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VOL. 24, NO. 37


20c, $6 Per Year

About Elections The four Catholie bishops of Massaehusetts, CardillUll Humberto Medeiros of BI[)5ton, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Woreester, Bisb.op Daniel A.. Cronin of F'a11 River and Bishop Joseph F. Maguire of Springfield, ha.ve issued the following election message through the Massachusetts Catholic Conference: With the approach of electlon day, we deem it important to remind our Catholic people a:n.d, indeed, all fellow citizens of goodwill that the right to Vll)te is not only a precious privilflge but a grave responsibility of our citizenship. Moreover, Inteiliglmt participation in the electoral process demands an infomted

judgment both on important Issues and the stand of eaodidates with respect to them as well as their competence, personal integrity and record of perfonnance. Infonning such judgmfmt, we need to look beyond campalgn rhetoric and seek to understand the major issues in terms of their political, economic and moral dimensions. Among these are many Issues which directly relate to the quality, the dignIty and value of human life: abortion, capital punishment, the arms race, unemployment, energy needs, education, health care, housing and the "right to eat." We do not presume to instruct people how to vote by endorsing candidates, nor do we seek the formation of a religious Turn to Page Ten

Angelus Sunday September 21 has been dl~s­ ignated as Angelus Sunday by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. In all diocesan parishes there will be sennons about the meaning and appropriateness of this popular prayer which is on the lips of millions of Christians every dllY. A beautiful card with the Angelus printed on ;it will be handed (Jut to each person of the diocese. For 600 years the people have been pausing for prayer in the fields and at home when the church bells ring in the momir.lg, at noon and in the evening. It is their pause to remind themselves that they are children of God and want to be in communicatit>n with Him. It is so easy to spend the whole day looking down to

earth without ever raising our eyes to heaven and thinking about our Heavenly Father. At St. Peter's Plaza in Rome, when Pope John Paul II greets the crowds each' Sunday at noon, he invites them to pray the Angelus with him. The Angelus is a brief reminder of fundamental religious facts. It explains some of our relationship with God. It reminds us that God the Father sent his Son to become one of us and bring about our spiritual renewal and reconciliation. We. acknowledge our belief in who Jesus is, the Divine son of God and the human son of Mary, thus our God and at the same time our brothTum to Page Eleven

75 years With liturgy and feasting, members of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, the first Cape Verdean parish in the United States, last Sunday celebrated their 75th a:nniversary as a Christian community. A solemn Mass of Thanksgiving was followed by the bur::ting of the church mortgage. Bishop DaniEll A. Cronin WllS principal celebrant and homilist, with Father Raphael Flammia, SS.CC., pastor, and Father Martin Gom~s SS.CC., associate pastor, as qesignated concelebrants and many other area priests ai-

so participating in the ceremony. Rev. Heskett Robert, director of the New Bedford Interchurch Council, represented the Protestant community. Offertory gifts included a map of the Cape Verde Islands, food and clothing, representing gifts sent to the islands over the years by parishioners, religious education books, documents of Vatican II, booklets issued in connection with the church dedication in 1957 and its 75th anniversary year, seeds and plants, club medals and the about-to-beburned mortgage. Tum to Page Six

Arise, shine out! By Pat McGowan

"See how they love one another" was the identifying mark of the early Christians. It's still a good test, passed with flying colors by 14,000 Catholic charismatics at their New England conference held last weekend at the Providence Civic Center. Smiling and exuberant, the charismatics filled the center, spilling into halls and lobbies to stage impromptu songfests and dances. Through the weekend they heard and saw a galaxy of charismatic movement notables addressing the conference theme: "Arise, shine out, for your light has come." Areas emphasized in responding to the theme, said conference officials, were proclamation that Jesus is the light of the world; recommitment to him and to the church; and the necessity for charismatics to share and serve in Christian communities. Speakers included Rev. Joseph Lange, OSFS, author and editor of Catholic Charismatic magazine, who will direct a chaIiismaNc retreat for prdests of the Fall River diocese from Sept. 22 through 26 at La Salette Center, Attleboro. Further information on' the Tetreat is available from Father Marcel Bouchard at ~e Catholic Education

Center in Fall River. Also on the convention program were Dr. David du Plessis, a Pentecostal lecturer who was an' official observer at Vatican Council II; Father Real Bourque, OMI, of the Oblate Center, Natick; Barbara Wright of the pastoral team of St. Patrick parish, Providence, host unit for last weekend's convention and Guillennina Villalva of the Com-

''The charismatic Christian is not a special kind of Christian. Every Christian must be a special kind of charismatic." munity of St. John the Baptist which serves the poor of Juarez, Mexico. Father John Bertolucci, pastor of St. Joseph parish, Little Falls, N.Y., was master of ceremonies for general sessions. Workshops in English, Spanish and Portuguese dealt with topics associated with the conference theme. A meeting highlight was a Saturday afternoon gathering for 1200 young people, addressed by Steve Humble, a Minnesota youth evangelist who spoke

of the need for "counter peer pressure" groups to support young charismatics. Music was provided by John Polce and the Upper Room music ministry, while Michael Kropman, 26, shared with his hearers his experiences as a convict who found Christ as an inmate of Attica state prison. Climaxing the three-day conference was a closing Mass concelebrated by hundreds of priests, 16 bishops and Cardinal Humberto Medeiros. To the music of drums and trumpets and in medieval splendor they were led into the vast civic center by lofty banners and an icon-like painted cross. Also participating in the ceremony were dancers, robed women with swinging chimes, incense and wine bearers and deacons bearing on their shoulders a huge basket containing the hosts for communion. The basket, the charismatics were told, had been woven by a "hennitess - a woman who lives alone for the Lord." Bishop Raymond Lucker of New Ulm, Minn., introduced as a member of a charismatic community and the grower of "the best strawberries in Minnesota," was homilist. "The charismatic Christian is not a special kind of Christian," Tum to Page Six


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 11, 1980



The return to school should be a reminder to all taxpaye:rs, regardless of religious belief, of the tremendous contribution parochial !lchools make to their communities. In this age of inflation and governm.ental budget woes it is well that the case for parochial schools be heat:d by those who pay the bills for municipal government. In critical economic times, the tax dollar becomes a significant issue; and there can be little doubt after reviewing the facts and figures that the parochial schools of this diocese represent a substantial tax saving to all citizens. Indeed, without the Catholic schools of this diocese, many areas would soon be faced with fiscal disaster. It is well in this connection for those in our cities and towns who continuously criticize and demean the church to know that their pocketbooks could be affected should church-sponsored schools be forced to close. So often so many, even members of our regular media, feel that they can attack and indeed vilify the Catholic Church at will. In most situations these same people never admit to the reality of service and solicitude offered by the church in a given community. Whenever they can, they will rea~lily and with malice aforethought subvert and sabotage the efforts of people of the church. Well, let these same people, if they refuse to recognize the apostolic undertakings of the church in this diocese take a look at sOlne cold facts in the one area of tax dollars saved by the existence of the parochial school system. The per pupil cost total for Massachusetts for the f:lscal year of 1976-77 for day schools, capital outlay and interest expenditures was $2,230. This figure comes from the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the National Center for educational statistics. Note well that the figure has certainly increased in the last three years. However, it is the most current one available. Now in the diocesE~ of Fall River it is estimated that thl~re are about 10,150 students enrolled in parochial schools. Using the fedE!rally estimated figure and remembering that it is three years old, this means that the taxpapers of this diocese were saved $22,634,500 in that given year. Breaking it down, we get the following interesting statistics ~lS to amounts saved by various municipalities: Elementary Schools $ 642,240 Acushnet Attleboro 595,410 602,100 Fairhaven 6,986,590 Fall River 3,933,720 New Bedford 1,746,090 Taunton 780,000 Westport Secondary Schools by area Attleboro $2,031,530 Fall River 1,025,800 New Bedford 2,564,500 Taunton 947,750 One could get picky about the exactitude of these figures if one wished to dispute the accuracy of these totals. Yet no onl~ can dispute the estimated savings. Those who would do so, and there are some, usually are to be found among those who oppose parochial education to the pont of fanaticism. These facts and figures are offered to get one point across to the public. The diocese of Fall River saves taxpayers a bundle! Often this is not reflected in attitudes found in areas of civic concern or honest media reporting. So the next time someone takes a jab at Catholic education or derides the church's interest in the civic community, let him or her remember that parochial education serves all the people in its attempt to bring morality and discipline to a city or town and at the same time saves the citizens of those same towns noteworthy hikes in their tax rates.

Girls welcomed at Conno:Uy A new era began last week at ,Bishop Connolly High School, !Fall R,iver, as girls joined the previously all-male student body following the June closing of Bishop Gerrard High School, also dn Fall River. Of an enrollment of 660, 210 are girl.s and 450 are boys, said Father Paul Carrier, SJ.


Renovations to accommodate the girls were made during the summer. They dncluded work on locker, gymnasium and restroom facilities, said Father Carrier. A

former classroom has hecome a resource center, he added. Including carrels, reference materials and accommodations for small meetings, it will reduce pressure on library facilities. Father Carrier said that some faculty members of the former Gerrard High have jo.ined the Connolly staff. They ~lre Sjster Theresa 路Farrell, RSM, teacJ1ing mathematics, Timothy W~tes, chemistry and Victor Correia, Spanish and Portugues,~.

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 11, 1980

Ethics topic for nurses

CCC seeks applications

FALL RIVER, Mass. V:-.lC) Refusal of medical treatment, informed consent to treatment and the ethics of experimentation on human beings will be among topics addressed by Dr. Thomas A. Shannon at the 21st Fa.ll Conference of the New England Councils of Catholic Nurses. The meeting will be held Oct. 21-26 at the Sheraton Regal In.n, Hyannis, Mass. The general theme of the conference is "Ethics: Wha.t God Expects of Us." In addition to Shannon, assistant profeflsor of social ethics at Worceste:r Polytechnic Institute, convention speakers will include Dr. Jrosephine Flaherty of Ottawa, a I~onsul足 tant and adviser to univl~rsities and nursing schools in North America, and Maria Leandro of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Dr. Flaherty will discuss nursing ethics and Ms. Leandro will examine the spiritual aspects of nursing.

Abortion luw BOSTON (NC) - A federal judge has upheld a new Massachusetts law requiring minors to obtain the permission of either their parents or a court before obtaining an abortion. The law, written to replace an earlier parental consent statute struck down dn 1979 by the U.S. Supreme CouJ1t, also dncludes an "dnformed consent" section requiring women to sign st~Lte Department of Public Health forms 24 hours before the abortion. U.S. District Judge A. David Mazzone ,issued the ruling Sept. 2, but also granted a 10-day delay in its enforcement to allow time for appeal. The law, signed by Massachusetts Gov. E.dward J. King 'in June, was tc- have gone into effect Sept. 3. Under the new law, unmarried minors can go directly. 'to the court for permission to obtain an abortion. Court approval must be granted "if the minor !is found to be mature or if ahortiol:l is in her best interest."

