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VOL. 29, NO. 36

$8 Per Year

At World Synod of Bishof,!

Bish,opJa~es Malone

to represent NCCB

MARRIOTTSVI·LLE, MD (NC) - The 60 members of the U.S. bishops National Advisory Coun­ cil have advised Bishop James Malone of concerns they want him, as president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. Catholic Confer­ ence, to bring to the World'Sy­ nod of Bishops. The synod, called by Pope John Paul 'II, will be held in Rome Nov. 25 to Dec. 8 to re­ view the state of the Church 20 years after the Se~ond Vatican Council. The priests, religious and lay people on the council met with Bishop Malone Sept. 8, at the conclusion of their regular three­ day fa'll meeting in Marriotts­ ville. Church treatment of women, sharp losses rin the number of priests, priestly celibacy, ten­ sions between the U.S. Church and Rome, declines rin Mass at­ tendance and failure of religious education to reach many Catholic youths were among problems that the advisory councH 'asked Bish­ op Malone to consider for the synod, discussions.

They told him that major strengths they found in the U.S. church since Vatican II included liturgical reform and people's participation in the liturgy, strong lay leadership and ex­ pansion of ·lay ministries, a deep­ ened sense of the, sacraments .of baptism 'and matrimony, growth in biblical spirituality, growing ae<:eptance of pluralism and di­ versity within the one church, and revitalization of religious life. Picking up on several remarks "bout Vatican-U.S. church ten­ sions, Bishop Malone said that one of the key issues he thought the world synod should work on ,is "a clarification of the theo­ logical character of bishops' con­ ferences." This, he said, would involve questions ranging from the moral ,authority of bishops' conferences when ·they teach as a body and the role they have dn dealing with dissent, to their role in re­ lations with other bishops' con­ ferences 'and the Holy See. ' Several I8dvisory council mem­ bers expressed concern that Rome does not understand the

U.S. church and gets a skewed view of it from a small coterie on the right that wl'ites directly to Rome. Father Charles Irvin of Hamburg. Mich., referred to the, letter-writers as "self-ap­ pointed vigilantes who are doing end-runs 'around the National Conference of Catholic Bishops." ,Donna Hanson of Spokane, Wash., incoming chairwoman of the council, expressed concern about Catholics not being able to attend Mass or receive the sacraments as often ,as they would like "because th~re is not a priest available." She linked the problem of a lack of priests with the question of celibacy and ' with a concern over Vatican un­ willingness to give 'dispensations to priests who leave active min­ istry. She asked how new voca­ tions can be attracted when peo­ ple see how priests are treated when they 'resign. Bishop Malone said that "a number of people I8re urging a return" from Pope John Paul's strict norms for dispensation of priests to the earlier norms Turn to Page Two

Moral, is,sue:s LCWR concern

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Two invited archbishops did not show up 'as nearly 700 participants in the 'annual national assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Sept. 1-5 dis­ cussed new moral issues con­ fronting them at a New Orleans meeting earlier :this month. With "Women at the WeB" as rits theme, the meeting was aim­ ed at helping superiors of wom­ en's orders draw on "wellsprings of common experience" lin facing "complex, difficult questions," said the outgoing LCWR presi­ dent, Presentation Sister Mar­ garet Cafferty. Workshops at ,the meeting dealt with ethics rin health care, in power and corporate decision­ making, -in financia'l stewardship, in personnel relations and in question's of pubHc policy. "tCWR mem1:>ership has to' deal rin life-and-death issues," Sister Cafferty said in an inter­ view. "And they have to do it

with ,increasingly scarcer re­ sources and personnel. They have to make judgments and choices as individuals and as members of a corporate com­ munity." Sister Anne E. Patrick, a Holy Names of Jesus and MaT)r sister who teaches Christian ethics I8t Carleton College in Northfield,


We are preparing to publish a new and enlarged Diocesan Directory and request par­ ishes 'and diocesan agencies listed in the current edition (dated Aug. 9, 1984) to check their entries and notify us of any corrections by mail or telephone BY FRIDAY, SEPT. 20. If we do not hear from you, we will presume your listing is correct as it stands.

Minn., challenged her hearers to become women of vision, cour­ age, imagination and creativity. One of two main speakers, she spoke on "The Moral Decision­ Maker: F,rom Good Sisters to Prophetic Women." Mercy Sister Margaret Farley, a ChristIan ethics professor ,at Yale Divinity School and the sec­ ond main speaker, examined the process of making moral deci­ sions and of del8ling with prob­ lems arising in the face of con-, flicting values. It was the presence of Sister Farley that :precipitated cancel­ lations from two archbishops scheduled to participate in the meeting. She is one of more than 25 U.S. women religious ordered by the Vatican to recant a state­ ment on abortion or face expul­ sion from theiT religious com­ muniti~s.

The statement, which appeared as a full-page ad in The New 'Turn to Page Fifteen

LI* $ ,Iff I







60 years a priest

Next Thursday win mark the 60th ,anniversary of pl'iestly or­ dination for Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni, a Fall River native who retired 14 years ago as pastor of that city's Holy Rosary parish. As pastor emeritus, he Hves next door' to Holy Rosary rec­ tory and joins Father V'incent F. Diaferio, his successor, for meals. "He's been like a father t.o me," said Father Diaferio. With Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presiding, he and Msgr. Pannoni will concelebrate 10:30 a.m. Mass this Sunday, as they always do. A buffet luncheon in the church hall will follow, giving parish­ ioners the opportunity to con­ gratulate the 84-year-old pdest who was their shepherd for 23 years. Msgr. P.annoni remains active in parish me, said Father Dia­ ferio, concelebrating the 4 p.m. Mass each Saturday as well as the Sunday morning Hturgy. He also hears confessions preceding the Saturday Mass. A sister, Mrs. Edwin A. Wil­ liams of Denver, Colo., and a brother, Peter Pannoni of Somer­ set, aTe expected to be among guests at Sunday's celebration. The son of the late Louis Pan­ noni and the late Beatrice Zaren­

ga Pannoni, Msgr. Pannoni was born in Fall River on Feb. 4, 1901. After attending St. Mary's parochial school and BMC Dur­ fee Hign School in Fan River, he studied for two years at St. Charles Seminary in CatonsviHe, Md. He prepared for the priest­ "hood at the North American Col­ lege in Rome, Italy, attending clal!sesat the Propaganda Fidei University. After six years at the Vatican seminary, he was ordained to the priesthood by the Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sept. 19, 1925. On April 21, 1964" Most Rev. James L. Connolly anvested the Fall River pastor 'with the robes of a domestic prelate. Msgr. Pannoni was parochial vicaT at Sacred Heart parish, Taunton; Corpus Christi par-ish, Sandwich; and St. William par­ ish, Fall River. Appointed pastor of St. Fran­ cis of' A'ssisi parish, New Bed­ ord' in 1929, he was named to the Holy Rosary pastorate in 1948, retiring' from that post 'in 1971.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-~ri., Sept. 13, 1985

Engaged ministry personnel changes

New NFP' coordinator



liind of' thing"

By Joseph Motta becoming familiar with her own A directory of 1986 programs Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, director Norma Peters Thomas is ex- !body and ,its functions, through will soon be distributed to all, of the Diocesan Office of Family cited about her new job. this, det,;rminin g her fertility parishes. Engaged Ministry, has announced changes diocesan For a month she has been co- patterns. couples are reminded to make in leadership for ministry to the ordinator of Natural Family PlanThere a~e tim~s in t~e cycle ,arrangements for thei'r required engaged. ning at the Diocesan Office of wh~nabstmence IS reqUl.red, the His office: under direction of marriage prepalJ'ation program Family Ministry in North Dart- dedIcated woman explamed. A as soon as their marriage date Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, pro­ husban~ must b~ supportive and mouth. vided, nearly 70 programs last is established. . Succeeding Sister Lucille Lev- suppOl'tmg, patIent and under­ year for over 1,600 engaged asseur SMSM who left the standing of the whole idea be­ couples who attended them as office' for. an 'assignment with hind 'NFP, which stresses that Motta photo part of their preparation for the her communty, Mrs. Thomas therear: oth~r wa,Ys to express . NORMA PETERS THOMAS sacrcament of matrimony as ,reTROY, Mich. (NC) - Today's works under the direction of. :love besIdes mtercourse, for ex­ Guid~teen"agers may be subsisting on quired by the qiocesan Father Ronald A. Tosti head of ample through long talks, or that instruction' is open to all, Hnes for Marriage. .fast food,' but their spiritual simply by relating over a cup of not just Catholics. Family Ministry.' The current personnel ch,anges· -hunger needs more than a "Mc­ The' energetic woman lists "It's a nice feeling to get some_coffee. are necessitated by ,transfer of Ministry" from the Catholic one ,in touch with her body Mrs. Thomas has found that strengthening the program and ­ former directors or assistant Church, a youth ministry special­ reaching more people with in­ (through NFP). I like it because such alternatives, c~ bring, directors to new parochial assign- ist said. it's a helping kind of thing," she couples closer together and help formation about' it among her Giving the keynote address at said.' them get to know each other goals. ,"The way we will' do it, ments. All changes have been approved by Bishop' Cronin. a Detroit archdioces~n planning again, is the grassroots ap­ A New Bedford native, Mrs. better. , They follow. conference for youth ministers Thomas has been married to _ ~he noted that while NFP has proach," she said. "Couple tell­ Fall River area: Rev. John and youth group Jeaders, John ing couple, couple teaching Joseph M. Thomas for 14 years; , become very populaT and the they are the parents of three. She norm. in othe,~ societies, m~ny. couple and couple witnessing Raposo, director; Rev. John Roberto of the Center for Youth ,is an active member of Our Lady AmerIcans (a contraceptIve to couple, saying 'Hey, ,it works Gomes, assistant; Rev. Joseph Ministry Development, Nauga-. Souza, assistant; Rev. Philip tuck, Conn., called his pJoanning of Purgatory Maronite Catholic society") are skeptical .about -it. for us. Try it.' " Mrs. Thomas may be reached Hamel, 'assistant, replacing Rev. process for youth ministry the Church New Bedford; and ft People want something "man-, "cafeteria-style" approach. registe;ed nurse. The n~w co- ~ade" when ".~ur bo.dies f~nc­ through the Office of Family William Baker. , "My philosophy is, variety is ' ordinator is also an ,instructor tIon perfectly m telh~g thmgs Ministry at 999-6420. Her hours New Bt;dford area: Rev. Marcel the spice of life, 'and ,if you offer are flexible to suit varied dioce­ in the health science program at' just ,as they are,'~ she said, add­ Bo~chard and. Rev. Stephen F.er- enough of ,it, people are going to a local vocational high school. ing, however, that NFP usage is san needs, but she is always at nandes, co-dIrectors" replacmg come in," he said. , NEP, she poi"nts out, is based growing in this country "on a her office' Tuesday evenings "Nobody eats every selection Rev. Ma~c; Berger~n;. Deaco? and on sound scientific knowledge grassroots level, the best way to until 9. Mrs. WIlham Mqrtm, assIstant in a cafeteria" he added ad­ " . and is completely haimless; no grow." \ directors (for Wareham). vising. that yo~tll shouId n~t be pills, gadgets or temperat~re Mrs. !homa~ saId there are Taunton area: Rev. Arnold expected to ,attend every offer-­ taking are required. .two tYPIcal clIent couples. The Medeiros, director; Deacon and ing. Helping many couples to first is young, recently or soon­ BRIGHTON, Mass. (NC) ­ He criticized. what he called achieve pregnancy, it contributes to-be manied. They want to plan Father George W. MacRae, SJ, Mrs. John Schondek, assistant directors. the "fast-food" approach. to physical and mental harmony for a child in a fashion approved 57, acting dean of the Harvard "If you wanted a,proper name Cape Cod area: Rev. John C. in marrrage, since both husband by the church. "I've met so many Divinity School, died Sept. 6 of a and wife share in natural fam- ·young people who are very Gath- heart at~ack. A native -of Lynn, Oz'ug, director, replacing Rev. for the fast-food approach, you'd call it McMinistry. You know ily planning responsibilities. olic in their thi~ng," .sh.e noted. he . hlid been Charles Chauncey Robert Donovan. Attleboro area': Mr. and Mrs. exactly what's being offered. The other typIcal paIr 'IS enter- Stillman professor of Catholic Brought to a new refinement by a husband and wife team; ing early ~iddle 'age and !ha~e theological studies at Harvard Neal Biron, directors; Rev. Kevin There're no surprises," he said. Harrington, spiritual director. \ "It tends to 'a rat!ler narrow Drs. John and Evelyn Billings, several chIldren; they feel theIr since 1973. , Portuguese-speaking programs: view of youth needs and it's not practice of the ovulation mefhod, family is complete. In 1977 he was among transla­ Rev. John J. Oliveira, director, comprehensive," he continued. with proper instruction and A nominal, NFP program fee tors of th~ Nag Hammadi Lib­ motivation, yields a 98 percent covers tile cost of provided read­ rary, 'a collection of Coptic texts replacing Rev. Jose dos Santos In the cafeteria-style approach, we put everything out because effectiveness rate. "It 'compares ing material. If a couple cannot ranking with the Dead Sea and Rev. Daniel Reis. All directors 'and assistants sooner or Joater we're going to extremely favorably with any ,afford to pay, Mrs. Thomas said, Scrolls among major 20th-cen­ other method," Mrs. Thomas the fee is waived; she also said tury Biblical studies finds. have been instl'umental in carry- hook you." said. , ing out new directives resulting Roberto warned the conference , The Billings progra-m and from training sessions for the participants that "ministry has others are taught at the Natural many couples involved in minis- to !be built around (a youth) Family Planning office. try to the engaged. Throughout agenda, not our agenda." 'Last month saw: anniversary Irenee is :the only survivor. NEP was endorsed by the the past year, the Office of FamTo be sure that youth minis­ She spent over 25 yeaTS of her ilyMinis~ry provided the direc- ters have an idea what young Catholic Cliurch after becoming celebrations fora Sister ot' St. religious me in France, where , tives to, ensure uniformity of people.jn their parish want, he a popular method of 'birth' regu" Joseph marking 61 years in re­ lation; it was. found to be a ligion, -and a Sister of :the Holy she worked in a hospital. Among content arid methodology and suggested inviting youths to fill viable, effective technique that Cross observing her golden her vivid memories of the time make it possible to interchange out a short int~rest survey dur­ ' is that of a forced night ma'l'ch program speakers and table . .jng a social 'after weekend did not conflict with Catholic jubilee. , at the hands of occupying Ger; leaders, throughout the' diocese. ' Masses. moral teachings. Its primary pur­ Sister Marie Irenee pose is to '.'plan a family as you .Sister Marie Irenee, the former man troops during World War II.

