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VOL. 30, NO. 36

Friday, Sept. 12, 1986


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

$8 Per Year

"Insane episodes"

Pope condemns • • terrorism rise

SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE Catechetical Sunday September 21 Religious Education Day September 27

Msgr. Hoye, NCCD secretary, highlights catechetical day Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, Taunton native, former vice-officialis of the Fall River diocesan tribunal and now general secretary to the National Conference of Cath.olic Bishops, will be keynote speaker at the annual diocesan Religious Education Day, to be held Sept. 27 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. "Speak the Truth in Love" will be the topic of Msgr. Hoye's address. It is also the theme for Catechetical Sunday, this year to be observed Sept. 21. Planners of the day note that catechists are "called in a special way, first by virtue of their baptism, and then by the parish community. Their fundamental tasks are to proclaim Christ's message, to participate in efforts to develop community and to motivate students to serve others." The day is designed to assist participants in fulfilling these responsibilities. The program will begin at 8: 15 a.m. with a coffee hour, followed by prayer and an address by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at 9: 15 a.m. and Msgr. Hoye's keynote address at 9:45 a.m. Advance registration may be made at the Catholic Education Center, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall River, 02722, tel. 678-2828.

Those wishing to make luncheon reservations should register in advance; others may register Sept. 27. Focus Speakers Workshop sess ions will be held from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 2 p.m.; I:30t02:30 p.m.; and :45 to 3:45 p.m. Each will offer a "focus speaker" in the Stang auditorium and 10 speakers in classrooms. A II'stl'ng of focus and classroom speakers and t'hel'r tOPI'CS follows: First session: focus speaker, Father Robert A. Oliveira, diocesan director of Continuing Formation of the Clergy and Laity, "Conscience Formation"; classroom speakers, Father Bruce W. Cwiekowski, St. James, New Bedford, "Moral Issues"; Margaret Travis, St. Joseph, Taunton, "Old Testament"; Betty Colgan, St. Pius X, South Yarmouth, "What Do I Have to Believe to be a Catholic Today?"; Betsy McCullough/Judy Sullivan, Our Lady of the Cape, Centerville/ St. Pius X, South Yarmouth, "Teaching and Religious Imagination." Nancy Davis, St. Anthony, Mattapoisett, "Discipline: Who Needs It?"; Kate Simpson, St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, "Why I'S Adolescense so DI·ffl·cult? How Do I Respond?"; Eleanor Hayes, St. Mary, Seekonk, "I Know Why I

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Believe"; Father Francis L. Mahoney, St. Mary, Seekonk, "Sacraments of Initiation." Sister John Michael Jeczan, MSBT, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville, "Teaching With Love and Authority"; Dr. John L. Roche, Cape Cod Community College, "Early Childhood Learning and Socialization: The How and the What." . f Second SessIOn: ocusspeaker, Anne Austill, Cataumet, "Celeb "1 rat'109 t h e Seasons; c assroom k B t Q' k pas t d'Irecspea ers, e sy Ulr, tor, Hosanna House, "Catholicism: Christian Life Style as CounterculturaI"; Helen Travers, Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster, "The Prodigal Son and Company"; Phyllis A. Mahoney, St. Mary, Seekonk, "Help! This Kid Is Driving Me Crazy!"; Sister Theresa Sparrow, RSM, St. Michael, Swansea, "I'm the Teacher, but Nobody Listens!" Peg Hannigan, Holy Trinity, West Harwich, "Assertive Direction of Adolescent Choices"; Bobbi Paradise, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville, "Hospitality to Young People"; Sister Rita Pelletier, SSJ, St. Mary, New Bedford, "Leading Children to Prayer." Charles Coogan, St. Teresa, Pittsfield, "Confirmation: H is. I D evelopment and Present tonca Practice"; Father Donal R. KeTurn to Page Six

COURMAYEUR, Italy (NC) way onto a Pan American 747 at - Pope John Paul II, reacting to the Karachi, Pakistan airport. Sixtwo bloody attacks, called for teen hours later, they opened fire "everything possible" to end the on the passengers, killing 18 and "incessant escalation" ofterrorism. wounding more than 120. . He described as "insane episodes" On Sept. 6, terrorists burst into the hijacking of a U.S. jetliner in the largest synagogue in Istanbul, Pakistan and the massacre of 21 Turkey, and killed 21 worshippers. worshippers in a Turkish syna- Two terrorists, found among the gogue. dead, were believed to have comAt an Angelus talk Sept. 7 dur- mitted suicide. ing a weekend trip to the Italian "Faced with such horrendous Alps, Pope John Paul said the ter, and almost incredible events, the rorists "scattered innocent blood: anxiety for peace is transformed the blood of brothers who were into anguish," the pope said. traveling, the blood of brothers He expressed his "profound and who were gathered in a place of intense pain, united with my firmprayer." est and most vigorous condemna"It is necessary, and without tion" of the acts. delay, to do everything possible to put an end to the incessant escalaThe noontime message was read tion of terrorism," he said in a atop Mount Blanc, Europe's highstatement read after his Angleus est mountain, located on the French prayer on a mountain peak near side of the Franco-Italian border. the ski resort of Courmayeur. It is the site of a post-World War II 'statue of Mary dedicated On Sept. 5, four young hijackers by local inhabitants to world peace. identified as Palestinians shot their

Careful selection of speakers urged NEWYORK(NC) New York G M' C h h d ov. ano uomo, w 0 a a public dispute with Cardinal John J. O'Connor in 1984 over public policy on abortion, has come into conflict with another prelate of the New York archdiocese. Touching off the new controversy was a directive to archdiocesan parishes by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph T. O'Keefe, archdiocesan vicar general. In a periodic newsletter to pastors, he said they should exercise "great care and prudence" in deciding on speakers for events such as Communion breakfasts and graduations. "It is not only inappropriate, it is unacceptable and inconsistent with diocesan policy to invite the individuals to speak at such events whose public position is contrary to and in opposition to the clear, unambiguous teaching of the church," Bishop O'Keefe wrote. Cardinal O'Connor on Sept. 7 defended the directive as "common sense" and said it should be applied to all speakers, including . I f' politlca Igures. f d ' d' Bishop e name no 10 1. O'Kee h I viduals 10 t e news etter. Cuomo, however, questioned the policy in comments to The New ....1 York Times Sept. 4. The next day

Bishop O'Keefe told the Times that he would never invite Cuomo "to speak to young people at a graduation" because the governor was "so smart he would confuse young people." Cuomo, also through the Times, replied that the archdiocesan policy could lead to "restraint of intellectual activity" and said lay people have a "right to be heard." The new dispute recalled the Cuomo-O'ConilOr controversy during the 1984 presidential election campaign, when Democratic vice-presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro came under fire as a Catholic who backed legalized abortion. Cuomo at that time waged a widely publicized campaign arguing'that a Catholic politician could personally reject abortion but also for legitimate reasons consider legalized abortion an acceptable public policy. Bishop O'Keefe said he had not thought of Cuomo in drawing up the parish guidelines. But in later comments he related the guidelines to the governor, saying he would not invite Cuomo to speak at the New York parish where he is pastor. Turn to Page Six


Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Sept. 12, 1986

Stores boycott asked by bishops TUPELO, Miss. - Bishops Tim- and degraded by pornographers... othy J. Harrington of Worcester, As Christian leaders in MassachuJoseph Tawil of Newton, John F. setts and Connecticut we recogHackett and Peter A. Rosazza of nize and accept our responsibility Hartford, Walter W. Curtis of to speak out clearly and forcefully Bridgeport and Basil Losten of in condemnation of this contemStamford are encouraging Cathol- porary moral plague.... ics to refuse to shop at Cumber"We express appreciation to the land Farms and Dairy Mart until more than 20,000 stores which those convenience stores discon- have discontinued selling pornotinue selling pornographic maga- graphic magazines in the past two zines. years.... We plead with Dairy Mart and Cumberland Farms to disasThe leaders have subscribed to a sociate themselves from the porStl!tement for Decency which says nography business. Until they do, in part: we call upon concerned people in "We believe that the beauty and our states to refuse to shop at dignity of human sexuality which Dairy Mart and Cumberland should be revered are exploited Farms."


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FATHER JEN CO (left) and Msgr. Robert Charlebois, CRS senior director for Eurasia, enjoy Father lenco's first visit to CRS headquarters since his release from captivity in Lebanon. (NC photo)

Father Jenco reunited with colleagues By Tracy Early NEW YORK (NC) - Servite Father Lawrence Martin Jenco was reunited with his Catholic Relief Services "family" in New York Sept. 2-3 on his first visit to the agency headquarters since his release from captivity July 26. Father Jenco, CRS director for Lebanon at the time of his kidnapping in January 1985, spoke to the CRS board of directors and gave the homily at a Mass Sept. 3 at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, part of New York's Catholic Center, where CRS, the New York archdiocese and other organizations have offices. Father Jenco spent nearly 19 months as a hostage of a Shiite Moslem faction, which continued to hold three other Americans captive after the priest's release. Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Norwich, Conn., chairman ofthe CRS board and principal concelebrant at the Mass, said the liturgy was offered both in thanksgiving for Father Jenco's release and in petition for the release of the remaining hostages. The other three are Terry Anderson, Associated Press correspondent; David Jacobsen, administrative director oCthe American University in Beirut; and Thomas Sutherland, the American University dean of agriculture. At the Mass, Father Jenco said that he and his fellow captives made St. Francis' peace prayer the center of their devotions. "However, there were times when it was difficult to pray," he said. The priest said that 'there'were also times when his fellow captives "had to minister to me," and times "when we four had.to minister to our captors." The latter, he said, were young men with a strong religious devotion to Islam. Father Jenco commented on the command of Jesus, as recounted

in the day's Gospel reading, to the man freed from unclean spirits: "Go home to your family and make it clear to them how much the Lord in his mercy has done for you." (Mk. 5: 19) "Today, I am at home with my CRS family," Father Jenco said. And the Mass, he said, was an occasion to celebrate "how much the Lord has done for you and for me." Father Jenco concluded by again remembering his fellow captives. "Please pray for their imminent release," he said. Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York attended the Mass, but did not concelebrate or speak. As president of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, he visited Lebanon a short time before Father Jenco's release. During the exchange of peace in the Mass, Father Jenco kissed each of the concelebrating bishops and priests on the cheek, then left the altar to exchange a warm embrace with Cardinal O'Connor. CRS has continued its program in Lebanon under local leadership. Lawrence Pezzullo, CRS executive director, has said that the local leadership will continue because of the vulnerability of any American director. Father Jenco remains on leave, and Pezzullo has said that he will be reassigned when he is ready. News Conference At a news conference during his stay in New York, Father Jenco said he wants to help the youn.g Shiite Moslems who held him captive. "What are they going to do with their lives?" the priest said he had been asking himself about his captors, whom he described as very poor young men who had 'ende:d their formal educations at age 10. He recommended to CRS officials that they be given scholarships for vocational training.

Asked about his feelings toward his captors, Father Jenco said, "There were days I loved them and days I did not lOve them very much. There were also days perhaps I hated them." . He said that when he left "they asked for my forgiveness and I for theirs." He said that the young guards probably did not understand, but that he was seeking forgiveness "for my own anger inside." Father Jenco said the guards became "depressed" at times and needed the "ministry" of the older men they were guarding. "It's not easy guarding five adult men," he said. "They were just as much held prisoner as we were." The guards were "very religious, fundamentalist" Moslems, Father Jenco said. "We would always tell them, this is wrong, but that didn't go too far," he said. However, he indicated that the guards were not personally abusive. Father Jenco suggested that Americans need to give Islam more attention. He said there are 800 million Moslems in the world and "we Americans are not too well informed." "Islam is going through a tremendous reformation," he said. Moslems worship "the same God as you and I," he said, and have a reverence for Abraham and for "the Lord Jesus and his mother Miriam." Father Jenco said that when he met with President Reagan and Nancy Reagan, the first lady's warm, personal manner became a part of the healing process. THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

6 billboards to carry pro-life word The Pro-Life Committee of St. James parish, New Bedford, is mounting an ambitious billboard project for 1987. Under a rotating site plan, members hope to bring the pro-life message to six well-traveled locations in the Fall River-New Bedford area, utilizing a billboard for two months in each area. With the approbation of Rev. Thomas L. Rita, diocesan pro-life apostolate director, and Rev. Peter N. Graziano, pastor of St. James parish since 1981, Steven Massoud, committee director, is circulating an appeal for support of the project. In part, it reads: "Last January our committee and many people from the Fall River-New Bedford community rejoiced at the success of raising a pro-life billboard. We prayed hard that it would go up, and we are so thankful to God that it did! "The billboard is a full-color, acclaimed photograph of a 19week unborn baby. The powerful image of the beauty of an unborn child can do so much: it can speak for the unborn and save their lives; and it can spare countless women the trauma of what they are told is a simple surgical procedure. "The billboard has been a great inspiration to pro-life ministries in the area. It carries the name and phone number of Lifeline (9963278), whose services include a 24hour hotline and free pregnancy testing. Lifeline can also direct women to other sources of help, including Catholic Social Services, Birthright and Women Exploited by Abortion, a support group for women who have had an abortion." Noting that billboard rental rates rise as of Oct. I, Massoud said the committee hopes to reach its target amount of$5,000 before that time. Contributions may be sent to him in care of St. James Church, 233 County St., New Bedford 02740.