Sr. Bernadette Funeral services were held this morning at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall RivE!r, for Sister M. Bernadette of the Sacred Heart, O. Carm., 76, who died last Sunday. Born in Scotland, the daughter of the late James and Elil~abeth Doherty, Sister Bernadette made profession in 1946 as a Carmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm. She served ~It the Catholic Memorial Home for many years, as well as at other homes staffed by her community. She is survived by fbur sisters, a brother and several nieces and nephews.

It's Lost "A great deal of talent is lost in the world for want of a little courage." - Cardinal Richard Cushing


DEACON VINCENT WALSH, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Father John J. Brennan, 55.CC., pastor, at rededication ceremony for the extensively renovated Holy Redeemer parish plant in Chatham. Renovations included landscaping, expansion of the church and rebuilding of the parish center. (Kelsey Photo)

Catechetical Sunday September 21 Catechetical Sunday will be celebrated in the Diocese of Fall River Sept. 21 with the theme "The PaI1ish Community; Servant of the Word." The day marks the beginning of parish religious education programs, with many parishes offering a special Mass during which catechists are commissioned as teachers. TIiis year's theme, "The Parish Community: Servant of the Word," places caJ\:echJical ministry within the local parish set. ting. -It reminds us that everyone has a role in carrying out the catechetical program of the local parish. As "people of God" we are both givers and receivers of Ithe Word of God, whether we are children, youth or adults. It is. hoped that the servant theme will lead parishioners to reflect that all in the community have the responsibility to hand on tradition both by the way they live and by actually ,teaching it Ito others. This responsibility is corporate. Parents are the f1irst teachers of their children, but they need the support and concern of the total community. Catechists share their gdtits by helping others grow in faith and understand it more fully. In reality, however, the catechetical ministry is shared by the whole patJsh community. The theme of ,the weekly television Mass on Sept. 21 will be thlllt of Catechetical Sunday. Rev. Marcel H. Bouchard, dJocesan assistant dJrector of religious

Volunteers WASHINGTON ~C) - The U.S. Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) is seeking about 50 bilingual nuns, priests and brothers to serve for a month or more in four Cuban refugee camps that MRS helps staff in the United States.

education, will be the principal celebrant and honrllist at the Mass to be telecast on Channel 6 at 10:30 a.m. Rev. George W. Coleman, Diocesan Director of Education, will be a concelebrant and catechists from vwious parishes in the diocese will be dn attendance. Also on Sept. 21, Somerset and Swansea religious education coordinators will sponsor a traimng day for Greater Fall

Father Tosti is delegate MEMPHIS, Tenn. (NC) Father Ronald A. Tosti, director of the Fall River Diocesan Office of Family Ministry, will be among delegates t~ a National Family Life Conference, to be held from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 in Memphis. The meeting will center on development of family life ministry with the theme: Christian Families - Spirit on the Move." The religious dimensions of family life will be addressed in a major address by Dan and Jackie DiDomizio of Martin College, Fond du Lac, Wis., on "God in the Now Experience." Bishop Carroll Dozier of Memphis will speak on "Call to Holiness: Role of the Prophet" and Paulist Father James Young will speak on "Marriage through the Eyes of Divorce" and "Preparation for Second Marriage." Among other programs offerings, "Songs and Comments: Year of the Family," will be presented by songwriter Mike Nobel; ''Passages,'' by Father Jim Gilbert; "Media and Family," by Cathy Grieve; "Stress in Ministry: Burn~Out," by Jim Gorman and "Faith Development in Single Young Adults," by Father Pat O'Neill,

River catechists from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at St. John of God parish center, Somerset. Registration for this program may be made through any parish. Training workshops sponsored by Sacred HeaJ1t and St. Anthony of Padua parishes, Fall River, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Sacred Heart School cafeteria for teachers of pre-school to grade six programs; and from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23 at St. Anthony parish hall for teachers of grades seven and eight. Also for Fall River area teachers will be a workshop to be held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30 at Holy Name parish hall, Fall River. The session will be sponsored by Sadlier Publishers and there wan he no admission charge.

NEW YORK (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference's Department of Communication is accepting applications for 1981 grants from Catholic Communication Campaign funds. The application deadline is Nov. 10, 1980. The CCC is the U.S. Catholic bishops' program for encouraging more effective use of the media by the church. Priorities for funding are radio, TV and print production, including establishment of a national media resource center, development of an improved church communication "delivery system" (electronic media systems for radio, TV and data delivery to diocesan and parish outlets); education and training, including audience instruction and training for bishops, priests, Religious, lay leaders, seminarians and church personnel from developing nations. Also activity in communications law and policy issues; stronger professional and technical relationships with the media; and assistance to and cooperation with Catholic communications programs in developing nations. Proposals will be evaluated by Jan. 30, 1981 and recipients will be notified in February. Further information is available from the USCC Department of Communication, Suite 1300, 1011 First Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022.

Paper harassed VIENNA, Austria (NC) - Polish police recently cracked down on Spotkina, a Polish Catholic underground paper, the Austrian Catholic news agency, Kathpress, has reported. Police searched the homes of four people who collaborated with the publication and questioned a number of persons, Kathpress said.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 11, 1980


the living word

Voters: Wake Up! Prophetic pollsters tell us that perhaps this year's national election will see the smallest percentage ever of voters going to the polls. From coast to coast there seems general dissatisfaction with all the frontrunners who seek the presidency. The discord, however strange as it might seem, is not based on fundamental issues so much as on total and complete boredom. Never within present memory have political parties put forward such dull personalities, such insipid nominees. Neither of the major so-called candidates could set a fire going even with the assistance of a flamethrower. The third alternative has yet to remember that he is not a valedictorian ~t some high school graduation. As a result, the public is being lulled into a political coma that could be both deadly in its short-term effects and disastrous in its long-term outcome. The reason for this should be more than obvious namely the basic and elementary questions that confront the American public. With the problems this nation faces, one would think that interested individuals and groups ~ould be actively and avidly involved in the campaigning. It has been quite a while since either national party has taken such decisive and distinctive platform positions. Clearly and loudly the Democrats and Republicans have taken opposite stances on the economy, inflation, arms, the environment, euthanasia and abortion. According to the ideal, a candidate should represent his party's platform; he is the product of the platform. Well, the reverse seems to be the current case. The candidates are attempting to live down their platforms. Fleeing the convention scene while shaking the dust of urbanism from their feet, they have bumbled and stumbled along the campaign trail like kids on their first visit to an amusement park funhouse. Almost ignoring issues and voters as well, they have spun webs of confusion and cpntradiction. In a time when workers are in the dole line and housewives hesitate to face the checkout line, wouldn't o~e think that our political parties could come together and choose candida.tes who would really address the multi-issues that face the voting public with spunk and a bit of intestinal fo'rtitude? , . The campaigns are indeed issue-oriented, whether the candidates know it or not. To be or not to be, to work or not to work, to freeze or not to freeze, to arm or not to arm, to eat or not to eat are rather basic matters that are at stake路 in this particular election. Somehow the public has been duped into believing that the ostrich philosophy of life will solve all our problems. Just put your head into the sand and everything that is difficult to face will go away. Ignore and remain ignorant, omit and overlook, disregard and default are the real slogans motivating the present American political fiasco. This should not be the case come November. Whether we like it or not, we who have the great privilege of participating in the democratic process might be forced to come alive and take heed of this campaign just by the circumstances of modern life. Perhaps a good jolt is what some of our politicians need. Perhaps they might get just such a shock when the voters themselves decide to wake up.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 . 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



Rev. John F. Moore

Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~

Leary Press--Fa" River

'The Lord is my rock and my strength and my saviour.' 2 Kg" 22:2

'Che .Cuban immigrants By Father Kevin Harrington The harsh reaction of our American people to the recent wave of Cuban immigration is extremely unfortunate. The press has a way of focusing upon riots and hijackings and of stirring up many negative feelings among our people. This negative backlash has made settlement of the Cuban refugees much more difficult than that of the refugees from Southeast Asia. .Popular opinion is that these refugees are mostly the dregs of Cuban society that Fidel Castro was only too willing to dump upon our shores. Society has a way of making victims into villains. Those who are quick to label these refugees as escapees from prison and insane- asylums forget how easy it is to lose one's freedom under a Communist dictatorship. A Polish family in New Jersey realized this when they sponsored settlement of a Cuban refugee because they saw him as a brother who had suffered I,Inder the same oppressor, Communism. . As a nation that honors the principles of liberty, equality and justice, it is imperative that we do all that we can to provide whatever is essential for affirming路 buman dignity. As Catholics we are obligated to

perceive each human person as inhabited by the divine spirit. It is these convictions that set us apart as both Americans and Catholics. In adhering to these convictions we refuse to succumb to the temptation of perceiving these newest refugees as either entitis to be manipulated for profit or as no more than a new burden on the taxpayer. Our reaction to this wave of immigration is a test of the sincerity of our convictions as Americans and as Catholics. Through the efforts of Rev. Peter Graziano, Diocesan Director of Ca,tholic Social Services, Hispanic families have been en. couraged to volunteer as sponsors for these refugees. Priests working in the Spanish Apostolate in New Bedford, Taunton and Attleboro are actively seeking volunteers to sponsor primarily single people. Ideally, Hispanic families would be the best sponsors but anyone who would like to inquire about sponsorship should do so through Catholic Social Services in Fall River telephone 674-4681.

The future of the Catholic Church in the United States is closely linked with the Hispanic population, which in the past 20 years has grown frorn 3 to 20 million. Since 85% of Hispanics

consider themse:,ves Catholic, over 25% of our Catholic population is of Hispimic origin. The fact that the median age of Hispanics is 22.1 years, as compared to 30 yE:ars for the rest of the populatio.n, has caused demographers to predict that in the near future Hispanics will comprise about 50 percent of the U.S. church. Anyone active in the Spanish Apostolate is aware that the crucial vessels of the Catholic faith for the Hispanics are their language and culture. Any attempt to "Americ:anize" Hispanics before admini stering to them is ultimately disastrous. Many Catholi<:s of Hispanic origin defect to non-Catholic religions because their own parishes ignore thei!' language, culture and popular religiosity. Yet the ca!l to serve the Hispanic Catholic can be a cure for the malaise so prevalent in our secular society. As the Second Vatican Council emphasized, we must be aware .,:>f the signs of our time. In an overly materialistic country, it is refreshing to see the basic things like family and personal relationships that bring joy to the Hispanics. All will not be lost if we learn the joy of living the valt.es of the gospel by serving the needs of God's people..