want it," according to Mrs. Lauree Cormier of .New Bedford, Sister Lucienne Hamel '

Thomas. celebrated her, 61st 'year as, a Sister Lucienne Hamel, CSC, Couples with good communi­ member of the Sisters of St. who served in the Fall River dio­ cation skills who are interested Joseph of Puy ata Mass at cese 'as a' young religious, celeContinued from page one of his synod advisers. in spreading the word about Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall brated her 50th year as a mem- under Pope Paul VI. ~ope Paul Bishop Malone acknowledged NFP are instructed by the new, River, offered by a nephew, ber of the Congregation of the had made it easier for priests that. "the church does not use coordinator. After a six-week Father Roch Leblanc, ,OFM, sta­ Holy Cross and Seven Dolors at leaving active ministry to re­ the talents of 'women fully." He course, they are certified as NFP tioned in Montreat A picnic fol­ a Mass and a following reception main in the church' or be recon· said he can "only represent as instructors. '!Owed at the home of another , in North Grosvenorda'le, Conn. ciled with it. well as I ca,n" the concerns of NFP is among topics discussed nephew, Jean R. Cormier of Fair­ -Known as Sister Jeanne AnSeveral council members ques­ women. It is up to women to during diocesan marriage prep­ toinette dur,ing her service in the tioned what Patricia Gilmar:tin "a'rticulate to me" what those haven. aration programs. Interested Sister Marie Irenee; 91, is in FiliI River diocese, she taught in of Howard Beach, N.Y., called concerns are, he said. couples are referred to Mrs. good health and in: residence at. Holy Rosary, St. Anthony and "the Joack of church use of wom­ , Sister Thea Bowman of Can­ Thomas, who 'arranges for them her community's convent In' FaIl St. Anne schools in New Bedford en's talents." ton, Miss., a member of the Third to meet with an instructor team. River. Her celebration was' at­ and in St. Joseph School, AttleThe synod, she said, "wiU be Order of St. Francis of Perpetual The two couples meet' on a per­ tended by over 115 relatives and boro, shortly "after she professed an all-male enclave," and "once, Adoration, said the need today sonallevel in' a home setting. ' again we feel rather left out." : for priests to be coordinators of

was the first full-scale reunion her final vows ,in 1944. "It's not the woman who ~oes of the descendants of her father, Later she did secretarial work 'Piltricia James of North Can- many different 'ministries re­

aU the work," Mrs. Thomas said Aureus Cormier, who came to 'and cared for the elderly in New ton, Ohio, in Bishop Malone's quires "a new kind of leader­

of NFP. 'ilt has to be the couple. New Bedford from Ste. Gertrude, Hampshire and Connecticut. She home diocese, suggested that the ship." She asked how the "att.j; They must talk :to one another Quebec, ,in 1902 with his wife is now stationed in Rochester" bishop might partially offset the tudinal" changes needed for that a~d have the same goals." , and nine children and died in NH, where she isa substitute absence of women at the synod different ,leadership style can be . ' ·~It's not hard!lt all to learn," 1948 at age 92. Two more child­ teacher and library' aide and a by inviting the new advisory structured -into seminary train­ she continued. "It's a matter of ren were born ,in the' United· parish 'lector and eucharistic council chairwoman, Mrs. Han­ ing and continuing clergy edu­ a woman charting her cycle and States. Of all, Sister Marie minister. son, to join him in Rome as one cation.


Harvard Jesuit

Two sisters mark jubilees

Bishop Malone

,Phyllis Dumaine·

Msgr. Hoye attacks FreeChoice WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Daniel F.. Hoye, genera'l secre­ tary of the U.S. Catholic Confer­ ence, attacked what he termed "false and misleading" state­ ments by Catholics for Free Choice, 'a group backing legal abortion, on church policies !re­ gnrding family planning. The secretary responded to an Aug. 21 comment'ary on the op-ed page of The Washington Post by Frances Kissling, Cath­ olics for ill Free Choice executive director. In 'it, Ms. Kissling criti­ cized "a substantial increase in efforts by the Roman Oatholic hierarchy, and by organizations strongly linked to the Roman Catholic Church, to curtail sharp­ ly access to and use of all con­ traceptives other :than 'natural' family planning methods ap­ proved by the Roman Catholic Church." Msgr. Hoye, in a letter to the editor published by the news­ paper Sept. 6, sa'id he would have liked to address "aU the false and misleading statements" in Ms. Kissling's piece but would target only two, dealing with the USCC views and a 1974 state-' ment by a USCC official. Ms. Ki/lsling had' written that church efforts to <limit access to contraceptives included "public comments by Pope John Paul II"; lobbying by USCC officials to eliminate U.S. government fund­ ing of groups linked to abortion, even if their abortion activities are funded by private sources; and efforts by domestic 'natural' family planning groups" to ob­ tain Agency for International De­ velopment family planning funds for projects <limited to NFP. 'Responding to appeals from natural family planning' promo­ ters, AID in July 'allowed such groups to qualify for AID funds. Previously, NFP providers had to offer contraceptive birth control as well or refer clients to agen­ cies which did. CW'rently, AID­ funded contraceptive services still must provide information on NFP. "Many Catholics oppose these efforts by the leaders of their church ,because they severely limit the free exercise of cons­ cience by Gatholics and non­ Catholics alike," she wrote. Msgr. Hoye stated that Ms. Kissling, dn her comments on iNFP and AID, "gets the issue exactly backward." "The 'atgument, in fact," he wrote, "has been over whether natUTal family planning groups should be coel"Ced into referring clients to other methods of fall}­ ily planning as a condition for receiving assistance." Ms. Kissling illiso had quoted a remark made in a 1974 theo­ 'logical article by F'ather J. Bry­ an Hehir, now usce secretary f,!r social development and world peace.

A Smile "A smile is a curve that can set many things straight." ­ Anon.


Bishop Daniel A. Cronin pre­ sided and Very Rev. John P. DriSCOll was eulogist at last Saturday's Mass of ChTistian Burial for E. Phyllis (Collins) Du­ maine, 66, of St. Lawrence par­ ish, New Bedford, who died Sept. 4. The Mass, attended by many priests of the diocese, was of­ fered ,at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River, the native parish of both Mrs. Dumaine and Father Driscoll, who were child- , hood friends. The daughter of the ~ate Charles F. Collins and Esther E. (Kieran) Collins, Mrs. Dumaine is survived by her husband, Nel­ son A. Dumaine, an employe of the diocesan chancery office, 'and a sister, Mrs. ~ohn F. (Pau­ line) Murphy of Fall River. She was an accountant in Fall River firms for 45 years prior to her retirement in 1981.


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Interment was ;in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River.



Administrator named for St. Elizabeth's Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has named Father Arthur T., DeMello administrator of St. Elizabeth's parish, F'all River. The appoint­ ment was effective Wednesday. Father DeMello, who has been paro<;hial vicar at Immaculate Conception parish, N~w Bec!ford, since 1979, succeeds Father Jorge de J. Sousa, the late pastor of St. Elizabeth's, who died un­ expectedly Sept. 1. The new administrator was born Feb. 26, 1934, in New Bed­ ford. A graduate of New Bedford High School, he attended Stone­ hill College, North Easton, and prepared for the priesthood at St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford; St. Mary Seminary, Baltimore; St. Jerome Seminary, Kitchener, On­ tario; 'and Our Lady of A'ngels Seminary; Albany, NY. He was ordained May 10, 1962, at Our Lady of Angels. In t~e Fall River diocese he served as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taun­ ton; Our Lady of Health, Fall River; St. John of God, Somerset; and St. Mary, T'aunton, before being assigned to Immaculate Conception. On the diocesan level, Father

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DeMello has been a' member of the Commission for Divine Wor­ ship. He was also a Boy Scout ,chaplain in the Fall River area.

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Right reasserted , SAN SALVADOR, ,El .Salvador (NC) ...;. Archbishop Arturo Riv­ era Damas of San Salvador has reasserted his right to criticize the government in his homilies after conservative groups sharp­ ly criticized the sermons as "political." Citing the Code of Canon Law, Archbishop Rivera Damas said that "it is always within the competence of the church to state moral principles, including thos~ which refer to ' the social order, and to give its judgment on events" concerning human rights. He also cited a recent statement by Pope John Paul II recalling "the church's moral right and duty to give judgments, even on political matters." "



Friday, Sept. 13, 1985



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THE ANCHOR euSPS-54S-Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. . ue, Fa II River, Mass. 02720 by the Cath. ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 ~er tear. Postmasters send address chan'!:s 0~7~2~ Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, A

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OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Rev. Arthur T. DeMeHo from Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception parish, New Bedford, to Administrator, St. Eliza­ beth's parish, Fall River, effective Wednesday, September 11, 1985.




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THE ANCHOR---:Diocese of Fall River.;.,;.'F.'rL;.Sept: 13,1-985

