an example of th6se who ed for the compassion of those call on the name of the Lord for who have had to put up with me. .VATICAN 0I1Y (NC) - The healing. This is the kingdom: the And they have by enacting little Holy See and the tiny principal­ miracles of healing for' me all aty of Monaco have agreed to up­ triumph of will, faith and com­ passion. This freedom from the the time." grade their diplomatic relatJions; bondage of frustration, pain and She . told me of people who the Vatican has announced. suffering, the binding up of what repeat something patiently and . The announcement said that I as broken.· The accepting and louder, who cross the room' to ' Monaco's legation to the Holy he overcoming. These are' the speak to her instead of shouting, See would be '1"aised to the status adges of courage. .

who don't talk to 'her with their of an embassy because of a de­ We run into many people of backs turned or with a hand in sire on both sides "to further de­ rll ages whose hearing is im­ froOnt of their mouths. velop the mutual fl'liendly rela­ aired. I was sitting next to a ,!lions happily eXiisting." When a little compassion ady on a bus trip to Boston. The Holy See does not cur­ meets a little affliction, some­ he said she knew she was losing renMy have a papal !'epresenta­ thing is always made well. Acts ~er hearing when in church one tive ,in Monaco, a 467-acred sov­ pl!-rt of the of compassion are ~unday the words came out , ereign pJ1incipaHty on France's '\'BleSSed are the cheesemakers." Good News. What is the King­ Mediterranean seacoast. Prince It is not a dom of God, after all? She referred to herself as time; it is not a place: It ~ a Rainier II was represented at the Vatican by a speoiail delegate. "Ihard of hearing" and added, "It condition. According to the 1982 Vatican ~r much harder' ~o deal with the, It is to the whole creation yearbook, Monaco has one arch­ ~ard of hearing than it is to be what being healed is to o'ne hu­ bishop, f,ive' parnshes, four dioce­ ~ard of hearing. She sa.id, for. in­ man being, and one day all the san prliests, 18 religious priests, ~~ance, that she had been known tp give detailed directions to rest afflicted will be healed, the blind and 23,600 Catho1dcs out of a rooms to' people asking for the will see, the deaf will hear and total populatlion of 24,861. Cath­ tjme, and I had given the time the halt will walk. Among the olicism is the official religion but t9 people looking for rest rooms. many who were listening to the religious freedom is guaranteed. Sermon on the Mount,how many , 'Last year dn, a new convention "~ h~ve answered questions that "fere not asked, she said, "and were deaf or hard of hearing? between the Holy See and. Mon­ fjked answers to those that were. But you can believe that some· aco, 'Pl1ince Rain'ier renounced I have waited expectantly for -one saw to it that they "heard" the priVlilege of Monegasque the punchline of a joke when it , the message. pl'linces Since 1887 of nominating hkd already been delivered. I Those someones are mem­ bishops, canons, pastors and as­ h~ve failed to respond, to the. bers of that long line of loving sistant pastors in the principal­ I • ·greetmgs of good friends. I have and compassionate people who ity. often thought I was living in an believe that th~ building of the In return, the Vatican elevated e dless vaudeville routine con­ Kingdom is in the hands of God's the Diocese of Monaco to an si ting entirely of deaf jokes. children. archdiocese.

Monaco upgraded



GOODBYE SUMMER says swimmer Bryan Taylor of Snellville, Ga., as he takes one last dip before school begins in earnest. (NC/UPI Photo) , .