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 11, 1980

A pair of posters When I stepped into a high school classroom to deliver a talk on writing last year and saw a poster over the blackboard, Your Mother Is Not Enrolled in This Course, I knew I was going to :like that teacher's style. That sign said a lot more than, "Do your own homework" to the kidH. It said you are a responsible person and if you want to be treated like one in here, don't bore me with silly excuses like how your mother didn't get you up in time to study for the test or how she didn't get you to the library to get the material for your paper. Further, it said don't use your family as a copout. Because your father left home or because your grandmother didn't speak English has little bearing on whether or not you finished today's assignment. It said I'm not going to be your academic nag, asking you every day if you did your reading, warning you that you should get makeup work done after an absence, and checking up on the progress of your term paper. The class and teachl~r bore out my expectations. They treated each other with respect, the work of the students was fine, and my experience with them was pleasurable. I thought I left the poster in

the classroom but a few w~eks later, when one of my children began some routine complaining about a class or a teacher, I heard myself saying, "Your teacher doesn't live here." Then I realized there was another half to the message on the poster, one that could be hung on refrigerators along with the current school calendar. Its unspoken message says that I am not responsible for your teacher's bad moods, unfair assignments, or boring lectures. It says that I am not going to condemn or defend teachers who aren't around to defend themselves and that if the student is too lazy, timid, or biased to explore why a teacher is assigning something then I certainly am not going to do so. It says that the teachers' expectations are theirs, not mine. So are their evaluations and ultimate report card grades. Further, my spontaneous verbal poster says that I am not a qualified authority on all subjects, to be used in place of a textbook, dictionary, or library. Formulae learned in algebra 25 years ago get dusty. I especially refuse to spell one-syllable words that appeared on a spelling list eight years earlier. It may be easier to ask me but if I spell it for you, you'll ask me


are people

By Antoinette Bosc:o

and a life of their own." In Seattle there's a Parent Place which calls itself a "Runaway house for mothers and fathers."

For about three decades now, society's focus has been on its children. When a child did wrong or went wrong, parent:; were blamed every step of thE! way. Parents rarely have been given a chance to tell their side of the story when life with c:hildren soured. Parents have beEm programmed to say "mea culpa" if a child misbehaves, does poorly in school, gets drunk or takes drugs. Parents are the only category of living persons held fully responsible for the behavior of others. The contradiction is painful. On the one hand, it is i:mplied that children do not have free will, since parents are responsible for everything they do. On the other hand, children actually do exercise their free will frequently contradicting parental wishes. Thus, as was bound to happen - because the pendulum always swings - parents are now beginning to say "enough!" Parent self-help groups are starting to spring up around the country. Many are staffed by professional counselors, pHychologists and social workers who are giving advice and help to baffled parents. One of these is the Parents' Center, a new support group to help distressed mothers and fathers. Its philosophy is: "Parents are people too. They have a right to be imperfect, to say no to their kids, to have privacy

A California-based group is called Families Anonymous and now has 122 branches around the country. It advises parents not to blame themselves for the failings of their children. "Can this be 20th-century United States where children always came first and parents are always blamed for whatever goes wrong with their youngsters? Where is this heretical advice coming from?" asks journalist Alan Haas. He answers that it is coming from people like Dr. Robert Howard, the physician credited with coining the phrase "battered parent." The doctor says mothers and fathers suffer from "bruised egos, fractured psyches, flattened pocketbooks and guilt oozing from every orifice." Strong words. Families Anonymous says what is needed is a return to balance, "being concerned about your child, but not consumed" by the problems of this difficult job. As a mother of six, I'd say that is good advice. It is easy for me to empathize with distraught parents. I have seen good people agonize about a child who is on drugs or into reckless "fun" or pregnant in the midteen years. I know how easy it is, steeped





again tomorrow. Learning takes place by looking it up so many times yourself, you're tired of it. Finally, my message says that the teachers are your authority figures in the classroom and we're your authority figures at home and I don't want to confuse the two. It is part of your development to learn to work with teachers now, officials, sergeants, and bosses later on. If we inject ourselves between you and your teachers by making them answerable for your progress, we are impending that development. If your teachers inject themselves between you and us by making us responsible for your achievement, they are impeding that development. So, together, these two messages make sense: Your Parent is Not Enrolled in This Class and Your Teacher Doesn't Live Here. Neither is complete alone. A school and a family could do worse than invest in some felt pens to make that pair of posters as a kickoff to school year 198081.


in guilt, to begin asking: Where did we, the parents, go wrong? We should ask: Where did they, the kids, go wrong? Sometimes in seeking the answers we find the responsilbility is two-sided, and the pain not deliberately inflicted by either side. Recently I reread parts of a timeless book by the late humorist Sam Levenson, "Everything But Money." Speaking of his brothers and sisters, he writes: "Our personal success was to a great extent predicated upon the happiness we could bring to our parents. It would not be long before this idea would be completely reversed. To make our children happy was to become the 'summum bonum' of family life." Maybe we are now living with the harvest that came from these two unhealthy extremes.


(USPS路545-D20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ~hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. FlU River, MA 02722



p~wer The pope's general audience talks (see page 1, Sept. 4 Anchor) have turned in recent weeks to the equality of men and women. The pope presents himself as an absolute feminist (though he does not use the word). Domination has no place in the relationship between the sexes. Oppression of women by men is lust, violating as it does the "gift" dimension of the "nuptial meaning" of the body. Furthermore the present condition of oppression is the fault of men since they are the ones who have the special responsibility for, maintaining the delicate balance of giftedness in the sexual relationship. The pope's critique of sexual domination is profound and radical. One may easily fault him on the gap between theory and practice in the church. Men continue to dominate women in church institutions; many would think that the refusal to ordain women is a manifestation of such dominance (though the pope explicitly rejects domination as the reason for non-ordination, many would not accept such an explanation). However, it would be a mistake to dismiss the new papal teaching, a dramatic break with tradition as useless because it has not been implemented in the institutional life of the church and because the pope may not grasp all the implications of what he has said (I rather think he does, but that is for the moment beside the point). It takes a long time for theory to be converted into practice. Nevertheless theory wins, at least in part, over the long haul. The papal teaching on sexual equality is enormously important and deserves to be taken at face value, however large the lag between theory and practice. Many feminists will not like the pope's vision. They will accept his critique of the abuse of male power. They will not want to listen to his far more radical vision of a sexual relationship without power. John Paul excludes dominance from sexual relationships. Period. Men may not dominate .women. Women may not dominate men (as happens in many marriages, whatever the law may say about the superior power of men). Sex is a gift, not power. When it turns to power of any sort it becomes lust. The proper response, then, to the male abuse of power of women so they may dominate men to even the score. The proper response is the elimination of political concerns in a relationship that by its very bodily-determined giftedness excludes power. A gift is to be cherished not

dominated. Men and women ought to cherish one another, not seek to possess one another as creatures with lessser power. The vision of John Paul may be written off as utopian. It is in fact merely Christian. The revolution he seeks may take a long time in coming, since sex has been the domain of power politics for millennia. However, a lesser revolution, one which merely seeks to change the proportions of the power pie, is bound to fail. A feminism that accepts the patriarchal society's definition of all human relationships as power relationships is inevitably self-defeating; it begins by conceding its enemy's assumptions. 'I.'he pope, in this respect, is echoing a dissident feminist faction that argues that in a woman's world the exer路 cise of power is replaced by the exercise of caring affection. John Paul contends that it is built into the nature of the human body to cherish the gift that is the opposite sex. We can violate that aspect of our nature and dominate rather than cherish, possess rather than care for. But we do so at the risk of so impairing our sexual relationships as to almost destroy them. Implicit in the pope's vision is the notion that a man will cherish as a gift not only the woman who is his spouse bu,t all women, since they are all by their very existence a gift to enrich our lives and the world in which we live. And of course the opposite is true for women cherishing men. On occasion, all of us of both sexes glimpse the same vision. In our more cynical moments we say it is an impossible dream. One good reason for having a pope is that it is his job to dream the impossible dream for the rest of us.

[necrology) September 26 Rev. John J. Donahue, 1944, Assistant, St. William, Fall River September 29 Rev. J. A. Payan, 1899, Founder, St. Mathieu, Fall River September 30 Rev. John J. Griffin, 1963, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton October 2 Rev. Joseph E. Sutula, 1961, Pastor, St. Casimir, New Bedford

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75 •ve:ars

Thurs., Sept. 11, 1980

Continued from Page One Antone M. da Cruz and Michael Concaison, candidates for the diocesan perma.nent diaconate, were bearers ,:>f the bread and wine. Music included Helections by the children's folk group of the parish and the combined adult folk group and adult' choir. A communion proces sional hymn was in the Criou)o tongue of the Cape Verde Islands. In his homily Bishop Cronin recalled the. parish history, noting that since its :foundation in 1905 Our Lady of the Assumption has been dirllcted by Sacred Hearts FathE~rs and that from humble begirinings it has grown to number some 5000 Cape Verdean Cat:~olics.


Continued from page one he said. "Every Christian must be a special kind of charismatic. "It's not normal not to experience the 'gifts of the spirit and to use them in ministry," he stressed. "It's not normal to live in luxury and not share it, to be too busy to pray. It's not normal for Christians to choose athletes and movie stars as their models. It's not normal when divorce is accepted, extramarital sex laughed at, and no one witnesses to Jesus. "It's normal to expect healing and the gifts of the Spirit," he continued, "to value penance, obedience and the cross." His speech and the Mass were frequently interrupted by applause and several times all joined in an unforgettable "singing in tongues," rising to a crescendo like the sound of the ocean. In brief remarks at the end of the Mass Cardinal Medeiros advised the charismatics to take up their individual crosses. "Put up with yourself patiently. Put up with your neighbor very patiently," he counselled.

Contradiction CHICAGO (NC) - The Chicago Archdiocese says that its mission in San Miguelito, Panama, is in a "transition phase," but the Association of Chicago Priests says it is being allowed to die. The last Chicago priest has returned from the mission, but the archdiocese says it is wrong to assume the link between the mission and the archdiocese has been cut.

PARISIUONERS GATHER at Queen of All Saints Chapel in Mashpee as Bishop Daniel A. Cronin blesses newly installed statue of our Lady. Left, Father Clarence P. Murphy, pastor; right, Father Canuel, SMM, associate pastor; Msgr. John J. Oliveira, episcopal secretary. (Poisson Photo)

New Social Services counselors Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director, has announced the addition of two new staff members to the counseling program offered by Catholic Social Services. They are Rosa Neto Lopes and Rev. Francis R. Allen, S.J., both of whom are serving full time in the Fall River Social Services office. With their addition to the counseling program, it has been expanded to offer Saturday and


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evening hours, Father Graziano approach to family-centered problems. He has done counselnoted. Miss Lopes has had many ing for th.~ diocese of Bridgeyears experience with families . port, Conn., following studies at in crisis in direct contact and on the Center for Family Learning the supervisory level. For the in New Rochelle, N.Y. past 14 years ~he has been a He holds master's degrees in social worker and supervisor philosophy and education as with the Massachusetts Society well as a licentiate in sacred for the Prevention of Cruelty to theology. Previous to entering Children. Previously she worked the counseling field he taught with children and young adults at Fairfield Preparatory School at various community centers. in Connecticut and from 1962 to She is a member of Our Lady 1978 was academic vice-princiof the Assumption parish, New pal and director of admissions at Bedford, where she serves on the Boston College High School. parish council. Concurrently, he was active in Father Allen i; a specialist in the Marriage Encounter movefamily systems therapy, a new ment.