Bishops to discuss religion, science WASHINGTON (NC) - About 85 bishops and scientists are expected at a religion and science conference hosted by the U.S. bishops Sept.. 15-18 at St. John's Seminary near Detroit. Sponsor ofthe conference, closed to the public and press, is the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Human Values, headed by Archbishop James A.: Hickey of Washington. Scheduled' conference speakers include Ian Barbour, professor of religion and physics at Carleton College, •Northfield, Minn., and author of several books on science and religion; Freeman Dyson, a physicist of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.; Dr. Jerome Lejeune of the Institut de Progenese, Paris, discoverer of thegenetic cause of Down's syndrome and a member of the Pontifical Academy ofSciences; Father Ernan McMullin, philosophy of science professor at the University of Notre Dame; Roger Sperry, neurobiologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and 1981 Nobel Prize winner for medicine and physiology; and Edward Wilson of Harvard University, founder of sociobiology.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Sept. 12, 19863


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Arch bishop H unthausen said that when Bishop Wuerl was assigned as his auxiliary, it was clear the bishop was to have special responsibilities in the specified areas. But at that time, he said, the two "judged it best to make no public announcement to that effect" in . hopes of assuring Bishop Wuerl "the best possible climate for beginning his ministry among us."


Bishop Wuerl was associate general secretary of the Diocese of Pittsburgh when he was named auxiliary of Seattle in December 1985. From 1981 to 1985 he was rector ofSt. Paul Seminary in Pittsburgh. Previously he served for a decade in Rome as secretary to the late Cardinal John Wright, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy.

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FATHER EDMUND J. FITZGERALD, seated, is installed as pastor ofSt. John the Baptist parish, Westport, by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Vicar Episcopal.

Prelate's authority curbed SEATTLE (NC) - Under Vatican orders, Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle has relinquished complete authority over several areas of archdiocesan activity to his auxiliary, Bishop Donald Wuerl. The areas were liturgy, the archdiocesan church court, seminarians and priestly formation, laicized priests, and moral issues of health care and ministry to homosexuals. They were among those highlighted as problem areas during a 1983-85 Vatican investigation of Archbishop Hunthausen's administration in Seattle. At a press conference Sept. 4, Archbishop Hunthausen and Bishop Wuerl both said they had been "working out of a different understanding" of the special responsibilities the Holy See assigned to Bishop Wuerl when he was named a Seattle auxmary bishop last December. "I don't know where the blame is"for the misunderstanding, Archbishop Hunthausen said, but it has "caused a great. deal of suffering for both of us. " Archbishop Hunthausen told reporters that church law provides for the possibility of auxiliary bishops being assigned special responsibilities as part of their appointments, but he thought the degree of responsibility delegated to the auxiliary in this case was "unusual." Bishop Wuerl said he did not think the practice of assigning special duties to an auxiliary was unusual. When asked to cite other instances, he said he could not name any other specific dioceses. The archbishop said the Vatican intention to give Bishop Wuerl complete and final authority over certain aspects of church life in Seattle was made clear to him when he met in June with Archbishop Pio Laghi, papal pronuncio to the United States. Originally, he said, he understood that his new auxiliary's responsibilities in those areas were to be more of"a general oversight"

rather than "delegated by me to have complete and final decisionmaking power over them." He and Bishop Wuerl repeatedly underscored that they were committed to shared responsibility in governing the archdiocese and promoting unity. Archbishop Hunthausen told reporters that the "broad governance" of the archdiocese remains his, and that he retains full authority over a "vast array" of archdiocesan offices, programs and activities. Bishop Wuerl said his authority over seminarians would cover such matters as what seminary would be best for a seminarian to attend, but would not include deciding whether a priesthood candidate should be ordained. "The call to orders comes from the archbishop;" he said. Father Michael G. Ryan, archdiocesan chancellor and vicar general, said the authority over liturgy given Bishop Wuerl seems to involve such matters as archdiocesan programs and development and enforcement of guidelines for liturgical celebration, rather than "the actual celebration of the liturgy throughout the archdiocese." He said Bishop Wuerl's authority over liturgy might also extend in some ways into catechetical preparation for the sacraments. One liturgical concern expressed in the Vatican investigation was that first confession did not always precede first Communion. When a reporter asked Archbishop H unthausen if he had considered resigning during the Vatican investigation, he started to answer two or three times, then said, "I would just as soon not answer that question." After a moment he added that he was "as human as anyone else" and had experienced "the whole gamut of emotions" during the two-year investigation. He said he never received a copy ofthe full final report on the investigation, which Archbishop James A. Hickey of Washington, D.C., conducted for the Holy See.

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Thursday, Friday, Saturday· September 18, 19,20 REV. PAUL LAPIERRE - GUEST HOMILIST Fr. Lapierre is Diocesan Retreat Director and National Director of Renewal Centers in Canada. DAILY SERVICES 12:10 Noon Mass· People's Chapel 7:00 Special Religious Event 7:30 Twilight Mass followed by Candlelight Procession SUNDAY, SEPT. 21 - 3:00 BERNARD CARDINAL LAW, D.O.

La Salette Shrine, Route 118, Attleboro, Massachusetts The pleasure of your company is requested at the

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church



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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Sept. 12, 1986

themoorin~ Spreading the Wealth The Department of Commerce continues to report that the New England states, especially New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut, have reaped the greatest rewards from the current economic expansion. It is documented that our neighbors to the north in the Granite State have had a 30.6 percent income gain since the last recession ended in 1982. Following New Hampshire, residents of this state had a 28.5 percent income rise, while Connecticut ranked third with a 26.9 percent increase. The six-state New England region which has been enjoying these so-called boom days owes its prosperity to the high tech and defense industries. In fact, our region is supposedly the best off in the nation, whereas in some areas it is so bad that local economies have barely kept ahead of inflation. Indeed, some energy-producing states and farm areas have fared really poorly. With all these facts at hand and with particular reference to our own state, one wonders where all the boom bucks have gone? If the Massachusetts economy is the second most prosperous in the nation, should this condition not be reflected in the mainstream of commonwealth life? Should there not be some trickle down to the less fortunate areas of the state? There can be little question that some areas are benefiting especially from our economic revival. For example, real estate is thriving. Housing starts and the building trades have benefited beyond many people's wildest expectations. Nevertheless, it is difficult to see any effects of this economic miracle in the poorer areas of the commonwealth. For all practical purposes the upswing is for Yuppies. The so-called upwardly mobile are reaping its rewards. The core city populace still faces decay and decline. This is certainly true of two areas of the state that are the all-but-forgotten relatives of the wealthy Bostonians, namely our own Southeastern Massachusetts and Berkshire County. In their regard, the attitude of not so benign neglect has long permeated the Beacon Hill mentality, constantly and consistently ignoring their real-life difficulties and problems. The only time a modicum of notice is afforded is, naturally, at election season. At that time the sky is the limit when it comes to promises. But once the business of vote getting is over, everything returns to its normal state of inertia and impotence. Nothing is ever really done for Fall River and New Bedford nor for Adams and Pittsfield. There has been a ray of light for upper Bristol County as evidenced in the prosperity of Mansfield and Taunton. Yet no extension of this economic explosion has found its way down the highway. Southeastern Massachusetts is at the end of the line in mind and in fact. Mills continue to close, the fishing industry fights for survival and fast food jobs are supposed to fulfill youthful hopes. The world of education sneers at state institutions while politicians jockey for well-paying jobs. The litany of broken promises is endless. In these days of prosperity, could we once again urge a fair shake from the powers that be? Would it be too much to expect an equitable disbursement of state surplus funds to areas that are hurting and in need? Is there anyone who really cares about the neglect and disregard that are the habitual lot of the less fortunate in Massachusetts? The Editor


OFFIQAI. NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAU. RIVER jPubU$hedweekly by The Catholic Pre" of the Diocese of fart Rivet

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"The sun arose and they flew away and their place was not known where they were." Nah. 3:17

The problem of loneliness By Father Kevin J. Harrington Loneliness is a problem endemic to our society. Today perhaps more than ever people feel estranged from their loved ones, even those whom one would least suspect of feeling lonely. A young woman is visiting an elderly relative living alone in a small city apartment. "What do you do when you get lonely?" she asks. He replies, "I don't," and she - aching with loneliness - goes empty away. The ache of loneliness can be redemptive if we harness it creatively and overcome the temptation to run from it. Boredom, after all, is the enemy, not loneliness. If we are bored with ourselves, we should be ashamed; and if our only relief is found in running from ourselves, we'd better become accustomed to life on the run. Actually, loneliness should encourage us to stand on our own feet and become authentically ourselves. Too often we prefer to be supported by others and feel more comfortable when our identity is conferred upon us. The balance between corporate and solitary life is, of course, precarious at best. An orchestra whose members never touch their instruments between concerts will never flourish. A musician who never joins with an accompanist or

an ensemble will never reach his true potential. I am convinced that loneliness is , much more present in our society than commonly acknowledged. Why are people afraid to be alone? Alone, we are forced to face truths about ourselves with which we prefer not to deal. Alone, we are forced to acknowledge how different we are from the identities that have been conferred upon us. Alone, we sense our alienation from our loved ones and from God. Part of our problem is that many of us have succumbed to the modern notion that we ought to be happy! But happiness is an achievement, not a right. Even our Constitution speaks of the right to the pursuit of happiness, not to happiness itself. Of course, it is only human to seek for and accept what the world can give. But when we are alone we freely acknowledge that it isn't enough. Clearly there are things the world cannot give, although we may not realize what they are until we have exhausted the mundane possibilities. By now you have gathered that I consider loneliness not so much the state of being alone as the inability to enjoy that state. Learning to be content in one's own company is one of life's most important lessons. Ironi~ally, we

all cherish privacy and guard it jealously, but few know how to f:njoy solitude. Some are conditioned to expect happiness only in the presence of other people while others expect it only when doing something worthwhile. No generation has experienced as much leisure time as ours. Never have people had so much freedom, yet seemingly never have so many dreaded the thought of being alone with nothing to do. A phychologist was asked why the teen suicide rate has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. He replied, "Teens are doing quickly what their parents are doing slowly as they drink their favorite poison and watch their favorite television programs!" Bordom is indeed the enemy. Happiness, however, is not found in seeking thrills but in the joy and wonder hidden in each day. We find ourselves less lonely when we become less preoccupied with ourselves. We need time alone to be refreshed so that when we come in contact with others we can bring freshness into our relationships. In lonely places we need not feel the pain ofloneliness. We can hear the call to be more ourselves.




That's a Crocker "Betty Crocker Turns Yuppie." That was the headline above the news story announcing the new image of Betty Crocker, a 65-year-old woman who has had six facelifts since 1936. Accompanying the story were photos of the earlier Betty Crockers, carefully designed to fit women of 1936, 1955, 1965, 1972, 1980 and now 1986. It's interesting to study the photos. While clothing and hair style differences are evident, the most striking change lies in the eyes. The new Betty doesn't have the passive and agreeable expressions of her earlier sisters. She's one to be reckoned with. Her expression is one of selfconfidence and control. As the news story says, she appears to be a woman who would feel as much at home in the boardroom as in the kitchen. I suppose a yuppie Betty Crocker is an inevitability in advertising, but the story raised two questions in my mind. First, few women look like her when they're cooking. They may rescue General Motors during the day but when they're home at the stove they're tired and rushed. The careful casual hairdo is disheveled. They've thrust aside the power suit for a shirt and jeans. Their eyes are more harried than this cool collected Crocker because their children are asking what's for

dinner and they're replying with irritation, "I don't know. What did you get ready?" If we're going to have a new Betty Crocker, let's make her honest. Let's show her fatigue at being expected to be a corporate manager and homemaker simultaneously. Presenting us with a calm controlled woman just gives us another reason for feeling guilty for not looking like she does at 6 p.m. Images used in advertising play on this guilt. When groups of women get together and start discussing TV commercials, there's much laughter and some anger. One that always comes up is the perfume commercial that finds an attractive mother bouncing into the home with her briefcase at the end of a day in corporate America. In the next scene she dons a designer apron and prepares a gourmet meal. After dinner, she wears a lounging outfit as she cuddles and reads to her children. In the final scene, she is clad in a gorgeous negligee, pulls the combs out of her upswept hairdo and lets beautiful hair cascade down as she and her husband eye each other flirtatiou~ly. Pure fiction. My second question is when are we going to find a Bobby Crocker on the Box? According to General Mills, Betty's parent, 30% of men do at least some of the cooking, so why not a logo featuring this male cook? Or a Crocker family, since