Building the IGngdom After graduation she served as a teachers; aide at Hillhouse Ida Vernon, of New Haven, Ct., . High School in New Haven, has been deaf since age 8 as the working with deaf students. result' of scarlet fever. From there ~ she moved on to With a letter to me she en­ teaching sign 'language to par­ closed an excellent article from ents of deaf children. the New Haven Register on her She has spent most of the sum­ work with deaf youth. It in­ mer at Mark II, a camp, for the cludes a picture of Ida wearing hearing-impaired in Uitaca, N.Y. a T-shirt reading ','Deafpride ­ (The name is inspired by the Advocate for Change." At 68, story in Mark's gospel about she has the spirit of the youth Jesus making a deaf man hear.) she helps. ' In 1968 Ida received the "Wo­ To quote from the article: "The . man of the Year" .award from the New Haven resident thinks of International Catholic Deaf Asso­ deaf people as "people with their ciation. She was cited "for out­ sound turned off. We are not, standing qualities of Christian mentally retarded. People character and continued valuable shouldn't stare at us. We're not .contribution to the association freaks." and the cause for the deaf . in Ida always dreamed of going. generaL" to' college. After ·raising six chil~ Recently Ida has been helping dren, she graduated from col­ a young friend, Ronald Kach Jr., lege at age 67. '!'At the age when to overcome loneliness and fnis. most people are retiring," wrote tration. Born deaf, life has been the New Haven reporter, "Mrs. painful for him, but thanks to Ida Vernon was looking for a job." a new world of love and under­ Ida's husband died when sh~ standing has opened for him. He was 61. "I was too young to sit says, "She explained' books to around in a rocking chair and . me, and what things mean and knit bootees,". she said. "I re­ communicating with her was bet· membered my dream on the shelf ter than all the years ·before." - to go to college." Reading' the story of this re~' At age 62 she enrolled in Gal­ markable lady I could ,not help laudet College in Washington, but think that a fragment of the the world's only liberal arts col­ Kingdom of God is established lege for the ~eaf. For five years on earth by this kind of love and she lived in a dorm with students healing. two generations younger but the In a second letter to me, Ida age difference mattered .little as wrote: "Let's pray for each other .she and the young people became and for strength to continue in closer and closer. She recalls, our work for youth. I read your "It was so much fun." column and feel the same as you She majored in social 'work, do toward our young people and studied' hard, did her homework agree' with you. Since I've been' and never missed a' class. Like a home' from Gallaudet, I have mother to her ciassmates, She tried to see people through the graduated with 1,400 "children" eyes of youth because they are calling her "Mom." She even our future leaders and must take signed her letter to me, "Mom over after we are gone." To ,the Ida' Vemons of this Ida." By Cecilia Belanger



By Charlie Martin

. FRIENDS IN LOVE Sometimes lon~ly nights tum into sunny days I never thought i'd feel this way I never knew that you and I' Were'meant to be in love. Oh darlin' You've always been around to see me'through How was I to know ,you'd make my dreams come true Time and time again we faU Always on our own But now we're ••. Refrain: ,Friends in love Hoping that we always will be Friends in love Strong when we're together Darling Now we've got forever and a day Don't you g~·away•. Remember Every time you cried You came to me Oh much to my surprise I found Someone who could see Through the night of loneliness You were always there for me We're ••• Repeat Refrain . You turn around and look my way I can't say that It hasn't crossed my mind rve loved you aU along Oh now we're leaving yesterday behind Never be alone oh. Recorded by Dionne Warwick and Jolmny Mathis, Written by Jay Graydon, David Foster and Bill Champlin, ©~982 by Garden Rake Music Inc., Foster Frees' Music Inc., JlSH Music .


DI NNE WARWICK and in the musical field for 20 years. Mathis have he~n lead..., Recently they comb""", thai, I

renowned talents to produce this single, "Friends in Love." The song reminds me of how . important friendship is for peo­ ple in love. Probably all of us know some­ one who was deeply in love, yet later ended the relationship and now does not even' want to see him or her. It seems to me that when peo­ ple decide to stop going together, the level of friendship they have attained will determine whether they will want to have any re­ lationship in the future. Therefore, people going out to­ gether ought to pay attention to becoming friends. For' feelings can change or even temporarilt ·disappear. Physical attraction is also not a constant. But friend· ship can endure in some form. Sometimes we forget the im­ portance of friendship in a dat­ ing relationship. How many times have we heard a relation­ ship described as "just friends,'~ as if it's not really close or im­ portant? On occasion, as "Friends in Love" indicates, people who al­ begin ready are friends decide dating. Think of all they have going for them! Those awkward times when you don't know what the other person likes or what even to talk about will be avoided. " Friendship brings a real level of sharing which can be further developed during a time of dating. I would encourage anyone who wants to date to first seek f~end. ships. As the song describes, friends support e!lch other through life's ups and downs. . 'Friends who become dating' partners know that the strength of their friendship will help them through all types of experiences.