"And our diocesE~ continues to welcome joyfully within its boundaries those Cape Verdean Catholics who continue to emigrate to this po:rtion of the Lord's vineyard," the bishop declared. "This parish community, Our Lady of the Assumption Church, continues to provide for these good people a wonderful parochial family t::trough which they come to expe:,ience pe~on· ally the active and loving concern of our deal' diocese for them, and through which they are received into our diocesan family as belOVEd sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. "We give heartfelt thanks today for the inspiring way in which this community of faith Our Lady of thH Assumption Parish - has followed Christ over these 75 years." A banquet at Vlhite's restaurant, North West;?ort, followed the liturgical celebration.

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LUIZ ANDRADE and Rosa Lopes present banner incorporating a map of the Cape Verde Islands at offertory of Mass celebrating 75th anniversary of Our Lady of Assumption parish, New Bedford. Accepting tne gift are Bishop Cronin and Father Raphael Flammia, SS.CC., pastor. (Rosa Photo)

THE ANCHOR- f Thurs., Sept. 11, 1"980 -


Britain gets on papal list


letters are welcomed, but should be- no more than 200 words. The editor reserves ttie right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. Alt 'etters must be slllled and Include a home or business address••

Why vacillate? :Dear Editor: I've seen two editorials on platfonns of both parties: but no decision. I know when I've attended retreats over the years, we were always told to ·vote for lesser of two evils; why vacillate? You can always work for justice and right decisions throughout the year. C. Silveira South Dartmouth

Marriage Retorno Dear .Editor: 'this week some friends pass.ed on to us a copy of The Anchor. We were excited to see the front page treatment you gave Sister Laura and the Marriage Retorno (Aug. 21). Since we are the New England coordinators for the RetOrno, we thought you might appreciate a copy of an ...article on it published' by the Church World (Maine diocesan newspaper). Also, while we're sure Father Eugene Tucker will pass on the names of interested couples to us, we do have a reservation couple in Massachusetts: Ed and Carol Skou -6 BridIe Path Sherborn, MA OJ. 710 Tel. 617-653-6525 We have held Retorno weekends at several locations around Boston and are now completing p1lll1s for this year. We would therefore appreciate your let, ~ing your readers know that Retorno is very much present in New England. Vic and Carol Zuffoletti Portland, Maine

Outdone himself Dear Editor: From week to week I find Father John F. Moore's editorials in ''The Mooring" some of the best of their kind anywhere. ~ the August 28 issue of The Anchor, "Toward an Uncloned Clergy," he has outdone himself. To quote from one short paragraph (re priests): "In fact, for years, anyone who dared .read . anything more than Life, Time or Sports ~ted was readilytermed a nut." How'true this sta.tement! - I can remember as a high school student not daring to mention the books I was reading to certain priests (classics, etc.) because the _freedom to read gOQd books, a freedom we dearly prize, became a reproach. One was not supposed to read anything scholarly or deep. Why? "It took away one's humility." We were to deny ourselves the great sources~f wisdom. There . w~re those who could not understand that God spoke to us also through beautiful poetrY and

language, that these too cultivated the soul. n is through reading that we have a conversation, as it. were, with gteat minds, pnvaIuable communication that is available to all. God tJe-thanked for good books and great scholars! These creations are the voices of the distant dead brought n9r, and they make us heirs <Jf.a spiritual life Of ages past. Books are the true levellers. They deny no one who reads them the society of some of the best and greatest of their race. Our means of self-culture is through books and libraries. No matter how poor one is, no matter if the prosperous and pompous do not enter one's dwelling, the sacred writers, the Miltons, the Shakespeares, the F~, all will be happy to give of their rich companibnship. For a mind that thirsts -:- at any age - go to your library and become acquainted with the great men and women who really had something t<Jsay. Thanks, Father Moore! Cecelia BeI8nger No. VassaIboro, Me.

LONDON (NC) - Pope John Paul II will visit Great Britain. pro~bly during the Summer of 199~, the information Office of the Catholic· Bishops' Conference of England and Wales has announced. The visit will be a pastoral one to the Catholic community. However, it will also have an ecumenical dimension and the pope is likely to visit Queen Elizabeth II. Currently the Vatican and Great Britain do not have full diplomatic relations. Therefore, unless the situation changes, the pope wi1l not be on a state visit. A statement froD). Bucking. ham Palace~ residence of Britain's royal family, said that Queen E;l~abeth, who will be received by. the pope at the Vatican in October, welcomes a papal visit to Great Britain and would receive the pope if she is POPE JOHN PAUL D celebrates Ii special-Mass for Po- in England dUring his stay.

land at his summer residence. Pilgrims from his native land fonned the congregation. (NC Photo)

Dialogue at LCWR· meeting By NC News servIce

Dialogue, diversity and questions about the role of nuns and other women in the church's ministry characterized the Leadershill Conference. of . Women Religious' ~-~bly in MANAGtJA, Nicaragua (HC) "Philadelphia last month. - The Nicaraguan government Attending from the diocese of has appointed Father Edgard Fall' River were Sisters Marilyn Parrales to head the Ministry of Spellman, SUSC, Eileen Egan, Social Welfare. He' beComes the SSD, Barbaril- McCarthy, OP and third priest with a cabinet post; Francis Michael Drisco~, SP. The two other priests are The 640 delegates, heads of Maryknoll Father MigUel D'E$- 361 religious' congregations, coto, foreign minister, and. heard their immediate past presiFather Ernesto Cardenal, niinis- dent, Mercy Sister Theresa Kane, ter of culture. denounce exclusion of women There is also speCulation that from the institutional church and a new Vice Ministry of Adult call them to "speak the truth in Education will be established love to each other, to the instituand headed by Jesuit Father Per- tional church and, to the insti.nando Cardenal, who currently ·tutionaI society." heads a massive state literacy Sister KaDe said women are campaign scheduled to end in asked to address the evils in September. Other priests hold social systeDlS while remaining key . positions in various advis- compassionate to those involved. ory bodies. Cardinal John Krol of PhilaWhen the new government .delphia called the delegates to began asking priests to join, the solidarity with the church, urgNicaraguan bishops granted them ing them to "strive to preserve. temporary permission to hold the unity of the church by avoidgovernment positions. In May ing alienation and divisiveness." He also advised the religious the bishops said the priests should begin preparing lay superiors to· put the nuns' gifts people to take thell' place since to work through the apostolic "the exceptional circllmstances" actiVities of their dIoceses and of the post-civil war period had to "adhere to the orientation of been surmounted. the' bishop in the local and universal church." He added that the sisters challenge the world and, its consumerism through their ~elical counsels and 'povVATICAN CITY (N'C) - Pope John Paul n has cho$en freedom erty. Archbishop Jean Jadot, aposas the theme for the 14th World tolic delegare .in the. United Day of Peace, Jan. l~ 1981. Vatican officials noted .that States, sounded a" unifying note. freedom; along with justice, He- told the sisters that even truth and love, is one of the when they disagreed they could feur cornemton~ of'fJe&ce men- come together in love. The sisters also studied ttm tioned in Pope John XXIII's famed encyclical, "Pacem in T~r­ national surveys commissioned by the LCWR. ris" (peace on Earth).

Three priests io-·· Nicaragua posts

Peace Day

Although detallil have yet to be arranged, likely stops on the papal itinerary include Lon40n. seat of the British government; Canterbury, seat of .Anglican .Archbishop· R:obert Runcie; A' "Women in Ministry" two- Liverpool, because of itS heavy year su.,.dy conducted by the Catholic population; and WalsCenter for Applied Research in ingliam, England's Marian the Apostolate (tARA) and Gal~ Shrine. lup Polls Inc., indicated that 95 percent of catholic women in \ church ministry are not nuns. Based on a random sample of tionaires Comp~ by 520 nuns. 1,000 wo~ in ·ministry, the New LCWR 'officers are SIastudy indicated that "the typi- ter- Clare Fitzgerald, SSNI>, cal woman" in service tends to president; Sister Bette Mosbe middle-class, middle-aged, lander, CSJ, vice-president; Siswell-educated and professionally ter Frances Cunningham, OSF. p~," has children and a secretary; ,Sister Catherine Lahusband, and is ~ volunteer us- boureFitinan, SP, treasurer. ually working in education, litWith 681 members representurgical functions or support' ser- ing more than 100,000 si~ers in vices. . the United States, LCWR is the Another national st~dy, on the Mticial link'between American meaning of contemporary U.S. nuns .and the Vatican Congreque~religious life, was based gation for Religious.







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THE.ANCHQft.....,Dioc8s8 of Fait River-Thur: Sept•. 11. t980

Friends, not


By Dr• .James and Mary I Kenay

RABBI HAROlD WIDTE of Georgetown University, the nation's only fulltime Jewish chaplain at a Catholic university, 1DQ>lains Torah to incoming freshmen following an ecumenical service. (NC Photo)



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completion of a 'specified ritual. the once-upon-a-time child grows Dear Dr. Keaoy: rm having a .up to be a friend. problem with myself aud a 28The difference between a year-old' daughter. Why must a friend relationship and a parentparent feel so guilty and respclQ- child relationship is one of equalsible for a ehild who absolutely ity. Friends are peers with equal refuses to heed my guidaDce or status. advice 011 sometbiDg she Is doiDI Equal sUltus does not imply that can only hurt her In the equality in wisdom or experiend? ence. The probI.-:a is too much We all have friends who are drinking, association with a more or less gifted than we, married maD and beartaehe In or worse behaved. To be better the end for her. We as parents a friend means. to respect the dOa't approve of this. She Uves other~s choices and tocccsupport at home. At the preseDt time she is temporariIIy laid off from in emotional ways the other as a person: Unlike parents, friends her job~ She seeDIS so "nmature about do not usually give advice or life In generaL People take ad- financial support. The Indians are right. Chlldvantage of her in regard to money. Do you thiDk that by ren grow up. As young adults getting out on bel" own she they are best treated as friends. mIgbt grow up faster? It will Our society marks age 18 or the sure be a struggle for her but end of high school as the time maybe a bard-1eanIed lesson. of adulthood. Parents would be wise to do the same. (01) To treat adults, even immature A. Americans have a proverb about children when they marry: . adults, as if they were still chil"Lose a daughter; gain a son." dren is inappropriate. In addiThe American Indians also have tion, as you are finding out, it a proverb; "Lose a son; gain a does not work very well The friend." A world of difference . adult children continue with their "wrongdoing," sometimes .underlies the two proverbs. The ~erican proverb ·implies reaching the point where the that children remain children, relationship with parents is sev. even when they grow up and ered cOmpletely. marry. Thus the new spouse is How much simpler to treat even perceived as a child. adult children as friends! The anOn the other hand, the'Indian swers to your questions should proverb reco~es an end to. then be available in. your own childhood. ·At a certain age or on experience. .You mention drink-

ing, dating· a married mananel . unwise use of money. How would you treat your dearest friend who did these things? In general, giving advice is a good way to lose friends. Few of us respond to corrective counsel, even when it is .wise. If good advice works, fine. U not, it seems wiser to Cfuietly decry the behavior but to continue to support and love the person. The friendship nl:odel also gives you a way to end' financial sup- , port without ending your relationship with your daughter. It amazes me how many parents object to their adult children's behav.ior yet still pay their living expenses. Being grown-up means being able and required to pay your own way. As long as she lives with you, your working daughter could be expected to pay room and board. Six dollars per day . seems a minimum. In .' fact, charging her is treating her like a grown-up. When children reach young adulthood, they sometimes behave in ways objectionable to us. The discipline we used with them as children is neither effeCti'ile nor appropriate. This. is tile time to recognize their good qualities and respond. to their faults as one friend to another. QuestiGDs on family llvblg aad cbIId care are Invited. AcIdre8s to the KemJYS c/o The Andaor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass..