Middle way needed "There is a well-educated and independent population of Catholics who are not about to leave the church yet are woefully ignorant of their Catholic heritage. Some, on the one hand, speak of truths offaith and morality in terms of 'my opinion.' Others, on the other hand, are becoming their own magisterium, throwing about accusations of heresy and modernism to anyone who disagrees with them. Neither group recognizes the difference between faith and theology." Those words by Bishop Raymond Lucker of New Vim, Minn., were spoken during the V .S. bish-, ops' June meeting in Collegeville, Minn. They bring to the surface one of the most difficult pastoral problems the church faces. How does a bishop or pastor protect the independence of parishioners while at the same time fostering a sense of unity? How can self-righteous opinion be transformed into a desire to hear other opinions? Recently I was speaking with the pastor of a Chicago inner-city parish. As we discussed a particular pastoral plan of action, he said "It's a great idea. There's only one drawback. You have to guard against overzealous fundamentalists. " He went on to say that there are people who want to be not only holier than everyone else but, given the opportunity, to be holier than God.ln the words of Bishop Lucker, they do "not recognize the difference between faith and theology." . The pastor gave the example of some well-meaning parishioners who told him that only the poor will be saved. "They believe this

from the bottom of their heart," he told me, "and they will quote the Bible literally to prove it." He said it is obvious they have read the



God's way with

people children are opening the boxes and working the microwaves in thousands of families. By fostering a new image of the woman who can do it all, we continue to spread that idea that women should do all the cooking in the home. I've discovered that if I'm not here, my family doesn't starve. They can read the instructions on a box of spaghetti as easily as those in the VCR manual. In recent years, we've seen pictures of women in ads for products formerly considered strictly for men. Subtly we're told we should be capable of using these products, too. In other words, we should add traditional men's chores to our household and work responsibilities. Okay, but let's expand it the other way too, having men cooking and cleaning in TV ads and putting men and children on the Betty Crocker boxes. When my children perceive a discrepancy in what I say or write, they say, "That's a crock, Mom." When I view the new Superwoman offered by General Mills, I sigh and say, "That's a Crocker, folks."


September 14 Rev. Stanislaus J. Ryczek, Retired, 1982, Lauderhills, Florida September 15 Rev. Henry J. Mussely, Pastor, 1934, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., 1958, Holy Cross College, Worcester Rev. John J. Casey, Pastor, 1969, Immaculate Conception, North Easton September 16 Rt. Rev. Jean A. Prevost, P.A., P.R., Pastor, 1925, Notre Dame, Fall River September 17 Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of the Boston Archdiocese 19701983 . Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, Pastor, 1954, St. Kilian, New Bedford September 18 Rev. Luke Golla, SS.Cc., 1945, Seminary of Sacred Hearts, Wareham Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Ward, Pastor, 1964, St. Patrick's, Fall River September 19 Rev. Henry E. S. Henniss, Pastor, 1859, St. Mary, New Bedford Msgr. ArthurW. Tansey, Retired Pastor, 1985, Immaculate Conception, Fall River September 20 Rev. Simon A. O'Rourke, 1918, Chaplain, United States Navy Rev. Orner Valois, Pastor, 1958, Sacred Heart, New Bedford

Diocese of Fall River -

Bible passages in their most fundamental meaning on the poor, but have never heard what theology has to say about this. Throughout church history there has been a recurring problem of being overzealous, too fundamental and self-righteous in matters of religion. The present period of history is no exception. In fact, for many reasons there seems a growing trend in this direction. Just as heresy hurts the faith, so does overzealousness to preserve it. It might be well to be aware of the signs of over-fundamentalism. If there is a constant cry that we need to get back to the way things used to be, to the basics, with no understanding of these particular times, we have become too fundamental. Similarly, if there is nothing but negative criticism of present thinkers, a sense of pessimism without a glimmer of hope, we have become too fundamental. Then again, if there is no pleasing people, no talk of unity, if there is suspicion and a desire for gossip without substantiation of the facts, we are in trouble. If the church is to go successfully into the 21 st century, there must be trust in the present, respect for the past and a sense of hope and unity. These are what contribute to the true spirit of a Christian community. Nothing less will do.

Fri., Sept. 12, 19865



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DIETZEN Q. One of, the Old Testament prophets said that the days are coming when God will make a new covenant with his people and plant his law in our hearts. Is this new covenant the means God intends to use to fulfill another prophecy, that he will create a new heaven and a new earth? Also, if we are the other party olthat covenant, how do we determine what our part of the new covenant is? (Kentucky) A. Christian belief is that this new covenant between God and our human family was announced and inaugurated by Jesus himself, especially in his death and resurrection. Through this covenant God is leading us to the full maturity of creation and the transformation of this creation into what Scripture calls a new heaven and a new earth. The purpose of what we call Christian revelation, or the Christian message, is to tell us what is God's part and ours in this unfolding of his reign. As Jesus makes clear, the supreme identifying characteristic of this growing kingdom is that love - love of God and neighbor - will be its master energizing force. Love will be the fire that animates and permeates its every event and relationship. Our part in all this is no secret. The whole of the New Testament (covenant), especially the Gospels, spells out how we are to spark that love by following the person, the message and example of Jesus Christ. Q. What are the qua.lifications necessary for one to become a lay minister of Holy Communion? Our group has discussed this a lot recently, since some of our friends still say it should not be done. How long have women been allowed to be eucharistic ministers? We personally have no problem with these things. In fact, we like them. But these are comments some of our parishioners still have. (Ohio) A. As you say, the number of people objecting to these kinds of things in the church is diminishing, but some still aren't sure. The first general authorization for lay people to help give Communion (in modern times) came on April 30, 1969. On that date, in an instruction titled "Fidei Custos," the Vatican provided that local bishops might allow certain individuals to distribute Communion in parishes or other institutions where for some reason the priest needs help. Four years later, Pope Paul VI expanded on this permission. Ordinarily, he said, such ministers should be chosen in the following order: reader, student of a major seminary, male Religious, female Religious, catechist, man or woman. However, this order might be changed according to the prudent judgment of the local bishop. In practice most bishops in our country and others have not demanded this preference of men over women or Religious over laity. As for qualifications, Pope Paul

stated:" A ~pecial minister of Holy Communion must be duly instructed and should distinguish himself or herself by Christian life, faith and morals, striving to be worthy of this great office; cultivating devotion to the Holy Eucharist and acting as an example to the other faithful by piety and reverence for this most holy sacrament of the altar. Let no one be chosen whose selection may cause scandal among the faithful" ("Immensae Caritatis"). The 1969 instruction more briefly says: Communion ministers should be "mature Christian persons of excellent character who take their faith seriously and live a Christian life." There is nO'requirement as to sex. In whatever ways people might become candidates for this kind of ministry, their final calling to it comes immediately from the pastor responsible for that parish. The diocesan bishop provides guidelines on how this is to be done and normally gives final approval to the parish priest's recommendations. The 1983 Code of Canon Law confirms this policy concerning lay people giving Communion, in accord with the directions I have explained above (Canons 230 and 910).

Q. I have a question about Reverend Jimmy Swaggart. I don't always agree with his theology but I admire his energy and his ability to communicate. Recently I heard him talking about some of our early church fathers and writers like St. Ignatius, St. Polycard and St. Irenaeus. He did not tie the actual historic contributions of these great men to the Catholic Church. But suppose some day he does tie it all together. If he would convert to the Catholic Church what would the church do with him? How would our church use this man? (Missouri) A. I sometimes think I have heard them all but readers always remind me otherwise. I imagine Jimmy Swaggart would swallow his teeth if he heard your question. Judging from his comments in the past, I suspect that joining the Catholic Church, at least now, is nowhere on his list of possibilities, let alone priorities. To answer your question, people of every range and degree of talent have found ways of using them in the life and ministry of the church. Should your suggestion ever come to pass, I'm sure he would too. But I wouldn't make a guess how. A free brochure, "Infant Baptism: Catholic Practice Today," is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Address questions to Father Dietzen at the same address.


Diocese of Fall River --: Fri., Sept. 12, 1986

Careful selection Continued fromPalZe One The Cuomo-O'Keefe dispute developed mainly through comments by the two men to the Times and other news media. "Which people will decide who agrees with church teaching?" Cuomo told the Times in initially questioning the guidelines. "Will you have ecclesiastical courts?" On the same day as that interview, Cuomo spoke to a Democratic women's group and again defended a woman's legal right to abortion and use of Medicaid funds for abortion. He told a reporter afterward that he personally opposed abortion路 but as governor had to follow secular law. "I believe what the church believes," he said. Bishop O'Keefe in one television interview suggested that Cuomo might be "letting ambition

block out a clear vIsIon of the truth." He told the Times that Cuomo, who has been mentioned as a candidate for the presidency, "might be trying to distance himself from the official teaching of the church" to avoid having his Catholicism raised as an election obstacle. Cuomo, also in the Times, responded, "I would no more distance myselffrom my Catholicism than the bishop would." Cardinal O'Connor, speaking to reporters after Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral Sept. 7, said, "It would be a matter of judgment whether an individual in a given set of circumstances expressed views which were so contradictory to the church on abortion or any other matter that it would create scandal."

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IN THE MIDST of animated conversation at the annual priests' retreat, held recently at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, are Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, third from right, and, from left, Fathers Freddie Babiczuk, Timothy P. Reis, Thomas A. Frechette, Maurice O. Gauvin and David M. Andrade, all ordained this year. (Motta photo)

Year after quake, homeless remain MEXICO CITY (NC) - Early on the morning of Sept. 19, 1985, the first of two major earthquakes struck Mexico's capital city, killing upwards of 20,000 people and leaving 400,000 homeless. Most of the 400,000 are still awaiting adequate housing from church and government programs. Critics say the slow-moving government effort is plagued by corruption and inefficiency, which have compounded problems created by bad weather and logistics. There are also allegations that the snail's pace of reconstruction is partly due to subcontractors making large profits by dragging the work out. Many homeless are living in hastily constructed rows of windowless tin huts with laminated cardboard roofs, like ovens in the heat of the sun and damp and cold in the rain.

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A spokesman for the government's Secretariat of Urban Development and Ecology said the shelters are temporary. Current housing programs and construction will eventually meet the housing needs of the earthquake survivors, he said. The government master plan

Jubilee Mass Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will celebrate Mass at 5 p.m. Oct. 19 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, for couples celebrating their 25th, 50th or other significant anniversary of marriage. Those wishing to attend this seventh annual observance are asked to contact their parish priest. Invitations will be mailed from the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry. According to Father Ronald A. Tosti, office director, 133 couples representing 55 parishes and all five diocesan deaneries attended last year's Jubilee Mass; each was presented with a souvenir scroll by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin.

includes reconstructing damaged apartment buildings, extending credits to families living in private housin~, and cooperating with nongovernment housing projects. In addition, Mexico's Catholic Ch~rch is building 1,500 units for the homeless. On July 3 I, Mexico City Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada handed out keys to the first 43 cinderblock apartments in the city center built with funds from the domestic and international church aid. The church-sponsored apart-

Msgr. Hoye Continued from Page One hew, Sacred Heart. East Providence. "Eucharist and Reconciliation: the Ongoing Process"; Father William M. Costello, S1. Mary. Norton, "Moral Dilemmas." Third session: focus speaker, Joan Robinson, S1. Pius X, South Yarmouth, "I Volunteered, Now What?"; classroom speakers, Denise Doherty, Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster, "K indergartners Experience a New Friend, God"; Sister Christopher O'Rourke, RSM, "Reality ofToday's Families"; Rose Wright, St. Mary, South Dartmouth, "40 Ways To Teach Upper Grades." Giles Dery, media services, diocese of Providence, "Proclaiming the Word through Media"; Father Joseph M. Costa, St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, "The Catechist and the Learning Disabled and Acting Out Student"; Joseph Moore, Cardinal Spellman High School, Brockton, "Friend for the Journey: Being a Spiritual Guide for a Teenager"; Father David A. Costa, S1. Thomas More, Somerset, "Sing to the Lord: Music and Worship." Hannah Sullivan, Bishop Stang High School, "Peace and Justice: Practical Applications for Teachers"; Father James M. Fitzpatrick. S1. John the Evarrgelist, Attleboro, "Eucharist: Celebration of Life"; Marie Mann, Holy Trinity, West Harwich, RX for Coordinators. "

ments consist of a living-dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. They are identical in structure and financing to those being built by government's Habitlltional Renovation Program. The apartments cost 2.8 million pesos (about $4,300) which can be paid off over eight years at 17 perc,:nt interest. The mortgage payments are equal to one-third of the minimum wage. Families unable to pay the mortgage are eligible for a subsidy from a fund set up with contributions from the government, the church, and international relief agencies. Together with the other problems hampering Mexico's efforts to house the homeless, 74 days of hl:avy rain this summer and the scattered siting of the housing projects "have made the magnitude and complexity of this program unprecedented," said Manuel Aguilera Gomez, director of the government's Popular Housing Renovation Program.