By Bill Morrissette


Hockomock Grid Jamboree In a pre-season extravaganza the Hockomock League will stage its second annual football jamboree today, starting at five p.m. in Schaeffer Stadium on Route One in Foxboro. Nine 10-minute games are scheduled with play beginning on the 30-yard line' of the team losing the toss. There are no kickoffs or returns and each team will play only two quarters and have two times out per quarter. In the first segment North Attleboro (Red) will meet King Philip (Green), King Philip takes on Oliver Ames (White) and Oliver Ames opposes North At­ tleboro. The second segment lists Mansfield (White) vs. Canton (Green), Canton vs. Foxboro (Blue) and Mansfield vs. Fox­ boro. The third segment has Sharon (White) vs. Franklin (Blue), Sha­ ron vs. Stoughton (Black) -and Stoughton vs. Franklin. Next weekend Hockomock teams will be engaged in non­ league g~mes against teams from

other leagues. On Saturday, Sept. 18, the Bishop Feehan High Shamrocks will host North Attle­ boro. The league season gets underway Sept. 25 with King Philip at Canton, Stoughton at Mansfield, Oliver Ames at Fox­ boro and Sharon at North Attle­ boro. Franklin takes on Milford iri non-league play. Also set for tonight, starting at 6:45, is the Taunton High School jamboree in which the host school and the Durfee· High Hilltoppers will meet in the night­ cap. Coyle-Cassidy meets Ply­ mouth-Carver in the opener. Bris­ tol-Plymouth opposes Dighton­ Rehoboth in the middle game. The Bishop Connolly High School booters meet the Diman Voke Bengals on the latter's pitch Tuesday in a Southeastern Mass. Conference opener. On Thursday, the Cougars play host to the Holy Family High Paro­ chials. Meanwhile Durfee is away to the Somerset High Blue Raiders on Wednesday. West­ port is host to Diman Voke on Thursday and visits the Bishop Stang Spart{lns on Sept. 21.

Maplewood CYO Titlist Maplewood defeated defend­ ing champion Kennedy, 17-5, in the deciding game of the best-of­ three final in the post-season playoffs of the Bristol County CYO Baseball League. It was the first Bristol County league play­ off crown for Maplewood which has been regular season titIist for the past four years. Maplewood won the first game, 8-0, but Kennedy tied the series with a 9-5 decision in the second encounter forcing a third, and deciding, game, in which Maplewood collected 20 hits in overpowering support of pitcher Doug Houde. The Bristol County CYO Hockey League enters its ninth season Sunday evening with try­ outs and practices in the Dris­ coll Rink, Elsbree Street, Fall River. Initial practices begin at 9 p.m. All who wish to play must

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor., Symbols following film reviews indicate both general arid Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always. coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. , Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

New Films "Six Pack" (Fox): In his fea­ ture film debut, singer Kenny Rogers is a race car driver down on his luck who becomes the sur­ rogate father of six orphans struggling to keep together by stealing auto parts. That's how they meet Rogers. They strip his car. From such an inauspicious beginning, affection blooms. Pretty soon Rogers is back on top with the kids as his pit crew, and .he feels so good about it that he decides to marry the charming honky-tonk woman (Erin Gray) whom he had been favoring with his attentions every few months or so, when­ ever he happened to be passing through. "Six-Pack" is mediocrity from start to finish. Because part of the fun is foul language from the mouths of babes and because Rogers' love 'em and leave 'em ways are condoned, it is A3, PG.