Argyle ," socKs'" are', in agam· e



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I find: it amazing that while parel\lS usually bring up their children in a like atmosphere, UD4er like rules they turn out so differently. Two of my children love clothes whlle the other chooses h~r.wearing apparel not as to how it looks but as to whether it's itchy, scratchy or comfortable. . To -my amazement thjs child is a girl while one of the others who spends hours looking just right is a boy. . This really shouldn't surprise me though because my father was also a particular dresser. Having a son at the age where the shirt has to be just so and the jeans a special cut and fit made me much more aware of what the boys and young men of today want in the way of wearing apparel. Thank goodness, we have come a long way frOm the hippie days of the sixties and early seventies. While the preppie look has becODle the classic for women of all ages this fall, its twin has become:' a must for well-dressed young men. ClaSsic tweed jackets, beautifully soft sweaters and that old-favorite, the buttondown shirt, have taken over the

campus. Many women 'my age vividly remember knitting argyle socks and sweaters for high school sweethearts because this was deflDiteIy the in thing of the


fifties. Well, get· those knitPng needles out again for your sOns. because the popularity of argyles has returned. , Jgst as women are looking to extend their waidrobes with very caretul purchases of separates, so are the males. sWeaters will shine alone. or under that very special. tweed' jacket, or jewel colored corduroy. , While sweaters have always been popular (even more since we .turned the heat down) this year they appear' in wide v81iety and in mostly .natural wools. Because of the return to natural fabrics prices have risen


considerably but in this area a smart shopper has some' great factory outletsavallable. late fall sales. and of course her own talent if she is a knitter, and can get into those argyles. An interesting added note is that argyle is another spelling of Argyll, a f~mner county of Scotland, and it is both a sock and a title. Members of the Scottish clan of Campbell have been earlS and dukes of Argyll since 1457 and as such possess a distinctive diamond-shaped tartan. A sock that has.a diamond _pattern of two or more colors is now' called argyle. '

About elections Continued from page one voting bloc. We do feel it 1mPentive, however, to promote greater ~staDd181 01 the· link between state aDd poIlties and to ....... our firm belief that our sodety Is ealidaed and' its '. COIDDlOQ good. pn.otecI wilen citizeDs eapge ill pubUc atrrdrs from·. position IftlUDCIed iD' moral convictIOII and religious belief. Such . tinpgement neeeaarily impIiestMit we apress these ~ aacI bee 1iefiI. as we eotel' tile polling booth and ·cast our b8Ilot. Let no oat be misled by ..., propopada that would' 1eaft aside 0lIl' faith tueMnc UIIl COIl- . ~ . when we vote. 1'herllbt to vote is • tnIst . that not only protects the pre-

_ve ..

.eJous freedom of ow reDgious heritage, but also preserves the very c:lbDate In 'Wblcti tnedom is aBowed to fulfill its lIestiDy. Failure to aercii8 it em be a grave dereIietIoa· 01 teIlpGII8IbIe cltizeDllhlp. We repeat, thenlore, our urgeDt reminder to our people of this paCriodc duly, aad our equaDy urgent plea to puticipate in the fortbcomiag primary and general electioas, to become bIfonned 011 reIenat Issues and to vote freely OIl . . . aecordinB to CODIdeaee· and COIlvletiOIL . MeaDWhile, we aIsp'-ak your prayen that God .wiJI ...... and pJde aD who



to . . .


aovea.... throuIIa· ....

portiug electoral proceu.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 11, 1980

How CRS $ $ come, go

ues~tlon corner By Father John Dletzlm

Q. If a man and woman have been legally married for 8. DUm· ber of years and an 8ImIl1ment Is obtained, for whatever rea· son, are the cblldreD bom to this couple CODSIderecI lBegltI· mate? OUr cllscusslons about tllds are getting out of baDd and ( hope can be put to rest with y(1Ul" an· swer. It all started with Frank Sinatra and his annu1meJ1lt and return to the sacraments. (Mary. land) A. If the man and woman in question were free to mllrry in the first place, any children born during their legal union would be considered legitimate by the church, even if the marriage was annulled sometime la,ter. Such a union is called a "putative" marriage; that is, everyone thought it was a marriage and there was no overt reason to think otherwise. The fa,::t that some condition was present throughout the marriage that enabled it to be annulled some years afterward does not change the fact that this couple was thought to be married by' everyone, probably inQluding even themselves. Their children would 'be considered legitimate for Elll purposes of church law and, to my knowledge, also of civil law. It is quite possible, of course, that children could be injured emotionally more or less seriously by the awareness that their parents, at this late dElte, feel they were never married at all and that such a declaration has now been made by church or civil law. Legally, howE!ver, no stigma whatsoever devolves on the children because of the annulment. Q. A friend of mine,

former Catholic, died recently. I say "former Catholic" becEw.se for years she did not go 1:0 Mass. She requested that she not be brought Into church after her death. In spite of this there was a funeral Mass for her. Is this usual practice? Would a person like this always have a funeral Mass? (MassaehlJSetts) A. When a person dies after years of neglect in the practice of his or her faith, every benefit of doubt is given in determining the type of funeral ritl~ that is provided. Often the children of such individuals are a.ware of situations in the family that color the attitude to outsiders, possibly even to the parish priest. On the other hand, the church does not feel it has a right to impose religious ceremonies on people who have explicitly and with full consciousness rejected them. It certainly .does not presume to make any judgements on how that person stands before God, but the position of the church is that it must respect the, clear intent and will of the individual as expressed when that pE!rson was alive. It is impossible to judge from Il

this distance the circumstances of the individual and family you mention. In fact, I would guess that many elements of that person's religious and family life are unknown, even to you as a close friend. I assume, as I would suggest you do also, that the parish priest on the scene acted with as great a concern as possible for the woman who died and for her family and friends. QuestIons for this column should be sent to Father Diet· zen clo The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Pax Christi asks 'penance MARYKNOLL, N.Y. - Pax Christi U.S.A., a Catholic peace group, has called on the bishops of the United States to reinstitute "meatless" Fridays as a penance against the arms race. Following a two-day meeting a Maryknoll Pax Christi members also issued a statement urging American Catholics to "refrain from the manufacture or use" of nuclear weapons and to support those people who refuse to pay for the war machine with their taxes. They likewise suggested establishment of a National Catholic Peace Week to encourage disarmament. The statement was drafted by 23 Catholic educators, theologians and pastoral leaders, including Bishop Walter Sullivan of Richmond, Va.; Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit; and Edward Doherty of the U.S. Catholic Conference's Department of Social Development and World Peace. The organization, with 3,000 members nationwide, is part of the international Pax Christi movement, founded in France at the end of World War II. Its goal is "to work with all people for peace for all humankind, always witnessing to the peace of Christ."

Angelus Continued from page one er. We briefly acknowledge His sufferings and death on the cross, his resurrection, and His promise that we would live with Him in the happiness of heaven forever. The Angelus is an especially appropriate form of family prayer. Families at their evening meal can take their Angelus cards and pray the Angelus together. Saying the prayer at a definite time makes it easy for the family to remember. Supper is about the only time that most families get together, so it is a convenient time for common prayer. Such prayer with one person leading and the others responding, ds 1nteresting. The Angelus is not long, so youngsters do not get bored and restless.


JOANNE GROTE has been named cantor at St. Mary's Cathedral. She will assist at all liturgies that include music programs. She is a graduate of Sacred Hearts Acad· emy, Fall River, and of Bar· rington College, where she majored in church music. She has assisted in direction of music for St. Brendan's Church, Riverside, R.I. and Espirito Santo Church, Fall River.

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Broader dialogue LONDON (NC) Future Anglican-Catholic dialogue will broaden its scope to pastoral cooperation instead of concentrating, as it has, on theological issues, predicted Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, primate of the Church of Eng· land (Anglican).

•. . ..


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$159 million under the Food for Peace program and $84.4 million for ocean freight reimbursement and project support. CRS said it disbursed the funds as follows: - Emergency aid and disaster relief: $39.8 million. - Refugee aid: $26.2 million. - Help for orphans, lepers, the aged, handicapped and seriously ill: $26.8 million. - Development assistance: $241.2 million. - Administration and fundraising: $4.9 million. - Balance for existing programs: $10.4 million.




: (Jlri\!I1UI, l1~;\

NEW YORK (NC) - The activities of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics, in 1979 had a total program value of $340 million and affected about 17 million people, the agency's annual report said. CRS said it received: - $7.3 million from the CRS Annual Appeal on the fourth Sunday of Lent. •- $2.6 million from Operation Rice Bowl, a lenten program of prayer and sacrifice. - From the Thanksgiving Clothing Collection eight million pounds of clothing valued at $11.1 million, which were shipped to 31 countries. - $16.3 million from donations from individuals, congregations of Religious and Catholic lay organizations. - $58.5 million from governments and humanitarian organizations in Eur9pe, Canada and Australia. - From the countries in which it works, support valued at $30 million. - From the U.S. government,

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TillS 1980 Christmas stamp features a madonna from a stained glass window in the Washington Episcopal Cathedral. (NC Photo)

CHD awards $6 million WASHINGTON (NC) - The Campaign for Human Development (CHD), the U.S. Catholic Church's anti-poverty and justice education program, has awarded $6 million in grants and loans to self-help projects around the country, according to Bishop Thomas C. Kelly, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. In all, a total of $5,714,000 in 140 grants and $283,866 in six loans was approved. The amount brings to more than $55 million the amount CHD has awarded to more than 1,500 self-help projects in its 10-year history. The 1980 funds will be used by a multiracial community organization in California, an Iroquois agricultural production cooperative in Wisconsin, a Connecticut group advocating neighborhood economic rights, a voter registration program in Texas, a low-income housing project in Florida and similar activities.