the living word


themoorinL The Video Revolution Consider the new words the world of video has introduced into our daily parlance. VHS and Beta are the most familiar and these basic words have developed a 'host of adjectival additions. We now speak of Standard Betaan<i Standard VHS plus HiFi Beta and VHS Hi-Fi and Super Beta VCR. If this already seems like gibberish, don't forget downlink and disk, as well as multiprogram capability. These are but a few of the modern additions to our language that have become household words; and the end is not yet in sight. In fact, the world of video is only beginning to invade oUf lives even though it has already become a dominant factor in far too many homes and some Americans are :said to spend as much as seven hours a day in front of their TV sets. There is little doubt in the minds of sociopsychologists that many household schedules are determined by televisi()n pro­ gramming or by hours set aside to view videotaped selections. Parenthetically, it should be noted thatthe latter ~apability offers unique advantages. Videotapes have kept many a child quiet on a summer day in a wet and damp seaside cottage. Additionally, they have created an entirely new industry employing millions of !apanese and enabling thousands of Americans to open video rental. outlets. But you haven't seen anything yet. The laser beam has been' put to work. Throw out' your old phonographs. The needle is obsolete. Records are now disks scanned by a laser beam. This technique has been married to video machines and this autumn will see the first crop of integrated audio-video systems. As a result, you will shortly be able to replace your old VCR with a video hi-fi stereo system. This trend will anticipate the spread of stereo television ~road­ casting and make it possible to record video programs with hi-fi stereo sound. , " , NC Photo The next development we can expect is'the new television, set. The 525-linesystem ofteleca~tingnow in use in America is ' CATECHETICAL SUNDAy j. . ' . •. " " , al~eady obsolete and can be replaced in an instant. What"could 'Those who train many in the ways of justice will sparkle like be broadcast tomorrow, given home receivers, is a p'icture with "at least twice as many lines. This will give home viewers unbe­ the stars foil' aIn eternity.' Dan. 12:3 lievable picture quality. . , In this regard we should also remember that performance video is linked to the prevailing method of broad,casting. If all this hasn't sufficiently confused you, take a look around your neighborhood anq note the mushrooming mesh saucers that are literally popping up on front lawns. These very large "dish" antennas actually scan space, hook on to satellites and bring down video beamed off orbiting relay stations. By Father Kevin J. Harrington al public, she cannot expect to able to their stockholders and while Originally enormous in size, smaller dishes will soon be make angels out of either pro- it may be impossible to appeal to available capable of allowing the home video enthusiast to One ofthefirstdocuments prom­ their consciences, it is certainly grammers or viewers. ulgated as a result of the Second record from a hundred stations. ProgrammerSrecognizethefinan- . possible to appeal to their bottom What will ail this do to cable television? Here is an industry Vatican Council was the Decree cial reward inherent in their efforts lines. ' on the Means ofSocial Communica­ to pander to human weakness The real challenge posed by the that seems doomed to self-destruction almost before it has tion. The document's second para­ rather than appeal to human nobil- Social Communication decree is _ ]graph summarizes the purpose of, ity. A glaring example of this is the to promote and recognize decent gotten off the ground. this decree: "The Church well billion dollar pornography indus- family news and entertainment. The whole picture is going to get worse. New words, gadgets, machines, contraptions and devices are waiting in the wings to knows what great benefit.s can try spawned through the popularHidden stories of human hero­ dd t the 'umb'le and tumult already part of our viewing life. ,accrue ~o men thro.ugh the ~Ise use ity of video cassette recorders and ism should be highlighted to fulfill a o. J ., . . e d of media - relaxation, enrichment cable television. the Gospel mandate: "Let your What It adds up to IS rapid change with equally IOcr ase for their minds and the extensi'on However, programmers need to light shine before men so that they -,-~o_Qfusion and corresponding psychol.ogical adjustment. of God's reign among them. The recognize not only the power of might see your good works and It all means that we will 'have to c'hoose between controlling Church likewise knows how !Ouch original sin but the power of origi- glorify your Father who is in " . the perverse use of these media can m.achmes or .allo~m~ them to c~ntrol us. Many households be detrimental to men and contrary nal innocence. NBC, for instance, heaven." raised ratings dramatically when it wIll lose out 10 this video revolutIOn. Some already have suc-· to the purpose of their Creator." y'oung people should' be moti­ targeted a more wholesome family Twenty years after the Council audience with Thursday night's vated to-become professional com­ cumbed. It will take a very determined effort to master the municators, 'not to become rich world of video. If Ii family fails, it will become its slave. we have ~itnessed such, positive Cosby Show and Family Ties. . Th Ed't and negative uses. And Ted Turner's Turner Broad­ but to enrich the world with pro­ The secular media are often dom­ e I or casting System has purChased rights gramming that portrays basic inated by decision makers striving for many reruns and movies pro­ human and family values and is to project an image of neutrality d,uced ,when a saner media attitu~e able to compete in the ratings, with and at all costs avoid issues of reli­ toward morality prevailed. He too' offerings less sensitive to the spir­ gious belief. Of the electronic has profited greatly by appealing itual dimension of humanity. media, news and, entertainment to human nobility. It is a shame that programmers have the greatest influence upon The popularity ofsuch program­ seeking that spiritiIal dimension OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER, our youth. Television program­ ming cannot be dismissed 'as a nos­ must reach back to such reruns as Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFal! River ming, with a few exceptions, reflects talgia fad. Hopefully, it will encour-' Leave It To Beaver to find accept- ' the attitudes of decision makers age producers to develop television 'able material. It, Little House' on 410 Highland Avenue, who for the most part practice no' shows reflecting the mores of the the Prairie and The Waltons were Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 religion, may not even believe in general public and not the handful ( excellent programs' in their time , PUBLISHER' God and are very permissive in the of decision makers currently dom­ but surely today's viewers are Most Rnv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T,D. area offamily and sexual morality. inating the electronic media. EDITOR entitled to wholesome family enter­ FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR While the Church certainly has This may seem an unrealistic tainment depicting our own young' Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan an advocacy role in promoting hope but it should be remembered , people in our own time and environ­ . , . . . leary Pre5s-Fall River programming that edifie~ the gener­ that the;: d~isi(;m makers are account- ment. ~

The positive use of media

Being truly sorry

Has there ever been a parIf we expect our children to ent who hasn't faced a defiant learn to apologize and express youngster mouthing "I'm regret, we need to add this compo­ ' n e n t : what can I do to show you .. ~orry, but who.se ,verr bear- ~ I'm sorry? This is more important mg clearly says he Isn t? It s a c1as- than forcing children to say they're sic situation in families. And it can sorry. drive parents up the family room One way to handle the situation wall. Has there ever been a child who in which one child is clearly an hasn't been forced to say she's offender is to point out the offense sorry when she isn't? She doesn't and hurt involved. And then add know how to deal with it either. something like, "When you're really Her options are nil. If she must say sorry and ready to apologize and it, she is going to find some way of decide how you can make up for what you've done, come back to showing she doesn't mean it. us. Until then, it's best you go off Both situations can lead to resent­ ment, rage and explosions. Clearly by yourself and think about it." This tells the child that a curt there has to be a better way of dealing with offending behavior in "I'm sorry" in the heat of battle the family. And in the school and won't cut it, that some form of restitution is expected, and that workplace, as well. When we truly feel sorry for an she must bring herself back into act or comment that is hurtful, we the family circle from which she say so and then look for a way to has removed herself by her actions. show that we mean it. If we hurt Restitution can come in the form someone, we try to find some little of saying, "I didn't mean what I way of compensation for it. If we said. You aren't stupid. You're overlook something at work, for smarter than my friends," Or, "I'm instance, that causes someone to sorry I lied and got you into trou­ stay later, we may offer to stay and ble. I'll do your dishes to show you help. I'm sorry." Or, "I'Illet you have I don't believe in forcing anyone my calculator since I broke yours." to apologize. When we force it,

we're teaching hypocrisy if it isn't Fundamental to apologizing in

, heartfelt and, worse, we're teach­ the family is the model of parents. ing that saying sorry takes care of If we apologize to each other in it. It's like forcing someone to say, 'front of.the children and show we "I love you." The words are empty mean it, a powerful lesson is taught. if not freely given. If we mutter a half-hearted or bit-

Circuit rid'ers,?

Is the day coming when the celebrating the Eucharist and coor­ majority of priests no longer will be assigned to an individ-' ual parish but instead will become "circuit riders" assigned to territories? With the prediction that there will be from 13,000 to 18,000 U.S. diocesan priests by the end of the century - down from some 35;000 today - the concept of a circuit­ rider priest is being talked about in some circles. He would be a priest whose main duties would be to celebrate the Eucharist, to coordinate lay persons or deacons in charge of parishes and to ensure that all sac­ ramental needs are met. He would do this in several parishes. At first glance, there seems to be a good argument for circuit riders when one considers the causes for clergy burnout. The Rev. Roy Oswald, a Luther­ an expert on clergy burnout at the Alban Institute in Washington, D.C., recently wrote that the clergy suffer from the same stress as members of other helping pro­ fessions. But what is unique to the clergy is role confusion and overload. Oswald explains that there are three groups of parishioners in every parish: "One wants the pas­ tor to be easily available to make house calls, to socialize and visit"; another "wants him to be out con­ verting people and bringing in new members"; a third "wants him to run all the church's meetings and business." Those comments say nothing of the additional expectation that the priest be a'counselor, good preacher and a leader in social justice. It seems that the chance of burn­ out would be much lower if a priest were only responsible for

dinating parishes. Lay ministers and permanent d~acons would counsel parishioners, run business meetings, convert and preach and take care of daily parish chores. , But in my vfew, it would be dis­ astrous to confine a priest solely to the role of celebrant, even though the Eucharist is the essence of his ministry.

THE ANCHOR''':'':'l>iocese ofFalI' River-Fri., Sepi':-l3, -1985 By DOLORES CURRAN

ter "I'm sorry," an equally power­ ' ful message is passed. We also need to model and teach children how to accept apol­ ogy. Sometimes this is harder than apologizing. If we respond to "I'm sorry," with "You should be," or "I'll bet," we demean both the apology and the giver of it. This doesn't mean we're always ready to accept an apology. Some­ times we aren't. Then we can respond, "I wish I could believe you're sorry, but I can't right now. Give me some time. " Wherever people live and work together, there will be conflicts and hurts. We need to accept that. We can minimize them but they will erupt. The difference between a family or workplace climate that is plea­ sant and one that is unpleasant lies less in the number of conflicts and more in how we react to and resolve conflicts and hurts. Saying "I'm sorry" isn't enough. Showing it is.


Today many priests are also­ educators, psychologists, canon lawyers, ,chancery personnel, clin­ ical pastoral ministers and re­ searchers. In many cases, they have streng- : thened their priestly identity by . becoming specialists. They have ' Sept; i4 Rev. Stanislaus J. Ryczek, come to use their particular talents ~ Retired, 1982, Lauderhills, Florida to serve the church in a special' way. . Sept. IS If a priest's witnessing were con! Rev. Henry J. Mussely, Pastor, 1934, St. John Baptist, Fall River fined solely to celebrating Mass, ! Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., one might wonder about the com- ' munal aspect of the Eucharist, the 1958, Holy Cross College, Wor­ celebration of a community bound cester, MA ' together by relationships. To Rev. John J. Casey, Pastor, 'bounce in and out of a parish 1969, Immaculate Conception, North Easton . leaves no time for the priest to establish himself with the com­ Sept. 16 munity. Rt. Rev. Jean A. Prevost, P.A., How then could he give depth to P.R., Pastor, 1925, Notre Dame, his homilies by living them out Fall River with those to whom he preaches? Sept. 17 Most of all, a priest who celebrates . Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of the Eucharist and ·is not close to the Boston Archdiocese, 1970-1983 the community acts. contrary to . Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, Pas­ the whole meaning of Eucharist. tor, 1954, St. Kilian, New Bedford Anyone who has taught knows Sept. 18 that effective teaching requires get­ Rev. Luke Golla, SS.CC., 1945, ting to know the student. There is Seminary of Sacred Heart, Ware­ no substitute for the time this ham takes. Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Ward, Pas­ Whenever there is a crisis in tor, 1964, St. Patrick's, Fall River which numbers are decreasing there is a tendency to trade quality for Sept. 19 quantity. In attempting to meet Rev. Henry E.S. Henniss, Pas­ the eucharistic needs of parishes, tor, 1859, St. Mary~ New Bedford this temptation is surfacing with Sept. 10 the thought of introducing circuit Rev. Simon A. O'Rourke, Cha­ riders. plain, 1918, United States Navy Like all bad temptations, this Rev. Orner Valois, Pastor, 1958, one should be avoided. Sacred Heart, New Bedford


On full

'family members

Q. In a column about divorced and remarried Catholics, you said that such Catholics are no longer excommunicated. That does not mean, you said, that the new mar­ riage is recognized according to church regulations; simply that the person is still acknowledged as a full member of the Catholic family. By full member of the Catholic family, does this mean that one may receive Holy Communion? Are they allowed to be practicing Cath­ olics in their parish? I was widowed several years ago. On dating I meet many divorced men. I would like to marry again but want to remain in my own church. (California) A. One may be a full member of the Catholic Church, not excom­ municated, but still not be free to receive the Holy Eucharist. I'm sure you know well that any serious mortal sin by which we break our relationship with God in a radical way keeps us from the communion table until we gave repented, been forgiven and given up any sinful situation in our lives. Unless it takes place within the procedures established by the church, a second marriage after divorce violates a major rule ofthe church which every Catholic is seriously obliged to follow. This in itself is objectively sinful. It may even be a violation of the law of God itself if the individual remarries, even after a civil divorce, when a previously valid marriage still exists. Serious laws by which the church regulates its life, and marriage laws are certainly among them, are not just arbitrary "rules of the club." They are the ways the church attempts to be faithful to the Gos­ pel as a community of believers in Jesus Christ. As members ofthe church, there­ fore, every Catholic accepts his or her responsibility to share in that mission, and fulfill those obliga­ tions as honestly and faithfully as possible. No one pretends to judge how any individual stands in conscience before God. As I indicated, how­ ever, such actions are objectively seriously sinful. I must add that the church (and by that I mean all our fellow Catholics) never just leaves it at that. In many ways, it tries to pro­ vide every means possible for peo­ ple in such situations to return to the sacraments in an honorable and faithful way. Anyone who is divorced and remarried and who wishes to return to a full Catholic sacramental life should talk with a priest in whom he or she has confidence to learn what is possible. Nothing prevents such individ­ uals or couples from participating in almost all other parish activities. Q. I am a practicing Catholic. ·My husband was never baptized ·into any faith. With two lovely children, I fought severe premen­ strual pain for over a year and feared my. temper around my ·clllildren. I felt I could not have the



patience and responsibility for another child, though I reminded myself God would not give me a burden I coullll not bear. Several months ago my husband had a vasectomy. I helped and supported hilJl1 throughout. We discussed it for nearly two years and our decision came shortly after I had a miscarriage. I felt this was God telling mit he understood and that I shoulell not have another child. I know we are the ones who must answer to God and only God knows if we have truly justified our decision. I have asked my husband to join our children and me in our Catholic faith. Can he be accepted in our church after what he has done? Have I sinned by accepting what he did? I will be anXiously await­ ing yourreply. God and my church are very imporrtant to me. (Colora­ do)

A. Sterilizllltion is objectively a very serious violation of the human life given us by our Creator.. All our faculties, both of body and spirit, are gifts of God. They must be respected and cared for to pre­ serve their purposes which we learn from common sense and faith. Obviously those faculties which involve procreation of new life are among the most honorable and important of our human nature. To deliberately destroy them, there­ fore, would be seriously wron;8. How guilty you or your hus­ band may personally be for what you have done is something only God and possibly yourselves can know. You yourself indicate that you were aWlilre of something sin~ ful, but have a difficult time sort­ ing out the various motives offear, frustration, concern for your pres­ ent children lIlnd so on, that led to your final decision. At this point it is unnecessary and perhaps impossible to untan­ gle all these elements. Now it is only importlllnt for you to have repentance for whatever sinfulness your actions involved, confess it as you are guilty before God in the sacrament of penance and return to Holy Communion. I hope you do that. Your husband certainly can be­ come a member of the Catholic Church. Feel free to encourage him in whatever way you think appropriate. A free brochure giving· basic prayers, beliefs and precepts ofthe Catholic faitIII is available by send­ ing a stampeell, self-addressed enve­ lope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trin­ ity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloom­ ington, III. 61701. Questions for this column may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

.. ......