report at that hour. League participation is open to all skaters in the diocese born on or after Jan. I, 1960, and at least 16 years old. All games are played on Sunday evenings. High. "Tempest" (Columbia): Direc­ school players are eligible to play tor Paul Mazursky attempts to the complete season if their retell Shakespeare's autumnal coaches follow the Massachu­ comedy in modern terms. A fa­ setts Headmasters' rules. mous architect (John Cassevetes), There are roster vacancies and also an opening for' an entirely beset with mid-life crisis, flees wife and job to an idyllic Greek new team if skaters from a par­ isle with his daughter, Miranda ticular area wish to gain ad­ (Molly Ringwald). Sometimes mission as a unit. Players are provided league charming, never dull,' "Tempest" nonetheless cannot overcome the jerseys and socks but must fur­ nish all other equipment. Cost is handicap of a boorish, unappeal­ ing hero. Because adultery fig­ $60 per player per season. A 20­ game schedule plus playoffs is ures in the plot and because of some rough language and frank planned. Further information may be references to sexual matters, obstained at the CYO Hall on "Tempest" is rated A3, PG. Anawan Street, Fall River, tele­ "Things Are Tough AllOver" .phone 672-9644. (Columbia): This latest Cheech and Chong film is the worst yet. The duo drive a money-laden car from Chicago to Las Vegas for two rich Arabs, whose roles Chief of Chaplains and has they also take. Though the em­ served on the advisory council phasis on narcotics has, been of the Catholic military vicar of dropped this time, there is the customary .foul language and U.S. armed forces, Cardinal Ter­ coarse humor and brief nudity. ence Cooke of New York. Father Hessian, 54, has served O,R Film on TV as deputy chief of chaplains for Saturday, Sept. 18, 9 p.m. the last three years. "The army exists so we can (NBC) - "Meatballs" (1979) ­ have peace," he said. "This js a Bill Murray is the director of a prophetic role, a mission I have haplessly ill-organized summer been given to try to assure that camp. Some off-color jokes and sex-oriented pranks, but relative­ peace." An army chaplain since 1963, ly mild. A3, PG Religious Broadcasting - TV he is a native of Belle Plaine, Sunday, Sept. 12, WLNE, Minn.

Priest chaplains

Two Catholic priests have been named to top posts as military chaplains. Redemptorist Father (Maj. Gen.) John A. Collins is new chief of chaplains for the U.S. Air Force and Father (Maj. Gen.) Patrick J. Hessian has been named chief of chaplains for the U.S. Army. A native of Boston,. Father Collins, 51, entered the chaplain service in 1960. For the last four years Father Collins has worked in the person­ nel division of the Office of the

tv, :m;OVIe news

Channel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Television Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday repeated at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff•. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. Sunday, Sept. 12, (ABC) "Di­ rections" - Report on the hos­ pice movement and the religious community.

Friday, Sept. 10, 1982








Sunday, Sept. 12, (CBS) "For Our Times" - The second of .three reports on religion in Ni­ geria - Christianity.


On Radlo Charismatic progr~ms are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE, 1290 AM: Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday:. SlJnday, Sept. 12, (NBC) "Guideline" An interview· with religious educator Sandra Rueb about teaching young chil­ dren.

Only By Lov.e "Of God himself can no man think. And therefore I would leave all that ,things that I can think and choose to my love that thing that I cannot think. . '.' By 'love may he be gotten and holden; but by thought never."­ Walter Hilton, "The Oloud of Unknowing"




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ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA A renewal program will be held at .the par.ish center for six , weekends, beginning at the end of October and continuing through the first weekend of December. ' A Cursillo information night CASTELGANDOLFO, I t a.l y physics, Harvard College Obser­ will take place at 7:30 p.m. Sun­ vatory and Smithsonian Astro­ (NC) - Investigation into possi­ day, Sept. 19. A similar night on ble reform of the Gregorian cal­ physical Observatory in Cam­ the Marriage Encounter pro­ endar can be "of gr~at help" in bridge, Mass. ram will be iheld in October. The parish council meets at 7 the quest for Christian unity, . In addition to hearing reports PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN SS. PETER & PAUL, FR .m. Sunday in the rectory.

Pope John Paul II said at a re­ on the history of calendar re­ are 'asked to submit news items for this The Women's Guild will open

The parish choir will open its column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall ts season at 7 p.m. Monday, cent meeting with astronomers form, conference participants re­ rehearsal schedule at 3:15 p.m. River, 02722. Name of city or town should and scientists participating in a be Included as well as full dates of all ,

ept. 29. All are welcome. viewed .modern-day , proposals tomorrow. activities. Please send news of future rather conference commemorating the for change. The parish council will meet than past events. Note: We do not carry OLYNAME, NB

at 7 p.m. Sunday in the church news of fundraislng activities such as I The Women's Guild will hold 400th anniversary of the Gregor­ Proposed new calendars seek to bingos, whlsts, dances. suppers and bazaars. ball. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual its first meeting of the season at ian calendar. CCD teachers will meet at 6:30 '1 p.m. align the annual orbit by the pro~rams, club meetings, youth .pro/ects and Monday. To be installed