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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 11, 1980

Third. age By Katherine Bird

II For children II By Janaan Manternach Jesus liked to tell people about God. In fact, there was nothing he talked about more often. Jesus spoke of God in many ways. Sometimes he called God a good shepherd. Most of the time he called God his father. Many times Jesus spoke of God as a kindly king. As king God rules the world with the power of love. His rule is called his reign or his kingdom. One day Jesus told a group of people about God's reign or kingdom, he used several stories to help them understand what God's reign is like. These stories of Jesus are known as parables. "The reign of God,"- Jesus began, "is like a buried treasure which a man found in a field." Everyone could imagine the excitement of finding a hidden treasure. In Jesus' time, it was common for people to bury money so no one would steal it. Because of this custom, many people hoped they would someday come upon a buried treasure. "God's reign is like that hidden treasure," Jesus explained. "The merchant who found the treasure covered it up again but not for long. He was so happy with the treasure that he decided to sell everything he owned. With thiS' money, he bought the field where the treasure lay buried. Then he dug up the treasure. Now it belonged to him." The people got the point right away. The treasure was obviously worth more to the man than the rest of his possessions. Jesus was saying that God's reign is like that treasure. To have the treasure of God's love is worth more than anything. Jesus wanted to be sure the people really understood how important it is to be part of God's kingdom. So he told another story or parable. "God's kingdom is like a pearl," Jesus said. Pearls were precious gems in Jesus' time, just as they are now. "A merchant was searching for fine pearls," Jesus explained. "One day he found a really valuable pearl. He knew right away it was worth more than everything else he owned. So he went home and sold all he owned. With the money he bought that one very valuable pearl." Again the people could see what Jesus was getting at; he was making the very same point he made in the parable of the buried treasure. Only this time it was a pearl that was worth more than everything else. Jesus was simply saying in a different way that nothing in the world is worth more than God's powerful but gentle rule over one's whole life. Jesus knew that everyone remains free to accept that reign of love or to refuse it. So he told them another short story. "The reign of God is like a net thrown into the lake," he said. "The net Tum to Page Thirteen

know your faith The compassionate grandparents By Eugene S. Geissler The three-generation family stirs up long thoughts abo1Jt the meaning of life: "What am I here for?" Where am I going?" These thoughts and these questions are seldom spoken aloud. They go their salutary way between heart and mind quietly. What are the roles of modemday grandparents? The Old Testament patriarchs were highly honored and respected grandparents. It was part of the law and the Commandments. A promise was attached to honoring parents and, by extension. grandparents. This regard for elders persists though it may be harder to find today. It endures because it is a seed God has planted in our hearts. Beyond that, however, there are great differences among modem grandparents in this unsettled age. Yet, as I look on the scene, I can see only two kinds; those who have seeming success with their own children and those who have not. There are those whose children followed new ways and new moralities and became estranged from their parents. Others had children who followed more traditional paths. The biblical story of the prodigal shows the two

extremes. These basic orientations force different roles and make different demands on grandparents. In the more traditional role, parents see children marry in the church. One or both have a job. They remain close to their parents, may even settle close to home. Sooner or later they have children of their own. Grandparents are present at baptisms and First Communion celebrations. They offer help

when need'~d, they babysit. As I have always maintained, grandparents and grandchildren were made for each other. Wrinkles and grey beards don't matter to grandchildr,en and a slower pace is just what they want. The other three-generation situation does not get off to such a good start. The estranged child has gone far from home to do his or her own thing, has been worried about and prayed Tum to Page Thirteen

Old age today By Father John J. Castelot Science has lengthened the life-span of people. This is wonderful, but as it often the case, solving one problem gives rise to new ones. Old age is an attractive prospect if it is a fun, happy time. But the reality often means that people are forced to retire to make way for the young. This is hard to take and the transition from productivity to retirement is even harder; while living on a fixed income with spiraling ~inflation demands, changes in lifestyle and engenders feelings of dependence and

anxiety. In another time the problem was not so acute. For one thing life expectancy was much shorter. Moreover, long life was highly prized. The people of biblical days prayed to see their childen and their children's children even to the third and fourth generation. -This was the dream and many people did live fairly long lives. There were no pension plans, but there was a community which, for the most part, respected the law of its God. That law was very sensitive to the rights Tum to Page Thirteen

What are the roles of modern-day grandparents?

"The churches are filled with the elderly," says Charlotte Mahoney, health and welfare coordinator in the U.S. Catholic bishops' Office of Domestic Social Development. For decades the church has concentrated most of its attention and resources of the education of youth. Now, a "radical shift in thinking" is required because there are fewer cbildren for the church to educate, Ms. Mahoney feels. Census projections indicate that 23 percent of all Americans will be 65 or older by the year 2040 compared with about 11 percent in 1977. Professionals identify older people as members of "the third age," noting that "aging does not begin suddenly at 65, but is a continuing procEiss which begins during the 30s and 40s" adds Ms. Mahoney. ' The Third Age includes a broad group of people 55 or older in good heal$ and financially well off. Their children raised, often both husband and wife -are employed. They feel "revitalized and freer than thl!y have ever been," Ms. Mahoney says. They can anticipate an elverage of 25 more years of acti,re life. From her own wt)rk and from church conferences on the aged, Ms. Mahoney isolatl!s three questions for church ministry: 1. What is the role of older people in the family, community and parish? 2. What arE! their spiritual needs? 3. What social services are necessary? In spiritual direction, ministers can help older persons to accept the idea of death and -resolve loose ends in their lives. Another task is that of reconciliation, of helping people "come to terms with things they wanted to do and didn't, mistakes they made and relationships that did not work out," The overriding problem for ministry is fear of aging, according to Ms. Mahoney. This is difficult for both the old and their children. Bec:ause "U.S. society worships youth," many people have difficulty coping with aging parents, she observes. Ms. Mahoney believes the church can help people become less work-oriented. Many older persons suffer greatly after retirement because so much of their self-worth is tied to their careers. The church ,:an broaden the perspectives of pe,ople so that they understand th~ value of friendships and hobbies in their lives. Experts on aging point out that some elderly lire in dire need of social servl.ces. Nancy King, co-director of the National Action Forum for Older women, states: "women in the 64 and older age group are the fastest growing segment of our population. They are the single poorest group of people in America," She estimates that half the five million older women who live alone have annual incomes of $3,000 or less.

A VerdaLde E A Vida Dhigida pell) aev. Edmond Rego

Norris H. Tripp

Deus Problema d,o Homem InUmeros sao os problemas do homem. Uns resolvem-se, outros aguardam solu~ao e ate enunciado, e aind~ uns outros e novos se apresentarao no futuro. De entre todos esses problemas, como constante historica e ainda como s!ntese de toda a problematica humana encontra-se Deus. o problema de Deus para 0 homem reveste dois aspectos: se Deusexiste quem e Deus em Si? Estes dois aspectos podem encontrar-se separados e talvez seja pela sua separa~ao que tantas dificuldade!s encontram. A existencia de Deus exi.ge logo que se diga algurna coisa sobI:e Deus, pois nao interessa uma exist:encia de que poss!velmente se tenha de ignorar 0 que seja. Os tempos de ontem eram te!stas ou, se se quisE~r; teocentricos: toda a explica~ao dimanava· de Deus, a Deus se ia buscar 0 porque de tudo, inclusive do homem. Esses tempos como que possibilitavam socialmente, urna facil acei ta9ao de DE~us em si e, portanto, das provas da Sua existencia. A aceita~ao facil de.Deus conced 7 f~r~a as provas raciona:Ls da Sua eXl.stencia. Talvez seja por isso que as tradicionais provas racionais da existencia de Deus convenciam mais ontem que conr vencem hoj e • . . Hoje vive-:se em antropocentrismo. Todas as ideologias se dizem humanistas e defensoras do homem, todas par-· tem do homem para demonstrar tudo 0 mais. 0 homem sai em busca de Deu$ e ja nao busca em Deus a razao da sua existencia hurnana. Deus sera encontrado pelo homem '~e'vai dispensando Deus quando se afirma como homem na Terra. A dessacraliza~ao e urn facto, respondendo, pela posi~ao extremista, a sacraliza~ao que impedia atender ao tempo com valor. Aparentemente, vive-se hoje mais em ateismo que ontem. De facto, 0 ateismo deixou de ser perten9a de poucos para se tornar doutrina de multidoes, urn ate!smo hostil a ideia de Deus ou, entao, agnostico ou indiferente. Mas tambem a aten~ao que· se da aos problemas concretos do homem situado, se denu.ncia uma mal entendida sacraliza~ao, apresenta a grande prova da presen9a. do Deus cristao no mundo. De facto, 0 Deus cristao e urn Deus interessadcI com 0 homem, urn Deus revelado como promo~ao do homem enquanta homem. o anuncio do problema de Deus, se pretende encontrar solu~ao, deve ter em conta a mUOlan~a do teocentrismo. Se na base, a argumenta~ao continua hoje analoga a~ de ontem, supoe, porem, 0 homem como ponto de partida, urn homem que i.nterroga para se promover, realizar e integrar na comunidade. o homem vaL! sempre do que sabe para 0 que ignora. As coisas em si tem uma realidade autentica e nao podem ser reduzidas a mera fun~ao de sinal. Mas tambem sao sinais. (Na pr6xima edi~ao "Os Sinais De Deus~ j,


THE ANCHORThurs., Sept., 11, 1980


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Mr. Jose Medeiros, Santo Christo Parish, Fall River; Mr. Denis Theroux, St. Anne's ,parish, Fall R'iver; Mr. Michael Vandal, St. George 'Parish, Westport; Mr. Michael Yetman, St. Francis XaVlier Parish, Hyannis.


, I I




Continued from page twelve of the elderly and the duties of justice imposed by those rights on the younger. The· Wisdom writers, who gave advice on all aspects of human behavior, could hardly ignore this subject. The first 16 verses of Strach's third chapter include admonitions like these: "He who reveres his father will live a long life; he obeys the Lord who brings comfort to his mother . . . My son, take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long as he lives." (Sir. 3: 6, 12). In a large rural culture where the family was really the basic unit of society and where the community had a profound sense of identity, it was relatively easy to heed such admonitions.

For children Continued from page twelve gathers up all sorts of things. So the fishermen sit down and separate the good fish from the bad." Then Jesus asked the people, "Have you understood all this?" They nodded, "Yes." They understood well. He was saying that God's love is offered to everyone. But each person can accept God's love or refuse it. That choice leads to God's judgement. Everyone is judged on the basis of this most important of all -to accept God's decisions love in his or her life or to refuse it.

We live in a vastly different, incredibly more complex and impersonal culture one in which the sense of community has; faded. Nevertheless, the obligation stands. Today it rests not only with . individual families but with all God's people. In practice, this means the parish community. A parish should acknowledge and respect its senior citizens and involve them in its life in every way possible. One effective way to 'honor' them is to make them feel wanted and needed.

Grandparents Continued from page twelve for. Finally, he or she returns, not alone but perhaps with an unmarried partner and a child. Or maybe a daughter comes home alone with a child or to have a child. Once when I had occasion to ask prayers for my children from a contemplative nun, she said, "It seems that every family has someone to pray for these days." Even cloistered Carmelites keep up with modern family life. What is a grandparent's role in such situations? What did the father do in the biblical story of the prodigal? Would his delight have been less had he not only gotten his son back but been presented with a grandchild as well? This is a time for compassion and forgiveness. It is a time to remember how innocent the child is.