Polish-Americans 'to mark October allS Heritage Month In observance of October as Polish-American Heritage Month, members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, New Bedford, will hold their second annual Heritage Ball Friday, Oct. 3, at White's restaurant, Westport. The month, nationally sponsored by the POlish-American Congress, was formerly held during August. The change to October was made, said Michael Blichasz, national chairman, to enable schoolchildren, Polish-American youth groups and other interested organizations that do not meet in the summer to pllrticipate more fully in such events as library displays, coloring and essay contests and stage performances. Further information on the New Bedford observance is available at Our Lady of Perpetual Help rectory, tel. 992-9378.

CRS hikes Lebanon aid

Rem)' prepares for a session at 'the computer.

Blessed Sacrament's Paul Remy

A new approach to life and learning By Joseph Motta The new school year is starting and Paul Remy is ready. 31-year-old Remy, a member of Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River, is a junior at Southeastern Massachusetts University. But he's not your typical student. The Fall River native has had . cerebral palsy since birth. Caused by damage to the brain, usually . before or during birth, the disability is marked by muscular incoordination and speech disturbances. It has confined Remy to a wheelchair but it hasn't affected his good nature or enthusiasm for learning and life. Since few of Remy's words are understandable to a new acquaintance, his father, Reginald, a retired Navy budget analyst, and his moth~ er Claire translate for him. In his room at his parents' home, Remy has a computer, a printer and accessories which allow him to communicate to a fuller degree. Unable to type on the computer keyboard with his hands, hewears a head harness with a metal extension to zero in on his target character. The process is painstakingly slow, but extremely fruitful. The computerallows Remy to complete his homework and other projects. As a matter of fact, his houl"5 at the keyboard just paid off a satisfying victory. Remy recently finished an article which explains to disablc:d persons how they ~ight bett~r cope with the operation of certatn household appliances; his father proudly Said that the article was

Motta photo


purchased and printed by Mainstream magazine, a publication for the handicapped. "Paul's a remarkable young man, always in good spirits," said Father Rene R. Levesque, his pastor. "He's always got a smile on his face. Paul is a good influence on other handi~ capped persons." Father Levesque brings the Eu· charist to Remy monthly, since Blessed Sacrament church is not accessible to wheelchairs. The Remys appreciate the priest and his home visits. Mrs. Remy said that Father Levesque enters their home smiling. "He's one of the best priests we've ever had." her husband added. "Believing in God~ is most important, said Paul, addinf: that he watches the television Mass. He notes that "a knowledge of religion gives you a betler understanding of yourself and othen." The young man attends two classes at SM U each semester; this term he's enrolled in an· educational course "devoted to the handicapped" and 'will study Shakespeare. A personal care attendant, Eleanor Carvalho, ae-companies him to school, taking his notes and tendinf: to his per· sonal needs. Paul IS in a multidisciplinary program that he and his muchadmired faculty advisor, Dr. Peter Owens, designed to fit his needs. He is active in school computer affairs and has published several articles in The Torch, SMU's student newspaper. One dealt with art therapy for disabled students, "a very valuable field," according to Remy, and another prof1led the university's Disabled Student Services coordinator, Carole Johnson, herself a cerebral palsy victim. , A particularly interesting slory described a friend's chocolate factory on Martha's Vineyard, where Remy and other disabled persons lend a hand duril1g vacations at Camp Jabberwocky, a Vineyard summer facility for the physically disabled. Remy has spent a month at the island camp annually for the past 24 years. "There are good counselors there," he said, adding that the program includes beach trips, horseback riding, dining out, movies, religious services and computer training. Camp Jabberwocky must like Remy, too. He's pictured on the January page of its 1986 calendar. On a shelf in Remy's room at

NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services has received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Agency for [nternational Development for its emergency assistance program in Lebanon. . CRS spokeswoman Beth Grif· fin said recently that the money will bring CRS's emergency fund in Lebanon to $3 million, in addition to tbe more than $11 million in nonemergeney aid which CRS has spent on ongoing programs in the Middle East country. She said the programs were not interrupted during the captivity of Servite Father Lawrence Jenro, CRS director in Beirut, Lebanon. Father Jenco was captured by a Shiite Moslem group in January 1985 and was released July 26. "CRS intends to stay the course in Lebanon, committed to assist all victims of the tragedy tbere," said CRS Executive Director Lawrence Pezzullo. "Father Jenco's release increases that resolve." Ms. Griffin said relief has been provided to members of all religious groups involved in Lebanon's I I-year civil war between Moslems and Christians. In 1976. CRS offered feeding services in response to'food shortages, she said. The program was expanded to include reconstruction of war-damaged institutions. In 1980 CRS again broadened the program to include undamaged institutions, thus permitting them to expand services during the war. In recent years the program has concentrated on medical needs and housing repair.

Plantation takeover MALAYBALAY, Philippines (NC) ~ Backed by church leaders, 400 Filipino farm families have taken over a sugar plantation of nearly 3,000 acres formerly leased to a friend of deposed President Ferdinand Marcos. The action was part ofa wider movement by landless families to occupy and work on large estates once owned by Marcos cronies. The plantation, 600 miles soutb of Manila, bad been seized by tbe government of President Corazon Aquino. Government officials said they will not take action against the squatters and Bishop Gaodencio Rosales of Malaybalay celebrated Mass for them and promised church support. _ _ _ _IIIUIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIII

THE ANCHOR -.Diocese of Fall River ----:- Fri., Sept. 12, 19867

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home, two first-place chess tournament awards from Camp Jabberwocky are proudly displayed. Remy's mother has ·the answer when he's asked if he plays often, "No,"she said. "Nobody's smart enough to play with him_"

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Sep~. 12, 19869

eare at a teachable moment, a . time of heightened interest in moral issues, a time when the last word on moral issues is being scrutinized as never before. .


A crash course By. Rev. Eugene Hemrkk Moral theologian Father

Charles Curran may no longer reach as a Catholic theologian because of his dissent rrom church teaching, the Vatican said in a statement released Aug. III in Washington, D.C. This news about Father Curran came as no surprise. Since 1979 when Cardinal Franjo Seper notified Father Curran that his views were under investigation many observers felt this would happen. I read the official texts released in August by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Vatican Congregation that temlinated Father Curran's right to leach as a Catholic theologian, and Archbishop William Hickey ofWashingtnn. D.C., chancellor of The Catholic University or America where Father Curran teaches, and also Fathrr Curran's respon"e. I was struck by the tone of all three. The words "heresy" and "scandal" were not used. Nor was Father Curran forbidden to hear confessions or celebrate Mass. Each side beseeched the other to reconsider their positions, to re-examine history and the arguments of the case. Both sides pointed out how they 'were defending theology and the good of the faithful. Whatever is" made oftheevent in the mediaand whatever follows, the official stance on both sides was gentlemanly in these statements.

Is there any redeemable merit in the controversy? Ifwe sidestep the question of who is right, there is one very good thing that is happening: We are experiencing through the mass media the same type" of argumentation used in classrooms to teach moral theology. The Catholic in the street is being given a crash course in moral theology. It is a fact that most Catholics have studied ver\, little moral theology and do not know exactly how positions on abortion. contraception, premarital intercourse, etc., are arrived at. Likewise they do not understand the basis for academic freedom, infallibility and instrinsic morality. All of this figures in the controversy. This is not to say that Catholics don't know the difference between right and wrong. Most of us don't have tht' luxury of time to study what is involved in these issues. . No one will denv that we are moving into a new 'era of genetic engineering with questions of mo rality never before faced. As we move into tht' 21 st century all of us should be concerned as to how science, the times we live in. morality and church authority on moral issues interact, We are at a teachable moment, a time of heightened interest in moral issues and a time when the last word on moral issues is beingscru. tiniled a~ never before. No one likes controversy which causes disunity. But controversy

We're Better Together

that heightens our desire to get at the exact truth of a moral issue can be worthwhile. It is my hope that the present Controvcrsy will remain gentle· manly and that it can be a teachable moment which will carry us into a new century with a moral theology capable of meeting its demands adequately.

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Rules changing? WASHINGTON (NC) - The old rules of theological dissent art::n't applicable anymore thanks to increased new, coverage and po I'lUlar interest, several U.S. bishops have sugg~ted in commenting on the cast' of censured Catholic University of America theologian Father Charles E. Curran, The older rules need changing, th~ bishops suggested, not because the church wants tD suppress intellectual inquiry but because theological dissenl can have such an immediate impact on the way people think and act. Norms for public dissent spelled out by the U.S. bishops in a pastoral1etter only 18 years ago "are ~ilTlply n,ot workable," declared Archbishop James A. Hickey of Washington al a press conference Aug. 19. According to Archbishop Hickey, who is also chancellor of Catholic University, the Vatican decision to revoke FatherCurran's license to teach as a Catholic theologian shows "that there is no rigtlt to public dissent" in the chltrch.

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"Russia will spread her errors throughout the world causing wars and persecution of the church:' Mary at Fatima

Julv• 13, 1917


THE VATICAN DECISION against Father Curran means that "there is no right to pUblic dissent," Washington Archbishop James A. Hickey, Catholic University chancellor, tells a press conference as Father William J. Byron, SJ, Catholic University president,looks on. (NC photo) In a letter to his archdiocese Aug. 22, Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco wrote that there once was a generally accepted set of rules for dissent. But that. he said, was in an era when Catholic theologians engaged in speculative writing only for a specialiled audience, often writing in Latin or in journals which were read "almosl exclusively by theologians or priests." The situation today "is dramati~ cally different," he commented. "Toda-y there is wide generalized and media interest in theological issues. There i, instant communication .... Consequently, like so ... many other issues in tne church, the issue of dissent presents new dimensions which the church must weigh seriously." Cardinal Joseph l. Bernardin of Chicago; writing in Ihe Aug. 29 issue of his archdiocesan newspaper, The Chicago Catholic, asked, "At what point does the

sively on his writings in scholarly books and journals. The Holy See's inquiries never cited his classroom teaching, his lectures or his writings or interviews in popular media. In a telephone interview Sept. 4 Father Curran said he viewed Archbishop Hickey's comrnentsas closing offl he possibility of pu blic dissent. On the other hand, he said. that possibility was still left open by ArchbishopQuinn's letter and by a long pastoral letter on theological dissent written earlier this summer by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati. Father Curran also questioned the bishops' contention lhat the situation has changed since they discussed di,sent in their 1968 pastoral letter "Human Life in Our Day." There they affirmed "a lawful freedom of inquiry and of thought" in the church and "general norms oflicit dissent." In the months before the pastoral was issued, Ihe major re1i-

"admirable,~"goodCatholic" and "holy" to describe Father Curran as a penon. But the priest "is dead wrong" in his [public] dissent from Catholic teachings and in his belief that all Catholics have a right to dissent [publicly] from church authority, May said. Father Curran is currently appealing a decision to revoke his ecclesiaslical license to teach on Catholic University's theology faculty. The press conference at the National Press Club was sponsored by Christendom College, a small college in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley that professes "uneq uivocal loyalty to Catholic doctrine," and the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, a New York-based association formed to promote and defend Catholic teaching. Appearing with May were St. Louis University historian and Catholic commentator James


FATHER CURRAN (left) with Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications, on the NBC "Meet the Press" program. NCt UPI

Dc-posit In$urancc- Corporalion.

academic exchange pas~ o'ver into the pastoral realm? At what point does theological speculation have such an impact on people's moral decisions thaI it o.eems to be an alternative teaching authority, es· pecially when it is in conflict with the teaching authority of the pope and bishops'!" The Chicago cardinal, who is also chairman of Cat holic Univer.· sity's board of trustees, urged people "to discuss, calmly and objectively, the many issues that have been brought to the fore by the Curran case. " Father Curran has emphasil.ed that the Vatican investigation leading to. hiscensur.e was based exdu·

gious news story was controversy and dissent of Catholic theologians and others regarding the teaching on artlficial contraception in Pope Paul VI's encyclical,"Hu~ manae Vitae" (On Human Life).