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FATHER HENRY VANASSE, ordained last month to the priesthood after serving for over 50 years as a Brother of Christian Instructon, gives holy communion to his sisters, . from left, Germaine Vaillancourt, Cecile Dion and Marie Nadeau, at a Mass of thanks­ giving he celebrated last Sunday at St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village. (Rosa photo)

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OfFa ., OAI( GlOW AW .• FAll 1M!!

ABC ran the column Sept. 7 VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican ,has criticized the 'Use of with News America $yndicate copyright. Pope John Paul H's byline on a commercially syndicated column 'Msgr. Nicolini reiterated tqe which was composed of excerpts Vatican position that the pope's from papal' speeches and' docu­ public statements aTe freely ments on ,racial discrimination. available to all news organiza­ The syndicate announced that tionsand that no one has "ex­ it is seeking Vatican claTification. clusive 'rights" to them. of its agreement about use of "The freedom of access to papa'! material. papal speeches;' documents and . The Holy See. also objected to interventions is granted to all, the copyrighting of the column thus tacitly excluding the ac­ and asked newspapers which use quisition by anyone of exc'lul!ive papal thoughts in columns or rights," said Msgr. Nicolini. articles .to state the sources of The column pUblished in ABC the anformation.. cited no papal documents as the "It is inadmissible that the sources of the views expressed. name of the Holy Father become used as a journalistic byline and A companion article in ABC said the newspaper, through the become involved in commerciai .operations," said the Sept. 10 column, would he "presenting, the thoughts of John Paul II on statement issued by Msgr. Giu­ the most 'lively and burning con­ lib Nicolini, vice director of the temporary problems." Vatican press office. "The Holy See is totally alien Msgr. Nicolini said the state­ ment was issued after news­ papers in several countries ran the column, which was the first FATHER PHIlLIP J. Geo­ in ,;a syndicated weekly series ·gan, SJ, chaplain at Bishop titled "Observations by Pope Connolly High School, Fall 'John' Paul W' issued by the Times of London and News River, since 1980, has been America syndicates, which werEt named parochial viCar of his­ formed by publisher Rupert Mur­ , toric St. Johq's parish, Ban­ . doch. gor, Me. The .parish was Msgr. Nicolini expressed "as­ founded· in 1847· by Rev. tonishment and reprobation" as John Bapst, SJ, who later, he 'cited use of the column as a /:>ylined article in ABC,a Madrid, founded 'Boston College. Spai~, daily newspaper.




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While at Bishop Connolly, Father Geogan established an upperclassmet:l retreat team .to conduct' days of re­ coll~c~ion forunderclass­ men, directed Thanksgiving and Lenten outreach pro­ grams and organized a Len~ ten' adult, ,education series. .On the, dio~esan level he has served on ahe Divine Wor­ ship Commission and given weekend assistance at Fall River parishes. He has 'also been chaplain of the Holy

to the mentioned editorial ini­ Native," said 'Msgr. Nicolini. . "There has not taken place an -accord of any kind, written or verbal, with officials of the Vati­ can," he added. The column was the brainchild of a New York lawyer and pub­ lishing agent, Arthur Klebanoff. In the 1985 Annual Syndicate Directory, pUblished in July. by the newspaper trade magazine Editor and .PubliSher, News Am­ erica Syndicate 'led off a 12-page advertising section for its prod­ ucts with 'a full-page, full-color ad on the column. The ad said that Klebanoff's partner in the column venture, Alfred Bloch, who translated one of the pope's earlier books from Polish -into English, "has been authorized by Vatican-based cardinals to provide editorial supervision of the column."

Cross Club of Bristol County. The chaplain will be hon­ ored by the school Parents and Friends Club at a recep­ tion at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 in the Bishop Connolly cafe­ teria. Entertainment will be by Boston pianist Robert Larkin.

- _u "






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Bishop ~A.Cro)

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nin to a MliSIl "at ~. Mary's , field, foll , commuwon breakfast at which theb!Shop Spoke on pornography. 'rhe event was sponsored by George C. Shields KOf C Coti~~~:n~~ , i, . • .


'Glum view "of schools

117R~U.1e An. New BedfonI•.Maa. d'!n't want itq tealjh, in Cath-. extinct would be harmful to the olic schools. 'Ibey plan ·to start church.' 996-6168 ltif,;""J'llDt.ll lUl'Vil)'ed ~tionwid,e families and can't affo"" to wQrk "If you let CathoDe schools go, DAILY ,."SUN, 9-1:11 believe e1ementaty s01l~. ue In the, Catbq1i~ schools," where (the church) will never have the ,., , "IJareIy survi\WJg" fi6aJlc1a.~ .. ,. ". salarie.·s are often lower, he said. -same impact on society," Amor~ \ according to the profeSslirs~, .. Both men ~ised the sacrifices iell declared. ' Loyola College" BalPJnore. J'" . . ., of Catholic' selicoI' teachers, even <:athoIlccollegeS "are ~:'refeiTing to them as "martyrs:' best and h\glr schools next"~,,·lieciIuse of the uncertain condi· but "elementary schools ari i!i" a, tions under, which they work. crisis situation," according to ' 1beYsaid much pf the teachers' William Amoriell. He and Joseph amtiety ~Uj from their sensProcaocini, both education pro- ing a lack of commitment to fessors at Loyola, said some- education - "and I think that's thing must be done in the next a very imPOrtant issue," said five years to save the schools" Amoriell. ' '~If elementary schOOls are to The Loyola professors sugexist in the future, something gestedthat the. U.S. bishops has to be done today," said Am· write a pastoral letter on educaoriel1. nThe bottom line !is that tion because of the seriousness they have to be financially com· of the situation. They also recpetitive with public schools." ommended that, a national forum The survey of more than 125 be created to deal w,th the superintendents was the first schools' financial problems. part of a two-phase p.-oject durThey say their survey found, ing which Amoriell and Procac- Catholie school p.-incipaIs cinl wili study planning and feel a strong sense of isolation Creative financing. . and desperation and little sense "We feel there's a lot sChool of diocesan support; .uperinu;n~en~'s ~ learn a~~t _ More than 65 percent of fund nusmg,. said Procacc?','. school systems have no written "The money IS out.there; It s long-range plans; Just a matter of knowmg how to _ Schools find it difficult to Yes, in the Missions too ...Schools are part ofthe Missions. For let it."' maintain "Catholicity"· as little as 55.00 per month, a child, whose parents never held a 1be survey also found that the . ~. turplus of lay teachers that tile' - Supenntendents beheve pencil or read a !fook, can be given the gift of an education ' ~lic schOOls' depend on is that too many pastors, even rethrough .your generosity. MISSION SCHOOLS Nftd Y_ Help! OIminlshing , cently oI\dained ones, do not Send your donation to the Propagation of the ,Faith todtly ..and ''This y';"r not one of our have a. high deg.ree of interest then ..take a minute to pray for the children and their teachers. enduates interviewed for a pro- Cathohc education. chiaI schOOl job," said Amoriell. Both professors believe a1lowStond your gill '0' . "The reason is not that they ing parochial schools to become

BALTIMORE (NC) .:... Fifty ~of'Catho\.Ic,schoOl ,SUper.


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The government has established aid programs for members o( the old untouchables class, part of the hereditary 'Hindu caste system. The protests began when the government announCed an increase in 'the number of college student slots set aside for the former untouchables. it since has postponed the plan.

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ANCH.9/13/85 PIcue ask the miuionaries to "'member the foOowins intentions at Mass:


of poorer groups. It said the church in GUjerat favored the poorer classes, citing two diocesan priests wbo champion the cause of former un· touchables.



AHMEDABAD, India (NC) A Catholic monthly has criticized J,pper-<:aste Hindus for protestIng new government policies which would benefit fo~r "untouchables" \Il the western Indian state of Gujerat. The Ahmedabad Missionary laid the violent protest is "funda· mentally a war" of upper-caste ,Hindus against ..ocial justice for the lower class. 1be monthly said the uppercaste establishment has dominaled.political, social and economic tire in the . .te of Gujerat and iee1s "tbrtatened" at education



Magazine raps protesting Hindus


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By Dr. James ...d Mary KeDDJ Dear Dr. K.aay: WJrat u. you .suuestluQS for explaiDlDt the suield. death ofa 21-year-old aaat to ber ....y.....old Die••! w. doa~ waat our 1IttI. cIrl to feel w. dOD~ think sh. caa bandle tb. truth, but at the same tim. we f.e1 .... cannot 'understand the depth of despair a sulcid. feels. Is It hest to ausweriDl dlreet qaostloas (How did she die! Wby did she die!) to aD older al.? - Masaacbusetts

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Death is a great mystery for all of us, not just 4-y.ar-olds. Suicide doubles the mystery. Most of us cannot compreh~ndwhy sonie:one would wantto end hertife.ftlUDtar· ily. . Suicide is uslllll\y npt a rational . act. It eaa be impulsive, ham of .sudden1lur'tanct.paiJl froqrthe 10.. of a job or hoyfriend. Or. it can grew sl_ly, ia the soil of<l.eepea-ing despair: la eitber ..... the 'strong feelings involved may ~t:l~ found and contradict any sens~

explanation. .

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You ask bow to eXplain this to a ....year~old. I doa't know. On the one hand. 4-year-olds "understand"



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The last suggestion may be the best. Wbat is wrong with admltc ting to our children that we do Dot understand sometbing'! CbiJ<hea can accept that. Cbildren dearwith mysteries all the time. You ask how to answer her More importaat than your word. questions. Most cbildren will be and explanations will be youf satisfied with asimple, direct explan- approacb to your daupter. Not ation without a lot of whys and what you say about deatb, hut wberefores. Uuless you make a bow you say it and what you do a~ complex matter of it, 1 suspect you talk to· ber. . your daughter will accept tbe faet Implied betwe.n tbe liaes of of her ,unt'ls death, along with a very short explanatioa of the cause. your brief explaaatioa to your daugJlter should be tile mes.... that ,...."ceepfaocklaa.bandle the What "'causes'"a suicifle in terms death. It is aUriI!bt to cry. Your that a 4-year-old can accept'? daUl!Jter ....s to kt)ow tblu grief '"She·bad lIll·.accident" is oft is~l'. But it is~a11 way PePPi. by'tO .xplam~ •. riPf tii ~at the .....uerilsan The ~onale i.,:. thAt a person ' a..hard, confused way. ~o would.(lOt do sucb a thiag uader aeeds to learn tliatyou can IiIillilk bard tr1Jths'.... cry. but y'ou;aiil n o ~Yourclaughler udderstandl aGcideats,'·so tbis do not erumJl1e or give up. ".:.c . ", nay be eaough. Secol)d, be pbysical.. JI"I ~ Some parents migbtsay,"She'is bold yO!Jr cIalilJbter . .~ ,!"JI<,~; witb <fll.<! D01r';;Wn.e-~ and bera~ut~.YOU"!ldJQ~:r most imPOrtant. The aoswerc~~ it may-....tisfy your daughter." . ~th iaotho~that ~ .l!ave,.··· "DtPresslOU:-V,jIao;hei way to explain surcipe.. "Sbe was 10 sad fO~~':'~~~~;: to he _ . , . . and depressed that she died:" Or IDe aIId ddId more va..,ely, "YoUr'aunt difid of In prllltllr. ill ~ tIIe'~. aa ill..... that' Wlo do ao(under- KeDD~'; Bos St. Jllieilii' stand,~ . 1 College. RelaNlaer, 1n4. 479'71• you tbat a a ....y.ar-old cannot uaderstaad the depths of despair ber 22-year-old aunt. must have felt.