Old age today








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 Fall River-Thur. Sept. 11, 1980

Our }'ather alld

The pope speaks to youth



A-l Approved for Children and Adults Arabian Adventure The Black Stallion Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown Bugs Bunny Road Runner Danny Herbie Goes Bananas

In Search of the Historic North Avenue Irregulars Jesus Star Trek Jesus The Motion Picture The Last Flight of Touched by Love Noah's Ark Unidentified Flying Oddball Mount~i~ Family Robinson My Bnlllant Career

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Avalanche Express The Black Hole Breaking Away Coal Miner's Daughter The Empire Strikes Back The Europeans The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu The Final Count Down

The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh A Force of One The Getting of Wisdom The Great Santini Hero at Large Hide in Plain Sight Just You and Me, Kid Little Miss Marker Midnight Madness

Raise the Titanic Scavenger Hunt Sunburn Superman Take Down The 39 Steps Tree of Wooden Clogs Watcher in the Woods When Time Ran Out Xanadu

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Airplane The Amityville Horror Angi Vera Battle Beyond the Stars ' Being There The Big Red One Boardwalk The Black Marble Blues Brothers Bronco Billy Brubaker Can't Stop the Music The Changeling Chapter Two Christ Stopped at Eboli City on Fire Cuba Defiance Die Laughing The Electric Horseman Fatso ffolkes The Fog Foolin' Around Foxes The Frisco Kid Gilda Live The Godsend

Going in Style Good Guys Wear Black Head over Heels The Hearse Honeysuckle Rose Hot Stuff How to Beat the High Cost of Living The Human Factor The Hunter The Kidnapping of the President Lost and Found The Main Event A Man, A Woman and a Bank Meatballs Meteor Middle Age Crazy Moonraker More American Graffiti My. Body Guard Nosferatu, the Vampire Nothing Personal The Nude Bomb Oh, Heavenly Dog Old Boyfriends Olivers Story

On the Yard The Outsider Patrick Rich Kids Roadie Roller Boogie Rough Cut The Runner Stumbles Running The Seduction of Joe Tynan Simon Skatetown, U.S.A. Smokey an dthe Bandit II Somo"':n~


of Paradise Starung _.cr Time After Time Tom Horn The Villain Voices When A Stranger Calls Where the Buffalo Roam Wholly Moses Willie and Phil Wise Blood Yanks

B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americathon And Justice for All Baltimore-Bullet The Blue Lagoon Caddyshack Carney Cheech & Chong's Next Movie The Children Circle of Iron The Class of Miss MacMichael The Concorde Airport '79 Death Ship Dracula Fame The Fifth Floor French Postcards

Natural Enemies The Gong Show Movie Nest of Vipers Guyana: Cult of . the Damned 1941 Night of the Juggler Halloween Penitentiary Happy Birthday, Gemini Prom Night Heart Beat Humanoids from the Deep Saturn 3 The Serial The Island Sitting Ducks The Jerk The Shining Jun A Small Circle of Friends Just Tell Me What Soldier of Orange You Want 10 The Last Married Couple Those Lips, Those Eyes in America The Tin Drum Legacy Leo and Lorrie Urban Cowboy Up the Academy Mad Max The Magician of Lublin The Wanderers Windows Mountain Men

During his

recent trip


France, Pope John Paul II spoke at length to F'rench youth on

topics of intel'l~st to teenagers everywhere. IJ~ the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from Jl:I.is talks. You also ask(~d about prayer. There are many definitions of prayer. Most citen it is described as a conversation a meeting with God. In conversation with someone, not only do we speak, .we also listen. Pray~r, then. is also listening to the mner voice of grace. And then, since you have asked me how the pope prays, I will answer you. He prays like any other Christian. He speaks and he listens. Sometimes he prays without using words and then . he listens all the more. What he "hears" is of first importance. He also tries to link his prayer with his duties, his activities, his work, and to link his work with his prayer. In this way, day after day, he tries to carry out the ministry which comes to him through the will of Christ and the living tradition of the church. , You also ask me how I see this service now, two years after be-. ing called to be the successor of Peter. Above all, I see it as the coming to maturity of the priesthood and as a persevering in prayer with Mary, the ·mother of Christ, in the same way as the apostles were persevering. in prayer in the Cenacle of Jerusalem when they received the Holy Spirit.

Another question concerns the putting into practice of Vatican II. You ask me if it is possible? I answer you that not only is it possible but it is absolutely necessary to do so. This answer is first and foremost an answer in faith. This is the first answer I gave, the day after my election, to the cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel. It is the answer which I gave myself and others first of all as bishop, then as cardinal, and it is the answer I give again and A-4 ,Separate Classification again. _ (A Separate Classification is given to ~ertain films wh.ich while not I believe that. through the morally offensive, require some analySIS and explanatio.n as a procouncil the words of Christ have tection against wrong interpretations and false conclusIOns.). . been realized for the church in Apocalypse Now The Long Riders Th~ Rose • our time. He promised his church The Chant of Jimmie Nijinsky T~lnkle. TWinkle the spirit of truth to guide the Blacksmith The Onion Field Killer Kane Kramer vs. Kramer Promises in the Dark apostles and their successors, keeping them in the truth. That is exactly what the council C - Condemned achieved with regard to the needs of our time. I believe that, All That Jazz Luna Dressed to Kill thanks to the council, the Holy American Gigolo Night Games Friday the 13th Spirit "speaks" to the church. Bloodline The Hollywood Knights The Stud The Brood Cruising Don't Go in the House


Life of Brian Little Darlings

Used Cars The Wicker Man

(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference. Further information about recent films is available from The Anchor office, te!ephone' 675-7151.)

In saying that, I repeat the expression used by St. John. It is our duty to grasp with firmness and honesty what "the Spirit is saying" and to put it into practice, avoiding side roads which deviate from the route which the council has traced out on so' many points.

;. :C'f "


1 r,' ". ~.h






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NOTRE DAME collegiate marching band, the nation's oldest, will be led by a woman this year for the first time in its I35-year history. Standing in front of the Golden Dome, Linda Batista, 5 feet 2 inches tall without her shako, says "My only problem is being seen." (NC Photo)

Still a chance for Catholic girls LONDON (NC) - Efforts have been temporarily halted to amend a British law which prevents heirs to the throne from marrying Roman Catholics. Several Labor Party members of Parliament who introduced the bill to amend withdrew the bill saying they were afraid it would take publicity away from the party's criticism of the economic policies of the current Conservative Party government. The bill was introduced· by Norman Hogg, a Presbyterian, who said he planned to reintroduce it at the earliest opportunity.

11"S 'fHA'f

l'IME AGAIN High schools of the diocese are invited to submit




graphs for. use on this page.



reach us by Friday for inclusion in. the issue of the following Thursday.

By Cecilia Belanger Martin Luther said, "The Lord's Prayer is the greatest martyr, for everybody tortures and abuses it." No doubt what he had in mind is that it 'is so often repeated mechanically and thoughtlessly. Why does it mean so much to us? The first thought that comes to mind is because Jesus himself gave it to us. It ill from a source beyond which there is no Supreme Court. One problem 1: h'ave noticed among Christianu is that they forget that the prayer begins OUR Father, not MY Father. "Our" does not mean national or parish boundaries. "Our" means that territorial discrimination is as evil as racial. Taking "Our" and "Falher" together tells the story, all the rest is, as they say, commentary. How can thy kingdom come" if one affirms any kind of superiority? A kingdom that turns people away for trivial reasons is not the kingdom of God. I think the kingdom comes into the hearts of all who wish and pray for peac,e. We say we kill to protect ourselves. Are we t,:> believe that we need protection from women and little childrE'n? What we need is protection. from leaders the world over, from their selfaggrandizement, their madness for power, elections and re-elections. We need prote(:tion from ineptitude that brir..gs us to the edge of war, not fl'om the everyday man, woma::t and child. Look to governmE:nts and their leaders and there you will find the real culprits. "Hallowed be thy name" _ whose names are we hallowing today? Presidents? Athletes? Actors? In the scriptures idolatry is always enemy No. 1. I once received a letter from a lady who said, "I may seem cold and dead in my way of showing religion but in my heart I am as passionatle about it as anyone I have met, This I know about myself. I ju st cannot be as conspicuous ~$ some are about it. I am aliv,e to God and that is what matters." It's been said th,it each of us is lik~ a sentry :;houting into the darkness: "Who goes there?" The Lord's Prayer gives us an answer - "heavenly father." Thomas Wolfe s'ummed it up this way: "The dE!epest search in life, it seemed to me, the thing that in one way or another was central' to all: living, was man's search for II father, not merely the father of his flesh, not merely the lc,st father of his youth, but the image of a strength and 'wisdom external to his need and superior to his hunger, to which t::te belief and power of his own life could be united." This is why we are lucky to be able to pray, '·Our· Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name."

., 15

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 11, 1980

By Bill Morrissette

ports watch High Schc)ol Coaching Changes As high school fall sports get underway some coaching changes are noted, especially in soccer. As is already known, Ted Pettine, who piloted the Bishop Connolly High Cougars to a sweep of their 10-game Southeastern Mass. Conference Division Two West schedule last year, has moved over to Westport High, succeeding Frank Souza, who coached the Central Village booters for 25 seasons. Replacing Pettine at Connolly is Andy DeFarias, who was soccer and baseball coac!:1 there from 1970 through 1971;. Andy has an enviable record of his own at Barrington College, where in 1966 he captained the team that won the Colonjal Conference championship, holding the opposition to an av<erage of 1.9 goals per game. At Holy Family, Joe Ferreira,



a 20-year-old sophomore at Bristol Community College, is the new soccer mentor, succeeding veteran player-referee-coach Fred Clark. Although the Southeastern Mass. Conference season does not open until next Wednesday some school teams are busy this week with pre-season non-league games. Connolly entertained Durfee yesterday and is home to Somerset tomorrow, when Durfee will be home to Holy Family. Among other non-leaguers tomorrow, Taunton is at Westport, which, yesterday, was host to Greater New Bedford VokeTech. On another soccer front, the Hockomock League opens its first season in the booting sport tomorrow with Sharon at Foxboro, Franklin at King Philip and No. Attleboro at Stoughton.

And Coach At Connolly

Entering its first seholastic year as a cooed institution, Connolly has added volleyball to its fall sports and has named Debbie Johanson of Swansea, as the school's first volleyball coach. Miss Johanson is a 19074 graduate of Westport High. There she played varsity volleyball four years and in her senior year was named the team's most valuable player. After graduation from Westport High she went to the University of Rhode Island. There too she played varsit~' volleyball four years. For h,er senior

year she was awarded a scholarship. Miss Johanson graduated from URI in 1978 with a bachelor of science degree in health and physical education. That year she captained the school's volleyball team which finished" runnerup in the Eastern Athletic Inter-Scholastic Association for Women. She then coached jayvee softball at Case High School in Swansea before her assignment at Connolly where she will serve under Mrs. Michelle Letendre of New BedfoM, the school's athletic director.