"Dead wrong" WASHINGTON (NC) - The Holy See had to take action against Father Charles E. Curran because "what he is teaching is not Catholic theology," said moral theologian William E. May at a press conference in Washington Sept. 4. May. who teaches with Father Curran at The Catholic University of America, used the words"fine,"

Hitchcock; Christendom College president Damian Fedoryka; and Jesuit Father Richard Roach, a moral theology professor at Marquette University, Milwaukee. May and Falher Roach said they had joined Father Curran in 1968 in a statement ofdissent from the teaching against artificial birth control in Pope Paul VI's encyclical "Humanae Vitae~(On Human Life). "I was dead wrong in dissenting," Father Roach said. "I think the effects of dissent can be seen in the massive dtfections from religious life and from the priesthood, Turn to Page Thirteen

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THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fa.1l River-Fri., Sept. 12, 1986




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What children are very good at BJ Dr. James and Mary Kenny is picldnl up the feeliags of their Dear Mar,.: Mental Jllness of ,.aryma formlseems to run in my parents. Even the youngest childfamily. Altbou'" reseanh is scant, ren have anamazing ..rada.... which recogniz~ when a parent is con· I know heredity ca. be a fador•. cerned or afraid. If mental illness All begio bavlDI children, I am UDIUfe how Co apprnach them in your family con~rns or UpllelS about this. I'm akald tbey wDl you, your children will probably notice Ihal some of tbeif fe)adves notice it and become concerned or are"diflerent" - yet I donol ..ant upset. Their concern will become apparent and upset you mOfe, an" (0 unduly alarm tbem.bout hel'ediso the cycle goes. tary concerns. - Ohio Many things run "in families Tbe problem is not mental illness from heart disease to curly hair. If in your family, but your feelings we traced our families back three toward mental illness, for on your or four generations through all feelings will hinge the attitude of brancbes, each of us could proba- your children. Whatever the ages bly find many characteristics, desir~ of your children take some steps to able and undesirable. deal with your own feelings. Here Every family has persons who are some suggestions. are different. We may have family I. If you are concerned with members who cannot see, who mental illness, bring your concern have lost an arm or leg, who are out in the open where you can deal developmentally slow. who are very with it. Join your local mental elderly and say and do things health association. Talking and. which appear strange. In short, no working with others of similar family is composed of people who. ,concern has two advantages. You· look and act like a television com- can do something positive on behalf mercial. of the mentally ill, and you can The fact that mental illness become more comfortable with "runs" in your family is not a mat- your own feelings. ter you must explain to your cbi1d· 2. Become a volunteer at a local ren before they leave Ihe cradle. Young children are not particu- mental hospital or mental health larly concerned with differences. It center. Again you can do someis adults who are good at putting thing positive while becoming more labels on everyone who is different. comfortable with your own feelings.




Accepting the differences

"About·ten years ago, we had a boy here. Well, one day, he took off and just last year he came back. He'd been in trouble and couldn't think of anywhere to go except here. I took him in and put him in the carpentry shop. Here's the story. He asked for instruction and was baptized at Easter. It's an endless cycle. There will be hundreds more homeless, hopeless children seeking a home in our hostel this year." _ FaIOO Jack Trisolini Father Jack Trisolini has cared for hundreds or homeless boys in a

By Antoinette Bosco A young woman wrote to me about the commotion her 7-yearold son Joey was causing in school be<:ause he was "different." "He'd gocheetfully offto school each day, treating his teacher with courtesy and respect, and rolling all his assignments into litlle balls, stuffing them in the back of his desk." she wrote. "We totally lost our perspective for a few days and screamed at him and spanked him and deprived bim of privileges." She wrote that he continued to go to school, although less cheer~ fully. He ignored all assignments and started to wet the bed. Since tbe "strict approach wasn't working," the young motber wrote, "I talked the problem over with my doctor. He said; 'J don't think. he's sick. I think ·he's on strike: ..

mission hostel in Seoul, Korea. A missionary priest can bring help to people around the world because of yout contributions to the Ptopagation o( the Faith.

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3. ]fyour greatest concern is in a such as alcobolism, -schizophrenia or Alzbeimer's disease, you can join a support group for relatives in the area ofconcern. They wiil help you to realize there are many people with concerns Jike youn. 4. Talk with a mental health professional. You might want to make an appointment with a clinical psychologist or certified social worker, not for therapy for yourself, but for information. Research on mental illness is abundant, and a professional can answer some of your questions with the findings of rec.ent research. He or she ~o also suggest reading material and perhaps some publications you might wish to· subscribe to. You are correct.in realizing that your children will "noticc" mental illness. What they will absorb is largely your attitude. Frum you they can develop an attitude of fear and apprehension or of understanding and a desire 10 help. Your family situation gives you an opportunity to teach your children the latter. Reader questions on fady livinl and child ea.re to lie answered in prinl are invited. AddrelS the Kennys, Box 171, St. .Joseph's College, Rennsselaer, Ind. 47978, $pt£jfi£ area


L -_---_--_--_--_--_-----_--_--_--_---_--_----;..J

After testing and evaluation, she continued, "the bottom line is that Joey's fine. He's a normal, healthy child with an unmeasurable IQ and 'an almost uncanny ability to synthesize information and reach conclusions.' The school psychologist said he must have been bored silly by the primary school material and desperately lonely because virtually no one there can understand half of what be says. "She also said 'an intellect like this can barely tolerate being trapped in the body of a cbild. He was on strike. trying to get our attention.· .. The YO\lng mother explained how they sat witb Joey while he did months of back assignments. They also are doing everything they can to stimulate him in new directions. When I read the letter, my heart went out to Joey and his parents. One of the most difficult things to cope with in our mus-produced society is beinl different and not fitting nicely into predetermined slots. Bravo to Joey's doctor and the

school psychologist. It is encou· raging that school professionals in many areas are becoming enlightened enougb to deal with differences among children in a positive and healthy way. But wbat about the child whose 'difference' comes from a somewhat slower way of thinking? Suppose it's a boy who doesn't like sports or a girl who thinks dolls are boring? What do we do with a child, a neighbor or a co-worker who seemS strange because we don't understand how that person's mind works when there is no doctor or psychologist toexplain what is~ppening! Psychologists, despite their reams of writings, have barely scratched the surface ofthe human penon because the intricacies of human minds and emotions are as infinite as God. We will never be able to capture and analyze and package the human mind completely. Each person is different. some Dlore noticeably than others. Tbe problem is, when we see tbe differences in others, we set outselvC1l up as judse and jury, trying to remold others to fit our own conceptions or what a. human being should be. Far too much !&trite, criticilm and disruption is caused by our inability to accept others as tbey· are through cultivating the Chri.. tian values of patience and compassion. Most of us will never have a sophisticated undel1ltandiog ofpsy~ chology or of why our children or the people sitting next to us are different from us. But we don't need that in order to cope. Jesus taught us. to beexpanslve in our love and acceptance of the differences in one another and not to sit injudJment. If we could follow bit teachings in all our relationships the worlll would be a more peaceful place.

The Anchor Friday, Sept. 12, 1986

Song promotes chasity, tops Latin American charts WASHINGTON (NC) - A song promoting chastity has topped record charts in Latin America and its promoters hope a followup record will succeed as well. "When We're Together," a duet developed by the Population Communication Services of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, was No. I on Mexican song charts for three months, said Patrick Coleman, director of the project which produced the song. Launched in January, the song was also a hit in several other Latin American nations, including Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Colombia. A second song, ~'Wait," was released by the project last month. Coleman, in a telephone interview, said that 11,000 copies of "When We're Together" were distributed free of charge by the project, which is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Recorded by Latin American vocalists Titiana Palacios and Johnny Losada, the tune became even more popular when it was sold commercially after Ms. Palacios' agent asked if it could be included on an album which she released last February. Father Edward Bryce, head of the U.S. bishops' Office for ProLife Activities in Washington, said he was not surprised by the popularity of the song and said that he wished he had the resources to do something similar. The program "probably could be done" in the United States, he added, "with the right stars."


SANTIAGO, Chile(NC) - Two U.S. Maryknoll priests were detained briefly and released during a government crackdown in Chile Sept. 8, one day aftrer a failed assassination attempt on President Augusto Pinochet. Three French priests also were arrested in Santiago as plainclothes police and soldiers with blackened faces ransacked houses and churches in one of the city's slums. Chile's ruling junta declared a 90-day state of siege after a rocketand-machinegun attack on a Pinochet motorcade left five of his bodyguards dead and II other people wounded. Police arrested opposition leaders and closed six magazines and the Santiago bureau of Reuters, the British news agency. Paul Joly, a spokesman for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in Maryknoll, N.Y., said the two U.S. priests were "held briefly" and had been "well-treated." He said· Maryknoll Fathers Thomas Henehan of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Terrence Cambias, Maryknoll regional


"There's a tremendous interest in the chastity programs that have started up recently in this country," he said. Last year someone started to pass out buttons which said "no" and had requests for thousands of them from all over the nation, he added.

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Mercy Sister Maureen Joyce, a member of the New York State Governor's Task Force on TeenAge Pregnancy, said that the songs address a significant problem ·in _ today's society. "When you talk to teens, they'll say that all their friends tell them to be sexually active and make them feel that ifthey're not, there's something wrong with them," said Sister Joyce, who headsa program for teen-age pregnancy in the Diocese of Albany, N.Y. "They get that message from rock stars, the media, and their peers at a time' when they're sorting out their own identity." Coleman said "When We're Together" has sold over 200,000 copies, well beyond platinum record status in Latin America. The development and promotion of the songs are part of a more than 2-year-old project to reach Latin American youths with a positive message about sexuality, including the idea that "it's all right to say 'no,' " Coleman said. The song was written to appeal to listeners in Latin America, he noted, but radio, he said, has carried the song to United States, where it has become popular among Spanish-speaking youth.

Maryknoller~ held

in Chile

superior for Chile, were arrested at their residence in Conchali, north of Santiago. "No one here has any idea why those two were singled out," Joly said. In a poor neighborhood of Santiago, police arrested Fathers Pierre DuBois, Daniel Caruetta and Jaime Lancelot, three French priests who worked in a local parish. Security forces pulled up floorboards, overturned mattresses and burned papers in the sacristy. Eyewitnesses said police beat two of the priests with rifle butts, and when onlookers threw rocks in protest, the officers fired the rifles into the air. Under the state of siege, the government can censor the press, ban public gatherings, open mail, tap phones, banish dissidents and hold people indefinitely in secret locations. Chile's Catholic bishops and moderate opposition leaders condemn- . ed the attempt on Pinochet's life.

St. William's wins baseball title The team representing St. William's parish, Fall River, fourth place finishers in the regular Fall River Area CYO Baseball League season, swept through the league's recent playoffs to win their third title in five years. The regular season title was garnered for the second straight time by St. Michael's parish, Fall River, with a 16-2 record. In the playoffs, St. William's defeated the squad from St. Elizabeth's parish, Fall River, in two

straight. Their two game sweep of St. Michael's parish followed. St. William's parish won the playoffs in 1982 and '83; St. Michael's team reigned in 1984 and '85. 10 teams had entered the CYO competition for the season.

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STEVIE WONDER. hugs patient at St. Mary's Hospital. (NC photo)


They had Wonderful time at St. Mary's Hospital


SAGINAW, Mich. (NC) Stevie Judkins, better known to pop music fans as Stevie Wonder, recently went home to Sag~ inawtovisitSt. Mary's Catholic Hospital. where be was born. The visit to the hospital, o~ erated by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, was "just a beautiful experience all the way around," said Mari~ a.nne Bird. a spokeswoman. She said tbe blind singerspent 4$ minutes at tbe hospital, took a tour of the pediatrics ward and spent time with a small boy who is losing his eyesight. "Only the two of them know what was said," Ms. Bird added. The hospital staffpresented a. Braille birth certificate to Wonder as well as a T-shirt and an photo album to be filled with pictures of bis hospital trip and his visit to Saginaw. Wonder was on a. 6S-c1ty, four-month concert tour. "T4e key to tbis was bis want-

ing togo back to the hospital where he was born and back to his home and have phbtographs of the places to show his chil~ dren so they'll know this part of his life." Ms. Bird said. At one point Wonder sang his popular "You Are the Sunshine of My Life," joined by hospital staff members. Then he joined the stafUor "We Are the Wodd," a song hecowrote for an African famine relief program sponsored by rock musicians around the world. "The hospital staff and Stevie Wonder serenaded each other. It was a special moment for the hospital 8$ well as for Stevie Wonder," Ms. Bird said. She said that Wonder, in Saginawfora concert, requested to visit St. Mary's. Rejeana Heinrich. director of hospital community relations. said that as far as she knows no one else "of his stature" has been born at tbe 112-year-old hospital.