EARLY BIRDS - 5-6 Daily

: i

On the other hand, I agree with


His "prison notes" in a book titled" A Freedom Witbin" (Har" A r.c.at item in tb. Wall Street court, Brace., Jovanovich) are the Journal told of two "dangerous expression ofa person in the bands characters" in Czechoslovakia con~ oftbe Creator. The cardinal's notes vieted of "misdeeds against tbe two, _-I.enerat!ODJ, stjlt said the . sh,!w tb~ co1;Dm\loili!.J!l?!J§Cliptinterests of socialist society." The Ro..ry and tbeir faith was strong. ening ia Pola.nd aacl" tbecllUn:h ' men were sentenced to jail for Another story tens of the "seeret standing stroag, giving witH6to°,.' Periods ranging from some three Christians" of Japan, a commun· the spirit that the Solidarity mov~ to six years. ity who are direct descendants of m.nt would embody later'<)n in Their crime? SmUggling rosar~ the fint Japanese to be converted Poland. ic:s, crucifix.es and chalices into to Cbristianity by St. Francis XavCzecboslovakia from Poland. Cardinal Wyszynski's words exier ia tbe 16tb c.ntury. Tbey perOn first reading, a person in a severed in keeping tbe faith tbrough plain why tbe C".choslovakian free country migbt laugh or cry to three centuries and several peri04.s government migbt be afraid of th.ink possession of such items of persecution. rosaries, cruciftxes and chalices: could possibly be considered a Tbe fidelity of tbe people of crime. "Tbe cause of Cbrist bas existed ~oland to Cbristianity is well But, on further reneetion, tbe known, standing in glaring con- almost 2,000 years and peopl. are .scenario changes, particularly if tradictioa to tbose wbo would still in prisons for it today. The you a"sk what if is about rosaries have destroyed it through the cen· cause has survived. It is ~live, and crucifixes that frightens social- . turies.lt is eloquently expressed in fresb, youag, full of allure. How ist Cz.eboslovak;;'. a book writtea hy Cardinal Stefan maay 8WlrdS have changed, priThe socialist government must Wyszynski, aa outspok.a critic of sons have fallea iato ruin, keys. keep out anytbing that inf.cts tbe commuaist regime wbo di.d in bave rusted, cblias and locks been peopl. witb beli.fs, id.als aad removed, yet tbe cause eadures. " 19SI. dreams co-ntrary to the socialist system. In my view, the officials are tryiag to keep out tbe spirit of Polaad whicb is refleeted in tbe "Hub?" he repeated "I was lisrosaries, crucifixes and chalices. By HIlda Younl tening to Madonaa and Icoulda~ Time and again throughout hisI just counted. There are more bear you." tory, in spite of attempts by ruling As doubtful as I was about tbe powers to destroy the presence of pairs of earphones in our bouse relilious ref......e, I let it a1ooe. Christiaaity, tbe carpenter from than people. "Tbat's tbe problem," I said. I used to worry about the kids' Nazaretb and bis message survive. Today, as in the past, Jesus con- radios- and stereos being so loud it tinues to seed tb. bearts of people would melt their ear wax, crack "Youarealwayspluggedintoso~ witb his messagC of faitb. justice their fillings, make tbeireyes water. thing. You're sbuning out the Now I'm worried about tbem siag- world. How do I kaow you're DOt and everlastiag lif•. Instanees of Christianity's abil- ing aloag to songs I eaa't bear dev.loping lOme kind ofwithdrawn ity to survive abound. I remember and out of tune at that. personality from forming barmful They bave earpboaes that plug audio relations with a pocket-size reading ofan incident fro'm Colonial times. In tbe 1700. New York into radios, record playeR, televi- cassette player7" MAw, mom." State ruled it a crime to h. a sions, cassette players· aad tape . "papist priest." recorders. "Come on. mom, it's tbe 1980s. I have one son who spe'nds so Nonetheless, a priest used to Earpboaes are wher. it's at. The travel incognito, disguised as a much time under earpbones I'm "Dr. Sebneider," to bring the ..c- concerned about him wearing a sound has .one portabl•. Wouldn ~ raments to clusters of Catbolics as bald spot over bis bead betwe.a you have listened to Jerry Le. Wbat's-bis-aame or Peter-Paulbis ears. far away as Pennsylvaaia. You can't start a conversation Mounds oaearphonesif you could Because of tbe uncertaiaty' of witb this boy without him begin- have?" "It's Peter, Paul and Mary," I tbe times, witb bis life in danger ning it with, "Huh?" due to natural elements as well as "Take your earpbones off ;0 I c;.orrected. "What?"'e said too loud, his state officials, tbe priest taught a can talk to you,"I ..id to him tbis earpbones back on. group of German Catholics in ?en~ morniag.

By Aatolnett. Booeo


nsylvAnia to say the Rosary every day as a way of bolding on to tbe faith. Ye"" later thes. Catbolies, wbo had not seen a priest in more than

Earphones, anyone?




Member F.D.I.C.



.THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 13;1985



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Who's really behind TV programming?'

Who develops and gets TV shows athletes, idols of the young, star in Father Kieser also reads scripts on the air? "Nobody knows," says . beer commercials? And, a point for the Humanitas prize (the annual a Hollywood reporter. "It's like hotly debated between advertising award given programs dealing with asking 'Who runs AT&T?' It's a executives and Peggy Charren's human values) and believes that great mystery....There's a lot of Action for Children's Television, th~re's a lot of good stuff on TV, stuff done behind closed doors, on are children's cartoon shows becom­ "more than we know. There's a golf courses or over drinks and ing "30-minute commercials" for definite human values dimension dinner. TV's got more spooky cor­ related toy-store merchandise? to shows like Hill Street Blues, St. ridors than the C.I.A." Bishop Fulton Sheen, host of a Elsewhere, The Cosby Show, that For every good program like legendary Catholic show called new show with Michael Landon The Cosby Show, dozens are taste­ Life Is Worth Living, used to enter (Highway to Heaven)." less and offensive. In the Septem­ the set, bow and begin his program "We have to create things that ber issue of St. Anthony Mes­ by saying, "Thank you for inviting are grabbers," Father Kieser senger, Catherine Rankovic exam­ me into your home." Thirty years' asserted, talking about value-or­ ines why most of television today . worth of TV later, it's' easy to iented programming. "I think we comprises an ocean-sized cesspool forget that when you tune into a need heroes and positive role

network show you invite thousands models, and the church produces·

and what is being done about it. In December 1984, a conference of TV characters-fictional and heroes-two thousand years of entitled "TV and Ethics: Who's real-into your home. With them, saints," he said, reeling off a list of Responsible?" was held in Boston inevitably, come some undesirable' saints whose lives might make inter­ to determine how well television influences. estiJ:lg shows. "You don't have to serves the public's needs. Norman A group of 1,000 Christian have a college degree to want to Lear, keynote speaker and TV leaders have publicly said they're s'ee them, because they're grabbers. producer, had this to say about tired of those influe~ces. They People should support moral shows television today: "TV should never have issued"A Statement of Con­ by watching ~hem. be considered out of context with cern Regarding Network Televi­ We demand a great deal from the rest of American business. As I sion" addressed to networks, pro­ network TV.. We ask it to entertain see (it), TV's moral north star, gram sponsors and production com­ tastefully and excitingly, bring us where bearings are set, is simply, panies, asking them to "change the fast and accurate news that doesn't 'How do I win Tuesday at 8 moral content of programs to clash with our personal politics; o'clock?' Beating your competitor's reflect the pluralistic and realistic teach sound moral lessons, help us brains out half hour after half nature of society," and include an escape from our cares, babysit and hour-that's the name ofthe game." "accurate portrayal of the Judeo­ educate our children. And we ask There are various and intense Christian moral value system" in for all this for free. theories as to how many people . their shows-beginning with the . If corporations and the govern­ control what we see on network 1985 fall schedule. ment refuse responsibility for TV, television and who, exactly, they consumers must accept that. But are. Few, however, contradict the The statement went on to warn the new technologies make the assertion that business concerns that, if the group's requests are' task less difficult than it might guide the people who control TV. ignored, a "well-organized" econo­ appear. And with judicious view­ In a business where a single ratings mic boycott of products which ing habits, TV doesn't look quite point means between $50 million support the offending programs so bad. There is some good televi­ and $200 million in advertising will ensue. sion around to keep us afloat in revenue, good moral or artistic Another person trying to change the wasteland. judgment can give way to good the ethical makeup and quality of business judgment.. TV is Paulist Father Ellwood "Bud" Ugly language or a glimpse of Keiser. He is the producer of The LOS ANGELES (NC)- After cleavage on :rV may offend us for Fourth Wise Man,. starring Alan three years of argument, the a minute, but beneath the surface Arkin 'and Ralph Bellamy. This ~ounty Board of Supervisors in of the cesspool moral dilemmas one-hour film made history as: the Los Angeles have voted to bury first collaboration between a net­ are swirling, ones that do not dis­ J 6,500 aborted .fetuses found in work (ABC) and a prOducer-priest. appear when the TV is off. What are the psychological effects of For 24 years, Keiser has produced 1982 at the home of a man who the Sunday morning series Insight ran a medical laboratory. The watching hundreds of staged, vio­ lent incidents on TV each week? for Paulist Productions, whose fetuses will go to a Los Angeles Why are TV's females mainly apostolate is aimed at reaching the mortuary for burial. No site or date has been decided. young, thin and pretty? Should ex- unchurched.

Fetus burial

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12 'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri'., Sept. 13; 1985


Five elements- ofhurglary


requirement is easily met. Even ' your home, such as a greenhouse; intent and you don't have to worry pushing up a partially open win­ toolshed·or cabana. about proving it.

dow or opening an unlocked door The courts are very liberal in What if you are burglarized but

will suffice. defining,a home. For example, a can't meet all five requirements?

In Massachusetts, if someone motel room is considered a home In Massachusetts, the legislature does not forcibly break into your for the purposes of a burglary, as is has devised burglary statutes home,but gains, entry through a house that is not occupied at the designed to punish acts which fall threats, fraud or conspiracy, the time of a burglary. short of the common law defini­ courts will consider the breaking tion of bur$1l1ry. Both the breaking and the enter­ requirement satisfied. For example, it is still a crime if Breaking may occur in any part ing must occur at nighttime,under someone does not break in, but common law definition of bur­ the of the house, not just at the front glary. In Massachusetts, nighttime enters your home and subsequently door. For example, if your inno­ is defined as between one hour puts you in fear. So if the Avon cent looking baby~itter - turned ­ Lady pulls out a knife from her burglar jimmies open a locked after sunset, and one hour before makeup kit and threatens you, she Before you can prosecute~ how­ sunrise. closet door, she has broken into ever, you must prove that a bur­ So if an intruder sneaks in while can still be punished by up to ten your home under the law. glary did in fact occur. You should you are going for your morning years in prison. Like other crimes, such as assault run, he has managed to avoid the' note that unlike robbery, which is Similarly, if your office or boat a crime against a person, burglary .and battery, breaking is ,almost nighttime requirement. is burglarized, ordinarily you would is .a crime against property. In 'always paired with entering. The not be able to meet the home Finally, you must prove that the intruder does not actually have to Massachusetts, there are five ele­ set foot in your house to have intruder intended to burglarize your , requirement. But if the crime meets ments required to meet the defini­ the other four elements of a bur­ entered it However, he does at hOme at the time of the breaking tion of,burglary. glary it is still punishable up to a least have to reach his hand through , and entering. You must first show that there maximum sentence of twenty years. the window. Even inserting some was a breaking, or act of trespass Determining a burglar's state of on your hoine. If someone has kind of tool or instrument is enough' , mind would be very difficult if it You may think that all of these permission to enter the premises if he does so with the intent to were not for three assumptions the requirements make it very difficult burglarize your ho~e. there is no breaking. law allows us to make: ' for you to prosecute a burglar. There must be a connection be­ - The jury may infer a burglar's However, you will probably find So, if you leave it copy of your tween the breaking and entering so intent to commit a crime from that it is a lot harder to catch a key for the cleaning service and that the entry is "consequent upon other evidence, introduced at trial. burglar in the first place than it is they clean you out as well as clean­ - Once breaking and entering to prosecute him. If you do suc­ ing your apartment, they have not the breaking". In other words, the technically broken into your home. entry must occur at the same time . have been established, you can ceed in -trapping your intruder, as, or shortly after tile breaking. assume that the intruder's intent ' chances are he will be punished to The third element of a burglary was to steal. Likewise, there is no breaking' ' the fullest extent of the law. unless the intruder's entry into is that it must occur in your home. - If you can prove that the your home is barred in some way, This includes any structure on intruder actually committed the The Murphys practice law In and he remo.ves the obstacle. This your land used in connection with cr~me, there is no doubt as to his Braintree. sions, and invaded your privacy. It almost invariably happens when you least expect it, and can leave you shocked for weeks afterwards. The anger' and frustration you feel is not covered by any insur­ rance policy, but fortunately there are some legal steps you can take to recover your possessions and prosecute the burglar. In Massa­ chusetts there is a maximum pun" ishment of life imprisonment and a minimum sentence 'of ten years for burglary.