Oh YeaM It's Also Football Timel Where has the summer disappeared? True, there are still a few more days befor'e autumn makes its official appearance but already, scholastic football is with us. There is a rather spa.rse offering this weekend but most schools will be in action next weekend. Bishop Stang's Spartans entertain Fairhaven at 7 p.m. tomorrow in a non-league contest and Apponequet Regional is host to Norwell at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. Hockomock football has three non-league games on tap for Saturday afternoon with Foxboro at Westwood, Sharon at Millis and Mansfield at Norton. Although all the action so far in fall sports is non-league, the Southeastern Mass. Conference opens its schedule next Wednesday with full cards in both divisions. All three diocesan schools in the conference will c:ompete in Division Two. Stang is host to Holy Family and Yoke-Tech entertains Old Rochest,er in Division Two East openers. Connolly is at Diman Yoke and

Dartmouth at Westport in Division Two West contests. Returning to soccer after a year's absence because of budgetary limitations, Durfee, again under Coach Gene Botelho of New Bedford, will compete in Division One West. The Hilltoppers will be at Somerset as Taunton hosts Attleboro in One West openers next Wednesday. New Bedford is home to Falmouth and Dennis-Yarmouth to Barnstable as Division Two East launches its season. It will be recalled that New Bedford also swept its 10-game conference schedule last year. Coyle-eassidy's volleyball team opens its season with a non-league game at Durfee at 3:15 p.m. next Tuesday.

Request denied . AUSTIN, Texas (NC) - The Texas Health Facilities Commission has denied the request of an abortion clinic in Beaumont for a certificate of need, which any health care facility must have to operate in the state.

tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.

"The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmitli' (New Yorker) is a superb and powerful Austalian film, set at the tum of the century. It depicts a half-white, mission-educated aborigine, Jimmie Blacksmith (Tommy Lewis), who breaks under the strain of exploitation and goes on a rampage of revenge. The film is a searing indictment of injustice and a grim warning of its consequences; however, its graphic violence and the sordid nature of some of its scenes make it strictly for the mature. A4 'New Films "The Getting of Wisdom" (Atlantic): A spirited Australian girl (Susannah Fowle) enrolled in a stuffy Presbyterian academy for young women in turn-of-thecentury Sydney gives teachers, classmates, her long-suffering mother and various other people a run for their money before she settles down and graduates with honors. In subject matter and setting, "Wisdom" recalls "My Brilliant Career," but has none of the warmth and wit of the other film. Its heroine, for one thing, remains unlikable and self-absorbed from first to last. A2 "Jun" (New Yorker): A .young man from the provinces, the Jun of the title (played by Jun Eto), feels rootless in Tokyo. Disappointed in his career hopes, he vents his frustration by molesting women on crowded trains. The film attempts to glue together a few half-formed ideas with arty camera work and, lacking a suitable context, the sexuality of some scenes is offensive. B "Those Lips, Those Eyes" (United Artists): is a sentimental look at an outdoor summer theater in a Cleveland suburb in 1951. Thomas Hulce plays a college student who takes a job as a prop man and gets so carried away with show business that he almost throws everything aside to go to New York, much to the anguish of his junkdealer father (Jerry Stiller). Eventually he suffers disillusionment but not enough to kill his dream. This is average light enteraintment but there is some nudity in a bedroom sequence which, taken together with the film's benign attitude toward casual sex, is offensive. R,B On TV "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday, repeated at 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is

a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Rev. Dr. Paul Gillespie, of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. Despite the actor's strike, the new season at NBC will begin Monday, Sept. 15 with a 12-hour adaptation of James Clavell's historical novel, "Shogun," to be aired from 8 to 11 p.1O. Sept. 15 and 19 and from 9 to 11 p.m. Sept. 16, 17 and 18. This tale set in feudal Japan relates the adventures of Blackthorne (Richard Chamberlain), a shipwrecked English navigator. Although well acted .and lavishly produced, realistic torture scenes make it unsuitable for youngsters. "The Women's Room," ABC, 8-11 p.1O. Sunday, Sept. 14. This story of women's oppression in the male..oriented society of the 1950s is melodramatic and tedious, only slightly relieved by the fine performances of Lee Remick, Patty Duke and Colleen Dewhurst, among others. Rejection of traditional sexual morality is unacceptable and renders this production unsuitable for the young. Monday, Sept. 15,8-10:30 p.m. (PBS) "Joan Robinson: One Woman's Story." This repeat broadcast of a powerful documentary about a woman's battle with cancer raises significant issues of living with uncertainty, family relations, pail'. relief and the patient's right to know about medical procedures. saturday, Sept. 20, 1:30-2 p.m. (CBS) "30 Minutes." The season premiere of this news magazine for young people features a report on a teen-age recruitment drive by the Ku Klux Klan and a profile on 17-year-old Karen Rogers, the country's leading female jockey. Films on TV Monday, Sept. 15,8 p.m. (CBS) - "Foul Play" (1978) - Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase are teamed in this comic melodrama about a feisty librarian and a police detective who foil a plot to assassinate the pope during a visit to San Francisco. Frequently very funny and enjoyable as a thriller too, the movie is above average. Crude and suggestive dialogue and a casual attitude toward premarital sex, however, make it adult fare. PG, A3 Monday, Sept. 15, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "Chinatown" (1974) Jack Nicholson plays a private eye trying to unravel a murder and a civic scandal in the Los Angeles of the 30s. Faye Dunaway is a mysterious, frightened woman and Roman Polanski is the director. Superior entertainment but altogether adult. A4

New program TRENTON, N.J. (NC) - Bishop John C. Reiss of Trenton has instituted a program of formation and training for lay people and Religious already serving in the unordained pastoral ministry.

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Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items' for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all ,ctlvltles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such 85 bingos. whlsts. dances. suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetlnRs, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151.

ST. RITA, MARION A four-session program on Educating the Christian Conscience will begin Tuesday, Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon at the rectory. To be conducted by Sister Ann Marie Phillips, SUSC, it will examin~ moral development in the light of gospel teaching. A parish picnic is planned for Sunday, Sept. 14 at Washburn Park.

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CATHEDRAL MUSIC, FALL RIVER The Cathedral choir will begin rehearsals tomorrow night at St. Mary's School. :~t will be heard at the 10 a.m. liturgy on Sunday, the feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Registration for religious education classes will take place from 9 a.m. to :100n Sunday in the rectory basement. Registrations will not be accepted during classes but may be mailed or brought to the rectory. Volunteer teachers are needed for Sunday morning and Monday evening. Those inter(~sted may call 994-2736.

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ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER CCD registration will take place from 10 a.m. to noon this Sunday at St. Mary's School. Refreshments will be served by members of the Women's Guild. All members of the community are invited to attend a free concert at 8 tonight in the Cathedral, presented by the Jubilate chorus of Helsinki, Finland. The 40-voice mixed a capella choir will be directed by Astrid Riska.

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U.s. CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Region I committee of the usce sub-committee on girls' organizations wilJ meet from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Inn, Sturbridge. New England representatives to the sub-committee will introduce new awards and discuss proposed revision of the Marian Award program. Workshops on developing Catholic Committees and recruiting participants for award programs will be presentee:. The day is open to all adults involved with Catholic youth groups. FRIENDS OF ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Nominations for officers of the Friends of St. Anne's Hospital may be given to Mrs. Paul Lambert until Dec. 1. Members will meet Tuesday, Sept. 23. Volunteers are needed for various hospital areas and may contact Sister Thomas More for further information. The health education committee is aiding in arrangements for a Health Education Fair at the hospital from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30. OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE CCD classes are now in session at Our Lady of the Assumption, and St. Jude's and Queen of All Saints missions.

OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall River (Comer Osborn St.)

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ST. JAMES, .NEW BEDFORD The Romeos and Juliets will offer a square dancing exhibition following a business meeting of the Ladies' Guild at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the church hall. Prospective guild members and guests are welcome. STONEHILL COLLEGE, NORTH EASTON Among courses currently offered at the college are various programs for small businesses operators and management personnel. A college fair for high school students and their parents will offer information on college requirements. It will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24 and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN

The parish nursery school for three and four-year-olds will open Monday. Information is available at telephone 996-1983. ST. ~CIS OF ASSISI, NEW BED1F'ORD The Men's Club will sponsor a communion breakfast for all men of thl~ parish following 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Sept. 21. ST. ANNE, FALL R1VF.R Healing :services will resume in the shrine on Sunday. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER Father Maurice Jeffrey will begin a Bible class at 7 p.m. Tuesday for all interested in a deeper knowledge of the Scriptures. The 11:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, Sept. 21 will be a special celebration for CCD Sunday. Students and their parents are especially urged to be present. Also on Sept. 21 the Youth Ministry will meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the church hall. Elections will beheld. The parish council will meet Wednesday, Sept. 17, the Activities Committee Thursday, Sept. 18, and CCl) teachers Monday, Sept. 22. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Confirmation II classes will begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Confirmation I classes are scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24. Teachers fire still needed for Grade 5 students on Monday and Grades 5 and. 6 on Tuesday. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER. Registratio::l for new students attending CCD classes this year will be held after all Masses this weekend. Public school students from grades one through nine are expected to enroll in the CCD program. ST. STANISlAUS, FALL RIVER Meetings for parents of children in public schools will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, ~ept. 29 and Monday, Oct. 6. Family Christian Living sessions for these parents and their children will be held one Sunday each month, beginning Oct. 19. A five-week Fall Bible Series will begin at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 and will deal with Paul's Letter to the Romans. Confirmation classes begin at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 29.

SS. PETER ANI. PAUL, FALL RIVER The SIGN folks groups will rehearse at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the choir roODl. Members unable to attend should notify Father Stephen l·ernandes. ST. MARK, AITLEBORO FALLS The Women's Guild will open its season with a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. Monday. All women of the parish and husbands are welcome. Reservlltions may be made- with Dhne Brennan, 695-8191. ST. LOUIS DE F.RANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of Ste. Anne invite women of the parish to join them for their opening meeting at 7:30 p.m. WednEisday, at which time new membe:rs will be received. A crazy card party and surprise fashion show will feature entertainment und,~r direction of Georgie LeComte and Mu~l Lapointe. Officers for the year are Muriel Patenaude, president; Vivian Belanger, vice-president; Anita Boulanger, secrE'tary; Doris Proulx, treasurer. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER .' CCD programs will begin Sunday and parents are asked to make sure that cl:.ildren attend classes. Camp Fire meetings will begin Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the parish center. New members may register and should be accompanied by a parent. Boys and girls from 6 to 13 lire eligible. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET CCD classes for grades one through six will begin Saturday, Sept. 27 at varying times throughout the day, The Women's Guild will hold an open meeting lit 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the parish center. DOMINICAN TERTIARIES, FALL RIVER Tertiaries will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday lin Ithe meeting room a't St. Anne's Rectory, Fall River. Plans will be made to attend an observance of the 60th anniversary year of Ht. CaJtherine of Siena to be held Sunday afternoon, Sept. 21, at Dominican Academy, Fall River. The program will include an address and celebration of Mass by Bishop Daniel A. Cron:in and two conferences by Sister GuJiliana CavaUini, an Italian Dominican associated with a Rome center for study of the l'ife ilnd work of St. Catherine. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD A 30-week course of Old Testament studies will begin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TalJght by Sister Patricia St. Pierre, SSJ, it will present a contemporary view of Scripture.

True SuffeJing "I asked him to let me suffer for my friends and for him both in body and soul. But I had envisaged noble and pUle suffering, not that which he hilS sent me and that has consisted in his seeming withdrawal from me and leaving me defencell~ss in the midst of my cruelest enemies." - Leon Bloy

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