In 1582, Pope Gregory XlII p.m. Monday in the school. Also similar nonprofit activities. Fundra sing pro­ earth around the sun into a fix­ re Anna O'Neil, president; Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, realigned the Julian calendar, on Monday, the Worrien's Club obtainable from The Anchor business office, ed chart. Ieanor Cabral, vice-president; will open its season at 8 p.m. in telephone 675-7151. authorized by Julius Caesar .in ileen McCann, secretary; EI­ On Steering P.olnts Items FR Indicates Father Coady Center. New One solution, the World Calen­ 46 B.C., in order to bring the ~anor Cabral, vice-president; Ei­ Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford. members ,are welcome. dar, would provide a year of 12 l~en McCann, secretary; Eleanor spring equinox of the Julian ST.MARY,NB months, with each three-month ,Jiennings, treasurer. D OF I, SOMERSET calendar back to the true astro­ CCD registration for grade 1 -St. ,Patrick's Circle 353, quarter having regular patterns nomical date of March 21. pupils and new registrations for Daughters of Isabella, will in~' XAVIER SOCIETY, ' all other grades will be accepted stall officers at 11 a.m. Sunday NEW YORK To achieve the ch~nge, the of 31, 30 and 30 days. ReligiOn textbooks are avaii­ from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday in at St. John of God Ohurch, Som­ The 365th day of the year, and a Ie to the visually handicapped pope suppressed 10 calendar the rectory CCD center. erset. Other ceremonies will fol­ days at one stroke, Oct. 4, 1582, in leap years the day after June for the school year o free loan The Women'S Guild will open low in the parish center. i, braille, large print and on was immediately followed by 30, would be consi<Jered "white" its season 'at 7:30p.m. Monday in ST. STANISLAUS, FR tape. Information on this and Oct. 15, 1582. the school cafeteria. New mem­ , days not belonging to any week The 1Q:30 a.,m. Sunday Mass ~her services is available ·from bers are invited and may regis­ An' interesting ,historical side­ or month. ter with Michelle Coulombe at 7 will be offered for the beginning " t e Xavier Society, 154 E. 23 St., light on the suppressed days is of the school year for all public' York, N.Y. 10010. ' p.m. Monday in, the school. Introduction of "white" days that St. Teresa of Avila died An evening of renewal for and parochial school students would mean that every day 01 and their parents. Students are' S ; LOUIS, FR special ministers of the Euchar­ the "IOIig night" between during The Women's Guild will con­ the year would always fall on ist, their families and friends asked to meet in .the school at 10:15 a.m. The annual meeting duct installation 'services at Oct. 4 and Oct. 15. will be held at 7:30 ,p.m. Mon­ the same day of the week, with Because for parents of children at the 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. A ban-' most Orthodox day, Sept. 27. Jan. 1 always falling on a Sun­ parochial school or in the Chris-, quet will follow at McGovern's churches did not accept the cal­ ST.ANNE,FR tian Living program will take re!staurant. To be seated are Mrs.' endar reform, Orthodox churches day. Such a change would, of course, wreak havoc in the pro­ Nursery 'and kindergarten place at 6:30p.m. Sunday. The Raymond Cote, president; Miss Marion Fahey, viae-Ilresident; celebrate Easter on a different duction of calendars and diaries. classes will, begin Monday, at guest speaker will be Dr. Rick which time hot lunch .service Varieur. In preparation for his Mrs. Marie Aguiar, treasurer;' day from the Easter of other presentation, parents are 'asked Mrs. Raymond Morin, secretary. Christian churches nearly every will begin for all pupils. A series of Thursday evening ,to study the Parable of the Seven new members have ,been year. parents' workshops will begin Sower 'in St. Matthew'~ Gospel. refeived into the unit. . Pope John Paul said the Thursday. Bowling programs for women D~MINICAN LAITY, FR DURBAN, South Africa -(NC) church "has had and continues and children are beginning. InI St. Rose of Lima Chapter ,will ST. JO~N