You 'put your key in the door and turn it. The lock feels strangely loose, but you don't think twice about it. You flip on the lights and stand 'there, stunned. The lamp has been knocked over, and all of the desk drawers have been emptied. The table where the TV used to be is bare. It takes you a minute to realize what has happened. ~f your home has ever been bur­ glarized, you know what a strange feeling it is. Someone has entered your house, taken your posses-

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influences" coming from abroad VADUZ, Liechtenstein (NC) ~ and to continue building their Pope John Paul II became a "folk society on Christian values. missionary" in Liechtenstein Sept. 8, preaching faithfulness to Legislators were told to follow Christian traditions in the face of their Christian consciences and' hostile "aggressive'ideologies. " continue defending "unborn The pope was strongest in human life." defending the unborn from the Abortion is illegal but, the "repulsive" crime of abortion.' Every 10 years the church in parliament is studying 'a proposal Liechtenstein invites foreign which would allow itto protect the priests; called folk missionaries, to health of the mother. preach locally as part of special "Abortion and taking the child's spiritual renewal programs. life are repulsive crimes," the pope This year the pope inauguarated . told government officials and the program with a one-day, members of Parliament. helicopter trip around the tiny , Alpine country, telling its people and political leaders that Christian morality is permanent. The church will never stop condemning "the evil of concub­ inage, unfaithfulness in marriage, the increasing divorce rate, the misuse of mar~iage and abortion," he said. .

Young people must· "swim In several speeches, the pope against the tide" and avoid pre- , noted that the theme of the marital sex, he said to a gathering country's spiritual renewal pro­ of youths. gram is "Awakened to Life."

, -­ ."Exp·erience shows that pre­ marital sexual relations hinder This signifies "an escape from rather than help the choice of a sin and guilt, from bondage and partner," he added. embarrassment and then an When marriage is in crisis, a wakening to personal holiness," couples should use forgiveness he said. and reconciliation rather than resort to divorce, he said. To foster deeper spirituality, the The pope also asked for increased pope urged "family prayers said at meals" and communal penitential ,vocations. Ten years ago Liech­ tenstein had 17 priests and now it services "followed by personal con­ fession and individual absolution." has 11.

"The trip to Liechtenstein is to discuss the roots of Christianity. One ofthe problems in Europe is a spreading secularism which is foi­ getting Europe's Christian roots," Vatican pi:ess spokesman Joaquin N~varro-Valls said. ' Liechtenstein's· Christian root~ It was e~angeJized over' 1,500 years ago when the region was Ii colony of the Roman Empire. Catholicism is the state. 'religion, professed by 82 percent of the population of 26,000. Pope Pius XII was the godfather of Liechten­ stein's Crown Prince Hans Adam.

go deep.

The pope told th~ people of this mountainous, landlocked country . to avoid "negative ideological

CATHOLIC SEMINARIANS march toward South African government headquarters to d~liver an open letter to President P. W. Botha demanding dismantling of apartheid laws, an end to conscription and a new economic system. (NCjUPI-Reuter photo) J


Hard knocks

for Knock airport

KNOCK, Ireland (NC) - Con­ vinced that pilgrims would flock to the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in northwestern Ireland if an airport were .available, a local priest successfully launched a private fund-raising campaign to help pay for it, despite some opposition. The government has already contributed $11.2 million to the project, helping ibuild an 8,300­ foot runway in the remote Con­ nacht region of rural Ireland. But it declined to provide addi­ tional funding after a study in­ dicated the proposed airport would lose money. Msgr.. J.ames Horan, a local priest who conceived the. idea for the ·international airport after Pope John Paul's 1979 visit to the shrine, disagreed with the report. He estimates that 100,000 per­ sons a year would use Connacht Regional Airport, commonly re­ ferred to as "Knock Airport," if it were available. The shrine, which commem­ orates the appearance of Mary to 15 townsfolk on the site in 1879, had 1.8 million visitors last year. "The airport is the biggest thing to happen to Connacht (in) 100 years," he said. The monsignor dismissed the idea that the airport must pay its own way. "An airport is like a road: it say parish directors of music. is a service. The people of Con­ , nacht, who pay taxes that subsi­ dize the state-owned airline Aer Lingus, are entitled to be able to use it," he said.' Emphasizing the ,tourist poten­ tial of the picturesque region, the 72-year-old priest said an airport could aid the economy of came the theme for 'The Newly­ the area, where unemployment wed Game" on TV.;' rates have. been as high -as 49 Some couples wanting good percent. music for their ceremony j,ust Irish Communications Minister dump the responsibility on the Jim Mitchell said, "I admire the organist, but Jarzembowski vision and energy that has been noted 'a trend of people who are put into this, but I must take all "very, very concerned about the professional advice I get, and selecting the best music possible, this shows it was a big mistake." "which I find very refreshing." An Aer Lingus spokesman Haggerty summed it up by which Msgr. HOMn says is saying that even though he's scheduled to opeMte the first played at some 2,000 weddings flight out of the airport Oct. 25, in his career, "Every time a said no commitments could be bride and g'l'oom come in, it's made until the facility was a whole new story." properly staffed, equipped and Hcensed. 1111 the Fall River diocese, prob­ Union opposition is expected~ lems such as those .d~scribed ,to the priest's plan to employ Dbove 'are addressed in a pam­ phlet, "Guidelines for Wedding mostly part-time staff at the air­ Music," prepared by the DIvine port to cut costs. Worshlp Commission and given to engaged couples to read. Noting that "wedding music DES MOINES, Iowa (NC)' ­ should emphasize the theme of The National Catholic Rural Life joy and happiness il1l the sacred Conference has announced its it summarizes 1985 Thanksgiving Period of celebratlon," Church concern in the matter as Prayer with the theme "Thanks­ follows: "Any music thlat deters giV'ing: In Praise and Gratitude." the liturgical action or calls to The Des Moines-based rural mind anything but a religious life conference said the 1985 observance will focus on the re­ motif will not be acceptable be­ lationship between the land and cause 'the lyrics shoul4 cele­ those who work it. . brate not only humaJli love be­ tween two persons but should The purpose of the annual also have some reference to God, period. of prayer is to offer who indeed is Love. The texts, "thanksgiving for the harvest" according to the Constitution on and to show "what an important the Sacred Uturgy (Second Vati· issue the food system is for all can CQuncil), 'should be drawn who share the bounty of this chlefiy from Holy SCripture and country," the rural conference said. from liturgical sources.' "

THE ANCHOR Friday, Sept. 13, 1985


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THE RECEPTION is the place for popular 'love songs, (NC photo)

Why 'Here Comes the Bride~

is wrong wedding choice

DETROIT (NC) - John Find­ later, director of music at St. Ambrose Parish in Grosse Pointe Park, recalls a couple asking him to play "The Godfather" theme at their wedding. Steve Petrunak, director of a folk ensemble at St. Blase Par­ ish in Sterling Heights, near De­ troit, had the unfortunate ex­ perience of play,ing "We've Only Just Begun" with the, bride's father accompanying him on trumpet, "and he hadn't picked up the trumpet in nine years." Then there's Leo Haggerty, music director at St. Isaac Jogues Parish in St. Clair Shores, who was requested to play "I Don't Know How To Love Him" from "Jesus Christ Superstar." "I thought, 'Honey, !if you don't know how to love him at this point .. .''' said Haggerty. Parish musicians interviewed by The Michigan Catholic, De­ troit archdiocesan newspaper, said one of ·their most demand­ ing jobs is to steer engaged couples away from popuIar romantic songs deemed inappro­ priate for use at a wedding lit­ urgy. Instead, they urge couples to choose contempora'I'Y or tradi­ tional songs better fitting the spirit of the ceremony. Too often, said Peter Jarzem­ bowski, music director at Ro­ chester's St. Andrew Parish, it ds the "rather schmaltzy songs" that are'requested. Findlater saId the Top 40 re­

quests may be a result of the liberating spirit of the Second Vatican Council when "it seem­ ed that anything was open." He remembers playing Beatles songs like "Here, There and Every­ where," "Yesterday" and "Elea­ nor Rigby" at weddings. He now asks couples, "Would you ask the organist to come to your wedding reception and play hymns?," pointing out that it's equaHy inappropriate to use popular songs at ,the ceremony better suited for the re,ception. But popular hits have no monopoly on ill-fitting wedding music. For dnstance, some organ­ ists won't play "Here Comes the Bride," the wedding march from the RiChard Wagner opera "Lohengrin," because of dts meaning in the opera's plot. In Wagner's work, the best man has a romantic tryst with the prospective bI1ide the night before the nuptials. When she is '1'eady to march down the aisl~ dn her white wedding gown, sym­ boHzing her virginity, it's to the strains of "ijere Comes· the Bride." Haggerty said Wagner's grand­ daughter was "appalled'.' when she heard the selection at a U.S. wedding. "It was absolutely un­ heard of in Europe," Haggerty said. Findlater ;lost his fervor for performing Felix Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," a favorite re­ cessional piece, "when it be­

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THE ANCHOR:::"'Dioces~ _~f Fall River-Fri., Sept. 13, 1985

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show another person our respect and to value the love we share. One way is to avoid pressuring the other person. Sometimes one person wants more of a com­ mitmimt than the other is ready to give. If we respect :the other's need for f,reedom, we allow the relationship to unfold naturally" giv,ing it time and space to grow slowly. By 'Charlie Martin Another sign of respect occurs when we recognize and accept, SHOW SOM'E RESPECT how the other is' different .from' l! made a resolution

'us. We need ',to. ~void putting, And, I plan to keep my ,word

down the other person simply be- ' But I need you to make it ~ork

cause he or she does things dif­ You' gotta read' my message .

ferentIy than we might. Some Understand what's on my mind

differences are a valuable part of 'Cause 'not to see would be a c r i m e a relationship; They add zest and, And ,we. could lose it any, time. help in'dividuals complem~nt We've got to showsonie 'respect each-other,s' strengths." , We've' got a love to'protect One also needs to',respect ,the " other's moral val~es: This is par­ 100n't take it for granted'" l!~" ' " ticularly true, an the, physical , 11U't ,if ,we want to stay ~ose ,part of ,love. Getting p~ysica1Jy . We've got to show' some respect.' involved quickly can be a misWell • believe, in workiDg take; Real'love does not push for But I believe in a little help , the type of physical involvement ,'cause fm DOt a law unto myself that will violate another's moral We've got a'thing of v a l u e v a l i . t e s . , Why, settle for second beSt If you are wondering how rear your new 10ve is,examine the, , We don't- know what's up ahead .., type of respect you have for tM And'we ean let 'ourselves forget. For the tIiings that I love about you' other person.' Respect helps us For the woman that you see inside wait for a relationship to grow Don~t let it walk out the door n!tturally,aoceptsanother's dif­ Love f~llows every time; ferences and recognizes the Recorded' by Tina TU~er. 'Written by Terry Britten and Sue' Shifrin.: moral value of appropriate physi­ cal touch. (c), 1984 by, ~ghtsong Music Inc., Soo~ooiy Music, How" respec,tf~l is' your,love? . ' , and, Myaxe' Music Ltd. . . " ", 'Your. comments "are 'always : TINA TURNER'S resurrected spect," is; about a theme that is welcome iutd may be' used in fu· ' musical ca,reer 'h~~ made her one worth ,exploring: how to. show ture columns. Address Charlie of today's mos~ popular' stars: resp~ct {qr ,love.' ;' ~ "', .. Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Her single, ~'Show Some ReThere ar~ several w~ys ,to Ave., Eva~vill~'Ind. 47714."