The second bathroom By Hilda Young I think I now know how Lewis and Clark felt when they stood on a bluff and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time; how Neil Armstrong felt when he took his first step on the moon; how Alexander Graham Bell felt when his assistant heard him say, "Dr. Watson, come here, I want you." It has just sunk in that our.new house is going to have two bathrooms. This is no small thing to a person who has spent the better part of her married life carrying on muffled conversations through a bathroom door. "If you use all the hot water, I'll sell your bed." "I'd better not find toothpaste on the mirror when I come in." "Hurry up, or we'll be late for Mass." The fact that six people in that one bathroom have survived these years with no deaths and only minimal injury is testimony to a merciful God. Our weekday morning routine alone hinges on split-second timing and nerves of steel. Why, on a good day, I have seen my husband lather and shave himself "with very few cuts" while simultaneously ducking the hair dryer cord, changing the toilet

Will You Help? As many as 100 elderly priests are still imprisoned in The People's RepUblic of China. Now in their 70's and 80's, these brave men have been jailed for the past 30 years. Some, like Bishop Ignatius Kung, 86, are kept in solitary confinement. Father Joseph Chen, S.J., 78, is locked in handcuffs 24 hours a day in Shanghai's dreaded No. 1 Prison. Still others have been sent to the infamous White Lake Labor Camp where they toil at back-breaking tasks from sun-up to sundown. Countless others, like Father Thomas Tao and Father Francis Chu, have died under this brutal regime. All have been victims of hideous tortures too devilish to describe. And their only "crime" is to be devout Christians in a land where atheism rules with an iron fist. Free the Fathers works to alert people to the priest's plight, sponsors petitions to the Chinese leaders, and intercedes with government officials. Dozens more priests will perish unless somethIng is done. After a lifetime of service to the Church, don't they deserve our help?

paper spool and weighing himself. Our youngest son's teacher once asked him what time he got up in the morning and he told her, "after the third flush." - Persons disturbing the morning traffic pattern can understandably be subject to abuse. , "Hey, you can't go now, it's my turn," our 10-year-old told his younger brother this morning. "No way, Jack. I follow Marie." "Weil, I follow Johnnie and he's T---------------~ o My gift of > is enclosed. I out." o Send me a petition to circulate. I "He went before Marie so you o Send me more information. MA I just missed your turn. See if you I Name - - - - - - - - - - 1 can find a gas station that's open." The thought of a bathroom for Address 1 only my spouse and me seems I City 1 almost sinful. I'll be able to develop . I a one-on-one relationship with my State ZiP I deodorant. No hunks of dental FREE THE FATHERS, 1120 Applewood I floss in the soap dish. A toothpaste tube with a cap. The luxury looms limitless. John' M. Davies, President. Advisory "I wonder what it will be like to Board: Sister Grace Vincent Cannon, take a shower and not have distant Monsignor Henry P. Cosgrove, U.S. voices asking when you'll be out" Senator John P. East, Congressman Jack spouse mused. Kemp, U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt. Bishop "Think of it," I added, "no hair James Niedergeses, U.S. Senator conditioner on the faucet handle." Claiborne Pell, Father James Thornton. S.J.. Monsignor Frederick Stenger, If only Lewis and Clark were Bishop Robert L. Whelan, S.J. here to enjoy this.

_c~c~~~n~ ~t:'2~ :::!~


12 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 12, 1986



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IN EXILE, Bishop Vega celebrates Mass with Nicaraguan refugees at a refugee camp in Honduras. (NC/UPIReuter photo)

Tempered by centuries, Vatican takes long view VATICAN CITY (NC) -Nicaraguan Bishop Pablo Antonio.Vega wandered Vatican hallways for about three weeks in August trying to get the Holy See to make another strong statement about his expulsion from Nicaragua. The 67-year-old bishop had lunch with Pope John Paul II, then had his picture taken with the pontiff. He wrote a 29-page report on Nicaragua's deteriorating churchstate relations. But he left town without drawing another condemnation out of the Vatican on his exiling. Although frustrated, the Cen~ tral American bishop saw nothing sinister in the Vatican's lack of reaction to his pleadings - and Pope John Paul II had strongly criticized the expulsion a few days after it happened. Bishop Vega attributed his experience to a difference in attitudes between church officials on

the scene in Nicaragua and Vatican officials. "For us events and actions are [immediately] important. The Vatican is always waiting for more information," the bishop said shortly before leaving Rome. "We have to do things to show that we are not backing down from the government. If we seem weak, the church loses its credibility with the people," he added. Bishop Vega expressed the feelings of many church people on the front line of church-state tensions who arrive at the Vatican expecting firm public support. As Bishop Vega implied, the reason is not Vatican indifference, but the cautious approach it uses to face crises. The Vatican prefers to work quietly and behind the scenes, taking care to avoid unnecessarily ruffling government feathers or adversely affecting iong-range plans

French cardinal says U.S~ Catholics "most religious" in Western society PARIS (NC) - U.S. Catholics have "an impressive rate of religious practice" and are "in the front line" facing the challenges confronting American society, said Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger of Paris. "Today of all Western societies, it seems to me that the United States is 'the most religious,' "the cardinal said in an article for the Paris-based daily, Le Monde. "I say 'the most religious.' I do not say 'the most faithful to the demands of Christianity.' " Cardinal Lustiger, who visited the United States several months ago, said the country has been "less touched" than Europe by secularization because the Bible is "an integrating part of American culture. " "Among us (French), Christianity takes its place among optional matters," he said. "I n the United States, it is the frame of reference for the nation, where the state is nonetheless 'separate from the' churches. " Religious practice is "indissolubly linked to the American way of life," he said, adding that "religion has been and remains a dynamically decisive factor of identification." He added that in the United

States, spiritual resources have not been exhausted "as in Europe by the crises of the intelligentsia." Ecumenism in the United States is different from the movement in Europe, where history has made it "somewhat an international political affair," the cardinal said. In the United States, he added, "all religions are in a sense minorities inside a single nation. They live together in the same space on a footing of equality and in a spirit of competitive emulation." "The United States is thus a remarkable laboratory where one can already tryout the answers of tomorrow to the problems which present themselves today in the resCof the world," he said.

for solving specific issues. The aim often is to keep lines of communication open so that bad situations don't get worse. Church officials noted that while Bishop Vega was wandering Vatican halls, the papal nuncio to Nicaragua, Archbishop Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, was meeting with Nicaraguan government officials. Soon afterward, Nicaraguan church and state officials announced they would resume talks on mutual problems. Another case points up the Vatican's cautious approach to controversy. When the secretary general of the southern African bishops' conference, Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa, claimed he was tortured in detention, the Vatican withheld comment for several days - even while church officials in other parts

of the world were loudly condemning the South African government. "We know Father Mkhatshwa was arrested and questioned at length, but we don't know whether there was real torture involved," said a Vatican official Aug. 27, the same day two U.S. cardinals and Bishop James W. Malone, president of the U.S. bishops' conference, issued strong statements on the case. "Before we talk about torture, we want more reliable information"from Vatican representative& on the scene, he said. "Then we: may take some action." When the information came, the Vatican did act. An Aug. 31 statement signed by Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, Vatican secretary of state, on behalf of the pope, criticized "the detention and mistreatment of Father Smangaliso M khatshwa."

The cardinal noted that Eastern European cultures are more prevalent in the United States than in Western Europe. Because of the political situation, people from Slavic and Middle Eastern churches are sometimes more numerous in the United States than in their country of origin. "There are more Ukrainian bishops in America than in the Ukraine," he noted. American Catholics are in a position to carry out "a privileged mission of mediation" between two

contrasting movements in their country: isolation and imperialism, the cardinal said. Isolationism is the attitude of not caring about anything outside the United States, he said, and imperialism "exports American ... styles to the entire world." The U.S. church "can, from the inside, open the country to a truly Catholic awareness which allows each nation to cherish its national identity in community and in solidarity with all nations of the world," he said. The cardinal's remarks appeared in the July 5 issue of Le Monde. During his U.S. visit, which included stops in Washington, Chicago, Boston and New York, he said he wanted "to help bridge the gap and help the American church be better known in France, and vice versa."

New manual of indulgences VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has published a new and simplified L'1ltin-Ianguage manual of indulgences. It follows the new Code of Canon Law and conforms biblical quotes to the new official Latin translation ofthe Bible, said a Vatican announcement, which noted that translations into other languages are planned, but gave no dates as to when they would be ready. The new canon law code does not change the theology of indulgences, which are church-granted remissions oftemporal punishment due for sins already forgiven in confession. To obtain an indulgence, one must perform such acts as reciting certain prayers or participating in special liturgical rites.

,.i Vatican

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They're working hard on plans for pope's 1987 U .8. visit WASHINGTON (NC) - U.S. church officials are working out the details of a visit by Pope John Paul II to Southern and Western U.S. cities Sept. 10-18, 1987, while waiting for Vatican approval of the entire plan. The Sept. 10-18 dates have not been confirmed by the Vatican, but Father Robert Lynch, National Conference of Catholic Bishops' associate general secretary, said Sept. 3 that "we have asked dioceses to work in that time frame." Pope John Paul is scheduled to visit Miami; Columbia, S.c.; New Orleans; San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix, Ariz.; Los Angeles; M onterey, Calif.; and San Francisco, according to several church sources. Father Lynch, overall coordinator for the visit, said detailed plans must be prepared in the United States and then submitted to the Vatican. "The Holy See will not agree to a visit and confirm it until it receives such a detailed program," he said. "We have to come up with minute-'

by-minute specifics - and be prepared for some or all ofthem to be changed." Members of the papal trip office traveled around the country in late August meeting with local church officials. Father Lynch is expected to go to Rome in late September. Father Lynch said generally the papal trip office hopes "to identify significant groups in the church" and include in the itinerary programs relating to them and to the theme of the visit, "U nity in the Work of Service: Building Up the Body of Christ. " One source familiar with the process said plans call for Pope John Paul to arrive on Sept. 10, 1987, in Miami, where he will meet with priests and U.S. Jewish leaders. On Sept. II he will travel to Columbia, S.c., to meet with ecumenicalleaders and then go on to New Orleans. In New Orleans, plans call for the pope to meet with permanent deacons and Catholic educators.

. On Sept. 13 he will depart New Orleans for San Antonio, where he will meet with members of Catholic Charities USA and visit a parish before flying to Phoenix. There he will meet with members of the Catholic Health Association and with Indians. The source said the pope is to arrive in Los Angeles Sept. 15 to meet with communication industry representatives and the U.S. bishops. He then goes to Monterey to meet with farmworkers and to San Francisco to meet with members of religious orders and lay ministers. Promoters ofthe cause of Franciscan Father Junipero Serra have expressed hope that Pope John Paul will beatify "California's apostle" while the pope is in Monterey, but, according to the source, present plans do not allow time for a beatification Mass. Beatification is the final step before being declared a saint. Pope J~hn Paul's on Iv major

visit to the United States took place in 1979 when he toured Boston; New York; Philadelphia; Des Moines, Iowa; Chicago; and Washington. He also has stopped twice in Alaska during Far East trips. Father Lynch, who also coordinated the 1979 trip, said he believes Americans are still enthused this time around. "I think everybody is excited.... He's still a charismatic and popular leader." Sister Catherine McNamee, president of the National Catholic Educational Association, said Sept. 4 that the meeting between Catholic educators and the pope in New Orleans is expected to be a twoway discussion. "We're getting our message together," said Sister McNamee, a member of the Sisters ofSt. Joseph of Carondelet. Like others involved in the papal visit she stressed that the plans have not been approved by the Vatican yet. "The program is divided in half," she said, with the first half consist-

ing of "people in ministry making presentations" and the second for Pope John Paul's response. The pope will meet both with Catholic elementary, secondary and religious educators and with representatives of Catholic colleges. Father Thomas J. Harvey, executive director of Catholic Charities USA, said Sept. 4 that Catholic Charities is preparing a film to show Pope John Paul the poverty and suffering in American society and "the sacramental presence of the church" in responding to that suffering. The film wilf be followed by statements from two representatives and then Pope John Paul will speak. "It will be a dialogue, but a prepared dialogue," Father Harvey said. In Texas the state's bishops have launched a $2.5 million fund-raising project to prepare for the imticipated visit and will launch a catechetical program on the first Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30.


Look to St. Augustine, pope says

Mission reading Dear Editor: Readers may like to mail their used Catholic pamphlets and magazines direct to the foreign missions. If those who wish to do so will please send me a self-addressed envelope, I will give them the adresses of missionary priests and nuns who need Catholic literature. Mary Conway 14 Castle Street Cork, Ireland

About "Kaz" Dear Editor: Thanks so much for the terrific article about "Kaz" and us. (Anchor, Aug. 29). I hadn't realized before how many people actually read The Anchor. People have been congratulating us from near and far. We even heard from the Sisters of Mercy in Rhode Island (Mike has a cousin in the order). Kaz has returned to Tokyo and I am sending him the extra copies you mailed. Again, thanks! Carol DeNofrio East Sandwich

"Massless Sunday" MEXICO CITY (NC) - The Vatican has squelched a "Massless Sunday" plan proposed by northern Mexican bishops to protest alleged election fraud. The Mass "can never be an instrument of politically motivated pressure," said the apostolic delegate in Mexico, Archbishop Girolamo Prigione. Chihuahua Archbishop Adalberto Almeida Mareno had previously announced that the 62 churches in his archdiocese would be closed "as a sign of protest" of gubernatorial and municipal elections so marred with fraud they constituted "a social sin."

THOMAS E. O'Brien of 51. Thomas More parish, Somerset, will spend the next year working with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps-South. A 1982 graduate of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, and a 1986 alumnus of Holy Cross College, Worcester, O'Brien will teach math and coach basketball at Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Houston, Texas. Nearly 300 volunteers are currently in the corps in such capacities as teachers, counselors, nurses, legal assistants and therapists. The 30-yearold organization is designed to help the poor and oppressed. O'Brien, 22, is the son of Jean O'Brien and the late John C. O'Brien. His father, for 25 years an athletic director and teacher at Bishop Stang, is remembered by hundreds of alumni as "M r. St~ng."