OF GOD, - The Catholic bishops of South to have a profound personal in­ meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. formation: 674-1905. SOMERSET Africa have supported a state­ 17,\ at Dominican Convent, 37 terest concerning calendar re­ The Women's Guild will open DOMINICAN LAITY, FIt Our Lady of the Rosary chap­ Park St. Mass and recitation of visions, since such work influ­ ment by 123. white Dutch Re­ its season with a Mass at 7 p.m. ter members will attend Mass at co~pline -will be followed by a ences the occurrence of religious formed leaders asking for an end Wednesday, followed bya busi­ ness meeting and refreshments, 1:30 p.m. Monday lit St. Anne's tal~ by Father Giles Dimock, feasts which constitute, as it to apartheid, South Africa's legal for which reservations will close. Rectory, Fall River. A meeting OIl were, the rhythm of the church's, system of strict racial segrega­ tomorrow. Speakers' from the will follow in the rectory assem­ STI RITA, MARION tion. The statement by the Dutch District Council of Catholic Wo­ bly room. OCD classes and parents' meet­ .daily life. men will be heard and new Reformed ll;!aders has caused The pope said also the church inglare in progress, wIth grade 1 members are welcome. DIVORCED & SEPARATED, pupils to begin their program backs all efforts which link the widespread controversy because ' The parish fellowship group NB Christmas. that church is the largest white New Bedford' area divorced after will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. 'tolunte.er married couples are' life of' the church to scientific and separated .Catholics will neE;ded Thursday. A talk by Sister Doro­ religious body in South Africa research. to' participate in a mar­ thy, OP, will follow. She will meet at 7:30 p.m. each Sunday of riage preparation program spon­ and its members dominate the "It is necessary for this rela­ September at OUI' Lady's Chapel, sorM by' the diocesan Family show slides and speak on miss­ National Party which heads the 600 Pleasant St., New Bedford. Lif~ Office. Those intex:ested are tionship between faith and sci­ ions in India from which she re­ white-minority government. cently returned. This month's schedule: Sept. asked to contact the rectory. ence to be constantly strength­ CCD classes for grade 1 12, Mass, followed by coffee and "Thank God for the 123 ministers 'cned and for any past historical through,6 will begin Saturday, conversation; sept. 19,talk by ST.\ THOM:A~ MORE, incidents which may be justly and leaders of the Dutch Re­ Sept. 18. Father Edward Holleran, "Alone, SO~RSET formed Church who have so interpreted as being harmful to Yearning for Com?anionship;" AD introductory sacred scrip­ ST. MICHAEL,SWANSEA Sept. 26, talk by Ms; Dorothy tur~ course will be o,ffered from that relationship to 'be reviewed clearly and courageously pro­ CCD classes for grades 1 Levesque, administrator for div­ claimed their Christian witness," 9:301 to 10:30 a.m. each Tuesday by all parties as an opportunity through 6 will be~in Saturday, orced and separated ,programs of in October. All welcome: said Archbishop Denis Hurley, for reform and for pursuing more Sept. 25, with preschoolers and the Providence diocese. ~anted:pairiters to assist the president of the South African harmonious communication," he grades 7,through 9 beginning the A beginners' group for new­ pastor in painting the old church Conference of Catholic Bishops, first week of October. Registra­ comers is held weekly concur-_ on $aturday mornings. The first said. tions will be accepted this week­ rently with the ongoing pro-, sess~on will, begin at 9:30 a.m. speaking on behalf of the confer­ The conference was sponsored end and next weekend. ,gram. ' tom$rrow. "Bring old clothes, a ence. by the Pontifical Academy of. Cub Scouts will meet at 7:30 K OF C, FR goo~ spir~t and some muscle," Sciences and the Pontifical Vati­ tonight in the' ,parish hall. Members of Council 86, say \orgamzers. New members are w.elcomed Knights of Columbus will at­ can Observatory. by the Women's GUild, for t d 4 ., M· t ' t ST, ,.ULlE, N. DARTMOUTH