CYO GROUPS across the diocese are resuming,activi­ ties 'now. Contac~ your pastor for informa~ion: (NC photo)

,Clear truth

so much' clear truth in the words first spoken by Jesus and -then reiterated by his apostles. We find in Jesus an unencumbered' spirit, often ~ost an sermons which do not come' from the heart and soul. Words must' be true to inward thoughts. Atten­ tion spans aTe quite short; other voices are calling. One mustn't burden 'audiences with language , nobody ,understands. Yesterday. was another day of "Newrfaculty members' at Hish-' running into friends and acqua:in- ­ tances who wanted to talk about op Stang High School, Noroth the deeper things. The thirst '. Dartmouth, are John' Robinson, goes on. People 'are seeking some­ music, and Liz; Bachtei, English; thing higher and beyond. They Ask if 'there's ,anything you Kathy Ruginis returns as a Teli-, look, everywhere for peace and ., , gion teacher. , can do to help. Recently appointed' as director' calm within themselves. They While one hopes that your try to understand the meaning of ; By efforts will be succe'ssful, there of d¢velopment by principal the words "the kingdom of Thomas 'Donahue' is Joan' Dias, " as the sad possibility that some heaven' is' within you:" We Hke TOM sort of rivalry between your two class' of 1965. She had been a the sound of those words; they sisters will cause the bickering membet;. of ,~he Stang guid'ance inspire one to keep that king­ , staff for ;two years. to continue.: . LENNON The Stang Community Chrous dom pure and undefiled. If people got away by them­ send questions to Tom Len­ has ' begun its' fa'll rehearsal' selves occasionally they would non, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., schedule. Students and' parents find some of the peace arid Washington, D.C. 20005. are welcome to join. Information: Q. My, two older sisters moved ' , ' , ,_ '..' understanding for which they, are home recently and now all they couldte11 your two:61der s~sters , George Campeau, Jr., 997-6655. looking. In the world there are do is bicker with each other. My about them, maybe your SIsters Band 'parents will meet at 7:30 too many distractions placed be­ parents and I, are very, unhappy would do' ~om: soul searching. p.m. Sept. 18 in, the ' school . tween God and man. The soul because of this. What can I do? Maybe you d lIke to show, the Bishop Connoliy High School" cafeteria. ' ,, has to unfold itself, for some­ (Indiana) '. ' ' bickering members of your 'fam­ Fall River, opened its doors this times in certain Hves there is a , i l y this column. year to t"ll~ largest overall enroll- ' cramped narrowness that takes A. ~f your 'gr~Iidparen~s ever But be careful. This ap'prOllch ment and senior, class' in its his­ away all meaning. I often hear, dTop In, try askmg t?em to re­ runs the risk of starting' some tory. The freshman ,class is 'Con­ call a very funny radiO program ' . . . ' ,', , Stonehill College, North Easton "The world isn't what it used to ." Th"IS blckermg betweenh you and' your ea11ed "Th . e .B''IC kersons T

nolly's twentieth. has recruited one ~f its largest be!" and "things have changed Orientation week activities in:- freshman classes ever ithis year.. too much, too fast, and not for argumentive ,inalTiedcou~le ~as ~~~?;S~eel~~~ren~~~ thing you

portrayed by two now-elderly eluded a Prayer service and pro- . 'More, than 500 members of the the best." . : ,

, stars, Frances Langford and Don ' Another and p~haps b~tter fessional day for faculty Sept. 3, freshman class are registered for There is a long sigh for lost Ameche. approach woul~ be to talk to " a sPecial evenirig" for freshman the fall semester; the Class of innocence in the world, and the And 'did they ever bicker! One, each ~f ~our sl~ters separately. parents Sept. 4, an outdoor Mass; 1989 has been, chosen from a close-knit a.ffections that held spiteful and funny remark foHow­ Try to pick. a time. when each ballbecue, and family day Sept. pool of over 3,200 applicants. In families together.' ' , eel another. Pettiness abounded seems, to be m a good, mood. 8 and the Mass of the 'Holy Spirit addition, there are ,65, transfer There has been remorse for as they fough't' their ridiCulous' Explain that something is on September 1 9 · ' students, selected from 250 hope­ crimes committed, for waTS weekly fights with great zest. making you feel bad' and ,you New Connolly faculty inclu4e fuls. ' waged, for needless killings. Ori their short radio skits the wouldaike .to talk to her about FT.' Stephen Dawber, Mr., Ray­ The' academic profile of the What has anyone gained? Every Bickersons were' great, fun' and it. :Don't speak in a com~lain~n.g' mond Chausse, Mr. George Sal­ class is strong. The average day there is conflict in the home, wonderful entertainment ..;... as vOice and ,try not to lay 'expl1clt valJorand Miss Alice Graham. entering fresh~an' !ranks in the in the street and on ,the national your grandparents or other older guilt 'On' he!'. School chaplain Father Philip top 22% of his or her high school and international levels. Are we adults can probably tell Y01l; And don't mention "bickering." , Geogan, S.J;, has b,een transferred' graduating ciass. The ra,tio of ' getting anywhere or sliding back­ Although the Bickersons' were, Instead use the word "disputes," by his order to St. John's parish, men to women is approximately wards? People ask questions and amusing on the radio, no one , or perhaps say, "small disputes." Bangor, Maine. His replacement 50:50, Students represent" 13 shake their heads. They ~ook for would want them around all day Tell each sister, gently, how these has not yet been announced. states' and two foreign countries, "the kingdom." I have a letter asking: "Send long. They would get "old" disputes make you and your paT­ the PhiHppi~es and Ghana: Mas­ mighty fast. And in real life, ents feel; sachusetts is represented by 72% me some extracts from the New few people 'are able to bicker as Tell her that you love both her Immediate Improvement of .the class of 1989, Connecti­ Testament." Strange request. I humorously as that couple of and YQur other sister and that "How it improves people for cut follows with 8%, Rhode Is­ sent some with a note saying, long ago. ' y o u would like to see them Hving us when we begin to love them". land with 7% and the rest with "Why settle for extracts when the whole is so interesting?"If your grandparents (or you) together in greater harmony. - David Grayson 13%. ByCeeilia Belanger People want Christian simpli­ city, not complex explanations. They are not reached if they are lost in a ma'ze of phraseology which clouds the inteilect and has a blighting effect i'nstead of an enlightening one. The popular­ ity of the gospels' is often their simplicity of language There is'

,Bishop, Stang


-on ,your' mind?, ,





Bish,op Connolly

Stonehill College,



tv, movie news

THE ANCHOR Friday, Sept. 13, 1985



......... ­

• 0fIEN: Yon • Sal; •• 'ONN7DAYS

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis an~ explanation); O-morally offensive.



A PLAYGROUND and a warm late summer day pro­ vide the perfect setting for a boy with high aspirations. (~C photo) .


roe, 'Mich., was elected LCWR Continued from page one York Times -last 'October, said vice presi(ient for the coming that there is more than one year, to succeed to the presi­ "legitimate Catholic position" on dency the following year. In her presidential address at the morality of abortion. Archbishop Pio Laghi, papal the close of the meeting, Sister pronuncio to the United States, Cafferty said U.S. leaders of and Archbishop John R. Quinn women religious are being called of San Francisco, Pope John Paul to deal with questions that "were II's delegate to head a special not framed or expressed, had not pontifical commission on U.S. .even appeared, two 'decades Rel'igious, notified the LCWR ago." She said U.S. sisters share the that they would not make their same Gospel mission with wom· planned appearances. "One of the speakers was a en religious around the world, signer of The New York Times but that mission "is unique" in ad and her case has not yet been the United States. "Religious Hfe in the U.S. is resolved," Sister Cafferty said. She said Archbishop Laghi, as a diferent, because becoming reli­ Vatican' representative, felt it gious women in a nation that is would be inappropriate to attend, a world power, ·a nuclear power "and Archbishop Quinn (as head and a superpower makes us dif­ of the papal commission) felt ferent," she said. "The need and that 1f Archbishop Laghi was not responsibility for U.S. religious to be prophetic is different." present, it would be inappropri­ . ate for him to be present." She added that U.S. religious Archbishop Philip M. Hannan also have a different relationship of New Orleans substituted for with the church because "what Archbishop Quinn as celebrant U.S. religious are and do has' a ripple effect ·on the rest of the and homiHst at the major con­ world." vention Mass. In resolutions passed at the' Earlier, at the opening session during which Archbishop Laghi meeting, the LCWR: - Expressed support for Net­ was to have spoken, the New Orleans archbishop had also wel­ work, a po~iticallobby formed by comed the group to his See city, ,a group of nuns 15 years ago to calling women religious "compell- . promote peace and justice con­ ing witnesses of Christ in many vems in U.S. publicpol·icy. - Protested Reagan adminis­ fields of service." tration policy in South Africa. At the end of .the meeting Sis­ ter Miriam Therese Larkin, head - Endorsed the sanctuary of .the Sisters of St.' Joseph of movement, which seeks to shel· C'arondelet, St. Louis, Mo., ter refugees firom Central Ameri­ LCWR vice president for the ca against deportation by U.S. past year, automatically .suc­ authorities. ' - Endorsed a' new boycott of ceeded to the presidency. Sister Carol Quigley, head of non-union California table grapes ·initiated by the United Farm the Sisters, Servants of the Im­ maculate Heart of Mary, Mon· Workers.

cause of this and exploitative nudity, ,it is rated 0, R. . "Godzilla 1985" (New World) The world's most beloved mon­ ster rises' again in this fairly competent new version of the 1955 thriller. GodziUa fans every-. where should have reason to be happy with this remake, again starring Raymond Burr, though the crashing and banging might frighten young children. A2, PG·

Films on TV Sunday, Sept. 15, 9-11 p.m. EDT (NBC) - "Conan the Bar­ NOTE barian" (1982) - Based on a Please check dates and comic book hero's violent ex­ times of television and radio ploits in prehistoric times, the programs against local list­ film's preliterate na'rrative pon­ ings, which may differ from derously details the slow-witted the New York network sched­ Conan's revenge on his parents' ules supplied to The Anchor. killers. Because of excessive vio­ lence and graphic sex in the theatrical version, it is rated O,R. New Films Saturday, Sept. 21, 9-11 p.m. "Compromising Positions" "Used Cars" (Paramount) A Long Island ~a- EDT (CBS) . tron investigates the murder of a (1980) - A loud and vulgar womanizing dentist. A shallow, . comedy about rival used-car contrived, unpleasantly smug dealers. Rough 'language and film, Jeaning to crude, sexually nudity in the original. 0, R oriented humor. Neither funny . Religious TV nor mysterious enough to get by: Sunday, Sept. 15 (OBS) "For A3, R Our Times" - The political and religious diversity of Sudan, an "Creepers" (New Line) A mani­ African country tom by civil war ac terrorizes a girls' school in and famine. .' Switzerland in this 1nept horror Religious Radio movie. Because of the profuse' Sunday, Sept. 15 (NBC) "Guide­ gore, it is classified 0, R. line" - Archbishop John Foley, "The Protector" (Warners) formerly of Philadelphia, presi­ Two New York policemen wreak dent of the Pontifical Commission havoc in Hong Kong where they for Social Communications, .is have gone to break up a drug interviewed about his work at ring. Violent and mindless. Be- the Vatican.

Bishop' asks revival of Legion of Decency AMARILLO, Texas (NC) ­ "The Legion of Decency needs to be .revived," wrote 'Bishop Le· roy T. Matthiesen of Amarillo in a recent column for his diocesan newspaper. Noting .that the u.s. Catholic Conference' provides movie rat­ ings, he wrote, "But this is not enough. What is needed is a­ massive reawakening of critical m~ral jud~ment."

The column appeared in the West· Texas Catholic, AmariHo's biweekly diocesap. paper. Bishop Matthiesen 'lamented ,that television, not the home, the school or the church, is the "No. I" educator, "the most in­ fluential teacher of morals and conduct in our society." "We are more than 50 million Catholics' in the United States. We will have an impact on the' movie arid television ,industry if we revive the annual pledge of the Legion of Decency," he wrote. The Legion of Decency pledge began in 1934 to provide Cath­ olics with an annual opportunity to recommit themselves to whole­ some entertainment. Since about the mid-1960s its usage has de­ clined.

The pledge said: "I condemn indecent and immoral motion pic­ tures, and those which glorify crime or criminals. I promise to do a'll that I can to strengthen public opinion against the pro­ duction of indecent and ,immoral films and to unite with all who protest against them. I acknow­ ledge my obligation to form a right conscience about pictures that ar:e dangerous to my moral life. As member of the Legion of Decency. - I pledge myself to remain away from them. I prom­ ise, further, to stay away alto­ gether from places of amuse­ ment which show them as a matter of policy."


The National Legion of De­ cency, established in 1936, pro-", vided ratings of films. In 1965, it changed its name to the National catholic Office for Motion Pic­ tures and later became the Office' for Film and Broadcasting of the Communication Department of . the U.S.. Catholic . Conference. . . Richard H. Hirsch, USCC sec­ retary for communication, said that while use of the pledge has diminished, it has never been formally discontinued~




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.... ""'16 'THE ANCHOR'~Dioceser 6fFarrRiver~FiL',rSept:" i.j; i9g5·<'~·O.i: ViCfORY:CENTEiivILL:i'~ ~Vietnam"reluliees:"" _...-- . . :. . ._ _ -=-,____ Catechists will be commissioned

.. "", .. ',., .. "".