What You') Hear "Whatever kind of word thou speakest, the like shalt thou hear." - Greek epigram

VATICAN CITY (NC) - .St. Augustine's fidelity to church doctrine in the fourth century is a model for 20th-century theologians, Pope John Paul II said. The North African saint left a theological method of study based on "full adherence to the authority of the faith," he said in a letter to the world's bishops dated Aug. 28', the saint's feast day. S1. Augustine's theological method, which the pope said is particularly valid today, included "the convinced certainty that Christian doctrine comes from God." "We know that this method included the full adherence to the authority of the faith, which, in its origin - the authority of Christ -is manifested through Scripture, tradition and the church," the pope said. The text of the 21-page apostolic letter, "Augustine of Hippo," was made public by the Vatican Aug. 26, eight days after a U.S. Catholic priest was barred from teaching theology because of his views on dissent and some medical and sexual issues. The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith told Father Charles E. Curran, a tenured professor of moral theology at The Catholic University of America, Washington, that he was "not suitable nor eligible" to teach Catholic theology. The pope approved the decision. Pope John Paul said the fact that St. Augustine lost his faith before struggling to rediscover it makes his life an even more valuable lesson to people today. In the letter, the pope traced the saint's progress from early "errors," including his belief that in order to be fully committed to Christ one must abandon the church. Event-

ually St. Augustine became one of the church's greatest defenders on that and other points. Pope John Paul said St. Augustine demonstrated that "the faith is never without reason" and that the two "must cooperate." Eventually, the saint developed an idea of "Christian freedom" founded on "social love," justice and peace, the pope said. His life was an example of the combination of prayer and action, he added. He said St. Augustine knew that doctrine must be preserved as a whole, so that it can be used to judge whether .philosophies conform to the Christian faith. At the same time, the saint's life exemplified for modern Catholics how reason and faith can be brought together in a common philosophy, he said. "He teaches those seeking the truth not to despair of finding it. " For modern scientists, the pope said, St. Augustine's thought illustrates how God can be understood. through created things. "To the men who have in their hands the fate of populations, he implores them to love peace above all and to promote it not with war but with the methods of peace," the pope added. He also praised the saint's work as bishop in Africa among native peoples. He said St. Augustine's "City of God" deserves rereading today because it exemplifies how Christianity ought to encounter native cultures - without destroying or suppressing local customs. St. Augustine, born in Tagaste, in what is now Algeria, in 354 and later bishop of ancient Hippo there, is considered a doctor and father of the church. His writings had tremendous influence on the development of Western thought. He died in 430 at age 76.

The Anchor

Friday, Sept. 12, 1986


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Cilrran controversy Continued from Page Nine and in a serious disintegration of married life." He said that in 1979 "I repudiated all the dissent. I thank God for the grace to repudiate it. 1 think that dissent has just done unbelievable spiritual damage. "I certainly would not be here, wearing the signs of priesthood, if I had not received the grace to abandon that whole mess," he added. May, who was recently named to the Vatican's International Theological Commission, said he signed the 1968 theological dissent statement because "I had been impressed by the plausibility of some of the arguments" of those who opposed the church teaching, even though "I personally did not think that contraception was morally legitimate." However, he said, he "quickly realized . . . the phoniness of the arguments" against the encyclical "and the dreadful things to which they led." May described dissent as widespread among American Catholic theologians and argued that Pope John Paul II is taking measured steps "to remind us who we are, to remind Catholic theologians who they are. I don't think he's out to 'get' people, to excommunicate them."

The pope is trying to "bring unity to the church in all its moral life" and is telling theologians "if they are out on a limb, to come back," he said. Fedoryka described the Curran case as a question of "truth in advertising." He called Father Curran's dissent on certain moral issues part of a broader "rejection, by teachers at Catholic institutions, of such basic elements of the Catholic faith as the divinity of Christ, the virgin birth, the infallibility of the church."

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Phony clinics WASHINGTON (NC) - Phony abortion clinics which pressure women to carry their babies to term hurt both the women and the credibility of the antiabortion movement, some pro-lifers fear. The U.S. bishops' pro-life director and directors of long-established programs for women with problem pregnancies expressed concern after reports that Planned Parenthood of New York City asked Congress to investigate bogus clinics. Father Edward Bryce, director of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Pro-Life Activities, said anyone using deception "does not serve the best interest of the mother or the baby in the long run."

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INSPIRED by Halley's Comet, artist Luciano Chesini draped St. Mary's Church, Lancaster, 0., with hundreds of yards of white tulle, and myriads of tiny white lights for a performance of Mozart's Requiem by the Columbus Symphony Chamber Orchestra. (NC photo)

· •




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14 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 12, 1986

Christ is for you By Cecilia Belanger Why do so many feel that Christ is for someone else and not for them? What have or haven't they been taught at home or at their places of worship? What did their parents tell them? What are they reading? Are they taking time out to think about what they do read? I received a letter in which the writer said, "It may sound crazy to you, but I don't feel that Christ want's anything to do with me. I don't feel any different when I go to church or when I don't go, and I don't know why but I'd sure like to find out. Why does Christ seem like a stranger to meT' This isn't the first time I've heard such a question asked, but I hadn't realized so many have these feelings. I usually come in contact with people who see Christ in their lives; they feel that He is there for them in many different ways, that He's not static. Sometimes there is a selfishness in regards to Christ; if one isn't aware of Him operating in their

lives he or she may think that He is not working anywhere else, either. I'm sure that ifthose people become "apostles," they will find Christ at their side and they will recognize Him. All Christians are disciples, sometimes apostles, praying to be shaped according to the way oflife revealed by Christ. There are many ways in which one can take up the "servant form. "We must judge the work we're doing so that we don't forget our missionary way and fall . back into the ways of the world. We must always be aware of the temptations of those who wish to make the Body of Christ the body of sin and evil. People seldom talk about the peace that they must establish within themselves. Men and women must be saved from their own divided ness and restored to their integrity. Anyone can say 'peace' and still be at war within his/ her own breast. We turn away from God when we fall away from a true relationship with ourselves.

Winging it for Jesus GROSSE POINTE PARK, At age 18 she purchased oneMich. (NC) - When Kristine Bres- sixth interest in a single-engine, ser first heard about Tanzania, she two-seat Ercoupe and began flying did not know where it was, much lessons. After she got her license in less how to pronounce the name. June 1985, she began looking for Even her parents' encyclopedia work where she could combine her was too dated to pin down the love of flying with her desire to country that was once a British work for the church. African possession called Tang"I had dedicated my life to God anyika. in February while flying," she said. But early in August Miss Bresser, just turned 20 and still sport- "I love flying so much, and God ing a thin band of braces on her had given that to me. "My dad always said he'd like us teeth, left home to devote nearly to give two years of service for four years of her life as a missionary pilot and paramedic in one of society or the country - I always thought that meant going into the the world's poorest nations. In the Diocese of Arusha, Tan- Army, and that wasn't the life for zania, she will join the flying doc- me." But few agencies were willing to tor service of Holy Ghost Father take an 18-year-old pilot. Many Patrick Patten, also from Grosse Pointe Park, a Detroit suburb. . told her she was too young or The service provides health care to needed experience in aircraft nearly 150,000 people living in an mechanics. area of more than 23,000 miles in She had almost given up when a East Africa. friend found an ad for a pilot in a Half of .the area's children die church bulletin. Miss Bresser apfrom disease before age 5. Life plied, and three months later she expectancy for the survivors is was accepted. about 35 years. She was to spend the first four Miss Bresser said that being a months in Tanzania learning Swamissionary pilot was not what she hili. Eventually, she will work with envisioned for herself while a stu- Father Patten, pick up some dent at Star ofthe Sea High School. mechanical experience and practice flying and landing on the in Grosse Pointe. "All lever wanted to do was region's short airstrips, pockmarked by hyena burrows, thorn fly," she said. . . The parishioner ofGrosse Pomte . bushes and tall grass. '. Park's St. Clare of ~ontefalco. She said she will fly doctors to . church began flying with her father remote villages and sick villagers when sh~ '~was still in a car路seat." to health clinics.


What's on your mind? Q. I don't think my mom really loves me. In ract, I thought about her dying once, and I wasn't even sad. What's the matter with me? (Virginia) A. Part of "The American Dream" is the happy family whose members live together in harmony. So important is familial peace that many of us feel downright guilty or inferior if our homes are the scene of much quarreling, bickering or worse. But life is not exactly like "Leave It to Beaver." Most families are not the scene of 100 percent harmony all the time. Living closely with family members day after day is not always easy. Being generous, thoughtful and forgiving can be an enormous struggle. So don't be discouraged if there is friction between you and your mother. This happens in the best of families. Your mother may be experiencing serious problems of her own right now. Maybe she is fed up with the endless tasks she has as a homemaker. Or maybe she is not in the best of physical health. Or perhaps she feels that life is passing her by and she is unable to focus on the many positive contri-


butions she is making to her family. Eventually she may work out her present problems and be able to manifest her love for you more easily and readily. It well may be that if you were involved in an automobile accident, she would be the first to rush to the hospital. She might bejolted out of her present mood and show her real love for you in many ways. Do not be discouraged by your thought about her dying. Many a teenager has had such a thought pop into his or her head. This does not mean that something is the matter with you. None of us has complete control of the thoughts that pass through our heads. If it was your mother who was involved in an automobile accident, I suspect you would find out that you love her more than you now realize. Random thoughts are not always an accurate gauge ot what we feel about other people. Perhaps right now you too are having a more difficult time than usual in some area of your life. Monotony, boredom, difficult schoolwork - such problems can affect how you feel about other family members. Harmony and happiness in fam-

ily living are prizes that can be won only with struggle and sacrifice. So, what to do? Could you imitate the Scouts and at least once a day do something nice for your mother? This may lighten her heart in ways you do not know and even help her find the solution to whatever problem she may now have. And once a day could you say a prayer for help to that holy and happy fmily who once lived in a town called Nazareth - Joseph, Mary and Jesus.

Bishop Feehan A memorial was dedicated to the late Walter Downarowicz, a longtime supporter of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, and three faculty members who died during the summer were commemorated at a memorial Mass celebrated at Feehan Sept. 2 by Father Paul A. Caron, chaplain, as part of the school's' annual faculty day. Remembered were educators Eleanor Kenny, Sister Marie Rosaire Goforth, RSM, and Vincent Fagone. The 88-member Feehan faculty includes 14 new members. In all, there are 43 religious, 45 lay persons and a student teacher from Salve Regina College, Newport. 235 incoming freshmen attended an orientation program Sept. 3. The day included words of welcome and instruction from Sister Mary Faith Harding, RSM, principal, and Paul O'Boy, vice-principal. The new students were also addressed by Sister Regina Coughlin, RS M, who explained guidance and scheduling procedures.

conquer fear. The first step is to acknowledge what is feared. Admitting the feeling lessens the power of fear, for then irs no longer a hidden force controlling lives. People may not be sure what to do about their fear, but now, they are its equal. The next step to victory comes through trusting yourself. For example. you may want to go to 8y Chatlle Mattin a college far away from home but wonder if you can handle the separation from family and friends. Such a step feels fearful Holding Back The Years as you think about meeting new people and managing your life in Holding back the yeats an unfamiliar environment. Thinking of the fear I had so long Want somebody here In this situation, it is imporListen to the (ear that's gone tant to pause and quietly listen to Strangled by tbe wlsbesof father your inner self. Ask yourself if Hoping for the arms of motber you are ready for the step. If the Gets to me sooner or .later answer is a pretty consistent "yes," I'll keep holding on . even though the feeling of fear 111 ke~p holding on still remains, you are ready to Holding back the, Years take tbe risk. Chance for me to escape (rom all I've known It is possible that your fear will Holding back the teal'S, continue to bother you and ,Because nothing bere is wrong attempt to make you change your I've wasted all my tears decision. But fear no longer bas Wast~d all those ytars . the power to control you. Decio. Notbing bad tbe JlhlPee to be good sions based on true, deep feelings Because nothing ever eould can be trusted. Written by HUeltnall and Mb$s.Sung by Simply Red. rear has a useful purpose in (c) 1985. Eltktra AsylumReeords. protecting people from harm. But DO \,OUKNOW wbat record "teafs" and. "all tb,ose years" it can also become a tyrant steal.. was set by the week of Aug. 24's wasted, a collage of tmages that ing your future away. People are 'fop Forty? 'fwentyof the' 40 ~ug~~sts fear bas. held b~~k the not meant to live in the sad, S'pots belonged tOe groups from JndlVtd~fromop~lortu~lhes.ln regretful way described in "Hold.. the British Isles. Never before thesong s words,nothmghad ing Back the Years." has the Union Jack flown so highthe~bance to be g,?od because Acknowledgeyourfears, listen over American pop music. nothmg ever CQuld. to their message, but make your Several of the groups are t;lew, ." ~veryone fac~. fears. People inclUding Simply Red. Judging can remember ttm~s when fear decisions using all the inner from the soundof'<Holding Backkepr them from domg wbat t~ey resources that God gives you. Your comments are always the Years," this Englis1;). b,and ~anted. Later, as they ,realize ~aybecomeafrequent visitor to \Vh~t ha,s happened, they may be weleome. Address: Cbarlie Mar路 tin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., American record cbarts.路 filled With regret. z路 The song talks ab.out, "fear,~ But people also can Jearn to Evansville, Ind. 47714.