It drew speakers from eight p.m. ass, omorrow a which application forms are" en R~ligiOUS education teachers

available in the 'church vestibule' Bl.essed Sacr~ment C.hurch,. Fall will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, countries, including Owen Gin­ HOUSTON (NC) "If we 28, at the edUCa,tiOn office. gerich of ·the Center for Astro· blacks cannot make our contri· and by. the Kni~hts of the Altar; . f;l~~al~i't~~~ C~I~~C~~ Sept A liturgy, for catechists and for'whlch bo.y~ In 4th ,grade ll;nd home. butions, if we cannot ... see our shU will be celebrated at 9 a.m. uP. are ehglble. Prospect~ve The council's annual corpora­ culture, and our men in the hier­ S~pt_ 19, Catechetical Sunday. Kmghts may see .Father Nor­ tion meeting and election will . archial positions as 'bishops, then mand Boulet, 'as~cI'ate pastor. take place at 8 p.m. Monday at SECULAR FRANCISCANS, CHRISTO, FR let's not continue, to call this a DCCW, FR the ihome and, a social meeting is SArO C D teachers are needed for POCASSET Novices will be received by St. Catholic church," said Father set for 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27. wee day classes. Volunteers are The District Council of Cath­ Francis' of the Cape Fraternity Giles Conwill, keynote speaker olic Women will hold 'a presi­ The Bishop Stang Assembly aske to contact Fa,ther Ray­ dents'meeting Thursday night will meet at the home at 8 p.m. mon Cambr!l at the rectory, at 7:10 p.m. Tuesday at St. at the Biennial Conference of the John's parish center, Pocasset. 676-1184. at St. Joseph's parish hall, North Wednesday and will hold instal­ Main Street, Fall River. Mrs. lation ceremonies at 6 p.m. Sat-· . A t~stimonial banquet in honor Mass wUlbe followed by talks National Office for Black Cath. Manuel Nogueira will preside urday, Sept. 18, also at .the 'home. of Father Gilbert Simoes will be on Franciscan Love by Father olics. and entertainment will be by Council Knights of the Month held 6 p.m. Sunday at W!hHe!s Edwin Dirig, OFM, and Paul "Call it Irish, or call it Italian, 'Hebert, SFO. All welcome. the Rainbow Mime players of ,recently named include Henry resta . rant, North Wes~port. but don't perpetrate the lie and St. Louis de France parish, G. Berube, July; Armand H. ST. JOSEPH, NB Swansea, directed by Mrs. Rob­ Brodeur, August; 'and Nicholas BL. ACRAMENT, FR The Legion of Mary monthly call it Catholic - universally cra[ses for grades Ito 7 will ert Normandin. St. Joseph's W. Mitchell, September. begin at 3 p.m. Tuesday. The holy hour will be iheld a,t 5:30 open to all - if all cannot feel Guild members will be hostesses. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR . an integral, organic part of it," confi Imation cIass schedule will 'p.m. Friday, Sept. 17. . A living rosary is planned for said the priest, whose talk fo­ The hospital will sponsor a be announced. ST. KILIAN, NB , 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3. A Support Group for Widowed conference on t1he psychological Par~sh 'adults and youth' will CCD registration will take cused on effective evangelization Persons will meet at the rectory and social iqIplications of deaf­ play ~oftball at 1 p.m. Sunday at among ,black people. place from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. to­ at 7:30 p.m. Monday. David Le­ ness from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m: Thurs­ tendre, RN, will speak on home day, Sept. '30 in Room 104 of ~~b~+~o~~~' Fans and players morrow and from 10 to 11 a.m. He is former vocations director Sunday in the school hall. Classes Clemence Hall. Sister' Kathleen care and medication for the' eld­ ST. JOSEPH,FAlRHAVEN for the NOBC. will begin Sept. 19 'and 20. er1y. All welcome. Murphy, OP, of the hospital so­ .Volunteers are needed to help Girl Scouts may register at cial work department will be Evangelization was among in preparations for a silver ju­ the key. speaker and, the pro­ 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22 at ST. MARK, gram is open to registered and bilee \ celebration for Father the hall. topics discussed at the confer­ ATTLEBORO FALLS Parish volunteers will attend ence which attracted close to 300 The guild will open its season licensed pr8Jdtic~ numesand Coleman Conley, SS.CC., to be­ other' health professionals. In­ ,gin w*h noon Mass Sunday, Oct. a potluck supper at 6 p.m. Fri­ with a potluck supper and enter­ people from throughout the tainment at 6:30 p.m. Monday, formation: Jacqueline Allard, 17. Information: Roland Seguin, day, Sept. 24, in the 'hall. Reser­ £ountry. 993-8662.

vations: Doris' Cote, 995-6410. 257. 674-5741, ext. Sept. 20, in the church hall.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Fri., Sept. 10, 1982

Iteering pOintl

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Church has longstanding -interest in calendars

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Apartheid ·.rapped

Black Catholics

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