Iteering pOint,

PUBLIC In CHAIRMEN are asked to· submit news Items for this column to, 111e Anchor, P.O. Box '7, Fall River, 02722,. Name of city' or town should be Included as well as fUll dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos. whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars.. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual' (lrOllram~, club meetlnjls, youth projects and' similar' nonprofit activities, Fundralslng pro­ Jects may be advertised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business' office, telephone 675·7151. On Steerlnll Points items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.

HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Sodality commmunion supper: following 6 p.m. Mass Oct. I. September is Organizational Month; each parishioner is invited tojoin a church society. Informa"iion at r e c t o r y . . ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Church open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Those interested in being altar servers may contact one of the priests. Parish prayer intercessors for weeki Dolores Souza, Patrick Sul­ livan ' ' ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET New Women'sGuild officers: Lyn­ ette. Harley, recording secretary; Mary Dea Lawrence, treasurer. Bus- ' iness meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17, parish center.· ECHO program for girls Oct. 4 through 6, application forms at par­ ish center; Cursillo for men Oct. 14 through 17, information at rectory. . ST. PATRICK, FR A parish discussion group is planned; information at rectory. , Youth group installation dinner: 7 p.m. Sept. 16, school building. ST. JOAN OF ARC; ORLEANS , The winter Mass schedule is in effect. The parish council is headed by Orner' Chartrand, president; Frank Smith; vice-president; Kay Ozon, secretary. NOTRE DAME, FR Choir rehearsals begin 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17, rectory. Information: Jeann­ ette Masse, 676-0452. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Eucharistic ministry sc'hedules available in sacristy. Winter Mass schedule now in effect. A chasuble and candlesticks have been donated to St. Thomas Chapel in memory of Dr. John f. Gallagher Jr. by his wife. . O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Choir practice resumes 7 p.m. Sept. 17. New members welcome.

IMMACULATE C.ONCEPTION, TAUNTON Choir rehearsals begin 7:30 p.m. Sept. 23. New members welcome. Babysitting: available at the par­ ish center during. 10:30 a.m: Mass each Sunday. SACRED HEART, FR . Pre-school to 8th grade CCD stu­ dents will meet in church for 9 a.m. Mass each Sunday, proceeding to classes after the liturgy. . Senior citizens plan their annual birthday party and a trip to Brock­ ton in October and a Christmas­




ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET . A memorial plaque listing donors of a new organ will, be blessed at 10:15 a.m. Mass Sept. 22.' . Catechists will be commissioned at 10: 15 a.m. Mass Sunday. 0

ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA ' A parish census begins Sept. 17 with home visitation. Religious education teachers needed. Information: Lucia Marcille, 674-9746. Catechists will be commissioned at 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. New Education Committee mem­ bers: Pat Booth, Richard Cichon, Doris Doane, Paulette Normandin, Michael Toolin. . !-adies of St. Anne: meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 18, beginning with Mass, followed by business meeting and "Yankee swap'"session. New mem­ bers welcome; reception ceremony at 9:30a.m. Mass Sept. 29, followed by communion breakfast with Sister Marie William, OP, as guest speaker. CHRIST THE KING,


Building fund memorial cards are available for those wishing to make a donation in memory of a deceased person. Maryknoll Missionary Father , Christopher Brickley will speak at all weekend Masses. . SIGN youth 'group: meeting at 7 tonight, St. Jude Chapel basement.

party Dec. 7.


Youth group officers will be . installed at 8:30 a.m. Mass Sept. 29~ Cub Scout sign-up night: 7 p.m. . Sept. 25.


Boys wishing to play CYO bas­ ketball may contact Kevin Leonard or Mike Barrette. CATHEDRAL, FR The music ministry resumes at \() a.m. Mass Sunday. New members welcome. SS. PETER & PAUL, f'R . CYO and Young Adult Group: . registration 7 p.m. Sept. 17, (::oady Center. Parents of schoolchildren:meet~ ·ing 7 p.m..Sept. 18, center. . Sixth through eighth grade girls cheerleading tryouts: contact Sue DCCW . Board meeting: 2 p.m. Sunday,. Medeiros, 673-7118; Chris Arruda St. Mary's Church, New Bedford, hosted 676-0370. ' by New Bedford District Council of Vincentian meeting 7 p.m.; Social Catholic Women, Concerns meeting 8 p.m., both Sept. 19. . . ST. RITA, MARION ST. JOSEPH, NB St. Rita's Golf Tournament: Sun­ Legion ofMary holy hour: 5 p.m.. Sept. 20. . . day, Rochester golf course. A sign Prayer meetings: 7 p.m. Sept. 18 up roster is located in the back ofthe· . and 25,. rectory basement; prayer . church. Catechists will. be commissioned group dmner 6:30 p.m. Sept. 26, Joseph's restaurant. at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Ultreya: meeting 7:45 p.m. Sept. Jubilee celebration dinner: Oct. 6. 18, rectory. ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, FR . Religious educators for grades 3 "Wellness I;>rescription" confer­ and 9 are still needed. Information: ence: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 25 rectory, 748-1497.. Service Building; open to healthcar~ providers. Information: 674-5741 ST. JOSEPH,FAIRHAVEN . . ' ext. 2480. Catechists will be commissioned ST. ANNE,FR at all Masses this weekend. Catechists will be commissioned at 6:30 p.m. Mass tomorrow. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Little League banquet: I p.m. Sept. Religious education teachers 15, school hall. . needed. Information: 548-2306. Parish committee meeting: 7 p.m. ' , Sept. 16, school · ST: DOMINIC, SWANSEA ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Parish Renewal: 8 a.m. Mass Satur­ Triduum hO~lOring the parish patron: 7 ·p.m. Oct.:. I through 3, · days. The parish is sponsoring a "water preached by Rev. Raymond Lynch OFM. ' well" project in India. A cantor is needed at 5 p.m,-Sun­ HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR day Mass. Information: Father Wil­ Volunteer~' training course for liam G. Campbell, 675-7206. work with terminal cancer patients: Choir members needed. Contact Monday and Thursday evenings for . Mrs. John Pavao. six weeks beginning Oct. 7. Informa­ tion and registration: 673-1589.

ST. ANTHONY OF·IPADUA, FR . A Holy Rosary sodality for women . is being formed with charter·members to be enrolled Oct. 6. Information: Maria Cabral, Olivia Carreiro or' ST. MARY, NB

any of the priests. Boy Scouts: registration Sept. 18.

Council of Catholic Women: meet-. Healing service, with Father

ing7:30 p.m. Sept. 17. New members welcome. \ Edward McDonough, C.SS.R.: 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16.

Three new sets of vestments are

ST. STANISLAUS, FR Annual meeting for parents of available as memorial offerings.

Retreat renewal night: 7 p.m. Sept.

parochial sch.oolchildren: 6:30 p.m. ,"

25, beginning with Mass. Sept. 15, school hall. . School bus service to Bishop Stang

Child Protection clinic: finger­ High School: information at 995­

printing of children 10 a.m. to noon 3696.. , Sept. 21, school hall. VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON ' Meeting following 7:30 p.m. Mass

Monday; St. Joseph's Church, Taun­

ton. The Ma~s will be offered for the

canonization of Frederic Ozanam,

Vincentian founder. Meeting guest speaker will be Amy Anthony, of the state Executive Office of Commun­ ity Development.

at 9:30a.m. Mass Sunday. Our Lady of Hope Chapel catechists will be commissioned at 10a.m. Mass at the .chapel.

·ST. JAMES, NB Ladies Guild: meeting 7:30 p.m.

Sept. 18; magic show presented by

Father Stephen A. Fernandes. New

members welcome.

D ofl, NB ' Hyacinth Circle meeting: K of C Hall 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17; talk by radio personality Jim Whitehead.

A~d to Mozambique WAS.HINGTON (NC) - A ship­ ment of food, clothing and medi­ · cal supplies and equipment, valued at $5.5 million, has been sent to Mozambique by the Knights of Malta, Southern Association. The private relief shipment in­

cluded 900,000 pieces of clothing

and 31 truckloads of tuna.

The shipment was characterized' by the U.S. State Department as one of the largest private relief shipments ever sent to Mozam­ bique. Its contents weighed. approxi­

mately 1 million pounds and were

p~ckag~d in 40 large shipping con­


American Catholic succe.~s story

because the church had the paroch­ ial and diocesan structure to han­ WASHINGTON (NC) - The dle the sudden influx of people. He praised the efforts of people , summer of 1975 was the season of the Vietnamese refugee for U.S like Cardinal Bernard F; Law of Catholic Conference resettlement Boston, who as bishop QfSpringfield­ workers; but by the end of that Cape Girardeau Mo., in 1975 took year each refugee had taken the in an entire Vietnamese religious , first step into American society, community. And in.the Los Ange­ from tents and barracks to cities les Archdiocese, for example, "every parish tOQk at least one and towns. "Between' 'May and December family" he said. Ten years ago, Khoi Tien Bui, a 1975 we went from people stacked up (in camps) to having everybody Confucianist and an agriculture spoken for,"recalled'David Lewis, ministry official in Vietnam, was who was a USCC Migration and part of the original group of 130,000 Refugee Services camp director at refugees crowded in the U.S. mil­ Fort Chaffee, Ark., one of four itary camps. Today, Bui, 48, is official poet U.S. military installations 'set up for Vietnamese refugees after the laureate of Houston. An employee of Houston Community College, fall of Saigon in April 1975. John F. McCarthy, whoas MRS he schedules new immigrants into executive director traveled around vocational and English courses. The author of 10 book.s of poe­ the country helping to set up the camps, said the response of the try and a national prize winner in U.S. Catholic Church to the crisis literature under the pen name Huy was "total - a resettlement office ~uc in Vietnam, Bui has written was established in every diocese in his first book of poetry in the Uni­ ted States - "America, My First the nation.". , The program helped the church Feelings. "The new bOQk is in Eng­ as well as the refugees, according lish, "of course," Bui said. After escaping Vietnam with his to McCarthy, because "it gave the and being placed at Fort family parish something to unite behind. It made the corporal works of Chaffee, he quickly moved up to area commander at the camp. mercy come alive." Lewis remembered Bui as the Lewis, now MRS director for ~ the Southeast region, and Mc-, "morale builder" of the camp, Carthy, MRS director emeritus where he helped resettle more than 25,000 refugees. after more than 30 years of reset­ When it closed in December tlement work, talked about the 1975 he chose Houston for his own 10th anniversary of the' Vietna­ mese refugee program in interviews . resettlement site and found a job with National Catholic News Ser­ .at Houston Community College in 1976. While he worked by day vice. counseling refugees, by night he Camps were s~t up at Fort Chaf­ fee, Camp Pendleton, Calif., Eglin learned English syntax so that he Air Force Base, Fla., and Fort could write poetry again. In 1981 Indiantown Gap, Pa., to accom- , he became an American citizen. His poetry; like Bui, has become modate the first flood of 130,000 Americanized. In "America, My refugees. MRS,' the largest and' First Feeling," he writes about free­ most active of eight voluntary reset­ ways, skyscrapers, the Astrodome, tlement agencies, worked in all radio music and oil in Houston. four camps, linking refugees with Americans, he writes in one poem, American sponsors who provided "make lights as bright as they 'jobs, housing and support. From 1975 .10 1979, 185,700. can." Counseling other refugees, Bui Vietnamese were admitted to the has seen the anguish of his coun­ United States, according to the Department of Health and Human trymen trying to adjust to a strange culture and language. Unemploy­ Services Office of Refugee Reset­ tlement. From 1980 to January ment is high among the newest refugees and the older refugees 1985, 281,300 refugees fled Viet­ often make less progress than their nam for the United States and about 25,000 more are projected , children.

In his pqem "The Refugee," Bui to arrive this year.

writes of the tears and despair of a In the summer of 1975, "every­ refugee but concludes: body worried we'd be stuck "In the darkness, suddenly he forever with these expensive prays, he cries, his belief lights up camps," Lewis said, but within his eyes. He cleans bitter tears and ,months "we deliberately worked joins his hands. Behind each refu­ ourselves out of a job... we ran out gee God stands." . of refugees. Parishes were upset.

because they couldn't get a family"

to sponsor', The initial U.S. attitude was "we have no business helping these _people," but that attitude chal)ged, VATICAN CITY (NC) - Para­ into "a love feast," Lewis said after guay's bishops have condemned Americans came into direct con- continuing use of torture by the tact with the refugees. nation's police; Vatican Radio recently reported. Despite iaws that .McCarthy said Americans "of prohibit it, "torture is still prac­ all shades of opinion about our iiced in police stations,' and two involvement in Vietnam" helped people in the current year have in the resettlement process. "They died because of the mistreatment took these strange, beautiful peo- they suffered," said an article in pie into their own homes." Sendero, magazine of the .ParaThe resettlement program never guayan bishops' conference. More could ~ave succeeded without t.he than 90 percent of Paraguay's 3.3 Cathohc Church, M~Carthy said,. ' million people are Catholic.

By Stephenie Overma'n


araguay torture

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