.' ·ovle· new·s


The Anchor Friday, Sept. 12, 1986




GARDENS Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13: PC-parental guidance suggested: R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films. not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

of her fumbling, crisis-ridden husband (Jack Lemmon) and the rest of the wealthy family whose troubies obscure her own quiet personal medical crisis. Blake Edwards uses sexual encounters as sources of humor in an exploration offamily ties that has few genuine moments. infidelity is treated as a symptom of a greater problem which is never resolved. What is left is simply an image of a strong woman and mother who absorbs all the family ills. A3,PG 13


Films on TV Sunday, Sept. 21, 7-9 p.m. EDT (ABC) "Pete's Dragon" (1977). A dragon befriends a lonely little boy in this Disney musical-fantasy allegory in live action combined with animation. Elliot the Dragon, who has' the power to become invisible, rescues an orphan boy from an oppressive backwoods family. Helen Reddy, Mickey Rooney, Red Buttons and Shelley Winters are featured. A I,G

Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local listings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.

GEESE wing their way south in search of a warm place to winter. (NC photo)

Award to Franco Al "Val" Vaillancourt, Fall River Area CYO associate director, has announced that Brian Franco of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, has been voted 1986 recipient of the Umpires' Sportsmanship Trophy by Fall River Area CYO Baseball League umpires.

Fall River. He joined St. Anne's team the following year, when it entered the league. This past season was his last, since he has reached the league limit of 21. • Franco's name will be inscribed on a plaque displayed at the CYO hall on Anawan Street, Fall River.

The award is tl1& only individual honor that the league gives. A pitcher, Franco began playing in 1982 for St. Patrick's parish,


.. ..........



•••••. «.

. .•••••••••••

New Films "Born American" (Cinema Group) Three college guys take an Arctic vacation to extremes when they arrogantly cross the border into the Soviet Union. They are tormented by suspicious Russians in this absurd and implausible action-adventure yarn featuring a youthful revenging survivor of a Soviet prison camp. Profanity, explicit torture and numerous acts of needless violence do nothing for international relations. O,R "Bullies" (Universal) A family of thugs terrorizes a city family that moves to a rural resort town. Their teenage son kills all the cutthroats. Profanity, harassment, promiscuity, molestation, rape, brutality and murder dominate this presentation of irrational small-town dementia. O,R "That's Life" (Columbia) Julie Andrews is a strong woman impervious to the manic self-centeredness

Sunday, Sept. 21, 9-11:30 p.m. EDT (ABC)"You Only Live Twice" (1967). This action-packed, gadgetfilled James Bond vehicle mixes skill and daring. Sean Connery is the romantic and ruthless agent 007 involved in oriental intrigue in Japan. Slick, violent, and indulgent of male sexual fantasy, it is decidedly adult entertainment. A3 Religious TV Sunday, Sept. 14(CBS) - "For Our Times" New efforts of the religious community to minister to the deaf. Religious Radio Sunday, Sept. 14 (NBC) "Guideline" Father Alfred McBride, catechetical consultant for the 1987 papal visit to the United States, discusses religious education aspects of the trip.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 12, 1986

PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fali River, 02722.. Name of city' or town shouid be included as weli as fuli dates of ali activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of tundraising activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual (lrORram~, club meetlnlls, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising proJects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steerinll Points Items FR Inllicates Fali River, NB Indicates New Bedford.

ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Catechists will be commissioned at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday, followed by coffee an.d doughnuts for teachers and their families in the rectory; month's mind Mass for Father John F. Hogan 7 p.m. Sept. 15; Patrick Gannon and Denise Morericy Gannon will direct music and the parish choir, succeeding David Langevin, who will study at Eastern Carolina University; rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18. New members welcome. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The parish thanks Lydia Gonet and MaryJane Richard for collecting and packing clothing for a Texas mission; prayer and discussion of Sunday Scripture readings 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays at the home of Elaine Ferreira, 45 Carnegie St., N. Dartmouth, tel. 992-7557. Adult education meetings begin 7 p.m. Sept. 16, church hall.

CATHEDRAL, FR Father Michael K. McManus, parochial vicar, will be the celebrant of this weekend's diocesan television Mass, to be broadcast at 10:30 a.m. Sunday on WLNE-TV, Channel 6. Parishioners will assist as lector, servers and musicians; Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 features entertainment. New members welcome. ST. STANISLAUS, FR BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Krakowiak Dancing Troupe, long The golden jubilee of Sister Mary associated with the parish, has openAlexis Nolan, RSM, was recently ings for additional dancers. Singles recognized at Mass; adult choir reand couples welcome. Information: hearses 7:30 p.m. Thursdays: chilDenita Tremblay, school principal, dren's choir rehearses after 10 a.m. 674-6771 during school hours; PaMass Sundays. New members welrishioners Theodore and Eugenia come. Ferneza are celebrating their 50th ST. PATRICK, FR wedding anniversary. Holy Hour 2 p.m. Sept. 21, lower ST.MARY,NB chapel. All welcome; Msgr. John E. Women's Guild meeting7:30 p.m. Boyd Council 295 Knights of ColurnMonday, school. All welcome. bus 1986-87 officers will be installed Transportation: Ella Dutra, 992- at 4:30 p.m. Mass tomorrow; Mass 7963; choir rehearsals resume 7 p. m. celebrating 100th anniversary of arSept. 24, church. New singers and , rival of the Sisters of Mercy in the instrumentalists welcome. Informaparish 4:30 p.m. Sept. 20, church, tion: Jackie Vardo, 995-2115; tryouts with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as for parish boys grades 4 through 8 celebrant and homilist. for A and B team basketball begin ST. ANTHONY, noon tomorrow, school gym. InforMATTAPOISETT mation: Roland Bourque, 995-1107. Children of Mary meeting 3 p.m. ST. JAMES, NB Sept. 18, church hall. New St. James/St. John School faculty members: Michele Conceiao, OUR LADY OF VICTORY, preschool; Theresa Baldo, grade six; CENTERVILLE Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mary Mitchell, special needs; CYO meeting 2 p.m. Sunday. All pa- Stefens are celebrating their 40th rishioners grades 8 through 12 wel- wedding anniversary; religious educome. Father Peter N. Graziano, cation teachers will be commissioned pastor, transferred to St. Julie Billi- at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, Our Lady art parish, N. Dartmouth, will offer of Hope Chapel, West Barnstable a farewell Mass at II a.m. Sunday. andat9:30am. MassSunday, mainchurch; He will speak at all weekend Masses parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. and will meet parishioners in the Sept. 16. parish hall. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Healing service and Mass 2 p.m. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR CYO registration 7 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, church. Sept. 16, Father Coady Center. All D of I, NB parishioners grades 8 through 12 Daughters of Isabella meeting 7:30 welcome; CCD teachers will be com- p.m. Sept. 18, K of C Hall, New missioned at 9:30 a.m. Mass S.unday. Bedford.

HOSPICE, CAPE COD Hospice of Cape Cod needs volunteers. Information: 778-5037. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Catechist commissioning service 9:15 a.m. Mass Sept. 14; Father Gabriel Swol, OFM Conv., parochial vicar, will conduct a Life in the Spirit seminar from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. 24 to Nov. 5, parish center. Information: 823-3046. Father BonaventureJezierski, OFM Conv., pastor, has been named chaplain of Taunton Council Knights of Columbus; free bus to Cathedral in Boston for blessing of Czestochowa icon and concelebrated Mass with Cardinal Bernard Law and Polish clergy. Information: 823-3046. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Prayer group meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Visitation Hall, N. Eastham; new members welcome. Parish council meeting7:30 p.m Sept. 15, rectory. ST. RITA, MARION Father Showry from the diocese of Cuddapab, India, will speak at weekend Masses. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Vincentian meeting after 10 a.m. Mass Sept. 14; boys in grades 6, 7 and 8 interested in playing CYO basketball may contact Kevin Leonard, 336-7473, after 6 p.m.; parish youth softball 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 14 and 2 to 4 p.m. Sept. 28, North School field; children's Masses II :30 a.m. Sept. 21 and 10 a.m. Sept. 28. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS, TAUNTON/FR GreaterTaunton/ Fall River chapter meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22, St. Louis de France School, Buffington Street, Swansea. For information on this support group for bereaved parents. contact Sandra Sousa, 8235240. DEAF APOSTOLATE Signed. Mass 2:30 p.m. Sept. 21, Sacred Heart rectory, Linden Street, Fall River. ICDA meeting follows; members of the deaf community wish to thank Sister Kathleen Murphy, OP, for her service to the apostolate. Sister Murphy will be working in the social service department at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River; information on religious education classes for children of members, 6798373, voice and TTY; persons interested in taking a course in religious signs or in beginner's signing may contact Father Joseph Viveiros. 678-5881, by Sept. 20. HOLY NAME, FR Parents interested ill. religious education classes for exceptional children may contact Father Thomas A. Frechette, parochial vicar, 679-6732; youth group meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 14, school hall; aerobics classes 6 to 7 p.m. Thursdays, school hall; cloth for bandages for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Cancer Home may be left at Holy Name School.


CATECHETICAL SUNDAY - - - - - SEPTEMBER 21, 1986 Religious Education Day • September 27, 1986



FELISHA Barrera, 10, of Risen Christ parish, Denver, tries for a pass thrown by her brother. It appears that most college and pro players won't have to worry about their jobs for the time being. (NC photo) ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Eucharistic ministers: meeting 7:30 p. m. Sept. 16, parish center; Women's Guild meeting beginning with 7 p.m. Mass Sept. 17; new members welcome. Prayer group fellowship meet~ng after 7 p.m. Mass Sept. 18, parIsh center. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Study ofSt. Paul's Captivity Epistles begins 7:30 p.m. Sept. 30, convent hall. All welcome. Information and registration: Donald Sylvain, 673-4378; information on Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Father Clement E. Dufour, pastor, 636-4965. Parish vincentians seek new members; information: Father Dufour. New choir members welcome: choir sings at 10 a.m. Mass Sundays and on special occasions; information: Father Dufour. HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR Persons interested in aiding terminally ill cancer patients through Hospice Outreach may register for a training course which begins Oct. 6. and will meet 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays until Nov. 13. Information: Linda Valley, executive director, 673-1589. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Parishioner Pauline Ellis was recently commissioned as a eucharistic minister; religious education teachers, aides and helpers will be commissioned at weekend Masses; Women's Guild informational meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16. New members welcome. ST. ANNE, FR Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. John Gonsalves are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary; commissioning of catechists and catecheticalleaders at 10 a.m. Mass Sept. 14. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Healingservicewith Rev. Edward McDonough, CSSR, 2 p.m. Sunday. All welcome. BREAD OF LIFE PRAYER GROUP, FR In conjunction with Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, the prayer group will sponsor a study course, at the church, beginning 7 p.m. Oct. 8 and continuing for nine weeks. Topic: second half of John's Gospel and Epistles of John. Information: 6734378; 644-2375. FR DCCW Fall River District Council of Catholic Women: meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18, St. Patrick parish, Somerset, for presidents and commission chairmen.

O.L. MT. CARMEL, NB Portuguese prayer group: 7 p.m. Thursdays, church. ST. JOSEPH, F AIRHAVEN Cheerleading practice 12:30 to 3: 30 p.m., school. St. Vincent de Paul Society installation 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday; Coffee and pastry follows, church hall. Parish advisory meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18, rectory. NOTRE DAME, FR Parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Michaud are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. ST. JAMES, NB Ladies' Guild meeting 7:45 p.m. Sept. 17, church hall. Sowle the Florist will present flower arrangements. Refreshments. New members welcome. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Parish census begins Sept. 16; Ladies ofSt. Anne Sodality meeting begins with Mass 7 p.m. Sept. 17. New members welcome. Information: Cecile Levesque, 679-2260. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Adult choir rehearses 7:30 p.m. Thursdays; new members welcome. Daily rosary prior to 9 a.m. Mass; rosary group meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays, church. ST, JOSEPH, NB Prayer group meetings begin with rosary 7 p.m. Sept. 17 and 24, rectory basement; school opening Mass II a.m. Sept. 19. LEGION OF MARY, NB Holy hour 5 p.m. Sept. 19, St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction; presentation of flowers to Our Lady in honor of the 65th anniversary of the first Legion of Mary meeting was made at a recent Mass; living rosary 3 p.m. Oct. 5, St. Joseph's Church; Junior group meets 3 p.m. Thursdays, St. Joseph's rectory. Information: 9952354. CATHEDRAL CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, E. FREETOWN St. Peter's Church, Medford, prayer group retreat 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 13; St. Patrick's Church, Wareham; evening reconciliation seminar 5:30 p.m. Sept. 15. CATHOLIC NURSES, CAPE Cape Cod Chapter of Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses second annual Catholic Nurses'SundaySept. 14. All Catholic nurses invited to 11:30 a.m. Mass, St. Anthony's Church, E. Falmouth. Coffee to follow, church hall.

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